Re: [Gendergap] the poem gap

2017-05-11 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Interesting. Thanks!

I am not saying the results are skewed, but there are lots of poems that are in 
Wikisource that lack Wikidata entries. For instance, this list of Emily 
Dickinson poems:

The first poem in her template is 
<> which has its own 
Wikidata entry: This poem was not listed 
on the Wikidata query

poems by women: nor on the query poems by women on 
English Wikipedia, so all poems are not counted as they should be.

This is not to say that there is not probably a poem gap (wonderful term). Just 
that we should check the numbers before we go public with them.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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Jimmy Wales

Från: Gendergap  för Ryan Kaldari 

Skickat: den 11 maj 2017 07:16:26
Till: Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects
Ämne: [Gendergap] the poem gap

Just out of curiosity, I used the Wikidata Query Service to see how many poems 
by women are in Wikidata. The answer is 5. If you do the same query for men, 
you get 255. If you restrict the queries to poems that have articles on English 
Wikipedia you get 1 and 57, i.e. according to Wikidata there is only one 
article about a poem by a woman on English Wikipedia. This probably isn't 
accurate, but it's still a surprising result. While I understand that poetry 
(and writing in general) has historically been the domain of men, does a 50 to 
1 ratio really reflect the historical reality? Anyway, just something to chew 

If you want to run the queries yourself (or modify them) here they are:

Poems by women:
Poems by men:

Poems by women with articles on English Wikipedia:
Poems by men with articles on English Wikipedia:

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Re: [Gendergap]

2016-10-09 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
"Last Updated: 10-28-2014". Well, good that nothing has happened since with 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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@aliasHannibal<> - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap<>. Det är 
vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Från: Gendergap  för Carol Moore dc 

Skickat: den 9 oktober 2016 20:52:59
Ämne: Re: [Gendergap]

ha ha... just found out we can see at least beginning of Britannica
entries including this one...

Wonder if it has a section on sexism (aka "gender gap" because who wants
to go around saying "sex gap"? :-)

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Re: [Gendergap] Request for advice about editathons

2015-11-06 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Good question. In our experience from the weekly editathons in Gothenburg 
 there are a few things we've learned:

* even though people are interested, it may take a while before they actually 
come. In a few cases, people thought about it for several months before showing 
* media reports are key to reaching newcomers and the reports need to be 
positive, including reporting on results ("we've created this many articles", 
* recruiting people with a large network is also a big plus. If you can get 
that person enthusiastic about the editathons, he or she can be better than any 
poster or article in the newspaper.
* the place needs to be easy to find, centrally located and feel 
homey/welcoming. Signs pointing towards the editathon is a good idea
* make a welcoming project page (ours is a work in progress)

But realistically, the bulk of the work is going to be done by the core team, 
so make sure you have fun even if noone shows up.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2015 18:12:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Request for advice about editathons

i agree the trend is low undergraduate attendance if not part of grade
some campus marketing (fliers, partnership with groups seems in order) but we 
don't have a handle on it.major divide between readers and editors seems hard 
to close.
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Pine W  wrote:
Hi GG mailing list and Maria from WMF Eval,

Cascadia Wikimedians ran a series of editathons at the University of Washington 
with themes like "Women and astronomy" and "Women and Health Sciences". We did 
some communications through the University's Facebook pages and mailing lists.  
While we had regular attendance from veteran Wikipedians and from university 
librarians, we had very little attendance from current students on campus who 
we had hoped would attend. 

I heard from a female undergraduate that there was buzz and interest on campus 
in what we were doing, but few people took the next step of coming to one of 
our events. 

Another comment I heard at Wikiconference USA is that university editathons are 
most successful if there's a current undergraduate on campus who is interested 
and recruits their friends. In the absence of that, the university editathon 
model tends to have mediocre outcomes.

Any suggestions about how to increase attendance if we decide to try this again 
in the future?



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Re: [Gendergap] Semi-retirement > retirement

2015-07-01 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
I am so sorry to hear that, LightBreather. This situation is horrendous. Best 
of luck with all your other projects.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 14:53:52 -0700
Subject: [Gendergap] Semi-retirement > retirement

I semi-retired back in May, planning to retire after the arbcom case against me 
was closed. However, it's been over two months since Karanacs requested the 
case on April 29, the proposed decision phase has been going nowhere since June 
7, and I've got no energy left for the thing, so I've retired today. I will be 
taking my name off the gender gap mailing list next.
Thanks again to those of you who were friendly to me.

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[Gendergap] Slate on Wikipedia and the gendergap

2015-06-22 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Slate recently published a, at least to my eyes, fairly well-balanced article 
about Wikipedia:

The Gender Gap Task Force gets more than a shout-out: 

"Last week, Wikipedia’s highest court, the Arbitration Committee, 
composed of 12 elected volunteers who serve one- or two-year terms, 
handed down a decision in a controversial case having to do with the 
site’s self-formed Gender Gap Task Force,
 the goal of which is to increase female participation on Wikipedia from
 its current 10 percent to 25 percent by the end of next year. The 
dispute, which involved ongoing hostility from a handful of prickly 
longtime editors, had simmered for at least 18 months. In the end, the 
only woman in the argument, pro-GGTF libertarian feminist Carol Moore,
 was indefinitely banned from all of Wikipedia over her uncivil comments
 toward a group of male editors, whom she at one point dubbed “the 
Manchester Gangbangers and their cronies/minions.” Two of her chief 
antagonists in that group got comparative slaps on the wrist. One was 
the productive but notoriously hostile Eric “Fuck Wikipedia” Corbett, who has a 
milelong track record of incivility, had declared the task force a feminist 
“crusade ... to alienate every male editor,” and called Moore “nothing but a 
pain in the arse,” among less printable comments; he was handed a seemingly 
redundant “prohibition” on abusive language. The other editor was Sitush, who 
repeatedly criticized Moore for being “obsessed with an anti-male agenda” and 
then decided to research and write a Wikipedia biography of her;
 he walked away with a mere “warning.” With the Arbitration Committee 
opting only to ban the one woman in the dispute despite her behavior 
being no worse than that of the men, it’s hard not to see this as a 
setback to Wikipedia’s efforts to rectify its massive gender gap. (After
 the decision, several editors announced their intentions to resign in protest.)
 Moreover, it’s reflective of the challenges Wikipedia faces as it 
attempts to retain and improve its content quality and editing force."

Also mentioned, the Chelsea Manning name controversy and the overall fall in 

What I miss here and in almost every article in English I've seen on these 
types of topics is that English Wikipedia is the only one mentioned. I grant 
that many readers only know English, but I for one, don't recognize the same 
bad language and anti-women behavior in my daily work on Swedish Wikipedia. We 
would simply not allow people to speak that way. 

This leads me to wonder how those types of behaviors affect editors. We have a 
golden opportunity to A/B test this, because of all our language versions. 

So, my question, stated another way, is: if the bad language and anti-women 
behavior on English Wikipedia deter editors, and maybe especially female 
editors, and we have other Wikipedias with less bad language and anti-women 
behavior (perhaps), do these language versions have a higher female-to-male 

And stated a third way: how much do the bad language and anti-women behavior 
really influence the gendergap?

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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Re: [Gendergap] What would it take to Close the Gender Gap?

2015-06-01 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing. Please let us know if and when 
it can be shared more freely. I know a few people who'd want to read about 
this. I know I was surprised to read that we would be better off trying to 
recruit new editors than to focus on retention (very simplified). 

A couple of points, none of which I've seen mentioned in this thread:

* no matter the numbers, it will take a lot of male editors to help engaging 
more female editors. Not only because if female editors were to concentrate on 
engaging other females, they would have less time editing, and not only because 
we have more male editors, but because this is not only a woman's issue. It's 
an issue of neutrality and dissemination of knowledge. If we can get more male 
editors to get behind this question, it will be much easier getting to the 
desired numbers. 

* I wrote a blog post a few years ago, stating that if all the women who were 
named Elsa started editing Swedish Wikipedia actively (4 times a day = more 
than 100 edits a month), the gendergap would cease to exist. 
 These kinds of numbers are telling, in that they convey a fairly common 
misconception: although we have a huge gendergap, the number of people actually 
editing Wikipedia is not that great. So in actual numbers, if we divide the 
effort between chapters and non-chapters and individual Wikipedians, I think 
it's possible to reach those numbers.

Anyway, great post and again, thanks.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 13:51:31 -0400
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] What would it take to Close the Gender Gap?

I like the idea of experimenting with new knowledgespaces, with new workflows 
to  support them.  With enough investment in design, I think this could be done 
on a large scale right in the project namespace of English Wikipedia.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Sarah (SV)  wrote:
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Samuel Klein  wrote:
Thanks Jason.  I enjoyed reading this, though the conclusions remind me of 
_Seeing Like a State_.   Not all edits, editors, and subcommunities are equal.  
Trying to shift about contributors en masse in a way that is convenient for 
large organizations (or for those of us who like crunching large datasets :)   
can be a total failure in practice.  
Let's set up a new space where we can experiment with fast influxes of newbies. 
 The current large projects are not suited for this.
​I believe good design is a key issue for editor attraction and retention, so 
that we can produce professional-looking articles we can be proud of and want 
to write. I would also love to see the Foundation redesign the front page. It's 
hard for the community to take the lead when it comes to design, and it seems 
to fall off the radar when people discuss editor retention and gender gap.



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Re: [Gendergap] Closing the gendergap in biographies on Wikipedia

2015-03-31 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Ah, thanks. That explains it a little bit further. Well, the why is always more 
complex than what or how. Perhaps it's svwiki's early adopters and bot policies 
that skew the numbers somewhat. I really appreciate you doing this number 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 12:48:00 +0200
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Closing the gendergap in biographies on Wikipedia

Lennart,You have every reason to be proud and I honestly don't know why, I can 
only report the "what". It takes a bit of handwork, but after downloading all 
of the matched databases from Mix-n-Match, you can then take dumps from 
Wikidata using autolist per language that include sitelinks to those languages. 
My suspicion is that at the end of the day, if you are playing the numbers 
game, the English Wikipedia wins at having the most women. However, those are 
mostly women who were active in the US. Even Britain is missing huge sweeps of 
notable women in the English Wikipedia (and see the work for the scientists as 
an example). What the Swedes have I believe, that other language wikis lack for 
some reason, is a goal for coverage of notable topics regardless of priority, 
and then, as an extra step, the desire to cover these at some basic minimum in 
Wikidata. Otherwise I can't explain it. Perhaps svwiki has successfully 
absorbed complete versions of various international dictionaries of national 
biography for other nations?
To be clear, when I say "percentage of women", I mean "percentage measurable 
with autolist from Wikidata of female biographies in any arts field as a 
percentage of total human biographies in that field of artists on that 
Wikipedia". Wikidata is far from complete, and not all biographies have been 
fleshed out with 4+ statements on Wikidata.
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 


It made me very proud to read this: 

"Already I am finding
that the Swedish Wikipedia has the highest percentage of female vs male 
across the board in any arts field, followed by the Russian Wikipedia."

