[Goanet]Tamil Nadu reaches for the skies. What's Goa waiting for?

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas

Govt to 'gift' 1,475 acres for new Chennai airport
Saturday April 30 2005 00:00 IST
CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Government has decided to allot ''free of cost and
free from encumbrances'' 1,457.5 acres of land for setting up a new
international airport in Chennai.

Re: [Goanet] Steel plant to pollute the Western ghats - ecological disaster

2005-04-29 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Clearly 300 millions lives should improve. How is
>that done? By proper planning in nit. Ruling
>(governance)is not easy. If you can not do it get
some >body else to do the job. 

Koknne raj kottele, mele, innit?



[Goanet]Salmona Spring: New Open Update To Governor Of Goa-1.

2005-04-29 Thread muriel & mario
Date: 29th April'2005

To The Governor of Goa,
Panaji.  Goa.

Your excellency,

I am forced to resume our updates on the Salmona Spring, because now it is a 
matter of life and death.  There is a threat to my safety and that of my 
family, house and property.

My husband Mario is away and will not be back for another few days.

I am living with 3 old people, (my parents who are 84 and 78 years old, and my 
father-in-law, also 84) and my 2 young Children aged 10 and 8. As a woman with 
these old people and children to care for, I am very vulnerable and completely 

It is in these circumstances, with my husband is away, that the builder Arjun 
Harmalkar who is building the disputed structure at the Salmona Spring has 
decided to threaten me.

On 27th April '05 morning as I was returning from the Saligao market Arjun 
Harmalkar was descending from the Panchayat Office. He passed me 
remarking, "You can only write to the papers."

On the 28th April"05 at 6pm as I was walking with my son to Donvaddo in 
Saligao, Arjun Harmalkar was passing in the opposite direction on his bike.  
As he was riding his bike he slowed down a little and threatened me 
saying, "Wait, wait, I will show you!"  Again I walked on without a word to 

This clearly constitutes a threat to my life and property as well as the lives 
of my family.

The contractor Arjun Harmalkar is capable of anything. He has the money at his 
command to make good his threats.

As you know, the whole village is against the destruction his construction has 
caused the Salmona Spring Conservation Zone, the only heritage spot left in 
the village.  My husband Mario, my children and I have been very involved with 
the local struggle to save this zone.  This has angered Arjun Harmalkar 
who has now decided to intimidate me with open threats.

This of course, is not going to stop us.  As with the other public causes and 
all-Goa issues we have been involved in, WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO DIE TO SAVE THE 

But we write to you because Arjun Harmalkar can be stopped from attacking me, 
my family, my house and property. And he can be stopped by YOU, your 
Excellency!  I am appealing to you, your administration and your Police force 
for protection.  I am appealing to you because Mario, myself and our 2 
children have been involved in this struggle to save the Salmona Spring for 
the sake of Saligao's environment. Our struggle has been in the public 
interest. In Goa's interest.

I am appealing to you because as the Head of State, you have the duty and 
powers to protect the public interest as well as those who struggle to promote 

Your Excellency, will you protect me, my family, my house and property from 
the attack by Arjun Harmalkar?

Inspite of all your good intentions, and appreciation of our work to save the 
environment, your efforts to impose a temporary injunction or revoke the 
construction licence of the building at the Salmona Spring, have so far drawn 
a blank.  The least you can now do is protect the lives of those who have been 
involved in the struggle to save the Spring.  As the Head of State, these 
powers of protection we are sure you have.  We hope you will not hesitate to 
use them.

I have made a Police complaint to the Calangute Police on 29th April'05, with 
copies to the Dy. SP, SP-North, IGP, Chief Secretary and you.

And now, I am making this public appeal to you and all those like minded 
people who think that Saligao's last heritage spot - the Salmona Spring - be 
preserved as a Conservation Zone, Bird Sanctuary and Private Forest to protect 
its unique balance of humidity, temperature and biodiversity.

Your Excellency, Arjun Harmalkar lives a mere 200 meters away from our house!  
He passes my house several times a day.  He often passes me and my children on 
the road.  With Mario away, we are without any protection...


Afraid...but ready to die, in case you are unable to protect us.


muriel & mario,
4/4 tabravaddo, 
opp. st. anne's chapel, saligao.  
bardez.  goa.  403511.
tel: 0832-278276 / 240

[Goanet]Goanet Reader -- Press in Goa [Rajesh Singh]

2005-04-29 Thread Goanet Reader
Press in Goa

By Rajesh Singh

The press in Goa has undergone many dramatic changes over the decades since 
Liberation. From being a propaganda machine of the colonialist Portuguese 
regime, it is today a powerful medium to convey the views and aspirations of 
the people of the state. The press has become a watchdog of society, and to a 
significant extent it has been keeping a watch on the performance of our 
public figures, not hesitating to pull them up for their lapses.

However, along with this very laudable development, a section of the media has 
taken another course altogether. It has become the judge and the executioner, 
and its conclusions are based more on the prejudices that it entertains than 
objectivity. Sensationalism is being passed off as `investigative' and `bold' 
journalism. Campaigns against individuals are being routinely conducted in the 
garb of `exposing' them, although the discerning reader will easily detect a 
pattern in such campaigns – one that fits in neatly with the preconceived 
notions of the reporter or his editor.

The tragedy is that serious and meaningful journalism has become a victim in 
all this sub-standard output. When press persons get attention and publicity 
through their ill-conceived and often hollow writings that pass off as probes, 
there is little incentive for them to engage in meaningful journalism. Of 
course, there is also the tendency among many journalists in the state to shy 
away from in-depth writing, and instead depend for their output on the sundry 
press conferences, and that too Panjim-based.

The reluctance to produce good stories is also because of the hard work 
involved. A good story may fetch rewards and attention to the writer and its 
publication, but the work involved is often dreary and far from glamorous. Few 
journalists are willing to work that hard here. Editors themselves are looking 
for `explosive' material that they can proudly display on their front pages 
with slug lines such as `expose' or `exclusive.' Most of these stories do not 
hold beyond the first paragraph that is embellished with as many dramatic 
words as the journalist can pack in.

There is this strong belief that circulation can only increase with 
sensational stuff and through `activist journalism.' It is true that such 
tactics enhance the circulation of a publication, but only up to a point and 
only temporarily. Such journalism is usually devoid of substance and is bound 
to run out of steam soon enough. The people then simply reject campaign 
journalists. We have been seeing this trend in Goa of late.

At the other extreme of the spectrum are those publications that confuse 
meaningful and non-sensational journalism with reporting that puts the reader 
to sleep. This section of the media believes that the more dull and drab a 
presentation of news, the better it is! There is neither imagination nor 
innovation in the reports or in their presentation. While the first kind of 
media loves to take a stand on everything, often without understanding even 
the basics of the subject at hand, the second variety is mortally terrified to 
take a stand – any stand.

Over the years, two developments have given a new profile to the media sector 
in Goa. One is the arrival of our own electronic media in the form of local 
content news on television through cable, and the other is the growing 
popularity of community papers that are distributed free of cost. We already 
have three cable TV news channels, two in Konkani and one in English that are 
viewed widely across the state. There is talk of another English news channel 
being launched. Clearly, the concept has caught on in the state. 
Unfortunately, most of these channels have less of news and more of 
promotional and PR content. It will be some while before the so-called news 
channels get professional.

Community papers or free-sheeters have blazed a new trail in the state. 
Available free of cost to the reader, these publications, like the priced 
ones, depend heavily on advertisement support for their survival. But, unlike 
them, these publications have a more focused reach and provide the advertisers 
a truly economical medium to a market that they wish to target. The steady 
growth of such publications over the years and the improvement in their 
production value demonstrate their growing popularity.

The media is poised to grow exponentially in the coming years. And, while the 
vernacular press has got stronger, the English segment is getting more crowded 
than ever. Besides the dailies, there are the weeklies and other assorted 
publications that have given the reader in Goa a wider choice than ever 
before. There is even a fashion pull-out in one of the dailies. One hopes all 
these developments will lead to better quality as well. (ENDS)

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rajesh Singh is a journalist, columnist and former Director 
of Informatio

[Goanet]Alliance Air to morph into "India Shuttle"?

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas

Domestic budget airline likely by next year: Minister
Abu Dhabi, Apr 29 (UNI) 'India Shuttle', a budget airline on the lines of
Air India Express, will be launched in the domestic sector by the beginning
of next year, Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said today.

Talking to newspersons here on his arrival from Thiruvananthapuram on the
maiden AI Express flight, he said Indian Airlines subsidary Alliance Air
would be rechristened as India Shuttle to operate the budget airline in the
domestic sector. A final decision would have to be taken by the airlines.

He said five Boeing aircraft would be taken on lease to replace the ageing
Air Buses with the Alliance Air to operate the service.


2005-04-29 Thread mmdmello

Does the candle and the candlelight give us any example in itself?

The candle lies dormant until it is lit.  I have observed, it velocity
depends on the length of its Vick when it is lit for the first time.  At
this time, it flares sometimes, emitting thick black smoke.  Once the Vick
evenly absorbs the wax, it burns to a consistency, emitting a mild glow,
which is soft and soothing to the eyes like a florescent light bulb, not
bright or overwhelming.

We people are rational animals, we have our own thinking power, distinguish
right from wrong and always have the choice to absorb the liquefied wax of
knowledge and glow consistently and make us wiser or flare up and burn soon.
In the public forums, when one expresses his or her thought, one might be
right or wrong, and one should have the broad and open mind to take it, be
receptive to criticism and should not take it personally, because whatever
our personal belief, it can always be wrong or might seem so to others.

Goanetters, bring your own candles, light them for us and may we all benefit
from the glow, do not hide it under a bushel!!

[Goanet]Re: Women Catholic priests...........

2005-04-29 Thread George Pinto
--- Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My crystal ball shows female and male Jesuits,  Franciscans and Maryknoll 
> missionaries, living
> in their own communes with little Jesuits and little Franciscans and 
> Maryknollians running
> around.  
> Goanet is is certainly an incubator for futuristic ideas.  Someone wondered 
> why we have a large
> but loyal silent membership.  It is the entertainment value one gets from 
> reading some of the
> posts on this Forum.  


I don't know if women priests will become a reality. If it does, it will truly 
be communal, as in
sharing equally in a community.  Btw, "commune" shares the same origin as 
"communion" (as in holy
communion) so don't be so quick to dismiss communes.

Don't worry, women priests will not challenge manliness as some fear on this 
forum. I can assure
people the world will not end, milk with taste the same, the sun will rise in 
the east, feni will
still be enjoyable.  Try thinking equality, it's not so radical an idea.

On a separate note and not related to Vivian specifically: I am curious why 
Goan/Indian Catholics
cannot fight for reform in the Church and seek justice.  They are capable of 
fighting for justice
related to language issues (Konkani), Metastrips, corruption, etc.  But when it 
comes to matters
of the church, they meekly follow - they become the true silent Goanetters on 
Goanet.  Worse
still, they attack or belittle reformers. Interestingly, if the Vatican were to 
approve women
priests tomorrow they would jump on the bandwagon of reform.  Who knows, some 
might even say they
supported the idea all along! 


[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * Apr 30, 2005 * Melting Himalaya snow worries Goa

2005-04-29 Thread Goanet News Service

G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s   APRIL 30-29, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...   .. ...   .||.Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  || by Herman
  |''   ||   || .|' ||   ||  ||  ||   || Carneiro
 '.  '|..|' '|..'|' .||. ||.  '|...'  '|.'   http://www.goanet.org
 To unsubscribe from this list, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you find this ezine useful, please recommend it to your
friends and others from Goa. To sign-up http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net


IN TODAY'S EZINE: Global warming could affect Goa's fish says globally
-recognised research of Goan scientist Joaquim Goes... and a strange story
of a mamlatdar caught while taking a bribe, and fainting. There's also a
list of journalists in Goa available on the Internet. Many more features,
exclusive inputs from Goa and the cyberspace, environmental concerns from
the state, and in football Alvito D'Cunha gets ready for the backlash. Why?
Read on...

