Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt via Gcc
I ("new moderator") won't recount what happened, it is neither here,
or there, but Mark is presenting a very biased view of what occured,
and also one of the reasons why he no longer is a moderator.  

The claims about doxxing, etc, are entierly untrue and unfounded. 

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread JeanHeyd Meneide via Gcc
Dear Alfred and Alexandre,

 It seems that neither of you would like to offer any evidence
that counteracts what I have already been given by multiple
individuals. Furthermore,

> A misguided person thought that reciprocating the doxxing against RMS
> was a good way to defend him.  It's not

> The claims about doxxing, etc, are entierly untrue and unfounded.

Either this happened, or it didn't. Alexandre says that some doxxing,
possibly in retaliation to original doxxing, occurred. Alfred says
everything is unfounded and untrue, point blank, no details. I do not
know which of you to believe, which mix is true, and at this point I
don't think I want to know because it's incredibly clear nobody wants
to be publicly clear about it, even after my offer to have the details
sent to me so I can have an informed opinion and not a piecemeal

 Okay, fine.

 I support Nathan's inquiry.

Best of luck,

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 3:14 AM Alfred M. Szmidt  wrote:
> I ("new moderator") won't recount what happened, it is neither here,
> or there, but Mark is presenting a very biased view of what occured,
> and also one of the reasons why he no longer is a moderator.
> The claims about doxxing, etc, are entierly untrue and unfounded.

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Martin Jambor
Dear Giacomo,

On Tue, Mar 30 2021, Giacomo Tesio wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 18:50:52 +0200 Martin Jambor wrote:
>> Unfortunately, all people are also able to close their eyes and ears
>> and ignore mistreatment when they are not the victims and when their
>> friend or their favorite public figure is the perpetrator.
> Martin, what you imply here, is an insult I do not deserve.

I am sorry.  I wanted to underline that the questions discussed here are
not cultural or somehow defined geographically.

> I do NOT ignore injustice or mistreatments whenever I see them and I
> fight them strongly through nonviolence. ALWAYS. 

Always?  OK, then you are clearly a much better person than I am.

> But in Italy we have a legal principle called "Presumption of innocence".

Nevertheless, I am convinced that all the many accusations are clear,
consistent and most of them are beyond any doubt (a lot of it is on
RMS's own blog).  They easily clear the bar for legitimate reasons why
he should not be an official representative of GCC.

I do not understand people which keep doubting the "evidence" or
describe it as hearsay, the only explanation I can think of is that they
simply do not wish to not accept the facts.  If you are certain that
this is not your case (no "proof" or explanation necessary) then please
accept my apologies.


Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Franz Fehringer via Gcc
To me (not being a contributor) this is the best contribution to the 
discussion so far.

Am 30.03.2021 um 17:24 schrieb Maksim Fomin via Gcc:

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, 26 March 2021 г., 23:02, Nathan Sidwell  wrote:

I would rather not have to write this email. Like many developers, I just want
to write code. Right now we’re working towards the GCC 11 release. I thought
about deferring this email. But there’s never a good time, and bad behaviour
needs to be addressed in the moment. I have left this for too long already.

I used to think of GCC development as egalitarian, and therefore fair, and, by
assumption, welcoming. That is not true. I’m a white dude with a British accent.
/Of course/ I have white male privilege. I used to joke that I fell into every
job I’ve had (including my doctorate) – that, right there, is white male

Perhaps you discount the benefits of white male privilege. You’re wrong.

You cannot have missed the sparsity of women and people of color in compiler
engineering (kaporcenter black tech workforce). Maybe you fallaciously put that
down to imbalances in education (leakytechpipeline) How can we, the GCC
community, be expected to address that? Representation matters, we’re the 

[Left most relevant parts of the letter]

The logic of this letter (and sjw in general) is obviously false.

1. There are no examples where Stallman (or people with similar views) censored 
project contribution from non-white non-male people.
In recent decades there is inflow of people from different counties and 2020 is 
definitely more diverse in programming than 2000 or 1980.
This observation (absense of discrimiation) is the first important note which 
blows the login behind the letter.

2. Because the p1 is hard to refute, the discussion moves from objective things 
(for example, rejecting some pull request from people of color) toward 
things like 'remove Stallman because I am not comfortable with his 
views/claims'. However, once this arguement is naked from the rest of 
discussion it becomes obviously weak.
Why the project should remove Stallman because 'some' people are not 
comfortable? Why sjw consider themselves in the position to judge? What to do 
with the group of people who supports him?
Finally, 'white priviledge' is only one (although  big) subject of dedates. 
What happens if other areas of social, political or economical debates are 
brought to the project? There are plenty of issues which divide people and 
there is no way to make the project to move of on if for each issue one group 
of people will demand removing members of comittee because of their views.

3. Most of claims about Stallman are not true (to be more precise - they are 
deliberately misrepresent what Stallman said to make his views to look immoral).

4. Regarding morality. This letter (like many other sjw creatures) says many 
words about morality, diversity, but at the end of the day it boils down to 
removing Stallman from position. As a citizen of post-soviet country I can 
vividly see that this letter is enterely about politics and looks very similar 
to communist agenda which likes to hide authoritarian policies behind morality. 
It is very surprising for people from former Soviet block countries to see 
western world falling into 'very familiar' but notorious propaganda.

Best regards,
Maxim Fomin

Interested In extend the static analysis pass

2021-03-31 Thread Gagandeep Bhatia via Gcc
Hey Team GNU Compiler, I'm Gagandeep Bhatia, currently pursuing the 2nd year at 
Christ University, Bangalore, India. You can reach me at  or 
I went through your upcoming projects on Google Summer of Code, your idea on  
extend the static analysis pass is really impressive. Right now the code is in 
GCC’s master branch for GCC 10 and can be tried out on Compiler Explorer, aka It works well for small and medium-sized examples, but there are 
bugs that mean it’s not ready for production use. I’m working hard on fixing 
things in the hope that the feature will be meaningfully usable for C code. I 
truly want to become part of this project for better mutual
achievement, in the past, I have done a few projects, which will help me to 
contribute my best in this project.
It will be really kind if you can share some more details about your project, 
so I learn more about your project.
with regards.

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Mark Wielaard
Hi Giacomo,

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 11:28:49PM +0200, Giacomo Tesio wrote:
> I've to say I'm a bit confused, but maybe we have different sources and
> experience so we have different perspective on the matter.

Yes, I am pretty sure the perspective changes for people who have had
longer, or more direct, exposure to Richard, while working on GNU or
GCC over the years.
> That being said (and for full disclosure), I also consider his return to
> the FSF fair, because the shitstorm that caused his resign two years
> ago was built on top of a severe misrepresentation of his words, as
> described here and
> admitted also by the people arguing against his return (see the
> various edits at ).

