[flexcoders] Re: CRUD in XML

2007-01-07 Thread devisbalsemin
Yes it's correctly,
I have a simple xml file, and i wish to understand if it's possibile 
Insert, Selecet update delete record into a xml file
Thanks devis 
Ok if't possibile only with HTTPSERVICE...

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could you please provide a bit more detail about what you are trying
to do?
 CRUD is an acronym usually associated with the database operations
 When you ask for some example how to implement Flex 2 CRUD with xml
 file??? what do you mean?
 Have you looked at the Flex 2 documentation sections on:
- The E4X approach to XML processing
- Working with XML
 On 1/6/07, devisbalsemin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  can you help me to find some example how to implment Flex 2 CRUD with
  xml file???

[flexcoders] Re: and I thought Adobe was a professional company. Whats going on with the upgrade

2007-01-07 Thread Tim Hoff

As a personal request, might I ask that this thread be closed.  It's
very easy to take pot-shots from the sidelines.  But, from what I can
tell, most on this list are serious people that appreciate the hard work
and dedication that Adobe has provided.  Granted, Flex isn't mature yet
as a product.  However, a lot of people here have gone through the beta
cycles and come out just fine.  After all, progress isn't free.  It just
takes a little effort.

That being said, please let us not sink into the same type of discourse
that has plagued similar lists.  If you're not a fan of Adobe and Flex,
than this probably isn't the right place for you.  They have a customer
service department for that.  In the mean time, all of the positive
minded subscribers to this list have much more useful things to do with
their time than reading personal rants.  Sorry for the bluntness, but if
you cant say something nice.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, boy_trike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its great that there is an upgrade to 2.0.1 So where is the READ ME
telling us about the
 changes. (oh yea, you can find a web page that tells you that there is
something called
 modules and you can now change style sheets dynamically. but where

 1). The examples
 2). The new syntax changes
 3). The list of the 250 bugs that are fixed (or are we supposed to
guess which ones they

 We should NOT have to find out about these features on someones blog.
This seems very
 amateurish to me.


RE: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?

2007-01-07 Thread Sascha
This also didn't help. Is there any invalidate method I have to call at a
certain time? The dataProvider might be empty after this but it feels as if
my TileList has still garbage in it or I need to wait until a screen
refresh. The exception also occurs somewhere in the depths of the component
structure, not in my app, here's the stack trace in case it helps.


TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.

at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()


at mx.core::UIComponent/removeChild()



at mx.core::UIComponent/validateDisplayList()

at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::validateDisplayList()

at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::doPhasedInstantiation()

at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()

at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher2()

at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher()






From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Clint Modien
Sent: Sunday, 07 January, 2007 14:03
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?


Odd... did you try setting the dataprovider to a new object instead of
setting it too null?

You could also try:


On 1/6/07, Sascha [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

Thanks Clint, but all of them result in the same exception. Any other ideas?




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto: flexcoders@ mailto:flexcoders@
yahoogroups. http://yahoogroups.com com] On Behalf Of Clint Modien
Sent: Sunday, 07 January, 2007 10:40
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?


I would try any new non-null complex type:

new Object();
new Array();
new ArrayCollection();

On 1/5/07, Sascha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

I'm trying to initialize a TileList after items were put into it so that it
is empty again and I can load new items into it after that. I'm setting the
TileList dataprovider to null but when I then try to load new items into it,
it gives me an exception: Parameter child must be non-null.
What would I have to do additionally to properly initialize the TileList?





[flexcoders] How to get a full local copy of the language reference

2007-01-07 Thread Collin Peters
Here is how I got the full docs stored locally:

-extract eclipse-3.2.1\plugins\com.adobe.flexbuilder.help_2.0.155577\doc.zip
-this will get you a frameless version of the language reference... to
get the full frames read on

-I made a cygwin shell script to do this for me (attached)
-put cygwin directory into the langref directory you extracted the
zip.  I extracted here D:\flex2_sdk\help and put the shell script
here D:\flex2_sdk\help\langref
-It requires you to make a file called CLASS_LIST.TXT which consists
of all the packages copied and pasted from
http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2/langref/package-list.html.  e.g.


If you don't have cygwin I'm afraid I can't help you.  Maybe there are
software packages out there to download stuff

I'd provide a zip of the missing files from the zip if I was sure
there were copyright/legal problems from someone at Adobe.

Collin Peters
Lead Software Developer
InTouch Technology

Description: Bourne shell script

Re: [flexcoders] Re: and I thought Adobe was a professional company. Whats going on with the upgrade

2007-01-07 Thread Scott Barnes

Agreed :)

( I got half-way down and went *noise..noise...noise...heh go
Claus...noise..noise*) :)

On 1/7/07, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   As a personal request, might I ask that this thread be closed.  It's
very easy to take pot-shots from the sidelines.  But, from what I can tell,
most on this list are serious people that appreciate the hard work and
dedication that Adobe has provided.  Granted, Flex isn't mature yet as a
product.  However, a lot of people here have gone through the beta cycles
and come out just fine.  After all, progress isn't free.  It just takes a
little effort.

That being said, please let us not sink into the same type of discourse
that has plagued similar lists.  If you're not a fan of Adobe and Flex, than
this probably isn't the right place for you.  They have a customer service
department for that.  In the mean time, all of the positive minded
subscribers to this list have much more useful things to do with their time
than reading personal rants.  Sorry for the bluntness, but if you cant say
something nice.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, boy_trike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its great that there is an upgrade to 2.0.1 So where is the READ ME
telling us about the
 changes. (oh yea, you can find a web page that tells you that there is
something called
 modules and you can now change style sheets dynamically. but where are:

 1). The examples
 2). The new syntax changes
 3). The list of the 250 bugs that are fixed (or are we supposed to guess
which ones they

 We should NOT have to find out about these features on someones blog.
This seems very
 amateurish to me.


Scott Barnes

[flexcoders] Re: proxy callproperty problem

2007-01-07 Thread Webdevotion

sorry, made a typo

flash_proxy override function callProperty( methodName:* , ... args ):*
return serviceProxy[methodName.toString()].apply(serviceProxy,args );

Re: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?

2007-01-07 Thread Webdevotion

Oh yes,

To remove all items from a tilelist you just use

collection = new ArrayCollection();

In my example the dataprovider is refilled as a proof of concept.
Commenting the line:

collection = new

will result in a clean Tilelist instance ; )

[flexcoders] mx:DataGrid variable columns

2007-01-07 Thread nasawebguy
I have tables in the database that the user can change via a 
ColdFusion application, therefore the columns in my Flex DataGrid 
need to be dynamic. How do I modify the code below to dynamically 
generate the gridcolumns?

Don Kerr

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
layout=absolute creationComplete=initApp()

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

public function initApp():void

public function getQuery_result(event:ResultEvent):void
cfgrid.dataProvider = event.result as 


id=cfdata showBusyCursor=true 
mx:method name=getQuery result=getQuery_result
(event) /

mx:Panel label=Simple Grid width=100% height=100% 

mx:DataGrid editable=true 
alternatingItemColors=[#ece8ff, #ff]  id=cfgrid width=100% 
height=190 alpha=1.0
mx:DataGridColumn dataField=?? /



[flexcoders] Drop and Drop in the grid layout container

2007-01-07 Thread pereanend
Does Anyone knows how to implement draop and rop in the grid layount 

RE: [flexcoders] Re: and I thought Adobe was a professional company. Whats going on with the upgrade

