2009-07-13 Thread Kris Buelens
Coding PIPE CMS xxx is exactly the same as coding address CMS ' ...
That is, CMS performs the full command resolution, and an EXEC will
get selected instead of a MODULE.
Therefore it is recommended to use address COMMAND and PIPE COMMAND.
Even more: you should not abbreviate a CMS command, this to avoid user
defined synonyms, so do *not* code

Then and only then you are sure that an unexpected EXEC or synonyms
makes you exec do something else than expected.
Lesson 1, chapter 3 in this self study TeleCourse explains it in great detail

So, I am pretty sure your PIPE CMS invokes the TELNET EXEC, not the MDOULE.

For your TELNET case:
/* your exec */
address command  /* Be sure to execute what we need */

2009/7/13 Gentry, Stephen

 (I tried to post this to the cms pipes list but it was rejected)

 I have a simple EXEC that pipes the output of the NETSTAT command to a stem.

 If I issue NETSTAT in a normal CMS session, I get the results back that I 

 When run it in an EXEC containing a PIPE, I get errors from the NETSTAT 

 Code:  PIPE CMS NETSTAT TELNET |  stem myStem.

 There two files with the name NETSTAT, one is a MODULE the other an EXEC.  
 When I run

 It from a CMS session, the EXEC gets invoked but when I run it from and EXEC 
 I wrote

 containing the PIPE command above it seems to invoke the MODULE.

 Is that the way PIPES work?  I thought the CMS param set the environment.

 Any thoughts?



Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support


2009-07-13 Thread Colin Allinson
Gentry, Stephen wrote:

 Yes, I know it?s preferred that users don?t modify this EXEC.  Everytime 
we go to a new release of VM, I have to modify this EXEC. 
 We running vm 5.2 and modifications worked fine on that release. The 
same mods do not work on 5.4. 
 IIRC I can access the S disk as another fmode, for example E.  I use 
MAINT to make the mods to the exec on E. 
 I log off and back on to MAINT and generate a new CMS NSS. 
 Is there anything else I should have to do?  I don?t think I?ve got to 
regen the CMS nucleus do I? 
  I don?t remember doing it in years past when I?ve made this change. I?m 
checking the insflags variable for the word ?BATCH?
 Is any of this documented anywhere?
 I?d really appreciate some help with this.

We have long had the need to provide some additional customisation before 
some parts of  the SYSPROF EXEC complete. The way we do this, to provide 
minimal maintenance impact, is to insert a number of calls into the 
SYSPROF on first system build (naturally - we use the VMSES source part 
update procedure). In our case the calls are all to the same LSYSPROF EXEC 
with different keypoint parameters. 

This way the (modified) SYSPROF can be built into the INSTSEG once and 
never needs to change. Note, however, that if some of your external calls 
are early in the SYSPROF then your LSYSPROF will have to break another 
rule and be on the S-190 disk.

What I have never understood is why optional external calls were not 
included in SYSPROF as standard, avoiding this need for local 

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH


2009-07-13 Thread Kris Buelens
SYSPROF EXEC was a great enhancement.  Before there was only assembler code
(DMSINS).  SYSPROF was the step IBM made to make the CMS startup
tailorable.  Only later people started thinking: SYSPROF is IBM code one
should not change.

2009/7/13 Colin Allinson


 What I have never understood is why optional external calls were not
 included in SYSPROF as standard, avoiding this need for local customisation.

 Colin Allinson**
 Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support


2009-07-13 Thread Rob van der Heij
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Kris wrote:
 SYSPROF EXEC was a great enhancement.  Before there was only assembler code
 (DMSINS).  SYSPROF was the step IBM made to make the CMS startup
 tailorable.  Only later people started thinking: SYSPROF is IBM code one
 should not change.

It's a gray area and things evolve over time. When you start shipping
working sample code for an exit that a customer may fill in, the risk
exists that critical function is shipped in it and you require the
customer to rework his exit with an upgrade (or miss function).
Ideally the product should work without the exit filled in, and the
interface should not changed

In IGS the major modification to SYSPROF was to add a dozen hooks to
calls a local exit that was filled in. However, there's many fingers
in the pie and the interface is so delicate that the IGS platform
shipped with a standard local exit that called yet another local exit
that the installation could fill in. But again, that was sufficiently
complicated that they ship a boilerplate sample where you stick in
local processing again.

We had a lot of fun moving the customization into VMLINK - there's
neat things you can do with pre-exit and post-exit that are pretty
isolated. So the code invoked by SYSPROF and friends does a 'VMLINK
ABCTOOLS  ( FILE ABCDISKS' and that VMLINK control file described
which disks to access, at what file mode, including processing that
determined the right disk based on the user's credentials, picked up a
backup disk when the primary was not available, etc. The advantage is
that you don't have to predict all the possible intervention, but the
caller will simply link the disk and you make it as complex as you
need (and resist the temptation to write REXX variables into the
caller environment to make up for restrictions in the interface).



2009-07-13 Thread Colin Allinson
Kris Buelens wrote:-

 SYSPROF EXEC was a great enhancement.  Before there was only assembler 
code (DMSINS).  
 SYSPROF was the step IBM made to make the CMS startup tailorable.  
 Only later people started thinking: SYSPROF is IBM code one should not 

That goes back a way ;-) 

Yes, I agree that SYSPROF EXEC was a great enhancement (but not without 
it's downside). Someone who knew what they were doing could modify DMSINS 
and, I would argue that, you still need to know what you are doing to 
modify SYSPROF - even though it seems simpler to do. 

