Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-07 Thread Paul Vixie
> Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 19:59:04 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Crispin 
> ...
> I go to the trouble to teach you how things actually work, and you respond
> with a typical nihilistic Gen-X retort.
> The righteous thing is to follow the specifications; and if you think that
> the specifications are incorrect then work to get them changed.  You're
> the one who seems to be angrily insisting that the specifications
> shouldn't be followed.
> And then to make stupid statements such as "TCP is not reliable".
> ...

i am a boomer not a genx'er, but i believe that i have earned the respect of
many genx'ers. let me speak intergeneratioanlly when i say that tcp as i
experience it in the field is unreliable. tcp in my house and isc's office
works fine. and i regularly sleep my laptop for several days and then wake
it up with no loss of tcp state (that is, i don't even need "screen" at home
unless i'm switching from laptop to desktop or similar.)

to reiterate, tcp as i experience it in the field is unreliable. in the field
i am using other peoples' networks. i cope with this unreliability in the
usual way, i restart my clients (including KDE Kontact/KMail) quite often.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-07 Thread Paul Vixie
> Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 19:17:19 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Crispin 
> ...
> If your IMAP connection "stalls", there is no reason to believe that
> disconnecting, creating a new connection, and retrying the operation will
> in any way help the situation.
> ...

i was with you right up until that point. i regularly use other people's
access networks (hotel or airport wireless for example) and they regularly
flow-limit and rate-limit me. fairly often my only recourse, with ssh or
imap tcp sessions, is to abandon one without ceremony and start another.

in ssh i manage this by using the "screen" utility so that my shells and
editors stay running while i'm in between active connections. i've had
"screen" state last almost a year, several times. often only a system
upgrade/reboot will cost me my true "session state" for ssh.

if imap had something akin to "screen", i would be most pleased and i would
use it. since it doesn't and since i am not in control of the proxies and
NATs i traverse in my travels, i find imap's heavyweight statefulness to
be out of touch or perhaps even anachronistic.

not imap's fault, not uw-imapd's fault... but in this case the first mover
in "workarounds that hurt rule obeyers" was the invisible hand of the market.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-07 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 05:37:52PM -0700, Mark Crispin wrote:
> It is not exceptionally difficult to resume IP connectivity after
> disconnect for a dynamic IP.  It just requires an engineer with the wit to
> recognize that it is desirable to be able to do that, and the imagination
> to work out how to do it.
yes, indeed. i could open a vpn to my private server with a static ip.
now, that's a solution which sounds like something most users would be
capable or even willing to do. right ...

and before you claim that it would be s trivial to let the dialup
reconnect assign the same ip: no, it won't. german consumer adsl-providers
typically forcibly disconnect sessions every 24 hours and assign a new
ip, with the explicit purpose to thwart users' attempts to violate their
TOS by running servers (of course, they call it "for technical reasons").

> Apple and Microsoft are both quite strict in the enforcement of their
> rules; and have no hesitation to break things for those who violate them.
yes. and if such a standard gets obsolete, they deliver a new one or
become obsolete themselves.

> It is only with open standards that we find rule breaking as the norm;
yes, because it is cheaper in the short run. what do you expect? real
world, dude.

> >specifically, many (if not most) of the problems we are facing are
> >caused directly or indirectly by those who purposefully play against
> >the rules.
> The solution to problems caused by violation of the rules is not to
> violate the rules further.
given the choice between something that works poorly and something which
doesn't work at all, most people will choose the former. how surprising

> And if it turns out to be infeasible to get the rule violator fixed, the
> workaround must not cause adverse impact to rule obeyers.
i find it impossible not to think about your NRA association when you
make such statements ...

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Brian Hayden

On May 6 2010, Mark Crispin wrote:

I go to the trouble to teach you how things actually work, and you respond
with a typical nihilistic Gen-X retort.

Was that what you said, or was it not? It quite clearly was, so the retort 
was typically nothing (particularly indicative of a generation to which I 
do not belong).

The righteous thing is to follow the specifications; and if you think that
the specifications are incorrect then work to get them changed.  You're
the one who seems to be angrily insisting that the specifications
shouldn't be followed.

Oh? I'd be quite curious for you to teach me where it was that I said such.

And then to make stupid statements such as "TCP is not reliable".

Or stupid statements such as, "You're talking about failures at the 
application layer, but you shouldn't try to address it in the application"?

Pshaw.  So you want to bring up Linux's "half-duplex" close behavior, eh?

You may project anything you wish...

That's irrelevant to RST in IMAP sessions.

... so that you may be comfortable in refuting it. 

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Thu, 6 May 2010, Brian Hayden wrote:

Reliable does not mean "does not fail".

Coincidentally, nobody said it did. Interesting!

If that was not your meaning in claiming that "TCP is not reliable", then
you don't know what you are talking about.

TCP is most certainly reliable.

This is another fun historical dissertation, at whose core is: "change the
RFCs, and until then maintain some righteous anger."

I go to the trouble to teach you how things actually work, and you respond
with a typical nihilistic Gen-X retort.

The righteous thing is to follow the specifications; and if you think that
the specifications are incorrect then work to get them changed.  You're
the one who seems to be angrily insisting that the specifications
shouldn't be followed.

And then to make stupid statements such as "TCP is not reliable".

That is quite a sleight of hand there. It makes your pats on the heads of
the "young'ns" look even sillier. You've oversimplified [2[ to the point
where it edges from "oversimplified" to "misleading."

Pshaw.  So you want to bring up Linux's "half-duplex" close behavior, eh?

That's irrelevant to RST in IMAP sessions.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Brian Hayden

On May 6 2010, Mark Crispin wrote:

Reliable does not mean "does not fail".

Coincidentally, nobody said it did. Interesting!

This is another fun historical dissertation, at whose core is: "change the 
RFCs, and until then maintain some righteous anger."

What you think of as being "failure" are all application layer concept:

[1] The application received a session disconnect (FIN) from TCP.  This is
completely an application concept; TCP considers this to be a completely
normal shutdown of the session.

[2] The application received a session reset (RST) from TCP.  This
indicates that the application attempted to communicate with a TCP peer
that does not exist.  This is what most people (mistakenly) call a "TCP

[3] The application unilaterally decides that a failure has occurred.

Now, [1] and [2] generally indicate the demise of the peer, with [1] being
the normal and expected result of a mutually-agreed upon demise.  [2] is
not supposed to happen with debugged implementations, except when a
link-level disconnect outlasts a FIN-wait.

But neither of these are what the discussion is about.  That is [3]:

That is quite a sleight of hand there. It makes your pats on the heads of 
the "young'ns" look even sillier. You've oversimplified [2[ to the point 
where it edges from "oversimplified" to "misleading."

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Thu, 6 May 2010, Brian Hayden wrote:

TCP connections are more reliable than UDP; that does not mean they are
"reliable", full stop.

You are using the wrong definition of reliable.

Reliable does not mean "does not fail".

UDP has no provision for reliability, ordering or data integrity.  TCP
does all of these.  Regardless of what happens in the link layer, TCP
delivers a sequential octet stream without duplication or missing data.
The only thing that terminates that stream is a session disconnect.
There is no such thing as "failure" in TCP.

What you think of as being "failure" are all application layer concept:

[1] The application received a session disconnect (FIN) from TCP.  This is
completely an application concept; TCP considers this to be a completely
normal shutdown of the session.

[2] The application received a session reset (RST) from TCP.  This
indicates that the application attempted to communicate with a TCP peer
that does not exist.  This is what most people (mistakenly) call a "TCP

[3] The application unilaterally decides that a failure has occurred.

Now, [1] and [2] generally indicate the demise of the peer, with [1] being
the normal and expected result of a mutually-agreed upon demise.  [2] is
not supposed to happen with debugged implementations, except when a
link-level disconnect outlasts a FIN-wait.

