[Goanet] Digu serves biryani to Mickky

2010-07-12 Thread U. G. Barad
This is in response to Message No: 3, dated: Sun, 11 Jul 2010, From: "Rajan
P. Parrikar" on above subject. 

Rajan wrote: 

Now let me try again….If Manohar Parrikar were taken into police custody on
a specific charge with a pending court case, AND whoever the sitting CM was
thought it okay to call on him armed with a box of barfi and a bag of Cafe
Central samosas, that would be a matter of grave concern…….Regards, r.

My response:

As per unwritten and practiced policy, "Barfi and Café Central’s Samosas"
are not allowed to be served in police custody except Biryani and that too
only by Congress CM!  

As per official guidelines, persons in police custody must be served the
food provided by government authority (as a precautionary measure against
possible poisoning through outside food). 

To serve outside food in police custody prior permission from the specified
authority(ies) must be taken. And Digu being Congress CM the required
permission(s) for serving Biryani to Mick must have dashed the concerned
police station much before Digu could arrive with Biryani for Micky. 

Secondly, what's wrong in Digu personally serving Biryani to Micky even on
daily basis? After all they are thick friends! By serving Biryani Digu has
kept up to the famous saying "friend in need is a friend indeed". In this
case Biryani is to viewed as  (for time being forget that public prosecutor
had raised concern over Micky spending over 40 lakhs on his friend Nadia's
treatment. Extending "Helping a friend in need of money" was taken up by
public prosecutor as grave concern only to please and or fulfill
intensions/hidden agenda of prosecutor's master(s))

But what is more important in this news is "Did Micky enjoyed eating Biryani
served to him by Mr. CM - his close friend". 

So Rajan would you still keep trying again - the third time! 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] For bail.. consult Guruji!

2010-07-13 Thread U. G. Barad
With repeated bail applications of Micky getting rejected one senior citizen
opined saying "Nothing will come out of the judicial proceedings going on
against him. What's going on is just an eye wash.  But to get bail and out
of the tight spots little earlier Guruji S. Soren is the best consultant
India has. Or else he will have to continue eating Biryani (served by high
profile) in police custody for additional 7 days and thereafter in judicial
Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Pakistan demands Ajmal Kasab or Indian Magistrates and Police officials..!!!!

2010-07-14 Thread U. G. Barad

Times of India, internet edition, dated: Jul 14, 2010 flashes interesting
news on Ajmal Kasab. 

This article can be found at:


Great! I am sure Ajmal kasab will go back to Pakistan with the help of our
government as was done for Union Carbide's Warren Anderson. Great..because
Pakistan at first denied that Ajmal was Pakistani..later after special trial
court in Mumbai awards death sentence to Ajmal Kasab...Pakistan thought of
filling FIR in their local court..and directed India to send Ajmal .if not
to send the magistrates and the police officials who recorded the statements
in Mumbai ..

Does this mean that Pakistani cannot be tried by Indian judiciary for their
misconduct in India? If so, why did India government send crores of rupees
on Kasab and his trial? Secondly why should India government send our
magistrates and police officials to Pakistan court? Why should Pakistan
Magistrate(s) not come down to India where the crime is created by Ajmal? 

Greatness does not end here. After 2 -3 years Indian government will ask
Pakistan to give back Ajmal for further trials in India...this cycle will
continue until Ajmal dies his natural death.

Overall consideration also forces one to think whether Home Minister P.
Chidambaram's recent visit to Pakistan was to finalize about Ajmal and how
to send him back to Pakistan! Is it? 

Most people say . in such cases "Justice never prevails" in India. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Rupee gets new symbol...

2010-07-15 Thread U. G. Barad
D. Udaya Kumar, assistant professor at IIT, wins Rs. 2.5 lakhs as his new
symbol for rupee designed by him gets approval. 

Read more on this by clicking the link provided here below: 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] The Burka

2010-07-17 Thread U. G. Barad

FN writes: Very interesting to see men define what is suitable for women to
wear! It is as if they were our property!... Why not let
everyone decide what they are comfortable in? It is also interesting to see
us define what is acceptable by presuming that our own standards are the
norm and normal! FN

Sensible post from Frederick Noronha makes more interesting reading w. r. t.
PeTA women group! No Burka at all! That's what they are comfortable with!!
And that's what their standard is!!!

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] NGO non-governance

2010-07-18 Thread U. G. Barad
Title: NGO non-governance

Author: Editor

Publication: Indian Express

Dated: July 8, 2010


Intro: Civil Society organizations would do better if they were more


According to the first governmental survey of the terrain, India is teeming
with non-governmental organisations - at 3.3 million, possibly the most in
the world. They are registered under a cluster of different acts - from the
Societies' Act to the Indian Trusts Act, from the Charitable and Religious
Trust Act to a clutch of Wakf acts. These naturally include organisations
with a whole range of diverse motives and mandates - from temple trusts to
transnational aid organisations, from the touchy-feely arms of big
corporates to foundations and cultural societies and activist groups. Going
by the definition proposed by Peter Willetts, author of two books on NGOs,
the term includes any organisation that is independent of government, not
constituted as a political party, non-violent, non-profit and non-criminal.


The number of NGOs has risen dramatically in the last 10 years, and yet we
don't really know the size and nature of this vast "third sector". 


One reason for this is obviously the fact that they can go where unwieldy
state mechanisms cannot or do not. Even as aspirations have proliferated,
the state often plays catch-up enabler; naturally other organisations have
grown and spread to fill in the cracks. Some of these are exemplars of
development action, and given that a state challenged by society is the best
situation for citizens, they criticise and goad as well as supplement the
state's efforts.


Clearer guidelines on incorporation and fund-raising would definitely help.
Our legal structures make it difficult for them to invest funds, and make
them dependent on a steady stream of donations; on the other hand, their
financial workings are largely unmonitored and opaque. Given that government
is the biggest donor to many NGOs, transparency and disclosure norms are
especially important. As the vice president recently stressed, many NGOs now
work with unprecedented levels of public funding because of their role in
implementing giant Centrally-sponsored welfare schemes, but are not audited
by the CAG.


Given the enormous trust we repose in them, it is important that these
private caretakers of the public good hold themselves to stringent standards
of accountability.



[Goanet] Beware of Red Independents, says Church

2010-07-19 Thread U. G. Barad
"Beware of Red Independents, says Church"

I thought members on this list would find the enclosed interesting.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Author: VR Jayaraj
Publication: The New York Times
Date: July 19, 2010

The Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council (KCBC), the umbrella body of all
Catholic dioceses in the State, gave a clear but indirect call to the
believers on Sunday to vote against the communists in the local bodies
elections to be held in September. Kerala Finance Minister TM Thomas Isaac,
a CPI(M) central committee member, responded sharply, saying elections
should not be made referendums on faith.

A pastoral letter issued by the council and read out in the churches in the
State during Sunday Mass, asked the believers to take extra care while
voting for Independent candidates propped up by political parties. 
The letter asked the faithful to ensure that the Independents they chose to
vote were not fielded by parties with the atheistic ideology.

The Kerala Latin Catholic Association took out a demonstration in Kochi
protesting against the pastoral letter, which it termed as "letter of
idiocy". A release issued by the KLCA asked the faithful to "recognise the
hypocrisy of the prelates who had expelled Christ from the altars by
politicising them". The association alleged that such pastoral letters were
part of a bid to sabotage the democratic system of the country.

Stating that Christians should intervene in politics keeping society welfare
in mind, the KCBC pastoral letter said the faithful should vote only for
those who stood for democracy and religious tolerance.

[Goanet] 1,424th Birth Announcement & Expectations!

2010-07-22 Thread U. G. Barad
cently in one of the NGO meeting I attended, following striking points
were discussed: One active senior citizen opined saying "When NRC has
participation of GBA members why government notification addresses them as
"representatives of Civil Society". Many attended members also brought out
opinions expressed in Goanet. According to those messages doubts got raised
on inclusion of some advocates as committee members who according to them
are advocates representing land sharks as well as builders! 

Overall Goans are expressing their dissatisfaction about the very
composition of this committee. They openly say that members of NRC will only
spend public money like TF did that too without any achievements. Goans also
want that government publishes detailed accounts of expenditure incurred by
various committees constituted by D-Gu-Gov on TCP. To compound TCP related
issues further some prominent and elite Goans openly say "Since NRC is
formed as an eyewash exercise Goans must keep themselves ready to attend the
last rites of NRC with short notice".  

However, I wish NRC all the very best and hope this committee meets the
aspirations of Goan Aam Admi without providing easygoingness to Khas Admis!
Will they?

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Non tax-paying upper castes are equal to OBCs

2010-07-22 Thread U. G. Barad
A national commission has given a ruling saying that upper castes who do not
pay income tax are akin to other backward castes (OBCs). Read more on this
by clicking the link provided here below:


Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] PPP dominates Goa!

2010-07-22 Thread U. G. Barad
Goans have now started appreciating Digambar Kamat Government (D-Gu-Gov) all
the more for all round welfare planning and much more for accommodating
public participations in all government planning and serving Goans through
various government departments on PPP basis!

In a written reply Digambar Kamat, on behalf of D-Gu-Gov, promised that
North Goa will get 24 x 7 water supply from Opa through PPP project (Aam
Admi must read PPP as public private participation projects although it
actually means Pad-Podille-Projects!) He also revealed that D-Gu-Gov is
about to finalize 12 more PPP projects to operate various other government
departments!! Read more in TOI, front page, dated 22/7/10

Reacting on this PPP projects one senior citizen said, "It appears that
present chief minister and group of ministers have no time to ensure smooth
functioning of government departments. If PPP projects are so effective
projects than defiantly Di-Gu-Gov must handover the positions and chairs of
chief minister and that of other group of ministers to a PPP group and get
themselves relieved from their responsibilities. Will D-Gu-Gov do this on

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-23 Thread U. G. Barad

I fully agree with the essential force of the Vatican message to the Hindus
on Diwali. 

Under the circumstances, I wonder if there is any need for the Vatican to
continue with a programme of conversion that they are undertaking.

Best wishes

U. G. Barad 

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-24 Thread U. G. Barad
As expected of clergy, Fr. Ivo concludes his sermon on above post by
writing: .It is, therefore, not surprising that some great Hindus saw
the best hope of India's greatness and prosperity in the total acceptance of
the Christian Religion. They were convinced that Jesus helps Hindus to
become better Hindus and shows the way to make India a better place to live
in. (Reference: Message: 11, Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010)


While, Santosh's brain waves compelled him to write: Peaceful persuasion and
conversion of minds is a freedom that every human being and every
institution enjoys in a secular democracy. It is the basis of all education.
(Reference: Message: 7 Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010). This response was
predictable from Santosh! So it does not add to my surprise list.  


However, I hope both the strong points expressed by illustrious Goans (I
hope so!) on above subject are noted by the group who is put in-charge of
suggesting names of Goans to be honored on Golden Jubilee celebration day of
Goa. Hope this group doesn't forget suggesting above names to DiguKaka! From
my side, I would only say - keep your thinking logic flying high...no matter
who buys your thinking logic!  


Best regards,


U. G. Barad 



* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-25 Thread U. G. Barad

I think, the author of the article Lisa Miller is not saying that people
have converted to Hinduism in the formal sense.  She is saying that the
philosophical aspects of Hinduism is being accepted by more and more people.
In any case, it may be useful to understand some of the things that are
happening at the society level.   

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

We Are All Hindus Now
By Lisa Miller
Aug 31, 2009


America is not a Christian nation. We are, it is true, a nation founded by
Christians, and according to a 2008 survey, 76 percent of us continue to
identify as Christian (still, that's the lowest percentage in American
history). Of course, we are not a Hindu-or Muslim, or Jewish, or
Wiccan-nation, either. A million-plus Hindus live in the United States, a
fraction of the billion who live on Earth. But recent poll data show that
conceptually, at least, we are slowly becoming more like Hindus and less
like traditional Christians in the ways we think about God, our selves, each
other, and eternity.

The Rig Veda, the most ancient Hindu scripture, says this: "Truth is One,
but the sages speak of it by many names." A Hindu believes there are many
paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a
third. None is better than any other; all are equal. The most traditional,
conservative Christians have not been taught to think like this. They learn
in Sunday school that their religion is true, and others are false. Jesus
said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father
except through me."

Americans are no longer buying it. According to a 2008 Pew Forum survey,
65 percent of us believe that "many religions can lead to eternal
life"-including 37 percent of white evangelicals, the group most likely to
believe that salvation is theirs alone. Also, the number of people who seek
spiritual truth outside church is growing. Thirty percent of Americans call
themselves "spiritual, not religious," according to a
2009 NEWSWEEK Poll, up from 24 percent in 2005. Stephen Prothero, religion
professor at Boston University, has long framed the American propensity for
"the divine-deli-cafeteria religion" as "very much in the spirit of
Hinduism. You're not picking and choosing from different religions, because
they're all the same," he says. "It isn't about orthodoxy. It's about
whatever works. If going to yoga works, great-and if going to Catholic mass
works, great. And if going to Catholic mass plus the yoga plus the Buddhist
retreat works, that's great, too."

Then there's the question of what happens when you die. Christians
traditionally believe that bodies and souls are sacred, that together they
comprise the "self," and that at the end of time they will be reunited in
the Resurrection. You need both, in other words, and you need them forever.
Hindus believe no such thing. At death, the body burns on a pyre, while the
spirit-where identity resides-escapes. In reincarnation, central to
Hinduism, selves come back to earth again and again in different bodies. So
here is another way in which Americans are becoming more Hindu: 24 percent
of Americans say they believe in reincarnation, according to a 2008 Harris
poll. So agnostic are we about the ultimate fates of our bodies that we're
burning them-like Hindus-after death. More than a third of Americans now
choose cremation, according to the Cremation Association of North America,
up from 6 percent in 1975. "I do think the more spiritual role of religion
tends to deemphasize some of the more starkly literal interpretations of the
Resurrection," agrees Diana Eck, professor of comparative religion at

So let us all say "om."

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-25 Thread U. G. Barad
Fr. Ivo in reply to above post, wrote on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 saying: ".. In
short, Christian conversion is a birthright in the secular democracy. ...If
all Hindus and men of goodwill had thought in this way, India would be
really shining!..."

Further to my earlier post of today on above subject I was taken aback when
I opened 9th page of Times of India - Goa addition. This page takes detailed
stock of how "Italian catholic church rocked by gay sex scandal...Priests
filmed having sex at clubs in Rome". The original news appeared in
"Panorama" - a weekly magazine owned by Italian Prime Minister - supposed to
be responsible citizen of Italy. 

If one reads the details given in my earlier post today, on above subject,
together with this post and considering the self entertainment facility
built in, one would definitely like to join Fr. Ivo in says "...If all
Hindus and men of goodwill had thought of this way, India would be really

To watch video from Panorama on above issue click: 


Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-25 Thread U. G. Barad
Fr. Ivo, after admiring his friend Dr. Santosh Helekar, wrote: ".. In short,
Christian conversion is a birthright in the secular democracy. ...If all
Hindus and men of goodwill had thought in this way, India would be really

After reading Fr. Ivo's 2nd sermon (which according to Fr. Ivo could be an
explanation) on above subject, I happened to read Times Magazine - USA
edition, dated 7th June 2010. This issue carries photograph of Pope on cover
page and lines reading "Why Being Pope Means Never Having To Say You're

The magazine also gives list of sex-abuse and cover-up scandals that took
place in Ireland between 1936 - 2009; Mexico between 1940 - 2005; Wisconsin
between 1950 - 1998; Boston between 1962 - 2002; Germany between 1970 -
2010; Belgium between 1970 - 2010; Austria between 1975 - 1995; Minnesota
between 2004 - 2006; Brazil between 2007 - 2010. 

