[Flashcoders] Flash IDE ASO Files

2008-09-03 Thread Juan Pablo Califano
I was just bitten again by the buggy Flash IDE compiler, which seems to be
particularly moronic handling the infamous classes cache. I've read a number
of posts about this issue, and have come across it in the pass, especially
when working with network shares (which, admitedly, is not the ideal
setting, although it's not an excuse for this bug, either), but I think I
finally understand how to reproduce it reliably and can make a (hopefully)
educated guess about why it happens.

A little background: when Flash got AS 2.0 and a class syntax (Flash 7 or
was it Flash 6?), the IDE compiler began using a cache to cut down the
compiling times for ActionScript code. Sounds neat, but the implementation
left lots to be desired. Amazingly, it still does, since these problems
continue to exist in CS3.

The idea is simple. When you compile some fla, the compiler looks up for all
referenced classes and pre-compile them into an intermediate file, with the
extension .aso (from Action Script Object, I think). Those files are then
linked into the swf, and remain stored in a directory in your local drive
for future reuse. That is, if you recompile the fla but haven't changed the
code in the classes, it won't be recompiled. The bytecode from pre-compiled
aso file will be used instead. So far, so good. (Yet, I wonder how much of
the net compiling time is actually spent compiling AS code; I have the
impression that usually most time is spent compiling assets).

How does the IDE know whether the code in a class has changed? Basically, it
assumes that it will be able to determine that by comparing the timestamps
of the .as file, the .aso file. (And they say assumption is the mother of
all fuck-ups... but I digress).
If the .as file timestamp is greater than the .aso file timestamp, it means
the source code has been modified and should be recompiled. Else, there
isn't anything new, so go ahead and use the .aso file.

But, as soon as you start interchanging files with other people (especially
if they are in different time zones), the problems begin.

Let's assume there are 2 people involved. John, who lives somewhere in the
Atlantic Time Zone (GMT -4) and Paul, who lives the Pacific Time Zone (GMT

Scenario 1:
Paul edits the class ClassesCacheBug.as at 1 pm and sends it over to John.
It's 5 pm for John. He has made a minor change and compiled the fla an hour
ago, and so the IDE has created an .aso file with a timestamp of 4 pm. Now
he compiles again with Paul's changes, but since 1 pm (.as file)  4 pm
(.aso file), Flash will refuse to compile the new .as code and will use the
old .aso file instead. He notices it, and since this feature has bitten
him before, he remembers there are some
and so decides to flush the cache clicking on Delete ASO Files and Test
Movie. Problem solved.

Scenario 2:
Next day. John modifies again ClassesCacheBug.as at 5 pm (East) and sends
the changes back to Paul (it's 1 pm in the West). Paul is also aware of the
.aso-related problems, and has recently flushed his cache to force Flash to
compile some other rebel .as file. He doesn't have ClassesCacheBug.aso in
his local drive anymore. So his clock reads 1 pm, the .as file was last
modified at 5 pm, and there is no .aso file. He tries to compile the fla and
the compiler whines:

The name of this class, 'ClassesCacheBug', conflicts with the name of
another class that was loaded, 'ClassesCacheBug'.
 class ClassesCacheBug {

WTF is that supposed to mean? He flushes again the cache, but no joy. He
tries to figure out what could be wrong but he finds no logic in it. If the
.aso file doesn't exists, couldn't Flash just be so kind as to recompile the
damn thing without further ado? What else could it do anyway? It certainly
has the source code available and there's nothing to get from the cache to
begin with. But Flash wouldn't do it. Paul curses badly, helplessly tries
deleting ASO files again for the 30th time, invokes different voodoo spirits
and finally decides to use brute force. After trying some really weird
things, he sets the date to the next day. And now, lo and behold, Flash has
stops complaining and gets the swf compiled.

Let's say I've been in Paul's shoes an hour or so ago, and I thought I would
post this message about this (at least to me) new manifestation of this old
and known bug / feature in the Flash IDE, for venting a bit and hopefully
alerting other people who might run into this problem.

So, to sum up, from observing this rather stupid behavior (and of course,
without knowing what is actually going on in the Flash logic), the problem
happens in both Flash 8 and Flash CS3 when:

1) There is no ASO file
2) AS timestamp  current local timestamp

Like if it was coded (and yes, I'm exaggerating now):

if(ASO exists) {
if(AS  ASO) {
use ASO
} else {

[Flashcoders] Open Source YouTube Player

2008-09-03 Thread Elia Morling

Is there a stable open source FLV player? Or should I reinvent the wheel?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Open Source YouTube Player

2008-09-03 Thread Ashim D'Silva
The JW Player seems to be popular. Haven't used it yet, but I intend to

2008/9/3 Elia Morling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is there a stable open source FLV player? Or should I reinvent the wheel?

 Flashcoders mailing list

The Random Lines
My online portfolio
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] MouseEvents on overlapping siblings in AS3

2008-09-03 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Thanks for all the answers!!!

So I went back to a solution where the upper MovieClip listens to the
MouseMove event and hittest while the lower MovieClip is using
Rollover now. That works for me. But nonetheless it is frustrating
that there is no other way to get an ROLLOVER event for two or even
more overlapping siblings other than hittesting them all.
When it comes to performance - hittests are usually more cpu intensive
than rollovers, right?

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Meinte van't Kruis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think rollover means it will fire once, wether or not it 'rolls' over a
 child of that parent. With mouseover,
 the event will fire each time the mouse also get's over a child of the
 parent which is listening to the event.
 (in short; rollover is like a parent with mouseover only with mousechildren
 set to false).

 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:26 PM, EECOLOR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a guess, but you could change the listener to MOUSE_OVER instead of
 ROLL_OVER. The difference between the two is very subtle and explained at
 the reference documentation of InteractiveObject. I am not sure if it is
 applicable to the problem posed.

