Re: authentication in GWT

2008-11-20 Thread walden

In answer to the criticisms of HTTP authentication:

1. The generalilzations above about user experience don't click with
my experience with users.  No one ever reported a broken application
on seeing the login dialog.  THey really don't care if it's modal, if
the background is grey, or any of that stuff that seems to drive
developers to reinvent the authentication wheel in cookie-based

2. It's not that HTTP Auth is better than what you can build with
cookies.  I don't know if it is or it isn't.  It's about not
reinventing a stack that's already there and functioning.  A decade
ago HTTP auth was not well implemented across browsers, but that was a
decade ago.

3. Digest Authentication does not send plain text, and is as easy to
setup as Basic.

The last paragraph, Reinier, the one that starts There really is no
problem here..., I'm not getting your meaning.  HTTP Auth is just
another session that the developer doesn't have to program.  But it's
also a session that's maintained on the client, so it's consistent
with the stateless server constraint of REST, and general network
application scaleability.

My application has a logout feature.  It's a nice-to-have,
especially for me if I have to troubleshoot the appliation from a
user's terminal.  But as a real security feature, it doesn't get much
use.  If a user has to leave her work area and is concerned about
someone gaining unauthorized access, she is more likely to CTL-ALT-
DEL,k (which locks the entire computer) than to start logging out of
individual applications.  It's easy to implement logout properly in
IE, harder with other browsers because they don't support a clear
identity cache function, but still possible.  In fact, I wonder why
it is that the other browsers are not better in this respect.



On Nov 19, 1:40 pm, Sumit Chandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 Just a note that I've removed a couple of posts from this thread due
 to inappropriate comments. This also seems like a good time to remind
 everyone that we're here to collaborate and help each other, not to
 curse or antagonize anyone.

 One of the posts did contain some useful content aside from the
 inappropriate bits, which I've posted below to keep the value of the
 post on this thread.

 -Sumit Chandel

  Pasted from previous post ---

 HTTPAuthentication? Don't make me laugh - it's ridiculous design, and
 more importantly, users don't get it. at all. They think your app is
 broken and try to browse away (only they can't, thatauthentication
 dialog box is modal). There's also no better security there than what
 you can do with cookies, as it boils down to sending the username and
 password in plain text to the server. I know, I know, its base64
 encoded so it doesn't look like it on first glance, but -any- sniffer
 anywhere- can see that its a Authorization header and de-base64 it.
 It's the same thing from a security perspective.

 There really is no problem here. If your developer can serve the
 content without knowing the user's session information (which
 presupposes that the session ID was checked and validated in the first
 place), then its rather unlikely to be relevant,security wise. In
 corporate settings there are some exceptions (downloading static
 files / global uncustomized information which is still not meant for
 outside eyes), but not too many.

 On Nov 19, 5:54 am, olivier nouguier [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  See below, please.

  On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:29 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I'm still a little perplexed, see below.

 * session expiration, because the GWT RPC will fail soon (401).
 * forbiden because the GWT RPC will fail soon (403).

   When session is expired, the RPC will fail soon with a 401 (Auth
   required status), before GWT 1.5 it was not (easily ) possible to
   detect such failure. But session expiration is not an issue forHTTP
   basic.  * activation of widget when authority is granted.

   Originally, I thought your points were againstHTTPauth, but now it
   looks like they were for it?

  I'm not talking ofHTTPBasic Scheme where AFAIK there is no
  expiration. I'm talking of Session Base mecanism like Acegi or Form

  What I was (trying) to explain is that when relying on a previous
 authentication, then the GWT application is in fact unaware of being
  under a restricted access. That might be a good (as it simple). But
  when an error (security errorsAuthRequired (401) when session has
  expired , a forbidden access (403)) occurs on a GWT-RPC call  the GWT
  application has to handle this error (much simpler under GWT = 1.5).

  So the GWT application has to handle some security concern (Auth
  required  Forbidden).

   About widget activation  authorization, I my proposal the widget are
   aware of theauthenticationevents so they can activate/desactivate
   when login/logout occurs.

   This doesn't come up for me.  I

Re: Webservice in GWT application

2008-11-20 Thread walden

Can you be more specific about what you want to do?

On Nov 20, 10:30 am, Sandeep Verma [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi All,

         I have an application in GWT  I want to include webservice to
 it.Is it possible or not?
        if possible can any one guide me in this regards.

 Thanx in Advance

 Sandeep Verma
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Re: authentication in GWT

2008-11-19 Thread walden


I think you need a different outlet for your anger.  I don't
appreciate you calling me a jackass, especially in a public forum such
as this.  I'm going to ask the moderator to remove your post.

If you want to have the discussion, please take the prism glasses off,
try to read what I wrote, and stick to the technical issues with
specific examples and counterexamples, if you have them.  Trying to
summarize the experience and sentiment of others as if from authority
is also not helpful.


On Nov 18, 2:49 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 HTTP Authentication? Don't make me laugh - it's ridiculous design, and
 more importantly, users don't get it. at all. They think your app is
 broken and try to browse away (only they can't, that authentication
 dialog box is modal). There's also no better security there than what
 you can do with cookies, as it boils down to sending the username and
 password in plain text to the server. I know, I know, its base64
 encoded so it doesn't look like it on first glance, but -any- sniffer -
 anywhere- can see that its a Authorization header and de-base64 it.
 It's the same thing from a security perspective.

 There really is no problem here. If your developer can serve the
 content without knowing the user's session information (which
 presupposes that the session ID was checked and validated in the first
 place), then its rather unlikely to be relevant,security wise. In
 corporate settings there are some exceptions (downloading static
 files / global uncustomized information which is still not meant for
 outside eyes), but not too many.

 Also, walden: You're a bit of a jackass. If someone makes a comment
 that asserts a widely perceived truth (you can't log out with HTTP
 basic authentication), don't answer with But I can! Ha! Neener neener
 neener!. Explain how instead of being so dense. Thanks, on behalf of
 everyone else.

 On Nov 18, 7:29 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


    * session expiration, because the GWT RPC will fail soon (401).
    * forbiden because the GWT RPC will fail soon (403).
    * activation of widget when authority is granted.

  I'm scratching my head wondering what those mean.  In my app, RPC's
  are secure and they don't fail.  As for widget activation, you're
  talking authorization, and I don't see any difference among the
  proposals on that.

    * logout (not possible with HTTP Basic).

  And yet I have it.  Go figure.

  Walden- Hide quoted text -

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Re: authentication in GWT

2008-11-19 Thread walden


I'm still a little perplexed, see below.

   * session expiration, because the GWT RPC will fail soon (401).
   * forbiden because the GWT RPC will fail soon (403).

 When session is expired, the RPC will fail soon with a 401 (Auth
 required status), before GWT 1.5 it was not (easily ) possible to
 detect such failure. But session expiration is not an issue for HTTP
 basic.  * activation of widget when authority is granted.

Originally, I thought your points were against HTTP auth, but now it
looks like they were for it?

 About widget activation  authorization, I my proposal the widget are
 aware of the authentication events so they can activate/desactivate
 when login/logout occurs.

This doesn't come up for me.  I secure my site in such a way that you
don't get any widgets until you're authenticated and authorized.  I
thought you were referring to a more fine grained authorization scheme
where certain widgets appear only for certain users.  That sort of
entitlement management goes beyond authorization, and the point I was
making was that it seems somewhat orthogonal to what protocol you use
for auth.


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Re: Make RPC call from server?

2008-11-19 Thread walden

A couple of repeated lines does not sound too clumsy to me.  I think
you have the right separation of concerns with your current design.


On Nov 18, 4:50 pm, str16star [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, your advise helped me solve the problem in 5 min.

 The code I was trying to call returns information about the user by
 searching a database for a row with an id number that is set in the
 session information and returning the data on that row.

 I've now put the search method in a class external to both Servlets,
 so they can each call it (Never heard of a DAO before your message, so
 thats my starter attempt).  The only problem is that each time it's
 called the method calling it has to get session information to pass to
 it.  Its only a couple of repeated lines in each servlet so I can live
 with it but it's a little clumsy.

 Any suggestions?

 If not thanks again for the help.

 On Nov 18, 8:40 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Factor your server code.  Service Impls are Servlets; you don't
  instantiate them.  So take the parts that are needed by Chat (which
  are probably data access methods, right?), factor those out into a DAO
  object (not a Servlet), and call that from both impls.

  On Nov 18, 7:46 am, str16star [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm just getting started with gwt and java, so this is probably quite
   a simple question.

   I am building an app that has an RPC service called UserManagement so
   the server side code is in UserManagementImpl

   I also have an RPC service called Chat.  The ChatImpl class needs to
   call methods from UserManagementImpl but any instances I try to create
   of UserManagementImpl are always null.

   I'm using the following line of code in ChatImpl:
   UserManagementImpl user = new UserManagementImpl();

   I've tried it with an empty constructor method for UserManagmentImpl
   and without.

   I can post more code if required.

   Any help appreciated.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: authentication in GWT

2008-11-18 Thread walden

Let's hear a bit more about that third party API for authentication.
Can you post the interface?  Is it used for managing the login form,
or does it just handle the mapping of usernames to passwords and
roles?  Depending on your answer, this may not preclude using HTTP
authentication *protocol*, which is where the simplicity/economy is to
be had.


On Nov 18, 10:40 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually my applications authentication is done by a third party. I need to
 call their API to authenticate. So I wont b able to use the HTTP
 authentication. But I think, Lothar's idea is worth trying. Thnx Lothar.

 If anybody has any better suggestions plz post it here.

 - Litty

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:04 PM, olivier nouguier 


  I agree with walden in most case ... if classic HTTP auth is enough
  let HTTP do the job !!

  But there is IMHO somes points hard to deal with only HTTP (and GWT
  component of course):
   * session expiration, because the GWT RPC will fail soon (401).
   * forbiden because the GWT RPC will fail soon (403).
   * activation of widget when authority is granted.
   * logout (not possible with HTTP Basic).

  On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 3:53 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   You could try the simplest thing that could possibly work...HTTP
   Authentication: let the existing  security stack earn its keep.


   On Nov 18, 6:52 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi All,

   What should be the best authentication ans session management in GWT
   Currently I am having this idea:

      - Have a method checkSession() which will check for a valid
      session and throws an Exception if no valid session is there.
      - Call this method in the beginning of every ServiceImpl method.
      - In the onFailure of the async call backs catch this Exception and
      display the login page.

   But this method has the following weak points:

      - Some developer may forget to call the checkSession method.
      - There is code duplication in the onFailure implementation (Every
      onFailure shud handle the authentication exception)

   So any of you have any better ideas?

   Litty Preeth

  Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins
  illusoire.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: authentication in GWT

2008-11-18 Thread walden


  * session expiration, because the GWT RPC will fail soon (401).
  * forbiden because the GWT RPC will fail soon (403).
  * activation of widget when authority is granted.

I'm scratching my head wondering what those mean.  In my app, RPC's
are secure and they don't fail.  As for widget activation, you're
talking authorization, and I don't see any difference among the
proposals on that.

  * logout (not possible with HTTP Basic).

And yet I have it.  Go figure.


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Re: Text floats out of TextBox (serious issue!?)

2008-11-18 Thread walden

Can you post a small *plain HTML* sample that reproduces the effect?

On Nov 18, 9:54 am, Schimki86 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I resize my application in compiled mode (Firefox) the TextBox-text
 floats out of the edit. It occurs when controls e.g. the TextBox change its
 position (gliding down) because a label with very long text above that
 control breaks if it is to long. I still can edit the TextBox but the text
 is only visible in its TextBox after edit-finishing.

 Occurs only in FF, not IE
 Do you have any experience with this or can help?

 Thank you very much!!!

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Re: Make RPC call from server?

2008-11-18 Thread walden

Factor your server code.  Service Impls are Servlets; you don't
instantiate them.  So take the parts that are needed by Chat (which
are probably data access methods, right?), factor those out into a DAO
object (not a Servlet), and call that from both impls.

On Nov 18, 7:46 am, str16star [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just getting started with gwt and java, so this is probably quite
 a simple question.

 I am building an app that has an RPC service called UserManagement so
 the server side code is in UserManagementImpl

 I also have an RPC service called Chat.  The ChatImpl class needs to
 call methods from UserManagementImpl but any instances I try to create
 of UserManagementImpl are always null.

 I'm using the following line of code in ChatImpl:
 UserManagementImpl user = new UserManagementImpl();

 I've tried it with an empty constructor method for UserManagmentImpl
 and without.

 I can post more code if required.

 Any help appreciated.
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Re: sequence of asynchronous calls

2008-11-18 Thread walden

If I were you I'd handle the recursive tree traversal on the server
and return a (pruned?) subtree as a response, instead of node-at-a-
time.  Not only does it simplify async callback management on the
client, it also uses the network a lot more efficiently.


On Nov 18, 11:26 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've got an application that offers some search capabilities. When you
 search something, you can click on a Button and this will lead you to
 open a Tree in the location where the item you searched is.

 I can make an asynchronous call to a service who gives me the child
 names of a given node, which I use to build the TreeItems.

 For opening the tree in the right location, I need to call that
 service n times, one for each level I need to go down into. But these
 calls needs to be in a sequence, as the 2nd call will accept as input
 the TreeItem I found in the 1st call and so on.

 My tree isn't loaded entirely in memory, but it's updated on-demand
 (using a TreeListener). This is why, when I click on a search result,
 I need to build the hierarchy in memory prior of calling

 What's the right way to approach this?

 Thank you.
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Re: Dynamically loading javascript code

2008-11-14 Thread walden

How does this differ from loading the selected sites into an iframe?

On Nov 13, 11:21 am, byhisdeeds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a GWT application  where I want to display a list of urls, such
 that when the user will selects one of them I can load the contents of
 the url into my application. The contents will represent html code and
 javascript code. The html code I will use to display a form say, by
 setting the innerHTML element of a div. The javascript code, I'm not
 sure on how to load that into the browser such that when it is
 referenced in the html code it will be found.

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Re: Forbid text editing by right mouse-button

2008-11-14 Thread walden

TextBox.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) may be what you're looking for.
You can set or unset this on any event you choose.

On Nov 14, 1:16 am, Schimki86 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to forbid editing a TextBox with mouse (context menu on right
 click -- insert) or is the only way to use onChange listener to ckeck the
 field's text after editing for that what I want?
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Re: Integrating GWT application with existing java project

2008-11-12 Thread walden


If there's just one class like that, I would package it with the
client code, and in my Ant script (or whatever) to build the server
side deployment, just make sure to compile and copy that class.  Then
you don't need to mess with additional Modules.

But if you want to go the route you have started down, it sounds as
though you have not established the correct source path for MyClass.
If it's not in a client/ folder right under the folder where you
Module file is, then its path needs to be explicit.


On Nov 10, 5:05 pm, Bliss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am having a similar issue integrating a GWT page into my existing
 J2EE app.

 I have isolated all of my GWT code into the 'normal' structure, but
 have one Class that 'bridges' my GWT code and my existing backend
 business. I was hoping this would make it easier to integrate

 my com.myproject.myGWTProject has a java class that needs to access

 I am not sure what needs to be added to the GWT configuration in order
 to compile my module with this class reference. I have add the
 myClass.gwt.xml to the directory, created a jar with myClass.class, and myClass.gwt.xml and added this to the lib directory
 of my GWT app. I then added this to the .compile and .shell and added
 an inherits to myGWTProject.gwt.xml - but i still get a no source
 code error for myClass.

 On Oct 29, 7:01 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I meant to say GWT modules above, not packages.

  On Oct 28, 12:37 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   For starters, why don't you create a 'gwt' folder in your source
   hierarchy that is outside the scope of all your Java EE classes, and
   preserve the canonical gwt project structure there.  It could be just
   as simple as that.  In future, if you have GWT remote services, you
   may want to move their implemtnations to your servlet folder, if you
   have one.  There are other things you might need to do if you intend
   to share model classes between EJB3 and GWT, but let's talk about that
   later, as it involves creating additional GWT package(s).

   The important thing at this stage is not to try to shuffle GWT client
   classes in with other stuff that does not need to meet up with the GWT
   compiler.  Keep life simple.


   On Oct 28, 8:36 am, vk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've been developing a GWT-application that uses RPC. However, now I
want to integrate the GWT-app into the existing J2EE-application . I
am however not very good at integrating GWT-structure, or how to
succesfully move it around to make it fully integrated with all the
existing code in the J2EE-app.

Att he moment I have two different file-structures, one for the J2EE-
app and one on my GWT-app (the GWT-structure is the standard-file
structure, for example:

src/ com.mycompany.project / public / Search.html Search.css build.xml

com.mycompany.project.client / (Entry-point-class)

com.mycompany.project.server /

My questions are: 1) How do I integrate this fully into my existing
J2EE-project? (Where do the files go etc?)

2) Can I move the files wherever I want in the existing J2EE-project
and have them recompiled as I want? (How do I make sure GWT-compiler
knows which of the java-files it has to worry about in the vast
ammount of java-files in the J2EE-project? And where do I change

I hope you can understand my problems and what I'm in need of help
with. Maybe someone got a screenshot of how to place the GWT-files in
a non-GWT-project and which files has to be changed to make the GWT-
files still be compiled as you want to (while skipping all non-gwt-

If it makes a difference, I'm using MyEclipse to develop this.

thanks in advance,- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Open url with POST parameters

2008-11-12 Thread walden

What I am hearing here is that in the existing system, a response or
redirect occurs after you POST to the action_script URL, which
replaces the document in the current window.  But you want to use GWT
to make that same document open in a new window?  And you have no
control over the server side implementation?  I think you're stuck.
What comes back from the POST is a page reload, and that means your
GWT javascript in the original page is gone.  Did I misunderstand the

If you want to open a new window to a known location in GWT, it looks
like this:, unique_window_name, );

I don't know if that helps though.


