Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread Alan Altmark
On Friday, 03/26/2010 at 12:26 EDT, "Schuh, Richard"  
> As evidenced by the statements in the post repeated below, there is 
> of the offset from real cylinder 0 to real cylinder 1. That implies a 
> cylinder 0 and necessitates CCW translation, does it not? As you stated, 
it is 
> slower, but not as much slower as it was in VM/370 Release x (you supply 
> value for x).

With few exceptions, all I/O goes through CCW translation.  Non-fullpack 
minidisks go through cylinder translation and limit checking.  "Fast CCW 
translation" was a VM/XA invention, I think, wherein dasd channel programs 
that don't require excessive CP "handling" can take an expedited path 
through the translation code.

> The whole discussion seems to have been about protecting real cylinder 
0, and 
> whether the overhead involved in doing so would be too onerous. The 
sentiment I 
> get from the posts is that (a) it is not too much of a burden, and (b) 
> protection afforded by protecting the cylinder is well worth the price. 
> only way to know for certain if that is true for you is to experience a 
> due to not protecting the cylinder and see what it takes to recover. Or 
> could take out an insurance policy by protecting the volume labels. It 
is a 
> question of risk vs. reward.

You said it better than I did.  CCW translation speed is a red herring and 
only serves to distract from the far more important system management 
issues:  It's ok to let guests play with cylinder zero as long as you can 
tolerate mangled labels (Backup/Restore/DR?) and you take the steps needed 
to protect your system and your users from malicious guests.  (All 
unprivileged guests are considered to be Evil, doing their best to spread 
mayhem and Corruption.  Fortunately, z/VM is up to the task.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread Alan Altmark
On Friday, 03/26/2010 at 12:45 EDT, RPN01  wrote:
> Ah, but while that was true of a ?real? 3390, is that also now true of 
> 3390?s which are split across varying numbers of essentially SCSI disks? 
> single 3390 mod 27 might be split up over several 9 gig physical disks 
in order 
> to implement the emulation. Is the controller smart enough to be able to 
> an I/O to each, even though the I/O?s were sent to the same 3390 
> The waters get muddier every day

I'll agree with Mark that isn't very muddy at all.  A "volume" has been an 
abstract concept for quite a while now; controllers can do whatever they 
want and it doesn't affect the rules for SSCH-style I/O.  The controller's 
goal is to give Device End back to the channel as quickly as possible once 
the data is in a safe place (usually non-volatile cache) awaiting final 

PAV does not allow multiple I/Os to the same subchannel.  Rather, it 
creates additional "alias" subchannels ("exposures" in ancient parlance) 
that map to the same volume.  I/O to each subchannel follows the normal 
I/O rules: you can't start another one until the current one finishes. 
Very much like shared dasd on separate chpids, but done on a single chpid 
instead.  For guests that understand PAV, you can dedicate the base and 
alias subchannels to the guest and it will discover and handle it.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread RPN01
But just to push things a bit further, isn't PAV the key to getting into the
rat's nest successfully? If a volume has PAV aliases, then CP can start more
than one I/O on the volume at a time. And, if it is sufficiently broken into
smaller minidisks, then Linux can take advantage of the PAV paths to the
3390 volume through the PAV aliases and the physical I/O's will be divided
up among the emulating disks as appropriate.

Since my head is beginning to hurt (and yours as well, now) I'll leave it
alone at this point. :D

Robert P. Nix  Mayo Foundation.~.
RO-OE-5-55 200 First Street SW/V\
507-284-0844   Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 3/26/10 11:55 AM, "Mark Post"  wrote:

 On 3/26/2010 at 12:44 PM, RPN01  wrote:
>> Is the controller smart enough to
>> be able to start an I/O to each, even though the I/O*s were sent to the same
>> 3390 address?
> It might be, but CP and Linux are not, so the waters aren't all that muddy
> after all.  We really don't want to try to look behind the illusion that
> storage arrays present to the CEC.  That's a real rat's nest that would be too
> difficult to keep up with over time, which is why the illusion is presented in
> the first place.
> Mark Post

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread Mark Post
>>> On 3/26/2010 at 12:44 PM, RPN01  wrote: 
> Is the controller smart enough to
> be able to start an I/O to each, even though the I/O*s were sent to the same
> 3390 address?

It might be, but CP and Linux are not, so the waters aren't all that muddy 
after all.  We really don't want to try to look behind the illusion that 
storage arrays present to the CEC.  That's a real rat's nest that would be too 
difficult to keep up with over time, which is why the illusion is presented in 
the first place.

Mark Post

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread RPN01
Ah, but while that was true of a ³real² 3390, is that also now true of
emulated 3390¹s which are split across varying numbers of essentially SCSI
disks? A single 3390 mod 27 might be split up over several 9 gig physical
disks in order to implement the emulation. Is the controller smart enough to
be able to start an I/O to each, even though the I/O¹s were sent to the same
3390 address?

The waters get muddier every day

Robert P. Nix  Mayo Foundation.~.
RO-OE-5-55 200 First Street SW/V\
507-284-0844   Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 3/25/10 1:43 PM, "Kris Buelens"  wrote:

> There is maybe some misunderstanding: (leaving out PAV a while) a device can
> handle only 1 IO at a time, guests know that, CP too.  So indeed a linux will
> not send a new IO if the previous one to that disk hasn't ended yet, the guets
> will queue it.  With several guests with minidisks on the same disk, CP will
> queue the requests.  Multipathing doesn't change that.
> Multipathing helps in cases where the device is not busy, but the channel or
> control unit is.
> PAV simplified: with PAV, you make appear a single disk as if it were many
> disks, but for each PAV address the old rule is still valid: one IO at a time.
> If you guest is PAV aware, it can also avoid queuing, if not, putting many
> guests on the same volume and let CP exploit PAV can improve IO rates.
> 2010/3/25 RPN01 
>> Another point I¹ve not seen mentioned, and I¹m not sure if it¹s true or
>> not...
>> Given a dedicated volume to a Linux guest, won¹t the guest start only one I/O
>> to the device at a time, and wait for it to complete? If you break up a
>> larger volume into several minidisks (like a mod 27 into mod 9¹s) aren¹t you
>> allowing the z/VM multipathing to do its job more efficiently, even if you
>> give all the smaller volumes to the same Linux guest?
>> Like I said, I may be totally off base, but this is the impression I¹ve
>> had...

