Re: [IceHorses] breast collar

2008-07-23 Thread Janice McDonald
i think they are supposed to be snug the way you have it.  The
important part to me is the part you didnt fasten :)  if too loose
they can get a foot caught in it while swimming etc or it can go too
high at the throat.  Its awful handsome on him tho!  and i see you
just couldnt help but show off putting him on the box haha
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] breast collar

2008-07-23 Thread Janice McDonald
I keep forgetting solon is not yet under  saddle! but nasi hasn't yet
objected in any way to things being strapped on. knock on wood.

Re: [IceHorses] breast collar

2008-07-23 Thread Janice McDonald
I keep forgetting solon is not yet under  saddle! but nasi hasn't yet
objected in any way to things being strapped on. knock on wood.

Re: [IceHorses] breast collar

2008-07-23 Thread Janice McDonald
I am gonna strive for a more yeehaw redneck  theme in icelandic tack
and attire so they will be more north american than english.  I think
I will get some easy ride stirrups with tapadaros and see if I can
find other ways to westernize my sensation.  I am gonna order some
conchos for the zilco that has little sapphires and thistle blossoms
and put a long horse hair tassle shoo fly to hang from the girth and
reins like parelli.  I am a trend setter. I am also taking trausti to
team penning lessons.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: breast collar/accidents

2008-07-23 Thread Janice McDonald
teev kicked at a fly and lord only knows how long he just stood with
his foot hung up inside the loose belly band of his fly sheet. I just
happened to look out the kitchen window and thought he was standing in
a weird position. he licked and chewed while I had to actually cut his
foot out of it!

Re: [IceHorses] Boots for riding Prinsessa

2008-07-22 Thread Janice McDonald
oh you have GOT to be kiddin me.  thats worse than me!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Newbie Questions

2008-07-22 Thread Janice McDonald
she could come to the Liz clinic!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] In a funk

2008-07-22 Thread Janice McDonald
lorraine u need to come see me in fla !
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Fw: Sat Nav error TRUE STORY

2008-07-22 Thread Janice McDonald
my aunt marcel was caught driving down the jet aircraft landing strip
at the aair force base.  they asked her where she thught she was going
and she said to winn dixie

[IceHorses] i have changed

2008-07-22 Thread Janice McDonald
you know sometimes you think you really haven't changed that much over
the years... sunday afternoon I met some old friends for coffee,
friends I rode with almost daily when me and jaspar were so green.  we
started telling the old amazing hilarious yet horrifying green rider
stories... we laughed so loud and hard its a wonder we weren't kicked
out of the waffle house. one funny story they all loved to tell about
was my early trailer loading methods with jaspar.  about the only way
you could get him in a trailer was to tie him in with a long rope  and
while strained against it throw a hand grenade at his heels.  but they
laughed  about me standing there all afternoon wheedling  hop in jas,
don't you want to go see scrappy? our dog at the time. they said I
would just go on hour after hour with him trying to get him excited
about going home to see scrappy while  he would stand there braced
with a look across his face that anyone could see said I AINT LOADIN!
haha.  my favorite story tho was cantering hard thru the woods when
the horse in front of me went down. all four feet. skidded thru the
leaves on its belly.  nothing for jas to do but plow into them and
maybe kill my friend. but he jumped them.  I mean, it was spectacular
long jump and when he landed I ended up with my chin between his eyes
and my arms tight around his throat and he tossed his head down so I
sorta flipped, hung like a necklace briefly and then landed flat of my
back staring up at his chest and thundering hooves, then belly, then
genitals, then tail...  that's why I need the tee shirt that says I
do my own stunts ;)

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] i have changed

2008-07-22 Thread Janice McDonald
I don't believe I can top that one lorraine.   I had to ride in
pajamas with no bra and barefeet one time when someone borrwed my
truck when camping tho but that's aabout it.

Re: [IceHorses] Janice for President!

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
great! I am a democrat, more for building and paving roads in the us
than in iraq, believe we should just take the whole mideast over and
steal their oil, believe any insurance company CEOs should be
castrated and shot and anyone who knowingly causes a horse or human or
any animal pain should be shot and my running mate for VP will be

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star! (in Zilco tack)

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
I bet a wither strap would work...but trying to see if I could make
trausti's snug and functional I found it was too high and would be
almost in his throat but I need to put holes and shorten the strap to
the girth.  if our posse continues to rake in big bucks off  the rodeo
we have each year they said they will be buying us matching tack which
should be a challenge...

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star! (in Zilco tack)

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
I just feel like since he will only wear it for ceremonial posse work,
visiting with children at schools and standing around being petted at
civic events it doesn't have to be functional at all' just pretty ;)
the zilco will work for search and rescue slogging thru swamps and

Re: [IceHorses] Newbie Questions

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
here'ss my unsolicited .02 ;) you can buy a complete renegade nut  for
14,000 or get the best horse in the world for free or almost nothing
so don't jump into anything.  there are some who flat out tell you the
typical icelandic owner is a middle aged woman with disposable income
and that may have been true twenty years ago but these days more
common sense intelligent knowlegeable practical people who really
research and buy what they want and need, like you seem to be, are out
there and don't just buy a horse cause it is a pretty color.

