Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin -> Faux Exposure Brackets -> enfuse

2012-12-19 Thread Doug

On 18/12/12 19:36, JohnPW wrote:

Yup. If you have the RAW, that would be the way to do it.
But, as the prison warden in "Coolhand Luke" said, "I think
what we have here, is a failure to communicate!"   ;-)

Just a P.S.
That was "Coolhand Luke". The prison warden shot him ;-)

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Panini on ubuntu 12.04

2012-08-18 Thread Doug
FYI it also works fine with Linux Mint Debian Edition Update 
4, so long as one also installs package 'subversion' before 
running 'qmake'.

Many thanks!

On 18/08/12 08:31, Yili Zhao wrote:

   thanks for the recipe.

   May you add it to "";?

2012/8/13 Carlos Eduardo G. Carvalho (Cartola) :


I have compiled Panini 0.71.104 on Ubuntu 12.04. For those who does't know,
this is a very good visualizer for many projections, like equirectangular,
cube faces and many others. As it was not an obvious task I decided to share
the final recipe at the internet.

In English:

In Portuguese (Brazilian):


Carlos E G Carvalho (Cartola)
Gnugraf 2012 - 17 e 18 de agosto, CEFET Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: More Help needed with Enfuse within Hugin

2012-02-01 Thread Doug

On 01/02/12 07:31, Gnome Nomad wrote:

On 01/31/2012 12:39 AM, kfj wrote:

On 31 Jan., 09:01, Gnome Nomad wrote:

Hmmm, on my Minolta, I can set the bracketing to shoot
the median
exposure in the middle: -2, 0, +2. Maybe your Canon can
do the same?

no it cannot.


I guess it depends on the Canon model.
You can set the bracketing sequence to 0, -, + or -, 0, + 
with Custom Function I-5 on the Canon 7D.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: More Help needed with Enfuse within Hugin

2012-01-30 Thread Doug

Thanks as always!

Comments interspersed..

On 29/01/12 17:02, kfj wrote:

On 29 Jan., 14:07, Doug  wrote:

Meanwhile I've tried a last resort, chickening out of doing
everything at once, and settled for fusing each stack as an
individual hugin session (having removed sky points) -
obviously not very practical if I'd had a lot of stacks
instead of only six! -  and then running a separate session
to blend the fused images together. That finally produced a
decent result.

This does indicate that you had interstack control points between more
than only one image per stack. Maybe you'll have to doublecheck on
your use of the control point generator parameters in your settings,
as explained in the help (quote from hugin help on Hugin Parameters
for Control Point Detectors dialog):

If I remember rightly CPfind did produce some extra 
interstack control points. But I deleted them all in order 
to set manual control points.

"Panorama with stacks

This setting is intended for panoramas with stacks. In the first step
it selects the image with the median exposure of every stack. Then it
tries to match these median exposed images. After this step all image
stacks should be connected.

I think I could have run into trouble with this as you 
mention in your next post:

 "But if you use align_image_stack, it
assumes that the median exposure is in the middle (I tried 
with 3-shot
brackets), and if it isn't it wil not deliver it's optimal 

.My median image was always the first one in 
the stack

Then it tries to connect the images of every stack by using the
program given under Detector for stacks.

When your panorama does not contain stacks, it's does the same as All
images at once."

Creating a panorama from fused stacks does nothing other than first
fusing the stacks and then stitching the fused stacks together.

Five of the six stacks fused individually as simple
panoramas without problems, but the sixth - on the
right-hand edge of the picture, much to my surprise, as I
would have expected the problem to lie with the middle
stack(s) - took quite a bit of effort to bring it into good
register. I had to unlink the images, set each image a new
lens, and optimise for y,p,r,X,Y,Z and v (having tried
optimising fewer parameters first unsatisfactorily).

As you see, the possibilities are endless... hugin is a complex tool
and takes a while to get to know - and it does have odd and annoying
quirks as well. But if you get it to do what you want done, the
results are often very good.

The three bracketing images would have been taken within a
fraction of a second of one another, seeing that the camera
was set to AEB and continuous shooting, so I can't imagine
what would have been able to go wrong in such a brief interval!

Think of how you can easily spoil an exposure by shaking the camera in
as little as 1/10 of a second.


How right you are!!


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: More Help needed with Enfuse within Hugin

2012-01-29 Thread Doug

On 28/01/12 12:33, kfj wrote:

On 27 Jan., 18:28, Doug  wrote:

I haven't bothered to remove sky points because it hasn't
seemed to make any difference with these images

If I was you, I'd get rid of all points in the sky. Misalignment in
the clouds is hard to spot.

I thought to try assigning separate lenses to each stack and
unlinking the lens parameters, then optimising for all lens
parameters including fov. The result was one step forward,
two steps back - the distance is now fine over the whole
panorama, but the foreground register is worse, even
extending a bit beyond the centre.

What would you suggest next ?

Assuming all options in hugin have been used to the max, there is just
one solution left over: redo the take with a tripod - assuming the
errors you have are from parallax. Exposure stacks are very sensitive
to parallactic errors. Why so? In a standard panorama, the images only
need to match along the seams, and the intelligent seam placement can
put the seam in a place where the match is good. When fusing stacks,
every single pixel from every single image is taken into account
(within the constraints of the fusion parameters) - so if there are
mismatches, they will show. If a tripod is not an option, do at least
use a stick (like, a walking stick') to rest the camera on, and if all
else fails, rest it against a tree, a rock or your body. Do the
bracket in serial shot mode, so as to give you as little chance as
possible to move the camera between shots.

Ther's one thing you may want to try in case you can't redo the take.
Often it's the case that parts of the image don't need to participate
in the final outcome. If this is true for the parts of your image set
where you experience problems, you can do this:

Switch off all images but one from each stack, so that the only images
left are the ones which have the best exposure for the area where your
fusion problems are. Alternatively you can just switch off those
images which obviously can't align well with the others. Now stitch a
panorama from the reduced set (make sure you don't optimize or change
anything before creating the subset panorama). Now you can open the
fused panorama you already have and the new subset panorama as layers
in an image editor and use a layer mask to override the erroneous
areas in the fused panorama by parts of the subset panorama.


Thanks again Kay for your most informative advice.

Meanwhile I've tried a last resort, chickening out of doing 
everything at once, and settled for fusing each stack as an 
individual hugin session (having removed sky points) - 
obviously not very practical if I'd had a lot of stacks 
instead of only six! -  and then running a separate session 
to blend the fused images together. That finally produced a 
decent result.

Five of the six stacks fused individually as simple 
panoramas without problems, but the sixth - on the 
right-hand edge of the picture, much to my surprise, as I 
would have expected the problem to lie with the middle 
stack(s) - took quite a bit of effort to bring it into good 
register. I had to unlink the images, set each image a new 
lens, and optimise for y,p,r,X,Y,Z and v (having tried 
optimising fewer parameters first unsatisfactorily).

The three bracketing images would have been taken within a 
fraction of a second of one another, seeing that the camera 
was set to AEB and continuous shooting, so I can't imagine 
what would have been able to go wrong in such a brief interval!


