Re: [flexcoders] Advantages and Disadvantages of skinning

2012-02-10 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
The new skinning architecture in Flex 4 separates business logic and design
for a component. The component itself contains only the functionality (the
M and C of the MVC pattern) and the skin defines its visual aspect (the V
of MVC). If used correctly, you can change the design (skin) of a component
without the need for changing the code of the component itself. One
component and many skins, e.g. for desktop, for mobile, for different

Skinning is very good documented and there are many resources available,
just search for spark skinning.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  Mobile Development

On 9 February 2012 18:07, Davidson, Jerry jerry.david...@illinois.govwrote:


  I think the skinning allows the components to be lighter.  But it makes
 everything a lot more complex.

 ** **

 A month ago I started a thread on what the pieces in a skin mean and not
 one person was able to respond so there seems to be a learning curve at

 ** **

 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *Myadi H
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 08, 2012 10:33 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Advantages and Disadvantages of skinning

 ** **


 Hello folks,

 Today I have been asked to explain advantages and disadvantages of
 skinning in flex. I thought of asking this to all experienced flexers, and
 here it is.

 I hope this discussion will help everybody in future. So please
 input/share your knowledge.

 Thank you.



Re: [flexcoders] Displaying spark scrollbars for mx components wrapped in a scroller

2012-02-08 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
The child of the Scroller (called viewport) must resize freely for
scrolling to work. If you set its size to '100%' then it will always have
the size of the scroller and scrolling will never be required. Try this
(not tested):

s:Scroller width=100% height=100% verticalScrollPolicy=on
mx:Container verticalScrollPolicy=off horizontalScrollPolicy=off /
/s:Scroller /

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  Mobile Development

On 9 February 2012 02:15, method_air wrote:


 Is it possible to hide the mx scrollbars for an mx component, and show the
 spark scrollbars of the spark 'scroller' component wrapping it instead? How
 can I get this example to work:

 s:Scroller width=100%
 s:Group width=100%
 mx:Container width=100%
 height=100% /
 /s:Scroller /




Re: [flexcoders] Re: s:Image and s:BitmapImage?

2012-02-07 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Use Image if you want to display loading states of images, generally when
loading external images based on user interaction. Use BitmapImage for
skinning purposes.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  Mobile Development

On 7 February 2012 15:38, markflex2007 wrote:


 Which one (s:Image or s:BitmapImage) I should use in mobile
 application for a jpeg image.Thanks

  what is the different between s:Image and s:BitmapImage? I am a
 little confuse.Thanks
  Alex Harui
  Flex SDK Team
  Adobe Systems, Inc.


Re: [flexcoders] Need help dynamically modifying text displayed based on DB return

2012-01-30 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
I think the best way is to use states. Define the different states for your
component, e.g.

s:State name=available /
s:State name=sold /
s:State name=other /

You have now to track changes to win.status and set the current state
accordingly, e.g. by listening to the property change event on win:

protected function win_propertyChangeHandler(event:PropertyChangeEvent):void
switch (
case status:
imageStatus = event.newValue;
switch (event.newValue)
case Available:
currentState = available;
case Sold:
currentState = sold;
currentState = other;

and finally set the properties of the artPrice text based on the current

s:RichText id=artPrice width=120 color=#00
color.sold=#C39F70 fontFamily=Times New Roman fontSize=18
text={imageStatus} text.available={imagePrice} /

I hope this helps.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  Mobile Development

On 30 January 2012 14:55, hermeszfineart wrote:


 Part of the functionality in the gallery app ia am working on for my wife
 is a popup window that displays information about the specific painting or

 I am trying to figure out how to do the following based on the value
 returned from the DB for the imageStatus field:
 1) Change the text displayed for the Price to the {imageStatus)if that
 value is anything other than Available.
 2) Change the color of the above text to RED if the {imageStatus) == Sold.


 ... //cut for brevity

 [*Bindable*] *public* *var* imageTitle:String = *{win.title}*;

 [*Bindable*] *public* *var* imageStatus:String = *{win.status}*;

 [*Bindable*] *public* *var* imagePrice:String = *{win.price}*;

 *Bindable*] *public* *var* displayPrice:String ;

 ... // cut for brevity






 s:RichText id=style x=13 y=14 width=120 color=#C39F70
 fontFamily=Times New Roman fontSize=18 text={imageStyle}/

 s:RichText width=120 color=#C39F70 fontFamily=Times New Roman
 fontSize=18 text={imageMedium}/

 s:RichText id=dimensions width=112 color=#C39F70 fontFamily=Times
 New Roman fontSize=18 text={imageHeight} x {imageWidth}/

 s:RichText id=artPrice width=120 color=#C39F70 fontFamily=Times
 New Roman fontSize=18 text={imagePrice} / !-- Currently displaying
 the art's price --


 I have tried several things with public functions, getters/setters, but
 have gotten no where.

 Could someone kindly point me in the right direction?



Re: [flexcoders] Re: mobile app need show a web page

2012-01-27 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

Sent from my Android phone.

Le 27 janv. 2012 19:53, markflex2007 a écrit :



 any way to embed HTML page in mobile application?

 it seem not uicomponent to do this for mobile. Please help.


 --- In, markflex2007 markflex2007@...
  I develop a mobile android app now.
  I need show a html web page.I try to use StageWebView now
  the problem is StageWebView take all apace of the screen.
  I need include other text and textInput in the same page.
  I use mx:html in flex 3 before, but I can not find a same component in
 flex 4 for mobile.
  Please help me


[flexcoders] P2P multicast and upstream bandwidth

2012-01-26 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

I'm in the process of developing a realtime video chat application where
multiple users can send video streams simultanuously. The number of users
receiving the streams can be very big, e.g. 10 broadcasters and 500
receivers, each receiver should get all streams.

I use RTMFP connections to an FMS and streams are published in P2P
multicast groups by passing the groupspec to the NetStream constructor.
Currently I'm having problems with audio/video synchronization and video
stream 'jumps' (not continuous). From what I read in the internet, this is
related to the fact that there is not enough upstream bandwidth for sending
the streams. So my questions are:

   1. How to calculate the required upstream bandwidth on every peer for
   the given example of 10 broadcasters and 500 receivers (is it 10*bandwidth
   of one stream)?
   2. What settings (on NetStream, Camera, Microphone etc.) should be used
   for best results and how to adapt them based on the number of broadcasters?

I hope my questions make sense!


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  Mobile Development

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

2012-01-11 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Staying with Flex until I see what happens with it during its first year as
an Apache project. I expect big improvements and many new and cool
features, it will only depend on Adobe if it will follow with the player.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 3:16 AM, wrote:


 Staying with Flex.  Not looking elsewhere.

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *Ron G
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 11, 2012 8:15 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

 ** **


 Yes, we have also abandoned Flex in favor of ZKoss. Since we are already a
 Java shop, on the server side, it seemed logical to use a Java based
 framework on the client-side.

 The thing I really like about ZK or ZKoss is that it has equivalent
 components to Flex. In fact, it actually has more components than Flex.

 It implements an approach that I really like of separating the UI into
 appearance and behavior - much like the Spark components of Flex. Well, not
 exactly, but sort of. :) Here's what I mean. For each UI object, it has a
 client side (widget) and server side (component). I won't go into further
 detail, but it gives you a nice separation of concerns that you can avail
 yourself of. This feature also greatly insulates the rendered pages from
 x-browser compatibility issues.

 Check it out for yourself at their site (


 --- In, Sal sal.celli@... wrote:
  as i can sadly see from the message history bottom grid, many
 programmers are leaving flex.
  So this thread is to ask you all, if you have already found a valid
 alternative to flex for RIA development.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex with bluetooth input data

2011-12-30 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
I'm not sure but it should be possible by writing a native extension.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 3:10 PM, markflex2007 markflex2...@yahoo.comwrote:



 I need to use blue tooth scanner to input bar code to Flex
 you think if it is possible.

 Please give me a idea. Thanks


 --- In, markflex2007 markflex2007@...
  How to make Flex (or Air) application can receive bluetooth device's
 input? Thanks


Re: [flexcoders] You are the product

2011-12-18 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Interesting answers but they almost all are based on the assumption that
you have much time and enough money to waste. You can do almost everything
with HTML/JS/CSS, but for many things you will require much (really much)
more time than with Flash. I say 'almost' because there are things you
can't do, an example is applications using peer-assisted networking
(peer-to-peer), which is a realworld project I'm working on currently.

Let's stop this war because both technologies are complementary and there
are things you should do with one technology and others with other

Now regarding the attitude of Adobe, it's true that the way they did the
annoucement was not 'friendly', but it was actually a logical decision.
There is no flash application on the web that was designed with mobile
devices in mind. Users generally install apps on their devices and we have
AIR for that, especially with the new native extensions there is no
limitations to what you can do anymore. Developing using Flash and native
languages for extensions is a new way of developing applications and it
should be the same for web apps, where we develop with Flash and HTML.

The reality is that every technology has its advantages and as a developer
you have to know when to use each one.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Rick Winscot rick.wins...@zyche.comwrote:


 Uh… the original question is pretty simple - can you do anything [ like
 the link provided ] in HTML / CSS? The short answer is, yes. Since you
 opened a can of worms… I'll bite.

 Specs not yet finished… blah blah blah. If you're looking for a language
 to get carved in stone before you write a line of code… good luck. There
 are plenty of apps out there that are working just fine on 'draft'
 technology. Innovation typically drives change – not the other way around.

 Newer features… bah! If you find a browser that supports the features
 you must have… try to standardize on that browser if you can. If you can't…
 then cross that bridge if you have to come to it and not before. Getting
 your panties in a wad over something that isn't on your plate is a waste of

 One code-base everywhere… Urk. Really? I thought that was what Flash was
 supposed to do! Seriously… I don't know what you're trying to say here. If
 you need an HTML/CSS app that runs just about anywhere… wrap it in AIR and
 move on. Did he even state that it needs to run on desktop, mobile,
 tablets, and the voyager I spacecraft?

 Any good programmer… barf. I do get sick of pious comments like this. I
 mean – the guy just asked a simple question. Architecture is a subject best
 served after a developer has a chance to get cozy with the technology. I
 mean – I appreciate your desire to go deep on this question but really…
 milk before meat. The question was simple – if he needs more – let the
 subject blossom.

 From: Robert VanCuren Jr
 Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 01:01:27 -0500

 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] You are the product

 There is no one size fits all solution if you want to build a complex
 application. Flash might be a good choice for one and HTML for another and
 you might need to go native depending on what you are trying to do. Maybe
 you even want to use Java or Silverlight!

 When you ask if you can do something in HTML5/JS/CSS you need to keep in
 mind that many of the specs are not yet finished. It will be several more
 years before they are even in the recommendation phase. So while it may be
 possible to do some things in some browsers HTML5/JS/CSS is far from being
 cross platform ready. Standards move slow by their nature and because of
 that browser vendors will release features before the standards are
 finished, many times that means that each browser will have a different API
 or implementation for the same feature.

 If you are going to use newer html features it is recommended that you
 only use the ones that are relatively stable. May of the really cool
 features that you will want to use are not yet production ready and should
 be avoided for a real project. Of course if you can limit your scope to a
 couple browsers there is a lot more you can do.

 All of that said you can make some really kick ass stuff using the HTML5,
 CSS3, and JavaScript. There are tons of libraries that will abstract out
 the browser specific things and attempt to make one code base work
 everywhere. Things like Modernizr, Three.js, Dojo, jQuery, EaselJS ,ect,
 ect. Even when using these libraries there are performance differences
 across devices and even browser versions. Making a web application that
 really works across platforms and devices is not a trivial task.

 Take a look at some of the stuff you can do

Re: [flexcoders] Background color of Vgroup

2011-12-01 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
can you share the mxml file?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:15 PM, sony antony


 I tried that,
 but the color is not filled in, it's filled just till where the other
 components starts. :-o

 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *Sent:* Wednesday, 30 November 2011 4:49 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Background color of Vgroup

 Just add a black 'Rect' before the 'VGroup' with the same position and

 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:34 AM, sony antony


  Hello all,

 Can you please tell me how to give a black background color to a VGroup

 Thanks and Regards



Re: [flexcoders] Background color of Vgroup

2011-11-30 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Just add a black 'Rect' before the 'VGroup' with the same position and size.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:34 AM, sony antony


 Hello all,

 Can you please tell me how to give a black background color to a VGroup

 Thanks and Regards



Re: [flexcoders] Why Flex now?

2011-11-15 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Because today HTML5 is not yet ready and will not be ready for the next
5-10 years in my opinion. There are still many things you can only do in
Flash and many other that are very difficult to do with HTML5. In my
opinion HTML5 is a hype anyway, some new tags, css and js elements and
functions. Browser-compatibility, layout, animation, video and much more is
handled very easily with Flex/Flash. Should we replace the strong-typed and
compiled AS 3 language with JavaScript? I'm working on a video chat
application that uses FMS and P2P multicats, can you do that with HTML??

Personnally I don't think Flex is dead, the Flex community will continue to
implement it and there will be some companies offering support for it.

Only when Adobe stops the development of the Flash player for the Desktop I
will say that Flash is really dead.

Let's help the Spoon project and make Flex better than ever!

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Rick Schmitty wrote:


 I've been a Flex developer since it's first beta however many years ago.
  Today I just saw this response from Adobe:

 *Does Adobe recommend we use Flex or HTML5 for our enterprise application
 *In the long-term, *we believe HTML5 will be the best technology for
 enterprise application development*. We also know that, currently, Flex
 has clear benefits for large-scale client projects typically associated
 with desktop application profiles.
 Given our experiences innovating on Flex, we are extremely well
 positioned to positively contribute to the advancement of HTML5
 development, starting with mobile applications. In fact, *many of the
 engineers and product managers who worked on Flex SDK will be moving to
 work on our HTML efforts*. We will continue making significant
 contributions to open web technologies like WebKit  jQuery, advance the
 development of PhoneGap and create new tools that solve the challenges
 developers face when building applications with HTML5.

