[Goanet-News] Green fields of Agassaim ...

2008-09-04 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
The green fields of Agassaim make the backdrop for some interviews here:

Whom you'll see:

* Pravin Sabnis of SEZs

* Miguel Braganza, on his Green Thumb column

* Pantelao Fernandes on his book '100 Goan Experiences'

* Moving Images, a film society from Goa

* Applause for the orchestra, March 4, 2008 performance
  With Goanetter Victor Rangel Ribeiro there too

* Averell S. DeSouza of Mumbai, on the violin

* The guitar goes Konkani

* Classical... on the violin

* A Calcuttan on strings, in Goa

* A lady on the violin

Reach past and present uploads via
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Blog: http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
Tech links from South Asia: http://twitter.com/fn

[Goanet-News] Goa news for September 5, 2008

2008-09-04 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa: IAS officer booked for cheating - Times of India
[Sep 2, 2008]  Pal, who was promoted into the IAS cadre from
Goa civil services a few years ago, was relieved from Goa
administrationfrom August 31 this year and ...

*** Security beefed in Goa ahead of Ganesh celebrations - Hindu
[Sep 2, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): Security arrangements have been
beefed up in the coastal state of Goa in the wake of the
five-day-long Ganesh festivities beginning on ...

*** Centre okays greenfield airport in Sindhudurg - Economic
[5 hours ago]  MUMBAI: The picturesque Konkan coast can look
forward to competing with Goa in attracting tourists. The Centre
on Thursday approved a domestic airport for ...

*** Retro: Goa\'s RUrbanism - WorldChanging
[23 hours ago]  In April of 2005, Alan posted an extended
presentation about the work of friends and colleagues inIndia on
a project calledGoa 2100, which seeks to ...

*** Life\'s no longer a beach for Goa tourism - Economic Times
[Sep 2, 2008]  PANAJI: Faced with competition from South Asian
countries, Goa now wants to create entertainment hubs,
recreational facilities and improve infrastructure to ...

*** UNESCO award for Old Goa palace - Times of India
[Sep 2, 2008]  The Archdiocese of Goa and Daman took the
initiative and made available funds for the conservation of the
building which has been described with vivid ...

*** Goa rescue team heads for Bihar - Herald Publications
[16 hours ago]  BY HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, SEPT 3  Men and
machinery from Goa are heading for Bihar early Thursday morning
to assist in rescue operations in the ...

*** Bahuguna against high-rise buildings in Goa - Newstrack
[13 hours ago]  Panjim, Sep 4 (ANI): Noted environmental
Sundarlal Bahuguna today said thathe mega housing projects that
are cropping up in Goa are threatening the ecology ...

*** Goa, never a part of Karnataka: Historians - Times of India
[Sep 2, 2008]  Goan activists and historians are upset with
Karnataka's claim that Goa is a part of their state, even if, as
Karnataka says, this was a typo. ...

*** NGO wants Goa minister facts verified - Howrah News Service
[4 hours ago]  4: Goas newly inducted education minister
Atanastio Monserrate is facing the heat from an
Opposition-backed NGO, UTT Goenkara. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Will ban on migrant labour serve Goa's cause?

2008-09-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita
I think we are intelligent enough to acknowledge that migrant labour is
required. Its controls on influx and restrictions on voting that has to be


[Goanet] Green fields of Agassaim ...

2008-09-04 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
The green fields of Agassaim make the backdrop for some interviews here:

Whom you'll see:

* Pravin Sabnis of SEZs

* Miguel Braganza, on his Green Thumb column

* Pantelao Fernandes on his book '100 Goan Experiences'

* Moving Images, a film society from Goa

* Applause for the orchestra, March 4, 2008 performance
   With Goanetter Victor Rangel Ribeiro there too

* Averell S. DeSouza of Mumbai, on the violin

* The guitar goes Konkani

* Classical... on the violin

* A Calcuttan on strings, in Goa

* A lady on the violin

Reach past and present uploads via
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Blog: http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
Tech links from South Asia: http://twitter.com/fn

Re: [Goanet] Scientific literacy

2008-09-04 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fr. Ivo wrote:

Your scientific method cannot be used, as you only admit. Even now I
cannot understand your method for such cases. About your scientific
method, it is the method to be used for common clinical cases.

The barrage of posts that Fr. Ivo has unleashed on this forum are doing

serious damage to the cause of scientific literacy.

***Wrong. You cannot make gratuitous, 'non-scientific affirmations. You do
not understand
what you are talking about. I am sorry to say. You do not understand your
own scientific principles.
You gave the pertinent quote from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences,
one of the world's most respected scientific organizations, in this regard:
'Science is a way of knowing about the natural world. It is limited to
explaining the natural world through natural causes.
Science can say nothing about the supernatural.'
I do agree totally with this statement. But you do not know
what is the meaning of this quote. You are misunderstanding
it, as you misunderstood the statements of the Cardinal Cormac 

Archbishop of Westminster, and
reduced him to an atheist and agnostic...
Let it be clear: Science can say nothing on the existence of God, Trinity,
Resurrection of Jesus, miracles, visions and apparitions, incarnation and 
reincarnation, soul. The reason is that
Science deals with natural phenomena. The supernatural events which take 
place in history
can be documented by historical-scientific evidence. Their interpretation, 
however, is left to theology.

He does not understand

the simple fact that science has nothing to do with his religion or
anybody else's religion. The amount of mangling and mixing of science he
has done with his own theology and religious beliefs is simply
***Also wrong, as it is clear from what precedes. Theology works together 
with modern sciences, empirical,

social, historical, archaeological.
It is wrong to say that Science has nothing to do with Religion. Science
cannot have a say on supernatural, by the simple fact that empirical
Science deals with natural phenomena. It has no say about Reincarnation,
Resurrection, existence of God, miracles. Its role will be to analyse the
circumstances of time and space, like history, archaeology, scientific
tests, DNA test. There is no conflict between Science and Religion.

The one saving grace is that he has finally admitted (see above) that he

does not understand the scientific method.

***Again wrong. He is truncating my thought and misunderstanding me. See the
text and the context.
Your 'scientific method' cannot be used, as you only
admit. I am speaking of the double-blind procedure, which cannot be used
for rare, extraordinary cases, like miracles. A case of Eucharistic
miracles, for example, cannot be tested by this method. I do not know
whether the scientist understands this.
Then I said: Even now I cannot
understand 'your method' for these cases: I did not say that I do not
understand 'scientific method', which we have studied already in the initial
classes of Science, but even now I cannot understand this method being used
for such cases.
I repeat: It cannot be used for these cases. There are other
scientific methods, where there is also observation, classification, 

prediction, which will vary for miraculous cases. Only rarely there are
changes of white host into Flesh and Blood. In the history there are
already 126 Eucharistic miracles at various times and places. In all cases
scientific tests have been conducted. If we compare them, in all these cases
there is a change from host to flesh and blood.

That is why he will never be

able to comprehend such things as how the shroud of Turin has been
demonstrated to be a 13th century fabrication,

***It is scientifically wrong to say that the Shroud of Turin has been
demonstrated to be a 13th century fabrication.
It cannot be. It is coming from the first century: I shall mention 
scientific tests

and historical proof in another posting.

or the fact that he is

doing a disservice to science and to the scientific community by using
scientific ignorance rather than pure faith as a prop to validate his
particular supernatural beliefs.

***This is completely wrong. Dr.Santosh is living in his scientific ivory
tower. By going outside his competence, as it is clear from the quote above,
Dr.Santosh is doing disservice to
Science and to the progress of humankind.

[Goanet] Orissa: Crocodile Tears?

2008-09-04 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
Herald, Panjim, 3 September 2008
Crocodile tears?
Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik says recurring communal violence
has tarnished the image of his state. In an interview with Indian
Express, Patnaik yesterday said: The attack on the ashram, as well as
what happened thereafter, I repeat, what happened after that, both are
deplorable. Those who indulged in these savage acts… stern action will
be certainly taken against them.
These are fine words, but why aren't they backed by action? Why has an
avowedly secular politician become a prisoner of his coalition
partner, the BJP? Why is his government preventing political leaders
and human rights activists from entering Kandhamal? He has even ruled
out a CBI probe into Swami Laxmanananda's murder, proposed not only by
the Church, but also by Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil, saying the
judicial inquiry he has ordered is adequate, though we all know it
will take years to reach a verdict.
Orissa needs more central forces, Patnaik says. But the state already
has enough. Seven companies were stationed in Orissa as reserve.
Subsequently, 10 companies of the CRPF were pulled out from Jharkhand
and Bihar, and sent there. Another six companies of the Rapid Action
Force (RAF) stationed in Hyderabad and Jamshedpur were subsequently
diverted to Orissa. The central paramilitary presence in Orissa stands
at 33 companies, or five-and-a-half battalions. According to The
Economic Times, it is almost half of the number deployed in
Chhattisgarh to fight the Naxalites!
The real problem, according to Archbishop of Cuttack Raphael Cheenath,
who filed a writ before the Supreme Court yesterday demanding its
intervention, is that they are all being deployed in district towns
and not being sent to the remote areas, where armed gangs of Vishwa
Hindu Parishad (VHP) goons are running amok.
On Monday, the Orissa Government admitted that over 558 houses and 17
places of worship had been burnt in the riots. Chief Secretary Ajit
Kumar Tripathy said that the situation was 'under control'. But even
as he spoke, VHP mobs burnt down at least 20 houses of Christians, and
destroyed a church, a convent and two hostels, apart from 10 prayer
halls. Police recovered three bodies in Kandhamal on Monday.
Claiming that the situation had substantially improved, authorities
suspended the curfew from 6 am to 6 pm yesterday. But, according to
The Hindustan Times, at least 80 houses were torched in fresh arson in
villages of the Tikabali and Sarangada areas of Kandhamal district
between noon on Monday and Tuesday afternoon.
Yesterday, for the very first time since the violence broke out,
Secretaries to the government visited Kandhamal district to see the
situation. Patnaik visited Kandhamal just a day earlier. And Union
Home Minister Shivraj Patil will be visiting Orissa today. That all
these 'honourable men' could not get moving earlier, exposes the real
level of their concern about the situation.
Worst of all, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) has
said the Church is shocked to learn that the Christians are forced
to become Hindus and destroy their own Churches, in which they have
been worshipping so long. To force people to 're-convert' to Hinduism
and then tear down or burn their places of worship is an act of
medieval savagery.
And what should one say about organisations like the Hindu Janajagriti
Samiti, which attacked the Church for keeping its educational
institutions closed on 29 August in protest against the slaughter. Are
we to interpret it as their support for these acts of savagery? Can
India progress with primitive thinking like this?

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] A VIDEO OF GOA TORONTO WORLD GOA DAY Celebrations online

2008-09-04 Thread renebarreto

Goemkars !

A video of GOA Toronto's WGD celebrations online.  


Kevin D Costa



Re: [Goanet] violence in Orissa --- what were the cops doing?

2008-09-04 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] violence in Orissa --- what were the cops

 Root cause of the communal riots in India is the
 tendency...?  Gee, which alternative universe did you grow up

 The above outburst and the rest of the material spewed in the above
 post indicates that my remarks have found their target. You have just
 received the answer to the question as to who would be most offended
 by my suggestion that the root cause of the mindless communal
 violence in Orissa is the mentality that preaches hatred against

How true!

Note that there has been no condemnation of what has been goings-on in
Orissa from RP, just a series of red herrings about that great paragon
of secularism Manoharbab, the need for Goan Hindus and Goan Christians
to unite to save Goa irrespective of political labels (also,
presumably, irrespective of the fact that the outfit owning one of those
labels has long been at the forefront of communal propaganda and
violence in India), and the B-grade political broadcast which was
released some time ago to rave reviews from its producer/director.

Deplorable but predictable. But then what do pinkos, ghatis, savages,
pseudo-secularists, psuedo-humanists (and about 500 other expletives
used indiscriminately to label all those who disagree with RP) know
about such matters?

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] Tarvottis and Asiatic hospital London

2008-09-04 Thread Carvalho
Hi Cornel ani Londonkars,
Doing some research on early tarvottis from Goa that would have sailed in the 
1800s, I came across the name of a hospital where Indian seamen were 
hospitalised. The Asiatic Hospital in London, was referred to in a letter I 
found at the national archives. Unfortunately, try as I may with the help of 
google, I cannot locate this hospital in London. I am assuming it is torn down 
and replaced by something else. It would have been in the dockland area, since 
it administered to seamen. Does anyone have any information.

It's not terribly important but I was curious.



[Goanet] It is just not so!

2008-09-04 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Hi Ivo,

Thanks for your words of encouragement.  I am sure you know all what I have 
written, in your study about the history of the early Church.

I am amazed how many people went ga... ga about Da Vinci Code.  As human, we 
are always intrigued by something new or the latest.  We then overlook, if 
the new evidence has any merit in its findings or its interpretation.