This issue quotes what Benedict XVI acknowledged on Tuesday, May 11, 2010.
On this day, he offered the most significant comment to date - an
acknowledgement that the catholic church's global clergy sex-abuse and
cover-up scandals is far too grave to be fixed by words alone. He said "The
greatest persecution of the church doesn't come from enemies on the outside
but is born from the sin within the church.. The church needs to profoundly
relearn penitence, accept purification, learn forgiveness but also justice."

In this context, it would be fine to have Fr. Ivo's straight forward
clarifications (with citation of authentic references as he always does in
his point-wise explanations) on: What are the "sins", whom the "penitence"
and "justice" pontiff Benedict XVI refers too? Why are these sex-abuse and
cover-up scandals taking place within church? Are such things taking place
in church only because church's clergy need not have to say "I'm sorry"
after committing scandal? Or creating such scandals are also birthright
offered after becoming Christian clergy? :)-

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

[Goanet] On the Burqa

2010-07-25 Thread U. G. Barad
For those on the list interested on the issues relating to the burqa can
read the enclosed three articles.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

The burka empowering women? You must be mad, minister
Author: Yasmin Alibhai-brown
Publication: Daily Mail
Date: July 21, 2010

Burqa ban: Veiled biases
Author: Martha Nussbaum
Publication: New Age Islam
Date: July 16, 2010

Why burqa is wrong
Author: Nadeem F Pracha
Publication: New Age Islam
Date: July 12, 2010

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-26 Thread U. G. Barad

In reply to Rajiv Desai's post dated: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 in which he wrote:
"this person u g barad is clearly a saffron propagandist. his posts are

My response: I feel sorry for Rajiv. For without understanding the issue and
facts involved/pointed out for clarification, he preferred to kneejerk. With
this attitude, I am afraid, he will be labeled as NUMB Kongressmen. Are you?

Most importantly, Rajiv must not forget that "Truth is always bitter to

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

[Goanet] First shot fired............

2010-07-26 Thread U. G. Barad
Not surprisingly, Digambar  Kamat government  appointed 1,424th committee,
named New Review Committee,  to review Town and Country Planning  Act 1974. 

Despite this, government without any consultation with this new committee
appears to be bent on getting new amendment to TCP Act approved in ongoing
assembly session. By virtue of this amendment government is going to achieve
three objectives at one go. They are: the need to specify authorities to
implement provision regarding punitive measures; enable the government to
frame rules and regulations for implementation of provisions under Section
17A; to do away with 'undue control' and scope for ambiguity implied in the
present provisions under Section 17A. 

To read more on this issue, click the link:

This high-handedness is nothing but "I don't care Goan Aam Admi" attitude. 

Three cheers to Goa Kongress!! 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-28 Thread U. G. Barad
Fr. Ivo vide Message: 7, dated: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 finally wrote on above
subject: "Dear Dr.U.G.Barad, You are distorting my clarion-call and the
teaching of Christianity by linking with "gay sex scandal" in Italy or in
India. I have quoted Hindu wisemen and people of integrity..." 

My response: Fr. Ivo it is up to you to interpret on my straight-forward
questions posed to you. In fact, your earlier message(s) prompted me to ask
you those questions. Most importantly I have not linked Christianity with
gay sex scandals. If at all you have to blame for destroying your
clarion-call and your teachings ..blame those clergy involved in gay sex.
For entire world knows the involvement of clergy in gay sex scandal as well
as the apologetic response of most respected Benedict. 

More over, you being a clergy I thought I would get more clarity on the
issues involved. But from your above answer I conclude that our "India will
never shine" in the way you projected it earlier. 

Best regards, 

U. G. Barad

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] Chief Minister of Goa spends Rs 1,01,83,787...

2010-07-29 Thread U. G. Barad
Lionel Messias in oHeraldo's Mirror dated Sunday, 25th July 29, 2010 gives
details of expenditure made by chief minister of Goa for the period April
2008 to Feb 2010. As per details provided, Goa's chief minister spent Rs
1,01,83,787 (plus there are few bills yet to be received for payment) on
giving party at various locations and for so called VIPs coming from
Delhi/dignitaries/friends, etc.. This expenditure is of only CM. Just
imagine what will be the total expenditure on "party time" by other
ministers. For sure, this expenditure does not justify achievements of the

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] Teacher forced to wear burqa!

2010-07-30 Thread U. G. Barad

There are many who say that women wear burqa on their own free will, and
they should be allowed.  I hope there is a media campaign about this case,
where a woman says that she does not want to wear a burqa.

Best wishes

U. G. Barad

A teacher says no to burqa in a West Bengal Muslim university, isn't allowed
to teach Shiv Sahay Singh Jul 29 2010.


For the past three months, 24-year-old Sirin Middya has not been able to
hold her classes at West Bengal's first Muslim university. While the
guidelines at Aliah University in Kolkata don't stipulate the same, the
students' union has demanded that Middya can teach but only in burqa.

Middya was appointed a guest lecturer at the university in March this year
and got the union "diktat" in the second week of April. "I was told that I
would not be allowed to attend college if I did not agree to come in a
burqa. The University Grants Commission does not prescribe any such dress
code and even the university does not have a dress code. But the most
unfortunate part is that students are forcing us to wear burqa," Middya told
The Indian Express.

According to her, she has no issues with wearing a burqa - but if she dons
one; it would be of her own free will.

* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
experiences that shaped Goans worldwide. Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora 
Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] Teacher forced to wear burqa!

2010-07-31 Thread U. G. Barad

I had posted an article on how a teacher in West Bengal refused to follow
the instructions from the students union forcing the teacher to wear a
burqa.  I regret to say that the comments of both Joao Barros-Pereira and
Fredrick Noronha are way off the topic and smells religious hatred.  It does
give an impression (and I hope I am wrong) that the plight of the teacher is
being trivialized.  It is sad that the college authorities, as well as the
West Bengal government, have not stood up to the rights of the teacher, nor
found any answer to the grave issue involved. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
experiences that shaped Goans worldwide. Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora 
Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] Gandhi God-Kings

2010-07-31 Thread U. G. Barad
Fredrick Noronha has rightly pointed out that Nehru was person behind
starting IITs in India, which did provide subsidized higher education to
many. Secondly, as Rajan mentioned, it was the respective state(s) dwellers
which contributed to make up for subsidized education offered at IITs and
also elsewhere for higher education. At this point, one thing needs to be
pointed out that during his era the investment in primary education was
woefully lacking, and the literacy rate increased marginally every year
right up to 1981.  So we must see Nehru in totality and not in isolation.

However, the article referred to in this thread, namely the one available


talks about the descendants of Nehru, and the lack of transparency in their
dealings.  And I believe Rajan Parrikar was referring to this issue.  

Essentially, I think, the author of the article is saying that given this
lack of transparency, it is difficult to really understand what exactly the
descendants of Nehru will do for the nation.  I have always wondered as to
what exactly are the discussions that are held by leaders of other countries
and Sonia Maino Gandhi when they meet?  Apart for the photos, there is no
mention about the topics discussed and the points made by both the sides.
Hence these meetings appear to be only A MUST for PHOTO with SONIA for every
visit of foreign delegates to India!  

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
experiences that shaped Goans worldwide. Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora 
Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] Xavier Research Institute - on Dr. Jose Pereira's Art Exhibition - A full report

2010-07-31 Thread U. G. Barad
W.r.t. the report Dr. Nandkumar Kamat had made his own comments, and brought
to our notice about the objections of the Christian community on a cartoon
by Laxman.  I saw this cartoon in The Times of India, and it had an imagery
of the last supper to make a point about the price rise.  There were no
nudes or anyone in any objectionable manner.

However, the Times of India offered an apology to the Christian community
within a couple of days.  It carried the following in its paper: "An
illustration resembling the last supper, which appeared in the Sunday
edition of the paper (Page 18), has hurt the sentiments of a number of our
readers. We sincerely apologies for the anguish it has inadvertently caused.
This paper is truly respectful of all faiths; it is one of the cornerstones
of our editorial philosophy."

I wonder why the double standard!

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
experiences that shaped Goans worldwide. Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora 
Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] A Hindu America?

2010-08-01 Thread U. G. Barad

I found this article to be thought-provoking.  I hope others share my

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

A Hindu America?
July 24, 2010
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Source :  Catholic Weekly


 Cambridge, MA. I recently came across a column in the On Faith 
section of the Washington Post by Loriliai Biernacki. A friend of mine, 
she is a professor of Indian religions at the University of Colorado, 
Boulder, and a specialist in the study of Hinduism. Her piece is 
entitled, "A rich and strange metamorphosis: Glocal Hinduism." She 
suggests that Hinduism today is becoming much more widely established in 
different parts of the world, and it is flourishing in many parts of the 
United States, both among Americans of Indian ancestry, but also among 
many converts to Hinduism.

 In her piece, Bernacki recollects Lisa Miller's essay in Newsweek a
few months ago, on how Americans are becoming Hindus ideologically:

"[Lisa Miller] tells us that an astounding number of Americans now 
believe in reincarnation. This conceptual, indeed cosmological, 
importation from Hinduism is seeping indelibly into the American psyche.

Even a percentage of self-identified Christians have little difficulty
incorporating this Hindu notion. Similarly, the word and concept of 
'karma' is so commonly parlayed in everyday conversation that its Hindu 
origins no longer even register, as the concept finds its way across 
wide ranges of socio-economic circles and in all sorts of milieus."

Biernacki speculates that Hinduism - Hinduisms - is uniquely able to be
"glocal" - present across the globe, but yet still local in a multitude 
of particular identities. Alas: before our present era of 
over-centralization, the Catholic Church too excelled at being glocal!


* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
experiences that shaped Goans worldwide. Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora 
Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] Poor Christians of India and Hindutvawadis - Clergy Missionaries..

2010-08-01 Thread U. G. Barad
Despite marking the above message to Goanet, Mark D'Souza also preferred to
send the same message to my personal e-mail address! 

My response: In fact, Mark you have the best answer to the problems faced by
christians and clergy missionaries of India (CMI). In the first place, ask
CMI to do exactly what you have written - "But blaming the Hindutvawadis for
all the problems that Christians face in India will not be justified because
the Christian missionaries due to their fraudulent conversion activities are
giving an opportunity to the Hindutvawadis to attack Christians". May be if
conversions are stopped christians and clergy missionaries of India get

Secondly, ask to practice all those points which you have mentioned starting
with "How nice.." i.e. ask CMI to stop utilizing their foreign funds for the
benefit of poor; ask them to stop misusing assets/resources/properties for
the benefit of poor; ask CMI to reserve 100 % seats to only christians; ask
all Christian Hospitals & Charitable Institutions to serve only for poor

AND while doing all these also inform CMI to STOP taking all grants/
subsidies/ loans/incentives/ and all other special benefits offered by
State(s) as well as by Central government.   

If these things are done on priority, things will definitely improve much

In spite of these measures if things don't improve, all CMI must
collectively petition all their grievances to President Pratibha Patil &
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with a copy to head of upa-2 Sonia Maino
Gandhi for immediate action. For sure, all these three great personalities
will ensure immediate solution to all the problems of poor christian
minorities and christian missionaries of India. This is more so because
India government CARES more for minorities! 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
experiences that shaped Goans worldwide. Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora 
Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development (Final response to U. G. Barad)

2010-08-01 Thread U. G. Barad

My responses to Agnelo Pinhero, fond of shifting goal posts (second
attempt), are as follows: 


Agnelo Pinheiro in message: 6, dated: Tus, 27 Jul 2010 wrote:  You tired
to confuse the readers by mixing it with conversion and then you came with
malicious contents to defame the Christian Catholic. Just as Saffron colour
is working in Indian Press, so also some other colours work in New York
Times and other Western Media.  


My response: Your above lines strongly indicate that "you found what I had
written to be true but with bitter taste". Yes TRUTH is always BITTER and
will continue to be bitter! 


After experiencing bitter taste, you preferred to abuse and name-calling
i.e. When it did not fit your requirements you preferred to call them
"Saffron" and "other colours" to Times Magazine and Western Media. 


If you really want to blameblame those clergy involved in scandals after
scandals... Not me. And if you still continue blaming me I would only say
I care a straw for your accusations. 


Considering your NUMB nature & horse with blinker attitude I conclude right
at this point.  



Best regards,


U. G. Barad


* * *   

In every way, the Goans of Bombay were part of the great melee that was this 
metropolis, distinct perhaps in the way communities often are, holding on to 
their own traditions but merging slowly nonetheless and forming the thin thread 
of nationhood that would eventually become India. -- Selma Carvalho, in *Into 
the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph 
+91-9822488564]   Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] A Hindu America

2010-08-01 Thread U. G. Barad
Gabe Menezes posed me a question saying: Are only Hindus  allow to
reincarnate, or is it that every human can reinacrnate? Dr. Barad, what does
your inner self tell you, what were you before you became Barad (Reference:
Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 809, Message: 1, dated: Sun, 1 Aug 2010)

My response: I repeat the article titled "A Hindu America?" July 24, 2010 by
Francis X. Clooney, S.J. along with views of Lisa Miller that appeared in
"America - The National Catholic Weekly" (ANCW) provoked my thoughts. 

If that article did not provoke your thoughts I would only say it's because
of your high level thinking logic. However, be informed that I have already
provided you with the web link for the article I posted to Goanet. If you
have any queries, I think, you are free to post your basic questions/queries
to that web site (This website does take comments from readers). And after I
read your questions/queries to ANCW - the website I referred to, you will
better understand my answer to your question i.e. "what were you before you
became Barad"

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *   

In every way, the Goans of Bombay were part of the great melee that was this 
metropolis, distinct perhaps in the way communities often are, holding on to 
their own traditions but merging slowly nonetheless and forming the thin thread 
of nationhood that would eventually become India. -- Selma Carvalho, in *Into 
the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph 
+91-9822488564]   Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] Congress politician gaming with Commonwealth!

2010-08-02 Thread U. G. Barad
Commonwealth Games to be organized in India has proved to be a game of
commonwealth played by Congress politician and his colleagues! If you don't
believe this, here are some details: As hiring charges for a period of 45
days use, the organizing committee is paying Rs. 9,75,000 per treadmill,
when the cost of best  new treadmill is just about Rs. 7,00,000; Chairs are
hired for Rs. Rs 8,378 apiece; 100-litre refrigerator are hired for Rs
42,202 each. 

These are just tips of iceberg. Read to now more by clicking the link:

Is it a misuse of taxpayers money or otherwise? 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *   

In every way, the Goans of Bombay were part of the great melee that was this 
metropolis, distinct perhaps in the way communities often are, holding on to 
their own traditions but merging slowly nonetheless and forming the thin thread 
of nationhood that would eventually become India. -- Selma Carvalho, in *Into 
the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph 
+91-9822488564]   Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-08-02 Thread U. G. Barad

Fr. Ivo wide Message: 7, dated: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 writes:" Dear
Dr.U.G.Barad,There is no need to be so pessimistic. Scandals have always
been in the world. Jesus says: "Woe to the world because of its stumbling
blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man
through whom the stumbling block comes!" (NARB, Mt 18:7)). The Church is not
going to fall because of those scandals. Christianity cannot be judged by
those scandals. We live in a time in which media can give us a distorted
image of the real reality. Also money is involved in this issue. Where there
is money, there is devil's workshop. 

"The love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Tim 6:10). My answer to you
was in terms of the Hindu reformers and wisemen. It is a difficult situation
for our beloved and great Pope Benedict XVI. There is a need to analyse the
whole situation: the sexual revolution, the media hype, the economic power,
the political gimmicks... I did not speak about our problems of today. India
has to shine in the future, therefore we need introspection and hard work. 

.Why should India not shine if there are "gay scandals" in America?
India has its problems, some of them are rooted in the culture, others in
the religion itself. All of us need a cosntant renewal..."