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: More Help needed with Enfuse within Hugin

2012-01-27 Thread Doug

On 27/01/12 12:08, kfj wrote:

On 26 Jan., 19:21, Doug  wrote:

I've a set of 5 hand-held images each at 3 bracketed
exposures, taken with the AEB setting on the camera (to
minimise movement between shots).
The images are set up as 5 stacks with unlinked images; the
control points found with CPfind Multirow/Stacks; alignment
optimised for y,p,r,x,y,z; then stitched with exposure fused
from stacks.
The result is fine towards the edges of the panorama, but in
the centre the stack(s) is/aren't properly fused - both
foreground and distance are out of register.

It looks like your take was done best as you could. One thing makes me
wonder, though: x, y and z aren't what you optimize for in a standard
panorama. Try resetting them to zero, reoptimize and see if your
problem is still there. Do optimize for lens parameters, though, (a-e)
- in case you haven't done so.

Could parallax between adjacent images in the centre of the
picture be causing problems? What could I do about it, if it

Most likely this is the problem. But you might still improve the
outcome by trying to align the stacks better. For that, you'd first
create more CPs. The specialist CP generator for stacks is still
align_image_stack, and if I can't get my stacks right straight away
with cpfind, I do at least give it a shot - it's slow but thorough.
And when using cpfind, it may help to run it with my favourite

--fullscale --sieve2size 5

on top of what else you may be using - this should give you up to 125
CPs per pair, nicely distributed over the images. I assume you have
used the multirow feature so that there are CPs for all images inside
a stack and the stacks are only inked among each other via a single
exposure in each stack (usually the middle exposure) - if all images
are interlinked, this can also lead to problems (especially with
handhelp panoramas) - so your images should be linked something like

(1,2,3) (4,5,6) (7,8,9) (10,11,12) (13,14,15) (1,4,7,10,13)

do doublecheck just in case something went wrong with your CPG


Many thanks Kay, there's a marked improvement when I 
optimise lens params a-e, leaving x,y,z at zero and use 
CPfind multirow/stacks with --fullscale --sieve2size 5. (I 
haven't bothered to remove sky points because it hasn't 
seemed to make any difference with these images).
Nevertheless the foreground and distance are still somewhat 
out of register in the centre of the panorama.

I thought to try assigning separate lenses to each stack and 
unlinking the lens parameters, then optimising for all lens 
parameters including fov. The result was one step forward, 
two steps back - the distance is now fine over the whole 
panorama, but the foreground register is worse, even 
extending a bit beyond the centre.

What would you suggest next ?


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[hugin-ptx] More Help needed with Enfuse within Hugin

2012-01-26 Thread Doug
I'm trying to fuse exposure stacks, following what I 
understand from the tutorials and these recent posts, 
without success; so I'd be really grateful for some newbie 
advice. I'm using Hugin 2011.4.0cf9be9344356 in Linux Mint 
I've a set of 5 hand-held images each at 3 bracketed 
exposures, taken with the AEB setting on the camera (to 
minimise movement between shots).
The images are set up as 5 stacks with unlinked images; the 
control points found with CPfind Multirow/Stacks; alignment 
optimised for y,p,r,x,y,z; then stitched with exposure fused 
from stacks.
The result is fine towards the edges of the panorama, but in 
the centre the stack(s) is/aren't properly fused - both 
foreground and distance are out of register.
It's not resolved by anything I've tried  - unlinking the 
lens, assigning different lenses to the stacks, etc.

Where am I going wrong?
Could parallax between adjacent images in the centre of the 
picture be causing problems? What could I do about it, if it 


On 23/12/11 09:06, kfj wrote:

On 23 Dez., 03:42, Calvin McDonald  wrote:

Thanks for the help Kay.

After 5-6 failed attempts trying to exposure-fuse within Hugin, I'm now
trying image-set by image-set with command-line enfuse.

I'm getting pretty good (acceptable) exposure-fusing results via
command-line, so I'm encouraged.  However, I'm on to the next problem
alignment.  I know better now but when I took the image-set I made the
mistake of not taking the two exposure shots back-to-back.  I took the 12
upper row shots at exposure setting #1, then went back and took the 12 with
the alternate exposure.  Although tripod mounted with a nice detent pano
head, it of course didn't create perfect alignment between the image
pairs.  The alignment error is about 20 or so pixels - just enough to make
the transition from land to sky look horrid.

How do I align them?

You should be able to do it all in hugin. When you say your attempts
failed, what went wrong?

There is one common mistake in your situation. I suppose you still
have your initial attempt with all the images in hugin. Since your
stacks are not perfectly aligned the way you took them, you have to
uncheck the 'link' checkbox next to the image position fields in the
images tab for each of your misaligned stacks. If you don't do that,
the stacked images will be placed precisely on top of each other and
their positions will be linked, and it sounds as if this was happening
with your panorama.

You need control points between the images in the stacks in order to
align them, so in case you don't have them (linked stacked images can
do without control points), you'll need another run of a control point
generator - align_image_stack is popular for the specific case, but
cpfind with settings to create a few more points than usual (try --
fullscale --sieve2size 5 -o %o %s) works well, too - and another
optimizer run.

Once everything is optimized, the minor shifts between the stacked
images should be dealt with and you can proceed to let hugin create
the fused panorama. You can check the quality of the alignment in the
preview by setting the viewing mode to difference in the preview tab
of the preview. If the overlap is generally very good, instead of
creating a panorama from fused stacks you can also try and go the
other way by creating an exposure fusion from an arbitrary
arrangement, which has the added benefit that it lets you keep the
intermediate layers to blend yourself if you want.

Do trials with small output sizes to see what looks about right, then
when you think you're getting there, crop out a typical section and do
it higher-res, then when all seems fine have a go at the full pano.

Sadly I couldn't find a way to make hugin keep the fused stacks before
feeding them to enblend, which would be nice for you to play with (am
I blind? or is there really no such option?). What you can do, though,
is keep all the remapped images (no photometric correction, LDR) and
enfuse them manually. They should be well-aligned now they have been
made from unlinked stacks.

If you're on windows, there are also the enfuse-align droplets, where
you can just drag and drop sequences of images onto them and have an
exposure fusion made from an aligned unlinked stack. This might be an
option if you want to manually enfuse but not use hugin for it.

And I'm sure there are many more possibilities... it's confusing at
first, but you'll get there ;-)


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Please proof read "Read Me First (Mac)" for new Hugin 2011.0

2011-06-02 Thread Doug

Forgive the typo nit-picking:

On 02/06/11 06:46, Harry van der Wolf wrote:

Hi Allan,

2011/6/2 AKS-Gmail-IMAP>>


Additional minor comments:

"To be able to align and stitch seamless panoramas,
Hugin needs to know the corresponding locations (control
points) between each overlapping pair of images. Hugin
allows you to define Control Points manually and/or
  automatically with helper programs called Control
Point Detectors. Hugin comes bundled with it's  (=it is)


Control Point Detector named CPFind. CPFind was
developed to provide a superior patent restriction free
alternative to the helper Control Point Detectors
Autopano-sift-C and Panomatic that at one time where


only available Control Point Detectors.  In Hugin's
preference settings you indicate to Hugin where the
helper programs reside in addition to what settings
Hugin should use. Due to patent


I copied your suggestions as I do see them as improvements
(and Hugin is with a capital H). Thanks.
One question though. I didn't know the word "connivence",
but I thought I could derive the meaning from the text.
However, when I looked up the meaning it was something
completely different. I assume you meant "convenience"  here?



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Re: [hugin-ptx] THANK YOU

2010-11-30 Thread Doug

On 29/11/10 10:33, doug wrote:

On 29/11/10 04:08, Yuval Levy wrote:

To all those who built binaries from the released source
tarball, and those
who are still building them: a big THANK YOU!

