Re: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-18 Thread LinuxLingam
On Monday 18 August 2003 02:30 pm, you wrote:

   The problem lies with people. people do not want to
   change. People want to continue doing things just as they have
   been doing. a new however better solution is unacceptable.

   if linuxlingam would try making me change form mutt to kmail
   he has a might tough job on his hands.


my ears pricked when i heard 'linuxlingam'  :-)

okay, i agree with spoonman. 
human consciousness always chooses the path of minimum resistance. 
therefore, in the present scenario, using M$ and other propreitory-software 
is the path of minimum resistance. 
the same people resisted using computers about a decade or two ago.
should gnu/linux become the path of minimum resistance, it will be adopted, 
even it may no longer offer any real value or may actually be 

second, i agree with spoonman that i might have a tough job on my hands to 
make spoonman change from mutt to kmal or whatever. but this is the path of 
maximum resistance. and i am human. :-)

more seriously, advocay of anything is a grand delusion, a huge 
self-importance trip, yeah, you are the morpheus, the neo, humanity  has to 
be saved, and all that crap.

the only person you can 'save' is yourself.
more realistically,

you have to be the change you wish to see in the world.

which is why i used macintoshes with their gui and mice and overall technical 
superiority and paradigm-shifts since 1984,
and which is why i use gnulinux, for the vision and philosophy of mukt and 
muft intellectual 'property' whether in software or other more important 
domains like medicine, knowledge, education, music, and more.

spoonman, continue using mutt. tarun, continue using outlook. 
billgates, dual-boot with gnulinux in your personal desktop.

it does not matter to me.


ilugd mailing list

RE: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-18 Thread Tarun Upadhyay
ximian is not free software !!

With Warm Regards
Tarun Upadhyay

Induslogic Inc.
4th Floor, Picadilly House
276, Capt Gaur Marg, Srinivaspuri
Delhi 110065, India.
P: +91.11.5170.9070 x 5353
F: +91.11.5170.9071
C: +91.9811.535353


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Spoonman
 Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 5:01 AM
 To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
 Subject: Re: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is 
 not a troll}
 Hash: SHA1
 On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 12:29:16AM -0400, Tarun Upadhyay wrote:
 TarunI will bite (and change my email client) if somebody 
 can show me 
 Tarunan email client that can talk to MS-Exchange (and yes, 
 I do need 
 Tarunthose shared folders and shared calendars !!) and please do not 
 Tarunget me started on why I need shared calendars 
 integrated with my 
 Tarunemail client. If you have never used, you will never 
 understand it.
   Actully I do. Its the same reason that drives people to buy
   Microsoft office. The same reason people send you a MS word
   templates when you show intrest in writing in their magazines
   and neither your talking about the need to deprecate properietry
   file formats nor your telling them that alternative softwares
   exist has any effect on them. The editor uses MS word and that 
   is an answer you cant do anything about.
 TarunAlternatively, show me a good open source alternative to  
 TarunMS-Exchange that does that on server side - reliably. I 
 know of an 
 Tarunobscure product from Samsung but other than that in my 
 ten years 
 Tarunof managing systems (linux and windows included), I 
 have not seen 
 Tarunany. Last year, I got desperate even asked the question on 
 Tarunslashdot But did not get any good replies, so I have 
 little hopes from linux-delhi.
   look at ximian evolution. it does all the things you are
   cribbing about.
 TarunHell, I will raise the bar and even offer $69 (my 
 outlook license 
 Tarunfee) for anybody who can convince me that there exist an 
 Tarunalternative (open source) to outlook-exchange that is 
 at least as 
 Tarunreliable and allows me to share my calendar and contact 
 Tarunwith my colleagues (with security that I can configure 
 from my client and not from server).
   There is something called ximian connect. take a look.
 TarunI do not want to sound as if I like Microsoft or 
 Outlook a lot. I 
 Tarunfeel equally sad that there are no good open source 
 Tarunand do hope that one comes up. However, pretending that there 
 Tarunexist one when there isnt any will not get us anywhere 
 (nor will 
 Tarunridiculing people who use Outlook). There might be 
 people for whom 
 Tarunopen source is a principle in life and they are willing to live 
 Tarunwith anything but would use only open source software. For me, 
 Tarunusing open source tools is preferable and valuable but 
 not at the cost of quality and productivity.
   The point is not about the lack of alternatives. Alternatives
   exist. there is always more then one way to do it.
   The problem lies with people. people do not want to
   change. People want to continue doing things just as they have
   been doing. a new however better solution is unacceptable.
   if linuxlingam would try making me change form mutt to kmail
   he has a might tough job on his hands.
 - --
 all the things we keep inside,
 are the things that really matter,
 the face puts on its best disguise,
 and all is well, until the heart betrays.
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
 ilugd mailing list

