Re: Page renders diffrently on FireFox then IE7 and Chrome

2008-09-16 Thread Jonas

Hi, just to clarify... It's the field Anmärkning that renders
incorrectly in Firefox 3.0.1 on Windows XP Pro SP2 and SP3. In
Firefox, the field ORDLISTAN is inside field Anmärkning were as in IE7
and Google Chrome it renders correctly, that is apart and not over

Best regards,

On 15 Sep, 21:34, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I have started doing a page using GWT and find it renders correct
> in IE7 and Chrome, but not in Firefox 3.0. The page is located 
> here,, and I will paste the source code
> further down. I'm using version java version 1.5 and GWT version
> 1.5.2.
> Why is this the case? Is it a bug or have I missed something?
> Best regards,
> Jonas
> package org.gutamal.client;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> /**
>  * Entry point classes define onModuleLoad().
>  */
> public class gwt implements EntryPoint {
>         public void onModuleLoad() {
>                 RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
>                 rootPanel.setSize("800", "2000");
>                 final HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
>                 rootPanel.add(horizontalPanel, 13, 9);
> horizontalPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER) ;
>                 horizontalPanel.setWidth("700");
>                 final Hyperlink loggaUtHyperlink = new Hyperlink("Logga ut", 
> "some
> history token");
>                 horizontalPanel.add(loggaUtHyperlink);
>                 horizontalPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(loggaUtHyperlink,
> HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT);
>                 final Hyperlink taBortDettaHyperlink = new Hyperlink("Ta bort 
> detta
> ord", "some history token");
>                 horizontalPanel.add(taBortDettaHyperlink);
>                 final Hyperlink mataInEttHyperlink = new Hyperlink("Mata in 
> ett nytt
> ord", "some history token");
>                 horizontalPanel.add(mataInEttHyperlink);
>                 final FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
>                 rootPanel.add(flowPanel, 9, 31);
>                 flowPanel.setSize("469px", "73px");
>                 final TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
>                 flowPanel.add(textBox);
>                 textBox.setWidth("400");
>                 final Button button = new Button();
>                 flowPanel.add(button);
>                 button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>                         public void onClick(final Widget sender) {
>                         }
>                 });
>                 button.setText("Sök");
>                 final RadioButton uppslagsordRadioButton = new 
> RadioButton("new-
> group");
>                 flowPanel.add(uppslagsordRadioButton);
>                 uppslagsordRadioButton.setChecked(true);
>                 uppslagsordRadioButton.setText("Uppslagsord");
>                 final RadioButton gutniskaRadioButton = new RadioButton("new-
> group");
>                 flowPanel.add(gutniskaRadioButton);
>                 gutniskaRadioButton.setText("Gutniska");
>                 final RadioButton svenskaRadioButton = new 
> RadioButton("new-group");
>                 flowPanel.add(svenskaRadioButton);
>                 svenskaRadioButton.setText("Svenska");
>             final Label label = new Label("Sök ord:");
>             flowPanel.add(label);
>             final Label label_1 = new Label("Du sökte på ... klkjk...");
>             flowPanel.add(label_1);
>             ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel();
>             flowPanel.add(sp);
>             sp.setSize("700", "170");
>             final FlexTable ft = new FlexTable();
>             sp.setWidget(ft);
>             ft.setSize("100%", "100%");
>             ft.setText(1, 1, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 2, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 3, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 4, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 5, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 6, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 7, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 8, "Första raden");
>             ft.setText(1, 9,

Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

Hello Jim,

Jim Freeze schrieb:
> My comments are inline below.

Of course, that's the way, quoting in mails should take place ;-)

> Please pardon me if they
> are not popular to the Java perspective.

But don't be surprised if GWT-applications are now popping up
showing Google Maps with a crosshair pointing to a place
near you ;-)

> My favorite IDE is certainly not eclipse, and probably not the best to use
> with Django. The server side can be quickly written and tested independent
> of the client side. I consider that a plus.

Is that a difference to the server-side of GWT? Especially
the fact, that the RemoteServiceServlet is processing the
HTTP-request and calls the different methods using reflection
was one of the things that let me decide for GWT, because
that way you can write a simple JUnit-test that is instantiating
the servlet normally and calls the methods instead of building
an HTTP-request to simulate a complete HTTP-server by using
HTTPUnit (that differs to real servers leaving bugs that
only appear after deployment).

Best regards, Lothar

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread olivier nouguier
Also cypal

On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Vivek Singhwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> You can try out VistaFei,
> It is a Eclipse version with GWT Plugin.
> Vivek
> >

"Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
dernier poisson péché, l'homme va s'apercevoir que l'argent n'est pas
- proverbe indien Cri

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Re: JSNI method ';)'

2008-09-16 Thread Martin Trummer

looks like a bug to me

On Sep 15, 6:33 pm, jchimene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing the following message:
> [WARN] JSNI method
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]::setLabel(Ljava/lang/
> String;)' returned a value of type string but was declared void; it
> should not have returned a value at all
> Is this a known issue or should I file a bug?
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Re: RemoteServiceServlet#doGetSerializationPolicy

2008-09-16 Thread daniel.z

Hi Adam.

When looking in the source of RemoteServiceServlet you'll find the
following comment in the doGetSerializationPolicy method:

 * Check that the module path must be in the same web app as the
 * itself. If you need to implement a scheme different than this,
 * this method.

So I'll guess this behaviuor was the intention of the authors. So as
the comment recommends you are free to subclass RemoteServiceServlet
and override doGetSerializationPolicy and you'll be free to use any
source to load the policy from that is accessible for a servlet.

On 16 Sep., 02:00, adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My new app is at and my static content is all served from
> GWT stuff is served from
> RemoteServiceServlet#doGetSerializationPolicy wants to find
> my .gwt.rpc file in the gwt directory relative to the servlet. Was
> this the intention of the authors? Shouldn't it be trying to get
> my .gwt.rpc file from Do I have to make a gwt
> directory in my web app folder especially for this purpose? It seems
> kind of awkward to do that. Maybe, at the very least, it should look
> for the .gwt.rpc folder in "/" instead of using new
> URL(moduleBaseURL).getPath() iff the moduleBaseURL host is different
> than the servlet host.
> If the current behavior wasn't the intention of the authors, then I
> don't mind submitting a patch with unit tests.
> Thank you,
> Adam
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Re: Using local EJB interface from GWT's servlet

2008-09-16 Thread chris_wesdorp


I will try the lookup with '/local', did not know how the local
interface was named for JNDI and I could not see it in the JNDI
browser in Glassfish.

In the mean time I found the answer to my problems. The Dynamic Web
Project was initially created with a web.xml with version 2.2. In the
glassfish logging I found some differences between my GWT project and
another (new) web project. After changing the web.xml to version 2.5
the @EJB annotations work for both the Remote and Local interfaces for
th EJB's.

Thanks for the answer anyway!


On Sep 15, 8:46 pm, gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Are you sure you have declared a local as well as remote interface for
> your bean?. Currently I get the local interface for a EJB3 session
> bean in RPC servlet like so:
> public class SystemServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
> SystemService {
>     private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log =
> Logger.getLogger(SystemServiceImpl.class);
>     public Boolean verifyJackrabbit() {
>         try {
>             Context ctx = new InitialContext();
>             AdminConsoleLocal admin = (AdminConsoleLocal)
> ctx.lookup("AdminConsoleEJB/local");
>             if (admin.verifyJackrabbit()){
>             ..
>             ..
>     }
> regards
> gregor
> On Sep 15, 11:03 am, chris_wesdorp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > for a reason not yet clear to me the '@EJB' annotation does not work
> > for the RemoteServiceServlet class. However, instead of using the EJB
> > annotation the bean can be found using JNDI lookups. But why is it
> > only possible to get the Remote interface?
> > I have three projects:
> > * one EJB project which contains EJB's, remote and home interfaces for
> > these ejb's and JPA entity classes used for database persistence with
> > toplink.
> > * one GWT project, implementing the RemoteServiceServlet for client
> > communication. A protected variable is added for the ejb to this
> > servlet, an annotation is added but it is not filled on
> > initialization. JNDI must be used to retrieve a remote interface for
> > the EJB.
> > * one web application containing a single servlet connecting to the
> > local interface of the EJB using the @EJB annotation on a protected
> > variable of the Local interface type. The variable is automatically
> > filled.
> > All projects are packed into an EAR file and deployed to glassfish.
> > Why isn't is possible to use EJB annotations for the
> > RemoteServiceServlet ?
> > Are there other options to retrieve the Local interface for an EJB?
> > I hope to get some answers on this,
> > Chris
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Re: Page renders diffrently on FireFox then IE7 and Chrome

2008-09-16 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 16 sep, 09:24, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, just to clarify... It's the field Anmärkning that renders
> incorrectly in Firefox 3.0.1 on Windows XP Pro SP2 and SP3. In
> Firefox, the field ORDLISTAN is inside field Anmärkning were as in IE7
> and Google Chrome it renders correctly, that is apart and not over
> another.

Your problem is absolute positionning used with different font sizes
(in the textareas particularly). How about using "flow" positionning
(FlowPanel or VerticalPanel in your case)?

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Re: Runtime pluggable modules/extensions

2008-09-16 Thread Stefan

After a bit of research, I discovered SOAFaces providing on-the-fly
compilation. While this might solve some of the problems I described,
it's no viable way to go, i think. Especially with large applications.
Modules (Plug-ins/Extensions) we have would only need a one time
compilation on installation, where the runtime java code only is
delivered when needed. In an optimal scenario, this shall work without
restarting the web application.
I thought about somehow storing information on the java to javascript
translation of the main application (including the API), so a module
being added could be in a gwt-library form and would then be
translated (once) wrt. to the translation information. But I have no
insight or idea on how this could work.
If you have an idea on this or know about good documentation to find
out ...

Thanks and Cheers, Stefan
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Re: JSNI method ';)'

2008-09-16 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 16 sep, 09:57, Martin Trummer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> looks like a bug to me

Yes, and it is also true of OptionElement::setDisabled.

