Re: HMC System Events "FROM:" Email address

2017-01-19 Thread Brian Westerman
our biggest pitfall so far is that the IBM service people aren't familiar with 
the hardware and so we have (so far twice) lost everything we have had 
generated in the HMC when they performed maintenance to the box.  We understood 
the first time and we took it in stride, now this second time is causing some 
problems because it appears that things don't work the same as before.  Just 
something simple like getting the event messages is an example of how things 
worked out the second time.  None of the manuals seem to match the new HMC.  It 
can be very frustrating at times.

hardware wise though the z13s itself (in spite of the service people blowing 
away our LPAR definitions) has been a dream.


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2017-01-19 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Paul Gilmartin wrote:

>Relevant code:

Thanks, but I could not reproduce your error messages. Allocation failed at 
first ALLOC.

"IRX0555E The input or output file INOUTDD is not allocated."

I then removed the say and BPXWDYN commands as well changing the OMVS path. 
Also I inserted OutRec.0 = 50 after the do loop.

Still nothing. Buth thanks anyways, I now have a good example of ALLOC 
statement with a path keyword.

I will again review your REXX program later when I have some free time.

If you get a solution to your problem, could you be please very kind to post it 
or any URL of the solution?

Thanks for your postings. I appreciate them.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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2017-01-19 Thread Brian Westerman

what we get now (at the mail server) is:

1/17/71 21.33.18 - Message to bounced by 
destination. Reason: 5.1.0 – Unknown address error, [Verification failed for 
.  The mail server could not 
deliver mail to  The account or 
domain may not exist, they may be blacklisted or missing the proper dns 
entries.  ', sender verify failed] 

1/17/71 21.33.18 – Double bounce: Message to Destination host ’DNS Hard Error 
looking up (MX): NXDomain’ 


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Re: HMC System Events "FROM:" Email address

2017-01-19 Thread Brian Westerman

I reported it via the HMC and did not get a callback or even a email from IBM 
or support.  I called and opened it telephonic-ally and our IBMFE called me and 
told me he has no idea how it works, but he will "get back with me".

I successfully changed the domain as you pointed out, and now it gets sent from:

Unfortunately, the P64HMC1 after the "@" still renders it discarded by the 
email server, since there is no NX record int he DNS for

I need to be able to get rid of the P64HMC1 part of this.  Is it allowable to 
drop the name completely so that it gets sent from:  or would dropping it end up with (extra dot in front of the domain)


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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM
In my opinion it says: All System_Automation_for_z/OS V2R3 customers.
Because: Customer recently migrated from SA V2.2 to SA V2.3.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
> Sent: 19 January, 2017 18:07
> Subject: Re: And the future is...
> Check out
> Make sure you scroll down to Users Affected section.
> Dan
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Sean Gleann
> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:33 AM
> Subject: And the future is...
> I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is
> going to be the last version of z/OS".
> Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?
> Sean
> --
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2017-01-19 Thread Timothy Sipples
If you'd like to start using Hyperledger Blockchain technology on your IBM
z System or LinuxONE machine, here's a great article explaining how:

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA

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Re: AW: Re: not reachable?

2017-01-19 Thread Edward Finnell
>From Darren: was shutdown forever at the end of the year.
Seems like we could've done better in notification. Anyway that's the  

In a message dated 1/18/2017 11:32:44 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

So, is just the former non-ssl name, which has worked until  

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Plug Boards (was: Re: Paper tape)

2017-01-19 Thread Art Gutowski
On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 08:51:39 -0800, John Mattson  

>But even more ancient were the plug boards which were used for other
>purposes.  There was one lady, Sono Obuchi, who was the only one who knew
>how to program them. I stayed as far away from them as I could.

If you are referring to the boards for the IBM 407, my father has one in his 
basement that someone gave him a few years back.  Not sure where it was rescued 
from, but he appreciated the gift.  He had wired those boards as a computer 
operator for JL Hudson back in the mid-to-late 60s.  It's neat to hear the 
tales of times when one was an operator, sysprog, and apps coder all in 
one...general purpose defined.

One day, hopefully a long, long time from now, it will be on display at the 
Computer History Museum.

Art Gutowski (Jr)
General Motors, LLC

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IBM's zHyperLink Statement of Direction

2017-01-19 Thread Timothy Sipples
Since I haven't seen it mentioned yet, I would like to draw your attention
to IBM's zHyperLink Statement of Direction, issued earlier this month.
First, here's what IBM says in IBM Announcement Letter 117-005:

IBM intends to deliver field upgradable support for zHyperLink on existing
IBM System Storage(R) DS8880 machines. zHyperLink is a short-distance,
mainframe-attach link designed for up to 10x lower latency than High
Performance FICON. zHyperLink is intended to speed up DB2(R) for z/OS(R)
transaction processing and improve active log throughput.

Please note the usual IBM disclaimer in IBM's Statements of Direction, that
plans are subject to change.

IBM has also released a Q on zHyperLink, available here:

And this blog post provides even more information:

To get ready for zHyperLinks:

1. Talk with your "friendly IBM storage representative" about upgrading to
Release 8.2 on your IBM DS8880 series storage system, planned to be a
concurrent upgrade. If you don't have IBM DS8880 series storage yet, then
that's another reason to chat.

2. If you're planning any movement of equipment in your data center, please
anticipate that you might directly connect one or more of your IBM DS8880
series storage systems to one or more of your IBM z Systems. That is, try
to keep (at least some of) your IBM z Systems and your IBM DS8880 series
storage systems at least relatively close together so that they're within
150 meter cable distances.

3. Stay at least reasonably current on your z/OS and DB2 releases, ideally
pushing forward to z/OS 2.2 and DB2 12 on at least one of your LPARs as
soon as practical. I have to assume there will be some minimum release
levels to support zHyperLinks, so it's best if you can get into a ready
position now.

4. Monitor IBM sources of information, including the Preventive Service
Planning (PSP) buckets where future PTFs are expected to be available for
z/OS and for DB2 to enable zHyperLinks support.

5. If you are considering application or information system deployments
that might or might not connect to DB2 for z/OS -- that you're trying to
make a decision, or have recently made an adverse decision, about
connecting to DB2 -- then I would take a fresh look at whether and how
zHyperLinks would impact such decisions. Said another way, if you based (or
are basing) decisions on today's excellent DB2 for z/OS performance and
value-for-money, it would be wise to start incorporating expectations of
significant performance and value-for-money improvements into such IT
decisions. When the world is highly likely to change for the better, it's
rational and reasonable to take stock of that new world.

