Re: gEDA-user: thermals on layer groups

2010-03-28 Thread Harry Eaton
 With my setting of having the polygons on an extra layer I'm not
 able to place thermals. When trying this, the command is simply

   The thermal tool places thermals to the active layer. You need to have
   the layer that the polygon is actually on as the active layer in order
   to place a thermal.The thermal is a feature of the polygon, not of the
   pin/via. If the command is being ignored, it is because the polygon is
   not on the actual layer (not just group) that is active for drawing.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Funny pad rotation

2010-03-25 Thread Harry Eaton
 I thought it was a very well-known feature; it was reported in 2007

   Yes, but that bug report came with a request explicitly asking that it
   not be fixed!



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: toporouter update

2010-03-18 Thread Harry Eaton
 Can you guys keep this on the geda-dev list in future.. it is always
 to see how things are progressing.

   Certainly, if Anthony and I discuss anything now that GSoc is not to
   Previously, I couldn't subscribe or send to the geda-dev list (or user
   for that matter). That's why Anthony and I were discussing off list.
   It was a comcast thing.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter Update

2010-03-18 Thread Harry Eaton
 I'm not going to stop working on the toporouter (greenlight?) just
 because Google didn't fund us. If people keep hassling me, I'll
 find the time for small commits here and there.. e.g., most of my
 last year was an answer to some scathing criticism from Harry.. I
 to do something after that =)

   Gosh, I was thinking about making a parody of your website comparing
   the two routers in pcb, where I would show test cases where boards had
   SMD parts on both sides and the toporouter couldn't route it but the
   autorouter could, then some with some existing hand-routing on the
   board, one with a ground plane going unused by the toporouter, etc. But
   I thought that would be mean so I didn't do it. (Even though I figured
   it would goad you in to fixing those problems).
   Seriously, I didn't think my criticisms were scathing, they were meant
   to be helpful. In any event, I'm still happy to give my blunt
   assessment and crazy ideas going forward.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: geda-user Digest, Vol 46, Issue 27

2010-03-08 Thread Harry Eaton
  I submitted my first PCB bug report to SF last month (#2946254),
  shortly after added a patch that fixed the problem.  I must admit
  the lack of response was discouraging - but I fully appreciate
  the developers are time poor (I am also!).
  BTW thank you to Rikster, for taking the time to try the patch 
  confirm that it fixes the bug, and posting the result back to SF
 The patch looks good to me (although I've only skimmed it). It might
 warrant a definition of what a freckle is, if that term isn't use
 The optimisation is probably fine to add. A complete fix would
 the issue in the auto-router as well.
 I'm happy to apply the patch, but I'm heading home now, as its
 late. Someone bug me to apply the patch!

   It looks to me like the SQ() macro risks integer overflow when squaring
   the lengths. I too only glanced at the patch so maybe I'm wrong.
   This is one of the difficulties in getting patches on a fast track. The
   internals of pcb are ugly and hard to understand in a lot of ways, and
   even many of the developers don't fully understand them (myself
   included these days!!). pcb has a huge amount of cruft from its 20 year
   life. It is extremely easy to create a patch that on its face looks
   good, appears to fix the problem at hand and passes certain tests, BUT,
   introduces ugly lurking bugs that can be a nightmare to find and

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb doesn't find my pins

2010-03-05 Thread Harry Eaton
   On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 00:28 +, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

  On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:40:54 +, Peter Clifton wrote:
   Perhaps the pin identifier U102-J1-1 is causing issues.
  So this may be another incarnation of the hyphen-nastiness? Would
 it be
  possible to fix this tendency to misinterpret hyphens in names
 once and
  for all?

   So is this supposed to be element U102-J1 's pin 1, or is the
   element U102 's pin J1-1.
   The point is that we chose to use - as a name/number separator. It is
   reasonable to choose a single reserved character for that purpose in a
   lightweight protocol like our netlist format. We could of course allow
   the escape that -- becomes a literal hyphen in the string (which I
   don't think we've done). That won't solve the instant problem until
   both the netlister and netlist reader are changed to add that facility.
   Frankly I don't see it as much of a problem to just treat it as a
   reserved character and leave the code alone. But there are always
   people that want to put / in their filenames and name their variable
   if in C code.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: can't route to TSSOP

2010-02-04 Thread Harry Eaton
 First time using TSSOP48.
 All rats, except those to/from TSSOP48, were successfully
 Is this a limitation in version 20080202 of pcb, or am I missing

   The most likely reason is that the pins themselves are violating the
   spacing rule that you've allowed the autorouter.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: arcs in pcb

2010-01-29 Thread Harry Eaton
 Is there any way to get better resolution?  One degree is 25 mils at
 my radius.

   Sure, draw yourself a nice short straight segment. If your arc is extra
   ordinarily thick, draw a trapezoidal polygon instead.
   The point here is that even a 1 degree arc at your radius is
   virtually indistinguishable from a 25mil straight line (the worst case
   centerline is +/- 0.11 mils from the straight approximation) unless it
   is extremely thick in which case it is virtually indistinguishable from
   a trapezoid. Smaller angles are even more like straight lines.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: blackboxing pcb

2010-01-18 Thread Harry Eaton
  Do you mean that you want the simple PCB to be a fragment which
  inserted into other designs? (option 2).
 This one.

   Pcb can load a .pcb file with the load element to buffer command,
   which you can thing rotate, move to the other side, etc and then paste
   wherever you like (again and again).
   You'll still have a problem getting the netlist to see that collection
   as a component. That will be trouble: the netlist would need to be
   flattened (probably meaning the schematic symbol will need to
   understand the internals) and then you have to have a decent means of
   getting the right unique element names both in the netlist and the pcb

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: little slivers

2010-01-10 Thread Harry Eaton

   Is there some way I can easily get rid of the little slivers of
   left between traces when doing pours?
  Not without adjusting the clearance on the adjacent lines to
 squeeze out
  the slivers.  I've considered several times how to fix this, and
 I can
  see options for doing in in a post-processing step, but that's
 not really
  in line with PCB's other polygon updates,which are all done live.
 Works with my pours branch (which does island removal), but that
 ready for merge yet.

