[GreenYouth] The Great Indian Love Affair With Censorship -Ashis Nandy

2010-11-01 Thread Anil M
The Great Indian Love Affair With Censorship
Democracy’s new torchbearers would brook no lenience to ‘sedition’


“Patriotism,” Samuel Johnson said nearly 250 years ago, “is the last refuge
of a scoundrel.” These days in India, the adage can be safely applied to
nationalism. There is no other explanation of the threat to arrest and try
Arundhati Roy on charges of sedition for what she
a public meeting on Kashmir, where Syed Ali Geelani too spoke. I was
there at the meeting, but I have read her moving
herself afterwards. I feel both proud and humbled by it. I am a
psychologist and political analyst, handicapped by my vocation; I could not
have put the case against censorship so starkly and elegantly. What she has
said is simultaneously a plea for a more democratic India and a more humane
future for Indians.

I faced a similar situation a couple of years
when I wrote a column in the *Times of India* on the long-term cultural
consequences of the anti-Muslim pogrom in 2002. It was a sharp attack on
Gujarat’s changing middle-class culture. I was served summons for inciting
communal hatred. I had to take anticipatory bail from the Supreme Court and
get the police summons quashed. The case, however, goes on, even though the
Supreme Court, while granting me anticipatory bail, said it found nothing
objectionable in the article. The editor of the Ahmedabad edition of the *Times
of India* was less fortunate. He was charged with sedition.

I shall be surprised if the charges of sedition against Arundhati are taken
to their logical conclusion. Geelani is already facing more than a hundred
cases of sedition, so one more probably won’t make a difference to him.
Indeed, the government may fall back on time-tested traditions and negotiate
with recalcitrant opponents through income-tax laws. People never fully
trusted the income-tax officials; now they will distrust them the way they
distrust the CBI.

In the meanwhile, we have made fools of ourselves in front of the whole
world. All this because some protesters demonstrated at the meeting that
Arundhati and Geelani addressed! Yet, I hear from those who were present at
the meeting that Geelani did not once utter the word “secession”, and even
went so far as to give a soft definition of azadi. By all accounts, he put
forward a rather moderate agenda. Was it his way of sending a message to the
government of India? How much of it was cold-blooded public relations, how
much a clever play with political possibilities in Kashmir?

We shall never know, just because most of those who pass as politicians
today and our knowledge-proof babus have proved themselves incapable of
understanding the subtleties of public communication. They are not literate
enough to know what role free speech and free press play in an open society,
not only in keeping the society open but also in serious statecraft. In the
meanwhile, it has become dangerous to demand a more compassionate and humane
society, for that has come to mean a serious criticism of contemporary India
and those who run it. Such criticism is being redefined as anti-national and
divisive. In the case of Arundhati, it is of course the BJP that is setting
the pace of public debate and pleading for censorship. But I must hasten to
add that the Congress looks

[GreenYouth] Statement issued by Arundhati Roy

2010-10-26 Thread Anil M
*Statement issued by Arundhati Roy*

I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning’s papers say that I may be
arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public
meetings on Kashmir. I said what millions of people here say every day. I
said what I, as well as other commentators have written and said for years.
Anybody who cares to read the transcripts of my speeches will see that they
were fundamentally a call for justice. I spoke about justice for the people
of Kashmir who live under one of the most brutal military occupations in the
world; for Kashmiri Pandits who live out the tragedy of having been driven
out of their homeland; for Dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose graves I
visited on garbage heaps in their villages in Cuddalore; for the Indian poor
who pay the price of this occupation in material ways and who are now
learning to live in the terror of what is becoming a police state.

Yesterday I traveled to Shopian, the apple-town in South Kashmir which had
remained closed for 47 days last year in protest against the brutal rape and
murder of Asiya and Nilofer, the young women whose bodies were found in a
shallow stream near their homes and whose murderers have still not been
brought to justice. I met Shakeel, who is Nilofer’s husband and Asiya’s
brother. We sat in a circle of people crazed with grief and anger who had
lost hope that they would ever get ‘insaf’—justice—from India, and now
believed that Azadi—freedom— was their only hope. I met young stone pelters
who had been shot through their eyes. I traveled with a young man who told
me how three of his friends, teenagers in Anantnag district, had been taken
into custody and had their finger-nails pulled out as punishment for
throwing stones.

In the papers some have accused me of giving ‘hate-speeches’, of wanting
India to break up. On the contrary, what I say comes from love and pride. It
comes from not wanting people to be killed, raped, imprisoned or have their
finger-nails pulled out in order to force them to say they are Indians. It
comes from wanting to live in a society that is striving to be a just one.
Pity the nation that has to silence its writers for speaking their minds.
Pity the nation that needs to jail those who ask for justice, while communal
killers, mass murderers, corporate scamsters, looters, rapists, and those
who prey on the poorest of the poor, roam free.

Arundhati Roy

October 26 2010

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Re: [GreenYouth] Ayodhya Verdict: A Different View

2010-10-05 Thread Anil M
Yes. "Time to move on" "Move forward" to Supreme Court

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Afthab Ellath  wrote:

> Is this a different view? Or is this a Hindu view articulated in plenty
> everywhere? When Muslim rights are violated it is better to think and
> discuss about "more gripping issue of price rise, economic exploitation and
> hunger so that their shops can do business" as "country should move forward
> and confront the real issue being faced by it than being bogged down on an
> issue like mandir-mosque controversy"..
> Good...
> Afthab Ellath
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Sukla Sen  wrote:
>> [As quite a few have already pointed out that the (majority) judgement
>> is a move towards a (pragmatic and political) deal. Though Justice
>> Khan's judgement does not constitute the median, his opinion perhaps
>> captures that spirit best.
>> Strict legalities have been given a go by keeping in view the possible
>> consequences.
>> Evidently strict/radical secularism cannot be implemented in a country
>> where civil society is largely (and quite intensely) non-secular, just
>> because the constitution swears by secular principles.
>> That could be highly counterproductive and even disastrous.
>> Any attempt to remove the idol of Ram from where it is currently
>> lodged could very well again spark off reenactment of the macabre
>> drama of the eighties and nineties.
>> One can hardly afford to ignore that. At least not those who remain in
>> touch with the ground realities even while nurturing their own secular
>> aspirations.
>> It is time to move on.
>> One has got to seek a shift in the terrain (of confrontations).]
>> *Statement of Editorial Board of Other Aspect on Ayodhya Verdict*
>> The editorial board of journal the Other Aspect welcomes the verdict given
>> by the Allahabad High Court on 30th of September 2010. There could have
>> been no better solution to this dispute. The judgemnt by providing
>> 1/3rd portion of the disputed land to the three contending parties has
>> tried to amicably solve this ongoing contentious issue which is more
>> related to the sentiments of both the communities rather than
>> confirming to any legal status.
>> Unfortunately some Left leaning and Leftist intellectuals and parties are
>> terming the judgement as one that /“smacks of the consensus formula”/,
>> this is irresponsible statement as there could have been no judgment
>> without taking all the parties in confidence, let us remember that the
>> Ayodhya issue was more of a religious sentimental issue rather than
>> something more earthly or logical. Till majority of the people are
>> enmeshed in religiosity there could have been no other way but to
>> divide the place and solve the problem once for all. It is to be
>> remembered that a judgement cannot only take place based on the legal
>> aspect of evidence and statutes but has to take wider aspect of
>> people’s wishes, else the judgement would be nothing but mere
>> collection of words. In this case the judges have taken in
>> consideration the ancient Indian culture of Sarva Dharam sambhav, and
>> in this manner it should be accepted
>> Our friends who are opposing the verdict on basis of the fact the
>> Babri mosque was demolished in 1992 and the guilty of 1992 must be
>> punished should remember that there is another court case pending for
>> the same and the verdict is still to come. The present verdict has
>> come on the ownership of the land at the disputed site and the first
>> litigation was filed way back in 1885, when Mahant Raghubar Ram moved to the
>> courts for permission to erect a temple just outside the Babri Mosque
>> premises. Further the Archaeological Survey of India had found
>> evidence of temple beneath the mosque but had not found any evidence
>> of its destruction, the area has the same sentimental value for vast number
>> Hindus as the Mecca has for Muslims and Vatican for the Catholics.
>> The left leaders and intellectuals by their opposition to the
>> judgement are only playing in hands of the communal forces that are
>> bent on taking the country back to the times of communal carnage that
>> happened in 1992. They want to divert the attention of the masses from
>> the more gripping issue of price rise, economic exploitation and
>> hunger so that their shops can do business. The Left, unfortunately,
>> history is witness whenever has sided with the communal (both majority
>> and minority) forces have bore a massive brunt for its folly.
>> Unfortunately it seems they have forgotten this.
>> It is high time that the country should move forward and confront the
>> real issue being faced by it than being bogged down on an issue like
>> mandir-mosque controversy. Let us bury Ayodhya dispute once for all
>> and move forward.
>>   This is the call of the 21st century. This is the call of worker's and
>> peasants of the country!
>> Editorial board
>> The Other Aspect
>> web: http://othera

[GreenYouth] Shah & Patel :)

2010-08-12 Thread Anil M
*Three accountants were in the bathroom standing at the urinals.

The first accountant finished and walked over to the sink to wash his hands.
He then proceeded to dry his hands very carefully. He used 3 paper
towelsand ensured that every single spot of water on his hands was

Turning to the other two accountants, he said, "At Price Waterhouse
Coopers, we are trained to be extremely thorough."

The second accountant finished his task at the urinal and he proceeded to
wash his hands. He used a single paper towel and made sure that he dried his
hands using every available portion of the paper towel. He turned and said,
"At KPMG, not only are we trained to be extremely thorough, but we are also
trained to be extremely efficient."

The third accountant finished, pulled up his zipper and walked straight for
the door, shouting over his shoulder, "At Shah & Patel, we don't piss on our
hands." *

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Re: [GreenYouth] Shocked to know ... AIDS spread like this also.............]]

2010-08-12 Thread Anil M
Not correct I guss..As per what I remember seeing in govt ads, it will
take a year to test positive after getting the infection :) May be another
campagine against road side vendors! What if the person in a 5-star
restuarent has any infections :)

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:45 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> ഇതൊക്കെ ശരിയായ വാര്‍ത്ത‍ തന്നെ ആണോ??
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 12:48 PM, reny ayline wrote:
>>   *Dear All,
>> It's in INDIA - Karnataka - Bangalore
>> A 10 year old boy, had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, and fell
>> sick, from the day he had eaten. Later when he had his Health check
>> done.. doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS.
>> His parents couldn't believe it...Then the entire family under went a
>> checkup... none of them suffered from Aids. So the doctors checked
>> again with the boy if he had eaten out.The boy said 'Yes'. He had
>> pineapple that evening. Immediately a group from the hospital went to
>> the pineapple vendor to check. They found the pineapple seller had a
>> cut on his finger while cutting the pineapple; his blood had spread
>> into the fruit.
>> When they had his blood checked...the guy was suffering from
>> AIDS...but he himself was NOT aware. Unfortunately the boy is now
>> suffering from it.
>> Please take care while u eat on the road side (particularly tasty
>> Vadapav & Paani Puri) and pls fwd this mail to your dear one's..
>> *
>> **
>> *
>>   --
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Re: [GreenYouth] John Britas of Kairali Channel abuses Mayavati- Kairali channel should apologise!!

2010-07-27 Thread Anil M
Is it possible to complain about it in press council? Do TV channels come
under their preview?

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Afthab Ellath  wrote:

> SHAME... Kerala is a society of subtle racism, that is why such discursive
> violence is going unchallenged... Kairali channel should be asked to
> apologize for such derogatory comments...
>  Farida, the word "barbarism" itself is a racist term, that white
> colonizers used to describe the black and brown colonized...
> Afthab Ellath
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 6:42 AM, farida m  wrote:
>> i too just watched the show. he too thinks a dalit can only do 'adichu
>> varal'. well, a lady has been abusing the indigenous people of northeast in
>> a weired cookery show- 'barbaric' she said. on the same kairali.
>> farida
>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:50 PM, ranju radha wrote:
>>> RACIST/CASTEIST KAIRALI CHANNEL!! CPI M's Kairali Channel abusing
>>> Mayavati.. If John Britas does not know who is Mayavati at least Karat and
>>> co. should tell him... he says when Mani sir rein Kerala Assembly as a
>>> Kerala Congress leader, Kumari Mayavati was sweeping in some nursury school
>>> in UP.. Kariali Channel should a...pologise..
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRgwJdQddjk&feature=channel
>>> --
>>> " The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed class
>>> using a public tank not because they really believe that the water will be
>>> thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are afraid of losing
>>> their superiority of caste and of equality being established between the
>>> former and the latter. We are resorting to this satyagraha not becasue we
>>> believe that the water of this particular tank has any exceptional
>>> qualities, but to establish our natural rights as citizens and human
>>> beings."
>>> - Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927
>>> --
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[GreenYouth] New Poem by KGS

2010-07-23 Thread Anil M
Just read KGS’s “Prasidhar” in new Bhashapohini. Wondering whether it is
about the news nights in our “Visual” media and the lack of “Nose” for news

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Re: [GreenYouth] Kairali channel should apologies

2010-07-16 Thread Anil M
With my limited browsing ability/patience, I was looking for details about
this program in http://www.kairali.tv/ web site. I stopped when I saw the
slogan” Oru Janthayude Amtavishakram”. No other channel could have done
justice to the “ hygienic Malayalee janam"

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 11:18 PM, prabha zacharias <
prabhazacharia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6qwdzIJkCM
> Sick comments, extremely provocative, and this woman does not seem to have
> any idea of the north east life; and she happily wonders "Is this place
> really in India? ". Well, big question.
>  On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:46 PM, Anil M  wrote:
>>  Couple of days back, Kairali channel was showing an absolutely shocking
>> program- flavors of India- one Malayalee  NAIR lady visiting some places
>> in North East region and abusing the cooking/eating habits of tribes there.
>> First, I thought it may be an odd incident. The very next day   the same
>> lady appeared again on a different location in North East and did the same
>> thing.  I don’t know who the producer of that program is, the channel Web
>> site says anchor’s name is Lakshmi Nair. Anyway, the whole crew and the
>> channel head John Britas should immediately apologies for telecasting such a
>> program with clear racist tone.  Especially, in the current context where
>> north-east people are brutally assaulted, humiliated everyday in several
>> places in India.
>> --
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> --
> Prabha Zacharias,
> MPhil English Literature,
> English and Foreign Languages University,
> Hyderabad- 500 007.
> --
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[GreenYouth] Kairali channel should apologies

2010-07-16 Thread Anil M
Couple of days back, Kairali channel was showing an absolutely shocking
program- flavors of India- one Malayalee  NAIR lady visiting some places in
North East region and abusing the cooking/eating habits of tribes there.
First, I thought it may be an odd incident. The very next day   the same
lady appeared again on a different location in North East and did the same
thing.  I don’t know who the producer of that program is, the channel Web
site says anchor’s name is Lakshmi Nair. Anyway, the whole crew and the
channel head John Britas should immediately apologies for telecasting such a
program with clear racist tone.  Especially, in the current context where
north-east people are brutally assaulted, humiliated everyday in several
places in India.

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Re: [GreenYouth] NO to Harthal

2010-07-04 Thread Anil M
Nirenjan, what's the problem in people taking rest and celebrating? No point
in being “productive” 365 days. On the other hand, a complete “break” will
help us reduce energy consumption (vehicle fuel, electricity in offices etc)
and reduce pollution.  I don’t see any problems unless the agitators hamper
emergency services and if they can declare this in advance so that people
can reschedule their programs
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Nirenjan.A.S  wrote:

>  *It is quite disheartening to see the malayalees turning out to be
> lackadaisical to work and progress! another harthal and it is the time to
> celebrate...says so the long queues in front of bevco on the evening before.
> None cares about the suffering of many a people who are denied the freedom
> of movement,let aside the acts of violence by the hired thugs of various
> political parties.
> Only we ,Ourselves can put an end to this mode of protest which is outdated
> and gives no results in today's world!
> Never find reasons to sit and let the world run ahead of you.Say NO to
> harthal..fight against it!!*
> **
> *Regards,*
> **
> *Nirenjan*
> --
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[GreenYouth] Same person to market Modi's Gujrat and Kerala

2010-03-11 Thread Anil M
  Same person to market Modi's Gujrat and Kerala??
*Big B to become Kerala tourism's brand ambassador*
  *IANS*  | Thursday, 11 March , 2010, 14:05

Amitabh Bachchan has accepted Kerala's request to become the state's brand
ambassador to promote tourism, state Tourism Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan
said on Thursday.

As soon as Big B expressed his willingness to become a brand ambassador to
promote Kerala tourism last month, a letter to this effect was written to
him, Balakrishnan said.

"Yesterday (Wednesday) I got his letter stating that he is willing to become
the brand ambassador and for that he is prepared to start a dialogue. I have
asked the tourism director to have a discussion to this effect," said

Big B was in the state for a few functions last month. It was then, during
an interview to a TV channel, that the actor said he would gladly accept the
offer to become Kerala tourism's brand ambassador.

" I tried to get in touch with him, but I was told he was out of station.
The government is willing to go ahead with him and the final decision to
this effect will be made after knowing all the conditions he puts forward,"
said Balakrishnan.

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[GreenYouth] The real politics behind the Women’s bill

2010-03-09 Thread Anil M
This photograph published by the Hindu today depicts the real politics
behind the Women’s bill. What a unity:)

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[GreenYouth] Fwd: Vahana Jatha: Argumentation at Perumba

2010-03-09 Thread Anil M
-- Forwarded message --
From: Dileep Raj 
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:59 PM
Subject: Vahana Jatha: Argumentation at Perumba

One caveat first.
Please dont imagine that I am a member  of the women's Vahanajatha. After
witnessing the inauguration in the morning, I returned to hotel room along
with comrade Shaju VV. In the afternoon, the jatha team asked me to bring
more notices to Perumba by 5pm.when I reached there (Perumba is the place
where Chitralekha park her auto) Rekha was speeking. Jaseela also
spoke.Shaju rejoined as we planned to attend public meeting at Edatt.

By the time the speeches were over, a small crowd gathered around Reshma and
Kaveri ( who knows no Malayalam) who were distributing notices. The
argumentation heated up and the crowd became huge in no time. By that time
Rekha and Jaseela came to the scene.It was virtually four of them gheraoed
by about 100 people, majority autorickshaw drivers.

In fact they parked autorickshaws as in strikes and engaged in violent
exchange of words.  Unlike Zacharia, as they were not male,  grabbing by
collar and physical abuse was 'technically' not alluded to, if we could
excuse verbal violence at a (close) distance as falling out of definition of

It lasted over twenty minutes. The vigour and  reativity shown  in retorting
back at each and every provocations they brought was
unbelievble. Not to two helpless onlooking  'henchmen' in galleries  , but
to the whole crowd. Soon, cracks started appearing in the adversary
camp.Some of them started nodding hesitantly  at the logic provided.They
threatened that at Edatt they will 'deal' the jatha members with women.

Fellow travellers started walking toward Edatt, hoping we could board an
auto midway.But we were already spotted as 'traitors' to the whole male
community. Not a single auto stopped for us. Poor fellows!! we travelled all
the way to Edatt as kalnadajatha.( why dont take bus? yes we also asked this
ourselves many times  later on. kathayil logicilla.)

When Rekha, Reshma and Jaseela narrates the details of those
vada-prathivadam, I am sure it will form a postmodern Uapnishad.
"nallopanishad", dialogues on nanma and cheetha.

At Edatt, Ajitha and Jaseela delivered emotional and effective
speeches.Upanishadic dialogues continued, but at much low pitch and scale.

An autodriver with a constant grumpy expression reluctantly allowed two
"poor fellow travellors" to get in when the meeting was over.

Our conclusion:
Edatt auto stand is more democratic than Perumba! They at least  dont mix
professionalism with  intolerence..

Ithi onnam divasam samaptham.

Dileep Raj

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Re: [GreenYouth] Be Your Father’s Son - AN OPEN LE TTER TO AMITABH BACHCHAN

2010-03-06 Thread Anil M
Just now I heard in Manorama news that the CPM govt. in Kerala have inivited
Amitabh Bachan to *be the* brand ambassador of Kerala. Of course,may be gr8
ppl think alike- Modi and Kodiyeri/VS. Same person selling Mod's Gujarat and
CPM's Kerala !

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Afthab Ellath  wrote:

>  *
> http://www.tehelka.com/story_main44.asp?filename=Ne060310be_your.asp#
> *
> *Be Your Father’s Son*
> *Main hoon unkey saath, rakhte jo seedhi apni reedh...* (I am with those
> who keep their spine straight) FROM *MADHUSHALA* BY HARIVANSH RAI BACHCHAN
> *Najid Hussain**
> The writer is the son-in-law of late MP Ahsan Jafri who was killed in mob
> violence in Ahmedabad*
> *Dear Amitabh,*
> I remember the day in 1982, when the news of your serious injury on the
> sets of Coolie broke. It said you may not survive. The country was shocked.
> Millions cried. Special prayers for your good health and long life were
> offered in temples, mosques, churches and gurdwaras. I joined the prayers
> for your health and long life.
> The writings of your father, the late Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan, had a
> great influence on me. From early childhood, I have read his poetry and
> prose that combined Kabir, Keats, Tagore, Omar Khayyam and Shakespeare into
> artful construction of ideas with deep reflections. *Kya bhooloon kya yaad
> karoon* made me stand up and speak the truth — without fear, or favour —
> however difficult or awkward it may be. Inspired by his writings and fully
> subscribed to his views, admiration and love for you was natural.
> Natural is also my shock and dismay at your acceptance of the offer from
> Narendra Modi of Gujarat to be his brand ambassador.
> I want to think that you don’t know much about Modi. And so, I must tell
> you what Modi is and what he has done in Gujarat, which has invited global
> condemnation, international sanctions and even calls for his arrest.
> On February 28, Zakiya Jafri will relive the agony of witnessing the brutal
> massacre of her husband, former Congress MP Ahsan Jafri, and scores of other
> women and children in her house. On that fateful day, as the crowd chanting
> *Jai Shri Ram *started gathering around her society in Ahmedabad, waving
> swords,* trishuls *and torches, and frightened people from the
> neighborhood started pouring into her house seeking protection, Ahsan *
> saheb* asked her to go upstairs to the bedroom and stay there until
> called. From upstairs, Zakiya Jafri could not see what was going on
> downstairs in her house, but from the unruly crowd outside shouting ‘*
> jalao* (burn)’, ‘*kaato *(cut)’, ‘*maaro* (kill)’, the cries of women and
> children from inside, and heat from the walls of her bedroom, she could
> guess what was taking place and was fearful of what was to come. The immoral
> dance of brutality, cries, fires, and more cries, continued for three hours.
> Three hours later, police arrived. As the survivors were taken down and out
> of the house, which was still smouldering, Zakiya saw, for the first time,
> several corpses burning inside her house. Mutilated body parts burning
> outside her house. Little bodies of children floating in her water tank, who
> having been set afire may have jumped into the tank. She saw one blue rubber
> slipper — the one Jafri *saheb* always wore in his office — lying outside.
> It was soaked with blood. The other one was missing.
> Eight years have passed. Zakiya’s memory of that day does not fade — the
> day when the world she had built, brick by brick, with a lifetime of hard
> work, full of aspirations, dreams and love was ruthlessly and deliberately
> destroyed before her own eyes. The most important person of her life, to
> whom she had completely dedicated her life, loved, adored and revered, and
> like any traditional Indian woman, could not imagine life without — had been
> brutally killed. She was shattered. Her deep shiny eyes, full of sparkle and
> love, went lifeless.
> There were 2,000 similar stories that month in Gujarat.
> Modi, as the Chief Minister of Gujarat, presided over and orchestrated that
> massacre of innocent Muslims in his state, which is widely regarded as a
> genocide. Modi’s culpability and crime has been well established. Although,
> to date, he has succeeded in circumventing the legal system, the law is
> slowly closing in on him. Modi and 61 others, which include Cabinet
> colleagues, policemen and civil servants, are under criminal investigation
> by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) specifically constituted by the
> Supreme Court of India for their role in the mass murder and criminal
> conspiracy.
> You may ask why Modi did this. We are told that the burning by a few
> Muslims of the Sabarmati Express coach carrying *kar sevaks* was the
> reason. But many believe that was just an excuse. Investigations led by the
> Centre concluded that the fire in the coach was accidental. However,
> re

[GreenYouth] Re: Fwd: Deshabhimani aadine pattiyakkumbol

2009-07-08 Thread Anil M
Deshabhimani should have apologized for carrying that story on the front
page rather than for the mistake. There were reports of starvation in tribal
areas during Monsoon in some channels last week. Then how come Abdul
Rasheed’s  proletarian , anti imperialist newspaper carry a “thetamastra”
story on the front page??