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-26 Thread Schuh, Richard
Alan Altmark said:

"Mike said "minidisk rather than a dedicated full disk."  Since the context of 
prior posts was full-pack minidisks (FPMD), I applied the same qualifier to 
Mike's use of "minidisk".  I'm not going to try to compare the CCW translation 
costs of a non-FPMD to a dedicated device other than to say that it's slower as 
there's more to do.

"CCW translation is the same for FPMD as for a dedicated device.

"Alan Altmark
z/VM Development"

As evidenced by the statements in the post repeated below, there is discussion 
of the offset from real cylinder 0 to real cylinder 1. That implies a protected 
cylinder 0 and necessitates CCW translation, does it not? As you stated, it is 
slower, but not as much slower as it was in VM/370 Release x (you supply the 
value for x). 

The whole discussion seems to have been about protecting real cylinder 0, and 
whether the overhead involved in doing so would be too onerous. The sentiment I 
get from the posts is that (a) it is not too much of a burden, and (b) the 
protection afforded by protecting the cylinder is well worth the price. The 
only way to know for certain if that is true for you is to experience a failure 
due to not protecting the cylinder and see what it takes to recover. Or you 
could take out an insurance policy by protecting the volume labels. It is a 
question of risk vs. reward.


Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 15:50:58 -0500
Reply-To: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Sender:   The IBM z/VM Operating System 
From:     "Ward, Mike S" 
Subject:  Re: initializing z/Linux disks
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I thought there was overhead in specifying it as a minidisk rather than
a dedicated full disk. The overhead would be in the translation of the
I/O addresses and such. You know like linux reading cyl 0 when it's
really cyl 1 etc  Is there still that type of overhead in VM?

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Alan Altmark
On Thursday, 03/25/2010 at 11:45 EDT, RPN01  wrote:
> Another point I?ve not seen mentioned, and I?m not sure if it?s true or 
> Given a dedicated volume to a Linux guest, won?t the guest start only 
one I/O 
> to the device at a time, and wait for it to complete? If you break up a 
> volume into several minidisks (like a mod 27 into mod 9?s) aren?t you 
> the z/VM multipathing to do its job more efficiently, even if you give 
all the 
> smaller volumes to the same Linux guest?
> Like I said, I may be totally off base, but this is the impression I?ve 

Yes, PAV support allows CP to do (in your example) multiple to the same 
volume, but there will still be only one I/O per minidisk.  (HyperPAVs 
work only on full-pack minidisks.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Alan Altmark
On Thursday, 03/25/2010 at 12:11 EDT, "Schuh, Richard"  

> With it not being a full-pack as Mike mentioned in his post, there would 
> have to be CCW translation, would there not? The question is whether 
that is a 
> significant hit compared to the full pack including Cyl 0. Considering 
that, in 
> the olden days, CP overhead was quite high compared to today, the 
> hit, while there, might not be sufficient to be a  cause of concern.

Mike said "minidisk rather than a dedicated full disk."  Since the context 
of prior posts was full-pack minidisks (FPMD), I applied the same 
qualifier to Mike's use of "minidisk".  I'm not going to try to compare 
the CCW translation costs of a non-FPMD to a dedicated device other than 
to say that it's slower as there's more to do.

CCW translation is the same for FPMD as for a dedicated device.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Kris Buelens
There is maybe some misunderstanding: (leaving out PAV a while) a device can
handle only 1 IO at a time, guests know that, CP too.  So indeed a linux
will not send a new IO if the previous one to that disk hasn't ended yet,
the guets will queue it.  With several guests with minidisks on the same
disk, CP will queue the requests.  Multipathing doesn't change that.
Multipathing helps in cases where the device is not busy, but the channel or
control unit is.

PAV simplified: with PAV, you make appear a single disk as if it were many
disks, but for each PAV address the old rule is still valid: one IO at a
If you guest is PAV aware, it can also avoid queuing, if not, putting many
guests on the same volume and let CP exploit PAV can improve IO rates.

2010/3/25 RPN01 

>  Another point I’ve not seen mentioned, and I’m not sure if it’s true or
> not...
> Given a dedicated volume to a Linux guest, won’t the guest start only one
> I/O to the device at a time, and wait for it to complete? If you break up a
> larger volume into several minidisks (like a mod 27 into mod 9’s) aren’t you
> allowing the z/VM multipathing to do its job more efficiently, even if you
> give all the smaller volumes to the same Linux guest?
> Like I said, I may be totally off base, but this is the impression I’ve
> had...
> --
> Robert P. Nix  Mayo Foundation.~.
> RO-OE-5-55 200 First Street SW/V\
> 507-284-0844   Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
> -^^-^^
> "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
>  in practice, theory and practice are different."
> On 3/24/10 2:38 PM, "Scott Rohling"  wrote:
> I would not recommend using DEDICATE --  why would you do that rather than
> use minidisks?   What you need to be aware of is that if you DEDICATE --
> Linux will label the DASD -- and that's what you'll see at the z/VM level --
> and are likely to see duplicate labels.  (to things like 0x0200 and 0x0300,
> etc...).Also - if you dedicate - you can't use things like DIRMAINT do
> manage your dasd and keep things in pools, etc -- you have to manage it all
> yourself.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) <
>> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new
> z/Linux guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not
> necessarily include all steps but,
> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes specifying
> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.
> We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.
> My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it
> initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason for
> me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started for the
> first time basically doing a double INIT?
> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory
> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share
> DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that
> guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE
> statements from MDISK statements?
> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?
> *Thank You,
> Terry Martin
> Lockheed Martin - Citic
> z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
> Office - 443 348-2102
> Cell - 443 632-4191
> *