   The main branch already removes islands (at least its supposed to), so
   presume the concern here is with fingers connecting to the main
   At present there isn't a way to enforce (or check for that matter) DRC
   on the
   polygons. This is something that needs to be done. I plan to take this
   once I have some time to work on the code again, but that might be
   a year away. My basic idea for DRC enforcement is to subtract
   lines along the border of the polygon (and its holes), remove the
   then add back lines along the new contour. This should make too-thin
   fingers, sharp bends and pointy protrusions disappear.
   Such an operation would be too expensive to do with every polygon edit
   operation so it would be as separate step done during DRC or when
   In the mean time, if you plan to flood fill a region of many tracks,
   then I
   recommend that you either fill it manually, or fixup the problems

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: tiny slivers

2010-01-10 Thread Harry Eaton

 Okay, so, how can I increase the clearance on all holes without
 doing each
 and every one individually?

   Select whatever you need larger clearances around, then do
   where x is the amount of extra clearance you need (in mils) to make
   the slivers disappear.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb flip-sides

2009-10-26 Thread Harry Eaton
 Can you confirm that version still works as you wanted?

 It does -- sort of.

 The command

 pcb -x eps --action-string 'DISPLAY(Value)' --eps-file foo.eps bar.pcb

 does indeed output a layout with values displayed, even if the last saved
 version of pcb showed refdeses.

 However, not all actions have the expected effect with the export eps
 export HID. For example,
        --action-string 'SwapSides()'
 does not seem to change the output in any way. This particular action
 string option works fine if I present it to the GTK HID. My version of
 the patch showed the same room for improvement. Does the action itself
 know whether or not the current HID is a GUI?

You need to use a V argument, i.e. SwapSides(V).
With no argument, the lesstif gui does an x-ray view, effectively only
altering the layer stackup. The lesstiff gui supports 4 ways to
SwapSides. The GTK hid should support them as well, but it doesn't.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: .pcb viewer

2009-10-25 Thread Harry Eaton
 Does geda have a .pcb file viewer, such as is output by the ExpressPCB free
 software for windows?  I've got a small tabletop milling machine, and have
 been asked to do a board that is about half the size of a postage stamp.

 And, if so, can it convert a .pcb into a couple of .ngc's for feeding a
 milling machine, one for each side of the board?

I think there may be some misunderstanding what you are asking here.

I interpret your question to be The windows program ExpressPCB has
created a .pcb file. Does geda have a viewer for this file?

Now I don't know anything about ExpressPCB, but it probably creates
files in its own (probably proprietary) format and gives them a .pcb
suffix. Geda has a program for designing boards called pcb, and it is
common practice to use a .pcb suffix for files it produces in its
(open) native format. It is highly unlikely that there is any
reasonable similarirty between the two file formats.

So if you have a design created with ExpressPCB that you want to work
with, I think Peter's answer won't help you. You could instead
redesign the board using geda's pcb (I can't believe I typed that) and
then use Peter's suggestions.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: autorouter enhancements: net characteristics

2009-06-22 Thread Harry Eaton
  Stefan Salewski wrote:

 I wonder if the PCB autorouter should be more closely bound to the
 gschem schematics. For example, in the schematics we may specify
 priority of nets (fast signals, power, ...), trace width or clearance
 for net segments. Maybe by attributes? I have no idea how commercial EDA
 software handles this.

This is the point of  (6) use routing styles in the netlist to have
per-net routing styles.
It doesn't provide priority (whatever that is), but it allows you to
specify a routing style for each net which includes trace width,
clearance, and via parameters. This is a feature that pcb's
netlist-file format (and auto-router) has supported for many years

It makes sense for the gschem netlist generator to support it; I'm
supposing from your comment that it doesn't already. That is not the
fault of the autorouter, it came first.

One major drawback at the moment is that all of the net is expected to
have the same characteristics, so if for example you make a power
net style that is 20 mils wide with 15 mil clearance, it won't be able
to connect to a fine-pitch part because the constraints can't be met
due to the part characteristics, but it will route what it can. If you
manually create breakouts that the autorouter can connect to without
violating constraints, it can then make the connections. Be sure that
any such breakouts have either vertically or horizontally oriented
lines or a via where you want the connection made because the
autorouter will not connect to any diagonal copper.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: autorouter fixes and enhancements

2009-06-21 Thread Harry Eaton

   A bunch of fixes and enhancements to the original pcb autorouter
   should now be available in the git repository. Here is a short how-to
   for using the autorouter

   (1) turn off visibility of any layers you don't want the router using

   (2) turn of via visibility if you don't want it to use any new vias

   (3) Use only plain rectangles for power/ground planes that you want
   the router to use [use the rectangle tool!]

   (4) Make at least one connection from any plane you want the router to
   use to the net you want it to connect to.

   (5) draw continuous lines (on all routing layers) to outline keep-out
   zones if desired

   (6) use routing styles in the netlist to have per-net routing styles

   (7) set the current routing style to whatever you'd like the router to
   use for any nets not having a defined route style in the netlist

   (8) disable any nets that you don't want the autorouter to route
   (double-click them in the  netlist window to add/remove the *)

 NOTE: If you will be manually routing these later not using
   planes, it is usually better to let the autorouter route them then rip
   them up yourself afterwards. If you plan to use a ground/power plane
   manually, consider making it from one or more pure rectangles and
   letting the autorouter have a go at it.

   (9) create a fresh rat's nest. ('E' the 'W')

   (10) select show autorouter trials in the settings menu if you want
   to watch what's happening

   (11) Choose autoroute all rats in the connection menu.

   [12] if you really want to muck with the router because you have a
   special design, e.g. all through-hole components you can mess with
   layer directional costs by editing the autoroute.c source file and
   changing the directional costs in lines 929-940. and try again. Even
   more mucking about with costs is possible in lines 4540-4569, but it's
   probably not such a good idea unless you really just want to
   In keeping with the tradition of nothing good being said about the
   router, let the complaints flow.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Pads do not clear polygons

2007-12-08 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Ben Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The code that tries to walk around creating
 the joined contour
 doesn't find a starting point, so the combination is
 nothing and thus
 the hole vanishes.

