[Imap-uw] SSL and systemd

2017-09-15 Thread Andrew Daviel

I have panda-imap running on CentOS 7 with xinetd.
We wanted to implement it using a systemd service instead, so I made 
/usr/lib/systemd/system/imaps@.service imaps.socket imap.socket 

The server appears to work on port 143 with STARTTLS (or notls)

But on port 993 it responds with plaintext.

If I enable DEBUG logging in syslog, with xinetd I get messages like
 Login user=andrew host=blah.example.com []
 imaps SSL service init from
but with systemd service I get
 Login user=andrew host=[NON-IPv4]
 Line too long before authentication host=[NON-IPv4]

I suspect some code in server_init in osdep/unix/env_unix.c
which I don't entirely understand

Has anyone solved this ?

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] IDLETIMER and slow/buggy networks

2014-03-17 Thread Andrew Daviel

Recently we had some users in one office who were unable to send mail 
attachments with Thunderbird - they sent OK with SMTP, but when 
Thunderbird tried to save a copy in the user's Sent folder, the operation 

When I looked on the wire, I could see something like this:

+ Waiting for DONE
20 OK IDLE completed
21 append Sent (\Seen) {820767+}
Message-ID: blahblah...
.. lots of base-64 text ..
i3X00+ZAg/gDi* BYE Autologout (idle for too long)
The logfile on the server I think logs imapd[n]: Unexpected client 

In that office, it looks like we have a real network problem - there are 
lots of TCP retransmits on larger packets, so the transaction is running 
afoul of IDLETIMER which is hardcoded at one minute in imapd.c.
But that's making mail fail, rather than just running real slow like, for 
example, scp.

Since it seems to me that imapd is waiting for DONE, not just network 
activity, I was wondering if it ever times out on a non-broken network - 
one that's just naturally slow, for instance.
E.g. our sendmail has a byte limit of some 60Mb (some servers have no 
limit), so I could conceviably send a 50Mb attachment from home on my 
feeble 400kbps uplink, which would take much longer than 1 minute to 
write to Sent (I've yet to actually try that).

I do see quite a few Unexpected client disconnect messages in syslog in 
general, but have not yet joined all the dots together - I'm not sure if 
it's a general imapd issue, or an interaction with Thunderbird.

I was wondering if my interpretation of this is correct, and whether 
increasing IDLETIMER might be a good idea.

Andrew Daviel
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] MIX and NFS

2013-10-08 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Tue, 1 Oct 2013, Oscar del Rio wrote:

On 10/ 1/13 08:49 PM, Andrew Daviel wrote:

We are using UW imapd 2007 with MIX format mailboxes.
Our storage expert would really like to use an NFS-mounted volume on a
native ZFS appliance, saying it's much better for snapshots and 
block-oriented backups than iSCSI.

Thanks Oscar for your answers

I have been looking at this again, as our storage guy said Oh but Linux 
supports the local_lock switch in NFS mount.
Yes it does - from Linux 2.6.37. But I found a patch to backport that to 
2.6.18, which is coincidentally what I am running on CentOS 5.

So I've been playing. I ran mailutil to repeatedly append and prune a 
mailbox on NFS, while dmail keeps delivering mail. Sure enough, after a 
few minutes, I get mailbox corruptions.
Then I built a patched nfs_utils and nfs.ko module, and tried mounting the 
disk with e.g. mount -t nfs -o rw,nosuid,local_lock=all

UW imap defines safe_flock in c-client/flocklnx.c, which makes flock() 
a no-op, citing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=123415

But that's from 2005, talking about Linux 2.4.21.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_locking says that
Kernel 2.6.12 and above implement flock calls on NFS files using POSIX 
byte-range locks and the kernel code fs/nfs/file.c says
We're simulating flock() locks using posix locks on the server. No BSD 
flocks over NFS allowed.' Seems to me flock() works now. The flock shell 
command works fine on an NFS volume (flock lockfile bash). In spite of the 
fact the manpage for flock() (2) still says it doesn't.

So I commented out the no-op in safe_flock, and my test setup works fine - 
no mailbox corruption - even with local_lock=none. However, it does 
occasionally hang for a bit - it may be triggering the 5-second sleep in 
safe_flock() although I don't see any syslog messages. Or it may be the 
NFS server itself.

If I set local_lock=all, again I get no corruption, and I don't get any 
hangs either.

I haven't tried exhaustively yet - running the test for hours - or a 
proper mailtest suite.

If you are planning to change storage, maybe it is also time to consider 
switching to another server.
We recently moved to dovecot with mdbox format, which is similar to Mark's 
MIX format (but not compatible).