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread David Boyes
> You know the old virtualization saying, "Never depend on the kindness
> of
> guests."
> Alan Altmark

One might be entertaining angels unaware...8-)

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Schuh, Richard

With it not being a full-pack as Mike mentioned in his post, there would always 
have to be CCW translation, would there not? The question is whether that is a 
significant hit compared to the full pack including Cyl 0. Considering that, in 
the olden days, CP overhead was quite high compared to today, the performance 
hit, while there, might not be sufficient to be a  cause of concern. 

Richard Schuh 


> -Original Message-
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [] On Behalf Of Alan Altmark
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:08 PM
> Subject: Re: initializing z/Linux disks
> On Wednesday, 03/24/2010 at 04:51 EDT, "Ward, Mike S" 
> wrote:
> > I thought there was overhead in specifying it as a minidisk rather 
> > than a dedicated full disk. The overhead would be in the 
> translation 
> > of the I/O addresses and such. You know like linux reading 
> cyl 0 when 
> > it's really cyl 1 etc  Is there still that type of 
> overhead in VM?
> Back in the native-mode days, there would be I/O assist for 
> dedicated devices that wouldn't be provided to a full-pack 
> minidisk.  In an LPAR, the I/O assist isn't available to CP 
> (LPAR is using it), so CP is already handling the guest I/O.  
> Eric or Steve will have the definitive answer, but I 
> speculate that full-pack minidisks and dedicated dasd 
> generally take the same shortcuts for geometry issues.  E.g. 
> no need to modify cylinder numbers.
> I'm guessing one of big differences, however, is the lack of 
> minidisk cache (MDC) for dedicated devices.  In some cases 
> that's a help and others a hinderance.  If it hurts, we give 
> you the ability to turn off MDC for a minidisk.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread RPN01
Another point I¹ve not seen mentioned, and I¹m not sure if it¹s true or

Given a dedicated volume to a Linux guest, won¹t the guest start only one
I/O to the device at a time, and wait for it to complete? If you break up a
larger volume into several minidisks (like a mod 27 into mod 9¹s) aren¹t you
allowing the z/VM multipathing to do its job more efficiently, even if you
give all the smaller volumes to the same Linux guest?

Like I said, I may be totally off base, but this is the impression I¹ve

Robert P. Nix  Mayo Foundation.~.
RO-OE-5-55 200 First Street SW/V\
507-284-0844   Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 3/24/10 2:38 PM, "Scott Rohling"  wrote:

> I would not recommend using DEDICATE --  why would you do that rather than use
> minidisks?   What you need to be aware of is that if you DEDICATE -- Linux
> will label the DASD -- and that's what you'll see at the z/VM level -- and are
> likely to see duplicate labels.  (to things like 0x0200 and 0x0300,
> etc...).    Also - if you dedicate - you can't use things like DIRMAINT do
> manage your dasd and keep things in pools, etc -- you have to manage it all
> yourself.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
>  wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new z/Linux
>> guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily
>> include all steps but,
>> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
>> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
>> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes specifying
>> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.
>> We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.
>> My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it
>> initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason for
>> me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started for the
>> first time basically doing a double INIT?
>> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory
>> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share
>> DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that
>> guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE
>> statements from MDISK statements?
>> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
>> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
>> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?
>> Thank You,
>> Terry Martin
>> Lockheed Martin - Citic
>> z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
>> Office - 443 348-2102
>> Cell - 443 632-4191

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-25 Thread Alan Altmark
On Wednesday, 03/24/2010 at 04:31 EDT, David Boyes  
> On 3/24/10 3:40 PM, "Alan Altmark"  wrote:
> > When giving guests access to real cyl 0, I suggest:
> > 1. If using a full-pack mindisk, use the DEVNO version instead of 
> > That way it doesn't matter if the guest changes the label.
> Doesn't that also bind you to specific device addresses?

Yes, and that's the point; the guest is tied to a specific spinning 
entity.  It's a Good Thing.  If you want to change the association, change 
it.  If the guest changes the volser, then MDISK won't be created the next 
time the user logs on.

You know the old virtualization saying, "Never depend on the kindness of 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
Thanks all for the information.


As far as DEDICATING the volume is concerned I thought that the I/O
overhead was cheaper that is why I was wondering about this. I am fine
with doing the way I have always done it (MDISK) but someone had
suggested this to me and I wanted to find out more about the pros and


In terms of the INIT I just thought since z/Linux was doing the
Initialization at Kick Start time in my case that it did not make sense
to init the DASD twice. I did not think about Cyl0. 


Thanks again for all the help as always it has been enlightening!  


Thank You,


Terry Martin

Lockheed Martin - Citic

z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support

Office - 443 348-2102

Cell - 443 632-4191


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: initializing z/Linux disks


Terry --  You have to init the DASD when using minidisks- using CPFMTXA
to put a label on -- and you also want to format cylinder 0 to ensure
it's seen as a CP volume.   When the zLinux guest does an 'init' -- it
is doing a format of the whole disk - not just an 'init' and label.
You can preformat minidisks in Linux format if you want to avoid the
time Linux takes to do it at kickstart...  if that's what you're looking

I would not recommend using DEDICATE --  why would you do that rather
than use minidisks?   What you need to be aware of is that if you
DEDICATE -- Linux will label the DASD -- and that's what you'll see at
the z/VM level -- and are likely to see duplicate labels.  (to things
like 0x0200 and 0x0300, etc...).Also - if you dedicate - you can't
use things like DIRMAINT do manage your dasd and keep things in pools,
etc -- you have to manage it all yourself.

