Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-05 Thread flywire
> Does [Debits and Credits] make more sense now?

Yes, well put. That perspective would be worth reworking as a brief
information pane in the Guide.

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Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-05 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 5/5/2024 11:55 AM, ph hermes wrote:

what are the accounts you have set up in assets? it sounds like you only
have your equity balance. in my asset section, i have all my bank accounts,
petty cash, etc. as well. and i have separate accounts for each of my
equity assets (often sub accounts)... not just 1 account called equity.

Equity assets?

a) Equity reflects OWNERSHIP. You can indeed have sub accounts under 
equity, and need them when there are multiple owners (partners, 
shareholders, etc.)

b) You may be confusing "equity assets" (assets that represent equity in 
something) and "equity" in your books. Under "assets" you could have 
investment assets that are of type "equities" meaning representing an 
ownership interest in something (stocks, for example) as well as ones 
that are of type "liability" (some entity owes you something, say a 
bond). Do not confuse with "liabilities" and "equity" in your books. 
Keep in mind "from whose perspective". From YOUR perspective those 
investment holdings are just assets (though you might want them under 
separate parents).

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-05 Thread ph hermes
what are the accounts you have set up in assets? it sounds like you only
have your equity balance. in my asset section, i have all my bank accounts,
petty cash, etc. as well. and i have separate accounts for each of my
equity assets (often sub accounts)... not just 1 account called equity.

 - ph
paula hendricks ~:~ san francisco CA ~:~ 415.310.1168

On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 10:18 AM Brian Higgins via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I really need to talk with someone to get this right. My equity opening
> balance is $ 6802.59 ( close enough) on 1/1 24,  and my check register
> is $3892.258 on 1/1/24 and my petty cash is $5 on 1/1 /24, so why does
> my equity account value on show up as equal to the assets?  I thought
> the equity account would show as the balance of all owners investment in
> the business, and as a liability, and thus a negative number.  Would a
> bookkeeper or accountant who may not be familiar with Gnucash be able to
> help me figure this out?
> Note: I have returned the Equity parent account to placeholder, and I
> see there is an Opening Balance Equity as a child account of that. So
> really, is my opening balance equity just the total of my assets on
> 1/1/24, or is it a register snapshot of a capital account, as of Jan
> 1st,  meaning all the $ I have shoveled into this turkey since day one,
> starting back in  2021? I feel I should enter $ 6802.59, and I think
> that goes on the credit side,  ( an increase in GnuCash)) since it is a
> 'special liability', where the bank account was debited that amount,
> over time, in 2021. I am starting these books fresh as of Jan 1 2024.
> Thank you, I just need some hands on help getting me started.
> Brian
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-05 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 5/4/2024 10:53 PM, flywire wrote:

David, the  guide even warns that accounting debits and credits are
used contrary to the way most people understand them. The average
punter will be wrong, and if they get it right the next punter will
likely bet they are wrong.

Yes, depends on perspective, your point of view or the bank's.

But also  and explaining where YOUR point of view comes from (the origin 
of the terms) think of who in say 1200 CE would be needing to keep 
books. What sort of business would you be in? A moneylender, of course. 
And keep in mind that in 1200 in Europe, if literate, probably Latin not 
a strange language (especially not when dealing across multiple local 

Debit comes from "he owes" (me). In other words, your assets are debts 
owed to you as well as cash on hand available to be loaned out. Thus the 
money you have on deposit at some bank is a debit because the bank owes 
you that money.

Credit comes from "he trusts" (me). In other words, your liabilities. 
Money you owe somebody else that they are trusting you can pay back. 
It's why on the statement from the bank your account balance is a credit 
(you are trusting the bank will give you this money of you ask for it) 
but in your books a debit because the bank owes this money to you.

Initially (way back then) there were no special accounts of type 
"income" and "expense" so the other side of a transaction we would call 
income or expense was equity. Immediately entered against equity. That 
made it easy to see at any moment what to see what total equity was but 
hard to look up the totals for any particular expense. Had to do work to 
answer questions like "how much was our interest income last month?"  
(remember, we are moneylenders). So a couple hundred years ago (I don;t 
know exactly when) somebody got the bright idea to have TEMPORARY 
accounts of type "income" and "expense" of fundamental type "equity". 
Instead of the other side of the transactions immediately being main 
equity use these "temporarily" and only every so often transfer to main 
equity through a process known as "close thew books" with this process, 
along the way, creating a report called "profit and loss" << originally 
this was another temporary account, closed to equity by the net profit 
or loss amount >>

BTW, a moneylender WOULD be wanting to have liabilities. These would 
have come into being by exchange with another moneylender in some other 
town/country. These documents were useful in TRADE, serving as a way of 
transporting money without the risk of bandits stealing the gold or 
silver money on the way. You are a moneylender in place A. A merchant 
planning to travel to B might come to you and ask "Do you have a debt 
document from a moneylender in B?" If you did, you could sell him that 
debt (endorse it over to him) collecting a fee for the service. He then 
could travel to B and present it there for payment. Useless for a bandit 
to steal as it wasn't made out "pay to the bearer" but "pay to some 
specific person" (the merchant).

Note something here. If two banks are exchanging these IOU's no silver 
or gold has changed hands. Who says that the silver or gold has to 
actually exist? In other words, these banks have created money and all 
will be well only as long as they have enough gold and silver on hand to 
pay out when any of these IOU's are presented. Does the term "he trusts" 
make more sense now? There was no FDIC guaranteeing the deposits. That 
is a very recent change. A hundred years ago you WERE trusting that the 
bank could give you back what you had on deposit there.

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-04 Thread flywire
David, the  guide even warns that accounting debits and credits are
used contrary to the way most people understand them. The average
punter will be wrong, and if they get it right the next punter will
likely bet they are wrong.

Generally then the sense of debits and credits in a bank statement is the
> reverse of what they mean in your personal accounts.

Exactly, perspective. It's like saying the sun is on your left side. Much
clearer to say it's on the western side, or it's a deposit to a specific
account (though I agree some of the simple terms are confusing and could be

It's not really important though because after a few transactions you know
which side to use, especially if you did the tutorial in the Guide first.

BTW, the referenced thread didn't reach a conclusion to the example in July.
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Re: [GNC] Help Transferring saved reports to another computer

2024-05-04 Thread David Carlson
Aha!  I was careless and I put the reports file in the books subdirectory
by mistake.  It helps to take a break and look again.  All is well now.

On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 7:59 PM David Carlson 

> I am trying to copy saved reports from a computer running GnuCash 4.8 to a
> windows computer running GnuCash 5.6.1.  I successfully copied the .gcm
> files that I wanted but the saved-reports-2.8 file did not bring the saved
> reports.  Is this a problem with release 5.6.1 or did I do something wrong?
> --
> David Carlson

David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-04 Thread David Cousens

Understood that those without an accounting background often
misunderstand what debits and credits actually mean. 

I don't know whether the thread you referenced reached a conclusion but
the accounting definitions of debit and credit and how they are used in
accounting is however formally logically self consistent.  The same
definitions are used world wide in accounting and GnuCash is an
accounting program and it fully implements the rules of accounting. 

The developers have provided the facility to use the non formal
termsthat is consistent with the formal label  but when it gets down to
how the program works and sorting out whether a user is using the
program correctly it strictly obeys the formal definitions and rules of
accounting and has to.

There is no confusion if you know and apply the formal definitions. On
the contrary the informal labels are more open to misinterpretation
unless you apply a similar set of definitions and rules to them and
those rules tend to be far more complex and appear to be far more
arbitrary. The effort involved in becoming failiiar and applying the
formal definitions is far less than for the informal ones and it is the
core of how double entry accounting works to identify and minimise
entry errors.

The accounting definition relies on the concept of an entity whose
transactions are being accounted for and in the accounts of that
entity, the concept of an accounting period and  the accounting
equation then expresses the realtionship between the various types of
accounts in the form:

Assets = Liabilities + Equity + (Income - Expenses)

The reason that Income and Expenses are grouped with Equity is that
they are actually equity accounts recording the increases and decreases
in Equity during the current accounting period and the minus sign befor
e Expenses indicates that expenses decrease equity.

A debit increases the balance of an account of the types on the LHS of
the equal sign and a credit decreases the balance of an account of that
type on the LHS. 

For accounts of a type on the RHS, a credit increases the balance of an
account and a on the RHS (unless the account type is preceded by a
minus sign in which case it is a decrease) and conversely a debit
decreases the balance of accounts of that type again with reversal
where the type is preceded by a minus sign.

The steps in interpreting a statement are:
1 Determine the entity for which the statement has been prepared and
applies to;
2 Apply the definitions/rules above to determine whether a particular
entry is a debit or a credit for the type of the account in the hands
of that entity.

A statement prepared by a bank is generally prepared from the
perspective of the bank. Similarly another business providing a
statement of your transactions with it will be prepared as those
transactions apply to the entity which is that other business.

For a bank your savings/cheque account is a Liability whereas for them
a loan or overdraft to you is an Asset whereas in your hands a savings
or cheque account is an Asset and a loan or overdarft will be a
Liability. Generally then the sense of debits and credits in a bank
statement is the reverse of what they mean in your personal accounts.
(That is of course unless the bank tries to be helpful and supplies the
statement as if you are the entity the statement applies to without
explicitly stating that).

David Cousens

On Sun, 2024-05-05 at 09:40 +1000, flywire wrote:
> > 
> > You need to get a grasp of double entry bookkeeping concepts...
> I agree but I wouldn't focus on the formal meaning of Credit/Debit,
> even if
> you understand it most people have the wrong understanding -
>  - and
> following the thread into July it gets screwy and unresolved.
> The Guide has a dozen transactions, and actually entering them into
> GnuCash
> while you work through the documentation should give you enough
> experience,
> confidence, and understanding to use the Common features of GnuCash.
> Sometimes a tutorial concept is not immediately clear but becomes
> clearer a
> little later on. Unfortunately, the tutorial does not continue
> through to
> the Advanced (mainly business) features.
> Regards
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-04 Thread David Cousens

The entry recording your opening balaces will have debit amounts to
your asset accounts and equal credit amounts to the Equity:Opening
Balance accounts. For Liability accounts the entry will be credit
amounts with corresponding  debit amounts to the Equity:Opening

This is how double antry accounting works, each transaction consists of
at least one debit and one credit entry (there can be more) where the
sum of the debit and credit entries are equal.

If you set the preferences (Edit->Preferences->Account_>Use Formal
Accounting Labels checked)  and in the Register defaults check Auto-
split Register, when you select a transaction it will open with two or
more lines. AT least one line usually the first will affect the
register you are working in and subsequent entries will affect other

Your opening transaction for the amount of your check account will
appear as follows in the Account and Debit and Entry columns of the

Account  Debit  Credit
Asset: Cheque Account3892.25
Equity: Opening Balance 3892.25

with similar entries for all your other assest accounts and entries
with reversed debit and creits for the liability accounts.

If this does not make sense then you will need to read a bit more on
the basics of double entry accounting. There is a brief summary int the
GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide
( .

David Cousens

On Sat, 2024-05-04 at 13:18 -0400, Brian Higgins via gnucash-user
> I really need to talk with someone to get this right. My equity
> opening 
> balance is $ 6802.59 ( close enough) on 1/1 24,  and my check
> register 
> is $3892.258 on 1/1/24 and my petty cash is $5 on 1/1 /24, so why
> does 
> my equity account value on show up as equal to the assets?  I thought
> the equity account would show as the balance of all owners investment
> in 
> the business, and as a liability, and thus a negative number.  Would
> a 
> bookkeeper or accountant who may not be familiar with Gnucash be able
> to 
> help me figure this out?
> Note: I have returned the Equity parent account to placeholder, and I
> see there is an Opening Balance Equity as a child account of that. So
> really, is my opening balance equity just the total of my assets on 
> 1/1/24, or is it a register snapshot of a capital account, as of Jan 
> 1st,  meaning all the $ I have shoveled into this turkey since day
> one, 
> starting back in  2021? I feel I should enter $ 6802.59, and I think 
> that goes on the credit side,  ( an increase in GnuCash)) since it is
> a 
> 'special liability', where the bank account was debited that amount, 
> over time, in 2021. I am starting these books fresh as of Jan 1 2024.
> Thank you, I just need some hands on help getting me started.
> Brian
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Help request starting out with Gnucash

2024-05-04 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 5/4/2024 1:18 PM, Brian Higgins via gnucash-user wrote:
I really need to talk with someone to get this right. My equity 
opening balance is $ 6802.59 ( close enough) on 1/1 24,  and my check 
register is $3892.258 on 1/1/24 and my petty cash is $5 on 1/1 /24, so 
why does my equity account value on show up as equal to the assets?  I 
thought the equity account would show as the balance of all owners 
investment in the business, and as a liability, and thus a negative 
number.  Would a bookkeeper or accountant who may not be familiar with 
Gnucash be able to help me figure this out?
Note: I have returned the Equity parent account to placeholder, and I 
see there is an Opening Balance Equity as a child account of that. So 
really, is my opening balance equity just the total of my assets on 
1/1/24, or is it a register snapshot of a capital account, as of Jan 
1st,  meaning all the $ I have shoveled into this turkey since day 
one, starting back in  2021? I feel I should enter $ 6802.59, and I 
think that goes on the credit side,  ( an increase in GnuCash)) since 
it is a 'special liability', where the bank account was debited that 
amount, over time, in 2021. I am starting these books fresh as of Jan 
1 2024.

Thank you, I just need some hands on help getting me started.

You need to get a grasp of double entry bookkeeping concepts, not just 
"doing it using gnucash" as opposed to say "pen and ink on paper". The 
tutorial might or might not be enough. If you need more on basics, seek 
out a standard "bookkeeping or  accounting 101" .text.

a) At the start, it might (or might not) forget all about negative 
numbers. After all, double entry bookkeeping goes back to before 
European math accepted negative numbers (yes, it IS that old). The 
"senses" are debit and credit (not positive and negative)

b) Yes, if you have NO liabilities, then total assets (debit) equals 
total equity (credit)

c) In a set of books, total debits will equal total credits. Easy to 
see. The set of books starts out empty. Each transaction will have at 
least one debit and one credit and the total debits on the transaction 
will equal the total credits on the transaction.

d) The shortcut of allowing you to create accounts with "starting 
values" has confused you by hiding the "c" (the underlying transaction). 
You possibly would've been less confused had you been required to create 
accounts at zero and then enter an explicit transaction to set the 
initial value because then you would have SEEN the other side of that 
transaction << the "starting balance" account under Equity >> This would 
especially be true if this business had multiple owners.

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Help with setting up stock price updates

2024-04-19 Thread Anna Scott
   Hello David, thanks for your reply …. I confess though that I’m not
   sure what to do with the answer and don’t know how to uninstall
   Finance::Quote … I also dont find a \bin directory.   Maybe i need baby
   steps help :)

   Sent from my iPad

 On Apr 17, 2024, at 15:28, david amaral  wrote:

   cpanm Finance::Quote
   go to gnucash\bin
   perl gnc-fq-update
   might have to uninstall finance quote if problems
   cpanm --uninstall Finance::Quote
   On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 03:10:48 PM GMT-7, Anna Scott
   Hello all … I’m advancing beyond basics for the first time and am stuck
   trying to create a new security in pricing editor - under “Quote Source
   Information” it gives error message that “Warning: Finance: Quote not
   installed properly”.
   I’ve seen other references to this as a bug … but don’t know if it’s
   been resolved?  I’m using GNUCASH 5.3 on a MAC with Sonoma 14.0 .
   Id appreciate any and all help!  Thanks in advance,
   gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with setting up stock price updates

2024-04-17 Thread david amaral via gnucash-user
 cpanm Finance::Quotego to gnucash\binperl gnc-fq-update
might have to uninstall finance quote if problemscpanm --uninstall 

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 03:10:48 PM GMT-7, Anna Scott 
 Hello all … I’m advancing beyond basics for the first time and am stuck trying 
to create a new security in pricing editor - under “Quote Source Information” 
it gives error message that “Warning: Finance: Quote not installed properly”.  

I’ve seen other references to this as a bug … but don’t know if it’s been 
resolved?  I’m using GNUCASH 5.3 on a MAC with Sonoma 14.0 .

Id appreciate any and all help!  Thanks in advance,


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Re: [GNC] Help with setting up stock price updates

2024-04-17 Thread Anna Scott
Hello all … I’m advancing beyond basics for the first time and am stuck trying 
to create a new security in pricing editor - under “Quote Source Information” 
it gives error message that “Warning: Finance: Quote not installed properly”.  

I’ve seen other references to this as a bug … but don’t know if it’s been 
resolved?  I’m using GNUCASH 5.3 on a MAC with Sonoma 14.0 .

Id appreciate any and all help!  Thanks in advance,


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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-03-18 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 3/18/2024 8:37 AM, Kalpesh Patel wrote:

No one other than your self can remove you from the list.


<< my last several have been straying from gnucash specific topics, so 
here goes again >>

This would apply to ALL mail lists managed by the same mail list 
program. But since it is a popular mail list management program (many 
mail lists use it) maybe a good idea to learn how you can give it orders 
to do this or that. Most people would go to the website, but "mailman" 
also responds to commands sent by email. To learn these:

Send an email to with just the single 
word help (on the safe side, both subject line and body) Note that the 
"command" address for an elist managed by "mailman" will typically have 
this format

Mailman will respond to that with an email, the body of which will tell 
you ALL the things you can tell "mailman" to do. If you go through that 
list, you will see that ONE of the things you can do is remove an email 
address (somebody else's) from the list if you know their password << if 
you try it and don't know their password, mailman will communicate with 
them about the unsubscribe request >> It's what you would use (should 
use) when your email address changes, at least that's how I did it in 
the days when no broadband so no way to use the website method (and not 
all elists had that back in those days). In other words, "mailman" 
cannot distinguish whether that is really "somebody else's or two 
addresses of the same human. So you CAN remove "somebody else" from the 
list if you know their password and the admins can do it with their more 
powerful password << some commands require that >>

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-03-18 Thread Kalpesh Patel
No one other than your self can remove you from the list.

