Re: [Flexradio] 5000 no more

2013-05-21 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Ron Settle wrote:

 The writing was on the wall with the release of the 6000 series.  You can
 expect a replacement for the 5000, 3000, and 1500 in the exact same price
 classes that will run the new style software. I wouldn't be surprised if it
 didn't happen by next Hamvention. It is just good business sense.  It is no
 secret that PowerSDR being open source has been utilized by other
 manufacturers.  The other hardware manufacturers are getting free fixes and
 upgrades with every change of the PowerSDR revision number.

Actually, I think that if you look at the version of PowerSDR being used by
the HPSDR/Apache community, it branched off from the Flex version some time
ago and the changes that Flex makes are not appearing in the HPSDR version.
Likewise, the changes that the HPSDR community is making are not making it
into the Flex version. So they are really two different programs now. One
can certainly argue which one is better but it seems pretty clear that they
are different and both have advantages and disadvantages relative to the

It would make
 sense that Flex would want to convert company focus to their new
 software with its maintenance policy to help pay for its development and
 revision.  This can be done most efficiently by releasing new replacement
 versions of the 5000, 3000 and 1500 that are of the new architecture and

That is probably not going to happen because the 1500/3000/5000 work very
differently than the 6000 series. The former require the PC to do the DSP
while the DSP is performed inside the 6000 series hardware. All the PC does
is provide a front-panel display. This makes it easier to write programs
for other platforms. But it means that the software architecture is WAAAY
different and not applicable between hardware families.

 They are probably spending a fortune trying to support 2 software
 products (one of which they are making nothing on).

Not entirely. Sales of the 1500 and 3000 support the continuing development
of PowerSDR. But I do agree that Flex is going to be planning a replacement
for these radios and when they do, you can bet that Flex will stop
developing PowerSDR. Until then it will be business-as-usual.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
706 Flightline Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
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Re: [Flexradio] 5000 discontinued (Cont'd)

2013-05-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 11:54 AM, wrote:

 As I understand it, comparing the 3000 to the 5000, the 3000 has better
 receive sensitivity on 6 meters which is important to me. Some of us
 flex-a-holics contend that they may have tried to cram too many modules
 into the small 5000 box. I am sure that there are those who will argue
 this point.

No argument from me. I have long held that the 3000 is the best radio Flex
has produced.

I have owned a 3000 and a 1500.  I would like to see multiple SO-239 RF
 outputs on the 3000,

I never understood the desire for SO239. The SO239 and PL259 are horrible
connectors. BNC and 'N' are WAAAY better. In fact, I convert my radios from
SO239 to BNC where it is possible and then use BNC interconnects everywhere
in the shack. I sure wish people would explain the popularity of the UHF
series because I find them to be a pain in the butt.

 but other than that, it's the most bang for the buck out there IMHO.

I agree.

 It could be a mistake to discontinue the 3000.

I can't see Flex doing that. The 3000 is still their bread-and-butter
radio. It works very well. It is an outstanding portable rig. It is built
like a brick ... house.

 I understand the marketing behind deleting the
 5000 from the line.  I wonder what that will do to the used secondary
 5000 market?  We shall soon see!

The price of used 5000s is going to go down. It has been on a steady
decline as the 6000 series got closer. I suspect that there were enough
5000s on the market at depressed prices to kill all new sales of 5000s at
Flex. I suspect that is why the 5000 has now been discontinued.

With reference to the Apache, with all due respect:  Be Americanbuy
 American!  Tentec, Elecraft, Flex are the big 3 to me.

Receiver performance on the ANAN-10 and ANAN-100 is substantially better
than the currently-available Flex radios. Maybe not as good as the 6000
series but probably pretty darned close. I know that *I* intend to get what
works best regardless of whether it is made in the US. Want the US
manufacturers to prosper? They need to be competitive. If they are not
competitive then the question is why?

Personally I like that there is competition. I believe in a free market
economy as it favors the consumer (that's me in this case). Also the
proliferation of very high performance DDC radios is going to get the
attention of the big boys, meaning even better options for me. So,
personally, I welcome the presence of the ANAN radios from Apache Labs.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
706 Flightline Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
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Re: [Flexradio] How to center the panadapter?

2013-05-12 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 12:19 PM, David Land wrote:

 Seems like there was something on here about how to center up the panadaper
 display. I had to reset my DB and now it is off to the right of center
 again. I looked around in the setup options but didn't see it.

It is offset from the center by the amount of the IF frequency. If you are
not running or listening to AM you can set the IF to zero and the display
will be centered. Normally you want the IF frequency to be outside your
widest passband which is why Flex sets it to 9kHz by default.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
706 Flightline Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
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Re: [Flexradio] VAC alternative?

2013-04-30 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Drax Felton wrote:

 Has anyone tried using JACK as an alternative to VAC?

Why don't you and then tell us about it?

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
706 Flightline Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
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Re: [Flexradio] Flex-1500 duty cycle.

2013-04-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Steven Hess wrote:

 Is the Flex-1500 like the Flex-3000 and Flex-5000 as far as the toughness
 of Final output stage duty cycle goes? Will it hold up to 2 minute back to
 back transmissions at full power?


Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
706 Flightline Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
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[Flexradio] Fwd: Re V2.6.4

2013-04-17 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 3:00 PM, amfone wrote:

  I just looked up Apache Labs and their SDR radios.

 Now on the web page in small print it notes  complies with part 97 of the
 FCC rules which means nothing without receiving FCC certification.

Not so fast. What it means is that if you, as a ham, buy one, the
manufacturer claims its emitted signal quality meets FCC signal purity
requirements. Of course, you are on the hook to ensure emitted signal
quality but this suggests that it might be reasonable for you to assume
that it does so right out of the box. Of course, Caveat Emptor. YOU are on
the hook for the signal quality. OTOH, YOU are on the hook for the quality
of your emitted signal anyway. (And looking at the CW signals coming out of
some Yaesu rigs, it is clear that not a lot of people actually check the
quality of their emitted signal. :-)

 Certification allows the device to be sold, imported, listed for sale or
 manufactured in the USA.

Are you sure about imported? Certainly they can't sell them to HRO or AES
to be resold in the US, but what law prevents me from buying a radio
outside the US and bringing it in to use on the ham bands? I am on the hook
to ensure that the emitted signal meets, best accepted engineering
practices, but that is about it.

 You will note when Icom, Kenwood etc. release a new radio a statement will
 be issued with the advertisement something to the effect  not for sale
 pending FCC Certification, the print is small but its right there on the
 page in QST.

 So my question, does anyone know if Apache Labs has met FCC certification?

And perhaps the next real question is, Does it matter? As far as I can
tell, Apache Labs is not selling their products in the US. They are selling
them in India via website and if you choose to buy one and then import it
to the US, well, that is your lookout.

So the key is the difference between selling and using. There is nothing in
the rules that says that hams have to use equipment that has received FCC
type certification. If there were, we could not legally home-brew
equipment. So, does that mean that you can buy a radio from Apache Labs,
have it shipped to you, and then use it freely in the US? I don't know of
anything in the law that would prevent you from doing so but I am not well
versed with international trade law nor do I play an attorney specializing
in international trade law on TV.

OTOH, if you buy one, put it on the air, and your signal nets you a pink
slip, you can't blame the manufacturer.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
706 Flightline Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Re V2.6.4

2013-04-17 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 9:59 PM, amfone wrote:


 All good points.

 Section 302(b) of The Communications Act of 1934 as amended notes that 
 no person shall manufacture, IMPORT, sell or manufacture or offer for sale
 or ship a device which fails to comply with the rules of this act, this
 act applies to part 97 as well.

 I think the key term  is  no person, in purchasing the Apache the
 individual is importing the radio. In essesnce you are breaking the rule
 but if there is any enforcement based on this you have a point, however not
 disagreeing with your well placed logic the buyer is certainly on the hook
 if something go wrong.

 As far as Apache are they importing the radio or just shipping,  so again
 good point but not yet willing to concede.

The reality is that they are making the radios and people in the US are
buying the radios. And the radios seem to work pretty well. I know that if
I were Flex Radio Systems I would looking into ways to stop Apache Labs or
at least slow them down. Flex has had a commanding lead in the SDR ham
transceiver market. Having another DDC/DUC transceiver (effectively) on the
market could make things interesting.

 On their site they do note they plan on selling, I'm paraphrasing now,
 with destributors all over the world, so at some point they will need to
 meet the FCC certification if they want distributors in this nation.

No question about that at all.

 Certainly if a commercial dealer imports and sells the devices they will
 need to be certified, doing so without certification will be in violation
 of the act noted above, agree! That is the commercial sale within this
 nation via a distributor will need certification.

I agree 100%.

So  finally you may be correct that it will be on the ham who imports the
 radio to be certain it meets specs but I would not rule out that little
 import issue being used if someone is failing to correct a radio which
 complies with part 97 but has not been certified, long shot but it may be
 tossed in to add to the violations.

And I think you are probably right about that as well.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
706 Flightline Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
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Re: [Flexradio] a bit to the side, but....

2013-03-30 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Lee Mushel wrote:

 Has everyone taken note of the processed cheese national ad that actually
 not only mentions ham radio but does it in a positive way?

Wallace and Grommet combine Cheese and Ham Radio in a positive way too!

Cheese Grommet!

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Powerpoles

2013-03-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Bret Mills wrote:

 I have been thinking on this for the last week as I am also going to change
 out stuff to all Power Poles.

I have converted ALL my 12V devices to use powerpoles. I'm very happy I
did. It is so nice to be able to just plug things in and use them.

Even my motorcycle uses powerpoles for connecting the battery charger and I
have a small Rigrunner in my tank bag to plug in all my accessories, e.g
cell phone charger, RADAR detector, 2m HT, GPS, etc.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] VAC Not Working

2013-03-14 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Bill Tynan

 First let me say that I'm glad to be back on the Flex reflector. I got off
 some time ago when I was to away for a few weeks and wanted to reduce my
 e-mails. Then, I didn't get around to re-subscibing. Now, I have.

 A month or so ago, I had some kind of computer glitch which, among other
 things, reset all of the Flex selections to the factory defaults. I was
 useing Power Software 2.3.5 at the time. When I got the radio going again,
 I tried to bring up WSJT and DigiPan. Neither worked. With WSJT I get an
 Error message below:
 I am running WSJT 9.02 and VAC 4.09 and using aFlex 5000.

WSJT and WSPR seem to have a problem with selecting audio channels.
Apparently they store the enumeration (channel number) rather than the
channel name even though they LIST the channel name. Unfortunately the
channel number changes whenever there is a change in the number of audio
channels. So if you plug in a USB headphone or microphone, WSJT and WSPR
will stop working until you reconfigure the audio channels. I solved the
problem by *always* reconfiguring the audio channels whenever I start WSPR.