You achieved a first: this is the first release of Hugin
ever that got binary
support for so many platforms in such a short time - less
than 48 hours.

I hope ordinary users will join into this thank you message.

In any case, I am very proud of you.

In the meantime, development goes on, a few bugs have been
fixed, translations
updated, the bug tracker is being intensively worked
through and we'll gear up
for another release run next weekend. Can we do better?

On my end, I definitely can. This time around I only
provided binaries for
Ubuntu Lucid. I'll try to do two versions of Ubuntu next

We still have the following plan:
- beta2 dec 3
- rc1 dec 17
- rc2 dec 21
- final dec 25

My wish is for the build process for 2010.4.0 final to be
as fast as it was for
2010.4.0beta1, and I look forward to share with you all
the way through the
release candidates until 2010.4.0 final and beyond.

have a good week


ordinary user Doug

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Re: [hugin-ptx] linear panoramas with distortion - help needed

2010-02-19 Thread Doug

On 19/02/10 09:53, paul womack wrote:

Doug wrote:

As a relative newbie I'd be grateful for your expert advice.

I'm trying to get records from images of old manuscripts on a
microfilm viewer.

I would put the microfilm under a suitable microscope, with
digital camera attached.

Screen shotting a normal viewer seems to be making more trouble
than is needed.


Thanks Paul. Alas, the film is not mine and can't be removed 
from the centre where it's held, or I could simply put it on 
a light box and photograph it.

>I'd correct your camera problem first.  Using a tripod 
with a sliding >arm back and forth on the bottom is where 
I'd start.  This would set the >photos at the same level and 
help control your yaw/pitch etc.

>An example of a sliding bar/arm is what we use in 
stereographic >images.  You should be able to build 
something quite simple from your >local hardware store.


Thanks Dale. I have equipment that would be suitable; the 
problem is I can't use it where the film has to be viewed.

>You could try the mosaic mode in a recent Hugin 
development build, >but this is still experimental.


Thanks Bruno. Can you give me some more details? At present 
I'm on hugin 2009.4.0.4742.


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[hugin-ptx] linear panoramas with distortion - help needed

2010-02-18 Thread Doug

As a relative newbie I'd be grateful for your expert advice.

I'm trying to get records from images of old manuscripts on a microfilm 
The viewer has no download or print facility, so the  image projected on 
the viewer screen has to be photographed.
In order to get sufficient definition to read the difficult handwriting, 
I have to zoom in; and that means taking 3 - 4 photos for each record, 
shifting the film along to bring left, centre and right of the record in 
turn to the centre of the screen. The photos are hand-held, at an 
awkward angle in a confined space; and the illumination of the screen 
falls off towards the edges.

So my problem is a set of 3 photos forming a linear panorama, each image 
with substantial perspective distortion, with varying amounts of yaw, 
pitch and roll between them. Although I can get an acceptable final 
result with Gimp, it takes quite a bit of fiddling: I don't welcome the 
prospect of tackling a whole series of such sets.
I've tried to follow the linear panoramas tutorial in Hugin but get only 
wildly distorted results, so what would be the best way of tackling this 
with hugin?


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Bizarre results with Hugin 4.0

2010-02-08 Thread Doug

On 06/02/10 23:01, pwinter wrote:

Hello,  Perhaps someone here can help me.  I have tried many times to
use Hugin .7 and simply couldn't make it work, so I uninstalled that
and installed 4.0 on a Vista machine.  That was no better.  No matter
what I do, the preview image is square and almost totally black, as is
the finished, saved image.  If there is any detail, it is wildly

I'm only a newbie, so this may be irrelevant, but your 
problem sounds very familiar.

Have you tried clicking on the Fit tab in preview?
If you get an image but it's wildly distorted, click on the 
Drag tab and try dragging the image up/down/left/right. 
Hopefully it can improve things.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Plea for update of autopano-sift-c-2.5.1 tarball

2010-01-07 Thread Doug

On 06/01/10 21:20, Bruno Postle wrote:

On Wed 06-Jan-2010 at 14:12 +, Doug wrote:

Where should the request to update the README files go?

The place to put it where it won't get lost is in the sourceforge tracker.

...but I just changed the README in SVN, so the next release (if there
is one) won't have the hopelessly outdated C# build instructions.

On behalf of newbies everywhere, thanks! :)

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Plea for update of autopano-sift-c-2.5.1 tarball

2010-01-06 Thread Doug

On 06/01/10 15:10, Kornel Benko wrote:

Am Wednesday 06 January 2010 schrieb Doug:

On 06/01/10 13:22, Seb Perez-D wrote:

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 13:48, Doug   wrote:

I ran "cmake .  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local" in
then "make"
then as root "make clean all"
which did install autopano-sift-c in
~/downloads/autopano-sift-c-2.5.1/APSCpp/, but *not* in /usr/local.
Then I copied autopano-sift-c to /usr/local/bin.

As root, "make install" should do the trick.



Many thanks! That did it.

Please never try to compile as root.
Use e.g.
sudo make install
( But of course, it's your machine.)

Where should the request to update the README files go?



Sorry, I didn't make that clear. I always, as user, 
configure, or whatever, then make, as user; then su; give 
password; and then as root make install.

Practically nothing on my machine is permitted as sudoer.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Plea for update of autopano-sift-c-2.5.1 tarball

2010-01-06 Thread Doug

On 06/01/10 13:22, Seb Perez-D wrote:

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 13:48, Doug  wrote:

I ran "cmake .  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local" in
then "make"
then as root "make clean all"
which did install autopano-sift-c in
~/downloads/autopano-sift-c-2.5.1/APSCpp/, but *not* in /usr/local.
Then I copied autopano-sift-c to /usr/local/bin.

As root, "make install" should do the trick.



Many thanks! That did it.

Where should the request to update the README files go?

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[hugin-ptx] Plea for update of autopano-sift-c-2.5.1 tarball

2010-01-06 Thread Doug
Could the README files in autopano-sift-c-2.5.1.tar.gz be brought up to 
They seem to bear little relation to the contents of the tarball, which 
does not have /bin or /src directories, and instructions for 
installation are so perfunctory as to be unintelligible to a non-expert.

As one of these I was just guessing what to do:

I ran "cmake .  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local" in 

then "make"
then as root "make clean all"
which did install autopano-sift-c in 
~/downloads/autopano-sift-c-2.5.1/APSCpp/, but *not* in /usr/local.

Then I copied autopano-sift-c to /usr/local/bin.

Is this correct? What else needs to be copied to /usr/local/bin or lib?


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Unable to install hugin 2009.4.0

2010-01-04 Thread Doug
On 04/01/10 14:09, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Montag 04 Januar 2010 schrieb Doug:
>> What do you advise?
>> My set-up is as follows:
>> /etc/   has 1 line: "include /etc/*.conf"
>> contains
>> 2 files (lib64arts1.conf, lib64kdecore4.conf),
>> 1 link (GL.conf) and
>> 1 folder (GL).
> I have there also:
>   /etc/
> with content:
>   # libc default configuration
>   /usr/local/lib
>   Kornel

I created libc.conf in /etc/ with the same 
content as you.
Rebooted. No joy.

I tried
ldd /usr/local/bin/hugin
to find out what was happening to the libraries and saw that 
none of the /usr/local/lib libraries were being found.