So this for example depends on whether you believe this is the one and
only incident that can easily be explained away or if it is a decades
long pattern of behavior where people finally had enough. See for
example this blog that links and lists various other past events

You are referencing the recent open letter which isn't really what
people are discussing here. Although many probably sympathize with
calling for the removal of the entire Board of the Free Software
Foundation and calling for Richard M. Stallman to be removed from all
leadership positions, including the GNU Project

You can disagree with the specific way that was worded and still come
to the same conclusion. See for example

> On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 18:50:52 +0200 Martin Jambor wrote:
> > Nobody suggested that GCC would be relicensed and certainly not to a
> > non-free license.  If you decide to contribute your port upstream, it
> > will be safe with us, regardless of who will or will not be on the
> > steering committee
> When I joined the Harvey project they were all fun and welcoming.
> When I asked how and where to write my copyright statement, I was
> answered by the seasoned and well known Google's engineer that a few
> years later completely removed my name from the project without
> removing the contributions.
> Harvey is copylefted too (GPLv2) and as you know, this sort of
> behaviour would trigger GPL termination, but Harvey is part of
> Software Freedom Conservancy and the violation of my copyright
> likely occurred during the working hours of the above engineer.
> So they were the good guys and the most powerful guys, together.
> I had no hope in a US court (and I'm Italian and... let say "not rich").
> They taught me a valuable lesson, though.
> In the long run, even the good guys betray your trust if they have a
> reason to and they think they can get away with that.

I looked a bit at that issue you filed and how they handled your
request to remove your code from the project. And I must say I don't
really understand what you believe they did wrong, they seemed to have
acknowledged and corrected their mistake and then removed all the code
you wanted to have removed. There is some disagreement over whether a
mass change of function declarations is copyrightable or not. But I
happen to agree with them that if there is only one way to do it, then
having someone else do the same transformation is a correct way to
resolve this. I am not sure I understand your goal in this particular
case. Sorry.

To make this copyright issue somewhat relevant to GCC. GCC doesn't
currently contain individual copyright statements and most of the code
is currently assigned to the FSF. So the above mistake won't happen
when contributing to GCC, but mostly because of the technicality that
you sign away your copyright up front.

> This means that its core value, its main "selling point", is not how
> cool it is, but how it is designed, developed and distributed to
> maximise software freedom.
> IOW, I can imagine scenarios where some features should NOT be
> introduced to reach this political goal which is MORE important
> than the technical goal of compiler suite
> To this aim, I'd prefer to see RMS in the GCC's SC.
> Because to me GCC is not just "open source", it's not just matter of
> seeing the source: it's Free Software, it should be designed and
> developed TO maximize software freedom!

But even here RMS is just one voice and his insights are not always
very accurate. His technical knowledge of the code base and of the
community who develops the code is simply not always current. That
doesn't mean he cannot understand the technology, he can, he still is
really smart. But it takes very long (months) to get him up to
speed. Once he understand the issue he often comes to the right
conclusion. But sometimes he doesn't because he doesn't have the full
picture. If he doesn't it might take months again to convince him he
was wrong. Which he will never admit, he will simply say people didn't
inform him about some change in technology or community participation,
when he chang

Re: GSoC 2021 (incremental LTO)

2021-03-31 Thread Martin Jambor
Hi Dmitry,

we are delighted you found contributing to GCC interesting.

On Mon, Mar 29 2021, Dmitry Torilov via Gcc wrote:
> Greetings,
> I saw a task on your site for GSoC called < Optimization (LTO) linking>>. I am very interested in it, and I would
> like to know if it is possible to do it this summer. I have experience
> in C/C++ development as well as experience in related fields. I know how
> to compile GCC, and I have a top-level understanding of how LTO works.
> Unfortunately, I've never written compilers yet, but I've had experience
> in developing a LISP interpreter, and I've also watched a lot of
> conference talks about compilers. I am sending a link to my CV. I hope
> that you will be interested in it. Can I ask you to tell me about the
> further screening process for GSoC?

there is no formal screening process and GCC does not impose any
additional formal requirements on top of those of the GSoC program,
except that we want students to announce their intention to apply so
that we can help them write a good proposal and in the process learn
about the project they apply for.

I have CCed Honza who would be the primary mentor for this project.
>From what I know about the project, I can suggest (apart from the
suggestions at the following.
Compile some small but non-trivial program with options -flto
-save-temps and -v (in addition to one you would normally use).  The
*ltrans* files the compiler will produce are the partitions, which are
currently all always compiled, even when a partition from an earlier
build would do.

The project should probably start with the driver (gcc/gcc.c) or perhaps
lto-wrapper (gcc/lto-wrapper.c) stashing the *ltrans[0-9]*.o caching the
files somewhere and then using the information about what is cached to
prevent unnecessary compilation of a partition which is identical to one
that has been compiled at some point in the past.  So at this point I
would suggest to study how exactly the driver, the lto-plugin
(lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c), lto-wrapper and lto1 (gcc/lto/*.c) interact
and where it would make sense to cache the partitions and retrieve them
from the cache.

Please do not hesitate to ask here on the mailing list if you struggle
with reading the code, if you want to find out if your understanding is
correct or need any help with any specific aspect of the project

Good luck,


Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Biener via Gcc
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 1:36 PM Mark Wielaard  wrote:
> You are referencing the recent open letter which isn't really what
> people are discussing here. Although many probably sympathize with
> calling for the removal of the entire Board of the Free Software
> Foundation and calling for Richard M. Stallman to be removed from all
> leadership positions, including the GNU Project
> You can disagree with the specific way that was worded and still come
> to the same conclusion. See for example

Ah, this one is _very_ well written and captures my thoughts when
writing my response to Nathan (but not willing to spend so much time
on this to coherently formulate what I was thinking).

And just to repeat - all the GCC governance structure (the "SC") represents
all of the same non-openess as the FSF governance structure (because
the "SC" is in fact appointed by the Chief GNUisance "or his delegates").


Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Jonathan Wakely via Gcc
On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 12:36, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> Again, it isn't about this one or two incidents. I am sure someone can
> find a way to explained it away by saying people simply misunderstood
> his intentions or that no law was broken. But it is about a pattern of
> behavior that shows RMS creates a misogynist, racist and transphobic
> environment by (hopefully unknowingly) setting the example that others
> will then follow and amplify.

Probably unintentionally, but he has allowed the GNU Project to become
a nasty cult of personality. The FSF seems to be imploding (with mass
resignations in the past week). I don't think GCC benefits from being
associated with either of them.

Is there any incident where FSF being the copyright holder for GCC has
made a difference? Are there any GPL violations involving GCC code
that were resolved only because all copyright resides with a single
entity, that couldn't have been resolved on behalf of individual
copyright holders?

Are we still worried about BigCorp trying to do a proprietary fork of
GCC? Because BigCorp, OtherCorp etc. have shown that they would prefer
to create a new toolchain from scratch rather than use GNU code. And
if EvilCorp want to make their own proprietary compiler with secret
optimizations, they'll just use LLVM instead of bothering to violate
the GPL. The work done to make it impossible to steal GCC code was a
success: nobody is even interested in stealing it now. There is an
easier option.

Can we break our (already weak) ties to GNU?

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Jonathan Wakely via Gcc
On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 13:29, Richard Biener wrote:
> And just to repeat - all the GCC governance structure (the "SC") represents
> all of the same non-openess as the FSF governance structure (because
> the "SC" is in fact appointed by the Chief GNUisance "or his delegates").

The SC was appointed by the egcs community. They were then blessed as
"the official GNU maintainer" of the GNU project when egcs replaced
gcc as "the compiler for the GNU system", but we don't have to *be* a
GNU project. GNU cannot remove the SC, if they tried we'd just say
we're independent of GNU and then they don't get to have a say.

So no, the SC is not appointed by RMS, except in the same way that the
UK government is "chosen" by the Queen. By convention she appoints a
Prime Minister (the SC) and asks the PM to form a government (the GCC
devs). But in reality her "choice" is the party that won the election.
She is not allowed to choose for herself, or there would be ...
problems. If RMS or GNU tried to "choose" a new maintainer or replace
the SC, there would be ... problems.

