[hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Harsh Baid
This is a request for Fletcher and Eric (and any other valve employ), i was
wondering if its possible for you guys to update the idle management system
in TF2. Personally i currently am not satisfied with the current system so
i use a plugin by name of AFK Manager and i believe many popular server
owners use that as well to keep idlers off! Now the plugin works fine (in
fact it works GREAT), however as a server owner i like to use as few
sourcemod plugins as possible to get the job done  just because there is
less to update and keep track of (just a personal pet peeve for me). Anyway
currently i believe there exist 2 cvars that control idling:

// Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes), made this
and sv_timeout equal same time?
mp_idlemaxtime 15

// Deals with idle players 1=send to spectator 2=kick
mp_idledealmethod 2

(Source: TF2 Official Wiki)

This is just for me but i think it applies to many people. Some people who
trade and such or are just afk for a few minutes are sent to spectators if
the given Cvar is set to 1. Is it possible to make another cvar that states
when players are spectator and are idling again for idlemaxtime, kicks
them? That way players who are just temporarily not in the game can just
come back to it by joining the team and players who are truly idling are
kicked. This way i have one less plugin to worry about.

Any consideration on this would be much appreciated! Also feedback for
other Cvars that possible could be added or maybe existing ones that could
be changed would be appreciated!

P.S: People of HLDS if you are either going to recommend me to another
sourcemod plugin that does this, i am not interested. Just telling you in
advance so it does not add clutter to the discussion.
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Re: [hlds] NO to in game advertising

2013-03-31 Thread G. Hutchinson
This pinion thing first visited the list a month 
or two back and I wrote a response to the list 
voicing my two cents. However I did this from my 
phone and it got bounced back for because of the 
previous posts not being cropped down. In short 
it essentially said Shame on Valve for even 
entertaining something like pinion pertaining to any in game advertising.

Valve is selling hats, drop items, etc etc etc... 
The game is still generating money. To play the 
game we see advertising when we log in to steam. 
I don't want to see ads when playing games  for 
Viagra, Uncle Bucks Beer, and Lysol. Everyone 
knows Uncle Buck is in the Klan. If Valve wants 
to pursue money in advertising, then replace the 
cereal boxes in L4D with Honeycomb and Fruit Loop 
boxes. Make the soda cans in the games that are 
lying around Pepsi cans and profit that way. 
You're welcome for the idea... (% my way).


If other community owners want to show ads on 
their MOTD, have at it. Whether it is through 
pinion, or by bypassing pinion and seeking ads 
through other means and cutting out the middle 
man, ie; pinon. Live and let live.

However, my fear is about the day Valve forces 
the servers I run to show ads or do anything 
through the in game browser I am unaware of for 
that matter, of such nature. They are ran on my 
hardware, at my expense, running essentially an 
open source game server file(s). Or at least 
that's how it started out. So if this changes, I 
would expect to see a full disclosure on the 
matter, and expect to have to click something 
saying I approve of the conditions before 
downloading the new server files to my server 
prior to implementation. Warranting today's 
society, a class action suit undoubtedly would 
pop up and surely Valve is clever enough to think 
of such matters, thus dropping such a concept of pinion rather quickly.

Now through my own absurdity I hope it makes 
Valve see it's own... If any of this pinion crap is true.

I am reasonable... I would expect 50,000% profit 
for my share of monies generated. That is fifty 
thousand percent, not 50 percent. I am reasonable 
after all...  Should the day come that I 
entertained a partnership with Valve as an 
advertising agency. This would cover any future 
potential and probably legal expenses expected to 
incur. And that's what would occur... My hardware 
would them become a venue of advertising the game 
more so than I already do, not to mention the 
involvement of a third party(s) and their 
products. I would also expect a seat on the 
board to approve and review any such ads 
conveyed though my medium. And the typical 20% 
from any advertisers I obtain and bring to the table that are interested.

Should Valve force me to advertise through the 
current concept of the MOTD Browser in game for 
any of the game servers I host, I will probably 
not host them any longer. In fact, I am sure I 
would no longer host them in protest. The same if 
Valve will not show my servers in the game 
browser or include me in matchmaking pools simply 
because I chose not to promote advertising 
unknown products through such medium. That is not 
a way to treat the folks that assisted in making 
your games a success for you. WE THE PEOPLE ran 
the majority of the servers promoting your games at our own cost.

Game console, Steam, PC computing... At what 
point does the want to take over the world 
settle back down to reason? Is ValveOS next (®) ?

Make Half Life 3... Left4Dead 3 (bigger maps and 
6/6 or 8/8 for versus please), or even make a 
TF3... Make money that way Valve... You look like 
beggars and extortionist when you team up with 
such things as an advertising plugin if that is 
what you have done. Have some dignity.

Now mind you, whoever designed and thought of 
this pinion gig, more power too you... 
Brilliant... I wished I had thought of it. But 
Valve having any official involvement with it... 
Just doesn't sit right with me or anyone else I have discussed it with.

Now if you think my post is ridiculous, imagine 
how YOU look Valve entertaining ANY involvement with such.

NO TO FORCED IN GAME ADVERTISING if it is being entertained...

But that's just my two cents... ___
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Mart-Jan Reeuwijk
go back to spuf

 From: Sebastian Iskra seabas...@gmail.com
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
Sent: Sunday, 31 March 2013, 1:05
Subject: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

I hope they get rid of MOTD so people can't crash my game with pinion ad's 
anymore. Good riddance 

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Netshroud netshr...@gmail.com wrote:

If Steam Community would use GET and POST appropriately, then your concern 
would be a non-issue. A GET request shouldn't make any changes.

On 31/03/2013, at 8:33 AM, 1nsane 1nsane...@gmail.com wrote:

Could lead to even worse abuse.

Steam overlay is logged in to steam. It's been like this forever, there's 
thing that rely on it staying that way.

Since it is logged into steam it would allow malicious servers to do 
automatically on their steam accounts. Starting with putting you in a steam 
community group soon as you join a server without your consent. To using 
exploits and doing much worse things like say forcing you to leave groups 
you are an admin of or changing your settings.

Ages ago when Steam used IE I reported an exploit able to do these things 
and valve fixed it.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Cameron Munroe cmun...@cameronmunroe.com 

I thought I might just put my 2 cents in, so please don't shoot me.

Here is what the text I received over chat:

This info was taken from a discussion on IRC between SourceMod's Asher 
Baker (Asherkin) and Valve's Tony Paloma (Druken_F00l). Asherkin posted it 
in a discussion then deleted it, but not before someone quoted it.
And just to make sure it doesn't get lost, I'm also going to quote it here 
Drunken_F00l so i think we're gonna nuke the info panel
Drunken_F00l or at least the ability to send it at arbitrary times
@asherkin :|
@asherkin why?
Drunken_F00l because pinion
Drunken_F00l or more like server ops abusing pinion
@asherkin thus killing things that have existed forever, like using it to 
view stats or to listen to streaming radio
Drunken_F00l it sucks that it might break plugins or game modes using it 
for legit reasons though
Drunken_F00l ya

In any case I think what they will only stop motd after initial connect 
thus blocking any abuse by server owners. However I would rather, after 
initial connect, to have links opened by the steam overlay browser. This 
would first fix the issue of Pinion spamming as the player could quickly 
exit out and continue playing there game, not to mention this harms the 
said owner that is spamming the Ad during normal game play because of the 
required completions, and not being able to hold the session for 30 
seconds. It would also be nicer because you could use this as a simple way 
to open radio programs and such, and in new tabs. Thus no longer will radio 
be quit out once you type !bp. It could also have the added functionality 
of going to a common tab for similar links so if you already had radio 
open, and you open radio again you won't be spammed by two radios playing. 