Then I ran
/sbin/ldconfig -v

This finally did the trick!

I guess running
previously as root had not been working, but there were no 
error messages to indicate that anything was wrong.

Many thanks for your very patient and helpful advice!


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Unable to install hugin 2009.4.0

2010-01-04 Thread Doug
On 03/01/10 15:37, Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Sun 03-Jan-2010 at 15:18 +0000, Doug wrote:
>> However running hugin encountered this problem:
>> "/usr/local/bin/hugin: error while loading shared libraries:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such
>> file or directory".
>> Needless to say, libhuginbase is in /usr/local/lib.
>> I have run ldconfig but still get the error message.
> On fedora /usr/local/lib isn't in the linker search path, you may
> have to change a setting in /etc/ or set your
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment.
Kornel - is the same as yours. I tried 
all manner of links - to lib, lib64, local/lib64 with no result

Bruno - LD_LIBRARY_PATH did nothing for me, either.

I'll need a good deal of hand-holding over editing 
/etc/ - I've had my fingers badly burnt with this 
in the past.

What do you advise?

My set-up is as follows:

/etc/   has 1 line: "include /etc/*.conf" contains
2 files (lib64arts1.conf, lib64kdecore4.conf),
1 link (GL.conf) and
1 folder (GL).

lib64arts1.conf  and  lib64kdecore4.conf each have 1 line: 

GL contains the empty file "standard.conf"

GL.conf links via /etc/alternatives/gl_conf to 
/etc/nvidia-current/ which has two lines:


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Unable to install hugin 2009.4.0

2010-01-03 Thread Doug
On 31/12/09 17:25, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 31 Dezember 2009 schrieb James Legg:
>> On Thu, 2009-12-31 at 14:24 +0000, Doug wrote:
>>> On 30/12/09 14:54, Kornel Benko wrote:
>>>> Am Mittwoch 30 Dezember 2009 schrieb Doug:
>>>>> /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.c
>>>>> pp:18 1:  error: ‘WX_GL_RGBA’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> Here (ubuntu 9,10) it is defined in /usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/glcanvas.h,
>>>> which on my system is in package wx2.8-headers.
>>>> Don't know about mandrake.
>>> Here it's also defined in  /usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/glcanvas.h
>>> but this doesn't seem to be picked up by cmake and make.
>> wxWidgets should be compiled passing --with-opengl as an argument to
>> configure for these definitions. Do you know if your wxWidgets was
>> compiled this way?
>> -James
> He is using cmake, so he should add -DENABLE_LAPACK=YES as argument to cmake. 
> But even this should not be needed.
>   Kornel
Nearly there!
Many thanks to you and James.

As far as I could tell, all the definitions were present and 
correct in the right places. But cmake was not picking up 

So I re-compiled wxWidgets with the following
../configure --with-gtk --enable-unicode --with-opengl

and ran cmake with
cmake "/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0" 

Hugin installed OK.

However running hugin encountered this problem:
"/usr/local/bin/hugin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory".
Needless to say, libhuginbase is in /usr/local/lib.
I have run ldconfig but still get the error message.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] error executing self compiled hugin 2009.04

2010-01-03 Thread Doug
On 02/01/10 18:45, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Samstag 02 Januar 2010 schrieb paolobenve:
>> I'm using ubuntu 9.10, and after compiling and installing hugin
>> according to, when I
>> try executing it I get:
>> $ hugin
>> hugin: error while loading shared libraries:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> $ which hugin
>> /usr/local/bin/hugin
>> The deb package installs everything in /usr/local, and
>> 0.0 is in /usr/local/lib/. But why doesn't hugin see it?
>> What error did I make?
> Same error, as have many before. Forgotten to call "ldconfig". This happens, 
> if you install directly (not from package), sigh.
>   Kornel

May we praise you for your patience and beg you not to lose 

It's a great help to us newbies  - we want to take advantage 
of the advances in hugin, but often have to struggle with 
installation procedures that aren't familiar yet.



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Re: [hugin-ptx] Unable to install hugin 2009.4.0

2009-12-31 Thread Doug
On 30/12/09 14:54, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 30 Dezember 2009 schrieb Doug:
>> /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp:18
>> 1:  error: ‘WX_GL_RGBA’ was not declared in this scope
> Here (ubuntu 9,10) it is defined in /usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/glcanvas.h, which 
> on my system is in package wx2.8-headers.
> Don't know about mandrake.
>   Kornel
Here it's also defined in  /usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/glcanvas.h 
but this doesn't seem to be picked up by cmake and make.

I tried going into ccmake and setting OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR as 
Makes no difference.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Unable to install hugin 2009.4.0

2009-12-30 Thread Doug
On 29/12/09 14:02, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Tuesday 29 December 2009 schrieb Doug:
>> CMake Error at
>> CMakeModules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:51 (MESSAGE):
>> Could not find REQUIRED package wxWidgets
>> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>> /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindwxWidgets.cmake:782
>> CMakeLists.txt:128 (FIND_PACKAGE)
> No you have to install the required package wxWidgets first ...
>   Kornel

Thanks, I've made quite a bit of progress.
cmake now runs OK.
However 'make' runs until it reaches  70% of building 

then crashes with these error messages:

In file included from 
error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxGLContext’ with no type
error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
In constructor ‘GLPreviewFrame::GLPreviewFrame(wxFrame*, 
error: ‘WX_GL_RGBA’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER’ was not declared in this scope
error: invalid conversion from ‘GLViewer*’ to ‘int’
error:   initializing argument 1 of ‘wxSizerItem* 
wxSizer::Add(int, int, int, int, int, wxObject*)’
In member function ‘void 
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void 
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void 
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void 
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void 
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void 
GLPreviewFrame::TurnOffTools(std::set, std::allocator >)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
make[2]: *** 
Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeFiles/hugin.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Unable to install hugin 2009.4.0

2009-12-29 Thread Doug
On 29/12/09 05:54, Kornel Benko wrote:
 > Am Monday 28 December 2009 schrieb doug:
 >> On 24/12/09 20:31, Kornel Benko wrote:
 >>> Am Donnerstag 24 Dezember 2009 schrieb Doug:
 >>>> Sorry for the newbie question.
 >>>> I'm trying to install 2009.4.0 on linux mandrake 
2009.1 64-bit from the
 >>>> 2009.4.0 tarball.
 >>>> Having downloaded it and untarred into ~/downloads/ ; 
 >>>> ~/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0/
 >>>> and run "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ." I 
get the following
 >>>> error messages:
 >>>> CMake Error at celeste/CMakeLists.txt:85 
 >>>>  set_target_properties called with incorrect 
number of arguments.
 >>> Looks like HUGIN_LIB_VERSION were not set ...
 >>>> CMake Error at celeste/CMakeLists.txt:96 (INSTALL):
 >>>>  install TARGETS given no RUNTIME DESTINATION for 
executable target
 >>>>  "celeste_standalone".
 >>> Here maybe BINDIR is not set ...
 >>>> CMake Error at celeste/CMakeLists.txt:97 (INSTALL):
 >>>>  install FILES given no DESTINATION!
 >>> and here INSTALL_DATA_DIR...
 >>> ...
 >>> All of this would have been set in the main CMakeLists.txt.
 >>> You should call cmake with a path to main source as 
 >>> Already the first error should read 
"src/celeste/CMakeLists.txt" and not "celeste/CMakeLists.txt".
 >>> Therefore you should call:
 >>> cmake ..  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
 >>>> Where do I go from here?
 >>> See above.
 >> I'm unclear how to get cmake to find the main source.
 >> I assume the path ought to be either
 >> /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0
 >> or /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0/src.
 > The former.
 >> But I've tried
 >> (1) In /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0/
 >> cmake ..  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local as you suggest
 > In this directory either "." or 
"/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0", e.g.
 > cmake "/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0" 
 > But I prefer to make a build-directory first.
 > e.g.
 > mkdir /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-build
 > cd  /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-build
 > cmake "/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0" 
 >> (2) cd'ing to src/ and repeating
 >> (3) in  /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0/ or src/
 >> cmake /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0
 >> (4) cmake /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0/src
 >> All these result in the same error messages - evidently
 >> failing to pick up the source path. How come?
 >> Doug
 > Kornel
Thanks, Kornel.
I removed CmameCache.txt and followed your build 
instructions with the following result - some progress, at 

