Re: [PHP-DEV] ereg deprecation?

2010-04-28 Thread Stan Vassilev

I think I asked this before on IRC, but I've forgotten the answer. I was 
just remembering that the ereg extension was due to be deprecated in 
PHP6 - does this still apply to trunk?

Deprecated since 5.3, and was to be removed in 6.0. 
In that context, it remains deprecated in all new branches.

Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Obscure token name

2010-04-27 Thread Stan Vassilev

T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM is hardly un-google-able.

If users have to Google it, we've already failed ;)

By the way, the Hebrew name was (at some point) for removal, to be fully 
replaced by its alias T_DOUBLE_COLON. With the PHP6 branch being scrapped I 
lost track of what happened.

Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] A critique of PHP 6

2010-04-21 Thread Stan Vassilev
Come on. Is it really that hard to write strlen? Or array_merge? Would it 
be better if they were len (of what?) and merge (what?)? I don't think so.

Ahem. We all secretly know how it should've been from the very start. 
Pseudo-methods for the basic types.


Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] A critique of PHP 6

2010-04-21 Thread Stan Vassilev

 Two letters: BC.
 Changing variable order in an existing function is a big fat BC break. 
 if we put such a bomb into a new version, what would be the incentive 
 people to use it? So that apps would have to be shipped in 2 versions, 

 the old php and the new php?

Is this something that could be fixed if it's moved to a namespace? The 
alias can have the correct order but original function can have the 


No, it would me having two implementations.


There's only one way to both maintain BC during a transition period, and 
fix flaws to prepare for the next 10 years. And that's having two 

The original one will gradually be deprecated and eventually removed.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Turkish/Azeri locale support

2010-04-18 Thread Stan Vassilev

As at least some of you would already be aware, there's a
long-standing issue with using PHP in a Turkish or Azeri locale,
namely that case-insensitive lookups within the Zend engine (method
names, for example) fail on lookups involving upper-case I characters,
since lower-case I in those languages is ı instead of i (note the lack
of a dot).

The long term plan for this, per bug #35050 and any number of
duplicates, was to deal with it in PHP 6. Since PHP 6 isn't going to
happen in its original form, I think we're going to need to revisit
how we want to deal with this. There's a patch linked in the bug from
Tomas Kuliavas and Marcus that fixes the problem by simply redefining
zend_tolower() to a simple locale-insensitive ASCII tolower()
function, which does fix the Turkish and Azeri locales.

As you illustrated in your post, fixing it for locales becomes... 

If you ask me, there's only one way to fix this, which is how most other 
languages fixed it: make the next major version of PHP case-sensitive for 
all identifiers. For less bugs, less locale problems and more performance.

It was somewhat-the-plan, even before the Turkish locale issue was brought 

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Proposal: shorthand object property setting syntax.

2010-03-28 Thread Stan Vassilev


There is another solution to this problem, which is sort-of-on-the-table,
and it's named parameters:

$myLongNameObject = new MyLongNameObject(
   'property1' = '1',
   'property2' = '2',
   'property3' = '3',
   'property4' = '4',
   'property5' = '5',

With proper update, code hinting for named parameters could be introduced in
IDEs in order not to end up slower than the current syntax.

It also solves other issues and doesn't suffer from the scope resolution
problems with() {} suffers from.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Proposal: shorthand object property setting syntax.

2010-03-27 Thread Stan Vassilev


There is another solution to this problem, which is sort-of-on-the-table, 
and it's named parameters:

$myLongNameObject = new MyLongNameObject(
   'property1' = '1',
   'property2' = '2',
   'property3' = '3',
   'property4' = '4',
   'property5' = '5',

With proper update, code hinting for named parameters could be introduced in 
IDEs in order not to end up slower than the current syntax.

It also solves other issues and doesn't suffer from the scope resolution 
problems with() {} suffers from.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Raise warning first on Maximum execution time exceeded

2010-03-23 Thread Stan Vassilev

With the help of Scotts last suggestion, I made some changes. It seems
to work, but then I don't really know how to test it properly. I can
verify that A) it allows userland code the grace period of 1 second
for shutting down and B) shuts down regardless of the userland error
handler returning or not. I have tested by running the following:


Thanks for your patch, but you're going to affect a whole group of users who 
do advanced logging and recovery in the shutdown phase. This is why these 
things have to be considered when they're first added.

A grace period of 1 second seems sufficient on a pristine condition unused 
server, but when your server is loaded, a spike in load may cause a number 
of shutdown handlers to take more than 1 second, and stop middway running, 
causing a lot of unpredictability and trouble for those who rely on this 

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Where are we ACTUALLY on Unicode?

2010-03-14 Thread Stan Vassilev
If Unicode were the solution, the PHP project was on the right page with 

Sure there remained work to do, but...

How long did it take to realize UTF16 wasn't the end of the story?  UCS-4 
the minimum to solve this, and we all agree that 32 bits aren't storing a 

char in the western world, no way, no how.

The UTF-8 solution is probably the right answer... you maintain 95% of 
char *UTF
behavior, and you gain international character representation.  The only 
OS I can think of offhand is NT, and of course they hit the UCS-4 problem 

They found this out 15+ years ago.

Sure it doesn't appear as atomic, one Xword per char, but the existing 
frameworks contain most of the string processing that is required.  There 
is no
16-bit network transmission API that I can think of, you are still 
devolving to

UTF-8 for client results.

To move forward with accepting -and preferring- UTF-8 as the 
representation of
characters throughout PHP, recognizing UTF-8 for char-length 
and so forth, would do wonders to move forwards.  And 8-bit octet data can 
set aside in the same data structures.  It is the straightforward answer, 
is probably why Linux did not repeat Windows NT decision, and adopted 


UTF8 is good for text that contains mostly ASCII chars and the occasional 
Unicode international chars. It's also generally ok for storing and passing 
strings between apps.

However, it's a really poor representation of a string in memory as a code 
point can vary between 1 and 4 bytes. Doing simple calculations like 
$string[$x] means you need to walk and interpret the string from the start 
until you count to the codepoint you needed.

UTF8 also takes 4 bytes for representing characters in the higher bit 
planes, as quite a lot of bits are lost for every char in order to describe 
how long the code point is, and when it ends and so on. This means 
memory-wise it may not be of big benefit to asian countries.

Since the western world, as you put it, wouldn't want to waste 4 bytes for 
characters they use that fit in 1 byte, we could opt to store the encoding 
of a string as a byte enumerating all possible encodings supported by PHP (I 
believe they're less than 255..), so the string functions know how to 
operate and convert between them.

This means you can use Unicode only when you need it, which reduces the 
impact of using full 4 bytes per code point, as you can still use Latin-1 
1-byte encoding and freely mix it with Unicode, and still produce UTF8 
output in the end, for the web (the final output encoding to UTF8 from 
*anything* is cheap).

Another alternative is doing what JavaScript does. JavaScript uses 2-byte 
encoding for Unicode, and when a code point needs more than 2 bytes, it's 
encoded in 4 bytes. JavaScript will count that codepoint as 2 chars, 
although it's technically one codepoint. It's awkward, but since PHP is a 
web language, consistency with JavaScript may even be beneficial. It also 
solves the $string[$x] problem as you no longer need to walk the array, you 
just blindly report the 2 bytes at address string points + 2 * $x.

With this approach, all characters in the BMP will report correct offsets 
with char index and substr functions as they fit in 2 bytes. Workarounds and 
helper functions can be introduced for handling 4 byte codepoints for the 
other planes.

It of course makes certain operations harder, such as character ranges 
between two 4-byte codepoints in regex will produce unexpected results, and 
regex will see these chars:

[2bytes2bytes-2bytes2bytes] i.e.:   [a b-c d]

and not this:


Still, having variable-width encoding UTF8 or UTF16 doesn't cut it for 
general use to me as in tests it shows drastic slowdown when the script 
needs to do heavy string processing. I'd rather have it take more RAM for 
Unicode strings while being fast, and use Latin-1 when what I need is 

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Scary note for gettype() in docs

2010-03-02 Thread Stan Vassilev

On 03/01/2010 11:35 PM, Stan Vassilev wrote:


The gettype() documentation warns people that the returned string is 
subject to change.

Why is there a function that's subject to change in the API?

Because life is complicated.
Because gettype(test) returns string in 5.x and unicode in 6.0.

What exactly are you trying to fix? And what exactly are you proposing?

If I have to propose anything, that'd be for 6.0 unicode strings to return 
string and binary strings to return binary, as that is more apt for the 
real-world use cases people will find themselves in (and migrating code will 
be easier).

A PHP user stumbled onto the subject to change note and asked if it's safe 
to use. If differentiating both types of strings in 6.0 is what was 
intended, then it's perfectly safe to use, and I'll probably file an issue 
with docs to be more clear about the actual situation.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Unserialize is broken

2010-03-01 Thread Stan Vassilev


If visibility is an issue why not just use json_enode/decode for this 
case then?it doesn't seem like a typical enough problem to be solved 
low-level and json seems fast enough for the job ;-)


I don't know whether it should be fixed or not, but it definitely shouldn't 
have received resolution Bogus in the bugbase.

Bogus means the issue doesn't exist as described, is not caused by PHP, or 
it's part of the expected, intended, documented behavior of the language. In 
this case the issue is an undocumented edge case, it's counterintuitive, and 
it's reproducible with the provided code. If it not feasible to fix due to 
performance reason, the resolution should be Won't Fix.

Marking a real issue as a bogus one deprives people who work on PHP from 
having a handy log of issues that could be reviewed and possibly fixed at a 
later point as the egine changes and a solution no longer is a BC or 
performance issue. It's also insulting to the submitter, who took from his 
time to file an actual problem and was basically dismissed as uninformed on 
the issue.

Stan Vassilev 

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[PHP-DEV] Scary note for gettype() in docs

2010-03-01 Thread Stan Vassilev


The gettype() documentation warns people that the returned string is subject 
to change. Why is there a function that's subject to change in the API?

And just to clarify: I agree is_*() is better if we test for a certain type (as 
the note says). However, the use scenario for gettype() is when we do not test 
for a certain type (as in, we test for any type), which is less optimal when 
executed as 5-6 is_*() calls.

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] About optimization

2010-01-30 Thread Stan Vassilev

The gc code when combined with apc is still a bit shaky in 5.3.  I
haven't figured out why yet.  And my motivation for figuring it out is
pretty low as code that relies on gc is slow.


Motivation for relying on GC in 5.3 is pretty low because 5.3 is still a bit 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores.

2010-01-21 Thread Stan Vassilev

And I'm not sure who would actually use 'a.b' and then expect 'a_b',
but I have to assume somebody has done that, perhaps consuming an API
from somewhere else.

OpedID protocol uses dots in query string arguments. The
implementations could be broken by the patch.

While the keep arguments as is behaviour is certainly better in the
long run - issues like OpenID should be taken into account.


PHP6 *is* the long run. 

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores.

2010-01-20 Thread Stan Vassilev

Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores. For
example input name=a.b / becomes $_POST[a_b].

Any reason why? and any way to modify this behaviour to preserve dots
and spaces? (dots specifically)

I'm also using dots for this reason, so I feel your pain. What I ended up 
doing is converting dot syntax to PHP array syntax as I compile my 
So when I type this:  input ... name=a.b.c.d what I get actually 
compiled and sent to the browser is this:  intput ... name=a[b][c][d]

The reason for this quirk is register_globals. The symbols not suitable for 
symbol names, such as dots, are replaced with underscores, so that you can 
access your POST variable as $foo_bar in global space. Of course 
it never made sense the conversion is applied to the superglobals like 
$_COOKIE/GET/POST, but it was, and now there are claims that it'll break 
backwards compatibility if changed.

I hope PHP6 will remove this processing as register_globals will be 
completely removed at that point.

Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores.

2010-01-20 Thread Stan Vassilev
Well, that conversion still needs to happen somewhere, since plenty of 
apps call extract() on those superglobals, but with register_globals 
entirely gone in PHP 6, I suppose that conversion can be moved to the 
extract() call.



I'm not sure it needs to happen anywhere. Such symbols could be simply 
referred to with the intended syntax:  ${'a.b.c.d'}.

By the way, extract now seems to just ignore those vars when given an array:

extract(array('' = 'baz'));
echo ${''}; // notice, no such variable
echo $foo_bar; // notice, no such variable

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores.

