Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 dedicated server not logged in

2015-07-07 Thread Jesse Molina

If anyone at Valve is listening, it might be appropriate to printf a 
warning if certain commands are used in server.cfg which should only be 
in autoexec.cfg, or vice-versa. Alternatively, add this to the data 
which the cvarlist command spits out.

There really needs to be a document which indicates which server 
commands should be in autoexec.cfg, and which should be in server.cfg. 
Most online howto docs and config guides never mention autoexec.cfg.

On 7/6/15 9:57, Emil Larsson wrote:

For anyone who dosen't know, autoexec.cfg is the very first thing read at
startup, while server.cfg is read between every map change (including when
the first level that loads on the server).

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[hlds_linux] Dear Valve: Feature request regarding _restart

2015-06-29 Thread Jesse Molina

Dear Valve

I've written my own Linux server manager tool which acts as a 
replacement for the srcds_run script, and a number of server admins use 
it to manage their servers.

Recently I had a user ask me why the _restart console command caused 
the server to quit instead of restart.

The answer is that _restart on the console is, as far as I can tell, 
identical to the quit command. In both instances, the srcds_linux 
server shuts down and quits with exit code 0.

I would like to make a feature request. Please make the _restart 
console command quit with a specific exit code to indicate to the parent 
process that it should be restarted.

Alternatively, create a new console command which causes the server to 
quit with a specific exit code.

Just to be clear: This exit code would specifically be reserved as a 
signal to the parent process that the server process should be 
restarted. It should not be interpreted as being a crash or an otherwise 
unexpected event.

One way or another, there needs to be a differentiation between the 
quit and _restart commands.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Crash/hang on quit

2015-06-14 Thread Jesse Molina

srcds_linux did this for years between something like 2009 and 2012. 
That's just a guess, I don't exactly remember the time frame.

You should not expect srcds_linux to quit like it should. It is not a 
very well behaved bit of software.

On 6/14/15 1:15, Yun Huang Yong wrote:
Since the most recent update it seems that the server crashes (and 
hangs) on quit.

This is on a stock (no MetaMod, no SourceMod) server:

L 06/14/2015 - 18:12:07: server_message: quit
L 06/14/2015 - 18:12:07: Log file closed.
L 06/14/2015 - 18:12:07: server_message: restart
(3997) : Assertion Failed: CFileWriterThread: pending file writer 
Assert( Assertion Failed: CFileWriterThread: pending file writer 

Not sure if I'm reading this right but it appears that the log file is 
closed, then something is issuing a restart but with the log file 
already closed the server then crashes into a hung state.

The process never exits as it appears to then get stuck somewhere in 
the minidump:

assert_20150614181208_15.dmp[17942]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
Bad thread 
(1416) : Assertion Failed: Thread synchronization object is unuseable
Bad thread localassert_20150614181208_15.dmp[17942]: Finished 
uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
assert_20150614181208_15.dmp[17942]: response: 
assert_20150614181208_15.dmp[17942]: file 
''/tmp/dumps/assert_20150614181208_15.dmp'', upload yes: 

Apparently successful but process still never exits.

Anyone else get this behaviour?

It makes it awkward to exit/restart the server gracefully - I pretty 
much have to kill the process.


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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] TF2 server.cfg motdfile not being respected?

2015-06-02 Thread Jesse Molina

That would be a good explanation for the behavior I've seen. Thanks!

Solution: Move motdfile options to autoexec.cfg

On 6/2/15 18:54, Ross Bemrose wrote:

Is it really new or are you just now noticing it?

Hint: It's the latter.

motdfile and motdfile_text don't take effect until the map change 
after you set them.

Which means they don't get set for the first map if you set them in 
server.cfg, because server.cfg gets executed after the map change.

If you want to set them before the first map, you need to do so in 
autoexec.cfg, the server's startup line, or in a file that you +exec 
from the startup line (also useful for sv_setsteamaccount).

On 6/2/2015 9:35 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

Hi all

I am using a nonstandard filename for motdfile, but it is not being 
respected. It is also notable that my motdfile_text is also not being 
respected in the same way, but that's the same issue.

My server.cfg has the following line:

motdfile motd.html

And then, that file has a single-line http:// reference to the real 

This is on a test server, so I have a lot of room to mess around. 
I've replaced the entire server.cfg and removed the addons folder to 
no effect. I don't think I am doing anything else funny which might 
be related to this issue.

It is notable that despite the above command in server.cfg, the 
server console says:

Set motd from file 'cfg/motd.txt'

But if I type motdfile to see what the current setting is, it says:

motdfile = motd.html ( def. motd.txt )

So, the command was evaluated by the server, but isn't being 
respected for some reason.

This is on Linux FYI.

I know that this was working yesterday, because I was working on a 
MOTD then. Now, today, after the update, it's not working. Is this 
something broken today, or did I just not notice this behavior before?

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] TF2 server.cfg motdfile not being respected?

2015-06-02 Thread Jesse Molina

While we are on the topic and I have some attention, are there any other 
commands which behave in a similar manner? That they require a map 
change to take effect.

I can think of tf_birthday and tf_medieval.

On 6/2/15 18:54, Ross Bemrose wrote:

motdfile and motdfile_text don't take effect until the map change 
after you set them.

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[hlds_linux] TF2 server.cfg motdfile not being respected?

2015-06-02 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi all

I am using a nonstandard filename for motdfile, but it is not being 
respected. It is also notable that my motdfile_text is also not being 
respected in the same way, but that's the same issue.

My server.cfg has the following line:

motdfile motd.html

And then, that file has a single-line http:// reference to the real MOTD.

This is on a test server, so I have a lot of room to mess around. I've 
replaced the entire server.cfg and removed the addons folder to no 
effect. I don't think I am doing anything else funny which might be 
related to this issue.

It is notable that despite the above command in server.cfg, the server 
console says:

Set motd from file 'cfg/motd.txt'

But if I type motdfile to see what the current setting is, it says:

motdfile = motd.html ( def. motd.txt )

So, the command was evaluated by the server, but isn't being respected 
for some reason.

This is on Linux FYI.

I know that this was working yesterday, because I was working on a MOTD 
then. Now, today, after the update, it's not working. Is this something 
broken today, or did I just not notice this behavior before?

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Re: [hlds_linux] IGameServersService returns empty JSON

2015-05-25 Thread Jesse Molina


I just wrote a post about this a few days ago when I was doing something 
similar. Go see those messages for additional background if you can find 

Are you sure the account is no longer limited?

Despite what valve currently says about Limited User accounts, simply 
having $5 USD in your wallet is NOT sufficient. You need to SPEND some 
of that wallet money. Just buy a MvM ticket, key, or something. That 
should do it. You will even get a pop-up notification in TF2 indicating 
that your account is no longer lame and limited.

Good luck

On 5/25/15 9:28, Evaldas wrote:


Tonight I've created account, added 5 euros. Now it's unlimited.
Anyway when I try:

curl -X POST -d appid=300key=*

Response is empty JSON. But when I try with my personal account, 
everything works. Maybe it requires time to work?

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Limited User Accounts cl_gameserver_create_identity

2015-05-15 Thread Jesse Molina

Thanks for your testing Peter.  I guess I will go spend that $5.00 on 
keys, MvM tickets, or something.

FYI Valve's page on Limited User Accounts specifically says that having 
the $5.00 in your wallet *should* make the account no longer Limited.

On 5/15/15 0:16, Peter Jerde wrote:

I just tested this on an alt account I had loaded $5 on a long time ago. The account 
wasn’t limited and could send friend requests, etc, but in TF2 I got Your 
Steam account doesn't have rights to create game server accounts”

Then I spent that $5 from the steam wallet in the mannco store buying two keys, 
thus upgrading that account’s TF2 to premium. That did the trick! Right away 
that account could create gameserver identities.

So it seems buying a mannco item is a possible requirement for 

  - Peter
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[hlds_linux] Limited User Accounts cl_gameserver_create_identity

2015-05-14 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi all

Today I set up a new Steam user account specifically for creating 
Gameserver accounts (TF2 Quickplay and Fav Migrations). That way, they 
are not associated with my personal account and can be used/shared by 
other admins in my community who may need to add a new account.

However, I am not able to do this due to the relative new Limited User 
Account restrictions put in place.

When I issue the command cl_gameserver_create_identity, I get the 
following reply:

Request to create a game server account sent--please wait.
Unable to create a game server account attached to your Steam 
Your Steam account doesn't have rights to create game server 

Okay, so I took out my credit card and put $5.00 USD into the wallet of 
this new user, but that still was not enough to create game server accounts.

Now what Valve? There must be some other additional undocumented 
restrictions to creating Gameserver accounts.

The email address on this account has been verified and you now have a 
valid credit card, but that still isn't enough. What do I need to do?

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[hlds_linux] Steamcmd not multi-user safe, /dev/shm/(null)-ValveIPCSharedObjects5

2015-04-29 Thread Jesse Molina

Today I discovered SteamCMD on Linux is not multi-user safe on the same 
host, even when being run under different accounts.

These two user accounts, via cron, both tried to run SteamCMD at the 
same time today and one of them failed.

It appears that both tried to use the file 
/dev/shm/(null)-ValveIPCSharedObjects5 at the same time.

(null) is probably supposed to be a username, but it wasn't.

SteamCMD running command:
  nice -n 11 ionice -c 2 -n 6 /home/user2/bin/steamcmd/ 
+@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +login anonymous +force_install_dir 
/home/user2/srcds/tf2-MASTER/ +app_update 232250 +exit

Redirecting stderr to '/home/user2/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[] Download complete.
[] Installing update...
[] Extracting package...
[] Extracting package...
[] Extracting package...
[] Installing update...
[] Installing update...
[] Installing update...
[] Cleaning up...
[] Update complete, launching Steam...
Redirecting stderr to '/home/user2/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...Process 26634 failed to shm_open 

@ShutdownOnFailedCommand = 1
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for license info.../home/user2/bin/steamcmd/ line 
35: 26634 Segmentation fault  $DEBUGGER $STEAMEXE $@

SteamCMD exit code: 139

user@host--ls /dev/shm/
total 1.6M
drwxrwxrwt  2 root root  160 Apr 29 19:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 root root 1020 Apr 29 05:30 ..
-rwxrwx---  1 user1user17.5K Apr 29 19:05 user1-Shm_721377
-rwxrwx---  1 user1user1512K Apr  2 14:43 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user1user1512K Apr 23 17:12 

-rwxr-  1 user2user27.5K Apr 29 19:04 user2-Shm_721377
-rwxr-  1 user2user2512K Apr  3 00:28 

-rw-r--r--  1 root root0 Mar 26 14:47 .tmpfs

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[hlds_linux] Enabling automatic updates for server admins via the UpToDateCheck URL

2015-04-16 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi Jared

I am the author of a linux-based management tool for srcds servers 
called wrench.  If you ever make your game server Linux compatible, I 
will look into adding support for it with my tool.

I have not seen any info about automatic updates yet, so I wanted to 
make sure you are aware how some of srcds-based (TF2, CSGO, etc) game 
servers allow for automatic updates by tool authors like myself.

Steam has their WebAPI which allows polling of information of certain 
properties for each AppID.  One of them is UpToDateCheck.

For example, for TF2, I can poll the following URL to find out if there 
is a client/server update:

The required_version is currently 2698188. Each time Valve issues an 
update for TF2 servers, this field gets updated. When that happens, my 
tool automatically uses SteamCMD to shut down servers, update them, them 
start again.

For FK2, you have the following:

Killing Floor 2 Client AppID: 232090
Killing Floor 2 Server AppID: 232130

Thus your Client info URL is:

And the Server info URL is:

I see that you have these enabled, but it looks like you are not 
currently updating these fields with each release and just some 
placeholder data in there.

It would be very helpful to us tool authors to have this field 
maintained during the release cycle, and be a checklist item during the 
release of server and client updates. Simply increment this version on 
each release, and our tools can automatically determine if an update has 
been released and we can enable server automatic updates as necessary.

Thanks for your attention.

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

2014-09-13 Thread Jesse Molina

On 9/10/14 14:09, Eric Smith wrote:

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version number is 2395700.

Just for the record, my auto updater failed on this update this week, 
and I got two additional reports of the same. The depot servers had the 
update, but the steam.inf file had apparently not been updated, 
resulting in post-check verification failing for my wrench script.

ERROR: Post-updater version check failed on try 3. Will not try again.

The solution was to simply mark the master install as updatable again 
(wrench reconfig tf2-MASTER) and then update it manually or let the auto 
updater do it's thing.

My guess is cause was likely manual error by a Valve employee, who 
failed to update the steam.inf file and then later fixed it.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Multiple SRCDS Instances don't list on Steam's Server Browser

2014-08-27 Thread Jesse Molina

Possibly not related, but you need to be using -ip, not +ip.

Also, the +map command may need to be the last argument in the command 
line.  Better yet, put it into your autoexec.cfg instead.

On 8/27/14, 13:22, Jeff Nelson wrote:

I've been out of pocket for a while and I was able to finally test.

The problem has been narrowed down to specifying the IP in the srcds
startup command.
If I use: ./srcds_run -console -game tf +map ctf_well +maxplayers 24 +ip

The game server is running, live and available to connect, but it doesn't
appear in the server browser for LAN games.
If I paste this exact command into a windows box, it does work.

Performing a test on the linux servers using: lsof -i -n -a -p $GAMESERVPID,
shows me the following:
srcds_lin 7645 root   22u  IPv4 266289  0t0  UDP
srcds_lin 7645 root   23u  IPv4 266290  0t0  UDP
srcds_lin 7645 root   24u  IPv4 266291  0t0  UDP
srcds_lin 7645 root   25u  IPv4 266292  0t0  TCP
srcds_lin 7645 root   35u  IPv4 266092  0t0  UDP

This indicates to me that the srcds program is properly bonding to the
specified IP in the startup command. But for some reason isn't broadcasting
itself to the server browser.

If I run the following srcds command:
./srcds_run -console -game tf +map ctf_well +maxplayers 24
*Note that no IP is specified for srcds to bond to...

The server does appear in the browser. Performing a similar port look-up I
srcds_lin 7689 root   22u  IPv4 273770  0t0  UDP *:27015
srcds_lin 7689 root   23u  IPv4 273771  0t0  UDP *:27005
srcds_lin 7689 root   24u  IPv4 273772  0t0  UDP *:27020
srcds_lin 7689 root   25u  IPv4 273776  0t0  TCP *:27015 (LISTEN)
srcds_lin 7689 root   35u  IPv4 274580  0t0  UDP *:26901

In this case, the srcds instance is bonding to the available IP on the
server, but when this happens, broadcast traffic is allowed.

Is there anything else I can try or suggestions anyone else has?
Thanks for the help!

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

Do all three servers stop appearing in the server browser, or only one or
two of them?

Verify that your servers are not actually tripping all over themselves
without your knowledge, and that they are binding to the sockets which you
think they should be:

lsof -i -n -a -p $GAMESERVPID

Do this for each server and find out what network resources it is using.

It should be noted that CSGO currently has a problem where it globs onto *
for certain sockets EVEN when you specifically assign it to a particular
IP. This bug has been noted many times on this mailing list now.

I can't think of anything with SELinux that might be causing you a
problem, and I don't know if it is enabled by default on Suse, but you
might want to disable it and see if that has any effect.

Good luck

On 2/18/14, 23:46, Jeff Nelson wrote:

We are experiencing an issue where if we run multiple SRCDS instances on
the same linux server, on the same subnet, bounded to specific IP
addresses, they will not appear in the server browser. (This bug doesn't
appear when using a Windows server, Linux only.)

OpenSuse 13.1 x64 (Kernal: 3.11.6-4-default)
We have also tried this on CentOS and RedHat, still no dice.
We have 3 IP addresses assigned to one server using the same broadcast

Startup Scripting:

*./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 10 +ip -port 27015 +exec server.cfg*
*./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 10 +ip -port 27015 +exec server.cfg*
*./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 10 +ip -port 27015 +exec server.cfg*

The servers run and startup correctly - no errors. I am able to connect to
all of them using the in-game console; however, they are not present when
using the Steam server browser under the LAN tab.
I have contacted Steam support with a possible Steam client issue but they
replied stating that it wasn't a client issue.