cmake "/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-2009.4.0" 
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Current SVN revision is 4742
-- Looking for log2
-- Looking for log2 - found
CMake Error at 
CMakeModules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:51 (MESSAGE):
   Could not find REQUIRED package wxWidgets
Call Stack (most recent call first):
   CMakeLists.txt:128 (FIND_PACKAGE)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I have the package 
perl-Alien-wxWidgets-0.42-4mdv2009.1.x86_64 already 
installed and a wxWidget Perl script and various wxWidget 
folders and files in 
or ./auto/Alien.
I'm unclear whether this is the required wxWidget package or 
how to set up the path for finding a Perl package anyway.


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[hugin-ptx] Unable to install hugin 2009.4.0

2009-12-24 Thread Doug
Sorry for the newbie question.
I'm trying to install 2009.4.0 on linux mandrake 2009.1 64-bit from the 
2009.4.0 tarball.
Having downloaded it and untarred into ~/downloads/ ; entered 
and run "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ." I get the following 
error messages:

CMake Error at celeste/CMakeLists.txt:85 (set_target_properties):
   set_target_properties called with incorrect number of arguments.
CMake Error at celeste/CMakeLists.txt:96 (INSTALL):
   install TARGETS given no RUNTIME DESTINATION for executable target
CMake Error at celeste/CMakeLists.txt:97 (INSTALL):
   install FILES given no DESTINATION!
CMake Error at tools/CMakeLists.txt:29 (install):
   install TARGETS given no RUNTIME DESTINATION for executable target 
CMake Error at matchpoint/CMakeLists.txt:11 (install):
   install TARGETS given no RUNTIME DESTINATION for executable target
CMake Error at deghosting/CMakeLists.txt:6 (install):
   install TARGETS given no RUNTIME DESTINATION for executable target
CMake Error at lens_calibrate/CMakeLists.txt:19 (INSTALL):
   install TARGETS given no RUNTIME DESTINATION for executable target
CMake Error at translations/CMakeLists.txt:5 (ADD_TRANSLATIONS):
   Unknown CMake command "ADD_TRANSLATIONS".
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Where do I go from here?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Mailing List(s)

2009-09-10 Thread Doug

Bart van Andel wrote:
>> [...] I rather think that we will
>> have one separated list for notifications (tracker and commits), and one
>> separated list for talk (which can very well be hugin-ptx if the users
>> tolerate more dev talk).
> As a user with an interest in coding and algorithms, I'm pretty happy
> with the way the hugin-ptx list is working right now, but the approach
> mentioned above seems fair. Since I'm reading all the list messages
> through the Google Groups interface [0], everything gets grouped
> properly already, and a few extra messages to read or decline won't
> hurt.
As a simple user I like the hugin-ptx list the way it is 
now. Though much of the dev talk is above me it gives me a 
good idea of the way things are going and whether I should 
be thinking of upgrading, the sorts of problems I could come 
across in using whichever version of hugin - so I'm not 
completely thrown when they turn up - and a feel for the way 
hugin works, which helps in using it.

Eliminating the stuff I don't want to read is really not a 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: NOT SOLVED: Re: Enfuse unpicks alignment - what's up?

2009-08-09 Thread Doug

Hi Joachim,
I responded to Gerry before seeing your post, so I've inlined my 
comments after following his suggestions.

J. Schneider wrote:
> Gerry Patterson schrieb:
>> Hello Doug,
>> ... Perhaps the following sequence will work:
>>1. load both images into hugin.
>>2. Under the lens tab ensure they have the same lens number assigned
>>   to both images.
> No, different lens numbers, because he accidentally changed the zoom. 
That would make sense - I couldn't see how to change the lens number and 
they were already assigned to 0 and 1

> But I wonder if the exif info isn't already correctly used by hugin. If 
> so the images should already be assigned no. 0 and no. 1.
>>3. Create a few control points manually (say 5 or 6).  Ensure they
>>   are spread out across the images
>>4. Under optimizer tab select "Positions and View (y,p,r,v)  The
>>   maximum error should very small.  As in less than 1.  ...
I set a half-dozen control points manually. After optimising, the 
maximum error was 0.06

> If handheld it might be greater but even a few pixels should often work 
> acceptably.
> Optimizing for v wouldn't give sensible results if both images share the 
> same lens number. If they don't you can check one of them to be 
> optimized and one to stay fixed.
> If exif values for focal length are used correctly by hugin, optimizing 
> for v would only correct for slight rounding errors in this transmitted 
> data or for movement of the camera back or forth between shots.

The remapped images were very crude and blocky; but as far as I could 
tell by overlaying them in Gimp or enfusing them, they were reasonably 
well aligned.
> regards
> Joachim
What's  the explanation?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: NOT SOLVED: Re: Enfuse unpicks alignment - what's up?

2009-08-09 Thread Doug

Gerry Patterson wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Doug  <>> wrote:
> >
> Evidently I spoke too soon.
> I assumed the problem arose from different magnificatiions and hadn't
> appreciated v should have corrected for that.
> I've also tried align-image-stack -m as suggested by Gerry. That gives
> an even worse result.
>     Back to square one :-(
> Doug
> Hello Doug,
> Do you remember just how far apart in Ev the two images are (how many 
> stops different?).  I am wondering if there is just too much 
> difference that control points aren't getting generated properly  
> (Areas that are very light in one picture and very dark in the other, 
> makes finding control points difficult).  Perhaps the following 
> sequence will work:
>1. load both images into hugin.
>2. Under the lens tab ensure they have the same lens number
>   assigned to both images.
>3. Create a few control points manually (say 5 or 6).  Ensure they
>   are spread out across the images
>4. Under optimizer tab select "Positions and View (y,p,r,v)  The
>   maximum error should very small.  As in less than 1.  You can
>   check this after the dialog closes by pressing F3 and sorting by
>   distance
>5. Under stitcher select "remapped images"
> Now you can open the images and see how they overlay.  You should also 
> be able to pass them to enfuse as well.
> If you are comfortable with it, you can send me the images privately 
> and I can also try it from here.
> - Gerry
Thanks Gerry. I'll get back to you as soon as all the grandchildren have 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: NOT SOLVED: Re: Enfuse unpicks alignment - what's up?