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Anivar Aravind wrote:

> Move this discussion offlist.  This Thread was on Deshabhimani & its
> mistake. I believe it is over by the correction & apology to readers
> by news paper. Please find some other place to express your grudge
> Anivar
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Fwd: Deshabhimani aadine pattiyakkumbol

2009-07-07 Thread Anil M
One more example you missed Rasheed. You should have asked this to Damodar.
When Dr. Binayak Sen was arrested for "anti- state" activities, lot of Human
Right activists made noises( With International support). When Pinarayi
Vijayan was harassed by CBI ( for saving the State from "darkness"), no
human right activists - except Madhvan Kutti, and some support from Canada)
came for his rescue:)

2009/7/7 Abdul Rasheed 

>  *damaodar prasad *
> **
> *You are partially blind - that is your problem. *
> **
> *When about 74 common people (workers of CPI-M and their family members)were 
> killed in Lalgat in WB, nobody shed here any tears (Damodar
> was sleeping) Nobody were worried about the loss of their families. Nobody
> wrote long artcles about it. *
> **
> *When maoists brought under their contral a region of a state, using AK-47
> guns and bombs, nobody find wrong in it. When hundreds of families left from
> Lalghat, nobody feel sad on it. For them, it was normal things. *
> *But when the govt took strong action against these anti-state elements,
> everybody start to cry on behalf of 'human rights' *
> **
> *Damodar, search and search about the priorities of issues - but take
> care, to find out anti-left issues to be discussed. *
> **
> *Congress and BJP are the biggest rights in the country and only CPI-M,
> CPI, RSP are wrongs. *
> *best of luck*
>   *regards *
> *Rasheed *
> 2009/7/7 damodar prasad 
>> Hello Fatima,
>> The pedantic tone of your advise makes me ask just two questions. You may
>> have very inconvienient answers, I know. Pls. let us know it anyway:
>> 1. We keep silent on issues
>> Which are those issues on which a raising of voice is required? Is this
>> silence restrcited to this domain or were you speaking about a broader
>> domain of media?
>> 2. ..Eversince barking at left...
>> Do you mean CPI(M)? or Left in a very generic sense? Does it include many
>> new mobilizations perhaps not under a particular party banner by name CPI or
>> CPIM?
>> 3. The kind of hierarchy...
>> Pls. let us know the priority of issues to be debated. That makes it more
>> convienient for enabling a discussion than making some generalized remark
>> That said, there was no reason to blow out of proportion a clerical
>> mistake of desabhimani .
>> 2009/7/7 Fathima Naeema 
>>  Hello,
>>> Our participants are in hurry to grill Deshabhimani for a clerical
>>> mistake! A mistake in translation, that in ways not going to affect any of
>>> us. But we keep silent on issues which are really important to us. Its very
>>> convenient for many of us to simply sit and make comments on this kinds of
>>> issues ever since barking at left has become a fashion and convenient job.
>>> The kind of hierarchy of criticism that we construct here is very
>>> problematic.
>>> I dont think that making goat a dog is a crime in translation!
>>> F. Naeema
>>> 2009/7/7 Abdul Rasheed 
 thax for your advice - but no body can beat you in this competition
 since you are expert to turn a *goat into dog.** *
 കഥ അറിയാതെ ആട്ടം കാണരുത്
 I posted my email as a supporting comment to one Mr. Mohanan's email.
 Read it carefully, before jumping to comment.

 2009/7/7 damodar prasad 

> haha..
> While I have traversed history, EMS etc etc. Abdul Rasheed's attempt
> was more "modest" in traversing "contempoary history" and little 
> "confusing"
> for him to draw us to the generic topic of "media-confusion" from the
> comments on an error in Desabhimani...:-) :-) :-)
> see
> for instance:
> Abdul Rasheed: "Before, Manorama and Mathrubhumi published as a front
> page news in big titles that CBI submitted to kerala governer a CD of
> telephone conversation between Advocate General and a CPI-M leader
> concerning the SNC lavlin case (as a proof to prosecute Pinarayi vijayan).
> Later CBI rejected this news.
> But the media ( hi-tec theives and syndicate ) never say sorry to the
> people for this fabricated news.
> __
>  Yes, anvar - our media is living in 'confusions' (or they know how to
> make confusions) and they lead us to confusions
> ---
> If I have a future, your are "presently" into it. but it is not "hot
> dog" as such but ice-cold freezing one... but sad you will never turn
> a winner.. bcoz you have better competitors amongst your company..
> 2009/7/7 Abdul Rasheed 
>  *Sorry, I didnot know that an error in "Deshabhimani" was able to
>> draw the whole history of the world. I did not know, the word 'hot
>> dog' had 'hot' relations with leninism, capitalism, E.M.S.,
>> communism, and above all, it had the link with 75 years of soviet union's
>> history --- wonderful. *

[GreenYouth] Re: Fwd: Deshabhimani aadine pattiyakkumbol

2009-07-06 Thread Anil M
Hope these comrades who defend "Left' left and right will ensure that the
subeditor who translated the story would not be harassed by the management
for this silly mistake.  This is important given the poor history of "Left"
controlled media management in employee harassment. Poor journos in Kerala
may not have the option to approach the Human Rights Commissions also:)

2009/7/6 Abdul Rasheed 

>  *Anwar *
> *Yes, anvar - our media is living in 'confusions' (or they know how to
> make confusions) and they lead us to confusions. *
> *സര്‍വത്ര കാന്ഫുഷന്‍*
> *regards *
> *Rasheed *
> 2009/7/6 Anivar Aravind 
>> 2009/7/6 Abdul Rasheed 
>>>  *Mr. Mohanan*
>>> **
>>> *Good comments *
>>> **
>>> *Before, Manorama and Mathrubhumi published as a front page news in big
>>> titles that CBI submitted to kerala governer a CD of telephone conversation
>>> between Advocate General and a CPI-M leader concerning the SNC lavlin case 
>>> (as
>>> a proof to prosecute Pinarayi vijayan). *
>>> *Later CBI rejected this news.*
>>> *But the media ( hi-tec theives and syndicate ) never say sorry to the
>>> people for this fabricated news. *
>>> **
>>> *regards *
>> ആകെ കണ്‍ഫ്യൂഷനായല്ലോ .. ആട് ഇപ്പോ ലാവ്ലിനായോ .. അപ്പോ കള്ളന്‍ പട്ടിയെ
>> പിടിക്കാനിറങ്ങിയോ...   സിബിഐയും പട്ടിയെപ്പിടിക്കാന്‍ ഇറങ്ങിയോ ? ഇതെന്താ
>> പട്ടാളം സിനിമയോ
>> ആകെ കണ്‍ഫ്യൂഷന്‍ ..
>>> 2009/7/6 mohanan MS 
>>>  *ഹൈ ടെക്  കള്ളനും തേങ്ങാ കള്ളനും.*
  ഞങ്ങളുടെ നാട്ടില്‍ പഞ്ഞ
 കര്‍ക്കിടകക്കാലത്ത്  രാത്രി കള്ളന്മാരിറങ്ങും.അത്യാവശ്യം വാഴക്കുല, പുറത്തു
 മറന്നു വച്ച് പോയ പാത്രങ്ങള്‍ അങ്ങിനെ അങ്ങിനെ അത്യാവശ്യം കുടുംബത്തിന്റെ
 പട്ടിണി മാറ്റാന്‍ വേണ്ട സാധനങ്ങള്‍ മാത്രം മതി ആ പാവം കള്ളനു. എന്നാല്‍
 പലപ്പോഴും നാട്ടുക്കാര്‍ പിടികൂടി കൈ വച്ച് വിടുകയും ചെയ്യാറുണ്ട് താനും 
 അവന്‍ നാട്ടിലെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന കള്ളനായി. പിന്നെ ഏതു കളവു നടന്നാലും
 ഇവനായിരിക്കും പ്രതി.അങ്ങനെ ഇണങിയും പിണങ്ങിയും ഉള്ള ഒരു ബന്ധമായിരിക്കും 
 സമൂഹവും തമ്മില്‍.
  ഇതില്‍ നിന്നും വ്യത്യസ്തന്‍ ആണ് ഹൈ ടെക്
 കള്ളന്‍. അത്യന്താധുനിക ഉപകരണങ്ങളുമായി വന്നു നമ്മളുടെ കുടുംബം അടിയോടെ
 മാന്തുന്നവനാനവന്‍. നമ്മള്‍ എന്തെങ്കിലും പ്രശ്നം ഉണ്ടാക്കാന്‍ 
 സംശയം തോന്നിയാല്‍ മതി നമ്മെ കുടുംബത്തോടെ ഉന്മൂലനം ചെയ്യാനും അവനു മടിയില്ല.
   ഇതില്‍ ആരാണ് വലിയ കള്ളന്‍, രണ്ടുപേരും
 കള്ളന്മാര്‍ തന്നെ എന്നാല്‍ രണ്ടു പേരോടും ഉള്ള നമ്മുടെ മനോഭാവത്തിനു
  ഇത്രയും പറയാന്‍ കാരണമുണ്ട്. ഇന്നത്തെ
 ദേശാഭിമാനിയിലെയും മലയാള മനോരമയിലെയും മുന്‍ പേജ് വാര്‍ത്തയാണ്
 പ്രശ്നം.ദേശാഭിമാനിയിലെ പട്ടിവാര്‍ത്ത തന്നെ. ശരിയാണ്, ലേഖകന് പറ്റിയ അമളി
 അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ വിവരക്കേട് തന്നെ , സംശയമില്ല. ഇനി മനോരമയിലേക്ക്. ലാവലിന്‍ 
 യാണ് പ്രശ്നം. ഹെദ്ദിംഗ് ഞാന്‍ ഓര്‍ക്കുന്നില്ല. എങ്കിലും ഇതാണ് ഞാന്‍
 ചൂണ്ടിക്കാണിക്കുന്നത്. വി.എസ്. പറഞ്ഞു "വിജയ
 ." വി എസ് പറഞ്ഞ വാചകങ്ങള്‍ അതേപടി
 നല്‍കിയിരിക്കുന്നു. ഒന്നല്ല രണ്ടു വാചകങ്ങള്‍. ഈ ലേഖകന്‍ പി.ബി മെമ്പര്‍ അല്ല
 എന്ന് നമുക്കൊക്കെ അറിയാം. പിന്നെ ഈ വി എസിന്റെ വാചകങ്ങള്‍ എവിടുന്നു കിട്ടി,
 അദ്ദേഹം ഭാവിക്കുന്നത്, പി.ബി അംഗങ്ങളില്‍ ആരോ ചോര്‍ത്തി കൊടുത്തു എന്നാണു.
 പക്ഷെ നമുക്കറിയാം, വി എസ് അല്ലാതെ മറ്റാരും ഇത് ചെയ്യാന്‍ പി.ബിയില്‍
 ഇല്ലെന്നു. പക്ഷെ അദ്ദേഹം ഇത് ചെയ്യില്ലെന്നും കേരളതുകാര്‍ക്കറിയാം. പിന്നെ
 ലേഖകന് ഈ വാചകങ്ങള്‍ എവിടുന്നു കിട്ടി.ഹൈ ടെക് കള്ളന്റെ കളി കണ്ടോ? നമ്മള്‍
 സംശയിക്കില്ലായിരുന്നു, പക്ഷെ നമുക്കറിയാം ഏതൊരു കള്ളനും  തന്നെ പിടികൂടാനയി
 ഒരു തുമ്പ് അവശേഷിപ്പിക്കും എന്ന്. അത് ഇവിടെയും നടന്നു. പി.ബിയുടെ വായില്‍
 ബാലാനന്ദന്‍ റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ടും ഒക്കെ കയറ്റിവിട്ടു. അതൊക്കെ പലപ്രാവശ്യം പൊട്ടി
 തീര്‍ന്ന പടക്കമായതുകൊണ്ട് നമുക്ക് പെട്ടെന്ന് കാര്യം പിടികിട്ടി.
   അപ്പോള്‍ ഹൈ ടെക് കള്ളനും തേങ്ങാ കള്ളനും പിടി
 കിട്ടിയില്ലേ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളെ. തെങ്ങക്കള്ളനെ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാനും കൈ വയ്ക്കാനും
 എളുപ്പമാണ് ആരും ചോദിക്കാനും പറയാനുമില്ല.കൊമ്രെട്സ് പിണ്ടികെട്ടു എന്നോ എന്ത്
 വേണമെങ്കിലും വിളിക്കാം. പക്ഷെ മറ്റവനെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചു കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യണം.
 തട്ടിക്കളയാനും മടിക്കില്ല അവന്‍.
 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:15 PM, sunil g  wrote:

> hi,
> this seems a blunder made by comrades' pindicate
>  but it proves the usual strategy of marxist media work, AADINE


>> --
>> "The resources of the world are for us all to share. Let us affirm our
>> faith in that common cause" - Dr. Ilina Sen
>> >>

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[GreenYouth] Re: Governor can sanction Minister's prosecution, says Supreme Court 2004

2009-06-11 Thread Anil M
Dear Rasheed

Ask Ramesh Cehnnithala, your former UPA comrade. Why should I answer
questions about Congress?  However, this strategy of pointing towards
Congress or BJP to cover up CPM's undemocratic practices/ culture is an old
one. It may work in SFI study classes, that too am not sure now:)
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Abdul Rasheed  wrote:

>  *Dear anil *
> **
> *Perhaps, my knowlege is little. can you tell me, who elected KPCC
> president? was it by kerala congress workers? Who elected youth congress
> president ? was it by youth congress workers? Who elected the National
> congress president ? Is the congress working committee an elected body? *
> **
> *could you please explain the democracy of congress *
> **
> *regards*
> *Rasheed  *
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Anil M  wrote:
>> Actually people should not be concerned about CPM and CPI. They are not
>> democratic parties and should not be allowed to play any role in a
>> democratic setup. Their politics/ party structure has been always anti
>> –democratic. Can anyone imagine a more crooked setup than this PB and party
>> committees? From local Vayanashala to Lok Sabha , they promote this culture.
>>  This Good VS fighting Bad Pinarai image is just a media creation. Both
>> factions have nothing do with democratic politics. They are champions of
>> crooked/scheming politics
>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:00 PM, damodar prasad > > wrote:
>>> I think all non-CPM poeple should shfit *focus from Governor to
>>> Governance*. What a terrific mandate people gave to LDF and VS
>>> Acuthanadan. Now after 3 years.. *entha sthithi*? anything other than
>>> factional warfare? what was this govt. doing?  what was the party doing?--
>>> *a big blockade; hindrance.*
>>> FM and IM could perhaps create some impression of doing something.
>>> Even after the durbbing they rcvd in the elections, I think CPM has
>>> learned nothing.
>>> CPI, the second major partner.. They shoulf thank CPM leadership for
>>> keeping them out of public attention.
>>> The parrty and its minsiters failed miserably. Poorest of poor
>>> perfomance.. *pakshe*, *- no limit to arrogance.. day by day, Sri
>>> Sri No:2  is learning to perfect it as art of arrogance... *
>>>   **
>>> **
>>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:54 PM, ranju radha wrote:
>>>> Governor has acted against the politically motivated act of LDF govt to
>>>> protect a corrupt politician. LDF's stand is against the interst of the
>>>> people of kerala. Governor by "playing his politics" has stood frimly by 
>>>> the
>>>> intersts of people in Kerala.
>>>> i support "his politics".
>>>>   On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:28 PM, sunil kumar >>> > wrote:
>>>>>   Its simple meaning is nothing, but Communist leaders are above all
>>>>> 'bourgeois laws'. Because they are fighting against Bourgeoisie! What a
>>>>> great revolutionary idea! Long live revolution! Long live Lavlin model.
>>>>>   On 09/06/2009, damodar prasad  wrote:
>>>>>>   *Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA)- a Bourgieous enactment to save
>>>>>> its crass compardor public leaders*I...
>>>>>>  mean the clause clause in PCA invoked on need for the governor's
>>>>>> sanction for prosecution.
>>>>>>   On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:31 AM, damodar prasad <
>>>>>> damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>   *But Rasheed, Is not the . *
>>>>>>>   *I think by the way you were arguing about the necessity of CPs in
>>>>>>> neo-liberal context in previous mails, you should've argued that CP 
>>>>>>> leaders
>>>>>>> should be above the bourgiuoes law of PCA... clean and 
>>>>>>> uncontaminated
>>>>>>> *..
>>>>>>> Governors, of course are pawns in the hands of the central governemnt
>>>>>>> and the CBI is no great independent instituion. But is it not desirable 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> Communist Party leader and the CP institution as such should be above 

[GreenYouth] Re: Governor can sanction Minister's prosecution, says Supreme Court 2004

2009-06-11 Thread Anil M
Actually people should not be concerned about CPM and CPI. They are not
democratic parties and should not be allowed to play any role in a
democratic setup. Their politics/ party structure has been always anti
–democratic. Can anyone imagine a more crooked setup than this PB and party
committees? From local Vayanashala to Lok Sabha , they promote this culture.
 This Good VS fighting Bad Pinarai image is just a media creation. Both
factions have nothing do with democratic politics. They are champions of
crooked/scheming politics

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:00 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> I think all non-CPM poeple should shfit *focus from Governor to Governance
> *. What a terrific mandate people gave to LDF and VS Acuthanadan. Now
> after 3 years.. *entha sthithi*? anything other than factional
> warfare? what was this govt. doing?  what was the party doing?-- *a big
> blockade; hindrance.*
> FM and IM could perhaps create some impression of doing something.
> Even after the durbbing they rcvd in the elections, I think CPM has learned
> nothing.
> CPI, the second major partner.. They shoulf thank CPM leadership for
> keeping them out of public attention.
> The parrty and its minsiters failed miserably. Poorest of poor perfomance..
> *pakshe*, *- no limit to arrogance.. day by day, Sri Sri No:2  is
> learning to perfect it as art of arrogance... *
>   **
> **
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:54 PM, ranju radha  wrote:
>> Governor has acted against the politically motivated act of LDF govt to
>> protect a corrupt politician. LDF's stand is against the interst of the
>> people of kerala. Governor by "playing his politics" has stood frimly by the
>> intersts of people in Kerala.
>> i support "his politics".
>>   On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:28 PM, sunil kumar 
>> wrote:
>>>   Its simple meaning is nothing, but Communist leaders are above all
>>> 'bourgeois laws'. Because they are fighting against Bourgeoisie! What a
>>> great revolutionary idea! Long live revolution! Long live Lavlin model.
>>>   On 09/06/2009, damodar prasad  wrote:
   *Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA)- a Bourgieous enactment to save
 its crass compardor public leaders*I...
  mean the clause clause in PCA invoked on need for the governor's
 sanction for prosecution.

   On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:31 AM, damodar prasad <
 damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   *But Rasheed, Is not the . *
>   *I think by the way you were arguing about the necessity of CPs in
> neo-liberal context in previous mails, you should've argued that CP 
> leaders
> should be above the bourgiuoes law of PCA... clean and uncontaminated
> *..
> Governors, of course are pawns in the hands of the central governemnt
> and the CBI is no great independent instituion. But is it not desirable 
> that
> Communist Party leader and the CP institution as such should be above such
> posts?
> I am afraid that the way CPM has managed Lavalin, since the formation
> of this Govt., has in turn helped the reactionary forces.
> The stubborn stance of CPM has enabled the bourgeous parties reap the
> dividends of its mis-managed strategy.
> ( I referrred to "formation of this Govt" bocz when Lavalin issue came
> up last time, Com. secy has boldly said that he is ready to face any
> inquiry.
> The boldness was missing later, :-) :-) :-) only to be found in the
> words of English Desabhimani, I mean the Hindu editorial.)
> CPM has given an impression that something is severely rotten by the
> way it handled the issue.
> The media syndicate must have done its duty but the stance of CPM as
> regards non-compliance to judicial review only complicated the matter.
> As an enthusiast of CPM brand politics and observing politics above
> factional self-ineterests, *you* should be more worrying about the
> moral- voice of CPM at national level.
> The red card often held out by the CPM on corrupt practice and tainted
> ministers will no longer be available.
> The argument of political fight on legal issues is not only avaliable
> to CPM. Now this will echoed by anyone.. i mean all the "compradors"..
>   On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Abdul Rasheed  > wrote:
>> *That does not mean that Governer is impartial. Sure, advocate
>> General might have party interests. As one who have the right to 
>> criticize
>> the AG, we can criticize the Governer too, since both of them are party
>> nominees. *
>> **
>> *But here the Governer acted against the advise of ministry and the
>> advise of AG. He may have the discreetional power to take such a 
>> dicision.
>> By doing this, here he became the part of a political game.*
>> **
>> **
>> *regards *

[GreenYouth] India, Pak unite to block anti-Lanka move at UN

2009-05-30 Thread Anil M
 see how india-china-pak bhai bhai when they need to defend war crimes! India,
Pak unite to block anti-Lanka move at UN

*Express news service * *
Posted: Friday , May 29, 2009 at 0853 hrs IST*  **

*New Delhi:*

India, Pakistan and China rallied behind Sri Lanka at the United Nations
Human Rights Council in Geneva last night to block a European move for an
international probe into alleged war crimes during Colombo’s offensive
against the Tamil Tigers.

 Rejecting the probe call by Switzerland, which was backed by most European
countries including France, Germany and UK, the council passed a
counter-resolution 29-12 with six abstentions, endorsing Colombo’s fight
against terrorism and commending “measures taken by the Government of Sri
Lanka to address the urgent needs of the internally displaced persons”.

 The US, elected to the council for the first time earlier this month, was
not present since its term starts June 19.

 India, Pakistan and China, who in their own separate ways assisted the Sri
Lankan government in its fight against LTTE terror, got together along with
countries like Russia, Brazil and South Africa to ensure Colombo was not
censured for alleged rights violation in the war zone and denial of access
to the conflict area.

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[GreenYouth] Re: civic's book release

2009-05-18 Thread Anil M

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 2:15 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> subtitle ആകാമായിരുന്നു : 21st നൂടണ്ടില്‍
> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 1:54 PM, haritha gopi wrote:
>> friends
>> here the notice of  release of civic chandran's book 'ezhupathukal
>> vilichappol'
>> gopi
>> >>

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[GreenYouth] Re: whatever happened to BSP

2009-05-18 Thread Anil M
Last month Hindu published a comparison of election manifestos of various
parties. Going by that, one could see that BSP did not even mention about
most of the issues. Y’day one commentator in IBN mentioned BSP may be the
only party to contest nation wide without a proper election manifesto.

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:51 AM, ranju radha  wrote:

> 100% agree
> ths jolt was very much needed
>  On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:38 AM, damodar prasad  > wrote:
>>  ...is in the best interests of marginal sections of populations.. BSP
>> may now strive for more visionary poltics than live on narcissim of
>> individual leader. The resurgent politics of inclusivism can't afford the
>> *Tamil Amma* kind of politics is the lessoon no:1 of the verdict.
>> --
>> " The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed class
>> using a public tank not because they really believe that the water will be
>> thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are afraid of losing
>> their superiority of caste and of equality being established between the
>> former and the latter. We are resorting to this satyagraha not becasue we
>> believe that the water of this particular tank has any exceptional
>> qualities, but to establish our natural rights as citizens and human
>> beings."
>> - Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927
>> >>

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[GreenYouth] Re: adieu

2009-04-25 Thread Anil M
same here? WHY?

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 11:24 PM, salimtk  wrote:

> !!!?
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 5:23 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
>>   unsubscribing.
>> rgds.
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: April 22, Earth Day.

2009-04-21 Thread Anil M
How can you ask others to stop the discussion? It seems you can post any
chakka  manga here and others should stop responding. If others are not
suppose to comment, pls keep your sentiments on “earth” and chakka with you,
do NOT post them on public forums!
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Sarath Cheloor wrote:

>  Dear Frined
> I told you no?
> My mail is only for those who can take it in its real spirit.
> And why you are this much tensed about women.
> This is my humble request to you please stop this discussion here
> And this "Chakka " is not bad yaaar...
> please go through the attachments.
> Thank you
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Retelecast of TV interview with me

2009-04-13 Thread Anil M
The intention of that first post from Sreemahadevan Pillai may be just
informing his friends I never had any intention to ridicule him or his
activities or that interview. I am sorry if I hurt Sreemahadevan Pillai or
his friends.