If I run these servers inside a virtual machine, like XEN or VMWARE, where
each guest VM has a single IP address assigned to it, running one SRCDS
instance per guest, this problem goes away.
I am able to run each server on the same subnet and broadcast networks and
they will appear in the server browser. This only occurs when multiple
SRCDS instances run on the same server where specific IP addresses are

Additional Notes:
This problem doesn't occur on Windows servers. Changing the ./srcds_run to
srcds.exe (leaving the rest of the commands as is), I am able to view all
those servers above from the server browser.
In the same scenario, we have 3 LAN IP addresses assigned to the Windows
server, and the srcds instances are assigned IP addresses

Re: [hlds_linux] Purpose of -steamport command

2014-07-24 Thread Jesse Molina

Unless I am mistaken, that's an ephemeral port, in that it's used for 
outbound traffic only.  So, I don't think you need to explicitly allow 
inbound traffic to it, as long as you have a stateful firewall.

I believe that is true of both CLIENTPORT (+clientport) and STEAMPORT 
(-steamport).  Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here.

No, it isn't documented anywhere.

The only ports you need to allow inbound are HOSTPORT (+hostport) on 
UDP, and then TCP if you want RCON, and TVPORT (+tv_port) if you want 
Source TV to work (probably not).  REPLAYPORT isn't even used on TF2 
anymore and I'll remove it from wrench in the future.

Whatever your assign to STEAMPORT, the server will use N+1, because bugs.

On 7/24/14, 2:25, Thibaud Van Hissenhoven wrote:

Hi guys,

I just got into srcds and set up my first cloud server using Mr Molina's
great wrench tool. Now that my vanilla L4D2 server is running, I was busy
configuring the firewall to allow clients to connect. I noticed the server
is accepting connections on port 26006 (opposed to -steamport 26005 set in
the arguments), on the developer wiki I couldn't find what this port is
used for. Do any of you have experience with this?
The srcds is listening for connections here right, so I should open the
port in the firewall?


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Re: [hlds_linux] Purpose of -steamport command

2014-07-24 Thread Jesse Molina

Remember that srcds was written for Windows, and on Windows, 26000 
actually is in the ephemeral port range, because Microsoft.

Why Valve thought it was appropriate to run their servers in the 
ephemeral range?  Because potato.

On 7/24/14, 3:27, Jesse Molina wrote:

Unless I am mistaken, that's an ephemeral port, in that it's used 
for outbound traffic only.  So, I don't think you need to explicitly 
allow inbound traffic to it, as long as you have a stateful firewall.

I believe that is true of both CLIENTPORT (+clientport) and STEAMPORT 
(-steamport).  Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here.

No, it isn't documented anywhere.

The only ports you need to allow inbound are HOSTPORT (+hostport) on 
UDP, and then TCP if you want RCON, and TVPORT (+tv_port) if you want 
Source TV to work (probably not).  REPLAYPORT isn't even used on TF2 
anymore and I'll remove it from wrench in the future.

Whatever your assign to STEAMPORT, the server will use N+1, because bugs.

On 7/24/14, 2:25, Thibaud Van Hissenhoven wrote:

Hi guys,

I just got into srcds and set up my first cloud server using Mr Molina's
great wrench tool. Now that my vanilla L4D2 server is running, I was 
configuring the firewall to allow clients to connect. I noticed the 
is accepting connections on port 26006 (opposed to -steamport 26005 
set in

the arguments), on the developer wiki I couldn't find what this port is
used for. Do any of you have experience with this?
The srcds is listening for connections here right, so I should open the
port in the firewall?


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Re: [hlds_linux] Offtopic sort of: Server deployment tools

2014-07-09 Thread Jesse Molina

It depends on what he means by shared.  Since he's speaking about 
hosting services I assume he means multiple server owner/operators on 
shared resources (hosts).  This probably means a single management 
interface with multiple hosts on the back end and at least 
semi-automated service provisioning.

Wrench isn't for that kind of thing, though it's public domain and you 
are free to use it as an example for how to do some simple things like 
new installs, starts, stops, automatic updates, crash 
recovery/watchdogging, etc. It doesn't do any kind of configuration 
though (server.cfg).

wrench is a command line tool, and in a service hosting environment, I 
imagine you would not want to give your customers shell access, or even 
console access since once you have console and the right mod plugin you 
could execute a shell. Wrench is for when you own the host via hardware 
or VPS and want to run one or more srcds games on it. It does not have a 
pointy clicky web UI, nor does it handle multiple hosts.

Google for srcds web control panel. There are definitely some 
commercial options out there, and some open source stuff too.

On 7/9/14, 1:01, Erik-jan Riemers wrote:

You mean something like wrench?

2014-07-09 7:38 GMT+02:00 Weasels Lair

Not sure what you mean by shared.  But, as far as automated deployments
go, assuming its a Linux-based server it is probably not hard to script
with bash.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Tyler Schwend

Do any of you use any software for deploying shared HLDS servers
on-demand? I'm curious whether server rental companies write their
deployment tools from scratch or if there are packages out there for this

Im working on something and would like to avoid reinventing that portion
of the wheel.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Offtopic sort of: Server deployment tools

2014-07-09 Thread Jesse Molina

Yea, try wrench;

It supports TF2, CSS, CSGO, L4D, L4D2, HL2DM, and FoF.

It does symlinking like you want with a single real installation and 
each linked installation gets it's own directory structure like it was a 
a real installation.

On 7/9/14, 11:24, Tyler Schwend wrote:

One beefy server hosting multiple instances of TF2, CS:GO, or even
other-engine games. I've been putting together something for TF2
specifically that deploys a bunch of symlinks and then a custom config
for each instance, but I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel, and I'd
like to support other games.

I'll check out Wrench and the control panel stuff you've mentioned.

On Wed, 2014-07-09 at 04:22 -0700, Jesse Molina wrote:

It depends on what he means by shared.  Since he's speaking about
hosting services I assume he means multiple server owner/operators on

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[hlds_linux] SteamCMD HTTP Remote Control

2014-07-04 Thread Jesse Molina

Dear Valve.

Explain why SteamCMD has started a remote control daemon on my computer during 
a SteamCMD update.

Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam3...[HTTP Remote Control] Wrote private key to 
[HTTP Remote Control] Wrote certificate to remoteui/certs/https.pem
[HTTP Remote Control] HTTP server listening on port 27037.


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[hlds_linux] SteamCMD update failed, but quit with exit 0?

2014-06-30 Thread Jesse Molina

Today the game Fistful of Frags published a server update. I have a 
script which automatically looks for the UpToDateCheck URL and starts a 
SteamCMD update if the version on the steam.inf file does not match the 
version on the UpToDateCheck URL.

My script also does a post-update version check where these versions are 
verified again. If they are still different, SteamCMD will be called 
again, up to three times before it gives up.

That happened today for the first time since I've been using this system.

Either SteamCMD failed to update correctly, or the steam.inf file in the 
depot that I downloaded from the first time was wrong. Maybe the 
publisher (R_Yell) did a quick change after he noticed the version he 
published the first time was wrong?  I don't know.

For the purposes of improving my script, I would be interested in 
knowing from Valve, or someone knowledgeable in this area, what the 
possibilities are here.  Did SteamCMD really fail to update these files, 
or perhaps did the publisher do a quick update on just the steam.inf 
file without rolling the version on the UpToDateCheck URL?

Below is a copy of the relevant portion of my update log.


Updating with SteamCMD

Updating with command:
  nice -n 11 ionice -c 2 -n 6 /home/username/bin/steamcmd/ 
+@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +login anonymous +force_install_dir 
/home/username/srcds/fof-MASTER/ +app_update 295230 +exit

Redirecting stderr to '/home/username/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam3...OK.
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand = 1

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.
 Initial App state (0x6) installed
 App state (0x10106) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 App state (0x300506) downloading, progress: 0.00 (0 / 61688349)
 App state (0x300506) downloading, progress: 37.50 (23132553 / 61688349)
 App state (0x300506) downloading, progress: 69.40 (42813959 / 61688349)
 App state (0x300506) downloading, progress: 96.60 (59591197 / 61688349)
 App state (0x300506) downloading, progress: 96.60 (59591197 / 61688349)
 App state (0x300506) downloading, progress: 100.00 (18067200 / 18067200)
Success! App '295230' fully installed.

Updater exit code 0.

SteamCMD completed successfully.

Post-update version check result: FAIL
  Try 1 failed, will try again in 15 seconds.

Updating with SteamCMD

Updating with command:
  nice -n 11 ionice -c 2 -n 6 /home/username/bin/steamcmd/ 
+@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +login anonymous +force_install_dir 
/home/username/srcds/fof-MASTER/ +app_update 295230 +exit

Redirecting stderr to '/home/username/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam3...OK.
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand = 1

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.
Success! App '295230' already up to date.

Updater exit code 0.

SteamCMD completed successfully.

Post-update version check result: Success

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Re: [hlds_linux] FoF issue

2014-06-16 Thread Jesse Molina

Yep. This is correct.

RYell seriously needs to do away with that default server.cfg thing.  
sv_pure is in there... among other invalid commands.

On 6/16/14, 11:49, David Parker wrote:

Hi Saint K,

Do you perhaps have different server configs on these servers?  On my FoF
server, sv_pure and sv_pure_kick_clients were both set to 1 in the
default server.cfg file.  I had to comment them out in the config and
specify them as +sv_pure 1 +sv_pure_kick_clients 1 on the SRCDS command
line in order to get the server to start.

sv_client_interpolate is also set to 1 in the default server.cfg and I
did not change that, but it doesn't seem to be causing any problems for me.

 - Dave

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Saint K. wrote:


I have an issues on one of our FoF servers after the last update. It keeps
spamming the logs below. It constantly creates a log file and then it
closes it again, and repeats that until the end of days and it refuses to

Another server is working without issues.

Anyone have any idea how to fix this? I am not sure where the sv_pure mode
message comes from. Sv_pure is not specified in any cfg file.


Saint K.

sv_pure must be specified on the command line to function properly.
sv_pure mode not changed
Unknown command sv_client_interpolate
Server logging enabled.
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0616057.log
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file started (file logs/L0616057.log) (game
/home/fof/fof) (version 0)
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.

sv_pure must be specified on the command line to function properly.
sv_pure mode not changed
Unknown command sv_client_interpolate
Server logging enabled.
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0616058.log
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file started (file logs/L0616058.log) (game
/home/fof/fof) (version 0)
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.

sv_pure must be specified on the command line to function properly.
sv_pure mode not changed
Unknown command sv_client_interpolate
Server logging enabled.
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0616059.log
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file started (file logs/L0616059.log) (game
/home/fof/fof) (version 0)
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.

sv_pure must be specified on the command line to function properly.
sv_pure mode not changed
Unknown command sv_client_interpolate
Server logging enabled.
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0616060.log
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file started (file logs/L0616060.log) (game
/home/fof/fof) (version 0)
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.

sv_pure must be specified on the command line to function properly.
sv_pure mode not changed
Unknown command sv_client_interpolate
Server logging enabled.
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0616061.log
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file started (file logs/L0616061.log) (game
/home/fof/fof) (version 0)
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.

sv_pure must be specified on the command line to function properly.
sv_pure mode not changed
Unknown command sv_client_interpolate
Server logging enabled.
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0616062.log
L 06/16/2014 - 17:20:15: Log file started (file logs/L0616062.log) (game
/home/fof/fof) (version 0)
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.

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[hlds_linux] wrench v1.17: a Linux command-line srcds control manager

2014-06-16 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi everyone

I just put out a new version of my wrench script.

There are some major changes.

The old version had serious problems. Lots of people had trouble getting 
it working.  Most of these issues have been fixed... except for you 
CentOS 6.5 users. Yer screwed.

If you are using the old version, don't upgrade yet. I need to write a 
script to covert the database. If you need this, please contact me directly.

The new wrench has a built-in srcds_run replacement called wrench_run. 
By default it will monitor the server, and if it fails to reply to too 
many network queries, it will assume the process has seized up and 
automatically restart it. It's also smart enough to stop the server if 
it crashes too often.

wrench will also now dump a log of it's console when a crash occurs. 
Lots of other crash-handling related stuff; crash email notification, etc.

If you try it out and have problems, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

wrench script


bash-autocompletion script (makes tab-completion work)

wget -O- | dos2unix  wrench
wget -O- | dos2unix  
wget -O- | dos2unix  

Notable features:

wrench takes care of your installations from first-time 
install, startup, updates, stops, reconfiguration, all the way to 
wrench was designed for maintaining multiple srcds 
installations on a single host.
Mandatory symbolically linked installations. All servers are 
linked servers.

Linked installations use master installations as their reference.
For each game type, you only need to download updates once, 
instead of N* the number of servers you have installed.
New installations take seconds to create once a master has been 
installed, because nothing needs to be downloaded.
Linked installations require dramatically less filesystem space 
than standard installations and are easier to backup and move around.

Fully automatic updates for all installed srcds server types.
Automatic update management of each linked installation, 
including warning users and restarting each installation after an 

wrench uses tmux as a terminal multiplexer instead of screen.
wrench can start and stop all of your srcds installations in a 
single command.
wrench keeps configuration about each game type and server 
installation in a tiny SQLite database.
wrench has an autocleanup function to clean up old replay 
files, logs, download cache, and more.

wrench includes a srcds_run replacement called wrench_run mode.
wrench_run features crash notifications by email, automatic 
crash restarts, and a watchdog process which will restart hung/frozen 
wrench_run will automatically stop a server if it crashes too 
much, to protect your host from runaway crash-restarts.

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[hlds_linux] Need help crashing my own server on purpose

2014-06-09 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi everyone

I am testing a crash recovery system on my srcds control system, and I 
need a way to purposefully and reliably seize up my server.  I don't 
want it to exit; that's easy to do.  I want it to seize up, like a spinlock.

FYI, doing cast_ray on the console causes a nice segfault, 7068 
Segmentation fault, exit code 139.

The killserver command is close. It is like a quit, but the server 
doesn't exit. Seems like part of the engine is shutting down, but I 
suspect it might be possible to start it back up again since it's still 
taking commands on the console.

I can do some external stuff, like hitting memory, attaching gdb, etc, 
but I'd like to know of an internal command that causes some spectacular 
CPU usage.  Something that only a kill -9 is going to fix.

This can be on any of TF2, CSS, CSGO, L4D1/2, HLDM, or FoF.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Re: [hlds_linux] wrench: a Linux command-line srcds control manager

2014-05-20 Thread Jesse Molina

If anyone out there is using my script, you will want to grab the new 
version. I discovered an ugly bug that was causing the wrong servers to 
be shut down during an update. Basically, it was shutting down ALL 
servers, instead of just servers belonging to a particular game type. 
Then, it wasn't restarting them after the update. Other bug fixes and 
improvements too.

On 3/19/14, 23:43, Jesse Molina wrote:

Below is a srcds manager script that I've been using for awhile now to 
take care of my srcds installations. I figure someone else might find 
it useful.

It is a bash script. Linux only, no Windows.

wrench script


Readme file

Sample DB

Download like so:

wget -O
wget -O wrench_README.txt

Notable features:

Does starts, stops, restarts, updates, etc.

Symlinked installs and a single master installation for each game type.

Automatic updates for all installed srcds server types.

Uses tmux instead of screen.

Keeps config info in a little SQLite database. (no complicated SQL 
server install needed)

It's convoluted, but it works for me.

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 15)

2014-05-16 Thread Jesse Molina

I'll go look at it again. Could be something wrong with me and my 
config.  Thx for your report.

On 5/14/14, 18:16, Weasels Lair wrote:
I finally got-around to trying this on my FoF server's today.  I was 
able to generate 4 different tokens (one for each server instance) 
using the AppID (of the FoF *client*), and then put them into my 
autoexec.cfg file.

Everything seems to be working fine.  I have not actually done an IP 
or port change to see if it gets tracked / update on the client.  But, 
it is definately not causing my server to not function, etc.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

The command was valid, so the FoF engine seems to know what to do
with it, and my token was registered about 48 hours before I
started using it. However, it seems to be breaking Steam login for
the server.

On 5/14/14, 9:16, Nicholas Hastings wrote:

It's built into the engine. Mod code doesn't touch it. I
believe that the 2013 SDK Base was last updated after it was
added, so it should be there.

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 15)

2014-05-14 Thread Jesse Molina

The command was valid, so the FoF engine seems to know what to do with 
it, and my token was registered about 48 hours before I started using 
it. However, it seems to be breaking Steam login for the server.