My response: Fr. Ivo your concluding lines are more striking than any of
your previous submissions. This line clearly implies that "gal scandals" of
American clergy in no way affects churches and christianity in India. Why? 

Don't you follow the decisions and directives issued by Vatican which is
miles away from India? You follow Vatican because all churches round the
glob are part and parcel of Vatican and therefore any incidences taking
place in any church has direct implications on all other churches.

Secondly, from your above line, one can easily arrive at conclusion that
"gay scandals" of clergy in other parts of India also does not affect
churches and christianity in Goa. And the very same logic if extended little
further goes to imply that "gay scandals" of clergy in any part of Goa will
not affect churches and christianity in Margao. Well said Fr. Ivo .. Keep
your logic flying high...so that at least Margao will fly high . if not

Best regards,

U. G. Barad 

* * *

How were the 1950s, East African Goans and British Overseas
Citizenship linked? Which Kenyan-Goan was one of the world
fastest sprinters in the 1960s? What did the 1878
London-Lisbon treaty mean to Goa? Find your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] NEWS: Goa assembly erupts over drug claims against minister

2010-08-04 Thread U. G. Barad
This is in reply to Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 819, and message: 3, dated:
Wed, 4 Aug 2010. 

Most Goa based Goans watch live assembly proceedings as such interested
Goans watch and listen to every thing beamed live. In connection with this
news item, I think Goanet News forgot to even make a mention the most
crucial part that lead to uproar in the house. 

Speaker Pratapsingh Raoji Rane showed his "Pratap" by refusing to allow
discussion under Rule 71 on British woman's claims in which she has accused
Goa's home minister (Goanet News preferred to name it as interior
minister!)& his son of having links with drug trade, while opposition was
pressing for discussion under Rule 68. 

What is strange is, lay man or rather Aam Admi finds that speaker is correct
in denying discussion and equally they find opposition to be correct in
demanding discussion. 

Considering the seriousness involved and the prevailing situations in Goa
these days, it was the duty of speaker Pratapsingh Raoji Rane, for the
benefit of MLAs (Lawmakers in terms of Goanet News) and Goan TV viewers, to
explain the difference between the rule 71 and 68 rather than just saying "I
have given my decision.that's all". 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, "It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment"? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] (No subject)

2010-08-05 Thread U. G. Barad

Michael Fernandes (Goanet Digest, Message: 9, Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010) wrote:
"Mr. Albert is perfectly right when he says that the person portrayed
as?Jesus? in the painting "The last supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci is not the
true picture of?Jesus but a figmentation of Leonardo's mind or may be baseda
model posing as?Jesus"

My response: quite interesting posting of Mr. Michael prompts me to ask a
few questions: 1) granted that it's not the true picture of Jesus, but where
on earth one can find the true picture of Jesus? 2) does not your posting
make ones mind prejudiced who thinks that all pictures in all churches are
of Jesus in whom they believe wholeheartedly? Lastly, if it's not the true
picture of Jesus why the big fuss from Christian community? 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, "It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment"? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *


2010-08-06 Thread U. G. Barad
John Gomes wrote (Message: 9, date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010): Government has
spent?lakhs on consultants,tenders etc, whilst the owner of the vessel has
got scot free of any punishment, moral?or financial liabilities?. Our
beaches are permanently damaged, States finances in the RED. Now we see big
advertisement in all the dailies?by the owner?stating that he will remove
the vessel free of cost! The government is not commenting!Can someone
knowledgeable like perhaps Aires Rodrigues or Nandkumar Kamat? or anyone
enlighten us specifically?as to what is really going on? 



My response: I can understand John is very much upset like most concerned
Goans over River Princes. Considering media projection, I want to suggest
John the best way out. 


Local media is always projecting Digambar Kamat, the chief minister of Goa,
to be the only chief minister who responds to phone calls from any Goans and
at any time. Considering this, I suggest, John must not wait for Aires
Rodrigues or Dr. Nandakumar Kamat, instead John should directly give a ring
and or write an email to Digambar asking all the queries on River Princes. 


I'm sure, if John speaks to Digambar directly, Digambar will not only listen
to John (Digambar is also known to be listening to everyone) but will also
share all the information on River Princes.  


Digambar kamat's official phone numbers (land line and mobile) and email
address can be located at Goa government's official website. 


Best regards, 


U. G. Barad 


* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, "It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment"? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] Red tape - Green gallery!!

2010-08-08 Thread U. G. Barad

Hope you all would be interested in reading this editorial. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Mumbai grounded
Author: Editor
Publication: Indian Express
Dated: July 29, 2010

Even to the most distant, detached of observers, it must by now be clear
that Mumbai's airport just cannot handle the city's growing traffic.

Pressure has built on the current airport, in Santa Cruz, for years; and the
civil aviation ministry has warned, over and over again, that air traffic
through Mumbai is quick approaching capacity for a single airport. And now
comes news that, in fact, the airport is beginning to cut back. Civil
Aviation Minister Praful Patel told this newspaper that "there will soon
have to be a general ban on additional flights for turboprop jets in the
private category." Even if there aren't that many of us who travel in
private turboprop aircraft regularly, enough people do visit major financial
centres of the sort Mumbai wants to be, who use planes in that category.

This is an unmistakeable signal that that long-warned-of saturation of the
airport is finally at hand.

Indeed, Patel went on to say that "without additional capacity, I can tell
you that by the end of 2011 it will become very difficult for Mumbai to take
more flights." For the business hub and largest port of a country trying for
double-digit growth, that is more than troubling: it is close to being
disastrous, and for the country as whole, not just Mumbai or Maharashtra.
And what progress has been made, you might well ask, on expanding that
capacity? Why is not another airport in the works? The answer, of course, is
that the second airport, destined for Navi Mumbai, and planned almost as
long as troubles at Santa Cruz have been foreseen, has been the victim of
lazy, dilatory, license-raj "environmentalism".

The environment ministry continues to insist that there's no rush, that we
can sit around while endless impact reports are drafted on slack
bureaucratic-academic schedules, all to save a couple of hundred acres of
mangroves. But that's not all. The land in Navi Mumbai has been identified
but the assumption now is that another 1200 contiguous hectares near Mumbai
can also be found. This laughable condescension has, of course, been shot
down by the environmental impact assessment report prepared by IIT Bombay,
which says that the Navi Mumbai site is "the most feasible and viable
location" for the second airport. But, in its continual search for cheap
applause from the green galleries, the environment ministry has
single-mindedly decided to wrap reams of red tape around the decision. It's
time for someone to tell them to cut that tape, and cut the delay.

[Goanet] (No subject)

2010-08-08 Thread U. G. Barad

Michael Fernandes (Goanet Digest, Message: 9, Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010) wrote:
"Mr. Albert is perfectly right when he says that the person portrayed
as?Jesus? in the painting "The last supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci is not the
true picture of?Jesus but a figmentation of Leonardo's mind or may be baseda
model posing as?Jesus"

My response: quite interesting posting of Mr. Michael prompts me to ask a
few questions: 1) granted that it's not the true picture of Jesus, but where
on earth one can find the true picture of Jesus? 2) does not your posting
make ones mind prejudiced who thinks that all pictures in all churches are
of Jesus in whom they believe wholeheartedly? Lastly, if it's not the true
picture of Jesus why the big fuss from christian community? 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] India's Growth Story - A Story of Rural India.

2010-08-08 Thread U. G. Barad

Agnelo Pinheiro has given a nice write up of the sad state of the people in
rural India.  He has rightly said: "It is the need of today and tomorrow if
the growth story has to reach the common man the 'Aam Admi'."

I guess the present government, which keeps mouthing that they are all for
the Aam Admi, should be answerable for the situation.  Also, let us not
forget that Indira Gandhi had coined the slogan "Garabi Hatao" in the early
1970s. Yet, something contrary is seen taking place in India i.e. "Garibi

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-08-08 Thread U. G. Barad
Fr. Ivo wrote (Message: 8, dated: Fri, 6 Aug 2010): Dear Dr.U.G.Barad, If
you do not understand my logic, neither do I understand yours. Scandals can
be everywhere, it is part and parcel of our fallen human nature.

My response: I believe understanding you as "Father" is more important than
understanding your logic and me! Accidents (fallen human nature in your
terms) do take place hence it is rightly called accidents! But if something
is perpetually taking place it is not called fallen or accident. On the
contrary, such avoidable acts like clergy sex scandals needs immediate
plugging out from the system! Or else it will ruin the entire enclave.

Fr. Ivo wrote: Does it mean that the Church is not marching or the society
is not in progress? 

My response: Your above expression has come out as your implied
version/logic. I have never said so!

Fr. Ivo wrote: Is it the end of the world, the end of Christianity? All of
us are disturbed by what is happening in India and in Goa, does it mean that
we have no hope? What should all of us do? Harp on what is crooked and
forget to go straight and progress? 

My response: Again, Your above expression has come out as your implied
logic. I have never said so! 

Fr. Ivo wrote: If there are scams and scandals among the leaders of the
society, are we stagnant? What can we do in this situation? This should be
our question today and always. 

My response: Cardinal principle says, "Let's set our house in order first
and only than we can attempt to set our neighbors houses right". As far as
your question about scams and scandals in society is concerned there are
ample laws to take care and government is entrusted with the responsibility
to ensure safety in society. 

Fr. Ivo wrote:...instead of dividing ourselves in terms of religion or any
other divisive force, when it is misundersttod. Let us foster what unites
us, shun what divides us...

My response: That's exactly what I believe in. But what I see in most
messages in Goanet is exactly opposite i.e. "Shunning what units us..and...
fostering what divides us". Fr. Ivo do check goanet archivesyou want be
surprised to digest what I have written.  

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Happy Independance day

2010-08-15 Thread U. G. Barad
On the independence day I came across an article by Margaret Bourke-White**
which raised a question as to which Jinnah should one believe - the one
projected in the article or the one projected by the politicians and the
secularists in India. To read more on the issue click the link provided:


** Margaret Bourke-White was a correspondent and photographer for LIFE
magazine during the WW II years. In September 1947, White went to Pakistan.
She met Jinnah and wrote about what she found and heard in her book "Halfway
to Freedom: A Report on the New India" - Simon and Schuster, New York, 1949.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] RSS alleges 'Islamisation' of Kashmir - India

2010-08-16 Thread U. G. Barad

Ruby Goes was kind enough to bring to our notice the following article:


>From his comment, it seems that he is in strong disagreement with the
content of the article.

Perhaps he would like to comment on the enclosed article.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

PFI trying to make Kerala a 'Muslim country', says VS
Author: Manoj C G
Publication: The Indian Express
Date: July 25, 2010



Adopting a belligerent stand against Muslim extremism, Kerala Chief Minister
V S Achuthanandan on Saturday said the radical Popular Front of India (PFI),
which hit the headlines recently after its activists were accused of
chopping off the hand of a college lecturer, was aiming to convert Kerala
into a "Muslim country" in the next 20 years.

Using unusually harsh language, the Chief Minister said the PFI was pumping
money to lure youth into Islam and persuade them to marry Muslim women.
"Their strategy is to make Muslims a majority community in Kerala... In 20
years, they want to make Kerala a Muslim majority state," he said. The
lecturer's hand was chopped off after he had prepared a question paper that
allegedly insulted the Prophet.

The CM's comments came a day after CPM general secretary Prakash Karat spoke
about the threat of Muslim terrorism in the context of the PFI activities.
The CPM had named the PFI while talking about increase in terrorist
activities in the country and pointed out that there was an "interconnection
between communalism and the spawning of such terrorist activities".

The incident had become a political hot potato in Kerala. Recently, the
Congress echoing the PFI line had alleged that the Left Front government was
targeting the Muslim community. With elections to local bodies scheduled for
September and Assembly elections less than a year away, the Congress was
clearly eyeing the sizeable Muslim vote base.

Achuthanandan said terrorists were creating major problems in the state. 
The outfit, in its earlier avatar as NDF, had given training, money and
weapons to youngsters to eliminate opponents. Now they were trying to create
a clean image by organising freedom parades on the Independence Day. Several
district administrations had already banned the parade, he added.

With the Left Front government going hard at the PFI, there is a feeling
that the Left was playing the Hindu card, hoping that there would be a
strong Hindu backlash against the spurt in Islamic extremist activities in
the state.

Recently, the government intensified a crackdown by conducting state-wide
raids at PFI bases across the state, arresting one of its senior leaders,
suspected to be among the main conspirators behind the attack on college
lecturer T J Joseph.

[Goanet] Why controversy?

2010-08-17 Thread U. G. Barad
Fr. Ivo while concluding his posting on subject titled "Why controversy?"
(Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 863, Message: 11, dated: Mon, 16 Aug 2010)
wrote: "I do admire him. An apology is required. Such an artist,
musicologist, theologian, indologist, polyglot does not deserve such an

My response: Fr. Ivo paying his respect to Prof. Jose Pereira is quite
appreciating. It would have been nice if Fr. Ivo was to specify from whom he
expects/expected apology rather than just writing "An apology is required". 

Fr. Ivo's above high-lightened write-up forced me to ask his views on the
painting displayed at:

Hope Fr. Ivo helps my confused mind!

Best regards,

U. G. Barad 

[Goanet] Can Jose Pereira be anti-Hindu?

2010-08-17 Thread U. G. Barad

In his comments, Fredrick Noronha asks two questions:

* Can a believer in a monotheistic religion be compelled to believe that
"all religions are equal"?

* In what way is a secularism (where the State is expected to be neutral to
all religions) related to the belief that "all religions are equal" or

Answer to 1st question: As far as compelling is concerned, why does Fred
restrict his question to only a believer in monotheism?  Is he trying to
saying that a polytheist should be compelled to believe that 'all religions
are equal'?

Answer to 2nd question.  I would like to suggest that a secular state is one
which does not recognize the communal identity (be it religion, caste, or
whatever) of an individual in its dealings with him/her.  The only
identities that a secular state would recognize is whether the person is
rich or poor, strong or weak.  Identified poor person would get state
assistance in various secular issues (like education, housing, etc.) while a
weak person would be protected from the strong, if the latter tries to bully

Best regards,

U G Barad

[Goanet] Can Jose Pereira be anti-Hindu?

2010-08-18 Thread U. G. Barad
In reply to a question "Why is "all religions are equal" a wrong concept in
a secular country?" (Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 872, Message: 10, date:
Tue, 17 Aug 2010) Fr. Ivo summed up saying ".Not all routes are equally
good, not all scientific theories are equally good, not all therapeutic
drugs are equally good. All religions cannot be equally good..." and lastly
he concludes saying ".Why is it that so many intellectuals have chosen
Catholic religion".

Concluding line used by Fr. Ivo confused me more on Catholic religion after
reading contradictory statements which are available at:

Hope Fr. Ivo trashes out all the 20 points written against Christianity as
religion in the web-link provided herein above. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Lebanon scrap controversial show

2010-08-19 Thread U. G. Barad

Interested members could click the link provided here below: 


Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Can Jose Pereira be anti-Hindu?

2010-08-20 Thread U. G. Barad
This is in reply to Dr. Santosh Helekar's message that appeared in  Goanet
Digest, Vol 5, Issue 878, Message: 4, dated: Wed, 18 Aug 2010.

In which Santosh wrote: I don't care what ,Dr. Barad's parochial Hindu
beliefs . are on this matter" 

My response: In plain language, my answer is, Santosh is misrepresenting me
for I am not supporter of any "parochial beliefs" on any issue(s) leave
alone religious beliefs nor I expect you to believe in my expressions. 