COULD THE MELTING SNOW COVER of the Himalayas affect the marine life
thousands of kilometres away? Strange but true.  An abrupt decline
in snowfall over the Himalayan mountain range is threatening marine
life in the distant waters of the Arabian Sea, according to a study
led by Goan scientist Dr Joaquim Goes, senior investigator at the
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in the USA. His study says the
Indian subcontinent is already witnessing the effects of global
warming within its own backyard and the trends are particularly
disturbing. (H)

GOMANTAK TIMES has a series of reports on No Child Labour Day.

The long arm of the law caught up with Ponda mamlatdar Prashant
Anand Mandrekar on Thursday. The Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Goa
Police's vigilance department swooped down on Mandrekar (33) at his
office in Ponda, immediately after he accepted a bribe of Rs 10,000
from complainant Thomas Menezes of Colva. Obviously shocked that he
was caught red-handed, the mamlatdar fainted. Menezes, the managing
director of Oceanic Aquaculture Pvt Ltd in Madkai on Thursday
morning complained to the Superintendent of Police (ACB Vigilance)
Bosco George that the mamlatdar had demanded Rs 15,000 for settling
a case filed against his company which was engaged in prawn farming.
Menezes had gone to the ACB armed with an audio cassette of the
taped conversation between the mamlatdar and himself. Mamlatdars are
fairly senior government officials at the taluka (sub-district)
levels. (Gomantak Times)

o Tiracol illegal structures demolished despite BJP outcry. (NT)
o Demolitions spark violence in Keri (Pernem). MLA Parsekar and
  25 BJP supporters arrested, five stalls razed. (H)
o Rs 800,000 worth fake liquor seized in Cuncolim from Shakti Tukoba
  Industries. (NT)
o Common Entrance Test for professional admissions begin in Goa today.NT
o No clear choice for Luizinho's successor as Congress chief in Goa. (NT)
o Margao municipal council has seen 22 chief officers in 20 years.
  Sanjeev Gadkar has replaced incumbent CO Sandeep Jacques. (H)
o In a major bureaucratic re-shuffle, the Goa government transferred
  seven mamlatdars and 12 junior scale officers of the Goa Civil Service.H
o Value Added Tax debates are still making news in Goa. Congress leader
  and businessman Jitendra Deshprabhu has taken the side of traders,
  saying they needed more time and leeway to implement VAT. But, he
  conceded, overall VAT was "very good" for the consumer. (Goanet)

coordinated an initiative of the Goajourno network to
list journalists and their contacts (including phone and
email) in Goa. Check the list available for free download
online at http://www.melvyn.misquita.in/djg/dgj.html

o Another panther spotted at Quepem. (H)
o Five-day Arlem fun-fair underway at Arlem grounds, Raia. (H)
o Fatorpa sarpanch Medini Naik voted out in the 5-member panchayat. (H)
o Governor Jamir visits Tillari project at Dodamarg taluka. (H)
o Matanhy, Jamir inspect illegal constructions along with 200 people
  from Velsao. (H)


o Workshop on the rights of disabled children at Caritas, Apr 30. (H)
o Exhibition on home-products ("Asturi") at Kala Academy, Apr 30. (H)
o Street-plays against child-labour, Kadamba bus stand 3-4 pm, Apr 30.
o Free Software enthusiasts meeting, Science Centre Miramar, 3-5 

[Goanet]NEWS: Making 'Hospital Ministry' Mission Possible (SAR)

2005-04-29 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Making 'Hospital Ministry' Mission Possible
PANJIM, Goa (SAR NEWS) -- Paying heed to requests for spiritual help from
patients, the Archdiocese of Goa began its "hospital ministry" at the Goa
Medical Hospital (GMC), Bambolim, more than a decade ago.
"As the number of patients grew with years, we have expanded our services,"
says the Director of Diocesan Centre for Lay Apostolate, Father Alexio
Menezes of Goa and Daman Diocese.
In the beginning, priests from the nearby parishes willingly offered their
service to Catholic patients admitted to GMC by celebrating Mass for them on
Fridays and Saturdays. After the Mass, the priest also used to distribute
communion to patients in the 40 wards of the hospital.
"This arduous exercise was not practical and the mission failed to reach out
to all the patients. At this juncture, the Diocesan Centre for Lay
Apostolate took up the challenge," said Father Menezes.
"As time went by, we realised one priest could not possibly attend to the
many patients in the hospital. So we invited the different religious
communities in Panjim deanery to get involved in our work and keep our
mission going. Today there are 16 communities from Panjim and Goa Velha area
catering to the spiritual needs of all the patients at the GMC."
"They visit the patients, distribute communion, pray with the patients,
irrespective of their religion, and direct them to appropriate people in
case of financial assistance," Father Menezes. "We needed the help of
religious sisters, because our priests could not manage this service and the
patients would not accept laypeople."
He said each religious sister would visit three wards in a day, twice a
week, apart from visits by priests, thus ensuring that every patient is
taken care of. "When any patients needs blood or financial assistance we
arrange for it," he said.
"Seven parish priests have also offered their services. During their weekly
visits, they offer Eucharist, distribute communion, listen to the patients'
problems and pray with them," added Father Alexio.
Sister Luisa Colaco, a regular visitor to the GMC, said: "Sometimes I don't
feel like going to the hospital, but when I go and visit the patients I feel
very happy."
Said another nun who preferred not to be named: "I find the patients --
Christians and non-Christians -- wait for our visits. They open their hearts
to us because they trust us and have great faith in our prayers."
With the mission at GMC proving efficacious, Father Alexio now plans to
extend the "spiritual service" at government hospitals. "We are planning to
extend the same service to Hospicio at South Goa, and Hospital Azilo at
Mapusa," he said.

[Goanet]What is in store for Goa -- architecturally?

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas

Shall we remain an ugly duckling?

April 29, 2005

[Barun Roy]


"Why can't we have more Charles Correas and Balkrishna Doshis in India? Why
don't we listen to what these masters have to say and learn from their

[Goanet]Many Happy Returns of the Day .................... Cecil Pinto

2005-04-29 Thread jose colaco
Dear Cecil
It must be around 10am in Goa at this time Aldona being ahead of the 
times, it is possible that it is a few minutes past midday already.

Even if it isn't .How does it better
All I am doing is send this little greeting from ALL of us who luv you'll
Happy Birthday
Ad Multos Annos
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! 

Re: [Goanet]Steel plant to pollute the Western ghats - ecological disaster

2005-04-29 Thread Bernado Colaco
Clearly 300 millions lives should improve. How is that
done? By proper planning in nit. Ruling (governance)
is not easy. If you can not do it get some body else
to do the job. 

Eine Goan.

B. Colaco

--- halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A poor country with 200 million people below the
> poverty line, needs jobs. How does a country create
> jobs without building dams, power plants and
> factories
>  ?
> It seems there are Indians (apologies to those Goans
> who feel insulted to be called Indians), who hate to
> see any kind of industrial progress in India. They
> would like to see her remain poor, so they can sneer
> at her poverty and feel superior.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [Goanet]Re: Cafetaria Catholics -Priesthood is not about things he does, but about who he is.

2005-04-29 Thread George Pinto
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You may agree with me on this one.
> The catechism of the catholic church states that the priest is one who 
> serves the people. This service could be put in the context of a 
> spousal relationship in which the bridegroom loves the bride so greatly 
> that he is willing to give up his life for her, just as Christ died for 
> the church. The priest stands in the person of Christ, who was a male. 
> As such the priest "alter Christus" (another Christ) represents Christ 
> the bridegroom and servant to the church, his bride.
> In a world like ours, where men and women do so many of the same 
> things, it is difficult to understand why women cannot be priests. But 
> priesthood is not about the things he does, but about who he is.


The quote above is by Pia de Solenni who received her doctorate in sacred 
theology from the
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome.  Her article appeared today in 
the San Jose Mercury
News. She is not a reformer or progressive (she could not be to have received 
her degree from the
Pontifical Univ. in Rome in 2001 - i.e she has to echo JP II and Cardianl 
Ratzinger's views at
that time).  She gives the same justifications I have already rejected on this 
forum so I will not
repeat them here.  However, in a nutshell she has captured the "doctrinal & 
justification opposing women priests which Mario is seeking. 


[Goanet]Salmona Spring: New Open Update To Governor Of Goa-1.

2005-04-29 Thread muriel & mario
 Date: 29th April'2005

To The Governor of Goa,
Panaji.  Goa.

Your excellency,

I am forced to resume our updates on the Salmona Spring, because 
now it is a matter of life and death.  There is a threat to my 
safety and that of my family, house and property.

My husband Mario is away and will not be back for another few 

I am living with 3 old people, (my parents who are 84 and 78 
years old, and my father-in-law, also 84) and my 2 young 
children aged 10 and 8.  As a woman with these old people and 
children to care for, I am very vulnerable and completely 

It is in these circumstances, with my husband is away, that the 
builder Arjun Harmalkar who is building the disputed structure 
at the Salmona Spring has decided to threaten me. 

On 27th April '05 morning as I was returning from the Saligao 
market Arjun Harmalkar was descending from the Panchayat Office.  
He passed me remarking, "You can only write to the papers."

On the 28th April"05 at 6pm as I was walking with my son to 
Donvaddo in Saligao, Arjun Harmalkar was passing in the opposite 
direction on his bike.  As he was riding his bike he slowed down 
a little and threatened me saying, "Wait, wait, I will show 
you!"  Again I walked on without a word to him. 

This clearly constitutes a threat to my life and property as well 
as the lives of my family.

The contractor Arjun Harmalkar is capable of anything.  He has 
the money at his command to make good his threats.

As you know, the whole village is against the destruction his 
construction has caused the Salmona Spring Conservation Zone, 
the only heritage spot left in the village.  My husband Mario, 
my children and I have been very involved with the local 
struggle to save this zone.  This has angered Arjun Harmalkar 
who has now decided to intimidate me with open threats.

This of course, is not going to stop us.  As with the other 
public causes and all-Goa issues we have been involved in, WE 

But we write to you because Arjun Harmalkar can be stopped from 
attacking me, my family, my house and property.  And he can be 
stopped by YOU, your Excellency!  I am appealing to you, your 
administration and your Police force for protection.  I am 
appealing to you because Mario, myself and our 2 children have 
been involved in this struggle to save the Salmona Spring for 
the sake of Saligao's environment.  Our struggle has been in the 
public interest.  In Goa's interest.

I am appealing to you because as the Head of State, you have the 
duty and powers to protect the public interest as well as those 
who struggle to promote it.

Your Excellency, will you protect me, my family, my house and 
property from the attack by Arjun Harmalkar?  

Inspite of all your good intentions, and appreciation of our work 
to save the environment, your efforts to impose a temporary 
injunction or revoke the construction licence of the building at 
the Salmona Spring, have so far drawn a blank.  The least you 
can now do is protect the lives of those who have been involved 
in the struggle to save the Spring.  As the Head of State, these 
powers of protection we are sure you have.  We hope you will not 
hesitate to use them.

I have made a Police complaint to the Calangute Police on 29th 
April'05, with copies to the Dy. SP, SP-North, IGP, Chief 
Secretary and you.

And now, I am making this public appeal to you and all those like 
minded people who think that Saligao's last heritage spot - the 
Salmona Spring - be preserved as a Conservation Zone, Bird 
Sanctuary and Private Forest to protect its unique balance of 
humidity, temperature and biodiversity.

Your Excellency, Arjun Harmalkar lives a mere 200 meters away 
from our house!  He passes my house several times a day.  He 
often passes me and my children on the road.  With Mario away,  
we are without any protection...


Afraid...but ready to die, in case you are unable to protect us.


muriel & mario,
4/4 tabravaddo, 
opp. st. anne's chapel, saligao.  
bardez.  goa.  403511.
tel: 0832-278276 / 240

[Goanet]What the GUJ presidential candidates speak of

2005-04-29 Thread Sachin Phadte
As members on this list would have noticed, I do have a special interest  in 
the way journalists report on issues.  I think that the media is an  
important element in democracy, particularly to ensure that democracy  
functions in a healthy manner.  So, when the three candidates for the  
president of GUJ set out their agenda, I looked at it a little more  
carefully.  I would appreciate if Fredrick (or anyone else) can respond  to 
a couple of my queries, which are as follows:

1. Suhasini Prabhugaonkar said: "Open up dialogue with Herald management  to 
settle disputes of the Herald employees."  What exactly is the  dispute?

