Re: Gelding

1999-05-13 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry to take so long to reply,I was on holiday in Norway also.
I hope you had a nice trip to Britain and the weather was ok

Well i guess the reason you didnt see any Fjords is because Britain only has 
200 we are abit thin on the ground over here, most are in the south east and 
west (a stud in Devon)
A few in wales , a handful in the Midlands, 1 in Derdyshire, 2 in Yorkshire,one 
two in Lancashire and afew in scotland and I think thats it.

My Fjord gelding Buller came from Denmark he's 12 yrs old, I like going on long 
rides with him ,I also drive him,my friend Emma takes him to dressage shows,
Shows for world breeds are also thin on the ground over here but we try to get
to as many as possible.
otherwise we just go in Hunter classes ,that sort of thing
Mostly the judges havent got a clue what he is , but most of all we have fun!

Happy Fjording
Fiona,Buller ,Billy and Sadie
 very wet in Yorkshire today


1999-04-21 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I dont write very often to the list ,just read, but my friend asked if
I could enquire on the list, something her vet asked her?

My friend Sue had her young colt Eric gelded last week,Sues Fjords
are the first her vet has seen, the vet was very surprised at how
tough Erics skin was to cut!
   The vet asked was it a breed trait ,very tough skin or just Eric?

Thanks   Fiona Nicholsonwet and windy in Yorkshire, England

Re: Merry Christmas

1998-12-24 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a quick message to wish everybody on the list
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Hope you all have a good time,

  MERRY CHRISTMAS   Fiona, Buller,Billy and Sadie
 Yorkshire ,England  (bright and frosty but no snow)

Re: Re Branding in UK

1998-11-11 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think the Queen might have sent her Dogs to Ireland 
more for political correctness than practicality.
The Royals come under a lot of pressure from animal
rights people for their involment in various forms of 
Hunting especial ,hunting with hounds.

Not long after I got Buller I was clipping his mane in the 
yard and a car drove up,this lady who id never seen before
jumped out and started shouting at me and raving,telling
me he wasn't a toy or a fashion item and that I was a cruel
person!you had to hear it ,she didn't stop for ages!
I felt guilty really because when I had chance to tell her
about his breed  she said sorry and walked off!
I didnt' know what else to say, she obviously meant well.

A lot of tail docking/ ears etc are now only done for apperance
instead of the practical reason it was done for years ago

Why do we clip Fjords Manes ,(apart from thats how weve turned 
them out for a 1000 Years)

Happy fjording
 fiona, Buller, Billy and Sadie

Re:part- breds

1998-11-11 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I think most Stud Books over here have a part bred register.
Our Fjord Society does also ,  mind you I've noticed no matter what 
other breed is used the result always looks like a Fjord!

Crossing native types with Arabs or TBs is a popular cross
Ive seen quite a few Highland x TBs

Ive never seen them but I know of a Fjord x Lippizanner
and Fjord x Arads

Happy Fjording
Fiona,Buller Billy and Sadie

Re Branding in UK

1998-11-11 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the subject of Branding

The Fjord Society of GB have just had to buy a micro- chip reader,
because we've had to stop Hot Branding  here from last year.

 Personally I like the more visible brands, not just for ID but security
as Horse stealing is not uncommon, either to sell on or for 
meat.  I think Freeze brands and brands are a good deterent.

Stock going for meat has to be killed at the abbatoire by law.
Stolen horse with brands/freeze marks are  put on the main
police computer through HORSE WATCH and sent to all ports,
airports , auction houses and slaughter houses.

 My shetlands are freeze branded through Horsewatch, this should give them a 
chance if the worst should ever happen.  A Policeman who may not be 'horsey' 
but is looking for a black shetland in the middle of a stock pen at a sale, 
with lots 
of other black shetlands, should be able to recognise Billy more instantly.

Docking of tails for horse is banned  here, and is frowned upon even in dogs.
Some vets may still practice it though especially for hunting dogs.
Doberman Dogs sure look funny with a tail!

