Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Peter B. West

Arved Sandstrom wrote:


That means, to me, first, that we use the naming to identify qualifying
Two, we use "retrieve-boundary" to filter out qualifying areas. I make that
distinction, because qualifying areas are defined by the naming alone.
Three, we use "retrieve-position" coupled with area traits (and the traits
are easy to establish) to figure out the best qualifier on the _current_
The thing that bugs me is, when there is no qualifying area in the
"containing page" (Note to spec editors: try saying currently-formatted
page), after filtering, then it becomes anarchy. It seems like user
preferences based on "retrieve-position" lose all relevance. In other words,
there is an elaborate set of definitions based on the current page, with a
hierarchy defined by "retrieve-position", but as soon as one establishes
that there is no such qualifying area on the current page, than it's just
the first qualifying area one can find, moving back in the document.
I suppose that one way of looking at this is that retrieve-position is 
inherently this-page based, and that to try to extend the 
retrieve-position logic in a consistent way to, say, previous page, 
would add a layer of some complication.  The easy solution is to declare 
that, if you blew it with the retrieve-position properties, all bets are 
off, and we go into emergency mode.

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Re: markers in redesign

2003-02-24 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:
Hi all,

Is it correct that it should look for markers on the current page and if page 
boundary is current page then stop there. If boundary is page-sequence then 
keep going backwards on each page until a marker is found or reaches the start 
of the page-sequence and similarly for the document boundary.

I'm trying to work out exactly how the markers should work.
For the first starting within page and last ending I am fine with. First including 
carry-over seems okay.

Last starting within page is a bit confusing. A statement [1] in the spec suggests 
that it shouldn't really find the last starting in the page but rather find the closest 
node to the root in the area tree that is the last starting area. Another statement [2] 
seems confusing but maybe this is if it is searching previous pages.

So if this was in a page then block "a" would be the last starting in the page.



But if there is a column break in pos1 the last starting in page will become 
block "c" as block "a" is not starting in that part of the area tree.

I haven't looked at markers too closely, but I would tend to think that, 
in the first case, block c is the last-starting-within-page.  Blocks a, 
b and c all qualify; they all have an is-first trait of "true".  So 
which one follows all others in the area tree, *in pre-order traversal 
order*?  Pre-order traversal gives us a, b, c.  So c "follows in the 
area tree any other similarly constrained area.

Then the column break would have no impact on the selection.

It seems to me that the "hierarchy" is not the same as the area tree or 
fo tree hierarchy.  It is a unique hierarchy constructed by applying the 
constraints on the qualifying areas.  The boundary conditions impose 
absolute constraints - violate one and you are out.  But the other 
conditions are not absolute, and they, along with actual page for 
multi-page boundaries, are used to construct the hierarchy.

I think.


If this is the case then there are two possible cases when starting an area: isfirst 
and other. When finishing an area there are: islast, (had) isfirst and both. This will 
supply enough information to add only the needed markers to the area tree. These 
markers can then be kept for later retrieval.

[1] "Every area in the hierarchy is considered preferential to, or "better" than, any 
area below it in the hierarchy."

[2] "If there is no such area, then the last qualifying area in the containing page is 
better than any other area."
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Re: Markers in areas

2003-02-22 Thread Peter B. West
Arved Sandstrom wrote:
They are not connected concepts, Mark. I originally put in the code for
lineage pairs, and also started the implementation for markers. So I can
assure you that they are completely unrelated. For what it's worth,
subsequent contributors have significantly improved on marker support, so I
am only commenting from the viewpoint of my knowledge of the spec.
I made a few comments in my reply to Joerg. I have a degree in physics, and
most of a Masters in physical oceanography. I see considerable mathematical
anarchy in the XSL spec, some degree of mathematical naivete, and lots of
confusion. My forte is not logic, based on my background, but even a physics
guy can dissect the pseudo-logic in that spec. I think plenty of other
people have also separated the wheat from the chaff as far as that document
is concerned...I think we are due for a rewrite, with lots of the
pretentious math excised, and replaced with plain language.

Hear, hear.  Arved, have you told the editors this directly?  If not, 
please do.

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Re: Markers in areas

2003-02-22 Thread Peter B. West
Arved Sandstrom wrote:
Joerg, you can freely get rid of that stuff. I originally introduced it when
I had more faith in the spec, and thought that the authors knew what they
were talking about when it came to to their math. Specifically, the lineage
pairs is an abstract concept that I can see no implementation use for. In
fact, I can't see any theoretical use for the idea either.

I'm glad that I am not the only one who could see no purpose in the 
discussion of "lineage".  However, I'd like your comments on a couple of 
aspects of lineage.

The first of the two parts of the definition:

A set of nodes in a tree is a lineage if:
*  there is a node N in the set such that all the nodes in the set 
are ancestors of N, and

This seems a strange.

Normal areas represent areas in the "normal flow of text"; that 
is, they become area children of the areas generated by the formatting 
object to which they are returned. Normal areas have a returned-by 
lineage of size one.

I wondered about the point of all this, but in looking at the Errata, I 
found a series of modifications for the description of 'Areas' in the 
description of fo:bidi-override, fo:inline and fo:basic-link as follows:

Section 6.6.2


in the "Areas:" portion "returns these areas, any page-level-out-of-line 
areas, and any reference-level-out-of-line areas returned by the children"


"returns these areas, together with any normal block-areas, 
page-level-out-of-line areas, and reference-level-out-of-line areas 
returned by the children"

It seesm to me that these changes create normal block areas with a 
lineage with size greater than one.

What do you think?

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Re: Licence issues in hyphenation patterns

2003-02-21 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
On 20.02.2003 23:58:48 J.Pietschmann wrote:

BTW we should track down and delete all binary distribution
containing the compiled hyph file from the three GPL sources.
The source distributions are not an immediate risk and can be
kept. Who has access to the distro repository?

Good thought!
As long as we are still able to recover complete historical binary 
distributions.  If a problem arises over a past distribution, we are far 
better off if we can refer to the actual distribution, even if that is 
no longer available for general distribution.

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Re: Long licence

2003-02-20 Thread Peter B. West

Can we put the copyright notice at the end of the files?  It's a PITA 
haaving it at the beginning.  I'll change the FOP_0-20-0_Alt-Design files.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Thanks, your help is most welcome. Yes, we have to change all three :-)

On 20.02.2003 08:33:31 Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

That's it. The board has finally spoken. We need to change to long
licences in our codebase. Anyone out there with free time? If not, I can
do it.

I can help you. Should we change both codebases?

Jeremias Maerki

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2003-02-15 Thread Peter B. West
Going camping in the Bunya Mts.  Offline until Thursday.
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Re: Another release candidate ...

2003-02-13 Thread Peter B. West
Christian Geisert wrote:


in a perfect world the 0.20.5 release would have happend last
year and we all were working on HEAD now but in reality we're
still fixing bugs (which is ok as it will take some time till
the first "redesign-relase") but nevertheless we should finally
finish 0.20.5.
So I propose the following plan:
Make another RC on february 17th and do the final 0.20.5 release
on february the 28th (no delay except for very valid reasons)



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Re: [Fwd: Percentages + absolute lengths]

2003-02-10 Thread Peter B. West

Sorry about the delay in getting the integration wiki going.  One of the 
reasons was that I wanted to formulate a couple of questions to the 
editors about aspects of the property handling, because the issues had 
the potential to cause awkward modifications to the code.  The one that 
was most awkward is precised below.

Peter B. West wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Percentages + absolute lengths
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 02:21:32 +1000
From: Peter B. West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: xsl-editors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please clarify the editors' expectation for the resolution of
an expression like "25% + 3pt" an FO where the relative value
is resolved in terms of an enclosing reference area.


My current implementation of FO tree building rejects
expressions such as "25% + 3pt" on the basis that (part of)
"...the expression value cannot be converted to the necessary
type for the property value," (5.9.12) within the context of
the building of the FO tree.  This is in spite of the fact that
the spec states, fatuously in my view, that, "Properties are
evaluated against a property-specific context. This context
provides: ... Conversions from relative numerics by type to
absolute numerics within additive expressions."

I am sure that I will get caned on this one by the editors.  Being able 
to write "25% + 3pt" is too fundamental and "natural" an expression to 
suppress, and the spec specifically mentions the resolution of relative 
lengths within additive expressions, of which "25% + 3pt" is presumably 
an example.  Unfortunately the spec also makes great play of the fact 
that the FO tree properties are "conceptually" refined in advance of the 
construction of the area tree.

However, the editors have an out.  Section 3. Introduction to 
Formatting, contains this little Catch-22:

"Some of these operations (particularly evaluating expressions) depend 
on knowledge of the area tree. Thus refinement is not necessarily a 
straightforward, sequential procedure, but may involve look-ahead, 
back-tracking, or control-splicing with other processes in the formatter."

This makes a mockery of the whole preceding "conceptual" description of 
the process, by making quite clear (to those who have already banged 
their heads against this particular wall) that the FO tree cannot be 
developed in isolation from the Area tree.

From memory, Ken Holman recently posted a message on the exslfo list in 
response to a request for the formalisation of access to the FO tree. 
He noted that one company (which he would not name) had developed a 
formatter which did not generate an area tree at all.  I know why.

Attached is a scratch diagram from my notes about the 
relationship between various components if the design, and where I saw 
the FO tree build fitting in.

At that stage I was still thinking that the FO tree could be built in 
isolation, but the structure I sketched can still work.  The feedback 
loop labelled "FO completion messages" from the Area tree builder to the 
FO tree builder becomes busier.  It feeds back information on all of the 
areas that it is building, so that the FO tree builder can construct the 
area tree context of the FOs it is building.

The basic process of passing events through a buffer is reasonably 
efficient, as shown by the FO builder, and the model does 
allow for clean isolation of components.

The other possibility is to make a nauseating mess of the property 
parsing, creating special cases for additive expressions containing 
percentages, and going through the expression parsing again within the 
area tree build when the appropriate context is available.  Note that 
the parsing already accommodates percentages as special cases through an 
IndirectValue class.  Integrating FO and Area tree builds in the way I 
am thinking about will eliminate the need for that class, as all 
percentages would be resolved immediately.

Once it is constructed, there exists always the possibility of 
optimisations, including the use of some more directly realised use of 
co-routines, and the elimination of the area tree as a separate entity. 
 From my current perspective, I don't see either of those as strong 

I will detail these options as I get the Wiki going, but would 
appreciate any fedback in the meantime.

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[Fwd: Questions about markers]

2003-02-06 Thread Peter B. West


 Original Message 
Subject: Questions about markers
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 02:11:16 +1000
From: Peter B. West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: xsl-editors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Processing of large FO documents is both cpu and memory intensive.
The volume of property information is partly responsible for the
memory requirement.  In order to minimise this demand, I want to
be able to divide the property construction into two phases with
different requirements.

1. The construction of individual branches of the FO tree.  During
this phase, as tree building proceeds down a particular branch
towards a leaf node, the ancestor nodes of that leaf are constructed
without knowledge of the requirements of descendants.  Therefore,
no optimisaton is possible of the set of properties which must be
maintained at each ancestor node.  Whether a particular specified
or inherited property is required by an individual ancestor node,
a full set of properties must be developed and maintained (at
least conceptually) until the inheritance and functional reference
requirements of the last descendant have been determined.  These sets
are constructed as control descends down the tree, making the set
available to each child and its descendants.

2. As control retreats back up the tree, having constructed the
property sets of each of its descendants, there is no further need
for any but the actual properties pertaining to each individual node.
This allows for considerable space (and subsequent performance)
optimisations, by, e.g., reducing the applicable property set to
the minimum required by the FO, and maintaining that set in an
array of predetermined length, whose elements can be accessed by
a mapping array, whose length and contents are predetermined.

This neat and compact arrangement may be disturbed by the presence
of markers. Markers do not inherit from their FO tree ancestors, but
from their ancestors determined in the Area tree.  The properties of
retrieved marker subtrees are necessarily resolved in the context
of the Area tree; the marker retrieved at a certain point is
determined by the status of the Area tree construction.  Given this
close connection with the Area tree, I wish to have clarified the
environment of expression resolution for markers, in particular as it
affects inheritance and the from-nearest-specified-value() function.


Is this environment conceptually akin to that which would obtain
were the fo:marker subtree transposed to the position in the FO
tree occupied by the fo:retrieve-marker during phase 1 of FO tree

In this case, all properties specified and inherited are available to
"normal" inheritance and to the core functions.

Is it akin to that which would obtain were the fo:marker subtree
transposed to the same position in the FO tree following phase 2,
as described above?