 Greetz Erik
 Flashcoders mailing list

 M.A. van't Kruis
 Flashcoders mailing list

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[Flashcoders] AS3 Minimal Class Props + Methods ...

2008-09-03 Thread S0 F1
Does anyone know how to find out the bare minumum Attributes and Methods of
all built-in/intrinsic Classes being used in a SWF/AS3 application.

Something perhaps that can parse a SWF, identify what intrinsic classes are
being used and what is redundant or could be stripped out of those classes?

Asking this from the point of view of optimising filesize/performance?

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief

2008-09-03 Thread allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
sorry to necro an old thread but i still have a problem

file structure:
one index swf that preloads the main swf
main swf that loads in several different section swfs and masks them in a
the combobox is in one of the masked sections

the issue is this:
i have a combo box that uses an array populated by a loaded xml file as a
dataprovider. It all works just fine apart from that when the combo box is
first opened, the first 'page' of entries doesn't render. If the list is
scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the entire list
renders properly, including the entry that's selected.

This happens when the site is viewed on a server and when the file is 'test
movie'd on it's own but it doesn't happen when the index swf is 'test
movie'd or when the site is viewed locally in a browser

The cb uses fonts used throughout the site and they are embedded (i've added
the code for the cb below). It's been suggested that maybe the cb is loaded
before the fonts so that it doesn't get a chance to render properly but i
can't see how that is happeneing  - i've tried added a textfield with the
fonts embedded make sure that that wasn't it (although i haven't added the
fonts to a frame loaded before the cb - i'm trying that now)

the cb is placed manually onstage and has the following code added on the

function init():Void {
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlFile = (xmldata != undefined) ? xmldata : PATH();
xml.onData = function (src:String) {
if (src == undefined) {
} else {
this.loaded = true;
parse(); // creates the arrays

var cBox:Object = {};
cBox.change = function(o:Object):Void
//Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
//o.target.onKillFocus=undefined; // didn't work
); // sends user to correct tab

 // this is the script for the cb
var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
c.setStyle(fontFamily, VAG Rounded Light);
c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
c.text = Select;
//Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief

2008-09-03 Thread Hans Wichman
you're not using runtime file sharing right?

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:48 AM, allandt bik-elliott
(thefieldcomic.com) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sorry to necro an old thread but i still have a problem

 file structure:
 one index swf that preloads the main swf
 main swf that loads in several different section swfs and masks them in a
 the combobox is in one of the masked sections

 the issue is this:
 i have a combo box that uses an array populated by a loaded xml file as a
 dataprovider. It all works just fine apart from that when the combo box is
 first opened, the first 'page' of entries doesn't render. If the list is
 scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the entire list
 renders properly, including the entry that's selected.

 This happens when the site is viewed on a server and when the file is 'test
 movie'd on it's own but it doesn't happen when the index swf is 'test
 movie'd or when the site is viewed locally in a browser

 The cb uses fonts used throughout the site and they are embedded (i've added
 the code for the cb below). It's been suggested that maybe the cb is loaded
 before the fonts so that it doesn't get a chance to render properly but i
 can't see how that is happeneing  - i've tried added a textfield with the
 fonts embedded make sure that that wasn't it (although i haven't added the
 fonts to a frame loaded before the cb - i'm trying that now)

 the cb is placed manually onstage and has the following code added on the

function init():Void {
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlFile = (xmldata != undefined) ? xmldata : PATH();
xml.onData = function (src:String) {
if (src == undefined) {
} else {
this.loaded = true;
parse(); // creates the arrays

var cBox:Object = {};
cBox.change = function(o:Object):Void
//Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
//o.target.onKillFocus=undefined; // didn't work
 ); // sends user to correct tab

  // this is the script for the cb
var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
c.setStyle(fontFamily, VAG Rounded Light);
c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
c.text = Select;
//Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief

2008-09-03 Thread allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
i've tried amending the combo box to instantiate it on the fly and that
doesn't seem to work either

// first attempt using the component as an mc
//var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
//var c:MovieClip = mc_university.attachMovie(ComboBox,
cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
_y:133.6, _width:245});

// second attempt using createClassObject

import mx.controls.ComboBox;

var c:ComboBox = mc_university.createClassObject(ComboBox,
cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
_y:133.6, _width:245});
c.setStyle(fontFamily, Lloyds TSB VAG Rounded Light);
c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
c.text = Select;

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) 


 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Hans Wichman 

 you're not using runtime file sharing right?

 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:48 AM, allandt bik-elliott
 (thefieldcomic.com) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sorry to necro an old thread but i still have a problem
  file structure:
  one index swf that preloads the main swf
  main swf that loads in several different section swfs and masks them in
  the combobox is in one of the masked sections
  the issue is this:
  i have a combo box that uses an array populated by a loaded xml file as
  dataprovider. It all works just fine apart from that when the combo box
  first opened, the first 'page' of entries doesn't render. If the list is
  scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the entire list
  renders properly, including the entry that's selected.
  This happens when the site is viewed on a server and when the file is
  movie'd on it's own but it doesn't happen when the index swf is 'test
  movie'd or when the site is viewed locally in a browser
  The cb uses fonts used throughout the site and they are embedded (i've
  the code for the cb below). It's been suggested that maybe the cb is
  before the fonts so that it doesn't get a chance to render properly but
  can't see how that is happeneing  - i've tried added a textfield with
  fonts embedded make sure that that wasn't it (although i haven't added
  fonts to a frame loaded before the cb - i'm trying that now)
  the cb is placed manually onstage and has the following code added on
 function init():Void {
 xml.ignoreWhite = true;
 xmlFile = (xmldata != undefined) ? xmldata : PATH();
 xml.onData = function (src:String) {
 if (src == undefined) {
 } else {
 this.loaded = true;
 parse(); // creates the arrays
 var cBox:Object = {};
 cBox.change = function(o:Object):Void
 //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
 //o.target.onKillFocus=undefined; // didn't work
  ); // sends user to correct tab
   // this is the script for the cb
 var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
 c.setStyle(fontFamily, VAG Rounded Light);
 c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
 c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
 c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
 c.text = Select;
 //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
  Flashcoders mailing list
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief

2008-09-03 Thread allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
just tried putting the box on the stage and applying the style to it on the
first frame and putting the rest of the code on the second but no joy

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:49 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) 

 i've tried amending the combo box to instantiate it on the fly and that
 doesn't seem to work either

 // first attempt using the component as an mc
 //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
 //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.attachMovie(ComboBox,
 cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
 _y:133.6, _width:245});

 // second attempt using createClassObject

 import mx.controls.ComboBox;

 var c:ComboBox = mc_university.createClassObject(ComboBox,
 cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
 _y:133.6, _width:245});
 c.setStyle(fontFamily, Lloyds TSB VAG Rounded Light);
 c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
 c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
 c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
 c.text = Select;


 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) 


 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Hans Wichman 

 you're not using runtime file sharing right?

 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:48 AM, allandt bik-elliott
 (thefieldcomic.com) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sorry to necro an old thread but i still have a problem
  file structure:
  one index swf that preloads the main swf
  main swf that loads in several different section swfs and masks them in
  the combobox is in one of the masked sections
  the issue is this:
  i have a combo box that uses an array populated by a loaded xml file as
  dataprovider. It all works just fine apart from that when the combo box
  first opened, the first 'page' of entries doesn't render. If the list
  scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the entire
  renders properly, including the entry that's selected.
  This happens when the site is viewed on a server and when the file is
  movie'd on it's own but it doesn't happen when the index swf is 'test
  movie'd or when the site is viewed locally in a browser
  The cb uses fonts used throughout the site and they are embedded (i've
  the code for the cb below). It's been suggested that maybe the cb is
  before the fonts so that it doesn't get a chance to render properly but
  can't see how that is happeneing  - i've tried added a textfield with
  fonts embedded make sure that that wasn't it (although i haven't added
  fonts to a frame loaded before the cb - i'm trying that now)
  the cb is placed manually onstage and has the following code added on
 function init():Void {
 xml.ignoreWhite = true;
 xmlFile = (xmldata != undefined) ? xmldata : PATH();
 xml.onData = function (src:String) {
 if (src == undefined) {
 } else {
 this.loaded = true;
 parse(); // creates the arrays
 var cBox:Object = {};
 cBox.change = function(o:Object):Void
 //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
 //o.target.onKillFocus=undefined; // didn't work
  ); // sends user to correct tab
   // this is the script for the cb
 var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
 c.setStyle(fontFamily, VAG Rounded Light);
 c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
 c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
 c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
 c.text = Select;
 //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
  Flashcoders mailing list
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief

2008-09-03 Thread Cor
Why can't you put all the code in the first frame?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of allandt
bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
Sent: woensdag 3 september 2008 13:22
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief

just tried putting the box on the stage and applying the style to it on the
first frame and putting the rest of the code on the second but no joy

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:49 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) 

 i've tried amending the combo box to instantiate it on the fly and that
 doesn't seem to work either

 // first attempt using the component as an mc
 //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
 //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.attachMovie(ComboBox,
 cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
 _y:133.6, _width:245});

 // second attempt using createClassObject

 import mx.controls.ComboBox;

 var c:ComboBox = mc_university.createClassObject(ComboBox,
 cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
 _y:133.6, _width:245});
 c.setStyle(fontFamily, Lloyds TSB VAG Rounded Light);
 c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
 c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
 c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
 c.text = Select;


 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) 


 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Hans Wichman 

 you're not using runtime file sharing right?

 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:48 AM, allandt bik-elliott
 (thefieldcomic.com) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sorry to necro an old thread but i still have a problem
  file structure:
  one index swf that preloads the main swf
  main swf that loads in several different section swfs and masks them
  the combobox is in one of the masked sections
  the issue is this:
  i have a combo box that uses an array populated by a loaded xml file
  dataprovider. It all works just fine apart from that when the combo
  first opened, the first 'page' of entries doesn't render. If the list
  scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the entire
  renders properly, including the entry that's selected.
  This happens when the site is viewed on a server and when the file is
  movie'd on it's own but it doesn't happen when the index swf is 'test
  movie'd or when the site is viewed locally in a browser
  The cb uses fonts used throughout the site and they are embedded (i've
  the code for the cb below). It's been suggested that maybe the cb is
  before the fonts so that it doesn't get a chance to render properly
  can't see how that is happeneing  - i've tried added a textfield with
  fonts embedded make sure that that wasn't it (although i haven't added
  fonts to a frame loaded before the cb - i'm trying that now)
  the cb is placed manually onstage and has the following code added on
 function init():Void {
 xml.ignoreWhite = true;
 xmlFile = (xmldata != undefined) ? xmldata : PATH();
 xml.onData = function (src:String) {
 if (src == undefined) {
 } else {
 this.loaded = true;
 parse(); // creates the arrays
 var cBox:Object = {};
 cBox.change = function(o:Object):Void
 //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
 //o.target.onKillFocus=undefined; // didn't work

  ); // sends user to correct tab
   // this is the script for the cb
 var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
 c.setStyle(fontFamily, VAG Rounded Light);
 c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
 c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
 c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
 c.text = Select;
 //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
  Flashcoders mailing list
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] [solved] combobox still giving grief