2007-01-07 Thread Mark R. Jonkman
Hi David
While I'm not the original poster and realize (via the other posts on this
thread) that the changes are documented, they aren't immediately available
from where you would expect to find them on the website. For example:
The top line says Current English Version: Flex 2.0.1... updaters available
Click on the link and wind up at:
You get the release notes for 2.0.1 if you click Release Notes under Flex
Builder 2.0.1 but if you click the Flex 2.0.1 SDK Release Notes, you get the
release notes from Flex 2.0 unless somehow the 2.0.1 stuff is interspersed
(but that wasn't evident if it was). So if you clicked on the correct Flex
Builder 2.0.1 link you got what you wanted but one would expect the SDK link
to list out updates to the compilers as well (ie. what changes affect more
then just the Flex Builder such as new components or functionality). 
One thing I wanted to know and still can't figure out without installing the
Flex 2.0.1 updater is whether or not the underlying version of Eclipse has
been updated from Eclipse 3.1.2 to 3.2.x. Might not be meaningful to others
but I really need Flex to run well under Eclipse 3.2.x so that I can use
Castillo only plugins with Flex. I'm currently running the 2.0 as a plugin
so that I can use Eclipse 3.2 but then I keep getting exceptions and issues
about can't retrieve labels, thread exceptions when running Flex Debugger
Perspective under Eclipse 3.2 (if anyone out there knows a solution please
let me know). Up until mid December, Subclipse plugin for the newer
Subversion client was only available for Castillo (subclipse 1.0.4 for
Eclipse 3.1 was released in December) so that caused other issues. I still
don't know whether 2.0.1 upgrades Eclipse or not.. I'd love to know that. My
guess is it won't.
Second, if one is running Flex Data Services, the same page lists release
notes for Flex Data Services 2.0.1 but I can't seem to find the link to
download the Flex Data Services 2.0.1. Unless they are a). Contained within
the Flex Builder 2.0.1 installer or b) are located somewhere else on the
site. I think I found link last night from some other page to download said
version of the data services but I can't seem to find it today and the link
last night wound up with a broken link page. Not sure if Flex Charting has
similar issues as I believe they install as part of Flex Builder 2 but if so
I'd suggest a link on the update page along with the release notes. One
should never have to search high and low and read between the lines to know
what is included and what isn't and where one should search to find the rest
of the parts one needs to update their install.
So while the stuff information and associated files may very well be there
on your site somewhere, the site lacks cohesiveness in presenting the
updaters and information properly. While I didn't start the thread nor do I
necessarily agree fully with the title of the thread, I do see a lack of
cohesiveness to the information presented on the site. 
I'd also like to point out that the main Flex Product page doesn't indicate
in any way that an update to Flex has been made available. Depending on my
reason for visiting Adobe's site, I'd be inclined to visit either the
product page or the support site, both should have links to the updaters and
both should be clear that an update has occurred. Currently one only finds
out about the update from the support site.
Finally, more in response to those who are saying RTM, I'd say that the
information needs to be posted clearly and in detail outside of the product
documentation when it involves and updater like this. For example, if I'm in
the middle of a major project that might benefit from said new feature but
also could be completed without said new feature and the timeline of the
project is rather tight. I would want to read enough detailed information
and find it quickly without the need to install the update to determine if
the risk of installing the update is less the the amount of effort to
continue developing without the update (at least for said project). It might
be just a link to a pdf that comprises the pages that were added to the full
documentation: list of changes, and the docs on the new features. The sheer
volume of the documentation for Flex can be overwhelming. 
On the subject of the documentation, having only worked with Flex for about
a couple of months in my free time, I still have mixed feelings over its
completeness in terms of at least examples and finding the right stuff
quickly. I've often had to give up on the documentation and search the
Internet for examples that meet my particular need. Interestingly enough at
times a Google search pinpoints what I need in the LiveDocs that the
straight search in the documentation failed to find. The other issue I find
is that the examples often utilize the simpliest of cases. An example this

[flexcoders] Re: Rotating mx:Label is not working for me...any ideas??

2007-01-07 Thread tinkiknit
I'll give it a try when i get back to work on Monday...


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Mac Martine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Arial.ttf is not bold, so it is thrown off when you set fontWeight 
to bold.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? mx:Application
 xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=absolute 
 @font-face { fontFamily:myfont; src:url
(arial.ttf); }.myStyle {
 fontFamily:myfont; } /mx:Stylemx:Label text=TEST 
 fontSize=14 x=200 width=200 rotation=70 
 textAlign=center/ /mx:Application
 On 1/5/07 12:57 PM, tinkiknit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all...
  Ok, I searched all afternoon on this group for the solution to 
  to no avail.  Here is what I have (when I set the rotation 
  to anything the text disappears)...
  mx:VBox xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; maxWidth=19
  verticalScrollPolicy=off horizontalScrollPolicy=off
  paddingTop=130 paddingRight=3 paddingLeft=3
  @font-face { fontFamily:myfont; src:url(arial.ttf); }
  .myStyle { fontFamily:myfont; fontWeight:bold;}
  mx:Label text=TEST TEXT fontWeight=bold fontSize=14
  styleName=myStyle  textAlign=center fontFamily=myfont/
  thanks for any help...

[flexcoders] Flex Builder 2.0.1 crashe

2007-01-07 Thread roman_dolgov

I've noticed that Flex Builder 2.0.1 doesn't handle well library
dependency in one case:

If you create a Flex Library Project, then create a folder inside of
the project, add a library file (swc) inside of the folder and add
dependency on the this library in the project properties the Flex
Builder would crash.

This is new to 2.0.1. Version 2.0 works fine.

One way to avoid the problem is so move library file outside of the
project folder.

More info at:

RE: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue

2007-01-07 Thread matt wicks
Yeah I'm in the same boat ...



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bill Gercken
Sent: 06 January 2007 15:38
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue



I down loaded the OS X release of Flex Builder 2 and installed it but it
does not like my 
Windows license. Does anyone know whether there will be some sort of license
available? My charting license worked fine though. I bought the Windows
version to bridge 
the gap until the OS X version was available. As soon as the Mac beta was
out I switched and 
have not looked back. Don't tell me that I am going to have to fork out
another 500 bucks 
just to be able to work on my operating system of choice...



[flexcoders] proxy callproperty problem

2007-01-07 Thread Webdevotion


I've been staring into the dark since yesterday on this one.
I extend Proxy and implement IEventDispatcher

public dynamic class RemotingProxy extends Proxy implements
  // my class

somewhere in my class I have the callProperty method

flash_proxy override function callProperty( methodName:* , ... args ):*
return serviceProxy[methodName.toString()].apply(serviceProxy,params );

I always run into this compilation error.
*Error:* TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a
null object reference.

[flexcoders] How do I check the current version of Flex Charting?

2007-01-07 Thread Walter
After running the Flex Builder 2.0.1 updater (Plug-In update) I am
unsure as to if I still need to update my Flex Charting installation.
The release notes/install docs are not very clear about this (at least
to me). Does anyone know how I can check the version of Flex Charting
I am currently running?

[flexcoders] Re: Flashmaps and Flex 2

2007-01-07 Thread VERBAL
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Rick Root [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone tried integrationg Flashmaps (www.flashmaps.com) into a Flex 
 2 application? A google query for flashmaps Flex 2doesn't 
 yield many results...

Replying to a very old post here, Rick did you ever get a response? 
I'm about to do the same thing, looks like the javascript interface
will be my best option since flashmaps runs in the flash 8 AVM.

Re: [flexcoders] New signature of IFlexModuleFactory.create() in 2.0.1 ?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Evans
On 6 Jan 2007, at 04:17, John Kirby wrote:
 I have a compile error in 2.0.1 Mac but not in Mac Beta :

 1144: Interface method create in namespace  
 mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory is implemented with an incompatible  
 signature in class _weathercharts_mx_managers_SystemManager.

  Has the API been tweaked in this area since Beta?  I  do use in  
 my code the mx.managers SystemManager which is an implementor of  
 IFlexModuleFactory.  Is this a bug?

Just sent a reply to your earlier message on this in the  
[flexcoders] flex 2.0.1 feedback from the trenches thread.

Basically I think it is an eclipse 'workspace' issue rather than  
anything else.

[ http://www.creative-cognition.co.uk/ ]
[ http://creacog.wordpress.com/ ]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: flex 2.0.1 feedback from the trenches

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Evans

On 5 Jan 2007, at 21:05, fuad_kamal wrote:
 -installed without uninstalling the beta, still worked fine, and my
 flex projects were preserved although in the known issues it said they
I suspect it is the workspace that is incompatible rather than the  
project files?

On 5 Jan 2007, at 22:01, John Kirby wrote:
 Not very clear messages in debugging when taking a 2.0 project and  
 recompiling with 2.0.1.  I have two types of errors:
 1023: Incompatible override.

I had this one - even if creating a new Flex Application with just  
the Application tag. Basically it was because Flex 2.0.1 is picking  
up the Flex 2 Beta workspace which is incompatible.

The way I solved it was to rename the existing Flex Builder 2  
folder to Flex Builder 2 Beta to accurately reflect the builder  
that created it. On the Mac:

/Users/username/Documents/Flex Builder 2


/Users/username/Documents/Flex Builder 2 Beta

(Note: for Flex Builder 2 Beta to pick up it's workspace again, you  
need to choose FileSwitch workspace... from the menu. Not that  
you'll want to go back to the beta, once you have 2.0.1 running  

Then when launching the 2.0.1 version, the Flex Builder 2 folder  
will be re-created but this time containing a 2.0.1 compatible  
workspace. You can then start creating projects, porting your old  
source files as you see fit.


[ http://www.creative-cognition.co.uk/ ]
[ http://creacog.wordpress.com/ ]

[flexcoders] FormItem Override

2007-01-07 Thread Bruce Denham
I submitted this earlier in the week, but it got buried amid the Flex
2.0.1 excitement. Here it is again:

How can I override the FormItem component so that it renders its label
and requirement indicator ABOVE the contained input item. There's a
strong usability reason for wanting to do this, as described here:

I've read other threads and examples in which the FormItems labels can
easily be left aligned, but that's less usable than the default right
alignment of labels. 

Can anyone help?

Bruce Denham

Re: [flexcoders] Re: and I thought Adobe was a professional company. Whats going on with the upgrade

2007-01-07 Thread Robert Thompson
You don't have to read it Tim.
  It's Bruce's personal opinion just as your request is a personal request.
  It's real simple, you don't own this ofrum.
  And I'm not sure personal requests are given priority here.
  I happen to agree with Bruce; and I'm totally devoted to Adobe.
  But Macromedia has handled things better in the past and I hope things 
  We need Errata to know what's going on.
  It's my personal request that you don't flame me for my personal opinion.

Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Agreed :)
  ( I got half-way down and went *noise..noise...noise...heh go 
Claus...noise..noise*) :)

  On 1/7/07, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   As a personal 
request, might I ask that this thread be closed.  It's very easy to take 
pot-shots from the sidelines.  But, from what I can tell, most on this list are 
serious people that appreciate the hard work and dedication that Adobe has 
provided.  Granted, Flex isn't mature yet as a product.  However, a lot of 
people here have gone through the beta cycles and come out just fine.  After 
all, progress isn't free.  It just takes a little effort.  
  That being said, please let us not sink into the same type of discourse that 
has plagued similar lists.  If you're not a fan of Adobe and Flex, than this 
probably isn't the right place for you.  They have a customer service 
department for that.  In the mean time, all of the positive minded subscribers 
to this list have much more useful things to do with their time than reading 
personal rants.  Sorry for the bluntness, but if you cant say something 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, boy_trike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 Its great that there is an upgrade to 2.0.1 So where is the READ ME telling 
 us about the 
 changes. (oh yea, you can find a web page that tells you that there is 
 something called 
 modules and you can now change style sheets dynamically. but where are: 
 1). The examples
 2). The new syntax changes
 3). The list of the 250 bugs that are fixed (or are we supposed to guess 
 which ones they 
 We should NOT have to find out about these features on someones blog. This 
 seems very 
 amateurish to me. 


Scott Barnes


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Andrews
I don't have a Mac, but to me it seems a retrograde step to have separate PC 
and Mac licences. Other software I have allows usage on either platform and I 
can easily envisage a situation where developers might be working on PCs on one 
project then have to switch to a Mac for another company. Yes, I realise that 
you can develop on a PC then deploy on a Mac, but I've no doubt it will be a 
PIA for testing.

Why can't the same licence work on any available platform?

  - Original Message - 
  From: matt wicks 
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 3:48 PM
  Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue

  Yeah I'm in the same boat ...


  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill 
  Sent: 06 January 2007 15:38
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue


  I down loaded the OS X release of Flex Builder 2 and installed it but it does 
not like my 
  Windows license. Does anyone know whether there will be some sort of license 
  available? My charting license worked fine though. I bought the Windows 
version to bridge 
  the gap until the OS X version was available. As soon as the Mac beta was out 
I switched and 
  have not looked back. Don't tell me that I am going to have to fork out 
another 500 bucks 
  just to be able to work on my operating system of choice...



RE: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?

2007-01-07 Thread Sascha
Yes, it indeed removes all items from the TileList (same like the other
approaches mentioned by Clint) but if I try after this to populate the
TileList with new items I get the exception. So what can I do to load new
items into a TileList that had items before but was cleared?


Thanks for any hints!





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Webdevotion
Sent: Sunday, 07 January, 2007 21:56
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?


Oh yes,

To remove all items from a tilelist you just use

collection = new ArrayCollection();

In my example the dataprovider is refilled as a proof of concept.
Commenting the line:

collection = new

will result in a clean Tilelist instance ; )


[flexcoders] Re: and I thought Adobe was a professional company. Whats going on with the upgrade

2007-01-07 Thread Tim Hoff
Fair enough Robert.  Go ahead, make this flashcoders 2.  Subject 


btw, all I own is my keyboard.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Robert Thompson 

 You don't have to read it Tim.

   It's Bruce's personal opinion just as your request is a personal 

   It's real simple, you don't own this ofrum.

   And I'm not sure personal requests are given priority here.

   I happen to agree with Bruce; and I'm totally devoted to Adobe.

   But Macromedia has handled things better in the past and I hope 
things improve.

   We need Errata to know what's going on.

   It's my personal request that you don't flame me for my personal 

 Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Agreed :)

   ( I got half-way down and went *noise..noise...noise...heh go 
Claus...noise..noise*) :)

   On 1/7/07, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   As a 
personal request, might I ask that this thread be closed.  It's very 
easy to take pot-shots from the sidelines.  But, from what I can 
tell, most on this list are serious people that appreciate the hard 
work and dedication that Adobe has provided.  Granted, Flex isn't 
mature yet as a product.  However, a lot of people here have gone 
through the beta cycles and come out just fine.  After all, progress 
isn't free.  It just takes a little effort.  
   That being said, please let us not sink into the same type of 
discourse that has plagued similar lists.  If you're not a fan of 
Adobe and Flex, than this probably isn't the right place for you.  
They have a customer service department for that.  In the mean time, 
all of the positive minded subscribers to this list have much more 
useful things to do with their time than reading personal rants.  
Sorry for the bluntness, but if you cant say something nice. 
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, boy_trike boy_trike@ wrote: 
  Its great that there is an upgrade to 2.0.1 So where is the READ 
ME telling us about the 
  changes. (oh yea, you can find a web page that tells you that 
there is something called 
  modules and you can now change style sheets dynamically. but 
where are: 
  1). The examples
  2). The new syntax changes
  3). The list of the 250 bugs that are fixed (or are we supposed 
to guess which ones they 
  We should NOT have to find out about these features on someones 
blog. This seems very 
  amateurish to me. 
 Scott Barnes
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: CRUD in XML

2007-01-07 Thread greg h


The short answer is yes.  Yes Flex can manipulate your XML data in whatever
way you may require.

If you could please describe your overall requirement and architecture?

For instance, where will you XML file be stored?  Are you ultimately storing
the XML file on your server?  Or is your requirement to store it on the
client side?

Also, please also let us know what experience you might have working with

If you might like to review some of the fundamentals of working with XML in
Flex, you can refer to the following section in the documentation:
Programming ActionScript 3.0:  Working with XML

Here are also two titles from the Quick Starts that Adobe has published:

Accessing XML data

Loading external data with HTTPService

fwiw, I second Patrick's suggestion about using RemoteObject
over HTTPService.  If you are writing the backend server side code, there
are significant benefits of using RemoteObject over HTTPService.  If you are
locked into using HTTPService, Flex will still work fine.  Again, if you can
describe you overall requirement and architecture we can provide more
intelligent comments.



On 1/7/07, devisbalsemin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes it's correctly,
I have a simple xml file, and i wish to understand if it's possibile
Insert, Selecet update delete record into a xml file
Thanks devis
Ok if't possibile only with HTTPSERVICE...

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Could you please provide a bit more detail about what you are trying
to do?

 CRUD is an acronym usually associated with the database operations

 When you ask for some example how to implement Flex 2 CRUD with xml
 file??? what do you mean?

 Have you looked at the Flex 2 documentation sections on:

- The E4X approach to XML processing

- Working with XML



 On 1/6/07, devisbalsemin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  can you help me to find some example how to implment Flex 2 CRUD with
  xml file???

Flexcoders Mailing List
FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
Search Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
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[flexcoders] Since I started the thread, let me end it now

2007-01-07 Thread boy_trike
1st, Let me appologise to anyone who was offended by the SUBJECT of my post 
(re: is 
adobe a professional company).  Yes, it was meant to shake people up (hopefully 
who work at adobe.  It was over the top, and put in perspective, the way the 
upgrade was 
handled was NOT that big of a problem.

2nd.  Yes, all of what I asked for IS available on web sites / updated docs, 
etc. and I did 
NOT spend much time looking for it.  and I am very thankful for those who have 
me to the right urls.  You have saved me a lot of time.

3rd, I have been building custom software applications for longer than MOST of 
the users 
of this forum have been alive (anyone around remember the developer 
competitions in the 
early 80's) and while every silly little program that I have installed has a 
READ-ME and/or 
Feature Changed file.   I found that lack of that is this upgrade a little 
strange (never mind 
that the most of the URLs were not updated.)  In my opinion, I would have been 
happy to 
wait a week and had the upgrade rolled out with the professionalism (is this a 
word?) that I 
expected from Macromedia / Adobe.

4th.  I have made a decision to use FLEX for most of my future development 
effort (and 
have converted a few cohorts to do the same.)  This group is the most active 
and is 
certainly read by Adobe employees and I will continue to make any comments that 
help Flex become a better product in the future.  (For the individual who said 
If you have 
nothing nice to say... Sorry, but I have not bought into that much political 
correctness yet. 

5th.  Flex Rocks


[flexcoders] Re: Since I started the thread, let me end it now

2007-01-07 Thread Tim Hoff
Thanks Bruce.  It's nothing personal. :)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, boy_trike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1st, Let me appologise to anyone who was offended by the SUBJECT 
of my post (re: is 
 adobe a professional company).  Yes, it was meant to shake people 
up (hopefully those 
 who work at adobe.  It was over the top, and put in perspective, 
the way the upgrade was 
 handled was NOT that big of a problem.
 2nd.  Yes, all of what I asked for IS available on web sites / 
updated docs, etc. and I did 
 NOT spend much time looking for it.  and I am very thankful for 
those who have pointed 
 me to the right urls.  You have saved me a lot of time.
 3rd, I have been building custom software applications for longer 
than MOST of the users 
 of this forum have been alive (anyone around remember the 
developer competitions in the 
 early 80's) and while every silly little program that I have 
installed has a READ-ME and/or 
 Feature Changed file.   I found that lack of that is this upgrade 
a little strange (never mind 
 that the most of the URLs were not updated.)  In my opinion, I 
would have been happy to 
 wait a week and had the upgrade rolled out with the 
professionalism (is this a word?) that I 
 expected from Macromedia / Adobe.
 4th.  I have made a decision to use FLEX for most of my future 
development effort (and 
 have converted a few cohorts to do the same.)  This group is the 
most active and is 
 certainly read by Adobe employees and I will continue to make any 
comments that will 
 help Flex become a better product in the future.  (For the 
individual who said If you have 
 nothing nice to say... Sorry, but I have not bought into that 
much political correctness yet. 
 5th.  Flex Rocks

RE: [flexcoders] flex2ant

2007-01-07 Thread Lance Linder
Very nice work!