On Nov 12, 6:34 am, Cesc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've searching all around the discussions and although there were a
 few hints, I couoldn't find a suitable solution.

 In HTML, I have a form like:

 form name=retrieve method=POSTaction=http://action_script;
 input type=submit value=submit

 td align=centerdiv style=padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px; background-
 color: rgb(0,255,0); border: solid black 1px;input name=dataset
 type=checkbox value=datasetID/div/tdtdDataset/td/tr

 When I click on submit, a new url is opened and process the datasetID
 accordingly, for example, a new html page displaying: You have
 selected datasetID= .

 I want to reproduce this behaviour with GWT, submitting some
 parameters via POST, opening a new browser window with that datasetID
 being passed.

 Anyone with similar experience?

 Note: The action_script is not changable, requires data being passes
 via POST, I cannot do anything in that side.

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Re: new user with a few questions.

2008-11-10 Thread walden

You might be on the right track with cookies, but you might also be on
the track of reinventing web security, and your mention of hashing the
username to store private data makes me think this may be the case.
How about giving a bird's eye view of what you are trying to build.  A
bunch of cookies is not a database, and it's not a security system.

On Nov 9, 3:15 am, rjcarr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're probably on the right track with cookies.  I don't see why you
 wouldn't be able to test cookies in the hosted / shell mode.

 If the private data is sensitive, you'll want to be careful about
 storing it.  Alternatively, you could also store that information on
 the server, but that will take knowledge of servlets and using some
 kind of persistence.

 Good luck and welcome to GWT!

 On Nov 7, 7:07 am, dondzes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am new to web programming and GWT looks to be perfect tool for me to
  build web apps so I am excited about using it. I am still getting use
  to the restrictive nature of what you can do in the client and what
  J2SE classes are available for us. If it helps I am doign my
  development and testing with eclipse.

  How do I test with cookie values ? Do I have to deploy to my real
  webserver in order to use cookie values in my app ? When I run my app
  in eclipse Cookies.getCookieNames returns an empty Collection, which I
  would expect. Can I load the GWT webserver or browser with cookie
  data ?

  Assuming I can get the cookie data I need. How do I store and acces
  private user data. I am not sure what the proper web term but I was
  thinking I would creat some kind of hash of the username to make a url
  where that users private data could be stored and fetched by the GWT
  client app. Are there APIs for this sort of thing ?

  David- Hide quoted text -

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Re: clicking outside the TreeItem firing onTreeItemSelected event

2008-11-07 Thread walden

In that case, extend Label to include reference to the TreeItem and/or
the UserObject.

On Nov 7, 10:32 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But I want to know which TreeItem the user clicked on. Because in the
 TreeItem I am storing a java object using the setUserObject and I use this
 java object to construct the menu.

 On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 6:28 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Then construct your TreeItem with Label instead of text, and attach a
  ClickListener to the Label.

  On Nov 7, 2:00 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Actually I wanted a popup menu when user clicks on the TreeItem. I
   find any ClickListener for TreeItem so I used onSelect.

   - Litty

   On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 4:26 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not sure he will see popping up a menu on item selection as normal
behavior to begin with.  Maybe you should implement context menu
listeners on your tree item widgets instead.

On Nov 6, 11:15 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Okk.. Actually in my tree, I have a popup menu for each item on the
 onTreeItemSelected event. The menu comes just below the selected
 if a user is clicking some where outside the tree item, he will see a
 menu appearing below the item gettng selected. This he wont feel as a

 Hope you understood my point.

 - Litty

 On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:23 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  It all depends on your expectations ;-).

  Actually, I do see the logic of selecting the node by clicking a
  in the tree whose vertical location is unambiguously associated
  that node.  My real question to you now is this: what is your
  particular use case?  What is it you cannot do because of this

  Also, I suggest you look at the code in the Tree widget where
  is handled (onBrowserEvent).  You will see that the Tree
  implementation traps click events at the top level and goes to
  quite a
  bit of trouble to resolve them to a tree item.  If you need to
  this, it may not be easy.


  On Nov 5, 1:26 pm, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   But then a user will expect to select a tree node by clicking on
   only rite? I dont feel that the node getting selected when you
   where is an expected behavior.

   - Litty

   On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:51 PM, walden 



Yeah, I see it now.  It looks as if this is by design.  If you
area to the right of the Tree (outside the Tree but inside the
ScrollPanel) where you can click without selecting a TreeItem
then you can probably achieve that by setting the Tree's width
does not fill the width of the ScrollPanel.  What effect are
trying to achieve?


On Nov 5, 8:21 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Walden,

 I tried using gwt-1.5.2 and gwt-1.5.

 If gwt-1.5.2 is used on IE6 it happens only for the child
 nodes are working fine. But on IE7 and Firefox it is
 the nodes.

 If gwt-1.5 is used on IE6 everything works fine. But on
it is
 reproducible for all the nodes.

 You can use this code below to reproduce the issue.
 package com.test.client;


  * Entry point classes define codeonModuleLoad()/code.
 public class TreeTest implements EntryPoint {

     Tree myTree;

      * This is the entry point method.
     public void onModuleLoad() {
         myTree = new Tree();
         for (int i = 0; i  10; i++) {
             TreeItem prItm = new TreeItem(Parent_ + i);
             TreeItem chItm = new TreeItem(Child_ + i);

     TreeListener treeListener = new TreeListener() {
         public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) {
             Window.alert(item.getText() +  selected);

         public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item

Re: dynamically load css?

2008-11-07 Thread walden

Are you reinventing the browser?

Why don't you put a link on your page and let the user click it.
Maybe you can style the link to look like a button.

On Nov 7, 10:13 am, samsus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 Im trying to do an app where the user can dynamically load a html and
 its respective stylesheet. (after ,say, clicking a button). How can
 this be done?
 im using RequestBuilder to load the html, however when i used to load
 the css, the stylesheet is not apllied, i also tryed:

 private native void loadCSS(String cssHref) /*-{
     document.write('link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=' +
 cssHref + '');


 without results.

 Any ideas?
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Re: php usage with gwt

2008-11-07 Thread walden


That's like asking When my broken arm heals, will I be able to play
the violin?


On Nov 7, 10:38 am, tapan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If i rename the .html to .php file will it work
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Re: clicking outside the TreeItem firing onTreeItemSelected event

2008-11-07 Thread walden

Then construct your TreeItem with Label instead of text, and attach a
ClickListener to the Label.

On Nov 7, 2:00 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually I wanted a popup menu when user clicks on the TreeItem. I couldnt
 find any ClickListener for TreeItem so I used onSelect.

 - Litty

 On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 4:26 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not sure he will see popping up a menu on item selection as normal
  behavior to begin with.  Maybe you should implement context menu
  listeners on your tree item widgets instead.

  On Nov 6, 11:15 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Okk.. Actually in my tree, I have a popup menu for each item on the
   onTreeItemSelected event. The menu comes just below the selected item.
   if a user is clicking some where outside the tree item, he will see a
   menu appearing below the item gettng selected. This he wont feel as a

   Hope you understood my point.

   - Litty

   On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:23 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It all depends on your expectations ;-).

Actually, I do see the logic of selecting the node by clicking a spot
in the tree whose vertical location is unambiguously associated with
that node.  My real question to you now is this: what is your
particular use case?  What is it you cannot do because of this

Also, I suggest you look at the code in the Tree widget where ONCLICK
is handled (onBrowserEvent).  You will see that the Tree
implementation traps click events at the top level and goes to quite a
bit of trouble to resolve them to a tree item.  If you need to change
this, it may not be easy.


On Nov 5, 1:26 pm, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But then a user will expect to select a tree node by clicking on the
 only rite? I dont feel that the node getting selected when you click
 where is an expected behavior.

 - Litty

 On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:51 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]



  Yeah, I see it now.  It looks as if this is by design.  If you need
  area to the right of the Tree (outside the Tree but inside the
  ScrollPanel) where you can click without selecting a TreeItem
  then you can probably achieve that by setting the Tree's width so
  does not fill the width of the ScrollPanel.  What effect are you
  trying to achieve?


  On Nov 5, 8:21 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Walden,

   I tried using gwt-1.5.2 and gwt-1.5.

   If gwt-1.5.2 is used on IE6 it happens only for the child node.
   nodes are working fine. But on IE7 and Firefox it is reproducible
   the nodes.

   If gwt-1.5 is used on IE6 everything works fine. But on Firefox
  it is
   reproducible for all the nodes.

   You can use this code below to reproduce the issue.
   package com.test.client;


    * Entry point classes define codeonModuleLoad()/code.
   public class TreeTest implements EntryPoint {

       Tree myTree;

        * This is the entry point method.
       public void onModuleLoad() {
           myTree = new Tree();
           for (int i = 0; i  10; i++) {
               TreeItem prItm = new TreeItem(Parent_ + i);
               TreeItem chItm = new TreeItem(Child_ + i);

       TreeListener treeListener = new TreeListener() {
           public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) {
               Window.alert(item.getText() +  selected);

           public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item) {
               // TODO Auto-generated method stub


   .gwt-Tree {
       border: 1px solid blue;
       margin-left: 30px;


   .gwt-Tree .gwt-TreeItem {
       border: 1px solid red;


   - Litty

   On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 2:27 AM, walden 

What version of GWT are you using?  I'm trying the same thing
GWT showcase and not getting the result you are.

On Nov 4, 10:51 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Walden,

 I put

Re: dynamically load css?

2008-11-07 Thread walden

I'm talking about dynamically load a html and its respective
stylesheet. (after ,say, clicking a button).   That's what usually
happens when a user clicks a link on a web page (or a button with a
little script to set location).  If that's all you want, why don't you
just let the browser do it?


On Nov 7, 11:14 am, samsus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what are you talking about?

 On Nov 7, 4:04 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Are you reinventing the browser?

  Why don't you put a link on your page and let the user click it.
  Maybe you can style the link to look like a button.

  On Nov 7, 10:13 am, samsus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hello everyone,

   Im trying to do an app where the user can dynamically load a html and
   its respective stylesheet. (after ,say, clicking a button). How can
   this be done?
   im using RequestBuilder to load the html, however when i used to load
   the css, the stylesheet is not apllied, i also tryed:

   private native void loadCSS(String cssHref) /*-{
       document.write('link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=' +
   cssHref + '');


   without results.

   Any ideas?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: clicking outside the TreeItem firing onTreeItemSelected event

2008-11-06 Thread walden

It all depends on your expectations ;-).

Actually, I do see the logic of selecting the node by clicking a spot
in the tree whose vertical location is unambiguously associated with
that node.  My real question to you now is this: what is your
particular use case?  What is it you cannot do because of this

Also, I suggest you look at the code in the Tree widget where ONCLICK
is handled (onBrowserEvent).  You will see that the Tree
implementation traps click events at the top level and goes to quite a
bit of trouble to resolve them to a tree item.  If you need to change
this, it may not be easy.


On Nov 5, 1:26 pm, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But then a user will expect to select a tree node by clicking on the node
 only rite? I dont feel that the node getting selected when you click else
 where is an expected behavior.

 - Litty

 On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:51 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Yeah, I see it now.  It looks as if this is by design.  If you need an
  area to the right of the Tree (outside the Tree but inside the
  ScrollPanel) where you can click without selecting a TreeItem (why?),
  then you can probably achieve that by setting the Tree's width so it
  does not fill the width of the ScrollPanel.  What effect are you
  trying to achieve?


  On Nov 5, 8:21 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Walden,

   I tried using gwt-1.5.2 and gwt-1.5.

   If gwt-1.5.2 is used on IE6 it happens only for the child node. Root
   nodes are working fine. But on IE7 and Firefox it is reproducible for all
   the nodes.

   If gwt-1.5 is used on IE6 everything works fine. But on Firefox it is
   reproducible for all the nodes.

   You can use this code below to reproduce the issue.
   package com.test.client;


    * Entry point classes define codeonModuleLoad()/code.
   public class TreeTest implements EntryPoint {

       Tree myTree;

        * This is the entry point method.
       public void onModuleLoad() {
           myTree = new Tree();
           for (int i = 0; i  10; i++) {
               TreeItem prItm = new TreeItem(Parent_ + i);
               TreeItem chItm = new TreeItem(Child_ + i);

       TreeListener treeListener = new TreeListener() {
           public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) {
               Window.alert(item.getText() +  selected);

           public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item) {
               // TODO Auto-generated method stub


   .gwt-Tree {
       border: 1px solid blue;
       margin-left: 30px;


   .gwt-Tree .gwt-TreeItem {
       border: 1px solid red;


   - Litty

   On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 2:27 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What version of GWT are you using?  I'm trying the same thing in the
GWT showcase and not getting the result you are.

On Nov 4, 10:51 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Walden,

 I put a border to the TreeItem and also a border to the tree itself.
if I
 click outside the border of the TreeItem, but inside the border of
 the item in the vertical level where I click gets selected.

 - Litty

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 9:10 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  How can you be sure you are actually clicking outside the TreeItem?


  On Nov 4, 12:27 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi All,

   I have a Tree on my page which I have added into a ScrollPanel.
   problem is that if I click even outside the TreeItem (but within
   scrollpanel) the item is getting selected (onTreeItemSelected of
   TreeListener gets fired). Please help me on this issue.

   Thanks in advance,
   Litty- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Single application .. multiple RPC services

2008-11-06 Thread walden


I agree with Litty and Gregor.  Probably the best thing to bring
clarity to you at this point would be for you to develop the canonical
GWT single-page rich client application and use a single GWT RPC
Service for all data needs.  Get comfortable with that model (you can
do a lot with it!) before you try to hybridize with standard page-load-
page web application style.  In particular, drop the idea of Service-
per-URL.  Yagni.


On Nov 6, 2:35 am, Muhannad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Walden,

 I'm not sure that I got your idea, but I always had a concern about
 that so I'll share it with you:
 1. Does the GWT application have just one html page (module-name.html)
 that all the content should be rendered there?
     What I mean is that Litty wrote if the URL ends with /about then
 the AboutService will be called. Well but what if that AboutService
 does not extends or consists of any UI element? What is gonna to be
 displayed on the browser?

 2. What I've received from your idea above is, each service should
 have its own (index.html)??!! If that was the case, each time I click
 on a menu item then a whole new page is going to be rendered and the
 browser will send an HTTP request and page will be rebuilt and
 displayed, which is not the case here: try to
 click any menu item and notice that only a portion of the page is
 rendered (the section under the menu) and not the whole page.
 Actually, this is exactly what I need to do but I think I was not
 clear enough.

 3. Suppose that I want to pass parameters in the URL in some
 customized format; not using the regular 
 For example, something like that:  
 Where should I write my own code that should take care of this
 customized URL encoding?? I mean, is there any place in GWT
 application where I could capture the URL and manipulate it before
 redirect it to some place depending on some parameters passed?? I
 guess there is something in .NET called HTTP Handler or Generic
 Handler to deal with that. I think this is an issue that the Web
 Server should deal with it not the GWT application???!!!

 Thank you very much.

 On Nov 5, 5:56 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  There's a problem with your assumptions.  When a user clicks on your
  about menu link, she's not going to get a Panel, she's going to get
  a whole new page fromhttp://domain/about/index.html.  That page can
  be a GWT host file if you like, but this is regular HTML pages, not a
  rich GWT client showing and hiding content based on menu navigation.
  I think you'd better get your head around that first, and then tackle
  the RPC URL binding question next, if it's even an issue at all.


  On Nov 5, 5:12 am,Muhannad[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I want to build a website with (Home, about, products, ...) menu. I
   need to build multiple forms (panels), each panel corresponds to one
   menu item, e.g. aboutPanel for about menu item, productsPanel for

   Moreover, I would like to implement that panel in terms of RPC
   services; I need to correspond each panel to a single RPC service that
   communicates with the server to get its data, build the whole form,
   and return the result as a panel to be displayed somewhere in the home
   page (for example).

   Of course, GWT allows us to define multiple services and add multiple
   servlet path=/service ... to the module XML file.

   My problem is how to know which service should I instantiate depending
   on the URL mapping, i.e. suppose that the menu is defined as follow:

   div id=menu
       a href=index.htmlHome/a
       a href=/aboutAbout us/a
       a href=/productsProducts/a

   So when someone clicks the About us link, the URL would be http://
   domain/about. So I should instantiate the about service and create
   an aboutPanel to display it. The same thing when s/he clicks the
   Products link, then the URL is http://domain/products; and, in this
   case, I should build the product panel...

   So, is there somewhere in GWT application that I could parse the URL
   and depending on the mapping portion of it /about or /products
   could I decide which service to instantiate? Or is there another
   better way to do that?

   Thank you very much in advance.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: can the gwt compiler compile files outside the module

2008-11-05 Thread walden


You could go that way.  Cobbling together a module using a script will
defeat some of your IDE features, though, depending on what IDE you

GWT Modules are transparent and non-intrusive to javac compiling, so
you should be able to accomplish what you need with a small number
(one?) of gwt.xml files strategically placed in your existing
hierarchy.  If I were you, I would probably refactor for GWT/Java
reuse, though.  Take your util files, put them together somewhere in
GWT module arrangement, include that location on the javac classpath
if not already there, and inherit the module wherever your GWT code
needs util services.

It's not necessary for every Module to have an entrypoint.  It's
necessary that the transitive closure of inherited modules for a given
compile have an entrypoint.

Hope this helps,


On Nov 4, 3:13 pm, AB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks all. I guess Ill create an ant task that cobbles together
 various util classes that we want and build a module.   I dont know if
 I need to fabricate an entrypoint for this module but i guess I can if
 the compiler demands it.
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Re: Event driven communication between independent GWT modules

2008-11-05 Thread walden


Aha! moment: GWT is not Java.


On Nov 5, 2:00 am, JEA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks to everyone who contributed their comments on this problem.  It
 has been tremendously educational for me.  This is my first crack at
 using GWT.