But neither of these are what the discussion is about.  That is [3]:

connections often do either fail completely or stall for so long as to
constitute a failure

Now we come into myth vs. reality.

Many people have observed that web browsers seem to fail or stall, and
that hitting the refresh button seems to fix it.  Because the web browser
uses HTTP over TCP, they falsely conclude that this is an attribute of TCP
and thus the equivalent of the refresh button is appropriate for other

This conclusion is completely and utterly false; and is where stateful vs.
stateless comes in.

A web browser typically has multiple HTTP sessions in progress, each one
of which is charged with resolving a different URI as these are
encountered in the page.  The whole idea is not to serialize the rendering
of the web page; the fate of a JPEG being loaded is independent of any
other piece.

A web server, in turn, is obliged to turn around requests as quickly as
possible.  It poots data to the session and expects steady progress;
otherwise it abandons the session.  The browser is somewhat more patient
but it too abandons the session if steady progress is not forthcoming.

Now comes the important part: The server routinely abandons sessions, or
refuses to initiate them, for load based reasons.

This is alright, because HTTP is stateless and drops are expected in HTTP.
There is no reason to believe that immediate retry will not succeed.

IMAP, on the other hand, is a stateful protocol.  A server does not drop
IMAP sessions except under specification defined conditions:
 [a] The server received a TCP-level FIN or RST from the client.
 [b] Negotiated session disconnect (LOGOUT command).
 [c] Server crash.
 [d] 30 minute client inactivity timeout.

If your IMAP connection "stalls", there is no reason to believe that
disconnecting, creating a new connection, and retrying the operation will
in any way help the situation.

At best, it is a waste of effort; you destroyed your session state that
now has to be rebuilt to get you back to where you were before.

More typically, it is futile; the underlying problem impacts your new
session just as your old session was impacted.  As in the best case, you
wasted effort; and now are worse off because you gave up all the data in
your state which you could have used.

In the worst case, it is harmful; not only is it futile, but it has also
made a bad situation (e.g., server overload) worse.

"But, but," you protest, "what if some router went out and came back up?"

TCP recovers from that; or would recover if you let it.  Please read up on
the subject of TCP retransmissions and their algorithms including
backoffs.  These old guys who came up with TCP 30+ years ago knew what
they were doing.

Now, you may feel that the standard for TCP retransmission algorithms may
need adjusting to reflect modern-day networking.  You may be surprised to
learn that I agree; and that the backoffs to avoid swamping the 56KB links
on ARPAnet need updating for modern Ethernet and wireless link layers.

So hop to it.  Get involved with the standards development process.  Do
the experiments to work out what are suitable retransmission and backoff
algorithms in the modern world.  RFC 2988 is nearly 10 years old; and in
particular sections 2.4 and 2.5 are probably completely obsolete and
should be changed to something quite different.

Don't duplicate TCP's functionality in the application layer (in a FAR
less efficient and effective manner).

Simple solutions to complex problems backfire.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding wh

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Fri, 7 May 2010, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

who cares what existed back then? we are talking about *today*. but you
are still arguing as if the internet looked the same as 25 years ago.

"Who cares about anything from the past?  There is nothing to be learned
from past experience, and nothing done in the past applies today."

Those who refuse to learn from the past end up repeating it.

Dial-up disconnects did exist in 1986.  Back in 1986, as long as the
remedial action (restoring the dial-up session) was taken in a reasonable
amount of time, all current TCP/IP sessions resumed as if the disconnect
never happened.

apparently you missed the invention of dynamic ip assignment.

"I don't know how to do it, therefore it's impossible."

I regularly do what other people believe is impossible.

It is not exceptionally difficult to resume IP connectivity after
disconnect for a dynamic IP.  It just requires an engineer with the wit to
recognize that it is desirable to be able to do that, and the imagination
to work out how to do it.

No, it's not impossible.  It just requires everybody to cooperate and do
things the right way.

if you don't realize how that is living in a dream world, then i really
can't help you.

It is not a dream world to build things so that they work properly with
other things that work properly.

Nor is it a dream world to require that other things work properly.
Apple and Microsoft are both quite strict in the enforcement of their
rules; and have no hesitation to break things for those who violate them.

It is only with open standards that we find rule breaking as the norm; and
interestingly the same agents that vigorously enforce their rules seem to
have little problem with breaking rules to hurt competitors.

specifically, many (if not most) of the problems we are
facing are caused directly or indirectly by those who purposefully play
against the rules.

The solution to problems caused by violation of the rules is not to
violate the rules further.

And if it turns out to be infeasible to get the rule violator fixed, the
workaround must not cause adverse impact to rule obeyers.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Brian Hayden

On May 6 2010, Mark Crispin wrote:

On Fri, 7 May 2010, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

loss of the state we are talking about here. it's all based on mark's
postulation that a tcp connection is reliable.

TCP connections are reliable.  Run, don't walk, to your nearest technical
bookstore and read about network layering.

TCP connections are more reliable than UDP; that does not mean they are 
"reliable", full stop.

I agree that most ugly, stupid software too quickly resorts to dumping a 
connection. But it sounds like you're just arguing the other, equally 
wrong, extreme. Software that doesn't take into account that TCP 
connections often do either fail completely or stall for so long as to 
constitute a failure to, you know, a normal person who's trying to get 
something done interactively, is just wrong. Patience is usually but not 
always a virtue.

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Fri, 7 May 2010, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

loss of the state we are talking about here. it's all based on mark's
postulation that a tcp connection is reliable.

TCP connections are reliable.  Run, don't walk, to your nearest technical
bookstore and read about network layering.

Crappy software implementations may be unreliable.

In my own review of several IMAP RFCs, it's clear that connection problems
have been anticipated and several options have been standardized,

i suggest you verify the chronology of events. and compare the names on
particular rfcs.

Ah, sophomores who read a little and think that they understand all.

If you actually read through the history of IMAP RFCs, you would have read
RFC 1733 and learned the purpose of IMAP synchronization.  You would have
also noticed when UIDs were introduced, and by whom.  Next, you would have
learned the purpose of CONDSTORE.

But it's so much easier to jump to conclusions.

Before you mention QRESYNC, you should first see if anyone actually uses
it.  The mobile device world barely stifled a yawn over the entire
LEMONADE effort, and no major commerical implementations are doing
anything about it.  It turned out, as predicted years earlier, to be a
solution in search of a problem.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 03:20:06PM -0700, Mark Crispin wrote:
> On Thu, 6 May 2010, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> >ever heard about connection-tracking packet filters and routers?
> >ill-tempered transparent proxies?
> Tell us all about the connection-tracking packet filters and routers
> that existed in 1986.
who cares what existed back then? we are talking about *today*. but you
are still arguing as if the internet looked the same as 25 years ago.

> >dial-up disconnects?
> Dial-up disconnects did exist in 1986.  Back in 1986, as long as the
> remedial action (restoring the dial-up session) was taken in a reasonable
> amount of time, all current TCP/IP sessions resumed as if the disconnect
> never happened.
apparently you missed the invention of dynamic ip assignment.

> No, it's not impossible.  It just requires everybody to cooperate and do
> things the right way.
if you don't realize how that is living in a dream world, then i really
can't help you. specifically, many (if not most) of the problems we are
facing are caused directly or indirectly by those who purposefully play
against the rules. i'd expect an NRA-campaigner to understand the
concept of defense and the price one has to pay for it.

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Thu, 6 May 2010, Dan White wrote:

loss of tcp connection != loss of state.

Correct.  There's a further equation:

loss of network connectivity != loss of TCP session != loss of state

There is no reason to lose a TCP session because of a short-term loss of
network connectivity.