I'm not sure how DFDSS reacts to Linux formatted volumes, offhand ..
it does fine with CPVOL volumes and minidisks.

Anyway - I'm not a fan of dedicate's - as you can tell ;-)

Scott Rohling

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)

Error! Filename not specified.



I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new
z/Linux guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not
necessarily include all steps but, 


Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest


Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk


Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes
specifying the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.


We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.


My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it
initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason
for me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started
for the first time basically doing a double INIT?


If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the
Directory entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We
do not share DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest
belongs to that guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing
to DEDICATE statements from MDISK statements? 


My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?



Thank You,


Terry Martin

Lockheed Martin - Citic

z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support

Office - 443 348-2102

Cell - 443 632-4191


Error! Filename not specified.



Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Alan Altmark
On Wednesday, 03/24/2010 at 04:51 EDT, "Ward, Mike S"  
> I thought there was overhead in specifying it as a minidisk rather than
> a dedicated full disk. The overhead would be in the translation of the
> I/O addresses and such. You know like linux reading cyl 0 when it's
> really cyl 1 etc  Is there still that type of overhead in VM?

Back in the native-mode days, there would be I/O assist for dedicated 
devices that wouldn't be provided to a full-pack minidisk.  In an LPAR, 
the I/O assist isn't available to CP (LPAR is using it), so CP is already 
handling the guest I/O.  Eric or Steve will have the definitive answer, 
but I speculate that full-pack minidisks and dedicated dasd generally take 
the same shortcuts for geometry issues.  E.g. no need to modify cylinder 

I'm guessing one of big differences, however, is the lack of minidisk 
cache (MDC) for dedicated devices.  In some cases that's a help and others 
a hinderance.  If it hurts, we give you the ability to turn off MDC for a 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Marcy Cortes
I would imagine there is some and IBM might have an clear answer there, but the 
managability might make it worth it in complex shops.  I think it definitely 
would here.   The granularity is important too.  I'd hate to give folks 24G 
when they only need 500M more.


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-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Ward, Mike S
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] initializing z/Linux disks

I thought there was overhead in specifying it as a minidisk rather than
a dedicated full disk. The overhead would be in the translation of the
I/O addresses and such. You know like linux reading cyl 0 when it's
really cyl 1 etc  Is there still that type of overhead in VM?

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Marcy Cortes
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: initializing z/Linux disks

You can DEDICATE by label rather than by real address.
But I still don't like Linux having cyl 0 :)


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and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation."

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of David Boyes
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] initializing z/Linux disks

On 3/24/10 1:53 PM, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"

> Hi
> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new
> guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily
> all steps but, 
> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes
> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.

Unless you are giving the guest the real cyl 0, you need to do the
for at least real cyl 0 with ICKDSF (what CPFMTXA runs under the covers)
put a real volume id on the pack. I find that even if you are giving the
guest the real cyl 0, the extra step of running DSF on the entire real
volume eliminates any past uses that may confuse system operation later
(think about what would happen if you "accidentally" gave a guest what
to be a VM paging pack, and forgot to clip the allocation bitmap to
the page space. Bad Things Ensue.  Kickstart and VM paging space are NOT
compatible. Things Go Boom. Trust Me.)

So, if you are giving the guest the full physical volume, you don't HAVE
do the DSF run, but it's an extra safety measure that it doesn't cost
to do, and you'll be grateful for if you ever need it.

> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the
> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not
share DASD
> between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that
> only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE
statements from
> MDISK statements?

DEDICATEs tie you very firmly to specific physical configurations. Does
DR configuration have exactly the same device addresses for real
devices? If
not, then you'll have to update the directory when you move to to DR vs
changing volume labels which aren't bound to specific device addresses.
can do search/replace in both cases, but it's a lot easier to relabel
when you restore your stuff on them than have to screw around with
addresses, especially if it's a REAL emergency and you may not get your
normal DR configuration because of a sudden influx of companies needing
> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for
> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack
> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?

It shouldn't, but why introduce another variable? CP and z/OS have been
getting along well for decades now. It's a one-time step, and it doesn

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Rich Smrcina
When you subscribed to the listserver, you would have received an email 
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You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF IBMVM" command

On 03/24/2010 03:53 PM, Baxter, Justen wrote:

How do I sign off of this particular listserv?



Justen Baxter
Technical Recruiter
Washington DC/Baltimore Region
Compuware Corporation


Rich Smrcina
Phone: 414-491-6001

Catch the WAVV!
WAVV 2010 - Apr 9-13, 2010 Covington, KY

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Baxter, Justen
How do I sign off of this particular listserv? 



Justen Baxter
Technical Recruiter
Washington DC/Baltimore Region
Compuware Corporation

The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It 
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then destroy it.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Ward, Mike S
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: initializing z/Linux disks

I thought there was overhead in specifying it as a minidisk rather than
a dedicated full disk. The overhead would be in the translation of the
I/O addresses and such. You know like linux reading cyl 0 when it's
really cyl 1 etc  Is there still that type of overhead in VM?

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Marcy Cortes
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: initializing z/Linux disks

You can DEDICATE by label rather than by real address.
But I still don't like Linux having cyl 0 :)


"This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If
you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the
addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on
this message or any information herein. If you have received this
message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation."

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of David Boyes
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] initializing z/Linux disks

On 3/24/10 1:53 PM, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"

> Hi
> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new
> guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily
> all steps but,
> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes
> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.

