[Goanet] Driving in India

2013-10-03 Thread Bernice.
At least in Mumbai there are strict laws against reckless driving and specially 
drinking and driving. But in Goa, most of the drivers are drunk, specially the 
bikers. They come to Goa from North, South, East and west as only Goa allows 
them the freedom to drink and drive. Last year on 30th December four of us were 
walking to church in the morning in a single file in Anjuna and this huge car 
just hit my relative on her hand. The driver was so nasty, he was about to hit 
my son who lives abroad. I  stood  in front of my son to prevent this and told 
the man to just go away. It left us with a very bad feeling.

Bernice Pereira

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[Goanet] Tidiness

2013-09-14 Thread Bernice.

Dr Ferdinando, I regularly visit Dubai as I have family there. I am not talking 
about the old section of Dubai (even those areas are much cleaner than Mumbai), 
I mean Marina, Jumeirah and all the new areas. During the 1990s the metro was 
not introduced. It is spanking clean. I travel a lot to Europe, America and 
even Far east. Its not common to see a metro akin to that in Dubai and the 
people travelling are to a large extent Indians, Pakis etc. Here we are talking 
about behavioural patterns of our people. If we can conform to cleanliness 
there, why can't we do so here? If fines are the only solution to tidy clean 
living, maybe the government should impose them. Something has to be done to 
bring about an improvement in the garbage menace.


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[Goanet] Tidyness abroad

2013-09-12 Thread Bernice.

Question that always bogs me is what is the cause of the dirty mess we create 
on the roads and environment in India. Dubai for example is teaming with 
Indians and Pakis. The roads metros etc. are spotlessly clean...more cleaner 
even than some European countries. Why can't these very same people keep follow 
these habits when they come to their own country.  It is because the system 
allows them to be that way...nobody cares.  If one lives in a messy environment 
around, one tends to also get messy. The garbage in Goa reaches unthinkable 
proportions during the season. It is very very important that garbage trucks 
clear the junk in plastic bags regularly from very village or a fixed location 
in every part of the village. Have seen this work beautifully in Austria.


Sent from my iPad

Re: [Goanet] Cleanliess - tidyness

2013-09-12 Thread Bernice Pereira
Very well written both Camilo and Floriano. Goa still looks like it belongs
to the dark ages where garbage disposal is concerned. I have devised a
simple method in my Anjuna home. Put the garbage in a pit without any
plastic bags, put in some soil and dry leaves and burn it up. This is
possible only if one is fortunate to have a garden. What happens to the
small hotels and housing complexes.

This government
Apathy towards garbage will be the nemesis of Goan tourism.
Agreed we attract tourists, but what is the quality of the tourists. Most
of the foreigners belong to two sections (a) rich  ones staying for short
time at 5 star hotels (b) the strict budget ones who are of no help to our
economy. We also need to make Goa attractive to moderately well to do
foreign tourists to boost up our F.E. reserves.  Or are we happy with those
non Goans who are only out to rape Goa

On Sep 12, 2013 1:35 PM, Camillo Fernandes camillofernan...@hotmail.com

  Very interesting comments by Floriano and Bernice regarding
 Cleanliness.  I feel that apart from few  locals, many Indian tourists are
 the cause of littering/garbage in Goa maybe due to lack of bins,  laziness
 or not bothered about the environment/surrounding.Many dont seem to
 have the basic instinct of cleanliness to our surroundings.  In fact if one
 takes the initiative to pick up left over garbage as an example done by
 Floriano  they would be laughed at.  I too when I am down on holiday in
 Borivli find our colony littered with plastic/litter even tho all staying
 there are literates and keep their homes spotlessly clean and when I try to
 pick up some, I could be considered a fool or has nothing better to do.

   Bernice too has  rightly mentioned Dubai is spotlessly clean where there
 are Indians/Asians/Chinese etc.  which I too have been to.  The attitude of
 the same Indians there and same Indians back home is totally different.
 Abroad all of them have a very high sense of cleanliness while on return
 back home, they treat it as an open garbage yard, dump and discard litter,
 shit and piss anywhere.  One of the reasons could be the high penalties
 imposed there  or maybe even imprisonment or deportation.  The same Indians
 abroad i.e. Europe, USA and other countries too will abide by all the rules
 in force and make sure that they discard litter in the right way.
 As regards Bernice's very interesting below suggestion,
 It is very very important that garbage trucks *

 *clear the junk in plastic bags regularly from
 very village or a fixed location in every part of the village.
  Have seen this work beautifully in Austria.

 If accepted by the Government  it would be ideal and a boon to Goa.
 However I doubt it
 as Govt will always say no funds or lack of funds. They seem to be having
 for other projects and the wrong priorities.

 We on our part too should do our bit in whatever way we can.
 When we go on picnics carrying utensils, food etc. we should
 make sure to carry litter bags assuming there may not be
 bins at the picnic spot so we could put litter into the
 bags and dispose of the same back home or in the right place.

 Companies/large hotels should also do their bit by way
 of sponsoring bins,(putting their names on them to advertise,
 and collect trash in their respective surrounding areas to
 keep them clean.

 Important picnic/tourist spots/beaches should have ample bins
 and the same cleared regularly so that tourists cant complain
 of lack of bins.  Some time back had been to Dudhsagar falls
 where there are large boards saying no plastic bottles or
 no plastic inside the sanctuary and happily it was clean and
 no plastic found inside.  However just outside near the
 entrance the place was full of plastic bags/bottles and
 strangely I did not find a bin there.

 Keeping our Goa clean is good for everyone.  We all should do
 our bit and not expect others only to clean the thrash and
 keep Goa clean.
 Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:19:09 +0530
 From: floriano lobo floriano.l...@gmail.com
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!

 I have related this story at the NRI Convention at the Black Box, Kala
 Academy, Panjim, some years ago where CM  Luizinho Faleiro was the Chief

 The story of my Alma Mater - St. Xavier's High School, Moira.

 That one fine day, I saw that it had snowed white in Moira, more
 specifically around the School. It was the 'BUDDY KA BAL' thin plastic
 wrappers all around. I go home and call the school wanting to  talk to the
 HMistress. She is not in. I happen to talk to a peon who answers back as I
 am 'sir', meaning teacher. I tell this 'sir' [ who I go to hit when he
 accuses me of collecting trash from outside the school and bringing it in -
 he escapes, fortunately]  about the snow and also instruct him that he
 should get the two peons to pick up the mess

[Goanet] Ancestral land

2013-07-05 Thread Bernice Pereira
You could not have worded it better.  Agree completely.  

In the first place, how have those crooks (who are very often not even 
mundkars, and neither till the land for decades, nor take care of it), got 
their names on Forms 1 and 14?  Why is this now irreversible?  Pertinent 
questions. Answers are blowing in the wind.

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Best food in Goa - few addditions

2013-06-23 Thread Bernice Pereira
During season: Michelles in Anjuna for super french cuisine,
Basilico, Anjuna for gorgeous Italian food
Round the year - Starlit Arpora for typical Goan food.

[Goanet] Two airports?

2013-06-23 Thread Bernice Pereira
Ideally and if possible, there should have been an airport in the centre of 
Goa.  For north Goans, Dabolim is very far and expensive too just as Mopa would 
be for south Goans.

[Goanet] Cancer of the colon

2013-05-15 Thread Bernice Pereira
I am not a doctor but have seen this malignancy with a close member of my 
family.  Red meat alone is not the main cause.  Our diet is very much lacking 
in fibre and vegetables.  Meat is excellent protein, but must be compensated by 
an equal amount or more of veggies particularly in raw form (salads etc) .

