Re: [Felvtalk] OT, sort of--I've been offline for over a year and I want to thank you all

2008-12-06 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Dear Melissa and all:

Well, I'm finally back on my computer after a solid year or more-- 
just plowing thru ENORMOUS amts of email!  I saw this note from  
Melissa about Baby Penelope (now Great Big Girl Penelope).

After my little bitty FeLV+ Sammy passed away last year after four  
months of successful, no sick-making chemotherapy everything became  
overwhelming.  I didn't look at my snailmail for four months or my  
email for over a year.  Didn't even use the computer.

I want to thank ALL of you for your messages of condolence after his  
passing.  His "little brudders" Teddy Monkeytail Humphrey of Stewart  
and Charlie Morito Humphrey of Stewart are sitting here in the den  
with me as I write to you all.  They were fortunate enough to escape  
the feline leukemia that little Sammy inherited from their wild  
mother.  They are healthy and happy and gprgeous little ones and I am  
sure they see their mother and their brother in their dreams.

Among the other wildlife in our home we have a new all-black little  
kitten (well, bigger now!) who I named Tallulah with a great big  
swishy, poofy tail who was found with her two little sibbies (all  
little black girls) by a contractor in a crawlspace in Wilmette (the  
next suburb over to mine) at three weeks and taken by the family to  
our wonderful local petshop Wilmette Pet where one of the "pet shop  
boys" there raised them.  My mom had just lost my dad's cat Scotty, a  
big poofy black boy with long, thick eyelashes like a HUMAN, to  
kidney disease and since every home needs AT LEAST one black cat  
(good luck in England) little Tallulah came home with me.  Actually  
her full name is Tallulah de la Falaise Scobie Humphrey of Stewart  
(that's our street--a play on all those silly pedigreed names--all  
our cats are rescues, little darling mutt kitties!)  We call her  
Lulu.  Tallulah refers to her goofy little sexy walk.

The wonderful upshot of pet shop boy Eric raising three tiny baby  
girl kittens is that he has taken a job with a local veterinarian and  
is now on his way to becoming a vet--starting from the ground up as a  
vet tech!  Isn't that wonderful?

And, now I must go--my sweet little girl Lilibet Squeekietoy (very  
teeny voice) is asking me to come watch her eat!

Thank you again for everything!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

"Consciousness is Causal
  and Physicality is its

On Sep 5, 2007, at 2:40 PM, Melissa Lind wrote:

> Well, since the list is quiet today, I’ll share my new kitty  
> update. I’ve decided to name her Penelope. I was watching CSI Miami  
> last night—reruns—and as I was trying to coax her out from behind  
> the piano, I was also trying to figure out her name. I heard  
> “Penelope” on the TV several times. I think it was the name of a  
> ship or something on the show. It seemed to fit this little timid  
> girl, so it’s stuck so far. We’ll see what hubby thinks of the name.
> I was thinking about asking him to name the baby so he’d be more  
> attached and connected with her. However, he may not notice her  
> since she’s been hiding out quite a bit. She’s so little, he might  
> not see her! He’ll be home tonight for sure, but since he can’t  
> speak cat, I don’t think anyone is going to tell him about the new  
> addition. We’ll see how long it takes to notice.
> Penelope seems to be fairing well with the other cats. I let her  
> hang out with them without boundaries, dividers, etc. There’s a lot  
> of hissing, but mostly it’s just the other cats hissing at each  
> other. Everyone is on edge since the new baby has thrown a wrench  
> into the pecking order. None is mean to her, so I think we’ll all  
> be getting along great in a few days—as long as my husband doesn’t  
> kick us all out! Just kidding, he’s actually very kind-hearted  
> despite how I might depict him on here!
> I’ll try to post pictures tomorrow.
> Melissa Lind
> Contract Administrator
> DEG Enterprises, Inc.
> 200 Norfolk Av.
> Norfolk, NE  68701
> Phone: 402-379-1820
> Fax: 402-379-3604

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: papillon, part 2

2007-08-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Okay, have I been asleep?  (Ans:  probably!)  What's the T-cyte drug?

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 31, 2007, at 2:40 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

I talked to Dr.Smith today about my Pappy, he wants me to bring him  
for a thorough exam ASAP.

He says that the thing w/felv+cats, you have to watch them very  
carefully,more so than other cats, of course, because cats are so  
good about "hiding" their medical problems.

And when their behavior changes, that's always cause for alarm.

I have back to back petsitting next week ( w/lots of special needs  
pets) due to a holiday and I will be lucky if I even get to eat in  
a timely fashion.

Probably will just eat in my car as usual.

Talk about pressure.

My vet is a 70+mile round trip, also.

The good thing is that I can always take him there, drop him  
off,and he will be in good hands, I know.

Then just pick him up when I can.

On another note, Dr. & Mrs.Smith are getting a total of 8 felv+  
cats from the FLOCK fiasco,due to arrive next week.

Best Friends, in return , is taking about 7 or 8 highly adoptable  
kittens, all about 8 weeks old.

They are so cute!

They were dumped @ the shelter in 2 filthy carriers, all very sick  
w/URI,parasites & diarhea.

I saw them today, what little pistols!

They are rip, roaring & ready to gooo!

I miss having kittens.  :(

My kitten foster space has been made into the felv+ suite..

All of the Smiths' felv+cats are on the T-Cyte drug, and it's seems  
to be working and it's available for sale.

Sheila said in the past they have given them all interferon, but it  
just didn't seem to do much.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: Update on Olive: Dilemma...

2007-08-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, Megan, it is so hard to know what to do!  I'm praying (and so are  
my kitties) for you, the doctors and little Olive, too, to be able to  
make the right decision for her.  Sleeping on it really does work and  
may somehow clear your head for the decisions you all have to make.   
Please have a peaceful night and know that we are all dreaming about  
the best care for little Olive along with you.


Tee 'n' the Wildlife

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 31, 2007, at 9:26 AM, Megan Heikkinen wrote:

Dilemma, dilemma...

Last night, I was pretty much resigned to letting Olive pass. Not  
resigned, now, for I cried for hours and then couldn't sleep. I had  
typed up a huge email about my reasoning a few minutes ago, but I  
just got off

the phone with my vet, and now I'm once again lost as to what to do.

First off, I want to mention that my vet does actually seem to want  
to help,
he just doesn't think much will come of it and doesn't want to give  
me false
hope. Apparently, he wrote down my number wrong last night, which  
is why I

never got a return call.

I asked about the reticulocyte count. She had some last week, but  
it was so
low that they considered it nonregenerative anemia. Apparently, she  
had also
received two shots of steroids along with the transfusion. This  
worries me,
because the transfusion started wearing off only after 5 days, when  
it usually
lasts around 10 days. The shots seemed to help within the first  
couple of

days, but then wore off. I also asked if haemobartonella was still a
possibility, and he thought it might be. He is going to find out  
the price of
getting a combo of doxy with something else that can be given in a  
form other
than pills. He said he'd be willing to try epogen, but warned me  
that it

usually only works a couple times because an immunity develops.

I called the vet school about the price, but had to leave a  
message. I asked

my vet about it, and he reassured me that their given price was indeed
$2000-3000. He isn't sure what it entails, though I'm assuming it's  
under the sun, and that kind of scares me. I don't want to subject  
Olive to a

million tests...

So, I'm facing this huge problem now. While I would of course love  
to save
Olive, I don't know if it's really going to do any good. And yeah,  
trying to
do something may be better than doing nothing at all. But I'm not  
sure. I
don't want to put her through this stage of slowly dying again, for  
the third
time. I don't know if she'll even be helped unless she can get  
another blood
transfusion, and if I do that at my vet, I'll have to use Juniper  
as a donor.

That scares me. I don't really have time to look elsewhere, though.

I wish someone could just give me the answer, but I know that  
ultimately it is
up to me. I wish I was stronger, and not the most indecisive fool  
on the
planet. One of my biggest concerns is that if I do manage to keep  
Olive alive,
my other two babies will continue to be susceptible to this  
godforsaken virus.

= Original Message From Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =
I do not all animals or people suffer when they are dying and I  
can tell
you for a fact unless any of my furkids are in a great deal of  
pain and

I clearly get from them they want help passing I will let all of them
pass on their own, I personally believe most prefer it.  It may  
not be

pretty for me but I don't think they suffer as we think they do, once
the process gets to a certain point the body goes into shock and I  
think you feel much of anything.  Of course I have never died,  
that is

just my sense of the process and I could be as right as anyone who
insists helping an animal pass is the best and kindest thing you  
can do

for them, I don't think that is always the case.  I personally would
never want to be euthanized if that was an option humans had.

You will regret seeing it and much worse, allowing it to get that  
far for

her sake.  You will see her suffer.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Poor dear Jingles.  Sherpa and Autumn took great care to be with him  
on Saturday for you.  I'm so sorry that this awful thing happened.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 29, 2007, at 2:02 PM, Susan Loesch wrote:

My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking  
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday  
night.  He was fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the  
vet the first part of this week.  He was eating and cuddling up  
with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't bother him when he was curled  
up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all looked so  
comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and  
when I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i  
tried to wake him up.  His eye looked like it had literally  
exploded - red/pink and white tissue comiing out and the eye  
dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him because he  
wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I  
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never  
ever seen anything like that.

Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had  
gone downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life  
was coming to an end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was  
adopted from a kill shelter by an elderly lady who didn't care that  
he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and I've had him about 5  
years.  Such a sweetheart.

Re: Sylvester died at home this morning

2007-08-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Dear Tracy:

I was so sad to read your story of your wonderful Sylvester and his  
peaceful passing up in your box spring.  And also, how he showed the  
doctor that he was just fine--I think he was thanking his vet, in a  
way, for all the help he had been given there.  And thanking you and  
the other kitties for all the happy life he had with you--even if  
some of them terrorized him!  He clearly wanted to pass away with  
you--and he did!

My very BEST thoughts for Sylvester and for you and the other  
kitties, too.

xxx, Tee 'n' the Wildlife

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 25, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Tracy Weese wrote:

My giant (well, he used to be) ol' farm cat died this morning at home.

Sylvester came off a farm where I take care of a dwindling (thanks  
to TNR) cat colony.  He got very sick about 2 years ago and I took  
him to the vet...of course it was more than being sick, he had FeLV 
+.  So he came home with my other cats (I had few other positives  
then, after today down to two now and soon to be one-CW is anemic  
and fading, too).

He was big when I got him, about 16 pounds despite being so ill.   
After many  at the vets' and then living at home, he was up to  
22 lbs!  He stayed pretty healthy for about 1 year and  4 months  
(he was probably 7 when I got him).  He always had a little cough  
the vets thought was asthma (and yes, we checked and re-checked  
this).  But recently, he was not the same, more coughing, high  
fever, not eatingturns out his blood counts were all haywire.   
Low RBC, Low white count and low plateletsthe antibiotics for  
the fever made his tummy hurt, too.  So at the vet yesterday I  
asked if it was time to let him go (he lost 2 lbs in a week), the  
vet didn't think so bec. of course, he perked up at the vets' and  
purred and pranced...He got a vitamin B12 shot and his very first  
steroid shot (yes, we discussed that steriods in a FeLV+ cat were a  
last resort).  When we got home, he had a good night.  He ate some,  
and hung out with me and the others (he had been staying under the  
bed except when I would drag him out for meds).  He even played  
some and tried to squeeze into a tiny box like he used to.

This morning I awoke to a few sounds of slight distresshe was  
sleeping under the bed again (actually, the cats tore the bottom  
fabric of the box springs and he would sleep inside the box  
springs).  I reached down and touched him and told him I was there  
and then went to get a carrier to go to the vet.  In the seconds it  
took for me to run downstairs and get the carrier and come back up,  
he was gone.

I had to cut the rest of the fabric to get him since he would lay  
furtherst from the opening.  I pulled him out and he was still, he  
looked very peaceful--no signs of struggle on him or under the bed.

This is the very first cat I have had that died at home (and I have  
a cabinet full of cremated remains) was not terrible, but I  
did not plan it.  Last night was so good for him, I guess he had  
only one last good night in him.

He died with me nearby and in the place he felt safest, under the  
bed.  I took him to the vets' so he can be cremated.
I don't think he suffered but a few short seconds if that.  I gave  
him permission several days ago to leave if he needed to, I guess  
he needed to go today.

Although I will miss him, several of my other cats will not.  He  
was a gentle giant, but a few of my smaller cats  terrorized him if  
they got the chance.  He never struck out first and usually  
retreated, but he was always a sweetie to people.

Please think good thoughts for Sylvester.

Re: 130 cats in one flat

2007-08-13 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
What a riot!  What a racket!  But I must say, it does look nice and  
shiny clean in there and the woman does not look like a crazy person,  
either.  I love all those little children's chairs too--for the 130  
little children!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 12, 2007, at 7:18 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Yes, the room did look clean, and I have oftened thought about  
getting my cats some of those plastic child chairs to sit in.

But they already have too much junk.

I did think that the shot w/ the 2 tuxes looked kinda skinny, but  
who knows their story.

I have cats that are chronically ill that are well cared for, but  
they look like they are sick.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Chris Behnke
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 6:49 PM
Subject: RE: 130 cats in one flat

At least all the cats look healthy and the room is very clean.  I  
can’t imagine having that many at once.  I thought 13 was a bit muchJ


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf OfSusan Dubose

Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 1:56 PM
Subject: OT: 130 cats in one flat

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

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Re: OT: How to stop a cat fight

2007-08-13 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
That's hilarious!  (Much more hilarious since it's not happening at  
MY house at this moment.)  I LOVE baby kittens!

Thanks for the laugh.  I saved it!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 13, 2007, at 2:43 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: OT: rescue remedy

2007-08-13 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
What a couple of nutballs!  Have you tried the ever-popular Feliway  
plug-ins?  Or, come to think about it, earplugs for the humans?  And  
rescue remedy in your mouths?  (Sigh.)

At least you have happy cats!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 13, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Melissa Lind wrote:

So, I was really excited to get some rescue remedy and try it out  
on the kitties to see how amazingly it worked—no luck! Am I doing  
something wrong? I bought the regular rescue remedy in the dropper  
form and the rescue sleep in the spray. I was hoping to use it at  
night or the early morning hours when things get out of control at  
our house. Mainly it’s just two of our cats who wrestle and fight  
(play fight) constantly—non stop! It’s loud (even though they don’t  
meow), but they’re running into things, stampeding through the  
hallway, scratching furniture as they vault over it, mauling each  
other, etc. They look like one gray ball rolling around frantically.

When we’re awake during the day, it’s all very amusing, and I  
always break up the fights when they get too serious. Those two  
hearts get to beating so fast! One is not picking on the other—both  
take turns instigating these fights.

Anyway, I thought maybe the rescue remedy would calm them down  
during these situations when we’re trying to sleep and they’re  
playing “rodeo.” I squirted the rescue sleep in one cat’s mouth.  
Nothing. I added it to their water at bed time. No luck. I gave  
them a drop of the regular rescue remedy in their mouths. Nada. The  
circus continued at 4 a.m. without lessening.

Anybody else have zero results with this? Does it only work with  
stressed out cats and not rambunctious ones? Maybe we should be  
using it on ourselves instead! J

Melissa Lind

Re: Success!

2007-08-13 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Yay, Becky!  And what a lame vet!  Jeez!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 13, 2007, at 8:42 AM, Beckie McRae wrote:

Well, Friday, I went and got the “Pill Pockets”.  (Chicken  
Flavored, my cats hate seafood, go figure), Went home, wrapped the  
Benedryl in it, and……WA LA!  Down it went!  I was SO happy!!!

The lady at the pet store also told me about these bath wipes so I  
got a pack of those.  They’re like baby wipes, and you just rub  
them down, and it helps to moisturize their skin, and his coat is  
so soft!  I just wipe him down once a day, (which he LOVES by the  
way).  Also, they have aloe, so that helps with his scratching.   
Amazingly enough, the lady at the pet store was more helpful than  
the vet!  When I got home, and saw how everything worked, I  
IMMEDIATELY got on the phone with the vet and ripped her a new  
one.  I wanted to know why she hadn’t told me about these products  
especially since I voiced to her MANY times how bad the pilling was  
going, and how bad his skin was.  Hell, she SAW it!  Her response?   
We don’t endorse other products than what we sell here.  Well I  
proceeded to tell her that when she became a vet she took an oath  
to care for an ailing animal NO MATTER WHAT, and even though they  
don’t “endorse” those products, she STILL could have suggested  
them.  I told her if it was THAT big of a deal maybe THEY should  
start getting wipes, and pill pockets there to “ENDORSE” so that  
other people and their animals don’t have to go through what we’ve  
been.  I told her that I would NEVER be coming back to her, and I  
WOULD be filing a report with the better business bureau, and  
ANYONE who asks me for a vet, I will them to go ANYWHERE but  
there.  I was HOT

Thanks again guys!


Re: the bleach niche

2007-08-13 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 13, 2007, at 6:34 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

http://www.animalsh eltering. org/resource_ library/magazine  
_articles/ jul_aug_2003/ the_bleach_ niche.html

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: OT: oh Lordy!

2007-08-13 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
YOU are so funny, Susan!  Hey--but WAIT!  We ALL had warped  
childhoods if I'm not mistaken. . . .

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 12, 2007, at 6:03 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:


Prom Queen Barbie, w/ her long blond hair, headless & naked face  
down in my cats' water bowl...

Who the hell knows where her Tiara is...

Probably in the litterbox.

Do you think there is something from my warped childhood projecting  

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message -
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: OT: oh Lordy!

Oh, AS USUAL from YOU, what a great story!  I'm heading for Goodwill!

xxx, Tee 'n' the Wildlife

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 9:21 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

My cats are devils in fur.

Gattos diablos... :)

Their FAVORITE toy in the world?

Detached barbie doll heads.

Flowing in their water bowls, face down.

And the funny part?

I pick them up @ Good Will all day for a few cents, fully clothed  
w/ heads attached.

In just a few short days, I find Barbie's prom dress in one  
corner, her naked headless body in another.

The head still has hair, but it has been ravaged to the point of  
mere fluff.

And everyone thinks "I'M" the crazy one in the family.

But them again, they are momma's babies..  :)

Nothing cuter than my Princess Purr-laaa AKAS "Kannibal Kitty"  
walking around meowing & cooing w/ a "caught" Barbie doll

She's soo cute..

It's the REAL Addams Family..

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did  

   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: Inky is 21 now!!!!

2007-08-13 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
WOW!  21!  Congrats, Inky, and lots of more good health to you and  
all the kitties!  (An' peoples, too!)


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 12, 2007, at 7:41 AM, Kerry Roach wrote:

Hi everyone,
I haven't been here in awhile, and I do see there are many new  
people..So just want you all to know (those of you that remember  
us) that Inky turned 21 last Thursday..I know he isn't felv+, but  
you guys helped me with some of his problems while I was dealing  
with my Bandy's illness.  We are always thankful for your knowledge  
and compassion for our fur babies.  Inky had blood work about 3 wks  
ago and his hyper-t has gotten worse, but the increase in meds is  
working again so far...kidney values are still high, but  
better...and the ibd is doing ok.. so he is my shining star..
Bandy has been gone little over 6 months now and I miss him so..He  
will always be with me.
My best to you all and I hope all your babies are doing well  
today..If we can ever help, please email me direct..I am going to  
try to catch up.  If any of my experiences with Bandy (who was FIV+  
and Felv+) I would be glad to offer what I can.  We dealt with alot  
of different things.

Our best to you all,
Kerry, Angel's Bandy, Lil Rascal, Buster, Snoopy, Striper, Albert  
and Alberta

Inky and the rest of the crew

Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

OT: Adam's recovery AND he's on Catster!

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Thanks so much, Susan.  I also discovered that Adam was cat of the  
day on Catster the other day!  You can read his story there and you  
and the Dubose four-footers can become his friends.  It's just great!

Tee 'n' the Wildlife

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 8, 2007, at 9:58 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

http://www1. pressdemocrat. com/apps/ pbcs.dll/ section?Category  

http://www.forgotte nfelines. com/v4/adam_ updates.shtml
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: OT: the honest kitchen

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Yeah, them doggies is piggies!

Love, Lilibet Squeekietoy

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 9:48 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Actually, I had the price wrong.

I was going by what the salesboy behind the counter told me today.

Here is the website info..
Available Sizes:

4lbs  $48.00
makes 15lbs. of fresh food

6 oz Travel Size $6.50
makes 1lb of fresh food 
1 oz Mini Sample $1.00
perfect for a taste test

It doesn't look like they have a 10lbs. size for cats, just dogs.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Susan Dubose
To: ; asr
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 8:56 PM
Subject: the honest kitchen

A new pet food, made from raw ingredients.

It's dehydrated, so, just add water and voila!

It like kitty space food.

The "Prowl" formula is for cats.

It's also $70. for 10lbs., but I bet that goes a long way.

I picked up some free samples today while in Tomlinson's.

And while I'm on this subject, Wellness has a new "pouch" food.

I picked up some of each flavor for the felv+ gang & for Kelly Kaye- 
Bear, my 15 year old.

We shall see tomorrow if it gets 2 paws up or 2 paws down.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: OT: oh Lordy!

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh, AS USUAL from YOU, what a great story!  I'm heading for Goodwill!

xxx, Tee 'n' the Wildlife

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 9:21 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

My cats are devils in fur.

Gattos diablos... :)

Their FAVORITE toy in the world?

Detached barbie doll heads.

Flowing in their water bowls, face down.

And the funny part?

I pick them up @ Good Will all day for a few cents, fully clothed  
w/ heads attached.

In just a few short days, I find Barbie's prom dress in one corner,  
her naked headless body in another.

The head still has hair, but it has been ravaged to the point of  
mere fluff.

And everyone thinks "I'M" the crazy one in the family.

But them again, they are momma's babies..  :)

Nothing cuter than my Princess Purr-laaa AKAS "Kannibal Kitty"  
walking around meowing & cooing w/ a "caught" Barbie doll

She's soo cute..

It's the REAL Addams Family..