My recount is not my creation. It is the work of James L. Garlow who holds an 
M. Div from Asbury Theological Seminary (Methodist institution), a Th. M from 
Princeton Theological Seminary and a PhD in Historic Theology from Drew 
University.  The other author is Peter Jones who holds a B.A. from University 
of Wales, an M. Div from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Th. M from 
Harvard Divinity School and a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary.  Between 
the two of them, they have authored more than a dozen books.  I am only stating 
this because some Goenkars think that religious authorities just 'wing it' with 
little structured training.  That thinking  comes  after being continuously 
bombarded with some New Age thinking and writings, where everyone can opine 
on spirituality. (see next chapter / post of GJ).
Regards, GL

- Fr. Ivo C da Souza 

Well done, Dr.Gilbert Lawrence. Our duty is to enlighten those who are in 
error. If Da Vinci Code is a fiction, let people know why it is a fiction and 
not history.
Being a scientist and oncologist, you have proved your knowledge of 
Christianity. Your faith is also confirmed by literary, historical, 
documentary, scientific evidence. Faith is God's gift, response to God's Word. 
It is inner illumination given by God, enlightening our Reason, not 
pure/'blind belief or superstition or 'fairy tales.

[Goanet] Goa about to miss the bus again

2008-09-04 Thread Philip Thomas

Maha airport project gets ministry nod
A proposal to set up a Greenfield airport in Sindhudurg in Maharashtra was
accorded 'in-principle' approval by the civil aviation ministry on
The Maharashtra government had proposed to set up the new airport through
the public-private-partnership route at an estimated cost of Rs 492 crore,
with the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation as the nodal
agency. Finally some signs of the fire under all the smoke. Its funny that
the cost is estimated at only about Rs 500 crores. This is what Mopa should
have been. Instead it is still pegged at the extravagant ICAO model of about
Rs 1300 crores. Now Mopa is in danger of being stillborn! And Goa will have
to be content with a hobbling Dabolim since the Navy has lowered the boom on
further expansion and hence any modernisation. We should have had a Rs 500
crore Mopa regional airport plus Dabolim international airport
as-is-where-is. Goa is all set to miss the bus again. Kyrie elison.

[Goanet] Orissa govt. under scanner

2008-09-04 Thread Samir Kelekar

Orissa govt. is flatly denying that more communal incidents have taken place.
It is time it is dismissed.



[Goanet] Goa too can be a communal caldron

2008-09-04 Thread Samir Kelekar
The recent incident in Margao where Bajrang Dal had a public meeting and
some fundamentalist Muslims came out with swords just shows that Goa too
can be a communal caldron. While the trigger will be done by fundamentalists
on either side, the people who suffer will be lay folk of either religion.

And there will be people --- and we see such communal elements on Goanet 
already --- justifying such violence.

It is very cool for Mario sitting in faraway US to say that everything will be 
hunky-dory because he has nothing to lose.

What is required is pro-active nipping in the bud of communal triggers, and 
inculcate ideas of secularism and tolerance in the younger generation.



[Goanet] Ganesha Video

2008-09-04 Thread Sandeep Heble
A friend of mine sent me a link to a video on Ganesha, a Film by
Prashant Kadkol. I always maintained that liberally depicting the Gods
and Goddesses was central to the practices in Hinduism and that
Hussein was being unfairly targeted by radical groups. This video
hammers this point even further.

I enjoyed this animated film thoroughly and I forwarded this link to
many of my friends, who too found it pretty humorous, creative and
fascinating. In this animated Film, one can see Ganeshas dancing and
singing to the beats of Hindi songs, and there are a few funny
incidents too. The kids will just love it.

The gravest threat posed by organizations like the Hindu Janajagruti
Samiti is to the Hindus themselves. I wonder how they would react to a
video like this. By their radical thoughts, beliefs and practices,
they want to stifle the creative liberties that prevail in the Hindu
religion. If they are allowed to have their way, they will eventually
destroy the true essence and meaning of Hinduism. In their books, God
is merely meant to be feared and worshipped, not to be loved or to be
creatively inspired with.

Organizations like this must be shunned by the society.

The video is available at the link


Here's wishing one and all a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!


[Goanet] Fwd: Re. Orissa Crime

2008-09-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita

You knowingly or un-knowingly like to spread false propaganda/information.

My sole objective is the interests of Goa  Goans; irrespective of who or
what party is involved. I have never ever declared support for any polticial
party but rather its all issue based.


oh dear what happened now? Arwin has been extolling the virtues of BJP and
in particular Parrikar for quite some time now. Suddenly, we are told that
neither BJP nor Congress are his favourites.

This is a mortal blow from the BJP when even Arwin dumps them. So maybe
voices from USA or UK are being heard afterall.



2008-09-04 Thread renebarreto

 Keith Vaz MP - Leicester UK

More well known local , national and International companies 
have joined  as sponsors of the Leicester India Fooball Link.

 It is Their contribution which will allow a Football  team to travel
 to Goa ,  India to compete in the Spice Jet Cup. This is an historic iniative.

On 13th September the squad which will be travelling to India 
will be revealed at the Leicester City Football Cub  home match against 
Milwall. The talented youngesters have been picked 
from across Leicester by Leicester City Fotball Club coaches.

The Team departs for Goa on the 18th of October,2008 and returns on the 26th of 
October to Leicester - UK 

We wish them all the best.

Please visit my blog for more details 

Please also support Rt.Hon.Keith Vaz MP 
Silver Star diabetes appeal -  DETAILS -   
http://www.silverst aruk.org/

rene barreto - 
 = = = ===

http://web.mac. com/noelgama/ wdd08/WDD08_ Theme.html
 = = = ==


Re: [Goanet] Brethren - archaic and masculine

2008-09-04 Thread Venantius Pinto
 Hi Cecil,
Bretheren does not necessarily and automatically exclude sisteren, although
simplistic arguments have been made from a feminist framework. Note, that
this is no way implies that feminism is anything to be scoffed at. There is
something to be said though of the singular use of bretheren, in Christian
theological terms; but its use in greetings as queried is not inscrutable.
It is both a gendered (dual gender) and a generic term.

A person who is aware will use and apply words with intent and discretion.
So using brethern by one of Christian persuasion should imply a catholicity
towards acceptance. Other may use it because they like how it sounds. Words
including mantras, can change us.

Also archaic words are not necessarily abachronistic (out of space and
time), but give our existence more depth in terms of shared ideas and

Presumably, Vivekananda would have still received the same applause, had he
said, sistern and bretheren of America. Perhaps even more had he only said
brethern. They were simply zapped that he was there having heard of him
through their many Christian groups -- attempting to move towards a broader
ecumenical idiom and ideal -- not just with other Christian denominations,
but also seeking to understand a broader notion of deity and attempting to
incorporate such understanding in their practice of worship.

The ending tern is a spatial container -- that holds ideas, collectivity,
practices or material, much like words ending in rium -- auditorium,
sanitorium, crematorium. Now note, moratorium-- in this case it is a
cessation of activity in terms of time, but all the latter four words come
under the same category. Intern, extern belongs with sistern and the rest
mentioned earlier.

Sendai, Japan

 From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] Brethren - archaic and masculine

 Now 'brethren' is an archaic plural of 'brother'. It is also used to
 refer to 'the lay members of a male religious order'.

 The female equvalent is 'sisteren'.

[Goanet] The Seven Wonders of Goa

2008-09-04 Thread Roland Francis
The Seven Wonders of Goa
Posted on 2008-08-30 - The Navhind Times

Letter to the Editor

NDTV has come up with a novel idea to make Indians and of course those
who visit our great country know more about it by starting an all
India exercise to name the seven wonders of the country. Just as there
are seven wonders of the world, the seven wonders of India will be
chosen so as to show-case the seven most magnificent architectural
structures as well as natural sites.

According to Dr Prannoy Roy, the exercise will involve people from all
corners of the country. Initially, each state will be asked to
nominate seven wonders of their respective states and from this list
the seven wonders of India will be announced. Undoubtedly the state of
Goa too will have to go through the exercise of naming the seven
wonders in the state.

On my part, I tried hard to name the seven wonders of Goa and came out
with the following list.

The first wonder of Goa is the Selaulim pipeline for the number of
times it has broken down. All taps in South Goa go dry every time the
Selaulim pipeline bursts.

The second wonder of Goa would undoubtedly be the short life span
bridges. The old Mandovi Bridge has already taken a plunge and the
Zuari Bridge is showing signs of collapsing. The Borim Bridge too is
showing signs of wear and tear.

The third wonder of Goa is its roads. Probably nowhere in the world
will you find roads developing potholes after just one year of being
laid resulting in the need to be hot-mixed every year.

The fourth wonder is that Goa can be called as a land of twos. We have
two bridges over the Mandovi River. Very soon we shall have one more
bridge running parallel to the Zuari Bridge. We shall also have one
more water pipeline running parallel to the Selaulim pipeline. And of
course the tiny state of Goa will soon be having two airports. If our
state had been as big as Madhya Pradesh, Goan politicians would
probably think of having as many as eight airports in the state.

The fifth wonder is our politicians. In fact we probably have lost
count of how many Chief Ministers the state has had in the past ten

The sixth wonder is that though we have the second highest literacy
rate in the country, yet we have thousands of educated unemployed
youth in the state. How this can occur is indeed a wonder.

And the seventh wonder is that in a few years from now there will more
non-Goans and migrants in our state than the number of Goans. And
there is no more wonder as to how this is taking place. Goans are
selling their land to outsiders and all too soon Goans will be
strangers in their own land.

ADELMO FERNANDES, the writer, is a social activist residing in Vasco.

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371


2008-09-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Utt Goenkara has today given Mr. Atanasio Monserrate a deadline till Sunday
September 7th to resign as Goa's Education Minister for having falsely filed
an affidavit that he had passed his S.S.C knowing well that he had not even
completed the 8th standard.

If Mr. Monserartte does not resign or Chief Minister Mr. Digambar Kamat does
not sack him, Utt Goenkara would take all steps possible to ensure that
action is taken against Mr. Monseratte.

Mr. Monseratte would solely be responsible for all the consequences.
By filing a false affidavit on his own educational qualifications, Mr.
Monseratte had lost all moral authority to continue as a Minister, more so
as the Education Minister of Goa.

With reference to Mr. Monserarte's statement that he would prove his
educational qualifications at the appropriate time, the appropriate time is
now and it would end on September 7th.

Utt Goenkara has challenged the Education Minister to prove that he had
passed S.S.C from St Theresa's High School, Bandra as claimed by him in his
sworn affidavit on 12th May 2007.

While Utt Goenkara has nothing personal against Mr. Monseratte, it is time
to start the cleansing of the degenerated and rotting public life.

We agree with Mr. Monseratte that you need no educational qualifications to
be a Minister, but the issue is that Mr. Monseratte had lied on Affidavit
that he was S.S C when he knew very well that he had not passed the 8th std.

It is unacceptable to have a person who has fudged his own educational
qualifications to be entrusted  with the task of formulating and shaping
Goa's educational policy at the risk of jeopardizing the future of thousands
of students and hundreds of educationists.

Aires Rodrigues
Spokesman, Utt Goenkara

[Goanet] Daily Grook #208

2008-09-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

the hindu pyre
shows for real,
that all men are
cremated equal!

puns  word-play of all kinds,
if you read between the lines!


[Goanet] Why is it that some have to LIE about LYING?

2008-09-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Rajan P. Parrikar in his message No: 12, dated: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 on above
topic brought out the truth involved by appending his original post: 


And Selma's falsehoods: 


So Jose who should say sorry to Goanet?

Best regards, 

Dr. U. G. Barad


2008-09-04 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

www.goa-world. com  Quality. Precision. Professional.