So, even if the configuration of WSJT or WSPR *looks* right, it may not be.
So even if the audio channel selection appears correct, reselect the audio
channels and see if that fixes the problem.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] PSDR 2.5.3 using CWskimmer 1.8

2013-03-03 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Bob McGwier wrote:

 I WROTE that code and I forget to do it

Heh. Maybe a check-box for Automatically Disable SR when using I/Q output
that defaults to checked?

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Distortion on my signal. Wave File Link

2013-03-02 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Burt wrote:

 He suckered us into us listening to his political comment

Heh. I thought it rather funny. But then, I don't mind when any portion of
the Constitution of the US is read. (No surprise considering I taught
civics in a middle school.) And his audio still sounds fine.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Distortion on my signal. Wave File Link

2013-03-01 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Dan Baker wrote:

 This is my Flex-3000 This is an example of the distortion I can not get rid
 of after owning it for just under a month. I bought this from Flex.
 You are listening to a Electro Voice RE20 plugged directly into the mic
 jack on the Flex.

Sounds good to me. I don't hear any obvious distortion ... unless maybe you
are female and then I would say that your audio is a bit bass heavy.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Transverter

2013-02-26 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 4:33 AM, N1naz wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone has added a Transverter (HF-VHF/UHF) to their
 Flex 3000, is this even possible? I have my doubts because of no IF out
 but, If so, any recommendations for, and info on setting this up, what have
 you used?

You can but if the transverter doesn't include TX/RX switching, you will
need to use an external coax relay to switch. You may also need a
high-power pad to reduce the output to a safe level for the transverter
input. When turned down to less than 10W output the output of the 3000 is
very clean due to running class-A at those power levels.

As far as I am concerned, the only two things the 3000 lacks that keep it
from being the perfect radio are separate RX input and external reference

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Software for digital modes

2013-02-26 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:23 AM, Richard Cash W4WU w...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 This might have been covered before, but which com port emulator should I
 be using for setting up for digital operation? I have ddutil already but
 don't know what else to use.

There are several. I have been using and recommending VSPmanager. But I
have had problems with it on Win7-64. That doesn't bother me because I run
XP or Win7-32. You need to make sure you read the instructions carefully
and follow them exactly to be sure the installation goes properly.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] TOO DAMNED MUCH

2013-02-23 Thread Brian Lloyd
Actually, I lay the bulk of this problem at the feet of the digest
option. It means that, you get many messages as a single email message and
when you press the reply button, you get many messages included in your
reply. Given that every current mail user application (MUA) threads
messages (combines all the message on a single topic together in a
thread), there really is no need for the digest mode. So, at the rist of
being annoying to the users of the digest mode, I would suggest that they
are their own worst enemy by continuing with the digest. Switching back to
the standard of individual messages and then letting their MUA deal
properly with messages on a common topic would go a long way toward
eliminating their problem.

I know that when I see a message come with a subject of Flex Radio Digest
I know that it is going to contain about 1% useful information and 99% of
messages that were included that have nothing to do with the topic. (Not to
mention that the subject field no longer contains useful information that
would allow me to know what the topic of the message is.)

Tim: consider this my request that you discontinue support for digest

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] DIY 10 MHz sources for putting Flex 5000A DEAD ON orreally close

2013-02-19 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Jerry Flanders jefland...@comcast.netwrote:

 I think the most important thing to remember in the Rb vs GPSDO debate is
 that without some other standard like a GPSDO or better to compare to or
 calibrate against, you never know that your Rb oscillator is actually

Sure you do. Double check it against WWV. If it is within 1/2 Hz, the Rb is
locked and all is well. If it is unlocked it is very obvious because the
output frequency sweeps up and down by almost 1kHz. Tune in WWV and you
will KNOW it is unlocked. Once it locks and WWV is clear, it is working and
nothing it going to move it off 10MHz.

 The LPRO-101 has an adjustment to vary its freq. How would I know that
 adjustment pot didn't get jostled during shipment?

OMG, it could be .015 Hz off if it got turned all the way to the stops! Yes
the tuning limit is +/- 15 MILLIHERTZ. Remember, the frequency
determination is fixed by an electron transition in a shell of the Rubidium
atom. Unlike a crystal oscillator, it can't be very far off. If it locks up
at all, it will be within 1/2 Hz at 10MHz and quickly get better than that.

 Lastly, since we know the early Rb units were subject to failure due to
 aging of the Rb tube, how would I know the one I was considering has much
 life remaining ?

Measure the lamp voltage. It is a pin on the connector. More than 7.5V and
it still has lots of life left.

 Bottom line - I would HAVE to be able to check/calibrate it, but against
 what primary reference?

And that is the point. You don't. Sure if you want to get it within 1 mHz
you could tweak it but even without any calibration max it could be off
after warmup is less that 1/100 of a Hz.

Without a GPSDO to compare the Rb to, I think buying a Rb one would be a
 crap-shoot.  After thinking it through, I skipped the Rb step and went
 straight to the GPSDO.

But the GPSDO can be farther off during periods of poor GPS constellation

Bottom line: it pays to understand the technology.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
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Re: [Flexradio] DIY 10 MHz sources for putting Flex 5000A DEAD ON orreally close

2013-02-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Richard Solomon w1...@earthlink.netwrote:

 RbO's are nice, but they have to be tweaked every so often.

I guess it depends on what you mean. The average Rb reference oscillator is
more accurate even when uncalibrated than most people have ability to
measure. Once the unit achieves initial lock it is already better than 5e-8
(0.5Hz at 10MHz) and headed for something on the order of 3e-11 (less than
1 millihertz at 10MHz). After all, the total adjustment range is only +/-
0.015 Hz at 10MHz. So I think that, even for people trying to win the FMT,
an uncalibrated Rb reference is going to be good enough.

And here's a hint: that error is less than the tuning error in the Flex
radios on most frequencies.

 Not so with a GPSDO.

Again, you have to understand the nature of the beast. The Rb reference
usually has better short term stability than the GPSDO. Of course, the
GPSDO has better long-term stability because it is being corrected over
time. But for ease-of-use, it is really hard to beat the Rb reference.

(I have and use both.)

The simplest way is to get a Trimble Thunderbolt.
 They have been as low as $75 over on the evil empire (I bought
 two at that price). You do need an external antenna, but you need
 an even bigger one for the radio !!

 73, Dick, W1KSZ

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] DIY 10 MHz sources for putting Flex 5000A DEAD ON orreally close

2013-02-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Richard Solomon w1...@earthlink.netwrote:

 I also have both (two RbO's and 4 GPSDO's). I'll take the GPSDO any day.

This is not a, which one is better, question. It is a question of what is
the job you are trying to do.

It is useful to understand the differences. Certainly the long-term
stability of the GPSDO is better because the reference oscillator is always
being corrected back to the correct time, i.e. long term number of cycles.
But in the short term, variations in the GPS satellite geometry can cause
the GPSDO to exhibit short-term frequency errors. Of course, long-term
these are corrected back out but if one was comparing one would notice
small short-term variations in the frequency of the GPSDO while the RbO
showed more stability. So the question is, which is more important?

Of course, could could have a GPS-disciplined Rb reference. Now you get the
best of both worlds, i.e. dead-nuts accurate long term stability with
outstanding short-term stability.

And the other thing that many people seem to forget about is the phase
noise of the disciplined reference oscillator. That may have substantial
effect on the performance of the receiver over and above the frequency

So, when it comes to the question of, which is better, an Rb reference
oscillator or a GPS disciplined oscillator, the answer is a resounding,
it depends.

I still hold that, for most people looking to increase the frequency
stability and accuracy of their Flex 1500 or 5000, an Rb reference like the
LPRO-101 is simpler for the following reasons:

   1. No outside GPS antenna needed.
   2. The LPRO-101 runs on a single 19V supply (I use an old laptop power
   supply) while the Thunderbolt needs +5V, +12V, and -14V. I use a cheap
   laptop DC supply to run my LPRO-101 from the shack 12V supply.
   3. The output of the LPRO-101 may be fed to the external reference input
   with no attenuation.
   4. The LPRO-101 has relatively low phase noise.

Like I said, I have both but find the LPRO-101 Rb reference easier to use
and its accuracy still exceeds the tuning accuracy of the radio.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] 1394a vs 1394b

2013-02-16 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Jerry wrote:

 I have a

  SYBA Low Profile PCI-Express 1394B/A Firewire Card Model SD-PEX30009

 card with one 6pin connector and 2 9pin connectors.   I'm using the 6 pin
 for my Flex 5000.  The question is can I use one of the 9 pin 1394b with a
 6 pin other end to go to my Flex 3000?


 Does anyone do this?

Yes, I do. It works just fine.

 I have daisy chained my 3000 offf the 5000 but that requires the 5000 to
 be turned on.

I just move the cable from one radio to the other.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Panafall artifacts and things that make me go, HMMMM...

2013-02-10 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Patrick Greenlee

 Thank you very much for the link to the cal routine.  Maybe that will help.
 I don't think the flaws I mentioned matter much but ... if I can exorcise
 evil things from my baby I will be happier.

One of the things you will have to get used to with the Flex 1500/3000/5000
radios is that there are low-level spurs, artifacts of the DDS LO. Normally
they are hidden under the noise but if you plug in a dummy load or are in
the higher bands where all is quiet, they become apparent. Spur Reduction
keeps them out of the passband but they are apparent on the pan display or
the waterfall. If you turn off spur reduction then you might get one in the
passband. I know that it bothered me a bit at first but I eventually
realized that pretty much all radios have 'em, you just can't see 'em, and
they don't interfere with the good performance of the radio.

The new crop of DDC/DUC radios like the Flex 6000 series won't have them as
there is no DDS LO. I'm definitely looking forward to the arrival of my
6700. I am now running an ANAN-10 as the replacement for my Flex 1500. The
DDC/DUC transceiver is just ... better.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
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Re: [Flexradio] Waterfall disaperd

2013-02-09 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 4:45 AM, Lars Pettersson wrote:

 I had to reinstall Power sdr to get the waterfall back
 73 de Lars SM4IVE
 Lars Pettersson skrev 2013-02-09 07:14:

 Hi gang
 after the last update of SWRplotter 1,4  my waterfall disaperd it`s
 just a black part of the screen, all the other spectrum,scope, and so on
 are working
 maybe this is just a coincident. but there are no way of getting it back
  maybe i need to do a factory reset.
 But has it happend to any one else?

This kind of thing happens periodically. The fix is to reset the database,
not reinstall the software. (Which does work as you have found but is like
using a bomb to swat a fly.)

My solution is to start with a clean database, do all my configuration,
then save a copy of the current database which I then set aside. If I have
a problem then I delete the current database and copy my copy into its
place. That usually solves the problem.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] Audio isolation transformers

2013-02-08 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 7:18 AM, Brian wrote:

  The audio from your 1500 can be inside your PC without any wires by using
  VAC. No transformers needed.
 Is there any difference in latency using it that way compared to out of the
 phone socket? If not I may try it.