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: Fire update

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Cool!  Thanks!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 7:47 PM, Kelly L wrote:

At 05:15 PM 8/11/2007, you wrote:

It is called intumescent paint and it pretty fire proof, I ordered  
mine out of Canada, can have it tinted or use it as a base  
coat,,,I did much research,,,years,,,It is expensive, I did my  
kitchen on the inside,,,just google fireproof paint,, It is a start,,
I will try to find where I got mine but it has ben about 2 years  
nowIt has to be put on so many millimeters thick to be  
effective..As I said I did the entire interior kitchen ,,lest  
someone start a kitchen fire which is mu big concern


What is the paint situation???  I have never heard of this  
but, if I put out buildings up, it may be useful.  I am very lucky  
here.  The fire chief is a friend and able to tell me what size  
water line I had to put in etc.  Don't even ask what it cost but  
it was well worth it.  Please know I am 1/2 mile off the road and  
we won't go any further than that.  I really hope  people will  
explore their options.  I traded granite counter tops  
and /// well you get the idea for safety and security  

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal  
likewise with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Kelly L
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update

At 02:18 PM 8/11/2007, you wrote:

I live in an area with a well that will not support a sprinkler  
system so I use intumescent paint ,,,expensive but gives a bit of  
peace of mind,,Fire is always my big fear, fortunately all my cats  
have access to the outdoors, enclosure,,,but I live with that fear  
and so every fire protection thing I can do


A thought to those who are building or remodeling: fire  
suppression sprinkler systems are available for very reasonable  
prices.  Check it out.  And don't be put off by jerks in the  
business .  I have had approximately 6000 square feet (basement,  
house, garage and partial attic) done for well under $9000 and  
they traveled appx 120 miles one way to install and maintain the  
system.  B and B out of Louisville Ky did my home and I got an  
equal or better quote from Bullitt.  B & B was able to do the  
ceiling/glycol system that included the garage (important for  
animals) and it is a property saving system (more head and not  
dependent on people/animals getting out of the structure).   
However, one jerk quoted me a system that, according to him, was  
the only one that met state requirements, cost appx $40,000.00.   
Several fire chiefs/assistant fire chiefs used B & B and are  
extremely pleased with the coverage...and so are the  
insurance companies.  All of this is to say, check it out.  And  
check it out with more than one company if you get someone who is  
being a total jerk.  It really may fit in your budget.  It  
certainly makes me sleep a lot easier.  The volunteer fire  
department here is totally wonderful and I support it 110 per  
cent but there is only so much you can do in a rural area.  These  
systems are becoming more common in metro areas too.  Mine is a  
new build and I could not bare the though of leaving my little  
ones here alone without protection I could provide.  Take what  
you can use and leave the rest.

As for the missing little ones, please try to calm yourself and  
send out wonderful, strong beams of light to them so them know  
where to come and be with you.  They are confused as are you.   
And blessings to you and all of them.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal  
likewise with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: laurieskatz
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update

blessings. I love that she is still trying to find them. Prayers  
and head butts to Susan and all her furries.

- Original Message -
From: MaryChristine
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update
and lots and lots of paws
On 8/11/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It appears the kitten has been discovered so now down to only 2
missing adults,
Please keep all fingers and toes crossed for Susan..

Spay & Neuter Your Ne

Re: Fire update

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
I think that a sprinkler system for granite counter tops is a very  
fair trade.  Besides, think of all those wine glasses you won't break!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 7:15 PM, Marylyn wrote:

What is the paint situation???  I have never heard of this but,  
if I put out buildings up, it may be useful.  I am very lucky  
here.  The fire chief is a friend and able to tell me what size  
water line I had to put in etc.  Don't even ask what it cost but it  
was well worth it.  Please know I am 1/2 mile off the road and we  
won't go any further than that.  I really hope  people will explore  
their options.  I traded granite counter tops and ///  
well you get the idea for safety and security items.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Kelly L
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update

At 02:18 PM 8/11/2007, you wrote:

I live in an area with a well that will not support a sprinkler  
system so I use intumescent paint ,,,expensive but gives a bit of  
peace of mind,,Fire is always my big fear, fortunately all my cats  
have access to the outdoors, enclosure,,,but I live with that fear  
and so every fire protection thing I can do


A thought to those who are building or remodeling: fire  
suppression sprinkler systems are available for very reasonable  
prices.  Check it out.  And don't be put off by jerks in the  
business .  I have had approximately 6000 square feet (basement,  
house, garage and partial attic) done for well under $9000 and  
they traveled appx 120 miles one way to install and maintain the  
system.  B and B out of Louisville Ky did my home and I got an  
equal or better quote from Bullitt.  B & B was able to do the  
ceiling/glycol system that included the garage (important for  
animals) and it is a property saving system (more head and not  
dependent on people/animals getting out of the structure).   
However, one jerk quoted me a system that, according to him, was  
the only one that met state requirements, cost appx $40,000.00.   
Several fire chiefs/assistant fire chiefs used B & B and are  
extremely pleased with the coverage...and so are the insurance  
companies.  All of this is to say, check it out.  And check it out  
with more than one company if you get someone who is being a total  
jerk.  It really may fit in your budget.  It certainly makes me  
sleep a lot easier.  The volunteer fire department here is totally  
wonderful and I support it 110 per cent but there is only so much  
you can do in a rural area.  These systems are becoming more  
common in metro areas too.  Mine is a new build and I could not  
bare the though of leaving my little ones here alone without  
protection I could provide.  Take what you can use and leave the  

As for the missing little ones, please try to calm yourself and  
send out wonderful, strong beams of light to them so them know  
where to come and be with you.  They are confused as are you.  And  
blessings to you and all of them.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal  
likewise with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: laurieskatz
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update

blessings. I love that she is still trying to find them. Prayers  
and head butts to Susan and all her furries.

- Original Message -
From: MaryChristine
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update

and lots and lots of paws

On 8/11/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It appears the kitten has been discovered so now down to only 2
missing adults,
Please keep all fingers and toes crossed for Susan..


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.11.13/946 - Release Date:  
8/10/2007 3:50 PM

Re: Fire update

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Marilyn, you smart cookie, or should I say, you smart kitty treat,  
you are SO RIGHT!  One of the cheapest things you can do to avert a  
major fire tragedy is to install sprinklers.  Losing everything and  
everyone is much more painful.  Also, if you are retrofitting an  
already built house it will cost more but if you're lucky enough to  
live in a ranch not that much more.

Thanks for the excellent tips--I'm keeping them in mind.  And, now  
that I think of it, sprinklers should work out much better than ADT-- 
which scares me and my mom straight up in the air when it goes off-- 
for instance, when a spider walks into one of the smoke detectors-- 
they're so spider-cozy.  Waking up to a faceful of cold water would  
be much less alarming--and won't scare the kitties to death, either!


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 4:18 PM, Marylyn wrote:

A thought to those who are building or remodeling: fire suppression  
sprinkler systems are available for very reasonable prices.  Check  
it out.  And don't be put off by jerks in the business .  I have  
had approximately 6000 square feet (basement, house, garage and  
partial attic) done for well under $9000 and they traveled appx 120  
miles one way to install and maintain the system.  B and B out of  
Louisville Ky did my home and I got an equal or better quote from  
Bullitt.  B & B was able to do the ceiling/glycol system that  
included the garage (important for animals) and it is a property  
saving system (more head and not dependent on people/animals  
getting out of the structure).  However, one jerk quoted me a  
system that, according to him, was the only one that met state  
requirements, cost appx $40,000.00.  Several fire chiefs/assistant  
fire chiefs used B & B and are extremely pleased with the  
coverage...and so are the insurance companies.  All of this is  
to say, check it out.  And check it out with more than one company  
if you get someone who is being a total jerk.  It really may fit in  
your budget.  It certainly makes me sleep a lot easier.  The  
volunteer fire department here is totally wonderful and I support  
it 110 per cent but there is only so much you can do in a rural  
area.  These systems are becoming more common in metro areas too.   
Mine is a new build and I could not bare the though of leaving my  
little ones here alone without protection I could provide.  Take  
what you can use and leave the rest.

As for the missing little ones, please try to calm yourself and  
send out wonderful, strong beams of light to them so them know  
where to come and be with you.  They are confused as are you.  And  
blessings to you and all of them.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: laurieskatz
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update

blessings. I love that she is still trying to find them. Prayers  
and head butts to Susan and all her furries.

- Original Message -
From: MaryChristine
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Fire update

and lots and lots of paws

On 8/11/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It appears the kitten has been discovered so now down to only 2
missing adults,
Please keep all fingers and toes crossed for Susan..


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Fire update

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Yup!  Ours are STILL crossed!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 2:22 PM, MaryChristine wrote:

and lots and lots of paws

On 8/11/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It appears the kitten has been discovered so now down to only 2
missing adults,
Please keep all fingers and toes crossed for Susan..


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: A Snowflake in My Hand......

2007-08-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh, thanks so much, Susan.


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 11, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

by Samantha Mooney, is another excellent book about taking care of  
a special needs cat and losing it.

Ms. Mooney worked in a famous cat hospital in New York City, and  
dealt a lot w/ felv+ cats.

I have been waiting for her to write another book, but she hasn't  
yet, that I know of anyway.

I have worn out one copy of this book and I am on my second one.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: Moe has taken a turn for the worse...

2007-08-10 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Poor baby Moeman!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 10, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:


Make sure you give him some water or water mixed with gravy is  
good- immediately after you pill him- to help him swallow it and so  
he's not swallowing it "dry."  If you have a syringe or a dropper-  
either will work.  It doesn't have to be much, just enough to wet  
his whistle.  I always gave my Monkee some warm water after each of  
his pills.


From: "Beckie McRae" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Moe has taken a turn for the worse...
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 08:42:43 -0500

Well Moeman has gotten REALLY sick again.

He’s got huge bumps ALL around his neck, like he’s wearing a collar  
or something, but he doesn’t.  I called the vet and explained to  
her that since I’ve already had him in there 3 times, I couldn’t  
afford to keep bringing him back and asked for Clavomox  
(spelling?).  When our other cat McGhee was really sick like this  
that’s what she had and we would notice a difference in her in a  
matter of hours.  The vet said it would upset his stomach and make  
him more sick.  She said to try to give him a benydryl (again  
spelling?) and see how that goes for the weekend.  We gave him 25mg  
last night, and he FINALLY went to sleep.  I seriously don’t think  
this poor little thing has gotten a good night’s sleep in weeks.   
He’s CONSTANTLY scratching, or licking, it’s bad.  So when we got  
up this morning he seemed to be a little perkier, but not much.   
Hopefully the benydryl will work and he’ll get his strength back.   
Only thing is we have the pills, and I feel HORRIBLE when we give  
them to him.  Mitch has to hold him by his neck, then I have to pry  
his mouth open, etc….I’ve tried crushing it up and putting it food,  
but he knows it’s there and won’t touch it.  Even wet food, which  
is like a treat for him!  Any ideas on how I could crush up a pill  
and have him take it without even knowing it?

Thanks guys.  I swear, sometimes I wonder what I did before I found  
you all.


See what you’re getting into…before you go there

My little Sammy went to Heaven

2007-08-10 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Dear Everyone:

I'm so sorry to report that my dear Sammy went to Heaven on Tuesday  
morning.  He had gone into Animal 911 the evening before.  He felt  
quite warm and when I took his temperature it was 106 so off we  
went.  He stayed overnight in the ICU, hydrated, etc., and I knew he  
was in the right place that night.  His WBC count was dismal, his  
RBC's were dismal, he was very quiet when I picked him up to move him  
to Berglund for continued care.  After discussion with the ICU folks,  
who felt that the lymphoma once again had the upper hand, I knew it  
was time to say farewell and I made the decision to have him PTS over  
at Berglund.

We drove the five minutes to Berglund where I was met by his Auntie  
Head Tech Linda and Auntie Dr. Val.  I had picked up a beautiful  
little baby blanket earlier in the week-- blue and white cotton knit  
with a small ruffle around the edge, lined in soft white "fur," and  
Sammy was wrapped in that, in my arms.  They agreed it was time and  
I'm pretty sure Sammy did, too.  He was so tired for such a little  
guy, but he wasn't in pain, just so very, very tired.  When Val put  
the sleepy meds into the IV on his wrist he went to sleep  
IMMEDIATELY.  As she added the meds to stop his little heart she  
said, "I love you, Sammy."

Linda cut off some of Sammy's beautiful marmalade hair for me and Val  
put it in a little plastic bag.  Linda made sure I got all Sammy's  
colors, too.  I wrapped him back up and held him close and just sat  
and cried in the exam room, stroking his beautiful little face until  
it was time to give him away forever.  Every so often someone would  
peek in to say how sorry they were.  Linda said she was making a  
little paw-print disc of Sammy's little paw for me and, of course, I  
was having him cremated at St. Francis Animal Cemetery.  My dad  
always buried the cats in our back yard but I cremate mine (even the  
tiny parakeets, who are each in tiny blue-and-white ginger jars).   
The little plastic bag of fur will fit right in the little St.  
Francis tin, with a picture of St. Francis on it and a little St.  
Francis animal tag inside.

Poor Sammy, he was so very small--he'd lost a pound over the last  
twelve days--I could feel him growing cool so fast as I held him, I  
disliked that so!

I've been staying close to home with the other kitties.  I think  
we're all doing okay.  The other kitties always knew Sammy was very  
seriously ill and we were  
allyuuu===(hello, Charlie has  
jumped up, purring, to see me and let me hold him tight while I write  
to you all)
doing all we could to help him stay well, but he was overcome.  And  
now we're overcome.

I'm sure he was met by that great Big Brother in the sky, my giant  
kitty and champion kitten-adorer Jack-Jack, who went to Heaven last  
March before the triplets arrived on July 1st of last year, and all  
the other cats my parents and I have had over the years.

Think of how many kittens and cats will meet us again someday!

Thank you all for everything you have given me and how much you have  
helped me and the kitties,

Tee 'n' the Remaining Wildlife (Lilibet Squeekietoy, exemplary kitten- 
big-sissy, Billi Bi, reluctant, peeved ["I'M the baby!"] eldest  
brother, and the 2 Orange Boyz, great big Charlie, AKA Twinkie (he's  
twinkie-colored and was teenie when he was small), and Teddy Baby  
Pooma (he was so little--he still is--I told him he was a baby puma  
to make him feel big and strong).

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

Re: OT: Re: Susan D.

2007-08-10 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Wow!  Best of luck in your new biz!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 10, 2007, at 9:52 AM, wendy wrote:

Hey Susan,

You know what's funny?  After my pet sitter asked me to take over  
her business a couple of weeks ago (she's moving to Mexico, so  
technically the business is already started, but I'm starting out  
new, so my learning curve is long right now), for some reason I  
noticed one of your links at the bottom of one of your posts, saw  
the word 'sitting', and clicked on it.  Your website is great!  I'm  
going to get with my brother and see if I can use his server and  
start my own website.  Usually I don't click on the links, or pay  
much attention, so it was weird I saw the link.  I thought, how  
coincidental!  (The timing)  It must be a sign.  I am very excited  
and honored that my petsitter is handing her business over to me.   
I have my first sit tomorrow morning.  Thank you for the offer for  
advice.  I will definitely be emailing you off list with questions!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever  
has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 6:02:32 AM
Subject: Wendy

Hey, Wendy, I saw in your post where you are starting a petsitting  

Let me know if you have any questions, because that's what I do.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s  
user panel and lay it on us.

OT but about info on how skin can heal re: the 'hotspot' on Stretch's back

2007-08-10 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Dear Wendy--and everyone:

For detailed information on the different ways that skin wounds can  
heal, please read "Burn Unit" by Barbara Ravage, chapter 11:   
"Healing."  It is a wonderful, detailed book on the history of burn  
treatment, especially the work of Boston City and Massachusetts  
General Hospitals after the Cocoanut Grove fire.  The chapter on  
healing applies to more than just burns.  The whole book is about  
more than just burns.

My dear friend Meggie's dad was in the Cocoanut Grove fire.  He was  
in public relations and that night he and his wife were accompanying  
his client Buck Jones, a western film star.  The fire began in the  
basement room, the Melody Lounge as the main floor waited for the  
10:00 pm floor show to begin.  Buck Jones and Meggie's dad's wife  
were killed but Meggie's dad managed to escape with serious burns.   
(My mother told me that Meggie's dad's first wife went back for her  
mink--but who knows?)  Meggie's dad met Meggie's mom when he was  
recuperating at Mass Gen.  She was a volunteer there.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 9, 2007, at 9:49 PM, wendy wrote:

Thanks for the tip Chris.  I will keep that in mind and watch how  
this thing heals in the next couple of days.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"  
~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Chris Behnke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 5:50:33 PM
Subject: RE: Update on the 'hotspot' on Stretch's back

Just be careful with the peroxide, it can actually prevent proper  
healing if
used to much.  Weird but true.  I was doing that with Momma's back  
as well
until I talked to the vet about it.  I did notice that it worked  
great when

I first started using it, but eventually the spot stopped healing.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 12:39 PM
Subject: OT: Update on the 'hotspot' on Stretch's back

Hey guys,

Stretch's back is healing up quite nicely!  Thank you for the  
advice!  The
spot was larger than a quarter, and it was just raw skin-no fur and  
the top
layers of skin were missing; it was completely reddish, poor baby.   
I had
already had him on a course of antibiotics, which I'm sure helped,  
but after
reading advice from this site and another, I started using hydrogen  
3-4 times a day to "disinfect" the spot, and immediately after, I  
would put
antibiotic cream on her.  The spot is now the size of a dime.  It's  

from the edges in, instead of forming a complete scab.  Weird, but
nevertheless, it is healing, thank goodness!  I really think that  
it might
have been a spider bite instead of an allergic reaction, but we  
will never



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~  
Margaret Meade



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Sammy's fever is 106!

2007-08-07 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Well, Sammy went back to the Nice Ladies at Animal 911 because when I  
took his temperature this evening it was 106.  He had been hiding  
yesterday morning and then staying in my mom's room and not following  
me and/or his brothers around all day.  So he's staying the night and  
I'll pick him up for another blood transfusion at Animal Emergency in  
5-1/2 hours.  I just got home from Animal 911.  Little one needs  

Nitie Nite,


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

Re: Thanks, Wendy!--OT, but what has been going on over here

2007-08-06 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

 Thanks so much, Tonya.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 6, 2007, at 7:41 PM, catatonya wrote:

Good to see you back and glad to hear Sammy rallied again.


Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wow!  Thanks, Wendy!  I kind of missed myself there for a while.   
What with poor little Sammy's FeLV and lymphoma and all the other  
things going on in my life I went into overload.

Sammy went out of remission five weeks ago and was started on a  
rescue protocol and immediately went back into remission but last  
week-end, a few days after his second rescue protocol chemotherapy,  
he had an enormously hard time of it.  The rescue protocol really  
took it out of him.  His neutrophil count hit the skids, he was  
molto lethargic and his body temp went down to 95!--after he had  
been at his emergency vet, Animal 911, for a while!--so into oxygen  
on a warming pad with warmed fluids he went.  It was touch and go,  
I was only allowed to look through the oxygen "room" glass for a  
very short time, and he stirred and cried when he heard my voice.   
Oh, my God, it was pitiful!  We talked of the possibility of PTS  
and DNR in another room--away from little Sam, of course, and I  
went out to buy him, in tears, a beautiful little pink baby blankie  
to bury him in.  But, bingo, he snapped back as his neutrophil  
count began to rise on its own, thank God!

So, the FeLV has not hit his bone marrow (that was the crappy  
chemo) and he's working hard to keep his immune system perking.   
The next morning he had eaten (yum yum, baby chicken), was  
breathing on his own, and looked very perky but fatigued, I  
believe, as we drove to a 24-hour emergency clinic about five miles  
away--because he still needed monitoring and I wanted him to have  
oxygen availability.  The emergency doc thought he looked a little  
peaky, however, and later that afternoon his RBC's dropped and he  
had a blood transfusion--whew!  Talk about the little guy being in  
the right place at the right time!

He came home Tuesday afternoon in his beautiful new pink  
"Homecoming" blankie!  I called his internal oncologist, a  
wonderful woman by the name of Amy Wiedemann, DVM, ACVIM for those  
of you in the Chicago area, and she said he had always been anemic  
(well, not THAT anemic) since she met him nearly four months ago.   
She told me that she thinks Sammy is constantly amazing her-- 
because he is still with us here on Earth, sigh!

Sammy is now on anti-nausea meds, which is like trying to pill a  
dragon/crocodile/little baby with about fifteen little clawed feet  
all paddling at me and anything in my hands away from his leetle  
mouf, which is clamped shut like a little parakeet's.  So I called  
Animal 911 to see if I could bring him in for pilling and they said  
yes, we're mobbed.  Come on in and we'll do it!  So I bundled Sam  
up with his adorable little Big Sister Lilibet (Little Adoptive  
Mommy to the triplets) for company because she is so calm and off  
we went.  Fortunately it's only ten or twelve minutes away on quiet  
streets.  And they WERE mobbed!  Yikes!

I was there yesterday, Saturday, with Sammy's giant brother Charlie  
because I thought he had a bladder infection but it was just  
(always after the regular vet has closed) a tiny bit of intestinal  
trouble--just looked like it was from his bladder.  Oh, my Lord!

Plus both the washing machine and the DW have given up the ghost so  
I'm a virtual unwashed, unmade bed (and by this time I don't even  
notice!) with a sinkful of dishes, off to--finally!--buy W/D and DW  
for my mom's house on Monday.  Next?  Try all new windows, a new  
microwave, an oven that actually works, a new fridge.  Yes, it's  
the joys of taking care of Elderly Mommy!  Oh--and she lost more of  
her sight over the last month or so, too.

And constantly watching over the little one.

When are the trees going to start raining money, eh?

Love to all of you from me 'n' the small, four-footed brood,


"Don't you know that
 women are the
 only works of art?"
   --Donald Henley

On Aug 4, 2007, at 12:03 AM, wendy wrote:


Glad to see you!  We missed you!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever  
has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2007 12:00:22 AM
Subject: Re: I need information please

Get your precious little girl vaccinated for FeLV.  Don't put your  
boy down.  It is hardly necessary.  I'm always shocked when vets  
still feel that way--that is old thinking!  Just because he tests  
positive for FeLV doesn't mean he

Re: OT: need a little quick advice here...

2007-08-06 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Glenda, if the little wild orange guy Marmalade is clean can you--or  
someone else--take him?  Sometimes a cat that seems wild in a shelter  
is merely scared to death, as for instance he calmed right down when  
you spoke quietly to him.  Bless you for taking him to be tested.   
You've done a very good deed.  If he is positive it does not  
automatically mean little Feeto (WHAT a superb name!  I love it!)  
will get anything OR he may get something and throw it off.  It's  
much easier for an older cat's immune system to throw off a virus  
than, say, a kitten given FeLV by its mother--their immune systems  
are hardly fully developed so it's harder for them to mount an immune  
response to invaders.

By the way, this month's Scientific American has a big article on how  
cancer cells hijack the human immune system to use it for their ends  
and new chemotherapy protocols in the works.  Extremely informative.   
Also a great learning tool about the immune system of mammmals like  
us AND kitties.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 6, 2007, at 7:18 PM, glenda Goodman wrote:

--- glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 16:11:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OT: need a little quick advice here...

Hi Everyone,
Well there are two subjects here I want to get
and support on.
Today my very wonderful vet called me to ask if I
of a rescue facility that took FIV+ kitties. It
a couple of her clients came in today and received
bad news that their two kittens had tested positive
for FIV. She told me, the people who had the kittens
were sisters and both very bright, educated
being an attorney,, obviously having good
minds, I am hoping,  they might give our group here
visit and be interested in learning, from this very
progressive site...I will be talking to them later
today and try to convince them not to panic and not
opt to have their kittens put down. I do not know of
any rescue groups that would take these
is what they had asked my vet, Dr. Kim Collet, here,
in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, if she knew of a rescue
organization they could turn these kittens over to.