Re: [IceHorses] Newbie Questions / Stepping Pace

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
a stepping pace is a broken pace, sometimes nice and smooth unlike the
hard pounding of a hard pace.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Newbie Questions / Buying a Young Horse

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
karen in nc has the most awesome young horses!  cherie has an awsome
young filly and she is in nc.  be careful of those who believe a young
horse should be raised the archaic iceland way of being left
completely untouched at pasture til age 5! best to get one handled in
a sensible natural horsemanship way. jmo

Re: [IceHorses] Charlie Horse

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
 Wow. Is this one?

that's it! what do you call them in wales?
janice (i can't see the pic I am on my cell phone just praying its not
that offcolor photo of willie nelson I sent you offlist)

Re: [IceHorses] fat circus pony trick

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
 Someday I will get some decent video.  I'm going to try get some video
 of him moving before we go to the Liz clinic.  If I'm able to book
 some private lesson time, I would like Liz to give me her opinion of
 him...and perhaps give me some training pointers as far as when I
 should stop ignoring that he's gaited...and start encouraging it.

I think you should not even think of gait til under saddle.  my
stonewall  does NOTHING in the field but trot and he is so fine gaited
at the saddlerack.  I rode him forever in the roundpen just DYING to
know if he would ever gait... then the first time I rode him outside
the roundpen and he broke  into a flat walk aand then a whe
saddlerack I was exhilerated..  then he spooked and dumped me ;) but
he would pace off and on then by age 6 won't do anything but gait
smooth and flatwalk.I  habe seen lots of  videos on here of horses
gaaiting at liberty, karens etc, but my gaited horses that gait really
well just don't do it that much at liberty.

Re: [IceHorses] Charlie Horse

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
 No.  Huge beach worms are only found in Florida.  They've had to close
 some beaches in recent years due to the overwhelming numbers of them.

its not a pic of a man nude sunbathing is it

Re: [IceHorses] Charlie Horse

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
its not tom jones in a speedo is it...

Re: [IceHorses] Charlie Horse

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
well that's a letdown.   I hope it is a funny snake

Re: [IceHorses] Charlie Horse

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
myfanwy is a great worm name.

Re: [IceHorses] In a funk

2008-07-21 Thread Janice McDonald
will the corals be in the shayd

Re: [IceHorses] Vinnie's turnout OT

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
He is king of the world!  If you put him in with teev, i aint kiddin,
teev will kick his butt, but i have seen him submit to one or two.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] OT - Black Bart and the halters

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/19/08, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd hoped to get his halter switched this weekend, but it's supposed to be
 97 tomorrow.  I won't be in a hurry to do anything as long as it's above 95.

looks like you are doing the right thing...  our Traveller is very
weird about being caught.  he walks from you and you have to follow
forever, then if you ever get close enough to even touch one finger on
him anywhere he's caught/  He is my only horse that does this and its
cause he is my HUSBAND'S horse and I was not allowed to HANDLE him so
now he is a weirdo.  but anyway,  I have started taking a halter and
lead and longe whip every time I go in the pasture and just walk up
and pet everyone etc.  Tommie turvey says if a horse is leery of
something like a whip take it with you any time you are around the
horses, especially feeding them etc.  dont know how that would
translate to a halter...
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Relative Humidity

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
In Miami if it doesnt come a little tropical rain in the afternoon you
might as well just go ahead and die.  No one even bothers at all to
get out of the rain.  Wearing business suits and carrying brief cases
and its raining like heck.  No one does their hair or wears makeup and
wear gauzy 100% cotton clothes.  Here many times if it doesnt rain,
like when we had our three year drought, it was just unbearable.  but
now we are back in our old pattern where afternoon showers break the
heat.  Seems hurricanes come when its hottest time of year and you go
thru a period of man, this is so nice, when its on the way, a week of
clouds and blustery constant wind after its been 100+ with 90%
humidity, you are almost wanting a hurricane to come and then barely
miss you :)  like the one heading for the outer banks now Karen...
are you getting some nice breezy cool weather from that??  Then after
the hurricane hits and there is no electricity or AC for a week or two
or like in new orleans a YEAR and its 100+ and 90% humidity you just
want to flee for the hills.  We have a generator but it is strong
enough to run fridge and well only.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Chestnut mare day

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
Is that Shirleys son riding TEev?!?!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saga and friend

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
I thought that was teev!  I see now she is not so tankish :)  He looks
like he is really a good little rider!!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] O/T Janice's Aunt

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
you should have seen her dance!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] OT - Black Bart and the halters

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
I am sorry about your mom!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Trausti was a big star!