I've fixed it (and probably a couple of other related
degenerate touching conditions) in cvs. Interestingly,
this bug is in the algorithm description in the
original paper.

Thanks for digging into this Ben, I wouldn't have
solved it so quickly otherwise.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Setting component coordinates in GUI?

2007-05-24 Thread Harry Eaton

--- steve manley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a hotkey or other technique to manually set
 a X Y coordinate  
 for a part, or via, without editing the main PCB
 source file? There  
 doesn't appear to be anything obvious in either the
 manual or the  
 FAQ, but that doesn't mean it's not there. :-)

Use the : command MoveObject(x,y) with the cursor
over the part or via. x and y can be absolute or
relative (proceeded with a +/- character) and you can
optionally provide a 3rd argument of mil, or mm.

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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: Pcb Rectangle funnies

2007-04-28 Thread Harry Eaton
Hi Ralf,

Try again. I did fix one error with the previous
patch; now the other is fixed too. Your test example
works now (at least for me).


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for looking into it.
 Hmm, updating CVS fond this in polygon.c:
 Well, it is still happening. test.pcb.gz attached.

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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: dead copper removal

2007-04-09 Thread Harry Eaton
The PolyArea is value specifies the minimum area a
poly region must have to survive a MorphPolygon()

Use the :MorphPolygon(Object) command to restore
the dead copper areas larger than PolyArea to the
board. This command converts the disjoint copper areas
into separate polygons. The object that the cursor
must be over is the remaining (i.e. non-removed)
portion of the polygon.

I don't remember if I implemented the selected
argument for the command, but if I didn't I'm sure you
know how to.


--- DJ Delorie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can this be disabled on a per-board or per-poly
 basis?  I'm trying to
 use it to preserve etchant, but it's difficult to
 get enough coverage
 without getting too close to the traces and such.
 geda-user mailing list


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: dead copper removal

2007-04-09 Thread Harry Eaton

--- DJ Delorie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does it convert them to independent polygon objects,
 or just tag it to
 be not-split?  In this case, it would be better to
 leave it as a big
 rectangle and do the clearance on the fly, so one
 could edit the board
 and have the polygon follow it (like pre-clipper).

MorphPolygon converts them to independent polygon
objects. Presently there is no other way to accomplish
what you want. It would take a modest amount of code
in many modules to do what you are asking.  I would
recommend that you save the design before morphing,
then select all and morph just prior to generating
gerbers. You can view what regions will be restored by
the morph with the check polygons setting.

I think the most practical way to do what you're
asking  is to have an option in the gerber generator
to include dead copper. That option would then perform
the tasks I describe above.

It would be simple for you to make a key macro that
selected all, morphed selected, generate gerbers, then
undo.  That would act like what I'm describing.



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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: dead copper removal

2007-04-09 Thread Harry Eaton
The clearances can be tweaked while observing them
using the check polygons setting. There is no all
that involved in the tweaking process.

There is a danger to morphing and directly exporting a
gerber however: A restored region could intersect
multiple joined line and thus cause a change in the

--- DJ Delorie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's similar to what I do for teardrops, but it
 helps to be able to
 tweak the poly clearances without having to go
 through all that.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA vs commercial product

2007-03-30 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Peter Clifton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone care to comment / speculate how much a
 standard can cover by
 Copyright? Whether symbols looking similar (or the
 same, even) are in
 breach of Copyright? If one symbol on its own isn't,
 is there some
 literary work in the database (ie. the list of
 symbols). It would be
 very difficult to reproduce a library of symbols
 without copying or
 referring to that.

The scenes a faire doctrine should allow a free
implementation of something similar. However given
that the IEC is litigous, it would probably mean a
court fight including an appeal. I would expect to win
in the  end provided the symbols just looked really
similar and weren't actually coppied, but who wants to
pay for the fight.

See for more
info on the doctrine.


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Re: gEDA-user: pcb program

2007-03-09 Thread Harry Eaton
I've fixed the problem in rats.c; Just grab the latest


--- Seb James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In that case I have the changes you made, and I am
 still seeing the rats
 nest problem.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb program

2007-03-08 Thread Harry Eaton
I noticed the problem is occuring during an extremely
high zoom in. pcb used to have code to clip the zoomed
lines to the screen in order to prevent integer
overflow. With the advent of hid that was removed and
now zooming in runs the risk of overflow with its
unlimited zoom capability.

It's very severe with rats because all rats seem to be
being drawn, even those that should not be visible at
all - thus virtually all of them are overflowing.

First recommendation is don't zoom in so close with
rats on.

Second thing is we should fix the drawing so that it
only draws the visible rats. I thought it already did

Third is it's time to put proper clipping into the hid
drawing routines.

Interesting polygons are the only structures being
properly clipped at the moment.

The polygon clipping is slow when the polygons have
many thousands of verticies. I'll be improving this
situation this spring by (a) reducing a circle's
vertice count to 20 from 36 (this is still more than
many commercial packages). (b) cacheing the diced
polygons used for rendering and (c) Modifying the file
format to store the clipped polygon data so that file
loading is fast if the clip information is saved.



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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to move PCB element to layer??

2007-03-05 Thread Harry Eaton

 Ok, wart city.
 Why is it 'Edit|Move selected to current layer' for
 some things and
 'Select|Move selected elements to other side' for
 Why is there moving to layer, mirror and flip?
 Why is mirror only for things buffers, moving only
 for lines and text
 and flip only for elements?

Conceptually components only exist on the surface
layers, much like the silkscreen. Interestingly I
recently designed a circuit at work that required
buried components, so I can see that there is the
very rare need to do this.

But I think your question is more along the lines of
why are their differening commands? since I doubt
you are trying to bury a component.

The short answer is because pcb can't handle buried
components and therefore components are either on the
top or bottom, and they must be mirror imaged to be on
the bottom, so that's why they have a special command
- it goes to the layer you want (i.e. the other
surface) without your having to be working on that
layer, and it auto-mirror as it must. It works with a
single keystroke so it's pretty easy to use regardless
of what layer you're on.

