2023-07-15 Thread Aires Rodrigues
My dear friends,

My life's journey has been a roller coaster.

But I was so very touched this afternoon with a message I received from my
school teacher, now settled in a different continent.

Could I please most humbly share her words with you. May God bless you my
dear Teacher. My Teacher and guide you shall always remain.


Aires, I enjoyed the debate and congratulate you on your Decision!

You are an amazing and upright soul and abide by the law and have given
every waking breath to uphold the principles in our Miniature but Golden
Goa which is now Paradise Lost!

Keep up the cheer and the spirit of our Beloved Land

You spoke up loud and clear!

God bless

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues





2023-05-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
A very personal and profound thanks to you all for your kind birthday
wishes and your continued blessings as I moved into another year. It made
my day.

May I reassure you that as your humble soldier, wherever I may be, the task
of serving  mankind is a commitment, which I will carry on till my very
last breath. As I tread that path into a new year, with God’s protection,
renewed hope and even greater resolve, may the Almighty guide and inspire
me at all times.

In those words of Corazon Aquino, widow of assassinated President of the
Philippines, who went on to be President herself: “I would rather die a
meaningful death than live a meaningless life”. And as the Sufi mystic
Kabir said “Jako rakhe Sai, maar sake na koi” (None can harm him who is
looked after by higher Powers).

Despite the current grim scenario, I look forward to a new dawn with
renewed optimism for a better future and life ahead as the best things are
yet to come for our great Nation.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




[Goanet] Thank you from Goa Sudharop

2022-12-28 Thread George Pinto
Goa Sudharop would like to thank our supporters, volunteers and especially 
donors who allowed us to have a very successful year. Thanks to the incredible 
generosity of Filomena Giese and Ligia Britto and their families we were able 
to purchase our own Center this year in Goa ("Posro") located in Margao. 

In 2022, we were able to provide jobs, and much needed employment to low-income 
Goans in Goa through several of our ongoing projects:  
1. Farming project - where land/related farm costs are provided free to those 
tilling the land and who keep the proceeds from their labor by selling their 
produce in our Posro center.
2. Handloom project - which teaches women to make Kunbi hand-woven sarees.
3. Carpentry project - which provides training to people to learn a skill and 
gain employment.
4. Pottery project - which provides training to people to learn a skill and 
gain employment.
5. The Thread Up project - which teaches women sewing skills to make garments 
and earn a living.
6. Pop-up markets - which allows various vendors to sell their goods and earn 
an income.

In addition, we built toilets for remote villagers who previously had no 
hygienic options, and provided relief and charity as needed. We would like to 
thank LA Goans who partnered with Goa Sudharop on some occasions on COVID 
relief provided in Goa.

If you wish to make a donation, kindly use this link 
https://www.goasudharop.net/donate (tax-deductible for USA residents).

Please forward this link to your contacts. Thank you.


Goa Sudharop, California

[Goanet] Thank you, Roland Francis, for naming a thread after me

2022-11-13 Thread Rajan Parrikar

I don't write to get anyone's approval. I don't seek 'Likes.' In other
words, you can characterize me any way you wish; I don't give two

In Goa and especially on Goanet, the reflex when you don't like what
one has to say is: "Arre, to communal murre!"

Like "racist" "sexist" "Nazi" these terms of endearment have lost all
potency due to their indiscriminate use. Today it simply translates
to, "Look Ma, he said something I didn't like and therefore he's an
evil person."

At any rate, I have outlived my time and usefulness on Goanet and it
is time to go. I remember the hostile reception accorded me (and other
Goan Hindus) when we first arrived here. By default we were put in the
RSS/BJP/Manohar Parrikar bin and had to first prove our credentials.
It was assumed we had an ulterior motive and we couldn't be here
simply because we also cared for the land of our forefathers.

Some of us stuck it out in the belief that it is better to have an
exchange of views than not. Others with a thinner brand of skin left
(if you haven't noticed, I'm the only Goan Hindu 'survivor' here). I'm
glad I stayed because I made some very good friends I would otherwise
not have known.

I fear that the seeds of strife are being sown in Goa right now and it
is not all on account of the BJP/Modi/RSS/Hindutva brigade. You are
not going to hear of it on Goanet or in your preferred rags like O
Herald, your mailing lists, or from your favourite Woke writers. This
situation is similar to the US where liberals, weaned on a diet solely
of NYT, Washington Post, Huffington Post, MSNBC & CNN, live in a
fantasy world thinking that 50% of the country should be replaced and
Trump is the Devil.

Liberals in America have become the very thing they once despised in
conservatives: authoritarians, intolerant, race hustlers,
anti-free-speech, disregard for law, advocates of wars and foreign
misadventures, crony-capitalists, and so on.

On the other hand, Indian liberals have no mind of their own and take
all their cues from the West. They have convinced themselves that they
can replicate the US model in India by labeling their adversaries
Modi/Hitler/RSS/Hindutva/fascist etc. But India is a vastly different
universe with its own historical, social, and religious arc. And
crucially, very different demographics. The new Indian (and Goan)
Hindu isn't going to roll over like his father's generation did. If
you don't like the message I bring, tough luck.

Keep enjoying your make-believe Goanet world (of probably 5 people
still lingering). Flatter yourself with the wisdom of the 'good bamon'
fed to you. When Reality finally touches down, it is going to be a
hard landing.



[Goanet] Thank You Power Minister Sudin Davlikar

2022-05-19 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
Not too often do we get an opportunity to thank a politician for doing
something good and worthwhile.

Surprisingly, and he is a surprise to me, as he is a politician with a
long political inning who is on his way to becoming something more - a
statesman in the making!

The Portuguese have rebuilt temples he says which they destroyed on
the original site or rebuilt the same temples somewhere else, shows
him showcasing the finest aspect of Hindu values - tolerance to all

God is one say Hindus for several millennia now.

A while back he cited a lists of temples the Portuguese demolished and
rebuilt. A man born into a Brahim priestly family he is knowledgable
with regard to matters of ritual, tradition and religion.

We cannot tamper with history without creating social unrest
especially in Goa a small state with an iconic reputation for communal
and religious harmony.

The people of Goa salute you Power Minister Mr Sudin Dhavlikar.

He is not without controversy in the world of religion and politics.
He has been elected and reelected six time to the Goa Assembly.

A fixture of the government - any government - it prompted CM Parsekar
to quip: no matter which government is in power Sudin Davlikar is
always PWD Minister. Not this time, though. He is Power Minister - and
more power to him.

He sometimes appears prudish when he criticizes the bikini as an
inappropriate piece of dress or undress for the beach.

A sari is a beautiful piece but is not the most suitable for the
beach, right Mr Davlikar?

As long as women do not go to temples, churches or mosques wearing a
bikini there is no problem. No need to ban bikinis on the beach.

But to be fair to Mr Sudin Davlikar, and a word of caution to the
public: he is not completely off target - you cannot be careful enough
as you never know what you might find inside a bikini.

[Goanet] Thank You Very Much!

2022-05-07 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
A few courageous and open-minded people expressed themselves freely
under the caption: I Believe.

The Silent Majority as expected remained silent.  No one took off like
a cheap bottle of champagne.

Our constitution guarantees free speech and they have not wasted this right.

We need to have more forums of this kind to exchange views firmly and
politely on a variety of topics. No need to go crazy.

If silence is golden and the majority is silent our communal harmony
is questionable, isn’t it?

Myths and facts need to be looked at closely and critically so the
obvious becomes evidence to one and all. Thank you.

[Goanet] Thank You For Hitting Hard at The Bogeyman

2022-03-02 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
Your  Message: 1Dated: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 17:24:13 -0500
Message-ID: <737fa7af-e2b0-4ed4-9c01-cdd9cd50e...@gmail.com>

Subject: [Goanet] Raise The Bogeyman

Roland thank you for your observations and hitting hard on those who
blatantly peddle their pet and outdated ideas.  Nuclear war is not
something we should be praising.  By quoting directly from the National
Post.the right wing source you have exposed their nefarious tricks. The
ramifications for millions of people all over the world will be deep
poverty, and disease.

The propaganda of the Multinational Oil Companies, not only the US but a
couple of others are vicious. Over the years I have become very aware of
how the Oil  Multinationals operate  ...A decade ago one of them agreed to
finance the hosting of the annual research workshop on Poverty and
development.  They literally took over the conference ...I was disgusted
how they were drawing the wool over both local and central Government.
Since I served as a member of the board of Directors..I was aware of the

 I am very concerned ...our neighbour Uganda will in the near future be
exporting oil through Tanga, Mozambique also has gas. Fortunately the
insurgents are now under control we have sizable amounts of gas around
our coast and a few other minerals. So I am very conscious of what is
happening in USSR and its Federated States

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has made two major miscalculations: he
underestimated the courage and resolve of the Ukrainian people, as well as
the willingness of western countries to punish Russia, even if it harms
their own economies," writes Diane Francis.

"The Canadian government must do more than lend money and divert a few
weapons intended for Kurds to Ukraine. This is everyone?s war because it?s
a battle for the very soul of the Ukrainian nation. If Ukraine falls, the
rest of eastern and central Europe could be next."
Note the two remarks:

1.Canada is merely diverting weapons meant for Kurds, to Ukraine. This
is not much different from what other advanced countries must be doing.
Remember the exporting of vaccines only when their ?use by? date was

2.Sorry for being cynical but like George Pinto says ?follow the
money?. If you do that you?ll figure out who profits from such wars.

3  If Ukraine falls, the rest of Central and Eastern Europe could be

Not satisfied with the Domino Theory that started the long Vietnam war and
turned out to be the Big Bogeyman and therefore the Big Lie that resulted
in thousands of deaths, they are now starting to float the ?If Ukraine
Falls blah blah blah.?

Note two other things that are not mentioned in the article.
1. Who is profiting from the war? The oil people. The big petroleum giants
and the dictators in the Gulf Arab world who will use the money to suppress
rebellion in their countries and in other places and further finance
Islamic expansion to western countries. Pump prices will tonight be about
$1.70/litre, an unheard of price.

3.Except for some piddling support that will be given to Ukraine, this
is a cheap war for the western world, in comparison to what they will reap
from it. Basically they are doing nothing but throwing the little Ukraine
puppy to the wolves by giving it big hopes of NATO, EU and all the goodies
they can throw to it, knowing that the pit bull next door, will not let the
little creature enjoy them.


In Makongo Juu Observatory

Re: [Goanet] Thank you for your support!

2022-02-03 Thread Roland Francis
Dear Sonia, 
This is my opinion only with a personal suggestion not for the content (which I 
always read) but of the format (which makes it difficult for me to read.

The almost continuous thought by thought translation of Konkani and Portuguese 
to English is very distracting to the reader and one loses the complete context 
and understanding of what one reads.

You must decide whom you want as readers:
1. Konkani speakers 
2. English speakers who can understand rudimentary Konkani and Portuguese
3. Pure English speakers who understand very little of the other two languages
4. The not-so-rare Goan who has a fair knowledge of all three languages and is 
proficient in one and perhaps two of them.

That’s a tough choice to make, but infinitely better than trying to please or 
rather reach all the above groups.

I, if it interests you, belong to group 2.

Looking forward to sensibly reading everything you write.


> On Feb 3, 2022, at 7:01 AM, Sonia Gomes  wrote:
> Milagrin, one of the protagonists of my blog, has had many adventures. Now
> she is at an age where she is beautiful, full of life and wants to see
> life. And why not?
> Two men pursuing her and what is she to do? Help her decide.
> @
> https://zorotmorotgoesmyvillage.blogspot.com/2022/02/milagrin-kazar-zata-kit-gho_2.html#more

[Goanet] Thank you for your support!

2022-02-03 Thread Sonia Gomes
Milagrin, one of the protagonists of my blog, has had many adventures. Now
she is at an age where she is beautiful, full of life and wants to see
life. And why not?

 Two men pursuing her and what is she to do? Help her decide.



[Goanet] "Thank you so much Sir, what a lovely comment!"

2021-01-26 Thread Rajan Parrikar
Who is this floozy gushing over the Governor's puerile remarks?


This is the calibre of people deputed to enjoy an all-expenses-paid
vacation at Cabo Raj Niwas. Do Goans have any self-respect left?

PS: Frederick-bab Noronha has still not explained why he dismissed my story
of the assault on Goa by the real estate mafia way back in 2007/2008 as,
among other things,  an "exaggeration." If anything, the scale of the
destruction that took place (and continues apace today) in the years
following far exceeds what I had anticipated in my accounts at the time.

If I were to mimic Frederick's own modus operandi, I would drop innuendos
like "Was he being paid by someone to downplay the real estate lobby's
plans for Goa?" but unlike him I am a simple-minded fella, and I prefer to
ask directly.




2020-10-08 Thread Aires Rodrigues
We are very indebted to PWD Minister Deepak Pauskar and his officials for
having found a way out to save the compound wall of a Ribandar Chapel from
demolition. That sword had been hanging for the last many years on Our Lady
of Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Ribandar – Chimbel junction. It is a
great relief that this issue has now been resolved and laid to rest.

The proposed plan of the State PWD Highways was strongly opposed by the
local people as it would have damaged the compound wall of the chapel and
in the long run the chapel itself. This centuries old chapel is a
historical and heritage monument which needs to be protected and preserved
for posterity.

The construction of the Highway so close to the chapel would have led to
heavy vehicles passing next to the chapel, resulting in huge vibration
which would have damaged the structure and hurt the religious sentiments
not only of the Catholic community but also our Hindu brethren who venerate
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception in equal devotion.

The PWD Minister after visiting the Chapel site directed the authorities to
work out an alternate plan in which the proposed road is diverted on the
opposite side of the chapel where ample land is available.

Mr. Pauskar assured the local people that the chapel compound wall will not
be touched and that it would be saved from demolition. It is so heartening
that an issue has been resolved during the pandemic and the people too need
to be applauded for having stood united braving COVID-19.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Thank you

2020-06-01 Thread Sonia Gomes
Dear Frederick

I thank you very much. Yo have always supported me through everything and I
can only thank you. Much appreciated.

Best wishes



2020-05-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
My dear friends,

A heartfelt message to express my very special thanks to each and every one
of you for your very kind wishes and prayers on my 60th birthday.

Your support and blessings have given me new impetus and encouragement as a
senior citizen, to enjoy the years ahead and to look forward to the next
milestone, my 75th birthday, followed by that dream century in just four
decades with even greater resolve.

Looking forward to your continued love, affection, friendship and guidance
in the years to come as we continue this journey of life together.

Yours very indebted

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Thank You, Mr Chief Secretary

2019-09-06 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The residents of Ribandar remain very grateful to our Chief Secretary Mr.
Parimal Rai for having last evening directed the PWD to immediately attend
to the pothole ridden Ribandar roads. The PWD engineers today morning
promptly inspected the entire Ribandar roads and saw for themselves the
very pitiable state of the Ribandar roads which have become very accident
prone.  We now hope that our roads will be soon put in order.

All the Ribandar roads were in May this year recklessly dug up by the very
controversial Panaji Smart City Development Limited (IPSCDL) and left in a
total state of chaos.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Thank You!

2018-12-10 Thread Goans ofAmerica
Dear Friends,
Thank you to those who came for the GOA Christmas Dance this past weekend.
It was wonderful to see you all in your festive holiday attire.  We had a
great event with Philip as our MC along with good food and music till 1
am.  Congratulations to those who won Raffle prizes and to Kevin Fernandes
who won the SAT award. I think we can all agree that even our youth had a
great time.  Thank you to those who joined us at our event for the first
time. Hope this event was memorable and I hope to see you at our events
next year.

I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones - A Merry Christmas
and a Blessed New Year 2019.

Warm Regards,
Sharel Figueredo


2018-10-25 Thread Paul p
Name the senior politician and his crony.  They surely cannot block you
again now that Whatsapp is in the loop.


2018-10-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
My sincere gratitude to the officials at the WhatsApp headquarters in
California for having late last night acted swiftly to restore my WhatsApp
account which was blocked and banned on Tuesday evening at the instance of
a Senior Goa Politician. Having lost the company of WhatsApp for 24 long
hours was so daunting.

I have explained to WhatsApp that I have at no time violated any of their
Terms of service. If anyone that may have creeped into my contact list is
unable to digest what I write,  would humbly request him to unfriend me or
in the alternate block me as a result of which he would not be burdened
with any of my further messages.

The BJP at Goa in 2012 and Narendra Modi in 2014 at the Centre rode to
power optimizing the use of social media to the maximum. That very same BJP
is now trying to ensure curbs on the social media to suppress and muzzle
the freedom of speech. The power to dissent and constructive criticism of
any government is vital to the very functioning of democracy.