 I had gone through that first post again. Still, it reminds me of that KGS
poem (Sorry, I can’t resist saying this J)

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 10:41 PM, salimtk  wrote:

>   *Any mail group must be primarily a source of information and especially
> when it stands for a common cause, it should serve that purpose first and
> then only private opinions and emotions*.
> un/fortunately there is no common cause here. Didnt u notice that 'private'
> (if meant personal) openions and emotions are emphatically hoisted here
> instead, erasing the forward slah (/) between private/public or
> personal/political?
> *Bringing in unwanted elements of casteism and regionalism to such a mail
> group is the last thing that should be done.*
> why does caste become a timid element of discussion in public whereas it
> dominates the entire personal/social lives?
> *I hope the group members will keep the dignity and maturity of the group,
> avoiding child plays, so that people like me can continue the group
> membership*
> dont u feel how boring a group wud be if it is formed with (only)
> dignified, decent and matured adult members?
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai <
> sreemahadevanpil...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>   Dear Green Youth friends,
>> Last 3 days I could n't check the mail, because of being ill and
>> bed-ridden. Today, while opening the mail box, I have seen a good number of
>> responses on the mail I have sent to this group regarding a TV interview
>> with me.
>> I have a good number of friends on this mail group who know about my
>> activities and who have been associated with me on some or other of these
>> activities. Some of them only invited me to this mail group some time back.
>> My mail was basically meant as an information to them, since I don't have
>> their phone numbers ready with me. Since I could not reserve the mail with
>> their IDs, because I am not knowing it specifically, I had to send it as a
>> common mail. I informed them about the night retelecast, since I knew that
>> many of them may not be in a position to view it in the day time. Some of
>> them have already thanked me over phone for the information. Though
>> publicising the matter to others, who do not know me,  was not the
>> intention, unluckily the mail has done that evil also.
>> Of the many responses that appeared on this group, some I feel as
>> unwanted. Any mail group must be primarily a source of information and
>> especially when it stands for a common cause, it should serve that purpose
>> first and then only private opinions and emotions. Bringing in unwanted
>> elements of casteism and regionalism to such a mail group is the last thing
>> that should be done. Ridiculing the information posters is also a negative
>> way of dealing with things. I hope the group members will keep the dignity
>> and maturity of the group, avoiding child plays, so that people like me can
>> continue the group membership.
>> Sincerely,
>> Dr. P.R. Sreemahadevan Pillai,
>> Principal,
>> P.A. Aziz College of Engineering & Technology,
>> Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram – 695564.
>> Kerala, India.
>> Mobile: +91 9447056075
>> Phone (Office): +91 471 2370111
>> Fax: +91 471 2370114
>> E-mail: sreemahadevanpil...@yahoo.com
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Retelecast of TV interview with me

2009-04-10 Thread Anil M

The word interview and this post itself remind me about that poem. If I
remember correctly it is about how an interview was going on (questions and
answers). The lines I remember are something like:

“Ettavum Eshtam?

Enne thanne

Athu kazhinjal?

Athu Kazhiyunnillallo”

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 1:36 PM, salimtk  wrote:

> illallo anile..getting old uno..may be i havent read at all.
> is it the the word interview or 'pillai' remind u KGS here? :)
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Anil M  wrote:
>> Salim, do u rememebr the KGS poem-" Interview"
>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:43 PM, salimtk  wrote:
>>> *:-)
>>> *
>>>  On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:44 AM, Anil M  wrote:
>>>> Ethu arede? Nattapathirakku , athum Jai Hind TV :)
>>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai <
>>>> sreemahadevanpil...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>   Interview with me and wife (in Malayalam), focusing mostly on my
>>>>> educational, technical, social, literary and environmental activities will
>>>>> be retelecast on the Jai Hind TV at 1.30 a.m. tonight.
>>>>> Sreemahadevan Pillai
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Retelecast of TV interview with me

2009-04-10 Thread Anil M
Salim, do u rememebr the KGS poem-" Interview"

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:43 PM, salimtk  wrote:

> *:-)
> *
>  On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:44 AM, Anil M  wrote:
>> Ethu arede? Nattapathirakku , athum Jai Hind TV :)
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai <
>> sreemahadevanpil...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>   Interview with me and wife (in Malayalam), focusing mostly on my
>>> educational, technical, social, literary and environmental activities will
>>> be retelecast on the Jai Hind TV at 1.30 a.m. tonight.
>>> Sreemahadevan Pillai
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Retelecast of TV interview with me

2009-04-09 Thread Anil M
Ethu arede? Nattapathirakku , athum Jai Hind TV :)

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai <
sreemahadevanpil...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>   Interview with me and wife (in Malayalam), focusing mostly on my
> educational, technical, social, literary and environmental activities will
> be retelecast on the Jai Hind TV at 1.30 a.m. tonight.
> Sreemahadevan Pillai
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: shoes shoes

2009-04-07 Thread Anil M
See some newspaper headlines about the incident:

Scribe lobs shoe at PC, misses him but may hit Tytler

Tytler may get the boot after shoe attack incident

Chidambaram becomes India’s first Bush-shoed

Shoe aimed at PC may hurt Tytler

Chidamabaram 'shoed'

Shoe didn’t but message hit home

Singh extends shoe-throwing tradition set by Zaidi

Booted in: agony of 1984

Missile misses PC, but hits Cong hard

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:37 AM, salimtk  wrote:

> but why, hitherto, only journalists used it?!
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 7:58 AM, sunil kumar wrote:
>> Shoes has become a political weapon mightier than gun or pen.
>> Salute to Jarnail singh.
>>   On 07/04/2009, S sanjeev  wrote:
>>> when Muntadar al-Zeidi threw his shoes at Bush, in another e-community a
>>> member had commented that "Journalists will soon start keeping chappals and
>>> shoes outside the halls of press conference.some attention seeking
>>> revolutionary may spit at a vip. then they will start wearing mouth covering
>>> masks locked and key deposited elsewhere" and another member quipped in
>>> response that  "Aren't the 'embedded' journos already wearing such stuff?"
>>> well, it seems at least Jarnail Singh of Dainik Jagaran has not been
>>> embedded yet and still wears his shoes during press conferences.
>> >>

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[GreenYouth] Re: Was Einstein Wrong?

2009-04-03 Thread Anil M
Damodar, u estimate or not but u have to help him find out which is
true...*Everything is possible or Nothing is impossible.
* (The Mumabi- Pune route is tricky. In Bheja Fry, Vinay Pathak. travels in
a bus in the same route :))Even Delhi philosophers couldn’t help
him, since he is a non believer, god also can't help him.

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 8:11 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> aayo..Funny Games changed my perception of the world. Hence, NO ESTIMATION.
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:59 PM, sreenivas v.p 
> wrote:
>>   if u want fun, help me clarifying one of my long standing doubt .
>> i was travelling in a bus from mumbai to pune . inside the bus , it is
>> written in a poster
>> like this " *Everything is possible*" .
>> but even after reading that poster repeatedly , i could not convince
>> myself that everything is possible . everytime i say "everything is possible
>> ", the impossibility of something haunted me .
>> after reaching pune , i asked my friends . some people including me felt
>> that it is better to say " *nothing is impossible* " but some were  of
>> the opinion that " everything is possible " gives more confidence .
>> we even discussed this with a professor of philosophy in delhi university
>> but nobody could reach an agreement .
>> this may see very silly to u but i am still confused .
>> --- On *Thu, 2/4/09, damodar prasad * wrote:
>> From: damodar prasad 
>> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: Was Einstein Wrong?
>> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
>> Date: Thursday, 2 April, 2009, 7:45 PM
>> sorry, over-estimate!
>> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:45 PM, damodar prasad 
>> http://in.mc87.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=damodar.pra...@gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>>> I don't want to underestimate you, sreenivas. Have fun!
>>> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:37 PM, sreenivas v.p 
>>> http://in.mc87.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=sreenivas_...@yahoo.co.in>
>>> > wrote:
   Hi Damodar ,

 I wrote that as an introduction , I think three theories changed our
 perception about ourselves and the universe .
 1. Theory of relativity
 2. Marxism
 3. darwin's theory of evolution .
 the world before these men of genius has no singificance .

 --- On *Thu, 2/4/09, damodar prasad 
 >* wrote:

 From: damodar prasad 
 Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: Was Einstein Wrong?
 Date: Thursday, 2 April, 2009, 7:16 PM


 *like Marxism , another theory that changed our perception about the
 world was Einstein's theory of relativity .

 did you write the above sentence?  or the sydney team..

 * On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 6:57 PM, sreenivas v.p <
 > wrote:

>   * It outhrown the newtonian conception of the world and lead
> to  revolutionary discoveries in the study of the universe . But was
> Einstein wrong ? *
> *See the below report . *
> SYDNEY -- A team of Australian scientists has proposed that the speed
> of light may not be a constant, a revolutionary idea that could unseat one
> of the most cherished laws of modern physics -- Einstein's theory of
> relativity.
> The team, led by theoretical physicist Paul Davies of Sydney's
> Macquarie University, say it is possible that the speed of light has 
> slowed
> over billions of years.
> If so, physicists will have to rethink many of their basic ideas about
> the laws of the universe.
> "That means giving up the theory of relativity and E-mc squared and all
> that sort of stuff," Davies told Reuters.
> "But of course it doesn't mean we just throw the books in the bin,
> because it's in the nature of scientific revolution that the old theories
> become incorporated in the new ones."
> Davies, and astrophysicists Tamara Davis and Charles Lineweaver from
> the University of New South Wales published the proposal in the August 8
> edition of scientific journal *Nature.* (it also appeared in latest
> "Scientific american " magazine ).
> The suggestion that the speed of light can change is based on data
> collected by UNSW astronomer John Webb, who posed a conundrum when he 
> found
> that light from a distant quasar, a star-like object, had absorbed the 
> wrong
> type of photons from interstellar clouds on its 12 billion year journey to
> earth.
> Davies said fundamentally Webb's observations meant that the structure
> of atoms emitting quasar light was slightly but ever so significantly
> different to the st

[GreenYouth] Re: Arundhati Roy on Sri Lanka (fwd)

2009-04-02 Thread Anil M
Exactly Salim, he read all her works and waiting for her new book still he
didn’t understand anything. It is better that way. There is a huge problem
if he could understand what Arundhathi is writing and still be a Shashi
Tharoor/ Israeli fan J

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:34 PM, salimtk  wrote:

>  u read her books n articles and u ask who she is!!!  intended insult is
> obvious. but, pls stop reading her any more with the 'qualification' of
> reading shashi.
> and mind the subject here is state t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-m in srilnka and
> horrific situation of tamils there.
>   On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:34 PM, bobinson  wrote:
>> I have a genuine doubt. Who is Arundhati Roy ? Why people forward and
>> publish her opinions on various topics ? Yes, her language and vocabulary is
>> as good as Sashi Tharoor's etc, I have read her books, wiki entry and
>> various articles written by her and as far as I know she is writing a new
>> book and I may read that too etc but still I don't understand. Can someone
>> enlighten me ?
>> 2009/4/2 sarathi 
>>> On 31 Mar, 11:51, Anivar Aravind  wrote:
>>> > Many of the Journalists supporting tamil cause is also getting
>>> > targeted . Around 12 Journalists are now escaped to india after the
>>> > murder of a Jouranlist by Srilankan army
>>> >
>>> > >  One of my colleagues( A driver who happened to be Tamil) was picked
>>> up on his way back home- after a marriage function. And he is still in Jail-
>>> and as someone who knows him- the guy is far away from any political issues-
>>> and someone who just wanted to have a peaceful family life.
>>> >
>>> > Dear John, This is nothing new in Colombo. This called as White Van
>>> > catches. If the army uses white maruti vans to capture  tamilians in
>>> > colombo streets after 9 pm. Once a person is catched by these people
>>> > he will never come back.  I remember Tamil friends were rushing back
>>> > to houses by 8 pm to avoid possible threats even during South asian
>>> > peoples assembly last year.
>>> >
>>> > Anivar
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > > J
>>> >
>>> > > --- On Tue, 3/31/09, Anivar Aravind 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > From: Anivar Aravind 
>>> > > Subject: [FEC] Arundhati Roy on Sri Lanka (fwd)
>>> > > To: "Greenyouth" , "
>>> fourth-estate-criti...@googlegroups.com" <
>>> fourth-estate-criti...@googlegroups.com>, "JINU ABRAHAM" <
>>> heartofjoy.j...@gmail.com>
>>>  > > Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 11:56 AM
>>> >
>>> > > '...It's a colossal humanitarian tragedy. The world must step in.
>>> Now. Before it's too late. ...'
>>> >
>>> > > THE SILENT HORROR OF THE WAR IN SRI LANKA by Arundhati Roy, Times of
>>> India, 30th march 2009
>>> >
>>> > > The horror that is unfolding in Sri Lanka becomes possible because of
>>> the silence that surrounds it. There is almost no reporting in the
>>> mainstream Indian media - or indeed in the international press - about what
>>> is happening there. Why this should be so is a matter of serious concern.
>>> >
>>> > > From the little information that is filtering through it looks as
>>> though the Sri Lankan government is using the propaganda of the 'war on
>>> terror' as a fig leaf to dismantle any semblance of democracy in the
>>> country, and commit unspeakable crimes against the Tamil people. Working on
>>> the principle that every Tamil is a terrorist unless he or she can prove
>>> otherwise, civilian areas, hospitals and shelters are being bombed and
>>> turned into a war zone. Reliable estimates put the number of civilians
>>> trapped at over 200,000. The Sri Lankan Army is advancing, armed with tanks
>>> and aircraft.
>>> >
>>> > > Meanwhile, there are official reports that several 'welfare villages'
>>> have been established to house displaced Tamils in Vavuniya and Mannar
>>> districts. According to a report in The Daily Telegraph (Feb 14, 2009),
>>> these villages 'will be compulsory holding centres for all civilians fleeing
>>> the fighting'. Is this a euphemism for concentration camps? The former
>>> foreign minister of Sri Lanka, Mangala Samaraveera, told The Daily
>>> Telegraph: 'A few months ago the government started registering all Tamils
>>> in Colombo on the grounds that they could be a security threat, but this
>>> could be exploited for other purposes like the Nazis in the 1930s. They're
>>> basically going to label the whole civilian Tamil population as potential
>>> terrorists.'
>>> >
>>> > > Given its stated objective of 'wiping out' the LTTE, this malevolent
>>> collapse of civilians and 'terrorists' does seem to signal that the
>>> government of Sri Lanka is on the verge of committing what could end up
>>> being genocide. According to a UN estimate several thousand people have
>>> already been killed. Thousands more are critically wounded. The few
>>> eyewitness reports that 

[GreenYouth] Re: girl child marriage a serious concern: 45% of minor girls married

2009-03-12 Thread Anil M
My question is what if a 16 or 17 year old boy or girl want to get married
or want to have a relationship? Is it just a "minor" issue ?? I guss they
too have rights! I saw some newpaper reports in Delhi few weeks
back.police catching the "misssing" Delhi kids from UPAccording to
reports, some of them were in love and eloped from Delhibut since they
were " minors" the Police could catch them and solve the case, and i imagine
all were happy :)

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:46 PM, Bobby Kunhu  wrote:

> 18 is also the international standard adopted under the Convention for the
> Rights of the Child, which India has ratified
> 2009/3/12 ranju radha 
>> govt categories are needed for adminstrative purposes
>> it has its own "radical" value; its own emancipatory role...
>> and i dont know why 18 years is the yardstick
>> perhaps some eminent feminsts/scholars can answer such larger questions
>> On Thuac, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:17 PM, Anil M  wrote:
>>> Hi Ranju
>>> Is there any reason for this 18 year yardstic? I mean this minor/major
>>> category? Or this another Sarkar category?
>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Ranjit Ranjit 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Many of these girls are actually from the Dalit, Tribal and MBC groups,
>>>> for obvious reasons
>>>>   *80 yrs since ban, 45% of girls still married off before 18*
>>>> 48% Of Them Get Pregnant Before Attaining Majority: Survey
>>>> New Delhi: Laws banning child marriages were introduced in the country
>>>> in 1929 but 80 years down the line, the social ill continues to be as
>>>> grave as ever.
>>>> Nearly half the women in India are married off before they reach the
>>>> legal age of 18, a joint Indo-American study announced in the medical
>>>> journal ‘Lancet’ on Tuesday.
>>>> After looking at data of 22,807 women aged 20-24 years, around 44.5% of
>>>> these women were found to have got married before the age of 18.
>>>> --- -
>>>> > 22.6% girls married before 16, while 2.6% wedded before 13
>>>> > 48.4% of married girls have a child before they turn 18
>>>> > 37% of them did not use contraception before first baby
>>>> > They are seven times likelier to have more than three children
>>>> > Three times likelier to have a child again in less than 24 months
>>>> > They are also nearly 50% likelier to have an abortion
>>>> --- -
>>>> According to researchers specialising in social and behavioural sciences
>>>> at Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH), economic and 
>>>> educational
>>>> reforms in India have failed to lower the prevalence of child marriages,
>>>> fuelling risks of multiple unwanted pregnancies, their termination and
>>>> sterilisations.
>>>> Even worse, it has been found to be associated with poor fertility
>>>> outcomes, such as unwanted and terminated pregnancies and repeat 
>>>> childbirths
>>>> in less than 24 months.
>>>> Lead author Dr Anita Raj, associate professor at BUSPH, said the study
>>>> found that more than one in five — 22.6% — were married before age 16, 
>>>> while
>>>> 2.6% were married before age 13. Women who married younger than 18 were
>>>> significantly more likely to report no contraceptive use before their first
>>>> childbirth. Nearly half — 48.4% — of women who were married as children
>>>> reported giving birth before they turned 18.
>>>> “These results suggest that neither recent progress in economic and
>>>> women’s development, nor programmatic efforts to prevent child marriageand 
>>>> promote maternal
>>>> and child health, have been sufficient to reduce the prevale

[GreenYouth] Re: girl child marriage a serious concern: 45% of minor girls married

2009-03-12 Thread Anil M
Hi Ranju
Is there any reason for this 18 year yardstic? I mean this minor/major
category? Or this another Sarkar category?

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Ranjit Ranjit wrote:

> Many of these girls are actually from the Dalit, Tribal and MBC groups, for
> obvious reasons
>   *80 yrs since ban, 45% of girls still married off before 18*
> 48% Of Them Get Pregnant Before Attaining Majority: Survey
> New Delhi: Laws banning child marriages were introduced in the country in
> 1929 but 80 years down the line, the social ill continues to be as grave
> as ever.
> Nearly half the women in India are married off before they reach the legal
> age of 18, a joint Indo-American study announced in the medical journal
> ‘Lancet’ on Tuesday.
> After looking at data of 22,807 women aged 20-24 years, around 44.5% of
> these women were found to have got married before the age of 18.
> --- - *CHILD BRIDES *
> > 22.6% girls married before 16, while 2.6% wedded before 13
> > 48.4% of married girls have a child before they turn 18
> > 37% of them did not use contraception before first baby
> > They are seven times likelier to have more than three children
> > Three times likelier to have a child again in less than 24 months
> > They are also nearly 50% likelier to have an abortion
> --- -
> According to researchers specialising in social and behavioural sciences at
> Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH), economic and educational
> reforms in India have failed to lower the prevalence of child marriages,
> fuelling risks of multiple unwanted pregnancies, their termination and
> sterilisations.
> Even worse, it has been found to be associated with poor fertility
> outcomes, such as unwanted and terminated pregnancies and repeat childbirths
> in less than 24 months.
> Lead author Dr Anita Raj, associate professor at BUSPH, said the study
> found that more than one in five — 22.6% — were married before age 16, while
> 2.6% were married before age 13. Women who married younger than 18 were
> significantly more likely to report no contraceptive use before their first
> childbirth. Nearly half — 48.4% — of women who were married as children
> reported giving birth before they turned 18.
> “These results suggest that neither recent progress in economic and women’s
> development, nor programmatic efforts to prevent child marriage and
> promote maternal and child health, have been sufficient to reduce the
> prevalence of child marriage in India,” Dr Raj said.
> The study found sterilisation rates were higher for women married as
> children than for those married as adults — 19.5% compared to 4.6%. Overall,
> more than one in eight women, or 13.4%. had been sterilised. Of those not
> sterilised, more than three-quarters reported no present contraception use. 
> Child
> brides were also at greater risk of a fistula — a tear in the genital
> tract — as well as pregnancy complications and death and sickness as a
> result of childbirth. India introduced laws against child marriage in 1929
> and set the legal age for marriage at 12 years. The legal age for marriage
> was increased to 18 years in 1978.
> The researchers said, “Women who had been child brides were 37% likelier
> not to have used contraception before their first child was born; seven
> times likelier to have three or more births; and three times likelier to
> have a repeat childbirth in less than 24 months.”
> They added, “They were also more than twice as likely to have multiple 
> unwanted
> pregnancies, nearly 50% likelier to have an abortion and more than six
> times likelier to seek sterilisation compared with counterparts who had
> married after the age of 18.”
> Unicef recently said that child marriage was increasing India’s maternal
> and infant deaths. Girls who give birth before the age of 15 are five times
> more likely to die in childbirth than women in their 20s. If a mother is
> under the age of 18, her infant’s risk of dying in its first year of life is
> 60% greater than that of an infant born to a mother older than 19. “More
> than 40% of the world’s child marriages take place in India. Worldwide, more
> than 60 million women between 20-24 were married before they were 18. Child
> brides become mothers much before their bodies are physically mature,”
> Unicef ’s Karin Hulshof said. She added child marriage prevented many girls
> from continuing education and are less likely to seek medical attention for
> babies. (Kounteya Sinha/Times of India/Delhi/11 March 09)
> -
> This newsletter distributed by
> Indian Committee of Youth Organizations (ICYO)
> Cynthia Stephen
> Independent Researcher and writer
> Bangalore, India
> --
> Cynthia Stephen
> Independent Writer and Researcher
> And may you be blessed with the foolishness to

[GreenYouth] Re: Fw: 10 Most Poisonous Animals in the World

2009-03-10 Thread Anil M
Dear Salim, seems very few  poisonous animals in the list are from
WestMay be another Imperilist agenda? This Sanjeev is also part of World
Bank, IMF and Globalisation ???

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 5:41 PM, venukm  wrote:

> Why not ?
> Men and women are animals, too..
>  It is thanks to something within our power of discrimination as
> humans,
> that nether you add me in the list, nor me you; there it ends.
> Nevertheless, it might not apply to any animal of a higher order far
> more poisonous than these poor creatures. Perhaps, we might call them
> sub humans, again, depending on our power of discrimination that is
> exclusive to us, the humans.
>  ...Just trying to make some sense of your posting here.
> Thanks.
> On Mar 10, 12:01 pm, S sanjeev  wrote:
> > dear sreenivas and karthik,
> > the tag specifically states "the most poisonous animals" and not "the
> most poisonous living beings"
> > had it been so definitely there would have been some malayali entries
> from my side.
> > :-)
> >
> > --- On Tue, 10/3/09, Karthik Navayan  wrote:
> > From: Karthik Navayan 
> > Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: Fw: 10 Most Poisonous Animals in the World
> > To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
> > Date: Tuesday, 10 March, 2009, 11:52 AM
> >
> > 4, Raj Thackeray
> > 5, Advani
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:46 PM, sreenivas v.p 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Please add three more animals .
> >
> > 1. Muthalik
> > 2. Modi
> > 3. George Bush
> >
> >
> >
> > --- On Mon, 9/3/09, S sanjeev  wrote:
> >
> > From: S sanjeev 
>  > Subject: [GreenYouth] Fw: 10 Most Poisonous Animals in the World
> >
> > To: "greenyouth" 
> > Date: Monday, 9 March, 2009, 7:07 PM
> >
> > 1. Box Jellyfish
> >
> > The top prize for “The World Most Venomous Animal,” would go to the Box
> Jellyfish. It has caused at least 5,567 recorded deaths since 1954. Their
> venom is among the most deadly in the world. It’s toxins attack the heart,
> nervous system, and skin cells. And the worst part of it is that jelly box
> venom is so overpoweringly painful, that human victims go in shock, drown or
> die of heart failure before even reaching shore. Survivors experience pain
> weeks after the contact with box jellies.
> >
> > You have virtually no chance to survive the venomous sting, unless
> treated immediately. After a sting, vinegar should be applied for a minimum
> of 30 seconds. Vinegar has acetic acid, which disables the box jelly’s
> nematocysts that have not yet discharged into the bloodstream (though it
> will not alleviate the pain). Wearing panty hose while swimming is also a
> good prevention measure since it can prevent jellies from being able to harm
> your legs.
> >
> > Jelly box can be found in the waters around Asia and Australia.
> > 2. King Cobra
> >
> > The King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world’s longest venomous snake
> - growing up to 5.6 m (18.5 ft) in length. Ophiophagus, literally means
> “snake-eater” as it eats other snakes. One single bite of this deadly snake
> can easily kill a human. This snake is even capable of killing a full-grown
> Asian Elephant within 3 hours if the larger animal is bitten in a vulnerable
> area such as the trunk.
> >
> > It’s venom is not as toxic as other venomous snakes, but King Cobra is
> capable of injecting 5 times more venom than black mamba and can result in
> mortality up to 5 times faster than that of the black mamba. It is quite
> widespread, ranging across South and South-east Asia, living in dense
> highland forests.
> >
> > 3. Marbled Cone Snail
> >
> > This little beautiful looking Marbled Cone snail can be as deadly as any
> other animal on this list. One drop of its venom is so powerful that it can
> kill more than 20 humans. If you ever happen to be in warm salt water
> environment (where these snails are often found) and see it, don’t even
> think of picking it up. Of course, the true purpose of its venom is to catch
> its prey.
> >
> > Symptoms of a cone snail sting can start immediately or can be delayed in
> onset for days. It results in intense pain, swelling, numbness and tingling.
> Severe cases involve muscle paralysis, vision changes and breathing failure.
> There is no antivenom. However, only about 30 human deaths have been
> recorded from cone snail envenomation.
> >
> > 4. Blue-Ringed Octopus
> >
> > The Blue-Ringed Octopus is very small, only the size of a golf ball, but
> its venom is so powerful that can kill a human. Actually it carries enough
> poison to kill 26 adult humans within minutes, and there is no antidote.
> They are currently recognized as one of the world’s most venomous animals.
> >
> > Its painless bite may seem harmless, but the deadly neurotoxins begin
> working immediately resulting in muscular weakness, numbness, followed by a
> cessation and breathing and ultimately death.
> >
> > They can be found in tide pools in the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to
> Australia.
> > 5. Death Stalker Scorpion
> >
> > Contrarily to the popular belief most of the scorpions 

[GreenYouth] Re: March -8

2009-03-06 Thread Anil M
I agree with damodar and aftab. And sreenivas, how can you conclude that
globalisation is "Western"?