In your loved responding style, my answer means "I really don't care about
what you're writing/saying and also don't care for your vague approach of
finger pointing" 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Choose your religion

2010-08-23 Thread U. G. Barad
This is in reply to Fr. Ivo's message that appeared in Goanet Digest, Vol 5,
Issue 881, Message: 8, date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010

Fr. Ivo wrote: Jesus is the only true Incarnation of God. He could say: "The
Father and I are one" (cf.Jn 10:30).Hindus are born in Hindu religion and
are Hindus by birth. Catholics are not born "catholics-christians", they
become catholics through the sacrament of Baptism. They are initiated by
their parents, who are responsible for thir children.

Before I comprehend your last 4 messages, please remove my ignorance by
answering two of my queries w. r. t. your above mentioned message: 

You say "Father and I are one". In this context, what does the word "Father"
mean? Does it refer to priest, minister, vicar, member of the clergy or
parent of a child.

I always thought that Catholics are born Catholic - Christians like Hindu
children are born Hindus!  Now that you have enlightened the issue, my
inquisitive nature prompts me to ask you "If the child of the Catholic is
not born as Catholic than by birth they are born as what? And in the interim
i.e. a period between birth and before sacrament of Baptism they are known
as what?" 

Fr. Ivo, one thing for sure, more and more I read your messages, I learn
many new things which are not known to me till date! 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

[Goanet] Serial Killers of Dogs!!!

2010-08-26 Thread U. G. Barad

I think Anjali Rao is being most unfair (to use a mild term) to call those
who are against stray dogs as serial killers.  She also says that it is a
capital crime, a crime against humanity, and calls those who want to put to
sleep the stray dogs as murderers.  This high level of emotionalism makes
debating with her very difficult.

Stray dogs have been known to maim and kill babies.  If one were to see the
state of many of the stray dogs, they obviously seem to be suffering.  I do
not know how many countries in the world would allow stray dogs - in many
countries, a dog without a leash is considered illegal, and the owner is
fined for it.

I think Anjali should understand that the discussion is on STRAY dogs, and
not dogs as a pet.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

[Goanet] Why Do So Many Catholics Believe In Reincarnation? Should They?

2010-08-26 Thread U. G. Barad

Further to Lisa Miller's article "We are all Hindus now", we now have some
interesting comments made by an American professor of religion.

Some of the highlights in the article are:
ONE: The other main reason that Catholics -- and other Americans -- adopt a
reincarnational worldview turns on evidence.
TWO: Most Catholics who believe in reincarnation for one reason or another
just go on being Catholic.
THREE: I hope the Church will do an exhaustive study of the reputable
research on reincarnation before making any pronouncements on the subject.
Perhaps one option it should consider is that the answer is indeterminable
at this time and that Catholics who believe in it are free to do so without
censure, just as they are free to choose cremation.

I know Santosh will not conisder the anecdotes mentioned in the article are
really evidence, and I accept the validity of his thought.

I did not know that the Roman Catholic Church has accepted cremation as a
valid ritual.  Maybe Fr Ivo can comment.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Why Do So Many Catholics Believe In Reincarnation? Should They?
Author: Stafford Betty
Publication: Bakersfield.com
Date: August 20, 2010

A recent poll conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
revealed that 28 percent of American Catholic adults believe in

Why have so many adopted the belief? What attracts them to it? In the course
of teaching Asian religions for several decades and listening to what
students say on the subject, I've come to the following conclusions.

Many Catholics think that a single life of anywhere from a few seconds'
duration to 110 years is not enough time to determine the destiny of a soul
for all eternity. They feel that God would be unloving if He (excuse the
conventional pronoun) were to condemn a sinner to hell, but irrational if He
rewarded a baby born dead with heaven. To them it makes sense that a
merciful God would give us as many chances as necessary to grow our soul.
Some of these Catholics see the wheel of rebirth as a more plausible form of
purgatory. Both, they point out, are designed to provide us with more time
to improve ourselves spiritually and morally and ready ourselves for a
deserved entry into heaven.

For them salvation is a long process, and that process is more reasonably
staged on earth in a series of embodiments than in a mysterious afterlife
region called purgatory.

The other main reason that Catholics -- and other Americans -- adopt a
reincarnational worldview turns on evidence. Much, perhaps most, of what
passes as evidence comes from the popular media. Stories about people who
have seeming memories of a previous life or mysterious phobias or obsessions
or talents that cannot be explained by events in this life abound, and they
often set people to wondering. The History channel serves up occasional
stories of apparent rebirth, and these are based on research by paranormal
investigators. And who doesn't know someone who has been hypnotically
regressed and has dredged up a few "previous life"

There is also some reputable academic research being done on reincarnation
that trickles down into public awareness. This is the work of Ian Stevenson,
the famous reincarnation researcher affiliated with the University of
Virginia who died in 2007. Stevenson and his associates traveled over the
world tracking down little children, usually aged between 3 and 5, who claim
to have memories of past lives.

In hundreds of cases from all over the world their memories would match
actual events that happened to the adult they remembered being. Stevenson's
research has been published in mainline psychiatry journals, and his
meticulous methodology is often praised, even when his conclusions -- that
reincarnation is the most natural explanation of all the data -- have not
been accepted. Some Catholics have warmed to Stevenson's research.

Most Catholics who believe in reincarnation for one reason or another just
go on being Catholic. They are no more troubled by their departure from
Church guidance on the subject than on birth control. But is reincarnation
reconcilable with cardinal doctrines of the faith? Would Catholic theology
break apart if it were officially tolerated? In particular, would Jesus'
role as savior be diminished if salvation were accomplished over several
lifetimes as opposed to one? I don't see why it would, though I would
welcome correction on the point. As I see it now, the goal of the Catholic,
and of all Christians, is union with the Divine. If the process of salvation
is a long one, as Catholic teaching on purgatory implies, then is it of any
great importance whether the process is accomplished in purgatory or in
successive lives on earth?

A hundred years ago, Catholic theologians argued that the dogma 

[Goanet] Serial Killers of Dogs!!!

2010-08-27 Thread U. G. Barad

To my comment on above subject, Fredrick Noronha responded: "So, we have a
right to "play god" and decide which life form deserves to live and which
doesn't, going by whether we label it "pet" or "stray"? 


It appears that Fred has no problem with those who are against the stray
dogs as being serial killers, indulging in a capital crime, a crime against
humanity, and  also murderers?


Best regards,


U. G. Barad


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

[Goanet] A casteist media & bankrupt knowledge economists

2010-08-30 Thread U. G. Barad

Soter wrote (Ref: Message: 4, date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010): "..If all hatred
should end after death, then why is it that what the Portuguese did 500
years ago is used to torture the present day christians?."

My response: Without any partaking in your expressed views on Ravindra
Kelekar's after death I have one request to make for you. Can you please
richly write on what are those things, as per your opinion, that Portuguese
did 500 years ago is being used to torture present day christians in Goa? If
you don't write I will only say that this remark of yours was like an
attempt of firing bullets in air!

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

[Goanet] A casteist media & bankrupt knowledge economists

2010-08-31 Thread U. G. Barad
This is in reply to Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 931, and message: 3, dated:
Tue, 31 Aug 2010 from Sotor on above subject.

Sotor wrote: It's really a privilege to get a reaction from Mr. Barad.  Well
Mr.Barad, hopefully you will get all your answers in the writings of late
Gynanpeet Ravindra bab and his gang which have been published in the
Sunaprant in the last one year ( which would hopefully suffice instead of
going into the archives) spitting venom against the Romi Konknni people. I
hope you will not tell me to describe to you the Romi Konknni people now. If
not sufficient then please view the government CD released by Manohar
Parrikar which was supposed to be on the liberation struggle but ended where

the heart really belongs.

Probably you must be knowing that in Margao bullets are never fired in the
air because the operations are conducted with old Portuguese rifles which
can only fire in the backside. "Khoim gelolo, khoim na; kitem kelem, kaim

My response: Sotor, your above response does not answer my question which
was raised in connection with the "line" that you had used in your earlier

My question was "Without any partaking in your expressed views on Ravindra
Kelekar's after death I have one request to make for you. Can you please
richly write on what are those things, as per your opinion, that Portuguese
did 500 years ago is being used to torture present day christians in Goa? If
you don't write I will only say that this remark of yours was like an
attempt of firing bullets in air!" 

Sotor, can I expect your answer to above question? 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] A casteist media & bankrupt knowledge economists

2010-09-02 Thread U. G. Barad
This message is in reply to Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 936, message No:
Message: 5, date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010.

Sotor wrote: Come on Mr. Barad! Please do not feign ignorance. I have
already recommended you some reading. Please do some homework. Truths do not
come easy. If not satisfied, just take a round to Priol nd ask the last man
in the village. Spot information is definitely better than the archives.
Your attempts to fire bullets in the air will not succeed. Portuguese rifles
misfired during the gun salute as reported in Herald.

My response: Sotor, I new you would answer something twistingly. For your
information, I have done much more reading on the subject matter therefore I
"picked up a line" from your post and posed you the same question.

Now I recommend, you read some books.  To start with, read a book based on
original Portuguese archival documents authored by Adv. Laxmikant Bhembre -
book is titled "Katolikanche bharatatil dharmaprasarache marg". Thereafter
read TB Cunha's denationalization of Goa. After reading these two books,
read Shenoy Goembab's Goenkarachi goyanbhalili vasanuk...Kokani bhasheche
Zait, Sail's novel Yugsanvar. Vinayak dhume's Punyabhumi gomantak and
devabhumi gomnantak. And lastly read Manohar hirba sardesai's two volumes on
Goa's freedom struggle published by Goa government's art and culture dept. 

After you finish reading all these books, please give me a call, I will pick
you up to accompany me to meet "the last man in village Priol" as proposed
by you. I am sure this exercise will clear the cloud of ignorance on the
subject. Yes Sotor, I learnt the truth the hard ways..am sure, reading above
recommended books you will also learn much more.  What say!

Best regards,
U. G. Barad

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] Attacks on Christians in Karnataka

2010-09-02 Thread U. G. Barad

Marshall Mendonza posted a letter by Justice Saldanha.  In the letter, the
Justice writes: "The Central Government and the International Organizations
have taken careful note of the fact that the State Govt. spends an average
of Rs.50 Crores a day on self publicity in order to ensure that grave
incidents of the present type are not reported."

Just curious to know exactly who the International Organizations are, and
are they monitoring any other aspect of happenings (other than attacks on
Christians) in India.

Secondly, Rs 50 crores a day is really a huge amount, comes to Rs 18,250
crores a year.  I do not know if the total advertisements in all the
newspapers in Karnataka would amount to this sum.  I, therefore, wonder
about the credibility of Justice Saldanha's claim as far as this is

Really like to be enlightened.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] A casteist media & bankrupt knowledge economists

2010-09-03 Thread U. G. Barad
This is in reply to Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 946, Message: 4, dated: Fri,
3 Sep 2010 

Sotor wrote: "Mr. Barad, Do not try to divert the topic now into a wider
discussion. My comments were personality specific and it is in that context
I had recommended you read the persons remarks to understand his communal
casteist slant. 

Historical writings may not necessarily be the actual truth. They could be
deductions based on certain baises. Experiencing something is a better
teacher than some books in the archives. So, stick to Ravindrabab and his
contribution to society"

My response:

Hi Sotor,

As of date, I have asked you only one question that too after reading your
one of the message posted on goanet. Right from start of that question to
you on above topic, I was very clear and load. My original message started
as follows "Without any partaking in your expressed views on Ravindra
Kelekar's after death I have one request to make for you..." (You can check
for accuracy of this starting line that was used by me). 

So Sotor, now you cannot drag me into Ravindrabab specific. Secondly my
original question was with respect to wider perspective as you had used
"that line" to swipe wider coverage. The line used by you was "..why is it
that what the Portuguese did 500 years ago is used to torture the present
day christians?." 

In the first instance, instead of providing me with your answer you directed
me to read Sunaparant archives as though everything appearing therein is
gospel truth free of any biases! Next, you argued saying experiencing
something is better teacher than some books in the archives!! Sotor, I can
understand why you are saying so about the books which I suggested you to

Sotor, I always consider, books take stock of wider perspectives while news
papers always take narrow perspective and mostly writing those things that
attracts readership to that paper. 

In conclusion, Soto, you have no answer to my question and I'm not going to
read, write or comment on anything centered round ONLY Ravindrabab. THE END!

Thanks for your time and your views on the subject. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] Suggestion to check the stray dog situation in Goa!!!

2010-09-03 Thread U. G. Barad

Anjali Rao makes an interesting suggestion.  However, what I would like to
know is if she has calculated how much will be raised by the licensing
scheme, and what will be the need for the various suggestions she has made
for the welfare of the stray dogs.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] A casteist media & bankrupt knowledge economists

2010-09-04 Thread U. G. Barad
This is in reply to Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 952, message No: Message: 5,
date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010.  


Sotor wrote: Mr. Barad it is you who are dragging me into something else
besides the point. I reiterate that the statement was made in context of
Ravindra bab and the resultant debate. If you cannot understand English, I
cannot explain in Marathi. Or is your deviation a part of the traditional
practice by some Madgaonkars of distracting from topics?


My response: Sotor, let me first clarify your queries. I don't know which
Madgaonkar(s) are known for distracting from topic(s). I also don't know
which distracting Madgaonkar(s) you have dealt with in the past. No, I'm not
dragging you into any other thing. I am asking for your clarification "to
the point" and to the line used by you. I do understand English, Marathi,
Hindi as well as Konkani. And considering your difficulty in Marathi, you
can even explain me in Konkani. 


You say that you used the line i.e. ""..why is it that what the Portuguese
did 500 years ago is used to torture the present day christians?." in
context with Ravindrabab. 


So the line adds serious interest in your message. Therefore please explain
me how Ravindrabab was torturing Christians for what Portuguese did 500
years ago? And also let me know why Christians tolerated him without any ifs
and buts until his last breath? 


Best regards,


U. G. Barad


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet] God Has a Bureaucracy

2010-09-07 Thread U. G. Barad

Interesting. Afghan Christians want to come to a country where the
Christians are supposed to be seriously persecuted!

OK, OK, I know that this is a snide remark, but I could not help it.

But that is not the reason for posting this article here.  I have deep
sympathy for those who are being made to run from pillar to post.  And it is
not only the Afghan Christians who are so badly treated.  The Hindu refugees
from Afghanistan are no better off.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Union Council of Ministers is poorest of the poor!!

2010-09-09 Thread U. G. Barad
India's Union Council of Ministers is no richer than any Goanet Members? And
yet we all implicate our honorable ministers with wealth. They were so
modest that they even did not want their poor financial background to be
known to their countrymen.  They were so honest that they did not even want
200 % raise in their salaries and perks.
I know you won't believe in what I am writing. Hence please click the link
provided to know how poor our union ministers are:

Jai Hind...Jai Bharat...Jai Kongress..tumara Jai..Jai...ho

[Goanet] One in three Indians 'utterly corrupt': Former CVC

2010-09-10 Thread U. G. Barad

Vasant Baliga brought the following to our notice:


I think the vigilance commission consists of three members.  So, who of them
is corrupt?

Similarly, the election commission consists of three members.  So, who of
them is corrupt?

Etc., etc.

Best regards,

U G Barad

[Goanet] Is it open loot by GPCC?

2010-09-10 Thread U. G. Barad
The demand of NCP asking for details about handling of donations for
Canacona flood victims appears to be just. 

Read more at:

[Goanet] Sonia, PM don't see eye to eye

2010-09-12 Thread U. G. Barad

Goanet mourns the passing of Cornel da Costa in London, England - Sep 10/10


Sonia, PM don't see eye to eye
Author: Kumar Shakti Shekhar
Publication: The Pioneer'
Date: September 10, 2010.


