[ilugd] PyCon India 2009 - Call for Proposal/Participation

2009-07-05 Thread Parthan SR


PyCon http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyCon India 2009, first Python 
Conference in India, is being organized by the Python user and developer 
community in India. The conference will consist of a number of full 
length presentations, lightning talks, sprints and BoFs 

Venue: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Dates: 26th and 27th September 2009

How to register:

Register online at http://in.pycon.org/2009/register before 1st August 
and get an early-bird discount or register directly at the conference.

Call for Proposals:

PyCon http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyCon India is looking for proposals 
on all aspects of Python programming. We will accept a broad range of 
presentations, from reports on academic and commercial projects to 
tutorials and case studies. As long as the presentation is interesting 
and potentially useful to the Python community, it will be considered 
for inclusion in the conference.

All the talks will be within 45-60 minutes. There will also be a 
dedicated Lightning Talk session for talks no longer than five minutes.

More information about the conference can be found from the conference 
website http://in.pycon.org/2009/.

/*P.S.* The discussions for PyCon India happens at inpy...@python.org . 
Please join this list if you want to know more about how you can help us./

With Regards,
Parthan SR technofreak

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ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] [X-Post] Freenode is looking for donations

2009-03-28 Thread Parthan SR

- Forwarded Content --

I will try to keep this brief and to the point. This message has been
cross posted to several lists which will explain why you might get
more than one copy. I hope you find it informative too. Send all
flames to me, not to the lists.

I'm taking off the other hats I wear for a moment to ask for you or
your company's support of Freenode [1] (technically the Peer-Directed
Projects Center or PDPC) now based in the United Kingdom. For those
that don't know, Freenode is an IRC [2] network supporting Open Source
and Free Software communities globally. Another PDPC activity is the
annual FOSSCON conference in the fall. PDPC is specifically [3]
raising funds in order to be recognized by the UK as an official
charitable organization. This status has many benefits, however they
need to raise a certain amount of money by March, 2009. There are
just a few days left in the fundraising campaign.

Canonical Ltd. (the company created by Mark Shuttleworth that drives
Ubuntu Linux) has graciously stepped forward to provide dollar for
dollar matching, magnifying the impact of your donations to PDPC. The
fund raising goal has almost been reached but your contribution is
needed. Brainstorming by the PDPC board of directors for how to use
any funds not used for operations includes hosting live conference
events in Europe and the US, extending current services and improving
the reliability of the freenode network by hosting a few of their own
hubs and backup systems. Freenode is growing rapidly [4] supporting
up to 57,000 concurrent users up from a maximum of about 40,000 18
months ago.

Some people may not be aware that IRC is used by a huge array of Open
Source and Free Software projects. The list of groups [5] Freenode
works with is truly impressive. I feel it is not at all hyperbole to
say that the work done over freenode and OFTC [6] are the real-time
backbone of open source collaboration throughout the world, Coders
use the IRC network to develop applications used by millions of people
every day and provide *end user support*. If you use any open source
software you may be an indirect beneficiary of the services Freenode
provides. I encourage those who are interested to try launching an
IRC client such as Pidgin [7] and see for yourself. You won't be
sorry you did.

While I have used Freenode for many years, this year I too became a
contributor for the first time. For a one time contribution
http://freenode.net/pdpc_donations.shtml of as little as $8 you can
join me in supporting Freenode and the many Open Source
projects they serve.

Thanks for your consideration,

-- Grant Bowman grant...@gmail.com

[1] http://freenode.net/pdpc_donations.shtml

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat is a form of
group instant messaging first used in 1988. Related sites include
http://www.irchelp.org/ and http://www.irc.org/

[3] http://blog.freenode.net/2008/10/fundraising-for-charity-status/

[4] http://freenode.net/history.shtml also 

[5] http://freenode.net/primary_groups.shtml include the Apache
Software Foundation, Canonical Ltd (Ubuntu), Creative Commons
Corporation, Free Software Foundation (GNU Project), Mozilla
Foundation (Firefox), MySQL AB, NetBSD Foundation, Open Darwin
Foundation (Apple builds OSX using Darwin), OpenOffice.org, Red Hat,
Inc.  the World Wide Web Consortium among others.

[6] OFTC is a a similar but much smaller IRC network. See Freenode
and OFTC IRC networks buddy up, May 2007
http://www.linux.com/articles/62098 also

[7] http://pidgin.im is an IRC client that runs on Windows, Mac and
Linux formerly named Gaim. http://www.mirc.com/ is also popular on
the Windows platform.

-- End -

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] List of Corporates using Linux Desktops?

2008-11-21 Thread Parthan SR

Chirag Anand wrote:

Can you tell me, that so many FOSS companies are here on this mailing list
but why you do not come to campuses?? Or why you do not take freshers (i may
be wrong here), but i have seen job openings in LFY...not a single opening
for freshers. Please tell me, where do we go (FOSS students) for gaining
some experience? Ultimately, even if we go to companies like tcs, infy etc.
we wont be getting any FOSS exposure there. Does that make me eligible for a
placement in a FOSS company? Just becuase, we have been promoting FOSS/Linux
in our colleges and have contributed something to FOSS and advocating and
fighting for it, make us good enough for your firm? Do we even have an
oppurtunity to realise our dreams?
Well, FOSS companies (at least those I know) are not IT majors like the 
ones you have listed (who recruit in mass just to have considerable 
workforce numbers to bag big projects). Most FOSS companies concentrate 
on providing a very specific solution or support for some widely used 
FOSS software stack like a LAMP stack etc. Hence they have a very 
limited workforce and mostly multi-faced as in you do not concentrate on 
one part of the stack or the worst care one part of a tool (like you 
would do in a IT Major) but get an opportunity to have your hands on 
more on them (like a Scripting language to code the program login, 
Database design and management, UI development either desktop GUI or 
web-based GUI, source code management with a version control, a little 
bit of administration (if you're a bit lucky you would be managing 
servers as well) and a lot more.  Because the shop is small, though the 
job requires people who can be trusted to get the job done, they only 
take in people who can prove that they are worth being appointed. It 
either means you've a similar prior work experience, even it means 
working in a startup, or at least good amount of contribution to 
projects in similar areas to the company's requirement. Well, we can 
understand about the former part as you require someone to give you a 
job at first place, but the latter part is entirely in your hands. We 
too have been in college and we really know how much time gets wasted in 
stuffs which could have been otherwise used for the before said purpose. 
The time you're a student is wonderful period when you can learn, 
experiment and spend time on things. If you reason out your routine 
college activities as a reason not to do this, then it's you who're 
losing the game. Also, blaming the faculty or the syllabus is going to 
take you nowhere, because are you ready to be a Teacher after passing 
out? No, you want to join a big s/w company and earn loads. If you can 
have this attitude and/or dream, why shouldn't your teachers too have 
the same dream? Students are never justified to run away, putting the 
blame on faculties. You have to be self-initiative, should work on your 
own personal interest and indeed spend late hours learning and 
experimenting things instead of wasting it on other sutffs. You should 
take your own effort, find out ways and means to contribute to a project 
of your interest and develop skills. At the same time, do not expect 
people to spoon feed you in the FOSS community. Many of us contribute on 
our personal left over time and we can't do much rather than clearing 
doubts, pointing you to resources or giving feedbacks on your work. 
Well, the road is not with roses and stepping on the thorns is worth the 
pain if you consider your future.

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Parthan SR
M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:
 Dear Mr Atanu,
 I am thankful for your cool reply.Please provide me the link where GPL 
 provides branding of GPLed software's.. 
 At the same time please provide me what happens to four freedoms guaranteed 
 in GPL at http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html.Out
 of four one about redistribution is snatched by putting restriction on
 redistribution� by branding.� Is� GPL has two different policies one
 about four freedoms and other with branding. Please be cool and
 reply.Many have lossed cool why replying to� me.Let us understand the
 GPL indepth whether some one call me fool or troll.I am not bothered
 about their accusation .I make the� debate without fearing any
 body.they can express their views I can express my views .Ultimately FOSS
 is big community to take care of GPL.. Learning is not
 simple.Immediately many people jumped on me calling troll instead of subject, 
 Is it
 illegal to redistribute RHEL? the question you have raised at Linux For You.. 
 I dont know� tommorrow they may say you have raised this isuue for cheap 
 publicity for your magzine. I know you have made a great debate� 
 public..Thanks for your daring article.� .

 KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 
As I couldn't any more see my friends' futile attempts to make you 
understand what GPL is for and what it's aims are, I try to add some 
support for them too. Before that, can you please learn how to write 
mails, especially when you are replying to other's replies and how to 
quote other's words when replying to them. All your mails have been 
unnecessarily long, not because your reply was long but  because you 
chose to leave the earlier mail (if not wrong, the entire multi-quoted 
thread) at the end of your reply. Secondly, your sentence structure is 
so terrible that we have to read it many times to understand what you 
mean, and in the process might have completely misunderstood what you 
mean. I also wonder why do you want to advertise your company in all 
your mails to a public mailing list unless you are expressing not your 
personal opinions and concerns but rather of your company's.

Coming to the point, you have repeatedly talked about the 4 freedoms 
offered by GPL.but this raises the question whether you have understood 
the 4 freedoms and where they can be applied. As RHEL you are referring 
to seems to exist under GPLV2, reading [1] again might be of use to you. 
If you read it, point 0 clearly states that it covers the program or 
other work which contains a notice that they are under GPL v2 and you 
can exclude something from being included if it doesn't affect the 
execution of the program that is under GPL.
And, GPL covers only the copying, distribution and modification of the 
above mentioned program and anything other than this is out of its 
scope. Considering RHEL, you are free to do anything with the program 
and the code which is under GPL v2. This means, you can share the code, 
you can modify the code and you can distribute the modified code. The 
'program under GPL' doesn't cover the name RHEL or the logos and other 
branding of RHEL at all, which means although you're allowed to 
distribute and modify the RHEL source code which is under GPL, you can 
not distribute the branding RHEL until you are authorized to do so.

In addition, reading about this [2] GPL violation case in which MySQL AB 
won the case will also let you know the different between GPL and 
trademark license. Another pointer on a FOSS product's trademark 
policies on licensing (read Drupal and Mozilla) [3] and  [4], though 
they aren't completely relevant on a GPL case but it shows how they 
value trademarks even when keeping their product open sourced.

If you have any dispute with this, i.e. not allowing the branding to be 
distributed while you can do so with the source code under GPL 
associated with it, it would be better to consider a legal 
authority/help. You can even write to RMS or to Red Hat's legal 
department, but please ensure that your mail is sensible enough and 
structured that those sane men can get the meaning out of it. As we have 
tried our best to enlighten you about the fact and the truth, there is 
nothing more we can offer you in this matter. May be someone in this 
list can refer you to a proper legal help on this.

