Re: [Ganglia-developers] gmond python modules location

2015-02-05 Thread Dave Rawks
IIRC at least some of the motivation behind the current split had to do 
with separating out modules which aren't generally platform agnostic 
since platform specific stuff sometimes causes problems with downstream 
linux distro adoption/packaging. I.E. the official python modules 
should be expected to work on the full set of platforms that gmond works on.


On 02/05/2015 11:21 AM, Chris Burroughs wrote:
 Currently python modules are bundled in monitor-core, some are in
 gmond_python_modules (or os specific repos), and a few are in both.

 Ones in  monitor-core (at least in RedHat-land) get their own package
 which makes them easy to install.  I suspect they are also presumed to
 by users to be somehow more 'official' or at least that's how I thought
 of them.  I don't think gmond_python_modules has releases or os
 packaging for example.  I suspect some of this might reflect a pre-git
 situation where it was harder to contribute to monitoring-core.

 I'd like to propose the following for now:
* For modules that are in both monitor-core and somewhere else, make
 the monitor-core version canonical and remove the other.
* Everything else stays where it is.

 This will make it for to contribute patches are report issues without
 looking in two different places and manually syncing files.

 Longer term there is probably something fancy we could do such as build
 time flags to opt modules in, or maybe switch to a deb/rpm per module.
 That way 'is this module good enough' can be decoupled from which repo
 is it in.

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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Gmetad bottlenecks

2014-01-15 Thread Dave Rawks
On 01/15/2014 06:42 AM, Jesse Becker wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Nicholas Satterly 
 If we are to look at redoing the XML parsing next then the two contenders
 that come to mind are gzipped JSON and Google Protocol Buffers.

 PB is meant to be very efficient and therefore faster, however it seems
 people have gotten comparable results with gzipped JSON. An obvious
 advantage of gzipped JSON is that it would be simple to make the output
 human readable though we could easily develop a CLI tool that allowed us to
 query and decode ganglia PB data for testing.

 I think there are large advantages to using standard and widely
 adopted formats, so JSON gets my vote there.  That's not to say PB
 isn't widely used, but I suspect there are a lot more tools and
 programming language bindings to read and process JSON data.

 Or...why not just use XDR for bulk data transport, instead of
 introducing a third format (XML, XDR, and JSON/PB)?   I'm not hugely
 familiar with XDR, so apologies if I'm missing an obvious reason why
 it wouldn't work here.

+1 vote for XDR, it works great it is pretty damned efficient and the 
code to use it is ubiquitous.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] system UUID (dmidecode)

2013-08-01 Thread Dave Rawks
Thanks for the suggestion, but dmidecode is not portable and is super 
unreliable since it depends on upstream hardware vendors setting 
reasonable values. Even running on a sample of 8-10 models of 
motherboards all from the same vendor I get vastly different results 
from dmidecode. I'd strongly discourage anybody from trying to integrate 
it into other software for anything aside from general informational use.


On 08/01/2013 01:50 AM, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
 Hi! Regarding the identification of hosts based on motherboard UUID i
 thought to post some info to spare developers of ganglia of some wasted
 seconds :)
 So : on rhel systems you must do :
 yum install python-dmidecode  (so gmond should have dependency on this
 package that is found in distros repo)

 and the small python script (taken from the example of developers of
 python-demidecode) would be like this (removed all comments for space
 reasons) :

 import dmidecode
 import sys, os
 from pprint import pprint

 def print_warnings():
  Simple function, dumping out warnings with a prefix if warnings
 are found and clearing warning buffer
  warn = dmidecode.get_warnings()
  if warn:
print ### WARNING: %s % warn

 root_user = (os.getuid() == 0 and True or False)
 if not root_user:

 dmixml = dmidecode.dmidecodeXML()

 xmldoc = dmixml.QuerySection('all')
 dmixp = xmldoc.xpathNewContext()
 data = dmixp.xpathEval('/dmidecode/SystemInfo/SystemUUID')
 for d in data:
  print %s % (d.get_content())

 del dmixp
 del xmldoc


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] system UUID (dmidecode)

2013-08-01 Thread Dave Rawks
I 100% agree that we should be able to use some sort of unique and 
persistent way to identify hosts, but I don't think that dmidecode is 
the way to do it. Generating a UUID once and then persisting it in a 
file would be my preference, but I think that more generally if we were 
to allow a user specified callback to provide the ID string would be the 
ideal situation and would be the most flexible.