I thought about doing something like this before and ended up taking a
bit of a different approach. What I did was create a task that can read
the flex project files and from these use mxmlc and compc to build the
projects. What I figured is that if Flex Builder is creating the project
files for me and can compile off of these that I would mimic the same
thing! If people are interested in using this approach I will look at
hosting it somewhere. This is however an NAnt task so I suspect there
will be less people interested in this.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of flex2ant
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 7:50 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] flex2ant


Hi list,

Now Flash player 9 (beta) for Linux has been released we can finally
develop Flex 2 and AS3 apps on Linux. I've been putting in a lof of
effort in the past week to create flex2ant.

With flex2ant you can develop Flex2/AS3 apps from within Eclipse. All
you need is the Flex 2 SDK, Eclipse and flex2ant and off you go.

If you are interessed in this type of development then please go over
to http://www.flex2ant.org and download the latest release.



[flexcoders] Re: use custom object and canvas ?

2007-01-07 Thread wifi19

Thanks  Happy new year!


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The easiest way to change components is to use a ViewStack.  Will 
 work for you?
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of wifi19
 Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 12:36 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] use custom object and canvas ?
 hie !
 i'm beginner with flex2
 i'd like to make application with a tabnavigator and canvas where i 
 change canvas contener with different custom component.
 a script can change a canvas contenner with custom component ???
 i'd like change a canvas with another defined in custom component !
 regards !

[flexcoders] change menu style

2007-01-07 Thread wifi19


i use mx:MenuBar labelField=@label itemClick=menuHandler(event); 
dataProvider={menuBarCollection}  height=25 x=0 y=0 /

i want to change menu style or graphic representation

can you help me

Regards !

Re: [flexcoders] How to get a full local copy of the language reference

2007-01-07 Thread Simeon Bateman

At the bottom of this page is a link to download all the documentation in a
single zip format.  This includes the language ref in its framed version.


Good Luck.


On 1/7/07, Collin Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here is how I got the full docs stored locally:

-this will get you a frameless version of the language reference... to
get the full frames read on

-I made a cygwin shell script to do this for me (attached)
-put cygwin directory into the langref directory you extracted the
zip. I extracted here D:\flex2_sdk\help and put the shell script
here D:\flex2_sdk\help\langref
-It requires you to make a file called CLASS_LIST.TXT which consists
of all the packages copied and pasted from
http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2/langref/package-list.html. e.g.


If you don't have cygwin I'm afraid I can't help you. Maybe there are
software packages out there to download stuff

I'd provide a zip of the missing files from the zip if I was sure
there were copyright/legal problems from someone at Adobe.

Collin Peters
Lead Software Developer
InTouch Technology

Re: [flexcoders] Re: and I thought Adobe was a professional company. Whats going on with the upgrade

2007-01-07 Thread Robert Thompson
FYI, my comment was based on errata not the Subject Line.
  I think everyone here likes Adobe or they wouldn't be using their software to 
base their solutions on it.
  To be clear, I was agreeing with the body of the message, not the subject 

  No need for flame wars here.  Everyone has a right to their opinion; that's 
how things get noticed.  I think Adobe is working their butts off to make this 
transition, and I like it.
  I also am planning much of my future on FLEX2 so I hope bugs and errors are 
properly documented in each issue -- that's all.

Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Fair enough Robert. Go ahead, make this flashcoders 2. Subject 


btw, all I own is my keyboard.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Robert Thompson 

 You don't have to read it Tim.
 It's Bruce's personal opinion just as your request is a personal 
 It's real simple, you don't own this ofrum.
 And I'm not sure personal requests are given priority here.
 I happen to agree with Bruce; and I'm totally devoted to Adobe.
 But Macromedia has handled things better in the past and I hope 
things improve.
 We need Errata to know what's going on.
 It's my personal request that you don't flame me for my personal 
 Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Agreed :)
 ( I got half-way down and went *noise..noise...noise...heh go 
Claus...noise..noise*) :)
 On 1/7/07, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As a 
personal request, might I ask that this thread be closed. It's very 
easy to take pot-shots from the sidelines. But, from what I can 
tell, most on this list are serious people that appreciate the hard 
work and dedication that Adobe has provided. Granted, Flex isn't 
mature yet as a product. However, a lot of people here have gone 
through the beta cycles and come out just fine. After all, progress 
isn't free. It just takes a little effort. 
 That being said, please let us not sink into the same type of 
discourse that has plagued similar lists. If you're not a fan of 
Adobe and Flex, than this probably isn't the right place for you. 
They have a customer service department for that. In the mean time, 
all of the positive minded subscribers to this list have much more 
useful things to do with their time than reading personal rants. 
Sorry for the bluntness, but if you cant say something nice. 
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, boy_trike boy_trike@ wrote: 
  Its great that there is an upgrade to 2.0.1 So where is the READ 
ME telling us about the 
  changes. (oh yea, you can find a web page that tells you that 
there is something called 
  modules and you can now change style sheets dynamically. but 
where are: 
  1). The examples
  2). The new syntax changes
  3). The list of the 250 bugs that are fixed (or are we supposed 
to guess which ones they 
  We should NOT have to find out about these features on someones 
blog. This seems very 
  amateurish to me. 
 Scott Barnes
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[flexcoders] What will Apollo do for me.

2007-01-07 Thread boy_trike
I am building a system in Flex / CF / MSSQL 2K5 to replace a client server app 
written in 
Delphi.  This is being deployed to the local file server and the users (OK, 
it's a telemarketing 
system and I do appologise to those who get called :), about 30 of them are 
accessing it with 
sub 1 second response time (lots of logic in SQL Stored Procedures).  While 
running in the 
flash player is not the prettiest (and by using ZINC or other tools, I can lose 
the silly player 
menu). Everything seems fine.  Assuming I don't need access to the local file 
system and 
other things that FLEX limits, what will APOLLO add?  Just curious.


[flexcoders] Advanced Flex Training.

2007-01-07 Thread boy_trike
I have been using Flex for about 6 months, building 2 fairly large / complex 
applications and 
am ready to take the next step in my flex knowledge.  The authorized Adobe 
training classes 
seemed focused on beginners.   Where / Who / How do I get smarter with Flex / 
I would be happy to travel and spend a day (or 3)  with a flex guru to do a 
code review et. al.  
(of course, If I have to travel in January, I hope the guru is NOT in 


Re: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?

2007-01-07 Thread Webdevotion

Hey Sascha,

Try to compile and use my example.  Just create a new Flex Project.
Maybe you ran into a debug error. Please be sure that all your debug
sessions have stopped in the debugger by pressing the red square button.

Sometimes I have to restart my Builder in order to get rid of those compile
time errors.

Good luck ; )

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=vertical
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{first:
'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt',
last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last:
'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last:
private function resetProvider():void
collection = new ArrayCollection();
collection = new
mx:TileList id=list dataProvider={collection} height=250 width=300
maxColumns=2 rowHeight=225 columnWidth=125 labelField=first/
mx:Button click=resetProvider(); label=Reset/

Re: [flexcoders] What will Apollo do for me.

2007-01-07 Thread Weyert de Boer

Looks like it will support access to the file system, and support to the 
'windowing api' so I think you can do some nice things with it.

 I am building a system in Flex / CF / MSSQL 2K5 to replace a client 
 server app written in
 Delphi. This is being deployed to the local file server and the users 
 (OK, it's a telemarketing
 system and I do appologise to those who get called :), about 30 of 
 them are accessing it with
 sub 1 second response time (lots of logic in SQL Stored Procedures). 
 While running in the
 flash player is not the prettiest (and by using ZINC or other tools, I 
 can lose the silly player
 menu). Everything seems fine. Assuming I don't need access to the 
 local file system and
 other things that FLEX limits, what will APOLLO add? Just curious.



Re: [flexcoders] Advanced Flex Training.

2007-01-07 Thread greg h


Wow!  I sure hope that your question surfaces some Flex training
opportunities that I have not heard about yet.

Following is how things currently look to me ...

Short answer:  MAX http://www.adobe.com/events/max/, and now

Blah, blah, blah answer:  I have worked in the training business.
Profitability comes through multiple deliveries to amortize the course
development costs over.  Advanced training get's less demand.  So as a
result it is generally harder to get the necessary ROI to justify creating
and running.  Plus, gurus usually command reliably high rates for client
advisory work.

That is where the conferences come in.  What I saw at MAX two months ago
dramatically expanded my knowledge of what Flex can do and how to do it.
360Flex.org is promising a similar roster of guru talent.  If you can make
either of these events, you should not miss them.

Further afield, Adobe is always looking for developers and designers to
write for www.adobe.com/devnet/.  Writing articles on issues you have
resolved can provide you access to Adobe personnel.  And hey, you can't get
much more guru than that.

