[JOYnet] Suicide : A Query

2002-07-06 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear JYs

We have recently read the 2 Part mails of Father Thomas on whether Sucide is 
a Sin or not. It was really a wonderful sharing. I had recently been for a 
Retreat. There the Priest had mentioned that a Person committing Suicide is 
as good as Handing over ur Soul to the Satan.

My Question is : Considering that a person commits Suicide and knowing that 
his Soul is as good as lost. Is then fruitful then praying for his Soul or 
would it be waste to do so

Please note i am not saying that it is waste to pray for any1. But 
considering in this case of suicide or like euthanasia whatever the case may 
be would it be fruitful then to pray for that soul.

I would really love ur views on this.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] He moulded me instead

2002-06-11 Thread Jason Herbert

He moulded me instead - by Sue Henly

I just had my 25th wedding anniversary. What an accomplishment. I've only 
contemplated divorce about 1 million times over the last 25 years, so you 
can imagine my surprise over reaching this milestone.

I have been complaining about this man for about 9,125 daysgive or take 
a few days. My life is not how I envisioned it. Every major fight we've ever 
had has been over money. How you fight about something you don't have is 
beyond me. There was also the big fight over the candle light dinner I 
fixed...it seems he wants to see what he eats! He has seldom paid me a 
compliment. He rarely buys me presents. He won't learn how to massage my 
back. He won't wear shorts or swim trunks. We have only been on one family 
vacation in 25 years. He has never disciplined our girls, thus leaving me as 
the repeated bad guy! He refuses to go grocery shopping and continues to 
sneak and smoke after a bilateral carotid endartectomy. AND he spends way 
too much time in his recliner!

This same man wouldn't miss a day of work unless he was half dead and he 
hands over his check every payday. He would drive day and night to pick up 
either of our girls if they needed him. He loves my mom and Granny almost as 
much as I do. If you called him and said, "I'm Sue's friend, we've never met 
and my car won't start".he would be out of the door in a flash to 
help you out. What an incredible father he has been. I know he loves our 
girls as much as I do! He has never complained about how much I've spent on 
either childno matter how out of budget I went. Since he knows how I 
hate to cookhe hasn't complained (much) about the 20,000 fast food meals 
we've consumed. He almost drowned as a childwhich is why he doesn't 
swim...and maybe if we didn't make fun of his ultra white legs.he'd 
wear shorts. He doesn't drink alcohol and is forbidden to use the words that 
are unacceptable to children's ears (and mine). He hates to leave our sleepy 
little town.but, encourages me to go where I want to and he always seems 
happy to see me as I make it back up the driveway.

I cannot begin to tell you the number of conversations I've had with God 
about him.

"Lord, I'm so UNhappy. Life is too short and I know you don't want me to be 
UNhappy!" He'd whisper."Make yourself happy with him, Sue" "I can't live 
with him another minute, Lord. You're up there watching the whole vast 
universe and I don't think you see me down here, miserable!"

"Oh, I see you. I'm here, always and forever. Speak to me."

"I am speaking to you! I want to have some peace in my life, you know, 
Lordbut I don't want you mad at me! He's driving me crazy!"

"And he's doing what?"

"First of allhe's breathing my air!"


I spent so many years praying for God to change him. God doesn't play fair 
sometimes. It seems that all along God was changing me. I had to come face 
to face with the fact that 'submissiveness' just isn't my best quality. (Not 
even close!) But, I spend a small part of each day working on it. I was so 
busy with my girls and my life that I didn't realize how little of myself I 
gave to him. I concentrated on the fact that we were polar opposites and he 
would never be able to fill that part of me that needed filled. I didn't 
realize I wasn't playing fair either because I hadn't reached into myself to 
give him the part of me that needed nurturing. The poor man was walking in 
the dark. He didn't have a clue. I think we both wondered if love was 

We were at a family reunion and someone asked where he was. I gleefully told 
them he was working overtime! Someone said, "Poor Leonard." It's become a 
family joke to say "Poor Leonard" because it grates on my last nerve! My own 
mother looked at me and said, "Do you notice no one ever says, "Poor Sue"? 
It felt like ice water had been dumped on my head. It was SO very true! That 
day my eyes started to open.

