[jQuery] Re: sortable: drag list items by custom handle

2008-05-09 Thread emi polak
Thank you tlphipps! It was under my nose all the time...


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 4:13 PM, tlphipps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You need to use the handle option as detailed here:
 (the sortable docs refer you to this description for that handle

 On May 8, 4:09 am, emi polak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi there,
  I am using $(#myList).sortable({}); to sortable-ize a ul list. All
  fine, however the entire li element responds to dragging and I want the
  li elements to be draggable only by using a custom handle like this:
  li id=list_1
  some content here
  div class=custom_handleMY HANDLE/div
  Any ideas? Thank you!

[jQuery] Re: [jQuery][ANN] jQuery.batch 1.0

2008-05-09 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
Brandon, i believe this is a clever little plugin. I i understand correctly,
here is a real life example i experienced just 2 days ago  where i had such

li class=hello
img width=316 src=photos/sombra/Image_001.jpg/
img width=629 src=photos/sombra/Image_002.jpg/
img width=630 src=photos/sombra/Image_003.jpg/
img width=638 src=photos/sombra/Image_004.jpg/
img width=631 src=photos/sombra/Image_005.jpg/
img width=630 src=photos/sombra/Image_006.jpg/
img width=629 src=photos/sombra/Image_007.jpg/

I needed to resize the LI element according to its children IMG element attr
width. What i did is loop through the jquery collection looking for the
width attribute value.

with your plugin it would be just

var newWidth = $('li.hello').attrs('width');
$('li.hello').animate({width: newWidth},slow);

Am i correct?

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:40 AM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 jQuery.batch is a small extension (951 bytes min'd, 520 bytes gzipped) to
 jQuery that allows you to batch the results of any jQuery method, plugin
 into an array. By default the batch plugin aliases the getter methods in
 jQuery by adding an 's' to the end (attrs, offsets, vals ...). You can also
 just call $(...).batch('methodName', arg1, arg*n).

 Download: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/batch
 Blog post: http://blog.brandonaaron.net/2008/05/08/jquery-batch/

 Brandon Aaron

Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: New object based on existing / Or understanding $.extend

2008-05-09 Thread Wizzud

There's a bit of an oddity here (actually I think it's a bug, but
Starting with what you need to do - specifically, to be able to add
items to dupe.list):

var dupe = $.extend(true, {list:[]}, $.fn.test.orig);

Then dupe.list.push(...) will not change $.fn.test.orig.

Setting the first argument to extend() as the boolean 'true' tells
extend() to do a so-called 'deep' extend.
But don't get too excited because it's not really a deep extend at

In non-deep mode, extend() does a shallow 'clone' - one level only, so
if the original object contains arrays/objects they get copied by
In deep mode, extend() will go one level further (ie. 2 levels, but no
more!). *However* there's a big gotcha here, in that in order for the
second level 'cloning' to work, the target object *must already
contain* the first level item!

So, as an example...

var x = {one:'fred',two:['a','b']};
var y = $.extend(true,{}, x); // boolean as first arg means 'deep'
y.two.push('c'); // changes x.two as well!
//so the 'deep' didn't help, so let's try...
var z = $.extend(true, {two:[]}, x);
z.two.push('d'); // leaves x.two as ['a', 'b', 'c'] - yes!

- if your original object contains objects/arrays, you can't extend()
it into an empty object - you have to extend() into a 'prepared'
- 'deep' isn't really deep at all, simply one extra level

On May 9, 6:48 am, boermans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stretching my grasp of JavaScript here...

 Please view source of this for 

 $.fn.test = function() {

 // Creating what I thought was a new object
 var dupe = $.extend({},$.fn.test.orig);

 // Adding item to array in my 'new' object

 // Success

 // but... I didn’t intend to add the list item to my original

 return this;
 $.fn.test.orig = {
 list : []

 I have created an object based on another object. (At least I thought
 I did...)
 When I attempt to manipulate my new object I discover the original
 object has also been changed.
 Therefore I presume my new object is actually a reference to the

 If not $.extend, how would I add the empty 'list' array (in reality a
 bunch of properties) to my 'dupe' as a new separate object that can be
 manipulated independent of the original?

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-09 Thread Wizzud

If there is as little control over the markup as is implied then a
more generic solution might be applicable (untested!)?

function updateQuote(el){
  //$('form') could be cached, and may not need to store parentForm...
  var parentForm = $('form').filter(function(){
  var i = this.elements.length;
  while((i--)  this.elements[i] !== el){}
  return (i = 0);
  parentForm.attr('action', ''); //whatever...

select onchange='updateQuote(this);'  

Since there seems to be concern over HTML changing (without due care
and attention?) then it's possible that the structure could be changed
to place the select within one (or more) tables within the form, or
even just to make the markup valid!, which would nullify one or other
function call in parents('table:first').children('form:first').

One can only go so far, to protect other people from themselves.

On May 9, 1:54 am, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 With markup as invalid as that, it's no surprise that elements are not where
 you expect them in to be in the DOM. A FORM element can't be sandwiched in
 between a TABLE and TR like that. So the browser tries to turn this into
 something it can work with. It may shuffle things around, or just put up
 with the incorrect structure, or whatever. And yeah, it may be different
 from one browser to another.

 But I think you mentioned that you're stuck with working with the HTML as it
 is, so lucky you, you get to deal with the aftermath. :-(


  ok, i'm not sure if this is the easiest way, however, this is
  how I got the form action in the following HTML:

  table width=460 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 tr valign=top
 table width=100% border=0
  cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
 td valign=top colspan=2
  border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 width=100%
  Method=Post Action=phoenix.zhtml?c=69181p=IROL-

  tr class=modBgQuoteShrtTicker

 td colspan=4 nowrap=nowrap

 span class=modQuoteShrtTicker

 Select name=control_Symbol

 option value=1
  SELECTED=opt 1/option

 option value=2opt 2/option




  I used:

  var formAction = $

  For some reason, it misses the form object on the way back
  using parents so i move forward after hitting the FORM's
  parent to get the form.  Not sure if this is browser
  specific, but definitely a headache. (and the terrible HTML
  syntax doesn't help either)

[jQuery] fastest way to edit a select

2008-05-09 Thread andrea varnier

Hi :)
what is the fastest way to edit a select item?
I need to show some option's and hide some others, depending on the
value of another select.
let's say if the user selects a country for his holiday, in the
'#hotel_paese' select, the '#hotel_destinazione' select will show only
the hotels of that country.
problem is that the '#hotel_destinazione' select has already got its
values, so I'm using the class attribute to keep track of the country.
so if, say, egypt has code '001', then sharm el sheik, abu simbel,
aswan, luxor, and so on will all have class '001'.

the .show() and .hide() methods seem to be a little too slow.
or maybe is my code?

// this is the select
var $this = $(this);
var sel_val = $this.val();
$('#hotel_destinazione option').show()
if (sel_val != '') $('#hotel_destinazione option').not('.' +

thank you very much :)

[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin inside Tabbed Menu?

2008-05-09 Thread YWFTDG

Ahh nice, thanks Mike for the pointer on that, this is for sure nice!
So I assume Cycle will work more in hand with this tabbed system?
Thanks for the great script and the pointer!

On May 9, 2:03 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hitting a big wall here. I have the Cycle plugin working and have it
  now added into a tabbed menu as the default value for the loading tab
  content, using this tabbed menu 

  My problem is, on load the Cycle plugin works fine, but when I click
  tab 2, load some content via ajax and return to tab 1 by clicking it,
  my cycle content turns off and it just lists all the images out, no
  more fading-slideshow of the images. Anyone have any ideas how to get
  the Cycle plugin to keep going or turn back on this sort of change of
  action? It seems like this flipping to a new tab and then back to
  cycle tab resets the js or whatnot.

  Any ideas much appreciated!

 That tab script works with a single display area.  When it initializes
 it captures the original content HTML as a string.  When you switch
 tabs the content of the display area is replaced with that of the new
 tab.  When you tab back, the original content is regenerated.  This
 kills cycle because it is now cycling elements that are no longer in
 the DOM.

 Have you considered using the jQuery Tabs Plugin?



