Re: [Audyssey] VIPMud scripting and roundtime for the beginner

2009-02-16 Thread jaliya skye
Oops, I only put half of the mud client's name in the subject line.This is 
what happens when you type while half asleep.

I am using VIPmud.

Sorry for the confusion.


- Original Message - 
From: Che
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] VIP scripting and roundtime for the beginner

  Hard to help without knowing what mud client you are using friend.
  Although the basics are usually the same general ideas, different mud
clients go about it different ways.
  Let me know and I may be able to point you in the right direction.

- Original Message - 
From: jaliya skye
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 12:39 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] VIP scripting and roundtime for the beginner

 Hi there:

 I am currently playing a mud called Unwritten Legends (I will gladly pimp
 this mud in another thread), and I would like to make some scripts and
 macros that would help me with things such as foraging, combat,
 for magic spells, etc.

 I will admit that I have very very rudimentary knowledge in all things
 scripting, so if someone might be willing to help me with a few queries
 frustrations so that I cna get on the right track, I would greatly
 appreciate it.

 Firstly, there is roundtime associated with various skills.  So if I
 my dagger at an opponent, a message that says 'roundtime: 3 seconds' will
 come up. I have three seconds until I can perform another in-game action.

 When I have finishd killing an opponent, I'd like to be able to skin the
 corpse, put the skin in my pack, and search the corpse.  There is,
 a roundtime associated for those things as well.  Roundtime is a great
 thing, but with my very limited trigger-making skillls, I am uncertain of
 how to begin making triggers that I can use without the next command
 tripped up by left over round time.

 There are other questions that I have, and I'd like to delve in to making
 some sound triggers for this game. Not too many, just a few that might be

 I'd appreciate any assistance that you could provide.

 Happy gaming.


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[Audyssey] VIP scripting and roundtime for the beginner

2009-02-15 Thread jaliya skye
Hi there:

I am currently playing a mud called Unwritten Legends (I will gladly pimp 
this mud in another thread), and I would like to make some scripts and 
macros that would help me with things such as foraging, combat, preparation 
for magic spells, etc.

I will admit that I have very very rudimentary knowledge in all things 
scripting, so if someone might be willing to help me with a few queries and 
frustrations so that I cna get on the right track, I would greatly 
appreciate it.

Firstly, there is roundtime associated with various skills.  So if I thrust 
my dagger at an opponent, a message that says 'roundtime: 3 seconds' will 
come up. I have three seconds until I can perform another in-game action.

When I have finishd killing an opponent, I'd like to be able to skin the 
corpse, put the skin in my pack, and search the corpse.  There is, however, 
a roundtime associated for those things as well.  Roundtime is a great 
thing, but with my very limited trigger-making skillls, I am uncertain of 
how to begin making triggers that I can use without the next command getting 
tripped up by left over round time.

There are other questions that I have, and I'd like to delve in to making 
some sound triggers for this game. Not too many, just a few that might be 

I'd appreciate any assistance that you could provide.

Happy gaming.


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[Audyssey] arborell

2008-10-05 Thread jaliya skye
Oh my gosh.

Why didn't you ever give us this little gem earlier?  This looks very, very 

Being someone who absolutely sucks at anything involving interactive 
fiction, I think I could sink my teeth in to this.  It would be fun to start 
a character with someone and do the same gamebook to see how different our 
paths are in how we progress in the game.

Thank you so much for posting about this.


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Re: [Audyssey] Hello all!

2008-09-05 Thread jaliya skye
Hi there:

Welcome to the list.  I'm Jal and I am tucked in the Pacific Northwest.

My first mud was discworld and I frequent Miriani, but I have tried Legend 
mud a few years ago.  I found myself very impressed but rather confused on 
starting out, but I enjoyed it.  If I get some time between courses, I'll 
have to stop by.

Welcome and I know what it's like to be totally entrenched in a mud.


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Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-05 Thread jaliya skye
The slipgate post actually cracked me up.  And I could understand some of 
where he was coming from. But what I will say is that while some may be 
addicted to mudding, there are other addictions out there too. Like coding 
for a game that you apparently don't want to deal with.  Hence it being 
closed down.  So I guess that was a moot point, which is the best that I can 
come up with at the moment.

I guess I said all of that to say this:  Don't take it seriously or 


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Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-05 Thread jaliya skye
Now, Thomas wrote a much more eloquent message that said most of what I was 
trying to say.  I'm just going to leave all the talking to you since I can't 
think properly this late at night.