There shouldn't be. You introduce latency twice, by buffering at the the
input to a DAC (speaker/headphone output at the radio) and at the output of
an ADC (output of a sound card in your computer), but only once with VAC
since you eliminate the back to back DAC-ADC path. But that doesn't mean
you can't make things worse by poor configuration. :-) Still, the preferred
approach is to use VAC to transport the digital data from your radio
(PSDR) to the application, e.g. fldigi.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] Audio isolation transformers

2013-02-08 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Michael wrote:

  Wait a minute, let's make sure we are talking about the same thing.  I'm
 simply trying to get my RX audio to play through my PC speakers.   Stand
 alone amplified speakers are a problem because my desk is cluttered enough
 as it is. My applications like fldigi ARE taken care of through VAC.

Ah, that is a different problem. But you can still play the audio through
your computer by having VAC split the audio into two different outputs.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] Audio isolation transformers

2013-02-07 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Michael wrote:

 I have the headphone jack of my 1500 connected direct to my PC's line in.
 I know this is not an ideal situation because of the potential ground loop.
 I like to do things right and put some kind of isolation in the line. Radio
 Shack used to sell a small transformer that was perfect for this but I
 can't find them anymore. Anyone got an idea for a sub?  Maybe some type of
 opto circuit might be the way to go. I don't need something pre-made,
  homebrew is fine.

The audio from your 1500 can be inside your PC without any wires by using
VAC. No transformers needed.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] education/information

2013-02-03 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Lee Mushel wrote:

 Has anyone put together a presentation on the nature of SDR specifically
 for use as a club program where no one is familiar with the topic and all
 that is known is vanilla knob and button audio?   I know how difficult
 this can be and can claim no success.   Has anyone discovered techniques
 that you can honestly say were successful!  My own experience has detected
 downright hostility but then asking for a mental transition from mechanical
 activity and only audio input is a far cry from asking someone for
 considerable dependence on video display.

Well, I am producing just such a presentation to give to a ham club. The
thrust of my talk has nothing to do with knobs and computer screens. In
fact, one of my main assertions is that SDR does not have anything to do
with knobs or computer screens. My thrust is on the problems that face the
receiver designer and how the components in an analog radio combine to
create problems and how SDR makes it possible to reduce or eliminate those
problems and produce a markedly better receiver. Here is the general thrust:

   - every component is non-linear to some extent. Some components, e.g.
   active devices, are more non-linear than others. All non-linearity produces
   intermodulation. And intermodulation products intermodulate with all real
   signals and other IM products producing crud everywhere. The fewer
   components you have between the antenna and the first point of
   demodulation, the better the receiver is going to be. In fact, if we could
   effectively detect the signal right at the antenna without having to pass
   it through a bunch of IM causing active components (and these can be tubes,
   transistors, diodes, FETs, etc.) then the receiver is going to be a LOT
   better. POOF Enter the Flex 6000 series.
   - Crystal filters are evil. Yes, they filter out unwanted signals but
   what they do to desired signals is un-pretty, e.g. ringing, phase shift,
   amplitude ripple, group delay, IM, etc. So anyone who touts the use of
   crystal roofing filters as a good thing doesn't really understand what is
   happening. Mostly crystal roofing filters are there to make the specs look
   better for signals outside the passband as opposed to actually making the
   radio work better. Regardless, the problem is still there. (See my first
   argument about IMD.)
   - Early on in the presentation work in discussion about how any analog
   signal may be represented in digital form and that once in digital form, it
   may be processed with no increase in IM products as long as you can avoid
   non-integer ratio resampling and make sure that there is no power above the
   Nyquist frequency. Oh, you may have to explain resampling and Nyquist
   frequency. And while you are at it, you might want to explain how filtering
   and decimation can increase dynamic range. This is where you are likely to
   lose the stragglers. :-)
   - And when someone calls you on this, inject the Albert Einstein
   reference. (See below.)

 Maybe the use of a demo only even with the assist of Powerpoint is
 asking for too much.  It seems that suggesting that software extensions
 be considered something other than soundcard modes.   Doing so seems to
  break off teeth in the mental gears.

To paraphrase Albert Einstein -- Things should be made as simple as
possible ... but no simpler. This means that you may have to tell people
that they are going to have to THINK about what you are saying for awhile
until the light bulb comes on.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] education/information

2013-02-03 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM kb6...@yahoo.comwrote:


 So what you just said, the introduction of a pre-selector to the Flex
 would have negative effects? Not the 6000, but the non-stratosphere Flex

No, Any time you can eliminate an unwanted signal you eliminate its ability
to intermodulate with other signals. Therefore a preselector early on in
the receiving chain is very useful, especially if the rest of the radio is
prone to IMD.

(I have been thinking that the narrow-tuned preselector is one of the
reasons that older tube rigs from the likes of Collins performed pretty
well. Remember those went away with the High-IF-General-Coverage receiver
that showed up in the late '70s. Remember how RX performance went to hell
around the same time? Hmm?)


If you can eliminate nonlinearity and nonlinearity-causing components
before you get to the A:D, i.e. connect your A:D directly to the antenna,
and as long as that A:D does not saturate (clip), you have the (almost)
perfect receiver with no IMD, modulo operating within its dynamic range.
Remember those two 0dBm peaks standing alone in the spec-A display in
Gerald's latest missive? That's what I am talking about.

 Ham Radio Open Conversation
 Yahoo group owner/moderator

 - Reply message -
 From: Brian Lloyd
 To: Lee Mushel
 Cc: FlexRadio
 Subject: [Flexradio] education/information
 Date: Sun, Feb 3, 2013 9:14 am

 On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Lee Mushel

  Has anyone put together a presentation on the nature of SDR
  for use as a club program where no one is familiar with the topic and all
  that is known is vanilla knob and button audio?   I know how difficult
  this can be and can claim no success.   Has anyone discovered techniques
  that you can honestly say were successful!  My own experience has
  downright hostility but then asking for a mental transition from
  activity and only audio input is a far cry from asking someone for
  considerable dependence on video display.

 Well, I am producing just such a presentation to give to a ham club. The
 thrust of my talk has nothing to do with knobs and computer screens. In
 fact, one of my main assertions is that SDR does not have anything to do
 with knobs or computer screens. My thrust is on the problems that face the
 receiver designer and how the components in an analog radio combine to
 create problems and how SDR makes it possible to reduce or eliminate those
 problems and produce a markedly better receiver. Here is the general

   - every component is non-linear to some extent. Some components, e.g.

   active devices, are more non-linear than others. All non-linearity
   intermodulation. And intermodulation products intermodulate with all real
   signals and other IM products producing crud everywhere. The fewer
   components you have between the antenna and the first point of
   demodulation, the better the receiver is going to be. In fact, if we
   effectively detect the signal right at the antenna without having to pass
   it through a bunch of IM causing active components (and these can be
   transistors, diodes, FETs, etc.) then the receiver is going to be a LOT
   better. POOF Enter the Flex 6000 series.
   - Crystal filters are evil. Yes, they filter out unwanted signals but

   what they do to desired signals is un-pretty, e.g. ringing, phase shift,
   amplitude ripple, group delay, IM, etc. So anyone who touts the use of
   crystal roofing filters as a good thing doesn't really understand what is
   happening. Mostly crystal roofing filters are there to make the specs
   better for signals outside the passband as opposed to actually making the
   radio work better. Regardless, the problem is still there. (See my first
   argument about IMD.)
   - Early on in the presentation work in discussion about how any analog

   signal may be represented in digital form and that once in digital form,
   may be processed with no increase in IM products as long as you can avoid
   non-integer ratio resampling and make sure that there is no power above
   Nyquist frequency. Oh, you may have to explain resampling and Nyquist
   frequency. And while you are at it, you might want to explain how
   and decimation can increase dynamic range. This is where you are likely
   lose the stragglers. :-)
   - And when someone calls you on this, inject the Albert Einstein
   reference. (See below.)


  Maybe the use of a demo only even with the assist of Powerpoint is
  asking for too much.  It seems that suggesting that software extensions
  be considered something other than soundcard modes.   Doing so seems to
   break off teeth in the mental gears.

 To paraphrase Albert Einstein -- Things should be made as simple

Re: [Flexradio] education/information

2013-02-03 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Brian Lloyd wrote:

 If you can eliminate nonlinearity and nonlinearity-causing components
 before you get to the A:D, i.e. connect your A:D directly to the antenna,
 and as long as that A:D does not saturate (clip), you have the (almost)
 perfect receiver with no IMD, modulo operating within its dynamic range.
 Remember those two 0dBm peaks standing alone in the spec-A display in
 Gerald's latest missive? That's what I am talking about.

BTW, the preselector is still useful in this case where there is a very
strong undesired signal that is causing saturation of the A:D converter.
Use the preselector (or band-pass filter) to reduce the power of the
unwanted signal and bring the A:D back into linear (non saturation)

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] education/information

2013-02-03 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM kb6...@yahoo.comwrote:


 Thank you for the quick response. I have been researching the Heros
 SCR-cat, reading reviews, watched the YouTube videos and decided that is
 what I want for the Flex, especially when I use the Flex as a general
 coverage receiver outside of the ham bands. I just cannot get past the
 910.00 US sticker shock price.

Well, if you consider the price of the preselector + radio in the
price/performance calculation, and then compare that to the top-of-the-line
offerings from Kenwood/Yaesu/Icom/Ten-Tec/Elecraft, you may find that, even
at $900 for the preselector, it still comes up smelling like a rose.

 I hate intermods and broadband noise so a pre-selector seems like a nice
 item to have.


 I have a classic Collins also and yes, the pre-selector is nice. Those
 were the days of tuned circuitry on the input.

And it does the job. Flex provides preselection, but only in the ham bands.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] education/information

2013-02-03 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM kb6...@yahoo.comwrote:


 I am aware that there is a tuned front end for the Flex. As my interest in
 radio communications extends past ham radio, my desire is for the Flex to
 be my DC-light all in one box, therefore the need for a pre-selector for
 SWL and a VLF/HF converter for VLF/LF monitoring and transverters for all
 mode work above 6 meters.

Absolutely. OTOH, if you are using a LF/VLF converter, it needs the
preselector, not the Flex itself.

 I have an Icom PCR-1500 for monitoring up into the Ghz. range. The intent
 is no knobs to turn, just a monitor, keyboard, pointing device, sound,
 microphone and CW key. Keep the clutter down in the ham shack as much as

Seems quite reasonable to me.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] hi Flex....worked for me!

2013-01-29 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:37 AM, wrote:

 I went to the site and sure enough am getting $18 million dollars which
 will be deposited into my account from a bank in Nigeria..and they said
 that they will throw in a free Flex 6700 as a bonus!

