RE: [JOYnet] Urgent prayer request

2003-04-02 Thread Jose Kuriakose
Dear friends,

Thanks a lot for your valuable prayers.( Specially  Shaji,Varghese, Yesu
oliver,Jomon ...) Michel Chettans operation was success. Yesterday he
discharged from the hospital. Lord Jesus we thank you for your loving care
and healing touch.

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

Dear friends,

   Micahel Chettan admitted Salmania Hospital today. Please keep him
and his family in your prayers.

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

I request your prayer support for me and my family. I have some problem
while speaking. I had been to the doctor for a check up and it is revealed
that there is a small growth on the vocal chord and I need to go for
Microlarynxoscopy and biopsy if needed.

I request your special prayer for me and my family at this juncture that we
all may be filled with the Holy Spirit submit ourselves to the  Will of God.

With love and prayers,

Yours in Jesus Christ

Michael Abraham

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RE: [JOYnet] Urgent prayer request

2003-03-29 Thread Jose Kuriakose
Dear friends,

   Micahel Chettan admitted Salmania Hospital today. Please keep him
and his family in your prayers.

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

I request your prayer support for me and my family. I have some problem
while speaking. I had been to the doctor for a check up and it is revealed
that there is a small growth on the vocal chord and I need to go for
Microlarynxoscopy and biopsy if needed.

I request your special prayer for me and my family at this juncture that we
all may be filled with the Holy Spirit submit ourselves to the  Will of God.

With love and prayers,

Yours in Jesus Christ

Michael Abraham

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[JOYnet] War---- " Judgement"

2003-03-27 Thread Jose Kuriakose
  Dear friends,

 As a human being and a Christian the present war of America is
fully injustice and it is definitely wrong action. I am always wondering
when seeing lot of e-mails referring the term 'judgement' or ' do not
judge'. People making opinions about different issues. As Christinas we
should have strong opinions regarding current issues of the world. It is our

That is the reason our dear Pope not only urge his faithful for fasting
& prayer against war, undoubtfully he critisize the action of United States.
It is the true spirit of our pope against the evils of the world. The
official spokesman of Vatican recentely commented: America and its alliances
resposnsible for each killing and they are liable to pay the penality of the
May the Good Lord strengthen His Servant to enlighten the world with His
love and peace.

This Lenten I am thinking about 3 sisters in Bagdad ( Members of Missionaris
of Charity). Last week they didn't go for the Mass for the sake of chidren
in their Love Home. That is the real prayer and sacrifice.

Sindhu sister wrote about silent killing --- abortion. In Iraq 100's of
abortion cases reported,due to the fear and big sounds( heavey sounds due to

When I am looking my 6 month old Gracemol--- I am very concern about her
minute problems. No need of explanation. all of us know very well.. In
Iraq 100's of innocent wounded children suffering not even getting
medicine and food.

As unexpected Iraq killed so many soldiers and caught many as war prisoners.
Suddenly the public support come down from 71% to 38 %. I am not blaming the
us people. I am also included in that category. When I saw the dead bodies
of British soldiers I feel so sad .I realized I am a short minded person.
Compared to Iraqi killings , much more concern about us. I am far way from
the Good Samaritan.. This is my Lenten prayer: Lord give me power to
reduce the distance from the
good Samaritan Give me an open mind in order to see everyone as your
sons and daughters.

Lord Jesus I truly belive US doing real terrorism, real violence and crime.
This is absolutely war of business   Lord Jesus Have Mercy on Us..
Have mecry on America... Have mercy on Iraq..

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose--- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Re: My comments--- Love Marriage

2003-02-27 Thread Jose Kuriakose
Dear friends,

Sebastian quoted:

Imagine you found a beautiful girl. You liked her and want to get married
with her. You passed this message to her, and she also agreed it. Then you
prayed to the Lord, _Lord help me to get married with her_. But the Lord
says, my dear son, I have already selected somebody else for you, so please
forget her.

If God says you can carry on , then what is the problem? The important part
is our attitude. If Christ is our central person and we ready to accept His
will. That is the important factor.