But where do these figures come from and can you be more exact? Thanks in 

Also, this thread is very interesting. I am following it closely.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 19:17:49 -0700
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Closing the gendergap in biographies on Wikipedia


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I agree completely that mixing up editor 
and biography gender biases is dangerous and maybe not true. On the statistics 
side its really intriguing to read about your much closer analyses of different 
Wikipedias. I would like have computers help humans make more of these types of 
discoveries. Thanks for all your effort and feedback.
Make a great day,
Max Klein ‽ 

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 6:09 AM, Jane Darnell  wrote:
Max,Hmm, interesting proposal! I am not sure whether it can be very useful as 
it reads now. I have thought a lot about this and have looked at the concept 
"painter" pretty carefully. Yes there is a gendergap in the data as it is 
generated on a daily basis, but no, I am not convinced this is related to the 
Wikipedia gendergap in the sense of "you need women to write biographies of 
women".  In fact, some of the most thoughtful biographies of women are written 
by men and you could maybe say that our biographies of men may improve if we 
get more women on board editing. There is however, a tipping point when it 
comes to writing about women on Wikipedia. In my work on female stub creation I 
have seen lots of examples where the stub existed and was deleted due to 
notability concerns. Lots of experienced editors (myself included) will only 
bother to write an article, even if it's just a stub, when the likelihood of 
having the article stick is judged to be at some mysterious level. I think we 
need some policy guidelines and some stats about how many articles about women 
were previously deleted. This may help us determine what the "academic bias 
barrier" is in accumulating female biographies in general.
When I think of what I would like in terms of "Wikipe

Re: [Gendergap] Closing the gendergap in biographies on Wikipedia

2015-03-31 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

It made me very proud to read this: 

"Already I am finding
that the Swedish Wikipedia has the highest percentage of female vs male 
across the board in any arts field, followed by the Russian Wikipedia."

But where do these figures come from and can you be more exact? Thanks in 

Also, this thread is very interesting. I am following it closely.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 19:17:49 -0700
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Closing the gendergap in biographies on Wikipedia


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I agree completely that mixing up editor 
and biography gender biases is dangerous and maybe not true. On the statistics 
side its really intriguing to read about your much closer analyses of different 
Wikipedias. I would like have computers help humans make more of these types of 
discoveries. Thanks for all your effort and feedback.
Make a great day,
Max Klein ‽ 

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 6:09 AM, Jane Darnell  wrote:
Max,Hmm, interesting proposal! I am not sure whether it can be very useful as 
it reads now. I have thought a lot about this and have looked at the concept 
"painter" pretty carefully. Yes there is a gendergap in the data as it is 
generated on a daily basis, but no, I am not convinced this is related to the 
Wikipedia gendergap in the sense of "you need women to write biographies of 
women".  In fact, some of the most thoughtful biographies of women are written 
by men and you could maybe say that our biographies of men may improve if we 
get more women on board editing. There is however, a tipping point when it 
comes to writing about women on Wikipedia. In my work on female stub creation I 
have seen lots of examples where the stub existed and was deleted due to 
notability concerns. Lots of experienced editors (myself included) will only 
bother to write an article, even if it's just a stub, when the likelihood of 
having the article stick is judged to be at some mysterious level. I think we 
need some policy guidelines and some stats about how many articles about women 
were previously deleted. This may help us determine what the "academic bias 
barrier" is in accumulating female biographies in general.
When I think of what I would like in terms of "Wikipedia Gender Index Tools", I 
would like to see, per country of birth or per occupation or per external 
database, how the percentage of female vs male is across language Wikipedias. 
Already I am finding that the Swedish Wikipedia has the highest percentage of 
female vs male across the board in any arts field, followed by the Russian 
Wikipedia. The English Wikipedia is somewhere in the middle and the Italians 
are the biggest loser (but maybe also with the longest history of art 
historical terms that are documented, which could lead to a higher percentage 
of men across the arts born before 1800, but perhaps higher after 1850 - who 
Once you start drilling down into the data you find all sorts of really weird 
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Maximilian Klein  wrote:
Hi Jane, great investigation.

I like this idea of looking at the gender gap by-profession, and seeing if it 
is closing at any rate by sampling it over time. In fact, I put in a project 
for the "inspire campaign" to automate recording these statistics over time for 
all professions. It'd be great to have your endorsement, and if the project is 
funded we can compare how painters fair against other professions.
Make a great day,
Max Klein ‽ 

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:51 AM, Jane Darnell  wrote:
Hi everyone, I have been checking how we are doing on closing the gendergap on 
biographies of women artists for a while. Part of the problem is collecting the 
data, and Wikidata is a great help. Unfortunately there are still lots of women 
artists with Wikidata items without any statements at all, but since this is 
also true for male artists, looking at the stats is useful. What I did was to 
collect data for all female artists and all male artist and came up with 
percentages for painters versus various matched data bases in Mix-n-Match.
Thanks to our push on Art & Feminism, the score is better (12.5%) on Wikimedia 
projects than for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (10.1%). The ODNB 
is currently the only database that is completely matched. The other databases 
are still being matched, but still, it's inte

Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and literature

2015-02-01 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
I think that the evaluation team are working on other tools as well, but I am 
not sure. We haven't used their tools for our editathons, although they are 
probably better than our self-edited stats, since our goal is also to have fun 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 14:49:23 +0100
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and   

Thanks! I was told we are using some tools internally to track specific 
edit-a-thon outcomes - is this what you mean? We want to track more than just 
edit-a-thon outcomes though
On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 

Very cool! Good luck to you. Just a quick response to the first question:

I definitely think it's doable to get 5 editors to stay on for 5 months. The 
evaluation team should be able to help you with tools and guides to measure 

My advice is to use the person-to-person method. That is, you invite a few 
female friends. Some will find it interesting. Make sure that it's a friendly 
space they come to. And some will come back. If you're a few regular people 
doing this, 5 should be on the low side for the Netherlands. We have about done 
it in Sweden without much effort, and with a little effort we could make it 10 
(it's just been a busy time for me and a few others in the regular group).

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 13:43:58 +0100
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and   

Hi Lennart and others,We had a short meeting yesterday in Utrecht to discuss 
the Gendergap and also our plans for the upcoming Art & Feminism weekend of 7 & 
8 March. Wikimedia Netherlands will co-host an edit-a-thon at the Amsterdam 
Stedelijk Museum and we also plan to host an international writing challenge 
lasting the entire weekend, directed at experienced "challenge writers". Since 
WMNL has also set aside some funding for Gendergap this year, we were also 
talking about other plans. One thing that we decided to do is to set aside one 
"Wiki-Saturday" per month for the Gendergap in all of its Wiki(p/m)edia 
aspects, but with the emphasis on the social side of things as an in-person 
meetup. We will be announcing the "Saturday meetups" in the Stedelijk venue.
Based on our meeting, I have done some searching around and have the following 
questions:1) I was wondering if anyone had any measurable outcomes for such an 
investment of time and funds? We tentatively had a year-target of attracting 5 
new women editors that remain active for at least 5 months. I have doubts 
whether this is measurable or even realistic.Thoughts anyone?2) I noticed that 
though we seem to have lots of women artists on Wikipedia, we are still missing 
articles about their artworks or  list articles of their artworks. In a 
category on the English Wikipedia for "Lists of works of art" I noted an odd 
mish-mash of lists which include lists of works by 66 men and only 4 women (I 
just created the list for Judith Leyster and hope to make list articles for two 
more Dutch women artists before March). Would anyone here be interested in 
building a list of their favorite female artist? This will be a nice-to-have 
for 7&8 March writers browsing for something to write about, as most museums 
have works by women in the collections, but they are just not on show. If a 
work is in one of the national museums it is encyclopedic enough to write about.
Thanks in advance!Jane
On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 7:09 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 

My draft is now up at:

Anyone who wants to help with grammar and other language stuff (English is my 
second language after all), feel free. Your help is appreciated.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and literature

2015-02-01 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Very cool! Good luck to you. Just a quick response to the first question:

I definitely think it's doable to get 5 editors to stay on for 5 months. The 
evaluation team should be able to help you with tools and guides to measure 

My advice is to use the person-to-person method. That is, you invite a few 
female friends. Some will find it interesting. Make sure that it's a friendly 
space they come to. And some will come back. If you're a few regular people 
doing this, 5 should be on the low side for the Netherlands. We have about done 
it in Sweden without much effort, and with a little effort we could make it 10 
(it's just been a busy time for me and a few others in the regular group).

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 13:43:58 +0100
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and   

Hi Lennart and others,We had a short meeting yesterday in Utrecht to discuss 
the Gendergap and also our plans for the upcoming Art & Feminism weekend of 7 & 
8 March. Wikimedia Netherlands will co-host an edit-a-thon at the Amsterdam 
Stedelijk Museum and we also plan to host an international writing challenge 
lasting the entire weekend, directed at experienced "challenge writers". Since 
WMNL has also set aside some funding for Gendergap this year, we were also 
talking about other plans. One thing that we decided to do is to set aside one 
"Wiki-Saturday" per month for the Gendergap in all of its Wiki(p/m)edia 
aspects, but with the emphasis on the social side of things as an in-person 
meetup. We will be announcing the "Saturday meetups" in the Stedelijk venue.
Based on our meeting, I have done some searching around and have the following 
questions:1) I was wondering if anyone had any measurable outcomes for such an 
investment of time and funds? We tentatively had a year-target of attracting 5 
new women editors that remain active for at least 5 months. I have doubts 
whether this is measurable or even realistic.Thoughts anyone?2) I noticed that 
though we seem to have lots of women artists on Wikipedia, we are still missing 
articles about their artworks or  list articles of their artworks. In a 
category on the English Wikipedia for "Lists of works of art" I noted an odd 
mish-mash of lists which include lists of works by 66 men and only 4 women (I 
just created the list for Judith Leyster and hope to make list articles for two 
more Dutch women artists before March). Would anyone here be interested in 
building a list of their favorite female artist? This will be a nice-to-have 
for 7&8 March writers browsing for something to write about, as most museums 
have works by women in the collections, but they are just not on show. If a 
work is in one of the national museums it is encyclopedic enough to write about.
Thanks in advance!Jane
On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 7:09 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 

My draft is now up at:

Anyone who wants to help with grammar and other language stuff (English is my 
second language after all), feel free. Your help is appreciated.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2015 08:17:27 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and   

Big smile on my face... I love the idea of regular editathons. I've never been 
to a knitting/quilting circle but I imagine a group of women editing Wikipedia 
would have a similar look and feel. Piggy-backing on the WMDC "salons" might be 
a way forward as facilitating an "editathon" requires quite a bit of the 
facilitator, while a regularly scheduled editing-circle or editing-salon 
wouldn't require a facilitator at all.  I think that would be easier to sustain 
and replicate.

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Re: [Gendergap] Study of 1 million NY Times comments

2015-01-06 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Yes, very interesting. I liked this section too:

"Telling women that their comments received more recommendations might also 
encourage them to comment more; previous studies have found that women are less 
likely than men to persist in commenting when their comments do not receive 
positive responses."