Although it is a myth that TCP/IP was designed to survive a nuclear war
(although I heard it c.1983 at the Internet engineering meeting in
Oberphaffenhoffen), an important design goal of TCP/IP is to be robust at
the Internet and Transport layers in the face of link layer outages.

Specifically, a link/network layer outage is NOT supposed to trigger a
disconnect at the internet/transport layers (TCP/IP), much less the data
layers (session, presentation, application).

I frequently amaze the young'uns with demonstrations of sessions that live
past a physical disconnect of the network.  I'll even hibernate one of the
boxes and remove its battery.  They act as if some magic trick has been
performed, rather than seeing TCP/IP working the way that it was designed
to work with software that follows the specifications.

In my own review of several IMAP RFCs, it's clear that connection problems
have been anticipated and several options have been standardized, such as
with uidvalidity and condstor (rfc4551) (among others), which allow a
client to quickly resynchronize its state with the server in the face of
networking issues.

Yes.  But it's also important not to lose sight of the desirability of not
losing state to begin with.

The IMAP state resynchronization facilities are best seen as a means to
reacquire state after an intentional disconnect: the user exited his email
client, shut down his laptop, etc.

As error recovery, they are properly the last resort rather than the first
action to be taken.  Above all else, state should not be glibly tossed out
in the assumption that error recovery will resychronize.

There's too much of the thinking of "my computer is giving me a problem,
so I'll reboot it.  I don't want to wait for a shutdown, so I'll just pull
out the power plug."

It may be that rebooting is necessary when you have a problem.  It may
even be that pulling out the power plug is necessary.  But those are last
resorts.  They are not routine measures, much less the very first thing
that you try!

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 01:24:00PM -0700, Mark Crispin wrote:
> Crapware assumes that it is a network issue that somehow is utterly
> irrecoverable in TCP, yet magically goes away if you tear down the TCP
> connection and establish a new one.
hmmm ... why might they do such an obviously nonsensical thing ... wait,
maybe because it's how reality actually works? ever heard about
connection-tracking packet filters and routers? ill-tempered transparent
proxies? dial-up disconnects?

> Guess what happens when thousands of pieces of crapware are all doing
> the same thing at the same time.
funny, how establishing some reasonable common guidelines for handling
loss of state in the standard could alleviate these problems to a
significant degree. unfortunately, the creator doesn't even acknowledge
the problem. oh, well. tough luck, i guess.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Thu, 6 May 2010, Dan White wrote:

And what do you do if the server takes longer that you think it should to
respond to a query? Do you assume that it's a networking issue or a slow

Crapware assumes that it is a network issue that somehow is utterly
irrecoverable in TCP, yet magically goes away if you tear down the TCP
connection and establish a new one.

Guess what happens when thousands of pieces of crapware are all doing the
same thing at the same time.  It gets ever more entertaining as additional
crapware (with longer timeouts but not long enough) join in the
festivities.  Typically, the original event that triggered the problem has
long since resolved itself.

It's very much like a minor traffic slowdown that escalates into a traffic
jam that escalates into a mass freeway collision.  And no matter how many
times you attempt to educate people about maintaining a safe following
distance and safe lane changes, they still do the same bad things.

Treating an IMAP *session* like a stateless http request is doomed to
repeat history. RFC 2683 covers some of this ground.

Yup.  The stateless religion was absolute dogma in CS classes starting in
the late 1970s/early 1980s.  As a result, many of the young'uns simply
have no clue how to think otherwise.

Yet, over and over again, the same young'uns end up beating their heads
against a wall in an attempt to re-implement state.  When they talk about
the problem they are trying to solve, they confuse it with "cache".  When
a young'un talks about "keeping the cache synchronized", I listen
carefully.  More times than not, s/he's trying to keep state but doesn't
know how to it.

The whole basis of the stateless dogma 30 years ago was the belief that it
is less inefficent to jump through hoops to attain state in a stateless
world than to maintain a stateful world if you didn't care about state.
I first became aware of it with PARC's Woodstock File System which was the
ideological predecessor of NFS.  The WFS paper became the manifesto of the
stateless ideology; yet only a few read it and even fewer noticed that it
rather coyly defined out of the problem space all the cases in which
statelessness did less well.

Basically, statelessness requires accepting the following on faith:
 . State is unimportant.
 . State is expensive to acquire and maintain.
 . If state is important, it can be easily and cheaply acquired on
top of a stateless infrastructure.
 . If state can not be easily and cheaply acquired in a stateless
infrastructure, you can get the equivalent effect easily and
cheaply through synchronization.
 . Synchronization is magically atomic, so you don't have to worry
about the fact that it is stateless.
 . If synchronization is not atomic, and things change in the middle
of the synchronization, it is alright since you'll notice the
issue the next time you synchronize.

There is more to the faith of statelessness, but this ought to be enough
to see the overall picture.

The bottom line is that IMAP is a stateful, not a stateless, protocol; and
that "treating an IMAP session like a stateless HTTP request" is doomed to

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 11:46:20AM -0700, Mark Crispin wrote:
> On Thu, 6 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> >I think that's a different issue. They're unhappy when an idling device
> >gets woken up (constantly). The "Hang in there" messages are sent only
> >when client has requested some command that takes >15 seconds. Most of
> >the users/clients never see those messages at all.
> You're right.  It isn't quite the same, and mobile devices are less likely
> to run afoul of server head-pats every 15 seconds during long-running
> commands.
15 seconds are possibly too aggressive anyway. hardly any timeout is set
below a minute, two minutes being typical for many things. dunno about
TB's settings in particular.
the "clean workaround" would include an imap extension which would let
the client decide how often it wants to see keepalives.
a mobile provider may also provide an imap proxy for their clients, so
the over-the-air connection could be optimized for somewhat more defined
QoS characteristics. though that may be in direct conflict with the
provider's interests.

> On mobile devices where you pay per packet (rather than per KB or MB),
that depends on the provider. mobile data flatrates are also becoming
common nowadays.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Thu, 6 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:

I think that's a different issue. They're unhappy when an idling device
gets woken up (constantly). The "Hang in there" messages are sent only
when client has requested some command that takes >15 seconds. Most of
the users/clients never see those messages at all.

You're right.  It isn't quite the same, and mobile devices are less likely
to run afoul of server head-pats every 15 seconds during long-running

But there still are issues, even if the device is already quite awake.
On mobile devices where you pay per packet (rather than per KB or MB),
head-pats add packets on top of IMAP's already excessive chattiness.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Thu, 2010-05-06 at 11:19 -0700, Mark Crispin wrote:
> On Thu, 6 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > Instead of fighting clients with this, I solved it by having server send
> > * OK Hang in there..
> > about every 15 seconds during long running commands. Clients seem to be
> > happy with it and not disconnect.
> Unfortunately, the mobile device guys and gals then get unhappy with you
> for chewing up their battery.  It's not as bad as making them transmit,
> but it still causes a wakeup.  They aren't placated when you tell them
> that it's to work around stupid clients.  They get unhappy even with an
> untagged OK every two minutes during IDLE to quell a NAT timeout.

I think that's a different issue. They're unhappy when an idling device
gets woken up (constantly). The "Hang in there" messages are sent only
when client has requested some command that takes >15 seconds. Most of
the users/clients never see those messages at all.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Mark Crispin

On Thu, 6 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:

Instead of fighting clients with this, I solved it by having server send
* OK Hang in there..
about every 15 seconds during long running commands. Clients seem to be
happy with it and not disconnect.

Unfortunately, the mobile device guys and gals then get unhappy with you
for chewing up their battery.  It's not as bad as making them transmit,
but it still causes a wakeup.  They aren't placated when you tell them
that it's to work around stupid clients.  They get unhappy even with an
untagged OK every two minutes during IDLE to quell a NAT timeout.

As well they should be.