Before I restructured the local changes to SYSPROF to externalise them, it 
was a nightmare. Whenever there was new VM release with any change to the 
IBM supplied SYSPROF code then we had to totally rework our local fixes 
onto the new base or to ignore the new base and go with our old modified 
SYSPROF as a full part replacement (which is what tended to happen). Now 
it is a relatively simple job to insert the hooks without messing too much 
with the IBM supplied function.

The problem with modifying a number of things like this is that it is all 
too easy to break IBM function or to lock yourself out from new/changed 
function. At least with the PROFILE EXEC's of the TCPIP workers there are 
hooks for local customisation.

Yes, the move to SYSPROF was a good idea but it is a pity it didn't go 
just that one step further to keep IBM function and any local 
customisation separate. 

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH


2009-07-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

Chip Davis wrote:

... when shared segments were implemented in VM.

It seems to me that it predated the VM/370 SEPP/BSEPP days when I started, but
there's been many a synapse lost since then.

Google, Wikipedia,, and even Melinda's wonderful work have not been
revealing, so I thought perhaps might be an old gray-beard like myself (with a
better memory) still reading this list.

Any help?

CP67 had named systems ... basically page image was saved to reserved 
location and
the IPL command would map the saved portion of virtual memory to those 
saved pages
on disk. Used originally for CMS. 360/67 segment (sharing) only offered 1mbyte 
... and CMS was much smaller than 1mbyte ... in fact standard CMS virtual 
were 256kbytes and CMS kernel (low core address) was something like the first
18 pages. So something as a result ... CMS had 3 shared pages ... that were
locked into real storage ... every virtual memory page table (for named CMS)
had same 3 virtual page table entries pointing to the same (locked) real pages.

To provide read-only protection of those three pages, CP67 played special games
with the 360 storage protect keys.

Moving to 370, original 370 virtual memory architecture (defined in the 370
red book ... the red book was cms script file with command line options
would print the full architecture book ... or just the principles of operation
subset) had 64kbyte segment options and 1mbyte segment options. For 370,
CMS was restructured to have the 1st 64k non-shared  data, and the 2nd
64k shared ... using the 370 64kbyte shared segment facility. The original
370 virtual memory architecture also had R/O segment protect facility ...
bit defined in each virtual memory segment table which would provide R/O
segment protection. vm370 was initially implemented to use this facility
for protecting shared pages. The mechanism was still the defined named
systems and invoked/used via the ipl-by-name facility.

the retrofit of virtual memory hardware to 370/165 ran into delays and
at one point there was suggestion to drop a lot of the 370 virtual memory
features in order to buy back six months in the scheduled (and not slip
the 370 virtual memory announcement by six months). One of the features
that got dropped was segment protect. As a result, all the other
hardware implementations had to go back and remove all the features
dropped by the 165 implementation ... and vm370 had to return to the
(kludge) r/o page protection mechanism using the 360 key protect mechanism
(from cp67) ... but for whole segments.

I was at the science center ... past posts mentioning science center

and we were still running with 360/67 and
doing lots of enhancements to cp67. One of the features was a page-mapped
filesystem faciilty for cms. This eliminated a whole lot of I/O simulation
overhead and pathlength (even compared to diagnose I/O ... a form of which
I had originally done as undergraduate) and opened up the ability to do
a whole lot more interesting things using virtual memory (basically
allowing page mapped views of anything done as part of standard cms
file operations ... not just restricted to ipl-by-name). Misc. past
posts mentioning page-mapped work for cms filesystem

Eventually, science center was slated for getting at 370/155 and
I had to look at moving lots of my cp67 work to vm370 ... old memo
on the subject

and a couple describing having done the work (and what
was in the csc/vm distribution system)

one of my hobbies had been providing highly modified cp67 systems
to internal locations (sort of my own product distribution). that
dropped off as some number of internal locations moved from
cp67 to vm370 ... but really took off when I had moved from cp67
to vm370.

One of my major hobby/customers was the HONE system ... lots of
past posts

HONE had been created after the 23jun69 unbundling announcement
... originally cp67 virtual machine systems originally targeted
at giving branch office SEs hands-on to operating systems
running in virtual machines. The HONE system even got
special CP67 modifications that simulated the initial
new instructions in 370 ... allowing running/testing of
370 operating systems that used the new instructions (i.e.
allowing them to run in virtual machine under cp67 on

The science center had also ported apl\360 to cp67 cms for
cms\apl. A lot of sales  marketing support applications were
developed in APL and started to be offered to sales  marketing.
Eventually that use came to dominate HONE activity and the
virtual machine experience for branch office SEs evaporated.

APL had been restructured to shared memory operations and
originally HONE had a special 

REXX and Panels

2009-07-13 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
I am just getting back to VM after many years and am trying to remember
how to do the things that I can easily do in TSO REXX. Does anyone know
how to simulate panels in REXX on CMS without using DMS/CMS or ISPF? I
know that some of the basic CMS execs (Filelist, etc) use XEDIT macros,
but I can't find any documentation for this. 


Jon L. Veilleux 
(860) 636-2683 

This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. If
you think you have received this e-mail in error, please advise the
sender by reply e-mail and then delete this e-mail immediately.
Thank you. Aetna   

Re: REXX and Panels

2009-07-13 Thread Thomas Kern
Many years ago, IBM had a package, I think it was called REXX/CUA. I am
not in the office today or I could give you the product number. We wrote
several menued execs using it. I don't remember the price, if there was
a price. It was ALL in REXX and XEDIT.