Just some thoughts.
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Mart-Jan Reeuwijk

This is SERVER admin list, you come with crap for the USERS which shouldn't be 
here... its a DIFFERENT viewpoint. 

Server Owners want:
- being able to show the MOTD for various plugins and MODs and/or their 
community rules, McKay made a nice list of things that would get broken if it 
went down the drain.

Clients want:
- no pinion / unsolicited traffic not related to their game. 

The mailing list is for Server Owners, and ofcourse, SPUF is for the Clients.

 From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
Sent: Sunday, 31 March 2013, 4:49
Subject: [hlds]   Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

This is to address the responses from the following badmins...
Asher Baker (asher...@gmail.com)
Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com)
Russell Smith (ve...@tinylittlerobots.us)
1nsane (1nsane...@gmail.com)
Providing links from public forums is not the same as providing links from 
corporate press release web sites.  I can understand how the simple minded 
might fall for you shenanigans but Valve simply does not represent itself as 
doing business with Pinion. IMHO they would be foolish to do so. 
I have been following this mailing list for some time now and have yet to see 
any of the above individuals offer anything of value or help to anyone other 
than themselves or their self serving opinions. It would be a great service to 
the community if they would remove themselves from this list.
Pinion does nothing to support Valve games and as a matter of fact they 
detract from the entertainment value people strive for when they purchase a 
game. They are capitalizing and promoted pollution to the gaming community. If 
no one can post a better solution to this issue, I would then welcome the motd 
removal altogether.

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Re: [hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Paul
I'm pretty sure mp_idledealmethod 1 doesn't just send them to spectator.
The official description is that it will send them to spectator first, then
if they are still exist (presumably for mp_idlemaxtime*2) then they will be
kicked. Unless of course this isn't happening and should be?

On 31 March 2013 07:31, Harsh Baid harshbai...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is a request for Fletcher and Eric (and any other valve employ), i
 was wondering if its possible for you guys to update the
 idle management system in TF2. Personally i currently am not satisfied with
 the current system so i use a plugin by name of AFK Manager and i believe
 many popular server owners use that as well to keep idlers off! Now the
 plugin works fine (in fact it works GREAT), however as a server owner i
 like to use as few sourcemod plugins as possible to get the job done  just
 because there is less to update and keep track of (just a personal pet
 peeve for me). Anyway currently i believe there exist 2 cvars that control

 // Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes), made this and 
 sv_timeout equal same time?
 mp_idlemaxtime 15

 // Deals with idle players 1=send to spectator 2=kick
 mp_idledealmethod 2

 (Source: TF2 Official Wiki)

 This is just for me but i think it applies to many people. Some people who
 trade and such or are just afk for a few minutes are sent to spectators if
 the given Cvar is set to 1. Is it possible to make another cvar that states
 when players are spectator and are idling again for idlemaxtime, kicks
 them? That way players who are just temporarily not in the game can just
 come back to it by joining the team and players who are truly idling are
 kicked. This way i have one less plugin to worry about.

 Any consideration on this would be much appreciated! Also feedback for
 other Cvars that possible could be added or maybe existing ones that could
 be changed would be appreciated!

 P.S: People of HLDS if you are either going to recommend me to another
 sourcemod plugin that does this, i am not interested. Just telling you in
 advance so it does not add clutter to the discussion.

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Re: [hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Paul
A typo, then if they are still idle (presumably for ... was what I meant
to say.

On 31 March 2013 10:15, Paul ubyu@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm pretty sure mp_idledealmethod 1 doesn't just send them to spectator.
 The official description is that it will send them to spectator first, then
 if they are still exist (presumably for mp_idlemaxtime*2) then they will be
 kicked. Unless of course this isn't happening and should be?

 On 31 March 2013 07:31, Harsh Baid harshbai...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is a request for Fletcher and Eric (and any other valve employ), i
 was wondering if its possible for you guys to update the
 idle management system in TF2. Personally i currently am not satisfied with
 the current system so i use a plugin by name of AFK Manager and i believe
 many popular server owners use that as well to keep idlers off! Now the
 plugin works fine (in fact it works GREAT), however as a server owner i
 like to use as few sourcemod plugins as possible to get the job done  just
 because there is less to update and keep track of (just a personal pet
 peeve for me). Anyway currently i believe there exist 2 cvars that control

 // Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes), made this and 
 sv_timeout equal same time?
 mp_idlemaxtime 15

 // Deals with idle players 1=send to spectator 2=kick
 mp_idledealmethod 2

 (Source: TF2 Official Wiki)

 This is just for me but i think it applies to many people. Some people
 who trade and such or are just afk for a few minutes are sent
 to spectators if the given Cvar is set to 1. Is it possible to make another
 cvar that states when players are spectator and are idling again for
 idlemaxtime, kicks them? That way players who are just temporarily not in
 the game can just come back to it by joining the team and players who are
 truly idling are kicked. This way i have one less plugin to worry about.

 Any consideration on this would be much appreciated! Also feedback for
 other Cvars that possible could be added or maybe existing ones that could
 be changed would be appreciated!

 P.S: People of HLDS if you are either going to recommend me to another
 sourcemod plugin that does this, i am not interested. Just telling you in
 advance so it does not add clutter to the discussion.

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Cameron Munroe

LOL quote from this guy. He can't defeat my argument thus he uses
personal attacks. Voteban request? 

Also to answer your question,
servers cost money as I have stated before. They aren't free. Look it

Hi Dumbass,

You should look up the meaning of the word
community. I'm thinking it doesn't mean was you think it means. You
really think you deserve payment for running a game server you get for
free using an admin-mod that's also for free in the context of a
community. You must be pretty dumb or at the very least very

Anyways you are encouraged to go fuck yourself and also please
stop spamming the message thread. No-one really likes you and your
community thinks your an asshole.

Have fun fucking yourself

The Crapware Wardon.

On 03/31/2013 01:48 AM, Mart-Jan
Reeuwijk wrote: 

 This is SERVER admin list, you come with crap for
the USERS which shouldn't be here... its a DIFFERENT viewpoint. 

Server Owners want:
 - being able to show the MOTD for various plugins
and MODs and/or their community rules, McKay made a nice list of things
that would get broken if it went down the drain.
 Clients want:
no pinion / unsolicited traffic not related to their game. 
mailing list is for Server Owners, and ofcourse, SPUF is for the
 FROM: Crapware Wardon
 TO: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 SENT: Sunday, 31 March 2013, 4:49

SUBJECT: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD
 This is to
address the responses from the following badmins...
 Asher Baker
 Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com)
Smith (ve...@tinylittlerobots.us)
 1nsane (1nsane...@gmail.com)

Providing links from public forums is not the same as providing links
from corporate press release web sites. I can understand how the simple
minded might fall for you shenanigans but Valve simply does not
represent itself as doing business with Pinion. IMHO they would be
foolish to do so. 
 I have been following this mailing list for
some time now and have yet to see any of the above individuals offer
anything of value or help to anyone other than themselves or their self
serving opinions. It would be a great service to the community if they
would remove themselves from this list.
 Pinion does nothing to
support Valve games and as a matter of fact they detract from the
entertainment value people strive for when they purchase a game. They
are capitalizing and promoted pollution to the gaming community. If no
one can post a better solution to this issue, I would then welcome the
motd removal altogether.