Visit and follow 
instructions on that page. If the password is unknown, it can be reset there as 

-Original Message-
From: Anon20x  
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2024 7:11 PM
Subject: [GNC] Help

Please unsub me from the list, thankyou.

On Monday, March 18th, 2024 at 8:47 AM, 

> Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit 
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to 
> You can reach the person managing the list at 
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific 
> than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. gnucash suggestions (J. A. Harris)
> 2. Re: UNSUBCRIBE and Lemmy.World (Kalpesh Patel) 3. Re: gnucash 
> suggestions (Michael or Penny Novack) 4. Re: UNSUBCRIBE and 
> Lemmy.World (Michael or Penny Novack) 5. Re: gnucash suggestions (J. 
> A. Harris) 6. Re: gnucash suggestions (Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)) 7. 
> Re: Separating tax years for payments in next year (NoobAlice) 8. Re: 
> gnucash-user Digest, Vol 252, Issue 33 (Anon20x)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 12:15:28 -0400
> From: "J. A. Harris"
> To:
> Subject: [GNC] gnucash suggestions
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> I have been using gnucash for almost 10 years now.? I have downloaded 
> the source code and even made some changes to it that I consider 
> improvement.? There are other changes that I think would be a good 
> idea.? If this is not the place to share such comments, I apologize.
> 1. I use gnucash on a computer with a large screen,? I have a source 
> code modification that adds including the Assoc and Notes fields to 
> the single-line Basic Ledger view.? For me, those fields are too 
> important to require going double-line (which cuts in half the entries 
> in the window) and there is plenty of room on a desktop monitor to 
> accommodate the extra width needed. I think this would be a nice 
> option for many users.
> 2. Add a new Generic and INC+EXP account.? No doubt this violates 
> basic accounting rules but for an amateur like me, it is useful to 
> have a single book in which I can separate sections like reserves, 
> retirement, and operating items.? Accounts of type Generic could have 
> sub-accounts of any type.? Accounts of type INC+EXP would act as an 
> Income account and as Expense account. For example, if there were a 
> mixture of Income and Expense accounts under a INC+EXP account, a 
> search in the tax system for Income accounts would find them and a 
> search for Expense accounts would find them.? As it stands now, that 
> top level account must be either Income or Expense and Income accounts 
> are not found if the top-level account is Expense and vice-versa. 
> (With an INC+EXP type, it would also permit restricting subaccounts 
> under Income to be just Income and under Expense just Expense.) 3. 
> Sorting occurs in many different places: in register displays, in 
> reports, in the listing of accounts in the transfer field, etc.? If 
> the natural sort organization for my accounts is by account code, I 
> find it confusing inconvenient when that is not the default sorting 
> used in reports, budgets, transfer menu, etc.
> 4. Give the users the ability to create new "currencies".? There are a 
> number of occasions where I have assets which have a dollar value but 
> the accounting of that asset uses a different measure.? Some examples 
> include airline loyalty points, miles driven that have a tax deduction 
> value, etc. ? Doing this through FUND or NYSE does not work because 
> those things cannot be used in account types where Currencies can be 
> used.
> --
> Dr. J. A. Harris
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 12:39:32 -0400
> From: "Kalpesh Patel"
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] UNSUBCRIBE and Lemmy.World
> Message-ID: 000e01da7889$b0f5c380$12e14a80$
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> If the e-mail client is configured via IMAP access to email server, then 
> whatever email is deleted on your client is also removed from your server so 
> you don't need to clean up multiple times... IMAP keeps "one" view for all of 
> the email clients that access those emails.
> My outlook client is configured to move messages to 'Deleted Item' and then 
> it is 

Re: [GNC] Help

2024-03-17 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)

Follow the instructions that are at the bottom of EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE,
including the gigantic digest that you forwarded to every single person
on the list. I've snipped out everything but those instructions.

You could also have read the answer that was posted to a similar query
from someone else today.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2024-03-17 16:10, Anon20x via gnucash-user wrote:
> Please unsub me from the list, thankyou.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-01-09 Thread Kevin Buckley via gnucash-user
On Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 at 04:03, Max Crystal  
> Every time I open and close the register it creates a notepad log entry on
> my hard drive. Can I disable this so I will not have multiple entries every
> day.
> Max

Can't tell if you are using GnuCash on a UNIX-like platform. but,
if you arem then I have a couple of Makefile targets, one that lists
all of my "old files" and one that removes them all

Note also that I have files named personal-??.xac where the ?? is a
two letter country code - your filenames may differ, (indeed, I think
the dot-xac is showing my age a little?) but adapting the commands 
to match your filenames shouldn't be too hard.

find .-name personal-??.xac.`date +%Y%m`\* \
-a \! -name personal-??.xac.`date +%Y%m%d`\* -print

find .-name personal-??.xac.`date +%Y%m`\* \
-a \! -name personal-??.xac.`date +%Y%m%d`\* -print | xargs rm -f

FWIW, you can use the power of 'expr' to clear out last month's

l=`date +%Y%m` ; \
find .-name personal-??.xac.`expr $$l - 1`\* -print ;

l=`date +%Y%m` ; \
find .-name personal-??.xac.`expr $$l - 1`\* -print | xargs rm -f ; 

and even the previous year's

l=`date +%Y` ; \
find .-name personal-??.xac.`expr $$l - 1`\* -print

l=`date +%Y` ; \
find .-name personal-??.xac.`expr $$l - 1`\* -print | xargs rm

although note that if you run these commands from the command line, 
drop the $$l for $l, as the doubling is a Makefile escape.

HTH, although apologies for the noise if you are not on a UNIX-like 

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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-01-08 Thread David Cousens

The backup files and log files give you some protection in the event of a 
system or GnuCash crash. The backup files are
a copy of the data file at its state before the last time it was opened before 
a crash. The log files record the
transactions which had been entered in GnuCash up to the point the crash 
actually occurred. You can open the last backup
if the datafile is corrupted during a crash and then import the log files to 
recover the transactions you had entered in
the last seesion in which the crsh occurred. The last entry in the log file can 
also give you informationabout why a
crash occurred if it was a GnuCash crash and not a system crash.

It is generally useful to retain them. BY default the retention period is 
usually 30 days but you can set it to any
period that works for your workflow. Backup and log files older than the 
retention period form today's date are deleted
when GnuCash is started up so the files will not build up to occupy too much of 
your hard disk space.

It is wise to also have a periodic backup to another system and/or offsite 
storgae to optimize your chances of recovery
in the vent of a hard disk failure.

David Cousens

On Mon, 2024-01-08 at 13:18 -0800, Max Crystal wrote:
> David,
> As you can see, I checked never for backup log to never.  Am I doing 
> something wrong?  It is still posting to my hard
> drive files every time.  I Have version 5.5
> From: David T.  
> Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 12:55 PM
> To: Max Crystal 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Help
> That's handled in settings. You can disable by setting the log file retention 
> to 0.
> David T.
> On Jan 8, 2024, at 9:05 PM, Max Crystal  <> > wrote:
> Every time I open and close the register it creates a notepad log entry on
> my hard drive.  Can I disable this so I will not have multiple entries every
> day.
> Max
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-01-08 Thread David Carlson

Those log files are usually very small and they get deleted at the same
time as the automatic backup files.  I have GnuCash configured to keep them
for several days and I find them very handy when GnuCash crashes to
re-enter whatever I had entered after my last manual file save, which is
not very much since I save every few minutes.  I use compressed XML
format.  If you use one of the database formats, it may work differently,
but I have no experience with that to share.

If you are saving your GnuCash data file(s) in dedicated folder(s) in your
userland as recommended, they aren't cluttering up your hard drive to speak

On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 3:40 PM David T. via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I don't really know. I don't pay any attention to the log files. They're
> there if I ever need them, and seem to disappear after a reasonable time.
> ⁣David T.​
> On Jan 8, 2024, 10:18 PM, at 10:18 PM, Max Crystal <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >David,
> >
> >As you can see, I checked never for backup log to never.  Am I doing
> >something wrong?  It is still posting to my hard drive files every
> >time.  I Have version 5.5
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >From: David T. 
> >Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 12:55 PM
> >To: Max Crystal 
> >Cc:
> >Subject: Re: [GNC] Help
> >
> >
> >
> >That's handled in settings. You can disable by setting the log file
> >retention to 0.
> >
> >David T.
> >
> >On Jan 8, 2024, at 9:05 PM, Max Crystal  ><> > wrote:
> >
> >Every time I open and close the register it creates a notepad log entry
> >on
> >my hard drive.  Can I disable this so I will not have multiple entries
> >every
> >day.
> >
> >Max
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> >
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> -
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-01-08 Thread David T. via gnucash-user
I don't really know. I don't pay any attention to the log files. They're there 
if I ever need them, and seem to disappear after a reasonable time. 

⁣David T.​

On Jan 8, 2024, 10:18 PM, at 10:18 PM, Max Crystal  
>As you can see, I checked never for backup log to never.  Am I doing
>something wrong?  It is still posting to my hard drive files every
>time.  I Have version 5.5
>From: David T. 
>Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 12:55 PM
>To: Max Crystal 
>Subject: Re: [GNC] Help
>That's handled in settings. You can disable by setting the log file
>retention to 0.
>David T.
>On Jan 8, 2024, at 9:05 PM, Max Crystal <> > wrote:
>Every time I open and close the register it creates a notepad log entry
>my hard drive.  Can I disable this so I will not have multiple entries
>This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-01-08 Thread Max Crystal


As you can see, I checked never for backup log to never.  Am I doing something 
wrong?  It is still posting to my hard drive files every time.  I Have version 

From: David T. 
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 12:55 PM
To: Max Crystal 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help

That's handled in settings. You can disable by setting the log file retention 
to 0.

David T.

On Jan 8, 2024, at 9:05 PM, Max Crystal> > wrote:

Every time I open and close the register it creates a notepad log entry on
my hard drive.  Can I disable this so I will not have multiple entries every


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-01-08 Thread David T. via gnucash-user
That's handled in settings. You can disable by setting the log file retention 
to 0.

⁣David T.​

On Jan 8, 2024, 9:05 PM, at 9:05 PM, Max Crystal  
>Every time I open and close the register it creates a notepad log entry
>my hard drive.  Can I disable this so I will not have multiple entries
>This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help selecting accounts for a report

2023-12-24 Thread William Prescott
Hello Anna,

I'm not sure if this addresses your question. On MacOS, in general when you 
want to make a discontinuous selection, the Apple Command key is what you need 
(⌘). The shift key will select every thing between the first and second 
click.The command key selects just the first and just the second.


On 24 Dec 2023, at 12:35, Anna Scott  wrote:

Hello helpers! Happy holidays.  Not sure when this might be seen … but crossing 
my fingers. Ive used GNC for a few months in MacOS.  I’ve figured out how to do 
basic reporting by editing the standard options. i now need help in literally 
selecting the accounts for my new income statement.  It would be easy if the 
accounts were all contiguous in my chart of accounts and I’d simply select the 
relevant group. However, i have a group of expenses that I want to match with 
an income account.  I can select each set but not both …to “selectively select” 
 I’ve tried things like holding down shift key so i can skip to only relevant 
accounts.  Is there a simple shift/option/control/command whatever set of 
keystrokes i need to know?   

I hope that makes sense.  Anyway, y’all have a happy holiday and I’m very 
grateful for those who invest time in helping others.  I’ll try to pay it 


Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 30, 2023, at 22:06, Peter Lamb  wrote:
> No problem, I'm glad you've sorted it out.
> Peter
>> On 1/10/2023 13:52, Anna Scott wrote:
>> Thank you so much Peter!  I found the pathway and was able to successfully 
>> reauthorize it again. Whew!   I realized later that the other significant 
>> event today was that I updated my Mac software just before this happened, so 
>> this appears to be a new security feature … anyway I’m super grateful for 
>> you taking time to help me out. Have a wonderful weekend,
>> A
>> Sent from my iPad
 On Sep 30, 2023, at 18:37, Peter Lamb  wrote:
>>> Assuming that you have a Mac (you didn't say, but the message sounds 
>>> Mac-ish):
>>> System Settings>Privacy & Security>Files and Folders, scroll down to 
>>> Gnucash, click on the ">" to the left of "Gnucash" and switch on Documents 
>>> Folder.
>>> Peter
 On 1/10/2023 10:41, Anna Scott wrote:
 Hello helpers … this is my first question after setting up Gnucash.  When 
 I tried to open the data file today it unexpectedly asked if I wanted 
 Gnucash to access my document folders.  Id never been asked that before 
 and in the interests of security said no.  Of course now when I tried to 
 open my data file it refuses and says it doesn’t have permission!  UGH how 
 can I correct this?  Thanks in advance for all who support this product
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Re: [GNC] Help selecting accounts for a report

2023-12-24 Thread Anna Scott
Hello helpers! Happy holidays.  Not sure when this might be seen … but crossing 
my fingers. Ive used GNC for a few months in MacOS.  I’ve figured out how to do 
basic reporting by editing the standard options. i now need help in literally 
selecting the accounts for my new income statement.  It would be easy if the 
accounts were all contiguous in my chart of accounts and I’d simply select the 
relevant group. However, i have a group of expenses that I want to match with 
an income account.  I can select each set but not both …to “selectively select” 
 I’ve tried things like holding down shift key so i can skip to only relevant 
accounts.  Is there a simple shift/option/control/command whatever set of 
keystrokes i need to know?   

I hope that makes sense.  Anyway, y’all have a happy holiday and I’m very 
grateful for those who invest time in helping others.  I’ll try to pay it 


Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 30, 2023, at 22:06, Peter Lamb  wrote:
> No problem, I'm glad you've sorted it out.
> Peter
>> On 1/10/2023 13:52, Anna Scott wrote:
>> Thank you so much Peter!  I found the pathway and was able to successfully 
>> reauthorize it again. Whew!   I realized later that the other significant 
>> event today was that I updated my Mac software just before this happened, so 
>> this appears to be a new security feature … anyway I’m super grateful for 
>> you taking time to help me out. Have a wonderful weekend,
>> A
>> Sent from my iPad
 On Sep 30, 2023, at 18:37, Peter Lamb  wrote:
>>> Assuming that you have a Mac (you didn't say, but the message sounds 
>>> Mac-ish):
>>> System Settings>Privacy & Security>Files and Folders, scroll down to 
>>> Gnucash, click on the ">" to the left of "Gnucash" and switch on Documents 
>>> Folder.
>>> Peter
 On 1/10/2023 10:41, Anna Scott wrote:
 Hello helpers … this is my first question after setting up Gnucash.  When 
 I tried to open the data file today it unexpectedly asked if I wanted 
 Gnucash to access my document folders.  Id never been asked that before 
 and in the interests of security said no.  Of course now when I tried to 
 open my data file it refuses and says it doesn’t have permission!  UGH how 
 can I correct this?  Thanks in advance for all who support this product
 gnucash-user mailing list
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 Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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Re: [GNC] Help with searching questions and problems

2023-12-18 Thread Gyle McCollam
Thank you that is a great help.

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>   email

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of Glenn Fowler 
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 9:50 PM
To: Gyle McCollam 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with searching questions and problems

Hi Gyle,

You can search the archives here:

On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 7:56 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> I sent an email 5 days ago, Titled "Import Issue" and have not seen any
> responses.  Where do I go to search questions submitted to see if it was
> received?
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with searching questions and problems

2023-12-17 Thread Glenn Fowler
Hi Gyle,

You can search the archives here:

On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 7:56 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> I sent an email 5 days ago, Titled "Import Issue" and have not seen any
> responses.  Where do I go to search questions submitted to see if it was
> received?
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
>   email
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> -
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Re: [GNC] Help with searching questions and problems

2023-12-17 Thread david whiting
Hi Gyle,

The list of mailing lists can be found here:

One listed is the English (USA) archive:

There you can view each month by thread, subject, author, and date. I can
see four messages from you in December.


On Mon, 18 Dec 2023, 00:57 Gyle McCollam,  wrote:

> I sent an email 5 days ago, Titled "Import Issue" and have not seen any
> responses.  Where do I go to search questions submitted to see if it was
> received?
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
>   email
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> -
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Re: [GNC] Help pages not showing

2023-11-18 Thread Stephen Cohoon
I am running transaction reports without any problems.  I have Intel


On Sat, Nov 18, 2023 at 19:11 john  wrote:

> > On Nov 17, 2023, at 10:53, John Ralls  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Nov 17, 2023, at 9:06 AM, Stephen Cohoon  wrote:
> >>
> >> When I access the help button on the account edit window or from the
> help |
> >> contents menu I get a blank window.  Running Flathub 5.4.1 on Pop!_OS
> 22.04
> >> LTS Linux.  Is this a known problem?
> >
> > Not to me, and it works correctly for me on Debian 12.
> That said, it appears that Yelp (used for displaying help pages on Linux)
> also uses WebKit to render HTML and Docbook, so this is perhaps related to
> the Nvidia travails. Do reports display correctly for you?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] Help pages not showing

2023-11-18 Thread john

> On Nov 17, 2023, at 10:53, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Nov 17, 2023, at 9:06 AM, Stephen Cohoon  wrote:
>> When I access the help button on the account edit window or from the help |
>> contents menu I get a blank window.  Running Flathub 5.4.1 on Pop!_OS 22.04
>> LTS Linux.  Is this a known problem?
> Not to me, and it works correctly for me on Debian 12.