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread David Edelsohn via Gcc
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 8:28 AM Richard Biener via Gcc  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 1:36 PM Mark Wielaard  wrote:
> >
> > You are referencing the recent open letter which isn't really what
> > people are discussing here. Although many probably sympathize with
> > calling for the removal of the entire Board of the Free Software
> > Foundation and calling for Richard M. Stallman to be removed from all
> > leadership positions, including the GNU Project
> >
> > You can disagree with the specific way that was worded and still come
> > to the same conclusion. See for example
> Ah, this one is _very_ well written and captures my thoughts when
> writing my response to Nathan (but not willing to spend so much time
> on this to coherently formulate what I was thinking).
> And just to repeat - all the GCC governance structure (the "SC") represents
> all of the same non-openess as the FSF governance structure (because
> the "SC" is in fact appointed by the Chief GNUisance "or his delegates").

Richard historically has approved nominees to the GCC SC because the
GNU Project considers the SC the official "maintainers" of GCC, but he
has not nominated or suggested any of the members.  I don't remember
him rejecting a proposed nominee.  And many major contributors to GCC
have not wished to be members of the GCC SC whose major purpose is to
be a buffer between the GCC Community and the Free Software

Has the GCC SC micro-managed you or prevented you from doing anything
as Global Reviewer and Release Manager?  Not that I'm aware of.

Has the GCC SC blocked any new port or major feature?  Not that I'm aware of.

Has the GCC SC blocked any qualified maintainer nominations?  Not that
I'm aware of.

Has the GCC SC instructed GCC developers on which features to work?  No.

Has the GCC SC inserted itself or voted on any disagreements?  No.

The reality is that the governance of GCC is extremely open because
it's performed by the developers in the community, not the GCC SC.
And GCC is much less bureaucratic than other, large Open Source
projects.  It doesn't have multiple committees and SIGs.  Everything
is worked out among the developers.  Projects are started by
developers who take the initiative to start a project.

Be careful what you wish for because it may be much worse than the
freedom that you currently enjoy.

Thanks, David

Re: Interested In extend the static analysis pass

2021-03-31 Thread Jonathan Wakely via Gcc
Just one comment ...

On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 12:30, Gagandeep Bhatia via Gcc  wrote:
> Right now the code is in GCC’s master branch for GCC 10

N.B. the master branch is for GCC 11. Make sure you are using that,
not the gcc-10 branch, as there are lots of improvements to the static
analysis code.

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Biener via Gcc
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 2:59 PM David Edelsohn  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 8:28 AM Richard Biener via Gcc  
> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 1:36 PM Mark Wielaard  wrote:
> > >
> > > You are referencing the recent open letter which isn't really what
> > > people are discussing here. Although many probably sympathize with
> > > calling for the removal of the entire Board of the Free Software
> > > Foundation and calling for Richard M. Stallman to be removed from all
> > > leadership positions, including the GNU Project
> > >
> > > You can disagree with the specific way that was worded and still come
> > > to the same conclusion. See for example
> >
> > Ah, this one is _very_ well written and captures my thoughts when
> > writing my response to Nathan (but not willing to spend so much time
> > on this to coherently formulate what I was thinking).
> >
> > And just to repeat - all the GCC governance structure (the "SC") represents
> > all of the same non-openess as the FSF governance structure (because
> > the "SC" is in fact appointed by the Chief GNUisance "or his delegates").
> Richard historically has approved nominees to the GCC SC because the
> GNU Project considers the SC the official "maintainers" of GCC, but he
> has not nominated or suggested any of the members.  I don't remember
> him rejecting a proposed nominee.  And many major contributors to GCC
> have not wished to be members of the GCC SC whose major purpose is to
> be a buffer between the GCC Community and the Free Software
> Foundation.
> Has the GCC SC micro-managed you or prevented you from doing anything
> as Global Reviewer and Release Manager?  Not that I'm aware of.
> Has the GCC SC blocked any new port or major feature?  Not that I'm aware of.
> Has the GCC SC blocked any qualified maintainer nominations?  Not that
> I'm aware of.
> Has the GCC SC instructed GCC developers on which features to work?  No.
> Has the GCC SC inserted itself or voted on any disagreements?  No.

That's all true.  It's still true that since GCC is a GNU project, formally
its maintainers are appointed by RMS (I've just read the official governance
structure document!).  It's also true that the SC is only indirectly reachable,
that we didn't vote on our representatives, or that there's no traces of
its work (assuming it does any).  Just to point to the pieces that
make it "not open".

> The reality is that the governance of GCC is extremely open because
> it's performed by the developers in the community, not the GCC SC.
> And GCC is much less bureaucratic than other, large Open Source
> projects.  It doesn't have multiple committees and SIGs.  Everything
> is worked out among the developers.  Projects are started by
> developers who take the initiative to start a project.
> Be careful what you wish for because it may be much worse than the
> freedom that you currently enjoy.

I'm actually enjoying not needing to interact with RMS or the FSF
and indeed the SC appears to handle things well.  But since people
are throwing in ideas to disassociate GCC from GNU I wanted to
point out that GCC needs to think of its own governance structure.


> Thanks, David

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Giacomo Tesio
Hi Martin,

On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 10:53:20 +0200 Martin Jambor wrote:

> Dear Giacomo,
> On Tue, Mar 30 2021, Giacomo Tesio wrote:
> > On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 18:50:52 +0200 Martin Jambor wrote:
> >  
> >> Unfortunately, all people are also able to close their eyes and
> >> ears and ignore mistreatment when they are not the victims and
> >> when their friend or their favorite public figure is the
> >> perpetrator.  
> >
> > Martin, what you imply here, is an insult I do not deserve.  
> I am sorry.

No problem, apology accepted! ;-)

> I wanted to underline that the questions discussed here
> are not cultural or somehow defined geographically.

But it IS cultural (and thus storical and geographical): we interpret
any datum according to our existing knowledge and perspectives.

It's happening even now: I write these words trying to express what I
think in my mind and in the very instant you are reading them, you
interpret them according to your current positions and beliefs.

> > But in Italy we have a legal principle called "Presumption of
> > innocence".  
> Nevertheless, I am convinced that all the many accusations are clear,
> consistent and most of them are beyond any doubt (a lot of it is on
> RMS's own blog).

If you consider software as a form of human expression and Free
Software as an obvious extension of Free Speech (that is a complex
human right, probably the most complex as it has to be balanced BY LAW
with all the others, privacy and personal safety above all), I think
you can see how controversial positions on a personal blogs cannot
constitute a valid argument against RMS.

If you marginalize people with controversial (but legal) positions you
select people that only do vague statements that everybody can
interpret as they like.

Ultimately, you select people whose real opinions you do not really
know and that only pretend to defend "Free Software as in Free Speech" 
because they do not practice Free Speech at all.

> They easily clear the bar for legitimate reasons why
> he should not be an official representative of GCC.
> I do not understand people which keep doubting the "evidence" or
> describe it as hearsay, the only explanation I can think of is that
> they simply do not wish to not accept the facts.  If you are certain
> that this is not your case (no "proof" or explanation necessary) then
> please accept my apologies.