2009-08-08 Thread Doug

J. Schneider wrote:
> Doug schrieb:
>> Thanks Harry.
>> I've tried -s 2 and -s 3, both were worse than earlier results.
>> As a further check I tried putting in all control points manually; that 
>> was almost as bad.
>> Bizarre.
>> Doug
>> P.S. Had a further thought and overlaid the images in Gimp.
>> It looks as though the zoom ring on the camera lens accidentally slipped 
>> between shots - they're at slightly different magnifications, not 
>> obvious except in close up.
>> Can one correct for this?
> Yes: by optimizing for v, as you initially did.
> You wrote "solved" in the subject line, but if I understand correctly, 
> it is only the result solved by using Gimp. The cause of the 
> misalignement still is unsolved, is it?
> regards
> Joachim
Evidently I spoke too soon.
I assumed the problem arose from different magnificatiions and hadn't 
appreciated v should have corrected for that.
I've also tried align-image-stack -m as suggested by Gerry. That gives 
an even worse result.

Back to square one :-(


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[hugin-ptx] Re: SOLVED: Re: Enfuse unpicks alignment - what's up?

2009-08-08 Thread Doug

Thanks Harry.
I've tried -s 2 and -s 3, both were worse than earlier results.
As a further check I tried putting in all control points manually; that 
was almost as bad.



P.S. Had a further thought and overlaid the images in Gimp.

It looks as though the zoom ring on the camera lens accidentally slipped 
between shots - they're at slightly different magnifications, not 
obvious except in close up.
Can one correct for this?


Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> If there's much misalignment, as Gerry states, you might try 
> align_image_stack with the "scale down" option like:
> "align_image_stack -s 2 -a AIS "
> or
> "align_image_stack -s 3 -a AIS "
> I know the scale down option looks weird as it seems that you will 
> loose accuracy, but my personal experience (and from some of the other 
> ImageFuser users) is that scaling down really helps in case of bad 
> aligned images.
> It helps as align_image_stack can only focus on the real "steady" pixels.
> Harry
> 2009/8/7 Gerry Patterson  <>>
> On Aug 7, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Doug  <>> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Gerry and Harry,
> > I've followed your advice but the images are still badly misaligned.
> >
> > Doug
> >
> >
> >
> Did you move very much between taking the shots? Â Was there a large
> time lag that has caused things to move?
> >

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse unpicks alignment - what's up?

2009-08-07 Thread Doug

Gerry Patterson wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Doug  wrote:
>> Thanks Gerry and Harry,
>> I've followed your advice but the images are still badly misaligned.
>> Doug
> Did you move very much between taking the shots?  Was there a large  
> time lag that has caused things to move?
No. The two photos were taken immediately after one another (they could 
have been automatic bracketing shots, but I don't remember) with maybe 
only a slight shift due to the camera being handheld.
The peculiar thing is that the alignment is really bad  -  a careless 
manual adjustment of the two images as Gimp layers would easily get a 
very much better result.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse unpicks alignment - what's up?

2009-08-07 Thread Doug

Thanks Gerry and Harry,
I've followed your advice but the images are still badly misaligned.


Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> The simplest would be:
> "align_image_stack -a AIS "
> This would make align_image_stack create aligned images having the 
> prefix AISx.tif from your (two) source images.
> Then do:
> "enfuse -o  AIS*"
> Or you could use one of the available gui's to do all that for you:
> OSX: ImageFuser or enfuseGui or Bracketeer (last one not free)
> Linux: KImageFuser
> Windows: enfuseGui
> Harry
> 2009/8/7 Gerry Patterson  <>>
> Hello,
> Instead of using autopano-sift-c, try using 'align_image_stack'. 
> You should then be able to pass the resulting tiff files to enfuse
> directly.  I believe there is an option to generate a .pto which
> you can view as well. 
> If you want to continue using autopano-sift-c and these images
> were taken in what is meant to be a stacked configuration, you can
> leave off 'b' and 'v' when optimizing. At least I think you can. 
> This should only optimize for position.
> Best Regards,
> - Gerry
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Doug  <>> wrote:
> I'm an inexperienced user of hugin, so any advice is welcome!
> Using 0.8.0 release, attempting a simple fuse of one photo
> (handheld)
> from two images at different exposures.
> I used autopano-sift-c to generate control points, opened the
> .pto file
> in hugin, removed sky points with Celeste, optimised y,p,r,b,v and
> stitched using 'Blended panorama(enfuse)'.
> In the resulting xx_fused.tif file the two exposure images are
> grossly
> misaligned vertically and horizontally.
> I tried adding numerous control points manually to the images
>     before
> fusion - no different - Â and fusing without optimising first
> - the same.
> I've had no problem with other simple fusions of two or three
> exposures,
> so what gives? What am I doing wrong?
> Doug

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[hugin-ptx] Enfuse unpicks alignment - what's up?

2009-08-07 Thread Doug

I'm an inexperienced user of hugin, so any advice is welcome!
Using 0.8.0 release, attempting a simple fuse of one photo (handheld) 
from two images at different exposures.

I used autopano-sift-c to generate control points, opened the .pto file 
in hugin, removed sky points with Celeste, optimised y,p,r,b,v and 
stitched using 'Blended panorama(enfuse)'.
In the resulting xx_fused.tif file the two exposure images are grossly 
misaligned vertically and horizontally.

I tried adding numerous control points manually to the images before 
fusion - no different -  and fusing without optimising first - the same.

I've had no problem with other simple fusions of two or three exposures, 
so what gives? What am I doing wrong?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: setting hugin tmp directory in 0.8.0 release

2009-08-03 Thread Doug

Doug wrote:
> Bruno Postle wrote:
>> On Mon 03-Aug-2009 at 09:35 +0100, Doug wrote:
>>> "How do I get the tmp directory in hugin so that it is not chosen by the
>>> OS (linux MDV 2008.1)?"
>> Try starting hugin like this:
>>  TMPDIR=/media/disk-2/tmp hugin &
>> ..and let us know if it works.
> Yep! That does it.
> Thanks, Bruno.
> Doug
P.S. However, it leaves the temporary file(s) to be cleared up after 
hugin has finished.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: setting hugin tmp directory in 0.8.0 release

2009-08-03 Thread Doug

Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Mon 03-Aug-2009 at 09:35 +0100, Doug wrote:
>> "How do I get the tmp directory in hugin so that it is not chosen by the
>> OS (linux MDV 2008.1)?"
> Try starting hugin like this:
>  TMPDIR=/media/disk-2/tmp hugin &
> ..and let us know if it works.
Yep! That does it.
Thanks, Bruno.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: setting hugin tmp directory in 0.8.0 release

2009-08-03 Thread Doug

Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Sun 02-Aug-2009 at 22:34 +0100, Doug wrote:
>>> Another possibility is that when you click Stitch Now, hugin creates
>>> a temporary folder and places all the working files there.  Maybe
>>> this folder location isn't effected by the Preferences setting?
>> I think that's the case; the first lines in are:
>> # set temporary directory
>> export TMPDIR=/media/disk-1/tmp
>> but they're ignored.
> No this TMPDIR environment variable can only effect tools such as 
> enblend that create temporary files themselves.  It doesn't control 
> the location of the intermediate files of the stitch, these are 
> decided by hugin when it creates the file.
So, to get back to my original query:

"How do I get the tmp directory in hugin so that it is not chosen by the
OS (linux MDV 2008.1)?"