I found e.g.
which implies Dovecot may not be 100% robust on NFS.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] MIX and NFS

2013-10-01 Thread Andrew Daviel

Now that Mark sadly is no longer with us, maybe I can raise this without 
getting my head bitten off.

We are using UW imapd 2007 with MIX format mailboxes.
Our storage expert would really like to use an NFS-mounted volume on a
native ZFS appliance, saying it's much better for snapshots and 
block-oriented backups than iSCSI.

Given that we are only trying to support one flavour of Unix (Linux), and 
possibly using NFS4 on Centos6/Linux 2.6, is there still a problem with
NFS, if the only processes opening mailboxes are using c-client libraries 
(dmail, imapd, mailutin, alpine) ?

I have read some of the copious texts about Sys V and flock() and am not 
sure what applies to Linux.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Intermediate SSL certificates in UW-imapd

2013-09-26 Thread Andrew Daviel

We have had UW imapd-2007e running fine for some time.
Recently our SSL certificate provider announced that we had to upgrade our 
1024-bit certificate to 2048 before it was revoked.

The replacement they provided is not signed by a CA in the Mozilla store 
(and hence OpenSSL which copies it) - it uses an intermediate certificate.

I got Apache to work by following instructions and defining 
OpenLdap seems happy with the intermediate certificate added to the bundle 
defined as TLSCACertificateFile.

But imapd does not. It uses a PEM file with both the key and 
certificate, and the OpenSSL library. OpenSSL (at least, the openssl 
shell command), uses the bundle in  /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem. But Alpine, at 
least, is unhappy if I just add the intermediate certificate to that.

Is there a solution ? Or should we just order a proper directly-signed 
certificate ?

CentOS 5.7
Linux 2.6.18 x86_64

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Concurrent IMAP connections from MacOS

2011-09-07 Thread Andrew Daviel

I note that modern email clients maintain multiple concurrent IMAP 
connections to the server, e.g. Thunderbird has a (configurable) default 
of (?) 5, which would speed up polling multiple inboxes on one server and 
allow faster message copying between multiple folders.

Excessive connections from one client, on the other hand, may be a 
dictionary attack.

I had set a per_source limit of 10 on POP and 20 on IMAP in Linux 
xinetd.d/*. That works fine with Thunderbird and Squirrelmail, Alpine 
etc. (we don't have big NAT'ted client farms). However, we've been 
getting connection problems from MAC machines and logging xinetd 
per_source_limit failures.

Is this a bug in Mac Mail ? Does it really need that many connections, 
and if so how many ? I'm reluctant to dedicate so much server resources 
to one or two users for no good reason, or weaken filters against network 

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] imapd automove from spool to inbox

2010-12-03 Thread Andrew Daviel

Pardon the weird title, but I have a weird situation.

We use procmail for mail delivery via dmail, but historically did not 
trust users not to mangle procmailrc and lose their mail. So we have some 
templates, like all mail in INBOX, and file spam in Junk, with user's 
.procmailrc a symbolic link to the template, which belongs to root.

A little while ago I screwed up while changing a user UID, and 
accidentally changed the ownership of the template.

Later I found syslog entries like
  procmail[3774]: Suspicious rcfile /home/foo/.procmailrc
and realized that user's rcfiles that used that template were not being 
used (except for foo). But there was no outcry of missing mail - only 
one user noticed that tagged spam was getting in his inbox instead of 
being filtered to Junk.
It seems that procmail reverted to delivering mail to 
However, when imapd ran in response to a user client, the messages were 
magically copied across back to /home/foo/INBOX (a mix folder)

This is a nice feature to have, as it turns out, but I had no idea that 
it existed. Is it a design feature ? Can I trust it ?

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] using openssl s_client with uw servers

2010-11-12 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Tue, 9 Nov 2010, Andrew Daviel wrote:

Has anyone used openssl with UW imapd/pop3d to check certificates ?

I use it to check pop3s on port 995, and imaps on port 993. That works 

echo 0 LOGOUT|openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $host:993

Any ideas ? Do I need some particular option on the command line ?

FYI, fixed it. I just needed to add -tls1, viz.

echo 0 logout | openssl s_client -showcerts -starttls imap -connect $host:143 

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] running out of disk space

2009-07-07 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Thu, 2 Jul 2009, Mark Crispin wrote:

Ideally, dmail should fail gracefully.

It's supposed to, yes.