Unless you are giving the guest the real cyl 0, you need to do the
format for at least real cyl 0 with ICKDSF (what CPFMTXA runs under the
covers) to put a real volume id on the pack. I find that even if you are
giving the guest the real cyl 0, the extra step of running DSF on the
entire real volume eliminates any past uses that may confuse system
operation later on (think about what would happen if you "accidentally"
gave a guest what used to be a VM paging pack, and forgot to clip the
allocation bitmap to remove the page space. Bad Things Ensue.  Kickstart
and VM paging space are NOT compatible. Things Go Boom. Trust Me.)

So, if you are giving the guest the full physical volume, you don't HAVE
to do the DSF run, but it's an extra safety measure that it doesn't cost
much to do, and you'll be grateful for if you ever need it.

> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the
> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not
share DASD
> between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that
> only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE
statements from
> MDISK statements?

DEDICATEs tie you very firmly to specific physical configurations. Does
your DR configuration have exactly the same device addresses for real
devices? If not, then you'll have to update the directory when you move
to to DR vs just changing volume labels which aren't bound to specific
device addresses.
can do search/replace in both cases, but it's a lot easier to relabel
packs when you restore your stuff on them than have to screw around with
addresses, especially if it's a REAL emergency and you may not get your
normal DR configuration because of a sudden influx of companies needing
> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for
> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack
> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?

It shouldn't, but why introduce another variable? CP and z/OS have been
getting along well for decades now. It's a one-time step, and it doesn't
take that much longer. You can also shortcut the process (if you have
Flashcopy) by keeping a blank formatted volume around, flashcopy it to
the new disks, and then just run DSF on cyl 0 to relabel the pack.

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Ward, Mike S
I thought there was overhead in specifying it as a minidisk rather than
a dedicated full disk. The overhead would be in the translation of the
I/O addresses and such. You know like linux reading cyl 0 when it's
really cyl 1 etc  Is there still that type of overhead in VM?

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Marcy Cortes
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: initializing z/Linux disks

You can DEDICATE by label rather than by real address.
But I still don't like Linux having cyl 0 :)


"This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If
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message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation."

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of David Boyes
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] initializing z/Linux disks

On 3/24/10 1:53 PM, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"

> Hi
> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new
> guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily
> all steps but, 
> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes
> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.

Unless you are giving the guest the real cyl 0, you need to do the
for at least real cyl 0 with ICKDSF (what CPFMTXA runs under the covers)
put a real volume id on the pack. I find that even if you are giving the
guest the real cyl 0, the extra step of running DSF on the entire real
volume eliminates any past uses that may confuse system operation later
(think about what would happen if you "accidentally" gave a guest what
to be a VM paging pack, and forgot to clip the allocation bitmap to
the page space. Bad Things Ensue.  Kickstart and VM paging space are NOT
compatible. Things Go Boom. Trust Me.)

So, if you are giving the guest the full physical volume, you don't HAVE
do the DSF run, but it's an extra safety measure that it doesn't cost
to do, and you'll be grateful for if you ever need it.

> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the
> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not
share DASD
> between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that
> only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE
statements from
> MDISK statements?

DEDICATEs tie you very firmly to specific physical configurations. Does
DR configuration have exactly the same device addresses for real
devices? If
not, then you'll have to update the directory when you move to to DR vs
changing volume labels which aren't bound to specific device addresses.
can do search/replace in both cases, but it's a lot easier to relabel
when you restore your stuff on them than have to screw around with
addresses, especially if it's a REAL emergency and you may not get your
normal DR configuration because of a sudden influx of companies needing
> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for
> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack
> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?

It shouldn't, but why introduce another variable? CP and z/OS have been
getting along well for decades now. It's a one-time step, and it doesn't
take that much longer. You can also shortcut the process (if you have
Flashcopy) by keeping a blank formatted volume around, flashcopy it to
new disks, and then just run DSF on cyl 0 to relabel the pack. That's
instantaneous, and you get the best of both worlds.

-- db
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity
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Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread David Boyes
On 3/24/10 4:20 PM, "Marcy Cortes"  wrote:

>> why would you do that rather than use minidisks
>> Just curious, if XRC is wanted, VM doesn't timestamp I/Os, but linux does? If
>> you use dedicates, isn't the data movers happier?
> only a wee bit happier for the cyl 0 VM writes on.  Linux will still timestamp
> on minidisks.   and if you need VM timestamped, call IBM.

Call them anyway. If VM is going to be a strategic player in whatever IBM
dreams up for GDPSng, it's going to have to play by the rules... 

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread David Boyes
On 3/24/10 3:40 PM, "Alan Altmark"  wrote:

> When giving guests access to real cyl 0, I suggest:
> 1. If using a full-pack mindisk, use the DEVNO version instead of volser.
> That way it doesn't matter if the guest changes the label.

Doesn't that also bind you to specific device addresses?

> 2. Use the various xxx_AT_IPL options in SYSTEM CONFIG to control the
> RDEVs that your system will use for CP-owned and user volumes listed in
> SYSTEM CONFIG. Once the system is up, have AUTOLOG1 bring any remaining
> dasd volumes online.  The purpose of these actions is to prevent CP from
> grabbing the wrong volume at IPL.

Also good comment. 

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Marcy Cortes
> why would you do that rather than use minidisks 
 > Just curious, if XRC is wanted, VM doesn't timestamp I/Os, but linux does? 
 > If you use dedicates, isn't the data movers happier?

only a wee bit happier for the cyl 0 VM writes on.  Linux will still timestamp 
on minidisks.   and if you need VM timestamped, call IBM.


Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Marcy Cortes
>> z/OS duke that one out, and let Linux get on with doing useful stuff.