 Emphasis mine.  If anyone has followed any game or application development
 where 'many members' of the team are switched to the next greatest thing,
 that normally means there are few maintenance developers for the existing
 product and not much new innovation to it.  The company wants its best and
 brightest working on its future, not supporting its past.

 Combine that with the facts that Adobe bought PhoneGap and released Edge
 preview.  It's not hard to put all these facts together and see that long
 term they want an IDE  framework for app development in HTML5.  Perhaps
 Flex5 will be an HTML5 version of Flex as they start putting together html5

 Outside of having to support IE6 why would you choose to start a project
 in Flex today?


Re: [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed applications

2011-09-27 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
It is not the case here, we only need a way to securely store a secret key
and get it once when the application starts. The important thing here is
actually to make sure only approved applications can access the API, if the
overhead would fullfill the requirement, then it is OK.

I can't think of a solution to this problem unless the OS itself would offer
a way to identify an application through its signing certificate. Any idea
in this direction? can we use that certificate somehow?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Johannes Nel johannes@gmail.comwrote:


 The problem with making it as hard as possible is the overhead on your
 client application. decrypting a lot of data is a processer intensive
 operation and your own UI could suffer, while someone stealing data could
 decrypt it in C and republish that data unencrypted, giving their UI the
 edge over yours.

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Haykel BEN JEMIA hayke...@gmail.comwrote:


 yeah you have just confirmed my 'fear' that for client applications there
 is actually no secure way to identify them because anything they include
 (data, algorithms etc.) can be cracked and the identification process can be
 reproduced. We can only try to make it as hard as possible.

 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:35 PM, claudiu ursica the_bran...@yahoo.comwrote:


 The thing is that most client side apps implement security by obscurity
 which pretty much means that you will never be safe 100%, the only thing you
 do is not putting it in plain sight. So as you continue is add more level of
 obscurity, but as said that will only make it harder still not impossible to
 crack. You can double/triple that by server side checks e.g. trusted ips,
 domains, user etc. Whenever server feels like there is not enough trust
 should deny the connection.

 Obviously the topic is large enough to tackle in just a couple of lines,
 hopes this gives you a start ...

 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *Sent:* Monday, September 26, 2011 1:40 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed

 Thanks Claudiu,

 I have found a PDF of the presentation and on page 4 it says the
 following about protecting sensitive data through embedding:

 * Most decompilers don’t look at embedded data.
 * Given that SWF is an open file format, nothing is really stopping them
 from doing this in the future.
 * Useful for quick/dirty storage of WebService credentials.

 So this is definitly better than storing the keys in plain text format,
 but still easy to crack.

 Any other suggestions.


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:33 AM, claudiu ursica 


  You can embed the keys instead of keeping them in plain site.

 check this session I think you will find some useful stuff:


 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *To:* flexcoders
 *Sent:* Monday, September 26, 2011 12:00 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed


 I'm looking for the best and most secure way to restrict access to a web
 API to only allowed applications. The best option I found is to use 2-Legged
 OAuth where applications would get a consumer key and a secret key. The
 problem here is that SWF files can be easily decompiled and the keys
 extracted. My questions here are:

 * Does anybody know a way to protect the keys?
 * Is there another authorization mechanism that is better suited for such
 client applications in general (Flash, JavaScript ...)


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 \\no comment


[flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed applications

2011-09-26 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

I'm looking for the best and most secure way to restrict access to a web API
to only allowed applications. The best option I found is to use 2-Legged
OAuth where applications would get a consumer key and a secret key. The
problem here is that SWF files can be easily decompiled and the keys
extracted. My questions here are:

* Does anybody know a way to protect the keys?
* Is there another authorization mechanism that is better suited for such
client applications in general (Flash, JavaScript ...)


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

[flexcoders] hacked??

2011-09-26 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
The following course have been replaced by an ad for 'The Bourne
Ultimatum'!! Hackers at work?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

Re: [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed applications

2011-09-26 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Thanks Claudiu,

I have found a PDF of the presentation and on page 4 it says the following
about protecting sensitive data through embedding:

* Most decompilers don’t look at embedded data.
* Given that SWF is an open file format, nothing is really stopping them
from doing this in the future.
* Useful for quick/dirty storage of WebService credentials.

So this is definitly better than storing the keys in plain text format, but
still easy to crack.

Any other suggestions.


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:33 AM, claudiu ursica the_bran...@yahoo.comwrote:


 You can embed the keys instead of keeping them in plain site.

 check this session I think you will find some useful stuff:


 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *To:* flexcoders
 *Sent:* Monday, September 26, 2011 12:00 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed


 I'm looking for the best and most secure way to restrict access to a web
 API to only allowed applications. The best option I found is to use 2-Legged
 OAuth where applications would get a consumer key and a secret key. The
 problem here is that SWF files can be easily decompiled and the keys
 extracted. My questions here are:

 * Does anybody know a way to protect the keys?
 * Is there another authorization mechanism that is better suited for such
 client applications in general (Flash, JavaScript ...)


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development


Re: [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed applications

2011-09-26 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Access should only be granted to applications approved by the team. At the
beginning these will be our own applications but we want to approve apps
from other developers in the future.

Your suggestion works for web applications and we are planning to use it,
but it can not be used for AIR applications.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Alex Harui wrote:


 What kind of access to the web API are you trying to prevent?  What
 configurations need to use the API?  If the API doesn’t need to be used by
 other servers, I thought you could check the headers and make sure the API
 is being called from a client served from your domain and deny all others.
  I think that’s the point of crossdomain.xml.


 On 9/26/11 5:35 AM, claudiu ursica wrote:

 The thing is that most client side apps implement security by obscurity
 which pretty much means that you will never be safe 100%, the only thing you
 do is not putting it in plain sight. So as you continue is add more level of
 obscurity, but as said that will only make it harder still not impossible to
 crack. You can double/triple that by server side checks e.g. trusted ips,
 domains, user etc. Whenever server feels like there is not enough trust
 should deny the connection.

 Obviously the topic is large enough to tackle in just a couple of lines,
 hopes this gives you a start ...

 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *Sent:* Monday, September 26, 2011 1:40 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed

 Thanks Claudiu,

 I have found a PDF of the presentation and on page 4 it says the following
 about protecting sensitive data through embedding:

 * Most decompilers don’t look at embedded data.
 * Given that SWF is an open file format, nothing is really stopping them
 from doing this in the future.
 * Useful for quick/dirty storage of WebService credentials.

 So this is definitly better than storing the keys in plain text format, but
 still easy to crack.

 Any other suggestions.


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:33 AM, claudiu ursica

 You can embed the keys instead of keeping them in plain site.

 check this session I think you will find some useful stuff:


 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *To:* flexcoders
 *Sent:* Monday, September 26, 2011 12:00 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed


 I'm looking for the best and most secure way to restrict access to a web
 API to only allowed applications. The best option I found is to use 2-Legged
 OAuth where applications would get a consumer key and a secret key. The
 problem here is that SWF files can be easily decompiled and the keys
 extracted. My questions here are:

 * Does anybody know a way to protect the keys?
 * Is there another authorization mechanism that is better suited for such
 client applications in general (Flash, JavaScript ...)


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 Alex Harui
 Flex SDK Team
 Adobe System, Inc.


Re: [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed applications

2011-09-26 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
yeah you have just confirmed my 'fear' that for client applications there is
actually no secure way to identify them because anything they include (data,
algorithms etc.) can be cracked and the identification process can be
reproduced. We can only try to make it as hard as possible.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:35 PM, claudiu ursica the_bran...@yahoo.comwrote:


 The thing is that most client side apps implement security by obscurity
 which pretty much means that you will never be safe 100%, the only thing you
 do is not putting it in plain sight. So as you continue is add more level of
 obscurity, but as said that will only make it harder still not impossible to
 crack. You can double/triple that by server side checks e.g. trusted ips,
 domains, user etc. Whenever server feels like there is not enough trust
 should deny the connection.

 Obviously the topic is large enough to tackle in just a couple of lines,
 hopes this gives you a start ...

 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *Sent:* Monday, September 26, 2011 1:40 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed

 Thanks Claudiu,

 I have found a PDF of the presentation and on page 4 it says the following
 about protecting sensitive data through embedding:

 * Most decompilers don’t look at embedded data.
 * Given that SWF is an open file format, nothing is really stopping them
 from doing this in the future.
 * Useful for quick/dirty storage of WebService credentials.

 So this is definitly better than storing the keys in plain text format, but
 still easy to crack.

 Any other suggestions.


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:33 AM, claudiu ursica the_bran...@yahoo.comwrote:


  You can embed the keys instead of keeping them in plain site.

 check this session I think you will find some useful stuff:


 *From:* Haykel BEN JEMIA
 *To:* flexcoders
 *Sent:* Monday, September 26, 2011 12:00 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Restrict access to an API to only allowed


 I'm looking for the best and most secure way to restrict access to a web
 API to only allowed applications. The best option I found is to use 2-Legged
 OAuth where applications would get a consumer key and a secret key. The
 problem here is that SWF files can be easily decompiled and the keys
 extracted. My questions here are:

 * Does anybody know a way to protect the keys?
 * Is there another authorization mechanism that is better suited for such
 client applications in general (Flash, JavaScript ...)


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Is it possible to add Flex components to the Stage?

2011-09-23 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
if for some reason you don't want or can't use Flex, then you try some of
the pure AS component libraries:

* AsWing :

and there are more.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:06 PM, Hogs Haven wrote:


 Thanks Alex for the reply. Yea, with systemManager being a Flex component I
 guess I'm out of luck. OK, refactor time.

 --- In, Alex Harui aharui@... wrote:
  Flex components cannot be added to the Stage. You can add them to
 SystemManager and get pretty much the same effect.
  On 9/22/11 11:56 AM, Hogs Haven e_baggg@... wrote:
  Thanks, but flash.display.Stage is not a Flex component; therefore it
 only has addChild(). addElement() is part of the spark Flex classes.
  --- In
 , grimmwerks grimm@ wrote:
   Try stage.addElement rather than addChild?
   On Sep 22, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Hogs Haven wrote:
From everything I've read, Flex components can only be added to Flex
 Components (ie: VBox to Application, VGroup to Panel, etc)
I'm working in an AS3 view library (no Flex, just Sprites) where I
 need to add a Scrollable container component to the Stage on a click event.
 There's no way to do this as I see it unless I write my own Scroll
 container, use Flex SDK (don't think this works), or use
 fl.containers.ScrollPane (which is not an option since we're not using a
So basically, I'm trying to accomplish this, as simple runnable
 example, but it fails silently and nothing appears...any ideas? Thanks.
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
s:Application xmlns:fx=;
import mx.containers.Panel;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
protected function
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);
private function onAdded(e:Event):void
var myPanel : Panel = new Panel();
stage.addChild(myPanel); //nothing happens

Flexcoders Mailing List
Alternative FAQ location:
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   Garry Schafer
  Alex Harui
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  Adobe System, Inc.


Re: [flexcoders] e4x help

2011-09-22 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
working for me. here is the code I used for testing:

import flash.display.Sprite;

public class Test extends Sprite
private var xmlRoot:XML =

public function Test()
if (xmlRoot  xmlRoot.length()  0) {
var lst:XMLList = xmlRoot..Attribute;
trace(lst length =  + lst.length());

it outputs 'lst length = 3' as expected.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:54 PM, wrote:


 I must be missing something simple here.  I’m reading in XML that looks
 like this:

 ** **

 ?*xml* version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?















 ** **

 I’m trying to get all Atribute nodes using the .. operator, but it always
 returns 0, even though xmlRoot looks fine.  

 ** **

 *protected* *function* xmlService_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):*void**


   *if* (event != *null*  event.result != *null*  event.result 
 *is*XML) {

 *var* xmlRoot:XML = event.result *as* XML;

 *if* (xmlRoot  xmlRoot.length()  0) {

   *var* lst:XMLList = xmlRoot..Attribute;

   *trace*(*lst length = * + lst.length());




 ** **

 ** **


 ** **


Re: [flexcoders] e4x help

2011-09-22 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
because the elements are then defined in the namespace;. To access them
through e4x you have to create a corresponding namespace object, e.g.:

private namespace biosattributeregistry =;;
use namespace biosattributeregistry;

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 4:32 PM, wrote:


 I guess I should have copied the entire XML.

 ** **

 REGISTRY xmlns:xsi=;

 ** **

 Turns out if I just remove the last namespace, *xmlns*=

 ** **

 Then it works correctly.

 ** **

 Any idea why this would cause it to not be able to find the children?

 ** **

 *Michael J. Regert*

 ** **

 Please consider the environment before printing this email.

 ** **

 Confidentiality Notice | This e-mail message, including any attachments, is
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 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *Brendan Meutzner
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:20 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] e4x help

 ** **


 You shouldn't do a check on the length() for xmlRoot... that represents the
 REGISTRY level... otherwise your code looks fine.

 ** **

 ** **

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 4:54 PM, wrote:


 I must be missing something simple here.  I’m reading in XML that looks
 like this:


 ?*xml* version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
















 I’m trying to get all Atribute nodes using the .. operator, but it always
 returns 0, even though xmlRoot looks fine.  


 *protected* *function* xmlService_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):*void**


   *if* (event != *null*  event.result != *null*  event.result 
 *is*XML) {

 *var* xmlRoot:XML = event.result *as* XML;

 *if* (xmlRoot  xmlRoot.length()  0) {

   *var* lst:XMLList = xmlRoot..Attribute;

   *trace*(*lst length = * + lst.length());








 ** **



Re: [flexcoders] What is the a correct lifecycle phase to add new child components?

2011-09-06 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Hi Nick,

if you use Spark components and the child components you want to add are
fixed and known, e.g. a 'close' button that should be visible on mouse-over,
then I would use skin states and manage visibility of the components in the

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Nick Middleweek



 I've been trying to find the correct 'place' to create new components after
 the parent component is UPDATE_COMPLETE.

 During initialisation, we create child components in *createChildren()*but 
 where/ when should we create them for e.g. in response to a mouseOver or
 a mouseClick event?

