[jQuery] Re: Edit-In-Place with Form plugin

2008-04-11 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Apr 11, 2008, at 3:05 AM, Chris wrote:

My problem is that I cannot edit in
place the items submitted with the form plugin without refreshing the


Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: How to get a 'fresh' ui datepicker date?

2008-04-11 Thread Jacky See

The above code has some error.
Here is my final solution: write another plugin to get the date.


div id=dateRange
Plan Date: input type=text id=eventFromDate/ to input
type=text id=eventToDate/ br/
Actual Date: input type=text id=actualFromDate/ to input
type=text id=actualToDate/


$(#dateRange input).datepickerRange({showOn:'button'});

/* Update datepicker if found and return the date */
$.fn.getInputDate = function(){
var elem = this[0];
var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(elem._calId);
return inst._getDate();
return null;

Assume from/to date have same ID prefix
options can provide suffix
options's beforeShow is overriden
$.fn.datepickerRange = function(options){
options = options || {};
var fromSuffix = options.fromSuffix || FromDate;
var toSuffix = options.toSuffix || ToDate;
options.beforeShow = function(input){
var isFrom = (new RegExp(fromSuffix+$)).test(input.id);
var prefix = input.id.replace(new 
return {
minDate: isFrom? null: 
maxDate: !isFrom? null: 
return this.datepicker(options);

On 4月11日, 上午3時14分, Jacky  See [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have found some wicked way to do it.

 This is the code where I'm writing a plugin to accept date range pair
 and auto-init them.

 //Assuming from/to date have same prefix id (e.g. #eventFromDate,
 $.fn.datepickerPair = function(options){
 return this.datepicker(
 var id = elem.id;
 var isFrom = /FromDate$/.test(id);
 var prefix = id.replace(/(FromDate|ToDate)$/,'');
 var minDate = isFrom?null: $.datepicker._getInst($
 var maxDate = !isFrom?null: $.datepicker._getInst($
 return {minDate:minDate, maxDate:maxDate};


 Any other 'cleaner' way?

 On 4月11日, 上午1時09分, Jacky  See [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear all,

  This is about the ui datepicker.

  I have an input field with a datepicker, using image as trigger.
  The field is not read only, user are allowed to input by keyboard.

  The problem is that when user type some invalid input like '33'
  the $('#input').datepicker('getdate'), will still only get the last
  selected date.

  Is that any way to get the 'fresh' date?
  Any trigger I can call?
  I need it to fill in a date range using 'beforeShow' option.

[jQuery] Re: Problems with JQuery Cycle Plugin and IE6

2008-04-11 Thread Mike Alsup

  I'm relatively new to using JQuery so maybe making a newbie error bt
  can't see where.

  I've installed the JQuery Cycle Plugin on the homepage of a website
  I've built and it works perfectly in Firefox, Safari, and IE7 but it
  crashes IE6.

  I have used this plugin before and it worked perfectly in all browsers
  and I can't see that I've done anything different.

  The line that is causing the crash is:
  codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/

  When I comment this line out IE6 loads the page. I can't find any
  documentation on a bug in this plugin so I'm at a loss.

  This is the page that crashes:

  and this is the website for the plugin I'm using:

  If anyone can help???


Looks like you copied my example page, but you've got some extra cruft
in there.

This is how I drive my demo pages:

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
// run the code in the markup!
$('code').each(function() {

but I only code it that way to ensure that my examples are accurate.
And in your case you have an extra script tag that is unneeded:

codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/code

But really you should change all that code and write it the easy way.
All you need is the following:

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {

[jQuery] learning jquery

2008-04-11 Thread sebey

what is the best way to learn jquery? quickly and easliy

[jQuery] ajax with ifmodified - handling of null in last modified

2008-04-11 Thread nacnez

In my current application I was working with jquery ajax api with
ifmodified enabled. This was working great for me and I was using 304s
to my heart's content. In a particular case, the server side
application was returning a Http code 200 but was not setting the Last-
Modified header. Because of this, in firefox I found that jquery
instead of taking it as a 200 as it is, it was treating it as a 304
and returning an error code of notmodified. The returned
XMLHttpRequest was ignored. When I debugged using firebug, I found
that the problem. The method httpNotModified in jQuery does the
1   httpNotModified: function( xml, url ) {
2   try {
3   var xmlRes = xml.getResponseHeader(Last-Modified);
5   // Firefox always returns 200. check Last-Modified date
6   return xml.status == 304 || xmlRes == 
jQuery.lastModified[url] ||
7   jQuery.browser.safari  xml.status == 
8   } catch(e){}
9   return false;
10  }
In line 3, the method is retrieving the Last-Modified header. Since
the server has not set it, the value is coming out as null.
In line 6, there is a comparison between xmlRes (value is null) and
jQuery.lastModified (value is undefined), and this comparison turns
out to be equal. This causes jQuery to decide that the status of the
call is notmodified and hence it returns a notmodified error and
ignores the server response.
I tried adding a null check inside this method (and converting the
null to an empty string) and then everything works fine.

This is something we might want to do within the jquery library
itself. Please let me know your thoughts.


[jQuery] some $.index() prob

2008-04-11 Thread hex0id

Hello guys,

recently I faced problem with index function, example in documentation
works perfectly but it's slightly simple. When I try to use this
function in more complexed way it's not working, here's what I'm
trying to:

$(#organize  ul).mousedown(
var $li = $(e.target).parent();
var $index = $(#id  ul.tabs  li).index($li);
$(#id  ul).tabs(close, $index);

this piece of code is for the tab close image situated in li

console.log always show that $index is -1. I've tried a lot of
different ways to get index of li, but all of them failed. Now the
question - maybe my understanding of this function isn't right and it
can be done in different way? All what I need is index of li element
that's hold img in it to pass it to close method of tabs.


[jQuery] Re: this ?