We are talking about love marriage and arranged marriage.  90% of the
arranged marriages we are giving priority to colour, beauty, financial back
ground, family status, dowry etc.  rather than Gods wish.  We can call it

Married life, Priesthood any occasion we need preparation. For priesthood
they are spending more than 10 years.
If a boy and girl build up their relation in a matured manner, healthy in
every respect looking for marital status I feel it is OK.
We shared the cases, which is not fulfilling. If a nun or
priest come out of their orientation time without their mistakes, is it Sin?
Same way we can think about a good affair become failure

 You are not getting attracted with everyone. You are not thinking about an
affair with all the attracted persons. I remember Fr. Paul Thelakkats one
class. It was a youth programme. He commented about the specialty of man.
The capacity to take decision. Only humanbeing (he/she) can say I should
marry this boy or girlFor animals they dont have Yes/ No attitude. So this
is Gods special gift for the human being. If we can take decisions for the
Glory of God who will come against us? St. Paul says: If God is for us, who
can be against us? ( Romans 8:31)
 Another point. What is love? Love sanctifies and leads to
salvation. The relation which sanctifies both of you and leads to the
deepens of salvation then it is great.  We have to proclaim this essence of
love to the world. We have to convey this message to our youth. Then others
can realize what is true love affair.

We started our discussion with Valentine Day. We commented about
commercialization. Before blaming the world admit our mistakes. We ( Church)
are always behind the world in all areas. Just think about our festivals,
pilgrim centers? Within the circle  we can find out lot of failures When we
will come on driver seat  as the light of the world?

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose  Bahrain

NB: I agree with most of the mails which give insights to be holy.

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[JOYnet] Happy New Year!!!

2003-01-02 Thread Jose Kuriakose
We wish you a very happy New Year— a joyful, spirit filled, prayer oriented
year. In the year of Rosary, may the love of Jesus strengthen you in faith
and love through Mother Mary.

Have a blessed New Year

Grace, Rino & Jose -- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Good News !!! Baby Girl !!! Praise The Lord !!!!!!!

2002-10-05 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,

‘ Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms’  Psalm 95:2

We received the beautiful gift from the Lord. ‘Behold, children are a
heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward’
Yesterday (04.10.2002)  Rino (We) gave birth to a baby girl. Praise The
Lord!   The name we chosen for her.. GRACE MARIA JOSE.  Dear friends
thanks for your prayers. May the Good Lord bless you in His riches…….

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Back to Home!!

2002-09-28 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,

How are you all?  I am sure all of you doing fine by the grace of God.
Last one month I missed joynet. As I had mentioned earlier I was busy
with accommodation shifting, parent's arrival etc…

  We got a good flat as per our requirements. We prayed for the flat
in our prayer cell. The next day I received the telephone call for the
flat. We had one message. That also fulfilled with the new flat. So this
is the Lord's mercy and love for us.  Thank you Jesus…. . There are
plenty of friends from prayer cell and prayer group in on order to help
us for shifting.

Chachan and Ammachi arrived safely by 13th Sept. Both of them were sick.
So many friends and families prayed for this intention. We experienced
the power of prayer again. Chachan and Ammachi very happy over here.
Their health is much better. We are enjoying the days with them. Please
keep them in your prayers.

22nd was my birthday. Really I missed lot of wishes and prayers from JY
family. Good bye to 20's. Last 30 years " The Almighty has done
great things for me".  Please pray for me to lead a good Christian Life.
Especially for the grace to know the God's will in everything and to get
the courage and wisdom to obey.

Rino's maternity leave is already started. Due date is 7th October.
Please pray for the safe normal delivery and a healthy spirit filled

Yesterday first time I saw our dear Eddy Chettan in Jeevan TV. I was so
happy to see him. I have another picture in my mind about him. He shared
about 2 Timothy 2:22. It was a good session.

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose --- Bahrain

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RE: [JOYnet] Urgent Prayer Request!!!---- Correction

2002-08-27 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,
They are in Sharjah, not from Qatar.  

Prayers & love

Dear loving friends,
Please pray for a family, Sajeev, Preethi and their 2 month old baby
Jermi from Qatar. This is their first baby after several years of
marriage. I know this young couple they had gone through so many
sufferings in their life, physically and mentally. The baby is in a very
critical condition-- Jaundice and Meningitis. I request your sincere
prayers for this family. 
Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Urgent Prayer Request!!!