Some users may want to use the UUID from a disk or a filesystem label, 
others may find that their vendors provide the info in something usable 
via dmidecode, and yet others may just want to populate hostname as the 
identifier. Moving away from DNS would be a big win, IMHO, for a large 
percentage of users, but lets not adopt something that is equally 
troublesome for some other equally large percentage of users...


On 08/01/2013 10:24 AM, Chris Burroughs wrote:
 I think the more general point here (and has come up in other contexts
 such as mobile phones) is that sometimes neither IP nor reverse DNS make
 sense and people would like sending something else to be 'smoother' (as
 opposed to hacky/spoofy).

 My experience with vendor data hasn't given me warm and fuzzies either
 (TO BE ENTERED BY O.E.M) but I could see something like  UUID on
 startup and 'custom bits on the motherboard' as reasonable -- if not
 common -- use cases.

 On 08/01/2013 12:20 PM, Dave Rawks wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion, but dmidecode is not portable and is super
 unreliable since it depends on upstream hardware vendors setting
 reasonable values. Even running on a sample of 8-10 models of
 motherboards all from the same vendor I get vastly different results
 from dmidecode. I'd strongly discourage anybody from trying to integrate
 it into other software for anything aside from general informational use.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] system UUID (dmidecode)

2013-08-01 Thread Dave Rawks
On 08/01/2013 10:23 AM, Peter Phaal wrote:

 The Host sFlow agent exports UUIDs (and is compatible with Ganglia 3.2+).

 The daemon relies on command utilities invoked at startup to find the
 UUID (for reasons of portability that Dave mentioned). You could take a
 look at the logic in the Linux Host sFlow agent startup script and turn
 it into a Ganglia metric.

 Dave, the script uses the /usr/sbin/dmidecode command line tool.
 If it can't find a valid UUID, it uses the UUID of the first local disk.

The UUID of the first disk is a completely different level of 
persistence than something less likely to be replaced during normal 
operation such as a CPU serial. But, realistically we aren't going to 
get something that is derived from hardware and meets everyone's 
definition of persistent and unique.

 are the issues with the vendor supplied UUIDs? Are they all zeros? Not
 set? Not unique?

All of the above.

 Do you have a better way of retrieving persistent UUIDs
 to Linux systems?

Part of the problem is that people have differing levels of their need 
for persistence AND we need something agnostic of the underlying OS and 
host architecture. Not everyone running ganglia is running X86/AMD64 linux.

 Other operating systems provide different mechanism to read the UUID.
 You can browse the Host sFlow source code for the different supported



 On Aug 1, 2013, at 9:20 AM, Dave Rawks wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestion, but dmidecode is not portable and is super
 unreliable since it depends on upstream hardware vendors setting
 reasonable values. Even running on a sample of 8-10 models of
 motherboards all from the same vendor I get vastly different results
 from dmidecode. I'd strongly discourage anybody from trying to integrate
 it into other software for anything aside from general informational use.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Possibility of using different serialization format than XDR

2013-07-30 Thread Dave Rawks
On 07/30/2013 05:53 AM, Chris Burroughs wrote:
 On 07/30/2013 02:45 AM, Nicholas Satterly wrote:
 Could you expand on what you mean by multi-tenancy, please? I'm curious.

 There is currently no application or other namespacing.  If I have a
 bunch of java apps on the same box and they are all emitting
 jvm.memory.heap_usage, those metrics will clobber each other.