On 5/14/14, 9:16, Nicholas Hastings wrote:
It's built into the engine. Mod code doesn't touch it. I believe that 
the 2013 SDK Base was last updated after it was added, so it should be 

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[hlds_linux] Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 15)

2014-05-13 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi all

I set up a new Fistful of Frags server yesterday and it is generally 
working, but it isn't listing in the server directory, and I am getting 
the following error message after startup:

Could not establish connection to Steam servers.  (Result = 15)
Could not establish connection to Steam servers.  (Result = 15)

Does anyone know what error code 15 is?

My situation is slightly peculiar in that my host has multiple IPs and I 
load many srcds servers onto a single IP across many different ports. I 
also have a complicated firewall setup which could be the cause. 
However, I have multiple other TF2, CSGO, CSS, HL2DM and L4D2 servers on 
this host which don't have any similar problem.

I need to do a tcpdump and see if FoF is trying to do something naughty, 
like binding to the wrong IP for some ephemeral connection.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 15)

2014-05-13 Thread Jesse Molina

Nevermind. My sv_setsteamaccount token was invalid, though I don't yet 
know why.

On 5/13/14, 17:36, Jesse Molina wrote:

Hi all

I set up a new Fistful of Frags server yesterday and it is generally 
working, but it isn't listing in the server directory, and I am 
getting the following error message after startup:

Could not establish connection to Steam servers.  (Result = 15)
Could not establish connection to Steam servers.  (Result = 15)

Does anyone know what error code 15 is?

My situation is slightly peculiar in that my host has multiple IPs and 
I load many srcds servers onto a single IP across many different 
ports. I also have a complicated firewall setup which could be the 
cause. However, I have multiple other TF2, CSGO, CSS, HL2DM and L4D2 
servers on this host which don't have any similar problem.

I need to do a tcpdump and see if FoF is trying to do something 
naughty, like binding to the wrong IP for some ephemeral connection.

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[hlds_linux] FYI: Fistful of Frags, steam_appid.txt problems

2014-05-11 Thread Jesse Molina

I tried to set up a FoF server last night and was having problems.

I was getting these errors, and was unable to connect to the server from 
my client.

STEAM validation rejected

S3: Client connected with ticket for the wrong game: UserID: 2
S3: Client connected with ticket for the wrong game: UserID: 2

This appears to be some nonsense with the default steam_appid.txt 
(server APPID) in the root of the installation.  There is also a 
fof/steam_appid.txt (client APPID) file, but that file is fine.

fof/steam_appid.txt has no end-of-line, and the server steam_appid.txt 
has a DOS end-of-line.

I simply deleted the default steam_appid.txt file and replaced it with a 
new one and it works fine. I guess the DOS line feed/end is a problem.

This may only be a problem on Linux, but I'm sending it out anyway as an 

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] FYI: Fistful of Frags, steam_appid.txt problems

2014-05-11 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi, thanks for bringing this back to my attention.

So, I was sorta wrong. It's not the format of the file. It actually is 
the wrong AppID in the file, but it wasn't a problem of my doing. You 
were correct that the wrong APPID was in the wrong file.

FoF Client APPID = 265630
FoF Server AppID = 295230

The default steam_appid.txt files as distributed with SteamCMD are as 

--cat ~/srcds/fof-MASTER/steam_appid.txt
--cat ~/srcds/fof-MASTER/fof/steam_appid.txt

This seems to make sense, but it's wrong and will prevent a server from 
serving clients.

If you start a normal server installation, it appears to immediately 
overwrite the steam_appid.txt in the root of the installation with the 
Client APPID, so both files end up having APPID 265630 in them.

However, I use a symlinked installation type server (my wrench script), 
and the master installation files are read-only, to prevent servers from 
modifying the files. Because the server can't change this master file 
when it starts, client authorization fails.

The solution is to delete the steam_appid.txt symlink and replace it 
with a real file.

The file needs to be fixed upstream.

On 5/11/14, 18:58, big john wrote:

It's because your using the wrong appid the server appid is 295230

On May 11, 2014 8:36 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

I tried to set up a FoF server last night and was having problems.

I was getting these errors, and was unable to connect to the
server from my client.

STEAM validation rejected

S3: Client connected with ticket for the wrong game: UserID: 2
S3: Client connected with ticket for the wrong game: UserID: 2

This appears to be some nonsense with the default steam_appid.txt
(server APPID) in the root of the installation.  There is also a
fof/steam_appid.txt (client APPID) file, but that file is fine.

fof/steam_appid.txt has no end-of-line, and the server
steam_appid.txt has a DOS end-of-line.

I simply deleted the default steam_appid.txt file and replaced it
with a new one and it works fine. I guess the DOS line feed/end is
a problem.

This may only be a problem on Linux, but I'm sending it out anyway
as an FYI.

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Need more dedicated server for Fistful-of-Frags (FoF)!

2014-05-10 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi. Can you encourage the devs to publish their UpToDateCheck URL so 
that server ops can do automatic updates?

I assume this is just something they can set in Steamworks, but I don't 
know that.

For example, TF2's:

On 5/10/14, 11:51, Weasels Lair wrote:
Any server-operators out there looking for another Source-based game 
to play (and more importantly HOST)?

Fistful of Frags could use your help.  FoF launched (for FREE) on 
Steam yesterday, and the response has been overwhelming.

The down-side to that, is frankly there just are not enough dedicated 
servers to keep-up with the demand.  There are over 200 player-slots 
of dedicated servers - but that apparently just is not enough!

FoF is basically a reboot of the older FoF sourcemod - moved over 
to Steam.  The Steam version of FoF is kind-of stripped-down right now 
to just death-match and team-based death-match.

Even so, it is very fun to play (especially four-team DM).

However, being a free game (put-together by unpaid volunteers), the 
FoF dev team simply can not afford to bring-up enough servers to keep 
up with demand. I have personally helped-out by hosting 8 servers 
instances myself (up from my planned 3).

Obviously, it runs on SRCDS and uses SteamCMD/SteamPipe for 
installation/content delivery.  So, it essentially installs just like 
any SRCDS game, and is compatible with SourceMod, etc.

Steam store page (where to get client to install):

Steam community hub for FoF (discussion groups, etc.):

Steam official group page (update history, etc.):

Any help appreciated!

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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D Server Files

2014-04-03 Thread Jesse Molina

Previous discussions regarding this issue resulted in consensus that L4D 
srcds has been abandoned.

On 4/3/14, 14:04, Ook wrote:
Update: File download finished, dedicated server started, and clients 
can join. Looks like it worked just fine.

Are linux server files even available for L4D? Although it is on the 
list of supported servers, you can't actually download it.

On 04/03/2014 01:04 PM, Ook wrote:
The dedicated server list says it is not available for anonymous 
login. If you login into steamcmd with an account that has access to 
L4D, you should be able to download it. Also, the files are only 
available via Windows. It is on the Linux dedicated server list, but 
it will not download. If you are using linux it tells you the 
platform is unsupported. So:

1) Windows only, not linux
2) You have to login into Steam using an account that owns L4D

I'm downloading it as I write this, though I won't know for a bit 
whether the download actually contains a working and current version 
of L4D server files, nor do I know if any linux files are included.

Valve might want to either fix the linux download, or take it off of 
the Linux Dedicated Server list.

On 04/02/2014 07:57 PM, Felipe Fujihara wrote:

Hello guys,
I'm trying to install L4D from SteamCmd, but it's not working... 
After searching around the web, I found out that it's impossible to 
download files thru there.
Does anyone here has a link to download L4D Linux Server Files? I'm 
really needing it, and would be very thankful.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [hlds_linux] wrench: a Linux command-line srcds control manager

2014-04-01 Thread Jesse Molina

What this guy said. Use the wget command I listed, or use the download 
link that pastebin gives you.

I have already made a bunch of changes and improvements.  I will go get 
on publishing it somewhere so that people can get the newest version. 
I've been busy this last couple of weeks.

Sorry about that.

On 4/1/14, 14:34, Dirk D wrote:

The here document at line 872 is not correctly closed in your copy of
the script.
This is most likely the case because you copied the script from the
formatted text box with syntax highlighting on pastebin instead of
downloading it via the download/raw link at the top of the page or
copying it from the raw text box (below the formatted one).

The problem is that pastebin expands tabs to spaces in the formatted
box and the here document is opened in tab stripping mode. So when you
copy it from there there are no tabs to strip at the beginnings of
lines and the heredoc delimiter ENDMESSAGE is never found because a
bunch of spaces + ENDMESSAGE does not equal ENDMESSAGE thus
leading to the heredoc spanning beyond the end of the its designated
end position and even beyond the end of the script file.

Just download it via the aforementioned download link at the top of
the pastebin and the script should work as intended.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 3:19 PM, monte wrote:

as for your latest version from pastebin, there seems to be some kind of
syntax error (probably)? running bash4.3.0

gameslut@f2fea31d:~/wrench$ ./
./ line 2922: warning: here-document at line 872 delimited by
end-of-file (wanted `ENDMESSAGE')
./ line 2923: syntax error: unexpected end of file

2922 being the last line, 2923 ain't exists.. mind to gave it a shot to
figure out, why is the error showing up?

On Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:17:01 -0700, Jesse Molina wrote:

There was a one-line error in this script that I made before
uploading it which prevented new installations from being configured
correctly. This has been fixed. New MD5 is
8289df67fc3b4fa1d5f6d6c2a862a41c, same download location.

On 3/19/14, 23:43, Jesse Molina wrote:

Below is a srcds manager script that I've been using for awhile now to
take care of my srcds installations. I figure someone else might find it

It is a bash script. Linux only, no Windows.

wrench script


Readme file

Sample DB

Download like so:

wget -O
wget -O wrench_README.txt

Notable features:

Does starts, stops, restarts, updates, etc.

Symlinked installs and a single master installation for each game type.

Automatic updates for all installed srcds server types.

Uses tmux instead of screen.

Keeps config info in a little SQLite database. (no complicated SQL server
install needed)

It's convoluted, but it works for me.

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[hlds_linux] wrench: a Linux command-line srcds control manager

2014-03-20 Thread Jesse Molina

Below is a srcds manager script that I've been using for awhile now to 
take care of my srcds installations. I figure someone else might find it 

It is a bash script. Linux only, no Windows.

wrench script


Readme file

Sample DB

Download like so:

wget -O
wget -O wrench_README.txt

Notable features:

Does starts, stops, restarts, updates, etc.

Symlinked installs and a single master installation for each game type.

Automatic updates for all installed srcds server types.

Uses tmux instead of screen.

Keeps config info in a little SQLite database. (no complicated SQL 
server install needed)

It's convoluted, but it works for me.

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Re: [hlds_linux] wrench: a Linux command-line srcds control manager

2014-03-20 Thread Jesse Molina

There was a one-line error in this script that I made before uploading 
it which prevented new installations from being configured correctly. 
This has been fixed. New MD5 is 8289df67fc3b4fa1d5f6d6c2a862a41c, same 
download location.

On 3/19/14, 23:43, Jesse Molina wrote:

Below is a srcds manager script that I've been using for awhile now to 
take care of my srcds installations. I figure someone else might find 
it useful.

It is a bash script. Linux only, no Windows.

wrench script


Readme file

Sample DB

Download like so:

wget -O
wget -O wrench_README.txt

Notable features:

Does starts, stops, restarts, updates, etc.

Symlinked installs and a single master installation for each game type.

Automatic updates for all installed srcds server types.

Uses tmux instead of screen.

Keeps config info in a little SQLite database. (no complicated SQL 
server install needed)

It's convoluted, but it works for me.

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Re: [hlds_linux] All SteamCMD authenticated logins failing for me at this time

2014-03-12 Thread Jesse Molina

Like right now for example.

It's down again.

On 3/12/14, 6:27, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

lol, that applies to any day of the week.

From: Nicholas Hastings
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Sent: Wednesday, 12 March 2014, 1:48
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] All SteamCMD authenticated logins failing for me at 
this time

Welcome to Tuesdays.

Nicholas Hastings

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 8:47 PM
Steam died:

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Jesse Molina
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 8:45 PM
At this time, all SteamCMD authenticated logins are failing for me.

Logging in user 'xx' to Steam Public...Login Failure: Try
another CM
ERROR! Failed to request AppInfo update, not online or not logged in
to Steam.

Updater exit code was 8

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[hlds_linux] All SteamCMD authenticated logins failing for me at this time

2014-03-11 Thread Jesse Molina

At this time, all SteamCMD authenticated logins are failing for me.

Logging in user 'xx' to Steam Public...Login Failure: Try 
another CM

ERROR! Failed to request AppInfo update, not online or not logged in to 

Updater exit code was 8

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Re: [hlds_linux] Multiple SRCDS Instances don't list on Steam's Server Browser

2014-02-19 Thread Jesse Molina

Do all three servers stop appearing in the server browser, or only one 
or two of them?

Verify that your servers are not actually tripping all over themselves 
without your knowledge, and that they are binding to the sockets which 
you think they should be:

lsof -i -n -a -p $GAMESERVPID

Do this for each server and find out what network resources it is using.

It should be noted that CSGO currently has a problem where it globs onto 
* for certain sockets EVEN when you specifically assign it to a 
particular IP. This bug has been noted many times on this mailing list now.

I can't think of anything with SELinux that might be causing you a 
problem, and I don't know if it is enabled by default on Suse, but you 
might want to disable it and see if that has any effect.

Good luck

On 2/18/14, 23:46, Jeff Nelson wrote:

We are experiencing an issue where if we run multiple SRCDS instances on
the same linux server, on the same subnet, bounded to specific IP
addresses, they will not appear in the server browser. (This bug doesn't
appear when using a Windows server, Linux only.)

OpenSuse 13.1 x64 (Kernal: 3.11.6-4-default)
We have also tried this on CentOS and RedHat, still no dice.
We have 3 IP addresses assigned to one server using the same broadcast

Startup Scripting:

*./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 10 +ip -port 27015 +exec server.cfg*
*./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 10 +ip -port 27015 +exec server.cfg*
*./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 10 +ip -port 27015 +exec server.cfg*
The servers run and startup correctly - no errors. I am able to connect to
all of them using the in-game console; however, they are not present when
using the Steam server browser under the LAN tab.
I have contacted Steam support with a possible Steam client issue but they
replied stating that it wasn't a client issue.

If I run these servers inside a virtual machine, like XEN or VMWARE, where
each guest VM has a single IP address assigned to it, running one SRCDS
instance per guest, this problem goes away.
I am able to run each server on the same subnet and broadcast networks and
they will appear in the server browser. This only occurs when multiple
SRCDS instances run on the same server where specific IP addresses are

Additional Notes:
This problem doesn't occur on Windows servers. Changing the ./srcds_run to
srcds.exe (leaving the rest of the commands as is), I am able to view all
those servers above from the server browser.
In the same scenario, we have 3 LAN IP addresses assigned to the Windows
server, and the srcds instances are assigned IP addresses.

Why don't you just change the ports?
Changing the port is what we've been doing for sometime; however, we are
limited to only 5 SRCDS per server as the broadcast port cannot be used or
passed (port 27020). We then run into additional issues as use use HLTV and
GoTV on several servers and they operate on 27020+ ports. I would like to
know if this is a bug and can be fixed since it works for one platform but
not another.

Final Note:
I'm working with LAN IP addresses only for local LAN events. I am not
trying to accomplish this task for public play.

Thanks for everyone's assistance.
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[hlds_linux] Automated SteamCMD updates for non-Valve game servers

2014-02-19 Thread Jesse Molina

Hi all

What methodologies are available for automatically updating non-Valve 
games with SteamCMD?  Specifically, I am working on Linux here, and I am 
trying to produce an automatic update system for the Starbound server 
(AppID 211820).

With TF2, CSGO, and other Valve games, I can query the WebAPI to find 
out what the remote version is, and I have the local version in the 
game's steam.inf file.  This makes it very easy to determine if my 
locally installed version needs to be updated via SteamCMD.

However, games which have a dedicated server, like Starbound, don't have 
an UpToDateCheck WebAPI interface, and there is nothing in the 
distribution files which indicate the local version.

Is it the responsibility of Steam customers (Starbound devs in this 
case) to do something to enable the UpToDateCheck WebAPI interface for 
their game, or is this a Valve-only feature?

Any advice?

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Re: [hlds_linux] [Regression] Horribly inaccurate player counts from Steam.

2013-12-26 Thread Jesse Molina

Oh, that's interesting.  Was this announced anyware?