Again, apologies accepted. :-)


Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Giacomo Tesio
Hi Mark,

I'm a bit in a hurry and do not really want to focus on what happened
in Harvey: to my eyes that story just show you cannot trust people just
because they are nice and well known "open source" contributors, or
because they work for big multinational that "do no evil" or even
join the Good Guys (TM) of Software Freedom Conservancy.

But let me clarify 

On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 13:34:17 +0200 Mark Wielaard wrote:

> I looked a bit at that issue you filed and how they handled your
> request to remove your code from the project. And I must say I don't
> really understand what you believe they did wrong, they seemed to have
> acknowledged and corrected their mistake and then removed all the code
> you wanted to have removed. 

I asked them to `git revert` my changes referencing the issue, so that
the code I reused in my own fork of Plan 9 was safe that nobody could
claim copyright of my work after, say, a change in the version control
system adopted by the project.

Instead they did a `git rebase` over which, I was pretty surprised
actually, they "accidentaly" squashed some of my own commits verbatim
(but without my name) in incredibly large commits.
And you know, they had to git push -f such rebase, breaking all the
existing github forks (while the `git revert` approach would not have
caused any issue to anybody)

> There is some disagreement over whether a
> mass change of function declarations is copyrightable or not.

And implementations. And kernel changes that took a couple of days to
get right (Harvey kernel was pretty unstable back then). And more I did
not remember but I noticed back then: 

> But I happen to agree with them that if there is only one way to do
> it, then having someone else do the same transformation is a correct
> way to resolve this.


But first, there were several different ways to do that (several
equivalent typedefs were already in place in u.h, without even
mentioning macros and so on), and more importantly if you actually
redo the same work in the same way because there is a single way
to do that, you do in a dedicated commit with an author that takes
the clear responsibility for change.

Instead my work (or a totally, byte-for-byte equivalent, one) got
squashed into gigantic commits that include several very large commits
of several authors (all mentioned in the commit message... but me).

> To make this copyright issue somewhat relevant to GCC. GCC doesn't
> currently contain individual copyright statements and most of the code
> is currently assigned to the FSF. So the above mistake won't happen
> when contributing to GCC, but mostly because of the technicality that
> you sign away your copyright up front.

Oh sorry, I wasn't clear enough about this.

I'm SURE that this specific issue would not happen on GCC.
Nor on Linux. Nor in several other Free Software and Open Source

But I think you are missing the valuable lesson that the Harvey team
(some of which actually signed the rms-open-letter) tauht me: I didn't
expected ANYTHING like this to happen. And I didn't expect SFC to not
expell a project doing something like this.

I trusted them both. All of them.

So ultimately I do not expect this specific issue to occur in a
hypothetical GCC lead by a Stallman-less Steering Comittee.

But I DO expect that, in the long run, a Stallman-less Steering
Comittee might do something not aligned with the long-term
interests of Free Software, abusing my trust again.

Maybe not you. Maybe not the CURRENT Steering Committee.

But people, groups and incentives changes.
Stallman does not.


Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Florian Weimer
* David Edelsohn via Gcc:

> Has the GCC SC blocked any new port or major feature?  Not that I'm aware of.

What about the plugin framework?  The libgcc licensing change would
not have happened naturally.  Someone had to step in and delay the
plugin framework feature until the licensing changes were in place.

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Jonathan Wakely via Gcc
On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 14:30, Giacomo Tesio wrote:
> But people, groups and incentives changes.
> Stallman does not.

Well, he's not immortal. Are you really suggesting that his crowning
achievement (the free software movement and copyleft) is actually not
sustainable, and only works if he's watching?

Re: Interested In extend the static analysis pass

2021-03-31 Thread David Malcolm via Gcc
On Wed, 2021-03-31 at 16:59 +0530, Gagandeep Bhatia via Gcc wrote:
> Hey Team GNU Compiler, I'm Gagandeep Bhatia, currently pursuing the
> 2nd year at Christ University, Bangalore, India. You can reach me at
> or +919466935025.
> I went through your upcoming projects on Google Summer of Code, your
> idea on  extend the static analysis pass is really impressive. 

Thank you.

> Right now the code is in GCC’s master branch for GCC 10 and can be
> tried out on Compiler Explorer, aka It works well for
> small and medium-sized examples, but there are bugs that mean it’s
> not ready for production use. I’m working hard on fixing things in
> the hope that the feature will be meaningfully usable for C code.

You seem to have simply copied and pasted the above three sentences
from my March 2020 blog post on the analyzer.

As Jonathan notes, the code has substantially changed since the GCC 10

>  I truly want to become part of this project for better mutual
> achievement, in the past, I have done a few projects, which will help
> me to contribute my best in this project.
> It will be really kind if you can share some more details about your
> project, so I learn more about your project.
> with regards.

There are some more concrete ideas about the analyzer on the wiki page
and there is a link there to the wiki page about the analyzer which has
lots more information.

You may want to read the archives of this mailing list, where some of
those ideas are discussed in more detail with other prospective GSoC

Hope this is constructive

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Christopher Dimech via Gcc

> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 11:34 PM
> From: "Mark Wielaard" 
> To: "Giacomo Tesio" 
> Cc: "GCC Development" , "Nathan Sidwell" 
> Subject: Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee
> Hi Giacomo,
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 11:28:49PM +0200, Giacomo Tesio wrote:
> > I've to say I'm a bit confused, but maybe we have different sources and
> > experience so we have different perspective on the matter.
> Yes, I am pretty sure the perspective changes for people who have had
> longer, or more direct, exposure to Richard, while working on GNU or
> GCC over the years.
> > That being said (and for full disclosure), I also consider his return to
> > the FSF fair, because the shitstorm that caused his resign two years
> > ago was built on top of a severe misrepresentation of his words, as
> > described here and
> > admitted also by the people arguing against his return (see the
> > various edits at ).
> So this for example depends on whether you believe this is the one and
> only incident that can easily be explained away or if it is a decades
> long pattern of behavior where people finally had enough. See for
> example this blog that links and lists various other past events

In 2017, Marianne Corvellec was discussing GNU Philosophy and his
elaborations were valid.  Having worked with both, I agree with   
Richard stance.

Regarding, the Glibc Controversy, the comment was a criticism about
the United States Federal Censorship Regulations that were being
proposed.  This was the result of Roe vs. Wade that affirmed a woman’s
constitutional right to an abortion.  Opponents of the ruling have
steadfastly refused to accept it, and have tried to overturn it altogether.

I disagree with the conclusions resulting from Roe vs. Wade.  Doing what
you want does not mean you can act at any level of irresponsibility.  People
have to understand this - there are many documented cases where families 
have killed their own daughters.  I am particularly saying this because it
happens more to girls.  Because the parents believe that after they are
their children and if things don't turn out the way they wanted, they 
can kill them.

I personally disagree with Stallman regarding the joke.  But, I do not
fall within the camp that worked to remove it.

As for the "safe spaces" phase, this is about eliminating anything and
everything that could emotionally troubling students. This assumes a high
degree of fragility among western students.  I work as a journalist and
have had colleagues blown to smithereens - foot there, bits of brain there.
I wonder how many of you bitches, have ever been shot or had a bomb blown
up your ass.   

After scrutinising many of the presented arguments for removing Richard
Stallman from public and working life.  

I have to conclude that the drive is another ridiculous and sad story of a 
smear campaign in the media and on social networks.  This includes the big
companies that do a lot of high level work for the government and for big
corporations - e.g. Red Hat subsidiary of IBM, Facebook.  Digging into minor
and fabricated events to somehow attack his credibility.

