Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bollywood star branded Muslim 'non-believer' after Hindu festival

2007-09-23 Thread Showkat Ali
Bollywood star branded Muslim 'non-believer' after Hindu festival
LUCKNOW, India (AFP) — Bollywood bad boy Salman Khan is in hot water again -- 
this time with some of the country's Muslim clerics. 
Khan, known for playing a tough guy in his films, has been branded a 
non-believer and ordered to reaffirm his faith in Islam after participating 
in a festival honouring the Hindu elephant god Ganesh in Mumbai on Tuesday.
  The order came from scholars at the influential Daarul-Ifta Manzare school in 
northern Uttar Pradesh state, which claims hundreds of thousands of followers 
among India's approximately 140 million Muslims.
Be it a pauper or a king, everyone has to follow the dictates of Islam -- 
nobody has been given the exemption to bypass the tenants of the religion, 
religious scholar Nafeez Khan told AFP by telephone.
The 41-year-old actor must reaffirm his faith before an imam and two witnesses, 
the cleric said, describing the religious decree as right and appropriate.
Khan was released on bail last month pending his appeal against a conviction 
for killing protected wildlife. He also faces charges of manslaughter after a 
road accident in 2002 left one person dead and four injured.
  This is one of the problems of Muslims living as a minority in India, some 
Muslims will do anything to fit in, but still the Hindu Fanatic parties will 
demand more. So actions like this attempting to integrate and gain acceptance 
achieve nothing except compromise ones own belief.
  The Islamic scholars are correct when they say that everyone must follow the 
teachings of Islam regardless of social class and its a good thing that they 
are speaking out about such issues. It is their silence in the past about 
societal issues which has led to Muslims only practicing Islam inside the 
masjid and follwoing non-Islam in the rest of their lives. 
  Watch the vid below, another Muslim actor talks about Islam

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 12 Excuses why some Muslims don�t fast

2007-09-16 Thread Showkat Ali
12 Excuses why some Muslims don’t fast
By Showkat ali
We all know people who don’t fast and others who make excuses not to fast. The 
excuses below are not an exhaustive list but just some of the excuses which 
people give not to fast. The objective is not to ridicule individuals who are 
astray from Islam and victims of the predominant culture around us, but rather 
for us to be aware that not every single Muslim fasts and they all give 
different excuses which we should be able to refute and explain to them why 
they should fast.
  In some cases confusion exists about fasting itself, and in others people are 
confused about their Islamic identity and belief itself.
1. I don’t pray so why should I fast
  I normally just about attend jummah now and again and havn’t prayed in ages, 
well not quite ages, the last time I prayed was my dad’s janazah a few years 
ago. So why should I fast when I don’t even pray 5 time’s day?
  2. it’s my choice, we live in a free country
  Yes one of the things I love about Britain apart from its women, clubbing and 
booze is the fact that everyone can live and behave as they wish. Even parents 
can’t control your life after 16 and the police can only nick you if you break 
the law. So yes I choose not to fast, no law against not fasting is there?
3. It clashes with my exams
  My exams are so so important, parents got expectations for me to do well and 
go and study medicine and become a Dr Saaab, and then go back home and marry 
the politician’s daughter and raise our family’s status sky high. Fasting is 
tough especially when I got exams, and when I fast I noticed that it’s hard to 
concentrate and do well in your exams.
  4. I have a busy lifestyle and demanding job
  My life is so stressful and busy; I got so many projects on the go. I start 
at 8 and finish at 8, and even work on my laptop on the train as well as bring 
work home. I suppose when your earning over 85k the company expects you to be 
fully committed and my boss told me at interview “ this aint a job, this is 
your life, so treat it accordingly”, and in all honesty I have, so I cant 
afford to fast a whole month. ‘God why couldn’t Ramadhan be for a few days over 
the bank holidays ‘ 
  5. None of my mates fast
  All my mates are integrated and proud to be British and don’t really bother 
with backward traditions from bong bongo land, we were born here and this is 
our country and its traditions are ours and fasting is so silly. “What’s the 
point of going without food and drink as well as sex for a whole month? “
  6. I'm not ready for it yet
  At the moment I’m just chilling and enjoying life, I’m only 25 so I got the 
whole of my life left until I die in my 80s, so what’s the rush for? I’ll start 
in a few years time and continue how I mean to go on
  7. I only fast when the days are short
  Fasting in the winter used to be so cool, I mean me and my mates would eat 
sehri and go to bed really late then wake up about 2pm and its nearly iftar 
time. We’d put on a DVD and before it’s over you hear the maghrib Azaan. 
Nowadays fasts are getting longer and even if you wake up at 2pm its still a 
long way to go. InshAllah when the fasts get shorter again in about 10 years 
time I’ll start fasting.
8. I've done about 16/17 I think it’s enough
  I usually do about 16/17 just over the half way mark which I think is enough 
sacrifice for the religion, I know some people who do less so I am better than 
most people I know.
  9. Its dangerous to fast and drive
  Someone told me that its fard in Islam not to do anything that endangers your 
life as well as other peoples, so I drive a lot in my job and its dangerous to 
drive and fast, in case you cause an accident, so that’s my excuse why I don’t 
  10. I get bad breath, cracked lips and look terrible
  Yeah I’m very fashion conscious and cracked lips, bad breath and bags under 
my eyes make me look like an old bag, despite tons of make up. So I prefer to 
leave fasting until I get old, in which case looking terrible as a result of 
fasting wont matter since I will look terrible anyway.
  11. I don’t want to put on any weight; I worked so hard in ages to get a 
figure like this.
  I always gain weight in Ramadhan no matter how little I eat for Sehri and 
iftar and my clothes become even tighter than usual. It seems a waste working 
hard to get a nice figure and then by fasting a whole month you lose it and its 
back to square one after Eid.
  12. Non-Muslims say bad things and give sad looks
  This really ps me off, when non-Muslims feel sorry for you and pity you and 
say “ ahh, they have to go without food and drink for their God”. Some even 
give you sad, pitying looks and the nasty ones talk about you in the canteen 
and say that I’m a fanatic. So to avoid all this I prefer not to fast.
  Please list the excuses you have heard and add to the list

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 9/11 Anniversary Part One

2007-09-11 Thread Showkat Ali
9/11 Anniversary Part One

Another anniversary
To remember and mourn
Those that died on that day
When the planes crashed
In to the WTC and narrowly missed the Pentagon

A day when terrorism arrived in the USA
And the whole world changed
War on terror was launched
Invasion after invasion
Only halted due to dogged resistance

Iran and Syria survived
As the Neo-Con agenda 
Fell apart
In the deserts of Iraq
And the valleys of Afghanistan

A Coalition was formed
To storm
And smoke out the enemy
Brits were there as always
Even though their public said “not in our name”

Much has been done
In the name of those 3000 that died
And more yet to come
All in the name of fighting and killing the new enemy
Al Qaeda and Political Islam

Became a justification
For almost anything
Many now wonder
Who planned and did it?

Conspiracy theories
Mistrust of the powers that be
Refusal to follow blindly and accept
Has been the result and Bushes legacy

Millions of dollars were destroyed on that day
But billions gained in oil revenues from Iraq
Accountants balance the figures
While American blood fills the rivers
It’s the white/black working class boys and girls
Who fight, are killed and wounded
While the Neo-Cons and businessmen sign new deals
And their kids spend daddies millions

Every anniversary treated like a marketing strategy
To unify and milk anger and grief
Raise another army
To go into the valley of death
Where the enemy awaits and fights in stealth

Over 4000 dead and 25 000 wounded
Americans of course
Iraqi dead in 6 figures
But they don’t matter

Even Saddam never killed this many
But many call him a tyrant and murderer

So how long will these wars continue?
Trillions wasted
As poverty and unemployment at home rises

Hurricane Katrina exposed the soft underbelly
America does not care for its own citizens

Overseas it’s not looking good either
Mujahideen getting stronger
Courage coming with the downing of every plane
Blowing up of every tank and soldier
America no longer the boulder
More like the pebble
To be crushed under the feet of these so called rebels

So what will you do
The American public?
Follow blindly
the leader who fails to inspire
or elect another to continue this butchery?

Whose policies will bring the chicken’s home to roost?
Or select a third brave option
Isolation and non- interference in Muslims affairs

Make your choice wisely
Because the enemy is prepared to fight and die bravely
But you already saw that on 9/11 2001.
 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Exams stress

2007-05-28 Thread Showkat Ali
Exams stress
By Showkat Ali
  It’s that time of year
When I’m full of fear
Scared and unable to sleep
I keep these thoughts near
Afraid to share
Or show my fears 
  Revising hard
Like it’s a bigger fard
Than following Islam
Which keeps me calm
  My final exams are nigh
End of an era
But my mind is full of terror
Grade eleven
Final year
Have to do well
A few A*'s and maybe
A couple of A's
That is If I’m lucky
If not how do I tell my family
That I failed miserably?
  My mum crying
My dad staring
Into space
With an empty face
Sombre dark frame of mind
Takes hold like somebody died
  I let down the family
What will people say?
Relatives boasting
Their kids done outstanding
Whilst my parents hide their shame
In isolation
Holding me for the blame
My life aint worth living
And I think about myself deeply
I think about suicide
Ending this pain and worry
With escape to break free
  Expectations so high
My older siblings are flying 
In their careers
Doctors and engineers
  I’m expected
To go higher
Maintain the tradition
To succeed in education
Job applications
Working hard
Lots of money
Fame and success
Is everything
  Getting married
Having kids
And that’s the end!
  That’s the plan my parents got
But I find my mind
Thinking and asking
Is their more to life than this?
Following the society 
or following my Creator?
  Where does happiness and success lie?
This life or the next?
You decide.
  Exams can be retaken
But if I waste my life
Will I get the chance to come back and re-take? 
  The author can be contacted on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
His blog
  Please feel free to publish, forward and circulate as widely as possible.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim woman runs for Danish parliament

2007-05-01 Thread Showkat Ali
Muslim woman runs for Danish parliament
  COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) A Muslim woman denounced and ridiculed by 
nationalists for wearing an Islamic head scarf announced Friday she was running 
for Parliament - a move bound to rekindle heated debate about Islam in Denmark. 
The next election is not expected until 2009, but the mere thought of Asama 
Abdol-Hamid entering the legislature has revived fears of clashing cultures 
that emerged last year when Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad sparked 
riots in Muslim countries.
  Even mainstream politicians and party colleagues in the left-wing Red-Green 
Alliance have questioned whether Abdol-Hamid, who moved to Denmark at age 6 
with her Palestinian family, shares the fundamental values of Danish society.
  Besides covering her hair, the 25-year-old refuses to shake hands with men. 
Instead, she greets them by laying her right hand on her heart in Muslim 
  I want another Denmark where we talk about the difference between groups, 
she said at a news conference announcing her candidacy. When we talk about 
values, (we need) to be open to whatever people are, Muslim or non-Muslim.
  Abdol-Hamid has repeatedly been questioned about her views on the death 
penalty, gender equality and gay rights - issues on which many Danes believe 
Islam conflicts with their values.
  Abdol-Hamid said she does not support the death penalty, which is outlawed in 
Denmark, and is unconcerned with whatever sexual or ethnic background people 
  We have a constitution in Denmark and it will be upheld, she added, smiling 
broadly under a shimmering, turquoise head scarf.
  A social worker from the central city of Odense, Abdol-Hamid made headlines 
in 2006 when she became the first woman to host a Danish TV show wearing a head 
scarf. The program sought to promote dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims 
in Denmark in the wake of the prophet cartoon crisis.
  Danes were shocked last year when massive protests erupted in Muslim 
countries against the 12 drawings first published in a Danish newspaper and 
reprinted in several Western media.
  While Danish embassies were set on fire in some countries, Muslims in Denmark 
demonstrated peacefully, denouncing violence and calling for more respect for 
their religion.
  Still, many Danes feel Muslim immigrants, who number some 200,000, have 
brought with them conservative views on women and sexuality that clash with 
traditionally liberal values in this country of 5.4 million.
  After her plans to run for Parliament became known last week, members of the 
anti-immigration Danish People's Party, a partner of the center-right 
government, took turns explaining why she was not fit for the assembly.
  One said the Islamic head scarf was a totalitarian symbol and compared it to 
a swastika. Another suggested Abdol-Hamid had been brainwashed and needed 
psychiatric help.
  Most other parties dismissed such comments, while Muslim leaders said they 
underscored a lack of respect for Islam in Denmark.
  I thought we had learned something from the cartoon crisis but we haven't, 
said Zubair Butt Hussain, spokesman for Muslims in Dialogue. We are still 
engaging in monologues, blaming each other and making generalizations about 
  But even among those who rejected the People's Party's comments, there were 
some who felt Abdol-Hamid's religious views could be problematic.
  If you don't shake hands with men, you can't be a part of the Danish 
Parliament, said Hamid El Mousti, a member of Copenhagen's city council. I'm 
from Morocco and we shake hands with women. If you do not salute people, 
communication between you and others will be very bad. 
  Its quite funny actually, on some issues she refuses to commit haram and on 
others she compromises, I wonder what type of Islam shes following and which 
Quran shes reading?
  But it seems no matter how hard she tries, it still isn't good enough for her 
critics, reminds me of several verses from the Quran about certain people not 
being happy with you until you leave Islam and follow their ways not slightly 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Anti-Semitism Surging in Israel

2007-04-22 Thread Showkat Ali
Anti-Semitism Surging in Israel  
  OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — Anti-Semitic attacks carried out by Jewish skinheads 
mainly of Russian origin are on the rise at the heart of Israel, which prides 
itself of being a safe haven for Jews from all over the world. 
  Nowadays it has become a phenomenon, Zalman Gilichenski, the chief of the 
Dmir Centre, which monitors and assists victims of the anti-Semitic attacks, 
told Agence France-Presse (AFP) Friday, April 20.
There is a group of several dozens anti-Semites in almost every Israeli city.
  All in all, there are several hundreds neo-Nazis in Israel, added the 
40-year-old ultra-Orthodox who had emigrated from Moldova in 1989.
  Gilichenski said reports suggested that anti-Semitic attacks were being 
carried out by Jewish citizens on a daily basis in Israel.
  Some 500 anti-Semitic attacks are reported in Israel every year, according to 
independent estimates.
  Russian nationalists who identify with anti-Semitic ideology are believed to 
be responsible for the vast majority of these attacks.
  Israeli authorities decline to provide statistics on anti-Semitic attacks 
inside Israel.
  Israeli police are also reluctant to brand the incidents as anti-Semitic.
Instead, the police use the term vandalism for racist attacks and desecration 
of graves and synagogues.
  The law does not provide us with the ability to even define an incident in 
Israel as being of an anti-Semitic character, and they all fall within the 
general term of vandalism, one justice ministry official said on condition of 
  Jewish Rabbi Avraham Levine was a victim of a brutal anti-Semitic attack when 
a group of teenage skinheads attacked him while walking home in the city of 
Petah Tikva on Tel Aviv's outskirts.
  They jumped on me, beat me and cursed my mother in Russian, said Levine, 
38, who arrived in Israel from Russia in 1995.
  Then they returned with sticks and beat me up. My arm was broken but only 
God saved my life.
  They shouted 'Zhids leave Russia!' In Russia, I would hit someone if he said 
'zhid.' How can someone do it in Israel? he said.
  Zhid is a derogatory term in Russian for a Jew, roughly equivalent to north 
America's kike.
  In recent years, dozens of Jewish schools and synagogue walls have also been 
vandalized and sprayed with swastikas and racist slurs in Russia.
  In May 2005, the great synagogue of Petah Tikva was vandalized and desecrated 
with anti-Semitic slurs.
  The same month, military police arrested a soldier of Soviet origin who had a 
Nazi swastika tattooed on his arm and who said he hated Jews.
Shortly afterwards, another soldier was indicted for setting up the first 
neo-Nazi website in Israel, which included links to the text of Adolf Hitler's 
Mein Kampf and a photo of him and two other soldiers performing a Nazi salute 
in uniform.
  Blind Eye
  Gilichenski accused Israeli authorities of turning a blind eye to the surging 
anti-Semitic attacks inside Israel.
  Israel is very swift to criticize anti-Semitism abroad but remains silent in 
the face of anti-Semitism within, he said.
  There is no law explicitly banning anti-Semitism in Israel, because such a 
situation was never imagined by Israeli lawmakers.
  As you sow you shall reap, Israel was founded on racism and the stealing of 
other peoples property. How ironic then that what they inflicted upon innocent 
Palastinians is now being inflicted upon them by their own people.
  The Muslims fight the Israelis not because we are anti-semetic but because 
our land has been stolen and we want it back. If they return the land back then 
they are welcome to stay and live amongst us as they did in the past under the 
Caliphate system. 
  Islam condemns racism and anti-semitism but does Zionism respect anyone other 
than Israelis? And what is the difference between Fascism and Zionism?

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Memoirs Of A Detainee...

2007-04-18 Thread Showkat Ali
Memoirs Of A Detainee...

Restrained in a chair, tied too tightly from the wrists

I screamed with pain as they threw their heavy fists

Deep into me, toppling me to the hard wooden floor

One kicked my body and asked if i wanted some more

So tired and beaten, no escape from this ongoing Hell

The interrogation finally ended  I returned to my cell

An evil leader some years ago sold me off to the USA

To be shackled and hooded, and flown to Camp X-ray

Here I waited, beaten and humiliated by the shayateen

Forced to view sick images that I had never before seen

What crime had I committed, what wrong had I done

To be imprisoned for years, distanced from my son

I longed to converse with my fellow brothers detained

All the same, physically abused and mentally drained

I looked down at my own body scarred and tortured

O Allah! You are a Witness to all that I have endured

Sodomy being a norm for the perverted soldiers here

I prayed the punishment of Lut be on them severe

I stared blankly at the cell's heavy mesh-sided walls

Recalling my pre-imprisonment dreams  future goals

From being a Qur'an Hafidh to a dedicated family man

They'd stolen my dreams but strengthened my iman

I smiled at the memory of my faithful, loving wife

So beautiful and optimistic in her outlook on life

Never once had she wavered in her loyalty to me

Her letters brought me hope, patience  certainty

That this test is hard and the loneliness so great

But we cannot change what's written in our fate

Allah swt decides for us only that which is good

And I accept His Decree as a true believer should

Yet I think of a day when I'll walk freely like you

But will I be happy  carefree, really like you?

My life is shattered and I am mentally scarred

Picking up the pieces seems incredibly hard

Which brother would I turn to if ever in need?

He who neglects my family out of fear  greed?

Shunned  abandoned by the 'Muslim' community

Our children cry helplessly while you call for Unity

What good is your Unity when you ignore their tears

Of this great injustice the Almighty Watches  Hears

A day may come when you too call out in desperation

When your heart bleeds from a similar painful seperation

Help support us  our families, O Muslims to you we turn

Do what you can by showing genuine brotherly concern.

By UR (Nelson, uk)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Top 10 Lessons to learn from the Apprentice

2007-04-05 Thread Showkat Ali
Top 10 Lessons to learn from the Apprentice
By Showkat Ali

The Apprentice is back for another series and this time we have 3 Muslims vying 
to be Sir Alan’s Apprentice, but competition is very hot and its hard to 
predict whose going to win the £100 000 a year job. Some of the tasks they are 
set and their behaviour is exactly the way people work and function in most 
companies in Britain. Its all about winning regardless of the consequences, 
makes no difference if you are liked or not after all “Business is business”. 
The list below gives us especially those who are naive into the inner workings 
of the corporate office culture an insight into some of the lessons one can 
learn from this show.