[Goanet] medical emergencies

2013-04-22 Thread Bernice Pereira
Something I heard recently in Goa was frightening.  A young man met with a bad 
accident and his ribs were fractured.  He was taken to a Government hospital in 
Mapusa as (I understand from the victim's bro), all accident cases must be 
taken to government hospitals.  The orthopaedic doctor was not available and 
the family had no other recourse but to either wait till the next day or go to 
Panjim.  This is bizarre!
Considering the high accident rate in Goa, should't it be mandatory that such 
accident cases can be dealt with by the nearest available hospital?
Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Goans' land issues - vol.235

2013-04-14 Thread Bernice Pereira
Besides all the problems enumerated very correctly in the article presented by 
Mr. Pinto, I would say that one of the biggest issues has been the tenant or 
mundkar's issues.  I have had severe problems in the recent past. Two of my own 
properties are in jeopardy because a mason who my grandfather knew about 30 
years ago bribed a talati at that time and his name is there as tenant in the 
forms 1 and 14.  

As I was about to build  compound wall for another property, the land surveyor 
found that the gate of a mundkar of another landowner has been built on my 
land, which means I am forced to give her access rights thereby cutting short 
my own property.  Besides, the fighting and abusing, even to the point of 
manhandling my own workers, is something we people who live in civilized parts 
of the country and the world cannot deal with.   If I as a Goan who was born 
and raised in Goa, knowing the local language perfectly, find it very difficult 
to handle this and want to run away from it all, what about our next 
generation.  This is what we need to carefully think about. Another landowner I 
know, who came to claim his own property, was literally thrown out by the 
mundkars. We Goans are our own enemies.  Is it surprising therefore, that the 
non-Goans and bailes are taking advantage of all this?

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Restrictions restrictions

2013-03-24 Thread Bernice Pereira
Heavy restrictions are imposed by local panchayats on any Goan legitimately 
owning a property and  wanting to build a bungalow on it.  People  are waiting 
for years to acquire these permissions and the so called officials are so 
indifferent and rude. However, when it comes to these non Goans, permisions are 
very easily granted to build multi-storey structures.  Who is the Government 
Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Dominic's book on Mapusa

2013-03-11 Thread Bernice Pereira
Just bought Dominic's book on Mapusa and am in the process of reading it.  I 
was very nostalgic when I read Dominic's Goa.  I really compliment Dominic on 
his acute observation of everything Goan (i.e. culture, habits etc) of th good 
old days,  which really reflects his intense and tremendous love for Goa.  Keep 
it up Dominic.


[Goanet] Indian Boors

2013-03-06 Thread Bernice Pereira
Such a perfectly apt description by Mr. Rajan Parrikar.  

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Uncouth Indian hordes

2013-01-08 Thread Bernice Pereira
Hello Victor and happy new year to you.

The hordes I referred to and those who did not have accommodation,  came to Goa 
armed with a stove.  They lived on the beach (saw them myself), cooked there, 
defecated there and bathed in the sea. Thanks to the moonlight during the new 
year, they had enough natural light too. The place was stinking. Can we really 
be apathetic to all this?

Best regards,

[Goanet] Uncouth Indian hordes

2013-01-04 Thread Bernice Pereira
Are there any functional public toilets in the area? by Gabriel de 
Figueiredo. Good question. Probably no functioning public toilets. The stinking 
masses that invade Goa during this time don't need functioning toilets, any 
place is fit to defecate...the beaches,the fields...you name it.  Nobody stops 
or fines them you see.

[Goanet] uncouth Indian hordes

2013-01-02 Thread Bernice Pereira
Good suggestions Floriano if they are put into effect. Also people messing 
around in public places should be heavily fined to serve as a deterrent. Fines 
are the best solution.
 Has anyone seen the stinking fields around the Anjuna flea market.  How can we 
remain apathetic to this awful mess. 
Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] uncouth Indian hordes strike again by Rajan Parrikar - issue 1080

2013-01-01 Thread Bernice Pereira
Mr. Rajan Parrikar has described these miscreants very aptly.  Not only 
Miramar, you must see Anjuna and other villages.  It is totally traffic locked, 
one cannot move out of the vlllage. The roads are absolutely unsafe for 
pedestrians thanks to these drinking and drugging devils for whom Goa is a 
paradise, for us paradise lost.  Our own children swear never to come here 
again during this time.  In what way are these scums of the earth supporting 
the economy? They drive away foreign tourists, (no decent foreigners  come here 
in December, except for the very low budget ones), they live on the beaches and 
mess them up, they scream and shout on the roads during the entire night not 
letting anyone sleep in peace.  Please something must be done to curtail these 
terrible people.   Oherwise Goa can only be labelled as an unsafe, lawless 
Bernice Pereira   

[Goanet] Bringing Goans back to Goa

2012-12-16 Thread Bernice Pereira
Our families love to visit Goa during Christmas when the weather is cool with 
the air of festivity  and their children have their Christmas vacation.  But 
Goa is at its worst at this time with the milling crowds from all over India 
making an utter mess of the place.   This itself is enough to put off any 
sensible Goan from visiting Goa.

Bernice Pereira

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 999 Goan cooking falling from grace

2012-12-06 Thread Bernice Pereira
Quite agree with Mervyn and Elsie.  Can a true blue blooded 
Goan imagine caldeen powder?  A lovely dish with stages of preparation, which 
no powder mix can produce.  Tired after arriving from a trip, I once went to a 
restaurant in Calangute and asked for a Goan fish curry and rice.  The 
curry was terrible .These guys should be sued for calling it Goan.  
Bernice Pereira  

[Goanet] Homestay....to save our villages

2012-11-26 Thread Bernice Pereira
Excellent idea specially for foreigners to stay and has been tried and still 
partly workable.  However, due to heavy embargo and visa restrictions, it is 
becoming very difficult now.  Foreigners are getting disgusted and going to 
other destinations - Thailand,Malaysia, Laos, Nepal etc. etc.  This works well 
for the season, but does not get enough income for the year. 

[Goanet] Goan food by S. Walke

2012-11-26 Thread Bernice Pereira
Yes he's right!!! All over the world, local delicacies are  promoted and 
showcased in every nook and corner.  Except in Goa!.  I think this is an 
excellent idea and needs to be seriously considered.   Nowadays all we see in 
Goa are chicken tandoori, chicken tikkas, (not even the authentic ones) chole 
etc. etc.  We are silently watching all the non Goans selling their wares, 
whereas our delicacies take a back seat.   I remember as a kid, my mother would 
take me to the beaches of Vagathor, Vozran etc.  There were no restaurants 
there.  A bujia stall would always be seen where  hot chilly, onion bujia would 
be sold wrapped in newspaper and tied with thread. Those type of bujias are 
never found today.  We are only catering for people who swarm from other parts 
of the country.   
Also Goan films, music and folklore should be given serious consideration.  The 
way Goa is showcased, it is not interesting for the local people.  One may as 
well go to any of the other beaches in Indiawhat's the difference? 
Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] My weekly lottery wins

2012-11-01 Thread Bernice Pereira
Of late some great things are happening in my life.  Every week (sometimes 
twice a week) I receive an sms informing me that I have won UK pounds 200,000 
to 300,000 and even more. Most often my phone number has won this amount.  It 
appears to be the most attractive number in the world.  It's very simple : all 
I need to do is send my name, address, age, phone no and of course my bank 
account number to remit this fabulous sum of money in my account. The only 
factor which deters me from claiming these amounts is that I won't know what to 
do with so much money.  The Gods must be crazy!!!
Jokes apart, one must be very careful of these messages.
Bernie Pereira

[Goanet] Real estate scourge

2012-10-29 Thread Bernice Pereira
How very right you are Arwin !  These people are in Goa only to exploit us.  
They are not really anti-Goa...in fact pro Goan but their interest in our State 
is very much at variance with ours.  They want to overpopulate, pollute, 
commercialise and rape our state till it can be raped no more.  The beautiful 
places in our country are messed up.  Hill stations like Mahableshwar, 
Panchgani, Ooty, Kodai, Simla, Kulu Manali and so many others are not even 
worth visiting anymore . So Goa will join the list.
Bernice Pereira   

[Goanet] Emu meat

2012-10-23 Thread Bernice Pereira
Emu shakuti sounds like a good idea.  