Live Konkani Music at

- Wilmix Wilson Mazarello 
Tiatrancho “itihas” amkam sangta, ki “Konkani Tiatranchi” suruvat  zali, 17ver 
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Punn, 17ver Abrilache,1992 vorsant, Konkani Tiatranchim xembor vorsam, 
ghonn-ghonnan monoilim, Goy xarant.
Oxem zaupak karann kitem zait ?
Konkani Tiatranchi “Centenary”, teach ghonn-ghonnan, suru zalolea Mumbai 
xarantuch kiteak monounk zalina gai? Goyant kiteak?
Karaann, je umedin,Konkani Tiatr, 1892 vorsant Mumbaint suru zal’lo, ani team 
uprant, sumar anink 90 vorsam meren zo “nett”, Konkani Tiatran dhorlolo, ti 
“umed” ani to “nett”, tiatranchea xemboravea vorsant (1992),Mumbaint, uronk nam.
“Konkani Tiatr”, Mumbaint  , kabar zaunk paula so distalo.
“Konkani Tiatran” aplem tthikannuch Goyant vhelam, oxem dissunk laglelem. 
Ani aiz, khorench tem thavem zata. 
“Konkani Tiatr”, khorench Mumbaint kabar zalo” , oxem amchean, atam mhunno-ieta.
Jea “xaran’amkam tiatr dilo, teach “xarant”, aiz Konkani Tiatr nam  zalo.
Hachim karannam, zaitim assum-ieta.
Mhunnttat, adleam-porim, atam Mumbaiche Goykar tiatrank ienant.
Punn. ietalo toch lok atam ienam zaupak, kitem tori karann assunk zai. Nhuim ?
Karannam sodhunk gelear, tiatristank, zaitim mellttat. 
Choddxim karannam, lokamkuch guneaunkar tthoroun.
Zoxe porim:-
1. Mumbaiche Goykar, atam chodd “busy” astat.
2. Mumbaiche Goykar, chodd T.V polloitat.
3. Mumbaiche Goykar, adleam-porim, eka tthikannar nant. Xipoddleat.
4. Mumbaiche Goykar, “English” bhaxe-fattlean dhauntat. 
    Tankam Konkani-chem  poddunk nam.
5. Mumbaiche Goykar, atam Konkanink “support” korinant.
6. Mumbaicheam Goykaranche, nove pillgek Konkani-chi “goroz nam”-xi dista.
7. Mumbaicheam Goykaranche “kudd” (Clubs), atam khali  zaleat. 
    Kuddant ‘member’,nant .
8. “Goykar Tarvotti”, atam “kuddant” ravonant. 
    Bottir saun denvun, somtech Goyam  ietat.
9. Mumbaichi “mhargai”, sonsunk zaina zaun, Goykarani tiatrank vochpachem 
“bondh” kelam 
Punn, kaim teach Mumbai-cheam lokanchem oxem mhunn’nem assa, ki Mumbaint azunui 
bhorpur Goykar assat, ani tankam azunui, bore Konkani Tiatr polloupachi “ruch” 
Ruch assunui, Mumbai-che Goykar, Konkani Tiatrank iena zaupak, “Tiatrist”-uch 
Ani hem sangtana, te karannam  ditat , tim oxim:-
1., Mumbai-cheam noveam tiatristankodde, thuincheach, adleam Tiatristani 
rochlolo,     Konkani Tiatrancho “dorzo”, sambhallunk zalonam.
2. Mumbai-cheam noveam tiatristankodde, bore-bore tiatr    boroun, lokank , 
tanchea   duddvancho-zaum-vellacho “valor”, diunk zalo nam 
3. Mumbai-cheam noveam Tiatristani, borim-borim kantaram, rochun lokank, 
khuxeal   korunk zalenam.
4. Mumbaiche nove tiatrist, novim kantaram rochun haddina zale. 
    Noveam Tiatr-anii, porninch kantaram, gaupak lagle. Lokank fottounk 
5. Tiatrantlea “songit”-achoi dorzo devunk laglo.
6. Partichi –zaum –kantaranchi, “essai’ sarki marinastana , tiatrist, tiatr 
korunk lagle.
7. “Direction”, “Lighting”, Setting”, heam gorjecheam bhagancher, nove 
pillgentle,  Mumbaiche Tiatrist, lokx diich nam  zale.
Atam , Mumbai-cheam Tiatristancho guneaum vo Mumbai-cheam Lokancho guneaum,  
hacher bhasabhas korun kosloch faido nam.
Guneaum konnanchoi zaum, Mumbaint Konkani Tiatr “kabar’ zalo.
Hem maat khorem.
Hantuntlean, Goycheam Tiatristank, ek lissaum xikunk melltta.
Tiatrancho soglo “fuddar”, amcheam lokancher attaplolo assa.
Fokot tiatr polloinnaranchean, ho tiatr jivo dourunk zata.
Tiatr polloinnar, zaun assa tiatrancho “jiv”.
Jea dissak, Goychoi “tiatr polloinnar” tiatra-koddcho pois zatolo, tea dissak, 
Goyant legit “tiatr” mortolo. 
Mhunnttoch, lokanchi “tiatranchi-ruch” sambhallpachi zababdari, 
tiatristancheruch assa..
Jem kitem Mumbaint ghoddlam, tem Goyant goddonk diunchenhuim. 
Ho, amcheam Goykaranche apurbaiecho, Konkani Tiatr amkam sodanch zai.
Je ‘arop’, aiz kaim lokan Mumbaicheam Tiatristancher manddleat, te faleam 
amcher, manddina zaunk, ami atanch kallji gheunk zai.
Konkani Tiatr rakhtole zalear , Konkani Tiatrachem sudharop chaaluch dourunk 
Lokank, tancheam “duddvancho-zaum-vellacho “valor”, sodanch diunk vaurunk zai. 
Konkani Tiatram-chim,” xembor-vorsam”(Centenary), Goyantuch ghonn-ghonnan 
Tech porim, Konkani Tiatranchim “don-xem vorsaim”(Second Centenary), Goyantuch 
monounk zai.
 Tiatranchi “Second Centenary” monoupachi  sondhi, amkam tor mellchinam , punnn 
amche fuddlle pillgek melltteli.
Punn, fuddle pillgekui zalear, melltteli mhunn, ami ugich bossonk favona. 

[Goanet] Goan Education Policy Vision

2008-09-04 Thread Plastino DCosta

Goan Education Policy Vision

By Mr. Plastino D'Costa

Long time ago, a new Education Policy was promised by the Chief Minister, the 
draft of which was to be released on January 8th 2008. However, the promise 
keeps getting deferred and now it seems that the Chief Minister has been 
avoiding a definite date to avoid embarrassment. If a draft Education policy 
takes so long to come out, one can imagine the state of implementation. 


Ideally all governments are supposed to regulate, through a regulator, the 
teaching imparted by educational institutions. But since the Government of 
Goa's record on education (and every other domain they are involved in) is 
pathetic, it might now be a good time for a sincere Chief Minister to actually 
free the Education Department from government interference or entrust it to a 
more professional autonomous regulator. 


The history of Government interference in education in Goa has been miserable. 
Politicians have an unpleasant habit of taking easy and popular decisions, 
keeping in mind their narrow vote banks. Education in Goa is already suffering 
for numerous structural problems. This was compounded by a highly popular 
decision that our leaders took by making the mother tongue the medium of 
instruction for primary schools and English for secondary school. On that day 
they effectively messed up one of the major strengths of Goans. One can 
understand not-so-intelligent politicians, with no vision for the future being 
naïve. But that decision also involved supposedly great intellectual leaders, 
unless it was a conscious effort to keep the Generation Next less educated.


That one decision changed the destiny of Goa directly or indirectly and today 
most of Goa's problems are as a result of that very decision. Families in 
villages were overnight forced to abandon their comfortable ancestral homes and 
rush to buy second homes to be in close proximity to English-medium schools at 
that time available only in cities. This effectively broke up the joint 
families with couples with children being forced to split into nuclear 
families. Of course some couples used that as an excuse to stay away from 
nagging siblings or in-laws. 


Parents avoided village schools not because of the quality of education, but 
because they could not cope up with change in medium of instruction, as they 
were themselves educated in the English medium. Slowly despite good 
infrastructure, village schools deteriorated as they went out of favour with 


Second homes purchased by anxious parents artificially increased demand and 
inflated prices. All of a sudden our cities became chaotic as parents chose 
convenience over quality of life of a village house. This one decision changed 
a geographically dispersed education system in Goa into one of cramped up 
schools in cities. Today the 'builders lobby' has become a word of abuse for 
Goans, but this is not the lobby that forced people to move from villages to 
cities. They merely facilitated the supply to meet the demand created by our 
leaders without foresight.


Now our leaders have hit upon yet another novel idea which only proves that 
education is really the last priority for our leaders. How else can one explain 
this new decision to move city based schools to the outskirts? The reason given 
is decongesting cities of vehicular traffic created by the parents who drop 
their wards to school. Take the example of Margao city: if the government is 
honestly committed to decongest cities why can't it relocate the many petrol 
pumps in Margao city which cater to people all the way from Cavelosim, Carmona, 
Orlim, Varca, Benaulim, Navelim, Chinchinim, Assolna, Velim, Betul and so many 
other villages. Can't they spread petrol pumps to the villages? Don't we all 
know that people entering Margao to fill petrol far exceeds that of parents 
entering Margao to drop their children? 


The Government instead of moving the numerous unorganized markets of Margao, 
some housed in pathetic conditions, is more than willing to move neat, clean 
and well maintained school campuses with compounds, just because they happen to 
be in the middle of the city. Is it the real estate that interests the 
government or is it because decent school managements are soft targets for 


Another reason for the deterioration of Education is the huge subsidy the 
government provides to schools that choose to follow its decision of enforcing 
mother tongue as medium of instruction. Why should Goans who don't have 
school-going children pay in the form of taxes for schoolchildren which are not 
theirs? As if education were not enough, why should well off Goans let their 
children have Mid-day meals and burden the exchequer? Goa may be the only place 
where children have a free lunch at school and accompany their parents at 
dinner in posh hotels.


Because of this subsidy Goans have become averse to any type of payments school 

Re: [Goanet] Scientific literacy

2008-09-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
The post appended below is full of mind-numbing contradictions. For example, 
here are two sentences that contradict each other:

Theology works together with modern sciences, empirical, social, historical, 

...Fr. Ivo

Science cannot have a say on supernatural, by the simple fact that empirical 
Science deals with natural phenomena. It has no say about Reincarnation, 
Resurrection, existence of God, miracles.

...Fr. Ivo

The following quote, in addition to contradicting the above statement, shows 
once again a lack of understanding of what is meant by the scientific method:

There are other scientific methods, where there is also observation, 
classification, verification, prediction, which will vary for miraculous cases.

...Fr. Ivo

Finally, here is another example wherein, despite stating above that science 
has no say in miracles, Fr. Ivo claims that scientific tests have been 
conducted on 126 miracles, implying that science confirms their authenticity:

In the history there are already 126 Eucharistic miracles at various times and 
places. In all cases scientific tests have been conducted. If we compare them, 
in all these cases there is a change from host to flesh and blood.

...Fr. Ivo

The above also raises the suspicion that he gets his scientific information 
from religious websites, and as I mentioned in my earlier post, that he 
uncritically believes everything he reads on those sites.



--- On Wed, 9/3/08, Fr. Ivo C da Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ***Wrong. You cannot make gratuitous,
 'non-scientific affirmations. You do
 not understand
 what you are talking about. I am sorry to say. You do not
 understand your
 own scientific principles.

[Goanet] Eye-opener on airport design

2008-09-04 Thread Philip Thomas
The new runway atDelhi is 14,534 feet long - the longest in Asia. But there
is a catch. **Thefirst 4,800 feet is not available for landing because of
the Shiv Murthistatue, which was installed 25 years after the parallel
runway concept wasinitiated.** The longest runway, therefore, gets
shortened.[self based on HBL excerpt]. Now dig this: IGI Airport's new
runway gets thumbs up from ICAO
A team of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has given
its thumbs up to the new runway at the IGI Airport here and recommended that
the lessons learnt from completion of the project should be shared with
other countries. The Air Navigation Commission (ANC), that comes under ICAO,
an UN body, **which recently concluded its two-week visit to India,** had a
first- hand glimpse of the construction activities going on here to build
the modern airport. The GMR-led Delhi International Airport (DIAL) briefed
the team led by ANC President Omari R Nundu about the execution of various
activities, including the Code 'F' runway called 11-29, which was
commissioned well ahead of schedule. The ANC felt that lessons learnt in
execution of such a complex project could be shared with other contracting
states of the ICAO, a note from the Commission said To rub things in it
added: ANC President Omari Nundu described the Commission's visit as an
eye-opener which made his team aware of the ongoing developments in the
civil aviation sector in India. Someone is reading goanet aviation updates.
Which is surely an eye-opener, right? Mirabile dictu or whatever.

[Goanet] NRI cell a costly affair

2008-09-04 Thread Carvalho




2008-09-04 Thread borg costa
Well done Utt Goenkara!!!
You are right Mr. Aires, how can an un-educated Minister can be a Education 
what a shame? Mr. Monserrate (Monster-Rat) should resign before the deadline. 
The Students  parents should also demand the resignation of Mr. Monserrate 
otherwise the future of our childrens will be at risk.

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Aires Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Aires Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 8:41 AM

Utt Goenkara has today given Mr. Atanasio Monserrate a deadline till Sunday
September 7th to resign as Goa's Education Minister for having falsely
an affidavit that he had passed his S.S.C knowing well that he had not even
completed the 8th standard.

If Mr. Monserartte does not resign or Chief Minister Mr. Digambar Kamat does
not sack him, Utt Goenkara would take all steps possible to ensure that
action is taken against Mr. Monseratte.

Mr. Monseratte would solely be responsible for all the consequences.
By filing a false affidavit on his own educational qualifications, Mr.
Monseratte had lost all moral authority to continue as a Minister, more so
as the Education Minister of Goa.

With reference to Mr. Monserarte's statement that he would prove his
educational qualifications at the appropriate time, the appropriate time is
now and it would end on September 7th.

Utt Goenkara has challenged the Education Minister to prove that he had
passed S.S.C from St Theresa's High School, Bandra as claimed by him in his
sworn affidavit on 12th May 2007.

While Utt Goenkara has nothing personal against Mr. Monseratte, it is time
to start the cleansing of the degenerated and rotting public life.

We agree with Mr. Monseratte that you need no educational qualifications to
be a Minister, but the issue is that Mr. Monseratte had lied on Affidavit
that he was S.S C when he knew very well that he had not passed the 8th std.

It is unacceptable to have a person who has fudged his own educational
qualifications to be entrusted  with the task of formulating and shaping
Goa's educational policy at the risk of jeopardizing the future of
of students and hundreds of educationists.