2002-08-20 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving friends,
Please pray for a family, Sajeev, Preethi and their 2 month old baby
Jermi from Qatar. This is their first baby after several years of
marriage. I know this young couple they had gone through so many
sufferings in their life, physically and mentally. The baby is in a very
critical condition-- Jaundice and Meningitis. I request your sincere
prayers for this family. 
Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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RE: [JOYnet] my sharing

2002-08-19 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving friends,
 I would like to add our experiences. Rino is now 32 weeks pregnant. By
the grace of God she is absolutely fine. We are using a tonic. It is
really very good and powerful. I got it from Fr. Pallivathukal when he
visited Bahrain last time. That time I was not married. But I noted it.
It includes 7 psalms. 23,46,91,121,127,136 & 139. I advise every
pregnant lady to use this tonic everyday. You will experience great
comfort and shelter. Give this tonic to your relatives & friends without

Whenever we are in prayers baby is much more moving. This year we had
blessed with the pastoral visit of our bishop. Our parish celebrated the
sacrament of Confirmation that time. We attended that mass. It was the
first time Rino felt the baby's movement.

Two weeks' back she admitted in hospital for observation just one day.
We had doubt about the movement of the baby. In hospital room I laid my
hand over her stomach and read the Psalm 23.Surprisingly the same time
both of us feel the good movement of the baby. Praise the Lord Since
the wedding day onwards before going to bed we are laying hand over each
other and praying for the blessings of the Lord. There are little
quarrels and problems in our life… But I can say prayer is the strength
of our life eventhough we are very poor in prayers.

 One month back God has chosen my wife to share the word of God in our
prayer cell. It was her first experience. By the grace of God she
prepared very well and did it nicely. Hallelujah  

 We are shifting our accommodation end of this month. Chachan and
Ammachi coming next month. Keep us in your prayers. 

Prayers & love
Jose & Rino -- Bahrain 

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of sindhu
Sent: 14 August 2002 19:37
To: joynet
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] my sharing

Dear Jancy,
very good sharing .
I too felt the same ...proud to be a mother... when i was
iwas talking about motherhood value of life etc even before that.
If you were here or i there i would 've cooked for chettai says
that i've strange  obsession for  cooking.!!
Any way man shall not live by bread alone but also by every word that
from the mouth of the LordSo we read out whole of Mathew and most of
Mark's gospel to our baby ,before we went to sleep every day, when she
inside me. And we were studying John's gospel at our weekly Bible
she had enough taste of the Lord while inside.Above all she was so
previleged that she received Jesus thru Eucharist every day when i
did..After receiving communion when i kneel down everyday,I used to tell
,"baby, here comes Jesus ,receive him since that's the best thing that
happen to you,The same i used to tell her the first time  i was to
feed her  every morning after communion.
Advertisements say "complan is the best planned food" .But Dr s of soul
would say  "Jesus is the complete planned food".Go for that food very

Have a blessed time with your baby.The babies are so precious and  what
bundle of joy.

Praying for you and fly,

Sending much love in Jesus thru the heart of Mary our mother,
 Sunil,Sindhu ,Li'l Rose,

- Original Message -
From: "jancy joshi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 2:20 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] my sharing

> Dear friends in christ I just want to share a personal experince of
> being pregnant . Iam jancy staying with my hubby in dubai iam carrying
> little life in me which is 13weeks and 6 days for today(as per
I do
> feel very sick due to the climate in dubai (summer) and my vomitng and
> morning sickness, sleepless nights with no parents to take care,
> to cook good food for me[IMAGE]. But u no friends apart from all this
> thing that makes me happy and carry on with a smile is when i had a
> where i saw my little one moving its hands and legs and when i heard
> little ones heart beat .it was a great feeling like "wow i am carrying
> life in me" You no friends i felt iam the most blessed in this world.I
> think of it and i feel proud of it. I mean a women who i got a chance
> to be a instrument in gods creation.she is so blessed na So in short
> gods wonderful instrument a servant in his work of creation. Actually
> was sharing this with shobit of joynet who told me to share to all the
> friends in joynet . And one thing that he told me motivated to share
> this. He told me chechi it might be a enlightment for people who go
> abortion. dear friends please do keep our little family in your
prayers So
> that i may always thank my lord along with other mothers in creating
> i no why the lord said i have choosen you and you have not choosen me.
> god This is my ever first sharing to so many [IMAGE] love and prayers

> Send and receive Hotmail

[JOYnet] Please Pray

2002-08-08 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving friends,

Please pray for my wife who is admitted on hospital just for observation
having less movement. Initial results shows everything is normal. Praise
The Lord…..

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose--- Bahrain

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RE: [JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

2002-06-08 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,
Dexon and Anitha commented very well. Jesus is the real answer for the
problem. Let us think what we can do

1)  Is it possible Jesus Youth to organize all Kerala campaign
against Suicides?
2)  We have lot of computer professionals. Is it good for think
about a web site-- fighting against suicides: Through the site we can
give counseling, advises etc, We can catch our Thomas Achan also.. Our
dear Pope recently said: use the possibilities of the internet
  Eddy chettan, Joseph uncle, Mathew, CC, Chackochan chettan please come
forward with your valuable comments.