There is also the IOS3270 module in the IBM Downloads page. I use that
today for some of my execs where I want a full-screen refresh of status

/Tom Kern

Veilleux, Jon L wrote:
 I am just getting back to VM after many years and am trying to remember
 how to do the things that I can easily do in TSO REXX. Does anyone know
 how to simulate panels in REXX on CMS without using DMS/CMS or ISPF? I
 know that some of the basic CMS execs (Filelist, etc) use XEDIT macros,
 but I can't find any documentation for this.
 Jon L. Veilleux
 (860) 636-2683

Re: DCSS addenda

2009-07-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

re: DCSS

Some of the other stuff in CSC/VM was released in my resource manager
(which appeared with vm370 release 3 plc9)

the 23jun69 unbundling announcement started charging for (application)
software and se services (but they managed to make the case that
kernel software should still be free). some posts mentioning unbundling

When I was undergraduate ... I had added tty/ascii terminal support
to cp67 ... and tried to make the 2702 do something it couldn't quite
do. that somewhat was motivation behind the univ. starting a project
for a clone controller using interdata/3 ... discussed some in this
recent post A Complete History Of Mainframe 

four of us got written up being responsible for clone controller business.
some posts mentioning clone controller

The clone controller business has been attributed as the motivation for
the FS project.

quote from above:

IBM tried to react by launching a major project called the 'Future
System' (FS) in the early 1970's. The idea was to get so far ahead that
the competition would never be able to keep up, and to have such a high
level of integration that it would be impossible for competitors to
follow a compatible niche strategy. However, the project failed because
the objectives were too ambitious for the available technology.  Many of
the ideas that were developed were nevertheless adapted for later
generations. Once IBM had acknowledged this failure, it launched its
'box strategy', which called for competitiveness with all the different
types of compatible sub-systems. But this proved to be difficult because
of IBM's cost structure and its RD spending, and the strategy only
resulted in a partial narrowing of the price gap between IBM and its

... snip ...

old post with somebody taking FS quotes from FergusMorris book on IBM IBM's VM for the PC c.1984??

Now allowing 370 product pipelines dry up is claimed to have given
the clone processors foothold in the market ... and success of
the clone processors is major motivation to decide to start
(also) charging for kernel software. My resource manager
got chosen to be the guinea pig for kernel software charging
... and as a result ... I had to spend some amount of
time with the business people  lawyers on policies
regarding software charging.

another mad rush to get products back into the 370 product
pipeline was the 303x stuff ... recent discussion A Complete History Of Mainframe 

basically after FS was killed, work on 3081 was started but that
was going to take 6-7 yrs ... and they needed something on
much shorter cycle ... so 3031 was repackaged 370/158, 3032
was repackaged 370/168, and 3033 started out as 168 wiring
diagram remapped to newer chips that were 20% faster.

Now one of the things that were in the page-mapped filesystem
stuff was location independence support. Carefully crafted
executable code could be loaded at any virtual location
in any virtual address space. The same shared object
could appear at different virtual addresses in different
virtual address spaces. Operating systems that had been
designed for paged-mapped operations had support for this
as a matter of course ... including IBM's TSS/360.

CMS inherited a lot of its structure, compilers and other
features from os/360 ... which had a real-storage orientation.
OS/360 Relocatable address constants ... were relocated at
load time ... and while executing were tied to a specific
address. This nominally prevented having the same shared
object appearing simultaneously in multiple virtual address
spaces at different addresses.

The 370 issue was that with only 256 64kbyte segments
(in 16mbyte virtual address space) ... there would be
great difficulty in finding unique locations for every
application that might be available at a large location.
Any single user wouldn't necessarily require more than
16mbytes ... but might require an arbitrary combination
of applications available at the installation. To support
shared fixed address applications which might be used
in arbitrary combination... a unique location
had to be chosen for ever application ... but the total
possible aggregate size of all available applications
exceeded 16mbytes. Lots of past posts mentioning
difficulty of modifying code so it would be
location independent while executing (in addition
to having to modify it for executing in a R/O protected
shared segment)


2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
On Monday, 07/13/2009 at 12:23 EDT, Gentry, Stephen wrote:
 I have a simple EXEC that pipes the output of the NETSTAT command to a 
 If I issue NETSTAT in a normal CMS session, I get the results back that 
 When run it in an EXEC containing a PIPE, I get errors from the NETSTAT 
 Code:  PIPE CMS NETSTAT TELNET |  stem myStem.
 There two files with the name NETSTAT, one is a MODULE the other an 
EXEC.  When 
 I run it from a CMS session, the EXEC gets invoked but when I run it 
from and
 EXEC I wrote containing the PIPE command above it seems to invoke the 
 Is that the way PIPES work?  I thought the CMS param set the 

PIPE CMS NETSTAT will invoke the NETSTAT EXEC (which invokes the NETSTAT 
MODULE), just as if you had typed it at the console.  By what means did 
you conclude that PIPE CMS NETSTAT did *not* invoke the exec?

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

VM and a 9672-R22

2009-07-13 Thread Wandschneider, Scott
Can anyone tell me what the highest level of VM that will run on a 9672-R22?