This explains a lot of wrongness that I've seen from the perspective of 
a player:  lots of inaccuracy of what is being reported by my game 
client vs what server counts actually are.

Every other day it seems that half the people playing TF2 on my friend's 
list are actually asleep and not playing TF2.

On 12/26/13, 15:32, Kyle Sanderson wrote:

So a few weeks (probably months now, actually) ago all of the in-game
client tabs were moved to rely on data from Steam, instead of querying
the actual server. Which is fine, this most likely hurt fake players
users quite significantly.

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Re: [hlds_linux] SteamCMD Left 4 Dead appid?

2013-11-13 Thread Jesse Molina

L4D has not been converted to SteamPipe, or it has been abandoned. There 
was never an announcement, there is no AppID for it, etc etc.

On 11/13/13, 14:51, Ross Bemrose wrote:
OK, now that SteamGuard emails are being sent out again, I found out 
that this doesn't work for anonymous login or for an account that owns 
Left 4 Dead.

Valve, please fix this.

On 11/13/2013 2:52 PM, Daniel . wrote:

Try 222840
Am 13.11.2013 20:47 schrieb Ross Bemrose

L4D isn't on that list.

On 11/13/2013 2:13 PM, Daniel . wrote:
Am 13.11.2013 19:39 schrieb Ross Bemrose

  So, now that HLDSUpdateTool has been killed off, I went to 
install an L4D

server to test a plugin.

However, attempting to install appid 510 on Linux (510 is the Left 
4 Dead
Dedicated Server on the Steam Application IDs wiki page) as a 
logged in

user gives me this error:
ERROR! Failed to install app '510' (Invalid platform)

Logging in as anonymouse didn't work at all.

Since the L4D server is available for Linux, what is the CORRECT 

it?  While we're at it, can we get the other missing Valve appids, 

Alien Swarm Dedicated Server for Windows?

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

2013-07-24 Thread Jesse Molina

It looks like some of the update servers backed out the update or were 
otherwise in an improper state after the update today.  My auto update 
system first updated, then downgraded again when the UpToDateCheck 
version reverted.

Can I get a response from Valve?  Would it be reasonable to expect that 
a release version could revert, or will versions always be a positive 
increment, even in the event of a content reversion?

FYI It was more than 30 minutes after the first update that the 
reversion occurred.  My update check interval is every minute.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath: 

srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:

srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath: 

srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:

srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Eric Smith wrote:

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version is 1844935.



- Ended the Mann Co. Store summer sale
- The Summer Claim check is now a rare drop
- Medics using the Quick-Fix will now take jump force from Pyros using the 
Detonator to explosive jump
- Fixed a client crash related to missing particle systems
- Fixed a server crash when entering Sudden Death mode with only melee weapons
- Fixed players sometimes being damaged by doors when they are closing
- Fixed soccer/beach balls sometimes blocking Payload carts and trains
- Fixed paint can icons not showing the Red/Blue colors correctly
- Fixed the Loch-n-Load gun sight not drawing in the correct place
- Fixed the Bonk Boy model using the incorrect normals
- Updated Cp_Badlands and Koth_Badlands
- Opened the windows around the center point
- Smoothed player clipping around doorways

hlds_announce mailing list

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

2013-07-24 Thread Jesse Molina

It is entirely possible that they have multiple servers which provide 
the web API services, and that one of them was an improper state.

I got unlucky.

Well... it's still broken right now: is

server is out of date, please upgrade/message/response

1833886 is the OLD version.

DontWannaName! wrote:

I was able to start my servers just fine. Windows 2008.

Sent from my iPhone 5

On Jul 24, 2013, at 6:39 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It looks like some of the update servers backed out the update or were 
otherwise in an improper state after the update today.  My auto update system 
first updated, then downgraded again when the UpToDateCheck version reverted.

Can I get a response from Valve?  Would it be reasonable to expect that a 
release version could revert, or will versions always be a positive increment, 
even in the event of a content reversion?

FYI It was more than 30 minutes after the first update that the reversion 
occurred.  My update check interval is every minute.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath: 
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath: 
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Eric Smith wrote:

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version is 1844935.



- Ended the Mann Co. Store summer sale
- The Summer Claim check is now a rare drop
- Medics using the Quick-Fix will now take jump force from Pyros using the 
Detonator to explosive jump
- Fixed a client crash related to missing particle systems
- Fixed a server crash when entering Sudden Death mode with only melee weapons
- Fixed players sometimes being damaged by doors when they are closing
- Fixed soccer/beach balls sometimes blocking Payload carts and trains
- Fixed paint can icons not showing the Red/Blue colors correctly
- Fixed the Loch-n-Load gun sight not drawing in the correct place
- Fixed the Bonk Boy model using the incorrect normals
- Updated Cp_Badlands and Koth_Badlands
- Opened the windows around the center point
- Smoothed player clipping around doorways

hlds_announce mailing list

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

2013-07-24 Thread Jesse Molina

You are misunderstanding the problem.

Valve's API webserver is saying the update today never happened.  Their 
web API is broken.

Update version released today per annoucement: 1844935
Actual version on the SteamPipe repositories: 1844935
Update version the web API says is UpToDate right now: 1833886 -- wrong

My auto update system doesn't do an integer comparison to see if the new 
version is positive from the previous version, it just checks to see if 
they differ.  If they do, it updates.

I have a lot of sanity checking in the system, which disables the whole 
thing after three failed updates.  If that wasn't in place it would be 
updating over and over again right now.

My master server updated correctly after the first update went out.  The 
problem is that 30 minutes later, the web API service says the version 
reverted, when it really did not.

DontWannaName! wrote:

Did you try updating again with verify?

I emailed Eric and he said they are working on a fix for 2003.

Sent from my iPhone 5

On Jul 24, 2013, at 7:00 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It is entirely possible that they have multiple servers which provide the web 
API services, and that one of them was an improper state.

I got unlucky.

Well... it's still broken right now: is

 server is out of date, please upgrade/message/response

1833886 is the OLD version.

DontWannaName! wrote:

I was able to start my servers just fine. Windows 2008.

Sent from my iPhone 5

On Jul 24, 2013, at 6:39 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It looks like some of the update servers backed out the update or were 
otherwise in an improper state after the update today.  My auto update system 
first updated, then downgraded again when the UpToDateCheck version reverted.

Can I get a response from Valve?  Would it be reasonable to expect that a 
release version could revert, or will versions always be a positive increment, 
even in the event of a content reversion?

FYI It was more than 30 minutes after the first update that the reversion 
occurred.  My update check interval is every minute.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath: 
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath: 
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Eric Smith wrote:

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version is 1844935.



- Ended the Mann Co. Store summer sale
- The Summer Claim check is now a rare drop
- Medics using the Quick-Fix will now take jump force from Pyros using the 
Detonator to explosive jump
- Fixed a client crash related to missing particle systems
- Fixed a server crash when entering Sudden Death mode with only melee weapons
- Fixed players sometimes being damaged by doors when they are closing
- Fixed soccer/beach balls sometimes blocking Payload carts and trains
- Fixed paint can icons not showing the Red/Blue colors correctly
- Fixed the Loch-n-Load gun sight not drawing in the correct place
- Fixed the Bonk Boy model using the incorrect normals
- Updated Cp_Badlands and Koth_Badlands
- Opened the windows around the center point
- Smoothed player clipping around doorways

hlds_announce mailing list

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

2013-07-24 Thread Jesse Molina

Fixed now.  Thanks.

Eric Smith wrote:

Can you check the link again from your side and let me know if you're still 
getting the wrong version?  Thanks.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jesse Molina
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 7:14 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list; Half-Life dedicated Win32 
server mailing list (
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

You are misunderstanding the problem.

Valve's API webserver is saying the update today never happened.  Their web API 
is broken.

Update version released today per annoucement: 1844935 Actual version on the 
SteamPipe repositories: 1844935 Update version the web API says is UpToDate right 
now: 1833886 -- wrong

My auto update system doesn't do an integer comparison to see if the new 
version is positive from the previous version, it just checks to see if they 
differ.  If they do, it updates.

I have a lot of sanity checking in the system, which disables the whole thing 
after three failed updates.  If that wasn't in place it would be updating over 
and over again right now.

My master server updated correctly after the first update went out.  The 
problem is that 30 minutes later, the web API service says the version 
reverted, when it really did not.

DontWannaName! wrote:

Did you try updating again with verify?

I emailed Eric and he said they are working on a fix for 2003.

Sent from my iPhone 5

On Jul 24, 2013, at 7:00 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It is entirely possible that they have multiple servers which provide the web 
API services, and that one of them was an improper state.

I got unlucky.

Well... it's still broken right now: is

required_versionmessageYour server is out of date, please

1833886 is the OLD version.

DontWannaName! wrote:

I was able to start my servers just fine. Windows 2008.

Sent from my iPhone 5

On Jul 24, 2013, at 6:39 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It looks like some of the update servers backed out the update or were 
otherwise in an improper state after the update today.  My auto update system 
first updated, then downgraded again when the UpToDateCheck version reverted.

Can I get a response from Valve?  Would it be reasonable to expect that a 
release version could revert, or will versions always be a positive increment, 
even in the event of a content reversion?

FYI It was more than 30 minutes after the first update that the reversion 
occurred.  My update check interval is every minute.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Eric Smith wrote:

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version is 1844935.



- Ended the Mann Co. Store summer sale
- The Summer Claim check is now a rare drop
- Medics using the Quick-Fix will now take jump force from Pyros
using the Detonator to explosive jump
- Fixed a client crash related to missing particle systems
- Fixed a server crash when entering Sudden Death mode with only
melee weapons
- Fixed players sometimes being damaged by doors when they are
- Fixed soccer/beach balls sometimes blocking Payload carts and
- Fixed paint can icons not showing the Red/Blue colors correctly
- Fixed the Loch-n-Load gun sight not drawing in the correct place
- Fixed the Bonk Boy model using the incorrect normals
- Updated Cp_Badlands and Koth_Badlands
 - Opened the windows around the center point
 - Smoothed player clipping around doorways

hlds_announce mailing list

# Jesse Molina
# Mail = je

Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

2013-07-24 Thread Jesse Molina

Valve recognized that there was a problem with today's update, and it 
was killing some servers/clients/whatever.

I am guessing they intentionally reverted the version on the WebAPI to 
stop more clients from auto-updating and thus getting the bad update.

The alternative would have been to release another real update via an 
increment of the version number, causing all clients to download the new 
update.  Lots more bandwidth, downtime, etc.

When they got the fix in place, they restored the new version number.

Given this, I am going to say that reversions are possible and should be 
ignored, since that's apparently the way they want their clients to behave.

Eric Smith wrote:

Can you check the link again from your side and let me know if you're still 
getting the wrong version?  Thanks.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jesse Molina
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 7:14 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list; Half-Life dedicated Win32 
server mailing list (
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

You are misunderstanding the problem.

Valve's API webserver is saying the update today never happened.  Their web API 
is broken.

Update version released today per annoucement: 1844935 Actual version on the 
SteamPipe repositories: 1844935 Update version the web API says is UpToDate right 
now: 1833886 -- wrong

My auto update system doesn't do an integer comparison to see if the new 
version is positive from the previous version, it just checks to see if they 
differ.  If they do, it updates.

I have a lot of sanity checking in the system, which disables the whole thing 
after three failed updates.  If that wasn't in place it would be updating over 
and over again right now.

My master server updated correctly after the first update went out.  The 
problem is that 30 minutes later, the web API service says the version 
reverted, when it really did not.

DontWannaName! wrote:

Did you try updating again with verify?

I emailed Eric and he said they are working on a fix for 2003.

Sent from my iPhone 5

On Jul 24, 2013, at 7:00 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It is entirely possible that they have multiple servers which provide the web 
API services, and that one of them was an improper state.

I got unlucky.

Well... it's still broken right now: is

required_versionmessageYour server is out of date, please

1833886 is the OLD version.

DontWannaName! wrote:

I was able to start my servers just fine. Windows 2008.

Sent from my iPhone 5

On Jul 24, 2013, at 6:39 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It looks like some of the update servers backed out the update or were 
otherwise in an improper state after the update today.  My auto update system 
first updated, then downgraded again when the UpToDateCheck version reverted.

Can I get a response from Valve?  Would it be reasonable to expect that a 
release version could revert, or will versions always be a positive increment, 
even in the event of a content reversion?

FYI It was more than 30 minutes after the first update that the reversion 
occurred.  My update check interval is every minute.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Checking: srcds-tf2-MASTER
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local steam.inf filepath:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Local version is 1844935
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote UpToDateCheck URL is:
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Remote version is: 1833886
srcds-tf2-MASTER: Result: Installation out of date. Added to updatelist.

Eric Smith wrote:

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version is 1844935.



- Ended the Mann Co. Store summer sale
- The Summer Claim check is now a rare drop
- Medics using the Quick-Fix will now take jump force from Pyros
using the Detonator to explosive jump
- Fixed a client crash related to missing particle systems
- Fixed a server crash when entering Sudden Death mode with only
melee weapons
- Fixed players sometimes being damaged

Re: [hlds_linux] crash on map change issue

2013-05-18 Thread Jesse Molina

The problem is more simple that what you wrote.

If replay is enabled by any means, and replay_local_fileserver_path is 
an invalid path, then changelevel will cause a segfault.

Note that the replay sanity check system does confirm that the path is 
invalid, and disables replay, but the segfault will still occur anyway.

Erik-jan Riemers wrote:

Just wanted to let you guys know, since it bugged me for several hours.

If you have tf2/sourcemod (I don't know which one is causing the problem)
but if you set -replay in the commandline and then have the default
replay.cfg/replay_local_http.cfg/whatever files it will crash your server
on map change. Adding a correct replay configuration and turning it on
will fix the crash on map change. 24/7 map servers don't have this issue.

I had the mistake of not having the replay.cfg in the custom/xxx/cfg
folder so that after an update my replay configs where default again which
lead to this crash.


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# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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[hlds_linux] Newly installed srcds installations fail on first startup

2013-04-30 Thread Jesse Molina

I think this is already a known issue, but as a reminder...

I am seeing my newly installed SteamPipe TF2 servers fail on first 
startup.  Subsequent startups operate normally.

I suspect this is because steam_appid.txt is not created until after the 
first startup.

I had also noticed this after previous SteamPipe conversions of css, 
hl2dm, etc, but it appears to still not be fixed.

Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
Using map cycle file 'cfg/mapcycle_default.txt'.  ('cfg/mapcycle.txt' 
was not found.)

Set motd from file 'cfg/motd_default.txt'.  ('cfg/motd.txt' was not found.)
Set motd_text from file 'cfg/motd_text_default.txt'. 
('cfg/motd_text.txt' was not found.)

Cannot verify load for invalid steam ID [I:0:0]
WARNING: ClientActive, but we don't know his SteamID?
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
*   Unable to load Steam support library.*
*   Unable to load Steam support library.*
*   This server will operate in LAN mode only.*
*   This server will operate in LAN mode only.*

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Mandatory update released for TF2 SteamPipe beta; now interoperable with regular game

2013-04-24 Thread Jesse Molina

I would ask that Valve please move these directories into a 
subdirectory.  They look like garbage temp directories that are not 
being cleaned up.

Placing these under a subdirectory with a static name would make it 
easier to prune them from symlinked installations, and probably have a 
number of other benefits.

Do this for the same reasons that it is bad for Windows to create 
randomly-named temporary directories under the C:/ root.

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

Keep those.  It contains bookkeeping info necessary for incremental updates.

I am CERTAIN that there is a good reason for the crazy filename.  But I don't 
know what it is.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Peter Reinhold
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:41 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Mandatory update released for TF2 SteamPipe beta; now 
interoperable with regular game

On 24.04.2013 19:03, Fletcher Dunn wrote:

We've released a mandatory update to the SteamPipe beta.  Please note

I've got another question, the folders like 
667d73250a8a21cbc9ff376aae86a31aaf4aad3b in the base folder, can they be 
ignored, or are they needed by the server?


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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Login with steamcmd fails the first time

2013-04-16 Thread Jesse Molina

This happens to all of the SteamCMD-installed srcds servers I help 
manage every time.  The first try, exits 8, then succeeds.

This is a known issue that affects everyone, as far as I know.

Peter Reinhold wrote:

The 6.3 one always fails logging in anonymously, every time, and if I
repeat the login, it succeeds, the other one works as you would expect.