Also you cannot have single node rolled up into more than one cluster. 
Clusters are defined purely by whatever the final gmond reports to 
gmetad. So individual nodes must all belong to a single cluster per 
sender/receiver config, so if for instance I have a cluster of 
UNIXHOSTS, and some of those are WEBHOSTS, DBHOSTS, MAILHOSTS, etc... 
You incur the duplication of network complexity and bandwidth in order 
(and RRDs and I/O if you use gmetad as well) to allow a node to 
participate in more than one of those clusters. Being able to 
arbitrarily tag nodes as members of clusters and then having gmetad 
smartly handle aggregate graphs driven one those tags would be a huge 


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Possibility of using different serialization format than XDR

2013-07-29 Thread Dave Rawks
I'm still trying to figure out what you're trying to improve here? XDR 
seems like a fine, standard, lightweight serialization protocol to use. 
It is already implemented and we've already got some protocol handling 
for backwards compat for really old ganglia monitor clients. What is 
there to gain from switching aside from having some new and shiny that 
needs to be supported in addition to the existing stuff? We aren't 
serializing any custom data types or references or anything aside from 
some floats, ints, and a couple of strings. XDR compute overhead is not 
hurting performance, especially on modern hardware, the payloads aren't 
very big and the tuning of various check timings and metric validity 
timings further reduces the amount of chatter on the wire.

If you want to introduce some more modern code to ganglia I think adding 
support for pushing gmond communications into a modern pub/sub message 
queue framework. I've never heard anybody have problems with our 
serialization, but there is frequent and often confusing troubleshooting 
around multicast vs unicast and the various 
infrastructural/configuration tweaks to make the most out of those. 
Further improvements could probably be had in the arena of node 
multi-tenancy and/or arbitrary node grouping/clustering.

Maybe I'm missing something that you've said or implied already, but 
this just seems like change for the sake of change.


On 07/28/2013 02:09 PM, Nikhil wrote:


 Thanks for response.

 I see there is no averseness to the idea of considering different
 serialization format/protocol.

 Before we have any contribution in terms of code/specifications, what
 would be the ideal choice among these : for 
 the serialization format over the current XDR implementation in ganglia?

 As in like what is the current payload by XDR and what we should not
 intend to cross over, the performance overhead in processing and
 storing, the availability of libraries and ease of use being some of
 them that comes to thought of discussion.

 As Dave also mentions platform agnostic, portability (endianness?) and
 efficiency are also of the critical things to be considered. While ASN.1
 does offer all of this, some of the others that I wanted to consider are
 :  MessagePack and UBJson. Formats specs are described here for
 MessagePack and for

 Let me know what do you all think would be the ideal choice.


 On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 6:13 AM, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:

 I am not necessarily opposed to it if it's implemented in such a way not
 to break backwards compatibility. Someone would need to contribute some


 On Fri, 26 Jul 2013, Dave Rawks wrote:

   I'm curious to hear what you think is going to be more efficient,
   platform agnostic and portable than XDR? ASN1 would be the only
 thing I
   would even consider using instead, but it is arguable whether it
   be worth the pain of supporting more than one serialization
 format and
   it certainly doesn't seem sane to break all backwards
 compatibility to
   switch to something new unilaterally. ASN1 /might/ be a reasonable
   alternative to XDR, but I don't see what advantages this could
   On 7/26/13 10:46 AM, Nikhil wrote:
   Considering that we have better and compute efficient and binary
   serialization open formats out there . How hard would it to make
   use them instead of XDR ?
   Can the serialization format engines be pluggable, instead of being
   closely integrated with XDR? Is it still worth continuing to
 stick with XDR?
   The intention is to understand and see the possibility and have a
   discussion what could be best to go with, if its appropriate.
   I am really hoping to see the reply from the authors of ganglia
 core :-)

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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Possibility of using different serialization format than XDR

2013-07-26 Thread Dave Rawks
I'm curious to hear what you think is going to be more efficient, 
platform agnostic and portable than XDR? ASN1 would be the only thing I 
would even consider using instead, but it is arguable whether it would 
be worth the pain of supporting more than one serialization format and 
it certainly doesn't seem sane to break all backwards compatibility to 
switch to something new unilaterally. ASN1 /might/ be a reasonable 
alternative to XDR, but I don't see what advantages this could possibly 


On 7/26/13 10:46 AM, Nikhil wrote:

 Considering that we have better and compute efficient and binary
 serialization open formats out there . How hard would it to make Ganglia
 use them instead of XDR ?
 Can the serialization format engines be pluggable, instead of being
 closely integrated with XDR? Is it still worth continuing to stick with XDR?