This is something we try to do during our editathons; show our participants how 
much their articles are read and appreciated. But we could do even better 
there, I believe.

Thanks for sharing!

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 01:29:25 +
Subject: [Gendergap] Study of 1 million NY Times comments

Thought this was interesting.

How to ge more women to join the debate

>"Women were clearly underrepresented in my data. They made only a quarter
 of comments, even though their
>comments got more recommendations from 
other readers on average. Even when they did speak up, they
>tended to cluster
 in stereotypically “female” areas: they were most common on articles 
about parenting, caring
>for the old, fashion and dining. (Women got more
 recommendations than men on most of the sports blogs, but
>they still 
made, for example, only 5 percent of comments on the soccer blog.)"

>"It seems unlikely that these effects are confined to The New York Times; 
>studies of online commenting find
>broad signs of inequality. (While women are well-represented on some websites, 
>like the image-sharing site
 these sites do not tend to focus on expressing and defending opinions. 
Online forums that do often
>have mostly male commenters: examples 
include Wikipedia edit pages, the social news site Reddit, and the
>question-answering sites Quora and Stack Overflow.) I also spoke to Katherine 
>Coffman, an economist whose
>results echoed mine: she found that women were less willing than men to 
>contribute their ideas in stereotypically
>male areas.


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Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and literature

2015-01-03 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
My draft is now up at:

Anyone who wants to help with grammar and other language stuff (English is my 
second language after all), feel free. Your help is appreciated.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2015 08:17:27 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and   

Big smile on my face... I love the idea of regular editathons. I've never been 
to a knitting/quilting circle but I imagine a group of women editing Wikipedia 
would have a similar look and feel. Piggy-backing on the WMDC "salons" might be 
a way forward as facilitating an "editathon" requires quite a bit of the 
facilitator, while a regularly scheduled editing-circle or editing-salon 
wouldn't require a facilitator at all.  I think that would be easier to sustain 
and replicate.

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Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and literature

2015-01-02 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Two things about the name: 

1) in Swedish we don't call them editathons, but "skrivstuga/skrivstugor" 
(editing cottage/editing cottages).

2) the suffix "athon" comes from Marathon, a long-distance run. Considering 
that this event is even longer than any normal editathon, it's arguably even 
more appropriate ;-) But I see your point.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 11:30:29 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and   

I'm very interested in this kind of thing, so much so that I'd like to follow a 
similar model locally.  I'm not sure that I live in a large enough area to make 
it feasible, though.  However, I think that it's a good model to recruit and 
retain editors, especially women, who tend to like editing in community.  
Wikimedia should pursue this.
As far as a name for regular editing sessions like this, it reminds me a 
club--a group of people who meet regularly to accomplish some kind of task, 
like a book club or Toastmasters.  How about something like, "Wikipedians 
Club".  I'm sure there's a more creative name than that.  And then we could 
have individual chapters with more creative names, based on topic or geography.
On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Kerry Raymond  wrote:

The key comment is this: “We are also considering ways to
get the people most interested in going to those editathons to also run them
(empowering them, in effect).”

If edit-a-thons are to achieve scale, it’s
necessary that once established, the group will continue under its own
momentum. This frees up the original organisers (or new members who have 
to become new organisers) to move on and establish similar groups.


Just an aside, I think we need a different
term for this kind of regular edit session. Perhaps it’s just my own
cultural baggage, but I associate the “-a-thon” as a big once-off
event e.g.


rather than something smaller but more
regular and ongoing. Maybe we should call it an editfika J




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Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and literature

2015-01-02 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Thanks for your kind words and your suggestion.

I'll post a version of this email as a draft to the blog here: probably later today.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete
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@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 23:47:59 -0600
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and   

Dear Lennart,
This is fantastic! I think it does a lot to prove just how useful a small, 
regular, focused workshop model is. I'm very impressed by the amazing things 
that you've accomplished this year! Congratulations!
On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Sarah Stierch  wrote:
Thanks Lennart!
A blog post would be awesome about this -I'm sure the program evaluation folks 
at WMF would love to see it on the Wikimedia blog. Having it as a blog would 
make it easier to share with a wider audience off this list. 
Great work that continues to be done in Sweden!! :) 
On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 


Since this is the start of the new year, let me just shortly let you know (or 
remind you) about what one thing we've done in Sweden last year and a little 
about what we've learned.

We started in March in Gothenburg, the second largest city of Sweden, to hold 
weekly editathons. The topic was formally "female main characters" ("kvinnliga 
huvudpersoner"), but we essentially let people write about what they wanted, 
and tried to gently steer them towards literature and/or women. It could be 
female authors, or seminal works in womens' literature such as "The Mad Woman 
in the Attic". We welcomed people of all sexes.

Altogether we ran 35 editathons each running on a Tuesday from 13.00 onwards, 
editing in over 100 different articles, with about different 15 Wikipedians. 
The result was 11 articles reaching "recommended status" (ranking just below 
Good articles) with more on their way. (We of course want to improve on this 
for next year.) A full list of articles worked on, sorted on how far they've 
come can be found on our project page:

This initiative is one of the most publicised Wikipedia/Wikimedia events in 
Sweden during the year with two national radio interviews, two podcast 
interviews and several articles. There has been no negative reactions (which I 
am beginning to understand needs specifying) as far as I am aware of. We have 
presented this on flyers and on the large Book Fair in Gothenburg, and have 
started to get a very good reputation. We are hoping to see the same sort of 
regular editathon thing getting off the ground in other cities in Sweden during 

So, what have we learned?

* we could not have done this but for a small group of dedicated people who 
showed up nearly every time. We were four persons (two female, two male). "All 
volunteers" led to very little bureaucracy during the editathons themselves and 
sometimes editathons running over by several hours. Making sure that the 
editathons didn't depend on any one person was an early priority.

* we had access to a free space with wifi and a kitchen. Each time, Wikimedia 
Sverige sponsored coffee/tea, sandwiches and fruit - and gingersnaps and other 
seasonal treats. Don't underestimate the power of "fika" 
( All in all, the cost 
of all 35 editathons was around 240-250 USD. 

* we have two lines of communication: both the project page, and our Facebook 
group:, where we could remind 
people to come and get them to invite others who aren't on Wikipedia yet. 
Personal invitations works much better in the long run - getting people to come 
back week after week. 

* the topic was very well chosen. Many are interested in literature and the 
topic is underdeveloped on Wikipedia, so it's easy to explain the need to 
outsiders. But it has also been good to allow some leeway and not adhering 
strictly to any predetermined list of articles to edit. Sometimes interesting 
topics crop up in conversation or a bad article was discovered during fact 
checking and then we've encouraged people to edit that article.

* some people have wished for the editathons to be held on other days/other 
times. It may have contributed to the sometimes very low attendance rates. 

[Gendergap] Regular editathons in Sweden about women and literature

2015-01-01 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Since this is the start of the new year, let me just shortly let you know (or 
remind you) about what one thing we've done in Sweden last year and a little 
about what we've learned.

We started in March in Gothenburg, the second largest city of Sweden, to hold 
weekly editathons. The topic was formally "female main characters" ("kvinnliga 
huvudpersoner"), but we essentially let people write about what they wanted, 
and tried to gently steer them towards literature and/or women. It could be 
female authors, or seminal works in womens' literature such as "The Mad Woman 
in the Attic". We welcomed people of all sexes.

Altogether we ran 35 editathons each running on a Tuesday from 13.00 onwards, 
editing in over 100 different articles, with about different 15 Wikipedians. 
The result was 11 articles reaching "recommended status" (ranking just below 
Good articles) with more on their way. (We of course want to improve on this 
for next year.) A full list of articles worked on, sorted on how far they've 
come can be found on our project page:

This initiative is one of the most publicised Wikipedia/Wikimedia events in 
Sweden during the year with two national radio interviews, two podcast 
interviews and several articles. There has been no negative reactions (which I 
am beginning to understand needs specifying) as far as I am aware of. We have 
presented this on flyers and on the large Book Fair in Gothenburg, and have 
started to get a very good reputation. We are hoping to see the same sort of 
regular editathon thing getting off the ground in other cities in Sweden during 

So, what have we learned?

* we could not have done this but for a small group of dedicated people who 
showed up nearly every time. We were four persons (two female, two male). "All 
volunteers" led to very little bureaucracy during the editathons themselves and 
sometimes editathons running over by several hours. Making sure that the 
editathons didn't depend on any one person was an early priority.

* we had access to a free space with wifi and a kitchen. Each time, Wikimedia 
Sverige sponsored coffee/tea, sandwiches and fruit - and gingersnaps and other 
seasonal treats. Don't underestimate the power of "fika" 
( All in all, the cost 
of all 35 editathons was around 240-250 USD. 

* we have two lines of communication: both the project page, and our Facebook 
group:, where we could remind 
people to come and get them to invite others who aren't on Wikipedia yet. 
Personal invitations works much better in the long run - getting people to come 
back week after week. 

* the topic was very well chosen. Many are interested in literature and the 
topic is underdeveloped on Wikipedia, so it's easy to explain the need to 
outsiders. But it has also been good to allow some leeway and not adhering 
strictly to any predetermined list of articles to edit. Sometimes interesting 
topics crop up in conversation or a bad article was discovered during fact 
checking and then we've encouraged people to edit that article.

* some people have wished for the editathons to be held on other days/other 
times. It may have contributed to the sometimes very low attendance rates. 
We've tried to taken that into account, and are thinking about how to manage 
regular weekend editathons. We are also considering ways to get the people most 
interested in going to those editathons to also run them (empowering them, in 

* there are always going to be a few people who only come one time, just to 
check what we're about. Especially after we put in weekly small ads (for free). 
We took turns doing the introduction and making sure they made a few edits, so 
that as many Wikipedians as possible had done it, and also to make sure that 
the Wikipedians themselves could have time to edit. That's also how we tried to 
do with the radio and pod cast interviews, to prevent any one person "the 
representative Wikipedian".

* you also shouldn't underestimate how much this is a way for stressed 
Wikipedians with normally very little time to edit Wikipedia to set aside time 
to do it. 

Finally, just FYI. During the winter holiday, when the editathons had a few 
weeks off, demand for more meetings was so high that we organised a Hangout 
remote editathon session just to relieve our feelings of abstinence :-)

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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Re: [Gendergap] Gender gap emails Arbitrator doesn't like

2014-12-12 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
With all due respect to all parties involved: Can you please take this 
discussion off-list? It seems to mostly be a matter for a small number of 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:37:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Gender gap emails Arbitrator doesn't like

  Well, I suppose Kumoiko/Reygula could have reasonably riposted that the 
proposed email that Arbcom finally did or did not send to his employers was 
harassment of a sort. However I agree that it seems something of a stretch to 
accuse you of  voting to ban Carol and hand out a mere slap of the wrist to 

  On topic, are we going to see some more debate about the Slate piece? 
Anne/Risker is suggesting there was a basic misunderstanding on the part of the 
author: that the whole thing had nothing to do with gender gap discrimination 
but behavior.  Would that be your view, Molly? It does strike me as insular.