I hope you gave them all the access information for your bank account so
they can deposit that money very quickly. You wouldn't want them to run
into any problems depositing that money now.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Flex 3000 for sale

2013-01-28 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Brian Lloyd brian-wb6...@lloyd.comwrote:

 I have a Flex 3000, SN 3009-0266, for sale. Excellent condition with only
 a very faint scuff mark in the top. Pre-amp ECO done by Flex in 2010.

 $1340 or make me an offer I can't refuse.

 I also have a Heil HM-5 that I used with the 3000 that can be part of the
 deal if you are interested.

The Flex 3000 is sold. I want to thank everyone for their offers and

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
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Re: [Flexradio] Reminder to all, please don't use 'reply'!

2013-01-28 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:42 AM, David Land wrote:

 Just a reminder to all those who post a question to this reflector. Please
 do NOT use your 'reply' button, especially if you are getting the daily
 digest! For those of us who read the daily digest we don't want to see your
 reply or question and yesterday's digest all over again! It drastically
 lowers the S/N ratio on the FlexRadio Digest.

Of course, this begs the question of why use the digest at all given that
every email program not properly handles topic threads and will let you
automatically sort your incoming mail.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

[Flexradio] Flex 3000 for sale

2013-01-27 Thread Brian Lloyd
I have a Flex 3000, SN 3009-0266, for sale. Excellent condition with only a
very faint scuff mark in the top. Pre-amp ECO done by Flex in 2010.

$1340 or make me an offer I can't refuse.

I also have a Heil HM-5 that I used with the 3000 that can be part of the
deal if you are interested.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

[Flexradio] Flex 1500 for sale

2013-01-25 Thread Brian Lloyd
Flex 1500, SN 3010-0630, for sale -- $500. Indistinguishable from new. I'll
take PayPal or cashier's check.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
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Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] SWR 0.0 : 1 Is that right?

2013-01-25 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Darryl Wagoner wrote:

 No matter what my tuner SWR meter says, PSDR always says 0.0 : 1.

 Am I doing something wrong?

No. The 5000 and 3000 only indicate SWR when you press the TUN button. The
rest of the time it only displays 0:1. So if you want to see SWR of you
antenna system, you have to do it in TUN mode.

The 1500 does not have an SWR bridge.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] CW sending software

2013-01-25 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 4:52 PM, Darryl Wagoner wrote:

 I am wanting to play with CW a little and need some software to send.

 Anyone have a recommendation?

Well, the CW mode of fldigi will send for you. You type your message and it
sends it. If you want to do code practice you can just set the drive to
zero and while the flex will switch into TX, it won't actually emit
anything on the air.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Flex-6000 Series – Little Bits of News – Payment Schedules,Computers, Digital Modes, Videos

2013-01-21 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Steve K9ZW wrote:

 I did a small write up of a series of email threatds with Tim W4TME  which
 I titled Flex-6000 Series – Little Bits of News – Payment Schedules,
 Computers, Digital Modes, Videos

 You can read it at:**

 I had started a thread at eHam about these bits of news, but it was an
 instant Troll-Fest and eHam as usual throws out the baby with the
 bathwater, and deleted the whole thread.

Ah yes, the Gene and Stan show. What a couple of mean, nasty, mindless
jerks! Stan repeats all the drivel he used to spout here, carefully
omitting facts that fail to support his thesis so that he can get the
maximum negativity toward Flex. Gene spouts techno-drivel that is equally
slanted to be negative to Flex. These guys are just HATEFUL! I hung around
there for awhile but they were so mean and nasty that I finally decided
that eHam was just to painful to be around.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Additional preamp on 40m and 30M...

2013-01-20 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 3:02 AM, Ray percival percival@gmail.comwrote:

 Cheers Brian,

 That’s making a lot of sense here. 

 ** **

 ** **

 Just one off topic question does the 5K have a T/R relay like the 3K

The 5K has a LOT of relays for all its switching and antenna selection,
including a T/R relay. There is a whole board dedicated to switching and
signal path selection. The 5K is also inherently full-duplex so if you
select separate TX and RX ports, you can leave the RX running while TX'ing.
Very useful for satellite work and SO2R (with RX2).


 ** **




 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* Brian Lloyd []
 *Sent:* 20 January 2013 00:40
 *To:* Robert Costa, KB6QXM
 *Cc:* Ray percival;
 *Subject:* Re: [Flexradio] Additional preamp on 40m and 30M...

 ** **

 On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM

 But considering that the radio is Software Defined, does that mean this
 will work on all of the Flex radios? 1.5k, 3k and 5k?

 ** **

 This is where you have to understand the HARDWARE in your software defined
 radio. Each of the flex radios have different attenuator and preamp
 capabilities. The 5000 is the simplest with just a single-gain preamp that
 can be switched in and out. It has no attenuator. The 3000 has an
 attenuator position and two preamp gain levels. If I recall properly, the
 1500 has two attenuator and two preamp gain levels. (I am doing this from
 memory and could be wrong so don't string me up -- it doesn't matter for
 the sake of this discussion.) 

 ** **

 On the lower bands (lower meaning lower in frequency) the atmospheric
 noise level is high enough that there is NO reason to ever turn on the
 preamp or at least not to the high-gain position. So, PowerSDR does not
 give you all the preamp options that are available in the radio on those
 lower bands because turning on the preamp would compromise the performance
 of the radio. Yes, those positions are there ON SOME OF THE RADIOS but they
 will only make the radio perform worse so you don't want to use them. Hence
 PowerSDR does not offer you the option. The dynamic range on the 5000 is
 much better and it has more headroom to accommodate very strong signal so
 it does not have or need an attenuator position. 

 ** **

 So there is nothing magic or secret that Flex is hiding from you. They are
 doing that to preserve the dynamic range of the receiver. Yes, you probably
 can get the preamp into the high-gain position but that is only going to
 reduce the dynamic range of the radio, thus making it work WORSE. You want
 to be making more judicious use of the ATTENUATOR position in order to get
 best performance from your 3000 and 1500.

 ** **

 Here is a technique for setting the attenuator/preamp to get the best
 dynamic range for a given band. Select a dummy load instead of the antenna.
 Measure the noise floor of the receiver without the preamp. Switch back to
 your antenna. Now select the attenuator position that yields an increase in
 the noise floor by about 5-10dB over the dummy load. That will let you hear
 the weakest signals while maintaining the greatest dynamic range. 

 ** **

 Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
 3191 Western Dr.
 Cameron Park, CA 95682
 +1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
 +1.916.877.5067 (USA)

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Additional preamp on 40m and 30M...

2013-01-19 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Jim Barber wrote:

 Not to be picking nits, but the 5K preamp might be useful on 160M (for
 example) if you're using small, multiturn loops for diversity antennas.
 That's stretching things just a smidgen, maybe...

It doesn't have enough gain for that. You really need a low-noise,
high-gain preamp for that.

 And Robert, if you want to tweak your system gain for the *BEST* dynamic
 range per band, calculate how much attenuation you need for 160, 80 and 40M
 then build a simple bandswitched attenuator box to go in the 5000A's RX1
 loop. It would take a 2-pole, 3-position rotary switch, maybe 2 or 3 USD
 worth of resistors, (if you buy good ones) an aluminum hobby box and a
 couple of BNC connectors. Perhaps $20-$30 with all new parts.**Calculators/Attenuator_**Calculator/T_Attenuator_**

 But before you rush out to build it, ask yourself how many times an extra
 5 or 10dB of dynamic range on the low bands would make the difference
 between doing something exceptional and not doing it.

Or just throw a 10dB pad in there and be done with it.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Setting VAC With Flex 1500 And Fldigi 3.21.66

2013-01-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:25 AM, ric5 wrote:

 Hello all,
 I have question I'm also trying to set up VAC myself for the first time. I
 downloaded VAC (DEMO VERSION). I cannot get it to work.

That is lucky for you then.


You **MUST** purchase and use the non-demo version of VAC. Just do it. It
will work.

 It works
 fine in receive mode but NO transmit. VAC 1 is the only option I can select
 on Power  SDR.

That is because you haven't configured VAC to have VAC2.

 I went thru the set up 5 times thinking I messed something.

Yes. You missed opening up the VAC control panel and creating a second
virtual audio cable.

 I'm using this with my Flex 1500, the VAC2 button is blacked out on my
 SDR ver 2.4.4. but VAC 1 you can select and works. Running  Fldigi 3.21.66
 receives fine just cannot get to transmit !
 Any tips from anyone ?

Have you read this:

It is a bit old but if you follow the steps it will get you where you want

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] 2nd request-Heros

2013-01-14 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Nige G7CNF wrote:

 I did promise a while back that I'd put a video up for it or at least in
 my case the Heros SCR Preselector-CAT. Since I use one with a Flex-5K I
 can vouch that if you're using tuned antennas there really shouldn't be a
 need for one. If however you are using nonresonant antennas or in proximity
 to a transmitting station then you might be surprised at the improvements
 that can be had. With the greatest of respect to Tim's comment I don't
 consider Taiwan's Premier radio station to be very close to me in the UK
 however it is the station which causes me the greatest problem! Or at least
 it did until I got the Heros Preselector. And just  to be clear, the
 incoming, coaxial cable has two line isolators so there is negligible RF
 getting back into the  shack  (Tested with spectrum analyser and current

 I have just managed to put the video up tonight and it can be found at

Brilliant! Well done! While many argue from opinion, you demonstrate.

But I would like to make one point here -- that it doesn't matter whether
the radio is an SDR, hybrid, or pure analog, if you remove unwanted signals
before they get to the active stages, the receiver will work better.
Period. So, if you are dealing with strong, unwanted signals, you should
remove them in order for the receiver to perform its best. Some sort of
input filtering (preselection) is advantageous.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
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Re: [Flexradio] Heros VLF Converter

2013-01-14 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Jeff Singer wrote:

  wouldn't the pre-selector help with selectivity issues on the
 general coverage of the Flex?

 What problem are you having that you think a preselector will help with?
 Lots of hams read about a preselector's gain and think DX will be 20 dB
 copyable. THAT's certainly not going to happen. As long as you can hear
 noise drop when you disconnect the antenna you have plenty of sensitivity.

The advantage of a preselector is not that it provides more gain, but that
it reduces the power of undesired signals at the input of the receiver.

Whenever you pass two signals through a nonlinear device, and that would be
any amplifying stage, any mixer, any detector, you get intermodulation
products. As you pass more of these signals through, they all intermodulate
together. In fact, if you have really strong signals, the intermodulation
products can themselves intermodulate with  signals and other
itermodulation products. The result is spurious products all thought the
receiver. And even the noise power can be intermodulated up to the
receiver's passband resulting in a higher noise floor. The earlier in the
receive chain you can reduce or eliminate unwanted signal and/or noise
power, the better your receiver will perform.