(the following regex didn't show others when ran on the gwt-user
project: « native\s+void\s[^/]+\/\*-\{\s*return »)

> On Sep 15, 6:33 pm, jchimene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm seeing the following message:
> > [WARN] JSNI method
> > '[EMAIL PROTECTED]::setLabel(Ljava/lang/
> > String;)' returned a value of type string but was declared void; it
> > should not have returned a value at all
> > Is this a known issue or should I file a bug?
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Re: Page renders diffrently on FireFox then IE7 and Chrome

2008-09-16 Thread Jonas

Hi, I think you might have a point here. I may have got the idea of
HorizontalPanel backwards. I will try your approach and let you know.
Best regards,

On 16 Sep, 11:53, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 16 sep, 09:24, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, just to clarify... It's the field Anmärkning that renders
> > incorrectly in Firefox 3.0.1 on Windows XP Pro SP2 and SP3. In
> > Firefox, the field ORDLISTAN is inside field Anmärkning were as in IE7
> > and Google Chrome it renders correctly, that is apart and not over
> > another.
> Your problem is absolute positionning used with different font sizes
> (in the textareas particularly). How about using "flow" positionning
> (FlowPanel or VerticalPanel in your case)?
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Reporting tool and GWT

2008-09-16 Thread Manik

I need any reporting tool which can be used with GWT.
Is there any toolkit or gwt api for this purpose?

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread alex.d

The best one, imho, is GWT Designer. Has everything you need. Worth to
take a look:

On 16 Sep., 09:44, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Also cypal
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Vivek Singhwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > You can try out VistaFei,
> > It is a Eclipse version with GWT Plugin.
> > Vivek
> >
> --
> "Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
> dernier poisson péché, l'homme va s'apercevoir que l'argent n'est pas
> comestible"
> - proverbe indien Cri
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Re: Hibernate4GWT

2008-09-16 Thread Vivek Singhwal

Did you get sample for this?

If not, then here is the sample example:

   - You need to extend HibernateRemoteService in ServiceImpl and create a
   HibernateBeanManager there. check
   - Extends LazyGwtPojo in entity class.
   - beam entry is required in applicationContext-GWT.xml

that's it. This is the simplest example using stateless approach.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 4:58 AM, ALF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone have a quick and easy sample they can provide for using
> Hibernate4GWT?  The sample I have found doesn't make a lot of sense to
> me and it has all the different ways to do it in one sample which
> makes it even more confusing.  I just want a clear cut understanding
> on how to develop interaction between GWT and Hibernate and
> Hibernate4GWT sounds like a great solution for bridging various
> JavaScript mapping issues but it's just not popping out at me.
> Thanks!
> >

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

alex.d schrieb:
> The best one, imho, is GWT Designer. Has everything you need. Worth to
> take a look:

I agree with you, but just a little information to avoid
people wondering that try out the current version.

The current version of the GWT-Designer has a problem when adding
GUI-elements. The add-statement adding the widget to the parent-
element is always placed "at the end" of the settings. Here is an
example to clearify things:

Label l = new Label();
channelContentPanel.setCellHeight(l, "100%");
channelContentPanel.setCellWidth(l, "100%");

Within the preview of the designer everything works but as soon
as you enter the world of the browser (hosted and web mode), you
(of course) receive a JavaScriptException because "l" is not known
to the panel at the moment, e.g. when the cell-height is set.

So at the moment you have to manually edit the source for every
GUI-element being added.

I reported this to the support of Instantiations but haven't
received no response to that specififc issue, yet.

Best regards, Lothar

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Re: new Double("1.0").toString() => "1.0" in GWTShell / in others => "1"

2008-09-16 Thread MN

the same problems i have with large double values:
new Double(600702589).toString()
=> GWTShell: "6.00702589E8"
=> all other browsers: "600702589"

i filed this as issue:

On 15 Sep., 15:27, MN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> great! thanks :-)
> On 15 Sep., 15:17, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > MN schrieb:
> > > new Double("1.0").toString() => "1.0" <---
> > > new Double("1.1").toString() => "1.1"
> > > in all other browsers i get this:
> > > new Double("1.0").toString() => "1"
> > > new Double("1.1").toString() => "1.1"
> > > how i can convert the double value to string that i get in GWTShell
> > > also the "1" value instead of "1.0"?
> > NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat();
> > nf.format(1.0);
> > Regards, Lothar
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Re: new Double("1.0").toString() => "1.0" in GWTShell / in others => "1"

2008-09-16 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

MN schrieb:
> the same problems i have with large double values:
> new Double(600702589).toString()
> => GWTShell: "6.00702589E8"
> => all other browsers: "600702589"

is that a problem? The GWTShell is used for development and
the differents results from the fact that the GWTShell is
actually executing Java-code where the browsers work with
the created Javascript.

What happens if you use NumberFormat?

Reagrds, Lothar

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread alex.d

Hmm... i'm using one of the latest builds (but not the very last) and
i do not have this problem.

On 16 Sep., 13:59, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> alex.d schrieb:
> > The best one, imho, is GWT Designer. Has everything you need. Worth to
> > take a look:
> >
> I agree with you, but just a little information to avoid
> people wondering that try out the current version.
> The current version of the GWT-Designer has a problem when adding
> GUI-elements. The add-statement adding the widget to the parent-
> element is always placed "at the end" of the settings. Here is an
> example to clearify things:
> Label l = new Label();
> l.setWidth("100%");
> channelContentPanel.setCellHeight(l, "100%");
> channelContentPanel.setCellWidth(l, "100%");
> channelContentPanel.add(l);
> Within the preview of the designer everything works but as soon
> as you enter the world of the browser (hosted and web mode), you
> (of course) receive a JavaScriptException because "l" is not known
> to the panel at the moment, e.g. when the cell-height is set.
> So at the moment you have to manually edit the source for every
> GUI-element being added.
> I reported this to the support of Instantiations but haven't
> received no response to that specififc issue, yet.
> Best regards, Lothar
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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

alex.d schrieb:
> Hmm... i'm using one of the latest builds (but not the very last) and
> i do not have this problem.

I was installing the current release of WindowBuilder Pro (containing
designers for SWT and Swing as well) with date 2008.08.29. Funnily
enough the version of the GWT designer in that bundle is reporting that
the version is WindowBuilder Professional Version:

Maybe the deployment went wrong but I will wait for the response
of the support. I've got work to do, so I don't want to install
a development build. Until then I have to do the manual changes
to the source I mentioned.

Regards, Lothar

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Re: append new data in Livegrid

2008-09-16 Thread vruddhi shah
Hi Khoa,

See this can be help to you...


On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 10:53 PM, Khoa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Livegrid to display records from a database -- As new
> records are inserted into a database (by another program), I would
> like to periodically update my grid by appending newly added records.
> I can query the whole table again but that's not very efficient. Is
> there a way to update the livegrid with those new records?
> I've looked at the Livegrid sample code, but it uses a static Object[]
> [] data as a source.
> Thanks,
> Khoa
> >

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GWT Projects in Eclipse 3.4.0

2008-09-16 Thread Marcus

Hi all:  I've been able to create the StockWatcher project and go
through the tutorial.  However, I'm having one difficulty with
Eclipse.  When I import the project into Eclipse (after running
projectCreator & applicationCreator), I only see the Java files under
the src tree.  I do not see any xml or html or css files - nor the
public folder.  If I want to edit them, I have to go File | Open File
and manually browse to the location of the file I want to edit.  Is
there a setting in Eclipse that I'm missing to be able to see these
files under the src tree?


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Need to call Login servlet from remote website to establish sessions

2008-09-16 Thread Nadir

Hi All... I have quite the dilemma on my hands which I originally
thought would be simple and I'm hoping someone can help bail me out,
but not like Lehman was bailed out please. ;)

Our webapp is currently 100% GWT & GWT-RPC based. The login page is a
typicall username/password setup where users are authenticated via RPC
calls to a mysql database and sessions are established in the tomcat

We're about to partner with another company on linking our websites
together. Their website is not GWT based. What we need is to allow
already authenticated users on the partner site to automatically
authenticate on our site and get the logged-in page when they click
over as opposed to the log-in page.

So I guess the question is how can the Login servlet be called
remotely? I tried using curl to query the servlet but I couldn't
figure out what the names of the POST variables are. I kept getting
Array out of bounds exceptions in the tomcat logs.

As I typed this I realize now we have a second problem. Upon
successful completion of the Login servlet a UserInfo object is
returned which has a unique client ID which is set as a Cookie. Is it
possible for some remote web request to interpret this information?

Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!



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Getting User Input from Input Field

2008-09-16 Thread WebDude

I'm trying to get the text entered by a user in an "input" field.  It
works in IE and in Hosted Mode, but not in Firefox or Chrome.  I'm
using DOM.getElementAttribute to read the text.  When it doesn't work,
all I get is an empty string.  I've made simple test case by modifying
the template code generated by the applicationCreator.  Below are the
code snippets.  Any ideas on how to get this to work?

final HTML inputHTML = new HTML("");
button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
String val = "NULL";
// elem =
DOM.getElementById("input1"); elem =
DOM.getChild(inputHTML.getElement(), 0);
if (elem != null)
val = DOM.getElementAttribute(elem, "value");
catch (Exception ex)
val = "ERROR: " + ex.getMessage();

  vPanel.add(new HTML("VALUE: " + val));

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Basic Authentication with GWT RPC requests

2008-09-16 Thread Jerome Velociter

Hello everybody,

I am wondering if there is any special configuration, anything special
to do to have GWT RPC requests work properly with HTTP basic
authentication. We have an application configured to work with basic
auth, everything works fine but the GWT async requests : those last
ones do not have the "Authorization" HTTP header set as it would be
expected. As I understand, normally it should work seamlessly with any
XmlHttpRequest, thus my question.
Note that other AJAX requests, for example ones forged with the
prototype.js framework, work just fine in the application : they have
the Authorization header set properly.
We tested this both with FF3 and IE6.

Thanks for any help,
Jerome Velociter.

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GWT Compilation Time

2008-09-16 Thread Bal Krishna

Hi All,
I am implementing I18 support for my application and I am using GWT
I18 support.
In my module file, I extended three locales and compilation time for
my java files increased drastically. Earlier it was taking around
30-40 mins but after adding three locales in my module configuration
file it is taking around 120-130 mins.
I am very surprised by seeing this much difference in compilation
time. Why is it so??
Is there any mistake I made in adding support of locale to my
application or something wrong with handling of I18 by GWT API??
Can anyone help me out??

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Dynamic generated datya for download

2008-09-16 Thread husfeldt

I have some services (that I cannot or will not touch) that provides
me with som JSON formatted data.
This I use to show in tables, graphs etc..

But I would like to have a link/button next to the table.. "download
as CSV" or download as XML or whatever..
Problem is that i need to process the data on the client side, and
then send it (or rather) trigger a download, with my client side
formatted CSV, XML or whatever data I end up with..

Anyone who knows a smart way to do so?