The problem with going down the path of kludges and workarounds for broken
entities is that it's a never-ending process.  You are faced both with
something else that is even more broken, and some innocent party that was
fine until you broke it with your workaround.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-06 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Thu, 2010-05-06 at 03:19 -0500, Dan White wrote:

> And what do you do if the server takes longer that you think it should to
> respond to a query? Do you assume that it's a networking issue or a slow
> server?

Instead of fighting clients with this, I solved it by having server send

* OK Hang in there..

about every 15 seconds during long running commands. Clients seem to be
happy with it and not disconnect.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Mark Crispin

On Wed, 5 May 2010, Paul Vixie wrote:

i must have spoken improperly.  if i say "scan" and learn thereby about
messages 1,3,5,20 and then one month later after every computer has been
power cycled four times i say "show 5" i want the same message.

Oh.  In that case, what you want are UIDs.

imap's statefulness isn't nearly persistent
enough for me.

Actually, it would be if the mh code could implement UIDs correctly.  The
problem is that the the mh code uses the filename numbers as the UID; but
then has to account for the mh compact command, which renumbers all the

If you never use the compact command, then IMAP UIDs would be just what
you need.  Otherwise, you need to have some other means to tie a permanent
UID to a particular message, while preserving the IMAP requirement of
being strictly ascending in the mailbox.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Paul Vixie
> Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 14:49:56 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Crispin 

> > damnably, and as you say, there'd have to be a lot of state to preserve
> > the insanity of "message numbers".
> IMAP is a stateful protocol.  There is nothing insane about message
> numbers in a stateful message access protocol; this is the entire
> mechanism upon which state revolves.

i must have spoken improperly.  if i say "scan" and learn thereby about
messages 1,3,5,20 and then one month later after every computer has been
power cycled four times i say "show 5" i want the same message.  this is
insane but i want it anyway.  imap's statefulness isn't nearly persistent
enough for me.  a "show" command that used MH as a mail store would have
to have the same behaviour, but it can be local to the MH host rather
than relying on IMAP extensions.  (so, some other MH-over-IMAP client
could see different message numbers for the same underlying messages.)
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Paul Vixie
> Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 00:23:14 +0300
> From: Yiorgos Adamopoulos 
> That is why people like you and me can donate to Mark (I did last week)
> in order for him to continue working on stuff that makes our systems
> tick. Enough people can form a "Panda-IMAP empire" :)

it would take a lot of us before it became a compelling amount of money.
meanwhile i'd be using non-opensource software in my infrastructure (which
i just won't do.)
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Mark Crispin

On Thu, 6 May 2010, Yiorgos Adamopoulos wrote:

That is why people like you and me can donate to Mark (I did last
week) in order for him to continue working on stuff that makes our
systems tick. Enough people can form a "Panda-IMAP empire" :)

And thank you!  The donations do help keep Panda IMAP alive, and keeps me
still on this mailing list; I would have dropped out a while ago
otherwise.  And I am, slowly, chugging away at some feature additions
(most notably fast mix delivery).

Sadly, though, it's a long way from forming an empire...  ;)

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Mark Crispin

On Wed, 5 May 2010, Paul Vixie wrote:

damnably, and as you
say, there'd have to be a lot of state to preserve the insanity of "message

IMAP is a stateful protocol.  There is nothing insane about message
numbers in a stateful message access protocol; this is the entire
mechanism upon which state revolves.

If you don't want state, then hack HTTP to export messages the way that it
already exports HTML documents.

i regret that i am not part of an empire who can afford to hire you just to
work on open source software.  brian reid of DEC WRL deserves huge thanks
for hiring me and then letting me work on BIND after UCB abandoned it.  we
need more empires in which people like yourself can hide while making stuff.

Sadly, such beneficent empires are few and far between these days.

I am being paid today to work on cool email stuff, but it's not open

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Yiorgos Adamopoulos
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Paul Vixie  wrote:
> i regret that i am not part of an empire who can afford to hire you just to
> work on open source software.  brian reid of DEC WRL deserves huge thanks
> for hiring me and then letting me work on BIND after UCB abandoned it.  we
> need more empires in which people like yourself can hide while making stuff.

That is why people like you and me can donate to Mark (I did last
week) in order for him to continue working on stuff that makes our
systems tick. Enough people can form a "Panda-IMAP empire" :)

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Paul Vixie
> Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 11:44:26 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Crispin 
> Have you thought about making mh be an IMAP client?  You might need to
> have some sort of proxy daemon to keep state, since IIRC mh is actually a
> set of programs invoked from the shell.  I don't know if your other tools
> use the mh programs, or if they separately know about the mh layout.

i have indeed considered teaching the mh interface to use imap as a mail
store rather than using the file system.  if i add an API layer inside MH
then i'll certainly be thinking along those lines.  damnably, and as you
say, there'd have to be a lot of state to preserve the insanity of "message
numbers".  luckily all of my tools including mh-e just use the MH command
set, nothing makes any assumptions about the file system layout.

> With mh-e, you ought to be able to make it babble IMAP protocol and keep
> your interface.

well, sure, but mh-e is only a small part of my mail UI.  and besides which
there are better emacs modules for speaking IMAP, if i just wanted that.

> > i may try to add MH support to Dovecot so that i won't have to maintain
> > a fork of the uw-imap abandonware nor use a non-open codebase (Panda).
> Another alternative is to join the re-alpine project on sourceforge.  UW
> IMAP is part of re-alpine, so technically there already is an open
> codebase fork.  I don't think that the re-alpine people have done much, if
> anything, in the IMAP part; so they would welcome your contributions.

i had no idea.  thanks.

> I haven't decided about opening Panda IMAP.  The issue is, as it always
> has been, funding to support any work other than my own personal use.
> There's only one task remaining that I personally need in Panda IMAP;
> anything else that I do is at someone else's request.

i regret that i am not part of an empire who can afford to hire you just to
work on open source software.  brian reid of DEC WRL deserves huge thanks
for hiring me and then letting me work on BIND after UCB abandoned it.  we
need more empires in which people like yourself can hide while making stuff.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Andrew Laurence

On May 5, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Mark Crispin wrote:

> On Wed, 5 May 2010, Paul Vixie wrote:
>> of course.  but my primary mail interface is emacs mh-e and i'm not going
>> to abandon it, nor the many filters and cronjobs and tools i've based on MH,
>> just to support my secondary need to open attachment-containing messages in
>> an IMAP client.  i fully understand that i do not represent a growing segment
>> of the mail market.  as before, i'm thankful that uw-imap supports MH at all.
> Have you thought about making mh be an IMAP client?  You might need to
> have some sort of proxy daemon to keep state, since IIRC mh is actually
> a set of programs invoked from the shell.  I don't know if your other
> tools use the mh programs, or if they separately know about the mh layout.

Some years ago, the mh maintainer asked me about making mh be an IMAP client.  
I think he noodled on it a bit, but I don't think anything came of it.  I'll 
ask him.

Andrew Laurence

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Mark Crispin

On Wed, 5 May 2010, Paul Vixie wrote:

of course.  but my primary mail interface is emacs mh-e and i'm not going
to abandon it, nor the many filters and cronjobs and tools i've based on MH,
just to support my secondary need to open attachment-containing messages in
an IMAP client.  i fully understand that i do not represent a growing segment
of the mail market.  as before, i'm thankful that uw-imap supports MH at all.

Have you thought about making mh be an IMAP client?  You might need to
have some sort of proxy daemon to keep state, since IIRC mh is actually
a set of programs invoked from the shell.  I don't know if your other
tools use the mh programs, or if they separately know about the mh layout.

With mh-e, you ought to be able to make it babble IMAP protocol and keep
your interface.

Doing that would make it possible to move your mail to any IMAP provider;
which you may not want to do but at least you have the option.

whatever sold the most iron was the corporate mantra of that moment.  the
people who say "just use Exchange" today are cut from that same cloth.