Peaple have lost the narrative.  I therefore deplore the offensive against 
Richard Stallman and those who support him.  I see a huge opportunity for
journalists to dig into the real story.

> You are referencing the recent open letter which isn't really what
> people are discussing here. Although many probably sympathize with
> calling for the removal of the entire Board of the Free Software
> Foundation and calling for Richard M. Stallman to be removed from all
> leadership positions, including the GNU Project
> You can disagree with the specific way that was worded and still come
> to the same conclusion. See for example
> > On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 18:50:52 +0200 Martin Jambor wrote:
> > 
> > > Nobody suggested that GCC would be relicensed and certainly not to a
> > > non-free license.  If you decide to contribute your port upstream, it
> > > will be safe with us, regardless of who will or will not be on the
> > > steering committee
> > 
> > When I joined the Harvey project they were all fun and welcoming.
> > When I asked how and where to write my copyright statement, I was
> > answered by the seasoned and well known Google's engineer that a few
> > years later completely removed my name from the project without
> > removing the contributions.
> > 
> > Harvey is copylefted too (GPLv2) and as you know, this sort of
> > behaviour would trigger GPL termination, but Harvey is part of
> > Software Freedom Conservancy and the violation of my copyright
> > likely occurred during the working hours of the above engineer.
> > 
> > So they were the good guys and the most powerful guys, together.
> > I had no hope in a US court (and I'm Italian and...

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Paul Koning via Gcc
I may have lost it in the enormous flood of text, but I want to ask these 
general questions.

1. Is there a published code of conduct for GCC community members, possibly 
different ones depending on which level of the organization you're in?

2. Is there a formal process for receiving claims of infraction of this code, 
and for adjudicating such claims?


Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Joel Sherrill
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 9:23 AM Paul Koning via Gcc  wrote:

> I may have lost it in the enormous flood of text, but I want to ask these
> general questions.
> 1. Is there a published code of conduct for GCC community members,
> possibly different ones depending on which level of the organization you're
> in?

As a GNU project, this should apply.:

> 2. Is there a formal process for receiving claims of infraction of this
> code, and for adjudicating such claims?

I admit to not looking for one but does any FLOSS organization have this?


> paul

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Christopher Dimech via Gcc

> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2021 at 1:28 AM
> From: "Giacomo Tesio" 
> To: "Mark Wielaard" 
> Cc: "GCC Development" , "Nathan Sidwell" 
> Subject: Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee
> Hi Mark,
> I'm a bit in a hurry and do not really want to focus on what happened
> in Harvey: to my eyes that story just show you cannot trust people just
> because they are nice and well known "open source" contributors, or
> because they work for big multinational that "do no evil" or even
> join the Good Guys (TM) of Software Freedom Conservancy.
> But let me clarify
> On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 13:34:17 +0200 Mark Wielaard wrote:
> > I looked a bit at that issue you filed and how they handled your
> > request to remove your code from the project. And I must say I don't
> > really understand what you believe they did wrong, they seemed to have
> > acknowledged and corrected their mistake and then removed all the code
> > you wanted to have removed.
> I asked them to `git revert` my changes referencing the issue, so that
> the code I reused in my own fork of Plan 9 was safe that nobody could
> claim copyright of my work after, say, a change in the version control
> system adopted by the project.
> Instead they did a `git rebase` over which, I was pretty surprised
> actually, they "accidentaly" squashed some of my own commits verbatim
> (but without my name) in incredibly large commits.
> And you know, they had to git push -f such rebase, breaking all the
> existing github forks (while the `git revert` approach would not have
> caused any issue to anybody)
> > There is some disagreement over whether a
> > mass change of function declarations is copyrightable or not.
> And implementations. And kernel changes that took a couple of days to
> get right (Harvey kernel was pretty unstable back then). And more I did
> not remember but I noticed back then:
> > But I happen to agree with them that if there is only one way to do
> > it, then having someone else do the same transformation is a correct
> > way to resolve this.
> Sure!
> But first, there were several different ways to do that (several
> equivalent typedefs were already in place in u.h, without even
> mentioning macros and so on), and more importantly if you actually
> redo the same work in the same way because there is a single way
> to do that, you do in a dedicated commit with an author that takes
> the clear responsibility for change.
> Instead my work (or a totally, byte-for-byte equivalent, one) got
> squashed into gigantic commits that include several very large commits
> of several authors (all mentioned in the commit message... but me).
> > To make this copyright issue somewhat relevant to GCC. GCC doesn't
> > currently contain individual copyright statements and most of the code
> > is currently assigned to the FSF. So the above mistake won't happen
> > when contributing to GCC, but mostly because of the technicality that
> > you sign away your copyright up front.
> Oh sorry, I wasn't clear enough about this.
> I'm SURE that this specific issue would not happen on GCC.
> Nor on Linux. Nor in several other Free Software and Open Source
> communities.
> But I think you are missing the valuable lesson that the Harvey team
> (some of which actually signed the rms-open-letter) tauht me: I didn't
> expected ANYTHING like this to happen. And I didn't expect SFC to not
> expell a project doing something like this.
> I trusted them both. All of them.
> So ultimately I do not expect this specific issue to occur in a
> hypothetical GCC lead by a Stallman-less Steering Comittee.
> But I DO expect that, in the long run, a Stallman-less Steering
> Comittee might do something not aligned with the long-term
> interests of Free Software, abusing my trust again.
> Maybe not you. Maybe not the CURRENT Steering Committee.
> But people, groups and incentives changes.
> Stallman does not.

It is likely that anothep person or group will evolve, which
although not Stallman-Like, work within the free software idea.

After Newton, there were other illustrious people.  Does not mean
everything stops forever after the demise of Richard.

> Giacomo

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread David Malcolm via Gcc
On Wed, 2021-03-31 at 16:18 +0200, Christopher Dimech via Gcc wrote:


> As for the "safe spaces" phase, this is about eliminating anything
> and
> everything that could emotionally troubling students. This assumes a
> high
> degree of fragility among western students.  I work as a journalist
> and
> have had colleagues blown to smithereens - foot there, bits of brain
> there.
> I wonder how many of you bitches, have ever been shot or had a bomb
> blown
> up your ass.   

I've been attempting to decide if you're merely trolling us, or if you
genuinely believe the stuff you've been posting to this list.

With your latest missive I'm leaning to the former interpretation, but
if the latter, may I humbly suggest that referring to us as "bitches"
might not be the best way to win people over, and that it's not normal
to have to work in a literal war zone, and that most reasonable people
do not want to work in a figurative war zone.


Hope this is constructive

(my opinions only, not my employer's)

2021-03-31 Thread Ellie Smith via Gcc
Hello Jason,

Do you have any interest in the domain “**”?

Please let me know.

+1 (385) 999-3081

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread David Edelsohn via Gcc
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 9:46 AM Florian Weimer  wrote:
> * David Edelsohn via Gcc:
> > Has the GCC SC blocked any new port or major feature?  Not that I'm aware 
> > of.
> What about the plugin framework?  The libgcc licensing change would
> not have happened naturally.  Someone had to step in and delay the
> plugin framework feature until the licensing changes were in place.

I wrote blocked, not delayed.  In order to continue the alignment of
GCC with the FSF, the GCC SC agreed to delay deployment of LTO and
Plugins until a license to allow such features could be implemented.
We didn't feel that a rupture with the FSF would be beneficial.