According to the information IBM has provided, zHyperLinks will complement
but not replace FICON connections. I recommend exploiting all the latest
FICON improvements, too.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA

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2017-01-19 Thread Jeremy Nicoll
On Thu, 19 Jan 2017, at 15:26, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

> Relevant code:
> trace Err
> address 'MVS'
> /* Allocate to create file.  */
> say  BPXWDYN( "ALLOC FI(INOUTDD) recfm(V,B) lrecl(999) blksize()" ,
> "filedata(text) path('/tmp/"userid()"/testru')" ,
> "pathopts(ORDWR,OCREAT,OTRUNC) pathmode(SIRUSR,SIWUSR)" ,
> "REUSE msg(2)" )
> /* Populate INOUTDD */
> do I = 1 to 50
>OutRec.I = 'Record' right( I, 3 ) copies( 'x', I ) 'TSOREXX' ,
>'more stuff';  end
> 'execio  3 DISKW INOUTDD (finis stem OutRec.'
> /* Allocate to process file.  */
> say  BPXWDYN( "ALLOC FI(INOUTDD) recfm(V,B) lrecl(999) blksize()" ,
> "filedata(text) path('/tmp/"userid()"/testru')" ,
> "pathopts(ORDWR)   pathmode(SIRUSR,SIWUSR)" ,
> "REUSE msg(2)" )
> call Show 'Before'

Your output shown below shows that the file contains three records, but
you've not told us
how the 'Show' function works.  Presumably it read the file... but did
it close it afterwards?
If not the read pointer would presumably be at the last record of the
file now... so I'd expect
the "execio 1 diskru"... in the net block of code to fail, because
you're already at EOF.

Having said that I know nothing at all about use of rexx with unix

I'm curious though, how in this code:

> readcnt = 0   /* Initialize rec read cntr */
> updtcnt = 0   /* Initialize rec update cntr   */
> error = 0 /* Initialize flag  */
> EOF = 0   /* Initialize flag  */
> say; say 'Updating --'
> do while (EoF=0 & error=0)/* Loop while more records and
>  no error */
>   "execio 1 DISKRU INOUTDD (STEM inrec." /* Read a record */

you'd expect the   EOF  or  error  flags ever to get changed.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Joseph Reichman
That's what I thought Peter Relson seemed to imply that Suspend may not 
necessarily mean 
The Suspend macro in which case IEAVPSE2 wouldn't work

I asked if that is what he meant and I didn't hear anything

> On Jan 19, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Walt Farrell  wrote:
>> On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 15:31:57 -0600, Greg Dyck  wrote:
>>> On 1/19/2017 9:24 AM, Greg Dyck wrote:
>>> Many, many, moons ago type 2 SVCs were managed differently from type 4
>>> SVCs.  It's a fuzzy memory, but I believe they had to be 2K or less in
>>> size and were loaded from SVCLIB transiently into a common 2K area. That
>>> lead to restrictions for them that are still published but not actually
>>> valid.
>> Sigh... I just realized I mixed up type 2 and type 3 SVCs... forget that
>> discussion.
>> Again, SUSPEND is totally different service than Pause.  The documented
>> restriction is for SUSPEND, and only for SUSPEND.
> As quoted by the OP, the restriction did not mention any particular macro. It 
> said the caller of a type 2 SVC can't be suspended. Wouldn't a pause be a 
> form of suspencion?
> -- 
> Walt
> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Walt Farrell
On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 15:31:57 -0600, Greg Dyck  wrote:

>On 1/19/2017 9:24 AM, Greg Dyck wrote:
>> Many, many, moons ago type 2 SVCs were managed differently from type 4
>> SVCs.  It's a fuzzy memory, but I believe they had to be 2K or less in
>> size and were loaded from SVCLIB transiently into a common 2K area. That
>> lead to restrictions for them that are still published but not actually
>> valid.
>Sigh... I just realized I mixed up type 2 and type 3 SVCs... forget that
>Again, SUSPEND is totally different service than Pause.  The documented
>restriction is for SUSPEND, and only for SUSPEND.

As quoted by the OP, the restriction did not mention any particular macro. It 
said the caller of a type 2 SVC can't be suspended. Wouldn't a pause be a form 
of suspencion?


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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Joseph Reichman
I'll investigate the abend 


Joe Reichman
8045 Newell St Apt 403
Silver Spring MD 20910
Home (240) 863-3965
Cell (917) 748 -9693

> On Jan 19, 2017, at 4:31 PM, Greg Dyck  wrote:
>> On 1/19/2017 9:24 AM, Greg Dyck wrote:
>> Many, many, moons ago type 2 SVCs were managed differently from type 4
>> SVCs.  It's a fuzzy memory, but I believe they had to be 2K or less in
>> size and were loaded from SVCLIB transiently into a common 2K area. That
>> lead to restrictions for them that are still published but not actually
>> valid.
> Sigh... I just realized I mixed up type 2 and type 3 SVCs... forget that 
> discussion.
> Again, SUSPEND is totally different service than Pause.  The documented 
> restriction is for SUSPEND, and only for SUSPEND.
> Regards,
> Greg
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

2017-01-19 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
Esperanza is Esperanto with all irregularities removed. ;-)

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Field, Alan
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:37 PM
Subject: (External):Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

I think the made up language is Esperanto

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

Stupid English language. Where is Esperanza when we really need it?

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John McKown
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:13 PM
Subject: (External):Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:29 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> Itschak Mugzach wrote:
> >Doea any of the zPDT users hited by the linux update caused lose of
> license server.
> 'hited'? Sorry, could you please be very kind to explain?

​I think that the OP, not a native English speaker means "the past tense of 
'hit'", which is still "hit"​

> >I can't get an estimate when it will be fixed. The problem is know 
> >dor
> almost a month. We was hited last friday.
> What Linux system and at what version are you referring? Oh, on what 
> hardware and operating system (z/VM for example) are your Linux
> system(s) working?
> Do you have any problem reference number or any source about the 
> 'known problem'?
> No offense meant, but your subject is not clear for me: 'ZPDT usb 
> issue after lunux update.'

​From another thread: to run the zPDT software, you must use a USB connected 
"token". The proprietary driver for this "token" will not run on many very 
up-to-date Linux kernel levels. ​

> While I'm not currently working with any Linux system/application, I'm 
> just asking probing questions to enable others to help you.
> Groete / Greetings
> Elardus Engelbrecht

There’s no obfuscated Perl contest because it’s pointless.

—Jeff Polk

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Greg Dyck

On 1/19/2017 9:24 AM, Greg Dyck wrote:

Many, many, moons ago type 2 SVCs were managed differently from type 4
SVCs.  It's a fuzzy memory, but I believe they had to be 2K or less in
size and were loaded from SVCLIB transiently into a common 2K area. That
lead to restrictions for them that are still published but not actually

Sigh... I just realized I mixed up type 2 and type 3 SVCs... forget that 

Again, SUSPEND is totally different service than Pause.  The documented 
restriction is for SUSPEND, and only for SUSPEND.


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2017-01-19 Thread Charles Mills
Not familiar with your specific situation but very familiar with the message. 
If you have an application that interfaces to USS and ends without terminating 
the connections neatly you see this message. Seems to be utterly harmless and 
has no real effect.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Mattson
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:19 PM

Going to CICS TS 5.2 and noticed this message when the CICS region comes down.
zOS 1.13 DB2 and IMS

It looks like OMVS is FULL ACTIVE.
So why getting this message when CICS Region comes down?