>When giving guests access to real cyl 0, I suggest:
>1. If using a full-pack mindisk, use the DEVNO version instead of volser. 
>That way it doesn't matter if the guest changes the label.

Unless you use mirroring and move to the secondaries and get a new address.
GDPS doc says use volser.



Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Sterling James
> why would you do that rather than use minidisks
Just curious, if XRC is wanted, VM doesn't timestamp I/Os, but linux does? 
If you use dedicates, isn't the data movers happier? 

> like 0x0200 and 0x0300
You can use CDL and specify the volume label;
dasdfmt -p -b 4096 -l LNX012 -dcdl -f /dev/dasdd

and DFDSS and VM are happy. You may need to redo the CPFMTXA to use it as 
a volume to contain minidisk, but mount it on zOS, and use DFDSS to backup 
as a CPVOL.

kickstart does not do the "-l" flag on dasdfmt, or I have not been able to 
find a way for it to do it, so volsers like 0x0200 and 0x0300 are the 


Scott Rohling 
03/24/2010 02:39 PM
Re: initializing z/Linux disks
Sent by:
The IBM z/VM Operating System 

Terry --  You have to init the DASD when using minidisks- using CPFMTXA to 
put a label on -- and you also want to format cylinder 0 to ensure it's 
seen as a CP volume.   When the zLinux guest does an 'init' -- it is doing 
a format of the whole disk - not just an 'init' and label.   You can 
preformat minidisks in Linux format if you want to avoid the time Linux 
takes to do it at kickstart...  if that's what you're looking for.

I would not recommend using DEDICATE --  why would you do that rather than 
use minidisks?   What you need to be aware of is that if you DEDICATE -- 
Linux will label the DASD -- and that's what you'll see at the z/VM level 
-- and are likely to see duplicate labels.  (to things like 0x0200 and 
0x0300, etc...).Also - if you dedicate - you can't use things like 
DIRMAINT do manage your dasd and keep things in pools, etc -- you have to 
manage it all yourself.

I'm not sure how DFDSS reacts to Linux formatted volumes, offhand ..   it 
does fine with CPVOL volumes and minidisks.

Anyway - I'm not a fan of dedicate's - as you can tell ;-)

Scott Rohling

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) <> wrote:

I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new 
z/Linux guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not 
necessarily include all steps but, 
Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes 
specifying the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.
We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.
My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it 
initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason 
for me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started 
for the first time basically doing a double INIT?
If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory 
entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share 
DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that 
guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE 
statements from MDISK statements? 
My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the 
guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was 
initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?
Thank You,
Terry Martin
Lockheed Martin - Citic
z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
Office - 443 348-2102
Cell - 443 632-4191


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This e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the
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return the material received to the sender and delete all copies
from your system.

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Mark Post
>>> On 3/24/2010 at 03:38 PM, Scott Rohling  wrote: 
> I'm not sure how DFDSS reacts to Linux formatted volumes, offhand ..   it
> does fine with CPVOL volumes and minidisks.

It looks like a regular OS volume with no free space on it.  That was the whole 
reason the CDL was invented back in the early 2.4 kernels.  Like you, however, 
I don't normally recommend using DEDICATEd DASD volumes.

Mark Post

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Alan Altmark
On Wednesday, 03/24/2010 at 03:22 EDT, David Boyes  
> On 3/24/10 2:40 PM, "Marcy Cortes"  
> > You can DEDICATE by label rather than by real address.
> > But I still don't like Linux having cyl 0 :)
> Nice to know. I'd missed that in the help files. Still, safer to let CP 
> z/OS duke that one out, and let Linux get on with doing useful stuff.

When giving guests access to real cyl 0, I suggest:
1. If using a full-pack mindisk, use the DEVNO version instead of volser. 
That way it doesn't matter if the guest changes the label.

2. Use the various xxx_AT_IPL options in SYSTEM CONFIG to control the 
RDEVs that your system will use for CP-owned and user volumes listed in 
SYSTEM CONFIG. Once the system is up, have AUTOLOG1 bring any remaining 
dasd volumes online.  The purpose of these actions is to prevent CP from 
grabbing the wrong volume at IPL.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Scott Rohling
Terry --  You have to init the DASD when using minidisks- using CPFMTXA to
put a label on -- and you also want to format cylinder 0 to ensure it's seen
as a CP volume.   When the zLinux guest does an 'init' -- it is doing a
format of the whole disk - not just an 'init' and label.   You can preformat
minidisks in Linux format if you want to avoid the time Linux takes to do it
at kickstart...  if that's what you're looking for.

I would not recommend using DEDICATE --  why would you do that rather than
use minidisks?   What you need to be aware of is that if you DEDICATE --
Linux will label the DASD -- and that's what you'll see at the z/VM level --
and are likely to see duplicate labels.  (to things like 0x0200 and 0x0300,
etc...).Also - if you dedicate - you can't use things like DIRMAINT do
manage your dasd and keep things in pools, etc -- you have to manage it all

I'm not sure how DFDSS reacts to Linux formatted volumes, offhand ..   it
does fine with CPVOL volumes and minidisks.

Anyway - I'm not a fan of dedicate's - as you can tell ;-)

Scott Rohling

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) <> wrote:

>   Hi
> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new
> z/Linux guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not
> necessarily include all steps but,
> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes specifying
> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.
> We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.
> My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it
> initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason for
> me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started for the
> first time basically doing a double INIT?
> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory
> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share
> DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that
> guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE
> statements from MDISK statements?
> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?
> *Thank You,*
> * *
> *Terry Martin*
> *Lockheed Martin - Citic*
> *z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support*
> *Office - 443 348-2102*
> *Cell - 443 632-4191*
> * *
> *[image: cid:image001.jpg@01C97FB5.5EAFD6C0]***

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread David Boyes
On 3/24/10 2:40 PM, "Marcy Cortes"  wrote:

> You can DEDICATE by label rather than by real address.
> But I still don't like Linux having cyl 0 :)

Nice to know. I'd missed that in the help files. Still, safer to let CP and
z/OS duke that one out, and let Linux get on with doing useful stuff. 