[1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
[2] http://www.open-mag.com/features/Vol_24/GPL/gpl.htm
[3] http://groups.drupal.org/node/15023
[4] http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/licensing.html

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Canonical Not A Great Contributor

2008-09-30 Thread Parthan SR
Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
 As far as being a good FOSS citizen, I have always believed that helping 
 fixing bugs upstream is better than having distro specific patches. I 
 must admit, I cannot say how well Ubuntu does in this regard, however I 
 have seen many launchpad bugs referencing the fact that a bug has been 
 filed upstream. Unless I see proper data (and not merely 
 opinions/hunches misrepresented as facts) as to whether the Ubuntu's 
 community has not helped in fixing these bugs (and not merely reporting 
 them - which isn't bad per se),
(Sorry for repeating this in another LUG mailing list, but just to keep 
the facts right)

What Launchpad does has is a feature to mark bugs with related bugs 
filed in the upstream bugzilla and a feature to find bugs which needs 
reporting in the upstream bugzilla. Though this provides the ability for 
Ubuntu devels and package maintainers to keep track of upstream 
development, as far as my experience with Bugs and Launchpad are 
considered, this doesn't ensure that when a bug is fixed in LP/Ubuntu, 
the upstream also gets the patch for the same. It requires either the 
patch submitter, or the triager, or the maintainer, or the devel to go 
to upstream bugzilla and file the same patch for the bug there. If the 
maintainer is same in both Upstream and Ubuntu, which is not very common 
one, then he/she takes care of patching at both places. Else, it is the 
responsibility of one of the above mentioned list of people to do the 
job of filing patches upstream and following it up.

Considering the number of bugs being referred upstream and the number of 
bugs that require upstream reporting and followup, the current 
availability of people to work on such cases is very less. Hence, there 
is a huge possibility of Ubuntu patches getting missed from moving to 
upstream. But I somewhere smell that the process of reporting downstream 
patches to upstream is also on the cards in the next list of development 
for LP. But as LP by itself is a question of debate, unfortunately, I 
will not put my hands into it now ;)

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Canonical Not A Great Contributor

2008-09-30 Thread Parthan SR
Arun SAG wrote:
 I read some where in the internet that, canonical is not contributing back
 to its mother distribution debian.
Leaving the debate whether the underlying accusation is true or false, 
please when you are making a statement do state the following,
[1] completely describe what your statement means. not contributing 
back is a vague statement and doesn't mean anything in specific.
[2] Backup your statement with proof, at least a link where you found 
the accusation to have been made.
Otherwise making a vague statement based upon your memory to have read 
somewhere doesn't help much.

Just my thoughts.

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Can we code in Hindi ??

2008-09-23 Thread Parthan SR
Wow, this thread I have been really entertaining to sit back and watch. 
But this is growing out to be something which serves no purpose. Here 
are my few thoughts, though wishing this thread will close soon.

The idea of Coding in Native Languages is not new, a lot of people have 
spoken and may be few even tried one in nook and corners of the world. I 
even remember a similar topic running in one of the Indian GNU/Linux 
Mailing List a few years ago.

On one side, the idea is so welcomed as the requirement of English 
knowledge is sometimes felt as a barrier for development as a majority 
of our population are not that much literate in English. Under such 
consideration, being able to write code, developer softwares with their 
own native language is surely a boon. I don't understand, if such a 
thing is possible, why shouldn't it be welcomed and supported as this 
can be effectively used to create more desi softwares, solving local 
problems and requirements, by people who are at the core of the problem 
or the primary people exposed to it. Scratching ones own itch is better 
than scratching other's itch.

If such a system is possible and being developed, what might be of 
concern is how compatible is it with other systems. We, as one amongst 
the FOSS community, ought to think about developing softwares which can 
be applied in a wide scope (except in case of specialized softwares 
targeting a specific group of people). This means, we need to have a 
facility to code in FOO programming language in BAR native language, but 
being able to compile this code or transform this code into FOOBAR 
native language. To put it simply, if A writes a Python code in Hindi, 
there should be a cross-compiler or such thing which B can use to 
convert the Python code into Tamil or Malayalam so that people in those 
languages can improve the code, which A can take back and compile it 
into Hindu. Here, the concerned Programming Language remains the same 
Python and hence the programmatic idioms and practices remains the 
same.Thus, even when people work in their own languages, the code is 
fully compatible between languages, while the main Programming Language 
being followed is the same.

I still consider this to be a dream, which is totally not impossible but 
would be surprised if this happens in my life time. I might still stick 
to writing EN code, but at least people might write better software if 
they can do so in their own native language.

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Can we code in Hindi ??

2008-09-23 Thread Parthan SR
narendra sisodiya wrote:
 Its not possible,
 why you forget about documentation ?? will  documentation be in English
Indeed, localizing document is not as hard as localizing a programming 
language itself. And in FOSS, documents are also community contributed 
and hence people might try to code in Hindi, experiment and write 
documentation/tutorial/howtos for the same in Hindi.

 Nope,,, It is impossible to revert time...
 saying pyton in hindi is same as saying Newton's law in Hindi

Of course, an if condition makes sense because you know the word if 
means something a sorta condition. If we can imply the same in Hindi, 
then why won't it make sense?
 How does it matter, by a *technical point of view * you are just rebuilding
 the keywords to  make life complex.
Whose life? If you feel complex then nobody is compelling you to use it. 
It is for people to whom it makes more sense than doing something in a 
language they learn using their native language.
 writing a code in computer language need some keywords, with logic, native
 language is not useful for code writing.
What language does computer language use. If your PoV is that they do 
not use English, then you are learning a programming language in some 
alien meaningless language. When you can do so, why you thing people 
wont be able to make use of something in their own native language which 
they can very much understand without external intervention? If you 
accept they are in English, then when something can be represented in 
English why not some other language not be used?
 IMHO, a programmer can easily understand these facts.

 I will again say, you are diverting new generation to stick/code with local

We are indeed programmers and we have understood that programming is 
merely putting logic into action using a tool called programming 
language. What's at the bottom most core of all programming language is 
math, or more precisely logic. When you are good in your logical 
abilities, you become a good programmer. If a programmer understands 
this fundamental truth, then he wont run away when he is put into a 
situation that he has to work with a new programming language that he 
doesn't know till now.

As a closing comment, you can be skeptical or even caustic about Coding 
in Hindi and we respect your freedom to do. But this doesn't give you  
any freedom to laugh at some one when he/she makes a genuine attempt to 
make it reality. If you can help, please do, but at least do not laugh 
at people who are trying to help. Criticism is welcomed, if it is 
constructive. Pinch of salt and playing delivs advocate is helpful most 
times, but that doesn't mean you can undermine something which a whole 
bunch of people think would be beneficial if exists.

end-of-my-thoughts. Thank you.