  Marinka (a pseudonym)



   On December 12, 2014 at 2:00 PM wrote:


 GW, accusing me of hijacking this list for a "vendetta" is a purely untrue 
and petty accusation. For the last couple of years my goal on the project has 
been to make it more fair for all editors regardless of status (admin or 
editor), gender, race, etc.

Well, I’m glad you got some of this very pure fight for fairness in around 
the harassment you were leveraging against other editors. I’ve spoken out 
against this behavior because I don’t think people engaging in email harassment 
campaigns against editors such as myself should be allowed on this list any 
more than they should be allowed on Wikipedia. There has been discussion on 
this list recently about how there are so few women (and so few people of any 
gender) running for the Arbitration Committee, and meanwhile one of the ones 
helping to keep it an incredibly thankless and often unpleasant place to be is 
continuing to do so on the very same list.

With that said, of the 2 of us, which one is responsible for 
participating in banning Carol, participating in setting in motion the series 
of events that have lead not only many discussion on this list but on 
Wikipediocracy and now news articles as well? Here's a hint, its not me.

If you read the proposed decision, you’ll see that I did not vote for this. 
If my participation in the case—where I voted 
against banning Carol—makes me “responsible for participating in banning 
Carol,” then we’ll have to agree to disagree.

— Molly (GorillaWarfare)

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Re: [Gendergap] a gender gap meet-up?

2014-12-01 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
I think that's a great idea, and I would love to come, but it's a long way from 
Sweden :-/ 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 02:07:51 -0800
Subject: [Gendergap] a gender gap meet-up?

Does anyone else feel like it might be time for a gender gap meet-up? I love 
the mailing list, but it's such a limited (and formal) means of communication. 
I'm curious what kind of ideas and discussion would come from an in-person get 
together. I know several of the people on this list are in the Bay Area, so 
maybe we could put something together in San Francisco or Oakland. Does this 
sound like an interesting idea to anyone?


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Re: [Gendergap] men on lists

2014-07-04 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Unfortunately, that talk was not accepted to Wikimania, despite quite high 
grades at the reviewing phase :-/ It seems that the gendergap issue instead is 
represented by:


Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2014 13:08:25 +0200
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] men on lists

I agree with Moriel in that "I don't know if we can deal or attempt to fix the 
gendergap issues in Wikipedia without engaging the men." and there is a 
Wikimania submission that deals with this:

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 11:19 PM, A. Mani  wrote:

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Leigh Honeywell  wrote:


> People's personal experiences don't need studies to back them up.

I was thinking about a proper documentation of how it has happened -

should be written.

Even I know of instances in techtalk list.


A. Mani

A. Mani

[Last_Name. First_Name Format]





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Re: [Gendergap] Sex Ratios in Wikidata Part III

2014-06-09 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Some language versions of Wikipedia do have gender categorization, such as 
Swedish and German Wikipedia. (The English categories exist but are not used 
very much.) Here's a link to the Swedish ones: (men)
presently 132 211 articles (women)
presently 32 693 articles

This gives a rough proportion of 1 female for every 4 male. article subject. If 
my memory serves me, the German Wikipedia numbers are a bit higher (perhaps 1 
in 6). 

The categorization was on Swedish Wikipedia a conscious decision to try and 
find out where we stood.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

> From:
> Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 20:44:17 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Sex Ratios in Wikidata Part III
> On 9 June 2014 20:21, Nathan  wrote:
> >> * WIkidata has ~2080k items marked as people
> >> * Of these, ~1893k have a "gender" property (91%)
> > Can you define "item" in this context?
> "Item" here is a single Wikidata entry:
> which may correspond to one Wikipedia article, one hundred Wikipedia
> articles, etc - but all on the same topic. (Potentially it may
> correspond to *no* Wikipedia articles - it's not strictly required,
> and in any case the source article may be deleted - but there's
> unlikely to be a statistically large number of these just now)
> > Do we have any comparable data points by which to evaluate our progress?
> > Perhaps a similar breakdown of other reference works, or if there is some
> > sort of summary data available about biographies written (using LOC data?),
> > etc.
> The new Oxford Dictionary of National Biography was about 10% female
> when published in 2004, though this was skewed by a limitation to
> include all entries from the original, including a lot of - to modern
> eyes - very non-notable men.
> (It's since crept up to ~11%)
> Max has done some numbers based on gender assigned in VIAF entries, I
> think, but I can't immediately find it. Ben Schmidt did something
> similar based on first names of authors:
> -- 
> - Andrew Gray
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any difference?

2014-02-26 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Thanks, again! More links (Mako Hill and Aaron Shaw's text is already in there) 
and more thoughts. Beautiful! When I saw the number of new mails, I just had to 
laugh. It's so wonderful to be in this company. This made me want to improve 
the text even more :-)

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 13:25:16 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any 

Hi Lennart! 

Not addressing the question of whether we've made any difference... but if 
you're quoting numbers AFAIK the best research on the gender gap numbers is 
Mako Hill and Aaron Shaw, from last year:

which tries to correct for the issues with opt-in surveys. Of course the 
overall point is, as Mako says, "Overall, these results reinforce the basic 
substantive finding that women are vastly under-represented among Wikipedia 

-- phoebe 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:37 AM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 


I am writing a short (1500 word) text for the journal of current cultural 
research, Culture Unbound (, to 
be published in April. The topic touches quite heavily on the gendergap issue. 
I have tried to find any numbers on whether the initiatives - editathons, 
Teahouse, etc - have made any dent in the numbers. Are there any such numbers 
or have I simply fantasized about it?

Since they want the text soon, please respond soon. Any assistance is greatly 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales   


Gendergap mailing list

* I use this address for lists; send personal messages to phoebe.ayers *

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Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any difference?

2014-02-26 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Totally agree, Sarah, with your final point, and thanks for all the other tips.

It seems my initial point, which can be stated as "little effect so far" 
stands, but needs to be qualified somewhat. I'll get right on it, and give you 
guys and gals a link when the whole text is published.

Thanks, everybody for your help.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:06:16 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any 

Yes, the Teahouse project has some data to back it up. You can talk to Jonathan 
Morgan, who co-build the space and was the lead in pulling data if you need to:

Laura Hale has been doing some interesting research about the top contributors 
to English Wikipedia and who write about women's subjects. It's rather 
depressing, of course.

The research work the Program Evaluation and Design team did about edit-a-thons 
and workshops shows little to no retention, which is no surprise, really. But, 
that was not gender specific. My own personal research showed the same, with 
womencentric events. 

But, that doesn't mean a dent hasn't been made. Yes, the Education program 
happens to have a lot of women who contribute, especially successes in Arabic 
Wikipedia, but, outside of that specific program, the goal isn't to retain, 
it's to improve content. 

I suggest people look at the improvement of "women centric" content versus the 
retention of women editors. The nut still hasn't been cracked (puns so not 
intended) on user retention through events, etc. 

We did discover that a lot of content gets created via edit-a-thons and such 
events, versus the amount of people who stay on as editors. 
Don't rule out press and the attention the movement has received on the 
subject. If you look at the partnerships - hell, the UK government basically 
said "uh hello, we need more women in science on Wikipedia," last week. 
Awareness is just one component of "making a difference." 


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 6:00 AM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 

Thank you, Pete,

I will take a look at those also. They seem to concur with other studies of 
percentage of the sexes studying.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 05:43:02 -0800

Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any 


You should look at the Education Program, which after the first year appeared 
to have a strong impact (i.e. more participation from women than men).

It's also been my experience (anecdotal but strong) that the Writing Wikipedia 
Articles course I teach has attracted and retained more women than men. (This 
would not impact the general numbers in a signiificant way, but might offer 
insights into what kinds of activity *would* impact the numbers.)


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 5:37 AM, Risker  wrote:

I do not think it will be possible to accurately assess any impact of specific 
actions, for multiple reasons.  The most relevant one, however, is the fact 
that the WMF itself has not done any broad-scale editor surveys in a very long 
time, nor have individual communities to the best of my knowledge. 


On 26 February 2014 05:37, Lennart Guldbrandsson  


I am writing a short (1500 word) text for the journal of current cultural 
research, Culture Unbound (, to 
be published in April. The topic touches quite heavily on the gendergap issue. 
I have tried to find any numbers on whether the initiatives - editathons, 
Teahouse, etc - have made any dent in the numbers. Are there any such numbers 
or have I simply fantasized about it?

Since they want the text soon, please respond soon. Any assistance is greatly 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där var

Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any difference?

2014-02-26 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Thank you, Pete,

I will take a look at those also. They seem to concur with other studies of 
percentage of the sexes studying.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 05:43:02 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any 


You should look at the Education Program, which after the first year appeared 
to have a strong impact (i.e. more participation from women than men).

It's also been my experience (anecdotal but strong) that the Writing Wikipedia 
Articles course I teach has attracted and retained more women than men. (This 
would not impact the general numbers in a signiificant way, but might offer 
insights into what kinds of activity *would* impact the numbers.)


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 5:37 AM, Risker  wrote:

I do not think it will be possible to accurately assess any impact of specific 
actions, for multiple reasons.  The most relevant one, however, is the fact 
that the WMF itself has not done any broad-scale editor surveys in a very long 
time, nor have individual communities to the best of my knowledge. 


On 26 February 2014 05:37, Lennart Guldbrandsson  


I am writing a short (1500 word) text for the journal of current cultural 
research, Culture Unbound (, to 
be published in April. The topic touches quite heavily on the gendergap issue. 
I have tried to find any numbers on whether the initiatives - editathons, 
Teahouse, etc - have made any dent in the numbers. Are there any such numbers 
or have I simply fantasized about it?

Since they want the text soon, please respond soon. Any assistance is greatly 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales   


Gendergap mailing list


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Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any difference?

2014-02-26 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Thanks for the reply, Anne. So, perhaps the only measure available, is the 
number from the Teahouse and the individual editathons. I'll look into those, 
for now.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:37:05 -0500
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any 

I do not think it will be possible to accurately assess any impact of specific 
actions, for multiple reasons.  The most relevant one, however, is the fact 
that the WMF itself has not done any broad-scale editor surveys in a very long 
time, nor have individual communities to the best of my knowledge. 

On 26 February 2014 05:37, Lennart Guldbrandsson  


I am writing a short (1500 word) text for the journal of current cultural 
research, Culture Unbound (, to 
be published in April. The topic touches quite heavily on the gendergap issue. 
I have tried to find any numbers on whether the initiatives - editathons, 
Teahouse, etc - have made any dent in the numbers. Are there any such numbers 
or have I simply fantasized about it?

Since they want the text soon, please respond soon. Any assistance is greatly 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales   


Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list  
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Help: Research on whether we have made any difference?

2014-02-26 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

I am writing a short (1500 word) text for the journal of current cultural 
research, Culture Unbound (, to 
be published in April. The topic touches quite heavily on the gendergap issue. 
I have tried to find any numbers on whether the initiatives - editathons, 
Teahouse, etc - have made any dent in the numbers. Are there any such numbers 
or have I simply fantasized about it?