Thank you,
Scott R Wandschneider
Senior Systems Programmer|| Infocrossing, a Wipro Company || 11707 Miracle 
Hills Drive, Omaha, NE, 68154-4457|| : 402.963.8905 || :847.849.7223  ||  : **Think Green  - Please print responsibly**

Re: VM and a 9672-R22

2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
On Monday, 07/13/2009 at 09:40 EDT, Wandschneider, Scott wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what the highest level of VM that will run on a 

z/VM V3.1 was the last release to operate on anything prior to a G5.  (R22 
is a G2.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott


2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
On Monday, 07/13/2009 at 04:28 EDT, Colin Allinson wrote:
 Yes, the move to SYSPROF was a good idea but it is a pity it didn't go 
 that one step further to keep IBM function and any local customisation 

FWIW, I can't find a Requirement for this in the requirements database.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Rohling
As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible or
not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my
laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..   But I
have issues using them:

-  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
often inconsistent).
-  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
-  The process is entirely manual

So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would be
nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies of the
pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart enough to suck
the title out of the web page as well and use it to name the file locally.
But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?

Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM documentation?
(if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)

p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get the
whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles
checking for changes?


Re: VM and a 9672-R22

2009-07-13 Thread Wandschneider, Scott
Thanks Alan.

BTW, Thanks for your response on the MVS Stand-alone dump - I lost the
email before I could say thanks, but the manual was a BIG help.

Thank you,


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Alan Altmark
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: VM and a 9672-R22

On Monday, 07/13/2009 at 09:40 EDT, Wandschneider, Scott wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what the highest level of VM that will run on a 

z/VM V3.1 was the last release to operate on anything prior to a G5.
is a G2.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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and delete it from your system. Thank you.

Re: REXX and Panels

2009-07-13 Thread Adam Thornton

On Jul 13, 2009, at 6:46 AM, Thomas Kern wrote:

Many years ago, IBM had a package, I think it was called REXX/CUA. I  
not in the office today or I could give you the product number. We  
several menued execs using it. I don't remember the price, if there  

a price. It was ALL in REXX and XEDIT.

Good news: you're describing CUA2001:

On the VM Downloads Page now.  I wrote a lot of stuff in it at Rice  
when it was still a paid product; I've messed with it a bit more since  

It's a pretty easy way to do an XEDIT interface for a Rexx ap.


Re: REXX and Panels

2009-07-13 Thread Dave Jones

Hi, Jon.

There are a couple of good (and free!) packages you can try:

1) CUA2001 from the IBM VM Download page 
Very nice form building CUA complaint 3270 panels, and well documented 
too. I think it actually uses Xedit under the covers to drive the screen.

2) RDM (Rexx Display Manager), developed by the University of Victoria. 
It can be used from other languages besides Rexx and it comes with a 
replacement DMS API interface. It can be found here:

Good luck.

Veilleux, Jon L wrote:

I am just getting back to VM after many years and am trying to remember
how to do the things that I can easily do in TSO REXX. Does anyone know
how to simulate panels in REXX on CMS without using DMS/CMS or ISPF? I
know that some of the basic CMS execs (Filelist, etc) use XEDIT macros,
but I can't find any documentation for this. 


Jon L. Veilleux 
(860) 636-2683 

This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. If
you think you have received this e-mail in error, please advise the
sender by reply e-mail and then delete this e-mail immediately.
Thank you. Aetna   

Dave Jones
Houston, TX

Re: REXX and Panels

2009-07-13 Thread Bruce Hayden
REXX/CUA became CUA2001 before it was discontinued as a product.  It
is now available as is on the VM downloads page:

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 7:46 AM, Thomas wrote:
 Many years ago, IBM had a package, I think it was called REXX/CUA. I am
 not in the office today or I could give you the product number. We wrote
 several menued execs using it. I don't remember the price, if there was
 a price. It was ALL in REXX and XEDIT.

 There is also the IOS3270 module in the IBM Downloads page. I use that
 today for some of my execs where I want a full-screen refresh of status

 /Tom Kern

Bruce Hayden
Linux on System z Advanced Technical Support
IBM, Endicott, NY

Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Thomas Kern
As I need a regular IBM Manual, I read it from the CD/DVD the first time
and while I have it open, I use the File/SaveAs function to put a copy
in my own manuals folder with a name I can recognize. Then when I am
finished with it, I email a copy of that newnamed pdf to my home address
to populate my home copy of manuals.

Some levels of Windows let you have a Title column in the file list
window and ALL IBM manuals have a proper title tag in their pdf copy. I
just haven't played with it enough to have it on ONLY for the
directories I want.

/Tom Kern

Scott Rohling wrote:
 As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible
 or not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on
 my laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..  
 But I have issues using them:
 -  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
 readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
 often inconsistent).
 -  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
 -  The process is entirely manual
 So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would
 be nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies
 of the pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart
 enough to suck the title out of the web page as well and use it to name
 the file locally.   But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?
 Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM
 documentation? (if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)
 p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get
 the whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it
 handles checking for changes? 

Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Jim Bohnsack
I find it just as frustrating when I look at the manuals via the 
internet and the pdf (my preference over html) has a title of HCSK5B30 
or something as useful as that. 


Scott Rohling wrote:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible or
not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my
laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..   But I
have issues using them:

-  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
often inconsistent).
-  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
-  The process is entirely manual

So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would be
nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies of the
pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart enough to suck
the title out of the web page as well and use it to name the file locally.
But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?

Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM documentation?
(if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)

p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get the
whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles
checking for changes?


Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible or =
not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my la=
ptop.=C2=A0=C2=A0 I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..=
=C2=A0=C2=A0 But I have issues using them:br
br-=C2=A0 The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a h=
uman readable title.=C2=A0=C2=A0 I usually end up renaming them when I down=
load (and am often inconsistent).br-=C2=A0 I#39;m never sure I have the =
#39;latest and greatest#39;br
-=C2=A0 The process is entirely manualbrbrSo I#39;m wondering what oth=
er people do to keep local copies..=C2=A0=C2=A0 It would be nifty to have s=
omething that checked the web pages for newer copies of the pdf files and d=
id #39;wget#39; or something on them - and was smart enough to suck the t=
itle out of the web page as well and use it to name the file locally.=C2=A0=
=C2=A0 But - maybe there are other solutions I#39;m not aware of?br
brAnybody have a nice way to deal with #39;replicating#39; the z/VM doc=
umentation? (if your a Notes user, you#39;ll understand the 2nd verb)br=
brp.s.=C2=A0 Hmmm..=C2=A0 I bet I can use wget with the right incantation =
and get the whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..=C2=A0=C2=A0 but no=
t sure it handles checking for changes?=C2=A0 br



Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Michael Forte
Hello Scott,

If your laptop is running Windows, you could use Softcopy Librarian which 
queries a master list of z/VM publications (those that are found on the CD 
or DVD publication deliverables) and compares the list to your local 
repository. It can distinguish between publications that have been updated 
and those that have not and will allow you to download any number of 
publications (one to all) for a given shelf (library) or product. As you 
might have guessed, it can also download shelf and index files (.bks, 
.bki, and .xks) for use on the host or with Softcopy Reader for Windows or 

Take a look at the following site for Softcopy Librarian download 

Michael J. Forte
z/OS Storage ID and POK Softcopy Support
Software Engineer, System z Information Solutions 58HA
IBM Poughkeepsie, New York

Office: 845-435-9062, T/L: 295-9062
Fax: 845-432-9405

Building 052-1, B09
2455 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Often those who work the hardest are the luckiest... 

Scott Rohling
07/13/2009 10:23 AM
Replicating z/VM documentation
Sent by:

As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible or 
not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my 
laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..   But I 
have issues using them:

-  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human 
readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am 
often inconsistent).
-  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
-  The process is entirely manual

So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would be 
nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies of the 
pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart enough to 
suck the title out of the web page as well and use it to name the file 
locally.   But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?

Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM documentation? 
(if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)

p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get the 
whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles 
checking for changes?  


Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Reuscher, Robert A [IT]
I download all the manuals when we go to a new release, and create a 
shortcut/alias for each one with it's real title (or as close as I can get with 
some special characters). This way I have a name that means something to me, 
but also the links work between the manuals.

Robert Reuscher
Network Software Development/Support
(214) 477-7091

-Original Message-
From: Jim Bohnsack
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

I find it just as frustrating when I look at the manuals via the
internet and the pdf (my preference over html) has a title of HCSK5B30
or something as useful as that.


Scott Rohling wrote:
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible or
 not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my
 laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..   But I
 have issues using them:

 -  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
 readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
 often inconsistent).
 -  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
 -  The process is entirely manual

 So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would be
 nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies of the
 pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart enough to suck
 the title out of the web page as well and use it to name the file locally.
 But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?

 Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM documentation?
 (if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)

 p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get the
 whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles
 checking for changes?


 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible or =
 not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my la=
 ptop.=C2=A0=C2=A0 I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..=
 =C2=A0=C2=A0 But I have issues using them:br
 br-=C2=A0 The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a h=
 uman readable title.=C2=A0=C2=A0 I usually end up renaming them when I down=
 load (and am often inconsistent).br-=C2=A0 I#39;m never sure I have the =
 #39;latest and greatest#39;br
 -=C2=A0 The process is entirely manualbrbrSo I#39;m wondering what oth=
 er people do to keep local copies..=C2=A0=C2=A0 It would be nifty to have s=
 omething that checked the web pages for newer copies of the pdf files and d=
 id #39;wget#39; or something on them - and was smart enough to suck the t=
 itle out of the web page as well and use it to name the file locally.=C2=A0=
 =C2=A0 But - maybe there are other solutions I#39;m not aware of?br
 brAnybody have a nice way to deal with #39;replicating#39; the z/VM doc=
 umentation? (if your a Notes user, you#39;ll understand the 2nd verb)br=
 brp.s.=C2=A0 Hmmm..=C2=A0 I bet I can use wget with the right incantation =
 and get the whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..=C2=A0=C2=A0 but no=
 t sure it handles checking for changes?=C2=A0 br


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

This e-mail may contain Sprint Nextel Company proprietary information intended 
for the sole use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you 
are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies 
of the message.

Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
 [] On Behalf Of Thomas Kern
 Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:43 AM
 Subject: Re: Replicating z/VM documentation
 As I need a regular IBM Manual, I read it from the CD/DVD the 
 first time
 and while I have it open, I use the File/SaveAs function to put a copy
 in my own manuals folder with a name I can recognize. Then when I am
 finished with it, I email a copy of that newnamed pdf to my 
 home address
 to populate my home copy of manuals.
 Some levels of Windows let you have a Title column in the file list
 window and ALL IBM manuals have a proper title tag in their 
 pdf copy. I
 just haven't played with it enough to have it on ONLY for the
 directories I want.
 /Tom Kern

I am a z/OS'er who hangs around here. I have a number of PDF manuals which I 
copied from the MVS CDs onto my Amazon KindleDX (nice, but pricey). At least on 
the MVS CDs, there are a number of XKS files. These files are book shelf type 
files which contain the file name of the PDF and the associated manual number 
and title. I wrote a small Perl script on Linux which parses the XKS files and 
does an ln command to create a file name like: manual.numbetitle.PDF . An 
example file name would be:


Since Windows cannot have two names for one file, this script would need to 
be massaged to do a rename, I guess.

I was working on a way to slurp down the current PDF files from IBM, but got to 
feeling bad about how much bandwidth I would consume, so I never tried.