Lastly, if there is a Flex user group in your area, relationships that you
establish there can be invaluable.  You can find the list of Flex only user
groups on the Community tab at:

Not Flex, but place where you may be able to learn useful stuff are the
Flash and ActionScript conferences.  Following are links for three that are
North American based:

Happy Flexing! ... and I look forward to meeting you in person in San Jose
for 360Flex.org ;-)



On 1/7/07, boy_trike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have been using Flex for about 6 months, building 2 fairly large /
complex applications and
am ready to take the next step in my flex knowledge.  The authorized Adobe
training classes
seemed focused on beginners.   Where / Who / How do I get smarter with
Flex / Actionscript.
I would be happy to travel and spend a day (or 3)  with a flex guru to do
a code review et. al.
(of course, If I have to travel in January, I hope the guru is NOT in


[flexcoders] Flex 2 - Event after a screen is fully constructed, but before it can be seen

2007-01-07 Thread Libby
Hello flexSperts  : )

I want to do some prep work within my screen that requires all parts
of it to be constructed first. Is there a built-in event that fires
just before the screen is visible, but guarantees all parts are
constructed, that I could listen for? Maybe it occurs right after I
addChild() to my viewStack? If so, what would that event be? If not,
how do you guys handle this situation?


[flexcoders] CSS and background image?

2007-01-07 Thread malik_robinson

I have an image I want to use for a header in this application, I have
that working fine however, I am unsure how I can apply the following
style.  The image is 600px wide or so, and then I want this background
image to repeat and fill the rest of my container.

.masthead {
 padding: 0px;
 background-image: url(/images/masthead_bg.gif);
 background-repeat: repeat-x;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #B6BEC5;
 position: relative;
 color: #004884;


I am trying to get the same effect in my flex application.  I put the
image in an hbox, and I want the background to be applied to the hbox if
thats even possible.

 mx:HBox id=headerBox styleName=masthead width=100% x=0
 mx:Image source=@Embed('assets/logo.gif')
scaleContent=true /

Any help appreciated.I also think some of the styles I have declared
above won't work in the same manner in flex so if someone can provide me
an example of how to do this that would be great.



[flexcoders] Bah! History manage THIS mother f.....!

2007-01-07 Thread Mikey
Howdy all,

Sorry to start my first/second post off on a bad note but it's

Let's start with the error:
ArgumentError: Error #2082: Connect failed because the object is already
at flash.net::LocalConnection/connect()
at mx.managers::HistoryManagerImpl$iinit()
at mx.managers::HistoryManagerImpl$/getInstance()
at mx.core::Singleton$/getInstance()
at mx.managers::HistoryManager$/get ::impl()
at mx.managers::HistoryManager$/register()
at mx.containers::Accordion/::addedHandler()
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChild()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::createChildren()
at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/initialize()
at mvc.view::LeftMenuView/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChild()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::createChildren()
at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChild()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.containers::ViewStack/::instantiateSelectedChild()
at mx.containers::ViewStack/mx.containers:ViewStack::commitProperties()
at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::validateProperties()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::doPhasedInstantiation()
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher2()
at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher()

I've looked this error up at Adobe with no further info. It happens when
an accordian/tab manager gets ctrated. It's happened a few times on a
few different projects. It's obviously something I'm doing (which is
hard to grasp as I like all of you write perfect code) as it happens
when I've added a fair amount of code. I figuerd it was a bug but now
I'm using 2.0.1 so no go.

Any ideas? Maybe even some pointless mildly amusing rambling to make me
feel better would be good.

[flexcoders] Background Image Style for Selection in TileList

2007-01-07 Thread Kyle Hayes
Good Morning all,

Is there a way to apply a background image to the selected item in a  
tileList control? If not and I wanted to use the Flash skinner, which  
component do I change in the Flash Skinning template, since I didn't  
see an option for TileList or something similar?


Re: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?

2007-01-07 Thread Webdevotion

Please look into my example more closely.
When you click the button I first clear the list and then fill it again with
new items from an arraycollection ; )

collection = new ArrayCollection(); // clears the list
collection = new
// this line fills the list again, after it was cleared

RE: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue

2007-01-07 Thread Joost Nuijten
Yeah, I agree. It's a bit outdated. This is what I found on the Adobe site:


*   If I am currently running Flex Builder 2 for Windows, can I trade-in
my Windows product for the new Macintosh 2.0.1 product? 

Yes. Customers who purchased the English language product via Adobe's Volume
licensing program should email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please include the
following information in your email: AOO Order#; Order Quantity;
Organization name; End user and/or Ship to user ID #. Please allow up to 5
business days for a response that will include your updated serial number
for Mac platform.

Customers who purchased via the Adobe Store, please call Adobe Customer
service and request a trade-in at the appropriate phone number for your
region at: http://www.adobe.com/support/intlsupport.html. Customer Service
will provide the download URL and a new Macintosh serial number to activate
the product. 





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: zondag 7 januari 2007 15:16
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue


I don't have a Mac, but to me it seems a retrograde step to have separate PC
and Mac licences. Other software I have allows usage on either platform and
I can easily envisage a situation where developers might be working on PCs
on one project then have to switch to a Mac for another company. Yes, I
realise that you can develop on a PC then deploy on a Mac, but I've no doubt
it will be a PIA for testing.


Why can't the same licence work on any available platform?



- Original Message - 

From: matt wicks mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 3:48 PM

Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue


Yeah I'm in the same boat ...



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bill Gercken
Sent: 06 January 2007 15:38
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Max OS X Flex Builder 2.01 License Issue



I down loaded the OS X release of Flex Builder 2 and installed it but it
does not like my 
Windows license. Does anyone know whether there will be some sort of license
available? My charting license worked fine though. I bought the Windows
version to bridge 
the gap until the OS X version was available. As soon as the Mac beta was
out I switched and 
have not looked back. Don't tell me that I am going to have to fork out
another 500 bucks 
just to be able to work on my operating system of choice...



[flexcoders] UHandled status even on local connection

2007-01-07 Thread Grant Davies
Hi guys,
I have a flash 8 swf I'm loading into my flex app using SWFLoader (its a
mapping component written in flash8), The application crates a local
connection called mapContainerConnection.  In flex I setup the
toFlash_lc = new LocalConnection(); 
toFlash_lc.send(mapContainerConnection, processFlexCall); 
When I run the test in the browser I get an error :
Error #2044: Unhandled StatusEvent:. level=error, code=
I tried wrapping the send call with an exception handler but get the
same error message written to my error log.
Anyone have any ideas ?
 b l u e t u b e i n t e r a c t i v e.
.: grant davies
.: 404.428.6839 (c)
.: 708-983-1577 (F)
 http://www.bluetube.com/bti http://www.bluetube.com/bti 
 A Tribal Chicken Designs Affiliate http://www.tribalchicken.com/ 

attachment: small.jpg

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flashmaps and Flex 2

2007-01-07 Thread DannyT

Have you tried contacting them? They seem very Adobe friendly so maybe they
have something in the works?

On 06/01/07, VERBAL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Rick

 Has anyone tried integrationg Flashmaps (www.flashmaps.com) into a Flex
 2 application? A google query for flashmaps Flex 2 doesn't
 yield many results...


Replying to a very old post here, Rick did you ever get a response?
I'm about to do the same thing, looks like the javascript interface
will be my best option since flashmaps runs in the flash 8 AVM.



Re: [flexcoders] Advanced Flex Training.

2007-01-07 Thread Anatole Tartakovsky

If you are looking for code review, it might be simplier to contact guru
of your choice and ask for 1-3 days of teleconferencing - in this case
cost of the preparation will be on your side. You can also describe/show you
code upfront to see if they might be interested/had experience in your area.


On 1/7/07, greg h [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Wow!  I sure hope that your question surfaces some Flex training
opportunities that I have not heard about yet.

Following is how things currently look to me ...

Short answer:  MAX http://www.adobe.com/events/max/, and now 

Blah, blah, blah answer:  I have worked in the training business.
Profitability comes through multiple deliveries to amortize the course
development costs over.  Advanced training get's less demand.  So as a
result it is generally harder to get the necessary ROI to justify creating
and running.  Plus, gurus usually command reliably high rates for client
advisory work.

That is where the conferences come in.  What I saw at MAX two months ago
dramatically expanded my knowledge of what Flex can do and how to do it.
360Flex.org is promising a similar roster of guru talent.  If you can make
either of these events, you should not miss them.

Further afield, Adobe is always looking for developers and designers to
write for www.adobe.com/devnet/ .  Writing articles on issues you have
resolved can provide you access to Adobe personnel.  And hey, you can't get
much more guru than that.

Lastly, if there is a Flex user group in your area, relationships that you
establish there can be invaluable.  You can find the list of Flex only user
groups on the Community tab at:

Not Flex, but place where you may be able to learn useful stuff are the
Flash and ActionScript conferences.  Following are links for three that are
North American based:

Happy Flexing! ... and I look forward to meeting you in person in San Jose
for 360Flex.org ;-)



On 1/7/07, boy_trike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been using Flex for about 6 months, building 2 fairly large /
 complex applications and
 am ready to take the next step in my flex knowledge.  The authorized
 Adobe training classes
 seemed focused on beginners.   Where / Who / How do I get smarter with
 Flex / Actionscript.
 I would be happy to travel and spend a day (or 3)  with a flex guru to
 do a code review et. al.
 (of course, If I have to travel in January, I hope the guru is NOT in



[flexcoders] remoting problemen after 2.0.1 installation

2007-01-07 Thread Webdevotion

I'm having problems connecting from any AS3 project since I
installed 2.0.1 today on my localhost.  Can anyone give me
some pointers ?

Working with CFMX 7.0.2.

Tnx !

[flexcoders] Is it possible to have an invisible component?

2007-01-07 Thread David Harris
Does anyone know if the is a simple way to have a namespace:Tag /
that has no visible state?