1. Always look for someone to blame

This diverts attention from you and makes someone else look bad, also have no 
pity or sympathy for the weak instead throw them to the wolves in order to save 
your own skin

2. Don’t own up to any mistakes

Contrary to popular belief this will not gain you any respect or friends and 
will actually lead to people thinking your weak and insecure and therefore a 
target for the bullies.

3. Don’t trust anyone

They are all out to win, and any confidences you share will be used against you 
to undermine you eventually. So look to play people off against each other, and 
play the mediator role. Also backbite people and expose their faults as much as 
possible. Also being nice to their face will give them a false sense of 
security and they will never see the knife about to be inserted into their back.

4. If you’re a woman act more aggressive than the men

Yes women are seen as weak so you need to act more aggressive than the blokes 
in order to gain their respect and beat them at their own game, work hard and 
play hard.

5. Swear as much as possible

This will ensure that people see you as a hard nut and not want to mess with 
you and sometimes kick of with someone in public to further enhance this 
persona and false image.

6. Try to show people up by outperforming them

If you can do this then you will fear you and won’t mess with you and see as a 
person to be respected and feared.

7. Working as part of a team is a slogan

Yes, it sounds good, but your on your own, people would rather back stab you 
than help you. So quote the slogans about team work but work on your own and 
take credit for the work as opposed to saying it was a team effort.

8. Winning is all that matters at any cost

All fair in love and war, so you have to win at any cost including dirty tricks 
like cheating without getting caught and allowing certain people to dig their 
own grave.

9. Remember when bosses are watching you need to perform for them

Exactly, they are watching so say something clever and appear to be a team 
worker and work hard, they can only write and comment on what they see and hear.

10. If your to blame make excuses

Never accept blame, always show mitigating circumstances and confuse the issue.

So as Muslims it’s very obvious that in order for us to reach the top in our 
careers we have to outperform our colleagues and outwit them by being better at 
these practices than them. 

But we face one major problem and that is our Islamic upbringing and conscience 
does not always allow us to behave in a selfish and individualistic manner 
regardless of the consequences, hence most of us do not use these practices to 
get to the top. Some of us actually refrain and are seen as lacking the “ 
killer instinct” but end of the day we know that our adherence to Islam 
prevents us not just from drinking alcohol as we have seen from the three 
Muslim participants but actually abiding by halal and haram in every single 
aspect of our life.

Also the values of individualism and pursuit of material wealth regardless of 
the consequences upon others, which is being promoted in this show has reduced 
the society to what it is now, a jungle where the strong devour the weak.

It is surely time now for the Muslims by our behaviour to demonstrate the 
values of Islam where care, compassion, love, respect, brotherhood and honesty 
are the way forward for a harmonious and productive society as manifested in 
the past under the Caliphate.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Review of An evening with Baba Ali at Imperial College 23 rd March

2007-03-25 Thread Showkat Ali
Review of An evening with Baba Ali at Imperial College 23 rd March
By Showkat Ali

The event advertised as an evening with Ali at Imperial College, in my case 
became a 30 minute session with Ali and I interviewed him for two newspapers 
and several online journals and forums.

The event was a sell out with all the 800 tickets sold weeks ago and another 
800 could just as easily have been sold. 

The audience comprised a mixture of people, from the Islamic minded to the type 
of people you don’t normally see at Islamic talks. I also spotted a few 
non-Muslims and according to Ali he does receive many emails from non-Muslims 
who converted as a result of watching his videos and then researching Islam for 
themselves. Incidentally a sister in the audience was an example of this.

His videos on Youtube have been watched by 1.3 million people and rising and 
its no surprise that MTV and CBS have been after him with offers to do several 
shows. His blog has received 150 000 visitors.

The evening started of with recitation of Surah Maryam and then Ali came onto 
the stage. There was no big introduction, just a formal “ Ali from Ummah films”.

Ali introduced Ummah films and explained his motivation to do something for the 
Muslim youth and tackle issues in a light hearted manner which the youth can 
relate to. He appeared a very humble brother and made a point of emphasising 
that he does not see himself as a celebrity and refuses to sign autographs in 
order to keep his intentions pure and for the pleasure of Allah only. This 
comment led to the loudest ovation all evening.

The audience as promised were given the premier launch of two of his latest 
videos which are not available on Youtube yet. The subjects covered were 
surprise surprise , marriage and the dilemma Muslim youth face when discussing 
this subject with their parents. Some of his examples like marrying your cousin 
and the father’s attitude made the crowd laugh so much that it was hard to hear 
what was being said in the video.

Many of the people present could relate to what was being said and also see the 
funny side as well as the serious side.

The other videos like Muslim while flying and Muslims at work were very 
powerful as well as funny and passed a message that we should not be ashamed 
being Muslims and it is the non-Muslims who need to think and reflect on some 
of their practices such as personal hygiene. His examples from the bathroom 
were really funny especially the things his colleagues at work say and do.

The question and answer session was by far the best aspect of the evening and 
lasted almost an hour. Questions ranged from “why he converted” to our 
responsibility to carry the dawah as well and not leaving it to certain 

Ali’s main message was that we as Muslims should not be ashamed of who we are 
and always refer to Islam for all of our solutions, “ Since 9/11 many Muslims 
have changed the way they act and behave in public, but there is no reason for 
us to be embarrassed for the actions of a few individuals and we should take 
our example from the prophet Muhammed saw and his sahabah who followed Islam 
without compromise and conveyed the message to the society “.

I would definitely advice anyone who hasn’t seen any of his videos on youtube 
to do so and if u can get hold of his dvd then even better. He is an amazing 
person in terms of his personality and the message he passes via his clips.

There is a huge number of people who are not religious nor completely 
westernised who are not being accessed by Islamic groups and organisations and 
this is the void which Ali has filled with great success as the evening showed.

His last words on all of his videos seem very appropriate “This is Ali 
reminding you just in case you forgot”. 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Heroes of Bangladesh

2007-03-05 Thread Showkat Ali
Salaams All
  Islamic activists in Bangladesh Dhaka university demonstrated and protested 
the visit of Professor Yunus winner of the Noble prize. While many Bangladeshis 
the world over celebrated his award for services rendered. The aware Islamic 
politicians opposed and exposed him for serving the interests and agenda of the 
west. Please see the pictures of the brave sons of the soil and Islam 
protesting. Please forward as widely as possible.
  Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh condemns the arrest its student activists 
  Press Release
  26 Feb, 2007
  Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh strongly condemns the arrest of four of its student 
section activists for distributing leaflets protesting Dr Yunus’s attendance of 
Dhaka University’s 43rd Convocation
  Chief Coordinator and Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh, Mohiuddin Ahmed 
issued a
statement today (Monday, 26-02-07) strongly condemning the unjustified arrests 
of four Dhaka
University students of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh in the morning from the campus 
site and demanded their immediate release. They were picked up while 
distributing leaflets that exposed the truth about Yunus, and called on all 
teachers and students to boycott him from the convocation ceremony.
  Mohiuddin Ahmed said that the government, on the one hand, is permitting 
Yunus to freely undertake political activities during the state of emergency, 
including issuing open letters to the people. On the other hand they are 
arresting the students for protesting Yunus’s evil plans to use the University 
convocation ceremony to propagate his political agenda.
  Mohiuddin Ahmed said that Yunus introduced usury based micro-credit financing 
facility to the poor and destitute, who are suffering the shackles of debt 
repayments with interest rates higher than any bank in the world (at over 40%). 
He is now craftily using his undeserved fame to enter politics by floating a 
new party. Using the opportunity created from the failure of the elections 
(2007), and announcement of state of emergency, usurious Yunus set out to 
accomplish his devilish ambition.
  Furthermore, he is treacherously colluding with the West to work against the 
interests of Bangladesh. He has been obsessively propagating the handing over 
of the country’s strategic Chittagong port, as well as a planned deep sea port, 
to foreign control. He even went to the extent of wholeheartedly supporting 
transit rights to India, thereby strengthening India and harming the security 
of Bangladesh.
  Therefore, Dhaka University’s teachers and students must not allow the 
usurious agent of foreign imperialists, Dr Yunus, to use their prestigious 
institution to wickedly propagate his new party. The student section of Hizb 
ut-Tahrir Bangladesh will hold “Black Flag” demonstration tomorrow morning 
(Wed, 28-02-07) to resist his presence at the convocation.
  Mohiuddin Ahmed
Chief Coordinator and Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh
  Press Statement
  28 Feb, 2007
  Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh strongly condemns further arrests of its student 
section activists for protesting Dr Yunus’ presence in Dhaka University
Student section of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh held a press conference today 
(Wed, 28-02-07) which was chaired by Hasan Muhammad Zakariya. In his statement 
he strongly condemned today’s unjustified police action on activists belonging 
to the party, which included baton charge and arrests of three students, and he 
demanded their immediate release. The police action and arrests took place 
during their ‘Black Flag’ demonstration protesting against Yunus’s presence in 
Dhaka University.
  Despite the past few days’ protest from all quarters of Dhaka University, the 
authorities decided to keep Yunus as a guest at the 43rd convocation ceremony. 
Therefore, the students of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh went ahead with their 
pre-announced ‘Black Flag’ demonstration outside Curzon Hall.
  They were also joined by fifteen graduates who had decided to boycott the 
ceremony, refusing to take their certificates during his presence.
  As soon as the protest began the police launched a brutal full scale attack. 
Scores of students were injured at their hands and many students’ convocation 
gowns were torn. The unsatisfied police continued their vicious assault by 
indiscriminately baton charging from behind as the students regrouped and 
carried on with their demonstration. The police became more brutal and launched 
a further attack on the students who were determined to continue protesting 
with their black flags. They started to arrest the demonstrators in an attempt 
to disperse them. The remaining students were then forcibly removed from the 
  In his statement Hasan Muhammad Zakariya said that despite the arrests 
carried out previously on 26 February, which was a feeble attempt to put fear 
into the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim parents Appeal Over Baby Named Jihad

2007-03-04 Thread Showkat Ali
Appeal Over Baby Named Jihad
  The German interior ministry is appealing against a decision by the Berlin 
authorities to allow an Islamist to name his son Jihad, the Arabic word used 
for holy war.
  Reda Seyam fought for 18 months for permission to give his sixth child the 
name after the registry in the Berlin district of Charlottenburg initially 
rejected his application, saying the name was inappropriate because of its 
association with terrorism, and may endanger the child.
  This week a court overturned the ruling, on the grounds that Jihad was a 
recognised male forename in the Arab world and loved by Muslims.
  Mr Seyam, 47, a self-declared Islamist, was shown on television this week 
presenting his son. Grinning into the camera, Jihad on his knee, he said: You 
had barely come into the world and you were in court. Your fight has already 
  In the same programme he defended the terror attacks on the United States on 
September 11 2001, and on Bali in 2002.
  Germany has strict rules governing the naming of children. Parents have to 
choose from a list of court-approved names, to prevent a child from becoming a 
victim of ridicule or confusion. The names Hitler and Stalin are banned, and in 
2002 a Turkish couple living in Germany were denied permission to name their 
child Osama bin Laden.
  Berlin's interior minister, Erhart Körting, said a court that allowed a 
father who has welcomed al-Qaida attacks to name his child in this way has 
underestimated in an appallingly naive manner the meaning of this name.
  So it seems to name your child after cartoon characters, George Bush or Tony 
Blair is ok. But to name them based on Islamic terms like  Jihad or even 
Usamah Bin Laden is not allowed. Even names like Adolph Hitlet and Stalin are 
also banned.
  Hard to believe that all this is happening in Europe in 2007 which is 
supposed to be a place of freedom and the right to act and do as u please, but 
obviously not for certain sections of its citizens.
  We have had western politicians dictating to Muslim women what they can and 
cannot wear and now we have them telling us what we can and cannot call our 
children. Names like Hitler and Stalin have been banned, yet western 
politicians are behaving exactly like those two despots did.
  I disagree with glorifying 9/11 and Bali attacks, but surely people are 
entitled to free thought and opinions based on their ideological inclinations? 
  Or is this the beginning of thought control in Europe? 
  Quite funny that Europeans ask Muslims to have a reformation which they went 
through in the middle ages when they divided church from state because it was 
dictating to people what they could and could not think about and yet they are 
doing the same thing , this time in the name of Secularism.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] �One year after release of Britons, Egyptian co-defendants still languish in jail!�- says wife of one of the British men

2007-03-02 Thread Showkat Ali
“One year after release of Britons, Egyptian co-defendants still languish in 
jail!”- says wife of one of the British men
  The wife of one of the three British men  who was released last year on the 
1st of March 2006 after arrest, torture and nearly 4 years in jail wishes to 
mark this day to remember and raise the plight of all those left behind 
languishing in jails across Egypt.  To the best of Hodan Pankhurst’s knowledge 
only 2 others from the same case were released leaving at least 21 people still 
inside jail, some of whom were sentenced to 1 year and 3 years. It is nearly 5 
years since their arrest! It seems that the ‘high profile’ detainees i.e. the 
British men were released on the ¾ of their sentence to stop the families’ 
campaign from causing the Egyptian government pressure and embarrassment.  It 
has always been the belief of the men and their families that their case should 
be used to highlight a bigger brutality that goes on in places like Egypt and 
to bring these systematic human rights abuses to the forefront of the world’s 
media attention. That view has not changed and the
 families do not wish victims of oppression in Egypt to be forgotten and 
  Hodan, [wife of Reza Pankhurst] says,
  “It is difficult for me to enjoy having my husband home and to mark a year 
since the end of my personal suffering when I know for a fact that so many 
others are deprived of their husbands and so many children of their fathers 
under the tyranny of the Egyptian regime. This regime is supported by the 
Western governments and considered a staunch ally despite its appalling human 
rights record as recorded by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch 
amongst others.  My husband and his British co-defendants are live witnesses of 
the brutality of the regime.
  I cannot ever forget the faces of the women I met during my visits to my 
husband in jail nor can I forget the children who are forced to grow up 
fatherless needlessly and ever so unjustly. 
  Today is a quiet family celebration of thanks to Allah / God for my husband’s 
return and a prayer for those still inside the cells of suffering. It is also a 
day to renew commitment to make the voices of the oppressed heard through 
peaceful political change and campaigning for the return of justice to the 
lands of oppression.” 
  My thanks once again go out to all those who helped us in deed, in words, in 
prayers and thoughts. Thank you. Please if possible confirm receipt of this 
  Kind regards, 
  Hodan Pankhurst  
  For more information go to the website:
  Other External Links for further info: 
  Note to Editors on history of the case: [1] The men were denied Consular 
access (in breach of international law) for 11 consecutive days during which 
time they were tortured.
  And the men were also denied access to lawyers for 48 days. (in breach of 
international law)
  [2] Recent Report of Police brutality and torture in Egypt
  -Human rights campaigners [] fear for the safety of Emad al-Kebir, an 
Egyptian 21-year-old minibus driver , who has been sent to jail, after video 
apparently showing him being tortured and sexually assaulted  by police 
officers was posted on the internet. 
   Thu Dec 19 2003, 6:24 PM ET CAIRO, Egypt - A detective who beat a detainee 
to death was sentenced Thursday … with hard labor, court officials said. Arafa 
Hamza, chief detective of the al-Amrania police station in Giza, was convicted 
of police brutality that led to death of Ahmed Mahmoud, a court official said. 
(Associated Press)
  [3] Documents with Coded Message On  18 th November 2002 The Times carried a 
Front page article disclosing that Reza Pankhurst had the foresight to insert 
the words lies and hurt amongst others such as panic hurt into his 
signature whilst being forced to sign documents under duress.
  [4] Amnesty International: the human rights organization adopted the men’s 
case but the Egyptian authorities twice denied them access to visit the men 
during their incarceration.
  [5] Released: The men were eventually freed arrived from Egypt on 1 March 
2006. A video of this homecoming at the airport can be viewed on the website 
  [6] Guardian- For the exclusive interview with the men by the Guardian's Owen 
Bowcott see this link:,,1751289,00.html 
  [7] Today program- BBC Radio 1 has extensively covered the case with 
interviews conducted with Zubeida Malik and John Humphreys amongst others. 
Please visit the listen again link from their website:

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran

2007-02-27 Thread Showkat Ali
US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran
By William Lowther in Washington DC and Colin Freeman, Sunday Telegraph
America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an 
attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime is accused of repressing minority rights 
and culture 
In a move that reflects Washington's growing concern with the failure of 
diplomatic initiatives, CIA officials are understood to be helping opposition 
militias among the numerous ethnic minority groups clustered in Iran's border 
  The operations are controversial because they involve dealing with movements 
that resort to terrorist methods in pursuit of their grievances against the 
Iranian regime.
  In the past year there has been a wave of unrest in ethnic minority border 
areas of Iran, with bombing and assassination campaigns against soldiers and 
government officials.
  Such incidents have been carried out by the Kurds in the west, the Azeris in 
the north-west, the Ahwazi Arabs in the south-west, and the Baluchis in the 
south-east. Non-Persians make up nearly 40 per cent of Iran's 69 million 
population, with around 16 million Azeris, seven million Kurds, five million 
Ahwazis and one million Baluchis. Most Baluchis live over the border in 
Funding for their separatist causes comes directly from the CIA's classified 
budget but is now no great secret, according to one former high-ranking CIA 
official in Washington who spoke anonymously to The Sunday Telegraph.
  His claims were backed by Fred Burton, a former US state department 
counter-terrorism agent, who said: The latest attacks inside Iran fall in line 
with US efforts to supply and train Iran's ethnic minorities to destabilise the 
Iranian regime.
  Although Washington officially denies involvement in such activity, Teheran 
has long claimed to detect the hand of both America and Britain in attacks by 
guerrilla groups on its internal security forces. Last Monday, Iran publicly 
hanged a man, Nasrollah Shanbe Zehi, for his involvement in a bomb attack that 
killed 11 Revolutionary Guards in the city of Zahedan in Sistan-Baluchistan. An 
unnamed local official told the semi-official Fars news agency that weapons 
used in the attack were British and US-made.
  Yesterday, Iranian forces also claimed to have killed 17 rebels described as 
mercenary elements in clashes near the Turkish border, which is a stronghold 
of the Pejak, a Kurdish militant party linked to Turkey's outlawed PKK 
Kurdistan Workers' Party.
  John Pike, the head of the influential Global Security think tank in 
Washington, said: The activities of the ethnic groups have hotted up over the 
last two years and it would be a scandal if that was not at least in part the 
result of CIA activity.
  Such a policy is fraught with risk, however. Many of the groups share little 
common cause with Washington other than their opposition to President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad, whose regime they accuse of stepping up repression of minority 
rights and culture.
  The Baluchistan-based Brigade of God group, which last year kidnapped and 
killed eight Iranian soldiers, is a volatile Sunni organisation that many fear 
could easily turn against Washington after taking its money.
  A row has also broken out in Washington over whether to unleash the 
military wing of the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iraq-based Iranian opposition 
group with a long and bloody history of armed opposition to the Iranian regime.
  The group is currently listed by the US state department as terrorist 
organisation, but Mr Pike said: A faction in the Defence Department wants to 
unleash them. They could never overthrow the current Iranian regime but they 
might cause a lot of damage.
  At present, none of the opposition groups are much more than irritants to 
Teheran, but US analysts believe that they could become emboldened if the 
regime was attacked by America or Israel. Such a prospect began to look more 
likely last week, as the UN Security Council deadline passed for Iran to stop 
its uranium enrichment programme, and a second American aircraft carrier joined 
the build up of US naval power off Iran's southern coastal waters.
  The US has also moved six heavy bombers from a British base on the Pacific 
island of Diego Garcia to the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, which could allow 
them to carry out strikes on Iran without seeking permission from Downing 
  While Tony Blair reiterated last week that Britain still wanted a diplomatic 
solution to the crisis, US Vice-President Dick Cheney yesterday insisted that 
military force was a real possibility.
  It would be a serious mistake if a nation like Iran were to become a nuclear 
power, Mr Cheney warned during a visit to Australia. All options are still on 
the table.
  The five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fashion - the God of the youth