2008-04-11 Thread Hamish Campbell


The selector $('.highlight') is choosing all your objects that have
the class 'highligh'. removeClass still needs to know what class to
remove (ie, the method removeClass doesn't know how or why you
selected those particular elements). It takes the class name as an
argument, so to remove 'highlight' from everything that has the class
'highlight' you do this:



Note that 'this' is within quotation marks, so you're not actually
using the 'this' keyword. What $('this:even') means is: Find every
even object of type 'this'. Of course, in html there is no 'this'

To use it correctly, you'd use it like this: $(this) - note there are
no quotes. Think of it as referring to the 'subject' of a particular

Eg, in the following piece of code:


$(this) refers to the the object that was clicked.

Eg2, in the following code:

   $(this).css('color': 'red');

$(this) refers to the particular 'h1' element that is being iterated

Using ':even' narrows a selection of objects to only even ones. You
don't use it with 'this' (it doesn't really mean anything in that
context), but, for example you can do:


This would hide every second div element.

Hope this helps.


On Apr 11, 2:23 pm, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 'scuse me for the noob question here...

 i have statements like this:


 And I don't think I'm using this or :even correctly; it doesn't work

 Googling has turned up some different ways that the this keyword is
 used, and I'm not sure what is right here. I'm just trying to remove a
 class from a bunch of elements and then apply a new class to even
 numbered elements.

 Any ideas? Again, sorry for the dumb question, but googling the word
 this isn't very helpful since you get like 10 kabillion results.

[jQuery] Passing variables between two function

2008-04-11 Thread Decagrog

Hi all,
I've a newbie question about variable scope...essentially  i've two
anonimous function and i need to retrieve a variable
generated into first function and use it in the second one.

Here the basic code to get an idea of what i'm  trying...

  var pointX ;
pointX = e.pageX ;
// do some other stuff with  pointX ...

  $(document).scroll(function () {
  var docH = $(window).height();
  var   docW = $(window).width();
  docWcenter =  docW / 2;

 //here i need again pointX ...
 $(#point).css( 'position',
'relative' ).animate({ left :docWcenter + pointX + px}, 200 );

How i can retrieve it?

[jQuery] Problems with JQuery Cycle Plugin and IE6

2008-04-11 Thread kirstyburgoine

I'm relatively new to using JQuery so maybe making a newbie error bt
can't see where.

I've installed the JQuery Cycle Plugin on the homepage of a website
I've built and it works perfectly in Firefox, Safari, and IE7 but it
crashes IE6.

I have used this plugin before and it worked perfectly in all browsers
and I can't see that I've done anything different.

The line that is causing the crash is:
codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/

When I comment this line out IE6 loads the page. I can't find any
documentation on a bug in this plugin so I'm at a loss.

This is the page that crashes:

and this is the website for the plugin I'm using:

If anyone can help???


[jQuery] IE6 removing /li : bug?

2008-04-11 Thread Richard W

Hi there

I have noticed a very weird bug when using $.html() in IE6.

For example I have:
div id=content
lilist item 1/li
lilist item 2/li
lilist item 3/li

When I used


I get

lilist item 1
lilist item 2
lilist item 3

Other other browser is fine, problem is with IE6.
Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Passing variables between two function

2008-04-11 Thread Decagrog

Hi all,
I've a newbie question about variable scope...essentially  i've two
anonimous function and i need to retrieve a variable
generated into first function and use it in the second one.

Here the basic code to get an idea of what i'm  trying...

  var pointX ;
pointX = e.pageX ;
// do some other stuff with  pointX ...

  $(document).scroll(function () {
  var docH = $(window).height();
  var   docW = $(window).width();
  docWcenter =  docW / 2;

 //here i need again pointX ...
 $(#point).css( 'position',
'relative' ).animate({ left :docWcenter + pointX + px}, 200 );

How i can retrieve it?

[jQuery] Re: triggering clueTip with inline javascript

2008-04-11 Thread az

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


On Apr 9, 1:58 pm, az [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As I discussed in a previous post (unresponsive script error
 on long page with many clueTips) I'm trying to trigger clueTips
 with a javascript function instead of binding the clueTips on page

 Each link calls theclueTipfunction and passes its unique link id.
 Here is the function:

 functionclueTip( id ){
 var linkid = '#' + id;
 // bind then click


 It mostly works on Firefox, except that the waitImage is acting
 strangely.  Sometimes it doesn't show up at all.  And sometimes
 it shows up but in the location of the previously clickedclueTip!
 But the actualclueTipalways shows up in the right place.

 On IE7 it doesn't work at all.  It's giving me an invalid argument
 error that seems to be caused by .click().

 Any ideas?  Is my approach fundamentally flawed or am I missing
 something small?


[jQuery] How to use jFrame Plug-In

2008-04-11 Thread tfat


Trying to get the jFrame plug-in to work but unsure how to use it.

(see: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jframe)

I have set-up the follow div, i.e:

div id=content src=#/div and then make a call to:


Have also included all necessary js libraries.

The div loads successfully but I get a javascript error:

Line: 200364044
Char: 3
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

Can someone please let me know what I have missed and please correct/
show me the correct usage of this plug-in.

What does the callback parameter need to be?


[jQuery] Re: this ?

2008-04-11 Thread Jeff



On Apr 10, 10:50 pm, Jeffrey Kretz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You could do this:


 The this keyword is useful only inside javascript code (it won't work in a


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of Jeff
 Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 7:24 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] this ?

 'scuse me for the noob question here...

 i have statements like this:


 And I don't think I'm using this or :even correctly; it doesn't work

 Googling has turned up some different ways that the this keyword is
 used, and I'm not sure what is right here. I'm just trying to remove a
 class from a bunch of elements and then apply a new class to even
 numbered elements.