+DFHTM1703 TCICS01 CICS is being terminated by userid CICSMTO in
transaction CESD. BPXP018I THREAD 0D8D8B00, IN PROCESS 124, ENDED 
"D OMVS" gives BPXO042I 12.59.18 DISPLAY OMVS 904 OMVS 000E ACTIVE

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2017-01-19 Thread Greg Shirey
A quick search of the archives reveals that this question has been asked 
several times over the years.   Here is a reply from Shmuel in 2006: 


Sounds like CICS is doing a DETACH for a task that hasn't had time to shut down 
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT


Greg Shirey
Ben E. Keith Company 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Mattson
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 3:19 PM

Going to CICS TS 5.2 and noticed this message when the CICS region comes down.
zOS 1.13 DB2 and IMS

It looks like OMVS is FULL ACTIVE.
So why getting this message when CICS Region comes down?

+DFHTM1703 TCICS01 CICS is being terminated by userid CICSMTO in
transaction CESD. BPXP018I THREAD 0D8D8B00, IN PROCESS 124, ENDED 
"D OMVS" gives BPXO042I 12.59.18 DISPLAY OMVS 904 OMVS 000E ACTIVE

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2017-01-19 Thread Allan Staller
See System 33e Abend. 

It is either mother task ended without notification to daughter task or 

Most likely something is missing in the shutdown sequence. 


Going to CICS TS 5.2 and noticed this message when the CICS region comes down.
zOS 1.13 DB2 and IMS

It looks like OMVS is FULL ACTIVE.
So why getting this message when CICS Region comes down?

+DFHTM1703 TCICS01 CICS is being terminated by userid CICSMTO in
transaction CESD. BPXP018I THREAD 0D8D8B00, IN PROCESS 124, ENDED 
"D OMVS" gives BPXO042I 12.59.18 DISPLAY OMVS 904 OMVS 000E ACTIVE


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2017-01-19 Thread John Mattson
Going to CICS TS 5.2 and noticed this message when the CICS region comes
zOS 1.13 DB2 and IMS

It looks like OMVS is FULL ACTIVE.
So why getting this message when CICS Region comes down?

+DFHTM1703 TCICS01 CICS is being terminated by userid CICSMTO in
transaction CESD. BPXP018I THREAD 0D8D8B00, IN PROCESS 124, ENDED
"D OMVS" gives BPXO042I 12.59.18 DISPLAY OMVS 904 OMVS 000E ACTIVE

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Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

2017-01-19 Thread Itschak Mugzach
John, that's correct. I am not an not a native English speaker. ;-)


On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 10:12 PM, John McKown 

> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:29 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht <
>> wrote:
> > Itschak Mugzach wrote:
> >
> > >Doea any of the zPDT users hited by the linux update caused lose of
> > license server.
> >
> > 'hited'? Sorry, could you please be very kind to explain?
> >
> ​I think that the OP, not a native English speaker means "the past tense of
> 'hit'", which is still "hit"​
> >
> >
> > >I can't get an estimate when it will be fixed. The problem is know dor
> > almost a month. We was hited last friday.
> >
> > What Linux system and at what version are you referring? Oh, on what
> > hardware and operating system (z/VM for example) are your Linux system(s)
> > working?
> >
> > Do you have any problem reference number or any source about the 'known
> > problem'?
> >
> > No offense meant, but your subject is not clear for me: 'ZPDT usb issue
> > after lunux update.'
> >
> ​From another thread: to run the zPDT software, you must use a USB
> connected "token". The proprietary driver for this "token" will not run on
> many very up-to-date Linux kernel levels. ​
> >
> > While I'm not currently working with any Linux system/application, I'm
> > just asking probing questions to enable others to help you.
> >
> > Groete / Greetings
> > Elardus Engelbrecht
> >
> >
> --
> There’s no obfuscated Perl contest because it’s pointless.
> —Jeff Polk
> Maranatha! <><
> John McKown
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

ITschak Mugzach
*|** IronSphere Platform* *|** An IT GRC for Legacy systems* *| Automated
Security Readiness Reviews (SRR) **|*

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Prino's z/OS Tools and utilities

2017-01-19 Thread Robert Prins
Hi all,

I had promised to make another one of my tools available a few weeks ago,
aka RSN...

OK, I'm still reworking the code and initial panel of the main "Formatted
routine, but because I don't want to let you wait (ha, ha, ha...) any
longer, I've decided to make some code available right now, although you'll
have to screen-scrape it to save it.

The routines are:

- RAP00110, which is an exec to parse PL/I %INCLUDE members into a "meta"
format that can later be used to do all kinds of fancy things, like
- ESORT, an edit macro, that when used on a PL/I %INCLUDE member, adds a
nice set of SORT FIELDS=(...) as ISPF =NOTE= lines to the member
- ESYMSORT, an edit macro, that whhen used on a PL/I %include member, add a
useful set of DFSORT SYMBOLS as ISPF =NOTE= lines to the member

The two Exx macros share the feature that they will, if you enter the
macro followed by a ?, display a builtin "help" screen that tells you how
to use them, but if you have trouble drop me a line.

As for RAP00110, it was more or less the first exec I wrote nearly 25 years
ago, so it (sadly) does not know anything about some of the newer features
of PL/I, such as UNIONs and DFP decimal floating point variables... It also
suffers from the fact that it assumes that records do *not* contain any
padding, and that BIT fields are always aligned...

I still hope the code is of some use, and if you have any suggestions on
how to improve it, feel free to share them.

Robert AH Prins
No programming (yet) @ 

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Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

2017-01-19 Thread Field, Alan
I think the made up language is Esperanto

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

Stupid English language. Where is Esperanza when we really need it?

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John McKown
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:13 PM
Subject: (External):Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:29 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> Itschak Mugzach wrote:
> >Doea any of the zPDT users hited by the linux update caused lose of
> license server.
> 'hited'? Sorry, could you please be very kind to explain?

​I think that the OP, not a native English speaker means "the past tense of 
'hit'", which is still "hit"​

> >I can't get an estimate when it will be fixed. The problem is know 
> >dor
> almost a month. We was hited last friday.
> What Linux system and at what version are you referring? Oh, on what 
> hardware and operating system (z/VM for example) are your Linux
> system(s) working?
> Do you have any problem reference number or any source about the 
> 'known problem'?
> No offense meant, but your subject is not clear for me: 'ZPDT usb 
> issue after lunux update.'

​From another thread: to run the zPDT software, you must use a USB connected 
"token". The proprietary driver for this "token" will not run on many very 
up-to-date Linux kernel levels. ​

> While I'm not currently working with any Linux system/application, I'm 
> just asking probing questions to enable others to help you.
> Groete / Greetings
> Elardus Engelbrecht

There’s no obfuscated Perl contest because it’s pointless.

—Jeff Polk

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

2017-01-19 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
Stupid English language. Where is Esperanza when we really need it?

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John McKown
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:13 PM
Subject: (External):Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:29 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> Itschak Mugzach wrote:
> >Doea any of the zPDT users hited by the linux update caused lose of
> license server.
> 'hited'? Sorry, could you please be very kind to explain?