In the olden days, most receivers had decent preselection as a way to
eliminate images. Eliminating lots of unwanted signal power was an
unlooked-for side effect. Then we got broadbanded receivers that
upconverted and didn't need preselection in order to eliminate images. And
these receivers even tested well ... on the bench where only a few signals
came in the antenna port. But once you plugged in a real antenna,
especially one that was relatively broad-banded, and all that cruft came in
and intermodulated with everything else, you got crappy receiver

Now there seems to be some idea that SDRs suffer more from this problem
than do other receivers. This is not the case. In fact, since SDR does
conversion to digital early in the receive chain, they are
LESS susceptible to this problem. The DDC/DUC (direct conversion) SDRs like
the new Flex 6xxx series is going to be even LESS affected by front-end and
first-mixer IMD. (In fact, as long as the ADC is not clipping, the DDC/DUC
radios should should be darned-near textbook perfect in their response and

But in the mean time we have radios like the 1500, 3000, and 5000. They
will benefit from preselection, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on
the amount of unwanted signal power arrives from the antenna. The greater
the crap (technical name for unwanted signals) coming down the feedline,
the more a preselector will help.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Will Flex5KA work with a Yaesu FL-7000 amplifier

2013-01-08 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 11:42 AM, H. Dave Meitzen wrote:

 That is to ask is there anyone providing Band Data to the FL-7000 amplifier
 from a Flex 5KA ??

Check into DDutil.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
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Re: [Flexradio] Noise floor on 15 meters 20 db above all other bands

2013-01-06 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM kb6...@yahoo.comwrote:


 On my 5000a, I compare my noise floor on 15 meters compared with all other
 bands. The15 meters noise floor is about 20 db higher than all other bands.
 Any clues?  Calibration issue?

It is probably Jupiter.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
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Re: [Flexradio] VAC choice

2013-01-04 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 7:40 PM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM kb6...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Didn't 4.12 have streaming technology in the code and help with the reduce
 dpc latency times and cpu utilization?

Maybe, but for anyone starting now, the correct choice is the current
version: 4.12. There is no down-side to running VAC v4.12.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
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Re: [Flexradio] Primer for digital modes on PSDR/Flex5000?

2012-12-31 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Randy Diddel wrote:

 Been trying to find a beginner's guide or resources for digital modes.
 I am a relatively new ham with a brand new Flex5000.  I am looking to
 get into the digital modes but have no idea where to start with the
 Flex. I need to know the absolute basics-please no flaming, I am just
 trying to learn.

Here is a good starting point. It is for setting up fldigi with PowerSDR
but getting that working will open the door to most of the digital mode

Have a Happy New Year.

(Only 2 more hours to 2400z.)

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] [FlexEdge] Product Decision

2012-12-27 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Robert Costa wrote:

 I was on the phone with Bob from Balun Designs. He suggested a dual core
 1115DU. The cost is $79.00 plus shipping. The item has great
 characteristics as far as SWR, line loss and choking impedance from 160-10

SWR and line loss, while interesting, aren't that important because, after
all, it is just a straight piece of coax. If they used good coax then the
SWR and line loss numbers will be that of a good piece of coax.

The choking impedance from 160m-10m is the crucial information. The bigger
that number is at your operating frequency, the better it will choke off
currents on the outside of the line. One thing to consider is that, if the
impedance is too low, the choke will run hot and NOT do the job you want it
to do.

And one other thing. Where you place the choke in the line makes a
difference. RF current appears in standing waves just as RF voltage appears
in standing waves. There are points on the line that are high current (low
impedance) and points that are low current (high impedance). If you happen
to place your new choke at a high-impedance point on the line, the effect
will be minimal. If you place it at a low impedance point on the line, the
effect will be maximal, i.e. reducing current all along the line. If you
have a way of measuring RF current along the line you can find these high
current nodes.

And measuring current on the outside of the line is surprisingly easy. Put
a ferrite bead over the coax and wrap several turns of hook-up wire around
it too. You have just made a current transformer. Connect a meter that will
measure RF voltage to the free ends of the hook-up wire and now you can
find the current peaks and nulls on the coax. (It doesn't matter if it
accurately measures current, only that it will show you where the peaks and
nulls are.)

 My friend in a QSO last night suggested the MFJ-915. This item is only
 29.99. It consists of a bunch of ferrite beads. As it is MFJ, I do not
 expect them to publish any specifications or sweeps from a spectrum

Right. You have no idea what kind of ferrite beads were used so you have no
idea how much choke impedance there is. You are shooting in the dark. Of
course, you COULD measure the impedance but I am guessing that will cost
you a lot more than buying a known quantity (unless you already have the

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] [FlexEdge] Product Decision

2012-12-27 Thread Brian Lloyd
The DX engineering feedline choke uses RG-142 coax looped through a couple
binocular cores. Excellent construction quality and materials.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Receive only antenna port or TR switch for Flex 3000?

2012-12-25 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 5:16 AM, David Garnier wrote:

 Dear Flexers,

 This question may have been asked before.
 For those who own a 3K and have desired an receive only
 antenna port what solution have you come up with?

A Flex 1500.

 Has anything been developed to run off the rear panel
 FlexWire port?

What do you want to run off of it? If you want to remotely control
something, it is much easier to use DDUtil.

 The DX Engineering RTR-1 Receive Antenna Interface
 box looks to be an RF sensing T/R switch solution.

Or drive it from DDUtil.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Receive only antenna port or TR switch for Flex 3000?

2012-12-25 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 8:01 AM, David Garnier wrote:

 I see my questions wasn't wasn't specific enough, my fault.

 1) The 3k has only 1 antenna port.

I got what you were saying. I was thinking of actually modifying my 3000 to
add an RX-only port. But my smart-assed answer about the 1500 was only
about 37% smart-assed.

I love the 3000 but I *really* wish it had a separate RX antenna input and
an external reference input.

 2) I would like my 3K to /transmit on 1 antenna and receive on another
 this implies an external T/R switch, RF sensed or something driven off
  FlexWire port...

Well, you have the PTT output to drive an external relay. You can even add
a TX delay so that the PTT output is applied to the relay some number of
milliseconds prior to the TX coming on giving the relay time to settle and
not be hot switched.

But if you want more flexibility you might consider interfacing it through

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] [FlexEdge] Suggestions

2012-12-24 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Gerald Capodieci jcapodi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Stray RF in the shack can damage other equipment such as wireless
 Internet routers. It may be unhealthy to the operator and be the
 source of RFI to neighbors.
 Here are some ways to stop Stray RF.
 1. Use only balanced antenna with less than 1.5:1 SWR.

At the risk of offending, this is an old wives tale. SWR has nothing to do
with SWR in the shack and what Tim said, RF on the outside of the coax has
EVERYTHING to do with RF in the shack.

RF current on the outside of the coax can come from two places. It can be
conducted from the antenna or it can be picked up from being in the
near-field. A current/common-mode choke at the feed point of the antenna
will stop the former and current/common-mode chokes at the entry to the
building and again just before the equipment in the shack will take care of
near-field pick-up.

 2. If you have to use an antenna tuner use ladder line.
 Note: Even if the tuner reads a 1:1 match to the radio, the SWR and
 thus the reflected power could be very high between the tuner and the
 antenna. The reflected power can radiated in many undesirable
 directions or just become heat in the tuner, feed line and any loading
 coils in the antenna.

Well, if the balanced line is truly balanced, the fields from the
equal-but-opposite currents in the conductors will cancel out, eliminating
radiation and/or pick-up. But that still won't deal with common mode
currents and you still need the common-mode choke. It is just that building
a common mode choke for balanced line is MUCH more difficult than building
one for coax. In that case it is easier you put the common mode choke
between the tuner and the rest of the station.

BTW, you can also use a current choke/common-mode choke to turn an
unbalanced tuner into a balanced tuner. That is how I get my SGC-239 to
tune my loop without sending RF back down the outside of the coax to the

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Equipment grounding, s tatic discharge and such...

2012-12-23 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Patrick Greenlee

 Would anyone recommend any changes?


 I have a Flex 5000A with twin RCV and ATU sitting adjacent to my tower
 computer with Astron switching supply sitting on top of the tower.  The
 coax runs from the operating position through my wood shop to an outside
 wall where it goes outside into a plastic J-box in which there is a static
 arrestor with replaceable cartridge wired to a ground rod.  From there the
 coax goes underground in a PVC conduit to my barn where it is run inside to
 a one input -five output remote controlled coax switch and thence up to and
 through the peak of the roof to a 1:1 BALUN with coax in and wingnut/studs
 out where one side is attached to the metal roof and the other side to the
 base of the Hy-Gain Hy-tower 5 band vertical with no radials (metal bld is
 counterpoise.)  A friend recommended I drive a ground rod to ground the
 metal building and I will do that soon.

You should do that to provide a lightning ground. The building probably has
sufficient capacitive coupling to ground to make the ground rod unnecessary.

 The Flex is connected to the computer via the Flex provided Firewire cable
 (came with ferrites at both ends) but the computer and Flex are not bonded
 together and neither is grounded other than their AC plugs having a ground
 connection (U-ground) and they are plugged into the same GFCI outlet.  The
 Cat 5 telephone wire I used for remote control of the 5 position coax
 switch runs in the conduit with the coax.

Bond radio to computer. Use ferrites on the 1394 cable. Add a coax current
choke at the ground rod and also in the shack. Add a common-mode choke on
the CAT-5 switching cable both where it comes out of the ground and where
it enters your shack.

 We have a 10 station intercom/radio that experiences very mild RFI in some
 instances.  The satellite TV RCVR and all the TV's distributed around the
 house experience no noticeable RFI. We have 12 cordless telephones plus the
 two base station phones (two systems) and experience no RFI.

Add common mode chokes to the wiring entering the intercom.

 Any recommended changes. additions,. or deletions?  What about adding
 another replaceable gas tube cartridge arrestor thingy at the base of the
 antenna on the coax side of the BALUN?

That is where it should be anyway.

 What about shorting one of the unused coax outputs on the 5 position coax
 switch shield to center conductor and bonding that to the building so
 hopefully a static discharge would not propagate toward the radio
 installation via the coax when the coax switch was switched to that
 position. This would require the operator to switch the coax switch to that
 Grounding position when not operating.  My thought on this is that it is
 better to blow up a 5 position coax switch than a nice Flex 5000A!

All good ideas. Most good coax switches do ground the center conductor when
the coax is not selected. This improves isolation as well as providing
better static discharge and lightning protection. A good remote switch
should do the same thing using the NC contacts on the relays. I bet yours
probably does.

 73 from Patrick AF5CK, standing by for comments and suggestions.

You seem to be well on the right track to me.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] [FlexEdge] Suggestions - EMI/RFI Suppressors Ferrites

2012-12-22 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Robert Costa wrote:


 I have a granite firewire cable. I have ferrites on everything elsee.
 Power supply and all other cables. I was asking about what products people
 using to eliminate the common mode currents of my coax. As I am actively
 working on getting this fixed, I hope to see if there was someone that had
 the same problem as I have and what they did to resolve it. I do not want
 to reinvent the wheel or have some long and drawn out science fair.