So, at the ripe old age of 47, I've learned that happiness is a state of 
mind. You can be hopelessly in love and decide you don't want to be happy. 
He still does things that drive me totally over the edge. But, I am 
receiving the nuturing that I have so long desired. I made up my mind that's 
he's not responsible for my happiness with him.I am. I can hold grudges 
over what he's not done or done badlyor I embrace all the fine things he 
does so well. So this morning, and hopefully every morning for the next 50 
years, I choose to keep my family whole, to love with all my heart and 
please God and myself.


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Re: [JOYnet] the copy cat

2002-06-10 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear Lina & Other JYs

It is really humurous to know that Josun copied Leena's dog name and he 
becomes a Copy Cat. He should be a Copy Dog. hehehe  For me I guess the 
only good reason I can think of Lina trying to sue for Violation is that 
because after 5 years of LL.B. she is now compatible to be an Advocate. 
Hence you can proudly see that Adv. in front of her name. So all those 
seeking to file litigations can always refer her.

The sharing of Josun as usual was good. There are so many of us who take 
such moments for granted and then with such sharings we do have to remember 
that every moments of Joy and happiness in our family do count with praise 
to our Lord. I love the part when he used all the Surf Ariel to clean the 
puppy. Reminds me of the Advertisement of Surf Excel (not Ariel) they show 
on our TVs. I think many of us have seen it. But for those who havent. It 
basically shows how clean clothes become so dirty that it would be 
unimaginable for the owner to wash them. Till someone comes and says the 
most important caption of the Ad "Ghar par Surf Excel hain na".[You have 
Surf Excel at home rite].  which would mean that as long as u have Surf 
Excel at home, then why worry about how much your clothes can get dirty. It 
reminds us that as long Jesus is there within our heart then no matter which 
way we are rubbed or how much dirt in life is thrown on us after all "Dil 
mean Jesus hain na".

And then lets remember from this great episode of Josun and his Mom. "A 
Little Massaging gives a good Messaging." hehe so go pamper the Lord it is 
surely gonna pay u dividends .

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] 2 New Faces on JoyNet

2002-06-07 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear JYs

First of all I would like to wish you all a Happy Sacred Heart Feast. Yep 
today is the Big F - of our beloved Sacred Heartof Jesus. Its so unusual, no 
mails so far wishing us all abt the Feast.

Anyways I take this opportunity to introduce two new faces on Joynet. Both 
are from Mumbai.

1) Jennifer D'souza ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - I guess you all must have got 
her email by now titled "Birthday Wishes - Thanx".  We are blessed to have 
two Jennifer's from Mumbai now out here on Joynet. So as usual there were 
some of us who did get confused in replying to her. Jennifer is a good 
friend and former office colleague of our own Welchy and after hearing so 
much about us wonderful people :) she has joined us.  At present she is in 
the prayer grp of her parish. I had an opportunity of meeing her recently 
and is a wonderful person to know.

2) Jefferson Herbert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Yeah my own brother.  
Actually more my funee half... :) After finally filling his head for over a 
year with the wonderful moments experienced by me with u wonderful ppl., he 
has finally joined us. My brother has just given his TY exams and is 
awaiting his results patiently which are due any moment so do keep him in ur 

Anwyays hoping to find more ppl signing up and more wonderful sharings out 
here on JY.

with best wishes in faith


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[JOYnet] The Difference of One

2002-06-06 Thread Jason Herbert

Can one dime make a difference? Here is a woman who turned a dime into 
millions of dollars.

Her name was Martha Berry. This clever woman founded the Berry School in 
Rome, Georgia. She scraped together funds from every source possible. One 
day she approached Henry Ford, of Ford automobile fame, and asked for a 
contribution. Patronizingly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a 

Rather than be insulted or discouraged by the "gift," Miss Berry bought a 
package of seed peanuts with it. The seeds were planted and tended, and they 
eventually yielded a large crop, which she later sold.