2010-01-20 Thread Stan Vassilev

I'd be happy if it stayed like it is, for backwards compatibility. If
not, then there needs to be some reasonably straightforward way for an
app to work out how PHP has messed up its input so that it can put it
back together (compare get_magic_quotes_gpc()).

In any case, it could be better documented. I see it is documented in
these places:


I look at this feature more as a broken compatibility with HTTP, since 
there's data lost from otherwise valid field names on the way from the 
server to PHP's userland.

Since the bigger feature in question (register_globals) is removed, people 
who use the underscore filter with register_globals have already lost 
backwards compatibility.

For those who want to *emulate* register_globals with extract(), they can 
easily emulate the underscore filter as well (it's 3 lines of code).

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] function call chaining

2010-01-19 Thread Stan Vassilev

If everything is chained, it's a pain to figure out such basic workings.


I still find it hard to understand why some should artificially claim basic 
constructs supported by other languages for years are somehow more complex 
than PHP's existing semantics.

Supporting dereferencing in all situations where it produces unambigous 
results is necessary to improve consistency of the language, so we stop 
seeing people surprised why something works in one context, but not another.

Working around PHP's limitation with redundant factory methods and temp vars 
do not help code readability.

They are just arbitrarily imposed because of an irrational fear that 
suddenly everyone will be jumping on the new feature for his entire 
codebase. Even most poor coders are smarter than this.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Autofunc patch (automatically loading functions like autoload)

2009-10-17 Thread Stan Vassilev


Unfortunately there may be a problem with this path and namespaces in 5.3. I 
tried to warn about this while namespaces were being implemented, but everyone 
was in the autoload will always be for classes only.

Right now when you use fully qualified name of a class when inside a namespace, 
you need to always prefix it with backslash: \Foo. 

For functions, it was deemed too hard as most internal functions remain in 
global space, so inside a namespace one would need to prefix every call with a 
backslash. If you don't prefix with backslash, the interpreter will try both 
options at runtime: if there's a local function, it'll run, if there isn't, 
it'll try to find it in global space, and only if it's not there, it'll fail.

The only reason this double lookup works is because there's no autoload for 
functions, and it's the reasons why classes don't have this feature. There was 
a big discussion back about how to enable them both without severe performance 
penalty or unintuitive behavior, but none was found. 

I am myself a big proponent of autoload for functions, as there was never a 
good reason for excluding them from autoload (except for the artificially 
introduced one in 5.3).

Stan Vassilev 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Rack-Soft security 
  Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 5:32 PM
  Subject: [PHP-DEV] Autofunc patch (automatically loading functions like 


  I am submitting quite an interesting patch to PHP 5.2.11 and PHP 5.3.0. It is 
used in production on hundreds of machines without any issues.

  Basically the patch adds the autofunc function that performs quite in the 
same way like autofunc, only that it does it for functions. As do you know, if 
PHP can not find a function it will issue a fatal error. With autofunc you can 
find the function somewhere and load it. Management of large no OOP projects 
(or mixed OOP/procedural) is much easier with this. I know that there are 
workarounds for loading functions, like adding them static to classes, but this 
is not efficient and involves important changes to code.

  I have attached some PHP files to test with, you must execute index.php that 
will load autofunc when the loaded functions can not be found.

  Let me know if you have any questions regarding the patch. 

  Best regards,


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bitwise Declaration of Flags

2009-09-27 Thread Stan Vassilev

Are there any plans to allow bitwise declaration of flags?


class foo {
   const FLAG_1 = 1;
   const FLAG_2 = 2;
   const FLAG_3 = 4;

   private $Flags = self::FLAG_1 | self::FLAG_3


This is not allowed since declaration values should be resolvable at compile 
time. I.e. they can not be an expression, but only a value literal.

While technically expression folding is possible, it's not implemented in 
any part of the PHP engine (AFAIK), and I don't think it's planned any time 

To do what you want, initialize the value in the constructor:

class foo {
   private $flags;

   function __construct()
   $this-flags = self::FLAG_1 | self::FLAG_3;

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] reference caller object

2009-09-20 Thread Stan Vassilev

And really, you're not talking about a caller object but about accessing
variables in scope from the next-highest step in the call stack, which may 

may not be an object.  (Hybrid language, remember.  It could be a lambda
function as of PHP 5.3, or global scope, or...) ...

function foo()
   $caller = get_caller(); // returns standard PHP callback format

Results with various caller contexts:

// instance method
array(object $instance, string $methodName)

// static method
array(string $className, string $methodName)

// function
string $functionName

// closure
object $instance (instance of Closure)... or alternatively:   array(object 
$instance of Closure, string __invoke__)

// global scope

Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] reference caller object

2009-09-19 Thread Stan Vassilev

I, for one, am quite happy that it's fairly complicated and convoluted
to get the caller of a method, since it could lead to some seriously
incomprehensible code in the hands of someone who don't know what they
are doing. Requiring the user to use the backtrace is a clear warning
sign, and I think that's a good thing.

What is the basis for all this. When someone says a feature is ugly and it 
leading to seriously incomprehensible code, I'd really like this is 
explained and supported by evidence somehow, than just thrown around without 

Most OOP languages expose the caller in some fashion. You'll be hard at work 
to see in which of them it led to masses of convoluted code.

Practical uses for the caller reference include:

- implementing private/protected members in __get, __set, __call. Currently 
they're all public, since PHP knows the caller, but userspace doesn't. 
Visibility is caller-based.

- implementing friend classes. When two classes in a namespace or a logical 
unit, want to communicate on private matter, the only option is public 
methods/members. This can lead to a third party calling the code intended 
for internal use and breaking something somewhere. The only solutions today 
for properly capsulating such code are ugly  slow hacks (including 

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [patch] error masks

2009-08-25 Thread Stan Vassilev


I think the idea is good intended but will cause troubles of introduced in 
5.3. I alone have a bunch of code with custom error handlers that expect to 
receive all errors at all times. If the feature allows runtime tweaking via 
ini_set/get, then one could add more plumbing code and workaround, but it 
still doesn't make it BC to the expected behavior for existing 5.x apps.

However I fully agree E_NOTICE should:

1) be reserved for informational may-be-bad-but-usually-is-ok messages
2) not have performance impact when disabled (i.e. production)

The problem? Right now important errors that could cause data damage if 
ignored are E_NOTICE instead of E_WARNING.

I'm talking E_NOTICE when you using variables that don't exist, missing 
constants and so on. All of this should be E_WARNING so my production code 
can stop and notify me when it's encountered, then I wouldn't mind filtering 

Also Stas, consider why are you trying to treat the symptom of unwanted 
errors slowing things down. I would bet it's something like the stream APIs 
emitting errors on 404 response and such. Some API-s really throw notices 
and warnings where it makes no sense, so people mute them out of necessity 
(or use handlers). I'd rather fix the API-s instead of pretend it doesn't 
happen by masking the errors.

All of the above would be a job for 6.0 IMHO, 5.x has pulled enough changes 
under our feet and it's really not fun anymore :P

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Type hinting - Request for Discussion

2009-07-09 Thread Stan Vassilev
I want to remind everyone that this discussion is inadvertently sabotaging 
the work/schedule of maintenance 5.3.x point releases, which we actually 
need, for the 5.3 branch get to a point where it's stable enough to be used 
in production.

So, knowing this can go on forever, it's time to pick which you want first:

A) Stable 5.3 with namespaces, closures, late static binding, phar, SPL 
additions and more (essential brand new functionality, feature complete, 
only needs bug fixes).

B) Strict type casts/hints (shortcut for existing is_*() / cast 

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Type hinting/casting request for vote

2009-07-07 Thread Stan Vassilev

+1 if the object type hint is change to use T_CLASS so we don't break
every external package using Object as a base class.\s%2BobjectbtnG=Search+Codehl=enas_lang=phpas_license_restrict=ias_license=as_package=as_filename=as_case=


Or this can wait until 6.0, when (as I hear) we'll have case-sensitive class 
names, so Object/object, Int/int won't cause collisions.

I'm really puzzled why a non-essential, and for the past months (years?) 
controversial and always rejected feature such as strict type hints, has 
everyone turning 180 degrees and putting it in a minor release in the course 
of a week.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] weak and strict type checking RFC

2009-07-04 Thread Stan Vassilev

I can't see the difference between your proposal and the conclusion I
reached yesterday?

(which was that there is a near consensus around strict checks by
default, with casts allowed with some syntax).

Well to me it Sounded like you wanted to Rely on Standard Type  juggling 
and what i am proposing is more strict than that. More over i  am Not 
convinced that strict should Be the Default.


Just wanted to note the weak string check is the same as the strict one in 
the RFC since it appears to be incomplete. It should encompass any type that 
can cast to a string. That includes any scalar, and also objects with 
__toString method.

Also if this will be introduced, it needs to account for mixed type 
arguments, such as null/bool/int  or null/numeric etc. The RFC doesn't 
mention null at all leaving me to assume null is always allowed, no matter 

I'm a supporter of strict typing for languages in general, however, in *PHP* 
in particular, strict checks don't make sense to me, given its current 

This is a language where summing up an integer and a string can result in a 
float. API authors will start assuming strictness from their clients that is 
hard to achieve, and in the end result in peppering function/method calls 
with explicit type casting on each argument. We do not want that, I suppose.

There is one type of check that can be added right now, however, while this 
discussion continues:

function add_user(scalar name, scalar phone_number, scalar age) {}

I think we can all agree, if we can check for a class and array, then 
checking for a scalar is a natural constraint. It's both strict and weak at 
the same time since it's generic enough not to need that separation. Scalar 
here is defined by the same rules as is_scalar(), but also allows null as a 
passed value to be consistent with the other check types.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Test for edge cases with __get and property access flags

2009-06-05 Thread Stan Vassilev

3. When the caller tries to retrieve $object-foo, and foo is a 
private/protected member the caller has no access to, instead of an error, 
__get is called.

I'm not very sure the current behavior on item 3 is the best one (maybe 
error should be thrown regardless?), but freezing on either would be better 
than leaving it undefined :)

  I always thought that this is the supposed behaviour. I believe I even relied 
on it in one of my projects 


If the community wants it like it is, then I'm just fine with that: as long as 
the test is committed, so that it doesn't change overnight. Any volunteers :)?

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Is there a technical reason ?= considered a short tag?

2009-06-05 Thread Stan Vassilev


Plain ? has an additional problem of affecting the ability to include XML
files from PHP source code.


From what I know, in the future versions of PHP short tags are going to be
disabled by default. Considering the conflicts with XML syntax, that's

// no conflict
?='?xml version=1.0?'?

// conflict with full PHP tags
?php echo '?' ?

// conflict with full PHP tags
?php $a = $b; /* ? */ ?

I think these four examples should render any argument containing XML and 
PHP in the same sentence invalid.

My suggestion is, follow your own notes: Leave short tags alone - never 
talk about it again (

Stan Vassilev 

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[PHP-DEV] NaN still broken on Windows builds?

2009-05-24 Thread Stan Vassilev


Can someone please point me to a Win32 build which has a working NaN? The last 
few releases on all share the same problems, which are leading to 
real-world bugs in userland code:

var_dump(NAN); // float(0), should be float(NAN)
$realNaN = sqrt(-1); 
var_dump($realNaN); // float(NAN)
var_dump($realNaN == $realNaN); // true, should be false, NaN should never 
match NaN

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] NaN still broken on Windows builds?

2009-05-24 Thread Stan Vassilev


Try VC9 snapshots from please.



Thanks for your pointed, though I couldn't find VC9 builds for any stable 
release (5.2.x) of PHP?

I'll check with 5.3.x a bit later, but what is the recommendation for those 
of us who have to deploy PHP on Windows today? Go with the RC of 5.3?

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Grafts, Traits, horizontal reuse

2009-04-18 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
The question here is how to handle property accesses, in particular 
accesses to unspecified properties.
I actually would expect to have a lookup mechanism which first looks  in 
the trait, and if the property is not found there, its going to the 
object. I expect this behavior, because it is similar to what we have 
with inheritance and properties defined by a superclass.

If a property is not jet defined, I would expect it to be created in  the 
most inner scope, like local variables.
On the other hand, I also would expect, as in inheritance, properties  to 
be found defined by super classes, or the class which defines the 

But this only my intuitive solution, so this could of course be  specified 

Best regards


I see this in a much simpler fashion. Treat traits as a preprocessor step 

Internally, trait methods on multiple classes may point to the same method 
to save resources, but in my opinion there's no need to complicate matter by 
introducing new resolution rules, scopes, and so on.