That said, it appears that Yelp (used for displaying help pages on Linux) also 
uses WebKit to render HTML and Docbook, so this is perhaps related to the 
Nvidia travails. Do reports display correctly for you?

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help pages not showing

2023-11-17 Thread John Ralls

> On Nov 17, 2023, at 9:06 AM, Stephen Cohoon  wrote:
> When I access the help button on the account edit window or from the help |
> contents menu I get a blank window.  Running Flathub 5.4.1 on Pop!_OS 22.04
> LTS Linux.  Is this a known problem?

Not to me, and it works correctly for me on Debian 12.

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help

2023-10-11 Thread Kalpesh Patel
Just to recap what is being asked ... the basics are as follows (which are 
likely covered somewhere in the fine manual):

1A) On Windows, there are steps that you need to take to install Perl and 
Finance::Quote module:
- Click on the search (the magnifying glass) and type in 'Install Online Price 
Retrieval for GnuCash' and click on it.
- Wait some time (might want to get some refreshment while batch script does 
its magic)


1B) On Linux, there are steps that you need to take to install 
Finance::Quote module:
- Open up your favorite shell console, whether sh, csh, zsh, bash or any choice 
of yours
- Run following command (this assume your CPAN is configured correctly - accept 
defaults when running it for the first time): perl -MCPAN -e 'install 
- Wait some time (might want to get some refreshment while Perl does its magic)

2)  Define the security in GNUCASH: 
- On the main window of GNUCASH, click 'Tools' menu and select 'Security 
Editor' from that dropdown
- Click 'Add' button on the lower right corner on the 'Securities' window
- Type in 'Full Name' field (Example: Bank of New York Mellon Corp) in the 'New 
security' window
- Type in 'Symbol/abbreviation' field (Example: BK) in the 'New security' 
- Type in 'Display symbol' field (Example: BK) in the 'New security' window
- Type in 'Namespace' field (Example: NYSE) in the 'New security' window
- Leave blank in 'ISIN, CUSIP or other code' field in the 'New security' window
- Leave 'Fraction traded 1/' field to read '1' in the 'New security' window

- Put a check mark on the 'Get Online Quotes' box by clicking on the box once 
that is in front of it.

- Under 'Type of quote source', click in front of 'Single' circle to select it. 
On the right side of it (which should read 'Alphavantage, US'), click on the 
arrow, scroll all the way down and select 'Yahoo as JSON'.

- Click 'OK' button in the 'New security' window.
- Click 'Close' button in the 'Securities' window.

3)  Retrieve online quotes:
- On the main window of GNUCASH, click 'Tools' menu and select 'Price Database' 
from that dropdown
- Click the arrow in front of the name space (Example from above: NYSE) and you 
should see your security there (Example from above: BK) in the 'Price Database' 
- Click the arrow in front of the security (Example from above: BK) and you 
should see no pricing in this newly created security
- Click 'Get Quotes' on the right side of the 'Price Database' window
- Wait some time (might want to get some refreshment while GNUCASH does its 
- When you get control back, a new line will be added which will be the price 
that GNUCASH retrieved via Perl's Finance::Quote module
- Celebrate success

-Original Message-
From: R Losey  
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 3:00 PM
To: Murugan Muruganandam 
Cc:; James Baxter 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help

To add to Murugan's advice:

What have you done? Have you set up the quotes to get them online? If you're 
not on Linux, you need to install other parts to get online quotes.

Enlighten the list, and you will receive help.

On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 6:47 AM Murugan Muruganandam <> wrote:

> James
> you need to give more details on your request, including version of 
> GNU and online quote, operating system and what ticker you aren ot 
> getting quote for.
> Saludos Cordiales
> Murugan
> From: gnucash-user> on behalf of James Baxter via gnucash-user < 
> Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 11:40 AM
> To: 
> Subject: [GNC] Help
> This is James Baxter.I am writing email asking for help with the 
> import of stock/tickers from the web to Gnucash.
> I am not getting anything on this,
> WhyJames
> ___
Richard Losey
Micah 6:8

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Re: [GNC] Help

2023-10-10 Thread R Losey
To add to Murugan's advice:

What have you done? Have you set up the quotes to get them online? If
you're not on Linux, you need to install other parts to get online quotes.

Enlighten the list, and you will receive help.

On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 6:47 AM Murugan Muruganandam <> wrote:

> James
> you need to give more details on your request, including version of GNU
> and online quote, operating system and what ticker you aren ot getting
> quote for.
> Saludos Cordiales
> Murugan
> From: gnucash-user> on behalf of James Baxter via gnucash-user <
> Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 11:40 AM
> To: 
> Subject: [GNC] Help
> This is James Baxter.I am writing email asking for help with the import of
> stock/tickers from the web to Gnucash.
> I am not getting anything on this,
> WhyJames
> ___
Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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Re: [GNC] Help

2023-10-10 Thread Murugan Muruganandam

you need to give more details on your request, including version of GNU and 
online quote, operating system and what ticker you aren ot getting quote for.

Saludos Cordiales


From: gnucash-user 
 on behalf of 
James Baxter via gnucash-user 
Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 11:40 AM
Subject: [GNC] Help

This is James Baxter.I am writing email asking for help with the import of 
stock/tickers from the web to Gnucash.
I am not getting anything on this,

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Re: [GNC] Help accessing data file

2023-10-01 Thread Anna Scott
Thank you so much Peter!  I found the pathway and was able to successfully 
reauthorize it again. Whew!   I realized later that the other significant event 
today was that I updated my Mac software just before this happened, so this 
appears to be a new security feature … anyway I’m super grateful for you taking 
time to help me out. Have a wonderful weekend,

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 30, 2023, at 18:37, Peter Lamb  wrote:
> Assuming that you have a Mac (you didn't say, but the message sounds 
> Mac-ish):
> System Settings>Privacy & Security>Files and Folders, scroll down to Gnucash, 
> click on the ">" to the left of "Gnucash" and switch on Documents Folder.
> Peter
>> On 1/10/2023 10:41, Anna Scott wrote:
>> Hello helpers … this is my first question after setting up Gnucash.  When I 
>> tried to open the data file today it unexpectedly asked if I wanted Gnucash 
>> to access my document folders.  Id never been asked that before and in the 
>> interests of security said no.  Of course now when I tried to open my data 
>> file it refuses and says it doesn’t have permission!  UGH how can I correct 
>> this?  Thanks in advance for all who support this product
>> A
>> ___
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Re: [GNC] Help accessing data file

2023-09-30 Thread Peter Lamb via gnucash-user

No problem, I'm glad you've sorted it out.


On 1/10/2023 13:52, Anna Scott wrote:

Thank you so much Peter!  I found the pathway and was able to successfully 
reauthorize it again. Whew!   I realized later that the other significant event 
today was that I updated my Mac software just before this happened, so this 
appears to be a new security feature … anyway I’m super grateful for you taking 
time to help me out. Have a wonderful weekend,

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 30, 2023, at 18:37, Peter Lamb  wrote:

Assuming that you have a Mac (you didn't say, but the message sounds Mac-ish):
System Settings>Privacy & Security>Files and Folders, scroll down to Gnucash, click on the 
">" to the left of "Gnucash" and switch on Documents Folder.


On 1/10/2023 10:41, Anna Scott wrote:
Hello helpers … this is my first question after setting up Gnucash.  When I 
tried to open the data file today it unexpectedly asked if I wanted Gnucash to 
access my document folders.  Id never been asked that before and in the 
interests of security said no.  Of course now when I tried to open my data file 
it refuses and says it doesn’t have permission!  UGH how can I correct this?  
Thanks in advance for all who support this product

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Re: [GNC] Help accessing data file

2023-09-30 Thread Peter Lamb via gnucash-user
Assuming that you have a Mac (you didn't say, but the message sounds 
System Settings>Privacy & Security>Files and Folders, scroll down to 
Gnucash, click on the ">" to the left of "Gnucash" and switch on 
Documents Folder.


On 1/10/2023 10:41, Anna Scott wrote:

Hello helpers … this is my first question after setting up Gnucash.  When I 
tried to open the data file today it unexpectedly asked if I wanted Gnucash to 
access my document folders.  Id never been asked that before and in the 
interests of security said no.  Of course now when I tried to open my data file 
it refuses and says it doesn’t have permission!  UGH how can I correct this?  
Thanks in advance for all who support this product

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Re: [GNC] Help with counters problem

2023-07-25 Thread john
The counters problem is a bug in 5.0 and 5.1. Upgrade to 5.3.

John Ralls

> On Jul 24, 2023, at 04:46, Carlin Partnerships 
>  wrote:
> Hi Jim
> Thanks for the reply.
> I installed Gnucash 5.0 from an installer. Build ID: 5.0+(2023-03-25)
> I use MySQL 8.0 as the backend DB
> I'll have a go at reproducing on a file based set of accounts, but have not 
> done this before so I may not be successful.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 23/07/2023 19:57, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
>> Dave:
>> On 2023-07-23 10:33, Dave Carlin via gnucash-user wrote:
>>> …I have recently moved my Gnucash installation from an old Windows 7 pc to 
>>> my new shiny windows 11.
>>> … I wanted to continue with the various counters that I had been using, 
>>> e.g. bill, invoice, employee, customer counts etc. So I had to manually 
>>> enter the various counts into File >> Properties >> Counters.  All fine so 
>>> far.
>>> Now, every time I create a new Bill, Invoice, Customer etc the count resets 
>>> back to zero and the next item I'm creating starts at 1.
>>> …I'm running on Windows 11, MySQL 8.0
>> What version of GnuCash are you using on the shiny new Windows 11?
>> How did you install GnuCash? Did you run an installer, or did you copy the 
>> GnuCash application files from the old computer to the new?
>> And what option are you using to store your data file? XML, compressed XML, 
>> SQL backend?
>> Can you reproduce this problem on a new, largely empty GnuCash file? If so, 
>> then that file will be helpful for others who want to diagnose the problem.
>> I hope this helps to get you useful assistance.
>> Best regards,
>> —Jim DeLaHunt
>> ___
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Re: [GNC] Help with counters problem

2023-07-25 Thread Carlin Partnerships

Hi Jim

Thanks for the reply.

I installed Gnucash 5.0 from an installer. Build ID: 5.0+(2023-03-25)
I use MySQL 8.0 as the backend DB
I'll have a go at reproducing on a file based set of accounts, but have 
not done this before so I may not be successful.


On 23/07/2023 19:57, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:


On 2023-07-23 10:33, Dave Carlin via gnucash-user wrote:
…I have recently moved my Gnucash installation from an old Windows 7 
pc to my new shiny windows 11.
… I wanted to continue with the various counters that I had been 
using, e.g. bill, invoice, employee, customer counts etc. So I had to 
manually enter the various counts into File >> Properties >> 
Counters.  All fine so far.
Now, every time I create a new Bill, Invoice, Customer etc the count 
resets back to zero and the next item I'm creating starts at 1.

…I'm running on Windows 11, MySQL 8.0

What version of GnuCash are you using on the shiny new Windows 11?

How did you install GnuCash? Did you run an installer, or did you copy 
the GnuCash application files from the old computer to the new?

And what option are you using to store your data file? XML, compressed 
XML, SQL backend?

Can you reproduce this problem on a new, largely empty GnuCash file? 
If so, then that file will be helpful for others who want to diagnose 
the problem.

I hope this helps to get you useful assistance.

Best regards,
    —Jim DeLaHunt

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Re: [GNC] Help with counters problem

2023-07-23 Thread Jim DeLaHunt


On 2023-07-23 10:33, Dave Carlin via gnucash-user wrote:
…I have recently moved my Gnucash installation from an old Windows 7 
pc to my new shiny windows 11.
… I wanted to continue with the various counters that I had been 
using, e.g. bill, invoice, employee, customer counts etc. So I had to 
manually enter the various counts into File >> Properties >> 
Counters.  All fine so far.
Now, every time I create a new Bill, Invoice, Customer etc the count 
resets back to zero and the next item I'm creating starts at 1.

…I'm running on Windows 11, MySQL 8.0

What version of GnuCash are you using on the shiny new Windows 11?

How did you install GnuCash? Did you run an installer, or did you copy 
the GnuCash application files from the old computer to the new?

And what option are you using to store your data file? XML, compressed 
XML, SQL backend?

Can you reproduce this problem on a new, largely empty GnuCash file? If 
so, then that file will be helpful for others who want to diagnose the 

I hope this helps to get you useful assistance.

Best regards,
    —Jim DeLaHunt

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-04 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 2 juli 2023 21:54:00 CEST schreef Robert Heller:
> At Sat,  1 Jul 2023 11:03:14 -0400 (EDT) Robert Heller  
> wrote:
> > At Sat, 1 Jul 2023 09:36:19 -0500 wrote:
> > > Ah, you want TWO images. (Your own logo, plus the PayPal logo)
> > > 
> > > My guess would be a custom report (via Scheme) or maybe via CSS as I
> > > mentioned with a :before or :after pseudo class that inserts the image
> > > somewhere but I haven't tested that approach with GnuCash. (I can't see
> > > why it wouldn't work though)
> > 
> > There is the Wiki page on custom reports, but I'll have to check it out. 
> > I
> > did this once before back in the days of 1.x and/or 2.x (don't remember
> > when exactly).  I have the old code lying around -- guessing I can
> > probably adapt/update it.
> OK, I have created a new stylesheet renderer, but how to I get it into the
> menus?
> I have this in ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user:
> ;; Hacked from:
> /usr/local/share/guile/site/3.0/gnucash/report/stylesheets/footer.scm (load
> "/home/heller/gnucash/dws-stylesheet.scm")
> ;; copied and hacked from ~/.local/share/gnucash/stylesheets-2.0
> (let ((template (gnc:html-style-sheet-template-find "DWS")))
>   (if template
> (let ((options ((gnc:html-style-sheet-template-options-generator
> template
>  (gnc:restore-html-style-sheet "Deepwoods Software Stylesheet" "DWS"
> options
> But my stylesheet is not showing up anywhere... not getting any errors or
> messages (other then telling me about finding Finance::Quote version 1.51).
> (Is ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user the correct file to put the load in?)

No, you would want this file path:

This changed somewhere around gnucash 3.0. More details on which file goes 
where can be 
found on[1]



> > > You won't find instructions anywhere in the GnuCash documentation for
> > > this, you'll just need to tinker and do studying outside a la Scheme and
> > > CSS/HTML.
> > 
> > Not really a problem for me.  I am proficent in Lisp (Scheme is just a
> > Lisp
> > variant).  I know HTML and CSS as well.
> > 
> > > An alternative might be to make a logo image that has both yours and the
> > > PayPal logo in it with a white or transparent background so they appear
> > > as separate images - maybe one to the left, the other to the right, for
> > > example, and then place and size the image so it looks reasonable in the
> > > header.
> > 
> > My "header" image is the full width of the page (this is working
> > properly).
> > The other is a "button" image that goes somewhere below the invoice
> > content
> > (exactly where depends on how much space the invoice content takes up --
> > eg
> > how many line items are in the invoice).
> > 
> > > Regards,
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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone
It *is* usually possible to add content via CSS using pseudo classes 
like :before or :after. Look them up for examples. There are plenty.

And I'm not saying what you are trying to do *isn't* possible any 
longer, I just don't know specifically how. (I'm not one of the 
developers - just a user)


On 7/2/23 6:41 PM, Robert Heller wrote:


Edit > Style Sheets > New > Template = CSS, give it a name,

then copy/paste your CSS code.

This does not help me -- my changes add some HTML, not CSS.  I've found CSS
really tricky and very hard to get what I want.

CSS is good (sort of) for changing how something looks, but` it is not so good
for adding content. I *guess* that might be possible, but that is beyond my
ability -- I'm a programmer, not a web designer (misquoting Dr. McCoy).

What you are saying there is no way of doing this (anymore)?  It used to work
and I have code that probably should still work, but there is no way loading

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-02 Thread Robert Heller
At Sun, 2 Jul 2023 17:41:48 -0500 wrote:

> Try:
> Edit > Style Sheets > New > Template = CSS, give it a name,
> then copy/paste your CSS code.

This does not help me -- my changes add some HTML, not CSS.  I've found CSS 
really tricky and very hard to get what I want.

CSS is good (sort of) for changing how something looks, but` it is not so good
for adding content. I *guess* that might be possible, but that is beyond my
ability -- I'm a programmer, not a web designer (misquoting Dr. McCoy).

What you are saying there is no way of doing this (anymore)?  It used to work 
and I have code that probably should still work, but there is no way loading 

> I'm not sure how to go about it via config.user or outside of the GUI.
> The above method should allow you to select it in reports. If you set a 
> particular invoice template to use it, you can then set that template as 
> a default for easy future use. (without resorting to a Saved Report 
> Configuration)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 7/2/23 2:54 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> > OK, I have created a new stylesheet renderer, but how to I get it into the
> > menus?
> > 
> > I have this in ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user:
> > 
> > ;; Hacked from: 
> > /usr/local/share/guile/site/3.0/gnucash/report/stylesheets/footer.scm
> > (load "/home/heller/gnucash/dws-stylesheet.scm")
> > 
> > ;; copied and hacked from ~/.local/share/gnucash/stylesheets-2.0
> > (let ((template (gnc:html-style-sheet-template-find "DWS")))
> >(if template
> >  (let ((options ((gnc:html-style-sheet-template-options-generator 
> > template
> > 
> >   (gnc:restore-html-style-sheet "Deepwoods Software Stylesheet" "DWS" 
> > options
> > 
> > But my stylesheet is not showing up anywhere... not getting any errors or
> > messages (other then telling me about finding Finance::Quote version 1.51).
> > 
> > (Is ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user the correct file to put the load in?)
> ___
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Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services
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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone


Edit > Style Sheets > New > Template = CSS, give it a name,

then copy/paste your CSS code.