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
and i am not formally trained, and I have been told I have rough hands
so I make a point of using my hands as little as possible, but when
startled, or when the horse startles I have a tendency to do what
parelli says the fetal position where I curl, grabbing reins taut,
and clutch up with the knees, which makes the horse think its been
grabbed and freaks him.  My horses get used to that but it takes a
while.  I was in a clinic once and the dead broke demo horse took off
with me in the arena while the leader on the microphone finally
figured it out and yelled for me to let off leg pressure, I was
squeezing the horse to go while hauling on reins at the same time.
getting a new horse used to all this takes forever.  Trausti was very
very side sensitive when I got him, seemed to almost jump out of his
skin when I kicked him to go, he had a bad experience with that i
suspect, somewhere, but yesterday I noticed he really didnt have a
problem with that at all anymore, but seemed resentful if I pulled
real hard on one rein to steer right or left.  Would brace a little,
then i notice he is neck reining like a dream and i never noticed that
before.  so I think he is compensating, we both are, me learning not
to pull too hard when reining, him telling me, why dont we just neck
rein, we both do better with that.  Whats weird is I have seen him
ridden and he was ridden english, but with me he seems to be trying to
respond and show me how to ride him western.  is that weird??  Maybe I
remind him of someone who rode him western since I am un-lessoned, and
he is responding that way.  When I rode him one handed, neck reining,
in the arena, he responded like push button and when i rode him
english direct reining and would pull one rein to steer unexpectedly
in another direction he would brace a little , i suspect against my
heavy handedness.  He is also like my jas, picked out horses he would
rather be around more than others.  It wasnt always a nice horse
either.  He seemed to like my friends green heathen horse and seemed
to want to pass him and let him follow him like he was taking care of
him, and anytime he saw my other friends buckskin he made a beeline
for him and stayed on his hip.  but funniest of all, every time my
husband walked out into the middle of the arena to take pics everyone
would laugh cause trausti would leave formation and walk over to get
some pats from his new cary :)  Gosh he is just so loving with donny i
am trying so hard not to be jealous!  but donny does not ride him, I
do, all donny is is treats and pats...  disneyland daddy as they

but yes, it takes so long for a horse to feel at home.  They will be
ok, and you think they are great.  but as time goes along you realize
more and more... for one thing, he is now i believe completely
assimilated into our herd and so now its time to get relationships
going with people, dogs etc.  So many changes, I know he is in some
sort of mineral imbalance.  every new horse that comes here goes thru
it, craving minerals, chewing bark etc.  He wolfs minerals I give him
and then this morning I saw him licking wood.  not chewing tho.  But
yesterday he barely sweated i thought but i gave stonewall
electrolytes and not him.  So today i am gonna give him electrolytes.
I think he is a secret sweater!  Not anhydrosis, just doesnt get
lathered like others!  nasi doesnt either really!  Teev did.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Young Tifa in love

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
oh her longing is so visual :)  he is like, cary grant to young teef.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Trausti was a big star!

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
my husband said yesterday while he was going amongst everyone taking
pics, we are sort of the posse photographers and at the annual xmas
party do a slide show of all the years activities, he heard so many
nice comments about oh look at Janice's new pony!  he said one lady
said I wish my legs were shorter like janices so I could ride a
pony.  can you imagine anyone WISHING they had shorter legs?!?!?  I
am amazed.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Trausti was a big star!

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
whats weird, nasi picked donny too, and I am jealous of that.  and
curls the little demon when i try to halter him he touches his nose to
the ground and walks fast so I cant get the nose piece around.  Donny
says it is cause i only halter him when something bad is gonna happen,
worning, shots, a bath, the farrier.  but i said oh yeah?  well what
do you halter him for?  and he said i don't.  ahem.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Stephanie rides a good horse

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
oh this is awesome, and the horse is not an old broke down deadhead
either, it is heads up, alert, listening, paying attention to whats
going on behind his head.  Gosh i just wish all handicapped people
could have an opportunity.  I was at a bluegrass gathering recently
and there is a man from tuscaloosa I have known for 30 years who is
paralyzed from the waist down.  He plays mandolin and sings, is a very
gifted musician.  Someone asked me about my horses and after I
answered he said quietly I used to ride a lot before my accident
(automobile at age 18, now he is about 60) and it is something I sorta
wish I could do again.  and I told him he could sure ride my jas
someday, we could get him up there and he could hang on, and he smiled
real big.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] How Janice lives her life

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald

 A Powerful Woman:

Live your life in such a way that
when your feet hit the floor
in the morning, Satan shudders  says...
Oh sh*tshe's awake!!!

HAHAHAA  no kiddin laree!  Many people say that!  and I am really a
little mystified as to why!  i think it has something to do with... my
sister says it always is fun to watch when we go places and someone
tries to control janice, and watch them discover altho she is
pretending to be controlled for fun you can never actually accomplish
it   :)  but they said when i was 18 months old our house looked like
fort knox cause we lived across the street from the bayou and they
found I would drag up a chair, unlock the front door, run and scale
the fence like a monkey and scramble down into the bayou and always
went up to my chin, out deeper each inch I grew.  I would pick up
scallops at age five and stick my fingers inside the open shell and
when it clamped down just hold on until it sprang and eat them raw.
My mother used to tell that story like she was so proud.  haha.  all
our farm animals would run and hide when they saw me coming.  I would
hold them too tight and would cling and suffocate.  they hated me.  I
am glad I was able to let go a little as an adult and be more
sensitive to their feelings so now animals like me :)
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] How Janice lives her life

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the
 morning, Satan shudders  says...   Oh sh*tshe's awake!!!

