[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready() vs $(function () {});

2008-10-21 Thread 汪杰
you are also using $.fn.ready(function(){

this is the most direct way to use it

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Trouble using rules( add, rules ) as well as setting attribute for range validations

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Could you file a ticket for this? http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
(requires registration)



On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:49 PM, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have made a patch for my app to the rules function to support custom

 This is the new function, would be nice to have something similar to

rules: function(command, argument) {
var element = this[0];

if (command) {
var staticRules = $.data(element.form, 
var existingRules = $.validator.staticRules(element);
switch(command) {
case add:
staticRules[element.name] = existingRules;

/ PATCH ***/
if (argument.messages) {
if ($.data(element.form,
 'validator').settings.messages[element.name] = argument.messages;
/ END PATCH ***/
case remove:
if (!argument) {
delete staticRules[element.name];
return existingRules;
var filtered = {};
$.each(argument.split(/\s/), function(index, 
 method) {
filtered[method] = 
delete existingRules[method];
return filtered;

var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
), element);

// make sure required is at front
if (data.required) {
var param = data.required;
delete data.required;
data = $.extend({required: param}, data);

return data;

 And I use it like this:

 $(#field).rules(add,  {required:true,range:[5,45],messages:
 {required:The field can\'t be blank.,range:The field must have
 5 to 45 characters.}});

 Hope it helps.

 On Oct 9, 11:00 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You can use metadata, too. Currently barely documented, and not really
 recommended either, but works since 1.4.

 input class={required:true,messages:{required:'required field'}}
 name=whatever /


 On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Bob Silverberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for the quick response.  That fixed my problem.

  One more question:

  I'd like to addcustomerror messages to some of my dynamic
  validations.  Is it correct that the only way to add acustomerror
 messageto a particular rule is either by:

  1. using the form.validate() method
  2. using $.validator.addMethod to clone an existing method


  On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Jörn Zaefferer
  Forrules(add) to work, the element's form has to be validated, that
  is, call $(form).validate() first. I've updated the documentation

  Not sure why the attr-approach failed, I'll take a look at that.


  On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 2:37 AM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm working on a server-side component that will generate all of my
  jQuery validationrulesfrom xml metadata, so I'm trying to
  dynamically addrulesone at a time.

  My first attempt was to use therules( add,rules) syntax, but I'm
  getting an error on page load:

  jQuery.data(element.form, validator) is undefined

  Here's the syntax I'm using:

  $(#VerifyPassword).rules('add',{equalTo: '#UserPass'});  which seems
  to be correct according to the docs.

  So, I decided to try setting attributes instead, which works fine for
  the equalTo. For example, this works:


  But when trying to use attr to set a range I cannot figure out what to
  pass in for the range.

  I've tried:
  $(#UserPass).attr('rangelength','[5,10]'); - yeilds themessage
  Please enter a value between 

[jQuery] Re: Help optimising jquery code - there must be a better way

2008-10-21 Thread Erik Beeson
I don't have time to rewrite your whole example, but I can offer a few tips
that might help. Selecting by class alone can be pretty slow. Basically
every single tag has to be checked for the class every time you do a
selection by class. It would help to at least give the HTML tag that the
class is being applied to, like $('li.current_page_item').
You do quite a few next/prev/addClass calls on the same elements, but you're
reselecting them every time. I suggest you use the end function.
Operations that modify what elements are selected work as a stack, and allow
you to undo operations, like so:


Calls to the $ function are often expensive, so it can help to cache them in
a local variable if you find you're calling $ with the same parameter
multiple times.

For that repetitive stuff you're doing at the end, I suggest you look into
the each function.

Hope it helps.


On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:08 PM, Kent Humphrey [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I am relatively new to jquery, but have managed to muddle my way through a
 complicated navigation design that has overlapping selected states, eg with
 menu items 1,2,3,4 and 5, when item 2 is selected, the images for items 1
 and 3 also have to change.

 The code is long and convoluted, and I am sure there is a cleaner way to do
 what I am doing. If anyone has any ideas, that would be great.

 Here's the code:

 // setup before and after classes

 // do overlapping images
 $(#primary_nav a).hover(
function() {

if ((!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_ancestor')) 
 (!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_item'))) {





function() {

 $(#page_item_2 a).hover(
function() {
function() {
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_item')) {

 $(#page_item_5 a).hover(
function() {
function () {
if ((!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_ancestor')) 
 (!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_item'))) {

 $(#page_item_7 a).hover(
function() {
function () {
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_item')) {

 $(#page_item_9 a).hover(
function() {
function () {
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_item')) {

 $(#page_item_11 a).hover(
function() {
function () {
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('current_page_item')) {

 By way of explanation, this is using the css sprites method where I have a
 single image that is all the different states of the nav. The 'before' and
 'after' classes are used to indicate the nav items either side of the
 selected item. 'current_page_item' and 'current_page_ancestor' are what
 WordPress uses to indicate the selected item, or the parent of the selected
 item. I am using 'current_disabled' to disable the 'current_page_item'
 style, so when you rollover the other nav items 

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Trouble using rules( add, rules ) as well as setting attribute for range validations

2008-10-21 Thread lightglitch



On Oct 21, 9:53 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Could you file a ticket for this?http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
 (requires registration)



 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:49 PM, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have made a patch for my app to therulesfunction to supportcustom

  This is the new function, would be nice to have something similar to

         rules: function(command, argument) {
                 var element = this[0];

                 if (command) {
                         var staticRules = $.data(element.form, 
                         var existingRules = $.validator.staticRules(element);
                         switch(command) {
                         case add:
                                 staticRules[element.name] = existingRules;

                                 / PATCH ***/
                                 if (argument.messages) {
                                     if ($.data(element.form,
  'validator').settings.messages[element.name] = argument.messages;
                                 / END PATCH ***/
                         case remove:
                                 if (!argument) {
                                         delete staticRules[element.name];
                                         return existingRules;
                                 var filtered = {};
                                 $.each(argument.split(/\s/), function(index, 
  method) {
                                         filtered[method] = 
                                         delete existingRules[method];
                                 return filtered;

                 var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
                 ), element);

                 // make sure required is at front
                 if (data.required) {
                         var param = data.required;
                         delete data.required;
                         data = $.extend({required: param}, data);

                 return data;

  And I use it like this:

  $(#field).rules(add,  {required:true,range:[5,45],messages:
  {required:The field can\'t be blank.,range:The field must have
  5 to 45 characters.}});

  Hope it helps.

  On Oct 9, 11:00 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  You can use metadata, too. Currently barely documented, and not really
  recommended either, but works since 1.4.

  input class={required:true,messages:{required:'required field'}}
  name=whatever /


  On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Bob Silverberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks for the quick response.  That fixed my problem.

   One more question:

   I'd like to addcustomerror messages to some of my dynamic
   validations.  Is it correct that the only way to add acustomerror
  messageto a particular rule is either by:

   1. using the form.validate() method
   2. using $.validator.addMethod to clone an existing method


   On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Jörn Zaefferer
   Forrules(add) to work, the element's form has to be validated, that
   is, call $(form).validate() first. I've updated the documentation

   Not sure why the attr-approach failed, I'll take a look at that.


   On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 2:37 AM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm working on a server-side component that will generate all of my
   jQuery validationrulesfrom xml metadata, so I'm trying to
   dynamically addrulesone at a time.

   My first attempt was to use therules( add,rules) syntax, but I'm
   getting an error on page load:

   jQuery.data(element.form, validator) is undefined

   Here's the syntax I'm using:

   $(#VerifyPassword).rules('add',{equalTo: '#UserPass'});  which seems
   to be correct according to the docs.

   So, I decided to try setting attributes instead, which works fine for
   the equalTo. For example, this works:



[jQuery] Re: Equal height containers with expand abilities

2008-10-21 Thread bmclaughlin

In an attempt to think through the logic of the goal, here is more
written out.
Also, I have a much greater understanding of css than jquery at this

A pass at writing out the logic:

Determine the height of div “container” after the content is loaded.
• If the height of “container” is greater than 400px
 Add class “sizer”
ß .sizer { overflow:hidden; height:400px; }
o Allow the paragraph inside div with class of “tag” to stay displayed
(don’t do anything to it).
o The link that is in the paragraph that is inside the div with the
class of “tag” becomes a show/hide trigger. When clicked, allow
“container” to be full size (remove class “sizer” ?)
o When class “sizer” is added, there needs to be a way to add
something to the where the content gets cut off. It would look/act
like a truncate function.
ß Perhaps something that counts back 5 characters from where it gets
cut off and then add “…”

• If the height of “container” is less than 400px
o Add class “sizer”
ß .sizer { overflow:hidden; height:400px; }
ß This should keep a container with little or no content from
collapsing down beyond 400px.
o Add class to paragraph inside div with class of “tag”. Add “.show-
ß .show-none {display:none;}

Here is the code to work from updated:

[jQuery] Re: Close current after delay

2008-10-21 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Dom,

Simply alter the line in the setTimeout function to this:

$('ul.sf-menu li.current  ul').fadeOut('slow');

Note that I have altered both the method and the selector here.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: making the accordion remain open

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
I'm working on cookie persistence: When accordion is changed, it
stores the active panel in a cookie, and restores that state on page
load. Would that solve your problem?


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:54 PM, evo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've ran into a problem using the accordion from
 Currently to keep the accordion open while navigating a site i add p=1
 (or whatever number it may need) to the url, which works, but as soon
 as I need to pass other variables through the url it breaks down and
 won't remain open.

 So while http://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2 will work fine,
 http://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2id=4 doesn't work.

 Now I'm wondering there must be another way to have the accordion
 remain open as someone must of come across this before.

 Any help will be much appreciated

[jQuery] Protecting against multiple loads of jquery.js et.al.

2008-10-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm working on a highly asynchronous and compartmentalized component
system where components each manage their own list of assets including
js and css files.

I've recently started using jQuery to implement popup dialogs that use
an Ajax callback to populate the dialog with one of my components.
This component needs to work in both a full page context and within a
div based dialog. I don't want the component itself to have to know
whether it's being used in one context or the other.

As it turns out, the first component I loaded into my jquery.ui.dialog
itself uses jquery and dutifully pulled in the jQuery.js library. It
seems the jquery ajax handler handles embedded script tags. This
summarily clobbered my first instance of jQuery causing all kinds of
.dialog is not a function errors.

Adding a conditional around jquery.js to test if it's already been
loaded seems to work like a champ in both FF and MSIE:

if ( typeof( jQuery ) == 'undefined' )
  ...rest of jquery.js...