 The intention is to understand and see the possibility and have a
 discussion what could be best to go with, if its appropriate.

 I am really hoping to see the reply from the authors of ganglia core :-)


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] web and debian/* files

2012-07-19 Thread Dave Rawks
It becomes problematic when the two /debian subdirs diverge and then 
you may end up with official debian packages owning a different set of 
files or having different install locations than ones built directly 
from upstream. Other packages which depend on or work in concert with 
packages that provide ganglia-web may break. And the support of two 
different sources of debian packages claiming to provide ganglia-web 
may be more than anyone really wants to deal with.


On 07/19/2012 01:55 PM, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:
 Exactly. The other day I was actually missing the debian/ directory in
 ganglia-3.4.0 and as a result couldn't build it due to short timeline. Can
 we put stuff like that back in. If Debian guys don't like it we can strip
 it out for them.


 On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, Bernard Li wrote:

 Hi Daniel:

 One reason why we would want to keep the debian/ directory in our repo
 is if for whatever reason the upstream Debian package doesn't get
 updated, a user could still download our official tarball and build
 Debian packages directly.



 On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Daniel  wrote:

 The web download includes a debian/ directory with files for building a
 Debian package

 Debian also keeps a separate set of files for the same purpose in the
 Debian git VCS:

 When importing release tarballs into the Debian VCS, it is necessary to
 filter out the upstream version of the debian/* files, they don't get
 used at all:

git-import-orig -u 3.5.2 --filter='debian/*'

 To simplify things and avoid duplication, debian/* could be omitted from
 future gweb releases (and even removed from the git repo)

 Would anyone object to that?

 I believe that the main advantage of tracking these files in Debian's
 git is that any Debian developer can update them and update an emergency
 bug fix release at any time.

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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Trac Wiki, Bugzilla and GitHub

2012-05-10 Thread Dave Rawks
FWIW, the guys at github are eager to assist people with bulk importing 
of issues via their json issue format. And they have been trying to 
encourage people to write export tools for bugzilla and other 

I'd be a fan of moving from bugtracker to github just for the one-stop 
simplicity of it. However I think that tackling the export/import of 
migration may buy our project a bit of goodwill from others who would 
like to make that switch as well...


On 05/10/2012 10:01 AM, Brad Nicholes wrote:
 +1 for sticking with bugzilla.  If we can move it to somewhere that is more 
 maintainable, that would be better.  But I would hate to just abandon 
 everything there.


 On 5/10/2012 at 10:01 AM, in message, Bernard  wrote:
 Hi Daniel:

 Just for the record, I actually like Bugzilla and would like to keep using
 it.  However because we do not have direct ownership to the server (it is
 being hosted at UC Berkeley) it makes it hard to maintain.  For instance it
 has currently been down for at least two days and so far I have not been
 able to get ahold of the admins who could tell us what's going on.  This is
 not the first time it has happened.

 So either we move the Bugzilla instance to somewhere we have more control
 or we move them to GitHub Issues, it just can't stay where it is.

 I agree however that there are probably more bugs in Bugzilla than GitHub
 Issues so perhaps moving from GitHub Issues -  Bugzilla and disabling
 GitHub Issues is the way to go.  But I am also under the impression some
 folks like GitHub Issues better.

 Anybody else have any comments?



 On Thursday, May 10, 2012, Daniel Pocock wrote:

 This is our request for help.  We need someone to take charge of
 managing our documentation making sure they are up to date and in one
 canonical location.  We'll also need someone to help with importing the
 bugs in Bugzilla to GitHub Issues.