John McKown 
Systems Engineer IV

Administrative Services Group


9151 Boulevard 26 * N. Richland Hills * TX 76010
(817) 255-3225 phone * (817)-961-6183 cell *

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proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact 
the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. 
HealthMarkets(r) is the brand name for products underwritten and issued by the 
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Company(r), Mid-West National Life Insurance Company of TennesseeSM and The 
MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company.SM


Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
On Monday, 07/13/2009 at 11:00 EDT, McKown, John wrote:
 Since Windows cannot have two names for one file, this script would 
need to 
 be massaged to do a rename, I guess.

Actually you can do the same thing with Windows hardlinks.  These are 
symbolic links, not shortcuts, created by the fsutil command:
c: cd My Documents\Pubs\pdfs
c: fsutil hardlink create ..\VM 5.4\54 License Info Doc.pdf 

Shortcuts won't work unless the application is specifically coded to 
understand .lnk files (gag).  I wish Create shortcut would create 
hardlinks instead.  Is there an app for that?

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Rohling
Fortunately, I run Linux as my workstation ;-)I do run Windows under
VirtualBox, but only for personal use (iTunes for my iPhone, and Quicken).
So maybe I can use the Librarian to download/replicate and the Reader on
Linux..   but I really prefer PDF files as the format is ubiquitous and I
can easily share them.

Thanks for the suggestion and pointer!


On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Michael Forte wrote:

 Hello Scott,

 If your laptop is running Windows, you could use Softcopy Librarian which
 queries a master list of z/VM publications (those that are found on the CD
 or DVD publication deliverables) and compares the list to your local
 repository. It can distinguish between publications that have been updated
 and those that have not and will allow you to download any number of
 publications (one to all) for a given shelf (library) or product. As you
 might have guessed, it can also download shelf and index files (.bks, .bki,
 and .xks) for use on the host or with Softcopy Reader for Windows or Linux.

 Take a look at the following site for Softcopy Librarian download

 *Michael J. Forte*
 z/OS Storage ID and POK Softcopy Support
 Software Engineer, System z Information Solutions 58HA
 IBM Poughkeepsie, New York*

 Office: 845-435-9062, T/L: 295-9062
 Fax: 845-432-9405

 Building 052-1, B09
 2455 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

 Often those who work the hardest are the luckiest...

  From: Scott Rohling To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
 Date: 07/13/2009 10:23 AM Subject: Replicating z/VM documentation Sent by: The

 As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible or
 not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my
 laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..   But I
 have issues using them:

 -  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
 readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
 often inconsistent).
 -  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
 -  The process is entirely manual

 So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would be
 nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies of the
 pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart enough to suck
 the title out of the web page as well and use it to name the file locally.
 But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?

 Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM documentation?
 (if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)

 p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get the
 whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles
 checking for changes?


Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Edward M Martin
Hello Rob,

Are you using a download or is there something specific that you are monitoring?

Ed Martin
Aultman Health Foundation
ext 35050
-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Rob van der Heij
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Scott wrote:

 p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get the
 whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles
 checking for changes?

The first speed-up is to block all the surfing statistics that IBM has
added to the various pages. I measured it to be more than 50% of the
time it takes to load the page (whether I sit in Europe or in the US,
no excuses there).  I modified the HTML page that lists all the books
so that it points to the local copies of the PDFs for the ones that I
have here handy. In fact, I even have the copy of the monitor record
layout local on my thinkpad, but that may not be something everyone
else needs that often ;-)

And I'll do it again with next release (if any).


Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Karl Huf
I have installed the z/VM V5R4 Information Center DVD onto my (Windows) 
laptop.  There's a collection of manuals and redbooks that are copied onto 
the HD and a (java) app that provides a menu'd interface with search 
capabilities (including the .pdf's).  I don't know if this was something 
that was produced for releases earlier than 5.4.  The reference # is 

My usual method, though, has been to download the manuals I wanted and do 
the Save As routine, cutting and pasting the document title after the 
SCnn original file name.  Of course since certain special chars like 
/ and : aren't accepted in file names one does need to do a bit of 
editing frequently.  Still, it's better than a directory full of 
indecipherable and non-descriptive filenames.

Karl S Huf | Senior Vice President | World Wide Technology 
840 S Canal, Chicago, IL, 60607 | phone (312)630-6287 | 
Please visit 
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privileged and is meant only for the intended recipient. If you are not 
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Re: REXX and Panels

2009-07-13 Thread David Boyes
 Many years ago, IBM had a package, I think it was called REXX/CUA. I am
 not in the office today or I could give you the product number. We
 several menued execs using it. I don't remember the price, if there was
 a price. It was ALL in REXX and XEDIT.

CUA2001. I think it's in the IBM downloads library.

Also the FULLSCREEN pipe stage. 


2009-07-13 Thread Gentry, Stephen
Running it using your suggestions causes the following:




The exec looks like this:




To answer Alan's question from an earlier email.  The NETSTAT module is
on our X drive.  I link to TCPMAINT's 592 disk as Z.  BTW, the
netstat module on X was copied from TCPMAINT.  With the disks in this
order, I get the result above. When I move 592 higher up in the search
order, I still get what I got above.

When I DETACH 592 from my machine and issue the command manually (from
the command line), I get the result above. X is still attached and it
has the MODULE only.  This is what makes me think that the PIPE is
running the module instead of the exec, even with tcpmaint 592 attached
and first in the search order.