 Oh wow Laree - a great motto.

i wish I had a bumper sticker with that.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] sascathewan lobsters

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
Here wanda is looking at buying a nice lobster to cook for supper.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.
attachment: weird_crustacean.jpg

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star! (in Zilco tack)

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/20/08, Kaaren Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zilco breast plat

 What size Zilco breast plate did you order for Trausti???  How is the fit
 different from the Sensation Icey size..pros/cons??


it was one karen sent with Teev, adjusted properly for him to allow
saddle stabilization at the liz clinic.  Then she let me have the
halter bridle when she sent Trausti.  because it was adjusted and had
his bit on it etc.  Its very nice.  I thought Teev was the tank of all
time but for some reason had to let out the breast collar a hole with
trausti.  I think if I ever order another I will just measure this one
because it seems a perfect size for icelandics.  Teev has a horse size
head but trausti's is smaller.  I bought a weaver texas star concho
london tan set for his posse uniform and it is horse sized but had no
problem adjusting the bridle to fit.  The breast collar I am gonna
have to put in a hole on the part that goes to the girth and it is
purely decorative, does not add to stability at all really, not like
the hunter type.  This type is called australian stock collar in
jeffers catalog, endurance style by zilco, Tucker calls it Montreal
Trooper Breast collar and some call it a Hunter's Breast Plate but
whatever, it fits more snugly than a western and adds a lot to
stability.  In fact I have no slippage at all with it and the fixed
stirrups on the sensation.  Someday when i win the lotto I would like
a sensation harmony bridle and breast collar  in my signature safety
orange :)  but for now this works real well.  makes you wonder if
western type breast collars offer any actual stability at all.  They
are pretty tho, for parades and showing off :)  But for real utility
and for saddle stabilization on a real level i think this hunter type
breast collar is the kind you need.  I had a breast collar for
stonewall once that is supposed to be best for gaited horses.  I
forget what its called, just a wide band across the chest that affixes
to top of girth on each side.  It pure rubbed all the hair and some
hide off his chest all the way across!  so so much for that!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Stephanie rides a good horse

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
That is awesome Sue!  How did you teach it??  Did you clicker it?
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Janice for President!

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald

!  that is so cute!  I am gonna do it to everyone i work with :)
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddle dilemma

2008-07-20 Thread Janice McDonald
Why not a sensation??  SO much cheaper than a moffett.  There was one
on ebay recently.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] wandas dog

2008-07-19 Thread Janice McDonald
we gotta have pics when you do the cat lorraine!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] O/T For Janice

2008-07-19 Thread Janice McDonald
wandas cat in that pic, she tried to kill herself one coffin nail at a
time, she just couldnt take it anymore, not one more day.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star!

2008-07-19 Thread Janice McDonald
is my camo helmet AWESOME or WHAT
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Gadgets for riding

2008-07-19 Thread Janice McDonald
my biggest problem with gos , cell phones etc is the LED screen, I
cant read it in sunlight very well!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] wandas weird diet

2008-07-19 Thread Janice McDonald
people think its bad that icelanders eat horses, but wanda is an
icelander and she only eats these hotdogs.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.
attachment: hotdog.jpg

Re: [IceHorses] Riding non-fashion tip

2008-07-19 Thread Janice McDonald
I remember years ago working outdoors in sacramento.  It would be over
a hundred degrees and I would wet myself down and I would be dry as a
bone in five minutes.  here you wet yourself down or get all sweaty
and you STAY sweaty or wet.  and often if going somewhere outdoors
right out of the shower I never really dry off until I get in air
conditioning.  I dont know how people lived without AC, but I did, as
a child.  All I remember is we had an attic fan that was sorta like
starting up a jet engine and we had linoleum floors and you would
close certain windows and open others and the wind would just howl
thru the house and blow all the dust out :)  but our homes were built
differently, for this climate.  There is an architectural style called
Florida Cracker House and they were up on piers to allow breeze
under the house, the kitchen would be on one side of a wide wide
outdoor hall called a dogtrot and the bedrooms on the other side.
so when they cooked, the heat did not go thru the whole house and you
would sit in the dogtrot breezeway to eat, shell peas, crochet, make
quilts etc.  I remember as a child helping my mom prepare meals
outside, shelling the peas or shucking corn beneath a big oak tree
etc.  Also we lived across the street from the bayou so we stayed in
the water almost all day every day, all the kids in the neighborhood
and our moms would come to the dock and bring us lunch.  we would swim
at night in the bayou and the foxfire would shine and glow in the
water.  we didnt have northern lites wanda but we had foxfire!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] The instigator