Yeah.  There's a lot of that!  ;)

i may try to add MH support to Dovecot so
that i won't have to maintain a fork of the uw-imap abandonware nor use a
non-open codebase (Panda).

Another alternative is to join the re-alpine project on sourceforge.  UW
IMAP is part of re-alpine, so technically there already is an open
codebase fork.  I don't think that the re-alpine people have done much, if
anything, in the IMAP part; so they would welcome your contributions.

I haven't decided about opening Panda IMAP.  The issue is, as it always
has been, funding to support any work other than my own personal use.
There's only one task remaining that I personally need in Panda IMAP;
anything else that I do is at someone else's request.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-05 Thread Paul Vixie
> Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 12:03:19 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Crispin 
> ...
> A better implementation would use an index file that maps between a UID
> and a device/inode number of the file.  To open and synchronize, you
> stat() all the files and then correlate that with the index to build a
> map.  This would also identify newly-added and expunged messages.

i'll see if i can break stiction on a real API and real indexing for NMH.

> ...
> In my opinion, it's better to use data formats designed for the task at
> hand, rather than ever-escalating steps to get legacy formats to do what
> they were never designed nor intended to do.

of course.  but my primary mail interface is emacs mh-e and i'm not going
to abandon it, nor the many filters and cronjobs and tools i've based on MH,
just to support my secondary need to open attachment-containing messages in
an IMAP client.  i fully understand that i do not represent a growing segment
of the mail market.  as before, i'm thankful that uw-imap supports MH at all.

> > these days almost nobody still accesses the system mailbox by NFS, nor
> > access user mailboxes on NFS from more than one client at the same time.
> So the world today has finally accepted my advice from 20+ years ago.

indirectly.  NFS isn't a growing market segment.  most new mailboxes are
IMAP-only and there are fewer and fewer accessors of /var/mail/$username (or
even UNIX systems containing such files) every year.

> I'm surprised, though; since "do everything via NFS" was the SUN corporate
> religion (maybe Oracle has disestablished it).  I recognized the absurdity
> of layering a NAS (IMAP) on top of a NAS (NFS) early on, but SUN (and IBM)
> insisted for a long time that the right way to do IMAP was to have a
> cluster of IMAP servers consumeing an NFS server.

whatever sold the most iron was the corporate mantra of that moment.  the
people who say "just use Exchange" today are cut from that same cloth.

> > so, dovecot's assumptions are pretty reasonable.  compile-time options
> > in uw-imapd that changed its assumptions in this way would be popular.
> UW IMAP is a dead project.  If I ever do anything like that, it would be
> in Panda IMAP.

yes, that's a separate problem.  i may try to add MH support to Dovecot so
that i won't have to maintain a fork of the uw-imap abandonware nor use a
non-open codebase (Panda).  in the shorter term i need to consider whether
to add indexing and a real API to NMH so that any of this becomes possible.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-04 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 12:03 -0700, Mark Crispin wrote:

> A better implementation would use an index file that maps between a
> and a device/inode number of the file.  To open and synchronize, you
> stat() all the files and then correlate that with the index to build a
> map.  This would also identify newly-added and expunged messages. 

It wouldn't be enough to identify message with device/inode, because
inodes get reused. So if message A is expunged and a new message B is
saved (both externally to IMAP server's knowledge), IMAP server might
now think that A still exists, except now it has B's contents.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-04 Thread Mark Crispin

On Tue, 4 May 2010, Paul Vixie wrote:

nfs file attribute changes are always at least three seconds out of date
as witnessed between a process running on a client and process running on
the server and possibly much longer between two processes running on two
clients, because of the way the caching/pipelining works.

The problem is even worse than the delay.  Updates over NFS occur out of
order; or at least once upon a time they did.  This would result in the
data and the inode being completely inconsistent with each other.  I
forget what it was that would provoke NFS into this behavior, but I run up
against it all the time.

Once this state occurred for that file, it seemed that nothing short of
swamping the buffer cache would clear it.  Not even the normal NFS
open/close/stat trick was good enough.

It was quite a shock for me, coming from an environment in which even
network filesystems were guaranteed to maintain full synchronization.

i note that there are no X-UID headers in MH.  how much would it help
uw-imap's MH performance/correctness if these headers were added by inc(1)
and other file-writing functions in MH/NMH?

It would help correctness, as it would remedy the problem caused by
mh compact.  UIDs can't be renumbered, but that's what compact does to the
file numbers.  UW IMAP uses the file numbers as non-persistent UIDs, which
unlike persistent UIDs are useless for synchronization.

Unfortunately, it would greatly hurt performance.  It would require that
all the files be read at open time in order to get the UIDs.  A
synchronization step would also do the same thing.

A better implementation would use an index file that maps between a UID
and a device/inode number of the file.  To open and synchronize, you
stat() all the files and then correlate that with the index to build a
map.  This would also identify newly-added and expunged messages.

All this requires is an atomic snapshot of the directory.  But, as the
more honest maildir developers will tell you, that's the rub; there's a
timing race that can occur with file renames while you are reading a

In my opinion, it's better to use data formats designed for the task at
hand, rather than ever-escalating steps to get legacy formats to do what
they were never designed nor intended to do.

Remember, when I first designed IMAP, a big criticism was that it was
"impossible" for more than one agent to consume a mailbox at the same
time, yet this funny IMAP protocol was claiming to offer that service.

these days almost nobody still accesses the system mailbox by NFS, nor
access user mailboxes on NFS from more than one client at the same time.

So the world today has finally accepted my advice from 20+ years ago.
I'm surprised, though; since "do everything via NFS" was the SUN corporate
religion (maybe Oracle has disestablished it).  I recognized the absurdity
of layering a NAS (IMAP) on top of a NAS (NFS) early on, but SUN (and IBM)
insisted for a long time that the right way to do IMAP was to have a
cluster of IMAP servers consuming an NFS server.

Maybe in another 20+ years people will accept my advice on how to do IMAP
clients.  The designers of webmails already follow those principles.

so, dovecot's assumptions are pretty reasonable.  compile-time options
in uw-imapd that changed its assumptions in this way would be popular.

UW IMAP is a dead project.  If I ever do anything like that, it would be
in Panda IMAP.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-04 Thread Paul Vixie
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 10:17:06 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Crispin 
> > 1) If mbox file's mtime and size match
> Perhaps that works better today than 20 years ago.  Back then, you could
> not trust mtime to reflect reality in any reasonable way particularly
> when NFS was involved.  The most common circumstance is that mtime simply
> wasn't updated.  This happened even with local files.  The explanation
> that I got at the time was that it was somehow "inefficient" to keep the
> mtime reliably up to date.

nfs file attribute changes are always at least three seconds out of date
as witnessed between a process running on a client and process running on
the server and possibly much longer between two processes running on two
clients, because of the way the caching/pipelining works.  this got a LOT
better with the nqlease stuff back in 1993 but i don't know if that's in
every nfs implementation even today.

> > 3) If file size decreases, assume expunged messages -> re-read entire
> > mbox file.
> This is reasonable if you have UIDs in the file (which of course is the
> case today) since that allows you to resynchronize nicely.  In fact,
> that's excactly how mix resynchronization works.

i note that there are no X-UID headers in MH.  how much would it help
uw-imap's MH performance/correctness if these headers were added by inc(1)
and other file-writing functions in MH/NMH?

