Re: Building a GWT project in Eclipse 2019-03+ with Java 11.

2022-02-21 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
> Our current workflow is using SuperDevMode + Jetty and I'd like to 
provide similar experience to our team.
I had a similar concern, as before we both SuperDevMode and the app in the 
same Java process.
After the switch, we need to start the codeserver and then the app, via 
Tomcat. But, things went well, because:

   1. You don't have to start your app in the build tool and connect 
   remotely. The codeserver will write its files to the same place as the 
   regular compilation would, and you can start your app in a debug session in 
   Eclipse. We're using the built-in Tomcat server (with Eclipse WTP). Just 
   make sure that after starting the codeserver, you have your workspace 
   refreshed, so Eclipse can publish it accordingly (that's why we wrote the 
   script, as mentioned in the previous post)
   2. Starting the codeserver is actually slower than the app (at least for 
   us, and the app is huge). When you debug the app, you'll eventually do an 
   incompatible change that needs to restart the app. When using the 
   codeserver as a separated process, it stays there, in the same place, even 
   when you restart the app. IMO, this ended up being more productive than the 
   previous setup
   3. If GWT 3 is ever released, having a separated codeserver will be the 
   only option

Em domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2022 às 20:55:55 UTC-3, 

> Thanks for the answer
> > Can't you somehow disable the module path or put all dependencies in the 
> classpath rather than the module path?
> Do you mean disabling java.xml module of JRE and depend on all xml stuff 
> explicitly? It means I'd have to rely on dependencies instead of stock 
> libraries (general app architecture choice) just to comply with a flawed 
> development tool needed only to run debug sessions. I'd prefer to avoid it 
> unless it's the only way.
> >  Alternatively, how about not using the Eclipse GWT Plugin?
> Our current workflow is using SuperDevMode + Jetty and I'd like to provide 
> similar experience to our team. 
> I saw such solutions (using gradle gretty plugin), so far decided against 
> it. As far as I understand running the code server and my webapp via Gradle 
> without Eclipse GWT plugin brings more hassle into everyday development 
> routine. This way the webapp must be launched not as Eclipse debugging 
> session but as Gradle task, and connected via remote debugging session. I'd 
> like to avoid it.
> воскресенье, 20 февраля 2022 г. в 12:33:18 UTC+1, 
>> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 1:57:16 AM UTC+1 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jasper
>>> I'll be just glad if my current progress saves someone's time.
>>> I progress on step by step basis, so far I succeeded in Eclipse build 
>>> and debugging.
>>> Most of my problems were caused by combination of JDK11+ (namely 
>>> modules) + Gradle + Eclipse + Eclipse GWT Plugin. 
>>> Reason: GWT SDK gwt-dev.jar contains lot of classes that must not be 
>>> visible to Eclipse compiler, but in fact they are, causing dreaded "The 
>>> package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: , 
>>> java.xml" error.
>>> When `gradle build` is issued in command line the gwt-dev.jar from the 
>>> maven repository is linked, it contains exactly essential google classes 
>>> and nothing more. Thus the build succeeds.
>>> But when you import such project in Eclipse under JDK11+ (I use JDK17) 
>>> and select a GWT SDK there're lots of build errors caused by "The package 
>>> is accessible from more than one module"
>> Can't you somehow disable the module path or put all dependencies in the 
>> classpath rather than the module path?
>> Alternatively, how about not using the Eclipse GWT Plugin?

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Re: Building a GWT project in Eclipse 2019-03+ with Java 11.

2022-02-20 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
We started using GWT in our project in 2009 (GWT 1.5.0!)
When we moved from Maven to Gradle in 2020 (one of the best decisions ever, 
because the project is complex, has a lot of code generation and Gradle's 
skipping of already executed tasks is a must - it was unbearable with 
Maven), we've also dropped the GWT Eclipse plugin altogether.
Also, we don't use a GWT plugin for Gradle either: instead, we just run 
either GWT codeserver or compiler via their main classes, setting up the 
classpath correctly.
To start with, as we already had multiple modules in the build system (api 
/ impl / web, etc), we've split the GWT classes to a new module (no longer 
the web project). 

Attached in this post is the anonymized and stripped down build.gradle file 
for the gwt module.

Finally, for us to be productive again in Eclipse, we've written a script 
that does the following:

   1. Delete the destination's nocache.js file
   2. Starts the code server via gradle, redirecting the output to a file
   3. Sleeps until the nocache.js file exists again
   4. Write the PID of the gradle process to a file
We run this from an Eclipse external tool, and have the tool's refresh 
option to refresh the web's project output dir. This way the publishing 
works flawlessly in Eclipse with a Tomcat server.

We've also created other 2 similar scripts / Eclipse tools: one to stop the 
codeserver (kill the process with the PID indicated in the file) and 
another one to show the codeserver log (tail -f1000 -n in the output file).

We'll never look back to neither the Eclipse plugin (which did many other 
things we don't use) nor to a Gradle plugin (which were mostly written once 
and abandoned, and Gradle evolves fast, introducing breaking changes, and 
that broke the project more than once).