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[hugin-ptx] Re: setting hugin tmp directory in 0.8.0 release

2009-08-02 Thread Doug

Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Sun 02-Aug-2009 at 11:14 +0200, LukᨠJirkovský wrote:
>> Interesting, when I've tried that it worked. Can you please check if
>> the file contains TMPDIR=/media/disk-2/tmp somewhere at the
>> beginning? The problem may also be that the tempdir is used only for
>> some files (I've tested it with very small limit for image cache in
>> enblend and according to lsof they had gone to the directory specified
>> in hugin).
> Another possibility is that when you click Stitch Now, hugin creates 
> a temporary folder and places all the working files there.  Maybe 
> this folder location isn't effected by the Preferences setting?
I think that's the case; the first lines in are:

# set temporary directory
export TMPDIR=/media/disk-1/tmp

but they're ignored.


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[hugin-ptx] setting hugin tmp directory in 0.8.0 release

2009-07-28 Thread Doug

How do I get the tmp directory in hugin so that it is not chosen by the 
OS  (linux MDV 2008.1)?

In File=>Preferences I set Tempdir to "/media/disk-2/tmp".
.hugin shows "tempDir=/media/disk-2/tmp"

but all the working files are still going into /home/dougb/tmp where 
space is limited.

I previously asked this about 0.7.0 and was told it would be corrected 
in 0.8.0.
This seems not to be the case.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: upgrading hugin to 0.8

2009-07-18 Thread Doug

Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> 2009/7/17 Doug :
>> Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>>> 2009/7/16 Doug :
>>>> tennevin.yves wrote:
>>>>> Under which OS?
>>>> Apologies, the brain is softening.
>>>> Linux (MDV 2008.1)
>>>> Doug
>>> If you use package manager (Drak RPM I think, it's a looong time I've
>>> used Mandrake) it should be OK (everything is done automatically).
>>> LukáÅ
>> Thanks. However I'm installing from tarball not drakrpm, because the
>> only rpm available via drakrpm for 2008.1 is 0.7.0.
>> I don't want to have to upgrade the OS to 2009.1 or later as well (at
>> least for the time being) to get 0.8.0.
>> Doug
> Oh. So if I got you right you want to build 0.8 from sources. Then I'd
> suggest to make package from it (you can try to modify spec file for
> 0.7). But if you don't want to create package for whatever reason I'd
> suggest to install it to some other place, where it's not normally
> installed (eg. /usr/loca/ or /opt). Then you can have more version at
> a time.
> Lukas
Thanks, Lukas.
I think I'll probably have to install to /opt - 0.7 is already hogging 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: upgrading hugin to 0.8

2009-07-17 Thread Doug

Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
> 2009/7/16 Doug :
>> tennevin.yves wrote:
>>> Under which OS?
>> Apologies, the brain is softening.
>> Linux (MDV 2008.1)
>> Doug
> If you use package manager (Drak RPM I think, it's a looong time I've
> used Mandrake) it should be OK (everything is done automatically).
> LukáÅ
Thanks. However I'm installing from tarball not drakrpm, because the 
only rpm available via drakrpm for 2008.1 is 0.7.0.
I don't want to have to upgrade the OS to 2009.1 or later as well (at 
least for the time being) to get 0.8.0.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: libpano13-2.9.14 tarball for linux

2009-07-16 Thread Doug

Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Doug  wrote:
>> Can someone point me to a URL to download a linux tarball?
>> I've been going scatty trying to find it on sourceforge or anywhere on 
>> google - all I can find is a
> The sourcecode (for linux and windows) is here
> are you looking for precompiled binaries?
> cu andreas
Thanks. That was the source I was looking for -  the reason I didn't 
find it was that I couldn't see any libpano13 on the /panotools/files/  
page. Damn sure it wasn't on the page when I looked before - I must be 
going blind or crackers!


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[hugin-ptx] Re: upgrading hugin to 0.8

2009-07-16 Thread Doug

tennevin.yves wrote:
> Under which OS?
Apologies, the brain is softening.
Linux (MDV 2008.1)


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[hugin-ptx] upgrading hugin to 0.8

2009-07-16 Thread Doug

Is it OK to install 0.8.0.rc5 on top of 0.7.0? Or do I need to remove 
some files first?

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[hugin-ptx] libpano13-2.9.14 tarball for linux

2009-07-16 Thread Doug

Can someone point me to a URL to download a linux tarball?
I've been going scatty trying to find it on sourceforge or anywhere on 
google - all I can find is a


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[hugin-ptx] Re: setting hugin tmp directory

2009-07-10 Thread doug

Henk Tijdink wrote:
> On 9 jul, 14:58, Lukáš Jirkovský  wrote:
>> 2009/7/9 Doug :
>>> How do I get the tmp directory in hugin so that it is not chosen by the
>>> OS (Hugin 0.7.0; linux MDV 2008.1)?
>>> In File=>Preferences I set Tempdir to "/media/disk-2/tmp".
>>>  .hugin shows "tempDir=/media/disk-2/tmp"
>>> but all the working files are still going into /home/dougb/tmp where
>>> space is limited.
>>> Doug
>> Hi Doug,
>> It's not possible in 0.7 (unless you were willing to change it in
>> panorama makefile by hand). You really should try some of development
>> version of upcoming 0.8. Among the new features this issue should be
>> fixed in 0.8.
>> Lukas
> Hello Lukas
> I'm running Hugin  (Ad Huikeshoven installer) on a Windows
> XP system.
> But only partially the Changed temp folder assigned by Hugin is used.
> Only the EXIFtools cache comes in the assigned temp folder.
> All other actions go to the temp folder assigned in the windows
> system..
> Kind regards
> Henk
Many thanks, Lukas and Henk. At least I know it's not me! I'll wait 
until 0.8 stabilises - I had problems compiling it last time
I tried it


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[hugin-ptx] setting hugin tmp directory

2009-07-09 Thread Doug

How do I get the tmp directory in hugin so that it is not chosen by the 
OS (Hugin 0.7.0; linux MDV 2008.1)?

In File=>Preferences I set Tempdir to "/media/disk-2/tmp".
 .hugin shows "tempDir=/media/disk-2/tmp"

but all the working files are still going into /home/dougb/tmp where 
space is limited.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Triage of Bug Tracker

2009-06-12 Thread Doug

Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Thu 11-Jun-2009 at 23:18 +0200, Yuval Levy wrote:
>> A 0.8.0 release is overdue. The sooner the better. I suggest being very 
>> strict about what bugs or application behaviors to consider show stoppers.
> As far as I'm concerned the Fast Preview Crop button crash is a 
> blocker, I'm not sure about anything else:
Is the crash I'm experiencing with compiling 0.8.0 rc3 (Problem with 
compiling hugin-0.8.0.rc2/3) related to this?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Problem with compiling hugin-0.8.0.rc2/3

2009-06-10 Thread Doug

Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Tue 09-Jun-2009 at 18:17 +0100, Doug wrote:
>> Here is stderror output towards the end, where the errors appear:
>> In file included from 
>> /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp:47:
>> /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:40: error: 
>> expected class-name before ‘{’ token
>> /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:67: error: 
>> ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxGLContext’ with no type
>> /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:67: error: 
>> expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
> Are there any errors before this?  Something like a missing file.
Nothing obvious to me. LAPACK wasn't found by cmake if that's relevant.