In this case, only properties which were relevant to particular
FOs would be retained.  The point at which a property was specified
would be lost if it were not relevant at the point of specification.

Is it rather the environment which derives from the traits of the
Area tree at the point of attachment?

This case is similar to the one above, in that information about
properties which had no prior point of application would be lost
before the fo:marker subtree properties were resolved.

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[Fwd: Percentages + absolute lengths]

2003-02-06 Thread Peter B. West


 Original Message 
Subject: Percentages + absolute lengths
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 02:21:32 +1000
From: Peter B. West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: xsl-editors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please clarify the editors' expectation for the resolution of
an expression like "25% + 3pt" an FO where the relative value
is resolved in terms of an enclosing reference area.

The difficulty with respect to such expressions that I have
experienced in implementing FO tree building is that they force
property resolution into dependency on Area tree construction.
Even in the simplest cases, the evaluation of such expressions
assumes the availability of page-based information, as opposed to
the FO tree's flow and static-content view.  I those cases where
the dimensions of areas may be dependent on look-ahead layout
and retries, e.g. during attempts to resolve column widths for
"auto" column layout, the dependency becomes even more tortuous.

The end result is that such expressions must be carried around in
the constructed FO tree, and only resolved as the applicable FO's
areas are generated and returned, or re-generated and returned.
This greatly complicates the expression parsing which must be
done early for the FO tree building to be able to proceed.

While a simple percentage, e.g., "25%", suffers from the same
uncertainties, it can at least be reduced to a single datum,
whose resolution makes no further demands of the expression
parser, which in turn simplifies the parser.

My current implementation of FO tree building rejects
expressions such as "25% + 3pt" on the basis that (part of)
"...the expression value cannot be converted to the necessary
type for the property value," (5.9.12) within the context of
the building of the FO tree.  This is in spite of the fact that
the spec states, fatuously in my view, that, "Properties are
evaluated against a property-specific context. This context
provides: ... Conversions from relative numerics by type to
absolute numerics within additive expressions."

The context of this conversion is not property-specific as much
as area-tree specific.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: [Fwd: RenderX XEP Academic Edition available]

2003-02-04 Thread Peter B. West
Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

Should Apache, as a non-government, non-profit organization, apply for 
a copy of RenderX Academic to install on, say,

Hmmm, what for?

For comparison.  Or is RenderX available to any of us by some other means?

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Fix for fo:leader

2003-02-02 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:

- I get a value of 54 for the text align occasionally. I suspect
  this is "inherit". Does one of the property gurus know what this
  means offhand?


My initial response - no, but try me with '42'.


In .../fo/properties/ from fop-0_20_2-maintain (not built 
for a while):

public final static int INHERIT = 51;

public final static int INSET = 52;

public final static int INTEGER_PIXELS = 53;

public final static int JUSTIFY = 54;

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[Fwd: RenderX XEP Academic Edition available]

2003-02-02 Thread Peter B. West

Should Apache, as a non-government, non-profit organization, apply for a 
copy of RenderX Academic to install on, say,

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"
--- Begin Message ---


RenderX ( announces free of charge availability
of the Academic edition of fully functional version of its XSL
Formatting Objects implementation RenderX XEP (
to universities, academic institutions and non-government non-profit

The edition is a special version of RenderX XEP client edition and
will be supported through our community-based xep-support mailing
list (  The edition is described
in detail at .

Qualifying parties willing to obtain a license are invited to contact

David Tolpin

--- End Message ---
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Re: Updates to web site

2003-02-01 Thread Peter B. West
Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

You have to login to, cd to 
/www/ and perform a cvs update -d

The -d, as I discovered, forces creation of any new subdirectories in 
the working copy.

Actually I didn't add new subdirectories. And I have no access to, only to Can you please run that update 
for me?

Done, by me and by Sam.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Integration of Peter's work

2003-02-01 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

On 01.02.2003 00:16:30 Peter B. West wrote:

Should we reserve a directory on the web site for storing diagrams which 
find their way into the Wiki?

+0. The other possibility is to put it in the public_html folder of your account.

Even though I don't have any appropriate tools for such at the moment, I 
should like the diagrams to be editable to the same extent as the text. 
 I don't comprehend design discussions without diagrams.  In order to 
do this, we need somewhere accessible, not necessarily on the web-site, 
to drop these things.  Can they be fitted within the Wiki structure?

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Integration of Peter's work

2003-01-31 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Hi all (and especially Peter)

I'd like to ask if and when we can integrate Peter's work into the main
redesign. If nobody is against this move in general, I'd volunteer to
help Peter integrate it. I've got some time for this and I think this
could help focus our limited resources.

Peter, would you add a Wiki page describing what needs to be done for
the integration and what others could help you with?

Jeremias and others,

Sorry about the delay on this.  I'll start some work on the Wiki now 
that I have something basic working with my documentation.

Should we reserve a directory on the web site for storing diagrams which 
find their way into the Wiki?

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Javascript for frames

2003-01-31 Thread Peter B. West

Here is an extract of what I ended up with in the frames.

In index.html (the frameset page)

script type="text/javascript"
// IE didn't seem to like "type application/x-javascript"
  var isHigh = true;

  function lengthenCol() {
if (isHigh) { return; }
fset = document.getElementById("altDesignFramesetRows");
fset.setAttribute("rows", "95%,*");
logowin = top.frames[0];
if (logowin == null) {
"Requires Navigator >= 7, Mozilla >= 1.2.1 or IE >= 6");
logodoc = logowin.document;
lbutton = logodoc.getElementById("lengthenButton");
lbutton.setAttribute("value", "^");
isHigh = true;
// I have no idea whether the attempt to warn about browser type
// is valid, because i have no idea fo the point of failure for
// other browsers. Some advice on this would be useful

  function displayCode(src) {
  top.frames[2].location = src;

  function displayHtml(src) {
  top.frames[1].location = src;

In logo,html, which contains the menu and the display toggle button, the 
menu items are summoned by:


and code display is triggered by html like

This class, and the singleton object which is 
'PropertyConsts.html#pconsts' )">generated by the static
initializer, is essentially a repository of

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Updates to web site

2003-01-31 Thread Peter B. West
Peter B. West wrote:


I have been lost in the wilds of DOM for a little while now, trying to 
find some pleasant common DOM-ish way to make my alt-properties docs 
work in IE6 as well as Netscape 7/Mozilla 1.2.1.

I am in the process of updating now, and would appreciate some feedback 
on a number of issues, including the javascript I have used, and ways of 
maximising the integration with Forrest.  And of course, the docs 
themselves.  Documentation of is not yet complete, but 
the framework I want to use is in place.

This is in place now.  It seems to work with Mozilla and IE6, although 
the display toggle button is differenctly positioned in both.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Updates to web site

2003-01-30 Thread Peter B. West
Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Hello there!

btw, forgive my ignorance, but how do I get the site to be updated? I 
have generated one more page for logo contest and commited pages 
successfully to xml-site/targets/fop, but after 2 days the site is still 
not updated :(

You have to login to, cd to 
/www/ and perform a cvs update -d

The -d, as I discovered, forces creation of any new subdirectories in 
the working copy.

PS. I've been sort of out of FOP dev last month due to heavy workload, 
but finally we've got next version of our product installed today and 
now I hope I have a chance to return to our great dude.

I, likewise, have been on the margin since New Year.  I blame the woman 
I met a the NY'sE party I attended, often.  And I have moved to a new flat.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Updates to web site

2003-01-30 Thread Peter B. West
Hmmm... looks as though the updates won't be in place until I have had 
some sleep.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Updates to web site

2003-01-30 Thread Peter B. West

I have been lost in the wilds of DOM for a little while now, trying to 
find some pleasant common DOM-ish way to make my alt-properties docs 
work in IE6 as well as Netscape 7/Mozilla 1.2.1.

I am in the process of updating now, and would appreciate some feedback 
on a number of issues, including the javascript I have used, and ways of 
maximising the integration with Forrest.  And of course, the docs 
themselves.  Documentation of is not yet complete, but 
the framework I want to use is in place.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-29 Thread Peter B. West

Clay Leeds wrote:

Does the idea that there would be intermediate results mean that a 
"human" could determine which is the best to perform the final layout? 
I'm thinking of a system similar to how some OCR programs enable the 
user to contribute to the process of recognition when the OCR program 
has problems determining a word or character. (FYI: OCR=Optical 
Character Recognition--used in scanning text-based documents which are 
converted to text for archiving, indexing, etc.).

If so, could the implementation offer some way of "saving" the best 
method? I would think it would work like a userconfig file.

I meant to add my reasoning. Since one can assume that generating 
multiple iterations will be processor intensive, if there existed some 
sort of "config" file identifying clues as to how the hz algorithm 
should proceed for a particular file, it would shorten the processing 
time, as well as ensure that the output was always the same.


I don't see it this way.  The multiple iterations occur within the 
rendering of a particular document.  I saw the human intervention as a 
way of interactively deciding on one layout among a number of 
possibilities which the processor was unable easily to distinguish, not 
as some asynchronous event.  While I can see the possibility of 
"learning" about the scoring of layout possibilities from such 
interactive input, I can't see that sets of rendering decisons need to 

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-29 Thread Peter B. West
Clay Leeds wrote:

Does the idea that there would be intermediate results mean that a 
"human" could determine which is the best to perform the final layout? 
I'm thinking of a system similar to how some OCR programs enable the 
user to contribute to the process of recognition when the OCR program 
has problems determining a word or character. (FYI: OCR=Optical 
Character Recognition--used in scanning text-based documents which are 
converted to text for archiving, indexing, etc.).

If so, could the implementation offer some way of "saving" the best 
method? I would think it would work like a userconfig file.


It's an interesting idea.  It could be thought of as another User Agent 
(or User Agency) function.

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-29 Thread Peter B. West

If intermediate results from the FO tree and the Area tree are buffered 
to disk, the distinction between single pass with back-tracking and 
multiple pass begins to blur.  For things like page number resolution a 
straight-forward multi-pass solution may be best, but I would like to 
see where we go with the other more localised problems before 
considering a full-on multi-pass model.


Rhett Aultman wrote:

This brings back to light the possibility of needing to do multipass layout, doesn't it?  I had suggested something along these lines previously.

-Original Message-
From: Peter B. West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: source for hz algorithm

Layout sometimes occurs in an environment of known available BPDimension
and IPDimension, sometimes with only one dimension, and sometimes with
neither.  In the latter cases, the layout process is effectively a probe
to see what the dimensional requirements range for this piece of layout
is.  However, problems like rivers, last page and footnotes turn all
layout into probes, and all layout must potentially be undone and redone
in the light of the knowledge gained.


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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-29 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

True, but I had in mind that any such approach will be built on the fact 
that any layout is, in some sense, tentative.  Rhett raised the question 
some time ago of a means recording (and scoring) intermediate results, 
something which will be an essential element of such a solution.

At this stage, I would tend to think not of doing every possible layout, 
but of following the "optimum" values to perform initial layout, and 
then testing the result for "goodness".  The minimum-maximum range 
provides the slack - within the context of the spec - for applying 
whatever other set of layout tuning algorithms that FOP implements.

The idea I am working with (of which I have prototype working) is that a break is 
after a line. For this break it finds the BPD distance from the top down (flow layout 
manager) from the start of the page to the current break.

I can't visualise the flow of control here.  I presume that the break 
(possibility?) is generated at, say, line-area building level.

[Is this always based on knowledge of the IPDim, or does the possibility 
exist of not knowing IPDim, but being prepared to report upward on the 
possibilities for IPDim?]

Does the information about this break then percolate back up to the 
flow-level layout manager?  Is the BPDim from top of page reported back 
to the line-area level, or maintained at the flow manager level?

It also finds the keeps 
from the current break position, looking at parent layout managers and next layout 
managers for keep with previous. A best break is found based on these two 
values. A next break is then found, since we don't know we have a best until 
there is a worse break. This can be done for all pages in the page sequence or 
until forced break.

This implies that the answer to my previous question is that the BPDim 
comes back down to the line-area level, and that keeps are resolved 
between adjacent line-area builders.  Your notes here seem to be 
referring to column and page breaks.  At what level is the contention 
between two or more line-area builders for "best break" resolved?

Then if for example we want to find the optimum break. There is also the possiblity 
to get the next break within a context (which invalidates all further breaks) or 
previous break.

Is this invalidating of further breaks something which is instigated 
from a higher level?

I am quite confident that this will work well. Footnotes and before floats suddenly 
become easy. Keeps are quite easy also.

It would be good to get some more illustrations of the way these will work.