 Any ideas? Again, sorry for the dumb question, but googling the word
 this isn't very helpful since you get like 10 kabillion results.- Hide 
 quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Immediate validation

2008-04-11 Thread Taras

Hello jQuery Team:)

Sorry for banal question, but I have not found answet to it in the
So, I have simple html form and I want to validate it using jQuery
validation plugin. Everything is fine? but I want to change validation
event. In documentaion it is said that,

By default, forms are validated on submit, triggered by the user
clicking the submit button or pressing enter when a form input is
focused (option onsubmit). In addition, once a field was highlighted
as being invalid, it is validated whenever the user types something in
the field (option onkeyup). When the user enters something invalid
into a valid field, it is also validated when the field loses focus
(option onblur).

Can I change it to make validation immediate, for example onchange
event + on submit?
I was trying to configure jQuery like this :

defaults: {
immediate: true
  event: 'change',
  onsubmit: true,
  rules: {
title: {
required:   true,
maxLength:  c:out value='${BOOK_TITLE_MAXSIZE}' /

but it doesnt works for me.
Please, advise


[jQuery] jQuery plugin: Tooltip problem with disabled form fields

2008-04-11 Thread james_fairhurst


Shameful to admit but my first post is a request for help but here

I've been using the wonderful jQuery plugin: Tooltip from
bassistance.de but I haven't been able to get it working for disabled
form input fields. I don't know whether this is an issue with HTML in
general not being able to display the title attribute or with the
plugin itself.

I've tried to specifically select the disabled inputs to no avail

$('#form_style input[disabled]').tooltip();

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] Passing variables between two functions

2008-04-11 Thread Decagrog

Hi all,
I've a newbie question about variable scope...essentially  i've two
anonimous function and i need to retrieve a variable generated into
first function and use it in the second one.

Here the basic code to get an idea of what i'm  trying...

  var pointX ;
pointX = e.pageX ;
// do some other stuff with  pointX ...

  $(document).scroll(function () {
  var docH = $(window).height();
  var   docW = $(window).width();
  docWcenter =  docW / 2;

 //here i need again pointX ...
 $(#point).css( 'position',
'relative' ).animate({ left :docWcenter + pointX + px}, 200 );

[jQuery] Re: this ?

2008-04-11 Thread ripple

'scuse me for the noob question here...

i have statements like this:


And I don't think I'm using this or :even correctly; it doesn't work

Googling has turned up some different ways that the this keyword is
used, and I'm not sure what is right here. I'm just trying to remove a
class from a bunch of elements and then apply a new class to even
numbered elements.

Any ideas? Again, sorry for the dumb question, but googling the word
this isn't very helpful since you get like 10 kabillion results.

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[jQuery] Re: Passing variables between two function

2008-04-11 Thread Richard D. Worth
Declare the variable in the same scope as each of those functions is
declared. For example:

$(function() {

  var pointX;

  $(.nav_slider).mousemove(function(e) { ... // set pointX here ... });

  $(document).scroll(function() { ...// use pointX here... });


- Richard

Richard D. Worth

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 4:33 AM, Decagrog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've a newbie question about variable scope...essentially  i've two
 anonimous function and i need to retrieve a variable
 generated into first function and use it in the second one.

 Here the basic code to get an idea of what i'm  trying...

  var pointX ;
pointX = e.pageX ;
// do some other stuff with  pointX ...

  $(document).scroll(function () {
  var docH = $(window).height();
  var   docW = $(window).width();
  docWcenter =  docW / 2;

 //here i need again pointX ...
 $(#point).css( 'position',
 'relative' ).animate({ left :docWcenter + pointX + px}, 200 );

 How i can retrieve it?

[jQuery] Re: some $.index() prob

2008-04-11 Thread Richard D. Worth
try this:


The index method needs to be called on the container element (in this case,
the ul), while passing the child element.

- Richard

Richard D. Worth

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 4:48 AM, hex0id [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello guys,

 recently I faced problem with index function, example in documentation
 works perfectly but it's slightly simple. When I try to use this
 function in more complexed way it's not working, here's what I'm
 trying to:

 $(#organize  ul).mousedown(
var $li = $(e.target).parent();
var $index = $(#id  ul.tabs  li).index($li);
$(#id  ul).tabs(close, $index);

 this piece of code is for the tab close image situated in li

 console.log always show that $index is -1. I've tried a lot of
 different ways to get index of li, but all of them failed. Now the
 question - maybe my understanding of this function isn't right and it
 can be done in different way? All what I need is index of li element
 that's hold img in it to pass it to close method of tabs.


[jQuery] weird jQuery bug, but solved

2008-04-11 Thread Paul

I am building an HTA (using IE6) that is using jQuery to write some html to
a div. The html contains a script tag with content.

What (as I understand by reading through the minified code) jQuery does, is
filter the script tag, create one, add it to the head and remove it right
after. That *should* work very well, but for some reason in an HTA this very
last step fails: head.removeChild(script);

I have no clue why this is, but I checked it like this:
alert(script.parentNode == head); which returns false.

Solution: script.parentNode.removeChild(script);. Since this doesn't
affect the correct behaviour in regular HTML pages, I propose this change
for future versions.


[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin, start from last entry in container, rather than first

2008-04-11 Thread Andy Matthews

Ahh...Very nice Mike. Now if I start on slide 5, and hit the previous
button, will that display slide 4, then slide 3 ,etc.?

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Alsup
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:08 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin, start from last entry in container,
rather than first

 Does anyone know if this is possible?

 div id=cycle
 pmsg 5/p

 pmsg 4/p

 pmsg 3/p

 pmsg 2/p

 pmsg 1/p

 Assuming that I have the above code, is it possible to force msg 1 to 
 be displayed rather than msg 5?

  Andy Matthews
 Senior ColdFusion Developer

 Office:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249

 Total customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority! If you are not 
 completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me 
 know right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager 
 Aaron West at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you mean to have the show start on slide 5?  Use the 'startingSlide'



[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin, start from last entry in container, rather than first

2008-04-11 Thread Andy Matthews

That did it Mike. I like you...you've got the answers to all of my
questions, AND you already put in all of the features I request into Cycle.