In recent years social media has transformed and has drastically enhanced
our power to communicate instantly across the world. Through Whatsapp,
Twitter, the various groups on Facebook besides other global networking
sites that I am enrolled with, I am able to communicate by sharing a
message or a thought with over 20 lakh people.

Thank you Social Media. It’s an amazing world!

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Thank you, Rolly.

2018-07-19 Thread eric pinto
   It was moving, actually, but not eight hours !   She did give me her wine 
and dessert.   
 In Parsi Gujarati that means;
“What a nice son you are Eric!”
>      I reluctantly surrendered my aisle spot to an eighty year old, then 
>trembled over the next  eight hours as she clutched my wrist and cooed 'ketlo 
>saaro betho Arik.'    


Re: [Goanet] Goanet - Thank You Goa

2018-05-23 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Many happy returns of the day Aires-bab.  May you have many more healthy and 
happy years.You call a spade a spade, and have fearlessly brought to light the 
many conspiracies afflicting our beloved Goa, despite fearsome physical attacks 
on your person.  You are a true Goencar.From the far away USA, I congratulate 
you on this milestone.  Stay well.


2018-05-23 Thread Aires Rodrigues
24th May 2018

My dear Friends,

With your prayers, support and blessings am turning 58 today. As Goa’s
humble soldier, the task of serving the people is a commitment, which I
will carry on till my very last breath. In all that I have done and not
done, only God and the people at large will judge all my acts and deeds.

Over the last four decades raising issues against the illegalities of
successive governments has not been an easy task. Truth hurts but it is
only truth that will always ultimately prevail.  On the issues that I have
raised over the years it has been the wrong doings of those in power
regardless of which party has been ruling

In fighting against the government the threat of an attack on one’s life
always looms.  But as always I remain unperturbed. I would rather die with
a hope, rather than have hope die inside me. The dedicated prayers and the
love showered by the common men across Goa and around the globe is what
keeps me going. Let us never hesitate in taking the bull by the horn. The
cancer of corruption, nepotism and bad governance in Goa needs to be dealt
with an iron hand.

We need to maintain the spirit and keep on fighting. Life is a very short
voyage, a journey, the end of which we know not. So let’s keep up the
fight. We owe it to Goa, or else posterity may never forgive us for having
silently allowed our once beautiful State to just pass away.

May the care, concern and compassion of every Goan wherever he or she is be
always for Goa. We will all one day depart but our Goa must live. Let us
never be mere spectators especially when anybody’s Human Rights are being

It would be apt to remember the words of *former Chief Justice Of India
Justice R.M. Lodha*, who, on 10 December, 2017 speaking on Human Rights
Day, stated “*The violators of human rights are not accountable to society.
There is laxity in police action. This question is shaking me everyday*.”

I shall always remain inspired and guided by those words of Lily Tomlin "The
road to success is always under construction"

Am ever so indebted to you all for all your continued prayers and immense

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




2018-04-30 Thread Aires Rodrigues
In recent years social media has transformed and has drastically enhanced
our power to communicate instantly across the world.

Through Whatsapp, Twitter, the various groups on Facebook besides other
global networking sites that I am enrolled with, in less than five minutes
I am able to communicate by sharing a message or a thought with over 20
lakh people.

It’s an amazing world!

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Thank you for supporting me, Trump tells Indian techies

2018-03-10 Thread Frederick Noronha
The spouses of H1-B tech immigrants could lose their right to work

- *"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development
time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the
development time." - Tom Cargill, Creator of the Ninety-ninety rule

 Sent with Mailtrack

[Goanet] Thank You!

2018-02-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
For all the b'day wishes! Had a good one night!


Gabe Menezes.


2017-12-16 Thread Aires Rodrigues
A very humble big thank you to all my dear friends and well-wishers who as
always over the last three weeks too have stood solidly behind me by
showing their care and concern after that 27th November attack on me.

The false and fabricated complaint filed against me was to deflect the
attention of the public from the alleged sex scandal involving Goa’s
Fisheries Minister Vinod Paliencar and his cocky OSD Durgadas Kamat.

The malicious tirade against me was orchestrated and funded by that Don and
Dalal of Fatorda after hiring the services of a Vasco based NGO and the
crooky legal assistance of an Advocate from Ribandar, who has now been
rewarded officially. But through the police investigation itself, all this
will be soon exposed and the people of Goa will know the truth.

It was yet another desperate attempt to deviously malign my name. Such
politically orchestrated and deceptive tactics will never ever deter or
distract my commitment to continue with all vigour my over four-decade long
battle against Corruption, Nepotism and Injustice. My biggest and only
invaluable asset today is my mountain of friends and well-wishers across
Goa and around the world.

It would be apt to remember the words of *former CJI Justice Lodha*, who,
on 10 December, 2017 speaking on Human Rights Day, stated “*The violators
of human rights are not accountable to society. There is laxity in police
action. This question is shaking me everyday*.”

As Goa’s humble soldier, the task of serving the people is a commitment,
which I will carry on till my very last breath. In all that I have done and
not done, only God and the people at large will judge all my acts and deeds.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] THANK YOU, GOA,

2017-12-02 Thread Aires Rodrigues
A very big thank you to all my dear friends and well-wishers for all your
care and concern after that 27th November attack. It was yet another
desperate attempt to deviously malign my name. Such politically
orchestrated and deceptive tactics will never ever deter or distract my
commitment to continue with all vigour my over four-decade long battle
against Corruption, Nepotism and Injustice.

Many may feel that helping the people especially the poor and down trodden
is a thankless job. I beg to differ with this misconception. My biggest and
invaluable asset today is my mountain of friends and well-wishers across
Goa and around the world.

As Goa’s humble soldier, the task of serving the people is a commitment I
will carry on till my very last breath. In all that I have done and not
done, only God and the people at large will judge all my acts and deeds.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




2017-10-31 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Arun Sinha
Navhind Times

Thank you, Sir, that your paper Navhind Times has resume ON Line edition
from today 31ST Oct 2017  which was out of order sometimes back.

.Stephen Dias
Dona Paula


2017-06-13 Thread Aires Rodrigues
*June 13th 2017*


*Shri Dattaraj Salgaocar*


*Sharada Mandir School*

*Miramar - Panaji.*

*Dear Dattaraj,*

*It was very elating to see our daughter Evita excel at the 12th Std exam.
With twelve   years of schooling preceded by four years of pre-school at
your prestigious institution, Evita is fortunate to have been armed with
strong foundations in life.*

*Very indebted to the Management, Administrator, Principal, teachers and
all the staff of Sharada Mandir for having always been there, over the
years, to care, assist and guide Evita. Also happy that our younger
daughter Ruth, in 5th Std, is also being nurtured and groomed with the same
quality education and gentleness. *

*Undoubtedly both Evita and Ruth will always be grateful and ever indebted
for the knowledge and values that they have been enriched with at Sharada

*Reiterate with thanks the deepest appreciation to Sharada Mandir and take
this opportunity to wish Sharada Mandir all the very best on completion of
51 years of excellence. May Sharada Mandir move to greater heights of
excellence in its mission of imparting quality education and all round
development of students.*

*As Albert Einstein rightly said, “Education is what remains after one has
forgotten what one has learned in school.” and this is what both Evita and
Ruth will gratefully carry away from Sharada Mandir. *

*With warm regards to you and Dipti,*


Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




2017-05-31 Thread Aires Rodrigues
After over 13 years as Rector of Bom Jesus Basilica at Old Goa, Rev Fr
Savio Barreto today leaves for Belgaum to take up his next assignment.
Thanking him for his very distinguished and caring services to Goa and
wishing him all the best in his further mission.

Let us also welcome with all our good wishes Rev Fr Patricio Fernandes who
has taken over as the new Rector of the Bom Jesus Basilica.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Thank you, Jospeh Naik Vaz Institute event on Aug 20

2016-08-22 Thread George Pinto
Thanks to all who came to the event, the hall was filled to capacity with 
people from many faiths. Apologies to the people who had to stand at the back, 
we were not expecting such a large turnout. This was a first-of-its-kind 
inter-faith event devoted to the environment and climate issues. The keynote 
speaker, Fr. Thomas Massaro, S.J., Dean of the Jesuit School of Theology in 
Berkeley, and the panelists gave splendid presentations (a full report will 
follow and will be posted on the website). Fr. Massaro is headed to Rome 
sometime during his sabbatical and will work on his book on Pope Francis, a 
fellow Jesuit.  He kindly volunteered to personally give our Institute's 
gratitude to Pope Francis for canonizing St. Joseph Vaz and also inform him of 
our work on the environment. The Pope's concern for the environment (Laudato Si 
encyclical) was the main topic of Fr. Massaro's presentation.

Thank you.

Joseph Naik Vaz Institute
Berkeley, California





[Goanet] Thank you: International Fashion Week event

2016-02-22 Thread George Pinto
We would like to thank the Goan community who came and supported the 
International Fashion week event in San Francisco on February 20. Every seat 
was taken with some people standing, all in an intimate and elegant setting. 
Three international designers showed their designs, including Goan Verma 
D'Mello whose work was the highlight of the evening. Verma's designs consisted 
of evening dresses and bridal wear (her specialty), shown to an enthusiastic 
audience by models from a local San Francisco modeling firm. 

Mariana (France) and Antonio Di Bitonto (Italy) of Bakana Events and 
Productions hosted the event and provided an open bar and light cocktails. Marc 
Padilla, CEO of Infanta International, launched his new feni-like coconut 
alcoholic drink, Lambanog, which was well received. The event was covered by 
the local media.
Some accolades and reactions to Verma's designs from the audience: "Luxurious 
fabric" (Harriet), "Beautiful dresses" (Acaria), "Exquisite" (Bernadette), 
"Grand evening-wear" (Shawna), "Very chic" (Ria), "Leading-edge fashion" 

Verma D'Mello has two showrooms in Goa - at Margao and Caranzlem. The Bridal 
StudioMobile No.: +91 9326135558
Landline No.: +91 (832) 2701096
E-mail: verma_dme...@yahoo.com 
Studio 1: Carvalho Apts., Comba, Margao - Goa
Studio 2: B2, F2, Models Meridien, Caranzalem, Panaji - 

An article on Verma, see 
Thank you.

Goa Sudharophttp://www.goasudharop.net/   #yiv1658695626 -- 
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[Goanet] THANK YOU

2016-02-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
A very big thanks to you all for your overwhelming affection and concern.
Am ever so humbled with your towering strength.

May we be always empowered with the might and spine to fearlessly speak out
against any injustice and nepotism, which very sadly has become the order
of the day, with the rich getting richer and the poor turning poorer.

Let us always relentlessly strive for a better, greener and Corruption free
Goa, where only Justice always prevails. We owe it to this great land of

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



Re: [Goanet] Thank You for your music Remo

2015-12-25 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Sandeep Heble wrote:

Nationality to opt for citizenship of other Nations, does that become an
issue? We all have our friends or relatives in foreign countries who have
gone there for better prospects and we have respected their choice. Have
they ceased to be our friends or relations simply because they have
exercised that personal choice?
Folks,The idea that a person can only belong to one jurisdiction has to be 
rejected, once and for all. This IS 2015.  Secondly, moving to a different 
jurisdiction does not mean one has abandoned the former one. Canada has 
provisions for all its residents – allowing them to identify with their origins 
by retaining their citizenship when applying for Canadian documentation.  As 
such, Canada has plenty of residents who have returned to their place of birth 
and become Prime Minister and/or President. Canada also has Cabinet Ministers 
who are dual citizens. In fact, a few years ago, the head of a major political 
party was a dual citizen while contesting Federal elections. Had his party won, 
we would have had a PM with dual nationality. I really do not understand 
India’s stance that a person can only be a citizen of one country at a time. It 
is especially galling given that India has bent over backwards to offer anyone 
of “Indian origin,” second class citizenship. As far as Remo is concerned, he 
has every right to live where he feels. I really do not see what why anyone, 
other than Remo, should be concerned where he chooses to live.MervynPS. And 
yes, I am backing the Canadian mad man, Ted Cruz, who is currently one of the 
leading Republican candidates to be the next US President. 

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Goanet annual year-end meet in Goa: if you're reading this, you're
eligible to join us! Dec 28, 2015 @ 11 am Fundacao Oriente, Panjim
Confirm your participation with a short email to goa...@goanet.org

[Goanet] Thank You for your music Remo

2015-12-24 Thread Sandeep Heble
Thank You for your music Remo

The issue of citizenship is being blown out of proportion. Remo is a singer
of International fame and repute and we have always loved him because of
his songs, not for anything else. If not for his music, we would not have
even known who he is. Just another citizen like millions of others, that is
who he would have been. So many voluntarily give up their Indian
Nationality to opt for citizenship of other Nations, does that become an
issue? We all have our friends or relatives in foreign countries who have
gone there for better prospects and we have respected their choice. Have
they ceased to be our friends or relations simply because they have
exercised that personal choice?

What religion one follows or whether one even believes in God or not, what
food one eats, what clothes one wears, what culture or lifestyle one
follows, what language one speaks, which State or Country one wishes to
travel and settle down in are all matters of personal choice. Likewise with
citizenship. We cannot and should not hold anything against an individual
simply because he or she wishes to exercise that personal choice or
freedom. Our Constitution gives us certain rights and privileges and so
long as these rights and privileges exercised are within ethical and legal
standards prescribed, it shouldn't concern anyone. The manner in which
Remo's citizenship is being debated and blown into an issue is a bit sad.
Is Remo an elected representative or a Government official? Has he
committed any crime? Why should the singer who's brought such great fame
and pride to Goa be singled out in this fashion?

The only charge against Remo is of uttering a few harsh words to the minor
girl involved in his son's accident. As of now, this is merely an
accusation and Remo has outrightly denied having said the same. No
independent witness has corroborated this and it is easily possible there
could have been a misunderstanding in interpretation of words. But is the
charge so serious so as to warrant a look-out notice against him or to
charge him under sections which prescribe imprisonment for up to 3 years
and/or a fine of up to Rs 1 lakh? This cant be real! We are a Country with
a bright future and our democracy cannot be reduced to a level where law is
used in such a draconian manner against an individual. The citizenship
issue which is being raised as follow-up to the accident incident is on
similar absurd lines.

The Mangeshkar family left Goa to settle elsewhere but we are still proud
of their Goan roots and adore them. The Auditorium in Kala Acadamy is named
after Pandit Dinanath Mangeshkar and we are proud of him. We are proud of
Lata and Asha. So many Goans have likewise settled in different parts of
the world and have made name and fame there. We are proud of their
achievements and accomplishments and that is how it must be. Slogans and
rhetoric on the basis of Nationality and religion are old clichés now. Such
rhetoric used or misused few decades back is no longer relevant today. It
does not strike chords with the current generation which is smarter. Now,
TV and technology has brought us closer. Messi, Ronaldo, Sharapova,
Federer, Beatles, Elvis, Whitney, Usain Bolt are household names for the
present generation. The fan following for them may even surpass our own. We
are proud of our Nation but we also recognize talent and achievements of
others wherein lies our real strength and greatness. The greatness of human
values to overcome other divisive boundaries. Political boundaries are but
one such division. Even if Remo may be divided from us because of political
boundaries, the human values must unite us with him and with his music.

Remo must be recognized for what he is and for what he always has been, a
singer par excellence having a unique style of his own. A style of music
which is a fusion of so many different forms. We grew up listening to
Remo's songs from albums like Pack that smack, Bombay City, O Meri Munni
and so many more which became huge hits. His wonderful rendition of Konkani
& Portuguese songs like Undra mujhea mama & Maria Pitache, his Bollywood
numbers like Humma Humma, Pyar to hona hi tha, Huya Ho and not to forget
the legendary track which he ends his concerts with, Dekho Dekho yeh hai
Jalwa have made him one of Goa and India's most loved singers. From a 'just
another local lad from Siolim' to have achieved so much, he has been
inspirational in every sense. His song, 'Vote: Tit for Tat', composed
specially to encourage people to vote corrupt out became viral, like so
many of his other socio-political songs to expose the various evils
prevalent in our land. Remo has not only been a musician of acclaim but is
also an activist whose love for Goa cannot be questioned.