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Marcy Cortes
You can DEDICATE by label rather than by real address.
But I still don't like Linux having cyl 0 :)


"This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you 
are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you must 
not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message or any 
information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise 
the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for 
your cooperation."

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of David Boyes
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] initializing z/Linux disks

On 3/24/10 1:53 PM, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"

> Hi
> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new z/Linux
> guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily include
> all steps but, 
> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes specifying
> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.

Unless you are giving the guest the real cyl 0, you need to do the format
for at least real cyl 0 with ICKDSF (what CPFMTXA runs under the covers) to
put a real volume id on the pack. I find that even if you are giving the
guest the real cyl 0, the extra step of running DSF on the entire real
volume eliminates any past uses that may confuse system operation later on
(think about what would happen if you "accidentally" gave a guest what used
to be a VM paging pack, and forgot to clip the allocation bitmap to remove
the page space. Bad Things Ensue.  Kickstart and VM paging space are NOT
compatible. Things Go Boom. Trust Me.)

So, if you are giving the guest the full physical volume, you don't HAVE to
do the DSF run, but it's an extra safety measure that it doesn't cost much
to do, and you'll be grateful for if you ever need it.

> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory
> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share DASD
> between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that guest
> only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE statements from
> MDISK statements?

DEDICATEs tie you very firmly to specific physical configurations. Does your
DR configuration have exactly the same device addresses for real devices? If
not, then you'll have to update the directory when you move to to DR vs just
changing volume labels which aren't bound to specific device addresses. You
can do search/replace in both cases, but it's a lot easier to relabel packs
when you restore your stuff on them than have to screw around with
addresses, especially if it's a REAL emergency and you may not get your
normal DR configuration because of a sudden influx of companies needing DR.
> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?

It shouldn't, but why introduce another variable? CP and z/OS have been
getting along well for decades now. It's a one-time step, and it doesn't
take that much longer. You can also shortcut the process (if you have
Flashcopy) by keeping a blank formatted volume around, flashcopy it to the
new disks, and then just run DSF on cyl 0 to relabel the pack. That's almost
instantaneous, and you get the best of both worlds.

-- db

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread David Boyes
On 3/24/10 1:53 PM, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"

> Hi
> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new z/Linux
> guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily include
> all steps but, 
> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes specifying
> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.

Unless you are giving the guest the real cyl 0, you need to do the format
for at least real cyl 0 with ICKDSF (what CPFMTXA runs under the covers) to
put a real volume id on the pack. I find that even if you are giving the
guest the real cyl 0, the extra step of running DSF on the entire real
volume eliminates any past uses that may confuse system operation later on
(think about what would happen if you "accidentally" gave a guest what used
to be a VM paging pack, and forgot to clip the allocation bitmap to remove
the page space. Bad Things Ensue.  Kickstart and VM paging space are NOT
compatible. Things Go Boom. Trust Me.)

So, if you are giving the guest the full physical volume, you don't HAVE to
do the DSF run, but it's an extra safety measure that it doesn't cost much
to do, and you'll be grateful for if you ever need it.

> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory
> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share DASD
> between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that guest
> only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE statements from
> MDISK statements?

DEDICATEs tie you very firmly to specific physical configurations. Does your
DR configuration have exactly the same device addresses for real devices? If
not, then you'll have to update the directory when you move to to DR vs just
changing volume labels which aren't bound to specific device addresses. You
can do search/replace in both cases, but it's a lot easier to relabel packs
when you restore your stuff on them than have to screw around with
addresses, especially if it's a REAL emergency and you may not get your
normal DR configuration because of a sudden influx of companies needing DR.
> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?

It shouldn't, but why introduce another variable? CP and z/OS have been
getting along well for decades now. It's a one-time step, and it doesn't
take that much longer. You can also shortcut the process (if you have
Flashcopy) by keeping a blank formatted volume around, flashcopy it to the
new disks, and then just run DSF on cyl 0 to relabel the pack. That's almost
instantaneous, and you get the best of both worlds.

-- db

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
The disks are formatted during the Kick Start not sure if there is a
choice there to init or not during the Kick Start process

Thank You,

Terry Martin
Lockheed Martin - Citic
z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
Office - 443 348-2102
Cell - 443 632-4191

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Mike Walter
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: initializing z/Linux disks

Use LXFMT from z/VM, no need to reformat the disk under Linux.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

>From an earlier post:
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 15:50:31 -0500
Sender:   The IBM z/VM Operating System 
From: Rick Bourgeois 
Organization: VSSI
Subject:  Free CMS utilities for Linux and Tape
Comments: To: Linux on 390 Port 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi all,

We have just made available on our website three free

LXFMT is a CMS utility that provides the functions of both the DASDFMT
FDASD Linux utilities.  LXFMT can be used for ECKD and FBA devices.

TBROWSE is a CMS utility that allows you scan a real or virtual tape in
full screen browse like format.

TAPSENSE displays sense information for an attached real or defined 
tape drive.

Using the current CSL-WAVV comments on the Linux-390 list of give to get
have included the following as general information.  Please feel free to
ignore it as we had planned to make these utilities available anyway.
earlier version of our LXFMT utility was made available on the website last year.

While at our website feel free to browse information on our VM
virtualization products VTAPE (Virtual TAPE) and VPARS (Virtual Private
Active Record Shadowing for TPF and Linux).