My bad. I had an old version on my old desktop; dmail has no --version 
argument but I'm guessing it's from 2006 or earlier.

replicating error by deliberately filling up a Linux ext3 partition:

old version:
Error updating mix index file
message delivery failed to /boot/foobar/mail/xxx
invalid mailbox name foobar+mail/xxx
delivered to /var/spool/mail/foobar
- leaves mailbox broken
subsequent attempts:
Oversize mix status record
Can't open append mailbox: Success
message delivery failed to /boot/foobar/mail/xxx

new (2007) version:
Error flushing mix index file
Error in mix status sequence record, i=4a53bce4, seq=4a53bce5
Reclaimed 22789 bytes of expunged space
message delivery failed to /boot/foobar/mail/xxx
invalid mailbox name foobar+mail/xxx
delivered to /var/spool/mail/foobar
- leaves mailbox OK

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] speeding searches by pre-indexing

2009-07-02 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Mark Crispin wrote:

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Andrew Daviel wrote:

129,634 messages in 23 hours

Yikes!  What is that?  Indexing time?  Search time?

Indexing time.

Sorry, stripped off the original detail. I was trying to get a global 
search for all my mailboxes by pointing htdig at my webmail application.
So what I end up with is a web search engine that returns links into 
webmail. Works, friendlier than grep whatever mail/.mix*, but indexing 
too slow for real world use.

The slowness is almost all in htdig (the indexing robot). It's 
single-threaded, and when it was written hammering websites at  
2 requests/minute was considered rude.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] running out of disk space

2009-07-02 Thread Andrew Daviel

I ran out of disk space this morning, and dmail broke the index files on 
several of my inboxes. Subsequent access with dmail or Pine gave 
Oversize mix status record and I had to repair the mailboxes, after 
deleting some junk and creating a new inbox so I would not lose any more
(ought to have got temporary failure and returned to local mail queue, 
but I'm not sure. Caught it relatively quickly)

Ideally, dmail should fail gracefully. I'm not sure quite how. Seeing if 
there's enough space to write the message, or double-buffering the index 
file maybe.

Fortunately this was all on my desktop, not the main mail server, 
otherwise I'd still be picking up the pieces tomorrow. Note to self - 
make quite sure we don't run out of space.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] speeding searches by pre-indexing

2009-06-12 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Wed, 27 May 2009, Andrew Daviel wrote:

Right now I'm running it across 
100Bt on 1Gb (10%) of my personal mail, and I'll see how many days that takes 
... :-7

129,634 messages in 23 hours ... guess I won't be doing that on a daily 
basis.. on the other hand, 2100 messages in 3min on the local machine 
(faster hardware, too) is a bit less unreasonable .. still 2 months to 
do 900 users. yikes! Search interface is general Web one - no search by 
From or Subject specifically, just by free text (subject appears in HTML 

title, which gets more weight etc.)


Just went to a presentation by Zimbra. Seems they index mail as it goes 
in (or is uploaded with IMAP) and can search across mailboxes with their 
Web interface. Per-mailbox with IMAP, but using the same fast index.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] imapd aborts with header size inconsistent

2009-06-03 Thread Andrew Daviel

I was just playing with the Zimbra desktop client - at least in Linux, 
it's a Java app that can do IMAP as well as zimbra, gmail etc.

When trying on my test account, it hangs while syncing.

It seems that it wants to download everything, not just subscribed 
mailboxes. I have various unavoidable non-mailbox files like .procmailrc 
and .vacation.db, but also some other cruft.
One of which is a broken mail file of some kind, another is a virus 
sample, which cause imapd to bomb

As zdesktop won't run in plaintext mode I can't check the commands, but I 
can reproduce the effect, viz.

$ imapd
1 list  h*
* LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) / head1
1 OK LIST completed
2 select head1
* BYE [ALERT] IMAP4rev1 server crashing: header size inconsistent

syslog contains
 Fatal error user=xx host=yy [a.b.c.d]  mbx=/x/y/z/head1: header size 

zdesktop reports this as
  Failure communicating with remote server. Please try again later.
and can't get past this point

I was wondering why  imapd does not merely return BAD to the SELECT 
operation, and continue. Or is the thread too screwed up at that point to 
safely do so ?

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Problem deleting folders with Thunderbird

2009-05-22 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Thu, 21 May 2009, Mark Crispin wrote:

On Thu, 21 May 2009, Andrew Daviel wrote:
If in Thunderbird the option server supports folders which can contain 
both folders and messages is checked

No client should ever have, or need, such a configuration option.  This is 
handled by the IMAP protocol.