It is very rare that traces etc. should be mirrored
and usually you want a whole group mirrored, so we
haven't provided a convenience function for doing that
outside a buffer, but it would be trivial to
implement; back before the hid was introduced single
key macros were really easy to implement (they still
are with lesstif) and you could easily make a key
macro to mirror one single object on the board.

Traces (lines and arcs), and polygons can be on any
layer so they have a move-to-layer function.

If you're trying to move a whole layout region from
front to back of your board, trying cutting the region
to a buffer, then *view* the opposite side of the
board and paste. Viola' everything is done for you.

It wouldn't be too hard to have some special-case code
for the move-to-layer function to check if you've
tried to perform it on an element, and if you have and
the layer is a surface layer then perform the flip
instead.  You should write it.



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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Next step questions

2007-02-16 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Craig Niederberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. Is it possible when autorouting traces in PCB to
 have some automatically
 set to one set of thicknesses, drill hole sizes,
 etc. and others
 automatically set to another set of thicknesses,
 drill hole sizes, etc?  Or
 must I always select traces by hand to be autorouted
 to a specific set of
 thicknesses, drill hole sizes, etc?

Yes, you can assign a route style to each net. This is
normally done in the netlist file. The format is:

netname [stylename] elname-pinnum elname2-pinnum ...

where [] means an optional entry.
You can manually edit your netlist file to add styles
to each net. The autorouter honors each net's style
including thickness, via characteristics and keepaway.

 2. I noticed in examining the PCB design after
 autorouting that extra
 nubbins occasionally appeared on traces.  I
 deleted these by hand, which
 was somewhat painstaking.  I also noticed one
 unconnected trace--it went
 almost all the way to the pad, but didn't connect. 
 I fixed that by hand.
 Has anyone else experienced these occasional

I introduced the bug that caused the fail to connect
some time back, but it fixed it in December. The
latest snapshot release should never go almost all the
way but fail to connect. It should leave a lot fewer
nubbins (perhaps none) as well.  DJ's optimizer might
be able to automatically remove the nubbins.


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Re: gEDA-user: ratsnest and auto DRC also a bit about poly features was

2007-02-13 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Ben Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... I would like the ratsnesting to
 work in a sane
 fashion and I'd like auto DRC to let me actually
 draw traces to pads in
 the same net...

Please explain what is not sane about the rats nest.
The auto DRC prevents making connections that alter
the network so it will stop you from connecting nets
that aren't already connected (with a rat line).

pcb doesn't work like a lot of tools and it is
intended to be that way. Many people use it without
ever creating a netlist for example.  It will let you
draw arbitrary copper whever you like. It does not
mode you in nearly as much as most commercial
offerings. It doesn't absolutely require a high end
computer to be useful - some people use it
successfully on 10 year old computers.

These things have their disadvantages as well as their
advantages. I'd like to see the feature set have the
best of both worlds. I like the idea of having a
command to assign a polygon to a net for example (
automagically setting thermals, joins and clearances
of objects within it), but I don't want it to be
*required* in order to place a polygon.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20070208 snapshot

2007-02-13 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Dan McMahill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have uploaded a new pcb snapshot to sourceforge.

The change list fails to mention one of the new
features is a change of cursor shape to visually
indicate when the arrow tool will grab the end-point
of a line before you grab it.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Rotations, rotations, rotations.

2007-02-13 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Lares Moreau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No! it's not implemented yet.
 This is what I have started to implement. Let me
 know what you think.

I think before putting much effort in to this, the
patch contributed to sourceforge should be evaluated.
From my looking at the patch itself I think the author
covered almost everything that matters.  Running it
through Dan's test cases would be an important first
step. I think that the autorouter will be unable to
route to rotated pads unless the rotation is very

It would be foolish to reinvent the wheel if it's
mostly working.


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Re: gEDA-user: DRC/rat quirks

2007-02-13 Thread Harry Eaton

- That's one.  Another is that the rats for a net
 don't go away unless you
 can get your line to end exactly the right place,
 which doesn't work for
 me even with snap to pad.

That's pretty hard to believe. The connectivity is
checked by a rigurous intersection test, no particular
points are required, any touching will do. Implied in
your statment is that after making a connection and
optimizing the rats nest (o key), a rat line suggests
the connection you just made is not making connection.
I'd really like to see a test case because I've never
seen this behavior ever.

 Also, the rat wire
 should give visual feedback
 as you route a net -- rats to routed pads should
 disappear as you place
 tracks that complete segments.

Originally it took a fair amount of compute resources
to trace the connectivity - it still can with very
large boards so updating the whole rats nest
automatically was never really considered. I think
that  most computers are fast enough now that its a
viable idea to add an optional setting to optimize the
rats nest after every move, track addition, track
deletion etc.  That would make the rat disappear as
soon as the connection was made.

 As for the DRC, I've played with a few boards.  Each
 time I end up
 with at least one rat wire going between two pads
 which I can't route
 because the auto-DRC won't let me onto the second
 pad.  This might be
 related to the fact that my wire didn't start at the
 right place, despite
 it starting on the snap point that caused the new
 line to exactly cover
 the rat...

This sounds like a bug. Send me a test case and I will
solve it. Do the source and target turn green when you
start the trace?

Come to think of it this coupled with your rats nest
failure above strongly suggests your layers aren't
assigned the way you think they are. There was a
release where some default layer names (which are
nothing more than names and could well be foo and
bar) were something like component and solder
while they were actually grouped to the opposite side.
 Check your layer groupings.

 There's another thread going on where someone is
 concerned about trusting
 a new feature in PCB when fabbing a board.  Well,
 it's all new to me, and
 I don't know if I trust it yet.  Maybe it has
 fabulous internals and a
 quirky interface, or maybe the internals are just as

pcb has a long history. For many years it was very
stable and very reliable. This past year we have made
so many sweeping changes including completely
replacing all of the user interfaces and major changes
to much of the code internals too. Some level of
skeptisism is warranted because of this. With that
said I think the latest snapshot release should be
pretty stable.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: DRC/rat quirks

2007-02-13 Thread Harry Eaton

 Because the postscript and pdf prints, on screen,
 have faint lines
 between slices, and I didn't know if the DRCbots
 were going to
 complain about them.