Another point is Prayer Cell. Considering the family problems lack of
communication and sharing is a main factor. Few months back I read in
Sunday Shalom.   Fr.George Panackal (Divine Retreat Center) commented
about family prayer cell. Due to some kind of mispractices KCBC had
stopped the prayer cells in the initial stage. Instead of giving proper
guidance and control we gave up the beautiful Christian practice. It was
our big mistake. Are we ready to realize and re start the family prayer
cells? (We have family units in some parishes. It is entirely different
from family prayer cells) I came Bahrain in 1995. Since that time
onwards I am actively involved in our prayer group. In addition, Last 2
year I am a member of a prayer cell including 6 families. I am
experiencing the differences very well. Through the prayer cell we know
each other as a family member (more than a family member). Sharing the
problems. encouraging each other. praying together. eating togeher..
Rejoicing in the Lord abundantly.
   Through the prayer cells we will grow deep in the Christian
fellowship and definitely it will attract other communities. Let us pray
for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in the faith and love so that we
may be like early Christians.

Prayers & love

Jose Kuraikose-- Bahrain   

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jose Kuriakose
Sent: 04 June 2002 22:28
Subject: [JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

Suicide is a fashion?  Or a Solution?

Dear friends last 25 days I was just observing suicide cases reported on
one of the malayalam daily news paper. As per that newspaper 126 cases
reported. Within 25 days 126 persons suicides .The main reasons I found
out from the cases are family problems, financial crisis. . etc etc

I don't want to analysis the route reasons. Many of us know its impacts
on our society.
Share your thoughts about this social evil. How we can fight against
this sin?  What are the steps we can take? Is it possible Jesus Youth
can take any vital steps? Pray over this topic and share your opinions
in order to minimize the suicide ratio.

Send your thoughts. It is our responsibility to react with current
challenges of the society

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Pentecost Night Vigil !!!!!

2002-06-05 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends in Jesus Christ,

Tomorrow night ( Thursday—06.06.2002) we have Pentecost Night Vigil
Service in our sacred heart church. Please keep us in your valuable
prayers.  Say at least 3 Hail Mary for this intension

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

2002-06-04 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Suicide is a fashion?  Or a Solution?

Dear friends last 25 days I was just observing suicide cases reported on
one of the malayalam daily news paper. As per that newspaper 126 cases
reported. Within 25 days 126 persons suicides .The main reasons I found
out from the cases are family problems, financial crisis. . etc etc

I don't want to analysis the route reasons. Many of us know its impacts
on our society.
Share your thoughts about this social evil. How we can fight against
this sin?  What are the steps we can take? Is it possible Jesus Youth
can take any vital steps? Pray over this topic and share your opinions
in order to minimize the suicide ratio.

Send your thoughts… It is our responsibility to react with current
challenges of the society

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Thanks for your prayers

2002-05-27 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving friends,
Thanks for your prayers. I passed my driving test today.   Praise The
Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Please pray...

2002-05-26 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Hello friends,
I am going for my driving test tomorrow (4th  test ). Please keep me in
your prayers
Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] RE: Pray for Priests

2002-05-17 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving friends,
Good 'reminder' in the right time. Thanks Eddy chettan. Praise the
Lord!!! Like others I had also beautiful dreams about priesthood. It was
my hobby to cut the Papaya (KAPPALANGA-- IN OUR PLACE) in round shape
and give to everybody at home as communion. Imitating the style of
priests—way of celebrating mass, special songs, preaching etc.. Me and
brother always had these kinds of practices and enjoyed it. Some times
in front of my wife I am doing these kinds of things.

For the intercessory prayer it is better to categorize different areas
of priesthood. For example we have to pray for

b)those who are struggling in their call

c)pray for formation centers (Seminaries), formation methods

d)pray for the priests who are much involved in social activities

e)pray for missionaries, preachers, teachers, writers

f)Pray for the priests – conflicts between each other, from
superiors etc…

g)pray for the inner healing among priests, priests & parishioners

h)pray for the priests they are giving more importance to
counseling, different kinds of psychological methods other than Holy
Mass & word of God

i) Divisions among different rites

j) Pray for the Holy Spirit

 We can add this list. Eddy chettan can give a final list.
We have to pray for the priests we know personally. It is better to keep
a personal book for intercessory prayer. We can note down the names,
prayer requests.(not only for this special purpose) The advantage is we
will not forget any intensions. In our personal prayer we can go through
this book. Otherwise we can not remember more than 20-30 intensions. I
am telling this from my personal experience. The other side of the book
we can use for thanksgiving. This book will be a valuable asset in our
spiritual life.