2008-09-03 Thread allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
i thought maybe the style needed to be applied before the data is added

I found the problem - the data provider wasn't full so i've moved the code
into the onLoad of the xml and it's all behaving lovely jubbly now

thanks for your time guys - i really appreciate it

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Cor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why can't you put all the code in the first frame?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of allandt
 bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
 Sent: woensdag 3 september 2008 13:22
 To: Flash Coders List
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief

 just tried putting the box on the stage and applying the style to it on the
 first frame and putting the rest of the code on the second but no joy

 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:49 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) 

  i've tried amending the combo box to instantiate it on the fly and that
  doesn't seem to work either
  // first attempt using the component as an mc
  //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
  //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.attachMovie(ComboBox,
  cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
  _y:133.6, _width:245});
  // second attempt using createClassObject
  import mx.controls.ComboBox;
  var c:ComboBox = mc_university.createClassObject(ComboBox,
  cb_listOfUniversities, mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
  _y:133.6, _width:245});
  c.setStyle(fontFamily, Lloyds TSB VAG Rounded Light);
  c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
  c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
  c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
  c.text = Select;
  On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
  On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Hans Wichman 
  you're not using runtime file sharing right?
  On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:48 AM, allandt bik-elliott
  (thefieldcomic.com) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   sorry to necro an old thread but i still have a problem
   file structure:
   one index swf that preloads the main swf
   main swf that loads in several different section swfs and masks them
   the combobox is in one of the masked sections
   the issue is this:
   i have a combo box that uses an array populated by a loaded xml file
   dataprovider. It all works just fine apart from that when the combo
   first opened, the first 'page' of entries doesn't render. If the list
   scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the entire
   renders properly, including the entry that's selected.
   This happens when the site is viewed on a server and when the file is
   movie'd on it's own but it doesn't happen when the index swf is 'test
   movie'd or when the site is viewed locally in a browser
   The cb uses fonts used throughout the site and they are embedded
   the code for the cb below). It's been suggested that maybe the cb is
   before the fonts so that it doesn't get a chance to render properly
   can't see how that is happeneing  - i've tried added a textfield with
   fonts embedded make sure that that wasn't it (although i haven't
   fonts to a frame loaded before the cb - i'm trying that now)
   the cb is placed manually onstage and has the following code added on
  function init():Void {
  xml.ignoreWhite = true;
  xmlFile = (xmldata != undefined) ? xmldata : PATH();
  xml.onData = function (src:String) {
  if (src == undefined) {
  } else {
  this.loaded = true;
  parse(); // creates the arrays
  var cBox:Object = {};
  cBox.change = function(o:Object):Void
  //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
  //o.target.onKillFocus=undefined; // didn't work
   ); // sends user to correct tab
// this is the script for the cb
  var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
  c.setStyle(fontFamily, VAG Rounded Light);
  c.setStyle(embedFonts, true);
  c.addEventListener(change, cBox);
  c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
  c.text = Select;
  //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work

[Flashcoders] How to avoid little blink while loading another movie ...

2008-09-03 Thread S0 F1
Can you load it behind another display object that is a copy (perhaps bitmap
snapshot) of the main stage in question?

This should fix it.
Flashcoders mailing list

RE : [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief ...

2008-09-03 Thread S0 F1
In regards to this part of your question:

If the list is scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the
entire list renders properly, including the entry that's selected.

Can you force or simulate whatever event or function is fired when any of
the above occurs?, before the user actually does anything?
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: RE : [Flashcoders] combobox still giving grief ...

2008-09-03 Thread allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
ah - i solved the problem - the dataprovider wasn't populated properly

thanks for the response

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 12:46 PM, S0 F1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In regards to this part of your question:

 If the list is scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the
 entire list renders properly, including the entry that's selected.

 Can you force or simulate whatever event or function is fired when any of
 the above occurs?, before the user actually does anything?
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Singleton lookups vs Events ...

2008-09-03 Thread S0 F1
Any thoughts on whether it's more efficient (in terms of development and
player performance) to use Singleton's (with static public 'getInstance' or
such) instead of Event's when developing mid-sized applications? (for
classes that *are* Singleton's of course). Asking this in regards to when
you know no other class needs notification.

It seems a lot cleaner in terms of code (not having to create and listen for
events). Just a direct call - but what about performance speed, etc.

Is this good practice.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Singleton lookups vs Events ...

2008-09-03 Thread Paul Andrews
- Original Message - 

To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 2:16 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Singleton lookups vs Events ...

Any thoughts on whether it's more efficient (in terms of development and
player performance) to use Singleton's (with static public 'getInstance' 

such) instead of Event's when developing mid-sized applications? (for
classes that *are* Singleton's of course). Asking this in regards to when
you know no other class needs notification.

It seems a lot cleaner in terms of code (not having to create and listen 

events). Just a direct call - but what about performance speed, etc.

Is this good practice.

Direct calls? No, because you are binding one class to another and are 
building restrictions into your classes that mean they are less reusable in 
the future.

What if you need another class to respond? You need to add another call to 
class C from class A because class A was built only to call class B. With 
events class A issues the event and remains unchanged.

I don't understand the supposed correlation between sinletons and avoiding 
events. Perhaps it's because static classes/singletons are accessible 
without having to access an instance created elsewhere?


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Singleton lookups vs Events ...

2008-09-03 Thread Merrill, Jason
From a performance perspective, using fewer listeners in favor of
instance references will always be a performance gain since listeners
take up way more system resources than object references do.  From an
architecture/design pattern perspective though, I can't say whether it's
better or not, it depends more on the type of app you are building and
the type of architecture you put in place to support it.  Not having as
many events (either bubbling or non-bubbling) in favor of instances
(i.e. SingletonClass.getInstance()) can get very messy and buggy if you
don't do it right.  I've found using a mix of both in the right places
to be the best methodology in terms of overall design.