[jQuery] Re: Href/click-parameters on asynchronous treeview

2008-05-09 Thread Jyrki Pulliainen

I've created a ticket #2830 containing the patch.


[jQuery] Re: Accessing an iframe after fileupload

2008-05-09 Thread BenR

Many, many thanks. I drew stumps on and used the excellent Form
plugin. After some tinkering around I got it to work. One warning
though - having a submit button called submit caused all manner of
problems - I kept getting an error 'form.submit() is not a function'.
After poking around to make sure I was picking up the right form I
couldn't understand why form.reset()  didn't error out, but
form.submit() did. Then a (rare) moment on inspiration - the submit
button was called 'submit'. Changing that name and the clouds of
confusion parted and the promised lands were revealed.
Many thanks - i was tearing out what little hair I had left.


[jQuery] Re: Accessing an iframe after fileupload

2008-05-09 Thread BenR

I will do that. I was aware of the plugin, but through sheer pig-
headedness was trying to tackle it myself. Pride comes before a
fall ...
Thanks very much indeed. I will have a look through code - and perhaps
stop being so pig-headed and admit defeat.



[jQuery] Re: Any plugin like this one, double select boxes ???

2008-05-09 Thread Vivek

Thanks Jason,

This is what i am looking for. I have not implement it yet. Will do it

Thanks again

On May 8, 2:08 pm, Jason Huck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, here's one I wrote recently:



 On May 8, 3:28 pm, Vivek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Guys,

  i am looking for an functionality in jquery. some thing like this

  Sometimes we see two big text boxes with values, one on the left side
  other one is on the right side and there is two arrow buttons ( faced
  towards left and right ) in the center of both of them with the help
  of those (buttons) we can move the values from one text box to other.

  Is there any plugin for such kind of functionality in Jquery ?

  Please let me know.

  Thanks !!

[jQuery] autocomplete

2008-05-09 Thread gordevio

I have been experimenting with the autocomplete plugin. It is great.
Loading data from a database once and then using it works just fine.
In my setup the html file calls a database query and returns a comma
seperated string. The string is then split up and any typing in the
street input textbox shows the results in kind of like a selectbox
under it. The results are seperatedly selectable. Works fine. I use
the autocomplete.css, bgiframe.js, dimensions.js, and autocomplete.js
files. I do it like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
$.post(streetnames.html,function(data,text) {
var txt = data.split(,);
$(#street).autocomplete(txt); });

Now I wanted a dynamically populated search box. Then I started on
sending requests with a parameter to the server. I looked at the demo
page and found several examples and options to use, but I can't find a
separate list of options and their explanation, I would like to. Now I
have some trouble with the results. The html file receives the
parameter put in the input box and returns again a string, comma
separated. The data returned are OK and the filtering works
dynamically. The problem now is that the results are just crammed into
the resultbox and I can only select the first result. I am using the
same files as above. What am I missing here?

The code goes like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

   function formatResult(data,value) {
txt = value.split(,);
return txt[0];
300,selectFirst:false,formatResult: formatResult});


[jQuery] jeditable and validation

2008-05-09 Thread Krz

Hello all. Im using jeditable and the validation plugin. Ive read a
previous thread at: 

However, there were no examples here which lead to a lot of confusion.
I will just reiterate the question asked on the thread mentioned

1) When using jeditable plugin, how to add validate to the activated
input field or textarea field for preventing some malicious people
empty the data.

Ive tried frantically to get this working together. My jeditable works
fine. But im trying to include the validation. Ive tried putting the
validation function everywhere. After several combinations, I've not
got a clue to proceed. This is what I last ended up with:

if ($(e.target).is('p')) {
$('.blogSection p').editable(function(value, 

var content = value;

if (content) {

type: POST,
http://localhost/Paradise Calling/index.php/
data: blog_id= + 
blog_id + content= + content,
dataType: html,
success: function(data){
alert( Error:  + err ); }
}); // $.ajax()
return (value);

else {
$(this + ' form').validate({

errorPlacement: function(error, 
element) {

error.insertAfter( element.next() );

rules: {
content: {

required: true,

minlength: 5
messages: {
content: {

required:   'Please enter a comment header',

minLength:  'Must be at least 5 characters'

}); // .validate()

[jQuery] nyromodal and livequery

2008-05-09 Thread paulp75

Hey there, I just checked out nyromodal, and it looks pretty cool.
I just wanted to know if it was possible to use it with livequery, so
that i can use it after an ajax request.

ie i do a search and the results of that search are put into the
#content container.
then I would like to be able to click a link in that and set it up
with a nyromodal.

thanks for any help.

[jQuery] Re: Dynamically Filter List

2008-05-09 Thread Mark

Ahh.. this is a much better implementation!
Thank you so much!


On May 5, 2:22 am, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Depends what you want the list to finally contain (as opposed to being
 visible, that is).
 Here's an alternative...

 $(document).ready(function() {
   var arr = ['C+
 , alc = []
 , list = $('#list');
   $.each(arr, function(i,v){
   alc[i] = v.toLowerCase();
   list = $('li', list);
   var v = this.value ? this.value.toLowerCase() : 0;
   $(this)[v  alc[i].indexOf(v) == -1 ? 'hide' : 'show']();


 This doesn't change the list contents, simply hides those elements not
 relevant to the value of the filter input box. It also stores the
 lowercase options up front, and stores the object of all the list
 elements so that the keyup handler doesn't have to go find them each
 time it runs.

 Mark wrote:
  Hi... so I'm new to jQuery.  I'm using it to dynamically filter a
  list... I'm wondering if this is the best/most efficient method to go
  about doing it:

  titlejquery test/title
  script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1.2.3.min.js/
  script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
  var arr = ['C+
  for(i=0; iarr.length; ++i) {
  $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').keyup(function() {
  for(i=0; iarr.length; ++i) {
  ('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').attr('value')==undefined||
  ('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').attr('value').toLowerCase())!=-1)

  ul id=list/ul
  input name='filter' id=filter/


  See it in action:http://mechaflora.com/programming/filter

  Any suggestions on how I can do this better would be appreciated :) Or
  feel free to use the code for your own purposes if you think it's good.

[jQuery] autocomplete

2008-05-09 Thread gordevio

A follow up to my last post. I was interpreting the fomatting options
(I found the list of options!) wrongly. I had to do the processing of
the list items in the server-side script in a better way and then it
all works. No formatting options needed for returning the right

[jQuery] Re: old tablesorter works, new one doesn't

2008-05-09 Thread lamp5matt

Thanks, and sorry for asking such an elementary question. I had
assumed that nothing fundamental like that would be likely to change,
and that I therefore had done something else wrong.

This tool looks really slick, btw.

On May 9, 2:31 am, Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Check out the docs @http://tablesorter.com
 The constructor name is know lowercased to .tablesorter();


 2008/5/9 lamp5matt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I inherited an app with a lot of tablesorter implementations, but
  wanted the zebra functionality -- alternating css-styled rows -- so i

  Now I'm getting
  Error: $(#writer-table).tableSorter is not a function

  If I revert to the jquery.tablesorter.js file that I inherited (not
  sure what version, but at least 6 mos. old), it works but no zebra

[jQuery] Custom images for radio and checkboxes?

2008-05-09 Thread yabado

I remember seeing a newer plugin for this recently and cannot find it
now for the like of me.

Can someone help jog my memory?

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax content

2008-05-09 Thread vince


iam loading with the jQuery Tab UI in touch with the ajax function,
remote dynamic content.
After jQuery has load the content, i would like to use jQuery over
again in my template.

But , i cant use jQuery again in ajax loaded content ... !
Is there a way to solve this problem?


[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin inside Tabbed Menu?

2008-05-09 Thread Mike Alsup

 Ahh nice, thanks Mike for the pointer on that, this is for sure nice!
 So I assume Cycle will work more in hand with this tabbed system?

Yes and no.  The fade transition works reliably, but transitions that
manipulate the z-index (which is most of them) don't work well with
tabs.  I need to look into that.  Here's a demo:



[jQuery] jquery.slideviewerpro

2008-05-09 Thread GianCarlo Mingati

Hello friends,
i've made another image gallery engine with jQuery. It is a new
version of slideViewer, and can be tested here:
I think i'll call it slideViewerPro.