Since they want the text soon, please respond soon. Any assistance is greatly 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales   ___
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Some attention for Wikimedia Sverige's gendergap project

2014-01-31 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

During the last week or so, Wikimedia Sverige's gendergap project has had some 
media attention. We've had some interest from the media before, mainly before 
some of our editathons for women (which we've so far had about half a dozen, 
and will hold many more in the future). But now the interest has started to 
build, which is good.

WMSE's project leader Axel Pettersson and Swedish Women's Lobby's 
representative Johanna Dahlin was interviewed in Sweden's largest tabloid, 

And the same day, their columnist wrote a positive piece on the gendergap issue: 

Some background:

During December and January, I and others have written a series of blog posts 
about women on Wikipedia, on Wikimedia Sverige's blog. We collected them here. 
So far, we've covered these topics:

* Brainstorming on multipluralism on Wikipedia – thoughts on editathons
* Does it matter that Wikipedia has a gendergap?

* Why don't women edit Wikipedia?

* How do we get more women to edit Wikipedia?

* Ten reasons for women edit Wikipedia, part 1

* Ten reasons for women edit Wikipedia, part 2

* Ten reasons for women to edit Wikipedia (short version)

* Ten topics for women to write about on Wikipedia

They have been read by thousands of people so far, and have been some of our 
most read blog posts. And more posts are coming. I haven't checked out how 
Google Translate treat these texts, but if there are any questions, please send 
them to me, since I have written most of them :-)

I have also been to a norm critical course and shared my notes from there, 
here: (I 
have still to add the notes from the last session, but I will get to it 
eventually.) Some material (including links) there could be helpful for others 
as well, including some group self analysis tools.

Also, the discussion on our Facebook group has started to include these topics 
more frequently, as well as the general discussion on Wikipedia (although a bit 
less). This is a start, but we're not finished yet. When the budget for this 
year is approved, we'll know more. 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales   ___
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Handy tips for the male academic and editathons in Sweden

2013-10-08 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Not sure if this has been linked to before, but I think this is really good:

By the way, we have just started a series of editathons for women. One of them 
is happening tonight, and I was recently on the radio talking about it. The 
hosts were very supportive. 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."

Jimmy Wales 
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

2013-05-17 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
By the way, I am constantly surprised at the tone in some of the discussions on 
Commons. I rarely meet that normally on Swedish WIkipedia. But I am not naive 
about it. I know that it exists. Some time ago, I wrote a blog post about how 
there is actually several encyclopedias all rolled together under the same 
trademark. Each encyclopedia has its own culture, and quality. For instance, 
the articles about birds on svwp are second to none, even enwp. That's because 
we have a large ornithologically interested group of Swedish Wikipedians. 
There, the discussion climate is friendly and result oriented. In other areas, 
the quality is lower, but so is the level of discussion.

Here the tone seems hostile and the level of quality low. I wish I had a good 
answer on how to counter that.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 22:20:09 +
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

Wow, that escalated fast. All caps and demands. I can in some fashion 
understand the argument made in the section above (without caps lock), but 
still, nah. It's gratuitous. 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 15:09:49 -0700
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

Hi again,
Admin User:Evula attempted to delete them per COM:SCOPE but every 
single one was immediately restored. People are now yelling at him on his talk 
-- Allie 
On May 17, 2013, at 3:05 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 
 wrote:Oh, this was not good. I wonder how many of 
these were taken and uploaded voluntarily.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 14:58:12 -0700
Subject: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

Hi all,
Can someone please explain to me why Category:Nude portrayals of 
computer technology (NSFW) even exists? How is a category like this, whatever 
about the image, remotely encyclopedic or useful to the project? It is 
populated entirely with sexualized images of women - almost all naked or 
semi-naked - with only tangential references to computer technology.
I'm a computer engineer myself, and a paid-up member of SWE. Given the 
drive to get more women involved in STEM fields, I see stuff like this as being 
really damaging. And this is just one single example.
-- Allie
___ Gendergap mailing
Gendergap mailing list

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Gendergap mailing list  
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

2013-05-17 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Wow, that escalated fast. All caps and demands. I can in some fashion 
understand the argument made in the section above (without caps lock), but 
still, nah. It's gratuitous. 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 15:09:49 -0700
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

Hi again,
Admin User:Evula attempted to delete them per COM:SCOPE but every 
single one was immediately restored. People are now yelling at him on his talk 
-- Allie 
On May 17, 2013, at 3:05 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 
 wrote:Oh, this was not good. I wonder how many of 
these were taken and uploaded voluntarily.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 14:58:12 -0700
Subject: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

Hi all,
Can someone please explain to me why Category:Nude portrayals of 
computer technology (NSFW) even exists? How is a category like this, whatever 
about the image, remotely encyclopedic or useful to the project? It is 
populated entirely with sexualized images of women - almost all naked or 
semi-naked - with only tangential references to computer technology.
I'm a computer engineer myself, and a paid-up member of SWE. Given the 
drive to get more women involved in STEM fields, I see stuff like this as being 
really damaging. And this is just one single example.
-- Allie
___ Gendergap mailing
Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list  
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

2013-05-17 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
Oh, this was not good. I wonder how many of these were taken and uploaded 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 14:58:12 -0700
Subject: [Gendergap] Category:Nude portrayals of computer technology

Hi all,
Can someone please explain to me why Category:Nude portrayals of 
computer technology (NSFW) even exists? How is a category like this, whatever 
about the image, remotely encyclopedic or useful to the project? It is 
populated entirely with sexualized images of women - almost all naked or 
semi-naked - with only tangential references to computer technology.
I'm a computer engineer myself, and a paid-up member of SWE. Given the 
drive to get more women involved in STEM fields, I see stuff like this as being 
really damaging. And this is just one single example.
-- Allie
Gendergap mailing list  
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [Commons] "Flag this image" prototype

2013-05-16 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson
+1 on SJ's comment, and I think Pete made some excellent points on the talk 
page. For instance: How would this affect the legal team's paid staff time if 
we place a big red button under each image? I have cc:ed Geoff since he may not 
be aware of the question.

But I would also like to say that this is very well worth checking out. This is 
the template that is suggested right now (feel free to edit): 

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till 
världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 19:58:20 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] [Commons] "Flag this image" prototype
> Interesting.  Thanks for the heads-up!  SJ
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:29 AM, Erik Moeller  wrote:
> > Sorry to those who are tired of the image/consent discussions, but
> > just wanted to bring this to this list's attention as well.
> >
> > I'm tagging this thread with "[Commons]" and suggest others do the
> > same in future to make it easier for people who do not want to discuss
> > Commons or who feel inundated with the subject matter to filter these
> > messages. Also, if you're using Google Mail, you can "mute" a thread
> > (under the "More" options after you open the thread) and you won't see
> > any future responses in your inbox -- other email clients have similar
> > features.
> >
> > Quick notes about an interesting development:
> >
> > * User:Rillke on Commons has started prototyping a gadget that could
> > be used to simplify reporting of various issues with images with a
> > simple "Flag this image" workflow. This discussion is on the Commons
> > Village Pump.
> >
> > I've brought that discussion to the attention of WMF legal. Note: It's
> > not like the current workflow is completely broken -- the
> > Commons:Contact_us flow is actually pretty good -- but a nicer UI and
> > more prominent placement could help. The current workflow also does
> > not provide an option for consent issues.
> >
> > * I've summarized the current state of his prototype here:
> >
> >
> >
> > On the talk page I've also recommended that consent to be displayed in
> > an image be considered in the reporting options.
> >
> > I'm sure Rillke would appreciate any active development help with the
> > feature, as well as continued feedback and encouragement (WikiLove?)
> > which is crucial for volunteer motivation.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Erik
> >
> > --
> > Erik Möller
> > VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
> >
> > ___
> > Gendergap mailing list
> >
> >
> -- 
> Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Meritocracy, the next generation

2012-11-06 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

I am part of the organizing committe at FSCONS, a very cool conference that 
started off as a free software conference, but now has tracks on free licences 
and free culture as well, and some Wikimedia presence as well.
This year, I found this gem in the schedule under the header "Meritocracy,  
next generation" 

"In the YAPC conference 2012, Michael G Schwern held a keynote speech
  on "how good, but homogenous, people can create an unwelcoming
  community without realizing it". Serengeti invites to a seminar,
  where we watch that keynote speech together and discus its
The seminar is divided into two sessions, which can be attended
Michael G Schwern writes about the speech: "This is my 'secret'
  diversity talk aimed at the guys and focusing on how good, but
  homogenous, people can create an unwelcoming community without
  realizing it. The solution lies in restructuring how we make
  decisions, it lies in Kirk vs Picard. And anybody can be a Picard."
Further reading can be had at
The video is published at Youtube,";

The video is... interesting. "I can make a bet that there's more Michaels here 
than women." is but one of the quotes.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] More about the Ada Lovelace initiative

2012-10-09 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


Something very cool has begun to happen in Sweden. Since 
the largest daily newspaper wrote about the Ada Lovelace editathon 
 we have seen a buzz in the social media. 

A Swedish non-profit, 
Rättviseförmedlingen (the Fairness Bureau), which is devoted to making 
it easier for media to find female experts, have endorsed it 
 which so far has been shared several dozen times on Facebook. That has 
also inspired other to send out invites to women across the internet. 
One example is this invite:

It has been sent out to 4,500 persons, mostly women, and so far 593 have 
accepted the invitation. 

 to give you some perspective: according to the statistics 
(, there are
 about 800 active users (+5 edits) this month on Swedish Wikipedia. So, 
potentially, women could out-edit men on that day!

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

Personlig blogg

Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05___
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Giving Women the Access Code

2012-04-03 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Yes, a course for very, very unexperienced programers would be great.

And just to continue on that thread about pursuing your passion, I trust you 
have seen Sir Ken Robinson talk at TED?

Med vänliga hälsningar, 


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 10:31:43 -0400
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Giving Women the Access Code


Nice article, thanks for sharing Lennart!

“She was consistently told by teachers in adolescence, then later
by colleagues, that the things she was interested in were things
women didn’t do, and that there were no good female mathematicians,”
Dr. Pippenger said. 

It's reasoning like this, and the one that you quoted below about
stereotypes, kept me from pursuing a degree in computer science. I
remember looking into the school when I was a young undergrad and I
felt so intimidated, and then was told that I'd have to take certain
math classes. Which frustrated me, as I could do basic language
coding and write html off the top of my head. I flunked the math
classes I had to take, and 10 years later found out I had a math
disability. (And it wasn't my parents who were telling me not to do
it, it was professors, etc. Regardless of my poor math skills,
almost every single person I know who codes jokes that "you don't need
to know math."  Someday I'll take some classes in something (just
for fun, I suppose)..or perhaps there will be a "N00bs super simple
MediaWiki fun day that even your grandma could learn to code at!"

I'm not disappointed with how my path curved and turned thus far,
but, after reading Unlocking the Clubhouse[1] and every time
I read an article like this, it just reminds me more and more of the
experiences I had as a young person that kept me out of the lab. The
odd thing, is that I ended up entering into a field that is upwards
of 80% dominated by women. I wonder of computer science can take any
cues from museum studies. 