Strange. I'm sure the postscript is drawing those
faint lines but they shouldn't be visible since they
are on top of or beneath a solid fill. (The slices
share a common edge where the line appears.) Does your
printed postscript show those lines (or worse gaps)?


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb bug(kinda)

2007-02-04 Thread Harry Eaton

--- DJ Delorie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there a better place to post bugs?
 There's a sourceforge bug tracker.  Both that and
 the list have pros
 and cons:
 list: pro: your bug gets seen.  con: your bug gets
 lost or forgotten
 tracker: pro: your bug gets remembered.  con: you
 bug might not get seen soon.

Of course as has happened many times, one can file a
sourceforge bug report *and* e-mail this list. For
myself I can say that when I have time to sit down and
attack pcb bugs, I generally go through the
sourceforge tracker to see which ones I want to


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB- net specific constraint

2007-02-04 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Hans Nieuwenhuis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Routestyles can be adjusted on a net level basis
 in manual and
 So far I have them working ok just for manual
 routing, autorouter does
 not work yet.

The autorouter already completely honors per-net route
styles. So long as the net is associated with a given
route style the autorouter will use all of the width,
clearance and via sizes associated with it. There may
be an issue that already routed nets (at the time of
invocation of the autorouter) do not have their
specific style clearance honored, but I'm not sure. 

The clearance bit however does not
 work yet and right now I
 am a bit at a loss how to get it to work if  AutoDRC
 is switched on. Is
 it possible one of the devs can elaborate me on that

The AutoDRC uses the DRC rules to establish
clearance. For starters, it would have to use style
keepaways instead of the DRC clearance rule. Then it
would need to treat each potentially intersecting
copper with its associated keepaway. That would be
done using the callback function in the r_search.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Label Selection.

2007-01-26 Thread Harry Eaton

--- Tomaz Solc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After experimenting a bit with this, I found out
 that the mark is always
 placed where the select menu currently is. This is
 probably the point
 where the user interface last saw the mouse cursor
 in the viewport.

Before the introduction of the HID interface, the only
menu that had the convert selection to element was
the pop-up menu and it used the location of the click
that popped up the menu as the coordinate. Actually
there were several items in that menu that used the
coordinate, it was a useful feature now lost.

The GTK interface does have an ability to request the
location for a menu operation, which is really
annoying when there is a key shortcut because for that
it should use the current crosshair position.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Some pcb pecularities

2007-01-17 Thread Harry Eaton

--- DJ Delorie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1) Long lines do funny things if zoomed in a lot.
 I've recently seen short lines and arcs get exploded
 in the lesstif
 version too, but haven't tracked it down yet.

The new GUI drawing code simply scales the line and
then converts the (now overflowed coordinated) to
short ints and sends them X to render. Before the HID
came along, there was clipping code that prevented
this coordinate overflow and thus produces correct
drawing (usually).  But the desire for eye-candy and
fluff won out over correctness.  Presenly in CVS
only *polygons* are always rendered correctly
regardless of zoom level.

  3) Auto router and manual line drawing tool
 interpret line clearance
  differently. If clearance is set to 10 mil for a
 particular route style,
  the auto routed lines will punch a 10 mil gap into
 polygons. With manually
  drawn lines the gap is just 5 mil. I'd say, the
 auto router is correct. 
 According to the documentation, clearance is the
 amount added to the
 thickness of the line, so a 10 mil clearance should
 result in a 5 mil
 gap on each side of the line.  At least, that's what
 the file format
 spec says.

The file specs are for the file. The GUI interface
should define clearance as the gap on each side.
Just like join is compliment of clear-line, there
are some historic strangenesses in the file format,
but they should only apply to the file format.  I
believe the current CVS has the clearance correct for
both manual and auto-routed lines.

  4) Rubber band move of automatically generated
 vias results in a mess of
  tracks. Some tiny tracklets seem to be expanded
 rather than moved. 

One end stays where it was and the other moves with
the via - the definition of rubber banding. Still,
it's not what the user wants. This is already an open
bug on the SF tracker.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB gerber export problem - update

2007-01-13 Thread Harry Eaton
I'm not sure if this is really fair to call a bug in
CircuitCAM. It's a little ambiguous as to whether
multiple layers of the same design should have a
common aperture definitions.

pcb's gerber driver that I wrote (before the HID was
introduced) used a common table for all gerber files
within the design.  The HID gerber driver doesn't seem
to do that and I think it should be changed so that it
does.  The patch makes unique apertures in each file
but that quickly uses up apertures. The right way to
do it is to have every file use the same D code for
the same shape and size.  That's the way it used to
be. We need to go back to that.



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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Ground-plane in Pcb

2006-12-24 Thread Harry Eaton

Tuck Hartshorn wrote:

(btw, why is there no :DisplayFlag(selected,join) ?)

What would you have this command do?

You can get a report on any individual track with the ctrl-r key.
The actual flag is named clearline and is logically opposite from the 
join notion that we used to name the command; this is a historical 
accident because the code feature came first and I was looking for a key 
to map it to that would have some sensible mnemonic.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Ground-plane in Pcb

2006-12-23 Thread Harry Eaton

Tuck Hartshorn wrote:

On Friday 22 December 2006 20:37, DJ Delorie wrote:

latest as in cvs?

I got cvs but it failed to make completely. The current cvs is missing 
some .pngs  in the ./doc dir, namely  puller.png and thermal.png

But, I thought the binary might be ok, anyway. And, it does seem to work. 
Shows version 1.99u instead of 20060822.

It seems no better and it did not make isolation islands over existing nets.

All of the nets (a misnomer; they are tracks) that you've already 
drawn apperently
already have their join flag set. That is they have been told to touch 
any polygons they encounter.
It seems you wanted to draw them with the new lines arcs clear 
polygons setting checked.

No problem, simply select all lines then enter the command 
Now all of the lines are told to clear the polygons. Another (unlikely) 
possibility is that you have
flagged the polygon to not allow anything to make clearances in it. You 
can't create polygons with
that property to begin with, but you can give (and take) that property 
with the s key.