The question is, is there some reason this isn't an acceptable

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[jQuery] accordion query

2008-10-21 Thread Steven Grant

Hi folks,
I'm using the following for an accordion style menu

div class=accordion
h3Latest news/h3
pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
neque vitae odio.br /
read more about xxx...br /
br /
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
neque vitae odio.br /
read more about xxx.../p
h3a href=http://www.google.co.uk;Useful contact list/a/h3
h3Email newsletter/h3

pJoin our email newsletter by completing your details below and
we'll get you added and keep you updated.br /
form id=form1 method=post action=
  input type=text name=textfield id=textfield /
br /
input type=text name=textfield2 id=textfield2 /
br /
input type=submit name=button id=button
value=Subscribe /

pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
neque vitae odio. Vivamus vitae ligula./p


and this is the Javascript:

script type=text/javascript

$(.accordion h3:first).addClass(active);
$(.accordion p:not(:first)).hide();
$(.accordion h3).click(function(){


When I view this in the browser the form is displayed automatically,
how can I hide it until the user presses for the drop down?


[jQuery] Advice about Jquery selectors and updating content in DIV

2008-10-21 Thread Brandnew


Here's what I've made. I have a lot of divs on different pages which
you can Digg (it's called hit). When I click on hit, I've made a code
that send Ajax data to a second page which record everything needed in
the database. That's working easily. But then, I need to add something
to that and I can't. I need to update the number of diggs and add 1
when task is complete and I need also to add it just in one div. I
also have a little message showing up but that's not necessary for

Here's my JS script

var id=this.id;

$.post('../../posts/hit.php', {id:id}, 
function (responseText){
if (responseText == 1){


return false;

And here's my code where the html is

a   class=hit id=?php echo $id_article ;?Hit/a
 span style=color:?php echo $link_color;?
 ?php echo ' (span class=hit_outputspan' .
$donnees['hit'] . '/span /span)';?/span

I probably put too much span and stuff but I tried several things. THe
fact is it never updates just the number of diggs (hits) on the actual
div but on all of them. Or when I had a message id=responseText it
always shows at the same place even if he updates the good id.

Well, I hope I'm clear. I'm not really good at JS so I just try to
work things out.

Thanks in advance,


[jQuery] what is difference between $(document).height() and $(window).height() ?

2008-10-21 Thread jey jey

what is difference between $(document).height() and $
(window).height() ?

[jQuery] Find index of div with class selected

2008-10-21 Thread jimster

I'm trying to get the index of a div marked as selected, it's all a
bit complicated because I have two levels of selected divs.

My mark up looks like this:

div id=container
div id=kid1 class=kid selected
div id=k1w1 class=week selected/div
div id=k1w2 class=week/div
div id=k1w3 class=week/div
div id=k1w4 class=week/div

div id=kid2 class=kid
div id=k2w1 class=week/div
div id=k2w2 class=week/div
div id=k2w3 class=week/div
div id=k2w4 class=week/div

div id=kid3 class=kid
div id=k3w1 class=week/div
div id=k3w2 class=week/div
div id=k3w3 class=week/div
div id=k3w4 class=week/div

div id=kid4 class=kid
div id=k4w1 class=week/div
div id=k4w2 class=week/div
div id=k4w3 class=week/div
div id=k4w4 class=week/div

What would be the correct code to grab the index of the third nested
div with the class selected?

I've tried things like:

var sk = #container  div:eq(0);
var swi = $(sk +   div).index($(.selected));

It's probably pretty obvious I'm stumbling in the dark...

[jQuery] jQuery efficiency with a large DOM.

2008-10-21 Thread mrmoosehead

Hi, I have a web app that is hosted within a .hta wrapper (for some
security uses including hosting an ActiveX control) therefore uses ie
as its engine.

The app rarely, if ever leaves the containing page and all interaction
with the server is done using ajax and loading information into
various container 'controls' - hidden at times but left in the DOM for
easy re-use, rather than reloading every time they want to view.
I am finding that the speed of the interface is suffering badly as
more stuff is loaded into the DOM.
Most selectors are ID based ones where possible, therefore should be
as efficient as possible. I cache jQuery objects where possible to
avoid re-searching

What I am finding is that it can take almost 2 seconds for an event to
even be actioned by the browser - e.g a simple onclick on an element
in a dynamically loaded chunk of HTML markup can take this time to
even start actioning a $.get request.

Anyone any thoughts as to why? Apart from it's IE - I get similar
delays on FF and Chrome, but nowhere near the same magnitude.
I am trying to keep the DOM as clean as possible, but it's hard with
such a rich app.

Any tips and tricks for efficiency in large DOM pages with jQuery?


[jQuery] accordion box query

2008-10-21 Thread Steven Grant

I'm using the Accordion #1 example found on:


Rather than stick with p tags in the accordion, I want to have a form
in one of them.

I added $(.accordion form:not(:first)).hide();

in the hope it would hide the contents until expanded - this didn't
work sadly.

Any thoughts on how to fix?


[jQuery] Re: Selecting multiple table rows with jQuery and Tablesorter

2008-10-21 Thread Seth

First, I'm sorry I have no answers, but I want you to know you are not
alone with this issue.  I also need users to be able to select
multiple rows at once, using a modifier key like shift.  Sometimes
they will select 20 rows at a time so clicking each one individually
would be a usability nightmare.

I will be watching this thread with high hopes, I've also seen Grid
and Ingrid which are very close, but not quite there.

On Oct 8, 1:15 pm, shakerdesigns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been looking around, but have yet to find the right jquery solution for
 selecting table rows using jQuery and the Tablesorter plugin. I've created a
 widget to toggle css classes and highlight each selected row, but I'm
 looking for more functionality than that. I've also seen other plugins like
 Ingrid andGrid, but they don't have the control I need.

 Specifically, I'm looking to use 'click' toselecta row, 'ctrl+click' 
 toselectmultiple rows, keyboard shortcuts toselectall rows ('ctrl+a') and
 the ability to navigate thru the table with the arrow keys. Similar to the
 functionality found in a desktop spreadsheet program like Numbers or Excel.

 Does anyone know of a solution or could provide some feedback as to how I
 might make one?

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] call a php function with onclick

2008-10-21 Thread stefano

Hi, I would like to know how it is possibile to call a php function
inside an onclick=function (), I try to explain me better

I have 2 php functions :

1. add_friend($me,$friend) and
2. remove_friend($me, $firend)

I would like to have 2 links in this way:

a href=# id=add-friend onclick=add_friend($me,$friend)Add

a href=# id=add-friend onclick=remove_friend($me,$friend)Remove

when I click on the first link I call the add function when I click on
the other the remove

It is something similat to the twitter or pownce  code

I have written it on this page:


please some easy tutorial to solve it :)


[jQuery] Re: jquery newbie help please!

2008-10-21 Thread Ben

Bump. Sorry, I just really need help ...

On Oct 20, 3:57 pm, Ben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm new to jquery and am having a couple issues on a site I've
 designed. I am using 2 jquery techniques: dd accordian and a animated
 image load i sorta hacked together. Both have slight glitches that I
 can's seem to figure out. Can someone please offer some guidance on
 either of the following issues onhttp://www.elizabethkosichnewyork.com/:

 1. DDAccordian: It seems to be mainly an IE6.0 issue, though I've run
 into it on Safari as well, but there is some overlapping that occurs
 between the hidden subcats and the other categories as you click thru
 the menu. It's almost as if they're colliding with each other. There's
 a chance the problem could be more CSS related than JQuery, but I
 can't figure it out.

 2. Image load: I have a little script on the about pages, the store
 locator page, and the content page that looks like this:

 $(window).bind(load, function() {
 return false;

 What I am wanting this to do is, once the image is loaded (I tried DOM
 Ready before but that was too soon) and then slide in like it does.
 Right now, the images is flashing ever-so briefly before it hides. Any
 idea how I can do this better?

 Thanks so much for your help!

[jQuery] Re: Hover bug with scrollbars

2008-10-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I reckon that this is the same bug as I reported here (see the
comments from 21.10.2008). navigation using .hover() does not
disappear in FF if the mouse leaves the navigation over a element such


I hope there is a fix for this somewhere ...


On Oct 16, 8:00 pm, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On elements with overflow:auto; set so they have a vertical scrollbar,
 the on-hover event fires when themousehovers over the element. When
 themouseleavesthe element by passing over the scrollbar, the off-
 hover event does not fire.

  I've tested this on Firefox 3, and it seems to be reproducible.

  Is this a jQuery bug?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax Request - Success and Failure Events

2008-10-21 Thread thornhawk

On Oct 20, 11:42 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was reading the jQuery help docs (in the Ajax Events section), and I
  came across this statement:

  you can never have both an error and a success callback with a

  Does anyone know why you can't do this? I can think of a number of
  situations where you would need to cater for both events.

 That statement should say they will never both be invoked for a single
 request.  You can, and should, declare both a success and error

Ah! That makes a lot more sense! Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Find index of div with class selected

2008-10-21 Thread jimster

It seems like I've got somewhere - though I am still confused.

  div id=container
div id=kid1 class=kid select
div id=k1w1 class=week/div
div id=k1w2 class=week selected/div
div id=k1w3 class=week/div
div id=k1w4 class=week/div

div id=kid2 class=kid
div id=k2w1 class=week/div
div id=k2w2 class=week/div
div id=k2w3 class=week/div
div id=k2w4 class=week selected/div

div id=kid3 class=kid
div id=k3w1 class=week selected/div
div id=k3w2 class=week/div
div id=k3w3 class=week/div
div id=k3w4 class=week/div

div id=kid4 class=kid
div id=k4w1 class=week/div
div id=k4w2 class=week selected/div
div id=k4w3 class=week/div
div id=k4w4 class=week/div

Now I have changed #kid1 to have a class select instead of
selected and this code brings up the correct index for the div with
class selected in the first group of weeks (was there some kind of
conflict before because the parent had the class I was looking for?):

var spoon = $(#container  div:eq(0)  div).index($(.selected));

If i change the :eq to (1) or (2) or (3) to theoretically grab hold of
the other 3 divs inside #container, it returns -1.

Am I totally missing something with index?

[jQuery] making the accordion remain open

2008-10-21 Thread evo


I've ran into a problem using the accordion from
Currently to keep the accordion open while navigating a site i add p=1
(or whatever number it may need) to the url, which works, but as soon
as I need to pass other variables through the url it breaks down and
won't remain open.

So while http://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2 will work fine,
http://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2id=4 doesn't work.

Now I'm wondering there must be another way to have the accordion
remain open as someone must of come across this before.

Any help will be much appreciated

[jQuery] jQuery Documentation in PDF

2008-10-21 Thread Jonatan


I made a program for create a PDF of the jQuery and jQueryUI from the
xml. There's also the source code of the program (made in VS2005/C#).