​I think that the OP, not a native English speaker means "the past tense of 
'hit'", which is still "hit"​

> >I can't get an estimate when it will be fixed. The problem is know 
> >dor
> almost a month. We was hited last friday.
> What Linux system and at what version are you referring? Oh, on what 
> hardware and operating system (z/VM for example) are your Linux 
> system(s) working?
> Do you have any problem reference number or any source about the 
> 'known problem'?
> No offense meant, but your subject is not clear for me: 'ZPDT usb 
> issue after lunux update.'

​From another thread: to run the zPDT software, you must use a USB connected 
"token". The proprietary driver for this "token" will not run on many very 
up-to-date Linux kernel levels. ​

> While I'm not currently working with any Linux system/application, I'm 
> just asking probing questions to enable others to help you.
> Groete / Greetings
> Elardus Engelbrecht

There’s no obfuscated Perl contest because it’s pointless.

—Jeff Polk

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: ZPDT usb issue after lunux update.

2017-01-19 Thread John McKown
On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:29 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> Itschak Mugzach wrote:
> >Doea any of the zPDT users hited by the linux update caused lose of
> license server.
> 'hited'? Sorry, could you please be very kind to explain?

​I think that the OP, not a native English speaker means "the past tense of
'hit'", which is still "hit"​

> >I can't get an estimate when it will be fixed. The problem is know dor
> almost a month. We was hited last friday.
> What Linux system and at what version are you referring? Oh, on what
> hardware and operating system (z/VM for example) are your Linux system(s)
> working?
> Do you have any problem reference number or any source about the 'known
> problem'?
> No offense meant, but your subject is not clear for me: 'ZPDT usb issue
> after lunux update.'

​From another thread: to run the zPDT software, you must use a USB
connected "token". The proprietary driver for this "token" will not run on
many very up-to-date Linux kernel levels. ​

> While I'm not currently working with any Linux system/application, I'm
> just asking probing questions to enable others to help you.
> Groete / Greetings
> Elardus Engelbrecht

There’s no obfuscated Perl contest because it’s pointless.

—Jeff Polk

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread John McKown
On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 10:21 AM, Joseph Reichman 

> RD

​Colour me very jealous! [grin]​

> I would like to use sysplex and Z/VM but alas
> I'm not an ISV
> > On Jan 19, 2017, at 11:04 AM, Tom Marchant <000a2a8c2020-dmarc-
>> wrote:
> >
> >> On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 08:55:59 -0500, Joseph Reichman wrote:
> >>
> >> I used to work for Vendors I now work in applications Assembler
> >>
> >> I write internals code to keep those skills sharp
> >>
> >> If you look at the doc for in the Authorized Assembler guide I believe
> chap 23
> >>
> >> It says type 2 SVC can not suspend their caller
> >
> > Wow. An application programmer with the authority to implement an SVC?
> > Do you have your own sandbox to play in?
> >
> > --
> > Tom Marchant
> >
> > --
> > For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> > send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

There’s no obfuscated Perl contest because it’s pointless.

—Jeff Polk

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

RES: Global LOGON options settable in PARMLIB

I didn't like it.
In our environment we have a single tso logon procedure, so know it is not a 
big deal.

And logon takes longer because you have an extra panel to issue ENTER.

Atenciosamente / Regards / Saludos

Ituriel do Nascimento Neto
4250 / DITI Engenharia de Software
Sistemas Operacionais Mainframes
Tel: +55 11 3684-9602 R: 49602 3-1404
Fax: +55 11 3684-4427

-Mensagem original-
De: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] Em nome de 
Charles Mills
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2017 16:26
Assunto: Re: Global LOGON options settable in PARMLIB

> what if somebody knows a userid, but not a password

The other thing is that with the "old" way of doing things, a bad guy can try 
random userids all day and all night until he hits on a good one. He still 
needs a password, but he is halfway there. Preprompt fixes that.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Sam Golob
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 10:15 AM
Subject: Global LOGON options settable in PARMLIB

Hi Folks,

 Relatively recently, IBM's TSO people have implemented four global LOGON 
options (valid for the entire LPAR) which are settable with the
(new) LOGON keyword in the IKJTSOxx member of PARMLIB.

 In short, these are (with the bit that sets each one):

Password Phrase Support 08
Applid Verification 04
LOGONHERE Support   02
Password Preprompt Support  01

Of these options, only LOGONHERE support is defaulted to be ON.  Where are 
these bits?  They should be set to match, in both the IKJTSVT and IKJTPVT 
control blocks.  But a SET IKJTSO=xx operator command or a PARMLIB UPDATE(xx) 
TSO command, should really be used to reset these options, because that is the 
safest way to do things, and that's how IBM designed the setup to be 

 I want to especially mention the implication of the newest of these 
options, which is Password Preprompt Support, because of its security value.

 Everybody knows that when you LOGON to TSO, you get a full screen display. 
 There is (quite a bit of) information on that display, such as what your LOGON 
proc is, and if there is an initial TSO command to execute at LOGON time, and 
so forth (region size, account number etc.).

 Well, what if somebody knows a userid, but not a password, and not the 
name of the LOGON PROC, etc. or anything that normally shows up on that full 
screen.  Then without knowing the password, he/she can find out all the other 
information.  No need to actually LOGON.  The default is for the LOGON full 
screen to appear, as soon as you type LOGON userid.

 So, the new IBM-supplied "fix" for this is to set the Password Preprompt 
option on.  What does this do?  It forces the user to enter the valid password 
for the ID before all the other full screen information shows up.  This makes 
the LOGON process more secure.

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Re: Global LOGON options settable in PARMLIB

2017-01-19 Thread Charles Mills
> what if somebody knows a userid, but not a password

The other thing is that with the "old" way of doing things, a bad guy can try 
random userids all day and all night until he hits on a good one. He still 
needs a password, but he is halfway there. Preprompt fixes that.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Sam Golob
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 10:15 AM
Subject: Global LOGON options settable in PARMLIB

Hi Folks,

 Relatively recently, IBM's TSO people have implemented four global LOGON 
options (valid for the entire LPAR) which are settable with the
(new) LOGON keyword in the IKJTSOxx member of PARMLIB.

 In short, these are (with the bit that sets each one):

Password Phrase Support 08
Applid Verification 04
LOGONHERE Support   02
Password Preprompt Support  01

Of these options, only LOGONHERE support is defaulted to be ON.  Where are 
these bits?  They should be set to match, in both the IKJTSVT and IKJTPVT 
control blocks.  But a SET IKJTSO=xx operator command or a PARMLIB UPDATE(xx) 
TSO command, should really be used to reset these options, because that is the 
safest way to do things, and that's how IBM designed the setup to be 

 I want to especially mention the implication of the newest of these 
options, which is Password Preprompt Support, because of its security value.

 Everybody knows that when you LOGON to TSO, you get a full screen display. 
 There is (quite a bit of) information on that display, such as what your LOGON 
proc is, and if there is an initial TSO command to execute at LOGON time, and 
so forth (region size, account number etc.).