- generates a sliding gallery for images on top of a SINGLE unordered
list with a given ID
- generates a sliding thumbnails menu with customizable: scale,
effect, number of elements, custom left/right buttons
- customizable skin for buttons and typographic information
- cutomizable easing function and time

... much more

For the moment it works with IE7, FF2, Opera9
In the next few days, i'll release the final version and the


[jQuery] getJSON Callback not firing

2008-05-09 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

I'm trying to work on some cross-site stuff, and I'm using JSON between
the domains to transfer the data.

In my below code, the code fires the .getJSON, and I can see the JSON in
my firebug scripts tag, but the callback is not getting fired:

LoadContent = $.klass({
initialize: function(options){
  $loadingarea = this.element;
$.getJSON(options.url,{q:'nfp/front'}, function(data){


$('#loading-area-container').attach(LoadContent, {url:

At the moment, here is the data I am trying to load:

Entry,type:story},{nid:2,title:Test 2,type:story})

It was contained in square brackets before like [{...}], but I changed
it to () based on previous entries on the group, however it still will
not go into the callback function.  Does anyone have any idea what's
going wrong here??


Tane Piper

[jQuery] Re: jquery.slideviewerpro

2008-05-09 Thread Mike Alsup

 Hello friends,
 i've made another image gallery engine with jQuery. It is a new
 version of slideViewer, and can be tested here:
 I think i'll call it slideViewerPro.

Very nice!

[jQuery] Re: jquery.slideviewerpro

2008-05-09 Thread GianCarlo Mingati

Thanks Mike,
it still miss a preloader, but it's 98% done.

On May 9, 2:56 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello friends,
  i've made another image gallery engine with jQuery. It is a new
  version of slideViewer, and can be tested here:
  I think i'll call it slideViewerPro.

 Very nice!

[jQuery] Re: getJSON Callback not firing

2008-05-09 Thread Tane Piper

Never mind, worked it out in the end.

On 9 May, 13:45, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey folks,

 I'm trying to work on some cross-site stuff, and I'm using JSON between
 the domains to transfer the data.

 In my below code, the code fires the .getJSON, and I can see the JSON in
 my firebug scripts tag, but the callback is not getting fired:

 LoadContent = $.klass({
 initialize: function(options){
   $loadingarea = this.element;
 $.getJSON(options.url,{q:'nfp/front'}, function(data){



 $('#loading-area-container').attach(LoadContent, {url:


 At the moment, here is the data I am trying to load:

 Entry,type:story},{nid:2,title:Test 2,type:story})

 It was contained in square brackets before like [{...}], but I changed
 it to () based on previous entries on the group, however it still will
 not go into the callback function.  Does anyone have any idea what's
 going wrong here??


 Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk

[jQuery] nyromodal and livequery

2008-05-09 Thread paulp75

I tried to add a post previously but it didnt show up for some reason.

Is it possible to use nyromodal with livequery. I was taking a look at
nyromodal and it looks great, but need to use it after another ajax

Does anyone know how I would do this?


[jQuery] Passing this to a function

2008-05-09 Thread mac.gill

Can i pass 'this' to a custom function from an event handler

$('p').('click',function() {



myCustomEvent(ref) {

//ref Object or JQuery object ?

  $.get(path_to_cgi,{name = ref.text()},function(data)
{ alert(Data :  + data});


[jQuery] Re: Passing this to a function

2008-05-09 Thread markus.staab

you can do it, but this is a usual dom object, not a jquery
instance... simple pass the object to through Jquery like ref =

On 9 Mai, 15:32, mac.gill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can i pass 'this' to a custom function from an event handler

 $('p').('click',function() {



 myCustomEvent(ref) {

 //ref Object or JQuery object ?

   $.get(path_to_cgi,{name = ref.text()},function(data)
 { alert(Data :  + data});


[jQuery] Re: The CSS will not show at the first time of mouse over

2008-05-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gary!

 i can't seem to get the same results you're describing, on a mac anyway.
No, the error was on both systems.

 but you should preload those roll over images for the icons.
 or better yet, use the css 'sprite' method.
 basically you have both the off and on state in one image.
 then move the image with css when you roll over it.
 you define the height, width, overflow:hidden, etc in css.
 you'll be able to find alot of info on that on the web.
Thanks for the suggestion! That's a good idea. I think I have a lot to
do ;-)

 there's some load time when you roll over your icons, that might be
 effecting the clueTip?
No, the error was the link-tag with a print stylesheet.

Kind regards Andreas

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-09 Thread Drew


Sooo close.  That worked like a charm...however, once you actually
hover over the menu, the dropdowns are back to their old tricks and
the active dropdowns appear.  Is there any way you can think of around
this?  I assume this is all because of the pathClass.

Is it possible to achieve the desired effect without using the
pathClass at all?  I've tried changing the CSS so that the 2nd tier
will not be hidden, but nothing is working, so I assume something in
the javascript it overriding it.

Thanks for the continued help.


[jQuery] Re: [jQuery][ANN] jQuery.batch 1.0

2008-05-09 Thread Brandon Aaron
Close but in your example newWidths is an array of numbers. In your case
you'll want a way to extract the largest width from the array and then use
that value to animate the li width. Maybe something like this.

var width = $('li.hello img').widths().sort().revers()[0];
$('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');

Thanks for a nice real-world example. :)

In testing this I found a bug and created a new release 1.0.1.

Brandon Aaron

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Brandon, i believe this is a clever little plugin. I i understand
 correctly, here is a real life example i experienced just 2 days ago  where
 i had such markup:

 li class=hello
 img width=316 src=photos/sombra/Image_001.jpg/
 img width=629 src=photos/sombra/Image_002.jpg/
 img width=630 src=photos/sombra/Image_003.jpg/
 img width=638 src=photos/sombra/Image_004.jpg/
 img width=631 src=photos/sombra/Image_005.jpg/
 img width=630 src=photos/sombra/Image_006.jpg/
 img width=629 src=photos/sombra/Image_007.jpg/

 I needed to resize the LI element according to its children IMG element
 attr width. What i did is loop through the jquery collection looking for the
 width attribute value.

 with your plugin it would be just

 var newWidth = $('li.hello').attrs('width');
 $('li.hello').animate({width: newWidth},slow);

 Am i correct?

 On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:40 AM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 jQuery.batch is a small extension (951 bytes min'd, 520 bytes gzipped) to
 jQuery that allows you to batch the results of any jQuery method, plugin
 into an array. By default the batch plugin aliases the getter methods in
 jQuery by adding an 's' to the end (attrs, offsets, vals ...). You can also
 just call $(...).batch('methodName', arg1, arg*n).

 Download: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/batch
 Blog post: http://blog.brandonaaron.net/2008/05/08/jquery-batch/

 Brandon Aaron

 Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: [jQuery][ANN] jQuery.batch 1.0

2008-05-09 Thread Brandon Aaron

I misspelled reverse in my code example... It should be:

var width = $('li.hello img').widths().sort().reverse()[0];
$('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');

Brandon Aaron

On May 9, 9:47 am, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Close but in your example newWidths is an array of numbers. In your case
 you'll want a way to extract the largest width from the array and then use
 that value to animate the li width. Maybe something like this.

 var width = $('li.hello img').widths().sort().revers()[0];
 $('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');

 Thanks for a nice real-world example. :)

 In testing this I found a bug and created a new release 1.0.1.

 Brandon Aaron

 On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Brandon, i believe this is a clever little plugin. I i understand
  correctly, here is a real life example i experienced just 2 days ago  where
  i had such markup:

  li class=hello
  img width=316 src=photos/sombra/Image_001.jpg/
  img width=629 src=photos/sombra/Image_002.jpg/
  img width=630 src=photos/sombra/Image_003.jpg/
  img width=638 src=photos/sombra/Image_004.jpg/
  img width=631 src=photos/sombra/Image_005.jpg/
  img width=630 src=photos/sombra/Image_006.jpg/
  img width=629 src=photos/sombra/Image_007.jpg/

  I needed to resize the LI element according to its children IMG element
  attr width. What i did is loop through the jquery collection looking for the
  width attribute value.

  with your plugin it would be just

  var newWidth = $('li.hello').attrs('width');
  $('li.hello').animate({width: newWidth},slow);

  Am i correct?