 They do have other cats that share the household.
kittens are only about 12-weeks old. Can you guys
flood me with some helpful information for these
so we can give them some hope for their kittens and
make them realize there are options...I'm hoping
might be willing to sign on to this list,but if not
will at least forward them some good information
you guys...
These two ladies are in their late twenties or early
thirties...I asked my vet how old they were...We are
here in farm country where 90% of the vets still
believe, with all their heart, the only real option,
is putting positive cats down...
Now, for my second little problem I'm dealing with
today: My pride and joy, kitty, Feeto, was at the
of my step, outside my door about 6-days ago. My son
had let him outside...It was evening...I do know
better than to let my kitties outside at night...but
with my positive kitty and having to be on crazy
schedules...and keeping everyone seperated, Feeto
been locked up all day. OK, well the worst
happened...almost the worst...THERE WAS A STRANGE



2007-08-06 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh, no!  Was it so long it w kicked back?  THAT happens!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 6, 2007, at 6:29 PM, glenda Goodman wrote:

Hey Guys,
I just sent this long email to you guys and found out
I'm not a member of this list...I had a rough day the
day I found you guys and signed on...thought I was a
member? I love you guys!

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with  
Yahoo! FareChase.

Re: Vaccinating kittens of unknown status against FeLV?

2007-08-06 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Poor baby Sox.  It's so painful when a little one dies.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 2, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Malone wrote:

I was told I didn’t need to test anymore by my vet that Sox was  
healthy, and he was vaccinated. I wish I had waited until he was a  
few weeks older, tested him, and then I would have known. He died  
at 9 months, and he had been vaccinated. His mother had FeLV, but  
at the time I didn’t know. She was a feral that wasn’t caught until  
the month after he died. All his litter mates died as well. I  
really still know nothing about this virus other than the fact it  
is heart wrenching to see a beloved pet die. I will always test.  
Now my baby boy, who has been vaccinated, has contracted the virus.  
He is healthy, and I try to learn from people here how to keep him  

Re: My little Moe man.

2007-08-06 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Those little guys are the limit!  One of the 3 Orange Boyz, Charlie,  
wants to be Top Cat (and there are already two others--one is my big  
baby tuxedo boy Billi Bi, who wants to be the only baby, not those  
stupid red babies!  Poor little Billi.  He is such a sweetheart!  He  
had to have an operation to reroute his little pee pee because of  
recurrent FLUTD and the fur is just growing back there so he looks  
like a guy in furry black chaps--it's hilarious!  But he is much  
happier and pain-free now and the cool thing is he had reconstructive  
plastic surgery so he still looks like a boy so his fragile male ego  
is still intact--and not some strange little girl!  Can you believe it?

Well, back to Charlie, who started life as Twinkie because he was  
Twinkie-colored:  cake on the top and filling on the bottom!  And he  
was teeny to boot.  Well, now he's huge and obnoxious.  It's just me  
me me all the time!  He pees in the bathroom sink and poops in there,  
too, which is better than when he really gets pissed because he's not  
getting enough attention:  he pooped on my cd/clock/radio TWICE!   
Fortunately it survived nicely with a delicate cleaning with paper  
towels, q-tips and cat cleaner.

So I figure the bathroom sink is better.  And, of course, he also  
uses the cat boxes.  What a wacko.

My advice?  Don't close the bathroom door if you can get away with  
it.  When he can come and go he'll feel more secure, sigh, and lavish  
him with attention, too.  They usually are scared of the shower  
sound, anyway, and will dash out.  Hugs and kisses, carrying him  
around.  I've been doing that with Charlie.  AND I've been calling  
him Twinkie, too.  He likes that, I think.

Does he pee and poo in the same location in the kitchen?  Put some  
peepee pads down and live with it for awhile for now.  Better than  
pooping in your clock radio!

Love and kisses,

Tee 'n' the Wildlife

On Aug 2, 2007, at 11:18 AM, Beckie McRae wrote:

Hi everyone.

Thanks for the responses.  I had them do blood work on him, and its  
fine, he’s eating like a cow, and drinking like a camel.

Something that I discovered today is that it’s NOT him going to the  
bathroom in the kitchen; it’s our OTHER FLV+ cat, Miles.  Now Miles  
is about 4 years old, seems perfectly healthy, eats and drinks,  
plays, etc.  I HAVE noticed that last couple of weeks though he’s  
been being REALLY affectionate, and I haven’t been able to spend as  
much time with him and Holly (our 5 year old cat who does NOT have  
felv)  as I usually do because I’ve been so busy with Moe.  Is it  
possible that Miles has started to use the kitchen as his own  
personal bathroom because he’s jealous of the attention that Moe is  
getting and trying to get our attention?  I KNOW it’s Miles,  
because he didn’t hear me get up this morning, and Moe was lying on  
my pillow next to my head (like he normally does), and I got up  
went out to the kitchen, and he must not have heard me, because I  
caught him red handed doing his business.  I made loud noises, and  
stuff, but I don’t know why he’s doing this.  He has been acting  
kind of weird.  Like if we’re in the bathroom taking a shower or  
using the toilet and the door is closed, he’ll sit outside it and  
just HOWL.  Never did this until a few weeks ago.  I figured it was  
because he was worried about Moe, but now not so sure.

Also, how much does heat effect felv?

We LOVE the heat, and try not to use the air conditioner, but it’s  
going to get pretty warm here in the next week or so, and I was  
just wondering if I should turn the air on for the cats?

Thanks again everyone.  I’m so glad I found you all!


Re: these books look interesting.........

2007-08-05 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Little Sammy goes to his holistic vet for Reiki on Tuesday afternoon!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 4, 2007, at 2:18 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Anyone read either one of them?
Bach Flower
Remedies for Animals :  GregoryVlamis

Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life -  
Elizabeth Fulton;

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: Thanks, Wendy!--OT, but what has been going on over here

2007-08-05 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Wow!  Thanks, Wendy!  I kind of missed myself there for a while.   
What with poor little Sammy's FeLV and lymphoma and all the other  
things going on in my life I went into overload.

Sammy went out of remission five weeks ago and was started on a  
rescue protocol and immediately went back into remission but last  
week-end, a few days after his second rescue protocol chemotherapy,  
he had an enormously hard time of it.  The rescue protocol really  
took it out of him.  His neutrophil count hit the skids, he was molto  
lethargic and his body temp went down to 95!--after he had been at  
his emergency vet, Animal 911, for a while!--so into oxygen on a  
warming pad with warmed fluids he went.  It was touch and go, I was  
only allowed to look through the oxygen "room" glass for a very short  
time, and he stirred and cried when he heard my voice.  Oh, my God,  
it was pitiful!  We talked of the possibility of PTS and DNR in  
another room--away from little Sam, of course, and I went out to buy  
him, in tears, a beautiful little pink baby blankie to bury him in.   
But, bingo, he snapped back as his neutrophil count began to rise on  
its own, thank God!

So, the FeLV has not hit his bone marrow (that was the crappy chemo)  
and he's working hard to keep his immune system perking.  The next  
morning he had eaten (yum yum, baby chicken), was breathing on his  
own, and looked very perky but fatigued, I believe, as we drove to a  
24-hour emergency clinic about five miles away--because he still  
needed monitoring and I wanted him to have oxygen availability.  The  
emergency doc thought he looked a little peaky, however, and later  
that afternoon his RBC's dropped and he had a blood transfusion-- 
whew!  Talk about the little guy being in the right place at the  
right time!

He came home Tuesday afternoon in his beautiful new pink "Homecoming"  
blankie!  I called his internal oncologist, a wonderful woman by the  
name of Amy Wiedemann, DVM, ACVIM for those of you in the Chicago  
area, and she said he had always been anemic (well, not THAT anemic)  
since she met him nearly four months ago.  She told me that she  
thinks Sammy is constantly amazing her--because he is still with us  
here on Earth, sigh!

Sammy is now on anti-nausea meds, which is like trying to pill a  
dragon/crocodile/little baby with about fifteen little clawed feet  
all paddling at me and anything in my hands away from his leetle  
mouf, which is clamped shut like a little parakeet's.  So I called  
Animal 911 to see if I could bring him in for pilling and they said  
yes, we're mobbed.  Come on in and we'll do it!  So I bundled Sam up  
with his adorable little Big Sister Lilibet (Little Adoptive Mommy to  
the triplets) for company because she is so calm and off we went.   
Fortunately it's only ten or twelve minutes away on quiet streets.   
And they WERE mobbed!  Yikes!

I was there yesterday, Saturday, with Sammy's giant brother Charlie  
because I thought he had a bladder infection but it was just (always  
after the regular vet has closed) a tiny bit of intestinal trouble-- 
just looked like it was from his bladder.  Oh, my Lord!

Plus both the washing machine and the DW have given up the ghost so  
I'm a virtual unwashed, unmade bed (and by this time I don't even  
notice!) with a sinkful of dishes, off to--finally!--buy W/D and DW  
for my mom's house on Monday.  Next?  Try all new windows, a new  
microwave, an oven that actually works, a new fridge.  Yes, it's the  
joys of taking care of Elderly Mommy!  Oh--and she lost more of her  
sight over the last month or so, too.

And constantly watching over the little one.

When are the trees going to start raining money, eh?

Love to all of you from me 'n' the small, four-footed brood,


"Don't you know that
 women are the
 only works of art?"
   --Donald Henley

On Aug 4, 2007, at 12:03 AM, wendy wrote:


Glad to see you!  We missed you!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever  
has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2007 12:00:22 AM
Subject: Re: I need information please

Get your precious little girl vaccinated for FeLV.  Don't put your  
boy down.  It is hardly necessary.  I'm always shocked when vets  
still feel that way--that is old thinking!  Just because he tests  
positive for FeLV doesn't mean he will get sick right away.  My  
kitty Mamie lived for ten years with FeLV.  The absolutely main  
thing you must think of is no stress for little Basil.  Of course,  
that means Basil will be the most spoiled cat on the planet--but  
what are our darling pets for if not to 

Re: OT - Meena and the wild cherry!

2007-08-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Thank you for Meena--I needed that cheer!  Great photos!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 19, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

Loved the story! What a bright start to my morning! This brought a
much-needed smile to my face! Thanks!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley  

Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:55 PM
To: felvtalk
Subject: OT - Meena and the wild cherry!

These are some of Rescuties' kittens.  Not my fosters, they are being
fostered by someone else. Cute though!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the
Internet with GoodSearch - - powered by Yahoo!

Re: Isabella update ~ enlarged spleen not lymphoma!

2007-08-03 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
I have read somewhere that there is a neurological disease that cats  
can develop that makes them really wacky when they are touched, but I  
have no idea where I saw it or read it.  Is it called synthese;/"

]'(&7sia or something.  It's sensory overload.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 18, 2007, at 2:46 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

Isabella has been to the specialist. Her temperature was normal and  
weight the best ever. She has continued to have tremors. She also  
has a very fast rate of breathing (70-80 BPM). A spine xray  
revealed nothing amiss. An ultrasound revealed a very enlarged  
spleen (suspects: lymphoma or red blood cell production). We got  
the asparate biopsy results and she does not have lymphoma.  She is  
on tramadal, clavamox and prednisone (we switched back from  
prednisalone because she was frothing). We are going to decrease  
the pred in case it is the cause of her tremors and or fast  
breathing (it CAN cause this in dogs). She seems happy except for  
the tremors. They almost resemble a seizure. If the pred decrease  
does not stop them, we will try an anti-seizure med. Vet has no  
idea why she cries out when we touch her or pick her up.

More as we learn more.

Re: 'the jacket'

2007-08-03 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

"Me too, me too!"  say the kitties here.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 17, 2007, at 11:12 PM, HIDEYO YAMAMOTO wrote:

I would love to see the photos -- please email it to me if you  
could.  thanks.

- Original Message -
From: Jane Lyons
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:47 PM
Subject: 'the jacket'

Several weeks ago, after I got the Felv diagnosis, I had to stop
letting MeMe
go out. She was miserable and I was sure that the stress of screaming
at the
door handle was going to do the both of us in.

I asked the list for help with enclosures and got a lot of great
suggestions and
photographs. Nina sent me a link for "cat jackets" and I thought that
while I figured
out what type of enclosure would be best, I'd try the jacket. Bingo
 It has been
just fabulous. Now, rather than scream at the door handle, she screams
at the jacket
which is hanging on a hook next to dog leashes.

Long story short, I put the jacket on and attach a retractable dog
leash with a
10' line and large plastic handle. I lock the line open and put the
handle in the middle of the yard.
The yard is partially enclosed with a stockade fence which she had  

able to crawl under or
climb over.  Now she has realized that crawling under or climbing over
is a drag with the handle
getting caught. She has tried many escape routes, but she has finally
realized that it is impossible
and that being confined to the yard is still better than being indoors
all day. She now spends hours
sitting near the bird feeder, or under a shrub. She comes to the back
door to come inside to use the
litter box, and then goes back out.

If anyone is interested in it I have photos that I'd be happy to send.
I had misplaced the link, but Googled
"cat jackets" and there is only one company that makes them. My only
complaint is the color choices.
I ordered red and MeMe is humiliated by it and is sure the birds are
laughing at her.
As everyone knows, Nina is brilliant!


Re: I need information please

2007-08-03 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Get your precious little girl vaccinated for FeLV.  Don't put your  
boy down.  It is hardly necessary.  I'm always shocked when vets  
still feel that way--that is old thinking!  Just because he tests  
positive for FeLV doesn't mean he will get sick right away.  My kitty  
Mamie lived for ten years with FeLV.  The absolutely main thing you  
must think of is no stress for little Basil.  Of course, that means  
Basil will be the most spoiled cat on the planet--but what are our  
darling pets for if not to spoil spoil spoil with love?

You may want to consider finding a new, more forward-thinking vet to  
get the most positive, loving care for little Basil.

xxx, Tee 'n' the Wildlife

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 16, 2007, at 10:22 PM, Malone wrote:

I read all the posts, so I can learn how to deal with this virus. I  
lost my kitten at 9 months, and apparently even though he was  
vaccinated my 4 year old has tested positive for felv. He was  
diagnosed 4 months ago and shows no sign of illness. My vet had  
recommended putting him down. I just couldn’t lose both my boys in  
one day. I am so thankful I didn’t because Basil is fine. My  
question is about the ability to fight off the virus—does this  
really happen? Has anyone on this list actually had a felv+ cat  
that kicked the virus? What should I expect and what should I be  
doing to help keep him healthy? I tried to separate my felv+ boy  
and felv- girl, but they howled and cried something fierce. They  
have been together since they were kittens. I let them mix, and she  
is still negative. I read the information about blood tests, and I  
get confused. Basil’s blood work seems normal, other than the fact  
that he tested positive. Thank you.

Re: Monkee is gone

2007-08-03 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Dear Caroline,

I'm way behind reading everyone and replying, as you can see by the  
date on your original post.  I'm so sorry you lost your beloved  
Monkee (with the super name).  And you know what?  You didn't fail  
him.  You gave him years of a brand new happy and loving life, with a  
loving mommy and grandmommy, too, which he clearly reciprocated.

I understand the traumatized part and I understand the guilty part,  
too.  I'm also guilty when a little one passes away:  Did I do  
enough?  Was I perceptive enough?  Was I always there for him when he  
needed me?  Did he get the right toys, outside time, Dr. visits,  
food, etc., etc.  It's just endless, really.  But then you have to  
remember how his life would have been if he hadn't decided to be that  
little wild man in the courtyard of your building and you hadn't  
decided that it was time to bring that darling little ragamuffin back  
into civilization.

He still loves you.  He'll love you forever.  He'll be there in  
Heaven to welcome you when you join him years and years and years  
from now.  He'll come to visit you during the day, he'll come to  
visit you at night in your dreams.  Maybe you'll be doing the dishes  
or the laundry, not thinking about anything in particular, really,  
and you'll hear his little voice or feel his soft little body rub  
against your leg.

Love and purrs from all of us,

Tee, Lilibet, Billi Bi, Sammy, Teddy and Charlie

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 16, 2007, at 10:47 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

My beloved cat Monkee passed last night in my arms while I held him  
with my Mom standing next to my side.  At about 2:30 a.m.

We were going to take him to Dr. Maier's for euthanasia this  
morning at 8:00 a.m.  I thought he could make it until then and  
that he wouldn't want to go to a strange emergency vet clinic he'd  
never been to before for his passing.  I didn't know he was that  
bad.  I feel so bad.  It was so horrible.  He was having some  
trouble breathing, but I was usually able to calm him down by  
holding him and giving him flower essences.  He had begun to have  
trouble walking and he would cry at me really loudly when he wasn't  
able to do something he wanted to do because his brain was not  
getting enough oxygen (like walk around).  I didn't want him to be  
in pain or suffer and I feel like I failed him.

He did go really quick, but I was hysterical as it was happening.   
We were on my bed and I was holding him.  He took a last gasp of  
air and then he stopped.  When his body when limp, I felt like I  
might die too.  I think the only thing that helped me and my mom  
was that she has "rescue remedy" with her and we both took it right  
away.  It sounds odd to say that, but immediately after it  
happened, I felt a sense of peace-- for him.  I think the rescue  
remedy helped my breathing at that time.  I just held him  
afterwards and talked to him  and pet him and kissed him for about  
two hours.  I told him how wonderful he was and that I would never  
be the same without him.  I walked around the house, sat with him  
on the porch he loved so much and took him outside for his last  
time to hold him while sitting on the front steps.

I have never had an animal die in my arms like that and to have it  
be my best friend-- the best companion I've ever heart  
just feels like it's wrenching in half.  I feel guilty and  
traumatized.  I am having a hard time erasing the memories of his  
passing.  When I close my eyes, I see his face as he took his last  
breath.  I don't how to recover from that.
I've never been lonely since I had Monkee and now that he's gone,  
that loneliness is crashing in.

I hope all of you are able to continue to care for your cats and  
give them the peace and love that they so desperately need.  I  
admire those of you who take care of multiple FelV cats and have  
lost some in the past and continue to keep doing the work that you  
do.  My thoughts and my prayers are now with all of you and your  
babies.  I felt like I didn't have the mental energy to devote many  
of my prayers in the past few weeks to any cat other than Monkee,  
but I will be praying for you now.

I also wanted to remind everyone that you never really know the  
power of what love can do for a cat like Monkee, until you  
experience it.  When I found him, he was a crazy, dirty, little  
ragamuffin eating doves, baby rabbits, and whatever else he could  
catch in the courtyard of my law school apartment complex in  
Northern Ky 4 years ago.  And four years and 1 month ago, I  
couldn't take his living it up in "the killing fields"- as I called  
it- anymore.  It took so long to get him to be a somewhat normal  
cat.  Something bad must have happened to him because he was  
already neutered when I found him, so he had to have belong to  
someone.  He was deathly afraid of men and it took until probably  
about this past year f

Re: OT--drooling kitties!

2007-07-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

What a cool little guy!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 11, 2007, at 9:48 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

Lately, Phlelix has taken a liking to classical music.  He boldly  
gets out of bed -- walks over to the remote for the wave  
radio...steps on the "on" button...then comes back to bed to cuddle  
like the sweet baby he is :0)  What a good boy LOL

On 7/11/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My Mamie used to stand on top of me in the AM and knead--and drool  
in my face!  I love it!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 10, 2007, at 7:42 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Ah, I LOVE it when they drool when you pet them...!

How funny that Merlin always goes back to your house whenever  
possible  :)

I have a cat
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did  

   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: elizabeth trent
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Need help ASAP with a kitty

Susan, you are an absolute angel :0)

Four of my seven babies were feral.  I had a $450 stray too ---  
Merlin.  Poor thing had abscesses on both sides of his face -- he  
was so skinny and beat up.  We got him all fixed up and gorgeous.   
Someone in the neighborhood adopted him after that.  I never  
mentioned all the vet bills.  He was a dear love - and anytime he  
got to go outside for any length of time - he would make a bee  
line for Liz's Kitty Boutique and Day Spa :0)  (my front porch)

All of my seven babies were either abandoned or totally feral.   
Sweet, dear Shakiti was SO shy it took months and months to be  
able to pet him.  He's my precious little boy now and lets me hold  
him like a baby now while he drools on my shoulder LOL  He curls  
up with me any time I take a nap -- he loves his mommy.  If he so  
much as hears another human voice though -- he will hide and you  
won't be able to find him either until the big bad strangers are  

I've never insisted that my babies allow me to pet them either.   
Slow and steady -- no sudden moves and lots of love.  They all  
seem to come around in time..but sometimes it takes a very long  
time.  I can even brush and comb all of mine now.  I caught  
Othello once to take him to the vet's -- but that may not ever  
happen again LOL  They are SO smart!  Othello is the mighty hunter  
-- he's the fastest and the sneakiest.

Zulu -- totally feral boy who dines at the boutique will run if he  
sees you through the door or window any closer than six feet.   
Evenso -- that is progress! :0)  It takes a lot of patience with  
these dear ferals -- but every bit of time spent is worth it.


Re: Wallace with the angels now

2007-07-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

What a beautiful photo of your beloved Wallace.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 11, 2007, at 2:10 PM, dede hicken wrote:

Jean, I am so sorry for your loss. And a deep loss it
is.  I am tearing up just reading your touching story.
 My little Ki left me on June 30th. He was only 14 mo
old.  His brother, Chi has started coming into the
bedroom with us.  Chi looks a lot like Wallace.  He is
a pistol like Ki, and is really full of it.

Yes, they are in good company, but it is so hard to
let them go.


--- Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Greetings, folks.

I'd like to thank everybody for the support and
suggestions through my Wallace's brief-but-terminal
illness.  I'm sorry to report that he left this
on July 4 at 6:40PM, in my arms.

My LJ post is here:

and a portrait I'd taken last year is here:

I love digital photography, and it's made great
portraits of my kitties possible.  If you try, make
sure you have a macro function (it's usually the
little flower on a button) so you get their little
faces in focus.

This is a wonderful group of people, and I'm
for all the help and support I got. I joined because
was trying to help a FeLeuk cat (not mine) find a
home, and one of you wonderful people took Aries in
and from all reports, he's happy and healthy. I
the good work you all do, caring for these kitties.

Again, thanks.



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Re: Update on feral kitty

2007-07-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Bless you, Wendy!  Now the little darling won't be so alone.  Glad  
your 82-year-old aunt was in on it with you!  Best of luck with the  
spouse (been there, done that)!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 11, 2007, at 1:11 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

A, Wendy, what an ordeal for you & the kitty.

I am so happy that you were able to help her, you rock.