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your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:

https://list.valvesoftware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hlds [1]

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Cameron Munroe

Owner and Operator of (G-S.N) 

Computer Tech

http://www.gaming-servers.net [3]

[3] http://www.gaming-servers.net
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Crapware Wardon
in response to Cameron Munroe (cmun...@cameronmunroe.com)  Really? You're 
going to spam this list and make up false documents to what end?!  Furthermore 
you make contradicting statements about an argument, and I quote... He can't 
defeat my argument thus he ... and that wasn't an argument at all all under 
the same message thread? Voteban request? What's that? Is it something you made 
up inside the fantasyland that lives inside your head? Back to the point, 
obviously server administration has little to do with you or your opinions. 
Please stop spamming the mailing list. I'm still thinking the removal of motd 
functionality is a good idea, especially if this guy has access to the content 
of any motd's.   ___
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Paul
If a player is concerned about the MOTD content crashing their game or for
some other fairly related reason, that's what the cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 is
for (or it can be set via the advanced options in the main menu).

On 31 March 2013 11:20, Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com wrote:

 in response to

 Cameron Munroe (cmun...@cameronmunroe.com)

 Really? You're going to spam this list and make up false documents to what
 end?!  Furthermore you make contradicting statements about an argument, and
 I quote... He can't defeat my argument thus he ... and that wasn't an
 argument at all all under the same message thread?

 Voteban request? What's that? Is it something you made up inside the
 fantasyland that lives inside your head?

 Back to the point, obviously server administration has little to do with
 you or your opinions. Please stop spamming the mailing list.

 I'm still thinking the removal of motd functionality is a good idea,
 especially if this guy has access to the content of any motd's.

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Mart-Jan Reeuwijk
he did same kind of crap message to me:


 From: Cameron Munroe cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: Mart-Jan Reeuwijk mreeu...@yahoo.com; Half-Life dedicated Win32 server 
mailing list hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
Sent: Sunday, 31 March 2013, 11:22
Subject: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

LOL quote from this guy. He can't defeat my argument thus he uses personal 
attacks. Voteban request?
Also to answer your question, servers cost money as I have stated before. They 
aren't free. Look it up.
Hi Dumbass,
You should look up the meaning of the word community. I'm thinking it 
doesn't mean was you think it means. You really think you deserve payment for 
running a game server you get for free using an admin-mod that's also for free 
in the context of a community. You must be pretty dumb or at the very least 
very selfish.
Anyways you are encouraged to go fuck yourself and also please stop spamming 
the message thread. No-one really likes you and your community thinks your an 
Have fun fucking yourself douchebag.
The Crapware Wardon.
On 03/31/2013 01:48 AM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

This is SERVER admin list, you come with crap for the USERS which shouldn't 
be here... its a DIFFERENT viewpoint. 

Server Owners want:
- being able to show the MOTD for various plugins and MODs and/or their 
community rules, McKay made a nice list of things that would get broken if it 
went down the drain.

Clients want:
- no pinion / unsolicited traffic not related to their game. 

The mailing list is for Server Owners, and ofcourse, SPUF is for the Clients.

From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
Sent: Sunday, 31 March 2013, 4:49
Subject: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

This is to address the responses from the following badmins...
Asher Baker (asher...@gmail.com)
Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com)
Russell Smith (ve...@tinylittlerobots.us)
1nsane (1nsane...@gmail.com)
Providing links from public forums is not the same as providing links from 
corporate press release web sites.  I can understand how the simple minded 
might fall for you shenanigans but Valve simply does not represent itself as 
doing business with Pinion. IMHO they would be foolish to do so. 
I have been following this mailing list for some time now and have yet to 
see any of the above individuals offer anything of value or help to anyone 
other than themselves or their self serving opinions. It would be a great 
service to the community if they would remove themselves from this list.
Pinion does nothing to support Valve games and as a matter of fact they 
detract from the entertainment value people strive for when they purchase a 
game. They are capitalizing and promoted pollution to the gaming community. 
If no one can post a better solution to this issue, I would then welcome the 
motd removal altogether.
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please visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
visit: https://list.valvesoftware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hlds 
Cameron Munroe
Owner and Operator of (G-S.N)  Munroenet.com

Computer Tech http://www.munroenet.com http://www.gaming-servers.net 

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Crapware Wardon
In response to...Mart-Jan Reeuwijk (mreeu...@yahoo.com) You twisted little 
fucker, you sent me this... http://imgur.com/JY1ndz9 the answer to your query 
is a resounding NO!___
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Bjorn Wielens
That does it. I'm done with this mailing list. Either that or valve needs to 
rename it to Watching grown men bicker like five-year-olds list. And that's 
insulting to 5-year-olds.

 From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:03:52 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

In response to...
Mart-Jan Reeuwijk (mreeu...@yahoo.com)
You twisted little fucker, you sent me this...
the answer to your query is a resounding NO!

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Paul
Can someone ban this person from the mailing list please (Crapware Wardon),
he's not contributing anything except insults and profanity to the thread
anyway. If you compare the screenshot that Mart-Jan Reeuwijk originally
sent here to the one that Crapware Wardon sent afterwards you'll notice
that Crapware's is a distinct copy and fake, look at how he's positioned
the text, resized it, just so it would fit. Back on topic please.

On 31 March 2013 14:03, Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com wrote:

 In response to...
 Mart-Jan Reeuwijk (mreeu...@yahoo.com)

 You twisted little fucker, you sent me this...


 the answer to your query is a resounding NO!

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 please visit:

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Cameron Munroe

First of Happy Easter everyone, if you don't like, approve or
anything else of Easter then I wish you a wonderful day. In any case
that is the whole fun of this mailing list. A person couldn't fix his
own issues so he read a forum post, found some instults and threw them
here so we can all laugh at his failure to comprehend Critical thinking.
Just smile, laugh and move on. If the mailing list is constantly dinging
you, then create an email rule. Most modern email servers have this

To Bjorn, don't give up. Put a smile on your face. Its
a good day, and people still love to play on your servers. :) 

03/31/2013 06:17 AM, Bjorn Wielens wrote: 

 That does it. I'm done
with this mailing list. Either that or valve needs to rename it to
Watching grown men bicker like five-year-olds list. And that's
insulting to 5-year-olds.
Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:03:52 AM
 SUBJECT: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and
query regarding MOTD
 In response to...
 Mart-Jan Reeuwijk
 You twisted little fucker, you sent me
 http://imgur.com/JY1ndz9 [2]
 the answer to your query
is a resounding NO! 

 To unsubscribe, edit
your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:

https://list.valvesoftware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hlds [1]

 To unsubscribe, edit
your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:


Cameron Munroe

Owner and Operator of (G-S.N) 

Computer Tech

http://www.gaming-servers.net [4]

[3] http://www.munroenet.com
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Re: [hlds] (no subject)

2013-03-31 Thread Eli Witt
He couldn't even spell warden right for his throwaway email name to post
this stupid crap, just gonna point that out.

Yeah, I'm calling you stupid, whoever you are on this list. Because you're
obviously a member.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 10:27 PM, 1nsane 1nsane...@gmail.com wrote:

 As for the Valve+Pinion relationship... If Valve is in bed with pinion
 then why are they not listed on the pinion list of customers?! I know why,
 because it's an outright lie. The a-holes collecting pinion funds started
 the lie to legitimize themselves.

 Oh so clearly Pinion must have hacked valve then to do:
 1) Host official CS:GO servers alongside valve
 2) Get special status on the official steam forums:

  Valve must be a really incompetent company not to notice these things for
 months... right?

 On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Crapware Wardon 
 crapware.war...@hotmail.com wrote:

 ok, the best solution would be to leave the motd option, but, if the
 motd.txt contains anything other than the default motd.txt that ships via
 steamcmd... the server simply does not get listed in the server browser. I
 would also go as far as to say that the vac secured flag also be set to 0
 for those servers.

 As for the Valve+Pinion relationship... If Valve is in bed with pinion
 then why are they not listed on the pinion list of customers?! I know why,
 because it's an outright lie. The a-holes collecting pinion funds started
 the lie to legitimize themselves.