  On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:40 AM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  jQuery.batch is a small extension (951 bytes min'd, 520 bytes gzipped) to
  jQuery that allows you to batch the results of any jQuery method, plugin
  into an array. By default the batch plugin aliases the getter methods in
  jQuery by adding an 's' to the end (attrs, offsets, vals ...). You can also
  just call $(...).batch('methodName', arg1, arg*n).

  Blog post:http://blog.brandonaaron.net/2008/05/08/jquery-batch/

  Brandon Aaron

  Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: jeditable and validation

2008-05-09 Thread Mika Tuupola

On May 9, 2008, at 12:36 PM, Krz wrote:

1) When using jeditable plugin, how to add validate to the activated
input field or textarea field for preventing some malicious people
empty the data.

Ive tried frantically to get this working together. My jeditable works
fine. But im trying to include the validation. Ive tried putting the
validation function everywhere. After several combinations, I've not
got a clue to proceed. This is what I last ended up with:

I made a small change to Jeditable. Download from URL below. Jeditable  
will now abort submitting form if custom inputs call before submit  
hook returns false.


Word of warning. This change is EXPERIMENTAL. I am not 100% happy with  
it. I just wanted to help you out and this seemed a quick solution. I  
might do some changes on how it works after testing.

Anyways, this change enables you to write code like below:

  $.editable.addInputType('validate', {
  element : $.editable.types.text.element,
  submit  : function(settings, original) {
  var validation_failed = true; /* Validate here... */
  if (validation_failed) {
original.editing = false;
return false;

and then

  $(.editable_select).editable(?php print $url ?save.php, {
type   : validate,
submit : OK,

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: [jQuery][ANN] jQuery.batch 1.0

2008-05-09 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
Hi Brandon!

in your blog post you ask for suggested features.

Frankly i'm stunned by how in one line you addition all the widths values
(although i didn't expect less from you). Personally, I had to loop through
the returned array in order to achieve that.
Wouldn't it be a nice feature to add some built-in manipulations to the
batch? i'm thinking 'sum' to add them all and return the result, 'concat',
'join:,'  to join each with a comma in-between, 'average' to get the average
of all integer values, etc. a kind of built-in callbacks if you like for
most common operations.

$('li.hello img').widths('sum');

thank you!


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I misspelled reverse in my code example... It should be:

 var width = $('li.hello img').widths().sort().reverse()[0];
 $('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');

 Brandon Aaron

 On May 9, 9:47 am, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Close but in your example newWidths is an array of numbers. In your case
  you'll want a way to extract the largest width from the array and then
  that value to animate the li width. Maybe something like this.
  var width = $('li.hello img').widths().sort().revers()[0];
  $('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');
  Thanks for a nice real-world example. :)
  In testing this I found a bug and created a new release 1.0.1.
  Brandon Aaron
  On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux 
   Brandon, i believe this is a clever little plugin. I i understand
   correctly, here is a real life example i experienced just 2 days ago
   i had such markup:
   li class=hello
   img width=316
   img width=629
   img width=630
   img width=638
   img width=631
   img width=630
   img width=629
   I needed to resize the LI element according to its children IMG element
   attr width. What i did is loop through the jquery collection looking
 for the
   width attribute value.
   with your plugin it would be just
   var newWidth = $('li.hello').attrs('width');
   $('li.hello').animate({width: newWidth},slow);
   Am i correct?
   On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:40 AM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   jQuery.batch is a small extension (951 bytes min'd, 520 bytes gzipped)
   jQuery that allows you to batch the results of any jQuery method,
   into an array. By default the batch plugin aliases the getter methods
   jQuery by adding an 's' to the end (attrs, offsets, vals ...). You can
   just call $(...).batch('methodName', arg1, arg*n).
   Blog post:http://blog.brandonaaron.net/2008/05/08/jquery-batch/
   Brandon Aaron
   Alexandre Plennevaux

Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready(function() { giving error $ is not a function - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-09 Thread Fred P

A little more specific:

You're using jQuery.noConflict() which allows you to use the variable

jQuery(document).ready( function() {
jQuery(#sliding_cart).css({ display: none});

then later in your doc, you're using $ which is the same thing, if
you're not using  jQuery.noConflict(). However, it's one or the other,
not both.

 $(document).ready(function() {

 alert(Thanks for visiting!);


If you're using Prototype.js or any other JS Library that may use $,
then you need noConflict. If you're sure you'll never use any other JS
Library, then drop the noConflict and use $ instead of jQuery variable
If you're using some plugins or third party script asking you to use
noConflict for any reason, then use jQuery instead of $ (like those


[jQuery] Re: List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-09 Thread Panman

Hi, thanks for the reply. I've uploaded what I had to my test site.

I thought the code would get the child ul, entire sub-menu, and
slide up/down. Also looked at Accordion but thought it was more than I
needed. Since, I already have the menu working with CSS I just wanted
to add the slide down/up feature.

 Hello, Panman! Welcome.

 It would help if you posted a link to your work page.

 Without seeing your actual code, it looks like you have every second-
 child li sliding up  down with every mouseover, which would kind of
 explain the problem ;)

 To make life easy you could use the jQuery UI Accordion plugin; 

 Alternatively, use an each or an iteration or a class/id to allow
 jQuery select the item you want expanded.

 Panman wrote:
  Hi, new to jQuery and very impressed. I already have a CSS menu that
  shows/hides a list menu. However, I'd like to add more dynamics and
  have the sub menus slide down and back up. So using the below code,
  I've got it to slide down and up, but repeatedly. It seems like it
  wants to keep sliding for each li and even multiple times per hover.
  Seems like it should be easy... Any ideas?

  $('#Main_Nav ul li').mouseover(function() {
  }).mouseout(function() {

  Here is a link to the type of CSS menu I have:

  However, I only have two levels of lists. Ex:


[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-09 Thread hj

 Could you possibly just give your form an id attribute?  Then onchange you
 could just return $(#myformid).attr(action) and not have to mess with
 any traversing.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 1:58 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

  Ok, I tried this:

  $(elm).parents().map(function () {

  but the FORM never shows up. Reason is because the source looks like

There's no need for any of this; elements of a form (input, select,
textarea) has a form property, so:

  form action=something
  select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
  !-- some options --

  function changeAction(elm){
  var formAction = elm.form.action;

And, as others have suggested, it's a better practice to do this all
in JavaScript, so that becomes:

  form  action=something
  select id=some_select name=some_name
  !-- some options --

  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('select#some_select').change(function() {
  var formAction = this.form.action;



[jQuery] Ajax: Posting Xml Data

2008-05-09 Thread NeilM


I am trying to post an XML string back to an ASP.net page.  The XML
string is created in the client code and I am trying to use the
jQuery.ajax() method...

type : POST,
url : AjaxHandlerPage.aspx,
data : {
method : Save,
data : xmlString
contentType: text/xml,
processData: false,
dataType : json,
cache : false,
success : function(data) {
// Process data here

When I call this method, I get a jQuery error s.data.match is not a
function.  If I remove the processData: false property the method
runs, but I get a server error (I don't think I'm correctly processing
the data on the server e.g. Request.Forms[method] does not work in
this instance).

So, in summary, I think I have two problems:

1) I don't know the correct way to post the XML data, and...
2) I don't know how to process (server-side) if I did!

Does anyone have any experience in this process that they could share
with me?


[jQuery] ajax calls don't work in firefox 3 beta 4

2008-05-09 Thread skunkwerk

I've got some code with post  ajaxForm calls in it that work fine in
IE and FF 2, but not firefox 3.  Using firebug I can see that the
calls are apparently being made as they should, but for some reason
never get to the server.  Is this a jQuery issue or a firefox issue?
i'm using the latest jquery minified release.