'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' is an ancient Indian thought which means the entire
world constitutes but one family. Divisions are but man made and must
slowly cease to exist as Nations and World progress. Like John Lennon's

[Goanet] Thank you for your support

2015-12-23 Thread George Pinto
Hello friends,

As we come to the end of 2015, Goa Sudharop would like to thank all of you for 
your support during the year. Two free eye camps in Goa in the next few days 
will complete our activities for the year - our 15th successful year since 
inception in 2000.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the New Year's Eve dance in the San 
Francisco Bay Area on Dec 31 to say goodbye to 2015 and welcome 2016. See 
We are excited about 2016 and begin the year with two major workshops in Goa on 
Jan 16 and 17 for 200 girls ages 11-15 who plan to go to college.  The 
workshops encourage girls to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in 
college and are being held in collaboration with CISCO, Greenlight 4 Girls and 
the Center for Incubation and Business Acceleration. See details at 
We encourage you to make a year-end tax-deductible (for USA residents) donation 
to Goa Sudharop so we can continue our volunteer activities for the development 
of Goa and Goans.  No Goa Sudharop volunteer or staff is paid and we do not pay 
rent so 100% of your donation goes to the projects and activities.  Please 
donate generously at the "DONATE NOW" button at http://www.goasudharop.net/
Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday season and a very Happy New Year to you 
and your families

Thank you.

Goa Sudharop

Goanet annual year-end meet in Goa: if you're reading this, you're
eligible to join us! Dec 28, 2015 @ 11 am Fundacao Oriente, Panjim
Confirm your participation with a short email to goa...@goanet.org

[Goanet] Thank you for your participation -- St. Joseph Naik Vaz

2015-04-05 Thread George Pinto
Dear Friends,

  The Joseph Naik Vaz Institute would like to thank all those who attended the 
historic March 15, 2015 celebration event for Saint Joseph Vaz at the Cathedral 
of Christ the Light in Oakland, California. Thank you also to those who 
generously donated to the event. Thanks to all the volunteers/participants both 
at the Mass and lunch reception who made the event a once-in-a-lifetime 
memorable occasion. Please see Liturgy program and related acknowledgements 
  Thanks to 3-D catering (Malcolm/Elaine D'Sa) who catered the grand lunch 
reception buffet and to Acaria Almeida and her team of volunteers for their 
hard work for the lunch reception arrangements.    Also, thanks to the Diocese 
of Oakland for their wonderful support. Please see Bishop Michael Barber's 
letter here http://josephnaikvaz.org/images/Bishop%20Barber001.pdf  We look 
forward to seeing you at future Saint Joseph Vaz events.  Pictures of the 
celebration:   St. Joseph Naik Vaz Celebrations 
pictureshttps://plus.google.com/photos/106852133867139576276/albums  Filomena 
Saraswati Giese, President
Joseph Naik Vaz Institutehttp://josephnaikvaz.org/march.htmlContact: 
josephnaik@gmail.com   #yiv4306536399 #yiv4306536399 -- #yiv4306536399 
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[Goanet] Thank you, Goa! (Menin Rodrigues, Karachi)

2015-02-11 Thread Goanet Reader

You have retained your
charm and continue to
fascinate visitors

By Menin Rodrigues (Karachi, Pakistan)
+92 300 8230853

Thank you, Goa! You have retained your charm and continue to
fascinate me.  Your people (and now me too for quite many
years) love you deep within.  Your glory, majesty and
charisma are your heartbeat -- be what you are -- have been
and will be in the future.

Amidst all the drumming of what Goa is today and what it
should be, that's all I can say to a blessed land and its
adorable people -- simply because there is a connect between us.

  My recent two weeks here were as enjoyable,
  absorbing and gratifying as they have been on two
  other visits.  It takes me back in time.  This time
  however, there was more to see, research and
  experience as I drove freely through the winding
  village roads (as good as any in urban cities) and
  towering coconut trees to meet people, share their
  joys and observe the ever-changing infrastructural
  character of Goa.

There seemed to be an unbridled urgency in making Goa a
destination of a different kind than what Goans are
accustomed to and which may not be necessary. I hope and pray
for Goa to sustain its glorious exquisiteness and alluring
magnetism for visitors like us.

I also felt blessed to be here as Goa celebrated with much
love and reverence the sainthood of Blessed Joseph Vas, the
proverbial son of Goa and patron of Sri Lanka.  The visit to
his birth place in the village in Benaulim and the sanctuary
in the Sancoale village where he started his missionary work,
including the spring-water trough of St Joseph Vas and the
pealing of church bells in all of Goa at the stroke of 9.00
a.m. on January 14, 2015 was, indeed, a rare and
heart-warming experience for me.

  Now that Goa has one of its own as a saint, I am
  sure there would be one more reason for overseas
  Goans to come 'home' to celebrate the feast days of
  both saints Joseph Vas and Francis Xavier!  For
  Pakistani Goan pilgrims, both feast days (Dec 3 and
  Jan 16) fall well within the three-month visa

Attending Mass in Konkani at 7.00 am on each of the 14 days I
was in Goa was another gift of divine grace. My cousins
suggested timings of the English masses but I could do that
in Karachi and preferred the Konkani services, which was
indeed a novelty for me. Many, many moons ago, we used to
have Konkani masses back home but all that is now a faded
memory. While meeting some of the priests I invited them to
visit Karachi to encourage the local Diaspora to regain its
true Goan spirit!

What impressed me most at Mass were the loud unifying
responses of the congregation, as well as joining the choirs
in the singing -- the church reverberates in awesome
testimony of reverence of the faithful.

  At our Colva church I requested the choir to sing
  "Zuze Zuze, Amchea Bhava" -- the hymn dedicated to
  St.  Joseph Vas, so that I could record it and
  possibly introduce the same in our churches in
  Karachi.  I hope I am able to do this when I
  return.  It seems difficult though as the Goan
  Diaspora is miniscule in comparison to the large
  numbers of Urdu-speaking Catholics in Karachi, and
  elsewhere in Pakistan.

Moving on, one of my research plans was to ascertain the
similarities in the design elements of the Monument to Christ
the King (1931) in Karachi and the Cristo Rei (Christ de
King) monument in the Assolna village in Salcete.  My
curiosity was to find out if the designer was the same person
(M.X.  Andrade designed the Karachi edifice) or two different
people, and, if different, who was inspired by whom!  It was
confirmed by Bennet Paes of Assolna, whose grandfather built
it, that the Goa monument was an inspiration from the Karachi
monument and was completed and blessed in 1937!

  When I visited Bardez in the north to trace my
  mother's family in the Candolim village, I was
  fascinated with the opulent interior of Our Lady of
  Hope Church, and with life in that part of Goa.  It
  was quite vibrant and colorful as my enterprising
  friend Claudio Pacheco entertained me to a super
  lunch-fare in his Parra home, and then a whirlwind
  tour of Calangute and Baga beaches, and the Saligao
  village and its distinctive Church.  Goa has few
  sidewalks for pedestrian use but this I saw
  happening in the north which is a good development.

Talking of developments, garish housing schemes are coming up
all over the state, some planned meticulously while others
not very appealing. Notwithstanding the commercial intent of
developers and the need for upgraded homes with modern
amenities, concerted efforts must be made to protect the
heritage and u


2014-12-14 Thread vinesh iyer
Greetings from Goa,

Sorry for the delay in sending you the Photo documentation of the festival.

We had a fantastic festival this year & great audience supporting the Jazz

We believe that jazz has a great future.This year festival focussed on
tribute to jazz legends and keeping them alive, to encouraging the youth to
create and express themselves, discovering and re-discovering talents from
India and from all over the world.

This edition of the Goa International Jazz Live Festival also showcased a
very wide range of talents and had the ambition to open everyone’s ears –
whether you’re a committed jazz lover or not – letting everyone plunge into
the wild seas of jazz.

A big thank you to all you guys for being part of our GOA INTERNATIONAL
JAZZ LIVE FESTIVAL 2014, this wouldn’t have been possible without your
support & encouragement.

Special thanks to all our sponsors, partners, artists, Volunteers & the
fantastic audience who have been supporting us since the last

six years.

Check out after festival First promo, loads more to be uploaded soon!



Art Escape - The Live Music project (TLMP) will be continue every Saturday
at Live Lounge, Baywatch Resort promoting original music & featuring new
bands every week from around Goa, India & International.

We will also be doing programming & Concerts in North Goa Soon & another
venue in South. Keep a watch on this SCENE!

*LIVE FESTIVALS** is an annual initiative to promote & put Goa on the
International map as a cultural tourism Global destination using art,
dance, film, theatre & music as a medium starting this year with The New
Wave Indie Fest in mid Nov, Goa International Jazz Live Festival (GIJLF) in
end of November, Folk Live Festival/Folk Mela taking it to Villages in Goa,
Sufi sutra (concept & property of Bangla Natak dot com & collaborating with
them as Local partner ) in February  2nd to 4th at Kala Academy & Working
on International Blues Live Festival in March.*



*Festival Directors:*

Vinesh Iyer (Art Escape – The Live Music Project) –

Darryl Noronha (Art Escape – The Live Music Project) –

Emmanuelle de Decker (Jazz In India & Gatecrash) –

Dr. Sidney Moraes (Baywatch Resorts) – 09822589314 /

Astri Ghosh (Capital Jazz) – 09561216086

*Art Escape- The Live Music Project - Live Lounge - Live Festivals*

*ART ESCAPE Goa* is alternate arts & cultural knowledge sharing &
experiential platform.

*Inspire trust* , will host an environment created to facilitate, motivate,
nurture and inspire those who would like to experience, exchange, share &
learn all forms of art & design.


*Artescape Goa*

*The Live Music Project* https://www.facebook.com/groups/TLMPGOA/

*INSPIRE TRUST* *https://www.facebook.com/TheInspireTrust

[Goanet] THANK YOU ALLWYN FOR BEING ALLWYN! -eulogy at the funeral of Allwyn Fernandes on Dec 3rd 2014

2014-12-10 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: cedricprak...@gmail.com
To: cedricprak...@gmail.com




-Fr. Cedric Prakash


you Allwyn for being Allwyn!  

We – your many relatives and friends –
gather today with great sorrow around your mortal remains to say goodbye to you,
together with Enid, Rohini, Rohan and Anisha; Selwyn, Bibiana, Marina, Martina,
Matilda and Clotilda. It is not easy for us to accept that you have gone
home.  But we are here today to thank you
and to thank God for gifting you to each one of us in a very special way.


you Allwyn for being Allwyn!  

We remember the days when as a boy
growing up, you were always there for your siblings: Selwyn, Bibiana, Marina,
Martina, Matilda, and Clotilda. The eldest of the bunch and a true elder
brother to them all: caring and loving, always concerned and with a sense of
doing what is right. It was Selwyn who was the mischievous one not his big
brother!  You were the calm and serious
one. You were always there when your sisters and brother needed you and in so
many different ways you taught each one of them how to be concerned for others.


you Allwyn for being Allwyn! 

For the times you excelled in school and
in college; in the neighbourhoods at Jacob Circle, Vikhroli and Ghatkopar where
you lived when growing up. It was a proud day indeed for the family when you
stood first in Fatima High School in Vikhroli in the SSC examinations way back
in 1965!  It was definitely no mean
achievement. It was a time when nobody went for tuitions to get “sure questions
for high marks.” One had to work hard and you showed the others that you were
capable of the task.


you Allwyn for being Allwyn!

For the time you knocked at the door of
St. Xavier’s College, Bombay. Your first college was not good enough for  a 
brilliant student like you who wanted to do
much more in Physics, Mathematics and of course in extra-curricular activities.
So Xavier’s it was and it is fitting that today as the Universal Church
celebrates the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, we pay our tribute to you.
Personally, for me a Jesuit, I feel really good about highlighting the
beginning of your Jesuit connection.


you Allwyn for being Allwyn!

And then there were those very special
years of your deep involvement with the Christian Life Community (CLC) in Seva
Niketan (also known as ‘Sodality House’). 
There you learnt the Ignatian way of proceeding – of how to be a person
for others and at the same time how to deepen your faith in every possible way.
Great Jesuits like Fr. Sidney D’souza – who is also present here today (from
Kenya) – and the late Frs. Benac and Pujol were among those who inspired you
and guided you. It was during your years with the CLC, that your commitment for
a greater good deepened in every possible way. It was on the 12th
October 1974 on the 6th floor of Seva Niketan that you first met Enid
D’souza, another committed CLC’er  who became
the heart-throb of your life and  later in
January 1978 your life-partner. 


you Allwyn for being Allwyn!

For being that loving husband and caring
father all these years! Enid, Rohan and Rohini will easily testify to the care
and concern you had for them throughout. You left no stone unturned to give
them your best. You gave your very best to your work. But when it came to
family, that was sacred space for you and nothing could come in between.  You 
took Enid, Rohan and Rohini to the most
exotic locations for vacations...off the beaten-track, to places where no one
dared to go. You were also a disciplinarian and as recently as the other day
when you were taken in for a bath, you still asked them, “Who is in-charge?”
and with smiles on their faces they replied, “Dad, of course!”


you Allwyn for being Allwyn!

For your tremendous contribution to the
world of media! For the twenty-five years you worked with the Times of India
doing investigative journalism; writing stories and reports which few others
dared to. Although the slogan of a competitor newspaper was, “free, frank and
fearless” - you showed the world that you lived it!  You left no stone unturned 
to get at the
truth of the matter. Those of us who have known you well will vouch for the way
you always took a stand for what is right and for what is just and always for
the underdog.  Through your consistency, authenticity
and creativity, you did the media world proud! 


you Allwyn for being Allwyn!

You are remembered as a person of
unflinching commitment and devotion to duty. 
In life, you gave and did not count the cost.  You had the courage to take up 
issues in
society and also within the Church. It was not easy for some to accept this.
Together with John Dayal you began ‘a communicating Indian Church google-group’,
which encouraged the laity, priests and nuns to voice their opinions freely. On
1st December you completed twenty-years with the PR company –
Edelman. The c


2014-11-30 Thread Stephen Dias
Message: 7
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:36:11 +0530
From: Sam Furtado 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear Stephen Dias,

Greetings to you.

You are absolutely right in your per se on "Migrants Editors Must be
Shunted out of Goa" who are not doing justice in publishing facts of Goans
writers as to the state Affairs at al.

I fully support and endorse what you have written is right and rightly
pointed out these bad elements (editors) must be shunted out of Goa itself
as they are only interested in their own welfare rather serve the cause of
the people.

In a democratic country we have all rights to express our feelings, our
opinions when something is not right in a society or whomsoever does wrong
and not true justice to the citizen of the nation..

These so called nincompoops editors or should i call them bad elements are
firstly biased and secondly concerned to line their own cause and their
purse strings.

Hats to You be fair and square.

Sam Furtado

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 7:32 AM, Stephen Dias 

> I have noticed that we have at least two migrants Editors of local
> newspapers in Goa, who are not in tune with the Goan interest and that
> certain Goan writers including me are not been considered by them that
> their letters or articles for publishing , as they feel it is their own
> prerogative. Both  these MIGRANT Editors are coward  and must leave GOA
> immediately  as they fail to do justice for the journalism. I have been
> writing several letters/articles for the  public Goan interest and that
> both these Editors things that these are not worth publishing as they take
> it as personal, but others  have taken up. People of Goa knows well what
> good and bad, and which paper is worth reading, I do not care for both
> these papers as long as these migrants Editors are on the job. Even Goan
> Sub-Editors and best reporters who were working earlier for these papers
> are against these MIGRANT EDITORS  and left both these papers as they are
> jealous because they may become one day Editors in these papers. Lots of
> politics and ill feelings among their employees have been created by
> these Migrants
> Editors and they are unhappy working in these papers. There are some few
> Goan writers  are allowed or accepted to publish their articles or letters
> in their papers,  probably they must be after these particular migrants
> Editors who satisfy them. Or they do not get good local material  ( news)
> or stuff for publishing. Thank GOD , I am happy at least these few writers
>  are voicing Goans issues. Many  good Goan writers are been kept aside and
> stopped publishing.
> Hats off to NIZ  GOENKAR Editor who took up this latest article of By
> Election of Panjim , as TWO migrants Editors failed to publish. We want a
> good Candidate for PANJIM by election seat and not corrupt.
> We need good Editors also in Goa, and not idiots, of course there are some
> Editors although they are NON  GOANS  but they are sincere and have kept
> Goans at high esteem and having good reputation in Goa for years, as their
> papers are of TOP ClASS,.
> Both these papers where bad migrants Editors are working , reputation of
> paper is now going down.
>  Goans  adore  NON GOANS Editors also who are good.
> It is not worth naming those two bad Migrants Editors  as they are stupid.
> Stephen Dias
> D.Paula
> By Election For Panjim Seat by Stephen Dias, Dona Paula
> Friday - Nov 28, 2014
> [image: By Election For Panjim Seat by Stephen Dias, Dona Paula]
> In view of mounting pressure by various parties mainly BJP, Congress and
> Independent certain candidatures are keen in getting elected as MLA
> position for the Panjim seat, due to sudden assignment of our Chief
> Minister of Goa Manohar Parrikar to go to Delhi as a Defence Minister by
> the Union Government. This vacancy is now created for the Panjim seat and
> many candidates are eyeing for this position. What could be the criteria
> for such an interest when a great leader Parrikar could not complete
> anything during his tenure but in fact he left many projects/jobs
> incomplete?
> Whoever is elected there is definitely a personal interest as there are
> many enough pending cases to keep them happy although hardly less tenure
> left to complete its term of this present BJP Government.
> The following are the pending issues/projects which can be categorized in
> two different parts;
> *First part:*
> St Ines Creek, Shifting of Casinos from Mandovi river, Underground Sewage
> work, 11 KV High Tension underground cabling, Water line removal from old
> plastic pipes to a new non corrosive metal piping, Panjim roads
> concretization as well areas in Taleigao , Merces and the whole of
> Captain of Ports Jetty, Shiftin


2014-09-20 Thread Stephen Dias
Message: 4
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:26:00 +0530
From: Goanet Reformat 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

Subject: [Goanet] Bogus product at Panjim exhibition :

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Electricity Power Saver  ? Public is taken for a ride.