Because I foresaw the need for such features and the need for the
license to accommodate it, I had been designing and negotiating with
the FSF for an appropriate license exception for years before LTO and
Plugins were proposed.  Richard Stallman, Richard Fontana, Brad Kuhn
and I all worked to resolve the issue.

I and other members of the GCC SC have worked diligently behind the
scenes to ensure that GCC and GNU Toolchain development can proceed as
smoothly and unhindered as possible.  We have prevented or resolved
many conflicts and issues without disturbing the broader community and
allow the community to focus on its important tasks and great progress
for the toolchain itself. I, at least, view that as my role as a
member of the GCC SC.  It's like a good manager: regardless of the
openness, hopefully the GCC community feels that the GCC SC "has their
back", manages the politics, and removes real or potential roadblocks
so that the software engineer can focus on being productive.

Thanks, David

Having trouble getting my school to sign the copyright disclaimer

2021-03-31 Thread PKU via Gcc

I’m trying to get my school to sign the copyright disclaimer. Unfortunately the 
officials are reluctant to do that. Can anyone suggest what to do next?

They claim that university owns copyright to my code if I wrote it for a 
school-related research project. However, since I’m an undergraduate and thus 
do not have an advisor, nobody in the campus knows me well enough to prove that 
it’s not the case. They do promise(verbally) that they won’t interfere if I’m 
working on my own.

Is there a way to get around that? Any suggestion is appreciated.



Re: Having trouble getting my school to sign the copyright disclaimer

2021-03-31 Thread David Edelsohn via Gcc
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 11:28 AM PKU via Gcc  wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to get my school to sign the copyright disclaimer. Unfortunately 
> the officials are reluctant to do that. Can anyone suggest what to do next?
> They claim that university owns copyright to my code if I wrote it for a 
> school-related research project. However, since I’m an undergraduate and thus 
> do not have an advisor, nobody in the campus knows me well enough to prove 
> that it’s not the case. They do promise(verbally) that they won’t interfere 
> if I’m working on my own.
> Is there a way to get around that? Any suggestion is appreciated.

Will the university sign a copyright assignment?

Also, you seem to be in China.  It's the people's code.  Ask the
university why they are claiming ownership to something that belongs
to the people.

Thanks, David

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Biener via Gcc
On March 31, 2021 5:23:09 PM GMT+02:00, David Edelsohn  
>On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 9:46 AM Florian Weimer 
>> * David Edelsohn via Gcc:
>> > Has the GCC SC blocked any new port or major feature?  Not that I'm
>aware of.
>> What about the plugin framework?  The libgcc licensing change would
>> not have happened naturally.  Someone had to step in and delay the
>> plugin framework feature until the licensing changes were in place.
>I wrote blocked, not delayed.  In order to continue the alignment of
>GCC with the FSF, the GCC SC agreed to delay deployment of LTO and
>Plugins until a license to allow such features could be implemented.
>We didn't feel that a rupture with the FSF would be beneficial.
>Because I foresaw the need for such features and the need for the
>license to accommodate it, I had been designing and negotiating with
>the FSF for an appropriate license exception for years before LTO and
>Plugins were proposed.  Richard Stallman, Richard Fontana, Brad Kuhn
>and I all worked to resolve the issue.
>I and other members of the GCC SC have worked diligently behind the
>scenes to ensure that GCC and GNU Toolchain development can proceed as
>smoothly and unhindered as possible.  We have prevented or resolved
>many conflicts and issues without disturbing the broader community and
>allow the community to focus on its important tasks and great progress
>for the toolchain itself. I, at least, view that as my role as a
>member of the GCC SC.  It's like a good manager: regardless of the
>openness, hopefully the GCC community feels that the GCC SC "has their
>back", manages the politics, and removes real or potential roadblocks
>so that the software engineer can focus on being productive.

Indeed. I believe without the SC doing this GCC would either have disassociated 
itself from GNU (again) or be of marginal importance today (without those 


>Thanks, David

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Ian Lance Taylor via Gcc
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 5:28 AM Richard Biener via Gcc  wrote:
> And just to repeat - all the GCC governance structure (the "SC") represents
> all of the same non-openess as the FSF governance structure (because
> the "SC" is in fact appointed by the Chief GNUisance "or his delegates").

While that is true in a formal sense it's not true in a practical
sense.  In practice the steering committee appoints its own members.

That said I think it would be entirely reasonable to use a different
structure.  I just don't know what it would be.  The steering
committee doesn't really take very many actions, which is as it should
be.  The main and by and large only action is appointing, or perhaps a
better word would be anointing, maintainers: the people listed in the

Thoughts on changing the steering committee system should probably be
on a separate thread from the RMS discussion.


Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Christopher Dimech via Gcc
> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2021 at 2:56 AM
> From: "David Malcolm" 
> To: "Christopher Dimech" , "Mark Wielaard" 
> Cc: "GCC Development" , "Nathan Sidwell" 
> Subject: Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee
> On Wed, 2021-03-31 at 16:18 +0200, Christopher Dimech via Gcc wrote:
> [...snip...]
> > As for the "safe spaces" phase, this is about eliminating anything
> > and
> > everything that could emotionally troubling students. This assumes a
> > high
> > degree of fragility among western students.  I work as a journalist
> > and
> > have had colleagues blown to smithereens - foot there, bits of brain
> > there.
> > I wonder how many of you bitches, have ever been shot or had a bomb
> > blown
> > up your ass.   
> I've been attempting to decide if you're merely trolling us, or if you
> genuinely believe the stuff you've been posting to this list.
> With your latest missive I'm leaning to the former interpretation, but
> if the latter, may I humbly suggest that referring to us as "bitches"
> might not be the best way to win people over, and that it's not normal
> to have to work in a literal war zone, and that most reasonable people
> do not want to work in a figurative war zone.
> [...snip...]

I recognise it is not the best way, but the contempt is mainly directed
to those with a history of unjust accusations against Stallman.  
Although one can lean towards your interpretation, it is very easy to verify
my credentials.

> Hope this is constructive
> Dave

Yes, I consider it constructive criticsism. 
> (my opinions only, not my employer's)

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Ian Lance Taylor via Gcc
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 7:44 AM Joel Sherrill  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 9:23 AM Paul Koning via Gcc  wrote:
> > I may have lost it in the enormous flood of text, but I want to ask these
> > general questions.
> >
> > 1. Is there a published code of conduct for GCC community members,
> > possibly different ones depending on which level of the organization you're
> > in?
> >
> As a GNU project, this should apply.:

Yes, although that is, by design, not a code of conduct as the term is
normally used.

> > 2. Is there a formal process for receiving claims of infraction of this
> > code, and for adjudicating such claims?
> >
> I admit to not looking for one but does any FLOSS organization have this?

Yes, many.  For example:


and there are many more.