[jQuery] Re: Howto assign $(this) to variable

2008-05-09 Thread Jong

Exactly, it was my intention to make a pointer to the element only :o)

If I trace both elements in firebug, it highlights same element.
That's what confused/tricked me.

Anyway I read into it, and apparently $(this) and this is two
different instances of the same element.
$(this) pointing to the element object and this pointing to the DOM
element if I'm correct.


var foo = false;

$('div span').each(function() {

foo = this;

// debugging in firebug
console.log(this, foo);
console.log(this == foo);


Thanks for your help :o)

On 8 Maj, 23:36, mrpollo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 actually you are not cloning your element, you are just making a
 pointer of the element in this line

 foo = $(this);

 so its not the same element, its just a pointer comparing with an
 actual element DOM object

 you can see it live in action in this site if you have firebug

 run your code

 var foo = false;

 jQuery('div div div div div div div div div').each(function() {

 foo = jQuery(this);

 // debugging in firebug
 console.log(jQuery(this), foo);
 console.log(jQuery(this) == foo);


 if you get div's out of the initial selector you are going to get more
 results but i think with those its just fine for now
 in the firebug console check the results and get your mouse over the
 elements that the trace did, you are going to see that one of them
 actually gets highlighted in the rendered web page and the other
 doesn't, but if you do click on them you are getting for sure the same
 result, so you may want to look to another way around the problem you
 were trying to solve with your solution
 unless im really wrong, and if i am please guys correct my path

 On May 8, 12:58 pm, Jong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm pretty new to jQuery, and I have stumbled across a weird problem.
  It may just be me fooling around, anyway here goes...

  var foo = false;

  $('div span').each(function() {

  foo = $(this);

  // debugging in firebug
  console.log($(this), foo);
  console.log($(this) == foo);


  You should, at least I am, think it's the same element, although it
  returns false! I cannot figure out why.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread CVertex

love it.

I'd prefer something clever with code on it than just the logo.

just the way i eval...

On May 9, 5:16 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It would be cool if said something like:


 ...in Courier typeface...and then had the jQuery logo on it.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Branski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:36 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

  Agreed! A darker blue with white text would look good (design

  On May 8, 10:32 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer colors other than just black!!

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

  Behalf Of John Resig
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:24 AM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

  There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the producer and
  will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an
  when it's ready.


  On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
   tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they were
   selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were around?

What would you put on your jQuery T?



[jQuery] Using JQ Jcarousel with JQdock effect

2008-05-09 Thread Adam

Im trying to integrate some features of this dock effect:
http://icon.cat/software/iconDock/0.8b/dock.html  (*great work Isaac!)
specifically the enlarge (shrink of neighboring elements) and image
src replace, with a standard carousel, but cant seem to execute both -
I would like to have the carousel work as it is now, but on rollover
of one of the 3 images that image would zoom, replace with the larger
src, while the other 2 would reduce in size. Im thinking this is a
matter of having the right containing elements given how each script
is written- perhaps the dock script can be pared down to eliminate the
functionality I dont need and play nice with the carousel. Any ideas??


[jQuery] Re: [jQuery][ANN] jQuery.batch 1.0

2008-05-09 Thread Brandon Aaron
Oh ... you want to make sure the width of the li adds up to the width of all
the images? The earlier snippet just made sure the li was as wide as the
widest image. You could do something like this to add up all the widths.

var width = 0;
$.each( $('li.hello img').widths(), function(i,w){ width += w; });
$('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');

As for the feature suggestion ... I think it is an interesting idea. It
might be a little out of scope for this little extension/plugin but I'll
have to give it some more thought. Most of the things you mentioned are
already very easy to do with arrays and probably easy to extend the Array
object to do them otherwise.

Brandon Aaron

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Brandon!

 in your blog post you ask for suggested features.

 Frankly i'm stunned by how in one line you addition all the widths values
 (although i didn't expect less from you). Personally, I had to loop through
 the returned array in order to achieve that.
 Wouldn't it be a nice feature to add some built-in manipulations to the
 batch? i'm thinking 'sum' to add them all and return the result, 'concat',
 'join:,'  to join each with a comma in-between, 'average' to get the average
 of all integer values, etc. a kind of built-in callbacks if you like for
 most common operations.

 $('li.hello img').widths('sum');

 thank you!


 On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I misspelled reverse in my code example... It should be:

 var width = $('li.hello img').widths().sort().reverse()[0];
 $('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');

 Brandon Aaron

 On May 9, 9:47 am, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Close but in your example newWidths is an array of numbers. In your case
  you'll want a way to extract the largest width from the array and then
  that value to animate the li width. Maybe something like this.
  var width = $('li.hello img').widths().sort().revers()[0];
  $('li.hello').animate({ width: width }, 'slow');
  Thanks for a nice real-world example. :)
  In testing this I found a bug and created a new release 1.0.1.
  Brandon Aaron
  On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux 
   Brandon, i believe this is a clever little plugin. I i understand
   correctly, here is a real life example i experienced just 2 days ago
   i had such markup:
   li class=hello
   img width=316
   img width=629
   img width=630
   img width=638
   img width=631
   img width=630
   img width=629
   I needed to resize the LI element according to its children IMG
   attr width. What i did is loop through the jquery collection looking
 for the
   width attribute value.
   with your plugin it would be just
   var newWidth = $('li.hello').attrs('width');
   $('li.hello').animate({width: newWidth},slow);
   Am i correct?
   On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:40 AM, Brandon Aaron 
   jQuery.batch is a small extension (951 bytes min'd, 520 bytes
 gzipped) to
   jQuery that allows you to batch the results of any jQuery method,
   into an array. By default the batch plugin aliases the getter methods
   jQuery by adding an 's' to the end (attrs, offsets, vals ...). You
 can also
   just call $(...).batch('methodName', arg1, arg*n).
   Blog post:http://blog.brandonaaron.net/2008/05/08/jquery-batch/
   Brandon Aaron
   Alexandre Plennevaux

 Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread Brandon Aaron
Something like:

$('people:female').find('girlfriend') = []

Brandon Aaron

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:33 AM, CVertex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 love it.

 I'd prefer something clever with code on it than just the logo.

 just the way i eval...

 On May 9, 5:16 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It would be cool if said something like:
  ...in Courier typeface...and then had the jQuery logo on it.
  -- Josh
  - Original Message -
  From: Mike Branski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:36 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt
   Agreed! A darker blue with white text would look good (design
   On May 8, 10:32 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer colors other than just black!!
   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Behalf Of John Resig
   Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:24 AM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt
   There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the producer
   will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an
   when it's ready.
   On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they
selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.
 I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were
 What would you put on your jQuery T?

[jQuery] Re: List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-09 Thread andrea varnier

not sure but you could try something like this, to get more

$('#Main_Nav li:has(ul)').mouseover(function(e) {
}).mouseout(function(e) {

btw you don't need the .end() method at the end ;)

[jQuery] Re: Ajax: Posting Xml Data

2008-05-09 Thread andrea varnier

On 9 Mag, 17:17, NeilM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 success : function(data) {
 // Process data here

what is this function supposed to do?
it seems that it doesn't get the correct data (like the data var is
empty or something).
are you sure that your serverside script gives the correct answer?
and what about the xmlString you're sending via post? is it exactly
what the server is expecting?


[jQuery] Label Change Event

2008-05-09 Thread Camacho


I'm using JQuery in Asp.NET 2.0, and I want to catch one event when a
label change, what event should I catch?

Best Regards,
Pedro Camacho

[jQuery] JQuery Validator OR Operater

2008-05-09 Thread TheDudeAbides

Hello Everyone,

I've done some searching and am unable to find information on using an
OR operator in the JQuery Validator plugin.

I have two fields (for sake of argument) and before the form is valid
at least one field must be filled in. They are nameFirst and nameLast.