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Re: Invalid version number "null" when using the hosted mode

2008-09-16 Thread WildWarrior03

anybody found any solution? I am not using tomcat..I am not sure what
is wrong..I also get the same error..

On Sep 5, 7:17 am, Noé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It works now. I think it was because of the cache on tomcat.
> To achieve this, I erased all the temporary files on the web server.

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GWT Developer

2008-09-16 Thread Bal Krishna

Hi All,

I don't have very much experience of GWT. But I have some problems
that I want to discuss.

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread Rajan Balakrishnan

I am using Eclipse Ganymede and Gwt-tooling provided by
I didn't find any problem. It allows to create dynamic web project and
can deploy the project by directly publish to thw server and can start
the GWT hosted mode application in any browser by setting the default
browser in the
preference page. Good luck.


On Sep 15, 9:13 am, irc1258 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a beta version of the GWT Eclipse Plugin? If so, where can I
> get it? Is there some estimate of when it will be released? Thanks!!!

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Problem with Line Position in GWT Diagramming

2008-09-16 Thread mayoo

What is the line dimension of the StraightTwoEndedConnection?
I  save the StraightTwoEndedConnection objects in the array and
iterate the array and check each position is overlapped with some
widget.if it is overlapped, i want to remove the connection from the
canvas. i use cp.getMy().remove(); cp.getMy() return the
StraightEndConnection Object. I can't remove the connection..
Can anyone suggest to me?


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Out of Memory Error During GWT compilation

2008-09-16 Thread Bal Krishna

Hi All,
I am using GWT in my application.
My system is having 2GB RAM and I have around 2000 Java files to
compile. During compiling the files, I am using JVM argument -Xmx1024M
but my GWT compilation is failing and throwing this error.

[java]Analyzing permutation #1
[java]   [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
[java] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
[java] at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Unknown Source)
[java] at java.lang.String.(Unknown Source)
[java] at java.lang.StringBuffer.toString(Unknown Source)
[java] at Source)
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java]  [ERROR] Out of memory; to increase the amount of
memory, use the -Xmx flag at startup (java -Xmx128M ...)
[java] [ERROR] Build failed
[java] Java Result: 1

What is the problem?? Is my system memory is not enough or any other

Please help me out as no. of java files will be increasing because my
application is in developement.

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Re: new Double("1.0").toString() => "1.0" in GWTShell / in others => "1"

2008-09-16 Thread MN

i know where it comes from, but i dont like the result of different

i think it is a problem, if your development environment shows
different values than in production. so you can not test or debug some
situations etc.

i can use NumberFormat, but this is a workaround. and i think only for
testing to blow up the production code is also not a good solution.
better way is to make the GWTShell act the same like later the

On 16 Sep., 14:11, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MN schrieb:
> > the same problems i have with large double values:
> > new Double(600702589).toString()
> > => GWTShell: "6.00702589E8"
> > => all other browsers: "600702589"
> is that a problem? The GWTShell is used for development and
> the differents results from the fact that the GWTShell is
> actually executing Java-code where the browsers work with
> the created Javascript.
> What happens if you use NumberFormat?
> Reagrds, Lothar
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Re: new Double("1.0").toString() => "1.0" in GWTShell / in others => "1"

2008-09-16 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

MN schrieb:
> i know where it comes from, but i dont like the result of different
> values.

Then don't use toString. The behavior of toString is not always defined
and especially with java.lang.Double I remember having had differences
between different versions of the Java Virtual Machine (violating the
description of toString in the Javadoc, but that is a different

> i think it is a problem, if your development environment shows
> different values than in production. so you can not test or debug some
> situations etc.

No, be happy that you found a bug (the use of toString where you
really want a specific formatting of a number) during development
and not later when a new version of a browser is shipped that
behaves different as well.

> i can use NumberFormat, but this is a workaround.

Depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to create a
formatted string out of a number, there is no better way
than NumberFormat (except doing it on the server-side to
use I18N of Java).

> and i think only for
> testing to blow up the production code is also not a good solution.
> better way is to make the GWTShell act the same like later the
> production.

If there should be a change then there should be a change of the
GWT-compiler when compiling Double.toString() to Javascript
to act like it's described in e.g.

So in the future the result of Double.toString(600702589)
should be expected to be 6.00702589E8 and you are still left
with the use of NumberFormat to get it the way you want to see it.

Regards, Lothar

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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

Hello Jim,

> My favorite IDE is certainly not eclipse, and probably not the best to use
> with Django. The server side can be quickly written and tested independent
> of the client side. I consider that a plus.

You misunderstood what gregor meant. Gregor meant that if you have a
Java back-end, you can seamlessly debug your application going from
the client side to the server side using any Java IDE (Eclipse,
NetBeans, IDEA, etc). You cannot do this if your front-end is GWT and
back-end is Python.

> JSON can be made as fast and json libraries for python already exist.
> So, I seriously doubt anyone is writing JSON serialization from scratch.
> Your server side code probably only needs to be modified with 

GWT-RPC is actually faster and smaller then JSON (unless you use JS
overlays, which just calls eval). See this:

> Using a restful approach, you don't pass objects between client and server.
> The stateless server serves up requests for data. No need to complicate
> the issue.

If you're using a front-end agnostic approach (i.e. JSON based), then
you wouldn't pass objects between the client and server. However, if
you are able to take advantage of GWT-RPC, with a Java back-end, you
would be able to pass objects to the Java server for persistence and
get objects back for data requests. This has huge advantages in code
maintenance and ease of use.

> Django provides a good ORM and an MVC framework. With it, about
> the only thing you will need to account for is that you support json
> format requests.

That's an extra layer that you wouldn't have to do if you just used

> I would use the independence of GWT to let you choose a backend that
> supports your experience. If server side development with Java is as
> slow as client side development with GWT, I would suggest that there
> are better alternatives for the server side.

I'd argue the Java back-end has a large number of very high quality
libraries that make server side development easy and efficient.
However, if your experience lies in Django and Python development, you
might be better off with a Django solution. Java back-ends are great
for enterprise quality applications. However, if you're hacking
something together, Python is better choice.

GWT development is only slow if you are unfamiliar with it. Besides,
GWT is a toolkit, not a framework. It's hard to compare it to Django,
which already includes many features like validation, etc. GWT can be
used to build said frameworks, and from there GWT apps would be a lot
easier and faster to make.

On Sep 15, 2:53 pm, "Jim Freeze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My comments are inline below. Please pardon me if they
> are not popular to the Java perspective.
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 12:39 PM, gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As Ian states, you can use whatever you like back end.
> > Django is a popular framework, but perhaps you should consider using
> > either Django or GWT+Java since in mixing the two maybe you loose
> > quite a lot.
> > 1) Being able to debug the entire application (GUI + server) from your
> > favourite IDE is a very big plus - you loose that if you use Django
> > back end
> My favorite IDE is certainly not eclipse, and probably not the best to use
> with Django. The server side can be quickly written and tested independent
> of the client side. I consider that a plus.
> > 2) GWT RPC is very fast and efficient, a big plus for GWT. You would
> > need to use,say, JSON if you had a Django back end which means you
> > will have to write your own JSON serialization stuff, something GWT
> > RPC does for you.
> JSON can be made as fast and json libraries for python already exist.
> So, I seriously doubt anyone is writing JSON serialization from scratch.
> Your server side code probably only needs to be modified with 
> > 3) For each object passed between client and server, you will need to
> > maintain two copies, one for Django and one in Java for GWT client.
> Using a restful approach, you don't pass objects between client and server.
> The stateless server serves up requests for data. No need to complicate
> the issue.
> > 4) AFAIK much of the appeal of Django (apart from its persistence
> > mechanism) lies in how it binds persistent objects and other artifacts
> > to UI widgets for you - you could not take advantage of this with a
> > GWT UI
> Django provides a good ORM and an MVC framework. With it, about
> the only thing you will need to account for is that you support json
> format requests.
> > I guess if you are a Django expert and can crank out server code PDQ
> > with it, there is case for mixing it with GWT, but otherwise I would
> > choose one or the other.
> I would use the independence of GWT to let you choose a backend that
> supports your experience. If server side development with Java is as
> slow as client side development 

Re: Out of Memory Error During GWT compilation

2008-09-16 Thread Andrej

the reason is "Out of memory; to increase the amount of memory, use
the -Xmx flag at startup"

so try to increase memory (and/or ensure that you are _using_ -Xmx

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Re: Any ideas on how to make a popup stay on top?

2008-09-16 Thread Thomas Wrobel

This is odd, I just tried this at my end and it dosnt seem to work.

Heres a screenshot of what I get:

Heres a 7zip of the whole test project:

2008/9/12 Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 11 sep, 16:14, "Thomas Wrobel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ok,thanks, I upload an example zip of what I'm trying to do here;
> It would have been far better with the appropriate directory structure
> and .gwt.xml (and even TestProject-shell.cmd...)
>> Basically, I want it if the user clicks on popup1, then popup2, popup1
>> stays ontop.
> I've removed your "workaround", added a this.addStyleName("darkflame-
> OverlayPopUp") in the OverlayPopUp constructor, and added the
> following CSS rule in the TestProject.html:
>   .darkflame-OverlayPopUp { z-index: 1000; }
> ...and the draggable popup stays on top (tested both in hosted mode –
> IE7– and an IE6 within a Virtual PC).
> >

Reviews of anything, by anyone;
Please try out my new site and give feedback :)

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Re: GWT 1.5 Migration from GWT1.4

2008-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


There's a lot of posts and replies on the forum about this issue. Try
searching for "Content-Type."


On Sep 15, 11:10 am, dasa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Iam getting following Exception while migrating my project from GWT1.4
> to GWT1.5.
> Can anyone help me on this issue.
> 20:32:20,391 ERROR [[/MyProject]] Exception while dispatching incoming
> RPC call
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Content-Type must be 'text/plain' with
> 'charset=utf-8' (or unspecified charset)
>         at
> 119)
>         at
> 178)
>         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>         at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> 290)
>         at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> 206)
>         at
> org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(
> 96)
> Thanks in advance.
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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread Eric Clayberg - Instantiations

This has already been fixed in the latest build. See the e-mail that
our support group sent to you earlier. This problem actually only
appeared in a few builds and was the result of trying to work around a
problem with GWT-Ext. We backed out the work around and restored the
original (correct) code gen behavior and found a different solution to
the GWT-Ext issue.