The only drawback is that it constantly needs to find the child layout manager that 
applies to a given break and that finding the BPD distance could be time consuming 
in some circumstances. Optimisations should help a bit.

I would see these being arranged as a set of heuristics - for want of a 
better word - that are applied in a structured fashion to detected 
layout conflicts of particular types.  What comprises a conflict would 
be determined by those configurable parameters.

In the initial version, we only need to provide for the most basic of 
these, as long as the mechanism is general enough to allow for refinement.

I am hoping that making the breaks simple and easy to find certain properties from 
any position will help us to explore what to do next.

I think this is similar to what I refer to as threading the tree to 
establish which areas are contiguous in the output, both for keeps and 
space specifiers resolution.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-29 Thread Peter B. West


Rhett Aultman wrote:

I'd meant for him to contact me privately so I could mail him some photocopies and save him the trouble of trying to find copies of the book.

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-29 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

These are interesting and important issues.  I had no notion of the HZ
algorithm, but I was dimly aware from my reading as a teenager of the
"rivers" problem, and acutely conscious of its distracting effect from
my reading.  In my thinking about layout, I have been conscious of the
need to be able to evaluate such issues at a high level.  The only way
such an evaluation can be done is by layout look-ahead.  The page must
be laid out before "rivers" can be assessed.  (Finding them would be an
interesting problem in itself - and no doubt part of HZ.)

It actually would seem to go beyond look-ahead, and instead be more along
the lines of laying the content out multiple times & scoring each one.

True, but I had in mind that any such approach will be built on the fact 
that any layout is, in some sense, tentative.  Rhett raised the question 
some time ago of a means recording (and scoring) intermediate results, 
something which will be an essential element of such a solution.

At this stage, I would tend to think not of doing every possible layout, 
but of following the "optimum" values to perform initial layout, and 
then testing the result for "goodness".  The minimum-maximum range 
provides the slack - within the context of the spec - for applying 
whatever other set of layout tuning algorithms that FOP implements.

I would see these being arranged as a set of heuristics - for want of a 
better word - that are applied in a structured fashion to detected 
layout conflicts of particular types.  What comprises a conflict would 
be determined by those configurable parameters.

In the initial version, we only need to provide for the most basic of 
these, as long as the mechanism is general enough to allow for refinement.

of the articles that Rhett pointed out indicates that Karow was working on a
"chapter" level optimization -- probably equivalent to a page-sequence for
us. It would seem easy to have several thousand or more possible layout
options for an expanse that big.

One issue in implementing this kind of thing is to make it configurable, or
even to make specification part of the standard. A lot of on-the-fly
web-based users won't want to spend the hardware resources to get output
this finely tuned, but those of us who are generating high-quality static
content won't mind. In other words, we need quick-and-dirty solutions that
are optimized for speed to be able to coexist with more complex solutions
that are optimized for quality. Part of what triggered my thoughts here was
a thread on the XSL-FO list in which it was stated that XEP takes about 3
times as long to run as FOP.  There are a lot of possible reasons for this
(including implementation of features that we don't have yet), but it is
possible that they have implemented some better H&J work.

I don't intend to implement any of this any time soon, but I need to let
some of the concepts sink in for a while, so I thought I had better get
started, in anticipation of (hopefully) getting back into FOP code again
within about a week.

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-29 Thread Peter B. West
Sebastian Rahtz (PassiveTeX) would be a good source of information.  I 
think he tends to hang around on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Btw, URW provide one of the best-known set of free Type1 fonts for linux.


Victor Mote wrote:
J.Pietschmann wrote:

The TeX-Book has a chapter about this problem. It is available
as textbook.tex (in TeX, and quite officially). Amazingly, I
didn't find it on CTAN, but a google search turns up other
servers (I can send you the 460k compressed source).

I think it is also Volume A of Knuth's "Computers & Typesetting", which I
hope to receive shortly. I am hoping not to have to stop and become a TeX
user along the way, but I think it is worth learning as much as is morally
possible from them.

BTW, I looked for but did not find licensing information at tug & ctan
licensing information, as well as in my Norman Walsh book "Making TeX Work".
Does it use a GPL? If it had a compatible licensing scheme, it would sure
seem to make sense to use as much of the TeX work as possible.

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-28 Thread Peter B. West

Discussion of the actual algorithms would be of general interest, I think.


Rhett Aultman wrote:

My girlfriend just located both volumes at the University of Central Florida library and is bringing them home for me to peruse.

Vic, why don't you email me privately so we can discuss this?

-Original Message-
From: Dirk-Willem van Gulik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


It is documented in either book 1 or 2 of Digital Typography by (I think!)
P. Karow, of URW (i.e.  the folks behind the Ikarus format (just google
for URW and Digital Typograhy or Ikarus)). I think it is in book one. The
books are an absolute 'must have' - but hard to get. Occasionally one can
be found second hand; usually from a art/font firm dealing with the
high end market of posters and other big print publications.

But the algorithm described there is not a computer one; but more a method
for someone cutting the scripts coming out of the linotypes and pasting
them on the wax board.

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Re: source for hz algorithm

2003-01-28 Thread Peter B. West

These are interesting and important issues.  I had no notion of the HZ 
algorithm, but I was dimly aware from my reading as a teenager of the 
"rivers" problem, and acutely conscious of its distracting effect from 
my reading.  In my thinking about layout, I have been conscious of the 
need to be able to evaluate such issues at a high level.  The only way 
such an evaluation can be done is by layout look-ahead.  The page must 
be laid out before "rivers" can be assessed.  (Finding them would be an 
interesting problem in itself - and no doubt part of HZ.)

Layout sometimes occurs in an environment of known available BPDimension 
and IPDimension, sometimes with only one dimension, and sometimes with 
neither.  In the latter cases, the layout process is effectively a probe 
to see what the dimensional requirements range for this piece of layout 
is.  However, problems like rivers, last page and footnotes turn all 
layout into probes, and all layout must potentially be undone and redone 
in the light of the knowledge gained.


Victor Mote wrote:
Hello all:

I have been looking for some time for a source for the HZ (Hermann Zapf)
algorithm which (as I understand) optimizes line breaks for multiple lines,
looking for rivers, too many lines in a row ending in hyphens, etc. I think
I first saw it referenced in Bringhurst's book, and that it was implemented
by a  European company that is now out of business. I understand that TeX
implemented it or something similar, and that Adobe may have used the TeX
algorithm in InDesign. The closest thing I have found to a source for the
algorithm itself is that Knuth's "Digital Typography" may have it or at
least a discussion of it.

Do any of you have additional information on this, such as how to find the
algorithm itself? Is it patented?

Along these same lines, I recently acquired a book that may be helpful to
others -- James Felici's "The Complete Manual of Typography" (Adobe Press)
has a lot of good information both for users and developers. Chapter 10 on
H&J was especially useful, and somewhat prompted the above questions.

Victor Mote (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Enterprise Outfitters (
2025 Eddington Way
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916
Voice +1 (719) 622-0650, Fax +1 (720) 293-0044

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Re: Problems with the website

2003-01-26 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Hi Peter

On 25.01.2003 03:30:19 Peter B. West wrote:

How about using a popup window instead of the frames approach?
(Disclaimer: Don't know a lot about HTML/JavaScript and such)


That was my first attempt.  I used th  tag, well supported in 
Forrest.  However, I found teh results cumbersome, which is why, in 
spite of the problems, I have gone for the frames solution.

The more immediate problem is that I can't get the website to update 
correctly.  I have done an update, the necessary adds and the commit on 
the site; cvs status tells me that the files are all up-to-date, yet 
when I do an update on the site itself, I get a Not Found when I try to 
access the fop/design/  Does anyone 
have any idea what might be going on?

I have tried to figure it out, but no luck here either. CVS looks ok.
Everything works locally. I can only imagine that something went wrong
with the synchronization of icarus and daedalus.

cvs update -d

The default cvs settings do not include a -d, so the new directory was 
not being updated.  Now to find out how to make this work with IE, or IE 
6 at least .

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Problems with the website

2003-01-24 Thread Peter B. West

I have been hacking away at the documentation, and in particular at the implemetation description.  As part of that, I have tried 
to develop a framework with an integrated code view.  At this stage it 
is fairly rudimentary and messy, and does not integrate at all well with 
Forrest.  By means of some nasty kludges, I have managed to get a recent 
build of Forrest to construct the site without complaint.  I am using 
XEmacs to generate html versions of some java files with coloured 
syntax, which are the sources for my code display.  To integrate them 
into the referring pages I am using frames and javascript.

I have just seen Chaperon, and the coloured Java sources that Stephan 
Michels is generating in his Cocoon javadocs.  Stop Press.  Nicola Ken 
has just introduced me to JavaSRc, as used in which looks the goods. 
When I sort out how to use it, it can be integrated into the forrest 
build, and I won't need to coloured code separately.

This is my first attempt at javascript, and I had naively hoped that the 
browser differences had been eliminated.  I will separately post the 
current javascript and seek advice on how to browser-proof it.

The more immediate problem is that I can't get the website to update 
correctly.  I have done an update, the necessary adds and the commit on 
the site; cvs status tells me that the files are all up-to-date, yet 
when I do an update on the site itself, I get a Not Found when I try to 
access the fop/design/  Does anyone 
have any idea what might be going on?

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Integration of Peter's work

2003-01-23 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

On 23.01.2003 12:34:33 Peter B. West wrote:


There are a couple of issues in the design of the properties code that 
will require decisions from the editors.  I will detail these on the 
Wiki, and formulate questions for the editors in hopes of a quick reply.

I don't think that each and every issue has to be resolved prior to move
your things in. We can sort that out later, right? Or are there any

Mess-makers.  We will need to think about the sorts of changes that will 
be required if the decision goes against me.


I don't want to put pressure on you. Just know that I'm available if
you're ready.

Much appreciated.

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Re: Integration of Peter's work

2003-01-23 Thread Peter B. West

I shall do that, although, never having had anything to do with Wikis 
before, I will be fumbling.

As you may have noticed, I have been somewhat distracted since the New 
Year.  Among the things that require attention are my attempts at a 
pseudo-code-walkthrough style of documentation for the properties code. 
 I hope to post my initial efforts tomorrow.  I have struggled to make 
the documentation acceptable to Forrest, but the end result is not 
satisfactory, and I am hoping for some detailed suggestions once I get 
the pages up.

There are a couple of issues in the design of the properties code that 
will require decisions from the editors.  I will detail these on the 
Wiki, and formulate questions for the editors in hopes of a quick reply.

Those things aside, the integration can probably proceed along the same 
vector as the current FO Tree integration - via the completion of 
page-sequence events.  What will be interesting here is the possibility 
of defining a set of structure events for integration with the structure 
renderers like RTF, and I hope we can have some fruitful discussions 
with Bertrand on this.

Warning: extensive style policing will be required.

A bit to do over the next few days.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Hi all (and especially Peter)

I'd like to ask if and when we can integrate Peter's work into the main
redesign. If nobody is against this move in general, I'd volunteer to
help Peter integrate it. I've got some time for this and I think this
could help focus our limited resources.

Peter, would you add a Wiki page describing what needs to be done for
the integration and what others could help you with?

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: [Fwd: refactoring #1]

2003-01-23 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

Personally I would like to see some sort of rotation (assuming that there will 
always be 1 or 2). For example every 6 months.

Why? So the PMC becomes something that is better known and diverse than the 
mystery that it currently seems to be.

This is an excellent idea.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: [Fwd: refactoring #1]

2003-01-22 Thread Peter B. West

Without going back to the original posting, I suspect that the PMC does 
not want to have to sort out candidates.  It is our job to decide on two 
nominations to the PMC, which the PMC intend, IIUC, to simply accept.  I 
haven't followed the discussion beyond that, and I nominated only 
because we needed another nomination, and  because, on reflection, it 
would look good on the CV.  I hope this is not too crass an admission 
for the FOP sensibilities.

I'm not sure that the comment on releases is entirely accurate.  It 
seems to me tha the responsibilities of the PMC are much braoder than 
that, but I may be wrong.  What I thin kis more pertinent is that the 
PMC meets monthly.  This is presumably an on-line meeting, but using 
what facilities?  I am on the end of a state-of-the-art 33k dialup link, 
and I wonder if this would cause problems.

In any case, it's up to us to work out who we want our representatives 
on the PMC to be, and forward one or two names.  That's my take on the 


Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Deperated volunteers? I can do without, I was just taking responsibility
because nobody wanted to take the first step. :-)

I really don't know. If you look here: 
The PMC elects new members. So in theory all we can do is provide
candidates, but obviously not all of us are well known to the current
PMC members. So how would the they choose? They might leave that to us.
I don't know.