On that note, I'm sure I'm not the only person on this mailing list
that took a different path than the one they wanted due to popular
and personal pressure. 



On 4/3/12 3:36 AM, Lennart Guldbrandsson wrote:


Via Mike Godwin:

  “Most of the female students were unwilling to go on in
  computer science because of the stereotypes they had grown up
  with,” said Zachary Dodds, a computer scientist at Mudd. “We
  realized we were helping perpetuate that by teaching such a
  standard course.” 

  To reduce the intimidation factor, the course was divided into
  two sections — “gold,” for those with no prior experience, and
  “black” for everyone else. Java, a notoriously opaque
  programming language, was replaced by a more accessible
  language called Python. And the focus of the course changed to
  computational approaches to solving problems across science. 

  “We realized that we needed to show students computer science
  is not all about programming,” said Ran Libeskind-Hadas,
  chairman of the department. “It has intellectual depth and
  connections to other disciplines.” 

Most of the article is about Dr Maria Klawe, who seems to be a
very inspiring person.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 

Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Epost: /



Wikimedia Sverige



Gendergap mailing list


  Sarah Stierch

  Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow


[Gendergap] Giving Women the Access Code

2012-04-03 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


Via Mike Godwin:

“Most of the female students were unwilling to go on in computer science
 because of the stereotypes they had grown up with,” said Zachary Dodds,
 a computer scientist at Mudd. “We realized we were helping perpetuate 
that by teaching such a standard course.”
To reduce the intimidation factor, the course was divided into two 
sections — “gold,” for those with no prior experience, and “black” for 
everyone else. Java, a notoriously opaque programming language, was 
replaced by a more accessible language called Python. And the focus of 
the course changed to computational approaches to solving problems 
across science.
“We realized that we needed to show students computer science is not all
 about programming,” said Ran Libeskind-Hadas, chairman of the 
department. “It has intellectual depth and connections to other 

Most of the article is about Dr Maria Klawe, who seems to be a very inspiring 

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] A little off-topic, but relevant nontheless: A preschool teacher deals with gender issues

2011-12-22 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


I just read this wonderful article about how a preschool teacher deals with 
students who are different in all sorts of ways:

Perhaps someone will be inspired by it.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

2011-12-22 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


I certainly meant no disrespect. Indeed, that's why I am on this mailinglist. 
And I look forward to the time when a larger group from this list can meet, 
even if I don't drink beer myself :-)

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 23:15:40 +1100
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

Hello Lennart,
Thank you for your reply. You made no errors.  I was 
explaining the feminist take on the word 'lady'. I was not sure that you were 
joking by using the term, so I attempted to eliminate the factors which would 
normally point to it being a joke. Hence my examination of exclamation 
etc. Had we spoken about this face to face our normal body language would have 
clearly indicated we were speaking lightheartedly; boasting our prowess on this 
matter over a glass of wine, so to speak. Black words on white screen 
backgrounds lack those important nuances. However, thank you for the 
extrapolation on the different words.
It is not bad phrasing; I fully understand that it is not 
bad phrasing. My response to your email was simply about 'choice'; that is 
words we choose to use and their impact on society. As we are talking on a 
'Gendergap' page I thought it appropriate and reasonable to discuss this point, 
but in replying to you I took my explanation to the world of the feminist 
thinker, and perhaps that is not appropriate for this list.
Wow, I am stoked, thank you so much for understanding the 
simply put discussion about 'male' vs 'female'. Not too many people stop to 
think that our constructed formatting follows male-gendered lines, that 
is, in the example given, the word 'male' always prominent while 
'female' requires another click of the drop down. Today a 
similar inequality is still evident in many of our documents, for 
example, our own Rules of Association speak in terms of 'he'. 'She' is 
taken for granted as read where 'he' appears in various clauses of the 
document. Another example, if I may detain you just a little longer, is 
our federal and State legislation here in Australia. Up 
to the recent past it was always written in terms of the male gender, and 
in present recent decades our legislators introduced Acts of 
parliament to guide the adoption of plain speech in legislation, and encourage 
the introduction of 'non-gender specific language', in an effort, inter alia, 
to recognise that nowadays in legislation it is considered to be 
discriminatory when the syntax uses only one gender. Your comment: 'to make 
the genders equally prominent' is a commendable thought indeed. Thank 
Kind regards,

  - Original Message - 
  Lennart Guldbrandsson 
  To: Gendergap 
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:06 
  Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure 
  which is more depressing


First of all, let me explain that English is not my 
  native language. Sometimes that means that I make errors in grammar or 
  spelling. In this case, however, that is not the issue. I know the linguistic 
  value of the term "lady". In Swedish, we have a similar distinction between 
  "dam" ('lady') and "kvinna" ('woman').

Then we come to the real cause: 
  the term "find the lady" is not my invention. It's a stock phrase, that 
  specifically refer to a game, that is also called "three card monte", as you 
  can see in the article I linked to. In this context, trying to use image 
  galleries to point out that we have a lack of women as editors, "three card 
  monte" would have made a meaningless reference. I could have used other 
  phrases, such as "cherchez la femme" (which is more sinister, I feel), or 
  "OMG, there's a woman on the interwebs" (which is even less respectful, and 
  less common), but as an example, I think I got the point across. I apologize 
  if you felt that it was a bad phrasing.

I too dislike any programming 
  designs that use male as the standard. I do not think, though, that we should 
  make female the standard, either. It would make for many false positives (we 
  know that people don't read all the instructions before clicking "yes"), 
  would make it appear that we suddenly have 95 % new female editors. What we 
  should do is make the genders equally prominent, if that is not the case 

Best wishes,



Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

2011-12-22 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


First of all, let me explain that English is not my native language. Sometimes 
that means that I make errors in grammar or spelling. In this case, however, 
that is not the issue. I know the linguistic value of the term "lady". In 
Swedish, we have a similar distinction between "dam" ('lady') and "kvinna" 

Then we come to the real cause: the term "find the lady" is not my invention. 
It's a stock phrase, that specifically refer to a game, that is also called 
"three card monte", as you can see in the article I linked to. In this context, 
trying to use image galleries to point out that we have a lack of women as 
editors, "three card monte" would have made a meaningless reference. I could 
have used other phrases, such as "cherchez la femme" (which is more sinister, I 
feel), or "OMG, there's a woman on the interwebs" (which is even less 
respectful, and less common), but as an example, I think I got the point 
across. I apologize if you felt that it was a bad phrasing.

I too dislike any programming designs that use male as the standard. I do not 
think, though, that we should make female the standard, either. It would make 
for many false positives (we know that people don't read all the instructions 
before clicking "yes"), which would make it appear that we suddenly have 95 % 
new female editors. What we should do is make the genders equally prominent, if 
that is not the case already.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:06:49 +1100
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

Hi Lennart,
On 22 December 2011 Lennart Lennart Guldbrandsson 
"..."Find the lady"?"
If you had placed an exclamation mark after the word 
'lady', rather than a question over the whole sentence, I would have got the 
joke about 'lady'. In the absence of an intended irony with the use of the word 
'lady' I'll take it you really mean 'lady'.  Therefore I'd like to let you 
know that the women's movement (historically - first, second and third waves) 
have fought against honorific titles such as 'lady' to describe and understand 
'what women want'. 
At the very least the term 'lady' is not 
meaningful across cultural lines north, south, east, or west of our world. 
European tradition, particularly English, is where it is the most 
meaningful in the most constricting and negative of senses where it has been 
used against females - girls (children) and women - in that 
rather than a nation socially growing it's female population in all facets of 
life's energy and creativity, females has been kept down over the centuries 
and one of the ways of penetrating the female psyche to reinforce the 
necessity of this down trodden existence is to remind a female that she much be 
a 'lady' and ladies don't do this and that, but must do this and that, all 
decided by a masculine controlled society and reinforced over the 
years by compliant females being taught to support this social 
So Lennart, women and girls want to decide the simple and 
the enormity of their lives. A great number of females whose consciousness has 
been raised and so recognise the existing inequalities over all 
societies will not want to be named 'ladies' in discussions about what women 
Here's a simple dilemma right now - for the programmers. 
Why do the drop down windows on many sign up sights have in the window 'male' 
and if you are a female you have to click on the down button and select 
'female'. This question is not trite by any means. It goes to the heart of how 
our female and male programmers construct and think about what they are 
implementing. My question is: Do female programmers use this same format? Has 
any female programmer been bold enough to reverse the order? Let 
the 'female' word be in the static window, and let the males have to 
click the drop down to select their gender.
Anne Frazer
Wikimedia Australia 

  - Original Message ----- 
  Lennart Guldbrandsson 
  To: Gendergap 
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:41 
  Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure 
  which is more depressing

  Maybe a campaign, based on the phrase "Find the lady"?



Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 

Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

2011-12-21 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Maybe a campaign, based on the phrase "Find the lady"?

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 17:38:24 +
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

Yes, that is a good idea.

Here are plenty of pics to choose from:

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

> From:
> Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:33:40 -0800
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Lennart Guldbrandsson
>  wrote:
> > Perhaps the solution is to create a gendergap template, instead of having to
> > bring up the same points over and over.
> I think we should have a re-usable collage of all the photos of
> meetups attended (almost) exclusively by male Wikipedians. with the
> caption "Notice anything missing?". Sometimes pictures are more
> persuasive than text.
> -- 
> Erik Möller
> VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
> Support Free Knowledge:
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list  
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

2011-12-21 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Yes, that is a good idea.

Here are plenty of pics to choose from:

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

> From:
> Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:33:40 -0800
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Lennart Guldbrandsson
>  wrote:
> > Perhaps the solution is to create a gendergap template, instead of having to
> > bring up the same points over and over.
> I think we should have a re-usable collage of all the photos of
> meetups attended (almost) exclusively by male Wikipedians. with the
> caption "Notice anything missing?". Sometimes pictures are more
> persuasive than text.
> -- 
> Erik Möller
> VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
> Support Free Knowledge:
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

2011-12-21 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 08:17:32 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] I'm not sure which is more depressing

I understand not everyone sits around and reads statistical data
about women, Wikimedia, open source communities, etc, but, it's
really weird that in a community that relies on citations
and statistical data, that they repeatedly deny/dimiss the concept
of the gender gap, throw it to the wayside and think its either not
a problem or not worth mentioning. How many times do I have to have
this conversation? 




Gendergap mailing list

Perhaps the solution is to create a gendergap template, instead of having to 
bring up the same points over and over.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] A nice mix - our edit-a-thon sure shook up the gender gap!