I hope someone find the docs in PDF usefull as me :)

You can download from:

Docs in pdf: http://www.puntoequis.com.ar/aktive/soft/jQueryDocumentation.7z
Program to create: 

I will post updates in my page (in spanish)



[jQuery] Vallidation Problem

2008-10-21 Thread Sree


 I am using Jquery for checking textboxes is entered or
not.If the  text entered is correct then i want to show a message
success using jquery.How is it possible.

I will attach the code below:

table class=style8 id=myTable
dxe:ASPxTextBox ID=tbCustomerName CssClass=large required email
runat=server Width=170px
asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID=rfvCustomerName runat=server
ControlToValidate=tbCustomerName ErrorMessage=Customer Name is
span id=myCustomer class=errorCustomer Name is required/span/

Also is it possible to show the same message in a popup window and if
the text entered the popup will be disappear.Please help me to sort
out this error.

[jQuery] Re: making the accordion remain open

2008-10-21 Thread Liam Potter

Hi  Jörn,
I was wondering if you had anything in a workable state for me to use?


evo wrote:

This sounds like something which could definitely work.
Thanks Jörn

On Oct 21, 12:09 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm working on cookie persistence: When accordion is changed, it
stores the active panel in a cookie, and restores that state on page
load. Would that solve your problem?


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:54 PM, evo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've ran into a problem using the accordion from

Currently to keep the accordion open while navigating a site i add p=1
(or whatever number it may need) to the url, which works, but as soon
as I need to pass other variables through the url it breaks down and
won't remain open.
So whilehttp://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2will work fine,

http://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2id=4doesn't work.
Now I'm wondering there must be another way to have the accordion

remain open as someone must of come across this before.
Any help will be much appreciated

[jQuery] Re: making the accordion remain open

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
var accordion = $(#accordion);
var index = $.cookie(accordion);
var active;
if (index !== null) {
active = accordion.find(h3:eq( + index + ));
} else {
active = 0
header: h3,
active: active,
change: function(event, ui) {
var index = $(this).find(h3).index ( ui.newHeader[0] );
$.cookie(accordion, index, {
path: /


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi  Jörn,
 I was wondering if you had anything in a workable state for me to use?


 evo wrote:

 This sounds like something which could definitely work.
 Thanks Jörn

 On Oct 21, 12:09 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm working on cookie persistence: When accordion is changed, it
 stores the active panel in a cookie, and restores that state on page
 load. Would that solve your problem?


 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:54 PM, evo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've ran into a problem using the accordion from
 Currently to keep the accordion open while navigating a site i add p=1
 (or whatever number it may need) to the url, which works, but as soon
 as I need to pass other variables through the url it breaks down and
 won't remain open.
  So whilehttp://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2will work fine,
 http://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2id=4doesn't work.
  Now I'm wondering there must be another way to have the accordion
 remain open as someone must of come across this before.
  Any help will be much appreciated

[jQuery] Re: making the accordion remain open

2008-10-21 Thread evo

This sounds like something which could definitely work.
Thanks Jörn

On Oct 21, 12:09 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm working on cookie persistence: When accordion is changed, it
 stores the active panel in a cookie, and restores that state on page
 load. Would that solve your problem?


 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:54 PM, evo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I've ran into a problem using the accordion from
  Currently to keep the accordion open while navigating a site i add p=1
  (or whatever number it may need) to the url, which works, but as soon
  as I need to pass other variables through the url it breaks down and
  won't remain open.

  So whilehttp://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2will work fine,
 http://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2id=4doesn't work.

  Now I'm wondering there must be another way to have the accordion
  remain open as someone must of come across this before.

  Any help will be much appreciated

[jQuery] Re: making the accordion remain open

2008-10-21 Thread evo

Hi Jörn,

I was wondering how this sets and uses the cookie.
I also assume I can still use a class rather then a html tag to find
the header so h3 could be come .head ?

thanks again

On Oct 21, 1:27 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 var accordion = $(#accordion);
 var index = $.cookie(accordion);
 var active;
 if (index !== null) {
         active = accordion.find(h3:eq( + index + ));} else {
         active = 0

         header: h3,
         active: active,
         change: function(event, ui) {
                 var index = $(this).find(h3).index ( ui.newHeader[0] );
                 $.cookie(accordion, index, {
                         path: /



 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi  Jörn,
  I was wondering if you had anything in a workable state for me to use?


  evo wrote:

  This sounds like something which could definitely work.
  Thanks Jörn

  On Oct 21, 12:09 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I'm working on cookie persistence: When accordion is changed, it
  stores the active panel in a cookie, and restores that state on page
  load. Would that solve your problem?


  On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:54 PM, evo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

       I've ran into a problem using the accordion from
  Currently to keep the accordion open while navigating a site i add p=1
  (or whatever number it may need) to the url, which works, but as soon
  as I need to pass other variables through the url it breaks down and
  won't remain open.
       So whilehttp://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2willwork fine,
       Now I'm wondering there must be another way to have the accordion
  remain open as someone must of come across this before.
       Any help will be much appreciated

[jQuery] Re: Close current after delay

2008-10-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thx a lot!
So simple and power full with jquery. Damned... :o)


On Oct 21, 12:11 pm, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Dom,

 Simply alter the line in the setTimeout function to this:

 $('ul.sf-menu li.current  ul').fadeOut('slow');

 Note that I have altered both the method and the selector here.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: making the accordion remain open

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Yes, just modify the code I provided accordingly. A solution
integrated into the plugin will take some time.


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:31 PM, evo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Jörn,

 I was wondering how this sets and uses the cookie.
 I also assume I can still use a class rather then a html tag to find
 the header so h3 could be come .head ?

 thanks again

 On Oct 21, 1:27 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 var accordion = $(#accordion);
 var index = $.cookie(accordion);
 var active;
 if (index !== null) {
 active = accordion.find(h3:eq( + index + ));} else {
 active = 0

 header: h3,
 active: active,
 change: function(event, ui) {
 var index = $(this).find(h3).index ( ui.newHeader[0] );
 $.cookie(accordion, index, {
 path: /



 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi  Jörn,
  I was wondering if you had anything in a workable state for me to use?


  evo wrote:

  This sounds like something which could definitely work.
  Thanks Jörn

  On Oct 21, 12:09 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I'm working on cookie persistence: When accordion is changed, it
  stores the active panel in a cookie, and restores that state on page
  load. Would that solve your problem?


  On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:54 PM, evo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I've ran into a problem using the accordion from
  Currently to keep the accordion open while navigating a site i add p=1
  (or whatever number it may need) to the url, which works, but as soon
  as I need to pass other variables through the url it breaks down and
  won't remain open.
   So whilehttp://domain.com/details.aspx?p=2willwork fine,
   Now I'm wondering there must be another way to have the accordion
  remain open as someone must of come across this before.
   Any help will be much appreciated

[jQuery] can someone please help with dynamic links problem?

2008-10-21 Thread Flavio333

Hello, I an quite new to jquery and hope someone can help with my problem.  I
am trying to load dynamic content in to a div(myobj)... the code i have so
far is more or less as follows.  it creates a box with 2 links, that it gets
from 'name_ctg'.  the links, are category names and when clicked should load
products.php, with the right product, as was determined by the link that was
clicked.  I hope that make sense...  now the problem is that only the first
link works, the second link does nothing.  I hope someone can help.



script src=jquery.js/script

 $(#myobj).load(products.php?idctg_ctg=?php echo
$row_categorys['idctg_ctg']; ?);

 style type=text/css
#myobj {
 background-color: #CC;
 height: 300px;
 width: 500px;


div id=myobj align=center
  ?php do { ?  
   a  href=# id=generate2 ?php echo $row_categorys['name_ctg']; ?
  ?php } while ($row_categorys = mysql_fetch_assoc($categorys)); ?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: History Plugin

2008-10-21 Thread Pedram

I've Problem with it, when I do Ajax Call and and I filter the links
in the New Page the History will not Include the Previous  Links .
consider this is the Page :
!---Page A ---

  a href='#1'  id='1'/a
  a href='#2'  id='2'/a
  a href='#3'  id='3'/a
  a href='#4'  id='4'/a
  div id=''load Ajax Contenct Comes here/div

!---Page B ---

  a href='#5' id='5' /a
  a href='#6' id='6' /a
  a href='#7' id='7' /a
  a href='#8' id='8' /a

!-Script -
// Don't worry for Live Event it is supported by LiveQuery
$(#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8).history(function() {   alert($
(this).attr(''id));   });

the problem is  when you are in the A page links 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 works But
when you Click on Link number 5 which is loaded by Ajax  it doesn't
support 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 LInks , It only works with 6 ,7 ,8 so .. how could
I import the BookMarkable system to the AJAX system ...

and even I could not Book mark #5 page because it is not indexed in
the first Page ... so does any one has an answere for me thanks

Regards Pedram

On Oct 18, 6:04 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You have a couple of options available:


 One suggestion to help you out in the future is to be sure to check out
 the plugin repo. It has a ton of extensions for many different use cases.



 Pedram wrote:
  Dear Folks ,
  I need to make my webpages bookMarkable and do remember some history .
  does any one has a link for us ..
  thanks .

[jQuery] problem with click event-IE needs to click where FF needs only one:

2008-10-21 Thread Genia

script type=text/javascript
$(#pac).animate({marginTop: 17px, paddingBottom: 17px,
borderBottom: 2px solid white}, 2500 );
$.post(rpc.php, {u:genia}, function(data){
if(data.length 0) {
$(#pac_c).css({overflow: none, display: none});
$(#pac_c).css({overflow: auto, display: block});


In FF the div animates and do the Post with only one click(like i
want) on IE i need to click twice for it to the POST too/

any help?

[jQuery] BlockUI Plugin - FadeIn?

2008-10-21 Thread Kilik

Is there a way to get the 'Modal Dialog' feature of this plugin to
fade in? It already fade outs by default when the dialog is canceled.


[jQuery] Setting select menu option value with onClick event

2008-10-21 Thread lt

Hi All,

I'm trying to manually change the value of a select menu to a certain
option by referencing it's value.

I've got the three instances I've tried (below) which aren't changing
the select menu option correctly, in which am having trouble getting
the correct syntax as to how to SET the value on an onClick event.

+ lia href=# onClick=$(#select_9).attr('value','23')); return

+lia href=# onClick=$
(select[id='select_9']).attr('value','23')); return false;/a/

+lia href=# onClick=$(select_9).val(23); return false;/

Can someone help me find the correct syntax?