I'm a big proponent of the fact that if you don't tell people that they 
can't, they most likely will.  If it isn't written out in stone, people 
won't know to do it. But sometimes even when written out in stone, there are 
those who try to lawyer around those rules and find loopholes.

I wish that we could play the graphical games as our sighted counterparts.

I'm really done now.

Jal, falling over.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at 
the moment, too

As for me personally I don't agree with the general tone of his
announcement, but I can agree with many of the points he made in that
announcement. He pointed out that MOOs are technologically out of date.
That to a large degree is true. We have now reached the point where pvp
and good roll playing games are done through 3D graphical clients
capable of doing far more for a sighted gamer than text based MOOs. Like
everything else that is computer related the sighted users tend to go
where they can get the best visual and graphical effects, and those left
behind are those with visual impairments that can't use the new
graphical software, or those geeks that like the text based MOOs for
their own personal reasons.
As far as creativity and imagination goes I think he may have a valid
point. Far too many mud players tend to use ship and character names
from their favorite television shows instead of actually thinking up
something a little more unique and personally creative. If, for example,
you are playing a mud and discover the ship you are about to fight is
named Voyager, Enterprise, or Defiant you would naturally assume the
player is a Star Trek fan, and he is most likely pretending the mud is
an extention of Star Trek. If you were to engage a ship with a name like
the Exicuter, Milennium Falcon, etc you might then assume the player was
imagining himself to be in the Star Wars universe. This isn't really all
that creative, unique, and may detract from the mud for those players
wanting something specifically related to the mud universe and not bring
in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica, etc.
As a game developer myself I can understand the developers desire to
complain about having to compete with big name science fiction ships and
characters as he probably wants the players to use there creativity to
improve the mud. To make the mud universe more interesting, more
creatively diverse, and not mix and match big name science fiction
people, places, and things in the mud.
His complaint about players coming up with generic or common names like
the Salvager is understandable, but a bit over critical. Not everyone is
as gifted with creativity and imagination as he thinks he is, and people
just joined to have a good time. Trying to think up a cool ship name and
unique character profile does take time, and careful thought. I am
guessing the majority of the players just signed up, put any old name
they felt like on there ships, and got on with there adventure. Yeah, it
might b boring, drab, but for that player it is acceptable. He or she
was not informed in advanced they had to think up something cool or
unique before joining the mud, and then the developer gets angry at them
for their lack of creativity and imagination.
Finally, the developer does bring up the issue of people with physical
impairments as a type of player that frequents his game. Putting us down
as he did was just flat out wrong. We aren't able to move on to bigger
and better graphical RPG style games, and he knows that. Treating me or
anyone else with a physical impairment as a seperate species of human
not worth his time is unfairr, but not really surprising.
After all, the majority of the people on this list already know what
sighted people generally think of blind people anyway. They either think
we are inferior to them and can't do anything they can do, or they see
an item on the news about a blind musician and collectively assume that
blind people are all going to have equal musical talents. There are all
kinds of eronious assumptions sighted people make about blind people,
and what we are seeing here is some of that coming to the surface in a
negative way from a sighted software developer ready to get out of his
current business
Do I find his message offensive? No, I don't really find it offensive. I
have known for a very long time that many sighted people secretly have
negative opinions of people with physical impairments such as blindness.
In some cases the opinion is justified when their only encounter is with
a blind person who has an attitude of being very winy, complains a lot,
or gets 

Re: [Audyssey] Other good muds for blind people

2008-08-29 Thread jaliya skye
Well, I'm sort of from way back in the day of 2001 and still refer to the 
August 3rd changes of 2002.  Oh god, I feel like such an oldbie.

Shabree is a sekkite, but was also the character I used to become a liaison. 
I have Annalenne who is my witch, and Marenna who is my thief.  But I am so 
lost now.  Nothing is as I recognize it.  ahh, nostalgia.

I don't know which character I want to focus on...perhaps my little bitty 
sekkite or the thiefling.

I'll be around to chat with you today.  congratulations on being a newbie 
helper.  It is a very rewarding job, as was liaison.


- Original Message - 
From: Missy Hoppe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Other good muds for blind people

ah. Discworld pets. You've got to love them! For anyone who may be
interested, I have a blue-grey sky terrier at the moment that would be free
to a good home. My favorite pet of all is the moon dragon. (smile)
Anyway, discworld is awesome!
What is your character's name out there?