On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 8:08 AM, sreenivas v.p wrote:

> Globalization has many positive effects . One of them is that Indians now
> got to know about the western culture and start recognizing their
> individuality . As Hindutva elements say , globalization is destroying our
> culture . But we should be happy that  what is being destroyed is a stupid
> culture . Western culture is far superior to that of Asia mainly because of
> the fact that a liberal form of christianity is  far superior to Hinduism
> and Islam .
> Christianity has become less persecuting , manily due to the work of
> freethinkers who have made dogmatists rather less dogmatic . In some forms
> of liberal christianity , the element of dogma is reduced to a minimum .
> And the western culture has become more sophisticated and pragmatic because
> of this influence .
> sreenivas
> --- On *Thu, 5/3/09, Venugopalan K M * wrote:
> From: Venugopalan K M 
> Subject: [GreenYouth] March -8
> To:
> Date: Thursday, 5 March, 2009, 5:17 PM
>   Agolavalkaranam in the context of women's rights, just means onslaught
> on this beloved country's great Culture!
> Like women daring to visit pubs, daring to defy the dress codes,
> daring to shatter the  values of family and bringing shame to the
> country and the countryMen, so on and so forth.
> While Muthaliks and Modys are there in Karnataka and Gujrat at large
> to fight these evils,  who will fight here?
> Going by the press reports, we find the  local police to the leftist-
> rightist  women/youth/students  organizations to the neighborhood
> fraternity vigilance volunteers arrayed in the great task of defending
> culture. Part of the task of (people) getting opinionated against w
> omen's assertions,  is of course  left to the Fourth Estate together
> with the Samskarika Nayakans and Nayikas of Kerala through rhetoric s
> and imagery  of  globalization destroying  Culture especially by
>  w omen shedding their  sense of guilt and shame,  daring to express
> their sexuality in first person, unmindful of the Culture and
> Tradition!
> We find in one report after other ,youths being rounded up by the
> police for no cognizable crime.
> An item appeared in Malayala Manorama daily on the other day. It was a
> report under a sensational caption, about  an incident at Kollam
> railway station. Lacking in many details,esp of the legality of the
> police/railway court's action, the report would mean that two people
> of different sex, unconnected either through  marriage or through
> blood relation, sitting together and talking is an act punishable with
> instant arrest and fine!
> --
> Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter now!
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: [grey-youth-movement:1873] March-8-Interntional Women` Day

2009-03-05 Thread Anil M
Yes Maya, on the fire fighting mode, it may not be that easy, and eventually
we need to depend on institutions like police, court, women’s commission
etc, though most often they too speak same lines with sree ram sena

There was a disturbing report in HT couple of months back about widespread
complaints by women cadres about sexual abuse by their own party men in some
Naxalite organizations. As the report was based on police sources, I don’t
know whether it is true or just a planted story or a police version. Even if
it is partially true, imagine the plight of those women. Where do they go
and complain? Tragically enough they have to go to the state apparatus,
against which they are fighting, to seek justice.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 6:32 AM, Praveen A  wrote:

> 2009/3/4 Maya :
> > sorry, the attachment didnt work for the last sent one
> Maya,
> I can't read the attachment (same goes for anyone who don't have
> pagemaker). More people would be able to see it if it is sent as a pdf
> document or as an image.
> --
> പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
>  I know my rights; I want my phone call!
>  What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
> (as seen on /.)
> Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
> http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Anti-DRM-Campaign
> >

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"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: Fwd: Coca Cola/Plachimada: An open rejoinder to Mr Shashi Tharoor (fwd)

2009-03-05 Thread Anil M
Is this response published somewhere?

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Venugopalan K M wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: S Faizi [mailto:ecol...@dataone.in]
> Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 10:13 AM
> To: 'tharoor.assist...@gmail.com'
> Subject: Coca Cola/Plachimada: An open rejoinder to Mr Shashi Tharoor
> From: S.Faizi, R2 Saundarya Apartments, Nandavanam, Thiruvananthapuram,
> biodivers...@rediffmail.com (Environmental Expert Member: Kerala
> Groundwater Authority; Chairman: Indian Biodiversity Forum)
> Mr.Shashi Tharoor, Chairman, Afras Ventures, 230 Park Avenue, Suite 2525,
> New York, NY 10169
> Dear Mr Tharoor,
> I have read with interest your response to the Plachimada Struggle
> Solidarity Committee’s criticism of your being in a PR project of the Coca
> Cola company in India, in Hindu and the full text on a web site that carries
> your PR material. I do not have a grain of opposition to your being in the
> cola PR outfit, for it is natural for people like to you to be in places
> like that. However, I am writing this public response to you in order to
> address the misinformation contained in your letter, outdoing even the PR
> staff of the company, and the unwarranted sweeping remarks you have made on
> Kerala development.
> The High Court Division Bench verdict in favour of the company that you
> have referred to was made subsequent to a single bench verdict against the
> company. And the Division Bench verdict is being challenged in the Supreme
> Court by the Perumatti Panchayat and by the people’s groups agitating
> against the company. The CWRDM-lead report was flawed in many respects, as
> is being argued in the SC, which is also an issue of concern for CWRDM
> scientists as the institution has suffered an erosion of credibility. The
> very assumption of the report, in estimating the total groundwater
> availability in Chitoor block, that 20 per cent of the rainfall can be
> recharged is flawed as the Central Groundwater Board’s (CGWB) assessment in
> 2003 had put the recharge in areas such as Chitoor at 5-8 per cent. While
> the committee report put the annual recharge in the block at 74.1 million
> cubic meters (mcm), based on the CGWB’s scientific estimation of recharge
> rate it is only between 16.6 to 33.2 mcms. The report also suppresses the
> domestic and agricultural water needs. The central question in the High
> Court case was not as much about pollution and depletion of water resources,
> land pollution by heavy metals, or the right to life provision of the
> Constitution, as about the power of the local panchayat to ask for the
> closure of the factory. The Groundwater Dept, in a report on the groundwater
> of Palakkad dist prepared in 2006, presented an alarming picture of the
> state of groundwater in Chitoor block.
> The legal status of groundwater has rightly become that of a public
> resource with the enactment of the Kerala Groundwater Act which came into
> force in 2003. However, this law (as well as several other points from the
> environmental jurisprudence) was not considered in the High Court case.
> Groundwater was considered as a private resource, while the said law asserts
> it as a public resource over which the appropriate agencies of the State
> have control in public interest. And this change in the legal status of
> groundwater is also going to be examined by the apex court.
> You attempt to deny the toxic sludge. However, the Supreme Court Monitoring
> Committee (SCMC), in its report following its site visit in August 2004, had
> determined the presence of heavy metals (cadmium and lead) in the sludge,
> and this was distributed by the cunning company to the unsuspecting farmers
> as ‘fertiliser’. And the State Pollution Control Board had directed the
> company to cease operations. The pollution of the well waters around the
> factory was reported by independent labs and the SPCB also confirmed it by
> asking the people not to use the water of the panchayat well it had tested.
> I visited the area two weeks ago as a member of the expert committee
> attached to the State SC/ST Commission and found the situation of the local
> people, ST/SC in particular, extremely worrying- there is hardly any water
> in the wells and where it is present it is not usable. Pollution of drinking
> water is a crime under the SC/ST (Atrocities) Act. On 14-9-2004 the company
> agreed to provide piped water to the residents of the area and the KPCB had
> constituted a committee to oversee this activitiy. This was upon the
> instruction of the SCMC, obviously as a compensation for the water crisis
> caused by the company and it was not contingent upon the functioning of the
> factory. The company reneged on this agreement too.
> Polluter Pays Principle has become an integral part of our jurisprudence.
> The Rio Declaration (principle 16) upholds this as well as the liability and
> redress provision of the Biodiversity Convention (I had been a 

[GreenYouth] N.P. Jayan’s photo exhibition on Sile nt Valley at IIC, Delhi

2009-03-01 Thread Anil M
Photojournalist N.P. Jayan’s photo exhibition on Silent Valley is happening
in Indian International Center Annex, New Delhi. (11A.M. to 7 P.M.) . It
started on Feb 29th and will go on up to 7th March. Jayan had spent a whole
year inside Silent Valley to capture these wonderful images. Don’t miss it
if you are in and around Delhi.

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 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: IIT or Agrahara (see the video)

2009-02-28 Thread Anil M
Dear Bobinson

I have no doubt about your intention in fighting fascist hinduvata forces.
But  you are done in by 'Indian nationalism'. This nationalism cannot
survive without historical/ traditional boasting. And that “glorious past”
never had any space for muslims/dalits/ women.  This is what happened to
Rasul Pukti also. In an attempt to glorify the “Indian sound effect past”( J)
at Oscars , the  poor man couldn’t find anything but Om!!

I think the real danger is not the so called communalism but it is this
“nationalism” with all its imperialistic ambitions.

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Bobby Kunhu  wrote:

> and also strongly endorse Fatima and Ranju's positions on the use of
> taliban as the bench mark for communal fascism
> why do not people come up with phrases like "skull-cap clad RSS" . This is
> not to exonerate taliban, but to highlight a tendency to get away with any
> terminology that re-inforces cultural fascism thats fashionable
> 2009/3/1 Bobby Kunhu 
> Just wanted to point out that the punishment for the Sudra (not an avarna
>> mind you) for hearing the scripture was that molten lead would be poured
>> into his ears (she would never even get to the place of recital)
>> this is well-documented when that "mythical" transformation happened
>> between the sruthis to the smritis
>> 2009/3/1 ranju radha 
>>> fathima has rightly pointed out the ' political insensitivity' with which
>>> come up with to address atrocities of caste hindus.
>>> it was Pratibha Patil who always seen  covering her head with a saree
>>> criticises the Burqua system..
>>> the upper caste feminists who rallied for "women's rights" raking up  the
>>> imrana issue, refused to see the "Hindu fatwas" invkd by caste HIndu
>>> panchayats  agaiinst Dalit women... (Dalit body becomes the focus of all
>>> sorts of violence -- the caste hindu/indian state/ institutionalisation of
>>> patronising secular missions/ violence embedded in the self emancipated
>>> caste hindu selves
>>> our great modern eductional institutions have no shame in eologising the
>>> vedic barbaric era..
>>> we r left with a nation of jhootan which the caste hindu self throws at u
>>> with an institutionlised mechanism of power-disguisd guilt
>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Fathima Naeema wrote:


 Equating Saffron with Taliban is a political strategy of right wing
 Hindutva. It helps them to argue that India is a ‘peaceful’ (*
 santipurna*) state, *"Saffrons*" are ‘peace-loving’ (*santi*-*priya*)
 people and that the present run of violence are aberrations. I had raised
 this issue while responding to the discussion on Sreerama Sena's attack on
 pub-going girls in Mangalore.

 We need to engage with the violence of Taliban and Saffron differently
 and the trope of Taliban should not limit a more complex analysis to 
 There are many other factors which made Afghan women more subject to
 violence than at any time before.  Image of veiled women is enough for
 these people to  show that Islam and its verities of forms are
 oppressive to women. They will never accommodate other "secular" reasons-
 militarization, social disintegration, intense poverty, drugs and endless
 war- to read violence against women in Afghanistan. Leaving all those
 factors aside will only help people like Ashik and Bobinson to formulate
 phrases such as "Saffron clad Talibans" and assume that violence in India 
 a foreign invention.

 Fathima Naeema

   On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 4:03 PM, ranju radha wrote:

>   >>is it so difficult ?
> the construction of excellnce and merit comes from this universal claim
> to knwledge.
> these "meritorous" people have been asking this question "is it
> difficult?" for long
> it can be explicated as :
> is it difficult to get killed/raped bz u hav shown the courage to live
> with dignity?
> is it diffucult to find another place to study bz u pollute
> is it difficult ? etc.
> equating excellnce  with brahminsm and its value system and extnding t
> to the realm of modern education... how cleverly and easily... they have
> made it and we r only left with the option to find out the meaning of 
> words
> eventually endorsing their claim on knowledge. it was not at all difficult
> !!
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 6:41 PM, bobinson  wrote:
>> my point is look at the slokam as a a set of words talking about
>> knowledge! And I found it very apt provided I am not provided with any 
>> proof
>> to think that it was added there intentionally by the saffron gang to
>> influence all areas of society as some claim their ultimate goal is. 
>> Thus, I

[GreenYouth] Re: "Slumdog Millionaire": A Hollow Message of Social Justice (Mitu Sengupta, AlterNet)

2009-02-24 Thread Anil M
humbly accept and honour it. But then
again this is not a generalised statement. It is independent and individual.

*A few technicians from India (for example Rasool Kutty ) have managed to
get the attention of the Oscars, while the actors from India are still to
make a mark...What do you attribute this to?*

AB: Yes true. The reason that Rasool has received attention is because he
has worked in a foreign ( English ) film that has received Oscar nomination.
When their system of judging feels actors from India deserve an Award we
shall respectfully acknowledge it. There have been very few instances when
an actor not speaking English in a non English film has been recognised for
his acting capabilities. We make films in Indian languages and speak Indian

*Do you think Indian films need to be marketed better worldwide and its not
the quality of the films but lack of exposure that has led to us not getting
enough world wide recognition?*

AB: Yes marketing does play an important part in the furtherance of our
products world wide and I believe that very concerted efforts are already in
place to enhance our presence beyond Indian shores. English being a more
universal language we do feel handicapped there, but I believe cinema is a
universal medium and does not need dependence on language for it to be
understood. We have come a long way from 60-70 years ago when cinema in
India was considered a medium that was infra dig. We have continuously moved
ahead and moved forward. We are already attracting a huge amount of
attention and its getting better by the day and the hour.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Anil M  wrote:

> From The Times
>  February 24, 2009
>  Aren't our slum people the world's best? India's euphoria at Slumdog
> Millionaire's Oscars reveals much about its national character  Tunku
> Varadarajan
> Search every corner of the globe, I say, and you will not find a people
> more complex - and complexed - than Indians. Quite without irony, a nation,
> many of whose citizens had just been heaping abuse and lawsuits on Slumdog
> Millionaire for showing India in a bad light, and for using the intolerable
> word “dog” to describe those poor little slum-wallahs, is now in a state of
> euphoric bhangra over its winning eight statuettes conferred by an “academy”
> that regards a bunch of Scientologists (not to mention Mickey Rourke) as
> icons.
> Maybe it's a result of 200 years of colonialism, but Indians are world
> champions at caring - really caring! - about what foreigners (more
> accurately, Westerners) think or say about them. They will live blithely
> with impressively foetid slums in their midst, thinking nothing of the
> juxtaposition of Victorian-era poverty and world-class, 21st-century living
> standards. But the national outrage stirred when a Western film-maker uses
> “slumdog” in the title of his film is an incandescent sight to behold.
> That foreigner's neologism (“slumdog” doesn't exist in real parlance in
> India, although gali ka kutta, or alley-dog, comes close) is thought to heap
> more shame on the land than the slums themselves. And yet when that same
> film, with that same neo-imperialist title, is fêted by tuxedoed Americans
> at an awards ceremony watched across the globe, Indians burst with pride.
> Eight Oscars, yaah! Isn't that a record? Isn't A.R. Rahman the best composer
> in the world? Isn't Bollywood bloody wonderful? And aren't our slums a
> lesson in how to overcome adversity and cruelty?
> Aren't our slum people stoical, resilient, self-reliant, courageous,
> fraternal, resolute and inventive? Aren't our slum people the world's best
> slum people?
> Largely lost in this euphoria-come-lately is the sense that in the real
> Mumbai - big, bad, brutal, bolshy, bad-ass Bombay - Jamal Malik, the gali ka
> kutta of purest pedigree, wouldn't have come within five miles of a TV game
> show. Of course the film was fantasy, but the fantasy had an ugly core that
> Indians are blind to. Jamal would not have survived his torture in a real
> Mumbai police station.
> There are no Oscars for “best adaptation of police practices”. But to end
> on a positive note: the film has had so much attention that it will shine a
> global light on everyday torture in Indian police stations.
> Westerners are quite ignorant of such matters, and if they think ill of
> India now because of them, maybe the Indians, too, will start to care.
> *Tunku Varadarajan is a professor at New York University Stern Business
> School and opinions editor at Forbes*
>   On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Anivar Aravind <
> ani...@movingrepublic.org> wrote:
>> "Slumdog Millionaire": A Hollow Message of Social Justi

[GreenYouth] Re: "Slumdog Millionaire": A Hollow Message of Social Justice (Mitu Sengupta, AlterNet)

2009-02-24 Thread Anil M
>From The Times
 February 24, 2009
 Aren't our slum people the world's best? India's euphoria at Slumdog
Millionaire's Oscars reveals much about its national character  Tunku

Search every corner of the globe, I say, and you will not find a people more
complex - and complexed - than Indians. Quite without irony, a nation, many
of whose citizens had just been heaping abuse and lawsuits on Slumdog
Millionaire for showing India in a bad light, and for using the intolerable
word “dog” to describe those poor little slum-wallahs, is now in a state of
euphoric bhangra over its winning eight statuettes conferred by an “academy”
that regards a bunch of Scientologists (not to mention Mickey Rourke) as

Maybe it's a result of 200 years of colonialism, but Indians are world
champions at caring - really caring! - about what foreigners (more
accurately, Westerners) think or say about them. They will live blithely
with impressively foetid slums in their midst, thinking nothing of the
juxtaposition of Victorian-era poverty and world-class, 21st-century living
standards. But the national outrage stirred when a Western film-maker uses
“slumdog” in the title of his film is an incandescent sight to behold.

That foreigner's neologism (“slumdog” doesn't exist in real parlance in
India, although gali ka kutta, or alley-dog, comes close) is thought to heap
more shame on the land than the slums themselves. And yet when that same
film, with that same neo-imperialist title, is fêted by tuxedoed Americans
at an awards ceremony watched across the globe, Indians burst with pride.
Eight Oscars, yaah! Isn't that a record? Isn't A.R. Rahman the best composer
in the world? Isn't Bollywood bloody wonderful? And aren't our slums a
lesson in how to overcome adversity and cruelty?

Aren't our slum people stoical, resilient, self-reliant, courageous,
fraternal, resolute and inventive? Aren't our slum people the world's best
slum people?

Largely lost in this euphoria-come-lately is the sense that in the real
Mumbai - big, bad, brutal, bolshy, bad-ass Bombay - Jamal Malik, the gali ka
kutta of purest pedigree, wouldn't have come within five miles of a TV game
show. Of course the film was fantasy, but the fantasy had an ugly core that
Indians are blind to. Jamal would not have survived his torture in a real
Mumbai police station.

There are no Oscars for “best adaptation of police practices”. But to end on
a positive note: the film has had so much attention that it will shine a
global light on everyday torture in Indian police stations.

Westerners are quite ignorant of such matters, and if they think ill of
India now because of them, maybe the Indians, too, will start to care.

*Tunku Varadarajan is a professor at New York University Stern Business
School and opinions editor at Forbes*

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Anivar Aravind

> "Slumdog Millionaire": A Hollow Message of Social Justice
> By Mitu Sengupta, AlterNet. Posted February 23, 2009.
> Despite all the hype, "Slumdog" delivers a patronizing and ultimately
> sham statement on social justice.
> Danny Boyle's "Slumdog Millionaire", perhaps one of the most
> celebrated films in recent times, tells the rags-to-rajah story of a
> love-struck Indian boy, Jamal, who, with a little help from "destiny,"
> triumphs over his wretched beginnings in Mumbai's squalid slums.
> Riding on a wave of rave reviews, "Slumdog" has now won Hollywood's
> highest tribute, the Academy Award for Best Picture, along with seven
> more Oscars, including one for Best Director.
> These honors will probably add some $100 million to "Slumdog's"
> box-office takings, as Oscar wins usually do. They will also further
> enhance the film's fast-growing reputation as an authentic
> representation of the lives of India's urban poor. So far, most of the
> awards collected by the film have been accepted in the name of "the
> children," suggesting that its own cast and crew regard it (and have
> relentlessly promoted it) not as a cinematically spectacular,
> musically rich and entertaining work of fiction, which it is, but as a
> powerful tool of advocacy. Nothing could be more worrying, as
> "Slumdog", despite all the hype to the contrary, delivers a deeply
> disempowering narrative about the poor that thoroughly undermines, if
> not totally negates, its seeming message of social justice.
> "Slumdog" has angered many Indians because it tarnishes their
> perception of their country as a rising economic power and a beacon of
> democracy. India's English-language papers, read mainly by its middle
> classes, have carried many bristling reviews of the film that convey
> an acute sense of wounded national pride. While understandable, the
> sentiment is not defensible. Though at times embarrassingly contrived,
> most of the film's heartrending scenarios are inspired by a sad, but
> well-documented reality.
> Corruption is certainly rampant among the police, and many will gladly
> use tortur

[GreenYouth] To all those sleepless subs!- On Copy Editing

2009-02-19 Thread Anil M
 On Copy Editing **
Sunday, August 24, 2008; 12:00 AM

 *Ombudsman Deborah Howell recently sent an all-newsroom e-mail asking
Washington Post staffers what they thought about copy editing and its worth
at the paper. The following reply came from Metro copy editor Jeff Baron.
Howell says, "It was such a good and succinct description of how copy
editors see their work that I thought it was worth sharing with readers."*

We all need editors. When we write, we might know what we mean to say, and
we become blind to the looseness in our language and the gaps in our facts.
Friends will ignore slips in e-mails, but newspaper readers should be able
to expect a higher standard.

There's more involved than running a spell check. The copy editor needs to
be a critical reader: Is the story missing necessary background or other
information? Is it unfair? Is it libelous? Have crucial questions gone
unasked? When the answer is yes, the copy editor is on the phone with the
reporter or researching on the Internet to make things right, and to do it
on deadline.
 [image: ad_icon]

We have to be alert to ambiguities in the writing; if even five in a hundred
readers are misled or baffled by the phrasing of a sentence, we have failed.
Their lives are tough enough, and understanding a newspaper article
shouldn't be hard work. We have to be the reader's advocates, straightening
out twisted syntax (no matter that it's correct) when it does not serve the
reader. We guard against cliches and jargon: When a police reporter mentions
"an adult female," we turn her back into "a woman." We watch out for the
badly strained figure of speech, that reference to "the inquiring eyes of
Congress's investigative arm" that sounded right to the writer but would
give a literal-minded reader nightmares.

We check the facts, to the extent we can. No obituary subject ever worked
for the Institute for Defense Analysis -- it's the Institute for Defense

And we are the defenders of proper grammar, usage, spelling and what
publications call style: when to capitalize, when to use numerals or spell
out the numbers, etc. Copy editors might be the only people who can discuss,
cheerfully and seriously and on their own time, when to hyphenate a compound
adjective. Normal people, I have found, deeply do not care.

Some mistakes jump out: I love finding the comically wrong homonyms, the
core for corps, the pour for pore, the ordinance for ordnance. Some are more
subtle: It's easy to miss errors in quotations because our training tells us
to leave quotations alone, but if the reporter has left out or
misinterpreted a word or two, it's the copy editor's job to notice and ask.