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] Serious e1000e driver issue in SLE 11 Beta 1

2008-09-23 Thread Parthan SR

Serious e1000e driver issue in SLE 11 Beta 1

Dear Partner and Beta Tester,

the Intel e1000e driver on openSUSE 11.1 Beta 1 and SUSE Linux
Enterprise 11 Beta 1 might have a serious issue with the
potential to damage the network card in a way that it cannot be
used any longer.


The same bug has also been found with 2.6.27-rc kernel which is being 
made available with Intrepid. The problem has been reported to the bug 
squad and QA, while the kernel team has provided a kernel update with 
this driver removed. The following is the description of the issue as 
from Ubuntu Bugs team,

In some circumstances it appears possible for the 2.6.27-rc kernels to
corrupt the NVRAM used by some Intel network parts to store data such as
MAC addresses.  This is limited to the new e1000e driver, and reports
have only appeared from users of 82566 and 82567 based LAN parts (ich8
and ich9) (to quote Intel). The reports seem to be isolated to laptops,
but it is not clear if this is because desktop/server parts are not
vulnerable, or if use cases simply increase the chances of laptop users
being hit.

Once this corruption has occurred, recovery may be possible via a BIOS
update, but may well require replacement of the hardware. Use of Intel's
IABUTIL.EXE is strongly discouraged, as it will worsen the problem to
the point where the network part will no longer appear on the PCI bus.

If you have any problem and need help, please poke people in 
#ubuntu-bugs to assistance.

Thank you,

Parthan SR

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] PGP and mailing lists

2008-07-16 Thread Parthan SR
Puneet Lakhina wrote:
 My main reason for this newly accquired paranoia about email privacy is that
 I dont want my email admin to be reading my mails, even if they are to the
 mailing list. Is PGP the right thing for this?
If you want people be not able to read your mails, then why send one to 
a mailing list at all? I thought mailing list were about sharing 
information, even in private ones it is sharing between a closed group 
of people. When you encrypt your mail and send it to a public mailing 
list, how does it serve the purpose?  And, haven't seen a mailing list 
admin who sits and clears out every mail being sent to the list (as 
being one myself). They just moderate mails which look like spam or 
mails which are too big than the permitted size.

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Notetakers Annotators in Linux

2008-06-16 Thread Parthan SR
Sirtaj Singh Kang wrote:
 On Saturday 14 June 2008, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
 I use a paper pad - it is exactly like a real paper pad (in fact it
 *is* a real paper pad) - and I have enough kingfisher pens to last me
 a lifetime.

 How do you do backups
Xerox copy? Carbon paper? ;)

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] [OT] the new blender movie is out

2008-06-16 Thread Parthan SR
Hi all,

Maybe we missed it in the commotion of a latest bollywood movie  ;) , but still,
Big Buck Bunny has been released a while ago and is available for

Its a short-feature around 10 minutes long, but is pretty cool given the
fact that it is released under a CC license.
And quite obviously it was created using Blender[1]. AFAIK, the DVD set
contains all .blend files and hence would be a perfect medium to showcase
the capabilities of FOSS tools in Multimedia where it seems to lag behind a

Check out the .OGG video from the German server, others seem not to respond at 
the moment.

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] [Ilug-cal-discuss] [OT] the new blender movie is out

2008-06-16 Thread Parthan SR
shirish wrote:
 Hi all,
  It would be cool if people can distribute the movie alongwith some of
 the production files and artwork (.blend) so people can play with
 them. Even if people charge a reasonable something like 15-20 Rupees
 as replication charges its ok .
They have released the .blend files AFAIH, check the DVD release which 
is supposed have them.

With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026
blog http://blog.technofreak.in

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Re : New to Linux

2008-01-22 Thread Parthan SR
Hash: SHA1

prabhat rishi wrote:

 Welcome to the world of Open Source. As a first exposure, you should start
 with RedHat. Once you familiar with the Operating System (linux) then
 based on your choice start working on different types of flavors.

Eh? Or do you mean Fedora Core?

 B.E + RHCE (rel-5
Ah, now I understand why?! ;)

- --
With Regards,
Parthan aka Technofreak

[irc]:teKnofreak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
[mobile]:BLR +919845446647
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22/23, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] New to Linux

2008-01-17 Thread Parthan SR
Hash: SHA1

Siddharth Shekhar wrote:

 I am a student and i want to expertise in LINUX as u all are.
Welcome to the club!

 But need your help. Which Linux to install.. Which one is more suitable for
Sarcasm: Linux 2.6.22-14 or above
Reply: Linux is the kernel. When we pack the kernel with all the
utilities you need, we call it as a GNU/Linux Distribution. To know
what's hot and what's not check this out, http://distrowatch.com/

 Can u give me idea how to install it?

 I have my laptop wid Windows Xp installed in it.
 I want to use windows xp too not only linux.
Every distribution has documentation and it surely will have one on how
to install. The distribution I use has one,

Installing Linux is not hard. Almost all distros have a nice GUI
installer which will help you install with just some mouse clicks and
typing. There are only a few steps where you have to be careful,
especially when you want to dual boot with Windows as well. Read the
docs, they will guide you. :)

- --
With Regards,
Parthan aka Technofreak

[irc]:teKnofreak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
[mobile]:BLR +919845446647
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22/23, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] should the licenses be trivialised?