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America 
Enterprise Technology  Global Risk LLD 
Instructional Technology  Media

Join the Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
Check out our internal  Innovative Learning Blog  subscribe. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S0 F1
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:17 AM
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject: [Flashcoders] Singleton lookups vs Events ...

Any thoughts on whether it's more efficient (in terms of development and
player performance) to use Singleton's (with static public 'getInstance'
such) instead of Event's when developing mid-sized applications? (for
classes that *are* Singleton's of course). Asking this in regards to
you know no other class needs notification.

It seems a lot cleaner in terms of code (not having to create and listen
events). Just a direct call - but what about performance speed, etc.

Is this good practice.

Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Singleton lookups vs Events ...

2008-09-03 Thread eric e. dolecki
*I like events - but I am no computer scientist. Events allow flexibility. *

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 9:16 AM, S0 F1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any thoughts on whether it's more efficient (in terms of development and
 player performance) to use Singleton's (with static public 'getInstance' or
 such) instead of Event's when developing mid-sized applications? (for
 classes that *are* Singleton's of course). Asking this in regards to when
 you know no other class needs notification.

 It seems a lot cleaner in terms of code (not having to create and listen
 events). Just a direct call - but what about performance speed, etc.

 Is this good practice.

 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Singleton lookups vs Events ...

2008-09-03 Thread Mark Winterhalder
Performance optimization is nice and all, but... how often will that
happen in a frame? Once? A few hundred times? Then go with whatever is
the easiest to understand, because you're still at fractions of a
milisecond. Try it -- just time how long it takes to call a
getInstance method a few thousand times or send as many events. I'd
expect the Singletons to be slightly faster, especially if a new event
object would have to be instantiated each time, but then, I don't see
the relation between them and events. Perhaps you could give an
example of a situation where both would be equaly valid options?

If you have a situation where it would actually make a measurable
difference in performance, then you'd probably want to go without any
of the two.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:16 PM, S0 F1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any thoughts on whether it's more efficient (in terms of development and
 player performance) to use Singleton's (with static public 'getInstance' or
 such) instead of Event's when developing mid-sized applications? (for
 classes that *are* Singleton's of course). Asking this in regards to when
 you know no other class needs notification.

 It seems a lot cleaner in terms of code (not having to create and listen for
 events). Just a direct call - but what about performance speed, etc.

 Is this good practice.

 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 Minimal Class Props + Methods ...

2008-09-03 Thread Mark Winterhalder
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:36 AM, S0 F1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know how to find out the bare minumum Attributes and Methods of
 all built-in/intrinsic Classes being used in a SWF/AS3 application.

 Something perhaps that can parse a SWF, identify what intrinsic classes are
 being used and what is redundant or could be stripped out of those classes?

 Asking this from the point of view of optimising filesize/performance?

Intrinsics are built into the player, they're not part of the SWF. In
the SWF you'll only find the strings to identify them with, and you
can't go without those anyway.

If you want to know which intrinsics are referenced in an SWF,
Swfdump, Swfmill etc will be able to help. They're right at the
beginning of the dump, but connecting the class- to the package names
will require some work.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Need a flash developer

2008-09-03 Thread Sheree Hill
I need help with a  flash project and am looking for a freelancer it would
be over the next 2 weeks. I need someone with xml/flash AS experience.
Please email me if you¹re interested.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] MouseEvents on overlapping siblings in AS3

2008-09-03 Thread allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
yeh hittests are the slowest way of doing things but they have their place

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Matthias Dittgen [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Thanks for all the answers!!!

 So I went back to a solution where the upper MovieClip listens to the
 MouseMove event and hittest while the lower MovieClip is using
 Rollover now. That works for me. But nonetheless it is frustrating
 that there is no other way to get an ROLLOVER event for two or even
 more overlapping siblings other than hittesting them all.
 When it comes to performance - hittests are usually more cpu intensive
 than rollovers, right?

 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Meinte van't Kruis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I think rollover means it will fire once, wether or not it 'rolls' over a
  child of that parent. With mouseover,
  the event will fire each time the mouse also get's over a child of the
  parent which is listening to the event.
  (in short; rollover is like a parent with mouseover only with
  set to false).
  On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:26 PM, EECOLOR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just a guess, but you could change the listener to MOUSE_OVER instead of
  ROLL_OVER. The difference between the two is very subtle and explained
  the reference documentation of InteractiveObject. I am not sure if it is
  applicable to the problem posed.
  Greetz Erik
  Flashcoders mailing list
  M.A. van't Kruis
  Flashcoders mailing list
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Open Source YouTube Player

2008-09-03 Thread allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)
or there's swf and flv player on the mac

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 8:59 AM, Ashim D'Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 The JW Player seems to be popular. Haven't used it yet, but I intend to

 2008/9/3 Elia Morling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Is there a stable open source FLV player? Or should I reinvent the wheel?
  Flashcoders mailing list

 The Random Lines
 My online portfolio
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Complex Hittest

2008-09-03 Thread Merrill, Jason
I have two display object I want to check overlapping on - one of the
object will be very odd shaped, so I need to take advantage of the
ShapeFlag of the hitTestPoint method to be sure the object's shape is
taken into account.  The problem is, each display object is nested
inside other many display objects - and each is nested in a different
display list hierarchy.  So global coordinates and local coordinates
have to be accounted for otherwise, the hittesting is all messed up
-meaning, the wrong objects are detected to be overlapping.