I'm not sure how to go about it via config.user or outside of the GUI.

The above method should allow you to select it in reports. If you set a 
particular invoice template to use it, you can then set that template as 
a default for easy future use. (without resorting to a Saved Report 


On 7/2/23 2:54 PM, Robert Heller wrote:

OK, I have created a new stylesheet renderer, but how to I get it into the

I have this in ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user:

;; Hacked from: 
(load "/home/heller/gnucash/dws-stylesheet.scm")

;; copied and hacked from ~/.local/share/gnucash/stylesheets-2.0
(let ((template (gnc:html-style-sheet-template-find "DWS")))
   (if template
 (let ((options ((gnc:html-style-sheet-template-options-generator 

  (gnc:restore-html-style-sheet "Deepwoods Software Stylesheet" "DWS" 

But my stylesheet is not showing up anywhere... not getting any errors or
messages (other then telling me about finding Finance::Quote version 1.51).

(Is ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user the correct file to put the load in?)

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-02 Thread Robert Heller

At Sat,  1 Jul 2023 11:03:14 -0400 (EDT) Robert Heller  

> At Sat, 1 Jul 2023 09:36:19 -0500 wrote:
> > 
> > Ah, you want TWO images. (Your own logo, plus the PayPal logo)
> > 
> > My guess would be a custom report (via Scheme) or maybe via CSS as I 
> > mentioned with a :before or :after pseudo class that inserts the image 
> > somewhere but I haven't tested that approach with GnuCash. (I can't see 
> > why it wouldn't work though)
> There is the Wiki page on custom reports, but I'll have to check it out.  I 
> did this once before back in the days of 1.x and/or 2.x (don't remember when 
> exactly).  I have the old code lying around -- guessing I can probably 
> adapt/update it.

OK, I have created a new stylesheet renderer, but how to I get it into the 

I have this in ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user:

;; Hacked from: 
(load "/home/heller/gnucash/dws-stylesheet.scm")

;; copied and hacked from ~/.local/share/gnucash/stylesheets-2.0
(let ((template (gnc:html-style-sheet-template-find "DWS")))
  (if template 
(let ((options ((gnc:html-style-sheet-template-options-generator 

 (gnc:restore-html-style-sheet "Deepwoods Software Stylesheet" "DWS" options

But my stylesheet is not showing up anywhere... not getting any errors or 
messages (other then telling me about finding Finance::Quote version 1.51).

(Is ~/.local/share/gnucash/config.user the correct file to put the load in?)

> > 
> > You won't find instructions anywhere in the GnuCash documentation for 
> > this, you'll just need to tinker and do studying outside a la Scheme and 
> Not really a problem for me.  I am proficent in Lisp (Scheme is just a Lisp 
> variant).  I know HTML and CSS as well.
> > 
> > An alternative might be to make a logo image that has both yours and the 
> > PayPal logo in it with a white or transparent background so they appear 
> > as separate images - maybe one to the left, the other to the right, for 
> > example, and then place and size the image so it looks reasonable in the 
> > header.
> My "header" image is the full width of the page (this is working properly). 
> The other is a "button" image that goes somewhere below the invoice content 
> (exactly where depends on how much space the invoice content takes up -- eg 
> how many line items are in the invoice).
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> > 
> > On 7/1/23 7:17 AM, Robert Heller wrote:
> > > I've already gotten the header set up, but there does not seem to be a 
> > > place
> > > to put the other image.  I think I need to create a new image location.  
> > > I did
> > > that in the older versions with some Scheme code.  I'm guessing I need to 
> > > do
> > > something similar, but it is not clear how to do that.
> > 
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
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> >
> > -
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> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 

Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services
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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-01 Thread Robert Heller
At Sat, 1 Jul 2023 09:36:19 -0500 wrote:

> Ah, you want TWO images. (Your own logo, plus the PayPal logo)
> My guess would be a custom report (via Scheme) or maybe via CSS as I 
> mentioned with a :before or :after pseudo class that inserts the image 
> somewhere but I haven't tested that approach with GnuCash. (I can't see 
> why it wouldn't work though)

There is the Wiki page on custom reports, but I'll have to check it out.  I 
did this once before back in the days of 1.x and/or 2.x (don't remember when 
exactly).  I have the old code lying around -- guessing I can probably 
adapt/update it.

> You won't find instructions anywhere in the GnuCash documentation for 
> this, you'll just need to tinker and do studying outside a la Scheme and 

Not really a problem for me.  I am proficent in Lisp (Scheme is just a Lisp 
variant).  I know HTML and CSS as well.

> An alternative might be to make a logo image that has both yours and the 
> PayPal logo in it with a white or transparent background so they appear 
> as separate images - maybe one to the left, the other to the right, for 
> example, and then place and size the image so it looks reasonable in the 
> header.

My "header" image is the full width of the page (this is working properly). 
The other is a "button" image that goes somewhere below the invoice content 
(exactly where depends on how much space the invoice content takes up -- eg 
how many line items are in the invoice).

> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 7/1/23 7:17 AM, Robert Heller wrote:
> > I've already gotten the header set up, but there does not seem to be a place
> > to put the other image.  I think I need to create a new image location.  I 
> > did
> > that in the older versions with some Scheme code.  I'm guessing I need to do
> > something similar, but it is not clear how to do that.
> ___
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Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-01 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Ah, you want TWO images. (Your own logo, plus the PayPal logo)

My guess would be a custom report (via Scheme) or maybe via CSS as I 
mentioned with a :before or :after pseudo class that inserts the image 
somewhere but I haven't tested that approach with GnuCash. (I can't see 
why it wouldn't work though)

You won't find instructions anywhere in the GnuCash documentation for 
this, you'll just need to tinker and do studying outside a la Scheme and 

An alternative might be to make a logo image that has both yours and the 
PayPal logo in it with a white or transparent background so they appear 
as separate images - maybe one to the left, the other to the right, for 
example, and then place and size the image so it looks reasonable in the 


On 7/1/23 7:17 AM, Robert Heller wrote:

I've already gotten the header set up, but there does not seem to be a place
to put the other image.  I think I need to create a new image location.  I did
that in the older versions with some Scheme code.  I'm guessing I need to do
something similar, but it is not clear how to do that.

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-07-01 Thread Robert Heller
At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 23:21:06 -0500 wrote:

> Once you have an Invoice Report on screen, click the Options button and 
> the Layout tab.
> In the header, you can specify a place for a picture, and then further 
> down, you can specify the location for that image file.

I've already gotten the header set up, but there does not seem to be a place 
to put the other image.  I think I need to create a new image location.  I did 
that in the older versions with some Scheme code.  I'm guessing I need to do 
something similar, but it is not clear how to do that.

> You could likely do something with CSS as well, I'm sure with a crafty 
> pseudo class like :before or :after one of the table elements.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 6/30/23 3:06 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> At this point there is one little bit of the style
> > sheet hackery I need some help with: I want to add something to the invoices
> > -- a PayPal payment image (logo). I'm not sure how to do that and syspect 
> > that
> > the GUI does not provide that sort of hook. I did it back in the old days by
> > writing a scheme file -- it is level of hackery still possible? If so, how 
> > is
> > that done with V4.14?
> ___
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Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Once you have an Invoice Report on screen, click the Options button and 
the Layout tab.

In the header, you can specify a place for a picture, and then further 
down, you can specify the location for that image file.

You could likely do something with CSS as well, I'm sure with a crafty 
pseudo class like :before or :after one of the table elements.


On 6/30/23 3:06 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
At this point there is one little bit of the style

sheet hackery I need some help with: I want to add something to the invoices
-- a PayPal payment image (logo). I'm not sure how to do that and syspect that
the GUI does not provide that sort of hook. I did it back in the old days by
writing a scheme file -- it is level of hackery still possible? If so, how is
that done with V4.14?

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone

'Ask and ye shall receive'

Thanks John!


On 6/30/23 6:23 PM, John Ralls wrote:

On Jun 30, 2023, at 11:03 AM, Adrien Monteleone 

It's in the Release Notes posted here on the list and on the website.

Perhaps file an Enhancement Request to put that link at the top of the Website 
along with the other links to binaries & sources.

Good idea. I did that, and cleaned up the display of the downloads box a bit as 

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Yves-Eric Martin
Hi Robert,

I don't know if that will suit your workflow, but sharing what I am doing now. 
It's a bit convoluted, but if you are familiar with CSS, and if you only issue 
a handful of invoices monthly, it's not too bad.

I found that by using CSS, we can quite heavily customize the existing 
stylesheets. For example, you can hide elements with "display: none", move 
things around with "position: absolute", add new static elements with "::before 
{ content: ...}"... See the attached screenshot for an example of what can be 
achieved (this is based on the Easy stylesheet).

1) Preparation (one time)

- Create a dummy invoice for a dummy customer (don't post it)
- Print the invoice with the stylesheet of your choice that will server as a 
base, to get a print preview tab.
- Print the invoice to HTML, open the HTML in a browser so you can inspect it 
and find the CSS class names you want to target for your customizations.
- In the Options, add custom CSS to customize the invoice your liking. (*)
- Save the invoice as an "Invoice" custom report configuration.

(*: this can take some time to get the details right. It took me a few hours to 
get to the example attached)

2) Using the report configuration

Instead of using "Print" from the invoice, what you do is:

- Open the "Saved report configurations" modal.
- Double-click the "Invoice" configuration to open it in a new tab (showing the 
dummy invoice).
- Click on Options and select the invoice you want to print in the Invoice ID 
- Click OK (*)

You can now print your customized invoice.

(*: on macOS, I found that clicking OK may cause GnuCash to start spinning. But 
clicking "Apply" then closing the modal manually works.)

I have been operating like this for a while, and with every GnuCash major 
upgrade, I found that the base stylesheets change a bit, causing my carefully 
crafted customizations to break, and I have to revisit the CSS a bit... So 
while this does get the job done, it is not at all what I would call a "clean" 
solution, it is much more of a hack, and I have been considering creating a 
custom stylesheet, but haven't taken the time to explore that yet.

So, if you do get your approach working, please do share how! I'd love to hear 
the details. It will probably be more maintainable in the long term.

PS: in case you are interested in pursuing this custom CSS approach, you can 
find the CSS I used for this example here:

Hope this helps,

> On Jun 30, 2023, at 23:38, Robert Heller  wrote:
> I had some nicely designed stylesheets for my Invoices working with V2.6, but
> with V4.8, they are (appearently) gone (well, I still have the scheme files,
> but V4.8 is not seeing them). I just created a new stylesheet using the GUI
> [Edit=>Style Sheets] (is there a programmatical way to create style sheets?
> Scheme? Python? Something else? (css?).), and the new style sheet shows up in
> the list of possible style sheets, but does not seem to work...
> -- 
> Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
> Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services
>  -- Linux Administration Services
>   -- Webhosting Services
> ___
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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread John Ralls

> On Jun 30, 2023, at 11:03 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> It's in the Release Notes posted here on the list and on the website.
> Perhaps file an Enhancement Request to put that link at the top of the 
> Website along with the other links to binaries & sources.

Good idea. I did that, and cleaned up the display of the downloads box a bit as 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Robert Heller
At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 13:03:58 -0500 wrote:

> It's in the Release Notes posted here on the list and on the website.
> Perhaps file an Enhancement Request to put that link at the top of the 
> Website along with the other links to binaries & sources.

At this point it is "too late" -- I have managed to successfully build 4.14
from sources and it behaves better, including *partially* solving the style
sheet issues I was having. At this point there is one little bit of the style
sheet hackery I need some help with: I want to add something to the invoices
-- a PayPal payment image (logo). I'm not sure how to do that and syspect that
the GUI does not provide that sort of hook. I did it back in the old days by
writing a scheme file -- it is level of hackery still possible? If so, how is
that done with V4.14?

> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 6/30/23 12:52 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> > At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 12:30:47 -0500 wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >> There's a flatpak option now if you don't want to build.
> > 
> > Where?  There isn't any obvious links anywhere, just source plus binaries 
> > for
> > MS-Windows and MacOSX.
> > 
> > (It is building it now, after a bit of strugling with apt -- some of the 
> > -dev
> > files required the base libraries to be downgraded...)
> ___
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Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services
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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone

It's in the Release Notes posted here on the list and on the website.

Perhaps file an Enhancement Request to put that link at the top of the 
Website along with the other links to binaries & sources.


On 6/30/23 12:52 PM, Robert Heller wrote:

At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 12:30:47 -0500 wrote:

There's a flatpak option now if you don't want to build.

Where?  There isn't any obvious links anywhere, just source plus binaries for
MS-Windows and MacOSX.

(It is building it now, after a bit of strugling with apt -- some of the -dev
files required the base libraries to be downgraded...)

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Robert Heller
At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 12:30:47 -0500 wrote:

> There's a flatpak option now if you don't want to build.

Where?  There isn't any obvious links anywhere, just source plus binaries for 
MS-Windows and MacOSX.

(It is building it now, after a bit of strugling with apt -- some of the -dev
files required the base libraries to be downgraded...)

> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 6/30/23 12:09 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> > At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 10:37:57 -0500 wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >> I think 4.14 is the last of the series. Maybe try that? I do recall some
> >> report crashes that were fixed around the end of the 4.x series which
> >> could be related.
> > 
> > So, I would have to build it from source?  I don't see any binaries for
> > *Linux* (Ubuntu 22.04 x86_64).
> ___
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Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services
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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Of course, there's no guarantee your crashes won't continue. It could be 
an issue with your customizations.


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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone

There's a flatpak option now if you don't want to build.


On 6/30/23 12:09 PM, Robert Heller wrote:

At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 10:37:57 -0500 wrote:

I think 4.14 is the last of the series. Maybe try that? I do recall some
report crashes that were fixed around the end of the 4.x series which
could be related.

So, I would have to build it from source?  I don't see any binaries for
*Linux* (Ubuntu 22.04 x86_64).

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Robert Heller
At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 10:37:57 -0500 wrote:

> I think 4.14 is the last of the series. Maybe try that? I do recall some 
> report crashes that were fixed around the end of the 4.x series which 
> could be related.

So, I would have to build it from source?  I don't see any binaries for 
*Linux* (Ubuntu 22.04 x86_64).

> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 6/30/23 10:00 AM, Robert Heller wrote:
> > OK, even worse, Gnucash (4.8) is now *crashing* when I try to print the
> > invoice with the default stylesheet.
> > 
> > At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 10:38:23 -0400 (EDT) Robert Heller 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >> I had some nicely designed stylesheets for my Invoices working with V2.6, 
> >> but
> >> with V4.8, they are (appearently) gone (well, I still have the scheme 
> >> files,
> >> but V4.8 is not seeing them). I just created a new stylesheet using the GUI
> >> [Edit=>Style Sheets] (is there a programmatical way to create style sheets?
> >> Scheme? Python? Something else? (css?).), and the new style sheet shows up 
> >> in
> >> the list of possible style sheets, but does not seem to work...
> >>
> > 
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I think 4.14 is the last of the series. Maybe try that? I do recall some 
report crashes that were fixed around the end of the 4.x series which 
could be related.


On 6/30/23 10:00 AM, Robert Heller wrote:

OK, even worse, Gnucash (4.8) is now *crashing* when I try to print the
invoice with the default stylesheet.

At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 10:38:23 -0400 (EDT) Robert Heller  

I had some nicely designed stylesheets for my Invoices working with V2.6, but
with V4.8, they are (appearently) gone (well, I still have the scheme files,
but V4.8 is not seeing them). I just created a new stylesheet using the GUI
[Edit=>Style Sheets] (is there a programmatical way to create style sheets?
Scheme? Python? Something else? (css?).), and the new style sheet shows up in
the list of possible style sheets, but does not seem to work...

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Re: [GNC] HELP! Invoice Stylesheet, how to? V4.8

2023-06-30 Thread Robert Heller
OK, even worse, Gnucash (4.8) is now *crashing* when I try to print the 
invoice with the default stylesheet.

At Fri, 30 Jun 2023 10:38:23 -0400 (EDT) Robert Heller  

> I had some nicely designed stylesheets for my Invoices working with V2.6, but
> with V4.8, they are (appearently) gone (well, I still have the scheme files,
> but V4.8 is not seeing them). I just created a new stylesheet using the GUI
> [Edit=>Style Sheets] (is there a programmatical way to create style sheets?
> Scheme? Python? Something else? (css?).), and the new style sheet shows up in
> the list of possible style sheets, but does not seem to work...

Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)

On 2023-03-19 08:26, Kalpesh Patel wrote:
> In the US I highly recommend that you look into placing security freeze on
> your credit files and at ChexSystems at minimum, which now is free for
> everyone unlike in the past where you were charged fee for it. 

Excellent advice. (Thanks for mentioning ChexSystems; I had not thought
to freeze my record there too.)

Not only is the freeze free, but temporarily lifting it, when you
yourself are actually applying for a mortgage or other credit somewhere,
is also free. (At least that's true for credit bureaus; I don't know if
ChexSystems operates under the same rules.)

The bad news is that you have to do it at all of the credit bureaus; one
will not communicate news of a freeze to the others.

To save you some searching, here are the URLs:

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-19 Thread Kalpesh Patel

Being a victim (financial institutions and gov't agencies do not agree with
this in the US as they believe that you and I are just a innocent third party
and largely they are the ones who have been defrauded) of larger theft after a
breach they were able to garner close to six figure fraud in matter of days I
whole heartly agree that should check your transactions frequently as
possible. While most will make you whole eventually, it nonetheless is an
anticipated time-consuming undertaking when you get engulfed in it. 