[jQuery] Fading out the CONTENTS of a form field (ie: the value)

2008-10-21 Thread RyanJW

Hiya guys,

I've put together a basic handler for clicking on a field. It simply
empties the field for you when selected, and if you don't enter
anything it puts the default text back in:

$(#field_154038).focus(function () {
if ( $(this).val() == Please enter your postcode ) {
$(#field_154038).blur(function () {
if ( $(this).val() ==  ) {
$(this).val(Please enter your postcode);

This works fine, but an additional nicety I tried to add was a fade in/
out. I've given it a stab but have been unable to work out how to
simply grab hold of the text contents of the field so it can be

If this is possible, could you please tell me how? :)

[jQuery] validate plugin and CodeIgniter

2008-10-21 Thread hcvitto

i'm giving a go at codeIgniter using jquery for the js side.
So i got a form which i validate with the validate plugin but in CI
when i submit the form the js starts a loop and i must shut down the
I read somewhere that it could be because the validate plugin use the
GET method by default which CI refuse to accept.

Is this true?
Anyone has used this two togheter?

Thanks Vitto

[jQuery] Re: validate plugin and CodeIgniter

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
A testpage would help.

Does CI use any javascript to handle the form submit? Its possible
that CI submits the form via JavaScript, triggering the validation
again. Not very likely though.


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 5:21 PM, hcvitto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i'm giving a go at codeIgniter using jquery for the js side.
 So i got a form which i validate with the validate plugin but in CI
 when i submit the form the js starts a loop and i must shut down the
 I read somewhere that it could be because the validate plugin use the
 GET method by default which CI refuse to accept.

 Is this true?
 Anyone has used this two togheter?

 Thanks Vitto

[jQuery] Re: Advice about Jquery selectors and updating content in DIV

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

You should wrap all your HTML for a single 'hit' inside a tag so you
can refer to it easily, like:
div class=hit id=id_article
a href=#Hit/a
span class=hits484/span

Then your script could look like this (you can assign click handlers
to multiple elements at the same time):

var id=this.id
var hit = this;
$.post('../../posts/hit.php', {id:id}, function (data){
  if (data == 1){


 return false;

For the response message you could append it to the current hit and
use CSS relative positioning.

- ricardo

On Oct 21, 7:53 am, Brandnew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's what I've made. I have a lot of divs on different pages which
 you can Digg (it's called hit). When I click on hit, I've made a code
 that send Ajax data to a second page which record everything needed in
 the database. That's working easily. But then, I need to add something
 to that and I can't. I need to update the number of diggs and add 1
 when task is complete and I need also to add it just in one div. I
 also have a little message showing up but that's not necessary for

 Here's my JS script

                                         var id=this.id;

 {id:id}, function (responseText){
                                                 if (responseText == 1){


                                 return false;

 And here's my code where the html is

 a   class=hit id=?php echo $id_article ;?Hit/a
          span style=color:?php echo $link_color;?
                  ?php echo ' (span class=hit_outputspan' .
 $donnees['hit'] . '/span         /span)';?/span

 I probably put too much span and stuff but I tried several things. THe
 fact is it never updates just the number of diggs (hits) on the actual
 div but on all of them. Or when I had a message id=responseText it
 always shows at the same place even if he updates the good id.

 Well, I hope I'm clear. I'm not really good at JS so I just try to
 work things out.

 Thanks in advance,


[jQuery] Re: Setting select menu option value with onClick event

2008-10-21 Thread Mauricio (Maujor) Samy Silva


-Mensagem Original- 

Para: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Enviada em: terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008 11:48
Assunto: [jQuery] Setting select menu option value with onClick event

Hi All,

I'm trying to manually change the value of a select menu to a certain
option by referencing it's value.

I've got the three instances I've tried (below) which aren't changing
the select menu option correctly, in which am having trouble getting
the correct syntax as to how to SET the value on an onClick event.

+ lia href=# onClick=$(#select_9).attr('value','23')); return

+lia href=# onClick=$
(select[id='select_9']).attr('value','23')); return false;/a/

+lia href=# onClick=$(select_9).val(23); return false;/

Can someone help me find the correct syntax?


[jQuery] Re: Help with Superfish

2008-10-21 Thread sireb

Hello Joel,

Thanks for the response! I managed to figure it out... you were right
i had been applying the style to the anchor elements. It works exactly
perfect now! The only thing I would like to do, and I am not sure how
to implement it at this time: add a different background image for the
last item (or an empty item) in a menu list. I am using an image for
the background currently. Basically I am wishing to create an image
with rounded corners for the end of the menu (and the moz border
radius didnt create a good result). Any brief suggestions would be
appreciated. I really enjoy superfish.

Many Thanks.

On Oct 20, 6:28 pm, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From a scan of your CSS it seems that you are applying the images to
 the anchor elements. However, when you are hovering within a submenu,
 the associated parent anchor is no longer being hovered, so the hover
 image is lost. Try applying the images to the li elements and leave
 the anchor backgrounds transparent. The parent li element is still
 being hovered when the cursor is within the associated submenu, hence
 the hover image will remain.

 Replace this type of declaration:

 #nav-aboutus a:hover { background-image: ...

 With this kind of thing:

 #nav-aboutus.sfHover { background-image: ...

 Notice that you will need to add the .sfHover selector in addition to
 each :hover selector in order to support IE6. It also has the added
 bonus of applying your desired affect when using the keyboard to tab
 through the menu.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Change code based on link clicked

2008-10-21 Thread netposer

I'm new to jQuery and JS

I want to change a snippet of code based on which link the user clicked.

So if the user clicked this link on the page:
# click me  

I would like to hide a particular snippet of code inside a script tag. But
I'm not really sure how to write the JS/jQuery




if the above link (#vclick2) is clicked hide part of the script 


I'm having trouble getting it to work.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] drag drop not working under IE and Safari

2008-10-21 Thread ^AndreA^


I'm working on this drag  drop script: 

It works on Firefox and Opera but not at all on IE and Safari.

The events seemed not to start at all...

Any idea how to solve it?

I tried to put some alert as well but they don't start, like if
javascript were disabled.
But it's not because in some other pages it works.

Thank you in advance

[jQuery] Re: Find index of div with class selected

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

index() returns -1 when the element is not found. It fails because the
object array passed contains elements that are not children of your
first object.

In your case you need to store a reference to the parent element and
pass only it's children to the index() function:

var kid = $('#container  .kid:eq(0)'); // to access an arbitrary


// to get the selected one
var kid = $('#container  .kid.selected');

- ricardo

On Oct 21, 9:27 am, jimster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems like I've got somewhere - though I am still confused.

   div id=container
                         div id=kid1 class=kid select
                                 div id=k1w1 class=week/div
                                 div id=k1w2 class=week selected/div
                                 div id=k1w3 class=week/div
                                 div id=k1w4 class=week/div

                         div id=kid2 class=kid
                                 div id=k2w1 class=week/div
                                 div id=k2w2 class=week/div
                                 div id=k2w3 class=week/div
                                 div id=k2w4 class=week selected/div

                         div id=kid3 class=kid
                                 div id=k3w1 class=week selected/div
                                 div id=k3w2 class=week/div
                                 div id=k3w3 class=week/div
                                 div id=k3w4 class=week/div

                         div id=kid4 class=kid
                                 div id=k4w1 class=week/div
                                 div id=k4w2 class=week selected/div
                                 div id=k4w3 class=week/div
                                 div id=k4w4 class=week/div

 Now I have changed #kid1 to have a class select instead of
 selected and this code brings up the correct index for the div with
 class selected in the first group of weeks (was there some kind of
 conflict before because the parent had the class I was looking for?):

 var spoon = $(#container  div:eq(0)  div).index($(.selected));

 If i change the :eq to (1) or (2) or (3) to theoretically grab hold of
 the other 3 divs inside #container, it returns -1.

 Am I totally missing something with index?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery efficiency with a large DOM.

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

How many event handlers do you have registered? IE starts to slow down
at some point.

It seems that the obvious performance improvements have been taken
care of (id selectors, tag names for class selectors), anything else
would be implementation specific. Are you using livequery?

On Oct 21, 7:48 am, mrmoosehead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I have a web app that is hosted within a .hta wrapper (for some
 security uses including hosting an ActiveX control) therefore uses ie
 as its engine.

 The app rarely, if ever leaves the containing page and all interaction
 with the server is done using ajax and loading information into
 various container 'controls' - hidden at times but left in the DOM for
 easy re-use, rather than reloading every time they want to view.
 I am finding that the speed of the interface is suffering badly as
 more stuff is loaded into the DOM.
 Most selectors are ID based ones where possible, therefore should be
 as efficient as possible. I cache jQuery objects where possible to
 avoid re-searching

 What I am finding is that it can take almost 2 seconds for an event to
 even be actioned by the browser - e.g a simple onclick on an element
 in a dynamically loaded chunk of HTML markup can take this time to
 even start actioning a $.get request.

 Anyone any thoughts as to why? Apart from it's IE - I get similar
 delays on FF and Chrome, but nowhere near the same magnitude.
 I am trying to keep the DOM as clean as possible, but it's hard with
 such a rich app.

 Any tips and tricks for efficiency in large DOM pages with jQuery?


[jQuery] Re: Linkselect Plug-in Released...

2008-10-21 Thread Roberto Rivera

Thanks for sharing.
Really useful stuff.

[jQuery] Re: Atribute selector with squared brackets

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

Brackets are an invalid character in attributes, for XHTML served as
text/html, which I guess accounts for most of jQuery usage anyway.
Looks like someone already updated the docs.

- ricardo

On Oct 20, 11:36 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We got a ticket about how to select elements by an attribute with
 I replied with the common link to the FAQ and the reporter replied
 that the example in the docs doesn't work.

 I tried that myself, and indeed, that didn't work.


 $('[name=foo[bar]]'); // Doesn't work

 $('[name=foo\\[bar\\]]'); // Should work, but doesn't

 $('[name=foo[bar]]'); // Does work

 Now... I think the last option is good enough. But we need to update
 the docs.

 Anything to add ?
 Anyone volunteers to update the docs ?


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] Re: call a php function with onclick

2008-10-21 Thread RotinPain

What I did for having php executed at onClick event is using Ajax.
You must store your functions into an external php file.

Then use the jquery ajax methods to load, execute and receive back the
result of your php code without leaving the caller page.

Process will be invisible to users (the page won't reload or anything
like that).
You can pass variables or input values to your php page as you would
with a 'normal' form submission or link (POST/GET).

There are a lot of tut concerning ajax and jquery.
http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax for docs.

Here's a sample code i just wrote. I have not parsed the friend inputs
(to avoid XSS ...) but here's the way it works.