[Goanet] Death announcement of Sybil D'Souza

2012-10-19 Thread Bernice Pereira
ex Arthur Andersen, Mumbai,
 daughter of  late Lily Marques and Edwin William D'Souza,  of Gaumvaddy, 
sister of Bernard D'Souza, Germany, and late Olga Sequeira, Phyllis Faria, late 
Cynthia D'Souza and Walter D'Souza (USA) 
passed away peacefully on October 18th aged 89 years after an illness patiently 
Sybil also taught  at Sacred Heart School, Anjuna,  in the 1950s. 
Mass at St. Peters Church, Bandra, on October 20th, at  3.30 P. M., followed by 
burial at St. Peter's Church Cemetery

[Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 860, December 19, 1961

2012-10-09 Thread Bernice Pereira
Yes Alfred my friend, remember that day as if it was yesterday.  All dressed up 
and ready to go to school, hair neatly braided...had some tests that day I 
remember and they came from all sides surprising an unprepared little land.. 
the army hungry for foreign goods, walking into the shops and looting goods 
like watches and perfume.  Poof! pushed down our gullets like castor oil 
whether we liked it or not...rosy pictures painted for gullible 
fools...promises never kept.

[Goanet] Moniza Inam's article on Pakistan of the old days.

2012-09-29 Thread Bernice Pereira
I can well believe what Pakistan must have been  during those halcyon days. At 
a picnic/pilgrimage in Texas, some years ago,  I met a number of Goans  who had 
migrated to Pakistan some generations ago and had later settled in the Houston, 
USA, because of the turbulence which followed.  They were very interesting and 
still cooked and brought along some of the typical Goan dishes (like manos with 
jaggery) which I had forgotten. 
Bernice Pereira 

[Goanet] People flock to Goa for Lord Ganesh festival by Gabe Menezes

2012-09-21 Thread Bernice Pereira
The Lord Ganesh festival is the most important one for the Hindus in Goa...in 
fact the whole of Goa celebrates it, and it is understandable that people flock 
to Goa during this time.  However, what is most difficult is the week between 
Christmas and New Year where the roads are so choked that it is impossible to 
move.  If there is an medical emergency, the patient would die in the traffic 
jam itself.  Can't any curbs be put on thousands of people entering Goa during 
this time. 

[Goanet] Fwd: Fw: GOAN Diet for Good Health

2012-07-20 Thread Bernice Pereira
If this has not been on the net earlier, it's would make interesting

Subject: Fw: GOAN Diet for Good Health

*From: *gordon jacobs
*Subject: *GOAN Diet for Good Health- Must read

[image: GOAN Diet For GOOD HEALTH...!!! A little

 *GOAN Diet For GOOD HEALTH...*!!!

A little long winded but funnily quite true!
This description of the Goan diet is most interesting and certainly worth
keeping for the light it throws on Goan cultural background.
 By and large, I grew up in a home where Mum subscribed to many of the
principles of this Goan diet though her food was not quite as Spartan as
this Goan Diet. Certainly, 3 times a year, at the end of each school
holidays, we were subjected to a *purgative,* Not funny. - Wendell Rodricks

Pre-lunch, whenever I visited my old friend Lucio, he would be sitting like
a Buddha over a bowl of *Goan kanji. *The first time I saw him with his
kanji I asked if this was a daily routine. Every single day he replied -
It's the best diet, our Goan way of eating.

Many years later and after experimenting with many diets (in an attempt to
cleanse the system once a year) I have come to the conclusion that Lucio is
right. Today, our dietary patterns and physical activity have been altered
so drastically that I decided to go on what I now call *The Great Goan Diet.

Before anyone goes on the diet, it is necessary to reflect on the lifestyle
of our ancestors. Imagine a Goan village a hundred years ago. Villages had
no electricity, few cars and no telephones for sure. This meant *walking to
the wells, schools and market places*. Messages were also passed on by foot
(unlike the present phone-call-away sloth). Our ancestors walked, climbed
and rode the humble but effective bicycle. Doctors today will affirm that
riding a bicycle into old age is the best way to keep one's balance. Come
rain or shine, all villagers went for *a daily passoi (promenade)* each
evening. Most importantly they ate frugally and at fixed times.

 Once this routine is accepted, half your weighty problems are eliminated.
A few rules - all old Goan wisdom. No canned or bottled products. If its
not fresh, forget it. Imagine that your refrigerator is solely for ice.
Better still believe it does not exist and hence does not become the
repository of frozen food, bottled sauces, junk food left overs and ugly
soft drinks. If you want juice do it from fresh fruit.

Back to the Great Goan Diet. Begin the day with a* cup of weak tea with a
spot of milk.* In the old days sugar was scarce and barely used. If you
need sugar a tiny piece of good old Goan molasses (*jaggery)* adds
sweetness and a lot of flavour. Local fruits such as *guavas,
mangoes,pineapples, papayas, bananas *and humbler fruits from the hills
such as *zomnas *found their way to the breakfast table. One of the
principles of yoga is to eat what Mother Earth gives you in season. This
simple principle drastically cuts out all the sugar laden apples and pears
that now arrive from lands as far as China and Israel. Buy and consume
local seasonal fruits. The same applies to vegetables, but more of that
later. Not many families could afford an entire poyee or kankana per
person. But a fresh poyee or chapatti made of whole wheat flour was
consumed. Most often families shared half a *poyee or kankana.
*Consider *Chapattis
made from nachne (red millet).* Consume village eggs from local hens (when
available) once a week. Nothing like bl*gaunthi eggs fried in coconut oil
and drizzled with garden grown black pepper.* English eggs? Never! Just the
thought of those million chickens sitting in always lit cages has put me
off chicken forever.

That takes care of breakfast. And that rules out butter, jams (except home
made with seasonal fruit as a Sunday treat), cheese, cakes, biscuits
croissants and all such luxuries that have invaded our modern lives. At
10.30, *a bowl of Goan rice kanji *water flavoured with a hint of *homemade
pickle or creamy kalchi kodi* on the side. Insist on 'homemade' as too many
chemicals and preservatives go into commercial pickles.

Ask any gym instructor or doctor and they will confirm that six small meals
are best for health. This mid morning kanji wards off voracious hunger
pangs at lunch which make you eat more than necessary.

Lunch comprises *Goan boiled rice, fish curry* made with *small local fish
and a piece of fried fish or local tisreos.* It is amazing today to see
lunch tables groaning with kingfish and one pomfret per person. In my youth
my Mom expertly rationed one rechado pomfret on Sunday between four sons,
my Dad and herself. Insist on local fish:* sardines,velios, tisreos, catfish
*. Reserve

[Goanet] poisonous snakes of Goa

2012-04-17 Thread Bernice Pereira
Can someone please enlighten me on the English meanings of the following snakes 
found in Goa which are deadly, as per local people:
Agio, karnel
Non poisonous and found on trees and roofs: Tonato

[Goanet] : Caretaker, servants cannot claim ownership

2012-03-28 Thread Bernice Pereira
Ecvellent move on the part on the Government.  In the meanwhile lots of people 
including us, have lost their valuab;e properties to these thugs and rascals.
Bernice Pereira

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] Subject: Re: Mapusa and the new dispensation

2012-03-13 Thread Bernice Pereira
Not only Mapusa, but the roads leading to Mapusa are  garbage dumping grounds.  
Mr. Parrikar needs to address the garbage disposal issue on a war 
footingviz. clear the mess left behind by his predecessor.  Not going to be 
an easy task by any stretch of imagination.
Bernice Pereira 

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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2012-02-24 Thread Bernice Pereira
-- y 24, 2012


Just think about the below list before you are throwing something to the


Paper Towel - 2-4 weeks
Banana Peel - 3-4 weeks
Paper Bag - 1 month
Newspaper - 1.5 months
Apple Core - 2 months
Cardboard - 2 months
Cotton Glove - 3 months
Orange peels - 6 months
Plywood - 1-3 years
Wool Sock - 1-5 years
Milk Cartons - 5 years
Cigarette Butts - 10-12 years
Leather shoes - 25-40 years
Tinned Steel Can - 50 years
Foamed Plastic Cups - 50 years
Rubber-Boot Sole - 50-80 years
Plastic containers - 50-80 years
Aluminum Can - 200-500 years
Plastic Bottles - 450 years
Disposable Diapers - 550 years
Monofilament Fishing Line - 600 years
Plastic Bags - 200-1000 years