The way I see it:

1) Property/Method name conflicts on trait/class, within the class including 
the trait raises Fatal Error.
2) Extending classes can override the property/method, unless it's a final 
method, just like as if they override normal parent class property/method.
3) There's a single space for a class property and its trait properties, so 
access works as if it was all class properties.


Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Grafts, Traits, horizontal reuse

2009-04-18 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

trait Counter {
  var $value;
  public function inc() { $this-value++; }

trait Color {
  var $hue;
  var $saturation;
  var $value;
  public function getRGB() { /* ... */}

class MyClass {
  use Counter, Color;

Ok, you could argue that you than will have to refactor your property 
names in your state. But then you will break other traits. Even worth, 
this trait is defined in a widely used framework and your breaking  other 
peoples code just by changing implementation details which  should not 
even be visible to your users.

I do not think that this simple model is practicable. Unfortunately,  it 
is implied by the current state-less proposal, if we do not forbid  any 
access to properties inside of trait methods (which sounds like a  stupid 
idea to me). :(



Since the expectancy of a trait is it'll be used in many other classes 
horizontally, I wouldn't think people will start taking generic names in 
traits as they do in normal classes.

I'd personally expect this naming convention more likely:

trait Counter { protected $counterValue; }
trait Observable { protected $observableListeners; }

And so on. The benefit is it's easy to implement, understand, and use.

However if this is not acceptable to many, and we could live with the 
complication of it, the best idea for trait property access I suppose would 
be this:

trait Observable {
   protected $listeners;

class Any {
   use Observable;

   function accessTraitProperty() {

Hence namespacing trait state into an automatically created object of the 
same name, and we're done.

On the other said, a all traits could have an automatic property owner, 
which gives it access to the class state/properties.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Is it true that short_open_tag is deprecated in PHP 6?

2009-04-14 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


A vote in support of short tags, although last time I checked they were not 
removed in PHP6 (and I hate to see this brought up once more).
On top of that, the supposed XML conflict argument is not fully thought 
through, since full PHP tags are not XML compliant either:

?php echo ?; ?

In the above example, XML parsers would do this:

Processing directive: ?php echo ?
Text node: ; ?
Parse error: 

As you see, it's a much simpler world when we realize PHP was never supposed 
to be XML in the first place. However it was supposed to be a preprocessing 
templating engine, and so we need to keep it optimized for that.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] User namespaces and PHP classes

2009-03-31 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Try this:

use PDO;

Stan Vassilev



I've been writing in the last days a web application on PHP 5.3 (beta1
although RC was released) cause of all the goodies it brings,
specially the namespaces, however I've been a bit stuck and
*surprised* that the only way to use a PHP class (like Iterators, PDO,
etc) is to call them from the global scope, this means: adding the \
at the beginning at the class.

My short question is: is it the only possible way? That means that I
need to be very careful when invoking PHP classes, like PDO? Currently
when I do:

$pdo = new PDO(..);

throws an error if I use it from one of my namespaced-classes, the error 

Fatal error: Class 'MyNameSpace\PDO' not found in /foo/bar/foome.php

throws an error, since spl_autoload can't find the 'MyNameSpace\PDO'
class. And yes I know I could create a class that extends from it, but
I don't think that's the best idea, just imagine the number of classes
I just need to create to cover the PHP classes I plan to use.

So, are there other workarounds for this? Like an autoload function
for PHP objects created inside a non-global scope (MyNameSpace)? I was
reading a thread about namespaces of last year and someone suggested
something like:

if (($p = strrpos($class, '\\')) !== false) {
$name = substr($class, $p+1);
if (class_exists(\\$name)) {
// or use \\$name;

However that wont work cause: 1) one can't use use at the middle of
a PHP files, it needs to be used at the beginning afaik, 2)
spl_autoload will definetly find the class I'm passing (supposing PDO)
but it's useless since what is expected by PHP is a MyNameSpace\PDO
class. Probably I could use Reflection but I'm not sure if that's the
best idea...

Any other plans to use PHP objects (SPL, PDO, etc) inside non-global
namespaces? Maybe a PHP namespace that spl_autoload could catch,

use PHP;
use PHP\SPL;
use PHP\ArrayObject;
(this idea was given in a previous thread :-))

.. or perhaps having something like spl_namespace_alias, when someone
can use inside their autoload functions:

spl_namespace_alias('/PDO', $classname); // where $classname is the
parameter received by the __autoload functions.

I don't have any problems to prepend the \ but I think PHP should
catch that stuff automatically as it does with constants and
functions, no? Find a bit annoying to write the \ to PHP classes I
want to use imho.

Pablo Fischer (pablo [arroba/at]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Enhanced __CLASS__ constant

2009-01-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Why not just enhance get_class() function to accept the object itself
(not only the instance)?

This means:
- No new keyword
- No magic Foo::__MIRACLEHERE__
- No 50 pages documentation to help user


You can't do this. get_class(SomeClass) would attempt to pass constant named 
SomeClass to the function.

In PHP you can have constant/function/class of the same name and the only 
way to tell them apart is context.

It needs to be either a magic constant or a language construct.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Enhanced __CLASS__ constant

2009-01-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Especially in namespaced code it should be very useful  to have 
something returning fully qualified name as string. It can be operator, 
but I think introducing new keyword is bad way, or it can be realized 
using well known magic constant in new context:


function factory($class)
   return new $class;

$obj = factory('MyClass'); // returns object MyClass
$obj = factory(MyClass::__CLASS__); // returns again object MyClass, code 
is little bit more selfexplaining


I've discovered this omission earlier and I have proposed two solutions:

1) $x = nameof Foo;


2) $x = Foo::__NAME__; // very similar to yours, Foo::__CLASS__ may even be 

Since passing identifier references as strings is relatively pervasive in a 
lot of the PHP code out there, I hope this is resolved for 5.3, before we 
figure out we need it the hard way after we've littered our code with tons 
of manually written out explicit references.

One problem with your proposal / my second proposal is, it works for 
classes, but doesn't address namespaced 1) functions 2) constants.

A new keyword would address this, but then, who wants a new keyword, 

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New function proposal: spl_object_id

2009-01-20 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


I had a talk with Marcus, and he has agreed on this proposed solution:

1) SPL generates a pseudo-random session id/mask (for the current request, 
do not confuse with $_SESSION), which consists of 32 random 
2) The object is and the handler pointer are used to create a unique 
identifier for the object, by padding each pointer to 16 bytes and joining 
them together.
3) The resulting byte sequence is XOR-red with the session mask so the 
object id/handler are not retrievable in userland, and the resulting 
sequence/string is returned.

This is better than spl_object_hash for two reasons:

1) no printf of numbers, no expensive md5 hashing, no hex conversion.
2) no possible collisions


1) might generate some non-printable chars after xor (but this wouldn't 
matter for operation). The idea above can be tweaked to solve this.

The 32-bit string format is to preserve compatibility with 
spl_object_hash, so it can replace it, instead of introducing a new similar 

I've had no time to look further into this, but Marcus seems to like the 
basic idea, so feel welcome...

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Tip for 5.3: exceptions in __toString and __autoload

2008-12-27 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


With __autoload you can throw an exception as long as you define the class 
If you don't, the fatal error from the fact the class isn't there is 
triggered before the exception and you never see it.

A clutch would be eval-ing an empty class with the same name right before 
you throw. I leave up to you how appropriate that is.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Undefined constants producing E_NOTICE

2008-12-20 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Hi Kuba,

For the moment some unexpected behaviour caused by use of undefined 
constant may be hard to fix with low error reporting level.

So don't use a low error reporting level.

treating an undefined constant as a string does not make sense. I know 
that PHP is intended to be a flexible language, but for me it's a bit 

Just how is PHP supposed to know that some random string is intended to be 
anything else?

By the quotes :).

Undefined variable $foo doesn't fall back to string 'foo' it falls back to 
null. It's a sane strategy for constants as well.

I have no information how people rely on this, I know the reason for this 
fallback is bad syntax like:  echo $hi[there];

I'd fix it in 6.0 though.

Regards, Stan Vassiev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] json_encode()

2008-12-16 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

1. Document the fact that if you want to strictly conform to the JSON
  spec and be sure your json_encode output will work in various JSON
  parsers, you have to pass it a PHP array or object.


Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] json_encode()

2008-12-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


JSON allows extensions. I can not understand why this is not an extension 
that makes sense:

json_encode($var, $allowScalar = false);

In PHP outputting of JS literals is a common action, so all you'll achieve 
by completely removing this option, is forcing people to go from this:

echo 'var foo = '.json_encode(hello world); this:

echo 'var foo = '.substr(json_encode(array(hi world)), 1, -1);

A flag that defaults to false would be just as explicit and educational, and 
more efficient, than forcing hacks on us like the above one.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Removing basic types from our JSON parser

2008-12-13 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

var foo = ?=json_encode($my_string)?;
... (yes, they maybe heared somewhere that JSON is *not* javascript, I
told 'em too).

JSON is a strict subset of JavaScript, and the above scenario is something I 
also do often.

Since PHP generates web pages, any time I need to generate a JS literal 
json_encode() is the natural equivalent of var_export(.., true) for PHP 

Since it may not match the RFC apparently, I suggest a flag as some other 
people said:

function json_encode($var, $allowScalar = false) {}

This way we gain best of both worlds without disrupting either specs nor 
existing workflows.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-11-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Hmm, I really think we should simply maintain BC 100% but using the new

BC 100% makes little sense - why usort can accept object but sort can't? 
And functions like next/prev are useless with many types of objects.

 Especialy think this through for the next
bigger release (presumably PHP 6.0) and come up with a set of interfaces 
for objects that allow them to more sensibly work with functions.

We already have set of interfaces. They aren't just used consistently. And 
that's a bug. We shouldn't let BC to prevent us from fixing bugs. 
Especially BC with things that were never documented to work at the first 
place and are working in half of functions and don't work in others 
without any logical order.

As a PHP user who'd want to migrate to 5.3 sooner than later, and uses those 
heavily, I'd rather not see BC breaks in a point release, even though just 
like you I see some WTF-s in the old behaviour.

Full rethinking of this and consistently respecting the Array/Iterator 
interfaces would be great and needed for 6.0, though.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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[PHP-DEV] Proposal for nameof functionality without new keyword...

2008-11-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Earlier I proposed this construct which fell on deaf ears, maybe since it means 
a new keyword nameof:

namespace Foo\Bar;
class Baz {}
$name = nameof Baz; // 'Foo\Bar\Baz'

The same expansion to FQN happens for imports/aliases with use XXX.

I want to suggest an alternative approach which could work just the same 
internally, but without a new keyword:

namespace Foo\Bar;
class Baz {}
$name = Baz::__NAME__; // 'Foo\Bar\Baz'

[IMPORTANT] Baz::__NAME__ should be replaced at parse time (like the magic 
constants), so that class Baz is not autoloaded (we don't need it autoloaded 
just for the name).

Why is this good:

1) Would cover our basic needs for this feature when passing class names around 
for factories, callbacks, strategies, handlers and so on.

2) Doesn't introduce a new keyword, and apparently class constant __NAME__ is 
very rarely used by anyone, if at all (Google Code Search shows 0 hits on PHP 

3) It's intuitive as it follows the conventions established by the other magic 
constants, and serves a very similar purpose.

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-11-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


As a PHP user who'd want to migrate to 5.3 sooner than later, and uses 
those heavily, I'd rather not see BC breaks in a point release, even 
though just like you I see some WTF-s in the old behaviour.

You heavily use natsort on objects? What for?

If natsort covered the entirety of this BC break, I guess we wouldn't be 
having this discussion.

Regards, Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-17 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

 Zend_Acl == Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface,
 Zend_Acl_Role_Registry, Zend_Acl_Assert_Registry...

 Regard, Stan Vassilev

Stan, ZF doesn't use namespaces yet. This is not namespaced code. 
Namespaced code requires different convention 

In namespaced code there cannot be class Interface in namespace 
Zend\Acl\Role. There must be class RoleInterface in Zend\Acl namespace. 
Similary class Zend_Acl become Acl in Zend\Acl namespace. So look at the 
code with namespace-eyes. Classes Zend_Acl, Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface, 
Zend_Acl_Role_Interface... will exist in one namespace.