On Sep 16, 7:59 am, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> alex.d schrieb:
> > The best one, imho, is GWT Designer. Has everything you need. Worth to
> > take a look:
> >
> I agree with you, but just a little information to avoid
> people wondering that try out the current version.
> The current version of the GWT-Designer has a problem when adding
> GUI-elements. The add-statement adding the widget to the parent-
> element is always placed "at the end" of the settings. Here is an
> example to clearify things:
> Label l = new Label();
> l.setWidth("100%");
> channelContentPanel.setCellHeight(l, "100%");
> channelContentPanel.setCellWidth(l, "100%");
> channelContentPanel.add(l);
> Within the preview of the designer everything works but as soon
> as you enter the world of the browser (hosted and web mode), you
> (of course) receive a JavaScriptException because "l" is not known
> to the panel at the moment, e.g. when the cell-height is set.
> So at the moment you have to manually edit the source for every
> GUI-element being added.
> I reported this to the support of Instantiations but haven't
> received no response to that specififc issue, yet.
> Best regards, Lothar
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Send a widget to the server?

2008-09-16 Thread Markuz05

I wonder if it's possible, and if it' a good choice send a widget to
the server.
My application is a typical CRUD application where users search data,
edits and sends them back to the server.
Data are displayed on the  browser in tables.
I created a complicated data-structure to store data in tables and to
send it
to the server. In order to lighten the client code I thought to send
the widget to the server and make all the "translation operations"
from table to data-structure in the server side.
is it possible?
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Re: Upgrade from 1.4.62 to 1.5 failed

2008-09-16 Thread cengaver

my error message becames like this. I'm still working on it but still
not working.

Any help will be appreciated!

16:46:24,564 INFO  [RuleBase] parsing rules: /security.drl
16:46:24,892 INFO  [Contexts] starting up: org.jboss.seam.web.session
16:46:24,955 ERROR [[/paragon]] Exception while dispatching incoming
RPC call
java.lang.RuntimeException: No such component: package.MyMainService
at org.jboss.seam.remoting.gwt.GWTService.processCall(
at org.jboss.seam.remoting.gwt.GWTService$1.process(
at org.jboss.seam.remoting.gwt.GWTService.getResource(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.jboss.seam.web.MultipartFilter.doFilter(
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.jboss.seam.web.ExceptionFilter.doFilter(
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.jboss.seam.web.RedirectFilter.doFilter(
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseXMLFilter.doXmlFilter(
at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseFilter.doFilter(
at org.jboss.seam.web.Ajax4jsfFilter.doFilter(
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.jboss.seam.web.LoggingFilter.doFilter(
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter
at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter.doFilter(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol

On Sep 8, 11:28 am, cengaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer...
> I already upgraded jboss_seam-2.0.3.CR1and get the same output. (I
> changed jboss-seam jar files with the new version files. Is there any
> mistake? Need to do more things?)
> Also the link provided is not working at that jira site so i couldn't
> able to look there.
> O

Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

Eric Clayberg - Instantiations schrieb:
> This has already been fixed in the latest build. See the e-mail that
> our support group sent to you earlier.

"Five minutes" after sending my email to google-groups to be exact ;-)
(at 15:01 CEST, so a bit more than 5 minutes)

> This problem actually only
> appeared in a few builds and was the result of trying to work around a
> problem with GWT-Ext. We backed out the work around and restored the
> original (correct) code gen behavior and found a different solution to
> the GWT-Ext issue.

Problem was that the build in question found its way into the release
published as "current release" as I wrote. Is this fixed already as well,
i.e. is the GWT-designer that is installed when downloading the file
still of version or a newer/older one?

Best regards, Lothar

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread Eric Clayberg - Instantiations

The problem was actually fixed and available for download about 8
hours prior to that (and less than 16 hours after you first reported
the problem to us).

The released download has been patched with that fix as well (its
newer that what you have).

On Sep 16, 9:54 am, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric Clayberg - Instantiations schrieb:
> > This has already been fixed in the latest build. See the e-mail that
> > our support group sent to you earlier.
> "Five minutes" after sending my email to google-groups to be exact ;-)
> (at 15:01 CEST, so a bit more than 5 minutes)
> > This problem actually only
> > appeared in a few builds and was the result of trying to work around a
> > problem with GWT-Ext. We backed out the work around and restored the
> > original (correct) code gen behavior and found a different solution to
> > the GWT-Ext issue.
> Problem was that the build in question found its way into the release
> published as "current release" as I wrote. Is this fixed already as well,
> i.e. is the GWT-designer that is installed when downloading the 
> file
> still of version or a newer/older one?
> Best regards, Lothar
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Re: Getting User Input from Input Field

2008-09-16 Thread Danny Schimke
You init an element with " elem
= DOM.getChild(inputHTML.getElement(), 0);" and then you wanted to get the
value "val = DOM.getElementAttribute(elem, "value");". Why you do not try to
get the value by "elem.getAttribute("value")"? Or use a TextBox instead
HTML("... your textbox as html- code ...") and work with getter- method(s)
to get the value from outside. When I have enougth time I'll try your code:
first and foremost, it looks really good... ;) See U L8er

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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread Jim Freeze

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Jim,


> Jim Freeze schrieb:
>> My comments are inline below.
> Of course, that's the way, quoting in mails should take place ;-)

Of course. :)

> But don't be surprised if GWT-applications are now popping up
> showing Google Maps with a crosshair pointing to a place
> near you ;-)

I'm writing this reply from under my desk. (My boss is looking at me
with a strange look on his face)

>> My favorite IDE is certainly not eclipse, and probably not the best to use
>> with Django. The server side can be quickly written and tested independent
>> of the client side. I consider that a plus.
> Is that a difference to the server-side of GWT? Especially
> the fact, that the RemoteServiceServlet is processing the
> HTTP-request and calls the different methods using reflection
> was one of the things that let me decide for GWT, because
> that way you can write a simple JUnit-test that is instantiating
> the servlet normally and calls the methods instead of building
> an HTTP-request to simulate a complete HTTP-server by using
> HTTPUnit (that differs to real servers leaving bugs that
> only appear after deployment).

Oh boy, you lost me. I'm not sure your point, but dynamic languages
have the ability to test the server side in a runtime environment.
I think the only difference is that dynamic languages don't compile.
Granted, that prevents some bugs, but not all bugs.

Can you re-phrase your question, but help me out about what you mean
when you start talking about Java server side things. I don't have
any experience with that side of the fence with Java.


Jim Freeze

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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread Jim Freeze

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:02 AM, Arthur Kalmenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Jim,

Hello Arthur

>> My favorite IDE is certainly not eclipse, and probably not the best to use
>> with Django. The server side can be quickly written and tested independent
>> of the client side. I consider that a plus.
> You misunderstood what gregor meant. Gregor meant that if you have a
> Java back-end, you can seamlessly debug your application going from
> the client side to the server side using any Java IDE (Eclipse,
> NetBeans, IDEA, etc). You cannot do this if your front-end is GWT and
> back-end is Python.

I know the NetBeans IDE has a ruby debugger. If the backend was Ruby,
I suppose that it would still not be possible to 'seamlessly' debug from client
to server, right? Actually, this is a totally foreign concept to me.
The data from client to server is marshalled over an http request and
off to a completely different process. Are you saying that the debugging
environment handles that? What does it do about asynchronous calls?
Do they appear to be synchronous when debugging?

>> JSON can be made as fast and json libraries for python already exist.
>> So, I seriously doubt anyone is writing JSON serialization from scratch.
>> Your server side code probably only needs to be modified with 
> GWT-RPC is actually faster and smaller then JSON (unless you use JS
> overlays, which just calls eval). See this:

It's so easy to work with json, that you can construct a tiny bit of client
code to rebuild json object and then use overlays to eval. It's essentially
the same as RPC, just without the mystery.

>> Using a restful approach, you don't pass objects between client and server.
>> The stateless server serves up requests for data. No need to complicate
>> the issue.
> If you're using a front-end agnostic approach (i.e. JSON based), then
> you wouldn't pass objects between the client and server. However, if
> you are able to take advantage of GWT-RPC, with a Java back-end, you
> would be able to pass objects to the Java server for persistence and
> get objects back for data requests. This has huge advantages in code
> maintenance and ease of use.

I don't have any experience to know how huge of an advantage that
really is.

>> Django provides a good ORM and an MVC framework. With it, about
>> the only thing you will need to account for is that you support json
>> format requests.
> That's an extra layer that you wouldn't have to do if you just used
> Django.


>> I would use the independence of GWT to let you choose a backend that
>> supports your experience. If server side development with Java is as
>> slow as client side development with GWT, I would suggest that there
>> are better alternatives for the server side.
> I'd argue the Java back-end has a large number of very high quality
> libraries that make server side development easy and efficient.
> However, if your experience lies in Django and Python development, you
> might be better off with a Django solution. Java back-ends are great
> for enterprise quality applications. However, if you're hacking
> something together, Python is better choice.
> GWT development is only slow if you are unfamiliar with it. Besides,
> GWT is a toolkit, not a framework. It's hard to compare it to Django,
> which already includes many features like validation, etc. GWT can be
> used to build said frameworks, and from there GWT apps would be a lot
> easier and faster to make.

My point here is two fold. First, Java coding is not slow because of
the programmer,
but because of the 100x increase in the amount of code that is required
to do the same job as in a dynamic language. Granted, 100x is not always the
case, it is just the case for my client side vs server side code. My comment
to the original poster (since I know nothing about java server side coding)
is that if java server side coding requires as much coding as the client side,
then you can probably code much faster using an alternative server
side framework.

The other issue is GUI's, in this case GWT. Being a backend programmer
for many years, I forget the amount of work involved to get a simple GUI
up an running. So, part of the perceived development slowness I am
experiencing has nothing to do with Java, but Java is certainly not
offering a lot of assistance when it comes to reducing the amount of
code I need to write.

Jim Freeze

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Re: Send a widget to the server?

2008-09-16 Thread Ian Petersen

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Markuz05 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In order to lighten the client code I thought to send
> the widget to the server and make all the "translation operations"
> from table to data-structure in the server side.
> is it possible?

Nope.  Each widget is tied to a DOM node and the DOM nodes are
inseparable from the browser.


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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 15 sep, 20:53, "Jim Freeze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JSON can be made as fast and json libraries for python already exist.
> So, I seriously doubt anyone is writing JSON serialization from scratch.
> Your server side code probably only needs to be modified with 

...but if your client needs to send JSON, you need a JSON-serializer
(which hopefully GWT provides you, but not the most performant, as it
relies on JSONValue wrappers for each and every single thing you'll
want to serialize (or parse, as it works both ways). is unfortunately hard to use and generates a
lot of overhead.