Em domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2022 às 08:33:18 UTC-3, 

> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 1:57:16 AM UTC+1 
> wrote:
>> Hi Jasper
>> I'll be just glad if my current progress saves someone's time.
>> I progress on step by step basis, so far I succeeded in Eclipse build and 
>> debugging.
>> Most of my problems were caused by combination of JDK11+ (namely modules) 
>> + Gradle + Eclipse + Eclipse GWT Plugin. 
>> Reason: GWT SDK gwt-dev.jar contains lot of classes that must not be 
>> visible to Eclipse compiler, but in fact they are, causing dreaded "The 
>> package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: , 
>> java.xml" error.
>> When `gradle build` is issued in command line the gwt-dev.jar from the 
>> maven repository is linked, it contains exactly essential google classes 
>> and nothing more. Thus the build succeeds.
>> But when you import such project in Eclipse under JDK11+ (I use JDK17) 
>> and select a GWT SDK there're lots of build errors caused by "The package 
>> is accessible from more than one module"
> Can't you somehow disable the module path or put all dependencies in the 
> classpath rather than the module path?
> Alternatively, how about not using the Eclipse GWT Plugin?

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description = 'GWT client'

ext {
buildWebapp = "${project(':projectname-web').buildDir}/generated/webapp"
gwtDev = Boolean.getBoolean('gwt.development')

sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir rpcSrc
srcDir exceptionsSrc

configurations {
dependencies {
api project(':projectname-api')
implementation "$gwtVersion"
implementation("com.github.branflake2267:gwt-maps-api:$googleMapsApiVersion") {
transitive = false
implementation "$elementalVersion"
implementation "$elementalVersion"
implementation "$elementalVersion"

gwt(project(':projectname-api')) { transitive = false }
gwt files(
gwt files(project.sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs)
gwt files(project(':projectname-common')
gwt files(project(':projectname-api')
gwt files(project(':projectname-api-core')
gwt "$gwtVersion"
gwt "$gwtxVersion"

Re: New Article "10 Best Java Frameworks to Use in 2021"

2021-03-11 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
We ended up using no plugins for GWT with Gradle. Even if there are some, 
none of them fit well.
Luckily, GWT compiler has a nice CLI, so...
Also, we make the gwt a subproject, as we don't use GWT RPC anyway. This 
helps keeping gwt-dev out of any runtime classpath!!!

Below is a trimmed version (not sure it even compiles, and it is the 
build.gradle for a subproject) of the build.gradle file for reference, for 
both compilation (even with a system flag to compile only the dev module) 
and for running the super dev mode:

ext {
buildWebapp = "${project(':web').buildDir}/generated/webapp"
gwtDev = Boolean.getBoolean('gwt.development')

configurations {
dependencies {
gwt(project(':api')) { transitive = false }
gwt files(
gwt files(project.sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs)
gwt files(project(':api')
gwt "$gwtVersion"
gwt "$gwtxVersion"
gwt "com.github.branflake2267:gwt-maps-api:$googleMapsApiVersion"
gwt "$elementalVersion"
gwt "$elementalVersion"
gwt "$elementalVersion"
gwt "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:$jacksonVersion"
gwt "$gwtVersion"

task compileGwt(type: JavaExec) {
dependsOn compileJava
ext {
outDir = "$buildWebapp/gwt"
group = 'Build'
description = 'Compile the GWT source'
inputs.files configurations.gwt 'development', gwtDev
outputs.dir outDir
classpath = configurations.gwt
main = ''
args = []
args += ['-sourceLevel', "1.$javaVersion"]
args += ['-war', buildWebapp]
args += ['-logLevel', 'INFO']
args += ['-workDir', "$buildDir/tmp/gwt"]
args += ['-XfragmentCount', '6']
args += ['-failOnError']
if (gwtDev) {
args += ['-style', 'PRETTY']
args += ['-draftCompile']
args += ['-optimize', '0']
args += ['-XmethodNameDisplayMode', 'ABBREVIATED']
args += ['org.example.MyModuleDev']
} else {
args += ['-style', 'OBFUSCATED']
args += ['-optimize', '9']
args += ['-XnoclassMetadata']
args += ['org.example.MyModule']
task cleanGwtTemp {
doLast {
ant.delete(dir: "$buildWebapp/gwt")
ant.delete(dir: "$buildDir/tmp/gwt")
clean {
dependsOn cleanGwtTemp

task gwtSuperDev(type: JavaExec) {
dependsOn compileJava
description = 'Run the GWT code server for Super Dev Mode'
classpath = configurations.gwt
main = ''
args = []
args += ['-sourceLevel', "1.$javaVersion"]
args += ['-launcherDir', buildWebapp]
args += ['-logLevel', 'INFO']
args += ['-workDir', "$buildDir/tmp/gwt"]
args += ['-precompile']
args += ['-failOnError']
args += ['-bindAddress', '']
args += ['org.example.MyModuleDev']

doFirst {

Em quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2021 às 12:44:57 UTC-3, 

> Even if it is opinionated, please give us Gradle GWT archetype. :-)
> On Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 5:25:47 PM UTC+2 wrote:
>> On Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 4:13:03 PM UTC+1 
>> wrote:
>>> We had the same problem with maven but at the end, maven's multi-module 
>>> project and profiles helped to solve *hack around* it.
>> There, fixed it for you 
>> Also see and 
>> among others, by prominent Maven PMC members.
>> (and yet, gwt-maven-archetypes use a "dev" profile 路, but it's know to 
>> be kind of hackish in places due to Maven and jetty-maven-plugin's 
>> limitations)

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Re: Is GWT 3.0 /GWT 2.9 dead?

2020-02-20 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
It is great to know we can use the snapshot with support for Java 11 
Unfortunately, except for the GWT team and those that follow the project 
closely, it looks like GWT is stuck at the 2.8.2 release 2.5 years ago, 
because the GWT official website contains no information on this. Maybe it 
would be good to put some text in the home page pointing to this.
I'm surely much more optimistic now that I know there is an usable updated 
Great work, guys!