 Is it simply 'ok' to *this.addChild( *myNewButton *)* in a MOUSE_EVENT
 function handler or should I be setting some dirty flag to trigger off an
 invalidation and then add the button in a lifecycle override function?


 Sent by Nick Middleweek ( { email:, mobile: +44(0)774
 035 5424 } );


Re: [flexcoders] What is the a correct lifecycle phase to add new child components?

2011-09-06 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Yes. To take advantage of the spark architecture you have to extend
SkinnableComponent (or one of the other SkinnableXXX classes, depending on
your needs).

Example: Creating a skinnable Spark component

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Nick Middleweek


 Thanks for this... So I'm extending UIComponent, does this mean I'm doing
 it the MX way?


 On 6 September 2011 14:38, Haykel BEN JEMIA wrote:


 Hi Nick,

 if you use Spark components and the child components you want to add are
 fixed and known, e.g. a 'close' button that should be visible on mouse-over,
 then I would use skin states and manage visibility of the components in the

 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Nick Middleweek



 I've been trying to find the correct 'place' to create new components
 after the parent component is UPDATE_COMPLETE.

 During initialisation, we create child components in *createChildren()*but 
 where/ when should we create them for e.g. in response to a mouseOver or
 a mouseClick event?

 Is it simply 'ok' to *this.addChild( *myNewButton *)* in a MOUSE_EVENT
 function handler or should I be setting some dirty flag to trigger off an
 invalidation and then add the button in a lifecycle override function?


 Sent by Nick Middleweek ( { email:, mobile: +44(0)774
 035 5424 } );

 Sent by Nick Middleweek ( { email:, mobile: +44(0)774
 035 5424, blog: } );


Re: [flexcoders] Re: I don't know if I need Flex (please help me to decide)

2010-09-09 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Fo the UI, you can try AsWing:

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 7:53 AM, enridp wrote:

 mmm... I was attracted by ColdFusion a few months ago because it was from
 Adobe and I thought it will work better with Flash, but I think there are
 many downsides.
 First, I don't know ColdFusion ^_^
 Is not Free
 And I have a lot of API's for PHP
 Anyway, I don't think in PHP like a problem, Facebook is working with PHP.

 --- In, Bill
 Brutzman bill.brutz...@... wrote:
  Consider also Adobe's ColdFusion. I have found ColdFusion to be easier to
  use and more robust than PHP.
  From: [mailto:] On
  Behalf Of enridp
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:10 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: I don't know if I need Flex (please help me to
  Yes, there's a lot of data.
  But I was thinking in AMFPHP for that.
  I think the alternatives are:
  1) Adapting the Flex code that I need to a pure AS3 project (I'm not sure
  this is possible in all the casses)
  2) Using RSL's
  Because I can't start my project with 200Kb, the size is a really big
  Can you (or someone) help me with some of the 2 options?
  I have not experience in it, so I can't think in possible problems with
  those solutions (Flex-AS3 and RSL's), can you see the problems?
  --- In flexcoders%40yahoogroups.commailto: ,

  Bill Brutzman bill.brutzman@ wrote:
   My rule of thumb is that if there is data. like a database. then yes.
   is the way to go.


Re: [flexcoders] actionscript + library

2010-09-09 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
I think you can just create a Flex Library Project and if you don't use any
Flex components then nothing from Flex will be added to the SWC.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 9:42 PM, Ariel J wrote:

 is there a way to configure a project in Flash Builder natively (as in, not
 using a custom builder) to create a pure actionscript project that compiles
 into a SWC not a SWF?


Re: [flexcoders] Find in Files in Flash Builder 4

2010-09-06 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
It's now under the 'Search' menu.

Le 2010 9 6 05:50, markflex2007 a écrit :

 I use Flex Builder 3 before . I can search string cross my files by using

 Find in Files (under Edit menu),but I can not do this with FB4.

 Please help me how to search my files by a string.



Re: [flexcoders] External CSS file in Flex 4

2010-09-04 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

you could put in 'mycss.css' the default settings and then with PHP only
send the values that are specific for the user in a simple format and apply
them with 'styleManager.setStyleDeclaration'.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Ghost Hack wrote:

 Hi people,

 i'm having some trouble while using the tag fx:Style
 source=assets/mycss.css /. When I generate a release of my project, Flex
 4 embed my CSS file into compiled application, while i want to use PHP to
 generate dynamic CSS based on the user configuration in database.

 Is there any workaround i'm missing?

 Thanks in advance,
 Marco Lacava.

Re: [flexcoders] Image component not resizing correctly

2010-09-02 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
You have to set 'maintainAspectRatio' to false if you want the content to
fill the image.

Le 2010 9 2 01:56, method_air a écrit :
 Currently experiencing an Image component resizing issue:

 An Image component (inside an ItemRenderer/Spark List, with a fixed
width/height of '100') resizes incorrectly when it's source changes.

 The Image components source is initially set to an embedded placeholder
graphic (while the new source loads), and the Image width/height is correct.

 However when the new source loads, the Image component does not resize to
the Image width/height set dimensions, and the background of the item
renderer is visible.

 Any ideas how to fix this?



Re: [flexcoders] Proper way to ensure components in a different state are created

2010-09-01 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
You could add a bindable var, e.g. noteText, and set the text property in
the mxml tag to {noteText}. Then you only have to assign the value to the
noteText variable.

Le 2010 9 1 10:48, dorkie dork from dorktown a écrit :
 When I try to access components that are in a different state on the
 line after I set the current state I get this error,
 TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
 object reference.

 // code
 currentState = NOTES;
 noteComponent.text = value; // noteComponent exists in NOTES state and
 is not created yet

 I know this is because of the Flex invalidation cycle and I'm aware I
 could use databinding and I know I could use callLater. But if I
 needed to create the components immediately for only the state I'm
 going to how would I do that?

 Custom Component:

 State 1
 State 2
 State 3

 imageComponent includeIn=State 1/
 videoComponent includeIn=State 2/
 noteComponent includeIn=State 3/



Re: [flexcoders] basic authentification on air

2010-08-30 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
You have to put the full URL in service.destination.

Le 2010 8 30 05:30, cholid cholid a écrit :
 i try to get some property of an object with xmlrpc
 and it's work
 then i adopt the code to air application
 when it run, then show a login window that is not happen in flex
 it says
 The Server admin (on port 0) requires a username and password
 this server uses 'basic' authentification

 are there has a different from air and flex code on handle

 this the code;

 creationComplete=init() layout=absolute
 import com.ak33m.rpc.xmlrpc.XMLRPCConnection;
 import mx.rpc.Fault;
 import com.ak33m.rpc.xmlrpc.XMLRPCObject;
 import mx.utils.Base64Encoder;
 import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
 import mx.controls.Alert;
 import mx.collections.ItemResponder;

 [Bindable] public var returnedData:ArrayCollection;
 [Bindable] public var
 public var service:XMLRPCObject;

 public function init():void
 service = new XMLRPCObject();
 service.endpoint = serviceEndpoint;
 service.destination = /zport/dmd;
 service.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, onFault);
 service.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, onResult);
 public function onResult(event:ResultEvent):void
 public function onFault(event:FaultEvent):void
 {, event.fault.faultCode);
 public function getId():void
 mx:Button click=getId() label=Get ID width=100%/

Re: [flexcoders] How to tell if I am a popup.

2010-08-30 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

Le 2010 8 30 22:44, aceoohay a écrit :

I have a mx:module component that I sometimes call with a moduleloader, and
sometimes call with a popupManager. In order to close the item properly I
need to know how I was instantiated (popup manager or module loader).

Is there a property that I can check that will tell me this?

Obviously I can set my own property, but I would prefer using one that
already exists.



Re: [flexcoders] Constraining one components location to another component

2010-08-27 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

I think the best way is to create a new component that will hold the image
and the floating components and handle visibility of these components
through states.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

s:State name=normal /
s:State name=loading /
s:State name=error /

public var source:Object;

complete={currentState = 'normal'}
progress={currentState = 'loading'}
ioError={currentState = 'error'}

s:Label top=0 right=0 text=Loading... includeIn=loading /
s:Label top=0 right=0 text=Error! includeIn=error /

Of course you can put any states you like and also set states from outside
with : mainImage.currentState = .

Hope this helps,

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 9:50 PM, dorkie dork from dorktown wrote:

 Is there a way to constrain one component to another component? I've looked
 at constraint rows and constrain columns in the past but I haven't got it to
 work myself. IE,

 Group id=imageContainer width=500 height=500
  Image id=mainImage width=100 height=100 verticalCenter=0

 Image source=download.jpg toolTip=Download this image
right=[Right edge of main image] top=[Top edge of main image]/

 In this example the download icon would float in the upper right corner of
 the image component as the image component floats in the middle of the
 container it is in. FYI In this project there are additional components that
 will float relative to the location and size of the image as well.


Re: [flexcoders] styles are ignored

2010-08-27 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
CSS in Flex 4 uses namespaces and you have to update your Flex 3 CSS files.
You can simply open the CSS files in Flash Builder, put the cursor directly
after every class name in the selectors and click 'Ctrl'-Space and Flash
Builder will add the namespaces.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Angelo Anolin angelo_ano...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I must assume that you are using Flex SDK 4.

 I am currently having the same issues now.  Trying to port some Flex 3
 codes to Flex 4 and a lot of styling and CSS things are going haywire.

 I thought that developer and designer productivity has been greatly
 enhanced in SDK 4.0 but it seems that people who are both dev/designer at
 the same time are getting a hard time actually making the code work.


 *From:* Jesse Warden
 *Sent:* Fri, 27 August, 2010 10:27:26
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] styles are ignored

 This Flex app loads in a module, and an external stylesheet (no, I can't
 get into why).  When I put my mx:Style source=defaults.css / in the app,
 they don't show up.  If I trace out the CSSStyleDeclaration in
 creationComplete it's null.  The code doesn't allow me to compile with
 -keep-generated-actionscript, so it's not easy for me to figure out why.

 1. why the hell is it ignoring my syles; I have things like Selectors that
 are unique, yet aren't in StyleManager at all...?
 2. If I load them in dynamically as a SWF, will that fix it?


Re: [flexcoders] window resizing issues

2010-08-25 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
The createPopUp call looks suspicious to me, normally you should pass a
class name as a second argument.


Le 2010 8 24 23:35, h_chris_87 a écrit :
 I have window W1 which has a Vertical Box which in turn has a Datagrid
 and one of those DataGrid columns of the Datagrid has a Horizontal Box
 which has a button icon. The MXML is somewhat like

 mx:VBox width=100% paddingBottom=10 paddingLeft=10
 paddingRight=10 paddingTop=10 styleName=formSection
 mx:DataGrid id=my_grid dataProvider={my_grid_dp}
 headerHeight=0 width=100%
 change=remove_value.enabled = expected_result_grid.selectedItems.length
 0; rowCount=3
 mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Column 1
 dataField=expected_result wordWrap=true /

 mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Column 2
 dataField=expected_result width=45 
 mx:HBox horizontalAlign=center
 icon=@Embed('../assets/img/edit.png') toolTip=View buttonMode=true



 When the button icon is clicked(which is noted in bold above), another
 new window W2 is opened using the below function

 public function openmyWin_fn(eventObj:*):void
 //Keeps multiple windows from being opened
 if(result_win == null){
 result_win = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,
 result_win, true) as result_win;

 //Passes the parent object to the popup window
 result_win.openingParentWindow = this;

 //Set the mode (Add or Update) in which the form should
 result_win.form_mode = eventObj;


 I tried to add a TextInput in the above MXML in Window W1's source which
 led to the window W2 opening in the rightmost part of browser window
 without a scroll bar instead of appearing with a scroll bar in the
 center of browser window. W2 should be appearing as overlapping W1, not
 adjacent to it.

 I commented the TextInput I added, even removed it, still the
 issue(window W2 opening in the rightmost part of browser window without
 a scroll bar) persists.

 I once faced this problem where inadvertently a height value was added
 to the whole W2 window. After I removed it, the window W2 was fine. This
 time I am comparing the source files before I added the TextInput
 control and after I removed it(when the window W2 was not displaying in
 the proper place) and the source files are identical.

 Window W2 was having scrollbars before I tried to add the TextInput MXML
 control. It was also centering in the application before I tried to add
 the TextInput MXML control.

 Where could I be erring to cause the W2 to appear in the rightmost part
 of browser? I don't understand what is causing it to happen if the
 source files are identical?

 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

[flexcoders] Speeding+project+compilation

2010-08-24 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Hi Amy, try putting the assets outside the 'src' directory.


Re: [flexcoders] Speeding project compilation

2010-08-24 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Try putting the assets outside the 'src' directory.

On Monday, August 23, 2010, Amy wrote:

   Hi all;

 We have a project that uses a lot of embedded assets.  However, when the 
 project compiles, it deletes all of the assets from the bin-debug folder, 
 then re-adds them (even though they are embedded).  I have hunted for a 
 setting in Flex Builder that will let me turn this unneeded behavior orr, but 
 I haven't found it.  Does anyone know?




Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

[flexcoders] Multiple instances of a module with different styles

2010-07-01 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

I have a Flex 4 application that loads modules dynamically. The modules load
style files dynamically based on their configuration files, so that every
module can load different style files. If multiple instances of a module are
created (with multiple ModuleLoader instances having the same url),
everytime an instance loads a style file, it gets also applied (partially)
to the other instances so that all instances end up with mixed styles.

I originally thought that the per-module styles feature of Flex 4 should
allow every module to apply its own styles, but it seems like it's more a
per-module-type style.

Is there any way to load styles per module instance?


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

Re: [flexcoders] Multiple instances of a module with different styles

2010-07-01 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Hi Alex,

ok it's clear with the factory. But how can I handle the following scenario
with class selectors :

Module 'MyModule':
* Module has a button with style name 'myButton'
* Module gets a url for a style file from main application and loads it with

* Creates ModuleLoader 1 with url 'MyModule.swf' and pass it style url
'style1.swf' which defines 'Button.myButton' with text color red
* Creates ModuleLoader 2 with url 'MyModule.swf' and pass it style url
'style2.swf' which defines 'Button.myButton' with text color green

I want to have one module with red text and the other with green text. What
I'm getting now is that both use sometimes one color and sometimes the
other, I think depending on which styles are loaded first.