 Well, what if somebody knows a userid, but not a password, and not the 
name of the LOGON PROC, etc. or anything that normally shows up on that full 
screen.  Then without knowing the password, he/she can find out all the other 
information.  No need to actually LOGON.  The default is for the LOGON full 
screen to appear, as soon as you type LOGON userid.

 So, the new IBM-supplied "fix" for this is to set the Password Preprompt 
option on.  What does this do?  It forces the user to enter the valid password 
for the ID before all the other full screen information shows up.  This makes 
the LOGON process more secure.

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Global LOGON options settable in PARMLIB

2017-01-19 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

Relatively recently, IBM's TSO people have implemented four global 
LOGON options (valid for the entire LPAR) which are settable with the 
(new) LOGON keyword in the IKJTSOxx member of PARMLIB.

In short, these are (with the bit that sets each one):

Password Phrase Support 08
Applid Verification 04
LOGONHERE Support   02
Password Preprompt Support  01

Of these options, only LOGONHERE support is defaulted to be ON.  Where 
are these bits?  They should be set to match, in both the IKJTSVT and 
IKJTPVT control blocks.  But a SET IKJTSO=xx operator command or a 
PARMLIB UPDATE(xx) TSO command, should really be used to reset these 
options, because that is the safest way to do things, and that's how IBM 
designed the setup to be implemented.

I want to especially mention the implication of the newest of these 
options, which is Password Preprompt Support, because of its security value.

Everybody knows that when you LOGON to TSO, you get a full screen 
display.  There is (quite a bit of) information on that display, such as 
what your LOGON proc is, and if there is an initial TSO command to 
execute at LOGON time, and so forth (region size, account number etc.).

Well, what if somebody knows a userid, but not a password, and not 
the name of the LOGON PROC, etc. or anything that normally shows up on 
that full screen.  Then without knowing the password, he/she can find 
out all the other information.  No need to actually LOGON.  The default 
is for the LOGON full screen to appear, as soon as you type LOGON userid.

So, the new IBM-supplied "fix" for this is to set the Password 
Preprompt option on.  What does this do?  It forces the user to enter 
the valid password for the ID before all the other full screen 
information shows up.  This makes the LOGON process more secure.

Try it.  You'll like it.

All the best of everything to all of you.!!!


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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
I didn't reference a statement of direction because the post I was replying to 
did not ask for a statement of direction.  While this link does not 
specifically address z/OS V2R3 it does allude to future big iron operating 

Until IBM announces a new statement of direction for z/OS and any replacement, 
this one is still valid for the current two year release cycle.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of van der Grijn, Bart (B)
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: And the future is...

That is very old, and I suspect it refers to the System Automation for z/OS 
version, not the z/OS version. 

Charles mentioned DB2 12 and continuous delivery. The following discusses this 
specifically for z/OS:, 
although the example in figure 2 does suggest z/OS 2.3 at some time.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: And the future is...

Check out

Make sure you scroll down to Users Affected section.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Sean Gleann
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:33 AM
Subject: And the future is...

I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is going 
to be the last version of z/OS".
Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?


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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Walt Farrell
On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 17:20:44 +, Blake, Daniel J [CTR]  

>No, but if you search IBM using z/OS V2R3 you will see multiple references to 
>something currently called z/OS V2R3.

No. You find references to "System Automation for z/OS" V2R3, not "System 
Automation for" z/OS V2R3. 

Several times during my time at IBM I tried to convince people that product 
naming needed to be done differently to avoid that confusion. For example, the 
product could be called "System Automation V2R3 for z/OS". This applies to many 
different IBM products that run on z/OS, unfortunately.


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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread van der Grijn, Bart (B)
That is very old, and I suspect it refers to the System Automation for z/OS 
version, not the z/OS version. 

Charles mentioned DB2 12 and continuous delivery. The following discusses this 
specifically for z/OS:, 
although the example in figure 2 does suggest z/OS 2.3 at some time.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: And the future is...

Check out

Make sure you scroll down to Users Affected section.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Sean Gleann
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:33 AM
Subject: And the future is...

I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is going 
to be the last version of z/OS".
Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?


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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: Paper tape

2017-01-19 Thread Edward Gould
> On Jan 19, 2017, at 10:51 AM, John Mattson  wrote:
>   GTE Data Services in Marina del Rey, CA was still getting paper tape
> out put from telephone local offices in 1982.  Basically the system worked
> fine, and while they were scheduled for replacement, they figured "If it
> ain't broke, don't fix it."  Tapes came from the local offices and were
> read into the IBM and/or Amdahl machines where were running MVS 3.2 if I
> remember correctly.  If Howard Thompson or any of those folks are lurking
> out there, please correct me.
I distinctly remember MVS 3.7 and 3.8 and we were early users.
>   But even more ancient were the plug boards which were used for other
> purposes.  There was one lady, Sono Obuchi, who was the only one who knew
> how to program them. I stayed as far away from them as I could.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
No, but if you search IBM using z/OS V2R3 you will see multiple references to 
something currently called z/OS V2R3.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of David L. Craig
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: And the future is...

On 17Jan19:1706+, Blake, Daniel J [CTR] wrote:
> > Check out
> Make sure you scroll down to Users Affected section.

Is that a Statement of Direction? ;-)

May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

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For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread David L. Craig
On 17Jan19:1706+, Blake, Daniel J [CTR] wrote:
> > Check out
> Make sure you scroll down to Users Affected section.

Is that a Statement of Direction? ;-)

May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Blake, Daniel J [CTR]
Check out

Make sure you scroll down to Users Affected section.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Sean Gleann
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:33 AM
Subject: And the future is...

I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is going 
to be the last version of z/OS".
Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?


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Re: RelPlus ?

2017-01-19 Thread Dyck, Lionel B. (TRA)
Alan - thanks - I checked CA's site and nada so your recollection appears 
accurate.  Sad as that was a useful product.

Lionel B. Dyck 
Mainframe Systems Programmer - TRA
Enterprise Operations (Station 200) (005OP6.3.10)
Information and Technology, IT Operations and Services

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Allan Staller
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 10:37 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: RelPlus ?

I do not believe so. 
Last I heard it was acquired by CA and renamed to CA-9. 
They ceased marketing sometime back IIRC.

Is Reliability Plus still around doing business reporting on logrec data?

If so - does anyone have a URL?


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Paper tape

2017-01-19 Thread John Mattson
GTE Data Services in Marina del Rey, CA was still getting paper tape
out put from telephone local offices in 1982.  Basically the system worked
fine, and while they were scheduled for replacement, they figured "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it."  Tapes came from the local offices and were
read into the IBM and/or Amdahl machines where were running MVS 3.2 if I
remember correctly.  If Howard Thompson or any of those folks are lurking
out there, please correct me.

But even more ancient were the plug boards which were used for other
purposes.  There was one lady, Sono Obuchi, who was the only one who knew
how to program them. I stayed as far away from them as I could.

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Re: Block Chain

2017-01-19 Thread Charles Mills
Block chain is a technology. Visa is a payment processor.

It would be like asking "I hear the US is getting rid of the twenty dollar 
bill. Does this mean Wells Fargo will go out of business?"