DJ misunderstood your problem. Older versions of pcb were perfectly 
capable of making
clearances in polygons around tracks, it just did not understand that an 
isolated island
created by clearing regions of the polygon was no longer electically 
connected to the other

parts of the polygon. The new version does.

Another important point is that the gnd-solder is nothing more than a 
name. It has no
meaning, you can change that name to anything you like and it won't make 
any difference,
except for the two special names route and outline. Pcb has a 
strange feature allowing
grouping of layers into a single physical copper layer; people use that 
to color-code tracks.
When layers are grouped, turning off/on visibility of one layer in the 
group will do so for
all layers in the group. This is one hint that layers are grouped, but 
you should look at the
layer grouping dialog to truly understand which layer is where.  If 
gnd-solder is not
grouped with solder then don't expect tracks on the solder layer to 
clear a polygon on

the gnd-solder layer.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: PCB Trim/extend traces

2006-12-21 Thread Harry Eaton

Are there plans to introduce visual
handles at the end of the lines?

I have checked in changes to the CVS tree that create a cursor change 
indicating when dragging will move the line end-point.
I've also cut the slop range in half, which helps the useability quite a 
bit too.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Clarifying the License issues for gaf and PCB

2006-12-14 Thread Harry Eaton

Steve Meier wrote:

I think at this point, in order to avoid confussion.

1) That gaf and pcb need to state if they consider the distributed
symbols and land patterns to be code.

I have never considered land patterns to be code. I'd be perfectly happy 
for a font-like exception being clearly stated for the outputs of pcb 
(gerber, ps, screen capture etc.) for those (few) symbols/footprints 
that I've created.

The real trouble is that the symbol libraries have been contributed by 
many different people. It will be very hard to figure out a complete 
list of who contributed what.  I think that there are very few if any 
footprint/symbol contributors who would object to such a license 
clarification, but locating them all for verification will probably be 
quite troublesome. I believe I discussed the issue with Thomas many 
years ago and he didn't think of the libraries as code either. One 
solution would be to gut the libraries and start over. That could have 
the advantage of raising the quality and reliability of the library too 
(but greatly reducing the count too).

For me personally it's never mattered because I've considered the 
libraries to be so error prone that I've always made my own footprints 


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: practical pcb layout-fu

2006-12-09 Thread Harry Eaton

John Griessen wrote:

So. with those ideas in mind, a GUI or hotkey set of commands to
switch between different weightings of costs for different signal paths
would be good.  Different rules for RF and short med speed digital paths,
and audio and heat dissipating power zones.

switch easily between rule sets.

In point of fact, the existing auto-router has a set of cost functions, 
iteration counts etc that really should be available for adjustment at 
the user interface.

Recently I've been making improvements to the autorouter; it produces 
much more normal looking tracks and generally is performing better. 
With that said I think that most people have unrealisitic expectation of 
what an auto router should be able to do, or how simple they are to 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: connecting symbols that look nothing like their footprint

2006-11-18 Thread Harry Eaton

DJ Wrote:

Have you tried just naming the pins all the same?

The autorouter might not do the right thing, but DRC shouldn't

Just for clarification, he means NUMBERING the pins the same.
Pcb element pins (and pads) have both names and numbers. The
numbers are what are used for checking connectivity and they
can be arbitrary strings (like S). The names are used only
for convenience to describe a pin's function.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: bug or feature in recent versions of PCB?

2006-11-12 Thread Harry Eaton

Tomaz Solc wrote:

Do you have any idea what application would be stealing the focus? I'm
not running anything special - just the stock GNOME installation that
comes with Debian. Gschem and other tools don't seem to have any
problems with this.

I have no idea really, but you might learn something by looking at
the event stream. Run xwininfo to determine the window ID of the
drawing area, then run xev -ID (with the window id) to see the
event stream.

On an unrelated note, I seem to have stopped receiving messages from
the geda mailing list although I did nothing to unsubscribe or block

Good luck,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: bug or feature in recent versions of PCB?

2006-11-09 Thread Harry Eaton

Tomaz Solc wrote:

As far as I can see lesstif doesn't have this bug. But as I said, this
behavior is not deterministic, so maybe it's just less common than in GTK.

I don't see this behavior with either gui ever. Here is something I'd 
like you to try:

Go to the pcb/src directory and run:
./ -gdb

at the gdb prompt type:

br ghid_pan_idle_cb

Now pcb should be up and running. Now set your settings and start 
drawing those rectangles. You should never hit the breakpoint unless the 
cursor leaves the the main drawing area while in the midst of drawing a 
line (i.e. you drag the drawing line outside past the window edge). The 
question is this:

Do you hit the breakpoint, or do you get the drawing errors without 
hitting the breakpoint?

If the breakpoint is hit (and you haven't moved the mouse pointer 
outside the drawing window while drawing a line), then I suspect some 
other application on your system is stealing focus for a moment and then 
returning it.

Let us know the results of the test.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gPCB Polygon Best Practices

2006-10-30 Thread Harry Eaton

DJ Delorie wrote:

Tips like this really help cut down the learning curve.

The curve would be shorter if it just didn't do that, of course.


With the current CVS code, it doesn't do that.

Is their a way to assign a PCB layer or set of copper to a
specific net?  So for instance my GND plane or polygon would be
assigned to the GND net.

Draw the polygon and tie it into the net with a thermal.  PCB should
figure the rest out from that.


Any kind of connection will do - it can be done with a joining line 
instead of a thermal.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: My board is back -- groundplane (polygon) is missing

2006-10-28 Thread Harry Eaton

Stefan Salewski wrote:


two weeks ago I send my gerbers to board manufacturer

Just get the board back: Looks fine, but polygons building ground 
plans on solder side are missing, so board is useless.

PNG pictures of pcb layout are available at,
gEDA sources at
and the gerbers I send to board producer at

For me gerbers are ok if displaying it with gerbv. 
Is there something wrong with the gerber files?

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

My guess is that your pcb fabricator does not support the gerber rs274x 
specification. Some don't because they use old equipment made before the 
specification was adopted. Of course they should tell you that they 
don't support it. Another possibility is that they could support it, but 
don't like files with merged layers that pcb used to produce. In that 
case they should tell you that they won't except the merged layers.  
Some fabs have a low-cost prototype option where they tell you all of 
the restrictions on a web page and it is up to you to ensure that you 
meet them - they will fab regardless of what you send but the 
responsibility for failing to meet their restrictive requirements is yours.