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
i have been so tense, thinking if teev is doing so good there, it must
be this place.  But yesterday i saw gnats just swarming Nasi and
Trausti and neither of them have any itchy places at all, not one,
thank you Jesus!  We told our farrier yesterday how well Teev was
doing at Karens and he said its like, some people have horses that
crib and never know it because they have electric wire and nothing to
crib on, then you send them to a new place and put them in a stall or
something and either thru boredom or because its just something they
do, they will start cribbing and gnawing.  I know people think its
cause I dont have stalls here that I am aganist them, but its not.  At
the boarding barn where we were many years I saw many horses stalled
that would be neurotic and then perfectly great when put out to
pasture.  Which has nothing to do with Teev i am just rambling now :)
I had to stall Jas once for two weeks for a foot injury.  After ten
days my vet said let him out! because he had started standing at the
door neurotically swaying to and fro all day long.  Some horses just
go nuts in a stall.  So I guess the point is  drum roll...  just
like humans, some horses can't be healthy and happy in certain
environments.  Like Teev rubbing on all our scratchy little sandhill
scrub oaks in the pasture.  Like my friend Charlene, she has a cribber
that only cribs when stalled.  and then my friend sylvia's mare Bob,
if she cant go in her stall during a storm she sulks half the day.
and sylvia plans her life around, she has to make sure Bob's stall
door is open at all times :)
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] The punk rock 'do

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
if you were to take Buck to Calvary Georgia the first sat in november
he would be a huge star.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] jas and food

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/17/08, Lorraine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A rose bush???  OMG.

oh, believe me, a rose bush or a qumquat tree are him and curly rays favorites.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] American Bridle Bit

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
 If so, that would
 depend entirely on which version you buy...?

 Karen Thomas, NC

yes but if you bought the one shown... the shanks confuse me.  Shanks
apply exponential leverage.  Yet Liz and Lee are both ok with the Lil
Missoula which has a shank, but the shank curves so it lessens the
pressure.  This bit shown, is the pressure less because of the way the
shanks curve?  I dont like the mouthpiece.  My fox would rear with
that type port.  Some horses have tongues that cant handle a port of
any kind.  Just a curve.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Suggestions

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
get a rolled up empty paper feed bag.  Rub it all over, both sides til
she is taking a nap.  Then lightly VERY lightly whisk her with it,
both sides, til napping.  run it up under the belly and in between all
the legs til she is napping.  then lightly whop it along the back and
sides, neck, between the eyes but only if she is napping.  This is one
of the best things I know of you can do to a horse.  It may take
several sessions if done right, not moving on til they are ready and
napping..  I can kill a fly between jaspars eyes with a crop and he
wont even blink.  he trusts me completely with anything around him,
any weird object.  but its very important you dont stop til they are
napping and they are completely free at all times, not even a halter,
so psychologically they know they are free to go.  And if you stop
while they are still flinching from it you have only taught them the
scarey thing does indeed exist, instead of there is no scarey thing.
But please, PLEASE if you are so stupid as to go out and start
whopping your horse upside the head without a huge amount of
incremental desensitization, then you deserve the monster you create.
honestly, just please dont even try. (not talking to you here nancy
but others who might be reading)
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
she can be brutally honest.  But if you think about what she is saying
then she is very loving about it.  She was wonderful to me because
when she told me something I did not take offense.  but one man kept
arguing with her about why he needed spurs.  If you watch, every time
she tells someone something it is so absolutely true.  Every time he
spurred that horse she would jump out of her skin and he woould say
she was spooky and Liz would tell him over and over he did not need
those spurs and he would just argue with her and it was ridiculous.
With me, i was riding traveller and she would scold why havent you
trained that horse!  He is too good a horse not to train!  and we had
just been ponying him behind Jaspar all his life or anytime we rode he
would just follow jaspar, is naturally not spooky and calm, gentle,
sweet, so we thought he was trained but he did not even know how to
steer or whoa or go.  Can you imagine??  She died laughing when she
realized he didnt know whoa.  but us backyard trainers, we make
mistakes and dont even know it...  With Trausti, any time he gets
upset about anything, if you just say whoa, it puts him in such an
automatic response that he will stop dead, and think about things and
then is fine.  most people train whoa first thing.  haha.  not me!  I
had just trained him and stonewall they didnt have to whoa unless they
ran into jaspars rear end.  thats how we do it here at the FCPA
training program.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
most of mine will drink from a plastic bottle.  Which turned in handy
once with a colic situation.  I didnt have a syringe for mineral oil.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Bit Fitting

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
i just want to say...  i know some would disagree... but I saw a
horrible train wreck resulting in broken bones one time when someone
took a 12 yo walking horse ridden all its life in a severe long
shanked bit and put it in a snaffle.  Also, my friend delores rides
her paso mare in the spoon bit she came with because every time she
takes it off her she wont respond at all.  SO i think if a horse is
ridden in a severe bit/noseband for years, they have to be almost like
rehabbed to a milder bit.  In a small enclosed area.  Like if you
take a horse used to a mild bit and suddenly put a harsh one on he
will most likely rear or run backwards from the pressure.  in know
everyone says it depends on your hands but thats bs.  Even with no
hands a bit can be severe.  Some bits weight about three pounds if you
think about it.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Suggestions