> > It should work pretty well as long as fcntl locking is used, because it
> > reliably also clears NFS caches (hoping of course that nfs.lockd itself
> > doesn't break).
> That's a big hope; and in my experience a futile one.  I used to be able
> to tell when SUN broke my test for NFS (and thus not use fcntl locks)
> when I would get reports of cluster-wide hangs on Solaris boxes.

these days almost nobody still accesses the system mailbox by NFS, nor
access user mailboxes on NFS from more than one client at the same time.
so, dovecot's assumptions are pretty reasonable.  compile-time options
in uw-imapd that changed its assumptions in this way would be popular.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-03 Thread Linda Walsh
Mark Crispin wrote:
> On Tue, 4 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> So I'm kind of hoping people would stop using mbox. :)
> You and me both!  ;)

Grr you fraggle-robbin $...@!...  My antique perl code's been doing
locking since ...well a long time!  plblblbl...  I can't help I like the
of having a bunch of messages in 1 file.  I have between 70-80 'active'
(meaning they
get incoming messages), and maybe 120 folders like this (single file,
overall, with file sizes ranging up to 20-30MB as norm, maybe 60-80MB in
vast majority under 10MB, but message totals? 1000-2000
my local file count would be extreme.  So with large disk systems, I
optimize for
large files where xfs does better, but small files and large number, and
my filesystem
would suffer (Actually that 1000-2000 count has probably dropped since I
fell off
of lkml again...;) ).

Given the slowness of today's disks in seeking, it's a good tradeoff,
one that may
not be necessary, after the next DOJ anti-trust lawsuit against
solid-state drive
manufacturers -- probably not till 2012-2013 at the rate they move (unless
some non-colluders enter the market place and force prices down
before then)... ;^).  With solid-state disks as fast as todays hard
disks and
seek speeds 100x-1000x faster, all benchmarks are off, though still xfs
does show
lowest SYSTEM cpu usage in comparable benchmarks of any fs.

But with solid state the differences may be down in the noise level.

(just had to speak up for the mbox'ers-who-follow locking-club  ;) )

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-03 Thread Mark Crispin

On Tue, 4 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:

This mtime
flushing actually works pretty easily in all modern OSes: just open and
close the file and then stat/fstat.

Yup.  You just said it: "modern OSes"...

I remember an OS which would not update mtime if ANY local agent had the
file open.  So, no matter how many times you did an open/close/stat, you
would get the same out of data data.  That, interacting with NFS attribute
caching, made things quite painful.

Perhaps this is now just a sad memory and no longer needs to be worried

Yeah, I actually also fallback to MD5 of a few specific headers if
X-UID: headers haven't been written to disk yet.

That may work as long as Received: headers are included.

Also, these days, MD5 is not patent encumbered nor is it under any
export restrictions.  That wasn't the case back then...

UW IMAP has no such thing as "X-UID headers haven't been written to disk
yet" for existing messages.  That state only exists with new mail, and the
first thing UW IMAP does is write those X-UID headers.  Safer, but slower.

The annoying thing with Dovecot's mbox optimizations is that they're
pretty complex and I'm sure there are bugs there. Also it's difficult to
sometimes figure out if something is a bug or just a side effect of some
other software modifying the mbox, possibly with incompatible locking
rules, etc..

Yeah, and when I was supporting 80,000 people using that format over NFS I
did not want to take that risk.

So I'm kind of hoping people would stop using mbox. :)

You and me both!  ;)

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-03 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 3.5.2010, at 20.17, Mark Crispin wrote:

> On Mon, 3 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> 1) If mbox file's mtime and size match
> Perhaps that works better today than 20 years ago.  Back then, you could
> not trust mtime to reflect reality in any reasonable way particularly when
> NFS was involved.  The most common circumstance is that mtime simply
> wasn't updated.  This happened even with local files.  The explanation
> that I got at the time was that it was somehow "inefficient" to keep the
> mtime reliably up to date.
> UW imapd doesn't trust mtime for any purpose, and takes a big hurt for
> that.

It's still true that NFS usually has attribute caching enabled, and mtime 
doesn't necessarily update (I think default is something like max. wait of 60 
seconds after change). But that's what I tried to prevent with my attempts to 
force NFS clients to flush their caches. This mtime flushing actually works 
pretty easily in all modern OSes: just open and close the file and then 
stat/fstat. Other types of NFS cache flushes work less well. And people don't 
like to disable the caching, since it increases load by 10x in the NFS server.

>> 3) If file size decreases, assume expunged messages -> re-read entire
>> mbox file.
> This is reasonable if you have UIDs in the file (which of course is the
> case today) since that allows you to resynchronize nicely.  In fact,
> that's excactly how mix resynchronization works.
> Back in the day, there was no good way for UW imapd to resynchronize in
> this case.  Oh, it could have done an MD5 checksum of each message, but...

Yeah, I actually also fallback to MD5 of a few specific headers if X-UID: 
headers haven't been written to disk yet.

>> Also as long as Dovecot is the only thing modifying the mbox file, state
>> is shared via index files, so 1) check always succeeds and the
>> performance stays good.
> Those three things: being able to trust mtime, index files, and the
> ability to resynchronize, are the big things in Dovecot.  For various
> reasons those very things weren't feasible in the day (now nearly 20 years
> ago) when UW IMAP's mbox code was first written; and when it became
> feasible it was done in more modern formats (first mbx, then mix).

The annoying thing with Dovecot's mbox optimizations is that they're pretty 
complex and I'm sure there are bugs there. Also it's difficult to sometimes 
figure out if something is a bug or just a side effect of some other software 
modifying the mbox, possibly with incompatible locking rules, etc.. So I'm kind 
of hoping people would stop using mbox. :) Or maybe I could at least simplify 
the code.___
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-03 Thread Mark Crispin

On Mon, 3 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:

1) If mbox file's mtime and size match

Perhaps that works better today than 20 years ago.  Back then, you could
not trust mtime to reflect reality in any reasonable way particularly when
NFS was involved.  The most common circumstance is that mtime simply
wasn't updated.  This happened even with local files.  The explanation
that I got at the time was that it was somehow "inefficient" to keep the
mtime reliably up to date.

UW imapd doesn't trust mtime for any purpose, and takes a big hurt for

3) If file size decreases, assume expunged messages -> re-read entire
mbox file.

This is reasonable if you have UIDs in the file (which of course is the
case today) since that allows you to resynchronize nicely.  In fact,
that's excactly how mix resynchronization works.

Back in the day, there was no good way for UW imapd to resynchronize in
this case.  Oh, it could have done an MD5 checksum of each message, but...

7) Writing flag changes (and other header updates) to mbox file are
optionally delayed (default), until mailbox is closed or messages are
expunged or CHECK is run. This is same as with UW-IMAP I think.


Also as long as Dovecot is the only thing modifying the mbox file, state
is shared via index files, so 1) check always succeeds and the
performance stays good.

Those three things: being able to trust mtime, index files, and the
ability to resynchronize, are the big things in Dovecot.  For various
reasons those very things weren't feasible in the day (now nearly 20 years
ago) when UW IMAP's mbox code was first written; and when it became
feasible it was done in more modern formats (first mbx, then mix).

Filesystems are also beginning to support micro/nanosecond mtime

Long overdue!!

It should work pretty well as long
as fcntl locking is used, because it reliably also clears NFS caches
(hoping of course that nfs.lockd itself doesn't break).

That's a big hope; and in my experience a futile one.  I used to be able
to tell when SUN broke my test for NFS (and thus not use fcntl locks) when
I would get reports of cluster-wide hangs on Solaris boxes.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-03 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 08:32 -0700, Mark Crispin wrote:
> For what it's worth: Timo is the author of Dovecot.  His comments about
> its implementation should be considered authoritative.  Mine are based
> upon memory and second-hand/third-hand information.
> What is important - and what I will/do comment upon - is whether or not
> another server is compliant with the specification.  Dovecot is compliant.
> I guess that the threaded semaphores stuff was in Communigate Pro.  Linda
> comment about threading obviously confused me.

Yes, probably.

> So, if I read you correctly, shared mbox access doesn't communicate flag
> changes?  You don't use an external index file to avoid having to re-read
> the entire file?  Do you allow shared expunge?