Divergent views on the environment versus development issue have started
emanating from the highest quarters within the UPA Government and the

Within days of PM Manmohan Singh maintaining that the country's environment
could not be protected by perpetuating poverty, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi
on Thursday took a diametrically opposite view saying environment must be
protected to ensure sustainable development.

Speaking at a function to dedicate Stage II of National Capital Thermal
Power Project's Dadri power station, Gandhi said, "We definitely need to
generate more power from different sources to meet the growing demands from
our farmers, our factories and our people. At the same time, we must protect
the environment to ensure sustainable development."

She further said, "In whatever we do we must not forget that our lush
forests and mountains, majestic rivers and all other water sources, and
clean air have sustained and nurtured us for millennia. We have a
responsibility to preserve them for the coming generations."

Her remarks are in contrast to those of the PM's. "We must adequately ensure
that whether it is tribal rights, environmental concerns or forest concerns,
they are given their appropriate place. But at the same time there has to be
a balance. You cannot protect the environment of this country by
perpetuating poverty," he had said.

The difference of opinion between the Prime Minister and Sonia comes even as
there has been a growing divide within the Government itself on this issue.
Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has already locked horns with his Civil
Aviation counterpart Praful Patel over giving clearance for the construction
of Mumbai's second airport at Navi Mumbai.

With regard to the Congress too, the stance taken by Sonia is in line with
that of Rahul Gandhi, who has made known his preference to environment over
development, during his visit to Niyamgiri Hills in Lanjigarh village of
Odisha last month, after the Environment Ministry's decision on Vedanta. The
PM thus seems to have been marginalised by the party on the vexed issue.

Then, there are issues like the Government's Maoist policy and the Home
Minister's "saffron terror" remark, which have seen Congress leaders
Digvijay Singh and Janardan Dwivedi publicly countering Home Minister P

Experts say after the rumblings between the senior party functionaries and
senior Ministers, such divergent views by the Congress president and the PM
suggest a clear disconnect between the two in the recent past.

[Goanet] Eight former Chief Justice of India are "corrupt judges"

2010-09-16 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

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   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

Read more at:


[Goanet] Gandhi God-Kings

2010-09-17 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

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   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

Naguesh Bhatcar brought to our attention an article by Sadanand Dhume,
titled "India's Gandhi God-Kings", and provided us the url"


The sub-title of the article is: "Opaque family rule is no way to run a
political party, let alone a major economy and aspiring great power."

To this Rajendra kakodkar wrote: Whenever there is some inauguration or an
achievement by congress is high-lighted, it is Sonia who steals the
limelight in the advertisements. She is praised to be the driving force. But
when Kashmir burns, it is Omar Abdulla who goes to the gallows and Sonia has
nothing to do with it. When Maoists kill securitymen, it is Chidambaram who
is made the scapegoat. When Commonwealth corruption surfaced, only Kalmadi
was taken to the altar as if such thousands of crores went only in his
pockets. When grains rot, it is Pawar who is blamed. When terrorists struck
Mumbai it was Shivrai Patil, who was guillotined and Sonia was unscathed.
Yesterday on World Democracy Day she agreed to nominate a president for Goa
Congress party without elections?

And Soter asked: Agreed that Gandhi's get the cream while the shit gets
splashed on their hench men. Could you show any other political outfit in
this country in which such God-kings do not exist? 

My response:

I think it is fair to say that in the Communist parties and the BJP, such
God-kings do not exist.  There are people in these parties who are the
children of the leadership.  But in most cases, they have worked themselves
up through the ranks.

Perhaps Soter can give examples otherwise, and I will stand corrected.

Going through the article by Dhume, following two quotes are worth

"But unlike the Conservatives and Labour in Britain, or for that matter the
Republicans and Democrats in America, Congress is defined less by adherence
to a coherent ideology than by fealty to a single family."

"Beyond this apparent sense of noblesse oblige toward the toiling masses,
the Gandhis are probably the most opaque major politicians in the democratic
world. They rarely speak to the media, and when they do it's not to

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Brazilian translates the Holy BhagawadGita into Portuguese

2010-09-18 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

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   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome


Thanks Mr. Vasant Baliga for providing the following link:


The last para of the very interesting article struck me the most. It reads
as follows: "Has her Indian inspired spirituality taken her away from
Brazil? "How can it? I am a Brazilian except that I see the logic, the
higher order behind my learning Vedanta and teaching it to students in
Brazil", she says. Gloria in a strange way belongs to the 'parampara' or
lineage of the women Vedic experts- the great lineage of Gargi, Ghosha,
Lopamudra and Maitreyi."

Best regards, 

U. G. Barad

Gita in Samba land
Publication: The Hindu
Date: September 9, 2010
URL: provided herein above.

Brazilian Gloria Arieira has translated the Gita into Portuguese and holds
Vedanta classes. Priyadershini S. meets the Sanskrit scholar

The Bhagawad Gita in Portuguese? Well, why not? Gloria Arieira, a Brazilian
and an authority in Sanskrit has translated the Bhagawad Gita and parts of
the Vedas to Portuguese, enabling her students across Brazil and Portugal to
access the depths of this great philosophy. So if you are seeking
spirituality in the holiday resort of Copacabana, Rio, then you will find it
at Vidya Mandir, a school of Vedanta studies founded and run by Gloria.

Gloria, who is visiting Kalady, with a group of 28 students, has been to
Kerala before. A disciple of Swami Chinmayananda and of Swami Dayananda,
Gloria's entry into the world of spirituality was after she heard Swami
Chinmayananda's talk on Vedanta in Rio. That was in 1973. Gloria felt that
her search for the greater meaning to life was answered. With her curiosity
aroused she wished to delve deeper into the philosophy of the Vedas and
found her way to an ashram in Mumbai (Powai). Here she studied the Vedas and
lived the ashram way of life. "It was a simple life and I felt at ease,"
recalls Gloria who began teaching the Vedas when she went back to Rio in
1979. It was five years later that she started Vidya Mandir on land donated
by one of her students. From eight students to start with, the numbers kept
increasing. Soon the school became a centre where people came seeking

Raised in a western way of life, what exactly drew Gloria to this foreign
philosophy and way of life? "I was looking for answers to life itself. I
thought it could not be only for pleasure, nor could it be only for
'dharma'. There had to be something else."

Drawn to Vedic ways

Dissatisfied with her search in other philosophies she was drawn towards
Vedic ways. Was this attraction to another completely new way of thought
strange? Gloria believes that at the start of this journey itself she was
able to identify with the food, people and life in the ashram. 
Gloria learnt Sanskrit because it was the only way she could reach the
depths of knowledge that she was seeking. The Bhagvad Gita and the
Upanishads had to be read in the language they were written in. Once having
mastered Sanskrit, Gloria translated the books into Portuguese so as to
propagate the meaning of the text to her group of students. The number of
her students increased as she could now reach out to them in Sanskrit,
Portuguese and English.

"I could find a change in my students. They were all beginning to enjoy the
goodness and greatness in these books. Vedanta studies had become popular,"
she says. Her student group comprises office goers, married couples, twenty
year olds and also people who are in their eighties. 
"There's this 80 year old gentleman who was my student once but comes daily
to hear the talk on Vedanta."

Gloria dresses like an Indian. Her teacher-mother-guru charm comes from her
kind face, her thick neatly plaited salt and pepper hair, a gentle, slightly
accented voice and a winning smile. She carries an aura of compassion and
understanding of the complexities of life.

Commentaries on Gita

The course followed at the school is an initial study on Tatthva Boddha of
Sree Sankara and then the Bhagwad Gita, with Gloria quoting high and low
from the texts and explaining them to her enthusiastic students. She has
done two commentaries on Gita in Portuguese.

Earlier in 1996 she had visited the char dhams, along with her group. 
Later in 2007 they t

[Goanet] 1 in 7 Americans live in poverty

2010-09-19 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome


The number of people living in poverty has climbed to 14.3 percent of

The Census Bureau says that about 43.6 million people, or 1 in 7, were in
poverty last year. 

That's up from 39.8 million, or 13.2 percent, in 2008. 

Read more at:


[Goanet] Gandhi God-Kings

2010-09-19 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome


Personally I am not too concerned about the family lineage of a person who
rules the country.  What is important, I think, is what does the person have
to offer to the people, to the nation.  It is in this respect that the lack
of knowledge about Sonia Gandhi and her son, Rahul, that is of worry.

In the article titled "India's Gandhi God-Kings" by Sadanand Dhume, that
appeared in The Wall Street Journal (and Goanet members had and are having
exchange of views), the author wrote:  "Most Indians haven't the faintest
idea about whether the Gandhis see the rise of China as more of a threat or
an opportunity. Or whether they think American influence in Asia is in
India's interest or not. Or if, for them, the trouble with India's economy
is too much capitalism or too little reform."

In this respect, I think the media in India has failed to do its duty in
getting them (Sonia and Rahul Gandhi) to spell out their thoughts.  It is
quite possible, perhaps most probable, that the media has asked for time
with them, and they have not obliged.  But then that itself tells a lot
about their way of thinking.  And therefore the issue of dynasty becomes a
major worry.

Best regards,

U G Barad

[Goanet] Gandhi God-Kings

2010-09-19 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome


Naguesh Bhatcar wrote: "However, no other democracy has been dominated
by one family, as much as India is..Indira Gandhi systematically destroyed
her opponents within the Congress, through the 60s, 70s and 80s.She became
very powerful after she had eased out the likes of Kamarak, Nigalingappa and
others. That led to the imposition of emergency and autocratic rule in 1975.
During her Prime Ministership, she dismissed and appointed Chief Ministers
in all states at will. At the Centre, if any person was even perceived to be
a threat to her, used to be either sent back to the state or appointed to
secondary posts. I think such an attitude destroyed the upcoming cadre of
Congressmen and led to nepotism. Those close to the Gandhis and sucking up
to them went up in hierarchy and promising leaders were unceremoniously cast
aside. After the 1975 emergency fiasco, Indira Gandhi was pretty much
destroyed. The person who revived her was none other than Devraj Urs, who
got her elected from Chickamaglur. However, she sensed that he was getting
too strong and she completely finished him. He died a shattered person!

Sonia Gandhi still follows the same loyalty path. I am sure given the
choice, Congress in Goa would not want Digambar Kamat as the Chief
Minister...He prays to the Gandhi God-Kings!

It is indeed a sad state of affairs that the likes of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul
Gandhi are the only face of the Congress Party".

Now let me add few more lines: Today even children know that congress party
is a party with difference: The party chants Sonia and Rahul to be savors of
modern India. These days' party acts with opening scene that is vague about
Indira Gandhi and amnesiac about Nehru. The party represents to be a party
of the poor in daytime and of the rich at night. Recently, party's one hand
has started coercing and displacing adivasis and other hand tries hard to
garner their sympathy pretending to be their soldier and savior. For which,
the party's politics has started revolving around calculated combination of
'Operation Green Hunt' and 'Operation Greenspeak'.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad 

[Goanet] NCP terms Digamber Kamat as father of corruption

2010-09-20 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

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   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

Rajendra Kakodkar's questions: Does this hint that siphoning was
pre-planned? Were only Youth involved or also Subhash and co? What points to
Digamber?s involvement? How is he the father of Corruption? Are Sankalp and
Trojan hand in glove? Sankalp gets Cong ticket against Jose if NCP-Cong
alliance fails. Trojan gets NCP ticket against Willy. 

Another aspect is that Government had planned an expenditure of Rs 120 crore
on flood relief and restoration. Most of this money was to be spent through
PWD, Health and Social Welfare ministries. All these ministers are uncles of
corruption if Digamber is the father. Can someone enlighten how this Rs 120
crore were actually spent? Why is BJP indifferent? Or as usual, did Congress
use BJP contractors to spend the money?

My answers to Rajendra's questions: May be, it was not pre-planned but after
Youth Congress collected about 75 lakhs (NCP claims so) definitely some
thing prevented them from disbursing the amount to flood victims and proper
accounting! Not only youth congress wing collected the funds but also main
congress party did collect the funds. Aam Admi till date is not aware were
both these funds have gone! Subhash did come on record saying 'person
responsible to announce the details about collected funds by congress party
(presumably main party, as he is not responsible for youth congress) is too
busy these days'.   

Apart from this, for the benefit of flood affected victims, many Goans have
also contributed to 'chief minister's relief fund (CMRF)' account. By rule,
Controller General of Accounts (CGA) of Government of India cannot audit
this account. This means, chief minister is free to utilize the money
collected as he wants with no questions being asked. More over chief
minister has till date not given/published any statement as to how much
money is collected in CMRF for the benefit of flood affected victims and how
he has spent the collected amount. This is besides announced and planned
expenditure of Rs 120 crores of which no Goan knows anything about. Yes,
Goans only know that chief minister was bagging Central government to give
Goa Rs 120 Crores for the removal of grounded River Princess! Even in this
case, no Goan knows whether the requested amount is given by Central
government or not. May be these two facts points finger at chief minister
and for which he must have been called 'father of corruption'. 

Like 'Lion always roars when he is hungry', both the persons claiming as
aspirant of election ticket are roaring to show their presence and for their
share of food (in this case its money share). Hope I have answered
Rajendra's questions correctly - hope I am wrong!  

[Goanet] Life cannot come from non-life

2010-09-20 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

Fr. Ivo wrote: ..Bible is not a scientific book. But we know that scientists
have taken elements and inspiration for their theories from the Bible,
including Albert Einstein. If Science and Bible coincide on several points,
I have nothing to object. Let scientific conclusions be scientifically

My response: I believe in what Fr. Ivo says i.e. 'Bible is not a scientific
book' and 'Let scientific conclusions be scientifically verified'. But, I
don't believe in what he expressed in-between these two phrases i.e. '...If
science and bible coincide on several points, I have nothing to object'.

When most believe that 'Bible is not scientific book' than why at all speak
of Bible and Science at the same breath as if Bible is science. I believe
Science and Bible are not the two sides of the SAME coin - subject wise  and
expectation wise both are independent by itself and cannot be correlated by
any means. 

And if at all, anyone attempts to correlate these two different subjects
directly or indirectly than that person will have to also understand that,
just as we expect that conclusions of science as to be verified before
accepting, the same way conclusions of bible will have also to be verified
to a point of acceptability! Otherwise atheists will get added opportunity
to say 'Bible is linked to Science. But conclusions in the Bible are not
verified like Science. And yet we are expected to accept the conclusions
expressed in the Bible'. 

It's correlation, stupid!! 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad 

[Goanet] Gandhi God-Kings

2010-09-21 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

I wrote ---> In this respect, I think the media in India has failed to do
its duty in getting them (Sonia and Rahul Gandhi) to spell out their
thoughts. It is quite possible, perhaps most probable, that the media has
asked for time with them, and they have not obliged. But then that itself
tells a lot about their way of thinking. And therefore the issue of dynasty
becomes a major worry.

Naguesh Bhatcar responded: "Well, the current arrangement serves Sonia
Gandhi fine! She is NOT answerable toanyone! Does she ever have any press
conferences or interviews? No foot-in-the-mouthmoments! Rahul Gandhi has had
some of those.Her views are never known. She is effectively ruling India by
proxy! The WSJ article has tried to highlight that.Indian media has little
or no access to her."

I add ---> This is correct.  However, the media and the other intellectuals
are allowing them to get away with this unaccountability.  One reads such
fawning articles on them, that one would get an impression that it is their
press release, rather than news item, or even analysis.  There are pictures
of foreign dignitaries who have made a call at the residence of Sonia
Gandhi.  There is no report as to what was discussed during her meeting with
any foreign dignitaries. These foreign dignitaries are meeting Sonia as a
representative of the people of India, and not as a personal friend.

In this case, I personally think, the media is not doing its job properly.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Spelling of Konkani or Konkanni?