Please keep us posted on how she is doing.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:27 AM
Subject: OT: Update on feral kitty

Hi guys,

Well, it has been an interesting 2 days.  I was not able to check  
my email
at all until now after I posted I needed help.  But, help was  
provided asap
in the form of a woman in Target, where I went to buy tuna and  
other items
for the "trapping of the kitty".  She was wearing a red shirt, and  
like she might be getting off work, so I stopped her and asked her  
if she
worked at Target and she said no, but she might be able to help me,  
and I
told her I needed string and why, and wouldn't you know it...she  
does kitty
rescue!  So she was very helpful and made me feel more confident  
about what
I was going to do.  She actually works at the Petsmart next door.   
What kind
of luck is that?!  Well, after about 9 hours, I was able to trap  
this sweet
kitty.  I started around noon and sat for 2 hours with string tied  
to the
door of the cat carrier, about 10 feet away, and she just would not  
go in.
You should have seen my face when I gave up, walked up on my  
grandma's porch

and out
 of the corner of my eye spotted this metal thing that looked  
like a trap.  I felt so dumb, as I had seen that trap there for  
many years,
and I guess I just forgot about it.  It's old and rusty and not my  
choice in trapping this furbaby, but it worked.  She was finally  
that evening with a little help from sardines.  She has been a real  
She drove with me and my great aunt who is 82 all the way back to  
Texas, and

she is now in my "kitty litter" room, a room off our garage where we
normally keep all the litter boxes.  She of course is not very  
happy but is
not very scared of me.  She has walked by me a couple of times and  
started purring really loudly this morning when I came to visit and  
with her and try to entice her with food.  She isn't eating yet,  
but did
seem interested in the tuna, so I am hoping when I go back in there  
in a

couple of hours, she will have eaten something.  I have explained what
happened and told her
 over and over that I will not hurt her.  She is so sweet.  You  
should hear
her meow.  She is not aggressive at all, but I do not want to try  
to touch
her until she has gained some trust in me.  She has a kitty carrier  
with a
blanket over it, and it's dark in there, which is for right now  
where she
prefers to be.  I have water, dry food (what she normally eats),  
chicken, and tuna sitting out for her.  I am putting Calm Away in  
her water.

Any suggestions from anyone who has dealt with ferals are welcome.

As for the other kitties, yes, I told my uncle that he should not  
have done
what he did with the other two; that they are used to being fed and  
even if

they did catch the mice for food, that there are only so many mice.
However, he had just lost his mother, so I had to be fairly gentle  
about it,
which was probably best anyway.  He doesn't hate animals; he's just  

about caring for cats as many people are who don't have experience.  I
couldn't get in touch with him the next day when I went out to the  
house, so
while I was trying to trap the kitty with the real trap, I left and  
around the area looking for a "farm".  No dice.  I did call the  
local feral
rescue group and spoke with a very nice lady, who was helpful in  
her, but she is full up and could not help with any of the  
kitties.  I had
less than 24 hours to deal with these 3 cats and am lucky to have  
been able
to trap the one that was left.  I do not know what I can do now for  

other 2, being
 over 1100 miles away, other than pray that they find a food  
source.  If he
dumped him somewhat close to the house, there is a water source (a  

nearby.  The woman I spoke with from the rescue said they are probably
trying to make their way back home, so there's no telling where  
they might


Wish me luck on my journey with this new one.  I haven't even 

Re: just bummed

2007-07-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
One not-heartbreaking thing is the fact that little MeMe has you to  
care for her and by your very caring she is better than otherwise.   
Did I mention bovine colostrum from a health food store?  It smells  
just like vanilla ice cream and most of them will lick it right off  
the end of your finger--just wet it and dip it in the powder.  You  
can also take it yourself--it is an immune system booster used for  
humans as well.  I have a friend who had her colon removed on it daily.

When my precious 3 Orange Boyz were still being bottle fed they  
didn't care for First Born either.  They wanted the other stuff but  
it didn't have colostrum in it, soi I was stumped.  I finally gave  
them the straight colostrum from my finger, yum yum!  Start with 1/4  
cap--it's rich and we don't want litle barfing kitties, that's for  
sure.  You can work up to 1/2 cap if possible.

Giardia is tough to quash.  Keep at it!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 10, 2007, at 4:40 PM, Jane Lyons wrote:

This disease is really awful. It seems as though we take a step  
forward and then two steps backward.

I thought we had finally gotten rid of giardia, but we are back to  
diarrhea. We are also back to swollen glands.
We are still making progress with stomatitis and a runny nose is  
now an every other day event.

It is so heartbreaking to see this sweet little cat not feeling well.

Marylyn, I did get First Born (powder) but she does not seem to  
like it. I have been mixing it into wet

food, but she will not eat it.

She has been on so many antibiotics without much success. I had  
been so hopeful that I could get her to

a 'symptom free' state, but it is not happening.

We still have IR to do. I just hope something will work.
As always, any ideas are appreciated.

(MeMe is from an impoverished 'colony' situation. She is about a  
year old. I have had her for four months

and she was diagnosed by my vet about 6 weeks ago)

Re: FelV+ kitty that needs a home

2007-07-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
RE:  feeding, I would get a syringe from the vet if it has rounded  
edges at the tip--softer for that little mouf!  They also sell  
syringes for human babies in the baby section of drug stores.  They  
probably have rounded tips.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 10, 2007, at 1:46 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

I agree, a sanctuary situation is always the best and purrfurred  

However, GOOD sanctuaries are hard to find, and not only stay full,  

usually have long waiting lists.

I just don't buy into the thinking that "Any life is better than no  

like one vet told me that was very "radical" rescuewise.

There are worse things than death, like living on a chain w/ no  
food, water

or contact if you are a dog, being a "breeding machine, (this is the
scenario that made her make THAT statement) or living outside as a  
sick cat,

too weak to protect yourself.

Having found sick / injured cats / kittens before along the road  
covered in

fireants, but too weak to move, REALLY, REALLY sucks.

If  someone is fostering a symptomatic felv+ cat, and can no longer  
keep it,
and all options have been exhausted as far as placement, I  
certainly would

not think badly about them if they had it euthanized.

It would be better than putting it outside.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: FelV+ kitty that needs a home

Well, first I would determine if she is actually FELV+, since one
positive test doesn't mean a whole lot.  If she is FELV+, I would seek
sanctuary placement for her, but that's just me.


Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

2007-07-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Run to the grocery and get some whitefish and broil it yourself!  and  
put some butter on it!  Yum!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 10, 2007, at 12:44 PM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

We will try these suggestions.  Thank you.  I guess I will be  
shopping again after work!  Dr. Maier said to start Monkee on the  
Nutrical, so my mom is picking that up for me today.  I fed him  
"human" tuna and tuna water over the weekend from the can, but as  
of yesterday, he'd only eat one piece.  Of course, he eats a ton of  
my broiled whitefish though!  But I can't keep getting take-out  
fish for dinner every night for Monkee!  I forgot that I had a few  
cans of AD from when Monkee's anemia first started.  He only ate  
that when he was really really down and as soon as he started  
feeling better, he wouldn't eat even one bit of it.  But since I  
have some cans already, we will try it again.

I did syringe feed him last night- but all I have is a 1 ml  
syringe, so it takes forever!  I took advantage of the fact that he  
is so good for pilling, etc. and tried that last  
night.  I had been syringe feeding him his colostrum mixed with  
water since I couldn't get him to eat a whole meal, I didn't want  
to waste a colostrum pill by adding it to food he wouldn't eat.   
That way, I felt like I could make sure he got water too.  But last  
night, I probably added too much water and it took about 10, 1 ml  
syringe-fulls to get all the colostrum in him!  He was so good  
though!  So then I did the same procedure to get some of the beef/ 
chicken livers gravy I'd blended up in him.

We have tried hand-feeding and what my mom calls "community  
feeding"- where I sit on the ground with him and talk to him, hand  
him pieces and pet him- which he usually loves.  But I tried that  
this morning and it's like he tries to "fake" eat by just licking  
some gravy just to get me off his back!  Even in his weakened state  
he is still too smart for his own good!

The funniest thing about all this for me is that, since he won't  
eat a whole small can of food, I never give him one- usually just a  
half.  The other half that Monkee never touched- I HATE wasting it  
and throwing it away.  My neighborhood has these "neighborhood"  
strays (not feral, just friendly strays who've been taken care of  
by the neighborhood) that a bunch of us watch over, feed, water,  
etc.  They have all been fixed by a lady up the street who started  
this whole street-cat thing.  The issue regarding these cats though  
is a whole other can of worms that I am not ready to get into yet  
because I rent and worry about what will happen when I move, but  
for now, they are very well taken care of, safe and happy- even if  
they are outdoor cats (which I don't "believe" in).  I have been  
feeding them for about a year since I moved in and figured out they  
were strays and there are two of the 6 cats that seem to "prefer"  
the food I give them so they are almost permanent fixtures on my  
front stoop now, with a few others who sometimes visit for food if  
they are extra hungry, but routinely come for the water that I  
change everyday.  Anyway, instead of always just getting fed cheap  
9 Lives dry food- which they love- these two now get Monkee's  
rejected premium food!  They've been fed AD, Fancy Feast, and as of  
yesterday, the Wellness wet food!  It drives my mom crazy, but I'd  
rather some cat (even a rag-a-muffin stray!) eat that food than  
just throw it away!


From: "Susan Dubose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:17:13 -0500

hi Caroline,

I am sorry Monkee is a bit under the weather again.

Try the baby food, but only the turkey or chicken w/ gravy mix.

Try PetGuard brand cat food if you have it there, it's usually @  
Whole Foods or other health food stores.

The fish, chicken & liver formula is quite tasty to cats.

And the beef mix has LOTS of juice.

Try a product called "Mix It" by Science Diet.  It is the dog food  
section @ PetSmart w/ the moist foods.

It is for either cats or dogs, but they keep it w/ the dog stuff.

Try Pro Plans moist food, the sardines in the "aspic" is quite  
gross, but cats LOVE it.

It is chunks of sardines in some kinda slimey sauce.

Try Sardines, try tuna.

Try Pet Gold Gourmet Tuna for cats, LOTS of gravey.

This is only available @ the pet food specialty stores.

I guess the vet has also tried the A/D moist food for cats?

Only available @ the vet.

Last of all, have you tried syringe feeding him?

Some cats get to the point where they will only eat if hand fed,  
even if they are feeling better.

I usually mix up baby food w/ a squirt of Nutri Cal in it.

It is good to feed the best quality of foods to him, but @ this  
point, you have to find out what he will eat, even if it is "junk"  
in your eyes, and let 

OT--drooling kitties!

2007-07-11 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
My Mamie used to stand on top of me in the AM and knead--and drool in  
my face!  I love it!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 10, 2007, at 7:42 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Ah, I LOVE it when they drool when you pet them...!

How funny that Merlin always goes back to your house whenever  
possible  :)

I have a cat
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: elizabeth trent
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Need help ASAP with a kitty

Susan, you are an absolute angel :0)

Four of my seven babies were feral.  I had a $450 stray too ---  
Merlin.  Poor thing had abscesses on both sides of his face -- he  
was so skinny and beat up.  We got him all fixed up and gorgeous.   
Someone in the neighborhood adopted him after that.  I never  
mentioned all the vet bills.  He was a dear love - and anytime he  
got to go outside for any length of time - he would make a bee line  
for Liz's Kitty Boutique and Day Spa :0)  (my front porch)

All of my seven babies were either abandoned or totally feral.   
Sweet, dear Shakiti was SO shy it took months and months to be able  
to pet him.  He's my precious little boy now and lets me hold him  
like a baby now while he drools on my shoulder LOL  He curls up  
with me any time I take a nap -- he loves his mommy.  If he so much  
as hears another human voice though -- he will hide and you won't  
be able to find him either until the big bad strangers are gone.

I've never insisted that my babies allow me to pet them either.   
Slow and steady -- no sudden moves and lots of love.  They all seem  
to come around in time..but sometimes it takes a very long time.  I  
can even brush and comb all of mine now.  I caught Othello once to  
take him to the vet's -- but that may not ever happen again LOL   
They are SO smart!  Othello is the mighty hunter -- he's the  
fastest and the sneakiest.

Zulu -- totally feral boy who dines at the boutique will run if he  
sees you through the door or window any closer than six feet.   
Evenso -- that is progress! :0)  It takes a lot of patience with  
these dear ferals -- but every bit of time spent is worth it.


Re: Birds, also, feliway....

2007-07-08 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Foxy and Hobbs are playing "fort!"

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 5, 2007, at 5:49 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Hobbs is an orangish tabby, probably more "buff" colored.

Orange tabbies are the best

I did see him 3 times on the 4th.

Maybe he was Liberating himself form under the couch in the cat room.

All I saw was his butt, though, scampering back under the couch  
when he saw me...  :(

He is living under there w/ Foxy Brown (she's the foxiest brown in  

She is a long furred tortie that was thrown out of a car onto a  
busy highway here in Austin a few years back.

She was rescued by a policeman, but was injured pretty bad.

She has never quite gotten over her fear.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliway

Dear Susan:

What color is your little Hobbs?  He'll probably come around with  
all the love in your house!  He sounds like a really tough little guy!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

2007-07-08 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Susan, do you have any idea of the dose of spirulina?

Thanks from me 'n' the kitties

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 6, 2007, at 2:00 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:


I was @ my vet this morning, so I went ahead and picked up a  
package of Missiing Link.

I have been meaning to try it on my felv+ gang, as well as work it  
into my other group of kitties eventually.

Right now the nonfelv cats just get the brewer's yeast sprinkled on  
top of their dry food, which again is the Evo mixed w/ Core.

Ok, both formulas say "veterinary formula" on the package.

One package is gold, while the "professional strength" is on a  
silver package.

The professional strength says it is for "Recovery & Detoxification".

This is only available @ the vet's.

I didn't have time @ the vet office to compare both packages to see  
what the ingredient difference was.

But listed they have probiotics, carrot & alfalfa powder, yeast,  
freeze dried beef liver, kelp, dandalion root, garlic, yucca as  
well as spirulina.

I am interested most in the spirulina, I take that and I believe it  
helps me.

A friend of mine had a felv+ cat that she gave spirulina to years  
ago, and the vet was amazed that he threw the virus.

Hard to tell if he was just one of those cats that does, or if the  
spirulina actually helped.

Another friend had a kitty that ate some of the bad pouch Nutro  
food that was going around, and went into renal failure @ the age  
of 3 years.

He recovered after 2 weeks @ the vet and lots of sub Q's helped,  
but she also mixed up a batch of spirulina and some other things  
for him to get.

She gave it to him orally, it was a liquid.

Not sure how he is doing, I need to call her and see what it is  
that she was giving him.

I paid $21. for one pound of supplement,must be kept in the fridge  
after opening & use within 90 days.

I will let you know if I see any difference in my felv+ cats, which  
as of now (knock on wood) are not symptomatic.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: laurieskatz
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

Susan, great idea. I will check into itthanks for this suggestion,

Re: goodbye.

2007-07-05 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Ya know what?  I don't mind repeating things!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 1, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Jane Lyons wrote:

I'm not sure what is going on here, but for a new person (me) it is  
sad since I've come to rely on this list as a lifeline for my Felv  
positive cat.

I use two vets, one of them well known nationally, and neither of  
them have the
knowledge and experience that you guys (collectively) have of  
Feline Leukemia.
This is a priceless resource, especially for people like myself,  
who come here shell
shocked and need to hear the reality from the "frontline", not  
theory nor statistics.

My little cat, who came from an over burdened colony situation,  
having been thrown
on their porch from a moving car, is so much better and it is  
largely the result of the
information that I got here. Also, I was so grateful to be able to  
express the grief and
fear I initially felt, knowing I was with people who really loved  
their cats, and who would

(hopefully) understand.

It must be difficult repeating the same information over and over  
again, and having to
adjust to a lot of personalities and dysfunction, but if the bottom  
line is helping cats,

your time is not in vain.

I came here four weeks ago with a kitten suffering from giardia,  
stomatitis, very badly
swollen glands, constant sneezing, runny nose, diarrhea  and very  
poor appetite.

I am happy to report we now have formed stools, no swollen glands,  
an occasional sneeze
and wet nose and a ravenous appetite. The stomatitis seems to be  
healed on the bottom
of her mouth, although the top is still red, but not as inflamed as  
it had been. For the first

time in her little life she seems comfortable and very content.

I hope things here can be worked out.  We are very grateful to all  
of you.

Jane (and a much improved MeMe)

On Jul 1, 2007, at 3:36 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

Maybe when you stop being an air head and an @$$ you will come  
back.  Love ya M.C.

elizabeth in alabama, phelix, antonio, tiffany, lexie, tori,  
shakiti, othello

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: enough.

if you want to talk with me, you know where i am.



Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Birds, also, feliway....

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Dear Susan:

What color is your little Hobbs?  He'll probably come around with all  
the love in your house!  He sounds like a really tough little guy!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 1, 2007, at 1:30 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

In my old house (2 months back) I only had "covered" litterboxes w/  
clumpable litter.

In the new place, I have 4 of the HUGE blue "tote" types from  
Lowes, that are transparent, w/ Yesterday's mews.

3 of the HUGE clear ones w/ clay mixed w/ crystals,
and one "low rider" that is pretty big w/ the same mix.

This is in the enclosure area.

In "their" room, I have 3 covered boxes w/ clumpable and one in the  
"their" bathroom w/ clay plus crystals.

I did this so they would have a few choices.

Litterbox behavior has gotten much better, but there are few, like  
Pugsley, that enjoy peeing on things and 2 that poop right in front  
of the boxes in the cat room.

One is my 15 year old, who use to ALWAYS have very good litterbox  

I have the lower litterbox in the enclosure for a fairly recently  
acquired cat that has no back legs, which, at this point, I never see.

He's a hider, was in his former house.

He was abandoned @ the area Humane Society as a tiny kitten, and  
went home for fostering w/ one of the staff.

He caught URI, had to be medicated, and apparently that made him  
fearful and he wasn't the same friendly, sweet kitten that he was  

He pretty much lived under her bed, pooping under there too.

She would see him occasionally but only @ night.

She has very long work hours, and is also in a band that tours, so,  
not much time to try and change his behavior.

I took his as a favor to her & probably to him, as well.

At least at my house he can have more room and have exposure to the  
outside in the enclosure.

(I really think that the access to fgresh air has really helped my  
cats all around health, especially the chronic ones).

I didn't care about the litterbox thing, whether he used it or not,  
my enclosure is stained concrete w/ a "high" gloss finish, the cat  
room & bathroom is tile and hardwood in the masterbedroom.

These are the cat areas.

Livingroom is no cat zone as well as kitchen.

(I had a "stove peer" @ the old house, and they actually set my  
kitchen on fire twice. Another long story).

Anyway, "Hobbs" was born w/ only "stubbs" for backlegs, very sad.

But he can REALLY haul kitty butt when he wants to.

He also loves other cats, he is a "cat's cat", if you know what I  

As far as litterboxes, I would prefer no clumpable, I think it's a  
bad idea, but the cats seem to really prefer it over anything  

They will have to be weaned, I guess.

I will try this Feliway, maybe it will be the answer to my  
"cleaning prayers"..

Hey, a girl ( a "kitty girl" ) can dream.  :)

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Marylyn
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliway

Re litter box issues:

Make sure you are using unscented litter without the blue pellets.   
My cats, Dixie and those who have left, will not tolerate the  
perfumed kind.  This is logical if you are a very few inches from  
the litter, kicking it etc.  The blue things contain germicides  
that, as one company says, causes no trouble most of the  
timeI don't deal with most of the time.

Try using Rubbermaid or knock offs boxes without lids.  They give  
more room (important for ferals particularly--they are vulnerable  
when and don't like to feel closed in/trapped) and have high enough  
backs that a cat who has trouble (for any reason including "I just  
don't want to") can urinate without getting it all over the place  
(I learned this when Ebony was getting older and had a physical  
problem that made getting down difficult).

Yes, the Feliway may help.  It was designed for "pee-problems."

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

I'm with you, Malone.  Reposting for a newbie doesn't faze me at all.


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 1, 2007, at 1:09 AM, Malone wrote:

There are some here that are new to this virus. We don’t know much.  
That is specifically why I came to this site to learn. I am so  
sorry that distress was caused over reposting of material. I can  
say I for one have been reading and researching everything I can  
get my hands on. I am very saddened that some find it intolerable  
to understand the stress that newbies might be under. I have never  
had a sick cat—I have been very blessed. But I feel doubly blessed  
to have people who are willing to share information with me even if  
it is the hundredth time they have posted it. I know only basics  
about this virus and understand less. I need help and information  
and I thank all that have shared.

Re: Isabella's blood work and other Qs

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

I've seen no difference in Sammy when he has been on Interferon.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 9:25 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

Hi ~ I am resending this in hopes for some feed back. (I will read  
the info about meds as suggested). I know of a human on interferon  
who is very lethargic. Do people see this with cats on interferon?  
I ask because Isabella is most active after we give fluids but  
generally pretty laid backwould appreciate any input ...thanks!


Hello and many thanks to all who responded (what a knowledgable  
and supportive group).
Q: Is the immunoregulin something I would use **instead** of  

For those who responded about Revolution ~ we won't use this  
again. One of my cats with allergies responded very negatively to  
Advantage. So, I just have to hope we keep fleas at bay. We are  
100% indoors but I work in my wildlife friendly yard and  
understand I could bring one inside.

What is IM, please?

Isabella's counts were as follows: (numbers in parens are normal  

WBC 3.65 (5.5-19.5)
HCT  20.6 (30-45)
RBC  3.72 (5-10)
HGB  8.1 (9-15.1)
GLOB (globulin?) 6.2 (2.8-5.1)
Total protein 9.1 (5.7-8.9)
Her Neut(?), Eosiniphils and PLT were all below normal
MCHC and MCH were above normal

The numbers that were desginated as being most dramatically off were:
Glob, Neut,HCT, RBC. MCHC and MCH

Any input greatly appreciatedthanks!

- Original Message - From: "cindy reasoner"  

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp


My cat Smokey had the same problem with fevers.  After
many different stays in the hospital and 1 doctor at
my vet's office that didn't really seem like she
wanted to help Smokey I changed the vet he goes to.
The new vet started him on the immunoregulin.  She had
me give it to him subq.  It says IV but Smokey would
have never let her or me do that.  We started giving
him injections 2 times a week for a month or so then
gradually decreased the dosage.  Now I give it to him
once a month.  It has been well over a year since he
has had a fever.  I hope this might help you with

I won't use Revolution anymore.  Back in May we went
camping and I took my diabetic cat (Katie) with us.  I
used it because I was worried about mosquitoes getting
into the camper. This was the first time I had ever
used it.  I know Katie had a reaction to it because
she developed diarrhea.  She didn't have it before I
put it on her.  Her skin became really flaky too.

I hope your Isabella starts feeling better soon.

Cindy Reasoner

Re: Immunity to FeLV?

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh--and nicknames, too!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 6:59 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Yes, I feel like I have a science project going on, w/ these 12  
cats, which originally were 14.

LOVE the name of your kitty.