2007-12-14 Thread Parthan S R
Hash: SHA1

shirish wrote:
  Just as a mailing list has the right to
 whom to give access to the mailing list  who not I think its fair for
 a person to decide how whatever content s/he makes should be under
 some license or not.
Agreed that whatever you write|do is attributed to do, but most things
doesn't need an explicit attribution until you fear some one is going
to steal it and take wrong credits for it. Surely nobody is going to
say a mail written by you to be theirs.
 AFAIK one of the powers of the mailing list is
 attribution as to who said what, where, in what context,at what time.
 If I'm safe-guarding  whatever I feel I have to contribute I don't
 think its trivializing any issue.
Mailing list is not a place where you prove yourself to be right, its
a place where you share your thoughts and experiences. Nobody is going
to steal them at all. We are  not meaning licensing the mail is wrong
but we say it is just unnecessary as your mail are implicitly
attributed to you, and you consciously know mailing list is a public
interface and hence you need not explicitly specify a creative commons
license to share it.

- --
With Regards,
Parthan aka Technofreak

[web] http://technofreak.in
[blog] blog.technofreak.in
[photos] photos.technofreak.in
[irc] teKnofreak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
[mobile] BLR +919845446647
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22/23, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] [Fwd: [Ilugc] CFP - FOSS Conference '08]

2007-11-05 Thread Parthan S R
, skits, dances ... with
FOSS as the theme. Prizes will be given for the best performances

9. Sub-conferences and BOFs - these will largely be left to be
organised by those who propose them. Facilities will be provided as

10. Workshops for teachers and government employees will be organised
by the conference organisers depending on demand.

11. The registration website will be up in a day or two. Kindly
forward this CFP to all LUG, GLUG and FSUG mailing lists.

[1] ILUGC   : http://www.chennailug.org/
[2] NRC-FOSS: http://nrcfosshelpline.in/

- --
Bharathi S

To unsubscribe, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe password address
in the subject or body of the message.  

- --
With Regards,
Parthan aka Technofreak

[web] http://technofreak.in
[blog] blog.technofreak.in
[photos] photos.technofreak.in
[irc] teKnofreak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
[mobile] BLR +919845446647
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Microsoft Claims Vista Is More Secure Than Linux

2007-06-26 Thread Parthan S R
Hash: SHA1

Surjo Das wrote:
 Its not a question of addiction.  It's a matter of habit.  Gabbar
 Singh equates to Amjad Khan and not to Amitabh Bachchan what Ram
 Gopal Varma is trying to do.  He's fighting a losing battle.  I
 went OT here.  But this is the best example I could think of as I
 am also a movie buff.  If you can't imagine anyone else but Amjad
 Khan as Gabbar Singh, then try changing the world from Windows to
 Linux on the desktop.  The server battle is already won.

My head whirled a bit, I have no clue of these Hindi cinema stuffs,
its way too [OT] for me. You are comparing a OS being marketed|sold by
a company with all its evil monopolistic business attitudes to an OS
which is there all due to the selfless contribution of the community.
Though the fact remains that Windows still occupies 95% of the world
desktop, the reason is not people themselves embraced it, rather due
to the early successful monopolistic business tactics that Windows
became a synonym for Computers with the end users.

But when it comes to servers, the people who use them know how a
server should be and were intelligent enough to select GNU/Linux over
Windows, which was a right decision. But, in the desktop market, we
were never interested in doing marketing for GNU/Linux.

Remember, Windows is not a Free OS, even Free as in Free Beer. So
M$ was the need to do marketing because they were getting loads of $$.
I agree that Redhat and Novel do too, but still you have an army of
Free GNU/Linux distributions available.

I second Shakthi's opinion that if at all there were strict piracy
rules in our country, we would have seen more people adopting
GNU/Linux. We do not have more weightage when we  say You have to pay
for Windows, but GNU/Linux is free. Nobody ever paid for their Windows.
 How much time are we talking of here.  Microsoft released Windows
 95 in 1995.  They predicted that all PC's will be manufactured with
 pre-loaded Windows.  Now we are in 2007.  Red Hat came out with
 their 6.2 version in 1999 if I am not mistaken.  Everyone dubbed it
 as the best and stable release then.  Improvements kept happening
 on that over a period of time. We are now in 2007.  How much will
 it take to change things.  Microsoft released Vista in January
 2007.  It is June now.  All PC's that are coming out from factories
 have Vista on them or with a Vista ready sticker.
If I have enough $$$ as Uncle Bill, I will buy at least half of those
PCs coming out and install Ubuntu in them, and make sure things just
work ;) But, what we have with us (I mean the FOSS community) is the
passionate users who are ready to help one another.

Do you know how many users moved to or atl east started trying
GNU/Linux after the release of Vista ? Do you know how many Windows
users are still sticking with their Windows XPs ?

I end up my arguments here. We are going to go nowhere with just
arguments. If you really care, join those passionate GNU/Linux users
who try to spread the awareness amongst their friends and neighbors.
That is how we can conquer the world. :)

- --
With Regards
- ---
Parthan aka Technofreak

[weblog] http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com
[flickr] http://flickr.com/photos/techno_freak
[irc] teKnofreak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] Microsoft Claims Vista Is More Secure Than Linux

2007-06-25 Thread Parthan S R
Hash: SHA1

Surjo Das wrote:
 It is a matter of choice of
 every individual user. 
Agreed! :)
 I am using Vista at home because my wife is familiar
 only with Windows.  I didn't try to convert her to Linux as she has never
 heard of it.  She heard it for the first time when I mentioned it to her. 

IMHO, there is never an option of conversion, there is either
adoption or migration. And, people do not use GNU/Linux mainly because
[1] They are not aware [2] They have not got the opportunity to try it
[3] They need support to use it, especially when they encounter some
problem. If you are a GNU/Linux user, you can very well help your wife
in migration from Windows to GNU/Linux, but that is not going to
happen in a day or a week, may be a month or two.
 I only reiterated the market reality.  Microsoft has the desktop market
 already.  If you happen to visit any middle class home who have a PC for
 their entertainment purpose, invariably you will find it loaded with
 in at least 95% of the cases.  On the server side, there are no doubts that
 Linux is a very strong player.
This is because everything comes preloaded and people do not care much
to find that there is an alternative. Also, they are not aware that
they are actually paying for the Windows they get preloaded or the
local assembler is using Pirated copies.