BTW, notice the tcpip level in the first example, 5.2. This is even more
confusing because we are running on VM 5.4


Further, I just tried running the EXEC again.  Tcpmaint 592 is higher in
the search string. I get the following result:




So far about the only thing it's been consistent at is being


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Kris Buelens
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: NETSTAT and PIPES


Coding PIPE CMS xxx is exactly the same as coding address CMS '

That is, CMS performs the full command resolution, and an EXEC will

get selected instead of a MODULE.

Therefore it is recommended to use address COMMAND and PIPE COMMAND.

Even more: you should not abbreviate a CMS command, this to avoid user

defined synonyms, so do *not* code



Then and only then you are sure that an unexpected EXEC or synonyms

makes you exec do something else than expected.

Lesson 1, chapter 3 in this self study TeleCourse explains it in great


So, I am pretty sure your PIPE CMS invokes the TELNET EXEC, not the


For your TELNET case:

/* your exec */

address command  /* Be sure to execute what we need */



2009/7/13 Gentry, Stephen


 (I tried to post this to the cms pipes list but it was rejected)




 I have a simple EXEC that pipes the output of the NETSTAT command to a


 If I issue NETSTAT in a normal CMS session, I get the results back
that I expect.


 When run it in an EXEC containing a PIPE, I get errors from the
NETSTAT command.


 Code:  PIPE CMS NETSTAT TELNET |  stem myStem.


 There two files with the name NETSTAT, one is a MODULE the other an
EXEC.  When I run


 It from a CMS session, the EXEC gets invoked but when I run it from
and EXEC I wrote


 containing the PIPE command above it seems to invoke the MODULE.


 Is that the way PIPES work?  I thought the CMS param set the


 Any thoughts?










Kris Buelens,

IBM Belgium, VM customer support


2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
On Monday, 07/13/2009 at 02:16 EDT, Gentry, Stephen wrote:
 Running it using your suggestions causes the following:


The listserver doesn't redistribute attachments.  A plain-text copy/paste 
is sufficient.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

CSE Survey

2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
I am looking for folks who are using (or are preparing to use) 
Cross-System Extensions (CSE).  This includes
a.  The full-blown PVM-based solution with cross-system CP commands, a 
shared spool (XSPOOL), cross-system LINK protection (XLINK), and a shared 
source directory.
b.  The PVM-less XLINK (with or without shared directory)
c. Some other variation

I want to know
1. When you started using CSE
2. The elements of CSE you using
3. How many systems you have in your cluster
4. Whether or not you give permission for IBM to contact you for more 
details (If you don't say YES, then I will assume NO.)

I would prefer that you send your response directly to me rather than 
posting to the listserver.

Alan Altmark
Sr. Software Engineer
IBM z/VM Development

Updating z/VM

2009-07-13 Thread Howard Rifkind
Hello all,

Can some one tell me where the best place to look on the procedures for 
updating z/VM, lets say using an RSU tape?

Its been a while since I did one and I need to brush up.

Any one know where and when IBM will be offering installation and other classes 
on the new z/VM?



Re: VM history question

2009-07-13 Thread Jeff Savit
Mike Walter said:
 Surely Sir Lynn would know off the top of his head, and have ALL the gory
 details in his astonishingly complete personal records.

I'm definitely no substitute for Sir Lynn, but I remember DCSS and DMKSNT in
VM/370 Release 3 PLC 8, which is where I started with VM.

In fact, I used CMSAMS and CMSVSAM then for Unnatural Practices, or at least
not for the purposes for which they were created. I was porting the CP/67
port of LISP/MTS to VM/370, and needed something to replace the named
segment used under CP/67 for LISP's pushdown stack. Instead of checking the
stack pointer for the end of the stack, it would just push onto the stack
and take the program check when it ran off the end. I simulated that by
using DIAG x'64' to attach CMSAMS and CMSVSAM, and then set the protect key
to user key for all but the last 2K (remember 2K pages?) page.

A LISP interpreter written entirely in BAL, with self-modifying code and
almost out of base register addressibility... that was quite an interesting
piece of code.

regards, Jeff Savit

Re: Updating z/VM

2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
On Monday, 07/13/2009 at 03:41 EDT, Howard Rifkind 

 Can some one tell me where the best place to look on the procedures for 
 updating z/VM, lets say using an RSU tape?

z/VM Guide for Automated Installation and Service is the book to look 

 Any one know where and when IBM will be offering installation and other 
 on the new z/VM?

Installation of z/VM 6.1 will be just like installation of prior releases.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

AUTO: Colin J Page2 is out of the office (returning 27/07/2009)

2009-07-13 Thread Colin J Page2
I am out of the office until 27/07/2009.

I am out of the office on vacation until 27th July. For any urgent issues
please contact my manager Gerry McFadden on 07714-664759.

Regards, Colin

Note: This is an automated response to your message  Re: Replicating z/VM
documentation sent on 13/7/09 17:01:07.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

Re: Updating z/VM

2009-07-13 Thread Howard Rifkind
Thanks all

--- On Mon, 7/13/09, Thompson, Ken wrote:

From: Thompson, Ken
Subject: Re: Updating z/VM
Date: Monday, July 13, 2009, 3:54 PM


The z/VM Service Guide will contain the information regarding
updating z/VM with maintenance.  


Ken Thompson 

EDS National VM/VSE


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
[] On Behalf Of Howard Rifkind

Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 2:41 PM


Subject: Updating z/VM 


  Hello all,


  Can some one tell me where the best place to look on the procedures for
  updating z/VM, lets say using an RSU tape?


  Its been a while since I did one and I need to brush up.



  Any one know where and when IBM will be offering installation and other 
  on the new z/VM?