Kitties shouls always have fancy names, formal names & of course  
the ""your in trouble name"..  ;)

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Gloria Lane
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

Well, it's all very confusing anyhow, especially if you have other  
things going on (like I'm losing stuff right and left today).   I  
think the info we get here about people's personal experiences is  
so valuable.   I've just learned not to get too paranoid about  
FELV, to take good care of my cats as best I can, and when I need  
the info I ask you guys or look it up and hope I get the right thing.

I have  three 10-11 yr old FELV cats, and one 4 yr old.  Gotta have  
them re-tested, they're just so dern healthy.

And I know that's fortunate - Monday is the 3 year anniversary of  
sweet Callawalla Banana Boo-boo going to the spirit in the sky.  I  
was up with her all night, and at 3am took her to the emergency  
clinic, which was $300 and worthless, and she died in my arms as I  
carried her back into the house.


Re: Birds, also, feliway....

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Seems to work for us!  Get it at to get the cheapest.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 6:56 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Well, he has actually gotten much better, it kinda comes & goes..

Isn't it funny how the house ferals will run from  you when you  
walk towards them, but you can sneak into your bedroom and they are  
asleep on your pillow, or rolling around on your dirty clothes that  
you tossed on the floor?

(Yes, folks, I am a slob)...

It's like they REALLY want to be petted & loved, but it's s  
scary.  :(

As for Feliway, I have had heard lots about it, and I know folks  
who use it, but they cannot actually tell me if it works or not.

What do you think?

Does it work for you?

I have considered it, but it's pretty pricey and I always think  
"heck, that's a cat spay" or whatever.

But if I knew it would work, I certainly would pony up the  

Let me know your thoughts, folks...

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Marylyn
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Birds

No (that is too dear to take away) but it should help with the  
skittishness.  It makes you smell like a cat (or so the theory  
goes).  It really helped with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt  
(rehomed from my Mom's).  It certainly helped establish a "safe  
area" with her.not the awful smell of the terrible person  
who catnapped her from her chosen person.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Susan Dubose

Re: Ki is an Angel

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

What a great guy!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 5:55 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

And thank you.

When I lost Serenity, I felt like the floor opened me up and  
swallowed me.

Like I said, I had only had her 5 months, and my vet and his wife  
(who have
several felv+ cats, and Dr. Smith is constantly doing research,  
even @ 73
yrs.) warned me that when she becomes symptomatic, she could go  
very fast,

it just depends.

I was s glad they were there for me.

Felv+, I have been told, can kill a cat so many different ways...

Or, their body can go, but the mind is sharp as a tack.

I have a good client that has only had felv+ cats, his limit is 3.

The reason being, 4 is an unlucky number for him, if he has 3 and  
gets a

4th, one dies really soon afterwards.

He is an international pilot for UPS, and has been for 25+ yrs.  (cha

He is down to one felv+ cat, and he has "sworn off".

Ever seen a very big, macho Texas man cry like a baby while holding  
his cat

@ the vet's?

Not pretty.

The good thing is, he only has been working 10 days per month (10  
days on,
20 days off), and when Chairman Meow leaves him, he plans to work  
more and

donate a lot more money.

In otherwords, he has been just working his minimum to be w/ his  
cats, but
once they are all gone, he will fly more and of course, have more  

Right now he is a very big donor, always there for my "project  

When he retires in a few years, he really hopes to start a  
sanctuary, and he

will have a lot of people to help him.

I don't know, I have always said that, it takes a very special  
purrson to

have a felv+ cat, unconditional love, also..

LOTS of people are even "afraid" of them.

I recently had 2 people over on separate occasions that would not  
even enter

my felv+ room, they just looked through the door.

They were really afraid of taking it home to their cats.

I understand that it is a very "delicate" virus

I just call them my little "bubble kitties".  :)...
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: "dede hicken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: Ki is an Angel

Thanks Susan.  I know you are right.  One can only
take so much exposure to Corona when your immune
system is not so great.  I just don't get why some get
it and some don't.  I suppose if I could answer that,
I'd get the Pulitzer.

I will always wonder, though, if I had isolated him
with a smaller number of catsOh well, I will never
know.  And here i was worried that he'd infect
someone.  They are so fragile.

Sorry about your little one, too.  Ki came to me in
July, too.  He was only 12 wks old.  It just takes
time, I guess.


Re: Birds

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

We checked out the website and boy, are we excited now!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 5:30 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Have you seen the "kitty show" ones   ?

It's bugs crawling on top of a glass table, shot form underneath w/  
birds &

crickets in the background

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: Birds

I have one of those videos; my cats LOVE it!  Mine is
titled Video Catnip.  I'd like to get a better one
because this one is in 2 sections, and the first
section is music instead of the actual noised the
birds make.  I need a DVD format also since mine is


--- Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have seen those DVD's, I plan to get a few once I
am finished being settled in.

My felv+  room, which is also the office, library,
has a tv w/ couch and a bathroom.

That way the felv+ cats can have their own water

It's an old house (1953) w/ 3 HUGE bedrooms, which

The non felv+ cats are still waiting for their tv,
which probably will be Xmas.

A disappearing fountain is an old urn that he has,
(pretty big)  beautiful moss.

On top he has placed a fish fountain that shoots the
water out of it's mouth.

The water then goes into the urn which is full of
rocks, and dribbles down the side, disappearing into
the water reserve @ the base.

Which is covered by rocks also.

Very pretty.

The back of the house is entirely windows, from
floor to ceiling, so it's quite a nice show w/ the
birds & butterflies are feeding.

And of course, watching the squirrels try & steal
the food is fun too.
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay
in state,
   Faithful Bast at
her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes
of soft applause,
   Ever guarding
with sharpened claws."

  - Original Message -
  From: Marylyn
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:44 AM
  Subject: Re: Birds

  There is a wonderful tape of birds, squirrels, etc
that Ebony and Mitu loved.  They had a stool in
front of the TV in the bedroom and frequently I got
requests in the middle of the night for a private
viewing.  Ebony would sit on the stool just waiting,
knowing I would put it on for him and his little
girlfriend.  I need to try that with Dixie but she
enjoys the sunroom and lots of wildlife there.  I
saw no mention of old orange juice in shallow pans
(birds and butterflies).  Milk weed is a wonderful
plant for attracting Monarch butterflies (don't know
if it grows in Texas or not but the Monarchs sure
could use some help).

  What is a disappearing fountain?

If you have men who will exclude any of God's

from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will
have men who

will deal likewise with their fellow man.

   St. Francis

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~  

Meade ~~~


Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's
Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

Re: Birds

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Susan, you write absolutely the BEST letters!  So fun!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 1:44 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

I forgot to mention, I have a cat that raised in a birdcage, like a  

He came from another "hoarding" situation (pseudo rescue person),  
but he was only from 60 to 70+ cats.

I got Runes when he was about 12 weeks old, very malnourished and  
he had what my vet called the worst case of ringworm that he had  
ever seen, in 40+ yrs.

THAT'S a lot of ringworm.

Anyway, Runes is still a bit "skitty" after all of this time, but  
when he is eating, you can sneak up on him and stroke his back.

He will then "chirp" like bird...  :)

Think that there is a connection?

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Marylyn
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: Birds

There is a wonderful tape of birds, squirrels, etc that Ebony and  
Mitu loved.  They had a stool in front of the TV in the bedroom and  
frequently I got requests in the middle of the night for a private  
viewing.  Ebony would sit on the stool just waiting, knowing I  
would put it on for him and his little girlfriend.  I need to try  
that with Dixie but she enjoys the sunroom and lots of wildlife  
there.  I saw no mention of old orange juice in shallow pans (birds  
and butterflies).  Milk weed is a wonderful plant for attracting  
Monarch butterflies (don't know if it grows in Texas or not but the  
Monarchs sure could use some help).

What is a disappearing fountain?

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

Re: Immunity to FeLV?

2007-07-04 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Mary Christine,


"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 1:12 PM, MaryChristine wrote:

yes WE do know that there is more than one strain.

and if WE didn't know before yesterday, when sally posted the most  
up-to-date version of the merck veterinary manual's section on  
FeLV, WE should know it now.

and if WE really wanted to know, simply do a google search for,  
"strains of FeLV."

THIS is why this list is no longer the incredible resource it once  
was. incomplete, inaccurate, out-of-date information; wrong  
information consistently being REposted; an absolute inability to  
look things up in the archives or on-line so that the same  
discussions are continually recycled, with the same people having  
to put out corrected information to counter the bad. way too much  
chit-chat that has nothing to do with FeLV and belongs on the OT list.



Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT list ~ Elizabeth

2007-07-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
What on earth is going on?  Sometimes people chit chat to relieve  
anxiety.  For instance, my kitty is FeLV+ AND haas mediastinal  
lymphoma.  Plus I have the requisite pile of other things going on in  
my life, just like everyone does, not all of which are just hunky- 
dory, believe me.

So if I've been chit chatting, it's to relieve anxiety linked to  
having a little one who was just one year old YESTERDAY who has been  
ill for three months out of his tiny life already with these two  
feline scourges.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 1, 2007, at 4:17 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

Please don't leave
- Original Message -
From: elizabeth trent
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: OT list

well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to  
leave the list.  i'm not going to another list.

elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago  
so that james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off  
topic, and to return to specific things relating to FELV.

most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic  
posts, because there are enough other places for that. many lists  
will ban people who consistently go off-topic, and good lists have  
died out because the topic has gotten lost in social interaction  
that belongs elsewhere. this isn't MY opinion or rule, it's pretty  
much the norm.

Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!

This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.

Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we  
are not "moving" the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that  
tends to happen on the other list, and clutters it up, making it  
harder for people to find the real info about FELV over there.  
Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic stuff to this list!


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

2007-07-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Doesn't bother me to repost.  I'm on the Feline Lymphoma list, too,  
and sometimes I get my sites mixed up or write things I've already  
written, so as you see I've become a crazy cat lady (sigh).

Ask away.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 1, 2007, at 1:09 AM, Malone wrote:

There are some here that are new to this virus. We don’t know much.  
That is specifically why I came to this site to learn. I am so  
sorry that distress was caused over reposting of material. I can  
say I for one have been reading and researching everything I can  
get my hands on. I am very saddened that some find it intolerable  
to understand the stress that newbies might be under. I have never  
had a sick cat—I have been very blessed. But I feel doubly blessed  
to have people who are willing to share information with me even if  
it is the hundredth time they have posted it. I know only basics  
about this virus and understand less. I need help and information  
and I thank all that have shared.

Re: Birds, also, feliway....

2007-07-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
I just bought a bunch of Feliway at Revival and it's got the best  
prices.  Petco will set you back bigtime.

You are something, Marilyn.  You do so much for little Royal Princess  
Kitty Kat!  My dad's cat (he passed away eight years ago) just passed  
away himself, of kidney failure.  He was up there in age, but still,  
it was a shock, especially to my mom, to have him go, poor beautiful  
long-haired black dear kitty.  But he missed my dad so.  He cried  
every night in Dad's home office hoping he'd return and here's the  
cool thing:  when I moved in with my mom 1-1/2 years ago he stopped  
crying.  I was just enough of my dad to make him feel much better.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 10:14 PM, Marylyn wrote:

It has to be their idea.  I have had some wonderful ferals but they  
are not house cats as we normally think about them.  They are very  
self sufficient and, when they decide to give you any sign of  
affection, much less kitten kisses or purrs, you know it is genuine.

I have used Feliway and am convinced that it works get.  And it has  
worked with several cats.  My regular vets use it in the cat area  
of their clinic. I really don't believe I would ever have persuaded  
the Royal Princess Kitty Katt to come out without Feliway.  She  
chose to move in with my parents and was my father's cat until he  
left this world.  Then her whole world turned on end and she became  
my mother's cat (same house just a different person as 1st  
person).  I was the one who always caught her and clipped her  
nails, gave her meds, took her to the vet's etc when I came in from  
Louisville.  Finally Mom decided she couldn't take care of Kitty  
and that she should live with me.  This was no where in Kitty's  
plans and, in fact, was Kitty's version of hell.  She lost her job  
(taking care of Mom), lost her nice quiet house in the country with  
electric heat and a stay at home person to live in the city with  
forced air gas heat, a working person with very irregular hours, a  
mailman who came to the door, all the different scents and  
noises...I went so far as to replace the furnace and a/c  
before she came so she would not have to tolerate that.  I slept on  
the floor for three months working with her and trying to get her  
to come out.  The Feliway let her relax enough that she started  
coming out when I was asleep and things worked out from there.

The price has really come down.  I don't know if you have checked  
lately but, compared with what I originally paid for it, it is dirt  
cheap.  It makes you smell like a cat and provides comfort to the  
little ones.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Susan Dubose
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliway

Well, he has actually gotten much better, it kinda comes & goes..

Isn't it funny how the house ferals will run from  you when you  
walk towards them, but you can sneak into your bedroom and they are  
asleep on your pillow, or rolling around on your dirty clothes that  
you tossed on the floor?

(Yes, folks, I am a slob)...

It's like they REALLY want to be petted & loved, but it's s  
scary.  :(

As for Feliway, I have had heard lots about it, and I know folks  
who use it, but they cannot actually tell me if it works or not.

What do you think?

Does it work for you?

I have considered it, but it's pretty pricey and I always think  
"heck, that's a cat spay" or whatever.

But if I knew it would work, I certainly would pony up the  

Let me know your thoughts, folks...

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Marylyn
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Birds

No (that is too dear to take away) but it should help with the  
skittishness.  It makes you smell like a cat (or so the theory  
goes).  It really helped with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt  
(rehomed from my Mom's).  It certainly helped establish a "safe  
area" with her.not the awful smell of the terrible person  
who catnapped her from 

Re: To Belinda: Re: Anemia Issues

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Dear Caroline~~

What a great story about little Monkee and his excitement about  
getting raw chicken livers!  All over the kitchen is right!  Too  
funny!  Yuck bigtime!  And I know exactly what you mean by getting  
weak in the knees--although instead of cutting up chicken livers,  
which are pretty icky anyway you look at them raw, let's be  
realistic--except I did when my favorite vet ever, Dr. Berglund  
(since retired, darnit, although sometimes he'll fill in for someone,  
yay!)  asked me if I'd like to watch an operation on a big lab.  Of  
course I said yes and about 1/3rd of the way through the operation  
his head tech Linda said, "You're doing really well.  We've had  
people just slide right down the wall in a dead faint."  Then  
something was said about the blood THAT I WAS LOOKING RIGHT AT and I  
got a little weak in the knees myself.

But I didn't fall down and I was there for the entire op.

You're a goood catmommy to little Monkee, Caroline.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 29, 2007, at 10:17 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

I talked to Dr. Susan Maier (holistic) yesterday.  I was having a  
lot of trouble myself remaining positive and I was doing a lot of  
crying this week about Monkee's anemia situation.  She said that  
Monkee's has a really strong life-force and he looks really good  
and I need to stay positive because the blood transfusion will buy  
more time for her remedies to work.  I asked about reversal of the  
anemia and asked her to look at the records of the blood results  
from his CBC on Tuesday at Dr. Daley's.  I asked if she could tell  
if he had regenerative or nonregenerative anemia based on those.   
She said his regenerative values were all within the normal limits,  
but that no, she couldn't tell from the blood results.  However,  
she told me if the anemia is brought on by the chemo, it's usually  
regenerative (and can thus be reversed); if the anemia is brought  
on by his actual Feline Leukemia, it's usually nonregenerative (and  
usually irreversible).  I said, I guess that is why Dr. Daley  
talked about doing the bone marrow biopsy, because that would be  
the only way to really examine the marrow and be able to tell what  
is going on with the RBC, right?  Dr. Maier said yes.  I said, of  
course, we aren't doing a bone marrow biopsy, but now I FINALLY  
have a better understanding of what is going on.  I know Dr. Daley  
is a good Vet, she's just so clinical, and soo  
cerebral that I don't think she explains things the way I need  
things explained to me.  And it's not that I am dumb, it's just  
that this is my first FelV+ cat- and unlike her, I haven't been  
through this (sadly) a million times with other FelV+ cats.  Also,  
when I am sitting there crying my eyes out at what she is saying to  
me, I really need her to slow down and talk to me like I am a dumb  
baby!  So, I am kind of having an issue with that right now.  Dr.  
Maier said that I can call her anytime to "bounce ideas off" of her  
or ask for clarification about something so I thought that was very  

I have also put a call into Monkee's original Vet, Dr. Jones at the  
Cat Clinic of Louisville- for him to call me to discuss us  
returning to him for primary care since Monkee's main problem now  
is anemia and not cancer.  I haven't heard from him yet.  But his  
office is only 5 minutes away, so the stress on Monkee is  
decreased.  Plus, he only treats cats and so the stress of the  
sound of dogs barking is also eliminated for Monkee.  Dr. Jones  
just has a really good bedside manner that I think Monkee and I  
both really need right now.

Dr. Maier suggested that I feed Monkee raw, lean hamburger meat and  
chicken livers to help his anemia.  I was shocked because I am a  
vegetarian so I NEVER buy meat, much less handle it, but I had to  
suppress my disgust and do it for Monkee.  Our first foray into  
this realm was traumatic- for me.  The chicken livers really  
freaked me out.  When I was cutting them up the first time, my legs  
got weak and my knees felt like they might buckle, but Monkee was  
sitting on the floor looking up at me licking his chops, so I had  
to pull through, so as not to faint and fall on top of him   
Needless to say, he LOVES it!  I  
think I gave him too much last night- probably because I was losing  
my mind while cutting everything up- and I was worried that I  
overdid it and he couldn't eat it all, but he cleared his plate!   
The same this morning.  It's hilarious to watch him eat the livers  
because, even though I have been coating the place with paper  
towels, he will pick up a piece and shake his head around to help  
break it up (like a dog) and he so he gets blood and liver  
"juice" (yuck) everywhere!  I swear he's doing it just to freak me  
out!  But he is so happy getting raw food, I think that, in and of  

Re: To Caroline: Re: Anemia Issues

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Thank you, Hideyo

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 29, 2007, at 8:00 AM, HIDEYO YAMAMOTO wrote:

Indeed - I know it's hard -- but we need to do our best to give all  
the love and joy we can give as they certainly deserve it-- when I  
was losing eight kitties one after the other.. I was overwhelmed  
with the depression --and eventually, I learned to live in the  
moment.. I loved all of them like there is no tomorrow -- hold them  
and tel them how beautiful they are.. the pain we are going through  
is only temprary and we will always be together no matter what --  
there is nothing that can separate us --

There was a quote I saw some place goes something like.
Stop telling God how big strom is, but start telling storm, how big  
god is.. something like that..
I just try not to think of how big the pain and sorrow is.. but  
strated to think how big and powerful our love and bond with each  
other is..  much love,

- Original Message -
From: Susan Dubose
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: To Caroline: Re: Anemia Issues

Wise words, Marylyn...

Wise words...

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Marylyn
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: To Caroline: Re: Anemia Issues

Please do not grieve too much before it is timeit will take  
the joy of having Sammy and the others with you now away.  It is so  
very difficult but try.  Live each moment with the wonderful little  
ones.  That is how they do it.  One moment at a time.  When it is  
time to grieve go ahead and loose it .  There is no shame in  
tears.  If we live every minute dreading the death of a loved one  
we have no time for joy.  And we are all dying.  Everyone of us  
started dying the minute we took our first breathe.

Bless you and Sammy and his brothers.bless all the  
little ones and their best friends.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

Re: something is killing my cats, please

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Moi aussi.  No dough here.  Between the tiny buggers eating yummy  
high-protein food, their operations, their meddies, the absurd gas  
prices, etcetera, we're practically sharing their food, ha ha.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 29, 2007, at 7:00 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Well, the little fur monsters are sucking all the $$$ outta my wallet.

I told them the other day that they needed to get jobs to help out.

They just laughed in my face and said, "Yeah, right Meowmy!".

Then they proceeded to hop on my computer & order up more cat toys.

They have their own checking account.

This way I can watch how much money they spend.

When they've all been particuliarly bad (peed in a shoe ?) I take  
their debit card and me & the husband go out to dinner on  
them  :)

All you can eat catfish night.Mmm

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message -
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 4:23 AM
Subject: Re: something is killing my cats, please

Oooh!  Love those kitties!  And their loving kittymommies!   
Thanks for a GREAT letter!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

Re: something is killing my cats, please

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oooh!  Love those kitties!  And their loving kittymommies!   
Thanks for a GREAT letter!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 29, 2007, at 3:51 AM, Susan Dubose wrote:

I use some crystal "eggs" from China, that are sold @ my local New  
Age store.

They are kinda irridescent in color.

The hard part is keeping the cats from drinking the water, so I  
have to put them "up high".

When my cats had "living room / kitchen privileges", (they have  
been revoked due to bad behaviors. :(

kitties would drink the water and then "go on a tear"..

So, I think that it must have been working, only just don't let  
them drink the water.Make sense?

They are also not allowed to listen to "swing music" while I am  
out, last time they did they tore up the house, swing dancing I  

Only soundscapes, classical or reggae.

And they are not allowed to watch the Animal Planet while I am out,  
too scary for them.

One night I was up late watching it, and Princess Pearl (she is a  
tiny tux) was w/ me (see earlier post about her previous life).

The Animal Cops were on, and they were "netting cats" in a house  
full of 200+.

Purr-la walked up to the tv and her eyes got HUGE..

She was remembering when she was "netted" in her former home.

So, they are allowed to watch the decorating channel while I am  
out, and they do pick up some nice tips for their room & enclosure.

They are not allowed to pick their paint color though.

I also have Polly Go Lighty, a polydactyl tux girl.

She was abandoned as a tiny kitten in the parking lot of the Humane  
Society where I worked.

Just tossed out like trash...

She had no fur, because she was covered in mange & ringworm.

She had URI so bad that her nose was a bloody mess, we thought her  
nose was actually "missing" @ first.

We thought that because someone had cut off her tail, which was a  
bloody stump w/ no fur.

Polly is fine now, she likes to wash her paws in the water bowls so  
I am always having to change them.

LOTS of "polys" do this, and drink this way, w/ their paws

And I have 4 other tuxes, Marley Bear, ( he has the Groncho  
moustache) Sugar Buggers (chronic URI)

Weezer & Jeeves (semi feral siblings)..

Yes, kitties can spy everywhere in this house.

It is an "L" shape, w/ the cattery wrapping around the back part,  
make sense?

I also have "15 lite" doors on all rooms, so spying is easy...  :)

Susan J. Dubose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
       Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: something is killing my cats, please

I love tuxedos, too.  My first cat, when I was very little, was a  
tuxedo.  I named her Marie after the lady who checked us out at the  
A & P!  I also love the fact that your cats can spy on each other!   
Plus all the other stuff.  What crystals do you use to collect  
negative energy?

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 28, 2007, at 3:58 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Whatever it takes, is what I say, Marylyn.