One point I'd like to make is the following: Christian is our current
release manager. Since the PMC role has a lot to do with releases, he is
an obvious candidate IMO. That doesn't mean I should be the other just
because I volunteered first or something like that. This is one
objective point for Christian and zero for Peter and me.

Common guys! I'd like to have some participation on this matter from all
the committers since this an important thing. 

On 21.01.2003 13:38:47 Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Ok, we've got 3 desperated volunteers. Should we vote?

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Re: [Fwd: refactoring #1]

2003-01-21 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I'm for having two. Takers?

On 21.01.2003 00:12:58 Peter B. West wrote:

Next question: should we go with 1 or get another nomination?

Ok.  I'll put my hat in the ring.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Ready for 0.20.5 from my side

2003-01-20 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Can't we do it in a way that the history gets copied? That way, people
downloading an old revision will have both src/org and src/java/org
locally, so it uses a bit more storage capacity but still build. Is that

On 15.01.2003 19:41:51 Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I'll continue to do the directory moves in the redesign and I'm still
hoping for a volunteer to do the server side move/copy of the src/org
directory to src/java/org.

It's easy, but we'll loose ability to build old revisions then (didn't we 
yet?). If it's not an issue, all we have to do is to move the directory within 
 the repository and massage CVSROOT/history, that's it, isn't it? Well, I'm 
going to try on local cvs first with xml-fop module.

I already have three trees - HEAD, maint and alt.  The main thing is 
that particular distributions be reproduced.  Make sure the complete 
tree is tagged just before the move.  Then, when things are moved, you 
take the trouble to add a "Moved from ... tag TAG" comment to the cvs 
add phase, the trail can always be followed back from the cvs log.  I 
don't know whether the same can be said of cvs remove.  I've never tried it.


"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: [Fwd: refactoring #1]

2003-01-20 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I'd volunteer if nobody else wants the job.

On 20.01.2003 11:48:31 Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Christian Geisert wrote:

From: Ted Leung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

We ask each subproject to nominate 1 (or 2) people from that project to
be a part of the XML PMC.  From my experience, I think that it will
be better to have 2 people rather than one in order to share workload,

So, they want 2 people, I believe it's not a problem for us to elect them, 
let's start - candidates?



Next question: should we go with 1 or get another nomination?

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Re: File size improvements for PS renderer

2003-01-17 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

If it works, I have nothing against it.



On 16.01.2003 13:10:13 Christian Geisert wrote:

Arnd Beißner wrote:

Hi Jeremias,

I just submitted the PS renderer fix/enhancement I recently mentioned
to BugZilla, bug #16130


Hope you can still get this into 0.20.5,

I just tested your patch and it looks good.
I'm inclined to commit the patch. Other opinions?

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Feeding the dogs

2003-01-16 Thread Peter B. West
tation of certain design
features.  At least one can proceed.

If every implementor faced the same situation, there would at least be
a rueful solidarity among all of them.  This is not the case for those
implementors who are also editors.  All other things being equal
(which they are not) the simple fact that an implementor-editor is
able to argue for an interpretation directly to the other editors
endows an enormous advantage.  In addition, of course, the
implementor-editor has access to the internal channels of
communication among the editors, and amongst the subgroup of
implementors.  This access bestows the multiple advantage that those
involved in implementation can kick the issues around in at least email
time, can draw other editors into their deliberations, and can make
joint representations in behalf of their interpretations to all of the
other editors.

I have no idea whether these forms of discussion actually occur, of
course.  If they do, they represent an impost on all other
implementors.  If they do not, I propose that they should be created,
with one significant difference: the implementation channel should be
open to all implementors.  The rationale is simple, and extends the
rationale of requiring implementations before promoting PRs.
Implementors create the testing lab and reality check for proposals,
and perform shakedown testing for intelligibility, winkling out all of
the ways in which a statement or set of statements can be read.  The
way to maximise the efficacy of the process is to maximise the
interactive input by maximising the number of implementors involved.

By this means, other implementors have the opportunity, both to hear
the rationale of those who are closest to the process, and to argue
with them for other interpretations and modifications.  This combined
implementation experience then comes to the full formal meetings of
the editors though the editor-implementors.  Outside implementors,
noting the opinions and arguments of the editors on the list, can then
make informed interim decisions about their own designs.  It goes
without saying that the editors remain free to take whatever decisions
they choose in the various publication milestones of the spec.

Of course there would be issues about how to moderate such a group,
how to determine membership, etc.  My own view is that a group
considering technical issues of the specification in such detail would
be self-moderating, and that it would be sufficient, at least at
first, to create an open list.  The presupposition here, of course, is
that the editors, and more particularly the implementor-editors, are
interested in free and open discussion of these issues; that no-one
has an axe to grind.

Which brings me back to the beginning.  We have seen that corporate
self-interest interferes with the normal courtesies of developer
communication in the open source environment.  The larger question is
whether corporate representatives on editorial boards such as this are
free to seek the common good in the development of standards for the


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Re: Ready for 0.20.5 from my side

2003-01-15 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I'll continue to do the directory moves in the redesign and I'm still
hoping for a volunteer to do the server side move/copy of the src/org
directory to src/java/org.

I'll be glad to help with the server side move/copy. AFAIK, a simple Unix
mv/cp should do the trick on the server side. My preference is to use cp &
then move the old stuff to the attic after the dust settles (that will cost
us only about 21 MB of disk space). The real issue is that /everyone's/
sandbox is messed up by this, so it is worthwhile to coordinate this so that
everyone can get changes checked in (or moved aside), blow away their
sandbox, & get a clean sandbox after the surgery. Also, it would be good to
know that we could get our repository restored if something went wrong -- do
we know how to do that?

Victor, Oleg,

My distinct preference would be to do this in the boring, staid old 
fuddy-duddy way (that's the kind of guy I am.)   Go through the motions 
of local move, cvs remove, cvs add and cvs ci.  This is the way with the 
least complications.

If the issue is 100Mb of disc space, then the system desperately needs 
another 50Gb or so of disc.  We can all donate $5 and give it to the ASF.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: thoughts on fonts (was: text-decoration)

2003-01-13 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

It is very possible that I am missing something, but our memory-lean
event-based model would seem to dictate either 1) parsing the document
twice, or 2) not allowing multiple output formats in the same document.

I think my approach could work in this regard. I'm not sure. We can let
the FO tree live for another layout run, can't we?

I have no objection to it. However, AFAIK our processor doesn't really
process an FO tree, it processes events that occur as the FO tree is built.
So, you need to add something that walks through the existing FO tree &
starts creating events to feed into our processor. I don't know how much
faster this might be than just reprocessing the original input. Then you
need something in the process that says "Oh, don't try to build an FO tree
here, it already exists." In other words, we're kind of trying to reuse
something that we didn't use the first time -- it all seems kind of klunky.
It seems to me that if we want to go down that path, we would do well to
build an FO tree up front, caching it for those who need a lean memory
environment, then process that tree n times, all the same way. I am not
really arguing for that, but merely pointing out that it seems like that is
where reusing the FO tree leads us.

There's one in if you ever need it.

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Re: [PATCH] doc validation fix

2003-01-13 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

We're OK. I caught your irony. My response was really entirely to Oleg's
question. However, I really was concerned about offending someone -- things
like names and logos carry a certain emotional weight.

In other words, I might worry about offending some on this list, but it
really wouldn't bother me to offend you at all, Peter. VVBG :-)


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Re: FOP logo

2003-01-13 Thread Peter B. West
Ralph LaChance wrote:

At 04:34 PM 1/13/03, you wrote:

Maybe. But IMHO the letters "FOP" should be easily readable and the 
whole logo shouldn't be too overloaded with additional stuff.

Yes, but that still leaves quite a bit of room for font experimentation.

I cannot resist -

How many programmers does it take to change a logo ?|;^)


In theory, there is no difference between
theory and practice, but in practice there is.

(Jan L.A. van de Snepsheut (1953-1994), late of CalTech)

You've found the attribution.  One of my favourites.

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Re: FOP logo

2003-01-13 Thread Peter B. West
Bernd Brandstetter wrote:

On Monday 13 January 2003 11:01, Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Bernd Brandstetter wrote:

feeling inspired by your's and Oleg's suggestions and also a little
bit bored this Sunday afternoon, I thought I'll take the chance and
improve my Gimping skills. Here's the result :-)

Not bad. Something like this I meant. But (sorry for being critical,
it's art, not coding :): why it's sitting back to us.

No problem :-)
This was in no way meant to be a serious proposal for the logo.

I've also created one with a parrot sitting with it's front to us.
However, I found this one with it's impish look back over the shoulder much 

I agree.  It's more interesting that way.

F and P are too simple.

Maybe. But IMHO the letters "FOP" should be easily readable and the whole 
logo shouldn't be too overloaded with additional stuff.

Yes, but that still leaves quite a bit of room for font experimentation.

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Re: [PATCH] doc validation fix

2003-01-13 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

It must be a cultural thing. The dictionary definition you gave should tell
the story well enough -- see the example "felt contempt for the mincing
...". The word is a pejorative, but perhaps more so in my part of the world,
where calling someone a "fop" or a "dandy" might be fighting words. In my
mind it connotes "sissy" on one end of the scale and "big hat, no cattle" on
the other. This is all partially mitigated by the fact that the word is
pretty much in disuse, so maybe nobody else knows what it means.

Finding myself in the minority, I withdraw the question. I intended no
offence. As a workaround, please don't be offended if I continue to treat
the name as an acronym instead of a word.


Re my comment on this, I thought I should warn you that I am addicted to 
ironical jokes, which can be a dangerous habit with email.  I dislike 
emoticons, probably because I am more of a snob than I like to admit, 
but also because they seem to me to discourage any attempt either to 
write or to read the subtle - or the ironical! - from email.  An 
advantage of the longevity of a forum like this is that we get to know 
each other's style, so I hope that my un-emoticoned attempts at humour 
are read as such.  I'll see if I can squeeze one out.

,; :) >;,

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Re: [PATCH] doc validation fix

2003-01-11 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

- Do we like our current logo? :-)

I hope I am not out of line to ask an even more fundamental question -- do
we like our current name? I never have a problem writing it, but when
speaking it, I cannot make my mouth say "fop", but invariably say
"eff-oh-pee" instead.

Heresy!  Victor, the stigma that once attached to consulting a speech 
therapist has almost vanished now.  I'm sure something can be done, and 
our best wishes will go with you.

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Re: FOP logo

2003-01-11 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:

Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

- Do we like our current logo? :-)


Should admit I spent a couple of hours trying to implement my ideas 
about the logo (leading motifs were medieval typographic dropcaps and 
a parrot as (imho) the most foppish animal) but I'm too bad artist and 
the results were too ugly :)

What about a TeX-parody?
  +---  +--\
  | |  |
  +-- /--\  +--/
  |  || |
  |  || |

Colored as the current logo, or more in shades like the
Apache feather? (feather - part of a parrot - hmm)

Clare's designs (see previous post) were based on a quill inking in the 
"P" in a large "FOP" on a page which also contained Chancery-stle text 
in a smaller font.  The quill was originally supposed to be a connection 
with the Apache feather, but apparently that particular feather "didn't 
work", and the Apache colours were too garish.

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FOP logo

2003-01-11 Thread Peter B. West
Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

- Do we like our current logo? :-)

That's a big question actually :) afair Keiron said the current logo 
should be at least brighten to fit forrest-ed site design better or 
suggested to make the logo contest. Should admit I spent a couple of 
hours trying to implement my ideas about the logo (leading motifs were 
medieval typographic dropcaps and a parrot as (imho) the most foppish 
animal) but I'm too bad artist and the results were too ugly :)
My suggestion is to announce the new FOP logo contest in fop-user list 
or broader, like recent Amaya welcome page contest[1] (the winner gets 
bragging rights). Then we can vote among developers or users, how the idea?


I mentioned the need for a logo some months ago to an acquaintance of 
mine who is a graphics design student.  She came up with some 
interesting ideas, but they were incomplete the last time I spoke to her 
(just before Christmas.)  I will try to get in touch with her again, and 
get her to post some of her sketches for comment.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: thoughts on fonts (was: text-decoration)

2003-01-11 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

There are some big picture things that we should probably address:
1. (Biggest of all) Do we have users that need to be able to do this? Are
the performance gains that they might get worth the pain on our end?

Apart from this is the fact that our processing model for any rendering 
is still very much in a state of flux.  It may be less painful to 
retro-fit when we have a comprehensive working renderer, keeping this 
possibility in mind as we go.