Ok, So all the pro-pinion hijackware guys claim valve is down with
 their program. The research indicates that this is an outright lie. No ad
 time has been purchased by Valve. I am sure there are a few Valve employees
 that are receiving kickbacks for their support of this blatantly
 unscrupulous activity. It may even shed a little light on the fact that
 good ol' Gabe did some house cleaning recently. Anyways.. down to
 If you want to defeat these dirtbags force-feeding your cpu with
 hijackware and your running a windows machine...
 1) Open your hosts file (generally: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
 ) with a good ol' text editor.
 2) Add the following to the end of your hosts file...
 # Pinion Server Adware  pinion.gg  bin.pinion.gg  cdn.pinion.gg  crm.pinion.gg  delivery.pinion.gg  docs.pinion.gg  kermit.pinion.gg  log.pinion.gg  mail.pinion.gg  motd.pinion.gg
 3) Save the file to your desktop.
 4) If your text editor added .txt to the file name remove the .txt
 (select the file on your desktop, hit F2 and remove the .txt characters).
 5) Copy the host file from your desktop into the
 'C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc' folder and let the new one overwrite the
 existing one.
 Enjoy hijackware free gaming!!

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 please visit:

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 please visit:

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Re: [hlds] (no subject)

2013-03-31 Thread Andy Daly
Happy Zombie weekend all my fellow server op's! I hope you all have a nice
time off and lets hope the steam pipe improves the status Quo!

On 31 March 2013 17:31, Eli Witt eliw...@gmail.com wrote:

 He couldn't even spell warden right for his throwaway email name to post
 this stupid crap, just gonna point that out.

 Yeah, I'm calling you stupid, whoever you are on this list. Because you're
 obviously a member.

 On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 10:27 PM, 1nsane 1nsane...@gmail.com wrote:

 As for the Valve+Pinion relationship... If Valve is in bed with pinion
 then why are they not listed on the pinion list of customers?! I know why,
 because it's an outright lie. The a-holes collecting pinion funds started
 the lie to legitimize themselves.

 Oh so clearly Pinion must have hacked valve then to do:
 1) Host official CS:GO servers alongside valve
 2) Get special status on the official steam forums:

  Valve must be a really incompetent company not to notice these things
 for months... right?

 On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Crapware Wardon 
 crapware.war...@hotmail.com wrote:

 ok, the best solution would be to leave the motd option, but, if the
 motd.txt contains anything other than the default motd.txt that ships via
 steamcmd... the server simply does not get listed in the server browser. I
 would also go as far as to say that the vac secured flag also be set to 0
 for those servers.

 As for the Valve+Pinion relationship... If Valve is in bed with pinion
 then why are they not listed on the pinion list of customers?! I know why,
 because it's an outright lie. The a-holes collecting pinion funds started
 the lie to legitimize themselves.

Ok, So all the pro-pinion hijackware guys claim valve is down with
 their program. The research indicates that this is an outright lie. No ad
 time has been purchased by Valve. I am sure there are a few Valve employees
 that are receiving kickbacks for their support of this blatantly
 unscrupulous activity. It may even shed a little light on the fact that
 good ol' Gabe did some house cleaning recently. Anyways.. down to
 If you want to defeat these dirtbags force-feeding your cpu with
 hijackware and your running a windows machine...
 1) Open your hosts file (generally:
 c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts ) with a good ol' text editor.
 2) Add the following to the end of your hosts file...
 # Pinion Server Adware  pinion.gg  bin.pinion.gg  cdn.pinion.gg  crm.pinion.gg  delivery.pinion.gg  docs.pinion.gg  kermit.pinion.gg  log.pinion.gg  mail.pinion.gg  motd.pinion.gg
 3) Save the file to your desktop.
 4) If your text editor added .txt to the file name remove the .txt
 (select the file on your desktop, hit F2 and remove the .txt characters).
 5) Copy the host file from your desktop into the
 'C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc' folder and let the new one overwrite the
 existing one.
 Enjoy hijackware free gaming!!

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Re: [hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Doctor McKay
Yup. I use mp_idledealmethod 1 and it sends to spectate then kicks if
they're still idle. I'm not sure how long it waits before kicking, but it
works fine for me.

Dr. McKay

On Sunday, March 31, 2013, Paul wrote:

 I'm pretty sure mp_idledealmethod 1 doesn't just send them to spectator.
 The official description is that it will send them to spectator first, then
 if they are still exist (presumably for mp_idlemaxtime*2) then they will be
 kicked. Unless of course this isn't happening and should be?

 On 31 March 2013 07:31, Harsh Baid harshbai...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 
 'cvml', 'harshbai...@gmail.com');

 This is a request for Fletcher and Eric (and any other valve employ), i
 was wondering if its possible for you guys to update the
 idle management system in TF2. Personally i currently am not satisfied with
 the current system so i use a plugin by name of AFK Manager and i believe
 many popular server owners use that as well to keep idlers off! Now the
 plugin works fine (in fact it works GREAT), however as a server owner i
 like to use as few sourcemod plugins as possible to get the job done  just
 because there is less to update and keep track of (just a personal pet
 peeve for me). Anyway currently i believe there exist 2 cvars that control

 // Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes), made this and 
 sv_timeout equal same time?
 mp_idlemaxtime 15

 // Deals with idle players 1=send to spectator 2=kick
 mp_idledealmethod 2

 (Source: TF2 Official Wiki)

 This is just for me but i think it applies to many people. Some people
 who trade and such or are just afk for a few minutes are sent
 to spectators if the given Cvar is set to 1. Is it possible to make another
 cvar that states when players are spectator and are idling again for
 idlemaxtime, kicks them? That way players who are just temporarily not in
 the game can just come back to it by joining the team and players who are
 truly idling are kicked. This way i have one less plugin to worry about.

 Any consideration on this would be much appreciated! Also feedback for
 other Cvars that possible could be added or maybe existing ones that could
 be changed would be appreciated!

 P.S: People of HLDS if you are either going to recommend me to another
 sourcemod plugin that does this, i am not interested. Just telling you in
 advance so it does not add clutter to the discussion.

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Dominik Friedrichs

Anyone remember the pizza troll? I think hes back :))
Anyway, I dont get how everyone gets so upset about the stupid MOTD and 
some RUMORS...
And some guys want to force display their MOTD because it contains 8000 
characters of important rules... give me a break, who would even read 5% 
of that??

On 2013/03/31 13:57, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

he did same kind of crap message to me:


*From:* Cameron Munroe cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
*To:* Mart-Jan Reeuwijk mreeu...@yahoo.com; Half-Life dedicated
Win32 server mailing list hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
*Sent:* Sunday, 31 March 2013, 11:22
*Subject:* Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

LOL quote from this guy. He can't defeat my argument thus he uses
personal attacks. Voteban request?
Also to answer your question, servers cost money as I have stated
before. They aren't free. Look it up.
Hi Dumbass,

You should look up the meaning of the word community. I'm thinking
it doesn't mean was you think it means. You really think you deserve
payment for running a game server you get for free using an
admin-mod that's also for free in the context of a community. You
must be pretty dumb or at the very least very selfish.

Anyways you are encouraged to go fuck yourself and also please stop
spamming the message thread. No-one really likes you and your
community thinks your an asshole.

Have fun fucking yourself douchebag.

The Crapware Wardon.

On 03/31/2013 01:48 AM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

This is SERVER admin list, you come with crap for the USERS which
shouldn't be here... its a DIFFERENT viewpoint.

Server Owners want:
- being able to show the MOTD for various plugins and MODs and/or
their community rules, McKay made a nice list of things that would
get broken if it went down the drain.

Clients want:
- no pinion / unsolicited traffic not related to their game.

The mailing list is for Server Owners, and ofcourse, SPUF is for
the Clients.