There may be a simple answer to this but I am just lost. I am
competent enough with the Validator plugin to setup comparison rules,
length rules, etc. just haven't been able find any OR operator
information yet.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


[jQuery] autocomplete onSelectItem

2008-05-09 Thread michelem

I'm trying the autocomplete plugin from: 
I have a problem with the onSelectItem option that I suppose it will
be triggered when I select a value, right?
So i would like to do something when the value is selected, but It
doesn't work with my code:

script type='text/javascript'

$(#searchbox).autocomplete(db.php, {


input type=text name=myinput id=searchbox class=ac_input 

Everything works fine but the onSelectItem option seems to do nothing,
any ideas?
thank you very much


[jQuery] Re: Ajax: Posting Xml Data

2008-05-09 Thread NeilM

Yes, the xml structure at this stage (testing) is very simple, but the
page throws and error before it gets to look at the data.  The server
returns a json string of the format {status: success} or {status:
error} which would then be processed by the 'success' script.

What seems odd is that jQuery throws an error before initiating the
ajax call if I set the property 'processData: false' in the

For reference, the test xml is constructued as follows:

var xml = menumenuItem name='Item 1' /menuItem name='Item 2' //

On May 9, 5:28 pm, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9 Mag, 17:17, NeilM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  success : function(data) {
  // Process data here

 what is this function supposed to do?
 it seems that it doesn't get the correct data (like the data var is
 empty or something).
 are you sure that your serverside script gives the correct answer?
 and what about the xmlString you're sending via post? is it exactly
 what the server is expecting?


[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready(function() { giving error $ is not a function - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-09 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Fred P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A little more specific:

 You're using jQuery.noConflict() which allows you to use the variable

Pardon me for being a little pedantic: jQuery.noConflict does not allow you
to use the variable jQuery. The jQuery variable is there either way. If not,
you couldn't call jQuery.noConflict() ;)

jQuery.noConflict allows you to use the $ alias for something other than
jQuery, by returning it to its previously defined value.

Another option should be mentioned (for completeness). If you have a bunch
of javascript/jQuery code that's already written to use the $, and you don't
want to search and replace the $ with jQuery, you can use the following
pattern to have the $ alias be jQuery inside a block with all your jQuery
code, after calling jQuery.noConflict:

(function($) {
  // Inside this block, $ is the jQuery object
  // not the other $

- Richard

[jQuery] Preventing text field focus() when user tabs to field...

2008-05-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I'm working on an input field where I need to disable the browser from
automatically doing this.select() on an input text field. In a nutshell,
I've got an input box I basically am treating like a masked input.

The reason is I'm manually pre-selecting a text range. If I invoke my
function to pre-select the correct text asynchronously (via setTimeout) it
works correctly, but you get a very brief flash as the browser natively does
a select() on the text already in the input field.

I've tried using both e.preventDefault() and e.stopPropagation(), but
neither stopped the behavior in FF. Returning false doesn't prevent the
behavior either.

Here's basically what the code looks like:

$(input#myField).bind(focus, function (){
  setTimeout(function (){
// preselect just the first 2 chars
setSelection(this, 0, 2);
  }, 0);

// set the text selected in a text field
function setSelection(field, start, end) {
  if( field.createTextRange ){
var selRange = field.createTextRange();
selRange.moveStart(character, start);
selRange.moveEnd(character, end);
  } else if( field.setSelectionRange ){
field.setSelectionRange(start, end);
  } else {
if( field.selectionStart ){
  field.selectionStart = start;
  field.selectionEnd = end;

Does anyone know of a trick to completely prevent FF from trying to select
all the text in a field automatically?


[jQuery] Re: remove() works differently in 1.5b4, at least for UI Dialogs

2008-05-09 Thread Scott González

This sounds like you're adding in content that you should be adding in
(via ajax) or you're not removing your old dialogs when you should.

Can you post a sample page that shows what you're doing?

On May 8, 11:37 am, snobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I stumbled upon a tricky situation. In my app, I use UI Dialogs based
 on my form's. When a dialog is created, it takes the form out of
 the HTML context where it was originally located, moves before the
 closing /body tag and wraps it with all these dialog divs, buttons
 etc. But when my AJAX calls replace body content with a new HTML, the
 problem occurs that now I have TWO identical forms in the DOM: one
 that was just returned with AJAX call, and another one that remains in
 this ghost dialog stuck in the end of the body. This makes a mess
 and also leads to creating duplicated dialogs...

 So, before creating a dialog, I previously had to check for existence
 of those ghost dialogs:

 if ($('.ui-dialog '+pid).length) $('.ui-dialog '+pid).parents('.ui-

 where pid is the id of my form that the dialog is made of.

 Now, after upgrading to 1.5b4, it turned out that remove() works
 differently! It doesn't remove the $('.ui-dialog '+pid).parents('.ui-
 dialog'), which is a main dialog div, from DOM! Instead, it kinda
 destroys the dialog, stripping all its divs and buttons, and leaving
 my original form hanging in the air, still stuck in the end of the

 Maybe it's because UI Dialogs have their own remove() method and it
 replaces general jQuery remove-from-DOM method?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax: Posting Xml Data

2008-05-09 Thread Mike Alsup

 What seems odd is that jQuery throws an error before initiating the
 ajax call if I set the property 'processData: false' in the

I think you've misunderstood the use of the processData option.  That
option lets the ajax function know whether it should convert the data
arg to an encoded string or if that has already be done by the caller.
 You need your data to be processed because it is not in a format that
can be sent to the server.  It is a JavaScript object (which happens
to contain some XML).  In addition, the contentType setting is also
wrong.  Your content is not XML, is just happens to contain some.  You
should be using the default x-www-form-urlencoded content type.  So
your post data would ultimately look something like:



[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread Kevin Scholl

On the front:


And on the back:

$(prototype, mootools, dojo, yui, etc.).remove();


[jQuery] Re: autocomplete onSelectItem

2008-05-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

It's onItemSelect, not onSelectItem (the docs are wrong.)


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of michelem
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 12:11 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] autocomplete onSelectItem

I'm trying the autocomplete plugin from:
I have a problem with the onSelectItem option that I suppose it will
be triggered when I select a value, right?
So i would like to do something when the value is selected, but It
doesn't work with my code:

script type='text/javascript'

$(#searchbox).autocomplete(db.php, {


input type=text name=myinput id=searchbox class=ac_input 

Everything works fine but the onSelectItem option seems to do nothing,
any ideas?
thank you very much


[jQuery] Re: jquery.slideviewerpro

2008-05-09 Thread GianCarlo Mingati

Playing with the script some more, i discovered a bug:
when created, the first gallery sets wrongly the content above the
image (the red box). COntents are pulled from the alt= images'
today it's friday, i'll think about it on monday.
but i must admit myself, i am pretty satisfied about the result; it
could be an anternative.

Have a nice weekend

On May 9, 3:16 pm, GianCarlo Mingati [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks Mike,
 it still miss a preloader, but it's 98% done.

 On May 9, 2:56 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hello friends,
   i've made another image gallery engine with jQuery. It is a new
   version of slideViewer, and can be tested here:
   I think i'll call it slideViewerPro.

  Very nice!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread Jonathan Sharp
Isn't it more like?
alert( $('people:female').find('girlfriend').length == 0 ? 'l33t' : 'normal'


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Something like:

 $('people:female').find('girlfriend') = []

 Brandon Aaron

 On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:33 AM, CVertex [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 love it.

 I'd prefer something clever with code on it than just the logo.

 just the way i eval...

 On May 9, 5:16 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It would be cool if said something like:
  ...in Courier typeface...and then had the jQuery logo on it.
  -- Josh
  - Original Message -
  From: Mike Branski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:36 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt
   Agreed! A darker blue with white text would look good (design
   On May 8, 10:32 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer colors other than just black!!
   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Behalf Of John Resig
   Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:24 AM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt
   There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the producer
   will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an
   when it's ready.
   On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they
selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.
 I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were
 What would you put on your jQuery T?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread Dylan Verheul

$(this) rocks

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 8:34 PM, Jonathan Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Isn't it more like?
 alert( $('people:female').find('girlfriend').length == 0 ? 'l33t' : 'normal'


 On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Something like:

 $('people:female').find('girlfriend') = []

 Brandon Aaron

 On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:33 AM, CVertex [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 love it.

 I'd prefer something clever with code on it than just the logo.

 just the way i eval...