For those familiar with c.g.g.j.JSON and JS overlays, here's an
I'm getting a JsArrayString from the server (using an eval() from an
application/json payload), the application's user add/remove values
through the UI and when done, he clicks "save". I then have to
serialize the JsArrayString back to JSON to 'HTTP PUT' it back to the
I'm now doing it with this code:
   (new JSONArray(arr)).toString();
This means that for each String stored in the array a JSONString is
created, only to be toString()ified and thrown away. It also means my
compiled app contains code for JSONString and JSONArray as well as
some code from JSONParser, JSONNumber, JSONObject and JSONBoolean.
I'm thinking about switching to application/x-www-form-urlencoded to
reduce the overhead.

> > 3) For each object passed between client and server, you will need to
> > maintain two copies, one for Django and one in Java for GWT client.
> Using a restful approach, you don't pass objects between client and server.
> The stateless server serves up requests for data. No need to complicate
> the issue.

If you exchange JSON payloads, you're exchanging serialized "objects".
Not objects in the OOP sense of the term (implying inheritance,
polymorphism, encapsulation, etc.), but still objects (call them DTOs
if you prefer).

What gregor was talking about though wasn't about "object instances":
with GWT-RPC (or using your own generator), you can have a single
"DTO" _class_ shared between client-side and server-side code.

(I you ask me my opinion: GWT-RPC is not RESTful so I don't use it,
but the hability to share a class between client and server code is
appealing; I'm not using such a thing either though)

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Re: Out of Memory Error During GWT compilation

2008-09-16 Thread Chinmay Bajikar

I experienced the same issue while migrating from 1.4 to 1.5.
We had a lot of non-parametrized collections like maps & lists ( we had
typeargs annotations defined for them).
And compilation used to give a whole lot of warnings for the same.
After changing our code to have parametrized collections the warnings
and the compilation could happen properly.

Also if you are using eclipse you need to add the -Xmx flag to the launch
Many people miss that too.


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the reason is "Out of memory; to increase the amount of memory, use
> the -Xmx flag at startup"
> so try to increase memory (and/or ensure that you are _using_ -Xmx
> param.)
> >

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Deploying GWT on IIS (w/ .cache and .nocache honored)

2008-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How would one configure IIS to be able to deploy a GWT application
properly (w/ the .nocache and .cache being honored)?

I know that there are global caching settings, but that's not

I think one could do this w/ ASP.Net acting as a filter and forcing
HTTP headers.  But this would require an ugly configuration that made
all traffic hit the ASP.Net backend.
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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread Jim Freeze

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 15 sep, 20:53, "Jim Freeze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> JSON can be made as fast and json libraries for python already exist.
>> So, I seriously doubt anyone is writing JSON serialization from scratch.
>> Your server side code probably only needs to be modified with 
> ...but if your client needs to send JSON, you need a JSON-serializer
> (which hopefully GWT provides you, but not the most performant, as it
> relies on JSONValue wrappers for each and every single thing you'll
> want to serialize (or parse, as it works both ways).
> is unfortunately hard to use and generates a
> lot of overhead.


> (I you ask me my opinion: GWT-RPC is not RESTful so I don't use it,
> but the hability to share a class between client and server code is
> appealing; I'm not using such a thing either though)

You answered for me. :)
Yes, when using REST, json is only from server to client. Never the other way.

What that means in reality, is that I don't have a client side algorithm that
generates a massive amount of data change that needs to be marshalled
back to the server. Usually changes are from the user.

Jim Freeze

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Re: Getting User Input from Input Field

2008-09-16 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 15 sep, 22:20, WebDude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to get the text entered by a user in an "input" field.  It
> works in IE and in Hosted Mode, but not in Firefox or Chrome.  I'm
> using DOM.getElementAttribute to read the text.  When it doesn't work,
> all I get is an empty string.  I've made simple test case by modifying
> the template code generated by the applicationCreator.  Below are the
> code snippets.  Any ideas on how to get this to work?

You obviously want to value *property*, not the value *attribute* (in
IE, getAttribute(attrName) returns the DOM property)

> final HTML inputHTML = new HTML(" name=\"input1\">");
> vPanel.add(inputHTML);

Same remark as Danny... I guess you have your reasons for creating
inputs this way.

> button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>         public void onClick(Widget sender) {
>                 String val = "NULL";
>                 try
>                 {
>                         // elem =
> DOM.getElementById("input1");
>                elem =
> DOM.getChild(inputHTML.getElement(), 0);
>                         if (elem != null)
>                                 val = DOM.getElementAttribute(elem, "value");

val = DOM.getElementProperty(elem, "value");

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GWT-Maven updated, now supports 1.5 (and has gotten a lot of other updates)

2008-09-16 Thread Charlie Collins

Just a bump to let this list know that GWT-Maven has been updated
quite a bit recently.

The new version is a lot more straightforward to configure (using more
Maven-ish approaches where possible), launches the shell a lot faster,
supports debugging, supports I18N generation, supports GWTTestCase and
GWTTestSuite testing, and just plain addresses a bunch of past issues.
(As an aside, bean generation is no longer supported, we don't have a
maintainer for that at present, but, the need for that is far less
with GWT 1.5 anyway.) For full details on the updates, see the list
over at GWT-Maven.

If you are using GWT-Maven, check out the update - also if you tried
it in the past and had issues, you might want to look again "this is
all new code." ;)

For a quick start try the archetype:

And, that brings up another significant point, there are now some
updated and more detailed docs in general (always good to *have*
docs ;)):
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Re: GWT Compilation Time

2008-09-16 Thread Andrej

Instead of 4 cache.html files per module (one for each browser:
there will be 4 x 3(3 locales) = 12 cache.html files. It seems that
compilation time
depends on #permutations.

On Sep 16, 12:21 pm, Bal Krishna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am implementing I18 support for my application and I am using GWT
> I18 support.
> In my module file, I extended three locales and compilation time for
> my java files increased drastically. Earlier it was taking around
> 30-40 mins but after adding three locales in my module configuration
> file it is taking around 120-130 mins.
> I am very surprised by seeing this much difference in compilation
> time. Why is it so??
> Is there any mistake I made in adding support of locale to my
> application or something wrong with handling of I18 by GWT API??
> Can anyone help me out??
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Re: Basic Authentication with GWT RPC requests

2008-09-16 Thread Charlie Collins

Try RequestBuilder

On Sep 16, 8:30 am, Jerome Velociter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello everybody,
> I am wondering if there is any special configuration, anything special
> to do to have GWT RPC requests work properly with HTTP basic
> authentication. We have an application configured to work with basic
> auth, everything works fine but the GWT async requests : those last
> ones do not have the "Authorization" HTTP header set as it would be
> expected. As I understand, normally it should work seamlessly with any
> XmlHttpRequest, thus my question.
> Note that other AJAX requests, for example ones forged with the
> prototype.js framework, work just fine in the application : they have
> the Authorization header set properly.
> We tested this both with FF3 and IE6.
> Thanks for any help,
> Jerome Velociter.
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Re: GWT Compilation Time

2008-09-16 Thread Charlie Collins

As Andrej says, there is a permutation for every "axis" you create.
One for every browser, one for every locale, one for every other
deferred binding axis you use.  When you have 4 languages, and use the
default support for 4 browsers, you get 16 permutations.

To speed this up during development use only ONE locale, and ONE
browser.  Then when you need to test, and or deploy, roll that back.

To do this use the  element in your module (as opposed
to just extend-property).

For example: 

Also, make sure you give the compiler a lot of memory (the -Xmx switch
to the JVM), and try to make sure you use a server VM (-server,
depending on your platform and OS version you may or may not get a -
server by default).

On Sep 16, 6:21 am, Bal Krishna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am implementing I18 support for my application and I am using GWT
> I18 support.
> In my module file, I extended three locales and compilation time for
> my java files increased drastically. Earlier it was taking around
> 30-40 mins but after adding three locales in my module configuration
> file it is taking around 120-130 mins.
> I am very surprised by seeing this much difference in compilation
> time. Why is it so??
> Is there any mistake I made in adding support of locale to my
> application or something wrong with handling of I18 by GWT API??
> Can anyone help me out??
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Re: Reporting tool and GWT

2008-09-16 Thread Charlie Collins

Maybe as opposed to reporting you mean charting?  Reporting is a broad
topic, but in most senses can usually be done on the server side (and
results returned to client).

On Sep 16, 7:10 am, Manik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need any reporting tool which can be used with GWT.
> Is there any toolkit or gwt api for this purpose?
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Re: GWT Developer

2008-09-16 Thread walden

Ok, but we'll need a medical history first.  And what is your
insurance?  ;-)

On Sep 16, 6:04 am, Bal Krishna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I don't have very much experience of GWT. But I have some problems
> that I want to discuss.
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Re: Basic Authentication with GWT RPC requests

2008-09-16 Thread walden

GWT RPC works fine with Digest, and should work fine with Basic.  Make
sure your service entrypoint url is included as a secure resource in

On Sep 16, 8:30 am, Jerome Velociter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello everybody,
> I am wondering if there is any special configuration, anything special
> to do to have GWT RPC requests work properly with HTTP basic
> authentication. We have an application configured to work with basic
> auth, everything works fine but the GWT async requests : those last
> ones do not have the "Authorization" HTTP header set as it would be
> expected. As I understand, normally it should work seamlessly with any
> XmlHttpRequest, thus my question.
> Note that other AJAX requests, for example ones forged with the
> prototype.js framework, work just fine in the application : they have
> the Authorization header set properly.
> We tested this both with FF3 and IE6.
> Thanks for any help,
> Jerome Velociter.
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Re: RemoteServiceServlet#doGetSerializationPolicy

2008-09-16 Thread adam

Thanks very much for pointing out the comment text that I stupidly
missed. Next time I'll read the comments more clearly before
implementing a workaround and/or posting to the forum.