You can't buy gas at the local gas station with a block chain.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Nathan Astle
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:47 AM
Subject: Block Chain


I was just reading through about block chain. If I understand correct it said 
once block chain comes then payment authorizing party won't be There.
Does that mean this would bypass MasterCard or Visa processing ?

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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Charles Mills
I suspect the origin may be in a DB2 announcement that 12 will be the last 
"release" of DB2. And no, DB2 is not going away either. I am paraphrasing here, 
surely the Goo Gal can find you something authoritative, but they are going to 
incremental upgrades rather than "releases." These incremental upgrades will 
have numbers like 12.1 and 12.5 and 13.0, but there will be no big package 

That said, I have heard nothing similar for z/OS. I am nondisclosed and 
certainly cannot disclose any details, but I think I am on safe ground in 
saying that I have seen evidence that z/OS development continues.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Sean Gleann
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:33 AM
Subject: And the future is...

I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is going 
to be the last version of z/OS".
Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: RelPlus ?

2017-01-19 Thread Allan Staller
I do not believe so. 
Last I heard it was acquired by CA and renamed to CA-9. 
They ceased marketing sometime back IIRC.

Is Reliability Plus still around doing business reporting on logrec data?

If so - does anyone have a URL?


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RelPlus ?

2017-01-19 Thread Dyck, Lionel B. (TRA)
Is Reliability Plus still around doing business reporting on logrec data?

If so - does anyone have a URL?

Lionel B. Dyck
Mainframe Systems Programmer - TRA
Enterprise Operations (Station 200) (005OP6.3.10)
Information and Technology, IT Operations and Services

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Joseph Reichman

I would like to use sysplex and Z/VM but alas 

I'm not an ISV

> On Jan 19, 2017, at 11:04 AM, Tom Marchant 
> <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 08:55:59 -0500, Joseph Reichman wrote:
>> I used to work for Vendors I now work in applications Assembler 
>> I write internals code to keep those skills sharp
>> If you look at the doc for in the Authorized Assembler guide I believe chap 
>> 23 
>> It says type 2 SVC can not suspend their caller
> Wow. An application programmer with the authority to implement an SVC?
> Do you have your own sandbox to play in?
> -- 
> Tom Marchant
> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Tom Marchant
On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 08:55:59 -0500, Joseph Reichman wrote:

>I used to work for Vendors I now work in applications Assembler 
>I write internals code to keep those skills sharp
>If you look at the doc for in the Authorized Assembler guide I believe chap 23 
>It says type 2 SVC can not suspend their caller

Wow. An application programmer with the authority to implement an SVC?
Do you have your own sandbox to play in?

Tom Marchant

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2017-01-19 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 01:11:23 -0600, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:
>>Reading further, I see exceptions made for program object library members and 
>>for RECFM=VBS.  I see no exception for allocated UNIX files, yet they don't 
>>seem to work:
>Weird. Please post your DD for that above dataset or your ALLOC statement in 
>your REXX for above...
Relevant code:

trace Err
address 'MVS'
/* Allocate to create file.  */
say  BPXWDYN( "ALLOC FI(INOUTDD) recfm(V,B) lrecl(999) blksize()" ,
"filedata(text) path('/tmp/"userid()"/testru')" ,
"REUSE msg(2)" )
/* Populate INOUTDD */
do I = 1 to 50
   OutRec.I = 'Record' right( I, 3 ) copies( 'x', I ) 'TSOREXX' ,
   'more stuff';  end
'execio  3 DISKW INOUTDD (finis stem OutRec.'

/* Allocate to process file.  */
say  BPXWDYN( "ALLOC FI(INOUTDD) recfm(V,B) lrecl(999) blksize()" ,
"filedata(text) path('/tmp/"userid()"/testru')" ,
"pathopts(ORDWR)   pathmode(SIRUSR,SIWUSR)" ,
"REUSE msg(2)" )
call Show 'Before'

readcnt = 0   /* Initialize rec read cntr */
updtcnt = 0   /* Initialize rec update cntr   */
error = 0 /* Initialize flag  */
EOF = 0   /* Initialize flag  */
say; say 'Updating --'
do while (EoF=0 & error=0)/* Loop while more records and
 no error */
  "execio 1 DISKRU INOUTDD (STEM inrec." /* Read a record */


Before 3 -
  1 31 Record   1 x TSOREXX more stuff
  2 32 Record   2 xx TSOREXX more stuff
  3 33 Record   3 xxx TSOREXX more stuff

Updating --
IRX0250E System abend code 013, reason code 0188.   
IRX0255E Abend in host command execio or address environment routine MVS. 
IRX0670E EXECIO error while trying to GET or PUT a record.   
50 *-*  "execio 1 DISKRU INOUTDD (STEM inrec." /* Read a record 
   +++ RC(20) +++
*** Error occurred while updating file 

After 3 -
  1 31 Record   1 x TSOREXX more stuff
  2 32 Record   2 xx TSOREXX more stuff
  3 33 Record   3 xxx TSOREXX more stuff


  IEC141I 013-BC,IGG0199G,user6,STEP1,INOUTDD 566  

-- gil

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Greg Dyck

On 1/19/2017 7:55 AM, Joseph Reichman wrote:

I used to work for Vendors I now work in applications Assembler
I write internals code to keep those skills sharp
If you look at the doc for in the Authorized Assembler guide I believe chap 23
It says type 2 SVC can not suspend their caller
I am wondering in a SVC type 2,if you can Call
IEAVPSE2 as I am getting a abend after
The basr to the call and don't know if it's

A call to Pause/Release is *not* a SUSPEND request.

I can't think of any reason for a Pause to not work in a SVC as long as 
you do not hold any locks.

Many, many, moons ago type 2 SVCs were managed differently from type 4 
SVCs.  It's a fuzzy memory, but I believe they had to be 2K or less in 
size and were loaded from SVCLIB transiently into a common 2K area. 
That lead to restrictions for them that are still published but not 
actually valid.

Today there is no difference between type 2 and type 4 SVCs with respect 
to the way they receive control in the supervisor code and what they can 
do.  If you are getting an abend calling Pause then you have a problem 
with your code.


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Re: Mainframe printer connectivity

2017-01-19 Thread Carmen Vitullo
Correction " I've never tried to drive a MF printer directly from JES" 
I've never tried to drive an I/P MF printer directly from JES 
- Original Message -

From: "Carmen Vitullo"  
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:49:52 AM 
Subject: Re: Mainframe printer connectivity 

I guess the answer depends, I have Xerox printers driven by PSF and Xerox 
'emulated' Printers 'Solimar' printers driving by PSF, and I have I/P printers, 
(Xerox ,IBM and HP) driving by CA-SPOOL. 
I guess the answer lies in what type of print is currently going to this 
printer, line, non AFP? using Xerox fonts or IBM font lib? 
currently I use the font set(s) provided by IBM that I ordered on my ServerPac. 
if your licensed for PSF the migration is pretty simple line more or page mode, 
and you can use the same font,page,segment and overlay libraries you use today. 
I've never tried to drive a MF printer directly from JES, there's Infoprint 
services also, not sure if this is still available and not the easiest setup. 
I have some PSF definitions I'd be willing to share if that's an option for you 

- Original Message - 

From: "venkat kulkarni"  
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 11:51:04 PM 
Subject: Mainframe printer connectivity 

Hello Group, 

Currently we are using mainframe printer with bus and tag connectivity with 
Xerox printer via prism hardware, which help us to convert fcion to bus and 

But now, we would like to use tcpip connectivity for mainframe connectivity 
with Xerox printer. 