Just to inform to our Goans that there is a product called Electricity
Power saver who has been sold like hot cakes in various exhibition
halls in Goa. From last two days a product being sold in exhibition at
various Halls in Goa,  of a product  from TWINKLE called power saver
which has 5 years warranty and it claims that the energy is saved upto
30% on the electricity bill. It is been sold for Rs.500/- promotional
charges during exhibition times and outside will costs above Rs.
1000/- or even can go upto Rs 2000/- it seems.

They have issued a pamphlet which gives details of contact numbers and
address from Mumbai.

The product claims:

i) Reduce up to 30% electrical consumption.

ii) Stabilize the supply voltage- protect your appliances.

iii) Reduce electrical overheating-protects against fire.

iv) Improve Efficiency and power factor of electrical appliances.

v)  Reduce electrical waveform distortions.

This help Household products consumption which covers:

i)  Air Conditioners

ii) Water Pumps

iii)  Refrigerators

iv)  Washing Machine

v)  Mixer, Fan

vi) Tube Light,

vii)  Vacuum Cleaner and other Home appliances.

My observation of the product is as follows;

i) I have bought this for Rs.500- and tested and found
that it is bogus item and that Goans are been taken for a ride.

ii) One girl at the shop has demonstrated having 4 tube
lights and the digital meter reads whether current, wattage etc is not
known and once you disconnect one by one tube light the reading falls
down thus showing the reading is decreasing. And after inserting this
product in the plug of their board also shows the meter reading also

iii) I have asked whether there is any circuit for this board or
of the product. The answer is NO.

iv) How can you believe what kind of circuitry is wired inside
the board so that the customers can get fooled?

v)   I have put the product on my board at home, and tested.
The current which was showing X reading for my washing machine and
after inserting this product the reading of current remained the same.
That means when there is no change in current the product is a failure
and I returned the product and got my money back. I said somebody
should complain for the Consumer Forum for checks and fine as I have
no time.

vi) How can all the data claimed by the manufacturer can be believed
without any circuitry?

Stephen Dias

[Goanet] Thank you PRW Team and Friends. Your campaign made this happen. Mumbaimirror.com: Finally, Satyapal decides to vacate bungalow at Bandra

2014-09-04 Thread Police Reforms Watch


  Networking with Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), New Delhi

  43, Kalina, Santacruz East, Mumbai - 400 029. l Tel : 98202 26227 

  Email : policereformswa...@gmail.com l www.humanrightsinititiative.org


Dear Team and FriendS,

Finally, the former Police Commissioner decides to vacate the official premises.

PRW/ CHRI  thanks its team and friends for campaigning vigourously.  

Ex-Mumbai CP, who occupied official accommodation for 22 years and retired in 
January, was asked in July to vacate, pay `8.7 lakh penalty for overstaying. 

Log on to : http://www.mumbaimirror.com 

Read the entire article: 

Message from Dolphy Dsouza 
PRW/CHRI  campaigned on this. Finally the former Mumbai Police Commissioner is 
moving out. Many of you joined in the campaign. Thank you. 

Our next ongoing campaign for "Better Policing for a Safer Mumbai" and 
demanding Police Reforms continues. \

PUBLIC DEMAND! PUBLIC DEMAND! With the Political Parties and Politicians for 
Police Reforms.



Warm regards,
Dolphy D'souza

[Goanet] THANK YOU GOA NETTERS : I retired from Corporation Bank

2014-08-06 Thread LENS NARASU

On account of my Bank Service I landed in Goa in 2005 with corporation bank.

With the encouragement of all, Including my GOANETTERS I started participating 

Patronage by you friends really gave me areas of encouragement into Road Safety 
and got associated with Mr.Kelekar of MARG and also with GOACAN.

Mr.Valmiki encouraged me throughout my stay at Goa.

Now, with gratitude I wish to inform you that I have RETIRED FROM CORPORATION 
BANK and I express my wholehearted thanks to all the GOANETTERS who have 
interacted with me on this platform.

Though I will be based at Coimbatore, I am interested to be involving in the 
Road Safety Activities all over India, with my experience of over 4 decades.

If I could play my small role at Goa, for improving Road safety, I would be too 
glad to lead the task. I need your best wishes and blessings to continue my 
services to the society.

My contact number 08220017122
Mail. iyer.nchandrasekha...@gmail.com

IT WAS A real pleasure associating with you all during my stay at Goa 
(2005-2011) and afterwards also. 



Sent from my iPad

[Goanet] Thank you: "A Night to Remember", Sat, Oct 12, 6:30pm

2013-10-07 Thread George Pinto
Goa Sudharop along with the “You and Eye” camp project's youth leaders, Anajli 
and Ryan, wish to thank the following for their generous support and 
contributions in the amount of $4,500 towards 6 Eye camps to be held in Goa:

1. Neesha De Souza, Hayward, California - $1,500 for two eye Camps in 
Betalbatim and surrounding areas.
2. Fr. Domingous S. Jaques - Fremont, California - $1000 - $750 for Eye Camp in 
Veroda and $250 to GS general fund.
3. Antoneta & Bismark Da Costa, Dublin, California - $750 for Eye Camp in Colva 
and Varca.
4. Florbele& Michael De Souza, Hayward, California - $750 for Eye camp in 
5. Ria, Justin, Kurt, Shilla - $750 for an Eye Camp in Sanguem.

Each Eye Camp reaches out to about 150 individuals who receive the gift of 
vision. The community support from the San Francisco Bay Area is very much 
appreciated by these individuals.
The highly anticipated grand dinner/dance is this Saturday, October 12, with 
popular musicians Tania/Andre from Goa on their North American tour. A DJ will 
also entertain. Music for all ages. See flyer at  

DATE:    Saturday, October 12, 2013
TIME:     6:30pm onwards
VENUE: GOLDEN PEACOCK, 24989 Santa Clara Street, Hayward, CA, 94544
COST: $45 ages 13 and above, $30 ages 6-12, ages 5 and under free. Appetizers, 
dinner, dance included. No-host cash bar available. No tickets will be sold at 
the door. For information on tickets/event, email Acaria at 

Please indicate the number in your group, including if there are any 
vegetarians. Please write check payable to "GOA SUDHAROP" and mail to: Almeida, 
P.O. Box 6144, MORAGA, CALIFORNIA, 94570, USA.  Net proceeds benefit the YOU & 
EYE project, see http://youandeyeproject.wordpress.com/  Please consider making 
an additional donation to benefit the YOU & EYE project. No tickets will be 
sold at the door.

Please forward this email to your contacts, family, friends. Thank you.
Goa Sudharop
By attending the event you agree to hold Goa Sudharop harmless for any adverse 
consequences you may suffer. You agree to be 100% liable for any personal 
injuries, losses, and damages related to the event.

[Goanet] Thank You dr Ferdinando de Reis for a good information on Imaging technique.

2013-10-01 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Dr Ferdinando Reis,

Thanks for the info.
I am an electronic engineer who is interested in this kind of work
done on MRI , Scan and Positron emission topography. I have taken keen
interest on MRI and Scan equipment technique and I would like to
improve my knowledge still further.
I am happy to know that this technique which works in principle of
Positron Emission tomography.
In PET Neuro imaging is based on brain positron emission tomography
which is discussed in this article and various diseases were focused
such as Alzheimer's, dementia, psychiatry and other neuro disorders,
was well taken by me , but what was not reported is about
Demyelination disorders which includes Multiple sclerosis (MS), and
GB syndrome.
Would you be able to furnish more information into this diseases and I
will glad to have this valuable information if possible which I am
deeply interested.

Stephen Dias
Retd Scientist (Electronics)
Mob: 9422443110

Positron emission tomography

>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
It has been suggested that PET-CT be merged into this article.
(Discuss) Proposed since August 2013.
It has been suggested that PET/MRI be merged into this article.
(Discuss) Proposed since August 2013.
Positron Emission Tomography

Image of a typical positron emission tomography (PET) facility
OPS-301 code:3-74
PET/CT-System with 16-slice CT; the ceiling mounted device is an
injection pump for CT contrast agent
Whole-body PET scan using 18F-FDG

Positron emission tomography (PET)[1] is a nuclear medical imaging
technique that produces a three-dimensional image or picture of
functional processes in the body. The system detects pairs of gamma
rays emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radionuclide (tracer),
which is introduced into the body on a biologically active molecule.
Three-dimensional images of tracer concentration within the body are
then constructed by computer analysis. In modern scanners, three
dimensional imaging is often accomplished with the aid of a CT X-ray
scan performed on the patient during the same session, in the same

If the biologically active molecule chosen for PET is FDG, an analogue
of glucose, the concentrations of tracer imaged will indicate tissue
metabolic activity by virtue of the regional glucose uptake. Use of
this tracer to explore the possibility of cancer metastasis (i.e.,
spreading to other sites) is the most common type of PET scan in
standard medical care (90% of current scans). However, on a minority
basis, many other radiotracers are used in PET to image the tissue
concentration of many other types of molecules of interest.


1 History
2 Descriptions

2.1 Operation
2.2 Localization of the positron annihilation event
2.3 Image reconstruction using coincidence statistics
2.4 Combination of PET with CT or MRI
2.5 Radionuclides and radiotracers
2.6 Limitations
2.7 Image reconstruction

3 Applications

3.1 Oncology
3.2 Neuroimaging
3.3 Cardiology
3.4 Pharmacokinetics
3.5 Small animal imaging
3.6 Musculo-skeletal imaging

4 Safety
5 See also
6 References
7 External links

History[edit source | edit]

The concept of emission and transmission tomography was introduced by
David E. Kuhl, Luke Chapman and Roy Edwards in the late 1950s. Their
work later led to the design and construction of several tomographic
instruments at the University of Pennsylvania. Tomographic imaging
techniques were further developed by Michel Ter-Pogossian, Michael E.
Phelps and others at Washington University School of Medicine.[2][3]

Work by Gordon Brownell, Charles Burnham and their associates at the
Massachusetts General Hospital beginning in the 1950s contributed
significantly to the development of PET technology and included the
first demonstration of annihilation radiation for medical imaging.[4]
Their innovations, including the use of light pipes and volumetric
analysis, have been important in the deployment of PET imaging. In
1961, James Robertson and his associates at Brookhaven National
Laboratory built the first single-plane PET scan, nicknamed the

One of the factors most responsible for the acceptance of positron
imaging was the development of radiopharmaceuticals. In particular,
the development of labeled 2-fluorodeoxy-D-glucose (2FDG) by the
Brookhaven group under the direction of Al Wolf and Joanna Fowler was
a major factor in expanding the scope of PET imaging.[6] The compound
was first administered to two normal human volunteers by Abass Alavi
in August 1976 at the University of Pennsylvania. Brain images
obtained with an ordinary (non-PET) nuclear scanner demonstrated the
concentration of FDG in that organ. Later, the substance was used in
dedicated positron tomographic scanners, to yield the modern

The logical extension of positron instrumentation was a design using
two 2

[Goanet] Thank you everyone...

2013-05-25 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Thank you everyone... specially those who thought of Goanet and asked about
her. And also to those of you who reminded us that Goanet can still result
in an addiction (Goanetitus?)... after all these 19 years! Now just take a
deep breath, hold on tight, stay very still... Things look okay, messages
are going through, and posts are once more getting archived. Send across
your thoughts, opinions, newsbytes and anything relevant to Goa and its
diaspora to goa...@goanet.org   Preferably something positive that makes
everyone think. -- FN

Ana Maria de souza-Goswami [1/2] Just to tell u I am nt gtg 'goanet' since
20th. any problem?

Ana Maria de souza-Goswami [2/2] Have I been blocked out? Pl continue
sending me, as I really look forward to reading them.

from yday mail posted as usual to goanet@lists.goanet.org hv bn rejected. I
hv also not recd mails for two days now. Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

23 May: JoeGoaUk: 3 out of 4 posts copied to Facebook also returned back
earlier. Perhaps, it does not accept several links in the post..

JoeGoaUk: Could not open whole day today 20/5/13

Did this apprear on Goanet? I do not see it in the archives. My reposonse
bounced twice. Mervyn

eric pinto: Right, Merv, no show on GNet!

Aurora Couto: No messages for 2-3 days. What's up?

Eustaquio Santimano: I wd like to praise the Goanet team for all the hard
work and dedication over the years to manage this forum.

This time Goanet is really up. Check our latest posts:

FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436 f...@goa-india.org
Links to my books: http://fredericknoronha1.wix.com/fngoaindia


2012-11-06 Thread Goa-World.com

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)® 
 www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/   www.goa-world.com

  http://www.goa-world.com/goa/credit%5Ccredit.htm Tumcam Maie-mogacho 


Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 


Time and tide wait…. no man! 
That was dad’s favorite phrase, and he always made us laugh because he somehow 
used to miss ‘for’ while saying it.

Thank you all for your messages, sympathy cards and flowers. 
We were deeply touched by your words and expressions of support and thankful 
that people like you are there for us at such a time.

The wonderful memories dad left helped lift our spirits as we celebrate his 
life as much as we mourn his passing away. I do apologize that we may not be 
able to thank each one individually, but on behalf of our family once 
again…THANK YOU.


We have offered a mass for the soul of our beloved dad at the Church of St. 
Thérèse (Salmiya) on Saturday, 
10th November 2012 at 6:30pm. 
Relatives and Friends kindly accept this as the only intimation.

Julio Cardoso



EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop (Goa)
Email: expressions...@gmail.com 
Tel: +91 98 22 164 364

[Goanet] Thank you for Visiting Planet Earth-Our Goa is ok

2012-03-19 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear fellow goanet readers

Some of our super clever intelluctuals visiting planet earth via Goanet can now 
go back home with their video recorders 
and sunglasses. The Goa elections are now completed and the incoming Government 
is in Position. I can only hope 
previous postholders did not shred their work and will work with the current 
postholders on matters that will benefit the 
state, the environment and its people.

As my airbus was approaching Goa a real live commentary was started by two 
Gulfies from Duler starting with " poi amche 
Goia burem dista". The sun was shining over a canopy of green trees when near 
Siradao there was a gash in the 
mountainside the size of three football pitches exposing soil where trees once 
grew. It may have been the illegal felling of 
timber as it could not have been caused by the Elections as electronic voting 
machines were used. Congratulations must 
go to all involved in the electoral process in organising a fair and orderly 
voting process. Politicians and democracy go 
hand in hand, one cannot work without the other.

In the United Kingdom we still use a pencil cross on Paper, an environmental 
waste of trees, unlike in Goa, and given the 
will can be addressed in the west. I did not spot any party political symbols, 
if there was one I would recommend the 
Triangle. In America the triangle in the workplace has the pointed end at the 
bottom with the base at the surface, People 
helping each other to the surface with their hands so that everyone becomes 
top. The British System has the triangle top 
facing the sky everyone stepping on each other with their boots, until one gets 
to the top. 

Amongst our people I keep hearing the phrase top job, top shot etc so I was 
surprised to hear of visiting Canadian Seniors 
(polite term for old people) tipping porters at Dabolim Airport one rupee 
saying last time they gave four annas. This does 
not look like the American triangle upside down. All said and done I also heard 
visitors from England to the Diamond 
Jubilee of Nairobi Institute a few years ago found difficulty in tipping the 
coach driver who was with them all week the 
equivalent of five pence! I cannot say this was the triangle top facing 
skywards, more like British style, an admin system 
of keeping people down.