ilugd mailing list

RE: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-18 Thread Tarun Upadhyay
I evaluated Ximian about three months back. I downloaded, installed and even
paid them for it.

The software is not free or open source - not even in parts (the license is

There are two products: Ximian Connect and Ximian Evolution. Neither of
these replaces MS Exchange.
Evolution replaces Outlook for many functions (does not provide shared
folders). Ximian Connect allows Ximian Evolution to talk to MS Exchange (and
supports shared folders thru exchange). 

AFAIK, Evolution is free but Connect is not. That costs $69 per copy and you
still need a license to Microsoft Exchange CAL (which btw costs $69 more and
has outlook bundled free).

So, Ximian is neither free as in beer nor as in speech. (and it is something
that you buy over and above Outlook not as a substitute to it !!)

With Warm Regards
Tarun Upadhyay

Induslogic Inc.
4th Floor, Picadilly House
276, Capt Gaur Marg, Srinivaspuri
Delhi 110065, India.
P: +91.11.5170.9070 x 5353
F: +91.11.5170.9071
C: +91.9811.535353


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tarun Dua
 Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 1:29 AM
 To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
 Subject: RE: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is 
 not a troll}
 On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 09:59, Tarun Upadhyay wrote:
  I will bite (and change my email client) if somebody can show me an 
  email client that can talk to MS-Exchange (and yes, I do need those 
  shared folders and shared calendars !!) and please do not get me 
  started on why I need shared calendars integrated with my email 
  client. If you have never used, you will never understand it.
 Ximian Evolution Suite ( available for Linux ) provides 
 both server side as well as client side. The whole suite is 
 not open source, however. This offers complete compatibility 
 with MS-Exchange both on server side as well as client side.( 
 Please verify this - thats what I last heard about it ) As 
 far as shared calendering/shared folders is concerned I know 
 quite a few Webmail type solutions apart from evolution 
 (which is quite like
 MS-Exchange) on Linux provide that type of groupware.
 Have you searched Sourceforge for available solutions on 
 shared calender/folders/groupware etc.
 -Tarun Dua
 Nothing you ever wanted to find about Tarun Dua
 ilugd mailing list

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-18 Thread LinuxLingam
On Monday 18 August 2003 10:36 pm, you wrote:

  Isnt that the same year some Gorge guy said:
   war is peace;
   freedom is slavery;
   ignorance is strength.

 he he :)

actually, glad you brought that up.
george orwell's vision turns out to be frighteningly true in the digital 
world, with total lack of real privacy, treacherous computing promoted as 
trusted computing, and one Big Brother spelled with a B.

the launch of the macintosh ad showed the hammer thrown at that image. the 
mac promised 1984 won't be like 1984, but the promise is being fulfilled so 
far, not by apple, nor mac, but by gnuLinux.

but hey, did you know george also wrote another book, probably alluding to 
the way the opensource community would work in this future: something about 
some animals being more equal than others . . .  what did he call it, SCO 
Farm or something, i think . . . .


ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-17 Thread Spoonman
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 04:29:00AM +0530, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
Sandip:) and also about sometimes not having choice. I know (and I am occasionally
Sandipone of these) many people who have to use Windoze bozes because of
Sandiprequirements at job. If that is the time that they have to keep up with the
Sandiplist, they will use what they have to communicate. As long as the community
Sandipbenefits from the participation of that individual, I dont think it should
Sandipmake a huge difference what software the person is using... 
SandipYes, using OSS software is a good demonstration of what we are preaching, but
Sandipwhen we can't use it, we respect the compulsions(if any) of the person to not
Sandipuse it at that point of time ...

A lot of GNU alternatives are available on the windows platform too. 
if only someone would try to make an effort. I think mozilla plus its
mail client runs just as well on windows. there is sylpheed. GNuwin2 is there.

But, I am not judging anyone here. And my original reply was not
intended to make Tarun look bad, guilty or anything it was to Shuvam 
but it invariably did that.

Rajuoh, I don't know.  You could be a lawyer who fights cases for the free
Rajusoftware community pro bono, but still not use, want to use or know
Rajuhow to use Linux or *BSD.  Does that make you less of a contributor to
Rajuthe free software community?  IMO it's not a good idea to judge
Rajupeople's ideals by what technology they use, in general.

No, no one should be judged and no one should explain why he uses
windows. but, is it really so hard to shift to an open source email
client that debating about it on the mailing list seems like an easier

I volunteer to download, install and personaly train Tarun if he can/
he wishes to shift to mozilla. and if mozilla dsnt comes up to his
expectations as an email client he shouldnt be promoting or looking 
for ways to make any case stronger for opensource.

I dont think henry ford ever bought a volksvagan. 

- ---end quoted text---
- -- 
all the things we keep inside,
are the things that really matter,
the face puts on its best disguise,
and all is well, until the heart betrays.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


ilugd mailing list

RE: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-17 Thread Tarun Upadhyay
I will bite (and change my email client) if somebody can show me an email
client that can talk to MS-Exchange (and yes, I do need those shared folders
and shared calendars !!) and please do not get me started on why I need
shared calendars integrated with my email client. If you have never used,
you will never understand it.

Alternatively, show me a good open source alternative to  MS-Exchange that
does that on server side - reliably. I know of an obscure product from
Samsung but other than that in my ten years of managing systems (linux and
windows included), I have not seen any. Last year, I got desperate even
asked the question on slashdot But did not get any good replies, so I have
little hopes from linux-delhi.

Spoonman, I agree there are pleny of good open source email clients around
(and no, mozilla is not what I would recommend) however, if you want to have
a real productivity application (which at the minimum allows you to share
your calendar and contacts in a user-friendly manner) there is absolutely
nothing around.

Hell, I will raise the bar and even offer $69 (my outlook license fee) for
anybody who can convince me that there exist an alternative (open source) to
outlook-exchange that is at least as reliable and allows me to share my
calendar and contact database with my colleagues (with security that I can
configure from my client and not from server).

and I am not even asking for customizable database that outlook has any in
the backend and its programmability. Spoonman, this is a linux list so I
wont talk about all kind of customizability and extensibility that outlook
offers but if you are interested I can show it to you sometime. (believe me,
mutt-boy, you will be surprised. There is a reason why it is so easy to
write viruses for outlook. And the reason is because, it is easy to write
*anything* for outlook and that is not always a bad thing).

I do not want to sound as if I like Microsoft or Outlook a lot. I feel
equally sad that there are no good open source alternatives and do hope that
one comes up. However, pretending that there exist one when there isnt any
will not get us anywhere (nor will ridiculing people who use Outlook). There
might be people for whom open source is a principle in life and they are
willing to live with anything but would use only open source software. For
me, using open source tools is preferable and valuable but not at the cost
of quality and productivity. 