Em quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2020 08:01:43 UTC-3, Ahmad Bawaneh 
> And lets not forget that it is not so long since j2cl was made public.
> On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 1:00:33 PM UTC+2, Ahmad Bawaneh wrote:
>> You dont need to maintain a separate branch or code base, you can use the 
>> latest snapshot which is as stable as a release, i am pretty sure when 2.9 
>> is release you will only need to switch version and everything still works, 
>> if you can use the snapshot for some reason you can use the unofficial 
>> release as discussed here 
>>  or 
>> you can fork and release internally.
>> and the community work, we need to know that the active members in the 
>> community is small, that is said we could have made a GWT3.0 a lot earlier, 
>> we could have focused in shipping a working maven plugin for j2cl and call 
>> the day, but most of the efforts is focused in making sure that old apps 
>> will be able to migrate to gwt3.0 without much effort and this part in 
>> specific is very important and very hard and consumes a lot of time, GWT 
>> apps in general are big apps and making GWT3.0 that only works for new apps 
>> only or requires app rewrite does not make any sense.
>> to get more insight on what have been done check this list
>> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 3:21:03 PM UTC+2, Luis Fernando 
>> Planella Gonzalez wrote:
>>> It has always been said that GWT is active when similar questions are 
>>> asked in the forum.
>>> However, given that the last version, 2.8.2, was released on Oct 19, 
>>> 2017 and was a bugfix for the 2.8.0 version, released on Oct 20, 2016, I 
>>> can't see it as "active".
>>> At least it smells bad!
>>> Even the 1.0 release of Elemental can't be used, because it requires 
>>> newer components than the pre-packaged version.
>>> It is a sad thing, because I work on a large project using GWT since its 
>>> 1.5.0 version, and our project is actively developed and still evolving.
>>> I hope GWT 2.9 is out "soon", because we're planning to switch to Java 
>>> 11 in the coming months, and it would be a burden to maintain a separated 
>>> Java version only for the frontend part (been there, done that with Java 8).
>>> The fact is that since Google left the project, things are way too slow.
>>> Understandable, as it is based on best effor from the brave developers, 
>>> but still disheartening.
>>> Still, I don't loose hope that GWT will be still maintained.
>>> Em terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2020 12:08:40 UTC-3, Jeff Zemsky 
>>> escreveu:
>>>> Frank - Thanks for the reply, but it would be good to understand the 
>>>> plans to complete the GWT 2.9 release - particularly with reference to 
>>>> Java 
>>>> 11 support.  Any insight there?
>>>> On Monday, January 27, 2020 at 4:23:09 AM UTC-5, Frank Hossfeld wrote:
>>>>> Atm the community is very active. We are working on GWT modules: 
>>>>> replacing generators and JSNI, testig the migraed moules against J2CL, 
>>>>> etc.
>>>>> Besides that, many new frameworks are evolving.
>>>>> Take a look at this rooms:
>>>>> to get more infos.

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Re: Is GWT 3.0 /GWT 2.9 dead?

2020-02-19 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
It has always been said that GWT is active when similar questions are asked 
in the forum.
However, given that the last version, 2.8.2, was released on Oct 19, 2017 
and was a bugfix for the 2.8.0 version, released on Oct 20, 2016, I can't 
see it as "active".
At least it smells bad!
Even the 1.0 release of Elemental can't be used, because it requires newer 
components than the pre-packaged version.
It is a sad thing, because I work on a large project using GWT since its 
1.5.0 version, and our project is actively developed and still evolving.
I hope GWT 2.9 is out "soon", because we're planning to switch to Java 11 
in the coming months, and it would be a burden to maintain a separated Java 
version only for the frontend part (been there, done that with Java 8).
The fact is that since Google left the project, things are way too slow.
Understandable, as it is based on best effor from the brave developers, but 
still disheartening.
Still, I don't loose hope that GWT will be still maintained.

Em terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2020 12:08:40 UTC-3, Jeff Zemsky 
> Frank - Thanks for the reply, but it would be good to understand the plans 
> to complete the GWT 2.9 release - particularly with reference to Java 11 
> support.  Any insight there?
> On Monday, January 27, 2020 at 4:23:09 AM UTC-5, Frank Hossfeld wrote:
>> Atm the community is very active. We are working on GWT modules: 
>> replacing generators and JSNI, testig the migraed moules against J2CL, etc.
>> Besides that, many new frameworks are evolving.
>> Take a look at this rooms:
>> to get more infos.

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Re: GWT 2.8.0-rc1 and closure compiler

2016-08-04 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Em quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2016 12:03:04 UTC-3, Thomas Broyer escreveu:
> On Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 2:21:29 PM UTC+2, Luis Fernando Planella 
> Gonzalez wrote:
>> I've always used the closure compiler with past versions (even with 
>> 2.8.0-beta1, which we have used in production already).
>> Now, to my surprise, it is no longer supported in GWT 2.8.0-rc1, as 
>> there's no mention to it in the release notes (
> We may want to add a note about it; but that was an experimental feature 
> and those tend to come and go as experiments prove their value or not.
> See 
> for the rationale.

Ok. In our project, we used to enable the closure compiler because the 
codebase is quite large, and closure compiler helped in reducing further 
the code size. I don't have the numbers at hand, but the full code size 
(including all split points) is about 2.8M, and closure compiler reduced 
some hundred kilobytes from it.

>> Now the compiler no longer supports the old closure compiler option, but 
>> has a new -X[no]closureFormattedOutput option.
> It's not really new actually: 

I have assumed it was new because it is not present as option in the 
gwt-maven-plugin (which is updated up to the beta1).