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-05-17 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends in Jesus,

Please pray for a peaceful negotiation to get a release letter. This is
I am requesting for my friend Denny’s sister-in-law Sunitha . She got a
good offer in the Ministry of Health. She needs a release letter from
her sponsor.

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose--Bahrainl

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[JOYnet] Doubt-- Please clarify

2002-05-15 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,
I read one book. The author is saying that

1)   Jesus’ ascension has two stages
a.   Secret or private  John 20:16-17
b.   Public Acts 1:9

2) Jesus’ second coming has two stages
  a. For the saints 1 These 4:16-17 , 1 Core 15:51-58
  b. With the saints Matt. 24, Luke 21:25-33

What about our teaching? Can anybody explain the different stages of
second coming of Jesus ?  I feel we don’t have enough good articles
(scripture based) regarding this subject compared to non-catholic

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Good News

2002-05-06 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,
  This is too late to inform you that my wife Rino is pregnant. Of
course so many personal mails to joy netters I shared this joy and
requested their prayers. By the grace of God first trimester went on
very well. I would like to share the love of God through the priests
upon us.

Last year October we had gone for vacation to Kerala. That time we
started our prayers for the parenthood. One day we visited our parish
priest Fr.Sebastian Thottunkal . He is a prayerful, loving Father. We
had nice time with him. We shared the life in Bahrain and especially we
asked his prayers for our ‘preparation’. Both of us kneeled before him
and he prayed for us. He gave us a book ‘ KUDUMBAVILI’ , a beautiful
book about family life and you know the author is our dear parish priest

Fr. S.Thottunakal( Sebastian Thottunkal)

After vacation we meet our spiritual father Fr. Antony over here and
invited him for the house blessing. He also prayed for us.

In January our dearest joy net father came to Bahrain for the retreat.
On the fourth day of retreat (31-01-2002) in Malayalam I had the
opportunity to spend some time with him personally. It was really a
blessed half an hour with him and in between I told him today is my
Wedding Anniversary. He congratulated us. Moreover, during the retreat
he invited the married celebrants of January and prayed for us. It was a
great joy, honor and blessing for us. After the retreat everybody
congratulated us. Rino looks like a wedding girl and about me……. .Thank
you Thomas Achan!!  Thank you Jesus ! Praise The Lord 

Dear friends the next day we confirmed our good news…

Please keep us in your prayers

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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RE: [JOYnet] Abortion-- need urgent prayers

2002-04-11 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends, 
I had requested your prayers for a family. That lady is in India now.
All of their relatives against abortion. Praise the Lord!. But this
couple still thinking about abortion. They are going to take final
decision tomorrow. So let us pray in a special way for this family. 

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain.

   Please pray for a family ( a Hindu family from Andhra
Pradesh) they are planning abortion. The reason is they have already two
kids, twins-one year old. I got this news from my friend. He and his
wife already talked with them. But they are in a strong decision. In
Bahrain it is illegal .So they are planning to go to India.

   Our prayers can do wonders. Please pray
If somebody can send me some good articles against abortion please send
to me, I can give to my friend
Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Easter Homily by Fr.Williams