 We definitely have to abandon bugzilla?

 Can we just turn off the issue tracker in github to avoid people opening
 issues in the wrong place?

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Re: [Ganglia-developers] bootstrap / autotools (renamed)

2012-04-04 Thread Dave Rawks
On 04/04/2012 09:51 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
 On 04/04/12 18:35, Dave Rawks wrote:
 Not to speak out of turn, but making the build process dependent on a
 very specific version of libtools and autotools seems like a really bad
 plan. I've never run into a debian source package before that demands to
 Only the `bootstrap' step recommends a particular version of autotools.
 There would be more QA risk if every revision (e.g. 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.3.7)
 was bootstrapped on a different autotools.  Given the limited resources
 of the project, the easiest way to ensure consistency between releases
 is to make sure that we always bootstrap on a specified platform before
 making a release tarball.
 This only impacts people who want to work with source code directly from
 git (rather than using a tarball)

Well, if you've ever tried to build the debian source package, in the
middle of whatever is called from debian/rules build there is echo'd a
stern warning about autotools versions and it looks like a few git
commands are attempted but fail without stopping the build.

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[Ganglia-developers] 3.3.4 tag doesn't build debian packages

2012-04-03 Thread Dave Rawks
Am I missing something? I just downloaded the tarball tagged 3.3.4 from
github and attempted to build debian packages from it.

1. The debian changelog is not updated to reflect the version tag.
2. the build dependencies appear to be broken, as the build requires
libtools to be installed but that isn't called out in the control file.
3. the build fails when it attempts to descend into the web subdirectory
of the build tree.

I've been away from this project for a few weeks now and I was under the
impression for the traffic on this list that some of the version
tagging/workflow questions have been heavily discussed. However it seems
that the actual function of the source tree may have become slowly and
subtly broken at some point in the recent past (circa 3.2~)

At any rate I've not got a lot of time on my hands to fix this at the
moment, but figured I'd at least say something in case that might rouse
some interest in fixing it.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] pyc support in mod_python

2012-03-05 Thread Dave Rawks
I don't think this is a good patch. .pyc files are not meant to be
portable or stable. If at some later date we are meant to troubleshoot a
problem with a module that is loaded as byte compiled python it becomes
very difficult to gurantee that the bytecode is sane since the actual
code is not evaluated.


On 03/05/2012 01:47 AM, Ankit Srivastava wrote:
 I have added the changes in mod_python.c to
 support '.pyc' files present in /usr/lib/ganglia/python_modules
 Please tell me the mailing list email address, where I can submit my
 changes for review.
 Changes are attached with this mail.

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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-27 Thread Dave Rawks
On 1/27/12 6:59 AM, Im Root wrote:
 I believe that adding json would be a mistake. The reason is that when
 users install the main package there would be now a dependency on having
 json installed. It just adds to the complexity and helps to perpetuate
 RPM hell. I've had to deal with installing json in the past and it's
 been awful. It may be nice for a developer but not so nice for the end

I'm not a Redhat user, but from looking at the json-c package 
requirements I'm not sure I see anything that wouldn't already be 
installed in even the smallest redhat install. Unless you've got some 
specific example of what dependency you are trying to avoid I'd have to 
say this claim is unsupported.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-27 Thread Dave Rawks
On 1/27/12 7:24 AM, Gladish, Jacob wrote:

 If you want access to that metric data in JSON format,  the quickest
 way, by far, is to write a small conversion utility that fetches data
 from the gmetad. I can imagine a perl script running in Apache/CGI
 that does it on demand. You'd then have access to  apache's caching
 capability. And if necessary, you could even make it so that you can
 query for scalars instead of the entire dataset. Imagine something


  Someone who's PHP savvy could possibly write this so that it fit
 into the ganglia web. I'm not sure RPM dependencies are an issue at
 this point as this could be something optionally installed or simply
 disabled if JSON packages where not present.