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

 A module is a factory for multiple instances of a class(es).  Type
 selectors map to a class.

 Per-instance styles are often done with class selectors via the styleName

 On 7/1/10 9:37 AM, Haykel BEN JEMIA wrote:


 I have a Flex 4 application that loads modules dynamically. The modules
 load style files dynamically based on their configuration files, so that
 every module can load different style files. If multiple instances of a
 module are created (with multiple ModuleLoader instances having the same
 url), everytime an instance loads a style file, it gets also applied
 (partially) to the other instances so that all instances end up with mixed

 I originally thought that the per-module styles feature of Flex 4 should
 allow every module to apply its own styles, but it seems like it's more a
 per-module-type style.

 Is there any way to load styles per module instance?


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 Alex Harui
 Flex SDK Team
 Adobe System, Inc.

Re: [flexcoders] spark ButtonBar selectedIndex out of view

2010-05-11 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
You can use the getScrollPositionDeltaToElement() function of the layout and
add the x value of the returned point to the horizontalScrollPosition.
Basically something like this (not tested):

buttonbar1.layout.horizontalScrollPosition +=

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 9:14 AM, bhaq1972 wrote:

 I have a spark ButtonBar with a horizontalLayout. The width of the
 ButtonBar is small the end buttons don't show.
 When I set the selectedIndex to one of the end buttons...its not coming
 into view.

 How can I ensure the selectedItem is in view?


 s:ButtonBar id=buttonbar1 width=500 requireSelection=true
 s:HorizontalLayout /
 s:ArrayCollection source=['Button1', 'Button2', 'Button3', 'Button4',
 'Button5', 'Button6', 'Button7', 'Button8'] /
 s:TextInput id=t1 text=7/
 s:Button label=selectIndex click=buttonbar1.selectedIndex =


Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid in a Spark Window Bug

2010-05-07 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Such strange skin related errors in modular applications arise generally
when you reference a module by name in another module or application. Use
interfaces instead for communication with modules.

For more details, look at the following bug report:

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Jeff wrote:


 I've got a modular application where I popup a TitleWindow for an import
 Wizard. From there, I try to open a Window with a DataGrid inside. In
 addition to a bunch of cFF font warnings, this error is thrown:

 TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.

 The specific line that throws the exception is:

 var headerBGSkin:IFlexDisplayObject = new headerBGSkinClass();

 Anyone got a clue? I'm able to bring the spreadsheet up in my TitleWindow
 without issues, but when I try to put it in its own window. all hell breaks



Re: [flexcoders] Mediators, Presentation Models and Flex 4 Components

2010-05-05 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Thanks Gabirel.

I'm also thinking about the case when we use some flex framework like
Parsley. For performance reasons it is generally advised to only manage
lightweight classes by the framework and for views mediators are used. So
any suggestion on how to create mediators that fit good in the new Flex 4
component/skin architecture?


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

2010/5/4 gabriel montagné


 On 04/05/2010, Haykel BEN JEMIA

  with the new Flex 4 components architecture which actually separates
  from design with the Skin paradigm, what is the best way to implement
  Mediators/Presentation Models that best uses the capabilities of this
  architecture (partAdded, partRemoved, getCurrentSkinState etc.).

 The new Flex 4 skin architecture allows a clean enough separation of layout
 and behavior concerns to be able to do without other options which aim at
 same kind abstraction but cannot achieve the same degree of integration
 the framework.

  For now I'm simply using the AS class of a component as a mediator and
  skin as a view.

 I would say this is perfectly complete, I wouldn't go looking for any more
 levels of indirection.


 gabriel montagné láscaris comneno
 +44 (0) 7500 709 209

[flexcoders] Mediators, Presentation Models and Flex 4 Components

2010-05-04 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

with the new Flex 4 components architecture which actually separates logic
from design with the Skin paradigm, what is the best way to implement
Mediators/Presentation Models that best uses the capabilities of this
architecture (partAdded, partRemoved, getCurrentSkinState etc.).

For now I'm simply using the AS class of a component as a mediator and the
skin as a view.

How do you handle this?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

[flexcoders] Strange mask problem

2010-04-29 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

I'm trying to create some sort of sprite using the Flex 4 'Path' graphic
element. The idea is to create the Path element that defines the visual look
of the sprite, then another one with the same properties in a Group but
using a black color with alpha set to 1. Then use this group as the mask for
the sprite and set the mask type to 'alpha'. This also works but only when
the sprite has the position (0, 0). When it is moved, it is displayed
correctly but mouse interaction is broken.

Please find an example here:

The application has 'view source' enabled.

Any idea why even though the mask is correct (because the geometry is
displayed and not masked out), mouse interaction is broken when the object
is moved?


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

Re: [flexcoders] Detecting Scrollbar presence on Flex 4 List

2010-04-29 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Try to look in the List.scroller or List.scroller.viewport properties.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:10 AM, Jeff wrote:

 I'm trying to use a Spark List with a single itemRenderer in the place of
 an mx:DataGrid for memory/performance reasons.

 The itemRenderer that has all the items horizontally I need. The problem
 I'm running into is getting the header (which I've created outside of the
 List control to have the labels that line up with my itemrenderer elements.
 Things work great until my list requires scrolling. Then the 16 pixel
 scrollbar throws things out of whack.

 I could probably make a simple adjustment if I could detect the presence of
 the scrollbar on the list component and adjust my header elements
 accordingly. I just haven't been able to figure out how to do that yet.

 Anyone dealt with this?



Re: [flexcoders] Flex 4: using controlBarLayout, controlBarGroup, controlBarContent with AS3

2010-04-29 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
controlBarLayout and controlBarContent are simple properties and you can
access them directly, controlBarGroup is a skin part and you need either to
create a new skin to change it or access it by overriding the partAdded

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:09 AM, de.newsight wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have a AS3 class extended form a spark TitleWindow class, and now I am
 looking for a way how I can change the controlBarLayout, controlBarGroup and
 add items to controlBarContent directly with AS. I'vo goggled a lot but
 couldn't find any example. Can anyone help me?

 Thanks, Artur


Re: [flexcoders] Hide/Show parts of a From

2010-04-29 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
How are you creating the form, mxml or AS? If mxml, you could create a
bindable Boolean property for each group and set the visible property of
each item set to the value of the corresponding group and just change that
one variable to show/hide a group.


[Bindable] private var group1Visible:Boolean = true;
[Bindable] private var group2Visible:Boolean = false;

FormItem visible={group1Visible} ...
FormItem visible={group1Visible} ...
FormItem visible={group2Visible} ...
FormItem visible={group2Visible} ...

Somewhere in your code:

group1Visible = false;
group2Visible = true;

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Wally Kolcz wrote:

 I have a Form that has different information to fill out based on a
 selected. All FormItems are contained inside a Form parent. Is there a
 way to hide/show 'groups' of FormItems (includeInLayout/Visible = false)
 and still keep the format consistent (all the labels line up)?

 I tried containing FormItems in a VGroup which I can easily hide/show
 the whole group but the label alignment is off.. I don't want to
 hide/show each element since some of the information groups are pretty
 large and to condition that would be an line nightmare..


Re: [flexcoders] Strange mask problem

2010-04-29 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Same result. Actually the mask is correct, because if I add a Rect to fill
the component, it is being masked correctly and only the portion under the
Path is displayed. The only thing that's not working is the mouse
interaction when the component is not at position (0,0).

To summarize again:
* At position (0,0), everything works correctly.
* At any other position, display masking is correct but mouse behaves

This sounds like a bug, any thoughts?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

 I don’ t think we support setting mask from MXML.  You may need to addChild
 and size it.

 On 4/29/10 1:40 AM, Haykel BEN JEMIA wrote:


 I'm trying to create some sort of sprite using the Flex 4 'Path' graphic
 element. The idea is to create the Path element that defines the visual look
 of the sprite, then another one with the same properties in a Group but
 using a black color with alpha set to 1. Then use this group as the mask for
 the sprite and set the mask type to 'alpha'. This also works but only when
 the sprite has the position (0, 0). When it is moved, it is displayed
 correctly but mouse interaction is broken.

 Please find an example here:

 The application has 'view source' enabled.

 Any idea why even though the mask is correct (because the geometry is
 displayed and not masked out), mouse interaction is broken when the object
 is moved?


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 Alex Harui
 Flex SDK Team
 Adobe System, Inc.

Re: [flexcoders] Strange mask problem

2010-04-29 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Seems to be related to this bug:

I have tried to use clip masking instead of alpha masking, mouse behavior is
correct, but there are problems with the masking in the stroke region!

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Haykel BEN JEMIA hayke...@gmail.comwrote:

 Same result. Actually the mask is correct, because if I add a Rect to fill
 the component, it is being masked correctly and only the portion under the
 Path is displayed. The only thing that's not working is the mouse
 interaction when the component is not at position (0,0).

 To summarize again:
 * At position (0,0), everything works correctly.
 * At any other position, display masking is correct but mouse behaves

 This sounds like a bug, any thoughts?

 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

 I don’ t think we support setting mask from MXML.  You may need to
 addChild and size it.

 On 4/29/10 1:40 AM, Haykel BEN JEMIA wrote:


 I'm trying to create some sort of sprite using the Flex 4 'Path' graphic
 element. The idea is to create the Path element that defines the visual look
 of the sprite, then another one with the same properties in a Group but
 using a black color with alpha set to 1. Then use this group as the mask for
 the sprite and set the mask type to 'alpha'. This also works but only when
 the sprite has the position (0, 0). When it is moved, it is displayed
 correctly but mouse interaction is broken.

 Please find an example here:

 The application has 'view source' enabled.

 Any idea why even though the mask is correct (because the geometry is
 displayed and not masked out), mouse interaction is broken when the object
 is moved?


 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 Alex Harui
 Flex SDK Team
 Adobe System, Inc.

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 4 - Is it possible to create a generic Button skin

2010-04-27 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Try this (not etsted):



s:State name=up /
s:State name=over /
s:State name=down /
s:State name=disabled /



Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:47 PM, bhaq1972 wrote:

 I have a set of button skins which all look like the following skin



 s:State name=up /
 s:State name=over /
 s:State name=down /
 s:State name=disabled /

 !-- UP ICON --
 s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_default.png')
 includeIn=up /

 !-- OVER ICON --
 s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_hover.png')
 includeIn=over /

 !-- DOWN ICON --
 s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_down.png') includeIn=down

 The only difference between all the skins is the image source they use.
 Is it possible to make this generic so I can define the image source in the
 style sheet.


 Btw, In Flex 3, it was very easy to change the image skin in the style
 sheets using styleName. eg

 mx:Button styleName=LeftArrow/
 mx:Button styleName=RightArrow/
 upSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_default.png);
 overSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_hover.png);
 downSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_down.png);
 upSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_default.png);
 overSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_hover.png);
 downSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_down.png);


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 4 - Is it possible to create a generic Button skin

2010-04-27 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
If it does not work try replacing getStyle with hostComponent.getStyle.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:43 PM, bhaq1972 wrote:

 Its a great idea but I haven't been able to make it work.

 I will try again after lunch (need a break)

 --- In, Haykel
 BEN JEMIA hayke...@... wrote:
  Try this (not etsted):
  s:State name=up /
  s:State name=over /
  s:State name=down /
  s:State name=disabled /
  Haykel Ben Jemia
  Web  RIA Development
  On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:47 PM, bhaq1972 mbha...@... wrote:
   I have a set of button skins which all look like the following skin
   s:State name=up /
   s:State name=over /
   s:State name=down /
   s:State name=disabled /
   !-- UP ICON --
   s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_default.png')
   includeIn=up /
   !-- OVER ICON --
   s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_hover.png')
   includeIn=over /
   !-- DOWN ICON --
   s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_down.png')
   The only difference between all the skins is the image source they use.
   Is it possible to make this generic so I can define the image source in
   style sheet.
   Btw, In Flex 3, it was very easy to change the image skin in the style
   sheets using styleName. eg
   mx:Button styleName=LeftArrow/
   mx:Button styleName=RightArrow/
   upSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_default.png);
   overSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_hover.png);
   downSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_down.png);
   upSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_default.png);
   overSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_hover.png);
   downSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_down.png);


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 4 - Is it possible to create a generic Button skin

2010-04-27 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Of course! The getStyle function calls need to be set in curly braces like:



Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 3:03 PM, bhaq1972 wrote:

 Hasn't worked.

 --- In, Haykel
 BEN JEMIA hayke...@... wrote:
  If it does not work try replacing getStyle with hostComponent.getStyle.
  Haykel Ben Jemia
  Web  RIA Development
  On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:43 PM, bhaq1972 mbha...@... wrote:
   Its a great idea but I haven't been able to make it work.
   I will try again after lunch (need a break)
   --- In 
   flexcoders%40yahoogroups.comflexcoders%, Haykel

   BEN JEMIA haykelbj@ wrote:
Try this (not etsted):
s:State name=up /
s:State name=over /
s:State name=down /
s:State name=disabled /
Haykel Ben Jemia
Web  RIA Development
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:47 PM, bhaq1972 mbhaque@ wrote:

 I have a set of button skins which all look like the following skin



 s:State name=up /
 s:State name=over /
 s:State name=down /
 s:State name=disabled /

 !-- UP ICON --
 s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_default.png')
 includeIn=up /

 !-- OVER ICON --
 s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_hover.png')
 includeIn=over /

 !-- DOWN ICON --
 s:BitmapImage source=@Embed('assets/previous_down.png')

 The only difference between all the skins is the image source they
 Is it possible to make this generic so I can define the image
 source in
 style sheet.


 Btw, In Flex 3, it was very easy to change the image skin in the
 sheets using styleName. eg

 mx:Button styleName=LeftArrow/
 mx:Button styleName=RightArrow/
 upSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_default.png);
 overSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_hover.png);
 downSkin: Embed(source=assets/previous_down.png);
 upSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_default.png);
 overSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_hover.png);
 downSkin: Embed(source=assets/right_down.png);



Re: [flexcoders] How call to a function declared in MXML file from ActionScript class ?