With the option set, the GUI has a single option create subfolder.
With it clear, it asks if you want a folder or a directory.
As far as I can see, with MBX or Unix, create test will
do open (test, O_RDWR) and create test/ will do mkdir (test).

In RFC 3501 you say If the mailbox name is suffixed with the .. 
hierarchy separator .. the client intends to create mailbox names under 
this name. Which implies that the client needs to know which to create. 
Since the server workings are (rightly) hidden from users, and the 
paradigm is that a folder on a GUI desktop contains both files and 
folders, users will assume that a folder can contain both subfolders and 

Maybe I am missing something, but I can't see anything in the protocol 
for a client to determine whether a server can create subfolders without 
testing it.

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] speeding searches by pre-indexing

2009-05-22 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Fri, 22 May 2009, Andrew Daviel wrote:

I was wondering if it was possible to use a regularly-computed word index to 
speed up searching, as per Web search engines.

Hmm .. I can point htdig at my tinymail webmail interface, which uses 
SSL/HTTP basic auth, setuid and preauthenticated httpd. A bit of tweaking 
at both ends, to make tinymail not so tiny and to make the HTML better 
optimized for searching and replace some POST links with followable GET 
links, and I might have a passable searchable mailstore. But not 
searchable via IMAP - at least, not without a lot of hacking.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Problem deleting folders with Thunderbird

2009-05-14 Thread Andrew Daviel

We have a problem with users trying to delete folders using Thunderbird. 
Part of it is a TB problem IMO (some discussion with Mark a while back; 
TB is trying to delete an open folder without deselecting it).

However, another issue seems to be that imapd is not unsubscribing from 
the deleted folder properly

from network capture:
3 list  Trash/test/*
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) / Trash/test/
3 OK LIST completed
4 delete Trash/test/
4 OK DELETE completed
5 unsubscribe Trash/test/
5 NO Not subscribed to mailbox Trash/test/
6 logout

- at this point, Trash/test/ has disappeared from the filesystem, but 
there is still an entry Trash/test in .mailboxlist.
Thunderbird seems to ignore error status and thinks it has successfully 
unsubscribed - the icon disappears. But after exiting and restarting 
(logging in again), the icon reappears pointing to a mailbox that cannot 
be selected.

imapd-2007, as I recall

I submitted 414101 now marked as a duplicate

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] SELinux and dmail

2008-10-06 Thread Andrew Daviel

I just upgraded to Fedora 9 at home (disk went bad, FC4 didn't support 
new SATA disk on my motherboard, Firefox 3 wouldn't run ... time to 

Anyhow, newer Fedora (and RHEL 5 on my new desktop at work) come with 
SELinux turned on, and I thought I should get my head around it instead 
of turning it off (after all, it is a security feature and I'm supposed 
to know about that stuff..)

So, a ton of SELinux errors (10,000 and counting) as soon as I start 
importing my stuff onto a virgin system. One relevant to this list is for 

I don't really know what I'm doing here (yet). This is still the standard 
sendmail config calling procmail as local delivery; .procmailrc feeds
|dmail. I used chcon to set the attributes for dmail the same as 
procmail thinking that might help, but no. The mail is 
actually being delivered, though.

.. I just thought .. this is my old home partition using Reiserfs 3 on 
sdb10. According to some other error message I'd seen, an ISO volume 
(CDROM loopback) also has nfs type as it doesn't support the extended 
attributes. So maybe if I move my home directory to the new disk under 
ext3, and relabel it, the errors will go away. But it is quite common I 
think to have NFS-mounted home directories - certainly we do it at work 
on clustered machines - and I presume this would have the same problem.

Anyone done this before ?
Any idea what setroubleshooter is talking about getattr to / ?
I could not find getattr in the source code, and if it's
trying to access my mail folder, that's on /home not /

I also have a script  ~/bin/nmail which procmail calls to write message 
headers to a pipe that lists incoming mail in a window. That fails 
totally. Maybe the same issues around my reiserfs partition


SELinux is preventing dmail (procmail_t) getattr to / (nfs_t).
SELinux denied access requested by dmail. It is not expected that this 
access is required by dmail and this access may signal an intrusion 

Source Context:  system_u:system_r:procmail_t:s0Target 
Context:  system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0Target Objects:  / [ filesystem 
]Source:  dmailSource Path:  /usr/bin/dmail

denied { getattr } for pid=8337 comm=dmail name=/ dev=sdb10 ino=2 
tcontext=system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0 tclass=filesystem


SELinux is preventing sh (procmail_t) execute to ./nmail 

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager___
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] FYI: procmail/dmail rule

2008-07-07 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, Jeroen van Aart wrote:

Andrew Daviel wrote:
We run procmail rules for server-side spam filtering, using dmail as the 
delivery agent for MIX format. Generally this works well.