In the US I highly recommend that you look into placing security freeze on
your credit files and at ChexSystems at minimum, which now is free for
everyone unlike in the past where you were charged fee for it. 

Those that want to perpetrate fraud have gotten better by surveilling accounts
by putting what appears to be a small (in pennies sometimes) "trial" purchases
over time to see if they can be caught before making a leap. While financial
institutions have very intelligent surveillance systems in place to catch such
activities, you are really the best defense for your account.

> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2023 08:35:57 -0700
> From: Stan Brown 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On 2023-03-18 06:13, Simon Roberts wrote:
> > I feel compelled to add my agreement with Alan. This kind of crime is on
> > the rise and we're all vulnerable.
> And that's why it's important to monitor accounts no less often than
> every few days -- waiting till the end of the month gives fraudsters too
> much time to operate.
> Most banks these days (at least in US) let you configure your account to
> send you an email or text notification with the amount every time your
> card is used. All that I have used let you specify a minimum transaction
> amount for such alerts. IMHO the proper choice of a minimum of one cent.
> > Credit card companies insist on giving
> > many fiscally prudent folks much higher credit limits than they actually
> > use, and that just adds to the risk.
> It does. But as long as credit scores are higher for people for utilize
> a lower percentage of their credit limits, there is a good reason not to
> turn down a higher limit if you can get one. (Credit scores can affect
> not just loans you may apply for but also whether you can rent an
> apartment or get car insurance at normal rates.)
> > Debit cards are worse since the
> > protections are far weaker (at least in the U.S.).
> Many banks extend the same protections to their own debit cards that the
> law mandates for credit cards, so protection is not necessarily worse --
> in theory. But even in those cases, you're correct in practice since a
> fraudulent withdrawal from your checking account via debit card takes
> the money out immediately, which may cause legitimate checks or
> withdrawals to bounce.
> > I check my data twice monthly with downloads.
> Better than not checking it at all, but IMHO not often enough.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> --

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-18 Thread R Losey
This is how I'd use it... I know what I want to track, and the download
won't have that information, so I want to enter things by hand and then
verify by downloading... currently, I verify by reconciling.

On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 9:28 PM John Layman 

> There is also the hybrid option of entering transactions as they occur and
> using downloads strictly for tracking what has cleared or identifying
> discrepancy.  Downloads are indivisible and can be cryptic, so are limiting
> in several respects.
> _
Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-18 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-03-18 06:13, Simon Roberts wrote:
> I feel compelled to add my agreement with Alan. This kind of crime is on
> the rise and we're all vulnerable.

And that's why it's important to monitor accounts no less often than
every few days -- waiting till the end of the month gives fraudsters too
much time to operate.

Most banks these days (at least in US) let you configure your account to
send you an email or text notification with the amount every time your
card is used. All that I have used let you specify a minimum transaction
amount for such alerts. IMHO the proper choice of a minimum of one cent.

> Credit card companies insist on giving
> many fiscally prudent folks much higher credit limits than they actually
> use, and that just adds to the risk.

It does. But as long as credit scores are higher for people for utilize
a lower percentage of their credit limits, there is a good reason not to
turn down a higher limit if you can get one. (Credit scores can affect
not just loans you may apply for but also whether you can rent an
apartment or get car insurance at normal rates.)

> Debit cards are worse since the
> protections are far weaker (at least in the U.S.).

Many banks extend the same protections to their own debit cards that the
law mandates for credit cards, so protection is not necessarily worse --
in theory. But even in those cases, you're correct in practice since a
fraudulent withdrawal from your checking account via debit card takes
the money out immediately, which may cause legitimate checks or
withdrawals to bounce.

> I check my data twice monthly with downloads.

Better than not checking it at all, but IMHO not often enough.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-18 Thread Simon Roberts
I feel compelled to add my agreement with Alan. This kind of crime is on
the rise and we're all vulnerable. Credit card companies insist on giving
many fiscally prudent folks much higher credit limits than they actually
use, and that just adds to the risk. Debit cards are worse since the
protections are far weaker (at least in the U.S.). I check my data twice
monthly with downloads.

On Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 03:05 Alan A Holmes  wrote:

> I'm afraid I would disagree Phyllis. Having been scammed, through no fault
> of mine, I ALWAYS reconcile my accounts each month.
> 1. Banks do, and have made mistakes. Usually down to human error, though
> sometimes masked as being a computer error.
> 2. More importantly is fraudulent transactions. I've had 3 occasions where
> my credit card details have been scammed. If I hadn't checked my credit
> card statement against my receipts I would never have found 2 of the 3
> scams.
> a) The first occasion was in the days when you had to swipe the card,
> before chip and pin. Somehow the machine had been doctored and it made
> multiple transactions.
> b) The second scam was when my card details were used at exactly the same
> time to purchase things at locations over 100 miles apart. The bank called
> me and after investigation found that my details had been stolen by a phone
> agent when I'd made legitimate transaction, and then used to buy something
> for themselves.
> c) The third occasion I found a transaction I didn't recognise on my
> credit card statement and reported it to the bank. They investigated and
> found the transaction was at exactly the same time as another transaction
> at a Motorway Service Station when I'd paid by tapping my card. They found
> the cashier had their own machine under the counter so as I passed my card
> over the genuine machine it had also triggered the 2nd machine.
> In all 3 cases the offenders were caught and prosecuted, my card was
> stopped and replaced to prevent further thefts, and I was refunded. Had I
> not checked my statement every month the first and third scams might not
> have been picked up as quickly or even at all.
> Alan A Holmes
> -Original Message-
> From: gnucash-user> On Behalf Of Phyllis Bruce
> Sent: 17 March 2023 21:17
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.
> I did for many years retain my receipts for credit card charges and match
> every one to the statement.  Same with checks, etc.  The banks so seldom
> make a mistake that I find it a waste of time.  In recent years one of my
> banks has issued a correction.  That's good enough for me.
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 10:50 AM Michael or Penny Novack <
>> wrote:
> >
> > > This is a philosophical point.
> > > There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
> > > books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
> > >
> > > and
> > >
> > > There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download
> > > to keep their accounts.
> > >
> > > There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make
> > > your own choice.
> >
> > Well put, but more than a philosophical difference.
> >
> > The former group is "reconciling", confirming that their records match
> > those of the bank. Dealing with an errors or omissions. In my personal
> > experience, bank errors though rare do occur. Also rare but every now
> > and then, the error or omission at the books side.
> >
> > The second group is NOT reconciling anything. If the transactions in
> > the books came from a download from the bank it WILL match what the
> > bank bank statement. So the reconcile process in gnucash meaningless.
> > Any errors the bank might have made, say misreading a check, will not
> > be detected. We should also note that at any time the balance in the
> > books will be larger than the actual balance by the amount of the "float"
> > (checks written and sent but not yet cleared)
> >
> > Michael D Novack
> >
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
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> >
> > -
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> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> gnucash-

Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-18 Thread Alan A Holmes
I'm afraid I would disagree Phyllis. Having been scammed, through no fault of 
mine, I ALWAYS reconcile my accounts each month.

1. Banks do, and have made mistakes. Usually down to human error, though 
sometimes masked as being a computer error.
2. More importantly is fraudulent transactions. I've had 3 occasions where my 
credit card details have been scammed. If I hadn't checked my credit card 
statement against my receipts I would never have found 2 of the 3 scams.
a) The first occasion was in the days when you had to swipe the card, before 
chip and pin. Somehow the machine had been doctored and it made multiple 
b) The second scam was when my card details were used at exactly the same time 
to purchase things at locations over 100 miles apart. The bank called me and 
after investigation found that my details had been stolen by a phone agent when 
I'd made legitimate transaction, and then used to buy something for themselves.
c) The third occasion I found a transaction I didn't recognise on my credit 
card statement and reported it to the bank. They investigated and found the 
transaction was at exactly the same time as another transaction at a Motorway 
Service Station when I'd paid by tapping my card. They found the cashier had 
their own machine under the counter so as I passed my card over the genuine 
machine it had also triggered the 2nd machine.
In all 3 cases the offenders were caught and prosecuted, my card was stopped 
and replaced to prevent further thefts, and I was refunded. Had I not checked 
my statement every month the first and third scams might not have been picked 
up as quickly or even at all.

Alan A Holmes

-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user  
On Behalf Of Phyllis Bruce
Sent: 17 March 2023 21:17
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

I did for many years retain my receipts for credit card charges and match every 
one to the statement.  Same with checks, etc.  The banks so seldom make a 
mistake that I find it a waste of time.  In recent years one of my banks has 
issued a correction.  That's good enough for me.

On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 10:50 AM Michael or Penny Novack <> wrote:

> > This is a philosophical point.
> > There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their 
> > books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
> >
> > and
> >
> > There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download 
> > to keep their accounts.
> >
> > There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make 
> > your own choice.
> Well put, but more than a philosophical difference.
> The former group is "reconciling", confirming that their records match 
> those of the bank. Dealing with an errors or omissions. In my personal 
> experience, bank errors though rare do occur. Also rare but every now 
> and then, the error or omission at the books side.
> The second group is NOT reconciling anything. If the transactions in 
> the books came from a download from the bank it WILL match what the 
> bank bank statement. So the reconcile process in gnucash meaningless. 
> Any errors the bank might have made, say misreading a check, will not 
> be detected. We should also note that at any time the balance in the 
> books will be larger than the actual balance by the amount of the "float"
> (checks written and sent but not yet cleared)
> Michael D Novack
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread John Layman
There is also the hybrid option of entering transactions as they occur and
using downloads strictly for tracking what has cleared or identifying
discrepancy.  Downloads are indivisible and can be cryptic, so are limiting
in several respects.

-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:38:25 +
Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> You really should try to download and import transactions. 

This is a philosophical point.
There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their books
and then use the bank documents to reconcile


There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to keep
their accounts.

There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your own

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread George Riner
I am completely aware of that. But I have to correct business names, and 
the noise that comes into the memo/notes fields, too. And sometimes 
useless stuff shows up in the 'Num' field.  After I've cleaned up all 
those fields, then I set the transaction to the correct expense account, 
which causes it to leave the 'Unspecified' account.  I know when I'm 
done cleaning up these transactions when the 'Unspecified' account is 
empty of entries. I don't have to search through expense registers or 
bank/credit registers to find them and clean them.

Transactions that match are set to 'P' and flow through without bringing 
any of the stuff I would otherwise clean out. They go to their 
designated expense account right away.

So, downloading is a subset of type 'M'?


On 3/17/2023 5:10 PM, Gyle McCollam wrote:

you are probably aware, but just in case, when you use the add you can 
actually designate the proper expense account within the matching 
window.  That way you don't have to go back later to 'unspecified" and 
correct the entries.

P.S. BTW, entering by hand is type "M".

Thank You,

*Gyle McCollam*

Gyle McCollam <>email

*From:* gnucash-user 
 on behalf of 
George Riner 

*Sent:* Friday, March 17, 2023 7:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.
I'm and 'M' and a 'K'.  I download from banks and I reconcile. I'm also
a enter-by-hand (I don't know what letter-type that would be).

I like downloading because it catches things I don't get receipts for
and that I forget to hand-enter. On-line purchases, gas pumps that run
out of receipt paper, or the receipt didn't get out of my pocket and
went through the laundry.

I reconcile, because it catches when I enter the charge in the wrong
credit card acct, and it informs me for when a check I wrote has not
cleared the bank, or some charge is delayed, or for when I hand-enter
something and I do a typo.

When I download, I never use the 'U' option - there's too much useless
noise in the downloaded transactions that gets into my registers that
only serves to clutter up reports. I'm assuming these numbers are
meaningful to someone at the bank/creditcard, or maybe the retailer, but
I've yet to find anything they match. They aren't Amazon order numbers
or Amazon receipt numbers, nor Amazon invoice numbers. Maybe some
transaction number that only the bank knows about?  Plus, names of
businesses rarely match, and even when they do, they're often all UPPER
CASE and often include misguided attempts by the retailer for Customer
Relationship Management by adding in "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURCHASE!!"
which is totally useless in my accounts & reports.

I wish there was a way to turn off the 'Bayesian" amount matching.
Because I don't want to be close, I want to be exact. So when
reconciling I have to carefully watch the matching transactions to make
sure they're aren't off by $0.02 or some tiny amount.

For downloaded transactions that have to be added, I use the 'A' option,
but I force all those transactions to go into a special account - I name
it 'Unspecified' (under Expenses).  I then apply the downloaded
transaction and then go through all the 'Unspecified' entries in Journal
view and clean them up and correct the expense account to apply them to.

The Reconcile function also has a really useful way of creating the
payment transaction and giving it a future date (the payment due date,
for example), and posting it to my bank acct.

Windows 10 build 19045.2604
Gnucash Build ID: 4.11+(2022-06-25)

On 3/17/2023 1:57 AM, wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:38:25 +
> Gyle McCollam  wrote:
>> You really should try to download and import transactions.
> This is a philosophical point.
> There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
> books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
> and
> There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
> keep their accounts.
> There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
> own choice.
> Liz
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread David Carlson
One thing that I am having trouble figuring out how to adapt to with
imports in any format is getting the transfer account right, particularly
with such things as "Zelle", which my bank gives very little additional
information with.  For those, sometimes there is an invoice in the mail but
we don't get a reference to it in the import from the bank.  I don't know
if the "Zelle" process allows adding a description when initiating the

On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 6:56 PM George Riner 

> I'm and 'M' and a 'K'.  I download from banks and I reconcile. I'm also
> a enter-by-hand (I don't know what letter-type that would be).
> I like downloading because it catches things I don't get receipts for
> and that I forget to hand-enter. On-line purchases, gas pumps that run
> out of receipt paper, or the receipt didn't get out of my pocket and
> went through the laundry.
> I reconcile, because it catches when I enter the charge in the wrong
> credit card acct, and it informs me for when a check I wrote has not
> cleared the bank, or some charge is delayed, or for when I hand-enter
> something and I do a typo.
> When I download, I never use the 'U' option - there's too much useless
> noise in the downloaded transactions that gets into my registers that
> only serves to clutter up reports. I'm assuming these numbers are
> meaningful to someone at the bank/creditcard, or maybe the retailer, but
> I've yet to find anything they match. They aren't Amazon order numbers
> or Amazon receipt numbers, nor Amazon invoice numbers. Maybe some
> transaction number that only the bank knows about?  Plus, names of
> businesses rarely match, and even when they do, they're often all UPPER
> CASE and often include misguided attempts by the retailer for Customer
> Relationship Management by adding in "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURCHASE!!"
> which is totally useless in my accounts & reports.
> I wish there was a way to turn off the 'Bayesian" amount matching.
> Because I don't want to be close, I want to be exact. So when
> reconciling I have to carefully watch the matching transactions to make
> sure they're aren't off by $0.02 or some tiny amount.
> For downloaded transactions that have to be added, I use the 'A' option,
> but I force all those transactions to go into a special account - I name
> it 'Unspecified' (under Expenses).  I then apply the downloaded
> transaction and then go through all the 'Unspecified' entries in Journal
> view and clean them up and correct the expense account to apply them to.
> The Reconcile function also has a really useful way of creating the
> payment transaction and giving it a future date (the payment due date,
> for example), and posting it to my bank acct.
> :George
> Windows 10 build 19045.2604
> Gnucash Build ID: 4.11+(2022-06-25)
> On 3/17/2023 1:57 AM, wrote:
> > On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:38:25 +
> > Gyle McCollam  wrote:
> >
> >> You really should try to download and import transactions.
> > This is a philosophical point.
> > There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
> > books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
> >
> > and
> >
> > There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
> > keep their accounts.
> >
> > There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
> > own choice.
> >
> >
> > Liz
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

David Carlson
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread Gyle McCollam
you are probably aware, but just in case, when you use the add you can actually 
designate the proper expense account within the matching window.  That way you 
don't have to go back later to 'unspecified" and correct the entries.
P.S. BTW, entering by hand is type "M".

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>   email

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of George Riner 
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

I'm and 'M' and a 'K'.  I download from banks and I reconcile. I'm also
a enter-by-hand (I don't know what letter-type that would be).

I like downloading because it catches things I don't get receipts for
and that I forget to hand-enter. On-line purchases, gas pumps that run
out of receipt paper, or the receipt didn't get out of my pocket and
went through the laundry.

I reconcile, because it catches when I enter the charge in the wrong
credit card acct, and it informs me for when a check I wrote has not
cleared the bank, or some charge is delayed, or for when I hand-enter
something and I do a typo.

When I download, I never use the 'U' option - there's too much useless
noise in the downloaded transactions that gets into my registers that
only serves to clutter up reports. I'm assuming these numbers are
meaningful to someone at the bank/creditcard, or maybe the retailer, but
I've yet to find anything they match. They aren't Amazon order numbers
or Amazon receipt numbers, nor Amazon invoice numbers. Maybe some
transaction number that only the bank knows about?  Plus, names of
businesses rarely match, and even when they do, they're often all UPPER
CASE and often include misguided attempts by the retailer for Customer
Relationship Management by adding in "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURCHASE!!"
which is totally useless in my accounts & reports.

I wish there was a way to turn off the 'Bayesian" amount matching.
Because I don't want to be close, I want to be exact. So when
reconciling I have to carefully watch the matching transactions to make
sure they're aren't off by $0.02 or some tiny amount.

For downloaded transactions that have to be added, I use the 'A' option,
but I force all those transactions to go into a special account - I name
it 'Unspecified' (under Expenses).  I then apply the downloaded
transaction and then go through all the 'Unspecified' entries in Journal
view and clean them up and correct the expense account to apply them to.