 To clarify, I am trying to send event messages between separately
 compiled GWT mini-apps on one page, not just separate modules.  As was
 suggested in this thread, I've found it an intractable problem without
 resorting to pure javascript plumbing and it sounds like I may not be
 doing myself any good anyway as far as speed and size are concerned,
 at least until I am talking about quite a few different mini-apps.
 Maybe be the time I reach that point, the runAsync feature will be
 available and solve that problem, too.

  As much as anything, it just felt *wrong* to be carrying around from
 page to page a bunch of app code that would be used on only one or two
 of the pages, but maybe I just need to get over that and get on with
 the project.

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Re: clicking outside the TreeItem firing onTreeItemSelected event

2008-11-05 Thread walden


Yeah, I see it now.  It looks as if this is by design.  If you need an
area to the right of the Tree (outside the Tree but inside the
ScrollPanel) where you can click without selecting a TreeItem (why?),
then you can probably achieve that by setting the Tree's width so it
does not fill the width of the ScrollPanel.  What effect are you
trying to achieve?


On Nov 5, 8:21 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Walden,

 I tried using gwt-1.5.2 and gwt-1.5.

 If gwt-1.5.2 is used on IE6 it happens only for the child node. Root level
 nodes are working fine. But on IE7 and Firefox it is reproducible for all
 the nodes.

 If gwt-1.5 is used on IE6 everything works fine. But on Firefox it is
 reproducible for all the nodes.

 You can use this code below to reproduce the issue.
 package com.test.client;


  * Entry point classes define codeonModuleLoad()/code.
 public class TreeTest implements EntryPoint {

     Tree myTree;

      * This is the entry point method.
     public void onModuleLoad() {
         myTree = new Tree();
         for (int i = 0; i  10; i++) {
             TreeItem prItm = new TreeItem(Parent_ + i);
             TreeItem chItm = new TreeItem(Child_ + i);

     TreeListener treeListener = new TreeListener() {
         public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) {
             Window.alert(item.getText() +  selected);

         public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item) {
             // TODO Auto-generated method stub


 .gwt-Tree {
     border: 1px solid blue;
     margin-left: 30px;


 .gwt-Tree .gwt-TreeItem {
     border: 1px solid red;


 - Litty

 On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 2:27 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What version of GWT are you using?  I'm trying the same thing in the
  GWT showcase and not getting the result you are.

  On Nov 4, 10:51 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Walden,

   I put a border to the TreeItem and also a border to the tree itself. So
  if I
   click outside the border of the TreeItem, but inside the border of the
   the item in the vertical level where I click gets selected.

   - Litty

   On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 9:10 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]


How can you be sure you are actually clicking outside the TreeItem?


On Nov 4, 12:27 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a Tree on my page which I have added into a ScrollPanel. My
 problem is that if I click even outside the TreeItem (but within the
 scrollpanel) the item is getting selected (onTreeItemSelected of the
 TreeListener gets fired). Please help me on this issue.

 Thanks in advance,
 Litty- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Event driven communication between independent GWT modules

2008-11-04 Thread walden


You don't need DOM events, per se.  Use Observer Pattern.  Your Login
module doesn't need to know who's subscribed.  It just needs to
implement the Observable interface (register listeners, fire login
state change events).  Your other modules are in fact dependent upon
Login.  They need to know how to register listeners, receive events,
recognize Login events, and then I would suggest you let them probe
the Login module directly for login state.

If you look at how ChangeListener and SourcesChangeEvents work in GWT,
there are all the elements of the Observer pattern you need, and you
can copy that.


On Nov 3, 3:33 pm, JEA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a web site that has pages that each can contain a variety of
 independent apps embedded in a different positions within an otherwise
 conventional HTML page.  Although independent, they can affect one
 another.  For example, there is a login box that authenticates a
 user.  Based on the user login status, the other apps may appear or
 disappear or change their behavior.  Since a user can log in or out at
 any time, the apps should be able to detect the change when it happens
 and modify their behavior appropriately.  The login box doesn't know
 what other apps are on the page so it can notify them directly.  I
 didn't code all the apps as part of one large app because I didn't
 want them all to load for every page when only a small subset would be

 My plan was to create some type of shared bulletin board object (maybe
 a hidden div with custom attributes set) on which the login box would
 post changes to the login status then fire a DOM event to notify
 anyone who cares.  The other apps would register listeners to receive
 the change event and check for the status changes by looking at the
 bulletin board, adjusting their behavior appropriately.

 Problem is, I can't figure out how to implement this.  I can see I can
 use eventPreview to process a DOM event but I don't see a method that
 lets a GWT module programatically fire an event on a DOM element.

 Is this possible in GWT or GWT-ext?  Perhaps there is an altogether
 different and better way to achieve my intended effect.

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Re: clicking outside the TreeItem firing onTreeItemSelected event

2008-11-04 Thread walden


How can you be sure you are actually clicking outside the TreeItem?


On Nov 4, 12:27 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a Tree on my page which I have added into a ScrollPanel. My
 problem is that if I click even outside the TreeItem (but within the
 scrollpanel) the item is getting selected (onTreeItemSelected of the
 TreeListener gets fired). Please help me on this issue.

 Thanks in advance,
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Re: Event driven communication between independent GWT modules

2008-11-04 Thread walden


I think it should be made clear that GWT Modules are reuse packagings,
just like Java classes, and don't even imply a runtime application
architecture.  The only reason for breaking code into Modules is to
reuse it by inheritance rather than duplicating code.


On Nov 4, 11:58 am, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Err, size and speed were increased by keeping it in one app should
 have read, size was decreased, speed was increased by keeping all the
 modules in one app.

 On Nov 4, 11:56 am, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I wanted to do something similar to having a bunch of independent
  modules interacting on a page, but gave up, and stuck with the
  monolithic app.  I think you really need to analyze if it's worth
  breaking up the app into modules and trying to work with all this glue
  you'll need.  For instance, there's quite an overhead in size for just
  a hello,world gwt app.  You'll be paying this overhead for each
  module.  Also, once the monolitic app is cached by the browser, it's
  there until cleared, so there's basically no penalty for having the
  app on multiple pages, even if it's not used that much (ie, not all
  modules are visible). Also, you can break up your monolitic app so you
  only create the classes needed in the given state, so you don't eat up
  memory for modules you're not displaying, etc, etc.  It just ended up
  not making sense to break up the app --

  What are the advantages to breaking the app into modules?  Size?
  Speed?  In my case, size and speed were increased by keeping it all in
  one app, and relying on browser caching.

  On Nov 4, 9:50 am, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On 4 nov, 13:11, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You don't need DOM events, per se.  Use Observer Pattern.  Your Login
module doesn't need to know who's subscribed.  It just needs to
implement the Observable interface (register listeners, fire login
state change events).  Your other modules are in fact dependent upon
Login.  They need to know how to register listeners, receive events,
recognize Login events, and then I would suggest you let them probe
the Login module directly for login state.

If you look at how ChangeListener and SourcesChangeEvents work in GWT,
there are all the elements of the Observer pattern you need, and you
can copy that.

   Walden, he has and wants (and needs?) distinct *applications* (not
   only distinct *modules*), Java-GWT is not an option here.

   @Joe: you'll have to implement such an observer/observable pattern in
   pure JavaScript in your host page, and use JSNI in your applications
   to register handlers/fire events.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: clicking outside the TreeItem firing onTreeItemSelected event

2008-11-04 Thread walden

What version of GWT are you using?  I'm trying the same thing in the
GWT showcase and not getting the result you are.

On Nov 4, 10:51 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Walden,

 I put a border to the TreeItem and also a border to the tree itself. So if I
 click outside the border of the TreeItem, but inside the border of the tree;
 the item in the vertical level where I click gets selected.

 - Litty

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 9:10 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  How can you be sure you are actually clicking outside the TreeItem?


  On Nov 4, 12:27 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi All,

   I have a Tree on my page which I have added into a ScrollPanel. My
   problem is that if I click even outside the TreeItem (but within the
   scrollpanel) the item is getting selected (onTreeItemSelected of the
   TreeListener gets fired). Please help me on this issue.

   Thanks in advance,
   Litty- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Discussion on security-for-gwt-applications

2008-11-04 Thread walden


Maybe you could come up with a session-less implementation, so then
you wouldn't have to worry about releasing those resources?


On Nov 4, 12:52 pm, Jason Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nah... I need sessions to expire like normal so that those resources can be
 released as users leave the site.

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 5:14 AM, ponthiaux eric [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  Did you try to make cyclic  call to the server to preserve the session ?
  with a  Gwt Timer for example .


  2008/11/3 Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I have a question about the XSRF protection.  I've implemented this
  by using a requestFilter which filters for the nocache.js file and
  sets a sid cookie with the session id as the value.  Then for each
  RPC call I send the value of the sid cookie as a get parameter.
  When the session is active this works great.  The issue I have is when
  the session expires, or invalid for some reason.  Currently this is
  reporting a false XSRF attack since the sid no longer matches the
  session id on the server.

  If the sid is based off the session Id (or anything that changes over
  time), how might it get updated when the session id gets invalidated?

  Eric Ponthiaux

  Consultant technique


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Re: Discussion on security-for-gwt-applications

2008-11-04 Thread walden


So it's a GET parameter on a POST request?  Hmmm.  Clever, though.


On Nov 4, 12:31 pm, Jason Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see your point.  If the SID is invalid, either via a real attack or by
 session invalidation, the result is the same... I don't know who you are so
 please re-authenticate yourself.  My project is in its early stages, so for
 what I thought was an attack I was just throwing an exception to kick that
 request back to where it came from.  I believe I'll just handle it like the
 user isn't logged in and send it to the login view.  Thanks for your input.

 As for the get parameter... in my RemoteService interfaces, where I have the
 static getInstance to get the Async instance I essentially pass in the sid
 and build the url with that sid.

         public static synchronized AuthenticationServiceAsync
 getInstance(String sid) {
             if (ourInstance == null) {
                 ourInstance = (AuthenticationServiceAsync)
             ((ServiceDefTarget) ourInstance)
                     .setServiceEntryPoint(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() +
 com.vincent.gwtapps.myApp.MyGwtApp/AuthenticationService?sid= + sid);
             return ourInstance;

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 4:19 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I think false positives is a feature of this kind of security
  strategy, not necessarily a bad thing.  How do you handle what you
  think is a real XSRF attack?  When I use Yahoo (not often), it seems
  like it asks me to login a lot.  But they smooth the experience with
  words to the effect that it's for a good cause.  Since the reality is
  that you can't be sure when a sid error is an attack, why not be
  candid about it?

  BTW, how do you use RPC to send a get parameter?  That part confused


  On Nov 3, 4:59 pm, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a question about the XSRF protection.  I've implemented this
  by using a requestFilter which filters for the nocache.js file and
  sets a sid cookie with the session id as the value.  Then for each
  RPC call I send the value of the sid cookie as a get parameter.
  When the session is active this works great.  The issue I have is when
  the session expires, or invalid for some reason.  Currently this is
  reporting a false XSRF attack since the sid no longer matches the
  session id on the server.

  If the sid is based off the session Id (or anything that changes over
  time), how might it get updated when the session id gets invalidated?- 
  Hide quoted text -

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Re: Discussion on security-for-gwt-applications

2008-11-04 Thread walden


I think false positives is a feature of this kind of security
strategy, not necessarily a bad thing.  How do you handle what you
think is a real XSRF attack?  When I use Yahoo (not often), it seems
like it asks me to login a lot.  But they smooth the experience with
words to the effect that it's for a good cause.  Since the reality is
that you can't be sure when a sid error is an attack, why not be
candid about it?

BTW, how do you use RPC to send a get parameter?  That part confused


On Nov 3, 4:59 pm, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a question about the XSRF protection.  I've implemented this
 by using a requestFilter which filters for the nocache.js file and
 sets a sid cookie with the session id as the value.  Then for each
 RPC call I send the value of the sid cookie as a get parameter.
 When the session is active this works great.  The issue I have is when
 the session expires, or invalid for some reason.  Currently this is
 reporting a false XSRF attack since the sid no longer matches the
 session id on the server.

 If the sid is based off the session Id (or anything that changes over
 time), how might it get updated when the session id gets invalidated?
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Re: Event driven communication between independent GWT modules

2008-11-04 Thread walden


If you could define *application* then I could figure out if I can
make any sense of your comment.  There may be confusion arising from
my sloppy use of the term 'module'.  I was talking runtime
architecture, not code organization.  So maybe I should have said
'component' instead.  Anyway, to be clear, I was not talking about GWT
Modules.  I was talking about components with state, optional user
interaction, and an event bus for implicit invocations triggered by
other components.  I think that's what the OP was describing.

FWIW, I read the post below on monolithic solutions, and I concur with
that approach, which is consistent with what I was proposing.


On Nov 4, 9:50 am, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4 nov, 13:11, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  You don't need DOM events, per se.  Use Observer Pattern.  Your Login
  module doesn't need to know who's subscribed.  It just needs to
  implement the Observable interface (register listeners, fire login
  state change events).  Your other modules are in fact dependent upon
  Login.  They need to know how to register listeners, receive events,
  recognize Login events, and then I would suggest you let them probe
  the Login module directly for login state.

  If you look at how ChangeListener and SourcesChangeEvents work in GWT,
  there are all the elements of the Observer pattern you need, and you
  can copy that.

 Walden, he has and wants (and needs?) distinct *applications* (not
 only distinct *modules*), Java-GWT is not an option here.

 @Joe: you'll have to implement such an observer/observable pattern in
 pure JavaScript in your host page, and use JSNI in your applications
 to register handlers/fire events.
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Re: FormPanel: is it only for sending data to server?

2008-11-03 Thread walden


Thomas has already given you a good steer in the right direction.  Why
are you ignoring that?  If you ignore the help offered you, you are
implicitly telling people not to bother.  Nagging also won't help.

You say you're not that professional with GWT.  The problem may be
that you don't really have the programming and Java background needed
to succeed with GWT.  If that's the case, you need to begin at the
beginning.  This forum can't do that for you.


On Nov 1, 9:21 am, Muhannad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Excuse me!

 On Oct 30, 1:31 pm, Muhannad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  To be more clear, I need to build something like customise your
  homepage panel on Check it please, I need
  exactly to reload my home page when the Save button is clicked.

  Best regards.

  On Oct 30, 1:08 pm,Muhannad[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm afraid that I'm not that professional in GWT yet. Would you please
   tell me what changes should I do in pseudo code at least?
   I mean, how would I do set fire events to MyDataStructure and how to
   register MyObject to handle it??

   On Oct 30, 12:48 pm, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 30 oct, 10:35,Muhannad[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 30, 12:12 pm, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  (I'm really wondering what use case you have to need reloading your
  module *and* get a hint about the reload count)

 Well, my application needs to do the following:
 1. OnModuleLoad()
     a. load data from data base into data structure let's say
         for example:
         private MyDataStructure my_data = new MyDataStructure();

         public void OnModuleLoad(){
               MyDataStructure = load_data_from_db();

     b. pass this data structure to a child (not in terms of
 inheritance, composition maybe) object (let's say MyObject) that could
 manipulate this data structure (set some attributes to that data)
         MyObject my_object = new MyObject(my_data);

     c. display that object (MyObject) in some container, taking into
 account its data (already passed by its parent)
         Panel my_panel = new Panel();

 2. on MyObject class

 public class MyObject extends Composite{
          private MyDataStructure my_data = new MyDataStructure();

          public MyObject(MyDataStructure my_data){
               this.my_data = my_data;

          //here somewhere and depending on some actions MyObject class
 could add some attributes to its data e.g. setVisible(false)...


 So, I need, depending on an action button to reflect that changes on
 that displayed object on the panel but I don't need the whole data to
 be reloaded .. how could I do that?

Tell your MyObject that the MyDataStructure has changed and that it
should refresh. To do that, you could have MyDataStructure fire
events and MyObject register to handle them.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Tooltips for GridPanel cells

2008-11-03 Thread walden


It seems Tooltips and GridPanel are GWT-Ext features, so your question
on that is off topic in this forum.  It may be that you can just
figure it out if you read the code though.

For text underlining, check out CSS text-decoration.  But again, to
discover the hooks into GWT-Ext for applying that style in a data
cell, you'll have to check the other forum or do your own homework
with the source.


On Nov 1, 12:23 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also I would like to know if it is possible to underline the Strings
 in the data cells of the GridPanel.

 I would really appreciate it if so. has an idea ;)

 Thx in advance.

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Re: RPC error with MapString, String

2008-10-31 Thread walden


I'm confused by your statement coming from server-side code.  That's
a compile warning against a serializable (shared) class.  I have a
similar artifact in my project right now.  It happens to be caused by
a defined type X that extends HashMapString,String.  It seems as if
the compiler is inspecting the OrderedConstantSet, something never
referenced in the application, only because it is also a
MapString,String.  I would like to understand if this is necessary
or a bug in the compiler.



On Oct 31, 7:10 am, Ian Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:38 PM, WebDude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If I leave out the stringMap member, I do not get the warning.  Is
  this a warning I need to worry about?

 The warning is coming from your server-side code, not the definition
 of your transfer object.  Can you show us what you're sending back to
 the client?  What kind of instance are you putting in stringMap?

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Re: RPC error with MapString, String

2008-10-31 Thread walden


It's only a warning.  It will not prevent your application from
running correctly, as far as I can tell so far.


On Oct 31, 8:04 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm confused by your statement coming from server-side code.  That's
 a compile warning against a serializable (shared) class.  I have a
 similar artifact in my project right now.  It happens to be caused by
 a defined type X that extends HashMapString,String.  It seems as if
 the compiler is inspecting the OrderedConstantSet, something never
 referenced in the application, only because it is also a
 MapString,String.  I would like to understand if this is necessary
 or a bug in the compiler.



 On Oct 31, 7:10 am, Ian Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:38 PM, WebDude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   If I leave out the stringMap member, I do not get the warning.  Is
   this a warning I need to worry about?