Did you read the article that Tim pointed you to? That is an excellent
article. If you want to purchase a good common-mode choke the one from DX
Engineering is pretty good. Model FCC050-H05-A. See:

Of course, you can make your own. They are quite easy. You are just coiling
coax through the appropriate ferrite cores.

Here is the basic flow for an antenna system done right:


[cc] = current choke
[LA] = lightning arrester

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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[Flexradio] Using the new MacBook Pro with the Flex 3000 and 5000

2012-12-22 Thread Brian Lloyd
I just acquired a new MacBook pro with the Retina display. I actually
took a chance that it would not work with my 3000 since the MacBook Pro
with the Retina display does not have a native FireWire port. All it has
are USB-3 and Thunderbolt ports.

We know that FireWire-to-USB adaptors do not work so I did not expect that
the FireWire-to-Thunderbolt adaptor would work either. Regardless, I loaded
up Windows7 (32-bit -- nothing I run is 64-bit) and took a shot at it. I
must admit I was pleasantly surprised that, not only did it work but it
worked really well. Not a single DPC glitch the entire night.

So, if anybody is hanging back from getting a new MacBook Pro because they
are worried that it might not work with a 3000 or 5000, I can put your mind
at ease. It works very well using the Apple FireWire-to-Thunderbolt

Oh, and the 2880 x 1800 pixel display is amazing ... assuming you have a
magnifying glass. PowerSDR takes up less than 1/4 of the screen in native
resolution. You can get ALL your programs on the screen at once, and that
is on a 15 display. OTOH, you really MAY need a magnifying glass to read

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Need AVC

2012-12-20 Thread Brian Lloyd
Guys, this is what AGC is FOR. Older radios that had AVC used it because
AGC did not work well. (ANL was just a clipper and a way of dealing with
impulse noise in an AM receiver, taking advantage of how clipping the peaks
greatly reduced the average power of the noise.)

The trick here is to use the AGC-T opposite the way that Flex suggests that
it be used. Most of us prefer the first 10dB or so to be linear so that a
10dB change in signal level translates into a 10dB change in audio level.
If you do that and push the noise down, it works almost as well as
DSP-based noise reduction (NR) but without the gargles and other
anomalies (which drive me nuts).

The point of AGC is to flatten the level response so that stronger signals
do NOT sound different in level. Certainly the AGC in the Flex radios is
pretty good. So here is what I suggest: rather than adjusting the AGC-T
downward until you get a clear and subjective halving of the noise floor
level (about a 10dB cut), I recommend you slowly increase AGC-T until you
no longer hear an increase in noise level. You want your AGC threshold set
right at the noise floor. This should keep everything, noise and signal, at
that level. I don't like this setting because it means that I have to
listen to the noise at the same level as the signal between and words (in
SSB and depending on AGC speed), but it does mean that you should hear the
really weak ones at the same volume level as the really strong ones.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] 2.5.5 noise blanker in digital mode

2012-12-20 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Michael Tondee wrote:

 I can see the confusion when the release notes say  automatically
 disabled.  Perhaps saying they default to off would be clearer. Just an

Dunno. Automatically disabled, makes perfect sense to me. And if one
isn't sure, testing the fact is a mere mouse-click away.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
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Re: [Flexradio] Noise blanker in AMl mode

2012-12-20 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Terry Maurice wrote:

 The thread on NB in digital mode brought to mind a question about using
 the NB in AM mode.  When I turn on the NBs AM broadcast band signal are
 distorted.  There is also distortion when using AM and listening to SW in
 other bands.  Is this normal or is something being overloaded?

Very few Noise Blankers work properly with very strong signals. Remember
that they blank when a signal reaches a certain threshold and a really
strong nearby signal could reach that threshold, causing blanking of the
desired signal. I would not expect the NB to work on the AM BCB due to
overload from other strong signals in the receive span. If you want to try
to make them work you can change the threshold values in DSPOptions.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
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Re: [Flexradio] VU5K Question

2012-12-19 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Jim Jannuzzo wrote:

 Robert, It might be more effective (and cheaper) than ferrites to kill the
 common mode currents at the antenna with a balun.  The only thing in a Flex
 system that may be more RFI-sensitive than other radios is the firewire
 cable.  Are you using a good Granite firewire cable? Jim KJ2P To:

How to do it right the first time:

   1. Common mode choke at the antenna.
   2. Common mode choke just before the ground plate with lightning
   arrester at entry to shack. (You do ground your coax to a ground plate with
   a lightning arrester at the entry to your house/shack, right?
   3. Common mode choke at the shack just before the coax connects to coax
   switch, amp, or transceiver.
   4. Bond all the equipment together in the shack.
   5. The closer you can get the computer to the radio, the better. Coil up
   FireWire cable and add Ferrite beads, i.e. turn the firewire cable into a
   common-mode choke. Granite firewire cable is a good idea.


Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] VAC

2012-12-15 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 2:10 PM, wrote:

 I could use some help getting the VAC to work. I'm receiving fine through
 it, but no luck transmitting. I might need someone to talk me through some
 of  the settings (perhaps on the phone). Please reply to my email address
 _jonweiner@aol.com_ (  and not through the

If you do nothing to the stock configuration of VAC other than to define
the two virtual cables, it will work. But you did define TWO virtual
cables, didn't you? You need virtual cable 1 and virtual cable 2, one for
RX and one for TX. You cannot use the same virtual cable for both.
Remember, a virtual cable works just like a wire. You cannot wire both
input and output to the same wire and expect everything to work.

When I set up VAC I define two virtual cables and use virtual cable 1 for
output FROM PowerSDR (this is your receive audio cable) and virtual cable 2
for input TO PowerSDR (this is your TX audio cable). When you get to the
digital mode program using virtual cable 1 for RX input and virtual cable 2
for TX output.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Flex 5000A sidebands reversed?

2012-12-12 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Gordon P. Howell, Jr. g...@wa4rts.netwrote:

 First thing I tried, but thanks for the suggestion.  Made no difference.

 Anyone else have any ideas??

This would happen if the I and Q channels got swapped. Have you tried fully
removing the power from the 5000 for about a minute to ensure that the
5000's internal processor and all the chips are reset?

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
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Re: [Flexradio] .xml file

2012-12-10 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 11:13 AM, ATT Online Services n12...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 How do I find the PowerSDR.xml file? I need it fo FlDigi, when I type it
 in it will not work.

How do you find it where? You find it on the W1HKJ web site and download
it. Once you do that you put it in the rigs folder of the fldigi data

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Flex Radio Community on Google+

2012-12-07 Thread Brian Lloyd
sigh Yet another list to monitor.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Aaren Jensen wrote:

 For anyone who has been using Google+ over the last year they have just
 added a Communities feature.

 There is now a *Flex Radio SDR* community so I encourage everyone on
 Google+ to search for it in the new Communities section and join.



 *Aaren Jensen*
 Lumby B.C. Canada
 FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] Measure power with Flex-radio

2012-12-05 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 5:42 PM, John Vandenberg jvandenbe...@shaw.cawrote:

 I just build a small WSPR kit.  I like to verify the power out, but my
 power meter does not go that low.  It is supposed to output about 150mW.

  If I use a T connector and hook it up to the dummy load and the Flex-5000
 will that work?   Will it damage the Flex?  Please some advice.

That is +23dBm and that is very likely to damage the Flex 1500. Flex does
not give specific numbers for protecting against damage but I would not
even remotely consider putting anything more than 0dBm into it and probably
not more than -10dBm. So, you need a 30dB pad between the output of your TX
and the input of the 1500.

Also, the 50 ohm input impedance of the 1500 in parallel with the 50 ohm
impedance of the dummy load would present a 25 ohm load to the TX or about
a 2:1 SWR.

So, get a proper pad.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Flex Logging Software

2012-12-04 Thread Brian Lloyd
The simplest approach to getting logging going is to install and use
fldigi. It may not be the best way but installing fldigi and setting it up
to make it work with PowerSDR gets you 99% of the way there. You get the
digital modes and you get a decent logging program. It may not have all the
features of the other programs but it has the features that most people
need. It is, IMHO, the best place to start and gain experience. Once you
have that working for awhile you can then determine what additional
features you need, if any, and then go looking for them.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] VAC 1 and 2

2012-11-20 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:48 AM, Steve Potter

 I probably should have read earlier posts, as I assumed HRD to be
 referring to DM780, where if dual VAC were possible i.e. on RX1 and RX2 in
 MultiRX then you would have two independant audio sources for psk/sstv/rtty
 etc where they fall into the passband.

Yes, being able to send the output of multi-RX over VAC2 would be really

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] jt65 question

2012-11-20 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Steven Catani wrote:

 When I transmit, the signal as displayed in the panadapter shows broad
 tails and what looks like lots of harmonics. It also has blips every sec
 or so where it looks like an envelope over the entire signal shows up...
 this is more apparent if average is turned off. I can reduce the harmonics
 by narrowing the transmit filter but this seem kludgy to me. I have made
 30+ contacts but something feels wrong.

The blips every second or so are the sidebands from the frequency
modulation when JT65 changes tones. Remember, every time you change
amplitude, frequency, or phase, you get modulation sidebands.

I am not sure what you mean by tails. If you are seeing many spectral
lines other than the carrier at time other than when JT65 is switching
tones, you may be overdriving the TX audio section. Start by setting the TX
meter in PSDR to read mic level. Make sure that the mic level (actually the
audio input level) never exceeds 0dB. I normally set VAC TX gain to produce
-1dB for MFSK modes like JT65, WSPR, Olivia, MFSK-16, etc. For PSK31 or
other digital modes that have a significant amplitude component I use -2dB
or -3dB to ensure I have headroom and won't clip the signal in the audio

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] flex 3000

2012-11-20 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 8:59 AM, John Molenda cdistflatf...@gmail.comwrote:

 I am thinking of selling or trading my flex 1500 for a flex 3000 to get a
 out put of 100 watts .  can some one tell me if the current drain on the
 3000 is similar to the 1500 at 10 watts and below ?

No, it is not. The 3000 is NOT a QRP rig at QRP levels. Just the idle
current on the 3000 in TX with no output at all is 5A from 13.8V. Raise the
output to 10W and the current is 10A at 13.8V.

 what is the current drain at 100 watts on the flex 3000 ?

Mine draws 22A.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] New PC components for a 1500?

2012-11-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Ross Stenberg

 In general, you would be hard pressed to buy a modern PC today that would
 not run the 1500 in spite of the naysayers. I would add that the graphics
 requirements foe PowerSDR are low and I have noticed absolutely no
 difference between standard on board graphics and a good PCIe card.

True. PowerSDR just doesn't stress a graphics card since it really doesn't
use any graphics acceleration.

But there are still issues with wanting to have low DPC performance, even
for the 1500. Neal is still the source for info about which MoBos work best.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] New PC components for a 1500?