I've checked that wiki page before, and I'm following with interest how they 
end up naming those, but that changes nothing.

Today, Zend_Acl uses Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface.

Tommorow, Zend\Acl uses Zend\Acl\ResourceInterface (or similar).

The fact is, PHP frameworks and especially Zend use plenty of factories and 
facade classes, which by definition reach into inner-more classes and 
provide simplified paradigm to the outside world.
The Interface and Exception classes won't stay like this, but they'll still 
be inside a subnamespace.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Hi Marcin,

Stan also requested this, so it should be considered as a possibility.

Personally, I would rather not introduce this land mine.  It requires
the user to do an implicit prepending of namespace name (foo) to bar
in the use statement as well as a translation of A, which could fast
lead to unreadable code.

It is probably best to simply require a fully qualified name where it is
intended.  Thus

1) require leading \ in use statements
2) allow namespace\blah in use statements, as this is a valid fully
qualified name.

namespace my\ns;

// this is a better way to do the suggested use bar as A;
use namespace\bar as A;
use \bar as B;

class mine extends \my\parentclass {}

Greg, I can't spot where does your example differ from what I and Marcin 
suggested? Please explain.

As for the leading \ for fully qualified identifiers, well it's a necessary 
evil. As you said yourself PHP is PHP, and we have unique constraints to 
meet, we have no scopes, we have no compile time packaging of the resources, 
and since we don't have meta files describing the namespace resources (wink 
wink...), we should stick to a single-rule no-ambiguity system.

For me the only way to make it clear to both humans and parsers alike is the 
filepath semantics, in all places, including use. It's not perfect, there's 
no completely problem-free solution, but prepend \ for absolute path is 
able to become muscle memory, while other mixed solutions I've seen are more 
confusing and require more thinking: wait in this context what was what?.

And there's one more pain point which I posted earlier on the list about, 
but now as I prepare my framework for 5.3 namespaces, I *really* feel the 
pain in practice: the inability to pass a class/function name without 
specifying it fully as a string.

My suggestion was:   use foo\bar\baz as alias;$name = nameof alias; // 
$name == 'foo\bar\baz'

But this introduces a new keyword: nameof, which could clash with 
function/class/constant nameof in existing source code. I could suggest 
simply not having nameof and having direct assignment assign the class 
name, but then we clash with constants which have the same name as the 
class. So that's not doable either.

But it's definitely in-your-face issue while using namespaced code.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Are you aware of __NAMESPACE__?  Also, if you are using a lot of
external namespace names, you might consider simply defining constants:

namespace foo\bar\baz;
const ns = __NAMESPACE__;

then you can simply do

use foo\bar\baz;  $name = baz\ns;

I don't see a huge pressing need for nameof since the above is 3 extra
lines of code - total - per NS.

If this sounds good, I will add an example to the new docs


I'm aware of __NAMESPACE__, and your example is kinda creative, but I think 
that's a touch too much acrobatics for something that's a basic need :P 
Consider callbacks, factories, strategies, drivers, adapters, proxies and so 
on which typically may and do pass class/function names around. I don't 

I'd rather endure the pain and write the string in full every single time 
than cause extra confusion in my source code :)

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-15 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Why? I have developed framework using PHP namespaces and studied Zend 
Framework source codes and result is: if we use the new resolution rules 
(1), than in nearly all cases developers must prefix class names with \, 
only in few cases prefix is not required. Why? Because usually classes in 
more nested namespaces extends classes in less nested namespaces. If you 
don't believe, look in framework sources :-)

A quick study on the Zend Framework source reveals most top-level classes 
requiring, using, and accepting as arguments more inner classes and 
interfaces in the relevant namespace:

Zend_Acl == Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface, 
Zend_Acl_Role_Registry, Zend_Acl_Assert_Registry...

Zend_Auth == Zend_Auth_Storage_Session, Zend_Auth_Storage_Interface, 

Zend_Cache == Zend_Cache_Core, Zend_Cache_Frontend, Zend_Cache_Backend 
(including all specific frontend/backend adapters).

Zend_Db == it's a factory for all classes like: Zend_Db_Adapter_*

Zend_Pdf == Zend_Pdf_Page, Zend_Pdf_Cmap, Zend_Pdf_Font, Zend_Pdf_Style, 
Zend_Pdf_Parser, Zend_Pdf_Trailer, Zend_Pdf_Color etc.

So, I really suggest we leave that argument out.

Regard, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] register globals - PHP6 still replaces . in variables from outside

2008-11-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 03:57, Stan Vassilev | FM [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I don't see it would work with something like
import_request_variables() unless thats removed or extract(), which is
some of the reasons for this replacement feature afair.

There was never a need for the replacement to occur for the GPC

Isn't that fixed already?
I could have sworn seeing a commit from Ilia that allowed dots in the
superglobals (duplicating the key, one with dot and one with
underscore) some months ago...?


It's not fixed, if it was, it was not checked in. In the 5.3 nightly, 
foo.php?a.b.c = 10 shows up as $_GET['a_b_c'] in PHP

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] register globals - PHP6 still replaces . in variables from outside

2008-11-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

I don't see it would work with something like
import_request_variables() unless thats removed or extract(), which is
some of the reasons for this replacement feature afair.

There was never a need for the replacement to occur for the GPC 

If import_request_variables() needs it, it can do it there only for that 
import. I.e.

$_GET[''] is just fine, and importing '' with the above 
function could still produce $foo_bar only for that specific edge case.

It's just a premature replacement too early the stack.

Regards, Stan Vassilev. 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Request for Comments: Horizontal Reuse for PHP

2008-11-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

class Helloworld
   public function sayHello() { print HELLO; }

category HelloworldExtras on Helloworld
   public function sayWorld() { print World; }

$h = new Helloworld;
$h-sayWorld(); // print WORLD

This is extremely beneficial for lightweight extension of classes 
without subclassing.

This feature is identical to the C# .NET Extension methods. The best use 
of it is for selectively extending the primitive type classes on the fly 
with methods you need (string, int, array, etc.).

The irony in this is, in PHP the primitive types are not OOP capable, so 
with this in mind I wonder how much this functionality would serve to make 
the life of people easier, and how much of it will be just the rope they 
need to hang themselves. The concept of categories and extensions is not as 
popular to the average developer as say classes and interfaces.

Also we can't overload use for this as use specifically only imports 
symbol names, not actual code, into the environment. It doesn't have the 
knowledge of whether something is a namespace, or a class, or a category, so 
to know how to trigger autoload.

Regards, Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I understand this new behaviour is same as using relative paths, but 
there is a common best practise to not make dependencies form topper 
namespaces to deeper ones.
So it is rare to have class Company\Software\Base extending 
Company\Software\Web\Forms\Control (i.e. Base extends Web\Forms\Control), 
and it is common have class Company\Software\Web\Forms\Control extending 

So in real world it means that nearly every usage of partially qualified 
indentifiers (Sub\Object) have to be written with preceding backslash.

David Grudl

Can you please point us to an example describing this best practice?

Aside from this, the problem is: scopes. In other languages we don't have 
preceding separators and those conflicts hence don't exist, since with 
scopes, if a name doesn't exist in the local scope, it's automatically 
bubbled up until it goes right back to the global scope.

In PHP nothing bubbles, hence this doesn't work. We have just one exception 
to this, with global functions in local space which bubble up to global 
even without the prefix (which I believe will come to bite us later on).

However there's still one more issue, use clauses only understand full 
symbol names, which causes yet another inconsistency:

namespace foo;
use bar\baz as bar_baz;

$a = new bar\baz(); //instantiates class with absolute path foo\bar\baz
$b = new bar_baz(); //instantiates class absolute path bar\baz

In fact, use doesn't even know what the prefix would mean:

use \bar\baz; // parse error

So it has to be decided which way the system goes to avoid confusion and 
bugs IMO.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] An optimization idea

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I just ran a quick benchmark on this and I'm not seeing a significant 
real world change for Facebook's codebase. (definitely less than 1%) 
This was a pretty small test, without a lot of code execution, so I  could 
see other applications doing better.  I'm pretty neutral on this  one, 
it's not a really big change so might be worth adding if it's  going to 
give a few applications out there a gain, but I couldn't see  doing this 
everywhere of course.



Something that could give arrays a boost would be to:

- pool all string literals in each file
- give each stringl iteral an id (unique in the loaded environment)
- bind early all array access with string literals (a common occurence), so 
they don't need to be resolved with a hashmap lookup, but rather, a direct 
stirng literal id lookup.

The benefit of this approach are:

- There's no need to generate a hashmap in the first place
- String literal id-s are unique integers and have no conflicts, so no need 
to do conflict resolution.

That would help with objects as well.

Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace resolution rules has been changed?

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Or Zend Framework source code. There is no class extending class from
subpackage (class Zend_View extends Zend_View_Abstract is not
subpackage, viz
 *In PHP nothing bubbles, hence this doesn't work. We have just one
exception to this, with global functions in local space which bubble
up to global even without the prefix (which I believe will come to bite
us later on).
*I understand but I think it doesn't matter. PHP has not qualified
identifiers yet, so any qualified identifier can be understand as and
only as fully qualified identifier (ie absolute path), like former
namespace implementation does, and not like relative path.

David Grudl

The Zend Framework is chock full of classes reaching for inner classes and 
providing them to the world in the form of Adapters, Factories, Drivers, 

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] An optimization idea

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
This wouldn't really help with the case here of if ($array1 == 
$array2)... though right?  (not to say it's not good, just making  sure I 
understand ;-) ).

Yes I'm talking about speeding up scenarios full of hash lookups in general.

It sounds like this would only work if the array contents where static 
though, as you're mapping a constant string to the contents of the  hash 
(or did I misunderstand and you'd be mapping string const. values  to hash 

My point is, replacing this process:

$a['foo'] or $a-foo - compute hash of 'foo' - find item for hash 'foo' - 
many items? - resolve conflict - return item

With this process:

$a[% string_literal_id_5 %] - lookup item key 5 for array - return item

Notice we skipped hash generation, and conflict resolution altogether. We 
only have the lookup for the integer id.
If some additional work is done, even this lookup can be eliminated and make 
this an O(1) process.

If instead the coder used variable:

$a[$bar] or $a-$foo (var array lookup and var var object lookup), then this 
optimization can't kick in, and the existing algorithm will be used.

However static access is the predominant usage, especially for objects, 
but also for arrays, so this should have significant impact.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] An optimization idea

2008-11-10 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Since nobody else has chimed in with the obvious (to me, anyways):

I've worked with some code that uses disgustingly huge (512Mb)  arrays, 
largest implementation was a single 2.5 Gb array (before we  took the 
offending programmer into a room and had a... chat).

I'd be interested in seeing some metrics on the needed extra CPU  ticks 
for determining if an array (or array sub-element) is static or  dynamic 
under the scheme, as well as the extra memory for storing an  (many?) 
extra value(s).

That's not exactly what I had in mind: I don't split whole arrays into 
static and dynamic (this could be an entirely orthogonal optimization to 
what I'm saying, similar to what Chrome's V8 engine does currently).

We just know a lot more at compile time about member lookups that are 
defined by a string literal:

$obj-foo(),   $obj-foo   and   $arr['foo']

as opposed to fully dynamic accesses which we don't know at parse time:

$obj-$bar(),   $obj-$bar   and   $arr[$bar]

And we can optimize based on that. I've not spent significant time with the 
PHP source code yet, to be honest, but if no one is willing to look at it, I 
could start tinkering with it in my free time and post patches if I arrive 
at anything. Then we can test how it impacts real world code.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

What about adding a function that behaves like __autoload, but with
respect to namespace wildcards?  Something like:


Ok so first:

1) We can't implement wildcards since a wildcard needs to be expanded to a 
set of concrete classes at runtime for it to make sense, and we don't know 
what those classes are (due to autoloads and conditional require/include 

2) There can't be a method to resolve wildcards, since namespaces currently 
work 90% at the parse level, before any PHP code has executed. This is 
required for good performance and simplicity.

3) I have emailed Greg a simple idea for solving this with a INI-like meta 
namespace file, a simple file we can put in our include path, which 
describes the resources of a namespace and optionally their location.