-- SNIP --
Redirecting stderr to '/home/srcds/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[  0%] Download complete.
[] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam3...OK.
Loading Steam2...OK.

Steamlogin anonymous

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Login Failure: No Connection

Steamlogin anonymous

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.

-- SNIP END --

It makes no sense to me that the second login works every time, have
anyone else seen this behaviour, and maybe found a fix? (Other than
scripting a double login, and not using @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1)

# Jesse Molina
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[hlds_linux] Tools and methods for symlinked installations

2013-04-09 Thread Jesse Molina

Someone was asking me about this, so I'll send it to the whole list as a 

This is all in bash.

To create the directories and file links, I use a tool called lns, which 
you can get here;

I also use a tool called symlinks, which is in Debian and Debian 
derivatives as the symlinks package.

We assume here that both tf2-custom and tf2-master are directories found 
within $APPDIR.

In this case, you would run your HLDSUpdateTool/SteamCMD against the 
master server and never the linked installation.  After each update, you 
would need to re-link, to add new link files and remove old ones.


echo Relinking $INSTALLID to master $MASTER ...

echo Looking for old dangling symlinks and remove them...
symlinks -d -r $APPDIR/$INSTALLID

To de-link an installation, you would do this:

# Find and remove the symlinks related to the master installation.
find $APPDIR/$INSTALLID -type l -lname *../$MASTER/* -exec rm -f '{}' +

# Also delete directories which have no files anywhere within them.
find $APPDIR/$INSTALLID -type d -empty -delete

What if you already have an installation and need to de-duplicate it so 
that you can link it?

This will find all files in the SRCDIR and if there is an identically 
named/pathed file with the same md5sum in the DSTDIR, it will delete it. 
It won't touch custom files.


find . -type f -printf %P\0 | while read -d $'\0' EACH ; do
  if [[ -r $SRCFILE ]]  [[ -r $DSTFILE ]] ; then
SRCHASH=$(md5sum $SRCFILE | awk '{print $1}')
DSTHASH=$(md5sum $DSTFILE | awk '{print $1}')
echo Skipping file: $EACH
  if [[ $SRCHASH == $DSTHASH ]] ; then
echo Removing duplicate file in destination: $EACH
rm -f $DSTFILE
echo Non-duplicate file found: $EACH

Then do find $DSTDIR -type d -empty -delete to delete the empty 
directories left over.

This will take a long time for TF2, which has something like 60,000 files.

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Half-Life beta server update

2013-04-02 Thread Jesse Molina

Dear Valve

To start off, I don't want to be a huge jerk here and think I'm just 
griefing you Valve guys.  There is plenty of nonconstructive criticism 
on this mailing lists already, and that's not the kind of community 
contribution I want to be involved in.

I have no question people are doing their best, and I understand what 
it's like when someone comes out and tells your Your work is crap.

However, I want to demonstrate the monster you've created, intentionally 
or not.

With the old HLDSUpdateTool, this is, apparently, what you did to 
install/update czero:

./steam -command update -game czero -dir /mydir/mygame

With the new SteamCMD, this is what you, apparently, have to do to get 
similar behavior:

./ +@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +login anonymous 
+force_install_dir /mydir/mygame +app_set_config 90 mod czero 
+app_update 90 -beta beta +exit

Alfred Reynolds wrote:

You can get a dedicated install for it by using the following command line:
steamcmd +logon anonymous +force_install_dir ..\hlds +app_update 90 -beta 
beta +quit

Note you will need to use +app_set_config 90 mod czero before the +app_update 
command if you want to update condition zero.

# Jesse Molina
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[hlds_linux] can not be used via symbolic link

2013-03-25 Thread Jesse Molina

It is impossible to use steamcmd via a symbolic link.  You must CD into 
it's directory to use it.  Because, potato.
/home/luser/bin/ line 29: /home/luser/bin/linux32/steamcmd: 
No such file or directory

luser--stat /home/luser/bin/
  File: ‘/home/luser/bin/’ - ‘steamcmd/’
  Size: 20  Blocks: 0  IO Block: 4096   symbolic link
Device: 903h/2307d  Inode: 917517  Links: 1
Access: (0777/lrwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1000/   luser)   Gid: ( 1000/   luser)
Access: 2013-03-25 02:17:00.028625973 -0700
Modify: 2013-03-25 02:17:00.028625973 -0700
Change: 2013-03-25 02:17:00.028625973 -0700
 Birth: -

Also, while I am complaining...

luser@host--time ./steam
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Getting version 50 of Steam HLDS Update Tool
Downloading. . . . . . . . . . . .
Steam Linux Client updated, please retry the command

sys 0m0.292s

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] can not be used via symbolic link

2013-03-25 Thread Jesse Molina

Basically, you can't run HLDSUpdateTool and SteamCMD in a multi-user 
environment.  You MUST install a tool/binary for each and every user in 
their own ~/bin directory.

Except that you can't even do that because SteamCMD poops it's ugly 
41-character temporary directories and custom libraries all over the 
place, and you can't symlink to it.  Symlinking to the HLDSUpdateTool 
works fine, though I'm doubtful about it's self-updating process working 
correctly -- it would probably overwrite the symlink.

The take-away lesson is: never try to let these self-updating tools be 
used by more than their owner user.

I would go so far as to fix them so that they can't run if they have 
go+x permissions, or are being executed by anyone other than their owner 
user.  That would prevent potential problems with the bootstrap process 
overwriting files thus changing the owner and permissions.

You have to cd into these tools installation directories each time you 
want to use them.

Unix people don't think this way.  It's antithetical to the way 
everything on unix works.

Jeremy Agostino wrote:

In a similar vein, I haven't been able to run it as another shell-only
user due to the lack of home folder. I used to run the old update tool
thru some scripts as a shell user. Steamcmd errors out when it can't
save logs to the current user's home folder (since it doesn't exist).


On Mar 25, 2013, at 5:36 AM, Jesse Molina wrote:

It is impossible to use steamcmd via a symbolic link.  You must CD into it's 
directory to use it.  Because, potato.
/home/luser/bin/ line 29: /home/luser/bin/linux32/steamcmd: No such 
file or directory
luser--stat /home/luser/bin/
  File: ‘/home/luser/bin/’ - ‘steamcmd/’
  Size: 20  Blocks: 0  IO Block: 4096   symbolic link
Device: 903h/2307d  Inode: 917517  Links: 1
Access: (0777/lrwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1000/   luser)   Gid: ( 1000/   luser)
Access: 2013-03-25 02:17:00.028625973 -0700
Modify: 2013-03-25 02:17:00.028625973 -0700
Change: 2013-03-25 02:17:00.028625973 -0700
Birth: -

Also, while I am complaining...

luser@host--time ./steam
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Getting version 50 of Steam HLDS Update Tool
Downloading. . . . . . . . . . . .
Steam Linux Client updated, please retry the command

sys 0m0.292s

# Jesse Molina
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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] steamcmd verbose ?

2013-03-23 Thread Jesse Molina

Look to something like tripwire or similar security intrusion detection 

Rudy Bleeker wrote:

Since SteamCMD downloads diff's of VPK files instead of the individual
files, I think this would be somewhat hard to do. However, more insight
into what's happening when you update your servers (including better error
messages) would be appreciated.

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 8:12 PM, LouLouBizou wrote:


is it possible to get steamcmd a little verbose like hldsupdatetool do ?

something like :
   2:2123.87%  downloading ./orangebox\dod\bin\client.dylib
   2:3441.01%  downloading ./orangebox\dod\bin\
   2:4952.02%  downloading ./orangebox\dod\bin\server.dll

instead of :

  App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 46.78 (815094599 / 1742270594)
  App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 55.66 (969676131 / 1742270594)
  App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 63.52 (1106733461 / 1742270594)
  App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 68.81 (1198793937 / 1742270594)
  App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 74.66 (1300806397 / 1742270594)
  App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 82.43 (1436095843 / 1742270594)
  App state (0x20104) validating, progress: 90.45 (1575885570 / 1742270594)

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# Jesse Molina
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[hlds_linux] SteamCMD -nobootstrapupdate?

2013-03-21 Thread Jesse Molina

Does SteamCMD have a -nobootstrapupdate like the HLDSUpdateTool has?

If not, consider this is a feature request.  This is a pain for any kind 
of multi user environment.

In my case, I have different user accounts and don't really want 1xN 
installations for number of accounts.

What are the GPSs doing?  One SteamCMD installation per customer?  Probably.

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Optional updates to Source engine betas released

2013-03-21 Thread Jesse Molina
 with any
setting other than sv_pure -1.

* Linux client: VPK tool now supports signature functionality

* Client and dedicated server: fixed sv_pure command not showing
current pure status

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory updates to all Source engine game betas released

2013-03-19 Thread Jesse Molina

When products are retired from the HLDSUpdateTool, what behavior will we 
recieve when a user attempts to download said product using the old tool?

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

PLEASE NOTE: The Betas are drawing to a close.  We hope to release Day
of Defeat:Source early next week.

Betas for HL2:MP, DOD:S, CS:S, and TF:

* Deleted sv_consistency convar.  This security is now implemented using

* Changed which pure server configuration files are loaded in the
various pure modes, and renamed them.  (See updated
pure_server_whitelist_example.txt for details.)

* Added “sv_pure -1” mode, which disables all consistency checking.
(Similar to turning off sv_pure and sv_consistency.)

* Removed unneeded CRC calculations on level load

* Removed check_crc functionality from pure server operation.  The only
supported file rule is now “trusted_source.”

* Added trusted_keys_example.txt.

* Added/updated sound cache files

hlds_announce mailing list

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] dods beta server

2013-03-15 Thread Jesse Molina

I was once told, I think it was Milton@Valve but could be wrong, that 
the +map command needed to be the last argument on the startup command 
line.  Can someone authoritatively validate or deny this?

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

I believe the problem is that you need to issue the map command, which 
actually starts the server hosting a game.

You can do that on the server command prompt after it launches, or put +map 
mapname on your command line.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of muzzol
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 6:33 PM
Subject: [hlds_linux] dods beta server


I'm new to this list and new to steampipe, feel free to correct me in anything.

I'm using Linux Client and I want to setup a dedicate server for Day of Defeat.

I've tried following official docs: but I'm not able to connect 
to server, even on LAN. I've tried on a dedicated hosted server on hetzner and 
also on a little local server at home, just to be sure there wasn't any network 
problems. In both servers I'm running debian 6.

I downloaded steamcdm and installed dods server several times with:

app_update 232290 validate


app_update 232290 -beta beta validate

then I go to apropiate dir and run server with

./srcds_run -game dod -port 27015 +ip

but I dont see any server on my client.

Day of Defeat: Source on Linux is tagged as Beta, is 232290 the correct ID?

Im I missing something?

Thanks in advance,


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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Get compile the build number of game servers in PHP

2013-03-11 Thread Jesse Molina

On this subject, is there any way to determine the local version of the 
installed srcds server?  I find the steam.inf files are unreliable and 
only TF2 has the current client/server version in it that I could 
compare against the WebAPI.

Is there a better way of determining when srcds servers should be 
updated other than the WebAPI?  I looked into Steam Condenser this 
weekend but really didn't see anything interesting.

Advice from anyone who has already automated this this would be appreciated.

Adrian x wrote:

Unfortunately, that stops me is the fact I have no way of checking
whether a new update came out and download the exact number. Although
api provides ISteamApps / UpToDateCheck which is the ability to check
the current version of the game engine required, but will not let me in
any way to check whether it was updated game engine.

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Get compile the build number of game servers in PHP

2013-03-11 Thread Jesse Molina

Netshroud wrote:

I just checked CS:GO and Steam.inf + ISteamApps UpToDateCheck seems to be fine 
for that.

What do you mean by unreliable?

I meant inconsistent.

Okay, I just realized that the WebAPI required_version is a half-assed 
tr -d . PatchVersion.

DERP:, 1.22.27.  What's the difference, right???

Maybe unreliable was the right word.  I hardly feel good about using 
something where it seems like the info I'm looking at is coincidental 
rather than intentional.

I had been paying only attention to ClientVersion/ServerVersion.

Thanks for pointing this out.

luser@host--for EACH in $(find srcds-*-MASTER -type f -name 
steam.inf) ; do echo  ; echo $EACH ; cat $EACH ; echo  ; done




// NetworkVersion is the version in the wire protcol between 

// its not used for matchmaking, PatchVersion is used for that to ensure
// we don't get cross connecting to different releases.  Only bump this if
// you know an incompatible change has happened to the network protocol in
// game and old demos will not work.



On 11/03/2013, at 8:19 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

On this subject, is there any way to determine the local version of the 
installed srcds server?  I find the steam.inf files are unreliable and only TF2 
has the current client/server version in it that I could compare against the 

Is there a better way of determining when srcds servers should be updated other 
than the WebAPI?  I looked into Steam Condenser this weekend but really didn't 
see anything interesting.

Advice from anyone who has already automated this this would be appreciated.

Adrian x wrote:

Unfortunately, that stops me is the fact I have no way of checking
whether a new update came out and download the exact number. Although
api provides ISteamApps / UpToDateCheck which is the ability to check
the current version of the game engine required, but will not let me in
any way to check whether it was updated game engine.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Get compile the build number of game servers in PHP

2013-03-11 Thread Jesse Molina

Yea, I'm PHP and Ruby ignorant though.  I'm a sysadmin, not a web dev.

Fortunately, there is the python steamodd, which I can work with.  I 
only recently discovered it but have not had a chance to play with it 
yet though.

I have yet to find a good rcon client for the linux command line.

Thanks for the tip.

Erik-jan Riemers wrote: been using that for php for
years, query the server and then the webapi with it. Always is spot on,
optional updates is something you cannot but i assume most people daily
restart there servers anyways.

2013/3/11 Sebastian Staudt

Maybe parsing the version information from the `status` output via RCON is
more reliable.

2013/3/11 Jesse Molina

On this subject, is there any way to determine the local version of the
installed srcds server?  I find the steam.inf files are unreliable and


TF2 has the current client/server version in it that I could compare
against the WebAPI.

Is there a better way of determining when srcds servers should be updated
other than the WebAPI?  I looked into Steam Condenser this weekend but
really didn't see anything interesting.

Advice from anyone who has already automated this this would be

Adrian x wrote:

Unfortunately, that stops me is the fact I have no way of checking
whether a new update came out and download the exact number. Although
api provides ISteamApps / UpToDateCheck which is the ability to check
the current version of the game engine required, but will not let me in
any way to check whether it was updated game engine.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Get compile the build number of game servers in PHP

2013-03-11 Thread Jesse Molina

I forgot to mention that in my case, I am updating a set of 
master/vanilla/unconfigured installations that will never ever actually 
start.  They are instead used as referrals for symlinks.

Thus, getting the info from rcon is not a viable solution.

Since Fletcher says the game gets it's info from steam.inf anyway, that 
seems to indicate it being the definitive source of the local information.

I wish I could just srcds_linux -game tf --version.

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

The engine gets that info from steam.inf.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sebastian Staudt
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 2:39 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Cc: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Get compile the build number of game servers 
in PHP

Maybe parsing the version information from the `status` output via RCON is more 

2013/3/11 Jesse Molina

On this subject, is there any way to determine the local version of
the installed srcds server?  I find the steam.inf files are unreliable
and only
TF2 has the current client/server version in it that I could compare
against the WebAPI.

Is there a better way of determining when srcds servers should be
updated other than the WebAPI?  I looked into Steam Condenser this
weekend but really didn't see anything interesting.

Advice from anyone who has already automated this this would be

Adrian x wrote:

Unfortunately, that stops me is the fact I have no way of checking
whether a new update came out and download the exact number. Although
api provides ISteamApps / UpToDateCheck which is the ability to
check the current version of the game engine required, but will not
let me in any way to check whether it was updated game engine.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Unix file permissions for many srcds games are unhelpful and need to be fixed

2013-03-07 Thread Jesse Molina

Add -r to xargs to not run against null input from find.  That was 
definitely an oversight on my part from the original post.

Or, it's possible that you have a crazily old chmod that can't take 
symbolic arguments.  Event CentOS 5.1 supports this and that's over five 
years old.  You would need to change this to the octal values, in this case.

Either way, if you have problems with Linux commands and you don't know 
what you are doing, you should always go to a Linux forum/list, where 
you will always get better help.

daniel nilsson jokiaho wrote:

I have tried this below, but i get an error chmod: missing operand
after `u=rw,g=rw,o-rwx'

# Jesse Molina
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[hlds_linux] Broken update or unannounced TF2 update today/yesterday?