2012-11-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Michael Tondee wrote:

 DPC is the main issue I was worrying about.  IIRC graphics cards and their
 drivers can cause DPC issues.  I haven't looked at any of the new processor
 technology lately and was surprised to see this where there is actually a
 GPU on the body of the main processing unit. At least, that's how I'm
 understanding they are constructed. It is a Radeon GPU  and again, from
 what I can recall, as a  general rule AMD based boards and ATI based
 graphics have been pointed out to sometimes be more PowerSDR friendly.

All true. Contact Neal. He is far and away the best source of information
about what works and what doesn't.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] [IC-7000] Using a SDR As Second Receiver With IC7000

2012-11-18 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 2:47 PM, wrote:


 The Flex-5000 and/or Flex-3000 generate enough power (100 watts) to  drive
 most amplifiers to full output.  The Flex-1500 won't generate enough  power
 for most amplifiers.  However, depending on the IC-7000 IF  frequency the
 Flex-1500 as panadapter display as well as a receiver with  the IC-7000.

But the 1500 is already a better receiver than the IC-7000! What not just
use the Flex 1500 receiver?

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Power SDR on a Mac

2012-11-13 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Carsten Esch carsten.e...@appello.dewrote:

 ... the Mac mini has FireWire 800 ...

So you need to get a 1394b (800) to 1394a (400) cable. I have used the Mac
Mini with the Flex radios without any problems. In fact, they are a good
match. You can set the Mini right on top of the 5000 or 3000 and get a
really short bonding cable between them to greatly reduce the possibility
of RFI problems.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR on a Mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Ken Alexander k.alexan...@rogers.comwrote:

 I'm planning on upgrading my computer and getting a Mac Mini (2.5 GHz quad
 core i7, 16 gig RAM).  Does anyone have any experience running PowerSDR
 with Parallels or Fusion 5 on a Mac?

If you have enough processing power you can sort-of get it to work with the
1500. But performance is poor and if you do anything over on the MacOS side
of things, it gets really bad fast. None of the virtualization packages
support FireWire. The solution is running BootCamp and dual-boot the Mac to
run PowerSDR.

 While we're on the subject; is anyone running PowerSDR under Windows 8?
  Any gotchas there too?

I can't answer that but it seems to be that many are running Windows 8.
Perhaps others will respond.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] (no subject)

2012-11-05 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 9:57 AM, wrote:

Oops. Looks like K1IAX has a compromised email account or a compromised

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Using both VAC1 and 2 on Flex3K?

2012-11-02 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 4:50 AM, wrote:

  I would like to run CWSkimmer, which uses I/Q to VAC, and JT65HF,
 which does NOT use I/Q to VAC, at the same time. It seems that I could
 use one VAC for each of the applications, but how do I configure that?

You can't. VAC2 only works with the second receiver on the Flex 5000.

 Is it possible at all?


 Right now I have to go into setup and
 mark/unmark the I/Q to VAC box, depending on what application I want
 to use.

That is correct.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Dead 1500

2012-10-31 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Terry Fox wrote:

 Maybe someone with some experience here will volunteer to help you out.  I
 could look at it, but finding replacement parts could be difficult.  For
 example, those tiny relays might be hard to find.

 From what I remember (I sold my 1500 in anticipation of my 6500), a lot of
 the 1500 has fairly standard parts.  Not having a schematic makes it a
 little more difficult to work on, but the signal flow was fairly obvious.

Flex makes the schematics available if you own one and you ask. I have the
maintenance manual and schematics for my 1500.

 Have you looked at the board for physical damage?  Are the voltage
 regulators blown?  Rather than junking it, maybe someone (Flex or other)
 can help you out.  If you are left completely out of luck, I could take a
 look at it, as long as you pay shipping, and don't expect a guarantee.

The first place I would ask would be Flex.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Image rejection -- Flex1500?

2012-10-29 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Brian wrote:

 I subjected my Flex1500 to its first contest last weekend, and several
 I noticed that there were signals moving in the wrong drection on the
 display as I tuned.

 They seemed to be images of stronger signals the other side of zero audio
 frequency. Each time I cleared them by closing down PSDR (2.4) and
 the flex as well. This made the bands much quieter in comparison after a
 restart.It occurred on several bands, certainly 10, 20 and 160.

 What is the likely prognosis? A corrupted file, RF ingress (I was running
 external 100w amplifier) or something more serious.

 Any suggestions?

My 1500 has the same problem. It appears to be a failure of Wide Band Image
Rejection (WBIR) in PowerSDR. It seems to occur a little bit each time you
band switch. The short-term solution is to shut-down PowerSDR and start it
back up again. Flex has been working on the problem.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Transverter on RX2

2012-10-03 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Craig Gagner wrote:

 Really, Nobody has any info on this ??

What is to ask? Connect the output of your receiving converter (or the RX
output of your transverter) to RX2-In and it will work just fine. VFO-B
will tune RX2 like it normally does. Neither VFO-B nor RX2 care about the
source of signal at the RX2 input.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Subaudible

2012-10-01 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 5:43 AM, Nige G7CNF wrote:

 How does one measure or scan for sub-audible tones on Psdr if the repeater
 credentials aren't known? My previous radios all provided this function.

Well, PowerSDR doesn't. I use my handheld.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Subaudible

2012-10-01 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Nige G7CNF wrote:

 Regrettably I don't have a 10m handheld Nor a 6m one for that matter.

Oscilloscope, frequency counter, and (maybe) an op-amp low-pass filter
would let you do it.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Antenna form data not saved

2012-09-28 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Ronald G. Parsons wrote:

 On my FLEX-1500 running PowerSDR 2.4.4, the Antenna Selection form's
 parameters are not saved across subsequent launches of PowerSDR. The form
 parameters are set to:
 Receive antenna XVRX
 Transmit antenna XVTX/COM
 Lock checked

 But after I Stop PSDR and close PSDR, launch PSDR again and click Start,
 the Receive antenna form has reverted to XVTX/COM.

 Is this a bug?

Whenever PowerSDR starts doing odd things with saved data it ALWAYS
suggests that the database has become corrupted. The answer is to revert to
factory default and re-enter the settings to see if this fixes the problem.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] U/V sub-audible tone problem

2012-09-25 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 8:41 PM, John Vandenberg jvandenbe...@shaw.cawrote:

 Did you try using the 10-band EQ to knock down the audio spectrum below
 250Hz? Yes, I know that is a hack but it might make it tolerable.

  No I have not.  It likely would work.  However I think a Flex could do
 better then that.  It only should filter out the particular PL tone rather
 then a large frequency range to maintain quality base tone reproduction.
  Also I don't like to having to use different receive profiles for FM
 repeaters with and without PL tones.  It becomes messy at best.  It would
 also give Flex an edge up in clarity.  I don't think it would be hard to

Perhaps not. But using a high-pass filter on the audio passband is fairly
common with FM transceivers. Most repeaters do not transmit their CTCSS
tones. Some do. And in some cases the CTCSS tone transmitted by the
repeater is not the one necessary to open the squelch on the repeater's
receiver. On some FM receivers a CTCSS tone is obvious, especially the ones
higher in frequency.

So, yes, Flex could make a tracking audio notch filter but that is quite

In the mean time, have you tried using the 10-band EQ? ;-)

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] U/V sub-audible tone problem

2012-09-24 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 7:25 PM, John Vandenberg jvandenbe...@shaw.cawrote:

  Original Message 
 Subject:U/V sub-audible tone problem
 Date:   Fri, 21 Sep 2012 21:05:08 -0400
 From:   John Vandenberg

 The newest version here seems to have the same problem with PL tones not
 being filtered out on receive.  Did I miss a setting somewhere or is
 this a bug?  They are annoying on receive.

Did you try using the 10-band EQ to knock down the audio spectrum below
250Hz? Yes, I know that is a hack but it might make it tolerable.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] voice basey

2012-09-23 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 5:34 PM, ATT Online Services n12...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I have a report that my voice on SSB is too basey. How do I adjust the
 tone of the transmitted signal?

Transmit equalizer. Set it to 10-band and reduce the 125Hz and 250 Hz
bands. You might also want to raise the low-frequency cut-off for the
transmit filter.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] FW: Announcing the release of PowerSDR v2.4.4

2012-09-05 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Jerry Flanders jefland...@comcast.netwrote:

 Is the tuned freq stable when you tune through an I/Q  recording you have
 made? Some recent PSDR versions shifted the spectrum up about 9kHz as soon
 as you touched the vfo.

Turn off Spur Reduction (SR) to eliminate that problem.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Release notes for PowerSDR V2.4.4 avaialblefor download

2012-09-04 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Alan P. Biddle wrote:

 This just popped up.

 Page 1 C 2012 FlexRadio Systems
 PowerSDRT v2.4.4 Release Notes
 September 5, 2012

 Looks like if fell through a time warp.  :)

Think of it as a sneak peek.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Release notes for PowerSDR V2.4.4 avaialblefor download

2012-09-04 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:57 PM, wrote:

 Speaking of sneak peeksgot my 6700 today Brian, did you get yours?
  Alas, its painted with stealth paint...

Huh. I've had mine for weeks. Didn't everyone else get theirs?

BTW, this is an example of, First liar doesn't stand a chance. ;-)

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Flex 1500/Amplifier

2012-08-30 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 7:10 AM, John Kramer wrote:

 I would be interested in comments on my setup. Some say ALC circuit inline
 introduces distortion and others say hogwash ?

ALC is a form of amplitude modulation. When you modulate the amplitude you
produce additional sidebands. These appear on either side of every spectral
line, including those produced by IM in the exciter (and every amp has IM).
These sidebands can be considered new distortion products because they are
not part of the original signal and they are not desired either.

Also consider that ALC does not respond instantaneously. There will always
be a couple of milliseconds of overshoot while the amp generates the ALC
signal and then more for the exciter to respond to it.

So, while popular, ALC between amp and exciter does not appear to me to be
particularly desirable. I sure as heck wouldn't trust it to protect my amp.
I would want a protection system that would shut down the amp in a fault
conditon, not just reduce the drive. But that is just me.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Flex Duty Cycle

2012-08-27 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Gary Franklin wrote:

 I understand that the Flex 3000, and 5000 are rated for 100% duty cycle.
  Ok to run SSTV and long winded RTTY at full output?  Any cautions??

Yes. Whatever you do, be absolutely sure to NEVER stay key-down for more
than 24 hours in any one day.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Virtual RF recordings with the 6000?

2012-08-24 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Jerry Flanders jefland...@comcast.netwrote:

 The fact that it works at all is what is important to me. It worked better
 in the early days. I suspect it was accidentally broken somewhere in an
 upgrade and never fixed.

 You notice problems other than the frequency tuning offset? (I mean when
 you try to tune through a recording it jumps several KHz and you lose your
 target signal, but if you tune up several KHz you find it again?)