I consider my workday worthwhile if I've made one especially good catch or
written one sterling headline.

Yes, let's not forget, we're the ones who write the headlines. The best of
them draw the reader and capture the essence of the article. They can be
lyrical or hard-hitting, as appropriate, but they have to make sense while
fitting the space constraints laid down by our dear but slightly sadistic
page designers. The headlines satisfy our love of word games, allowing us to
play with the rhythm and the look of the language. We spend far more time
editing the articles, but headlines give us more latitude, more of a chance
to be creative. In sports terms, the editing is the dependable defense that
wins games, but it's the best headlines that make the highlight reel.

We do this work, generally, at night, with no stopping for holidays or
weekends. We do not have social lives. If we have families, we do not see
them much. We get precious little personal glory: The work is strictly
anonymous. And we don't get much in the way of money, either: A chart just
released by our union shows that The Post's copy editors earn noticeably
less than its reporters, photographers, page designers and graphic artists.

We have the satisfaction of helping turn rushed prose into a great
newspaper. We have the respect of the superb reporters whose butts we
sometimes save. And as The Post and other newspapers make do with fewer of
us, putting fewer pairs of eyes on each column of type, I'm afraid readers
will notice us by the mistakes we no longer keep out of print.

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"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: RLV fine arts college issue

2009-02-19 Thread Anil M
In India, the teacher-student, manger- employee, etc relationships in
educational institutions, corporate offices, and any other public/private
organizations are most often loyalty based* *rather than democratic or
professional. We learned to call Sir/Madam from primary schools itself. Even
in most of the corporate offices in post globalized India, loyalty is the
key, not professionalism or corporate ethics. In Kerala "Sir" becomes
Siiir. And these "Josephs" saluting 24x 7 promotes this
culture…..See in Prince issue also other students were pleading him to

I think people who commented on "Saluting" were not criticizing Joseph
personally. His user name itself reflects a conscious political statement,
which is bound to be criticized.  So, no need to apologize

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:28 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> Friends,
> In the first posting of the thread, Renu Ramnath has briefed on the issue.
> It is this:
>  "As the paintings' display was being done one member of the group Prince
> D., came with his work to hang it. He had a comment on the Art education
> also to be exhibited as a title of his work. After reading this, one of the
> teachers got angry with him saying that the words in the text pointed to one
> of the teachers. Teacher's union and the HOD stated that unless this work
> was removed the HOD would not inaugurate the show. But the text being an
> integral part of the work, Prince did not want any compromise. The teacher
> left the gallery without inaugurating the show. While some teachers called
> some students and warned them that this would affect their future and might
> affect their exams and assignments. The frightened students asked Prince to
> remove the work from the show."
> The teachers union, the concerned "authorities" can dump this act of Prince
> as an act of "aggression", and act of "extremism" and also convieniently
> palce him as "mad terrorist" as the current discourse available can dump any
> questioning person as "terrorist". What is demanded is complete obedience to
> authorities.
> We cannot go with such "commaning"  positions!!
> In such cases, Commandos will do wahtever they are asked to do so. The
> quetion of Justice remains elusive.
> The importance of solidarity of individuals is increasingly important in
> this regard.
> Hence in full solidarity with Prince.
> The action plan as suggested by Renju is welcome. Also prince can have
> exibitions in collobaration with artists collective in different locations.
> prasad
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:07 PM, damodar prasad 
> wrote:
>> as an act of support, I slaute Renju's mail on the same.
>> prasad
>>   On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:00 PM, ranju radha wrote:
>>> in fact, it started with semester system and internal assessment. the
>>> teachers  claims that this will enhance the quality of education. on
>>> the contrary it has become a tool in the hands of teachers to avenge
>>> students..
>>> what ever limited things that can be done in the cyber sphere shall be
>>> initiated
>>> online campaign, petition, media campaign etc
>>> sanjeev has pointd out the situation in tvm arts college..
>>> joint campaigns can be planned
>>> i think senior artists came to the support f tvm fine arts college
>>> students
>>> same stragtegy can be emplyed, i think
>>> hope i m not preachings too much
>>> On 2/19/09, Joseph Saluting NSG Commandos.. 
>>> wrote:
>>> >  Friends
>>> >
>>> >  Think how we can help Prince in the said issue.
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> " The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed
>>> class using a public tank not because they really believe that the
>>> water will be thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are
>>> afraid of losing their superiority of caste and of equality being
>>> established between the former and the latter. We are resorting to
>>> this satyagraha not becasue we believe that the water of this
>>> particular tank has any exceptional qualities, but to establish our
>>> natural rights as citizens and human beings."
>>> - Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927
>>> >>>

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 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: RLV fine arts college issue

2009-02-17 Thread Anil M
He is saluting since 26/11..almost 90 days :) ..It is more than enough
to proove his Desha Sneaham, i guss
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Afthab Ellath  wrote:

> hahahahahahah
> Regards
> Afthab Ellath
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 4:21 PM, damodar prasad 
> wrote:
>> I dont know whether this is the right occasion to raise to tell this:
>> This is to Jospeh Peter.
>> In still photos we see people saluting continuously . But it is still
>> picture. Now if you may please, you can actually withdraw the salute and be
>> at ease.
>> You can continue with salute posture if the response to this is : direct
>> shooting of me.
>> On the Pahyanmar, I am with you.
>> d.Prasad
>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Joseph Saluting NSG Commandos.. <
>> josephvpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This is a common issue in most of the colleges. Its happening  in
>>> Professional colleges, Arts Colleges. These *Adhyapahayanmar* thinks
>>> that, they have the right to do anything inside the campus. Most of them are
>>> unqualified. Everything is based on Internal marks. If there is no internal
>>> marks, they know the response from the students for these madness.
>>>  If he is an artist, he cannot do these things to Mr. PrinceI
>>> saw his work. Its very nice
>>>  I think Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam also failed to resolve one such issue in
>>> College of Engineering Trivandrum, in their Architecture
>>> DepartmentMost of these *Adhyapahayanmar's *
>>> are Sadists..
>>>   On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:46 AM, S sanjeev wrote:
 the same conditions prevail in trivandrum fine arts college. the
 students are on strike for the past two months against the dictatorship of
 the principal.

 --- On *Tue, 17/2/09, renu ramanath * wrote:

 From: renu ramanath 
 Subject: [GreenYouth] RLV fine arts college issue
 To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, 17 February, 2009, 2:55 AM

 *Incident against Freedom of Expression

 Durbar Hall Art Gallery, Kochi, Kerala.*

BFA students(3rd year) of RLV College Tripunithura, one
 of the fine arts institutions of Kerala, were preparing for the 
 of their first group show. As the paintings' display was being done one
 member of the group Prince D., came with his work to hang it. He had a
 comment on the Art education also to be exhibited as a title of his work.
 After reading this, one of the teachers got angry with him saying that the
 words in the text pointed to one of the teachers. Teacher's union and the
 HOD stated that unless this work was removed the HOD would not inaugurate
 the show. But the text being an integral part of the work, Prince did not
 want any compromise. The teacher left the gallery without inaugurating the
 show. While some teachers called some students and warned them that this
 would affect their future and might affect their exams and assignments. The
 frightened students asked Prince to remove the work from the show.

 But the senior students of the college supported Prince's stand as it
 was his freedom of expression which lead to the work and a teacher has no
 power to restrict it. They asked the other students of the group not to
 remove the work and the group agreed to go on with the show. But the third
 day of exhibition with the pressure from the teachers, members of the group
 removed the work and the text from the gallery and excluded Prince from the

 Further, some students campaigned against Prince and the senior students
 who supported him saying that his work had damaged the reputation of the
 college and teachers. They even requested the authorities to take
 disciplinary action against Prince. As we write this, the exhibition is
 still going on with Prince's work removed.

 As we examine the situation that lead this shameful incident,  the
 condition of the present art education in the college becomes clearer.
 During the selection process for the present exhibition, Mr. Sidharthan,
 HOD, Dept. of Painting, had rejected Prince's works saying that it lacked
 "market quality" and "creativity" in composition. Prince had questioned the
 determining factors of "market quality" and "creativity". The process of
 selection concluded without answering him but rejecting his works. This
 incident led Prince to do a new work questioning the autocratic standpoint
 of the teacher. He took the new work to included in the exhibition.

 *A brief History of RLV College

 *RLV College (RLV stands for Radha Lakshmi Vilasam), until taken over
 by the Government of Kerala in 1956, was owned by the erstwhile Royal 
 of Kochi, based in Tripunithura. Even though it came under G

[GreenYouth] Re: Will there be V-day celeberations in Kerala?

2009-02-15 Thread Anil M
"Its very difficult for me to differentiate between upper caste girls
protest a
gainst Dalit/OBC reservation in higher education and Ramsena's attack on pub
going girls."

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Fathima Naeema  wrote:

>  Hello,
> I didn't say that upper-middle caste/class is a static category.
> But it does not mean these categories are too inclusive.
> Not every one is allowed to own that position.
> Its very difficult for me to differentiate between upper caste girls
> protest a
> gainst Dalit/OBC reservation in higher education and Ramsena's attack on
> pub going girls.
> Both the incidents are about preventing certain categories from entering
> into certain places which they believe are reserved for particular
> categories
> Fathima Naeema
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Afthab Ellath  wrote:
>> Fatima,
>> I don't subscribe to Srinivas' idea that there is no caste/class/gender in
>> the Sangh Parivar Terror and I also don't believe that the upper caste hate
>> and the middle class apathy towards the dalit and minority and their
>> sufferings has nothing to do with the rise of this fascism in India... My
>> point was not that...
>> But the clean categorizations, generalization and creating abstract
>> notions of evil is the breeding ground of fascism... Politics of inclusion
>> and egalitarianism is not black and white, but it works in gray areas...
>> Perpetrators can becomes victims and vice versa... They need not freeze in
>> space and time..  The same victimized Muslim men might slap  on your face to
>> control your sexuality...
>> The "upper caste" and "middle class" that you mentioned itself cant be
>> homogeneous... Where will upper caste/middle class women come in these
>> categories? Muthalik's moral Dharmayudh/crusade/Jihad was another aspect of
>> the cultural nationalist terror that we have seen in Gujrat and Orissa... It
>> is the gender aspect of it.. It was about pub-going, drinking upper
>> caste/middle class men, but about women... In Sangh parivar's Bharath not
>> only muslims/dalits/christians will be controlled, but pub-going women as
>> well, especially when there is a possibility of mixing with the aforesaid
>> impure genes...
>> Many people who had not celebrated Valantine's day in the past and will
>> not in future did celebrate it this time, understanding this danger... While
>> expressing solidarity many are not identifying themselves with the class and
>> caste who were celebrating Valantine's day traditionally... It was their own
>> struggle... At the same time you can have your own politics to stay away
>> from it...
>> Regards
>> Afthab Ellath
>> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Fathima Naeema wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>> We need to discuss the Mangalore incident and the subsequent developments
>>> in a holistic manner. The questions such as 'are the victims of Manglore
>>> incident the perpetrators of Gujrat and Orissa Carnage and behind the state
>>> terrorism in Kashmir and North Eastern states?' will only help to reduce the
>>> scope of understanding the Hindutva violence with its nuances and
>>> complexities.
>>> We have enough evidences to prove that there is a categorisation as upper
>>> class/ middle class when it comes to Hindu terror. We always tempt to
>>> understand violence only in terms of physical abuses. Don't you think that
>>> electing  right wing Hindutva over other democratic options itself is a
>>> kind of terror? And who were the leading forces behind this Hindutva
>>> 's capturing of our democratic institutions? Studies, very very clearly show
>>> that it was the same middle class. We have seen it in Gujrat, Orissa and in
>>> Karnataka. As a Muslim woman, I didn't have to wait till 2009 V day  to
>>> realize this fact.
>>>  And Afthab, perpetrators, criminals and culprits constitute the "THEM"
>>> and the victims constitute the "WE".
>>> Fathima Naeema
>>> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 12:13 AM, sreenivas v.p <
>>> sreenivas_...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

 Hello Fatima ,

 There is no categorisation as upper class/ middle class when it comes to
 Hindu terror . it is a sang parivar illusion that all upper caste hindus
 are their supporters . And this V day has proved it wrong .

 --- On *Sun, 15/2/09, Afthab Ellath * wrote:

 From: Afthab Ellath 
 Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: Will there be V-day celeberations in Kerala?
 To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
 Date: Sunday, 15 February, 2009, 2:12 AM

  Dear Fatima,

 Is Politics such a simple moral of clearly defined perpetrators and
 victims or is it about vengeance ? Who is this "us" and "them"... And are
 the victims of Manglore incident the perpetrators of Gujrat and Orissa
 Carnage and behind the state terrorism in Kashmir and North Eastern states?

 Afthab Ell

[GreenYouth] Re: They call it Mellow Yellow? from Reuters

2009-02-12 Thread Anil M
Hmm, today's ET says Advani's is coming up with Swadeshi 2.0 to counter
economic crisis..also,see "Will we overcome?" in Kafila

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 12:27 PM, NUAIMAN  wrote:

>  They call it Mellow Yellow? Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:48am EST
> By Matthias Williams
> NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A hardline Hindu organization, known for its
> opposition to "corrupting" Western food imports, is planning to launch a new
> soft drink made from cow's urine, often seen as sacred in parts of India.
> The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), or National Volunteer Corps, said
> the bovine beverage is undergoing laboratory tests for the next 2 to 3
> months but did not give a specific date for its commercial release.
> The flavor is not yet known, but the RSS said the liquid produced by
> Hinduism's revered holy cows is being mixed with products such as aloe vera
> and gooseberry to fight diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
> Many Hindus consider cow urine to have medicinal properties and it is often
> drunk in religious festivals.
> The organization, which aims to transform India's secular society and
> establish the supremacy of a Hindu majority, said it had not decided on a
> name or a price for the drink.
> "Cow urine offers a cure for around 70 to 80 incurable diseases like
> diabetes. All are curable by cow urine," Om Prakash, the head of the RSS Cow
> Protection Department, told Reuters by phone.
> Prakash, who is based in Hardwar, one of four holy Hindu cities on the
> river Ganges where the world's largest religious gathering takes place, said
> the product will be sold nationwide but did not rule out international
> success.
> "It is useful for the whole country and the world as well. It will be done
> through shops and through corporates," he said.
> The Hindu group has campaigned against foreign imports such as Pepsi and
> Coca Cola in the past, which it sees as a corrupting influence and a tool of
> Western imperialism.
> The RSS was temporarily banned after a Hindu mob tore down a mosque in 1992
> which lead to bloody religious riots.
> The Shiv Sena, a hardline Hindu political party also known for attacking
> what it sees as threats to Indian culture such as Valentine's Day, started a
> similar initiative last year to appeal to its powerbase in Mumbai.
> To promote the food of the native Marathi culture, the Shiv Sena said it
> was "making a chain like McDonalds" to sell a popular local fried snack
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: see this ?

2009-02-10 Thread Anil M
Do not leave out that paranoid Vaya Nokki reporter..send him to

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 2:35 PM, ranju radha  wrote:

> yes dont send it to our police
> they will take it as an opportunity to start their cchaddi side business!!
> On 2/10/09, S sanjeev  wrote:
> > it should be sent to those dirty old men-k k sreedharn nair,editor and mp
> > veerendrakumar,publisher
> >
> > --- On Tue, 10/2/09, bobinson  wrote:
> >
> > From: bobinson 
> > Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: see this ?
> > To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
> > Date: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009, 2:16 PM
> >
> >
> > if our police gets those pink stuff they will be really happy and we will
> > find all our locked up little 'criminals' other than politicians wearing
> > this as caps ! Another possibility is that they will sell it. don't sent
> it
> > to our police. please.
> >
> >
> > 2009/2/10 Joseph Saluting NSG Commandos.. 
> >
> > Congrats Renu.for alerting all people. This is very cruel.
> >
> > Why Mathrubhumi is interested with lovers in beaches... Hope they
> have a
> > lot of issues other than with moral issues
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Shahina KK 
> > wrote:
> >
> > Shall we send pinkcheddis to our police force also..? thanks renu for
> this
> > stinki news... being in Delhi, not very regular with 'muthassi papers..'
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:37 AM, ranju radha 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > this is really ridiculous !!
> > high time to tell these vanara senas to mind their business and stop
> moral
> > policing
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 6:45 PM, renu ramanath 
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > did anyone see this news item from alappuzha, in mathrubhumi ? do we ever
> > need a sree ram sena here ?
> > renu.
> >
> >
> >
> http://mathrubhumi.com/php/newFrm.php?news_id=1240682&n_type=RE&category_id=8&Farc=
> >
> >
> >
> > Need more space to upload pictures? Get 25 GB online storage with Windows
> > Live SkyDrive! Try it!
> >
> > - Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > with regards
> >
> > Joseph Peter
> > Mob:+919745077175
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> --
> " The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed
> class using a public tank not because they really believe that the
> water will be thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are
> afraid of losing their superiority of caste and of equality being
> established between the former and the latter. We are resorting to
> this satyagraha not becasue we believe that the water of this
> particular tank has any exceptional qualities, but to establish our
> natural rights as citizens and human beings."
> - Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927
>  >

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"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: Will there be V-day celeberations in Kerala?

2009-02-06 Thread Anil M
u can include all...(.i don't have any intention to protect/exclude any
section )
may be one can group them " Pothu Janam, janam, nattukar.samoohya
prabhudhar.etc etc . Include anonymous letter writers too...
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:36 PM, bobinson  wrote:

> >fellow drinkers in the pub, bar attenders, auto drivers from nearby
> stand, all-party workers etc etc
> why journalists, advocates, doctors, engineers etc etc never find a place
> in such a list ?
> oops, what about our "sanyasi's" ?
> 2009/2/6 Anil M 
>  Prasad,  Imagine such a pub in Kerala, No need of any Sena men or
>> Police.fellow drinkers in the pub, bar attenders, auto drivers from
>> nearby stand, all-party workers etc etc.all will finish those girls off
>> before Sena men or any Police cud reach thereNo need to mention about
>> mallu media . I had never seen instances like TV camera men chasing sex
>> workers when police arrests them or producing them in the court except in
>> Malayalam news channels...even not in so called notorious Hindi channels.
>> May be moral policing by auto drivers, bus conductors, and
>> restaurants attenders etc etc  happens only in Keralamay be because of
>> their so called " samoohya bodham".
>> Remember , when incidents like Surya Nelli happend, in kavala prasngams,
>> in big meetings, in seminars,  speakers were blaming poor Ashirya Rai,
>> Susmita sen and Valentine's Day!
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 3:08 PM, damodar prasad 
>> wrote:
>>> Will there be an open Valentine's Day celebrations in Kerala?
>>> Will there be pub cultures in kerala?
>>> There may be some celebrations in the interiors of places like
>>> Technopark, relatively free for young people to converge or in some
>>> confiding places in the campuses. ( since some new engg. college are
>>> realtively free of moal thugs masqueradign as progressive students movement)
>>> There will never be open celebrations bcoz we are so conservative we
>>> never think about undoing the moral codes transferred to us through parental
>>> guidance. Our parents are sure that the children will never go untoward
>>> ways. Of course, the parents have to keep a watch on their investments!!
>>> It is easy to confront Sreeram Sena's Manglore pub attack. It's away from
>>> us. The Sena is only a fringe lumpen group. We
>>> The Senas find no palce in Kerala bcoz that space is already occupied!!
>>> The popular mind of Kerala is akin to Sreeram Sena. Tradition bound &
>>> conservative. It is naturally aapthetic to anything alien. The State is only
>>> an extended village. Amablapuzha type incidents happen in the claustrophobic
>>> conditions of tradition bound life, where we are castigated and socially
>>> ostracized by "stigmatization".
>>> (Let this not be read as justification of the rapists)
>>> We will never have "western" kind of celebrations bcoz the popular mind
>>> of Kerala is that of Sreeram Sena. RamRam!! Though we refuse to acknowledge
>>> it.
>>> Left conservatism explains it in terms of anti-imperialism, capitalism,
>>> and some ridiculous notions of nativism as we have seen in the campaign
>>> against beauty pageant.
>>> The stick and broom is the symbol of this Left Conservatism masquerading
>>> as anti-imperialism. It is free of factions. When two young couples kiss in
>>> open, the world cangeth and becomes filthy.  The idea of cleansing pollution
>>> was a natural response of the conservatism so ingrained in the mind of
>>> Kerala. But the masintream Left is the flag-bearers of this conservatism.
>>> We never welcomed globalization or rather globality. Our enthusiasm is
>>> for globalisation is limited to some investments that may generate jobs.
>>> That's only a technical interest. The Lumpen mind, the Modi enthusiast,
>>> crypto-Sena fan, of Kerala has never accepted globality or never will accept
>>> it.
>>> Its high time we removed that progressive mask!!
> >

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"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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 For more options, visit this group at 

[GreenYouth] Re: Will there be V-day celeberations in Kerala?

2009-02-06 Thread Anil M
Prasad,  Imagine such a pub in Kerala, No need of any Sena men or
Police.fellow drinkers in the pub, bar attenders, auto drivers from
nearby stand, all-party workers etc etc.all will finish those girls off
before Sena men or any Police cud reach thereNo need to mention about
mallu media . I had never seen instances like TV camera men chasing sex
workers when police arrests them or producing them in the court except in
Malayalam news channels...even not in so called notorious Hindi channels.
May be moral policing by auto drivers, bus conductors, and
restaurants attenders etc etc  happens only in Keralamay be because of
their so called " samoohya bodham".
Remember , when incidents like Surya Nelli happend, in kavala prasngams, in
big meetings, in seminars,  speakers were blaming poor Ashirya Rai,
Susmita sen and Valentine's Day!

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 3:08 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> Will there be an open Valentine's Day celebrations in Kerala?
> Will there be pub cultures in kerala?
> There may be some celebrations in the interiors of places like Technopark,
> relatively free for young people to converge or in some confiding places in
> the campuses. ( since some new engg. college are realtively free of moal
> thugs masqueradign as progressive students movement)
> There will never be open celebrations bcoz we are so conservative we never
> think about undoing the moral codes transferred to us through parental
> guidance. Our parents are sure that the children will never go untoward
> ways. Of course, the parents have to keep a watch on their investments!!
> It is easy to confront Sreeram Sena's Manglore pub attack. It's away from
> us. The Sena is only a fringe lumpen group. We
> The Senas find no palce in Kerala bcoz that space is already occupied!!
> The popular mind of Kerala is akin to Sreeram Sena. Tradition bound &
> conservative. It is naturally aapthetic to anything alien. The State is only
> an extended village. Amablapuzha type incidents happen in the claustrophobic
> conditions of tradition bound life, where we are castigated and socially
> ostracized by "stigmatization".
> (Let this not be read as justification of the rapists)
> We will never have "western" kind of celebrations bcoz the popular mind of
> Kerala is that of Sreeram Sena. RamRam!! Though we refuse to acknowledge it.
> Left conservatism explains it in terms of anti-imperialism, capitalism, and
> some ridiculous notions of nativism as we have seen in the campaign against
> beauty pageant.
> The stick and broom is the symbol of this Left Conservatism masquerading as
> anti-imperialism. It is free of factions. When two young couples kiss in
> open, the world cangeth and becomes filthy.  The idea of cleansing pollution
> was a natural response of the conservatism so ingrained in the mind of
> Kerala. But the masintream Left is the flag-bearers of this conservatism.
> We never welcomed globalization or rather globality. Our enthusiasm is for
> globalisation is limited to some investments that may generate jobs.
> That's only a technical interest. The Lumpen mind, the Modi enthusiast,
> crypto-Sena fan, of Kerala has never accepted globality or never will accept
> it.
> Its high time we removed that progressive mask!!
> >

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"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: india is indira is pinarayi is comunist movement is........