>> I'm guessing closure compiler is no longer integrated in GWT, but it 
>> still has the option to format for closure to a later (manual) usage of 
>> closure compiler.
>> I'm using the gwt-maven-plugin, which still uses beta1, but explicitly 
>> changing its dependencies to 2.8.0-rc1 for gwt-user, gwt-dev and 
>> gwt-codeserver artifacts, making it usable already for rc1.
>> I can't, however, pass the new option (I think there's no way to pass 
>> arbitrary compiler arguments with gwt-maven-plugin) until the maven plugin 
>> is updated.
>> What are the new instructions to keep using closure compiler?
> There aren't (see comment about -XclosureFormattedOutput in the commit 
> message that introduced it)
> Do you really *need* it?

I was assuming that flag was needed in order to generate code that complies 
with the closure compiler limitations 
Maybe that is not the case and I can just invoke the closure compiler 
manually on the generated GWT code? Should I expect any runtime problems by 
doing this?

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GWT 2.8.0-rc1 and closure compiler

2016-08-04 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
I've always used the closure compiler with past versions (even with 
2.8.0-beta1, which we have used in production already).
Now, to my surprise, it is no longer supported in GWT 2.8.0-rc1, as there's 
no mention to it in the release notes 

Now the compiler no longer supports the old closure compiler option, but 
has a new -X[no]closureFormattedOutput option.
I'm guessing closure compiler is no longer integrated in GWT, but it still 
has the option to format for closure to a later (manual) usage of closure 
I'm using the gwt-maven-plugin, which still uses beta1, but explicitly 
changing its dependencies to 2.8.0-rc1 for gwt-user, gwt-dev and 
gwt-codeserver artifacts, making it usable already for rc1.
I can't, however, pass the new option (I think there's no way to pass 
arbitrary compiler arguments with gwt-maven-plugin) until the maven plugin 
is updated.

What are the new instructions to keep using closure compiler?

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Re: Next release

2015-10-16 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
"classpath conflict is generally not a valid reason, because the part of 
GWT that includes Jetty is not concerned about the server side of the 
Unless you run [Super]DevMode, which runs both in a single JVM, then it is 
a pain.
There are other libs which are bundled in GWT jars, causing some 
inconveniences too, like 
IMHO, saying to run with -noserver is not a perfect solution either, 
because it complicates things, requiring 2 jvms, and don't playing well 
with RPC and security policies.
Having most of people (if not all) using either an IDE plugin or Maven, 
which can manage the classpath, I don't see a reason to bundle (very old) 
3rd party classes in the GTW jar.

Em sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2015 06:13:38 UTC-3, Thomas Broyer 
> On Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 9:25:40 PM UTC+2, bendg25 wrote:
>> Can you ditch the embedded Jetty server please.
> Hmm, no. But it'd be interesting to know the reason for that request.
> For example, a classpath conflict is generally not a valid reason, because 
> the part of GWT that includes Jetty is not concerned about the server side 
> of the applications, and the part of your application that would need Jetty 
> is likely its server side. So the answer in such case is to "just" use 
> different classpaths/build paths for the client and server sides.

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GWT 2.8 update

2015-07-10 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
I'd like to ask for an update on the planning for 2.8 release.
Are there still many missing functionality? What is the tentative release 
I'm avid to change our project source level to Java 8, but I'm not 
confident in using the SNAPSHOT in a release version of our app.
Any chances it will be out still in August?
Thanks, Luis.

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Re: Static vs dynamic String internationalization

2015-02-24 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
That, of course, depends on the application requirement.
I work on a very large app which is not (only) used by ourselves, but by 
other organizations.
And on each organization, administrators can change translations on the fly 
- just a F5 or logout / login away.
In this scenario, of course, there is no choice.
We even created a custom translations loading mechanism that efficiently 
use the browser cache and load translations in parts, as there are more 
than 4k keys, as we don't want all them to be always downloaded.
Each page (it all started in GWT 1.5, before GWT places existed) knows 
which translation part it needs, so we guarantee to load the required 
translations before showing the page.
But, I agree, it is a very specific requirement. Maybe 99% of the 
applications are fine with static internationalization. We're part of the 
other 1%.
-- Luis

Em segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015 19:33:34 UTC-3, Jens escreveu:

 - The big advantage of dynamic internationalization to me, is that I can 
 store my translations in a database, and update texts without the need of 
 stopping servers to deploy a new compiled version of my application.

 Not sure if its that big of an advantage. IMHO translations rarely change 
 and the number of supported languages is probably already known upfront and 
 does not change often either.

 Also if done right, updating an app does not cause any downtime especially 
 if only translations have changed or languages have been added. The worst 
 case is that a user gets a message App has been updated and needs to be 
 reloaded. If your app uses history tokens (e.g. GWT places) then reloading 
 the current place doesn't really hurt.

 -- J.

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Re: Current state of one .js file per module

2014-12-06 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Ok, I'll try to use separated servers for code server and server side.

Regarding the monolithic .js, in GWT 1.6 it was impossible to debug in both 
Chrome and Firefox - they both crashed, and I always suspected that the js 
/ sourcemap file were too big.
Now with GWT 2.7 I can debug normally in Chrome (didn't try in Firefox 
Still I guess it could be faster to debug using separated .js files. 
However, as this is no longer GWT's goal, ok.
At least now debugging in Chrome is usable, and I no longer need that old 
version of Firefox 26 which still runs the classic dev mode.

Em sexta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2014 12h31min41s UTC-2, Jens escreveu:

 Separate compilation mentioned in your linked issue has been reworked into 
 incremental per file compilation what you have now with GWT 2.7. The 
 benefit is that people do not have to refactor their applications into 
 multiple modules to get the benefit of faster recompiles in SDM. 