2010-09-22 Thread U. G. Barad

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

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   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome


Oscar Lobo from Melbourne wrote --- > Dear Konkani Literates, I see people
using two types of spellings for our "Dudachee Bhas" Konkani and some
Konkanni. Of late someone stated that Konkanni is the correct version
although I also read that it can be written as Conkani. Can someone with
authority state the correct spelling of our mother tongue?
My response:


Konkanni, Konkani and what you read Conkani are expressions of differences
between roman, romi, Devanagari, devnagri script supporters .. Most
importantly, anyone wanting to write in our mother tongue always considers
himself/herself to be an authority on spelling words from our mother tongue
. anything 'chalta hai' ...this is the fate of our mother tongue. May be
this is happening out of immense love to our Goa :)-  

Best regards,

U. G. Barad


2010-09-23 Thread U. G. Barad
If any one wants to learn the art of corruption, malpractices, supplying
poor quality with a glaze of quality, and above all shirking of
responsibility one need not join any MBA course! All they have to do is read
and learn the tricks of the trade followed at CWG in Delhi of which,
innocent looking Sheila, non-accountable Sonia and Suresh with khunmari
looks are the three great architects.   

Can anyone believe that CWG will conclude with an approximate cost of over
35,000 Crores of rupees! And mind you this unbelievable huge sum is spent
just to develop an artificial crumbling showcase of might and economic well
being in a country where over 50 percent of our population leave below
poverty line with hunger, poverty and ignorance. 
Long live India and equally long live three monkeys (Sheila, Sonia and

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Rajendra kakodkar wrote --- > Three episodes of IPL were more than
successful. Even under the cloud of Mumbai terror attack when Chidambaram
was not confident of providing security, Lalit Modi-Pawar combine made IPL-2
a great success in South Africa at a very short notice. Though they were
corrupt, they were very very efficient. On the other hand Kalmadi-Sonia
combine proved not only corrupt but highly inefficient. They have shamed the
Nation. She could not even learn from her mother in law, who despite the
paucity of funds in 1982 made Asiad a respectable spectacle.

Nascimento Caldeira wrote --- > It hurts me to read and watch on TV about
incompetence from the Organisers of this year's CW Games.What a bloody
SHAME! Yak I say! Village is incomplete and filthy and built even 'Below
Third World' Standards. There is Dengue Fever and water logging everywhere!
Where in the world do we see such misdeeds? Stadiums are cracking, ceilings
collapsing and imploding? The vital pedestrian Bridge near the main Stadium
has collapsed.
Add the Terror Threat to this and we have a highly volatile mix. Games
organisation is in a Mess! Now, Who is Proud to be Indian! Down with such
backwardness and incompetence.

Gabe Menezes wrote --- > It seems what is acceptable to India/Indians is
simply not par for the course for the rest of the Commonwealth? 

Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote --- > it has given me the feeling that the whole
thing will collapse in a heap, given that a couple of months ago, when
everything should have been finished bar finishing touches, nothing appeared
nearing completion. The whole world has kept a close eye on all that is
happening in and around the CWG venues. A friend who recently travelled to
New Delhi told me about the sorry state of the airport, despite the
showcased television newscast displaying an uptodate (probably not yet open
to public?) terminal hall.

[Goanet] Commonwealth Games

2010-09-25 Thread U. G. Barad
After reading a clarion call given by one Goanet member to see other side of
the coin on above subject, I realized that I had forgotten that the present
CWG is organized by our India, our Indian Congress party and our Congress
politicians combine. When this is the fact, how can I, being an Indian
citizen, talk and or project anything else other then good of even worst

In this positive direction, I must now say that our ruling congress party
has done commendable job in organizing CWG with common wealth of all Indians
without even worrying about prevailing poverty standards of Indians. This
full show has cost India just meager 35,000 Crores of rupees.  

CWG in India equals total transparency with absolutely 'zero' corruption.
'No one will be spared for any corruption charges (if proved) after CWG is
over' is a strong message conveyed by UPA president through Prime Minister
of India. 

For sure, for the first time in history, India has done something unique
which no other third world country can do. This commendable, spick & span
work of India must be admired by all participants of CWG and by entire
world. On these count, entire world leaders must recommend Indian organizers
names for a Nobel Prize for showcasing unbelievable and indescribable!   

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Commonwealth Games

2010-09-27 Thread U. G. Barad

Fredrick Noronha writes: Congress, Congress, UPA? Sometimes, I get the
impression that mails attacking Congress corruption are more of a tool for
cheap political propaganda. What about the Opposition? Does it play its role
or take cheap and emotive shots instead of tackling more serious issues?
Does it have a significant vision difference from the ruling party?

My response:
I am very much surprised at this message.  It seems to me that there is an
intention of diverting the attention from the issues raised (which, I think,
are valid) regarding the games.  There is nothing cheap political propaganda
here - unless Fred is saying that all those who have posted messages on this
list are supporters of political parties other than the Congress and the
UPA.  I know I am accused of being one such person, but I have not read
anywhere on this list that the others are.

It also gives me an impression that Fred thinks that ONLY the opposition
party should be permitted to do the criticism.  My contention, here, would
be that in a democracy there are many others who have a valid role to make
comments (favorable and unfavorable) on issues.  If one has to follow Fred's
logic, then on this list we should not criticize the BJP either.  Let the
Congress party do the job.

Fred gives links of three articles relating to the BJP, which he considers
to be cheap and emotive shots.  From what I have read in the papers, the BJP
has taken up the issue of corruption and other matters also relating to the
games.  Given that Fred is a journalist, anyone not familiar with what is
happening in India would get an impression that, on this issue, the BJP has
nothing else to say than what Fred has given links to.

Another aspect of Fred's post is that he seems to think that the only valid
opposition political party in India is the BJP.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] In Karnataka village, Hindus rebuild a crumbling mosque

2010-09-27 Thread U. G. Barad

HUBLI: As the nation anxiously awaits one mosque verdict, villagers in
Karnataka's Gadag district have made their judgment clear as far as their
local mosque is concerned. The spirited folk of Purtageri, a village around
500km from Bangalore, dissolved religious lines to come together and rebuild
a mosque that was crumbling. 

Read more: 


[Goanet] Goa's most wanted drug dealer flees India

2010-09-27 Thread U. G. Barad
Vivian wrote: How very convenient !? Had this rascal been brought to justice
he would have spilled the beans on a lot of police personnel and?
politicians.? He could not have escaped without the connivance of some
powerful people.? Chalta hai ! Chalta hai !

To preserve and maintain the little of the image left of our police
personnel and politicians combine most wanted drug dealer is allowed to flee
India.  And the excuse given was 'high court had granted him the bail but no
direction was issued to the police to keep a watch on him'. Goans need not
be surprised if our ruling government airs their view saying 'most likely
former minister' is involved in helping drug dealer to flee India. These
days Goa's administration is in total mess.  Every politician including
ministers is acting as per their own whimsies and flimsies with no
accountability what so ever.

Who is to be blamed for all this mess that is taking place in Goa? We the
voters..because we elected these rascals .. And our most convenient answer
was, as usual, 'we had no other choice'. Now why are we crying  I don't
I feel it's better to say 'chalta hai' and keep quite. For even after
experiencing the worst we will again elect the same rascals as we don't have
other choice. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Hitler reacts to the Commonwealth Fiasco - MUST SEE!!

2010-09-28 Thread U. G. Barad

Some humor.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad


There's a whole series of such Hitler parodies - scroll down to "Hitler as
internet meme" at:

[Goanet] Hitler's view on Fiasco

2010-09-28 Thread U. G. Barad

How about some humor. After Supreme Court Verdict


Best Regards,


U. G. Barad





There's a whole series of such Hitler parodies - scroll down to "Hitler as
internet meme" at



[Goanet] Rousseff leads Brazil election but runoff likely

2010-10-04 Thread U. G. Barad

I came across the enclosed article.  What intrigued me is the following

At a church service in Brasilia on Sunday, Pastor Otaviano Miguel da 
Silva urged his followers not to vote for candidates from Rousseff's 
ruling Workers' Party because "it approves of homosexuality, lesbianism, 
and is in favor of abortion."

I do not know exactly how much negative influence has this had on the
election of Dilma Rousseff.  However, it indicates what the priority of 
at least this priest has.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Rousseff leads Brazil election but runoff likely Sun, Oct 3 2010

Brian Winter


SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Ruling party candidate Dilma Rousseff led Brazil's
presidential election on Sunday, but she will almost certainly face a 
runoff after some voters were turned off at the last minute by a 
corruption scandal and her views on social issues.

Rousseff, a former Marxist guerrilla leader who vows to continue the
pragmatic center-left policies that have made Brazil one of the world's
fastest-growing emerging market economies, had 45.2 percent of valid 
votes with 83 percent of ballots counted.

[Goanet] Non achievers kids, kiths & kin appear on front page

2010-10-08 Thread U. G. Barad
Kids of any international or national personalities can never be equated to
personalities. They always continue to remain kids till they have
achievement of their own! But kids, kiths & kin of Kongress personalities
has started a new trend of making waves by appearing on the front page  of
national dailies without any achievements of their own! - A cheap publicity

Read more at: 

Best regards,
U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Smart sanitation

2011-01-13 Thread U. G. Barad

I thought members would be interested in the enclosed item.


Best regards,


U G Barad




Smart, eco-friendly sanitation for all

By - S Vishwanath


January 12, 2011


The technology choice that China made for sanitation and wastewater
management has led to not only blistering economic growth but also rapid
urbanisation as it helped Beijing reduce GDP loss that poor sanitation


The four storied apartments in Dongsheng District of Erdos Municipality in
Inner Mongolia, China look like any apartment, all 825 of them. They look
the same that is until you use the toilet. Detailed instructions nailed to
the door tell you how to use them. The urine diverting toilets flush with
sawdust instead of water. Urine is collected in tanks tucked away in the
basement of the building and used as a fertiliser in a surrounding
agricultural field. The solids are composted and reused also as fertiliser.
Grey-water coming from the washing machine and bath is treated at a small
treatment plant in the development and reused for landscape use. The people
who bought the flats did so knowing fully well the systems of sanitation in
place and paid the same market rates as the flats which had conventional
sanitation systems. This is China's brave new world of waste and wastewater


China, and rural China in particular, has been well-known for centuries for
reusing human waste as a fertiliser. Legendary tales are told of farmers
competing with each other in inviting passers-by to use toilets in their
fields so that they could access the fertiliser. There was never any waste
only a resource according to the Chinese farmers. This was, however, a small
part of the story.


Rural sanitation has been a problem for long. In 1996, only about 20 per
cent of households had access to sanitation. The prevalence of open
defecation, the use of the traditional pit latrines and in general bad
sanitation practices, including the application of untreated human waste for
agriculture, had led to the high prevalence of intestinal diseases such as
worms in the rural population. A focussed attention first on rural drinking
water supply improvement then followed by sanitation access improvement has
resulted in about 50 per cent of the populace having access to safe
sanitation by 2003.


The technology choice made for sanitation was also interesting. These
included five major types of sanitation systems - the triple compartment
septic tank type, the double barrel urn type, the methane generation
digester type, the eco-san separate urine faeces collector type and finally
the conventional sewer type.


While the first and the last are designed exclusively for isolating and
treating sewage to safe standards only, the remaining three systems are
designed not only for safe treatment but for reuse of nutrients as well as
for generation of energy in the case of the methane digester type.


Take the case of the urine diverting dry toilets. The UDDT'S have a pan
designed that collects urine and faeces separately. In the case of washers
the wash water is also collected separately. The first experiment in Guangxi
Province started with the construction of 70 toilets in Dalu village in
1997. This was followed by the construction of 10,000 UDDT's in 1998 and
then scaled up to the construction of 6,85,000 toilets in 2003. The
construction of the UDDT's has thus been mainstreamed as one of the
sanitation alternative while providing the nutrients that farmers need for
their fields in a safe and hygienic manner.


The factors for such a rapid and large up-scaling has been the cultural
acceptance of the technology, the water scarcity in the villages also makes
the UDDT attractive as it needs no water for flushing, the availability of
compost and urine as fertilisers, the technological and political commitment
to improve and implement such a system.


The methane digester type of toilet, much like our biogas systems, has an
innovative component to it. Typically, the toilet of the house is also
connected to pig rearing, a poly-house and vegetable cultivation. 

The Chinese call it the four in one model.


Pig effluent and human effluent go into the methane digester that produces
biogas for cooking and for electricity for the house usually not connected
to the grid. The digested effluent is used as a fertiliser inside the
poly-house used for vegetable cultivation by the rural family. More than a
million such units have been established and are running all across China.


Till the 1970s, China meandered along with a set pattern of slow growth till
Deng Xiaoping unleashed the economy. The result, decades later, is not only
a blistering economic growth but also rapid urbanisation. More than 46.60
per cent of China lived in urban areas in 2009 and the tipping point of 50
per cent is expected to be reached by 2015. More than 300 million Chinese
will move in to cities between 2010 and 2025. 

This w

[Goanet] Rahul's misfired price blame

2011-01-13 Thread U. G. Barad
This is further to my expressed views on Rahul.. any utterance by Rahul
is always a misfire. He survived and survives all his misdeeds only because
of "Gandi" tag. Take this tag away; he is big "Zero". Even at forty he is
proving himself to be "Baba-Rahul".  

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Rahul's misfired price blame

2011-01-14 Thread U. G. Barad

Sotor wrote: It is only when we withdraw from the 'Mad rush' which Gandhi
spoke about, that will we be able to see the contradictions in what is
called progress.

When we produce for profits that the rotting of food begins, when we produce
to sustain ourselves we can enjoy every bit of it.


My comments:


Sotor, the quotes of Dalai Lama are clear to me but not you're concluding
last catchy lines (which I have appended herein above). Can I expect
following clarifications:


1)  Are you equating Dalai Lama to Gandhi?

2)  Is Gandhi smarter and intelligent than Dalai Lama?

3)  Which Gandhi are you talking about? Is it Mohandas Gandhi or Indira
Gandi or Sanjay Gandi or Maneka Gandhi or Rajive Gandi or Sonia Gandi or
Rahul Gandi! 

4)  What progress are you talking about?

5)  I believe you have already withdrawn from the "Mad rush" after learning
hard ways, so what progress have you located in Goa so far? 

6)  I believe, our Goa Kangress sorkar believes in every word you used in
framing your last catchy line i.e. when we produce for profits that the
rotting of food begins, when we produce to sustain ourselves we can enjoy
every bit of it. If this be so, why are you raising your voice (including
other Goans) over converting agricultural land into concrete jungle? Is not
Kangress right in destroying agriculture land in Goa? All that they have
done is they have extended your philosophy to saying more and more enjoyment
comes without producing any thing in Goa!  


Sotor, can I expect your civilized satisfactory explanations to above


Best regards,


U. G. Barad


[Goanet] Rahul's misfired price blame

2011-01-15 Thread U. G. Barad
JC wrote: '.have the Goanet Administrators noted the following
consistent but selective mis-spelling from Dr. Barad.'

My comment:

JC, it's you who taught me the art of selective mis-spelling! Are you
surprised by this statement!! Dig up your earlier postings to Goanet written
by you and which are addressed to me with deliberate mis-spelling.  

Best regards,
U. G. Barad

[Goanet] New Deoband chief lauds Modi's Gujarat

2011-01-21 Thread U. G. Barad

In a shocking instance, The Times of India, brings up a report, which says:
The new Darul Uloom vice-chancellor, Maulana Ghulam Mohammed Vastanvi, said
"all communities" are prospering in Narendra Modi's Gujarat and there was
"no discrimination against the minorities in the state as far as development
was concerned."

The full article is at:

Thought members would be interested.