2007-02-25 Thread Showkat Ali
Fashion - the God of the youth
  One of the most pressing concerns for a lot of Muslim youth today is the role 
fashion plays in their lives. Far from being dictated by the laws of Allah, 
many of us are instead slaves to fashion, an addiction that has the power to 
ruin lives and our changes of winning the ultimate battle to gain entry to 
paradise. Brother Showkot Ali discusses this idea in this month's fantastic 
  Clothing, we all have to wear something, even though on occasions we would 
prefer to wear as little as possible especially when the weather is very hot, 
which for the UK is a rarity. Some people would prefer if we wore nothing and 
went back to nature, which they re-create in nudist colonies, some even go 
topless when they sunbath and there are beaches reserved exclusively for that 
  Many of us whose countries of origins are in the Indian sub-continent 
understand the dilemma of having to buy two different wardrobes for each 
country, Summer clothes for holidays abroad and winter clothes for life in the 
west. The other problem we face is that clothes bought in the west can be worn 
over there and regarded as being trendy and cool. While clothes bought from 
back home are considered backwards and out of fashion when worn in the west.
  So this thing called fashion has now cropped up and we need to understand 
what it is and how it affects us, I say us because it affects me as well.
  In the west unlike abroad you have to buy your clothes from a shop, whereas 
in Pakistan or Bangladesh you can actually have your clothes made for u, such 
as shirts, trousers etc after all the labour is cheap and we are all 
millionaires once we times our pounds or dollars by 120 etc. Also if you wear 
any clothes made in the west you are regarded as being trendy and in some 
remote villages and areas you can actually be regarded as a trend setter with 
your western clothes. Someone told I met when I was in Bangladesh that youth 
used to wear a sheet wrapped around them called the longhi, but since the many 
visits by Londonies (us westerners ) now they all wear tight jeans or trousers 
especially when they visit the town otherwise they will be regarded as village 
bumpkins and looked down upon.
  But in the west you are very conscious about what you wear, we often hear 
about this thing called  In  and  Out  in relation to clothes and we are 
all very careful to be in and not out, coz the consequences are horrific, worse 
than Jade Goodey on a bad day. Newspapers and magazines have sections where 
these things are discussed at great length.
  So in order to be in we need to carefully and diligently follow and observe 
what the latest top model, actress and singer is wearing, for boys its what the 
top footballer, actor, sportsman, or singer is wearing.
  It's not just about wearing nice clothes and looking hot but also the label 
and brand name is also very important. So brands like Nike, Adidas, Prada, 
Fila, Nokia Is the in thing but they come at a price which is beyond most of 
the youth's budget. So what to do if you don't have rich parents? Getting a job 
and doing things on the side, illegal things like selling copied cds, computer 
games etc help to raise the funds for an expensive past time of keeping in with 
fashion which is worse than a drug or alcohol addiction. For some petty crime 
is the answer mugging younger kids, extorting money, shop lifting, selling 
drugs and stolen mobiles, and car stereos is the answer.
  It's funny and sad that even inside the masjid shoe racks have signs telling 
us not to bring expensive trainers to the masjid for fear that they might be 
stolen and to keep valuables safe. SubhanAllah if we are not safe from theft 
inside the houses of Allah then where are we safe? And it does happen. I once 
had a pair of new shoes stolen from one masjid and I'm not insinuating that it 
was the people praying there who did it. Someone told me that back home there 
are people who take an old pair of sandals when they go to pray but when they 
leave they take the most expensive and latest pair with them. A friend came up 
with an idea to prevent shoes and sandals from being stolen, leave one pair in 
one rack and the other pair in another rack, thieves will not steal one shoe or 
sandal, it's the matching pair they seek.I actually tried this and it works.
  So this fashion craze amongst the youth does lead many to crime in order to 
feed this expensive habit and conform to society after all who wants to be 
viewed by friends and peers as being the sad person who buys his clothes form 
jumble sales and second hand shops or even Tescos or the market.
  For some who cant keep up or afford the latest gear fakes have become a very 
big growth area, where you can buy what your mates are wearing plus the label 
for a fraction of the price and even the experts cannot tell a fake from the 
real thing.
  This is illegal but 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim clerics push for flags to be flown on mosques

2007-02-20 Thread Showkat Ali
Muslim clerics push for flags to be flown on mosques
Richard Kerbaj,20867,21239882-601,00.html
  SENIOR Muslim leaders have called for the Australian flag to be flown outside 
the nation's mosques as an expression of the Islamic community's loyalty and 
commitment to this country.
Muslim clerics yesterday urged Australia's 300,000 Muslims to back the idea as 
a symbol of integration and pride. 
The former chairman of the Prime Minister's Muslim reference group, Ameer Ali, 
pushed the Australian Muslim community yesterday to adopt the flag. 
  Even in Muslim countries in the mosque they fly the national flag ... (such 
as) in Pakistan. If that can be done in a Muslim country why not in Australia? 
Dr Ali said. 
  He said Muslims opposed to the flag being displayed outside mosques were 
religiously narrow-minded. I think they are looking at it from a very narrow, 
religious angle, he said. 
  Dr Ali said he spearheaded the initiative of displaying the flag outside 
Muslim schools owned by the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils when he 
ran that organisation in 2002. 
  He also ensured that students sang the national anthem during special 
  We are Australian Muslims, he said. And it (the flag) is a symbol of our 
national identity. 
  One of Australia's most respected female Muslim leaders, Aziza Abdel-Halim, 
said displaying a national flag outside mosques would not conflict with Islamic 
  Putting the Australian flag (outside mosques is) a good sign of integration, 
of being at one with everyone else in this country and our pride in being 
Australian, said Sister Abdel-Halim, also a former senior member of John 
Howard's Muslim advisory body. 
  I don't see anything at all that would contradict Islamic teachings in any 
way. It would be a nice gesture to have it, especially now that Muslims really 
need to underline the fact that they are loyal to this country. 
  Another respected imam, Amin Hady, said it would be especially important for 
the Australian flag to be flown outside mosques on special national occasions, 
such as Anzac Day and Australia Day. That is to me a good idea to reaffirm the 
commitment of anyone living in this country, including the Muslims who are part 
of the population, the Indonesian imam said. 
  Islamic sources have told The Weekend Australian that the move to fly the 
flag was discussed by executive members of the Lebanese Muslim Association, one 
of the Islamic community's most prominent organisations. 
  But the move, backed by several LMA board executives, to display the flag 
outside Lakemba Mosque, in Sydney's southwest, were staunchly opposed by some 
community members. 
  It is understood that the LMA's proposal came after a Muslim man tore down 
the Australian flag from the Lakemba office of the Mufti of Australia, Sheik 
Taj Din al-Hilali, last year and stomped on it to express his opposition to it. 
  It is believed that Sheik Hilali - who recently labelled Westerners liars and 
oppressors and said Australia belonged more to Muslim immigrants who paid for 
our passports than Anglo-Saxon convicts - reprimanded the man before ordering 
him from the office, on the same premises as the mosque. 
  But Muslim leader Keysar Trad said last night some community members would 
consider the idea of displaying the flag as politicising a place of worship. 
  I have no problem with the flag being at Muslim schools, but a place of 
worship is for all people to be equal and as such I believe places of worship 
should maintain the tradition of not raising the national flag, Mr Trad said. 
  And prominent Sydney-based Islamic cleric, Khalil Shami, expressed fears 
yesterday that hoisting the flag outside mosques would lead to potential 
violence and further division within the community among factions opposed to 
the idea.
  Its quite funny how these so called religious leaders say that being loyal to 
a nation state which is based on non-Islam is compatible with the teachings of 
islam, yet they fail to provide a single reference from Islamic sources. Maybe 
its because Islam obliges loyalty to Islam and the ummah only.
  In terms of integrating into western society Muslims are prepared to do that, 
but not at the cost of losing our identity as many other communities have done 
  In their quest to be loyal to Australia and to integrate fully maybe these 
imams should lead by example and allow their sons and daughters to sunbath, go 
to nightclubs and pubs and engage in relationships with the opposite sex, after 
all this is quite normal and acceptable nowadays and only the backward and 
ignorant Islamic fundamentalists oppose such activities as being decadent and 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Valentines Day poem

2007-02-08 Thread Showkat Ali
Valentines Day
  It’s coming soon
And I don’t know what to do
How many cards to buy and send 
To the good looking people
It’s quite funny
they never ever send me any? 
  Every year it’s the same
Being asked the question
How many did u get?
I lie 
and say I got over twenty
Sent most of them to myself 
  Not into religion much
Aint got time and I am too busy
more time for that stuff when I’m older 
but every Valentine ’s Day 
I buy and send cards
Didn’t realise that I was a practicing pagan
Worshipping Satan
Instead of my religion Islam
  I go with the flow
And the flow goes westwards
Live life based on desires
No fear for the hell fire
Religion is just a joke
In this modern age of technology
  Desires satisfied
But always more to do
Humans are pretty
When u get one 
The one u don’t have seems desirable
Always the opportunity cost
And sometimes u feels lost
And spoilt for choice
  Who shall I date?
And have as my mate
Coz Feb fourteen only comes once a year
Full of fear
As I ask out a nice girly
Is she taken or playing hard to get
Get my wallet out 
and she’s mine without a doubt
  Cash always works
And the promise of a good time
Better than the last one she was with
Hope she’s not too experienced
With a good memory
Hate comparisons
But that’s just the way it goes
  In this day and age
Changing partners every few months
It’s all the rage
Me and her both
  Also being careful
Not be caught by the family
It’s the arranged marriage route
for her and maybe for me
Honour and all that
But we both lost ours years ago 
  I like women’s equality 
Any excuse to go all the way
Hope she don’t get pregnant
Or pass me any diseases
Asian girls are cleaner
Compared to the others
So I don’t bother with protection
  Feb fourteen
Is all about following St Valentine
Dating and mating
Not debating
Serious issues
As I pursue my prey
All the way
  practice being a pagan 
For just one day
  Even if it means
Catching diseases
Loss of honour and respect
And being caught by the family
  Author: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with help from Shifa and Mahbuba

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iraqi rapper mashAllah so good

2007-02-08 Thread Showkat Ali
  Salaams Please watch, comment, rate and forward and post on other forums.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Israeli historian: Islam converts change face of Europe

2007-01-28 Thread Showkat Ali
Israeli historian: Islam converts change face of Europe
Jan. 23, 2007 
As many as 100,000 French and British citizens have converted to Islam over the 
last decade, according to a new book by an Israeli historian. 
  The figures cited by Hebrew University Prof. Raphael Israeli in his upcoming 
book The Third Islamic Invasion of Europe are representative of the 
fast-changing face of Europe, which the Islamic history professor says is in 
danger of becoming Eurabia within half a century. 
  He noted that about 30 million Muslims currently live in Europe, out of a 
total population of 380 million., adding that with a high Muslim birthrate in 
Europe, the number of Muslims living in the continent is likely to double 
within 25 years. 
  Israeli also cited massive immigration and Turkey's future inclusion in the 
EU as the primary reasons why the face of Europe will be indelibly changed 
within a generation. 
  European concerns over a fast-growing Muslim population is at the center of 
opposition to Turkey's entry into the EU, he said, as the inclusion of Turkey 
into the EU will catapult the number of Muslims to 100 million out of a total 
population of 450 million. 
  The sheer weight of demography will produce a situation where no Frenchman 
or Dutchman could be elected to parliament without the support of the Muslim 
minority, he said Monday in an interview with The Jerusalem Post. 
  Muslims will have a more and more decisive voice in the makeup of European 
  With Turkey as a member of the EU, the process will be accelerated, without 
[Turkey] it will be slower but it will still happen, he added. Turkey has 
strong relations with Israel. 
  The historian, who has authored 19 previous books, said that Muslim political 
power in Europe would directly impact domestic politics, including Europe's 
immigration policy, with millions of additional Muslims waiting at the door to 
gain entry to the EU as part of family reunification programs. 
  Every European with a right mind has every reason to be frightened, Israeli 
  The 50,000 French and 50,000 British who have converted to Islam over the 
last decade, including many from mixed marriages, did so for personal 
convictions, romanticized notions of Islam, as well as for business reasons, 
while others see Islam as the wave of the future at a time when Christianity is 
on the wane, Israeli said. 
  He said that Muslims converting to Christianity existed but their numbers 
were significantly smaller. 
  Israeli noted that conversions in mixed marriages worked only in one 
direction since a Muslim woman who marries a Christian is considered an 
apostate in her community, and faces physical danger. 
  It is time one should wake up and realize what is happening in Europe, he 
Israeli's book is due out in London in the coming months.
  For years the Jews and the Zionist lobby has been influential within Europe 
and America and secured help and support for the Israeli state, now they see 
Muslim becoming politically active within the framework of Islam and engaging 
in discusisons wiht non-Muslim intellectuals and policy makers and explaining 
the ideology of Islam and its ruling system the Caliphate. Instead of praising 
the initiative of Muslims for better community cohesion and harmony via debate 
and discussion, this author creates more hysteria and fear with comments 
typical of the BNP and other racist parties.
  Its quite ironic that similar things were said about Jews once upon a time no 
doubt this man has not learnt any lessons from the history of the Jews in 
Europe in the 1930s.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] UK Despatches program slanders Muslims

2007-01-21 Thread Showkat Ali
Salaams All
  This is a letter i sent to the media and posted on dscussion boards, please 
forward, send to the media, edit as u please etc. Also listen to the radio 
programm as well. Jzk for in advance.
  We saw the disgraceful Despatches program which tried to outdo Newsnight in 
terms of misquoting, selective quotes and shoddy journalism and slandering of 
Islam and those Muslim groups and organisation who call for Islam valiantly.
  The aim was to create division within the unified Muslim community and make 
us argue among oursleves. Althought they chose to focus on Muslims who they 
refer to as being Wahabies Allah swt mentions in the Quran that their are those 
who accept the message of Islam and those who reject, you are either a Muslim 
or non-Muslim.
  Just because we disagree with a certain understanding of Islam based upon 
interpretation of the texts we should not condemn them or ally with the 
disbelievers in their attacks and slander against our brothers. This is 
un-Islamic and political suicide, because the British are well known for 
dividing and conquoring during the time of Colonial rule and even now, while 
the Americans have another policy which is easier to see and oppose, namely 
  The Saudi Government also came under attack form the non-Muslim program 
makers even though they have tried their best to please the disbelievers by 
allying with them and giving them military bases from
which they bombed our brothers and sisters in Iraq. Maybe the Saudis should 
read the Quran and re-examine Tawhid and come back to the obediance of Allah as 
opposed to the obedediance to the Crusaders which is Shirk.
  Another important point is that the undercover spy was a hindu who went 
inside the house of Allah and pretended to be a Muslim, what would have been 
the response if a Muslim went undercover inside a church, synagogue or temple?
  Lots of Christian preachers condemn homosexuals, abortion, sex outside of 
marriage, Non-christians, and sinners. Why have they not been targetted? 
  The media is influenced by Government policy and falsely claims to be 
independent and impartial when every single aware Muslim knows that it is a lie 
based on facts from what we have seen and read.
  Our response should be based upon intellect and deep thought and not 
emotional and reactionary, this is un-Islamic and confirms what the program 
makers were trying to portray about Muslims and Islam.
  We need to make our voice heard via protests, demonstration, discussion with 
non-Muslims, writting letters, phoning radio stations etc. 
  We are Muslims who believe in the only way of life acceptable to Allah, and 
we know that the war on Islam is because the west senses the imminent return of 
the Caliphate in the Muslim world and all this demonisation is to frighten 
their people and build a hatred for Islam and Muslims, so that when the time 
comes they can launch a military attack unopposed from their public. This 
happend before the illigal invasion of Iraq when their public were fed lies and 
misinformation and consequently supported the invasion of Iraq.
  Oh! Muslims, Oh! Best ummah raised for mankind
  Do not be scared, intimidated or frightened to speak the truth and challenge 
the statos quo because this life is a test and we should be happy and honoured 
that we are living at a time when we stand on the brink of the return of the 
Caliphate which will herald a new dawn for the Muslim ummah.
  The unification of our lands will happen, the occupation of Muslim land will 
be reversed, justice will return and the laws of Allah swt will be applied in 
their entirety and the hegemony of America will be challenged and exposed and 
the believers will rejoice as well as non-Muslims who will withness the beauty 
of Islam and inshAllah come to Islam in their millions ameen.
  Showkat Ali
  Please listen to this radio phone in program

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Big brother UK TV show

2007-01-11 Thread Showkat Ali
By Sajid Iqbal
  Big Brother, a programme where 13 people chosen from thousands of applicants, 
are asked to live in a house where there are hidden cameras placed throughout 
the house covering their every move... and I mean every move if you know what I 
  Every week one guy or girl is evicted by the television viewers, who are 
given tasks to carry out and then are judged on their success as well as their 
behaviour, personality and deeds. The successful person at the end of the show 
is rewarded £100,000.
  Well, you're probably thinking what's this got to do with anything? Let me 
shock you by saying that our life in this world is just like the telly show Big 
Brother - no fatwa's please, let me explain!
  Our house is this world - the dunya. Our hidden camera is none other than God 
Almighty, the creator of the universe who watches our every single move. Allah 
(swt) gives our tasks in His book, the Qur'an and by His Messenger, Muhammad 
  The Creator judges us on our deeds and actions and our prize at the end of 
the show is Paradise and eternal life. Now what do you make of that then?
  Not bad eh… I know you're shaking your head and saying the blokes lost it but 
just think about it for a moment and it'll make sense to you … trust me. The 
term 'Big Brother is always watching you' has a very important meaning for 
  OK, check this out - the idea that 'Big Brother is always watching you' 
should become clear:
  You're cruising down the road in your Subaru ( or your Nissan Micra if you 
were honest) and you approach the lights. You think I ain't stopping and all of 
a sudden you see a cop car from a distance.
  So what do you do? Slam your brakes, put your seat belt on and hope the 
coppers say nowt. Its true innit… unless you get a buzz out of being fined and 
visiting the nick! You see we follow the law because we know we are being 
watched, and if we break the law we will be punished. 
  Another example: will you ever light up a spliff or chat up a girl/guy in 
front of your parents, older brother or your local molbi (imam).You must be 
joking! Why? Because you know a higher authority is watching you, so you have 
to do 'the right thing' otherwise you will be punished big time.
  Now, to get to the point- if we 'do the right thing' or follow the law of the 
land only to please the higher authorities in this world then why not 'do the 
right thing and obey the law of Allah' - the Creator of the Universe, who is 
the highest authority and is always watching you?
  You see whether we are playing football, watching the telly, in the town 
center, at uni or college, at work, in the mosque or in the nightclub our every 
action is watched and recorded.
  So next time you decide to link up with your undercover girl/boyfriend 
somewhere that you know that your dad, the local Imam and that big mouth auntie 
down the road wont see you, always remember that 'Big Brother' - the 
All-Seeing- is ALWAYS watching you, there is no place on Earth where you can go 
where you wont get clocked by Him.
  'Big Brother' is always watching us so isn't it about time we faced the facts 
and sorted ourselves out to save our self from the embarrassment in this world 
and the hereafter. A couple of things might be on your mind.
  You're thinking: 'OK I know Allah(swt) watches our actions but still I can't 
stop myself from doing what I do, even though I know its wrong. So, what do I 
  Fair point. To know something is wrong or haram doesn't take a genius but to 
stop yourself from committing sin and haram acts is the hardest thing ever. But 
you see that is the trick. That is the test. The test of life - pass this and 
you're buzzing. What we need is taqwa - the fear of God.
  The only way we can do good in this world and have a good hereafter is if we 
fear Allah (swt). The Prophet (saw) said in his final sermon : “Fear your Lord, 
pray your five prayers, fast the month of Ramadan, pay your Zakah, and obey 
your leaders, in doing so, you will enter your Lord‘s Paradise.”(Tirmidhi)
  For the rest of the article please visit

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Moqtasr Sadr present at Saddam execution

2007-01-07 Thread Showkat Ali
Saalaams All
  Please click on the link below, and then add your comments inshAllah.
  This makes a mockery of claims by the USA that Saddam received justice and 
that the people involved in his trial and execution were neutral and impartial.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] In Da Club poem for the youth

2007-01-06 Thread Showkat Ali
Salaams All 

This is my latest poem 

In da club 
The hub 
Of my interaction 
With the hunies and babes 

Like a film star 
I get ready 
Shower and shave 
Face cream and after shave 
Gel and latest hairstyle 

Matching shoes, trousers and shirt 
Have to look good 
Enough to eat 
And be eaten 

In da club 
Ready to pull 
Notch up another scalp 
To add to my tally 
100 nearly 


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Koran becomes hit Christmas present

2007-01-04 Thread Showkat Ali
Koran becomes hit Christmas present
  Believers and non-believers alike are looking to a new Koran translation to 
give them insight into Islam 
A new Danish translation of the Koran has been snapped up from bookstores' 
shelves, joining the ties, toasters and toys wrapped and waiting to be opened 
Christmas Eve.
  In the first month since its release, nearly half of the 10,000 copies 
available have been sold, sending philologist Ellen Wulff's translation to 
number two on the non-fiction list.
  Bookstore managers have reported that this translation of the central text of 
Islam has become a surprise Christmas gift hit.
  'The majority of Korans we sell are for Christmas presents. I know, because 
we wrap a lot of them,' Maja Nordholm, manager of Arnold Busck bookstore in 
Odense, told Kristeligt Dagblad newspaper.
  The only other existing Danish translation of the Koran was published in 
1967. But it is acknowledged by neither Shia nor Sunni Muslims, as the 
translator, Abdul S Madsen, belonged to the Ahmadiyya sect, which teaches that 
a second prophet arrived after Mohammed.
  The release of the new translation comes at a time when Islam is a highly 
debated subject, noted Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, an Islam expert and professor at 
the University of Copenhagen. He felt it could fill a need among non-Muslim 
Danes to gain an understanding of Islam.
  'You can't read the newspaper, listen to the radio or turn on the TV without 
encountering Islam and Muslims,' said Simonsen. 'So there is a desire to learn 
what the Koran is about. Some will read it to find out what the Koran says. 
Others will read it to take part in the public debate.'
  The translation has also opened a window for Muslims with an immigrant 
background who cannot read Arabic, according to Kate Østergaard, a researcher 
in religion at the University of Copenhagen. She believes the Danish 
translation fills a need among young Muslims to define and understand their 
  'Their religion is continually in focus, so they want to look at what is in 
the Koran and find out what real Islam is,' she said.
  Amir Mahdi, 24, a Muslim living in Odense, agrees. He has difficulty reading 
Arabic, so he was happy to receive a copy of the Danish version from his father.
  'The Danish Koran opens doors for me to rediscover my religion and gain a 
greater understanding for something that means a lot in my life,' Mahdi said. 
'Now I can make my own interpretations and go deeper into Islam.'
  Who would have expected the Quran to be so popular in a country where the 
cartoons of Muhammed Saw were drawn which led to many protests and a boycott of 
Danish goods by Muslims.
  The Government sought to  demonise Muslims by making public statements about 
Muslims refusal to integrate, dress code, refusal to join the army and kill 
fellow Muslims etc. 
  The public in their country most of whom were not taken in by the 
anti-Islamic rhetoric chose to go to the source of Muslims way of life which is 
the Quran and find out for themselves what Islam has to say on a variety of 
issues. This is the beginning of western people trying to understand what Islam 
is and is the perfect oppurtunity for us as Muslims to explain any issues and 
questions which they have to refute state propaganda and lies.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Beyond Munich: The Ten Movies Steven Spielberg Has Yet To Make

2007-01-04 Thread Showkat Ali
Beyond Munich: The Ten Movies Steven Spielberg Has Yet To Make

Hollywood mogul Steven Spielberg's latest film Munich focuses on Israel's 
efforts to avenge the tragic killings of its athletes at the 1972 Munich 
Olympic Games. Although the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is ripe with great 
ideas for potential blockbuster films, Hollywood flicks about the conflict have 
tended to remain formulaic and dehumanizing.

Spielberg hopes Munich will be different, and claims he didn't want to make 
a Charles Bronson movie — good guys vs. bad guys and Jews killing Arabs 
without any context. Critics say Spielberg is too pro-Israel to make a fair 
film about the conflict.

Imagine for a second it is Opposite Day. Imagine we're in some kind of Twilight 
Zone parallel universe in which Hollywood gives Arabs and Muslims a fair shake. 
What kind of movies about the Middle East would we then be chomping Goobers, 
Junior Mints, and popcorn to at the local twenty screen multiplex? 

Maybe these movies might actually be made by some of the 125 Palestinian kids 
Spielberg is giving video cameras to document their lives. Perhaps a talented 
few will go on to become big-time Hollywood directors. Here are ten potential 
films — all inspired by actual events — that are just waiting for the magic of 
Spielberg  his wannabes:

1. King David Hotel: The bombing of the King David Hotel, which served as 
headquarters of the British administration in Palestine, killed 91 Arabs, Jews, 
and Brits in 1946. Two future Prime Ministers of Israel, David Ben Gurion and 
Menachem Begin, masterminded the attack. Disguised as Arabs, members of Begin's 
Irgun placed 350kg of explosives inside the building. In this action-packed 
thriller, David (Pierce Brosnan) — a British officer ordered to hunt down the 
killers — falls for Margaret (Uma Thurman), an American journalist working for 
Life Magazine. But is Margaret really in love or is she a secret Zionist 
assassin out to stop David in his tracks? 

2. Nakba: A story of innocent love in a time of war and tragedy. Layla 
(Penelope Cruz)  Salam (Orlando Bloom) are a Romeo  Juliet against the 
backdrop of the 1948 Nakba, the Palestinian national catastrophe. During the 
Nakba, over 700,000 Palestinians fled — voluntarily  involuntarily — their 
homes. Can their love survive conflict?

3. USS Liberty: When Israeli boats and fighter jets attack the US Navy 
intelligence ship USS Liberty in the middle of the 1967 Six Day War, 34 US 
servicemen are killed and 173 are wounded. The official word from Washington 
and Tel Aviv is that the attack was a mistake. But Brad Pitt  Tom Cruise, who 
play surviving officers from the Liberty, swear vengeance after discovering 
that the attack was actually part of a plot to start World War III.

4. Sabra  Shatila: It's 1982 and the war in Lebanon rages on. British war 
correspondent Robert Fisk (Star Wars star Ewan MacGregor) hides in the camps of 
Sabra  Shatilla, while a Lebanese militia aided and abetted by Israel 
slaughters thousands of Palestinian refugees. Sahar (Sandra Bullock) is a 
Palestinian mother determined to protect her family at any cost. 

5. Vanunu: A political thriller set in Israel, Australia, Thailand, England, 
and Italy. Syriana star George Clooney plays Mordechai Vanunu, the nuclear 
technician who exposes Israel's nuclear weapons program and pays the ultimate 
price. Nicole Kidman plays Cheryl Bentov, the American Mossad agent who seduces 
and kidnaps him. 

6. Hebron: A story of tragedy and torn loyalties. In 1994, Brooklyn Jewish 
doctor Baruch Goldstein opened fire on Muslim worshippers in Hebron, killing 
29. Palestinian American Mazen Khalili (Tom Hanks), a State Department official 
assigned to investigate the massacre, struggles with his job responsibilities 
and his roots. Leah Rabinowitz (Meg Ryan) is a Jewish American journalist who 
discovers a dark family secret that will change her life forever. 

7. Qana: On April 18, 1996, Israeli shelling of a UN Compound that shelters 
Lebanese refugees kills more than 100  injures over 300 men, women, and 
children. Jessica (Angelina Jolie) is a UN worker determined to let the world 
know what happened after witnessing the atrocity. Yossi (Robert De Niro) is a 
Mossad agent assigned to kill Jolie. 

8. Gaza: Chris Hedges (Harrison Ford), a New York Times correspondent in 
Jerusalem, files stories from his hotel room. Hedges reaches a turning point 
when he witnesses Israeli soldiers killing young Palestinian boys for sport, 
then defies his editors by writing stories that humanize Palestinians. David 
Schwimmer  Sarah Jessica Parker make cameo appearances as the parents of 
Muhammad al-Durra, the 12 year old Palestinian boy killed by Israeli troops in 

9. Rachel: Rachel Corrie (Gwyneth Paltrow) is the idealistic young American 
activist crushed to death by the Israeli army with a Caterpillar bulldozer. 
Sally Field, well-known for her 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 'Show unity on mosque'

2007-01-01 Thread Showkat Ali
'Show unity on mosque'
  MUSLIMS condemned media reports of the 'mega-mosque' planned for West Ham and 
general coverage of issues concerning Islam.
  Speakers at the Shalom Centre in Manor Park included Newham Respect 
councillor Abdul Karim Sheikh, Mobeen Anwar from the London Association of 
Muslim Professionals, Mudassar Ahmad from Newham Public Affairs Committee, and 
Yusuf Patel from Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
  Cllr Sheikh said politicians and the media are guilty of trying to exploit 
the current situation in order to advance their own agendas. He argued such 
statements do nothing to advance the cause of community cohesion.
  Mr Patel called on Muslims to engage with the wider community in order to 
dispel myths and misconceptions.
  A four-point declaration stated that irresponsible journalism is 
counter-productive and divisive, while robust debate is welcome.
  It also called on Muslim leaders and 'influentials' to show solidarity and 
unity, and all local political groupings and factions to organise a sincere 
debate regarding the building of the new mosque based upon the relative merits 
of the case and to open mosques and institutions to the wider society. This 
would be to demonstrate the real values of Islam and highlight the active part 
our communities play in the wider society.
  Fears have been voiced that the mosque could be a haven for radical Islamic 
  Masjids have existed in the UK even before Muslims arrived in large numbers 
and are growing in number and size to cater for the phenomenal Islamic 
awakening among the 2nd and 3rd generation of Muslims born and brought up in 
the west also the increasing number of converts as well.
  To say that masjids are havens for radical Islamic ideas is totally false and 
based on right wing scaremongering. Masjids are a place where Muslim children 
and adults are taught to abide by the values and ideas embodied in the Quran 
and the example of the prophet Muhammed saw. 
  Ideas like respect for elders and parents, celibacy as opposed to sleeping 
around, involvement in community activities as opposed to individualistic 
thinking, speaking the truth and involvement in non-violent Islamic political 
activism as opposed to being ignorant about what is happening around the world 
and the list is endless.
  Surely such values being taught in the masjid will benefit and contribute to 
the well being of British society?
  If the British public want to look for places where radical ideas are 
propagated, which lead to the deaths, suffering and poverty of millions and the 
radicalisation of such individuals who attack western interests ( Sometimes 
using their own bodies ), then i suggest the place to look is the House of 
Parliament and 10 Downing st.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Blair shelves plan to ban Hizb-ut-Tahrir

2006-12-30 Thread Showkat Ali
Blair shelves plan to ban Hizb-ut-Tahrir
By M. Ziauddin
  LONDON, Dec 24: Prime Minister Tony Blair has been forced to shelve plans to 
ban Hizb-ut-Tahrir after opposition from senior police officers and the Home 
Office, the Sunday Observer has reported.
  On a trip to Pakistan last month, Prime Minister Blair is understood to have 
given personal assurances to President Pervez Musharraf that the ban would go 
ahead. The paper said President Musharraf made clear to him that outlawing the 
group -- banned in Pakistan since 2003 -- must be a priority for Britain.
  Plans to ban Hizb-ut-Tahrir, the radical group, was dropped following intense 
discussions between Number 10 and legal advisers. Counter-terrorism sources 
said Tony Blair had been warned that banning the group, which campaigns for 
Britain to become a caliphate would boost its recruitments if the group 
appealed against the move.
  The decision is a significant personal blow to Mr Blair, who announced his 
intention to outlaw it shortly after the London bombings on July 7, 2005, as 
part of a 12-point strategy to counter Muslim extremism.
  The debate over Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s right to operate in Britain comes as its 
influence is growing. The group has a presence in 40 countries. But it is 
banned in Germany, Russia, the Netherlands, Sudan and in almost every Arab 
  Last month a BBC investigation claimed to expose its methods to radicalise 
young British Muslims. It reported that in Croydon, south London, 
Hizb-ut-Tahrir encouraged an undercover researcher posing as a recruit to 
commit crimes to ‘prove his loyalty’. Hizb-ut-Tahrir has denied this and said 
it intended to sue the BBC.
  The group’s British wing has distanced itself from the more radical views of 
international sister organisations such as those expressed on leaflets handed 
out by Hizb-ut-Tahrir supporters in Copenhagen which claimed suicide bombings 
in Israel were ‘legitimate’ acts of ‘martyrdom’.
  The British wing has also distanced itself from its former leader, Omar Bakri 
Mohammad, who left the group to set up the more extreme Al Muhajiroun 
organisation in 1996 and is in exile in Lebanon after being caught on tape 
praising the London bombers as the ‘fantastic four’.
  Musharaff telling Blair on who to ban, surely not, I always thought it was 
the other way round. Does this mean that Pakistan is free from western 
interference and is a soverighn nation which makes decisions for the benefit of 
its people and national sovereignty? 
  Also if Musharaff keeps on banning parties which he disagrees with then who 
will stand in the elections? Is it not better instead of banning to discuss and 
refute the ideas of these Islamic parties with stornger ideas of his own?
  Assuming of course that he has ideas of his own which are capable of 
convincing the people.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic confrence in Australia

2006-12-27 Thread Showkat Ali
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Mohammed leaves Michael trailing in the name game

2006-12-27 Thread Showkat Ali
Mohammed leaves Michael trailing in the name game
  The boy's name Mohammed has shot up the popularity charts in a new sign of 
the deepening influence of Islam on life in Britain.The official count of the 
baby's names chosen most often last year shows that two different versions were 
in the top 50 picked by parents. 
  Mohammed, the most common variant of the Muslim Prophet's name, was the 22nd 
most popular name for boys.And the alternative spelling Muhammad entered the 
list of the top 50 names for the first time, becoming the 44th in the chart. 
  The rise of Mohammed as a name is an indicator of growing numbers of Muslims 
in British society in recent years.There were 3,732 boys named Mohammed or with 
one of seven other variants of the name in 2000. Last year there were 4,532, 
and this year 5,936, a rise of nearly two thirds on the Millennium years
  Numbers have been growing as a result of continued immigration from Pakistan 
and Bangladesh as well as waves of new arrivals from Islamic countries or 
countries with high Muslim populations in the Middle East and Africa, including 
Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Nigeria. Recent immigrants have swelled the 
Muslim population of around 1.6 million counted by the last national census in 
  An analysis published by analysts at the Government's Office for National 
Statistics earlier this year showed that new migrant familes tend to have 
children a few years after arriving in Britain, after taking time to find work 
and settle down.The increasing popularity of the name may also reflect 
deepening loyalty to their faith among Muslims. 
  The ONS breakdown of this year's popular names showed yesterday that Muhammed 
is the fastest climber in the top 50 chart. 
  In Britain the separation of church from state happend a long time ago and 
since then Secular society has supposedly flourished with only minor traces of 
religion existing. Democracy and freedom have become the ideas which people now 
worship and will give thier lives to defend and propagate abroad in foreign 
colonial adventures. 
  Even practicing Christians, Jew, Hindus and Sikhs have no problems with 
living and being part of a secular society which constantly picks on religion 
and religious figures for ridicule as part of some ritual to prove there 
Secular credentials. While other faith groups have mostly accepted the right of 
people to vilify and insult under the guise of freedom of speech, the Muslims 
have proven and shown ourselves to be the exception to the rule.
  Many people living in Britain used to choose names for their newborn after 
the disciples of Jesus peace be upon him once upon a time. At school many of my 
English friends were called: Mathew, James, John, Paul, Luke. Nowadays as 
Britain is becoming increasingly Secular and trying to remove all traces of 
religion from society following the French model, we find that the names i have 
mentioned are becoming less common and most babies are being named after pop 
stars, footballers, actors and even winners of reality tv shows.
  But for Muslims, names like Mohammed, Salahuddin, Khalid, Usamah, Musab are 
increasing in popularity as names which have a cultural conotation from the 
Indian sub-continent are being abandoned in favour of Islamic heroes past and 
  According to this paper this is a sign of Muslims adherence to Islam which is 
increasing and for a Secular society quite frightening because we all know that 
Secularists are scared to debate the existence of a creator which even a 12 
year old Muslim can prove to them exists.
  But they persist and blindly follow the evolution theory which allows them to 
make laws from their own minds and live life based on their desires like 
animals in a jungle consistent with the evolution theory of having evolved from 
animals in the first place.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Christian Nun convicted of harassing Muslims

2006-12-18 Thread Showkat Ali
A nun was convicted of religious harassment after ranting against 'terrorist' 
Muslims in the middle of London's busy Oxford Street.
  Sister Ruth Augustus, 66, was fined £200 after she shouted at two women in 
full robes and veils you're probably terrorists, get back to your own country.
  Later she told cops who arrested her they should go back to Iraq and have 
their heads chopped off.
  City of Westminster Magistrates Court heard how trouble flared when Augustus, 
a missionary who has worked with prostitutes in the developing world, was 
handing out prayer leaflets outside Debenhams department store on Easter 
  When people of Muslim appearance passed she called out Jesus loves Muslims, 
but two ladies in traditional dress took offence.
  Fellow leafleter, Tony Rollins, told the court: The ladies answered back and 
told her shut her stupid mouth.
  Sister Ruth said to them 'you're probably terrorists, get back to your own 
country'. They gave her a long, hard stare before walking away.
  I was cringing at what she said. It made me feel very uneasy.
  WPC Natasha Walker said she heard a 'commotion' outside the shop and went to 
  The officer said: I heard someone shouting 'terrorists, terrorists' more 
than once. It's busy on Oxford Street, so she must have been shouting really 
  I turned round and noticed there were a group of people standing outside 
Debenhams. Sister Augustus was shouting 'terrorists' repeatedly and other 
things about Muslims.
  I asked her to stop, but she refused. She said 'I will not stop, I'm a nun'.
  Because she refused to stop I arrested her. She said 'You're not arresting 
me, I'm a nun. It's a waste of tax payers' money. You're arresting me because 
you're a Muslim.'
  WPC Walker called for for colleagues to help bundle the 'agitated and 
aggressive' into the back of the police van.
  WPC Keeley Pemberton said when she arrived she heard Augustus shouting at PC 
Walker Take your dirty hands off me, you're a Muslim.
  After a night in police cells Augustus was bailed to return to Marylebone 
Police Station in June, but when her solicitor didn't show, she launched into 
another tirade, it was said.
  She called the two officers morons, referred to one as 'WPC Muslim Walker', 
and shouted in the public waiting area This is a Muslim country full of 
terrorists, the court heard.
  WPC Pemberton said Augustus became increasingly 'agitated and abusive'.
  She said: I asked her to be quiet and she shouted 'Go back to Iraq' and was 
pointing at WPC Walker. She said it very aggressively.
  Then she looked at me and said 'You should go with her and both of you will 
get your heads chopped off'.
  WPC Walker said: She said to me 'you should go back to Iraq where you 
belong, where all the terrorists are. You are likely to be beheaded. You 
deserve it'.
  When she was arrested again she ranted at officers You're all morons, 
especially that Muslim - she's a chimpanzee and she needs to go back to the zoo 
with the other chimpanzees, WPC Pemberton said.
  Augustus, who represented herself after sacking her lawyer early in the 
proceedings, was frequently told to be quiet as she heckled the witnesses.
  While giving evidence, she insisted on wearing a large placard with a picture 
of Jesus on it round her neck.
  She claimed she had in fact suggested to the officers that they should stop 
wasting time on her and instead go out and catch paedophiles and rapists, or go 
out to Iraq to help our troops fight terrorists.
  Augustus accused police of religious bigotry and hatred and claimed she was 
handled roughly, locked in a cell when she was ill, and strip-searched in the 
  She said: I was responding to extreme provocation. The police were abusing 
me and were acting in a most satanic, brutal and unprofessional manner. I felt 
entitled to call them chimpanzees because that is how they were behaving.
  The reference to beheading she said was in reference to the catholic 
missionary Margaret Hassan, who was kidnapped and murdered by insurgents.
  Augustus, of Kensington, was found guilty of two charges of religiously 
aggravated harassment.
  District Judge Emma Arbuthnot told her: I have no doubt at all that Sister 
Augustus's behaviour amounted to religiously aggravated harassment.
  This was extremely upsetting and rude behaviour which harassed and alarmed 
not just the officers but others who were around at the time.
  It is clear from her behaviour today that she was an extremely difficult 
defendant to deal with. The officers I'm sure dealt with her as best they could 
and cannot be criticised.
  She was fined a total of £200 plus £40 court costs. The judge told the 
pensioner: By rights you should pay compensation but I'm not going to make you 
as you are not in a position to pay 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 'Bomb plot' terror charge dropped

2006-12-15 Thread Showkat Ali
'Bomb plot' terror charge dropped 
  A Pakistani judge has ruled there is not enough evidence to try a key suspect 
in an alleged airline bomb plot on terrorism charges. 
  He has moved the case of Rashid Rauf from an anti-terrorism court to a 
regular court, where he faces lesser charges such as forgery. 
  Pakistan has presented Mr Rauf as one of the ringleaders behind the alleged 
plan to blow up flights out of London. 
The British authorities say they foiled it with Pakistan's help in August. 
The arrest of Rashid Rauf in Pakistan triggered arrests in the UK of a number 
of suspects allegedly plotting to blow up transatlantic flights. 
The Pakistani authorities described him as a key figure. 
But an anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi found no evidence that he had been 
involved in terrorist activities or that he belonged to a terrorist 
As well as forgery charges, Mr Rauf has also been charged with carrying 
But his lawyer says police evidence amounts only to bottles of hydrogen 
peroxide found in his possession. 
Hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant that can be used for bomb-making if other 
chemicals are added. 
'Suspected conspiracy' 
In August, the British government requested the extradition of Mr Rauf, a 
Briton of Pakistani origin, in connection with a murder committed in 2002. 
  Scotland Yard declined to discuss which murder case the request related to. 
  The government in Pakistan, which has no extradition treaty with the UK, said 
it was considering the request. 
Rashid Rauf was arrested in Pakistan earlier that month over the alleged plot 
to blow up US-bound aircraft, Pakistan's foreign ministry said. He has been 
described by Pakistan's government as a key person in the suspected 
  Alhamdulilah, the truth has prevailed over the flasehood. The British 
Government claimed that they foiled the alleged terror plots with help from 
Pakistan and there i was thinking that colonialism had ended and Pakistan was a 
sovereign independent nation. It seems that some of the Muslims especially 
those ruling over Muslim countries are still mentally colonised and subserviant 
to the demands and wishes of western nations.
  The independent judiciary found the brother not guilty of any terrorism 
charges based on the evidence and exposed the 2 Governments for what they are 
allies in the war against Islam, under the guise of terror.
  Where now are the sensationalised razmataz headlines for their innocence?
  Where are the big bold black headlines?
  And shame on any Muslim who condemned without proof, this should teach us a 
very important lesson regarding Non-Muslim Governments and the western media 
which claims to be unbiased and independent of the Government.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Young Muslim leader sips champagne then is arrested for cocaine

2006-12-15 Thread Showkat Ali
Young Muslim leader sips champagne then is arrested for cocaine 


Vilified over sip of bubbly
By Luke McIlveen
December 06, 2006 12:00

THE state's most promising young Muslim leader has become the victim of a hate 
campaign because she celebrated with a glass of champagne after being named NSW 
Young Australian of the Year.
Iktimal Hage-Ali, 22, has been targeted on Muslim websites for drinking alcohol 
and declining to wear the traditional hijab.Her anonymous attackers condemned 
her after she drank the champagne to toast her award at the NSW Art Gallery 
last Thursday.
It's true, I was celebrating. Bloody hell, I had a glass of champagne in my 
hand – so what? Ms Hage-Ali told The Daily Telegraph yesterday.
The Islamic youth website Muslim Village posted dozens of messages berating Ms 
A person who drinks champagne, especially unabashedly, cannot represent the 
Muslim community, one member wrote. Another added: She knows we don't 
appreciate her representing us – but it's the power that drives her. Drinking 
champagne, that is sick.The cowardly accusers also berated Ms Hage-Ali for 
wearing revealing clothes, nail polish and make-up.
Her matching nails, eye shadow and top . . . were not . . . how Islam would 
like to portray a Muslim female to the wider community, one said. Yet while 
the majority criticised her, a few did come to her defence.
It wonderful that a young Muslim woman has won the award and that is a cause 
for celebration, not denigration, one chatroom member wrote.Ms Hage-Ali, who 
is a finalist for the national Young Australian of the Year to be named next 
month, said she was shocked by the tirade, but refused to tone her comments 
I'm proud of what I have done, my family is proud, my friends are proud, my 
colleagues are proud, the State Government public servant and tireless 
community worker said.
They're not looking at the fact that a young Muslim person has won a 
prestigious award – they are looking for the negatives.
Ms Hage-Ali is regarded as one of the Muslim community's most progressive young 
voices since joining Prime Minister John Howard's Muslim Reference Group.
She accepted her public profile would draw criticism but did not claim to speak 
on behalf of all Muslims.,00.html

Young Muslim leader arrested
Exclusive by Kara Lawrence and Luke McIlveen
December 13, 2006 12:00

YOUNG Muslim leader Iktimal Hage-Ali – a handpicked adviser to the Prime 
Minister – was arrested in a cocaine bust eight days before receiving the NSW 
Young Australian of the Year award.
The Daily Telegraph can reveal Ms Hage-Ali, 22, was one of four people arrested 
by detectives from the Middle Eastern organised crime squad on November 22 as 
part of Strike Force Kirban. She was arrested at her Punchbowl home and taken 
to Bankstown police station, where she was questioned over a cocaine supply 
ring allegedly operating in Sydney's southwest.
The leading member of John Howard's Muslim Community Reference Group was 
released without charge. Police seized what is believed to be prohibited drugs, 
cash and ammunition from several of the homes. Ms Hage-Ali's home was not 
searched, but she had been identified by police as a suspect.
The Daily Telegraph first learned of her arrest last week, but Ms Hage-Ali 
vehemently denied any involvement or links to alleged drug suppliers.
If it is true, why hasn't it come out? she said. I am a high-profile person, 
I have no idea why people would be saying this.
The prominent youth leader has worked full-time as a personal assistant in the 
NSW Attorney-General's department for three months. Ms Hage-Ali claimed last 
week that she had only been to Bankstown police station on two occasions – once 
to report a threatening text message after the Cronulla riots and more recently 
to talk to police about how to relate better to Muslims.
She did not return calls yesterday, despite repeated requests to respond to the 
allegations. A Daily Telegraph investigation has confirmed that Ms Hage-Ali was 
taken to Bankstown police station on November 22, where she participated in a 
police interview.
Following the interview, police exercised their discretionary powers to allow 
her to leave without facing charges. Ms Hage-Ali was one of four people 
targeted in the raids. The other three, males aged 17, 22 and 23, are facing 
the courts on drug supply charges.
Two were arrested in Telopea St, Punchbowl, while a third was a Greenacre man.
In raids on the men's homes, police allegedly seized cash, pills and powders, 
believed to be prohibited drugs. Eight days after the arrests, Ms Hage-Ali 
received her NSW Young Australian of the Year award from Governor Marie Bashir.
She has been considered a frontrunner for the national award, to be announced 
on Australia Day.
Ms Hage-Ali is the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Neo-Con Salaffies on the warpath

2006-12-13 Thread Showkat Ali
Salaams All
  Yamin Zakaria wrote an article about the Neo-con Salaffies, since the 
publication and circulation of this article the Salaffies launched a tirade 
against him. His article was only 3 pages their response is 75 pages and 
contains many insults about his origin and education etc. A rebuttal to the 
salaffies is curently being prepared by Yamin.
Please forward as widely as possible.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Join the British Army and become a martyr, say Muslims

2006-12-12 Thread Showkat Ali
Join the British Army and become a martyr, say Muslims,00.html


A GOVERNMENT-BACKED Islamic organisation is teaching young Muslims that dying 
while fighting for the British armed forces is an act of martyrdom. 
The British Muslim Forum (BMF) explains to young people that even if a Muslim 
soldier dies in combat while fighting in an Islamic country such as 
Afghanistan, he will still be regarded as a martyr and a hero for this country. 

The BMF is holding talks across Britain to persuade young people not to follow 
the teachings of Muslim extremists who instruct their followers that joining 
the British military is a “traitorous act”. 

Its aim is to counter radicals’ misuse of the term “martyr”, which has become 
associated with terrorist suicide operations. The BMF was a leading member in a 
taskforce set up by Tony Blair after the July 7 bombings to combat extremism 
among Muslims. 

In its forums its case workers and imams cite Lance-Corporal Jabron Hashmi, 24, 
a British Pakistani from Birmingham who was killed in combat in July in 

Islamic extremists have called him a “salaried traitor” as he died fighting 
Taliban Muslims at the command of non-Muslim generals. They argue he should not 
have received an Islamic burial as he died an “infidel”. 

However, BMF case workers counter that he died a martyr. “We are calling him a 
martyr because he died fighting for his country. Islam teaches us to be loyal 
and abide by the laws of the land. We believe fighting for Britain is not being 
a traitor. And young people are getting the message,” said Khurshid Ahmed, the 
BMF’s chairman. 

The BMF, a body representing 600 mosques, is one of Britain’s largest Muslim 
organisations. It is the government’s main working partner in the Muslim 


How nice to see that this organisation will not have their funding cut by the 
Government due to promoting the integrationist agenda. Re-defining the Islamic 
term martyr and giving it a completely different meaning will eventually lead 
to re-writing the Quran and the changing of Islam to fit in with society today. 

Christianity in the past and today is going through such a phase where things 
forbidden in the bible are now acceptable such as homosexuality, same sex 
marriages and women priests. 

Will we see such things in Islam? Nawuzubillah, I hear u say, but if 
organisations like BMF (Blair’s Muslim Followers) have their way don’t be 
surprised that martyr is the only Islamic term they re-define to please their 
masters in Downing street.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re:Mosque in Australia to get police guard for bikini rally

2006-12-08 Thread Showkat Ali
My reply to Turkman
  TURKMAN: Yes they do. Don't you know, Moslim Civilized Behaviour in Pakistan 
is to slaughter the believers of 'the other faiths'?
  That is a total lie, a few incidents does not equate to state policy.
TURKMAN :Civilized Behaviour is only protesting in whichever way people choose. 
If you don't like it, leave Australia ...! Why the hell are you there in 
violation of Shriyah at the first place? Why don't you admit that Moslim 
Nations (which are made of people like you) have failed to create a better 
society than Non Moslims
  I thought in Australia they had laws to protect public decency, I am sure u 
would object to people walking around and protesting naked. As for asking 
Muslims to leave this is an indication of your intellectual level and i wonder 
what your response would be if the Aboriginies said this to the white 
immigrants? For your information the whole world belongs to Allah and Muslims 
can go and live anywhere we please.
  As for Muslim lands being a mess, i agree with u, can u please ask western 
soldiers to leave our lands and for western nations to stop interfering in our 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bollywood couple face obscenity court for stealing a kiss on screen

2006-12-06 Thread Showkat Ali
Bollywood couple face obscenity court for stealing a kiss on screen,,3-2486888,00.html
  A kiss may be just a kiss in most of the Western world — and increasingly 
among India’s Westernised urban elite. But when it is on screen and between two 
of Bollywood’s biggest heart-throbs it still amounts to a whole lot more than a 
hill of beans. 
In fact, according to an Indian court, it could be considered a crime. 
  A criminal case has been filed against Aishwarya Rai, the former Miss World, 
and Hrithik Roshan over their on-screen kiss in Dhoom 2, the recently released 
action film. 
  Shailendra Dwivedi, a lawyer in the central state of Madhya Pradesh, filed 
the suit last week and a court has agreed to hear the case on Monday. 
  Mr Dwivedi accused the pair of lowering the dignity of Indian women and 
encouraging obscenity among India’s youth. Legal experts say that the suit is 
almost certain to be thrown out by the court. But it nonetheless highlights the 
enduringly conservative attitudes towards public displays of affection in the 
country that produced the Kama Sutra. 
  The suit was filed a few days after another public storm over a photograph of 
Vasundhara Raje, the woman Chief Minister of Rajasthan, air-kissing a woman at 
a World Economic Forum meeting. 
  The photograph, taken from an angle, makes it look like the two women are 
kissing on the lips. Several Indian media outlets ran the picture alongside 
protests from politicians and commentators, who branded it obscene and vulgar. 
  Analysts say that both kissing controversies speak of the social gulf between 
India’s increasingly Westernised middle class and its highly conservative 
  Today, most young middle-class Indians are exposed to the same sort of films, 
television shows and computer games, laced with sex and violence, as their 
Western counterparts. They also enjoy greater freedom than ever to date, and 
kiss, beyond the prying eyes of their parents. “There’s a structural change 
taking place in relationships because of urbanisation,” said Dipankar Gupta, a 
sociologist from Jawaharlal Nehru University. 
  In most of India kissing in public is extremely rare between heterosexual 
couples — and unheard of between homosexual ones. Bollywood films started to 
show on-screen kisses only in the late 1990s, and they were mostly sanitised 
smacks on the lips. 
  But the film industry must still tread a fine line between keeping up with 
the times and offending its core audience. And whatever they do in front of the 
camera, female stars remain fiercely protective of their reputations off 
  In 2004 Kareena Kapoor, another Bollywood actress, sued a Bombay tabloid 
after it printed pictures of her allegedly kissing her boyfriend in a 
restaurant. Ms Kapoor, who had appeared in an advertisement covered in 
chocolate, said at the time that she belonged to a respectable family and could 
never have performed such an act in public. 
  Ms Rai and Mr Roshan were not available for comment.
  It seems that not everyone wants westernisation in their societies and many 
in India have realised that with western culture comes many bad side effects 
such as loose moral values, excessive materialism, extreme individualism among 
other things which leads to the breakdown of the social fabric of society, 
resulting in hight rates of crime, divorce, sexual violence, neglect of elderly 
and the list is endless.
  So its nice to see people taking a stand against westernisation and the 
corruption it brings but at the same time society needs a system by which to be 
regulated by and if the western model is wrong, what then is the correct system?
  Communism or Islam

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Veil - A Mark Of Separation Or Statement Of Identity? Talk in QMW university London

2006-11-29 Thread Showkat Ali
The Veil - A Mark Of Separation Or Statement Of Identity? 
  Jack Straw's comments on the veil opened a debate that many thought was 
overdue. The Muslim woman's dress, most noticeably the face veil is seen by 
many as a symbol of oppression and separateness. Yet those Muslim women who 
have spoken supporting the hijab (headscarf), niqab (face veil) and jilbab 
(outer garment) talk about their dress variously as liberating, symbolic of 
their distinctive identity, and a deeply important part of their religious 
practice to them. 
  Does this gap in opinion just go to prove how different are the world views 
between practicing Muslims and others? Or are their parallels in clothing 
fashions representing other statements of identity? Is it really the business 
of others like Jack Straw to comment on the clothing of any woman - be she 
wearing a veil or a miniskirt? 
Admission: £5.00 at the door or £3 if reserved on-line
  Please book in advance to avoid disappointment as seating is limited:
  6.45 pm – 9.00pm, 
Thursday 30th November 2006 
  Mason Lecture Theatre 
Francis Bancroft Building 
Queen Mary College, 
Mile End Road 
London E1 4NS

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Interesting events in the UK

2006-11-03 Thread Showkat Ali

Sallams All Please try and attend and watch, as well as fwd to inshAllah, Jzk in advance  Is Islam a Threat to The West?In a YouGov survey in August 200653% of those questioned felt that Islam and Muslims posed a threat to Western liberal democracy. Why do such a large number feel this is so? Has thefrequently negativemediaattention upon Islam and Muslims been a cause of creating this fear and mistrust in society?Or have sensitivities raised about reporting controversial issues meant the free criticism and debate has been curtailed?Does talking about these issues inthe emotive press headlines, generated by such a poll increase alienation or help understand it?To discuss this and other issues Dialogue with Islam have invited the following distinguished panelCharles Moore, former Editor of Daily Telegraph  James O’ Brien, LBC Radio Presenter  Humera Khan, An Nisa Society  Abdul-Raheem Green, Regents Park MosqueChair:
 Mark Urban, Diplomatic Editor of BBC NewsnightWednesday 15th November 2006  Time: 6.15pmVenue: Conway Hall,   25 Red Lion Square,   London WC1 Tube: HolbornTickets £3 reservation (by email or phone) or £5 at the door.   
 Phone: 07983749252  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.dialoguewithislam.orgrealtalk'Realtalk' is a live programme broadcasted, every Thursday 7:30pm, throughout Europe on Sky channel 791. The programme is in English and deals with Bangladeshi community issues and current affairsOur aim is to be a voice for the minority who does not have access to mainstream media and to redress some of the imbalances created by mainstream mediaPresenters: Shamim Ghani  Kamran KhanIf you have any comments or suggestions about the programme, or would like to
 get in touch with any of the presenters, please E-mail us on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send instant messages to your online friends 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Please vote to support Muslim sisters right to wear the veil

2006-10-25 Thread Showkat Ali

Salalams AllPlease vote and forward this email. As u can see from the latest results that we need every single Muslim vote.Jzk in advance  Cast your voteShould she be sacked?Results: Votes Per cent   Yes 64,776 84% No 12,259 16% Does wearing the veil affect her ability to teach?Results: Votes Per cent Yes 62,030 81% No 15,005 19% Total votes: 154,070 Send instant messages to your online friends 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] University in Egypt embroiled in battle of the veil

2006-10-24 Thread Showkat Ali

University in Egypt embroiled in battle of the veil  Former Islamic law dean says Koran does not say women must cover faces, it's old Bedouin tradition. Alain Navarro - HELWAN, Egypt   Egyptian students whose faces are completely hidden behind the veil have been banished from the residence halls at Helwan University under threat of expulsion in what could be called the battle of the veil.  "They say nothing to indecent girls, but we -- the daughters of Islam -- are being hounded," protests 21-year-old student Iman Ahmed. Only her eyes are showing through the slit in her black face veil, called a niqab.  Even though the vast majority of female Muslim students already wear the headscarf, known as a hijab, those who chose more cover up of the face veil were told to take
 it off or quit the student digs.  The ultimatum provoked a vicious controversy.  It was handed down by Abdel al-Hay Ebaid, dean of Helwan University located on the edge of a large industrial estate 30 kilometres (19 miles) from Cairo. Some 2,800 female students are housed in the seven women's residence halls.  "What I want is to protect students against those individuals who might worm their way in, disguised under a face veil," Ebaid says of the ban, adding: "Their parents would kill me if a man infiltrated the women's halls."  Those in the anti-veil camp are congratulating themselves that the brake has been put on fanaticism, while those who support the veil say the ultimatum is an invasion of their freedom.  "This ban restricts my freedom," says student teacher Rihan Sami, 21, completely veiled and gloved.  "The veil is my choice… in battling against the shamelessness that abounds
 here."  In order to gain access to the campus, girls wearing the full veil must pass through a small office where a woman inspector checks them behind a curtain to verify their identities against a list of registered students.  "They only have to do the same thing for the halls of residence," argues Sami, adding that she decided to no longer wear the veil there in order to avoid being expelled.  Demonstrations against the ban were quickly staged by a "committee of free students.  The veil may be everywhere on campus, but there are many students who also choose to sport versions in vibrant colours -- and also to wear it along with figure-hugging outfits.  "It is also a fashion statement, not just an item of religious clothing," according to male student Ahmed Raouf.  Other universities in Egypt such as Ain Shams and AUC, the American University of Cairo -- the university of choice for
 the elite -- have tried in recent years to oppose the march of the veil.  But not all devout Muslims believe in the full veil.  "I don't like it," says Soad Saleh, a professor of Islamic law and former dean of the women's faculty of Islamic studies at Al-Azhar University, which is more than a thousand years old.  Her face framed in a blue headband under a white veil, this reformist Muslim -- nicknamed the Women's Mufti -- says she wants to "purge Islam of false concepts: the Koran does not say women have to cover their faces, it's an old Bedouin tradition".  She questioned the wearing of the face veil during an appearance on the Dream satellite television channel.  The controversy in Egypt echoes recent comments against the face veil by Jack Straw, the leader of Britain's House of Commons and a former foreign minister.  At Helwan University, meanwhile, the women students can continue to
 wear either the headscarf or the face veil. But if they want access to the women's residences there must be no cover-up. Comment:Egypt follows the Jack Straw and British example instead of following the Quran and Sunnah. Many women choose to wear the veil because even with a hijab on women get unwanted attention from some perverted men, hence by covering the face they personally feel more comfortable and if they are not harming anyone what is the problem?Women have been wearing the veil in Egypt for a very long time with no problems at all reported except from the Muslims in Government who have made the west their qibla and feel dismay because Muslim women wearing western clothing is on the decline and is indicative of Muslims coming back to Islam and rejecting non-Islamic ideas and values.The struggle between the truth and falsehood will
 continue as foretold in the Quran and as seen from the Prophet Muhammed saw life and we all know the truth will triumph over evil and wickedness no matter how beautifully it is disguised and packaged.  Muslims take strength from the actions of your sisters who refuse to compromise and bow to anyone or thing other than Allah Send instant messages to your online friends 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Racist incidents following Jack Straws comments about the Veil

2006-10-16 Thread Showkat Ali is a some of the article please click on link above for the whole article  Its shocking to read that English women carried out racist attacks against our mothers and sisters instead of shaven head BNP thugs. Looks like the Muslim holocaust is beginning and will soon acclerate with Government organised violence against our community. Some may say that i'm being paranoid, i hope for the sake of Allah that i am wrong, but the facts prove otherwise.Racist incidents that took place following Jack Straw's commentsFriday 6 October: Muslim woman had her hijab, or headscarf, pulled off and thrown on the floor by a white man in east London.Friday 6 October: Muslim woman had her veil snatched from her face
 in Liverpool.Friday 6 October: Muslim girl wearing a veil in Mr Straw's Blackburn constituency was verbally abused by three youths.Saturday 7 October: Two Asian men were attacked by racists in Leicester, one critically injured.Sunday 8 October: Racist graffiti was daubed on a house on Teesside.Monday 9 October: A 21-year-old Turkish woman wearing a hijab was verbally abused by a white woman in Canterbury, Kent.Monday 9 October. A black Muslim woman wearing a veil was verbally abused in Hackney, east London.* Racist e-mails to Muslim groups include:"All Muslim women should be forced to cover their faces - they are the ugliest bastards in the world.""Whatever you think you are, you are not welcome in our country any
 more."  "I think ugly Muslims should wear the veil and the good ones should not." 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim Teacher arrested at USA airport, LOLZ

2006-10-14 Thread Showkat Ali

Muslim Teacher arrested at USA airport, LOLZ   NEW YORK - A public school teacher was arrested today at JohnF. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flightwhile in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule, and a calculator.At a morning press conference, Attorney General John Ashcroftsaid he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebramovement. He did not identify the man, who has been charged by theFBI with carrying weapons of math instruction."Al-gebra is a problem for us," Ashcroft said. "They desiresolutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names like 'x' and 'y' and refer to themselves as 'unknowns,' but we have determinedthey belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval withcoordinates in every country. As
 the Greek philanderer Isoscelesused to say, 'There are 3 sides to every triangle.''When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, "IfGod had wanted us to have better Weapons of Math Instruction, Hewould have given us more fingers and toes." White Houseaides told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent or profoundstatement by the president. Send instant messages to your online friends 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Apple's Mecca Project Provokes Muslim Reaction

2006-10-13 Thread Showkat Ali

Apple's "Mecca Project" Provokes Muslim Reaction  On October 10, 2006, an Islamic website posted a message alerting Muslims to what it claims is a new insult to Islam. According to the message, the cube-shaped building which is being constructed in New York City, on Fifth Avenue between 58th and 59th Streets in midtown Manhattan, is clearly meant to provoke Muslims. The fact that the building resembles the Ka'ba (see picture below), is called "Apple Mecca," is intended to be open 24 hours a day like the Ka'ba, and moreover, contains bars selling alcoholic beverages, constitutes a blatant insult to Islam. The message urges Muslims to spread this alert, in hope that "Muslims will be able to stop the project."  
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim police officer refuses to guard Israeli embassy

2006-10-07 Thread Showkat Ali
on and continuing invasion of Iraq and Afganistan despite the continuing death toll of western soldiers is seen as an attempt to prevent the Muslims choosing a Government based upon the teachings of Islam, either via the ballot box or military coup.So all Muslims who are thinking of joining the police, intelligence or armed forces or are part of them already a question has to be asked. Are you aware that you are aiding and abetting the west in its war on Islam as an alternative to Capitalism?There are other respectable careers which
 you can pursue and aid the Muslim community in the process, thereby gaining the respect of fellow Muslims and the pleasure of Allah swt in this life and the next.Showkat Ali   
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why Jack Straw wants Muslim women to remove the veil

2006-10-07 Thread Showkat Ali

Why Jack Straw wants Muslim women to remove the veilThis is a very strange and funny request from an MP whose Blackburn constituency has 25% Muslims, and whose votes helped him to get elected and become foreign secretary. Also during his time in the cabinet he visited many Muslim countries and had the opportunity to see first hand how
 Muslims live especially our social system which is based on segregation of the sexes with certain exceptions.During election time Mr Straw always visited local masjids and even spoke from the minbar urging Muslims to vote for him as opposed to voting for the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats. Many Muslim leaders like Ibrahim Master and Lord Patel campaigned for him vehemently. I’m absolutely certain that Mr Straw took his shoes of when he entered the masjid and did not ask the question “Why must I take my shoes off, because when I visit the church I keep them on”? And this is a sign of division among communities. Maybe he thought better to accept
 their backward ways, after all these idiots still vote for me regardless of how many Muslim countries we invade and how many Muslims we kill.Many Muslims like the ones I have mentioned campaigned for him and spent many hours together with him and discussed about Islam and I’m sure he asked them many questions. Surely the question of Muslim women’s dress must have come up especially since the case of the French hijab ban and Shabina Begum excluded from a Luton school were prominent in the media?The answer is very simple and even these brothers were able to explain to Mr Straw that the reason Muslim women wear the hijab is because it’s a commandment from Allah. Also if they choose to wear the niqab and even if they want to cover their eyes then Islamically they can and also living in a free democratic society one can dress as one wishes or wear as less as one wishes.It’s quite hysterical that Muslim women’s veil bothers him but not
 the way some western women dress in summer which agitates the emotions of most men, the homosexuals being the exception of course. Maybe it’s because he approves and likes that style of clothing which reveals parts of the female anatomy. I wonder what the Victorians would have thought. Maybe they would have said “What are these prostitutes doing outside of the brothel. Nowadays to think such thoughts classifies one as being backward or Islamic fundamentalist woman repressor.Its funny that for women to cover in public is considered to be backward and ignorant, but to ask them to reveal more and more of their flesh is considered to be modern and
 enlightened. An important point to consider is that women can only reveal so much flesh before they might as well be naked; this thought would be repulsive to Mr Straw but the question I would ask is why? Their not wearing the veil and dividing communities but rather liberating themselves and going back to what some would say “ nature”.Muslims of course find western dress code disgusting, shameful and degenerate because we compare against the Islamic dress code which originated from Allah swt who knows better than humans, even a collection of the most intellectual humans gathered together in Parliament or the ones with the highest IQ’s from Mensa. No
 matter how clever they are with multiples PhD’s it was Allah who created them in the first place.We as Muslims can see that in the west rape, sexual harassment, fornication, sexual diseases, illegitimate kids, abortion, all exist because of the social system not being defined correctly.A discussion needs to take place on these
 issues:Is their co-relation between men and women relationships which leads to the corruption I mentioned above? If the answer is yes then what are correct way men and women should interact with each other and who should define this system?Does women’s dress contribute to rape, sexual
 harassment?Does the way Muslim women dress lead to social problems? And is the Islamic social system a way to eliminate these problems which are on the rise in the west?I urge Mr Straw to think about the questions I have posed and engage in a dialogue with Muslims who do not massage his ego but rather speak the truth regardless of the consequences from the British state fearing the wrath of Allah more than any human being.[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] One Hunger, one Ummah

2006-10-07 Thread Showkat Ali

One HungerDuring that part of the cycleWhen the night is dying,And a new day is being born,That undecided transitional moment,We rise as one.  Millions of people, hundreds of miles apartWomen and men, old and youngUnited by the fragile moment of sehri,We eat as one.And when there is a streak of lightThat turns the blackness into a misty grey,Just before the songbirds announce the oncoming dayWith their erratically rhythmic twittering,We seal not just our lipsBut our souls as one.For not only shall no morsel of foodAnd no droplet of water pass through our mouths,But we shall not inflict evil upon one anotherPhysically, verbally or in any conceivable way.From ourselves and each other,We guard ourselves as one.As the sun progresses through its cycleThrough space
 and time,A mighty spectacle unfolds throughout the world.A different kind of humanitarian effort,For the hungry of this world.We the believers, and you the misfortunate,Remain hungry as one.We shall not forget your plightNor shall we ignore our responsibility,Of giving some of what we have to youThus fulfilling our obligations of zakat.Tis' only a small aid we can be individually,But a great aid as one.Many prayers issued from the lipsDo not originate within the heart.But when the sun dissolves and the darkness begins to creepAnd our eyes reflect the food within sight,A whispered prayer leaves our souls,We are truly grateful as one. Author: Arman 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Muslim Gangsters story

2006-10-05 Thread Showkat Ali

Salaams allI came across this on another forum and thought i would post it on here. I am trying to get in touch with the author to do a collaboration with such a talented brother.This was written by Amzad. Thought it was quite inspiring. Enjoy! Born n raised a Muslim child…parents forced religion into my mind…Allah was the creator of all mankind…without his guidance we would all be blind…every time I strayed off, they would make sure to remind…without him there would be no light to shine…there would be no meals to dine…if we made him happy, he would make us smile…but if we upset him, we would have to pay when we faced him on trial… I started to grow up and become my own man…doing my own thang, taking my own stands…I heard my parents words, but I wasn’t trying to listen, wasn’t trying to understand, I had my own mind, my own plans…chilling and smoking the blunts is where it began…that started to go out and
 drink as much as I can…was out partying every night…getting drunk, getting into fights…soon enough, I didn’t know the difference between wrong and right…to me it was all alright…didn’t even realize that my future was getting less and less bright… Broken jaws, to drinking thru straws…no one felt what I felt, no one saw what I saw…I was disobeying gods laws, living a life full of flaws, had to put this on pause…took a look at myself and started to withdraw…needed to start altering my ways…future was already in a haze…if I didn’t begin to change, I would suffer the rest of my days…after all the craze, and the drug and liquor infested phase…I found myself on my knees with my hands raised…asking for forgiveness saying “Allah its only you that I praise”… 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] How some Youth view Ramadhan

2006-09-25 Thread Showkat Ali

How some Youth view RamadhanAnother Ramdhan enters  And for some people nothing much has changed  They wake up for sehri  Stuff their faces and back to bed ASAPWake up at 12ish  Switch on the Hi Fi with the loud music blasting  Sing along to their favourite tunes  And maybe bust a few moves  To wake themselves up from sleepGo downstairs and watch the TV  Any music show,
 Bollywood film or action flick   Will do the trick  And help to pass the hours   Until its time to eat and devour a big iftarForget the news or documentaries  Iraq and Afghanistan so depressing and drearyMaghrib Azan is made on TV and on the walky talky   Time to eat  Been praying in my mind for this moment  No bismillah or thanks to Allah   For the food we have been blessed with  Mum bought it
 from the local halal grocery  And the Tesco’s down the roadYummy! The delicacies taste lovely on an empty stomach  Eat your fill like there is no tomorrow  Where’s the tea and jelabbiy  The parents pray maghrib  But the kids are still eatingAppreciation for the chef  With the belching and wind  Time for a nap   All this eating can be tiring Put on some soft sensual Bollywood tunes   And hit the bed  And pretend to be oblivious and dead to the world aroundWake up after a few hours  Everyone is getting ready for terrawih  20 rakahs and 1 and half hours   Of sheer pain and sweat  Aint for me man  I got things to
 doLog onto the internet  Visit my fav sites  Where I chill and flirt with my online mates  Discuss stupidity and silly things like  Have you ever loved and lost  Is it necessary to love someone  Don’t believe me  Then check out this stupidity above  By peopleMost of who are Muslims  But we are modern 21st century MuslimsWe got Muslim names  We know where we are from  Adam and eve  Not Adam and Steve  We’re not that lost honestThe
 house feels like a morgue  Dads at the masjid with the old fogeys  Ex gangsters and bad boys  Now reformed characters since they hit 50  Mums at her friends doing her prayersI’m all alone  Oh woe is me  Put on the music on the PC  Chat to my mates and respond to useless discussions on the netDo the above describe you or people you know?  Used to be me once upon a time  Until Allah opened my eyes to the truth  Now I’m happy like never beforeAs Allah swt says in the Quran “Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find contentment”Please forward widely and post and publish as you wish.Jzk  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadhan 2006

2006-09-24 Thread Showkat Ali

Ramadhan 2006Another Ramadhan begins with the sighting of the moonAnd some of us say that’s quite soonAll of us are still lucky to be healthy and alive alhamdulilahMany who were here with us this time last year have departedWe mourn them and remember the happy times we spent together Before they partedTheir memories live on and we make dua for themBut will soon fade as our mind gets filled with new memoriesMany have entered this world from their mother’s wombWhile many Muslims lay dead forgotten in unmarked tombsIn far away countriesWhich we have never visited and never willBut stillThere is a strong bond which binds us to them and their pain and griefIts not colour, nationality or languageBut the bond of Islamic brotherhoodBinding the black and whiteRich and poorAs we rise for suhoorMany rise in the
 Muslim lands but have little to eat coz they are poorWhile we break our fasts and complain that it’s been a long dayWe forget the ones who toil in the heat dailyWe have so much yet we are the most ungratefulAll we ever think about is ourselvesMe, myself and I  It seems living in the west has corrupted our sense of appreciation and concern for othersWe measure according to the western criteriaAnd forget the words of our LordAnd fail to appreciate and thank Allah for all that we haveSo may this Ramadhan be one where we stop complaining about the tiniest of thingsAnd think more about others in distant landsAnd make dua for Allah to send a saviour To rescue them from occupation, poverty and tyrant rulers who care not for their peopleAmeenAuthor: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   P.s Please feel free to publish and circulate as widely as possible, it is my kind request that you send me a link where possible. 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] An Arab Christian comments on the Popes speech

2006-09-19 Thread Showkat Ali

Your Holiness,You being of a different age of mine you might know more than whatI do.  andI would dare ask you some clarificationsI wonder if during your youth you would havemet any Muslim-persons  within your ownHitler's Youthmembership (Hitlerjugend) ??Also I wonder if you could recall how often you saw any Muslims burning  Jews aliveif they would refuse to become Catholic ??And finally , could you inform the ignorants among us , how many   Jews were slaughtered by the Christian-Crusaders while entering Jerusalem ??And who else , did protect those same Jewssince 13 centuries ,
   other than the Arab-Muslims ??  And why do Jews regret the Muslim-rule in Spain ??   Why Jews took refuge away from your own Church  among the Muslims of North Africa ???  Why do
 you mention the Sword of Islam   and forget the Spanish-Armada  or the Spanish-inquisition ??  Why do you fear "the sword of Islam"   when the sword is in the right-hands ??  Raja Chemayel 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Popes speech poem

2006-09-19 Thread Showkat Ali

Salaams All  This poem is my response to the popes speech. As usual please feel free to circulate and widely as possible as well as sending me feedback and links. Jzk in advance.  Bush, Blair and the PopeAxis of evilTalking abut things which are medievalCrusade against IslamPoliticians and the clergyUnited once againWith the same mentalityTo destroy IslamThree fanatical and fundamentalist ChristiansWho claim to be guided by GodEven when they illegally invade Muslim countriesAnd kill millionsDoes their God sound to you like a merciful and compassionate God?Or does he sound like the devil himself?Remember Pope Urban II at ClermontThe launching of the crusadesWhen he promised redemption for those who participatedThey came murdered, raped and pillagedBut the Muslims remained strong and the
 disbelievers were dissipated Masjid Al Aqsa liberated from the filth of the crusaders and terroristsWho made this holy place into a stable for their horses And now we see occupation once more by the Zionist beastsAided and abetted by the Americans and BritishToday they have a foothold in Iraq and AfghanistanBut the Muslims continue to resist occupationAnd the body bags keep on coming home to the west daily  While the wounded wish they were deadCoz their Governments ignore and try to forget about themCollateral damage no lessIf you don’t know your history you aint got no futureThey know their history but do we know ours?History repeating itselfMuslims under attack once moreNo hiding place not even on the netThe Pope is mad Instead of looking at his societyAnd seeing and condemning
 immoralityHomosexuality, fornication, and child abuseAll on the riseEven among the clergyHe focuses on IslamIslam is the truthAnd refuses to change with the timesCoz the message was sent by the creatorFor all times and placesNo women imams or same sex marriages will it allow or condoneIslam came to be the law of the landAnd not to justify every filth and perversionThere is only one Quran And not a new version every few yearsThis they can’t handleAs they launch their attacks in the name of war on terrorWhich everyone knows is a war on Islam as an ideology and system for life Oh! Crusaders keep on attacking verbally and occupying Muslim lands Because your actions are fast forwarding the Islamic awakening And hastening the clash of civilisationsAnd may Allah swt help and give victory to the Muslims as it was
 granted to us in the pastAuthor: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Woman who lost 8 relatives on 9/11 embraces Islam

2006-09-18 Thread Showkat Ali

Woman who lost 8 relatives on 9/11 embraces IslamBy Sherri Day – DAWN American woman who lost eight relatives in the 9/11 attacks has embraced Islam. Elizabeth, now Safia Al Kasaby, 43, lives in Tampa, Florida. She is a former sergeant first class of the US Air Force National Guard. She lost one uncle and seven cousins in the attacks on the World Trade Centre. Her grandfather was a Jew and her grandmother was Catholic. Safia said that in 1997, nearly destitute, she approached a synagogue in North Tampa for help. Officials at the shul wanted to know if
 she was a member. She was not. They asked her if she was really Jewish. She became disillusioned and for eight years she did not participate in organised religion.She found Islam in 2005 on the third day of a Moroccan vacation. At first, Safia’s family didn’t take her seriously and some colleagues at her banking job made fun of her new attire. She dared not pray at work. Mostly, Safia kept her new faith at home, learning about her religion on web sites and Islamic chat rooms.After a meeting with an imam at the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay Area in June, Safia felt more at ease with her new faith. But some in her family are reluctant to accept her new faith. Her eldest daughter, Sylvia, wants little to do with her. A
 Baptist and young military widow, Sylvia berated Safia when she showed up at her husband’s funeral wearing a Hijab.At home, Safia raises two daughters. Ten-year-old Natalia says her mother’s religion is cool. Ada, 18, appreciates Safia’s transformation and doesn’t put up with people who make fun of Islam or stereotype Muslims. “I say, ‘Wait a minute. My mom’s a Muslim,’” Ada said. “She’s not a terrorist.” Safia says she looks forward to the day when her religion is not an issue.Like other Muslims, Safia feels the tension all around her: curious stares because she wears the Hijab or head scarf and store clerks who ask for extra identification. Just last month, officials at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo turned down an initial request from Safia's Egyptian fiancé for a temporary visa. Safia was certain bigotry played a role. Her new faith also has widened the chasm among her Christian family. Her mother, three sisters and one of her daughters question her choice.
 Safia presses on.Some demographers consider Islam to be the fastest-growing religion in the world. Of the 1.3-billion Muslims worldwide, 4.7-million live in the United States, according to the Association of Religion Data Archives. One of the world's oldest religions, Islam has been in the United States for generations. But the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, thrust the religion and its adherents into the spotlight. Before the attacks, American Muslims largely kept to themselves. Now, many feel the public expects them to answer for the actions of those who commit heinous acts in the name of their faith.Across the country, some Muslims complain of stereotyping, racial profiling and discrimination. Others pine for the days when Islam was rarely mentioned in headlines. Most dare not complain openly, religious and civic leaders say, for fear of being labelled unpatriotic or sympathetic to extremists.Opinion polls back up what American Muslims say
 they feel every day: Masses of the U.S. populace view them negatively. In a USA Today/Gallup poll released in August, 39 percent of Americans said they feel prejudiced toward Muslims. Nearly one quarter of Americans polled said they would not want a Muslim as a neighbour. Another 39 percent want Muslims to carry special identification at all times and undergo enhanced security checks when boarding airplanes.Safia hopes the world will see her as an example of what Islam really is. Still early in her conversion, she is a Muslima in transition. She studies the Koran and prays five times a day. She also wears makeup and has French-manicured acrylic nails. Sometimes she covers and sometimes - when she fears heckling or worse - she does not. She looks forward to the day when her religion is not an issue. "I don't want to have whispers behind me, whispers in front of me," she said. "I want to be able to blend in, keep my faith and blend
 in."Comment:InshAllah may Allah swt make it easy for all Muslims to practice our way of life in this post 9/11 climate where Islam has replaced Communism as the biggest threat to the Capitalist way of life and as an alternative which Bush and Blair see on the horizon with the imminent return of the Caliphate. 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Worse than cattle poem

2006-09-13 Thread Showkat Ali

Salaams This is my first collaboration and alh i think it came out quite well. If anyone else would like to do a poem/rap with me then please either email me or send me a personal message. As usual please feel free to publish, post, forward and circulate as widely as possible.It is my kind request that you send me the link to where you have posted/published it.Jzk in advance.Worse then cattleI see people sitting on the train and reading the newspaper,Going on their journey as life passes them by,For a single ticket they paid the cost,But for the existence of God its kinda medieval, they would never give it a seconds thought,  We are all living in times of struggle and striving to survive the best we canHolding onto the deen is like a hot piece of coalMost of us are spiritually dead even though we see the signs all around us and in our
 bodies,Its Allah that we are denying,  We are still breathing by time,Allah is giving you the chance to get to know him,But most are unthankful and wasting their time  Religion being blamed for the worlds problems,Secularism rules the worldPut religion in the masjid and let limited humans make the laws.But what about the way we are living?  Are we slaves to the almighty or to what the almighty made?  Acquiring too much material, we’ve denied ourselves the spiritual aspects of being human,Lowering ourselves like that of cattle,We eat, breathe, S**t, have kids and prattle on thru lifeAnd that’s as far as it goes,Our morals have all changed,Right is wrong and wrong is rightPeople scared to speak the truth against immorality for fear of being labelled Extremist, fantatic and fundamentalist.We’re going through changing lives, and being changed
 mentally by the society and mass propaganda machine.When a kid turns into an adult,Those are the most challenging of times,But ask yourselves is this test too much for you to handle?We’re all in a line to drink from ignorance’s cup,Even though we don’t know we’re in queue,  We standing in order,Ready to lose our religion,Like cattle being sent to the slaughter  We’ve lost ourselves to ourselves,Now people don’t wanna be role models,Its all about me , myself and IThey wanna be gay or sado-masochistsAnd other perversionsIt’s all about originality and moving boundaries further and furtherTrying to be different even if its means being pervertedWomen are free to make a choice to abort or have that B*D kid, and they don’t even know who the daddy isEeni meeni mini mo.And now we dealing with wars,Based on sexed up dossiers and liesDoes anybody knows
 what the truth is or caresOn the poor the governments dropping tons of A-Bombs and napalmCausing mass death in the 21st century,Crime, sexual immorality, poverty,Greed, lust, power, death, destruction, carnage,For those like cattle, oppression is widespread,But most can’t see it and follow blindly   A world with 3.5 billioon corpses walking aroundBecause the difference between the believer and the disbeliever is like the living and the dead,The difference between the believer and the disbeliever is like having knowledge and being ignorant,The difference between the believer and the disbeliever is like moving forward and staying behind,The difference between the believer and the disbeliever is like being able to see and being blind,The difference between the believer and the
 disbeliever is like living free or wanting suicide,The difference between them and us is that they are dying to live but we’re living to dieChorusDeaf, dumb and blindTotally out of their mindsSpaced out on freedom Can’t get enuff Losing their religion bit by bitUntil all that remains is just the name and the circumcisionThey must be insane Losing everything and gaining nothing  Deaf, blind and dumbWhat more can I sayI cant give them my thumbs upCoz they act so dumbFollowing the disbelievers Seeking crumbs from his tableSlave to his ideologyIgnorant of Islam’s superiorityUnaware of kufrs inferiorityYeah their in mental slaveryBlind, dumb and deafWith every stepGoing the wrong directionDeeper and deeper with satan as their guideFeel sorry for them on
 the day of resurrectionTime to wake up but they are asleepRaps like these will hit their coreAnd awaken them for Islam’s return and encoreAuthors: Mizda Man and [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Football player Kanoute refuses to wear gambling logo

2006-09-07 Thread Showkat Ali

Kanoute refuses to wear gambling logo Madrid- Sevilla striker Omar "Freddie" Kanoute is refusing to carry publicity for the club sponsor, online gambling firm 888, citing religious reasons. "Alcoholic drinks and gambling are just the dirty work of Satan and are forbidden by the Koran," Kanoute said Monday. UEFA champions Sevilla signed a lucrative contract this summer to carry shirt publicity with a multinational internet gambling corporation. Mali forward Kanoute insisted he would wear a gambling-free shirt. He added that he was "very pleased that Sevilla seem to understand my position, and are not obliging me to wear this shirt."For those who dont follow football, Omer 'Freddy' Kanoute is a striker, used to play in the premier league with Tottenham Hotspur  West Ham. Born in Lyons in 1977, he played for a while in French clubs before crossing the Channel, initially signing up for West Ham. Omer attended the prize giving ceremony organised by the Amal Trust in London in December 2003, where he encouraged
 young persons to engage in sport and to retain their religious values. Omer's family connections are with Mali.   
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Israeli joke

2006-09-07 Thread Showkat Ali

An Israeli recently arrives at London's Heathrow airport. As he fills out a form, the customs officer asks him: "Occupation?" The Israeli promptly replies: "No, just visiting!" 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Traitors sell out ( Poem )

2006-09-01 Thread Showkat Ali

Traitors sell outSo I stand asideAnother defeated So called moderate MuslimWorks for the other side  Some do it knowingly by joining the police and intelligence servicesWhile others hide the truth and compromise and reconcile Islam with kufrScholars for dollarsInvited to Downing Street for tea and instructionsFor Islam’s destruction and annihilationAnd some others are silent andTherefore compliantIn the wicked conspiracy against the truthThe west is at warNot like beforeForget WW1 and WW2This war is ideologicalBattle of ideasThe final conflictTruth versus falsehood  Choose which side you’re onNo sitting on the fenceNo ones neutralYou’re either with Islam or against Islam  You either give dawah Or the society brainwashes you To become its clone and robotA living and walking example of their ideology 
   Walking around in a dazeAint got a clueSpreading corruptionTo your brothers and sistersWithout realising  Don’t believe me?  Then analyse what you say, do and how you live.  Is it based on Islam or something else?Thought so..Switch on the T.V and seeThe battle being foughtIn many theatresIraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, PalestineCan anyone deny the reality?Islam Vs kufrTruth Vs falsehoodAllah vs shaytan24/7 it continuesWe have no time for rest Or jestingOr wasting our youthIn fruitless activities Coz the enemy is focused and motivated in working hard to destroy our deenAs can be seen on the TV screens dailyOh! Muslims Stand and fightDon’t take flightYou know its right thing to doInstead of hiding and adopting
 the false labels ofModerate Muslim, British MuslimIn this battle of ideasThe truth will prevail  We got the noble QuranWhile they have nothing of any substance at allAnd hence they and their society keep on fallingInto misguidance and errorNo need for hijacking planes and crashing them into tall buildingsOr martyrdom operationsThe Islamic ideas are enough for usTo refute and intellectually destroy CapitalismAnd herald a new dawnThe re-birth of the Islamic civilisationBush and BlairSee it on the horizonWhat a pity the Muslims are dosingAnd some are busy posing And closing the mind and eyes to what’s going on all around nationally and globallyIts time to wake upFrom our western induced slumberAnd rememberWho we are andWho created us?And to whom we shall returnSooner or later 
   Its time to realiseIslam is the source of our prideTime to get of the western roller coasterEnough of the rideToo much can confuse, overload and kill your imanMake you into westernerBut your name and little practice of Islam Can make you seem like a fundamentalist in their eyes.So after reading thisThink about making the little changesFollowed by the major onesFor the salvation of your soul And the pleasure of your lord and creatorAnd tonight thank AllahThat you were born into a Muslim familyInstead of a non-Muslim oneAnd count your blessings All of themI certainly will  Ameen  Author: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] I am Israel

2006-08-02 Thread Showkat Ali

I am IsraelThe middles east’s only superpowerU Muslims got most of the oilBut still you’re politically poor and powerlessWe kill your people at willAnytime, anyplaceWe’re gods chosen racePalestine is ours If you want to liveThen get the hell out of our rocket rangeYour big Islamic armies don’t scare usYou’re unelected leaders are our first line of defenceNo offenceBut that’s how it’s been since 1948Our greatest dilemma isn’t free porkBut Muslims united under the caliphateU don’t know your historyTherefore u have no vision for your futureDo us a big favourStay ignorant and follow the western cultureIntegrate and assimilateLose yourself and forget about your religionCoz we aint got enough bullets to kill 1.5 billionPlus, bullets cost money, you knowWe helped to destroy the last Islamic state in 1924Our Jewish brother Mustafa kamal took care of itFather of the Turks the foolish call himThey couldn’t be further from the truthWe love that title and nameOf your ummah’s sad plight u should feel shame.Muslims stay divided and we are protectedFight and hate each other based on
 nationalismWhoever invented it deserves an Oscar or threeMaybe it was shaytanWhat a superstarHa ha ha If anyone criticises and the atrocities we are inflictingWe just have to say the buzz word anti-SemitismThat always works and shuts them up good and properWe’re the victimsCoz we are the kings of spin and media manipulationSix million, six millionHolocaust, holocaustShindlers list and plenty more fro HollywoodMaybe time to give bollywood some storylinesAbout Jews being persecuted in Pakistan and BangladeshWe have a monopoly on suffering and inflicting pain upon othersWe don’t care or give a damn about the UNThose we can’t bomb or killWe tell them to get lostJust like we told Musa back in the daysWe don’t follow the guidanceWho is God to tell us what to do?U pathetic Muslims been cryingWhilst watchingThe pain and sufferingOf your brothers and
 sistersBut America has been busy re-arming usEven re-fuelling in the UKLong live IsraelExpansion yet to comeCoz we need more living spaceAll of Egypt and into SaudiAuthor: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease of use." - PC Magazine

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] I am Israel

2006-08-02 Thread Showkat Ali

I am Israel By Hashem Said The Daily - Washington State University, Feb. 25, 2002 I am Israel - I came to a land without a people for a people without a land. Those people who happened to be here, had no right to be here, and my people showed them they had to leave or die, razing 480 Palestinian villages to the ground, erasing their history. I am Israel - some of my people committed massacres and later became Prime Ministers to represent me. In 1948, Menachem Begin was in charge of the unit that slaughtered the inhabitants of Deir Yassin, including 100 men, women, and children. In 1953, Ariel Sharon led the slaughter of the inhabitants of Qibya, and in 1982 arranged for our allies to butcher around 2,000 in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. I am Israel - carved in 1948 out of 78% of the land of Palestine, dispossessing its inhabitants and replacing them with Jews from Europe and other parts of the world. While
 the natives whose families lived on this land for thousands of years are not allowed to return, Jews from all over the world are welcome to instant citizenship. I am Israel - in 1967, I swallowed the remaining lands of Palestine - the West Bank and Gaza - and placed their inhabitants under an oppressive military rule, controlling and humiliating every aspect of their daily lives. Eventually, they should get the message that they are not welcome to stay, and join the millions of Palestinian refugees in the shanty camps of Lebanon and Jordan. I am Israel - I have the power to control American policy. My American Israel Public Affairs Committee can make or break any politician of its choosing, and as you see, they all compete to please me. All the forces of the world are powerless against me, including the UN as I have the American veto to block any condemnation of my war crimes. As Sharon so eloquently phrased it, "We control America".
 I am Israel - I influence American mainstream media too, and you will always find the news tailored to my favor. I have invested millions of dollars into PR representation, and CNN, New York Times, and others have been doing an excellent job of promoting my propaganda. Look at other international news sources and you will see the difference. I am Israel - and you Palestinians want to negotiate "peace!?" But you are not as smart as me; I will negotiate, but will only let you have your municipalities while I control your borders, your water, your airspace, and anything else of importance. While we "negotiate," I will swallow your hilltops and fill them with settlements, populated by the most extremist of my extremists, armed to the teeth. These settlements will be connected with roads you cannot use, and you will be imprisoned in your little Bantustans between them, surrounded by checkpoints in every direction. I am Israel - with the
 fourth strongest army in the world, possessing nuclear weapons. How dare your children confront my oppression with stones, don't you know my soldiers won't hesitate to blow their heads off? In 17 months, I have killed 900 of you and injured 17,000, mostly civilians, and have the mandate to continue since the international community remains silent. Ignore, as I do, the hundreds of Israeli soldiers who are now refusing to carry out my control over your lands and people; their voices of conscience will not protect you. I am Israel - and you want freedom? I have bullets, tanks, missiles, Apaches, and F-16's, to obliterate you. I have placed your towns under siege, confiscated your lands, uprooted your trees, demolished your homes, and you still demand freedom? Don't you get the message? You will never have peace or freedom, because I am Israel. 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

[IslamCity] Protesters march over Rice visit

2006-04-03 Thread Showkat Ali

Protesters march over Rice visit  A group of about 100 protesters marched today to Blackburn Town Hall, where US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is due to meet Muslim leaders and local dignitaries.  Dr Rice is in England as the guest of British Foreign Secretary and local MP Jack Straw. She is due at the town hall after a visit to Blackburn cathedral.  Protesters today shouted: “Condoleezza Rice go home” and “Rice, Straw, unjust war”.  At the front of the procession, six demonstrators wore orange boiler suits to protest against the imprisonment of terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay.  Mounted police rode in front of the protesters, who were flanked by uniformed officers.  Protest leader Hanif Dudhuala
 said they were marching in solidarity with the victims of American oppression.  As the protesters approached Blackburn Town Hall their numbers had increased to about 200.Some carried orange banners identifying themselves as members of the radical Muslim group Hizb Ut-Tahrir.  The banner read “War on terror equals war on Islam”.  Amar Hassain, 23, a security guard from Manchester, said he thought Ms Rice was a war criminal.  “I think it’s wrong that we have allowed Condoleezza Rice to come here. We are against the invasion of Iraq. It was a criminal offence.”  Peter Harvey, 59, a psychologist from Bradford, Yorkshire, said he thought the US' overseas wars were “illegal”.  “They told us lies right from the start. It was carried out for the wrong reasons.  “I think we should make it clear that we think it’s wrong her being here.”   Comment: 
 Wherever the American war mongers go they will be opposed by decent people who will expose their evil ideology which is responsible for global instabilty everywhere.
		To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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[IslamCity] Protestors to wear Muhammed Saw cartoons this sat in london

2006-03-23 Thread Showkat Ali

  Action Alert: Protestors to wear T-shirts with Muhammad Cartoons at Rally this Saturday  IHRC urges all campaigners to contact the Metropolitan Police and the Mayor's office to request that they uphold the law and prohibit demonstrators from carrying Islamophobic placards and t-shirts at a 'March for Free _expression_' this Saturday 25 March 2006.  1. Background  A 'March for Free _expression_' is to take place this Saturday 25 March 2006 in Trafalgar Square between 2 and 4 pm. The official purpose of the demonstration is stated to be to support freedom of _expression_ but in reality, it appears to be virulently Islamophobic and racist in nature.  The organisers, Peter Risden and Patrick Vidaud, have permitted demonstrators to wear t-shirts bearing the offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and even supply a link on their website to another website
 where such t-shirts can be purchased. Furthermore, slogans which are being debated to be written on placards include, 'Islam, putting the world at war', 'Islam is a blast', Muhammad was a Sex Offender' and 'Death to Iran'. It is noteworthy that Muslim demonstrators were arrested earlier this month for carrying placards deemed offensive.  In addition, Nick Cohen, in an article in the Observer on 19 March labelled Muslims who demonstrated against the cartoons as "the brown far right" and "Islamic fundamentalists" demonizing all Muslims as Nazis and fascists when it is actually Muslims who are the current victims of this neo-fascism.  Although ostensibly the organisers have stated that the BNP are not welcome, there is much evidence to indicate that many elements of the Far Right will be present on the day. For example, a fascist group 'Civil Liberty', which is lead by BNP North-East
 organiser Kevin Scott, has issued a call on its website for its supporters to attend the march.  It is worrying that an event that appeals to the Islamophobic right is also supported by amongst others British Humanist Association, Ekllesia (a Christian monitoring group), the National Secular Society, UKIP, and Peter Tatchell. This event will set a dangerous precedent will be set whereby Islamophobic groups can use the issue of civil liberties as an excuse to demonise Muslims and Islam. This is not free speech or debate; this is vilification akin to the demonisation of Jews in Nazi Germany.  For more information about the march, its organisers and supporters, please visit  2. Suggested Action  Earlier this month, Muslim demonstrators were arrested
 for carrying offensive and provocative placards protesting the publication of the cartoons. IHRC is asking campaigners to contact the Metropolitan Police and the Mayor's Office and ask that the law be implemented equally and that any demonstrators holding offensive and provocative placards and t-shirts be similarly arrested.  Sir Ian BlairChief Commissioner of Metropolitan PoliceNew Scotland YardBroadwayLondon SW1H 0BG  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please also contact the Mayor's Office to make him aware that this demonstration is not about freedom of _expression_ but vilification and hatred of Islam and Muslims. It is unthinkable that demonstrators would ever be given permission to use Trafalgar Square to display anti-Semitic or racist caricatures and rightly so. This seems to be further evidence that Muslims have
 become second-class citizens in Britain today.  Ken LivingstoneMayor of LondonGreater London AuthorityCity HallThe Queen's WalkMore LondonLondon SE1 2AA  Telephone: 020 7983 4100Fax: 020 7983 4057Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IHRC urges campaigners to write their own letters. Sample letters are pasted below for your convenience. Please CC all letters to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so we can keep track of the number of complaints lodged. [Your Name] [Your Address] 
  [Date]  Sir Ian BlairChief Commissioner of Metropolitan PoliceNew Scotland YardBroadwayLondon SW1H 0BG  Dear Mr. Blair:  RE: Islamophobic Demonstration on 25 March 2006  I am writing with deep concern about the forthcoming 'March for Free _expression_' in Trafalgar Square on 25 March 2006. Although I have no issue with the march itself taking place, I am very worried about the nature of the march and the level of Islamophobia it will fuel.  The organisers have permitted demonstrators to wear t-shirts bearing the offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and even supply a link on their website to another website where such t-shirts can be purchased. Furthermore, slogans which are being debated to be written on
 placards include, 'Islam, putting the world at war', 'Islam is a blast', 'Muhammad was a sex offender' and 'Death to Iran'.  My concern is that this march will be very provocative and disturb the peace as it will promote Islamophobia and racism. Many elements of the Far Right will be present on the day, including 'Civil Liberty', a fascist group lead by BNP North-East organiser Kevin Scott. Other supporting 

[IslamCity] SAS man quits in protest at 'illegal' Iraq war

2006-03-15 Thread Showkat Ali

  SAS man quits in protest at 'illegal' Iraq war,,1729553,00.htmlRichard Norton-TaylorMonday March 13, 2006GuardianAn SAS soldier has resigned from the army, describing the military interventionin Iraq as a "war of aggression" and "morally wrong". The soldier said hewitnessed "dozens of illegal acts" by US forces there.Ben Griffin, 28, who left after three months in Baghdad, is believed to be thefirst SAS soldier to refuse to go into combat and to leave the army on moralgrounds. His decision comes at a time of growing disenchantment among Britishsoldiers about their presence in Iraq.This week, pre-trial hearings are due to start into the court martial of FlightLieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith, an RAF doctor who is refusing
 to return toIraq on the grounds that the war is illegal. Mr Kendall-Smith's lawyer, JustinHugheston-Roberts, said yesterday: "We will be arguing that he has no case toanswer because, without a UN mandate, the invasion of Iraq was manifestlyunlawful and any subsequent order was therefore unlawful."Mr Griffin told the Sunday Telegraph yesterday that he had expected to face acourt martial for leaving the SAS. Instead, he was discharged with a glowingtestimonial.When he was on leave in March last year he told his commanding officer he hadno intention of returning to Iraq. He said he was very angry "at the way thepoliticians have lied to the British public about the war. But mostimportantly, I didn't join the British army to conduct American foreignpolicy."He said he had witnessed dozens of illegal acts by US fighters who viewedIraqis as "sub-human". Mr Griffin said: "I saw a lot of things in Baghdad thatwere illegal
 or just wrong. The Americans were doing things like chuckingfarmers into Abu Ghraib, or handing them over to the Iraqi authorities, knowingfull well they were going to be tortured."The Ministry of Defence does not comment officially on any activities involvingBritain's special forces. However, defence officials did not deny that MrGriffin left the SAS in protest against the war in Iraq.The SAS has been operating under cover in Iraq since the invasion, working withUS special forces seeking out insurgents and foreign Arab fighters linked to orproclaiming sympathy with al-Qaida.British officers have told the Guardian that they have been dismayed by USmilitary tactics in Iraq. They also say that attempts to train the Iraqi armyand police are fraught with problems.Comment:Something which Muslims have known for years is now finally sinking into the minds of many other
 people who follow the principle of seeing is believing and they have finally seen the horrors being committed by the so called " liberators" against our brothers and sisters the Muslim Iraqi people.What now needs to be discussed and debated by all people is, What is the solution for Iraq? Is it western democracy or another solution which is in tune with the Muslim Iraqi people and has a proven track record of solving humanities problems and under which the Sunni, Shia and Christians and even idol worshippers lived peacefully and side by side for hundreds of years before the British carved up Iraq and installed pro-western leaders, who were then succeeded by another pro-western puppet the man himself Saddam.
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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[IslamCity] Egypt tortures for the US, so why not on its own account?

2006-03-12 Thread Showkat Ali

Egypt tortures for the US, so why not on its own account? Human rights cannot be regional or selective: Guantánamo, Belmarsh, Laz Oghli and Facility 1391 stand or fall together,,1726812,00.htmlAhdaf Soueif Thursday March 9, 2006The Guardian The story of Maajid Nawaz, Ian Nisbet and Reza Pankhurst, the three British Muslims who travelled to Egypt with their families, their detention there, their trial and their release now, almost four years later, encapsulates several elements in the "east-west" or "war on terror" story. Media coverage in the UK has focused on the men's Britishness and whether the British government did enough to help them. As usual, events outside the western hemisphere are presented as though in a void. So here's a pencilling in of the local background.Twenty-six young men were
 arrested in Cairo and Alexandria on April 1 2002, accused of membership of a banned group. This was not an extraordinary event. Over the past three decades, such arrests, detentions and kidnappings have become fairly common. People disappear. Friends hunt for them. Usually they are in the State Security Investigation Bureau in Laz Oghli Square in Cairo. They are generally held long enough to extract a confession. Their treatment ranges from insults, threats and beatings to fairly evolved methods of torture. Sometimes the person is not required to confess to anything; they are given a warning and let go.Sometimes the person dies. Mostly, they are sent to jail to await trial. Once in jail, they are generally not ill-treated, but conditions are basic. There are about 15,000 political detainees in Egyptian jails. Some have been found innocent years ago. Some have never been brought to trial. Some have been there more than a decade. The young men arrested in April 2002 were accused
 of membership of the banned and avowedly non-violent Islamist group, Egyptian Hizb ut-Tahrir. Among them were the three Britons. They were members of British Hizb ut-Tahrir - a group that is not (yet) illegal.The defence team for the men consisted of 15 Egyptian lawyers from across the political spectrum; from Muntassir el-Zayyat, eminent legal counsel of the Muslim Brotherhood, to Ahmad Sayf, popular leftwing head of the Legal Aid Centre, who served pro bono along with two lawyers from the Civil Liberties Committee of the bar association.The case was tried in the state security emergency court, part of the apparatus supporting the emergency laws. These laws were first introduced to Egypt by the British occupying power during the first world war. They were reinstated, again by the British, for the second world war - and successive governments have used them as an instrument of oppression ever since. The state security emergency courts allow no further legal recourse
 - their decisions are not open to appeal, except directly to the president. Some are seen as vulnerable to political pressure. The dismantling of the emergency laws is a central demand of the opposition movements, which made their presence felt in the streets and in elections last year.The evidence seized from the men's homes took a year to examine. It was mainly books and articles, many published by the prestigious al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, by mainstream publishers and by human rights organisations. Submitted to the court were some 200 reports from the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs, the state adjudicator on religious matters on the religious content of the material - all declaring it innocent.Sayf (who has himself spent time in jail) is convinced that none of the young men did more than discuss and publicise theoretical ideas about alternative forms of government. I attended a summing-up session at court, in June 2003. Here are the
 impressions I noted down that night: "Reza Pankhurst's Iranian mother and English father are here. There's a lot of sympathy for them as foreigners and parents - their lad caught up in this mess ... What struck me was the difference between the accused and the rest of us: the security, the relatives, even the lawyers looked worn, dusty and frayed. Inside the cage, the young men were collected and dignified ... Mrs Pankhurst said to me: 'I get my strength from him, from Reza' ... The judge, Ahmad Izzat al-Ashmawi, has clearly lost patience with the prosecution. He declared that he will deliver his verdict on December 25. Everyone believes he will throw the case out."On December 22, Egypt's foreign minister, Ahmad Maher, paid a highly unpopular visit to Jerusalem. On a visit to the al-Aqsa mosque, shoes and slippers were thrown at him and some of his attackers managed to slap him. The Egyptian media blamed the Palestinian Hizb ut-Tahrir. In Cairo, Judge Ashmawi postponed
 declaring the verdict for three months. On March 25 2004, he declared the men guilty and handed down sentences ranging from one to five years.Egypt is an important regional power. It is critical to US and 

[IslamCity] The Crime of Samara is the Work of America aimed at Igniting Tensions

2006-03-09 Thread Showkat Ali

  The Crime of Samara is the Work of America aimed at Igniting Tensions  amongst the Muslims  O Muslims,  O People of Iraq,  Has the time not come for you to understand that the occupying forces in Iraq, under the leadership of  America, are the source of all the tribulations and excessive evil? Has the time not come for you to  understand that it is the occupying forces that are behind the bombing of the mosques and the markets,  the killing of civilians and the assassination and abduction of the Muslim scholars, both Sunni and Shi’a?  Has the time not come for you to understand that relying on the occupying forces, taking them into your  confidence, considering them as your allies or giving them
 justification to remain in Iraq, is not but a path  to increase and aggravate the crimes?  The occupying forces are in a quagmire in Iraq, on the brink of drowning in their defeats and their  casualties. Whenever the trap they put themselves in intensifies upon them, they orchestrate a crime here  and another there. After they prepare the crime scene to make it seem as if the Sunnis are behind what is  afflicting the Shi’a, and that the Shi’a are behind what is afflicting the Sunnis, and thus making both sides  clash with each other, they remain safe and secure, observing the situation from a distance. It is no  coincidence that the crime of Samara occurred soon after the announcement of sectarianism by the  American Ambassador in the ministry of defense and internal affairs.  O
 Muslims,  The one who follows the explosions of the resting place of the two Imams (may Allah be pleased with  them both) in Samara will see clearly that this action is not the doing of ordinary people. Nay, it is the  action of a professional and systematic state apparatus. The severe destruction that occurred indicates  that the explosives used had the most precise design in terms of quantity and quality, to the extent that  they were placed in the precise area from where they could not miss the target. Furthermore, we must  also consider the fact that the place which was bombed was not any ordinary neglected place. On the  contrary it was heavily guarded. So how is it possible that such a crime be executed with such precision  with the perpetrators also withdrawing safely, except with the systematic support
 of those dominating,  those who possess the power and authority in the land?  What happened in Samara was of the planning and execution of the occupying forces and her assailants,  and it is a calamity. However what is worse and more detestable is the occupying forces achieving their  objective by making the Muslims, Sunni and Shi’a, fight amongst each other. The news spread after the  incidence of the crime about the occurrence of abduction and killing of Sunni scholars and the damaging of  their mosques, followed by what was heard of the killings of some prisoners and journalists. These further  facilitated the occupying forces, particularly America, to achieve their goals by causing sectarian mischief.  Indeed, America and Britain and all the occupying forces, are ruthless in their treatment of the
 Muslims.  As we see them and their assailants behind the bombing of the mosque in Samara, we do not doubt that  they have a hand, many hands, in the incidents that followed in order to make the events seem to be  sectarian fight between Muslims.  O Muslims  O People of Iraq,  Hizb ut-Tahrir emphasises three realities for you in order to shed light upon this situation:  Firstly: it is the occupying forces, with America at their head, who are behind the incidences of killing  civilians, bombing markets and mosques, abducting scholars and killing those who are sincere to their  Deen and Ummah. As for the Muslim, he is the one who resists the occupier and does not harm his  people, his markets or his mosques, for the killing of a Muslim without a right is worse in the sight if Allah  than the destruction of the Ka’bah and then the demise of the world. Indeed the Muslim in his wars  against his enemies does not kill an elderly man or a child or a woman, nor does he destroy a place of  worship or kill the worshippers therein.  The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:  «   
»  “The destruction of the world is easier on Allah than the killing of a believer without right” (Ibn Majah)  And he (saw) said as advice to the departing army: 
   »  «  “Go in the name of Allah and with His help and on the way of the Messenger of Allah. Do not kill an elderly  man or a child or an infant or a woman and do not steal. Gather your spoils and do what you do with  excellence. Indeed Allah loves those who do good.” (Abu Dawud)  Secondly: the Muslims, whilst they may differ on the subject of the Imamah, they do not differ in their  love of the Messenger of Allah (saw) nor in the love of his purified family, and truly this love is of the  highest level for all Muslims. Whosoever takes the Messenger of Allah (saw) and his 

[IslamCity] Video of Islamic activists from Britain on their return home

2006-03-05 Thread Showkat Ali  The above video shows the return of home 3 British Islamic activists who were imprisoned in Egypt for 4 years.
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

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Holy quran



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[IslamCity] UK Islamic groups protest Arsenal-Israel tourist deal

2006-03-05 Thread Showkat Ali

  UK Islamic groups protest Arsenal-Israel tourist deal  March 03, 2006 The Islamic Human Rights Commission in London has called upon all campaigners to contact Arsenal FC to protest against the decision to sign a sponsorship deal to promote the Zionist regime of Israel as a tourist destination. The campaign is supported by the Palestinian Return Center, Innovative Minds, Friends of al Aqsa, the British Muslim Initiative, the Muslim Association of Britain, the Palestinian Forum in Britain and the Scottish-Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. Arsenal Football Club has just signed a sponsorship deal to
 promote Israel as a tourist destination from next season. The Pounds 350,000 agreement makes Israel Arsenal's "official and exclusive travel destination," the IHRC said. Based on the deal, Israel will be featured on digital perimeter boards and 450 high-definition LCD screens at the stadium on game days and it will feature on the team's website and in its magazine. The televised ads will reach audiences in an estimated 198 countries and the Zionist Tourism Ministry will receive intellectual property rights, the use of the team logo and the right to use photos of the team and its players in ads. The ministry will be allowed to use the stadium banqueting hall twice a year and organize an exhibition at the end of the playing season. The stadium will hold permanent sale tables for Israel t-shirt.
 The financial advisers Ernst  Young were employed to draft this proposal with the aim of bringing an extra 2 million tourists to Israel annually. "Israel is a racist apartheid state built upon the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Arab population from Palestine. It has been so recognized by none other than anti-apartheid campaigners such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who has called for a complete boycott of Israel similar to that which ultimately resulted in the toppling of the apartheid South African regime," an IHRC statement added. Israel's apartheid policies include the segregation of West Bank roads by the military and the construction of a vast steel and concrete barrier through the West Bank and al-Quds. Dubbed the "apartheid wall" by human rights activists, because it forces communities apart and grabs land, it has been held to be in violation of international law by the International Court of Justice. Critics of plan to carve up the West Bank, apportioning pieces of territory to the Palestinians, draw comparisons with South Africa's "bantustans" - the nominally independent homelands into which millions of black men and women were herded. Israel's racial discrimination is daily life for most Palestinians, accruing special rights for Israeli Jews which are not available to non-Jews. Palestinian Arabs have no place in this "Jewish" state. Israel has deprived millions of Palestinians of their liberty and property. It has systematically incarcerated and tortured thousands of Palestinians, contrary
 to the rules of international law and has, waged a war against a civilian population, in particular children. For Arsenal to sign a deal to promote such a state is to go against the very principles of `Kicking Racism out of Football', the London-based commission stressed. "Amazingly, Arsenal's Managing Director who signed the deal, Keith Edelman stated after the deal was signed, "We are in the forefront of the anti-racism campaign in England", the IHRC said, "This deal will no doubt put this reputation into serious question". IHRC urged all campaigners to contact Arsenal Football Club reminding them that Israel is a racist apartheid state which is consistently in breach of international law in its human rights abuses; and that such a deal endangers Arsenal's anti-racist reputation. "Contact the Football Associations' "Kick Racism out of Football" campaign reminding them that Israel is a racist apartheid state which is consistently in breach of
 international law in its human rights abuses; and that such a deal endangers the FA's anti-racist reputation and the Kick it Out campaign itself." "Ask the FA to use its influence to prevent the deal going ahead," the statement read. Source: IRNA  Comment:  Everyone knows that Israel is an apartheid state which is illigally occupying Muslim land and killing innocent Muslim civilians. Many Non-Muslims have condemned the Israeli state for being racist and practicing Apartheid. Its quite funny how Arsenal football club is located in an area with thousands of Muslims and has many Muslim supporters who attend their matches and buy their kits and other merchandise thus contributing to their financial success. Also Arsenal are involved with kick racism out of football campaign yet they are willing to have business
 dealings with a racist state which has killed more Muslims than even the BNP.This just goes to show that among capitalist companiesprofits come before principles and Muslims need to be careful how we spend our money because we may just be unknowingly funding those