I won't accept that people think GNU/Linux is not a match for Windows;
I have installed and helped in migration of lot of my friends and they
are now happy GNU/Linux users. Thanks to people like Dell, we have
started to get the right kind of opportunity to go preloaded. Its we,
GNU/Linux users have to take some responsibility in at least creating
an awareness amongst our friends and relatives circle.

- --
With Regards
- ---
Parthan aka Technofreak

[weblog] http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com
[flickr] http://flickr.com/photos/techno_freak
[irc] teKnofreak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] [Fwd: [Ilugc] [Jobs] Openings at CollabNet]

2007-05-18 Thread Parthan S R
Hash: SHA1

-  Original Message 
Subject: [Ilugc] [Jobs] Openings at CollabNet
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 22:56:39 -0700
From: Bhuvaneswaran [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We have couple of openings in CollabNet Chennai office.

1) Subversion Developer

For Linux based developers,
   * Building GUI applications on Linux.

For Windows developers,
   * Experience with Microsoft .NET and Windows APIs.
   * Experience building GUIs for Windows.
   * Experience working with client server applications in Windows.
   * Hands on experience in programming using TCP/IP on Windows will be an
   * Experience developing plug-ins for Microsoft Windows based

2) Instantiation Engineer
Instantiation Engineers work as part of our Operations Engineering team.
They are responsible for creating and maintaining in-house tools, as
well as
implementing and upgrading customized installations of CollabNet
Edition and related product offerings.

Instantiation Engineers regularly work with nearly every part of the
and every technology we use, rather than specializing in one area.
It is critical that Instantiation Engineers have solid software
architecture, and Unix-systems experience. Must be able to design
implement and
integrate subsystems as part of a large system. Must be able to work
independently and in a team setting.  Be able to articulate
implementation issues
to peers, management, and at cross-functional level. Must be able to
alternative solutions from an implementation perspective. Must have
verbal and writing skills. Be able to propose solutions that may be
outside of
the specifications.  Applicants with wide variety of technical
experience on
their resume are good candidates for this position.


+ Bachelors' Degree in Computer Science and 4 to 6 years experience or

Job requirements:

+ 5+ years experience with n-tier Web-based enterprise software
+ Strong background with Free/Open Source software and methodologies
+ Linux/Unix administration
+ Demonstrated scripting ability (Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.)
+ Web-based Application development using Java/J2EE technologies
+ Expertise with SQL and database servers (MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
+ Able to articulate test and use cases from customer functional
+ Experience with installation and customization of Web-based enterprise
+ Experience in data migration and software upgrades
+ Demonstrated ability to identify possible source of defects and issues
+ Strong multitasking ability
+ Demonstrated ability to jungle several activities at the same time and
communicate status to others effectively.
+ Tomcat, JBoss, and CVS/Subversion experience preferred


+ Work closely with peers to investigate, develop, package, test, and
   custom tools
+ Develop and maintain one-off customisations to add value specific
to one
   customers use of CollabNet products
+ Act as liaison to Professional Services group for customer specific work
+ Design and develop tools to address internal corporate needs
+ Coordinate activities with other Instantiation Engineers in
multiple locations

If you are interested and if your profile matches any of above job
description, please forward your resume to Balaji
[EMAIL PROTECTED]. Please specify [Ilugc] Position name (Ex:
[Ilugc] Subversion Developer) in the email subject.

PLEASE DO NOT FORWARD THEM TO ME. For more job openings at CollabNet,
please refer to following web page:

Thank you!
- --
GPG: 0x7A13E5B0
To unsubscribe, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe password address
in the subject or body of the message.  

- --
With Regards
- ---
Parthan aka Technofreak

[weblog] http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com
[flickr] http://flickr.com/photos/techno_freak
[irc] techno_freak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] test ?!

2007-03-13 Thread Parthan
Sumit Kumar wrote:

Sumit, can I know what are you trying to do. There were a couple of 
blank mails, this one and one more just quoting another mail by some one 
else. Are trying to say some thing or playing some fun ?

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
..0 [Web] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Parthan
000 [Blog]http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] [Annoncement] Ubuntu-India at Carte Blanche 2007

2007-02-28 Thread Parthan
Hello LUGies,

Its our great pleasure in announcing that Ubuntu-India Team will 
participate in Carte Blanche 2007 held at MIT Campus Chrompet on 3rd and 
4th March 2007. We have got a stall for Ubtunu-India Team and have 
prepared banners and fliers about Ubuntu  the Loco Team.

We also plan to exhibit Ubuntu loaded computers as a hands-on system 
where visitors can have an Ubuntu experience. We also plan to display 3D 
desktop using Beryl.

We hereby call for participation from all Ubunteros and Ubuntu fans, 
join our volunteers and help them display the power of the Ubuntu 
community and our favorite distribution.

The stall will also serve the purpose of offering help and troubleshoot 
any of your Ubuntu related queries and assist you to enjoy the Ubuntu 
Linux experience.

We will also try to make Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy CDs available for copies. We 
request those who are interested to get copies to bring Blank CDs (one 
CD per Ubuntu/Kubuntu) and get them burnt in the stall.

We also thank the Carte Blanche Organizers for offering us a stall and 
hope we will get support from the community for Ubuntu-India Teams' 
endeavor on participating in a FOSS event like Carte Blanche.

Thanks to the Ubuntu-India Team for all their support and contributions. 
We look forward to your continued support in all our further endeavors.