Bis bald,

On Sep 16, 3:19 am, "daniel.z" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Adam.
> When looking in the source of RemoteServiceServlet you'll find the
> following comment in the doGetSerializationPolicy method:
> /*
>  * Check that the module path must be in the same web app as the
> servlet
>  * itself. If you need to implement a scheme different than this,
> override
>  * this method.
>  */
> So I'll guess this behaviuor was the intention of the authors. So as
> the comment recommends you are free to subclass RemoteServiceServlet
> and override doGetSerializationPolicy and you'll be free to use any
> source to load the policy from that is accessible for a servlet.
> On 16 Sep., 02:00, adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My new app is at and my static content is all served from
> > GWT stuff is served from
> > RemoteServiceServlet#doGetSerializationPolicy wants to find
> > my .gwt.rpc file in the gwt directory relative to the servlet. Was
> > this the intention of the authors? Shouldn't it be trying to get
> > my .gwt.rpc file from Do I have to make a gwt
> > directory in my web app folder especially for this purpose? It seems
> > kind of awkward to do that. Maybe, at the very least, it should look
> > for the .gwt.rpc folder in "/" instead of using new
> > URL(moduleBaseURL).getPath() iff the moduleBaseURL host is different
> > than the servlet host.
> > If the current behavior wasn't the intention of the authors, then I
> > don't mind submitting a patch with unit tests.
> > Thank you,
> > Adam
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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread walden


On Sep 16, 11:10 am, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (I you ask me my opinion: GWT-RPC is not RESTful so I don't use it,
> but the hability to share a class between client and server code is
> appealing; I'm not using such a thing either though)

How do you arrive at that opinion?

You can use or not use GWT RPC for whatever reason you like.  But when
you say you don't use GWT RPC because it's not RESTful, I think that
carries no real meaning other than general FUD.  It would be better to
state the specific tradeoffs that don't work for you.  I'm just
concerned that some might avoid a very useful technology for a very
questionable reason.  Can you please shed some more light?

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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread irc1258

H. Not one comment on the new GWT Eclipse plugin about which I
initiated this thread. It occurred to me that some people might not
have known that I was referring to the GWT plugin developed by the
Google GWT team. Does anyone know the status of this plugin? Will it
be release along with a future release of GWT? Thanks, Chuck

On Sep 16, 9:08 am, Eric Clayberg - Instantiations
> The problem was actually fixed and available for download about 8
> hours prior to that (and less than 16 hours after you first reported
> the problem to us).
> The released download has been patched with that fix as well (its
> newer that what you have).
> On Sep 16, 9:54 am, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Eric Clayberg - Instantiations schrieb:
> > > This has already been fixed in the latest build. See the e-mail that
> > > our support group sent to you earlier.
> > "Five minutes" after sending my email to google-groups to be exact ;-)
> > (at 15:01 CEST, so a bit more than 5 minutes)
> > > This problem actually only
> > > appeared in a few builds and was the result of trying to work around a
> > > problem with GWT-Ext. We backed out the work around and restored the
> > > original (correct) code gen behavior and found a different solution to
> > > the GWT-Ext issue.
> > Problem was that the build in question found its way into the release
> > published as "current release" as I wrote. Is this fixed already as well,
> > i.e. is the GWT-designer that is installed when downloading the 
> > file
> > still of version or a newer/older one?
> > Best regards, Lothar
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Re: Multiple serialization policies generated

2008-09-16 Thread Isaac Truett

On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 5:52 AM, daniel.z
> I'm using GWT 1.5.2 with hibernate4gwt 1.1b and the maven-
> googlewebtoolkit2-plugin 2.0-beta20 and im currently getting multiple
> differing serialization policy files (*.gwt.rpc) generated. I wondered
> if there is one file per service interface as i did not find any hint
> on multiple .gwt.rpc files anywhere? Is there any explenation how this
> can happen?

You can get one per application permutation (language, browser, etc.).

> In addition i wondered if the entries in this files are correct since
> i did not see such in there before, several classes are contained
> twice. one time "normal" and another prefixed by "[L" and suffixed by
> ";". For example:
> java.lang.String, true
> [Ljava.lang.String;, true
> Bug? Misconfiguration? Feature?

[Ljava.lang.String; is a String array.

> >

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Modal PopupPanel

2008-09-16 Thread Chinmay Bajikar

This used to work in 1.4.
If we set the PopupPanel as AutoHide=false,Modal= true, then other widgets
in our app ignored the clicks until
the PopupPanel was hidden.
Since migrating to 1.5 this has stopped working.

Any ideas on this.
I checked the issues list and couldn't find any issue specific to this.

Did anybody else face this?
Shall I log a new issue for this?


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Extending GWTShell

2008-09-16 Thread Leandro Rodrigo Saad Cruz
Hi all.
I'm working on GWTShell to enable a new flag -serverclass.
The -serverclass tag should enable the GWTShell to start other servlet
container other than Tomcat.
Is this a general need? If you want I can send the code to the list.

Leandro Rodrigo Saad Cruz
software developer - certified scrum master

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GWT Google Maps InfoWindow Resizing

2008-09-16 Thread Pavel Byles
Does anyone know how to make the InfoWindow resize once the content has been
loaded within it?


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Re: Accessing a Javascript variable

2008-09-16 Thread ben

nevermind, just figured it out while I was typing.  I needed to use

for those interested

public static native String getMyVariable()
  return $wnd.my_variable;

On Sep 16, 2:07 pm, ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey All, I have a question on how to go about implementing something.
> I have a .js file that I include in the projects html file (the file
> that starts everything).  It does some initial work, and sets a couple
> variables.  This is all basically outside of GWT.  it sets a variable
> my_variable.  If within my gwt application I would like to set that
> variable, how would I set that?
> I tried doing a native call to return my_variable, as well as
> $doc.my_variable.  Is this possible?  I would think it is because it's
> in the over all html that the application is contained in.
> Thanks
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Accessing a Javascript variable

2008-09-16 Thread ben

Hey All, I have a question on how to go about implementing something.
I have a .js file that I include in the projects html file (the file
that starts everything).  It does some initial work, and sets a couple
variables.  This is all basically outside of GWT.  it sets a variable
my_variable.  If within my gwt application I would like to set that
variable, how would I set that?

I tried doing a native call to return my_variable, as well as
$doc.my_variable.  Is this possible?  I would think it is because it's
in the over all html that the application is contained in.

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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread John

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.  Definitely some things to think
about in them.

I probably should have explained that I am looking at things more from
an architecture design view.  I am not likely going to do very much
coding on this myself, but I don't want to end up with the ball of mud
that can be JavaScript, which is likely without GWT - probably an
assumption but based on a lot of feedback from people with some
experience in large JavaScript projects that have multiple developers

I realise that in principle pretty much any language could be used
server side and GWT could still be used, but it seems initially at
least that a lot of the benefit of a single language with a single IDE
would be lost doing that.  The other probable advantage to Java + GWT
over say Django + GWT is that a developer with the skills to work on
the back end could also work on the front end and vice versa.  In my
mind there is a fairly large difference between a Java expert and
someone that "knows some Java" in the same way that there is a
difference between a Django expert and someone that "knows some
Django" in terms of efficiency of code as well as development and
debugging time.  Hence I am wary of getting someone to code the back
end in Django as well as the front end in Java (GWT).

It sounds like I am really arguing with myself :o)

The question I suppose really comes down to how much simpler it would
be keeping things all in Java v. splitting it between two languages?


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Re: GWT Eclipse Plugin????

2008-09-16 Thread Eric Clayberg - Instantiations

My understanding is that it will contain tools to ease development of
GWT apps in Eclipse (project wizards, code assist, compilation
assitance, maybe deployment aids). They don't plan to include any GUI
development pieces so it will be complementary to GWT Designer. We
might even layer GWT Designer on top of it, if it offers any
capabilities beyond what we have now.

On Sep 16, 12:15 pm, irc1258 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> H. Not one comment on the new GWT Eclipse plugin about which I
> initiated this thread. It occurred to me that some people might not
> have known that I was referring to the GWT plugin developed by the
> Google GWT team. Does anyone know the status of this plugin? Will it
> be release along with a future release of GWT? Thanks, Chuck
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Re: Modal PopupPanel

2008-09-16 Thread Chinmay Bajikar
More Updates on this.

I have my own popup class which extends PopupPanel.
& then I have some other places where I use PopupPanel directly.

The ones that I use direct work fine as modal=true, but the one that extend
Also I will take the statement that it worked in 1.4 back. My bad
Actually it didnt.


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Chinmay Bajikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> This used to work in 1.4.
> If we set the PopupPanel as AutoHide=false,Modal= true, then other widgets
> in our app ignored the clicks until
> the PopupPanel was hidden.
> Since migrating to 1.5 this has stopped working.
> Any ideas on this.
> I checked the issues list and couldn't find any issue specific to this.
> Did anybody else face this?
> Shall I log a new issue for this?
> Thanks,
> -Chinmay

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Re: JSNI method ';)'

2008-09-16 Thread jchimene

Thanks, I'll file a bug.

On Sep 15, 9:33 am, jchimene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing the following message:
> [WARN] JSNI method
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]::setLabel(Ljava/lang/
> String;)' returned a value of type string but was declared void; it
> should not have returned a value at all
> Is this a known issue or should I file a bug?
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Re: Send a widget to the server?

2008-09-16 Thread WadeC

Don't sent the widgets to the server. Just send the data from the
widget to the server...

On Sep 16, 6:53 am, Markuz05 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if it's possible, and if it' a good choice send a widget to
> the server.
> My application is a typical CRUD application where users search data,
> edits and sends them back to the server.
> Data are displayed on the  browser in tables.
> I created a complicated data-structure to store data in tables and to
> send it
> to the server. In order to lighten the client code I thought to send
> the widget to the server and make all the "translation operations"
> from table to data-structure in the server side.
> is it possible?
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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

Hello Jim,

Jim Freeze schrieb:
> Oh boy, you lost me. I'm not sure your point, but dynamic languages
> have the ability to test the server side in a runtime environment.

Maybe we should talk about the word "test" here. Do you mean
trying out something and see a result without the need of
compiling and deploying something, than we have different
understandings of that. When I speak of testing I mean something
like JUnit (

> I think the only difference is that dynamic languages don't compile.
> Granted, that prevents some bugs, but not all bugs.

To find the other bugs, test-frameworks help a lot and if
you change something half a year later breaking already
functioning code, the test-case shows you that. And I think
that the developing of testcases for the server-side of a
GWT-project when using the GWT-RPC-mechanism is easier
than other mechanisms like normal servlets.

> Can you re-phrase your question, but help me out about what you mean
> when you start talking about Java server side things. I don't have
> any experience with that side of the fence with Java.

I think we were talking of different things when speaking
of testing, so rephrasing might bring up nothing new ;-)

Regards, Lothar

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Re: GWT Google Maps InfoWindow Resizing

2008-09-16 Thread Eric Ayers
I just added a patch for the GInfoWindow.reset() method in the issue
tracker, but I was unable to get it to work reliably.  I have a question
into the Maps folks.