Quickest maybe if your metric is time to implement without writing C 
code for the ganglia project... However, what I'm proposing is offering 
a tcp listener port to gmond, not gmetad, which could be queried 
directly and in a light weight fashion and would be entirely independent 
from even having a running gmetad. Also, ANY system which takes one 
format then parses it and reformats it into a another output format is 
not only going to reduce transport and computational load but it will 
greatly increase those loads. I can say this with 100% confidence as 
I've implemented such systems for not only ganglia, but also for 
opennms, and nagios.

I don't want something that builds on top of gmetad (honestly I'm not 
even convinced that gmetad has much of a future in ganglia-monitor-core 
but that is a whole other discussion) rather I'm proposing that gmond be 
made more flexible and developer friendly as well as increasing the 
general efficiency of it's method of communication. gmond already has a 
nice lightweight binary protocol for nodes to communicate with one 
another, one which it is possible to code against directly, but it 
requires independently tracking the metadata hash as well as maintaining 
a state machine to honor DMAX and TMAX policy. XML OTOH is self 
describing and schemaless, but it is wildly inefficient in byte count 
and parsing it is quite computationally expensive especially in the case 
of large clusters where the XML from gmond might weigh in at 10's of MB 
per transaction (I measured 30MB on a cluster yesterday). Generating 
json in the same sort of streaming fashion that the current xml code 
works in should be mostly trivial and the end result would serve provide 
more options to both endusers and developers.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-27 Thread Dave Rawks
On 1/27/12 7:43 AM, Alex Dean wrote:
 1. As a user, I sometimes want to consume ganglia data in other
 contexts (not just in gweb).  I'd much prefer working with JSON
 instead of XML.

I think that most developers would prefer json to xml, if for no other 
reason than json libraries/modules are available for all major languages 
AND they are much much much simpler to write against.

 2. gweb currently allows users to download metrics as
 JSON.  This is done by getting XML from gmetad, and transforming it
 into JSON in PHP.  If gmetad could create JSON natively, gweb code
 could probably be streamlined.

I agree! Using PHP to read XML and output json is a ridiculous 
inefficiency on a few levels. It means that people who want json have to 
run an entire webserver stack to generate the json, consumers must 
request the json via http instead of writing simple direct socket 
operations, the results of the fetch are proxied through whatever 
caching mechanisms which may be present in the webserver/php config and 
therefore may not come with any gurantee of freshness, the ultimate 
source of the data ends up being rrd files on disk which means even a 
single what is the current value of metric X could be a very slow 
operation instead of the quick memory based hash lookup that would be 
available if the json came from lower in the stack


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-27 Thread Dave Rawks
On 1/27/12 2:05 PM, Im Root wrote:
 I forgot to add that by adding json, you will be restricting the types
 of Linux that this platform runs on. Although it may be a nice to have
 feature for a few developers who may want to customize things, this puts
 an additional dependency on the platform. You will be restricted to
 using only the flavors of linux that the keepers of json feel like
 using. Sorry, but adding the json dependency is a completely boneheaded

I'm up for whatever sort of lively and informed debate you'd like to 
offer. Would you care to explain to me on which platforms json-c isn't 
available on? Maybe instead of calling ideas boneheaded you could be a 
bit more constructive in your criticism.

FWIW to help inform the conversation... json-c, the proposed library for 
supplying json features is available under a standard MIT license free 
for use without restriction. It is available pre-packaged on all major 
linux, bsd, and solaris distributions and I'm fairly certin it build on 
32 and 64 bit windows as well. It provides an open unrestricted and 
common interchange format for data that is available in every major 
programming language.

Sooo.. Mister Root, where is the restriction that creates a platform 

P.S. typically this is something that would be build time configurable 
as well for those who don't care to include it in their build. AND the 
lib is smally enough that those who care to statically link their bins 
could easily do that too...