Aires Rodrigues
Spokesman, Utt Goenkara

[Goanet] Goa's NRI cell a costly affair, salaries of the commissionerate's employees amount to Rs 14.82 lakh

2008-09-04 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

State's NRI cell a costly affair 
3 Sep 2008, 0455 hrs IST, Gauree Malkarnekar,TNN




PANAJI: Expenditure incurred by the state commissionerate for NRI affairs has 
amounted to nearly Rs 1 crore over the last 1 year alone. 

In fact, from June 1, 2007 to July 31, 2008, the NRI cell cost the Goa 
government a whopping Rs 98.95 lakh, as per chief minister Digambar Kamat's 
reply to a question by Mapusa MLA Francis D'Souza at the recent Assembly 

While salaries of the commissionerate's employees amounted to Rs 14.82 lakh, an 
amount of Rs 43.76 lakh had been marked as 'other charges' on official records. 
What the amount was utilised for has not been specified. 

Interestingly, the account for 'other charges' has varied from Rs 2,233 in 
April 2008, to Rs 13.10 lakh in the May 2008, over the period spanning June 1, 
2007 to July 31, 2008. 

The 3-day 'Global Goans Convention, 2007' cost the state exchequer Rs 39.31 

While the commissioner for NRI affairs, Eduardo Faleiro, said it is only the 
director who can explain the finances of the office, the director U D Kamat 
said, These are not office expenses alone, but include the domestic and 
foreign travel of the commissioner. 

The normal budget for the NRI cell is around Rs 1 crore a year. Last year in 
fact, it has been lesser - around Rs 98 lakh for over a year, he added. 

'Snacks, working lunches and dinners' hosted as part of the convention held 
from January 3 to 5, 2007, proved the most expensive at Rs 7.05 lakh. 

Mementos and souvenirs handed over to delegates at the convention cost Rs 6.67 
lakh. Rs 5.45 lakh were the charges for 'event management including cultural 
entertainment programmes' for the conference, which was attended by 200 

Highlighting the importance of holding the convention, U D Kamat said, It's 
objective is to honour Goans that have made a mark internationally. It provides 
Goans a common platform to discuss issues related to the state. 

The 'economy class air fare reimbursed to 6 recipients of the global Goans 
achievement awards' amounted to Rs 5.34 lakh. Hotel accomodation for the 
awardees, heads of diplomatic missions in India and officers of ministry of 
external affairs invited were as much at Rs 5.14 lakh. 

While the foreign travel expenses of the employees of the NRI cell were Rs 5.53 
lakh, Rs 4.89 lakh was utilised towards domestic travels. The cell also spent 
Rs 6.64 lakh for advertising and publicity. 

var RN = new String 

var RNS = RN.substring 

b2 = ' ';

if (doweshowbellyad==1) 

bellyad.innerHTML = b2;


Forwarded by: 
Goa's Pride - http://www.goa-world.com 
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is presented by Ulysses Menezes, www.goa-world.com and 
moderated by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994)


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 1128

2008-09-04 Thread mario rodrigues

Dear Aires, 
Its heartenning to see you are voicing and demanding TRUTH to surface. And that 
spade is called a spade, wrong should not be kept under a carpet and that  
ministers of any department should first have the capacities and knowledge to 
run the respective ministry. We sincerely appreciate your stand taken in 
regards to action/demand from Moseratte. We sincerely thank you on behalf of 
all those children whose future will be good  provided we have  a good and 
vision filled MINISTER OF EDUCATION who understands the meaning and knowledge 
in books rather than trying to just invest in constructions/acquire land  for 
DUMB buildings/infrastructures which will only help the minister concerned to 
get kick backs to increase his assets/bank balance. We rather kick back such 
ministers now. 
Best Regards
Mario Andrew  Message: 1 Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 10:11:10 +0530 From: Aires 
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1  Utt Goenkara has today given Mr. Atanasio 
Monserrate a deadline till Sunday September 7th to resign as Goa's Education 
Minister for having falsely filed an affidavit that he had passed his S.S.C 
knowing well that he had not even completed the 8th standard.  If Mr. 
Monserartte does not resign or Chief Minister Mr. Digambar Kamat does not sack 
him, Utt Goenkara would take all steps possible to ensure that action is taken 
against Mr. Monseratte.  Mr. Monseratte would solely be responsible for all the 
consequences. By filing a false affidavit on his own educational 
qualifications, Mr. Monseratte had lost all moral authority to continue as a 
Minister, more so as the Education M
 inister of Goa.  With reference to Mr. Monserarte's statement that he would 
prove his educational qualifications at the appropriate time, the appropriate 
time is now and it would end on September 7th.  Utt Goenkara has challenged the 
Education Minister to prove that he had passed S.S.C from St Theresa's High 
School, Bandra as claimed by him in his sworn affidavit on 12th May 2007.  
While Utt Goenkara has nothing personal against Mr. Monseratte, it is time to 
start the cleansing of the degenerated and rotting public life.  We agree with 
Mr. Monseratte that you need no educational qualifications to be a Minister, 
but the issue is that Mr. Monseratte had lied on Affidavit that he was S.S C 
when he knew very well that he had not passed the 8th std.  It is unacceptable 
to have a person who has fudged his own educational qualifications to be 
entrusted with the task of formulating and shaping Goa's educational policy at 
the risk of jeopardizing the future of thousands of students a
 nd hundreds of educationists.  Aires Rodrigues Spokesman, Utt 
Goenkararediction, which will vary for miraculous cases. 
Discover the new Windows Vista

[Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread edward desilva
Hi Selma
And yes, I have heard about a Goan school fine
for speaking Konkani, but try as I may, I have no hard
evidence about this.
We were fined for speaking konkani at Monte Guirim, in the same token we were 
NOT allowed to keep any pocket money, we were beaten if we had any money on us.
How did we pay the fine? some more beating :-(.

Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread Carvalho
This is shocking to hear that in Goa itself one was fined for speaking in 
Konkani. It's very difficult to save a language when one gets a lashing for 
speaking it. 

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, edward desilva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We were fined for speaking konkani at Monte Guirim, in the
 same token we were NOT allowed to keep any pocket money, we
 were beaten if we had any money on us.
 How did we pay the fine? some more beating :-(.


Re: [Goanet] Education Minister's Educational Qualifications

2008-09-04 Thread Tony de Sa
Utt Goenkara has made a serious allegation about the Educational
Qualifications or rather the Non-Qualification of the Hon. Education
Minister. I think it is incumbent upon a party which is apparently dedicated
to the welfare of Goans to validate these allegations by publishing the
evidence with it in favouring the party's claim.

If Utt Goenkara's evidence is flawless, then it is equally a duty of every
parent to stand up and demand the resignation of this Minister who will
(mis)guide the Educational Destiny of their children for time to come.

Today, when even a peon in a school has to pass at least the eighth
standard, a teacher at least S. S. C. D. Ed, a higher secondary teacher at
least M.A./ M. Sc./ M. Com, we shall be the laughing stock of the country to
have an Education Minister who allegedly is an eighth standard drop out!

And we consider our selves a cut above people of other states? Humph!

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897
Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of
aspiration and expectation. - Jack Nicklaus

[Goanet] Konkani Devnagiri Script Supporters should Act Immediately

2008-09-04 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Konkani Devnagiri Script Supporters should Act Immediately

In the recently concluded Goa State  Legislative Assembly, the Leader
of the Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar raised the issue of the
grievances by Marathi group and supporters of Roman script for Konkani
group. He said that the Govt. should appoint a committee and settle
this issue. The opposition parties will fully cooperate with the govt.
While replying to this point the Chief Minister Mr Digambar Kamat has
assured the house that he would form a committee to settle this
language issue once and for all.  In this background, the Nagari lobby
should join hands with the supporters of Roman script to give equal
status to Roman script at the earliest to avoid Marathi also to become
the State Language. If the Nagari lobby delays there is a danger that
Roman script supporters and Marathi supporters will join hand and
succeed to their objectives and in the bargain Konkani will be defined
the New Act Konkani means Konkani in Roman script. If this happens
that will be the end of Konkani in Nagari script because as it is, it
exists mainly due to the financial support of the state and Central

In Goa most of the books in Nagiri script are published with the
government aid and practically there is no readership as the books are
not sold in book stalls. Childrens of Nagari lobby people study either
in English medium or in Marathi medium. Their schools are either in
Marathi medium or English medium. In Karnataka Konkani is taught in
schools only in Kannada script in 102 schools. More than 1800 children
study Konkani in Kannada script. Though there is a provision to study
Konkani in Devnagiri script too, not even a single student has opted
for it. All the proceedings of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Akademy are
done only in Kannada. In Kerala too there is a provision to study
Konkani but no student has opted to study Konkani in Devnagiri script.
Such provision is not awailable in Maharashtra.

In democracy no 'Act' is final and permanent. If the constitution of
India is amended several times what prevents the Goa govt to amend its
own Language act 1987?  govt. exists to serve the people and their
legitimate aspirations.

For the survival of Konkani in Goa Roman and Nagari scripts must be
recognised as official and equal in the Language Act.  If Marathi too
becomes the official language of Goa the blame has to be borne by
Nagari lobby only.  For its own survival and honour Nagari lobby
should immediately take necessary steps to rectify its past sin and
join hands with Roman script supporters to obtain the official status
to Roman script in the Language Act.

Roman script literature has a history of more than 450 years.
Devnagiri script was only forced on people. It was not a spontaneous
script of Konkani people. Though it enjoyed all kinds of grants and
honours from both state government and central government it has not
yet become the natural script for its people. Though 21 years have
passed since the Language act was passed Devnagiri periodicals, books
have not gained momentum in the book stalls. Where in Kannada script
there are 5 Weeklies, 30 monthlies and more than 100 regional and
other periodicals that do not receive even a single government
advtisements and awailable in the Book Stalls of Karnataka,
Maharashtra and Gulf Countries. But there is not even a single weekly
in Devnagiri script of Konkani. It looks as if people use the script
only to get honours, awards, grants, position, jobs and Government

Ancy Paladka
Konkani Poet, Mumbai

Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka
E2-139 Diwan Apt III
Vasai Road East
Thane Dist - 401 210
Tel: 0250-2390225
Cell: 9320733213

Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
... And recently some were putting the entire blame for neglected Konkani on 
the Portuguese ...

--- On Thu, 4/9/08, edward desilva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: edward desilva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani
 Received: Thursday, 4 September, 2008, 7:37 PM
 Hi Selma
 And yes, I have heard about a Goan school fine
 for speaking Konkani, but try as I may, I have no hard
 evidence about this.
 We were fined for speaking konkani at Monte Guirim, in the
 same token we were NOT allowed to keep any pocket money, we
 were beaten if we had any money on us.
 How did we pay the fine? some more beating :-(.

  Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7. 

[Goanet] Snake on an Air India Plane

2008-09-04 Thread borg costa
Times of India

NEW DELHI : Crew on an Air India passenger jet discovered a snake coiled up 
under a seat and were unable to catch it as it slithered around the plane, the 
airline said on Thursday. 

The snake was disturbed during a routine check on the Air India A319 aircraft, 
which had landed at Delhi airport after a domestic flight from Srinagar. 

It evaded capture by slipping into an air vent and could not be found even when 
staff unscrewed panels inside the fuselage, opened all the doors and fumigated 
the plane. 

There was commotion which scared the snake and it went further inside, an 
airport official quoted. 

Reports that the snake was a venomous cobra were denied by an Air India 

The aircraft was parked at Delhi airport for maintenance purposes. There was a 
snake but not a cobra, he told. 

We have no details of what kind of a snake it was, or where it is now. We have 
taken up this matter with Delhi airport authorities. 

He denied reports that the snake had caused the plane to be grounded or that 
its next flight, to Mumbai, had been delayed. 

The incident, which occurred on Monday, echoed the plot of 2006 hit film 
Snakes on a Plane starring Samuel L Jackson and Julianna Margulies


[Goanet] NYTimes.com: Thomas Bata, 'Shoemaker to the World, ' Dies at 93

2008-09-04 Thread rubygoes
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Share your Bata experience here on Goanet. 

BUSINESS / WORLD BUSINESS | September 3, 2008
Thomas Bata, 'Shoemaker to the World,' Dies at 93
Mr. Bata made the company founded by his father so pervasive that it became a 
generic noun for shoe in some parts of the developing world, particularly in 



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[Goanet] Goans are artistic by nature: Hazel Gomes

2008-09-04 Thread Goanet News

For complex historical -- and perhaps unexplained -- reasons
you would be hard-pressed to find a Christian goldsmith in
Goa. But a lady has been doing the region proud by taking her
skills across the globe, and excelling at it.

Says UK-based Hazel Gomes, My current work has been focussed
on new paintings and working as a jeweller. I took up studies
in the craft of making jewellery and completed my studies
last year from Kensington and Chelsea College.

She lives in this borough of London. She has been working for
both the English and French Vogue and exhibiting in Paris and
London. Gomes also had her house, which she
interior-decorated, appear in 'Elle Decoration', 'Maison
Franciase' and 'American Vogue'.