*From:* Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
*To:* hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
*Sent:* Sunday, 31 March 2013, 4:49
*Subject:* [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

This is to address the responses from the following badmins...

Asher Baker (asher...@gmail.com mailto:asher...@gmail.com)
Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com
Russell Smith (ve...@tinylittlerobots.us
1nsane (1nsane...@gmail.com mailto:1nsane...@gmail.com)

Providing links from public forums is not the same as
providing links from corporate press release web sites. I can
understand how the simple minded might fall for you
shenanigans but Valve simply does not represent itself as
doing business with Pinion. IMHO they would be foolish to do so.

I have been following this mailing list for some time now and
have yet to see any of the above individuals offer anything of
value or help to anyone other than themselves or their self
serving opinions. It would be a great service to the community
if they would remove themselves from this list.

Pinion does nothing to support Valve games and as a matter of
fact they detract from the entertainment value people strive
for when they purchase a game. They are capitalizing and
promoted pollution to the gaming community. If no one can post
a better solution to this issue, I would then welcome the motd
removal altogether.

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
archives, please visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, 
please visit:

Cameron Munroe

Owner and Operator of (G-S.N)  Munroenet.com

Computer Tech

http://www.munroenet.com  http://www.munroenet.com/
http://www.gaming-servers.net  http://www.gaming-servers.net/

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Brian Simon
Oh god my sides. Thank you for this thread Crapware Warden. Your idiocy is
quite hilarious

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Dominik Friedrichs d...@forlix.org wrote:

 Anyone remember the pizza troll? I think hes back :))
 Anyway, I dont get how everyone gets so upset about the stupid MOTD and
 some RUMORS...
 And some guys want to force display their MOTD because it contains 8000
 characters of important rules... give me a break, who would even read 5% of

 On 2013/03/31 13:57, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

 he did same kind of crap message to me:


 *From:* Cameron Munroe cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
 *To:* Mart-Jan Reeuwijk mreeu...@yahoo.com; Half-Life dedicated

 Win32 server mailing list hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, 31 March 2013, 11:22
 *Subject:* Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

 LOL quote from this guy. He can't defeat my argument thus he uses
 personal attacks. Voteban request?
 Also to answer your question, servers cost money as I have stated
 before. They aren't free. Look it up.
 Hi Dumbass,

 You should look up the meaning of the word community. I'm thinking
 it doesn't mean was you think it means. You really think you deserve
 payment for running a game server you get for free using an
 admin-mod that's also for free in the context of a community. You
 must be pretty dumb or at the very least very selfish.

 Anyways you are encouraged to go fuck yourself and also please stop
 spamming the message thread. No-one really likes you and your
 community thinks your an asshole.

 Have fun fucking yourself douchebag.

 The Crapware Wardon.

 On 03/31/2013 01:48 AM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

 This is SERVER admin list, you come with crap for the USERS which
 shouldn't be here... its a DIFFERENT viewpoint.

 Server Owners want:
 - being able to show the MOTD for various plugins and MODs and/or
 their community rules, McKay made a nice list of things that would
 get broken if it went down the drain.

 Clients want:
 - no pinion / unsolicited traffic not related to their game.

 The mailing list is for Server Owners, and ofcourse, SPUF is for
 the Clients.

 *From:* Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
 *To:* hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, 31 March 2013, 4:49
 *Subject:* [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

 This is to address the responses from the following badmins...

 Asher Baker (asher...@gmail.com mailto:asher...@gmail.com)
 Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com
 Russell Smith (ve...@tinylittlerobots.us
 mailto:velsk@**tinylittlerobots.us ve...@tinylittlerobots.us
 1nsane (1nsane...@gmail.com mailto:1nsane...@gmail.com)

 Providing links from public forums is not the same as
 providing links from corporate press release web sites. I can
 understand how the simple minded might fall for you
 shenanigans but Valve simply does not represent itself as
 doing business with Pinion. IMHO they would be foolish to do so.

 I have been following this mailing list for some time now and
 have yet to see any of the above individuals offer anything of
 value or help to anyone other than themselves or their self
 serving opinions. It would be a great service to the community
 if they would remove themselves from this list.

 Pinion does nothing to support Valve games and as a matter of
 fact they detract from the entertainment value people strive
 for when they purchase a game. They are capitalizing and
 promoted pollution to the gaming community. If no one can post
 a better solution to this issue, I would then welcome the motd
 removal altogether.

 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
 archives, please visit:

 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
 archives, please visit:

 Cameron Munroe

 Owner and Operator of (G-S.N)  Munroenet.com

 Computer Tech

 http://www.munroenet.com  http://www.munroenet.com/

Re: [hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Harsh Baid
Alright i wasn't aware of mp_idledealmethod is actually the following:

Deals with Idle Players. 1 = Sends them into Spectator mode then kicks them
if they're still idle, 2 = Kicks them out of the game;

However it wasn't on the Official TF2 Wiki Dedicated Server Configuration
Page. Alright so now what is sv_timeout responsible for?
I originally assumed that when someone connects to the server, if there is
a problem in the connection. The Cvar controls how long the connection is
retried until it drops the client from the server
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Cameron Munroe

Please ignore: :D 

What I find funny in this case is you claim html
isn't coding, which is what you assume'd I used. I have written plenty
of stuff in PHP, which by all regards is coding. 

I can leave what ever
links in my signature that I like, it really isn't your concern, it is
there for information none the less. 

Last time I checked it took more
then 5 minutes to download TF2, install sourcemod, configure a fastdl
server, setup stats, install tf2 mods, test to see why the mod isn't
working correct, etc. However I am so glad you are a master and making
things appear instantly. 

In regards to it being freeware yes you are
right. However, Wordpress.com runs on open source software. So does
mumble.com. Many platforms are using free software, and people still
make profit off of it. So what is your gripe? (please note: I have never
once made a profit with my gaming network.) 

I only ask my patrons to
enjoy themselves as well, but I request them, if they so chose, to watch
a 30 second ad to help keep the servers up. It isn't like they can't do
what you already stated in a previous message. I even made a youtube
video showing my players how to turn it off if they so chose. 

I'm not
mad at all, I'm simply pointing out some fact that I have seen come to
reality. Last time I checked watching an ad wasn't scamming, I guess you
must be confusing that with websites that steal your steam info that
claim FREE GAMES. (no links will be provided, even if requested.) 

have noticed that you hate us, thus you throw your hate at us. GJ.

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/community please look at 1c
and it perfectly fits. :)

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/network 3b, 5. 

I don't
think I have ever said anything hateful to you, if so I apologize. As I
am simply showing you my point of view and where I come from. 

Easter, if you aren't religous, then have a great day. :) 

03/31/2013 10:05 AM, Crapware Wardon wrote: 

 Html is not coding,
kid. WordPress is just for noobs that want to call them selves web
developers. You are merely a desktop publisher, not a developer. Your
dead link is just that a dead link, don't pretend it's an intentionally
turned off site and still leave the url in your signature.
 As for
your so called network, you're running a single platform free
server-ware created by someone else while attempting to portray yourself
as a technically able person deserving compensation for 5 minutes of
install time.
 I have been running multiple game servers on all the
main platforms (win, lin/un-ix, os-x) using all the main game engines
(hl2, quake, unreal, cry); furthermore I have developed my own custom
admin mods as well as game content for all the game servers I provide,
for going on 2 decades now. Yes I provide these services to the
community free of charge and only ask my patrons to enjoy
 When you whine and complain about how deserving you are
for your stealing other peoples work, you not only offend the true
community contributors but also show those of us in the know what an
asshole you are (see, I do know who/what you are). 
 Face it you are
just mad that someone is posting a view that is counter to your goal of
scamming players and deducting value from player time.
 Pinion and
its supporters are a blight that I mean to see eradicated from the world
of internet gaming. Good luck with your Network and Community (I
suggest you look up the definitions of these words). 
 You are quite
possibly the lowest form of human life, but for, the lowly belly
crawling lawyer. 
 I will not be accepting any more of your
insulting hate mail so please enjoy your rage and keep it to yourself.