Goa airport has a new terminal being built and will look like London Gatwick 
North when completed. Dabolim, unlike 
Bombay, can handle wheelchair bound customers with chairs that fit the aisle of 
the aircraft and lifts to travel from floor to 
floor - lifts use a lot of electricity. As you leave the Airport a new highway 
with modern street lighting is almost completed, 
with most roads in Goa now tarmac hence dust is reduced, the fumes from vehicle 
exhausts is also well filtered less led 
pollution for young people. It was good to note workers cultivating crops 
growing in the fields just like the old days.
With the local greed we hear about Shopping in the Tourist belt of Candolim and 
Calangute one can expect to pay tourist 
prices however I found a delightful store in Mapusa Market called Tourist 
Paradise where almost everything was at local 
prices. The same can be said for other stores around the market. Francis bakery 
and Xaviers are indeed good value for a 
quick meal. There are still a lot of good people in Goa, with 87% voting I ask 
that we all look at life with an upside down 
triangle helping each other for the the benefit of all. Armchair Madvisor's 
should not be taken seriously and be allowed to 
continue on their way away from planet earth.

Congratulations and best wishes to Mr Parrikar and the Government of Goa Team.

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath
Surrey, United Kingdom

18 March 2012


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] Thank You...

2012-02-18 Thread Pandu Lampiao
The Quebec wild ginseng was in circulation around the 1700'dreds, all
the work of Catholic priests.
The reason it was sought after in the East (HongKong is the primary
market) is its shape.the roots were  thick, which the Orientals
believe it brings lucky and importantly, the 'wild' variety is potent.

The moratorium was imposed since the wild ginseng was hunted (like
truffles)..to the point of disappearing from the forests.

The cultivated variety comes from Southern Ontario. With the tobacco
crop no longer in demand, ginseng came to the rescue. Not much is
known publicly since the trade is very secretive.

Incidentally, dried ginseng (the southern Ontario variety) is
available at the St.Lawrence market, T*ronto (weekends in the summer
when the farmers from the south bring their produce). Reasonably
priced some time ago. Dried ginseng is used in stews etc.

Too bad in the daily grind of making a buck, folks who migrate rarely
have the time to explore local foods (old foods), their natural
medicines etc, Or maybe they do.

Some of the monasteries in Quebec over the years have developed and
specialized food products whose recipes are worked on for tens of
years, ranging from cheese to cakes. With the church on the wane, they
are disappearingthe fruit cake from the Oka monastery was sold
from a church basement on Park Ave. Mtl (in the Mcgill ghetto) but the
sign is gone, wish I'd popped in then...


On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 10:50 PM, Dan Driscoll  wrote:
> . . .for very interesting note, about cold remedy and much more. I had known
> that Quebec Province grows very good export quality ginseng, and had
> wondered if there is export to China. Did not know ab't the 'wild'; thought
> it was all cultivated.
> My favorite Tamil Proverb: "He who has killed a hundred men, is fit to be a
> doctor".

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] Thank You, to Pandu Lampiao. . . .

2012-02-18 Thread Dan Driscoll
. . .for very interesting note, about cold remedy and much more. I had 
known that Quebec Province grows very good export quality ginseng, and 
had wondered if there is export to China. Did not know ab't the 'wild'; 
thought it was all cultivated.

My favorite Tamil Proverb: "He who has killed a hundred men, is fit to 
be a doctor".


  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php



2011-11-10 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Goanet Classifieds 

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

 Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


37th Tiatr Competition - THANK YOU DOCTOR 

The relationship between ‘Bhatkar’ and 'Mundkar’ (Landlord/Tenant) is like that 
of a cat and a dog’s.
In view of above situation, which landlord or landlady would allow his or her 
only daughter to marry the Mundkar’s son?
or go to this blog

But they say ‘Love is Blind’ the girl (Simenca) determines to marry her 
childhood sweetheart Melvyn despite all odds. The mother or the landlady 
did everything she could to separate thembut it did not work out and eventually 
gives her consent by agreeing to their relationship.

Like every Bollywood filmshad villains be itAjit, Ranjeet or Shakti Kapoor, 
thisone too had a villain – Mr. Lobo.He would do anything to marry the 
girl for her riches, even if he had to murder his own girlfriend in typical 
Mahanand style. Melvyn gets the blame and sent to Jail. 
Lobo all set to marry Simenca – 
Waiting for his bride at the Church but Simenca does the act of ‘Runaway 
bride’,a social activist saves her life at the suicide point.

Like every dog has its day,Mr. Lobo had his too. He is now in the police net.

Thanks to the Doctor ( who is also the social activist) for a family re-union 
and a peaceful ending.

By Salvador Fernandes (Jolly Boy)
(Konkani Kala Mogi, Carambolim)
37th Tiatr Competition organised by Kala Academy of Goa and supported by Tiatr 
Academy /TAG. Staged on 9the Nov. 2011

Jolly Boy presenting his tiatr at KA competition for many years as said by the 
KA man Mr. Amonkar.
Today's tiatr opened at the hands of Dalgado Konkani Academy President, a Tiatr 
Advisory Committee Member of KA and a tiatrist himself, 
Shri Premanand Lotlikar

Flawless acting by all - the typical Landlady was Mrs. Mystica Cardozo,daughter 
was Simenca Rebello, Boyfriend Melvyn was Jerry d’Souza, 
Mundkar was Domnic Fernandes.
Well acted typical villain was Agnelo Lobo.Supported by young Hashvaine 
Fernandes and Marcia D’Souza as young Melvyn/Simenca,
Mr. Cypriano Afonso as Police Inspector, Mrs. Jaqueline Fernandes as 
Doctor/Social Activist,Fatima Fernandes as Lobo’s girlfriend and J
onas as Havaldar.

Comedy part was handled by Com. Kenny Fernandes.

The tiatr had about 13 songs.
Songs of Joao Camilo, Hashvaine Fernandes, Devina Dias, Trio by Jacquelin 
-Hipolito-Hashvaine, Rosario de Benaulim, 
Micah Fernandes etc were well received by the audience. Other singers were 
Adney, Ashley, Stefny, Alrica, Jonas, Salvador, Joel etc

The tiatr part was good.
In one duet, where young sister lost her husband, the brother appeared more 
serious / Sad than the widow sister.

Band by Agnelo Dias (But I don't remember seeing him) with Mathias Mascarenhas 
Thier Intro or Tocad added to the Clip 1 below

Stage pics

Kids playing

Quartet singers


Joao camilo

Love in the garden

Ranjit or Shakti Kapoor of Konkani stage
From the Bolcanv


Trio Singing


Miss Micah


Kills like Mahanand


Finally, in the police net


Thank you doctor




for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Thank you my goanet friends for making my Day!

2011-11-04 Thread Silviano Barbosa

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Ahh, ..  Sontoss  bhoglo re jivako...

Aiz mhoji Feppi Boddei- mhunn jivak borem dissta.

Odhik mhaka khuxalkai bhogta mhoje mogall amig mhojea vhaddissacho ugddas korun 
mhaka wish kortat mhunn.

Sade monxanim, mhoje bhashen khuxalbhorit zavn mhaka  zolm-dissachim porbim 
dilim mhunn hanv
khub  khuxal zalom.

I would like to thank my dear friends in cyberspace who
wished me:

JOEGOAUK with his especially made Utube video with 765
views, of which mine are 761 which I view regularly especially to celebrate
everyone’s birthday with caju fanni  like
today, feppi boddei.

Thanks Freddy Agnelo fernandes for your kind words,

Senhor Joel D’Souza every year my friend wishes me from the
bottom of his heart and I like that.

And  lots more friends
like Edward Verdes.

Thanks my friend Roland Francis, who always calls me up to
talk about Goanity as always and we meet sometimes over a few drinks.

Ah , what a life! I luv people who are down-to-earth .

 Hope to meet nice
friends in Goa in 3 weeks time. You can always see me at Old Goa eating
sausage-pao or at Tiatr any weekends either in Margao  or Ponjj at Kala Academy.

It is always a pleasure to meet  with our Goan heroes like Frederick
Noronha,  Joel  and Alexyx.

Hope to meet JoeGoaUk 
this time.

Ok just to make it clear, if there are any mistakes here, or if I missed 
anyone, it
is the fault of this Caju Fernandes B.A. Botto, who visits me on my zolma-diss.
You made my Day!
Dev borem korum!


[Goanet] Thank you Fr. Frazer for your stand on Arun Ferreira.

2011-10-28 Thread Dolphy Dsouza

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Dear Fr. Frazer,

You are absolutely right in the stand that you  and St Xavier's College have 
taken on Arun Ferreira.

The might of the Government cannot browbeat and do whatever it wants to do 
under the guise of alleged Naxalism of which Arun Ferreira is accused of.

If Arun Ferreira is guilty than surely he must be punished but that needs to be 
proved in the court of law which in this case after fours years and nine trials 
the state has not been able to prove.

I too do not support violence of any kind. Because the vast  majority are 
silent that  state tramples on the human rights of individuals which probably 
has happened in this  case.

We would like to second Fr. Frazer that the Chief Minister, Home Minister and 
the Governor must intervene in such a situation and help find the truth.

A call to others not to  remain silent and atleast demand this intervention.

Dolphy D'souza
Immd.Past President

- Original Message - 
From: Robin Viegas 
To: KonkaniCatholics 
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 7:49 AM
Subject: [KonkaniCatholics] 'We at Xaviers's encourage critical thought' - Fr 
Frazer Mascarenhas Principal St Xaviers College, Mumbai Ht Mumbai Oct 23rd pg 4.


This is with reference to `Innocent or guilty? Let the courts decide' (October 
16, Page 15). Media reports of the re-arrest of Arun Ferreira on charges of 
being a Naxalite have served to spread awareness of the possible problems human 
rights workers can face.

Instances abound of activists being targeted and even killed for raising their 
voices against injustice. It is safer to stay silent and the vast majority do.
Should an educational institution teach the theory of anthropology or zoology 
in a sanitised, secluded atmosphere or should it encourage critical thinking in 
a real-world context? St Xavier's attempts to conscientise its students by 
involving itself in social and political issues, especially concerning the 
disadvantaged. Our students have recently hosted meaningful discussions on 
campus with Aruna Roy, Prashant Bhushan and others trying to make a difference 
in our country. While the college has supported the anti-corruption movement, 
we have cautioned that democratic processes need to be respected, given that 
they have borne good fruit like the RTI Act.

Earlier this year, we hosted a public hearing on the Jaitapur issue, with 
academicians, activists and affected people bearing testimony. Last year we 
hosted a public hearing on the effects of global warming on the livelihood of 
the marginalised. And we have supported justice for Binayak Sen, who has 
devoted his life to tribals but is also accused of waging war on the State. 

THINKING IN A REALWORLD CONTEXT? Arun Ferreira may be guilty of what he is 
being charged with. But four years of jail, interrogation, narcoanalysis and 
trials in nine cases have not been able to prove the charge. Is a 10th case 
needed, with continuing denial of bail?

As principal of St Xavier's College, I have encouraged our students and alumni 
to petition the highest democratically elected officials of our state -the 
Chief Minister and Home Minister -to enquire into and intervene in this case of 
an alumnus. There is not a hint of support to violence in this.

St Xavier's lives by Christian values that abhor violence and encourage 
self-sacrifice. Along with academic excellence, involvement in issues of social 
importance, critically analysing them and raising public consciousness, are 
what an educational institution of repute tries to distinguish itself in.

-Frazer Mascarenhas, principal, St Xavier's College 

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[Goanet] Thank you G.Almeida--for joining Hands , for True God & Goa

2011-10-26 Thread winmigoa


  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

Dear Mr Almeida,

I must say thank youfor your small write up at the bottom.
Every word for the Glory of TRUE GOD & FOR GOA is very much
Indeed we all goans must join hands keeping our small petty
differences aside for on and only one Cause to save GODS KINGDOM & GOA
that is being systematically destroyed by Goa and by Indian Govt.
God bless for standing for the truth to prevail.

From: Goa World

Subject: IFFI organizers FINDING faults! Who enoys the IFFI proceedings? 
Goans or those behind IFFI from outside Goa? We have

seen the happenings at INOX as well as the Kala Academy in the last
IFFI proceedings?

Re: [Goanet] Thank you GT.

2011-09-13 Thread Mario Andrew Rodrigues

Thank you Joe

From: joego...@yahoo.co.uk

Thank you GT.

For publishing Tiatr pics and also Chinchinim Feast in today’s GT.


Plus there was one in yesterday’s  weekender
Thanks again for being part of Goa's Heritage and Culture


[Goanet] Thank you GT.

2011-09-11 Thread JoeGoaUk
Thank you GT.

For publishing Tiatr pics and also Chinchinim Feast in today’s GT.

Plus there was one in yesterday’s  weekender

Thanks again for being part of Goa's Heritage and Culture


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Thank you India?

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Thanks to England, I can now walk with my chin up: BothamPTI | Aug 16,
2011, 12.09PM IST
 LONDON: Former captain Ian
Botham on
Tuesday revealed he was always at the receiving end of banter from fellow
commentators because of England's poor performance but with the hosts
becoming the number one Test team, he can now feel very proud of being an

"There were times when I would arrive at grounds all over the world to
commentate and be given short shrift by my fellow pundits from rival
countries. They would enjoy a bit of mickey-taking and old-fashioned banter
because my team were being soundly beaten on a regular basis," Botham wrote
in his column in 'Daily Mirror'.

"Even though I hoped things would change, they did not for a long time. I'd
have to leave grounds out of a back or side door to avoid abuse from the
crowds -- both English and opposition -- as they vented their frustrations
or laughed at another poor performance by our boys.

"But that has all changed and for the first time since the rankings began we
are - officially the best Test team in the world," he added.

One of the finest all-rounders of all time, Botham feels England's
ascendancy to the number one status is about the home team's brilliance
rather than India's listless performance.

"England are No.1 for a reason, they have been magnificent now for more than
two years and their success should run and run. They will never get bored -
no one gets bored of winning," Botham said.

"I don't want to hear how poor India have been or how world cricket is at a
lower standard than ever before. Poppycock.

"There was nothing poor about Sachin Tendulkar and Yuvraj Singh chasing down
380-odd two-and-a-half years ago. Nor was there anything poor about Dale
Steyn & Co giving it everything they had just over a year ago.

"England have earned the right to be No.1 and they have done it by playing
the best cricket. It is not about other's failings, it is about England's
brilliance. And thanks to the best team in the world, I can walk in and out
of grounds with my chin up and my chest out," he added.

The 55-year-old English icon said England's reign at the top will last for
at least a few years if not more as undoubtedly they are the best side in
the world now.

"I believe they have been on top for a while with the sort of cricket they
played in Australia ,
and I don't need a table to tell me how good a team is in comparison to
others, but now it is in black and white.

"There is no more debate to be had - they are the best. The only question to
be asked now is how long will they stay at the top.

"I have no doubt that it will be for at least a few years, if not for the
sort of time enjoyed by the great West Indies and Australian sides of their

"That type of record is a long way off and it will take some doing to get
themselves into that category," he added.



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Thank you JoeGoaUK and Edgar Silveira - Global Goans Convention

2011-07-24 Thread Carvalho
Thank you JoeGoaUk and Edgar Silveira for providing me with your excellent 
photography to feature in the Global Goans Convention brochure and elsewhere. 
Thank you mostly for putting up with my ridiculous demands to provide me with 
pictures within minutes despite you being two continents away. I think, I woke 
up JoeGoaUk and Edgar a couple of times in the middle of the night to give me 
some pictures :-) 

Who said the Global Goans Convention wasn't a truly Global Goan effort? 

The spirit of the community lives on, as we all pool our resources no matter 
which part of the world we live in.

Take care,
Member of the organising Committee
Global Goans Convention

[Goanet] Thank You Goanet

2011-07-20 Thread Freddy Fernandes
As hectic or as gloomy as our life is, we should not forget to say Thank you, in
saying it we do not loose any energy but the receiver get a whole lot of it.
Thank you JoeGoaUK, for your selfless work in promoting Goa. We all love you


Con has put it very poetically and it could not have been said any better
"'Goanetters seek him here, They seek him there, But never find JoeGoaUK
anywhere" but I would also add "But cannot find JoeGoaUK anywhere even
though he is everywhere " that would make it more interesting.


There are a lot of others who have contributed immensely to Goanet, like Con
said, it would be incomplete without the incredible lens of Rajan Parrikar,
would be out of sync without the court arguments of Dr. JC and the immense
passion of Soter and Floriano Lobo, it would also be unfair not to thank Con for
his healthy, health tips on a regular basis. All contributors deserve thanks in
making this forum an interesting one even though at times it looks like a war


Thank you to the administrators of Goanet.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes   



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[Goanet] Thank you, Con, Thank you, Joe

2011-07-20 Thread Richard & Betsy Nunes

Message: 7
From: "Con Menezes" 
To: "JoeGoaUk" 

Dear Con,
Dear Joe,
We are very new readers of Goanet!, here in Goa for the past three  
years only and getting to know who-is-who, what-is-what, etc. etc.  
from this website.
Yes, but rarely have we read Thank You letters for jobs well done,  
Con, such as yours!! What a delightful email this is, so refreshing,  
like after the heavy Monsoon rains / showers.
Joe, you are obviously an ingenious guy not to disclose who you are,  
where you live  and most importantly, for doing the tremendous  
work that you do, without looking for recognition!
Kudos to those who work for the betterment of our society, who  
despatch 'thank you' notes, words of gratitude to those so deserving  
and, most of all, to those who work tirelessly and selflessly for the  
Goans abroad, and here in Goa.