So is this some sort of space/time warp? If I request a feature, will it
already have been in there before I even thought of it? Or is the very act
of my typing it out, force it to appear retroactively in EVERY person's


Have a great Friday!


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Alsup
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:08 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin, start from last entry in container,
rather than first

 Does anyone know if this is possible?

 div id=cycle
 pmsg 5/p

 pmsg 4/p

 pmsg 3/p

 pmsg 2/p

 pmsg 1/p

 Assuming that I have the above code, is it possible to force msg 1 to 
 be displayed rather than msg 5?

  Andy Matthews
 Senior ColdFusion Developer

 Office:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249

 Total customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority! If you are not 
 completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me 
 know right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager 
 Aaron West at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you mean to have the show start on slide 5?  Use the 'startingSlide'



[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin, start from last entry in container, rather than first

2008-04-11 Thread Mike Alsup

  That did it Mike. I like you...you've got the answers to all of my
  questions, AND you already put in all of the features I request into Cycle.

  So is this some sort of space/time warp? If I request a feature, will it
  already have been in there before I even thought of it? Or is the very act
  of my typing it out, force it to appear retroactively in EVERY person's

You're just predictable, Andy.  ;-)

[jQuery] Re: blockUI. To have a cancel button appeared after n seconds if the blockUI not unblocked

2008-04-11 Thread Jiming

Nobody have this requirement? Cound anyone show me some light on how
to deal with an uncloseable blockUI window please?

On Apr 7, 1:40 pm, Jiming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear sir,

 From time to time, we might have code which usingblockUIthat cannot
 unblock-ed properly. In that case, user can do nothing but refresh the
 whole page and which is not what we expected at all.

 I suggest the following options
   1. cancel_dealy: which will appear a close button, such as an
 element within theblockuidiv and have class .blockui_close. When
 click it, unblock will be called.
   2. cancelCallback: an call back function ifcancelclicked
   3. successCallback: an call back function ifblockuicalled instead
 of canceled



[jQuery] redefining a function bound to document.ready

2008-04-11 Thread Noel

I want to redefine a function that is being bound to document.ready by
someone else. Actually, I'd prefer just to unbind the function, but
the initial binding is in a file that I don't want to change, and uses
this syntax:


I understand from http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1311#comment:3 that
this syntax is not supported for the 'unbind from document.ready'
functionality that was added in 1.2.2. But I'm wondering if there is a
way around this, for instance, to redefine the function using
something like:

window['theFunction'] = function () { // my definition... };

But this doesn't seem to work -- the other definition of theFunction
gets executed in any case.

Is there any way to achieve what I am trying to do without changing
the other file?

[jQuery] Re: Problems with JQuery Cycle Plugin and IE6

2008-04-11 Thread kirstyburgoine

Hi Mike,

Thanks for replying. This is what I've done

I deleted:
codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/

and put this in head

script type=text/javascript
 $(function() {


However, now the page doesn't even load before IE6 crashes. It all
works in IE7 and Firefox but not IE6.

Thanks for your help

On Apr 11, 12:00 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm relatively new to using JQuery so maybe making a newbie error bt
   can't see where.

   I've installed the JQuery Cycle Plugin on the homepage of a website
   I've built and it works perfectly in Firefox, Safari, and IE7 but it
   crashes IE6.

   I have used this plugin before and it worked perfectly in all browsers
   and I can't see that I've done anything different.

   The line that is causing the crash is:
   codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/

   When I comment this line out IE6 loads the page. I can't find any
   documentation on a bug in this plugin so I'm at a loss.

   This is the page that crashes:

   and this is the website for the plugin I'm using:

   If anyone can help???


 Looks like you copied my example page, but you've got some extra cruft
 in there.

 This is how I drive my demo pages:

 script type=text/javascript
 $(function() {
     // run the code in the markup!
     $('code').each(function() {


 but I only code it that way to ensure that my examples are accurate.
 And in your case you have an extra script tag that is unneeded:

 codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/code

 But really you should change all that code and write it the easy way.
 All you need is the following:

 script type=text/javascript
 $(function() {

 /script- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Validate plugin 1.2.1 backward compatibility break

2008-04-11 Thread Bryce Lohr

Hi Jörn,

I've put together some simplified example pages showing the two main
use cases I'm having a problem with. I created two versions of each
page, one using Validate 1.1.2, and one using Validate 1.2.1. The
1.1.2 example function properly, while the 1.2.1 versions don't.

Validating a subsection of a larger form:

Dynamically setting up validation for editable table rows:

I put a bit of explanatory text in the test pages, but I can provide
more detail, if needed. These examples are adapted from the largest
and most important form in the application I'm creating, and thus far,
the Validate plugin has been an indispensable tool in creating the UI.
I would really like to continue using it to implement the
functionality I need, but I have to be able to support these use
cases, so I'm willing to put in whatever effort required to make it
work. :)

Many thanks,
Bryce Lohr

On Apr 10, 6:23 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bryce Lohr schrieb: [...]
  If you have any suggestions, or alternate strategies, I'd be quite
  grateful. Also, if solved, would you consider adding the patch back to
  the main distributed version? The added flexibility should be useful
  beyond just my case.

 You are right that the plugin brokebackwardscompability in a few ways,
 but so far you are the only one to report this issue.

 It would definitely help if you could provide a few more concrete
 examples - I'd like to evaluate if there are viable options to solve
 your problem without giving up the form-per-validator design. A key
 feature of that is the ability to freely add and remove elements from a
 form, without having to care about manully initializing validation for
 those or caring about event handlers.


[jQuery] Draggable table layout sorter

2008-04-11 Thread IanR

Hi guys,

I am creating a very simple data entry screen where a user can enter a
block of numbers then position them in the right columns of a table.