I will be presenting technical information on both VPARS and VTAPE at 
in Orlando, Session 9155 Tuesday 2/26 at 8am and a Vendor Session 
2/27 at 4:30pm in Laredo 1.  We will also be available at booth 322 at
SHARE Technology Expo with demos, I hope (if all the internet stuff
get to our mainframe ;-).  Our FLEX-ES laptop expired 2/2007 making us
dependant on the internet for demos ;-(.

We will also be at WAVV in Chattanooga in April.

Having been a member of SHARE since the early 1970's but not attending
several years I look forward to renewing many old friendships, making
ones and thanking the VM Group members for my Knighthood at the last 

Thanks and best regards,
Sir Rick of PARS

Rick Bourgeois 
Virtual Software Systems, Inc. 

"Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"  

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" 
03/24/2010 12:53 PM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" 


initializing z/Linux disks

I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new 
z/Linux guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not 
necessarily include all steps but, 
Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes 
specifying the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.
We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.
My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it 
initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason 
for me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started 
for the first time basically doing a double INIT?
If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the
entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not
DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that

guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE 
statements from MDISK statements? 
My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the 
guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was

initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?
Thank You,
Terry Martin
Lockheed Martin - Citic
z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
Office - 443 348-2102
Cell - 443 632-4191


The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents
may contain information that is confidential or otherwise protected from
disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, or if
this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately
alert the sender by reply e-mail and then delete this message, including
any attachments. Any dissemination, distribution or other use of the
contents of this message by anyone oth

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Mike Walter
Use LXFMT from z/VM, no need to reformat the disk under Linux.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

>From an earlier post:
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 15:50:31 -0500
Sender:   The IBM z/VM Operating System 
From: Rick Bourgeois 
Organization: VSSI
Subject:  Free CMS utilities for Linux and Tape
Comments: To: Linux on 390 Port 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi all,

We have just made available on our website three free CMS

LXFMT is a CMS utility that provides the functions of both the DASDFMT and
FDASD Linux utilities.  LXFMT can be used for ECKD and FBA devices.

TBROWSE is a CMS utility that allows you scan a real or virtual tape in a
full screen browse like format.

TAPSENSE displays sense information for an attached real or defined 
tape drive.

Using the current CSL-WAVV comments on the Linux-390 list of give to get I
have included the following as general information.  Please feel free to
ignore it as we had planned to make these utilities available anyway.  An
earlier version of our LXFMT utility was made available on the website last year.

While at our website feel free to browse information on our VM
virtualization products VTAPE (Virtual TAPE) and VPARS (Virtual Private
Active Record Shadowing for TPF and Linux).

I will be presenting technical information on both VPARS and VTAPE at 
in Orlando, Session 9155 Tuesday 2/26 at 8am and a Vendor Session 
2/27 at 4:30pm in Laredo 1.  We will also be available at booth 322 at the
SHARE Technology Expo with demos, I hope (if all the internet stuff works 
get to our mainframe ;-).  Our FLEX-ES laptop expired 2/2007 making us
dependant on the internet for demos ;-(.

We will also be at WAVV in Chattanooga in April.

Having been a member of SHARE since the early 1970's but not attending in
several years I look forward to renewing many old friendships, making new
ones and thanking the VM Group members for my Knighthood at the last 

Thanks and best regards,
Sir Rick of PARS

Rick Bourgeois 
Virtual Software Systems, Inc. 

"Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"  

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" 
03/24/2010 12:53 PM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" 


initializing z/Linux disks

I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new 
z/Linux guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not 
necessarily include all steps but, 
Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes 
specifying the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.
We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.
My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it 
initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason 
for me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started 
for the first time basically doing a double INIT?
If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory 
entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share 
DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that 
guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE 
statements from MDISK statements? 
My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the 
guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was 
initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?
Thank You,
Terry Martin
Lockheed Martin - Citic
z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
Office - 443 348-2102
Cell - 443 632-4191


The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents may 
contain information that is confidential or otherwise protected from 
disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, or if this 
message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender 
by reply e-mail and then delete this message, including any attachments. Any 
dissemination, distribution or other use of the contents of this message by 
anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. All messages 
sent to and from this e-mail address may be monitored as permitted by 
applicable law and regulations to ensure compliance with our internal policies 
and to protect our business. E-mails are not secure and cannot be guaranteed to 
be error free as they can be intercepted, amended, lost or destroyed, or 
contain viruses. You are deemed to have accepted these risks if you communicate 
with us by e-mail. 

Re: initializing z/Linux disks

2010-03-24 Thread Quay, Jonathan (IHG)
I have meant to bring this up to the list before now, but since you
mention it...


I use the "clone a golden image" methodology.  I've used DDR, which
always works, and I've used dasdfmt and dd, which sometimes results in
an unstable system.  I can't pin it down exactly, but I think it happens
when I repurpose minidisks that have had Linux filesystems on them
previously.  The first symptom I see is segmentation faults in YaST.


When I CPFMTXA the minidisk before using the dasdfmt and dd cloning
method, I don't have the problem.  Therefore, I always CPFMTXA the dasd


Terry, I would not use DEDICATE.  I like to preserve cyl 0 because I
know z/VM and z/OS understand it.


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:54 PM
Subject: initializing z/Linux disks




I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new
z/Linux guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not
necessarily include all steps but, 


Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest


Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk


Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes
specifying the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.


We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.


My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it
initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason
for me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started
for the first time basically doing a double INIT?


If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the
Directory entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We
do not share DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest
belongs to that guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing
to DEDICATE statements from MDISK statements? 


My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?



Thank You,


Terry Martin

Lockheed Martin - Citic

z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support

Office - 443 348-2102

Cell - 443 632-4191