Her work comes up on Auction on Tuesday, September 16, 2008
at Christies' interiors 20th century edition. See
http://hazelgomesinvogue.notlong.com and

Born and raised in Goa (with ties to Cuncolim and Navelim),
she lived and worked in Europe as an artist for over three
decades. Born in 1949, she studied at Sir J.J.School of
Applied Arts, Bombay between 1967-1971 and worked in
advertising for a year at ASP at Churchgate, Bombay under art
director Eustace Fernandes.

Gomes left for the West in 1972, and joined St. Martins
School Of Art, London. She started working as an illustrator,
exhibited at Mode-Kieren-Mode 1979 (Stedelijk Museum of
Modern Art) Amsterdam Holland, and worked in Florence as
fashion designer for Roberto Cavalli.

She then moved to live and work in Paris. In 1980-1986, she
worked for Yves St. Laurent designing jewellery and textiles.
A brief online interview with Frederick Noronha.

FN: How does it feel to be in Christies?

I feel very privileged and honoured to be selling at
Christies. It has made my journey as an artist worthwhile

FN: How did your earlier auctioned work do?

The previous work sold well. Higher than the given estimates
to a worldwide audience

FN: What are the biggest challenge as a Goan in the global art world?

To be original and true to oneself and be accepted on these grounds.

FN: Of all your influences in India, which played the most
important role in your life?

I strongly feel my childhood in Goa was the artistic
foundation in my being an artist. On my father's side, my
paternal grandmother was from the house of Trindades in
Assnora in Bardez. AX Trindade was dean of the J J School of
Fine Art.

Of course, there was my own artistic encounter as a young
student at the JJ School of Applied Arts and then having the
chance of working at ASP under Art Director Eustace Fernandes
and Marie Pinto who initiated the path to my artistic journey.

FN: Which was your most challenging job ever? Why?

The most challenging job was to be working for Yves St
Laurent as his fashion house was the best in the world and I
had to really excel.

FN: Is art a good place for a Goan to be in? Why?

Yes, Goans are artistic by nature and have it in them to
express their huge talents. Francis Newton Souza has proved
it, so has Laxman Pai and many others. So I would say, Yes!

But, saying this, the talent has to be nurtured from young
and the young given opportunities.

FN: What are your links with Goa now?

My links to Goa are now my daughter and my Goan family and
what's left of us. I make it a necessity to come down to Goa
to our ancestral village house as often as I can so I can
share Goa with my daughter.

FN: Would it be possible to mentor locals here, or help build
up art institutions back in Goa?

Yes, it's possible to build art institutions but there has to
be funding from the government or industry.

FN: What were the biggest difficulty you faced in getting
your quality acknowledged?

Breaking boundaries, as my work displays my own distinct
style and to have one's style accepted is always difficult.

FN: If you had to do this all over again, what would you have
done differently?

I have had a very exciting career and lifestyle would not
change anything.

FN: What are your next goals?

Perhaps to have a show in Goa. I would come full circle.

* * *

Suggest an interview, help us understand the Goan global experience better:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or +91-832-2409490 http://fnonfacebook.notlong.com

[Goanet] Advice on immigrating back to goa

2008-09-04 Thread Remy de Almeida

I have been a regular reader of goanet forums for the last 6 months. I love
the Mario's, RP, Arwins, Selmas and Barads of this forum and the ferocity in
which each side make their opinions. With some trust i would like to put a
personnel questions to all the goanet forum readers.
Here is a brief background:

I have been living in the UK for about 8 years with my wife and two
kids.Before this i was in panjim-goa studied in goa and pune.
Later immigrated to england via portuguese passport. Currently, I work for a
hedge fund as a quant developer and i am 32 years old. I own house, car and
everything seems normal and cosy. Except we miss the way of life in goa. I
grew in caranzalem right by the beach, playing footbal and cricket.

In the last 2 years we have been thinking with some intensity to return back
to Goa. Reasons are mainly
1. We want kids to grow with a sense of community and family. All family in
2. Wife has no chance to advance her career as child care is costly and we
think is not favourable in the long term development of the child.
3. I am very passionate about goa and want to be doing something[may be
business and have some ideas] that will make a difference to the good of the
society in goa/india.

I have been back to goa for holidays a couple of times and i know already
that there are somethings i will have to get used to back again
1. Traffic
2. Cleaniness
3. Crab mentality
4. Bureaucracy and corruption

However, i think i can overcome all this (am not sure of no 1 :-))

My question really to anyone who would like to reply:
Am i being a fool or deluded to go back to goa as some people tell me or is
this normal to some people to go back. This is a
big decision for us as family.

Any replies and advice will be appreciated.

Remy De Almeida


2008-09-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Yes, this is a Good campaign by Utt Goenkara.

Babush Monseratte should resign on this  other issues e.g. Issue of Illegal
Land Sales at Canacona.

We need to start cleaning Goan Politics.



Message: 8
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 00:45:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: borg costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Well done Utt Goenkara!!!
You are right Mr. Aires, how can an un-educated Minister can be a Education
what a shame? Mr.?Monserrate (Monster-Rat) should resign before the
The Students  parents should also demand the resignation of Mr. Monserrate
otherwise the future of our childrens will be at risk.

[Goanet] BBC E-mail: 20 examples of grammar misuse

2008-09-04 Thread R . Goes
R. Goes saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Message **
Good Morning Goanet.
English-Finglish very funny language! School Master Tony D this one's for you.


** 20 examples of grammar misuse **
Grammar just ain't what is used to be, it seems. When we explained the 
difference between #34;fewer#34; and #34;less than#34;, following Tesco's 
policy shift on this matter, readers told us what grammar rules they regularly 
see being flouted. The list was a long one. Here's the best.

** BBC Daily E-mail **
Choose the news and sport headlines you want - when you want them, all
in one daily e-mail

** Disclaimer **
The BBC is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written 
in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the BBC's views or opinions. Please 
note that neither the e-mail address nor name of the sender have been verified.

If you do not wish to receive such e-mails in the future or want to know more 
about the BBC's Email a Friend service, please read our frequently asked 
questions. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/4162471.stm


2008-09-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The allegation against Goa's Education Minister Mr. Atanasio Monseratte of
having lied about his educational qualifications is very serious.

Utt Goenkara takes full responsibility as we have as always taken up this
very serious issue only after an in-depth verification of all the facts and
after having documentary proof with us that Mr. Atanasio Monserrate lied
that he was S.S.C while he had not even passed 8th Std.

The onus is now on the Education Minister to prove that as stated on oath in
his affidavit that he had infact passed SSC from St Theresa's High School,
Bandra, Bombay.

We have demanded that Mr. Monseratte prove that he is SSC or resign as
Education Minister. In the alternative Chief Minister Digambar Kamat who is
all out only to save his chair should show his spine for once and sack Mr.
Monseratte for having committed a very serious offence under the Indian
Penal code by furnishing false information in his Affidavit.

We need to know the opinion of our fellow Goans across the globe on this
issue. Let your views be also made known to the Chief Minister and the
Education Minister himself.

Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, 09822129339 (Mobile)
0832- 2730432 Residence

Education Minister Mr. Atanasio Monseratte 09822100010 (Mobile)
0832 2456303 Residence

Aires Rodrigues, Spokesman, Utt Goenkara
Mobile: 09822684372

[Goanet] Five awards for ‘Antarnad’

2008-09-04 Thread Rishi
PANAJI: “Antarnad”, a film in Konkani language, produced and directed by
Goan filmmaker Rajendra Talak, has bagged five national film awards.

The film awards were announced on Tuesday.

The film is about the present generation, which expects and demands
instant glory and fame.

The story revolves around an identity clash between a classical music
genius mother and her teenage daughter.

Mr. Rajendra Talak told presspersons here that apart from the best film
award and the best direction award in the Konkani regional film
category, his film got three awards in the mainstream competition.

Ashok Patki got the best music award, while Aarti Ankalekar bagged the
best female singer award.

Divyya Chaphadkar bagged the best child artiste award, he said.


[Goanet] Orissa violence- Left urges Prez to ban VHP, Dal

2008-09-04 Thread marshallmendonza
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Left urges Prez to ban VHP, Dal
A delegation led by Brinda Karat urges the government to put the outfits at 
least under 'serious monitoring' if it could not ban them

New Delhi: The Left parties on Thursday knocked at the doors of Rashtrapati 
Bhavan requesting President Pratiba Patil to ban saffron outfits, VHP and 
Bajrang Dal, for their terrorist-like activities in Orissa and other parts of 
the country.

A delegation led by senior CPI(M) leader Brinda Karat met Patil this afternoon 
and told the President that if the government could not ban these outfits, at 
least it should put them under serious monitoring.

The delegation, also comprising senior CPI leaders D Raja and Gurudas Dasgupta 
and CPI(M) MP Suresh Kurup, asked Patil to direct the Orissa government to rein 
in the saffron outfits which are involved in killing number of Christians in 
the state.

The Centre is not doing any thing. It has remained a mute spectator in the 
whole episode. We demand strong and stringent action against the culprits, 
Karat told reporters after the meeting.

Dasgupta said the delegation told the President that they have no faith in 
the judicial enquiry ordered into the killings of Christians in Orissa and 
demanded a CBI inquiry into the incidents.

We also requested the President to prevail upon the Centre to ban a proposed 
yatra by the saffron outfits in Orissa carrying the ashes of a VHP leader who 
was killed. This yatra will create further communal tension in the state, 
Dasgupta said.

© Copyright 2008 PTI. All rights reserved.

Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread floriano
I had to do impositions a hundred times each time the class teacher caught 
me speaking Konkani during my school days
I shall not speak in Konkani in the classroom   I shall not.  on and 

Inspite of that when I went to college, I hardly could speak a full sentence 
in English at a time. But that was a temporary setback because the English 
grammatical foundation was perfect.


- Original Message - 
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

This is shocking to hear that in Goa itself one was fined for speaking in 
Konkani. It's very difficult to save a language when one gets a lashing 
for speaking it.


--- On Thu, 9/4/08, edward desilva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We were fined for speaking konkani at Monte Guirim, in the
same token we were NOT allowed to keep any pocket money, we
were beaten if we had any money on us.
How did we pay the fine? some more beating :-(.

Re: [Goanet] Education Minister's Educational Qualifications

2008-09-04 Thread floriano
And all the non educated elite in Taleigao voted 10,000 plus for Babush in 
2005 by-elections but we now know that there were only 207 EDUCATED ELITE in 
the entire Taleigao constituency who voted for me.

That is something to celebrate.


- Original Message - 
From: Tony de Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994 goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Education Minister's Educational Qualifications

Utt Goenkara has made a serious allegation about the Educational
Qualifications or rather the Non-Qualification of the Hon. Education
Minister. I think it is incumbent upon a party which is apparently 

to the welfare of Goans to validate these allegations by publishing the
evidence with it in favouring the party's claim.

If Utt Goenkara's evidence is flawless, then it is equally a duty of every
parent to stand up and demand the resignation of this Minister who will
(mis)guide the Educational Destiny of their children for time to come.

Today, when even a peon in a school has to pass at least the eighth
standard, a teacher at least S. S. C. D. Ed, a higher secondary teacher at
least M.A./ M. Sc./ M. Com, we shall be the laughing stock of the country 

have an Education Minister who allegedly is an eighth standard drop out!

And we consider our selves a cut above people of other states? Humph!

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897

Re: [Goanet] Dr. Kashinath Sardesai passes away

2008-09-04 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Condolences to Hema and specially Sunila (Muzawar), who has been an
active Goanetter in the past. Wasn't Dr Kashinath an opthalmalogist?
We met briefly once when I dropped in to say a hi to Sunila when she
was visiting the family home, very close to the Boca-de-Vaca temple in
Panjim. Everyone knew the family there, but I grew up with eye-checks
from the age of seven mainly with docs in the Mapusa area (Dr Arlindo
of Moira at Sirsat's, Dr Anil Kumar, Dr Arlindo's daughter, etc). FN

2008/9/4 Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 To Goanet -

 Dr. Kashinath Sardesai passed away in Dubai on Sept 3, 2008,
 in Dubai after suffering a heart attack.  A distinguished doctor,
 a burnished intellect, and a man of deep culture, he divided the
 past many years between Panjim and Dubai where his eldest
 daughter is based.

 He was the father of Hema Sardesai.
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Blog: http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
Tech links from South Asia: http://twitter.com/fn

Re: [Goanet] Advice on immigrating back to goa

2008-09-04 Thread Roland Francis
Remy, this is an intensely personal decision that you and your wife
have to make together and while you have told us how you feel about
Goa, you have not told us how your wife feels about this at all.

The experience will be like someone winning a moderate amount like 50
thousand pounds in a lottery. To one, it may mean a lucky break, to
another a life saver. The third may wish he never won it. I once saw a
board outside a church which said The effect of happiness or crisis
is 10% dependent on the actual event and 90% dependent on the attitude
with which you take it.

It's just one of those things that people can blabber and blabber
about, but the effects are only for you and your family to face.

Wish you take the best decision for all of them.

With regards,

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:17 AM, Remy de Almeida

 My question really to anyone who would like to reply:
 Am i being a fool or deluded to go back to goa as some people tell me or is
 this normal to some people to go back. This is a
 big decision for us as family.