 Have a nice day and go fuck yourself, you thief. 

 Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 08:32:18 -0700

From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
 To: crapware.war...@hotmail.com

Subject: Re: lol
 I actually hand coded the initial site when I
started the gaming network, from scratch. However, over time it became
evident that Wordpress was much more powerful and better for our needs.
The website with the bad cert is there because if you didn't realize no
one is using it. Long story short you have no idea who I am. You don't
know what I look like. You are just upset because you have to watch an
ad for 30 seconds. So here is my suggestion, don't play Team Fortress 2,
block my list of servers and move on, or just don't play on servers that
don't use pinion. However, if you really want to get around the problem,
then go build your own server and see what the problems are. I would
love to see you survive for more then a year. The fact is yes, I am the
sole operator of the network, but I still have a community that loves
and follows it. This community isn't charged anything, yet I still have
to pay extra out of my pocket for it to exist, am I complaining, No.
If the players want to move on and find another gaming network, then
that is why I am not the sole operator 

Re: [hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Doctor McKay
sv_timeout is the number of seconds that a server will wait for a client to
respond before dropping them from the game. For instance, if your client
crashes, it doesn't send the disconnect signal to the server so the
server doesn't know you're actually gone, besides the fact that your client
isn't sending any data (which can happen due to lag). sv_timeout controls
how long the server will wait before determining that the client is gone
and dropping them from the game.

Doctor McKay

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Harsh Baid harshbai...@gmail.com wrote:

 Alright i wasn't aware of mp_idledealmethod is actually the following:

 Deals with Idle Players. 1 = Sends them into Spectator mode then kicks
 them if they're still idle, 2 = Kicks them out of the game;

 However it wasn't on the Official TF2 Wiki Dedicated Server Configuration
 Page. Alright so now what is sv_timeout responsible for?
 I originally assumed that when someone connects to the server, if there is
 a problem in the connection. The Cvar controls how long the connection is
 retried until it drops the client from the server

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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Mart-Jan Reeuwijk

Being nice to trolls doesn't work imo. Unfortunately, if I'd be that nasty, I 
would be banned way before that troll from this list. So he can think himself 
of all the insults that would be quite personal to him and imagine that I wrote 
that to 'm.

To the rest, have a great weekend, and see that troll as the fool for tomorrow 
to practice jokes on.

 From: Cameron Munroe cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
Sent: Sunday, 31 March 2013, 19:43
Subject: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

Please ignore: :D
What I find funny in this case is you claim html isn't coding, which is what 
you assume'd I used. I have written plenty of stuff in PHP, which by all 
regards is coding. 
I can leave what ever links in my signature that I like, it really isn't your 
concern, it is there for information none the less.
Last time I checked it took more then 5 minutes to download TF2, install 
sourcemod, configure a fastdl server, setup stats, install tf2 mods, test to 
see why the mod isn't working correct, etc. However I am so glad you are a 
master and making things appear instantly.
In regards to it being freeware yes you are right. However, Wordpress.com runs 
on open source software. So does mumble.com. Many platforms are using free 
software, and people still make profit off of it. So what is your gripe? 
(please note: I have never once made a profit with my gaming network.)
I only ask my patrons to enjoy themselves as well, but I request them, if they 
so chose, to watch a 30 second ad to help keep the servers up. It isn't like 
they can't do what you already stated in a previous message. I even made a 
youtube video showing my players how to turn it off if they so chose. 
I'm not mad at all, I'm simply pointing out some fact that I have seen come to 
reality. Last time I checked watching an ad wasn't scamming, I guess you must 
be confusing that with websites that steal your steam info that claim FREE 
GAMES. (no links will be provided, even if requested.)
I have noticed that you hate us, thus you throw your hate at us. GJ.
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/community please look at 1c and it 
perfectly fits. :)
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/network 3b, 5. 
I don't think I have ever said anything hateful to you, if so I apologize. As 
I am simply showing you my point of view and where I come from.
Happy Easter, if you aren't religous, then have a great day. :)
On 03/31/2013 10:05 AM, Crapware Wardon wrote:

Html is not coding, kid. WordPress is just for noobs that want to call them 
selves web developers. You are merely a desktop publisher, not a developer. 
Your dead link is just that a dead link, don't pretend it's an intentionally 
turned off site and still leave the url in your signature.
As for your so called network, you're running a single platform free 
server-ware created by someone else while attempting to portray yourself as a 
technically able person deserving compensation for 5 minutes of install time.
I have been running multiple game servers on all the main platforms (win, 
lin/un-ix, os-x) using all the main game engines (hl2, quake, unreal, cry); 
furthermore I have developed my own custom admin mods as well as game content 
for all the game servers I provide, for going on 2 decades now. Yes I provide 
these services to the community free of charge and only ask my patrons to 
enjoy themselves.
When you whine and complain about how deserving you are for your stealing 
other peoples work, you not only offend the true community contributors but 
also show those of us in the know what an asshole you are (see, I do know 
who/what you are). 
Face it you are just mad that someone is posting a view that is counter to 
your goal of scamming players and deducting value from player time.

Pinion and its supporters are a blight that I mean to see eradicated from the 
world of internet gaming.  Good luck with your Network and Community (I 
suggest you look up the definitions of these words).
You are quite possibly the lowest form of human life, but for, the lowly 
belly crawling lawyer.
I will not be accepting any more of your insulting hate mail so please enjoy 
your rage and keep it to yourself.
Have a nice day and go fuck yourself, you thief.

Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 08:32:18 -0700
From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: lol

I actually hand coded the initial site when I started the gaming network, 
from scratch. However, over time it became evident that Wordpress was much 
more powerful and better for our needs.  The website with the bad cert is 
there because if you didn't realize no one is using it. Long story short you 
have no idea who I am. You don't know what I look like. You are just upset 
because you have to watch an ad for 30 seconds. So here is my suggestion, 
don't play 

Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread fiveofeight
Crapware Wardon:

I have a great solution for you.  How about pay and run your own TF2
server, and don't run pinion on it?  That way you have a server that you
can run exactly the way you like, and you know that you will never have to
see  pinion hijackware ever again.  Let the other admins run their
servers the way they want, and run your the way you want, and let people
join whatever server they like the best.
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Viktor Anely
fiveofeight [hyn...@gmail.com] - Wreaks of troll email account 
to me. 

I have a great solution for you.  How about pay and run your own TF2 
server, and don't run pinion on it?  That way you have a server that you can 
exactly the way you like, and you know that you will never have to see  pinion 
hijackware ever again.  Let the other admins run their servers the way they 
want, and run your the way you want, and let people join whatever server they 
like the best.___
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Lyrai
guys how about we stop feeding the goddamn troll like a bunch of ninnies.
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Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

2013-03-31 Thread Ross Bemrose
I don't know about you, but I'm both a server admin (on my own TF2 
servers) and a player (for other game modes not offered by my servers).

As a player, I wouldn't care if the motd were to suddenly vanish.

As a server admin... I still wouldn't care if the motd were to suddenly 
vanish, because the only thing I use it for is a jukebox and that can 
easily be replaced by clients (dun dun dun) listening to their own music.

On 3/31/2013 4:48 AM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

This is SERVER admin list, you come with crap for the USERS which 
shouldn't be here... its a DIFFERENT viewpoint.