- Original Message - 
From: jaliya skye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Other good muds for blind people

A few muds that I have frequented and enjoyed are the following:

legends of Karinth port 1234 (very in-depth and highly
customizable, roleplay accepted)
Legend of the jedi port 5656 (star-wars based,
rp-enforced, permanent death.)
lensmoor port 4000 (rp-heavy but not enforced, I forgot the
category that goes between accepted and enforced.  It does have wilderness
but a blind person can get through it with some patience and by reading
descriptions, several races, is classless, has a fantastic crafting system
and a wealth of rp or questing or pk if you opt in to the pvp aspect)
discworld port 23 (it's big, my first mud, has a lot of
people, so many features I can't even count, people can rp if they want but
don't have to, you can hack and slash, do quests, or do all of the things
that so many people think are useless like shopping, buying pets, etc.  I
should really go back there and look Missy up especially now that Miriani
down for a week. I still have characters on there)

I'd also check the mud connecter or mud magic's top ten or top 20 muds to
see if there is something that strikes your fancy.  Good luck!


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Re: [Audyssey] Other good muds for blind people

2008-08-28 Thread jaliya skye
A few muds that I have frequented and enjoyed are the following:

legends of Karinth port 1234 (very in-depth and highly 
customizable, roleplay accepted)
Legend of the jedi port 5656 (star-wars based, 
rp-enforced, permanent death.)
lensmoor port 4000 (rp-heavy but not enforced, I forgot the 
category that goes between accepted and enforced.  It does have wilderness 
but a blind person can get through it with some patience and by reading room 
descriptions, several races, is classless, has a fantastic crafting system 
and a wealth of rp or questing or pk if you opt in to the pvp aspect)
discworld port 23 (it's big, my first mud, has a lot of 
people, so many features I can't even count, people can rp if they want but 
don't have to, you can hack and slash, do quests, or do all of the things 
that so many people think are useless like shopping, buying pets, etc.  I 
should really go back there and look Missy up especially now that Miriani is 
down for a week. I still have characters on there)

I'd also check the mud connecter or mud magic's top ten or top 20 muds to 
see if there is something that strikes your fancy.  Good luck!


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Re: [Audyssey] Miriani - Patrick Fitzpatrick, the MAN, the MYTH, THE LEGEND?

2008-08-22 Thread jaliya skye
One thing that people really should take in to account is that there is a 
difference between in character and out of character.

There have been a lot of things that have frustrated the heck out of me but 
I also know that sometimes you just need to take a step back, take a deep 
breath. And what people don't realize is that if things are a little too 
intense, you can always close that window for a little while until you are 
in a better frame of mind.  I've done it a time or two.

at any rate, no one will ever make everyone else happy in a game.  Those of 
us who like rp over combat tactics get ridiculed, those who tend to play 
space pirates get accused of being OMG big old jerks with no life, and those 
of us who are somewhere in the middle get ridiculed on both sides.  Not on 
Miriani persay, but just a general observation from someone who has been 
mudding for a while.

When people start to look at their characters as just that, characters, and 
not as extensions of their player which is going t give you a world of hurt, 
then it will probably not be as bad.  But since no one is perfect and 
sometimes people cannot help the way they feel, it can be a mess.

Jaliya aka Anya Fitzpatrick (the sister, not the wife thx) 

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Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, Pms, 'ounds=

2008-08-17 Thread jaliya skye
I disagree about the mission thing.  There are so many people running 
missions now and always calling them out over the general channel.

In terms of who to hang out with and whatnot, for now a lot of the stunning 
andf stranding has sort of slowed down.  Staring on landing pads is never a 
good idea especially in sector 24.  Not saying that you do this, but I know 
that many have.

Also, insulting those bigger than you can also get you smacked down.  But 
conversely, I feel that there should be less smacking down in general.

As for making money, I have found that tmissions and hauling together can 
net you a decent amount of income.

Just a few thoughts.

warmly, Jaliya aka Anya in game
- Original Message - 
From: shaun everiss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, 
Pms, 'ounds=

I just havn't been on there for an age.
Hopefully I'll forget my login details.
Its also impossible to actually get a mission or anyone to go on one with 
At 02:08 a.m. 18/08/2008, you wrote:
Well, I was stunned and stranded like 12 times in one week, had ships shot 
down but I played
anyway. So, to rid myself of it I yelled over chatter my lj, and miriani 
sucked. Perfect, now
I'm banned and can rid myself of the pathetic Establishment.