For all further assistance and information regarding the Ubuntu-India 
stall please contact any of the following Ubunteros:

[1] Baishampatan Ghose - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** Ubuntu-India Loco Team Lead
(Local Team Members at Chennai)
[2] Aanjhan Ranganathan - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** NA during the event
[3] Parthan S R - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** NA during the event
[4] Sudharshan - [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 9840904288 ** Will be incharge of 
the stall during the event, along with other volunteers

[ We welcome the other volunteers for the Ubuntu-In stall to provide 
their contact details by updating this thread]

All comments and suggestions are welcome from the community to make this 
event a grand success.

Some Relayed Links:

[1] Carte Blanche'07 - http://cs-mit.org/cb07/schedule.html
[2] Ubuntu India Team Home/Wiki - http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/Main_Page
[3] Ubuntu India Loco Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam
[4] Ubuntu.com -   http://www.ubuntu.com/

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
..0 [Web] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Parthan
000 [Blog]http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] Invitation to FOSS Meet @ NITC 2007

2007-02-13 Thread Parthan

Another chance for a get together for FOSS Community at National
Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala.

National Institute of Technology, Calicut will be hosting a three-day
conference, pertaining to Free and Open Source Software, namely FOSS
Meet @ NITC 2007, on 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March 2007 with theme We
Engineer FOSS ! . The Meet will consist of Talks, BoFs, Workshops,
Interactive sessions and Competitions from Core areas such dive into
Kernel hacking, designing and creation of tools, softwares... using

The Honourable Chief Minister of Kerala Shri V S Achuthanandan,
promoter of FOSS in Government of Kerala will be the chief guest for
the meet.

For more details and updates visit the foss meet website at
http://www.foss.nitc.ac.in and wiki at

This meet is organized by the GNU/Linux Users Group Calicut(GLUGC) in
association with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Student Branch NIT Calicut [IEEE], Computer Society of India, Calicut
Chapter [CSI], Computer Science and Engineering Association [CSEA] and
all the volunteers from various walks of life.

We invite all the enthusiasts to participate in one the Kerala's
Biggest FOSS Meets.

NOTE :: Participants and Volunteers are required to register online at
the foss meet website

Looking forward to your support and participation.

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
..0 [Web] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Parthan
000 [Blog]http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007

2007-02-08 Thread Parthan
Janani Gopalakrishnan wrote:
Who had the stalls next to Microsoft at LinuxAsia? Did they
 use it well? (Apologies, I couldn't attend LA as I was busy getting married, 
 so somebody who attended please throw light on this!!)

I don't know about who was next to M$'s stall, I know who was there 
opposite to it - it was us NRCFOSS. ;)

  so, now wasn't this a platform to
 show Vista and Red Hat/SUSE/BOSS or whatever distro you place your bet on 
 right next to it... on both sides of Microsoft's booth... so, the users 
 could have seen with their own eyes that Linux and OSS work just as well as 
 the Microsoft products they are so used to?

Why should some one put up a stall and show people about Vista - they 
have already (tried) seen it, and most of them came back to *pirated* 
windows XP. I personally dont believe in comparing GNU/Linux with 
Windows or even Mac. Some may argue that for an *end user* its all same, 
no they are not. Similar eye candies don't make them similar.

 Rather than expect everybody to understand, absorb and live by the 
 principles of free and open source right in the beginning, first show them 
 the produce! Show them that Linux and FOSS works not only for the geek but 
 for the desktop user too, show them it works for businesses, show them it 
 works just as well as what M$ sells. 

They will understand that Linux is 'free as in free beer' if they have 
bought their Windows for money. In a world where pirated stuff is 
common, we need philosophy more.

 Makes me wonder... M$ dared to bravely step into alien turf (well knowing 
 that most attendees at LA are going to be Linux followers and not Microsoft 
 fans... think, if somebody stood in front of the Microsoft stall and loudly 
 argued with the rep there about the merits of Linux, how many people do you 
 think would have objected... now, that's a hazard M$ could have faced), but 
 we hesitate to give them a small place to stand in our ground? 


1. In an Linux or OSS conference, you expect OSS products to be 
displayed. Not something which every one had been seeing it for years, 
having pirated copies in their homes.

2. They were tagged as 'Interoperability' partners and what people 
expected from them was some display of the same. Nobody expected Vista 
over there (though every one know thats all they can display in a M$ 
stall), including me.

3. We were too tempted to know what 'interoperability' they meant were 
all about, so we went to the M$ stall and enquired what they were having 
there for display on a Linux conference. The answer was we have a 
presentation running, you can see that. On the other hand, other stalls 
like Collabnet, Spike Source, Turbo Linux, etc were kind enough to 
explain in detail about their product, answer all queries and even open 
to some criticisms. The people posted at the M$ stall were not techies 
and were not even able to tell what they had displayed in their stall. 
We dont expect the reply check the power point presentation when some 
one eager enough to know something about their presence approaches.

4. Some (around 10) students, who were interacting in our stall, did ask 
me what M$ was doing in a Linux Conference and whether M$ had any Linux 
or Open Source products being displayed ?

5. We, all those who from the community has been talking against M$ 
participation in LA, are people who attend most of the other FOSS 
conferences. We think that FOSS conference is a place where we get 
introduced to, or improve our knowledge about FOSS. Where we can 
socialize within our community and where new endeavors begin. For that 
matter, foss.in was far better place for the FOSS community and if it is 
  true that M$ really wanted to display their product in a Linux/FOSS 
Conference, it should have been Foss.in rather as there were more stalls 
for FOSS products and where a major portion of the community was present 
as well as many non-Indian FOSS Developers as well.

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
..0 [Web] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Parthan
000 [Blog]http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] ILUGD functioning [WAS: Re: The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007]

2007-02-08 Thread Parthan
Anupam Jain wrote:

Being involved with ilugc for almost 3 years now, as both physical 
volunteer and active in mailing list, I just want to add some of our own 
experiences as a LUG.

Every LUG can have two modes of operation which are vital to call it 
alive or dead - Digital and Physical.