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
 him...but that doesn't mean they don't NEED to be done.  They do.


just makes them more fearless of everything.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
you can also take a gallon baggie in your pocket.  Then fill it with
water and when they stick their nose just in the opening and drink,
collapse the bottom with a gentle squeeze making the water keep coming
at the top where they are drinking.  My friend sylvia gives hers
drinks like this and puts apple dex electrolyte in it.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/18/08, Janice McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you can also take a gallon baggie in your pocket.  Then fill it with
 water and when they stick their nose just in the opening and drink,
 collapse the bottom with a gentle squeeze making the water keep coming
 at the top where they are drinking.  My friend sylvia gives hers
 drinks like this and puts apple dex electrolyte in it.

i am suddenly miss manners or martha stewart today.  anyone need to
know how to remove green spit stains from undergarments.  Take a
teaspoon of lemon juice and soak, then put on the tin roof of your
pole barn while you eat an entire box of no sugar added aunt edy fruit

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald

then to remove fruit popcycle stains from tee shirts, you take a
teaspoon of club soda and soak while you eat a box of sugar free
fudgecycles.  To remove fudgecycle stains you...  oh forget it.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] The punk rock 'do

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald

 I like that look.  My hair looks like that right now

you could put WD 40 on it lorraine.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Completely OT - Cure for a bad day

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
very very cute trish!  and happy...

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Clipper blades

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
if you go to and click on livestock, or pets they have all
kinds of clipper blades.  But I use a 40 to trim horse whiskers.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Janice's Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/18/08, Jacki Edens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   anyone need to
  know how to remove green spit stains from undergarments.

 Honestly Janice, only you would get  green spit stains on your
 undergarments.  Which does make me wonder, What was Donny eating that made
 his spit green?

very often, in the deep woods, i take off my shirt and ride in my bra.
 Which has made me sort of famous with the local div of forestry, I
imagine, since I only recently learned they have hidden cameras
mounted to trees that are motion detectors.  when we found the
cameras, me and sylvia started showing our bosoms when we ride by,
like women do at mardi gras to earn beads.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/18/08, Mic Rushen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 10:34:06 -0500, you wrote:

 know how to remove green spit stains from undergarments

 I want to know how you get green spit stains on your undies in the
 first place!??


how does hay get down there!?!  Thats a mystery too.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
i just buy them, edys.  or you can freeze little cups of
cran-raspberry juice and crunch it like a slushie.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Tony, the Icelandic

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald

 There's an Icelandic Horse named Tony working at the Country Day School in
 Largo, Florida:

i imagine some yankee donated him after she paid 20,000 for him and
found out by accident they had to be fed and have water available.  or
that they can leave spit stains on your underwear.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] my dream horse

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
Linda Parelli says you can use the 7 games to have the horse of your
dreams, that you were drawn to horses for to begin with.  I have my
dream horse but he is in several different bodies.  But mulling this
over, I realized my dream horse is really something that does not
often exist.  That it is perhaps unrealistic to expect a horse to act
like a big, demonstratively affectionate, dog.  I remember years ago
before buying Jaspar and after being away from horses since childhood,
I went with a friend to look at a horse for sale.  WHile they walked
away, a GIANT pinto of undetermined breed, stopped grazing and came
over to say hi to me.  He was so big he scared me so I eased away, and
he followed.  He was so gentle, his eyes were smiling.  I petted on
him and he was just so gentle and affectionate.  i told my firend to
buy him and the lady said he wasnt for sale.  he is our family pet
she said it would break everyones heart to sell him.  Now years
later I own a horse like this, my Stonewall,  who is about as safe to
ride as a rocketship.  but on the ground he is exactly that horse.  I
think my dream horse would be a horse like this that is safe to ride.
But my safe to ride horses are very stoic and not demonstrative like a
big dog.  I really appreciate them for this!  But if you could merge
these two, to me, that would be the perfect horse.janice

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] The punk rock 'do

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
yesterday when the farrier came, all the horses were good, one by one,
til curly, he had a little attitude and donny would scold him knock
it off curls!  and the others couldnt see behind the farriers parked
truck what was going on, so fox just started flipping out running the
fence, and since Trausti and nasi were in with him they started
running the fence too.  and fox would call curls, and curls would bray
back.  Then we get fox out to do him and he was maniac of the year.
later we realized curls had deliberately tried tio incite a riot.  and
nearly suceeded.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
I am eating fresh shelled field peas with snaps and sliced homegrown
tomatoes for dinner, a fresh squash casserole for supper.  with fresh
brewed ice tea. I wonder what the poor people are eating today...