The GNU Cauldron also has a code of conduct:


Re: [GSoC-2021] Interested in project `Extend the static analysis pass`

2021-03-31 Thread Saloni Garg via Gcc
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 6:42 PM David Malcolm  wrote:

> On Tue, 2021-03-30 at 16:06 +0530, Saloni Garg wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 8:03 PM David Malcolm 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun, 2021-03-28 at 18:06 +0530, Saloni Garg wrote:
> > > > Hi, I have tried the following examples with the fanalyzer option
> > > > in
> > > > g++.
> > > >
> > > > 1 (a)
> > > > void myFunction()
> > > > {
> > > > char *p =new char;
> > > > }
> > > > int main()
> > > > {
> > > >func();
> > > >return 0;
> > > > }
> > >
> > > BTW, are you familiar with Compiler Explorer (  It's
> > > very
> > > handy for testing small snippets of code on different compilers and
> > > different compiler versions.  Though I don't know how long the URLs
> > > are
> > > good for (in terms of how long code is cached for)
> > >
> > > Fixing up the name of the called function to "func":
> > >
> > > I get the leak report, as per RFE 94355.  This warning looks
> > > correct,
> > > in that p does indeed leak.
> > >
> > > Hi, thanks for the effort, sorry for the typo. I now know about the
> > and it is certainly useful.
> >
> > > I should mention that the analyzer has some special-casing for
> > > "main",
> > > in that the user might not care about one-time leaks that occur
> > > within
> > > "main", or something only called directly by it; this doesn't seem
> > > to
> > > be the case here.  If I remove the implementation to main, the
> > > analyzer
> > > still correctly complains about the leak:
> > >
> > >
> > > That's something new. I also didn't know that. I believe we can
> > > shift our
> > minimal example to just func() and remove main().
> Yes - simpler is better with such examples.
> (Occasionally it's helpful to have "main" so that the resulting code
> can be executed - especially under valgrind, as a check that something
> really is leaking - but a simpler reproducer is usually best when
> debugging)
> [...snip...]
Ok, I will keep this in mind. Thanks.

> > > I think an implementation of exception-handling would look somewhat
> > > similar.
> > >
> > > Thanks, for all the references to the code. I am new to GCC, so
> > > apologies
> > if I am a bit slow in understanding. I am trying to run and go
> > through all
> > the references that you gave me.
> Sorry if I'm overwhelming you with too much at once...
> ...and here's yet more information!
> I wrote this guide to getting started with hacking on GCC, aimed at
> newcomers to the project:
> and in particular you may find the guide to debugging GCC useful:
> FWIW I like to use
>   -fanalyzer-dump-stderr
> when stepping through the analyzer in gdb, so that I can put
> breakpoints on what I'm interested in, but also have a log of the
> activity that happened between the breakpoints.
No, it's actually fun learning all this. Thank you for sharing all the
references. Although, I was already using gdb to travel inside the code.

> > > > Please, let me know your thoughts on this.
> > >
> > > Looks like you're making a great start.
> > >
> > Thanks for the feedback.  In parallel, can I start working on the
> > Gsoc
> > proposal as well?
> Please do work on the formal proposal - without it we can't accept you
> as a GSoC student.  The window for submitting proposals opened
> yesterday, and I believe it closes in a couple of weeks, and you need
> to do that, so any experimentation you do now should really just be in
> support of writing a good proposal.  It would be a shame to not have a
> good prospective candidate because they didn't allow enough time to do
> the proper GSoC paperwork before the deadline.
Thanks for understanding. Here is an initial draft (
of my GSoC proposal. I am yet to fill in the missing blocks.
Please, let me know if you have any comments on the document itself.

> > I hope, we can get suggestions from the gcc community as
> > well once the things are written properly in a document.
> Indeed
> Hope this is constructive
> Dave
> [...snip...]
> I also request the GCC community also to please provide any suggestions
possible on the above-shared document.


Re: Having trouble getting my school to sign the copyright disclaimer

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Kenner via Gcc
> They claim that university owns copyright to my code if I wrote it
> for a school-related research project. 

That's potentially correct.  And the purpose of them signing the
disclaimer is to release that interest so that only you need to sign
the assignment.

The other way of doing it would be for them to sign the assignment and
you sign the disclaimer, which would essentially acknowlege that they
own the copright.

But because of of you have a potential interest in the copyright, both
of you need to sign something.

> However, since I'm an undergraduate and thus do not have an advisor,
> nobody in the campus knows me well enough to prove that it's not the case.

The purpose of having both of you sign is so that there's no potential
issue going forward where they might later assert that claim.  That way,
we don't ever need to decide who currently owns the copyright.

Re: Having trouble getting my school to sign the copyright disclaimer

2021-03-31 Thread Jim Wilson
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 8:27 AM PKU via Gcc  wrote:

> I’m trying to get my school to sign the copyright disclaimer.
> Unfortunately the officials are reluctant to do that. Can anyone suggest
> what to do next?

Maybe the PLCT Lab at the Chinese Academy of Sciences can help.  They are
doing GCC and LLVM work, and have GCC etc assignments.  Even if they can't
help get an assignment for your current work, if you want to continue doing
GCC work, maybe your next patch can be written for them.  They hold regular
meetings for people doing GCC/LLVM work in China to meet and discuss their
work.  The PLCT work is primarily RISC-V focused though.

You might be able to find more appropriate links.  I don't actually read
Mandarin.  This is just a link I happen to know about which has good info
about the PLCT Lab.


Re: [GSoC-2021] Interested in project `Extend the static analysis pass`

2021-03-31 Thread David Malcolm via Gcc
On Wed, 2021-03-31 at 21:41 +0530, Saloni Garg wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 6:42 PM David Malcolm 
> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2021-03-30 at 16:06 +0530, Saloni Garg wrote:
> > > On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 8:03 PM David Malcolm <
> > >>
> > > wrote:


> > > 
> No, it's actually fun learning all this. Thank you for sharing all
> the
> references. Although, I was already using gdb to travel inside the
> code.


> > 
> > > > > Please, let me know your thoughts on this.
> > > > 
> > > > Looks like you're making a great start.
> > > > 
> > > Thanks for the feedback.  In parallel, can I start working on the
> > > Gsoc
> > > proposal as well?
> > 
> > Please do work on the formal proposal - without it we can't accept
> > you
> > as a GSoC student.  The window for submitting proposals opened
> > yesterday, and I believe it closes in a couple of weeks, and you
> > need
> > to do that, so any experimentation you do now should really just be
> > in
> > support of writing a good proposal.  It would be a shame to not
> > have a
> > good prospective candidate because they didn't allow enough time to
> > do
> > the proper GSoC paperwork before the deadline.
> > 
> Thanks for understanding. Here is an initial draft (
> )
> of my GSoC proposal. I am yet to fill in the missing blocks.
> Please, let me know if you have any comments on the document itself.

Caveat: I'm not familiar with the expected format of such documents.

Looks like a good first draft.

Some notes:
- maybe update the title to be more specific (i.e. that it's about
extending the pass to support C++ exception-handling)
- my email address is misspelled (missing the leading "d")
- in Example 2, maybe spell out why it's a leak - when does the
allocated buffer stop being referenceable?
- you have a simple example of a false negative; is it possible to give
a simple example of a false positive?  (I think "new" is meant to raise
an exception if it fails, so a diagnostics about a NULL-deref on
unchecked new might be a false positive.  I'm not sure)
- maybe specify that this is exception-handling specifically for C++
code (GCC supports many languages)
- "sample example programs": for "sample" did you mean to write
"simple" here?
- as well as understanding code, you'll need to understand data,
specifically getting a feel for the kinds of control flow graphs that
the analyzer is receiving as inputs i.e. what the analyzer "sees" when
the user inputs various C++ language constructs; what interprocedural
vs intraprocedural raise/try/catch situations look like, etc.

Hope this makes sense and is helpful

Re: Remove RMS from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread David Edelsohn via Gcc
[I previously sent this from another email account, but it seems to be
lost.  I am sending this on behalf of the GCC Steering Committee.]