Again she called on Mr. Ford. "Here's the dime you gave me last year," she 
said, handing him a coin. Then she told him of the return she had realized 
from his token investment.

Ford was so impressed that, in the years to come, he gave millions of 
dollars to the school.

Can one dime make a difference? Yes, if we invest it well.

How about one hour of your time? Can it make a difference? Or how about the 
life of one person? Can a life like yours or mine really make a difference? 
The answer to each of these questions is the same: Yes, if we invest it 

Now...how are your investments doing?

>From Steve Goodier's TOUCHING MOMENTS .

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[JOYnet] Lord Jesus Let Me Know Myself

2002-05-26 Thread Jason Herbert

Lord Jesus Let Me Know Myself

by St. Augustine of Hippo

Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know You,
And desire nothing save only You.
Let me hate myself and love You.
Let me do everything for the sake of You.
Let me humble myself and exalt You.
Let me think of nothing except You.
Let me die to myself and live in You.
Let me accept whatever happens as from You.
Let me banish self and follow You,
And ever desire to follow You.
Let me fly from myself and take refuge in You,
That I may deserve to be defended by You.
Let me fear for myself, let me fear You,
And let me be among those who are chosen by You.
Let me distrust myself and put my trust in You.
Let me be willing to obey for the sake of You.
Let me cling to nothing save only to You,
And let me be poor because of You.
Look upon me, that I may love You.
Call me that I may see You,
And for ever enjoy You. Amen.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] May this Bring a smile on ye faces

2002-05-23 Thread Jason Herbert

Hoping that this catches you all in the best of humour:

A businessman who needed a hundred thousand dollars to clinch
an important deal went to church to pray for the money. By chance he knelt 
next to a man who was praying for $100 to pay an urgent debt.  The 
businessman took out his wallet and pressed $100 into the other man's hand. 
Overjoyed, the man got up and left the church. The businessman then closed 
his eyes and prayed, "And now, Lord, that I have your undivided 


Timmy was a little five year old boy that his Mom loved very much and, being 
a worrier, she was concerned about him walking to school when he started 
Kindergarten. She walked him to school the couple of days but when he came 
home one day, he told his mother that he did not want her walking him to 
school everyday. He wanted to be like the
"big boys." He protested loudly, so she finally got an idea of how to handle 

She asked a neighbor, Mrs. Goodnest, if she would surreptitiously follow her 
  son to school, at a distance behind him that he would not likely notice, 
but  close enough to keep a watch on him. Mrs. Goodnest said that since she 
was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get 
  some exercise as well so she agreed. The next school day, Mrs. Goodnest 
and her little girl, Marcy, set out following behind Timmy as he walked to 
school with another neighbor boy he knew. She did this for the whole week.

As the boys walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, the little friend 
of Timmy noticed that this same lady was following them as she seemed to do 
every day all week. Finally, he said to Timmy, "Have you noticed that  lady 
following us all week? Do you know her?"  Timmy nonchalantly replied, "Yea, 
I know who she is."
The little friend said, "Well who is she?"
"That's just Shirley Goodnest" Timmy said.
"Shirley Goodnest? Who the heck is she and why is she following us?"
  "Well," Timmy explained, "every night my Mom makes me say the 23rd  Psalm 
with my prayers 'cuz she worries about me so much. And in it, the prayer 
psalm says, "Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my 
life." so I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Psalm 23:6.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my 
life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Just A Little Something To Make You Laugh

The Dentist's Hymn:.Crown Him with Many Crowns
The Weatherman's Hymn:There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
The Contractor's Hymn:...The Church's One Foundation
The Tailor's Hymn:..Holy, Holy, Holy
The Golfer's Hymn:..There's a Green Hill Far Away
The Politician's Hymn:Standing on the Promises
The Optometrist's Hymn:.Open My Eyes That I Might See
The IRS Agent's Hymn:...I Surrender All
The Gossip's Hymn:..Pass It On
The Electrician's Hymn:.Send The Light
The Shopper's Hymn:Sweet By and By
The Realtor's Hymn:.I've Got a Mansion, Just Over The
The Massage Therapists Hymn...He Touched Me
The Doctor's Hymn:..The Great Physician