On 17 Aug 2008 10:5:10 -0300, Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida wrote:

iaiai!  enjoy my fun news'!
the system has changed!!! now, if the person leads you and grabs you
into   they're ship,  the drones won't shoot  you! so, you may back into
our dear galaxy!

-Mensagem original-
Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Gamers Discussion list
Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 15:01
Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

I left because people with lots of security drones would stun me and 
me for no reason. Or they would shoot at my ship with their battle cruiser
because they enjoy being idiots.
This was one particular person. And it wasn't only me that got targeted.
That isn't my idea of a fun game if you can do that.
- Original Message -
From: Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:00 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

i suppose this game has already been discussed here, but, as i play  it
14 hours a day.  i have a question: who elce play miriani.
if you played and left, why did you?

i remember this topic but i was just signing into the list so well
well, here it is again!

-Mensagem original-
Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gamers Discussion list
Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 04:20
Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] PMSounds

I don't want to disable the sounds as such, I just want to make sure the
sounds are enabled as i am getting no sound from PMSounds at all and I am
sure my sound
card should be able to cope with jaws, the sounds from FS2002 and 
as my computer is brand new. When i load PMSounds it says sound device
loaded but nothing

Lindsay cowell.

- original message -
Subject:Re: [Audyssey] PMSounds
From:Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida 
Date:17/08/2008 2:38 am


i used fs 2002 for hages,.. but wlel,l i don't know because i never
thought anyone would  want to disable sounds

mauricio almeida
-Mensagem original-
Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 03:01
Assunto: [Audyssey] PMSounds

Hi folks, is it possible for a blind person to enable/disable the sounds
in PMSounds for FS2002 themselves and how do you do it?

Lindsay Cowell

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Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

2008-08-17 Thread jaliya skye
Hello Mike:

I'd be willing to assist you in the acquisition of points and money, and to 
help wherever I can.  Besides, in missions, two people are better than one. 
Or maybe one is better than three, or maybe my math just sucks.

You can ask for me in an in-character manner.

Jaliya, aka anya Fitzpatrick
- Original Message - 
From: mike maslo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

Hi list:

I am going back to Miriani and was wondering if anyone would be interested
in helping me get back up to speed and help me get points and money?

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Willem
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 3:23 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

excellent! He was the guy. Did he get banned for his stupid behavior, like
shooting down weaker ships and kidnapping people? Or for something even
Btw his friend was also a problem. is he also banned?
- Original Message - 
From: Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

 drew anderson is no l longer a player
 -Mensagem original-
 Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Gamers Discussion list
 Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 21:06
 Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

 That still doesn't solve the problem of ten person battle cruisers
 up your ship, just because they can.
 The same idiot that stunned me and his friend did that.
 - Original Message -
 From: Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 3:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

 iaiai!  enjoy my fun news'!
 the system has changed!!! now, if the person leads you and grabs you
 into   they're ship,  the drones won't shoot  you! so, you may back into
 our dear galaxy!

 -Mensagem original-
 Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Gamers Discussion list
 Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 15:01
 Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

 I left because people with lots of security drones would stun me and
 me for no reason. Or they would shoot at my ship with their battle
 because they enjoy being idiots.
 This was one particular person. And it wasn't only me that got targeted.
 That isn't my idea of a fun game if you can do that.
 - Original Message -
 From: Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:00 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

i suppose this game has already been discussed here, but, as i play  it
 14 hours a day.  i have a question: who elce play miriani.
 if you played and left, why did you?

 i remember this topic but i was just signing into the list so well
 well, here it is again!

 -Mensagem original-
 Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gamers Discussion list
 Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 04:20
 Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] PMSounds

 I don't want to disable the sounds as such, I just want to make sure the
 sounds are enabled as i am getting no sound from PMSounds at all and I
 sure my sound
 card should be able to cope with jaws, the sounds from FS2002 and
 as my computer is brand new. When i load PMSounds it says sound device
 loaded but nothing

 Lindsay cowell.

 - original message -
 Subject:Re: [Audyssey] PMSounds
 From:Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida
 Date:17/08/2008 2:38 am


 i used fs 2002 for hages,.. but wlel,l i don't know because i never
 thought anyone would  want to disable sounds

 mauricio almeida
 -Mensagem original-
 Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 03:01
 Assunto: [Audyssey] PMSounds

 Hi folks, is it possible for a blind person to enable/disable the sounds
 in PMSounds for FS2002 themselves and how do you do it?