That sounds like it isn't correcting for spur reduction. Spur reduction
jumps the LO freq and then changes the IF freq in the opposite direction.
But if the recording is raw samples from the A:D then you would get that

Next time you try it, try turning off SR to see if the problem goes away.

Just thinking aloud here.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Pecker anyone ?

2012-08-23 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Ross Stenberg ross.stenb...@charter.netwrote:

 There you go again using words that I have to look up. Is a single
 entendres half bad?

Yes and no. It is kind of like where I was trying to be a wit but only got
halfway there.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Lots of lightly used Flex Radios for sale.

2012-08-22 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Mickey Baker wrote:

 The Flex 5000 will likely work 50 years from now, but who will have a
 machine with FireWire? That's going to be difficult in 5 years, much less
 You can't get a notebook computer today (other than the MacBook Pro) that
 has it!

 ...not to mention that Windows 7 machines will be hard to come by way
 before 2062!

What is wrong with the one you have that is working right now? Grab a
couple spare motherboards if you are worried.

And as for software, Windows XP will run just as well (or badly) 50 years
from now on your new old-stock motherboard as it does today. If you want to
keep your 5000 running for the next 50 years, it is eminently possible.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] Lots of lightly used Flex Radios for sale.

2012-08-22 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Mickey Baker fishflor...@gmail.comwrote:

 The Flex 5000 will likely work 50 years from now, but who will have a
 machine with FireWire? That's going to be difficult in 5 years, much less
 You can't get a notebook computer today (other than the MacBook Pro) that
 has it!

 ...not to mention that Windows 7 machines will be hard to come by way
 before 2062!

 What is wrong with the one you have that is working right now? Grab a
 couple spare motherboards if you are worried.

 And as for software, Windows XP will run just as well (or badly) 50 years
 from now on your new old-stock motherboard as it does today. If you want to
 keep your 5000 running for the next 50 years, it is eminently possible.

One more thing: keeping a KWM2 running depends on having a stock of tubes,
some of which are no longer produced.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
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Re: [Flexradio] LOW POWER OUTPUT ON 2M

2012-08-12 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 8:38 AM, David Painter

 In a message dated today Steve K1IIG stated:

 ' I have requested Flex to rewrite the code to allow users to access that
 via a UCB function. I do not expect this will happen with the 5000 now
 discontinued along with the v/u add on. '

 When and where did FRS announce that the 5000 was/is discontinued?

The 5000a is not discontinued. If you aren't sure, go to the Flex website
store and you will see that you can still buy a Flex 5000a. It is right
there on the front of the web site with a Buy Now button still
prominently displayed.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
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Re: [Flexradio] LOW POWER OUTPUT ON 2M

2012-08-12 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 9:25 AM, David Painter

 That doesn't mean it isn't discontinued.

 Given the appalling history of this company I will wait for a denial from
 someone who  is actually employed by them and can speak with some

I actually asked the question and was clearly told that they are no
immediate plans to discontinue the 5000a.

But think about it, why should they? They have no product to replace the

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] LOW POWER OUTPUT ON 2M

2012-08-12 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 12:11 PM, David Painter

 Gerald Youngblood (10/6/2008)

 The new architecture is currently in development as we speak but will
 several more months before it is ready for beta testing.  In fact, I have
 just completed two days of meetings this week with the developers working
 the specific implementation plans.  This is a major effort because it is a
 ground up rewrite of the entire system.  I ask everyone to be patient while
 the developers do their magic.

 Gerald Youngblood (3/7/2008)

 On the PowerSDR software front, we will be limiting updates to bug fixes
 essential enhancements in order to devote our resources to the new software
 architecture.  We plan to strictly limit feature additions to PowerSDR so
 that we can turn our attention to the new development, which will enhance
 our ability to rapidly bring new capabilities to our customers.  It is
 imperative that we make this break with the past so that all our customers
 can receive the benefit of the new architecture.  We will keep you up to
 date as things develop on this front.

 If YOU search the archives I know you will find many more.

Good for you David. So you are unhappy with Flex's past performance. I
guess the major question is, What is your point? What is it that you hope
to accomplish? Are you hoping to punish Gerald? Are you hoping to hurt Flex
somehow? Are you hoping to help the rest of us who are too stupid to
realize how malevolent/stupid Flex is?

We are all big boys (and girls) here. Many of us have owned Flex products.
We are walking into this with our eyes open. I know that I don't really
need your help in this area. I am well aware of what has been promised and
what has been delivered. I even have a pretty good idea what was and is
wrong. I understand why Flex never delivered on its rewrite of PowerSDR and
I also understand why Flex has stuck with PowerSDR even given its
limitations. I also understand how the new architecture of the 6x00 series
is different and how that is going to change how they develop software for
it and why that is likely to produce a product that is far more flexible
and extensible than their previous products were/are.

I guess what I am saying here in a nutshell is, Thank you for your concern
but I don't really need your help.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] LOW POWER OUTPUT ON 2M

2012-08-12 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 4:47 PM, David Painter

 Good for you Brian,

Thank you.

 Fortunately, organisations like the Federal Trade Commission and Texas
 Attorney Generals office exist protect the interests of consumers who don't
 have the benefit of your inside knowledge.

Nothing inside about it. Ask Flex and they will tell you. I did and they
answered. You act like this is some kind of secret thing they do with
select special people. You would rather cast aspersions than actually ask
and get direct answers.

Here is what I recommend you do: if you are so sure they are criminally
liable, you should run right down and report them to the aforementioned
agencies and/or bring suit against them.

 Flex doesn't need me or anyone else for that matter to hurt them. My in
 box is testament to the vast swathes of customers who Flex has alienated
 (shafted is a common term) by the promises made year after year and their
 faillure to deliver on their promises year after year. Trust and confidence
 are vital to the success of any business...for many people Flex have blown
 that away.

So, sounds to me like it is their problem, not yours. If you are so unhappy
and convinced that Flex has done all this with malice of forethought, then
you really have no option but to report them and/or bring a suit against
them. Otherwise, I think you would do well to stop posting lest they decide
to bring suit against you.

And in case you are having difficulty understanding me, what I am saying in
simple words is, Put up or shut up.

Actually, you strike me as just another troll and the best solution is to
just ignore you.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] Question about 6 meters receive

2012-06-29 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Mark Lunday wrote:

 I am seeing strong CW signals have a reflection or ghost image, Is there
 anything I can do to eliminate this?

Terminate and relaunch PowerSDR. That should make the problem go away for
awhile. It helps a lot if the radio has a strong signal to calibrate WBIR
against otherwise it ends up with compromised image rejection. Typically 6m
doesn't have a lot of strong signals so WBIR can get lost in the weeds.

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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Re: [Flexradio] Noise Floor Flex 3000

2012-06-09 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Gary Franklin wrote:

 I have setup a Flex 3000 for my Dad recently.  The ambient noise floor
 seems to be very high.  With no antenna connected it shows a -73 dbm  on
 the S meter.  What might explain that??

  Also often, but not always when I power up PSDR and turn the start button
 on I get no audio for a few seconds then it goes into convulsions. Turn the
 start button off then on again and it works fine.   Finally the Flex knob
 works great but when you spin the knob it makes a noise or maybe it is
 latency.  Perhaps there are some PSDR and/or firewire parameters  that need

Reset the database and then use Control-Shift-P to run the calibration

Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Audio question...

2012-06-07 Thread Brian Lloyd
On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 7:26 AM, Jim Jannuzzo wrote:

 Yes, the defaults work if your mic and your voice aren't overpowering one
 of the stages.  The way to find out is to go through the audio stages in
 the order that Brian detailed, and be sure that none of them pushes ALC
 even a little over 0.   ALC in PowerSDR results in hard clipping.   It
 takes about 9 minutes. Maybe 7. And you do it once forever.

If you remember the EQ settings (I cut the response below 500Hz and use a
steadily rising response from 1kHz), you can do it in less than a minute,
easily. But then, I am interested in what makes me most intelligible over
the noise and other stations, not what makes me sound like Arthur Godfrey.
I also set my low-freq filter cut-off to 300Hz. No, my signal is definitely
NOT Hi-Fi. But people tend to answer my calls (when I make 'em). YMMV.

 Or you could take 7 to 9 minutes and get the best audio of any station
 that is not equipped with an outboard audio rack.  Same time to do it
 either way.  I don't think that the addition of DX / Compander and Downward
 Expander were included in Brian's quick writeup, but they are in the
 Flexwiki and Knowledge base.  DX of 2 is a little punchy, and DX of 4 gives
 a sharp punch to audio.  DE is icing to keep the quiet parts quiet.  Jim

I mentioned them but only in passing. I just set DX to 3, check ALC, and
then forget it. DEXP is turned off because I use either a noise-canceling
communications mic or a cardioid dynamic. Also my shack is very quiet.

 Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 20:48:56 -0500
  Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Audio question...
  One would hope that all of the default parameters would be such that a
  simple mic gain adjustment to allow for different microphones and voice
  levels would be sufficient.
  On 6/6/2012 6:30 PM, wrote:
   I wish I would have seen this before I spent all the time I did
   Mike Alexander
   - Original Message -
   From: Brian
   Cc: FlexRadio
   Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 7:15:31 PM
   Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Audio question...
   On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Dr. William J. Schmidt, II  wrote:
   While operating here on PJ4, I've been getting reports of bad audio.
   that is something I didn't work through before I left. I've no idea
   the controls at the bottom of the right center do. other than, I
   mic gain and the vox. I'm using my Heil Proset II that I've used on
   one of my other dozen plus radios with great success (unless it got
   in transport?). I'm really open to suggestions..
   You need to go through the audio chain setup sequence. It is described
   the KB library. In a nutshell:
   1. Turn off all options, e.g. DX, CPDR, VOX, DEXP in the mic window on
   the front console.
   2. Set mic gain to mid scale (35).
   3. Open the Mixer menu.
   4. Select your mic input.
   5. Set TX power to 0 (so you don't actually transmit or you can use a
   dummy load).
   6. Select mic input level display on the TX meter.
   7. Key the rig, talk normally, and adjust the slider in the MIXER for
   not more than 0dB on meter.
   8. Set TX meter to read EQ level.
   9. Open the Equalizer menu.
   10. Set the TX EQ the way you want it.
   11. Key the rig, talk normally, and adjust the TX Preamp gain control
   for not more than 0dB on meter.
   12. Open the SetupDSPAGC/ALC window.
   13. Enable the leveler (check the box).
   14. Set Leveler Max Gain to 0dB.
   15. Set TX meter to read ALC.
   16. Key the rig, talk normally, and adjust the mic gain (front of
   console) for not more than 0dB on the TX meter.
   17. Turn on DX and DEXP if you want.
   18. Key the rig, talk normally, and verify ALC stays below 0dB.
   19. Turn TX power back up and transmit.
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Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL
3191 Western Dr.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
+1.767.617.1365 (Dominica)
+1.916.877.5067 (USA)
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List

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