For example let's say you have namespace My\Name\Space, and inside you have 
classes Foo, Bar, functions baz and constants ONE, TWO. In one of your 
include paths, you'll create a file called My.Name.Space.nsmeta and put 
the following inside:

class Foo = path\to\Foo.class.php
class Bar = path\to\Bar.class.php
function baz = path\to\baz.func.php
const ONE = \path\to\constants.php
const TWO = \path\to\constants.php

This file you can generate from your framework, or even write by hand, as 
you see it's very simple to write/read, and tokenizes with the existing PHP 

Since this file will be read at parse time, it has the ability to solve the 
following problems:

1) zero-performance-impact namespace wildcards (especially with an opcode 
cache like APC, XCache etc.)
2) faster resource loading (PHP can autoload resources from the location map 
above without you writing a slow __autoload runtime procedure)
3) you can load on demand now any namespace resources: class, functions, 
constant, not just classes.

Naturally this is not for 5.3 as we all want 5.3 stable and out as soon as 
possible. But it has the potential to simplify drastically some workflows, 
especially in large complex frameworks, so if it picks up, maybe 5.4, or 6 
or who knows.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Case sensitivity

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
As another example, anyone with half a brain and more than 10 minutes 
experience with the internals of PHP knows that it'd be ridiculous to 
suggest that PHP's array type be re-written to act like Java or .NET. 
The fact that it is ridiculous is implicit, we all know it, it doesn't 
need to be said.


I don't know why case sensitivity as I layed it out, is put in the same 
group as ideas for removing $ from variables or redoing the PHP primitives, 
or what have you...

Knowing the guts of PHP doesn't protect people from making really bad 
proposals, as anyone following this list for some time is well aware.

Core devs know the PHP engine well, but sometimes have little idea of 
accepted standards, syntax and common workflows in and outside the PHP 

Also: those truly hilarious joke replies some people keep producing on 
this list, including to this thread: they're not funny. The idea of OSS 
forums like this list, isn't to generate easy entertainment for bored 

A valid point elsewhere is lost everytime a thread heads this way.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Sounds like an idea for custom extension, but I doubt this would work
as a general approach.
It limits dynamic nature of php, so won't be suitable for all cases

Did you see this extension?

Just two points:

1) It doesn't need to be suitable for all cases, as you can still 
require/include or autoload your file exactly as today. It's an addition, 
not a replacement.

2) It doesn't limit the dynamic nature of PHP as those files can be 
generated from a script just as any text file, and will be used for large 
redistributable libraries, frameworks, which are more static in nature than 
the application code utilising them.

As for the extension, I'll check it out, thanks.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] bracketed namespace declarations

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

use blah\blah;

$f = new blah;

namespace one {
use foo\bar as blah;
$a = new blah;

// what is this?

Technically, you could argue that blah::hi() should resolve to
blah\blah::hi(), but it is very difficult to track and figure out what
blah means by eye.  Thus, in the patch I implemented, if bracketed
namespace declarations exist, global use statements are not allowed, but
must exist within namespace ns {} brackets.

This creates a problem - how do you combine namespaced and unnamespaced
code?  To solve this, I introduced the oft-suggested namespace {}

Well, here's a cheesy mod of your example:

$f = 10;

function one() {
   $f = 20;

echo $f; // what is this? 10 ;)

I guess it's clear that code below or above a namespace is in the same 
global namespace, so use blah\blah will apply ot blah::hi();.

However, we do also need your suggestion: namespace [nothing] { ... } since 
one of the major design goals of the {} syntax variation was to allow people 
to merge multiple files for deployment. Something which several frameworks 
already do.

When we merge two files with use clauses, we need a way to provide blank 
namespace scope so the use applies only to the relevant part of the code.

We can't avoid your code example above either, since by default we don't 
require every piece of code to be in a namespace. If we allow {} scoping, 
it'll be awkward to suddenly require the remaining global code to be put in 
an explicit scope too, and people will be confused.

Hence a solution that seems most natural to me, and covers all use cases is 
the following (where the scope # tells you where the use declarations 

// global, scope 1

namespace { // global, scope 2 }

// global, scope 1

namespace { // global, scope 3 }

// global, scope 1

namespace foo\bar { // foo\bar, scope 4 }

// global, scope 1

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] bracketed namespace declarations

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Sorry for the second email, I just forgot to mention something regarding how 
use statements apply from global scope to namespace x {}.

The best way regarding realworld usage and existing state of the art would 
be to take into account the use statements in the scope above and apply the 
use statements inside the scope after them.

So if I write this:

use A;
use B;

namespace {
   use C;

In the namespace, it's the same as if I wrote use A, B, C in that order 
explicitly. Implemented this way, in a future version of PHP we could allow 
this typical scenario (which I suspect won't work with this patch?):

use A;

function foo() {
   use B; // use A applies implicitly, use B applied only for the scope of 
the function


Which code above is in fact a sugared version of what is actually happening:

use A;

function foo() { namespace {
   use B; // use A applies implicitly, use B applied only for the scope 
of the namespace scope

} }

The above significantly helps with larger function/class libraries in a 
single file, as you can make your use statements more local (typically you 
will use certain classes globally, and most locally in a function/method), 
and is supported by most modern languages that handle namespaces.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] bracketed namespace declarations

2008-11-07 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Ok so I had a quick chat with greg and reread his proposal and it's actually 
a sound proposal.

My original concern was that if we don't implement proper subset of 
namespace scopes we'll have difficulty extending PHP in the future to 
support function-local use declarations etc.

However Greg's proposal is in fact a strict subset of scopes, which could be 
extended in the future in a backcompat nature.

It also covers all use cases by the community, so I'm +1, if anyone is 
counting that is. Sorry for the noise :)

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Watching my thread devolve into a blamefest wasn't the intention. I just 
wanted a clear answer if something's done about it or not.

To everyone participating in the thread: guys it's NOT trivial in the 
current situation. To the parser, a separate string matching a keyword is 
the token keyword.

Reverting this or making it context sensitive is not trivial by any means. 
Still though: it IS possible, you'll find plenty of examples of 
context-specific keywords in other languages (including C# which was quoted 

Oh and btw, greg, in your example: you should print 1.

There's one trivial solution: make the keywords and class names 
case-sensitive. Then classes If, Array, Interface will never class 
with the all-lowercase keywords. I have to say, we sorely do need 
consistency on that front as well, and since vars are already case 
sensitive, making it all case sensitive is one way to go forward.

Why is this a problem at all? Well as people said, in .NET words like 
array are not a reserrved word.

Even more, if I have Foo.Utils.FooUtils, that's some redundancy I can easily 
avoid in .NET by using Foo.Utils.*. In PHP, we can't do star-imports since 
the parser doesn't know what's there to import at runtime. So we can't 
easily avoid the redundancy, unless we manually import the classes we want 
to use, one by one.

So that's one more hassle which make redundant names a pain.

Stan Vassilev 

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[PHP-DEV] Case sensitivity

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
NOTE: Continuing from thread Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?:

 As much as I'd love to see more case-sensitivity, I'm afraid it would
 break quite a lot of existing apps, according to Google Code.

It's worse than I thought, really out of the question for 5.x. 

Though I still think it's something we should consider for 6.0 as it's 
something we need to fix in the long term (and 6.0 already has breaks, such as 
strings used in binary operations need to be changed to binary strings). 

I can provide a short PHP script which can automatically fix the case of 
internal classes and keywords like array() in most source code out there.

We can test such automated porting scripts on samples collected from PEAR, 
Google Code and projects like Drupal, Joomla etc. to reduce side effects.

Regards, Stan Vassilev

Re: [PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


As you know, with the new convention, the parser will not encounter 
T_STRING Zend\Validate\Interface but rather:

With namespaces, class name would not be Zend\Validate\Interface. Having 
namespaces, it would make much more sense to make last component a 
descriptive name, so you won't have code like this:

if($object instanceof Interface) { // wtf am I checking here?

As for how exactly that descriptive name should look - I guess each 
framework's developers that plan to support namespaces think about it hard 
right now. I know ZF developers do :)


Fully agreed. Though since we (PHP users) will all be using namespaces 
together, it makes much more sense that we have a paradigm, recommendation 
for namespace usage that all frameworks will follow.
Maybe the ZF, Agavi, CI, CakePHP etc. authors should get together and craft 
a single recommendation list for people to use.

It's not just a matter of consistency, it's a matter of makming the language 
work well with the recommended scenario and use patterns of namespaces.

Two things are obvious:

1) What worked with underscores won't work with namespaces.

2) What scenario above with instanceof Interface isn't very likely. Why? 
Well imagine you want to use 5 classes in namespace foo\bar, called A, B, C, 
D, E (ex. foo\bar\A). In most any language with packaging system, to flatten 
the space you simply do this:

use foo\bar\*;

$a = new A();
$b = new B();

In PHP, due to lack of packaging system and knowledge of the user resources 
at parse time, instead we're painfully explicit:

use foo\bar\A;
use foo\bar\B;
use foo\bar\C;
use foo\bar\D;
use foo\bar\E;

$a = new A();
$b = new B();

Which makes this usage pattern with aliases much more likely to see:

use foo\bar as fb;

$a = new fb\A();
$b = new fb\B();

So your example above would rather be:

use Zend\Validate as ZV;

... instanceof ZV\Interface;

And this is why it's worth it to arrive at a single list of recommendations 
for namespace usage, and see what works there and what might not work, and 
tweak the language for it.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-11-06 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

So allowing passing objects to array stuff using HASH_OF can lead to
unexpected behavior. Dropping the old behavior makes this clear ... but
is bad for stuff like ArrayObject.

I'm not sure whether we should add special rules for a single class
though ..


The exception should be made for any class implementing the relevant SPL 
interfaces, and that's not just ArrayObject.

It may be seen as just one class but actually all of the transparent 
iterator implementations (for iterating SQL, XML, or whatever data you have) 
hinge on those interfaces and that class to work as a normal array with the 
array functions.

Regards, Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace Resolution

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Here is a reason why we would limit this to international functions  only:
- @Stas but note that global user-space fallback for function means 
run-time resolution (which may be ok, but slower - no caching  resolution 
in bytecode cache)


Not true: you can't resolve it at compile time with internal-only functions, 
since you still don't know what *namespaced user functions* will be loaded 
at runtime with overlapping names.

I.e. :

FILE aaa.php

namespace Foo;
function strpos() {}

FILE bbb.php

namespace Foo;
if (runtime condition) include 'aaa.php';
strpos(); // parse-time resolution will ignore the loaded Foo\strpos() and 
resolve to internal anyway.

So, no performance benefit whatsoever, any fallback requires *runtime* 

Furthermore, don't you guys see that coding IDE-s will have issues with code 
hinting those functions. Is it the namespaced function or the global one? 
The IDE can't know, an IDE can't resolve vague runtime conditional includes.

Eclipse PDT works great right now, with autoload and all, since it a given 
functionc/class identifier can be either internal, or in the project, and 
each has a unique name. With the magical fallbacks, all this goes to hell.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace Resolution

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
Here are some reasons why we felt that functions/constants should 

- most namespace users will be using classes and not functions

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy, the more you open a gap between classes 
and functions, the more people will stick with the richer functionality 
since it's just too much hassle to bother with two different paradigms.

Case in point: do you know a major reason why people keep using static 
methods to fake functions? It's not as much to namespace it. I mean 
Foo::bar() or Foo_bar(), who cares? It's all the same.

But the big difference is, I don't have to explicitly load the function 
library if it's a static class. Classes have autoload, functions 
mysteriously don't. Hence, even I have abandoned using functions today and 
use fugly static method hacks. It's less hassle to do it wrong right now, 
than do it right. So I do it wrong.

Namespaces won't change any of this, since I still can't autoload my 
function library.

Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Namespace Resolution

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
- people expect direct access to the vast number of php functions/ 

Do you know rule 1 in #phpc? This is one of those cases.

People want :: and not backslash.
People want global stuff to resolve in their namespace (how does this make 
any sense? the very idea of a namespace is to avoid this stuff).

We should know better, and in fact we do know better since all those 
resolution order discussions won't be happening, trying to find a perfect 
intersection between what we know works, and what the (less informed) 
general public thinks it wants.