2002-04-05 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Easter Sunday Homily
Finally, Easter Sunday is here. And we celebrate with eggs, the symbol
of new life. And with bunnies, the symbol of fertility. And with lilies
and other flowers, the symbol of spring time, new life and renewal. Of
course with 30 pounds of chocolate per person! Our Gospel reading this
Easter morning gives us a view of the empty tomb, first through the eyes
of Mary Magdalene, then Peter and finally, John. Mary Magdalene and
Peter leave the tomb discouraged. "They have taken the Lord out of the
tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him", Mary says. She was
loosing her hope. She almost thought the story of Jesus ended at the
empty tomb. John on the other hand, sees the empty tomb as a sign of
hope, a sign of the resurrection promised by the scriptures and spoken
of by Jesus and so, he believes. Peter saw the signs as well but, as the
gospel tells us, he did not yet understand the scripture. Where do you
fit in this story of Easter morning? Do you, like Mary Magdalene, tend
to walk away discouraged when life, like the tomb, seems empty? Like
Peter, does it take time for you to understand the message God is trying
to give to you? Or are you, like John, able to recognize the signs of
God's presence in situations that at first seem hopeless? Can you
believe, as all three eventually did, that nothing is impossible with
God? Let us face it. Although we celebrate the joy of resurrection we
are faced with darkness and emptiness of the tomb. This is a trying time
for all us where we experience the excruciating pain of emptiness in our
world and Church. As a nation we are at war with other countries and
ourselves. Every day we wake up hearing stories about bombing and
killing, corruption and greed. Where is our true freedom? Where is our
true peace of resurrection? As the Church of God we are shadowed by
evil, the sexual scandal by the very leaders of the Church. It seems to
me that there is a spiritual suicide taking place in the Church. Did
people of Jesus' time face such test of faith? Were his chosen people
perfect in following his commandments? Right from the first Twelve that
Jesus himself chose, one was a terrible traitor. Sometimes God's chosen
ones betray him. That's a fact that we have to confront. It's a fact
that the early Church confronted. If the scandal caused by Judas were
all that the members of the early Church focused on, the Church would
have been finished before it even started to grow. Instead, the Church
recognized that you don't judge something by those who don't live it,
but by those who do. Instead of focusing on the one who betrayed, they
focused on the other Eleven, on account of whose work, preaching,
miracles, love for Christ, we are here today. The media almost never
focus on the good "Eleven," the ones whom Jesus has chosen who remain
faithful, who lives lives of quiet holiness. Faced with the empty tomb
of Jesus, Mary Magdalene left discouraged. On the other hand John sees
the empty tomb as a sign of hope. Every crisis that the Church faces,
every crisis that the world faces, is a crisis of saints. Holiness is
crucial, because it is the real face of the Church. There will doubtless
be many people these days -- and you will probably meet them -- who will
say, "Why should I practice the faith, why should I go to Church, since
the Church can't be true if God's so-called chosen ones can do the types
of things we've been reading about?" This scandal is a huge hanger on
which some will try to hang their justification for not practicing the
faith. That's why holiness is so important. They need to find in all of
us a reason for faith, a reason for hope, a reason for responding with
love to the love of the Lord The Easter miracle promises that even when
our life situation is at its most desperate, hope is still possible.
Christ's resurrection proved that in spite of what the world tells us,
evil does not have the last word, injustice is not inevitable and
darkness can be overcome. It is that reality that encourages us to
believe and to go on even when we too are faced with an empty tomb.
Jesus' action in the world did not end with the resurrection. We are
present day disciples, called to bring about the reign of God by going
forth from the tomb of despair and discouragement to spread the Easter
message-our God is alive and still with us. Because of that we can be
people of hope. It's a tough time to be a priest today. It's a tough
time to be a Catholic today. But it's also a great time to be a priest
and a great time to be a Catholic "Even dead bodies can float
downstream," Bishop Fulton Sheen used to say, pointing that many people
can coast when the Church is respected, "but it takes a real man, a real
woman, to swim against the current." How true that is! It takes a real
man and a real woman to stand up now and swim against the current that
is flowing against the Church. It takes a real man and a real woman to
recognize that when swimming against the flood of criti

[JOYnet] What is crucifixion? A medical doctor provides a physical

2002-04-05 Thread Jose Kuriakose

What is crucifixion? A medical doctor provides a physical 

The cross is placed on the ground and the exhausted man 
is quickly thrown backwards with his shoulders against the 
wood. The Legionnaire feels for the depression at the front 
of the wrist. He then drives a heavy, square wrought iron 
nail through the wrist deep into the wood. Quickly he moves 
to the other side and repeats the action, being careful not 
to pull the arms too tightly, but to allow some flex and 

The cross is then lifted up into place. The left foot is pressed 
backward against the right foot, and with both feet extended 
toes down, a nail is driven through the arch of each, leaving 
the knees flexed. The victim is now crucified. 

As he slowly sags down with more weight on the nails in 
the wrists, excruciating fiery pain shoots along the fingers 
and up the arms to explode in the brain. The nails in the 
wrists are putting pressure on the median nerves. As he 
pushes himself upward to avoid this stretching torment, 
he places the full weight on the nail through his feet. 

Again he feels the searing agony of the nail tearing through the 
nerves between the bones of his feet. As the arms fatigue, 
cramps sweep through his muscles, knotting them deep 
relentless, throbbing pain. With these cramps comes the 
inability to push himself upward to breathe. 

Air can be drawn into the lungs but not exhaled. He fights 
to raise himself in order to get even one small breath. 