The hitTestObject () method won't work because even though it compares
the two objects, it doesn't have shapeFlag, which I need for at least
one of the objects, which is an odd-shaped user-drawn polygon.
HitTestPoint() works for the odd shape, but it only compares a point to
an object - which is normally OK, but if I convert one of the objects
down to global coordinates, the other is still using it's own local
coordinates, so the wrong objects are detected to be overlapping.  


Colin Holgate on Flash_Tiger, when I asked earlier about a similar
hittest problem, posted a link to this class:
ittestobject-and-pixel-perfect-collision-detection  but so far, it
doesn't seem to be working with detecting collision between these two
objects, I assume because of the same problem I am facing: they are in
different display hierarchies and thus their discrepancies in local
coordinates are messing up the detection.


Any thoughts?

Jason Merrill
Bank of America 
Enterprise Technology  Global Risk LLD
Instructional Technology  Media 

Join the Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
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aspx . 

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] State Machines and user interaction

2008-09-03 Thread Weyert de Boer


I am curious if anyone on this list has ever tried to leverage state 
machines to handle user interaction gestures in Flash.

If so, what's your opinion about this? Any tips how to implement this?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] flash vars questions.

2008-09-03 Thread Gustavo Duenas
Thanks guys, instead to try to reinvent the wheel I read a thread  
about a youtube player and I did...voila!

is working the way I was looking for...Thanks.

On Sep 2, 2008, at 10:15 PM, Ashim D'Silva wrote:

AS3 example:


link was at the top of the page..

2008/9/3 Gustavo Duenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

do you know something that  actually can work in as3?



On Sep 2, 2008, at 2:36 AM, Rajiv Seth (Pixelated) wrote:


it's very simple process. you can view this tutorial

You can view this too

hope it will help.

Rajiv Seth

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:39 AM, Gustavo Duenas 

 Hi have a swf file which has a flv inserted and I'd like to know  
a way to

pass url variables with the name of the file to the flv.

like this:


and I want this to goes to the video.swf, and then to the flv  
source, any
ideas or you know a good tutorial, I've been trying one, but for  
so long




Flashcoders mailing list


Rajiv Seth
Ph: 09839157388
Flashcoders mailing list

Gustavo A. Duenas
Creative Director
904.  265 0330 - 904. 386 7958
Jacksonville - Florida

Flashcoders mailing list

The Random Lines
My online portfolio
Flashcoders mailing list


Gustavo A. Duenas
Creative Director
904.  265 0330 - 904. 386 7958
Jacksonville - Florida

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] all useless: removeMovieClip, destroyObject, DepthManager.setDepthTo

2008-09-03 Thread Mendelsohn, Michael
Hi list...

I can't seem to figure out in AS2 how to get V2 components off the
stage.  I've tried destroyObject, removeMovieClip and even used the
DepthManager class to try to get the depth within range to be removed.
It's showing as -32000.

Any ideas how to get the movieClip off the stage?


- Michael M.

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] all useless: removeMovieClip, destroyObject, DepthManager.setDepthTo

2008-09-03 Thread Merrill, Jason
 It's showing as -32000. 

Have you tried swapping it to a positive depth first before removing it?
Not with the DepthManager, but with movieClip.swapDepths() (I think
that's what it's called, its been a while since I worked in AS2)

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America 
Enterprise Technology  Global Risk LLD 
Instructional Technology  Media

Join the Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
Check out our internal  Innovative Learning Blog  subscribe. 
Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] all useless: removeMovieClip, destroyObject, DepthManager.setDepthTo

2008-09-03 Thread Mendelsohn, Michael
Thanks Jason for replying, however it didn't work, but I appreciate the

I've tried swapDepths to a positive number, destroyObject of the
components within that movieClip (2 get destroyed, the third one, a
ScrollPane containing the other two doesn't), simple removeMovieClip
calls, and trying to createEmptyMovieClip on that level.

I must be missing something.

- MM 

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How to avoid little blink while loading another movie ...

2008-09-03 Thread anuj sharma
Thanks I have figured that out by loading new movie just one frame before
finishing the first movie. Your idea will also work.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:41 AM, S0 F1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can you load it behind another display object that is a copy (perhaps
 snapshot) of the main stage in question?

 This should fix it.
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] all useless: removeMovieClip, destroyObject, DepthManager.setDepthTo

2008-09-03 Thread Jon Bradley

On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:16 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I can't seem to figure out in AS2 how to get V2 components off the
stage.  I've tried destroyObject, removeMovieClip and even used the
DepthManager class to try to get the depth within range to be removed.
It's showing as -32000.

Any ideas how to get the movieClip off the stage?

This might help.


I have never used DepthManager and createClassObjectAtDepth, or  
createClassObject ... mainly because they suck. So, I've never had a  
problem because I've always just casted any v2 component as a  
MovieClip in any AS2 class (I never needed code completion on them).

good luck with that one.

- jon
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Perspective movement: Back button problem

2008-09-03 Thread sebastian

hi Rajiiv, nice movement so far.

Don't have the time to dig into all your code, so if you could perhaps 
refine the problem to just one problematic equation/function/question, I 
(we) might be better [ more quickly] able to assist you.



Rajiv Seth (Pixelated) wrote:

Hi there,

I am working on a project, for which I have made perspective movement of
thumbnails. My one side movement is working fine, but I am unable to create
to and fro movement (back  forward), as variable values don't change as
desired. Can anyone help me with this and tell me how to code this.

file can be seen at http://www.geocities.com/cybe_r/

I have put there fla download link and code too.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Complex Hittest

2008-09-03 Thread sebastian

hi Merrill,

Doing hit tests of nested objects is simply a question of referencing 
the right child within the hierarchy instead of the parent MC, who's x 
and y are potentially different. You can prove this to yourself by doing 
hit tests on a test stage with MC's in different MC trees and tracing 
the resulting X, Y and hit test point result.