Wouldn't spam filtering at the smtp level be more effective and cause less 
traffic? It's important to be able to reject a message asap, preferably 
before any data goes through (grey listing, rejecting certain IP-addresses, 
etc.). So you have the least possible waste of resources.

Yes, we do that too - RBL at RCPT time plus spamassassin milter at DATA 
time. Currently it looks like 80% is rejected at RCPT, 10% at DATA, and
3% filtered on delivery, leaving 7% legitimate mail. The RBL 
rejected number seems on a linear rise over the last year :-(

Mail scored over one threshold is deemed definitely spam and rejected 
by SMTP DATA response.
Mail scored over a lower threshold is deemed possible spam and 
accepted, allowing users to filter it, adjust whitelists etc.

They can also have multiple inboxes for mailing lists etc. if they wish.
Mail scored below the low threshold is deemed ham (sic).

One problem with filtering up front is that messages must be scored 
before they are cloned, meaning that a user's personal whitelist cannot 
be applied if there is more than one recipient. Just in case we have some 
spam-lovers, or commercial newsletters that trip the threshold...

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Problem deleting MIX folders - locking

2008-01-29 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Rodolfo Cossalter wrote:

This problem has been reported earlier:

Ah. October 2006. Didn't find those (I never seem to hit the right 
keywords and end up submitting duplicates).

Is it specific to MIX ? Or whether the dual use flag is set in 
Thunderbird ? I did not try that, just verified that I could not delete 
an empty folder.

RFC 3501 says that a SELECT does an implicit CLOSE, but doesn't mention
DELETE or say that a mailbox must be closed before deletion, so I guess 
it is one of those implementation dependant things (or of course

it should be closed first. it's too obvious to mention ..)

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] repairing Mix ?

2006-12-15 Thread Andrew Daviel

I think Mark said there would at some point be a Mix repair tool.

We had a power bump last night and I have a user with .mixstatus and 
.mixindex full of nulls. I may have a go at recovering it, or may have a 
recent backup, but wondered if this had already been done (writing a 
tool, that is).

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] repairing Mix ?

2006-12-15 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Mark Crispin wrote:

Inspect the .mixmeta file in the damaged mailbox.  Is it still sane? Compare 
it with the one in the restored copy.

I may have lost the damaged one (I mean, I ran Pine which may 
have overwritten it, but I think it was sane

What I did:

- restored .mixstatus and .mixindex from a dirvish backup (easy - it's 
just an rsync copy)
- now I could read all the messages (a sample anyway; there are 3000 

But there were about 10 messages  arrived since the backup was made, so
I cut them off the end of the .mix data file and made them into a Unix 
mailbox by the expedient of

  sed 's/^:msg:.*/From some plausible string/'
then checked it with Pine, then did
$ mailtutil append mailbox extra-messages

This pretty much seemed to have fixed things. It is unlikely that the 
user did a lot of work (deleting, answering) between the backup at 11:45 
pm and the power bump at 6am

The broken .mixindex and .mixstatus look to have been the original 
length, but contained 100% zeroes (ASCII NUL)

For repairing MBX files, I found that if data went missing in the middle 
of a message, then the pointer list got lost so I had to regenerate it 
from SMTP message headers (as marking a new message). I would think that 
still applies to MIX, though perhaps it's not so likely to break.

It would be nice to start from a broken status file to restore message 
status where it exists, rather than set it all to zero, but you'd still 
need the option to recreate .mixstatus entirely. Though in that case it 
may be easier to make a Unix box as I just did and convert it back.

Incidentally, in mixfmt.txt for .mixindex it says
  :  uid:date:size:hsiz:file:pos:  (6 fields)
while in mix.c it defines
uid, date, size, spare.data, special.offset, msg.header.offset, 
msg.header.text.size  (7 fields)
Hmm, in mixfmt it does actually list 7 fields, so isiz is missing from 
the list and I'm confused about the order.

(in my last problem, with a missing .mix file, I suspect it was 
probably there all along but in a different save set due to incremental 

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Corrupted Mix mailbox in 2006c

2006-11-28 Thread Andrew Daviel

Apologies for the delay - solved the user's problem and got caught up in 
other things ...

On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Mark Crispin wrote:

The .mix4540cf00 file is over 1MB.  Did you set MIXDATAROLL higher than its 
default of 1MB?