Best regards,

U G Barad

[Goanet] Enough is enough, says Premji on corruption

2011-01-28 Thread U. G. Barad
January 27, 2011 09:40 IST 


Noted industrialist Azim Premji, who was named for the coveted Padma
Vibhushan this year, has said he is 'extremely disappointed' with the
performance of the government at the Centre. 

Wipro chairman Premji, who along with a number of eminent personalities had
recently written an open letter on a 'governance deficit', said they would
focus on the "complete breakdown in public governance across the board." 

"I am extremely disappointed. I think it is a national calamity and is
personally very devastating because one had so much confidence when they
(UPA-II) came in," he said when asked whether the present government was
"unable to deliver".
"But I think, it has reached a point of catharsis. And when something
reaches a point of catharsis, there seems to be no alternative but to
change. I am optimistic...," he said. 

He said the group (of eminent personalities) would follow up the matter with
"fairly concrete" action recommendations as to what can lift the level of
governance and make it more focused. 

"We think it is important. We focus attention on the complete breakdown in
public governance across the board, whether it be government, or
businessmen, or traders...," he said. 

to reform ourselves. If we don't do that, we are not going to leave children
behind us proud of the country, despite 8-9 per cent (economic) growth." 

Recently, a group of prominent personalities, including Premji, Mahindra &
Mahindra chairman Keshub Mahindra, HDFC chairman Deepak Parekh, former RBI
Governors M Narasimham and Bimal Jalan, among others, had expressed concern
over a series of scams that pointed toward a "governance deficit". 

In the letter, they had asked the government to deal with burning issues
like corruption urgently. 

"We will make concrete recommendations to the government and we will pursue
them with tenaciousness...," Premji said. On the award, he said: "I am quite
honoured. It is a prestigious award. I am humbled to receive it." He said
the signatories to the open letter have identified a few steps that can
result in the highest standards of governance. 

Citing the example of "sacrosanct" regulatory bodies like Sebi and the RBI,
Premji asked, "Why can't we make something like that in environment? A
regulatory organisation separate from minister or secretary?" 

He, however, said they did not get any response from the Indian government
on the open letter. 

"We did not expect a response, but there have been individual meetings with
some people. Our objective was not to antagonise the government, but we want
them to implement... We are in a state of limbo." 

On the issue of black money stashed abroad, he said, "Every country that has
some scent of it (black money) is going after it. Its an issue of public
morality which is at stake here." 

"What you need is tenaciousness. The United States has the tenaciousness to
go after people who are involved in it... When pressure builds and builds...
you have to have change, because you have a situation of catharsis," Premji

At the World Economic Forum, speakers were almost unanimous in their view
that the centre of gravity in the world economy is shifting in which the
West is struggling to keep up with the turbo-charged emerging markets. 

The old rich world can't take its prosperity for granted anymore and it will
be overtaken by hungrier powers if it fails to do some strategic planning
about the new reality. 

Premji said it's good for the world economy if the developed countries
understand the new reality fast enough. 

Asked if countries like India are fed up with the constant lecturing by the
West, Premji said the West needs to give up its double standards --one set
of parameters for the emerging nations and the other for the US. 

It's good, he said, that multinationals are waking up to this new reality.
Citing the example of Ford Motors Company, he said the company recognised
the power of the huge consumer class in India, but wanted to design a car
for India by sitting in Detroit. 

"It's good such companies have understood that you can't push a product down
India's throat any more. Look at the success of Ford Figo. It worked because
Ford was thinking about a new car for India sitting in India," Premji said,
adding that's the new reality which MNCs can ignore only at their own peril.

[Goanet] What did Digu get from Mr Raheja?

2011-02-17 Thread U. G. Barad
Rajan wrote: 


News in today's Herald - Digu gives Raheja permission to go ahead with
construction in Carmona.

This should be a test case for the people of Salcette.  If this project is
allowed to go ahead, then you can kiss Salcette goodbye.  Raheja et al
should be thrown out of Goa, and Digu given a garland of chappals.


My reply:


It's nothing more than one builder backing another builder! Now is the acid
test for Carmoncars!! In any case, I think, overall he disserves more than
the garland you proposed!!!


Best regards, 


U. G. Barad 



[Goanet] Accuser got grilled without oil & fire

2011-02-18 Thread U. G. Barad
While trying to locate video footage of PM's recent conference with TV
editors of India, I located two video coverage's which I thought of sharing
with you all. Please click the links provided here below:



Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Cooking with Coconut Oil - good for your health

2011-02-19 Thread U. G. Barad

Floriano wrote:

"It must be noted that out of 15 members on the US FDA, practically more
than half of them are the paid chamchas of the pharmaceuticals, who keep the
interests of their masters alive and in the bargain  kill millions of people
by introducing newer drugs into the market with manufactured claims. These
are the same persons who clamp down on the  'suppliment market' and want to
bring it under FDA.  If this is not true, then someone must tell me why FDA
withdraws certain killer drugs from the market  every now and then after
they have killed rather than cured people?"

My reply:

What you have written about FDA is more than right. In case of coconut oil
and its proved benefits I can provide over 500 original researches that
appeared in journals of repute. 

Basically it was Dr. Ancel keys of USA, masters in geography and doctorate
in physiology, who told the most damaging lies in the history of human kind.
He was a man who convinced the Americans and the rest of the world that
saturated fats are dangerous to human health. He is held to be greatly
responsible to give bad name to coconut and coconut oil. Today's scientist
and their proved research has proved Keys, beyond doubt, to be a villain
within the anti-fats movement. 

Before I conclude, I provide herewith one classic case of American Heart
Association's (AHA) misbehavior, which had the blessing of FDA.




As for FDA's misbehavior of power to extend help and cover-up to medicine
manufacturers, I can provide "n" number of proofs. For time being above
information and links should give meaningful understanding about how AHA and
FDA are working.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Cooking with Coconut Oil - good for your health

2011-02-21 Thread U. G. Barad

Reena wrote:


I would only say let's be very careful before making statements that we
cannot substantiate.


My reply:


I'm more than careful; it's up to you.as regards 'substantiating' 


Why not we start debate on this topic with you and Santosh on one side and
me alone!!


Best regards,


U. G. Barad


[Goanet] Cooking with Coconut Oil - good for your health

2011-02-21 Thread U. G. Barad

Santosh wrote:

I do not believe in conspiracy theories. Please state your claims clearly,
and post scientific evidence from the peer-reviewed medical literature to
back it up. Then I will be happy to debate you, if necessary.

My reply:

Define Conspiracy theories and also let me know which references you believe
in i.e. which according to you are honest, trustworthy medical literatures?
And also let me know which journals you believe in! 

Before that how about starting our discussion on basic chemistry on fats and

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Cooking with Coconut Oil - good for your health

2011-02-23 Thread U. G. Barad


Me too don't believe in conspiracy theories. Please state your claims
clearly, and post scientific evidence from the peer-reviewed medical
literature to back YOUR claimS. I'm most willing to debate with you,
starting from basic chemistry!


Best regards,


U. G. Barad



2011-03-04 Thread U. G. Barad

This is w. r. t. the note by Aries Rodrigues on the Supreme Court judgment
on the illegality of the appointment of the CVC.

I've have noticed that the court passed strictures against the panel that
made the appointment of CVC.  

But SC is silent on the dissented remark of the opposition leader who is one
among other two panelists on the panel that made the CVC's appointment. 

This only confirms that actual file pertaining to CVC appointment containing
all the documents as well as the clearance/non-clearance observations of
panel regarding selection CVC was either not submitted to SC or SC
overlooked the dissented remark of one panel member. I'm equally not
surprised that the 'actual file pertaining to CVC's appoint' is now
announced to be missing!

However, this argument is of no use now because our Mr. Clean Prime Minister
has accepted total responsibility for CVC's appointment, confirming to
nation that he instead of appointing 'commission' appointed 'omission' in P.
J. Thomas. This remark from me is based on news reports and media reports on
this issue. 

What is of more interest is, how long Kangress will use the Mr. Clean's
image to cover-up their misdeeds? Is Kangress up-to finishing even the  very
little image left of Mr. Clean? OR is Kangress trying to tarnish Mr. Clean
and transplant 'Mr. Clean's original Clean image' in a non-disserving,
kidding kid of Gandi? 

Best regards,

U G Barad

[Goanet] Error of Judgment

2011-03-15 Thread U. G. Barad

I think the views expressed by the author has much merit, and needs wide
circulation.  If you agree, please forward this to your friends and family.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Error of Judgment
Dr Mrs Hilda Raja


About two years ago a former student of mine sent me the Curriculum vitae of
Dr Manmohan Singh and remarked-'no PM of the world has such a CV we should
be proud.it '.I replied to her, 'It is not the CV that makes a man it is the
intrinsic values, the integrity and honesty ,the sensitivity to the
downtrodden, the courage and firmness which enables one to uphold the oath
which a PM takes when he assumes office that matters. I also reminded her
that great leaders like Kamaraj Nadar, Nanda, Lal Badhur Shastri had no CV
to boast of. But they loved the people and the country and stood for certain
principles. When I read the media reports on Manmohan Singh's CV I thought
the same and midway through his tenure as PM I found myself anchoring on
these values more than his scholarship. Today I am more convinced that
Manmohan Singh lacked the administrative skills, the tenacity and the
erudition to be at the helm of the country's governance. He lacked the
courage to act, he let down the nation when it looked up to him, he failed
to safeguard the interests of the nation, and he simply pretended that the
looters can continue looting the country. Would one call this honesty? But
above all he failed to uphold his oath. Thus he failed miserably as a Prime

What happens when a Principal makes 'an error of judgment' and thereby fails
a student? What happens when a clerk makes an error of judgment and throws
the promotion paper of a junior clerical staff in the waste paper basket?
What happens when the Chief of Armed forces makes an error of judgment? What
happens when the pilot of a jet makes an error of judgment? What happens to
those holding the remote control of the nuclear power clicks because of an
error of judgment?

In all the above cases they take full responsibility and they cannot escape
accountable and that what follows with such accoutablity.

What happens when the Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh makes an error
of judgment and accepts full responsibility for it? Is there not natural
justice that he be made accountable for that error of judgment?
By simply making statements in Parliament does it wash away his guilt? Can
he be let off the hook without paying for it? Can his sins be washed off by
his statements, "I am not that big culprit as is being made out" a pitiful
plea and that from the PM of this nation. If he is not 'that big a culprit'
then is he a medium size culprit?

One must remember that this is not the first time that the Prime Minister
has tried to escape by making statements in the Parliament without being
punished for it. Every person who errs needs to be punished-that's justice.
All the more if he is supposed to be at the helm of affairs. In
Quottrocchi's case he pleaded that 'he was out of the loop'. Was it not his
responsibility to be very much in the loop? In 2G Spectrum he pretended that
everything was fine till the Opposition shouted hoarse. Still he pretended
to be deaf and like a robot moved on.
Was it not his responsibility not to allocate the IT and communication
portfolio to Dayanidhi Maran when his family is in the business of
communication and media? Then when Maran was dropped because of family
discords then A.Raja was given the portfolio. The media had brought to the
notice of its readers the scam that was erupting in the department but
Manmohan Singh continued as though everything was fine. He was forced to
drop A.Raja and now calls it compulsions of coalition. Does it mean that
compulsions of coalition calls for closing one's eyes-not acting and
allowing the nation to be looted?

The Common Wealth Games had no compulsions of coalition and yet the Prime
minister went about giving the impression that everything was fine.
Meanwhile the loot was on. Is the PM insulated from governance or does he
just allow his subordinates to call the shots.

Coming to the appointment of PJ.Thomas as the CVC one simply cannot
understand the compulsions of the PM and the Home Minister to select him
when the leader of the Opposition had put in a dissenting note. Were there
not two others from whom one could have been selected? This issue was raised
in public forums-in Parliament and the Opposition make a hue and cry still
the PM was unmoved. It is only when the Supreme Court raised questions and
asked for clarification then the PM could not run for cover. So he coolly
calls it 'error of judgment'. Can a PM of the country afford to make an
error of judgment? Can the nation rather afford to have a PM who yields to
coalition pressures and when there is no coalition pressure then it is error
of judgment? Every public enterprise there is a scam and Mrs S

[Goanet] Agriculture

2011-03-16 Thread U. G. Barad

I thought members would be interested in this item.

Best wishes.

U G Barad

When women plough in a group
Author: Mahesh Joshi
Publication: The Indian Express
Date: March 11, 2011

Introduction: Group Farming - Beginning with a sheep breeding project a self
help group of 15 women at a small village in Aurangabad have expanded to
grow vegetables, tumeric and ginger on around 10 acres of land

Fifteen women of Bahuli, a tiny village in Aurangabad's Marathwada region,
are experiencing economic freedom with a new self-help mantra - group

The turnaround began three years ago, when these women, most of whom worked
as labourers, formed a self-help group (SHG) and forayed into group farming
on about 10 acres of land. The land is owned collectively by them.

The group is not only financially self-sufficient now but also boasts of
around Rs. 1.5 lakh bank deposits.

Bahuli, situated around 25 km from Sillod tehsil, was mostly engaged in
vegetable cultivation. People in this village, with a population of around
1000, were mostly employed as labourers in the fields of adjoining villages.

That was till an Aurangabad-based NGO, Dilasa Janvikas Pratishthan (DJP),
decided to intervene.

A visit to every household in the village followed, giving women lessons on
how to become self-dependent.

"Finally, 15 women, aged between 25 and 35 years, agreed to join hands to
form the Dilasa Rajmata Women's Self-Help Group (DRW-SHG)," said DJP
chairperson Dr Anagha Patil.

The SHG was formed under the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) Bank Linkage Programme.

Instead of engaging women in routine work like making papad and pickles, the
DJP inspired them to go for group or cooperative farming. "The concept of
group farming was new to them. After 2-3 sessions of counselling, they
agreed to give it a try," Patil said.

With an initial contribution of Rs. 100 per head, the group became liable
for credit linkage in six months.

In 2007, the DRW-SHG borrowed a loan of Rs. 25,000 from Maharashtra Gramin
Bank on an 18-month repayment term. A sheep breeding project was launched
with this money.

The project gave immediate benefits and the group repaid the amount in less
than six months and became eligible for a loan twice the earlier amount.

DRW-SHG president Nanda Nikot said: "Our first success was enough to inspire
confidence in us that we were not born to be labourers for a lifetime.
Instead of toiling in the farm of others for a mere Rs. 70-80 per day, we
have our own business now."

For a second time, they borrowed a loan of Rs. 50,000 for vegetable farming
in mid-2008.

DRW-SHG deputy president Anita Shingare said: "We cultivated brinjal,
tomato, chilly and cabbage on about 10 acres of land. The land was spread in
fractions - like some members grew vegetables on their own 1.5 acres farm,
some at two acres and a few on just an acre of land."

"We ensured by way of discussion that measurement of land will not create
any dispute in sharing profits. With the profits earned from sheep breeding,
we bought seeds, fertilizers and other equipment in bulk. Apart from this,
the actual labour work in the fields, besides marketing of vegetables, was
also done by the group members that saved expenditure and increased
profits," Shingare added. The group earned one and half times more than the
investment this time around.

Come June 2010, they borrowed Rs. 2 lakh loan to cultivate ginger and
turmeric on seven acres of land. Vegetables were cultivated on the remaining
land. About three acres of the land was irrigated by the drip system while
the rest by traditional methods. The group is expecting two to three times
profit from the crops by March-end.

The agricultural department has taken cognizance of the SHG. India is a
patent holder of turmeric and contributes about 82 per cent to its world
production, Sillod tehsil Agriculture officer Uday Deolankar said.

While terming it as great achievement in a small village, Deolankar said
that in India, farmers are emotionally attached to their piece of land and
might find it difficult to share it with others.

Secondly, resources have limitations despite rapid increase in population,
he added.