For example:

Col A | Col B | Col C | Col D
5   | 3|   12   |   14
9   | 4|   7 |

The first line is correct data but the second line needs picking up
and dragging across one column because it is actually column A which
is blank. I want the user to be able to pick up the row and move it so
that I can then save it to a database.

The bit I am struggling with is how to specify that 9 does belong to
column B after the user has dragged it across. Can I drag across table
cells or DIVs or something else? I want the table to look like below
 I have dragged the data across.

Col A | Col B | Col C | Col D
5   | 3|   12   |   14
 | 9|   4 |   7

Regards, Ian.

[jQuery] Re: Problems with JQuery Cycle Plugin and IE6

2008-04-11 Thread kirstyburgoine

Hi Mike,
Thanks for replying I am a newbie with this so appreciate your help.

I've changed my code now so that in head I have:

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {

and I deleted:
codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/

from the body so that the images I want to fade look like this:

div id=s1
img src=images/bag_cycle_1.jpg alt=Insulated cool bags - protects
chilled and frozen foods /
img src=images/bag_cycle_2.jpg alt=Personalise your carrier bags
- Promotional cool bags - medium /
img src=images/bag_cycle_3.jpg alt=Below zero cool bag
class=float_right /
img src=images/bag_cycle_4.jpg alt=Trolley bag /

Unfortunately, I am having problems with my server at the moment so I
could only test this locally. It still isn't working though. Now IE6
crashes before it loads any of the page.

I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious.


On Apr 11, 12:00 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm relatively new to using JQuery so maybe making a newbie error bt
   can't see where.

   I've installed the JQuery Cycle Plugin on the homepage of a website
   I've built and it works perfectly in Firefox, Safari, and IE7 but it
   crashes IE6.

   I have used this plugin before and it worked perfectly in all browsers
   and I can't see that I've done anything different.

   The line that is causing the crash is:
   codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/

   When I comment this line out IE6 loads the page. I can't find any
   documentation on a bug in this plugin so I'm at a loss.

   This is the page that crashes:

   and this is the website for the plugin I'm using:

   If anyone can help???


 Looks like you copied my example page, but you've got some extra cruft
 in there.

 This is how I drive my demo pages:

 script type=text/javascript
 $(function() {
     // run the code in the markup!
     $('code').each(function() {


 but I only code it that way to ensure that my examples are accurate.
 And in your case you have an extra script tag that is unneeded:

 codescript type=text/javascript$('#s1').cycle('fade');/script/code

 But really you should change all that code and write it the easy way.
 All you need is the following:

 script type=text/javascript
 $(function() {

 /script- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: blockUI

2008-04-11 Thread upandhigh

checl also these demos, seems it's like what you are looking for

BlockUI Plugin

On Apr 10, 5:07 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have to implement this scenario: in a web page all the stuff
   contained in the web page must be blocked and only the images should
   be visible.
   How do I create an overlay with jquery having glossy all the images
   and opaque the rest?

 Are you looking for something like Thickbox?


[jQuery] Re: How to use jFrame Plug-In

2008-04-11 Thread tfat

Can anyone pls assist.


On Apr 11, 3:04 pm, tfat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Trying to get the jFrame plug-in to work but unsure how to use it.


 I have set-up the follow div, i.e:

 div id=content src=#/div and then make a call to:


 Have also included all necessary js libraries.

 The div loads successfully but I get a javascript error:

 Line: 200364044
 Char: 3
 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

 Can someone please let me know what I have missed and please correct/
 show me the correct usage of this plug-in.

 What does the callback parameter need to be?


[jQuery] Re: blockUI. To have a cancel button appeared after n seconds if the blockUI not unblocked

2008-04-11 Thread Mike Alsup

  Nobody have this requirement? Cound anyone show me some light on how
  to deal with an uncloseable blockUI window please?

This is not something the plugin is going to do for you, but you can
roll you own.  Here's a start:

$(document).ready(function() {
var t;

function loadDiv() {

// put close button in blocking message after 10 seconds
t = setTimeout(liftBlock, 1);

// make ajax call
$('#myDiv').load(myUrl, function() {
// clear the timeout when ajax call completes

function liftBlock() {
$('.blockMsg').append('button id=closeBlockClose/button');
$('#closeBlock').bind('click', $.unblockUI);


[jQuery] Re: Problems with JQuery Cycle Plugin and IE6

2008-04-11 Thread Mike Alsup

  Unfortunately, I am having problems with my server at the moment so I
  could only test this locally. It still isn't working though. Now IE6
  crashes before it loads any of the page.

  I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious.

Well it's not obvious to me.  What is the css for s1 and the images?
Does your IE6 work on my demo pages?  http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle


[jQuery] Re: triggering clueTip with inline javascript

2008-04-11 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi az,

Unfortunately, I've completely lost the context for what you're doing  
here. Do you have a page up somewhere that we can look at to see the  
whole thing? That would be very helpful.

Karl Swedberg

On Apr 11, 2008, at 5:52 AM, az wrote:

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


On Apr 9, 1:58 pm, az [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


As I discussed in a previous post (unresponsive script error
on long page with many clueTips) I'm trying to trigger clueTips
with a javascript function instead of binding the clueTips on page

Each link calls theclueTipfunction and passes its unique link id.
Here is the function:

functionclueTip( id ){
   var linkid = '#' + id;
   // bind then click


It mostly works on Firefox, except that the waitImage is acting
strangely.  Sometimes it doesn't show up at all.  And sometimes
it shows up but in the location of the previously clickedclueTip!
But the actualclueTipalways shows up in the right place.

On IE7 it doesn't work at all.  It's giving me an invalid argument
error that seems to be caused by .click().

Any ideas?  Is my approach fundamentally flawed or am I missing
something small?


[jQuery] jQ Validation display:none validation

2008-04-11 Thread AlexGrande.com


I used the jQ validation plugin for this webpage -

I love it!