I use an external index file to avoid re-reading entire file again and
allow shared expunge. But there are all kinds of tricks to get better
performance and ability to use non-Dovecot software to access the

1) If mbox file's mtime and size match what is stored in index, index is
assumed to be up to date and mbox file isn't even opened until

2) If mtime changes but size doesn't, assume that someone else wrote
flag changes to messages -> re-read the entire mbox file.

3) If file size decreases, assume expunged messages -> re-read entire
mbox file.

4) If file size increases, assume a new message was appended -> try to
read it. If the reading fails (no valid From_-line at expected offset),
re-read the entire mbox file. If reading succeeds, enable "dirty flag",
because it's not known if there could have been also other changes.
Whenever entire mbox file is re-read, the dirty flag is cleared.

5) Whenever reading a message from cached offset, verify that there's a
valid From_-line. If dirty flag is set, verify also that X-UID: header
is for expected message. If either fails, re-read the mbox file.

6) Whenever SELECTing mbox file and dirty flag is set, optionally either
re-read mbox file (default) or just open it and keep the dirty flag.

7) Writing flag changes (and other header updates) to mbox file are
optionally delayed (default), until mailbox is closed or messages are
expunged or CHECK is run. This is same as with UW-IMAP I think. If
non-Dovecot MUA changes flags during this session and Dovecot also
notices those changes (due to above checks), the changes that don't
conflict with internal unwritten flag changes are applied to index.

Also as long as Dovecot is the only thing modifying the mbox file, state
is shared via index files, so 1) check always succeeds and the
performance stays good.

As long as the only changes are appends by (non-Dovecot) MDA, only 1)
and 4) can happen and there are again no problems. If non-Dovecot MUA
does other changes, Dovecot might not always notice the changes
immediately, but it never causes corruption.

Some small details above are probably incomplete.

Filesystems are also beginning to support micro/nanosecond mtime
resolution (well, I guess everything except ext2/ext3 does nowadays), so
saving the timestamp in nanosecond resolution could also help notice
external changes more reliably. But I haven't bothered to add support
for that.

> Did you ever test it over NFS and SMB (and NFS and SMB simultaneously)?
> That's the kind of crap that I had to support when I did the code in UW
> IMAP.  I hope that nobody has to support such nonsense ever again.

I don't know about SMB, but some people are using it over NFS and I
haven't heard complaints for a while. It should work pretty well as long
as fcntl locking is used, because it reliably also clears NFS caches
(hoping of course that nfs.lockd itself doesn't break).

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Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-03 Thread Mark Crispin

For what it's worth: Timo is the author of Dovecot.  His comments about
its implementation should be considered authoritative.  Mine are based
upon memory and second-hand/third-hand information.

What is important - and what I will/do comment upon - is whether or not
another server is compliant with the specification.  Dovecot is compliant.

I guess that the threaded semaphores stuff was in Communigate Pro.  Linda
comment about threading obviously confused me.

So, if I read you correctly, shared mbox access doesn't communicate flag
changes?  You don't use an external index file to avoid having to re-read
the entire file?  Do you allow shared expunge?

Did you ever test it over NFS and SMB (and NFS and SMB simultaneously)?
That's the kind of crap that I had to support when I did the code in UW
IMAP.  I hope that nobody has to support such nonsense ever again.

On Mon, 3 May 2010, Timo Sirainen wrote:

A bit too much misinformation here so I'll have to reply :)

On 3.5.2010, at 7.51, Mark Crispin wrote:

The main issue is if any other mail reading program is consuming the mbox.
If Dovecot is the only consumer you will be OK.  But if you have other
consumers (including Pine, Alpine, elm, /usr/ucb/mail, UW IMAP, etc.)
accessing the mbox while Dovecot is doing its thing there may be a

Dovecot allows non-Dovecot programs to access mbox files. As long as
they use compatible read/write locks, there aren't any corruption
problems. The only potential problem is that flag changes and such may
not be noticed immediately, but there are also settings to make Dovecot
read/write the mbox state more aggressively (so worse performance). But
the default behavior is actually pretty much the same as uw-imap's.

I wasn't aware of Dovecot supporting mix.  As far as I know, Dovecot only
supports maildir (its preferred format) and mbox.

There's a mix-inspired upcoming new mailbox format "mdbox" (or
multi-dbox, also dbox=single-dbox which uses compatible mail files, but
only single mail/file).

Maildir, in turn, does extra stuff to be NFS-safe at the cost of not being
at all ameniable for IMAP.  Dovecot actually implements a modified version
of maildir which is not NFS-safe...

Many people are using Dovecot with NFS, but you're right, it's not
entirely safe because I assumed I could flush NFS caches as necessary,
but that didn't turn out to work as well as I expected.

I think that you may have mistaken what Dovecot's multi-threading does.

There is no multi-threading in Dovecot! Multiple processes, sure, but
it's single-threaded everywhere. (But there is initial support for
handling multiple client connections in a single process (in a single

The multi-threading allows multiple simutaneous read/write access to an
mbox format mailbox, as long as Dovecot is the only consumer of the mbox
file (and you don't want to violate that assumption).  It does this by
exchanging semaphores between the threads, which run in the same process;
otherwise there are no such semaphore with mbox format.

IPC is done only via filesystem.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-03 Thread Timo Sirainen
A bit too much misinformation here so I'll have to reply :)

On 3.5.2010, at 7.51, Mark Crispin wrote:

> The main issue is if any other mail reading program is consuming the mbox.
> If Dovecot is the only consumer you will be OK.  But if you have other
> consumers (including Pine, Alpine, elm, /usr/ucb/mail, UW IMAP, etc.)
> accessing the mbox while Dovecot is doing its thing there may be a
> problem.

Dovecot allows non-Dovecot programs to access mbox files. As long as they use 
compatible read/write locks, there aren't any corruption problems. The only 
potential problem is that flag changes and such may not be noticed immediately, 
but there are also settings to make Dovecot read/write the mbox state more 
aggressively (so worse performance). But the default behavior is actually 
pretty much the same as uw-imap's.

> I wasn't aware of Dovecot supporting mix.  As far as I know, Dovecot only
> supports maildir (its preferred format) and mbox.

There's a mix-inspired upcoming new mailbox format "mdbox" (or multi-dbox, also 
dbox=single-dbox which uses compatible mail files, but only single mail/file).

> Maildir, in turn, does extra stuff to be NFS-safe at the cost of not being
> at all ameniable for IMAP.  Dovecot actually implements a modified version
> of maildir which is not NFS-safe...

Many people are using Dovecot with NFS, but you're right, it's not entirely 
safe because I assumed I could flush NFS caches as necessary, but that didn't 
turn out to work as well as I expected.

> I think that you may have mistaken what Dovecot's multi-threading does.

There is no multi-threading in Dovecot! Multiple processes, sure, but it's 
single-threaded everywhere. (But there is initial support for handling multiple 
client connections in a single process (in a single thread).)

> The multi-threading allows multiple simutaneous read/write access to an
> mbox format mailbox, as long as Dovecot is the only consumer of the mbox
> file (and you don't want to violate that assumption).  It does this by
> exchanging semaphores between the threads, which run in the same process;
> otherwise there are no such semaphore with mbox format.

IPC is done only via filesystem.___
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-02 Thread Mark Crispin

On Sun, 2 May 2010, Linda Walsh wrote:

   Seems to be fine with me using the 'mbox.lock' locking files to
gain exclusive access.   I believe was a compatibility setting somewhere.

The .lock file is a delivery lock; to prevent more than one agent from
writing (= appending) to the mbox at the same time.  It doesn't
synchronize between agents which hold state on the mbox.