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   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] Bus accident - Carnival cancelled Alfred Tavares. Issue 182

2012-02-22 Thread Bernice Pereira
This accident is very sad as so many people including little kids have lost 
their lives.  For some days there will be tears shed and condolences expressed 
and after that everything goes back to normal. 
Looking at  the larger picture, is this accident  or any other accident in 
Goa for that matter surprising.  I think not.  My honest opinion is, there are 
no driving rules.  As long as one has the guts to get on to the road, one 
drives.  This is one of the most indisciplined and unruly state in the 
country.  Driving at breakneck speed on narrow roads without care or concern 
for pedestrians or others drivers is very normal behaviour.  People come to 
Goa from other states, hire a bike, get drunk and the rest is what is left in 
the hands of the Lord above. Amen.
Bernice Pereira

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Dan Driscoll on colds

2012-02-16 Thread Bernice Pereira


 I  suffered from persistent colds for years with - as you describe - that 
yucky mucus(y) feeling in the throat and constant well-meaning instructions by 
all and sundry No chilled drinks, no icecreams etc etc.  Some months ago I 
was visiting my son in Dubai and his domestic help saw my condition and gave 
me the following remedy for which I will thank her for the rest of my days. 
Squeeze one lemon in three-fourths cup of warm water, add a tablespoon of honey 
and a  pinch of salt, stir well and drink on waking up in the morning on an 
empty stomach.  Breakfast may follow in half an hour.  

I never suffered from a cold again and also, it energises me for the rest of 
the day.  Diabetics need to consult their doctors due to the honey content.

Bernice Pereira

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Garbage c ollection at Saligao

2012-02-09 Thread Bernice Pereira
Certainly a commendable effort but garbage in Goa has to be tackled on a war 
Bernice Pereira

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Garbage issue

2012-01-21 Thread Bernice Pereira
PRay please enlighten me is anything being done to solve the garbage problem?

Bernice Pereira

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Rajen parrikar on restaurants in Goa

2012-01-14 Thread Bernice Pereira
i could not agree with Rajen more, specially the Delhiwalla bit. In fact, tell 
me of some really authentic Goan eateries.  All have a tandoori section devoted 
to this crowd. Btw Ananda on the  Anjuna Siolim road serves excellent seafood


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Mum's kitchen

2012-01-07 Thread Bernice Pereira
Had a most lousy experience with Mum's kitchen recently. The wait was endless, 
the waiters surly, the dishes expensive for the quality.  We were served a 
wrong dish and to crown it all there was a rusty nail in my son's food which 
could have perforated his intestine had he swallowed it.  Don't care what 
others think but for us and friends, It's certainly a no no.

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Why this apathy ....by Soter

2011-10-29 Thread Bernice Pereira

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

Why this apathy about the mining industry etc etc. Also where's the sense of 
all this frantic building activity when Goa does not have sufficient 
electricity supply.  Is everyone supposed to go back to the days of lampiaos?  
It seems like that!!!

Re: [Goanet] Isabel de Santa Rita Vas: How green is my theatre...

2011-04-17 Thread Bernice Pereira
Rico, is she in any way connected with Rui Santa Rita Vaz - he was in 


--- On Sat, 16/4/11, Frederick Noronha wrote:

Isabel Santa Rita Vas: How green is my theatre...

[Goanet] Goa's banking services

2011-03-28 Thread Bernice Pereira
Quantity always does not mean quality.


[Goanet] Saga of Goans

2011-03-24 Thread Bernice Pereira
Vey well written. Agree completely

[Goanet] Women who travel for sex

2011-01-30 Thread Bernice Pereira
Gabe Menezes article was most interesting- The last line.  however shows how 
little these women care above the dangers of being unprotected.
Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Health and Hygiene in Goa after 2000 (Rajan P. Parrikar)

2011-01-03 Thread Bernice Pereira

   Goa Sudharop Annual Awards
January 5, 2011 - 3:45 - 6:30pm
   Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

  Details at: http://bit.ly/GoaSudharop2011


You hit the nail on the head Mr. Parrikar.


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[Goanet] Panjim Promenade - Rajen Parrikar

2010-12-22 Thread Bernice Pereira
Right you are!!People who come here draped as tourists are disgusting with the 
most obvious behavioural patterns.  Recently I was travelling in a metro in 
Dubai and in walked two Guju couples.  From the time they got in the train to 
the time they disembarked, they behaved as if they owned the train - speaking 
in the loudest voice, screeching on the phone.  This brand of individuals make 
me ashamed of being an Indian.
Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] 'Filthy, expensive Goa no longer attracts German

2010-12-06 Thread Bernice Pereira
It wont attract any  civilized country anymore which will make it attractive 
only for the Russians and cheap Indian tourists.

[Goanet] Goat circus at Arpora

2010-12-06 Thread Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Needlework Nuns by Marshall Mendonza

2010-11-23 Thread Bernice Pereira
I am sure a lot of people I know would like to own these wonderful pieces of 
embroidery.  Is there any way of obtaining them besides going to the convent 
at Chicalim?  Please inform.
Bernice Pereira  

[Goanet] Fw: Senior Citizens returning from abroad - Homes in Goa, George Pinto

2010-11-18 Thread Bernice Pereira

   A new book club focused entirely on writing about Goa

 First meeting: November 18, 2010 @ 5pm @ Broadway, 18th June Road, Panaji

Details at:  http://ttt-goa.notlong.com or SMS 9822122436


--- On Thu, 18/11/10, Bernice Pereira bernicepere...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Bernice Pereira bernicepere...@yahoo.com
Subject: Senior Citizens returning from abroad - Homes in Goa, George Pinto
To: goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org
Date: Thursday, 18 November, 2010, 2:15 PM

Very vital question!!  We were faced with this  issue a couple of years ago, 
but unfortunately found there were a real dearth in Goa of  good homes where 
senor citizens could spend the evening of their lives.  There is a crying need 
for such homes in Goa.  I'm sure senior citizens would like nothing better than 
coming back  to Goa to a place where they are very well cared for (good medical 
facilities, clean decent conditions of living with a nice environment and 
wholesome food).

Bernice Pereira

Re: [Goanet] FW: Respect our Right to Identity

2010-11-13 Thread Bernice Pereira

Hi Freddy,

Glad you are back on Goanet.

I really hope we live to see this new era. Goans in Goa and all over the 
world are grumbling  and when you approach them for support, the 
response is Oh so-and- so is also trying but you know it's a waste of 
time. I don't think so.  I feel Never say die.

 I'm in Dubai just now for a short stay, and  the other day I watched 
that super movie Capitalism - a love story.  Nothing to do with love, 
but it shows exactly what happened in USA during the Bush administation. 
 This is exactly what is happening in Goa - the money is only going 
into the hands of the powers-that-be.at the cost of the environment.  We 
have to somehow wake people out of their lethargy and bring about a 
change. Everybody may not read Goanet. We might be a small group of 
committed people, but each of us must  pass the message to every Goan we 
know, in our own friends circle, no matter which part of the world he 
belongs to and bring about an awareness of what is happening in our 
beloved state. Many people dont have an idea of the magnitude of the 
problem   We have to have signature campaigns against every new project 
created in the name of development which will harm the ecology and 
environment. Very important also, we have to kick these bhaile out and 
make life difficult for them. We have to also influence the locals into 
understanding that these bhailes will take away their jobs and the 
jobs of their children. We have to do this just now - there's no time to 
lose.  The future is very bleak for us. You take a Goan out of Goa and 
see how hard he/she works.  I wish they would work just as hard in our 
own state.