 Lindsay Cowell

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Re: [Audyssey] For Missy and Favorite Muds

2008-08-14 Thread jaliya skye
Although I haven't played discworld in a hot minute, I still have a 
character or three there.  I used to be a liaison as well.  It was the first 
mud that I ever played back in 2001 and it is what got me hooked, although 
they did a lot of changes and now I feel incredibly lost.  They always say 
that you can never find anything as nostalgic and awesome as your first mud, 
and I have to say that is very true.

Jaliya who has characters there by the name of Shabree, Kethri, Marenna, and 
- Original Message - 
From: Missy Hoppe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] For Missy and Favorite Muds

Hi! The mud is called discworld. The web site is
The telnet address is port 23.
The mud is based on the discworld novels by Terry Pratchet, but knowledge
of the books is far from necessary to enjoy the game.
The guild options are assassins, priests, thieves, warriors, witches and
wizards. All the classes have a number of sub classes to chose from. There
are families you can join, as well as clubs. You can buy pets, including
petegree cats and dogs, parrots and rats. If you're feeling particularly
adventurous, you can go tame a pet moon dragon for yourself.
Pk is definitely an option if that's your thing, and there are tons of
areas to explore.
Best of all, there are a number of blind players there, so if you're having
trouble for any reason, one of us would be able to help you out. Also, the
newbie helper channel is quite active and there are a lot of nice people.
My character's name is Eponine, and I'm around quite often. I will be
offline fore another hour or so doing household stuff, but then I should be
on for the rest of the day. Good luck, and I look forward to meeting your
discworld character soon!

- Original Message - 
From: mike maslo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:45 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] For Missy and Favorite Muds


I lost your email with the name of the mud you recommended. Please can you
resend that information to me?

Also the web site and if you could write me personally with the features of
the mud?

Does it offer clans, pkill, etc?

-Original Message-
Behalf Of mike maslo
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 11:01 AM
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] deal or no deal

Me also

-Original Message-
Behalf Of dennis
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:31 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] deal or no deal

robert did you bet it finished if so could you send it to me?
- Original Message - 
From: Robert Montowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] deal or no deal

 Hello there,
 I am a fledgling Visual Basic 6 programmer.
 I ran across source code on
 site for the game deal or no deal.
 I was able to compile this game and use it with Jaws cursor.
 it seems to be the british version with pounds rather than dollars.
 I am trying to convert this code to full audio for blind folks to use it.
 don't ask me when I will finish, as with all others up
 demands keep me from my programming hobby.
 I am cutting out audio clips from the real show to use in the game.
 I'll let u know more when I get more of this project done.

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[Audyssey] achaea?

2008-07-08 Thread jaliya skye
Hi there:

Does anyone play Achaea?  My best friend is an achaea addict, and I'm 
wondering who else plays there as I'm looking for people to hang out with. 
Well, I'm looking to create a character on there but I hate not knowing 
anyone going in.  and it might be fun to work out an rp history before I log 
on so that I have in-character ties to someone.

Not to mention that I'm curious as to how you deal with the prompts and the 

You can either write me off list or reply here, maybe we can get together in 

anyhow, take care.


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[Audyssey] importing zmud scripts to work with vipmud?

2008-05-24 Thread jaliya skye
I have a friend who plays Achaea and paid a nice chunk of change for some 
very complicated healing system triggers and scripts that someone else 
created.  It's a very complicated system which works well for her.

I know that she'd switch to vipmud in a heartbeat if she could import this 
system  from ZMud, especially since it isn't reading correctly for her after 
a recent jaws upgrade.

Any thoughts or suggestions?  Can these things be imported?


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Re: [Audyssey] Star Wars MUDs

2008-05-01 Thread jaliya skye
LOTJ does not base itself on things such as the battle After Yavin and all 
of that good stuff.  Instead, it has a moving timeline which starts out with 
maybe one or two clans and the Old Republic era.  Then it moves to the 
second era, which will probably be empire vs. Rebellion, then it moves to 
the next era which will depends on who will win those conflicts.  An era 
lasts six months, but the timeline lasts for about a year to a year and a 
half if not a little longer.  After all the cards have been played, there is 
a player wipe and the fun starts all over again.

It's a unique way of doing things and helps for organizations not to be 
stagnant. I used to imm for LOTJ for about three and a half years and played 
there for longer.  I just started playing again a few weeks back and a *lot* 
of things have changed a great deal.

I hope I've helped some and have encouraged you to give it a try.