2009-02-04 Thread Anil M
ha ha

Joke apart, no one can endorse "Kuragan Prayogam". We had seen that same
smirk  in VS's face when he described Chengra agitators as "kallanmar"….Let
VS fans and Pinarai fans clash (Or MN Vijayan fans Vs KEN fans)………But no
scope for 100 or even 1 flower(s) to bloom out of it J……Just another 9'o
clock TV spectacle

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:49 AM, S sanjeev  wrote:

>   this is not kalabhavan and i'm not father abel dearie:-)
> by d way i think mr.k.e.n can move court since he comes under endangered
> species act:-)
> --- On *Wed, 4/2/09, Anil M * wrote:
> From: Anil M 
> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: india is indira is pinarayi is comunist movement
> is
> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
> Date: Wednesday, 4 February, 2009, 9:44 PM
>  May be u r rite dear Sanjeev…..Seems Cable operators here banned mallu
> channels because of unparliamentary usages like "Koragan" and further
> discussions by eminent journalists on Koragan/ Ape were being aired without
> censoring…….If this continues Manaka Gandhi's team may go to court for
> defaming animals…..  But I would like to be updated…( I do  like
> infotainment) .pls do update  J
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:32 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
>>   dear anilmon,
>> mimicry artists should be up to date.
>> the commisar has changed his style/diction/idiom drastically
>> post-achumama's delhi press meet!
>> :-)
>> --- On *Wed, 4/2/09, Anil M * wrote:
>> From: Anil M 
>> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: india is indira is pinarayi is comunist movement
>> is
>> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
>> Date: Wednesday, 4 February, 2009, 2:30 PM
>> This Sanjeev is doing blasphemy again – Jayarajan was actually referring
>> to "Pinarayi" the place – that parappuram where the first meeting was held.
>> Sanjeev, personification is not good. Also how dare you talk about Communist
>> movement with out any historic sense……Adhaym charithram padikku, Entha
>> nigalokke dharichu vechirikkunnathu?
>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:55 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
>>>saw e.p jayarajan on tv yesterday bursting out that "pinarayi vijayan
>>> is communist movement!"
>>> d.k baruah and indiragandhi must have thrown a grand party to all their
>>> comrade buddies in hell:-)
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: india is indira is pinarayi is comunist movement is........

2009-02-04 Thread Anil M
May be u r rite dear Sanjeev…..Seems Cable operators here banned mallu
channels because of unparliamentary usages like "Koragan" and further
discussions by eminent journalists on Koragan/ Ape were being aired without
censoring…….If this continues Manaka Gandhi's team may go to court for
defaming animals…..  But I would like to be updated…( I do  like
infotainment) .pls do update  J

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:32 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:

>   dear anilmon,
> mimicry artists should be up to date.
> the commisar has changed his style/diction/idiom drastically
> post-achumama's delhi press meet!
> :-)
> --- On *Wed, 4/2/09, Anil M * wrote:
> From: Anil M 
> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: india is indira is pinarayi is comunist movement
> is
> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
> Date: Wednesday, 4 February, 2009, 2:30 PM
> This Sanjeev is doing blasphemy again – Jayarajan was actually referring to
> "Pinarayi" the place – that parappuram where the first meeting was held.
> Sanjeev, personification is not good. Also how dare you talk about Communist
> movement with out any historic sense……Adhaym charithram padikku, Entha
> nigalokke dharichu vechirikkunnathu?
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:55 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
>>saw e.p jayarajan on tv yesterday bursting out that "pinarayi vijayan
>> is communist movement!"
>> d.k baruah and indiragandhi must have thrown a grand party to all their
>> comrade buddies in hell:-)
>> >>

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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 For more options, visit this group at 

[GreenYouth] Re: india is indira is pinarayi is comunist movement is........

2009-02-04 Thread Anil M
This Sanjeev is doing blasphemy again – Jayarajan was actually referring to
"Pinarayi" the place – that parappuram where the first meeting was held.
Sanjeev, personification is not good. Also how dare you talk about Communist
movement with out any historic sense……Adhaym charithram padikku, Entha
nigalokke dharichu vechirikkunnathu?

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:55 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:

>saw e.p jayarajan on tv yesterday bursting out that "pinarayi vijayan
> is communist movement!"
> d.k baruah and indiragandhi must have thrown a grand party to all their
> comrade buddies in hell:-)
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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 For more options, visit this group at 

[GreenYouth] Latin America and the financial crisis

2009-02-03 Thread Anil M
*Latin America and the financial crisis *

Jorge Heine

   *For the first time in a century, Latin America has managed to at least
partially "cushion" itself from the seismic waves of economic turmoil in the
U.S. and Europe. *

  The United Kingdom will face a 2.8 per cent negative growth rate in 2009,
the worst economic performance since World War II (in fact, the British
economy has already shrunk by 2.7 per cent since last April). In Spain,
unemployment has reached 14 per cent, and the government is offering a
"golden handshake" to recent immigrants to leave the country for three
years. Ireland, so often held up as an example for the developing world
because of its relentless tax-cut ting, is in dire straits, and Iceland is

In the United States, Dow Jones slipped below 8000 in the very week
President Barack Obama took office, the automobile industry continues its
downward spiral (Toyota has already displaced GM as the world's largest
automaker) and in one day in January, some leading companies announced
shedding 72,000 jobs. In California, unemployment is just below 10 per cent,
and the State faces a staggering deficit. In Canada, which lost 34,000 in
December, Ontario, the nation's industrial heartland (40 per cent of
Canada's GDP), is in trouble and looking for ways to renegotiate existing
financial arrangements with Ottawa.

Projections indicate that the developed world will have a negative growth in
2009. What about Latin America?

The standard line is that "when the United States sneezes, Latin America
catches a cold." And that was exactly what happened in the past. The Great
Depression had a devastating effect on Latin America — so much so that in
the late 1930s and early 1940s, it begot the
import-substitution-industrialisation (ISI) strategy, as governments
realised that in times of global slowdowns they could not be left at the
mercy of having enough hard currency to buy essential goods from the
industrialised North; they needed some installed capacity of their own.

Something similar happened in the early 1980s when rising interest rates in
the U.S. pushed the region into its worst debt crisis and a "lost decade,"
in which countries like Chile saw 14 per cent negative growth in 1982 and
unemployment rates of 30 to 35 per cent for several years. According to the
conventional wisdom, Latin American economies should be in the doldrums,
with the Northern recessionary waves hitting Southern shores with a
multiplier effect leading to an even deeper economic downturn there.

Yet, this isn't happening. Yes, this is a global recession and the region
has not been spared. Growth will be cut in half; commodity prices have
dropped and so have export volumes, thus affecting regional exports which
reached a record $902 billion in 2008. International credit has tightened,
and some projected FDI is not materialising. Remittances to the region,
which also reached a record ($67 billion) in 2008, will take a hit.

After six consecutive years of over 4 per cent economic growth rates, the
region is projected to grow 1.9 per cent in 2009. Unemployment, at 7.5 per
cent in 2008, is projected to rise to between 7.8 and 8.1 per cent. Whatever
else it may be, this is not a recession.

Countries like Peru, the star economic performer over the past few years,
may grow as much as 5 per cent in 2009, with smaller economies like Cuba,
Panama and Uruguay clocking 4 per cent or more. And the larger economies
like Argentina (2.6 per cent), Brazil (2.1 per cent), Chile (2 per cent) and
Venezuela (3 per cent) should perform quite respectably. In fact, South
America as a whole, according to ECLAC, will grow at 2.4 per cent. It is
Mexico (0.5 per cent) and many Central American and Caribbean nations that
will be especially affected by the drop in tourism and in remittances and by
lower demand in the U.S. market.

This does not mean that if the financial meltdown continues to wreak havoc
on the North and the economic wreckage is extended over time, it will not
eventually have a greater impact in Latin America. My point is a different
one. For the first time in a century, Latin America has managed, if not
totally, to "decouple," at least to partially "cushion" itself from the
seismic waves of economic turmoil in the U.S. and Europe, markets on which
it traditionally depended. The fact that several countries from the region
(Brazil, Mexico and Colombia) are placing bonds in international markets in
these difficult times speaks for itself.

That this should happen at a time when eight of ten countries in South
America are ruled by Left or Left-of-Centre parties is ironic. For much of
this decade, we have repeatedly been told how Latin America, by veering
towards the Left, was once again "missing the boat" on economic development,
and how it risked being caught in a time warp, left behind by the twin
imperatives of globalisation and economic interdependence, beholden to
outmoded ideologies at a time of the end of ideology.

[GreenYouth] Re: Oh my GOD

2009-02-02 Thread Anil M
Prasad, I am agreeing with Sanjeev's "bull's eye" comment :)

"They very well-know these two are incommensurable logics. But these does
not annihilate each other as the distance between both are never closed."

This Science Vs God -  May be influenced by the history of science (the
narratives of Bruno's
Galileo/ Darwin Vs church etc.)
* *that we were taught in the school? Also, the depection of Marxism as a
somewhat a continution of scientifc revolution? I rememebr KSSP's books- the
science cream book series etc--Apart from the stories about masters of
science, inventions etc, there were books on Marx's capital, Russian
revolution etc. There was a slogan we used to have in the campus "Marxism
Satyamnu karanam athu shastramanu"  :)

"The problem with this new enthusiasts of India's scientific tradition  and
hardened traditionalist like the  Gopalakrishnan type people are  that they
want to depict the scientific endeavors in terms of tradition. And in turn
the static tradition is legitimized in terms of science"

Isn't this true about alternative science/technology initiatives also??


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 7:40 PM, sreenivas v.p wrote:

>   "It is exactly not a victory of science since there is nothing
> innovative in the endeavor except the fact the space exploration has been
> made more cheaper": *i did not understand what u mean by this . can u
> please clarify ?*
> **
> "It may also have happened that the scientist in the concerned project have
> decided the launch time according to Hindu astrology concerning rahukalam":
> *This is exactly why they are being criticised . There is something called
> 'falsifiability " to refer to a charecteristic any theory must have if it is
> to be considered truly scientific .Basically , to be truly scientific , a
> theory must be falsifiable .That is to say that it must be so formulated
> that it must be possible to predict under what circumstances it could be
> proven false .Taking the case of astrology , it is obviously not possible to
> prove or disprove the influence of heavenly bodies on the fates of human
> beings . this is the reason why astrology is considered to be a pseudo
> -science . and including G Madavan nair , nobody can be a preacher of
> science and pseudo science simultaneously . So we average people expect
> some some sort of morality from them in this regard. *
> "this unclarity is that God is not graspable at least in my words and
> terms. I don't about yours." ; *Did you mean to say that god exists but it
> is incomprehensible to human mind .?**when i say god is incomprehensible ,
> it is incomprehensible to others , but not my mind .  *
> **
> *sreenivas*
> **
> **
> **
> * *
> --- On *Mon, 2/2/09, damodar prasad * wrote:
> From: damodar prasad 
> Subject: [GreenYouth] Oh my GOD
> To: "Greenyouth" 
> Date: Monday, 2 February, 2009, 6:56 PM
>  I put my comments in this thread only bcoz I find the discussion on God
> somewhat uneasy  in a thread on 3 establishments as I have mentioned before.
> Nonetheless, my response is shaped by that discussion.
> After the successful launch of Chadrayaan, a scientific victory of
> Nation-State and Scientific establishment. ( It is exactly not a victory of
> science since there is nothing innovative in the endeavor except the fact
> the space exploration has been made more cheaper), G.Madhavan Nair, the ISRO
> Chief,  went to Guruvayur for offering a Tulabaram ( don't know whether
> there is an English word for it). Those scientific temper enthusiasts would
> have frowned at it as they saw the picture of G.Madhavan Nair "weighing"
> himself to God.
> It may also have happened that the scientist in the concerned project have
> decided the launch time according to Hindu astrology concerning rahukalam
> etc. Anyway that is classified information, which we may not have access to.
> While working on the project they must have appealed to the GOD for the
> success of launch. However, the science- the actual process, the rational
> calculations, technological design- behind the whole enterprise was not
> based on a theological text or a scripture. God actually did not have a role
> in the process.
> They very well-know these two are incommensurable logics. But these does
> not annihilate each other as the distance between both are never closed.
> But there are others who would like to "reconcile each other". Here the God
> is absent but it is material tradition that is called forth.
> The problem with this new enthusiasts of India's scientific tradition  and
> hardened traditionalist like the  Gopalakrishnan type people are  that they
> want to depict the scientific endeavors in terms of tradition. And in turn
> the static tradition is legitimized in terms of science. The vedic
> mathematics are all part of this grand scheme, as I understand. (
> Goapalakrishnan's "Valluvadan" Malayalam oration is also specifically
> de

[GreenYouth] Re: slumdog millionaire

2009-01-30 Thread Anil M

I like that boy's description of Taj Mahal's history to American
tourists J…….It
reminds me of some humorous scenes in Makhmalbaf's Scream of the Ants.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Anil M  wrote:

> There are much better hindi movies on Mumabai slum life.  But never got any
> media or other attention.for example Traffic Signal. This is what Golden
> globe and Oscar can do……Otherwise this Slum Dog would have been criticized
> by Indian media on the lines of Amitab Bachan's  arguments…….India Shining/
> India Super Power teams have already dumped Booker prize as anti Indian
> ( Arundathi Roy , Adiga)
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 7:04 PM, bobinson  wrote:
>> come on ! you don't understand the business :-D Indian audience is going
>> to watch this year's oscar award show and our media houses are going to air
>> live chat shows, sms polls, online polls etc for our benefit. Media
>> houses, communication companies, TV anchors, well, this is the last way to
>> save our
>> economy.
>> Remember miss world drama, new world wonder drama etc too.
>> >>

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 

[GreenYouth] Re: slumdog millionaire

2009-01-30 Thread Anil M
There are much better hindi movies on Mumabai slum life.  But never got any
media or other attention.for example Traffic Signal. This is what Golden
globe and Oscar can do……Otherwise this Slum Dog would have been criticized
by Indian media on the lines of Amitab Bachan's  arguments…….India Shining/
India Super Power teams have already dumped Booker prize as anti Indian

( Arundathi Roy , Adiga)

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 7:04 PM, bobinson  wrote:

> come on ! you don't understand the business :-D Indian audience is going to
> watch this year's oscar award show and our media houses are going to air
> live chat shows, sms polls, online polls etc for our benefit. Media houses,
> communication companies, TV anchors, well, this is the last way to save our
> economy.
> Remember miss world drama, new world wonder drama etc too.
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [FEC] Re: [GreenYouth] Free software- a NSM?- a response to TT

2009-01-29 Thread Anil M
I know anivar.i was not thinking about Free Software Community.was
thinking about CPM and free softwaresorry :)

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Anivar Aravind wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Anil M  wrote:
> > Sorry if am writing something out of context… reading about CPM and free
> > software, unfortunately,  things came to my mind are SNC Lavalin,
> Pinarayi,
> > VS, and Smart City. What if real estate initiatives like Smart Cities or
> any
> > SEZs coming up with free software initiatives?( like Lavalin's
> contributions
> > on Cancer research).
> A Quick Response Reading this on Mobile.
> Some among Free Software Community (including me, c.k raju, praveen,
> hiran etc)  were active in opposing smart city . IT/ITES  SEZ's are
> essential for Proprietary software development.  But it is optional
> for  Free Software Development. The Development model of Free Software
> is distributed
> Anivar
>  See one cannot blame CPM for everything... we
> > should be open to all possibilities…..unlike China we have entrepreneurs
> (
> > copy right/left: Balram Halwai)
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:25 PM, damodar prasad <
> damodar.pra...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:04 PM, damodar prasad <
> damodar.pra...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Since there are no more responses, let me add this:
> >>>
> >>> 1. I apologize to TT Sreekumar for only highlighting a portion on Free
> >>> software from his article and  as responses (as conventional it is), we
> had
> >>> a free software training programme here ( fortunately  with no
> hyperlinks
> >>> this time) and the issues he presented went awry.
> >>>
> >>> These ideas about free software/ free knowledge  presented here and in
> >>> some print media, are all known and accessible information. Hence,
> Please!!.
> >>>
> >>> Deterministic responses only reveals the "conveniences" in the name of
> >>> discourse. Let us depart from the typical  religious discourse, where
> the
> >>> "purohitan" deterministically assure one with scriptural readings and
> ask
> >>> for blind adherence.
> >>>
> >>> 2. My doubts regrading the conceptual realm of free software and open
> >>> source, I had put in another thread in FEC a month before,  still
> remains.
> >>>
> >>> 3.
> >>> My whole point here was this: Why some movements, Sreekumar considers
> as
> >>> NSM, are containable?  and and it also relates the realm of political
> >>> society which lie beyond the realm of civil society where many social
> >>> mobilizations are taking shape. Let me emphasis this question by making
> it
> >>> bold. This is my point.
> >>>
> >>> 4. Why the entire set of arguments revolve around CPM is another issue.
> >>> Are these movements responses to CPM? I doubt. Do these movements exist
> by
> >>> negotiating with traditional Left?
> >>>
> >>> 5. Finally, in some circles suddenly (as some current print media
> >>> articles suggest), CPM becomes antagonizing force towards any
> innovative
> >>> movement? In event of what -was this "great revelation" happened? .
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Did this happen, so-called, anti-thetical attitude of the party
> happened
> >>> in last 3 or 4 months? Is not the government led by CPM from last 2
> years?
> >>>
> >>> 6. Is the traditional parties only "backward" looking ( this is from
> the
> >>> above circle thinking) in case of free soft ware? Is the party's
> position
> >>> "progressive" in all other issues of concern? or is it selective
> >>> "regressiveness? or "progressiveness"? . This again relates to the
> issue of
> >>> "containment".
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>> If some individuals were left of the '"container", I would assume only
> >>> that it was bcoz negotiations failed. Failures in negotiations doesn't
> mean
> >>> ethical superiority in any way.
> >>>
> >>> 7. Perhaps Anivar may argue. True, he has a position on issues other
> than
> >>> free software!!
> >>>
> >>> d.Prasad
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 a

Re: [FEC] Re: [GreenYouth] Free software- a NSM?- a response to TT

2009-01-29 Thread Anil M
Sorry if am writing something out of context… reading about CPM and free
software, unfortunately,  things came to my mind are SNC Lavalin, Pinarayi,
VS, and Smart City. What if real estate initiatives like Smart Cities or any
SEZs coming up with free software initiatives?( like Lavalin's contributions
on Cancer research).  See one cannot blame CPM for everything... we
should be open to all possibilities…..unlike China we have entrepreneurs (
copy right/left: Balram Halwai)

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:25 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

>  On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:04 PM, damodar prasad  > wrote:
>> Since there are no more responses, let me add this:
>> 1. I apologize to TT Sreekumar for only highlighting a portion on Free
>> software from his article and  as responses (as conventional it is), we had
>> a free software training programme here ( fortunately  with no hyperlinks
>> this time) and the issues he presented went awry.
>> These ideas about free software/ free knowledge  presented here and in
>> some print media, are all known and accessible information. Hence, Please!!.
>> Deterministic responses only reveals the "conveniences" in the name of
>> discourse. Let us depart from the typical  religious discourse, where the
>> "purohitan" deterministically assure one with scriptural readings and ask
>> for blind adherence.
>> 2. My doubts regrading the conceptual realm of free software and open
>> source, I had put in another thread in FEC a month before,  still remains.
>> 3.
>> *My whole point here was this: Why some movements, Sreekumar considers as
>> NSM, are containable?  and and it also relates the realm of political
>> society which lie beyond the realm of civil society where many social
>> mobilizations are taking shape. Let me emphasis this question by making it
>> bold. This is my point.
>> 4. *Why the entire set of arguments revolve around CPM is another issue.
>> Are these movements responses to CPM? I doubt. Do these movements exist by
>> negotiating with traditional Left?
>> 5. Finally, in some circles suddenly (as some current print media articles
>> suggest), CPM becomes antagonizing force towards any innovative movement? In
>> event of what -was this "great revelation" happened? .
>> Did this happen, so-called, anti-thetical attitude of the party happened
>> in last 3 or 4 months? Is not the government led by CPM from last 2 years?
>> 6. Is the traditional parties only "backward" looking ( this is from the
>> above circle thinking) in case of free soft ware? Is the party's position
>> "progressive" in all other issues of concern? or is it selective
>> "regressiveness? or "progressiveness"? . This again relates to the issue of
>> "containment".
>> If some individuals were left of the '"container", I would assume only
>> that it was bcoz negotiations failed. Failures in negotiations doesn't mean
>> ethical superiority in any way.
>> 7. Perhaps Anivar may argue. True, he has a position on issues other than
>> free software!!
>> d.Prasad
>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Anivar Aravind > > wrote:
>>>  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:45 AM, damodar prasad <
>>> damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
 Many discussions are taking place in the new media space and also in
 print on the social mobilizations that are actualizing outside the control
 and domain of traditional parties. These varied mobilizations are generally
 categorized as  NSM. T.T.Sreekumar has published a book on it

 This attached article published in the recent Mbmi weekly is his
 response to the general criticism on equating NSM and NGO. This is a topic
 discussed widely here. Perhaps over-discussed!!!.

 I am just posting it here bcoz this also reflects on the ideas shared

 *There is one central point of disagreement.**NSM comes as an
 over-arching term and this is applied to almost all social mobilizations.
 *For example, free software: does this come under new social
 mobilization? This term, NSM. as intended by the theorists is in its 
 ability to challenge the convention of how politics is being done

 **Agreed that free software has an anti-monopolistic position.
 But then as Sreekumar indicates, If CPM is an attempt to "capture" the
 Free software movement, we have to also  see that what makes CPM to engage
 and "capture" or at least align with this 'movement"**
>>> This Question have  various dimensions
>>> 1. The "Capture" agenda
>>> As per my Understanding CPIM wanted to use Free Software Movement  as a
>>> mask to get entrance to IT sector and unionising IT Labourers (current
>>> economy crisis is a boon for them). And party's usual way is
>>> hijacking/co-opting  existing groups/platforms  by excluding non-cpim
>>> people. It is very much similar to how they used KSSP  to get  authenticity
>>> to party position

[GreenYouth] Re: 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault

2009-01-28 Thread Anil M
What are we actually trying to assess through the amount of media
coverage??( no one reported etc)  Anyway it is not the gravity of the issue,
it cannot be the public response also

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:09 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> If Karntaka was not a news at at all, how did the blogger Neelan got all
> the links.
> These "upper class" kind of arguments  was very fashionable,  but hundred
> years before!!
> d.Prasad
>   On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:56 PM, salimtk  wrote:
>>  dear aryan,
>> i too like pub, drinks and dance and no objection others doing it as
>> well (in their own ways).
>> if my mail in any way diverted the manglore issue to something else and
>> minimize its importance, it's withdrawn. :)
>>   On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 9:24 AM, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan <
>> aryakr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> From Saleem's mail and in Neelan's blog blurb in Anivar's post,
>>> Mangalore incident and middleclass is mentioned.
>>> I wonder whether that changes the situation. I think each issue has
>>> its value, as it deserves. There could be other causes and issues and
>>> worst cases, but this needs to be taken seriously.
>>> If the attacked women come from middle class or not. It is true that
>>> the media picked it up for its middleclass ethos. But a close scrutiny
>>> proves that media was infact participating in the violence. All the
>>> cameras were ready there at the moment of the attact and all the
>>> channels got good clippings of the attack. But the voyeurs didn't even
>>> have the feeling that they should intervene and stop it.
>>> Infact they need to be considered as criminals along with other
>>> criminals. And we should fight to ban this terror outfit.
>>> Aryan
>>> In Kerala, the state is promoting community policing,day by day. The
>>> news paper reports on this is terrifying. Infact what happens is that
>>> the state is expanding itself by capturing more governmental power by
>>> cameras and spies.
>>> 2009/1/28 Anivar Aravind :
>>>  >
>>> > From a Blog Comment By Nalan
>>> >
>>> > http://www.hindu.com/2009/01/27/stories/2009012759421000.htm#
>>> >
>>> > ഇപ്പോള്‍ മാത്രമാണു മംഗലാപുരം സംഭവം ചില മാധ്യമങ്ങളിലെങ്കിലും
>>> > വാര്‍ത്തയായത്, ഉപരിവര്‍ഗ്ഗത്തെ ബാധിച്ചപ്പോള്‍ മാത്രം !..
>>> >
>>> > താഴെയുള്ള ലിങ്കുകള്‍ നോക്കൂ - കര്‍ണ്ണാടകത്തില്‍ ഗുജറാത്ത് മോഡല്‍
>>> > പരീക്ഷണത്തിനു വേഗത കൂടിയത് ബി.ജെ.പി അധികാരത്തില്‍ വന്നതോടെയാണു.
>>> >
>>> > Women are taking the brunt of 'activism' Moral policing
>>> > http://www.thehindu.com/2008/09/08/stories/2008090860790600.htm
>>> >
>>> > College bus stoned; five students and driver hurt
>>> > http://www.hindu.com/2008/12/28/stories/2008122850450100.htm
>>> >
>>> > Cracking down on 'violations of moral code' in Dakshina Kannada
>>> > http://www.thehindu.com/2008/09/07/stories/2008090750160100.htm
>>> >
>>> > How Karnataka is becoming Gujarat of the South
>>> >
>>> http://communalism.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-karnataka-is-becoming-gujarat-of.html
>>> >
>>> > Two attacked for selling beef: vedike
>>> > http://www.hindu.com/2008/04/02/stories/2008040254390400.htm
>>> >
>>> > Egg on whose face?
>>> > http://www.hindu.com/2007/01/25/stories/2007012503421100.htm
>>> >
>>> > Ban on beef sale draws criticism
>>> > http://www.thehindu.com/2008/11/21/stories/2008112155520500.htm
>>> >
>>> >Who will control the vigilantes? Moral policing
>>> > http://www.hindu.com/2008/09/09/stories/2008090954450400.htm
>>> >
>>> >Moral police' caution New Year eve revellers in Mysore
>>> > http://www.hindu.com/2008/12/28/stories/2008122854690500.htm
>>> >
>>> >Karnataka government backs moral policing
>>> > http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/story.aspx?id=NEWEN20080062353
>>> >
>>> >Ban on live bands in Bangalore pubs - Moral policing to stop crimes!
>>> >
>>> http://www.zorsebol.com/lifestyle/ban-on-live-bands-in-bangalore-pubs-moral-policing-to-stop-crimes/
>>> >
>>> >Bangalore city pub ransacked by 'moral police'
>>> > http://www.expressindia.com/news/fullstory.php?newsid=86039
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:03 AM, salimtk  wrote:
>>> >> the mentioned organizations also stand for indian's 'national'
>>> freedom.
>>> >> so first define what's indian's freedom.
>>> >>
>>> >> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Joseph Saluting NSG Commandos..
>>> >>  wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Friends, how can we prevent these idiots(BJP,RSS,SREERAM SENA,)
>>> from
>>> >>> acting against Indian's Freedom.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> We have to wake up from our sleep otherwise, these fools will kill us
>>> in
>>> >>> our sleep...
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:22 PM, damodar prasad <
>>> damodar.pra...@gmail.com>
>>> >>> wrote:
>>>  Seen from a Secular, Modern and Liberal perspectives, except for
>>> some
>>>  subtleties in practice, there is no much of a difference between
>>> Fascism (
>>>  social fascism as well) , Talibanism and Sanghism. Syntagmatic
>>> replacement
>>>  of one by another

[GreenYouth] Re: 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault

2009-01-27 Thread Anil M
"ഇപ്പോള്‍ മാത്രമാണു മംഗലാപുരം സംഭവം ചില മാധ്യമങ്ങളിലെങ്കിലും
വാര്‍ത്തയായത്, ഉപരിവര്‍ഗ്ഗത്തെ ബാധിച്ചപ്പോള്‍ മാത്രം !.."
Media coverage of such incidents, "being reported" cannot be all that
positive impacts in all instances. One of the aims of such attacks by little
known organizations like sreeram sena is to get political mileage through
publicity. (I read in some reports that TV crews were already there before
these criminals started their "Action"). Anyway, they got what they wanted,
national newspapers carrying photos, reports, even writing editorials. In
Y'day's HT it was the 2nd lead news on the front page with photograph, it
also had a related lead story on the Nation page, and an editorial. Usually
we hardly find any news from south in HT. Posting in the Web too in a way
add on to this publicity.  I am not arguing reports/response about such
incidents should not be published. Is there any alternate way out to negate
these publicity strategies?