_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

Re: [Goanet] Poaching And Deforestation Still Rampant In Goa

2010-11-13 Thread Bernice Pereira

Freddy wrote

I do not have a clue as to why, we Goans are not at all interested in 
preserving what's left of our ecology and our environment. The world 
over people and governments are going all out to preserve and protect 
what's left of their bio-diversity and the wild life, because they now 
know, that our very own survival depends on how we relate to mother 
nature's gracious gift to mankind.

Let's not be blinded by the hype of commerce and economics and devastate 
nature in the name of development because our greed and gluttony will 
one day be the cause our very own annihilation.

Bernice comments:
I'll tell you why - because they don't care what happens to their own 
children.  If they cared, they would now allow Goa to go the way it has. 
 The funny side is that, the politicians  are so shortsighted, they 
don't care either. They are killing the goose that lays the golden egg. 
You are so right Freddy, their greed and gluttony will only get them 
tons of money today but Goa will have gone forever.

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

Re: [Goanet] Fw: RE: Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1215 - Respect our Right to Identity

2010-11-09 Thread Bernice Pereira

I was sitting in the balcony of my house a year ago, when a Gujarati broker 
walks up to me and says Are you selling your house.  If so, just name your 
price. I just insulted him but  If I was a man, I tell you, I would have 
kicked him  This is sheer pimping, Man. 
 Yes it is entirely our fault, we have let this happen and now the filth has 
hit the ceiling.  It is not the foreigners who are ruining Goa, it is this 
flotsam and jetsam from the rest of India.   Foreigners (except for the 
Russians) live in a disciplined environment and most of them who have bought or 
rented houses do everything to blend their homes in the local topography.
Why are such tall structures allowed to mushroom everywhere without proper 
infrastructure like water, garbage clearance etc.  Who is responsible for 
granting these permissions.
Why cant all these Rajasthanis selling their cheap wares sell them in their own 
state. Why are there so many north Easterners in Goa. What business are they 
doing. Under the guise of Massage parlours, nefarious activities are going 
on. When I visited Kripa sometime back (Kripa is a huge NGO working among 
people afflicted with chemical dependence and HIV), I was shocked to see that 
the highest concentration of their centres in India is in the North east. I was 
told that alcoholism, drugs and HIV was rampant in these areas. And these 
people are running amuck in Goa. Why are there no strict rules against all 
these activities, penalties for indiscriminate garbage dumping, drugs, drinking 
and driving, smoking in public places.   If  there are strictures imposed all 
these riff raffs will run away.  Mumbai might be filthy also, but there are 
strict rules against certain things 

Also  Why are the newspapers (as you rightly mentioned Soter about the Herald), 
local estate agents advertising houses and flats and showing them to these 
Calangute Candolim Baga belt is already a tragedy .  For Goans like me who 
played on these beaches as children with only the sand, the sea, the 
wind whipping at our faces and a few Tea and bhujjia shops for company, this 
mess is a veritable and painful eyesore.  
However, what is done is done,but we have to save this state from further 
peril. How is the burning question.
--- On Mon, 8/11/10, soter so...@bsnl.in wrote:

From: soter so...@bsnl.in
Subject: Fw: RE:[Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1215 - Respect our Right 
to Identity
To: bernicepere...@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, 8 November, 2010, 10:45 PM

- Original Message - 
From: soter 
To: goa...@goanet.org 
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 10:44 PM
Subject: RE:[Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1215 - Respect our Right to 

The reason why the riff - raff of India just march into Goa is that they can 
continue their nuisance without any hindrance from the locals who have 
become easily purchasable commodities. In fact migrants will literally throw 
you a challenge that they can get anything done in Goa. I just feel amused 
that our markets are entirely controlled by guys who do not know a word of 
konkani. Besides Mumbai, I have not seen this phenomena anywhere else in the 
Recently a friend of mine, an the IAS retired, was asking my opinion on 
buying property in Goa. I just ignored her. She got the message.
Forget our politicians, our goans are for sale. Wasn't the former GBA 
convenor classifying a Delhiite as a goan?


_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.


2010-11-09 Thread Bernice Pereira
Exactly!!! East Indians have completely lost their Identity, sold their family 
cottages to the land sharks, many of whom have cheated them wholesale.  We've 
seen this happening all over in Mumbai, specially in Bandra .  In the distant 
suburbs like Vasai, there are still small pockets, inhabited by the Kolis 
(fisherfolk), where the rich customs and traditions continue.
One can see this loss of identity happening to Goans also.

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1215 - Respect our Right to Identity

2010-11-08 Thread Bernice Pereira
Agreed Arwin, our identity is very important to us, but each and every Goan 
must also understand that .  When it comes to selling their property it is not 
the money factor which should be the main attraction.  Dont sell your soul to 
the devil for money.  For every proud Goan, this beautiful state is our heart 
and soul.  No matter in which part of the world we are  You can take a Goan 
out of Goa, but you cannot take Goa out of him.
I have a lot of close non-Goan Indian  friends.  All are very interested in 
buying/owning property in Goa but the main reason is only Exploitation.  
Believe me, these are sharks. They have no feeling for our part of our land, 
our culture or our identity.
Another reason why  They love Goa is because (thanks to the powers that be) it 
is totally indisciplined.  They feel you can do what you like and get away with 
it.  Where can you find a place which is so beautiful and so indisciplined?. 
Bernice Pereira

--- On Mon, 8/11/10, goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org 
goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org wrote:

From: goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1215
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Date: Monday, 8 November, 2010, 3:44 AM

Send Goanet mailing list submissions to

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Goanet digest...

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Request to mailing list Goanet rejected (Tony de Sa)
   2. Re: Why double standards? (J. Colaco   jc)
   3. Sea cows, buffaloes enliven folklore (Goanet News Service)
   4. Re: Rahul Gandi says there are TWO hindustans! (Gabe Menezes)
   5. Goa's Inquisition (George Pinto)
   6. Goanet Intro. #5 - Arwin Mesquita (Tony de Sa)
   7. Pics and Video ? VANXIM protest Meet- Villain no 1 is our
      ?Bism?,  ?Casino mhonche Chellyeponnam? etc (JoeGoaUk)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 22:28:09 +0530
From: Tony de Sa tonyde...@gmail.com
To: bo...@goanet.org,     Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Request to mailing list Goanet rejected
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Another Saturday, a stormy Saturday in Goa with squally winds accompanied by
rains in the afternoon in Goa. Time for Goanet Intros once again.

Today, it is my pleasure to introduce a prolific blogger and poster, not
only on Goanet but also in most of Goa's dailies, Mr. Arwin Mesquita.

Arwin who hails from Colva in Goa is a Senior Brand Manager at Nautica
Middle East and is resident in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Arwin is professionally well qualified with an MBA under his belt.

An outgoing personality, naturally one finds him socializing when he finds
time away from blogging and posting on the net and bombarding Goa's dailies
about his concerns for Goa. He has addressed his social concerns for Goa by
giving two presentations on (the unique) Goan Identity in the UAE
specifically in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Perhaps his connection with the Jaycee
movement prodded him to go this route. So much is he concerned about the
Goan Identity that he has created a Facebook group (
(Please do visit the site and leave a comment) While in the Gulf, Arwin has
not forgotten his village and found time for his village club when he was in
Kuwait - the Colva United Centre where he has held office as treasurer.

His hobbies also include reading and walking and he is deeply interested in
retail, world affairs, business. Arwin, a day has only 24 hours or 86, 400
seconds. Are there enough of them to cover all this activities, besides eat,
sleep and relax? You really are something to cram all these activities in a

A widely traveled man of the world, Arwin has been a globe trotter
literally. He has traveled to the US, UK, France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus,
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman,
Qatar, He has done his schooling up to the Higher Secondary stage in Kuwait.
His extensive travel to the Gulf

[Goanet] Fw: If police ignore or refuge to register, lodge your complaint at website: www.saferindia.com

2010-11-07 Thread Bernice Pereira

FN please include this on Goanet. Thanks
Subject: If police ignore or refuge to register, lodge your complaint at 
website: www.saferindia.com
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, 7 November, 2010, 11:31 AM



Subject: If police ignore or refuge to register, lodge your complaint at 
website: www.saferindia.com

If police ignore or refuge to register, lodge your complaint at website: 

Congratulations to Ms. Kiran Bedi for this splendid initiative. 