And the reality is that the whole hatred to the mandatory leading slash is 
overblown beyond any proportions:

1) Newcomers to PHP won't be writing namespaced code. So their WON'T be 
2) They'll eventually use libraries with namespaces, in which case they're 
STILL not affected.
3) They'll be pasting code samples from the manual and forums in a blank 
file in global space, so they STILL won't be affected.
4) One day, their projects will start growing a lot, their experience with 
it, and they'll have the basic clue to prefix their global classes/functions 
when inside a namespace. So they STILL won't be affected.

What do we do instead? We discuss how to optimize the non-existing scenario 
of noobs being irritated or confused when hammering global identifiers in a 
namespace, while producing unimanginable pain to every PHP coder out there 
from all ranges of experience and knowledge, with magical fallbacks and 
autoload mysteries.

I suggest we all clear our minds a little and give a serious thought to all 
this again. If you just say no fallbacks, some people will bitch 2-3 days, 
then try it, and see that it was not all that bad after all.

Stan Vassilev

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[PHP-DEV] Call it: allow reserved words in a class or not?

2008-11-05 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


I just wanted a clarification on this. Currently many of us have class names 
such as:


...and so on. This works fine as it's just a single T_STRING.

As you know, with the new convention, the parser will not encounter T_STRING 
Zend\Validate\Interface but rather:

T_STRING Validate
T_INTERFACE -- parse error

I understand it's not trivial to fix this, but I wanted a clarification: is 
there a plan to do something about it, or it'll remain an invalid syntax by the 
time of release of 5.3.

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] namespace separator and whining

2008-11-04 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Note that I say try internal because the only purpose behind allowing
this is to make it easier to use PHP's built-in functionality.  Any
userspace stuff should be specifically \prefixed or imported via use.
And (yes) we need import for functions.


P.S. my mail server has been down for almost a week, apologies to anyone
who is wondering why I haven't replied to your message, I probably
didn't get it.


This is starting to bother me, to be honest. Every time we go back to this 
fallback to internal X I give examples and real world scenarios that will 
become broken in namespaces which work today outside a namespace.

I get nods, agreement, people start talking that we should either fallback 
to *all global* functions, or *not fallback at all* so that the behavior is 
predictable for PHP users.

... And in few days we all forget problem and start talking about falling 
back to *internal* again.

People do implement fallbacks for internal functionality as userspace 
functions/classes on their own, TODAY. In namespace, if you don't treat 
internal/user equally in resolution, things will work outside a namespace, 
and break inside it. This will be confusing to people, who especially use 
fallbacks to transparently implement missing PECL extensions or 
functionality, or augment the internal functions of PHP with other, for ex. 
user implemented ifsetor(), array_*() or str*() functions.

Stan Vassilev 

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[PHP-DEV] Proposal for new construct: nameof

2008-10-29 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


With namespaces and use we'll be introducing a new kind of discrepancy 
between a string reference to a function, and the short use-enhanced name for 
the same function. This becomes very painful, when I want to load a function 
before I run it.

Today I would do (due to lack of function autoload.. hopefully one day..):   

echo Foo_Bar_Baz();

Tommorow I could attempt to do:

use Foo\Bar as B;
F::loadFunc('B\Baz'); -- failure, strings are not resolved agains the use 
echo B\Baz(); 

so it becomes:

use Foo\Bar as B;
F::loadFunc('Foo\Bar\Baz'); -- works, but negates some of the use for use...
echo B\Baz(); 

I suggest we introduce a new construct which will return a string when passed 
any identifier to resolve against the current file's use clauses:

nameof Symbol\Name;

With this identifier, the above example can be normalized to the following 

use Foo\Bar as B;
F::loadFunc(nameof B\Baz); -- will send 'Foo\Bar\Baz' as the argument
echo B\Baz(); 

NOTE: As a side effect this means less direct writing of string function/class 
names, and less complaints about \ being the escape characters.

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Clarifying the resolution rules

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

History has shown
us that breaking code (e.g. PHP4 - PHP5) slows adoption of new

Bad example as PHP4  5 broke existing code. No existing code has namespaces 
in it. Anyway:

A yet another compromise is possible as the lesser evil:

Resolution for classes:

namespace Foo;
new Bar();

1) Try to find class Foo\Bar.
2) Try to autoload class Foo\Bar.
3) Try to fallback to global *internal or user* class Bar + E_NOTICE;

namespace Foo;
$result = bar();

1) Try to find function Foo\bar().
2) Try to fallback to global *internal or user* function bar().

They key change is: not to make difference between internal and user global 
functions, just fall back to global ones, so that there's no additional 
confusion among drop-in replacements, user resources, and internal 

Send feedback. Thanks.

Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Adding pecl/http to core

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I've not seen plenty of Class::singleton() myself, getInstance is an 
accepted standard in all languages, including the PHP code I wrote, and I've 
had experience with.

Regards, Stan Vassilev

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Clarifying the resolution rules

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

We are going to ignore the inherit problems that calling
file_get_contents(__FILE__); would cause...

Also, I disagree with a PHP namespace. the looseness of the language
is one of its strong points. Some things should be made strict, I
agree, bit it start with a php namespace and where does it end? If
your not careful you end up with c# or java where doing anything
requires going through hundreds of classes and packages.

Please let's avoid bad comparisons :P

We need to be very well aware that the concept of namespace in its simple, 
clear, understandable form, represents:

1) no globals, everything in the namespace is in the namespace, including 
vars, constants, functions, classes and nested namespaces.

2) to refer to a global namespace, there's no magical fallback to another 
namespace (the global one), you need to use it specify it in your call 
explicitly. The very idea of namespaces is, that other names don't leak into 
your namespace.

3) we'll likely see in a future edition of PHP (5.4? 5.5? 6.0?) that many 
currently global functions with pseudo namespaces like array_*(), 
string_*() etc will gain concurrent aliases in a namespace:  \array\*() 
\string\*()   since if we keep adding stuff in globals, then why introduce 
namespaces at all?

4) any fallback, fudge, name leak, partial implementation represents 
complication of the namespace concept, it's a compromise that makes 
namespaces harder to implement, understand and use, but easier in the short 
term for porting code and the global functions all over the place issue 
PHP is so often criticised for.

So, while I remain flexible on the scale of the options, I really wish 
people don't just think in the short term, since short term solutions are 
what caused the necessity to use \ instead of :: in the first place. 
When you're cornered by your ill past decisions, you either break BC (which 
we don't want to do), or add more WTF-s to the language as it evolves.

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] alpha2 scheduled

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

an semisolution would be an php.ini variable
so if you have an issue with your classes can be reset to \ or
whatever with ini_set

You're always welcome to change the separator in the PHP source code, 
compile that and use your fork as you please. The source code is the 
ultimate PHP configuration ...

Regards, Stan Vassilev 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] array_key_exists BC break

2008-10-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
I would say no for 5.3. But for 6 it would be fantastic to have all 

operations supporting ArrayAccess interface, where possible.

+1 for this.

cu, Lars

Just making sure but: I think the BC break should be fixed. It's breaking 
actual code out there. The practice of passing traversable objects to our 
views, mixed with real arrays, is already common (I do it too).

Stan Vassilev

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[PHP-DEV] Clarifying the resolution rules

2008-10-27 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Now that we have a separator, it's time to clarify what happened to the 
resolution order for functions and classes, which if I read Greg's messages, is 
still not clearly defined.

1) I think we've established that autoloading + fallback for classes is 
unworkable, as it either causes excessive autoload triggering, or alternatively 
allows internal classes to override unloaded but to-be-autoloaded namespaced 
classes. Then why is it still under consideration?

2) Making the backslash optional for internal functions means popular drop-in 
replacements for internal functions and extensions in global space, which work 
today, will break in a namespace, examples: libcurlemu. Also check any comments 
on PECL functions on, and you'll see a myriad of drop-in replacements 
people use today.

Also, for those who want to automatically convert their internal functions to 
backslash prefix for use in namespaces, you can use this quick snippet I wrote 
(works in 5.2.x too):

I don't make guarantees it's perfect, but it can be improved and given to 
people as a porting aid.

Opinions about how disruptive a mandatory backslash for global symbols *in 
namespaces* would be, are welcome. Keep in mind that making the backslash 
optional will lead to code breakage (such as for above drop-in replacements, 
class autoloading etc.) and slower performance (runtime resolution of function 

Think of it as file paths. When you're inside a directory you need to prefix 
your path with / (eg \) to refer to the root, but you don't need to do that 
when you're in the root directory.

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] namespace separator and whining

2008-10-27 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
It doesn't take a lot to kill an application if using internal class causes 
__autoload to run for a non-existing user class.

Neither caches not optimizations can avoid that, as you can't have something 
cached which doesn't exist.

In my autoloader for example, an existing user class is resolved instantly 
from a hashmap lookup, i.e. my cache. I don't have ArrayObject in my cache, 
so if my autoloader is asked to find ArrayObject.class.php, it'll start 
crawling huge PHP libraries of code, *every single request*, only to fail in 
the end and fallback to internal class.

Is this negligible performance hit? Actually (re)scanning my full library 
takes few seconds of heavy disk grinding. Make your own conclusions.

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] /endnamespacediscussion

2008-10-26 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


I want to thank you all for opting for the technically sound, clear and 
performant solution. Of course some users will never understand the precise 
reasons :: was avoided, but it's something we'll have to live with, given 
some past design choices in PHP.

Regarding foo\tbar turning into foo[tab]bar, I just wanted to throw it 
out there, although I don't think it's a great idea. We have only few escape 
combinations in string literals which can also be in a valid identifier:

\t  \n  \r

There are also some which aren't a problem since they can't be in a valid 

\x..  \0  \\  \$  \'  \  \{..} etc.

So the problem is with exactly three combos:  \t, \n and \r. In the few 
places PHP takes class/function identifiers as strings, TAB, CR and LF could 
be interpolated back into the two characters they express, since TAB, CR and 
LF aren't valid on their own in identifiers, so ambiguity is not possible.

Those places of the top of my mind are:  new $class(), $class::property, 
call_user_*(), _autoload, and all other places accepting callbacks.

This would mean both of those will work correctly:  foo\\tbar and 
foo\tbar when used as an identifier.

Think of it as a plan B in case people cause a big fuss about it (which I 
think they won't: think about escaping of windows file paths and escaping in 
regex pattern, we're doing just fine there).

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Destructor Order

2008-10-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:03 AM, Ryan Panning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've been wondering, is such a thing even possible? Is there a good way 

implement an object destruct order? Here are my thoughts:

In the class definition, specify what level of destruction the objects
should be on. How, I have no idea, I haven't thought of a good syntax. 

should be an integer for what level though.

Then when the script ends, the engine starts with the highest most level 
destruction. It continues down until everything has been destructed. 

the last most level being objects with unspecified levels.

Note: Each level can have more than one class.

Example destruction order:
3 = database records (ActiveRecord or such)
2 = database connection object
1 = framework objects
0 = objects with unspecified level


This would likely (and possibly rightfully) be frowned upon, but according 
to the current codebase, if the destructor creates a new reference outside 
to the destroyed object while it runs, the object won't be garbage collected 
(a safe call is used that checks for any remaining references after the 
destructor is called).

This allows you to implement destruction priorities yourself easily by using 
a central DestructManager:

function __destruct()
   global $destructManager;

   $this-addObject($this, $priority);

function __real_destruct()

Those will be collected in the destruction manager and when at shutdown, on 
the manager's own destructor you just need to sort the collection by 
priority and call the real destructor.

Now, this will work fine, but has this downside that all objects will be 
held in the memory until script shutdown, so it's naturally not good for 
long running processes.

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Destructor Order

2008-10-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Naturally this line:
$this-addObject($this, $priority); 

was meant to be:
$destructManager-addObject($this, $priority); ...

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Allow unsetting headers previously set usingheader()

2008-10-22 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

That isn't very intuitive. I would think it was a typo when reading
such code and fix the header line...
I'd suggest explicit header_remove(Vary);

Agreed, a specific function with a clear name sounds better.

Christian, can you update the patch? - thanks!


I suggest header_remove('*') or simply header_remove() /no param/ removes 
all headers (including the one PHP sets by default), so we can start with a 
clear state.

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespace issues

2008-10-21 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Guys, this is like junior school in here.

Let me put some things in perspective:

1) The location of backslash on foreign keyboard is entirely irrelevant for 
the choice of namespace separator. Why? You already use this *every day* to 
escape characters in your strings and regular expressions. Anyone complained 
about the location of backslashes in there? No.