The Reconcile function also has a really useful way of creating the
payment transaction and giving it a future date (the payment due date,
for example), and posting it to my bank acct.

Windows 10 build 19045.2604
Gnucash Build ID: 4.11+(2022-06-25)

On 3/17/2023 1:57 AM, wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:38:25 +
> Gyle McCollam  wrote:
>> You really should try to download and import transactions.
> This is a philosophical point.
> There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
> books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
> and
> There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
> keep their accounts.
> There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
> own choice.
> Liz
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread David Reiser via gnucash-user

> On Mar 17, 2023, at 7:33 PM, George Riner  wrote:
> I wish there was a way to turn off the 'Bayesian" amount matching. Because I 
> don't want to be close, I want to be exact. So when reconciling I have to 
> carefully watch the matching transactions to make sure they're aren't off by 
> $0.02 or some tiny amount.

In Preferences>Import, try setting “Commercial ATM fees threshold” to 0.00. I 
think that forces the amount match to be exact.

Dave Reiser

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread George Riner
I'm and 'M' and a 'K'.  I download from banks and I reconcile. I'm also 
a enter-by-hand (I don't know what letter-type that would be).

I like downloading because it catches things I don't get receipts for 
and that I forget to hand-enter. On-line purchases, gas pumps that run 
out of receipt paper, or the receipt didn't get out of my pocket and 
went through the laundry.

I reconcile, because it catches when I enter the charge in the wrong 
credit card acct, and it informs me for when a check I wrote has not 
cleared the bank, or some charge is delayed, or for when I hand-enter 
something and I do a typo.

When I download, I never use the 'U' option - there's too much useless 
noise in the downloaded transactions that gets into my registers that 
only serves to clutter up reports. I'm assuming these numbers are 
meaningful to someone at the bank/creditcard, or maybe the retailer, but 
I've yet to find anything they match. They aren't Amazon order numbers 
or Amazon receipt numbers, nor Amazon invoice numbers. Maybe some 
transaction number that only the bank knows about?  Plus, names of 
businesses rarely match, and even when they do, they're often all UPPER 
CASE and often include misguided attempts by the retailer for Customer 
Relationship Management by adding in "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURCHASE!!"  
which is totally useless in my accounts & reports.

I wish there was a way to turn off the 'Bayesian" amount matching. 
Because I don't want to be close, I want to be exact. So when 
reconciling I have to carefully watch the matching transactions to make 
sure they're aren't off by $0.02 or some tiny amount.

For downloaded transactions that have to be added, I use the 'A' option, 
but I force all those transactions to go into a special account - I name 
it 'Unspecified' (under Expenses).  I then apply the downloaded 
transaction and then go through all the 'Unspecified' entries in Journal 
view and clean them up and correct the expense account to apply them to.

The Reconcile function also has a really useful way of creating the 
payment transaction and giving it a future date (the payment due date, 
for example), and posting it to my bank acct.

Windows 10 build 19045.2604
Gnucash Build ID: 4.11+(2022-06-25)

On 3/17/2023 1:57 AM, wrote:

On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:38:25 +
Gyle McCollam  wrote:

You really should try to download and import transactions.

This is a philosophical point.
There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
books and then use the bank documents to reconcile


There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
keep their accounts.

There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
own choice.

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-03-17 14:16, Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> I did for many years retain my receipts for credit card charges and match
> every one to the statement.  Same with checks, etc.  The banks so
> seldom make a mistake that I find it a waste of time.  In recent years one
> of my banks has issued a correction.  That's good enough for me.

I would have said the same, until recently. But twice in two months, my
Bank of America Visa account has shown a smaller amount for a gas
purchase than was on my receipt issued at the pump. I can't imagine why.
It wasn't the cashback rebate program -- that's a lump sum at the end of
every monthly cycle.

I don't do a formal reconciliation in GnuCash, but I do check every
receipt on the statement against my GnuCash account. Most often the
errors I find are that I recorded a purchase against the wrong credit card.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread Phyllis Bruce
I did for many years retain my receipts for credit card charges and match
every one to the statement.  Same with checks, etc.  The banks so
seldom make a mistake that I find it a waste of time.  In recent years one
of my banks has issued a correction.  That's good enough for me.

On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 10:50 AM Michael or Penny Novack <> wrote:

> > This is a philosophical point.
> > There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
> > books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
> >
> > and
> >
> > There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
> > keep their accounts.
> >
> > There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
> > own choice.
> Well put, but more than a philosophical difference.
> The former group is "reconciling", confirming that their records match
> those of the bank. Dealing with an errors or omissions. In my personal
> experience, bank errors though rare do occur. Also rare but every now
> and then, the error or omission at the books side.
> The second group is NOT reconciling anything. If the transactions in the
> books came from a download from the bank it WILL match what the bank
> bank statement. So the reconcile process in gnucash meaningless. Any
> errors the bank might have made, say misreading a check, will not be
> detected. We should also note that at any time the balance in the books
> will be larger than the actual balance by the amount of the "float"
> (checks written and sent but not yet cleared)
> Michael D Novack
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread edodd
On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 11:49:52 -0400
Michael or Penny Novack  wrote:

> > This is a philosophical point.
> > There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
> > books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
> >
> > and
> >
> > There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download
> > to keep their accounts.
> >
> > There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make
> > your own choice.  
> Well put, but more than a philosophical difference.
> The former group is "reconciling", confirming that their records
> match those of the bank. Dealing with an errors or omissions. In my
> personal experience, bank errors though rare do occur. Also rare but
> every now and then, the error or omission at the books side.
> The second group is NOT reconciling anything. If the transactions in
> the books came from a download from the bank it WILL match what the
> bank bank statement. So the reconcile process in gnucash meaningless.
> Any errors the bank might have made, say misreading a check, will not
> be detected. We should also note that at any time the balance in the
> books will be larger than the actual balance by the amount of the
> "float" (checks written and sent but not yet cleared)
> Michael D Novack
Neither of us have mentioned fraud detection. The advantage of keeping
your own books and reconciling with the bank is it easier to detect
potentially fraudulent transactions.

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread Gyle McCollam
I agree.  It seems like and I could be/probably am wrong that you thought I was 
advocating for user to download the transactions instead of entering them.  
That is not the case.  Gnucash is great because it lets you handle it the way 
you want.  In fact, you have the ability to handle some accounts with one 
method (M) and other accounts (K).  I actually am more in the (M) group for the 
reasons Michael D Novack explained in his response.  The only transaction I let 
the download import initially is the interest received at the end statement 
period.  If an account has less than a handful of transactions I manually 
reconcile, but if more, I import and match.  As I said, that is the beauty of 
Gnucash, it lets you use different methods

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>   email

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of 
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:38:25 +
Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> You really should try to download and import transactions.

This is a philosophical point.
There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
books and then use the bank documents to reconcile


There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
keep their accounts.

There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
own choice.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

This is a philosophical point.
There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
books and then use the bank documents to reconcile


There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
keep their accounts.

There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
own choice.

Well put, but more than a philosophical difference.

The former group is "reconciling", confirming that their records match 
those of the bank. Dealing with an errors or omissions. In my personal 
experience, bank errors though rare do occur. Also rare but every now 
and then, the error or omission at the books side.

The second group is NOT reconciling anything. If the transactions in the 
books came from a download from the bank it WILL match what the bank 
bank statement. So the reconcile process in gnucash meaningless. Any 
errors the bank might have made, say misreading a check, will not be 
detected. We should also note that at any time the balance in the books 
will be larger than the actual balance by the amount of the "float" 
(checks written and sent but not yet cleared)

Michael D Novack

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread edodd
On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:38:25 +
Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> You really should try to download and import transactions. 

This is a philosophical point.
There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
books and then use the bank documents to reconcile


There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
keep their accounts.

There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucash allows you to make your
own choice.

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread Gyle McCollam
I use my credit cards as much as I can and I have 40 to 50 transactions on my 
main card per month.  Yes, CSV can be more of an issue, but I have found that 
most, except for Discover, have an option to download as QFX/OFX.  The real 
time saver is that once you go through the matching process to make sure 
everything is correct the reconciliation is done.  I find it a real time saver 
and I hope you do as well.

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>   email

From: R Losey 
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 3:28 PM
To: Gyle McCollam 
Cc: Chip Reid ; 

Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

I may try it; I've seen several people talking about problems with it, or 
having to massage the CSV data before importing it.

You say once I try it, I'll never go back, but I have; I had it with Quicken, 
and it was nice and helpful... but I've been in GnuCash for years now and I 
don't miss that feature. I don't know how many brokerage companies, credit 
cards, and bank accounts support it, but if they all did, it would only be 
maybe 60 transactions per month or so, and I really am quite happy doing it 
manually. I may try one of the credit card accounts.

On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 10:38 AM Gyle McCollam>> wrote:
You really should try to download and import transactions.  It is a rather 
simple process and you can choose to reconcile during the import function.  
Most financial institutions allow you to download transactions, either from a 
date range or statement period.  There are some slight differences, but most 
allow OFX/QFX or CSV file types.  If you input the transactions yourself, it 
will attempt to match the import transactions to the ones you entered, usually 
I don't have to change anything but the choice between (a)dd, (u+c) (update + 
clear), or (c)lear.  If you don't enter the transactions yourself the import 
function will allow you to choose the other side of the double entry (other 
account).  You can select to see the matching account and whether you wish to 
reconcile after matching.  This basically does the reconciliation for you.  
Take the time to try it with one account, a one with few transactions.  Once 
you do that i promise you will never go back to the "old" manual reconciliation 

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>   email

From: gnucash-user>>
 on behalf of R Losey>>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 12:30 AM
To: Chip Reid>>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

I used Quicken (not QuickBooks) before GnuCash, and I did kind of like
downloading transactions... I have not done this with GnuCash, and I don't
really have enough that I miss it. I do reconcile credit card statements
and other items routinely so that I don't miss anything, but I've just
gotten a lot better at remembering things.  Of course, if you have a lot of
transactions, you may really need that download.

On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 7:18 PM Chip Reid>> wrote:

> This is my second post to the list and I was very pleased with how willing
> others were to help us new guys.  The promptness was also appreciated.
> I think I have finally gotten far enough along to do most daily functions
> but I sure would like to download transactions from my bank and credit card
> companies.  I had been doing this for years in Quickbooks but so far, even
> following the available on-line information, I have not been able to get it
> to work.  My bank does not show up in the list for choosing the bank name.
> Windows 10 Pro
> GNUCash 4.13
> Thanks
> Chip Reid
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Richard Losey<>
Micah 6:8
gnucash-user mailing list<>
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.


Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread R Losey
I may try it; I've seen several people talking about problems with it, or
having to massage the CSV data before importing it.

You say once I try it, I'll never go back, but I have; I had it with
Quicken, and it was nice and helpful... but I've been in GnuCash for years
now and I don't miss that feature. I don't know how many brokerage
companies, credit cards, and bank accounts support it, but if they all did,
it would only be maybe 60 transactions per month or so, and I really am
quite happy doing it manually. I may try one of the credit card accounts.

On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 10:38 AM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> You really should try to download and import transactions.  It is a rather
> simple process and you can choose to reconcile during the import function.
> Most financial institutions allow you to download transactions, either from
> a date range or statement period.  There are some slight differences, but
> most allow OFX/QFX or CSV file types.  If you input the transactions
> yourself, it will attempt to match the import transactions to the ones you
> entered, usually I don't have to change anything but the choice between
> (a)dd, (u+c) (update + clear), or (c)lear.  If you don't enter the
> transactions yourself the import function will allow you to choose the
> other side of the double entry (other account).  You can select to see the
> matching account and whether you wish to reconcile after matching.  This
> basically does the reconciliation for you.  Take the time to try it with
> one account, a one with few transactions.  Once you do that i promise you
> will never go back to the "old" manual reconciliation method!
> Thank You,
> *Gyle McCollam*
> Gyle McCollam
> gmccol...@live.comemail
> --
> *From:* gnucash-user 
> on behalf of R Losey 
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 16, 2023 12:30 AM
> *To:* Chip Reid 
> *Cc:* 
> *Subject:* Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.
> I used Quicken (not QuickBooks) before GnuCash, and I did kind of like
> downloading transactions... I have not done this with GnuCash, and I don't
> really have enough that I miss it. I do reconcile credit card statements
> and other items routinely so that I don't miss anything, but I've just
> gotten a lot better at remembering things.  Of course, if you have a lot of
> transactions, you may really need that download.
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 7:18 PM Chip Reid  wrote:
> > This is my second post to the list and I was very pleased with how
> willing
> > others were to help us new guys.  The promptness was also appreciated.
> >
> > I think I have finally gotten far enough along to do most daily functions
> > but I sure would like to download transactions from my bank and credit
> card
> > companies.  I had been doing this for years in Quickbooks but so far,
> even
> > following the available on-line information, I have not been able to get
> it
> > to work.  My bank does not show up in the list for choosing the bank
> name.
> >
> > Windows 10 Pro
> > GNUCash 4.13
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Chip Reid
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> --
> _
> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread Steve Brown
Hi Stan,

I read your email again.

It appears that you are you accessing the Vanguard site as a web site?
It's an OFX server. You have to send it properly formatted OFX requests
in order to get a response. The ofxget tool will do this for you. So
should aqbanking, although I haven't had much luck.


On Thu, 2023-03-16 at 09:28 -0700, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19) wrote:
> On 2023-03-16 09:17, Steve Brown wrote:
> > I've been using ofxget from ofxtools to download from my banks and
> > broker. So long as your bank has a functioning OFX server, it
> > should
> > work.
> > 
> > There is a website with a comprehensive list of OFX server status
> > at
> >
> Like so many online lists, it seems to suffer from not being kept up
> to
> date. It includes the Vanguard group, but the URL given just gets an
> error message. As I recall, someone here posted a couple of weeks ago
> that Vanguard no longer supports OFX.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread Steve Brown
The command 'ofxget prof vanguard' seems to talk to the Vanguard OFX
server. I get a profile response back.

It appears that the ofxhome site tests the ofx servers almost daily and
reports whether or not they are up.


 On Thu, 2023-03-16 at 09:28 -0700, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19) wrote:
> On 2023-03-16 09:17, Steve Brown wrote:
> > I've been using ofxget from ofxtools to download from my banks and
> > broker. So long as your bank has a functioning OFX server, it
> > should
> > work.
> > 
> > There is a website with a comprehensive list of OFX server status
> > at
> >
> Like so many online lists, it seems to suffer from not being kept up
> to
> date. It includes the Vanguard group, but the URL given just gets an
> error message. As I recall, someone here posted a couple of weeks ago
> that Vanguard no longer supports OFX.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)

On 2023-03-16 09:17, Steve Brown wrote:
> I've been using ofxget from ofxtools to download from my banks and
> broker. So long as your bank has a functioning OFX server, it should
> work.
> There is a website with a comprehensive list of OFX server status at

Like so many online lists, it seems to suffer from not being kept up to
date. It includes the Vanguard group, but the URL given just gets an
error message. As I recall, someone here posted a couple of weeks ago
that Vanguard no longer supports OFX.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread Steve Brown
I've been using ofxget from ofxtools to download from my banks and
broker. So long as your bank has a functioning OFX server, it should

There is a website with a comprehensive list of OFX server status at


On Wed, 2023-03-15 at 20:17 -0400, Chip Reid wrote:
> This is my second post to the list and I was very pleased with how
> willing
> others were to help us new guys.  The promptness was also
> appreciated.
> I think I have finally gotten far enough along to do most daily
> functions
> but I sure would like to download transactions from my bank and
> credit card
> companies.  I had been doing this for years in Quickbooks but so far,
> even
> following the available on-line information, I have not been able to
> get it
> to work.  My bank does not show up in the list for choosing the bank
> name.
> Windows 10 Pro
> GNUCash 4.13
> Thanks
> Chip Reid
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread Gyle McCollam
You really should try to download and import transactions.  It is a rather 
simple process and you can choose to reconcile during the import function.  
Most financial institutions allow you to download transactions, either from a 
date range or statement period.  There are some slight differences, but most 
allow OFX/QFX or CSV file types.  If you input the transactions yourself, it 
will attempt to match the import transactions to the ones you entered, usually 
I don't have to change anything but the choice between (a)dd, (u+c) (update + 
clear), or (c)lear.  If you don't enter the transactions yourself the import 
function will allow you to choose the other side of the double entry (other 
account).  You can select to see the matching account and whether you wish to 
reconcile after matching.  This basically does the reconciliation for you.  
Take the time to try it with one account, a one with few transactions.  Once 
you do that i promise you will never go back to the "old" manual reconciliation 

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>   email

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of R Losey 
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 12:30 AM
To: Chip Reid 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

I used Quicken (not QuickBooks) before GnuCash, and I did kind of like
downloading transactions... I have not done this with GnuCash, and I don't
really have enough that I miss it. I do reconcile credit card statements
and other items routinely so that I don't miss anything, but I've just
gotten a lot better at remembering things.  Of course, if you have a lot of
transactions, you may really need that download.

On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 7:18 PM Chip Reid  wrote:

> This is my second post to the list and I was very pleased with how willing
> others were to help us new guys.  The promptness was also appreciated.
> I think I have finally gotten far enough along to do most daily functions
> but I sure would like to download transactions from my bank and credit card
> companies.  I had been doing this for years in Quickbooks but so far, even
> following the available on-line information, I have not been able to get it
> to work.  My bank does not show up in the list for choosing the bank name.
> Windows 10 Pro
> GNUCash 4.13
> Thanks
> Chip Reid
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
gnucash-user mailing list
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Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-15 Thread R Losey
I used Quicken (not QuickBooks) before GnuCash, and I did kind of like
downloading transactions... I have not done this with GnuCash, and I don't
really have enough that I miss it. I do reconcile credit card statements
and other items routinely so that I don't miss anything, but I've just
gotten a lot better at remembering things.  Of course, if you have a lot of
transactions, you may really need that download.