Happy Fjording

Fiona, Buller, Billy & Sadie
Cold but Sunny in Yorkshire today

Re: fjords

1998-11-10 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thanks for the reply, i think you will enjoy meeting
some Highlands for real !

The Equine event was good ,Im afraid the Fjord never turned
up ,it was a great shame as it is the best event over  here
to promote  breeds at.
   My sister Elspeth and I had a good time, we found out more about
LE TREC,( Britain held its first cmpetition this year in Scotland at
the Glen Tanar Equestrian centre , which also used to be one of the
first Fjord studs in Britain.)
We think it looks great fun so we are going to go next year and
have a go ,riding one of the centres horses,hopefully a Fjord.
Do they do Le Trec compititions in Belgium!
 Elspeth and i checked out all the stalls, i ordered some 
saddle bags from the Icelandic Horse Society of all places.
no body uses saddle bags over here  much so its hard to get hold of them.

The event was also the Hackney Horse and pony championships
 I love watching Hackney Driving Classes!

My shetties are  well  very Fluffy and most days muddy!
Buller is the same ,he has a passion for mud

Well id best go now  HAPPY FJORDING
   Fiona, Buller, Billy and Sadie

 cold but dry and sunny in Yorkshire today.

[no subject]

1998-10-30 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Ive been having trouble with my mail again,i am not always sure it

If you are intrested in seeing some more Highlands,try having a look
at this web site,
it even has an articule about the Belgium Highland society.

if you come across any information on Fjord shows in Holland
for 1999, that would be great as we would really like to see some.
Can you let us know if you hear of anything as we need time to make plans etc.

Next week we are going  to visit the National Equine event, I guess its abit 
Equitania that we have been hearing about on the list.  Many breeds will have a 
horse to exhibit aswell as various lectures and demonstrations for people to 
attend.  I will make sure I watch all the driving ones.

All the diffrent breeds will be there,  to meet the public,including
the fjords i dont know who is going this year  ,last year i took Buller
we had a great time Buller like nearly all Fjords loves people and ali
the pats and fuss,so after two days some of the other breeds i think
had had enough of all the visitors but Buller was quite happy.

Its  a good way to help promote the Breed ,their friendly sweet natures 
says it all, we had many comments from people who had never seen a 
Fjord before but were really impressed by their friendliness.

We have just attended another 'meet the public' show at Royal Ascot.
It was a two day racing weekend, but each day opened with a special horse 
exhibition  with 27 different breeds, mostly attended by Breed champions.
Princess Margaret and other dignitaries were present, so it was quite special 
on the whole a good experience.  It was all filmed and appeared on the special 
horse racing tv channel.
It was my first visit to the races it was really good but i stayed clear of 
on horses ,its better to just watch

 Happy Fjording   FIONA ,BULLER, BILLY and SADIE
   A lovely sunny day in Yorkshire today

Re: Fjord ?

1998-10-15 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date:  Sat, 19 Sep 1998 23:36:31 EDT
Subject:   Fjord ?

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does any one on this list know of a stud in the UK called Ausdan Stud?

HI Ive been very busy for  a while so i havent had chance to read
my mail (i had over 650 messages )
the list is certainly getting intresting!!
 Well one Message i can answer for you the Ausdan stud is the
biggest fjord stud over here it is actually in Wales and is the
home of the fjord society of GB secretary Lyn Moran.
 Happy Fjording

 Fiona in Yorkshire, England.  
  Buller,my fat lovely gelding who i love too bits and my 2 fat
   Shetlands Billy And Sadie.