2. Ashley do Rosario said: "Carry forward the process of evolving an  
effective method or mode (Ombudsman, possibly) on implementing a Code of  
Conduct and Ethics in journalism."  I am happy to note that there is a  
code.  Is it available anywhere, either in print or on the net?

Sachin Phadte
Sick of 9-5 jobs? 
Looking for a change? B. Daruwalla guides you!

[Goanet]Re: Cafeteria Catholics

2005-04-29 Thread Santosh Helekar
"Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Let us also study why there is such a wild
propaganda, >which will not help the sick priests nor
the Church of >God. What are the background factors
for such an >aberration? Can we do something for them?
It is >important to save them...as much as poor human
efforts >are concerned...
>It is our task, yours and mine!

I am sorry to say this.  But this unyielding religious
notion that homosexuality is a sickness which requires
a cure, or that homosexuals somehow need to be saved,
can only be regarded as an utterly injurious prejudice
from a humanitarian standpoint, in this day and age.
There is absolutely no medical scientific or
sociological evidence that homosexuals are sick in any
way. Some of the world’s greatest men and women have
been and are homosexuals. They have contributed as
well as any heterosexual person, to the advancement of
our society and civilization. 

There is enough real sickness in this world, which
needs to receive urgent attention. We do not need to
fabricate any new fictitious sicknesses based on
nothing, but pure, antiquated religious dogma.



[Goanet]Re: Goanet's Open Source Software Model

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas
[Niranjan Rajani cited by
Fred Noronha, April 29]

Let us fervently hope that goanet falls in the latter category vis a vis Goa
and its society.

Re: [Goanet]Press Statement for kind favour of Publication.

2005-04-29 Thread floriano
A very good question indeed, Carlos.

And  thank you for saying things in so many words.

As a matter of fact, the GSRP Road Map is going through a thorough final run
down to make sure there are no treacherous pot holes in the road to hamper a
smooth drive.

The delay is regretted but preferred in the understanding that there hasn't
been any road map in print so far in the last 43 years of Goa's democratic

As far as cleaning politicians and/or clean politicians, GSRP is
disappointed to some extent that there are not many new wouldbe clean,
committed and to some extent self-less persons coming forward to contest the
soon to be declared 5 bye elections. We at Goa Su-Raj will not allow the
contestants on our party ticket to dip into their own pockets to finance the
campaigns. Rather, we want them to join our programme of raising the
requisite (nominal) funds from well-wishers etc. and spend it only on the
most necessary details to be covered during any elections. Our observation
is that those who have spare bank balances want to waste it on triffles like
elections in the hope that they will make it in a big way.

Thank you for the offer to help.

Kind regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Press Statement for kind favour of Publication.

> Floriano wrote:
> (Goa Su-Raj Party hopes that more Thomas Menezes's will come forward to
> trap
> more government officials irrespective of whether they swoon or not when
> caught in the act of receiving bribes.>
> Floriano,
> I agree with you that we need to salute Thomas Menezes. We need more
> people like him.
> But we need to catch the bigger fish ie the Politicians. People in Goa
> may be afraid to go after them without fearing retribution, and even
> the Goa press does not expose them.
> What can you do, being a leader of a rising political party to
> accomplish this task of getting the looters to the place where they
> belong. Any thoughts? We can help you if you have developed a road map
> to achieve this result.
> Best regards,
> Carlos

[Goanet]RE: Re: Wisdom of crowds - another perspective

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas
Pinto, Apr 28]

Makes sense. But as you know there is this school of thought in writing
which says it is better to write in the active voice rather than the passive
voice. Compare "The boy stood on the burning deck" with "On the burning deck
there was a standing boy" . (Maybe others can come up with better examples!)
But in the same way, it may be better to do things intentionally rather than
try to live on unintended consequences alone. If this is so then why not
give some thought to the idea of social capital on goanet which Fred has in
mind and see how it can be built in a more meaningful way? Cheers.

[Goanet]Re: Cafetaria Catholics -Priesthood is not about things he does, but about who he is.

2005-04-29 Thread carlos6143
Fr.  Ivo wrote:The points that I have tried to answer briefly do not 
contain the ordination
of women. This is a point that you me want to discuss

Fr. Ivo,
You may agree with me on this one.
The catechism of the catholic church states that the priest is one who 
serves the people. This service could be put in the context of a 
spousal relationship in which the bridegroom loves the bride so greatly 
that he is willing to give up his life for her, just as Christ died for 
the church. The priest stands in the person of Christ, who was a male. 
As such the priest "alter Christus" (another Christ) represents Christ 
the bridegroom and servant to the church, his bride.
In a world like ours, where men and women do so many of the same 
things, it is difficult to understand why women cannot be priests. But 
priesthood is not about the things he does, but about who he is.

Mog assundi (hope I spelt it right)

Re: [Goanet]Re: Cafeteria Catholics

2005-04-29 Thread halur rasho
Homosexuality is certainly not abnormal to
--- "Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>  3. Do you believe homosexuality is evil?
> > Homosexuality is an aberration. It is abnormal.
> Father Ivo,
> I have a quick question.
> Should there be homosexual Catholic priests?
> Mervyn3.0
> Dear Merwyn, 
> I have a quick answer: there should not be
> "homosexual Catholic priests", but 
> if there are, as the media are publicizing, then
> homosexuality does not cease 
> to be "an aberration", "abnormal". 
> Let the competent people investigate the causes and
> help them, with love and 
> compassion. Let us also study why there is such a
> wild propaganda, which will 
> not help the sick priests nor the Church of God.
> What are the background 
> factors for such an aberration? Can we do something
> for them? It is important 
> to save them...as much as poor human efforts are
> concerned...
> It is our task, yours and mine!
> Ivo da C.Souza

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[Goanet]AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - April 30, 2005!

2005-04-29 Thread domnic fernandes
Boreantlo boro nosto tuje kuddik ani otmeank jevonn dita poi to.  Tuzo dis 
pratonnan suru kor ani Deva sangata ojeapancho nosto kor.

(The best breakfast ever is the one that feeds both the body and soul.  
Commence your day with prayer and have a wonderful breakfast with God.)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]Re: Cafeteria Catholics and Cafeteria Goans

2005-04-29 Thread Bosco D'Mello

You have cleverly mangled my post and made "ghodshem" of it, just as you accuse
others of doing the same to your posts. You have put words in my mouth. Well
done!! And as usual, in your inimitable condescending tone, you have resorted 
to grandstanding and patronizing discourse. I asked you to be practicalbut 
you chose to give us generalities without any substance. You have smartly  
avoided the specific points that I raised. The only thing you have confirmed 
is that you are a Cafeteria Catholic. Thank you!!

Please point out the following in my post:

Where did I BLAME the church for annulling marriages?

Please read your own writing..Can I assume, from what you wrote, that you
deduced that I blamed the church for annulling marriages?? If so, FYI, I did
not..Please read once again what I wrote:

Please tell us "What do you think of people who are divorced and whose 
marriages are annulled (or not) by the church?" Do you consider them to be 
beneath you because you have managed to stay in your marriage? Are such people 
less favorable in the eyes of God than those who have been blessed with not 
having to go through the pain of separation? Are they immoral because their 
marriages have failed due to circumstances that only they can comprehend?

Reforms: At the start of the paragraph you state - "Nothing wrong with
reform"...two sentences later you state "the ones promoting reform IMHO
appear to do so just to show their shallow interest and loyalty"..did you
say something about talking from both sides of one's mouthtch-tch-tch!! How
can "reform promoters" also be "loyal?" Some kind of anomaly there...

I disagree with what you say about George..I certainly disagree with some 
of the points George is propagating but I think George has consistently 
clarified himself on this and other issues on Goanet.I can also state he 
has relentlessly been bold enough to stand-up and repeat what he has said 
before. He has never resorted to circumventing from answering a question. 
something that comes to you easily.

The Catholic church is a well established religion. It has seen reform and has
also resisted a lot of it too. As members of the church, we learn from
reform-minded theologians who strive to keep this colossus marching with the
times. We also pay attention to rigid autocrats who claim they have the Holy
Spirit on their side to determine in cast-iron theologies what should be good
for us, the laity. Just because one asks questions and pushes for reform, 
should his/her loyalty be questioned?

In case I have sidetracked... and just incase you have forgotten, I ask you
again... "What do you think of people who are divorced and whose marriages are
annulled (or not) by the church?"

Best wishes - Bosco

-Original Message-
Sent: April 28, 2005 1:56 PM

Hi Bosco:
Here are some responses to many points raised in several posts.  I reply to one
logic (train of thought) and the other zings me from a different direction. 
Usually your posts are pretty sensible and unlike other posts there is
consistency i.e.. rarely do they talk from sides of the mouth.

However your comments baffle me right from the go. Here is your first statment.

>I concede it could be unfortunate for "the kids" but tell us what is "wrong"

And you go on to blame the church for annulling the divorced marriage.  So I
will save myself from trying to respond to the rest of your comments because I
do not see a consistent perspective, but rather random thoughts which make it
difficult to know whether you are for or against cafeteria (anything).  Please
you and others who are so inclined suggest to your own family that let's switch
to cafeteria rules in your home from tomorrow.  In two weeks perhaps you can 
this sterile / theoretical debate by telling us your experience. Should I put a
smiley face and give you that as an option / wriggle room?

To Santosh: A fanatic / fundamentalist in my view may be going against the
second commandment of  Jesus (the first commandment was from Moses) which is: 
Love your neighbor as thyself.

To Mario's question: If we all were pure /rigid Catholics we would be Saints. 
But we are not. But at least we should try. When we fail, we should be guilty 
our failure. A cafeteria person thinks it is his/her right to go a la carte in
the cafeteria with his/her own menu.  He/She is on the pulpit saying look at 
 And the rest of us say, "Smart Person or Great Chef.":=))

To George's and Bosco's questions about reforms. Nothing wrong with reform. But
just practical experience in USA tells me that by most parameters, the practice
of religion and Catholicism has declined post-reform. And some of the ones
promoting reform IMHO appear to do so just to show their shallow interest and
loyalty.  George fits this category especially after making a great case during
the election of the Pope

[Goanet]Re: Canada's "humanitarian ethics"

2005-04-29 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> C'mon, now Mervyn, explain 'us' ... your friends &
> foe, the conundrum you entrap 'us' in!
> Are "those who disagree with you" virtually one's
> enemies?

Alfred de T,
1) If I wanted to talk to those who agree with me, I would just have to spin 
around in my chair and have a roomful of agreeable people :-)

2) I cherish those who have different opinions from mine. These are people I 
learn things from :-) ;-)

3) Thus I don't think those who disagree with me become my enemies (and I am 
surely not here to make some)  :-) ;-) :-)

> Alfred de T, a disciple of Cecil.

What on earth are you doing in Sweden then?
That loud noise, messing up the whole of Aldona tonight, is emanating from 
Cecil's 38th birthday party. 


Re: [Goanet]Oil friends joke

2005-04-29 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wake up from your dream, Mervyn.  Since when did the
> Saudis, who in 1991 were next on Saddam's list after
> Kuwait, and called for the US to rescue them, have
> the cajones to tell the US anything. 

I always thought that you folks and the Saudis were
true friends. And don't friends listen to friends? :-)

The latest joke, repeat, just a joke, in Canada is:
We just saw the President of the United States and the
Saudi Prince kissing, hugging and walking
hand-in-hand. Does this make George W. Bush a


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2005-04-29 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
14:51 IST Air India Express Budget Service was inaugurated today at 
Thiruvananthapuram airport by Kerala Governor, Shri R.L. Bhatia, who flagged 
off the first flight to Abu Dhabi. Union Minister for Civil Aviation, Shri 
Praful Patel, presided over the inaugural function. Kerala Chief Minister, 
Shri Oommen Chandy, delivered the keynote address. Shri Praful Patel said that 
Air India Express is true representation of India’s ethos and reflected the 
soul of India. Air India Express is a new cheaper but comfortable airlines 
especially for those who work in Gulf for a living. Brothers and sisters of 
Kerala brought hard earned foreign exchange to India when we needed foreign 
exchange badly. Now is the time to give them something back and this cheap, 
affordable service is the perfect gift. 