  The warning is coming from your server-side code, not the definition
  of your transfer object.  Can you show us what you're sending back to
  the client?  What kind of instance are you putting in stringMap?

  Ian- Hide quoted text -

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Re: can the gwt compiler compile files outside the module

2008-10-31 Thread walden

I think on a recent thread here someone asserted that you can use a
path like source path=../../a/b/c/.  I hadn't though that
possible, but if it does work, it should be discouraged because of non-
portability.  (Who's to say that stuff outside the structure of your
module will be in the same relative location at all times?)  I think
Dobes has the right answer (above).  Either move it into your module,
or make it part of some other module that you inherit.


On Oct 31, 2:03 am, Richard Corsale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ive tried to do the same thing, it wont work though. I think it has someting
 to do with the serialization engine's analysis pd the package for .client at
 compile Time... but yeah not having to copy files with like.. Constants in
 them to the client and server would be nice :)

 On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:50 PM, AB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a module and tried to include a .java file that is on the gwt
  compile cp but not in the module (ie, not under
  com.mycompany.mymodule.client). I reference the class in my module.
  The compiler cannot find the .java file. Is the only way to include it
  by building another module and including that module?  I am trying to
  create a bunch of shared utilities classes.  Any help is
  appreciated.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Clearing Browser cache for upadated deployments

2008-10-31 Thread walden

This is how it *should* work, out of the box.  Do you have a specific

On Oct 30, 10:31 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Basically I would like to know how to support the case where we would
 like to deploy an updated application and want changes to be reflected
 on the browsers without the user needing to manually clear their
 cache. If there isnt a gwt solution, is there an apache or tomcat
 solution for handling this?


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Re: Scrollbar not Showing

2008-10-31 Thread walden

GridPanel appears to be some sort of Ext thingy.  You should post on
their forum, where someone might know the answer.

On Oct 31, 6:34 am, Arji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I already looked at the forums and searched the net.  No luck.

 I have a GridPanel (GP) inside a Panel (P).
 Panel P is added inside a FormPanel (FP).
 Another Panel (AP) is added inside the FormPanel FP.
 Everyone has a layout of FitLayout.
 Everyone has the setAutoScroll(true) except FormPanel.

 I want to have a scrollbar only for Panel P so that the whole very
 long GridPanel GP will be shown.
 The scrollbar only shows if you set the AutoScroll to true for
 FormPanel, but what will happen is, it will scroll the whole Panel P
 and Another Panel AP.  I only want to have Panel P the scrollbar, not
 the whole form. Is this possible?

 Thanks so much in advance.
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Re: Facebook Bottom Menu

2008-10-30 Thread walden


That menu on facebook is a div with fixed positioning, anchored to
the bottom right,  There is no reason you would not be able to
implement the same sort of thing using GWT.


On Oct 29, 1:19 pm, Istenes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to gwt and been testing some panels and widgets. I noticed
 that facebook has created a nice new bottom menu. Is that made using
 only css or is it javascript/ajax too? Is there a easy way to create a
 lite version of such a menu in gwt? The biggest problem I am having is
 that the panel menu I am creating does not follow the screen when I

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Re: GWT1.5 and struts 1.2

2008-10-29 Thread walden

What does GWT have to do with Struts?  In what sense does one matter
to the other?

On Oct 28, 5:13 pm, Krish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to integrate GWT 1.5 with struts 1.2 . I checked with struts
 2.0 and it is working fine. But it is not working with struts 1.2.

 Is there any limitation with struts versions.

 Please clarify.

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Re: GWT1.5 and struts 1.2

2008-10-29 Thread walden

Well, either you're speaking poetically, in which case call struts
action classes from GWT really means to change the window location to
a url of, which is orthogonal to GWT...

Or, you literally mean that you want GWT-generated javascript code
running in the browser to make a method call into a java class that's
been loaded as bytecode on the server, which is not possible.

In either case, you're leaving it up to sheer guessing, because you
gave no details of your failure.


On Oct 29, 9:11 am, Krish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to call Strtus action classes from GWT. Getting problem while
 calling struts 1.2. action classes

 On Oct 29, 8:09 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What does GWT have to do with Struts?  In what sense does one matter
  to the other?

  On Oct 28, 5:13 pm, Krish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I need to integrate GWT 1.5 with struts 1.2 . I checked with struts
   2.0 and it is working fine. But it is not working with struts 1.2.

   Is there any limitation with struts versions.

   Please clarify.

   Krish- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

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Re: gwt rpc vs json

2008-10-29 Thread walden


In over a year and a half of using GWT RPC, I've never had a failure
that had anything to do with mismatched wire formats.

I hear your concern.  What's the saying?  Once bitten; twice shy.  I
think there's a scar there that, given time, can heal completely,


On Oct 29, 10:45 am, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I care heavily about the wireformat of my requests. Maybe that's
 because I have bugs in my json api from time to time, but it's very
 handy to fire up ethereal/wireshark and check what's happening on the
 wire.  But I hear ya, it'd be nice if I didn't have to care, I just
 Is the wireformat plaintext? Is it published?
 Thanks everone for the info.  Guess I got my answers, and I should
 start hitting the api docs on gwt-rpc if I start going down this road.

 On Oct 29, 10:30 am, Ian Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Lothar and Mike have made some good points.  Here are a couple of
  perhaps more obscure ones:

  - The RPC wire format is about as compact as you can get because it's
  _not_ self-describing.  This is a plus if you're shuffling lots of
  data around, but I don't know how to define lots for you.

  - There's plans to make the deserialization of RPC responses
  asynchronous so you don't tie up the browser thread reading large
  responses.  You'd have to do the same thing manually with large JSON

  - Using RPC is a nice way of abstracting the transmission details and
  saying I don't care about the wire format of your requests and
  responses.  This means client-server interface management is reduced
  to managing the evolution of a Java interface, rather than worrying
  about whether or not the client and server are in sync.  It also means
  that some mismatches between client and server can be caught by the

  - It _might_ be easier to re-use an RPC server-side than a JSON
  server-side because the RPC-specific details are already pretty well
  isolated from the business logic.

  Ian- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Httpsession and GWT

2008-10-28 Thread walden

Hi Paul,

Responses inline...

On Oct 27, 6:50 pm, Paul van Hoven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Walden,

 thanks for the answers. Sorry, I have to ask you again: You answerd:

  Once you've ascertained the user's identity and bound it to the
  session, sure.

 Do you mean that one should use the session object to identify the
 user for each request? Because my question was negated
 (...recommandable not to use a HttpSession...)?

No, sorry.  I read carelessly.  First, I think using a session object
to identify the requestor is not the best idea.  Second, yes many
applications do that, but what I was pointing out that this does not
replace an authentication protocol.

 To my alternative suggestion:
 What I mean is when the user logs in then I generated a random id that
 identifies him a long as he is on my page. This means he recieves this
 id from the server on the login procedure and the server on the other
 hand also keeps this id. If the user now sends any request to the
 server, then the user sends everytime also this id, such that the
 server can verify that this user is logged in. If the user does not
 continue to use my webage then after for example 30 minutes or so this
 random id is deleted on the server side and the user is regarded as
 logged out. Or it is deleted when the user logs out manually.

That is essentially your handmade rendition of a session token.  It's
no better or worse than JSESSIONID, provided that there has been a
successful exchange of credentials.  In fact, it's worse, because it
intrudes into your application data semantics (ie., it pollutes your
RPC requests).

If you setup Digest authentication, the browser and the server would
negotiate credentials following a login prompt, then all your future
requests will carry both an identity and a credential (which can
change over time), without you having to program those into your RPC
API.  If you need logouts and/or session expiration, then you will
need to do some work.


 On 27 Okt., 21:17, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Oct 27, 2:43 pm, Paul van Hoven [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Someone told me not to use the HttpSession Object. Well, he wasn't
   able to justify it. But I'm wondering if it is recommandable not to
   use a HttpSession object to identify the user.

  Once you've ascertained the user's identity and bound it to the
  session, sure.

   Each time the client makes a RPC to the server, it does then send the
   HttpSession Id such that this user can be identified on the server
   side through his Session object by the container (in my case Tomcat)?

  I think you're referring to the Java HTTP Session cookie called
  'JSESSIONID'?  Yes, this gets sent even on RPC calls.

   My alternative suggestion would be to store a unique generated userid
   (generated with my own code) and store this userid in some variable on
   the client side and send this userid with every RPC. On the server
   side user critical data is the mapped with this userid.

  Generated when?  At the end of the day, you need a protocol for client
  and server to agree on identity, via a pre-arranged shared secret.  Do
  you mean to reinvent that protocol?

   And secondly: What happens if the user client does not accept cookies.
   Then the container would use URL rewriting to store the session id. In
   this case, does the container retrieve the session id if the user
   makes a RPC?

  HTTP Basic or HTTP Digest cover all the issues above, with virtually
  no effort on your part.

  Walden- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Project won't run in hosted mode?

2008-10-28 Thread walden


The only part of your console log that's remotely germain is this


And then you've left us with absolutely no idea what that target even
does.  How could anyone know what's gone wrong?


On Oct 27, 5:57 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have been developing a project over the past few months; but today
 I’ve noticed that I am unable to debug the project. When attempting to
 launch into debug, the project compiles successfully, but the hosted
 window does not appear?

 The console displays:
 Building jar: C:\Users\Micko\Documents\NetBeansProjects
 BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 minute 6 seconds)

 I can launch the project in web mode with no problems. I am running
 GWT 1.5 RC1.

 Can anyone help?

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Re: Integrating GWT application with existing java project

2008-10-28 Thread walden


For starters, why don't you create a 'gwt' folder in your source
hierarchy that is outside the scope of all your Java EE classes, and
preserve the canonical gwt project structure there.  It could be just
as simple as that.  In future, if you have GWT remote services, you
may want to move their implemtnations to your servlet folder, if you
have one.  There are other things you might need to do if you intend
to share model classes between EJB3 and GWT, but let's talk about that
later, as it involves creating additional GWT package(s).

The important thing at this stage is not to try to shuffle GWT client
classes in with other stuff that does not need to meet up with the GWT
compiler.  Keep life simple.


On Oct 28, 8:36 am, vk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been developing a GWT-application that uses RPC. However, now I
 want to integrate the GWT-app into the existing J2EE-application . I
 am however not very good at integrating GWT-structure, or how to
 succesfully move it around to make it fully integrated with all the
 existing code in the J2EE-app.

 Att he moment I have two different file-structures, one for the J2EE-
 app and one on my GWT-app (the GWT-structure is the standard-file
 structure, for example:

 src/ com.mycompany.project / public / Search.html Search.css build.xml

 com.mycompany.project.client / (Entry-point-class)

 com.mycompany.project.server /

 My questions are: 1) How do I integrate this fully into my existing
 J2EE-project? (Where do the files go etc?)

 2) Can I move the files wherever I want in the existing J2EE-project
 and have them recompiled as I want? (How do I make sure GWT-compiler
 knows which of the java-files it has to worry about in the vast
 ammount of java-files in the J2EE-project? And where do I change

 I hope you can understand my problems and what I'm in need of help
 with. Maybe someone got a screenshot of how to place the GWT-files in
 a non-GWT-project and which files has to be changed to make the GWT-
 files still be compiled as you want to (while skipping all non-gwt-

 If it makes a difference, I'm using MyEclipse to develop this.

 thanks in advance,
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Re: Client Authentication with SSL

2008-10-28 Thread walden

Let your client make a call to the server for it.

On Oct 28, 6:31 am, adam.urban [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to security technologies and I have some questions.

 I wrote a web service with Googlte Web Toolkit. Now I made all changes
 to Apache Tomcat to use a SSL-Connection with Client- and Server-

 The next step is to read out some attributes about a client-
 certificate to know something about the user.

 I found the following code snippet:

 Object o =
 request.getAttribute(javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate); clientcert = null;[] certificates = null;
 if(o != null) {
         certificates = ([]) o ;
         clientcert = certificates[0];}

 else {
         //error: no client cert in request


 With getSubjectDN() I can read out the Distinguished Name for example.

 How can I realize something like that in Google Web Toolkit?

 Thanks a lot!
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Re: Basic login security/session management question

2008-10-27 Thread walden


I don't get why you're putting an exclamation point after my name. Are
you shouting at me?

I can't explain why you need cookies.  I don't use them.  I didn't
write the FAQ either.


On Oct 26, 10:17 am, Andrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I also don't get why we need cookies.
 Can you please answer to this question?
 Why don't we store session id in JS variable?

 On 1 окт, 15:44, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi nogridbag,

  You might just want to begin at the beginning and read the HTTP
  Basic and HTTP Digest specifications.  These will give you an
  indication of what is already built into browsers and web server for
  solving the mainstream of authenciation requirements on the web in a
  way that is orthogonal to application logic (a good thing).  Realize
  that the FAQ your read is part of a departure from those standards.
  Part of the cost of that departure is the complexity you have stumbled


  On Sep 30, 11:22 pm, nogridbag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, I'm fairly new to web apps so I have a few basic questions about
   handling the user's securesession.  I read the article onlogin

   I understand everything up to the section How to remember logins.
   At the bottom of that section it states Remember - you must never
   rely on the sessionID sent to your server in the cookie header ; look
   only at the sessionID that your GWT app sends explicitly in the
   payload of messages to your server.

   I've numbered the questions below:

   1) If we can't trust cookies, what's the point of using cookies at
   all?  If it's just so the browser UI thinks the user is logged in,
   why not just store it in some local client side variable since GWT
   applications are contained within a single page.

   * Make RPC call with user/pass
   * Server says pass = OK
   * In, call setLoggedIn(true)

   2) That leads me to my next question, how should the sessionID be
   stored in the client?  Do I just store it in some class, let's say as a String or whatnot in plain text?

   3) Then, in any RPC request that needs the user to be logged in, I
   pass thissessionID along with the rest of the objects?

   4) How does the server then take this sessionId and authenticate it?
   Is the approach the same whether I'm using Java/RPC with Tomcat or
   JSON with php on an Apache server?  Can you give an example (or a link
   to a page the explains this?)

   5) Finally, is there any situation where you would store the username/
   pass on the client in order to authenticate each RPC call?  If so,
   what would be thesecurityimplications of this?

   Thanks.  I'm sorry for the basic questions.  This is all fairly new to
   me since my only experience with web appsecurityis academic and very
   minimal.  It's obviously something I don't want to get wrong :)- Hide 
   quoted text -

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Re: Does panel has border?

2008-10-27 Thread walden

You need a style name set before you can set a dependent name.  So, to
the original poster, construct your FlowPanel.  Set its style name to
whatever, and then write your css rules to that.


On Oct 27, 3:18 am, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To add the borders to a panel, we will create a style in CSS:

 .test {
   background-color: red;
   border: thin solid #00;
   margin: 10px;


 Then set the style to a panel like this:

 FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();
 // panel.addStyleDependentName(test) does not work?

 Why the above code works with setStyleName() but nothing happen when calling

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 12:43 AM, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How can I draw a border, and set the background color of a FlowPanel?

  I think this should be done via CSS (right?) but unfortunately, I don't
  find the CSS style rules from the API doc.




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Re: module source path element

2008-10-27 Thread walden

Step 1: Please categorize your java classes as follows:

A. any class that will be compiled to javascript (including any class
that will also be compiled to bytecode for the server)
B. any class that does not belong to A.

Step 2: Decide on a GWT module scope and location:


That's the root of your module.  In that folder, place your
Module1.gwt.xml file

Step 3: Create client/ and server/ folders to house java class
categories A and B, respectively:


Now build out your Java package structures under those, as you wish.
You don't need the source path=... in your module file because
client/ is the default.

Some notes on what you've said above:

1. classes destined to webapp/WEB-INF/classes may come partly from
category A, partly from category B.  Make that separation at deploy
time.  You can use java packages below client to help separate pure
client classes from shared classes, and write your ant scripts to copy
by package.

2. your common bean, e.g., needs to be under client/, but can be in
a java package recognized by your build script as needing to get
deployed to the server.

3. your client code which gonna be translated to javascript must
also be under client/, but can be (packaged separately so as not to
copy to the server, although it wouldn't do any harm to copy
these .class files as well.

Here's a banal example of what I mean, but you can do better:

~/project/gwt/module1/client/pure - classes needed on client only
~/project/gwt/module1/client/shared - classes needed on both client
and server

4. your module description needs to be at the root of the module
filesystem, as shown above

5. your entry point is just another client side only file; see point
3 just above.

That should do it.


On Oct 25, 4:49 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hello folks,

 i've got following source structure in my project (j2ee):

 ~/project/java: //all the common sources which gonna be compiled to ~/
 ~/project/java/c.d.e.UserProfileBean //common bean used to store the
 user profile data
 ~/project/client: //the client code which gonna be translated to
 ~/project/client/a.b.c/MyUI.gwt.xml //module description for MyUI
 ~/project/client/a.b.c.client.MyUI //class which implements EntryPoint

 now, when running the compiler,I get the message No source code is
 available for type c.d.e.UserProfileBean; did you forget to inherit a
 required module? which is referenced by MyUI class.

 I've tested any possible combination in the module's source element:
 like source path=java/, but I either get a non-canonical-path or
 relative--whatever path which, however does not allow me to compile
 the code until I put everything under the a.b.c.client package

 please, show me the way to get out of this nightmare, thanx!!
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Re: Does panel has border?

2008-10-27 Thread walden

You can add a style name at any time.  If the UIObject had no style
name at the time, that would be the same as setting style name.

You can set style name at any time. It blows away any pre-existing
style name(s).

You can only add dependent style name when there is a 'primary' style
name in place (see above).

So in your case, if you say fp.setStyleName(foo-FlowPanel), then you
can make up a css rule for .foo-FlowPanel {}, and you can also say
fp.addStyleDependentName(bar), and the full style name will now be
foo-FlowPanel foo-FlowPanel-bar.