I attach the output of cmake:
 >cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .
-- Current SVN revision is 3923
-- Found wxWidgets: TRUE
-- Found TIFF: /usr/include
-- Found JPEG: /usr/include
-- Found PNG: /usr/include
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use FindPkgConfig
-- Found OPENEXR: 
-- Found Glew:
-- Program msgfmt found (/usr/bin/msgfmt)
-- LAPACK not found, using LU-based solver
-- Using shared internal libraries
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0

and the complete stdoutput and stderror of make:
[ 4%] Built target huginbasewx
[ 6%] Built target huginlevmar
[ 30%] Built target huginbase
[ 36%] Built target celeste
[ 44%] Built target huginvigraimpex
[ 44%] Built target celeste_standalone
[ 45%] Built target celeste_train
[ 52%] Built target huginANN
[ 53%] Built target huginlensdb
[ 53%] Built target open_file
[ 54%] Built target align_image_stack
[ 54%] Built target autooptimiser
[ 55%] Built target fulla
[ 55%] Built target nona
[ 56%] Built target pto2mk
[ 56%] Built target tca_correct
[ 57%] Built target vig_optimize
[ 59%] Built target matchpoint
[ 61%] Built target hugin_hdrmerge
[ 61%] Built target hugin_stitch_project
[ 62%] Building CXX object 
warning: "DEBUG_HEADER" redefined
In file included from 
from /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/panoinc.h:70,
warning: this is the location of the previous definition
In file included from 
/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:40: error: 
expected class-name before ‘{’ token
/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:67: error: 
ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxGLContext’ with no type
/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:67: error: 
expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
In constructor ‘GLPreviewFrame::GLPreviewFrame(wxFrame*, PT::Panorama&)’:
error: ‘WX_GL_RGBA’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER’ was not declared in this scope
error: invalid conversion from ‘GLViewer*’ to ‘int’
error: initializing argument 1 of ‘wxSizerItem* wxSizer::Add(int, int, 
int, int, int, wxObject*)’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnTrackChangeFOV(wxScrollEvent&)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnCrop(wxCommandEvent&)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnDrag(wxCommandEvent&)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnIdentify(wxCommandEvent&)’:

[hugin-ptx] Re: Problem with compiling hugin-0.8.0.rc2/3

2009-06-09 Thread Doug

Doug wrote:
> Pit Suetterlin wrote:
>> Doug wrote:
>>> Many thanks.
>>> I have  (qgl.h in /usr/lib/qt3/include, qgl.h in 
>>> /usr/lib/qt4/include/Qt, qgl.h in /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtOpenGL)
>>> and gl.h in /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL
>>> Is  the /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL gl.h OK ?
>>> or do I need the whole  xorg-x11-devel package?
>> So you compiled and installed Mesa yourself?  
> No, not that I recall. I did compile and install a heck of a lot of 
> other dependencies, however.
>> Normally, that should also
>> install the include files in a proper place.  /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL is not
>> such a proper place, so you either have to tell the configuration script to
>> also look in /usr/src/Mesa/include/ 
> I can probably do that.
>> or finish the Mesa install to also install
>> the header files.   
>> Does your system have, and where is that one coming from?
>>   Pit
> /usr/lib has,,; so and so.1 being links to 
> so.1.2 in that directory
> /usr/lib/mesa has,; so.1 being a link to so.1.2 in 
> that directory
> /usr/lib/nvidia-current has,; so.1 being a link 
> to so.169.12 in that directory
> Doug
I created a batch of links from /usr/include/GL (which already had 
glew.h in it) to /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL and 'cmake' completed OK.

However, 'make' now fails with a series of errors in 
Here is stderror output towards the end, where the errors appear:

In file included from 
from /home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/panoinc.h:70,
warning: this is the location of the previous definition
In file included from 
/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:40: error: 
expected class-name before ‘{’ token
/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:67: error: 
ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘wxGLContext’ with no type
/home/dougb/downloads/hugin-0.8.0/src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:67: error: 
expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
In constructor ‘GLPreviewFrame::GLPreviewFrame(wxFrame*, PT::Panorama&)’:
error: ‘WX_GL_RGBA’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER’ was not declared in this scope
error: invalid conversion from ‘GLViewer*’ to ‘int’
error: initializing argument 1 of ‘wxSizerItem* wxSizer::Add(int, int, 
int, int, int, wxObject*)’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnTrackChangeFOV(wxScrollEvent&)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnCrop(wxCommandEvent&)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnDrag(wxCommandEvent&)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void GLPreviewFrame::OnIdentify(wxCommandEvent&)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
In member function ‘void 
GLPreviewFrame::TurnOffTools(std::set, std::allocator >)’:
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’
error: ‘class GLViewer’ has no member named ‘Refresh’

[hugin-ptx] Re: Problem with compiling hugin-0.8.0.rc2/3

2009-06-08 Thread Doug

Pit Suetterlin wrote:
> Doug wrote:
>> Many thanks.
>> I have  (qgl.h in /usr/lib/qt3/include, qgl.h in 
>> /usr/lib/qt4/include/Qt, qgl.h in /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtOpenGL)
>> and gl.h in /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL
>> Is  the /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL gl.h OK ?
>> or do I need the whole  xorg-x11-devel package?
> So you compiled and installed Mesa yourself?  
No, not that I recall. I did compile and install a heck of a lot of 
other dependencies, however.
> Normally, that should also
> install the include files in a proper place.  /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL is not
> such a proper place, so you either have to tell the configuration script to
> also look in /usr/src/Mesa/include/ 
I can probably do that.
> or finish the Mesa install to also install
> the header files.   
> Does your system have, and where is that one coming from?
>   Pit
/usr/lib has,,; so and so.1 being links to 
so.1.2 in that directory
/usr/lib/mesa has,; so.1 being a link to so.1.2 in 
that directory
/usr/lib/nvidia-current has,; so.1 being a link 
to so.169.12 in that directory


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Problem with compiling hugin-0.8.0.rc2/3

2009-06-08 Thread Doug

Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Sat 06-Jun-2009 at 19:03 +0100, Doug wrote:
>> "CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they 
>> are set to NOTFOUND.
>> Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the 
>> CMake files:
>> I am running a Linux system (32-bit Mandriva 2008.1)?
> Hi, it is looking for a file called gl.h.  On this system it is 
> found at /usr/include/GL/gl.h and is provided by the xorg-x11-devel 
> package.
Many thanks.
I have  (qgl.h in /usr/lib/qt3/include, qgl.h in 
/usr/lib/qt4/include/Qt, qgl.h in /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtOpenGL)
and gl.h in /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL

Is  the /usr/src/Mesa/include/GL gl.h OK ?
or do I need the whole  xorg-x11-devel package?


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[hugin-ptx] Problem with compiling hugin-0.8.0.rc2/3

2009-06-06 Thread Doug

Sorry if this is a noob question, but I don't know how to proceed: When 
I run the first stage
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .
It  checks out the compilers OK and finds wxWidgets, TIFF, JPEG, ZLIB, 
PNG, OPENEXR, Exiv2, XOpen Display, gethostbyname, connect, remove, 
shmat, IceConnectionNumber, X11, Glew, msgfmt, but not LAPACK; and says 
it is using shared internal libraries
then it issues a message
"CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they 
are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the 
CMake files:
used as include directory in ~/hugin-0.8.0, 
../src,../src/celeste/training,../src/foreign,../src/foreign/ANN, etc, 
etc... a whole list
of src subdirectories  
~/hugin-0.8.0/docs,../platforms,../platforms/windows and windows 
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!"

What include directories is it expecting to find?
Why is cmake expecting include directories for a windows platform, when 
I am running a Linux system (32-bit Mandriva 2008.1)?

Can anyone help?


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