2011-12-19 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Great, Sarah! I don't know if I've said it before, but you really are one of 
the best Wikipedians I've known. Passionate without being unfriendly, plenty of 
good ideas (that you also help to realize), and a welcoming heart. Thanks for 
being you.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

> Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 12:00:12 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Gendergap] A nice mix - our edit-a-thon sure shook up the gender
> gap!
> Hi folks,
> I'm going to be a little selfish here, so pardon me. But, yesterday I 
> coordinated a "fine art" themed edit-a-thon at our local downtown 
> library, here in Washington, DC, followed by a meet-up at a local pub. 
> I'm proud to say we had 13 people at the edit-a-thon, and six were 
> women. The meetup? We had 16 people and 9 were women!! These numbers 
> might seem small compared to larger events, but, to have an event like 
> this, and have such a healthy mix, made me so happy.
> User:Aude, the President of Wikimedia DC joked "I remember when it'd be 
> just me and Mindspillage, as the only women," and we gushed about having 
> such a healthy group of "all genders" at the event. I noticed, when 
> saying goodbye to people, that I got a bit emotional - not only did we 
> have a gender-mixed Wiki-event, but, we also actually wrote new articles 
> and expanded articles - and anyone who attends an edit-a-thon knows - 
> it's often chaos and just socializing, not actual editing.
> You can see our outcomes here: 
> Which includes new articles or expanded articles about seven women 
> artists!!!
> Obviously, I'm on a bit of a high from this, as I love outreach and 
> coordinating things like this; I do believe the power of invitation 
> helped with the success of this event. I don't use bots for invitations, 
> and I do my best to individually reach out to people "I hope you'll be 
> there." I genuinely do believe that invitation is one of the strongest 
> keys in making sure that events, participation, and programs succeed in 
> regards to closing the gender gap.
> Thanks for letting me gush =) One event, for me, leads to one more woman 
> feeling inspired to continue participating. It also shows that offline 
> events make for such a rewarding experience - we get to come together, 
> put our differences aside, and work together for the common cause of 
> providing free knowledge to the world. One woman who came had never 
> written a new article - and this was her first time - and she really was 
> proud. That just made me so happy.
> I also got to meet Carol Moore, which was rather epic, I must say. :)
> -Sarah
> -- 
> Sarah Stierch Consulting
> --
> Historical, cultural, new media & artistic research & advising.
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] The gendergap on Swedish television

2011-12-14 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Their very new website is but there is only a 
short "We are going to start" type of notice there yet. We have emailed them.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige

Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 17:36:03 -0500
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] The gendergap on Swedish television


Very cool Lennart. I regret I don't know Swedish, but, this is
exciting none the less =) 

Do you know of any on Wiki or online links to the gender gap group,
or is it specifically a mailing list? 

Thanks for sharing this,


On 12/14/11 5:33 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson wrote:


Recently, Swedish television had quite a long bit about the

Apparently (it caused us a little bit of a surprise), there is a
Wikipedia gendergap group in Sweden, and it has some cool
supporters, including a professor in History. They have recently
started, but we intend to keep in contact.

Best wishes,



    Lennart Guldbrandsson, 

Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Epost: /



Wikimedia Sverige



Gendergap mailing list


  Sarah Stierch Consulting


  Historical, cultural, new media & artistic research &

Gendergap mailing list  
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] The gendergap on Swedish television

2011-12-14 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


Recently, Swedish television had quite a long bit about the gendergap:

Apparently (it caused us a little bit of a surprise), there is a Wikipedia 
gendergap group in Sweden, and it has some cool supporters, including a 
professor in History. They have recently started, but we intend to keep in 

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Epost: /
Wikimedia Sverige
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Supporting Campus Ambassador programs [Fwd: Issue of Copy-Pasting]

2011-10-07 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Sarah's conclusions are in sync with what I've heard from the team at the 
Wikimedia Foundation. But, and that's a crucial point, the goal with the 
collaborations with the universites is not to make everyone a Wikipedian. I 
know, that may be strange or counter-intuitive. It certainly was for me. 
Instead, the goal is to increase the quality of those articles that they 
university courses are working on, and if some of those who edited during the 
course stays on as Wikipedians, that's terrific, but it cannot be the goal. I 
am sure that Frank Schulenburg, Rod Dunican, LiAnna Davis or the other people 
in the (now) Global Education team can provide more insight into their original 
thinking. Or Pete Forsythe, for that matter, who I know is on this list.

I know that is but one of the aspects of Sarah's email, but it's the one aspect 
I know something about :-)

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 10:30:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Supporting Campus Ambassador programs [Fwd: Issue  
of Copy-Pasting]

I took some time last week and actually went through the "female" editors (many 
of the students openly identify their real names and/or genders) participating 
in class programs. 

1) Most don't edit Wikipedia after the class is over - and this goes beyond 
gender. I determined this by studying their user contributions and also using a 
tool to examine contributions and gender for specific WikiProjects 
(specifically WP:Public art which developed as a program with students before 
the Campus Ambassador program existed)

2) A nice amount of them generally get slaps on the hand for their lack of 
understanding on "How Wikipedia Works"

I'm not sure if this means that something in the system is broken (i.e. we're 
not educating students and professors on how Wikipedia works write, we're not 
providing ongoing outreach - which seems to be a problem in a lot of areas of 
WP outreach...), that the students genuinely have no interest (and that's fine, 
they are "forced" to do it, after all), or what..

Some of these problems involve image deletion (due to lack of understanding on 
how fair use/copyright works in Wikipedia), article deletion, blocking of 
accounts, or just plain calling people out on their talk pages. I didn't gather 
all this information in a pile - I've looked at upwards of a thousand female 
editors accounts over the past two weeks - but, it's there, if you dig around a 


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Fred Bauder  wrote:

Help is needed.


--- Original Message 

Subject: Issue of Copy-Pasting


Date:Fri, October 7, 2011 7:46 am

To:  "Wikipedia Ambassadors India"


Hi Team

This problem is continuing and is fast approaching disaster proportions.

Please see these comments




Please urgently do the following

a) Constantly repeat to every student that copy-pasting is not acceptable

b) Monitor the work of your students - and make sure they edit in their

sandboxes before they go live (and only go live after you ok it.)

c) Please let's have the Campus & Online Ambassadors working closely with

each other to do point (b) and to track, monitor and correct the work of

your respective students.

In the next few days and weeks, the problem is going to explode unless we

control it because many students' deadlines are approaching.

Please treat this matter with the highest urgency.  The very future of

our program is at stake.

Many thanks.



Gendergap mailing list

GLAMWIKI Partnership Ambassador for Wikimedia
Wikipedian-in-Residence, Archives of American Art 

Sarah Stierch ConsultingHistorical, cultural & artistic research & advising.

Gendergap mailing list   

Re: [Gendergap] Geek girl smash

2011-10-03 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

And of course, the header makes absolutely no sense, unless you know that I 
found that comic on the Geek Girl Smash blog, pasted the title into the header 
of that mail, and *then* traced the source back to Shoeboxblog. Sorry for that.


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 07:42:19 +
Subject: [Gendergap] Geek girl smash


I don't know if it's been discussed before, but I found this cartoon which I 
thought was a bit fitting for this list:

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Gendergap mailing list  
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Geek girl smash

2011-10-03 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


I don't know if it's been discussed before, but I found this cartoon which I 
thought was a bit fitting for this list:

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Question for the Foundation about photographs

2011-09-20 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

By the way, here is the current discussion:

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 04:27:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Question for the Foundation about photographs

Thank you for pointing this out, Jutta, and your reply,Lennart.

I see this area of improvement as being critical to participation of non-tech 
minded people. 

Sydney Poore

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:48 AM, Lennart Guldbrandsson 


Thanks for the feedback on the account creation process. We finished testing 
three diffrent processes against each other during the summer. The report can 
be found here:

In theory, the tests are finished, but as you know, getting the community to 
come to a consensus can be hard work. I have tried to get a consensus on the 
English Wikipedia Village Pump for some time now, and very few have 
participated, so I said that unless someone protested, that I would change the 
process. The deadline was last Friday, but due to other things going on in my 
life after the Fellowship (I am preparing Wikimedia Sverige's stand at the 
Gothenburg Book Fair that starts in two days), I have not yet changed the 
account process. Of course, anyone with admin rights on English Wikipedia can 
help out (I no longer have my staff rights, so I cannot do it myself anyway). 

When we change the process, that version of the account creation process will 
not be used.

(Sorry for taking so much space to talk about that angle of the thread.)

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

> From:
> To:

> Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 11:07:11 +1000
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Question for the Foundation about photographs
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 11:33:30 -0700

> > From: Pete Forsyth 
> > Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Question for the Foundation about photographs
> > of  women

> > To: Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects
> > 
> > Message-ID:
> >  >>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> > 
> > Update, and a request:

> > 
> > The discussion thread John started has been very active, with I think about
> > 30 posts from a wide variety of customer service (OTRS) volunteers.
> > 
> This could be a good idea, but let's not forget that women who start editing 
> Wikipedia first need to find out how to get help and this needs to be obvious 
> in the interface. 

> I recently supported a female colleague of mine to join and start editing 
> Wikipedia and I witnessed her signing up etc. and it was surprisingly hard 
> and confusing... Unfortunately, we ended up in this testing group for account 
> creation 
> :

> In this testing group, the second screen is the one about topics. 'Health', 
> the topic that we needed, was not one of them, so we selected 'biology' 
> instead and a whole list of topics that need improvements was presented to 
> us... However, she already knew which article she wanted to create, so it was 
> a bit like 'Ok, how can I get out of here and draft my article?' I ended up 
> showing her how she can do this and also ended up putting the 
> Template:New_user_bar manually onto her user page, so that she's got a nicer 
> profile page. I am sure we would potentially have lost her without my help... 

> I thought I share this little experience. I think what I'll do next, is 
> "test" her and see how she goes in getting some help without asking me ;-)
> Cheers,
> Jutta

> ___
> Gendergap mailing list



Gendergap mailing list


Re: [Gendergap] Question for the Foundation about photographs

2011-09-20 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


Thanks for the feedback on the account creation process. We finished testing 
three diffrent processes against each other during the summer. The report can 
be found here:

In theory, the tests are finished, but as you know, getting the community to 
come to a consensus can be hard work. I have tried to get a consensus on the 
English Wikipedia Village Pump for some time now, and very few have 
participated, so I said that unless someone protested, that I would change the 
process. The deadline was last Friday, but due to other things going on in my 
life after the Fellowship (I am preparing Wikimedia Sverige's stand at the 
Gothenburg Book Fair that starts in two days), I have not yet changed the 
account process. Of course, anyone with admin rights on English Wikipedia can 
help out (I no longer have my staff rights, so I cannot do it myself anyway). 

When we change the process, that version of the account creation process will 
not be used.

(Sorry for taking so much space to talk about that angle of the thread.)

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 11:07:11 +1000
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Question for the Foundation about photographs
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 11:33:30 -0700
> > From: Pete Forsyth 
> > Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Question for the Foundation about photographs
> > of  women
> > To: Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects
> > 
> > Message-ID:
> >  >>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> > 
> > Update, and a request:
> > 
> > The discussion thread John started has been very active, with I think about
> > 30 posts from a wide variety of customer service (OTRS) volunteers.
> > 
> This could be a good idea, but let's not forget that women who start editing 
> Wikipedia first need to find out how to get help and this needs to be obvious 
> in the interface. 
> I recently supported a female colleague of mine to join and start editing 
> Wikipedia and I witnessed her signing up etc. and it was surprisingly hard 
> and confusing... Unfortunately, we ended up in this testing group for account 
> creation 
> :
> In this testing group, the second screen is the one about topics. 'Health', 
> the topic that we needed, was not one of them, so we selected 'biology' 
> instead and a whole list of topics that need improvements was presented to 
> us... However, she already knew which article she wanted to create, so it was 
> a bit like 'Ok, how can I get out of here and draft my article?' I ended up 
> showing her how she can do this and also ended up putting the 
> Template:New_user_bar manually onto her user page, so that she's got a nicer 
> profile page. I am sure we would potentially have lost her without my help... 
> I thought I share this little experience. I think what I'll do next, is 
> "test" her and see how she goes in getting some help without asking me ;-)
> Cheers,
> Jutta
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Bikini example

2011-09-19 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Manypedia is a really cool thing. 