With Warm Regards
Tarun Upadhyay

Induslogic Inc.
4th Floor, Picadilly House
276, Capt Gaur Marg, Srinivaspuri
Delhi 110065, India.
P: +91.11.5170.9070 x 5353
F: +91.11.5170.9071
C: +91.9811.535353


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Spoonman
 Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 2:15 PM
 To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
 Subject: Re: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is 
 not a troll}
 Hash: SHA1
 On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 04:29:00AM +0530, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
 Sandip:) and also about sometimes not having choice. I know 
 (and I am 
 Sandipoccasionally one of these) many people who have to use Windoze 
 Sandipbozes because of requirements at job. If that is the time that 
 Sandipthey have to keep up with the list, they will use what 
 they have 
 Sandipto communicate. As long as the community benefits from the 
 Sandipparticipation of that individual, I dont think it 
 should make a huge difference what software the person is using...
 SandipYes, using OSS software is a good demonstration of what we are 
 Sandippreaching, but when we can't use it, we respect the 
 Sandipcompulsions(if any) of the person to not use it at 
 that point of time ...
 A lot of GNU alternatives are available on the windows platform too. 
 if only someone would try to make an effort. I think mozilla 
 plus its mail client runs just as well on windows. there is sylpheed. GNuwin2 is there.
 But, I am not judging anyone here. And my original reply was 
 not intended to make Tarun look bad, guilty or anything it 
 was to Shuvam but it invariably did that.
 Rajuoh, I don't know.  You could be a lawyer who fights 
 cases for the 
 Rajufree software community pro bono, but still not use, 
 want to use or 
 Rajuknow how to use Linux or *BSD.  Does that make you less of a 
 Rajucontributor to the free software community?  IMO it's not a good 
 Rajuidea to judge people's ideals by what technology they 
 use, in general.
 No, no one should be judged and no one should explain why he 
 uses windows. but, is it really so hard to shift to an open 
 source email client that debating about it on the mailing 
 list seems like an easier option? 
 I volunteer to download, install and personaly train Tarun if 
 he can/ he wishes to shift to mozilla. and if mozilla dsnt 
 comes up to his expectations as an email client he

RE: [ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-17 Thread Tarun Dua
On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 09:59, Tarun Upadhyay wrote:
 I will bite (and change my email client) if somebody can show me an email
 client that can talk to MS-Exchange (and yes, I do need those shared folders
 and shared calendars !!) and please do not get me started on why I need
 shared calendars integrated with my email client. If you have never used,
 you will never understand it.
Ximian Evolution Suite ( available for Linux ) provides both server side as
well as client side. The whole suite is not open source, however. This
offers complete compatibility with MS-Exchange both on server side as
well as client side.( Please verify this - thats what I last heard about
it )
As far as shared calendering/shared folders is concerned I know quite a
few Webmail type solutions apart from evolution (which is quite like
MS-Exchange) on Linux provide that type of groupware.
Have you searched Sourceforge for available solutions on shared
calender/folders/groupware etc.
-Tarun Dua
Nothing you ever wanted to find about Tarun Dua

ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] Re: Office Depot Aids Monopoly{This is not a troll}

2003-08-16 Thread Sandip Bhattacharya
+++ Tarun Upadhyay [16/08/03 14:52 -0400]:
 P.S. meanwhile you keep using mutt and I will keep using outlook. What is
 open source movement if not about choice?

:) and also about sometimes not having choice. I know (and I am occasionally
one of these) many people who have to use Windoze bozes because of
requirements at job. If that is the time that they have to keep up with the
list, they will use what they have to communicate. As long as the community
benefits from the participation of that individual, I dont think it should
make a huge difference what software the person is using... 

Yes, using OSS software is a good demonstration of what we are preaching, but
when we can't use it, we respect the compulsions(if any) of the person to not
use it at that point of time ...

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya
sandip at
Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

ilugd mailing list