But we have dependent questions - see what happens when you click yes
or no to the tobacco question. Those dependent questions are written
in via JS from onclick events. I'd like to have those on the page but
when I make them hidden and the user clicks submit the validator still
tries to validate it. Solutions? Maybe the onclick displays them and
gives them the class value required? But I like my little JS script
that makes all the input tags required that are on the page when the
page loads.


[jQuery] Re: learning jquery

2008-04-11 Thread ^AndreA^

Probably a book is the best solution... but if you are not sure yet
(about if you really like jQuery and want to learn it) you can find
some good tutorials online...

I think you already know this link... but anyway...

Some of them are very well made and a good point to start!


On Apr 11, 3:16 pm, Snef [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Received my copy yesterday. Nice to read, easy to understand. I'd
 recommend it.

 (ordered another jQuery book also, that will be delivered next

 Further: look at examples and google a bit. A lot of examples can be

 upandhigh wrote:
  Read JQuery in Action book, you can found on main site links to it.
  it's really good and compact written and easy to understand.

  On Apr 11, 11:44 am, sebey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   what is the best way to learn jquery? quickly and easliy

[jQuery] Cycle plugin not working in IE - (I probably screwed something up!)

2008-04-11 Thread Andy Ford

Hey all, I've got the cycle plugin up and running in Firefox (mac/pc)
and Safari/mac, but It's not running in IE7 or Opera/mac.

I must have missed something. (I'm a css dev, but not great with js).
Would you mind having a peek to see where I must have slipped up?


thank you!

[jQuery] Need jQuery plugin for artwork display

2008-04-11 Thread SamCKayak

I'm looking for a jQuery extension to show off artwork.  Maybe 10 to
100 paintings.  Maybe more.

There are so many jQuery extensions I need some help finding the
needle in the haystack.

Any recommendation appreciated.

Is there anything that will perform album cover flipping like iTunes?



[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin not working in IE - (I probably screwed something up!)

2008-04-11 Thread Mike Alsup

You need to remove the trailing comma in functions.js:

pager: '#slide-numbers',

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Andy Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey all, I've got the cycle plugin up and running in Firefox (mac/pc)
  and Safari/mac, but It's not running in IE7 or Opera/mac.

  I must have missed something. (I'm a css dev, but not great with js).
  Would you mind having a peek to see where I must have slipped up?


  thank you!

[jQuery] Jquery, AJAX and MySQL update

2008-04-11 Thread Chris Jones

Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. I've been reading jquery.com 
tutorials and others online to try and create a sortable drag and drop 
list which updates a mysql table using AJAX. After a few hours of head 
scratching I finally got most of it, but I'm stuck on the bit that 
passes the serialised data via AJAX to the script. Here is the script.

accept: 'item',
update: function(sorted) {
serial = $('#list').sortable('serialize');
data: serial.hash,

If I replace the line data: serial.hash with data: 
name=Johnlocation=Boston as in the jquery.com example then my 
updatesql.php file will run - obviously without the correct data. So 
I'm guessing that's the offending line. Can someone see an obvious 
problem? I can post the full HTML/PHP code if required although this is 
the offending bit.

I'm using jquery-1.2.4a.js, ui.base.min.js, ui.draggable.min.js, 
ui.droppable.min.js, ui.sortable.min.js.

Hope someone can help,
Thanks in advance,

[jQuery] Re: corner plugin on Safari

2008-04-11 Thread Derek Allard

The problem in the corner rendering seems to only come if there is a
delay in getting the css.  This only happens in Safari 3.1 that I can
see.  Here's a test case.

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en

link rel=stylesheet href=corner_test.css.php charset=utf-8 /

script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8 src=jquery.js/
script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {



and here's the css.php file


html {
background-color: #3e4c54;

div {
background: #1c282f;

[jQuery] Re: corner plugin on Safari

2008-04-11 Thread Mike Alsup

  The problem in the corner rendering seems to only come if there is a
  delay in getting the css.  This only happens in Safari 3.1 that I can
  see.  Here's a test case.

I guess that makes sense.  The corner script tries to determine the
appropriate color for the corners that it rounds.  In this case it
would seem that the right corner color changes after the script has

[jQuery] Re: corner plugin on Safari

2008-04-11 Thread jonesbot

On Apr 11, 2:02 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess that makes sense.  The corner script tries to determine the
 appropriate color for the corners that it rounds.  In this case it
 would seem that the right corner color changes after the script has

Any ideas why this would have changed from Safari 3.0 to 3.1?  Is it
telling the document that it's ready earlier than it used to maybe?

[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin not working in IE - (I probably screwed something up!)

2008-04-11 Thread Andy Ford

perfect!  Thank you so much for taking the time to look this over and
post your feedback.  I figured it had to be something along these
lines, but I just couldn't find it.  Interesting how the different
browsers handle things like this.

Thank you thank you thank you!

On Apr 11, 11:23 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to remove the trailing comma in functions.js:

 pager: '#slide-numbers',

 On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Andy Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey all, I've got the cycle plugin up and running in Firefox (mac/pc)
   and Safari/mac, but It's not running in IE7 or Opera/mac.

   I must have missed something. (I'm a css dev, but not great with js).
   Would you mind having a peek to see where I must have slipped up?


   thank you!

[jQuery] Re: Jquery, AJAX and MySQL update

2008-04-11 Thread Scott Sauyet

Chris Jones wrote:

accept: 'item',
update: function(sorted) {
serial = $('#list').sortable('serialize');
data: serial.hash,

Have you tried doing an alert on serial.hash?

I don't know that property.  The sortable('serialize') function returns 
a String that should be all set for being part of a URL, so you might 
just try

data: serial,

Where is that hash property defined?

  -- Scott

[jQuery] Resizing table columns with colspan

2008-04-11 Thread oravecz

I've been successful keeping a couple tables in sync with regard to
the column widths for some time. Nothing fancy here; both tables have
the same number of columns and one table is the master with the data,
and the other is a header table. I set the column widths on the header
table to the values provided by the master. I'm using jQuery's builtin
width() function for reading and writing this property. Works great.