 Regarding CodeServer restarts:

 With current GWT master branch, a restart of the CodeServer reuses the 
 caches from the last compile which reduces the startup time of CodeServer 

 Keep in mind that you do not have to use the DevMode class to start the 
 embedded Jetty + Code Server process. You can also split these processes so 
 you do not have to restart SDM CodeServer if you do a server side change.

 DevMode -noserver or launching CodeServer directly only starts the SDM 
 code server. Then you can provide your own application server or actually 
 start DevMode -nosuperdevmode which does start classic DevMode but also 
 the embedded Jetty for your server side code.

 I rarely restart CodeServer during the work day.

 -- J.

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Current state of one .js file per module

2014-12-05 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
I created an issue several months ago -[1] to split 
up generated .js.
The answer was that a .js file, with its corresponding source map, would be 
generated per module.
I'm analyzing now (with GWT 2.7.0) the output, and I still have 1 single 
monolithic, .js file and a single source map.
Has this subject been aborted, postponed, or just not enabled by default?
My project is big. It would be great if the files were split per module, as 
commented in the issue.

I'd love to improve this, and reduce the timings on it.
Specially between runs - sometimes small incompatible debug changes in server 
side forces a restart - and a new compilation.
In this case, the reload button doesn't help, as the JVM is inconsistent anyway.
Just for the record, here's the compilation log for the project (the real 
module was changed to package.Project).

GET /recompile/project
   Job package.Project_1_0
  starting job: package.Project_1_0
  binding: user.agent=safari
  Compiling module package.Project
 Unification traversed 99049 fields and methods and 8257 types. 8223 
are considered part of the current module and 8223 had all of their fields and 
methods traversed.
 Compiling 1 permutation
Compiling permutation 0...
Linking per-type JS with 8207 new types.
   prelink JS size = 21670288
   prelink sourcemap = 21670288 bytes and 461483 lines
   postlink JS size = 21503531
   postlink sourcemap = 21503531 bytes and 458742 lines
Source Maps Enabled
 Compile of permutations succeeded
 Compilation succeeded -- 87,370s
  Linking into 
 Writing extras to 
 Link succeeded
 Linking succeeded -- 2,417s
  90,304s total -- Compile completed


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Re: add mobile version to existing GWT app?

2014-11-30 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez

 ok, but this leads me to the question, why we don't use REST/JSON right 
 from the beginning?
 Isn't it a potential option for nearly any web application today to be 
 complemented by a mobile version some day?

I work in a large project which started in 2008, but was not full time back 
then, and only about, say 2011 got real priority.
We started with the just released GWT 1.5, and there was not too many 
things to choose as today.
Now we have a mobile app, and we have 2 entry point servlets: one to handle 
GWT RPC, and another one which exposes services in a rpc-like with json 
(not REST, as we don't want to maintain 2 APIs - it is just mirrored using 

Not to say that we have A LOT of generated code to handle RPC. The current 
total size of our app is 3.3MB, where 6.4MB is for generated code for RPC 
(according to the compile report). Of course we use code splitting, but 
we're currently struggling on reducing the sizes. Currently, we have 975KB 
of initial download, 370KB of leftover and 9 split points (432KB max).

If I'd start the project today, I'd just use plain REST / JSON for both the 
desktop and mobile versions.

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Re: add mobile version to existing GWT app?

2014-11-30 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez

 ok, but this leads me to the question, why we don't use REST/JSON right 
 from the beginning?

 At the beginning of a project you usually know what you want to do. So if 
 you want native clients for different platforms then you will start with 
 some sort of REST/JSON or protobuff/thrift/... backend.

When we started the current development, nobody cared about mobile apps or 
mobile versions of websites.
Of course mobile today is the norm.
But who knows what other device factor we'll have to support in some years 
from now? 

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Re: Using SuperDevMode with code splitting

2014-02-18 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Well, I hope this will be sorted out, because debugging on a monolithic 
code of hundreds of thousands lines of code simply doesn't work - the 
browser hangs as expected.
There's the following statement on : Currently, Super 
Dev Mode doesn't work on some very large GWT apps where classic Dev Mode 
This is probably because of the generated JS code size, but I'm sure 
this will be worked out. Otherwise, GWT will die in the short-mid term, 
because browser plugin based debugging is mostly dead (already in FF, 
soon in Chrome).

Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez

Em 18-02-2014 04:57, Klemens Schrage escreveu:
Maybe there are technical reasons for this since trying to use 
SourceMaps with CodeSplitting in a production environment gave me 
debugging problems (see!topic/google-web-toolkit/kUpx5pOkqJs

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Re: Using SuperDevMode with code splitting

2014-02-17 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
I've reported 
regarding this.

It is very important for large projects to work with SuperDevMode.
So, if anyone has the same problem, please, start the issue.
Best regards, Luis

Em 15-02-2014 10:53, Thomas Broyer escreveu:

On Friday, February 14, 2014 8:50:22 PM UTC+1, Luis Fernando Planella 
Gonzalez wrote:

Well, after patching CompilerOptionsImpl in gwt-codeserver.jar to
return true in isRunAsyncEnabled(), the code server started
splitting the code, but source maps were only generated for the
initial fragment.
I don't know the internals, but shouldn't be terribly hard to have
the source maps for each split point, right? Or isn't it at all
supported by the compiler?
Compiling using -saveSource -saveSourceOutput dir together
with set-property name=compiler.useSourceMaps value=true /
and set-configuration-property name=includeSourceMapUrl
value=true / correctly saves all sources in the output dir and
sets the source map comments on each script...
Also, the CompilerOptionsImpl has this:
  public boolean shouldSaveSource() {
return false; // handling this a different way

This different way is explicitly not handling the runAsync case.
Is there a strong reason for this?