 On May 9, 5:16 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It would be cool if said something like:
  ...in Courier typeface...and then had the jQuery logo on it.
  -- Josh
  - Original Message -
  From: Mike Branski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:36 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt
   Agreed! A darker blue with white text would look good (design
   On May 8, 10:32 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer colors other than just black!!
   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Behalf Of John Resig
   Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:24 AM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt
   There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the
   producer and
   will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an
   when it's ready.
   On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they
selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.
 I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were
 What would you put on your jQuery T?

[jQuery] Re: Href/click-parameters on asynchronous treeview

2008-05-09 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Thanks for the ticket!


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Jyrki Pulliainen

 I've created a ticket #2830 containing the patch.


[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-09 Thread briandichiara

Thanks for the tip hj. Is that a cross-browser solution? I tested it
in FF and got the absolute URL, but in IE it returns the relative

I used

var formAction = $(elm.form).attr(action);

and that will return the same in both browsers, however I'd still like
to know how reliable that is. Thanks.


On May 9, 10:37 am, hj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could you possibly just give your form an id attribute?  Then onchange you
  could just return $(#myformid).attr(action) and not have to mess with
  any traversing.

  -- Josh

  - Original Message -
  From: briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 1:58 PM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

   Ok, I tried this:

   $(elm).parents().map(function () {

   but the FORM never shows up. Reason is because the source looks like

 There's no need for any of this; elements of a form (input, select,
 textarea) has a form property, so:

   form action=something
   select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
   !-- some options --

   function changeAction(elm){
   var formAction = elm.form.action;

 And, as others have suggested, it's a better practice to do this all
 in JavaScript, so that becomes:

   form  action=something
   select id=some_select name=some_name
   !-- some options --

   jQuery(document).ready(function() {
 jQuery('select#some_select').change(function() {
   var formAction = this.form.action;



[jQuery] Re: jCarousel: question and feature reqs

2008-05-09 Thread Jacques Jocelyn

Good initiative Bob,

I would like to see if someone has been able to have the carousel
display with the vertical mode on multiple lines and multiple columns
an example of layout could be something like this
| __ __ __  __ |
| | Item1| | Item2| | Item3|  | Item4| |
| |_| |_|  |_|  |_| |
| __ __ __  __ |
| | Item5| | Item8| | Item7|  | Item8| |
| |_| |_|  |_|  |_| |
so when clicking on arrow left and right, we could see other items (9
and above)

Please advise,

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread Fontzter


[jQuery] Re: fastest way to edit a select

2008-05-09 Thread Wizzud

An alternative...

var destOpts = $('#hotel_destinazione option');
var sel_val = $(this).val() || '';
  var me = $(this);
  me[sel_val=='' || me.is('.'+sel_val) ? 'show' : 'hide']

On May 9, 11:57 am, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi :)
 what is the fastest way to edit a select item?
 I need to show some option's and hide some others, depending on the
 value of another select.
 let's say if the user selects a country for his holiday, in the
 '#hotel_paese' select, the '#hotel_destinazione' select will show only
 the hotels of that country.
 problem is that the '#hotel_destinazione' select has already got its
 values, so I'm using the class attribute to keep track of the country.
 so if, say, egypt has code '001', then sharm el sheik, abu simbel,
 aswan, luxor, and so on will all have class '001'.

 the .show() and .hide() methods seem to be a little too slow.
 or maybe is my code?

 // this is the select
 var $this = $(this);
 var sel_val = $this.val();
 $('#hotel_destinazione option').show()
 if (sel_val != '') $('#hotel_destinazione option').not('.' +


 thank you very much :)

[jQuery] Re: Help Creating jQuery UI style plugins

2008-05-09 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Adam V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all,

 I've gone through some of the more obvious resources on creating
 jQuery Plugins (Mike Alsop's Plugin pattern, the documentation on
 docs.jquery.com, etc.) and I think I have a handle on things. There
 are a few things for which I can't seem to find a good explanation.

 First, I notice that much of the jQuery UI widgets make use of the
 dataCache (http://docs.jquery.com/Core/data#name) to keep references
 to things but I can't find anything that describes how or why you'd
 want to do such a thing.

.data() is used anywhere you want to store data on a DOMElement, instead of
expando properties. This is perfect for widget-style plugins that have all
sorts of settings/options (plus the instance itself) that need to be stored
on each element that is that widget. Also, there's namespacing, for a
single element being multiple widgets. For example:


can be handled by a different getter/plugin than


which can both be entirely different than


pretty key when (as in the case of dialog) the width of the original element
(the content of the dialog) is very different than the dialog itself (a
wrapper with chrome+padding)

 Second, the latest versions of jQuery UI (1.5?) uses the same sort of
 overloading that jQuery itself uses to simplfy the interaface. See,
 for example, the interface for Tabs (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs).
 I like this pattern and I could implement it myself, but I'm hoping
 that there is a standard, simple way to implement it.

There is a widget factory in ui.core.js that Scott and Jörn developed. For
an example of doing the same without that, see a couple files in UI 1.5b2
(before the factory was added):

http://dev.jquery.com/view/tags/ui/1.5b2/ui.selectable.js (lines 17-30, init
with options, plugin methods)
http://dev.jquery.com/view/tags/ui/1.5b2/ui.dialog.js (lines 50-97, plugin
property getters and setters)

This all needs better documenting. It's all quite new.

- Richard

Richard D. Worth

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread Jeffrey Kretz


[jQuery] Re: Ajax: Posting Xml Data

2008-05-09 Thread NeilM

Thanks Mike,

That helps a lot.  I have modified the code back to a more 'default'
setting and have found that all I needed to do was encode the xml
string (using the escape() method) and then, of course decode the
string on the server.  If I don't encode/escape the xml, I get an ajax
call error.

type : POST,
url : AjaxHandlerPage.aspx,
data : {
method : Save,
data : escape(xmlString)
dataType : json,
cache : false,
success : function(data) {
// Process return status data here


On May 9, 6:35 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What seems odd is that jQuery throws an error before initiating the
  ajax call if I set the property 'processData: false' in the

 I think you've misunderstood the use of the processData option.  That
 option lets the ajax function know whether it should convert the data
 arg to an encoded string or if that has already be done by the caller.
  You need your data to be processed because it is not in a format that
 can be sent to the server.  It is a JavaScript object (which happens
 to contain some XML).  In addition, the contentType setting is also
 wrong.  Your content is not XML, is just happens to contain some.  You
 should be using the default x-www-form-urlencoded content type.  So
 your post data would ultimately look something like:



[jQuery] Re: List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-09 Thread Panman

Getting closer! I changed from using the mouseover() and mouseout() to
hover(). That now seems to be working properly. The only issue at this
point is that it doesn't slide down on the first hover. When the page
loads and the mouse is over the li it just shows the list as the CSS
does. Then when the mouse goes out it will slideUp() and any
additional hovers it'll slideDown/Up. I have enclosed it in a ready()
function... Test site is updated. Thanks for any help!

$('#Main_Nav ul li').hover(
function (e) { $
(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal'); },
function (e) { $(this).children('ul').slideUp('normal'); }

On May 9, 11:25 am, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 not sure but you could try something like this, to get more

 $('#Main_Nav li:has(ul)').mouseover(function(e) {
 $(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal');}).mouseout(function(e) {



 btw you don't need the .end() method at the end ;)

[jQuery] Re: List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-09 Thread Panman

Andrea, when I changed to hover() the stopPropagation() effected
negatively. Once I removed that it started working ok. Also, what is
variable e when passing it to the function? Thanks

On May 9, 11:25 am, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 not sure but you could try something like this, to get more

 $('#Main_Nav li:has(ul)').mouseover(function(e) {
 $(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal');}).mouseout(function(e) {



 btw you don't need the .end() method at the end ;)

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread mmiller


On May 9, 2:37 pm, Fontzter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[jQuery] Re: ajax calls don't work in firefox 3 beta 4

2008-05-09 Thread Orhan

FF Beta 4 Release notes says that

Support for Cross-Site XmlHttpRequest has been removed until the
specification becomes more stable and the security model is improved
(bug 424923)


it could be something releated that...