Delhi-Amritsar-Birmingham-Toronto Air India Express Budget Service and Kolkata-
London Airline Express Service will be started next month, the Minister said. 
Aviation can change the lives of Indians. He said that the mindset that 
airlines is only for the elite should be changed. Connectivity is important 
and reaching destination in time in a cheap mode of travel should get 

The Union Minister agreed to Kerala CM Shri Oommen Chandy’s request for an 
airport in Kannur. There will be no dearth in time for development. He said 
that sanction will be given for the development works in Thiruvananthapuram 
and Kozhikode airports. 

Later, Union Minister, Shri Praful Patel, along with Kerala, Chief Minister, 
Shri Oommen Chandy, boarded the inaugural Air India Express flight to 
Abudhabi. Air India Express will have fares which are almost half of the 
market rates, said Shri . Thulasidas, CMD, Air India, who welcomed the 

(Source: PIB)

[Goanet]Re: Cafeteria Catholics

2005-04-29 Thread Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza
"Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  3. Do you believe homosexuality is evil?
> Homosexuality is an aberration. It is abnormal.

Father Ivo,
I have a quick question.
Should there be homosexual Catholic priests?


Dear Merwyn, 

I have a quick answer: there should not be "homosexual Catholic priests", but 
if there are, as the media are publicizing, then homosexuality does not cease 
to be "an aberration", "abnormal". 

Let the competent people investigate the causes and help them, with love and 
compassion. Let us also study why there is such a wild propaganda, which will 
not help the sick priests nor the Church of God. What are the background 
factors for such an aberration? Can we do something for them? It is important 
to save them...as much as poor human efforts are concerned...

It is our task, yours and mine!

Ivo da C.Souza

[Goanet]When he tuk a three-wheeler for a record ride

2005-04-29 Thread Melvyn Misquita

A Herald Feature


  With hundreds of rickshaws all over Goa, why would anyone bother to give a 
second glance at yet another three-wheeler? 

  But heads began to turn towards one three-wheeler on the evening of April 
12, as this was no ordinary vehicle. The driver was no ordinary person and the 
journey was far from ordinary.

  The three-wheeler happened to be a multi-coloured and brightly lit rickshaw 
from Thailand, better known as the Tuk Tuk, and the rider was a jovial French 
food and beverage manager, Didier Vacher, who was on course to break a world 

  As soon as Didier's Tuk Tuk reached Panjim, motorists and pedestrians began 
to notice the unusual three-wheeler on road.

  Read the full report at:


  - Melvyn
Melvyn S. Misquita,
Asst Chief of News Bureau,
Herald, Panjim, 
Goa - 403001 INDIA
Ph 1 : +91-832-2224202 (extn 231)
Ph 2 : +91-832-2224460 (extn 231)
Cell : +91-9422064707
The Melvyn S. Misquita website: www.misquita.in
The Misquita Family Website: www.misquita.net
The SS Britannia tragedy: www.misquita.org

[Goanet]Re: Keith Vaz is standing as the Labour candidate for Leicester East - UK General Election. Please show your support

2005-04-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29/04/05, rene barreto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As some of you Goans in the UK may be aware  ,
> Keith Vaz is  standing as the Labour candidate for
> Leicester East - UK General Election.
> Would the Goans in Leicester and also in the UK
> please give our friend Keith your full support - by
> joining him in his election campaign.

RESPONSE: A Goan girl, Suella Fernandes, is standing against him - we should 
not support her?

Thursday 28 Apr, 2005
Case of the swing voter: An electoral mystery Letter from Britain
27 Apr: International Herald Tribune. Early in Britain's election
campaign, Suella Fernandes, a candidate for the Conservative
opposition, leapt to the microphone and promised an audience that
"Leicester Woman" from her constituency in central England was about
to stun the nation. "In 1997, Leicester Woman put her trust in Mr.
Blair," she said, referring to the British prime minister's first
electoral triumph. "In 2001 she decided to give him a second chance."
But come election day on May 5, "Leicester Woman is going to give Mr.
Blair a big surprise that will wipe the smile off his face and put a
smile on everybody else's." … "It's not a case of flinging the
crockery at him," Fernandes said, in what seemed a triumph of hope
over probability, "She's going to kick him out of the house." For full
text click here.

For a profile of Suella Fernandes click here. 


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Your messages on your website re: Goan Musicians

2005-04-29 Thread louis fernandes
Hello I recently came acorss this string by chance and
am quite disappointed ,
[Goanet]Goan Musicians
Fausto V. D'Costa
Sat, 23 Apr 2005 07:29:01 -0700

Sorry, Lawrence de Tiracol is not a musician, not to
humilate him but to put facts straight he will not
know the ABCD of music, but may be composing tune
naturally like our many tiatrists.

You are refering to Lawrence De Tiracol 
A man who has made it his dying wish to keep Konkani
music and its tradition alive.
A man who spends sleepless nights making music and
composing lyrics in Konkani which is non lucrative.
A man who has almost detached himself from his family
to ensure that he has enough time to devote to Konkani
music so that Konkani music is up to present times and
standards , without loosing its ethnic charms.
A man who has composed more than 25 albums and more
than 150 songs and has a natural talent which many
Goans appreciate.
I can go on and on about this as I personally know him
I't is no surprise and I am well aware and so is
everyone that some individuals who claim to be goan ,
unfortunately instead of being supportive and
encouraging , choose to be mudslingers and
I would sincerely appreciate that if you Mr Fausto V.
D'Costa have nothing to do in your spare time and are
out there somewhere trying to bring down our Goans and
our talented community brotherin without even knowing
them or anything about them, to kindly refrain from
any such future comments .
Trust me pal, Goans are a small community when it
comes to relationships.

I would appreciate that Goanet website encourages
positive dialogue and refrain from defamation of
In short, stick to your small goa net community and
dont defame people who have never even heard of your
so called website.

I do hope you will send a copy of this to Mr Leo
Fernandes too.And feel free to post this on your
website too.

Louis Fernandes.

And Mr.Fausto V. D'Costa can get in touch with me if
in doubt.

[Goanet]Goa: News and Views you may or may not have read

2005-04-29 Thread The Goan Forum
GOA: - world's foremost Paedophile destination (Tehelka)

August 14, 2004


One estimate by Child Relief and You (cry) indicates that over 10,000 
paedophiles visit Goa every year. Another assessment by Children’s Rights in 
Goa (crg) says that at any given point there are at least 100 paedophiles on 
the prowl in Goa. According to field data collected by national and 
international child rights organisations, a paedophile in Goa sexually 
exploits at least 20 children during his or her visit.

This exposé is a startling revelation of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar’s 
passive connivance in turning Goa into a sex tourism destination. As
paedophiles roam the streets of Goa, the state government has looked the other 
way in its quest for more tourism revenues.

And Parrikar has been sitting tight on an explosive report on child-related 
sex crimes perpetrated by foreigners since 2001. He has buried the report
because he does not want the report to affect the state’s tourism revenues. 
The latest government statistics show that 3,21,399 foreign tourists visited
Goa between April 2003 to March 2004 and the state earned Rs 3,000 crore in 
foreign exchange.


GOA: Democratic King-ship for Alibabas (Goan Observer)

April 23 - 29, 2005


I have lived through the erstwhile Portuguese regime. If this was then, the 
missing items would be recovered within hours, and the culprits would be 
nursing their bones for a month and would have forgotten about robbing 

But no. That was dictatorship. Ours is a democracy where the victim has to run 
from pillar to post and the accused are the kings. Cheers!! 

Is that all? No! 

I will probably be, nay, most certainly be branded as the lover of the 
Portuguese who is longing to have them back in Goa. Why the hell not? If the 
police, whom we are feeding from our hard-earned tax-payers money are unfit to 
do a simple investigative task, then we certainly want to at least dream about 
the almost crime free era during the Portuguese rule where we could soundly 
sleep with our doors and windows open, even at nights. 

Today, our much touted-about democracy has brought in the scourge of 
robberies, dacoities, murders et al, including the insufferable mosquitoes 
that we had never seen during the Portuguese era, making us shut our doors and 
windows like shutters of fortresses. And our police, instead of applying 
themselves to the tasks of preventing and detecting crimes, are become
little poodles running behind the politicians from the day they put on the 
cursed uniform of the police force.




Looking Glass 2:   Dateline April 30, 2005:   The once clean and serene Goa is 
being royally messed up ever since the Indian troops marched in and captured 
it on Dec 19, 1961. There are many who get their knots all tied up when 
reference is made to the December 1961 invasion of Goa. So be it, for facts 
will always be facts.

The fact remains that despite the 'tons' of funds that hard working Goans have 
repatriated from abroad, Goa has become increasingly dirtied up . What, one 
must ask, has happened to all the money which has been earned from iron ore 
export, tourism and the repatriated Goan sweat?

The answer remains crystal clear when one realises that in 2005,  the average 
Goan in Goa is catching hell and calling it a good time while the politicians
are an epitome of  a Rags to Riches story.  No prizes for guessing that 
millions of  rupees have basically been stolen by these corrupt politicians, 
in plain daylight. And what have the watchdogs in the Goan Media done while 
has occurred ?  Oh ! those watch dogs? They have kept barking at the 
Portuguese who left Goa over 40 years ago.

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d-list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet]Re: Cafeteria Catholics

2005-04-29 Thread Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza
The points that I have tried to answer briefly do not contain the ordination 
of women. This is a point that you me want to discuss. It requires an 
elaborate answer. John Paul II has given it already. Let us be patient. There 
is no need for such a turmoil...

Ivo da C.Souza

Original Message ---
On 26/04/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fr. Ivo,
> Argh!  You are a good man, and I read through your
> entire epistle, but I did not find the answer to the
> one burning question on the minds of this forum: Why
> does the Catholic Church not permit women priests?
> Please, oh please, give us your insider's view of why.
> There are entire conversions and/or resignations
> hanging in the balance.
> Thanks.

[Goanet]Mgr. Dalgado Puroskar for Fr. Vasco Rego

2005-04-29 Thread tomazinho
Tomazinho Cardozo
Orda, Candolim, Bardez, Goa
Phones: 9822170102 / 2489019 / 2489213


Date: 29. 04. 05

Dalgado Konknni Akademi will confer the first ever “Mgrs. DALGADO PUROSKAR –
2005 “on Rev. Fr. Vasco do Rego, S.J., on 8th May, 2005. Fr Vasco do Rego,
has served the Konknni language for the last 40 years  in the fields of
Konkani Biblical and Liturgical translation, developing the necessary 
Konkani vocabulary for religious texts, composing Konkani hymns and their
music, Konkani preaching and Konkani writing in the Roman script, and as a  
pioneer  in Konkani education.  Recognising his substantial contribution  in 
these various fields Dalgado Konknni Akademi has chosen him as  the very first 
recipient of the Dalgado Puroskar in the 150th year of Mgr. Dalgado’s birth.

Vasco do Rego was born in  Panjim, on 8 January 1925. After his schooling and 
a short stint at the seminary, he joined the Society of Jesus on 15 August 
1945.  He was ordained priest in Belgium on 15 August 1955. He was inspired by 
his teacher, theologian Fr Pierre Charles, S.J. to use Konkani language and 
music in the liturgy of our people in Goa. When he was on the staff of Rachol 
seminary from 1963 to 1967 he took the occasion to learn Konkani thoroughly 
and encouraged the seminarians to do the same by including Konkani in their 
course of study.

His contribution to Konkani language

- In 1964 Fr Vasco pioneered Konkani primary education by organizing four 
schools in the vicinity of Loyola High School, Margão, to introduce Konkani as 
the medium of instruction in the primary section. He overcame the lack of 
Konkani text books by getting Konkani writers and Konkani Bhasha Mandal to 
prepare the necessary text books, and got the Konkani teachers trained on the 
job. From 1968 to 1973 when he was the Rector of Loyola he could devote more 
time to supervise the Konkani primary education in Margão, and test its 

- When from 1973 to 1978 he was the Novice Master in Belgaum, Fr Vasco devoted 
a lot of time and energy in preparing the liturgical texts in Konkani. He was 
put in charge of a team of scholars translating liturgical texts into Konkani 
by the Regional Liturgical Commission. Ultimately, the Misa-Gronth published 
in 1981 is an important fruit of this work. Though different  authors had done 
the groundwork for the Konkani Vachpam-Gronth Fr.Vasco made substantial 
contribution by way of editing and organizing its texts.