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Cleanups in enumerated-values.xml

2003-01-11 Thread Peter B. West
The  elements obviously had to be cleaned up, but I am little 
saddened that the  elements have been compressed.  I have tended 
to use the spaces when I find myself with long sequences of characters 
which do not wrap easily.  Judiciously applied spaces provide multiple 
wrap points for the folding algorithm.

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Re: FOP Style Guide (update)

2003-01-08 Thread Peter B. West
Arnd Beißner wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

The following should (sorry, could) be ok:

  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  if (amIRight()) cool();

One point here:
If it's not amIRight() but

if (amIRight() || ( more stuff follows .) cool();

you tend to ignore the cool() stuff in favor of doSomethingElse.

Yep.  It takes an eye for layout, which seems appropriate.

I can't count the times I've seen people hunt for this kind of
bug (most when changing someone else's code, of course).

Which is why I always use:

if (foo)

On the whole I think you would be served best by forbidding

if (foo) doFoo();

and allowing

if (foo)

as well as

if (foo) {
else {

leaving this issue to personal taste.

This man must be one of them there anarchists.

Just my 2 cents.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: FOP Style Guide (update)

2003-01-08 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:

On 08.01.2003 14:23:36 Peter B. West wrote:

And it adds just a spice of danger.

I can live well without this.


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Re: FOP Style Guide (update)

2003-01-08 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

if (isEnabled()) {
return true;

is absurd.

Not necessarily. I it *much* easier to add a
System.out.println() to this than to either

  if (isEnabled())return true;
  if (isEnabled())
return true;


If you are debugging code written by someone else,
this should be worth the trouble of the additional
line with the closing brace.

When I add the println, I also add the braces.  The motivation for 
eliminating the braces is the readability of the code when there is only 
one line, which is a very frequent occurrence.  It comes to a balance of 
motives and requirements.

I like to have as much code as possible in my viewing window, but I also 
like to scatter blank lines about - readability again, to this jaundiced 
eye.  These conflicting demands are one reason I'm so fond of compact 

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: FOP Style Guide (update)

2003-01-08 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Or if checkstyle could also check indentation...

*That* would be extremely useful, and would solve the problem.  Maybe a 
Python preprocessor  Joke, folk.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: FOP Style Guide (update)

2003-01-08 Thread Peter B. West
Christian Geisert wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Since I've made the checkstyle.cfg file an integral part of our style
guide I have to bring this up before changing:

I'd like to add a line "checkstyle.ignore.braces = yes". This enables
one line ifs like the following:


if (isEnabled)
return false;

which is easier to read than

if (isEnabled()) doOoneLiner();
else return false;

And what about this:

if (isEnabled())

Yes, I like explicit braces.

For the above reason, which is the primary argument for them.  It's 
usual expression would, I think, involve changes to the code, so that 
what started as

if (isEnabled())


if (isEnabled())

which errors can be hard to find when the indentation confuses the 
issue.  Nonetheless, I prefer the braceless style for one-liners, 
because it is easier to read, IMO.  And it adds just a spice of danger.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: FOP Style Guide (update)

2003-01-07 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Since I've made the checkstyle.cfg file an integral part of our style
guide I have to bring this up before changing:

I'd like to add a line "checkstyle.ignore.braces = yes". This enables
one line ifs like the following:

if (isEnabled()) return true;

Without this line, you have to write:

if (isEnabled()) {
return true;

Please speak up if the change is unwelcome. Thanks.


The change is most welcome.

if (isEnabled()) {
return true;

is absurd.  However, if I can do

if (isEnabled()) return true;

should I not be able to do

if (isEnabled() && someOtherVerboseCondition())
return true;

and also

if (isEnabled)
return false;

which is easier to read than

if (isEnabled()) doOoneLiner();
else return false;

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Re: Documentation woes

2003-01-05 Thread Peter B. West
Joerg Pietschmann wrote:

Hi all,
I think there are still some problems with regard to our documentation.
1. There is a src/documentation/content/design/ with some
  HTML files
2. There's also a src/documentation/content/xdocs/design/
  with some more XML files
3. Furthermore there is a docs/design/ with even more files,
  apparently diagrams and figures.
This keeps confusing me: is it forrest which forces these files to be
scattered all over the directory structure? I'd think they could be
a) better grouped together
b) better separated from the other documentation files.

If this is all caused by Forrest, I'm disappointed with this tool. Having a
foul mix of docs for HEAD and the maintenance code is bad enough, but
having examples, downloadable ressources, graphics and SVG and finally
the docs for another code branch scattered all over the place is too much
for me.


The current state of the docs is partially a result of my 
pressuring Keiron to migrate the docs across.  I am in the process of 
updating and extending that documentation.  I will look to removing the 
remaining files from docs/design/ in the next week.  At the 
moment these are source files for dia, which I was using to generate 
some diagrams.  Most of them will be removed, but some will survive, and 
will have to find a home, with other diagram sources (e.g. OpenOffice 
drawing files) in the src/documentation tree.

The HTML files in src/documentation/design/ will remain as 
part of the documentation, taking advantage of the recent 
resolutions in forrest-dev.  They are generated with htmlize.el plus a 
short perl script which was necessary because of my lack of elisp 
skills.  It's the only way I can see to achieve the documentation 
results that I want, but I'm not the only one to require files generated 
outside forrest.


1) Yes, as explained above, and necessary whenever forrest cannot 
generate the particular file you want;
2) The standard approach which provides the framework for the 
3) A historical artefact, which will soon go away.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Integrating Javascript with Forrest

2003-01-04 Thread Peter B. West
Jeff Turner wrote:

With the CVS version of Forrest, you can place raw HTML/PDF/whatever
files in src/documentation/content/, and (if linked to) they will be
copied across.  I've just updated the 'seed' project to demonstrate this.


Thanks for the update.  I suppose that frames are, in principle, 
incompatible with the Forrest approach, and so incorporating them in 
subsets will always have to be done this way.  I imagine, also, that the 
use of javascript URLs as hrefs presents great difficulties.

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Integrating Javascript with Forrest

2003-01-04 Thread Peter B. West

In trying to set up the alt-design documentation, I was initially 
hacking the forrest ant scritp to access pre-formed html.  There is a 
vigorous discussion going on on forrest-dev about formal mechanism for 
this, so it looks as though, for the time being, I will be able to do 
this with a standard forrest.  I was also using the "fork" tag for 
certain effects, but it proved cumbersome.  I eventually decided that a 
combination of frames and javascript was necessary.  (My first 
experience of javascript, I must say.)  My question to the 
forrest-experienced here is: can frames and javascript be integrated 
into forrest?

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Re: bidi in the branch

2002-12-22 Thread Peter B. West
Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

I would encourage Oleg to bring this functionality into HEAD.  If it 
already exists in Oleg's working copy of the maint branch (for reasons 
which have frequently been canvassed here), I think it would be 
churlish of us to deny access to our faithful band of users.

May be, but as I said it's neither full nor effective and clean support 
(because I didn't dare to make any significant changes in LineArea 
addText() code etc) and + I exploited Sun proprietary sun.font.Bidi 
class, which is substituted by java.text.Bidi in 1.4. And main concern 
is that we are in the middle of the release candidate testing, so 
introducing any new potentially buggy functionality is not a good idea.


Yes, of course, it would not go in while we have an RC out there.  If 
you are not happy with the state of the branch code, there's not much 
point pursuing it.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: bidi in the branch

2002-12-21 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Hi Peter

On 20.12.2002 00:30:13 Peter B. West wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

:-) Ok, you're sentenced to implement the same functionality in the
trunk. I'm -0 for the inclusion in the branch as it sends the wrong
message IMO. But I'm looking forward to seeing bidi support in action in
the trunk.


I would encourage Oleg to bring this functionality into HEAD.

Didn't I? :-)

Yes; right above.  Call my comment an extended +0 for the sentence you 

If it 
already exists in Oleg's working copy of the maint branch (for reasons 
which have frequently been canvassed here), I think it would be churlish 
of us to deny access to our faithful band of users.

I would agree was it not for something that is an argument for the
redesign. And read again, please. I wrote -0, not -1. I don't deny
anything to anybody, just expressing an opinion.

Same here - just an opinion.  That's why I went for a +0.

So, fop-0_20_2-maintain +0.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Happy Holidays

2002-12-20 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 16:30, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

I'd like to wish everyone here happy holidays, whatever is appropriate.

Happy summer solstice, happy winter solstice, happy Hanakah, and of 
course, happy Christmas and a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
(We live in hope.)

At least...
This is a good crowd.

+1 :-)


Arved Sandstrom

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Re: bidi in the branch

2002-12-19 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

:-) Ok, you're sentenced to implement the same functionality in the
trunk. I'm -0 for the inclusion in the branch as it sends the wrong
message IMO. But I'm looking forward to seeing bidi support in action in
the trunk.


I would encourage Oleg to bring this functionality into HEAD.  If it 
already exists in Oleg's working copy of the maint branch (for reasons 
which have frequently been canvassed here), I think it would be churlish 
of us to deny access to our faithful band of users.

So, fop-0_20_2-maintain +0.


On 19.12.2002 18:11:02 Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Hello there!

I know, shame on me, shame on me, but I've implemented partial bidi support in 
the branch. Sorry, it was urgent commercial requirement.
It seems to be working ok (QA is still verifying it though), but of course 
it's a patch actually and I don't like it much. My question is: should I 
commit it to the branch codebase? I'm inclining to implement it in a clean way 
in the trunk instead of extending/patching the branch.

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Sorry about the commit

2002-12-18 Thread Peter B. West

Sorry abou the huge single commit.  Has the commit mail behaviour 
changed recently?  I though that commits of new files did not list the 

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Sun XSL Formatter

2002-12-14 Thread Peter B. West
Peter S. Housel wrote:

"Arved Sandstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Well, Java or C or C++ or Haskell, it would have been nice to have a clue.

We have an ASF tradition of developing communities...this kind of stuff


Sun and IBM does is getting old. Don't open-source it; sell it. I will


against its adoption into Apache.

Googling for xmlroff yields:

Looks like they want to donate it to Gnome, not Apache.

Despite your not wanting to sound bitter, your protest still sounds bitter

Peter, Arved,

In spite of Arved's protestations, I think he has reason to be bitter. 
I don't want to criticise a particular company, and especially not any 
particular individuals, but I think this incident underlines some 
endemic problems in the relationship between the corporate software 
world and the Open Source world.  I am well aware of the enormous 
contributions to OSS of various corporations (Sun, IBM and Netscape 
spring immediately to mind.)

I think, however, that these problems extend right into the standards 
development process itself.  I should like to ponder these issues a 
little longer, and then perhaps take them up in a wider forum.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Sun XSL Formatter

2002-12-13 Thread Peter B. West
Arved Sandstrom wrote:

Not to sound bitter, but it would have been nice to know about this sooner.
This pretty much usurps what I and Eric Bischoff have been doing (when we
can); I sort of figure it didn't get written in the last month either. Any
reason for the blasted secretiveness?


Subject: Sun XSL Formatter

Peter did ask...


Thanks for the response.  I must say, though, that had the product been 
written in Java, I would have been asking the same question as Arved.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: orphan/window control, blind tables, keep-with-next etc

2002-12-12 Thread Peter B. West
Eddy De Clercq wrote:

I've seen in the archives in the FOP mailing list lots of threads 
concerning this matter. Is there any news/update on when features like
orphan/widow control, keep-with-next will be implemented in FOP (and 


Wait for about a day, then see what Sun has come up with.

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Re: dtd catalog (was: src/documentation/README)

2002-12-12 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:


The way this works is that your validation software has to know how to find
the catalog. If it does, then the catalog can contain mappings from the
PUBLIC IDs in the DOCTYPE declaration to a local physical file. That setup
is already in all of our documents. For example, our resources.xml file
contains the following DOCTYPE:*checkout*/xml-forrest/src/resources/sche

Your catalog has to know how to map "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
to "/u/xml-schema/document-v11.dtd" or whatever your local file is.

What I added several weeks ago was the URIs (yes, they are CVS-based until
we find some static URI to use instead) that allow the validation to be done
across the internet. This doesn't take away the ability to use a local
catalog, but rather makes it no longer a necessity. My understanding is that
using URIs is the preferable way to do the validation. O'Reilly's "XML in a
Nutshell", 2nd edition, page 32, says "In practice, however, PUBLIC IDs
aren't used very much. Almost all validators rely on the URI to actually
validate the document." The only reason to use the catalog and the PUBLIC ID
is if you are on a machine that doesn't have suitable net access.