Of course, I am sure Manglore victims must have been harassed again by
certain media reports.

2009/1/28 Anivar Aravind 

> From a Blog Comment By Nalan
> http://www.hindu.com/2009/01/27/stories/2009012759421000.htm#
> ഇപ്പോള്‍ മാത്രമാണു മംഗലാപുരം സംഭവം ചില മാധ്യമങ്ങളിലെങ്കിലും
> വാര്‍ത്തയായത്, ഉപരിവര്‍ഗ്ഗത്തെ ബാധിച്ചപ്പോള്‍ മാത്രം !..
> താഴെയുള്ള ലിങ്കുകള്‍ നോക്കൂ - കര്‍ണ്ണാടകത്തില്‍ ഗുജറാത്ത് മോഡല്‍
> പരീക്ഷണത്തിനു വേഗത കൂടിയത് ബി.ജെ.പി അധികാരത്തില്‍ വന്നതോടെയാണു.
> Women are taking the brunt of 'activism' Moral policing
> http://www.thehindu.com/2008/09/08/stories/2008090860790600.htm
> College bus stoned; five students and driver hurt
> http://www.hindu.com/2008/12/28/stories/2008122850450100.htm
> Cracking down on 'violations of moral code' in Dakshina Kannada
> http://www.thehindu.com/2008/09/07/stories/2008090750160100.htm
> How Karnataka is becoming Gujarat of the South
> http://communalism.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-karnataka-is-becoming-gujarat-of.html
> Two attacked for selling beef: vedike
> http://www.hindu.com/2008/04/02/stories/2008040254390400.htm
> Egg on whose face?
> http://www.hindu.com/2007/01/25/stories/2007012503421100.htm
> Ban on beef sale draws criticism
> http://www.thehindu.com/2008/11/21/stories/2008112155520500.htm
>Who will control the vigilantes? Moral policing
> http://www.hindu.com/2008/09/09/stories/2008090954450400.htm
>Moral police' caution New Year eve revellers in Mysore
> http://www.hindu.com/2008/12/28/stories/2008122854690500.htm
>Karnataka government backs moral policing
> http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/story.aspx?id=NEWEN20080062353
>Ban on live bands in Bangalore pubs - Moral policing to stop crimes!
> http://www.zorsebol.com/lifestyle/ban-on-live-bands-in-bangalore-pubs-moral-policing-to-stop-crimes/
>Bangalore city pub ransacked by 'moral police'
> http://www.expressindia.com/news/fullstory.php?newsid=86039
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:03 AM, salimtk  wrote:
> > the mentioned organizations also stand for indian's 'national' freedom.
> > so first define what's indian's freedom.
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Joseph Saluting NSG Commandos..
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> Friends, how can we prevent these idiots(BJP,RSS,SREERAM SENA,) from
> >> acting against Indian's Freedom.
> >>
> >> We have to wake up from our sleep otherwise, these fools will kill us in
> >> our sleep...
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:22 PM, damodar prasad <
> damodar.pra...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Seen from a Secular, Modern and Liberal perspectives, except for some
> >>> subtleties in practice, there is no much of a difference between
> Fascism (
> >>> social fascism as well) , Talibanism and Sanghism. Syntagmatic
> replacement
> >>> of one by another does not change the meaning.
> >>>
> >>> But if you find these modern values as a problem field, then of course
> >>> the differences have to be accounted.
> >>>
> >>> As sanjeev said, in the post-masjid demolition period sangh parivarism
> >>> best communicates the kind of  vandalism and violence that Manglore has
> >>> witnessed.
> >>>
> >>> Talibanism does not evoke any sympathies, I suppose!!
> >>>
> >>> d.Prasad
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 7:12 PM, bharadwaj reshma 
> >>> wrote:
>  Why seek another name when SreeramSena itself is capable of invoking
>  'terror' in all those who are not placed in advantageous locations (
> by name
>  or privileges) ?
>  Perhaps, Sreeramsena or Sangh Parivar doesn't appear 'pre--modern"
>  enough
>  compared to the nonsecular/pre-modern appeal of 'Taliban' in secular
>  commonsense.
>  It tells more about those who speak/ listen than the incident itself.
>  --- On Tue, 27/1/09, S sanjeev  wrote:
>  > From: S sanjeev 
>  > Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault
>  > To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
>  > Date: Tuesday, 27 Janua

[GreenYouth] Re: 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault

2009-01-27 Thread Anil M
Dear Gladson

I am not sure how this "model" or models going to help resist/analyze such
attacks..This may only help us prove our secular credentials "see
Sreeramsena and Taliban are same..we oppose both !"
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:23 PM, NUAIMAN  wrote:

> Dear,
> Should we call what Sreerama sena has done to the pub going girls in
> Mangalore as Talibanism?
> Why cant we brand it as  Sangparivarism or some other Indianism for that
> matter.
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Gladson Dungdung <
> gladsonhrig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Anil,
>> There are many models but at the moment the Taliban is the best.
>>   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Anil M  wrote:
>>>   Dear Gladson
>>> Only one model exists?
>>>On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Gladson Dungdung <
>>> gladsonhrig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Dear Mr. Anil,
>>>> Surely, It is Talibanization, as now the Taliban is the model for
>>>> fundamentalization of the society in the name of religion.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Gladson
>>>>  On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Anil M  wrote:
>>>>>  "one can not jump after hearing this because the whole process of
>>>>> Talibanization of the state is backed by the government of Karnataka."
>>>>> Is it necessary to use "Talibanization" to describe this kind of
>>>>> vandalism??
>>>>>   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:42 PM, damodar prasad <
>>>>> damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>  Another dimension of the social talibanizing process is the
>>>>>> attack of Indepedent Media. The recent arrest of BV Seetharam the editor 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> Karavali Ale shows how the BJP Govt in connivance with Bajrang Dal  is
>>>>>> effecting this process. Accroding to reports, Seetharam has been
>>>>>> consistently reporting on the Bajrang Dal's role in the attack against
>>>>>> Churches. The Coastal districts of Karnataka is in the procees of 
>>>>>> complete
>>>>>> *Sanghizing*.
>>>>>> d.Prasad
>>>>>>  On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Gladson Dungdung <
>>>>>> gladsonhrig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Dear All,
>>>>>>> The prompt action of the law enforcement agency is appreciable but
>>>>>>> obviously, one can not jump after hearing this because the whole 
>>>>>>> process of
>>>>>>> Talibanization of the state is backed by the government of Karnataka. 
>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>> kind of incident will take place in every walk of life unless the 
>>>>>>> ideology
>>>>>>> is killed. The Karnataka government is promoting the very ideology of
>>>>>>> Talibanization. Why there was no such incident taking place
>>>>>>> before? Attacking on churches, attacking on girls, all these are taking
>>>>>>> place only after the BJP took the charge of the State? It means all 
>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>> kind of heinous crimes are the state sponsored therefore you can not 
>>>>>>> expect
>>>>>>> that these things will come to an end during the regime of the BJP.
>>>>>>> In solidarity
>>>>>>> Gladson Dungdung
>>>>>>> HR Activist and Freelance Writer
>>>>>>> www.indigenousindia.blogspot.com
>>>>>>> www.newswing.com
>>>>>>>   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:08 PM, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan <
>>>>>>> aryakr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault
>>>>>>>> http://www.expressbuzz.com/edition/story.aspx?

[GreenYouth] Re: 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault

2009-01-27 Thread Anil M
Dear Gladson
Only one model exists?

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Gladson Dungdung

> Dear Mr. Anil,
> Surely, It is Talibanization, as now the Taliban is the model for
> fundamentalization of the society in the name of religion.
> Thanks
> Gladson
>   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Anil M  wrote:
>>   "one can not jump after hearing this because the whole process of
>> Talibanization of the state is backed by the government of Karnataka."
>> Is it necessary to use "Talibanization" to describe this kind of
>> vandalism??
>>On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:42 PM, damodar prasad <
>> damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>   Another dimension of the social talibanizing process is the attack of
>>> Indepedent Media. The recent arrest of BV Seetharam the editor of Karavali
>>> Ale shows how the BJP Govt in connivance with Bajrang Dal  is effecting this
>>> process. Accroding to reports, Seetharam has been consistently reporting on
>>> the Bajrang Dal's role in the attack against Churches. The Coastal districts
>>> of Karnataka is in the procees of complete *Sanghizing*.
>>> d.Prasad
>>>   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Gladson Dungdung <
>>> gladsonhrig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>   Dear All,
>>>> The prompt action of the law enforcement agency is appreciable but
>>>> obviously, one can not jump after hearing this because the whole process of
>>>> Talibanization of the state is backed by the government of Karnataka. This
>>>> kind of incident will take place in every walk of life unless the ideology
>>>> is killed. The Karnataka government is promoting the very ideology of
>>>> Talibanization. Why there was no such incident taking place
>>>> before? Attacking on churches, attacking on girls, all these are taking
>>>> place only after the BJP took the charge of the State? It means all these
>>>> kind of heinous crimes are the state sponsored therefore you can not expect
>>>> that these things will come to an end during the regime of the BJP.
>>>> In solidarity
>>>> Gladson Dungdung
>>>> HR Activist and Freelance Writer
>>>> www.indigenousindia.blogspot.com
>>>> www.newswing.com
>>>>On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:08 PM, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan <
>>>> aryakr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault
>>>>> http://www.expressbuzz.com/edition/story.aspx?
>>>>> PTI First Published : 26 Jan 2009 08:12:00 PM ISTLast Updated : 27 Jan
>>>>> 2009 11:04:10 AM IST
>>>>> MANGALORE: Seventeen activists of the right-wing Sri Ram Sena have
>>>>> been taken into custody in connection with the assault on youngsters
>>>>> in a pub in Mangalore.
>>>>> IGP (Western Range) A M Prasad told PTI that the arrested people have
>>>>> been remanded to judicial custody till Tuesday by a magistrate.
>>>>> Asked if provisions of Goonda Act will be invoked against them, he
>>>>> said, "We will examine it."
>>>>> Police are also on the look out for some more Sena activists who are
>>>>> absconding.
>>>>> 15 to 20 Sri Ram Sene activists had assaulted boys and girls in the
>>>>> pub on Saturday night, saying they engaged in "obscene dance".
>>>>> The assault, particularly on girls, had evoked outrage.
>>>>> The chief minister told reporters in Bangalore that the episode was
>>>>> "very unfortunate".
>>>>> "Nobody has the right to take law into their hands. Police have been
>>>>> instructed to arrest those involved and they have been given a free
>>>>> hand. We will not tolerate those who take law into their hands," he
>>>>> said.
>>>>> State Home Minister V S Acharya told PTI in Manipal that stringent
>>>>> action would be initiated against those involved in the assault.
>>>>> District In-Charge Minister Krishna Palemar said in Mangalore that
>>>>> bars and pubs cannot remain open beyond 11 pm and this rule would be
>>>>> implemented strictly. "Obscene dance will not be allowed in our
>>>>> district", he said.
>>>>> www.newswing.com
>>>>> HR Activist and Freelance Writer
>>>>> www.indigenousindia.blogspot.com
>>>>> www.newswing.com
>>>>> >>>>>

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[GreenYouth] Re: 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault

2009-01-27 Thread Anil M
"one can not jump after hearing this because the whole process of
Talibanization of the state is backed by the government of Karnataka."

Is it necessary to use "Talibanization" to describe this kind of vandalism??

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:42 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> Another dimension of the social talibanizing process is the attack of
> Indepedent Media. The recent arrest of BV Seetharam the editor of Karavali
> Ale shows how the BJP Govt in connivance with Bajrang Dal  is effecting this
> process. Accroding to reports, Seetharam has been consistently reporting on
> the Bajrang Dal's role in the attack against Churches. The Coastal districts
> of Karnataka is in the procees of complete *Sanghizing*.
> d.Prasad
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Gladson Dungdung <
> gladsonhrig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> The prompt action of the law enforcement agency is appreciable but
>> obviously, one can not jump after hearing this because the whole process of
>> Talibanization of the state is backed by the government of Karnataka. This
>> kind of incident will take place in every walk of life unless the ideology
>> is killed. The Karnataka government is promoting the very ideology of
>> Talibanization. Why there was no such incident taking place
>> before? Attacking on churches, attacking on girls, all these are taking
>> place only after the BJP took the charge of the State? It means all these
>> kind of heinous crimes are the state sponsored therefore you can not expect
>> that these things will come to an end during the regime of the BJP.
>> In solidarity
>> Gladson Dungdung
>> HR Activist and Freelance Writer
>> www.indigenousindia.blogspot.com
>> www.newswing.com
>>   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:08 PM, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan <
>> aryakr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 17 arrested for Mangalore pub assault
>>> http://www.expressbuzz.com/edition/story.aspx?
>>> PTI First Published : 26 Jan 2009 08:12:00 PM ISTLast Updated : 27 Jan
>>> 2009 11:04:10 AM IST
>>> MANGALORE: Seventeen activists of the right-wing Sri Ram Sena have
>>> been taken into custody in connection with the assault on youngsters
>>> in a pub in Mangalore.
>>> IGP (Western Range) A M Prasad told PTI that the arrested people have
>>> been remanded to judicial custody till Tuesday by a magistrate.
>>> Asked if provisions of Goonda Act will be invoked against them, he
>>> said, "We will examine it."
>>> Police are also on the look out for some more Sena activists who are
>>> absconding.
>>> 15 to 20 Sri Ram Sene activists had assaulted boys and girls in the
>>> pub on Saturday night, saying they engaged in "obscene dance".
>>> The assault, particularly on girls, had evoked outrage.
>>> The chief minister told reporters in Bangalore that the episode was
>>> "very unfortunate".
>>> "Nobody has the right to take law into their hands. Police have been
>>> instructed to arrest those involved and they have been given a free
>>> hand. We will not tolerate those who take law into their hands," he
>>> said.
>>> State Home Minister V S Acharya told PTI in Manipal that stringent
>>> action would be initiated against those involved in the assault.
>>> District In-Charge Minister Krishna Palemar said in Mangalore that
>>> bars and pubs cannot remain open beyond 11 pm and this rule would be
>>> implemented strictly. "Obscene dance will not be allowed in our
>>> district", he said.
>>> www.newswing.com
>>> >>>

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[GreenYouth] Wikipedia editors may approve all changes

2009-01-26 Thread Anil M
Wikipedia editors may approve all changes

   - *Bobbie Johnson*  in
   San Francisco
   - The Guardian,  Tuesday 27
   January 2009
   - Article 

 Wikipedia  faces a revolt
among thousands of its contributors over proposals to change the way the
online encyclopedia is run.

Until now, Wikipedia has allowed anybody to make instant changes to almost
all of its 2.7m entries, with only a handful of entries protected from being

But under proposals put forward by the website's co-founder Jimmy Wales,
many future changes to the site would need to be approved by a group of
editors before going live.

Wales argues the scheme will bring greater accuracy, particularly in
articles referring to living people. But the possibility has caused a furore
among Wikipedia users, since many see it as a fundamental change to the
egalitarian nature of the site.

A user poll on the website suggests 60% are in favour of trials, which could
take place within the next few weeks. But some think the split could
ultimately threaten the future of the site.

"The big issue is that while we have majority support, we don't have
consensus, and that's the way we have always made our decisions," said Jake
Wartenberg. "A lot of editors are becoming disenchanted with the project; we
are losing them all the time."

Such changes have been considered before, but were brought into focus last
week when Wikipedia falsely announced that two prominent US politicians had

On the day of Barack Obama's inauguration, the site reported the deaths of
West Virginia's Robert Byrd - the longest-serving senator in American
history - and Ted Kennedy, who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and
collapsed during the inaugural lunch.

Both reports were false, and Wikipedia quickly changed the site back to
reflect the truth, but the situation drove Wales to push strongly for

"This nonsense would have been 100% prevented by flagged revisions," he
wrote on the site. "This was a breaking news story and we want people to be
able to participate [but] we have a tool available now that is consistent
with higher quality."

The technical system that allows Wikipedia to run in this way was released
last summer and has already been put into place on the German version of the
website. But German editors have decided that changes will not be approved
for around three weeks - a timescale which Wales suggests would be
"unacceptable" for the English-language site.

It would not be the first major change in the way the site, ranked as the
world's seventh largest by traffic analysis tool Alexa, operates. In 2005,
Wikipedia said it was going to prevent anonymous users from creating entries
as a way of stopping cyber-bullying and vandalism.

That change was also spurred by a political controversy, in which prominent
journalist and Democratic party aide John Siegenthaler discovered that an
anonymous user had written a biography of him which alleged that he was
involved in the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy in the 1960s.

Wikipedia has also locked down a number of controversial articles in order
to prevent long-running "edit wars".

If the site grants new powers to editors, it would bring Wikipedia even
closer to traditional encyclopedia websites such as Britannica, which last
week announced that it would be launching a new online version that would
allow readers to submit their own updates to entries. That change came after
a bitter war of words, following a 2005 study by science journal Nature that
found Wikipedia and Britannica were often comparable for accuracy - and in
some cases, Wikipedia won.

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[GreenYouth] Re: [GreenYouth]Is caste...communist and beard

2009-01-24 Thread Anil M
Dear Sanjeev…..you really sound premature/immature at a tender age of 23!
Otherwise , how come you imply our clean shaved PB members have premature
gray beards? J

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 2:53 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> Is not P.Chandrakkumar who filmed Lewis Morgan? Adiya Papam!!
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 2:04 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
>>   u mean the EX asked for a directors' (ie.Marx brothers) uncut version
>> with all those juicy scenes based on lewis morgan's book?
>>  :-)
>> --- On *Sat, 24/1/09, damodar prasad * wrote:
>> From: damodar prasad 
>> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: [GreenYouth]Is caste...communist and beard
>> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
>> Date: Saturday, 24 January, 2009, 12:20 PM
>>  Ex-ML guy hearing this asked: have you read Reading Capital?
>> Both M and ML remarked: This is the problem with the exe-s!! They dont
>> properly attend study classes!! now we have DVDs of it.
>> Ex: get me a pirate version ;-)
>> On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 12:11 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
>>>   no way!
>>> look at the beard community link!
>>> their experts are unanimous that beard greying at the tender age of 23 is
>>> premature:-)
>>> re-cpi-m-ml:
>>> have u heard this story;a cpm guy and ml guy were having a hot debate on
>>> communism.
>>> ml guy realized that his counterpart dosent know anything about the topic
>>> and asked him bluntly "comrade, hope u've read Capital",and the cpm guy shot
>>> back ,"read?hhmm.. not only read it, i've seen the film too!"
>>> :-)
>>> --- On *Sat, 24/1/09, damodar prasad * wrote:
>>> From: damodar prasad 
>>> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: Is caste...communist and beard
>>> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
>>> Date: Saturday, 24 January, 2009, 11:09 AM
>>> How nice Sanjeev the way you evaded that million dollar comment by
>>> Devika.
>>> BTW, if CPM is premature, what is CPI- immature? and ML-amateur?
>>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:41 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
   dear anil,

>>> for premature communism pls visit:
>>> www.cpim.org
>>> for graying beards pls see:
>>> http://beardcommunity.com/
>> The Beard Community was established on March 17th, 2001 to facilitate the
>> cordial and practical discussion of *beards, moustaches, handlebars,
>> goatees, tailbacks, long beards, fu's, and every other imaginable style of
>> beardedness*. It also serves as a refuge and support site for long- and
>> short-term cultivators of any form of beardedness. The Beard Community
>> also hosts the world's largest online collection of bearded 
>> images
>> .
>> --- On *Fri, 23/1/09, damodar prasad * wrote:
>> From: damodar prasad 
>> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: Is caste...communist and beard
>> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
>> Date: Friday, 23 January, 2009, 2:39 PM
>> ;-)
>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:51 PM, devika Jayakumari wrote:
>> >>

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[GreenYouth] Re: Fwd: Delegation from Pakistan

2009-01-24 Thread Anil M
Oh am confused.Arya ,  you want to say God's

warrior(s)? Do a spell check man :)

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 12:38 PM, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan <
aryakr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I do not find Murali Warriers mails as anything substantial. I have
> stopped reading them for a while. But recently, after the hot
> responses I thought I would sit and read. No difference, they remain
> the same, no reflexivity, and a stubbornness and opinions and the
> sources of Wikepedia entries. Now if someone decides that reality is
> wikipedia, then its very difficult. Plus the person is so convinced
> about his truth (courtesy to an offline discussion with Damodar Prasad
> and Marina Tsetaeva's 'I know the truth', which starts like
> 'I know the truth -- give up all other truths!
> No need for people anywhere on earth to struggle.'
> My problem was that, when my friends getting provoked by this mediocre
> middleclass opinions , I couldnt understand.
> God, was an exclmation like 'shit', 'fuck', etc
> I found the same tone in Gauri's mail, the 'truth' of a person that he
> is from intelligence. Now my question is where do these truths come
> from. If this truth is truth, then is there a difference?
> With much love
> Aryan
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Gouri Patwardhan 
> wrote:
> > the identity of god doesn't worry me too much- but the skinhead, well
> thats
> > a serious matter
> > if aryan is intrigued about god thats a simpler problem. :)
> >
> > On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:13 PM, damodar prasad <
> damodar.pra...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Is this GOD- Aryan or Dravidian?
> >>
> >> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:48 PM, S sanjeev  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> dear gouri patwardhan,
> >>> the atheist in aryan must have meant who is god.
> >>> i'm sure he damn well knows who the skinhead is:-)
> >>>
> >>> --- On Thu, 22/1/09, Gouri Patwardhan  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> From: Gouri Patwardhan 
> >>> Subject: [GreenYouth] Re: Fwd: Delegation from Pakistan
> >>> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
> >>> Date: Thursday, 22 January, 2009, 10:08 PM
> >>>
> >>> who do you think is?
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 7:04 PM, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan
> >>>  wrote:
>  On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Gouri Patwardhan 
>  wrote:
>  > He is not just a skinhead. He is an intelligence guy. Its a waste of
>  > time to
>  > respond to anything he says
>  God, who?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> --
> Book Port, Ground floor, Kurian towers, Banerji road, , kochi ,
> Kerala, India-  682 018
> Email: bookportcoc...@gmail.com Phone: 0091 484-6530759, 0091 9746339846
> www.bookport.in
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Is caste...communist and beard