SuperDevMode loads the source code right form its classpath (the same 
way as when it compiles it) when sending it to the browser (see 
SourceHandler and ModuleState).
That said, copying the sources would 
(but saveSource has only been added recently, and I suspect 
SuperDevMode just hasn't caught up yet)

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Using SuperDevMode with code splitting

2014-02-14 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
I'm recently attempting to use SuperDevMode, but our project is quite 
large, and the generated compiled .js has ~12MB.
Chrome struggles (and hangs) when attempting to download source maps, 
making the whole debugging unpractical.
Without SuperDevMode, we use code splitting, and the fragments are much 
more manageable.
But SuperDevMode always compiles the application to a single .js file.
Is it possible to use code splitting with SuperDevMode?

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Re: Using SuperDevMode with code splitting

2014-02-14 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Well, after patching CompilerOptionsImpl in gwt-codeserver.jar to return 
true in isRunAsyncEnabled(), the code server started splitting the code, 
but source maps were only generated for the initial fragment.
I don't know the internals, but shouldn't be terribly hard to have the 
source maps for each split point, right? Or isn't it at all supported by 
the compiler?
Compiling using -saveSource -saveSourceOutput dir together with 
set-property name=compiler.useSourceMaps value=true / and 
set-configuration-property name=includeSourceMapUrl value=true / 
correctly saves all sources in the output dir and sets the source map 
comments on each script...
Also, the CompilerOptionsImpl has this:
  public boolean shouldSaveSource() {
return false; // handling this a different way

This different way is explicitly not handling the runAsync case.
Is there a strong reason for this?
Thanks in advance.

Em sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2014 15h55min02s UTC-2, Luis Fernando 
Planella Gonzalez escreveu:

 I'm recently attempting to use SuperDevMode, but our project is quite 
 large, and the generated compiled .js has ~12MB.
 Chrome struggles (and hangs) when attempting to download source maps, 
 making the whole debugging unpractical.
 Without SuperDevMode, we use code splitting, and the fragments are much 
 more manageable.
 But SuperDevMode always compiles the application to a single .js file.
 Is it possible to use code splitting with SuperDevMode?

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Re: How to implement hashCode() and equals() for a point in 2D-space (x,y) in GWT?

2010-03-31 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
 Anyone has a better idea?

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Point)) {
return false;
Point p = (Point) obj;
return fX == p.fY  fY == p.fY;

public int hashCode() {
return (int) (pX + pY);

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Re: style of FileUpload widget

2010-03-03 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
This has nothing to do with GWT.
Inputs of type file cannot be styled using normal CSS.
This has been an issue for years, and I don't know if it will ever
have a standard solution.
However, there are some obscure techniques, like this one:

On 3 mar, 09:09, Mathieu wrote:

 I have to develop an application with GWT and UI Binder in Eclipse. I
 have to apply the Model View Presenter technic.
 I want to apply a special style to all the buttons of my application.
 Here comes the problem, I can't do that with the fileupload component.
 I tried different way to restyle the component (for instance just
 CSS), but there is nothing to do, I can't change its style.

 I also tried the method describe in several post that consists in
 hidding the fileupload component in the page, and redirect the events
 of other widget to our fileupload component. But this method doesn't
 work in firefox because the calls to javascript click method are

 So, if someone has a solution to cleanly resolv this problem ...


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Re: style of FileUpload widget

2010-03-03 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
I have implemented something like this in my own app, but can't post
the GWT code.
However, here is the HTML sketch I reproduced in GWT with widgets:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;
style type=text/css
.uploadContainer {
bottom: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
right: 0px;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
.upload {
filter:alpha(opacity: 0);
opacity: 0;
z-index: 1;
position: absolute;
right: 0px;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
cursor: pointer;
cursor: hand;
table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
td align=right
div style=position:relative
button class=uploadButton type=button
div class=uploadContainer
input type=file class=upload
onchange=getElementById('selectedFile').innerHTML = this.value/
td id=selectedFile/td


On 3 mar, 13:08, Mathieu wrote:
 thanks for your answer

 I already did this technique but the fact is my browse button has 2
 different styles switched when the mouse is over it. So with this
 technique, the over mouseevent can't be use with the browse button
 which is under the fileupload widget even if  it's invisible :/

 Maybe someone will have an idea to figure it out with this solution or
 another, but anyway, thanks for your time, I appreciate.

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Re: Referencing deprecated class warning stack

2010-01-08 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
 I've got the same type of exception with same environment. Is there
 something that we missed?
Yes, you missed the thread which is already discussing it ;)
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Re: Deprecation warning in all RPCs dealing with collections on GWT 2.0 RC2

2010-01-04 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
 Could you add a bug to the GWT issue


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Re: Deprecated XXXListenerCollection warnings when migrating to GWT 2.0

2009-12-21 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
I had already posted both the problem and the answer at
Anyway, to see the real problem, compile with log level = debug and
with the -compileReport option. You will see several files *.rpc.log.
Those will contain why those classes were included.
But, as I said in the other post, to me it seems a bug in the GWT

On 19 dez, 06:38, Al Murauski wrote:
 Absolutely the same problem after migrating to 2.0.