1998-07-07 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Im glad to hear your good news about Flor
Ive not had a problem with cherries but i used to keep my
shetlands in a field with a hedge made of damson trees,
i had it fenced off when  it was in fruit  but the shetlands
and two other ponies loved eating them.
I used to sweep them up every day, only once did they  really
over do it,it was very windy and lots of fruit fell off and they broke the fence
down by the time i arrived from work all 4 of them looked very sorry for
them selves.
you could hear their stomachs groaning across the paddocks,they all survied of 
but i sure had a lot of mucking out to do for a couple of days!

when it happened i was actually moving farms and it  was amazing even after 2 
at the new farm the shetlands were still passing damson stones
they must have eaten so many!

so what ever type of cherries they are, i would recommed you either remove
the trees,or fence around them just in case?
If the cherries are an ornamental cherry then im sure they will be poisonous
I guess  if you had a horse with arthritis hilly pasture might 
not be so good
but im sure the others woud love it , just  like the fjords in Norway

Fiona,Buller ,Billy and Sadie
Dull and cold in Yorkshire to day


1998-07-06 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone
Ive been away from the list for a few weeks on holiday in Scotland and
when i got back to work last week the universities computer network had
gone a little crazy and then it crashed big time!
So i have got rather a lot of mail to catch up with now.

Ingvild, thanks for the pictures they are great, ive got some for you if you 
would like them   A friend of mine found this old book shes had over 30yrs
its on breeds of the world for some reason the  writer has Fjords in it twice.
as Danish fjords and Norwegian Fjords  but the pictures are really nice.

Well i must go home Buller has had nearly 3 weeks off because of my
trip to scotland so im going out riding this evening

warm and sunny in yorkshire today

PS Im sorry in advance if this prints out oddly ,it did on my machine.

breed lines

1998-06-16 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello Ingvild

 I had a look at your web site and found the pictures of
Haakon - Jarl  , in fact all the pictures are great, i love
the one of the small boy ploughing with 2 fjords with the foal at foot.
The close up of the fjord Jordbu is wonderful , i printed it off A3
and put it up on the wall as a poster.

On the picture of Haakon - Jarl and Bergfast it refers to them both as
"matadoren",  what  does this mean?

ive left the copies of last weeks mail at home and i cannot  remember if it
was you or susan who said  they had a picture of Lidaren and Torbjorn
I would love a picture of both of them if it was you ?
 One of the messages i got yesterday was from you to an American lady
about her new  fjord mare,you wrote back about  the breed line
 starting with Felder,Lidaren etc
Felder is  Bullers great grand sire and Lisettes Grand sire,do
 you know any thing about this horse please?

Thanks again for all the information and pictures
Happy Fjording

Warm and very wet in Yorkshire today

thank you re breed lines

1998-06-12 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thanks for all the information you all sent me,it s amazing
with one Email  you filled in a whole history.

when i bouht Buller i just liked him i had know idea if he was ok
I was given the paper work but it was just names and numbers.

I know my friend sue says the same .
so thanks for filling in a few  blanks, im away for a few days to
Scotland so while im on the train going up i will think up some
more questions.

I m in Scotland for The Royal Highland Show  it one of Britains
biggest shows, its also has the largest gathering of Highlands
you will see in Scotland ,so i will  be taking lots of photos
(I always take loads) and i will send you some.

Happy Fjording
Fiona,Buller,Billy and Sadie

warm and sunny in Yorkshire today.

Breed Lines

1998-06-11 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Susan and Ingvild (or anyone else who may know the answers)

I'm mailing you a joint email so I hope you don't mind.
I was very interested in your letters this week.

I have learnt alot of things abour Fjords since this list began 
and from visiting the web site, especially your history page.
I had never even heard of Njaal before.
So if I ask any really daft questions you know why!

So here goes, the first daft question :

Does the 'S' infornt of the  registration number eg. S 527, stand for 

Also if a registration number has a letter after it, do you know what this 
eg. S 4553 B.

Your mail the other day was regarding the 4 breed lines in Norway, I didn't 
about them either!

You wrote about the most famous off-springs of the Haakon Jarl line - Torbjorn 
N 1417 
and Lidaren N 1653.  These names are on my Fjords papers and also on those of 
friend Sue's Fjord mare.