Finally, carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs and in the 
blood stream, and the cramps partially subsided. 

Spasmodically, he is able to push himself upward to 
exhale and bring in life-giving oxygen. However, hours 
of limitless pain, cycles of twisting, joint wrenching 
cramps, intermittent partial asphyxiation, searing pain 
as tissue is torn from his lacerated back as he moves 
up and down against rough timber. 

Then another agony begins a deep, crushing pain 
deep in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with 
serum and begins to compress the heart. 

It is now almost over - the loss of tissue fluids has 
reached a critical level - the compressed heart is 
struggling to pump heavy, thick, sluggish blood 
into the tissues-the tortured lungs are making frantic 
effort to gasp in small gulps of air. He can feel the 
chill of death creeping through his tissues...Finally, 
he allows his body to die... 

All of this in the Bible recorded with four simple 
words, "and they crucified Him" (Mark 15 24). 

What wondrous love is this? Many people don't know 
that pain and suffering our Lord, Jesus Christ went 
through for us...because of the brutality, the act of 
crucifixion was given a sentence to only its worst 
offenders of the law. 

Thieves, murderers, and rapists would be the types 
of creeps who got crucified in those days. Yet, he..
Jesus is being crucified between two hardened 
do not lose heart when you have to do the same 
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[JOYnet] Happy Easter

2002-03-31 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose & Rino Jose -- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Abortion-- need urgent prayers

2002-03-26 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear JY family,
   Please pray for a family ( a Hindu family from Andhra
Pradesh) they are planning abortion. The reason is they have already two
kids, twins-one year old. I got this news from my friend. He and his
wife already talked with them. But they are in a strong decision. In
Bahrain it is illegal .So they are planning to go to India.

   Our prayers can do wonders. Please pray
If somebody can send me some good articles against abortion please send
to me, I can give to my friend
Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Thank you all-- Jesus Never Fails

2002-02-16 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving great family,
I had requested prayers for my sister she has severe back pain. All
the blood tests are normal. Praise the Lord. I thank you all of you for
your prayers specially those who personally mail to
me---Fr.Thomas,Densil,Shobith,Dr.Jomon,Sebastian,Welcy etc…… Her bone
scan has little problem and she has appointment to see the chest
physician on 19.02.2002. Please keep them in your prayers so that they
may be deep in their faith and will share the love of Jesus to many

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose--- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Give to Others...

2002-02-16 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Hai Priya and Sebastian …nice sharing. You shared about Luke 6:38. When
I was in 2nd standard we had a action song program.
  ALANINAKKU ALAKKAPEDUM’  ETC… ETC…  It  is still a beautiful
Dear friends this year Lord had given us the grace to give more
percentage, additional to tithe. Also Lord gave us the grace to open a
‘tithe bank account’. We opened a new account only for this purpose. I
got this idea from one of my friend Benny John . I am sure ‘My God will
meet all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus’
(Phil 4:19)

Have a prayerful Lenten season

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Urgent request --- Please pray

2002-02-09 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,
Please pray for my elder sister she has severe back pain.
They are doing different kinds of tests. May the healing touch of Jesus
protect her from all sicknesses? She is in UK with her family. Please
keep them in your prayers
Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Drunkenness is not a Sin?

2001-08-05 Thread Jose Kuriakose
the church
n)  There are church programs serving liquors  church again fails to witness
  The list can go on and on. Please tell me do we have no moral 
responsibility about the realities mentioned above
  Another point of discussion. Obedience & 
'Criticism'--this is almost always misquoted in the spiritual world. Please 
do not misunderstand the true response of people regarding the issues being 
discussed. In the gospel of St.Luke the angel came to Mary to inform the 
good news. Mary responded positively, she didnt think the words from 
angels.  I am not knowing the man  "How is it possible? " Then the angel 
explained and convinced her. Mary said Thy will be done We are always 
quoting second reaction of Mary. The first reaction of Mary is also very 
essential for our spiritual growth.
Dear friends we are in a spiritual war.  We can fight 
against evils without compromise. After the several decades our beloved Pope 
apologized to the generations only by the grace of Holy Spirit. We can hope 
and pray that  the church will proclaim DRUNKENNESS is a grievous sin with 
no exception to moderate drinking.

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Tithes

2001-08-02 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,
   I take pleasure in giving my tithes (10% of my salary) 
since I employed in Bahrain from 1995 which covers charity, church offerings 
etc etc(may be in the beginning  I was not regular)
   During these ongoing discussion about tithes it  has been 
learned that tithe & charity differs.My life partner and me are convinced of 
this reflection and decided to give the 10% as tithe apart from our time to 
time charity and other supports / offerings

To my surprise I received my current month salary with a 
good increment which was kept  pending since April .   Praise The Lord

With prayers
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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[JOYnet] Drunkenness is not a Sin?