2) Where the backslash is, is also where the {} and [] are on those 
kayboards, as some people already said.

3) Backslash is ugly -- are you honest? Which is uglier::::Foo() 
::Foo()  or \Foo();  The last one at least has intuitive meaning (like file 
paths: absolute path). Face it that you'll be typing either one of the above 
three a *lot*, and pick one that makes sense visually and for newcomers 
alike. I think that's the backslash.

4) But we want the same operator. Well? I want a pony, the fact is 
however, the other languages have the design to afford the same separator 
for namespaces, static methods and members. Shoehorning this in PHP while 
maintaing BC will create such nightmares in big projects with ambigous 
identifiers, autoload performance issues, that you'd wish you go back and 
change the damn namespace operator to just about *anything* but ::.

I wish the people who have a clear opinion of the above voice their opinion. 
For those who aren't quite sure what the issues in point 4 are, please just 
stay low and follow the list until you do.

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] my last attempt at sanity with namespaces

2008-10-17 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Regarding internal class resolving, it seems logical but will slow down
resolution within namespaces. But I doubt this is much of an issue as it
doesn't affect those not using namespaces.

I don't think that makes sense to say it doesn't affect people not using 
namespaces when talking about namespace design.

I believe internal classes should be explicitly disambiguated, even if it 
looks ugly, so the autoloader can occur at the right place in the chain. 
Anything else would make namespace+autoload an unusable combination.

Greg, good work on the proposals but I think there's some confusion, even 
among core devs about the nitty gritty details on some of the proposals. I'd 
be nice if we can add allowed / proper and not allowed / wrong examples 
and such to the RFC-s so it's more obvious what impact each proposal has on 

As for ::: vs ::, those are virtually not distinguishable in a lot of code, 
so if that's to go, pick another syntax. : is fine, \ is fine, .. is 

Regards, Stan Vassilev. 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] namespaces and alpha3

2008-10-16 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


What would happen if we give the namespace implementation a chance to 
mature is that it can be delivered as a fully-fledged language element 
rather than a partially-fledged and potentially flawed one.

What do you mean by chance to mature? Only chance for it to mature is 
people actually starting using it and not another week of discussing 
separators on internals. And people can't start using it if it's not only 
not released but there are developers rooting for it to be removed.

There is a way to make both: have people use them, and not commit to BC or
changes in 5.4 or a future release.

Introduce E_EXPERIMENTAL as part of E_ALL. Make it the counterpart of

E_STRICT is reserved for deprecated features, and E_EXPERIMENTAL would
complete this idea by letting us push experimental features such as
namespaces (and any other extensions marked as EXPERIMENTAL in the manual)
and have people play with them, so the core devs can get the feedback they
need and improve or remove the feature in a future release.

Have namespace related features throw E_EXPERIMENTAL warnings to people so
they are aware this feature may not be present in a future release, or
present but in another form.

Regards, Stan Vassilev

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict issues betweenfunction/staticmethod class constant/ns constant

2008-09-29 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


I think we need string concatenation here and there ;)

Stan Vassilev 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Arvids Godjuks 
  To: Stan Vassilev | FM 
  Cc: PHP Internals List 
  Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 9:19 AM
  Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict issues 
betweenfunction/staticmethod class constant/ns constant

  Maybe just use  .  as namespace separator.


  That will eliminate all resolution problems, it isn't used for anything than 
string concatenation, and it's one symbol. It's 100% better than \ and I think 
it would be better than ::: or  and so on.
  A point against \ is that it has special meaning in every programming 
language as escape character, so it is 100% bad to use it.

Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict issues betweenfunction/staticmethod class constant/ns constant

2008-09-29 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
 String concatenation woun't be affected, because you can't concatenate 
class definitions like in my example.
 To concatenate you should use variables or strings/numbers. So I don't see 
any complications with that.


You're forgetting constants:

define('MyNameSpace', 'Hi ');

class SomeClass { function world() { return 'world'; }}

MyNameSpace.SomeClass::world(); // Hi world

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] solving the namespace conflict issues betweenfunction/staticmethod class constant/ns constant

2008-09-28 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


The second highest vote was :::, but there was strong objection to this
as well from some.  The problem, I still believe, is that we are focused
on having the same:::stupid:::operator:::between:::everything.

The truth is that in source files, there is a clear boundary between
namespace definition as in:

namespace foo::bar;

and the things in the namespace, as in:

class bar {}

Or how about  :)?

Although I'm not a fan of the backslash, I think it's starting to look 
better and better on the background of all discussed so far.

Here are reasons and examples:

1) It's one char, it's easy to type, it's visually distinct from - and ::, 
for both the parser and humans alike.

2) We need to use [separatator][identifier] to refer to global classes and 
possibly functions, from a namespace, and \Foo() is a lot more intuitive 
than ::Foo() in this setup, because a backslash evokes the same semantics we 
use with relative and absolute filepaths.

3) We'll have the chance of properly introducing namespaces that really wall 
off libraries with all their identifiers, including variables, constants, 
functions and classes, the way it's supposed to work (and I'm also one of 
the people who'd like to be able to namespace my function-only libraries 

4) Examples of how this sits visually and works in practice (each line is a 
separate example). Notice we use the exact same semantics as in filepaths 
(with the addition of use aliases), which is intuitive and constistent for 
both the implementers and the users of this feature:

namespace Foo\Bar\Baz;

use \globalFunc(); globalFunc(); // aliased global function

namespace Abc; \globalFunc(); // direct use without alias

globalFunc(); // no need for prefix in global space

use \GlobalClass; GlobalClass::method();

$\globalVar; $localVar; $\Foo\Far\namespacedVar;

\Foo\Bar\NamespacedClass::method(); // absolute identifier

namespace Foo; Bar\NamespacedClass::method(); // relative reference to the 
same class;

use Foo\Bar; Bar\NamespacedClass::method(); // aliased reference to the same 

\Foo\Bar\NamespacedFunc(); // absolute namespace path

namespace Foo; Bar\NamespacedFunc(); // relative reference to the same 

use \Foo\Bar; Bar\NamespacedFunc(); // aliased reference to the same 

Regards, SV

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] namespace issues

2008-09-24 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


1. and 2. are great. I'm happy to see this done.

But for 3. I think that's throwing the baby with the bathwater.

Since now global classes inside namespaces will need the use ::Foo; or 
::Foo..., I hope you can give a fresh look at my original idea that both 
functions and classes require the use ::foo or ::foo() when in a 
namespace, and leave namespaced functions in.

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Suspendable requests for Apache

2008-09-14 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Rustam Abdullaev [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Is anyone working on a suspendable request support in PHP when used as a
module in Apache?

Suspendable requests are great for supporting Server Push technology, but
are currently only supported in Jetty and Tomcat.

The API would be extremely simple, for example:

suspend(string request_id, int timeout);
- this would end the current request but keep the client connection open 

to timeout seconds.

resume(string request_id);
- this would resume a suspended request by starting a new PHP request but
reusing the same client connection that was previously suspended

Two ideas:

First is, for a rough approach that works today: you can emulate this by 
polling from the suspended process by sleeping for, say, 400ms and checking 
a shared value for a flag whether to resume.

Second and most important though, Apache isn't architected to handle long 
running processes inside a request, as it typically uses a limited pool of 
threads/processes to serve requests, if enough requests in the pool are held 
up suspended, it would prove heavily detrimental to the server performance 
(this is why push technologies like Comet are not recommended on Apache).

I would possibly suggest the requests communicating with (for example), long 
running background processes running from shell from that purpose, using 
standard interprocess communication like unix sockets. 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Scoping of use statements and a strategy for 5.3/6.0 release of namespace

2008-09-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Hi Stan,

I realized I missed 2 of your points, response below:


Thanks for your work on resolving these issues. My comments about 
use/namespace being a hack regards just the syntax, I was wrong about the 
scoping of use, but also having namespace act as a scope without the scope 
syntax {} will possibly be confusing. But, it'll work fine enough.

Stan Vassilev 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:


2008-09-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


I'm in favor of this patch for simple reason that the nothing before the 
first namespace limitation is more of a WTF than a sound design prevented 
to limit an actual problem.

We have multiple namespaces per file, so having some of the file in the 
global namespace (i.e. == no namespace) is perfectly natural in that setup.

In fact, I'd argue that we need a way to break out to global namespace 
*after* a namespace too.

Something that would be naturally solved by {} but since this is 
discarded... (but you see how it's not purely phylosophical issues either).

Stan Vassilev


This is a simple patch that allows files like this:


 titletemplate example/title
namespace my::template;
// stuff

to work without parse error.


P.S. this is the last outstanding namespace issue that I'm aware of
aside from the bracket wars, which is 100% philosophical, all the issues
fixed by my patches are functional problems in namespaces.

Index: Zend/zend_compile.c
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_compile.c,v
retrieving revision 1.647.
diff -u -u -r1.647. zend_compile.c
--- Zend/zend_compile.c 29 Aug 2008 10:17:08 - 1.647.
+++ Zend/zend_compile.c 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -504,13 +504,17 @@

-void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC)
+void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg, int is_html TSRMLS_DC)
 zend_op *opline = get_next_op(CG(active_op_array) TSRMLS_CC);

 opline-opcode = ZEND_ECHO;
 opline-op1 = *arg;
- SET_UNUSED(opline-op2);
+ if (is_html) {
+ opline-op2.op_type = IS_CONST; /* tell zend_do_namespace that 

+ } else {
+ SET_UNUSED(opline-op2);
+ }

void zend_do_abstract_method(const znode *function_name, znode *modifiers, 
const znode *body TSRMLS_DC)

@@ -5040,10 +5044,11 @@
 char *lcname;

 if (CG(active_op_array)-last  0) {
- /* ignore ZEND_EXT_STMT and ZEND_TICKS */
 int num = CG(active_op_array)-last;
 while (num  0 
(CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].opcode == ZEND_EXT_STMT ||
+ (CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].opcode == ZEND_ECHO  
CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].op2.op_type == IS_CONST) ||

 CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].opcode == ZEND_TICKS)) {
Index: Zend/zend_compile.h
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_compile.h,v
retrieving revision 1.316.
diff -u -u -r1.316. zend_compile.h
--- Zend/zend_compile.h 29 Aug 2008 18:12:47 - 1.316.
+++ Zend/zend_compile.h 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
void fetch_string_offset(znode *result, const znode *parent, const znode 
*offset TSRMLS_DC);
void zend_do_fetch_static_member(znode *result, znode *class_znode 

void zend_do_print(znode *result, const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC);
-void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC);
+void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg, int is_html TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*unary_op_type)(zval *, zval * TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*binary_op_type)(zval *, zval *, zval * TSRMLS_DC);
ZEND_API unary_op_type get_unary_op(int opcode);
Index: Zend/zend_language_parser.y
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_language_parser.y,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1. zend_language_parser.y
--- Zend/zend_language_parser.y 29 Aug 2008 17:54:29 -

+++ Zend/zend_language_parser.y 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
 | T_GLOBAL global_var_list ';'
 | T_STATIC static_var_list ';'
 | T_ECHO echo_expr_list ';'
- | T_INLINE_HTML { zend_do_echo($1 TSRMLS_CC); }
+ | T_INLINE_HTML { zend_do_echo($1, 1 TSRMLS_CC); }
 | expr ';' { zend_do_free($1 TSRMLS_CC); }
 | T_UNSET '(' unset_variables ')' ';'
 | T_FOREACH '(' variable T_AS
@@ -556,8 +556,8 @@

- echo_expr_list ',' expr { zend_do_echo($3 TSRMLS_CC); }
- | expr { zend_do_echo($1 TSRMLS_CC); }
+ echo_expr_list ',' expr { zend_do_echo($3, 0 TSRMLS_CC); }
+ | expr { zend_do_echo($1, 0 TSRMLS_CC); }

Index: Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt
RCS file: Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt
diff -N Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
+++ Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+076: T_INLINE_HTML prior to namespace declaration
+hi there
+namespace foo;
+class Test {
+  static function f() {
+include __DIR__ . '/';
+  }
+hi there
+string(3) foo


2008-09-12 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


I just figured a problem related to this.

We have multiple namespaces per file so we can merge multiple files 
together. We have no way to break out to global space after a namespace, and 
even with this patch, no *code* can exist before a namespace.

So this means we can only merge files with namespaces in them.