In my felv+ room, the cats have their "salt rock" lamp, their  
airpurifier w/ ionizer, "soundscapes" music playing 24/7, their  
Drinkwell, and their healing crystals immersed in water to collect  
negative energies.

And even if I am wrong and it does not work, what is the harm in  

Their room, which is also my office & library, has windows all  
along on 3 sides where I have install birdfeeders outside for  
their enjoyment, as well as birdbaths.

Except where there is a door to the outside, which goes to the  
cattery where they can spy on my other cats & vice versa..

I only have 4 felv+, but I plan to "always" have 4, make sense?

And one of my 4, Lillian, came from a hoarding situation a few  
months back.

She was in a house w/ 185 cats, some which were felv+ and allowed  
to mix w/ the non felv cats.

I took in 14 for a temp foster situation, (it was suppposed to be  
2 or 3 days, until transport to Dallas could be arranged) and lo &  
behold, once we started testing & spaying & general vetting, the  
last cat I tested was felv+.

So now I have 12 cats (one passed to mega colon & seizures) for  
another 2 months of quarantine.

I will have had them 2.5 month

Re: something is killing my cats, please

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
I love tuxedos, too.  My first cat, when I was very little, was a  
tuxedo.  I named her Marie after the lady who checked us out at the A  
& P!  I also love the fact that your cats can spy on each other!   
Plus all the other stuff.  What crystals do you use to collect  
negative energy?

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 28, 2007, at 3:58 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

Whatever it takes, is what I say, Marylyn.

In my felv+ room, the cats have their "salt rock" lamp, their  
airpurifier w/ ionizer, "soundscapes" music playing 24/7, their  
Drinkwell, and their healing crystals immersed in water to collect  
negative energies.

And even if I am wrong and it does not work, what is the harm in  

Their room, which is also my office & library, has windows all  
along on 3 sides where I have install birdfeeders outside for their  
enjoyment, as well as birdbaths.

Except where there is a door to the outside, which goes to the  
cattery where they can spy on my other cats & vice versa..

I only have 4 felv+, but I plan to "always" have 4, make sense?

And one of my 4, Lillian, came from a hoarding situation a few  
months back.

She was in a house w/ 185 cats, some which were felv+ and allowed  
to mix w/ the non felv cats.

I took in 14 for a temp foster situation, (it was suppposed to be 2  
or 3 days, until transport to Dallas could be arranged) and lo &  
behold, once we started testing & spaying & general vetting, the  
last cat I tested was felv+.

So now I have 12 cats (one passed to mega colon & seizures) for  
another 2 months of quarantine.

I will have had them 2.5 months July 1st.

What I will do if anyone of the others turn pos. I am not sure, I  
guess just deal with it.

It was a very hard exposure, 14 cats in a small room for up to 30  
days before we had the chance to get them all tested.

At the time we took them, we had no idea there were felv+ in the mix.

Lillian, the one pos. cat, is now living the high life in the felv+  
room w/ Ursula, Princess Naughty Lola & Papillon (AKAS Pappy)..

She is an adorable tuxie.

I love tuxedos.

I have 6.

What can you say about a cat that is always dressed up in his / her  
party clothes?

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

Re: OT: Staff infection treatments

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
I agree.  I was going to say the same thing:  it depends on the   
strain of staph.  If it's MRSA you have to really get out the big  
guns, and fast.  Staph can easily be deadly.  Humans sometimes need  
to mainline antibiotics.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 28, 2007, at 2:54 PM, MaryChristine wrote:

not offhand, gloria, but i think a lot of it has to do with what  
strain of staph--that's the one that is rapidly developing  
resistance to EVERY antibiotic in humans, and i expect it's the  
same thing in critters.

On 6/28/07, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Susan, also on this list, has a cat that has been diagnosed with a
STAFF INFECTION on his foot.  THey've tried 1 antibiotic, but no
luck.  I've done some searches for alternative /holistic treatments
and found:  Colloidal Silver, Golden Seal (my personal favorite for
everything), hydrogen peroxide followed by Panalog cream, Neem oil
(cream) , etc etc.

Anybody have any suggestions for treating Staff?



Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: IR-sub Q???

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Just a little note, Dede, to say that Spud is such a superb name for  
a cat.  And eating like a little piggy, he is apparently living up to  
his name.  And, I'm sure he's a couch spud, too!

Good luck with little Ki and the IR.  If you've seen it subQ on the  
list, hey.  After all, Interferon is subQ for people and given orally  
for cats.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 28, 2007, at 1:15 PM, dede hicken wrote:

Wendy, one other thing, my vet said the IR has to be
given IV.  I heard on the list that youcan do it sub
Q.  I canNOT do IV.  Vet said she had never seen IR
work, but like everything else, it depends on the cat
and the circumstances.

Spud, my FIV had an HCT of 12 in Feb.  Treated for
toxo, gave linotinic, prednisolone (for severe
stomatitis) and niacinamide.  His HCT is 22 now.  Not
perfect, but doable.  He eats like a pig now.

BTW, m also giving Ki B 12 injections.  Can't hurt.


--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank goodness for that!  I hope that the IR breaks
those fevers.  I have a good feeling, after
Smokey's situation via Cindy, which was very
touch-and-go, that things will be good for Ki too!


--- dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you, Wendy. His fever keeps going up and


but not down enough.  The IR should be here
and so should the blood test results.  He is still
eating, but I am feeding him the liver shake.
that, and the fluids he is nicely hydrated.  She
put him on linotinic.

I am trying to keep him cool, by sponging, and a
Wish I had a cooling blanket.  He doesn't seem any
worse, infact, he is moving around more.

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

IR dosage for 8 lb. cat is .25 to .5 mL.  The
for IR that Revival Animal has is EqStim, I


I think you have to get Epogen through your vet,


not sure on that.  It goes under several names
(Procrit, etc.)


--- dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just got back from the vet.  She put him on


Albaplex.  It has several antibiotics and
prednisolone.  We are to use it for 5 days.

Took blood.  She said it looked thin.  His



OK, but it looks like he is amemic.

I called Revival.  The IR is only 5ml.  How



you use at a time?

Where do you get epogen and how much is it?


didn't know about it.

She is not optimistic, of course, but is doing


best, I believe.

Say a prayer for mylittle guy.

Dede and Ki

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Re: To Caroline: Re: Anemia Issues

2007-06-29 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Caroline, I'm in the same boat with my little Sammy.  He and his two  
brothers (triplets--I raised 'em from infancy with no catmommy so  
they are my tiny kidlets--who knew they'd be cats!?) were negative  
for FeLV and then at nine months Sammy had really alarming big  
swollen glands like--poof!--one morning and after tests found out on  
Monday that my tough little character was FeLV+ and on Tuesday that  
he had lymphoma.  Tears, tears.  He has gone out of remission after  
nearly three very good months and now he's got at most two months  
with a new chemotherapy protocol and I am trying not to lose it  
here.  At least thank God he will see his first birthday and that of  
his sibbies.  So far his sibbies remain FeLV- and I just don't know  
how they will be without their sib in a few months.  Or how I will  
be, for that matter.  I'm a wreck already, of course.

Thinking of you, your mom and your darling Monkee,

Taylor and the 3 Orange Boyz (my babies)

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 28, 2007, at 12:06 PM, wendy wrote:

P.S. Chemo can cause anemia.  I don't know if I
mentioned this or not.


--- Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Hi everyone.  I wanted to provide an update on my FeLV
pos. and lymphosarcoma cat Monkee.  He saw his Vet
yesterday to determine whether the Epogen had helped
his anemia.  The news was very bad.  Apparently last
week, when the anemia started, his Red Blood cell
count was 13%.  After a week (& 3 doses of the
Epogen), his RBC count was actually worse, 10%.
However, Monkee’s White Blood Cell count is normal (it
was down last week) and his lymphocyte count is
normal.  Dr. Daley also found a lymph node in his
groin that is enlarged (but it can’t be felt from the
outside- it runs along the artery in the leg).  His
Vet said she thinks the FeLV is causing the problem,
or it could be the lymphosarcoma, but when pressed,
she said that she honestly doubted it was the cancer.
She presented 3 options: (1) a bone marrow
aspirate/biopsy to determine what is going on at the
cellular level; however, it is invasive and Monkee
would need sedation- which he couldn’t get anyway
while so anemic (so he'd need a blood transfusion 1st,
just to be able to do the biospy);  However, the
biopsy, in her opinion, would probably just tell us
it’s FeLV causing the anemia; (2) a blood transfusion
to literally buy me more time with him; (3) try
another dose of chemo in hopes that the anemia is
being caused by lymphosarcoma, although, as I said
previously, she doubted it and that was a shot in the

My mother and I did not want to put this cat through
chemo again (although he did very well with the first
round).  But now that he is actively anemic, there was
no way I would do it, especially knowing that Dr.
Daley really didn’t think the chemo would actually
help the situation.  We also didn’t want to put him
through a bone marrow biopsy that would probably tell
us what we already know, but don’t want to admit…that
for four years, I had the healthiest, beefiest,
toughest cat in the world, who never even suffered
from a urinary tract infection; who was so healthy, I
wanted to test him a 3rd time this summer for FeLV
because I was sure he didn’t have it….To now, out of
nowhere, in a span of 2 months, we have gone from
that, to a severely anemic, suffering, FeLV cat with

Dr. Daley gave him days.  Days.  Which my mom and I
were not prepared to hear at all.  I mean, he is
eating, drinking, using the litter box, he is thick
(he was slightly overweight to begin with, so that is
helping him now).  Yes, he’s not “Monkee” as I have
known him, but he just doesn’t look to me like he’s on
his last leg.  When we questioned her on the “days”
prognosis she explained that due to the FeLV virus,
and the anemia, his body is not making RBC and his
brain is not getting enough oxygen and although he
seems okay now, he is dizzy, lightheaded, probably
having vertigo, and all of that will continue to get
worse because his body is not manufacturing RBC- which
carry oxygen in the blood, and eventually, his
eating/drinking and making it to the litter box will
all drop off.

We asked what could be done and she said, if you “are
not ready yet,” she recommended the blood transfusion,
which will give him about two weeks, and then the
benefits of the transferred blood will wear off and he
will start suffering the anemia symptoms again because
his body is not producing it’s own RBC.  She also said
that morally, with FeLV cats, she will do 2 blood
transfusions, and then that is it.  It is fighting a
losing battle and that is as far as she will take it.

I was wrecked and my mother was crying too.  I decided
to pull myself together and still take Monkee to the
Holistic Vet, Dr. Susan Maier, after we left Dr.
Daley’s.  It was our first visit and I thought, I am
so desperate right now, it can’t hurt.  A funny story
about th

Re: just beginning

2007-06-28 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

I love your Pet Girls logo.  Adorable, you girls, you!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 24, 2007, at 9:12 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

I have to agree w/ your comments about chemo.

I think that it is a decision left within the family, and there  
should be no judgement as to what is decided.

No one knows your cat better than yourself, and if you listen to  
what they are saying to you, you will know the right thing to do in  
your heart.

Every morning I put Lysine in my 4 felv+ cats moist food, and I  
sprinkle Brewer's Yeast on top of their dry food.

As far as dry food they only get Wellness "Core" mixed half & half  
w/ Innova "Evo", and for now, this combination seems to be working  
for them.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened  

 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message -
From: Marylyn
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: just beginning

A comment on chemo:  The Royal Princess Kitty Katt (not FeLV+) had  
a cancer that spread and was vicious.  The specialists were very  
insistent on chemo.  I went to my vets and we had a very long hard  
talk (actually several of them since they are very good at holding  
my hand when things turn ugly).  There are several types of chemo.   
The one Kitty would have to have was rough to put it mildly.  I  
think she was to be on it for 6 months.  Without it she was to live  
about 2 months and with it maybe 6-8 months (according to the  
specialists).  My vets and I agreed that there was no quality of  
life to gain and, as much as Kitty hated vets, traveling etc, a lot  
to lose.  We opted not to even try the chemo.  Kitty lived 14  
months and had a high quality of life.  Her lungs filled with the  
masses but she never seemed to be in any pain---some discomfort but  
not nearly what she would be in had I forced her to travel.  So  
much of this is a judgment call.  Sit with your little friend after  
you have gathered all the information you can and feel what the cat  
wantsI got in trouble for suggesting this not long ago but I  
truly believe you will know what is best if you calm yourself and  
talk to your friend the way you would talk to a baby or an elderly  
person who cannot communicate with with your heart.   
Among the things Dr. Kohler and I talked about were:
What would we do if we had the cancer?  Would we endure chemo or  
enjoy the time we had?  What other options are available (a gentler  
chemo etc)? What is the cat's personality?  What would work for  
Dixie might not work for Kitty etc?  Did I have the ability to take  
"doing nothing" as a positive step or did I need to try anything  
and everything?  (There are times that choosing to do nothing is  
choosing to do something.)  We also talked at length about the need  
to make a decision and not look back and second guess ourselves if  
we chose to do nothing.

Maybe examining these questions with both your heart and mind will  
help.  I am blessed to have vets that can be so open with me.  In  
other cases we have taken other routes.  It has always depended on  
the little one in question.

Again blessings to you.  You may want to check out the Bach  
Essences (Rainbow Blossom, Wild Oats, Whole Foods).  There are some  
that will help you and your little friend.

No matter what you chose try very hard to enjoy the time you have  
with Monkee.  No one knows when she is going to leave this world  
and we spend much too much time grieving before it is time to  
grieve---and lose the precious moments together.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Susan Dubose
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: just beginning

Hi Caroline,

I am sorry about Monkee.

Thanks for taking him into your home, especially since he was a  
stray and is felv+.

I am sure he has had a good life w/ you, espeically since 4 yrs. is  
really a long time to survive being felv+.

I have taken several animals through chemo (I am a petsitter, I do  
this for my clients as a favor since it's hard on them or if they  
are out of town) and I have to say, I don't think I would take my  
cat through c

Re: MeMe and My baby Sammy

2007-06-27 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
This didn't go thru the way it should have--sounds like cats on the  
keyboard.  What I did after I cut the little ant-size "garage doors"  
in the sides of the shoebox lid was place two ant baits under the lid  
and top it off with several folded newspapers to keep the top stable  
and hide it from interested little felines.  Works like a charm and  
ants were gone in two or three days.

Oh--and, I'm back. I had a hairy three weeks dealing with billi bi's  
FLUTD, including reconstructive and cosmetic surgery (the new norm!)  
for his little peepee, poor guy, and now, Sammy went out of the  
remission he was in since after the week he began his chemotherapy.   
So he is on rescue protocol started Monday and has snapped out of it  
and is back to normal but this is apparently the shitty endgame.  The  
doc has given him a max of two months.  I hate this crap so much!   
I've called an animal healer.

The good news is he will celebrate his very first birthday (for three  
whole days:  June 29th, 30th and July 1st, when they were found by a  
lady's retriever who carefully retrieved them from under her back  
porch, with his brothers Charlie and Teddy.  I just hate this crying  
all the time, though.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 10, 2007, at 6:20 AM, Marylyn wrote:

Thanks for the tip.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 2:43 AM
Subject: Re: MeMe

Oh, great!  Isn't she cute?  My little girl!  Oh--and don't worry.   
Those things are all in the basement in backs of cupboards with old  
sliding doors that even I have trouble with.  I just figured out  
how to hide ant traps when you can't hide 'em in the backs of base  
cabinets.  I took a shoebox lid and cut very small (about 1/2"  
wide) ant-size years from getting curious and they completely  
ignore it--but the ants don't--and now those stupid ants are GONE!   
And, brother, it has been ant season big time this year!  YAY!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 9, 2007, at 7:33 AM, Marylyn wrote:

Sounds like she is trying to teach you to hunt.  Be careful with  
those things you sit around.  You don't want a cat playing with them.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal  
likewise with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: MeMe

Oh, dear MeMe with the wonderful name!  You WILL get rid of the  
giardia.  Just be careful not to drink out of any glasses or mugs  
she has put her paw into.  That's how I got giardia!  I remember  
thinking, oh how cute!  And later drinking out of that glass and a  
week or two later, bingo!  I later told my vet and the head vet  
tech and, boy, did they laugh!  If you DO get it it'll go away  
eventually if you're healthy.

~~Oh, ack!  Lilibet just jumped up on my desk to show me--a roach  
from the basement!  She is so pleased!  I thought I heard her  
delicate little voice!  She's the one who taught the Three Orange  
Boys how to kill their prey by bringing them various bugs she  
would catch.  So she's taken it to them and they're very happy,  
too.  I don't mind roaches--except that they're IN MY (mother's)  
BASEMENT!  Ick!  I thought I could get 'em with those roach things  
you hide around in the backs of cupboards, but NO!  Crap!  She  
actually just brought it to me again and it wasn't looking so good  
by then--so proud!--and then took it back to the babies a second  
time.  Very exciting early AM here!~~

Lilibet also has a runny eye, which, of course, she arrived with.   
Sometimes it runs and sometimes she sneezes.

I think MeMe's wellness program is working!  If you google purring  
or cats purring you'l eventually find info on the healing power of  
purring!  Pretty neat stuff!

Oh--and you know what else?  She knows she's sick but she also  
knows she loves you and you love her and that's stronger than any  

Love from 

Re: OT - animal communication - please just delete without reading.

2007-06-10 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Jeez Louise!  What a diatribe from Phaewryn!

!  I certainly believe in SOME animal communicators and I myself have  
certainly seen several deceased people who gave me messages--one for  
a neighbor family to whom we were very close and two for me from very  
dear friends.  And then there are so many friends and loved ones I  
cannot see and I yearn to hear from.  My mother smells flowers when a  
loved one dies.  She says it's like someone has dumped a bottle of  
perfume at her feet it's so strong.  None of these things happen all  
the time but always come as a surprise.

Where do those powers come from?  It depends on who has the powers.   
Some are from God, some are from an evil place.  They come from both  
places.  We are all very feeling people in the first place because  
our love does not stop with humanity--it continues into a great love  
for animals.  So there you go.

Check out the incredible developments in quantum mechanics.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 10, 2007, at 3:55 PM, Debbie wrote:

I was disturbed by the below message. There is nothing wrong with  
people believing in certain things. If those things bring them  
comfort how could it ever be wrong? I read Phaewryn’s my space blog  
and it seems to me she is someone who is dealing with a lot of deep  
issues. She comes across as being a very angry and distrusting  
person. Take it for what it is worth – just someone blowing off steam.

It must be a very sad and lonely life if a person doesn’t believe  
strongly in something. Faith is the healing force and there is  
nothing wrong with saying a prayer. If anything it humbles us  
enough to make us see what is truly important in our lives.   
Myself, I would say I wouldn’t go to any psychic readings of any  
type, but that’s me. I do believe there are things that are  
mystical or paranormal, etc…, but I have always wondered where  
those powers come from? Good or Evil? Since I don’t know then I  
choose not to use them., but if someone else finds comfort in it –  
then that is their choice.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf OfMarylyn

Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: OT - animal communication - please just delete without  

I'm not going to respond to such an awful personal attack.  I truly  
believe in AC and know a number of people who practice it.  It has  
worked for me and it has worked for them.  I am sorry it has not  
worked for you.  Perhaps one day.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -



Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 2:05 PM

Subject: Re: OT - animal communication - please just delete without  

"And the thought that perhaps we need to ask the cats in question  
what they would prefer when death is a serious option."

The idea that any of you actually BELIEVE that anyone can  
psychically communicate with an animal is, to me, ABSURD. I think  
the "animal communication" business is a FRAUD taking advantage of  
people and their love of their pets (and often, their weakened  
mental status because of desperation and stress). There may  
actually BE good people out there who REALLY believe they  
communicate with animals... people who are not frauds, people with  
good hearts, but out of touch with reality. I'm not saying ALL AC's  
are just out to make a buck or gain fame, but really, you can't  
PROVE this stuff exists, and it's proven fact that other humans  
WILL take advantage when given a chance! Anyone remember snake oil?  

You know what? This list has of recent had SO MANY emails about  
animal communication, that it seems to be THE answer to EVERYTHING!  
I just can't fathom the emotional susceptibility of a person to  
actually believe in something so FAR OUT THERE and so obviously  
unable to be proven. And to put an animals LIFE, or the question of  
PHYSICAL MUTILATION, on the line based on what could just as well  
be as valid as flipping a coin, well, it's just unfathomable, I  
just can't come up with any other word for it! It's like a NEW  
RELIGION... You can't see, it, you can't prove it, you can't feel  
it, you can't do anything to prove it exists, yet you just blindly  
throw your faith into it, and put everything you own in your heart  
into this belief in the unprovable!


In my opinion, all the talk of animal communication on this list  
has made it's validity LAUGHABLE in the pas

Re: MeMe

2007-06-10 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, great!  Isn't she cute?  My little girl!  Oh--and don't worry.   
Those things are all in the basement in backs of cupboards with old  
sliding doors that even I have trouble with.  I just figured out how  
to hide ant traps when you can't hide 'em in the backs of base  
cabinets.  I took a shoebox lid and cut very small (about 1/2" wide)  
ant-size years from getting curious and they completely ignore it-- 
but the ants don't--and now those stupid ants are GONE!  And,  
brother, it has been ant season big time this year!  YAY!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 9, 2007, at 7:33 AM, Marylyn wrote:

Sounds like she is trying to teach you to hunt.  Be careful with  
those things you sit around.  You don't want a cat playing with them.

 If you have men  
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter  
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: MeMe

Oh, dear MeMe with the wonderful name!  You WILL get rid of the  
giardia.  Just be careful not to drink out of any glasses or mugs  
she has put her paw into.  That's how I got giardia!  I remember  
thinking, oh how cute!  And later drinking out of that glass and a  
week or two later, bingo!  I later told my vet and the head vet  
tech and, boy, did they laugh!  If you DO get it it'll go away  
eventually if you're healthy.

~~Oh, ack!  Lilibet just jumped up on my desk to show me--a roach  
from the basement!  She is so pleased!  I thought I heard her  
delicate little voice!  She's the one who taught the Three Orange  
Boys how to kill their prey by bringing them various bugs she would  
catch.  So she's taken it to them and they're very happy, too.  I  
don't mind roaches--except that they're IN MY (mother's) BASEMENT!   
Ick!  I thought I could get 'em with those roach things you hide  
around in the backs of cupboards, but NO!  Crap!  She actually just  
brought it to me again and it wasn't looking so good by then--so  
proud!--and then took it back to the babies a second time.  Very  
exciting early AM here!~~

Lilibet also has a runny eye, which, of course, she arrived with.   
Sometimes it runs and sometimes she sneezes.

I think MeMe's wellness program is working!  If you google purring  
or cats purring you'l eventually find info on the healing power of  
purring!  Pretty neat stuff!

Oh--and you know what else?  She knows she's sick but she also  
knows she loves you and you love her and that's stronger than any  

Love from the cats over here!  And me, too.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 7, 2007, at 8:53 AM, Jane Lyons wrote:

Thanks for asking about her. I welcome the chance to talk about her
to people who know and live with this disease.