Server Owners want:
- being able to show the MOTD for various plugins and MODs and/or 
their community rules, McKay made a nice list of things that would get 
broken if it went down the drain.

Clients want:
- no pinion / unsolicited traffic not related to their game.

The mailing list is for Server Owners, and ofcourse, SPUF is for the 

*From:* Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
*To:* hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
*Sent:* Sunday, 31 March 2013, 4:49
*Subject:* [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD

This is to address the responses from the following badmins...

Asher Baker (asher...@gmail.com mailto:asher...@gmail.com)
Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com mailto:mc...@doctormckay.com)
Russell Smith (ve...@tinylittlerobots.us
1nsane (1nsane...@gmail.com mailto:1nsane...@gmail.com)

Providing links from public forums is not the same as providing
links from corporate press release web sites.  I can understand
how the simple minded might fall for you shenanigans but Valve
simply does not represent itself as doing business with Pinion.
IMHO they would be foolish to do so.

I have been following this mailing list for some time now and have
yet to see any of the above individuals offer anything of value or
help to anyone other than themselves or their self serving
opinions. It would be a great service to the community if they
would remove themselves from this list.

Pinion does nothing to support Valve games and as a matter of fact
they detract from the entertainment value people strive for when
they purchase a game. They are capitalizing and promoted pollution
to the gaming community. If no one can post a better solution to
this issue, I would then welcome the motd removal altogether.

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[hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Harsh Baid
So i have recently heard somewhere that any player slot above 24 causes a
decrease in performance. Is this a myth or in actuality true and if it is,
is it a significant decrease and in what region of performance? Does 32
slots cause more stress on the CPU and or RAM causing the server to lag or
is it something else entirely.
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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Calvin Judy
Slots are just a number, additional players will require additional resources. 
But as far as just increasing the slot count, no you won't see a performance 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Harsh Baid 
  To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
  Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 7:33 PM
  Subject: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

  So i have recently heard somewhere that any player slot above 24 causes a 
decrease in performance. Is this a myth or in actuality true and if it is, is 
it a significant decrease and in what region of performance? Does 32 slots 
cause more stress on the CPU and or RAM causing the server to lag or is it 
something else entirely. 


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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Mr Razzle
The only performance drop is if your hardware can't handle it.  Anything
over 24 slot also displays a warning to the client in their browser.
On Mar 31, 2013 7:02 PM, Calvin Judy rok...@summit-gaming.com wrote:

 Slots are just a number, additional players will require additional
 resources. But as far as just increasing the slot count, no you won't see a
 performance drop.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Harsh Baid harshbai...@gmail.com
 *To:* hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, March 31, 2013 7:33 PM
 *Subject:* [hlds] 32 Slot Server

 So i have recently heard somewhere that any player slot above 24 causes a
 decrease in performance. Is this a myth or in actuality true and if it is,
 is it a significant decrease and in what region of performance? Does 32
 slots cause more stress on the CPU and or RAM causing the server to lag or
 is it something else entirely.


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[hlds] SRCDS query pattern?

2013-03-31 Thread List User
Does anyone know what pattern steam clients use for querying the server 
on the source port?

The dest. port is 27015 of course.

Thank you.

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Re: [hlds] SRCDS query pattern?

2013-03-31 Thread Ryan Stecker
I'm assuming you mean queries to specific servers, rather than the master

In that case, the information you're looking for is documented here:
https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_queries, specifically under

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 7:50 PM, List User l...@redspeedservers.com wrote:

 Does anyone know what pattern steam clients use for querying the server on
 the source port?
 The dest. port is 27015 of course.

 Thank you.

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Re: [hlds] SRCDS query pattern?

2013-03-31 Thread Dave Rosca
You might also check out the source code for Forlix SrcDS Manager or SrcDS
Query: http://forlix.org/ .

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 5:50 PM, List User l...@redspeedservers.com wrote:

 Does anyone know what pattern steam clients use for querying the server on
 the source port?
 The dest. port is 27015 of course.

 Thank you.

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Re: [hlds] SRCDS query pattern?

2013-03-31 Thread List User

When a steam client queries a server it does something like:
udp: 59001 - 27015
I haven't been able to figure out the pattern for selecting the source 
port on the client...

Thank you.

On 3/31/2013 8:54 PM, Dave Rosca wrote:
You might also check out the source code for Forlix SrcDS Manager or 
SrcDS Query: http://forlix.org/ .

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 5:50 PM, List User l...@redspeedservers.com 
mailto:l...@redspeedservers.com wrote:

Does anyone know what pattern steam clients use for querying the
server on the source port?
The dest. port is 27015 of course.

Thank you.

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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Cameron Munroe

Every additional players will cost more in all resources which in
most cases sits on an exponential curve. Think about it this way. When
there is two players all the server has to do is relay the coordinates
of one player to the other, and process anything in between. While with
5 players it has to replay to 4 players. With a full 32 the server has
to relay to 31 other players that 1 players coordinates. This function
is happening all the time, and as such every additional player in going
to have an increasing cost, no matter what they say below. 

however is usually mitigated with newer and faster hardware that can
handle the stress. Though in many cases this can lead to issues on heavy
stress game like Vs. Saxton Hale where at 32 players many players will
receive a buffer overflow because of the magnitude of data being thrown

My suggestion is if you are starting a new server then cap it
at 24, once it become busy enough increase from there until it seems

On 03/31/2013 05:04 PM, Mr Razzle wrote: 

 The only
performance drop is if your hardware can't handle it. Anything over 24
slot also displays a warning to the client in their browser. 
 On Mar
31, 2013 7:02 PM, Calvin Judy rok...@summit-gaming.com wrote:

Slots are just a number, additional players will require additional
resources. But as far as just increasing the slot count, no you won't
see a performance drop. 
 - Original Message - 
Harsh Baid 
 TO: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
 SENT: Sunday, March
31, 2013 7:33 PM 
 SUBJECT: [hlds] 32 Slot Server 
 So i have
recently heard somewhere that any player slot above 24 causes a decrease
in performance. Is this a myth or in actuality true and if it is, is it
a significant decrease and in what region of performance? Does 32 slots
cause more stress on the CPU and or RAM causing the server to lag or is
it something else entirely. 

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Cameron Munroe

Owner and Operator of (G-S.N) 

Computer Tech

http://www.gaming-servers.net [3]

[3] http://www.gaming-servers.net
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Re: [hlds] SRCDS query pattern?

2013-03-31 Thread Dominik Friedrichs

Source ports are selected at random by the OS.

On 2013/04/01 03:44, List User wrote:

When a steam client queries a server it does something like:
udp: 59001 - 27015
I haven't been able to figure out the pattern for selecting the source
port on the client...

Thank you.

On 3/31/2013 8:54 PM, Dave Rosca wrote:

You might also check out the source code for Forlix SrcDS Manager or
SrcDS Query: http://forlix.org/ .

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 5:50 PM, List User l...@redspeedservers.com
mailto:l...@redspeedservers.com wrote:

Does anyone know what pattern steam clients use for querying the
server on the source port?
The dest. port is 27015 of course.

Thank you.

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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Doctor McKay
If you're asking this regarding the warning that pops up in TF2 when
connecting to servers that have  24 slots, the warning isn't displayed due
to server performance. Rather, TF2 is designed to be a 24-player game, and
the maps and such perform best (arguably) with 24 players. It's not that
the server can't handle more players, but that the gameplay changes when
more than 24 players join.

Doctor McKay

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 7:33 PM, Harsh Baid harshbai...@gmail.com wrote:

 So i have recently heard somewhere that any player slot above 24 causes a
 decrease in performance. Is this a myth or in actuality true and if it is,
 is it a significant decrease and in what region of performance? Does 32
 slots cause more stress on the CPU and or RAM causing the server to lag or
 is it something else entirely.