- Original Message - 
From: Valiant8086 (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Star Wars MUDs

SWGI and LOTJ are two of them. There's another one who's connect info is in
vip mud but I have never tried it.
SWGI (Star Wars, galactic insites) is
and LOTJ  (Legend of the Jedi) is
not sure what these are based on, but they have star war like characters and

- Original Message - 
From: Kelly Sapergia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:13 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Star Wars MUDs

Does anyone know of any good MUDs based on Star Wars? I'm
 interested in ones that are based on movies like A New Hope or The
 Empire Strikes Back, but any will do.

 Yours Sincerely,
 Kelly John Sapergia
 Personal Website:
 Need to relax and unwind? Listen to Northern Lights, Thursdays from
 01:00 to 03:00 GMT (Wednesdays in North America) on ACB (American
 Council of the Blind) Radio Interactive at
 Visit the show's website at
 If you need jingles, voiceovers and music for your project at an
 affordable price, visit KJS Productions at:

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Re: [Audyssey] Mud in your ear

2008-05-01 Thread jaliya skye
Hi Chee:

It depends on what you are looking for in terms of mudding.  For hack and 
slash goodness along with competitive and fun atmosphere where you can 
customize a large quantity of things, check out Project Bob. port 4000.

Discworld was the first mud that I ever played. port 

For a more roleplay oriented environment try lensmoor.  It is medieval 
fantasy with classes that you can customize and also has one of the best 
crafting systems that I have ever seen. port 3500.

I can go on and on, I'm sure.  I liked Miriani as well although I haven't 
been around very much...not one word out of you, Valiant!!  I mean it! 
*shakes fist*

I find it difficult to get in to alter eon and it's probably because I 
really hate old style diku muds.  Maybe I'm just a bit of a mud 
snob...perish the thought.

Anyhow, I hope that this has helped.  Feel free to check out the mud 
connecter at

I have always believed that it isn't necessarily about accesibility and what 
the best mud is for blind folks as much as it is what muds are you truly 
going to enjoy?  The muds that tend to burn my cookies are those with ascii 
maps and no ability to turn them off.  If I can't navigate to the land of 
Kill-em-dead without assistance because there is a graphical representation 
of the wilderness and then I drown in a river that I had no idea was even 
there, I'll likely not play it.

I hope that I have helped somewhat.

also, great to hear that VipMud is out...I've been out of pocket for the 
past couple of weeks so I have yet to figure out how to get my hot little 
hands on it, but I'm sure I'll get to that sooner or later.

Take care, all.  And Chee, welcome to the world of mudding!


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[Audyssey] ZMud

2008-04-09 Thread jaliya skye
Hi everyone:

My friend is a die-hard ZMud user.  Before upgrading JFW, ZMud read like it 
was supposed to, but now that she is using version 9 of jaws, it no longer 
does so.  It skips lines, etc.  She doesn't want to switch, and she can't 
get that older version of jaws on her PC since the other one crashed.

I thought that I'd read somewhere about a plug-in or a work around that 
would fix this issue, but at the time I glossed over it figuring that it 
didn't concern me.

Does such a plug-in exist, or was I reading in my sleep?  Thanks for any 
help on the matter.


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Re: [Audyssey] ZMud

2008-04-09 Thread jaliya skye
Hi Liam:

I hear you there.  I can totally understand wanting to get returns for what 
you put in.  I'll chat with my friend tonight.  She is probably the type 
that would certainly want to donate, especially if it means being able to 
use ZMud once more without difficulties.

Are there any work arounds for her until that point, however?

- Original Message - 
From: Liam Erven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] ZMud

I'm writing one and really haven't finished it yet.  financing is my main
problem.  it will cost me 40 bucks to register the sdk to actually make
public plugins.
I'm not in any big hurry to pay that unless I know I'm getting something
back from it.  I hate to sound selfish, but there aren't that many people
who use z mud, so it's kind of a nich market in a nich market.

- Original Message - 
From: jaliya skye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 1:48 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] ZMud

 Hi everyone:

 My friend is a die-hard ZMud user.  Before upgrading JFW, ZMud read like
 was supposed to, but now that she is using version 9 of jaws, it no longer
 does so.  It skips lines, etc.  She doesn't want to switch, and she can't
 get that older version of jaws on her PC since the other one crashed.

 I thought that I'd read somewhere about a plug-in or a work around that
 would fix this issue, but at the time I glossed over it figuring that it
 didn't concern me.

 Does such a plug-in exist, or was I reading in my sleep?  Thanks for any
 help on the matter.


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Re: [Audyssey] mud at

2008-01-31 Thread jaliya skye
Hello there.

I play Ryzali Sanlinde when I actually log on.

Sigh, I like the soundpack with monkeyTerm but I hate the fact that there is 
no word wrap.  yes, I'm sure that I am being extremely petty and difficult, 
but for me, if I have to read back through text for something and there is 
no word wrapping abilities, it irks me to no end.

Right now, I am using MushClient, and I would really like to find out about 
a soundpack for said client.  I know that there is one, however, does it gag 
all of the lines that the monkey term one does?  You know, it's like having 
half a dozen in one hand and six in the other.

I also heard that it is a little more difficult (not that I let a little 
trouble stop me), to install in vista, and I'd like some clarification on 

I enjoy Miriani, but for me, that in character channel isn't nearly 
in-character enough for my liking.  I have enjoyed meeting those of you that 
I have.  You know who you are!


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Re: [Audyssey] say what?

2008-01-20 Thread jaliya skye
I love Say What.  It's a great game.  Obviously, though, I have sucky memory 
skills under pressure.  unlimited guess mode is where it's at for me.

I was surprised at justhow many phrases I knew, though.  At least I feel 
accomplished on one level of the game.  *grin*


- Original Message - 
From: Ken the Crazy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] say what?

There's no question of its accessibility.  Often I can get each phrase in
one guess.  Sight has absolutely nothing to do with this game, and its
replay value is very very high.
Ken Downey
Blind Comfort!
The pleasant way to experience massage!
It's the Caring
without the Staring!

- Original Message - 
From: william lomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 1:09 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] say what?


 i have jsut heard a blind cool tech review of say what?
 it seems accessible. though when you are moving the balls around, it
 seems the trick is to remember the order in which they were first in
 so if i had
 i, live, in, a house
 and live, was before i, i guess ia hve to quickly swap ball 2, for i,
 with ball 1, for live
 all seems accessible, may get one but not sure if it is value for
 money or not
 it gets reflexes going i guess

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[Audyssey] a few MUSHclient issues

2007-12-31 Thread jaliya skye
Hi everyone:

My laptop died on Saturday night.  You know, the last hurrah, and all that. 

In any event, I purchased a desktop which uses Vista and am working on 
reinstalling old programs.  Fun for the entire family!  You know, sort of 
like a root canal.  With pliers and no Whisky.
In any case, I downloaded mushclient and have the JFW plug-in, but I'm 
having a few speech issues and I don't know if it is from all of the new 
changes or something I'm doing wrong.  I am also using jaws 9.

Sometimes when rereading room descriptions with the jaws cursor, it cuts off 
and ends up reading parts of another program, for example, windows mail 
folders.  It's almost like the program is transparent at times.

Also, many times when I am rereading something in MUSHclient, I'll get a 
message like 'line 100, december 31, 2007' tooltip.  I never got these 
messages before..well, I did get the occcasional tool tip, which I assume is 
just some random word that is being highlighted.  But as for the rest of the 
extraneous text, it's driving me a little crazy.

Sometimes, jaws doesn't seem to focus correctly and I'm not certain what 
exactly is causing the quirks.

What am I doing wrong?  How can I fix this so that I can go back to happily 

Thanks so much for your assistance.


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[Audyssey] mushclient speaking behavior

2007-11-12 Thread Jaliya
Hi everyone:

So, I finally broke down and decided that I'd use mushclient.  As far as I 
know, I just need to use the plug-in, right?

I am using JFW for anyone who is interested.  I am having an odd problem.

If I am in the mushclient window and the screen scrolls, it reads the last 
thing on the output screen and then as a new line is entered, it reads what 
it read before plus whatever the new line after.  If I am out of the window, 
it reads normally without backtracking.

Does anyone have any advice?

My best friend has also been twisting my arm hard enough for me to want to 
start playing achaea, and I don't dare do that with GMud..not when there are 
a lot of macros and aliases and the like that I want to use.

Thanks for any assistance.


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[Audyssey] lost souls

2007-08-20 Thread Jaliya
Hello there:

As I was catching up on email, I saw a post concerning three different muds
that a person frequents.  I, too, have frequented three kingdoms as well as
lost souls...well, I visited it once or twice actually.  I was wondering if
you could write to me offlist?  I cannot for the life of me remember who you

Thank you.


People are like slinkies.  They are absolutely useless, but it's still fun
to watch them tumble down the stairs.