For those who speed on the highway - a few hymns:

45mphGod Will Take Care of You
55mphGuide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
65mphNearer My God To Thee
75mphNearer Still Nearer
85mphThis World Is Not My Home
95mphLord, I'm Coming Home
100mph.Precious Memories

Give me a sense of humor, Lord,
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life
And pass it on to other folk.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Uncle Joseph Lonth in India

2002-05-18 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear JYs

Welchy has asked me to inform you wonderful people that the Dear Uncle of 
Joynet, Joseph Lonth will be in Mumbai shortly.

Apparently Uncle Joseph Lonth will be in Mumbai on June 21 night and u can 
call him early on June 22 at (022) 6121086.

urs in faith


P.S. Welchy was unable to send this mail as rite now she is grooving at 
Priya's Wedding... hehe... so dont forget to catch up with her as well at 
Priya's Wedding.

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[JOYnet] The Force Be With Who ? ? ? - referring to Irma's and Welchy's Mail

2002-05-10 Thread Jason Herbert

[This mail refers to Irma's mail; sharing of Welchy and Star Wars, the 

Dear JYs.

I would like you all to refer to two wonderful emails sent here by Irma 
Raymond on Harry Potter on 23-4-2002 and by Welchy Fatima Fernandes on 
behalf of Christopher on Reiki on 9 - 5 - 2002.

Now obviously one can gradually perceive that the basic bottomline of both 
emails is that Satan can be envisaged in different forms. But when you read 
both these emails closely u realise that the tool used by Satan is so well 

Let us refer to Irma's mail. I invite your attention to this para:
"The "Christian" leaders, however, defend them by saying that good magic 
always wins and overcomes evil magic. This is the oldest con game ever 
hatched out of hell. As a real witch, I learned about the two sides of "the 
force."  Apparently, so do many "Christian" leaders. When real witches have 
sabats and esbats and meet as a coven, they greet each other by saying 
"Blessed be", and when they part, they say "The Force be with you." Both 
sides of this "Force" are satan. It is not a good side of the force that 
overcomes the bad side of the force, but rather it's the blood of Jesus 
Christ that destroys both supposed sides of the satanic "Force."

Now let us refer to Christopher's mail. I invite your attention to this 
Reiki is a subset of a system of medicine known as Alternative therapy or 
medicines of the New Age.
What is the NAM? It is a rapidly growing movement with people who believe in 
a one world government embodying the best in all religions which will 
eventually take over the world. It encompasses Astrology, Pantheism, 
Reincarnation, Channeling(a medium thru which people long since dead 
communicate), Witchcraft and Paganism

So what is common between the two. Let us look at some of the concepts of 
NAM - The New Age Movement.
* A group of divinely born and ascended masters are in tune with the Force.
* Because of divine birth, the Force lives in the blood of each master.
* Occasionally, a new master is born equally in tune with the Force.
* The new master illustrates how others can live in harmony with the Force 
then takes his place among the ascended masters.
* Another master will come along at the right time to help us feeble humans.
In this way, New Age theology prepares the world for the coming of the False 
Prophet and the Antichrist.

Now my dear JYs I am going to ask you to recognise this phrase from Irma's 
mail which I quoted in the para above:
"The Force be with you."

Any quesses. It is the famous line from the Trilogy of Star Wars. The epic 
movie. It is supposed to be a movie for children. But then so is Harry 
Potter a book for Children rite? New Age Theology speaks of the second 
coming of a Master. Let us see some films with the same concept. They all 
show man seeking for one thing - The Chosen One. These include films like:

1. Star Wars - The Trilogy

2. Matrix

3. Terminator

and many more.