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
I have never seen a beetroot!  Here our beets are all bright red and
pickled.  How do you cook a beetroot!  Is it like a turnip or a
rutabega??  and are your peas what we call english  peas that you
can only get here canned?  Little green round balls??  I wonder why
they don't grow here.  and are your beans like green beans in a can or
do you shell them.  here we have pole beans and runner beans that
we eat green in their shells, the pods and all, cooked with bacon of
course, cant cook any vegetable in the south without hog fat in it,
and then like the field peas or zipper peas or butter beans etc, those
are shelled.  Here ripe now is watermelon and cantalope, okra, peaches
(best are from Chilton Co. Alabama NOT Georgia)tomatoes and yellow
summer squash is just going out.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
we dont have raspberries, we have blueberries, should be blooming
soon, and blackberries, they make the yellow flies come in.  We have
strawberries almost all year round from somewhere in fla, and no
currants tho I did buy some imported in the store once and they were
amazing.  We have some native grapes here we call scuppernong and
muscadine, slip skins they are called, and they are so good!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Looking for a Saddle

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald

 Does anyone have an icelandic saddle for sale?  I need a 17 1/2 or 18
 seat with a narrow/medium to medium tree.  You can reply directly to

is svordur like, a baby colt??  I have never heard of an icelandic
fitting a medium tree much less a narrow!  I am astonished.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
Sue, my momma had a peach tree for years and it always just grew one
or two peaches.  then an old man walking by told her if she will hang
a bar of soap in a nylon stocking and tie it in the tree it will make
peaches.  the next year it was so full of peaches a branch broke.
maybe something in the soap killed some aphids or aomething??  we
could never figure it out.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] O/T For Janice

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
it was so hot in sascatchewan wanda had to give her cat a lot to drink.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.
attachment: poesje.jpg

[IceHorses] Re: Trausti's big day

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
I gave him a new bit for his posse bridle so I wouldnt have to take
his old bit off his everyday bridle, and he hates this bit!  It is a
snaffle, fat, but doesnt have a roller in the middle.  It is a pelham.
 I put the treins on the lowest ring and it has a curb chain.  When I
whoaed him he would stop and step backwards three steps.  Head real
high.  So now I have to change the bit out and find one for his posse
bridle that will work.  I have a keys bit but he is not the busy mouth
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] Re: Trausti's big day

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
today I was walking trausti thru the obstacle course.  I stepped over
the big high log and tripped and fell, just automatically catching
myself by hanging from the reins.  attached to the bit in his mouth.
I landed on a pile of floppy tin that made a huge clapping racket.  He
threw himself backward all wild eyed and I jumped up apologizing.  he
relaxed, licked and chewed, and I continued on and he was just real
quiet and calm, stomp stomp clomp over the floppy sheets of tin.  he
seemed to understand I wasnt mean, that I fell and accidentally hurt
his mouth.  While I was riding him in my roundpen, something cracked a
branch in the woods nearby and scared him but he just froze, staring,
very tense.  I just waited for him to process it.  I can tell when he
is ok now, there is a barely perceptible lowering of the head.
Otherwise you cant tell when he is tense about something.  You have to
be looking pretty hard to see if he is worried, and he flinches when
he doesnt like the way you touch him.  Like a fly has landed on him,
he will flinch his skin if he doesnt like the way you cue him.  he
neck reins like a dream.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Janice's Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
here is jacki trying to parallel park her truck.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.
attachment: UNexplain.jpg

[IceHorses] wandas dog

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
here is wanda's dog she cloned from sophie.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.
attachment: weird-thumb.jpg

[IceHorses] Re: wandas dog

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/18/08, Janice McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 here is wanda's dog she cloned from sophie.

oh wait, i think it is lorraines cat.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] /Bit shopping/Judi

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
yes, in real life no one ever confuses my sarcasm and humor but in
email even family members are like what do you mean by that?!?  Or
you arent serious are you??
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Bit Sizer/Bit shopping

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
Judi, if Parelli's Left Brain Extrovert had a photo beside it it would
be of my horse stonewall.  It really helps me to think of it as a tool
to try and help him get what he needs from me.  As for the noseband
thing...  Tivar was so great in a sidepull and no bit, and I honestly
suspect it was from the tight noseband training,  He had such an
aversion to anything tight on his nose so he would respond as well or
even better in a sidepull than a bit.  that could be somethimg to try
in a small area.  I have other horses that think a sidepull is
something to laugh hilariously at.  My most deadbroke horse, in fact,
I could ride him anywhere in a sidepull (or even a halter!) but he
will start snatching bites of weeds etc after a while.  They get used
to things...  I have a myler D ring snaffle with a barrel in the
middle on three of my horses and it is a great bit.  for a high headed
hyper horse a mullen mouth is good.  I have a myler combo bit on one
horse but someone said it is a gag bit, and since it cost over a
hundred bucks and I rarely use it on the horse I havent gotten rid of
it.  I use it on my Jas, who seems to like it, but i steer him with
feet and he rarely breaks a dog walk so I dont have to rate speed.  I
think mylers make good bits but there are so many styles and some are
harsh.  so far I have found any really fancy scrolled silver cowboy
bit is an instrument of torture :)
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] mineral levels

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
thats very helpful.  It shows in my area, and most of the southeast we
are way deficient in everything there is. no wonder my horses are all
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/17/08, Wanda Lauscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a chance to get to the Liz Graves clinic being held here in
 Saskatchewan on Aug 2 and 3.  I'm just ironing out a few details but
 hopefully I can make it.