Can you please guide that how this new connectivity can be establish and do 
we need to buy any additional piece of hardware or software . I was reading 
about info print but didn't get much detail . 

Please suggest. 


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Re: Mainframe printer connectivity

2017-01-19 Thread Carmen Vitullo
I guess the answer depends, I have Xerox printers driven by PSF and Xerox 
'emulated' Printers 'Solimar' printers driving by PSF, and I have I/P printers, 
(Xerox ,IBM and HP) driving by CA-SPOOL. 
I guess the answer lies in what type of print is currently going to this 
printer, line, non AFP? using Xerox fonts or IBM font lib? 
currently I use the font set(s) provided by IBM that I ordered on my ServerPac. 
if your licensed for PSF the migration is pretty simple line more or page mode, 
and you can use the same font,page,segment and overlay libraries you use today. 
I've never tried to drive a MF printer directly from JES, there's Infoprint 
services also, not sure if this is still available and not the easiest setup. 
I have some PSF definitions I'd be willing to share if that's an option for you 

- Original Message -

From: "venkat kulkarni"  
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 11:51:04 PM 
Subject: Mainframe printer connectivity 

Hello Group, 

Currently we are using mainframe printer with bus and tag connectivity with 
Xerox printer via prism hardware, which help us to convert fcion to bus and 

But now, we would like to use tcpip connectivity for mainframe connectivity 
with Xerox printer. 

Can you please guide that how this new connectivity can be establish and do 
we need to buy any additional piece of hardware or software . I was reading 
about info print but didn't get much detail . 

Please suggest. 


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Re: zPDT problems after Linux update

2017-01-19 Thread Bill Ogden
The "drivers" for the USB token that provides zPDT licenses fail with the 
most recent Linux updates and some of the most recent Linux distributions. 
The zPDT forums have warned users to avoid online updates (and avoid new 
Linux distributions) until the problem is resolved. IBM is very much aware 
of the problem, but it must be resolved by the token vendor. They are 
working on it.

Bill Ogden

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AW: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Peter Hunkeler

> I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is
> going to be the last version of z/OS".
> Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?

No, I have not yet, but have heard similar statements about DB2 V12, and other 
products, mainframe and non mainframe.

I'm pretty sure your z/O rumours belong to the same category: It's just the 
currenty hype about changing from delivering new releases very so often to 
delivering SPEs (small programming enhancements) every opther dy. They call it 
agile programming; they are doing Sprints, etc, etc.

Thanks a lot Marketing guys and girls. Great job done with confusing people, 
again (no offence intended). Instead of putting enphasis on the fact that the 
delivery frequency changes, they're putting enphasis this will be the last 
version (of that is delivered as a big package). When hearing this people are 
getting so anxious about the "will be the last version" that they immediately 
stop listening/reading before the sentence has ended. The part in parenthesis 
is not headr/read).

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: Mainframe printer connectivity

2017-01-19 Thread Nims,Alva John (Al)
If you only want to do "Line" printing to the printer as in, NON-Page mode 
printing, you could use:
MacKinney Systems, JES Queue for Printers(JQP)

We use it here at UF and have even been able to implement Xerox's "Secure 
Print" capability with JQP.
We also use JQP with HP printers.

Al Nims
Systems Admin/Programmer 3
University of Florida
(352) 273-1298

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of venkat kulkarni
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:51 AM
Subject: Mainframe printer connectivity

Hello Group,

Currently we are using mainframe printer with bus and tag connectivity with 
Xerox printer via prism hardware, which help us to convert fcion to bus and tag.

But now, we would like to use tcpip connectivity for mainframe connectivity 
with Xerox printer.

Can you please guide that how this new connectivity can be establish and do we 
need to buy any additional piece of hardware or software . I was reading about 
info print but didn't get much detail .

Please suggest.


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Re: Mainframe printer connectivity

2017-01-19 Thread Mohamed Gomaa
If you want more details, I can give more details but after 29 of Jan. I am 
away in vacation right now.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 19, 2017, at 11:57 AM, retired mainframer  
> wrote:
> From dim memories of a conversion performed long ago:
>We changed printers from IBM to HP. We had to get a special interface 
> circuit that handled EBCDIC, PSF/AFP, and carriage control characters in 
> column 1.  We also had to update a lot of pagedefs and formdefs to deal with 
> the differences in duplex printing.  Since you are using the same printer, 
> hopefully this won't be an issue for you.
>We defined new printers and new Functional Subsystem in the JES 
> initialization deck.  The Bus and Tag printers used proc APSWPROA.  The 
> network ones use APWSPROT (which is where you specify the IP address in the 
> CNTL-PRINTDEV-ENDCNTL sequence of JCL statements).  Both procs obviously 
> customized.  
>We used the menu system built into the printer's little control display to 
> specify that the connection was TCPIP and what the address was.
>Since we were producing documents delivered to the customers, we did 
> parallel testing of every type of product output (e.g., OGL, DCF, Waterloo, 
> SAS/GRAPH, etc) as well as the mundane MSGCLASS=A for JCL listings.  The 
> samples produced on the two printers had to line up pretty much exact.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
>> Behalf Of venkat kulkarni
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:51 PM
>> Subject: Mainframe printer connectivity
>> Hello Group,
>> Currently we are using mainframe printer with bus and tag connectivity with
>> Xerox printer via prism hardware, which help us to convert fcion to bus and
>> tag.
>> But now, we would like to use tcpip connectivity for mainframe connectivity
>> with Xerox printer.
>> Can you please guide that how this new connectivity can be establish and do
>> we need to buy any additional piece of hardware or software . I was reading
>> about info print but didn't get much detail .
> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Joseph Reichman
I used to work for Vendors I now work in applications Assembler 

I write internals code to keep those skills sharp

If you look at the doc for in the Authorized Assembler guide I believe chap 23 

It says type 2 SVC can not suspend their caller

I am wondering in a SVC type 2,if you can Call 

IEAVPSE2 as I am getting a abend after 

The basr to the call and don't know if it's


Joe Reichman
8045 Newell St Apt 403
Silver Spring MD 20910
Home (240) 863-3965
Cell (917) 748 -9693

> On Jan 19, 2017, at 8:50 AM, Tom Marchant 
> <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 Jan 2017 10:30:34 -0500, Joseph Reichman wrote:
>> I'm at work doing Application Assembler 
> I'm confused. You are writing application level assembler code and you want 
> to know what you can do in an SVC?
> -- 
> Tom Marchant
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Mainframe printer connectivity