Let us take a look at Star Wars. Now why am I chosing this Movie to discuss 
here. Well glaringly this movie directly brings out use
of the words such as The force and in so many ways goes against the 
teachings of Christ. It proclaims the teachings of NAM indirectly. You can 
pass this film as just a fable. However, being one of the top grosser of all 
times, it takes realisation to know what you accepted to be a great film 
turns to out to preach so much against Jesus Christ. Here are some of the 
glaring points on the film.

* In the Star Wars saga the Savior ironically becomes Anakin Skywalker 
(Darth Vader). In The Phantom Menace Anakin is referred to as the one who 
will bring balance to the Force. The message is: the one that has always 
been perceived as evil (Darth Vader/Satanic Personality) ultimately becomes 
the savior in the end = set up for Antichrist
* Anakin (anakim, sons of Anak) were supernaturally conceived of Satan or 
demons according to Biblical and extra-biblical histories.

* As Jesus was the divinely conceived "seed of the woman," the Antichrist 
will be the "seed of the serpent," i.e. the son of Satan or demons. Anakin 
is the son of the Force.

* The Antichrist will nevertheless present himself as an enlightened world 
teacher or savior. The New Age "Law of the Avatars" claims that every new 
age begins when the Supreme Being known as "the Solar Logos," a.k.a. the god 
of Forces, overshadows a human being and imparts the Christ consciousness.

* The God of the Antichrist will be "the God of Forces" (Dan. 11:38), also 
known in antiquity as Baalhazor, the god of munitions and war and protector 
of fortresses.

* Finally, Qui-Gon Jinn's name comes from a combination of Taoism and Arabic 
mythology. In Taoism Qi-Gong combines "Qi," the energy or "force" that flows 
within and around everything, and "Gong" the method of interacting with or 
controlling the Force (learned through meditation). Jinn (or genie, plural 
Jinn) is part of Arabic mythology and consists of Ghul 

[JOYnet] Pray for Welchy

2002-04-24 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear JYs

Please keep Welchy in your Prayers. Today, 25th April at 11.30am she has an 
important Meeting with her boss which is very important with regards to her 
future in the Company. Her boss has promised her a lot of things.  However 
till now nothing has yet been done. Hence she plans to clear a lot of things 
at this Meeting. Do Keep her in your prayers as she is really looking 
forward to this Meeting.

Also do pray for her computer situation in her office as recently most of 
her Office Computers had crashed cause of virus and the blame almost came on 
her. As a result for the past few days she is unable to receive and read any 
JY mails or check her email acct.

urs in faith


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2002-01-18 Thread Jason Herbert




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2002-01-18 Thread Jason Herbert

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[JOYnet] You shouldnt have by Tom Norvell

2001-12-19 Thread Jason Herbert

As she opened her diamond necklace she was overcome with joy. “You shouldn’t 
have!” she said, “But, I’m certainly glad you did.”

He unwrapped the box inside the box inside the box inside the box inside 
the box, and finally he worked his way to the tiny box containing a key to 
his new car. As he went to the driveway and unlocked the door he said, “You 
shouldn’t have!” he said, “But, man am I glad you did!”

She was dreading spending her first Christmas all alone, and her 
children called to say they were not going to be able to get there this 
year. There were just too many things going on. She understood and prepared 
to make the best of a difficult situation. She was curious when the doorbell 
rang so late in the day, but when she peeked through the window to see who 
it was she was thrilled. There they stood, children and grandchildren, 
smiling and bearing gifts. As she opened the door tears were flowing down 
her face and she said, “You shouldn’t have! You shouldn’t have. But, I am so 
very glad you did!”

“I am so very glad you did!”
He was preparing to eat alone like he had done every Christmas since his 
wife has died. So, he was shocked when he went to the door and saw the 
family from his church standing there with gifts, a full meal, and singing, 
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” He knew this year would be different. He 
was glad he would not be alone. “You shouldn’t have!” he said with a quiver 
in his voice. “But, I’m real glad you did!”