 Any replies and advice will be appreciated.

Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread augusto pinto
Hello Edward De Silva  who wrote on Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 1129

We were fined for speaking Konkani at Monte Guirim, in the same token
 we were NOT allowed to keep any pocket money, we were beaten if we
had any money on us.

How did we pay the fine? some more beating :-(.

Your post to goanet and your email id intrigued me. Just as a matter
of curiosity  when were you  a student at Montir?

I am an ex-student of that stupid school too. ;-) . A day scholar
however - and therefore I did not suffer the worst excesses that it
had to offer. Passed out circa 1977.

After all the sadism we experienced, we  still managed to survive in
this world, didn't we? [In fact there are some who attribute their
success to the beatings they got there.]

By and large I don't think such behaviour which was the rule then, and
not just in Guirim, will be tolerated in today's Goa, though it does
happen.There is a case going on at Margao's elite Manovikas school
currently. However here it appears that prima facie it is the parents
rather than the teachers who are at fault, though I could be wrong.


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Chovoth recipies anyone?

2008-09-04 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Does anyone have a pointer to recipies of typical Ganesh Chaturthi foodstuff
and snacks? For instance, neuris and modaks?   Rgds, FN
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Blog: http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
Tech links from South Asia: http://twitter.com/fn

Re: [Goanet] Dr. Kashinath Sardesai passes away

2008-09-04 Thread J. Colaco jc
I add my condolences to the family of Dr. Kashinath.  Even though he
was very much my senior and hence much more knowledgeable, he never
showed it.

With Dr. Kashinath's passing, goes another of those gentlemanly Escola
(Portuguese course) doctors who once provided superb and courteous
care for Goans in Goa, and who were among our best teachers.

May his Soul rest in peace.


Re: [Goanet] Dr. Kashinath Sardesai passes away

2008-09-04 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Rico, dear boy,
Dr. Arlindo de Sousa is/was not from Moira.
Quítula, Aldona was,  remains, his cherished sod.
His wife, Emília, hails from Nachinolá.
A regretted loss to Moira, but that can't be helped. ,
they have enough luminaries of their owm: contemporary
and late, however much, lamented...but always respected...
Alfred de Tavares
 Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 17:03:11 +0530 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 goanet@lists.goanet.org Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dr. Kashinath Sardesai passes 
 away  Condolences to Hema and specially Sunila (Muzawar), who has been an 
 active Goanetter in the past. Wasn't Dr Kashinath an opthalmalogist? We met 
 briefly once when I dropped in to say a hi to Sunila when she was visiting 
 the family home, very close to the Boca-de-Vaca temple in Panjim. Everyone 
 knew the family there, but I grew up with eye-checks from the age of seven 
 mainly with docs in the Mapusa area (Dr Arlindo of Moira at Sirsat's, Dr 
 Anil Kumar, Dr Arlindo's daughter, etc). FN  2008/9/4 Rajan P. Parrikar 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:  To Goanet -   Dr. Kashinath Sardesai passed away 
 in Dubai on Sept 3, 2008,  in Dubai after suffering a heart attack. A 
 distinguished doctor,  a burnished intellect, and a man of deep culture, he 
 divided the  past many years between Panjim and Dubai where his eldest  
 daughter is based.   He was the father of Hema Sardesai.  r --  FN * 
 Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org Blog: 
 http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com Tech links from South Asia: 
Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. 
It's easy!

Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread Carvalho

We were the only family in our circle of friends in Dubai, who spoke Konkani in 
the house. We were the butt of jokes and snide remarks but for some reason Mum 
stuck to her guns and made us speak Konkani. Despite this, I repeatedly topped 
the class in English, while those Goans who spoke English in the house ate 
crow. I think, my English is okay, no man? :-)


--- On Thu, 9/4/08, floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Inspite of that when I went to college, I hardly could
 speak a full sentence 
 in English at a time. But that was a temporary setback
 because the English 
 grammatical foundation was perfect.


[Goanet] Manmohan lets Indians down

2008-09-04 Thread Carvalho
For years I have been a fan of this intelligent, quiet, unassuming man. But 
while it is one thing to hold the finance portfolio of a country, it is quite 
another to head a pluralistic country of 1.2 billion people.

Not for one moment can I imagine a member of the Nehru family, sitting in their 
offices writing memos and contemplating on deplorable situations. No, they 
would be in the thick of it, walking the streets, talking to people and risking 
the bullet if need be. Nehru himself would have jumped into the fray, asking to 
be killed first. Unfortunately Manmohan proved to be an administrator rather 
than a man of action.

The country is rendered spineless in the absence of leadership. Why can't we 
ban extremist groups in India? What stops us from doing the logical thing, the 
right thing? What else, besides the same lack of will that has made every 
policy to curb our population, ineffectual. And now that we are a Democratic 
country with 1.2 billion to steer into education and some sort of 
sustainability, we are left groping in the dark, playing vote-bank politics and 
cannibalizing whatever merit we have earned through the economic boom.


--- On Thu, 9/4/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Left urges Prez to ban VHP, Dal
 A delegation led by Brinda Karat urges the government to
 put the outfits at least under 'serious monitoring'
 if it could not ban them


[Goanet] Dr. Kashinath Sardesai passes away

2008-09-04 Thread ralph rau
A kind and gentle soul. An exemplary and noble human being. Doyen of a model 
Goan and model Indian family in a multi-faith home.

I have also had the opportunity to feel the magic of Dr. Sardesai's healing 

We have our memories to cherish as we grieve along with his near and dear ones 
he leaves behind.

But we have also the joy of sharing the friendship of his children who will 
continue to spread his values.

[Goanet] Manmohan lets India down

2008-09-04 Thread Samir Kelekar
Really, Manmohan is no leader. Not once has he addressed the nation on TV
even though umpteen times, there have been serious communal incidents or
times when the country needs to be addressed.

True, he acts more like a bureucrat than a leader. He has shown lack of 
toughness in dealing with situations. 



Re: [Goanet] violence in orissa

2008-09-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
jane gillian rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As per e-mails below, only Chrsitians are secular, true citizens of Indians, 
 who open their doors to people of all communities,
irrespective of caste and creed.

The above assertion reveals an attitude that is clearly not very secular. If 
anything, this is exactly the type of prejudice that leads to communal 



Re: [Goanet] violence in Orissa --- what were the cops doing?

2008-09-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The underlying rage and hatred will not be diminished by this enforcement of 
law  order, but surely the bloodshed  mayhem will be kept to a minimum.

I was trying to point out that it is this underlying hatred that is the root 
cause of all communal riots. I think the best way to get rid of it is to 
eliminate or trivialize all sources of divisiveness - casteist, religious, 
regional, social and political.

The other points in the above-referenced post are well taken.



Re: [Goanet] Manmohan lets Indians down

2008-09-04 Thread Eddie
Selma Bai..this is all politics..I dont think Manmohan is so bad...but its 
the politics my dear...the congress is just telling us...see this is what 
BJP is all about.u get to know them well before the next elections.

Although am not a CA, I asked a few of my CA friends in Mumbai..who 
suggested to me that Manmohanji was in the right steps...he has been all 
thru and shown the results...and it because of Manmohan Singh that India is 
where it is today.

Comine back to Goanet...not a word from the BJPwallas on goanet...I want to 
ask  RAJAN PARIKAR...if he can take his camera and shoot a human being burnt 
alive..be it a Goemkar a Ghanti or Indian!

Dev borem korum

- Original Message - 
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org

Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 7:33 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Manmohan lets Indians down

For years I have been a fan of this intelligent, quiet, unassuming man. 
But while it is one thing to hold the finance portfolio of a country, it 
is quite another to head a pluralistic country of 1.2 billion people.

Not for one moment can I imagine a member of the Nehru family, sitting in 
their offices writing memos and contemplating on deplorable situations. 
No, they would be in the thick of it, walking the streets, talking to 
people and risking the bullet if need be. Nehru himself would have jumped 
into the fray, asking to be killed first. Unfortunately Manmohan proved to 
be an administrator rather than a man of action.

The country is rendered spineless in the absence of leadership. Why can't 
we ban extremist groups in India? What stops us from doing the logical 
thing, the right thing? What else, besides the same lack of will that has 
made every policy to curb our population, ineffectual. And now that we are 
a Democratic country with 1.2 billion to steer into education and some 
sort of sustainability, we are left groping in the dark, playing vote-bank 
politics and cannibalizing whatever merit we have earned through the 
economic boom.


--- On Thu, 9/4/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Left urges Prez to ban VHP, Dal
A delegation led by Brinda Karat urges the government to
put the outfits at least under 'serious monitoring'
if it could not ban them

[Goanet] Manmohan lets Indians down

2008-09-04 Thread Sandeep Heble
Selma Carvalho writes: Not for one moment can I imagine a member of
the Nehru family, sitting in their offices writing memos and
contemplating on deplorable situations. No, they would be in the thick
of it, walking the streets, talking to people and risking the bullet
if need be. Nehru himself would have jumped into the fray, asking to
be killed first. Unfortunately Manmohan proved to be an administrator
rather than a man of action.


While almost every Indian with basic human values would be upset over
the recent tragic incidents in Orissa and I can understand Selma's
pain and anguish over this, what I fail to understand is how she can
extol the virtues of the Nehru- Gandhi family who, if I were to recall
history, were involved in similar, if not worse incidents in the past.

Does Selma forget how Indira Gandhi brought democracy to a grinding
halt by imposing the Emergency rule - the darkest period in Indian
democratic history, when civil rights and liberties were suspended and
the Constitution turned into a meaningless document, when Parliament
and the courts were made virtually ineffective, and when thousands of
protestors, political opponents and strike leaders were arrested and
brutally tortured in horrible prison cells?

Does she also forget the 1984 Anti-Sikh pogrom that took place in the
aftermath of Indira Gandhi's assassination, when the caretaker Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi delayed sending the Indian Army by 3 days,
giving mobs of Congress workers and activists led by leaders like
H.K.L. Bhagat, Sajjan Kumar, and Jagdish Tytler virtually a free hand
to ransack and loot Sikh establishments, enter Sikh Colonies, pull out
Sikh passengers from buses and trains to be either lynched or doused
with kerosene and burnt, thereby massacring nearly 3000 Sikhs in the

And does she also forget how Rajiv Gandhi tried to justify this
horrible and gruesome Carnage with his infamous statement When a big
tree falls, the earth is bound to shake.

We always knew that Public memory is short but now we know that
Selma's memory is even shorter!

Or maybe this is just one more of her off-days :-)



2008-09-04 Thread Thalmann Pareira

Historian And Partisan Of The Oppressed 

- Irfan Habib


31 JULY this year would have been Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi's 100th
birthday; his birth centenary is, therefore, a fitting occasion to recall
his great contributions to Marxist historiography. D D Kosambi's father
Dharmanand Kosambi was an eminent Sanskritist and a scholar of Buddhism,
with a critical bent of mind. D D Kosambi himself chose mathematics for his
discipline and, after graduating from Harvard with distinction, returned to
India in 1929 to begin a distinguished teaching and research career. He
carved a place for himself by his contributions to his field in mathematics;
but in the late 1930s his main direction of studies began fundamentally to
change as he turned to Marxism and History.


To understand this turn it is important to look beyond the mere facts of
Kosambi's professional biography. By the mid-thirties the ideas of Marxism
and socialism had obtained considerable influence in the ranks of the
national movement. The anti-colonial struggle was seen more and more as part
of an international struggle for revolution and liberation. The elected
provincial governments of 1937 relaxed the rigid ban on Marxist literature,
and the first selection of Marx's articles on India was now published from
Allahabad. A reading of this volume led to an innocently titled article
('The Emergence of National Chraracteristics Among three Indo-European
Peoples') from Kosambi's pen, published in an eminently academic journal of
Pune, in 1939. This was an announcement of Kosambi's adoption of Marxism as
his basic intellectual standpoint. The class-struggle, he now asserted, was
as much a feature of Indian history as of other civilisations. In a
trenchant sentence, Kosambi displays his equal hostility to the exploitation
of oppressed classes in India's past and the current despotism of British


The caste system corresponds to our modern censorship and the Indian Arms
Act together (italics in the original).


To Kosambi, history in its essential features appeared as universal in the
academic world as was the struggle for liberation and socialism in the
public sphere. He was a consistent opponent of colonial rule before 1947.
Greatly shocked by the US atomic bombing of Japan in 1945 and the subsequent
imperialist drive towards war, he became a notable figure in the World Peace
Movement. Today it is becoming the fashion, with Post-modernists in the van,
to treat history and, indeed, humankind as a subject to be studied in
fragments and to decry any 'universalist' tendency as a 'meta-narrative'
(for such a critique of Kosambi, see a recent article by the American
scholar, Sheldon Pollock). This is happening exactly at the time when the
most powerful capitalist nations themselves are packaging their control over
the world under the brand of 'Globalisation.' The conditions of the world
that made Kosambi turn to Marxism as the great ideology of international
solidarity have not really changed; only the terrain of imperialist
slaughter of peoples has shifted from East Asia to the Middle East.