The main issue is if any other mail reading program is consuming the mbox.
If Dovecot is the only consumer you will be OK.  But if you have other
consumers (including Pine, Alpine, elm, /usr/ucb/mail, UW IMAP, etc.)
accessing the mbox while Dovecot is doing its thing there may be a

   I think the current version of dovecot does suport 'mix' (folders and
messages in same?), but I didn't test it -- didn't want to screw up my
working mail store.  Maybe I'll eventually feel braver, out of curiosity.

I wasn't aware of Dovecot supporting mix.  As far as I know, Dovecot only
supports maildir (its preferred format) and mbox.

Doesn't Cyrus use maildir format, or is Cyrus=Courier?

No to both.

Cyrus format is a completely different format, with more in common with
netnews than maildir.

What may have confused you is that both Cyrus and maildir put each message
into a separate file.  However, Cyrus does extra stuff to make it scale a
bit better.

Maildir, in turn, does extra stuff to be NFS-safe at the cost of not being
at all ameniable for IMAP.  Dovecot actually implements a modified version
of maildir which is not NFS-safe...

One dir, many little files?  just seemed likea mess to me. But my 80+
active mailboxes might seem a mess to some.

Some people have many more mailboxes than that.

No reason to NFS -- the IMAP server should be where the source files
were and use it to mitigate access...using NFS and IMAP... two means to
access same read/write share would almost inevitably lead to a mess.

Well, then, you are more sensible than a great many people!  ;)

I'm still trying
synchronize everything between smb and local views of regular files, and end
up with observable quirks.

Hey, if you really want fun and laughter, try synchronizing SMB, NFS, and
local files.  Simultaneously!  ;)

One of the reasons that drew me to Dovecot was that my OS does support
threads, so I wanted to use use things that provide multi-thread usage
to better parallelize my workload -- it's the only way I'll ever do a
better job of processor utilization.

I think that you may have mistaken what Dovecot's multi-threading does.

The multi-threading allows multiple simutaneous read/write access to an
mbox format mailbox, as long as Dovecot is the only consumer of the mbox
file (and you don't want to violate that assumption).  It does this by
exchanging semaphores between the threads, which run in the same process;
otherwise there are no such semaphore with mbox format.

You get the same level of service in UW IMAP and Panda IMAP using mix
format.  mix has its own equivalent semaphores and does not need to be

My new IMAP server at Messaging Architects is in fact also multi-threaded,
but it doesn't need the threading for semaphore exchange.  It uses an
expanded form of mix that has metadata and stubbing (which I call "virtual
mailboxes" and am quite happy with/proud of).  Right now, we're just using
the stubbing for user quarantines, in which the per-user quarantine
mailbox has stubbing pointers into the global quarantine which contains
the actual messages.  The other extension in mix is that it is

Thanks for the appraisal -- makes me feel like I wasn't crazy for moving the
direction I did, given my hardware/software setup.

Yes, Dovecot is a reasonable server; and as I said in a previous message
Dovecot and Panda IMAP are the only two servers which are tested to be
fully compliant.

I haven't yet had my new MA server tested yet, mostly because there are
some known issues in the underlying storage architecture that need to be
resolved first.  I expect that it will eventually test fully-compliant as

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-02 Thread Linda Walsh

Mark Crispin wrote:
> UW (and Panda) try damn hard to be compatible with even the most ancient
> stupid things that people do with mbox files; and take a considerable
> performance hit for doing so.
Probably from having read your rantings on the topic before, I'd not do
any of those things...but memories, while rarely ever lost, are sometimes
depointerized through lack of use, so anything's possible.

> The issues to be aware of in Dovecot are:
> [2] Dovecot runs multi-threaded (which itself requires OS support), and
> the threads exchange state information.  Among other things, this allows
> significant performance benefits and multiple read-write access to the
> same mbox format long as Dovecot is the only consumer of the
> mbox file.  Once again, UW IMAP did not have the luxury of being able to
> assume that.
Seems to be fine with me using the 'mbox.lock' locking files to
gain exclusive access.   I believe was a compatibility setting somewhere.
> The nice thing about mix format is that there was no need to be
> compatible
> with ancient idiocies; and as a result mix is so much faster.  Even
> without the threading, mix is probably faster than Dovecot on mbox
> because
> even Dovecot has to do some mbox operations the hard way.
I think the current version of dovecot does suport 'mix' (folders and
messages in same?), but I didn't test it -- didn't want to screw up my
working mail store.  Maybe I'll eventually feel braver, out of curiosity.

> Nonetheless, if you really need mbox format, and are sure that you won't
> be running dinoware and/or doing stupid things like access via NFS, then
> Dovecot is definitely an option to consuder.
> If you want to use maildir format, I would go further and say that
> Dovecot
> is the ONLY choice; do not use an unsupported third-party driver in UW
> and
> especially do not use Courier.  
Doesn't Cyrus use maildir format, or is Cyrus=Courier?  One dir, many little
 files?  just seemed likea mess to me.  But my 80+ active mailboxes might
seem a mess to some. No reason to NFS -- the IMAP server should be
where the source files were and
use it to mitigate access...using NFS and IMAP... two means to access same
read/write share would almost inevitably lead to a mess.  I'm still trying
synchronize everything between smb and local views of regular files, and end
up with observable quirks. 

One of the reasons that drew me to Dovecot was that my OS does support
threads, so I wanted to use use things that provide multi-thread usage to
better parallelize my workload -- it's the only way I'll ever do a
better job
 of processor utilization. 

Thanks for the appraisal -- makes me feel like I wasn't crazy for moving the
direction I did, given my hardware/software setup.

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Re: moving mail between folders is intermittently failing

2010-05-02 Thread Mark Crispin

Dovecot is a good server.  It is one of only two (the other being Panda
IMAP) that fully passes IMAP compliance testing:
[UW IMAP flunks two of the hasn't been updated in 2 years.]

The main concern that I have with using Dovecot for traditional UNIX
mailbox files ("mbox") is that Dovecot gives up some of the aggressive
compatibility with ancient/stupid mbox practices for performance.

UW (and Panda) try damn hard to be compatible with even the most ancient
stupid things that people do with mbox files; and take a considerable
performance hit for doing so.

UW and Panda assume the worst about mbox.  It assumes that NFS is probably
in the picture, that you may well be farting around in some ancient 1980s
mbox tool at the same time that the IMAP server is trying to do something;
and thus it has to go through extreme checks to make sure that your mbox
file doesn't get trashed.

This aggressive support for worst case was there for a reason.  That worst
case actually existed once upon a time.  I hope that it is forever
extinct, but people tend to do crazy things...  Oh well, mankind will
probably survive even though it refuses to take my advice... :)

The issues to be aware of in Dovecot are:

[1] Access to the mbox files via NFS; a true idiocy but nonetheless one
that UW itself insisted upon doing for years (over my repeated and
vigorous objections).  I don't think that Dovecot tries to make an NFS
back end work right.  I wouldn't blame him for not doing so; most of the
UW IMAP performance slowdown with mbox files is code to make NFS work (for
a half-assed "sort of" definition of "work").

[2] Dovecot runs multi-threaded (which itself requires OS support), and
the threads exchange state information.  Among other things, this allows
significant performance benefits and multiple read-write access to the
same mbox format long as Dovecot is the only consumer of the
mbox file.  Once again, UW IMAP did not have the luxury of being able to
assume that.

The nice thing about mix format is that there was no need to be compatible
with ancient idiocies; and as a result mix is so much faster.  Even
without the threading, mix is probably faster than Dovecot on mbox because
even Dovecot has to do some mbox operations the hard way.

Nonetheless, if you really need mbox format, and are sure that you won't
be running dinoware and/or doing stupid things like access via NFS, then
Dovecot is definitely an option to consuder.

If you want to use maildir format, I would go further and say that Dovecot
is the ONLY choice; do not use an unsupported third-party driver in UW and
especially do not use Courier.

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
Imap-uw mailing list