Digital activities include Mailing List (which is more or less 
mandatory) and a web site or wiki. Physical activities include monthly 
meets, seminars and workshops, etc.

Considering mailing lists, its pretty much open to discussions. Though 
sometimes it gets personal, most times there are enough people and posts 
for both sides of the coin. But, as far as I have seen, participation in 
mailing list alone doesn't make one take decisions for a LUG. Although 
it is true that all people can not make themselves physically present in 
all the meets, at least they should be know to have attended a few. More 
physical participation you put, more your voices are heard.

Though all issues are posted and discussed in mailing list, mostly 
whenever a concrete decision was required it was always through meets 
and physical participation. Decision making in mailing list has rather 
been ending up in a void state, without a concrete decision been reached 
  mainly due to high volume counter-postings and flame wars.

Sometimes we have had polls, example when we wanted to decide about 
reply-to munging for the mailing list. But, for physical activities it 
has always been through physical participations i.e. meets. Such meets 
are announced prior, those who are interested in decision making 
participate, those who are not in chennai do mail their voices before 
the meeting and the final decision is to the people who attend the 
meeting, mostly the most active 10-20 people of the LUG.

I think, this is not much different from what have been happening in at 
least the other 2 LUGs i mentioned. Though Delhi  LUG may be a 
registered body, still AFAIK follows a similar method where important 
decisions are taken through  meetings and physical voting.

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
..0 [Web] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Parthan
000 [Blog]http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007

2007-02-07 Thread Parthan
Anupam Jain wrote:
 see nothing wrong with letting MS parade the choices it has for offer
 and us parading what we have. If MS pays us good money to hold such a
 showoff and that too *on our turf* then what is the problem? 

Why should MS parade its products on a conference named *Linux* Asia. Is 
it a conference like 'Computer Asia' or 'Technology Asia' or 'Software 
Asia' ? what products that MS exhibited there has relation to Linux. 
They are the first and biggest ones again Linux and what they are doing 
in a so called Linux Conf ?

What interest does MS have in sponsoring a event which is all about 
something they think as their foremost threat to their future existence ?

Why are
 we worried unless we believe that Vista is better than Linux and MS is
 better than FOSS and so on and so forth.

Why you want to compare so crap with Linux ? And why should such things 
be displayed in a place which should have been all about Linux or at 
least something related to or connecting with Linux.

But if this LUG boycotts a Linux event being
 organised by a company actively promoting Linux just because MS was
 allowed to make an appearance and put forward it's views, I have a
 right to be appalled. 

I am afraid that wasnt the only and the foremost reason. Please check 
Mr.Gora's reply in this thread to know the *real* reason for ilugd 
walking out.

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
..0 [Web] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Parthan
000 [Blog]http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007

2007-02-07 Thread Parthan
Naresh Narang wrote:
 Hi there,
 1.   Why are we scared of Microsoft being there in the

s/Scared/Pissed Off ;)

 2.   BTW as for the reason, Microsoft have their Linux
 infrastructure in house to work on and do research.
 They are taking on things that work in Linux and make
 changes to their own products.

They may, but it doesn't mean they can show their proprietary product 
which can not run in Linux, that too in a Linux Conference.

 3.  By similar argument, why can't we take Linux in a
 .NET event to just show anything that works?

Yes, taking that you do so - will you be showing .Net or rather Mono on 
Linux or Java in Linux ? If you are coming to a Linux conf, show/speak 
the same.

 It doesn't do much good, if we can't show TCO will be
 less with Linux. Be realistic, why many people are
 afraid to take on Linux ;)

ahem! and.. you are mailing in a *Linux* user group's mailing list.

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
..0 [Web] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Parthan
000 [Blog]http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007

2007-02-06 Thread Parthan
When we bagged the Microsoft deal--we knew that it was a
 strong acknowledgement of this fact especially w.r.t. India. Hence, we've
 always interpreted Microsoft's sponsorship as a strong acknowledgement of

How does it gets proved they have acknowledged Linux/OSS for sponsoring 
for an event not attended my major portion of the FOSS community. How 
they displayed their acknowledgment ?

 a) Microsoft, due to its recent Novell deal, has entered the Linux
 terrain--though indirectly. Recently, it even sold Novell's Linux'
 Virtualisation Support to Walmart as part of a mega deal.

If they were really interested in 'interoperability' or the 
acknowledgment you said above, they should have rather displayed such 
softwares in their stalls, at least put up a Suse Linux along with Vista 
and showed Samba Sharing ;) or if they have something similar on their 
side :P . Rather, they showed MS Vista and Office 2007. What's Vista and 
Office 2007 doing in a so called Linux Conference ?

Also, we never expected Microsoft to promote open source
 at LA, but by being there and investing in an event that in turn promotes
 Linux/OSS--they did end up promoting the cause.

When it is not expected to promote, then how come the 'acknowledgment' 
discussed above can be trusted ? adding to this, even if they are not 
going to promote it, what they offend it by putting up on display they 
products which are very much in opposition to two main OSS products - 
Linux and OO ?

  The CXOSummit was a major case in point, where we knew
 Frost  Sullivan would table the TOC study, but advanced preparation and
 some great panellists ensured that Linux/OSS emerged stronger--and that
 infront of some of the leading CXOs of Delhi. (I hope a few members of the
 LUG were there at the CXOsummit, and can share their experience.)

Ok, am not sure, but this is was I heard from some OSS passionates who 
were eager enough to check what the CXO was all about. They said M$ and 
Novell was literally hugging and kissing each other.

The main question is why a company which opposes (F)OSS to the core, 
should participate and display their products which are almost rival to 
the product in the title of the conference.

Really, I had at least heard half a dozen students questioning why did 
M$ was participating in a Linux conference ?!

With Regards

Parthan (TechnoFreak)

.   A Proud GNU/Linux User and Ubuntero
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