2010-04-26 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Where do you set the dataProvider of the DataGrid? What is the
bpmnDataComponent that you pass to the retreiveData() function?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Nini7016 Nini7016 wrote:

 Hello :)

 I created a dataGrid in a file MXML like this : *

 mx:Panel title= Handing Data height=100% width=100%
   paddingTop=10 paddingLeft=10 paddingRight=10

 !--mx:Label width=100% color=blue
  text=Select a row in the DataGrid control./--

 mx:DataGrid id=dg name=dataGrid width=100%  editable=true
 mx:DataGridColumn dataField=variable
 headerText=Variable /
 mx:DataGridColumn dataField=type headerText=Type /
 mx:DataGridColumn dataField=value headerText=Value /
 mx:DataGridColumn dataField=operation
 headerText=Operation /

 mx:HBox width=100% height=100%
 mx:Button name=validate 
 * /
 mx:Button name=cancel label=Cancel
 mx:Button name=add label=Add Data


  and i created a function called  *retreiveData   * like this in the same
 Script :

public function retreiveData(index : int , bpmnDataComponent :
 BpmnDataComponent): void
 var dp: ListCollectionView = dg.dataProvider as

 //dg.dataProvider = handData;
 else { de DP+dp.length.toString());
 var Objec : Object = dp.getItemAt(index);
 bpmnDataComponent.Variable = Objec.variable;
 bpmnDataComponent.Value = Objec.value;
 bpmnDataComponent.Type = Objec.type;



 And i called this function *retreiveData   * when i clik in the button
 validate in order to test if the function works well or not :) So it
 works well

 My aim is to call this function *retreiveData   *from an actionScript but
 when i do this :

 private  function  upateData(event:Event):void {

 var bpmnFigureData : BpmnFigureData = new  BpmnFigureData(); //
 BpmnFigureData : the name of the MXML FILE


 But unfortunatelley it didn't do what i asked ??

 So my question how we can call function which be applicated in DATAGRID
 from an ActionScript Class ..???

 Any help please :(:( :( :(

 Thank you very much

 Envie de naviguer sur Internet sans laisser de trace? La solution avec
 Internet Explorer 8

Re: [flexcoders] make swf play and stop in frame one

2010-04-24 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
In the handler of the 'complete' event cast the 'content' property to
MovieClip and call gotoAndStop(1) on it.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 3:27 AM, markflex2007 markflex2...@yahoo.comwrote:


 I want to use swfloader load a swf file and show the first frame of the

 Do you have a idea to do this?I need your help.




Re: [flexcoders] Need Help Getting A Value Into My App Via Flex And Php

2010-04-24 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Probably this has to do with the fact that you are setting the data type to
xml but not outputting valid xml. Try with something like:

echo responsenextIncrement$next_increment/nextIncrement/response;

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:49 PM, James

 I know this may not be the place to ask about php but I thought people may
 have came across a similar problem. Basically the data for my app is stored
 in a mysql database table and what I need to do is get the auto increment
 value of this table into my app via a http request. I'm trying to make a php
 file which gets this value and outputs this value as xml but I am awful at
 creating php to do such things and just get constant errors. Can anyone take
 a look at this and help me out to tweak it so it does what I want please?
 The table in question is called links and the field/row/column in the table
 I'm after is called linkid. It's the next autoincrement value of that row
 outputted as xml is what I want. Here's the php so far:-


 header(Content-type: text/xml);

 $host = ;
 $user = ;
 $pass = ;
 $database = ;

 $linkID = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(Could not connect to
 mysql_select_db($database, $linkID) or die(Could not find database.);

 $tablename = links;
 $next_increment = 0;
 $qShowStatus = SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$tablename';
 $qShowStatusResult = mysql_query($qShowStatus) or die ( Query failed:  .
 mysql_error() . br/ . $qShowStatus );

 $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qShowStatusResult);
 $next_increment = $row['Auto_increment'];

 echo next increment number: [$next_increment];



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 4 HGroup and Group background colour

2010-04-23 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
I don't think this is bug because using top,left, right and bottom
properties would need a layout that uses absolute positioning, while
vertical, horizontal and tail layout are automatic layouts and don't use
absolute positioning.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 9:45 AM, bhaq1972 wrote:

 Thanks Peter.

 --- In, Peter
 DeHaan pdeh...@... wrote:
  Try setting the Rect's width/height to 100%:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  s:Application xmlns:fx=;
  s:VerticalLayout /
  s:Group width=100% height=28
  s:Rect top=0 right=0 bottom=0 left=0
  s:SolidColor color=green /
  s:HGroup width=100% height=28
  s:Rect width=100% height=100%
  s:SolidColor color=red /
  Not exactly sure why using left/right/top/bottom constraints didn't work
 on the bottom HGroup, but feel free to file a bug at and Adobe can look into it.
  From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of
  Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 4:53 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 4 HGroup and Group background colour
  Why does this work
  s:Group width=100% height=28
  s:Rect top=0 right=0 bottom=0 left=0
  s:SolidColor color=0x4960a6 /
  But this doesnt?
  s:HGroup width=100% height=28
  s:SolidColor color=0x4960a6 /


Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 to 4 Path

2010-04-23 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Hi Lee,

I have ported an application from Flex 3 to Flex 4 and here are the points I
can remember:

   - The good news is you don't need to replace the halo components with
   their spark equivalents at the beginning
   - You should use the Spark theme and correct any errors to be ready to go
   with Flex 4 skinning
   - Some styles are not supported anymore with Spark and need to be handled
   - Where you need containers with borders and background colors/images use
   the spark BorderContainer (bg colors don't work with Canvas, that was the
   case for me, I don't know if this is general)
   - You will need to add namespaces for styles, for the beginning you can
   simply define the mx namspace as the default namespace:
  - @namespace library://;
   - You must change all StyleManager references with styleManager (new
   property of UIComponent)
   - Don't reference modules by class name, use interfaces instead. For
   example if you have a module called MyModule and load it with a ModuleLoader
   loader, don't do var module:MyModule = loader.child as MyModule to
   access it. Define an interface, i.e. IMyModule, make MyModule implement it
   and do var module:IMyModule = loader.child as IMyModule. Otherwise you can
   have many strange runtime errors. For the start you can also disable per
   module styles with the compiler option '-isolate-styles=false' until you
   have finished correcting these module issues.
   - You have to use the new syntax for states and transitions. Always use
   the spark transitions ans effects as they work much better than the halo

I think that's it for now!

I hope it helps,

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Lee Jenkins wrote:

 Anyone know of significant gotchas when going from Flex 3 to Flex 4?


 Warm Regards,


Re: [flexcoders] Flex 4 and StyleManager

2010-04-22 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

Flax 4 supports per-module style management and the StyleManager is not a
singleton anymore. Each module has its own StyleManage and you have to
reference that one. For UIComponent and subclasses (all visual Flex
components), the style manager is available in the styleManager property.
For your example, simple change the uppercase 'S' of StyleManager to a
lowercase 's':

styleManager.loadStyleDeclarations(styles/BlueBackground.swf, true);


Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:25 AM, bobby_world wrote:

 Hi! I have a Flex4 based Application and I'm trying to load Styles from a
 swf file.

 StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations(styles/BlueBackground.swf, true);

 I get an error saying this is deprecated in Flex4.



Re: [flexcoders] Potential Bug in Flash Builder 4?

2010-04-22 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Can not reproduce. Check your namespaces, are you defining the fx namespace
or is it set as the default namespace?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Wally Kolcz wrote:

 Anyone else notice that when you use code hint to choose an external
 itemrenderer that it, not only adds the full dot note path in the
 itemRender property, but also imports it? But my error inquiry is that
 it imports it inbetween two Script tags and not fx:Script

 To replicate. Create a itemRender in one 'folder' and then create a
 s:Tile. When you add the itemRender property, it should pop up the
 option to create a new one or use an existing. Click on the existing and
 then look towards the top of the MXML document. I keep getting a
 Script block.

 Can anyone else reproduce this? Is this a bug?


Re: [flexcoders] Flex and REST

2009-09-03 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Anyone tried one of these libs?

They seem to support all required http verbs.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:55 PM, DannyT wrote:

 Can anyone give me the definitive answer to whether you can build REST
 based apps with Flex? There seems to be an incredible amount of FUD about
 the topic and whilst I appreciate it might not be supported in it's purest
 form I need to know what is involved in supporting a full REST

 I have no experience with REST but we're in the position that a client is
 going to implement a RESTful service for us to build a Flex application
 against. If it will 'just work' then great, if not I need to educate them as
 to any considerations/workarounds necesscary on the service side of things.

 Can anyone offer any advice?



[flexcoders] Flex Accordion Menu?

2009-08-03 Thread Ben
I am creating a website in Flex, and one of the requirements is an accordion 
like menu.  See this image for what it needs to look like:

The gray items do not have children.  The dark blue items are children of the 
light blue item.

Would someone tell me a good way to make this?  I tried using a Tree with 
custom item renderers but have so far been unsuccessful.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Re: Flex Accordion Menu?

2009-08-03 Thread Ben
Thank you!  That works perfectly.  I'm using normal buttons for the top level 
items with no children, and I'm using a window shade for top level items with 
children.  I also set the verticalGap and the paddingTop to 0 on the window 
shade to remove extra space.

--- In, Vivian Richard kanps...@... wrote:

See if this helps
 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Benthegoosm...@... wrote:
  I am creating a website in Flex, and one of the requirements is an accordion
  like menu. See this image for what it needs to look like:
  The gray items do not have children. The dark blue items are children of the
  light blue item.
  Would someone tell me a good way to make this? I tried using a Tree with
  custom item renderers but have so far been unsuccessful.
  Any help is greatly appreciated.

[flexcoders] Flex Modules and chaching

2009-06-23 Thread Ben Densmore
I have broken my application up to use multiple modules, with each module 
having it's own set of remoting calls.

For some reason when I go to deploy to my production server and swap out the 
services-config.xml and do a re-build of the Flex project the modules still try 
to access the Flex Gateway from my local machine.

I've deleted all the .swf files and do a new build but it seems as though the 
modules hold on to the old settings.

Is there a way when you build your project in Flex Builder to force it to grab 
the newest settings?


[flexcoders] Remoting Question

2009-06-18 Thread Ben Densmore
I have an app that I'm having some issues accessing a session variable that is 
set in ColdFusion.  I think it's due to my services-config.xml file having the 
flexgateway url set to have the www.  

If I'm at I can make the remoting call and have the cfc return 
the session variable to Flex. If I go to just then I seem 
to have an issue.

I created a cross domain policy file to allow with the www and without but 
because the session variable is set on the domain without the www and then the 
remoting call is trying to access the cfc with the www the session variables 
are being reset.

I can force the page to always go to www but wanted to see if others have run 
into this and the best way to handle it.


[flexcoders] Issue with TileList

2009-06-14 Thread Ben Densmore
I am using a TileList to pull in some profile info for an app I'm building. 
Inside the TileList I have a few Text Components that I'm trying to add a click 
event to. For some reason when I build the project I get an error that the 
method I'm trying to call does not exist, even though it does.

Is it not possible to call a method on a component inside a TileList other than 
using the itemClick event on the TileList itself?

The TileList is below.


mx:TileList id=searchList
 paddingTop=25 left=10 borderStyle=none 
 allowMultipleSelection=false direction=horizontal
 top=56 right=10
 selectable=false verticalScrollPolicy=auto height=404 
mx:VBox width=90% height=100%
paddingRight=5 paddingLeft=5

mx:HBox width=100% height=100%
height=200 width=100

source=/profile_pics/{data.ProfileID}/{data.userPicture} /
mx:VBox width=100% height=100%
mx:Label  id=friendName text={data.FirstName} 
mx:Label  id=friendLocation 
text={data.ProfileCity}, {data.ProfileState} /
mx:Label  id=friendStatus text={data.status} /
 mx:VBox verticalGap=0.1
  mx:Text x=500 y=0 text=Add as Friend
 useHandCursor=true buttonMode=true 
 mouseChildren=false id=txtAddFriend
  click=addFriend();  /
  mx:HRule /
  mx:Text x=500 y=5 text=Send a Message  /
  mx:HRule /
  mx:Text x=500 y=10 text=View Profile /
  mx:HRule /


[flexcoders] What to use instead of Model component in Flex 4?

2009-06-03 Thread ben gomez farrell
Hey guys,
Just starting to build my first Flex 4 app.  I'm making an MenuBar as 
the first thing I'm attempting.  I can get it working with XML data if I do

However, I'd like to break out the XML data into a separate 
file/component.  Normally I'm not so organized - so I don't really think 
I ever did this in Flex 3, but I understand you can just create a Model 
container, and you're good.

It doesn't look like I can do this in Flex 4.  I'm trying different 
things with the DataGroup container  - putting a dataprovider in it, or 
a XMLList in it, but nothing seems to work out.

Does anybody know the proper way to do this?

Re: [flexcoders] What to use instead of Model component in Flex 4?

2009-06-03 Thread ben gomez farrell
OK never mind, finally figured this out.  Hadn't heard of the 
declarations tag before.  And so I just created an XMLListCollection 
component, and then put the XMLList in that with my data inside that.

And then on my application MXML component, I put this new 
XMLListCollection component inside my declarations tag.  Thanks, and 
just ignore me!
ben gomez farrell wrote:

 Hey guys,
 Just starting to build my first Flex 4 app. I'm making an MenuBar as
 the first thing I'm attempting. I can get it working with XML data if I do

 However, I'd like to break out the XML data into a separate
 file/component. Normally I'm not so organized - so I don't really think
 I ever did this in Flex 3, but I understand you can just create a Model
 container, and you're good.

 It doesn't look like I can do this in Flex 4. I'm trying different
 things with the DataGroup container - putting a dataprovider in it, or
 a XMLList in it, but nothing seems to work out.

 Does anybody know the proper way to do this?