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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Crapware Wardon
In response to... Harsh Baid (harshbai...@gmail.com) Hi Harsh, As you can 
see from the previous response posts from the kids on this mailing list, they 
follow the If you cant dazzle them with footwork baffle them with bullshit 
rule. Of course you will see a performance hit with more players, however 
it will be hardware and network resource dependent as to whether it is 
noticeable to you and your players. There are many other factors as well, such 
as the video and network hardware of your clients. I think you will find that 
it will be impossible to keep everybody happy all of the time. Furthermore 
running an administration add-on such as SourceMod (especially this one due to 
pore/no coding standards) on your server will degrade your users experience 
even further. All that being said you should use trial and error to 
determine what works best for you and your users. You can then select the best 
balance of options for your hosting goals.If you are new around here I 
would also suggest you add email filters for the following badmin/trolls as 
they are known misinformation and spam providers: Doctor McKay 
(mc...@doctormckay.com)Dominik Friedrichs (d...@forlix.org)Cameron Munroe 
(cmun...@cameronmunroe.com)List User (l...@redspeedservers.com)Lyrai 
(lyr...@gmail.com)fiveofeight (hyn...@gmail.com)Mart-Jan Reeuwijk 
(mreeu...@yahoo.com)Brian Simon (bluebriansi...@gmail.com)Eli Witt 
(eliw...@gmail.com)Paul (ubyu@gmail.com)Bjorn Wielens 
(uniac...@yahoo.ca)1nsane (1nsane...@gmail.com)T Marler 
(bloodyi...@shaw.ca)Niko Storni (n...@elite-hunterz.info)Russell Smith 
(ve...@tinylittlerobots.us)Cc2iscooL (cc2isc...@gmail.com)Asher Baker 
(asher...@gmail.com)IBIS Customer Service (ibis.serv...@gmail.com)ics 
(i...@ics-base.net)ElitePowered (elitepowe...@gmail.com)The Supreme Commander 
(thesupremec...@gmail.com)Nomaan Ahmad (n0man@gmail.com)Derek Howard 
(derekdavidhow...@gmail.com)Wander (wander...@gmail.com)Mike Vail 
(supp...@boomgaming.net)c.j...@griffinrun.net phre...@gmail.com 
bloodyi...@shaw.ca wickedplayer...@gmail.com bsr.crazedgun...@gmail.com 
singh...@live.com kmahajani...@gmail.com barreltr...@gmail.com 
jet2the...@gmail.com i...@ics-base.net cmun...@cameronmunroe.com 
wander...@gmail.com evan...@gmail.com I know this list is extensive, but I 
prefer to be comprehensive as opposed to the misinformation provides. Good 
Luck.   ___
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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Crazed Gunman

On 3/31/2013 11:51 PM, Crapware Wardon wrote:

known misinformation and spam providers:
bsr.crazedgun...@gmail.com mailto:bsr.crazedgun...@gmail.com

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While I do not deny my resemblance to that remark, I did note how one of 
the MOST notorious and controversial admin(s) didn't make that list.
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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Cameron Munroe

Hmm, I think I just said that same thing about the server. 

I know you are right on them being badmins/trolls. Last time I checked
ICS has been more helpful then you ever have, and he does that every
week, you? 

Would you like to throw some insults at me now? 

03/31/2013 09:51 PM, Crapware Wardon wrote: 

 In response to...

Harsh Baid (harshbai...@gmail.com)
 Hi Harsh,
 As you can see
from the previous response posts from the kids on this mailing list,
they follow the If you cant dazzle them with footwork baffle them with
bullshit rule.
 Of course you will see a performance hit with more
players, however it will be hardware and network resource dependent as
to whether it is noticeable to you and your players. There are many
other factors as well, such as the video and network hardware of your
clients. I think you will find that it will be impossible to keep
everybody happy all of the time. Furthermore running an administration
add-on such as SourceMod (especially this one due to pore/no coding
standards) on your server will degrade your users experience even
 All that being said you should use trial and error to
determine what works best for you and your users. You can then select
the best balance of options for your hosting goals.
 If you are new
around here I would also suggest you add email filters for the following
badmin/trolls as they are known misinformation and spam providers:

Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com)
 Dominik Friedrichs
 Cameron Munroe (cmun...@cameronmunroe.com)
 List User
 Lyrai (lyr...@gmail.com)
 Mart-Jan Reeuwijk (mreeu...@yahoo.com)
Simon (bluebriansi...@gmail.com)
 Eli Witt (eliw...@gmail.com)
 Bjorn Wielens (uniac...@yahoo.ca)
 T Marler (bloodyi...@shaw.ca)
 Niko Storni
 Russell Smith (ve...@tinylittlerobots.us)

Cc2iscooL (cc2isc...@gmail.com)
 Asher Baker (asher...@gmail.com)

IBIS Customer Service (ibis.serv...@gmail.com)
 ElitePowered (elitepowe...@gmail.com)
 The Supreme
Commander (thesupremec...@gmail.com)
 Nomaan Ahmad
 Derek Howard (derekdavidhow...@gmail.com)

Wander (wander...@gmail.com)
 Mike Vail (supp...@boomgaming.net)





 I know this list is
extensive, but I prefer to be comprehensive as opposed to the
misinformation provides.
 Good Luck. 

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your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:

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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Cameron Munroe

Edit, oops I mean aren't 

On 03/31/2013 10:37 PM, Cameron Munroe

 Hmm, I think I just said that same thing about the server. 

 Though I know you AREN'T right on them being badmins/trolls. Last
time I checked ICS has been more helpful then you ever have, and he does
that every week, you? 
 Would you like to throw some insults at me
 On 03/31/2013 09:51 PM, Crapware Wardon wrote: 
response to...
 Harsh Baid (harshbai...@gmail.com)
 As you can see from the previous response posts from the
kids on this mailing list, they follow the If you cant dazzle them with
footwork baffle them with bullshit rule.
 Of course you will see
a performance hit with more players, however it will be hardware and
network resource dependent as to whether it is noticeable to you and
your players. There are many other factors as well, such as the video
and network hardware of your clients. I think you will find that it will
be impossible to keep everybody happy all of the time. Furthermore
running an administration add-on such as SourceMod (especially this one
due to pore/no coding standards) on your server will degrade your users
experience even further.
 All that being said you should use trial
and error to determine what works best for you and your users. You can
then select the best balance of options for your hosting goals.

If you are new around here I would also suggest you add email filters
for the following badmin/trolls as they are known misinformation and
spam providers:
 Doctor McKay (mc...@doctormckay.com)
Friedrichs (d...@forlix.org)
 Cameron Munroe
 List User (l...@redspeedservers.com)

Lyrai (lyr...@gmail.com)
 fiveofeight (hyn...@gmail.com)
Reeuwijk (mreeu...@yahoo.com)
 Brian Simon
 Eli Witt (eliw...@gmail.com)
 Bjorn Wielens (uniac...@yahoo.ca)
 T Marler (bloodyi...@shaw.ca)
 Niko Storni
 Russell Smith
 Cc2iscooL (cc2isc...@gmail.com)
Baker (asher...@gmail.com)
 IBIS Customer Service
 ics (i...@ics-base.net)
 The Supreme Commander
 Nomaan Ahmad (n0man@gmail.com)

Derek Howard (derekdavidhow...@gmail.com)
 Mike Vail (supp...@boomgaming.net)






 I know this list is extensive, but I prefer to
be comprehensive as opposed to the misinformation provides.
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please visit:

https://list.valvesoftware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hlds [1]

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your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:


Cameron Munroe

Owner and Operator of (G-S.N) 

Computer Tech

http://www.gaming-servers.net [3]

[3] http://www.gaming-servers.net
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