Yes, I did - to 4Mb

In the .mixindex file, look at the per-message records (anything after the 
first line).  The fourth colon-delimited field is the mix data file number. 
Is it 4540cf00 in the damaged messages too?

No, they are supposed to be in 454083bf

What I wonder is whether the 38 lost messages are in a different data file 
which somehow has gone missing.

Quite possible. I'm not 100% confident of amanda, particularly in 
recovering a single directory (as opposed to the entire filesystem into 
some multi-gigiabyte scratch space).

Could you elaborate on what you mean by crash Pine?  Pine should never 
crash, even if in this circumstance.


Did you get any error messages?  If so, what messages?

#  pine -i -f /home/marcello/30oct06backup/

try to read message #2 (missing)
Problem detected: Received abort signal(sig=11).
Pine Exiting.
Attempting to save debug file to /root/.pine-crash

.pine-crash has nothing especially relevant, IMO (but it's 68kb, so I'm 
not posting it all here)

last few lines are:
14:27:52.575788: Hit: Returning 0x9f15d68 -  19 

14:27:52.575792:(121), 0x992e7b2b
14:27:52.575813: --update_index done
14:27:52.575825: STATUS cmd:2066, max:-1, min-1
14:27:52.575839: cancel_busy_alarm(-1)
14:27:52.975903: Read char returning: 13 RETURN
14:27:52.975915: Read command returning: 13 RETURN
14:27:52.975920: New_mail_count zeroed
14:27:52.975932:  - process_cmd(cmd=505) -
14:27:52.975956:   -  MAIL VIEW  -
14:27:52.975965: busy_alarm(1, Busy, (nil), 0)

try again with gdb
read #1 OK, #2 OK, #3 crash
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault
0x0824fe95 in rfc822_parse_content ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0824fe95 in rfc822_parse_content ()
#1  0x0824ef54 in rfc822_parse_msg_full ()
#2  0x0823fd55 in mail_fetch_structure ()
#3  0x081a77c8 in pine_mail_fetchstructure (stream=0x99bd0d0, msgno=3, 
body=0xbfed3fa4) at pine.c:5745

#4  0x0813c589 in mail_view_screen (ps=0x99ae008) at mailview.c:459
#5  0x0819c0ea in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfed55d4) at pine.c:1342

I built Pine with the new c-client libraries, but I probably
built imapd/c-client with no debugging to try and reduce the size of the
image (all those imapd and dmail instances sitting in memory..)

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Suggestion: set labels/flags in dmail

2006-11-28 Thread Andrew Daviel

I'm working on a web interface to procmail - some users wanted it, and it 
seemed easier to do than it is - to allow users to build server-side 
filters instead of picking one of my canned ones.

Looking at the filters in Thunderbird to get ideas for the layout,
I notice that there is a mark message as flagged/important/work etc.
option. I'm using dmail from procmail, and I note there is the single
option -s mark message as seen.

I made a -F flag option which seems to work OK, so
I should be able to have procmail entries  like

# flag as important
|dmail -F \$Label1 +INBOX

and maybe I can have fun colouring all my TRIUMF mail as blue (work) etc.

(Pine may have messed up some whitespace..)

--- dmail.c.orig2006-11-27 23:51:21.0 -0800
+++ dmail.c 2006-11-27 23:57:40.0 -0800
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 int trycreate = NIL;   /* flag saying gotta create before appending */
 int critical = NIL;/* flag saying in critical code */
 char *sender = NIL;/* message origin */
+char *setflag = NIL;   /* message flag to set */

 /* Function prototypes */

@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
   case 's':/* deliver as seen */
 flagseen = T;
+  case 'F':
+if (argc--) setflag = cpystr (*++argv);
+else _exit (fail (missing argument to -F,EX_USAGE));
   case 'f':
   case 'r':/* flag giving return path */
 if (argc--) sender = cpystr (*++argv);
@@ -376,11 +380,17 @@
   ((sbuf.st_mode  S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) ? directory : file,path);
   mm_dlog (tmp);
/* do the append now! */
-  if (!mail_append_full (prt,mailbox,flagseen ? \\Seen : NIL,NIL,st)) {
-sprintf (tmp,message delivery failed to %.80s,path);
-return fail (tmp,EX_CANTCREAT);
-  }
-   /* note success */
+  if (setflag) {
+if (!mail_append_full (prt,mailbox,setflag,NIL,st)) {
+  sprintf (tmp,message delivery failed to %.80s,path);
+  return fail (tmp,EX_CANTCREAT);
+  } else {
+if (!mail_append_full (prt,mailbox,flagseen ? \\Seen : NIL,NIL,st)) {
+  sprintf (tmp,message delivery failed to %.80s,path);
+  return fail (tmp,EX_CANTCREAT);
+  }/* note success */
   sprintf (tmp,delivered to %.80s,path);
   mm_log (tmp,NIL);
/* make sure nothing evil this way comes 