These can (probably will) get out of sync. The dtd should be the one
used when the document was last modified, shouldn't it?  It seems to me
there is a case for including the schema subtree, including catalog
file(s) and the dtd subdirectory, in the src/build tree, and maintaining
the synchronization locally.

It seems to me, on reflection, that I had this completely wrong.  They 
can't get out of sync *while they have a PUBLIC identifier.*  I am still 
naive about such things, but doesn't the assignment of a PUBLIC ID 
ammount to a contract that the document so named will never change?  If 
you want to change it, you must assign another PUBLIC id, because people 
all over the net are relying on the constancy of the association between 
the original PUBLIC id and the actual document.

That means that it is perfectly safe to keep local copies of the 
documents, as long as you get the association right.

Keiron & I discussed this at the time:
and decided against it. Since I did this work, I see that we could use
viewcvs to get a specific revision of the file, so we could control this
using that method. However, it seems to me that DTDs conventionally have a
version number built into their filenames, so I assume that any changes made
on those files are of a bug fix nature as opposed to radical changes that
would be likely to mess up users of the DTD.

I reviewed this exchange, and found that we had the same concern; a 
desire to be able to make changes to the documentation without having to 
have a local forrest installation for validation and rendering.  Your 
(and Keiron's) initial suppositions about this were the same as mine.

I don't understand what went wrong when Keiron tried this,
but I wonder if cocoon is misbehaving by using the SYSTEM id instead of 
the PUBLIC id.

Unfortunately it does work like that.
To get the verification to work I need to add just the local public ID,
so it uses the forrest one to verify forrest ID's and the local one for
the local ID.
Then when it is copied across cocoon can only find the ID for the fop
dtd and the others are missing.
If I put all the forrest+fop ID's in the catalog then it cannot verify
as it cannot find the forrest dtd's relative to the catalog.

Keiron, when you say "local PUBLIC id", are you referring to last 
component of the PUBLID id, containing the SYSTEM url?  If a local copy 
of all of the forrest DTDs were maintained, and the FOP catalog pointed 
to that, then the problem of rendering locally or rendering remotely 
would come down to making the renderer (cocoon + forrest) use the 
correct (local or remote) catalog.

fop  forrest(local)   forrest(remote)
 schema   schema   schema
 |   catalog  |   catalog  |   catalog
 | |  | |  | |
 dtd etc.  |  dtd   |  dtd   |
  *.dtd  <-+   *.dtd  <-+   *.dtd  <-+

These DTDs are, I believe, set in concrete by virtue of their common 
PUBLID id (irrespective of the SYSTEM component of those ids, which can 
be completely ignored if a catalog is in place.)

At this stage we are not even talking about any local extensions, are we?


Re: Getting breaks: revisited

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

...the intention of the spec would be realised by laying out 0 of the 
repeatable-p-m-refs "thin", out of the available range of 0-100, then 
laying out 1 of the "thick" r-p-m-refs.

Interesting and useful interpretation. The problem is, how to
implement this?


It depends on your overall method of generating areas.  This goes to 
overall design questions, which are on hold until we have had a chance 
to consider the Sun product, but if layout is driven from below (as in a 
sense it already is), with tentative layouts bubbling upwards until they 
strike an invalidating constraint, which then follows them back down the 
tree for a retry, and all of this eventually comes back up to the 
PageMaker level, then, in the case above, the result would be a 
no-can-do, accompanied by the dimensions of the best attempt.

The PageMaker would then look for a layout master alternative, 
discarding the remainder of the repetitions in the process, and having a 
go at the "thick" master.  That succeeds.  If it didn't the fallback 
mode would be determined by the "overflow" property.

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Re: Alt-Design: Preliminary results FO tree build test

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

The only questions I have at the moment:
- are markers handled properly, you mentioned something about that
earlier so maybe it is dealt with already
- what about arbitrary xml anywhere for extensions, is that still
possible (also instream-foreign-object but that is probably okay)
I know it is not a spec thing but it can enhance using FOP for many

Marker handling is deferred until area tree construction.  Not all of 
the FOs that can have markers have been fitted with handling yet, but 
the model for it at the FO tree building level is as follows (from  The table-row comment, which I just noticed, is a 
hang-over from another FO.

/** The number of markers on this FO. */
private int numMarkers = 0;

/** The number of list-items on this FO. */
private int numItems = 0;

/** The offset of 1st table-row within the children. */
private int firstItemOffset = -1;

while ((ev = xmlevents.expectStartElement
   != null) {
new FoMarker(getFOTree(), this, ev, stateFlags);
ev = xmlevents.getEndElement(xmlevents.DISCARD_EV, ev);

There is no provision for extension elements, apart from the keeping 
track of incoming elements with variant namespace declarations.  In 
terms of the inherent input validation of pull parsing, the checking of 
foreign namespace elements could be inserted in the get/expect 
processing of the FOs.  The FO generation is already generalised (most 
Fo? elements are nto named in the code, and are generated by the 
makeFlowObject() method of FObjects, so generalising the validation of 
foreign elements should be feasible.  The semantics of such objects is 
always going to be more of a problem.

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Today's the day...

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West

Today (it's Thursday, my time) we hear what Tony Graham has been up to. 
 I don't suppose anyone is in Baltimore?

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Re: dtd catalog (was: src/documentation/README)

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

I'm still floundering around here, but when I found 'catalog' in
.../documentation/resources/schema, and the dtd in .../schema/dtd, I
began to see a ray of light.  It seems to me that such a setup should be
used for all of the DOCTYPE delcarations in the documentation tree.  At
the moment we are relying on the system identifier component of the
DOCTYPE declaration, and that is indicating a CVS retrieval - some from
the xml-forrest base, some from xml-cocoon2, last time I looked.

The way this works is that your validation software has to know how to find
the catalog. If it does, then the catalog can contain mappings from the
PUBLIC IDs in the DOCTYPE declaration to a local physical file. That setup
is already in all of our documents. For example, our resources.xml file
contains the following DOCTYPE:*checkout*/xml-forrest/src/resources/sche

Your catalog has to know how to map "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
to "/u/xml-schema/document-v11.dtd" or whatever your local file is.

What I added several weeks ago was the URIs (yes, they are CVS-based until
we find some static URI to use instead) that allow the validation to be done
across the internet. This doesn't take away the ability to use a local
catalog, but rather makes it no longer a necessity. My understanding is that
using URIs is the preferable way to do the validation. O'Reilly's "XML in a
Nutshell", 2nd edition, page 32, says "In practice, however, PUBLIC IDs
aren't used very much. Almost all validators rely on the URI to actually
validate the document." The only reason to use the catalog and the PUBLIC ID
is if you are on a machine that doesn't have suitable net access.

Norm Walsh has been campaigning for catalogs for a while now.  E.g.

I don't have the luxury of permanent net access.  Neither do you if is down or your access to the net is cut for any reason.

I think many apache developers would be in the situation that their work 
on open source must take place _away_ from their employment environment, 
and many of these would not have broadband or other permanent access.  I 
think that factor is worth considering.

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Re: src/documentation/README

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West
Christian Geisert wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

You need a local forrest installation, see


Thanks.  I have set one up, but I was confused about automated updates.

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Re: src/documentation/README

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West
Jeff Turner wrote:

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 11:24:34PM +1000, Peter B. West wrote:


Forrestbot is a glorified Ant script which automates the process of
checking out a site's contents from CVS, building the docs and uploading
the docs somewhere.  It currently has no official role in the
getting-HTML-onto-Apache process.

Where?  Is the login that appears at my logname and passwd?  The login transaction is not
secure. currently plays no role in the process of
checking HTML into xml-site.  It could in future, but not yet.

The username/password is forrest-dev/forrest-dev.  Logging in simply
allows you to trigger a refresh of

From the point above, this process is just like the previous one.  I 
have a checkout on my system of xml-site/targets/fop for just this 
purpose.  The only difference was that I would perform a cvs update of 
the FOP site manually, on, after committing the changes. 
So where does forrestbot come in?

It doesn't :)  Sorry if I implied it did by posting that URL in the
middle of the discussion.

However, if no-one comes up with a better mechanism for updating the live
site than xml-site/targets/*, then I will enable the commit-to-Apache-CVS
button, and will be useful as more than just a
staging server.


Thanks for the clarifications.  We're all stumbling towards a solution, 
it seems.

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Re: src/documentation/README

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 19:17, Victor Mote wrote:

OK, I see now that I misunderstood your "Sorry, yes" answer to Keiron. If should be reflecting changes no
more than an hour old made to xml-fop/src/documentation, then it is not
working. I just looked for changes that were made about 24 hours ago, and
they are not there. Also, as I mentioned, it shows a publish date of 12-7.
So I suspect that something is not working. We have one document with a
non-standard DTD (my fault, in fact that is what I am trying to work on)
that might be messing up the flow. How do I go about troubleshooting this?

Judging by the log it might be a DISPLAY problem.

The compliance doc should only cause a broken link.

Who is in charge of the cocoondev site, could they work out what the
problem is?

I think Sam Ruby has a script which automatically updates the live site
to the contents of xml-site/targets/*.

Should I contact him directly? Also, I still don't know whether
xml-site/targets/fop is my final destination. What is best practices for
this process? If this is documented somewhere, please excuse me -- I haven't
found it yet. Also, I realize that this conversation might be better on
forrest-dev. I asked on this list because I think Keiron has already figured
most of this out & I am trying to leverage off of that. Thanks very much for
your help.

Haven't figured out all of it.
There is no real documentation for the old process, currently we are
only really replacing the doc generation process.

Keiron, Victor,

I'm still floundering around here, but when I found 'catalog' in 
.../documentation/resources/schema, and the dtd in .../schema/dtd, I 
began to see a ray of light.  It seems to me that such a setup should be 
used for all of the DOCTYPE delcarations in the documentation tree.  At 
the moment we are relying on the system identifier component of the 
DOCTYPE declaration, and that is indicating a CVS retrieval - some from 
the xml-forrest base, some from xml-cocoon2, last time I looked.

These can (probably will) get out of sync. The dtd should be the one 
used when the document was last modified, shouldn't it?  It seems to me 
there is a case for including the schema subtree, including catalog 
file(s) and the dtd subdirectory, in the src/build tree, and maintaining 
the synchronization locally.

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Re: src/documentation/README

2002-12-11 Thread Peter B. West
Jeff Turner wrote:

Forrest is in the same boat as FOP when it comes to site updates.  AFAIK,
there are no docs, but the process is:

 - Committers commit generated docs to xml-site/targets/{project}

Generated by what?  Forrestbot?  Where?  Is the login that appears at my logname and passwd?  The 
login transaction is not secure.

From the point above, this process is just like the previous one.  I 
have a checkout on my system of xml-site/targets/fop for just this 
purpose.  The only difference was that I would perform a cvs update of 
the FOP site manually, on, after committing the changes. 
 So where does forrestbot come in?

 - Every X hours, a script updates /www/ or wherever on
   the live site, from CVS.

Pretty messy, but this CVS-based site update system has some virtues:

 - it is pull-based, so fewer security risks
 - site contents can be reverted easily without an admin having to figure
   out how the doc generation tool works.
 - it's there and it works

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Re: Changes in xdocs directories

2002-12-10 Thread Peter B. West
Peter B. West wrote:

Keiron, Victor,

I started to make some changes in the xdocs directory, and 
ran into problems immediately.  Forrest didn't like something in one of 
the files, but when I went to have a look at the directory, I began to 
find CVS discrepancies.  This morning I did a cvs update on 
.../src/documentation/content/xdocs/, and most of the files 
had gone away.  Is this because of the forrest site build problems?  I 
want to make changes to the documentation anyway, so if you let me know 
what the requirements are for getting the forrest site build to work, I 
can fix the files.  If you would rather get the basics sorted 
out yourself, let me know.

I found the image files in 

I'm not seeing any fop-cvs mail about these commits.  Any idea why?

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Changes in xdocs directories

2002-12-10 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron, Victor,

I started to make some changes in the xdocs directory, and 
ran into problems immediately.  Forrest didn't like something in one of 
the files, but when I went to have a look at the directory, I began to 
find CVS discrepancies.  This morning I did a cvs update on 
.../src/documentation/content/xdocs/, and most of the files 
had gone away.  Is this because of the forrest site build problems?  I 
want to make changes to the documentation anyway, so if you let me know 
what the requirements are for getting the forrest site build to work, I 
can fix the files.  If you would rather get the basics sorted 
out yourself, let me know.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: src/documentation/README

2002-12-10 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

Jeff Turner wrote:

On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 10:24:28AM -0700, Victor Mote wrote:

Jeff Turner wrote:


Updated every hour with the latest Forrest and FOP source.