I have an AS class that I would like to call namespace:MyASClass /...



Re: [flexcoders] eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin

2007-01-07 Thread Douglas Knudsen

ok, installed the update.  Had one out-of-memory notice already...upped my
JVM memory settings and things are sweeter.

For those J2EE folks out therehow the heck do you get a Tomcat project
in eclipse to see the DB drivers?  I have DB access working fine if I access
a app under the webapps dir.  But I can't get it to work via the Tomcat
plugin in Eclipse.  I get

Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null'

Any pointers?

On 1/5/07, Douglas Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

yeah, as in NOW.

read from the site:
 Install this version of Flex Builder 2 if you are currently using Eclipse
3.1.2 (3.2 on Macintosh OS X)

ugh, no 3.2 support for non MACs??  WT?


On 1/5/07, Dimitrios Gianninas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  FB 2.01 comming real real soon is.

 *Dimitrios Gianninas*
 *RIA Developer*
 *Optimal Payments Inc.*

 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Douglas Knudsen
 *Sent:* Thursday, January 04, 2007 12:51 PM
 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin

  ugh, me thought FlexBuilder was incompat with 3.2.*


 On 1/4/07, Dimitrios Gianninas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I'm using 3.2.1 and a whole bunch of callisto plugins (which includes
  WTP) and eclipse gives me memory warnings at least twice a day, I have to
  shutdown and restart... ya darn annoying if u ask me.
  *Dimitrios Gianninas*
  *RIA Developer*
  *Optimal Payments Inc.*
  *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *On Behalf Of *Douglas Knudsen
  *Sent:* Wednesday, January 03, 2007 1:26 PM
  *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  *Subject:* [flexcoders] eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin
Anyone using eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin?  I'm using eclipse
  wtp-all-in-one-sdk-R-1.0.2-200604200208-win32, FB 2, and Peter's FDS
  plugin.  I'm experience MAJOR CPU spikes and memory use form eclipse in this
  config.  I've raised the jvm heap and all, as high as 1024m, yet still get
  out of memory errors.  Oh, I upgraded to the latest JVM from
  Sun too.  I'm working on a FDS project with Tomcat 5.5 and this is
  killing me.   Any ideas?   Something wrong in the WTP package?  Should I use
  the sysdeo tomcat plugin instead of the one in WTP?  No other plugins
  installed currently and on a fresh eclipse download too.
  Douglas Knudsen
  this is my signature, like it?
  Ce message électronique et ses pièces jointes peuvent contenir des
  renseignements confidentiels, exclusifs ou légalement privilégiés destinés
  au seul usage du destinataire visé. L'expéditeur original ne renonce à aucun
  privilège ou à aucun autre droit si le présent message a été transmis
  involontairement ou s'il est retransmis sans son autorisation. Si vous
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  of the intended recipient. No privilege or other rights are waived by any
  unintended transmission or unauthorized retransmission of this message. If
  you are not the intended recipient of this message, or if you have received
  it in error, you should immediately stop reading this message and delete it
  and all attachments from your system. The reading, distribution, copying or
  other use of this message or its attachments by unintended recipients is
  unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error,
  please notify the sender.

 Douglas Knudsen
 this is my signature, like it?


Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

[flexcoders] Type Coercion Failure

2007-01-07 Thread stldvd

I'm pretty new to Flex but familiar with earlier versions of AS.

Can anyone provide a clear explanation of what is happening when this 
message appears within a Flex project:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
flash.display::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.core.IUIComponent. 

I understand that for a Flex project one must use UIComponent instead 
of Sprite (not sure why). Why is it required in a Flex project but 
not in an AS project?

And what if you want to load a series of images into your Flex 
project? I am being passed XML and, based on what's in the XML, I 
need to load n number of images onto a canvas, so it seems best to 
use a Loader. Why is this exception thrown and how should my code be 


public function populateContainerWithImages (items:Number, 
  //make a new array to hold my objects
  var imgArray:Array = new Array();

  for(var i:int = 0; i  items; i++) 
//make a new loader
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
//load image
var url:String = earTrumpet + i + .gif;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
loader.x = 200*i;
loader.y = 20*i;
//add this object to the container object
//Set the name for debug output or for toolTip data
loader.name = name + i;

//save the object on the array

//let's return this so we can use it later
return imgArray;



Re: [flexcoders] What will Apollo do for me.

2007-01-07 Thread DannyT

It will also allow for local caching which might help with performance
increases as well as file I/O (which I believe you already have with zinc?).

I've written a fair bit about Apollo on my blog (some factual, some opinoin)
and there's the mxna smart category. Mike
Ryan http://blogs.zdnet.com/Stewart/ Stewart
http://blog.digitalbackcountry.com/also write quite frequently about it
and there is a podcast interview at talkcrunch with Kevin
well as an overview
on techcrunch http://www.techcrunch.com/2006/12/16/preparing-for-apollo/that
has had a fair amount of attention.

Hope that helps :)


On 07/01/07, Weyert de Boer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Looks like it will support access to the file system, and support to the
'windowing api' so I think you can do some nice things with it.

 I am building a system in Flex / CF / MSSQL 2K5 to replace a client
 server app written in
 Delphi. This is being deployed to the local file server and the users
 (OK, it's a telemarketing
 system and I do appologise to those who get called :), about 30 of
 them are accessing it with
 sub 1 second response time (lots of logic in SQL Stored Procedures).
 While running in the
 flash player is not the prettiest (and by using ZINC or other tools, I
 can lose the silly player
 menu). Everything seems fine. Assuming I don't need access to the
 local file system and
 other things that FLEX limits, what will APOLLO add? Just curious.




RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flashmaps and Flex 2

2007-01-07 Thread Grant Davies
no they don't have a flex one yet, They suggested the javascript
interface.  I wrapped it in my own flash 8 container with a local
connection and am calling it from flex via a local connection.
 b l u e t u b e i n t e r a c t i v e.
.: grant davies
.: 404.428.6839 (c)
.: 708-983-1577 (F)
 http://www.bluetube.com/bti http://www.bluetube.com/bti 
 A Tribal Chicken Designs Affiliate http://www.tribalchicken.com/ 


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of DannyT
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 6:34 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flashmaps and Flex 2

Have you tried contacting them? They seem very Adobe friendly so maybe
they have something in the works?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Root [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone tried integrationg Flashmaps (www.flashmaps.com
http://www.flashmaps.com ) into a Flex 
 2 application? A google query for flashmaps Flex 2 doesn't 
 yield many results...

Replying to a very old post here, Rick did you ever get a
I'm about to do the same thing, looks like the javascript
will be my best option since flashmaps runs in the flash 8 AVM.

http://danny-t.co.uk http://danny-t.co.uk  

attachment: small.jpg

Re: [flexcoders] Docs included in 2.0.1 are broken

2007-01-07 Thread greg h


Perhaps someone else can explain how the docs installed with FB2 are
packaged, and how they can accessed outside of FB2.

Personally, I just download the following:

The link above is among the bottom most links on the Flex 2 Documentation

The description there for the zip reads:

Documentation ZIP file
The Flex documentation ZIP file contains the Flex 2 usage documentation in
PDF format and the Flex 2 Language Reference and Flex Data Services 2
Javadocs files in HTML format.

So, wherever you unzip this you will find the Flex 2 Language Reference with
langref\index.html that you can browse outside of FB2.

btw ... in FB2 if you right-click on links and select either Copy Shortcut
or Properties you get a URL like the following:
You can copy this URL into a browser and it will work.  Unfortunately the
port varies with each startup of FB2.



On 1/6/07, Collin Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All I'd like is a local version of the Language Docs so I don't have to
depend on adobe.com (or more specifically the load on adobe.com during the
middle of the day).  What is the recommended way to access those via

On 1/6/07, Sascha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No, these are templates for ASDoc which seems to be now included in
 Flex. I believe the Flex docs are packed in jars in the Eclipse PlugIn
 folder (on plugin version that is, no clue about the full builder version).



 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *On Behalf Of *Collin Peters
 *Sent:* Sunday, 07 January, 2007 06:40
 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Docs included in 2.0.1 are broken

 I assume this is a local copy of the Flex2 Language Reference

 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 2 Plug-in\Flex SDK 2\asdoc\templates

 By using index.html I get missing file errors such as:
 /C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 2 Plug-in/Flex SDK

 package-summary.xsl exists, but no html. I'm not sure if this is
 supposed to be a usable local copy of the docs or not. Also not sure
 if this worked in the original version of Flex2

 Collin Peters
 Lead Software Developer

Re: [flexcoders] eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin

2007-01-07 Thread Douglas Knudsen

yeah, as in NOW.

read from the site:
Install this version of Flex Builder 2 if you are currently using
3.1.2 (3.2 on Macintosh OS X)

ugh, no 3.2 support for non MACs??  WT?


On 1/5/07, Dimitrios Gianninas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 FB 2.01 comming real real soon is.

*Dimitrios Gianninas*
*RIA Developer*
*Optimal Payments Inc.*

*From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Douglas Knudsen
*Sent:* Thursday, January 04, 2007 12:51 PM
*To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
*Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin

 ugh, me thought FlexBuilder was incompat with 3.2.*


On 1/4/07, Dimitrios Gianninas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I'm using 3.2.1 and a whole bunch of callisto plugins (which includes
 WTP) and eclipse gives me memory warnings at least twice a day, I have to
 shutdown and restart... ya darn annoying if u ask me.