So it should really be possible and not present an obstacle you can't 
overcome, just reference the right MC in the tree and voila, it should work.

You may want to consider encapsulating the testing objects hit test to 
some external class file that would handle the boolean check/return, but 
that's an optional code-optimization-extra.

Hope this is enough info to get you further.


Merrill, Jason wrote:

I have two display object I want to check overlapping on - one of the
object will be very odd shaped, so I need to take advantage of the
ShapeFlag of the hitTestPoint method to be sure the object's shape is
taken into account.  The problem is, each display object is nested
inside other many display objects - and each is nested in a different
display list hierarchy.  So global coordinates and local coordinates
have to be accounted for otherwise, the hittesting is all messed up
-meaning, the wrong objects are detected to be overlapping.


The hitTestObject () method won't work because even though it compares
the two objects, it doesn't have shapeFlag, which I need for at least
one of the objects, which is an odd-shaped user-drawn polygon.
HitTestPoint() works for the odd shape, but it only compares a point to
an object - which is normally OK, but if I convert one of the objects
down to global coordinates, the other is still using it's own local
coordinates, so the wrong objects are detected to be overlapping.  


Colin Holgate on Flash_Tiger, when I asked earlier about a similar
hittest problem, posted a link to this class:
ittestobject-and-pixel-perfect-collision-detection  but so far, it
doesn't seem to be working with detecting collision between these two
objects, I assume because of the same problem I am facing: they are in
different display hierarchies and thus their discrepancies in local
coordinates are messing up the detection.


Any thoughts?

Jason Merrill
Bank of America 
Enterprise Technology  Global Risk LLD
Instructional Technology  Media 

Join the Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
Check out our internal  Innovative Learning Blog
aspx   subscribe
aspx . 

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] State Machines and user interaction

2008-09-03 Thread sebastian

Sure many times,

There are different ways to implement it, depending on the applicaiton.

State machines can be used to load Objects that load the subroutines 
[useful for things like changing AI behavior of a sprite], or for simply 
switching elements on/off, or for triggering an event [wide 
broadcasting]. You can track states via booleans, and do checks on 
states via a switch statement, or a boolean check [depending on 
application]. There is a lot of information also on the net about this 
[google it], as well as in Oriely's book on AS-design patterns.

My 2 cents,

Good luck!


Weyert de Boer wrote:


I am curious if anyone on this list has ever tried to leverage state 
machines to handle user interaction gestures in Flash.

If so, what's your opinion about this? Any tips how to implement this?

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread sebastian
Hi everyone, so I have a MC I want to move very-very slowly across the 
screen; so that it is subtle. I have the frame rate set to 30fps and any 
increase to the FPS doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes 
the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the 
effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

Am I just stuffed? Or is there a way to achieve very smooth animations 
in Flash/AS3? [short of laying it all out as frames and cross fading! 
which would be ridiculous and over-size the file so not possible]. Maybe 
I just need to turn on something somewhere? I can't remember where if 
that's the case...



Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread Jack Doyle
If you want sub-pixel movement, you must turn smoothing on for the asset,
but there are a few gotchas that I'm aware of:

1) If DisplayObject/MovieClip has any filters applied to it (blur, drop
shadow, etc.), I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get sub-pixel movement. It
will only move on whole pixels which would explain that undesirable effect
you described.

2) If you're animating a TextField with anti-aliasing set to anti-alias for
readability, you'll probably get some visual vibration as it moves.
Obviously bitmap text (no anti-aliasing) won't work well for sub-pixel

3) In certain scenarios, Flash will not allow smoothing on subloaded assets
from other domains unless you have a crossdomain.xml file in place. It's a
security thing.

If your asset is a raster image in your library, you can simply right-click
on it, choose properties, and select the allow smoothing checkbox. If it's
a BitmapData object, you'll need to enable smoothing when you create it
through code. 

If it's not a raster image, could try creating a BitmapData of your asset,
set smoothing to true, and animate that in order to get the sub-pixel
movement. Not sure it would give you great results, but it's worth a shot.

Hope that helps.


-Original Message-
From: sebastian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 7:50 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

Hi everyone, so I have a MC I want to move very-very slowly across the 
screen; so that it is subtle. I have the frame rate set to 30fps and any 
increase to the FPS doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes 
the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the 
effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

Am I just stuffed? Or is there a way to achieve very smooth animations 
in Flash/AS3? [short of laying it all out as frames and cross fading! 
which would be ridiculous and over-size the file so not possible]. Maybe 
I just need to turn on something somewhere? I can't remember where if 
that's the case...



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread Zeh Fernando
I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes 
the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the 
effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If 
it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a 
loaded bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread sebastian

Thanks Jack and Zeh,

I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the library, 
and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use runtime bitmap 
caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...


It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm 
trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend 
mode on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except for 
the inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the bitmapCaching 
at runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is helping...

Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the problem?



Zeh Fernando wrote:
I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes 
the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the 
effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If 
it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a 
loaded bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread sebastian
also I tried replacing my PNG with a simple vector of a square, but it 
STILL skips as it moves every pixel... surely I am still missing 
something simple here...


sebastian wrote:

Thanks Jack and Zeh,

I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the library, 
and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use runtime bitmap 
caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...


It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm 
trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend 
mode on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except for 
the inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the bitmapCaching 
at runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is helping...

Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the 



Zeh Fernando wrote:
I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation 
makes the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and 
break the effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If 
it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a 
loaded bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread sebastian
ok I don't normally ask this, but I have made a very simple test flash 
file with just one vector graphic and with Tweener I am moving it across 
the screen; it doesn't move smoothly.