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[Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-26 Thread Dave Rawks
Hey All,
We've been talking about adding json in addition to xml for the tcp
listen port exchange format. And I was curious if the EXTRA_DATA
subtree to the XML ever contains something aside from EXTRA_ELEMENTS
and if the EXTRA_ELEMENTS ever have attributes aside from NAME and

Just doing some back of napkin calculations it looks like reducing this
portion of the xml from:

METRIC NAME=swap_free VAL=47872928 TYPE=float UNITS=KB TN=24
TMAX=180 DMAX=0 SLOPE=both
EXTRA_ELEMENT NAME=DESC VAL=Amount of available swap memory/


METRIC NAME=swap_free VAL=47872928 TYPE=float UNITS=KB TN=24
TMAX=180 DMAX=0 SLOPE=both
EXTRA_DATA GROUP=memory DESC=Amount of available swap memory
TITLE=Free Swap Space/

would be quite a savings over the wire. Of course this would break
compatibility with anything that currently exchanges xml with ganglia
monitor. But... That gets me back to json...

The current data structure from xml to json is something like this:

of available swap memory'},{name:'TITLE',val:'Free Swap Space'}]}}}

While the collapsed version ends up being this tiny json blob:

of available swap memory',title:'Free Swap Space'}}}

On a relatively small cluster with a dozen metrics and a handful of
hosts the savings are minor. However on a cluster of hundreds of hosts
with perhaps dozens of metrics the savings would equate to MBs of data
per tcp fetch. And the parse speed of the json /should/ be much faster
as well.

Any comments/questions/ideas?


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-26 Thread Dave Rawks
On 01/26/2012 12:07 PM, Bryan Thompson wrote:
 There is undoubtably fat in the XML.  However, I think that you would get far 
 more savings by giving the client a means to request which data they are 
 interested in.  Right now it sends everything each time, right? It would be 
 nice if you could provide a regex for what you needed.  One option would be 
 to put up an http end point which allowed query parameters that describe the 
 data of interest.  I've done this in a similar system in Java.  Not sure what 
 options are out there in C for embedded httpd.

Such a thing already exists for requesting data from gmetad, the
ganglia-monitor xml exchange however doesn't have any notion of limiting
scope. Typically there is only one consumer of data from ganglia-monitor
via xml, which is gmetad AND gmetad wants all the data every time, so I
don't know that any sort of scope limit on request would be that great
of a gain really.

The json bit OTOH doesn't currently exist AND as such doesn't have any
known consumers or consumption patterns. Adding some provider side
filtering may be desirable, but I would speculate that most of the time
the ganglia-monitor access pattern will be tell me everything and the
per grid/cluster/host/group/metric filtering would happen up at the
gmetad or gmetad-equivalent layer. I.E. maybe you replace gmetad with a
message queue, the filtering would be provided by the topic subscription
mechanism of your message queue system.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-26 Thread Dave Rawks
On 01/26/2012 01:16 PM, Jeff Buchbinder wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Bryan Thompson wrote:

 I thought that the web UI was driven this way.  Or is it gmond providing the 
 XML output for the web UI (rather than gmetad)?

The web UI is driven that way, but gmetad is providing the xml for that.
I'm proposing changes to gmond not gmetad.


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Re: [Ganglia-developers] Protocol Efficiency Ideas

2012-01-26 Thread Dave Rawks
On 01/26/2012 02:02 PM, Bryan Thompson wrote:
 Not sure if this matters to your proposal, but GROUP is not always a
 single name/value pair.  There can be multiple GROUPs for a metadata

If there is more than one value for GROUP it could be an array instead
of a string, That'd bump the efficiency a bit higher on that case, but
cost a few bytes for the regular one or none case.

 Is gmetad really pulling the XML from gmond?  Why not just embed the
 logic to listen for UDP packets and develop a soft state model of the
 cluster metrics in gmetad?  Jeff, is that what you meant by a major
 rewrite of gmetad?

Yeah gmetad hits each source to collect data, the source in this case
is the tcp listener port of gmond, which only knows how to spew a full
xml state table.

I'm personally in favor of entirely killing off gmetad in favor of a
more extensible gmond. If you could bolt on a storage, transport, or
query plugin as easily as you could a metric module it'd be completely


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