I am really not yet following what is going on here. I

understand the flow

of files into xml-site/targets/fop. I assume that the link

above is showing

an hourly update of those contents (the xml-site/targets/fop is

cvs, so it

is getting checked out on a server somewhere).

No, it is checking out xml-fop/src/documentation from CVS and building
that with the latest Forrest.  What you see there has no relation to
what's in xml-site/targets/fop

OK, I see now that I misunderstood your "Sorry, yes" answer to Keiron. If should be reflecting changes no
more than an hour old made to xml-fop/src/documentation, then it is not
working. I just looked for changes that were made about 24 hours ago, and
they are not there. Also, as I mentioned, it shows a publish date of 12-7.
So I suspect that something is not working. We have one document with a
non-standard DTD (my fault, in fact that is what I am trying to work on)
that might be messing up the flow. How do I go about troubleshooting this?

I think Sam Ruby has a script which automatically updates the live site
to the contents of xml-site/targets/*.

Should I contact him directly? Also, I still don't know whether
xml-site/targets/fop is my final destination. What is best practices for
this process? If this is documented somewhere, please excuse me -- I haven't
found it yet. Also, I realize that this conversation might be better on
forrest-dev. I asked on this list because I think Keiron has already figured
most of this out & I am trying to leverage off of that. Thanks very much for
your help.

Victor, Jeff,

Please keep this conversation here.  I, too, am finding this process 
very confusing, but all of the committers need to be aware of the way 
the FOP web-site updates work, and we can't do that if the conversation 

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Alt-Design: Preliminary results FO tree build test

2002-12-09 Thread Peter B. West
Peter B. West wrote:

Keiron Liddle wrote:

On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 03:47, Peter B. West wrote:

If anyone else want to have a look I would be interested in the 
results.  I am particularly interested in memory usage, which, prima 
facie, looks good.  9 megs total memory usage for 51 pages of FO tree 
sounds very encouraging to me, although I have called these 
preliminary because I am not certain that everything that needs to be 
created has been created.

I don't know how much you know about it, but in HEAD Karen added
whitespace handling that reduces the whitespace as it is processed (eg.
when a block ends).

I get about 17.5Mb for that document. I don't know what is using it all
but there are lots of variables that are not being used.

Unfortunately, since FOP was changed to trigger layout on the end 
element of a page-sequence, no complete FO tree is built in the 
current versions.  There are, however, only two page sequences in the 
fo file, so the simple solution may be to remove the the smaller of 
these for the comparisons.


Using the current maint version, I made the following modifications:

Forced GC for memory profiling
Moved time calculation ahead of GC (it takes over 1.2 seconds)
 - in
Commented out the call to render()
Allowed page-sequence FO subtree to be added to the FO tree
 - in

Compiled and run under j2sdk-1.4.1 and build.compiler=jikes.

Obviously all of the renderer setup code is still present, including 
font setup, and as you say, there are no doubt variables which are 
initialised for the rendering.

Results (fastest of three successive runs):

[DEBUG] Input mode:
[DEBUG] fo input file: 
[DEBUG] Output mode:
[DEBUG] pdf
[DEBUG] output file: /tmp/51.pdf
[DEBUG] no user configuration file is used [default]
[DEBUG] debug mode on
[DEBUG] dump configuration
[DEBUG] quiet mode on
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] base directory: file:/home/pbw/public_html/xml/
[INFO] FOP 0.20.5cvs
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] building formatting object tree
[INFO] setting up fonts
[INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
[DEBUG] Total time used: 17159ms
[DEBUG] Pages rendered: 0
[DEBUG] Initial heap size: 497Kb
[DEBUG] Current heap size: 16922Kb
[DEBUG] Total memory used: 16425Kb

The equivalent figures from my original post are:
Initial heap size: 352Kb
Current heap size: 8879Kb
Total memory used: 8527Kb

The comparable time is the elapsed time before preorder scan:


I have just run some quick test of property generation, to determine 
whether I was actually generating the property sets for the FOs. 
Although there are obviously still some bugs in property generation, the 
full property sets are being generated.

I don't think that almost halving the memory usage of the FO tree build 
can be accounted for by "unused variables" in the maint code.  Rather, 
it seems that the rewrite of FO tree building and property 
representation has achieved its design goal: significantly reduced 
memory usage.

To my surprise, it also runs faster, in spite of using an admittedly 
less efficient pull parsing method implemented over the top of SAX. 
Taking advantage of native pull parsing APIs when they become available 
(and the Neko pull parser is slated for release with Xerces soon) will 
increase the performance.

Now if I can work out Forrest, I'll update the documentation.

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Re: Redesign issues

2002-12-09 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

I still believe that it is useful to have the layout managers separate
from the fo tree. There are a number of reasons that come to mind. It is
possible to independantly change layout managers. Certain fo's aren't
directly in the same hierarchy: markers, undefined table columns, table
cells under table body. Then there are things like floats and footnotes
that can gain from this.


I'm inclining in this direction myself, because I am interested in 
isolating the layout/area tree functions as much as possible from the 
raw information stream of the FO tree.  I tend to view the FO tree as a 
read-only data source for the layout. manaaged by the Fo objects.

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Re: Getting breaks: revisited

2002-12-09 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:

Victor Mote wrote:

Just to be clear, I should point out that there is not a layout that is
impossible to perform.

There are layouts for which it is very hard to decide what
to do. Consider the following:";>







Should this create 100 empty pages and render the text onto
the 101st page, or should it squeeze it onto the first page,
thereby violating the advised width constraint of the block?
The user could have either in mind.


I kept this one in my inbox, and have finally got back to it.  I would 
have thought that in a case like this, the intention of the spec would 
be realised by laying out 0 of the repeatable-p-m-refs "thin", out of 
the available range of 0-100, then laying out 1 of the "thick" r-p-m-refs.

This would work in the same way for the other case you mention - 
constrained height and keep-together table rows.

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Re: Redesign issues

2002-12-09 Thread Peter B. West
Arved Sandstrom wrote:

I actually helped push for this last year - the notion of separate layout
managers. I was strongly influenced by the mess that FOP code had become at
the time, and really thought that layout should be taken out of the FOs
themselves; that the FO's, in a sense, were (or should be) just value

I worked on an xslfo-proc prototype (in Perl) for months earlier this year.
I started out with the layout manager idea. It became increasingly clear to
me that there was in fact a natural 1-1 correspondence between managers and
FOs. I had a prototype, incidentally, which properly handled
reference-orientation in all regions, and even took RO down to
block-containers, something which no implementation (not FOP, not XEP, not
XSLFormatter, not XFC) has correctly done. Unless Epic handles RO correctly,
which I don't know.

It's also interesting, Joerg, that you should mention a "hard to understand"
layout manager class hierarchy...this is also what inevitably developed in
my prototype. So at some point (and I think there are comments and emails to
support this) I eventually came back to the thought that there is nothing
wrong with individual FOs being able to do their own layout. Which is
actually the existing "maintenance stream" FOP model.

Here are a couple.  I remembered these exchanges, and was wondering 
whether you might mention them in this context.

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Re: fop.xsd

2002-12-08 Thread Peter B. West
Peter B. West wrote:


I'm not sure what your intention is, but from the wording of the commit 
comment, I think I may have mislead you with a previous posting.  4f was 
the superseded version.  (Yes, I know, I should have left 4g.)  fop4.xsd 
contained the latest version (4g).


Sorry about the premature response.

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2002-12-08 Thread Peter B. West

I noticed from your commt that the 'country-name's had lost their 

I don't know whether this was in the original, but it certainly reads 

fop.xsd also includes 2-letter language codes. However, the 3-letter 
language codes are the ones we need.  They have terminology and 
bibliographic variants (the terminology variant is normative for XSL) 
which occasionally differ.  Many languages have the legacy 639-1 
2-letter as well, and it is useful to keep them about the place, as they 
are frequently used, e.g. en_US.  See ISO 639-2T, ISO 639-2B, ISO 639-1 

In conf/xml-lang.xml (under tag FOP_0-20-0_Alt-Design, naturally) I have 
included these variants as optional attributes in the language entries. 
 E.g. the following consecutive entries:



fop.xsd has no "script" entries.  xml-lang.xml contains script codes 
according to the latest version of the ISO 15924 draft that I could find.

Chuck, if you want me to post a copy of the file to you, let me know.

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2002-12-08 Thread Peter B. West

I'm not sure what your intention is, but from the wording of the commit 
comment, I think I may have mislead you with a previous posting.  4f was 
the superseded version.  (Yes, I know, I should have left 4g.)  fop4.xsd 
contained the latest version (4g).

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Re: Alt-Design: Preliminary results FO tree build test

2002-12-06 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 03:47, Peter B. West wrote:


Nerver having used it, I am not aware of its capabilities.  As I don't 
develop in a Microsoft environment, and have no access to MS Visual C++, 
and I don't run in a Solaris environment, my options for trying this are 

If anyone else want to have a look I would be interested in the results. 
 I am particularly interested in memory usage, which, prima facie, 
looks good.  9 megs total memory usage for 51 pages of FO tree sounds 
very encouraging to me, although I have called these preliminary because 
I am not certain that everything that needs to be created has been created.

I don't know how much you know about it, but in HEAD Karen added
whitespace handling that reduces the whitespace as it is processed (eg.
when a block ends).

I get about 17.5Mb for that document. I don't know what is using it all
but there are lots of variables that are not being used.

Unfortunately, since FOP was changed to trigger layout on the end 
element of a page-sequence, no complete FO tree is built in the current 
versions.  There are, however, only two page sequences in the fo file, 
so the simple solution may be to remove the the smaller of these for the 


Using the current maint version, I made the following modifications:

Forced GC for memory profiling
Moved time calculation ahead of GC (it takes over 1.2 seconds)
 - in
Commented out the call to render()
Allowed page-sequence FO subtree to be added to the FO tree
 - in

Compiled and run under j2sdk-1.4.1 and build.compiler=jikes.

Obviously all of the renderer setup code is still present, including 
font setup, and as you say, there are no doubt variables which are 
initialised for the rendering.

Results (fastest of three successive runs):

[DEBUG] Input mode:
[DEBUG] fo input file: 
[DEBUG] Output mode:
[DEBUG] pdf
[DEBUG] output file: /tmp/51.pdf
[DEBUG] no user configuration file is used [default]
[DEBUG] debug mode on
[DEBUG] dump configuration
[DEBUG] quiet mode on
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] base directory: file:/home/pbw/public_html/xml/
[INFO] FOP 0.20.5cvs
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] building formatting object tree
[INFO] setting up fonts
[INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
[DEBUG] Total time used: 17159ms
[DEBUG] Pages rendered: 0
[DEBUG] Initial heap size: 497Kb
[DEBUG] Current heap size: 16922Kb
[DEBUG] Total memory used: 16425Kb

The equivalent figures from my original post are:
Initial heap size: 352Kb
Current heap size: 8879Kb
Total memory used: 8527Kb

The comparable time is the elapsed time before preorder scan:

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Re: Alt-Design: Preliminary results FO tree build test

2002-12-06 Thread Peter B. West
Rhett Aultman wrote:

I have a Solaris box (Sun Blade 100) here at home, but the sources should compile on Linux, I would think.  I'm actually looking at integrating a jProf library into an MBean for the JBoss project, and I did all my preliminary work on my Solaris box (some of that research will be in the February issue of Java Developer's Journal, barring any catastrophes).  I could run the tests over here, in theory.  Maybe we should discuss the specifics of a test in private?


Please do.

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Re: Alt-Design: Preliminary results FO tree build test

2002-12-05 Thread Peter B. West

Nerver having used it, I am not aware of its capabilities.  As I don't 
develop in a Microsoft environment, and have no access to MS Visual C++, 
and I don't run in a Solaris environment, my options for trying this are 

If anyone else want to have a look I would be interested in the results. 
 I am particularly interested in memory usage, which, prima facie, 
looks good.  9 megs total memory usage for 51 pages of FO tree sounds 
very encouraging to me, although I have called these preliminary because 
I am not certain that everything that needs to be created has been created.

Unfortunately, since FOP was changed to trigger layout on the end 
element of a page-sequence, no complete FO tree is built in the current 
versions.  There are, however, only two page sequences in the fo file, 
so the simple solution may be to remove the the smaller of these for the 


Rhett Aultman wrote:
Hmmm...maybe we could use a JVM profiler like jProf ( for this?