If your fab vendor did not disclose their inability to support polygons 
or merged layers then I think you should be entitled to a refund.

One thing I did find unusual in the gerber file was that at the end, 
after all of the drawing was done, a clear layer was added where each 
aperature was selected but no drawing was done. I don't know why pcb 
would have done that but it doesn't break any rules or change how the 
image looks.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB polygon rectangle practicalities

2006-10-21 Thread Harry Eaton

Dave N6NZ wrote:

In fooling with various practice layouts (partial layouts, actually) I 
think I have the basics of polygons and rectangles sorted out.  Now 
I'm wondering about the practicalities is adjoining poly's.

Here is the situation: In my design, there wants to be a polygon patch 
of analog ground that will have nothing routed through it, although 
there will be a few clearance vias and thermal-relief joined vias.  
This polygon will be on the solder side (2 sided design) and will be 
an island in what I hope will be a fairly continuous chunk of digital 
ground plane, although I'm planning the solder side as my Y-axis 
routing layer, so there will be lots of traces cleared out through it.

Anyway the point is, while the analog ground patch is easy to draw as 
a poly, the digital ground wants to be a simple rectangle with an 
island in it. I presume that the best way to make that happen is to 
lay down the AGND poly, and then draw several rectangles/poly's for 
GND until the composite is the shape I want.  So... do I need to 
overlap the GND poly's so that they will join up? Or can I just turn 
on the grid and draw to the snaps and count on touching to be enough 
to actually join them?  Are there some gotcha's here that I haven't 
thought of that I am going to trip over? Manufacturability issues?

Touching is sufficient for the polygons to make contact. However, there 
is no harm in overlapping them a bit. The new polygon clipping code will 
dice up any polygon that has holes in it into smaller ones that don't 
have holes and they just touch, they don't overlap.  You should be able 
to create the larger digital ground plane from only two drawn polygons.

Another trick you can use would be to just draw a single rectangle over 
the board, and use clearing lines (and/or arcs) to isolate the analog 
ground island. If you are routing a lot of tracks through the ground 
plane, chances are that you will create other unintentional islands too. 
You can use the MorphPolygon() command to make new polys from the 
islands (including the analog ground one, and if you do this then after 
the morph you can remove the tracks originally used to create the 
isolation). It will be up to you to connect any islands that don't end 
up connected.

I don't think you'll run into any manufacturing issues.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: more on clipping

2006-10-13 Thread Harry Eaton

David Carr wrote:

Just curious,

How are you handling arcs in the polygons?  Are you using line 
segments as an approximation or are you actually using an arc 
primitive?  If you are using line segments, does the number of 
segments vary on the diameter or is it fixed?

Your 100K vertex comment made me curious.

Arcs are approximated by line segments; there is a fixed number - each 
segment spans 10 degrees. Thus there are 36 segments in a circle (such 
as a via clearance). Lines have rounded ends so clearance around lines 
also have 36 segments.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: more on clipping

2006-10-13 Thread Harry Eaton

Levente wrote:

I think you should morph the polygon into its pieces, then use the f-key

to highlight those that are connected

This is what I did on the top side, since a big polygon was not drawn.

Anyways, thanks for your help, and again, for implementing this clipping thing!


I think you may have misunderstood me. When I said morph I mean use 
the command MorphPolygon(Object) which converts all of the broken 
polygon pieces into separate polygons for you.

On the top side, there is some geometric computation error (that I'm 
trying to track down) when the polygon covers the whole side. I can't 
seem to get the error if I cover the side with two overlapping polygons.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: bf1 vs. pcb

2006-10-12 Thread Harry Eaton


I should point out that bf1.pcb has two identical copies of a 
self-intersecting polygon (that's bad) at lines 8427 and 8432.

I think you want to delete one of the polys and drop the last point in 
the poly.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: more on clipping

2006-10-12 Thread Harry Eaton

Levente wrote:

I've tested this clipping toy for a while. I think the best thing would be if there was a 
way to recalculate dead areas; hence for example, if you add a via in a dead area, and in 
the other side if there is some GND present, the area can be again filled. So somehow it 
should be dynamic. Or it would be nice to have a menu item like Recalculate 
polygons or something like this.

I think you should morph the polygon into its pieces, then use the f-key 
to highlight those that are connected. If you are able to connect the 
others, then keep them or delete them if you can't get them connected.

The advantage of this is that you don't have to constantly re-compute 
the one huge polygon with its hundred thousand verticies. It will make 
working with, and re-loading the design much faster while still 
accomplishing everything you want.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: bf1 vs. pcb

2006-10-11 Thread Harry Eaton

Levente wrote:

Please find the pcb file via this link.


What an excellent example of Swiss Cheese! There was a bug in the layer 
group loop macro using the PCB group settings instead of the one in the 
file loading.

It took a very long time to insert the thousands of holes into the 
polygons thousands of times, especially since the containing contours 
got to the point of having about 15,000 verticies!  I've got it 
considerably optimized now, but it will probably still take a minute to 
load the first time. I recommend that you select all and morph the 
polygons, then re-save the design. It will load faster after that.

It does a nice job of showing all of the floating polygon islands when 
you do a find connections on the ground net.

Fixes are in. Grab the latest CVS and give it a go.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: home-made 4 layer board idea

2006-10-03 Thread Harry Eaton

DJ Delorie wrote:

Plus the usual problem of obtaining the thin outer clads, and precise
enough drilling.


Don't forget the chemicals, tanks, protective gloves, resist, photomask 
(or equivalent).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: home-made 4 layer board idea

2006-10-03 Thread Harry Eaton

DJ Delorie wrote:

Don't forget the chemicals, tanks, protective gloves, resist,
photomask (or equivalent).

I'm all set on that.  I did the two prototypes for the smd challenge
myself, for example, that's 6 mil rules.