[flexcoders] DataGridColumn backgroundColor bug?

2009-05-19 Thread Ben Reynolds
Hi guys,

   This seems like an awfully simple thing for nobody to have picked up
before, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction as to
what I'm doing wrong. I have gone way heaps hardcore and simplified the
issue to the following using SDK3.2:

mx:DataGrid showHeaders=false
 mx:DataGridColumn backgroundColor=#00 /

With either showHeaders=false or headerHeight=0 the code is
generating the following error found in DataGrid's drawColumnBackground

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
 at Function/

Line 3012 is:

var xx:Number = columnHeader.rendererArray[columnIndex].x

There appears to be no rendererArray. Can someone shed some light on
this? Is it something fixed in 3.3 (which is something I'm unable to
test at this point)?


[flexcoders] Re: specify services-comfig.xml in either MXML or AS?

2009-05-05 Thread Ben Reynolds
It's actually really simple (at least for the most basic implementation)
to get rid of services-config.xml and the need for the -services
compiler argument. I've had no problems using it with amfphp or granite.

In the Application's creationComplete() I have something along the lines

channelSet = new ChannelSet();
var uri =;;
channelSet.addChannel(new AMFChannel(whatever, uri));

And I pass the channelSet to Services.mxml as a bindable variable.

business:Services channelSet={channelSet} /

Within Services.mxml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 import mx.messaging.ChannelSet;
 [Bindable] public var channelSet:ChannelSet;



--- In, dnk d.k.emailli...@... wrote:

 Hi there,

 I was wondering if it was possible to specify my services-comfig.xml
 in either MXML or AS?

 I just wanted to include that in my actual code (as opposed to a
 compiler arg) for portability.

 I have been searching google, and nothing yet...


 / D

[flexcoders] Re: Trigger DateFormatter bindings

2009-05-03 Thread Ben Reynolds
Hey TH,

  I'd tried binding the formatString but I hadn't considered reinstantiation. 
Thanks. Of course I was hoping for a panacea for all my problems without any 
code whatsoever. :P 

  This actually relates to a larger problem regarding dynamic resource 
switching that I'd got no help on before, and this is the latest in a series of 
kludges to get there.

Thanks again,


--- In, Tim Hoff timh...@... wrote:

 Hi Ben (MrB),
 Looks like you're going to have to do a little trickery.  Binding the
 formatString doesn't seem to change the date formats.  However, if you
 re-instantiate the DateFormatter it works:
 [Bindable] private var myDate:Date = new Date();
 [Bindable] private var formatString:String = -MM-DD;
 private function changeFormat():void
df = new DateFormatter();
formatString = MM/DD/;
 mx:DateFormatter id=df formatString={ formatString }/
 mx:Text text={ df.format(myDate) }/
 --- In, Ben Reynolds mrben1@ wrote:
  Hey guys,
  Is there a way to trigger the binding on all related items when
  changing the DateFormatter's formatString? eg.  becomes MMM, 
  via actionscript in the following:
  mx:DateFormatter id=df formatstring= /
  mx:Text text={df.format(date)}/
  I'd prefer not to be manually injecting the new format into each of
  text objects every time.

[flexcoders] Trigger DateFormatter bindings

2009-04-30 Thread Ben Reynolds
Hey guys,

   Is there a way to trigger the binding on all related items when
changing the DateFormatter's formatString? eg.  becomes MMM, 
via actionscript in the following:

mx:DateFormatter id=df formatstring= /
mx:Text text={df.format(date)}/

I'd prefer not to be manually injecting the new format into each of the
text objects every time.



[flexcoders] Re: DateFormatter and dynamic resource management errror

2009-04-19 Thread Ben Reynolds
Maybe all this will help someone else here looking for a solution to
this problem (and maybe some kindly bots will run across it at some
point too). In short, you have to compile your own SWCs for each of the
languages, and not just the resource library SWFs every other
instruction set tells you about. This means finding out on your lonesome
all the translations for days of the week and months of the year, and
anything else pertinent like date and currency format defaults. The
steps are:

1) use the copylocale to copy the en_US files to your new language
2) edit the .properties files located in your equivalent of
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
3\sdks\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\framework\bundles\es_ES\src. The
dayNames and monthNames key/value pairs are located in
3) recompile the framework_rb.swc file. From within C:\Program
Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0\frameworks\ I used the following
command (taken from the build.xml script, which I'm still struggling to
get working - seriously damaging my cred).

   -include-resource-bundles SharedResources collections containers
controls core effects formatters logging skins states styles utils

4) from your project's root directory, re-run your language compiler for
each of the languages. Again using Spanish as an example, use:


Formatters will now do their internationally spelled magic. Hopefully
this will all become useless very soon, with Adobe just handing over all
these languages by default.

A man can dream. A man can dream.

- MrB

--- In, Ben Reynolds mrb...@... wrote:

 Okay, I have what I suppose is a solution to this, but I'm still short
a coupla answers.

 1) I ran the resource-bundle-list option again on my application

 mxmlc -locale= -resource-bundle-list=myresources.txt
-include-libraries+=..\libs\CairngormWithExtensions.swc app.mxml

 which came up with:

 CairngormMessages LanguageResource SharedResources collections
containers controls core effects formatters logging messaging rpc skins
styles utils

 The difference is the SharedResources and formatters, which wasn't in
the original.

 2) I recompiled the resource bundles (skipping CairngormMessages,
which I'm not using) over the 15 languages. ie.

 mxmlc -locale=da -source-path=locale/{locale}

 So now it doesn't fall over on MMM or .

 However, I have but face. Also, I'm about to make some assumptions...
The copylocale that I used earlier to create the resources seems to do
exactly that: copies. It doesn't actually create a proper locale for all
those places. So January in en_US is still January in it_IT when,
according to Babelfish, it should be Gennaio etc. etc.

 What can I do about this?
 Where can I get proper versions of these locales?
 Is there a way to get the names from the operating system and apply
them to DateBase or is this already happening and I just can't see it
because I'm running an English machine?

 Danke for any light you can shed on this.

 --- In, Ben Reynolds mrben1@ wrote:
  Hey guys,
 I have a Flex 3 app that employs dynamic resource management -
  much a cut-n-paste job from the Adobe sample - with the ComboBox to
  switch languages. I did all the copylocale rigmarole and it's all
  working perfectly with the languages I've set up.
 However, when I try to call a DateFormatter with a full month
(MMM or
  ) in the formatString it crashes and burns with the following
  TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
  object reference.
  This is probably referring to the DateBase.monthNamesLong array;
  formatting is not an issue with M or MM.  Am I perhaps missing
  in the creation of my resource files? This is a sample of the
command I
  mxmlc -locale=es_ES -source-path=locale/{locale}
  But it even dies when the locale is set to en_US.
  Help? :)

[flexcoders] Re: Making ComboBox stay open after item select?

2009-04-17 Thread Ben Reynolds
Still not too much to do on that. All the functionality appears to be in
the close function. I've kludged up this to do what you want. There's a
_calling variable in there as the close function gets called twice on
every change (for reasons I don't care to examine)  that'll allow it to
dispatch the change event once per frame.

 import mx.controls.ComboBox;

 public class ComboBoxNoClose extends ComboBox
 private var _calling:Boolean = false;

 public function ComboBoxNoClose()

 public override function close(trigger:Event = null):void
 if (trigger != null)
 else if (dropdown != null  !_calling)
 _calling = true;
 dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(change));
 callLater(function():void { _calling = false} );

  --- In, Sascha sbal...@... wrote:

 My problem is that writing a whole custom component is too involved
for the
 few time I have and your method seems to work quite well.

 The only trouble I have (as described in my previous reply) is that
 ComboBox should fire a change event everytime an item is selected
while it
 stays opened. By default the ComboBox is only firing this event after

 However listening to the dropdown (the List component in the ComboBox)
 property's ListEvent.CHANGE seems not to cut it. It would be great if
 would have a workaorund for this!



 From: []
 Behalf Of Ben Reynolds
 Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 14:23
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Making ComboBox stay open after item select?

 I'm by no means on Alex's level of Flex knowledge, but a Button
 with a Menu component would work too. You wouldn't get into resizing
 and you'd still be able to do styling without resorting to UIComponent
 principles. :)

 --- In ,
 Sascha sbalkau@ wrote:
  I've made a short test and that seems to work so far. Thanks for the
  I almost started to try writing a custom component from a Button and
  wrapped into a UIComponent as Alex Harui suggested in a message I've
  but seems that that's not necessary.
 [ ]
  Behalf Of Ben Reynolds
  Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:34
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Making ComboBox stay open after item
  Something like:
  import mx.controls.ComboBox;
  public class ComboBoxNoClose extends ComboBox
  public function ComboBoxNoClose()
  public override function close(trigger:Event = null):void
  if (trigger != null)
  --- In ,
 Sascha sbalkau@ wrote:
   Does anyone know how to modify the ComboBox so that it stays open
   selecting an item?
   I need such a ComboBox for a client that opens/closes only if the
   clicks on the 'header area' of the ComboBox or that closes only if
   outside the ComboBox.
   The use case for this is that the ComboBox will have custom item
   that contain (for example) a CheckBox and a Label and the user
should be
   able to make several selections without the ComboBox closing
   I've made this before by wrapping all the stuff into a Panel and
   the Panels height on close so that only the header is visible but
   method is rather suboptimal, especially for skinning.
   Would be great if somebody has a workaround for this!
   Thanks in advance!

[flexcoders] Re: DateFormatter and dynamic resource management errror

2009-04-17 Thread Ben Reynolds
Okay, I have what I suppose is a solution to this, but I'm still short a coupla 

1) I ran the resource-bundle-list option again on my application

mxmlc -locale= -resource-bundle-list=myresources.txt 
-include-libraries+=..\libs\CairngormWithExtensions.swc app.mxml

which came up with:

CairngormMessages LanguageResource SharedResources collections containers 
controls core effects formatters logging messaging rpc skins styles utils

The difference is the SharedResources and formatters, which wasn't in the 

2) I recompiled the resource bundles (skipping CairngormMessages, which I'm not 
using) over the 15 languages. ie.

mxmlc -locale=da -source-path=locale/{locale} 

So now it doesn't fall over on MMM or .

However, I have but face. Also, I'm about to make some assumptions... The 
copylocale that I used earlier to create the resources seems to do exactly 
that: copies. It doesn't actually create a proper locale for all those places. 
So January in en_US is still January in it_IT when, according to Babelfish, 
it should be Gennaio etc. etc.

What can I do about this?
Where can I get proper versions of these locales?
Is there a way to get the names from the operating system and apply them to 
DateBase or is this already happening and I just can't see it because I'm 
running an English machine?

Danke for any light you can shed on this.

--- In, Ben Reynolds mrb...@... wrote:

 Hey guys,
I have a Flex 3 app that employs dynamic resource management - pretty
 much a cut-n-paste job from the Adobe sample - with the ComboBox to
 switch languages. I did all the copylocale rigmarole and it's all
 working perfectly with the languages I've set up.
However, when I try to call a DateFormatter with a full month (MMM or
 ) in the formatString it crashes and burns with the following error:
 TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
 object reference.
 This is probably referring to the DateBase.monthNamesLong array;
 formatting is not an issue with M or MM.  Am I perhaps missing something
 in the creation of my resource files? This is a sample of the command I
 mxmlc -locale=es_ES -source-path=locale/{locale}
 But it even dies when the locale is set to en_US.
 Help? :)

[flexcoders] Re: Need help- cannot insert multiple statements in one SQL transaction.

2009-04-17 Thread Ben Reynolds

1) use a synchronous connection as async won't work for transactions.
2) yep, use transactions
3) put your statements in an array, not a semi-colon separated string
4) here's the key part of the code I use

 for each (var sqlString:String in sqlArray)
 statement.text = sqlString;

  --- In, icodeflex icodef...@... wrote:

 Air and Flex experts-

 I am having a heck of a time getting multiple insert and update
statements to run within one transaction against my Air applications
SQLite db. Only the first INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE makes it in. I am
not seeing errors, but it seems like it is failing. If I run the same
SQL in another SQL editor, my SQL works fine.

 Example code is:

 Var myInsert: String = Insert into EMPLOYEES ( NAME ) VALUES (Bob);
 myInsert += Insert into EMPLOYEES ( NAME ) VALUES (John); ;
 myInsert +=  Insert into EMPLOYEES ( NAME ) VALUES (Fred); ;

var localConnection : SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();;

 var statement: SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
statement.sqlConnection = localConnection;
   statement.text = myInsert;


 I have tried in synchronous and async mode with the same results.

 Please tell me what I am doing wrong! :)


[flexcoders] Re: Making ComboBox stay open after item select?

2009-04-16 Thread Ben Reynolds
I'm by no means on Alex's level of Flex knowledge, but a Button combined with a 
Menu component would work too. You wouldn't get into resizing issues and you'd 
still be able to do styling without resorting to UIComponent first principles. 

--- In, Sascha sbal...@... wrote:

 I've made a short test and that seems to work so far. Thanks for the hint
 I almost started to try writing a custom component from a Button and a List
 wrapped into a UIComponent as Alex Harui suggested in a message I've found
 but seems that that's not necessary.
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Ben Reynolds
 Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:34
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Making ComboBox stay open after item select?
 Something like:
 import mx.controls.ComboBox;
 public class ComboBoxNoClose extends ComboBox
 public function ComboBoxNoClose()
 public override function close(trigger:Event = null):void
 if (trigger != null)

 --- In, Sascha sbalkau@ wrote:
  Does anyone know how to modify the ComboBox so that it stays open after
  selecting an item?
  I need such a ComboBox for a client that opens/closes only if the user
  clicks on the 'header area' of the ComboBox or that closes only if clicked
  outside the ComboBox.
  The use case for this is that the ComboBox will have custom item renderers
  that contain (for example) a CheckBox and a Label and the user should be
  able to make several selections without the ComboBox closing inbetween.
  I've made this before by wrapping all the stuff into a Panel and changing
  the Panels height on close so that only the header is visible but that
  method is rather suboptimal, especially for skinning.
  Would be great if somebody has a workaround for this!
  Thanks in advance!