 *Dimitrios Gianninas*
 *RIA Developer*
 *Optimal Payments Inc.*

 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Douglas Knudsen
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 03, 2007 1:26 PM
 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin

   Anyone using eclipse, FB, and Peter's FDS plugin?  I'm using eclipse
 wtp-all-in-one-sdk-R-1.0.2-200604200208-win32, FB 2, and Peter's FDS
 plugin.  I'm experience MAJOR CPU spikes and memory use form eclipse in this
 config.  I've raised the jvm heap and all, as high as 1024m, yet still get
 out of memory errors.  Oh, I upgraded to the latest JVM from
 Sun too.  I'm working on a FDS project with Tomcat 5.5 and this is
 killing me.   Any ideas?   Something wrong in the WTP package?  Should I use
 the sysdeo tomcat plugin instead of the one in WTP?  No other plugins
 installed currently and on a fresh eclipse download too.

 Douglas Knudsen
 this is my signature, like it?



 Ce message électronique et ses pièces jointes peuvent contenir des
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 This electronic message and its attachments may contain confidential,
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 you are not the intended recipient of this message, or if you have received
 it in error, you should immediately stop reading this message and delete it
 and all attachments from your system. The reading, distribution, copying or
 other use of this message or its attachments by unintended recipients is
 unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error,
 please notify the sender.

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

Re: [flexcoders] Bah! History manage THIS mother f.....!

2007-01-07 Thread Shannon Hicks
I have this problem, but only on one computer out of 4. It happens when, 
on that computer, I have more than one Flex app open at a time. It 
doesn't matter if I run the debugging plugin or the production plugin, I 
have the same problem. The production plugin, of course, doesn't throw 
an error, but it stalls at the same point, so I have to assume it's the 
same error.


Mikey wrote:

Howdy all,

Sorry to start my first/second post off on a bad note but it's warrented.

Let's start with the error:
*ArgumentError: Error #2082: Connect failed because the object is 
already connected.

at flash.net::LocalConnection/connect()
at mx.managers::HistoryManagerImpl$iinit()
at mx.managers::HistoryManagerImpl$/getInstance()
at mx.core::Singleton$/getInstance()
at mx.managers::HistoryManager$/get ::impl()
at mx.managers::HistoryManager$/register()
at mx.containers::Accordion/::addedHandler()
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()

at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChild()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::createChildren()
at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/initialize()
at mvc.view::LeftMenuView/initialize()

at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChild()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::createChildren()
at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
at mx.core::Container/initialize()

at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
at mx.core::Container/addChild()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
at mx.containers::ViewStack/::instantiateSelectedChild()
at mx.containers::ViewStack/mx.containers:ViewStack::commitProperties()
at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::validateProperties()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::doPhasedInstantiation()
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher2()
at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher()*

I've looked this error up at Adobe with no further info. It happens 
when an accordian/tab manager gets ctrated. It's happened a few times 
on a few different projects. It's obviously something I'm doing (which 
is hard to grasp as I like all of you write perfect code) as it 
happens when I've added a fair amount of code. I figuerd it was a bug 
but now I'm using 2.0.1 so no go.

Any ideas? Maybe even some pointless mildly amusing rambling to make 
me feel better would be good.


[flexcoders] Lines in a TextArea

2007-01-07 Thread richmcgillicuddy
I have a TextArea and want to know how many lines the text is. Better
yet, a simple height number on how much height the text (actually
htmltext) takes up. Is there a way to do this?


[flexcoders] Alpha of simple subcomponent

2007-01-07 Thread richmcgillicuddy
In creating a simple popup dialog based off a panel, when I show the
dialog, it appears with an alpha of about .6 but is always
semi-transparent. I can change the alpha of the various components in
the application, or in the component dialog but it always appears
semi-transparent. Any ideas?

Rich McG

RE: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?

2007-01-07 Thread Sascha
Thanks for the example Bram but it doesn't help me in this case. My
implementation is a bit more involved so let me explain the details .

My custom TileList extends TileList and is fully written in AS. The
application I'm working on has a menu like the ones that many applications
have. It has a file menu that has menu points like Open, Save As., Close

If you choose Open, it loads a file and populates the TileList with items
from the file. If you choose Close it calls the following function in the
TileList instance .


   public function clear():void


  _tileCollection = new ArrayCollection();

  dataProvider = _tileCollection;



The odd thing is: This function is also called every time you choose Open
and it then clears the TileList and immediately loads a file and populates
the list and there it works without problem! But if you choose Close from
the menu and then choose Open, you get the exception: Error #2007: Parameter
child must be non-null.

Also I'm hanging over this problem since a couple of days now and closed and
opened Flex several times so there's no issue with the Debugger.


Thanks for any help!






From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Webdevotion
Sent: Sunday, 07 January, 2007 21:53
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] How to clear a TileList of its items?


Hey Sascha,

Try to compile and use my example.  Just create a new Flex Project.
Maybe you ran into a debug error. Please be sure that all your debug
sessions have stopped in the debugger by pressing the red square button. 

Sometimes I have to restart my Builder in order to get rid of those compile
time errors.  

Good luck ; )

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? 
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe. http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
com/2006/mxml layout=vertical
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection ;
private var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{first:
'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt',
last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last:
'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last: 'Matthews'},{first: 'Matt', last:
private function resetProvider():void
collection = new ArrayCollection();
collection = new
mx:TileList id=list dataProvider={collection} height=250 width=300 
maxColumns=2 rowHeight=225 columnWidth=125 labelField=first/ 
mx:Button click=resetProvider(); label=Reset/


[flexcoders] Re: Scrolling without a scrollbar

2007-01-07 Thread graysonpierce

I finally got around to testing this out.  I was able to do this in
the css:

thumbDownSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);
thumbIcon: Embed(source=empty.swf);
thumbOverSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);
thumbUpSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);
trackSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);

(Not sure if the empty.swf provided by the example is transparent)

however the next challenge is that I'd like for the left/right arrows
to display on the same line as the horizontalList content (rather than
below) but when I try to set a size on the horizontalList that will
force it to draw on the same line, the scroll bar (even thought it's
supposed to be transparent) seems to mask the content.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, benjidudu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can skin the scrollbars. So replace the track and thumb with a
 transparent MovieClip and you will only see the arrows. See here for
 more details about skinning:
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Lachlan Cotter lach@ wrote:
  If you don't have a track and a thumb, I wouldn't really call it  
  scrolling. Perhaps what you're really after might more accurately be  
  called 'paging'. If you think of it in those terms, does the problem  
  become easier to grasp?
  On 06/12/2006, at 8:18 AM, graysonpierce wrote:
   We have a requirement for a scrollable container that displays right
   and left arrows (when necessary) but not the track and the thumb.
   To be more exact something similar to when you open up a bunch
of tabs
   in Firefox and at the point that it can't make the tabs any
smaller it
   displays the right and left icons.
   Anyone have anything that might be a head-start? Don't really
want to
   get into measuring individual components (mostly buttons), etc. to
   write it myself.

RE: [flexcoders] Lines in a TextArea

2007-01-07 Thread Sascha

for the whole textheight in pixels





would only return the height of line nr. 0.







From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of richmcgillicuddy
Sent: Monday, 08 January, 2007 12:45
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Lines in a TextArea


I have a TextArea and want to know how many lines the text is. Better
yet, a simple height number on how much height the text (actually
htmltext) takes up. Is there a way to do this?



RE: [flexcoders] flex2ant

2007-01-07 Thread Sascha
Actually I would like to use Ant in Eclipse running with Flex2 PlugIn to
build my projects! For AS2 is always used AS2Ant with FDT and MTASC and it
was the best!

Unfortunately things look different for Flex Builder. Building the project
with an Ant task is slower than using Flex Builder and 'Build Automatically'
is necessary for compile time error checking (while MTASC did this
automatically on-the-fly) but it would then also always build when using the
Ant task.


Does anyone know how to get this working:

Having an Ant build.xml that does some project preparing tasks (i.e.
increasing build number and store in an auto generated AppInfo class) and
then call the Flex builder build process from Ant. I'm not Ant magican but
is this possible?






From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Lance Linder
Sent: Monday, 08 January, 2007 03:37
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] flex2ant


Very nice work!


I thought about doing something like this before and ended up taking a bit
of a different approach. What I did was create a task that can read the flex
project files and from these use mxmlc and compc to build the projects. What
I figured is that if Flex Builder is creating the project files for me and
can compile off of these that I would mimic the same thing! If people are
interested in using this approach I will look at hosting it somewhere. This
is however an NAnt task so I suspect there will be less people interested in




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of flex2ant
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 7:50 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] flex2ant


Hi list,

Now Flash player 9 (beta) for Linux has been released we can finally
develop Flex 2 and AS3 apps on Linux. I've been putting in a lof of
effort in the past week to create flex2ant.

With flex2ant you can develop Flex2/AS3 apps from within Eclipse. All
you need is the Flex 2 SDK, Eclipse and flex2ant and off you go.

If you are interessed in this type of development then please go over
to http://www.flex2ant http://www.flex2ant.org .org and download the
latest release.