I could not stop thinking about all the things I had done wrong. Unkind 
words. Selfish attitudes. Sins I had committed. I had been a lousy example. 
I did not feel very good about myself. Then, I heard the story again. 
“Immanuel. God with us.” “To seek and save the lost.” “The blind receive 
sight, the lame are walking, the imprisoned are set free, and good news to 
the poor.” “I have come that you might have life and have it to the full.” 
“It is finished!” “He is risen!” “Peace be with you!” Tears filled my eyes. 
I fell to my knees and I cried, “Lord, you shouldn’t have! But, I am 
eternally grateful you did.”

Enjoy His gift and Merry Christmas!

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Re: [JOYnet] Drinking - reply to Christine's mail

2001-07-31 Thread Jason Herbert

I do agree with Smiju. i mean like music. the viles of
drinking can be debated upon 4ever. and wot could be even worse is
that... there are many who use to bible to support their claim. I
was remember reading an Article in the Don Bosco Madonna and there it was
written that in those days... wine wasnt treated as an alcohol.
wot the bible actually spoke abt wine was that it was used as a digestive
when people ate food. times have changed. in those days. u had
wine today in the same way  we drink water after we eat our
food.its not that in those day they didnt have water just that
wine was more preferred... the bible condemned the consumption of wine
in the context of it being used as an Alcohol

urs in faith


- Original Message -
From: Smiju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jesus Youth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Drinking - reply to Christine's mail

> Dear Christine
> I don't know I am right or wrong. If it is wrong
> excuse me. Comming to the point. It felt me like that
> u wrote this mail to justify something:) I don't know
> what it is.
> Do you know one thing.. if we argue on this subject we
> will never get into a conclusion. Yes, we can find
> words from bible which supports and objects drinking.
> Just we should ask a simple question. Which is good
> drinking alcohol or not drinking ? (It should be 'Yes'
> or 'No' no other statements) and the other one is what
> moral we give to the society by drinking ?
> find the answer.
> with lots of lov & prayers
> smiju joseph, abu dabhi
> Praise God
> with lots of lov & prayers
> smiju joseph, abu dhabi
> --- Christine Antony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Here's a thought: if God so disliked drinking, would
> > Christ have turned
> > water into wine at the Wedding Feast of Canaan?
> > It's not like He would do
> > that if drinking was something that God disapproved
> > of, right?  Or why would
> > Christ change water and wine into his blood?  Why
> > not change pure water into
> > his divine blood, why wine?  Wine has more alcoholic
> > content than beer.
> > Water is much more accessible than wine in many
> > parts of the world.  So why
> > would Christ do that if it were wrong?
> >
> > Drinking is an attitude.  Anything done in excess or
> > done in the wrong
> > mind-set is never good.  Don't drink excessively.
> > Don't drink to get drunk.
> >   Drinking wine to compliment a meal that is being
> > eaten, I think, is fine.
> > Eating too much makes you sick, too.  Does that mean
> > that eating is bad?
> > Even taking too many vitamins isn't good.  That too
> > gives a bad stomach
> > ache.
> >
> > In Christ,
> > Christine
> >
> >
> _
> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> > http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
> >
> >
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[JOYnet] Recent Prayer Requests

2001-07-30 Thread Jason Herbert


I am asking for prayer for my son. He is fighting a drug addition. He was
doing good for the last month or so and for some reason he keeps the door open
for the devile to keep telling just one more time. He went out again last
night and came back today very mad at all of us. I know that this is one of
the after affects of the drug, but so how it was different today. His wife and
I fast and pray for him every Thursday and we did that today, but again today
was different. The Holy Sprit lead to my computer tonight to ask for pray,
because the Lord is about to do somthing in his life and I can feel it. So
please pray with me for my son Anton Campbell. Thank you,
Diana Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My name is Ethel. I want you to pray for Pauline Roe, 8 years old, who was hit
by a vehicle in front of my house, after dashing into the street to get to the
other side to see her friend. The vehicle that hit her, belongs to one of my
neighbors, and, boy! does he feel bad about what he did, though it was only an
accident. Pauline is at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, in a coma, coming out
of it, but, slowly, not able to recognize her family at this time. This took
place while I was at Church and my husband, Lloyd was elsewhere taking care of
Ethel White business.