Thank You, Deu Borem Corum, and Muito Obrigado!!
Betsy and Richard Nunes

Hi Joe,
Its the readers that should thank you, like Camillo does.
Your photo journalism has  kept Goanet readers informed of  
developments around our Goa, exposed  all aspects and happenings
over the state.
There is so much that I have come to know about Goa, its verdant  
beauty in the rains, its culinary as well as its cultural side, in  
short all Goa's  myriad aspects.

Do you  ever have time to spend time with your family??
You appear to   virtually spend quite a lot of your  time with  us,   
your Goanet readers!!
I remember inviting you , when I was in Goa, earlier this year,for   
lunch or dinner, at any venue of your choice, with no expenses spared  
(remember?) just to be able to get  to  know you ,and to find out what  
drives you to inform us all, at  immense  expense.
I was curious to know who that 'mysterious' JoeGoaUK is, but as is  
your way, you preferred to remain 'incognito'!

Nevertheless I respected  your wishes.
As I said to you before and I quote
'Goanetters seek him here,
They seek him there,
But never find JoeGoaUK anywhere
Please accept my gratitude for everything  you do for us.
I also take this opportunity to thank Frederick Noronha for his  
professional journalistic presentations, Rajan Parrikar for his very  
beautiful photo shots, around the world, but particularly of Goa.
I cant remember seeing Goa in all its beauty as RP depicts through his  
lenses,  and to all others that make Goanet a very interesting journey  
for me and, I expect, to many many others like me.

Thank You, Deu Borem Corum, and Muito Obrigado!!
Con. Menezes

[Goanet] Thank You (Life is too short)

2011-07-19 Thread Rabindra Pimenta

Dear Joegoauk,
Your message on 'Life is too short' has truly touched my heart.
Let me tell you today, that it is you who needs to be thanked by all of us for 
the wonderful work that you do without seeking any reward.
You are indeed a rare gem among persons, and we are so fortunate to be 
associated with you, even though you prefer to remain unidentified.
I for one will always remain indebted to you for the immense contributions you 
have afforded to Goa and Goans.  
Also I take it as a personal favour done to me, for I have gained a lot from 
your post, pictures, videos, wisdom, selflessness, etc.
How I wish there would be more Goans like you!!!
Warm regards and best wishes,
Rabindra Pimenta

Joegoauk wtore:

Thank You (Life is too short)
> Well, believe me or not, I wanted to say it for the last 2 years 
> but somehow kept on postponing it until tomorrow.
> Who has seen tomorrow ham?
> Yes, ?life is too short? and I strongly believe that.
> So, why ?Tomorrow? when you can do it ?Today??
> So, here I am doing it today 
> (coming in the centre stage with mic in my hand..)
> I, on behalf of JoeGoaUk, like to thank each one of you for 
> your support and well wishes.
> I also like to apologise for not doing it all this time.

Re: [Goanet] Thank You (Life is too short)

2011-07-19 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Arrey baba JoeGoaUk! We are not letting go of you so soon. Keep up the good
work. Don't worry about thanking others. Looking forward to many more photos
(videos and text too) from your lenses and keyboard. FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

On 19 July 2011 12:03, JoeGoaUk  wrote:

> Well, believe me or not, I wanted to say it for the last 2 years
> but somehow kept on postponing it until tomorrow.
> Who has seen tomorrow ham?
> Yes, ‘life is too short’ and I strongly believe that.
> So, why ‘Tomorrow’ when you can do it ‘Today’?
> So, here I am doing it today
> (coming in the centre stage with mic in my hand..)

[Goanet] Thank You (Life is too short)

2011-07-18 Thread JoeGoaUk

Thank You (Life is too short)

Well, believe me or not, I wanted to say it for the last 2 years 
but somehow kept on postponing it until tomorrow.

Who has seen tomorrow ham?

Yes, ‘life is too short’ and I strongly believe that.
So, why ‘Tomorrow’ when you can do it ‘Today’?

So, here I am doing it today 
(coming in the centre stage with mic in my hand..)

I, on behalf of JoeGoaUk, like to thank each one of you for 
your support and well wishes.
I also like to apologise for not doing it all this time.

I know, there are many out there who may think they know JoeGoaUk,
 I like to thank them too.
To name a few, Cecil, FN, Minguel, Tomazin or TAG, Soter, Floriano, Rajan etc.
Thanks for respecting privacy ( .. for as long as it takes).
Or thanks for not bothering to know who JoeGoaUk is.

Thanks to Goanet for providing me the free forum or a stage to shout about.

Thanks to Gomantak Times (GT) and Herald (H) for giving me exposure 
particularly in the fields of Goan Herritage/Tradition and of Civic nature 
(publishing my photos, I mean).
Most recent publication both in GT & H

To thank or to name individuals, the list may be endless but always 
closer to my heart, for being my most valued clients, hope you will understand.

On this occassion, I must also thank Flickr and Youtube, again for providing a 
free platform to showcase our Goa to the world 
(including Goans spread all over the globe). 
Also, thanks to Yahoo & gmail.

I would also like to say SORRY if I ever said anything in bad taste or offended 
you in any way.

Thank you again for allowing me to do what I always wanted to do, my way.

He is something that you may always wanted to know..

How you do, what you do?
- Well, I think, I don’t know the full answer but this might help:
I have so much on my plate. Often, I feel, I work under pressure as 
there are so many projects pending be it a photo or video documentary 
or presentation on Goa’s life, heritage, traditions etc, Tiatr reviews and 
clips and off course some write ups of my style such as my point of view etc.

I know excessive work is not good for health, I wish our Con Menezes, (one of 
my valued net clients ) provide a link on this in his regular 
Health tips links on Goanet. But again, I may have to time..
So far, I think I am fit and thank God for that. 
Having said that, I know, even the fittest persons on earth 
don’t know what’s in store for them ‘Tomorrow’.

Why telling us about your personal matter?
- What if you stop hearing from me Tomorrow?
If I don’t tell you Today, you may never know it Tomorrow.
Hence, it’s Today.

Are you making or ever made money on you work?
- Well, as in court verdicts or post-mortem reports etc, I too like
to reserve my answer on this as I wish to come again on this separately.
But one thing I can say Today ‘My work never intended for money’ 
for my work is not a ‘business’. Nor I have any intentions to turn it into a 
Here is an advice – Your take it or not
If you wanted to do something good to your family, society etc. and 
you think you can do it Today, never postpone it to Tomorrow 
for we have not seen Tomorrow. 
Life is too short.

eg. (personal)
I had in my mind to do something good to my mother (I knew she would love it) 
but I kept on postponing.. And I never did it -
My mother died ( leaving an indelible mark in my mind or conscious 
for which i will never be able to forgive myself). 
See what I mean?


a pic (related)


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Thank you from Daddy's Home (Goa, India)

2011-05-18 Thread Herman Carneiro

Dear Goanetters,

As you know Noel Rebello and Goanet collected money for Daddy's Home in 
Goa.  Daddy's Home is a charity that supports children with learning 
difficulties.  We worked together collected sponsorship for Noel to 
climb Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise funds for Daddy's Home.


A letter of thanks from the Fr. Valmiki, who runs Daddy's Home, follows 
below.  Thank you for your kind donations.

Best wishes,

Herman Carneiro
Goanet Admin
Goanet - Where Goans Connect!

- Forwarded Message 
*From:* Daddys Home 
*To:* Noel Rebello
*Sent:* Friday, 29 April, 2011 8:49:56
*Subject:* THANKS

Dear Noel

It was very kind of you to think of our special school and take time off 
to collect funds for DADDY'S HOME.

A noble thought indeed. May God bless you for this magnanimity and bless 
all those who contributed towards our cause.


Your contribution of Rs 17500, will go long way in helping our special 
children here at Daddy's home lead an independent life.

Warm wishes and GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU


Daddy's HOME, GOA

[Goanet] Thank you Anna Hazare

2011-04-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
Thank you Annaji

HD clip


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk (Really?)

2010-12-30 Thread E DeSousa

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery): http://www.ritanabooks.com,

Mr. R Kakodkar writes:
"Wikipedia excerpts about India poverty:
Poverty is widespread in India, with the nation estimated to have a third of 
world's poor.By World Bank estimates, 80% of India's population lives on less 
than 2$ a day.[1] According to a 2005 World Bank estimate, 41% of India falls 
below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 a day"

A contributing factor to the endemic poverty is the very large increase in 
population of India.
The  population almost doubled  from  440 ,000,000 in 1961 to est. 1,191,000 
million in 2010. Also consider the Urban to Rural ratio changes in this time 
frame:   18% of the population was  Urban in 1961 . By 2001 that number was 
What it means is there were 79,200,000 city dwellers in 1961. By 2001 there 
331,098,000 dwelling in the same cities + Goa.

It appears China's one child policy has enabled  India to be on track to assume 
 the  "Most Populous Country In the World"  spot by 2025. 

 (Sources:  http://www.prb.org/pdf06/61.3IndiasPopulationReality_Eng.pdf; 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_India ) 

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-29 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery): http://www.ritanabooks.com,

Statistics don't tell the full story. Or do they? 

How is poverty defined? 

Then again, how is misery defined? 

Lots of people living in slums have satellite dishes on their shanties.  Are 
they rich?  

- Original Message 
> From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

> Poverty in India has declined over the last four decades. The percentage of 
>population living below the poverty line in 1974 in rural and urban areas was 
>56% and 49%, respectively. In 1994 it was 37% and 32%, respectively. Today it 
>less than 27% and 23%, respectively.
> --- On Tue, 12/28/10, Carvalho  wrote:
> > 
> > India is poorer today than it was 20
> > years ago.


Re: [Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-28 Thread rajendra kakodkar

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery): http://www.ritanabooks.com,

Wikipedia excepts about Tndia poverty:
Poverty is widespread in India, with the nation estimated to have a third of 
the world's poor.By World Bank estimates, 80% of India's population lives on 
less than 2$ a day.[1] According to a 2005 World Bank estimate, 41% of India 
falls below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 a day 
The World Bank estimates that 456 million Indians (41.6% of the total Indian 
population) now live under the global poverty line of US$ 1.25 per day (PPP). 
This means that a third of the global poor now reside in India. However, this 
also represents a significant decline in poverty from the 60 percent level in 
1981 to 42 percent in 2005. The rupee has decreased in value since then, while 
the official standard of 538 (urban)/356 (rural) per month has remained the 
same.[7][8] Income inequality in India is increasing, with a Gini coefficient 
of 32.5 in 1999-2000.[9] However, according to the latest NCAER estimates, in 
2009, only 15.6% of the households or 200 million people, had income levels 
less than  45,000 annually(US$ 1.4 PPP per person)[10].On the other hand, the 
Planning Commission of India uses its own criteria and has estimated that 27.5% 
of the population was living below the poverty line in 2004–2005, down from 
51.3% in 1977–1978, and 36% in
 1993-1994[3]. The source for this was the 61st round of the National Sample 
Survey (NSS) and the criterion used was monthly per capita consumption 
expenditure below 356.35 for rural areas and 538.60 for urban areas. 75% of the 
poor are in rural areas, most of them are daily wagers, self-employed 
householders and landless labourers.

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery): http://www.ritanabooks.com,

--- On Tue, 12/28/10, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:
> Having accepted that Indian "official" statistics are worth
> comparing because they are so very accurate, I have the following
> question:
> Is it possible that the 10-20% of the rural population (who
> were poor) decided to migrate to urban areas i.e.  Mumbai and
> now to Goa?

The answer to the above question is no. The reason should be obvious from my 
last post. I have shown figures that indicate that a similar decline in poverty 
occurred in both rural and urban areas.

As far as not trusting Government of India statistics is concerned, the World 
Bank independently confirms the decline in poverty using more stringent 
criteria. Here is the relevant quote from the World Bank (please see - 

Is India getting poorer?

No, not all. India has made steady progress against poverty. A look at the 
25-year period between 1981 and 2005 shows that India has moved from having 60 
percent of its people living on less than $ 1.25 a day to 42 percent. The 
number of people living below a dollar a day (2005 prices) has also come down 
from 42 percent to 24 percent over the same period. Both measures show that 
India has maintained even progress against poverty since the 1980s, with the 
poverty rate declining at a little under one percentage point per year. 

But, although India has had significant success in reducing the number of the 
poorest of its poor - those living on less than a dollar a day – there are 
still a huge number of people living just above this line of deprivation. This 
is most evident when we study absolute numbers. The number of people living 
below a dollar a day is down from 296 million in 1981 to 267 million people in 
2005. However, the number of poor below $1.25 a day has increased from 421 
million in 1981 to 456 million in 2005. This the biggest challenge facing India 

How do you explain the huge difference between your figures and the Government 
of India’s own poverty estimates?

The difference stems from the use of different poverty lines. To assess global 
poverty on comparable terms, we use an average of the national poverty lines of 
the world’s 15 poorest countries to determine the international poverty line at 
$ 1.25 per day at 2005 PPP prices. India, on the other hand, measures its 
poverty according to its own national poverty line which, in 2005 PPP, 
translates to $ 1.02 per day. As the two poverty lines are pegged at different 
levels, the number of people living below them is also different.

Is the World Bank suggesting that India’s poverty line is too low and it should 
revise it?

No, the new Bank paper does not suggest that India, or for that matter any 
other country using national poverty lines, should now peg their poverty line 
at $1.25.  Each country does and will continue to determine its own national 
poverty line. As stated earlier, the Bank’s sole aim is to look at poverty 
across the globe on a comparable basis.
...World Bank




[Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-28 Thread Carvalho

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery): http://www.ritanabooks.com,

In those wee hours of morning, when sleep won't come and I'm left with 
evaluating my life, I quietly get down on my knees, cry into the palm of my 
hand and pray for three things. (I really do).
That I become as good a person as FN
That I become as religious as Albert
That I become as trusting of statistics as Santosh.
PS: I have the flu - so I have plenty of time on my hands today :-)


Re: [Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-28 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery): http://www.ritanabooks.com,

Santosh Helekar  wrote: Poverty in India has
declined over the last four decades. The percentage of population
living below the poverty line in 1974 in rural and urban areas was 56%
and 49%, respectively. In 1994 it was 37% and 32%, respectively. Today
it is less than 27% and 23%, respectively.


Having accepted that Indian "official" statistics are worth comparing
because they are so very accurate, I have the following question:

Is it possible that the 10-20% of the rural population (who were poor)
decided to migrate to urban areas i.e.  Mumbai and now to Goa?


Re: [Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery): http://www.ritanabooks.com,

Poverty in India has declined over the last four decades. The percentage of 
population living below the poverty line in 1974 in rural and urban areas was 
56% and 49%, respectively. In 1994 it was 37% and 32%, respectively. Today it 
is less than 27% and 23%, respectively.



--- On Tue, 12/28/10, Carvalho  wrote:

> India is poorer today than it was 20
> years ago. It has more poor people than the 
> whole of Africa combined. It doesn't reduce its poverty; it
> just redistributes 
> it. If you are a relatively prosperous state, rest assured
> in 50 years time, you 
> will become another slum of India. Then we will have movies
> and documentaries made telling us how fulfilling slum
> life is and how organic 
> living in one of these human sewers can be.
> If anyone thinks I am joking and that it won't happen to
> Goa, I urge them to 
> visit Mangor hill of Vasco. What was once the abode of
> proud Vasco Gaunkaris is 
> now a slum. In the morning, one can wake up to the
> delicious smell of human 
> sewage wafting through the air as one makes their way to
> white-washed Church and 
> children filtering in to schools, holding on to the last
> vestiage of a civilised 
> life. Our home is now on the pheriphery of slumville.
> Beyond our home lies acres 
> and acres of usurped communidade land turned into shanties.
> Proper Vascoites 
> cannot afford to buy land. They move out of Vasco and into
> some tiny flat.
> This is what India contributes.
> Best,
> Selma


[Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-28 Thread Carvalho
India is poorer today than it was 20 years ago. It has more poor people than 
whole of Africa combined. It doesn't reduce its poverty; it just redistributes 
it. If you are a relatively prosperous state, rest assured in 50 years time, 
will become another slum of India. Then we will have movies 
and documentaries made telling us how fulfilling slum life is and how organic 
living in one of these human sewers can be.
If anyone thinks I am joking and that it won't happen to Goa, I urge them to 
visit Mangor hill of Vasco. What was once the abode of proud Vasco Gaunkaris is 
now a slum. In the morning, one can wake up to the delicious smell of human 
sewage wafting through the air as one makes their way to white-washed Church 
children filtering in to schools, holding on to the last vestiage of a 
life. Our home is now on the pheriphery of slumville. Beyond our home lies 
and acres of usurped communidade land turned into shanties. Proper Vascoites 
cannot afford to buy land. They move out of Vasco and into some tiny flat.
This is what India contributes.

[Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk

2010-12-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

>What’s cooking today? 
>http://www.flickr.com/photos/56810...@n05/5296972675/sizes/l/ Two dogs also in 
>the q for the dinner 

Gives meaning to "Goa going to the dogs."  This has been India's 
biggest 'contribution' to Goa - poverty.

Btw, this is illegal and violates city laws.  There is a standing court 
order as a result of my PIL that prohibits these activities on Panjim's
pavements, but the CCP is not enforcing it, and apparently no 
Goan is bothered enough to do anything about it.



[Goanet] Thank you.

2010-09-26 Thread eric pinto
Always moved by the hymn. And it is non-denominational.    eric.

From: Gilbert Lawrence 
To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Sun, September 26, 2010 9:39:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Cornel DaCosta, RIP

Cornel may or may not like this farewell,
Yet Goans on Goanet would like to send him off today, with this hymn.

Precious Lord, take my hand, (first of three verses)

Precious Lord, take my hand, 
Lead me on, let me stand,

I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, through the night,

Lead me on to the Light,
Take my hand, 
Precious Lord, lead me home.

Composed by Thomas A. Dorsey
Melody by George N. Allen.

Till we meet again,
Regards, Gilbert

[Goanet] Thank you, Louise.

2010-09-22 Thread eric pinto

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

   Well spoken, Louise, and you do write so well.   eric.

From: kaleon kal...@emirates.net
Ruby, you are like a vulture scouring sites for bad press about India. It 
appears you are not a happy person. Why don't you enjoy your life and forget 
about the problems that India has. Let your hair down, enjoy! Listen to some 
good music, block all sites that show you how badly India is doing, the small 
joys that you get when you read of their suffering will not bring you real joy, 
so avoid them.


[Goanet] Thank you: 'Konkani Cholchitram' book launched in Goa today

2010-09-21 Thread George Pinto

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

A report on the event will follow later, but in the interim thank you to the 
Goa-World team of Gaspar Almeida and Uly Menezes who sent in their best wishes.

Thanks to ALEXYZ for his excellent "toon" in the Gomantak times today.
To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com

Thanks to the book reviewers whose reviews appeared in various publications and 
on the net.

Thanks to JoeGoaUk for the first pictures of the event coming in even as the 
event is wrapping up in Panaji.

Thanks to all who made this event happen, and to those who attended and made 
this a memorable experience.

Goa Sudharop

[Goanet] Thank you everyone

2010-08-30 Thread Carvalho
Dear all,
Just a quick thank you to Goanet, Goanetters and everyone connected with 
I would love to mention names but I will invariably forget one name and cause 

Thanks to all those who came for the launch, it was wonderful to put faces to 
names. You are just as I always imagined you, which goes to show the net is a 
pretty good indicator of character. JoeGoaUK escaped once again :-)

The launch was "full South Goan Catholic masti" as they say  and proof positive 
that long after our trees, forests and lakes die out, our absolute belief in 
freedom of speech will never die out :-) Thank you speakers and the 
light-hearted moderator.

Thank you to the reviews, the news outlets who gave us an abundance of 
and even premier space on their publications. 

Thanks also to all the people who have stepped up and acted as distributors, 
carting the book to the Gulf, Canada and Australia, sending it off to friends 
and relatives.

Just as the book had been a collaborative community exercise, its unexpected 
pleasant success has been a community event. 

Long live the Goan community spirit. It is certainly not dead but alive and 

Warm regards,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

[Goanet] THANK YOU to the Tiatr "Dukh" attendees

2010-06-20 Thread Agnelo Fernandes

To all the Tiatr ( Dukh ) attendees


I would like to sincerely thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my 
heart for all the appreciation and support you gave after my debut Tiatr.


I did see a few handicapped / disabled senior citizens after that Tiatr, it was 
very touching to see them attending the Tiatr despite of the challenges. A 
special Thank you to all of them for being there. 


Also I would like to thank "Francis Rodrigues" for the token of appreciation he 
presented to me. 


It was a wonderful experience for me and hope I lived to everyone's 


Till we all meet again soon.


Dev Borem Korun,

Agnelo Fernandes

The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-30 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


J. Colaco  wrote:
> 1: That having been noted, would you say that the level of taxation in
> Canada is significantly higher than that in the USA.

Every year, I file a tax return in both Canada and the US. 
Every year, regardless of my income, I get a refund of a few dollars from
the US tax authority. In other words, the US tax rates are marginally
lower than that of Canada.

> 4: I am surprised that in Canada, one can be fined for missing an
> annual check up. Is this true in the country of 'Malette v Shulman'?
> Does this mean that an individual is forced to provide consent to a
> doctor for an annual physical exam (or risk a fine)? 

To make this clear, the doctor is allowed to charge his patient
for missing the annual exam. The reasoning is that doctor was deprived of 
his income and thus s/he is now allowed to charge the patient in lieu of 
the fee the doctor would have got from the govt. If the patient does not 
want to pay, the patient is free to change doctors.

venantius j pinto wrote:
> Seriously---did you really not know the cost of insurance in the U.S., and
> the basic permutations of what one gets in the US for what one puts out in
> the US? Perhaps you were attempting to draw a composite picture, and
> hopefully did not really find what you Jim said---too funny. Its not funny
> and not a joke bro. Its very real. People we know are in trouble in various
> ways.

When I was working in the US, 20 years ago, my health insurance premiums
were $150 per month. When I got laid off, the insurance company was kind
enough to inform me that they would now provide the same insurance for 
$300.00 a month. My health situation had not changed. All that had changed 
was that I had become jobless. The insurance company felt that it was a good
moment to er, capitalize on the situation. 

I understand that the US population has got bigger since I left and since there 
are more people buying health insurance, the premiums must go higher, but I 
was totally totally astounded when Jim F. pointed out that it now cost him  
$15,000 annually to insure his family. 

Another way to view this scenario, since the province provides our health 
I have an extra $15,000 a year to save or spend, just because I live in Canada 
not the US.

> I have a faint feeling that if all this info has just come to your notice,
> then you must be relieved that the cards life dealt you placed your being in
> Canada, or perhaps for good reason you made a decision not to come to the
> U.S.

I actually earned two degrees in the US before I moved to Canada. The reason I 
moved here is because there is a social life in Toronto. The additional 
bonus for 
me is that the people I grew up with in Tanzania, all live within 45 
minutes from 
where I do.

> Jim F and Dr. J Colaco to his superb credit as a doctor---both put it well.

Just in case you are not aware of it, Dr. J. Colaco is both a doctor and a 
Obama is only a lawyer but he gets the fact that you reduce medical expenses
by prevention of diseases, rather than by treatment. Those who do not 
this are the very people who are bitching about the new health bill.


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Jim Fernandes  wrote:

[1] I could live without insurance and pocket the money, but that
would mean, I'd become another of those nephews that Ms Viviana Coelho
was talking about :(  .
[2] The insurance cost that I stated previously, is a TYPICAL
insurance cost for a family of four in the US. New York being a little
more expensive, might have a small markup to cover the extra cost of
[3] I strongly believe everyone should pay their fair share for
medical coverage - just like how we pay our taxes and just like how we
purchase auto insurance.
[4] We should also curb the abuses by the insurance carriers - and
chop their appetite for getting ultra rich on the backs of hard
working families.


I re-posted the above to emphasise the points made (very correctly) by Jim.

Both Viviana and Vivian are probably unaware.

I agree with much of what Marlon has written on the subject - in his
latest post. Part of the problem is that "Insurers' are actually
brokers who re and re and re-insure with Mega Insurers like (say)
Lloyds. It is a risk-spreading and money-creaming exercise.

If anything happens e.g. Hurricane, Earthquake All costs go up.
Every event is used by the 'greedy' (and the agents) to rake in some
more profits. These are the chaps that the Pubbies support.

On the Dem side is the huge bureaucracy, unions, trial lawyers who
also milk the system.

In the middle are the health-care professionals and patients.

Just in case there is a notion that only large families with many
medical problems have High Insurance premiums, here is an exchange
between a client (party of 2) who has never claimed (and hopes he
never has to) and the insurance representative:

Q: In a previous correspondence, I had asked about No Claim reductions
in premiums. You promised to check. Grateful for update

A:  I'm afraid that we do not give any reductions on renewal premiums
--sorry for any delay of the answer to your question.

good wishes


Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-29 Thread Jim Fernandes
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


-- Original message --
From: Gabe Menezes 

> On the cost being paid by Jim - it depends on how many people are covered
> and the ages therein. He has got children being dealt by paeditricians, as
> well as one who escaped the World Trade Centre inferno! Any aged parents to
> boot?
> Gabe Menezes.

Hello Gabe,

I don't want to make my age public (unless you want to find that on your own), 
but I can state that I wasn't yet born, when the last major social benefits 
overhaul took place in the US. That overhaul took place when Medicare 
legislation was signed back in 1965. My young family and I, have zero medical 
issues - other than usual children's shots and annual physicals. In the US, it 
does not matter whether you have one child or 10 children, the cost of 
insurance for all kids is the same - meaning, someone like myself who has two 
kids pays the same as someone who has 10 kids. I could live without insurance 
and pocket the money, but that would mean, I'd become another of those nephews 
that Ms Viviana Coelho was talking about :(  .

The insurance cost that I stated previously, is a TYPICAL insurance cost for a 
family of four in the US. New York being a little more expensive, might have a 
small markup to cover the extra cost of living. Single persons pay the least 
for their coverage. If folks on GoaNet aren't accustomed to the kind of costs I 
am talking about, its because they are either single, have no kids whatsoever 
under their plan, or their employers absorb most of the cost. Alternatively, 
they may not be purchasing any coverage - I know many Goans who don't and are 
relying on a government bailout to pick up the tab, incase of a catastrophic 
event. Its a good thing that Mr Obama rounded up all these bums under his plan 
and would now be forced to comply or risk getting a visit from the tax man 

In the US, the older parents cannot be included in the medical coverage of 
their working children. That group is either covered under AARP, Medicare, 
employers (if they still have a job that provides medical benefits), self 
funded or a combination of these entities. In a worst case scenario, their cost 
is absorbed by Medicaid - which is another government funded program for the 
really poor. I am not 100% certain, but I believe, if you are a senior citizen, 
the insurance costs are probably subsidized through plans available through 
AARP or Medicare. 

I strongly believe everyone should pay their fair share for medical coverage - 
just like how we pay our taxes and just like how we purchase auto insurance. We 
should also curb the abuses by the insurance carriers - and chop their appetite 
for getting ultra rich on the backs of hard working families. 

This is what Obama care is all about.

Jim F
New York.

[Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-29 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


- Jim Fernandes

I am sure Dr J Colaco and the other physicians on GoaNet are fully aware of 
what's happening with the healthcare cost in the US. Its high time that 
everybody share the cost of healthcare.

 GL responds;

Like all insurance, the costs are distributed.  As in education, the poor and 
middle class has palmed off their healthcare duties to the SYSTEM.  The middle 
class would rather pay the SYSTEM than care for / address / solve many issues 
themselves.  All this contributes to WASTE.

Between not being covered and having a high deductible and co-pays if covered, 
the middle class are very vulnerable.  Yet like in many situations, we are our 
own worst enemies.  What we all need to do is SAVE the cost of 
healthcare NOT SHARE its cost.  Here are some suggestions:

1. Preventive Care - Stop smoking. Exercise and Prevent obesity and other 
illness with proper diet and life style.  Regular check-ups

2. Care for elderly parents, uncles and aunts saving hospital and nursing home 
costs. End-of-life care, (last few months), account for 30% to 40% of all 
healthcare costs.

3. Help relatives cope with their chronic illness which accounts for 75% of 
medical costs and is responsible for 70% of deaths.

4. Prevent relatives, neighbors and friends making hospitals' ER the first line 
of care - a very expensive way to access healthcare.

5. Doctors and Hospitals have to end the 40% of over-treatment, under-treatment 
and in-appropriate treatment  without further excuses of why it occurs.

We have to stop blaming the govt. and take-over at the grass-roots by doing the 
right thing, even if it is inconvenient.

Regards, GL


Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29 March 2010 12:54, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

> 1: That having been noted, would you say that the level of taxation in
> Canada is significantly higher than that in the USA.
> 2: In Scandinavian countries, the level of taxation is much higher -
> but the citizens of those countries are said to be happier because
> their health, education and retirement are well looked after. (Chacha
> Alfred0 may wish to confirm).
> 3: The problem with many countries is that (a) increased bureaucracy =
> a waste of money (b) the ones who are trained to make decisions i.e.
> the health care professionals, are not the ones who always make the
> decisions. (c) politicians and the lobbywallas waste money on
> unprovoked guerras. (Mario may deny the premise of this statement -
> and so be it)
> 4: I am surprised that in Canada, one can be fined for missing an
> annual check up. Is this true in the country of 'Malette v Shulman'?
> Does this mean that an individual is forced to provide consent to a
> doctor for an annual physical exam (or risk a fine)? Where will the
> 'socialist system' stop when it comes to patients' rights? Can they
> force you to have a termination of pregnancy or a tubal ligation /
> vasectomy because you have (say) 5 children? (I know that the 5
> children family would be welcome but this is just an example)
> jc
RESPONSE: Missed Doctor's appointments cost the NHS a bundle here; so some
Surgeries charge £20 for missed appointments.

Viviana, it seems is out on a limb, suffering from gun shy syndrome; Goveia,
whom she could rely on in the past, has gone with the wind. Come back Mario,
all is forgiven.

What about the free radios given in India to perform sterilisation? That
episode cost Indira a bit and some more...

On the cost being paid by Jim - it depends on how many people are covered
and the ages therein. He has got children being dealt by paeditricians, as
well as one who escaped the World Trade Centre inferno! Any aged parents to


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Thank you Mr. Obama

2010-03-29 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
I am not doubting Jim Fernandes Health Insurance costs in the USA.  However, 
the cost of
health Insurance depends on each person's unique situation, including Married 
or Single,
dependants etc.  I pay a small fraction of what Jim pays for my USA Medical 
Insurance, which includes Dental Insurance, Eye Care including Eye glasses and 
services, Prescription and Medical insurance.  My Insurance coverage mandates 
regular check-ups.  If one fails to schedule a regular check up one is charged 
25% of the Doctors or Dental fees for the first year.  This charge then becomes 
15% the following year and then
5 % the year after.  Thereafter, there is no charge as long as one goes for his 
check ups.  All this makes sense to me as the focus is on preventive care and 
early detection.  Those who are lacadaisical about their health (like Merwyn) 
should pay for
such behavior.
I am not sure how much my Insurance will cost under the new Obama plan.  
Presumably I will be required to pay towards the dead-beats who do not have 
Insurance.  Dont get me
wrong.  Not everyone without health insurance is a dead beat.  But I know of 
many people
who have made choices to drop health insurance for other life-style 
choices knowing that in the event of an emergency the Government will pick up 
the tab, Obama Health Insurance or not.
I also know of a case where an Individual visiting the USA from India suffered 
a heart attack and received an emergency heart by-pass surgery and 
hospitalization without paying a
penny.   Most if not all states have "Medicaid" plans which take care of 
indigent patients .
So these stories of people dying because of lack of medical insurance baffles 
me.  I suspect that they have a more than a modest income level and made the 
choice to drop
medical insurance and the medical safety net meant for indigents did not cover 
them ?
Anway, the deed is done (Obama Healt Insurance that is).  We will now have 
socialized medicine in the USA and a huge bureaucracy to manage it.  Lets see 
how it all pans out a few years down the road.

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-29 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

Jim F, I am astounded by the price you have to pay for health
insurance for your family! This is an extremely heavy burden.

You may be aware that the provinces here in Canada guarantee the
health care of their residents.

I found a letter from my family doctor informing me that from now on
he would be charging $60.00 for a missed annual check-up. The
comprehensive check up is free but missing it is now going to cost me


1: That having been noted, would you say that the level of taxation in
Canada is significantly higher than that in the USA.

2: In Scandinavian countries, the level of taxation is much higher -
but the citizens of those countries are said to be happier because
their health, education and retirement are well looked after. (Chacha
Alfred0 may wish to confirm).