This is very important information about a web site called :

This is a site of an NGO started by Ms Kiran Bedi  you can go to this site an 
log your complaint regarding any crime if the police at your place is not 
accepting your complaint. Then this NGO will mail your complaint to the DGP of 
your area. You can also use this mail as the legal document  
in case of filing a case in the court of judgment. 

This is to be noted that this site is directly administered by Ms Kiran 
Bedi  so all your mails directly goes to her. 

Friends, Please spread this information in your network so that any one in 
such need can go to this site and launch his/her complaint .

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

[Goanet] Sale of Vanxi

2010-11-07 Thread Bernice Pereira
Soter , doesn't it smell more of capitalism?

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

[Goanet] (no subject)

2010-10-30 Thread Bernice Pereira
It is a great move to have an account wherein all those who want to contribute 
towards the betterment of Goa can deposit  their bit.  Even if the amounts are 
small, but everybody is serious about the cause, it can certainly make a big 
I support your idea Carmen and I'm sure a lot of Goans all over the world will 
do likewise.
Bernice Pereira  

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

[Goanet] Smokers to be under police watch at IFFI in Goa

2010-10-19 Thread Bernice Pereira
Why only IFFI?.  Isn't it necessary to ban it in restaurants all over 
Goa.  The three restaurants I visited during my short stay not only 
allowed it but brought along astrays for the guests - O Coqueiro - 
Porvorim, Starlight - Arpora and another popular one on Holiday street 

Why should non-smokers be forced to inhale this toxic polluting stuff 
just because of the callous, selfish attitude of a section of people who 
care a damn about their own health and cannot be expected to care about 
the health of others all around them.   I know two close lady friends 
who suffered from severe fibrosis only because of this one factor - one 
died, the other one is regularly on oxygen and if you see her terrible 
condition, you would understand why I detest cigarette smoking.


2010-10-18 Thread Bernice Pereira
What a super article Dominic and what a deep study of the D'Souza family 
- our neighbours and very close family friends.  Thanks a lot.


[Goanet] (no subject)

2010-09-10 Thread Bernice Pereira
I was very heartened to read in our local newspapers that a popular actor was 
fined for smoking in a public place in Goa.  High time some discipline is 
observed in our state.  People from all over the country flock to Goa on 
holidays because  they feel they can enjoy a most indisciplined life - smoke 
wherever they want, drink and drive with no speed limits - nobody bothers and 
nobody cares.  Do we want this kind of notoriety?


[Goanet] Subject: Re: Noise ratio on Goanet too much. Time to unsubscribe?

2010-07-10 Thread Bernice Pereira
You're right Clinton!  I know the democratic aspect but Goanet should be a 
constructive forum to work unitedly to make Goa a better place, which can't 
happen by infighting.


[Goanet] Fw: Re: Goa urbanization

2010-07-07 Thread Bernice Pereira
The following letter is from a well-known photography expert and an office 
colleague of mine.  He was a great Goa lover and had close relatives in 
Margao.  His recent vists have sparked off such a dislike for it, as is 
expressed in the following letter:  

--- Tue, 6/7/10, kishore jothady wrote:

I have severed all emotional ties with Goa. Believe me, it was not
easy. But bitter memories of my last visit have compelled me to do it.
Uncouth, arrogant Goans, 'hate outside tourists' attitude have put me
off. Mention of Goa no more kindle fond memories as before. Recent
press reports of corrupt, shameless rapist politicos have only affirmed
by opinion about my birthplace. Sad.

K. B. Jothady  APSI

[Goanet] Dark Chocolate

2010-07-03 Thread Bernice Pereira
 Agree with Nascy.The Malaysian dark chocolate is much cheaper and also very 
Malaysia, I understand, grows cocoa.


[Goanet] Suicides on the rise

2010-07-03 Thread Bernice Pereira
Ref to joego...@yahoo.co.uk message on suicides of 3rd July.

It is very important that parents, friends, colleagues notice pre-suicidal 
signs like depression, drug overdosing, mood swings and low self-esteem etc.  
We desperately needs cells where those contemplating this drastic step can talk 
and ease their minds of whatever problem they are facing and understand that it 
is not the end of the world. We also need to lay strong emphasis on mental 
health.  In India anybody going to a psychiatrist is considered mad. 

Suicide is a permanent end to a temporary problem. For young people,  I 
strongly say that the end of a relationship or a failure in an exam is not the 
end of the world.  At the time of taking such a step, everyone feels desperate. 
Statistics show that one out of six persons has contemplated suicide at some 
time of their life.

Of late we find that suicide is glamorized.  This is very dangerous and
 irresponsible  on the part of the media.  The newspapers these days are full 
of the Viveka Babajee story.  This glamorization should not form a precedent 
for potential victims contemplating suicide..    

The world is a beautiful place and God has made each of us with special care to 
adorn it.  Each of us should have our self-esteem and know our self-worth and 
never let anyone else undermine us or make us victims of their own selfish 

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Goan tolerance

2010-06-30 Thread Bernice Pereira

I compliment  Inacio D'Silva on his Beautifully expressed letter in Goanet 
dated 29th June.
Already the ecology, groundwater, fauna and flora are messed up, hills  are 
concreted, culture is commercialised (where is the true spirit of the Carnival, 
St. John's feast that we knew in those days of yore).  Actually I see nothing 
left unless we act fast.

[Goanet] Subject: Re: Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo) Message-ID:

2010-06-29 Thread Bernice Pereira
Agree with JC's letter that migration cannot be prevented.  But, is it not 
possible to put CURBS on wanton, unrestricted housing projects which are 
mushrooming all over the state.  The bhailes see Goa as a nice  milch  animal 
  which is tolerant, totally indisciplined and susegad, where they can do as 
they want with no restrictions at all.  They can  buy land build multistorey 
ugly buildings sell the flats and make their money and who gives them the 
permission to do so is the question. We must understand that these bhailes have 
no real love or feeling for our State.   Already the  Candolim, Calangute, Baga 
belt is just an ugly stretch..  What a pretty place it was upto the 70s.  The 
beaches are filthy (just like Juhu), littered with garbage and nobody cares  

[Goanet] Mickey mouse affair Gabe Menezes

2010-06-13 Thread Bernice Pereira
Good title - something out of Agatha Christie's novels.  Friend is a word 
I've heard so much - so easy, so convenient isn't it. Perplexing.  But what 
does it mean? Different strokes for different folks (or blokes) ha ha. 

[Goanet] BJP wants Mickky's ouster

2010-06-06 Thread Bernice Pereira
Peter I know you mean well by taking up cudgels on behalf of women, but  
believe me, as a woman myself, I can say that SOME(repeat some) of us seriously 
ask for trouble. Nobody asks us to get involved with the wrong kind of men. We 
do it with out eyes wide open and then have to often face dire consequences 
emotionally, financially and socially  as a result.  Sorry, but this is my  
honest opinion.


Re: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

2010-06-01 Thread Bernice Pereira

No denying that The Goans who slogged in the Gulf, Africa and the tarvottis 
have indeed contributed a lot towards building nice homes in Goa and also 
helped thereby to the economic upliftmentment of the state.  

Speaking about  panchayats officers, there was a time in the 70s and 80s when 
many an unscrupulous panchayat person fraudulently put someone else's name on 
the Form I  XIV as tenant (for a monetary consideration of course) and 
therefore there are piles of tenancy cases pending in the courts of Goa.  I can 
say this from my own personal experience.


[Goanet] South Goa neta's friend dies in Chennai

2010-05-31 Thread Bernice Pereira
What a waste of a young life. Nothing and no one on earth is worth giving one's 
life for.

[Goanet] Theresa Almeida's article

2010-05-19 Thread Bernice Pereira
About Portuguese rule circa 1961, dictators maybe, but never ruthless.

