[JBoss-dev] jboss-head build.712 Build Fixed

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20050118031543Lbuild.712
BUILD COMPLETE-build.712Date of build:01/18/2005 03:15:43Time to build:28 minutes 34 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 02:25:02Last log entry:pre-alpha development

   Unit Tests: (0)   Total Errors and Failures: (0)
Modifications since last build:(138)1.2modifiedovidiufjms/tests/src/org/jboss/test/messaging/core/distributed/PipeTest.javapre-alpha development1.2deletedovidiufjms/tests/src/org/jboss/test/messaging/core/distributed/SharedLocalPipeOutputTest.javapre-alpha development1.3modifiedovidiufjms/tests/src/org/jboss/test/messaging/core/distributed/SharedPipeOutputTest.javapre-alpha development1.2modifiedovidiufjms/tests/src/org/jboss/test/messaging/core/ChannelSupportTest.javapre-alpha development1.2modifiedovidiufjms/tests/src/org/jboss/test/messaging/core/MessageStoreImpl.javapre-alpha development1.4modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/tools/PipeClient.javapre-alpha development1.2modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/interfaces/MessageStore.javapre-alpha development1.9modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/interfaces/Message.javapre-alpha development1.2modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/distributed/Pipe.javapre-alpha development1.6modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/distributed/PipeOutput.javapre-alpha development1.2modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/distributed/Queue.javapre-alpha development1.2modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/LocalPipe.javapre-alpha development1.1addedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/SingleOutputChannelSupport.javapre-alpha development1.4modifiedovidiufjms/src/bin/runtestpre-alpha development1.2modifiedovidiufjms/src/main/org/jboss/messaging/core/ChannelSupport.javapre-alpha development1.6modifiedovidiufjms/docs/JBossMessagingCoreGraphics.sxdpre-alpha development1.8modifiedbwang00tomcat/src/main/org/jboss/web/tomcat/tc5/session/JBossCacheManager.javaRemove session from map if it is found null1.99modifiedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/AspectManager.javabetter error handling1.10modifiedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/standalone/Compiler.javabetter error handling1.32modifiedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/instrument/Instrumentor.javabetter error handling1.8modifiedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/ant/AopC.javabetter error handling1.21modifiedpatriot1burkethirdparty/javassist/lib/javassist.jarno message1.9modifiedpatriot1burkehibernate/src/main/org/jboss/hibernate/jmx/Hibernate.javano message1.1addedpatriot1burkehibernate/src/main/org/jboss/hibernate/jmx/HibernateMBean.javano message1.5modifiedpatriot1burkehibernate/src/main/org/jboss/hibernate/har/HARDeployer.javano message1.1addedpatriot1burkehibernate/src/main/org/jboss/hibernate/har/HARDeployerMBean.javano message1.13modifiedstarksmcluster/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/ProxyFactoryHA.javaBind the transport home and remote invoker proxies into jndi under the names jndiBinding + "-HomeInvoker" and jndiBinding + "-RemoteInvoker" respectively so that HA proxies can recover the transport layer transparently even if all nodes in the cluster are taken down.1.1addedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/hook/GeneratePluggableInstrumentedClassLoader.javamove java.lang.ClassLoader instrumentation to one class.  It shouldn't be in AspectManager1.1addedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/hook/JDK14Transformer.javamove java.lang.ClassLoader instrumentation to one class.  It shouldn't be in AspectManager1.1addedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/hook/JDK14TransformerManager.javamove java.lang.ClassLoader instrumentation to one class.  It shouldn't be in AspectManager1.4modifiedpatriot1burkeaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/hook/GenerateInstrumentedClassLoader.javamove java.lang.ClassLoader instrumentation to one class.  It shouldn't be in AspectManager1.13modifiedejortjms/build.xmlRemove redundant mbean target1.59modifiedejortcluster/build.xmlUse a static MBean interface rather than generating it through xdoclet.1.89modifiedejortjmx/build.xmlRemove redunant mbean build target1.1addedejortmanagement/src/resources/META-INF/ejb-jar.xmlUse a static session classes rather than generating it through xdoclet.1.1addedejortmanagement/src/resources/META-INF/jboss.xmlUse a static session classes rather than generating it through xdoclet.1.9modifiedejortmanagement/.classpathUse a static session classes rather than generating it through xdoclet.1.33modifiedejortmanagement/build.xmlUse a static session classes rather than generating it through xdoclet.1.1addedejortmanagement/src/main/org/jboss/management/mejb/MEJB.javaUse a static session classes rather than generating it through xdoclet.1.1addedejortmanagement/src/main/org/jboss/management/mejb/MEJBSession.javaUse a static 

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - xwiki integration

2005-01-18 Thread fabio.ciotola
hi everyone.
i'm working on xwiki integration and i'm getting some deployment difficulties.
this is the case : the xwiki app, deployed as a .war into nukes-core.sar, needs 
to use some nukes core services like UserModule, GroupModule and so on.
xwiki gets correctly the binded services but an exception occurs when the 
UserModule tries to retrieve Hibernate Session. 

10:27:44,475 INFO  [Configuration] instantiating and configuring caches
10:27:44,475 INFO  [SessionFactoryImpl] building session factory
10:27:44,625 INFO  [ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: 
com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiAttachment, NullPointerException: null
10:27:44,675 INFO  [ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: 
com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiAttachmentArchive, NullPointerException: null
10:27:45,196 INFO  [ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: 
com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiAttachmentContent, BulkBeanException: null (property 

10:27:45,216 INFO  [SessionFactoryObjectFactory] no JNDI name configured
10:27:47,139 INFO  [STDOUT] java.lang.NullPointerException
10:27:47,149 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
10:27:47,149 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
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[JBoss-dev] jboss-3.2 build.257 Build Successful

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-3.2?log=log20050118041449Lbuild.257
BUILD COMPLETE-build.257Date of build:01/18/2005 04:14:49Time to build:27 minutes 31 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 01:59:34Last log entry:Remove session from map if it is found null

   Unit Tests: (0)   Total Errors and Failures: (0)
Modifications since last build:(2) session from map if it is found null1.8.2.9modifiedstarksmcluster/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/ProxyFactoryHA.javaBind the transport home and remote invoker proxies into jndi under the names jndiBinding + "-HomeInvoker" and jndiBinding + "-RemoteInvoker" respectively so that HA proxies can recover the transport layer transparently even if all nodes in the cluster are taken down.

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Elaborating on the last alternative:

Yes, and to relieve the WebApp from the persistence burden the 
DeploymentService could be enhanced to remember the properties of a module it 
has produced. So then it'd be very easy to edit any deployment created 
through the console.

Trying also to see how to best package things, we could seperate the 
deployments that can be modified by the console, by making it copy stuff to a 
subdirectory of deploy e.g:


or if we want to have a full seperation of the console related stuff, we could 

   -   ./templates
   -   ./deploy
   -   ./undeploy
   -   ./properties

and simply point URLDeploymentScanner to both:


A problem I see in general with the console is the dependency to tomcat, since 
the console is a webapp itself. Will tomcat be under control of the console? If 
tomcat is redeployed what happens to the console webapp?

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-4.0 build.320 Build Successful

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-4.0?log=log20050118050751Lbuild.320
BUILD COMPLETE-build.320Date of build:01/18/2005 05:07:51Time to build:27 minutes 29 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 01:28:36Last log entry:Remove session from map if it is found null

   Unit Tests: (0)   Total Errors and Failures: (0)
Modifications since last build:(1) session from map if it is found null

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: Bad performance when deploying EJBs on JBoss 4.0

2005-01-18 Thread viguera79
the command I used is:
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/cvsroot/jboss co -r Branch_4_0 jboss-4.0

It begin to download a lot of files, but comparing these files with its its 
webview, there are many differences.

The file build.xml reference to a non-existen file, for example 
Furthermore, in webview there are some folder that
they are not download with command above.
I'm running under windows 2000. When I execute build.bat nothing happend. If a 
try to execute build.xml with ant, an error message appears saying that 
buildmagic.ent file not found.

What am I doing bad?
Thanks and regards

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - Re: ClassNotFoundException

2005-01-18 Thread GlynJ
Yes, the class is in the classpath.

Which examples were you thinking of?

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Architecture, features overview

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yes that's what I was talking about.

this must be done by the portal, not the portlet.

then the portlet at runtime must use the req.getContentType() to know what 
content type the portal has decided.

currently this task is done in an interceptor that just set this content type 
to text/html : org.jboss.portal.server.invocation.portal.ContentTypeInterceptor

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - Re: ClassNotFoundException

2005-01-18 Thread GlynJ
Have managed to sort ot the problem. I needed to add my classes to the 
classpath of the aop.demo gui. 


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBoss portal 2.0 alpha

2005-01-18 Thread prax
I just got a mail from thomas about it.
I must say I have developed a tendency to speak before I think!! ;)

Sorry about the noise.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBoss portal 2.0 alpha

2005-01-18 Thread prax
Do you have a timeframe for when you might release the source for download 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBoss portal 2.0 alpha

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pretty soon, we just have a stupid upload problem on sourceforge.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Elaborating on the last alternative:
  | Yes, and to relieve the WebApp from the persistence burden the 
DeploymentService could be enhanced to remember the properties of a module it 
has produced. So then it'd be very easy to edit any deployment created 
through the console.
So we would just add a method to the DeploymentService, say 
getCurrentProperties, which takes a module name and returns a Map of property 
names and values? The DeploymentService would have stored this Map somewhere 
when the module was first created?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Trying also to see how to best package things, we 
could seperate the deployments that can be modified by the console, by making 
it copy stuff to a subdirectory of deploy e.g:
  | ./deploy
  | ./deploy/console
  | or if we want to have a full seperation of the console related stuff, we 
could have:
  | ./console/
  |-   ./templates
  |-   ./deploy
  |-   ./undeploy
  |-   ./properties
  | and simply point URLDeploymentScanner to both:
  | ./deploy
  | ./console/deploy
I like the idea of keeping all the deployments rooted under ./deploy, i.e. the 
first suggestion. That way people don't have to remember another directory 
structure in which to look for deployments. The other DeploymentService working 
directories could then just go under ./console as you described. 

  | A problem I see in general with the console is the dependency to tomcat, 
since the console is a webapp itself. Will tomcat be under control of the 
console? If tomcat is redeployed what happens to the console webapp?
Great question! Tomcat is meant to be one of the services which the Admin 
Console manages. Clearly the approach of using the DeploymentService to update 
the instance of Tomcat underlying the Admin Console is not feasible. [The Admin 
Console would ask the DeploymentService to create a new Tomcat configuration 
and copy it over the existing one, this would have the effect of 
undeploying/deploying Tomcat, thus killing the Admin Console]. At best maybe we 
could aim for *any* change to Tomcat requiring a server restart? But then we 
need a mechanism to support some sort of delayed deployment, i.e. create a 
new Tomcat configuration but only deploy it when the server restarts, when we 
can be sure no-one is connected to the Admin Console.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread rauschuber
  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
  |   | A problem I see in general with the console is the dependency to 
tomcat, since the console is a webapp itself. Will tomcat be under control of 
the console? If tomcat is redeployed what happens to the console webapp?
  |   | 
  | Great question! Tomcat is meant to be one of the services which the Admin 
Console manages. Clearly the approach of using the DeploymentService to update 
the instance of Tomcat underlying the Admin Console is not feasible. [The Admin 
Console would ask the DeploymentService to create a new Tomcat configuration 
and copy it over the existing one, this would have the effect of 
undeploying/deploying Tomcat, thus killing the Admin Console]. At best maybe we 
could aim for *any* change to Tomcat requiring a server restart? But then we 
need a mechanism to support some sort of delayed deployment, i.e. create a 
new Tomcat configuration but only deploy it when the server restarts, when we 
can be sure no-one is connected to the Admin Console.

Will there also be a text-based console?  If so, it would not be vulnerable to 
Tomcat changes.  Maybe making immediate changes to Tomcat with the 
understanding that you lose your web console would be good enough for the 
first pass.  The text-based console and the delayed deployment could be part of 
the second pass.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Profiler] - NullPointerException when analyzing data

2005-01-18 Thread eitangur

I got the following exception several times while running the analysis:

anonymous wrote : 17:24:39,895 INFO  [STDOUT] Processed 120 registers (99%)
  | 17:24:40,224 INFO  [STDOUT] sort -
  | 17:25:44,670 INFO  [STDOUT] ok
  | 17:25:46,669 INFO  [STDOUT] java.lang.NullPointerException
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | n.java:237)
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 57)
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | )
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | :198)
  | 17:25:46,701 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | )
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | .java:72)
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | )
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 275)
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | )
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | )
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | )
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | )
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 11Protocol.java:705)
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at 
  | 17:25:46,716 INFO  [STDOUT]at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)

I ran a very short scenario (less than one minute).

Any ideas?

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Profiler] - Re: NullPointerException when analyzing data

2005-01-18 Thread eitangur
Forgot to mention that the results seem to be ok. I can see the methods call, 
%CPU, %MEM, graphs etc...

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rauschuber wrote : 
  | Will there also be a text-based console?  If so, it would not be vulnerable 
to Tomcat changes.  Maybe making immediate changes to Tomcat with the 
understanding that you lose your web console would be good enough for the 
first pass.  The text-based console and the delayed deployment could be part of 
the second pass.

The current focus is on the web-based Admin Console. However the services 
which the web-app uses will just be POJO's sitting on top of JBoss so these 
could be deployed in a .sar along with a text-based console, thus removing the 
dependency on Tomcat. I am tending to agree with you, that in the first pass 
enabling the updating of Tomcat directly via the DeploymentService may be the 
best option. 


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: Bad performance when deploying EJBs on JBoss 4.0

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Then your co is not completing. Keep trying until the complete structure is 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrt a text-based console.  Rich F. has a requirement on the JBoss Network that 
there be a command-line interface to the Network admin stuff.  Things like 
deploy new app, undeploy app, start instance, stop instance, etc. 
should be also be controllable via command-line/scripts/text console.

Today, I have a command line interface to Command Framework that I'm using to 
perform remote commands on an remote instance (specifically, today, I have the 
ability to send a remote command via JBoss/Remoting to start/stop JBoss 
instances).  This stuff should be fairly extensible so we can add commands and 
their client-side API pretty easily.  I would love to be able to see if I can 
hook my stuff to your POJOs for deployment.

I suspect we can use this capability to perform your text-console things since 
your stuff are just .sar deployed POJOs (my stuff is also just a .sar 
deployment on the server side with a command-client.jar client-side API).

I'm getting alot of warm and fuzzies that the JBoss Network will be able to 
piggy-back and reuse alot of the stuff you guys are doing.  Let's remain in 
close contact so we can track each other.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | I suspect we can use this capability to perform your text-console things 
since your stuff are just .sar deployed POJOs (my stuff is also just a .sar 
deployment on the server side with a command-client.jar client-side API).

For the first phase everything is likely to be bundled into a .war. However, 
subsequently, I don't see a reason we couldn't split things up to support other 
clients calling the APIs to update the JBoss configuration.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1295) Pass the CTS Tests

2005-01-18 Thread Anil Saldhana (JIRA)
Pass the CTS Tests

 Key: JBAS-1295
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1295
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Sub-task
  Components: JAXR service  
Versions: JBossAS-5.0 Final
Reporter: Anil Saldhana
 Assigned to: Anil Saldhana 

The Jaxr Integration in JBAS using Apache jUDDI and Apache Scout should pass 
the CTS Tests.

Total tests: 1384.
Filtered: 12
Sub Total: 1372.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Remoting, Unified Invokers] - Re: remote object data and behavior

2005-01-18 Thread xiangya
Sorry for my bum-english. I can not state clearly what I mean.
In fact, I hope current Remote Object used by this pattern: 
pass to client's vm by reference and pass the  same remote object's state 
information to client by value.
so this senario looks like this:
Server  Client
RemoteA RemoteA(remoteRef)
{   {
clientable state---clientable state(value)
non-clientable state   
in other words, client hold remote object's reference and its some state 
information simultaneity.

at present almost all distributed program just use RPC, but in our works there 
are almost simultaneity present, we need not only method invocation but also 
state data.
what I wonder, why it's impossible? 
A hard or complix implementation?

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - Cache Replication Timeout in a Cluster

2005-01-18 Thread daniel_joshi
Hello Everyone, 
   We are a JBOSS shop currently using JBOSS 3.2.6 and using the JBOSSCache 
version that comes with 3.2.6 to store the session information for the user (we 
are not using Tomcat so we have our own session tracking solution using a 
specially configured JBossCache). We are in production for a large .com site 
and overall things have been running well. However, there is an issue 
preventing us from successfully running the JBossCache in a cluster: 

   1. When we need to restart a node on the cluster we have set 
FetchStateOnStartup to true and set the InitialStateRetrievalTimeout to 12 
milliseconds. Keeping in mind that this is a REPL_SYNC cache on the cluster, 
the problem is that --on restart-- once the timeout is hit the cache appears to 
quit replicating and as such the restarted node has an incomplete copy of the 
cache. Does anyone know how to force the cache to finish replication on startup 
so we can be guaranteed that we have a duplicate of the cache on every node in 
our cluster? 

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration,


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Admin Console Web-tier technology

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The JBoss AS Admin Console is planning to use Struts 1.2.x for its web-tier 
framework for the following reasons:

- It is a mature technology and is widely used in production environments.
- Since it is so widely adopted there is a greater likelihood of generating 
community interest and contributions.
- By using the same technologies across multiple JBoss Network projects, e.g. 
the Admin Console and the Push Portal, we hope to be able to reuse both 
developer knowledge and actual components. 

Please let me know any comments.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So is the capability of remotely starting/stoping a jboss instance implemented 
or investigated?

How it will be done?

Replying to Chris' post, we would persist the properties of any module we 
create (and overwrite them every time we edit/regenerate that module). So we 
will always have the last good property image, as long nobody screws up with 
the console-generated modules.

The delayed deployment is also an option. We can store delayed deployments in a 
different location and upon startup, as long as the deployment service is 
started from ./conf/jboss-service.xml, it could overwrite those delayed 
deployments *before* the DeploymentScanner starts...

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[JBoss-dev] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - JARDeployer

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm trying to re-write the JARDeployer to the new framework, where 
AspectDeployers will be first asked to analyze a deployment, i.e. do the 
structure analysis.

This somewhat resembles the old accepts functionality, so I'm wondering if I 
should try to replicate the old behaviour, which is to make sure there is no 
WEB-INF, or a META-INF which contains any .xml files.

I guess this still need to be done, since the ejb-jar deployer may not be 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: JARDeployer

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One thing we really need to be careful with is what happens when JARS are 

For instance, EJB3 requires a .ejb3 filename extension because it has to 
iterate the entire archive and look at every single class in that archive for 
annotations that may be EJB3 annotations.  If .jar files were accepted as 
well, it would have slowed down the deploy process significantly.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Internal Benchmarking] - Transactions deadlock when running SpecJ over JBoss

2005-01-18 Thread maybeme

I?m trying to configure SPECjAppServer2002 on Jboss. 
I?m using jboss4.0.1, jsdk1.4.2, and MS SQL Server 2000. 
I have downloaded the necessary toolkit and followed the setup instruction to 
configure the environment. I succeeded to build and deploy SPECjAppServer.ear, 
the JBoss server also starts without indicating any problem but when I run the 
driver the following exceptions appear very often and the overall result is 
pretty bad.

22:34:10,145 ERROR [LogInterceptor] TransactionRolledbackException in method: 
public abstract void 
causedBy: org.jboss.tm.JBossRollbackException: Unable to commit, 
tx=TransactionImpl:XidImpl[FormatId=257, GlobalId=elitsa-p/15905, BranchQual=, 
localId=15905] status=STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION; - nested throwable: 
(javax.ejb.EJBException: Failed to update instances: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 
Driver for JDBC][SQLS
erver]Transaction (Process ID 65) was deadlocked on lock resources with another 
process and has been chosen as the deadlock  victim. Rerun the transaction.; 
CausedByException is:
[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Transaction 
(Process ID 65) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has 
been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.)
at org.jboss.tm.TransactionImpl.commit(TransactionImpl.java:344)
at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor.invoke(LogInterceptor.java:192)
at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(Container.java:870)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor62.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.dispatch(Invocation.java:80)
at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.invoke(Invocation.java:72)
at org.jboss.mx.server.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:642)
at org.jboss.invocation.local.LocalInvoker.invoke(LocalInvoker.java:104)
at org.jboss.proxy.ClientContainer.invoke(ClientContainer.java:91)
at $Proxy211.deliverPO(Unknown Source)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810)

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Remoting, Unified Invokers] - Poor choice for the JRMPInvokerProxyHA no servers avaialble

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The legacy detached invoker framework 
org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.interfaces.JRMPInvokerProxyHA is throwing a 
java.rmi.RemoteException when all cluster targets have been exhausted. I 
updated the proxy factories to expose the raw invoker so that one can add a 
retry interceptor to the client proxy stack to transparently recover from a 
transient loss of all cluster services as in the case of a complete cluster 

The problem with the use of the java.rmi.RemoteException is that this is an 
exception that can be thrown as part of the normal application behavior and so 
is not a reliable indication of services exhaustion. We should be throwing a 
custom subclass of RemoteException like 
org.jboss.invocation.ServiceUnavailableException to clearly distinguish this 
failure scenario.

I'm going to make this change in head so I can check in a prototype 
RetryInterceptor that requires this.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - Re: JBossCache 1.2 released

2005-01-18 Thread daniel_joshi
Is there any documentation/support for JBOSSCache 1.2 being used in JBOSS 
3.2.X? I've tried a few configurations with 1.2 and have not been successful 
(after getting past the new JNDI settings I hit a ClassCastException).

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: IIOP.NET over SSL on JBoss

2005-01-18 Thread jlsredondo
Hi Francisco,
Finally, we were able to connect an IIOP.net client to EJBs components over SSL 
connections. The process is a bit cumbersome, but it works. 
When it comes to performance, it?s obvious that we have to pay a price when 
using SSL. Our tests range from a penalty of 20% to 80%, depending on the 
amount of information interchanged. In order to mitigate this penalty we are 
evaluating SSL accelerator cards, that offload 100% of the SSL processing (on 
the server side, obviously).

Thanks a lot for your support

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Web-tier technology

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is really a short term solution so the association of community interest 
around this fact is also short term. Longer term we want this to be based on 
portals and leverage JSF.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We already have the simple twiddle command line tool which is a simple app on 
top of the jmx adaptor. As long as we have an mbean facade for the operations 
it would be a relatively simple matter to support access via the command line.

The biggest disconnect will be for deployment operations where content needs to 
be uploaded to the server. 

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBAS-1295) Pass the CTS Tests

2005-01-18 Thread Anil Saldhana (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1295?page=history ]

Anil Saldhana updated JBAS-1295:

Description: The Jaxr Integration in JBAS using Apache jUDDI and Apache 
Scout should pass the CTS Tests.   (was: The Jaxr Integration in JBAS using 
Apache jUDDI and Apache Scout should pass the CTS Tests.

Total tests: 1384.
Filtered: 12
Sub Total: 1372.)

 Pass the CTS Tests

  Key: JBAS-1295
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1295
  Project: JBoss Application Server
 Type: Sub-task
   Components: JAXR service
 Versions: JBossAS-5.0 Final
 Reporter: Anil Saldhana
 Assignee: Anil Saldhana

 The Jaxr Integration in JBAS using Apache jUDDI and Apache Scout should pass 
 the CTS Tests. 

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (JBPM-61) separate variable instances from their definitions

2005-01-18 Thread Alejandro Guzar (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPM-61?page=history ]
Alejandro Guzar resolved JBPM-61:

Resolution: Done

 separate variable instances from their definitions

  Key: JBPM-61
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPM-61
  Project: JBoss jBPM
 Type: Sub-task
   Components: BPEL
 Versions: 3.0 DR 1
  Environment: dom
 Reporter: Alejandro Guzar
 Assignee: Alejandro Guzar
  Fix For: 3.0 DR 1

 Original Estimate: 1 day
Time Spent: 1 day
 Remaining: 0 minutes

 Separate the current implementation of bpel variables, which encapsulate the 
 instance value along with the definition, into two distinct objects.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - JBossCache 1.2 Still accepting members with Multicast set to

2005-01-18 Thread DashV
I am using JBossCache as an mbean within jboss 4.0.1 and in my .xml descriptor 
snippet shown below:

attribute name=ClusterConfig
  | config
  | !-- UDP: if you have a multihomed machine,
  | set the bind_addr attribute to the appropriate NIC IP 
address --
  | !-- UDP: On Windows machines, because of the media sense 
  |  being broken with multicast (even after disabling media 
  |  set the loopback attribute to true --
  | UDP mcast_addr= mcast_port=48866
  | ip_ttl=64 ip_mcast=false 
  | mcast_send_buf_size=15 mcast_recv_buf_size=8
  | ucast_send_buf_size=15 ucast_recv_buf_size=8
  | loopback=false/

I have ip_mcast=false but in my jboss server log. I am still seeing the other 
machines on my subnet join in...

INFO  [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): new members: [apple:4440, pear:2225, 

Looking at the cache with the tree view it does not seem like state is being 
replicated to the other nodes (which is good!) But why are they still joining 
when other jboss instances come online on my same subnet and launch the 
treecache? I though (perhaps incorrectly) setting ip_mcast to false basically 
turned off clustering.

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[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-1104763 ] EJB-QL CMR traversal returns wrong interface type

2005-01-18 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1104763, was opened at 2005-01-18 19:57
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossServer
Group: v4.0
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: wilsonpu (wilsonpu)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: EJB-QL CMR traversal returns wrong interface type

Initial Comment:
   JBOSS AS returns/contains wrong interface type with
CMR traversal using EJB-QL.
   We recreated the line item example from Mastering
EJB Appendix D on EJB-QL entity bean relationship
traversal (page 574).  

Test case below.  Codes are attached to ease table data

   We created 3 tables:

customerId (pk)

orderId  (pk)
customerId  (fk)

lineItemId  (pk)
orderId  (fk)

On the CustomerBean, we defined a finder method using

findCustomerLineItems(int customerId)
query=SELECT OBJECT(l) FROM Customer AS c,
IN(c.orders) o, IN (o.lineItems) l WHERE c.customerId=?1

We also defined CMR for getting the orders from the
customer bean and getting the lineitems from the order
bean.  (codes are attached)

Base on the finder method, we are expecting to return a
collection of LineItemLocal interface.  However, we got
CustomerLocal interface instead.

The codes are attached with DB data.  However, you will
have to separate the codes to different file.

Wilson Pu
Software Developer
Vision Solutions Inc.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Build Fails....

2005-01-18 Thread jmwagner
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : You don't need to define SUN_JAVACC_LIB.
  | You can read the installation manual in the user guide 
  | But i need to update it and will probably do it today.
  | ---
  | I'm still having problems with compiling the Nukes 2.0 CVS with JBoss AS 
4.0.0... Hibernate on wrong directory ?
  | Depends on ANT ?
  | _default:compile-classes:
  |[depend] Deleted 0 out of date files in 0 seconds
  | [javac] Compiling 120 source files to 
  | [execmodules] 
 org.jboss.hibernate.session does not exist
  | [execmodules] import org.jboss.hibernate.session.HibernateContext;
  | [execmodules]^
  | [execmodules] 
  | [execmodules] 
  | \UserModuleImpl.java:223: cannot resolve symbol
  | [execmodules] symbol  : variable HibernateContext
  | [execmodules] location: class org.jboss.nukes.core.impl.user.UserModuleImpl
  | [execmodules]  Session session = 
  | /SessionFactory);
  | [execmodules]^
  | [execmodules] 7 errors
  | file:C:/jboss400/nukes-2.0/core/../tools/etc/buildfragments/targets.ent:88: 
  | ile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - Re: JBossCache 1.2 Still accepting members with Multicast se

2005-01-18 Thread DashV
Just to add further details. The other instances that are showing up DO have 
their respective .xml files configured with ip_mcast=false as well.

We are on a private development subnet and use the same jboss app server 
configuration from our own internal cvs server. So all jboss application server 
configurations on the subnet are the same.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - Re: Cache Replication Timeout in a Cluster

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just fixed a bug in CVS head which leaves the cache locked if state transfer 
fails, for whatever reasons.

Try the latest from CVS head, or increase that state transfer timeout to work 
around the issue for now.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Web-tier technology

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : This is really a short term solution so the 
association of community interest around this fact is also short term. Longer 
term we want this to be based on portals and leverage JSF.

Agreed. The choice of Struts was above all a pragmatic step based on the desire 
to ensure we meet the current project deadlines. In the future the web-tier of 
the Admin Console will very likely move to JBoss Portal v2 + JSF. In the 
meantime care will be taken to avoid tying the current implementation to any 
Struts specific features. This should ensure that the future transition to 
another web-tier technology will go smoothly.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: JARDeployer

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There should be no need for such hardcoding.

The problem with the old jar deployer was
1) There was no ordering of deployers when it did accepts()
2) It was first to recognise it wins
3) The deployers were loaded in an adhoc fashion

With the new deployers, the structural component that analyses the structure
will be ordered (still with first to recognise it wins).
Also, the structural deployers will be amongst the first things to be deployed.

i.e. we don't have to worry about the jar deployer stealing a war deployment
inside a sar because its sar was processed before the tomcat sar.

The only way it is not going to work is if you don't have a war deployer.
In that case, the jar deployer will be the only one that recognises the 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Re: Admin Console Architecture (medium-long)

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
anonymous wrote : So is the capability of remotely starting/stoping a jboss 
instance implemented or investigated? 

I have the code on my box (and internal JBossNetwork CVS) - it is implemented 
on top of JBoss/Remoting.  In prototype stage - obviously not released yet (in 
alpha or otherwise).

Basically, you send the command line to the remote machine and the remote JVM 
executes the process.  Its simple, completely unsecure :-) but flexible.  I'm 
hoping JBoss/Remoting will have security built in (there's already an open 
source project that looks promising - can wrap ssh over our transport protocol).

That's start - as for stopping, you send a remote stop command over the wire 
and on the remote end, it uses the Shutdown class to do the killing.  Basically 
its the same as Shutdown except to get to the remote node from the command line 
client, it doesn't use the JMX adapter - rather it uses the JBoss/Remoting 
infrastructure (which maintains consistency with all of JBoss Network).  Plus, 
if this code is deployed within the same JBoss instance that is to be stopped, 
that instance does not need to have remote JNDI/remote JMX enabled for this to 

I'm picturing some remote command client being able to use the Command 
Framework to ship over a configuration and have the server-side command 
invoker call your API to actually deploy/undeploy/reconfigure based on the new 
configuration information.  This is how we can implement a remote Admin Console 
(i.e. what the JBossNEtwork is calling the Domain Admin Console - used for 
cluster management and multi-node configuration).

Email me for details on how to get the code if you wish to look at it.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of Mail Services] - Error during forward from MailList member

2005-01-18 Thread cballew

I have a maillist with two non local members. when it tries to forward 
something sent to the list to our internal mail servers I get the following:

15:35:19,736 ERROR [SMTPSender] Error sending mail
javax.mail.MessagingException: IOException while sending message;
  nested exception is:
javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME 
type text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
at org.jboss.mq.SpySession.run()V(SpySession.java:351)
at org.jboss.jms.asf.StdServerSession.run()V(StdServerSession.java:180)

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Admin Console] - Project Structure

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here are some suggestions and queries about the project structure to be used 
for the Admin Console:

Suggested CVS module name in cvs.sourceforge.net: jboss-admin-console

CVS Branch: The first version of the Admin Console is intended to be deployed 
on JBoss AS v4.0.x, with the potential of it being backported to the 3.2.x 
series. Given this, what would be the best CVS branch on which to build?

Build system: buildmagic or the new build system?


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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1296) EJB-QL CMR traversal returns wrong interface type

2005-01-18 Thread Wilson Pu (JIRA)
EJB-QL CMR traversal returns wrong interface type

 Key: JBAS-1296
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1296
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Bug
  Components: CMP service, EJBs  
Versions: JBossAS-4.0.1 Final, JBossAS-4.0.0 Final
 Environment: Windows XP with JBoss 4.0.0 and JBoss 4.0.1
Xdoclet, Eclipse 3.1
Reporter: Wilson Pu
 Assigned to: Scott M Stark 
Priority: Critical

// Same bug posted on SourceForge with attachment
JBOSS App. Srv. returns/contains wrong interface type with CMR traversal using 
EJB-QL.  We recreated the line item example from Mastering EJB Appendix D on 
EJB-QL entity bean relationship traversal (page 574).

Test case below. 

We created 3 tables:

customerId (pk)

orderId (pk)
customerId (fk)

lineItemId (pk)
orderId (fk)

On the CustomerBean, we defined a finder method using Xdoclet.

findCustomerLineItems(int customerId)
query=SELECT OBJECT(l) FROM Customer AS c,
IN(c.orders) o, IN (o.lineItems) l WHERE c.customerId=?1

We also defined CMR for getting the orders from the customer bean and getting 
the lineitems from the order bean. 

Base on the finder method, we are expecting to return a collection of 
LineItemLocal interface. However, we got CustomerLocal interface instead.

Wilson Pu
Software Developer
Vision Solutions Inc.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (EJBTHREE-36) Full Support for @Embeddable

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-36?page=comments#action_12314726 ]
Bill Burke commented on EJBTHREE-36:

also need to add support in getManyToManyJoinColumns when the ass table is 

 Full Support for @Embeddable

  Key: EJBTHREE-36
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-36
  Project: EJB 3.0
 Type: Feature Request
 Versions: Preview 3
 Reporter: Bill Burke
 Assignee: Bill Burke
  Fix For: Preview 3

 I forgot to implement the case where @Embedddable classes can define 
 @Column's @Table, etc.. on themselves.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (EJBTHREE-8) Support for mappedBy in relationship code

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-8?page=history ]
Bill Burke closed EJBTHREE-8:

Resolution: Done

 Support for mappedBy in relationship code

  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-8
  Project: EJB 3.0
 Type: Feature Request
 Versions: Preview 3
 Reporter: Bill Burke
 Assignee: Bill Burke
  Fix For: Preview 3

 Original Estimate: 3 days
 Remaining: 3 days

 EJB 3.0 spec draft II now allows you to specify bi-directionality.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBCACHE-78) Failed state transfer doesn't release locks on TreeCache

2005-01-18 Thread Bela Ban (JIRA)
Failed state transfer doesn't release locks on TreeCache

 Key: JBCACHE-78
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-78
 Project: JBoss Cache
Type: Bug
Versions: 1.2
Reporter: Bela Ban
 Assigned to: Bela Ban 
 Fix For: 1.2.1

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (JBCACHE-78) Failed state transfer doesn't release locks on TreeCache

2005-01-18 Thread Bela Ban (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-78?page=history ]
Bela Ban resolved JBCACHE-78:

Resolution: Done

 Failed state transfer doesn't release locks on TreeCache

  Key: JBCACHE-78
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-78
  Project: JBoss Cache
 Type: Bug
 Versions: 1.2
 Reporter: Bela Ban
 Assignee: Bela Ban
  Fix For: 1.2.1

 Original Estimate: 1 hour
 Remaining: 1 hour

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (JBCACHE-16) Plan for JGroups/JBoss Cache training development

2005-01-18 Thread Bela Ban (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-16?page=history ]
Bela Ban resolved JBCACHE-16:

 Resolution: Done
Fix Version: 1.2.1
 (was: 1.3)

available at education/training/JGroupsJBossCache/toc.txt and course.txt

 Plan for JGroups/JBoss Cache training development

  Key: JBCACHE-16
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-16
  Project: JBoss Cache
 Type: Task
   Components: Training
 Reporter: Juha Lindfors
 Assignee: Bela Ban
  Fix For: 1.2.1

 Plan for content development of JGroups/JBoss Cache training modules (working 
 towards JBoss Clustering training).
 The plan includes identifying the content and number of modules, content and 
 number of lab exercises, syllabus description and estimates for delivery 
 dates for the planned module development (at 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% complete 
 stages), and identifying any development dependencies.
 The plan should take into account the cross-training opportunity during March 
 1-2 JBossWorld event, and target the relevant content delivery by that date.
 Target for full training content is 2.0 days worth of training.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - Re: Cache Replication Timeout in a Cluster

2005-01-18 Thread daniel_joshi
Excellent! That will definitely help. Two followup questions: 

1. Are there any issues with using the HEAD version of JBOSSCache in JBOSS 
3.2.6? We are currently using 3.2.6 in production and I've tried putting 
JBOSSCache 1.2 in 3.2.6. Unfortunately, after working through the new JNDI 
settings I ran into some ClassCastExceptions. 

2. How would one lock the cache for state transfer to ensure that the cache is 
entirely duplicated when a new node is added to the cluster? That way there is 
no timeout that can short-circuit the state transfer process. Or have I missed 
something and with the fix you just mentioned the cache already does this? 

Thank you again and I appreciate your help. 

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-head build.713 Build Successful

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20050118104450Lbuild.713
BUILD COMPLETE-build.713Date of build:01/18/2005 10:44:50Time to build:486 minutes 25 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 10:17:05Last log entry:whoops

   Unit Tests: (0)   Total Errors and Failures: (0)
Modifications since last build:(4)1.3modifiedpatriot1burkeaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/AspectManagerServiceMBean.javawhoops1.22modifiedpatriot1burkethirdparty/javassist/lib/javassist.jarbetter error handling1.21modifiedpatriot1burkeaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/AspectManagerService.javabetter error handling1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/AspectManagerServiceMBean.javabetter error handling

[JBoss-dev] [JBossCache] - CacheLoader and cached data invalidation in a cluster

2005-01-18 Thread tcherel
I went through the CacheLoader documentation of JBossCache1.2.

I was wondering if the following use case has been (or is being) considered: 
cache distributed in a cluster, each nodes configured with the same CacheLoader 
and backend storage. When an update is done in one of the node, the data is 
simply invalidated (evicted) in all the other nodes. If needed, it will be 
reloaded from the backend storage. 

I looked at the roadmap, and some of th items could apply to this use case, but 
I am not 100% sure.



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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: New Build in JBoss-Head

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ryan will be taking over the responsibility for this work,
with lots of input from me.

I imagine there are lots of other requirements and there are many things that 
possible with a more declaritive and consistent build.

One of the key issues before this becomes the real build will be to document
how jbossbuild works.

The basic philosophy of jbossbuild is that you declare:
Inputs (source and thirdparty jars)
Outputs (artifacts)
and the links between them.

These are then processed through common targetdefs
which can be read as (in the example below about junit tests)
for each source with the attribute test do this...

The parameterization comes from @{property}
which reads properties from the javabean typedefs declared in the build.xml


  | source when=@{test}
  | mkdir dir=@{testDir}/
  | junit fork=true
  |formatter type=plain/
  |   pathElements/
  |batchtest todir=@{testDir}
  |   fileset dir=@{sourceDir} includes=@{test}/
  | /junit
  | /source

reads as:
for each source in the build.xml that has a test attribute
make the directory returned by SourceDefinition.getTestDir()
(which is output/test/@{id} by default
and run junit over those sources in @{test} putting the results
in the @{testDir}

The pseudo pathElements/ creates a classpath
that includes both the classes from the source compilation and
its dependent jars as defined by the source's includes.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of Mail Services] - Re: Error during forward from MailList member

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'll take a look.  Which release (m2rc1?  HEAD from date XYZ)?  

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Build Fails....

2005-01-18 Thread Egarcialopez

I have the same compilation problem days ago, I posted the solution on the 
JBossPortal (Nukes 2.0) on JBossAS 4.0.1 topic.

Hope this helps...

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (JBAOP-11) Javassist 3.0 dependency

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAOP-11?page=history ]
Bill Burke closed JBAOP-11:

Resolution: Done

 Javassist 3.0 dependency

  Key: JBAOP-11
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAOP-11
  Project: JBoss AOP
 Type: Task
 Versions: 1.1
 Reporter: Bill Burke
 Assignee: Bill Burke
  Fix For: 1.1

 1.1 release depends on Javassist 3.0 Final

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBCACHE-40) Development of JGroups/JBoss Cache training modules

2005-01-18 Thread Bela Ban (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-40?page=history ]

Bela Ban updated JBCACHE-40:

 Original Estimate: 288000
Remaining Estimate: 288000
   Fix Version: 1.3
(was: 1.2.1)

 Development of JGroups/JBoss Cache training modules

  Key: JBCACHE-40
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-40
  Project: JBoss Cache
 Type: Task
   Components: Training
 Reporter: Juha Lindfors
 Assignee: Bela Ban
  Fix For: 1.3

 Original Estimate: 2 weeks
 Remaining: 2 weeks

 Content development for JGroups/JBoss Cache training modules based on 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Build System] - New Build in JBoss-Head

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Continuing this thread...

I have committed the new jbossbuild project
cvs ... co jbossbuild
I think we should create a separate JIRA project for this where we can
add tasks that need completing.

I have also made a start at adding it to jboss-head. So far there is:
1) A new top level project jbossas which serves as a replacement for build
2) common has the alternate jbossbuild.xml
3) tools/lib/jbossbuild.jar which is the current output of the jbossbuild 
project above
4) tools/etc/jbossbuild/tasks.xml the common definitions

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1297) No security-identity support in jboss-web.xml

2005-01-18 Thread Scott M Stark (JIRA)
No security-identity support in jboss-web.xml

 Key: JBAS-1297
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1297
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Bug
  Components: Web (Tomcat) service  
Versions: JBossAS-4.0.1 Final
Reporter: Scott M Stark
 Assigned to: Scott M Stark 
 Fix For:  JBossAS-4.0.2RC1

The run-as identity support is incomplete in the web tier as compared to the 
ejb tier since the jboss-web.xml descriptor has no support for a !ELEMENT 
security-identity (run-as-principal) to allow for the run-as principal name. 
This means that all run-as web tier principal names are the default 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: New Build in JBoss-Head

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here is some of what is new from the previous discussion:

1) I added an explicit generate/ tag. This works around a problem
with ant typedefs where there is no callback to tell you have finished parsing
that xml element. 
This enabled me to remove of the complications with target generation where it 
to be done lazily. There is almost certainly some code still present that is 
from the previous way of doing it.

2) There is now an ant show which also takes an optional property
to see specific targets:

  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] common]$ ant -f jbossbuild.xml show 
  | Buildfile: jbossbuild.xml
  | show:
  | !-- Build for the artifact namespace.jar --
  | target name=build.namespace.jar
  | mkdir dir=/home/ejort/newjboss/jboss-head/common/output/lib/
  | jar 
  |   fileset dir=/home/ejort/newjboss/jboss-head/common/output/classes/main
  | include name=javax/xml/namespace/*/
  |   /fileset
  | /jar
  | /target

3) You can now specify any attribute on a definition which negates the need
to explicitly add code for the use case where you want to pass a parameter from 
definition to the targetdef.

This says run junit against all source definitions that have a test attribute

  |   source id=test test=**/*TestCase.java
  |  include input=classes/
  |  include input=test.path/
  |   /source

  |  source when=@{test}
  | mkdir dir=@{testDir}/
  | junit fork=true
  |formatter type=plain/
  |   pathElements/
  |batchtest todir=@{testDir}
  |   fileset dir=@{sourceDir} includes=@{test}/
  | /junit
  |  /source

4) Allow an output path to be directly overriden:
This was done because slide is in apache-slide/client rather than lib

5) Allowed includes/excludes when using filesets. This needs to be generalized
to other groupings.

6) Added componentmain as a target definition. This allows the top level build
to run tasks against a component rather than running a target inside the 
build file.
e.g. in the synchronize task we want to do either a cvs update or co depending
upon whether the component directory actually exists:

  |   targetdef target=synchronize description=Synchronize
  |  !-- Update the main build folder and tools from cvs
  |   then do the same for the components before running
  |   the after synchronization processing
  |   NOTE: Does not automatically invoke component builds
  |   as the list of components maybe out-of-date at this point
  |   and we need to conditionally do cvs co/update
  |  --
  |  main components=none
  | cvs command=update -dP failonerror=true/
  | invoke target=synchronize dir=../tools/
  | execant target=synchronize.components/
  | execant target=synchronize.after.main/
  |  /main
  |  !-- If the component exists we just do a cvs update --
  |  componentmain if=@{exists}
  | invoke target=synchronize dir=@{dir}/ 
  | execant target=synchronize.after dir=@{dir}/ 
  |  /componentmain
  |  !-- If the component doesn't exist and we want to
  |   get the source build check it out from cvs
  |  --
  |  componentmain unless=@{exists} if=@{local}
  | cvs dest=@{dir.parent}
  |   argument value=-d/
  |   argument value=@{build.cvsroot}/
  |   argument value=co/
  |   argument value=@{module}/
  | /cvs
  | execant target=synchronize.after dir=@{dir}/ 
  |  /componentmain

7) Some other minor changes I can't remember at the moment?

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: New Build in JBoss-Head

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TODO: This should be replaced with tasks in JIRA

1) Do the other projects within jboss-head - this is an alternate build for now,
i.e. you have to do ant -f jbossbuild.xml
This basically involves copying common/jbossbuild.xml to the other projects
and updating it.
It will also involve specifiy those components in jbossas/jbossbuild.xml
along with adding references to thirdparty jars

2) Some things are missing from the targetdefs at time of writing:
build.bin - processing for src/bin
build.resources - processing for src/resources
rmic, javacc, aopc compilation
sar/war/ejb target builds
docbook build (needs including in the overall doc target)
I also haven't tested the notion of a file being an artifact, e.g. 

3) Need to externalize the filesets for normal ant targets. The pseudo
filesets/ is not available there.
e.g. make the following

  |   source id=main
  |  include input=commons/
  |  include input=concurrent/
  |  include input=dom4j/
  |  include input=jaxme/
  |  include input=log4j/
  |  include input=regexp/
  |  include input=slide/
  |  include input=wutka/
  |  include input=xerces/
  |   /source
generate a main.filesets, main.sourcepaths, etc., that can be referenced in the 

4) Need to build the binary versioned repository (currently it is just using 
thirdparty as
checked from cvs). This will enable developers to only checkout and build those 

5) Need to complete the cvs checkout processing so it takes into account
user ids in the path and passwords for those without sshd.
Also need to allow developers to specify what source they want to work on
and want can just be binary download from last nights build.
This will probably be best implemented using a local.properties file in jbossas

6) Beyond (5) we then need to do the work for developing standalone
projects alongside each other.
e.g. 1) Allow the cache project to override the binary downloaded into 
with their local source project
e.g. 2) Allow the Seams/Portal projects to include a binary build of JBossAS 
they can then deploy to rather than it being a multistage checkout/build process

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of Mail Services] - Load/Performance testing

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The major feature for M3 should be performance and resource conservation (or at 
least a configurable balance where the two are at odds).  Unfortunately, I'm 
not finding very many good load test tools designed for SMTP/POP.  Please pipe 
up if you know of anything that:

1. Allows for simple capture of traffic in order to create load scenarios.
2. Allows for distributed load test nodes
3. Allows for configurable traffic patterns 
4. Can do validation
5. Can log errors and validate errant behavior
6. Best if open source
7. Better if Java


postal is a little unix C program - it is single node and I don't really 
understand what some of the required options mean (the one after list of users 
which mangles the user names???).  Its single node and is pretty manual.  

JMeter is extensible but doesn't do SMTP and POP.  The docs on extending it 
aren't very good.  However it looks like actually plugging into it is more work 
than writing your own.  I don't really need to draw graphs or do stupid stuff 
like that.  Comma del or output via POI will let Excel (or your favorite not 
Excel) can draw the graphs for me.

OpenSTA and friends are all HTTP only.  (Worse OpenSTA is winblows only we 
need to be able to run it on Unix/Linux)

So I'm thinking of rolling our own.  Anyone have any ideas?  Anyone interested 
in doing this?  I have some ideas for it.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (JBJTA-3) TX Recovery with single JBoss instance

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-3?page=history ]
Bill Burke resolved JBJTA-3:

Resolution: Done

 TX Recovery with single JBoss instance

  Key: JBJTA-3
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-3
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke
 Assignee: Adrian Brock

 This has been implemented for recovery of a non-distributed transaction.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-3) TX Recovery with single JBoss instance

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
TX Recovery with single JBoss instance

 Key: JBJTA-3
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-3
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke
 Assigned to: Adrian Brock 


This has been implemented for recovery of a non-distributed transaction.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-4) Tx Recovery of distributed transaction

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
Tx Recovery of distributed transaction

 Key: JBJTA-4
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-4
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBJTA-4) Tx Recovery of distributed transaction

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-4?page=history ]

Bill Burke updated JBJTA-4:

This would need to be implemented in TransactionManager.  XATErminator?

I think this would have to be implemented a little differently than the single 
isntance recovery. A separate distributed tx log should be created.  Tx 
COMPLETE records probably need to be written.

 Tx Recovery of distributed transaction

  Key: JBJTA-4
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-4
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke

 This would need to be implemented in TransactionManager.  XATErminator?
 I think this would have to be implemented a little differently than the 
 single isntance recovery. A separate distributed tx log should be created.  
 Tx COMPLETE records probably need to be written.

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-4.0-jdk-matrix build.66 Build Successful

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-4.0-jdk-matrix?log=log20050118223109Lbuild.66
BUILD COMPLETE-build.66Date of build:01/18/2005 22:31:09Time to build:23 minutes 57 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 20:29:19Last log entry:Add a restart operation that stops and starts the given service

   Unit Tests: (0)   Total Errors and Failures: (0)
Modifications since last build:(6) a restart operation that stops and starts the given service1.5.6.2modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/invocation/jrmp/server/JRMPProxyFactory.javaMove the reset of the interceptorClasses list to the destroyService method and Add the throws Exception clause to the destroyService method1.13.6.2modifiedstarksmcluster/src/main/org/jboss/invocation/jrmp/interfaces/JRMPInvokerProxyHA.javaUpdate to throw a org.jboss.invocation.ServiceUnavailableException when all targets have been exahausted instead of a java.rmi.RemoteException so that there is a clear distinction between a failure to invoke on a remote target and a RemoteException which could be a normal result of the invocation. the bean and home invokers from jndi during destroy. session from map if it is found null1.12.6.2modifiedstarksmcluster/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/ProxyFactoryHA.javaBind the transport home and remote invoker proxies into jndi under the names jndiBinding + "-HomeInvoker" and jndiBinding + "-RemoteInvoker" respectively so that HA proxies can recover the transport layer transparently even if all nodes in the cluster are taken down.

[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1300) Non-Remote JMS HA

2005-01-18 Thread Andrew Oliver (JIRA)
Non-Remote JMS HA

 Key: JBAS-1300
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1300
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Feature Request
  Components: JMS service  
Versions: JBossAS-4.0.1 Final, JBossAS-3.2.6 Final
Reporter: Andrew Oliver
 Assigned to: Scott M Stark 

It should be possible to use JMS on all servers in a cluster with HA enabled.  

1. Database as a store.  Everyone node uses shared DB.
2. JMS_MESSAGES table includes node name
3. In the event of group membership changes another node picks up the old 
node's messages
4. JMS Client proxy autofails to another node

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBJTA-6) recover flags should be a JCA option

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-6?page=history ]

Bill Burke updated JBJTA-6:

Description: The XAResource managed by JCA should be wrapped and calls to 
XAResource.recover should ignore passed in flags and use a configurable set of 
flags to pass into the XAResource.  This is important because some XAResources 
are finicky about what flags are passed to them in recover().

 recover flags should be a JCA option

  Key: JBJTA-6
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-6
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke

 The XAResource managed by JCA should be wrapped and calls to 
 XAResource.recover should ignore passed in flags and use a configurable set 
 of flags to pass into the XAResource.  This is important because some 
 XAResources are finicky about what flags are passed to them in recover().

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1301) Tomcat backward compatbility loss VirtualHost-Alias mapping

2005-01-18 Thread Andrew Oliver (JIRA)
Tomcat backward compatbility loss VirtualHost-Alias mapping

 Key: JBAS-1301
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1301
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Bug
  Components: Web (Tomcat) service  
Versions: JBossAS-4.0.1 Final, JBossAS-3.2.6 Final
Reporter: Andrew Oliver
 Assigned to: Scott M Stark 
Priority: Minor

In JBoss 3.2.3 (Tomcat 4.x) it was possible to create a Virtual Host and set of 
Aliases in the jboss-service.xml and then map the webapps to the aliases 
through the app deployment descriptors.  In tomcat 5 this works for *some* apps 
that have been deployed.  The rest throw a 400 error saying no virtual host has 
been configured.  The same apps mapped directly to the actual vhost (not alias) 
do not throw this error.  The previous behavior can be useful for builds which 
target multiple environments (stage/test/prod/etc).  Moreover it should be 
preserverd for backward compatibility.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-10) test before committed (rollback)

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
test before committed (rollback)

 Key: JBJTA-10
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-10
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-12) test incomplete commit phase

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
test incomplete commit phase

 Key: JBJTA-12
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-12
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-11) test incomplete prepare phase

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
test incomplete prepare phase

 Key: JBJTA-11
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-11
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-13) test mixture of failures in one log

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
test mixture of failures in one log

 Key: JBJTA-13
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-13
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-14) test log corruption at last record

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
test log corruption at last record

 Key: JBJTA-14
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-14
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-16) test not all resources available

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
test not all resources available

 Key: JBJTA-16
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-16
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBAS-1273) Clustering Error: UnsupportedOperationException

2005-01-18 Thread Corey Johnston (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1273?page=history ]

Corey Johnston updated JBAS-1273:

When running the all configuration for clustering, I've noticed the following 
exceptions being thrown in server.log. I have two identical JBoss instances in 
the cluster (DefaultPartition) on two distinct hosts.

When a run a J2EE app. on one instance, the other instance which is replicating 
the other throws these exceptions in the log. The two servers will work for a 
while (about an hour under low load), before the second server gives-up 
altogether and starts serving out blank pages for all requests.

2005-01-07 22:57:09,419 ERROR [org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher] failed invoking
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: commit() should not be called on TreeCa
che directly
at org.jboss.cache.TreeCache.commit(TreeCache.java:2783)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor154.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall.invoke(MethodCall.java:236)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CallInterceptor.invoke(CallInterceptor.j
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:40)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.LockInterceptor.invoke(LockInterceptor.j
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:40)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CreateIfNotExistsInterceptor.invoke(Crea
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:40)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.ReplicationInterceptor.replicate(Replica
at org.jboss.cache.TreeCache._replicate(TreeCache.java:2733)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor97.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall.invoke(MethodCall.java:236)
at org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher.handle(RpcDispatcher.java:220)
at org.jgroups.blocks.RequestCorrelator.handleRequest(RequestCorrelator.
at org.jgroups.blocks.RequestCorrelator.receiveMessage(RequestCorrelator
at org.jgroups.blocks.RequestCorrelator.receive(RequestCorrelator.java:3
at org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher$ProtocolAdapter.handleUp(Message
at org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher$ProtocolAdapter.access$300(Messa
at org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher$1.run(MessageDispatcher.java:691
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)

When running the all configuration for clustering, I've noticed the following 
exceptions being thrown in server.log. I have two identical JBoss instances in 
the cluster (DefaultPartition) on two distinct hosts.

When a run a J2EE app. on one instance, the other instance which is replicating 
the other throws these exceptions in the log. Doesn't seem fatal as my 
application still seems to run, but the exception doesn't look healthy as its a 

2005-01-07 22:57:09,419 ERROR [org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher] failed invoking
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: commit() should not be called on TreeCa
che directly
at org.jboss.cache.TreeCache.commit(TreeCache.java:2783)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor154.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall.invoke(MethodCall.java:236)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CallInterceptor.invoke(CallInterceptor.j
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:40)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.LockInterceptor.invoke(LockInterceptor.j
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:40)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CreateIfNotExistsInterceptor.invoke(Crea
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:40)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.ReplicationInterceptor.replicate(Replica
at org.jboss.cache.TreeCache._replicate(TreeCache.java:2733)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor97.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall.invoke(MethodCall.java:236)

[JBoss-dev] jboss-3.2-testsuite build.52 Build Successful

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-3.2-testsuite?log=log20050118195255Lbuild.52
BUILD COMPLETE-build.52Date of build:01/18/2005 19:52:55Time to build:77 minutes 57 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 01:59:34Last log entry:Remove session from map if it is found null

   Unit Tests: (1910)   Total Errors and Failures: (26)testCascadeDeleteorg.jboss.test.cmp2.cmrtree.test.CascadeDeleteUnitTestCaseunknownorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.LargeMessageUnitTestCaseunknownorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILConnectionUnitTestCasetestQueueMessageOrderorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestRequestReplyQueueorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestTemporaryQueueDeleteorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestTemporaryTopicDeleteorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestInvalidDestinationQueueSendorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestInvalidDestinationQueueBrowseorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestInvalidDestinationTopicPublishorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestErrorsTopicSubscribeorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestCreateQueueorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestMessageListenerorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestApplicationServerStufforg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestTopicsorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestTopicNoLocalorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestTopicNoLocalBounceorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestTopicSelectorChangeorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestTopicSelectorNullOrEmptyorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestSendReceiveOutdatedorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestSendReceiveExpiredorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestSendListenOutdatedorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.OILJBossMQUnitTestCasetestProgramaticProxyorg.jboss.test.jmx.test.JMXInvokerProxyUnitTestCasetestServerFoundorg.jboss.test.jmx.test.JMXInvokerProxyUnitTestCaseunknownorg.jboss.test.security.test.SRPLoginModuleUnitTestCaseunknownorg.jboss.test.security.test.SRPUnitTestCase
Modifications since last build:(2) session from map if it is found null1.8.2.9modifiedstarksmcluster/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/ProxyFactoryHA.javaBind the transport home and remote invoker proxies into jndi under the names jndiBinding + "-HomeInvoker" and jndiBinding + "-RemoteInvoker" respectively so that HA proxies can recover the transport layer transparently even if all nodes in the cluster are taken down.

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JTA on JBoss] - Tx Recovery Tasks

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
See here:


If you're interested in helping.

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JTA on JBoss] - Last resource gambit implemented wrong?

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't think last resource gambit is implemented correctly.  For it to work, 
you will have to reuse the same DB connection as the TX recovery logger and let 
the TX recovery logger do the commit.  Right now, the commit is in the prepare 
phase in TransactionImpl.java.  

Last resource gambit should be removed entirely from the TransactionImpl code 
and implemented as part of a TX Recovery Log that shares the same datasource as 
the last resource.

View the original post : 

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (JBJTA-1) Transaction Recovery

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-1?page=comments#action_12314732 ]
Bill Burke commented on JBJTA-1:

I don't think you're idea of last resource gambit is a good idea.  Besides not 
performing well, I don't think last resource gambit is implemented correctly.  
For it to work, you will have to reuse the same DB connection as the TX 
recovery logger and let the TX recovery logger do the commit.  Right now, the 
commit is in the prepare phase in TransactionImpl.java.  

Last resource gambit should be removed entirely from the TransactionImpl code 
and implemented as part of a TX Recovery Log that shares the same datasource as 
the last resource.

I'll post this on forum:


 Transaction Recovery

  Key: JBJTA-1
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-1
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Adrian Brock

 Implement optional transaction recovery
 The simplest mechanism is to do this is with a local database
 using the last resource gambit where during its prepare it logs the XID in 
 a table.
 If this last resource fails to commit, recovery will not find the transaction
 in the table which means it will rollback the whole transaction.
 This has limitations where a different local resource is required within the 
 but not this local database used as the recovery log.
 Another implementation is a local file. Though more complicated it should 
 give superior
 But, it does not work well with the last resource gambit, e.g. you cannot tell
 whether the jdbc commit() suceeded or failed if it crashes just at the point 
 of this invocation
 before the result is returned from the db.
 The other work required:
 1) Possibly, simplify the dependencies in the JCA module so we can run the 
 recovery earlier.
 Currently the RARs need the transaction manager at deployment time. The
 recovery service needs to be an external service depending upon both the
 tm and the managed connection factories.
 At least this will require a GUID for the XID so we can avoid duplicates 
 unrecovered XIDs and any new XIDs created before recovery is complete.
 2) JBossMQ needs to implement XAResource.recover()

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-3.2 build.258 Build Successful

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-3.2?log=log20050118214721Lbuild.258
BUILD COMPLETE-build.258Date of build:01/18/2005 21:47:21Time to build:23 minutes 3 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 20:46:05Last log entry:Move the reset of the interceptorClasses list to the destroy method

   Unit Tests: (0)   Total Errors and Failures: (0)
Modifications since last build:(4) the reset of the interceptorClasses list to the destroy method1.18.2.19modifiedstarksmsystem/src/main/org/jboss/system/ServiceController.javaAdd a restart operation that stops and starts the given service1.7.2.12modifiedstarksmcluster/src/main/org/jboss/invocation/jrmp/interfaces/JRMPInvokerProxyHA.javaUpdate to throw a org.jboss.invocation.ServiceUnavailableException when all targets have been exahausted instead of a java.rmi.RemoteException so that there is a clear distinction between a failure to invoke on a remote target and a RemoteException which could be a normal result of the invocation. the bean and home invokers from jndi during destroy.

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Remoting, Unified Invokers] - Re: Poor choice for the JRMPInvokerProxyHA no servers avaial

2005-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok.  I have added CannotConnectExceptions to remoting for when I can not make a 
remote call.  Bill is using this exception for clustering interceptor (in the 
new stuff).  Don't know if would want to use the same for the legacy stuff?

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1298) HAR Deployer JBCache config

2005-01-18 Thread Andrew Oliver (JIRA)
HAR Deployer  JBCache config

 Key: JBAS-1298
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1298
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Feature Request
  Components: Hibernate service  
Versions: JBossAS-4.0.1 Final, JBossAS-3.2.6 Final
Reporter: Andrew Oliver
 Assigned to: Scott M Stark 

Presently HAR deployer picks up JBCache config from its classloader.  It does 
not use an MBean.  It should use an MBean (and we should be able to get stats 
from it).  

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-5) Padding should be a JCA option

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
Padding should be a JCA option

 Key: JBJTA-5
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-5
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-7) JCA layer should register Recoverables

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
JCA layer should register Recoverables

 Key: JBJTA-7
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-7
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-8) JDBC JCA should have recovery config

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
JDBC JCA should have recovery config

 Key: JBJTA-8
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-8
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBJTA-6) recover flags should be a JCA option

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
recover flags should be a JCA option

 Key: JBJTA-6
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-6
 Project: JBoss JTA
Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1299) No production-quality Cache Invalidation framework for Hibernate 2nd level cache

2005-01-18 Thread Andrew Oliver (JIRA)
No production-quality Cache Invalidation framework for Hibernate 2nd level cache

 Key: JBAS-1299
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1299
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Feature Request
Versions: JBossAS-4.0.1 Final, JBossAS-3.2.6 Final
Reporter: Andrew Oliver
 Assigned to: Scott M Stark 

This is 50/50 Hibernate-JBC.  Presently Hiberante only supports one 
Cache-Invalidatable cache (Swarm) which isn't an ideal cache for running in 
JBossAS.  There are some data structures that lend themself for a 2 
configuration system.  Meaning I do read/write w/o 2nd level cache and reads 
from second level cache and send messages to evict members from second level 
cache (cluster-wide).  

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBJTA-5) Padding should be a JCA option

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-5?page=history ]

Bill Burke updated JBJTA-5:

Description: There should be a JCA switch that wraps any method of 
XAResource that takes an Xid and pads the Xid if needed by the JCA resource.  
Some XAResources like Oracle need padding, others may have problems with 
padding.  It is stupid to have this switch on the XidFactory only.

 Padding should be a JCA option

  Key: JBJTA-5
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-5
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke

 There should be a JCA switch that wraps any method of XAResource that takes 
 an Xid and pads the Xid if needed by the JCA resource.  Some XAResources like 
 Oracle need padding, others may have problems with padding.  It is stupid to 
 have this switch on the XidFactory only.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Resolved: (JBJTA-9) test after committing before committed

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-9?page=history ]
Bill Burke resolved JBJTA-9:

Resolution: Done

 test after committing before committed

  Key: JBJTA-9
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-9
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBJTA-7) JCA layer should register Recoverables

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-7?page=history ]

Bill Burke updated JBJTA-7:

JCA layer should provide a generic mechanism to register Recoverables with the 
RecoveryManager.  See 

for more details.  This may/may not be similar work to the JDBC Recoverable 

 JCA layer should register Recoverables

  Key: JBJTA-7
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-7
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke

 JCA layer should provide a generic mechanism to register Recoverables with 
 the RecoveryManager.  See 
 for more details.  This may/may not be similar work to the JDBC Recoverable 

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBJTA-18) check resources available

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-18?page=history ]

Bill Burke updated JBJTA-18:

Description: Write in the TX Log header all REcoverable IDs that are needed 
to recover that particular file.  If not all resources are available log error 
message and don't remove file.  Save it for later.

 check resources available

  Key: JBJTA-18
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-18
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke

 Write in the TX Log header all REcoverable IDs that are needed to recover 
 that particular file.  If not all resources are available log error message 
 and don't remove file.  Save it for later.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JGRP-26) TCP/TCPPING creates too many unnecessary connections

2005-01-18 Thread B.S.Navin (JIRA)
TCP/TCPPING creates too many unnecessary connections

 Key: JGRP-26
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JGRP-26
 Project: JGroups
Type: Bug
Versions: 2.2.8
 Environment: Java 1.4.2
Reporter: B.S.Navin
 Assigned to: Bela Ban 

A simple program using JGroups with a TCP/TCPPING/FD combo at the bottom of the 
stack, creates too many unnecessary connections.

The program just creates a channel and registers a message listener that just 
printss the message.

When this program is run, it creates 2 TCP connections - One to the port of the 
TCP protocol of this program  the other from the prot of the TCP protocol of 
this program.

These 2 connections seem to be created when a ping message is sent to the hosts 
in the initial_hosts list of the TCPPING protocol. The target address should be 
checked and the message should automatically be processed within the same stack 
without sending it on the network, if the dest. address is same as this.

Also, the FD protocol sends a message to its peer and receives a response. This 
causes 2 more connections to be created. Whereas the same connection could have 
been used to send the response message.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBAS-1302) Object Pooling considered harmful

2005-01-18 Thread Andrew Oliver (JIRA)
Object Pooling considered harmful

 Key: JBAS-1302
 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1302
 Project: JBoss Application Server
Type: Feature Request
  Components: EJBs  
Versions: JBossAS-4.0.1 Final, JBossAS-3.2.6 Final
Reporter: Andrew Oliver
 Assigned to: Scott M Stark 

Object pooling is the enemy of highly concurrent garbage collection.  We should 
have a container for SLSB (and EJB3) that does not use object pooling but 
assumes a Servlet-like thread model.

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBoss JIRA] Updated: (JBJTA-8) JDBC JCA should have recovery config

2005-01-18 Thread Bill Burke (JIRA)
 [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-8?page=history ]

Bill Burke updated JBJTA-8:

See here:


JDBC JCA adapter should register a JDBC specific Recoverable with the 
RecoveryManager.  There should be additional switches on xa-datasource that can 
specify a URL, username, and password that are allowed to do recovery.  Regular 
connections may not have permission to do recovery and the app developer may 
not want to allow app connections to do recovery.

 JDBC JCA should have recovery config

  Key: JBJTA-8
  URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJTA-8
  Project: JBoss JTA
 Type: Sub-task
 Reporter: Bill Burke

 See here:
 JDBC JCA adapter should register a JDBC specific Recoverable with the 
 RecoveryManager.  There should be additional switches on xa-datasource that 
 can specify a URL, username, and password that are allowed to do recovery.  
 Regular connections may not have permission to do recovery and the app 
 developer may not want to allow app connections to do recovery.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
If you want more information on JIRA, or have a bug to report see:

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-head-jdk-matrix build.61 Build Successful

2005-01-18 Thread qa

View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head-jdk-matrix?log=log20050119004730Lbuild.61
BUILD COMPLETE-build.61Date of build:01/19/2005 00:47:30Time to build:32 minutes 34 secondsLast changed:01/18/2005 19:05:09Last log entry:Common definitions for jbossbuild

   Unit Tests: (0)   Total Errors and Failures: (0)
Modifications since last build:(73)1.1addedejorttools/etc/jbossbuild/tasks.xmlCommon definitions for jbossbuild1.1addedejorttools/lib/jbossbuild.jarCurrent snapshot of the jboss build project1.1addedejortcommon/jbossbuild.xmlAlternate build file for the new jboss build1.1.1.1modifiedejortjbossas/.cvsignoreNew top level build for the new jbossbuild1.1.1.1modifiedejortjbossas/build.xmlNew top level build for the new jbossbuild1.1.1.1modifiedejortjbossas/jbossbuild.xmlNew top level build for the new jbossbuild1.23modifiedpatriot1burkethirdparty/javassist/lib/javassist.jarjavassist 3.01.2modifiedbelabancache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/Version.javachanged to and remove of isInverse1.26modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/build-test.xmlmappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/relationships/SessionBean.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/relationships/SessionRemote.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/relationships/Order.javamappedBy1.1addedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/relationships/Customer.javamappedBy1.1addedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/relationships/CustomerRecord.javamappedBy1.1addedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/relationships/unit/RelationshipUnitTestCase.javamappedBy1.2deletedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/relationships/unit/DeleteUnitTestCase.javamappedBy1.4modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/regression/Branch.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/manytomany/Company.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/manytomany/Customer.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/manytomany/Flight.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/entitycallback/Customer.javamappedBy1.4modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/entity/Customer.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/entity/FieldCompany.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/entity/FieldCustomer.javamappedBy1.3modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/entity/Company.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/composite/Flight.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/composite/FieldFlight.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/composite/FieldCustomer.javamappedBy1.3modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/composite/Customer.javamappedBy1.1addedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/main/org/jboss/ejb3/entity/JoinColumnImpl.javamappedBy1.19modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/src/main/org/jboss/ejb3/entity/EntityToHibernateXml.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/docs/tutorial/relationships/src/org/jboss/tutorial/relationships/bean/Flight.javamappedBy1.3modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/docs/tutorial/relationships/src/org/jboss/tutorial/relationships/bean/Customer.javamappedBy1.3modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/docs/tutorial/entity/src/org/jboss/tutorial/entity/bean/Order.javamappedBy1.2modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/docs/tutorial/composite/src/org/jboss/tutorial/composite/bean/Flight.javamappedBy1.3modifiedpatriot1burkeejb3/docs/tutorial/composite/src/org/jboss/tutorial/composite/bean/Customer.javamappedBy1.217modifiedbelabancache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/TreeCache.javaadded releasing of nodes on failed state transfer1.14modifiedstarksmcluster/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/ProxyFactoryHA.javaUnbind the bean and home invokers from jndi during destroy.1.1addedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/RetryInterceptor.javaAn ejb proxy interceptor that will retry failed invocations by restoring the InvocationContext invoker. This is triggered by a ServiceUnavailableException which causes the interceptor to fall into a while loop that retries the lookup of the transport invoker using the jndi name obtained from the invocation context under the key InvocationKey.JNDI_NAME, with the additional extension of "-RemoteInvoker" if the invocation type is InvocationType.REMOTE and "-HomeInvoker" if the invocation type is InvocationType.HOME.The JNDI environment used for the lookup must be set via the setRetryEnv.  Typically this is an HA-JNDI configuration with one or more bootstrap urls.1.1addedosdchicagowebservice/docs/tools-docs/wsdl_mapping.docFirst pass at defining the Mapping between WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0  This 

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Eclipse crashes after the installing the JBOSS IDE 1.4

2005-01-18 Thread shibukraj
Greetings All,

I just installed JBOSS IDE as discussed in the install.pdf file. The 
installtion went fine. After the installation is over, when I started the 
eclipse it crashes, I am just getting only the splash screen only. Any help 
highly appreciated to fix this.

** Error Message below **

VM terminated. Exit code=13
-cp /usr/eclipse/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
-os linux
-ws gtk
-arch x86
-showsplash /usr/eclipse/eclipse -showsplash 600
-exitdata /usr/eclipse/eclipse -exitdata 15000c
-vm /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin/java
-cp /usr/eclipse/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main 

*** Error Message ends *
Operating System = FC 3.0 running JDK 1.5 ver

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