[flexcoders] Re: Making ComboBox stay open after item select?

2009-04-15 Thread Ben Reynolds
Something like:

 import mx.controls.ComboBox;

 public class ComboBoxNoClose extends ComboBox
 public function ComboBoxNoClose()

 public override function close(trigger:Event = null):void
 if (trigger != null)


--- In, Sascha sbal...@... wrote:

 Does anyone know how to modify the ComboBox so that it stays open
 selecting an item?

 I need such a ComboBox for a client that opens/closes only if the user
 clicks on the 'header area' of the ComboBox or that closes only if
 outside the ComboBox.

 The use case for this is that the ComboBox will have custom item
 that contain (for example) a CheckBox and a Label and the user should
 able to make several selections without the ComboBox closing

 I've made this before by wrapping all the stuff into a Panel and
 the Panels height on close so that only the header is visible but that
 method is rather suboptimal, especially for skinning.

 Would be great if somebody has a workaround for this!
 Thanks in advance!


[flexcoders] DateFormatter and dynamic resource management errror

2009-04-15 Thread Ben Reynolds
Hey guys,

   I have a Flex 3 app that employs dynamic resource management - pretty
much a cut-n-paste job from the Adobe sample - with the ComboBox to
switch languages. I did all the copylocale rigmarole and it's all
working perfectly with the languages I've set up.

   However, when I try to call a DateFormatter with a full month (MMM or
) in the formatString it crashes and burns with the following error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.

This is probably referring to the DateBase.monthNamesLong array;
formatting is not an issue with M or MM.  Am I perhaps missing something
in the creation of my resource files? This is a sample of the command I

mxmlc -locale=es_ES -source-path=locale/{locale}

But it even dies when the locale is set to en_US.

Help? :)

Re: [flexcoders] I want to use Flex Builder 3 to develop Flash Games

2009-03-29 Thread ben gomez farrell
Hey, so I've been making some games in Flex Builder myself.  Basically I 
got fed up with the Actionscript editor in Flash a few years ago, and 
then switched to Flash Develop.  Flash Develop is a really great (and 
free) tool.

However, I ditched that once I got Flex Builder, because as much as I 
loved Flash Develop, Flex worked a lot better for me.  I still use Flash 
Develop if I have to compile in the Flash IDE.

Anyway, the others are right, Flex and Flash are all Flash.  The reason 
to use the Flex framework is to get some great UI components, and a 
great framework to develop a rich internet application in.

I use Flex all the time, though that said, I stay clear of it for games 
since typically the framework is overkill in the application 
department for what I need.

Flex Builder, though, is VERY handy for making games.  Specifically your 
example with the rectangles - there are two ways to do this.
The first is like what you said and to make a SWF.  You can simply embed 
the SWF using the embed metatag.  I'm going to completely butcher it, 
but it's something like this:

[Embed( file='myswf.swf', symbol='myrectangle')]
public var myrectangle:Class

You can do this with pngs, gifs, jpgs, or swfs.  Its simply just another 
graphical resource to use.  It's a little wacky though because you have 
to assign type it as a class first, and then you can say:

var x:myrectange = new myrectangle();

Typically I tend not to do this.  My method of choice is to compile a SWC. 
If you embed a SWF in the above fashion, you will lose any and all code 
associated with it.  That means if you have any frame labels, any, 
stops, any gotoAndPlay's in there, it's lost.

If you use a SWC you can use it just for graphics, or you can make your 
graphics smarter with some code.  Just go to the file properties and add 
the SWC into the library. 

In this fashion, you now have code completion, and dont have to worry 
about embedding as the library is linked to the project.

All you have to do is make sure that your rectangle has AS3 export 
linkage assigned in the symbol properties in the Flash IDE, and then 
just export the SWC.  Once in Flex Builder, you don't import anything 
(as its all in the local namepsace), and just do new myrectangle();

Hope that helps.  SWCs are great stuff.

Axonn wrote:

 Hm, I think I didn't ask the right question, because somebody told me 
 that it
 *is* possible.

 What I want is this:

 - Create a FLA file in Flash.
 - Draw 2 rectangles.
 - Create an AS file in Flex 3.
 - Attach it to the Flash.
 - Export as SWF.
 - Continue development in Flex 3. When hit debug, my Flash-created SWF
 starts but the debug code is attached to Flex 3, because I am in Flex 
 3. But
 you know Flex 3 creates that default SWF. I don't want that. I want to use
 the Flash SWF, which *DOES* have my AS class from Flex in it.
 - DO modifications to the AS but DON'T START FLASH AGAIN until I need to
 modify graphics and such.


 That is correct. Flex can only debug code in flex itself.

 I did see a book at barnes and noble last week that dealt with games in
 Flex (but I forgot the name of it).

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at


Re: [flexcoders] I want to use Flex Builder 3 to develop Flash Games

2009-03-29 Thread ben gomez farrell
SWC is a compiled Flash asset.  If you compile and get a SWC out 
of it, then everytime you change, you'll need to compile a new SWC.

You might want to organize things differently.  Assuming that is 
your main class that you compile for the game, you may not want to 
compile this with Flash if you're trying to use Flex Builder.

The way I organize is to break down my stuff into 2 categories - the 
main game, and the objects/assets used by the game.

The objects and assets I use are usually pretty simple.  I like these as 
SWCs because I can give them a little logic, and maybe a animated 
timeline if need be.  Typically if you keep these simple, you'll rarely 
have to touch the code, and just have to update with any art changes.

The main game class, however (what I'm assuming you're calling, 
is something that you'll update constantly throughout the lifecycle of 
your game.  So this is easier to leave as just some code, and don't 
compile into a SWC, just let Flex compile with each build of the game.

You can organize stuff however you like though - you could completely 
ignore what I said, there's no right way to do it.  The above just 
happens to be what works for me.

You also talked about your artist not liking having to dig into 
movieclips and symbols in the library.  Honestly, they should really 
learn some organization.  Movieclips are the basic building blocks for 
interactivity in the Flash IDE.  There is no way you'll build a game 
even in the Flash IDE without grouping your art into some form of 
Movieclip or Sprite.

If your artist can only draw on the main stage, it'll end up being your 
job to figure out how to organize things into the movieclips as you need 
them and just do the production work yourself.  The downside of this, is 
having to do this production work everytime the art gets updated.  I've 
been through this it's not fun.  It's easier to do a bit of pre-planning 
surrounding your game and get a dialog going with your artist on how to 
best organize the assets.  If you both stick to the plan, they can work 
in Flash independently and just give you an updated SWC every so often 
while you work in Flex Builder, updating the logic surrounding the game.

But like I said - people prefer different stuff - I'm sure once you get 
a little experience with this workflow, you'll have your own opinions.

Axonn wrote:

 Hi Doobie and thanks for your answer!

 I just managed to get my first SWC into Flex ::- D. *rejoices*. However, I
 can't do anything with it ::- (... I have this Game.swc. In CS3, I set to its class. is in the same folder as Game.swc. After
 importing it in Flex, I modified I added a trace. But nothing
 shows when I run it with Flex ::- ( ... please don't tell me I need to
 recompile the SWC if I modify the AS. As far as I understood so far that's
 the whole thing when using SWCs, you can code without Flash... so why 
 my modifications take place?


 doobiekeebler wrote:
  Hey, so I've been making some games in Flex Builder myself. Basically I
  got fed up with the Actionscript editor in Flash a few years ago, and
  then switched to Flash Develop. Flash Develop is a really great (and
  free) tool.
  However, I ditched that once I got Flex Builder, because as much as I
  loved Flash Develop, Flex worked a lot better for me. I still use Flash
  Develop if I have to compile in the Flash IDE.
  Anyway, the others are right, Flex and Flash are all Flash. The reason
  to use the Flex framework is to get some great UI components, and a
  great framework to develop a rich internet application in.
  I use Flex all the time, though that said, I stay clear of it for games
  since typically the framework is overkill in the application
  department for what I need.
  Flex Builder, though, is VERY handy for making games. Specifically your
  example with the rectangles - there are two ways to do this.
  The first is like what you said and to make a SWF. You can simply embed
  the SWF using the embed metatag. I'm going to completely butcher it,
  but it's something like this:
  [Embed( file='myswf.swf', symbol='myrectangle')]
  public var myrectangle:Class
  You can do this with pngs, gifs, jpgs, or swfs. Its simply just another
  graphical resource to use. It's a little wacky though because you have
  to assign type it as a class first, and then you can say:
  var x:myrectange = new myrectangle();
  Typically I tend not to do this. My method of choice is to compile a 
  If you embed a SWF in the above fashion, you will lose any and all code
  associated with it. That means if you have any frame labels, any,
  stops, any gotoAndPlay's in there, it's lost.
  If you use a SWC you can use it just for graphics, or you can make your
  graphics smarter with some code. Just go to the file properties and add
  the SWC into the library.
  In this fashion, you now have code completion, and dont

Re: [flexcoders] Component with Text and Image in sameline

2009-03-11 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Take a look at the Text Layout Framework [ ].

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:40 AM, Ashish Verma wrote:

   Hello All,
 Want to make a component in Flex 3:
 Here is the specification of the application –
 1.   We need to develop a windows/web application in which we want to
 have a component which can accommodate images in line with the text.

 2.   We can move/drag the images/text in that component using mouse.
 The text or images adjust themselves inline while moving.

 3.   We can cut / copy / paste the text not the images.

 4.   We can also write text in between the images.

 5.   You have to use the following XML to load this component. You can
 have the images where you will find the braces. You have to use different
 images for {0} and {1}.

 @xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8” ?


 This is {0} a windows application {1} in which we want to have text between
 the images

 Any Help would be appriciate.


Re: [flexcoders] Actionscript question

2009-03-03 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
The metadata belongs to the class, so you have to put it directly before the
class definition like this:

  import flash.display.Sprite;

  public class SampleClass extends Sprite
public function SampleClass()

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:34 AM, elevight wrote:

   I have created an empty actionscript class, and I'm trying to use
 metadata to change the background color:


 import flash.display.Sprite;

 public class SampleClass extends Sprite
 public function SampleClass()

 But the background color is not changing to red. Can anybody see what
 I'm doing wrong?



Re: [flexcoders] Who have YOU used for outsourcing mid to large Flex/CF projects?

2009-02-26 Thread ben gomez farrell
Hey, this is just my opinion and what I've learned from working for 
people that run small companies.  I don't have direct experience - but 
here's what I think

In my opinion $30k projects just aren't that big.  They're great to 
maintain your business, and by all means money is money - so who 
wouldn't want to take them.  But I'd call a $30k project small to 
low-mid size.

Maybe its a large project for you folks, but it will most likely be a 
small project for a company you outsource to.  At that level you 
probably won't see much difference in the price tag if you folks were to 
do it in house, or if an outsourcing firm were to do it in house.  Once 
you get into the bigger numbers like $100-$200k, you can at least start 
marking yourselves up a little more because you landed the project - and 
still pay the outsourcing firm a decent rate.

My recommendation would be to keep the project in-house, but maintain a 
large rolodex of contractors.  $120/hour is probably normal for 
outsourcing because they'll most likely be hiring a project manager on 
top of their programmer to manage your project.  If you contract a good 
programmer at like $60-$80 per hour, and use an in house project manager 
or producer, you can probably achieve the same results.

Like I said.I've never run a company, so this might be bad advice - 
but its probably what I'd do.

Pat Buchanan wrote:

 My company is where I like it - small and maintainable - just a few 
 employees.  But sometimes I get some BIG projects thrown at me that 
 are nearly guaranteed.  The problem is, I don't want to hire anyone 
 and it's too hard to keep a good group of reserve programmers busy 
 100% of the time.

 I've turned away at least 3  $30,000 projects in the last few months 
 alone - and I hate it.  I want to be involved, I want to grow the 
 company, but I think the best solution might be to use an outsourcing 
 house.  Eventually these clients will stop coming to me and go 
 elsewhere - and I don't want that to happen.

 So --- who have YOU used to outsource your projects to?  Someone that 
 does it all - Flex, CF, .NET, SQL Server, etc.

 I don't have the money to blow to try out places to find out they suck 
 pondwater or never return phone calls.  I want to manage the project 
 and I want to be involved in everything, but I need a group that can 
 continue to work even though they run into a roadblock on a separate 

 Now there are some INCREDIBLE groups out there that we all know and 
 love (I won't name names, but one of them trained me in Flex) but 
 $120/hour in this economy isn't going to cut it.

 So - who have you used that you like, that won't break the bank?  And 
 do they communicate well?  (It's WAAAY to hard for me to express what 
 I want to someone that doesn't understand English, so I need to be 
 careful there too)

 Any recommendations/thoughts/examples?

 If you ARE one of these groups, PLEASE don't respond on this list - 
 just reply to me directly.  There is already WAY too much traffic on 
 this list to begin with (I even hesitated sending this message)

 But what I'm REALLY looking for is someone who has EXPERIENCE with 
 some of these groups - good or bad.

 Thanks for listening!