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1 /
meta http-equiv=cache-control content=no-cache
meta http-equiv=pragma content=no-cache
meta http-equiv=expires content=mon, 22 jul 2002 11:12:01 gmt
titleadd / delete friends/title
script type=text/javascript src=scripts/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready ( function() {

//add action to each input with type=button, action to execute is
based on the id of each one
$([EMAIL PROTECTED]'button']).each (
  function () {
$( this ).bind (
type: POST,
url: test-ajax-simple.php,
data: action=+$(this).attr(id)+friend=+$
success: function(reponse){
  },//function success
error: function (){ alert('something wrong with ajax!') 


  form id=form1 name=form1 method=post action=
onsubmit=return false
p id=buttons
  input type=text name=friend id=friend value=jQueryFriends
  input type=button name=add_friend value=add_friend
id=add_friend /
  input type=button name=delete_friend value=delete_friend

header(Cache-Control: no-cache);
header(Pragma: nocache);

switch($_REQUEST['action']) {
case 'add_friend' :
case 'delete_friend' :
echo unknow action!\n;

function add_friend($fname) {
//sql here
echo Friend .$fname. added!\n;//output will be send to jquery
ajax object in response
return true;

function delete_friend($fname) {
//sql here
echo Friend .$fname. deleted!\n;
return true;

[jQuery] Re: load dynamic content into myobj

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat


Just use the file name as an argument. You can pass data either as a
string (name=Jecasur=Tatu) or as an object, and a callback function
to be executed when it's done:

function(data) { alert('I've just loaded: '+ data) });

- ricardo

On Oct 20, 8:32 pm, Flavio333 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what I am trying to do is this... I have a link on a page when i click the
 link i want it to load Page2.php?+... into myobj.
 here is some of the code i was working with... hope someone can help...
 Thank you.

         $(#myobj).load( what goes here );


 div id=myobj align=center
   ?php do { ?  
    Page2.php?idctg_ctg=?php echo $row_categorys['idctg_ctg']; ?  ?php
 echo $row_categorys['name_ctg']; ? br
   ?php } while ($row_categorys = mysql_fetch_assoc($categorys)); ?
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Way to use a Multi-Line Example Prompt in a Single-line Text Input Field

2008-10-21 Thread Wayne

Yeah, that might work. I'm experimenting with making it suitable for
my use, where I would need 2 labels, I guess. But, that would let me
wrap text and do whatever I want without putting any text in the
actual field. Thanks for the find.


On Oct 20, 10:55 am, Dan Switzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to prompt for input within the field using the Example
  plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/example). The idea is that
  I'm styling my input field to be unsually large when the user types
  (it will be no more than a 4 or 5 digits), so I can use closer to
  normal size text as the prompt.

  I know I can do this with a textarea, but it's semantically incorrect,
  and using the return key creates a new line. I don't want to shoehorn
  the simple input into a textarea, but I want the prompt to be
  meaningful, like Enter a measurement for this baseline, instead of
  type here or whatever short message I could use. I also like the
  amount of space that it takes up visually with two lines.

  What is a better way of doing this? Should I just use a jEditable
  element and style it to look like a form input?

 Why not just use an input / element? Use CSS to give it a transparent
 background and other styles you want and then place a div / with a lower
 z-index underneath with the label. I think maybe this plug-in does that:


 (But it might just be replacing the text in the field--the site is down at
 the moment.)

 If you do something like the following, then you can position the label

 div style=position: relative;
   input type=text style=font-size: 32px; background-color: transparent;
 z-index: 2; /
   div id=underlabel style=position: absolute; z-index; 1;Your label

 You'll need to set the underlabel div / to the dimensions of the input
 / element, but then you should be able to use CSS to control everything
 else about the layer. You can then just show/hide the underlabel based
 upon whether or not the field has focus.


[jQuery] Re: BlockUI Plugin - FadeIn?

2008-10-21 Thread MorningZ

Around line 199 in the js file is where the block layers show...
play around with those options and you should be able to get the
effect you are after

although i will note that your idea doesn't make much sense, as you'll
be giving your end user that much time to be able to click something
else.. rendering the functionality of the block useless

On Oct 21, 10:52 am, Kilik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to get the 'Modal Dialog' feature of this plugin to
 fade in? It already fade outs by default when the dialog is canceled.


[jQuery] Re: validate plugin and CodeIgniter

2008-10-21 Thread hcvitto

h Jorn
thank for the quick reply..it was my mistake :(..
but, if i'm not annoying, i got another issue which i solved with a
twik but was wonder if there's a better solution..

i got 5 couples of radio button:
input name=name1 type=radio value=si class=className /
input name=name1 type=radio value=no class=className /
input name=name2 type=radio value=si class=className /
input name=name2 type=radio value=no class=className /
input name=name3 type=radio value=si class=className /
input name=name3 type=radio value=no class=className /
input name=name4 type=radio value=si class=className /
input name=name4 type=radio value=no class=className /
input name=name5 type=radio value=si class=className /
input name=name5 type=radio value=no class=className /
The validation rule against them must be:
- at least one radiobutton with value 'si' must be checked.
I added a classRule  but apparently this doesn't work for
  className: { required: function(element){
var id ;
var chk;
var val;
id = $
chk = $
val = $
(id + ' ' + chk + ' ' + val)
((val == 'si')  (chk == true)){
return true;
I put the alert to show that the plugin in its cycle takes into
consderation only the radiobutton with value 'si' (twice) and no the
seconds one with value no!
Is this possible or is just a mistake of mine?
Thanks Vitto

[jQuery] Jquery load not getting updated pages.....

2008-10-21 Thread Stever


I spent about an hour trying to figure out why a form I was loading to
a web page was not updating.

In my web page I have a navigation button tool, when I click I want to
load a form into the #display div.


 .. a bunch of code.

  $('#menu li.tool').click(function() {
$('#display #product').remove();
$('#menu li[device=device]').removeAttr('clicked');

.. remaining code 

I call up the page and click the tool button and the form displays no

However, later I made changes to the form (test_form_1.html) and they
were not included, even after refreshing the page.

I even removed the html file and it still loads!

Apparently this file is saved in the cache, how do I make sure
everytime I click on the tool button I get the latest page?


[jQuery] Re: call a php function with onclick

2008-10-21 Thread RotinPain

Here's a something based on links class name, the php code is in your
hand ;)


//add an action to each A with class=friends,
//the action is based on the id of each A and passed as variable (see
$(a.friends).each (
  function () {
$( this ).bind (
type: POST,
url: test-ajax-simple.php,
data: action=+$(this).attr(id)+friend=+$
success: function(reponse){
  },//function success
error: function (){ alert('something wrong with ajax!') 

  a href=#add class=friends id=add_friendAdd friend/a -
  a href=#del class=friends id=delete_friendDel friend/a

[jQuery] Re: BlockUI Plugin - FadeIn?

2008-10-21 Thread chris thatcher
Shouldn't the effect still block immediately though the opacity is being
modified as an animation?

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:22 PM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Around line 199 in the js file is where the block layers show...
 play around with those options and you should be able to get the
 effect you are after

 although i will note that your idea doesn't make much sense, as you'll
 be giving your end user that much time to be able to click something
 else.. rendering the functionality of the block useless

 On Oct 21, 10:52 am, Kilik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a way to get the 'Modal Dialog' feature of this plugin to
  fade in? It already fade outs by default when the dialog is canceled.

Christopher Thatcher

[jQuery] Re: jQuery efficiency with a large DOM.

2008-10-21 Thread Wayne

I obviously don't know your scale, specifically, but the site I've put
together I don't consider to be all that deep, however, I see some
apparent slowness with the AJAX actions having to wait for responses
from my server scripts as well as short animations that seem to stack
on each other waiting for things to happen in the order they're

If you'd like a better view into the timing of things, make sure you
watch the page's performance in the Firebug extension (http://
getfirebug.com/) with the YSlow add-on (http://developer.yahoo.com/
yslow/), as well.

Chrome has a similarly handy time charting mechanism, but I don't have
it handy on my machine to see what it's called.

You might also want to debug with BlackBird (http://
www.gscottolson.com/blackbirdjs/) as it makes it mindlessly easy to do
time-profiling on the various components, to help you zero in on the
slowness, some more.


On Oct 21, 11:49 am, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How many event handlers do you have registered? IE starts to slow down
 at some point.

 It seems that the obvious performance improvements have been taken
 care of (id selectors, tag names for class selectors), anything else
 would be implementation specific. Are you using livequery?

 On Oct 21, 7:48 am, mrmoosehead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, I have a web app that is hosted within a .hta wrapper (for some
  security uses including hosting an ActiveX control) therefore uses ie
  as its engine.

  The app rarely, if ever leaves the containing page and all interaction
  with the server is done using ajax and loading information into
  various container 'controls' - hidden at times but left in the DOM for
  easy re-use, rather than reloading every time they want to view.
  I am finding that the speed of the interface is suffering badly as
  more stuff is loaded into the DOM.
  Most selectors are ID based ones where possible, therefore should be
  as efficient as possible. I cache jQuery objects where possible to
  avoid re-searching

  What I am finding is that it can take almost 2 seconds for an event to
  even be actioned by the browser - e.g a simple onclick on an element
  in a dynamically loaded chunk of HTML markup can take this time to
  even start actioning a $.get request.

  Anyone any thoughts as to why? Apart from it's IE - I get similar
  delays on FF and Chrome, but nowhere near the same magnitude.
  I am trying to keep the DOM as clean as possible, but it's hard with
  such a rich app.

  Any tips and tricks for efficiency in large DOM pages with jQuery?


[jQuery] Re: can someone please help with dynamic links problem?

2008-10-21 Thread RotinPain

the problem is quite simple i think, all your links have the same id
And the jquery function is attached to a link with this id (generate2)
So only 1 link will be responding to the function.

You need to use each() to attach an event to each links. Like

$(#generate2).each (
  function () {
$( this ).bind (
//dosomething your stuff here

This should normally work. But note that only one unique ID per page
is acceptable (see W3C recommandations). Better to use class name
filtering instead (there could be more than 1 time the same class on
the page but only 1 unique id).
It will only change the first line:
$(.generate2).each ( ...

And the HTML will looks like
a  href=# id=uniqueID class=generate2.../a

On Oct 21, 3:56 pm, Flavio333 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello, I an quite new to jquery and hope someone can help with my problem.  I
 am trying to load dynamic content in to a div(myobj)... the code i have so
 far is more or less as follows.  it creates a box with 2 links, that it gets
 from 'name_ctg'.  the links, are category names and when clicked should load
 products.php, with the right product, as was determined by the link that was
 clicked.  I hope that make sense...  now the problem is that only the first
 link works, the second link does nothing.  I hope someone can help.

 script src=jquery.js/script

  $(#myobj).load(products.php?idctg_ctg=?php echo
 $row_categorys['idctg_ctg']; ?);


  style type=text/css
 #myobj {
  background-color: #CC;
  height: 300px;
  width: 500px;}



 div id=myobj align=center
   ?php do { ?  
    a  href=# id=generate2 ?php echo $row_categorys['name_ctg']; ?
   ?php } while ($row_categorys = mysql_fetch_assoc($categorys)); ?