On Oct 27, 10:32 am, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Walden
 Do you mean we have to explicitly setStyleName() before calling
 addStyleName() or addStyleDependentName()?

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 8:12 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You need a style name set before you can set a dependent name.  So, to
  the original poster, construct your FlowPanel.  Set its style name to
  whatever, and then write your css rules to that.


  On Oct 27, 3:18 am, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   To add the borders to a panel, we will create a style in CSS:

   .test {
     background-color: red;
     border: thin solid #00;
     margin: 10px;


   Then set the style to a panel like this:

   FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();
   // panel.addStyleDependentName(test) does not work?

   Why the above code works with setStyleName() but nothing happen when

   On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 12:43 AM, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can I draw a border, and set the background color of a FlowPanel?

I think this should be done via CSS (right?) but unfortunately, I don't
find the CSS style rules from the API doc.






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Re: Httpsession and GWT

2008-10-27 Thread walden

On Oct 27, 2:43 pm, Paul van Hoven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Someone told me not to use the HttpSession Object. Well, he wasn't
 able to justify it. But I'm wondering if it is recommandable not to
 use a HttpSession object to identify the user.

Once you've ascertained the user's identity and bound it to the
session, sure.

 Each time the client makes a RPC to the server, it does then send the
 HttpSession Id such that this user can be identified on the server
 side through his Session object by the container (in my case Tomcat)?

I think you're referring to the Java HTTP Session cookie called
'JSESSIONID'?  Yes, this gets sent even on RPC calls.

 My alternative suggestion would be to store a unique generated userid
 (generated with my own code) and store this userid in some variable on
 the client side and send this userid with every RPC. On the server
 side user critical data is the mapped with this userid.

Generated when?  At the end of the day, you need a protocol for client
and server to agree on identity, via a pre-arranged shared secret.  Do
you mean to reinvent that protocol?

 And secondly: What happens if the user client does not accept cookies.
 Then the container would use URL rewriting to store the session id. In
 this case, does the container retrieve the session id if the user
 makes a RPC?

HTTP Basic or HTTP Digest cover all the issues above, with virtually
no effort on your part.

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Re: Hosted mode breaks with empty script tag

2008-10-24 Thread walden


On Oct 24, 2:51 pm, jlw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok. So I've written a web application with GWT where the page is
 dynamically generated from XML within a servlet. When serialized out,
 it produces a script element such as:

 script language=javascript src=com.module.Test.nocache.js /

 This causes the hosted mode browser to not execute the module. As a
 workaround, I create the script element:

 script language=javascript src=com.module.Test.nocache.js
 // placeholder

 This keeps the XML serializer from reducing the script element down to
 an empty tag as in the first example.

 I'm just wondering if anybody else has ran into something like this.
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Re: layout problem, panel size ignores setCellHeight(50%) ?

2008-10-23 Thread walden

...or did you mean GXT and gwt-ext?  Confusing, amen.

On Oct 22, 3:12 pm, JohnMudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, this is really confusing.  I mean Ext GWT and 

 On Oct 22, 3:09 pm, JohnMudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oh, I mean gwt-ext.

  On Oct 22, 3:07 pm, JohnMudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Can I sidestep issues with these widgets by switching to MyGWT or gwt-


   On Oct 18, 11:26 pm, JohnMudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Cool, I got issue number 3000.  Nice round 

On Oct 18, 11:14 pm, JohnMudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have to hand it to you, your changes (summarized below) do produce
 the desired 50% height in the log message.  But it's getting a little
 off track from my original intention and it doesn't seem to help in
 compiled mode, my ultimate goal.  I think at this point I'll try
 reporting this as a bug and see what kind of response I get.

      appPanel.setCellHeight(bodyPanel, 50%);
      bodyPanel.setSize(100%, 100%);

      appPanel.setCellHeight(bodyPanel, 100%);
      bodyPanel.setSize(100%, 50%);
      bodyPanel.add(new HTML(X));


 On Oct 17, 11:05 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try this. Works for me. You might need a doctype

          basePanel.setSize(100%, 200px);

          basePanel.setCellWidth(logPanel, 30%);
          basePanel.setCellHeight(logPanel, 100%);
          logPanel.setSize(100%, 100%);

          basePanel.setCellWidth(appPanel, 70%);
          basePanel.setCellHeight(appPanel, 100%);
          appPanel.setSize(100%, 100%);

          appPanel.setCellWidth(bodyPanel, 100%);
          appPanel.setCellHeight(bodyPanel, 100%);

          bodyPanel.setSize(100%, 50%);
          bodyPanel.add(new HTML(X));- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: splitting client, RPC and server in different eclipse projects?

2008-10-23 Thread walden

a third point:

* If you change everything at once, then it's polynomially harder to
figure out which change(s) caused the failure

On Oct 22, 6:02 pm, olivier nouguier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 points:
 * If you've split your source in 2 part you must now have 2 module.gwt.xml,
 one (Lib) inheriting of the other (App).
 * At gwt compile time the *source* must be found (added)  in the classpath.

 On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:26 PM, TomJanssens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello all,

  I am trying to split the client, RPC and server code in different
  eclipse projects. Is this possible? Before I splitted the code it was
  working fine, however after splitting it in multiple projects I get
  the following errors.

  [TRACE] Removing units with errors
  [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/workspace/grivio-client/src/com/blugri/
  [ERROR] Line 10: No source code is available for type
  com.blugri.client.preferencesmodule.PreferencesServiceAsync; did you
  forget to inherit a required module?
  [ERROR] Line 31: No source code is available for type
  com.blugri.client.preferencesmodule.PreferencesService; did you forget
  to inherit a required module?

  Can anbody tell me what I am forgetting?

  Another change which I did at the same time was updating gwt, gwt-ext
  and gwt-ext-ux to the latest version. I am also getting this error:

  [TRACE] Removing units with errors
  [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/workspace/grivio-client/lib/
  [ERROR] Line 81: Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method
  from GridPanel


 Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins
 illusoire.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: gData API

2008-10-22 Thread walden

No, it won't compile into Javascript.  That's all server side stuff.
It's orthogonal to your GWT client.

On Oct 21, 10:04 am, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a gData API project that I would like to use GWT. The gData API
 requires 3 dependencies, mail.jar (Sun), activation.jar (JavaBeans)
 and Servlet-api.jar (Apache). Does anyone know off hand if GWT is
 capable of compiling the dependencies into JavaScript? I recall
 reading somewhere in the docs that GTWis primarily designed to work
 with Java.Lang. Sorry if this is a no brain'er question. This is my
 first attempt at a GTW project. Go Bears!-Bob
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Re: size of a unvisible widget

2008-10-22 Thread walden

PopupPanel uses a different technique for setVisible.  Since you're
reading the code (good idea) you should read the comment there.

By the way, I was wrong about deferred positioning, at least in the
sense I meant it.  I assumed there was a DeferredCommand down in
there, but there isn't.

'visibility: hidden' allows the element to take up space in the layout
without being visible, which allows its size to be sampled.  'display:
none' takes up no space and does not allow the element's size to be
sampled.  It doesn't flicker because it was not actually rendered
before it was positioned.  Also, because it is absolutely positioned,
the fact that it is 'visibility: hidden' does not push other
elements out of the way.  Something like that...


On Oct 21, 4:50 pm, r a f t [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 btw, do you (or anybody) know how does that work exactly ?

 looking at the code, it makes popup invisible, shows it (didnt
 understand what differs from making visible), gives callback a chance
 to position and finally makes popup visible. i can not figure out how
 that prevents a jump effect.. ?!

 On Oct 21, 5:44 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  See: PopupPanel.setPopupPositionAndShow(PositionCallback callback).  I
  have not had a problem with flicker.


  On Oct 21, 10:36 am, r a f t [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   thank you. that sounds to be a good solution. what is that +ve by the
   way ?

   On Oct 21, 5:28 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

AFAIK, it has to be attached and (theoretically) visible for you to get 
size, but you can set the left position to -2 or something silly so 
won't be seen. Not +ve or you might get scroll-bars. If you find a 
way, please post it :-)

2008/10/21 r a f t [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 placing certain widgets  (such as a popup) requires size of widget, so
 is it possible to get the size of a  widget before making it visible ?
 getOffsetWidth() / Height() methods return zero when widget is not

 making widget visible, getting size and then placing it seems to be
 workaround but i guess it will cause flicker

 r a f t- Hide quoted text -

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Re: RPC Collections Syntax

2008-10-22 Thread walden


public ArrayListT getCollectionOfT(String stringArg);


public void getCollectionOfT(String stringArg,
AsyncCallbackArrayListT callback);

Class T:

private ArrayListB bs;
public ArrayListB getBs() {
   return bs;
public void setBs(ArrayListB bs) { = bs;

Class B:

 - nothing -

Something like the above.  By the way, ArrayList is not by accident.
If you're not using any other list implementations, then for GWT don't
over-generalize the interface.


On Oct 22, 11:32 am, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I was trying to search through the forums to find the correct syntax
 for having a collection of items sent over RPC. Could someone please
 enlighten me on this magic? I'm using GWT 1.5 and what I want to do is
 pass over a ListT where T is a bean containing properties as well as
 containing a collection of another bean B. Not sure where annotations
 go. i.e Service? ServiceAsync? T? B?

 Thanks for any help.
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Re: Production and test source

2008-10-22 Thread walden

I don't think

source path=../../test/src/test/server/

does anything.  As I recall, source paths cannot be outside the root
module folder.  Your servlet implementation can live anywhere for
testing, and it doesn't need to be on the source path.  That's for
client side stuff.


On Oct 22, 1:13 pm, obesga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have done rigth the separation of test code and bussines code into a
 GWT application

 The structure of my code is
  + src
  |  * myproy.gwt.xml
  |  * public /
  |  * client /
 + test
  |  +src
  |   |  * server /
  |  +classes
  + classes

 So my gwt.xml is:
     entry-point class=''/

     source path=client/
     source path=../../test/src/test/server/

     servlet path=/servlet      class=server.TestServlet/

 I must add src - classes and test/src - test/classes to classpath when
 compiling and launching shell.

 But when I make the jar to the server, I only include the bussines
 code, no the testing code

 ¿ Have you tried configurations like this ?
 ¿ What do you think ?

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Re: Query for row-border styling for a Grid

2008-10-21 Thread walden

That's not entirely true. There are many styles that can be applied to
a table row, but borders is not one of them.

On Oct 21, 12:21 am, Ajay Garg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks alex. It works.
 Just wonder, that styling is applicable on a cell basis, and not on
 row basis ;-)

 Thanks again
 Ajay Garg

 On Oct 20, 4:29 pm, alex.d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Smth. like this probably?

  for(int i=0; igrid.getRowCount(); i++)
     for(int j=0; jgrid.getColumnCount(); j++)

  Every even row(actually every cell in it) will have a border-style
  assigned. Every odd row - border1-style.

  On 20 Okt., 13:07, Ajay Garg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi all.

   I am trying to apply styling to borders to a Grid, on a row by row
   basis. That is, apply color 1 on border of row 1, color 2 on border of
   row 2, and so on. I am aware of Grid's getRowFormatter() method, but
   haven't been able to apply the color at the bottom border of say, row
   numbered 'i'.

   It may be a query of html more than of gwt, but I have seemed to give
   up. Any light in this regard will be highly appreciated.

   Waiting for a reply.
   Ajay Garg- Hide quoted text -

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Re: size of a unvisible widget

2008-10-21 Thread walden

See: PopupPanel.setPopupPositionAndShow(PositionCallback callback).  I
have not had a problem with flicker.


On Oct 21, 10:36 am, r a f t [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thank you. that sounds to be a good solution. what is that +ve by the
 way ?

 On Oct 21, 5:28 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  AFAIK, it has to be attached and (theoretically) visible for you to get the
  size, but you can set the left position to -2 or something silly so it
  won't be seen. Not +ve or you might get scroll-bars. If you find a better
  way, please post it :-)

  2008/10/21 r a f t [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   placing certain widgets  (such as a popup) requires size of widget, so
   is it possible to get the size of a  widget before making it visible ?
   getOffsetWidth() / Height() methods return zero when widget is not

   making widget visible, getting size and then placing it seems to be
   workaround but i guess it will cause flicker

   r a f t- Hide quoted text -

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Re: size of a unvisible widget

2008-10-21 Thread walden


I thought I was also giving a general answer by pointing to an
implementation of what we might term the deferred positioning


On Oct 21, 11:22 am, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I knew that! But the original question appeared to be more general to me.

 Wrong again.


 Sorry, +ve is shorthand for positive, -ve for negative. That's my
 electronics experience showing :-(


 2008/10/21 walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  See: PopupPanel.setPopupPositionAndShow(PositionCallback callback).  I
  have not had a problem with flicker.


  On Oct 21, 10:36 am, r a f t [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   thank you. that sounds to be a good solution. what is that +ve by the
   way ?

   On Oct 21, 5:28 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

AFAIK, it has to be attached and (theoretically) visible for you to get
size, but you can set the left position to -2 or something silly so
won't be seen. Not +ve or you might get scroll-bars. If you find a
way, please post it :-)

2008/10/21 r a f t [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 placing certain widgets  (such as a popup) requires size of widget,
 is it possible to get the size of a  widget before making it visible
 getOffsetWidth() / Height() methods return zero when widget is not

 making widget visible, getting size and then placing it seems to be
 workaround but i guess it will cause flicker

 r a f t- Hide quoted text -

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Re: How to open new opage in samre window

2008-10-20 Thread walden


On Oct 20, 8:04 am, avd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Sir,

 I have a problem in which i want to open a new page in the same
 For this i am using JSNI method in which i write $wnd.location.href =
 where newLoc is the url of the new page. What url should i pass in
 newLoc var.
 I am passing TradeMark.html#Intro but this is not working.where intro
 is another file name.

 with regards
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Re: Suggestion: GWT port to Desktop

2008-10-17 Thread walden

much :-)

  does anyone want to be able to run applications written for GWT as a
 *desktop* application?

  if so, port GWT _back_ into pure java, using Java bindings to
 Webkit's DOM model to manage the screen.

  ... is that better? :)

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Re: SuggestBox something wrong with style

2008-10-15 Thread walden

Yup, two things you can do:

1. Look at the Javadoc for the SuggestBox API and note the
various .gwt-* css rules used by default to style the widget and start
using them.

2. Your screenshot is of Hosted Mode.  Run your application is Web
Mode and use Firebug or equivalent to get down and dirty into the DOM
to see what's broken.


On Oct 15, 6:42 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to use a SuggestBox  but it shows incorrectly, something is
 broken in css

 here is the code
                MultiWordSuggestOracle oracle= new
                 ListString candidats=new ArrayListString();
                 SuggestBox suggestBox=new SuggestBox(oracle);

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Re: Ant tasks ZipException

2008-10-15 Thread walden


Since the GWT compiler has specific needs pertaining to classloading,
I think it's appropriate to try to manage the problem internal to the
compiler.  I have not looked at this in detail for a long time, so I
was wondering if anybody on the list was more conversant with how this
works.  Your points are well taken.  Maybe a warning rather than an
outright fail would be better.  Just something so people don't keep
getting stuck in this particular bit of tar (I noticed another
incidence of this on the list yesterday).

The custom ant task is a fine idea, but its failing is that not
everyone will use it, and we're right back here.


On Oct 15, 8:17 am, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure that the classloader's type would be a reliable check. Is there
 a practical way of knowing if any given classloader would be compatible?
 Just giving up if you don't find one specific classloader would cause
 GWTCompiler to fail in any environment that replaced that classloader, even
 with a compatible substitute.
 What I can suggest is a GwtCompilerTask for Ant that I've started working on
 in the Incubator.
 It's very much an alpha version, but it works in my tests and handles
 forking automatically. You can find it in the Incubator trunk and I also did
 a quick 
 it yesterday. Feedback is very much appreciated.

 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 8:00 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yeah, I lost a lot of time on this a year and a half ago when I was
  trying to revive someone's GWT compile ant task code which was
  apparently written for GWT 1.3 or earlier.  I've forgotten the
  specifics now, but it has to do with the search order used by the
  different loaders (I think).  Anyway, I was wondering whether it would
  make sense to write an issue against this.  Would it be feasible for
  the GWT compiler to examine its context classloader (or whatever it
  uses to find GWT resources) and fail fast if it's the wrong one?  This
  problem may not be too common, but when it occurs, it tends to
  dumbfound us for a while.


  On Oct 14, 3:43 pm, birwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   When I place fork=true in the java tasks, it compiles correctly. I had
   to adjust the memory as I ran out of memory during the build, but it
   appears to work fine now. I appreciate the input. I tried to look on
   the Internet to find more information regarding why the GWTCompiler
   run in a java Ant task needs fork=true, but I could find no

   It works anyway, even if I don't understand why, so I will move on...
   Thank you Walden and thank you Isaac for your time and help.

   - Brian I.

   On Oct 14, 6:30 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Guys,

Not sure if this could be related, but your ant target that uses the
java task to run the GWT compile needs to set fork=true.  This takes
the ant classloader out of the equation. As I recall, the ant
classloader defeates GWT; I don't remember the specifics.


On Oct 13, 8:42 pm, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  path refid=compile.cp /
  path refid=class.path /

 What's in these? Are they also in your stripped-down build?

 On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 6:39 PM, birwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  I have created from scratch the simplest GWT application I could
  of... I created the simplest build file I could think of (No Ivy
  dependency management, no code... Just a blank web page) and then
  attempted to build the project... I got exactly the same results as

  I decided to try a different version of Ant just to ensure it had
  nothing to do with Ant, and again the same results.

  I am not sure what to do at this point. I may try the build on
  machine just to make sure it is not my environment. I may have to
  on a non-ant build (Cypal Studio in Eclipse) which seems to work
  without any problems. Unfortunately, there is no way to automate

  - Brian I.