NowI need to add a new row to my header table, and the columns in
this row will have a colspan. Now there is no resizing taking place,
anywhere. No browser I have tested on (FF2, IE6, IE7) works.

The last row of my header table has the same number of columns as the
data table. I thought simply picking that row as the resize target
will cause the rows above it (with the colspans) to automatically
adjust. No dice. I then tried starting with the colspan cells and
setting their width along with the other rows widths. No dice.

Anyone have a solution to this, or have seen an example with colspans
that seems to be working?

-- jim

[jQuery] help with regex? converting plain text with line breaks to ol with lis

2008-04-11 Thread rolfsf

It's a bit off topic, perhaps, but using jQuery I want to get the
contents of a plain text file, and convert each line to a list item in
an ordered list. Being a designer, the regular expression syntax just
stumps me... \n\r\???

Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?


[jQuery] Re: Jquery, AJAX and MySQL update

2008-04-11 Thread Chris Jordan
yeah, the other method of passing data via ajax is:
url: myurl.php,
type: post,
data: {variablename:value, variablename2:someJSValue},

you could declare an object that contains your arguments that you want to
pass in to updatesql.php like this:

var args = {}
args.name = John
args.location = Brisbane
args.SomeOtherVariable = someJSVariable

then you could do:
url: myurl.php,
type: post,
data: args,

where args is the object that you just created.

Hope this helps! :o)


On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Scott Sauyet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chris Jones wrote:

 accept: 'item',
 update: function(sorted) {
 serial = $('#list').sortable('serialize');
 data: serial.hash,

 Have you tried doing an alert on serial.hash?

 I don't know that property.  The sortable('serialize') function returns a
 String that should be all set for being part of a URL, so you might just try

data: serial,

 Where is that hash property defined?

  -- Scott


[jQuery] Re: Jquery, AJAX and MySQL update

2008-04-11 Thread Chris Jones

Hi Scott,

The hash was a suggestion on another site. I have tried it without it as 
well but no joy. If I alert the serial on success I get what I would 
expect ie. item[]=2item[]=3item[]=10

At the moment the updatesql.php file is simply setup so if the page is 
called it connects to the database and updates a record. I dont make use 
of the 'serial' data. This is how I know its not working. If I do :

data: serial.hash or data: serial, = nothing gets updated.
data: name=Johnlocation=Boston = the table gets updated via updatesql.php


Scott Sauyet wrote:

 Chris Jones wrote:
 accept: 'item',
 update: function(sorted) {
 serial = $('#list').sortable('serialize');
 data: serial.hash,

 Have you tried doing an alert on serial.hash?

 I don't know that property.  The sortable('serialize') function 
 returns a String that should be all set for being part of a URL, so 
 you might just try

 data: serial,

 Where is that hash property defined?

   -- Scott

[jQuery] Re: Improving upon the jQuery Plugin Template

2008-04-11 Thread oravecz

Thanks Ariel, that's a way of exposing an external api that I hadn't
thought of.

-- jim

[jQuery] Detecting Javascript error in IE and then displaying a more helpful message to the user

2008-04-11 Thread cfdvlpr

We're noticing that some users of Windows Vista are getting Javascript
errors and are not able to use our site.  Is it possible to use jQuery
to detect when there's a Javascript error and then display our own
customized alert statement to help them fix it?

[jQuery] Re: Jquery, AJAX and MySQL update

2008-04-11 Thread Scott Sauyet

Chris Jones wrote:
The hash was a suggestion on another site. I have tried it without it as 
well but no joy. If I alert the serial on success I get what I would 
expect ie. item[]=2item[]=3item[]=10

 [ ... ]
 data: serial.hash or data: serial, = nothing gets updated.
 data: name=Johnlocation=Boston = the table gets updated via

Is that on success based upon the AJAX success function?

If so, then your PHP is actually responding with a good error code, and 
you need to do some fiddling in the PHP to see what's happening.

If you don't get that far, I would suggest something like the 
LiveHTTPHeaders plugin for Firefox to do some testing on the client side.

Sorry I don't have more definitive answers.  Good luck,

  -- Scott

[jQuery] Re: Detecting Javascript error in IE and then displaying a more helpful message to the user

2008-04-11 Thread Josh Nathanson

You can use plain vanilla Javascript try/catch to catch the errors.

That being said, you should probably track down exactly what the errors are, 
and try to eliminate them.  Testing in IE6/7 is important, as there are some 
errors which do not show up in Firefox (trailing commas are a big one) that 
will cause error alerts in IE.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: cfdvlpr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 1:41 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Detecting Javascript error in IE and then displaying a 
more helpful message to the user

We're noticing that some users of Windows Vista are getting Javascript
errors and are not able to use our site.  Is it possible to use jQuery
to detect when there's a Javascript error and then display our own
customized alert statement to help them fix it? 

[jQuery] Re: Detecting Javascript error in IE and then displaying a more helpful message to the user

2008-04-11 Thread cfdvlpr

Well, the problem was fixed by doing a Reset Internet Explorer
Settings which makes me think it's not a problem with our code, but
with the browser going wonky itself.  I was thinking of using jQuery
to detect if there's an error and if the browser IE7/Vista and then
displaying an alert statement asking the user to try Resetting their
Internet Explorer Settings.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery, AJAX and MySQL update

2008-04-11 Thread Chris Jordan

The hash idea that the other site was talking about is what I was telling
you in my previous post. I do this all the time:

function myFunction(email){
   var args = {};
   args.name = $('#nameid').val();
   args.location = $('#locationid').val();
   args.email = email;
   args.someStringLiteral = I am a string!;

  data: args,

Note that in JavaScript what a hash (or what I would call a structure) is
also an associative array, and it's an object, and both can be accessed
using either dot or array notation. So if you had an object
(hash/structure/associative array) called 'session' you could access the
'loggedin' property by saying session.loggedin or session['loggedin']. You
could set up that hash/associative array/struct/object as I've mentioned

var session = {};
session.loggedin = true;


var session = {loggedin:true};

Check this excellent page (http://www.quirksmode.org/js/associative.html)
for much more detailed information. :o)

jQuery will take an object like this and translate it into the
name=Johnlocation=Boston for you. I find passing an object of arguments
easier and more preferable (personally) than passing


On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Scott Sauyet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chris Jones wrote:

  The hash was a suggestion on another site. I have tried it without it as
  well but no joy. If I alert the serial on success I get what I would
  expect ie. item[]=2item[]=3item[]=10
  [ ... ]
  data: serial.hash or data: serial, = nothing gets updated.
  data: name=Johnlocation=Boston = the table gets updated via

 Is that on success based upon the AJAX success function?