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: validate plugin and CodeIgniter

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Can you provide a simple testpage where I can see that code running?


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 6:13 PM, hcvitto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 h Jorn
 thank for the quick reply..it was my mistake :(..
 but, if i'm not annoying, i got another issue which i solved with a
 twik but was wonder if there's a better solution..

 i got 5 couples of radio button:
 input name=name1 type=radio value=si class=className /
 input name=name1 type=radio value=no class=className /
 input name=name2 type=radio value=si class=className /
 input name=name2 type=radio value=no class=className /
 input name=name3 type=radio value=si class=className /
 input name=name3 type=radio value=no class=className /
 input name=name4 type=radio value=si class=className /
 input name=name4 type=radio value=no class=className /
 input name=name5 type=radio value=si class=className /
 input name=name5 type=radio value=no class=className /
 The validation rule against them must be:
 - at least one radiobutton with value 'si' must be checked.
 I added a classRule  but apparently this doesn't work for
  className: { required: function(element){
var id ;
var chk;
var val;
id = $
chk = $
val = $
 (id + ' ' + chk + ' ' + val)
 ((val == 'si')  (chk == true)){

 return true;
 I put the alert to show that the plugin in its cycle takes into
 consderation only the radiobutton with value 'si' (twice) and no the
 seconds one with value no!
 Is this possible or is just a mistake of mine?
 Thanks Vitto

[jQuery] Re: BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo included )

2008-10-21 Thread tallvanilla


Any takers?

On Oct 20, 7:47 pm, tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the reply, Josh... but that isn't the problem. To
 demonstrate, I updated my demo according to your suggestion:

 Even if that WAS the solution, it would force people to zero out their
 body padding and margins. Not a problem for most, but inconvenient for
 many. If you consider IE important, it's a blockUI bug.

 Any other takers? Here's how Boxy's author fixed it (in his own

 I've added a separate sizing method specifically for IE6 which uses
 the viewport dimensions instead of the document, and repositions on
 scroll as well as on resize. I tried using this approach for all
 browsers but Firefox was having none of it.


 On Oct 20, 4:09 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This happens where there is some padding or margin on the body.  If you set
  them to 0 via css it should take care of the problem.

  /* css */
  body {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;


  -- Josh

  - Original Message -
  From: tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 2:27 PM
  Subject: [jQuery] BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo

  included )

   Hello. I found a minor bug that affects overlay in IE web browsers (at
   least in IE6).

   Please take a look at this very simple demo:

   In IE(6), the overlay is a bit taller than the browser window, so a
   scrollbar appears on the right whenever the overlay is present. In
   other web browsers, this doesn't happen.

   I found a similar bug with the Boxy plug-in a couple of weeks ago, and
   its author was able to fix it pretty easily. I'm a jQuery/javascript
   novice, so I'm not sure how the fix was implemented. Would this be
   worthwhile and easy fix for blockUI as well?


[jQuery] Re: Trouble using rules( add, rules ) as well as setting attribute for range validations

2008-10-21 Thread BobS

I would love to have this feature.  It would save me a bunch of extra
lines of code.  Any idea if and when this might be implemented into
the plugin?

On Oct 21, 5:55 am, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 On Oct 21, 9:53 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Could you file a ticket for this?http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
  (requires registration)



  On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:49 PM, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have made a patch for my app to therulesfunction to supportcustom

   This is the new function, would be nice to have something similar to

          rules: function(command, argument) {
                  var element = this[0];

                  if (command) {
                          var staticRules = $.data(element.form, 
                          var existingRules = 
                          switch(command) {
                          case add:
                                  staticRules[element.name] = existingRules;

                                  / PATCH ***/
                                  if (argument.messages) {
                                      if ($.data(element.form,
   'validator').settings.messages[element.name] = argument.messages;
                                  / END PATCH ***/
                          case remove:
                                  if (!argument) {
                                          delete staticRules[element.name];
                                          return existingRules;
                                  var filtered = {};
   function(index, method) {
                                          filtered[method] = 
                                          delete existingRules[method];
                                  return filtered;

                  var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
                  ), element);

                  // make sure required is at front
                  if (data.required) {
                          var param = data.required;
                          delete data.required;
                          data = $.extend({required: param}, data);

                  return data;

   And I use it like this:

   $(#field).rules(add,  {required:true,range:[5,45],messages:
   {required:The field can\'t be blank.,range:The field must have
   5 to 45 characters.}});

   Hope it helps.

   On Oct 9, 11:00 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   You can use metadata, too. Currently barely documented, and not really
   recommended either, but works since 1.4.

   input class={required:true,messages:{required:'required field'}}
   name=whatever /


   On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Bob Silverberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the quick response.  That fixed my problem.

One more question:

I'd like to addcustomerror messages to some of my dynamic
validations.  Is it correct that the only way to add acustomerror
   messageto a particular rule is either by:

1. using the form.validate() method
2. using $.validator.addMethod to clone an existing method


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Jörn Zaefferer
Forrules(add) to work, the element's form has to be validated, that
is, call $(form).validate() first. I've updated the documentation

Not sure why the attr-approach failed, I'll take a look at that.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 2:37 AM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm working on a server-side component that will generate all of my
jQuery validationrulesfrom xml metadata, so I'm trying to
dynamically addrulesone at a time.

My first attempt was to use therules( add,rules) syntax, but I'm
getting an error on page load:

jQuery.data(element.form, validator) is undefined


[jQuery] Re: BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo included )

2008-10-21 Thread Wayne

Is this why ThickBox sets all paddings and margins to 0? I agree, it's

I switched to John's Greybox Redux (http://jquery.com/blog/2006/02/10/
greybox-redux/) for my modal, and I don't see problems on IE6. It also
was more semantically correct than Thickbox's iFrame implementation of
putting the sizes in the href.


On Oct 21, 1:04 pm, tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any takers?

 On Oct 20, 7:47 pm, tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for the reply, Josh... but that isn't the problem. To
  demonstrate, I updated my demo according to your suggestion:

  Even if that WAS the solution, it would force people to zero out their
  body padding and margins. Not a problem for most, but inconvenient for
  many. If you consider IE important, it's a blockUI bug.

  Any other takers? Here's how Boxy's author fixed it (in his own

  I've added a separate sizing method specifically for IE6 which uses
  the viewport dimensions instead of the document, and repositions on
  scroll as well as on resize. I tried using this approach for all
  browsers but Firefox was having none of it.


  On Oct 20, 4:09 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This happens where there is some padding or margin on the body.  If you 
   them to 0 via css it should take care of the problem.

   /* css */
   body {
   padding: 0;
   margin: 0;


   -- Josh

   - Original Message -
   From: tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 2:27 PM
   Subject: [jQuery] BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo

   included )

Hello. I found a minor bug that affects overlay in IE web browsers (at
least in IE6).

Please take a look at this very simple demo:

In IE(6), the overlay is a bit taller than the browser window, so a
scrollbar appears on the right whenever the overlay is present. In
other web browsers, this doesn't happen.

I found a similar bug with the Boxy plug-in a couple of weeks ago, and
its author was able to fix it pretty easily. I'm a jQuery/javascript
novice, so I'm not sure how the fix was implemented. Would this be
worthwhile and easy fix for blockUI as well?


[jQuery] Re: what is difference between $(document).height() and $(window).height() ?

2008-10-21 Thread tallvanilla

Good question. No difference. Both should give you the exact same
result every time.


On Oct 21, 1:38 am, jey jey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what is difference between $(document).height() and $
 (window).height() ?

[jQuery] Re: BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo included )

2008-10-21 Thread Josh Nathanson

You might want to give jqModal a shot.  BlockUI is better for blocking 
specific parts of a document, during an ajax call or the like.  jqModal is 
more of a modal window solution that might be better suited to what you're 
trying to do.  There's also SimpleModal which I personally haven't used.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:04 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo 
included )


Any takers?

On Oct 20, 7:47 pm, tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the reply, Josh... but that isn't the problem. To
demonstrate, I updated my demo according to your suggestion:

Even if that WAS the solution, it would force people to zero out their
body padding and margins. Not a problem for most, but inconvenient for
many. If you consider IE important, it's a blockUI bug.

Any other takers? Here's how Boxy's author fixed it (in his own

I've added a separate sizing method specifically for IE6 which uses
the viewport dimensions instead of the document, and repositions on
scroll as well as on resize. I tried using this approach for all
browsers but Firefox was having none of it.


On Oct 20, 4:09 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This happens where there is some padding or margin on the body.  If you 

 them to 0 via css it should take care of the problem.

 /* css */
 body {
 padding: 0;
 margin: 0;


 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 2:27 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo

 included )

  Hello. I found a minor bug that affects overlay in IE web browsers 

  least in IE6).

  Please take a look at this very simple demo:

  In IE(6), the overlay is a bit taller than the browser window, so a
  scrollbar appears on the right whenever the overlay is present. In
  other web browsers, this doesn't happen.

  I found a similar bug with the Boxy plug-in a couple of weeks ago, 

  its author was able to fix it pretty easily. I'm a jQuery/javascript
  novice, so I'm not sure how the fix was implemented. Would this be
  worthwhile and easy fix for blockUI as well?


[jQuery] Re: Combining jQuery and jQuery UI

2008-10-21 Thread Karl Swedberg
Are you making sure that the jquery core file is at the top of that  
concatenated file? that's the only other thing I can think of that  
would produce the error.


Karl Swedberg

On Oct 20, 2008, at 4:26 PM, c.barr wrote:

They already have the semicolons straight from jQuery, so no changes
were needed. Any other suggestions?

On Oct 16, 5:16 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'd like to combine and compress my jQuery and jQuery UI files  
into a

single minified file, but I've noticed that every time I do this It
just breaks and gives me $ is not defined.

If I do a copy/paste of the two uncompressed files together, it  

fine but it's a 100kb file!  When I got to minify or pack this file,
that's when it always breaks.  I've tried Dean Edwards packer,  

and YUI all with the same results.

The same goes for any jQuery plugins I've downloaded. I'm using a
several that I need avalible on all pages, and I'd like to combine
them - these also break when I do this.

Am I missing something here?

Make sure each file has a leading and a trailing semicolon.