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] FYI, my conversion scripts

2006-10-29 Thread Andrew Daviel

I've now converted all inboxes and most other large boxes that
people have been using (to Mix that is) via a script to create
4Mb datafiles. I find people with spaces in folder names (ugh),
and even an asterisk, ampersand and brackets (double ugh). The script
copes with spaces but had some trouble with the brackets...

If anyone's interested I have placed some scripts in

They are a bit rough and some make some assumptions, e.g. that user's 
files are in /home/user, and that certain files (INBOX, junk)

are inboxes etc.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] mailutil, flags and POP

2006-10-16 Thread Andrew Daviel

If I convert a mailbox with mailutil, the 
old flags get unset, causing all the messages to appear as recent.

$ mailutil check mail/testf1.mbx
1 new message(s) (8 unseen), 20 total in mail/testf1.mbx

$ mailutil copy mail/testf1.mbx '#driver.mix'/mail/testf1.mix
$ mailutil check mail/testf1.mix
20 new message(s) (8 unseen), 20 total in mail/testf1.mix

I tried also mbx - mbx with similar results

A unix mailbox always shows no recent messages with mailutil,
even if a new message was just delivered with dmail.

Hmm, looks like all the user flags are also not being copied into MBX, 
i.e. Junk, NonJunk, $Label1 etc. (used by Thunderbird for

Important, Later etc.)
Mailutil says:
warning: Unknown flag: $Label1
warning: Unknown flag: NonJunk
warning: Unknown flag: Junk

even though these labels are in the MBX file prefix and known to both
Mix and MBX.

mbx to mbx - says Unknown flag, loses old, Junk, $Labeln
mbx to mix - loses old
mix to mix - loses old
mix to mbx - says Unknown flag, loses old, Junk, $Labeln

I have not yet converted many users to mix format, but I have had
some complaints from MBX users that old mail is being downloaded and
deleted mail has reappeared. So far I have:
- upgraded from imap2004 (2?) to 2006a
- added the UID patch
- transferred accounts to new hardware with more recent OS version
  with rsync
- upgraded from 2006a to 2006b

One complaint was from just before the 2006b upgrade, but
I believe several days after the patch was applied. I presume these
are POP users (sometimes I hear from non-technical people in a roundabout 
way days later).

I think there is an 'old' flag in NBX that gets set on non-recent 
messages. What happens to this flag when UIDs are rebuilt ?

Hmm; looking on the wire with Thunderbird using POP3, I see it's using
LIST, UIDL and RETR, and there's no reference to recent. So I guess the
client has a map of what message IDs it downloaded already, and if the
message UIDs are rebuilt it will see old messages as new. This seems
an odd way of doing things - the client remembers every single message ID 
it's ever seen, even deleted messages ??

I was trying to make sure that if I switch everyone to mix, that all the 
POP users won't see all their old messages as new. It looks from the 
above that it should be OK; that the damage has already been done by
rebuilding illegal UIDs, if any. But I wanted to check. And I'm not sure 
how many users are using the new(?) user labels; certainly some are using 
Junk flags.

re. splitting mix boxes (so as to get benefits of smaller file size right 
after conversion, rather than waiting for new mail to arrive and users to 
purge old mail (ha!), I wrote something to split MBX boxes. Ugly, but may

work for one-time mass conversion:

- split user.mbx into user.mbx.1, user.mbx.2, user.mbx.3 etc.
- mailutil copy user.mbx.1 #driver.mix/user.mix
- mailutil append user.mbx.2 user.mix
- mailutil append user.mbx.3 user.mix

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] IMAP funnies migrating from 2004 to 2006

2006-09-26 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Mark Crispin wrote:

If a rebuild happens repeatedly on the same mailbox, I want to know about it. 
However, make sure that there isn't any software that is adding messages to 
the mailbox under the old rules.  In particular, I believe that some versions 
of procmail and/or postfix know about mbx mailboxes, and use their own code 
rather than c-client library code.

We are using a .procmailrc file with |dmail. I only use Pine for 

Does the rebuild happen multiple times for the same mailbox, or just once?

AFAIK just once.