 On 19 дек, 00:57, Raziel wrote:

  Hi, I'm migrating my application from GWT 1.7 to GWT 2.0, and
  everything seems ok except for the warning below every time I

  ]       Adding '69' new generated units
  ]          Validating newly compiled units
  ]             [WARN] Warnings in 'generated://
  ]                [WARN] Line 286: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 291: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 296: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 301: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 306: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 311: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 316: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 321: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 326: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 331: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 336: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 341: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                [WARN] Line 346: Referencing deprecated class
  ]                See snapshot: C:\DOCUME~1\RAZIEL~1.ALV\LOCALS~1\Temp

  I don't understand why in the world I'm getting that since my code
  never defines signature related to any of those classes.

  Any idea?



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Limiting serializable types in RPC

2009-12-14 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Is there a way (it would be nice if there were one) to exclude types
from RPC?
Here's the concrete use case: In our project, the RemoteService
interfaces are defined in a separate project as the web layer. And all
methods / parameters use the Java best practices: always reference
collections by it's interface.
However, having a method to return CollectionString, for example,
generates code to handle Vector, ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet,
As interfaces are in a separated project, and it would be messy and
make maintenance harder to change all interfaces to a given
If I know I ALWAYS return ArrayLists or HashSets, is there a way to
blacklist other types so code to handle all other types wouldn't get
in our generated javascript?


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Re: Deprecation warning in all RPCs dealing with collections on GWT 2.0 RC2

2009-12-11 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
This issue is still present on GWT 2.0 final.
I've made some tests: creating a new GWT project with Collections in
RPC methods don't result in such code being inserted in the generated
The point is: our project is quite huge, but I can confirm that there
are no occurrences of any of the ListenerCollections mentioned.
Compiling with -compileReport shows as only references for those
collections the RPC generated TypeSerializers and FieldSerializers.
Could someone, please, explain how to get rid of those unwanted (and
unused) collections in the generated code?

PS: I've read some time ago that all this deprecated code would be
removed in GWT 2. It's even in the source code that it would be
removed. Why it wasn't?!?
If it's for people using the old event listeners, I can assure that
I've migrated from GWT 1.5 to 1.7 in 1,5 days. When I first replaced
Listeners by Handlers I had 600+ compilation errors. Just changed the
inner classes and everything worked. And better. Not to count having
to rearrange the app to use the war directory. So I think this is no
excuse for keeping deprecated code, as I think that 99% of the GWT
users are working in a code base the same size or smaller than ours.


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Re: GWT 2.0 - Eclipse - Need to Recompile after every change

2009-12-11 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Make sure you have ?gwt.codesvr= at the end of the URL
in the browser.
That's what makes it use development mode.
Otherwise, it will just be the plain old web mode (now called
production mode).

On 11 dez, 10:46, ziggystardust wrote:
 Been using GWT / App Engine and the Eclipse plugin for some time now
 and just recently upgraded to 2.0. I reinstalled Eclipse (3.5),
 installed the plugin and the sdks. Setup the example StockWatcher app
 and everything runs fine. In dev mode however I have to recompile
 whenever i make a change in order for it to be effective. Tried reload
 and restarting the browser (IE and Chrome), tried restarting the
 server but no joy. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks.


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Re: Deprecation warning in all RPCs dealing with collections on GWT 2.0 RC2

2009-12-11 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Just found the answer, and luckily in my case it was simple to
I have a subtype of ListT called PageImplT, which had another
ListT containing the page items, plus the total count.
Then (and I think is a problem in GWT compiler), the compiler resolves
FocusListenerCollection, which extends ArrayListFocusListener to be
a subclass of ListT.
As a result, ALL occurrences of Collection of anything in any RPC
method, by having PageImpl as a subclass of collection, had added
those ListenerCollections as possible result types, generated code to
handle them (50k in my case) and issued the warnings.
The solution (in better words: hack) was to change PageImpl to not
have a List of page items, but a LinkedList (it then converts the
receiving list into a LinkedList, which is even a penalty in my case).
As no ListenerCollection extends LinkedList, the problem is gone.

Ah, I also had an RPC which result type was ListListString. The
same problem. As it was just for testing, I changed it to ListString[]

But I'd really want to hear from a GWT dev if this is not a bug in the

On 11 dez, 13:04, Ashar Lohmar wrote:
 Hi I'm having the same kind of problem.
 in my app i use some libraries/object written in Java 1.4 style
 the objects implement Serializable but contain Lists or Maps which are
 declare without parameters
  i mean List instead of ListE, as the Java 1.4 requires
 and some RPC classes return this kind of objects but on Gwt-compiling
 I endup with a lot of code referencing all kinds of Listeners and
 stuffs that are unrelated to the RPC service.

 Basically the messages appear because the Listeners are deprecated,but
 what are they doing there in the first place ?

 hope someone will clear this up

 On Dec 8, 7:24 pm, Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez wrote:
  We're using GWT 1.7 and I'm starting to experiment with 2.0 RC2 to
  evaluate GWT.runAsync().

  However, now as I compile the app, I get warning for deprecations in
  all RPC methods which return collections. I guess it's because the
  result is declared as java.util.Collection, and the deprecated*ListenerCollection classes extends
  ArrayList, making even the alternative to change the result of RPC
  methods to ArrayList instead of Collection don't work.

  The log is something like this, multiple times:
              [WARN] Warnings in 'generated://
                 [WARN] Line 50: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 55: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 60: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 65: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 70: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 75: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 80: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 85: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 90: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 95: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 100: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 105: Referencing deprecated class
                 [WARN] Line 110: Referencing deprecated class
                 See snapshot: /tmp/

  Is there a way to remove those classes from being handled in RPC?


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Re: Deprecation warning in all RPCs dealing with collections on GWT 2.0 RC2

2009-12-11 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
In fact, there is a very easy way to reproduce it:
Just create a RPC method which returns ListListString. You'll see
references for those deprecated collections.