[jQuery] Re: BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo included )

2008-10-21 Thread tallvanilla

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, but I've kind of narrowed my
preference down to blockUI for the job at hand. Believe me, I've tried
them all, and they all have their share of quirks. Does anyone have a
suggestion for fixing the blockUI bug? If not, do know how I can
contact it's author directly? Thanks again for your help so far!


On Oct 21, 10:12 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You might want to give jqModal a shot.  BlockUI is better for blocking
 specific parts of a document, during an ajax call or the like.  jqModal is
 more of a modal window solution that might be better suited to what you're
 trying to do.  There's also SimpleModal which I personally haven't used.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:04 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo

 included )


  Any takers?

  On Oct 20, 7:47 pm, tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the reply, Josh... but that isn't the problem. To
  demonstrate, I updated my demo according to your suggestion:

  Even if that WAS the solution, it would force people to zero out their
  body padding and margins. Not a problem for most, but inconvenient for
  many. If you consider IE important, it's a blockUI bug.

  Any other takers? Here's how Boxy's author fixed it (in his own

  I've added a separate sizing method specifically for IE6 which uses
  the viewport dimensions instead of the document, and repositions on
  scroll as well as on resize. I tried using this approach for all
  browsers but Firefox was having none of it.


  On Oct 20, 4:09 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This happens where there is some padding or margin on the body.  If you
   them to 0 via css it should take care of the problem.

   /* css */
   body {
   padding: 0;
   margin: 0;


   -- Josh

   - Original Message -
   From: tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 2:27 PM
   Subject: [jQuery] BUG: oversized overlay in IE web browsers ( demo

   included )

Hello. I found a minor bug that affects overlay in IE web browsers
least in IE6).

Please take a look at this very simple demo:

In IE(6), the overlay is a bit taller than the browser window, so a
scrollbar appears on the right whenever the overlay is present. In
other web browsers, this doesn't happen.

I found a similar bug with the Boxy plug-in a couple of weeks ago,
its author was able to fix it pretty easily. I'm a jQuery/javascript
novice, so I'm not sure how the fix was implemented. Would this be
worthwhile and easy fix for blockUI as well?


[jQuery] Re: Jquery load not getting updated pages.....

2008-10-21 Thread Bil Corry

Stever wrote on 10/21/2008 11:34 AM: 
 Apparently this file is saved in the cache, how do I make sure
 everytime I click on the tool button I get the latest page?

Via the headers, have the page expire in the past and set the cache-control 
headers to no-cache:

Expires: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 13:17:30 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, no-transform, 
max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0
Pragma: no-cache

Some people instead choose to make the URL dynamic by appending a random query 
string using the current milliseconds (or something similar).  I don't use that 
method, so maybe someone who does it that way can respond.

- Bil

[jQuery] Re: Trouble using rules( add, rules ) as well as setting attribute for range validations

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You can find the latest revision here:


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:08 PM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would love to have this feature.  It would save me a bunch of extra
 lines of code.  Any idea if and when this might be implemented into
 the plugin?

 On Oct 21, 5:55 am, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 On Oct 21, 9:53 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Could you file a ticket for this?http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
  (requires registration)



  On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:49 PM, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have made a patch for my app to therulesfunction to supportcustom

   This is the new function, would be nice to have something similar to

  rules: function(command, argument) {
  var element = this[0];

  if (command) {
  var staticRules = $.data(element.form, 
  var existingRules = 
  switch(command) {
  case add:
  staticRules[element.name] = existingRules;

  / PATCH ***/
  if (argument.messages) {
  if ($.data(element.form,
   'validator').settings.messages[element.name] = argument.messages;
  / END PATCH ***/
  case remove:
  if (!argument) {
  delete staticRules[element.name];
  return existingRules;
  var filtered = {};
   function(index, method) {
  filtered[method] = 
  delete existingRules[method];
  return filtered;

  var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
  ), element);

  // make sure required is at front
  if (data.required) {
  var param = data.required;
  delete data.required;
  data = $.extend({required: param}, data);

  return data;

   And I use it like this:

   $(#field).rules(add,  {required:true,range:[5,45],messages:
   {required:The field can\'t be blank.,range:The field must have
   5 to 45 characters.}});

   Hope it helps.

   On Oct 9, 11:00 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   You can use metadata, too. Currently barely documented, and not really
   recommended either, but works since 1.4.

   input class={required:true,messages:{required:'required field'}}
   name=whatever /


   On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Bob Silverberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thanks for the quick response.  That fixed my problem.

One more question:

I'd like to addcustomerror messages to some of my dynamic
validations.  Is it correct that the only way to add acustomerror
   messageto a particular rule is either by:

1. using the form.validate() method
2. using $.validator.addMethod to clone an existing method


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Jörn Zaefferer
Forrules(add) to work, the element's form has to be validated, that
is, call $(form).validate() first. I've updated the documentation

Not sure why the attr-approach failed, I'll take a look at that.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 2:37 AM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm working on a server-side component that will generate all of my
jQuery validationrulesfrom xml metadata, so I'm trying to

[jQuery] Re: what is difference between $(document).height() and $(window).height() ?

2008-10-21 Thread Ryura

Actually, it seems that the document's height is the entire page's
height, while the window height is only the viewing height(ie: what
you see at that given time).

On Oct 21, 1:00 pm, tallvanilla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good question. No difference. Both should give you the exact same
 result every time.


 On Oct 21, 1:38 am, jey jey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  what is difference between $(document).height() and $
  (window).height() ?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Documentation in PDF

2008-10-21 Thread Isaak Malik
Hey Jonatan,

This is EXTREMELY useful and I'm sure more think the same way, this solves
the problems most are having with the documentation page.

Thanks a bunch :-)!

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Jonatan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I made a program for create a PDF of the jQuery and jQueryUI from the
 xml. There's also the source code of the program (made in VS2005/C#).

 I hope someone find the docs in PDF usefull as me :)

 You can download from:

 Docs in pdf:
 Program to create:

 I will post updates in my page (in spanish)



Isaak Malik
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Atribute selector with squared brackets

2008-10-21 Thread jasonkarns

In XHTML, the name attribute on input (and textarea and select)
elements is defined as CDATA not NMTOKEN thus, brackets are legal in
name attributes on input elements. It is NOT backwards compatible with
HTML, where the character restriction is [a-z][A-Z]-_ and .

Further note, the id attribute has it's own separate set of
restrictions that are a subset of all HTML attributes.



On Oct 21, 12:07 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brackets are an invalid character in attributes, for XHTML served as
 text/html, which I guess accounts for most of jQuery usage anyway.
 Looks like someone already updated the docs.

 - ricardo

 On Oct 20, 11:36 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We got a ticket about how to select elements by an attribute with
  I replied with the common link to the FAQ and the reporter replied
  that the example in the docs doesn't work.

  I tried that myself, and indeed, that didn't work.


  $('[name=foo[bar]]'); // Doesn't work

  $('[name=foo\\[bar\\]]'); // Should work, but doesn't

  $('[name=foo[bar]]'); // Does work

  Now... I think the last option is good enough. But we need to update
  the docs.

  Anything to add ?
  Anyone volunteers to update the docs ?


  Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] Check if an element DOESN'T have a class

2008-10-21 Thread kgosser

Hey all,

I understand how hasClass() works, but I'm trying to figure out how to
use it to see if an element DOESN'T have a class. I want to check if
the class doesn't exist, and if not then I'll add it.

Do I use the older is() method?

Just looking for the best way. Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Trouble using rules( add, rules ) as well as setting attribute for range validations

2008-10-21 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Further testing is welcome, I plan to release 1.5 on Friday.


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Jörn Zaefferer

 You can find the latest revision here:


 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:08 PM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would love to have this feature.  It would save me a bunch of extra
 lines of code.  Any idea if and when this might be implemented into
 the plugin?

 On Oct 21, 5:55 am, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 On Oct 21, 9:53 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Could you file a ticket for this?http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
  (requires registration)



  On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:49 PM, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have made a patch for my app to therulesfunction to supportcustom

   This is the new function, would be nice to have something similar to

  rules: function(command, argument) {
  var element = this[0];

  if (command) {
  var staticRules = $.data(element.form, 
  var existingRules = 
  switch(command) {
  case add:
  staticRules[element.name] = 

  / PATCH ***/
  if (argument.messages) {
  if ($.data(element.form,
   'validator').settings.messages[element.name] = argument.messages;
  / END PATCH ***/
  case remove:
  if (!argument) {
  delete staticRules[element.name];
  return existingRules;
  var filtered = {};
   function(index, method) {
  filtered[method] = 
  delete existingRules[method];
  return filtered;

  var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
  ), element);

  // make sure required is at front
  if (data.required) {
  var param = data.required;
  delete data.required;
  data = $.extend({required: param}, data);

  return data;

   And I use it like this:

   $(#field).rules(add,  {required:true,range:[5,45],messages:
   {required:The field can\'t be blank.,range:The field must have
   5 to 45 characters.}});

   Hope it helps.

   On Oct 9, 11:00 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   You can use metadata, too. Currently barely documented, and not really
   recommended either, but works since 1.4.

   input class={required:true,messages:{required:'required field'}}
   name=whatever /


   On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Bob Silverberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thanks for the quick response.  That fixed my problem.

One more question:

I'd like to addcustomerror messages to some of my dynamic
validations.  Is it correct that the only way to add acustomerror
   messageto a particular rule is either by:

1. using the form.validate() method
2. using $.validator.addMethod to clone an existing method


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Jörn Zaefferer
Forrules(add) to work, the element's form has to be validated, 
is, call $(form).validate() first. I've updated the documentation

Not sure why the attr-approach failed, I'll take a look at that.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 2:37 AM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[jQuery] Dragging Google Widget results in page refresh...

2008-10-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the application I am writing, I have a div box that needs to be
draggable. Inside the box is an iframe containing a google widget. For
some reason, as soon as I try the drag, the entire page refreshes and
only the google widget shows.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, were you able to create a
work around?


[jQuery] help with rotating css file using a setinterval, problem with ie

2008-10-21 Thread isyjack

I'm a complete javascript newbie and I know it's not exactly wise to
jump into jquery as such, but I did so anyway because I needed
something done fairly quickly and in a simple manner. So, forgive me
if this is not the most efficient way to get this done.

Anyway, the idea behind the script is to swap out the existing linked
css file with another random one after a set amount of time.