Do you have a date of birth for these horses so I can tell how far the papers 
go back.
Were they successful  horses?
Torbjorn is the last on the paper work for both our Fjords.

Or if you know any more of Torbjorn N 1417's past that would be of interest to 

Well I bet I could think of 100's of more questions  to ask you both, but I 
will leave 
it at this for now. 

Happy Fjording

Fiona, Buller, Billy & Sadie
and Sue, Froy, Lisette, Phoebe & Girda 

fjord book

1998-06-10 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Carol
I got your  e mail today thank you
England is so small compared to Canada  i forgot to put where
Sarnia is ,of course when i thought about it i only know  because my 
cousin lives there!
It is in Ontario,near the US border on Lake Huron.
When you look at the size of lake Huron i bet England would fit in it!

Happy Fjording
Fiona,Buller,Bill and Sadie


1998-05-27 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Well  I finally got around to looking up about Fjords in scotland.

From the books I have got ,I found out that the last Fjords to be 

used to improve stock was  in 1890, when 2 stallions where imported

from Norway  to the Hebridian Islands .

i dont  know if it was 
the inner  or outer Hebrides  but  the Island of Rum

just below  the Isle of Skye has it own breed 
line and the Rum ponies 

are dun with eel stripes and some times zedra marks on 
the legs

I had intended to buy a Run type Highland when i first went looking for 

horse but i saw a Fjord and that was that  but  they are so similar in 


The Highland stud book is about 70 yrs old ,but many breeders kept good 

records long before that.

My friend has a Highland Garron  the old fashiond draught type, his 

breeding can be traced to 1896 ,Laird is i think a fine example of a 

14.2hs  big and very strong,hes no plod though ,hes an 
excellent jumper

  and can really cover ground

Highlands were used by deer stalkers ,to carry the days hunting 
home from 

the moors so they had to be strong .

Confirmation wise they are very similar to fjords ,if igo in a horse 
show and

the judge has not seen a fjord before i ask them to judge him 
like a highland

as they will not go to far wrong.

Colour , they come in  shades of grey 
to black  (black is unusual and very

striking)   brown, various shades of dun ,some even have   strands 
of cream

hair  mixed in darker hair just like a fjord with a long mane.

As for temperament i have heard people 
say bad things about them,but

I think these folks would say the same about fjords not every 
one can get on

with the" pony temperament "   each to his own

Personally ive never   met  an unfriendly one ,they are great to ride 

footed and sensible with lovely  pony characters ...just like fjords

 Laird is as i often joke to my fri


1998-05-26 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for putting Bullers picture on the web 
site,im going to
have a go at sending a post card to my canadian 
I havent had time yet 
to check the Highland stud book for
fjords but i will this week.
I think if you like  fjords you would 
get on with shetlands,
my other shetland is in her early 20s 33 inches 
with a flaxen mane, we call her Sadie(sweetpea).
she is on long term loan to me, from an Animal 
welfare group
she was badly neglected by her owners and left 
to get in a very 
poor condition ,  from ignorance .
shes OK now although hard ground slows 
her down,billy and
her are  best friends ,some  times i turn 
buller out with them,
they have a good lark together.

we had a good show ,its one of only a few in Britain 
that has a
world breed class, it was a good turn out of 
diffrent  breeds,
Buller was 2nd in hand  geldings,. 1st in the 
Ridden class.
my friend sharon also went she has a 6yr old 
stallion,she imported
from Norway  hes  known as Erik , he won the  
stallion section and 
the In hand  championship.
So we were very happy with that, it all .helps to 
promote them.





1998-05-22 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:   Re: Icelandics
Date:  Wed, 20 May 98 19:03:53 +0100
From:  saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:"fjordenlijst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Im no history expert but like you said steve 
> its hard to 
>believe the norse settler
> didnt take any Fjords with them to iceland !! 
>  they must 
>have left them in scotland
> to mix with the highlands instead.
It would be interesting to know more about this!