[flexcoders] Re: CRUD in XML

2007-01-07 Thread devisbalsemin
Thanks for your help..
we wish to use only Flex and ActionScript and XML for our demo.
We are testing flex on a linux pos machine ibm touchscreen, for a
simple rental dvd. (sorry for my english)
At the first time we wont use other Adobe tech (Flex data Service or
webServer side)...
Now we are working only with a client than Flash Palyer and local xml
We have 4/5 xml files where we must store, change, delete some
information, thant working with xml file as a small small db.
Thanks for your link

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The short answer is yes.  Yes Flex can manipulate your XML data in
 way you may require.
 If you could please describe your overall requirement and architecture?
 For instance, where will you XML file be stored?  Are you ultimately
 the XML file on your server?  Or is your requirement to store it on the
 client side?
 Also, please also let us know what experience you might have working
 If you might like to review some of the fundamentals of working with
XML in
 Flex, you can refer to the following section in the documentation:
 Programming ActionScript 3.0:  Working with XML

 Here are also two titles from the Quick Starts that Adobe has published:
 Accessing XML data
 Loading external data with HTTPService
 fwiw, I second Patrick's suggestion about using RemoteObject
 over HTTPService.  If you are writing the backend server side code,
 are significant benefits of using RemoteObject over HTTPService.  If
you are
 locked into using HTTPService, Flex will still work fine.  Again, if
you can
 describe you overall requirement and architecture we can provide more
 intelligent comments.
 On 1/7/07, devisbalsemin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes it's correctly,
  I have a simple xml file, and i wish to understand if it's possibile
  Insert, Selecet update delete record into a xml file
  Thanks devis
  Ok if't possibile only with HTTPSERVICE...
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h flexsavvy@ wrote:
   Could you please provide a bit more detail about what you are trying
  to do?
   CRUD is an acronym usually associated with the database operations
   When you ask for some example how to implement Flex 2 CRUD with xml
   file??? what do you mean?
   Have you looked at the Flex 2 documentation sections on:
  - The E4X approach to XML processing
  - Working with XML
   On 1/6/07, devisbalsemin devisbalsemin@ wrote:
can you help me to find some example how to implment Flex 2
CRUD with
xml file???
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
  Search Archives:
  Yahoo! Groups Links

[flexcoders] Re: Flex2 - Where to start

2007-01-07 Thread oneproofdk
Thanks for all your great reply's.

My prior programming experiences is primarily programming VBscript, for
ASP pages and standalone VBscripting. I've been programming VBscript for
perhaps 4-5 years now, but never did make the jump to OOP - PHP or .NET
at any time before now. (If it works - dont fix it, was my idea)

I'm looking at Flex2 to develop new and better UI for my web
applications. I am working at a publishing company that makes a magazine
10 times a year. I've made a web application where the magazine is
stitched together, using HTML, ASP and javascript (lowend dhtml). It
communicates with several database servers, (mysql and MS SQL) pulling
data from various sources (MediaBank DAM and MS Dynamics (Navision))
allowing the users to place articles and insertions on each page,
finally creating the entire magazine in a webbrowser - very cool indeed.
Now we are looking to create a web app that has some drag'n'drop
features, perhaps even some push technology, so other users will get
updated real-time if a page gets content placed. And then ofcourse all
the nice UI effects that Flex offers, transitions, zoom, etc.

So basicly all the backend stuff, making XML services (propably with ASP
though) and database query's is not a problem at all - got that covered
for years.

I've been through the Flex2 - Getting started making all the examples
- working and all. Have been fiddling around with different properties
etc. to see what influences what. I feel pretty comfotable in the Flex2
enviroment. It's the whole classes and OOP that throw's me off. I hate
to write code that dont make sense to me or that I dont understand -
very frustrating.

I live (and work) in Denmark - not sure if there's any local training in
Flex2, I dont think so, but I'll investigate today.

I'll have alook at roundpeg and Lynda also, to see what they can offer.

Think I'll go get a copy of Essential Actionscript 2.0 essential
training or similar, as suggested.

Thanks for your help and pointers.

Best wishes,

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am glad to see that you are sticking with getting mastery of Flex 2.
 time you will see that it is definately worth the effort :-)

 Following below are pointers and links to a startguide for the true

 Before getting to that, I want to echo Danny's post  Please do provide
 more detail about what your prior programming, development and design
 experience may be.

 Also, please tell us what successes you have had with Flex 2 thus far?
 instance, have you gone through the Lessons in the Getting Started
 Flex 2 documentation?  (Such as Create Your First Application:
 http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2/docs/0065.html )

 Also, in many cases Flex is the front end to complex back end
 architectures.  And in most full blown production applications Flex is
 one part in what frequently is at minimum a 3 tier architecture:
 1) Flex UI
 2) Application Server middle tier using Java or PHP or ColdFusion, or
 3) Database

 Are you skilled in any application servers or databases?  (Each tier
is a
 specialty unto itself.  In team environments, it is not uncommon for
 individual developers to work supporting just one tier.)

 Also, what type of applications do you anticipate building?  If you
let us
 know, there may be working sample applications applications that we
 point you to.

 Regarding training, I concur with Simeon's advice.  There is a huge
 advantage to having a live instructor.  You mention that after reading
 docs and the Training from the Sorce book your mind is a bit blown
 way out of my league.  The benefits of a live instructor is that: 
a) they
 are the living book; and, b) they are dynamic.  You can ask questions
 the instructor can summarize the broad and complex body of knowledge
in ways
 that you you may find easier to grasp.  Or, they may be able to
provide you
 answers even before are able to verbalize the question ;-)

 You can find the list of instructor led courses here:

 And you can search for Adobe Authorized Training Centers in your area

 One special note, if you can not travel for training, one Adobe
 Training Partner, roundpeg.com, offers the same courses over the web
 top tier instructors.  Watch this link for upcoming dates:


 Beyond books and instructor led, there is some top quality video based
 training for Flex 2.

 One option is here:
 Note that there are free samples from each of the titles at the link
 Also, if you do not already have an account with
 you can get a 1 day free pass here:

 The second 

[flexcoders] Re: CRUD in XML

2007-01-07 Thread devisbalsemin
your link it's very good, but how i can reflect the change also in the
 xml file? 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The short answer is yes.  Yes Flex can manipulate your XML data in
 way you may require.
 If you could please describe your overall requirement and architecture?
 For instance, where will you XML file be stored?  Are you ultimately
 the XML file on your server?  Or is your requirement to store it on the
 client side?
 Also, please also let us know what experience you might have working
 If you might like to review some of the fundamentals of working with
XML in
 Flex, you can refer to the following section in the documentation:
 Programming ActionScript 3.0:  Working with XML

 Here are also two titles from the Quick Starts that Adobe has published:
 Accessing XML data
 Loading external data with HTTPService
 fwiw, I second Patrick's suggestion about using RemoteObject
 over HTTPService.  If you are writing the backend server side code,
 are significant benefits of using RemoteObject over HTTPService.  If
you are
 locked into using HTTPService, Flex will still work fine.  Again, if
you can
 describe you overall requirement and architecture we can provide more
 intelligent comments.
 On 1/7/07, devisbalsemin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes it's correctly,
  I have a simple xml file, and i wish to understand if it's possibile
  Insert, Selecet update delete record into a xml file
  Thanks devis
  Ok if't possibile only with HTTPSERVICE...
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h flexsavvy@ wrote:
   Could you please provide a bit more detail about what you are trying
  to do?
   CRUD is an acronym usually associated with the database operations
   When you ask for some example how to implement Flex 2 CRUD with xml
   file??? what do you mean?
   Have you looked at the Flex 2 documentation sections on:
  - The E4X approach to XML processing
  - Working with XML
   On 1/6/07, devisbalsemin devisbalsemin@ wrote:
can you help me to find some example how to implment Flex 2
CRUD with
xml file???
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
  Search Archives:
  Yahoo! Groups Links

[flexcoders] Re: Scrolling without a scrollbar

2007-01-07 Thread graysonpierce
Please disregard.  Since HorizontalList doesn't do variable length,
this question is somewhat of a moot point.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, graysonpierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I finally got around to testing this out.  I was able to do this in
 the css:
   thumbDownSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);
   thumbIcon: Embed(source=empty.swf);
   thumbOverSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);
   thumbUpSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);
   trackSkin: Embed(source=empty.swf);
 (Not sure if the empty.swf provided by the example is transparent)
 however the next challenge is that I'd like for the left/right arrows
 to display on the same line as the horizontalList content (rather than
 below) but when I try to set a size on the horizontalList that will
 force it to draw on the same line, the scroll bar (even thought it's
 supposed to be transparent) seems to mask the content.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, benjidudu benjamind@ wrote:
  You can skin the scrollbars. So replace the track and thumb with a
  transparent MovieClip and you will only see the arrows. See here for
  more details about skinning:
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Lachlan Cotter lach@ wrote:
   If you don't have a track and a thumb, I wouldn't really call it  
   scrolling. Perhaps what you're really after might more
accurately be  
   called 'paging'. If you think of it in those terms, does the
   become easier to grasp?
   On 06/12/2006, at 8:18 AM, graysonpierce wrote:
We have a requirement for a scrollable container that displays
and left arrows (when necessary) but not the track and the thumb.
To be more exact something similar to when you open up a bunch
 of tabs
in Firefox and at the point that it can't make the tabs any
 smaller it
displays the right and left icons.
Anyone have anything that might be a head-start? Don't really
 want to
get into measuring individual components (mostly buttons), etc. to
write it myself.