- From the time Fr Vasco went to Old Goa as the Rector of Bom Jesus in 1978, 
besides his Konkani preaching and organizing the novenas and feasts there and 
later on, he devoted all his spare time to Bible translation work. Already in 
the Novo Korar published in 1971 he had contributed by translating John’s 
Gospel and the letters of Peter and John. As the chairman of the Bible 
Committee appointed by the Liturgical Commission of Goa Archdiocese, he 
supervised the revision work of Novo Korar, and the Old Testament translation 
work that was undertaken by different persons. He has himself translated the 
Book of Isiah into Konkani.

- One other major contribution to Konkani of Fr Vasco, are the lyrics of a 
number of hymns and Christmas carols, and for some of these he has also 
composed the music.  In Gaionancho Zhelo published by the Liturgical 
Commission, for instance, he has written the lyrics for 333 titles, and out of 
these for 47 he has also composed the music.  These hymns are in answer to the 
challenge posed to him to sing Christmas carols in his native language when he 
was a student in Belgium.

- Fr Vasco has a few Konkani religious books to his credit. Sonvsarak Jezu 
diat is a collection of sermons he preached at Bom Jesus on the occasion of 
the novenas of St Francis Xavier, published in 1995. In 1991 he brought out 
Stotram, a Konkani translation of the Psalms. Nazretcho Jezu is a concordance 
of the Gospels in Konkani in Roman script published in 2001, and the same was 
brought out in Devanagari with the title Nazretkar Jezu in 2003. He has 
written a few articles in Konkani in Gulab, Dor Mhoineachi Rotti, Renovação 
and other periodicals.

‘Mgr. Dalgado Puroskar – 2005’ will be conferred on Fr. Vasco do Rego at a
special function to be organized on 8th May, 2005 at 4.30 p.m. at Caritas
Hall, Panjim on the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Mgr. Sebastiao
Rudolf Dalgado after whom Dalgado Konknni Akademi is named.. His Grace, Rev.
Fr. Filipe Neri Ferrao, Patriarch will do the honours of presenting the
award to Fr. Vasco Rego in the distinguished presence of Dr. Nandakumar
Kamat. Mgr. Dalgado Puroskar  carries a shawl, a memento, a citation and Rs.
50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand).

Tomazinho Cardozo

[Goanet]Re: war was illegal

2005-04-29 Thread Percy Ferrao
Illegal or legal, the damage has been done.
Percy Ferrao

Re: [Goanet]Steel plant to pollute the Western ghats - ecological disaster

2005-04-29 Thread halur rasho
A poor country with 200 million people below the
poverty line, needs jobs. How does a country create
jobs without building dams, power plants and factories
It seems there are Indians (apologies to those Goans
who feel insulted to be called Indians), who hate to
see any kind of industrial progress in India. They
would like to see her remain poor, so they can sneer
at her poverty and feel superior.
--- shrihari kugaji  wrote:
> Well! the recent news is about new steel plant
> coming up in the ecologically 
> sensitive and most fragile western ghats - just
> close to  Londa Railway 
> station , surrounded by the thick forest  in the
> Belgaum district - the group 
> is from goa 
> Kundil Ispat Ltd - township of  nearly 25000
> population is going to 
> established in the dense forests around here - 
> which is going to being 
> immensely damaging to the environment and forest
> around.
> The area has been already under consideration for
> and the Ministry of Enviornment and forest New Delhi
> is already looking 
> towards declaring the same area as eclogically
> sensitve area. 
> There is already case going with the centrally
> empowered commmittee of the 
> Hon'ble Supreme Court with regard to provide
> protection to this area and to 
> looking into the declining forest cover in the
> ghats.
> please send information about the Kundil Ispat ltd
> of Goa and other d detail 
> we really want to know more.
> On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 sebastian Rodrigues wrote :
> >
> >
> >> Residents of Bicholim town in North Goa today
> evening organised road 
> blokade at the Bicholim Bus stand. Some of them
> belonged to a group called 
> MARG- Movement towards Amity to Roads in Goa. The
> demand was to stop dust dust 
> pollution due to transportation of iron ore through
> trucks inside the city. 50 
> People from Bicholim grouped together at 4.pm at the
> bus stand and then 
> started stopping the mining  trucks that were not
> covered properly by the 
> tarpoline.

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Re: [Goanet]Press Statement for kind favour of Publication.

2005-04-29 Thread carlos6143
Floriano wrote:
(Goa Su-Raj Party hopes that more Thomas Menezes's will come forward to 
more government officials irrespective of whether they swoon or not when
caught in the act of receiving bribes.>

I agree with you that we need to salute Thomas Menezes. We need more 
people like him.
But we need to catch the bigger fish ie the Politicians. People in Goa 
may be afraid to go after them without fearing retribution, and even 
the Goa press does not expose them.
What can you do, being a leader of a rising political party to 
accomplish this task of getting the looters to the place where they 
belong. Any thoughts? We can help you if you have developed a road map 
to achieve this result.
Best regards,


2005-04-29 Thread luis rodrigues
Hi Everybody,

Presently, I am in U.A.E and missing Goa very much.
Can anybody help me in letting me know any website
where I can download konkani songs new or old numbers?

Thanks in advance for any help!!!


Luis Rodrigues
Bur Dubai, U.A.E

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online
Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

[Goanet]Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) wins GOA's 25th Silver Jubilee Year Rolling Trophy in Kuwait

2005-04-29 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) wins GOA's 25th Silver
Jubilee Year Rolling Trophy in Kuwait
Congratulations to Navelim Youth Centre (NYC)
President Agnello Fernandes, Committee Members,
Members, Team Players, Coach, and in a special way
Team Captain Gasper Crasto and Goalkeeper Britto
Pereira,  on winning the 25th (Silver Jubilee) Goan
Overseas Association (GOA) Trophy.  
Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) team is sponsored by City
International Exchange Company, Kuwait.
Interestingly, I recollect that Navelim Youth Centre
(NYC) has earlier won the 25th (Silver Jubilee) Trophy
of United Goans Centre and the 25th (Silver Jubilee)
Trophy of the Youth Recreation Centre (Rising Stars)
Trophy.   Keep up the winning ladder and the Silver
Jubilee collections of Trophies !
Also keep the discipline graph on the Soor Grounds
growing - a rare achievement of Navelim Youth Centre
(NYC) team in the last decades !!!
With best wishes and sports salutations.
Gasper Almeida, Associate, 
& http://www.goa-world.com  Team members in Kuwait.
29/4/2005   Time: 11:11 a.m.

Link: http://www.goa-world.com/goa/sports/


Date: 12-05-05Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea   Band: Stepping Stones  
Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.

Date: 05-05-05Organized by: Young Goans Club, Bahrain 
Venue: Palace Inn Hotel  Highlights: The YGC May Queen Contest 

Date: 05-05-05Organized by Goan Welfare Associate(GWA), Qatar
Venue: The Diplomatic Club. Highlights: Crowning of the May Queen.

FRUIT FEST 2005   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/fruitfest/

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Re: [Goanet]Oil

2005-04-29 Thread Mario Goveia
Wake up from your dream, Mervyn.  Since when did the
Saudis, who in 1991 were next on Saddam's list after
Kuwait, and called for the US to rescue them, have the
cajones to tell the US anything.  That would be like
the People's Republic of Canuckistan trying to throw
its puny weight around.

You critics, as usual, try to have it both ways.  On
the one hand you complain that the US should have
defied the UN and taken care of Saddam in 1991, when
they had the Iraqis in full pell-mell retreat, then
you say the US left all that wonderful oil it had
total control of because Saudi Arabia asked them to.

--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > if "all" that the US is interested in is oil, then
> > why
> > did they leave all that oil and return home in
> 1991,
> > when they had total control of Kuwaiti oil and
> could
> > have taken all the Iraqi oil as well.
> Mario,
> The US were forced to leave.
> The Saudi's told them to do so.
> The hugging and holding hands in Texas is only a
> glance of what happened between the oil men.
> Mervyn3.0
> Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

Re: [Goanet] Canada's "humanitarian ethics"

2005-04-29 Thread Mario Goveia
Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mervyn,
> > If the shoe fits then your friends should wear it.
> > If it doesn't, then I was not referring to them.

Mervyn responds:
> So, Mario, you admit you may or may not have been
> refering to my friends?

Mario replies:
No, Mervyn.  I was referring to those of your friends
for whom the shoe fits.  I'm sure you also have
friends for whom the shoe does not fit. 
Mervyn writes:
Mario wrote:
> > Some of my debating adversaries on Goanet are now 
> > cyber-friends because of this, even though they 
> > may disagree with me on almost everything.

Mervyn responds:
> Now I get it.
> Your friends are those who disagree with you :-)
Mario replies, patiently:
No, Mervyn.  I have friends who agree with me and
friends who do not. 

Re: [Goanet]Midweek ramblings.....

2005-04-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29/04/05, Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GABE: Irrespective of the effects, the War on Iraq was illegal. Hopefully
> Pope Benedict XVI will reiterate this to President Bush, the main
> protagonist.
> RESPONSE: And what would be achieved by that ??

G.M.: It would give me and many more immense pleasure and
satisfaction. Perhaps, it might even deter future adventures.
> GABE: it is hoped that the British voters will show their disdain to
> the Iraq War which was illegal.
> RESPONSE: Illegal as per whom ?? When has a war been legal. It's either
> necessary or unnecessary. But (il)legal ??

G.M.: Yes in this Country of ours, except if war is declared on us,
the Government of the day has to make a case for going to war. The
U.N. also stated that the war was illegal, go figure that out as a
contra the war to drive Iraq out of Kuwait was deemed legitimate and
> Has the newspaper Guardian always been anti-Blair (Labour) through his years 
> in
> office ?? Which newspaper in the UK is pro-Labour ??

G.M.: The Mirror supports the Labour Party, the Sun helped the Labour
party, I believe in the last two elections although it is deemed a
right wing paper. The Guardian is definitely pro Labour since its
inception I believe - A Manchester Newspaper.
> GABE: Manmohan of India, has rescinded the move to apply value added tax on
> Diesel fuel, he saw Bush's embrace of the Saudi Prince and thought;
> hey, thank God for this Gay President.
> RESPONSE: Is the Saudi Prince the only person Dubya has hugged ?? Can the
> Saudis, Kuwaitis, oil producers really do something tangible to bring down the
> price of oil ?? Are you suggesting our oil analysts are feeding us baloney 
> about
> supply and demand ??

G.M. Yes you are being fed baloney and saurkraut, the price of Gas is
up, because there is not enough refining capacity.Also the price of
oil started going up from around 12 dollars once Opec decided to rein
in production. Saudi Arabia still has spare capacity and of course the
caveat is that if Sadaam was still in charge and a stranglehold had
not been in place there would be more oil.

You too have a good weekend, we have a public holiday here on Monday,
in lieu of 1st May which is Labour day and my wedding anniversary!

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

Re: [Goanet]Can the new POPE BENEDICT XVI make a change ???

2005-04-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 28/04/05, Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 28/04/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You are one of those who want to have it both ways.
> > You have been castigating Bush for liberating Iraq
> > from a brutal dictator, who is credited with being
> > responsible for the deaths of over a million Iraqis,
> > Iranis and Kuwaitis, then you turn around and demand
> > that he interfere in another country's affairs by
> > demanding parity in terms of practising religion in
> > Saudi Arabia.
> RESPONSE: Yes I expect to have it both ways i.e. if Bush asserted the
> might of the U.S.A. on Iraq and it was not about oil, why does he not
> assert the might of the U.S.A. on Saudi Arabia which is definitely not
> a democratic Country. Bush is a Saudi bootlicker - the whole World saw
> him take the Saudi Crown Prince by hand. Your quip that I am jealous, of bush 
> taking the Saudi Prince by hand and hugging and kissing, is primary school 
> stuff - grow up man (intellectually) 
> Cheers,
> Gabe Menezes
> London England.

[Goanet]Press Statement for kind favour of Publication.

2005-04-29 Thread goasuraj
April 29, 2005

The Adminstrator,
Via E-mail.

Dear Sir,

Subject: Press Statement.

Hereinbelow please find the Goa Su-Raj Party's stand on the news item in the
media regarding the  arrest of Mr. Prashant A. Mandrekar, Mamlatdar of Ponda
by the ACB for taking a bribe, for kind favour of publication.