2017-01-19 Thread Mohamed Gomaa
We did the same issue with Xerox Nuvera 157, you need IPDS support in the 
Printer, configure IP Address for the printer, then define the printer to JES2 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 19, 2017, at 11:57 AM, retired mainframer  
> wrote:
> From dim memories of a conversion performed long ago:
>We changed printers from IBM to HP. We had to get a special interface 
> circuit that handled EBCDIC, PSF/AFP, and carriage control characters in 
> column 1.  We also had to update a lot of pagedefs and formdefs to deal with 
> the differences in duplex printing.  Since you are using the same printer, 
> hopefully this won't be an issue for you.
>We defined new printers and new Functional Subsystem in the JES 
> initialization deck.  The Bus and Tag printers used proc APSWPROA.  The 
> network ones use APWSPROT (which is where you specify the IP address in the 
> CNTL-PRINTDEV-ENDCNTL sequence of JCL statements).  Both procs obviously 
> customized.  
>We used the menu system built into the printer's little control display to 
> specify that the connection was TCPIP and what the address was.
>Since we were producing documents delivered to the customers, we did 
> parallel testing of every type of product output (e.g., OGL, DCF, Waterloo, 
> SAS/GRAPH, etc) as well as the mundane MSGCLASS=A for JCL listings.  The 
> samples produced on the two printers had to line up pretty much exact.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
>> Behalf Of venkat kulkarni
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:51 PM
>> Subject: Mainframe printer connectivity
>> Hello Group,
>> Currently we are using mainframe printer with bus and tag connectivity with
>> Xerox printer via prism hardware, which help us to convert fcion to bus and
>> tag.
>> But now, we would like to use tcpip connectivity for mainframe connectivity
>> with Xerox printer.
>> Can you please guide that how this new connectivity can be establish and do
>> we need to buy any additional piece of hardware or software . I was reading
>> about info print but didn't get much detail .
> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Sean Gleann wrote:

>I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is going 
>to be the last version of z/OS".

Tweet. tweet. tweet. Another April 1 joke. Unless IBM is planning to have yet 
another new name for their 'premier operating system'.

>Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?

Yes, sort of. When I started around 1989, "they" told me MVS/XA and MVS/ESA are 
going to die. Please don't cry.

Now at z/OS v2.1, I am still waiting for the funeral.

Oh, don't forget - there is no technology, hardware and software, available to 
_fully_ replace MVS, OS/390 and z/OS.

I said 'fully' because you can perhaps migrate 'off the mainframe', but then on 
a smaller scale.

I still miss OS/2. That thing was a marvel, but big blue's marketing was not a 

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: IEAVPSE2 in type 2 SVC

2017-01-19 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 17 Jan 2017 10:30:34 -0500, Joseph Reichman wrote:

>I'm at work doing Application Assembler 

I'm confused. You are writing application level assembler code and you want to 
know what you can do in an SVC?

Tom Marchant

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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Sean Gleann
Yes, we chatted about this for a while and came up with the same sort of
It might well be that 2.2 is the last "z/OS", but that doesn't mean that
the end is nigh...

Thanks Alan

On 19 January 2017 at 13:36, Allan Staller  wrote:

> Yeah, 20 years ago for MVS 3.8
> Then came mvs/sp
>  Mvs/esa
>  Zos/r2
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Sean Gleann
> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 7:33 AM
> Subject: And the future is...
> I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is
> going to be the last version of z/OS".
> Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?
> Sean
> --
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> Views or opinions, if any, presented in this email are solely those of the
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> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Allan Staller
Yeah, 20 years ago for MVS 3.8 

Then came mvs/sp

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Sean Gleann
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 7:33 AM
Subject: And the future is...

I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is going 
to be the last version of z/OS".
Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?


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The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and intended 
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And the future is...

2017-01-19 Thread Sean Gleann
I have a little birdy tweeting in my ear to the effect that "z/OS 2.2 is
going to be the last version of z/OS".
Has anyone else heard anything along those lines?


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Re: Mainframe printer connectivity

2017-01-19 Thread Donald J.

  Donald J.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017, at 09:51 PM, venkat kulkarni wrote:
> Hello Group,
> Currently we are using mainframe printer with bus and tag connectivity with
> Xerox printer via prism hardware, which help us to convert fcion to bus and
> tag.
> But now, we would like to use tcpip connectivity for mainframe connectivity
> with Xerox printer.
> Can you please guide that how this new connectivity can be establish and do
> we need to buy any additional piece of hardware or software . I was reading
> about info print but didn't get much detail .
> Please suggest.
> Regards
> Venkat
> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

-- - Access all of your messages and folders
  wherever you are

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Re: Mainframe printer connectivity

2017-01-19 Thread retired mainframer
>From dim memories of a conversion performed long ago:

We changed printers from IBM to HP. We had to get a special interface 
circuit that handled EBCDIC, PSF/AFP, and carriage control characters in column 
1.  We also had to update a lot of pagedefs and formdefs to deal with the 
differences in duplex printing.  Since you are using the same printer, 
hopefully this won't be an issue for you.

We defined new printers and new Functional Subsystem in the JES 
initialization deck.  The Bus and Tag printers used proc APSWPROA.  The network 
ones use APWSPROT (which is where you specify the IP address in the 
CNTL-PRINTDEV-ENDCNTL sequence of JCL statements).  Both procs obviously 

We used the menu system built into the printer's little control display 
to specify that the connection was TCPIP and what the address was.

Since we were producing documents delivered to the customers, we did 
parallel testing of every type of product output (e.g., OGL, DCF, Waterloo, 
SAS/GRAPH, etc) as well as the mundane MSGCLASS=A for JCL listings.  The 
samples produced on the two printers had to line up pretty much exact.

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of venkat kulkarni
> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:51 PM
> Subject: Mainframe printer connectivity
> Hello Group,
> Currently we are using mainframe printer with bus and tag connectivity with
> Xerox printer via prism hardware, which help us to convert fcion to bus and
> tag.
> But now, we would like to use tcpip connectivity for mainframe connectivity
> with Xerox printer.
> Can you please guide that how this new connectivity can be establish and do
> we need to buy any additional piece of hardware or software . I was reading
> about info print but didn't get much detail .

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Re: Block Chain

2017-01-19 Thread Denis
Hi Nathan,
this could be, but Cybercurrencies are just a subset of what blockchain 
technology can offer. Basically you create a hash of a data record and make 
that hash part of the data of the next record and so on, this produces a chain 
of unmutable (or difficult to change) data.
I think the broader exploit would be process optimization and storing data 
without the ability to change it (paperless, unmutable changes, device 
protocols, documentation, sensor data, goverment requirments).
-Original Message-
From: Nathan Astle 
Sent: Thu, Jan 19, 2017 9:46 am
Subject: Block Chain


I was just reading through about block chain. If I understand correct it
said once block chain comes then payment authorizing party won't be There.
Does that mean this would bypass MasterCard or Visa processing ?

Apology if my understanding is not correct


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Block Chain

2017-01-19 Thread Nathan Astle

I was just reading through about block chain. If I understand correct it
said once block chain comes then payment authorizing party won't be There.
Does that mean this would bypass MasterCard or Visa processing ?

Apology if my understanding is not correct


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