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

> From:
> Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:04:50 +0200
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Bikini example
> You can compare how different language Wikipedias use images in the
> same article using Manypedia.
> All images appearing in the articles are conveniently grouped on top
> of it, and if you mouse over them, you can see a larger version.
> For example, below you find links of comparisons of the page "Bikini"
> between English and Chinese, Czech, Persian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian
> But you can search any page in any language and compare it with any
> other language just using the controls on top of the interface.
> We've created Manypedia with the goal of easing
> cross-linguistic/cultural investigations so I would love to hear your
> feedback about it.
> Enjoy! ;)
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Emily Monroe  wrote:
> > How about using the German article to help out with the English one, and
> > refactoring/deleting anything on the talk page that talks about anything
> > except the article it's attached to?
> >
> > From,
> > Emily
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Arnaud HERVE 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> I just found an example which seems to me exemplary of a male dominated
> >> disaster :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> In the Article page what struck me as wrong was :
> >>
> >> 1) The Sports bikini in beach volleyball photo, which has non pertinent
> >> erotic content imho
> >>
> >> 2) The chapter about male underwear, which seems to me so inappropriate
> >> AND ridiculous I can't even begin to describe it.
> >>
> >> In the Discussion page there is totally male point of view discussion
> >> about whether the girl in red is in good shape enough.
> >>
> >> Then there is the raging Outrage comment which I fear might become
> >> systematic if you leave the door opened for that. I have never seen a
> >> kid being shocked by going to the beach and seeing bikinis. That's a
> >> perverse erotic assumption imho, under the guise of high morality.
> >>
> >> I took the time to have a look at the German page :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 1) The first photo is semantically right, it shows better that bikinis
> >> are used to go the beach and swimming
> >>
> >> 2) The history chapter is better developed
> >>
> >> 3) The gallery and the drawings aptly show different kinds of bikinis
> >>
> >> 4) No ridiculous male underwear content
> >>
> >> Also, there was a beach sports photo which seemed to me much better and
> >> devoid of erotic content yesterday. But sadly it's been removed at the
> >> moment I speak. It was this one :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Ah yes and also the discussion on the German page is more competent and
> >> calm imho.
> >>
> >> So as a conclusion, the German bikini page represents for me a right
> >> state of mind and proper educational content, fit to be used in a school
> >> with students interested in fashion. The English page seems to me more
> >> influence by more or less lunatic authors, or authors less interested in
> >> knowledge.
> >>
> >> Arnaud
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Gendergap mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Gendergap mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> --
> Paolo Massa
> Email: paolo AT gnuband DOT org
> Blog:
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] fyi: Gender Bias in Wikipedia and Britannica

2011-09-02 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


I don't know if you know about the categories that exist on some Wikipedias, 
for instance German and Swedish Wikipedia: namely the categories for articles 
about men and women respectively. On Swedish you can find the super-category 

Män = Men
Kvinnor = Women

Those numbers suggest that for each article about a woman on Swedish Wikipedia, 
there are 4,29 about men. That is a little bit better than the German Wikipedia 
(1 woman, 5,85 men).

As you can see from the interwiki links, some other languages also have these 
categories. English Wikipedia in fact have an impressive 1,65 articles about 
*women* for every article about men. All *38* of the women article towers of 
the 23 men articles :-) Time to fill in those categories?

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 14:39:30 -0700
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] fyi: Gender Bias in Wikipedia and Britannica


Thanks for the article link, Joseph. I haven't yet finished the
article, but I do have a couple of preliminary questions:

* Do you know what the ratio of male to female contributors is at
Encyclopedia Britannica?

* Why the emphasis on female biographies? It seems like a weak
indicator of gender bias (as reflected by the WikiSym study). Do we
really know that women are significantly more likely to write about
women than men are? If so, how much more likely?

Ryan Kaldari

On 9/2/11 6:54 AM, Joseph Reagle wrote:

  Abstract: Is there a
bias in the against women's representation in Wikipedia
biographies? Thousands of biographical subjects, from six
sources, are compared against the English-language Wikipedia and
the online Encyclopædia Britannica with respect to coverage,
gender representation, and article length. We conclude that
Wikipedia provides better coverage and longer articles, that
Wikipedia typically has more articles on women than Britannica
in absolute terms, but Wikipedia articles on women are more
likely to be missing than articles on men relative to
Britannica. For both reference works, article length did not
consistently differ by gender.
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Re: [Gendergap] New portal on dawiki

2011-06-23 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Agreed about the pink part. But I commend you on using a group photo of women. 
Visible women are needed.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 14:17:06 +0200
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] New portal on dawiki

I agree it is too pink. But congratulation the ide is great.


On torsdag 23. juni 2011 at 14.06, Ole Palnatoke Andersen wrote:

Last year, I had a discussion with a couple of the female 
editors on the Danish-language Wikipedia. They have now created a women's 
portal: I find it 
a bit... pink, but I am outside the target demographic, so my opinion is rather 
irrelevant :-)

-- * @palnatoke * +4522934588

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Re: [Gendergap] Visible female faces for Wikim/pedia

2011-03-20 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

I am not going to defend the stereotypical figure of Wikipe-tan. However, the 
rationale of using a female character in Welcome to Wikipedia can be seen in at 
least two ways: a) the way you described, and b) that we're damned if we do, 
and damned if we don't. If we had picked a male character in the learning 
position, that could have been seen as continuing to speak to men. We worked 
all the time (and several women were involved in this process, including Sue 
Gardner), trying to focus as her as a person, not as a woman.

I am sorry if I am speaking out of turn here. I just wanted to explain the 
thinking behind it. Now, I'll shut up and hope that we come back to the 
important part about creating more female rolemodels.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Fellow of the Wikimedia Foundation / Wikimedia Foudation-stipendiat
Chair of Wikimedia Sverige / ordförande för Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 14:56:49 -0400
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Visible female faces for Wikim/pedia

I find it interesting that both comic images (Sara and WIkipe-tan) perpetuate 
female stereotypes:

- Sara gets to be the person who doesn't know what she's doing. I think the 
intentions behind this were probably good, but it seems like most ads have the 
woman as the clueless one. For example, when you want to explain something at 
the simplest level, you're often told to speak as if you are talking to "Aunt 
Agatha" instead of "Uncle Fred". 

- Wikipe-tan is the one chosen to enforce wiki love, which is another role 
stereotypically given to females. I guess it's a Rosie the Riveter reference 
more than an Uncle Sam one, but still, one tells you to go and work, the other 
tells you to go spread wikiLove (and I don't exactly know what that means in 
the context of Wikipedia since I've never been the recipient of any wiki love 
for any of my work on the WMF projects). It does make me feel a bit better, 
however, that people are being encouraged to spread wiki love, even if I 
haven't benefited from this directly as a result of my editing on the WMF 

The worse one for me is this one of jumping Wikipe-tan with the tiny apron:

I actually like anime and manga (see my Wikipedia edit history for proof), but 
that one is going way too far for my taste. 

2011/3/20 Juliana da Costa José 


I really love the first sentence here [1]:

"Wikipe-tan is one of the personifications of Wikipedia."

So if you see the following pictures (my favourites are this [2] and

[3]) and see a child-eyed girl in french-roommade-dress and hold-ups

cleaning so it says a lot about the picture of women a lot of

Wikipedians (both genders!) accepted as normal.

Very diagnostically conclusive for the picture of females in Wikipedia

is this [4]

But maybe I am just a comic-banause because I do not like funny mangas

or animes. I am sorry about this...

I worked very long in jobs women were just scored by optical an sexual

clichees, maybe this made me a little bit touchy...







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"Only the shallow know themselves." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: [Gendergap] Visible female faces for Wikim/pedia

2011-03-20 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson


I agree. 

We have at least one female rolemodel, though, and she's seen by thousands of 
people thanks to the Ambassadors Programme:

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Fellow of the Wikimedia Foundation / Wikimedia Foudation-stipendiat
Chair of Wikimedia Sverige / ordförande för Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

> Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 13:00:15 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Gendergap] Visible female faces for Wikim/pedia
> Hello,
> my problem in Wikipedia is, that we have not many rolemodels who are
> not very known outside of the Wikim/pedia world. The only one, who is
> constant in media is Sue.
> Sue is wonderful, but where are the other faces of Wikim/pedia? Where
> are the other women, why are they hiding?
> Ok, we had a Wikimedia-Clip made last year with some female faces. I
> like this clip very much, but there you see more male faces than
> female again and for animate women to envolve themselves, it is too
> special and for my taste too  "Wikim/pedia-exclusive".
> My oppinion is, if we want to win females, we need more visible female
> Wikim/pedians.
> Just my 2 cents.
> J.
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] How to use Wiki videos

2011-03-15 Thread Lennart Guldbrandsson

Thanks for the ideas.

About wikimeetups: everybody else is waiting for you to announce one. Once you 
do, they will come.

About the culture: I think Steven Walling's presentation is one of the most 

Good luck with the editing.

Best wishes,


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 
Fellow of the Wikimedia Foundation / Wikimedia Foudation-stipendiat
Chair of Wikimedia Sverige / ordförande för Wikimedia Sverige
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48
Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05

Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 17:04:15 -0600
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] How to use Wiki videos

Yep I do find both of those videos too basic 
( and I get the nuts and bolts of how to 
click around, I know basic html when I see it, and I remember neutral tone and 
proper citations from college and time in publishing (but gotta love a video on 
the internet that explains that you need an internet connection). The Howcast 
referenced the Wiki:Cite page, which I then find confusing because I don't get 
when to use each citation method. 

A Strunk & White version of the rules is what I need! There's so many women in 
publishing, that could be a good group to target for women on Wiki involvement, 
as someone said before. I just need to know how wiki editing is similar and 
different from AP Style, for example.

I would also be interested in a video that explains the community, which is 
both one of the primary barriers and primary motivations I have for 
participating. I didn't know about barnstars and awards, for example. Then I 
eventually found this Editor Assistance page 
( which looks like 
something handy-- I didn't know there was a place to ask for help. Then, what 
are user talk, user boxes, who gives awards, who are some key figures (Jimbo, 
etc), what is the user/editor/moderator relationship, and what are some things 
that can happen once I start editing and interacting. That's what a video would 
be handy for. It all feels like trying to get into Lost in the last season-- 
all these time tunnels and smoke monsters that I couldn't trace to their 
original form if I tried.

Sadly, I see no meet ups in Portland or Mexico City, yet...


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