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Need to save Goa by Joao Barros Pereira

2010-05-08 Thread Bernice Pereira
All of us painstakingly give your suggestions but they just remain like a cry 
in the wilderness of indifference.  Some of the letter portray the deep anguish 
felt by Goa lovers when they see the state going downhill, but the powers that 
be don't care.

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Erosion of Goa's coastline - Article by Pandu Lampiao

2010-05-05 Thread Bernice Pereira
Really terrifying.
Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Goa's eroding coastline - Freddy Fernandes

2010-05-04 Thread Bernice Pereira
On a recent trip to Anjuna beach I was appalled to see the erosion.  This is 
along the rocky waterfront when one goes straight along the road from Starco.  
A few years ago, I'd walk to the beach along the steep pathway to the left of 
which there was a another nice patch of beach area. As kids, we collected 
shells and pebbles from there.  This beach does not exist anymore.  The huge 
waves are hitting the cliff fiercely and the land is getting eroded very fast - 
one can actually see the gradual dip towards the sea.    God help us is all I 
can say.

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Smoking in Goa

2010-04-05 Thread Bernice Pereira

Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Whwn I visited North Goa in 2009, I was heartened to note that a ban was 
imposed on smoking in public places.  Thank Goa, I said No more will I 
choke on 2nd hand smoke in restaurants.  Unfortunately, when I visited 
Goa recently I realised that no discipline can be imposed  in our 
favourite state  and people are smoking in restaurants to their heart's 
content, much to the chagrin of people like me.  Are we not entitled to 
breathe clean air in this world of ours?

Bernice Pereira

[Goanet] Coffin vs cloth

2010-02-17 Thread Bernice Pereira
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Vivian I do agree this is a sensitive issue, but for the betterment of the 
world I definitely feel it is most necessary.  At some time or the other, the 
world will have to resort to electric cremation for the reasons such as 1) 
contamination of ground water 2) saving trees 3) saving much needed space.  In 
cities like Mumbai, it is next to impossible to even get a niche (forget about 
a permanent grave).

Bernice Pereira 

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Re: [Goanet] Photos from the Goa Carnival 2010

2010-02-14 Thread Bernice Pereira

Great pictures. Thanks a lot.

--- On Sat, 13/2/10, Frederick Noronha

Photos from the Goa Carnival 2010

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] Hindu Christian harmony by Bennet Paes

2009-12-01 Thread Bernice Pereira
Goa was one state where both communities lived in complete harmany and we can 
go back to those days if we strive hard enough.  In my home in Anjuna during 
Christmas time, villagers from both communities sat on large mats spread in our 
dining room making neuris and other sweets. Mandos and zotis were sung as they 
went about their task and there was such a great feeling of bon homie.
We looked forward to Ganpati.  It was immensely exciting to see the bright idol 
benevolently sitting amidst all the fruit and sweets and of course, we the kids 
were offered a large cashewnut/sugar laddoo and other sweets to take home.The 
feast of our Lady of Milagris  in Mapusa was always followed by another Hindu  
festival (zatra) at Shirgaum and both deities were regarded as sisters by the 
All this bonded both communities together and taught us to respect the other  
Bernice Pereira  

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[Goanet] Naguesh Bhatcar sgbhat...@hotmail.com To: goa...@goanet.org Subject: Accidents and deaths on Goan roads - are they avoidable?

2009-11-26 Thread Bernice Pereira
Naguesh Bhatkar has rightly pointed out reasons for road accidents in Goa.  One 
major reason also for these accidents is drinking and driving.  There is some 
amount of control on drunken drivers  in Mumbai due to the ban and if found 
drunk. they are put behind the slammer.  In Goa there is no such ban, no speed 
limit. the roads are narrow (including the highways),  It's a haven fror people 
of other states (in addition to the locals themselves) to get drunk and 
exercise their control (or lack of it) on the wheel. Nobody cares. The more 
deaths the merrier it appears.  Very terrifying.   

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Goanese

2009-11-20 Thread Bernice Pereira
 Understandable FN, but why are middle aged

 people of the other communities also not addressed
 as Uncle/Aunty.  Are they  not respected?  Why are
 they sahab or memsahib. Elsewhere ladies are all

 addressed as Madam.

 Anyway, it is an opinion. 

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[Goanet] Goanese

2009-11-19 Thread Bernice Pereira
Cecil Pinto's article is interesting.  The word Goanese (accent on 'ese') does 
jar, but what is more jarring is makkapao  (in other words maska pao and 
abbreviated as makka), as if Goans are the only people in the country eating 
bread and butter.  

Another disgusting habit is being addressed as Aunty and Uncle by 
hawkers/salespeople specially in Mumbai and this is directed only to the 
Christian community. Reminds me of  the early days of prohibition, when people 
went to the aunties to buy their fix of home distilled liquor.  Certainly 
nobody likes to be  Aunty/Uncle of ever hawker or street urchin.

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Mestisos of Goa

2009-11-03 Thread Bernice Pereira
Quite agree Selma.  You can take us out of Goa, but you cant take Goa out of 
us.  In fact how would we be able to maintain our homes and properties without  
earning out of Goa .

Bernice Pereira  

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[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-10-28 Thread Bernice Pereira
I agree with Cheryl's article.  

If there have to be migrants (and due to constitutional laws we cannot debar 
them), whose fault is it.  In California (which I visit frequently)   there is 
a lot of Hispanic migrant population working as labourers, gardeners house 
cleaners, maids, and all kind of lowly  jobs.  They have/create their own share 
of problems also but they are also required. If we could find good workmen 
locally, why did we have to recruit migrants to do these jobs?  Sorry, our 
local workers certainly have an ATTITUDE, which nobody can deny and   every 
problem that we face in Goa is because of this one word - let's face it.   The 
politicians, bureaucrats and of course migrants have taken full advantage of 
our attitude to exploit us.wholeheartedly. It has come to a stage now
 where due to lack of local labourers,  migrants have become a necessary evil 
and if we don't look sharp, we are certainly going to be overpowered by them.

As Cheryl has also mentioned Why is there so much of concentration only on 
tourism? Why not mining and   IT.  IT does not create pollution.and surely 
there is  no dearth  of bright young Goan entrepreneurs who would like to take 
up this challenge.

Bernice Pereira   


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[Goanet] Vegetable seeds

2009-10-18 Thread Bernice Pereira
What about vegetables like cucumber, pumpkin (a creeper - most easy to grow), 
karela.  They used to grow wild in our garden in those days.

Bernice Pereira

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[Goanet] Garbage disposal

2009-10-14 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Good idea Freddy!!! Only when it pinches will it hurt.  If gentle 
persuasion/educating citizens into proper garbage disposals  does not work what 
you say is the only alternative.

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[Goanet] Fw: Garbage disposal

2009-10-12 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

--- On Mon, 12/10/09, Bernice Pereira bernicepere...@yahoo.com wrote:

Garbage disposal is  really a grave problem in Anjuna as it is in the rest of 
Goa.  One idea that comes to mind is educating people  with the help of 
Panchayat and local bodies to create a pit in every garden patch,in which waste 
matter can be dumped and everytime a little soil should be poured over  it.  
This organic matter over a period of time converts into good manure for plants 
and even vegetables.  There is no better taste than that found in organically 
grown vegetables and fruits. I know this sounds easy, but even if we try 
educating few people at a time, we can spread the message around and bring 
about massive improvement.Moreover, it is imperative that use of plastic bags 
have to be reduced
 to a bare minimum.They are a major threat to the environment and if burnt, the 
fumes are very dangerous to be inhaled.  The local Goan workers do not know 
that and indiscriminately burn whatever plastic they find in the yard.