2001-07-27 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends in Jesus,
  The promise of Christ for us is our 
salvation, the heavenly life with our Father Almighty. The whole bible 
teaches us how to achieve eternal life or how to lose  kingdom of God.
   Through these columns , I would like 
to draw the attention of everyone to one of the biggest evils-DRUNKENNESS- 
mentioned in the Scripture.

Old testament   New testament
01.   Gene 9:21-22  1.  Mathew 24:48-51
02.   Proverb 20:21 2.  Luke 21:34-36
03.   Proverb 23:21 3.  Roma 13:13
04.   Proverb 23:31-4.  1 Core 11:21-22
05.   Duet  21:20-215.  1 Core 5:11
06.   1 King 20:16-21   6.  1 Cor 6:9-10
07.   Amos 4:1  7.  1 These 5:6-7
08.Is 5:11,22-238.  Gal 5:21
09.Is 28:1-3,7  9.  Rev 17:6
10.Is 29:9-11   10. Eph 5:18
11.Is 19:14 11.1 peter 4:3-4
12.Is 28:7  12. 1 Core 10:6
13.Is 49:26
14.JR 25:15-29
14:Psalm 107:25-
15.Ecc 19:1-12
16.Proverb 31:5
17.Hos 4: 6-12

 Drunkenness is also a social evil 
which destroys individual and families. Everybody knows that this social 
cancer causes several physical and mental problems for the persons addicted  
to alcohol. In every respect it is harmful to mankind .Can someone point out 
anything good (however small it is ) in drunkenness?
 I bring your attention in this 
respect. There are priests as well as 'spiritual leaders' publicly teaching 
it is not a sin. In their view, it is just part of culture Something we 
have to accept as right. So what they argue is that limited / restricted  
drinking or occasional drinking is permissible and acceptable. We should 
bear in mind that no one is born as a drunkard. Occasional/restricted 
drinking is the first step towards addiction.
We see functions /parties/dinner 
dances etc..etc.. sponsored by local churches, where liquor is served 
accompained by rock music and all its components. Some of these functions 
are organized to raise funds for charity works undertaken by the local 
churches. THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS   A question we need to 
seriously reflect Christianity is a way of living which is above all the 
cultures of the world. It is our responsibility to invite every nation to 
enjoy the divine spirituality, happiness and peace which is totally 
different from the world.
   There are some who quote incident at 
Cane in support of their stand on drinking. Jesus transformed water into 
wine. Then wine into his own blood.. the precious blood covenant blood . 
The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin (1John1:7). 1 
Peter 2:9 says  We are chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy 
nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who 
called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. So there is no 
Do comment about this. Can anyone 
share about church teachings regarding drunkenness. I referred 'Bible  
Vinganakosham'(page.685)   St.Paul speaking 
strongly against drinking

With prayers
Jose Kuriakose--Bahrain.

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[JOYnet] Are you running as God wish..

2001-07-06 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear loving brothers & sisters
This is my first e mail and I thank God for this oppourtunity...Our
reflections about salvationDear friends we have enough good preahers,
scholars,writers,thinkers,spirit anointed personalities etc..Yet
after the 20 centuries we have different opinions about salvation
eventhough from the first century onwards we are proclaiming to the
world Jesus is the only Saviour for the mankind.I think we should have
concrete & precise opinions about the spiritual matters especially
subjects related to faith.We have our own ideas about heaven,mother mary,
saints etc...why? it good for our spiritual growth?

  God is considering each of us as his own only son ..only daughter
not one among thousands... 1 cor 9:24 " You know that many runners take part
in a race,but only one of them wins the race.Run,then, in such away as
to win the prize." The important factor is our opponents in the race are
not our brothers & sisters.Our opponent is Satan & the world.If we will
reach the victory,our life become big inspiration and help for others
to win the attain the salvation

  Well friends, a man inside the jungle..OK.. God will take care of
him.Then, what about our parents,brothes,sisters,in-laws & their relatives
cousins & their relatives,frineds & their families,colleagues..etc..
I hope & pray all of us working in this way we might reach inside the
jungle also. So...

Are you running as God wish

with prayers


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[JOYnet] Are you running as God wish...

2001-07-06 Thread Jose Kuriakose


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