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Mouse Clicks' Queue when Button is Disabled

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
The problem seems to be somewhere else and not in the Button. Run the
following application, then click on the button to disbale it, then click
again when it's disabled. For me it behaves as expected, I don't get any
Click events for the clicks I do while the button is disabled.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=; layout=vertical

private var timer:Timer;

private function init():void
timer = new Timer(3000, 1);

private function logClick():void
logger.text += (new Date()).toTimeString() +  : Click\n;
btn.enabled = false;

private function timer_timerHandler(e:TimerEvent):void
logger.text += (new Date()).toTimeString() +  : Timer\n;
btn.enabled = true;

mx:Button id=btn label=Click Me click=logClick() /
mx:TextArea id=logger width=400 height=400 /

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:33 AM, giladozer wrote:

   Thanks Alex for the quick response.
 However, the button is supposed to turn enabled after the result is
 The problem is that while it looks like the button is disabled -
 clicking on it results in entering to the function which listens to it.
 Moreover, I logged/traced the time the the button turns back to enable
 + the time entering to the function that listens to it -
 it's exactly the same - by the millisecond.
 meaning - i can't event log the time the button was clicked - cause
 the mouse click event is only dispatched after the button turned enable.

 one last thing - I found a workaround by removing the eventListener
 when the button is disabled , and adding it back with a timer that
 starts counting after it turned enabled in ticks of 100ms. ( the the
 clicks are not listened in that time space of when the button turned
 enable and 100ms after that).
 The thing is that i don't want to use a timer... it's a very ugly

 Thanks again,


Re: [flexcoders] Re: filter arraycollection with checkbox acting wired

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Can you click on the checkbox more than once (let's say 5 times) and resend
the output?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:57 AM, johndoematrix johndoemat...@yahoo.comwrote:

   when i replace the code and run the app, i get the following output
 when i click the pizza_ckb checkbox and all the info disappears
 [SWF] /IE_V1/bin/portal_V1-debug.swf - 2,109,478 bytes after


Re: [flexcoders] Re: filter arraycollection with checkbox acting wired

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
It seems like your data is OK. So I did a test application and I figured out
that the filter function is wrong. It should only do the test if the
checkbox is selected, otherwise it should always return true because in this
case you want display all items. So here is my working test app, I hope you
can use it to make your code work:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=; layout=vertical

private var pizzaSelected:Boolean = false;

private function pizzaFilter():void
pizzaSelected = pizza_ckb.selected;

private function myFilterFunction(item:Object):Boolean
if (pizzaSelected)
return ( == pizzaSelected);
return true;

mx:ArrayCollection id=pizzaAr filterFunction=myFilterFunction
mx:Object label='Pizza 1' pizza='true' /
mx:Object label='Not a pizza 1' pizza='false' /
mx:Object label='Pizza 2' pizza='true' /
mx:Object label='Pizza 3' pizza='true' /
mx:Object label='Not a pizza 2' pizza='false' /

mx:CheckBox id=pizza_ckb change=pizzaFilter() /
mx:List dataProvider={pizzaAr} labelField=label /

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:09 AM, johndoematrix johndoemat...@yahoo.comwrote:

   sorry i had forgotten to trace the item.pool. anyhow when i do that
 and i click the check box once i get
 when i click five times i get


Re: [flexcoders] Components needed

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Some links:
are also other interesting articles on this site)

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:27 AM, brucewhealton

   Hello all,
 I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good resources
 for components, be they open-source, free, or commercial. I was
 reading Jack Herrington's book Flex 3: Component Solutions and I
 found a number of interesting components discussed. I'm looking at
 the ones for presenting images, or photo galleries. In particular I
 found these sites useful,, and to be useful and as having some great components.
 I'm doing a site for an Art Gallery. I wanted to find a good
 component for displaying photos that would look like presenting photos
 of art on a virtual wall, as it were. Can anyone recommend any good
 sites and components. In particular, if there are other great
 open-source components that would be great.
 I found a few Photo book, flexbook type components also. I
 thought there was a freeware, open-source version of this also.


Re: [flexcoders] AMF instead of XML over http?

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Guy Morton wrote:

   Is it possible to simply transfer data over http that has been encoded
 in AMF format, ie to bypass all the other remoting stuff and just use
 AMF as one might use XML? I've been looking at the docs and online and
 all the docs seem to assume you want the whole remoting thing with a
 gateway etc. I want to keep using http and just change the data format
 to AMF3. Is this possible? If so, is there a right way to do it, and
 can anyone point me in the right direction?



Re: [flexcoders] In AIR Application fonts getting distort

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Did you clean the project after migrating to Flex 3.2?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Ashish Verma

   Hello All,

 Facing a strange problem. Actually I made an application using Flex - 3.0
 later I build it Flex SDK 3.2 now on MAC system the font is getting distort
 what is wrong with application. I can see only the font with bold weight
 getting distort.

 Please advice me.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: filter arraycollection with checkbox acting wired

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
You have to review the logic of your filter function. As Tracy said, you
should try to debug, this will save you a lot of time. Put a break point in
the filter function and test your conditions.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:23 PM, johndoematrix johndoemat...@yahoo.comwrote:

   hi Ben when i tried the solution you gave, it worked very very well.
 but this is when am using a single criteria. when i try to add it to a
 filter function that filter's based on more than one criteria that's
 when there come's a problem.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Components needed

2009-02-17 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
There is a link to download the source to the right, just above

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 3:51 AM, brucewhealton

 I thought the flexbook was open-source but I cannot find that
 information on the page now. I just seem to remember it being open
 Does anyone know?

 --- In, Haykel
 BEN JEMIA hayke...@... wrote:
  Some links:
  are also other interesting articles on this site)
  Haykel Ben Jemia
  Web  RIA Development
  On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:27 AM, brucewhealton
   Hello all,
   I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good resources
   for components, be they open-source, free, or commercial. I was
   reading Jack Herrington's book Flex 3: Component Solutions and I
   found a number of interesting components discussed. I'm looking at
   the ones for presenting images, or photo galleries. In particular I
   found these sites useful,, and to be useful and as having some great components.
   I'm doing a site for an Art Gallery. I wanted to find a good
   component for displaying photos that would look like presenting photos
   of art on a virtual wall, as it were. Can anyone recommend any good
   sites and components. In particular, if there are other great
   open-source components that would be great.
   I found a few Photo book, flexbook type components also. I
   thought there was a freeware, open-source version of this also.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: filter arraycollection with checkbox acting wired

2009-02-16 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Replace the following functions, run the app in debug mode and post the

private function pizzaFilter():void {
  if ( == true)
pizzaSelected =;

private function myFilterFunction(item:Object): Boolean
  return ( == pizzaSelected) ;

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 7:44 AM, johndoematrix johndoemat...@yahoo.comwrote:

   Hi, Tim i tried your code, but the result is not good too. when then
 check box is checked, all the data in the array collection disappears
 and when its unchecked all data shows up again. what i want to achieve
 is when the pizza_ckb is checked only the entries in the data base
 that have pizza show up and when i uncheck it all entries with or
 without pizza show up. thanks


Re: [flexcoders] Re: how to use a list's change event to refresh an array that is bound to it.

2009-02-13 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Can you give a real example of what you want to do?

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:56 PM, stinasius wrote:

   hello any help out there?


Re: [flexcoders] filter arraycollection with checkbox acting wired

2009-02-13 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
Try this (not tested!):

private var pizzaSelected:Boolean;

private function pizzaFilter():void
  pizzaSelected = pizza_ckb.selected;

private function filterGrid() :void
  pizzaAr.filterFunction = myFilterFunction;

private function myFilterFunction(item:Object): Boolean
  return ( == pizzaSelected) ;

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:52 PM, johndoematrix johndoemat...@yahoo.comwrote:

   hi i am trying to filter an array collection using a checkbox, but
 when i select the check box all the data disappears. here is my filter

 private var pizzaSelected:Boolean;

 private function pizzaFilter():void {
 if (pizza_ckb.selected == true)
 pizzaSelected =;

 private function filterGrid() :void

 private function myFilterFunction(item:Object): Boolean
 ( == pizzaSelected) ;

 then on my pizza_ckb checkbox on the click event i call
 pizzaFilter(); is there something am doing wrong. if there is pizza
 then the result is true and pizza records show if false nothing is
 supposed to show up.


Re: [flexcoders] Loading properties files at runtime

2009-02-12 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
I think one solution would be to load the properites file, parse it, extract
the key-value pairs and create the resource bundle manually as described

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Mike Chang wrote:

 Is it possible to localize Flex application in a way that properties file
 can be loaded at runtime? I know they can be made into resource modules, but
 I want to avoid compiling those too.


Re: [flexcoders] how to localize pageTitle

2009-02-10 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
If I'm right, the pageTitle property is set during compilation in the html
wrapper and it has no effect when set on runtime. You will have to use
JavaScript for this. Override the resourcesChanged() method and call a
JavaScript function which will set the window's title. Here you will find an
example how to do it:

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Gautam P wrote:


 Following is the code I tried out:

 mx:Application pageTitle={resourceManager.getString('AppMessages',
 'GREETING')} xmlns:mx=;

 I am not able to localize the application's pageTitle property string. Also
 the documentation says we can't use actionscript to update this property.
 Any idea what I am doing wrong...



Re: [flexcoders] Flex RegExp issues

2009-02-08 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
The dot character matches any character, so that the regex 12.0 will
match 12-0, 12x0, 12P0 etc.
If you want to match the dot itself, you have to escape it, i.e. 12\.0.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Manu Dhanda manuraj.dha...@gmail.comwrote:

 The problem is:
 I am trying to filter an arraycollection(labels) against the text. Using a
 filter function and in there I am trying to use RegExp.

 More specifically, whenever I enter a text like 12.0, it returns me results
 with - character as well like 12-0 etc.

 So I want that whenever I enter . in my search, it should only return me
 results with . and NOT - and vice-versa.


Re: [flexcoders] Buttonbar not centering at startup

2009-02-02 Thread Ben Cessa

Hi, so, right now is working, but I have to do it like this:

mx:ButtonBar id=figSelector
width=330 height=100%
horizontalGap=20 horizontalCenter=0
buttonWidth=50 buttonHeight=50

Seems that using the width=100% was the problem ( even adding  
horizontalAlign=center ) :P thnx a lot for your attention here, see  
ya' around.

On Feb 2, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Tracy Spratt wrote:

It sort of does not make sense to have something be width=”100%”,  
then set horizontalCenter.  The width setting will make the  
component be the same width as the container, so it will  
automatically be “centered”, but again, that does not really make  

Marco is probably right. In this case, since your button bar fill  
the whole horizontal space, what you really want is to center the  
buttons within it, by setting horizontalalign=”center”

Tracy Spratt
Lariat Services

Flex development bandwidth available

From: []  
On Behalf Of Marco Catunda

Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Buttonbar not centering at startup


horizontalCenter=0?? It should be horizontalAlign=center,  
shouldn't it?

Marco Catunda

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 10:29 PM, Ben Cessa wrote:
 Hi again, right now I'm just playing a little with AIR and PV3D  
writing a
 little useless app as an exercise. I'm having an odd problem with  
 the thing don't get the horizontal center when the apps starts, is  
 to the left, however, as soon as I start resizing the main window  
it works

 very nice. Any ideas about what could this be?
 The actual portion of code I'm using is this:
 mx:ButtonBar id=figSelector
 width=100% height=100%
 horizontalGap=20 horizontalCenter=0
 buttonWidth=50 buttonHeight=50
 And here's a little screencap of what the component shows at startup

 By the way, I'm also having problems removing that ugly background  
from the
 buttons, can't figure out the skin needed, I was thinking in use a  
 transparent PNG as background image but I'm not sure, just in case  

 know how to remove that too :P
 Well, thanx a lot for your attention and I hope someone can give  
me hand

 with this

[flexcoders] Buttonbar not centering at startup

2009-02-01 Thread Ben Cessa
Hi again, right now I'm just playing a little with AIR and PV3D writing a little useless app as anexercise. I'm having an odd problem with ButtonBar, the thing don't get the horizontal center when the apps starts, is aligned to the left, however, as soon as I start resizing the main window it works very nice. Any ideas about what could this be?The actual portion of code I'm using is this:mx:ButtonBar id="figSelector"	width="100%" height="100%"	horizontalGap="20" horizontalCenter="0"	verticalAlign="middle"	buttonWidth="50" buttonHeight="50">And here's a little screencap of what the component shows at startupBy the way, I'm also having problems removing that ugly background from the buttons, can't figure out the skin needed, I was thinking in use a 100% transparent PNG as background image but I'm not sure, just in case someone know how to remove that too :PWell, thanx a lot for your attention and I hope someone can give me hand with this

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Generated html page backgroundcolour

2009-01-30 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
It does change the bg color in the wrapper. The behavior you talk about can
happen if you use
'backgroundGradientColors' because the bg color of the wrapper is set from
the 'backgroundColor' property, so even if you use gradient colors for the
bg of the flex app, you should still set 'backgroundColor' for the bg color
of the wrapper.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Tracy Spratt wrote:

Does that property actually change the background color in the wrapper,
 or does the Flex app just cover the entire browser?  I do not know offhand.

 In a recent thread, someone noted that the browser background stayed the
 original color for a brief time before the Flex app loaded, and suggested
 adding an entry to the Additional Compiler Options in the Flex Builder
 Properties, to actually compile the background color into the wrapper.

 Tracy Spratt
 Lariat Services

 Flex development bandwidth available

 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *bhaq1972
 *Sent:* Friday, January 30, 2009 10:12 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: Generated html page backgroundcolour

 I just realized

 mx:Application backgroundColor=white etc

 generates the white background in the generated html wrapper

 --- In,
 bhaq1972 mbha...@... wrote:
  I have my Flexbuilder set to the default settings.
  How can I make sure the generated HTML wrapper has a white
  backgroundColor. I know its something to do with ${bgcolor}. But how
  do I set this?
  Any help would be appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] flex date and timezone

2009-01-28 Thread Haykel BEN JEMIA
You could probably use the tz database [ ]. Download the data archive [ ] which contains different
files with time zone information. The file '' contains geographic
coordinates for the principal locations of the zones (perhaps you can use
this data). The other files contain time zone data (GMT offsets and other
data). I think the 'Zone' entries are what you need.

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web  RIA Development

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Gordon Smith wrote:

 In java, there is a TimeZone class to handle it.

  is there something similar in Flex?

 No, sorry, there isn't anything comparable in the Flex framework.

 Gordon Smith

 Adobe Flex SDK Team

 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *coder3
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:55 PM
 *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] flex date and timezone

 Right. I only have the string. In java, there is a TimeZone class to handle
 it. is there something similar in Flex?

 Ryan Graham-3 wrote:
  If you have access to the GMT offsets, sure. Otherwise, if you have just
  the strings, I don't see an easy way...
  From: [mailto:] On
  Behalf Of coder3
  Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 3:13 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] flex date and timezone
  Hi All
  i have 3 timezone strings, for example, America/Thule,
  and Europe/Luxembourg. is there a way to sort them from east to west?
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