I see this as I say in Pine run directly on the mailbox file. Does imapd 
do a rebuild automatically when a client connects, or dmail do it when 
a new message arrives ? Or does one have to run mailutil ?

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: Benchmarking imap, filesystems

2006-09-21 Thread Andrew Daviel

On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Aaron W. LaFramboise wrote:

To Andrew:

I can confirm Mark's comments that there is something probably wrong 
with your benchmark.  I have done this test on a similar Linux system 
(although not the same benchmark), and got pretty much the opposite 
result as you, with or without disk caching effects.

Looking at the URLs you mentioned, I see an exceptionally high Error 
count for mbx (3,873,234,974) compared to mbox (10).  Perhaps this is 
the source of the problem?

This mail has been sitting in my drafts folder (OK, Pine postponed)
since before I went on vacation.

I changed my approach, and scripted a lot of tests with 10-20 clients and 
running for about a minute. I preloaded accounts with about 5000 messages 
in a mix of sizes, added a bunch of recent mails and started the Bonnie 
IMAP client. However, it still doesn't behave like a human. It certainly 
doesn't behave like me - I read mail in a random order, reading some, 
deleting others unread etc. while remaining logged on for hours. So if it 
seems to be saying that mbox on XFS is fastest, I'm not sure I believe 
it. I also find a discrepancy between messages retrieved (try/sec) and 
bytes retrieved.

.. if I look at the transfer time graphs, the Mix format seems to
show more consistent times and be quicker to get an individual message. 
But that doesn't show in the summary pages.

The powers that be want me to get on and upgrade the mailserver before it 
melts and stop messing around, so I probably won't spend too much more 
time on this. I'll probably toss a coin and choose, say, XFS and Mix,
which gives me back-compatability with existing files and gets away from 
huge inboxes with their subsequent backup problems.


Back in July, I started to write:

What benchmark software did you use ?

Have you looked at Maildir format (e.g. Courier) ? It looks similar to
mix, though AFAIK some metadata is coded into the filename rather than
stored in separate files, and it sounds like mix has more capability.

I notice that RHEL4 now includes Dovecot and Cyrus imapd, not UW. As far
as I can tell, though Dovecot supports Maildir format, a delivery agent
is not included in RHEL (or I didn't find it). I built Courier maildrop
which worked for me. Cyrus I have not yet tried. (mail delivery and how
to create an inbox seems different for everything, and moreso for Cyrus)

I have seen comments that Dovecot imapd outperforms UW imapd through 
better memory management, though this is not obvious in mailstone. Maybe

the comment applied to an earlier version.

I've also seen comments, which I do seem to verify, that a filesystem 
such as XFS or Reiser is better suited to Maildir/mix structure than
traditional ext2/3. (I've had in-house comments about stability 
problems with Reiser on SL4 (~= RHEL4)). I see XFS being somewhat 
better, cf. ext2, ext3, Reiser 3.4, and JFS.

Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Mailbox migration/size in MIX

2006-07-07 Thread Andrew Daviel

I have been playing with MIX following Mark's comments; it would
address some of the system backup concerns besides being faster.

I see that MIX starts a new mailbox file after 1Mb, so that
a new inbox would tend to have this as a maximum file size.

However, if I migrate an existing 100Mb folder, it becomes
a single 100Mb MIX file. (though new mail appended to it goes in
a new file).

Also, if (in Pine, anyway) a large number of messages are selected from
a mailbox and moved to a new one, the new one is created as a single
large file - even if the old mailbox had many small files. (I tend to
batch up the previous year's worth of messages like this when spring

So even if I wrote a tool to convert existing boxes in chunks, we could
still end up with some large mailboxes. Admittedly, the backup problem is
with inboxes that must be copied in entirety if a single flag is changed
- not so likely with pre-1995 mail.

I gather that there is a technical reason for this, but it does seem to
detract from the small file principle.

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Mail file fragmentation on Linux

2005-12-05 Thread Andrew Daviel

I am running UW imapd and dmail with MBX mailbox format. I noticed using
debugfs stat file that the mail file can get quite badly fragmented
over time.

I wondered if there was any way to discourage this in the MBX code.
One thing that occurred to me was that maybe when the file is growed to
append new messages, that the requested allocation have room for
expansion, e.g. rounded up to the next 20 blocks or something.
(maybe it already does this)

Just copying the mail file to a new location and moving it back seems to
get the fragmentation under control.

As an example, after this procedure, my mailbox had fragments of about 1k
blocks. Before, a heavy user had fragments of about 3 blocks each, not
all contiguous or even in order. Seems to me this must slow down disk
access a bit

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Imap-uw mailing list