My nephew Andy has been in a tragic motor vechicle accident while stationed in
germany he has contuisions of the brain and severe lung blister damage and is
on a ventalitor, he is fighting for his life, need prayer for him and his
parents (lois douglas)


Please pray for my mother's salvation and her deliverance from the powers of
Several weeks ago, I observed my 73 years old natural mother tainting my 80
years old natural father's orange juice with I believe a poison. As a result,
my father was hospitalized for a week. Rather than living at home with my
mother, my dad is now in a board and care facility due to the recommendations
from the attending physician and the Adult Protective Service.
I believe my mother wants my father who has Alzheimer "dead" in order to
collect on his life insurance and not have to pay for the exorbitant cost of
his care at a nursing facility.
No evidence of poisoning was obtained and I did not want to pursue charges
against my mother. Of course, she denied my allegation when I privately
confronted her and is saying to everyone that I must be having some kind of
break down to have accursed her of trying to kill my dad.
I now believe she has paid someone to kill me by working witchcraft against me
so that she can continue with her more cautious plans against my dad.
In addition to praying for my mother's salvation and her deliverance from the
powers of darkness as she is not saved, please cover my mother as well as my
father with the blood of Christ Jesus because these evil spirits made be
attacking them also...as well as myself.

I urgently need deliverance from evil spirits that have been tormenting me for
14 years.
I have an urgent need for healing (big time). Lost health 14 years ago when
evil spirits started tormenting me. With healing I need to lose 120 pounds.
I urgently need a permanent job, and immediate prosperity (money) in order to
pay three months rent or face eviction.
I am a born again believer in Christ Jesus. I've been standing against these
attacks but have grown very weary. I need a lot of help to stand as I am very
tire and depressed. Help, Lord Jesus? I need your miracles right now.
Thank you, Velva Garrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JOYnet] Tithing!!

2001-07-28 Thread Jason Herbert

Hi JYs.

The topic on Tithin is really a refreshing one. Dr. Sindhu i do
remember a similar discussion held.. I do remember that there were
two sets of people... One set of people who felt that..
since it is God who gives us. why should we give it back to him. God
has given for our use...The other ... set of people..
felt that... since it is God who gives us. everything is
rightfully his so even 10% seems less...

While it was difficult to resolve the first set of people.. the second
set of people. felt it was a joy to give.. then a survey was
taken among the two sets.. and what was found to be surprising was that
most ... of the people in the first set. were people
who..earned a relativley high payscale.. and the people in
the second set were people who... earned a relatively low
payscale..were basically the ordinary working class..

However I have noticed one thing... that when people talk about
Tithe they only think in regard of giving 10% of their earnings to
God... I remember during one of the retreat at Divine, it was
specifically that not only 10% of our salary but atleast  10% of our time as
well should be given to God. hmmm now let me see.. how many
of us can spend 2.4 hrs with God out of 24 hrs in a day. 10% of our lives
dedicated to the lords work... that makes 36.5 days a year..
gosh  i remember the discussion some of us youth had after the
talk when we had to break up for tea. many of them had already resigned
to their faith that spending 2.4 hrs a day doing gods work or even 36.5 days
was impossible. Then when some of us had gone to the Brother who had given
the talk.. he told us how simple it was he said if we
went for mass daily.. read the bible daily... said the rosary
daily.. and said our personal prayers we can make up.
2.4 hrs a day ... Then we asked him how do we spend 36.5
days in a year with the lord he said there are atleast 52
Sundays in a year out of 52 Sundays cant we atleast spend 37
totally with him doing his will.  Wot is 37 sundays as compared to
313 weekdays where we spend time on our jobs , entertainments etc.