On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 7:18 PM Chip Reid  wrote:

> This is my second post to the list and I was very pleased with how willing
> others were to help us new guys.  The promptness was also appreciated.
> I think I have finally gotten far enough along to do most daily functions
> but I sure would like to download transactions from my bank and credit card
> companies.  I had been doing this for years in Quickbooks but so far, even
> following the available on-line information, I have not been able to get it
> to work.  My bank does not show up in the list for choosing the bank name.
> Windows 10 Pro
> GNUCash 4.13
> Thanks
> Chip Reid
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-15 Thread David Cousens

If your bank does not make itself available for direct connect downloads of OFX
data you may be able to create and download OFX or CSV files from their website
when you login to your accounts.  The help manual (Ch6 ) has details on
importing downloaded data files as disntict form connecting directly on-line to
your bank (see the wiki for that).

David Cousens

On Wed, 2023-03-15 at 20:17 -0400, Chip Reid wrote:
> This is my second post to the list and I was very pleased with how willing
> others were to help us new guys.  The promptness was also appreciated.
> I think I have finally gotten far enough along to do most daily functions
> but I sure would like to download transactions from my bank and credit card
> companies.  I had been doing this for years in Quickbooks but so far, even
> following the available on-line information, I have not been able to get it
> to work.  My bank does not show up in the list for choosing the bank name.
> Windows 10 Pro
> GNUCash 4.13
> Thanks
> Chip Reid
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with online banking setup please: TD Bank and Amex

2022-12-05 Thread Scott Traurig
I've got TD bank authenticating, but not downloading a list of accounts.
Manual account entry allows online queries to be made, but the response is
a 404 error.

I suspect it has something to do with TD Bank needing to see a Quicken
connection first, which then must be authorized by logging into the normal
online banking portal and doing so under account services.

Are there any other TD Bank customers on the list who can
confirm/deny/provide other ideas?



On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 8:44 AM Scott Traurig 

> I got AMEX running.
> Still working TD Bank. Looks to be a user authentication problem.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 8:05 AM Scott Traurig 
> wrote:
>> Using information from the following references:
>> 1. I was able to log into Amex but not retrieve accounts.
>> 2. I was not able to log into TD Bank.
>> Any help or direction to further web resources on this would be most
>> appreciated. I realize this is a difficult and temperamental capability
>> made more difficult by lack of clear communications with the various
>> financial institutions.
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help with online banking setup please: TD Bank and Amex

2022-12-05 Thread Scott Traurig
I got AMEX running.

Still working TD Bank. Looks to be a user authentication problem.



On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 8:05 AM Scott Traurig 

> Using information from the following references:
> 1. I was able to log into Amex but not retrieve accounts.
> 2. I was not able to log into TD Bank.
> Any help or direction to further web resources on this would be most
> appreciated. I realize this is a difficult and temperamental capability
> made more difficult by lack of clear communications with the various
> financial institutions.
> Thanks,
> Scott
gnucash-user mailing list
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You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-26 Thread David T. via gnucash-user
This was my point; the numerous large log files suggest something else might be 

I've been using GnuCash since 2006 or so,  which was version 2.2.x. My file is 
quite large, and yet my log files (cf. continue 
to be a few kb most days. 

⁣David T. ​

On Oct 26, 2022, 4:12 PM, at 4:12 PM, David Carlson 
>I am not sure how the log files were constructed in that very early
>but since release 2.6-something they only contain changed information,
>they are usually less than a megabyte, depending on how often you do a
>save or allow or force the automatic backup.  A few times they can get
>huge, one being after a check and repair or another  after a large
>Last Run" execution.  The fact that you have several huge log files
>suggests that your data file may not be getting saved after GnuCash
>running.  On my computer I have turned off the automatic Since Last Run
>execution on startup to gain better control when opening stale data
>David Carlson
>On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 7:17 AM Rosepetals 
>> No worries. Thanks heaps for responding and your suggestions. It is
>> appreciated!
>> Yes I presume they’re quite large because I’ve been using Gnucash for
>> time.
>> A friend introduced it to me back then to help manage finances and
>> been using it since.
>> Thanks again!
>> On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:28 pm, David T. 
>> > I don't profess to have any great ideas, but I see from the one
>> screenshot
>> > that your file opens, but appears to be empty, and I see from the
>> > that you have numerous large log files (9mb or so) on every day of
>> > display. Many of them appear to be only a few days old.
>> >
>> > Personally, my log files are very small (measured in kilobytes, not
>> > megabytes), so I am curious what you have been doing to get such
>> > files.
>> >
>> > David T.
>> >
>> > P.S. -- I can't imagine how you ended up using a development
>version of
>> > GnuCash, and am sad to hear you've been using it all these years.
>> > On Oct 20, 2022, at 2:05 PM, Rosepetals 
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> Yes it was silly of me. I recall years ago checking if I could
>> to a
>> >> newer version but the official site said it was not advised. Then
>> checked
>> >> recently and it said yes it was possible so I went on my merry way
>> thinking
>> >> it would be more streamlined.
>> >>
>> >> I may have a backup from 2 years ago on version 2.3.4 but of
>course that
>> >> would mean I wouldn’t have the recent 2 years of transactions.
>> >>
>> >> The file type is simply File so it may be XML but upon opening it
>> >> Notepad it mentions SQLite among the garbled text.
>> >>
>> >> I’ll try the trace tonight. For now I’ve left it running on 4.12
>> about
>> >> 30 mins and no result in opening the file as shown in the pic
>> I’ve
>> >> reinstalled 2.3.4 and tried opening the file but it’s stuck on
>> >> Will leave this for a while.
>> >>
>> >> Thank for your reply.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 4:12 pm, David Cousens
>> >
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>  As Adrien pointed out anytime you do an upgrade of GNuCash you
>> >>>  ALWAYS
>> >>>  make a backup copy of the data file before starting the upgrade
>> keep
>> >>>  it at
>> >>>  least until everything is working. It is a good practice to
>> make
>> >>>  a
>> >>>  backup copy of your data file in any case, preferrably to
>> computer,
>> >>>  network storage or a cloud (online) storage, usb stick etc. If
>> have
>> >>>  problems
>> >>>  then you can always copy (not move) the file from your backup to
>> data
>> >>>  directory and start again. Are you using the xml file (a text
>> or an
>> >>>  actual database backend?
>> >>>
>> >>>  The datafile format sometimes has to be changed to accomodate
>> features
>> >>>  and
>> >>>  fix some bugs. If such changes occur it is usually when changing
>> the
>> >>>  last
>> >>>  version of a major series to the first version of the next.
>> 4.x
>> >>>  will
>> >>>  assume that the file has already been upgraded from version 2 to
>> version
>> >>>  3. Each
>> >>>  new major version of GnuCash includes a procedure for updating
>> >>>  datafile the
>> >>>  first time it is run with a higher version.
>> >>>
>> >>>  As well as changes in the datafile itself, there are sometimes
>> changes in
>> >>>  the
>> >>>  locations where stored reports and user preference data etc are
>> located.
>> >>>  These
>> >>>  are usually translated by the installation procedure for the
>> install
>> >>>  of a
>> >>>  higher major version (2->3->4). The locations are also different
>> >>>  different
>> >>>  operating systems.
>> >>>  has
>> >>>  details of the 

Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-26 Thread David Carlson

I am not sure how the log files were constructed in that very early version
but since release 2.6-something they only contain changed information, so
they are usually less than a megabyte, depending on how often you do a file
save or allow or force the automatic backup.  A few times they can get
huge, one being after a check and repair or another  after a large 'Since
Last Run" execution.  The fact that you have several huge log files
suggests that your data file may not be getting saved after GnuCash starts
running.  On my computer I have turned off the automatic Since Last Run
execution on startup to gain better control when opening stale data files.

David Carlson

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 7:17 AM Rosepetals  wrote:

> No worries. Thanks heaps for responding and your suggestions. It is much
> appreciated!
> Yes I presume they’re quite large because I’ve been using Gnucash for some
> time.
> A friend introduced it to me back then to help manage finances and I’ve
> been using it since.
> Thanks again!
> On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:28 pm, David T.  wrote:
> > I don't profess to have any great ideas, but I see from the one
> screenshot
> > that your file opens, but appears to be empty, and I see from the other
> > that you have numerous large log files (9mb or so) on every day of the
> > display. Many of them appear to be only a few days old.
> >
> > Personally, my log files are very small (measured in kilobytes, not
> > megabytes), so I am curious what you have been doing to get such large
> > files.
> >
> > David T.
> >
> > P.S. -- I can't imagine how you ended up using a development version of
> > GnuCash, and am sad to hear you've been using it all these years.
> > On Oct 20, 2022, at 2:05 PM, Rosepetals  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Yes it was silly of me. I recall years ago checking if I could update
> to a
> >> newer version but the official site said it was not advised. Then I
> checked
> >> recently and it said yes it was possible so I went on my merry way
> thinking
> >> it would be more streamlined.
> >>
> >> I may have a backup from 2 years ago on version 2.3.4 but of course that
> >> would mean I wouldn’t have the recent 2 years of transactions.
> >>
> >> The file type is simply File so it may be XML but upon opening it in
> >> Notepad it mentions SQLite among the garbled text.
> >>
> >> I’ll try the trace tonight. For now I’ve left it running on 4.12 for
> about
> >> 30 mins and no result in opening the file as shown in the pic below.
> I’ve
> >> reinstalled 2.3.4 and tried opening the file but it’s stuck on reading.
> >> Will leave this for a while.
> >>
> >> Thank for your reply.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 4:12 pm, David Cousens  >
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>  As Adrien pointed out anytime you do an upgrade of GNuCash you should
> >>>  ALWAYS
> >>>  make a backup copy of the data file before starting the upgrade and
> keep
> >>>  it at
> >>>  least until everything is working. It is a good practice to regularly
> make
> >>>  a
> >>>  backup copy of your data file in any case, preferrably to another
> computer,
> >>>  network storage or a cloud (online) storage, usb stick etc. If you
> have
> >>>  problems
> >>>  then you can always copy (not move) the file from your backup to your
> data
> >>>  directory and start again. Are you using the xml file (a text file)
> or an
> >>>  actual database backend?
> >>>
> >>>  The datafile format sometimes has to be changed to accomodate new
> features
> >>>  and
> >>>  fix some bugs. If such changes occur it is usually when changing from
> the
> >>>  last
> >>>  version of a major series to the first version of the next. Version
> 4.x
> >>>  will
> >>>  assume that the file has already been upgraded from version 2 to
> version
> >>>  3. Each
> >>>  new major version of GnuCash includes a procedure for updating the
> >>>  datafile the
> >>>  first time it is run with a higher version.
> >>>
> >>>  As well as changes in the datafile itself, there are sometimes
> changes in
> >>>  the
> >>>  locations where stored reports and user preference data etc are
> located.
> >>>  These
> >>>  are usually translated by the installation procedure for the first
> install
> >>>  of a
> >>>  higher major version (2->3->4). The locations are also different on
> >>>  different
> >>>  operating systems.
> >>>  has
> >>>  details of the locations for various versions on Linux/Windows/Mac.
> The
> >>>  page can
> >>>  be hard to read but there are some diagrams accessed form links about
> >>>  halfway
> >>>  down the page
> >>>
> >>>  Not sure how you can recover without a backup of the original file.
> >>>
> >>>  With a 30Mb file it may take some time to convert the datafile  at
> startup.
> >>>  GnuCash will be unresponsive while this is taking place so don't
> assume it
> >>>  has
> >>>  stopped/crashed - use the task manager
> >>>  (

Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-26 Thread Rosepetals
No worries. Thanks heaps for responding and your suggestions. It is much

Yes I presume they’re quite large because I’ve been using Gnucash for some

A friend introduced it to me back then to help manage finances and I’ve
been using it since.

Thanks again!

On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:28 pm, David T.  wrote:

> I don't profess to have any great ideas, but I see from the one screenshot
> that your file opens, but appears to be empty, and I see from the other
> that you have numerous large log files (9mb or so) on every day of the
> display. Many of them appear to be only a few days old.
> Personally, my log files are very small (measured in kilobytes, not
> megabytes), so I am curious what you have been doing to get such large
> files.
> David T.
> P.S. -- I can't imagine how you ended up using a development version of
> GnuCash, and am sad to hear you've been using it all these years.
> On Oct 20, 2022, at 2:05 PM, Rosepetals  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes it was silly of me. I recall years ago checking if I could update to a
>> newer version but the official site said it was not advised. Then I checked
>> recently and it said yes it was possible so I went on my merry way thinking
>> it would be more streamlined.
>> I may have a backup from 2 years ago on version 2.3.4 but of course that
>> would mean I wouldn’t have the recent 2 years of transactions.
>> The file type is simply File so it may be XML but upon opening it in
>> Notepad it mentions SQLite among the garbled text.
>> I’ll try the trace tonight. For now I’ve left it running on 4.12 for about
>> 30 mins and no result in opening the file as shown in the pic below. I’ve
>> reinstalled 2.3.4 and tried opening the file but it’s stuck on reading.
>> Will leave this for a while.
>> Thank for your reply.
>> On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 4:12 pm, David Cousens 
>> wrote:
>>>  As Adrien pointed out anytime you do an upgrade of GNuCash you should
>>>  make a backup copy of the data file before starting the upgrade and keep
>>>  it at
>>>  least until everything is working. It is a good practice to regularly make
>>>  a
>>>  backup copy of your data file in any case, preferrably to another computer,
>>>  network storage or a cloud (online) storage, usb stick etc. If you have
>>>  problems
>>>  then you can always copy (not move) the file from your backup to your data
>>>  directory and start again. Are you using the xml file (a text file)  or an
>>>  actual database backend?
>>>  The datafile format sometimes has to be changed to accomodate new features
>>>  and
>>>  fix some bugs. If such changes occur it is usually when changing from the
>>>  last
>>>  version of a major series to the first version of the next. Version 4.x
>>>  will
>>>  assume that the file has already been upgraded from version 2 to version
>>>  3. Each
>>>  new major version of GnuCash includes a procedure for updating the
>>>  datafile the
>>>  first time it is run with a higher version.
>>>  As well as changes in the datafile itself, there are sometimes changes in
>>>  the
>>>  locations where stored reports and user preference data etc are located.
>>>  These
>>>  are usually translated by the installation procedure for the first install
>>>  of a
>>>  higher major version (2->3->4). The locations are also different on
>>>  different
>>>  operating systems.
>>>  has
>>>  details of the locations for various versions on Linux/Windows/Mac. The
>>>  page can
>>>  be hard to read but there are some diagrams accessed form links about
>>>  halfway
>>>  down the page
>>>  Not sure how you can recover without a backup of the original file.
>>>  With a 30Mb file it may take some time to convert the datafile  at startup.
>>>  GnuCash will be unresponsive while this is taking place so don't assume it
>>>  has
>>>  stopped/crashed - use the task manager
>>>  (
>>>  to
>>>  check that it is no longer runnning as Adrien suggested and if so let it
>>>  run to
>>>  completion or until it actually crashes.
>>>  If GnuCash is actually crashing, i.e. it stops running completely, then
>>>  generating a trace file and stack trace file as described in
>>> and posting them here may help in
>>>  working out if your file can be fixed and how.
>>>  If you can get your datafile to open, before doing anything else run the
>>>  Actions->Check & Repair->All transactions from the menu.
>>>  Hope this helps.
>>>  On Wed, 2022-10-19 at 23:11 +1100, Rosepetals wrote:
  Hi all,

  I’m running Windows 11.

  I was running Gnucash 2.3.4 for years and finally decided to upgrade to

>>>  the
  latest stable release of 4.12 so I can export to a spreadsheet.

  The setup needed to uninstall 2.3.4 which went fine and then 

Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You can turn it off. Some may have and forgot. And I'm not sure when 
that was added. It may not have been available for 2.3.4.

That version was never intended to be used regularly. It was a 
development/testing version only.

Though such a file or files might be in the OPs data directory, we'll 
have to wait and see.


On 10/20/22 5:57 PM, R Losey wrote:

I thought Gnucash by default kept backups of the database file.

