Re: [Hampshire] Hello

2008-10-08 Thread john lewis
On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 10:05:20 +0100
Jacqui Caren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am also curious about how long members have been 'into' linux
 (or other computer technology).
 FYI: BD March 1960
 I started Poly 1988ish and remember working with Autocode at Poly!
 In those days 4K was a lot of memory, core was still being used
 in PDP's and Commodore Pets were still SOTA.

Hello Jacqui

I retired from work in 1984 and took home with me the OS/2 ver 2 system
I'd been using to administer a Novel network of 50 windows boxes. 

I continued using OS/2 for a few years upgrading versions for as
long as IBM supported SOHO users. 

I installed from a stack of floppy disks an early version of Linux
(Slackware?) when it became apparent that OS/2 didn't have much of a
future and liked what I found. 

I had no real knowledge of any MS system as my first intro to
computing was on Concurrent CP/M systems and I stayed with CP/M via
various Amstrad systems before I retired.

I then used a CD based Linux from a company in Southampton
whose name I forget, then used Redhat through to version 5.1, very
briefly tried Mandrake  SuSE but they all suffered from 'rpm hell'
or YAST. 

Someone in the LUG mentioned Debian as a 'solution' and I haven't
used anything else since. I have looked at some of the derivatives (on
live CDs) but haven't been tempted to stray from the one true faith  

As my sig suggests I rather like windowmaker

John Lewis
using Debian Sid with windowmaker for a nicer desktop

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Re: [Hampshire] Hello

2008-10-08 Thread Becky Taylor
  I am also curious about how long members have been 'into' linux
  (or other computer technology).
  FYI: BD March 1960
I have been into computers for about 2 years, and linux for 1 year.
I remember it must be about a year, because I kept driving my poor ICT 
teacher mad by complaining all through the GCSEs why we should have 
linux installed on the system Unfortunately never likely to happen. 

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Re: [Hampshire] Hello

2008-10-08 Thread Bob Dunlop

On Wed, Oct 08 at 10:05, Jacqui Caren wrote:
 I am also curious about how long members have been 'into' linux
 (or other computer technology).
 FYI: BD March 1960

 I started Poly 1988ish and remember working with Autocode at Poly!
I think you need to check that date.  1978 is just possible although I
think the poly would have still been a couple of years behind the times.

Uni in 1979 we had pdp11 with core stores, but it was a bit more than
4K.  I've been using Unix/Xenix/Linux almost continuously since then.

Age does not stop us being foolish as some may have noted from my hair
colour last Saturday.
Bob Dunlop

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Re: [Hampshire] Hello

2008-10-08 Thread Vic
 I can't
 see why any teacher would want to prevent you having access to Linux.

My missus is a teacher, so I get to see both sides of the fence :-)

Part of the problem seems to be that ICT (how I hate that term) is often
seen not to be a proper subject; there may be no distinction between the
teaching of IT and the in-house IT support function. If that made the
teaching of IT subject to approval by people who know what they're doing,
that would be a good thing. If it's the other way round...

If that weren't bad enough, the staff recruited to teach IT are often from
outside the industry; they know a bit, and they've read the syllabus, but
they don't really have much understanding of the subject. If you've got
someone like that as Head of Department, how often do you expect that Head
to admit to not knowing what's going on? It is less embarrassing just to
continue what you're doing, and not even look at any alternatives.

To effect real change in education, some significant event is necessary.
That might be an agency like BECTA putting forward the argument for Free
Software; it's not going to be this government doing anything to curb
their MS sycophancy.


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Re: [Hampshire] Does anyone else have any mad ideas to do with computers for if they came into a large sum of money?

2008-10-08 Thread Simon Reap
Steve Kemp wrote:
 On Wed Oct 08, 2008 at 13:36:20 +0100, Stuart Matheson wrote:
   (Moving from the ceiling switch to a wall-switch would have required
  re-routing the power cables; definitely a job I couldn't manage

since it's in the bathroom, you ought to have it checked by a qualified 
electrician (Building regs, Part P [1]).



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Re: [Hampshire] Hello

2008-10-08 Thread Jacqui Caren
Lisi wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 October 2008 23:17:12 Steve Kemp wrote:
 I'm actually more curious about the relative age spread amongst the
  LUG members.
 Well, assuming that 14 is now the youngest, we have 14 to 79 or 80.

I am also curious about how long members have been 'into' linux
(or other computer technology).
FYI: BD March 1960

I started Poly 1988ish and remember working with Autocode at Poly!
In those days 4K was a lot of memory, core was still being used
in PDP's and Commodore Pets were still SOTA.


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Re: [Hampshire] Hello

2008-10-08 Thread Paul Stimpson
On the subject of school/work IT stupidity:

One of the girls here moved over from another part of the company nearly a 
month ago. Her login got changed because of the move and she couldn't connect 
to the email server any more. 

Her new manager contacted support and asked or her email account to be moved 
over too. She still has no email and (3 weeks later) her manager just called 
again and demanded to know why she still has no email. The reason given (you'll 
love this one.)

We emailed her requesting more information and she never responded so we 
closed the case.



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Re: [Hampshire] Does anyone else have any mad ideas to do with computers for if they came into a large sum of money?

2008-10-08 Thread Jacqui Caren
Becky Taylor wrote:
 Anyone else have any odd/interesting/wacky ideas about what they'd do 
 computer/linux -wise if they could afford it?

I have a set of Aldi cordless headphones and listen to audio books while
lying in a deep bubble bath with the lights out in the bathroom.

Very relaxing!


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