On 11 dez, 17:39, Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
 Just found the answer, and luckily in my case it was simple to
 I have a subtype of ListT called PageImplT, which had another
 ListT containing the page items, plus the total count.
 Then (and I think is a problem in GWT compiler), the compiler resolves
 FocusListenerCollection, which extends ArrayListFocusListener to be
 a subclass of ListT.
 As a result, ALL occurrences of Collection of anything in any RPC
 method, by having PageImpl as a subclass of collection, had added
 those ListenerCollections as possible result types, generated code to
 handle them (50k in my case) and issued the warnings.
 The solution (in better words: hack) was to change PageImpl to not
 have a List of page items, but a LinkedList (it then converts the
 receiving list into a LinkedList, which is even a penalty in my case).
 As no ListenerCollection extends LinkedList, the problem is gone.

 Ah, I also had an RPC which result type was ListListString. The
 same problem. As it was just for testing, I changed it to ListString[]


 But I'd really want to hear from a GWT dev if this is not a bug in the

 On 11 dez, 13:04, Ashar Lohmar wrote:

  Hi I'm having the same kind of problem.
  in my app i use some libraries/object written in Java 1.4 style
  the objects implement Serializable but contain Lists or Maps which are
  declare without parameters
   i mean List instead of ListE, as the Java 1.4 requires
  and some RPC classes return this kind of objects but on Gwt-compiling
  I endup with a lot of code referencing all kinds of Listeners and
  stuffs that are unrelated to the RPC service.

  Basically the messages appear because the Listeners are deprecated,but
  what are they doing there in the first place ?

  hope someone will clear this up

  On Dec 8, 7:24 pm, Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez wrote:
   We're using GWT 1.7 and I'm starting to experiment with 2.0 RC2 to
   evaluate GWT.runAsync().

   However, now as I compile the app, I get warning for deprecations in
   all RPC methods which return collections. I guess it's because the
   result is declared as java.util.Collection, and the deprecated*ListenerCollection classes extends
   ArrayList, making even the alternative to change the result of RPC
   methods to ArrayList instead of Collection don't work.

   The log is something like this, multiple times:
               [WARN] Warnings in 'generated://
                  [WARN] Line 50: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 55: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 60: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 65: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 70: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 75: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 80: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 85: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 90: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 95: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 100: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 105: Referencing deprecated class
                  [WARN] Line 110: Referencing deprecated class
                  See snapshot: /tmp/

   Is there a way to remove those classes from being handled in RPC?


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Re: how large of your GWT compiled code? My one is 850K

2009-12-09 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
Sorry for taking so long to answer, but I haven't seen your post
We haven't yet done any larger performance test, but it is very
Yesterday, in a first no-brainer attempt of GWT.runAsync(), I've
managed to get a 650K initial download and then a separate file per
module (for now, modules varies from few K to 180K).
I'll still try to reduce both the initial download and the modules.
It does takes more time to compile now. That's an issue to me as I
can't use the built-in server: we use EJB, so there's an external
server. Whenever anything changes in RPC (params, methods, even
classes) we need to recompile :-/
I still didn't implement gzip compression, but hope things can get
much better...
Ah, about IE6: as our app is targeted to late 2010, we won't support
IE6 \o/
Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez

On 16 nov, 12:19, Bakul wrote:

 Our app,  50 -55 % done so far, for one browser is nearly 1.6 MB
 without gzip. And it has nearly 70 -80 RPC calls.

 Luis, Question for you:
 As you said your app is 2.1 MB of obfuscated, how is the preformance
 and does it has any issue?

 Question to all:
 What is the max size that of GWT one module that a browser can handle
 without any issue, specially IE 6, in our case :-(         ?



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Deprecation warning in all RPCs dealing with collections on GWT 2.0 RC2

2009-12-08 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
We're using GWT 1.7 and I'm starting to experiment with 2.0 RC2 to
evaluate GWT.runAsync().

However, now as I compile the app, I get warning for deprecations in
all RPC methods which return collections. I guess it's because the
result is declared as java.util.Collection, and the deprecated*ListenerCollection classes extends
ArrayList, making even the alternative to change the result of RPC
methods to ArrayList instead of Collection don't work.

The log is something like this, multiple times:
[WARN] Warnings in 'generated://
   [WARN] Line 50: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 55: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 60: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 65: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 70: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 75: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 80: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 85: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 90: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 95: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 100: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 105: Referencing deprecated class
   [WARN] Line 110: Referencing deprecated class
   See snapshot: /tmp/

Is there a way to remove those classes from being handled in RPC?


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RichTextArea problem when applying format under IE

2009-01-22 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez

I'm using custom widgets as a RichTextArea toolbar, and those with a 
dropdown selection (fore and back color, font and font size) use a div 
in a PopupPanel to show the options.
Everything is ok in Firefox and Opera, but Internet Explorer seems to 
loose the cursor position when the user clicks one of those buttons, and 
when an option is selected, the format is applied in the beginning of 
the RichTextArea, not on the expected position.
This can be reproduced in the Showcase as well: select a text portion, 
click somewhere outside the editor, then select a font color, for 
example. That style is applied in the beginning of the text. I think it 
works in the Showcase when selecting directly a format select box 
because it's a native component...

Anyone has any idea on how to work around this?

- Luis

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Bug getting the text background color in RichTextArea under Mozilla

2009-01-08 Thread Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez

I've raised which 
records that RichTextAreaImplMozilla overrides the setBackColor(), as it 
uses 'HiliteColor', not 'BackColor' command, but it does not overrides 
getBackColor() with the same logic, making it impossible to query it.

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