How do you put on your LPI soldermask? Do you use an old turntable to 
spin it on?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB feature wishes

2006-09-30 Thread Harry Eaton

Let's suppose for example I've just drawn a new line and overshot
the target.  I don't seem to be able to just select that unconnected
endpoint and pull it back to where the place where it should
connect.  Well, actually I CAN select the line, but when I drag it
always makes the entire new line move back.  Then the line
overshoots the connection on the other end.  Either I'm doing
something wrong, or this feature doesn't work on unconnected line
segment ends.


Sounds like the line is selected, or you're grabbing the whole line
and not the end.

Indeed there seems to be a wide-spread misconception that one must 
select a line in order to move it. You *can* select it and then move it, 
but it is not necessary. Just grab and drag it with the arrow tool which 
is faster and easier.

In the case of a line end-point you MUST NOT SELECT IT. Selections 
always moves the entire selection and there is no way to select only an 
end point. To move the end point you must just drag the end point with 
the arrow tool on an unselected line. DJ's patch in CVS only improves 
(restores the original function some versions ago) the slop 
(inaccuracy) with which you must grab the end point.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Trouble with Newlib footprint treaded as M4

2006-09-28 Thread Harry Eaton

Jeff VR wrote:

I'm looking for some help in debugging this problem.  Is there an 
intermediate step I can run to try and figure out if the problem is 
with the footprint or my schematic?  What triggers the m4 library to 
kick in?

All elements are loaded through m4, but most newlib elements don't use 
any macros. The main difference with newlib is that it provides a 
mechanism to have a list of elements to choose from where that list 
itself isn't from an m4 macro.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: center grip was Re: PCB a bad name ?

2006-09-20 Thread Harry Eaton

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 21:00:40 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:


You mean grips at the end of tracks when you hover over them? 

Exactly :-)
Next step would be an additional grip in the middle of the track. 
Drag this grip to keep the ends of the track in place and move the
two legs like a rubber band. This leaves you with an additional 
corner in the track. I used this feature with protel all the time.  

That would be like the insert point tool.
Use all-direction lines mode if you want to bend the lines at any 
arbitrary angle.

All this is to say that the capability exists now although it does 
require a keystroke to change the tool first.

I can see where grabbing at a grip point makes the interface a bit faster.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB a bad name ?

2006-09-19 Thread Harry Eaton

DJ Delorie wrote:

No, but gpcb for gnu pcb might.

Although, are we really part of the GNU project?  We can't just say
we're gnu! without getting accepted by them first.

geda-user mailing list


We are GNU. See  which clearly I 
need to get updated.

Sorry to disappoint, but I see no reason to change the name. The 3rd hit 
on Google for pcb will get you there and you can always search for gnu 
pcb in google to bring it to the first hit.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: PCB: Moving the endpoint of a line

2006-09-15 Thread Harry Eaton

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

in closely the program requires that you grab it more accurately;

- the center can be hard to accurately estimate and when zoomed

Why is this so? It sort of nullifies the benefit of zooming in.


The reason is fairly simple. If you zoom in close enough the actual 
center might be on the far left edge of the screen, or the far right 
edge of the screen. It would make the zoom meaningless if when you zoom 
in to get 0.01 mil detail the position of the cursor on the screen 
represented one point.

The way the slop works is that if the crosshair is within 5 screen 
pixels of an end-point, it considers that you mean the end-point. If  
you are zoomed in such that the line width is 180 pixels across the 
screen, you've got to hit the center very precisely. If you are zoomed 
out such that the line is only 2 pixels wide as seen on the screen then 
you don't even have to quite be on the line to grab the end.  The value 
5 is the SLOP constant found in seach.h in the src directory. You can 
change this and recompile to make it more forgiving.

It shouldn't be very hard to visually highlight the circle at the end of 
the line when the cursor hovers over it for a moment. It's a fine idea 
that I will probably look into some time. Right now I'm concentrating on 
solving the dead copper inside polygons issue.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: n00b confused about track connections

2006-09-15 Thread Harry Eaton

Dave N6NZ wrote:

Just getting serious about going for my first layout using pcb. I have 
done some PC layout before, so my questions are all about how this 
particular software works, not pc layout in general.

I have a test file with two parts and four nets the successfully 
netlist (yay!) and I can pull them into pcb.  When I turn on the 
ratlines, all nets show up.  Good so far... but now sometimes when I 
try to route a net, it refuses to join a track to existing track for 
that net.  All the pads and track segments light up as part of the net 
when I select the net in the netlist.  But pcb refuses to let the 
tracks connect. What's up with that? It's like it refuses to believe 
the tracks/pads are all part of the same net when placing tracks, yet 
the netlist highlighting is correct.

If you are using the auto enforce DRC drawing mode, then you must 
start the track on a known net in the netlist. The rat lines must be 
drawn (but you can turn off visibility of the rat layer if you like). 
When you begin a track, everything that belongs to the net should turn 
green. You will only be allowed to touch copper that has turned green; 
the program will force a clearance standoff from all other copper.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Barrie Gilbert

2006-09-06 Thread Harry Eaton

Dan McMahill wrote:

Bonus points to anyone who can name the real inventor of the mixer in 
question here.  Hint:  It wasn't Gilbert even though it's called a 
Gilbert cell.

H. Jones I believe. Bob Widlar didn't design that particular cell 
structure nor specifically generalize the trans-linear principle early 
on, but he was among the first to design circuits that actually used the 
translinear behavior of monolithic transistors.

sum( Vbe_cw ) = sum( Vbe_ccw)

where Vbe_cw = junctions where the voltage is positive in the 
clockwise direction and Vbe_ccw = junctions where the voltage is 
positive in the counter clockwise direction.

Now assume all the Is are the same and some simple math shows that

product( Ic_cw ) = product( Ic_ccw )

For example, you can build a circuit where I1 * I2 = I3 * I4

Of course the Is's need not be identical, just ratiometrically matched 
(I know you know that Dan, but maybe not others here).  Ratios in Is can 
be achieved through scaling emitter areas, or more precise retios 
through paralleling devices. One key point is that this really only 
works well in a monolothic design where tight thermal and doping 
matching can be achieved. For non-constant Is, the equation above is 
just I1/Is1 * I2/Is2 = I3/Is3 * I4/Is4.


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