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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread R Losey
I thought Gnucash by default kept backups of the database file.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 4:28 AM Rosepetals  wrote:

> Hi,
> The location of the database file has a number of log files in it if that
> helps.
> Thanks for responding.
> On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 7:01 pm, Maf. King  wrote:
> > Just an observation, from the depths of history...
> >
> > IIRC, 2.3.x I think was a development series; unstable and for bug
> testing
> > and
> > so on, and for "expert" users only  (ie not me)
> >
> > it feels to me that having that running on win11 is unlikely, I'm not
> even
> > sure that 2.3 release were for windows - if they were available then they
> > would have been some of the very first releases of GC on winXP.
> >
> > I am pretty sure that if 2.3.4 was installed by the OP, then the GC
> > database
> > would be in XML not SQL and so the usually auto-created backup files
> > should
> > have been made and might be lurking in a corner of a hard disk?
> >
> > HTH,
> > Maf.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thursday, 20 October 2022 06:52:54 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > > Unlikely, but you might get lucky. (You really don't have *any* backup
> > > at all? Really? You've been using a decades old version of GnuCash and
> > > you never make backups?)
> > >
> > > Note, the GnuCash file, by default unless you changed it, is a
> > > compressed XML file. Uncompressed, it is just plain text and human
> > > readable. (albeit in a markup language) How the file is arranged has
> > > changed over the years, but the raw data should still be there.
> > >
> > > As for 'developing a problem afterwards' it could be that GnuCash is
> > > proceeding with data migration in the background, but it may have
> gotten
> > > hung up on something, or it is just really taking a long time.
> > >
> > > As David noted, running from the command line, or getting a Trace File
> > > might shed some light as to what is going on.
> > >
> > > You *might* get lucky by removing 4.12, going back to 2.3.4, then
> > > proceeding as I outlined, *but* be darned sure to MAKE A COPY of your
> > > file before doing so!
> > >
> > > Honestly, I'd go the route David suggested first to get some output and
> > > then report back here what you get.
> > >
> > > Also, what do you mean by 'blank screen'? Can you take a screenshot and
> > > attach it in a reply? (do not paste in-line, it needs to be attached)
> > >
> > > Maybe do that FIRST, and then once we see what you see, we can advise
> > > further.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Adrien
> > >
> > > On 10/19/22 10:13 PM, Rosepetals wrote:
> > > > I don’t have a backup of the 2.3.4 database. Is there a way to
> recover
> > > > data
> > > > from the current 4.12 database?
> > > >
> > > > Also why does Gnucash work fine after the database upgrade but then
> > > > develop
> > > > a fault afterwards?
> > >
> > > ___
> > > gnucash-user mailing list
> > >
> > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> > >
> > > -
> > > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread Adrien Monteleone
By 'backup' we don't mean something you do within GnuCash, we mean 
something you do with your entire computer/personal files.

If you never make backups of any of your files, or only rarely, then I 
guess you're stuck rebuilding data if you can't recover this file. (this 
would be the case with ANY app, or hard drive failure, lightning strike, 
fire, flood, etc.)

The Wiki *well* advises how to upgrade properly, and that includes 
making sure you have a copy/backup of your file.

I haven't checked the GnuCash Manual, but I'd be surprised if it doesn't 
advise the same.

Thanks for the screenshots.

Once you get some feedback from the command line and a trace file, maybe 
we'll see things aren't a disaster.

Note, if you have log files dating all the way back to your last known 
good copy that works with 2.3.4 again, you can 'replay' those logs using 
2.3.4 to rebuild the file, then make a copy (!!) and proceed with the 
incremental upgrade. (making copies at each step!)


On 10/20/22 6:02 AM, Rosepetals wrote:

I may have a backup from 2 years ago on version 2.3.4 but of course that
would mean I wouldn’t have the recent 2 years of transactions.

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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread john
The oldest release still on SourceForge is 2.2.0 and it includes a Windows 
setup.exe; the oldest unstable release is 2.3.0 and it does not, but all from 
2.3.2 do have a setup.exe.
The first commit to gnucash-on-windows was on 25 August 2006, not quite a year 
before, and the first announcement of a setup.exe being available is for 2.1.1 
on 28 April 2007.

John Ralls

> On Oct 20, 2022, at 1:00 AM, Maf. King  wrote:
> Just an observation, from the depths of history...
> IIRC, 2.3.x I think was a development series; unstable and for bug testing 
> and 
> so on, and for "expert" users only  (ie not me)
> it feels to me that having that running on win11 is unlikely, I'm not even 
> sure that 2.3 release were for windows - if they were available then they 
> would have been some of the very first releases of GC on winXP. 
> I am pretty sure that if 2.3.4 was installed by the OP, then the GC database 
> would be in XML not SQL and so the usually auto-created backup files should 
> have been made and might be lurking in a corner of a hard disk?
> HTH,
> Maf.
> On Thursday, 20 October 2022 06:52:54 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> Unlikely, but you might get lucky. (You really don't have *any* backup
>> at all? Really? You've been using a decades old version of GnuCash and
>> you never make backups?)
>> Note, the GnuCash file, by default unless you changed it, is a
>> compressed XML file. Uncompressed, it is just plain text and human
>> readable. (albeit in a markup language) How the file is arranged has
>> changed over the years, but the raw data should still be there.
>> As for 'developing a problem afterwards' it could be that GnuCash is
>> proceeding with data migration in the background, but it may have gotten
>> hung up on something, or it is just really taking a long time.
>> As David noted, running from the command line, or getting a Trace File
>> might shed some light as to what is going on.
>> You *might* get lucky by removing 4.12, going back to 2.3.4, then
>> proceeding as I outlined, *but* be darned sure to MAKE A COPY of your
>> file before doing so!
>> Honestly, I'd go the route David suggested first to get some output and
>> then report back here what you get.
>> Also, what do you mean by 'blank screen'? Can you take a screenshot and
>> attach it in a reply? (do not paste in-line, it needs to be attached)
>> Maybe do that FIRST, and then once we see what you see, we can advise
>> further.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>> On 10/19/22 10:13 PM, Rosepetals wrote:
>>> I don’t have a backup of the 2.3.4 database. Is there a way to recover
>>> data
>>> from the current 4.12 database?
>>> Also why does Gnucash work fine after the database upgrade but then
>>> develop
>>> a fault afterwards?
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> -
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 10/20/2022 1:11 AM, David Cousens wrote:

As Adrien pointed out anytime you do an upgrade of GNuCash you should ALWAYS
make a backup copy of the data file before starting the upgrade and keep it at
least until everything is working. It is a good practice to regularly make a
backup copy of your data file in any case, preferrably to another computer,
network storage or a cloud (online) storage, usb stick etc.

Whenever you are upgrading ANY application you should make a back-up of 
the user data of that application (immediately before the upgrade).

This is in addition to the regular periodic back-ups you are making 
(unless you always to choose to do all application upgrades immediately 
after the regular periodic back-up). You ARE doing periodic back-ups of 
your user data, yes?

In other words, the advice how to do it for gnucash is not specific to 

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread David T. via gnucash-user
I don't profess to have any great ideas, but I see from the one screenshot that 
your file opens, but appears to be empty, and I see from the other that you 
have numerous large log files (9mb or so) on every day of the display. Many of 
them appear to be only a few days old. 

Personally, my log files are very small (measured in kilobytes, not megabytes), 
so I am curious what you have been doing to get such large files. 

⁣David T. ​

P.S. -- I can't imagine how you ended up using a development version of 
GnuCash, and am sad to hear you've been using it all these years. 

On Oct 20, 2022, 2:05 PM, at 2:05 PM, Rosepetals  wrote:
>Yes it was silly of me. I recall years ago checking if I could update
>to a
>newer version but the official site said it was not advised. Then I
>recently and it said yes it was possible so I went on my merry way
>it would be more streamlined.
>I may have a backup from 2 years ago on version 2.3.4 but of course
>would mean I wouldn’t have the recent 2 years of transactions.
>The file type is simply File so it may be XML but upon opening it in
>Notepad it mentions SQLite among the garbled text.
>I’ll try the trace tonight. For now I’ve left it running on 4.12 for
>30 mins and no result in opening the file as shown in the pic below.
>reinstalled 2.3.4 and tried opening the file but it’s stuck on reading.
>Will leave this for a while.
>Thank for your reply.
>On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 4:12 pm, David Cousens
>> As Adrien pointed out anytime you do an upgrade of GNuCash you should
>> make a backup copy of the data file before starting the upgrade and
>> it at
>> least until everything is working. It is a good practice to regularly
>> a
>> backup copy of your data file in any case, preferrably to another
>> network storage or a cloud (online) storage, usb stick etc. If you
>> problems
>> then you can always copy (not move) the file from your backup to your
>> directory and start again. Are you using the xml file (a text file) 
>or an
>> actual database backend?
>> The datafile format sometimes has to be changed to accomodate new
>> and
>> fix some bugs. If such changes occur it is usually when changing from
>> last
>> version of a major series to the first version of the next. Version
>> will
>> assume that the file has already been upgraded from version 2 to
>> 3. Each
>> new major version of GnuCash includes a procedure for updating the
>> datafile the
>> first time it is run with a higher version.
>> As well as changes in the datafile itself, there are sometimes
>changes in
>> the
>> locations where stored reports and user preference data etc are
>> These
>> are usually translated by the installation procedure for the first
>> of a
>> higher major version (2->3->4). The locations are also different on
>> different
>> operating
>> has
>> details of the locations for various versions on Linux/Windows/Mac.
>> page can
>> be hard to read but there are some diagrams accessed form links about
>> halfway
>> down the page
>> Not sure how you can recover without a backup of the original file.
>> With a 30Mb file it may take some time to convert the datafile  at
>> GnuCash will be unresponsive while this is taking place so don't
>assume it
>> has
>> stopped/crashed - use the task manager
>> to
>> check that it is no longer runnning as Adrien suggested and if so let
>> run to
>> completion or until it actually crashes.
>> If GnuCash is actually crashing, i.e. it stops running completely,
>> generating a trace file and stack trace file as described in
>> and posting them here may
>help in
>> working out if your file can be fixed and how.
>> If you can get your datafile to open, before doing anything else run
>> Actions->Check & Repair->All transactions from the menu.
>> Hope this helps.
>> On Wed, 2022-10-19 at 23:11 +1100, Rosepetals wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I’m running Windows 11.
>> >
>> > I was running Gnucash 2.3.4 for years and finally decided to
>upgrade to
>> the
>> > latest stable release of 4.12 so I can export to a spreadsheet.
>> >
>> > The setup needed to uninstall 2.3.4 which went fine and then 4.12
>> finished
>> > installing.
>> >
>> > I opened Gnucash 4.12 and opened my Gnucash database. It notified
>me I
>> > needed to upgrade the database to the new version which worked fine
>and I
>> > was able to access all my data. I made a few entries and closed
>> > without any issues.
>> >
>> > Later I opened Gnucash again but this time it didn’t auto open the
>> database
>> > and I'm left with a blank screen. I proceed to locate and open the
>> database
>> > but after 

Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread Rosepetals

The location of the database file has a number of log files in it if that

Thanks for responding.

On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 7:01 pm, Maf. King  wrote:

> Just an observation, from the depths of history...
> IIRC, 2.3.x I think was a development series; unstable and for bug testing
> and
> so on, and for "expert" users only  (ie not me)
> it feels to me that having that running on win11 is unlikely, I'm not even
> sure that 2.3 release were for windows - if they were available then they
> would have been some of the very first releases of GC on winXP.
> I am pretty sure that if 2.3.4 was installed by the OP, then the GC
> database
> would be in XML not SQL and so the usually auto-created backup files
> should
> have been made and might be lurking in a corner of a hard disk?
> HTH,
> Maf.
> On Thursday, 20 October 2022 06:52:54 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > Unlikely, but you might get lucky. (You really don't have *any* backup
> > at all? Really? You've been using a decades old version of GnuCash and
> > you never make backups?)
> >
> > Note, the GnuCash file, by default unless you changed it, is a
> > compressed XML file. Uncompressed, it is just plain text and human
> > readable. (albeit in a markup language) How the file is arranged has
> > changed over the years, but the raw data should still be there.
> >
> > As for 'developing a problem afterwards' it could be that GnuCash is
> > proceeding with data migration in the background, but it may have gotten
> > hung up on something, or it is just really taking a long time.
> >
> > As David noted, running from the command line, or getting a Trace File
> > might shed some light as to what is going on.
> >
> > You *might* get lucky by removing 4.12, going back to 2.3.4, then
> > proceeding as I outlined, *but* be darned sure to MAKE A COPY of your
> > file before doing so!
> >
> > Honestly, I'd go the route David suggested first to get some output and
> > then report back here what you get.
> >
> > Also, what do you mean by 'blank screen'? Can you take a screenshot and
> > attach it in a reply? (do not paste in-line, it needs to be attached)
> >
> > Maybe do that FIRST, and then once we see what you see, we can advise
> > further.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> > On 10/19/22 10:13 PM, Rosepetals wrote:
> > > I don’t have a backup of the 2.3.4 database. Is there a way to recover
> > > data
> > > from the current 4.12 database?
> > >
> > > Also why does Gnucash work fine after the database upgrade but then
> > > develop
> > > a fault afterwards?
> >
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread Maf. King
Just an observation, from the depths of history...

IIRC, 2.3.x I think was a development series; unstable and for bug testing and 
so on, and for "expert" users only  (ie not me)

it feels to me that having that running on win11 is unlikely, I'm not even 
sure that 2.3 release were for windows - if they were available then they 
would have been some of the very first releases of GC on winXP. 

I am pretty sure that if 2.3.4 was installed by the OP, then the GC database 
would be in XML not SQL and so the usually auto-created backup files should 
have been made and might be lurking in a corner of a hard disk?


On Thursday, 20 October 2022 06:52:54 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Unlikely, but you might get lucky. (You really don't have *any* backup
> at all? Really? You've been using a decades old version of GnuCash and
> you never make backups?)
> Note, the GnuCash file, by default unless you changed it, is a
> compressed XML file. Uncompressed, it is just plain text and human
> readable. (albeit in a markup language) How the file is arranged has
> changed over the years, but the raw data should still be there.
> As for 'developing a problem afterwards' it could be that GnuCash is
> proceeding with data migration in the background, but it may have gotten
> hung up on something, or it is just really taking a long time.
> As David noted, running from the command line, or getting a Trace File
> might shed some light as to what is going on.
> You *might* get lucky by removing 4.12, going back to 2.3.4, then
> proceeding as I outlined, *but* be darned sure to MAKE A COPY of your
> file before doing so!
> Honestly, I'd go the route David suggested first to get some output and
> then report back here what you get.
> Also, what do you mean by 'blank screen'? Can you take a screenshot and
> attach it in a reply? (do not paste in-line, it needs to be attached)
> Maybe do that FIRST, and then once we see what you see, we can advise
> further.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 10/19/22 10:13 PM, Rosepetals wrote:
> > I don’t have a backup of the 2.3.4 database. Is there a way to recover
> > data
> > from the current 4.12 database?
> > 
> > Also why does Gnucash work fine after the database upgrade but then
> > develop
> > a fault afterwards?
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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-19 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Unlikely, but you might get lucky. (You really don't have *any* backup 
at all? Really? You've been using a decades old version of GnuCash and 
you never make backups?)

Note, the GnuCash file, by default unless you changed it, is a 
compressed XML file. Uncompressed, it is just plain text and human 
readable. (albeit in a markup language) How the file is arranged has 
changed over the years, but the raw data should still be there.

As for 'developing a problem afterwards' it could be that GnuCash is 
proceeding with data migration in the background, but it may have gotten 
hung up on something, or it is just really taking a long time.

As David noted, running from the command line, or getting a Trace File 
might shed some light as to what is going on.

You *might* get lucky by removing 4.12, going back to 2.3.4, then 
proceeding as I outlined, *but* be darned sure to MAKE A COPY of your 
file before doing so!

Honestly, I'd go the route David suggested first to get some output and 
then report back here what you get.

Also, what do you mean by 'blank screen'? Can you take a screenshot and 
attach it in a reply? (do not paste in-line, it needs to be attached)

Maybe do that FIRST, and then once we see what you see, we can advise 


On 10/19/22 10:13 PM, Rosepetals wrote:

I don’t have a backup of the 2.3.4 database. Is there a way to recover data
from the current 4.12 database?

Also why does Gnucash work fine after the database upgrade but then develop
a fault afterwards?

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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-19 Thread David Cousens

As Adrien pointed out anytime you do an upgrade of GNuCash you should ALWAYS
make a backup copy of the data file before starting the upgrade and keep it at
least until everything is working. It is a good practice to regularly make a
backup copy of your data file in any case, preferrably to another computer,
network storage or a cloud (online) storage, usb stick etc. If you have problems
then you can always copy (not move) the file from your backup to your data
directory and start again. Are you using the xml file (a text file)  or an
actual database backend?

The datafile format sometimes has to be changed to accomodate new features and
fix some bugs. If such changes occur it is usually when changing from the last
version of a major series to the first version of the next. Version 4.x will
assume that the file has already been upgraded from version 2 to version 3. Each
new major version of GnuCash includes a procedure for updating the datafile the
first time it is run with a higher version. 

As well as changes in the datafile itself, there are sometimes changes in the
locations where stored reports and user preference data etc are located. These
are usually translated by the installation procedure for the first install of a
higher major version (2->3->4). The locations are also different on different
operating systems. has
details of the locations for various versions on Linux/Windows/Mac. The page can
be hard to read but there are some diagrams accessed form links about halfway
down the page

Not sure how you can recover without a backup of the original file. 

With a 30Mb file it may take some time to convert the datafile  at startup.
GnuCash will be unresponsive while this is taking place so don't assume it has
stopped/crashed - use the task manager
( to
check that it is no longer runnning as Adrien suggested and if so let it run to
completion or until it actually crashes. 

If GnuCash is actually crashing, i.e. it stops running completely, then
generating a trace file and stack trace file as described in and posting them here may help in
working out if your file can be fixed and how. 

If you can get your datafile to open, before doing anything else run the
Actions->Check & Repair->All transactions from the menu.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, 2022-10-19 at 23:11 +1100, Rosepetals wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m running Windows 11.
> I was running Gnucash 2.3.4 for years and finally decided to upgrade to the
> latest stable release of 4.12 so I can export to a spreadsheet.
> The setup needed to uninstall 2.3.4 which went fine and then 4.12 finished
> installing.
> I opened Gnucash 4.12 and opened my Gnucash database. It notified me I
> needed to upgrade the database to the new version which worked fine and I
> was able to access all my data. I made a few entries and closed Gnucash
> without any issues.
> Later I opened Gnucash again but this time it didn’t auto open the database
> and I'm left with a blank screen. I proceed to locate and open the database
> but after waiting for it to load, nothing appears. I try to load it
> manually in other ways but eventually Gnucash crashes.
> If it helps, the database is 30MB in size.
> Please help. I have 13 years of data here.
> Thanks for looking!
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