Stan Vassilev


This is a simple patch that allows files like this:


 titletemplate example/title
namespace my::template;
// stuff

to work without parse error.


P.S. this is the last outstanding namespace issue that I'm aware of
aside from the bracket wars, which is 100% philosophical, all the issues
fixed by my patches are functional problems in namespaces.

Index: Zend/zend_compile.c
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_compile.c,v
retrieving revision 1.647.
diff -u -u -r1.647. zend_compile.c
--- Zend/zend_compile.c 29 Aug 2008 10:17:08 - 1.647.
+++ Zend/zend_compile.c 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -504,13 +504,17 @@

-void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC)
+void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg, int is_html TSRMLS_DC)
 zend_op *opline = get_next_op(CG(active_op_array) TSRMLS_CC);

 opline-opcode = ZEND_ECHO;
 opline-op1 = *arg;
- SET_UNUSED(opline-op2);
+ if (is_html) {
+ opline-op2.op_type = IS_CONST; /* tell zend_do_namespace that
+ } else {
+ SET_UNUSED(opline-op2);
+ }

void zend_do_abstract_method(const znode *function_name, znode *modifiers,
const znode *body TSRMLS_DC)
@@ -5040,10 +5044,11 @@
 char *lcname;

 if (CG(active_op_array)-last  0) {
- /* ignore ZEND_EXT_STMT and ZEND_TICKS */
 int num = CG(active_op_array)-last;
 while (num  0 
(CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].opcode == ZEND_EXT_STMT ||
+ (CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].opcode == ZEND_ECHO 
CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].op2.op_type == IS_CONST) ||
 CG(active_op_array)-opcodes[num-1].opcode == ZEND_TICKS)) {
Index: Zend/zend_compile.h
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_compile.h,v
retrieving revision 1.316.
diff -u -u -r1.316. zend_compile.h
--- Zend/zend_compile.h 29 Aug 2008 18:12:47 - 1.316.
+++ Zend/zend_compile.h 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
void fetch_string_offset(znode *result, const znode *parent, const znode
*offset TSRMLS_DC);
void zend_do_fetch_static_member(znode *result, znode *class_znode
void zend_do_print(znode *result, const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC);
-void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC);
+void zend_do_echo(const znode *arg, int is_html TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*unary_op_type)(zval *, zval * TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*binary_op_type)(zval *, zval *, zval * TSRMLS_DC);
ZEND_API unary_op_type get_unary_op(int opcode);
Index: Zend/zend_language_parser.y
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_language_parser.y,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1. zend_language_parser.y
--- Zend/zend_language_parser.y 29 Aug 2008 17:54:29 -
+++ Zend/zend_language_parser.y 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
 | T_GLOBAL global_var_list ';'
 | T_STATIC static_var_list ';'
 | T_ECHO echo_expr_list ';'
- | T_INLINE_HTML { zend_do_echo($1 TSRMLS_CC); }
+ | T_INLINE_HTML { zend_do_echo($1, 1 TSRMLS_CC); }
 | expr ';' { zend_do_free($1 TSRMLS_CC); }
 | T_UNSET '(' unset_variables ')' ';'
 | T_FOREACH '(' variable T_AS
@@ -556,8 +556,8 @@

- echo_expr_list ',' expr { zend_do_echo($3 TSRMLS_CC); }
- | expr { zend_do_echo($1 TSRMLS_CC); }
+ echo_expr_list ',' expr { zend_do_echo($3, 0 TSRMLS_CC); }
+ | expr { zend_do_echo($1, 0 TSRMLS_CC); }

Index: Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt
RCS file: Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt
diff -N Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
+++ Zend/tests/ns_076.phpt 12 Sep 2008 19:07:42 -
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+076: T_INLINE_HTML prior to namespace declaration
+hi there
+namespace foo;
+class Test {
+  static function f() {
+include __DIR__ . '/';
+  }
+hi there
+string(3) foo
+string(3) foo
Index: Zend/tests/ns_077.phpt
RCS file: Zend/tests/ns_077.phpt
diff -N Zend/tests/ns_077.phpt
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
+++ Zend/tests/ns_077.phpt 12 Sep 2008 19:07

[PHP-DEV] Scoping of use statements and a strategy for 5.3/6.0 release of namespace

2008-09-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


Multiple namespaces per file were introduced to allow certain workflows in PEAR 
and frameworks like Symphony which can combine multiple classes and namespaces 
in a single package.

They work like this:

namespace X;


namespace Y;


The problem is, no one thought of scoping use statements, so now those merged 
files share their use imports, thus breaking all the code where collisions 

Also we have the problems with name resolution of internal vs user classes and 
autoloaders, discussed here.

And we also have the non-intuitive differentiation between resolving 
functions/classes/constant which will most likely lead people to believe 
functions/constants aren't supported in any way in namespaces (if they try, and 
it doesn't work, they won't try second time).

Which leads me to the following proposal:

For PHP 5.3 we introduce namespaces with a very limited safe set of barebones 
features, that we won't regret later for releasing and having to modify in a 
non-BC way. It'll let people start porting their code and be ready for the full 
featureset later on, which will be a proper superset of the 5.3 release:

1) We disable support for multiple namespaces per file as it is, as it can't be 
used without ability to scope use statements as well.

2) We remove the statement use (regarding namespaces, not regarding 
closures), until we get more feedback from the community on the exact preferred 
resolution algorithms, and more thought is put to this.

For PHP 5.4 or 6:

1) Introduce file-level use statements with same syntax as now, but modified 
resolution rules based on further discussion and feedback. And if someone is 
about to say we had plenty of discussion, well it's apparent we didn't have 
enough given all the problems facing namespaces right now, or maybe not enough 
of the constructive type of discussion.

2) Introduce ability to scope use and namespace statements with curly 
brackets, so that multiple files can be safely merged without changing intent 
(all file-level namespace can be converted with curly brackets, and the 
existing curly bracket ones don't need to be converted), example:

namespace X {
use Y as Z {

namespace Y {
use X as Z {

Waiting for your feedback...

Stan Vassilev 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Scoping of use statements and a strategy for 5.3/6.0 release of namespace

2008-09-11 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

Stan Vassilev | FM wrote:


Multiple namespaces per file were introduced to allow certain
workflows in PEAR and frameworks like Symphony which can combine
multiple classes and namespaces in a single package.

They work like this:

namespace X;


namespace Y;


The problem is, no one thought of scoping use statements, so now
those merged files share their use imports, thus breaking all the
code where collisions occur.


Stan, did you actually try this out?  According to my checkout of CVS,
you're wrong.  Try this script:

What's the logic behind namespace declaration affecting file-level import 
statements. Looks like such a hack to me. 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: towards a 5.3 release

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


I suppose since I use autoload and classes I belong to the first group. 
Thing is, we still do care about performance.

I currenly use underscores as some other programmers do, to fake 
namespaced identifiers, and from my tests and this discussion so far I'm 
convinced the namespaces as they are right now would cause more troubles 
than they solve.

Automating name resolution at runtime is bound to have problems as PHP was 
never intended to go up in scopes and resolve variables, this is why we 
have use in closures, and why we have global in methods and functions.

One of the things I suggested few months ago was that runtime resolution is 
simply not included at all, and that we have a syntax for explicitly 
specifying the global namespace, when the code is inside a namespace. I 
heard lots of objections how ugly it is to prepend everything with :: (not 
that this is the only possibly syntax), but it increasingly is becoming 
apparent that the automatic resolution is bound to have either bug-prone or 
performance issues, so why introduce a trap in the language that people 
will continuosly fall into?

Running the autoloader before every internal class would be just amazing for 
those of us with caching crawlers (directory crawls for classes and stores 
location in cache). I'll be having cache miss every time I use an internal 
class, which with larger class libraries can run into 2-3 seconds at a time 
to look for, say, class ArrayObject.

The other solution to put autoload last is equally bad as it means an 
internal class would override one of mine, which I autoload, making the 
autoloader useless.

So I'd say, make it explicit and remove the vague moment.

Stan Vassilev

1) those that tend to always spice up their API's by wrapping pretty  much 
all internal functionality (be if that the internal functionality  has a 
procedural or an OO API). These are also the people that will  have the 
more complex OO structures (deep inheritance). They also seem  like the 
most heavy users of namespaces
2) those that keep their structures flat, use native API's directly  and 
live in a mixed world of OO and procedural code

So while we are assessing the impact its important to keep in mind  which 
user type is going to be affected in what way. Furthermore I  hope that 
some of the people that have build up a code base that uses  namespaces 
will do this benchmarking, because otherwise we will hardly  get any 
useful data. Even then of course the benchmarks must be taken  with a 
grain of salt (as always).

I am including the email from Greg at the bottom here, along with a  reply 
from Stas (again read the archive to get the full story). Maybe  if we 
think hard about this one (now that we know that its an  important real 
world need), we can discover a solution that we did not  see at first.

On 05.07.2008, at 18:48, Greg Beaver wrote:

1) namespaces
Here we need to make sure that the current state is now in a  coherent 
state. I think Derick still has some issues [3] with the  recent change 
by Greg [4], but even his criticism did not sound all  to loud. So I 
think we are in a good state here?

My recent changes aside, there are still some fubar issues with name 
resolution, and there has been some offlist discussion of ways to  fix 
this that have not led to concrete onlist proposals yet.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the question is how  to 
resolve an unqualified classname inside a namespace.  i.e. this  code:

namespace Foo;
throw new Exception('is this Foo::Exception or ::Exception?');

Currently, the above code would throw ::Exception, because if a 
namespaced class does not exist, internal classes are checked before 
autoloading for performance reasons.  However, if we execute this  code 

namespace Foo;
class Exception {}
include 'a.php';

then a.php would throw Foo::Exception.  In other words, depending on 
file inclusion order, classnames can change with current PHP  accepted 
practices.  The solution to this is to use each namespaced  class 

namespace Foo;
use Foo::Exception;
throw new Exception('this is Foo::Exception always');

However, all it takes is one forgotten use statement, and a very 
subtle bug could be introduced later.

Taking a step back, let's examine why autoload is not called before 
checking internal classes - it is for performance reasons.  However, 
this performance enhancement causes unpredictable behavior *by  default* 
without explicit action.

There is a simple solution, however.  If one changes the name  resolution 
to this pseudo-code:

1) check Foo::Exception for existence
2) if not found, try to autoload Foo::Exception
3) if not found, check for ::Exception existence, userspace *or* 
internal (addition of userspace check also fixes other problems  raised 

4) if not found, fail.

This fixes the logic problem, and re-introduces the performance

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: towards a 5.3 release

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM


So I'd say, make it explicit and remove the vague moment.

Do I understand right that you advocate having to use ::Exception each 
time you need the internal class?

As I said:

I heard lots of objections how ugly it is to prepend everything with :: 

that this is the only possibly syntax), but it increasingly is becoming
apparent that the automatic resolution is bound to have either bug-prone or
performance issues, so why introduce a trap in the language that people
will continuosly fall into?

In other words: everyone is saying that for those of us who need 
performance or avoid resolution problems, can use ::, and the rest... -- 
who are those the rest, which don't care about performance and resolution 

What is YOUR suggestion? Just tell us how hilarious it is to type :: and 
introduce all the other problems anyway.

Furthermore, the :: (or rather I'd make it php::) would only be required 
in a namespace. For the procedural folks which don't put code in a 
namespace, they're already implicitly in php:: so they can continue 
writing things exactly like thay do now. 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: towards a 5.3 release

2008-09-08 Thread Stan Vassilev | FM

As you said before - how is it any different from just being able to
call escape(foo) or display(foo); It's a matter of taste.  To me
that is not anymore of a meaningful name - just a different syntax and
not one your average wordpress user would know how to handle.

Well, if it's just a matter of taste - then, well, tastes differ. Saying 
my taste requires every name not to have :: is not the same as saying 
namespaced functions are useless.

So essentially this is your argument for making functions a special case: 
your taste. I don't see any other arguments coming from you.

I'd really appreciate if you start discussing the actual issues we name and 
not spin rhetoric about how everything is just great once we adjust to 
*your* taste.

Also, if namespaces are great, I think it's time for Zend to drink the cool 
aid and show us where their alpha/beta of ZF with namespaces is. I think 
witnessing the problems with namespaces first-hand in a team with large 
codebase will explain things to you better than we (apparently) can here, as 
our experience is not taken seriously. 

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