On 9 Mayıs, 18:06, skunkwerk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got some code with post  ajaxForm calls in it that work fine in
 IE and FF 2, but not firefox 3.  Using firebug I can see that the
 calls are apparently being made as they should, but for some reason
 never get to the server.  Is this a jQuery issue or a firefox issue?
 i'm using the latest jquery minified release.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-09 Thread ripple


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[jQuery] Right way to write a function

2008-05-09 Thread Max

Hi everybody,

I'm new on jQuery and I wanted to know which is the correct way to
right a function. For example I have a menu-list, and I want to clear
the selected state of all elements, and set it to the selected
element. So I wrote thi function:

function toggleActive(e){
$('#iconBox ul.bar li').children(a).removeClass(active);
return false;

And I invoke with:

$('#page1').click(function() {
[...rest of code...]
return false;

$('#page2').click(function() {
[...rest of code...]
return false;

This works.
But I think this is not the jQuery sintax, so I'm triying to do it
So I wrote:

jQuery.fn.toggleActive = function(e){
$('#iconBox ul.bar li').children(a).removeClass(active);
return false;

But I don't know how to call, and how to pass the param.

Any help please?

Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: Tabs 3 Ajax issue

2008-05-09 Thread Klaus Hartl

Hi Paul,

the tabs plugin does not set innerhtml to anything with all tabs being
unselected. You probably do not see the content because the tab panels
are all hidden via CSS.


On May 8, 4:32 pm, HelloGoodbye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello dear JQ community,

 I'm having some problems regarding the Tabs 3 Plugin:
 My page has a div container called maincontent which contains all
 the data except the navigation, footer, etc. I use this container to
 store content served by my phpscript and to load other content
 dynamically via AJAX.

 Let's say I request a page like index.php?action=showusers (as a HTTP
 GET request, NOT AJAX)

 Then maincontent should contain all the info about the users.

 However, I also integrated a navigation based on the Tabs 3 plugin.
 The div-container the tabs are assigned to is maincontent.

  Allthough all tabs are disabled at start, say:

 $('#nav  ul').tabs({selected:null});

 And my list looks like this:

 a href=ajaxserver.php?action=getportalpage id=0 class=catItem
 a href=ajaxserver.php?cat_id=1action=getnews id=1
 class=catItem title=#mainContentspanCat 1/span/a
 a href=ajaxserver.php?cat_id=2action=getnews id=2
 class=catItem title=#mainContentspanCat 2/span/a
 a href=ajaxserver.php?cat_id=7action=getnews id=7
 class=catItem title=#mainContentspanCat 3/span/a
 a href=ajaxserver.php?cat_id=8action=getnews id=8
 class=catItem title=#mainContentspanCat 4/span/a

 (It is obvious, that it works via ajax)

 maincontent's innerhtml is empty, because the tabs plugin hasn't got
 any tabs selected and therefore sets maincontent's innerhtml to

 However I want maincontent to keep its original html(e.g. the
 userlist) until the user has decided to move over to another category
 by switching to another tab.

 How can I preserve the original content, so it won't get overridden by
 the Tabs 3 plugin?
 Or can you give any other solutions?

 Thanks in regard

[jQuery] Re: ajax tabs not working

2008-05-09 Thread Klaus Hartl

 div id=top class=flora
                 lia href=http://www.domain.com/top/pop;Popular/a/li
                 lia href=http://www.domain.com/top/rated;Rated/a/li

 when I load up the site, however, there's nothing in the tabs,

You cannot load external pages into tabs.

 and the links for the tabs are incorrect:
 /#ui-tabs-7, etc. which isn't in my code anywhere

Such divs are created on the fly for Ajax tabs. (even for external
links which is actually a little bug).


[jQuery] Re: Preventing text field focus() when user tabs to field...

2008-05-09 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Dan,

I don't know off-hand, but the first place I'd look would be Josh  
Bush's Masked Input plugin. He has done a ton of work to make it an  
excellent plugin, so I'm guessing you could get some ideas by looking  
at his code:


Hope that helps.

Karl Swedberg

On May 9, 2008, at 1:12 PM, Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:

I'm working on an input field where I need to disable the browser from
automatically doing this.select() on an input text field. In a  

I've got an input box I basically am treating like a masked input.

The reason is I'm manually pre-selecting a text range. If I invoke my
function to pre-select the correct text asynchronously (via  
setTimeout) it
works correctly, but you get a very brief flash as the browser  
natively does

a select() on the text already in the input field.

I've tried using both e.preventDefault() and e.stopPropagation(), but
neither stopped the behavior in FF. Returning false doesn't  
prevent the

behavior either.

Here's basically what the code looks like:

$(input#myField).bind(focus, function (){
 setTimeout(function (){
   // preselect just the first 2 chars
   setSelection(this, 0, 2);
 }, 0);

// set the text selected in a text field
function setSelection(field, start, end) {
 if( field.createTextRange ){
   var selRange = field.createTextRange();
   selRange.moveStart(character, start);
   selRange.moveEnd(character, end);
 } else if( field.setSelectionRange ){
   field.setSelectionRange(start, end);
 } else {
   if( field.selectionStart ){
 field.selectionStart = start;
 field.selectionEnd = end;

Does anyone know of a trick to completely prevent FF from trying to  

all the text in a field automatically?


[jQuery] Re: Right way to write a function

2008-05-09 Thread Hamish Campbell

Hi there,

A quick fix is to modify your extension to:

jQuery.fn.toggleActive = function(){
$('#iconBox ul.bar li').children(a).removeClass(active);

You would then call by:

$('#page2').click(function() {
   [...rest of code...]
   return false;

Personally, if I was using extend, I'd try to make the function a
little more generic (instead of hardcoding id's etc). I'd also use the
'extend' functionality (http://docs.jquery.com/Core/
jQuery.fn.extend#object). Eg:

toggleActive: function() {

And you'd apply this by element instead of id:

$('#iconBox ul.bar li').children(a).click(function(){
 return false;

But use what works for you :)

On May 10, 9:56 am, Max [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I'm new on jQuery and I wanted to know which is the correct way to
 right a function. For example I have a menu-list, and I want to clear
 the selected state of all elements, and set it to the selected
 element. So I wrote thi function:

         function toggleActive(e){
                 $('#iconBox ul.bar li').children(a).removeClass(active);
                 return false;

 And I invoke with:

         $('#page1').click(function() {
                 [...rest of code...]
                 return false;

         $('#page2').click(function() {
                 [...rest of code...]
                 return false;

 This works.
 But I think this is not the jQuery sintax, so I'm triying to do it

 So I wrote:

         jQuery.fn.toggleActive = function(e){
                 $('#iconBox ul.bar li').children(a).removeClass(active);
                 return false;

 But I don't know how to call, and how to pass the param.

 Any help please?

 Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: fastest way to edit a select

2008-05-09 Thread Dave Methvin

How about this?

   $('#hotel_destinazione option').hide()
   .filter(this.value? (.+this.value) : *).show();

I think I got that right...if not you can probably tell what I meant.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-09 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Drew,

Here is another quick patch I've worked out for you. Remove that other
line I gave you (the one that manually applies hideSuperfishUl on
document ready. Then alter the following line of Superfish.js:

o.$path = $('li.'+o.pathClass,this).each(function(){

o.$path = $('li.'+o.pathClass+':first',this).each(function(){

That way, the path to restore only includes the submenu of the first
li that has the 'active' class, both on page load and mouseouts. This
limiting of the detected 'active' path seems like it may be the way to
go to provide flexibility to the pathClass feature so that these types
of menu are doable. I'll figure out a proper way of adjusting this
from the options object, but for now I hope this hack finally solves
the problem for you.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Preventing text field focus() when user tabs to field...

2008-05-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I don't know off-hand, but the first place I'd look would be Josh
Bush's Masked Input plugin. He has done a ton of work to make it an
excellent plugin, so I'm guessing you could get some ideas by looking
at his code:


Hope that helps.

I looked there after I made my post and he's also using setTimeout to do it
asynchronously--so there may not be a cross browser way to actually stop the
default behavior (there might be, but Josh didn't have a solution either.)