One thing I've learned in these past 12 days is there is no  
or statics. We've gotten rid of swollen glands and very bad  
breath, but
sneezes and a runny eye are back. We've begun the Panacur, and  
have to
suspend FortiFlora for 5 days, so that we can get her to eat the  
in her food. She has had diarrhea since we got her, and I don't  
think we can
accomplish very much until we get rid of it ( Giardia.) She gets  
twice a day. She is eating bits of Archetype that my vet  
recommended, but

she is a Fancy Feast addict which cannot be helping.

She has good days and not so good days. She is always sweet and  
happy with the attention and care she is getting. I've decided  
that as part
of her wellness program, she will have 'bliss therapy' which means  
as deeply and loudly as possible, for as much time as possible.  
I'm hoping it

is an immunity booster.

I am struggling with staying in 'present time' and trying to shake  
the deep sadness

I feel when she purrs as I pick her up.


Re: MeMe

2007-06-08 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, dear MeMe with the wonderful name!  You WILL get rid of the  
giardia.  Just be careful not to drink out of any glasses or mugs she  
has put her paw into.  That's how I got giardia!  I remember  
thinking, oh how cute!  And later drinking out of that glass and a  
week or two later, bingo!  I later told my vet and the head vet tech  
and, boy, did they laugh!  If you DO get it it'll go away eventually  
if you're healthy.

~~Oh, ack!  Lilibet just jumped up on my desk to show me--a roach  
from the basement!  She is so pleased!  I thought I heard her  
delicate little voice!  She's the one who taught the Three Orange  
Boys how to kill their prey by bringing them various bugs she would  
catch.  So she's taken it to them and they're very happy, too.  I  
don't mind roaches--except that they're IN MY (mother's) BASEMENT!   
Ick!  I thought I could get 'em with those roach things you hide  
around in the backs of cupboards, but NO!  Crap!  She actually just  
brought it to me again and it wasn't looking so good by then--so  
proud!--and then took it back to the babies a second time.  Very  
exciting early AM here!~~

Lilibet also has a runny eye, which, of course, she arrived with.   
Sometimes it runs and sometimes she sneezes.

I think MeMe's wellness program is working!  If you google purring or  
cats purring you'l eventually find info on the healing power of  
purring!  Pretty neat stuff!

Oh--and you know what else?  She knows she's sick but she also knows  
she loves you and you love her and that's stronger than any sickness.

Love from the cats over here!  And me, too.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 7, 2007, at 8:53 AM, Jane Lyons wrote:

Thanks for asking about her. I welcome the chance to talk about her
to people who know and live with this disease.

One thing I've learned in these past 12 days is there is no  
or statics. We've gotten rid of swollen glands and very bad breath,  

sneezes and a runny eye are back. We've begun the Panacur, and have to
suspend FortiFlora for 5 days, so that we can get her to eat the  
in her food. She has had diarrhea since we got her, and I don't  
think we can
accomplish very much until we get rid of it ( Giardia.) She gets  
twice a day. She is eating bits of Archetype that my vet  
recommended, but

she is a Fancy Feast addict which cannot be helping.

She has good days and not so good days. She is always sweet and  
happy with the attention and care she is getting. I've decided that  
as part
of her wellness program, she will have 'bliss therapy' which means  
as deeply and loudly as possible, for as much time as possible. I'm  
hoping it

is an immunity booster.

I am struggling with staying in 'present time' and trying to shake  
the deep sadness

I feel when she purrs as I pick her up.


Re: outdoor enclosures

2007-06-07 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
I had exactly the same problem but I did not realize what all the  
commotion was about until the poor birdie was dead.  That was a long  
time ago.  So sad!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 7, 2007, at 1:58 AM, Marylyn wrote:

A word about fishing line:  I had a bird use a piece in its nest.   
A baby bird got it wrapped around its leg and dangled from a two  
story window for a long time.  I finally got the bird freed but it  
would not stay in the nest. I could not get the line from around  
its leg so, if it lived, the nylon line may have cut into the leg.   
The same thing can happen with cats + they can get it wrapped  
around their necks, eat it etc.  It is extremely hard to see too.

If you have men who  
will exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of  
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise  
with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message - From: "dede hicken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: outdoor enclosures

Yeah, the mesh was great in Fl.  I even brought some
with me.  Guess what?  It doesn't work in NY...sigh.
We were told by a large cat sanctuary (Peace
Plantation) to use 1x2 galvanized welded rabbit wire.
He showed us what 2 winters did to the mesh.  They had
spent $6,500 on it and it bombed.  The stupid
manufacturer said "It's not for commercial use"  Well
duh, if it works, it works.  Zip ties don't work here

It's very hard to describe what we've done now by
writing.  I can tell you that in Fl. we got a 10x10
enclosure from Ace Hardware and covered it using mesh
and zip ties.  Some folks use fish line.  You have to
adapt the door so they can't get through. a chain link
fence guy can do that for you.

We will be using Kittywalk to connect the 2 enclosures
we will have here.

--- Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have what I call a "catiary" cause it looks like
an aviary. It was
built at the same time as my deck so it could be
incorporated into the
plan. It's between a wing of the deck & the house &
goes from ground
level to roof level of single story house.  The
floor is concrete for
cleaning - a lockable screen door goes to the yard &
the "walls" are 4"
PVC coated mesh that is exactly what BestFriends
uses in their outdoor
rooms. It's VERY strong & does not cut down on light
as does most of the
regular, weaker, tearable mesh screen.

Inside there are shelves at staggered heights for
sunning & romping.  I
scrounded a tall thick tree branch & a really
crookedy one that are
propped in one corner for climbing & scratching.
The roof is that
coorrugated plastic. I keep one or two litter boxes
out there.

The cats have access to the catiary from a cat door
from the screened
porch & access to the screened porch from a cat door
into the kitchen.
Works great. In cold weather they can go out there
without letting the
cold into the house.

I looked at enclosures on the web & found that
utterly boring. I think
the best ones are the ones that the people design
themselves. Y ou
.should be able to get a handyman to build it. The
man who built mine
along with the deck got a huge kick out of it. Said
he'd never had a
"cat room" on his resume before!


Jane Lyons wrote:
> I'm sorry to be constantly asking questions,
> but hopefully we can get the newness of this
> and all the issues it raises on the right path ...
> Can anyone recommend an outdoor enclosure for cats
> that works well. Again, I Googled the category and
> are hundreds of choices. I was hoping someone
might have
> experience with a design or quality that works.
> I suspect that MeMe was at one time in her young
life on
> her own because she can climb trees better than
squirrels and
> seems to know her way around the terrain. I need
an enclosure that
> will allow her some measure of freedom and
> I appreciate any information or leads someone
might have.
> Jane

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only  
in the service of your God"

  Mosiah 2:17


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Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives.

Re: To Cassandra and Kisa

2007-06-07 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
I hope so.  Because my poor little Billi Bi has the same problem.  Do  
you have a good holistic vet who will work with your traditional  
vet?  Because s/he would be the person to get advice from re:  
Bandit's "little problem."  Poor Billi Bi's "little problem" just  
immediately morphed into a big, expensive problem, poor guy.

And with the crummy ingredients those Rx companies use, that stuff  
should be less than half the price.  Jeez, what a ripoff!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 6, 2007, at 12:11 PM, Melissa Lind wrote:

Good news! Happy thoughts for Kisa!

As for feeding the raw food—I don’t think I could do it. I won’t  
cook my husband steaks or hamburger that are pinkish just because  
of the parasite issue (I don’t any meat or fish—but he and the fur  
kids do). Of course I’ve been told that it’s much worse in chicken  
and pork anyway—that pork is horrifically loaded with parasites—but  
that wasn’t told to me by an expert. But, I think with all the  
problems with cat food (and the waste products used in it), I’m  
going to start making my own—or at least experimenting with it.

Does anyone have any ideas about what I could give Bandit to  
promote urinary health? He takes Science Diet C/D to prevent  
crystals from forming in his urinary tract/bladder or something  
like that. So far it’s helped tremendously. I don’t want to go back  
to those problems, but I do want to feed him fresher food that I  
know where it is coming from. Plus his food is so expensive, and I  
feed it to all the cats for simplicity in feeding arrangements.   
Are there supplements I can give him to prevent the crystals/ 
neutralize his pee?

Sorry this is better suited for the off topic place—I can move  
there once I get home from work (my home computer checks those  


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk- 

Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: To Cassandra and Kisa

Thank you.

So far so good.  Kisa is eating mainly felidae canned right now,  
though she only eats when I hand feed her.  When I try the foods  
she ate before she got sick, she shows an aversion to them now,  
even to the Tempations treats she absolutely loved before.

She still wants to hide under the bed all day, and her lips/gums  
are very pale, but she is getting a little bit stronger each day.   
Hopefully she can get more of those red blood cells back into  
circulation soon.


- Original Message -

From: Melissa Lind


Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:00 AM

Subject: To Cassandra and Kisa

Cassandra and Kisa:

You two are in my thoughts today! Hope all is well and Kisa is  
eating more!


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Re: To Cassandra and Kisa

2007-06-07 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, I feel so glad that you got over that horrendous hump last week  
with Kisa.  At least when she stays under the bed you always know  
where she is!  And since you two sleep there it is the place where  
she feels the safest.  I had a wonderful cat named Boots~~quite a  
fellow~~and he ALWAYS slept under our heads under the bed.  He would  
stay on the bed with us until it was lights out and then he'd go  
right under the bed to "his bed."  Sometimes we could hear him  
snoring faintly.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 6, 2007, at 11:44 AM, C & J wrote:

Thank you.

So far so good.  Kisa is eating mainly felidae canned right now,  
though she only eats when I hand feed her.  When I try the foods  
she ate before she got sick, she shows an aversion to them now,  
even to the Tempations treats she absolutely loved before.

She still wants to hide under the bed all day, and her lips/gums  
are very pale, but she is getting a little bit stronger each day.   
Hopefully she can get more of those red blood cells back into  
circulation soon.

- Original Message -
From: Melissa Lind
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:00 AM
Subject: To Cassandra and Kisa

Cassandra and Kisa:

You two are in my thoughts today! Hope all is well and Kisa is  
eating more!


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Re: was - Update on Kisa, now raw feeding

2007-06-07 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, ick, I hate all this stuff~~all the uncertainty about what to  
feed our fuzzers, and now it's is ANYTHING safe?  I just got back an  
hour ago from taking my unhappy boy Billi Bi into the emergency vet  
to be catheterized~~again~~so he's going to have that operation!  So  
much for my hair appointment on Friday!

Fortunately I ran into my holistic vet at the emergency vet (she owns  
it) and she'll be giving me info on feeding the little guy (Billi Bi)  
so I won't have to feed him the Rx junk with the icky bi-products in  
it.  Thank God!

Poor Bailey, Poor Koda.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 6, 2007, at 11:27 AM, C & J wrote:

I started feeding raw about 2 months ago, and now i'm having some  
second thoughts.  I'm just not sure about it yet.  It sounds so  
much healthier, and i'm hoping my two older, fatter cats will lose  
some weight on the raw.  Most of my cats love the food more than  
they ever liked canned/dry, but then I read about Salmonella and  
intestinal parasites that could be in raw.

Plus Koda died a month ago of organ failure due to unknown causes.   
She was old and diabetic, but I have that lingering uncertainty  
that possibly the raw food may have harmed her.

I'm still trying to read more info on the raw, but it is the same  
as everything else, you have people strongly for or against it,  
both with good arguments.  I just want to do what is healthiest for  
my babies.

- Original Message -
From: Belinda
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: was - Update on Kisa, now liver shake ingredients

I've never seen a green cherry tomato, but that aside and this is  
my opinion only why tempt fate when dealing with an already  
compromised immune system.  Yes it may be safe for most cats, even  
positive cats, but I would die if my cat was the one cat it wasn't  
safe for.  It just isn't worth it to me when it can be left out.

To be honest with you I will always wonder if Bailey didn't get  
sick because of the raw food I was feeding him, yes he did very  
well for about 6 months, got chubby, seemed to feel good but then  
he got very sick and and less than 6 months later was gone.  He had  
NEVER been sick in all his 11 years before that, so was it just a  
coincidence ... possibly, but I will NEVER know for sure and I will  
never feed raw again, just in case.

I believe, from all the other info out there, that it is the GREEN
tomatoes, stems and leaves that are the poisonous parts.

The red/ripe tomatoes thet we normally consume and that are used  
in tomato

juice contain only trace amounts of Solanine and are not poisonous.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-06 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Yeah, no kidding.  I always have scratches somewhere.  I'm always  
using Neosporin on some part of my bod!  Especially as the triplets  
are still growing and getting new ideas about what they can (as much  
as possible) and cannot do ("we can't?").

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 6, 2007, at 9:57 AM, MaryChristine wrote:

you're morally opposed to TRIMMING claws, dear? explain,  
please. (thinking that i would long ago have bled to death--not to  
mention having had to pay enormous vet bills for ingrown claws)..

Your cats get STUCK to the carpet? Bizarre! I never trim claws here  
(I'm morally opposed to the idea) unless there's a medical  
necessity, and I can honestly say my cats have NEVER gotten stuck  
to the carpet. I have occasionally seen one get stuck on the side  
of the sofa while scratching it, but even that is rare.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
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Re: Caroline still not eating or drinking

2007-06-05 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Is pedialyte the only brand?  Or can we just start a brand!  I like  
the Purr-o-lyte name.  How many of us are actively in the group now?   
We could all be shareholders.  Omigod, this is even crazier than the  
feline lymphoma discussion group "trip to Seattle to the vet  

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 5, 2007, at 10:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But they could label it specifically for cats, add chicken flavor  
(or tuna, or milk, etc), etc... it COULD be good money, if it was  
marketed. Catty-o-lyte. Maybe Purr-a-lyte? I dunno, but it could be  
done. Easily.

Special Needs Cat Resources
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Re: Caroline still not eating or drinking

2007-06-05 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Fish-flavor, liver-flavor and chicken-flavor pedialyte!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 5, 2007, at 9:47 PM, MaryChristine wrote:

well, foster kittens REGULARLY get pediatlyte, and whenever someone  
is really punk i'll give it--it's just not a big money-maker for  
vets, so no one's constantly reminding them of it, like the drug  
companies are with meds?

Oh, and yes, any cat can have an electrolyte imbalance, but giving  
too many fluids can cause it, definitely. The balance is very  
delicate. I never really understood why cats and dogs don't get  
routine electrolyte supplements like all other mammals do when ill  
or over-worked. Think pedalyte for human babies - gatorade for  
human adults, they make similar stuff for supplementing livestock  
(horses) and it's routine to give it after any competition or in  
illnesses. But cats and dogs don't seem to get these things. I  
don't understand why not. Maybe there is a reason I am unaware of.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Phelix...and lessons learned.

2007-06-05 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
OH, POOR PHELIX!  And poor you!  It's awful to feel guilty so don't  
do that!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 4, 2007, at 10:03 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling  
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one  
with allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been  
scratching a lot lately and I woke up and looked at him and he  
couldn't open his eye!  And there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking  
around - no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to  
protect his one good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and  
looked to make sure he hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also  
checked his ears - they look good...and checked for fleas (he  
doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught  
his eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those  
for me and gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy  
lately (his tummy is bald but his ears have really been itchy).   
They gave him some salve for me to use in his eye 2-3 times a day  
-- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.  It has an antibiotic and  
a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy, we're going to  
do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails  
trimmedbut I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home  
when that happened.  It looks much, much better now and Phelix  
keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when  
I get home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not  
fast enough letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls  
kept saying --- Phelix smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a  
ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.


Re: outdoor enclosures

2007-06-03 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
New York is just like that!  Just a joke~~I once lived there and I do  
miss it!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 3, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Pam Norman wrote:

The PVC coated wire mesh works fine in Wisconsin & fine in Utah. I  
don't see why it wouldn't work in NY!  It's very strong, 4x4 coated  


dede hicken wrote:

Yeah, the mesh was great in Fl.  I even brought some
with me.  Guess what?  It doesn't work in NY...sigh. We were told  
by a large cat sanctuary (Peace
Plantation) to use 1x2 galvanized welded rabbit wire. He showed us  
what 2 winters did to the mesh.  They had

spent $6,500 on it and it bombed.  The stupid
manufacturer said "It's not for commercial use"  Well
duh, if it works, it works.  Zip ties don't work here

It's very hard to describe what we've done now by
writing.  I can tell you that in Fl. we got a 10x10
enclosure from Ace Hardware and covered it using mesh
and zip ties.  Some folks use fish line.  You have to
adapt the door so they can't get through. a chain link
fence guy can do that for you.

We will be using Kittywalk to connect the 2 enclosures
we will have here.

--- Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have what I call a "catiary" cause it looks like
an aviary. It was built at the same time as my deck so it could be
incorporated into the plan. It's between a wing of the deck & the  
house &

goes from ground level to roof level of single story house.  The
floor is concrete for cleaning - a lockable screen door goes to  
the yard &

the "walls" are 4" PVC coated mesh that is exactly what BestFriends
uses in their outdoor rooms. It's VERY strong & does not cut down  
on light

as does most of the regular, weaker, tearable mesh screen.

Inside there are shelves at staggered heights for
sunning & romping.  I scrounded a tall thick tree branch & a really
crookedy one that are propped in one corner for climbing &  
scratching. The roof is that coorrugated plastic. I keep one or  
two litter boxes

out there.

The cats have access to the catiary from a cat door
from the screened porch & access to the screened porch from a cat  

into the kitchen. Works great. In cold weather they can go out there
without letting the cold into the house.

I looked at enclosures on the web & found that
utterly boring. I think the best ones are the ones that the  
people design

themselves. Y ou .should be able to get a handyman to build it. The
man who built mine along with the deck got a huge kick out of it.  

he'd never had a "cat room" on his resume before!


Jane Lyons wrote:

I'm sorry to be constantly asking questions,
but hopefully we can get the newness of this


and all the issues it raises on the right path ...
Can anyone recommend an outdoor enclosure for cats
that works well. Again, I Googled the category and


are hundreds of choices. I was hoping someone

might have

experience with a design or quality that works.
I suspect that MeMe was at one time in her young

life on

her own because she can climb trees better than

squirrels and

seems to know her way around the terrain. I need

an enclosure that

will allow her some measure of freedom and


I appreciate any information or leads someone

might have.


"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only  
in the service of your God"

   Mosiah 2:17


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Re: outdoor enclosures

2007-06-03 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
MeMe is SUCH a lucky little furchild!  Can you do a fence or do you  
want an enclosure?

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 3, 2007, at 10:41 AM, Jane Lyons wrote:

I'm sorry to be constantly asking questions,
but hopefully we can get the newness of this diagnosis
and all the issues it raises on the right path ...
Can anyone recommend an outdoor enclosure for cats
that works well. Again, I Googled the category and there
are hundreds of choices. I was hoping someone might have
experience with a design or quality that works.
I suspect that MeMe was at one time in her young life on
her own because she can climb trees better than squirrels and
seems to know her way around the terrain. I need an enclosure that
will allow her some measure of freedom and activity.

I appreciate any information or leads someone might have.

Re: Update on Kisa

2007-06-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, I love it!  What we do for our babies.  Al least she doesn't feel  
the most comfortable hanging in the hammock that kitties make by  
ripping a corner of the fabric under the bedframe and crawling in there!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 2, 2007, at 8:43 PM, C & J wrote:

Oh, its even better than on my hands and knees.  She feels safest  
under the bedso its more like lying flat on my stomach trying  
to reach through the 6 inch opening between the bed frame and floor.

- Original Message -
From: Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

I'm so glad she likes it!  Don't get greedy about switching her to  
a plate, we don't want to jinx her! :-) .  It's making me smile to  
picture you on your hands and knees coaxing her to eat and actually  
having her do it!  Been there, done that :-) .  C'mon Kisa!


C & J wrote:
Kisa likes the liver shake.  She wasn't interested at first, but I  
just held the spoon in front of her nose until she tried it.  I  
don't know why she'd like it though, it smells awful..mostly like  

Now I just need to get her eating off a plate.  It's really slow  
going dipping a spoon in food and letting her lick the back.


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Re: Update on Kisa

2007-06-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Well, yes, she will eat off a plate eventually but right now it is  
important to feed her if that's the way she likes it.  It is more  
interaction with you and she really needs that slow-going babying  
babying right now.  I'm so glad she likes her fancy liver "soup!"   
It's really great!  I kept the recipe for my little guys.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 2, 2007, at 7:06 PM, C & J wrote:

Kisa likes the liver shake.  She wasn't interested at first, but I  
just held the spoon in front of her nose until she tried it.  I  
don't know why she'd like it though, it smells awful..mostly like  

Now I just need to get her eating off a plate.  It's really slow  
going dipping a spoon in food and letting her lick the back.

- Original Message -
From: C & J
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

Thanks for the recipe, I will try it today.  For tomato juice, can  
I just throw in a whole fresh tomato?  I'm not sure what other  
ingredients might be in tomato juice.  Some sugar maybe?

- Original Message -
From: Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

Tad, I think that's a great food to try with Kisa, esp since she  
likes liver!  Here's the recipe paste from Michelle:

Here is the liver shake recipe:

1 cup raw liver (chicken or beef, I use chicken)
1 cup fresh carrot juice, tomato juice, or V-8
1/4 cup filtered water
1 raw egg yolk
1 tsp kelp or spirulina

Blend until liquid and frothy.

I make it in half batches (though use a whole egg yolk), and warm  
up small amounts for Simon.  I had to put it on his lips the first  
few times to get him to eat it.  it is supposed to be complete  

Tad Burnett wrote:
We used to make a Liver Shake here that was basically liver and a  

tomato or V8 juice... Sick cats seem to love that but some people say
it has onions in it... But I can't see that it does...
Anybody have any thoughts on this ???

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Re: Update on Kisa (tomato in liver shake)

2007-06-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
If you can use that, just be sure to add enough water to make it like  
tomato juice, I would think.  Taste to be sure.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 2, 2007, at 3:32 PM, C & J wrote:

How about pure tomato paste?  I have a can of that, and while it  
doesn't say anywhere on it what the ingredients are, I would  
imagine because it's 100% tomatoes.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa (tomato in liver shake)

The tomato peel is not easily digested, and the seeds are not  
digested at all. You could use fresh tomato if you blanch it, peel  
it, and then remove all the seeds.

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6/1/2007 11:22 AM

Re: Pictures of Abandoned Kittens

2007-06-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Debbie,  I have looked at the beautiful babes several times and just  
look at how beautifully cared for they were by their poor  
kittymommy!  so clean and fluffy!  Have you been able to visit them  
at their "hotel" (the shelter)?

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 2, 2007, at 1:36 PM, Jenna wrote:

Omg!! they are soo cute- the first one I just want to hug- poor baby!!

Thank you for saving them!

Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If anyone would like to see pics of the 5 little kittens that were  
dumped over Memorial Day weekend (actually six but they had run  
over one) the link is below. 

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on  
Yahoo! TV.

Re: Update on Kisa

2007-06-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Thanks, Nina, I'm saving your welcome info if we need it later.   
Thank you!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 2, 2007, at 12:41 PM, Nina wrote:

I went looking for dosage and duration info about dex.  I know the  
info is out there, I just haven't found it yet.  I know how you  
feel re vets and giving up on them/them giving up on you, but you  
should call them and see if there is someone in the office that has  
experience using dex with kitties to get feedback on dosage using  
injectable dex for Kisa.  Below are some pastes I grabbed while  
researching, I think most if not all were pertaining to humans  
rather than felines though.  I also remember it being recommended  
to give the injection before 9am, but I can't remember exactly  
why...  Something about mirroring a natural occurrence in the  
body.   I would absolutely cut down on the dosage amount/times you  
are now injecting Kisa and see how she does.  I'm sorry I can't be  
of more help with this, you're doing great.  Keep breathing.


* The duration of therapy is dependent on the clinical response of  
the patient and as soon as improvement is indicated, the dosage  
should be adjusted to the minimum required to maintain the desired  
clinical response.

* Dexamethasone is a long acting corticosteroid with biologic half- 
life ranging from 36-72 hours.

* Dexamethasone is often prescribed to patients with cancer. In  
some cases, the drug is part of the drug treatment for the disease,  
and in other cases it is used to manage side effects caused by the  
treatment or the cancer itself. For example, dexamethasone may be  
given to treat nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

* Dosages to treat disease are highly individualized, but generally  
start at 0.75 mg per day. The lowest therapeutic dose should be  
given, though amounts given may need to be increased during times  
of stress. Dosages of medications may be changed based on factors  
specific to the individual.

C & J wrote:
Hmm, I wonder if 1cc every 12 hours isn't too much of the Dex  
then.  Maybe I should cut it back to half a cc every 12 hours and  
see how that goes.  I don't want to shut down her immune system  

1cc every 12 hours is what the vet gave me for Tomi to replace 1  
prednisone pill every 12 hours.  I never really used the shots for  
him though.


- Original Message - From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

I had Spencer on .4cc every 24 hours.  At one point I tried  
cutting back to eod, but it was obvious that wasn't enough.  You  
might want to try the A/D as Tad suggests, but if it were me, I  
wouldn't mess with trying to add vita to the liver she's eating.

Hugs to you both,

C & J wrote:

I'm giving her 1cc of Dex every 12ish hours.

Right now I am just grateful to be able to spend a bit more time  
with her, since 2 nights ago I was sure she would die at any  
moment.  To see her more alert, purring and trying to eat, she  
can't be in much pain or discomfort. I think she is just really  
tired and weak.

I'm just grateful to be able to spend some time with her while  
she's feeling a bit better.

I don't know what will happen, but Kisa isn't quite done  
fighting yet. She sure is a brave little girl.  The improvement  
may only last a day, or may last for years, but I will try not  
to worry too much because whatever time we have left is precious.


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Re: Update on Kisa

2007-06-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
200ml is too much to give her in one dose but if she absorbs 100ml in  
12 hours that's 100 ml every 12 hrs is 200ml per day.

So do that.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 2, 2007, at 11:45 AM, C & J wrote:

My guess, is her rapid breathing is caused by anemia.  She is very  
pale, her feet and gums are much paler than normal.  I am wondering  
if the hemobart is possibly causing her immune system to attack its  
own red blood cells, and the Dex is slowling that down.  It could  
be lymphoma too though, its hard to say.

Basically the vets aren't very helpful for me anymore.  The one vet  
I was dealing with that was actually being helpful is gone for a  
few weeks now, and all the other vets want to do is put her to  
sleep.  I hate even consulting them, because they just try to talk  
me into putting her to sleep.

When I got the IV bag, the vet I talked to said to give her like  
200ml per day.  I think that's way too much right now...when it  
took her like 12 hours to absorb 100ml.


- Original Message - From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

Hey Cassandra,

Wow, I am surprised and so happy that Kisa is
rallying!  I hope she can pull through.  The dex can
make a difference.  I think the combo shot I mentioned
early on shrinks lymphoma, according to Michelle, the
girl who used to be here who knows a lot about it.  If
that's the case, and she does have lymphoma, it might
explain the easier breathing.  Maybe something is
growing quickly and pressing on her lungs or throat.

My cat with CRF gets 200 CC a week of subQ fluids, but
she is not in grave danger as Kisa is.  She walks
around with a little sac of fluid hanging off her
little bony body for a few hours before it absorbs.
She feels so much better after it's done.  How much
did the vet say you should give Kisa?  I would ask
them so that you don't overdo it.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.


--- C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A small update on Kisa.

I didn't think she would make it through the night,
and at one point I checked on her and thought she
was gone, because I didn't see the heavy breathing.

She did make it through the night, and I was
seriously considering taking her in to the vet for
euthanasia.  I asked her if I should, and was very
upset I wasn't strong enough to make that decision.

Well, now she actually looks a little bit better.
She's very weak, but she seems more alert and her
breathing, while still fast, isn't quite as labored
and she's not breathing through her mouth.  It could
be the dexamethasone making some sort of difference.

And then the strangest thing of all happened, she
ate about 1 and a half tablespoons of pureed liver,
by licking it off the back of a spoon.  This is the
first time in two weeks since this started, that she
didn't gag at the very sight/smell of food.  I
couldn't believe she actually ate.  She must not be
feeling as nauseous, and so far she hasn't vomited

I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but this is the
first positive thing that has happened for her in
two weeks.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see
how she does over the next couple of days.  If she's
trying to get better, she has an awful lot to
overcome yet in order to do so.

I've got a full IV bag of sub-q fluids to keep her
hydrated at least.  Just a question on that, how
much fluid should she get in a day?  I gave her
about 100ml, six hours ago, and it still hasn't all
soaked in from under the skin at the back of her


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever  
has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: Hideyo got her missing cat Maddie!

2007-06-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Dear Nina:

Please convey this to Hideyo~~What a wonderful story!  What a  
success!  I'm sure that all the animals in Heaven have a very special  
place for you among them some day.  And thank you for two more animal  
communicator names.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 2, 2007, at 10:49 AM, Nina wrote:

Some of you good folks might remember that Hideyo has been  
searching for an adopted kitty that went missing the very first  
night she was in her new home.  Well last night, (actually, this  
morning at 3:30am), Hideyo was able to trap Maddie using a drop  
trap!  All of you who know Hideyo can imagine the tireless effort  
that has gone into this rescue effort and I'm so pleased to report  
that it has paid off with Maddie's safe return from her adventure.   
Food had been placed in the yard of the house where she escaped  
from and a couple of the neighbors had been reporting sightings.   
Regular traps weren't working, so Hideyo had a drop trap made and  
camped out for a couple nights until she got her!  Marissa, I hope  
you're reading this, have heart my dear and keep trying to find  
Georgia.  Here's the paste of the message Hideyo wanted me to  
convey to the list:

>Nina, could you also let everyone on FELK list know that I was  
able to bring Maddie home..-- mainly so that people won't easily  
give up if they lose theirs -- 5 five weeks later, I was able to  
reunite with Maddie.. and I want people not to give up easily if  
they really want to find theirs -- I also know of a really really  
good AC besides Carol [Carol Robinson http://www.animal- ] -- I love Carol.. but I also love  
Annette Betcher
[ ] -- I just love her personality,  
and I think you should try her and Carol (or anyone else for that  
matter) if there is any need in the future!!


Re: Pictures of Abandoned Kittens

2007-06-01 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, they're BEAUTIFUL!!!  And I LOVE the big cat litter bins in the  
background!  Perfect!  I hope some can be adopted together so the  
never have to lose another family member.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 1, 2007, at 9:43 AM, Debbie wrote:

If anyone would like to see pics of the 5 little kittens that were  
dumped over Memorial Day weekend (actually six but they had run  
over one) the link is below. 

Re: Anyone have experience with respiratory distress likely caused by anemia?

2007-06-01 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
No, no, take her in.  The second word in "respiratory distress" is  

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 31, 2007, at 4:11 PM, C & J wrote:

I've been searching the web for info on respiratory distress, but  
can't seem to find what i'm looking for.

Kisa's breathing is very rapid and deep, and she has her mouth  
slightly open most of the time.  I can't decide if I should take  
her in to be put to sleep.

I am just wondering if anyone has experience with this, and how  
long will an animal last in this sort of condition?  I am sure she  
isn't feeling very well at all, but I don't know if she is in pain,  
or just some discomfort.  If this is going to go on for days, I  
should probably put her to sleep.

How will an animal die if the respiratory distress keeps getting  
worse?  Will it be a painful ending, or just a cessation of  
breathing eventually?

Thanks for any input.


Re: Kissa

2007-06-01 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Excellent point about the loss of her housemates, Jane!  I am sure  
you are correct!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 31, 2007, at 3:52 PM, Jane Lyons wrote:

I cannot imagine how tired and stressed you must be. I wonder if  
the sudden loss
of her 'housemates' has been an assault on Kissa's immunity. She is  
on her own path
and you are doing everything you can to support her. She will let  
you know.

Take care of yourself.

Re: "For Rent To Animal Lover"

2007-06-01 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Excellent idea!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 31, 2007, at 3:45 PM, Jane Lyons wrote:

I'm visualizing the reincarnation of James Herriot (All Creatures  
Great and Small)

renting the house next door.
Here's hoping your caring vibes attract a conscious person.

Re: Opinions Needed

2007-06-01 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Actually, you can probably tell the newspaper editor your name,  
address and email address and request that you be known in the  
newspaper as "Anonymous" or "Concerned Family" or something.  I'm  
pretty damn sure that newspapers honor requests like this.  If I had  
written that letter I would send hard copies and emails, too, of your  
letter, with photos if possible, to, among others, the ASPCA in New  
York, Best Friends in Utah, The North Shore Animal League in New  
York, Animal Defense League (is that in CA?), Cat Fancy, and any  
other names that this loving cat group of animal people can think  
of.  How about  Right off the top of my sleepy head I  
cannot think of any other names, but I'll have some more by  
tomorrow.  How about Art Bell at radio's "Coast to Coast AM"?  He is  
an avowed cat adorer!  (My mom's PR career bled off onto me more than  
I ever realized.  The evidence is right here in front of you!)

You can make a huge difference in the lives of these little ones and  
others.  If you can get them on a TV morning show with the  they'll  
be adopted so fast!  And so many people will know and people will  
respond to your letter and to their placement on TV.  It may very  
well help the Humane Society raise money for kitten care.  We just  
never know.  But the good you have done has already been multiplied  
by telling all of us, by telling the Darke County Humane Society, who  
came so quickly to their--and your--rescue and all the people THEY  
will tell and involve.

And, believe me, those little babies will find a way to communicate  
to their sad, bewildered mommycat that they are now safe and loved,  
that they will always be loved (by their mommycat and then by you and  
your husband and your animal family, and now by all the Humane  
Society folks and by all of us).

You never know--someone might even contact the Humane Society or the  
paper--someone who knows about the people in that car that you saw.   
We just never know.  But you and your husband have shown more light  
into the ugly dark corners of the world.  And light is what we need.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 31, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Debbie wrote:

This is a letter to the editor of our local paper concerning the  
kittens we found dumped over the weekend. My husband is afraid it  
will cause trouble if they print it with a name and town. What do  
you think? Myself, I doubt anyone will really pay attention. I am  
curious to know what you guys think.

Thanks for the input.

Dear Editor,
On Sunday, May 27, Children's Home Bradford Rd., Greenville,  
someone pulled
into a path in a field, north, a little ways off of 127. My husband  
and I
were traveling to Lowe's and noticed this parked car and also  
kittens beside

it. We thought "oh, they must be picking them up." We agreed we would
back the same route on the way home to make sure. Unfortunately, on  
the way
back, we saw the kittens were still there. We pulled over and got  
out. One
was lying squashed on the path, 2 snuggled up to the small lifeless  
Whoever dumped them must have run over one. Three more came  
waddling up out
of the ditch. There were 6 total. We gathered the 5 left alive and  
them in our van. My husband was kind enough that he even picked up  
the dead
baby kitten and placed it in a bag, later he buried it in our side  
yard. We
had our 2 Labradors with us - one which my husband had found dumped  
Bradford around Christmas time. She was only 4-5 weeks old. The  
looked to be around 4-5 weeks old. We knew we could not just leave  
because they would never have survived on their own. We also knew  
that we
would not really be able to take on anymore because we have 14  
rescued ones
already (7 were found in a trash dumpster outside a condo in  
Dayton). All

now spayed, neutered, shots, etc.
I called and left a message at the Darke County Humane Society  
telling them
the whole story. We decided if worse came to worse we would keep  
them until
they could be adopted out. Amazingly the Humane Society phoned the  
next day.
They agreed to take the abandoned babies in. My husband and I would  
like to
publicly thank them for that. We are so very grateful. The lady  
that picked

them up had a nice clean carrier and bedding for them.
As to the people who constantly abandon, abuse, etc.. animals. What  
is wrong
with you? What gives you the right to take away life of any kind?  
It always
amazes me that humans can be so cruel. Poor defenseless creatures  
left to
die, no food, no shelter, no one to love them. Would you do this to  
mother, your grandfather, your child? We seem to be becoming a  
"throw away
society." If someone or something doesn't fit our idea of  
perfection or

taking care of them is "an inconvenience" - then we just dispose of  

to many, seems cheap. I recall I had a neighbor years ago that left  

Re: Update on Kisa

2007-05-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh, poor baby Kisa!  We will be praying for her.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 31, 2007, at 11:23 AM, catatonya wrote:


I'm so sorry.  I hope Kisa takes a turn for the better.


C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, I think its time to give up trying to force feed Kisa.  I  
think she must be severely anemic now.  Her breathing is very  
rapid, and this morning she was panting for awhile and it sounded  
very labored.  She's in no condition to be shoving food down her  

I don't know how long she may last in this state, but it must be  
quite uncomfortable.  I don't know what to do anymore.  I'm trying  
to decide if I should bring her in to the vet to have her put to  
sleep, or hold out and hope she can pull off a miracle like Tomi  
did.  I called in sick to work today, just so I can be with  
her..since I don't know how much longer she can do this.

- Original Message -
From: C & J
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

The metachlopramide doesn't seem to be helping.  She had a shot  
this morning, and vomited mid afternoon.  Then I gave her a shot  
tonight, and fed her 30 mins later...she vomited that up.

We actually pulled her tube out, unclogged it, and put it back in.   
But when she vomited tonight, she vomited it out again, and bit it  
off.  I'm thinking of getting some more tubes from the vet, and  
just putting them in ourselves.

We syringe fed her 30cc along with her pills after that, hopefully  
she can keep that down for awhile.  She seems to keep stuff down if  
you give it to her after she vomits.

The syringe feeding is not a good thing to do with her, she gets so  
stressed out about it.  Her breathing is fairly rapid now, and  
doing the syringe feeding, her breathing is super fast.

I'm thinking we may be fighting a losing battle here.  We can't  
seem to stop the vomiting, and while she's doing that, we can't  
keep food/water down her.  She's going downhill meanwhile.

I would like to try to feel less stressed and more positive around  
her, but it seems so hard.  Everytime I look at her lying there so  
depressed, with her beautiful white fur stained from food/vomit,  
when she should be racing around the house without a care in the  
world, I just can't stop the tears.  This waiting is definately the  
hardest part.


Re: OT: Neighbor threatens ferals -- good news

2007-05-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Good news!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 31, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Stray Cat Alliance wrote:

Hi everyone, just wanted to give you an update on the neighbor  
situation. I was out back last night and saw my neighbor and told  
him I'd take care of any pooh issues and to let me know if he has  
any other issueshe said no no, that is okay. I have calmed down  
and am not mad at anyone. They are just animals. My wife saw the  
cat out back yesterday and it went out of the yardI said they  
are unowned kitties and are afraid of people and I don't let my  
cats outside. He said I know I know. His wife popped her head out  
of the window and said not to worry -- they are animals and that  
happens everywhere. I said I just want to make sure they are happy,  
and she said we are happy we are happy. Which is all wonderful! I  
am still going to keep checking tho and cleaning any poop up --  
some animal is still pooping down there.

Thank you everyone for your wonderful advice!


"Every year shelters kill almost 5,000,000 cats, dogs, puppies &  

Most were beautiful, loving creatures (even feral cats!) that died  
simply because they did not have a home.

Every puppy or kitten born costs a shelter animal its life.

Save lives, spay-neuter, support Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) & adopt  
for life!"

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 23:24:42 -0700
Subject: Re: OT: Neighbor threatens ferals

What a jerk!  A little poop never hurt, and besides, who knows if  
it's the cats or not?  I would definitely keep an eye out on this  
guy and I would report his "threat" to the ASPCA in case anything  
happens to the kitties.  I'll be praying for them.


wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm so sorry. That stinks that your new neighbor is
being a jerk. Saying you're going to kill an animal
is very serious and cruel. Is it an option for you to
speak with the wife when he is not home? Maybe she
doesn't know that he did this. Also, could you talk
to the ferals the next time you feed them and explain
the situation and tell them that this guys is
dangerous. Maybe that would help. If this situation
gets more serious, there are options, like calling a
shelter to have the ferals trapped and moved to
someplace safe, or calling the aspca on this guy.
Prayers going out that his heart would soften and that
the kitties stay out of his path.


--- Stray Cat Alliance

> Do you believe this storyevery day, I feed my
> front yard and back yard cats (I love in a townhome
> attached on both sides)..and have done so since we
> moved into the City in 1998. Last May my elderly
> neighbor moved out (she was pet friendly and had
> volunteered at the Humane Society) and new neighbors
> moved in (no pets).
> Over the weekend, I was cleaning out my backyard
> house of straw from winter and the husband neighbor
> came over and said a cat was pooping in the landing
> of his basement steps. I said I feed only stray cats
> and you can't control where they go as you can't
> control the birds pooping where they want. He said
> you don't walk in bird poop. But in any case, I said
> to let me think about the situation as it never
> happened before. So I went in and got a plastic bag
> and cleaned up the poop as I didn't want any
> problems. Funny that noone ever pooped in our
> landing but ours smells a lot better - not that
> musty yuck smell.
> Then that night, in the middle of the night, I
> realized the one thing that changed was my husband
> put stone along the only grassy section in the
> backyard. In the morning, I asked my husband to move
> the stones as I figured that would probably make it
> stop if it was indeed a cat/s.
> Then, the door bell rings and my neighbor wants to
> speak to my husband. Of course, it was about the
> cats. My husband said it might not be a cat/s, there
> are skunks and possums. And just to put some wood
> out to block the cat/s or animal/s from going down
> the steps to the landing.
> Then the neighbor says if it doesn't stop he's going
> to kill them! Then my husband said he couldn't do
> that or he'd go to jail -- and my husband said then
> he didn't have time to argue about it and came in.
> Now, I am worried about the kitties! I would love to
> take still somewhat feral Mom cat (tho she lets me
> pet her) from the front inside but I have way too
> many cats and doubt she'd appreciate it. If we ever
> move, she is definitely coming.
> I am crossing my fingers and hoping this blows over.
> Thanks for listening, I know I am rather long
> winded!
> Anita
> "Every year shelters kill almost 5,000,000 cats,
> dogs, puppies & kittens. Most were beautiful,
> loving creatures (even feral cats!) that died simply
> because they did not have a home. Every puppy or
> kitten born costs a shelter animal its life. Save
> lives, spay-neuter, support Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
> & adop

Re: l-lysine - ADVISE

2007-05-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh, perfect Pippin!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 31, 2007, at 1:20 AM, Gina WN wrote:

When Pippin tested FeLV positive at six weeks of age, I started  
giving her 500 mg of Lysine a day.  This was based upon information  
from this group.  My vet did not think it would "hurt" but she  
didn't think it would necessarily help.  At any rate, Pippin has  
been FeLV negative as of six months of age (she's one year old  
now.)  I don't know if the Lysine helped her throw the virus, or  
she had a false positive test, but it didn't hurt her any.


Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I use the l-lysine from a health food store, the powder inside a  
capsule, 250-500 mg once a day.  It's an amino acid and is water  
soluble so any excess is excreted in the urine.  Hard to OD on l- 

Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What I have is Vet Viralys which I got from my vet. It says use 1/2  
(one scoop = 250 mg of l-lysine) twice a day for kittens under 6  
months and
1 scoop for cats over six months but that the dosage can be  
adjusted. My
vet didn't think oding would cause a problem. I don't know if this  

help or not. Frankly, I would call my vet and ask.

If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with
their fellow man.
- Original Message -
From: "wendy"
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: l-lysine - ADVISE

> Rett,
> I cannot answer your question completely, but in case
> you don't get anymore replies, I used to give Smookie,
> my new kitten last year who had a corneal ulcer, 500
> mg 2x per day. Some will probaby say that's a lot,
> but it worked wonders. Smookie was probably at least
> six months old at that point and at least 5 lbs. I
> would not give that much to one as small as you have.
> Hopefully, you'll get more info. on this. Also, make
> sure that the lysine does not have the additive
> propynol glycol. It causes blood issues in cats.
> :)
> Wendy
> --- Rett Lacy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How much do you give a kitten before their next
>> retest ( first one, weak positive). Mg?? xday??
>> etc. Weight 2.5 - 3.0.
>> Thanks to all..
>> Rett
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
> change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
> Margaret Meade ~~~
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Re: Update on Kisa

2007-05-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh, oops!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 30, 2007, at 8:07 PM, Belinda wrote:

Oh my god, I guess I should read my message before I send it, I  
meant ...

try not to feel stressed

I'd just like to add to this to try and feel be stressed,  
frustrated or think negatively, I know that seems almost  
impossible when things just seem to keep not working but cats are  
very sensitive to our feelings and your stress and fear is being  
picked up by her.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Update on Kisa

2007-05-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Well, THERE you go!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 30, 2007, at 3:16 PM, Belinda wrote:

   If you get the injectable metachlopramide it bypasses the liver.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Caroline et al

2007-05-31 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Oh, I'm so glad that Caroline is neurologically normal now!  I'm  
thinking that little Jasmine is just freaked out and not eating  
because Caroline as away and sick.  Did you take little Jasmine to  
see Caroline?  She might think something bad has happened to her and  
she'll never see her again!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 30, 2007, at 2:51 PM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

Hi guys,

My vet says Caroline is now neurologically normal, she has dolls eye
reflex, dazzle reflex, etc.  He is still treating the symptoms.  I
can't afford to get a CT scan for brain cancer and there is no test
for dry FIP until they are dead, as far as I know.  It could still be
toxo. She is still not eating and underweight.  They are tube feeding

He did say that once they start seizing with either dry FIP or  
brain cancer.

I had a bad feeling about Jasmine, so I brought her symptoms of
anything but she has lost a pound..which is like 10% of her body

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