2013-03-05 Thread Jesse Molina

Was there a broken update for TF2 yesterday, or an unannounced update 
for TF2?  I had updated a server last night, and found earlier today 
that it was out of date, but there had been no announcement.

I have several reports from other people about the same issue on the 
same physical host, but different installations/different game admins.

It almost seems like some files were missing from the distribution.

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] BUG: returns exit 0 on error

2013-02-28 Thread Jesse Molina

Thanks for pointing me to this.

I had no idea this variable existed.  I had never heard of it before.

It's mentioned on the SteamCMD wiki page, but googling for it results in 
almost no other mentions anywhere;

So I started SteamCMD, and played with it, and discovered this:

Steamhelp @
No specific help topic found for '@', returning 'find' results. . .
   @EnableUDPHistory = 0  :
@cUDPSendRetries = 8  :
   @net_loopback = 1  :
   @net_backlog_time_allowed_sec = 5  :
  @net_backlog_bytes_allowed = 1200   :
   @MaxOutstandingSendThreadItem = 1000   :
  @cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_LowPri = 2000   :
  @cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_MedPri = 4000   :
 @cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_HighPri = 8000   :
@NetConnectionBufferMsgLimit = 500: Max # of 
message that will be buffered into a single zipped packet

@NetConnectionBufferThreaded = 1  :
 @NetConnectionBufferZipReserveBytes = 1024   :
 @nTCPLargeSendBufSizeMB = 16 :
  @bMsgErrorDump = 0  :
   @bMsgSpew = 1  :
   @bContentManifestUseProtobufs = 1  :
  @bDepotBuilderReadBufferSizeKB = 8192   :
   @bDepotBuilderUnbufferedReads = 1  :
   @cDepotBuilderFileChunkingThreads = 4  :
 @cDepotUploadWindowSize = 16 :
   @cDepotUploadPacketSizeKB = 1024   :
  @csecCSRequestProcessorTimeOut = 300:
 @strCSNoCacheHeader = no-cache   :
@bCSForceNoCache = 0  :
 @sCSDSVirtualHostHeader =:
@cMaxContentServersToRequest = 20 :
 @cMaxInitialDownloadSources = -1 :
@cSecUploadDownloadRates = 300:
 @LocalContentServer =:
   @CSInterfaceProxyUsername =:
   @CSInterfaceProxyPassword =:
 @csecIncomingDataRatePeriodMicrosec = 1  :
@csecUpdateTargetNumConnectionsEpoch = 10 :
@fMinDataRateToAttemptTwoConnectionsMbps = 0.5:
@fDownloadRateImprovementToAddAnotherConnection = 1.2:
  @CustomBinaryRequestRetryTimes = 20 :
 @GCNameOverride =:
 @bFallbackUnknownDepots = 1  :
@NoPromptForPassword = 0  :
  @DepotBuilderNoReslist = 0  :
 @DepotBuilderOutputRoot =:
@DepotBuilderContentRoot =:
 @DepotBuilderConfigRoot = ./depotscripts :
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand = 0  : Exit steamcmd 
immediately upon any failed build-related command

   @bMsgSpew = 1  :

There are some interesting options there that look like rate limits.

Mention of a find command is interesting.  If you use find on the 
command line, all kinds of otherwise undocumented commands can be 
discovered.  I don't know of any way to list them all.

Googling for some of these commands results in nothing, so I don't think 
this is documented anywhere.

There appear to be many more convars than what I listed above.  Try doing:
find a
find b
find _
find -

If someone could compile all of the various options, commands, and 
arguments and put them up on pastebin, that would be great.

I don't have a lot of time to play with this thing and it's all kind of 

Getting back on topic, it looks like this would make the command behave 
like I would have expected it to.  I'll try and simulate a failure and 
see what happens.

Thanks again.

Ross Bemrose wrote:

I don't see any mention of @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 in there (or
should that be +@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 ), so I'm not surprised it
returns 0... it's not exiting until it hits the exit command.

On 2/27/2013 10:31 PM, Jesse Molina wrote:

Given command;

./ +login anonymous +force_install_dir $IN_GAMEDIR
+app_update $APPID +exit
echo Updater exit code was $?

The error below returned exit 0 without having updated the server.


Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.

ERROR! Failed to request AppInfo update, not online or not logged in
to Steam.

Updater exit code was 0

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] CPU spikes while running SteamCMD to update Dedicated Server, any way to throttle?

2013-02-27 Thread Jesse Molina

Run it like this;

nice -n 11 ionice -c 2 -n 6

At the same time, your game servers themselves should have their 
niceness reduced by about 10.  Only root can do this, or a regular user 
with an /etc/security/limits.conf entry.

renice -10 $PID

If it's a network saturation issue, then you need to implement a tc queue.

Weasel wrote:

Is there any way to throttle the utilization for SteamCMD?

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF beta updated released

2013-02-27 Thread Jesse Molina

Are these files automatically removed upon update, or do end users need 
to manually delete the files?

See my request from a day or two ago about removing extraneous files 
from base installations.

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

* Dedicated server: removed textures and sounds from dedicated server
distribution.  Installation size reduced by approx 7.5GB

# Jesse Molina
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[hlds_linux] BUG: returns exit 0 on error

2013-02-27 Thread Jesse Molina

Given command;

./ +login anonymous +force_install_dir $IN_GAMEDIR 
+app_update $APPID +exit

echo Updater exit code was $?

The error below returned exit 0 without having updated the server.


Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.

ERROR! Failed to request AppInfo update, not online or not logged in to 

Updater exit code was 0

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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[hlds_linux] Feature request: Add a SteamCMD flag to delete unknown files in an installation

2013-02-26 Thread Jesse Molina

Dear Valve

When SteamCMD is used to update an existing game server installation, 
please add an optional argument which will delete all unknown files.

Basically, I want rsync -a --delete.

There have been a number of times in the past when files have been 
removed from upstream, but those removals/changes don't get propagated 
down.  These files end up abandoned.

This will make it so that I don't have to download an entirely new 
installation every couple of months, just to make sure it's really clean.

Thanks for your consideration

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] Feature request: Add a SteamCMD flag to delete unknown files in an installation

2013-02-26 Thread Jesse Molina

I use a central vanilla/original installation to sync up multiple real 
game servers.

People who do symlinking probably already do this.

It means I only have to download from Valve once, per game, instead of 
for each game server.  In my case, I have five real TF2 game servers, 
and one central base installation.

If you are a GSP and want to make setup of new servers quick, you 
probably do this.

You would want to run this on a customized server if, for some reason, 
you wanted to restore it to it's original form.

Valentin G. wrote:

Well, wouldn't it delete any and all custom content then (even maps)? I
don't think that this would be a good thing, but I agree that SteamCMD
could be better at cleaning up dead things.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Jesse Molina wrote:

Dear Valve

When SteamCMD is used to update an existing game server installation,
please add an optional argument which will delete all unknown files.

Basically, I want rsync -a --delete.

There have been a number of times in the past when files have been removed
from upstream, but those removals/changes don't get propagated down.  These
files end up abandoned.

This will make it so that I don't have to download an entirely new
installation every couple of months, just to make sure it's really clean.

Thanks for your consideration

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Unix file permissions for many srcds games are unhelpful and need to be fixed

2013-02-25 Thread Jesse Molina

Andre Müller noted that when find calls an external application with 
-exec as I originally wrote below, it makes that call individually for 
each argument, which is why it takes so long on 60K files.

Piping the find output to xargs allows for dramatically faster results.

Recommended replacement:

# Fix directory permissions
#$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type d -exec chmod --preserve-root 
u+rwx,g+rwx,o-rwx {} \;
$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 
--preserve-root u+rwx,g+rwx,o-rwx

# Fix file permissions
#$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type f -exec chmod --preserve-root 
u=rw,g=rw,o-rwx {} \;
$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 
--preserve-root u=rw,g=rw,o-rwx

Beware: I seem to remember that you can run into Too many arguments 
kind of error on older OSes that have a limit (4096 I think) on the 
amount of input a command can accept.  However, this should be safe for 
almost everyone and you can get around those kinds of limits with xargs 
-s or maybe -L.

It's also noteworthy that I failed to quote my {} brackets , which isn't 
safe.  Replace with '{}'.

Find fails.

Thanks Andre!

Jesse Molina wrote:

This is the way that I do it within my control script.

The real iowait pain here is iterating over the 60,000 files three times
over.  If you can live without the chown line, that would cut down on
processing time.

Note that if you symlink to a base install, that may have an effect on
processing time since the referrer file won't get touched.


# Make it nice
NICECMD=nice -n 11 ionice -c 2 -n 6

# Fix ownership
$NICECMD chown -R -h --preserve-root $SETUSER:$SETGROUP $FIXTARGET

# Fix directory permissions
$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type d -exec chmod --preserve-root
u+rwx,g+rwx,o-rwx {} \;

# Fix file permissions
$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type f -exec chmod --preserve-root
u=rw,g=rw,o-rwx {} \;

# Set +x on the srcds_ binaries
for EACH in $(find $FIXTARGET -maxdepth 3 -type f -name srcds_* |
egrep srcds_[amd|i386|i486|i586|i686|run|linux|osx]) ; do
chmod ug+x $EACH

Rudy Bleeker wrote:

Jesse, I'm interested in your script, since bad file permissions get
on my nerves.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] Unix file permissions for many srcds games are unhelpful and need to be fixed

2013-02-24 Thread Jesse Molina

My only real gripe is that everything is +x.  The only regular files 
that should have execute bit set are srcds_linux, srcds_run, and the 
like.  Add to that the VPK tool, whenever it gets released, assuming 
it's a part of the game distro.

./steam from the HLDSUpdateTool is also setting it's InstallRecord.blob 
files +x, and SteamCMD litters +x files all over the place.

Let's look at the TF2 beta through SteamCMD, since I have a fresh 
install sitting here that I can look at.

All files are chmod 700.
All directories are chmod 740.
CSGO looks the same, except directories are 700.

cmod o-rwx is a reasonable default, so no shame there.  A lot of the 
directories and files could be chmod o+r, since all of these files are 
publicly known.  Log files, cfg files, and any other user-modified files 
are obvious exceptions.

Personally, I'd set group perms the same as user perms, but erring on 
the side of security is safe.

One thing to note about the repacking of resources in VPK files is that 
it reduces the number of files in an installation dramatically, which 
makes fixing these file permissions a much easier task.  Old TF2 is 
something like 60,000 files and the new TF2 beta is 1,800 files.  This 
significantly reduces the IO wait pain.  So, this is a big win for us 
game admins in that respect.

Right now, it takes my cleanup script 1 minute 23 seconds to iterate 
through a TF2 install.  On the new TF2 beta, it takes 2 seconds.  My 
disks are really old though.

Ultimately it is the end-user's responsibility to set file permissions 
based upon their own needs.

If Valve were to respect the local umask in SteamCMD (you would still 
need to chmod +x those srcds_ binaries mentioned above), or add 
something as a configurable argument to the app_update command, that 
would put the responsibility on us end users and resolve the issue.

Either respect umask, make it configurable, or set some sane permissions 
on the source repository.

Seeing a bazillion +x .txt files drives me nuts.

Andre Müller wrote:

Not checked everything, but I think it works:

Read the comments and set the absolute path to steamcmdbin and your servers.
You can update more than one server. I think the variables will be selfexplain.

The for loop will create the middle part for the batchprocess and send
it to steamcmd.
So the steamcmd is called 3 times. 2 times for let him self update and
one time for the batch update of all servers.
Maybe you have to use a non anonymous login (e.g. for ss3 or kf)

2013/2/24 Andre Müller

I've also a SS3 Server. Do you have to rename or set symlinks in lower
case for path Content/SeriousSam3/*.gro ?
Later I'll post a little shellscript for batchupdating and setting permissions..

2013/2/24 Rudy Bleeker

I've noticed this too for the Serious Sam 3: BFE dedicated server,
although I realize Valve may have less influence over this. All files
are in mode 0700. I hope the file permissions will be set to something
more sensible in the future.

Jesse, I'm interested in your script, since bad file permissions get
on my nerves.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 4:22 AM, Jesse Molina wrote:

Dear Valve, and other game-server distributors

The unix/posix file permissions distributed through hldsupdatetool and
steamcmd are unhelpful.

In the case of CSGO though SteamCMD, all files and directories are just
chmod 700.  All of them.

The TF2 beta looks similar, though I'm seeing a few files chmod g+r
directories in there.  I'm not done downloading yet though.

At least it's not all chmod 777.  I seem to remember some previous
installation of TF2 under the hldsupdatetool being like that.

I have a fixperms script which cleans this up for each new installation and
after each update, but it's painful to wait while it trolls through the huge
directory structures.

Thanks for your consideration

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything.
   - Floyd Dell

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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] Unix file permissions for many srcds games are unhelpful and need to be fixed

2013-02-24 Thread Jesse Molina

This is the way that I do it within my control script.

The real iowait pain here is iterating over the 60,000 files three times 
over.  If you can live without the chown line, that would cut down on 
processing time.

Note that if you symlink to a base install, that may have an effect on 
processing time since the referrer file won't get touched.


# Make it nice
NICECMD=nice -n 11 ionice -c 2 -n 6

# Fix ownership
$NICECMD chown -R -h --preserve-root $SETUSER:$SETGROUP $FIXTARGET

# Fix directory permissions
$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type d -exec chmod --preserve-root 
u+rwx,g+rwx,o-rwx {} \;

# Fix file permissions
$NICECMD find $FIXTARGET -type f -exec chmod --preserve-root 
u=rw,g=rw,o-rwx {} \;

# Set +x on the srcds_ binaries
for EACH in $(find $FIXTARGET -maxdepth 3 -type f -name srcds_* | 
egrep srcds_[amd|i386|i486|i586|i686|run|linux|osx]) ; do

chmod ug+x $EACH

Rudy Bleeker wrote:

Jesse, I'm interested in your script, since bad file permissions get
on my nerves.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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[hlds_linux] Unix file permissions for many srcds games are unhelpful and need to be fixed

2013-02-23 Thread Jesse Molina

Dear Valve, and other game-server distributors

The unix/posix file permissions distributed through hldsupdatetool and 
steamcmd are unhelpful.

In the case of CSGO though SteamCMD, all files and directories are just 
chmod 700.  All of them.

The TF2 beta looks similar, though I'm seeing a few files chmod g+r 
directories in there.  I'm not done downloading yet though.

At least it's not all chmod 777.  I seem to remember some previous 
installation of TF2 under the hldsupdatetool being like that.

I have a fixperms script which cleans this up for each new installation 
and after each update, but it's painful to wait while it trolls through 
the huge directory structures.

Thanks for your consideration

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] SteamCMD does not exit properly

2013-02-20 Thread Jesse Molina

Here we go.  Perfect example of the harm being done because Valve is 
trying to replace bash with it's own interactive command line interface.

Ross Bemrose wrote:

while its OK to use ~ on a command-line with steamcmd, don't use it
within the actual program, as steamcmd itself doesn't expand it.

# Jesse Molina
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# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] SteamPipe is coming. Download the TF beta

2013-02-20 Thread Jesse Molina

Here are some questions I am wondering.  These are not Rhetorical.

Why was an interactive command line interface developed at all?  What 
was the design specifications for the new SteamCMD?

A lot of work must have gone into that interactive shell.  Why do that? 
 What problem did it solve?

Were users requesting this?  Was there some kind of demand that I don't 
know about?

Are there future plans that Valve has for this tool which require a 
user-interactive session rather than command line arguments or a 
configuration file?

I can't imagine it was to provide a more user-friendly interface, as 
proficiency with cmd.exe/$SHELL is still a requirement for use, and the 
technical knowledge requirements still exist.

I don't get it.

Jesse Molina wrote:

Dear Valve

Please accept the following feedback for consideration.  This feedback
is specifically limited to usage of the SteamCMD interface on GNU/Linux.

Please document command usage for SteamCMD.  There doesn't seem to be any.

There is this document here, but it does not document the various
options and parameters which can be used with SteamCMD:

If I do a ./steamcmd --help, nothing useful happens, which is probably
the first thing an educated administrator might do.

Exit codes?  Document them.