Thanking you,
for Goa Su-Raj Party
Floriano C. Lobo)

The Goa Su-Raj Party, while'st felicitating Mr. Thomas Menezes of Oceanic
Aqua Farm of Madkai for his determination and resolve to expose corrupt
government officials, congratulates him for having come forward all the way
to trap such cancerous officials when receiving hefty  bribes, who have come
to enjoy positions in the government purely on partisan considerations.

Goa Su-Raj Party hopes that more Thomas Menezes's  will come forward to trap
more government officials irrespective of whether they swoon or not when
caught in the act of receiving bribes.

Goa Su-Raj Party will always but always hold persons such as Thomas Menezes
in  highest of esteem, for,  these are  the people who can be counted on one
's finger tips to save Goa and its diligent  tradition of  upholding the
'Rule of Law'.

Goa Su-Raj Party offers its special thanks to SP (ACB) George Bosco for this
commendable exercise and application of mind.

The End.

[Goanet]What the GUJ presidential candidates speak of

2005-04-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
Every year, at election-time, it's politicking season for journalists in the 
state. Elections to the Goa Union of Journalists will be held on April 30, 
2005. Below is a listing of bullet-points of what each of the three candidates 
said, when asked what their priorities were for the GUJ elections. The listing 
is in the order they spoke:

Things I would do if elected as GUJ president:

Suhasini Prabhugaonkar, Reporter, Gomantak
(Sunita Dhempe to old-timers)

* Carrying on with the unfinished tasks.
* Open up dialogue with Herald management to settle disputes
  of the Herald employees.
* Sensitising the media over women and child issues.
* Speak out against attacks on journalists.
* Raise the issue of suppression and politicisation of
  journalists at the national forum.
* Proper work environment is a concern for journalists. 
  GUJ will take up the issue with the managements.
* Strengthen welfare-fund scheme.
* Raise funds for GUJ welfare measures.
* Might have to initiate IFWJ meet in Goa to channelise
  more of a union spirit among members.
* Annual souvenir.
* Training programme for journalists.
* Understanding and solving the problems of women 

Dr Y Bala Murali Krishna, Bureau Chief/Spl Corresp UNI
* To promote professionalism.
* Work for journalists' welfare.
* Strive to set up a Goa Press Academy, as done in places
  like Andhra, Kochi, Karnataka, etc
* Better working conditions.
* Promote unity among journalists and non-journalists.

Ashley do Rosario, deputy chief reporter, Herald
* Work to set up a mid-career, hands-on training facility
  in association with Goa-based newspaper/media org.
* Carry forward the process of evolving an effective
  method or mode (Ombudsman, possibly) on implementing a 
  Code of Conduct and Ethics in journalism.
* Work to set-up recreational and psychological/social
  counselling facility for journalists in distress.
* One question that puzzles me: How to get members involved
  in Goa Union of Journalist activities? One year in the
  saddle and I still can't find answers. Will try to
  find these answers.
* Will set up a GUJ Secretariat and a worthwhile
  library/documentation facility.

  FN, Panjim, 29 April 2005.

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
http://fn.swiki.net   http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks
fred at bytesforall.org   http://www.bytesforall.org

[Goanet]lyrics of song

2005-04-29 Thread John DSouza
Dear Goanetters,

I wonder if anyone of you have the lyrics of a song
I heard at a party about 15-18 years ago entitled '
the girls of Goa' or something similar. 
One of the lines go ..." in Goa they do it with feni"

I think it is a party/picnic song.

I would really appreciate if anyone could email me the


John D'Souza

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[Goanet]Re: The power of TOGETHERness

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas
 [rene barreto,
Apr 29]

Sure but  the internet IS bringing us together at least physically. Now it
is up to us to use this for the purposes you have stated. It means raising
our sights a bit and contributing ideas and information wherever possible.

Re: [Goanet]Fr. Vasco do Rego, S.J.,

2005-04-29 Thread carlos6143
Rene wrote:
Fr. Vasco Rego - was our teacher at St. Pauls in Belgaum .
I am sure many  the ex Students of St. Pauls - Belgaum
will be proud of the contribution ... Fr Vasco has made
to Konkani and to St. Paul's High Scool , Belgaum.
Please join us in our
CONGRATULATIONS to Fr. Vasco Rego. S.J.,
rene barreto

Fr Rego was also my teacher and Rector at Loyola's in Margao A great 
teacher and a great priest.
Congratulations to Fr. Rego.

Best regards,

[Goanet]Keith Vaz is standing as the Labour candidate for Leicester East - UK General Election. Please show your support

2005-04-29 Thread rene barreto

As some of you Goans in the UK may be aware  , 
Keith Vaz is  standing as the Labour candidate for
Leicester East - UK General Election.

Would the Goans in Leicester and also in the UK 
please give our friend Keith your full support - by
joining him in his election campaign.

The details are as follows please contact Keith Vaz's
heaquaters on 0116 276 8834 to show your support.

Keith Vaz's Leicester office 


rene barreto

[Goanet]Have a nice weekend

2005-04-29 Thread Cynthia Fernandes
This story is guaranteed to leave a bright spot in your day. Whoever said 
the Creator doesn't have a sense of humour? Dwight Nelson recently told a 
true story about the pastor of his church.

He had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid 
to come down. The pastor coaxed, offered warm milk, etc. The kitty would not 
come down.
The tree was not sturdy enough to climb, so the pastor decided that if he 
tied a rope to his car and drove away so that the tree bent down, he could 
then reach up and get the kitten. He did! All the while, checking his 
progress in the car frequently, then figured if he went just a little bit 
further, the tree would be bent sufficiently for him to reach the kitten.

But as he moved a little further forward, the rope broke. The tree went 
"boing!" and the kitten instantly sailed through the air-out of sight.

The pastor felt terrible. He walked all over the neighbourhood asking people 
if they'd seen a little kitten. No. Nobody had seen a stray kitten. So he 
prayed, "Lord, I just commit this kitten to your keeping," and went on about 
his business.

A few days later he was at the grocery store, and met one of his church 
members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see 
cat food. Now this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked 
her, "Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?"

She replied, "You won't believe this," and told him how her little girl had 
been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, 
the child had begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, "Well 
if God gives you a cat, I'll let you keep it." (Can you see where this is 

She told the pastor, "I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her 
knees, and ask God for a cat. And really, Pastor, you won't believe this, 
but I saw it with my own eyes. Suddenly a kitten flew down from the blue 
sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right in front of her"

Never underestimate the Power of God and His unique sense of humour!
Have a nice weekend :)

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

[Goanet]LON-BOM-LON BMI fare 391pounds

2005-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk

source: flybmi.com

for NRI related info... 

for SFX Expo & cheap Goa flights info.. 

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [Goanet] Canada's "humanitarian ethics"

2005-04-29 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Canada's "humanitarian ethics"
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:59:00 -0400 (EDT)
Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mervyn,
> If the shoe fits then your friends should wear it.
> If it doesn't, then I was not referring to them.
So, Mario, you admit you may or may not have been
refering to my friends?
> Some of my debating adversaries on Goanet are now
> cyber-friends because of this, even though they
> may disagree with me on almost everything.
Now I get it.
Your friends are those who disagree with you :-)
C'mon, now Meryn, explain 'us' ... your friends & foe, the cnundrum
you entrap 'us' in!
Are "those  who disagree with you" virtually one's enemies.
Not mine.
Story about constructing monikker of your darling baby was
worthy of Dan Brown's ulyssively crafty protagonist.
...And, how you got so pleasantly hooked in the mists of
Torronto brings nostalgically back how I got landed all of
33 years ago in the beautiful, dark and deep woods
of Sweden during the heady week of a midsummer,
at the height of swedish sexual rev.
Alfred de T, a disciple of Cecil.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]The VAT Strike In Margao

2005-04-29 Thread klintvaz

On the day of the VAT strike, I was unsure if i should go to work and open 
our family liquor shop in the middle of Margao. 

I personally did not support the stike as it seemed too late, and would not 
make any difference. Thought I have problems with the way VAT was suddenly 
implemented, I support VAT as it would greatly reduce complications and 
simplify the current buisness dealswell that was my view,...back to the 

It was 9.20am, and as I was entering Margao, I saw most shops had the 
shutters down. At Kharebandh, a group of goons were patroling the area and 
forcefully shutting down shops that defied the ban. If this strike was 
voluntary, then why force, i wondered to myself as i nervously rode on to my 
shop. There were however, a few half opened shops in the city. 

When i got there, we opened half the shutter and were ready for buisness. We 
recieved a lot of blank calls. It was basically goons calling us to find out 
if we were open or not. We could sell only to known customers, not to 
strangers, least it be a spy who would buy something and then return with a 
stone throwing mob. We soon realized that it was pointless risking being 
stoned and at 10.30, we closed for the day. 

Outside, there was a different city of Margao. There were hardly any people 
on the streets. Traffic was trickling and the atmosphere was uncertain. As I 
was returning home, I saw mobs here and there, but what I also noticed was 
that the police was missing. There was absolutely NO police (including 
traffic police) in sight. 

Then suddenly I braked to stop as a mob of goons crossed the road infront of 
me, making their way to Lounghinos, a famous city restaurant owned by the 
Coutino-Almeidas. While the owners tried to stop the goons from entering, 
customers were shooed out, some even while they were munching their meals. 
When they were out, the restaurant was made to close. I left as a scuffle 
beween the mob and the owner begun. 

On my way home, I now saw all the shops closed. I saw no police that day. 
Should the police be indoors when there was a law and order problem all over 
the city? There was nobody to answer. 

A/S/L = 24/m/Benaulim,Goa 

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 13:31:44 +0530 (IST)
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]Cause for concern?
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org 

In a report titled "Goa traders' anti-VAT bandh total", Raju Naik in the
Indian Express dated April 20, 2005 has this to state: 

	In some places, police were also seen threatening
	shop owners to close down. Traders allege that
	the police were appointed by (the) former BJP
	regime, and were enforcing the party agenda. 

Something to think about? FN 

_/ \Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
\   __\/\   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
 |  | |   |  \  http://fn.swiki.net http://goabooks.swiki.net
 |__| |___|  /  http://www.bytesforall.net http://www.bytesforall.org

[Goanet]Air Pressure .. on Costs

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas

Pressure mounts on aviation industry to cut costs as oil prices stay high

28 April 2005

.. ... ...
.. ... ...
"We need to become a low cost industry and to do that this industry, all of
it, has to change and change fast," IATA regional vice president Andrew
Drysdale said.

Drysdale emphasised that air travel was no longer restricted to the rich and
privileged as liberalisation and increased competition brought down
airfares, thereby putting pressure on yields.

He said airlines had trimmed costs by 3.0-4.0 percent annually but other
aviation sectors also had to do their bit to ensure the industry's long-term

"The airlines are creating efficiency... our message though is that it has
to be more than just the airlines," he said.

"What we are really asking is that the rest of the suppliers to the
industry, in particular the airports and air traffic control suppliers, also
engage in efficiency and pass the efficiency gains on to their customers,
the airlines, so that we can in turn pass it on to the consumers."
.. ... ...

Are the Navy and Goa Government listening (for the sake of Dabolim and Mopa

[Goanet]Re: Goanet's Open Source Software Model

2005-04-29 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Prof Philip Thomas wrote:
Check this out:
Open Source goes beyond software  [V. Sadagopan]
"What is interesting is that the open source philosophy has deeply
influenced many other segments of human endeavour."
Actually, I try to apply the ideals of Free Software to the world of 
journalism too. Following-up on the concept of collaborative cooperation, 
we got some 20 journalists to write a chapter each, critiquing journalism 
and how it works in Goa, and the result is getting ready (despite delays) 
to be published as a book.

Mailing-lists also seem to be influenced by the world
of software. That is why some concepts from that side
are sought to be followed here -- stick to the topic
for which the list was set up, and don't indulge in
slanging matches, argue against the argument and not
the person making it. When transferring it from the world
of technology to the social world there can be a slip
between cup and lip.
Re the application of Free Software ideals to the outside world, Prof 
Sadgopan's point has been made by others in the past.