In 2012 RMS was added to the GCC Steering Committee web page
based on his role in the GNU Project, though his role as a member
of the Steering Committee has been ambiguous and he was not a member
of the Steering Committee when EGCS became GCC[1].  We no longer feel
that this listing serves the best interests of the GCC developer and
user community.  Therefore, we are removing him from the page.

GCC supports the principles of Free Software and has remained aligned
with the GNU Project since EGCS became GCC, but effectively has continued
to operate as an autonomous project.

The GCC Steering Committee is committed to providing a friendly, safe
and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical
appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or
similar personal characteristics.

- The GCC Steering Committee


RMS removed from the GCC Steering Committee (was: Remove RMS...)

2021-03-31 Thread Giacomo Tesio
Hi David, thanks for sharing!

On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 14:27:29 -0400 David Edelsohn via Gcc wrote:

> In 2012 RMS was added to the GCC Steering Committee web page
> based on his role in the GNU Project [...]
> we are removing him from the page.

I have to admit that I had never carefully observed the list of members
of the GCC steering committee. As I explained before in this thread,
the presence of Stallman gave me enough reassurance that GCC would have
honoured the values of Free Software.

As I said, enough to chose to port GCC to Jehanne instead of another
C compiler, in the hope to contribute back the port upstream, to GNU.

But now that I'm comparing the old web page [1] and the new one [2],
I realized something entirely new to me.

10 out of 13 members of the GCC steering committee work either for
American corporations (8), their subsidiaries (1) or an American 
University (1) recently covered by the press in India [3].
Also, 4 of these work for the same corporation (IBM / Red Hat).

The other 3 are from German GmbH (2) or from a Nederlands public agency.

To me, and to billions of people, this shows a huge cultural bias.

Even ignoring the huge, unfair and invisible influence that such
American companies could have on the project development, even ignoring
that so many members are subject to the same Law (a Law that includes
the US Cloud Act, FISA, PPD 128, E.O. 12333, etc) decades after the 
Thompson's lecture on trust in compilers development [4], the sole fact
that a single culture and economy can influence so heavily GCC
development through its leaders decisions should be fixed.

GCC is an international project.

I didn't saw this before because I trusted RMS to defend Free Software
values at any cost, but now I do not even need to recall my previous
adventures with Google and Software Freedom Conservancy to see a huge
risk not only to contribute to GCC development, but to rely on GCC.

Just like the Galactic President in The Hitchhiker's Guide, our trust
in RMS was distracting all of us from the very real and very dangerous
geopolitical-diversity issue in GCC leadership.

I'm afraid that if you wanted to attract more developers by cutting
GCC's ties with Stallman, you just proved that he was not even enough.

The GCC Steering Committee doesn't look more inclusive, without RMS.
On the contrary,  it reveals itself as very "exclusive" to the world.

Please, fix it.






Re: RMS removed from the GCC Steering Committee (was: Remove RMS...)

2021-03-31 Thread Jeff Law via Gcc

On 3/31/2021 5:11 PM, Giacomo Tesio wrote:

10 out of 13 members of the GCC steering committee work either for
American corporations (8), their subsidiaries (1) or an American
University (1) recently covered by the press in India [3].
Also, 4 of these work for the same corporation (IBM / Red Hat).

Actually, it's just 3 working for IBM/Red Hat.  My affiliation changed 
earlier this month.  I've updated the page appropriately.

The other 3 are from German GmbH (2) or from a Nederlands public agency.

To me, and to billions of people, this shows a huge cultural bias.

It's more historical than anything.  The majority of members on the 
committee were there since its inception back in the late 90s.  We are 
looking at how to increase diversity on the committee, but that's a 
separate and distinct issue from removal of RMS.


Re: RMS removed from the GCC Steering Committee (was: Remove RMS...)

2021-03-31 Thread Giacomo Tesio
Hi Jeff,

thanks for fixing your affiliation, but let me note that it doesn't
change a dime for the geopolitical-diversity issue that affects GCC
since before RMS joined the Steering Committee.

On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:35:36 -0600 Jeff Law wrote:

> > To me, and to billions of people, this shows a huge cultural bias.  
> It's more historical than anything.

Power is always justified through history and it always affects history.

> We are looking at how to increase diversity on the committee, but
> that's a separate and distinct issue from removal of RMS.

Oh well, sure, but luckily the solution is just as fast and easy as
it was to remove RMS: pick just one person for each nationality and
remove the others.

While the GCC Steering Committee won't still be representative of all
nationalities that contributed and will contribute to GCC, you
instantly reduce the huge imbalance in the representation of the
USA interests.

I'm sure you can see how this is way more urgent than removing RMS,
since, according to the other members of the SC, he was pretty inactive
and ineffective anyway.

Once you have removed the exceeding member from the page (and the SC,
obviously) you will be able to identify new member from others

But please, HURRY UP!

RMS was just a potential treat to GCC image, but these power imbalances
on such a fundamental piece of sofware pose (and posed) a way more
severe issue and on a global scale!

People all over the world, whatever their country, should be sure to be
treated fairly and equally by the GCC leaders even if they want to
contribute something that does not match the culture or interests you


Re: RMS removed from the GCC Steering Committee

2021-03-31 Thread Thomas Rodgers

On 2021-03-31 17:04, Giacomo Tesio wrote:

Hi Jeff,

thanks for fixing your affiliation, but let me note that it doesn't
change a dime for the geopolitical-diversity issue that affects GCC
since before RMS joined the Steering Committee.

Not to argue counter to the observation that there is clear bias in 
terms of large US and
EU corporations, but I wonder how that lines up with the affiliations of 
the major
contributors over the recent past to GCC. Quickly eyeballing the output 
of -

  'git shortlog -s -n --all releases/gcc-9.1.0...master'

Seems to show a similar bias in participation. I don't think that's some 
intentional subversive plot hatched over a decade by and to undermine GNU. It reflects the economics of whose willing 
and able to commit to that work as a full time undertaking.

The idea of making the SC more diverse over time, as well as what needs 
to be done to improve the diversity of the community of active 
contributors are important. I'm just not sure how it 'moves the needle' 
on the bias toward a and affiliated contributors 
who are paid to work on GCC full time and the SC necessarily has to 
represent that constituency of contributors as well.

there to keep the faithful from wander astray.

On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:35:36 -0600 Jeff Law wrote:

To me, and to billions of people, this shows a huge cultural bias.
It's more historical than anything.

Power is always justified through history and it always affects history.

We are looking at how to increase diversity on the committee, but
that's a separate and distinct issue from removal of RMS.

Oh well, sure, but luckily the solution is just as fast and easy as
it was to remove RMS: pick just one person for each nationality and
remove the others.

While the GCC Steering Committee won't still be representative of all
nationalities that contributed and will contribute to GCC, you
instantly reduce the huge imbalance in the representation of the
USA interests.

I'm sure you can see how this is way more urgent than removing RMS,
since, according to the other members of the SC, he was pretty inactive
and ineffective anyway.

Once you have removed the exceeding member from the page (and the SC,
obviously) you will be able to identify new member from others

But please, HURRY UP!

RMS was just a potential treat to GCC image, but these power imbalances
on such a fundamental piece of sofware pose (and posed) a way more
severe issue and on a global scale!

People all over the world, whatever their country, should be sure to be
treated fairly and equally by the GCC leaders even if they want to
contribute something that does not match the culture or interests you