Please stop trying to use the binary itself as a means of documentation.
  Documentation is documentation.  The binary isn't.  I should not have
to type help arg1, help arg2, help arg2 subarg1 et-cetera on the
interactive menu-driven interface to find out how to use the app.  I
can't imagine how painful this must be to implement and keep up to date.

Should I be using the script, or, or just call the
steamcmd binary directly? magically appeared recently, and
nobody really knows why because you didn't communicate this change with
your user base.  Those of us who had been using, found it
stopped working because you changed it and we don't understand why.
Looking at the header comments does not make it apparent how these
scripts are to be used and why each is different.  Please improve
communications when changes occur.

Design suggestion:  Please stop trying to make SteamCMD an interactive
command-line interface.  These are bad, sad, and wrong.  Pros hate
interfaces like this because they are slow and painful and feel like
they were written to be a crutch for stupid people.  Noobs can't use
them because a mouse isn't involved.  Thus, you piss off everyone and
spend a lot of effort doing it.  Why did you feel that bash needed to be
replaced?  Do you really hate readline so much that you needed to
re-implement it?  Something about those who feel the need to reinvent
unix are condemned to...  yea.

While I appreciate this;

How's about a ./steamcmd --listappids, like the old ./steam -command

Please stop littering log files all over the place.  I've already got a
steam.log file sitting in the steamcmd dir, and then you've got a logs
directory, which apparently wasn't good enough for this one log file.
And then there's that ~/Steam/logs/stderr.txt thing.  Am I going to have
to write a cleanup script just to clean up these logfiles?  And for F*ks
sake, why would you name your log files *_log.txt instead of just .log???

Thanks for your consideration.

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

The orangebox engine games (Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike:Source, Day
of Defeat:Source, HL2:Deathmatch) are being upgraded to SteamPipe.
Steam’s new-and-improved content delivery system.  SteamPipe is
currently used by most games on Steam.

This change will impact server operators in at least two significant

·You will use steamcmd instead of the HLDSUpdateTool to install/update
the server.

·The conversion will entail significant changes to the way the files
appear in the local filesystem on the server and client.  The client no
longer uses GCF files.  Instead, most assets are packed up into VPK, and
those VPKs are the same on the server and the client.  The server no
longer uses 1000’s of loose files.

We’re using the TF beta to test these changes and identify the bugs, and
give everybody a chance to make sure their favorite mod or plugin will
work in the new system.

Everybody is encouraged to download the TF beta!

We’ve prepared an FAQ that discusses the details of the change and
answers the questions we anticipate:

Please report gameserver related bugs in this mailing list.

Client bugs can be reported through this mailing list, or in the TF beta

Thanks for your help, and happy testing!

(And remember, playtime in the beta counts towards item drops in the
release game.)

- Fletch

hlds_announce mailing list

Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] SteamPipe is coming. Download the TF beta

2013-02-20 Thread Jesse Molina

Andreas Grimm wrote:

steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir
insert_your_directory_here +app_update 229830 validate +exit

its equivalent to the classic hldsupdatetool command:

hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game tf_beta -dir
insert_your_directory_here -verify_all

Here is a good example for me to pick on.  Please pardon my pointy rant. 
 I'm trying to be positive with my criticism, so don't please think I'm 
just trying to be a jerk.  I realize that I'm calling out someone's work 

With the old steam tool, you specified the working directory with the 
-dir argument.  That's perfectly reasonable and sane.

With the new one, it's +force_install_dir.

Why are we forcing it?  Can we NOT force it?

And why is it the install dir.  Can there be some other dir where we 
might have otherwise gotten confused about which dir we were specifying?

WTF_is_with_the_underscores?  Why_are_they_even_necessary?


Why was -dir not usable enough that it needed to be re-invented badly?

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] New server install failing...

2013-02-20 Thread Jesse Molina

See my message from just a couple of days ago.  Same thing happened to 
me and I got frustrated about it.

It took something like 20-30 minutes, but eventually it updated itself.

It just takes an unreasonably long time.

Why someone at Valve can't tar -czf a newer version (it's from 2005) and 
save us all a lot of hassle, I don't know.

Steven Haigh wrote:

Well, after getting a bit of feedback from this list, I decided it was
time to clean up my setup into a single directory (and clean up 12+Gb of
duplicate files).

I started from scratch to make sure everything is clean, so I downloaded
hldsupdatetool.bin, extracted it, all good.

Now when I try to run ./steam, I get this:

$ ./steam
Checking bootstrapper version ...

And thats where it stops. I don't see any network traffic happening
other than clients trying to connect to the stopped servers.

Any thoughts on what is going on here?

SteamCMD works, but as we know, TF2 is not available via that process

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] SteamPipe is coming. Download the TF beta

2013-02-19 Thread Jesse Molina

Dear Valve

Please accept the following feedback for consideration.  This feedback 
is specifically limited to usage of the SteamCMD interface on GNU/Linux.

Please document command usage for SteamCMD.  There doesn't seem to be any.

There is this document here, but it does not document the various 
options and parameters which can be used with SteamCMD:

If I do a ./steamcmd --help, nothing useful happens, which is probably 
the first thing an educated administrator might do.

Exit codes?  Document them.

Please stop trying to use the binary itself as a means of documentation. 
 Documentation is documentation.  The binary isn't.  I should not have 
to type help arg1, help arg2, help arg2 subarg1 et-cetera on the 
interactive menu-driven interface to find out how to use the app.  I 
can't imagine how painful this must be to implement and keep up to date.

Should I be using the script, or, or just call the 
steamcmd binary directly? magically appeared recently, and 
nobody really knows why because you didn't communicate this change with 
your user base.  Those of us who had been using, found it 
stopped working because you changed it and we don't understand why. 
Looking at the header comments does not make it apparent how these 
scripts are to be used and why each is different.  Please improve 
communications when changes occur.

Design suggestion:  Please stop trying to make SteamCMD an interactive 
command-line interface.  These are bad, sad, and wrong.  Pros hate 
interfaces like this because they are slow and painful and feel like 
they were written to be a crutch for stupid people.  Noobs can't use 
them because a mouse isn't involved.  Thus, you piss off everyone and 
spend a lot of effort doing it.  Why did you feel that bash needed to be 
replaced?  Do you really hate readline so much that you needed to 
re-implement it?  Something about those who feel the need to reinvent 
unix are condemned to...  yea.

While I appreciate this;

How's about a ./steamcmd --listappids, like the old ./steam -command 

Please stop littering log files all over the place.  I've already got a 
steam.log file sitting in the steamcmd dir, and then you've got a logs 
directory, which apparently wasn't good enough for this one log file. 
And then there's that ~/Steam/logs/stderr.txt thing.  Am I going to have 
to write a cleanup script just to clean up these logfiles?  And for F*ks 
sake, why would you name your log files *_log.txt instead of just .log???

Thanks for your consideration.

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

The orangebox engine games (Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike:Source, Day
of Defeat:Source, HL2:Deathmatch) are being upgraded to SteamPipe.
Steam’s new-and-improved content delivery system.  SteamPipe is
currently used by most games on Steam.

This change will impact server operators in at least two significant ways:

·You will use steamcmd instead of the HLDSUpdateTool to install/update
the server.

·The conversion will entail significant changes to the way the files
appear in the local filesystem on the server and client.  The client no
longer uses GCF files.  Instead, most assets are packed up into VPK, and
those VPKs are the same on the server and the client.  The server no
longer uses 1000’s of loose files.

We’re using the TF beta to test these changes and identify the bugs, and
give everybody a chance to make sure their favorite mod or plugin will
work in the new system.

Everybody is encouraged to download the TF beta!

We’ve prepared an FAQ that discusses the details of the change and
answers the questions we anticipate:

Please report gameserver related bugs in this mailing list.

Client bugs can be reported through this mailing list, or in the TF beta

Thanks for your help, and happy testing!

(And remember, playtime in the beta counts towards item drops in the
release game.)

- Fletch

hlds_announce mailing list

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] SteamPipe is coming. Download the TF beta

2013-02-19 Thread Jesse Molina

ics wrote:

The tools needs to be more user friendly so that everyone is at home
using it.

I assume this was satirical.

I am guessing they were trying to make a unified command line interface 
for both Windows and GNU/Linux.  This was... not the kind of decision I 
would have made.

I would have suggested they just make a nice easy-to-do ncurses menu 
interface and then make the Windows people use cygwin.  That would have 
looked nice on both platforms.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] SteamPipe is coming. Download the TF beta

2013-02-19 Thread Jesse Molina

Please update the app ID list with the new TF2 beta ID:

Fletcher Dunn wrote:

The orangebox engine games (Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike:Source, Day
of Defeat:Source, HL2:Deathmatch) are being upgraded to SteamPipe.
Steam’s new-and-improved content delivery system.  SteamPipe is
currently used by most games on Steam.

This change will impact server operators in at least two significant ways:

·You will use steamcmd instead of the HLDSUpdateTool to install/update
the server.

·The conversion will entail significant changes to the way the files
appear in the local filesystem on the server and client.  The client no
longer uses GCF files.  Instead, most assets are packed up into VPK, and
those VPKs are the same on the server and the client.  The server no
longer uses 1000’s of loose files.

We’re using the TF beta to test these changes and identify the bugs, and
give everybody a chance to make sure their favorite mod or plugin will
work in the new system.

Everybody is encouraged to download the TF beta!

We’ve prepared an FAQ that discusses the details of the change and
answers the questions we anticipate:

Please report gameserver related bugs in this mailing list.

Client bugs can be reported through this mailing list, or in the TF beta

Thanks for your help, and happy testing!

(And remember, playtime in the beta counts towards item drops in the
release game.)

- Fletch

hlds_announce mailing list

# Jesse Molina
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[hlds_linux] Is the published HLDSUpdateTool broken?

2013-02-18 Thread Jesse Molina

The steam binary extracted is from 2005, and it sits there forever and 
does nothing.

Is this broken, out of date, or is the Steam network just farked right now?

# Jesse Molina
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# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] Is the published HLDSUpdateTool broken?

2013-02-18 Thread Jesse Molina

This is untrue, as far as I know.

Only CSGO, CS1.6, and HL2DM had been moved over to where they were 
depreciated with the old tool, per announcements from Valve.

See here:
Under Server Files

No TF2, L4D2, CSS... and many more.

Collin Howard wrote:

Hldsupdatetool is no long in use.You have to use steamcmd to update servers if 
you are running hldm, 1.6, csgo, nuclear dawn, RO2, killing floor, etc.

more info:

  From: Jesse Molina
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 3:57:32 AM
Subject: [hlds_linux] Is the published HLDSUpdateTool broken?

The steam binary extracted is from 2005, and it sits there forever and does 

Is this broken, out of date, or is the Steam network just farked right now?

-- # Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Is the published HLDSUpdateTool broken?

2013-02-18 Thread Jesse Molina

Nevermind.  It works.  It took more than 20 minutes, but it finally 
self-updated correctly.

Jesse Molina wrote:

The steam binary extracted is from 2005, and it sits there forever and
does nothing.

Is this broken, out of date, or is the Steam network just farked right now?

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] TF2 server crash, auto-restarts, picks-up different port?

2013-02-17 Thread Jesse Molina

It sounds like you might already have servers that are trampling all 
over each other and you are just realizing it for the first time.  Same 
thing happened to me and I was horrified.  I would recommend you audit 
all of your servers and make sure they are actually using the resources 
you think they should be.

Use -strictportbind on all of your servers.

Please see a relatively recent message from me on this list on my 
recommendations for running multiple servers on a single IP;

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 15:22:43 -0700
From: Jesse Molina
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Overlapping port usage when running multiple

Collect some info on your currently running servers and make sure they 
are all on the resources you expect;

sudo lsof -i 4 -n -a -p $GAMESERVPID

If you want to see what is currently taking up a given port do something 

sudo netstat -anp | egrep $PORTNUM

Weasel wrote:

I've seen this twice now.
The TF2 server crashes.
It auto-restarts.
When it comes back-up again, it doesn't use the port number that has been 
specified (and before the crash it had been using).
My guess, is that when the binary crashes, the old port/socket doesn't get 
released immediately.
So, when the binary get's started back up, it's not immediately available - so 
it picks another port.
Needless to say, this is a big deal for servers where many players use their 
favorites list to find.
This didn't start with the latest round of TF2 updates.
The first time I saw it was back on January 25t - never before.
Since then, It's only happened maybe twice - including just now.

Platform: Linux
Operating System: CentOS 5.9
Architecture: 32-bit (x86).

Recent debug.log file (cleared after last TF2 update):

CRASH: Sat Feb 16 01:05:06 PST 2013
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -secure -game tf +port 29016 -steamport 29116 -debug
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Sat Feb 16 10:15:59 PST 2013
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -secure -game tf +port 29016 -steamport 29116 -debug
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Sat Feb 16 13:10:10 PST 2013
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -secure -game tf +port 29016 -steamport 29116 -debug
End of Source crash report
CRASH: Sat Feb 16 23:00:52 PST 2013
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -secure -game tf +port 29016 -steamport 29116 -debug
End of Source crash report

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Overlapping port usage when running multiple servers on one machine

2013-02-11 Thread Jesse Molina

Here is an example start command for TF2.  This assumes you want to 
stack all of your servers on a single IP, which is what I do:

./srcds_linux -game tf -ip +clientport 27017 +hostport 27117 
+tv_port 27217 -steamport 26017 +replay_port 27417 -strictportbind 
-pidfile /whatever/ -maxplayers 26 +map cp_dustbowl

IMPORTANT: Order of arguments matters.  +map must be last.



IMPORTANT:  For this example above, I used 17 for the last two digits on 
the assigned daemon ports.  You MUST stagger your ports by 2, due to a 
bug with STEAMPORT where it will take whatever you give it and +1.

In other words, only use all odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7,...).  This gives 
you the opportunity to stack up to 50 servers on a single IP.

For example, I specified the STEAMPORT above to be 26017, but it will 
actually use 26018.

Note the use of -strictportbind, which means the srcds_run process 
will exit if ports are already in use.  However, the srcds_linux script 
will auto-restart the process by default.  You may wish to disable 
autorestart, or replace the srcds_linux script with your own script.

Under this scheme, here is what a set of iptables rules might look like:

-A filt_in_srcds -p tcp -m tcp --dport 27100:27199 --tcp-flags 
FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A filt_in_srcds -p udp -m udp --dport 26000:26099 -m state --state NEW 
-A filt_in_srcds -p udp -m udp --dport 27000:27099 -m state --state NEW 
-A filt_in_srcds -p udp -m udp --dport 27100:27199 -m state --state NEW 
-A filt_in_srcds -p udp -m udp --dport 27200:27299 -m state --state NEW 
-A filt_in_srcds -p udp -m udp --dport 27400:27499 -m state --state NEW 

-A filt_in_srcds -j RETURN

Have fun.

Landon Orr wrote:

Currently I'm trying to host multiple servers on one machine. It's a very
beefy machine, two 16-core AMD processors and 64 gigs of memory, so I'd
like to run quite a bit of servers, 30+ if possible. However, I'm running
into an issue when I spin up more than fiver servers or so. Right now I'm
having issues with ports overlapping, as in the servers try to request a
port but it's already in use. For the first five they would just use the
next port up. However, it seems that a server uses two ports (correct me if
I'm wrong) 27015 and 27020. After five servers, the next server tries to
use 27015, it's in use so it tries 27020 and then it gives up.

I know when you use the srcds_run command, there is a way to specify the
port to use, but I can't remember the command. Also, how many ports do I
have to specify? Just two, or are there more than that?
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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Overlapping port usage when running multiple servers on one machine

2013-02-11 Thread Jesse Molina
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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Community pl_ maps crashing clients at map end

2013-01-09 Thread Jesse Molina

Confirming that I saw this happen on pl_waste_v2 yesterday on's TF2 server.

I am not an admin of that server, I just happened to be playing there.

Yun Huang Yong wrote:

pl_waste_v2 both cause most (often all) of the clients to crash to
desktop at the end of the map.

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Email Archive

2012-11-26 Thread Jesse Molina

Neither are good solutions.

The official private list is not indexed by search engines, and there is 
no search feature, so there is no way to find what you want.

As for, they just use their archive as link bait to get more 
subscribers to their message boards.

After three or four hits on their website, you get the following message:

Hey there!

It appears that you've exceeded the maximum number of posts you can 
view, but wait, there's a simple solution. To unlock the forum and 
continue viewing messages, all you need to do is sign up for a free 
account. The entire process takes just a few minutes so create your 
account now and view as many threads as you like, post in our topics and 
use our downloads pages with over 300 GB of files!