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Pavel Byles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know how to make the InfoWindow resize once the content has
> been loaded within it?
> -Pavel
> >

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: Does the server side language matter?

2008-09-16 Thread gregor

Jim, your words

> Oh boy, you lost me. I'm not sure your point, but dynamic languages
> have the ability to test the server side in a runtime environment.
> I think the only difference is that dynamic languages don't compile.
> Granted, that prevents some bugs, but not all bugs.
> Can you re-phrase your question, but help me out about what you mean
> when you start talking about Java server side things. I don't have
> any experience with that side of the fence with Java.
>> If you're using a front-end agnostic approach (i.e. JSON based), then
>> you wouldn't pass objects between the client and server. However, if
>> you are able to take advantage of GWT-RPC, with a Java back-end, you
>> would be able to pass objects to the Java server for persistence and
>> get objects back for data requests. This has huge advantages in code
>> maintenance and ease of use.

> I don't have any experience to know how huge of an advantage that
> really is.

I have to ask on what basis you presume to venture such forthright
views on this post given that by your own admission you don't have
either the knowledge or the experience to back them up. I understand
that you like dynamic languages like python and ruby, that you prefer
them to statically typed languages like Java, that you are comfortable
with REST etc. Fine, that's your choice.

But that is not what this post is about. John (the OP) is asking a
simple question: given he has a relatively simple back end (basically
some database tables) and that he has decided to use GWT to develop
the client, would it pay him to use Django to manage his DB
transactions server side over using Java and JDBC?

IMO the answer is almost certainly not, and to reiterate the reasons:

1) Each table definition can be mapped to a Data Transfer Object class
(typically representing a row of a table) used both ends of the wire.
In a simple case this is easily done using JDBC and the Data Access
Object pattern.
2) The whole application can be debugged soup to nuts from Java from
any IDE
3) GWT RPC is very fast, flexible and reliable, and DTO's (accessed
from the DB via DAO's) are easily and efficiently retrieved and stored
from GWT RPC Servlets.

IMO these advantages trump any minor edge Django might give you over
hand coding JDBC/SQL in Java for managing DB transactions for a system
as John describes given you are going to use GWT for the client. The
win (AFAIK) with Django/Python is when you use it for both client and

Jim, it's fine to argue for dynamic web languages and frameworks and
REST over GWT/Java (although this is not the right group for it) but
it seems to me your lack of experience in Java server side technology
is causing unnecessary confusion here.


On Sep 16, 4:08 pm, "Jim Freeze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:02 AM, Arthur Kalmenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Jim,
> Hello Arthur
> >> My favorite IDE is certainly not eclipse, and probably not the best to use
> >> with Django. The server side can be quickly written and tested independent
> >> of the client side. I consider that a plus.
> > You misunderstood what gregor meant. Gregor meant that if you have a
> > Java back-end, you can seamlessly debug your application going from
> > the client side to the server side using any Java IDE (Eclipse,
> > NetBeans, IDEA, etc). You cannot do this if your front-end is GWT and
> > back-end is Python.
> I know the NetBeans IDE has a ruby debugger. If the backend was Ruby,
> I suppose that it would still not be possible to 'seamlessly' debug from 
> client
> to server, right? Actually, this is a totally foreign concept to me.
> The data from client to server is marshalled over an http request and
> off to a completely different process. Are you saying that the debugging
> environment handles that? What does it do about asynchronous calls?
> Do they appear to be synchronous when debugging?
> >> JSON can be made as fast and json libraries for python already exist.
> >> So, I seriously doubt anyone is writing JSON serialization from scratch.
> >> Your server side code probably only needs to be modified with 
> >>
> > GWT-RPC is actually faster and smaller then JSON (unless you use JS
> > overlays, which just calls eval). See this:
> >
> It's so easy to work with json, that you can construct a tiny bit of client
> code to rebuild json object and then use overlays to eval. It's essentially
> the same as RPC, just without the mystery.
> >> Using a restful approach, you don't pass objects between client and server.
> >> The stateless server serves up requests for data. No need to complicate
> >> the issue.
> > If you're using a front-end agnostic approach (i.e. JSON based), then
> > you wouldn't pass objects between the client and server. However, if
> > you are able to take advantage of GWT-RPC, with a Java back-end, you
> > woul

Re: GWT Google Maps InfoWindow Resizing

2008-09-16 Thread Pavel Byles
I know the JS api has a resize function.. but GWT doesn't.
Also I've seen others do it but have no idea how it's done.


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Eric Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just added a patch for the GInfoWindow.reset() method in the issue
> tracker, but I was unable to get it to work reliably.  I have a question
> into the Maps folks.
> -Eric.
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Pavel Byles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to make the InfoWindow resize once the content has
>> been loaded within it?
>> -Pavel
> --
> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
> >

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Re: Out of Memory Error During GWT compilation

2008-09-16 Thread Filipe Sousa
Bal Krishna wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using GWT in my application.
> My system is having 2GB RAM and I have around 2000 Java files to
> compile. During compiling the files, I am using JVM argument -Xmx1024M
> but my GWT compilation is failing and throwing this error.

I'm having the same problem and I have 8GB of RAM. I've tried -Xmx1024M
and -Xmx2048M. Should I upgrade my system to 16GB?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Problem with mouse selection of suggestions in SuggestBox which is disabled in onLostFocus

2008-09-16 Thread jakob.korherr

And it works! Take a look at my blog:

On Sep 15, 7:39 pm, "jakob.korherr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I think I just found the solution. I have to use a MouseListener
> on the popup the set a flag whether the mouse is inside of the popop
> or outside. So I know whether the mouse is inside the popup when the
> textbox loses its focus or not. If it is inside the popup, onLostFocus
> should not be fired immediatly, but after the popup is hidden.
> I did not have time to try that, but I think it will work.
> Anyway thanks for your help. Jakob
> On Sep 15, 7:21 pm, "jakob.korherr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just found a better related issue:
> >
> > I have to use onLostFocus just because onEventPreview does not work
> > properly and so the popup does not close automatically.
> > On Sep 15, 5:59 pm, "jakob.korherr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It seems like, but "I found a workaround: using DeferredCommand solves
> > > the problem." does not work for me.
> > > On Sep 15, 4:33 pm, walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Jakob,
> > > > I was just playing around with SuggestBox, selecting with mouse vs
> > > > selecting with keyboard, and I see the problem.  I think it's a bug,
> > > > and it seems to be covered by issue 
> > > > 1634:
> > > > "The suggest tab should be considered the same "focus" area as the
> > > > TextBox and should not fire an on change unless the text is updated
> > > > from suggestion or the user focuses outside the entire widget."
> > > > Walden
> > > > On Sep 15, 9:13 am, "jakob.korherr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > In my case it really is. I am using the SuggestBox as a kind of quick
> > > > > navigation.
> > > > > I am hosting a little social network with many forums, clubs, picture
> > > > > galleries and so on and if the user wants to go e.g. to the club
> > > > > 'Programming', he just has to type e.g. 'program' in the TextBox and
> > > > > the SuggestBox will display the club. If the user than selects the
> > > > > suggestion, he will be forwared to the club. So the SuggestionPopup
> > > > > has to be hidden after the user selection, which it does
> > > > > automatically. However if some suggestions are displayed and the user
> > > > > click outside of the TextBox and outside of the Popup, the SuggestBox
> > > > > should be disabled and the Popup hidden. That's why I am using the
> > > > > FocusListener. Unfortunately it does not work the way I want.
> > > > > Now I am thinking of changing the SuggestBox and adding a EventPreview
> > > > > to the Popup, so that I can handle the events better. Then I will
> > > > > change the FocusListener so that it only fires onLostFocus when the
> > > > > user clicks outside of the TextBox AND the Popup. I hope I can manage
> > > > > that..
> > > > > On Sep 15, 3:02 pm, walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > Usability: if you disable the SB as soon as a suggestion is chosen,
> > > > > > you prevent the user from correcting an errant selection.  Are you
> > > > > > sure this is the right time to disable the box?  Is there a good
> > > > > > reason to do this?
> > > > > > On Sep 14, 11:56 am, "jakob.korherr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > Hi Ian - thanks for this fast reply!
> > > > > > > I tried your suggestion, but it has the same affect. onLostFocus 
> > > > > > > and
> > > > > > > onChange are both fired before the Item is selected.
> > > > > > > Any other ideas?
> > > > > > > On Sep 14, 5:18 pm, "Ian Petersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 11:05 AM, jakob.korherr
> > > > > > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > Has anyone got an idea to solve this problem?
> > > > > > > > Why are you disabling the SuggestBox on loss of focus?  Can you
> > > > > > > > disable it on change of value, instead?
> > > > > > > > Ian- Hide quoted text -
> > > > > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > > > - Show quoted text -
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Error This UIObject's element is not set;

2008-09-16 Thread Shi

Hi, I'm trying to "compose" the widget, but I get the same mistake.I
simplified the code of 2 modules that I consider:

public class MenuHome extends Composite {
public void Composite() {
VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel();




public class Home implements EntryPoint {

 private MenuHome menuhome;

 public void onModuleLoad() {

  menuhome = new MenuHome();
















[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class com.gwt.client.Home
(see associated exception for details)
java.lang.AssertionError: This UIObject's element is not set; you may
be missing a call to either Composite.initWidget() or
at com.gwt.client.Home.onModuleLoad(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS._g_main_context_iteration(Native
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.g_main_context_iteration(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(

someone knows the problem?thanks
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Re: Invalid version number "null" when using the hosted mode

2008-09-16 Thread Daniel

I'm getting this same problem.  I'm using osx and noserver mode.  I
have tried force refreshing from within the hosted mode, and also
tried clearing the cache/history from within safari (not sure if they
are linked).  I also noticed the comment earlier about loading the
hosted.html file from the classpath, but the wierd thing is that if I
use instead of localhost, it works; so I don't think it's a
problem with an old hosted.html file in my classpath.  It's not an IDE
thing either as I get the problem when running from IDEA or from the
command line.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


On Sep 15, 12:58 pm, WildWarrior03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> anybody found any solution? I am not using tomcat..I am not sure what
> is wrong..I also get the same error..
> On Sep 5, 7:17 am, Noé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It works now. I think it was because of the cache on tomcat.
> > To achieve this, I erased all the temporary files on the web server.
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Re: Invalid version number "null" when using the hosted mode

2008-09-16 Thread Daniel

One more thing.  I'm using JBoss and have tried clearing out all tmp/
work directories to no avail.  Also, when looking at the access log in
jboss you don't see a request for the hosted.html file.