2009-01-23 Thread Anil M
am not getting it ..is it means a premature communist with a grey beard?:)
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:39 PM, damodar prasad wrote:

> ;-)
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:51 PM, devika Jayakumari wrote:
>> >>

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"Green Youth Movement" group.
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[GreenYouth] Re: Obamas bring new era of history to the White House

2009-01-22 Thread Anil M
Read the following links.seems everyone in US wants Obama to change
everything! Are they fed up with Malls and Multiplexes? J

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Praveen A  wrote:

> 2009/1/21 damodar prasad :
> > Robert Fisk: So far, Obama's missed the point on Gaza
> >
> http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-so-far-obamas-missed-the-point-on-gaza-1488632.html
> Obama did talk about Gaza today.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1qT3B6qxGU
> Along with demands for stopping rocket firing at Israel, he demanded a
> complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, opening of the border
> crossing, his concerns about innocent lives of both Palestinians and
> Israelis.
> - Praveen
> --
> പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
>  I know my rights; I want my phone call!
>  What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
> (as seen on /.)
> Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
> http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Anti-DRM-Campaign
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Obamas bring new era of history to the White House

2009-01-22 Thread Anil M
Prasadi know ..the Hindu editorial was the most disappointing one!
Typical stuff, comparing with other so called great speeches…are they
looking for literary stuff?……..How come" Rams and Preveen Swamies" worrying
about Gaza? ……someone should tell Ram that " you're so yesterday" J

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:03 PM, damodar prasad

> anil,
> The Hindu says Obama is anything but conservative.
> prasad
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Anil M  wrote:
>> True, Obama was silent on Gaza. But his energy policy ("each day brings
>> further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and
>> threaten our planet…We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil
>> to fuel our cars and run our factories") can have an impact on America's
>> foreign policies- especially towards Middle East, in the long run.
>> On Tuesday, while listing down the things Obama should do *Rob Reynold's,
>> Al Jazeera's senior Washington correspondent, wrote:*
>> * *
>> " One of the keys to reviving the US economy could lie in moving forward
>> aggressively with wind, solar, renewable and other innovative,
>> non-hydrocarbon based forms of energy to power cities, homes factories, and
>> vehicles.
>> It can be done, but not without strong presidential leadership and refusal
>> to cut deals with *the corrupt monolithic energy corporations that seem
>> to feel entitled to run US foreign and domestic policy*.
>> The benefits include not only economic renaissance and saving the planet
>> from overheating, but also would distance the US from its reliance on Saudi
>> Arabia, the Gulf states, Venezuela and other countries with incompatible
>> interests.
>> The unhealthy co-dependent relationship between the US and its oil
>> addiction suppliers warps US foreign policy and promotes dangerous
>> competition with other major industrialized countries."
>>  A Guardian article described the inaugural speech as " conservative in
>> style but radical in substance".
>> Let's wish/hope Obama can do things that is radical in substance though he
>> sounds conservative!!!
>> * *
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 1:26 PM, salimtk  wrote:
>>>  no day-dream of sincere commitment and action from obama meant by
>>> forwarding that article. but, i felt happy watching him on tv at white house
>>> on the day of martin luther memorial day with comments around me about his
>>> daughters like "mm..still to whiten"..."black, but good looking".
>>> we too are eligible for happiness at times without the burden of
>>> anticipations.. :)
>>>   On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:42 AM, damodar prasad <
>>> damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Salim,
>>>> Now let us give B.H. Obama some room to commit some "errors", I mean,
>>>> human fallibilities. The other day I saw a mail fantazising Obama as
>>>> a feminist. The day before he was an "orientalist" with his strongly held
>>>> belief in Indian superstitions. Another day another "ism" will be cast on
>>>> him. Our deep wishes are actually about our own conditions; our own
>>>> expectations.
>>>> Obamamania that spreads through the net in non-eurpoean countires is
>>>> something similar to the joyous moment  when the prisoners know that their
>>>> extremely cruel and brutal jailer has been transferred, a more gentle one
>>>> has taken charge.
>>>>  The change is welcome but the rules remain the same.
>>>> Neverthless, the first step in his hopefully lang career was to close
>>>> down Guantanamo. The term is well-begun.
>>>> By the way read this piece by Robert Fisk.
>>>> Robert Fisk: So far, Obama's missed the point on Gaza
>>>> http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-so-far-obamas-missed-the-point-on-gaza-1488632.html
>>>> It would have helped if Obama had the courage to talk about what
>>>> everyone in the Middle East was talking about. No, it wasn't the US
>>>> withdrawal from Iraq. They knew about that. They expected the beginning of
>>>> the end of Guantanamo and the probable appointment of George Mitchell as a

[GreenYouth] Re: Obamas bring new era of history to the White House

2009-01-22 Thread Anil M
True, Obama was silent on Gaza. But his energy policy ("each day brings
further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and
threaten our planet…We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil
to fuel our cars and run our factories") can have an impact on America's
foreign policies- especially towards Middle East, in the long run.

On Tuesday, while listing down the things Obama should do *Rob Reynold's, Al
Jazeera's senior Washington correspondent, wrote:*

* *

" One of the keys to reviving the US economy could lie in moving forward
aggressively with wind, solar, renewable and other innovative,
non-hydrocarbon based forms of energy to power cities, homes factories, and

It can be done, but not without strong presidential leadership and refusal
to cut deals with *the corrupt monolithic energy corporations that seem to
feel entitled to run US foreign and domestic policy*.

The benefits include not only economic renaissance and saving the planet
from overheating, but also would distance the US from its reliance on Saudi
Arabia, the Gulf states, Venezuela and other countries with incompatible

The unhealthy co-dependent relationship between the US and its oil addiction
suppliers warps US foreign policy and promotes dangerous competition with
other major industrialized countries."

 A Guardian article described the inaugural speech as " conservative in
style but radical in substance".

Let's wish/hope Obama can do things that is radical in substance though he
sounds conservative!!!

* *

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 1:26 PM, salimtk  wrote:

>  no day-dream of sincere commitment and action from obama meant by
> forwarding that article. but, i felt happy watching him on tv at white house
> on the day of martin luther memorial day with comments around me about his
> daughters like "mm..still to whiten"..."black, but good looking".
> we too are eligible for happiness at times without the burden of
> anticipations.. :)
>   On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:42 AM, damodar prasad <
> damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Salim,
>> Now let us give B.H. Obama some room to commit some "errors", I mean,
>> human fallibilities. The other day I saw a mail fantazising Obama as
>> a feminist. The day before he was an "orientalist" with his strongly held
>> belief in Indian superstitions. Another day another "ism" will be cast on
>> him. Our deep wishes are actually about our own conditions; our own
>> expectations.
>> Obamamania that spreads through the net in non-eurpoean countires is
>> something similar to the joyous moment  when the prisoners know that their
>> extremely cruel and brutal jailer has been transferred, a more gentle one
>> has taken charge.
>>  The change is welcome but the rules remain the same.
>> Neverthless, the first step in his hopefully lang career was to close down
>> Guantanamo. The term is well-begun.
>> By the way read this piece by Robert Fisk.
>> Robert Fisk: So far, Obama's missed the point on Gaza
>> http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-so-far-obamas-missed-the-point-on-gaza-1488632.html
>> It would have helped if Obama had the courage to talk about what everyone
>> in the Middle East was talking about. No, it wasn't the US withdrawal from
>> Iraq. They knew about that. They expected the beginning of the end of
>> Guantanamo and the probable appointment of George Mitchell as a Middle East
>> envoy was the least that was expected. Of course, Obama did refer to
>> "slaughtered innocents", but these were not quite the "slaughtered
>> innocents" the Arabs had in mind.
>> There was the phone call yesterday to Mahmoud Abbas. Maybe Obama thinks
>> he's the leader of the Palestinians, but as every Arab knows, except perhaps
>> Mr Abbas, he is the leader of a ghost government, a near-corpse only kept
>> alive with the blood transfusion of international support and the "full
>> partnership" Obama has apparently offered him, whatever "full" means. And it
>> was no surprise to anyone that Obama also made the obligatory call to the
>> Israelis.
>> But for the people of the Middle East, the absence of the word "Gaza" –
>> indeed, the word "Israel" as well – was the dark shadow over Obama's
>> inaugural address. Didn't he care? Was he frightened? Did Obama's young
>> speech-writer not realise that talking about black rights – why a black
>> man's father might not have been served in a restaurant 60 years ago – would
>> concentrate Arab minds on the fate of a people who gained the vote only
>> three years ago but were then punished because they voted for the wrong
>> people? It wasn't a question of the elephant in the china shop. It was the
>> sheer amount of corpses heaped up on the floor of the china shop.
>> Sure, it's easy to be cynical. Arab rhetoric has something in common with
>> Obama's clichés: "hard work and honesty, courage and fair play ... loyalty
>> and patriotism". But however much di

[GreenYouth] Re: GAZA

2009-01-06 Thread Anil M
They may be busy in Bangalore training camps...HT reports Israeli commandos
providing "counter terrorist" training for  IT company employees and
others  in Banglore :)

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 11:49 PM, bobby. kunhu  wrote:

> who are we expecting to respond?
> 2009/1/6 salimtk 
>> they may not agree with this brutal war on gaza by israel, but when it
>> comes to the matter of security of mother-india, they agree to seek help
>> even from satan. almost like some parties strongly support palestine
>> resistance, but ignore the very right of tibetan resistance.
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:40 PM, damodar prasad 
>> wrote:
>>> The bloody fans of Israel- the rogue state in this group.. where are you?
>>> I have seen these blood sucking enthusiasts advising the Govt. of India
>>> to take assistance from Israel on kashmir.
>>> After any bomb blasts in India and in keeping true to this in the
>>> aftermath of Mumbai attack, they appeared here in this group. Every one
>>> reading this group will be remembering.
>>> D. .Prasad
> --
> Bobby Kunhu http://community.eldis.org/myshkin/Blog/
> >

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[GreenYouth] Re: Arushi murder case

2008-07-15 Thread Anil M
*"I fear the TV news itself converts this to discussion story"*
True Prasad , this is what exactly happened in Bharkh dutt's program this
Sunday. Discussing media coverage on Arushi's case, it again went on
popularizing those issues those violated her privacy and defamed her parents
and the three accused.  The advertisement/opening  of that programe was on
the same lines of those channels that were crtisised in that programme!!

On 7/15/08, damodar prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For reaching out to audience at large, we have to channel through same
> mediums I guess. But memembers of groups are populated with ppl like Aftab.
> They dont read and view newspapers and TV unless there is a specific purpose
> for it.
> But more improtantly, I fear the TV news itself converts this to discussion
> story and I cant imagine that agressive anchor chap "interoogating"
> "experts" on the show to *night* in a lengthy hour titled* Ner- ODU, Nir-
> BHAYAM, Nir-ANANTHARAM*. and above all the *xperts *doing open forum will
> be the Veterans - *APPOOPAN THADIS*
>  On 7/15/08, Anil M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  The viewer ship rating for these stories was better than T20 final. Can
>> we (ask viewers to) "boycott" such stories so that rating would come down?
>> On 7/15/08, damodar prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 7/15/08, damodar prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Aftab,
>>>> I fear that the journalistic communion may worry more about your
>>>> "immoral" ways of reading morality TV. take a vow that (you will consume) a
>>>> *newspaper  a day keeps the mind refreshing!!!
>>>> *
>>>>  On 7/15/08, Afthab Ellath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Yesterday I happened to see a story in Asianet (one of my friend told
>>>>> me in other channels as well), some of the young players in Indian cricket
>>>>> team posing for a photo session with some girls during asia cup and the 
>>>>> news
>>>>> reader/performer seemed very irritated by the "immoral" act of these
>>>>> players.. Why does media do this sexist moral policing? Coming back to 
>>>>> chara
>>>>> case, the major part of the story was the sex scandal and every day 
>>>>> brought
>>>>> stories connecting these girls and some scientists... Mathrubhumi's role 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the whole scandal was never exposed...
>>>>> We have TV programs which exactly resemble the male organ of copulation
>>>>> (e.g. Sakshi in Kairali TV) Green Youth (not quite sure about FEC)
>>>>> members know, the how Chengara Night Vigil was covered in Sakshi and
>>>>> Kairali...
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Afthab Ellath
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 8:43 PM, salimtk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> security concerns are more saleable now. it's economics.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Dileep Raj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yeterday there was a 'report' in Madhyamam daily on Mariam Rasheeda.
>>>>>>> It accuses Kerala police of not being aware of Mariam Rasheeda and
>>>>>>> her daughter visting Kerala recently in order to act in a short film
>>>>>>> exposing the human rights violation experienced by her.
>>>>>>> The tone of the report testifies the mentality of malayalam media.
>>>>>>> they are statists
>>>>>>> through and through.
>>>>>>>   On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:20 PM, damodar prasad <
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The FEC had discussed the Arushi murder case and critiqued the trial
>>>>>>>> by the media. Now CBI says it will probe the role of UP police. ( Let 
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> state probe media bcoz state will actualy enjoy such a recommendation. 
>>>>>>>> But

[GreenYouth] Re: Arushi murder case

2008-07-15 Thread Anil M
 The viewer ship rating for these stories was better than T20 final. Can we
(ask viewers to) "boycott" such stories so that rating would come down?

On 7/15/08, damodar prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/15/08, damodar prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Aftab,
>> I fear that the journalistic communion may worry more about your "immoral"
>> ways of reading morality TV. take a vow that (you will consume) a *newspaper
>> a day keeps the mind refreshing!!!
>> *
>>  On 7/15/08, Afthab Ellath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Yesterday I happened to see a story in Asianet (one of my friend told me
>>> in other channels as well), some of the young players in Indian cricket team
>>> posing for a photo session with some girls during asia cup and the news
>>> reader/performer seemed very irritated by the "immoral" act of these
>>> players.. Why does media do this sexist moral policing? Coming back to chara
>>> case, the major part of the story was the sex scandal and every day brought
>>> stories connecting these girls and some scientists... Mathrubhumi's role in
>>> the whole scandal was never exposed...
>>> We have TV programs which exactly resemble the male organ of copulation
>>> (e.g. Sakshi in Kairali TV) Green Youth (not quite sure about FEC)
>>> members know, the how Chengara Night Vigil was covered in Sakshi and
>>> Kairali...
>>> Regards
>>> Afthab Ellath
>>> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 8:43 PM, salimtk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 security concerns are more saleable now. it's economics.

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Dileep Raj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yeterday there was a 'report' in Madhyamam daily on Mariam Rasheeda.
> It accuses Kerala police of not being aware of Mariam Rasheeda and her
> daughter visting Kerala recently in order to act in a short film exposing
> the human rights violation experienced by her.
> The tone of the report testifies the mentality of malayalam media. they
> are statists
> through and through.
>   On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:20 PM, damodar prasad <
>> The FEC had discussed the Arushi murder case and critiqued the trial
>> by the media. Now CBI says it will probe the role of UP police. ( Let not
>> state probe media bcoz state will actualy enjoy such a recommendation. 
>> But
>> civill society necessarily needs to)
>> I was reminded of notorious Chara case that rocked Kerala. There are
>> no particular conenctions except the role of media.
>> Do anyone remember, when DR.Talwar was arrested by UP police after
>> narcoanalysis, the malayalam manorama news TV had a caption: manoshaya
>> mrigam.
>> Now they fail to report and if they are flexible with their muscles:
>> they should apologize or explain the circumstance. It cannot be simply
>> forgotten.
>> After saying this, let us also rememeber the postive role played by
>> ASIANET in expsoing the murkiness of the the role palyed by kerala 
>> police (
>> in particular role of writer Sakaria in standing up for the chara 
>> victims in
>> those deadly times).
>> when we *discuss police act,* also need to discuss how people are one
>> day turned conspirators, culprits and culpables, murderers with little
>> disregard fro their reputation and life. Very recently it happened to 
>> poor
>> young boy in TVM only bcoz he was a muslim.
>>> >>>

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: Arushi murder case

2008-07-14 Thread Anil M
On 7/15/08, Afthab Ellath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yesterday I happened to see a story in Asianet (one of my friend told me in
> other channels as well), some of the young players in Indian cricket team
> posing for a photo session with some girls during asia cup and the news
> reader/performer seemed very irritated by the "immoral" act of these
> players.. Why does media do this sexist moral policing? Coming back to chara
> case, the major part of the story was the sex scandal and every day brought
> stories connecting these girls and some scientists... Mathrubhumi's role in
> the whole scandal was never exposed...
> We have TV programs which exactly resemble the male organ of copulation
> (e.g. Sakshi in Kairali TV) Green Youth (not quite sure about FEC)
> members know, the how Chengara Night Vigil was covered in Sakshi and
> Kairali...
> Regards
> Afthab Ellath
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 8:43 PM, salimtk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> security concerns are more saleable now. it's economics.
>> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Dileep Raj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Yeterday there was a 'report' in Madhyamam daily on Mariam Rasheeda.
>>> It accuses Kerala police of not being aware of Mariam Rasheeda and her
>>> daughter visting Kerala recently in order to act in a short film exposing
>>> the human rights violation experienced by her.
>>> The tone of the report testifies the mentality of malayalam media. they
>>> are statists
>>> through and through.
>>>   On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:20 PM, damodar prasad <
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 The FEC had discussed the Arushi murder case and critiqued the trial by
 the media. Now CBI says it will probe the role of UP police. ( Let not 
 probe media bcoz state will actualy enjoy such a recommendation. But civill
 society necessarily needs to)

 I was reminded of notorious Chara case that rocked Kerala. There are no
 particular conenctions except the role of media.

 Do anyone remember, when DR.Talwar was arrested by UP police after
 narcoanalysis, the malayalam manorama news TV had a caption: manoshaya

 Now they fail to report and if they are flexible with their muscles:
 they should apologize or explain the circumstance. It cannot be simply

 After saying this, let us also rememeber the postive role played by
 ASIANET in expsoing the murkiness of the the role palyed by kerala police (
 in particular role of writer Sakaria in standing up for the chara victims 
 those deadly times).

 when we *discuss police act,* also need to discuss how people are one
 day turned conspirators, culprits and culpables, murderers with little
 disregard fro their reputation and life. Very recently it happened to poor
 young boy in TVM only bcoz he was a muslim.

> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[GreenYouth] Re: sound pollution

2008-07-10 Thread Anil M
Hi prasad
I am not reffering to your mail...i was reading the thread from the
beginging.i was wondering why in the first place Subid mentioned
about adhan
(bank) as an example and why Satchidanadan quoted Kabir refering to that
example. My other concern was when talking against any religious
practices we tend to generalize 'all religions do the same". I was
thinking how Subid was saying " prayers in temples " and "bank in
mosque"..it was just quick repsonse after reading the thread

On 7/10/08, damodar prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anil,
> I think your are referring to my mail as well and pls. do point out to me
> where I did the 'secular *balancing act*. By which I mean I am comparing
> the 2mt adhan with day long bakthi ganam. If you cant trace it in may mail,
> I will appreciate your clarification. And if in case, I've 'faltered", I am
> ready to correct myself.
> On Sanjeev's response, I will respond later.
> But things about the doctoral disserataion he mentioned is still a mystery.
> damodar
>  On 7/10/08, Anil M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When discussing / complaining about the noise pollution, why one should
>> mention adhan (bank) from mosques? Is it that a "secular balancing act"
>> since one could easily identify the daily "bhakthi ganamela" from temples as
>> a source of noise pollution? How come a 2 mnt adhan being an example of
>> noise pollution- that too in a town like Valancheri with such heavy traffic
>> 24 hrs? Why one needs to quote "*Allah so deaf that the mullah needs to
>> shout himself to death so that He may hear his supplication*" when
>> discussing noise pollution?
>> Don't tell me who is prejudiced here!!!
>>  On 7/10/08, S sanjeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> DAMODAR PRASAD WRITES : After reading the thread of this discussion, I
>>> found the points raised by Satchi mash was sunk by a parochialistic
>>> understading of religion in public space...I found Satchi Mash was enabling
>>> a different pursuit of understanding, which was submerged in the
>>> amplification of an altogether different concerns.
>>> Why this patronizing tone damodar prasad?
>>> Secondly, Sudeep has clearly identified the location in his first
>>> posting, i.e, Valanchery and it's a mail highlighting a personal issue.
>>> Valanchery is in Malapuram dictrict which has it's own turbulent history
>>> of formation, and i dont think the matter of one's location and
>>> socio-cultural negotiations with it could be simply termed "personal".
>>> this is what subid says in his last mail : "If one doesn't react, all
>>> will become deaf. And impotent."
>>> who is this virile subject, who is talking?
>>> regarding tradition,modernity, power and sound let me allow to provide
>>> one more reading list;
>>> AND COMMUNAL DISTURBANCE IN SRILANKA,1880-1930", Veena Das (ed) Mirrors
>>> of Violence,1990
>>> T
>>> I found Satchi Mash was enabling a different pursuit of understanding,
>>> which was submerged in the amplification of an altogether different
>>> concerns.
>>> **
>>>>  If one doesn't react, all will become deaf. And impotent.
>>> --
>>> Not happy with your email address?
>>> Get the one you really want <http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/ymail/new.html> -
>>> millions of new email addresses available now at Yahoo!
>>> >>>
>>> <http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/ymail/new.html>

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
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[GreenYouth] Re: sound pollution

2008-07-10 Thread Anil M
When discussing / complaining about the noise pollution, why one should
mention adhan (bank) from mosques? Is it that a "secular balancing act"
since one could easily identify the daily "bhakthi ganamela" from temples as
a source of noise pollution? How come a 2 mnt adhan being an example of
noise pollution- that too in a town like Valancheri with such heavy traffic
24 hrs? Why one needs to quote "*Allah so deaf that the mullah needs to
shout himself to death so that He may hear his supplication*" when
discussing noise pollution?

Don't tell me who is prejudiced here!!!

On 7/10/08, S sanjeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> DAMODAR PRASAD WRITES : After reading the thread of this discussion, I
> found the points raised by Satchi mash was sunk by a parochialistic
> understading of religion in public space...I found Satchi Mash was enabling
> a different pursuit of understanding, which was submerged in the
> amplification of an altogether different concerns.
> Why this patronizing tone damodar prasad?
> Secondly, Sudeep has clearly identified the location in his first posting,
> i.e, Valanchery and it's a mail highlighting a personal issue.
> Valanchery is in Malapuram dictrict which has it's own turbulent history of
> formation, and i dont think the matter of one's location and socio-cultural
> negotiations with it could be simply termed "personal".
> this is what subid says in his last mail : "If one doesn't react, all will
> become deaf. And impotent."
> who is this virile subject, who is talking?
> regarding tradition,modernity, power and sound let me allow to provide one
> more reading list;
> AND COMMUNAL DISTURBANCE IN SRILANKA,1880-1930", Veena Das (ed) Mirrors of
> Violence,1990
> T
> I found Satchi Mash was enabling a different pursuit of understanding,
> which was submerged in the amplification of an altogether different
> concerns.
> **
>>  If one doesn't react, all will become deaf. And impotent.
> --
> Not happy with your email address?
> Get the one you really want  -
> millions of new email addresses available now at Yahoo!
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Green Youth Movement" group.
 To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For more options, visit this group at 

{greenyouth} Re: Caste and Gender In The Urban Space of Kerala

2007-07-22 Thread anil m
Dear Ranjith
  Since you choose to be in 'hell", why can't to you go to Kerala and take 
initiative to form a " Samarasamathi" to support Chitralekha. The actual 
resistance should start from there.  Then, we can think of forming support 
groups in the virtual world of Web ("heavenly" support!!). If you can do that I 
can assure you support from at least 10 "samaskarika nayikamar/nayakanmar" for 
your delight.
  Hope i can hear some positive news on this front from you shortly.
  Anil M 
Ranjit Ranjit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  hi all,
  let us come back to our business..
  As venugopal in his mail pointed out;
  It is hoped that members of this forum may well recognize the implications of 
 the continuing struggle of Chithralekha and come forward to extend substantial 

And as Ms Devika suggested let us all those who r concerned in greenyouth (is 
Anivar listening) do something either individually or as group for 
  and if possible attempt to construct a forum to problematise the caste 
hegemonies ruling our cultural/social/political/academic realms by initiating a 
debate centerd on caste (many pro-dalit/subaltern run away hearing this and get 
only a few ...nevermind...) 
  so all the best for those who r leaving for hell and those who prefer to 
enjoy traditional privileges of the heaven wher they can rule without any 

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To post to this group, send email to greenyouth@googlegroups.com