Best wishes,

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[Goanet] Garbage Disposal

2009-10-12 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

I fully agree with you Dominic and hats off to you.  You are one of the few 
people I know who understands the gravity of this problem.  Considering the 
callous attitude people have towards garbage, this is indeed a herculean task 
but all of us can only do our bit by educating/advising people of the dangers  
of throwing  garbage around.viz. flies, diseases etc.  Besides Doshishir, the 
other  two spots are near Korlim -( just as the  road after the College makes a 
sharp turn to enter Korlim) and the other on the Parra Mapusa road (entering 
Mapusa). Just as you mentioned, people have told me that they carry their 
garbage all the way from Anjuna to dump it  here.  It is like keeping my garden 
clean and throwing my junk in my neighbours garden. A fine should be imposed on 
such persons.  The Panchayat can do their bit here.  Just as they have gone a 
long way in eliminating pig toilets, throwing of garbage indiscriminately also 
can be dealt with in
 like manner. 

The advantage people have in villages like Anjuna is that almost everyone, 
however, has some land area around their homes and digging a pit  is not 


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[Goanet] Christians/Hindu names

2009-09-26 Thread Bernice Pereira
What is all this noise being created about Christians bearing Hindu names.  A 
rose by any name would smell the same.  Whether someone is named Tom, Dick or 
Harry or Rajendra, Hitendra or Gopal what difference would it make to the 
individuals themselves. Does not Goa have enough of problems which can be 
addressed through this excellent forum of Goanet, instead of wasting valuable 
space over inconsequential issues.     

Bernice Pereira

  Try the new Yahoo! India Homepage. Click here. http://in.yahoo.com/trynew

[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-08-21 Thread Bernice Pereira

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:



So funny - That Santiago Bilbo crisscross of names.  Confused Look on their 
faces (both S and B) I remember, was a  one of meek acceptance.


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2009-08-05 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

--- On Wed, 5/8/09, arlene alves arlene_al...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

From: arlene alves arlene_al...@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Wednesday, 5 August, 2009, 3:50 PM

Glitter Graphics
+919821078566The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in 
rising every time we fall.

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For the hotch potch known as Haggis
Let the Scotsman yearn or yell
For the taste of Yorkshire pudding
Let the English family dwell.
For the famed Tandoori Chicken
That Punjabis praise like hell
But for us who hail from Goa
There's nothing like SORPOTEL!

From the big wigs in Colaba
To the small fry in Cavel
From the growing tribes in Bandra
To the remnants in Parel
From the lovely girls in Glaxo
To the boys in Burma Shell
There's no Goan whose mouth won't water
When you talk of SORPOTEL!

And Oh! for Christmas dinner
Don't you think it would be swell
If by some freak of fortune
Or by some magic spell
We could, as they have in Goa
A bottle of the cajel
 toddy leavened sannas
To go with SORPOTEL

And from good ol' Kolkata,
Please let me add some thoughts,
Of hing-aer kachouris, and tea in chatty-pots.
A perfect combination,
I'm sure you'd remember well,
But for that sit-down dinner,
It's got to be SORPOTEL!

Now the anglo-bras will swear,
by smelly balichow,
And butt curry from Chulias,
(You know, the innards of the cow.)
But they get all stoned and dreamy
when they get that heady smell,
of toddy-drunken sannas and steaming SORPOTEL!

And every bloke from Cal,
Will talk of kati roll.
Of puchkas, dalpuri and nehari,
And sometimes maachaer jhol.
Panthey Kowswey jhalfrezee and pepper water
Oh I love them as well,
But if we have to go to the polls

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[Goanet] Who is Rita Lobo of Amchem Noxib?

2009-08-04 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

Yes Selma, Joe is right - she should be around 65 at leat and yes she's a 
Bernice Pereira

  Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local 

[Goanet] Beautiful people - Wendell Rodrigues - Reply to Roland Francis

2009-07-23 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact:

contac...@sangath.com or yvo...@sangath.com or phone +91-9881499458


From: Roland Francis roland.fran...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Beautiful People

All power to Wendell Rodrigues being hugged by Lisette Saldanha.

But can't help wondering if Wendell the man, the human being would
have the same hugging power if circumstances being different, he were
a tailor in Pacheco's Dress Shop in Mabai Hotel, near the Municipal
Gardens, Margao, but was a truly beautiful person nevertheless.

Fame and fortune aah! Everyone wants to hug you.



I don't think Wendell's fame or fortune has stimulated Lisette Saldanha or me 
into writing an appreciation of his Beautiful People interview.  It was just 
his absolute honesty and clarity of thought which comes out of the courage of 
his convictions that is his endearing quality. Besides which, Wendell is truly 
a fine human being.   Yes, if he was any ordinary tailor down the road and had 
the same qualities described above - I would have felt the same way.

Bernice Pereira     

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[Goanet] Devil's advocate

2009-07-23 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact:

contac...@sangath.com or yvo...@sangath.com or phone +91-9881499458


Mario, I'm certainly not in any way suggesting that we return to the 5-star 
lifestyle of the past, but only stating the fact that Goans (and specially,  
the elitist ones you describe of the older generation) have been subjected to a 
lot of changes post liberation.  No doubt, by and large most of  the changes 
have been for the better viz. better roads, sanitation, education, job 
opportunities etc.  I believe, there was a time, students had to go to Mumbai 
to answer their SSC exam paper.  Every country in the world has to pay a price 
in the interests of progress and Goans too have gone throgh this transition.  
The only worm in the can is that Goa has also become a breeding ground for all 
kinds of unhealthy elements, for which there is no restraint at all.  This 
will  be a threat to its culture and environment.   

Bernice Pereira  

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Yahoo! Buzz. http://in.buzz.yahoo.com/

[Goanet] Devil's advocate - Living in lament

2009-07-22 Thread Bernice Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact:

contac...@sangath.com or yvo...@sangath.com or phone +91-9881499458


Everything starts with a dream and a dream is in effect  a
crying need for change.  The only fault of some of our stalwart Goans
is that we are not open to change and therefore, the lament.  I am not
talking of the negative kind of change which is unfortunately, and to
some extent befalling Goa - e.g. destruction  by unscrupulous builders, miners
etc. etc.. but a change for the better.  Having seen the transition of
Goa from Portuguese to Indian, there is a phenomenal change specially
in people's lifestyles (I'm talking about food, sanitation even
standard of living).  I remember a friend at Xavier's invited me to her
house when I was  in my early teens, her father held a very important
position and the lifestyle was 5-star with butlers to change the
crockery and cutlery with every course of the meal.  This was a daily
feature in most of the elitist and graceful homes in Goa. 

The need of the
hour is for Goans  from all over the world to unite on a common
platform to fight against corruption, nepotism and work towards
building a  haven of that little paradisiacal state of ours.  The
important requirement is unity, which is unfortunately not present. 
It's more of a crab mentality to pull down the crab which is climbing

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[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-07-19 Thread Bernice Pereira
I just saw Wendell Rodricks in CNBC's Beautiful people. I must
compliment Wendell on the courage of his convictions.Congratulations

As Wendell says, they are not criminals - only people who have a certain sexual 
preference and I am glad today that by law they can exercise this choice.

Homosexuals and lesbians have been there from time immemorial and and
because of the severe bias against them, their activities have been
performed in a hush hush manner.  I remember we had a pair of girls in
a hostel in Goa where I was, as a very young girl.  Every night  they'd
land up on the same bed.  They were a butt of a lot of jokes.

For that matter, how many men and women are living absolutely straight
lives (i.e. one man one woman). Is not promiscuity bad? Isn't that
abnormal but yet accepted.  In fact these are the very people who are idolized 
by the masses because of their money and glamour.Nobody thinks
of the poor innocent children who are victims of these so called
    What a false world we live in!!!

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[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-07-13 Thread Bernice Pereira
Agree with you fully Dominic


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[Goanet] Popular Goan flowers

2009-07-12 Thread Bernice Pereira
I think they are calle Nonta

Bernice Pereira

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8. http://downloads.yahoo.com/in/internetexplorer/

[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-07-09 Thread Bernice Pereira
Agree with you Marshall.  Large tracks in Morjim have been devoured by these 

  Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local 

[Goanet] Please identify these fruits

2009-07-07 Thread Bernice Pereira
Surely look like chunna - and the other (perhaps???) raw pepper!!!

Bernice Pereira 

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