Please take a look at this 2003-04 study from Finland, by Niranjan 
Rajani, which I was lucky to be involved in, in a minor role:
It's called Free as in Education: Significance of the Free/Libre and Open 
Source Software for Developing Countries

Rajani argues:
The ideas behind Free and Open Source movements are being used far
beyond the field of software technology. Initiatives like the MIT
OpenCourseWare,95 Open Law,96 even Open Source Biology97 and Open
Source Mining,98 Free Encyclopedia,99 Open Music, etc., are well
worth mentioning, in the context of their importance for
developing countries.
A lot of these types of initiatives are just hype, trying to bank
on the success of Open Source and the concept of openness, but a
significantly large part of these are very important and socially
useful projects which give a different face to the society we
live in. These initiatives and attempts touch upon a set of more
fundamental values and questions governing our life, and the
future of the society we live in, as well as possibilities for
developing countries.
Let us take a look at some of these initiatives...
If it wasn't for such ideas, it would be hard to sustain all that we do 
via Goanet and some other mailing-lists. It works! If only we have the 
patience to hang on, even if a decade is a long time ;-)

If you want to see another small miracle in the making, do join this free 
software network in Goa which has over 400+ members (many from outside the 
state), freely sharing knowledge and helping each other to grow for the 
past five years, without having (or needing!) a single paisa in its bank 
account. See http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilug-goa and everyone is 
welcome to attend our meeting at the Goa Science Centre from 3-5 pm 
tomorrow, Saturday April 30, 2005.

It would be intriguing to see how many other fields could benefit from 
such ideas -- sharing knowledge, growing while helping others to grow, 
collaborating over wide areas, etc.

Of course, these are not new ideas and have been in play in human 
civilisation from time immemorial. But the arrival of new technologies, 
like the Internet, allows for news scales of implementing the same. It was 
people like Richard M Stallman who was a determined and foolish enough to 
continually make his point on this point for two decades and more. It was 
our priviledge to host him on a visit to Goa (and GEC-Farmaguddi) in 2003.

 _/ \Frederick Noronha (FN) * Freelance Journalist
 \   __\/\   Goa India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
  |  | |   |  \  http://fn.swiki.net http://goabooks.swiki.net
  |__| |___|  /  http://www.bytesforall.net http://www.goanet.org

[Goanet]Jet Airways BOM-LON-BOM les than 300 pounds

2005-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk

Jet Airways flies non-stop to Heathrow on India’s first A340-300E aircraft, from
23rd May.

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Then, stretch out on your absolutely flat bed as you experience the joy of 
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source: its website:  jetairways.com

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2005-04-29 Thread Joe Vaz
-- Lew Button, Bedford
In his book, Modern Times, Paul Johnson notes that Stalin was short--just 
five feet, four inches tall. Furthermore, a childhood accident had left his 
left arm stiff and his hand slightly misshapen.

So when the dictator commissioned his portrait, he instructed the artist to 
paint him from his best angle—from below, a perspective that made Stalin 
seem to tower over the artist. To add to the image, Stalin folded his hands 
over his stomach, making them appear firm and powerful --more like the 
pseudonym he had chosen: Stalin, which means "man of steel."

It is human nature to put ourselves in the best possible light. But 
spiritual growth cannot come merely by adjusting the angle of the view. 
God's Word is a mirror that shows our true condition.

Trailblazer Narain Karthikeyan http://server1.msn.co.in/sp05/tataracing/ 
Will he be rookie of the year?

[Goanet]OVERSEAS INDIAN CITIZENSHIP - thanks for the info

2005-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk

just saying 'thank you' for the info.


ASSOCIATES goanet@goanet.org 
Thu Apr 28 18:47:07 2005 

Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs   


The Minister of State (Independent charge) for
Overseas Indian Affairs, Shri Jagdish Tytler told the
Rajya Sabha today that the Citizenship Act, 1955 was
amended in 2003 to provide for registration of Persons
of Indian Origin from 16 specified countries who
fulfill specified criteria as Overseas Citizens of
India. These countries are: Australia, Canada,
Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Republic of
Cyprus, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United
States of America. 

The Minister further told that the Ministry of Home
Affairs has received nearly 2000 applications from the
concerned Missions/Posts. However, the application
form and the procedure for the Overseas Indian
Citizenship Certificate are being revised/simplified
by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Hence it has been
decided to put the scheme on hold to enable all the
applicants to avail of the revised application form
and the simplified procedure. 

This information was given by Shri Tytler in reply to
a question by Sh. Santosh Bagrodia, Sh. R.K. Anand &
Sh. Harish Rawat. 


(courtesy: Press Information Bureau, Government of

- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com/ 

for NRI related info... 

for SFX Expo & cheap Goa flights info.. 

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[Goanet]Dual Citizenship - a feeback

2005-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk

Hello Joe,
I had made similar inquiries with the HCI London and told NOT to apply right 
now as
they were not sure themselves as to what was happening re these IOC 
I'm told to apply for a 6 mth visa and then call back (not that one expects 
to change!)

for NRI related info... 

for SFX Expo & cheap Goa flights info.. 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]May Day Celebrations

2005-04-29 Thread gjlf labour
Dear Friends,
Goa Justice and labour Foundation invites you for the May Day 
Celebration on May 1, 2005 from 9am to 12am at H.No. 31/A, Igrej 
Vaddo, Marna, Siolim, Bardez, Goa (Behind Primary Health 

Albert Rodrigues
(Registered under The Trade Unions Act 1926)
Registration No. Goa 413
Regd.Office: Annexe 271, Turtle Bay, Tembavaddo, Morjim Beach, 


[Goanet]Fr. Vasco do Rego, S.J.,

2005-04-29 Thread rene barreto

Tomazinho Cardozo
Orda, Candolim, Bardez, Goa
Phones: 9822170102 / 2489019 / 2489213


Date: 29. 04. 05

Dalgado Konknni Akademi will confer the first ever "Mgrs. DALGADO PUROSKAR -
2005 "on Rev. Fr. Vasco do Rego, S.J., on 8th May, 2005. Fr Vasco do Rego,
has served the Konknni language for the last 40 years  in the fields of
Konkani Biblical and Liturgical translation, developing the necessary
Konkani vocabulary for religious texts, composing Konkani hymns and their
music, Konkani preaching and Konkani writing in the Roman script, and as a
pioneer  in Konkani education.  Recognising his substantial contribution  in
these various fields Dalgado Konknni Akademi has chosen him
as  the very first recipient of the Dalgado Puroskar in the 150th year of
Mgr. Dalgado's birth.

Vasco do Rego was born in  Panjim, on 8 January 1925.  After his
schooling and a short stint at the seminary, he joined the Society of Jesus
on 15 August 1945.  He was ordained priest in Belgium on 15 August 1955.
He was inspired by his teacher, theologian Fr Pierre Charles, S.J. to use
Konkani language and music in the liturgy of our people in Goa.  When he was
on the staff of Rachol seminary from 1963 to 1967 he took the occasion to
learn Konkani thoroughly and encouraged the seminarians to do the same by
including Konkani in their course of study.

His contribution to Konkani language

 . In 1964 Fr Vasco pioneered Konkani primary education by organizing
four schools in the vicinity of Loyola High School, Margco, to introduce
Konkani as the medium of instruction in the primary section.  He overcame
the lack of Konkani text books by getting Konkani writers and Konkani Bhasha
Mandal to prepare the necessary text books, and got the Konkani teachers
trained on the job.  From 1968 to 1973 when he was the Rector of Loyola he
could devote more time to supervise the Konkani primary education in Margco,
and test its efficacy.

 . When from 1973 to 1978 he was the Novice Master in Belgaum, Fr Vasco
devoted a lot of time and energy in preparing the liturgical texts in
Konkani.  He was put in charge of a team of scholars translating liturgical
texts into Konkani by the Regional Liturgical Commission.  Ultimately, the
Misa-Gronth published in 1981 is an important fruit of this work.  Though
different  authors had done the groundwork for the Konkani Vachpam-Gronth
Fr.Vasco made substantial contribution by way of editing and organizing its

 . From the time Fr Vasco went to Old Goa as the Rector of Bom Jesus in
1978, besides his Konkani preaching and organizing the novenas and feasts
there and later on, he devoted all his spare time to Bible translation work.
Already in the Novo Korar published in 1971 he had contributed by
translating John's Gospel and the letters of Peter and John.  As the
chairman of the Bible Committee appointed by the Liturgical Commission of
Goa Archdiocese, he supervised the revision work of Novo Korar, and the Old
Testament translation work that was undertaken by different persons.  He has
himself translated the Book of Isiah into Konkani.

 . One other major contribution to Konkani of Fr Vasco, are the lyrics
of a number of hymns and Christmas carols, and for some of these he has also
composed the music.  In Gaionancho Zhelo published by the Liturgical
Commission, for instance, he has written the lyrics for 333 titles, and out
of these for 47 he has also composed the music.  These hymns are in answer
to the challenge posed to him to sing Christmas carols in his native
language when he was a student in Belgium.

  . Fr Vasco has a few Konkani religious books to his credit.  Sonvsarak
Jezu diat is a collection of sermons he preached at Bom Jesus on the
occasion of the novenas of St Francis Xavier, published in 1995.  In 1991 he
brought out Stotram, a Konkani translation of the Psalms.  Nazretcho Jezu is
a concordance of the Gospels in Konkani in Roman script published in 2001,
and the same was brought out in Devanagari with the title Nazretkar Jezu in
2003.  He has written a few articles in Konkani in Gulab, Dor Mhoineachi
Rotti, Renovagco and other periodicals.

'Mgr. Dalgado Puroskar - 2005' will be conferred on Fr. Vasco do Rego at a
special function to be organized on 8th May, 2005 at 4.30 p.m. at Caritas
Hall, Panjim on the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Mgr. Sebastiao
Rudolf Dalgado after whom Dalgado Konknni Akademi is named.. His Grace, Rev.
Fr. Filipe Neri Ferrao, Patriarch will do the honours of presenting the
award to Fr. Vasco Rego in the distinguished presence of Dr. Nandakumar
Kamat. Mons. Dalgado Puroskar  carries a shawl, a memento, a citation and
Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand).

Tomazinho Cardozo


Fr. Vasco Rego - was our teacher at St. Pauls in Belgaum .

I am sure many  the 

[Goanet]The power of TOGETHERness

2005-04-29 Thread rene barreto

From:"Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject:[Goanet]Re: Air India Express
Date:Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:28:32 +0530

[Goa's Pride goa-world.com, Apr 28]

This beautifully underlines the need for  mobilising public opinion on
issues of vital importance to Goa. However,  in this internet era,  the 
two decades which Keralites spent is practically an eternity which we 
cannot afford!  The mobilisation of public opinion has to be and can be 
speeded up.

Utt Goenkars (or whatever)!  From:"Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   That's very TRUE ... the Internet is powerful tool , 
we need to  use  it  , promote it ...more so , for the 
betterment of the Community. 

 ** The mobilisation of public opinion has to be and can be 
speeded up. ** wrote Philip

Yes , we can ...but we need  FIRST ...to come  TOGETHER  
as the Keralites did !

 I believe that members of this Forum and other Goan forums 
can  and should play a  part in building a better Goa and Goan 

 rene barreto

=?WINDOWS-1252?Q?Re:_[Goanet]Some_Reasons_for_N?= =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?_ature=92s_Fury_-_Nandkumar_Kamat?=

2005-04-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29/04/05, Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Mumbai for weather alerts.
> Reminds of the great London storm way back in October
> 1989 (I think) when Michael Fish, the weatherman at
> one of the TV stations, informed viewers that someone
> telephoned him that the French had predicted a storm
> on the way, but that the Brits had nothing to fear as
> the Met hadn't told him anything untoward. That storm
> uprooted a great number of trees, especially at
> Greenwich.  We too had a tree fallen down in our
> backyard (from 3 houses away), and it was the first
> "blackout" experienced by me in my twelve years in
> London.  As an aside, a couple of days later the stock
> market crashed sending house-prices falling ...

RESPONSE: Events took place in 1987. The stockmarket crash was a
Worldwide event.

In southern England, 15 million trees were lost, among them many
valuable specimens. Trees blocked roads and railways, and brought down
electricity and telephone lines. Hundreds of thousands of homes in
England remained without power for over 24 hours.
The stock market crash:-
Or indeed the great granddaddy of them all, 19 October 1987 - aka
Black Monday - when the US market lost almost one-quarter of its value
in a few hours.