 Pinch me!


oh you lucky dog!!  which horse are you taking??  take plenty of
photos.  tell her janice said you are really really special and fun
and that she should go home and spend the nite with you and dot up all
your horses.  wear a trailer park tee shirt amd tell her you own fat
circus ponies.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Pinto pattern?

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
I would ask Cary if he mowed the lawn outside the stall.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] gnats and icelandics

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
  gnats are downright attracted to icelandics.  today i took each
horse out for the farrier and brushed and applied bug spray.  All of
them had a few flies and gnats.  Then I bring out nasi.  Not one open
sore, not even ventril line.  He had a swarm of gnats around his
belly.  Then I bring out fox, hardly any, then Trausti, no open sores
anywhere.  Same swarm of gnats as nasi!  I checked everywhere for any
smelly place, dandruff, scaliness, crustyness.  Nothing.  They just
like icelandics better!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Not an Icelandic head and neck...

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
men are sexy with scars.  I love his shape!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] jas and food

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
I keep tellimg everyone how bad off my Jas is and they keep saying oh
hes not THAT bad, and last night he got out all night accidentally.
He grazed on the front lawn and nibbled at the hay rolls.  He ignored
the checken pen where there was a fifty gal barrel of cracked corn (no
footprints) and ate about a flake of alfalfa from three bales
stacked..  He ate one rose bush down to the nub.  That just aint

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Night turnout - not

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
i dont mean to be a wet blanket, but...  everything from rabid coons
to rabid bats to EPM possums to diamond back rattlers have been found
in stalls.  and i know of one case of rabies in a horse where he was
never taken outside a stall but to be shown or ridden.
just fyi
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Roka turns two

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
She is gorgeous cherie, and actually looks pretty big doesnt she??
She has that hangdog dead calm look like nasi has :)  She has an
exceptionally pretty shape and head!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Runa in royal

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
Runa ricardo, man she's about the most gorgeous redhead ever!  and
riding like an old girl :)
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] biting oh man!

2008-07-15 Thread Janice McDonald
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Nancy Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am so sorry for Vickie.  I agree with everybody about taking control
 of the space; BUT I want to warn against kissing the face of all male
 horses, except the very old and the ones who have demonstrated no
 aggression for many years.  Mares may be candidates, but the bad
 stories I know about have all been males.

I think too...  i have had my horses get discombobulated haha.  Its
like if they are doing two things at once they get their wires
switched.  and when in a flipped out frenzy all i know is you better
get outa the way!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Vinnie: ba-da-bling...

2008-07-15 Thread Janice McDonald
he is beautiful Karen!  what a sweet, intellegent expression!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Bart

2008-07-15 Thread Janice McDonald
i think it is a nice TWH head.  A Jaspar head.  They need that convex
nose to have room for their extra brains.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] What Gait / Chestnut Icelandic

2008-07-15 Thread Janice McDonald
maybe it is a nice tolt and she just needs a good bra desperately.  My
Jaspar can do a body slamming teeth crackin hard pace.  I dont even
allow him to do it because it CANT be that easy on his frame.  I
either bump him up to a canter or back to a walk, as appropriate.  But
I once allowed a friend to ride him that had taken years of formal
dressage training as a child/teen, always on lesson horses, and she
had never ridden a gaited horse.  After the ride she told me I
believe he has the roughest trot I have ever seen in any horse.
haha.  I told her he had never trotted in his life...  i wonder what
jas thought about her posting his hard pace...
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] What Gait / Chestnut Icelandic

2008-07-15 Thread Janice McDonald
when jas does a steppin pace my bosoms dont jump like that, and
believe me, my bosoms are so big they would bruise both my chin and my
knees if they started jumping around like that.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Charm's a Charmer

2008-07-14 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/13/08, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charm charms another person.


you should have named her aou^hullrha

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] O/T Sophie

2008-07-14 Thread Janice McDonald
here is how to get your husband to clean sheaths:

you say don't do that.  that's ok, I'll do that.  Please don't do
that, he has a thing about that.  if you get your hand kicked I'm not
ruining my day by going with you to the emergency room.  stop, ok, he
doesnt want you to do that.  I dont want to hear any whining when he
kicks your arm off.  please stop.  dont do that ok?  please dont do
that,. he hates that.  he is gonna kick you.  look, his ears are back.
 why wont you listen to me.  stick your head down there so when he
kicks he will hit something important.  why wont you listen to me.
you are the man who won't listen to horses that whisper.  when he
breaks your hand i wont feel sorry for you.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] O/T Sophie

2008-07-14 Thread Janice McDonald
he also did this just an hour later---  I am going to mow the front
of the house before the rain starts  it was already lightning and fat
rain drops had started.  As he backed the riding mower out from under
the carport a bolt of lightning struck not fifty feet away.  I was
like oh my gosh, i hope he can make it back into the carport before
another bolt hits.  He continued mowing.  the bottom fell out.  It was
raining so hard I could hardly see him.  lightning was crashing
everywhere.  he mowed cheerily, like it was a bright and sunny day. I
am just glad he is insured is all i can say cause its hopeless.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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