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Re: [Audyssey] Looking for Other MUDs

2007-08-17 Thread Jaliya
I should have responded earlier, but I wanted to talk about muds.

Firstly, muds are vastly different from one another.  So if you are
interested in more of a roleplay-oriented mud, some of the ones suggested
won't really work out if others are looking for something that requires

Personally, I enjoy it all.  Muds that might not seem good to one player
might be another person's cup of tea.

One mud I'd like to suggest is Legends of Karinth. port 1234 is
a mud that also allows you to roleplay, pick your magical powers, as well as
encourages exploration and solving quests.  It's quite fun.

I will be checking out some of the other muds that were listed.  I have
checked out godwars2 but sometimes I think the learning curve might be more
than I am ready to handle.


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[Audyssey] searching for mudding partners

2007-08-17 Thread Jaliya
Ever tried a new mud and were bored to tears because you didn't know anyone
and no one else really talked with you?  Part of the fun about mudding is
being able to network with other people.  So, I'm hoping to pair up with
someone from this list, or perhaps we could form a mudding group and agree
on something to  play (I can hear the groans already), or explore muds, or
something along those lines.  It is enjoyable to work in teams.  I know that
mudding preferences vary, but maybe we could work something out.  If there
is an interest, or you want to talk shop, please email me off list as I
don't want to clutter things here.


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Re: [Audyssey] Quality games was rail racer

2007-08-06 Thread Jaliya
as a kinda-sorta possible just-might-be a gamer type person, I find that I
really enjoy all types.  As with anything, there will always be people who
appreciate or don't like complexity.  I always found it strange that I am
horrible at text adventure games and yet I stuck with mudding like a moth to
candle flame.

While games like guess the correct word, or battle ship, or other fairly
easy scenarios are great, I find that I don't enjoy them nearly as much as I
would a game that has plot, conflict, and a story behind it.  I want to
fight for the greater good, or the greater bad, as it were.  I want what I
do to not only affect me but to also have an affect on my surroundings.  I
like for such games to start off so that the new player can get the hang of
things, but to progressively become more difficult, forcing a player to
really think about their actions and possible consequences.  It's okay to
get squashed by that cement block that you should have searched for in the
first place, and you'll no better next time.  Now that it's down, you can't
get through the entrance to save the underground village and everyone there
is about to be sacrificed to the beasts below, but hey, you'll know better
next time!  Or maybe next time the trap and the location might change.
I've never been great with strategy but I can appreciate the thought and
work that goes in to making such a game.  I enjoy being challenged and like
a game that does just that.  I'm also a sucker for magic and all things
fantasy based.

It would be my hope that if developers make more games with a certain amount
of complexity, they would be able to find that niche.  Because there will
always be people out there who appreciate such challenges.


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Re: [Audyssey] an introduction of sorts

2007-07-25 Thread Jaliya
Hi there Kathy:

It's been so long since I have played, I only come around every so often.
My witch is AnnaLenne and I also have a thief named Marenna!

I'll try to drop by though!


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[Audyssey] an introduction of sorts

2007-07-25 Thread Jaliya
Hello everyone:

I thought I'd take a few moments to introduce myself.  I'm 27 and live  in
the beautiful Pacific Northwest.  Recently, I was told that the gamers list
still existed, but in a different form.  So,it's great to be here.

Where do I fit in where gaming is concerned?  I am a mudder at heart and
have been ever since 2001 when I first started playing on discworld.  I
never thought that I would enjoy mudding considering how horrible I am at
text-adventure games.  I think horrible may very well be the understatement
of the year.  I am bettter at the roleplay aspects of mudding than I am at
the whole leveling and choosing the best equipment.  I enjoy different
systems, especially those that allow me to be creative, such as preparing
crafts.  Alas, if only I could find one that focused on what some consider
the mundane.

I have played on many different styles of muds, from hack and slash to
roleplay-enforced.  Until recently, I was a staffer on a star wars mud, one
of the largest in the SWR family.  I spent four years there, but as they
say, when it isn't any fun anymore, it's time to move on.  Right now, I am
staffing on a mud called Project Bob, one of the most customizable muds that
i have ever come across.  I love it.  I don't have to be the
rule-enforcement wench, all I have to do is help create content.  Hooray!

It's fun to get back in to the accessible gaming scene.  I used to play DD
on audiotips way back in the day and most of the names that I have seen thus
far are very familiar to me.

I'll draw this to a close, but will say that I look forward to participating
in discussions.

Take care.


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