Re: REXX and Panels

2009-07-13 Thread Schuh, Richard
We use XMENU/E that was originally a Kolinar product. It can still be found at 
CA. I do not know its price, but it works great and includes KWAKEUP as part of 
the package. 

Richard Schuh 


 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
 [] On Behalf Of Bruce Hayden
 Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 7:32 AM
 Subject: Re: REXX and Panels
 REXX/CUA became CUA2001 before it was discontinued as a 
 product.  It is now available as is on the VM downloads page:
 On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 7:46 AM, Thomas wrote:
  Many years ago, IBM had a package, I think it was called 
  am not in the office today or I could give you the product 
 number. We 
  wrote several menued execs using it. I don't remember the price, if 
  there was a price. It was ALL in REXX and XEDIT.
  There is also the IOS3270 module in the IBM Downloads page. 
 I use that 
  today for some of my execs where I want a full-screen refresh of 
  status information.
  /Tom Kern
 Bruce Hayden
 Linux on System z Advanced Technical Support IBM, Endicott, NY

Re: Updating z/VM

2009-07-13 Thread C. Lawrence Perkins
Rats; and I was hoping I could swear off swearing  :-)

On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 17:21:29 -0400, Alan Altmark

Installation of z/VM 6.1 will be just like installation of prior release

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott


Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Steve Marak
On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Scott Rohling wrote:

 -  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
 readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
 often inconsistent).
 -  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
 -  The process is entirely manual
 So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   

I do the same thing you do, and it's a huge pain. 

Some of my co-workers use the Library Reader on their Windows laptops, but 
I find that even worse than having to rename all the PDFs. I'm sure that 
says something about the Library Reader, or me, or both, but that's just 
what I want: the PDF format, with a usable name, available offline on my 
laptop. Doesn't seem like it should be as much effort as it is.


-- Steve Marak

Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread John McKown
On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Steve Marak wrote:

 On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Scott Rohling wrote:
 Some of my co-workers use the Library Reader on their Windows laptops, but 
 I find that even worse than having to rename all the PDFs. I'm sure that 
 says something about the Library Reader, or me, or both, but that's just 
 what I want: the PDF format, with a usable name, available offline on my 
 laptop. Doesn't seem like it should be as much effort as it is.

No worries (as our Aussie friends say). Softcopy Librarian downloads the 
PDF files with the poor names. But it also downloads the XKS files. The 
XKS files have the title and manual number in it. Using the fsutil command 
that Alan previously mentioned (it's at work, I'm at home). My Perl script 
for Linux follows ( 46 lines) 

use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode qw(from_to);
my ($file,$line,$name,$title,$docid,$shelftitle);
local $/;
$file=; #slurp the entire file
$_=$file; #just easier, ya know?
from_to($_,utf16-be,iso-8859-1); #convert encoding
tr/\n//d; #remove line-end character.
$shelftitle=  unless defined $shelftitle;
$shelftitle=~s/ PDF Extended Shelf//;
my @line=split /\n/;
foreach $line (@line) {
next unless $line=~m/^DOCUMENT /;
$name=~tr/ //d;
($docid)=$line=~m/ DOCID=([^]*)/;
$docid=~tr/ //d;
$name=lc $name;
#The next 3 lines massage the title a bit.
$title=~s/[\/ ]/_/g;
#Escape the special characters
print $docid.$title\t$name\t$ARGV\t$shelftitle\n;
print STDERR ln \$name.pdf\ $docid.$title.pdf\n;

You run the above like:

for i in *.xks;do ./ $i;done names.txt


Modify as necessary for Windows. I don't know Windows any more, praise 

Trying to write with a pencil that is dull is pointless.

John McKown


2009-07-13 Thread Feller, Paul
Is this what you are trying to do?

'pipe command NETSTAT TELNET | stem sve1.'
'pipe stem sve1. |  sve TEXT A'
'browse sve TEXT A'

This works for me.

Paul Feller
AIT Mainframe Technical Support

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Gentry, Stephen
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 8:48 PM
Subject: NETSTAT and PIPES

(I tried to post this to the cms pipes list but it was rejected)

I have a simple EXEC that pipes the output of the NETSTAT command to a stem.
If I issue NETSTAT in a normal CMS session, I get the results back that I 
When run it in an EXEC containing a PIPE, I get errors from the NETSTAT command.
Code:  PIPE CMS NETSTAT TELNET |  stem myStem.
There two files with the name NETSTAT, one is a MODULE the other an EXEC.  When 
I run
It from a CMS session, the EXEC gets invoked but when I run it from and EXEC I 
containing the PIPE command above it seems to invoke the MODULE.
Is that the way PIPES work?  I thought the CMS param set the environment.
Any thoughts?

Re: VM history question

2009-07-13 Thread Chip Davis
Jeff, yours may be the earliest reference to saved segments so far.  Is the 
named segment you mention the same concept?  That would push implementation of 
the idea back into the CP/67 days.


On 7/13/09 20:15 Jeff Savit said:
I was porting 
the CP/67 port of LISP/MTS to VM/370, and needed something to replace 
the named segment used under CP/67 for LISP's pushdown stack.

Re: VM history question

2009-07-13 Thread Alan Altmark
On Tuesday, 07/14/2009 at 12:12 EDT, Chip Davis wrote:
 Jeff, yours may be the earliest reference to saved segments so far. Is 
 named segment you mention the same concept?  That would push 
implementation of
 the idea back into the CP/67 days.

I thought Sir Lynn's posts on the subject rather definitive, no?  If I 
read it rightly, NSS was in CP/67 and DCSS arrived VM/370 R3.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott