2003-03-21 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Now that the war is under way we must pray for all who are being affected by 
it in one way or other. There are many who are suffering; physically and mentally. Let 
us not stop praying for peace. 
   At this point let us remember, in a special way, the people of Iraq & Kuwait. 
Let us keep in mind very specially our fellow JYs in all the middle east, especially 
Kuwait. So also let us pray for the soldiers, their families, and above all for the 
leaders who are involved. Ultimately may we hope and pray that even out of this 
painful and tragic situation something good will come out in the infinite plan of God.
 Dear JY friends in the war stricken zones, we offer you our prayers. Our 
thoughts and hearts go out with you.. May the Lord who protected His people in olden 
days still keep you from all harm. We, the JYA offer our special prayers for you as we 
come together tomorrow for the "Renew Toronto WYD-2002".
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2003-03-21 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
 Tomorrow (March 22, Saturday) the Jesus Youth of America North East Region is 
coming together in a great reunion of the WYD-2002. It is an occasion to bring 
together all who attended the WYD to revive the experience, and to bring together as 
many of our other friends who could not attend the 2002 WYD so that they can have a 
glimpse of the beauty of being together. As many as around 250 youth with some parents 
and few priests will be spending the day in prayer, praise, study, fellowship, 
playing, etc. The highlights will be a "way of the Cross" in this Lent and the 
concelebrated Holy Mass. We humbly request your prayers for this program and that it 
may give a boost to the JYA as a whole. We also hope to make it an initiation to the 
WYD 2005 in Germany. Please pray.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2003-03-20 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
   Wish you all a very happy feast of St. Joseph. I remember and pray all the Josephs 
in our JY family. So also pray for all the religious whose patron is St. Joseph. Again 
let us also remember those who are dying and close to death, that by the intercession 
of St. Joseph they may have a happy ending to their life.
   Once more a very happy feast to all of you. God bless you all through the 
intercession of St. Joseph.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
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2003-03-18 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Hope you all must have by now known about the situation in the case with 
America & Iraq. The president of US has given an ultimatum of 48 hours (even less now 
- upto 8.pm Wednesday) to Saddam or face the consequences which can be war. It may 
seem that there is no other option. But do we need to think so. Our God is great. Let 
us not loose hope. He is power enough to bring about even what we think impossible. He 
has His own ways.
So I would request all to gear up our prayers without loosing hope, that peace 
will prevail, innocent people may not suffer, that the conflict may come to a 
solution. Do some extra sacrifices and prayers in this last critically crucial hours.
As we all know, if there is war, it is going to affect not only the Iraqis, or 
even Kuwaitis or other Arabs. It will very adversely affect our country India and 
specifically Kerala because so many of our bros & sist work in Kuwait and neighboring 
countries. They will have to leave the place without any surety of returning or 
getting the jobs back, which in turn affects so many families. Not to mention the 
unimaginable tragedies that will be inflicted on the people in the war fields. SO 
where ever we are in this globe, please, let us feel with the suffering and keep 
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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[JOYnet] LENTEN MOUNTAIN]]]]]]]]]]

2003-03-16 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
   How is Lent going with everybody?? Enjoying it ? Working hard on it ? 
Hey, what is this 'Lenten Mountain'?? Have heard of Mount Sinai, Mount Calvary etc., 
but never heard of a 'mount Lent', right?? So what is it? 
  Today after the morning Mass I was ministering to the sick in the hospital and 
as I came down to the chapel there was a person praying. On seeing me she asked if she 
could go for confession and I gladly took her to the reconciliation room and as I was 
hearing her confession this thought came to my mind," MOUNT OF LENT" or "LENTEN 
MOUNTAIN". I shall try to make it clear as far as possible, since this is a new 
insight that I too got.
   Today being the second Sunday of Lent, I hope you all heard the gospel that was 
read during the Mass; Mark 9:2-10 (about the transfiguration of Our Lord). I was 
trying to relate this passage to our own life and particularly with the Lent. Then 
comes this thought as a clarification.
What is Lent all about, if not a call and a possibility for 'transfiguration / 
transformation'.?? In the gospel passage, we see the Lord going up to the 'mountain' 
and being closer to the Father in prayer. There he gets a special glow of the glory of 
God and He seems transfigured, and He radiated that glory]] 
 Through Lent we are also called to ascend 'a mountain' and come closer to 
God. Thus the practices of Lent like our extra prayers, fasting, works of mercy etc. 
form the"Lenten Mountain" that we climb on the top of which Our Heavenly Father will 
shine His glory on each and every one of us. Just as Jesus was closer to the Father, 
let us also come closer to Him in this Lent and  as we come out of it after the fourty 
days, let others see the glory of God on us; in our words, deeds, relations, etc. 
   So keep climbing the Lenten Mountain and get transfigured]]]
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2003-03-10 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
God has created every one of us with a very beautiful capacity / ability : to 
freely choose. And, if we closely examine, it can be seen that human life is the sum 
total of all the choises that one makes; small and big.
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 gives a very clear teaching on this capacity for choice. 
The Lord asks each and every one to make this choice very deligently and conscieously. 
God does not compell us for anything. It is the greatest gift that God endows each one 
of us with - freedom: "Freedom to be and freedom to do". So the choices that we make 
are very crucial.
   Read the call to discipleship (Lk.9:22-25) in the light of this gift and 
responsibility of freedom. The Lord is not compeling but offering to fallow him. He 
does not hide any of the risks involved. Then He asks to make the choice.
Just take our life of a day and analyse it, and we will see how many choices 
we make. In all that we do there is involved a choice. But are we trined to make all 
those choices by default, according to the will of God. Sometimes when we are about to 
make some major decission we may spent more time in prayer and meditation for the 
wisdom of God, which is good. But the same process has to happen in every little 
decisions of our daily life. It needs much training & practice; even daily evaluation 
of all the choices that we made to see if they were truly motivated by the love of 
God. Please take both the above mentioned passages and put them together and meditate 
for 15 minutes on the basis of these thoughts. What are my choices?, what are the 
basis of my choices? Have a blessed Lent.
To be contd.......
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
  is available at Shalom 
Publications.May God bless you All-Sajith Antony(Bangalore)
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[JOYnet] R-R-R OF LENT ]]]]]]]1

2003-03-08 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear friends,
Hope that all are into the full swing of Lent. A phrase that resonates in our 
ears all these days is "repent and believe in Th. good news".If we want to make a 
one-word caption of all that we do in Lent, I think it would be "REPENTANCE". My 
meditations of these days gave a little expansion of this and I thought of sharing it 
with you all.
 The totality of Lenten discipline could be comprised into three words 
beginning with "R" - so the three "R"'s to be remembered. The first is ofcourse 
'Repent'. As I was going around the hospital that I work, on Ash Wed. giving out 
ashes, I went into the Labour & delivery area also. There I had babies just hours old 
- just born, on whom also I applied the ashes with the words "remember that you are 
ashes and unto ashes shall you return" or "repent & belive in the gospel". Literally I 
was trembling some times I looked to the beautiful innocent ones and said those words. 
So I meditated and prayed over it more. Should I have done that; what are they to 
repent etc??
Then I got the thought of the first reading of Ash wed. Joel 2:12-18, where we 
can see a universal call to repentance, including 'children' and even 'infants at the 
breast'. The revealed that this call is for the fallen human race, into which the 
little ones are born. It is not so much for any personal sins, but the participation 
in the inherited sin. That is why the call to repentance is an ever relevant call. At 
certain point of our life we all fall and go astray from God, and so we all need to 
repent. This is the time for that.
 Now, the result of true repentance is RECONCILIATION - both with God and with 
one another. So as we go through the days of Lent let us find out all the areas we 
need reconciliation: in our family - with parents, spouses, children, bros / sists; 
relatives, neighbors, friends, coworkers, superiors, PG members, church authorities 
etc. May be very little displeasures are there, and we might not even be seriously 
aware of it, but if there is, let us truly get reconciled.
 That leads to the third "R" - "RENEWAL". A total renewal of life; in mind, 
body and soul; in our attitudes, relations, emotions, thoughts, words, ways etc. This 
'renewal' is to be such that as on the Easter, people must be able to see the glow of 
glory on our face; as individuals, groups, communities etc. May God bless for that. 
Continue the journey of Lent. "R-R-R"
To be contd.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
USAmething beautiful out of his life as well. I taught him a simple bhajan
to the Holy Spirit, Aao Pavan Athma, tere daan do he learnt it in no
time and could sing it much better than me. I told him to keep singing it
when he remembered. He told me he will.

Rajeev and kishore returned. They started out making breakfast. After
breakfast, Narain Asked me to put him in a bus going to Delhi University.

He bid goodbye to Rajeev and kishore and blest us all saying, may God
always grant you the desires of your heart. In all my life, I have never
seen people such good at heart as you all we thanked him too and invited
him to come when he could. I gave him my contact and told him to get in
touch sometimes. He assured me he will.

With that I led him to Yusuf Sarai bus stop from where he would get his
bus. On the way I stopped at a juice vendor and asked for 2 glasses of
carrot juice. I paid the vendor, he took money only for one glass. See
good souls everywhere]

I put Narain into the bus and told the conductor to drop him off where he
wanted. The conductor assured me he would. The bus left and I walked back
to Jy house, thanking God that he was showing me my blindness.

By helping Narain, I dont feel I have done anything big. I dont think
Im a holy Joe. More than Narain, I have been the beneficiary from this
experience. Both Narain and me are suffering from blindness, of different
sorts though. His is only physical blindness for which there probably
could be multiple solutions. But for mine on

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2003-03-06 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
I am continuing my sharing that I began earlier. Sorry that my mails sometimes 
carries some other junk with it. It is the problem of the server; I tried to ask the 
people concerned many times, but they seem to do nothing. Sorry about it.
 Now that the Lenten season is begun I hope to continue my sharing as and when 
the Lord prompts me. Now I was thinking about the common Lenten practices. You know 
what they are: Prayer, Fasting & Alms giving. Traditionally these have been practiced 
to purify ourselves. How can we make them more meaningful and fruitful??
   If you remember the readings of last Sunday (March 2), there is a little 
explanation and embarrassment there. The readings were Hosea 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 & Mark 
2: 18-22. That being the last sunday before Lent, the readings were kind of oriented 
to the Lent. The explanatory part is more in the first reading from Hosea. It speaks 
about "relationship"; and Lent is all about relationship. Just as Hosea kept a very 
faithful, forgiving and gentle relationship with his unfaithful wife, so do God keeps 
an ever faithful relationship with His people (us). Now it is ours to examine our 
relationships during this season: the relationship with God as well as others; with 
our parents, spouses, children, bros & sists, neighbours, colleagues, authorities, 
strangers etc. For sure there had been some ruptures in those relations through our 
words, actions, dealings etc. NOW IS THE TIME to repair them and come back to the 
original faithful relationship.
  The embarrassing part is in the gospel where Jesus tells that as long as the 
bridegroom is with them they do not need to fast. We know that Jesus is the bridegroom 
who is always present with us. But we advocate and encourage fasting as a very 
effective means of self purification. How does it go together?? It is there that we 
have to clearly understand the concept of fasting. In our Indian tradition we call it 
"UPAVASAM", meaning to stay closer - closer to the Lord, the Loved one of the soul. 
Jesus also is telling the same: the true fasting is coming closer to the Lord, 
experiencing the bridegroom's presence in our daily life. So here comes the importance 
of our Lenten practices.
  Let us make sure that we spent some more time than usual with the Lord in 
PRAYER. See that we try to attend more MASS - if we go only once or twice a week, try 
to increase it; make a good CONFESSION at the very beginning of the Lent not pushing 
it to the end; spend some more time with the Lord in reading the  SCRIPTURES; try to 
even spend some time with some of the POOR & NEEDY who are the most beloved of the 
Lord - if possible go to some orphanage / old age home / hospital etc. and make visits 
and comfort them and thus be with the Lord who is in them. In all these means let us 
make our "Lenten Practices" more meaningful. See that the Church calls Lent "A JOYFUL 
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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[JOYnet] I AM SORRY]]]]]]]

2003-03-06 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
 It was an error. I did not finish the mail, but something came across and I 
inadvertantly clicked sent. Sorry I will send the complete one soon.
fr.tharayil thomas.usan the Lord prompts.s and JY formation strategies Missionary 
dynamics for tomorrow and JY initiatives Forming values of the Nettizens: Impact 
of JY efforts  Child is the father of man : Youth efforts inspiring the clergy in 
the Church Variables and constants of modern disciple: A survey on the 
effectiveness of JYspirituality Leadership patterns for tomorrow s faith 
community: A JY experience Typical Characteristics of an effective leader: A Study 
of JY Leadership. Spirituality of Mission Initiative: A study of the work of the 
Spirit Today withspecial reference to JY. Jesus Youth Coordination structures: 
How effective they are? Typical pitfalls of JY functioning: A survey. Changing 
trends in JY: A Reflection on spiritual response to the signs of 
times.Balancing the Institutional and the Charismatic: the secret of JY 
effectiveness.Education for a healthy sexuality: Effectiveness of JY culture !
Priest and Religious of Tomorrow: A Survey of JY Dreams?  Media is at the 
heart of modern lifestyle : Use of Communication Media in JYcircles Elder 
Youth divide: A JY response Tribal youth Exposure and Training: A Reflection on 
the effectiveness of JYinitiatives among Tribals.  Giving Roots to the 
Uprooted : A Search for the Effectiveness of JY MigrantYouth.  Role models 
among their juniors . JY approach to Children: An Assessment. Music as an 
effective tool of witness and instruction: A JY experience. Forming Women as 
motivators and effective leaders   How effective is it in JY? Fortifying the 
Family against the onslaught of modern secularism. JY approach. New Dimensions of 
Social concern. How JY do it? Christian formation with a focus on building human 
communities. JY approach. Professions can be the guiding lights of the modern 
society. A reflection on theeffectiveness of the witnessing presence of JY profess!
ionals.  I have been young; and now am old  JY leaders looking back JY Working 
style. How effective is it for youth, the Church and the society?Chackochan 
NjavallilDo you Yahoo]?
http://rd.yahoo.com/finance/mailtagline/*http://taxes.yahoo.com/";>Yahoo] Tax 
Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more concerns of the Church. We look 
forward to publishing these papers. The proposed length of each paper is10 pages 
(typed A4 double spaced). They could preferably in English but couldalso be in 
Malayalam. As in the case of all other Jesus Youth initiatives, the Symposium will 
also beself financed and so the organizers, paper presenters and other 
participantswill share all the expenses including board and lodging, with the 
convictionthat we are together building the Kingdom of God. The following 
people will be the organizing team of the Symposium: Bishop ThomasChakiath, 
Episcopal Advisor (Patron), Fr. Geroge Madukampuram SVD (Nationalpastor), Fr. 
Abraham Pallivathukal SJ, Mr. Manoj Sunny (Coordinator IJYT), Mr.Jomon Varghese, 
Dr. Edward Edezhath, Mr. Berly Earnest, Ms Princy Sebastian, Mr.Chackochan!
 Njavallil (Coordinator of the Symposium). Address for communication: Jesus Youth 

National Symposium onYouth Trends at the Turn of the Millennium and 
Jesus Youth Response Suggested Topics Globalization 
and youth trends today Changing youth preferences among Cath

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2003-03-06 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Hope you all began the "joyful" season of Lent (be it Monday / Wednesday) with 
some good resolutions. I thought of continuing some reflections on Lent as and when 
the Lord prompts.s and JY formation strategies Missionary dynamics for tomorrow 
and JY initiatives Forming values of the Nettizens: Impact of JY efforts  
Child is the father of man : Youth efforts inspiring the clergy in the Church 
Variables and constants of modern disciple: A survey on the effectiveness of 
JYspirituality Leadership patterns for tomorrow s faith community: A JY 
experience Typical Characteristics of an effective leader: A Study of JY 
Leadership. Spirituality of Mission Initiative: A study of the work of the Spirit 
Today withspecial reference to JY. Jesus Youth Coordination structures: How 
effective they are? Typical pitfalls of JY functioning: A survey. Changing 
trends in JY: A Reflection on spiritual response to the signs of times.Bala!
ncing the Institutional and the Charismatic: the secret of JY 
effectiveness.Education for a healthy sexuality: Effectiveness of JY culture 
Priest and Religious of Tomorrow: A Survey of JY Dreams?  Media is at the 
heart of modern lifestyle : Use of Communication Media in JYcircles Elder 
Youth divide: A JY response Tribal youth Exposure and Training: A Reflection on 
the effectiveness of JYinitiatives among Tribals.  Giving Roots to the 
Uprooted : A Search for the Effectiveness of JY MigrantYouth.  Role models 
among their juniors . JY approach to Children: An Assessment. Music as an 
effective tool of witness and instruction: A JY experience. Forming Women as 
motivators and effective leaders   How effective is it in JY? Fortifying the 
Family against the onslaught of modern secularism. JY approach. New Dimensions of 
Social concern. How JY do it? Christian formation with a focus on building human 
communities. JY appro!
ach. Professions can be the guiding lights of the modern society. A reflection on 
theeffectiveness of the witnessing presence of JY professionals.  I have been 
young; and now am old  JY leaders looking back JY Working style. How effective is 
it for youth, the Church and the society?Chackochan NjavallilDo you Yahoo]?
http://rd.yahoo.com/finance/mailtagline/*http://taxes.yahoo.com/";>Yahoo] Tax 
Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more concerns of the Church. We look 
forward to publishing these papers. The proposed length of each paper is10 pages 
(typed A4 double spaced). They could preferably in English but couldalso be in 
Malayalam. As in the case of all other Jesus Youth initiatives, the Symposium will 
also beself financed and so the organizers, paper presenters and other 
participantswill share all the expenses including board and lodging, with the 
convictionthat we are together building the Kingdom of God. The following 
people will be the organizing team of the Symposium: Bishop ThomasChakiath, 
Episcopal Advisor (Patron), Fr. Geroge Madukampuram SVD (Nationalpastor), Fr. 
Abraham Pallivathukal SJ, Mr. Manoj Sunny (Coordinator IJYT), Mr.Jomon Varghese, 
Dr. Edward Edezhath, Mr. Berly Earnest, Ms Princy Sebastian, Mr.Chackochan!
 Njavallil (Coordinator of the Symposium). Address for communication: Jesus Youth 

National Symposium onYouth Trends at the Turn of the Millennium and 
Jesus Youth Response Suggested Topics Globalization 
and youth trends today Changing youth preferences among Cath

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[JOYnet] ASHES ARE WE]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

2003-03-04 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
 Today is Ash Wednesday; one of the beautiful ceremonial days of the 
liturgical year. This day the holy mother Church reminds us the basic truth about our 
life, "YOU ARE DUST AND UNTO DUST SHALL YOU RETURN" How powerful are those words, 
and how meaningful. However we try to hide from it or manipulate it, the truth remains.
   Whoever we are, how ever great we are, ultimately we all will have to 
turn into dust or ashes. Whether wealthy or poor, educated or illiterate, healthy or 
sick, beautiful or ugly, white or black, tall or short, man or women, young or old, 
the president or the pope, everybody is bound to this unavoidable end]]] This truth 
calls us to be humble, sincere and truthful before the Lord. In fact this is not a 
threatening reality, instead a comforting and encouraging fact. As a loving mother the 
Church is trying to teach us to be good, looking forward to the eternal glory - the 
glory of resurrection.
   So as we begin this holy season of Lent, let us pray that the Lord 
grant us His humility and Simplicity. May God bless you all during this Lent.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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[JOYnet] LENT & GIVING]]]]]]

2003-03-02 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Here comes Lent with all its beautiful invitation]] "Lent" is a word that 
comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning 'spring'. If we look at the season of Lent also 
we can see that it arrives around the season of Spring. After a long winter where 
everything has gone frozen cold, and sometimes stinking because of closed doors, now 
we need to go out to the fresh air, full of light and life, to be re-created. Lent is 
such a time of renewal and re-creation. Lent is a time of spring for our souls when 
Jesus invites us to go out of our past ways. It is a time for us to go back to the 
'original state' of grace and commitment that we had, when we first repented: just 
think of the first instance of our real conversion experience; in the first retreat, 
encounter with the Lord, or whatever that was. Where are we now???
   A most often repeated word during Lent is "giving", I mean not only alms 
giving. The traditional characteristics of Lent are Prayer, Fasting and Alms giving. 
Now, if we closely analyze we can see that all these three are'giving' in some form.
PRAYER- "Giving to" - It is giving more time and attention to Christ our teacher. 
During this Lent let us give a little more of these to Him.
FASTING- "Giving up" - It is not just giving up some food or some other pleasures, but 
it has to go beyond. It is in fact 'giving up' all  the unnecessary baggage that keeps 
us from hearing, learning and doing what our master wants us to. They can include our 
useless worries, meaningless involvements, over appetites, greed, grudge, anger, lust 
etc., etc.,. Give up, give up
ALMS GIVING- "Giving away" -  It helps us to help others become able to listen the 
word of God without anxiety or worry. It is real sharing of the good news. Whatever we 
think is important and necessary for us, we should know that there are millions who do 
not have those, for whom also they are equally important and essential. That urges us 
to 'give away' even from our necessities, not from our affluence.
  To be contd..
Fr.Thomas Tharayil

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[JOYnet] LENT COMES]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

2003-02-28 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Hope everybody is fine. Here in America we had been experiencing some very 
severe days with heavy snow and storms. So we are looking forward to just get out of 
this sticky and stuffy weather. I know that in some other parts of the world like 
India it is hot summer now. See how the Lord has arranged things
Any how, in the liturgical cycle we are approaching the beautiful and holy season 
of Lent. To prepare ourselves to enter into it worthily and bring the most out of it, 
I thought it would be good to share some thoughts.
-- :  We are all disciples of Christ. Lent is a 
time to remind us about "the call to discipleship". So a few thoughts on discipleship. 
'Disciple' is a word closely related to the verb 'discipline'. Both of those words 
come from the same Latin root verb "discere", meaning "to learn".
 So a disciple is one who 'learns to discipline' his/her life. But how does 
one do it. Lent is a time to refresh our discipleship, our life long process of 
learning the way of the Lord.
Disciples are not mere students; they do not learn from a textbook, or in a 
classroom. They learn from a person, the person of their teacher; in our case we learn 
from our teacher and master Jesus Christ. The fullness of this learning is when the 
disciple is transformed into the image of the master and is able to translate Christ's 
wisdom into the flesh and blood of our daily life. So let us begin an examination of 
our lives in preparation for the coming Lent, as to how much we radiate Christ in our 
daily life: thoughts, words, actions, reactions, relationships etc, etc.
To be contd...
Fr.Thomas Tharayil

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2003-02-22 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
   This is Fr. Thomas Tharayil from USA on behalf of all the JY in America. Hope 
you are all doing fine. Here we are well; but we had a little rough days last week. We 
had a bad snow storm, most of the places got 24 to 30 inches of snow which made our 
life practically paralyzed for at least a day. We are slowly recovering from it. On 
the other hand there is the constant threat of war, terrorists etc. All of this 
demands more prayers.
   But I write this for another special request. Hope we have not forgotten the 
WYD. Now, on the 22 of March 2003 we, the JY in NE America, are having a 'Mini WYD'. 
It has been named "Renew Toronto-WYD 2002". We are trying to bring together all those 
who participated in the WYD and as many other youth as possible to relive the 
experience of WYD. We hope to have youth from all the three rites, with the bishops, 
priests and elders. Though it is a one day program, it is first of its kind ever to 
take place here in the States, bringing together people of all the rites. We are in 
the phase of preparations. We need much prayer support.
So I request you all to just say 1 Our Father 1 Hail Mary 1 Glory Be for this 
intention. May God bless you all.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2003-02-07 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Loving Friends,
 Nice to see that all are very active in many of the discussions. I am to put 
forward a suggestion about the 'discussion' on the posting of job vacancies. All the 
ideas and suggestions put forth were really with good intentions in one way or other. 
So let us "not judge" anybody. But everything has to come to a reasonable conclusion. 
I think it is time now.
1. Let us be aware that ours is a family of loving, caring bros & sis. If one in 
our family is wandering without a job, would we not try our best to help him/her? If 
not what bro/sis are we?? So let us not outrightly resist the postings.
   2. An advice to those who post: definitely you are doing it with all good 
intentions. Please try to make sure, to the best of your ability, that those are 
genuine and helpful, so that our bros/sis may not be cheated. So also try to make it 
as short as possible; those who are interested will definitely take the rest step to 
get more information. It would be highly  advisable that you give your id too so that 
those who are interested can contact you for details. Definitely this is a great 
3. "ONLY A CLICK".  Should we not be little more considerate? It is for all of us 
to preach, share many good ideas; but when it comes to the reality, in practice it is 
very difficult. True that increasing the no. of mails is a problem for many. But I 
think there are many ways to deal with it. You who are experts in comp. can suggest 
ways like, filtering your own mails, or putting them in inbox and opening them when 
you have time or such. But the bottom line is that we only have to take a little pain/ 
have a little more patience to just "click" close / delete. In Christian charity let 
us take that pain for our bros/sis.
4. Those who post it, if could give a title like 'job vacancies', it would be easy 
for the recipients even at the first site to either open or delete.
   LASTLY, I recall a sharing we had in Canada during the last WYD, by Fr. 
S.Areekat, where,  while he was giving an idea about what JY is, he mentioned clearly 
the fact that it is a forum where we try to help one another in various ways to help 
our young bros/sis to find jobs also. And I do truly believe that it is an important 
ministry. So please, in good spirit let us stop the discussion, with the understanding 
that we will help our bros/sis, even when it is painful for us in some way. God bless 
you all. Sorry for being long, but could not avoid.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
replied." The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice 
cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the 
table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and 
left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the 
table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five 
pennies - You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have 
enough left to leave her a tip.

4 -   Fourth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts

Many years ago,when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know 
alittle girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious disease. 
Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 
5-year-old brother, who had miraculously survivedthe same disease and had 
developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained 
the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be 
willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a 
moment before taking a deep breath and
saying, "Yes, I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion 
progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, 
seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his 
smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling 
voice,"Will I start to die right away?" Being young, the little boy had 
misunderstood the doctor; he  thought he was going to have to give his 
sister all of his blood in  orde

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2003-01-27 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Hope you all must have read that mail from Zenit news (Zenith.org - January 
22) that talked about a document produced by the bishops of India, in which there is a 
reference to the "new wave of evangelization" and "renewed zeal for the mission" etc. 
The document clearly refers to the "Jesus Youth"] I really praise and thank Our 
mighty Lord for that reference. 
 At this point I call to mind the days in the past when JY was not known by 
anybody except a few committed young men & women; the times of tensions & troubles it 
had to go through; the many misunderstanding & misjudgments that had to be humbly 
taken .; but all those days of endurance and persistence, with the clear vision of 
loving the Church and being at obedient service to the Church, has now brought the 
movement to the HEART OF THE CHURCH. Praise & thanks to the Lord for He is good. At 
this point let us also thankfully remember all those great people of vision who lead 
us through those moments with true commitment and dedication.
  But, along with this 'acceptance' and 'recognition' comes GREAT 
RESPONSIBILITY upon all of us Jesus Youth. Let us be more clear about our call and 
mission; let us be more at the service of the Church; let us live the call to be "a 
missionary movement" in its full sense. May God's Holy Name be Praised and Glorified 
for Ever.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2003-01-18 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Loving Friends,
  In a time of divisions and discords once again here comes the "Church Unity 
Octave" (Jan 18 - 25) the week specially set apart to pray for the unity among 
Christians. We all know well the need of it, especially in light of the happening some 
of our sister Churches in India (Kerala) in recent past. In a global spectrum also the 
need for unity has only increased, for if we are not united in HIM, we will loose the 
meaning of our existence.
  This week was designed by Pope Paul VI and has been observed diligently ever 
since. Much progress has been made in the field, but we need to go miles before we 
reach the goal "that they may be one as we, Father are one". So I would advise all the 
Joynetters to personally take it a commitment to pray for the unity among Churches, 
especially this week. The "how" of it may not be known to us, for it is the work of 
the "HOLY SPIRIT". And the leaders of the Churches will work on the practical means. 
But we can sincerely pray for it. "O, Lord, sent your Spirit of unity and love upon 
all the Church leaders, and members, so that soon the unity for which You prayed may 
be restored, Amen".
With Love,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2003-01-16 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Joynet Friends in America,
   Hope you remember me sending a mail a few weeks ago about collecting the 
details of all the JOYnet members in America. I only got reply from less than10 
people]  I am quite sure that there are more Joynetters in various parts of USA.
Since I was really busy the past few weeks I could not do much with the compiling of 
the data. Now I am about to work on that. So PLEASE, ANY MORE JOYNETTERS WHO ARE IN 
THEM TO ME. This is just to put them together and have a communication among the 
Joynetters in America, as they have in many other countries.
 The details I had asked are:
  Your Name
  Address / Tel. No./ E-mail Id
 How long in the Joynet??
   What ministry or Zone in Kerala did you belong to?
   Details of the Family (wife, if married; children, if any etc.)
  Any other information
Looking forward for more responses I remain.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
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2003-01-05 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Loving Friends,
 Hope everybody had a nice holiday season with Christmas & New Year celebrations, 
with the family and friends, enjoying the love and peace that the Baby Jesus brought. 
Let us now keep the spirit till the end of the year.
As we enter the new year, I just thought of sharing something about our "Joynet". 
It has grown to a very strong, loving, caring, supporting, global family . . . Praise 
God for this wonderful gift. Many good initiatives are coming out from and through the 
   I would like to sincerely appreciate and thank the administrative team behind it, 
for the incredibly wonderful job they are doing behind the scene]]] May the good Lord 
reward you with His choicest blessings. Also I salute the Joynet Service team.

*NEW MEMBERS As we have already grown to a big number, it is very important to keep 
the warmth of love never going down. There had been an introduction of the new members 
to the group as they used to join the joynet. But now a days (for a long time) it is 
not seen. The number of members is simply said to have increased. That is bad, because 
we become impersonal. I know, it is difficult to do BUT it is essential for many 
reasons: they must feel welcome, the other members can write to them a welcome note in 
person etc. We should get help from some of the members to do that and definitely 
revive the system of introducing and welcoming the new members as they join.
So also, new members, please send a mail about yourself to the whole group so 
that the ice may be broken and the love may flow easily. We all love to hear from you.

*AUTHENTICATION: When we write a mail to joynet know that it is going to over a 1000 
people. So let us be very diligent in what and how we write. One of the important 
thing is to give the name and id of the writer. Most of the times the mails may need 
only a personal reply. But without the id of the person, the reply goes to all the 
members, thus un necessarily increasing the number of mails. SO whenever we write a 
mail to Joynet, I would suggest that we sign it with our name, nation and the e-mail 

* CLARITY & BREVITY: again as we are writing to a very large group let us think and 
pray twice before we type the mail. Try to make the message as short as possible, and 
as clear as possible. Short and sweet are the best; we all are very busy with so many 
mails to handle - official, personal, from other mail groups etc.

* PERSONALIZE: Let us try to make our mails as personal as possible. What I mean is to 
avoid simply forwarding mails from other sites or groups. Give importance to our 
personal reflections and the messages that we get from our personal prayer, 
reflections etc. No chain mails of any sort, or copying from some books or site etc. 
Unless it is so important and truly inspired by the Lord, please do not forward any 
mails to Joynet.

* FAMILY SPIRIT: Since we are a family let us keep that spirit of mutual love and 
respect. Let us share more the happenings of our family with this wider family. Above 
all let us make Joynet a family of prayer. So also let us encourage any and every new 
initiative by our members. It is in the family that one gets the opportunity to grow. 
Let us all make it a point to be givers and not only receivers, i.e.; let us all begin 
to share something.
I think I myself have gone too long. But that is because I am writing on a policy 
basis. Please pray for all the Joynetters and continue to build this family of JOY.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Joynet Pastoral Team

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2002-12-31 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
My Dear Friends,
   Wish you all a very grace filled New Year. Take this time sit in front of the 
Lord to count the blessings of last year. Never look to the lost past, but ever look 
to the bright face of the Lord in front of us, and we shall not be ashamed.
 A simple thought for the New Year: Many times we may be falling after taking good 
decisions, and that may lead us desperation. But look, the Lord fell three times on 
His way to Calvary but got up all the three times and went forward. Yet the end was 
death; still through that death came life and joy. This was to teach us something. 
This is the way we too are; we may fall, but let us not fail to get up, let us never 
give up, always look to the Lord and get up.
 I will remember all you in the New Year Mass that I will celebrate with the JY 
and renewal group members here at 12.00 midnight. God bless you all.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
USAy special way.
Fr.Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-30 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Loving Friends,
"O, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good", is the song that comes to my 
mind now. "Our God is an awesome God" who give more than what we can even imagine, is 
the felling that rises in my heart. At 5.30 pm on Sunday the 29th of Dec. we the JYA 
concluded the youth retreat that was started on 26th 2.30 pm. The Lord had brought 
over a 100 youth from 10 states of USA; where as the house could normally hold only 
70 Isn't it amazing how the Lord gives in abundance to those who ask??? We 
squeezed in kids into the rooms, the basement, play room etc. (not to mention about a 
temporary 'slum' created in the lounge where some of us the veterans slept the few 
hours that we got). Every place- the hall, the cafeteria, the chapel etc. were tight 
packed. But with all these it was a great experience to live in scarcity.
 We could positively feel the power of prayer rising from all over the world. 
Everything - the sessions, the liturgy, confession, counseling, Intercession etc. - 
went so very smooth. We see a great spring time for the JYA. "Bless the Lord, my 
THANKS, THANKS, AND AGAIN THANKS to all who prayed for this event. Please continue 
to keep the youth of the retreat and the JYA as a whole in your valuable prayers. May 
God bless you all and have a grace filled New Year to walk and work with the Lord.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-24 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dearly Beloved Friends all over the world,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
USA time.
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2002-12-23 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Sixth Day

The  Word of God: Let this be a sign to you: in a manger you will find an
infant in swaddling clothes, (Luke 2:12)

Reflection: The Lord adorned the heavens with planets and stars, and our
earth with plants and flowers, yet He rests in a cold stable.

Prayer: Little Savior of mankind, you created the world and all that is
in it by your plentiful power. By that same power you will come to judge
the world. But to save us and to win us you came in weakness and
littleness to prove to us how with your assistance, strength may be born
in the powerlessness of love. Amen

Practice: Let us humble ourselves today to honor the Christ Child and to
overcome our pride with the help of His grace.


"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put
it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your
good deeds and praise your Father in heaven"
Matthew 5:14-16  

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2002-12-19 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

The Word of God : All this is the work of the kindness of our God; He,
the ayspring, shall visit us. (Luke 1: 78)

Reflection : It was our need that brought the son of God from heaven to
assume our fallen nature. He took pity on our misery and helplessness.

Prayer: Little Lord Jesus, it is sin and its consequences that now
afflict us. In your love you undertook to conquer sin and death for us in
your own person. Thus, you showed us the path to eternal glory which we
can only attain by following you faithfully. Help us, powerful Babe of
Bethlehem, to live as you did to overcome sin, and to do the Father's
will in all things. Amen

Practice: Just for today, try faithfully with Jeesus' help to do God's
will rather than to follow our own inclination.

Fr. Thomas Tharayil

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<]DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 

The Word of God : All this is the work of the=
kindness of our God; He, the ayspring, shall visit us. (Luke 1: 78)
Reflection : It was our need that brought the =
of God from heaven to assume our fallen nature. He took pity on our misery =
Prayer: Little Lord Jesus, it is sin and its=20
consequences that now afflict us. In your love you undertook to conquer sin=
death for us in your own person. Thus, you showed us the path to eternal =
which we can only attain by following you faithfully. Help us, powerful =
Babe of=20
Bethlehem, to live as you did to overcome sin, and to do the Father's will =
all things. Amen
Practice: Just for today, try faithfully with=
Jeesus' help to do God's will rather than to follow our own inclination.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-19 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Third Day

( Opening Prayer)

The Word of God: The angel said to them: You have nothing to fear] (Luke

Reflection:  When we are very much afraid, as the simple shepherds were,
let us remember the angel's message, and trust in God's goodness.

Prayer: O, sweet Babe of Bethlehem, God protected you as a child from the
envy of Herod, and from the hazards of your infancy. Please assist us in
our weakness to place our trust in God's provident care and love, protect
us from the effects of our own sin, and help us to be strong and
unafraid. Increase our love of you, our obedience to your will, and our
imitating of your example so that amid all the trials of life we may
place all our hope in you, Amen.

Practice: Just one today put your own convenience and self-interest aside
in order to do a deed of compassion for one of Christ's brothers or


The Word of God : All this is the work of the=
kindness of our God; He, the ayspring, shall visit us. (Luke 1: 78)
Reflection : It was our need that brought the =
of God from heaven to assume our fallen nature. He took pity on our misery =
Prayer: Little Lord Jesus, it is sin and its=20
consequences that now afflict us. In your love you undertook to conquer sin=
death for us in your own person. Thus, you showed us the path to eternal =
which we can only attain by following you faithfully. Help us, powerful =
Babe of=20
Bethlehem, to live as you did to overcome sin, and to do the Father's will =
all things. Amen
Practice: Just for today, try faithfully with=
Jeesus' help to do God's will rather than to follow our own inclination.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-18 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Second Day


The Word of God: To His own He came, yet His own did not accept Him.
(John 1:11)

Reflection: To love deeply, to offer one's self in love, and to have it
rejected, what greater trial is there in life?

Prayer:  Infant Jesus, it was your infinite love that prompted your
coming among us to share our lot as men, to be ready to live as the
poorest of men, and even to die as a common criminal. Please teach us to
love as you did and to take the risk of having  love rejected and being
despised for your sake. Let your grace sustain me, your example inspire
me, your teaching correct me, Amen.

Practice: Show special kindness, as Jesus did, to those who rejected Him
by doing good to someone you love the least.

Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-18 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Second Day


The Word of God: To His own He came, yet His own did not accept Him.
(John 1:11)

Reflection: To love deeply, to offer one's self in love, and to have it
rejected, what greater trial is there in life?

Prayer:  Infant Jesus, it was your infinite love that prompted your
coming among us to share our lot as men, to be ready to live as the
poorest of men, and even to die as a common criminal. Please teach us to
love as you did and to take the risk of having  love rejected and being
despised for your sake. Let your grace sustain me, your example inspire
me, your teaching correct me, Amen.

Practice: Show special kindness, as Jesus did, to those who rejected Him
by doing good to someone you love the least.

Fr. Thomas Tharayil
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2002-12-17 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
 Let us give thanks and praise to our mighty Lord for the new Joynet team. This 
team actually represents the whole of Joynet; people from all over the world, people 
of different walks of life, people of different ages and experiences. Let us all pray 
that through this new team Joynet becomes a more effective tool of evangelization. Let 
us all co operate with the new team. At the same time let us also thank wholeheartedly 
the previous team that shaped the Joynet to what it is today. May God bless us all.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
USAip abroad. You are really 
missed. I think it would be a wonderful idea to consider a JY Canada 
national team. God works in a mysterious way. While you were 
discussing the same subject in Kerala, Biju and myself were talking 
about the same subject in November. I think a national team of 
youngsters will help JY in Canada to organize our activities in a 
well coordinated and way. It will help us to look for help, seek 
guidance, train and lead next generation of JY's and create an 
identity as JY Canada.

Regi and I wish all the blessings during this time of celebration of 
the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.

Mathew M. Nediyakala

JesusYouth, Changing the face of the youth.

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2002-12-17 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Loving friends,
 I give thanks to the Lord on this day the 17th of December in a very special way 
for it was on this day 16 years ago that by the grace of God I was ordained to the 
priesthood of Christ. Looking back, I only have experiences to thank the Lord with 
whole heart. And in a very special way I thank Him for giving me the opportunity to 
know you all and to journey with you all in my life. Please keep me in your prayers 
that I may stay faithful to the call that He has given me and fulfill His plans. Once 
again thanks for all that you all have been to me and are to me. May the good Lord 
bless you all.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-17 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Dear Loving Friends,
How far is the preparations for Christmas. See, we are already
half past the Advent. Now as we enter into the third week of Advent we
can see an evident change in the whole mood of the Church. If you listen
to the scriptures, the prayers, the chants etc., and observe the signs
and symbols used; all those have a clearly different message: an urgency
and joyful expectation.  Traditionally the third Sunday of Advent was
known as "laudate" Sunday, which means glory and praise. The antiphons
are of jpy and praise, we begin to hear the, "O, Come Emmanuel" and "Come
Lord Jesus" antiphons. All these make a special atmosphere. So let us
also get into the mood and spirit of intense prayer, praise, and glorious
To help the preparation in this last phase of Advent there is the
tradition of a Christmas Novena. This is a preparatory prayer for the
9days from 16th to 24 of Dec. These 9 days remind the 9 months Our Lord
was in the womb of Bl. Mother. This also reminds the 9 days of prayer by
the apostles before they were reborn in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. So
let us also make this Novena for a rebirth at Christmas with the Baby of
Bethlehem. I plan to give the prayers for each day. Please pray this if
you feel good. Or else you can find your own prayers and pray. In any
event please prepare in a special way during these last days.

Novena to the Christ Child: ( the first prayer is common for every day)
O, Infant Jesus, so that we might become children of God, you
became a helpless little child. In homage, gratitude and admiration, we
kneel before you. Though hindered by our sins, we know that your love
exceeds our frequent failures. Please help us, divine Child, to
appreciate the great mystery of your life, and assist us to remake our
lives according to your word. By the intercession of our Virgin Mother,
Mary most holy, assist us now in all our necessities. Amen


   The word of God: There was no room for them in the place where
travelers lodged. (Luke 2:7)

  Reflection: No room in the inn for the Lord who made heaven and earth]
No place except with the animals for the savior of the world and His
Virgin Mother]

  Prayer: Infant Savior, you left the throne of heaven to share our life,
to live as a human being. You became a helpless infant, and asked your
holy mother and St. Joseph to share your lot among the poorest. Help us,
Lord, by your example to understand the depths of love for us that
inspired your humble birth and to imitate your love of littleness in our
own life. Amen

  Practice: If the Lord of Creation chose to be so little, let us imitate
Him today by accepting gladly one pain or trouble in our life.

Fr. Thomas Tharayil

JesusYouth, Changing the face of the youth.

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2002-12-07 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
   We are already past a quarter of Advent. Have we truly been able to make use of 
the time to "prepare". Or are we keeping it for the last moment as we usually do for 
the Christmas shopping??
Any how, as we enter the second week of Advent I would like to share a little 
thought for your reflection and prayer. Mt:9.36 is the key to the thought for this 
week. Please read it. We can see the same or similar passages in many parts of the 
gospels, and that is the nature of Christ.
 Now let us concentrate on the emotion of Jesus, "compassion" or "pity" for the 
people. It is true that He had compassion towards all whom He met in His life time and 
tried to help them in whatever way possible. BUT is that all?? 
 In fact Christmas itself is all about that 'compassion' of the Father and the 
Christ. Just as He had compassion for the multitude of people that followed Him on his 
journeys, God the Father had great compassion upon the whole human race who were 
struggling to get out of the clutches of sin and its effects. So also Christ who was 
with the Father shared the same 'compassion'.
   Thus the Father, out of 'compassion', willed to make the greatest gift - to send 
His only Son. Likewise the Son also shared that 'compassion' and willingly took up 
that great mission of incarnation -stripping off His glory and might- out of 
SO Christmas is all about "compassion". And the season of advent is given to us to 
examine how we participate and practice this 'compassion' in our daily life. Are we 
able to practice compassion in our words, our dealings with others, even in our 
Fr.Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-06 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
As we know these are the days the joynetters in different nations become more 
close through national gatherings and other such events. Why not the "joynetters" in 
the USA at least come to know each other, before we even think of coming together, 
which we may plan in a long term.  So here is what I propose : all those who are 
members of the joynet, including the members of JYA, please send a reply to me in my 
personal id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The mail shall include your name, present address, tele.no, how long you have been in 
the 'net', profession (optional), married / single; if married the name of the partner 
+ children if any, where in Kerala are you from, and what ministry / zone did you 
belong to in India in JY. I think that is enough for a good database for now. OK, Let 
us start with the true JY spirit and do it in one week. Once I get all the names I 
will coordinate them and send to all so that we can know each other and think of 
something more. God bless.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-05 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends in the 'net',
  This is Fr. Thomas Tharayil from USA. We are conducting a youth retreat (initial 
retreat) here in America from the 26th to 29th of December. We expect to have around 
80 youth from various parts of America. Hopefully this will be a great ignition and 
rekindling for the JY of America. But we need much prayers. We are doing all that we 
can. Still we need help from every corner. So I request you all, in the name of the JY 
of America, to please pray in a special way for the success of this retreat as the 
Lord wants it to be. Especially in this Advent season please keep us in your prayers. 
God bless you all.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck, NJ, USA

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[JOYnet] HAPPY FEAST ]]]]]

2002-12-03 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Wish you all a very happy feast of St. Francis Xavier, especially you great people 
from GOA. We know that he is the 'second apostle' of India. He must the greatest 
missionary who has ever come to India, having converted tens of thousands of our fore 
fathers to the faith in the Living Lord whom we now serve. Let us thank the Lord foe 
sending him to our land; and also thank him for having taken up that challenge. May 
St.Francis Xavier, the great missionary intercede for Jesus Youth - which is a 
missionary movement, that we may become the true missionaries of this millennium. Once 
Fr. Thomas Tharayil



*15 KIDSthe so called "our kids" who even now after all these years have not the 
courtesy to do things in a decent manner. I am sorry to say this. But that is the fact.
Fr. Thomas Tharayill it reaches the maximum capacity and then simply say no. May be 
some are outgrown for a retreat, I don't know.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-12-01 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear friends,
  Today we begin the new liturgical year, with the season of Advent. I just would 
like to share a few thoughts. What is it, after all, year after year we keep this 
season? So much so, it has become a mere routine]]] Just as we begin this season we 
know that Christmas is coming, and we begin the preparations (external, this worldly) 
for it. But how much do we concentrate on the time of Advent itself??
If we pay close attention to the liturgical celebrations of this season, we 
can find a very peculiar reality. For the past few weeks the Church had been asking us 
to think about 'the end' (Parousia - the second coming of Our Lord), and prepare for 
it. There the importance was for repentance and renewal of life so that we would be 
found worthy to receive the Lord. Ironically, the message for this season of Advent 
also is the same : 'be watchful and alert' for the Lord is coming. That is why we pray 
in this season "come Lord Jesus, come".
   We are a people who live in between two comings of the Lord: the first coming 
at Christmas (to save) and the second at the end (to judge). So the important message 
of this season of Advent is "be alert, and watchful" for the Lord who comes. But when, 
where and how does He come?
   Though we are absolutely uncertain (Mk.13:32) of the hour of His coming, we are 
so absolutely certain of the fact of His coming. That is mostly applicable to the 
second coming of the Lord. But taken in the context of Advent, when does the Lord come 
to us? every day / every moment of our life. Only thing is that we have to identify 
Him in the little day to day events of our life.
   Where does He come? At our home, our schools, colleges, workplace, marketplace, 
business, on the bus / train, in the slum, in the prayer group, in the parish church, 
in the hospital - rather everywhere where there are human beings, He comes to us. Only 
thing is that we should recognize Him.
How does he come? He may come as a friend, a teacher, a coworker, a superior, 
a beggar, a homeless person, a sick person, a hungry person, a lonely person, an 
enemy, a traitor, a helper,etc, etc,. He also may come through the word of God, the 
sacraments, the prayers, the fellowships, the services that we give and receive, the 
sharing in the family, the reaching out to the needy etc,. Only thing is that we 
should accept Him. Do not forget, "BE ALERT AND WATCHFUL.
 These days people have a tendency to be politically correct in this season, 
even in greeting one another. A famous news channel was discussing how to make the 
greeting for the season 'politically correct', in order not to offend anybody. So they 
wanted to find out something to substitute "happy Christmas", because it contains 
"Christmas" which has "Christ" in it]. How ridiculous,  isn't it?? But that is the 
world in which we live. But let us not forget that "Christ" is 'THE reason for this 
season'. Let us not avoid Christ from Christmas. Be bold enough to wish everyone the 
peace and joy that ONLY CHRIST can give. Again "BE ALERT, AND WATCHFUL.
Wishing a very Fruitful Advent,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
New Jersey, USA

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2002-11-28 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
Today, we, here in the USA celebrate 'Thanksgiving Day'. This is a very big 
holiday here. Now it has acquired great commercial value. But the idea behind this day 
is to thank God for His many blessings.
This day was observed by the first settlers of this nation to thank God for the 
wonderful ways in which He guided them in their journey to this new land. The 
forefathers of this nation were so full of vision that they saw God in everything and 
every aspect of their life. God has blessed them abundantly.
 As Christians, we also are a journeying people. We are travelers in this world. 
Everything we have and are in this world are nothing but the gift of God. But how 
often do we think of this reality and lead a thankful life. Let us be thankful for 
everything. Let us thank God for Himself and all our dear ones in  life. Our parents, 
brothers & sisters, friends, relatives etc are all gifts of God. Let us thank Him for 
each and every person in our life. O, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil.

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2002-11-25 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Fruiends,
Hope you remember me asking for your prayers for Kairos-2002, the national 
conference of Charismatic Prayer group leaders in America. We had the conference last 
weekend (Fri-Sun). Thanks to all the prayers, it went on well even against so many 
adverse situations. We had unusual weather on the opening day, heavy rains that 
blocked the roads and made people stranded on the roads for many hours. So many came 
late, some had to find their own way, some had to walk long miles etc. But beyond all 
these we had a very nice time together. Many new faces, new voices, new ideas, etc. We 
thank the Lord and all of you.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
USAd by an ambulance.
Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had another 40
years? Why didn't you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?"
God replied, "I] didn't recognize you]"

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2002-11-21 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Loving Friends,
  I am Fr. Thomas Tharayil from New Jersey, USA. Though I go through each and 
every mail in joynet, due to the constraint of time am unable to respond to all of 
them or write much.
   After a long time as we celebrated the fourth anniversary of joynet I sent a mail 
and unfortunately it came back because a letter was mistyped. Any how, I will write 
those comments again sooner.
But waht made me write this is two important things.
1. We her in the US are having our annual family comnference of the people involved in 
renewal (Kairos -2002) from Friday 22nd, Nove. to Sunday 24th Nov. Since this year we 
had many major activities like the Rex Band visit to USA, the WYD etc., we are a 
little short of everything like time, participants and ofcourse money too]]]  Yea, we 
in the US also experience difficulty for money, but don't worry I don't write this to 
ask for donations. ha ha ha.
PLEASE keep us - tha participants, the preachers, the organizers etc in your valuable 
prayers, especially these days.
2. It is about the ideas som have already expresed in the joynet about some of the 
mails. Yes let us not be too enthusiastic about all those things like the "Chappathi". 
We are not against it, but at the same time we do not need to dwell too much on those 
The important reality is that our faith should not dwell on such pettit events. Do 
we believe more in the Eucharistic Lord because of this?? If so our faith is not full 
and strong now. That is why the Church also is very slow and usually reluctant in 
promoting such individual events. They can easily fall into many unwaranted practices, 
loosing the importance of the Eucharist or whatever reality it claims to support.
   I am not againt private revelations or such things. But one of the most important 
factor in proving the authenticity of such events is TIME. Let us give it. Think with 
the Church and you will be safe.
I have a lot more to share about the Vastu, Inculturation and the JOYNET in 
general etc. I shall try to do it soon. May God bless you all. You are in my prayers.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
New Jersey, USA

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2002-11-09 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear friends,
   Can anybody send me the e-mail id of Fr.Thomas Kallukalam CMI, the Zonal JY pastor 
of Kottayam,Kerala? I have to get in touch with him. If I write a letter by post it 
will take almost ten days to reach there and then the reply will take another ten 
days. So if I get the e-mail id it could be easy. Thank you all.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
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2002-07-17 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Friends,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
(Since I was too busy with the Rex Band programs here in the USA I could not send 
individual greetings to you all in time. But I prayed for you all.)
Lisa NaterBiju Philip
Joseph Antony  Austin Bazil
Stijo Augustine Christopher  John D'Souza
Leo TaddeusShawn Isaih Barboza
Dexon John Netto Abha Elizabeth Jacob
Biju Thomas Siju Mathew
George Jacob   Joseph Valiyaparambil
Alexy Pallan  Linjo Louis
Mercy JosephRosmi Thomas

May the Lord keep you all safe and healthy for many more long years that you may serve 
Him.ohibited.  If you have received this communication in error, please notify the 
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2002-07-08 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Friends,
  As you know the Rex Band is almost completing the second leg of their four nation 
pilgrimage. They had shows in Gulf and reached USA on the 28th of June. With the show 
in Philadelphia yesterday (7th July), they have completed the major part of the USA 
trip in the North East USA. Thank be to God the Almighty, with your prayers, all the 
shows went very well. Given the limitations of time to practice, the distances of 
travel, the fatigue of journeys from country to country and city to city, all the 
shows were excellent. Even the American community (English) whole heartedly enjoyed 
and encouraged the Rex Band. It was clear when some of them came for the shows two 
times]]] Praise God.
  Tomorrow The Band is moving to Chicago for the last part of the USA visit. On the 
way there is a mini show in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a journey for more than 13 hours 
(almost 800 miles). We are driving. So please pray very specially for the RB and for 
all of us who move with them. After the Chicago program the Band will move to Canada 
for the WYD. More later. Thank a lot for the prayers of all of you. Please do continue 
to pray.
  Yesterday after the show at Philadelphia, at 12.00 midnight we celebrated the B'day 
of Alphonse. We wished him and prayed over him. The Band became really friends of the 
JY of America and the other people here. See how wonderful and marvelous is the love 
of God that makes us all one. Nobody felt any alienation in this foreign land. I could 
see Uncles and Aunties really crying as the members of the band who stayed with them 
were bidding good bye to move forward to the next place]]] WOW, the power of the Love 
of God that unites us all]]] Let us all grow in love and remain in love. Praise God.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-07-08 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving Friends,

Benny JohnAnil Peter
Jojo K. JosephTejo Augustine
Angela Maria Paulson  Biju Davies
Joseph Immanuel Anil Joseph Markoey
Shaju Kureekal Joseph Sabu Mathew
Alphonse K. Joseph Kripa Mariam Joy

Sorry that I am late to wish you people. This is just because for the past few weeks I 
have not got a moment to sit down with the computer or check the mails, because the 
Rex Band is here and I am fully with them; travelling night and day. Today I got a few 
minutes and thought of openning the mails and saw all these B'day babies and wanted to 
wish and pray for them. I stop here. God bless you all.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-06-30 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Friends,
As the Rex Band is making their first ever trip in the USA, I would like to share 
of some of the thoughts and feelings of mine. It had been months of hectic preparation 
and intense prayer here in the States for this visit of the RB. All were eagerly 
looking forward to see them, be with them, share with them etc. In fact we were 
literally "making God to act", for all the things related to this visit are nothing 
but absolute miracles: the visa, tickets, even the programs here without time for even 
one coordinated practice with the people who came from different places like Kerala, 
Delhi, Dubai etc.  But God works.
As for me, this gives a very homely experience. You know, I had been away in the 
States for the past three and a half years. Though I have very good friends ( even as 
my own family) here, I always longed to see and share with all the old friends and 
ofcourse my family. I am still looking forward to coming to India. But the arrival of 
the RB was for me as my family arrived. It was so exciting for me to see people like 
Eddy, Manoj Sunny, Beena, Reiju, Joji, Binu, C C Joseph, Antony etc. etc. with whom I 
had been working back in India for so long.
   All the more exciting was to see the faces of many people whom I had never seen 
before, but was almost like family to me through our wonderful fellowship of JYNET. We 
had been communicating through the net for years and now as I saw many of them face to 
face, it was just like meeting a long term friend or rather a family member. And that 
is what makes us Jeus Youth. This is not only my experience. It was the same for many 
of us here in the USA. The JY here easily got acquinted with the RB; even some of our 
youth here joined the RB in performing for the shows; just with a day's practice]]] 
That is what make us a people, a family, a fellowship etc.
O, I am sorry if I continue to write, I will go on and on. So I stop here for now. 
Today (30th of June) the RB is gone to Washington (Baltimore) for the second major 
program. On the 2nd of July we begin a trainig/formation program for our youth in two 
places (New York and New Jersey). On 2nd & 3rd there are evening programs by the RB 
for the American communities. Please keep us all in your prayers.
In the great fellowship of love,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2002-06-24 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving Friends,
 I am Fr. Thomas Tharayil from the USA. I used to wish every birth day babies 
individually. But for the past few days I was away from my place and had no access to 
mails. To add to that the busy work for the Rex Band trip in US took all the time. So 
I could not wish individually. But I don't want to let it go unknown that you are all 
in my prayers. So I make this list of Birthday wishes. Though late, my dear friends 
please accept my prayers and wishes.
Jim ThomasBiju A Mathai
Joseph RoyFr. Prasad Joseph O.C.D
Richard JulianSebastian D'Cruz
Fr.Kurian Kochettonnil Alice Joseph
Varghese Thettayil  Tito Sandhyav
Suresh Kumar Thresia Johnny
Binu Joseph   Eldis Paul
Clint Thomas  Manoj Ranjankumar
Mathew Joseph  Thomas Rappai
Asha Anthony Thomas George
Jomon Cheriyan  Anitha Sara D'Souza  
Lukose JamesAnil Joseph Paul
Rajeev V. Jose  Joji Joseph
Jose Antony  Jomon Challethuparambil
Joseph Antony  Shalini Jacob
Linnet Basil
Anil Israel
Edward Edezhath
With Love,
Fr. thomas tharayil
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2002-06-01 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Friends,
   From Cuckoo's mail I come to know that the full-timers' training program begins 
today at Emmaus. I just wanted to wish God's blessings upon all the participants and 
those who help out. May this evangelistic outlook of JY continue to grow and make JY a 
true missionary community. Hope to see periodic sharings about the program on the 
I also would like to request prayers from all of you for the "Rex Band" visit to 
the USA. We are facing mountainous difficulties as we go forward with the 
preparations. The devil is out there with all his might against us - people here in 
the USA. So, my dear friends, please keep us - your brothers and sisters on this side 
of the world- in your valuable prayers. We pray for you all.
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2001-12-31 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving friends in the Net,
  I wish you all and your families a very Happy, Holy and Healthy New Year. May 
the Good Lord continue to bless you all in this New Year. Let us all continue to do 
the work of the Lord with renewed enthusiasm. He needs all of us to bring peace, joy, 
happiness and consolation to the sick and broken world. Let us say YES LORD. HAPPY NEW 
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
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2001-12-27 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving Friends all over,
   Hope you all ahd a very blessed and spirit filled Christmas. Let us continue to 
grow in that spirit.
I like to request your valuable prayers for the annual year end (evaluation and 
planning) program for the Jesus Youth of America. The first line leadership (mostly in 
the North East region) will come together for prayer, reflection, evaluation, 
discernment, planning etc. from the 28th evening to 30th evening. Certain very serious 
decisions are to be made and strategies to be formed. So I request you all to keep 
this program in your prayers from now on till it is over. May God bless you all.
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck,NJ,USAhose participating. It shows the lack of seriousness and priority that 
we give to our call. It was announced so early that, had we tried, we all could 
attend. Please think: am I not attending this program for a real serious reason, or 
could I make it if I sacrifice a little. Think before the Lord and decide. Time is not 
over. You could still walk in.
   To all; please pray for this formation program, which is going to be a very 
serious one in the light of the future of JY of America. Especially all those not 
attending, should make a special effort to dedicate at least one hour in serious 
prayer for the program at any time and place convenient for you.
The program will be in Hershey (Dr.Manoj's residence). We will be prayerfully 
discussing and trying to discern the will of God for us as a fellowship for the next 
year, and the years to come. So please take it serious and pray earnestly. All those 
who can and feel called by the Lord, please try to make it even though at the last 
moment. OK
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck, NJ,USA

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2001-12-24 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving Friends,
With Love and prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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[JOYnet] CLEAN UP ]]]]]]

2001-12-08 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Friends,
  As we head in to the second week of Advent we hear the invitation for a clean 
up, in the scripture readings. I remember, when I was young, my mother telling me 
"pick up the papers, toys, etc. and clean up the house", every time when some one 
special was coming to the house. I also recall the cleanings done by my father and 
mother when once our bishop was coming to our house
 I am sure we all will have such experiences. Imagine your boss says to you that 
he/she is visiting you in your house next day. How would we leave our house??? Sure, 
maximum neat and clean. It is natural and shows the respect to the person.
Now, hear comes the Lord and King, Savior of the world, Master of us all. The 
Church announces His coming and asks us to do a clean up in our hearts, in our lives, 
in our families, in our relationships etc. Have we begun??? If not this is the day, 
this is the moment. "Prepare the way for the Lord". OK, Let's do it. God bless you all.
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2001-11-21 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Friends,
I praise and thank the Lord for this wonderful fellowship we have through 
joynet. I go through every mail that comes on the joynet, though I don't write or 
commend much. I intervene only when needed. Now I hope you remember me posting a 
request for help from Bangaloor people a few days ago. I got almost twelve replies in 
two days, all willing to help. I just want to thank each and every one who wrote to me 
and also to point out how blessed a fellowship we have here. May the great name of the 
Lord be blessed for this wonderful fellowship with which He has blessed us. God bless 
you all.
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2001-11-16 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Bangaloor Friends,
I am sorry that I send this to the whole group. Since I don't have the 
personal id of any of the Bangaloorians I thought this would be the best way.
Now, the matter is that I need some help from Bangaloor. I need some things 
from NBCLC. So can any of you send me the personal ids of any Bangalor Friends. I 
shall write to them the details. Looking forward to your reply I remain.
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck, NJ,USA

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[JOYnet] HAPPY FEST ]]]]]]]]]]]]

2001-11-01 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving Friends in Jesus,
  Hope you all are aware that today the Church celebrates the feast of 
"All Saints". This is a feast that comes down to us from the very early times of the 
Church- at least from the 4th century AD. This, basically is an affirmation of the 
article of faith that we profess in the creed by saying "we believe in the communion 
of the saints". There are millions of faithful who have gone ahead of us "fighting the 
good fight and running the good race", whom the Church has not officially canonized. 
But she ascertains the fact that they are ion the company of God, by celebrating this 
feast. How happy to learn that many of our beloved - parents, brothers and sisters, 
spouses, children, cousins, in-laws, relatives, friends etc.- are in glory with the 
Lord. Let us also look forward to the day when we will join them to sing the unending 
praises of the Lord.
 A note: this feast was celebrated universally from the 4th cent. 
which means all the christian faithful. Even those who now deny the veneration of the 
saints and prayer to them, once used to pray and praise them. Later for various 
reasons of their own they denied these facts. Any way HAPPY FEAST TO ALL OF YOU AND 
With Love and Prayers,
Fr.Thomas Tharayil

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2001-10-22 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Loving Friends in the Net
Fr.Thomas Tharayil

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2001-09-11 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

My Dear Friends,
   This is Fr.Thomas Tharayil from Teaneck, NJ, USA. Hope by this time you all 
might have learned about the tragic events in America. I would just like to give a 
short picture of the events and all the more urge all of you to pray very much for its 
   This morning as I was getting ready to go to college I got a call from one 
of my friends telling that the World Trade Center (the tallest building in New York - 
over 100 storied twin buildings) had a fire and is burning. Then as I was driving to 
the college I saw the two huge buildings burning down. Two hijacked planed hit the 
buildings and apparently bombed them, killing all the people in the planes too. It is 
estimated that atleast some 20,000 people would have been in those two buildings. Just 
imagine the casualties and the pains of the thousands of families.
   At the same time another hijacked plane hit the Pentagon (America's) top 
defense center in Washington DC. Two other planes more have been hijacked, of which 
one crashed in Pennsylvania. The other is missing. The whole nation is under panic, 
pain, fear and furry. All over the country prayers are going on. Till this moment 
there is no clear news about how many people died, if any of our friends are in it 
etc. I shall try to keep posted as more news is out.
   A tragic thing is that some people supporting the terrorist groups are 
enjoying and even celebrating it even here in this country like elsewhere. We don't 
know what all things are going to happen in the wake of these attacks. From the 6th 
floor of the hospital that I work I can still see the smoke from the twin towers that 
were burned down. Tears run down my ears. I stop for the moment.
  Dear friends, pray, pray for all. The victims, the families, the attackers, 
the leaders of the nation etc, etc, PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL, BECAUSE ALL THE DECISIONS 
With Love and Prayers,
Fr.Thomas Tharayil

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[JOYnet] MANY MANY THANKS ]]]]]]]]]]]]]

2001-08-06 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

My Dear Loving Friends in the Net,
 I thank you all from my heart for the prayers and loving wishes on my 
B'day. This was the first time it came to be known by so many people. Though I 
personally do not give much attention to such celebrations I do thankfully acknowledge 
the feelings expressed by all of you.
 At this point I would like to share some thoughts with you all. It is 
because our group administrators asked very strictly that I gave the dates. There had 
been years when I did not even notice that Aug.5th passed. But this year I am still 
more convinced of the faithfulness of our good Lord in fulfilling His promises. For He 
has promised us that whoever leaves the parents, family, brothers or sisters for His 
sake, will get a hundred fold of such in this life itself. How true it is in my case 
when I see all of your love for me. He has given me not hundreds but thousands of 
moms, dads, brothers, and sisters to love and to be loved by. Thank you my Lord for 
you are faithful ]]
 Yesterday (Aug.5th) as usual I was away in a parish preaching for my 
mission diocese. I had to go on Saturday evening and preach for the seven Masses (Sat 
& Sun). After all that I started back at 6.00 pm on Sunday. As I was driving back, I 
began to reflect of the fact of my B'day. "Here I am Lord, thousands of miles away 
from my parents and family, on my b'day; still doing your work. I know you are 
faithful and will reward me. etc." I had no celebration at all, just another day as 
usual in the work for the Lord.
  Today as I opened the e-mails I see the ocean of wishes and prayers as a 
confirmation of my belief. Dear friends, this is the life of a priest or a religious. 
Where ever we are, the Lord provides. When we forego for Him, He gives to us in 
abundance. So do not be afraid if He wants you to follow Him in a special vocation.
  Once again THANKS, THANKS, THANKS A MILLION to all of you. May the good 
Lord bless you all.
With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil,
Teaneck, NJ, USA.

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2001-06-30 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Dear Friends all over the world,
This is Fr. Thomas Tharayil from USA. Hope you are all fine. I write this to 
request your valuable prayers in a special way for the up coming National Family 
Conference of the leaders in Indian American Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
 "Kairos-2001", as it is named, is a conference where all those who are 
actively involved in the Charismatic movement among the  Malayalees in America come 
together to pray, study, share and strengthen the fellowship. This year we are having 
it at Malvern Retreat Center in Pennsylvania, from July 5th to 8th.
 These conferences are also an effort to unify and coordinate the renewal 
activities among our people in America, and consequently there are much difficulties 
also. Therefore I would like to request you all to pray in a very special way for the 
conference that the Spirit of God may work effectively and the conference may be a 
great success as He wants it to be. Will let you know more of "Kairos" as it gets over.
Fr.Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck, NJ,USA

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[JOYnet] HAPPY FEAST]]]]]]

2001-06-22 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL

Hi Dear Friends in the net,
  As you may know today the Church celebrates the feast of The Most Sacred Heart 
of Jesus. We all know how deeply Jesus loves each of us. That love is what brings us 
together and keeps us in love. So I though of wishing you all a very happy and blessed 
feast. Let us dedicate ourselves anew to that Most Holy and Loving Heart, that He may 
ever keep us in His loving heart. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus keep you and your 
families in His loving embrace.

With Love and Prayers,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Teaneck, NJ, USA

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