3: The problem with many countries is that (a) increased bureaucracy =
a waste of money (b) the ones who are trained to make decisions i.e.
the health care professionals, are not the ones who always make the
decisions. (c) politicians and the lobbywallas waste money on
unprovoked guerras. (Mario may deny the premise of this statement -
and so be it)

4: I am surprised that in Canada, one can be fined for missing an
annual check up. Is this true in the country of 'Malette v Shulman'?
Does this mean that an individual is forced to provide consent to a
doctor for an annual physical exam (or risk a fine)? Where will the
'socialist system' stop when it comes to patients' rights? Can they
force you to have a termination of pregnancy or a tubal ligation /
vasectomy because you have (say) 5 children? (I know that the 5
children family would be welcome but this is just an example)


Re: [Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29 March 2010 06:38, Venantius J Pinto  wrote:

> Dear Mervyn,
> Seriously---did you really not know the cost of insurance in the U.S., and
> the basic permutations of what one gets in the US for what one puts out in
> the US? Perhaps you were attempting to draw a composite picture, and
> hopefully did not really find what you Jim said---too funny. Its not funny
> and not a joke bro. Its very real. People we know are in trouble in various
> ways.
> I have a faint feeling that if all this info has just come to your notice,
> then you must be relieved that the cards life dealt you placed your being
> in
> Canada, or perhaps for good reason you made a decision not to come to the
> U.S.
> Jim F and Dr. J Colaco to his superb credit as a doctor---both put it well.
> venantius j pinto
> COMMENT: I was fortunate that my employer (Bank of NewYork Mellon) had us
covered with Travellers Insurance co. We did however have to pay an excess
on each claim that we made. Another thing, we had a percentage sum deducted
each month, from our salary, for a charity, which was a pet of the Chairman!
The United Way Charity - one could opt out - none would dare though.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-29 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear Mervyn,
Seriously---did you really not know the cost of insurance in the U.S., and
the basic permutations of what one gets in the US for what one puts out in
the US? Perhaps you were attempting to draw a composite picture, and
hopefully did not really find what you Jim said---too funny. Its not funny
and not a joke bro. Its very real. People we know are in trouble in various

I have a faint feeling that if all this info has just come to your notice,
then you must be relieved that the cards life dealt you placed your being in
Canada, or perhaps for good reason you made a decision not to come to the

Jim F and Dr. J Colaco to his superb credit as a doctor---both put it well.

venantius j pinto

> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:28:54 +
> From: "Jim Fernandes" 
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama
> Mervyn,
> I am serious about the cost of insurance here in the US, my man. The cost
> is ridiculously high and out of line! The plan I got, is sold by Oxford
> (Freedom Plan). You can probably go online and request for a quote yourself.
> If you still don't believe me, I'll show you my cancelled checks, if we
> happened to meet down the line ... and beer is on me.
> Jim F
> New York.
> > [2]  Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
> >
> >  Jim F, Is this some kind of April Fools joke?
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Mervyn,
> >
> > Where is the joke in what Jim has written?
> >
> > The only part Jim has inadvertently (perhaps) missed out is the
> following:
> >
> > After the $3000 deductible is met, the insurance companies (depending
> > upon the network policies) will cover 60-80% of what they term as
> > reasonable charges.
> >(DEL)
> >
> > jc

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Jim Fernandes wrote:
> I am serious about the cost of insurance here in the US, my man. The cost is 
> ridiculously high and out of line! 

Jim F,
I am astounded by the price you have to pay for health insurance for your 
This is an extremely heavy burden.

You may be aware that the provinces here in Canada guarantee the health care of 
their residents. This weekend, as I was gathering the documents for my tax 
I found a letter from my family doctor informing me that from now on he would be
charging $60.00 for a missed annual check-up. The comprehensive check up is 
free but missing it is now going to cost me money.

I guess the govt is serious about cutting costs. They know that the cost of 
any medical condition is drastically lower when the disease is identified early.

> Don't get me wrong ... one could get cheaper plans. I could get one for about 
> $10,000 
> - if you call that cheap, but none of our existing doctors - whether my kids 
> pediatricians 
> or the primay care physicians would accept the cheaper plan. I asked the 
> pediatrician 
> why would he not accept it and the answer he gave me was that, the insurance 
> punks 
> would pay him hardly any money on the cheaper plan. So he told the cheapo 
> insurance 
> guys to take a hike.

The time I really get annoyed is when I read about people with insurance who 
wind up 
with horrendous bills when their health insurer refuses to pay. I guess you 
have seen plenty
such stories on 60 minutes about people who had to sue before their insurance 
paid for their treatment. This is a uniquely American problem, driven by the 
need for 
profits, I guess.

> I am sure Dr J Colaco and the other physicians on GoaNet are fully aware of 
> what's 
> happening with the healthcare cost in the US. Its high time that everybody 
> share the 
> cost of healthcare - the individuals who can afford it and the corporations 
> who want 
> healthy workers.

A few days ago, I was reading about this car manufacturer who decided to locate 
its factory 
in Canada, rather than in the USA, because the local govt would bear the cost 
of health 
expenses. They would be saving $600 on the costs of each car by locating in 

Once again, I must congratulate President Obama and the democrats for the super 
done on this new health plan. However, without universal health care, US 
residents are 
nowhere close to receiving the health care that the residents of all other 
democracies enjoy.


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


Re: [Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-28 Thread Jim Fernandes

I am serious about the cost of insurance here in the US, my man. The cost is 
ridiculously high and out of line! The plan I got, is sold by Oxford (Freedom 
Plan). You can probably go online and request for a quote yourself. If you 
still don't believe me, I'll show you my cancelled checks, if we happened to 
meet down the line ... and beer is on me.

Don't get me wrong ... one could get cheaper plans. I could get one for about 
$10,000 - if you call that cheap, but none of our existing doctors - whether my 
kids pediatricians or the primay care physicians would accept the cheaper plan. 
I asked the pediatrician why would he not accept it and the answer he gave me 
was that, the insurance punks would pay him hardly any money on the cheaper 
plan. So he told the cheapo insurance guys to take a hike.

I am sure Dr J Colaco and the other physicians on GoaNet are fully aware of 
what's happening with the healthcare cost in the US. Its high time that 
everybody share the cost of healthcare - the individuals who can afford it and 
the corporations who want healthy workers.

Jim F
New York.
-- Original message --
From: "J. Colaco  < jc>" 
> [1] Jim Fernandes wrote:
> A few weeks ago, I purchased a new plan which includes about similar
> benefits as the plan I bought in 2001, but it now cost me some $15,000
> a year (actually $12,000 but I have to pay another $3,000 deductible,
> before the insurance punks begin to pay out, in case of a medical
> problem).
> [2]  Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
>  Jim F, Is this some kind of April Fools joke?
> Dear Mervyn,
> Where is the joke in what Jim has written?
> The only part Jim has inadvertently (perhaps) missed out is the following:
> After the $3000 deductible is met, the insurance companies (depending
> upon the network policies) will cover 60-80% of what they term as
> reasonable charges.
> A particular health insurance company's version of 'what is
> reasonable' has zip to do with what has been agreed as reasonable by
> the AMA.
> And -never mind what Viviana writes- (and I believe both Marlon and
> Jim have alluded to this) There is NO such thing as "free" health
> care. Somebody (else) is paying for the free-ER care which is mandated
> by law.
> jc

[Goanet] Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-28 Thread manuel tavares
Jim, you have explained the whole concept of Health Insurance in the US 
perfectly. The Insurance Companies are only interested in enhancing their 
profits so that their top Execs can be paid fantastic bonuses. They do not care 
for the health care system nor for the people they insure. Their only issue is 
, ' How Much Can I Get.' I think that the Democrats voted their conscience and 
did the right thing by the American people. 

Regards..Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares.

Re: [Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-28 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
[1] Jim Fernandes wrote:

A few weeks ago, I purchased a new plan which includes about similar
benefits as the plan I bought in 2001, but it now cost me some $15,000
a year (actually $12,000 but I have to pay another $3,000 deductible,
before the insurance punks begin to pay out, in case of a medical

[2]  Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

 Jim F, Is this some kind of April Fools joke?


Dear Mervyn,

Where is the joke in what Jim has written?

The only part Jim has inadvertently (perhaps) missed out is the following:

After the $3000 deductible is met, the insurance companies (depending
upon the network policies) will cover 60-80% of what they term as
reasonable charges.

A particular health insurance company's version of 'what is
reasonable' has zip to do with what has been agreed as reasonable by
the AMA.

And -never mind what Viviana writes- (and I believe both Marlon and
Jim have alluded to this) There is NO such thing as "free" health
care. Somebody (else) is paying for the free-ER care which is mandated
by law.


Re: [Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-27 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Jim Fernandes wrote: 
> A few weeks ago, I purchased a new plan which includes about similar benefits 
> as the plan 
> I bought in 2001, but it now cost me some $15,000 a year (actually $12,000 
> but I have to pay 
> another $3,000 deductible, before the insurance punks begin to pay out, 
> incase of a medical 
> problem). 

Jim F,
Is this some kind of April Fools joke?

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[Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-27 Thread Jim Fernandes

It is no secret that one of the main platforms that candidate Obama ran for the 
White House, was to bring about, reform to the health care system in the United 
States. If you watched any of his video clips during his campaign, you would 
notice that health care was mentioned 100% of the time in his speeches. 
Universal access to health care, is not something that Obama recently happened 
to add to his agenda - it was in his election manifesto right from get go.

So when he won the elections in the fall of 2008, Obama's supporters knew he 
would deliver on his campaign promises. So what are you cry babies crying 
about? Mind you, it wasn't just another simple win - Obama and his party won 
the elections by a landslide!

When I hear the sore looser Republicans screaming foul, I don't pay too much 
attention to that. If you haven't earned the political capital to oppose 
Obama's health plan, your voice does not count. If you didn't want health care, 
you should have voted John McCain to power. Its as simple as that.

Incidentally, McCain and his pretty chick are still campaigning for elections. 
Could someone please tell them that the elections were over, way back in 2008 
!!! I kid you not, I watched the jokers singing together, their usual looser 
Republican songs last night on TV. Quite entertaining, them loosers.

Jokes aside, let me tell you why I support the health plan. Back in 2001, when 
I first purchased independent insurance coverage for myself and my family, it 
cost me a little over $8,000 a year. Year after year, I helplessly watched my 
insurance premiums go up, at unsustainable rates. 

A few weeks ago, I purchased a new plan which includes about similar benefits 
as the plan I bought in 2001, but it now cost me some $15,000 a year (actually 
$12,000 but I have to pay another $3,000 deductible, before the insurance punks 
begin to pay out, incase of a medical problem). How do you justify such a price 
hike over such a short duration? At this rate, there is no way, my income can 
keep pace with such a massive hike.

Only if everybody in the system begin to buy into the insurance plans, can the 
overall cost go down. Ofcourse, there is a lot of unwanted crap in the system 
and it needs to be flushed out. What Obama has done, is that, he has taken a 
first major step towards covering the entire US population. As time goes by, 
like everything else, the plan could be tweaked and improved upon.

In the meantime, the woman named Viviana who famously wrote on GoaNet about her 
nephew getting free care in the US, needs to understand that HER NEWPHEW OWES 
ME MONEY. Its people like me, who finance that "free" care, by way of higher 
premiums, year after year.

Jim F
New York

[Goanet] Thank You

2010-01-05 Thread Ralph Figueiredo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Hello everyone, 

It is with immense pleasure that I introduce all of you to Audrey Dias.
Audrey has played a key role in organizing all the events last year and
she has agreed to take over running the Los Angeles GOA in 2010. Please
welcome her and provide her your continued support. 

We are all excited about the prospect of a new team and a revived Goan
Association in Los Angeles. Please continue to provide us feedback, and
your support is what we survive on. All those members and friends that
help out at events, that donate prizes and those of you that get your
groups together to come and attend our events - we really owe all the
success to you. Keep up the good work. We'll put together good events
but only your attendance, with your positive, fun attitude can make
these events GREAT!  

Thank You and it has been a true pleasure serving my Goan community all
these years. 

All the very best for 2010!!


Ralph Figueiredo.  


A message from Audrey Dias below: 

Dear members of The Los Angeles Goan Overseas Association: 
Thank you for attending the wonderful Christmas event of 2009. This
event would not have been possible if it was not for the participation
from all of you, our generous donors and our wonderful team of dedicated

Events such as these bring us closer to our roots, help us continue
traditions and provide our children with an enriched heritage. 

During 2009, we were able to achieve some of these objectives.  As a
result of the picnic and camp out, members had an opportunity to come
together and taste the culinary skills of our fellow men. The year 2010
looks like a promising year as we have a whole host of events planned
such as an Easter picnic in spring, a camp out in summer and a Christmas
get-together in winter. 
As always, these events require time and manpower. Our devoted team
could use additional help. We would love if you could join us in
organizing and making our events more exciting. Please continue to
provide us with ideas and suggestions. We appreciate your feedback.  

We managed a profitable 2009 inspite of keeping ticket costs lower than
previous years, and our accounts are always available to any of our
members that would like a copy of them. Please email us a request and
we'll gladly share them with you.  

Once again, thank you for your participation and support in 2009. We are
looking forward to a great year ahead. 



Audrey Dias. 


[Goanet] Thank you JoeGoaUk.

2009-11-14 Thread Blasio Fernandes
When I was young, my grandmother used to tell me the names given to
different villages in Goa apart from their official names. They were
called "aade nanvam".   
For Eg. 
Mollgoankar were called Indur. (People in Margao were called Rats).
Another village was associated to being Pixe (Mentally unsound to put it

Also, short and stocky people were called Banauleche Kouvate. Were the
coconut trees in Belaulim always short ?

Can someone provide the sobriquets (?) for other villages ?


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 22:31:42 +0300
From: "Edward Verdes" 
To: "Goanet" 
Subject: [Goanet] re  Thank you JoeGoaUk.
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="windows-1256";

Thank you Joe for all videos that you put on the net...be it 
fest...tiatr..or moron...

Now... here is something for Nuvemkars..did you know that:

Nuemkar uxear kansou kaddunk matien purlole

[Goanet] Thank you JoeGoaUk

2009-11-10 Thread Carvalho

For bringing us the video of the Mae Dos Pobros feast. For over 20 years I have 
missed this feast but this year at least I watched it on video. It almost 
brought tears to my eyes. It was somewhat sad to see the amusement park in the 
fere, the giant wheel, the bouncy castle but I suppose this is moving ahead 
with the times. We can't be stuck in the days of my youth, when the highlight 
for us kids was the fancy dress competition, which incidentally I won, two 
years running, the first year dressed as Eve and the second year dressed as an 
androgynous half girl- half boy.

The Church is slated for expansion, the inevitable "wings" which will forever 
alter the aesthetics of this magnificent structure. That too is progress I 
guess. How I wish I could live in some sort of time warp.




[Goanet] Thank you, Gabe.

2009-08-29 Thread eric pinto

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

   Cannot beat those Welsh Lassies  !!    Thanks, again.   Eric.
>  " Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end
> ---   For we were young
> and sure to have our way "
>    Gabe, will you You Tube that for us !       eric

Mary Hopkin, Welsh lassie:-


Yep here today gone tomorrow; to Philip Thomas family my condolences. That
was a moving speech by the Republican man, who will really miss him.


Gabe Menezes.


Re: [Goanet] Thank you Jesus!

2009-08-25 Thread Eddie Fernandes

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: George Pinto
Selma, are you sure it was Jesus? 


Wake up George and get your thumb out of your mouth this time  :-)

On 24 August Selma wrote:

Hi Gabe,
I would love to read your article on the Club as well if you can send it to
me. I haven't read the Goan Chaplaincy one either but am not subscribed to
their mailing list, so don't have access to it, unless Jesus feels like
sending me one, and by that I don't mean the Big J :-)

Eddie Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Thank you Jesus!

2009-08-25 Thread Carvalho

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Dear George,
As kind as Jesus is he is no God!

Unless the London Chaplaincy really has friends in high places and have managed 
to get Jesus as their editor :-))


--- On Tue, 8/25/09, George Pinto  wrote:

> --- On Tue, 8/25/09, Carvalho 
> wrote:
> > Jesus does an unexpected and thougtful
> > kindness which restores my faith in the Goan
> community.
> Selma, are you sure it was Jesus? Not Allah or Buddha or
> Brahma? I think in the interests of Goan communal harmony,
> and ecumenicism, the Gods might be reaching out to other
> communities, more than we are willing to. ;-)
> George


Re: [Goanet] Thank you Jesus!

2009-08-25 Thread George Pinto

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

--- On Tue, 8/25/09, Carvalho  wrote:

> Jesus does an unexpected and thougtful
> kindness which restores my faith in the Goan community.

Selma, are you sure it was Jesus? Not Allah or Buddha or Brahma? I think in the 
interests of Goan communal harmony, and ecumenicism, the Gods might be reaching 
out to other communities, more than we are willing to. ;-)


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