>   i couldnt  figure the icelandic owners out so on other 
>visits i never mentioned
> fjords  just enjoyed the riding and  
> the Scottish hills.
the comments of all of you on this list persuaded me that Icelandics are 
nice ponies, with very strange people as fans/owners!

 I hope you get your fjord ,im sure driving is a good idea.
 a few years ago i gave my friend lynn some money so should 
 buy a shetland  we both wanted to rescue from the meat 
sales,my father would 
have gone crazy if i had bought it.
I know it was wrong but by the 
time my dad noticed that billy lived with my
other shetland and not 
lynns,the whole family had fallen for billy including
my dad  he takes bill for walks,well they dont 
get far dad lets him eat grass
on the way.

its a holiday this weekend over here ,so i will 
let you know about fjords/highlands
next week, i might as well give you the correct  info.  
(i use a computer at work for e mails)
i have a friend in scotland ,a highland breeder her 
horses are mostly dunn like 
fjords ,  fjords were used on the highland stud book 

Im going to a show on sunday ,it has world breed 
classes, in-hand,ridden
and driving.
My friend sharon is travelling up from the 
midlands with her stallion Erik
so it will be good ,two fjords in one 
show a very rare sight.

I m sorry if my mail arrives oddly, i 
can not type .
well im not sure what most of the keys 
are for??

Sunny and warm in yorkshire


1998-05-18 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   From Fiona  
nicholson  ,  England.   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Icelandics are rare over here also but not as rare as fjords.

Ive had the pleasure of riding them a few times in scotland,

they are amazing to ride especially over rough ground.

they do look like over sized shetlands and can act like them 

I am very intrested in Shetlands and have afew books on 

one has a picture of some young shetlands pacing and 
doing the 

tolt pace at play.

It is the colours of them,they come in every colour you can 
think of

and some you would find hard to discribe?

the first time i went 
riding ,they asked me if i had a horse, i  said yes

a Fjord and to my surprise they also picked fjords to bits  and 

 denide any link between them.  

Im no history expert but like you said steve 
its hard to believe the norse settler

didnt take any Fjords with them to iceland !!  
they must have left them in scotland

to mix with the highlands instead.  

i couldnt  figure the icelandic owners out so on other visits i never mentioned

fjords  just enjoyed the riding and  
the Scottish hills.

Well im sticking with my trusty fjord 
and shetlands



very hot and sunny in Yorkshire

show dates

1998-05-16 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From  Fiona Nicholson ,Yorkshire, England.

Some of my friends in  our fjord society have asked me to put a 

 on the list,to see if any body knows the dates of the main 
Fjord shows

in Denmark or Holland ,this year or next.

they would like to visit ,most of the fjords in GB are 
of Danish origin,so

they thought that might be agood place to go.

I had shown them the mail on the evaluations so it has 
got them thinking

about  the standards etc

I know from the mail quite a few of you have traveled 
to Norway and holland

do you think my friends  would be better to go to 
norway !

or indeed if anyone has any ideas on how we can learn 
more about evaluations

standards we would like to hear

we have only 200 fjords here ,i think 
only 8 stallions ,most of the fjords are in 

non showing homes  so you only get to see a few  fjords 
,for real on which we can learn


well this list is certainly getting us all thinking,so 
please keep sharing your knownledge 

with us, its good reading



PS please excuse my typing its hopless 


1998-05-16 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I shall tell Buller he has a fan in Belgium he'll like that !
 Im glad you got the picture ok, of course by today id forgotten
  how to scan the pictures already, as i told you yesterday im 
not very computer friendly
 I have visited Belgium a few times, going to Holland or Belgium on the 
ferry is very
popular because of the local  daily 
ferry service.
Which part of Belgium do you come from ?
 It is  nice where i live, we are on the 
Yorkshire Wold Hills ,so the riding is good,
plenty of nice country lanes and Bridle ways, 
the area is also Viking country,many
of our local place names are scandanavian in 
origin .
  maybe Buller and i have ridden in the footsteps of 
his viking ancestors on one of
the ancient by ways we ride on no  
 The  historical city of York ,known as jorvik in viking times 
is just 35 miles away its
a beautiful place .
 so if you are ever in yorkshire   i hope we could meet 
Happy Fjording!
Fiona, Buller,Billy and Sadie the shetlands

Very hot and sunny today in East Yorkshire .