The code you will find in my flash file is just this:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

//main timeline AS file:
public class testas extends MovieClip {

public function testas () {

setAnimation2 ();


private function setAnimation2 () {

Tweener.addTween (testMC, {x:-1800, time:8000, 



the file with my FLA, which like I said has only one vector-item of a 
square on the timeline is:


Can anyone help me fix this?
Much appreciated!



sebastian wrote:
also I tried replacing my PNG with a simple vector of a square, but it 
STILL skips as it moves every pixel... surely I am still missing 
something simple here...


sebastian wrote:

Thanks Jack and Zeh,

I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the 
library, and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use 
runtime bitmap caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...


It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm 
trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend 
mode on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except 
for the inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the 
bitmapCaching at runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is 

Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the 



Zeh Fernando wrote:
I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation 
makes the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and 
break the effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If 
it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a 
loaded bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread Zeh Fernando
Square vectors might still look like they're snapping if they have an 

Do you have a published example of that, as an SWF, so we can see and 
measure what kind of movement problem is it having?


sebastian wrote:
also I tried replacing my PNG with a simple vector of a square, but it 
STILL skips as it moves every pixel... surely I am still missing 
something simple here...


sebastian wrote:

Thanks Jack and Zeh,

I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the 
library, and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use 
runtime bitmap caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...


It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm 
trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend 
mode on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except 
for the inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the 
bitmapCaching at runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is 

Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the 



Zeh Fernando wrote:
I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation 
makes the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and 
break the effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If 
it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a 
loaded bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.

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Re: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-03 Thread Zeh Fernando

There are two things wrong with that example:

One, the square image you have has an outline. Because of the way Flash 
renders outlines, it'll always snap perfectly vertical and horizontal 
lines to the pixel, hence producing what looks like a hard bitmap move. 
In fact, if you cut a diagonal line on the square and try to move it, 
you'll notice only the vertical and horizontal sides will snap, which 
is pretty odd (but expected behavior). Turning on stroke hinting 
actually forces this same behavior for all lines.

And two, you turned on bitmap caching (use runtime bitmap caching) for 
the object, which forces it to render as a bitmap on round pixels and 
then transfer to the screen. Your object acts like a bitmap with 
smoothing/antialias off.

So if you turn bitmap caching off and remove the outline and it'll work. 
Check it out:


These techniques are only good for this example scenario though, which 
probably isn't the problem that you're facing on your actual work 
(specially if you're using images or text), so you'll have to test to 
see what's up with your specific case.

But what I can tell you is, don't use runtime bitmap caching as default. 
Not only because it'll force your renders to be based on the pixel most 
of the times, but because it'll mess with your movies in a number of 
different ways like forcing a large use of memory and garbage collection 
when not needed. Don't get me wrong, it's a great feature to have, but 
it has to be used sparingly and there's a reason why it's off by default.


sebastian wrote:
ok I don't normally ask this, but I have made a very simple test flash 
file with just one vector graphic and with Tweener I am moving it across 
the screen; it doesn't move smoothly.

The code you will find in my flash file is just this:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

//main timeline AS file:
public class testas extends MovieClip {
public function testas () {

setAnimation2 ();
private function setAnimation2 () {
Tweener.addTween (testMC, {x:-1800, time:8000, 


the file with my FLA, which like I said has only one vector-item of a 
square on the timeline is:


Can anyone help me fix this?
Much appreciated!



sebastian wrote:
also I tried replacing my PNG with a simple vector of a square, but it 
STILL skips as it moves every pixel... surely I am still missing 
something simple here...


sebastian wrote:

Thanks Jack and Zeh,

I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the 
library, and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use 
runtime bitmap caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...


It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm 
trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend 
mode on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except 
for the inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the 
bitmapCaching at runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is 

Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the 



Zeh Fernando wrote:
I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation 
makes the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and 
break the effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. 
If it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's 
a loaded bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.

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[Flashcoders] Problem with flash site randomly crashing browsers

2008-09-03 Thread Steve Bailey
About a month ago I started developing a website using the Gaia flash  
framework (http://gaiaflashframework.com) and once I got a rough  
version 1.0 of the site together and started testing it hard (with  
various people on various OS and browser versions) I started to get  
feedback that it would randomly crash the browser.  I experienced it  
as well from time to time.  My primary development platform is a Mac  
Powerbook running Leopard and Safari 3.1.  After flipping through a  
few pages of the site, I would get the spinning beachball of death  
which would immediately be followed by the browser resetting.

My question is, other than querying System.totalMemory from time to  
time, are there any other troubleshooting/debugging tools that I can  
use to figure out if I'm releasing objects properly or just generally  
what is going on in the flash site at the time of the crash?  I'd  
love to post the site somewhere for someone to troubleshoot but it's  
fairly sizeable with all the moving pieces and I'm not sure if that's  

Steve Bailey
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Perspective movement: Back button problem

2008-09-03 Thread Rajiv Seth (Pixelated)
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for looking into my problem, but I have resolved the issue myself.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 6:04 AM, sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi Rajiiv, nice movement so far.

 Don't have the time to dig into all your code, so if you could perhaps
 refine the problem to just one problematic equation/function/question, I
 (we) might be better [ more quickly] able to assist you.


 Rajiv Seth (Pixelated) wrote:

 Hi there,

 I am working on a project, for which I have made perspective movement of
 thumbnails. My one side movement is working fine, but I am unable to
 to and fro movement (back  forward), as variable values don't change as
 desired. Can anyone help me with this and tell me how to code this.

 file can be seen at http://www.geocities.com/cybe_r/

 I have put there fla download link and code too.

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Rajiv Seth
Ph: 09839157388
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