Therefore, it is commendable, he said, that the DRW-SHG could make group
farming possible, which has also helped increase the per capita income.

Most importantly, the SHG's savings in bank has crossed Rs. 1.5 lakh while
the group has also disbursed loans up to Rs. 50,000 to members at a mere 2
per cent interest rate for crucial times like marriages, renovation of
houses and medical treatments.

A member of DRW-SHG Radhabai Janjal said the group has taught her to live
with pride and dignity. "It has developed a confidence in me to deal in
markets, to maintain records and even to guide others to work like me. The
men in the village 

[Goanet] Probe sought into Balwa's 140-acre Goa seaside project

2011-03-25 Thread U. G. Barad
Author: Pioneer News Service
Publication: The Pioneer
Date: March 23, 2011

After creating waves in the Lok Sabha for his role in the 2G spectrum
allocation scam, Shahid Balwa, co-owner of Dynamix Balwas Realty Group (DB
Realty) has now held centre-stage in the Goa Assembly on Tuesday. 

The Opposition BJP on Tuesday demanded a probe into a controversial 140-acre
seaside project, being developed by a firm co-promoted by Balwa's DB group.

BJP legislator Damodar Naik said the Town and Country Planning (TCP)
department should probe the Balwa-promoted firm DB Realty and how it came to
acquire huge tracts of prime coastal land.

He told the Assembly that the State should keep an eye on the mafia
investing heavily in the State's real estate sector. "Shahid Balwa, the
promoter of Aldeia de Goa is now in CBI custody in the 2G spectrum scam. 

DB Realty and Balwa himself is linked to Dawood and Chota Shakeel," Naik

"In whose hand is Goa going into? These big land sharks who are coming here,
are linked to the mafia," he said, adding the TCP should probe the ownership
titles of the Aldeia de Goa project. "This is a dangerous precedent for Goa,
because the mafia is investing money here," Naik claimed.

Aldeia de Goa, is located near the Siridao-Bambolim bay, on the outskirts of
the capital and boasts leisure facilities including a 30,000 sq ft club
house, swimming pool, jogging track, well equipped gym, amphitheatre, tennis
courts, a 5-star hotel from the Hyatt chain, a shopping mall and food court.

[Goanet] Et tu Ratan!How Tata's and BJP diddled India

2011-03-25 Thread U. G. Barad

After creating mess in education system prevailing in India, Kapil Sibal who
is given additional charge as minister for communications after replacing A.
Raja, is now desperately trying to make an attempt to create a controversy
where none exists.  Or perhaps he thinks that by making wild charges, he
would be able to divert the attention away from the problems that they are
facing with Wikileaks. 

Please see the enclosed article.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

VSNL land row: Tatas hit back
Publication: IBNLive.com
Date: March 24, 2011

The Tata group has written a letter to telecom minister Kapil Sibal on the
VSNL land deal. In its letter, the Tata group has said that the surplus land
is still unused.

Earlier this week, Sibal ordered a probe into the divestment of land. 
The land in question refers to locations in Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and

Telecom Department Additional Secretary SR Rao will be conducting an inquiry
which will be submitted by March 31. The inquiry will suggest measures to
protect Government of India and investors interest.

Amid a raging controversy over disinvestment of the erstwhile VSNL, Tatas
today hit back at the government, saying the company made several attempts
since 2005 onward for the demerger of surplus land but the Telecom
Ministry's response is still awaited.

In a letter to Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal, Tata Communications Chairman
Subodh Bhargave gave a summary of the sequences of events since 2005, which
also have concurrence of two directors nominated by the government.

Tatas' letter comes in the wake of Sibal raising concerns over the
disinvestment of VSNL in 2002, saying, "It has come to my notice that the
disinvestment of Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) in 2002 does not seem
to be fair and transparent."

"Prima facie, the way issue of de-merger of 773.13 acres of surplus land of
VSNL was handled in 2002 and thereafter, not only the interests of investors
but also the interests of the government seems to have been adversely
affected," Sibal said in an internal note asking Telecom Secretary R
Chandrashekhar to constitute a high-level committee to examine the issue in

The Tatas, however, said "The surplus land remains secured and unused by the
company, waiting for a resolution of the demerger issue. The company
continues to bear the expenses toward the surplus land's upkeep and security
as well as associated property taxes."

More officially, Bhargava said, the company has been unable to raise any
non-debt funding during the last few years to support its investment and
growth aspirations due to the non-resolution of this issue.

In fact, former Disinvestment Minister Arun Shourie, under whom VSNL was
sold to Tatas, had also said that if there was any delay in the demerger of
the land and if a probe has to be ordered, "it should be against P
Chidambaram and Pranab Mukherjee, the past and present Finance Ministers in
the UPA government in past seven years."

Shourie had defended the disinvestment, saying stringent conditions were
laid down that prohibited the sale of surplus land by winning bidders.

Bhargava said that the company has participated in a few discussions and
received some correspondence on surplus land, but those have been mostly in
nature of seeking clarifications and the "DoT response to the draft scheme
of demerger is still awaited."

"You (Sibal) would agree that the demerger of this surplus land is waiting
for the government's response on the matter. You should also recognise that
the Board of Tata Communications has two directors nominated by the
government and they are apprised of all these issues," 
Bhargava said in the letter.

Tata Communications would be "more than willing to share all the facts with
you or any officer deputed by you to look into the matter. More importantly,
we welcome a speedy resolution of the demerger issue in the best interests
of the company and all its shareholders."

[Goanet] Medium of instruction in Primary Schools

2011-03-27 Thread U. G. Barad
I have not studied Konkani all throughout my primary school and college
days, but speak Konkani right from my childhood. I could read Konkani both
in devnagri and romi because my primary education was in Marathi and
thereafter my education was in English. I learnt writing devnagri Konkani
somewhere in 2000, that too on my own and even publish one short story book
in devnagri Konkani (my 13th book) titled 'Belapan' which was released at
the hands of Damodar Mauzo.
While my daughter and son studied in English primary school (Manovikas) with
Konkani as one of the subject. Daughter passed out IT engineering and right
this year doing her ME. My son has joined computer engineering. Whenever
issues of medium of instruction at primary level popes up my children always
accuse me asking, why had you not put us in Marathi primary school like you
studied? To this question I always avoid replying or justifying them - for I
too question my parents as to why they had enrolled me to Marathi primary
school. This situation clearly suggests that once child grow up they do
question parents for imposing their decisions on them - despite the fact
that child's age at the entry to primary level can never allow them to make
informed choice! This argument may not be true with all children and

Over all, I consider that it's not worth taking any side on the issue, for
whichever side one take there will be a counter offensive. Therefore I don't
want to justify, defend or take up any side on the issue.
These days I've noticed that our political dividers (Goans) are beating
drums on medium of instruction in primary schools in Goa for the third time.
This is not a healthy sign.  Such attempts will ruin the future of our
upcoming posterity. 

I believe, in such dead-lock situation, the issue could be best solved once
and for all by taking opinion poll from all Goan voters. And this could be
even initiated along with upcoming assembly election in Goa which is due in
year time without extra expenditure to exchequer. This is my frank opinion. 
Best regards,

Uday Barad

[Goanet] Advani Sonia partnership revealed!

2011-03-27 Thread U. G. Barad
The 'apology' by Advani to Sonia for BJP's task force including Sonia's name
in the list of black money holders in Swiss bank accounts indeed had stunned
the nation. And now their actual partnership is exposed. Read more at:


[Goanet] Medium of instruction in Primary Schools

2011-03-28 Thread U. G. Barad
JC I disagree with your last two paragraphs i.e. 

1) JC wrote: 'Dr. Barad that the phrase "Opinion Poll WITHOUT extra
expenditure to exchequer" is an oxymoron. If anyone cares to remember the
amount of Rupees that were invested in the Opinion Poll "to join or not to
join Maharashtra" by the JOIN group, and that too about 45 years ago, one
would not dream of that today.

My reply: JC you are talking about an opinion poll which was conducted
exclusively to decide whether Goa should be joined to Maharashtra or not
therefore that exclusive opinion poll did cost us money. 

My suggestion is to have the opinion poll on medium of instruction in
primary school along with assembly poll. This will incur insignificant
expenses. For all that is required to be done at each polling station is to
install additional voting machine or issue additional ballot paper with
options to vote for 1) English; 2) Konkani; 3) Marathi. And for Konkani
selectors, sub-option would be a) Romi OR b) Devnagri script. 

2) JC wrote: Besides, if an opinion poll were to be held today, there is a
fair chance that Kannada or Bihari might become the official language... 

My reply: Question of Kanada, Bihari or for that matter Digu's vote bank
Urdu does not arise because Goa will have to conduct opinion poll only to
chose / decide on medium of instruction at primary level out of 3 choices:
1) English; 2) Konakani; 3) Marathi. Second sub-option for Konkani selectors
could be: a) Devnagri or b) Romi. That's all.  

Best regards,

U. G. Barad  

On Sunday, 27 March 2011 J. Colaco wrote: 

[1] ?U. G. Barad?wrote:
a:?my primary education was in Marathi and thereafter my education was in

b: ?I believe, in such dead-lock situation, the issue could be best solved
once and for all by taking opinion poll from all GOAN voters.
And this could be even initiated along with upcoming assembly election in
Goa which is due in year time WITHOUT extra expenditure to exchequer.

[2]?Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc?o?responded:??Dr. Uday, I would suggest you
re-think what you?ve?written. Do you really mean to say you would believe in
the procedures of?voting in Goa?


Even though I have often disagreed with Dr. UG Barad (being a Virgo, I also
criticise myself), I must say that I have always admired him for his
brilliant ability to produce and publish scientific material.

And while it was always evident from his GoaNet and Pharmaweb posting (must
have folded or what?), that he was probably from a Vernacular medium primary
school (as opposed to a good English medium school), the fact that his books
have been published and are not cheap by any standards, indicates that he
either works very hard on the non-scientific element (i.e. English) of his
books or he is able to secure help from the right quarters.

Nothing more admirable in a man than to know his limitations and do the
needful to overcome those limitations.

I absolutely see the wisdom in parents offering opportunities to their
children esp opportunities which were not readily available to them (the
parents). Dr. Barad has written about his own choices for his children.

For that I say to Dr. Barad, WELL DONE Sir!   In my mind, you are a
Hero. Trust me, your children will Thank you for that.

One reason I disagree with these (officially) bachelor Catholic priests and
other bachelor politicians is that they give advice wrt Family Life. They
say that even though they do not have families, they have read books. (Some
even give medical advice without ever having gone through the rigours of
medical training)

I say to ALL and Sundry: Please allow parents to make the decisions on
behalf of their children, UNLESS you are willing to place some funds in
trust for the children who take your advice and flop.

Dr. Falcao also has made a very valid point about elections.

I;d say to Dr. Barad that the phrase "Opinion Poll?WITHOUT extra expenditure
to exchequer" is an oxymoron. If anyone cares to remember the amount of
Rupees that were invested in the Opinion Poll "to join or not to join
Maharashtra" by the JOIN group, and that too about 45 years ago, one would
not dream of that today.

Besides, if an opinion poll were to be held today, there is a fair chance
that Kannada or Bihari might become the official language.
There is a famous line in my second discipline i.e. Do not ask a witness a
question, the answer of which you may not wish to hear!

In conclusion: Please do not take advice on the Medium of Instruction (for
kids) from the following folks:

a: Catholic priests.
b: Bachelors and Bachelors without responsibilities for children they may
have sired.
c: Wealthy folks who can send their children to Switzerland for education
and 'banking studies'
d: Wealthy folks whose children do not have to work for a living.
e: Politicians who want to divide and rule.

[Goanet] Medium of instruction in Primary Schools

2011-03-28 Thread U. G. Barad
MY RESPONSE: JC how can you call a vote casted separately along with
assembly poll and in line with voting norms to be 'Referendum'? It's not
referendum but will be an actual 'opinion poll' of all voters. And if you
still continue saying its 'Referendum' government can go ahead with
exclusive 'opinion poll'. No matter whether it will cost money or not - even
otherwise exchequers money is being systematically siphoned by our
politicians. Hope this answers your response appended below:   
jc RESPONSE: Dear Dr. Barad, I appreciate your clarification. What you have
suggested should, surely, not cost a lot of money to the exchequer. However,
while that vote might test the 'opinion' of the voters, I am not sure that
it can be called either a "Referendum" or an "Opinion Poll". But then, you
might be right - especially as in India (and in the tracking polls in the US
and UK) TV stations call their 'straw', telephone or exit polls as Opinion

MY RESPONSE: JC, firstly I must congratulate you for establishing new
relation with Digu i.e. he is now turned your Kaka. 

JC, in an opinion poll, like in any voting, there will always be a winner
and a loser. Winning or losing is like a chance game. At least it's going to
be the opinion of masses (no matter even if they are actually a??ses). 

During Goa's first ever opinion poll we never debated in such a way. Even
during those days we did see politicians and their cronies' active
involvements. Your worst enemy Bandodkar, than CM of Goa and opposition
Jack-Babu & company on other side were using all their tactics. Still we
accepted 'opinion poll' proposal and went ahead with opinion poll. End
result, Goa should not be merged with Maharashtra was the outcome ... We got
what we wanted is entirely a different issue. 

JC 'opinion poll' is like any other election - winner always carry big smile
on their faces and loser will carry sorry faces. This also follows the
crossover of even ideology to winning side. This is called 'survival of
fittest' which is invariably practiced by even professionals, thinkers,
educationalists, elite crowed, and even by politicians from losing side,
leave alone Aam Admi.

While concluding this short message, I strongly feel that issue of medium of
instruction in primary school in Goa should only be solved by 'opinion
poll'- and that's the best way out.  Let all Goans get involved in making a
choice for Goa no matter whether it's going to be right or wrong. But we
must not allow some handful of people like Babushes, Church-hills,
Jonquills, shashi-kalas, bhembres, naiks, Prataps to decide for Goa.  Hope
this answers your important query which is appended below.   

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

JC wrote: 
U. G. Barad  wrote: JC I disagree with your last two paragraphs i.e.

[1] JC: Dr. Barad that the phrase "Opinion Poll WITHOUT extra
expenditure to exchequer" is an oxymoron. If anyone cares to remember
amount of Rupees that were invested in the Opinion Poll "to join or
not to join Maharashtra" by the JOIN group, and that too about 45
years ago, one
would not dream of that today.

BARAD: JC you are talking about an opinion poll which was conducted
exclusively to decide whether Goa should be joined to Maharashtra or
therefore that exclusive opinion poll did cost us money.  My
suggestion is to have the opinion poll on medium of instruction in
primary school along with assembly poll. This will incur insignificant
expenses. For all that is required to be done at each polling station
is to install additional voting machine or issue additional ballot
paper with options to vote for 1) English; 2) Konkani; etc

jc RESPONSE: Dear Dr. Barad, I appreciate your clarification. What you
have suggested should, surely, not cost a lot of money to the
exchequer. However, while that vote might test the 'opinion' of the
voters, I am not sure that it can be called either a "Referendum" or
an "Opinion Poll". But then, you might be right - especially as in
India (and in the tracking polls in the US and UK) TV stations call
their 'straw', telephone or exit polls as Opinion Polls.


2) JC : Besides, if an opinion poll were to be held today, there is a
fair chance that Kannada or Bihari might become the official

BARAD: Question of Kanada, Bihari or for that matter DIGU's vote bank
Urdu does not arise because Goa will have to conduct opinion poll only
chose / decide on medium of instruction at primary level out of 3
choices: 1) English; 2) Konakani; 3) Marathi. Second sub-option for
Konkani selectors could be: a) Devnagri or b) Romi. That's all.

jc RESPONSE: Once again, you are quite right here. My "there is a fair
chance that Kannada or Bihari might become the official language."
comment was merely t

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