Already a member? Login at the top of this page to stop seeing this message.

Tom Grant wrote:

There already is

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Cameron Munroe

Are we allowed to make an archive of this email list to a website?
It would be nice for later use.

-- Cameron

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Multiple SRCDS Instances on Multicore servers?

2012-11-02 Thread Jesse Molina

Chris Oryschak wrote:

For the longest time I've been running multiple servers on a single box
that has multiple cores.  Each SRCDS instance would be assigned it's own
core to prevent it from hopping between cores as I assumed they might
overlap and max out that core.  Plus I remember discussion of lag
spikes occurring when it moves between cores.

Unless you think you can outsmart the scheduler in your system, don't 
try; you probably won't make things better, and you will probably make 
things worse.

My advice: don't use taskset to define cpu affinity for a process unless 
you have a good reason to do it and you know what you are doing.

Setting process affinity to a core can have a positive impact in certain 
situations, but the OB/scrds engine is probably not one of them, unless 
cache misses are a big deal.

Here are my questions:
-Those of you who run multiple SRCDS instances per server, do you assign
them each to a core?

No, I don't.  This isn't the kind of application which would benefit 
from that kind of thing.  Also, in my particular case, doing this would 
almost certainly be detrimental to performance.

-Do you renice any processes?

Yes I do, and yes, lowering the nice/raising the prio has a measurable 
positive impact on performance as measured on client net_graphs and 
end-user perception (me).

My advice: Definitely lower the nice on your srcds processes:
renice -10 $GAMESERVPID

-Do you change the realtime scheduling?

Absolutely not.  Realtime scheduling does not even make theoretical 
sense for this kind of application, especially not multiple realtime 
apps running on the same hardware.

I'll just say it: anyone who thinks realtime is a good idea for game 
servers is an idiot.

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] SRCDS not honoring -steamport parameter any more?

2012-11-01 Thread Jesse Molina

Note that I am a Linux-only server admin.  I know nothing about the 
Windows variant.  Sorry, I forget to look at which mailing list I am 
talking to.  My info may not be applicable to yourself.

One thing to note on the Linux side is that the srcds_run script, unless 
-norestart is specified, will auto-restart the server over and over 
again if -strictportbind is specified and if a conflict is detected. 
That is probably not desirable.

Thus, it may be wise to build your own script to replace srcds_run or 
just call srcds_linux directly, with the right environment.

Roman Hatsiev wrote:

Many thanks for the strictportbind hint, I wasn't aware of that one.

On Nov 1, 2012 2:18 AM, Jesse Molina wrote:

This bug has existed for at least the last three years, probably
more. I don't know if it ever worked right.

Whatever port you assign for -steamport will not be used.  Instead,
it will be n+1.

Here is a real example taken from a TF2 server on GNU/Linux...

Process command arguments:
./srcds_linux -game tf -ip x.x.x.x +clientport 27017 +hostport 27117
+tv_port 27217 -steamport 26017 +replay_port 27417 -strictportbind
-pidfile /path/to/my/ -maxplayers 25 +map cp_dustbowl

Now, here is what lsof said is actually in use:

lsof -i 4 -n -a -p $GAMESERVPID
srcds_lin 18039 hlds7u  IPv4 1132076712  0t0  UDP x.x.x.x:27117
srcds_lin 18039 hlds8u  IPv4 1132076713  0t0  UDP x.x.x.x:27017
srcds_lin 18039 hlds9u  IPv4 1132076714  0t0  UDP x.x.x.x:27217
srcds_lin 18039 hlds   10u  IPv4 1132076715  0t0  TCP
x.x.x.x:27117 (LISTEN)
srcds_lin 18039 hlds   11u  IPv4 1367389900  0t0  TCP x.x.x.x:26018

My command specified -steamport 26017, but 26018 is actually in use.

My solution for this is to simply space out all servers by odd
numbers when running multiple servers on the same IP.  So, I've got
a server at 2xx13, 2xx15, 2xx17, 2xx19, etc

Also note the use of -strictportbind above.  This feature was
added at my request by Valve, who graciously answered my call to do
so.  By default, the srcds application happily tramples on ports and
just assigns itself whatever the heck it pleases to have.  When
-strictportbind is used, in theory, the app is supposed to exit with
an error, as any sane and reasonable daemon would.

For verification, I nmap my own host and diff the output against the
previous output and get mailed if differences are found.  That way I
know if anything is gone amiss.

Roman Hatsiev wrote:

These are clientport and tv_port. For some reason srcds uses
instead of steamport.

On Oct 31, 2012 8:48 AM, Weasel
mailto:wea...@weaselslair.com__ wrote:

 I have been using these parameters in the command-line for some
 time, to explicitly specify what ports to use for the game
and for
 Steam communication:

 +port 29016
 -steamport 29116

 Those ports are explicitly open on by firewall, etc.

 While troubleshooting some other issues (that I think are
 un-related), I noticed these errors in the logs:

 WARNING: Port 27005 was unavailable - bound to port 27006
 WARNING: Port 27020 was unavailable - bound to port 27021

 What are those ports all about?
 Is it not using the -steamport parameter?
 or is this yet more communication of some other form?

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Recommendations for SV_MinRate and SV_MaxRate for 32-player TF2 server?

2012-09-10 Thread Jesse Molina

Yes, you could certainly make things worse by messing around with your 

You need to justify why the defaults are insufficient and why altering 
them will improve your situation.

I fiddled around with all kinds of rate settings over a month or two on 
a 24-player TF2 server a year or so ago and here is what I concluded:

The defaults are usually best.

Increasing the packet generation rate can have a significantly negative 
impact on CPU usage, and has virtually no benefit to anyone except for 
players with low latency (20ms).

For players with latencies above 80ms, raising the packet rates can have 
a negative impact on game play because the source engine appears (this 
is pure conjecture based on observation) to have some kind of buffer, 
very similar to your TCP window buffers, which limits the number of 
update messages in transit.

Finally you did not say anything about your current CPU usage.  If you 
are already maxing out there, increasing your rates is guaranteed to 
make things worse.

Note that my comments here only relate to TF2.

Weasel wrote:

Just doing some optimizing of my TF2 servers.  I was wondering if anybody on here had any recommended 
settings for sv_minrate and sv_maxrate - specifically as it might apply to TF2 
servers running greater than the Valve-default-limit of 24-players?  I allow 32, and I do see a little bit of 
lag when the server loads-up with players.  While that's going-on, network connectivity is fine (true network 
pings between 30ms and 100ms).

Until recently, having more than 24 players on my server was rare.  So, I never 
really noticed that increased lag.  But, now it's fairly packed a couple of 
nights a week.  Not sure if there's really anything to be done with it, but 
maybe some sv_minrate/sv_maxrate tweaking might help a little?

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] Recommendations for SV_MinRate and SV_MaxRate for 32-player TF2 server?

2012-09-10 Thread Jesse Molina

Also, there may be something wrong with your mail server: []:
  500 couriertls: connect: error:14077410:SSL 
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure

Then again, I use Courier MTA, which is pretty non-tolerant of goofy stuff.

Jesse Molina wrote:

Yes, you could certainly make things worse by messing around with your

You need to justify why the defaults are insufficient and why altering
them will improve your situation.

I fiddled around with all kinds of rate settings over a month or two on
a 24-player TF2 server a year or so ago and here is what I concluded:

The defaults are usually best.

Increasing the packet generation rate can have a significantly negative
impact on CPU usage, and has virtually no benefit to anyone except for
players with low latency (20ms).

For players with latencies above 80ms, raising the packet rates can have
a negative impact on game play because the source engine appears (this
is pure conjecture based on observation) to have some kind of buffer,
very similar to your TCP window buffers, which limits the number of
update messages in transit.

Finally you did not say anything about your current CPU usage.  If you
are already maxing out there, increasing your rates is guaranteed to
make things worse.

Note that my comments here only relate to TF2.

Weasel wrote:

Just doing some optimizing of my TF2 servers.  I was wondering if
anybody on here had any recommended settings for sv_minrate and
sv_maxrate - specifically as it might apply to TF2 servers running
greater than the Valve-default-limit of 24-players?  I allow 32, and I
do see a little bit of lag when the server loads-up with players.
While that's going-on, network connectivity is fine (true network
pings between 30ms and 100ms).

Until recently, having more than 24 players on my server was rare.
So, I never really noticed that increased lag.  But, now it's fairly
packed a couple of nights a week.  Not sure if there's really anything
to be done with it, but maybe some sv_minrate/sv_maxrate tweaking
might help a little?

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] _restart / loadout issue.

2012-08-28 Thread Jesse Molina

Rudy Bleeker wrote:

I've had no crashes yet with the 'quit' command, but I did see a crash
when players succesfully voted to restart the mission. That got me
thinking that a succesfull 'restart mission' vote perhaps issues the
_restart command?

Threadjacking here.

The crash-on-quit issue is still an issue.  It seems like we are 
basically where we were about six months ago, plus what looks like some 
new issues specific to MvM servers.

Servers with a longer uptime and usage will crash on quit very reliably.

Worse, MvM servers are hanging on quit, rather than crashing, quite 
regularly and must be killed.

The control script that I use gives the process three seconds to clean 
up it's PID file before I get violent with it.  Processes with an uptime 
of 24-hours crash or hang the majority of the time, and I'd put it up in 
the  75% of the time area.

The more recent issues of servers crashing on quit even with an uptime 
of less than ten minutes seems to be resolved though.

Note that my comments above are specific to TF2 on Linux and I only care 
for a small handful of servers.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] _restart / loadout issue.

2012-08-28 Thread Jesse Molina

My comments were including the use of the new binaries.  FYI, they did
release those into an official update.

Calvin Judy wrote:

Hello Jesse,

There were some binaries posted probably a week ago, that were supposed
to fix the crashes on quit and _restart to my understanding.

I beleive Fletch said they would implement the binaries if feedback was
good, are you running those binaries? Unless they've released
the update with those, you will most likely still be getting crashes on
quit  _restart.

(Here's the binaries link:

- Original Message - From: Jesse Molina
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] _restart / loadout issue.

Rudy Bleeker wrote:

I've had no crashes yet with the 'quit' command, but I did see a crash
when players succesfully voted to restart the mission. That got me
thinking that a succesfull 'restart mission' vote perhaps issues the
_restart command?

Threadjacking here.

The crash-on-quit issue is still an issue.  It seems like we are
basically where we were about six months ago, plus what looks like
some new issues specific to MvM servers.

Servers with a longer uptime and usage will crash on quit very reliably.

Worse, MvM servers are hanging on quit, rather than crashing, quite
regularly and must be killed.

The control script that I use gives the process three seconds to clean
up it's PID file before I get violent with it.  Processes with an
uptime of 24-hours crash or hang the majority of the time, and I'd put
it up in the   75% of the time area.

The more recent issues of servers crashing on quit even with an uptime
of less than ten minutes seems to be resolved though.

Note that my comments above are specific to TF2 on Linux and I only
care for a small handful of servers.

# Jesse Molina
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# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] New server, CPU of choise?

2012-08-24 Thread Jesse Molina

In addition to what has already been said:

Asus, like SuperMicro, makes excellent barebone server hardware these 
days, but you are going to end up with a motherboard that only takes 
Xeon processors.

I am hosting on an AMD Phenom x6 1055T and an old cheap desktop board. 
Everything runs great with multiple TF2, CSS, L4D, and other servers. 
More cores on the cheap.  I am being limited by RAM right now because of 
the old motherboard being DDR2, so I can't tell you what the CPU 
limitations are, but stacking one fully-loaded 32-player TF2 server 
per-core leaves plenty of room for stacking a L4D server on top of each.

I paid $200 for the CPU, and all the other hardware was trash I had 
laying around at the time.

Saint K. wrote:


I am looking into buying a new server (we colo our servers, so own the 

Now it's been 3 years ago we last bought new machines so I am completely stuck 
in my research. I am really curious to know what the CPU of choice is here with 
people who own their *own* hardware and what you manage to run off these CPU's.

Our current servers exist of Xeon CPU's, however, I am told that TF2/CSGO etc. 
servers run just as good off, for example, i7 CPU's.

Please share your experiences with me!


Saint K.
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# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:GO and ip problems

2012-08-24 Thread Jesse Molina

Were you recently on the CSS server?

Since the MvM update came out, I have noticed that the player location 
directory service (whatever it's called) has been slow and not updating 
when people change servers.

So, I'll be playing TF2 on one server, go to another, and then people 
who use their friend's list to find out what game I am in are given the 
OLD game server instead of where I might currently be at.

Also, when inviting people, they are getting the OLD server where I was 
at previously instead of the new one.

I suspect this might be your problem and it has nothing to do with your 

Matthew Mjelde wrote:

Hey everyone, I have this problem and I have been trying to figure it out
for a few hours now.  Whenever I am in my cs:go server, and I tell someone
to join off me through steam they are redirected to my cs:s server instead.

# Jesse Molina
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Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds_announce] Mandatory TF2 update released

2012-08-23 Thread Jesse Molina

My goodness.  Our long nightmare of crash on quit is really over.

Until the regression anyway.

Thanks Valve

Eric Smith wrote:

- Updated Steam binaries; fixes Linux crash on shutdown or restart

# Jesse Molina
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# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] Passworded MvM server?

2012-08-17 Thread Jesse Molina

FYI, I have noted that if you set sv_lan 1 and an sv_password in 
server.cfg, then the MvM server will always crash when changelevel is 

The server will appear to operate normally, until the time for a map 
change comes along.

I do not know if this is just me.  I gave up working on it under the 
expectation that there will be many, many, bugfixes and improvements 
over the coming days.

Peter Reinhold wrote:

On 16.08.2012 11:37, ics wrote:

I've set both tf_mm_servermode 0 and set a password, and still, it does
not work.

I can connect to the server without specifying a password, and as soon
as I join, the players come pouring in.

tf_mm_servermode = 0
  game notify
  - Activates / deactivates Lobby-based hosting mode.
0 = not active
1 = Put in quickplay pool (based on current map)
2 = Put in MvM pool.  (Lobby will control current map)

password = * ( def.  )
  - Current server access password

And a moment later (Even without me joining first)

   L 08/16/2012 - 17:15:24: Mr. Köstlich2STEAM_0:0:15762905
connected, address
   Client Mr. Köstlich connected (
   L 08/16/2012 - 17:15:25: Mr. Köstlich2STEAM_0:0:15762905
STEAM USERID validated

So, it would definately seem like setting a password does not work.

Or, are there other settings that could

Set tf_mm_servermode 0 (not as 2) and add password, works fine here
too. Though i would prefer to have sv_steamgroup exclusive 1 dfrom l4d
but it doesn't work with  tf2 atm. Then again not as it was in it
because anyone could just add their servers to certain steamgroup. If
you were on official game group, you got 100's of servers to pick from
and they were not official.

- Alkuperäinen viesti -

dont put quickplay on it, then just set sv_password on it..

works fine here.

2012/8/16 Peter Reinhold

 Just finished setting up 6 MvMs, and I would like to add another,
 private, server for friends to play on.

 But, during my identity creation on the first 6, I set a password in
 the server.cfg (and, verified it via console), but players still
 directly (strict was off, so I could join myself)

 Is this by design, that MvMs should not be passwordable, and if so,
 how do I go about setting up a private server?


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# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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Re: [hlds_linux] New WebAPI: Is my server listed on the master server?

2012-08-09 Thread Jesse Molina

Yea, the first thing I am going to do is write a Nagios/Icinga test 
script for this and start polling.  I am sure Valve expects this, or at 
least they should.

It should be noted that you can add the port on the end of the IP in the 
URI and it resolves just fine.  This is important for people who stack 
servers on a single IP.

ics wrote:

Why would you need to do that? If no issues occur, servers will stay
connected. This is just tool to help out just incase so you can
eliminate the issue on Valve's end.

Btw, good tools are always welcome! This propably helps some but i think
it will bury on that message alone. Perhaps create a support article on it?


9.8.2012 21:21, Herover kirjoitti:

Would it be abusive to automaticaly check status on a/multiple server
once a hour/once a day?

Please note: This WebAPI is intended for troubleshooting purposes
Automated use of this WebAPI to scrape the server list or make
excessively frequent checks (more frequent than once every 10
minutes or so) is considered abusive.

- Fletch

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# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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