-Original Message-
From: Oleg Tkachenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Peter B. West wrote:

Herewith the preliminary results of running the FO tree build 
against the 51 page test document supplied by Bertrand. 

What is included in this measurement? I presume it's fo parsing, userconfig 
processing and fo tree buiding?

  Thanks for the

file Bertrand.  The file yields a tree of 11044 nodes.  The pull buffer 
is set to 64, the maximum size of the FoXMLEvent pool is 74, and the 
total number of FoXMLEvent objects created is 78 (next event id -1).

The sytem is a 256Mb PII laptop running Sun's Java 1.4.1 under Redhat 7.3.

Elapsed time from the beginning of org.apache.fop.apps.Fop main to the 
end of the FO tree build is 15960.  The preorder scan of the tree takes 
that to 16176.

The test is run within a 'time' command with the results
  18.02s real11.71s user 0.24s system

It's rather interesting to compare it with the trunk code. But I believe we 
need real profiler software results to make any serious conclusions.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Re: Redesign issues

2002-12-05 Thread Peter B. West
Keiron Liddle wrote:

On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 13:01, Peter B. West wrote:

There is an implication in what you are saying that you do have the 
direction forward for the FO processor "internalised", so to speak,
that a complete FO processor is, as Christian says, just a matter of 
time.  I, and I suspect Arved, wonder why that is not clear to
 You have a great track record in FOP over a long period, and if you 
insist that the redesign is moving towards completion, I would be 
inclined to believe you, but I do need to be shown how.  Arved also
a great track record over many years in FOP, and Arved seems to be 

Please define "redesign".
The following things are at least better than anywhere else: area tree,
image handling, pdf lib, svg, renderer. Fo tree is better than the
maintanence branch.

See comments below.

If you are referring to the layout then I can't say that it is anywhere
near completion, but in general it is currently better than the
maintanence branch. (lack of a number of features and missing words

It seems to me that a lot of the arguments are of this type:

As far as I am concerned it is largely irrelevant whether the particular
layout design is 100% correct. Yes it is extermely important and will be
best tackled by breaking it down into smaller problems. But so far I
have only heard arguments against two methods in the layout managers,
getting breaks and reset.

Sure it probably would be helpful to design a layout algorithm isolated
from all the other stuff and that is something that someone could


Believe me, I can find plenty of other things to do that have no
relation to the layout.

Still, from my perspective it is a high priority to get it to a level
similar to the maintanence branch, this will make fixing bugs,
responding to users, integration with other projects documentation etc.
a lot easier. Then to move forward from there.

In any case, I would like to be able to make useful suggestions
concerning the redesign.  I have many times in the past expressed the
genuine hope for the success of FOP by whatever path, and I had never,
until recently, even suggested that anyone commit to over
HEAD redesign.  I cannot, however, commit to a design that I either do
not understand, or do not have any confidence in.  Who can?

If all you care about is a perfect layout then that is reasonable, then
reduce the problem/difference to the layout. Most users care more about
lots of other issues. Catering for these users will help us IMHO.


We seem to have achieved considerable agreement here.  From what you say 
above, the HEAD redesign is nearing the point at which it can take over 
from the maint branch as the usable version of FOP.  That solves one of 
the problems that Karen mentioned, and will integrate the efforts of 
those with production commitments, and those working on the New Design.

You say, above:

> Sure it probably would be helpful to design a layout algorithm isolated
> from all the other stuff and that is something that someone could
> pursue.

I'll put my hand up for this.  It is my intention to scavenge as much 
code as possible from HEAD to implement the design.  It may not come to 
that.  If those working on HEAD adopt elements of as they see 
the possibilty and benefit of so doing, the incremental design approach 
you favour and may turn out to be synergistic.

In any case, I hope to pursue these goals without feeling a pariah in 
the FOP development community, when my purpose is a better FOP.

I hope this goal remains relevant across Sun's pending announcement.

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Re: FOP schema

2002-12-05 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

If no one objects, I would like to move this information to fop.xsd & let
CVS handle the revision issues. The viewcvs program allows us to append a
revision number, so we could even branch & tag this to keep it tied to

Sounds OK.

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Re: Redesign issues

2002-12-05 Thread Peter B. West
, however, commit to a design that I either do 
not understand, or do not have any confidence in.  Who can?

In order for the "software darwinism" described by Bertrand to function 
for FOP, both alternative streams would need to have a bigger developer 
community to move them along and to explain their merits. Do we have the 
human resources to afford that? And do we want to do that? If not, how 
do we decide how to make a better FO processor. These are the questions 
we had better discuss, the sooner the better.

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Redesign issues

2002-12-04 Thread Peter B. West
Arved Sandstrom wrote:

You're being absolutely honest, which is cool - I'll be absolutely honest
also. It seems to me like the mainstream rewrite is in trouble. Very few
people understand it or have [clearly] bought into it. This is no comment on
its technical merits, by any means.

OTOH, only one person has been working on the alternative - you yourself,
Peter. So what we really have is 3 projects: maintenance, rewrite, and
alternative, and most of the committers and developers seem to be working on
maintenance. Correct me if I'm wrong.

In a sense, we have four. Although xslfo-proc is being developed in
another place and language, you are still very much a part of this
development community, active of not. I nominate xslfo-proc as the
fourth project because, to the best of my knowledge, you and Eric are
taking a different approach to design again.  And the design, as you
point out, is the critical issue.  Whatever success you have with design 
in xslfo-proc should be of great interest here.

The problems you describe in your email are symptoms, in my opinion. Forrest
is irrelevant...we have bigger problems. In fact, pull vs push vs tree is
also irrelevant, because that is dancing around the big issues -
understanding the FO spec, and being able to implement it. Has anyone so
far, for example, described a clear vision for properly handling keeps?

A comprehensive vision, no.  But what I consider to be some necessary
elements of the solution, yes.  And I firmly believe that the problem is 
comprehensively solvable.

they haven't. Does anyone here think the FO problem is non-deterministic?
Raise your hands, please. :-) No? In which case, why (years after this
project started) do we not have clear algorithms stating exactly what we
will do in various situations?

This is the question that everyone has to answer.  Blind faith that that 
the problem can be solved by simply hurling onself at it is not enough. 
 I'm not saying that Keiron and Karen are in that situation, but I 
suspect that others are.  An elegant and comprehensive plan of attack, 
including a design approach that can confidently be expected to crack 
the toughest problems, may exist in their imaginations, but it needs to 
be made manifest before any sort of team attack can be made on the problems.

My impression though (and I am happy to have my ignorance corrected on
this) is that the redesign is being attempted piecemeal, without a broad
overview.  If I am correct in this, it would be largely explained by the
complexity of the problem, and the determination to retain as much as
possible of the existing code base, and therefore, of the existing 
design.  If I am wrong in this, it may be symptomatic of, in addition to 
 my laziness and obtuseness, inadequate top-level documentation 
(including diagramming) of the way the layout is attacked.

Whether or not those considerations actually apply in this case, if you
are using piecemeal design as a way to attack complexity, you must be
prepared to throw things away when they prove not to be fruitful, as
many things inevitably will.

 I could care less at this point about SAX and
DOM and pull and push - that's XML processing. Our FO processing algorithms,
stated in design notes, should express independently of XML processing model
how we will handle every FO situation.

I agree with you here.  By the time the layout is triggered in the
current model, the relevant part of the FO tree has been built, so the
layout engine is always working on a complete subtree.  However, it
seems to me that the existing design, and possibly the redesign, do not
take full advantage of this.  The has the advantage of being
based on an explicit, fully navigable tree structure.  However, that
structure is not, in itself, sufficient to express the relationships
needed for layout.  We have had discussions in the past about tree vs.
flat structures for the area tree.  I believe that both views are needed
simultaneously, and that the "flat" view can be obtained by running
"threads" of links through the tree to represent page-contiguous
elements for the resolution of keeps and space-specifiers, for example.

I am not dismissing your concerns, Peter. I just think that we've got bigger
ones. We are the committers; we need to decide once and for all what we
intend to do. If it assuages your feelings any, I happen to be partial to
your pull model - I am personally very comfortable with SAX, but I recognise
that most are not.

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Re: FOP schema

2002-12-04 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:

While working on an FAQ for FO dtd & schema, I see that we have two schema
in docs/foschema: fop4f.xsd & fop4.xsd. They are similar. Does anyone know
what the purpose for both is, why we have 2, or the 4 & 4f designations?


I think that Chuck was appending a letter to each version of the schema. 
 When he submitted fop4g.xsd, I cleaned the tabs out of fop4f.xsd, and 
committed that file as fop4.xsd.  I then did similar clanups on 
fop4g.xsd, and committed that as a change to fop4.xsd.  So from 
fop4.xsd, you can recover the latest two versions of the file. 
fop4f.xsd is for historical reference only, left in case there were any 
problems with my cleanups of fop4.xsd.  At the time I let Chuck know 
what I had done, and asked him if he could submit a diff against that 
file as his next version.


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Re: info

2002-12-04 Thread Peter B. West
sri vela wrote:

Hi all,
I would like to know about fop Where can i
find the documentation for this? will it change the
entire old design ro part of it? What should i do to
involve in Thanks in advance.


Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you earlier.  There is a new round of 
discussions about design getting underway now, after which the direction 
of design work may be more clear, including the way such thorny issues 
as "auto" table layout are to be dealt with.  As things stand, the "New 
design" effort is much more mature, and is actually performing useful 
layout.  The layout component of is, as yet, only a few 
design notes, to which Oleg has pointed you.  These will be updated 
shortly to reflect the actual FO tree and properties design which has 
largely been completed.  Please read the notes and give me your feedback.

Befoer becoming committed to any particular line of development, 
however, read the discussion here about the design direction.

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Re: Alt-Design: Preliminary results FO tree build test

2002-12-03 Thread Peter B. West
Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

Peter B. West wrote:

Herewith the preliminary results of running the FO tree 
build against the 51 page test document supplied by Bertrand. 

What is included in this measurement? I presume it's fo parsing, 
userconfig processing and fo tree buiding?


It's rather interesting to compare it with the trunk code. But I believe 
we need real profiler software results to make any serious conclusions.

It would be interesting.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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Alt-Design: Preliminary results FO tree build test

2002-12-03 Thread Peter B. West

Herewith the preliminary results of running the FO tree build 
against the 51 page test document supplied by Bertrand.  Thanks for the 
file Bertrand.  The file yields a tree of 11044 nodes.  The pull buffer 
is set to 64, the maximum size of the FoXMLEvent pool is 74, and the 
total number of FoXMLEvent objects created is 78 (next event id -1).

The sytem is a 256Mb PII laptop running Sun's Java 1.4.1 under Redhat 7.3.

Elapsed time from the beginning of org.apache.fop.apps.Fop main to the 
end of the FO tree build is 15960.  The preorder scan of the tree takes 
that to 16176.

The test is run within a 'time' command with the results
   18.02s real11.71s user 0.24s system

Memory figures after a final GC, besides being somewhat confusing, are

Total memory after GC   : 16334848
Free memory after GC: 7242184

The command was:

time java $Fop -fo /home/pbw/public_html/xml/

The full output from the test run follows.

reading user configuration file userconfig.xml
Can't find user configuration file userconfig.xml in user locations
base directory: file:/home/pbw/public_html/xml/
Version: FOP 0.20.0 Alt-Design
Input mode: fo
fo input file: /home/pbw/public_html/xml/
Output mode: pdf
output file: /usr/local/src/xml-fop_20_Alt/docs/examples/tests/test.pdf
user configuration file: userconfig.xml
debug mode on
don't dump configuration [default]
low level areas generated[default]
quiet mode off [default]
FOP Developers Build
using SAX parser org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
Starting parserThread
parserThread started
foThread started
simple-page-master ok
simple-page-master ok
simple-page-master ok
Making sparsePropsSet for static-content.
Making sparsePropsSet for flow.
Making sparsePropsSet for static-content.
Making sparsePropsSet for static-content.
Making sparsePropsSet for flow.
Size of event pool: 74
Next event id : 78
Back from buildFoTree
Elapsed time: 15960
# of FONodes: 11044
Back from
Elapsed time: 16176
Total memory before run : 2031616
Total memory after run  : 11886592
Total memory after GC   : 16334848
Diff before/after total : 9854976
Diff before/GC total: 14303232
Diff after/GC total : 4448256
Free memory before run  : 1670696
Free memory after run   : 2114040
Free memory after GC: 7242184
Diff before/after free  : 443344
Diff before/GC free : 5571488
Diff after/GC free  : 5128144
cg() freed  : 5128144
   18.02s real11.71s user     0.24s system

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