[no subject]

1998-04-29 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from Fiona Nicholson in Yorkshire,England (  [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Hello everyone,
Ive been catching up with my mail after a holiday in Scotland,i had over 100 
   I am really enjoying reading all  the mail its full of intresting 
information and stories,
if a Fjord gets a mention in a horse magazine its a major event for us,so its 
great to get 
to read this list.
Id like to thank Dave for the pictures i had seen the jumping one before 
its a fantastic 
photo,just the sort to have when someone tells me " but fjords can't jump!"
i hadn't seen the Dressage picture before its lovely, it must be at a very high 
Do you know who the horse and rider are?

well i think it will be a while before i need to buy a long tailed coat to ride 
i ,dont actually do dressage on him, my friend Emma does a much better jod than 
i could
last year she competed him at affliated events but he wasnt affliated ,we 
wanted to see
how he did and what reaction to him was like from the judges , he did very well 
and the
judges were mostly very constructive .
So i have recently affliated him with British Dressage as far as i know hes the 
only fjord

But dont worry i will not let the snooty remarks put me off infact it makes us 
more determined
to do well  you don't need a 17h warmblood to  do dressage

a  rider came up to Emma at a dressage  show last year she was reading the 
result board, he said
to her what ever made you bring a driving pony to dressage  in a not very 
complimentry tone!
 so she turned to him and said yes he is a driving pony and hes just beaten you 
at dressage??

   his horse was a 17 h warmblood!   of course we do actually like warmbloods 
 some times its hard to resist a bit of fun making when people say really 
stupid remark like that

the mail on the evaluation s is really intresting ive been trying to find out 
about the testing of
stock for ages  but what  bit i found was in Dutch or Danish
I had to go to the Danish church in Hull to find a Danish speaker to read 
bullers papers when i got
him and to tell me what his name meant but i figured translating articules  
from magazines was a 
bit too much to ask

 well id best go now , its poring with rain and id best go and muck out my 


fjord horse society of GB

1998-04-09 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TO Dave McWethy

Thanks for message,I  dont always have time to read my Emails everyday  (my 
machine is at 
work) so sorry for the delay in replying.

You are right we are really spoilt for choice over here especially  for naitive 
mountain &
moorland types.

Fjords are so rare here, very few people even know what  breed they are, let 
alone what they 
can do, so i  guess people dont want to take a chance on a virtually unheard of 

I myself was actually looking for a Highland when I found a picture of a 
Beautiful Fjord stallion
so I did a little homework and tracked down the society but Buller was the 
first Fjord I'd ever

I personally wouldnt want any other breed they are so versatile 

Mind you we in Britain are very set in our ways, when it comes to Horses and 
Ponies,any thing 
under 14.2hs is more or less thought of as a childs pony.
 I hear people at Dressage and other ridden events calling him a Driving type 
Pony and i dont
think this opinion helps  sell them.
many members of the society  go showing to show people what Fjords can do!

You can contact  the  society at  FJORD HORSE SOCIETY OF GB
 SA40 9Q4.



1998-04-03 Thread fnicholson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, Ive just joined the list so i thought i had best introduce my self
my nane is Fiona Nicholson, i live in Yorkshire England i have a Danish bred
Fjord gelding called Buller he's 11yrs old this summer and iv'e had him for 5 
  We try our hand at most things , like Driving, all kinds of showing classes
long distance riding and Dressage
Fjords are very rare in Britain about 200 in all,so we get asked a lot what 
type of 
horse he is.
we have a small society (Fjord Horse Society of GB)  Our secretary produces 2 
sheets ayear and we hold a Breed show/Family day once a year
   bye  fiona & Buller