 If so, then your PHP is actually responding with a good error code, and
 you need to do some fiddling in the PHP to see what's happening.

 If you don't get that far, I would suggest something like the
 LiveHTTPHeaders plugin for Firefox to do some testing on the client side.

 Sorry I don't have more definitive answers.  Good luck,

  -- Scott


[jQuery] Re: help with regex? converting plain text with line breaks to ol with lis

2008-04-11 Thread Ariel Flesler

line 1: var text = 'one\ntwo\nthree\nfour';//example

line 2a: var html = 'li' + text.split(/[\n\r]+/).join('/lili') +
line 2b: var html = text.replace(/(.+?)(?:[\n\r]+|$)/g, 'li$1/

line 3: $('ol /').html( html ).appendTo('body');//example

I advice using 2a.


Ariel Flesler

On 11 abr, 16:54, rolfsf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's a bit off topic, perhaps, but using jQuery I want to get the
 contents of a plain text file, and convert each line to a list item in
 an ordered list. Being a designer, the regular expression syntax just
 stumps me... \n\r\???

 Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?


[jQuery] Re: help with regex? converting plain text with line breaks to ol with lis

2008-04-11 Thread rolfsf

Thank Ariel

So the first line creates a variable of all the text,
line 2a puts an initial li, and then splits the text at each line
break adding /lili, and finally adding the final /li
Line 3 wraps the whole thing in an ol (so jQuery automagically
closes the tag?)

thanks so much


On Apr 11, 2:57 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 line 1: var text = 'one\ntwo\nthree\nfour';//example

 line 2a: var html = 'li' + text.split(/[\n\r]+/).join('/lili') +
 line 2b: var html = text.replace(/(.+?)(?:[\n\r]+|$)/g, 'li$1/

 line 3: $('ol /').html( html ).appendTo('body');//example

 I advice using 2a.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

 On 11 abr, 16:54, rolfsf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It's a bit off topic, perhaps, but using jQuery I want to get the
  contents of a plain text file, and convert each line to a list item in
  an ordered list. Being a designer, the regular expression syntax just
  stumps me... \n\r\???

  Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?


[jQuery] Problem whith ie 7 and slideDown

2008-04-11 Thread nerohc

Hi, i hae the following code:

$('#txtSearch').attr('value', 'Enter Search tags for skills or
$(this).attr('value', '');

function showSearchBox(){

function hideSearchBox(){
$('#txtSearch').attr('value', 'Enter Search tags for skills or

function showMessagesBox(){

function hideMessagesBox(){

this is the HTML:

div id=header
table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
tdimg src=/img/logo.gif/td
td align=center
span id=settingssettings/span
span id=logoutlogout/spanbr
span id=messagesa 
href=javascript: void 0;
div id=searchInputinput type=text id=txtSearch size=40//
div id=messagesBox
a href=javascript: void: 0 
div id=searchBox
table width=100%
tdCurrent/Last Job 
tdinput type=text 
tdCurrent/Last Job 
tdinput type=text 

tdMin. Base Pay/td
type=checkbox value=full
id=chkJobTypeFulllabel for=chkJobTypeFullFull-time/label
type=checkbox value=contract
id=chkJobTypeContracrlabel for=chkJobTypeContracrContract/


option4 Year Degree


type=radio name=location value=local checked
id=localLocation label for=locationLocalLocal Only/label
type=radio name=location value=relocation
id=localRelocation label for=locationRelocationWould consider

[jQuery] Jquery cycle plugin and images included dynamically

2008-04-11 Thread jawosis


I am using the jquery cycle plugin for slide effects of images being
included dynamically to the website. Unfortunately, the images in the
hidden divs will not show in their original size once being showed
from the cycle script - just a icon size image is visible.

How can i change this to maintain the real image size in all (also
hidden) divs?

[jQuery] Re: help with regex? converting plain text with line breaks to ol with lis

2008-04-11 Thread Ariel Flesler

$('ol /').html( html ).appendTo('body');//example

It is closed, not the ending slash.

I was just exemplifying, you can use innerHTML, or whatever you want.


Ariel Flesler

On 11 abr, 20:54, rolfsf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank Ariel

 So the first line creates a variable of all the text,
 line 2a puts an initial li, and then splits the text at each line
 break adding /lili, and finally adding the final /li
 Line 3 wraps the whole thing in an ol (so jQuery automagically
 closes the tag?)

 thanks so much


 On Apr 11, 2:57 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  line 1: var text = 'one\ntwo\nthree\nfour';//example

  line 2a: var html = 'li' + text.split(/[\n\r]+/).join('/lili') +
  line 2b: var html = text.replace(/(.+?)(?:[\n\r]+|$)/g, 'li$1/

  line 3: $('ol /').html( html ).appendTo('body');//example

  I advice using 2a.


  Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

  On 11 abr, 16:54, rolfsf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It's a bit off topic, perhaps, but using jQuery I want to get the
   contents of a plain text file, and convert each line to a list item in
   an ordered list. Being a designer, the regular expression syntax just
   stumps me... \n\r\???

   Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?

   rolfsf- Ocultar texto de la cita -

 - Mostrar texto de la cita -