It is, therefore, all the more necessary to endorse and underline Kosambi's
basic starting point (adopted by him from 1939 onwards), namely, the
acceptance of the universality of class struggle. To him, the broad picture
of historical change with succeeding modes of production that Marx drew in
his Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1859),
represented the core of Marxist historiography, and that passage naturally
became a favourite quotation with him. Today many academics seek to dilute
the theme of class struggle in past societies by laying the entire emphasis
on issues of multi-class subaltern communities or marginal groups, or
different value systems of various cultures. Louis Dumont, in his Homo
Hierarchicus (1970) has been an eminent exponent of the last view. This
amounts in essence to a recycling of hoary assertions such as the one by the
anti-Communist propagandist Karl Wittfogel (1957) that class-struggle far
from being a chronic disease of mankind is the luxury of multi-centred and
open (i.e. Western) societies. This view, in turn, goes back to the
pre-World War I theorists of 'Social Imperialism' who used Marx's reference
to the unchangeableness of Asiatic societies to justify a long period of
control over them by the Western colonial powers. As against this, the
Leningrad discussions of the late 1920s, which endorsed the universality of
a unilinear scheme of Slavery-Feudalism-Capitalism, represented a challenge
to the Euro-centred view of historical development, since it took
class-struggle to be an equally universal phenomenon. The rigid scheme of
periodisation, however, put Marxist historiography in such a strait-jacket
that it became a fetter on its development.


One major contribution of D D Kosambi was to reject the straitjacket while
espousing the dictum of the Communist Manifesto 

[Goanet] Goa news for September 5, 2008

2008-09-04 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa: IAS officer booked for cheating - Times of India
[Sep 2, 2008]  Pal, who was promoted into the IAS cadre from
Goa civil services a few years ago, was relieved from Goa
administrationfrom August 31 this year and ...

*** Security beefed in Goa ahead of Ganesh celebrations - Hindu
[Sep 2, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): Security arrangements have been
beefed up in the coastal state of Goa in the wake of the
five-day-long Ganesh festivities beginning on ...

*** Centre okays greenfield airport in Sindhudurg - Economic
[5 hours ago]  MUMBAI: The picturesque Konkan coast can look
forward to competing with Goa in attracting tourists. The Centre
on Thursday approved a domestic airport for ...

*** Retro: Goa\'s RUrbanism - WorldChanging
[23 hours ago]  In April of 2005, Alan posted an extended
presentation about the work of friends and colleagues inIndia on
a project calledGoa 2100, which seeks to ...

*** Life\'s no longer a beach for Goa tourism - Economic Times
[Sep 2, 2008]  PANAJI: Faced with competition from South Asian
countries, Goa now wants to create entertainment hubs,
recreational facilities and improve infrastructure to ...

*** UNESCO award for Old Goa palace - Times of India
[Sep 2, 2008]  The Archdiocese of Goa and Daman took the
initiative and made available funds for the conservation of the
building which has been described with vivid ...

*** Goa rescue team heads for Bihar - Herald Publications
[16 hours ago]  BY HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, SEPT 3  Men and
machinery from Goa are heading for Bihar early Thursday morning
to assist in rescue operations in the ...

*** Bahuguna against high-rise buildings in Goa - Newstrack
[13 hours ago]  Panjim, Sep 4 (ANI): Noted environmental
Sundarlal Bahuguna today said thathe mega housing projects that
are cropping up in Goa are threatening the ecology ...

*** Goa, never a part of Karnataka: Historians - Times of India
[Sep 2, 2008]  Goan activists and historians are upset with
Karnataka's claim that Goa is a part of their state, even if, as
Karnataka says, this was a typo. ...

*** NGO wants Goa minister facts verified - Howrah News Service
[4 hours ago]  4: Goas newly inducted education minister
Atanastio Monserrate is facing the heat from an
Opposition-backed NGO, UTT Goenkara. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Tarvottis and Asiatic hospital London

2008-09-04 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Bess, old girl..
Try Lloyd's lists.
They are said to have the most elaborate records of all aspects of 
maritime affairs for the last millenium or so...
Your old chacha, Alfred... Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 18:06:46 -0700 From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] To: goanet@lists.goanet.org Subject: [Goanet] Tarvottis and 
Asiatic hospital London  Hi Cornel ani Londonkars, Doing some research on 
early tarvottis from Goa that would have sailed in the 1800s, I came across the 
name of a hospital where Indian seamen were hospitalised. The Asiatic Hospital 
in London, was referred to in a letter I found at the national archives. 
Unfortunately, try as I may with the help of google, I cannot locate this 
hospital in London. I am assuming it is torn down and replaced by something 
else. It would have been in the dockland area, since it administered to seamen. 
Does anyone have any information.  It's not terribly important but I was 
curious.  best, selma   
Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger 

[Goanet] Advice on immigrating back to goa

2008-09-04 Thread Leo Conrad D'Souza

'Home is where the Heart is'
We always feel and visualise that the Grass is always greener on the other 
side. We try the same, if it works out fine if not ...?
I too have been in a similar situation as yours. However I have searched my 
Heart (emotion) and reasoned wth my mind. I am still continuing to work in 
Dubai (last 28 years) although my heart yearns for Goa. One day I know I will, 
and I also know that the God Almighty is preparing for me for it. However I am 
not ready it. Search your Heart, soul, body and mind. Have 2 columns made up 
with the pros and cons of the UK and Goan life, weigh it and see where you 
stand. Tough decision. I have been to UK, several times I know life can be 
lonely at times, but any life away from Goa is, although we complain and brood 
of many things, yet we know we have a sense of belonging while in Goa. (Goans 
'United we stand, Divided we Fall'
All of your four points can be taken care of, if we step up and address it, not 
easy though 
1. Traffic.  Its all over the world in major cities (try Dubai, its chaotic)2. 
Cleaniness. This is a challenge, with proper planning is possible.3. Crab 
mentality.  My take: Let other people's opinion, need not be yours.4. 
Bureaucracy and corruption. Very difficult in a Democratic society to eradicate 
it, only switching over to Dictatorship will help. (UAE, for example, where 
progress is made in leaps and bounds)
Wish you well,
Leo from Dubai, now on a short visit in Mumbai.
Message: 10Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 12:17:40 +0100From: Remy de Almeida [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject: [Goanet] Advice on immigrating back to goaTo: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi, 
Am i being a fool or deluded to go back to goa as some people tell me or isthis 
normal to some people to go back. This is abig decision for us as family. Any 
replies and advice will be appreciated. Remy De Almeida 
News, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Get it now!


2008-09-04 Thread BONNIE FERNANDES
0097150 8488096 

[Goanet] Legacy

2008-09-04 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- My parents have left me a very rich legacy. It is honesty and 
uprightness. My father has come from a poor home. My mother too have come from 
a very poor home. Both of them came up through hard work. My father taught me 
to be satisfied with what ever one has .He retired at a very young age from the 
gulf. He came home as a happy  man never greedy for anyone's money. Lived a 
simple life and died a happy death. My mother had many virtues. Never rob 
someone was her teachings. Another thing she taught me is never keep hatred in 
one's heart. She had very few or hardly any enemies. Where ever she went she 
radiated love from God. I think by her behaviour she and my father too have 
spread the gospel of God. Today honesty can not even be bought from the market. 
A good life given by God has been replaced by greed, dishonesty and cheating. 
One cannot trust any one in this world. But what I cannot understand is the 
very same people who make money through evil source do not live to enjoy and 
even if they are alive they are not happy. I have seen lots of people who by 
their sheer position were able to make tons of money and old age has wrinkled 
life out of them and many of them are seen queing at the doctor's door 
practically everyday of their life. What was the use of making money when you 
cannot put your legs on an arm chair and say  I have earned the right way ? 
The legacy that my parents have passed it on to me has come to them from their 
parents. My grandparents from both sides were very very poor. My dad's father 
was a musician. My mother's father died at early age leaving them at God's 
mercy. Its not only when I look at my parents but also the parents who lived in 
my neighbour hood . They were equally honest. Lived with poverty but never 
cheated or robbed anyone. The love and affection that existed in those times 
should be rejuvenated . 
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[Goanet] Advice on immigrating back to goa

2008-09-04 Thread ralph rau
Remy de Almeida is 32 years old - a babe - too young clearly to be making major 
decisions in life without the aid of goanet.

Can we have our cake of family, friends and the familiarity of Goa and also eat 
or should we say partake of the font of ready to drink tap water in London? But 
then again age 32 is too early to discover such a gulf cannot be bridged unless 
one is more than a little financially hedged.

Personnel questions ? Do we man personal or were these really intended for 
the HR specialists on the forum ?

Remy, my good man, please stop inflicting this torture on yourself. You say 
you've been at it for 2 years now. A man cannot possibly have a whole life with 
his body in London and dismembered heart in Goa.

In London as you yourself declare the children will never get back their 
childhood joys of climbing mango trees and may end up culturally confused. Your 
wife will never discover her professional potential. Besides you are right that 
Goa is lacking in entrepreneurial passion and is waiting with bated breath for 
your pioneering and path-breaking initiatives.

Remember Dhirubhai Ambani did not let traffic, indifferent public hygiene, or 
bureaucracy and corruption prevent him from creating a company like Reliance 
which contributes 4% of India's national GDP. As for the crab mentalities, 
you should eat them up like xec-xec.

And if you need yet another reason for leaving UK, besides the collapsing 
British Pound, the British Home Ministry has cautioned that the UK recession 
will produce massive unemployment and a backlash against the bhailes like our 
south asian brethren - portuguese pp notwithstanding.

Hope to see you in Goa in December - back for good.


Message: 10
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 12:17:40 +0100
From: Remy de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Advice on immigrating back to goa
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I have been a regular reader of goanet forums for the last 6 months. I love
the Mario's, RP, Arwins, Selmas and Barads of this forum and the ferocity
which each side make their opinions. With some trust i would like to put a
personnel questions to all the goanet forum readers.
Here is a brief background:

I have been living in the UK for about 8 years with my wife and two
kids.Before this i was in panjim-goa studied in goa and pune.
Later immigrated to england via portuguese passport. Currently, I work for a
hedge fund as a quant developer and i am 32 years old. I own house, car and
everything seems normal and cosy. Except we miss the way of life in goa. I
grew in caranzalem right by the beach, playing footbal and cricket.

In the last 2 years we have been thinking with some intensity to return back
to Goa. Reasons are mainly
1. We want kids to grow with a sense of community and family. All family in
2. Wife has no chance to advance her career as child care is costly and we
think is not favourable in the long term development of the child.
3. I am very passionate about goa and want to be doing something[may be
business and have some ideas] that will make a difference to the good of the
society in goa/india.

I have been back to goa for holidays a couple of times and i know already
that there are somethings i will have to get used to back again
1. Traffic
2. Cleaniness
3. Crab mentality
4. Bureaucracy and corruption

However, i think i can overcome all this (am not sure of no 1 :-))

My question really to anyone who would like to reply:
Am i being a fool or deluded to go back to goa as some people tell me or is
this normal to some people to go back. This is a
big decision for us as family.

Any replies and advice will be appreciated.

Remy De Almeida

Re: [Goanet] Advice on immigrating back to goa

2008-09-04 Thread Mario Goveia
Remy de Almeida wrote:

 Am i being a fool or deluded to go back to goa as some people tell me or 
 is this normal to some people to go back. This is a big decision for us 
 as family.

Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 08:49:28 -0400
From: Roland Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's just one of those things that people can blabber and blabber
about, but the effects are only for you and your family to face.

Mario adds:

I would not do it, but then, I'm a proud American with American kids with 
families of their own.  I enjoy the best of both worlds and avoid most of the 
problems associated with living in India.  I know Goans on both sides of the 
pond who have done the same.

Frankly, I have an intellectual and ancestral connection with India and Goa, 
but carry no sentimental baggage or pretentions or illusions of being able to 
help Goa or India.  I've been there, done that.  Besides, there are other 
ways to help Goa without uprooting and moving back.

1. Ask yourself why you left in the first place.  Has anything changed?

2. Are you happy with your job?

3. Can you duplicate what you have in Goa?  People can live very well in India.

4. What does your wife think?  Your children?

5. Can your company open a subsidiary in India that you can run.  I have 
friends who have done this.  They, too, have the best of both worlds.  An 
alternative is to join a Brit company that operates in Goa and see if they will 
transfer you there.  Expat employees do very well.

6. Why can't you maintain your sentimental cultural ties through the extensive 
Goan community in the UK and visits to Goa?

7. Can you operate under Indian conditions of bribery, corruption, tax cheating 
and cutting corners, etc.

Take off your rose tinted glasses and look at your situation realistically.

I recommend you talk to someone like Cornel DaCosta who lives in London who can 
also give you some mature personal and unbiased insights.

Good luck.  Let us know what you decide.

Re: [Goanet] Manmohan lets Indians down

2008-09-04 Thread Carvalho

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Sandeep Heble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We always knew that Public memory is short but now we know
 Selma's memory is even shorter!
 Or maybe this is just one more of her off-days :-)
Dear Sandeep,
I think all of us see the Nehru family from different perspectives, but for all 
of their short-comings, they were people of action, of charisma, of resonance 
with the public. Who do we have today, who we can say inspires us? I can't 
think of anyone.