  On Oct 13, 12:24 pm, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry I couldn't identify the exact problem. It certainly is an
  error. The only other time I've seen it fail to find
  was in this thread:

  ... where I solved the problem by dumping my classpath and
  from scratch, basically.
   I never did find exactly what was causing the problem, but
  starting from scratch will work for you, too.

  On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:20 PM, birwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   It does contain com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/

   Just to make sure the GWTCompile task handles spaces in its
   I moved the user.jar to the root directory

Re: Displaying lists in a cell in a Flextable

2008-10-15 Thread walden

Inspect you page in Firebug (or whatever) and see how list-style-type
attribute is set on your li elements?

On Oct 15, 6:59 am, craige [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to insert some HTML into a cell in a Flextable which
 includes a list (ordered/ordered it makes no difference). I use the
 setHTML method to set the contents of the cell but  when displayed,
 the list markers are not displayed rendered at all i.e. no bullet
 points and no numerical markers.

 Other markup such as the b tags is rendered correctly as you would

 The code which I am using to set the contents of the cell follows.


 and faultDetails.description is set to

 This is a test of the systembrbrullia test/lilimore of a
 test/lilianother test/lilianother testbr/li/ul

 Has anybody any ideas what might be going on here? I'm using GWT 1.5
 on linux and firefox 3 and opera.


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Re: Ant tasks ZipException

2008-10-15 Thread walden

Yeah, I lost a lot of time on this a year and a half ago when I was
trying to revive someone's GWT compile ant task code which was
apparently written for GWT 1.3 or earlier.  I've forgotten the
specifics now, but it has to do with the search order used by the
different loaders (I think).  Anyway, I was wondering whether it would
make sense to write an issue against this.  Would it be feasible for
the GWT compiler to examine its context classloader (or whatever it
uses to find GWT resources) and fail fast if it's the wrong one?  This
problem may not be too common, but when it occurs, it tends to
dumbfound us for a while.


On Oct 14, 3:43 pm, birwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I place fork=true in the java tasks, it compiles correctly. I had
 to adjust the memory as I ran out of memory during the build, but it
 appears to work fine now. I appreciate the input. I tried to look on
 the Internet to find more information regarding why the GWTCompiler
 run in a java Ant task needs fork=true, but I could find no

 It works anyway, even if I don't understand why, so I will move on...
 Thank you Walden and thank you Isaac for your time and help.

 - Brian I.

 On Oct 14, 6:30 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Guys,

  Not sure if this could be related, but your ant target that uses the
  java task to run the GWT compile needs to set fork=true.  This takes
  the ant classloader out of the equation. As I recall, the ant
  classloader defeates GWT; I don't remember the specifics.


  On Oct 13, 8:42 pm, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

path refid=compile.cp /
path refid=class.path /

   What's in these? Are they also in your stripped-down build?

   On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 6:39 PM, birwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have created from scratch the simplest GWT application I could think
of... I created the simplest build file I could think of (No Ivy
dependency management, no code... Just a blank web page) and then
attempted to build the project... I got exactly the same results as

I decided to try a different version of Ant just to ensure it had
nothing to do with Ant, and again the same results.

I am not sure what to do at this point. I may try the build on another
machine just to make sure it is not my environment. I may have to rely
on a non-ant build (Cypal Studio in Eclipse) which seems to work
without any problems. Unfortunately, there is no way to automate that

- Brian I.

On Oct 13, 12:24 pm, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sorry I couldn't identify the exact problem. It certainly is an odd
error. The only other time I've seen it fail to find java.lang.Object
was in this thread:

... where I solved the problem by dumping my classpath and starting
from scratch, basically.
 I never did find exactly what was causing the problem, but hopefully
starting from scratch will work for you, too.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:20 PM, birwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It does contain com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/

 Just to make sure the GWTCompile task handles spaces in its 
 I moved the user.jar to the root directory and created a new 
 that just had that JAR. I tried a recompile and included the new
 classpath and again it failed with the same error.

 I believe I am going to start from scratch and try to do a Hello
 World-type build where I don't include any Ivy dependencies, etc...
 and everything is very basic.

 Once I have that working, I will return to debugging this build. If I
 find a solution, I will post it here when I finish.

 Thank you for your help I appreciate it.

 - Brian I.

 On Oct 13, 12:03 pm, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That looks fine to me. I'm really fishing now... could you open up
 gwt-user.jar and confirm that it contains

 On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 1:47 PM, birwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry, the last Timecard.gwt.xml was not the correct one. Here is 
  one I am using:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 standalone=no?

         !-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff.                  

         !-- Inherit Web Toolkit Incubator stuff --

         !-- Specify the app entry point class.                   
         entry-point class=com.webapp.client.Timecard /

         source path=client /
         public path=public /

         servlet class=com.webapp.server.TimecardServiceImpl 

Re: Your opinion sought: Jetty or Tomcat?

2008-10-15 Thread walden

+1 well said.

On Oct 14, 6:03 pm, Jason Essington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since creating a usable server side configuration in the embedded  
 servlet container is all but impossible for anything but the simplest  
 projects, I think that the choice of embedded server is a non-issue.

 Since complicated configurations aren't really something you want to  
 address in the embedded server, my vote would be for the simplest,  
 fastest implementation that supports the simple case uses.

 So, if Jetty starts faster and is lighter weight, then great, use it.


 On Oct 13, 2008, at 4:48 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

  Hi everyone,

  Hope you're enjoying 1.5.

  The GWT team has started putting together a 1.6 roadmap, which we'll  
  publish as soon as we have it nailed down. Two of the areas we want  
  to work on for 1.6 are some improvements to hosted mode startup time  
  and a friendlier output directory structure (something that looks  
  more .war-like).

  As part of this effort, we've all but decided to switch the hosted  
  mode embedded HTTP server from Tomcat to Jetty. Would this break  
  you? (And if so, how mad would you be if we did it anyway?) We  
  figure most people who really care about the web.xml and so on are  
  already using -noserver to have full control over their server  

  Bruce- Hide quoted text -

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Re: how to call RPC from an HTMLPanel's content anchor

2008-10-14 Thread walden

The HTML* widgets are basically tunneling HTML through GWT.  Don't use
them for anything but the simplest non-extensible non-event-enabled

If you will say what elements your have built through these widgets,
you will get more focused advice on how to implement them in a way
that makes GWT pleasant and productive.


On Oct 14, 6:07 am, Tanzeem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone help me with  a sample code for the following

 i have a HTMLPanel with its contents as HTML including a javascript
 function onClick() from which i expect to call an RPC. Is this
 possible? If ny solutions please help me.
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Re: Collections of Serializable

2008-10-10 Thread walden

Well, you're already doing that, but you don't like the performance

I think the answer is to get out of the heterogeneous mindset.  This
isn't Java.  Adopt a less elegant looking solution in which you
structure up your responses using specific type references.  How to
apply that strategy to your particular case is really a project-
specific design issue.  There may need to be some give and take
throughout the design.

As a note, I've seen non-GWT Java projects in which the developers
(probably coming over from Perl) prefer to represent everything as
maps of objects.  So instead of a class with clearly typed properties,
everything is a bag of anything.  This pretty much defeats the purpose
of a strongly typed language, although you can get it to work.  It's
like implementing everything through reflection.

So, if you take my advice above, you may also end up with a better
designed product, from an OO point of view, which means better compile
time error removal, etc.


On Oct 9, 3:39 pm, huherto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a collection of Serializable objects like this:

 class A {
    * @gwt.typeArgs
     List list;


 I need to change it because when I migrate to GWT 1.5.2 , I get
 warnings like this:
                   [WARN] Deprecated use of gwt.typeArgs for field
 properties; Please use java.util.Mapjava.lang.String, as the field's type

 My first attempt was to change it to:
 class A {
     ListSerializable list;


 The problem seems to be that it tries to generate code for all the
 subclasses of Serializable!!! That does not make sense to me since
 when I use Serializable I am thinking any class that that can already
 be used as an RPC argument.

 My next attempt was not to hint the gwt compiler using old fashion

 class A {
     List list;


 But it is even worst since it tries to generate code for all the
 subclasses of Object.

 A similar problem is discussed in this 

 So the question is, how can send heterogeneous objects in a collection?
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Re: Struts 1.x + GWT

2008-10-10 Thread walden


How do you know the GWT entry point is loading or not loading?


On Oct 9, 5:07 pm, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi Walden,
 the reason I specifically mentioned Struts was because this is what I

 I currently have a Struts/Tiles based application. So there are
 navigational tiles that would need information processed by the Action
 class which then shall forward to a JSP which is constructed using

 The problem seems to be that when the i access the GWT based file
 through the Action i.e if for the forgetting all Tiles etc, I had my
 JSP/HTML to be Test.jsp... and I went to
 which shall execute TestAction which will forward me to Test.jsp
 (which has the GWT reference to the javascript) the javascript doesn't
 seem to execute upon load. However, if I went to,
 the page  gets loaded fine.

 Hope that explains the issue. Any help is appreciated. Additionally,
 if this might not be the best solution, other ideas are also


 On Oct 9, 2:45 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't use Struts, but GWT script in JSP files works fine.  Give some
  more details...

  On Oct 9, 1:46 pm, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Has anyone been able to successfully integrate GWT into an existing
   Struts 1.x application? I'm trying a real simple case of calling an
   Action which proceeds to forward me to the JSP using GWT and want to
   know if anyone has success being able to get the javascript to run
   once the controller forwards the page to the browser.

   Thanks- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: controlling outbound port range for XMLHttpRequest??

2008-10-10 Thread walden

As far as I know, every OS out there has a primitives, available to
programs through a socket library, which choose the ephemeral port
for the client side of the binding when a client opens a TCP
connection, cycling through the high range of numbers designated for
that on each new connection request.  It is unlikely that your browser
is getting one of the low reserved numbers for its binding.  More
likely is that one of your custom applications has reserved
something in the ephemeral range.  That can work ok, as long as your
custom application starts early enough to get its port bound before
it's given out for some other purpose.


On Oct 10, 9:41 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The browser controls that (obviously).

 Your network setup is completely, utterly, -BORKED-, if this is
 causing problems. That means any connection made by the browser, for
 any reason, could randomly fail. I'm guessing you're misunderstanding
 the problem.


  Is it possible to limit the outbound port range for making
  XMLHttpRequets?  We are running into issues were the client app is
  starting to use some ports that are reserved by some other custom
  applications.  When a request is made to a server on port 80 / 443,
  what determines the client side port that is opened for that
  communication?  Is it controlled by GWT, IE / Firefox, etc, OS?

  I am using GWT 1.5 and IE 6 on windows xp if it makes any difference.


  Ted- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Struts 1.x + GWT

2008-10-09 Thread walden

I don't use Struts, but GWT script in JSP files works fine.  Give some
more details...

On Oct 9, 1:46 pm, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone been able to successfully integrate GWT into an existing
 Struts 1.x application? I'm trying a real simple case of calling an
 Action which proceeds to forward me to the JSP using GWT and want to
 know if anyone has success being able to get the javascript to run
 once the controller forwards the page to the browser.

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Re: Problem import class external path /client/ HELP!

2008-10-08 Thread walden

You need to work on carefully separating classes that will be compiled
by the GWT compiler from those that will not.  Classes shared between
server and client are in the first category.  Isolate those under the /
client folder before you try to configure your module.  Then you won't
need any source tags.  If they cannot be isolated under a single
path, then you will need source tags, but it will still be true that
any location on the source path for the compile must not contain
classes unsuitable for the GWT compiler.


On Oct 7, 4:19 pm, Shi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Changing the file:
 entry-point class=gwt.client.GwtApplication/
 source path=to/
 source path=dao
 source path=gwt/client/
 source path=gwt/server/
 source path=gwt/public/
 stylesheet src=js/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css/
 script src=js/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js/
 script src=js/ext/ext-all.js/
 servlet class=gwt.server.ComunicationServiceImpl path=/
 stylesheet src=GwtApplication.css/

 the error is:
 Compiling module gwt.GwtApplication
 Computing all possible rebind results for 'gwt.client.GwtApplication'
    Rebinding gwt.client.GwtApplication
       Checking rule generate-with
          [ERROR] Unable to find type 'gwt.client.GwtApplication'
             [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
 type unavailable
             [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
 module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
 be adding its source path entries properly
 [ERROR] Build failed

 I do not understand ..
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Re: how to proxy all the methods in my RemoteServiceServlet

2008-10-03 Thread walden


GWT RPC clearly does not have the security aspect designed in; it
seems designed for use with an orthogonal security mechanism, such as
found in the HTTP specs.

A bit of a leap, but have you mentally walked through what would
happen if you ditched SESSION-based security and went with Digest?  I
think this approach would sidestep a huge amount of custom programming
for you.  Question is, what would you be losing that you can't live

In my application, if I start up a browser and type the URL of my RPC
service (before authenticating), the JAAS system in JBoss issues a
challenge from way down in the stack (my RPC code never sees it), and
the browser puts up a login form.  This is pretty much what should
happen when your logged in user encounters a session timeout.


On Oct 3, 3:42 am, olivier nouguier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If you don't want to give a try with Spring( or Guice), you could use
 AspectJ to weave your desired behaviour (handling security).
  But it might be more long  hard than to learn spring  spring security
 (I've just post a project that illustrate this).

 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 7:23 AM, deanhiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I saw someone talking about proxying all the methods to add code(like
  an aspect or filter) using spring and I am wondering how I can do
  this(hopefully without spring as I don't feel like learning that right
  now and just want a quick solution).

  Basically, if my GWT servlet has these methods
  public void doSomething(int i);
  public String doSomethingAgain(String s);
  public long increaseSomething(int i);

  BEFORE methods are even called, I want to chech if there is a User
  object in the Session(ie. user is logged in).  If there is not, the
  Session probably expired and I want to throw a NotLoggedInException on
  every one of these methods(but not in the method itself).  I would
  prefer this is reusable in an abstract class that implements
  RemoteServiceServlet and any GWT Servlet any team creates here will
  extend that and inherit this functionality since all the
  authentication stuff is the same for all our services.

  How do I do this in a common way?  It looks like the
  RemoteServiceServlet is kind of screwed up in not exposing a good
  method to override that I could use as the filter.

  Any ideas?

 Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
 dernier poisson péché, l'homme va s'apercevoir que l'argent n'est pas
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Re: Newbie question - adding GWT to my existing application

2008-10-02 Thread walden


Let's take it one step at a time.  The first problem is your source
directive.  It should look like this:

source path=./

The path is the folder at the root of a hierarchy, not a single file.
Since your path was defective, the Client1 source was not found, and
that caused the import statement to fail the compile.  The rest of the
diagnostics you can just ignore.

As for you later question, GWT does need the Java source (and does not
need the .class files).  GWT does have a limitation that inherited
source needs to be packaged for inheritance.  You can't just throw
arbitrary jars at a GWT compile the way you can in actual Java.
That's because of the limitations inherent in compiling to Javascript.


On Oct 1, 4:51 pm, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Walden,

 Here's what I did:

 1) My current project is set up with the source code as

   - webroot (all JSP, WEB-INF, etc lie here)
   - src
      - package
           - subpackage
                    - Class1
                   -  Class2
                    - subpackage2
                         - Class3*

 So now when adding GWT here's what i did:

 1) I ran the applicationCreator command under the project directory,
 so if
 the name of my GWT module is going to be gwt_test

   - webroot
   - src
   - gwt_test
 So in order to import Class1, i created a subpackage.gwt.xml  under
 subpackage directory
 *     - subpackage
         - subpackage.gwt.xml
         - Class1
         - Class2*

 The contents of this were

       source path=Class1/

 Now in my GWT module

   - src
       - package1
             - subpackage
                  - gwt
                        - client

 I added the import statement to the  as a regular
 import  -
 import package.subpackage.Class1
 I modified the class path of gwt_test-compile.cmd to contain the
 path to the  subpackage.gwt.xml i.e  *C:/./subpackage.gwt.xml *

 Upon trying to GWT compile this, i still get the error

 Removing units with errors
    [ERROR] Errors in
       [ERROR] Line 12: The import package.subpackage.Class1 cannot be
 Compiling module package1.subpackage.gwt.client.Gwt_test
 Computing all possible rebind results for
       Checking rule generate-with
          [ERROR] Unable to find type
             [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
             [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
 module; it
 may not be inheriting a r
 equired module or a module may not be adding its source path entries
 [ERROR] Build failed

 Actual class names have been substituted for privacy. Let me know what
 doing wrong.
 Also additionally, I'd still like to know how to deal with this if I
 had to
 be importing from a jar. I ask, because ideally I do not want to be
 disturbing the current code structure too much and for curiosity I'd
 like to
 know the limitation of GWT with this regard. When I do import from a
 does the jar being used need to have the source files as well as the
 files for the project. So for example if I was trying to use some 3rd
 or open source jar, then how would this work because most of the time
 be downloading and using binaries right.


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 On Sep 29, 8:47 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  If the current Java code is in the same project where you are adding
  GWT on the client, you don't need a jar.

  Your current Java code does have to be sanitized to meet the 'closed
  world' requirements of the GWT compiler.  Read the documentation on
  the GWT compiler and JRE emulation classes for details.

  Your current Java code will have to be findable by the GWT compiler,
  which means there must be a .gwt.xml file on the classpath when you
  run the GWT compiler (you'll need to create that), and it needs to
  indicate where the compile sources are.  There are basically two ways
  to approach this part:

  1. keep your sources exactly where they are; place your Pkg1.gwt.xml
  file in the root folder of the smallest containing sub-tree for all
  the classes you need to include, and use the source path=x/ tag as
  many times as necessary to indicate (and hopefully isolate) just the
  classes you want compiled by GWT.