On Sep 16, 2:28 pm, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm getting this same problem.  I'm using osx and noserver mode.  I
> have tried force refreshing from within the hosted mode, and also
> tried clearing the cache/history from within safari (not sure if they
> are linked).  I also noticed the comment earlier about loading the
> hosted.html file from the classpath, but the wierd thing is that if I
> use instead of localhost, it works; so I don't think it's a
> problem with an old hosted.html file in my classpath.  It's not an IDE
> thing either as I get the problem when running from IDEA or from the
> command line.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
> Daniel
> On Sep 15, 12:58 pm, WildWarrior03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > anybody found any solution? I am not using tomcat..I am not sure what
> > is wrong..I also get the same error..
> > On Sep 5, 7:17 am, Noé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It works now. I think it was because of the cache on tomcat.
> > > To achieve this, I erased all the temporary files on the web server.
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Re: Out of Memory Error During GWT compilation

2008-09-16 Thread Andrej

My module have about 800 java classes and -Xmx256M is enough. Non-
gzipped compiled .cache.html size is 1MB
How many permutation do you have?



On Sep 16, 11:20 pm, Filipe Sousa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bal Krishna wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I am using GWT in my application.
> > My system is having 2GB RAM and I have around 2000 Java files to
> > compile. During compiling the files, I am using JVM argument -Xmx1024M
> > but my GWT compilation is failing and throwing this error.
> I'm having the same problem and I have 8GB of RAM. I've tried -Xmx1024M
> and -Xmx2048M. Should I upgrade my system to 16GB?
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload
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Re: GWT Google Maps InfoWindow Resizing

2008-09-16 Thread Eric Ayers
I didn't see a resize() function other than reset()

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Pavel Byles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know the JS api has a resize function.. but GWT doesn't.
> Also I've seen others do it but have no idea how it's done.
> -Pavel
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Eric Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I just added a patch for the GInfoWindow.reset() method in the issue
>> tracker, but I was unable to get it to work reliably.  I have a question
>> into the Maps folks.
>> -Eric.
>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Pavel Byles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>> Does anyone know how to make the InfoWindow resize once the content has
>>> been loaded within it?
>>> -Pavel
>> --
>> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
> >

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: Best solution for client-side graphing in GWT?

2008-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do have a library together, currently it is very undocumented,
however it does follow the same structure as Flotr.

On Sep 12, 1:44 pm, "Perelman Nathan (Nathan)"
> I'm aware that that is possible, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel myself.
> Do you have a library that is available for others to use? Do you have a 
> website or some more information?
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 13:22
> To: Google Web Toolkit
> Subject: Re: Best solution for client-side graphing in GWT?
> I've actually implemented a pure canvas/vml charting solution for GWT.
> On Sep 12, 1:04 pm, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been investigating the best way to do client-side graphing in
> > GWT. The features that I am looking for that don't seem to be widely
> > provided are the ability for users to select portions of the graph,
> > and to receive events for mouse clicks on any part of the graph. I
> > also can't use a solution that uses flash (IE support however, is not
> > important).
> > The solution I'm currently considering is to write a bunch of
> > JavaScript Overlay classes for use with flot (
> > ).
> > As far as I can tell, gchart ( is
> > the only native GWT graphing solution, but has no events support. I
> > also looked into the dojox charting library, but flot seems to have
> > better events support (particularly the ability to click on any point
> > in the graph and get an event with the graph coordinates for the point
> > clicked).
> > Are there any projects out there that I've missed? I'd really like a
> > native GWT solution, if possible.
> > Thanks
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Re: Best solution for client-side graphing in GWT?

2008-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The key drawback with amcharts (and chronoscope) is that they rely on
flash for their charting.  This provides a distorted presence across
browsers (unless it always uses flash) and requires the end user to
have a plugin installed (third party, closed source).  Instead a
better solution would be one that leveraged each browser's
functionality to provide a native solution.

On Sep 15, 7:53 pm, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> amcharts ( someone mentionned earlier looks
> extremely impressive. It seems they also have the world map charting
> widget as well, which is quite cool as well.
> On Sep 14, 8:02 pm, Arthur Kalmenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Nathan,
> > I'd recommend that Google Visualization 
> > API:
> > There are GWT overlays in the works at the GALGWT project (http://
> > See the issue 
> > here:
> > On Sep 12, 1:04 pm, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've been investigating the best way to do client-side graphing in
> > > GWT. The features that I am looking for that don't seem to be widely
> > > provided are the ability for users to select portions of the graph,
> > > and to receive events for mouse clicks on any part of the graph. I
> > > also can't use a solution that uses flash (IE support however, is not
> > > important).
> > > The solution I'm currently considering is to write a bunch of
> > > JavaScript Overlay classes for use with flot 
> > > (
> > > ).
> > > As far as I can tell, gchart ( is
> > > the only native GWT graphing solution, but has no events support. I
> > > also looked into the dojox charting library, but flot seems to have
> > > better events support (particularly the ability to click on any point
> > > in the graph and get an event with the graph coordinates for the point
> > > clicked).
> > > Are there any projects out there that I've missed? I'd really like a
> > > native GWT solution, if possible.
> > > Thanks
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Re: Best solution for client-side graphing in GWT?

2008-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please do note that the library requires gwt-1.5.X and gwt-incubator.

On Sep 16, 6:27 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do have a library together, currently it is very undocumented,
> however it does follow the same structure as Flotr.
> On Sep 12, 1:44 pm, "Perelman Nathan (Nathan)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm aware that that is possible, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel myself.
> > Do you have a library that is available for others to use? Do you have a 
> > website or some more information?
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> > Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 13:22
> > To: Google Web Toolkit
> > Subject: Re: Best solution for client-side graphing in GWT?
> > I've actually implemented a pure canvas/vml charting solution for GWT.
> > On Sep 12, 1:04 pm, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've been investigating the best way to do client-side graphing in
> > > GWT. The features that I am looking for that don't seem to be widely
> > > provided are the ability for users to select portions of the graph,
> > > and to receive events for mouse clicks on any part of the graph. I
> > > also can't use a solution that uses flash (IE support however, is not
> > > important).
> > > The solution I'm currently considering is to write a bunch of
> > > JavaScript Overlay classes for use with flot 
> > > (
> > > ).
> > > As far as I can tell, gchart ( is
> > > the only native GWT graphing solution, but has no events support. I
> > > also looked into the dojox charting library, but flot seems to have
> > > better events support (particularly the ability to click on any point
> > > in the graph and get an event with the graph coordinates for the point
> > > clicked).
> > > Are there any projects out there that I've missed? I'd really like a
> > > native GWT solution, if possible.
> > > Thanks
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Re: FileUpload problem on IE

2008-09-16 Thread anjolight

Hi martin, thanks for the response.

I found a way around the problem. I have a simple PHP script below on
the server side and this causes IE to show a "Do you want to save?"
popup. (And my FormHandler.onSubmiteComplete never gets called)

Interestingly, however, if I comment out the header() line, then IE
won't show the popup and FormHandler.onSubmiteComplete() gets called
with the text "hello". Just for your info.

On Sep 15, 1:48 am, Martin Trummer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> what exactly is the response that the browser receives?
> you could use Fiddler to find out:
> On Sep 12, 10:04 pm, anjolight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, I am having a slight issue with FileUpload on IE7.
> > Basically, the server returns a text/plain json value after the file
> > upload. But on the return, IE7 shows the file download popup (asking
> > me if I want to save the text in a file). My FormHandler's
> > onSubmitComplete() was never called.
> > I ran the same code on firefox and chrome, and they worked fine. I was
> > able to get the json text in onSubmitComplete callback.
> > Can someone shed a light to this problem?
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Re: GWT Google Maps InfoWindow Resizing

2008-09-16 Thread Pavel Byles
Yes... reset is what I was referring to

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Eric Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I didn't see a resize() function other than reset()
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Pavel Byles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I know the JS api has a resize function.. but GWT doesn't.
>> Also I've seen others do it but have no idea how it's done.
>> -Pavel
>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Eric Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I just added a patch for the GInfoWindow.reset() method in the issue
>>> tracker, but I was unable to get it to work reliably.  I have a question
>>> into the Maps folks.
>>> -Eric.
>>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Pavel Byles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
 Does anyone know how to make the InfoWindow resize once the content has
 been loaded within it?


>>> --
>>> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
> --
> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
> >

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#token fragment sometimes cause page reload, sometimes not?

2008-09-16 Thread Brice

Good evening. I am working on a new GWT app and I noticed a few
strange behaviors in IE 7 that I didn't see in FireFox / Safari.
Particularly that a link with a #token will cause a page refresh if
its in my wrapper HTML, but not if its generated by GWT. This doesn't
happen (from what I can see) in FireFox / Safari.

Here's the scenario: my wrapper HTML has been designed externally, the
GWT just renders into the content area of the page. Outside of this
area are two "tabs". Instead of linking to different pages, the hrefs
are #tabA and #tabB. After the GWT EntryModule has run, this *should*
just fire History changed events, right? That's what it does in FF and
Safari. In IE, it reloads the page, and since my EntryModule invokes
fireCurrentHistoryState(), the right state is initialized.

Within the GWT module, links are rendered with tokens, too. When these
are clicked, the page does not reload. As expected, the History
changed event is fired, and the new application state is loaded.

Am I going about this incorrectly? Is this an IE ideosyncracy? Is
there a workaround? The current module only has two tabs, and the
"load" that's done by the module isn't horrible, so I could live with
it, but I'd rather not!

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Re: Error This UIObject's element is not set;

2008-09-16 Thread Danny Schimke
Hi Shi!
create a constructor for your MenuHome and move the code from the Composite()-
Method into this constructor.
Extending from Composite is correct! ^^
Don't know why you use a method for doing this... ;)
public MenuHome() {

VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel();
// Do You really want to set the title (title = tooltip)?
// To see something create a Label with Text an add this to the vPanel
// Example
// Label label = new Label("Good!");
// vPanel.add(label);
// Don't use this here (you do this on your entrypoint alright)


I hope i could help you... ;)

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Re: Failed to load module com.gwt.LoginCliente". Please see the log in the development shell for details.

2008-09-16 Thread Shi

Hi,thank you for yours answers!

The problem is built using modules Clypal Studio without calling
applicationCreator of GWT.
Using clypal study, the application can be tested only with the
compiler of its Clypal but it seems does not support gwtext.
Here's why those mistakes continue.

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Re: Error This UIObject's element is not set;

2008-09-16 Thread Shi

thank you very much for your help!
I you have been very useful!!

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