I remember a retreat which I had gone for at Kalyan and the Rev. Father
incharge there was giving an example on Tithing which went like this:

After one of my talks on tithing, a young man came up to me with a problem.
He told me "Father when I was earning a salary of Rs. 1000 I used to
regularly give a tithe of Rs. 100. Then I got a promotion and very soon
another promotion and now my salary is Rs. 10,000. Now Father if I am to
give tithe it will come to Rs. 1000/- my god... that is a big amount.
Please pray Father that God may work something out". So I prayed for that
young man and I prayed like this "Oh Heavenly Father you have been so kind
enough on my brother here. However he is in a bit of bother. You see.
when he was earning Rs. 1000/- he was in a position to give you 10% of his
earning as Tithe. However, now look at him ... after you have blessed him
with a bigger salary he is finding it difficult to pay you 10% and it is
making him sad. Hence please make his salary Rs. 1000/- again."

. hehe... it seems... the man got up with a shock.. and.
he asked Father Mathew for forgiveness.

However, what affects me on Tithing is that there are some parishes that I
have come to know about where the Parish Priest has actually gone door
to door... demanding Tithe from the parishners...  I do
believe giving Tithe depends solely on an individual... even though it
is required by our faith.

In this regard I need your views.do correct me if i am wrong in some
aspects :)

urs in faith

Jason, Mumbai

- Original Message -
From: Shimmy J. Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jesus Youth World Wide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 8:54 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Tithing!!

> Dear Friends in Jesus
> So happy to find a beautiful topic discussed on Joy net.
> Thank you Dr. Sindhu for letting the fire blaze.
> I have hardly heard any body sharing about Tithing.even in our prayer
> groups.
> Don't know why every body take it as an Orthodox practice!!
> People are spending some money, but nobody checks whether it is coming to
> at least 10%they don't want to call it a 'tithing'.
> We need to spread this good practise
> What Dr. Sindhu shared is exactly true, if all JY's can maintain there
> tithing account properly, they don't have to run for money before and
> each program.
> I have a little doubt, if somebody knows the exact thing do share.
> Once I heard somewhere that "the amount we spend in the name of tithing
> should be purely for evangelisation purpose!"

[JOYnet] PRayer Request

2001-07-27 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear Friends I received this Prayer Request recently


My husband and I are divorced but for over 2 years I feel like God has been
telling me to let Him restore our marriage. Neither of us have remarried;
although my husband is not interested in restoration. I know that nothing is
too difficult for God; and that though my situation my look hopeless, in God's
eyes it is not. Please agree in prayer with me that God will soften my
husband's heart and turn his heart back to God, his children, and to me (the
wife of his youth). Pray also for my husband's salvation...that he will make
Christ the Lord of his life.

Thank you!


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[JOYnet] Prayer Partners

2001-07-26 Thread Jason Herbert

I am sorry for sending out this Public mail but sometime ago a mail had
appeared here... talking about.. prayer partners.. after that i did
some info... abt it and i got a detailed reply thanx to a blessed soul
out there...

I would like to have a prayer partner please can i have the email add or
the site which i shld visit for this purpose..

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Do we take God for granted ???

2001-07-24 Thread Jason Herbert

One day a group of eminent scientists got together and decided that Man had
come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go
and tell Him that they were done with Him.

The scientist walked up to God and said, "God, we've decided that we no longer
need You. We're to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous
things, so why don't You just retire?"

God listened very patiently to the man and then said, "Very well, but first,
how about this, let's have a Man-making contest."

To which the scientist replied, "OK, great!" But God added, "Now, we're going
to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam."

The scientist said, "Sure, no problem" and bent down and grabbed himself a
handful of dirt.

God just looked at him and said, "No, no, no. You go get your own dirt!"

This was supposed to be a joke which i got from my friend. At first it did
seemed as one of those jokes amongst the many others which i received. But as
i was about to read the next joke i just realised that how much of God we do
need in our daily lives... things that we take for granted. The ground we walk
on, the air we breathe, the bed we sleep on, even the power to read this email
is given by God. And yet i wonder how many of us do thank him for all this. I
guess if we were to thank god for everything in detail that he has given and
done for us we would have to take a vacation from all our daily duties.

Now i would like your comments on two questions cause i am sure that your
views will certainly increase my faith and others here.



urs in faith


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