  2. do a little folder reorganization so that the classes you will
  share between server and client side are isolated cleanly; have a
  'client' folder at the root of that sub-tree, and place your
  Pkg1.gwt.xml file as a direct sibling to the client folder.  Then you

Re: redirect problem

2008-10-02 Thread walden

Hi Dean,

In my earliest prototypes with GWT RPC, I decided I didn't want to
bother with failed calls, so I implemented my own AsyncCallbackAdapter
which stubs out the onFailure with a Window.alert().  Then I extend
that for the specific RPC cases.  Strangely enough, I haven't had to
revisit that decision.  I think the same approach would work for you,
except your default onFailure would inspect the exception to ascertain
that it represents a session timeout, and then effect the location
change to the login page.  There would of course be a one-time effort
to put this in place of what you have now.  And you would still need
to educate developers to always extend the adapter when implementing
new remote services.


On Oct 2, 12:29 am, deanhiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Servlet Filter installed, and because of our single sign on
 between all our apps, this same Servlet Filter is used on all projects
 and redirects to the login page after the session times out.  the
 problem is every function call in GWT that goes through this Servlet
 Filter ends up passing back an Exception as it does not understand the

 This is the code in the ServletFilter

 Then in the GWT GUI, failure(Throwable e) is called with an
 InvocationException.  We don't want to have to code up every method
 for redirecting of course.  Much like JSF and AJAX, we just want the
 redirects to workie. in Seam, if an AJAX request is made and the
 ServletFilter does a redirect, the whole page redirects.  Is there any
 way to make GWT do that?  This is really annoying as we have 10
 projects and 30 methods on each so over 300 methods we have to code
 this special case up forand we are adding project after project
 and people wil forget to add this special case.  We need a better
 way.  This is sort of like an aspect, like transactions or logging and
 we want to do it in a filter or proxy filter.

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Re: submitting GWT code

2008-10-02 Thread walden


Are you talking about the exceptions that are generated within the RPC
framework code itself?  It seems to me what you want is better control
over the exceptions thrown on the server, and of course that's up to


On Oct 2, 2:14 am, deanhiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't seen the code, but I have noticed that nearly every
 exception in GWT side is an InvocationException and alot of those do
 not have what caused it.  I would really like there too kind of be a
 few different exceptions possibly like

 TimeoutException(no response from server)
 RedirectException(server sent redirect and GWT can't do it)...though I
 am not sure why we can't just redirect the page if this happens
 etc. etc.

 Right now, can't always tell what happened client side.  Ideally, I
 want to tell the user, sorry, you encountered a bug, please contact
 support OR communication with the server timed out(not a bug).  and I
 really want to solve that redirect problem somehow for when the server
 sends me a redirect.

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Re: Remove all rows from FlexTable

2008-10-02 Thread walden

Yes there is.

myFlexTable = new FlexTable();
// code to plug the new instance in where the old instance used to be


On Oct 2, 3:55 am, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm populating a FlexTable using setText(row, column, text).

 Here is what I did to clear the entire contents of a FlexTable,

             int count = myFlexTable.getRowCount();
             for (int i = 0; i  count; i++) {

 Is there a more elegant way to clear a FlexTable?

 Thank you!


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Re: Remove all rows from FlexTable

2008-10-02 Thread walden

That depends on the nature of the parent.  For example, with a
SimplePanel as parent, you wouldn't.

On Oct 2, 10:27 am, olivier nouguier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  IMHO it's also necessary to remove the old myFlexTable from is parent ?
 no ?

 On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 3:20 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes there is.

  myFlexTable = new FlexTable();
  // code to plug the new instance in where the old instance used to be


  On Oct 2, 3:55 am, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm populating a FlexTable using setText(row, column, text).

   Here is what I did to clear the entire contents of a FlexTable,

               int count = myFlexTable.getRowCount();
               for (int i = 0; i  count; i++) {

   Is there a more elegant way to clear a FlexTable?

   Thank you!



 Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
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Re: Info Windows

2008-10-01 Thread walden

Hello Xavier,

In addition to what Sumit said above, could you please refrain from
posting unless you have either a specific question about GWT or a
specific answer about GWT?  Posts which contain neither of those (most
of yours) look to me like they would really confuse someone who is new
to the technology.  We need to be sensitive to their needs.



On Sep 30, 10:50 am, Sumit Chandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Xavier,
 I think what Pamela means is that anyone can post bug reports, but they post
 them up naturally as they encounter or discover them while working with GWT.
 It usually isn't very beneficial to start a thread asking for or soliciting
 general bug reports, as the best practice is to get specific issues reported
 in the public Issue Tracker so other developers can track and add comments
 to the reports posted there.

 That said, I'm happy to see that you've refrained from posting on the group
 for the moment until you can get gain more experience with GWT and get a
 better feeling for the kinds of posts we talk about in the forum.

 However, posts like the last three above with snarky or sarcastic comments
 are not appropriate. Please be friendly and respectful.

 -Sumit Chandel

 On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 5:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What??? I have not really posted in a week do your work and do not
  worry about me.

  On 9/29/08, Andrej [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Xavier, you didn't post 1 useful post here.
   It is SPAM, for me new kind of SPAM, it seems that you are trying to
   win any maximum post count race...

  Xavier A. Mathews
  GG Client Based Tech Support Specialist
  Hazel Crest Illinois
  Fear of a name, only increases fear of the thing itself.- Hide quoted 
  text -

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Re: Fire TableListener Event from inside a TableListener

2008-10-01 Thread walden


I don't think it's covered by documentation, and I also don't think
it's really a simple thing to do.  I have implemented something like
this relative to the 1.4 codebase, so it may not take advantage of
features in 1.5, I don't know.

One issue is that whatever you use as a cell editor needs to recognize
the TAB key as a commit trigger (this assumes you let your user
abandon a change in progress).  Then you need something of a
PositionController which maintains a cursor on the grid, and knows how
to navigate the grid.  For instance, a TAB would behave as you said,
but a DOWN arrow might behave differently.

To support such a PositionController, I found I needed to extend the
Grid widget to instrument it with Keyboard and Mouse listeners, in
addition to the Click listener.  Then I let my PositionController
subscribe to the events that can cause position changes, and so on.
Hopefully you get the idea.


On Sep 30, 1:27 pm, Bear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm sure that this is covered in the documentation, but I'm having a
 hard time finding it.  Basically I'm learning GWT from David Geary's
 excellent book, GWT Solutions.  I have successfully implemented part
 of solution 8 and what I'm trying to do is extend his code by allowing
 the user to use the Tab key to finish editing one cell and move to
 the next, if there is one on the same row, or the next row and 1st
 cell of that row.

 What I think I wish to do is fire a onCellClicked event with the next
 cell that will then be captured by my TableListener.  This idea may be
 way off the right way to do this, but, at least to me, it seems the
 way to do something like this.

 I would appreciate hearing some ideas on this, and I would like to
 thank everyone in advance.

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Re: GWT and servlet session

2008-10-01 Thread walden


I'm sorry, I didn't write the GWTLogin Security paper, which documents
an approach other than what I use.  I think that if you buy into the
idea of using session cookies for security (i.e., reinventing the
security wheel in order to get control over login/registration form
look and feel), then you need to go all the way and follow the advice
in the paper.

However, I'm suggesting a simpler approach, one which I'm using on my
project, which is simply configuring your server to protect the
resources you want protected using HTTP Digest authentication.
Depending on what your server is, find the documentation on
configuring that.  There's not a whole lot more to it.

For instance, using JBoss/Tomcat for my web container, I deploy a
jboss-web.xml file that sits right next to the standard web.xml file
and contains the following:


In the default JBoss configuration, there are digest-users and digest-
roles xml files.  It's not difficult to switch to a JDBC-based
authentication, though, which is what I do.


On Oct 1, 2:17 am, sim123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I should not piggyback my sessionID with RPC payload, then what
 does this line in GWTLogin Security means and could you please help me
 with how can I achieve this?

 NB: Do NOT attempt to use the Cookie header to transfer the sessionID
 from GWT to the server; it is fraught with security issues that will
 become clear in the rest of this article. You MUST transfer the
 sessionID in the payload of the request

 Here is the link of this article

 Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate your help.

 On Sep 30, 4:32 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I don't think you mentioned whether you are using the regular Hosted
  Mode or the -noserver variant of that.  To test ServletFilter
  behavior, you will have to go with -noserver, or else test in a web
  mode environment.  That's the first thing.

  Second, you are making assumptions about how GWT RPC maps onto an HTTP
  POST.  You cannot expect to dig RPC parameters out of the request as
  if they were HTTP parameters.  Basically, RPC is opaque.

  So here's the rub, and now I get to preach from the top of my little
  crate again.  You are hand-rolling security by piggybacking
  authentication session information right in the application layer of
  your RPC stuff.  You are paying the price for this doubly: (1) you are
  polluting your applicationi logic with extra security parameters,
  which should be orthogonal to your business logic, and (2) you can't
  dig the session out of the RPC serialized mess, so even though you're
  enduring the pain of (1), it won't work.

  If I were you, I'd consider using either HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or
  HTTP Basic over SSL for establishing and maintaining a secure session
  with your server.  It all depends on how secure your app needs to be.
  If you just need reasonable protection against stolen credentials, the
  second option above should be fine.


  On Sep 29, 4:52 pm, sim123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks for reply, actually I don't know where exactly the problem is,
   please bare with me.

   First thing is : Compile/Browser option is not working when Filter is
   enabled, this filter just checks for existing session using
   request.getSession(false), if session exists request is valid other
   wise I am throwing an error message saying session is null.

   In hosted mode everything works fine, no issues at all.

   Another thing which I noticed is strange behavior of
   request.getParameter method in case of RPC. RPC method are http POST
   method and now I am passing sessionID with request payload i.e.
   another parameter in my method

   public String getData(String studentID, string sessionID);

   I am trying to get this sessionID in my filter's dofilter method

   public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
   FilterChain chain) ServletException {
   if ( ! isLoginRequest(request) ) {
                           session = ((HttpServletRequest) 
                           String sessionIDFromReq =
   request).getSession().getParamter(sessionID); //this ID is null

                           if ( session.getID().equals( sessionIDFromReq) ) {
                                   chain.doFilter(request, response);

                           } else {

                                   throw new ServletException(session is 


   The only thing I know is for some reason I am not getting sessionID in
   filter even thought session is created. Please help, I hope I made
   things little more clear this time.
   On Sep 29, 6:14 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not sure, but I think Tomcat should

Re: GWT and servlet session

2008-10-01 Thread walden

In addition, note that it's relatively easy to mark-up a link or image
for malicious inclusion in an unsuspecting page.  Note also that these
controls interact with the server through GET requests.  So make sure
you follow REST adivce and make all your GET service routines safe.
No side effects for GETS, in other words.


On Oct 1, 1:03 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, and those cross-site attacks depend on your server (and/or your
 client) taking user input and blindly embedding it in the DOM, so that
 the user can create links and buttons and images and the like on the
 page you supposedly control.  So don't do that, and then you can use
 HTTP standards for authentication.


 On Oct 1, 8:40 am, Lothar Kimmeringer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  walden schrieb:

   However, I'm suggesting a simpler approach, one which I'm using on my
   project, which is simply configuring your server to protect the
   resources you want protected using HTTP Digest authentication.
   Depending on what your server is, find the documentation on
   configuring that.  There's not a whole lot more to it.

  HTTP Digest authentication has the same problem like Session-IDs
  in Cookies. A browser automatically transfer the authentication-
  credentials for every request, so you're in danger of successful

  Regards, Lothar- Hide quoted text -

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Re: GWT and servlet session

2008-09-30 Thread walden


I don't think you mentioned whether you are using the regular Hosted
Mode or the -noserver variant of that.  To test ServletFilter
behavior, you will have to go with -noserver, or else test in a web
mode environment.  That's the first thing.

Second, you are making assumptions about how GWT RPC maps onto an HTTP
POST.  You cannot expect to dig RPC parameters out of the request as
if they were HTTP parameters.  Basically, RPC is opaque.

So here's the rub, and now I get to preach from the top of my little
crate again.  You are hand-rolling security by piggybacking
authentication session information right in the application layer of
your RPC stuff.  You are paying the price for this doubly: (1) you are
polluting your applicationi logic with extra security parameters,
which should be orthogonal to your business logic, and (2) you can't
dig the session out of the RPC serialized mess, so even though you're
enduring the pain of (1), it won't work.

If I were you, I'd consider using either HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or
HTTP Basic over SSL for establishing and maintaining a secure session
with your server.  It all depends on how secure your app needs to be.
If you just need reasonable protection against stolen credentials, the
second option above should be fine.


On Sep 29, 4:52 pm, sim123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for reply, actually I don't know where exactly the problem is,
 please bare with me.

 First thing is : Compile/Browser option is not working when Filter is
 enabled, this filter just checks for existing session using
 request.getSession(false), if session exists request is valid other
 wise I am throwing an error message saying session is null.

 In hosted mode everything works fine, no issues at all.

 Another thing which I noticed is strange behavior of
 request.getParameter method in case of RPC. RPC method are http POST
 method and now I am passing sessionID with request payload i.e.
 another parameter in my method

 public String getData(String studentID, string sessionID);

 I am trying to get this sessionID in my filter's dofilter method

 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
 FilterChain chain) ServletException {
 if ( ! isLoginRequest(request) ) {
                         session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession();
                         String sessionIDFromReq =
 request).getSession().getParamter(sessionID); //this ID is null

                         if ( session.getID().equals( sessionIDFromReq) ) {
                                 chain.doFilter(request, response);

                         } else {

                                 throw new ServletException(session is null);


 The only thing I know is for some reason I am not getting sessionID in
 filter even thought session is created. Please help, I hope I made
 things little more clear this time.
 On Sep 29, 6:14 am, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not sure, but I think Tomcat should 
  treathttp://localhostandhttp://ip-address as different origins requiring 
  separate sessions.
  If this is your only problem, then don't use the IP address to access
  your site.

  If it's not the only problem, thenpostsome meaningful diagnostics
  from your server log.  You should have done that in your firstpost.


  On Sep 28, 1:08 pm, sim123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Someone please look into this issue, I really have no clue what is
   going on.

   On Sep 27, 3:38 pm, sim123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a simple application built in GWT and java servlet

1. User login : user logs in using a asynchronous call to server, RPC
service creates a session and return it to client, on OnSuccess of
this login call I load data on to browser, there are few RPC calls and
one call to downlaod pictures from another tomcat instance.

2. I have servlet filter implemented to check if the request is valid
or not, based on session coming from Cookies this filter validates the
request and pass it to appropriate RPC or non RPC Servlet.

Now everything is working fine in hosted mode browser but when I do
compile/browse I get authentication exception in filter, I don't know
ehy is it so as I am getting the session ID back in onSuccess method
of Login call and after that I am performing all other operaitons. I
created a war file and deployed it on external tomcat, everything
works fine if I type http://localhost:8080/login/Login.html;, but if
I type ip address of my machine instead of localhost I get same
authentication exception saying session is null, is there something
realated to redirecting to another tomcat's instance when loading
images? If that is the case why it is not happening in hosted mode and
inlocalhsot ?

I would really appreciate if somebody could please help me with this

Thansk for all

Re: FocusPanel not allowing focus on nested text fields

2008-09-30 Thread walden


I suspect you have not built your composite correctly.  Please post
your composite code here.


On Sep 29, 10:41 pm, Michael Neale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am just trying to detect that the user has clicked on ANYTHING
 within the FP. I just capture an event that they clicked and note
 that, that is all.

 On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 23 sep, 07:11, Michael Neale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If I have a composite, which in turn has text fields in it, when I
  wrap all that in a FocusPanel - I can't seem to *easily* click on it
  (I have to click a few times) to set the focus on the field to edit

  Any ideas on what this is? (tabbing seems to work - its the mouse
  clicking). Am I abusing FocusPanel?

  Maybe (probably?). What are you using the FocusPanel for? What's the
  use case? What's the intended behavior?

 Michael D Neale
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Re: Combobox Display problem

2008-09-30 Thread walden


I'm not sure about your ComboBox.  That's a Gwt-Ext widget, something
whose internal structure I'm not familiar with, and for support with
that you ought to consult the right group.

However, I can clear up a CSS misunderstanding for you.  The 'dot' at
the beginning of a CSS selector means that the string of characters
that follow are a style class name, so .img would apply to elements
that look like this:

div class=imgstuff/div !-- this is not an img element --

That's not what you want.  Without the 'dot', the selector refers to
an element type, in this case all img elements.  The question is
whether you want that kind of margin setting on all images, including
those in your ComboBox.  I suspect not.  In order to cancel that, you
need to either override that same rule

img { margin-top: 0;}

or supercede it in the cascade with a more specific rule.  For
example, if the img element in your ComboBox has a CSS class of
foo, then you can do

.foo { margin-top: 0;}

There may be many ways, depending on the tag structure and the
associated style classes, to accomplish this, but it entails detailed
knowledge of how the widget is composed and classed, which I don't

Hope this gives you a start...


On Sep 30, 4:42 am, mark morreny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am getting a strange ComboBox problem where the pulldown is displayed
 properly but the scroll image is displayed below the pulldown box instead of
 on the right of the pulldown box.

 I found the following thred from the Internet:
 *I found the problem and while I do feel a bit stupid, I will post it here
 to warn others.

 The GWT application creator produces a sample CSS file that for some crazy
 reason includes:

 img {
 margin-top: 20px;


 I tried pasting:
 .img {
 *margin-top: 20px;* }

 into my css file, but it still does not fix the problem.  Does anyone know
 how I can get ComboBox displayed properly?

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Re: common stuff

2008-09-30 Thread walden

In my project, I have my own data proxy class that behaves pretty much
like what you describe.  It's a singleton that proxies all requests to
the actual RPC (generated) proxy.  It is the layer into which I make
all RPC calls.  It performs caching and notification for certain data
queries.  It supports a 'reference data set', which is expected to be
static for the duration of a client session, which is retrieved once
and cached.  It has the ability to register listeners on certain data
sets (including the refrence data), and will invoke their callbacks
whenever that set gets refreshed from the server.  Is this what you
had in mind?