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

[Goanet]Re:Officers in Stupor

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas
[ carlos, goanet,
Apr 29 citing NT]

I came across the Dec 13, 2004 issue of INDIA TODAY just a short while ago.
It has a three page piece on the 35th IFFI titled "Film Festivity" .  It
starts off saying "one would have had a hard time believing it was an
international film festival".

Part of the problem might have been "the behind the scenes cold war" between
the Directorate of Film Festivals (DFF) and the Goa Government (GG) which
resulted in utter chaos at the inaugural function and the hijacking of IFFI
by GG.

The latter was because "Parrikar's Cannes delegation missed the wood for the
trees"  viz  relying on Bollywood and beach cinema for  generating imagined
Cannes-style hoopla and crowding out the crucial process of  film  selection
(DFF's bailiwick).

Damp squib? Reality check may be the better phrase. Otherwise, IFFI in Goa
may become the laughing stock of international film festivals of which there
are said to be 600 every year.

=?iso-8859-1?q?Re:=20[Goanet]Some=20Reasons=20for=20Nature=92s=20Fury=20-?= =?iso-8859-1?q?=20Nandkumar=20Kamat?=

2005-04-29 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
 --- "Goa's Pride "
> Some Reasons for Nature’s Fury 
> by Nandkumar Kamat
> The local 
> observatory as usual had a very speculative
> impression of the phenomena. 
> Actually it gave a message of hopelessness by saying
> that it does not make any 
> forecasts for such freakish weather phenomena and
> depends on the feed from 
> Mumbai for weather alerts.

Reminds of the great London storm way back in October
1989 (I think) when Michael Fish, the weatherman at
one of the TV stations, informed viewers that someone
telephoned him that the French had predicted a storm
on the way, but that the Brits had nothing to fear as
the Met hadn't told him anything untoward. That storm
uprooted a great number of trees, especially at
Greenwich.  We too had a tree fallen down in our
backyard (from 3 houses away), and it was the first
"blackout" experienced by me in my twelve years in
London.  As an aside, a couple of days later the stock
market crashed sending house-prices falling ... 

I still remember one of these oddities hitting Goa in
June 1974 (I think), when thunder was non-stop -
almost one "crash" every three seconds, lasting over
an hour.

The power of nature is something to be reckoned with


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.


2005-04-29 Thread luis rodrigues

This story is guaranteed to leave a bright spot in
your day. Whoever said the Creator doesn't have a
sense of humour? Dwight Nelson recently told a true
story about the pastor of his church. 

He had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard
and then was afraid to come down. The pastor coaxed,
offered warm milk, etc. The kitty would not come down.
The tree was not sturdy enough to climb, so the pastor
decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove
away so that the tree bent down, he could then reach
up and get the kitten. He did! All the while, checking
his progress in the car frequently, then 
figured if he went just a little bit further, the tree
would be bent sufficiently for him 
to reach the kitten. 

But as he moved a little further forward, the rope
broke. The tree went "boing!" and the kitten instantly
sailed through the air-out of sight.

The pastor felt terrible. He walked all over the
neighbourhood asking people if they'd seen a little
kitten. No. Nobody had seen a stray kitten. So he
prayed, "Lord, I just commit this kitten to your
keeping," and went on about his business. 

A few days later he was at the grocery store, and met
one of his church members. He happened to look into
her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. Now
this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he
asked her, "Why are you buying cat food when you hate
cats so much?" 

She replied, "You won't believe this," and told him
how her little girl had been begging her for a cat,
but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the
child had begged again, so the Mom finally told her
little girl, "Well if God gives you a cat, I'll let
you keep it." (Can you see where this is heading?) 

She told the pastor, "I watched my child go out in the
yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. And
really, Pastor, you won't believe this, but I saw it
with my own eyes. A kitten suddenly came flying out of
the blue sky, with its paws outspread, and 
landed right in front of her" 

Never underestimate the Power of God and His unique
sense of humour!

Have a nice weekend :)

Luis Rodrigues

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online
Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

[Goanet]a cassette recorded the whole conversation

2005-04-29 Thread rene barreto

Ponda mamlatdar caught red-handed while accepting bribe

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji April 28: The anti-corruption cell of the vigilance department today
caught red-handed the Ponda mamlatdar, Mr Prashant Anand Mandrekar while
accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from a prawn farm owner.The superintendent of
police of the vigilance department, Mr Bosco George informed the reporters
late today evening that Mr Thomas Menezes, the managing director of Oceanic
Aqua-Culture Private Ltd, Madkai, lodged a complaint with the vigilance
department today morning alleging that Mr Mandrekar had been demanding money
to settle a case related to ownership of a farm owned by him (Mr Menezes).

Acting upon Mr Menezes' complaint, sleuths of the anti-graft cell of the
department laid a trap and caught Mr Mandrekar red-handed while accepting Rs

Giving details about the Ponda mamlatdar's entrapment, Mr George informed
that the prawn farm owner hailed from Madkai. A neighbour of Mr Menezes
found fault with the legality of the farm. The neighbour complained to the
Ponda mamlatdar and alleged that the farm was illegal.

In the meantime, the legality matter of the farm reached court of law.
During the course of court proceedings, an inquiry was instituted by the
mamlatdar. All the required documents were placed before the court, and it
was realised that the mamlatdar did not have the right to conduct an inquiry
into the matter. In spite of this he kept the matter pending.

During this period, the farm owner made a profit of Rs 12 lakh. Seeing this,
the mamlatdar demanded Rs 1 lakh from Mr Menezes to 'settle the case'.

Mr Menezes told the Ponda mamlatdar that he did not have Rs 1 lakh to give
him as bribe. So, Mr Mandrekar climbed down to Rs 50,000, then to Rs 30,000
and finally settled for Rs 20,000.

Yesterday, the farm owner and the Ponda mamlatdar settled the 'deal' - Mr
Menezes would pay Mr Mandrekar Rs 10,000 as part of the first installment
and the remaining amount would be paid in the next installment.

However, the shrewd farm owner wisely recorded the whole conversation that
took place between him and the Ponda mamlatdar.

Mr Menezes telephoned the vigilant department and informed it about the case
and submitted a cassette of the conversation.

Today morning, the mamlatdar accepted the money and put it into his shirt
pocket. In a jiff, vigilance department sleuths caught him red-handed. They
found Rs 7,000 on his person and from a drawer of his desk.

The SP revealed that Mr Mandrekar almost fainted on being caught red-handed.

Mr George informed that everything was video-taped and along with two
government servants, who stood as panchas, a panchanama conducted.

The entrapment was conducted under the supervision of Mr George; the deputy
superintendent of police, Mr Omprakash Kurtarkar; police inspector, Mr Gundu
Naik and others

[Goanet]Goanet Reader -- Let a thousand Konkani(s) bloom

2005-04-29 Thread P D
Goa University sociologist Alito Siqueira  writes: <
his three children (aged between four months and six years) he insists on
speaking English. He told me that when his children go to school they will
learn the pure Konkani (as against the illegitimate language left with him
through conversion) and besides his children need to know the language of
their time (English) and by speaking to them in that language he was giving
them a head start. (as he saw it, his choice of language with his children
was a win- win choice). >>

First of all, I take off my hat to Fr. Pratap Naik and sociologist Alito for 
the original Goanet posting and the sequel that followed. To me, they were 
very enlightening, illuminating and revealing!.

Having never lived in Goa, per se, my comments could only be construed as 
vicarious but the above analysis riang a distinct bell and reminded me of my 
early years in Karachi and subsequent quest for delving deeper into our very 
flowery and vibrant Konkani language.

In their zeal and zest for doing the right thing, our parents insisted on 
communicating with us at home only in English whilst they spoke to each 
other in Konkani. So, whatever filtered down to me, one of their four sons, 
stayed within the inner sanctum of my mind. We'd, however, freely trade 
barbs and foul Konkani language with our peers because its always easier to 
learn bad things first.

Consider this then as one of those thousand Konkanis blooming and 
flourishing worldwide :-)

Viva Konkani:
Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

[Goanet]Goanet's Open Source Software Model

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Thomas
[FN, April 26]

Check this out:

Open Source goes beyond software  [V. Sadagopan]

"What is interesting is that the open source philosophy has deeply
influenced many other segments of human endeavour."

[Goanet]Officers in Stupor

2005-04-29 Thread carlos6143
Navhind times - April 28, 2005
IF you remember the heavy metal music and noise over IFFI last year, 
the upcoming 36th IFFI already looks like a damp squib. In all 
likelihood, the venue will not be shifted, but it will not be the same 
IFFI again. The information and broadcasting ministry has not yet gone 
back on its minister, Mr Jaipal Reddy?s commitment made at the 
conclusion of the 35th IFFI that the 36th would also be held in Goa. ?I 
cannot promise to make Goa a permanent venue for IFFI, but I can 
certainly say that we are going to come back next year,? Mr Reddy had 
said, having had to pause for several seconds waiting for the jubilant 
uproar at the Kala Academy auditorium to abate. The latest evidence of 
the I & B ministry?s continuing interest is the letter to the 
Government of Goa to organise a `Goa Evening? at the Cannes Film 
Festival beginning May 14. The idea is to popularise Goa as the IFFI 
venue in the international circuits.

But the Government of Goa does not seem to be making any effort to be 
up and ready for the ?Goa Evening?. It is sad to see the Government of 
Goa lapse into a bureaucratic stupor. Or is it a case of clever, 
intelligent, feigned paralysis? Where are all those men and women in 
the bureaucracy? the general administration, information department, 
the PWD, the GSIDC, you name it?who had all been so mad and crazy about 
completing everything on time and holding the IFFI ignoring all the 
brickbats, scam arrows and catastrophic startell? Why, after all, only 
one person has gone away, Mr Manohar Parrikar, but the government 
stands where it was- where it was moving and running and jumping about 
and roaming round the world? does it not? What happened to those 
smarties and smartas? Stupor, you would say. But why? Aren?t we told 
that governance is a continuous thing?

If there are scams in the IFFI constructions, let there be a full 
inquiry. If contracts awarded were several times more than actually 
required for the work, let an independent probe go into it. If some 
people, including the officers of the departments or the GSIDC, 
allegedly made money, let them be investigated and prosecuted and sent 
to prison. Hang the contractors, hang these officers. And if you find 
Mr Manohar Parrikar having been in any way party to it, let him be 
investigated too. He has himself offered all his decisions regarding 
IFFI for scrutiny. Do all this, but for god?s sake, do not go into 
stupor. Do not pretend to have taken tranquilizers and gone to sleep, 
as civil servants in the times of political bullfight do.

There was politics in 35th IFFI in the sense that Mr Manohar Parrikar 
had made it into a showcase to prove to the entire globe that he was 
the most dedicated and efficient of all chief ministers in India. The 
Congressmen did not want him to run away with the credit, because if 
that man became too big and heavy they would be crushed under his 
weight. So they set up a media blitz against the thousand violations, 
irregularities and dangers involved in the IFFI. Now, if you want to 
know a part of the secret of the self-induced sleep of the civil 
servants over IFFI, it is the fear of antagonising their new bosses who 
are the Congressmen. The civil servants are great survivors; they have 
guessed, like most of us, that the next few months are likely to see a 
return of the Congress in the state. And so one false step, one 
jubilant note on IFFI, and you are done for!

But what is our Governor doing? Why does not he take the whip, and 
brandish it around at a conference of his top guys and girls! Mr 
Parrikar managed to provide the infrastructure for IFFI and is gone. 
But what have the Governor and civil servants done since then? Among 
the objectives behind the promotion of Goa as IFFI venue was its 
integration to the state?s tourism industry. What are the plans in 
place for establishing the linkage and reaping the harvest? The first 
year went into the organising of the basics?the auditoria, the roads, 
the promenade; so the government could be forgiven the questions, like 
how much more income the state got, how many more Goans got employment, 
how many more Goan artists and artisans got additional income; but the 
second year should have been different. Several months have passed 
since the 35th IFFI was held. What strategies have the Governor and his 
officers devised to generate income and employment out of 36th IFFI? 
Among the objectives behind having the IFFI in Goa was also creation of 
infrastructure for film-making and encouragement to regional cinema, 
for what was the use of going international without having anything to 
show of yourself? The Governor must take initiative toward fulfilment 
of these objectives. He must pull and jog his intelligent men and women 
in high chairs out of sleep