By now, Manmohan should at the very least have been on a plane to Orissa. My 
pain is second-hand and extremely self-serving. It's only anguish is that I too 
am Christian and maybe one day forced to flee my home. My pain dwells in the 
realm of what-if? But there are people hiding in that jungle who are all too 
real. To the government, they are worth the 3 lakhs declared as compensation 
and nothing more.



[Goanet] Daily Grook #209

2008-09-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

i like fidel,
mao chairman,
dictators all
self mad-men!

puns  word-play of all kinds,
if you read between the lines!


Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread Venantius Pinto
I hope those people who made snide remarks about Selma's family speaking in
English are reading this on Goanet. If, their remarks continued even after
being aware that she were a topped in her English classes -- then that says
even more about how we have been colonizing our own minds. This problem is
largely prevalent in Goans who have a disdain towards their mother tongue,
which is remarkably less prevalent among other Indian communities -- in the
last three generations. This point is only applicable to those who disowned
the language, and not to those who cannot speak it as in the children. Leave
the children alone. Perhaps for Goans as in having allowed ourselves to be
so ingratiated towards things Inglez, its just that harder to wrap ones
brains around more than two languages -- English and the basic Hindi that we
so artfully speak with a limited vocabulary.

I also feel that for many the way up is via English, whatever its depth and
their personal vicissitudes, that does not allow them the space which others
may have gained or mastered over a couple of generations. So people do
English or for that matter Konkani for various reasons that we may only
surmise upon. My mother has a fourth sted education, so forget English,
although she often said, Hindint ulloinaka, Inglexint ulloiat. Its just that
she say things differently, meaning that, what she saw was the rank and file
of the BPT work force around us in the BPT colony. My father was an engine
driver (note not an engineer as in other English speaking countries); the
others were call boys, greasers, coal-men, ash-men, diesel engine drivers,
steam engine drivers, meachanics, etc., who larger spoke in Hindi in all
ints inflections, including Urdu, Marathi, Kannada, Haryanvi and the few
Goan households that spoke largely in English and Konkani besides speaking
in other languages. Some of them worked towards getting their children into
better schools where English was taught.

In some families its not just English, but also other quantitative measures
that matter -- the four poster bed, the number of children, how well they
can dance, the brides trouseau with the loud lingerie  -- earlier it was
also whether they were doctors or engineers or chief engineers that
mattered. So talk about crosses -- well we all have our own.

kyoto, japan

 From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

 We were the only family in our circle of friends in Dubai, who spoke
 Konkani in the house. We were the butt of jokes and snide remarks but for
 some reason Mum stuck to her guns and made us speak Konkani. Despite this, I
 repeatedly topped the class in English, while those Goans who spoke English
 in the house ate crow. I think, my English is okay, no man? :-)


[Goanet] Paes completes career mixed doubles Slam with US Open title

2008-09-04 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
Paes completes career mixed doubles Slam with US Open title
9 hours ago
NEW YORK (AFP) — India's Leander Paes completed a career mixed doubles Grand 
Slam on Thursday, joining Zimbabwe's Cara Black to beat Britain's Jamie Murray 
and American Liezel Huber 7-6 (8/6), 6-4 in the US Open final.
The 97-minute victory for the first-time Slam pairing follows mixed titles for 
Paes at the 1999 French Open and Wimbledon with American Lisa Raymond and the 
2003 Wimbledon and Australian Opens with US star Martina Navratilova.
It was in the back of my mind that I hadn't won this one, Paes said. I woke 
up this morning with a purpose. I woke up really fired up.
Paes, who lacks the Australian Open title for a men's doubles career Slam, lost 
two prior US Open mixed finals, including last year with American Meghann 
Shaughnessy 6-4, 7-6 (8/6) to Max Mirnyi and Victoria Azarenka of Belarus.
In 2001, Paes and Raymond fell 6-4, 5-7, 11-9 (champions tiebreak) in the final 
to Australians Todd Woodbridge and Rennae Stubbs.
The key part is selecting a good partner, Paes said. I let Cara do all the 
work and I just stood back and enjoyed it.
Both Black, 29, and Paes, 35, have a chance for more titles this week at 
Flushing Meadows.
Paes and Czech Lukas Dlouhy have advanced to Friday's US Open men's doubles 
final, where they will face US brothers Mike and Bob Bryan.
Black and Huber, a South African who became a US citizen last year, are 
top-seeded partners in women's doubles, where they are in the semi-finals.
Huber and Black hope for a chance to play 2005 US Open winners Raymond and 
Samantha Stosur of Australia in Sunday's final.
It was tough for me to play against Liezel, but Leander was so good with me, 
Black said. He calmed me a lot and said he had my back at all times.
All thanks to Leander. He pulled me through.
Murray, the elder brother of US Open singles semi-finalist Andy Murray, won 
last year's Wimbledon mixed doubles crown with Serbian star Jelena Jankovic but 
lost to a Paes pair for the second US Open in a row, bowing in the 2007 semis.
I was looking for a bit of revenge but it didn't happen, Murray said.
Paes and Black won six of the last seven points to take the first set, denying 
set points on a Black scoop volley winner and when Murray netted a forehand 
She won the match for us, Paes said.
Black fired a service winner to give her and Paes a set point and the Indian 
star poached a backhand volley smash to win the set.
It was amazing to pull that set out, Black said. It gave us a great lift.
Paes and Black broke Murray in the fifth game of the second set, then held to 
the finish for the 150,000-dollar top prize. 

Goa's Pride - http://www.goa-world.com 
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is presented by Ulysses Menezes, www.goa-world.com and 
moderated by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994)


[Goanet] SEZ derecognition not tenable, feel experts

2008-09-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Dear Goanet Members,

Please click the link provided here below on the issue as is mentioned in
the subject.


For those who have problem with internet I append the article here below.

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Publication:Economic Times Mumbai; 
Date:Jan 8, 2008; 
Page Number:9

SEZ derecognition not tenable, feel experts 

Gireesh Chandra Prasad  Amiti Sen NEW DELHI 

THE government's plan to withdraw recognition to special economic zones
(SEZs) in Goa could be legally untenable. Legal experts point out that there
are a number of recent cases where the apex court had ruled that withdrawal
of promised exemptions, after companies make investment decisions relying on
them, is violative of the Constitution. If pharma major Cipla, which has a
notified SEZ in Goa and is considering a legal challenge, files a case
against the government, the verdict would be in favour of the company as
there is no provision in the SEZ Act to denotify SEZs, an official handling
SEZs said. 

Cipla, which has started the process of legal consultations, is yet to
take a decision on its future course of action. Denotifying the SEZs will
have major revenue and contractual implications for investors. We are
consulting legal experts and are exploring various options. We will take a
call in a week, Cipla joint MD Amar Lulla told ET. 

Corporate lawyers said the Supreme Court has precluded the government
from revoking fiscal and other exemptions granted after an entrepreneur
irrevocably alters his position pursuant to promised incentives. This is
because the investor enters into contractual obligations and other
commitments relying on the promised sops, withdrawal of which could result
in losses. The court rulings are based on the doctrine of promisory
estoppelthat protects entrepreneurs from arbitrary revocation of policies.
The government's right to review policies is subject to this principle and
applies not just to policy statements, which are executive orders, but also
to the more powerful legislative enactments passed by Parliament, they

According to a member of the board of approval (BoA) for SEZs, notified
SEZs cannot be denotified as there is no provision in the SEZ Act for this.
If a state government wants to discontinue with SEZs, it should agree to
compensate the developers to the extent of losses suffered and reach a
satisfactory settlement which would lead to a withdrawal of application by
the developer. “The BoA doesn’t approve even a single SEZ without the nod of
the state government. If the state has a problem, it has to settle it with
the developer,” the official said. 

To preserve the government's credibility towards investors, the Supreme
Court prevented the UP Power Corporation from reducing a hill development
rebate offered to investors in a recent order. (When) government offers
certain benefits to attract entrepreneurs, they act on those beneficial
offers. Thereafter, if the government withdraws those benefits, it seriously
affects the credibility of the government and shows shortsightedness of
governance. To keep the faith of people, the government and its
instrumentality should abide by their commitments, the court said. Centre
has power to denotify: Nath Our Bureau NEW DELHI 

COMMERCE and industry minister Kamal Nath on Monday reiterated his stand
that the Centre could denotify SEZs if they get formal directive from the
states concerned. Mr Nath said the SEZ Act provides for review of notified
SEZs after consultations with the respective state governments. 

Last week, Mr Nath had a meeting with Goa chief minister Digambar Kamat
who asked for cancellation of all 15 SEZs in the state. The minister also
said that SEZs would not be thrust upon any state.

Re: [Goanet] Manmohan lets Indians down

2008-09-04 Thread floriano

One must realise that the most important  qualification one requires to lead 
a State or a Nation is to have b***s. Both, men and women qualify. Example 
of women with real b's were Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meyer, 
Benazir Bhutto to name a few.

My superstar man with b's was Lal Bahadur Shastri,  a real bahaddur indeed, 
and Ronald Reagan.


- Original Message - 
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:03 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Manmohan lets Indians down

For years I have been a fan of this intelligent, quiet, unassuming man. 
But while it is one thing to hold the finance portfolio of a country, it 
is quite another to head a pluralistic country of 1.2 billion people.

Not for one moment can I imagine a member of the Nehru family, sitting in 
their offices writing memos and contemplating on deplorable situations. 
No, they would be in the thick of it, walking the streets, talking to 
people and risking the bullet if need be. Nehru himself would have jumped 
into the fray, asking to be killed first. Unfortunately Manmohan proved to 
be an administrator rather than a man of action.

The country is rendered spineless in the absence of leadership. Why can't 
we ban extremist groups in India? What stops us from doing the logical 
thing, the right thing? What else, besides the same lack of will that has 
made every policy to curb our population, ineffectual. And now that we are 
a Democratic country with 1.2 billion to steer into education and some 
sort of sustainability, we are left groping in the dark, playing vote-bank 
politics and cannibalizing whatever merit we have earned through the 
economic boom.


--- On Thu, 9/4/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Left urges Prez to ban VHP, Dal
A delegation led by Brinda Karat urges the government to
put the outfits at least under 'serious monitoring'
if it could not ban them

[Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

When I was studying in Loyola High School in Margao we were compelled to
speak in English all the time. But during Hindi period we were explained and
compelled to speak in Hindi. While during Konkani class we were asked to
speak and also we were enlightened in Konkani. 

I feel that was the very best practice adopted. There is nothing shocking in
such practice. 

What is more shocking is shifting topic or subject line to different
direction(s) OR is it done with the intention of inflaming Goans on Konkani
issue? I leave this issue to Goa net members to judge.   

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

 This is shocking to hear that in Goa itself one was fined for speaking in 
 Konkani. It's very difficult to save a language when one gets a lashing 
 for speaking it.

[Goanet] Fined for speaking Konkani

2008-09-04 Thread marshallmendonza
Selma wrote:
This is shocking to hear that in Goa itself one was fined for speaking in 
Konkani. It's very difficult to save a language when one gets a lashing for 
speaking it. 
Comment: It is too farfetched to believe that the decline of a language is due 
to its being banned from being spoken in school. This policy is common all over 
the country in many schools even those run by gujaratis, parsis and others. I 
studied in Poona in a jesuit school where speaking in the vernacular language 
during school hours was forbidden. My children are presently studying in a 
convent school in Bombay where the same policy prevails.The only difference is 
that nowadays they are fined whereas earlier it warranted a stroke on the 
backside.The reason for this according to me was to develop a proficiency in 
the English language among those who came from a vernacular language 
background. The best way to learn a language is to speak it. Speaking develops 
confidence. One can use the correct grammer, vocabulary, tone, pronunciation,by 
speaking. No doubt there are those who are highly intelligent who can attain 
proficiency under any conditions. But then the rules were made for the common 
masses. It is a fact that many goans are poor in speaking English and lose out 
on competitive jobs where one has to display one's personality.Many goans are 
the butt of jokes about the way they speak english, especially in Bombay.

Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:
... And recently some were putting the entire blame for neglected Konkani on 
the Portuguese ...
At the same time, the speaking of konkani or the mother tongue was not banned 
outside the school. It could be spoken at home, among friends, in church etc. 
So one cannot conclude that there was any suppression of konkani by school 
authorities. What the Portuguese did for the suppression of konkani is another 
matter and cannot be confused with this matter.



[Goanet] Hats off to Aires Rodrigues!!!

2008-09-04 Thread Samir Kelekar
Hats off to Aires Rodrigues for taking on Babush.

It is really time we clean up Goan politics. 

It is not about the fact that Babush didnt pass SSC but the fact that he has 
committed a fraud by lying about his educational qualifications. 

Why did he have to lie ? I guess no amount of money and power compensates for 
the inferiority complex he has because he is just panchvi pass.

Reminds me of another rich Indian Mukesh Ambani who lied that he finished
his MBA from Stanford. The cat was let out of the bag one day inadverdently by 
Steve Ballmer of Microsoft who also was an MBA drop-out from Stanford.

All Reliances' prospectus were then changed from 'Mukesh fnished MBA' to 
'Mukesh pursued MBA'!