BTW, Remember that after your code is compiled by the GWT compiler,
it's not Java, and so Java class loading is the wrong paradigm.


On Sep 29, 4:40 pm, rty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to write one common class which does some startup things for my
 project.I want to make sure that class is loaded first and all the gwt
 rpc calls should go through that class first. How should I proceed for

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Re: linkable resources, caching, xslt xhtml generation with embedded js

2008-09-30 Thread walden

Hi Lawrence,

That's life I guess.  You still have some options, though.  For
instance, what if you create an alternate set of transforms that
output JSON, and again just concentrate on outputting application
data, not HTML elements.  Then you can do RequestBuilder requests from
your client to fetch application data, not pages, and still use GWT
widget programming to control the UI.  You really need to find a
bridge from your current stuff to *widget programming* on the client,
or else I fear that GWT will give you little for your investment.

If your management wants to ride the web 2.0 wave, they're going to
have to invest something too.  It ain't free.


On Sep 30, 5:45 am, Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What you say is quite true. Transformation/XSLT is not ideal.
 However, our system is all written in C++ and generates XML.
 I can't change that. I can't put java on the server and I'm not sure
 it would make any sense.
 So basically no RPC, no serialization of objects .. i'm stuck with

 The xml transformation is done by a stylesheet that is very old, about
 750 lines of xsl.
 It takes the xml and transforms it in a xhtml form with tabs, fields,
 drop downs, etc ..
 Actually, it shouldn't be too hard to rewrite that in java .. its just
 about 1500 words.

 So I guess I will look into it..Its always hard to convince management
 that rewriting/refactoring something is
 *that* necessary..

 On Sep 29, 8:06 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  To paraphrase you, what you would like to do is switch to a client-
  centric model of writing your client.  That's good.  GWT is good for

  The part that doesn't make sense to me is to keep the XML-HTML via
  XSLT transformations.  That's not the way to build portable widgets in
  GWT.  Why don't you try writing a simple client in GWT that gets Java
  Objects from the server, and constructs Widgets to display information
  and ineract with the user?  Calling a widget constructor automatically
  invokes the right code for the browser where your application is
  running, where doing an XSLT transform puts you back in charge of
  managing N transforms for N browsers.

  As a bonus, you get to design, write and debug your entire application
  as if it were Java, including the user's interaction with it.  Who
  wants to debug an xslt transform session?


  On Sep 29, 9:47 am, Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi all!

   Been lurking for a while now and I like this vibrant community a lot,
   so, thank you for that :)

   I need to redesign our web app so that it can support IE 7, gecko,
   Opera, webkit (one day IE8).
   The old one was hand crafted to work only with IE6.

   The idea is to use gwt and get coding on business requirements rather
   than trying to work around all browsers .. but I have a few question :

   Currently we serve dynamic pages and we use ajax just to get
   notifications if something changed.
   We then recreate the page with the updated content and send it back to
   the browser.
   Part of this pages is generated via XSLT (on server)
   We have our XML data we transform it via xslt with our stylesheet
   (xhtml) and we return the new consturcted page.
   This styleshee converts our data to all sort of controls : checkboxes,
   date pickers, drop down, labels, buttons, etc.
   Every data page can be bookmarked.

   What I would like to do is recreate the web app via GWT, but instead
   of retrieving an entire page every time some data
   is requested I would prefer to only do an ajax request for the xml and
   then to the transformation locally on the client.
   I saw someone porting sarissa to GWT so this should be possible.

   The only problem is that we embedded quite a few js calls in the
   stylesheet, and those now will need to be handled by GWT rather than
   the old, IE6 only, js scripts.
   I know that gwt compress/obscure the output js to make it faster, so I
   wonder, how can I mix the two ? Is it possible ?

   Also, if I do everything via ajax/xml, does this mean people can no
   longer save link to pages, bookmark them ?


   Lawrence- Hide quoted text -

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Re: common stuff

2008-09-30 Thread walden


google 'singleton pattern'.  if it's not that, then i don't understand
what you are missing.


On Sep 30, 10:06 am, sumanth s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi walden

 thanks for ur reply. Your are saying  It is the layer into which you make
 all RPC what you are saying is every RPC call from client class
 will go first to this so called proxy class before calling implementation it right? How did u do that?How can u call a common class from all
 the client classes? This is what I need to do in my project.I need to call
 one common class which inturn should call the specific implementation

 Thanks in advance

 On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 7:38 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In my project, I have my own data proxy class that behaves pretty much
  like what you describe.  It's a singleton that proxies all requests to
  the actual RPC (generated) proxy.  It is the layer into which I make
  all RPC calls.  It performs caching and notification for certain data
  queries.  It supports a 'reference data set', which is expected to be
  static for the duration of a client session, which is retrieved once
  and cached.  It has the ability to register listeners on certain data
  sets (including the refrence data), and will invoke their callbacks
  whenever that set gets refreshed from the server.  Is this what you
  had in mind?

  BTW, Remember that after your code is compiled by the GWT compiler,
  it's not Java, and so Java class loading is the wrong paradigm.


  On Sep 29, 4:40 pm, rty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I want to write one common class which does some startup things for my
   project.I want to make sure that class is loaded first and all the gwt
   rpc calls should go through that class first. How should I proceed for

   rty- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Newbie question - adding GWT to my existing application

2008-09-29 Thread walden


If the current Java code is in the same project where you are adding
GWT on the client, you don't need a jar.

Your current Java code does have to be sanitized to meet the 'closed
world' requirements of the GWT compiler.  Read the documentation on
the GWT compiler and JRE emulation classes for details.

Your current Java code will have to be findable by the GWT compiler,
which means there must be a .gwt.xml file on the classpath when you
run the GWT compiler (you'll need to create that), and it needs to
indicate where the compile sources are.  There are basically two ways
to approach this part:

1. keep your sources exactly where they are; place your Pkg1.gwt.xml
file in the root folder of the smallest containing sub-tree for all
the classes you need to include, and use the source path=x/ tag as
many times as necessary to indicate (and hopefully isolate) just the
classes you want compiled by GWT.

2. do a little folder reorganization so that the classes you will
share between server and client side are isolated cleanly; have a
'client' folder at the root of that sub-tree, and place your
Pkg1.gwt.xml file as a direct sibling to the client folder.  Then you
don't need source tags.

Try that, report any errors you get, and we'll sort it out from there.


On Sep 27, 3:30 pm, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I'm a GWT newbie and I've just come fresh after reading up the basics
 from the Google GWT tutorial. Here's my situation:

 I have an existing Java based web application (Struts based). Now I'm
 trying to add a new module to it and figure I'd try to incorporate GWT
 - mostly because I expect the new module to be a few very dynamic
 pages communicating with the server often.

 Now my first question is, how do I reference my current Java code in
 this GWT program. i.e if i have the following


 in my existing Java code,

 and in my GWT java class I import these 2 classes for implementation,
 what are the exact steps I need to follow so that these are correctly
 added to the GWT program and can compile. So far, I haven't seemed to
 have found a definitive answer to this problem. I saw a few solutions
 of people saying a jar needs to be included and it needs to have a
 name.gwt.xml file which gets inherited or something but didn't quite
 understand what exactly they meant.Some others spoke about source code
 having to be available for the program to compile in order to convert
 the javascript. The reading ended up leaving me in a half baked
 situation which still doesn't help my GWT program compile.

 I'd really appreciate some help and maybe a few fundamentals on what
 needs to be happening.

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Re: Background color for DecoratedTabPanel

2008-09-29 Thread walden

You might try 'background-color' instead of 'background'.

But if that doesn't work, then you might as well roll up your sleeves
and learn to debug the DOM.  Get one of the DOM inspector browser plug-
ins and learn how to use it.


On Sep 29, 12:42 am, Shri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not able to change the background color of DecoratedTabPanel tab
 baritems. I tried to use background attribute in - .gwt-
 DecoratedTabPanel .gwt-TabBarItem but it doesn't work. Please help me
 on this issue.

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Re: GWT with struts

2008-09-29 Thread walden

On Sep 29, 11:04 am, Vandana Adusumilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 in our current project only with struts we do some specific security  checks
 in one class which extends ActionServlet this is the single entry
 point  for all the calls . can we implement this type of  functionality in
 GWT without using struts? I am new to GWT.

 On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 8:31 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Please be careful with terminology.

  When you say GWT to call struts action, do you mean a remote
  procedure call, or do you just mean a link to a new page that happens
  to be built by a struts action?

  A GWT page is like any other page in its ability to embed links to
  other pages.

  Could you explain more about how calling a struts action from a GWT
  page gives security (and we're not talking job security, I
  assume ;-).


  On Sep 28, 6:17 pm, sruj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   we have a project which uses struts 1.2 . and now started using
   GWT ..for security we want GWT to call struts it possible?
   if so how?

   thanks in advance
   sruj- Hide quoted text -

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Re: GWT with struts

2008-09-29 Thread walden

Yes, and it usually makes sense to approach this in a two-tier

1. Client Tier.  Depending on what roles your user is in, the screen
you paint for them should not even contain the links or buttons used
to invoke operations or services they are not entitled to.  In my
application, I push entitlement information out to the UI so these
decisions can be managed there during the rendering of a screen.  For
example, I have a Portfolio Browser which, if the user is in the
Trader role, supports a right-click context menu which supports trade
order entry.  For all other users, the context menu is never even

2. Server Tier.  You can implement the same role-based authorizations
you currently have on the server.  Your single entry point action
class sounds a lot to me like the equivalent of a ServletFilter.  The
client side authorizations should mean that a request never fails on
the server due to unauthorized use, but it is safer to have more than
one checkpoint.

So the answer is Yes.


On Sep 29, 11:04 am, Vandana Adusumilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 in our current project only with struts we do some specific security  checks
 in one class which extends ActionServlet this is the single entry
 point  for all the calls . can we implement this type of  functionality in
 GWT without using struts? I am new to GWT.

 On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 8:31 AM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Please be careful with terminology.

  When you say GWT to call struts action, do you mean a remote
  procedure call, or do you just mean a link to a new page that happens
  to be built by a struts action?

  A GWT page is like any other page in its ability to embed links to
  other pages.

  Could you explain more about how calling a struts action from a GWT
  page gives security (and we're not talking job security, I
  assume ;-).


  On Sep 28, 6:17 pm, sruj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   we have a project which uses struts 1.2 . and now started using
   GWT ..for security we want GWT to call struts it possible?
   if so how?

   thanks in advance
   sruj- Hide quoted text -

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Re: FlexTable odd behavior

2008-09-29 Thread walden


Whenever things that should obviously be displaying are not, the first
thing I do is dig into the document's structure using a DOM inspector
to see if the elements are even appearing.

If the elements are not there, then there is a procedural problem with
your code.  Maybe you can single-step it in Hosted Mode to see why
your widget is not getting attached.

If the elements are there, then it is usually a styling problem, and
again you can use the DOM inspector to see what styles did actually
get applied, and then trace those back to their source -- a CSS sheet,
or perhaps an inline style that was set in code.

Finally, the code you posted is not the real code of your
application.  This is evident in the way you are using FlexTable as
though its methods were static methods.  If you post code other than a
literal copy/paste of your actual code, you are probably hiding the
best clues anyone could use to find your problem.


On Sep 29, 1:12 pm, Grundle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After trying the suggestion to use pixels instead of percent in the
 flexTable.setWidth() method I have determined that the same error as
 before repeats.

 flexTable.setText(0, 0, foo);

 appears easily, but any instance of

 flexTable.setWidget(0, 0, new Label(foobar));

 where anything is put into the Widget, will not appear.

 Any thoughts or advice?

 On Sep 29, 11:45 am, Grundle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Thanks I will try that and let you know what happens.  This still does
  not adequately explain to me why a Text portion will show up, but not
  a widget, including a Label widget that contains text.  What is
  different about setText and setWidget that a pixel width setting would
  make a noticeable difference?


  On Sep 29, 11:28 am, Srini Marreddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Try setting FlexTable width in pixels instead of 100%.(Some times 100%
   of nothing is 0px depending on your layout)



   On Sep 29, 9:59 am, Grundle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am currently developing an application where GWT has been the
primary API.  So far things have gone fairly well until I began trying
to implement a data entry portion.  I am experience strange behavior
with FlexTable where if I use

FlexTable.setText(0, 0, foo);
FlexTable.setText(0, 1, bar);

The data shows up as intended.  However if I do

FlexTable.setWidget(0, 0, new Label(FooBar));
FlexTable.setWidget(0, 1, new TextBox());

suddenly the components are not appearing on the screen.  I cannot
figure out why setText data appears, but setWidget does not want to
render.  I experienced the same behavior using Grid as well, so I am
at the point where I feel like I have missed something obvious.  I
feel like I have tried everything, such as TextBox.setVisible() ,
TextBox.setVisibleSize(5), FlexTable.setWidth(100%).

This really makes no sense.  As for the other Widgets/Panels that are
being used see the following:

Specifically I am adding the FlexTable to a VerticalPanel, which is
then being added to a DockPanel.


DockPanel.add(VerticalPanel, DockPanel.CENTER);- Hide quoted text -

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Re: GWT+JEE+jBoss

2008-09-26 Thread walden

The best system to develop on depends on what you know about the
ultimate production platform(s).  For instance, I don't develop on
Linux because I know all my users will be using the product on
Windows, and in IE7 for that matter.  Even though my deployed server
environment is Linux with Oracle database, I do my JBoss development
on Windows using MySQL.  I have found the JPA layer sufficiently
neutral that I don't get bit often.  Also, I develop on a laptop, and
I like having a completely self-contained and mobile development
environment that I can crank up in the shoe store while waiting for my
wife to make a decision, if need be.

Rapid feedback is a key quality in a development environment.  I set
up my RPC like this:

1. My service servlet has a 2-phase service location algorithm: it
finds JBoss JNDI first on a well known port, then it tries to get the
local EJB, and only if that fails it gets the remote EJB.  In
production, it will end up using the local; in development the remote,
which is fast enough for testing.

2. When I test in Hosted Mode (launched from IDEA in debug mode), I
have the shell/browser/servlet in one JVM and JBoss/EJB in another.

3. Client side code changes can be quickly refreshed and debugged in
hosted mode.  I do a lot more fidgeting with my client side than my
server side, so the main part of development testing is this.

4. If I need to patch a server class, I start a second remote debug
session to JBoss and let IDEA do hot code swap.  This works as long as
the Java schema does not change, else I have to re-build and deploy my
server, which does incur a slightly longer wait (about 1 minute).

5. When the widgets are stable and the client logic is working, I
switch to Compile/Browse to fine tune CSS in a real browser, where
feedback is lightning fast, much faster than refreshing the shell.


On Sep 26, 9:43 am, rov.ciso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks. What operation system is better to develop java web project
 with GWT and JBoss( Windows or Linux)?

 On 25 сент, 22:42, mbracken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It's not Eclipse, it's the GWT Compiler that takes some time,
  regardless of the IDE.   Search around the forum and you'll find ways
  to cut down the time during development.   Look at setting the
  user.agent in your *.gwt.xml file.

  On Sep 25, 1:36 pm, rov.ciso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   But I think that Eclipse with GWT and JBoss is very slow develop
   solution. For example, compiling time is near 2 min.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: GWT source code checkout error.

2008-09-25 Thread walden

Do you see the could not resolve hostname part?  That means your
local DNS is not able to turn the host name into an ip address.  Who
your local DNS provider is depends on what network you're on.  If you
want to solve that, talk to your internet provider or local office
network admin.

In the meantime, try this URL:


On Sep 25, 12:18 am, OpenKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 when i am trying to checkout source it is giving following error.

 svn checkout
 svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/trunk'
 svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/trunk': Could not resolve hostname `google-web-': Temporary failure in name resolution (http://

 What can be the problem.

 Thank you.
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Re: Opening and Loading a GWT Module from another module

2008-09-25 Thread walden


That's not a helpful contribution; it's noise.  Please stop using this
forum like this.


On Sep 24, 1:43 pm, Xavier Mathews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why not offline mode to be safe?

 Xavier A. Mathews
 Google Group Client Based Tech Support
 Hazel Crest Illinois
 Fear of a name, only increases fear of the thing itself.

 On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:40 PM, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  I would test it in Web mode with my real server.

  On Sep 24, 7:37 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Where would you test it?

   On 9/24/08, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hosted Mode, right?  I don't think that's a valid environment to test
this kind of feature.  Are you using -noserver?

On Sep 23, 2:57 pm, Halabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The image upload is successful since I can see the images in the
server folder and when I refresh the page I can also see it on the

IThe error I am getting is:
Resource not found: images/imagePath/Image1.jpg could a file be
missing from the public path or a servlet tag misconfigured in

The images folder is in the public folder of the Module that display
the images. I upload images from another module and sometimes from the
same module.

On Sep 23, 8:56 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You have a successful image upload, and then the server can't find
 it?  Or is it some other kind of file not found?

 On Sep 23, 9:46 am, Halabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Walden,

  My purpose is to view an image that is uploaded in the same
  without having to refresh the whole page.

  I was searching for a way to view the image but I could not view
  image that is uploaded in the session that I am trying to view it

  I am getting the error file not found.

  If you have any idea how I can solve this issue, I will appreciate

  Thank you.

  On Sep 23, 4:15 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   GWT is not Java; it doesn't have dynamic class loading.  Maybe

   In the interim, is there a way to describe your goal without
   technology assumptions like this?  Maybe there is a way to get
   behavior you want using GWT in its current form, but you'll need
   say more.  Also, the in a new Window is not usually the best
   design with GWT.


   On Sep 23, 6:11 am, Halabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

Does anyone know how can I open and reload a GWT module from
module in a new Window??

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   Xavier A. Mathews
   Google Group Client Based Tech Support
   Hazel Crest Illinois
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