As such, I have the following in the head section:


link href=styles/style1.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet
id=stylesheet /

script type=text/javascript src=scripts/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript

   var interval
   $(document).ready(function() {
  interval = setInterval(getCSS(), 5000);// 5 secs between

   function getCSS() {
// randomize the stylesheet to be loaded
  var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1);
// set stylesheet to new stylesheet + randomized number
  $(#stylesheet).attr({href : styles/style+r+.css});

Everything works nicely in all browsers I've tested (FF, Safari, and
Opera) except (of course) IE. Mainly, it swaps out the css (in this
case, I'm just changing the background and some text colors for
testing purposes). The problem is that only the area that has content
receives an update in the background color. Anywhere else, the
background remains the same as before. I'm not sure what the problem
is, maybe IE renders too slowly, but if you minimize the browser, then
maximize again, the background colors display correctly. The problem
only shows up if the screen is in view when the css swap happens.

Anyone know a way to fix this problem? Any help is much appreciated.

[jQuery] Polygon

2008-10-21 Thread Sébastien Lachance

Maybe it's a stupid question but I was wondering if there is a way to
generate a polygon with 4 points, so that the user can himself drag
each point to create it's own (mainly for selecting a portion of an
image). Is it possible with a specific jQuery plugin. I can't seem to
find anything after a few hours of my time.

Thank you!!
Sébastien Lachance

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Uploader Flash player 10 fix

2008-10-21 Thread Gilles (Webunity)

Update: Most of the callbacks have been implemented; Actionscript
(Flash) work seems to be done; yet i did all my work without
debugging. Tomorrow i have to add maybe 3 or 4 events / log messages
and then i can start building ;)

-- Gilles

On Oct 20, 7:52 pm, Gilles (Webunity) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A lot (8) people have allready asked me if i was going to fix the mess
 Adobe made and my answer is yes, i am working on it. This post is to
 assure you that the jQuery Flash based uploader i wrote in 2006 has
 been revived.

 The project will no longer be based on swfupload, since i added way to
 much code of my own into it. The new version is (looseley) based upon
 YUI uploader component, and off course i've taken a peek to see what
 FancyUpload does in their code. To be honest; they are both very good
 products and both have their pro's and con's. I am hoping to create a
 project which will be the best of both worlds and more (currently,
 approx. 80% code is my own work)

 I've allready put about 10 hours of work in the new jQuery upload
 plugin (which was originally hosted onhttp://uploader.webunity.nl/)
 but unfortunately it is not finished yet. Since i based the startcode
 (e.g. how to create an AS3 movieclip) on YUI, I must abide by their
 license, which is BSD. The uploader plugin (Javascript) is going to be
 included as full source, but the Actionscript file is going to be
 precompiled. This is due to the fact that i simply put to much work in

 Some stuff that i added;
 - A lot more and consistant event handlers
 - A lot more and better logging
 - Multiple simultanous (!!) uploads

 And, ported from my old version:
 - Queue managemen
 - Max file size
 - Max queue size
 - Max queue count

 The idea is to even make it possible to add files while you are
 allready uploading; sort of background file transfer so to say.

 Anyway; i'll hope to finish the Actionscript code tomorrow evening (it
 is now 20:00 here) and the demo's the day after that. Basically; by
 the end of the week you should have some working examples.

 Thank you for al your wonderfull feedback

 -- Gilleshttp://www.webunity.nl/

[jQuery] Re: can someone please help with dynamic links problem?

2008-10-21 Thread Flavio333

I tried what you said but it does not work... now both links go to the same
page when clicked...

RotinPain wrote:
 the problem is quite simple i think, all your links have the same id
 And the jquery function is attached to a link with this id (generate2)
 So only 1 link will be responding to the function.
 You need to use each() to attach an event to each links. Like
 $(#generate2).each (
   function () {
 $( this ).bind (
 //dosomething your stuff here
 This should normally work. But note that only one unique ID per page
 is acceptable (see W3C recommandations). Better to use class name
 filtering instead (there could be more than 1 time the same class on
 the page but only 1 unique id).
 It will only change the first line:
 $(.generate2).each ( ...
 And the HTML will looks like
  # ... 
 On Oct 21, 3:56 pm, Flavio333 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello, I an quite new to jquery and hope someone can help with my
 problem.  I
 am trying to load dynamic content in to a div(myobj)... the code i have
 far is more or less as follows.  it creates a box with 2 links, that it
 from 'name_ctg'.  the links, are category names and when clicked should
 products.php, with the right product, as was determined by the link that
 clicked.  I hope that make sense...  now the problem is that only the
 link works, the second link does nothing.  I hope someone can help.

 script src=jquery.js/script

  $(#myobj).load(products.php?idctg_ctg=?php echo
 $row_categorys['idctg_ctg']; ?);


  style type=text/css
 #myobj {
  background-color: #CC;
  height: 300px;
  width: 500px;}



 div id=myobj align=center
   ?php do { ?  
    a  href=# id=generate2 ?php echo $row_categorys['name_ctg']; ?
   ?php } while ($row_categorys = mysql_fetch_assoc($categorys)); ?

 View this message in
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Check if an element DOESN'T have a class

2008-10-21 Thread MorningZ

Right from the docs

Returns true if the specified class is present on at least one of the
set of matched elements

So say you have an element, let's say:

div id=SomeDiv/div

and you we wondering if it has SomeClass, then:


would be  false

with that said though, if you are just going to say:


then there's no need to check if it has the class already or not, it's
not going to be applied twice

On Oct 21, 2:49 pm, kgosser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 I understand how hasClass() works, but I'm trying to figure out how to
 use it to see if an element DOESN'T have a class. I want to check if
 the class doesn't exist, and if not then I'll add it.

 Do I use the older is() method?

 Just looking for the best way. Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Group validation - validate per page in one form.

2008-10-21 Thread ovalsquare


On Oct 20, 12:32 pm, ovalsquare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am attempting to paginate a form, and validate for each page (page
 navigation via accordion or simply .show()/.hide()). However, the only
 sample I've seen of this appears to be the Help me Buy and Sell a
 House demo athttp://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/multipart/.
 This sample requires that a pageRequired method be added as follows:

         $.validator.addMethod(pageRequired, function(value, element) {
                 var $element = $(element)
                 function match(index) {
                         return current == index  $(element).parents(#sf + 
 (index +
                 if (match(0) || match(1) || match(2)) {
                         return !this.optional(element);
                 return dependency-mismatch;
         }, $.validator.messages.required)

         var v = $(#cmaForm).validate({
                 errorClass: warning,
                 onkeyup: false,
                 onblur: false,
                 submitHandler: function() {
                         alert(Submitted, thanks!);

 I would much prefer to take my existing setup with customvalidation
 messages for each field, as well as the ability to use per field
 specificvalidation(i.e. email, maxLength, custom addMethods, etc.),
 as in the following:

             var container = $(#myForm div.validationSuggestion);

                 errorContainer: container,
                 errorLabelContainer: $(ul,container),
                 rules: {
                      someField: { required: true },
                      someOtherField: {required: true, maxLength:20 }
 //many other fields.
                 messages: {
                      someField: 'Error message for someField.',
                      someOtherField: 'Another specific error message.'
                   // many other fields.
                 highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
                  $(element.form).find(label[for= + element.id +
                  $(element.form).find(label[for= + element.id +
                 unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {
                  $(element.form).find(label[for= + element.id +
                  $(element.form).find(label[for= + element.id +
                 wrapper: 'li'

 I cannot have multiple forms (I only want to submit on the last page).
 Am I missing something obvious?

[jQuery] Re: help with rotating css file using a setinterval, problem with ie

2008-10-21 Thread isyjack

Okay, I managed to solve this with some help. Basically the problem
was in the treatment of dimensions to the body and html by IE.
Sticking the following in both fixed it:

height: 100%; overflow: auto; margin: 0;

Just passing it along in case anyone else ran into a similar problem.

On Oct 21, 10:57 am, isyjack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a complete javascript newbie and I know it's not exactly wise to
 jump into jquery as such, but I did so anyway because I needed
 something done fairly quickly and in a simple manner. So, forgive me
 if this is not the most efficient way to get this done.

 Anyway, the idea behind the script is to swap out the existing linked
 css file with another random one after a set amount of time.

 As such, I have the following in the head section:


 link href=styles/style1.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet
 id=stylesheet /

 script type=text/javascript src=scripts/jquery.js/script
 script type=text/javascript

    var interval
    $(document).ready(function() {
       interval = setInterval(getCSS(), 5000);// 5 secs between

    function getCSS() {
 // randomize the stylesheet to be loaded
       var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1);
 // set stylesheet to new stylesheet + randomized number
       $(#stylesheet).attr({href : styles/style+r+.css});

 Everything works nicely in all browsers I've tested (FF, Safari, and
 Opera) except (of course) IE. Mainly, it swaps out the css (in this
 case, I'm just changing the background and some text colors for
 testing purposes). The problem is that only the area that has content
 receives an update in the background color. Anywhere else, the
 background remains the same as before. I'm not sure what the problem
 is, maybe IE renders too slowly, but if you minimize the browser, then
 maximize again, the background colors display correctly. The problem
 only shows up if the screen is in view when the css swap happens.

 Anyone know a way to fix this problem? Any help is much appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: How do i use JQuery ?

2008-10-21 Thread c.barr

Are you using Safari?  That's just a temporary file extension it uses
until it finishes downloading.  Just wait for it to finish.

On Oct 18, 4:27 pm, nadavten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im trying to download JQuery but its downloading a .download file ...

 what should i do ?

[jQuery] Re: scrollTo jScrollPane using each()

2008-10-21 Thread dcasey

No ideas on this?

On Oct 16, 2:53 pm, dcasey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't figure out how to scroll ALL my panes to the top.
 Here is the pertinent code:

 // dynamically assign ids and jScrollPane, I would rather not assign
 any IDs...
 $('.scrollpane').each(function(n) {
      $(this).attr('id', 'scrollpane'+n);
      $(this).jScrollPane({showArrows:true, scrollbarWidth: 11});});


 function scrollAllToTop() {
     $('#scrollpane1')[0].scrollTo(0); // will scroll that one id to
 the top, just as described

     // but, why doesn't this work? I keep getting $(this)[0].scrollTo
 is not a function
     $('.scrollpane').each(function() {
         //alert($('#scrollpane1')[0] == $(this)[0]); // yup it finds
 one same object in the list...


[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready() vs $(function () {});

2008-10-21 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Shawn,

They're functionally equivalent. The only difference is that $ 
(function() {}); is shorter and $(document).ready(function() {}); is,  
at least to me, more intuitive.


Karl Swedberg

On Oct 21, 2008, at 12:56 AM, Shawn wrote:

I am seeing more and more references to using the $(function() {});  
format for

the ready method.  Is there a compelling reason for this?  Or will
$(document).ready() perform as well?

Or perhaps I'm mis-understanding what the newer format is being used  

Thanks for any tips.


[jQuery] Simple AJAX call is not loading?

2008-10-21 Thread scheda

I'm trying to do what should be a fairly simple AJAX call. However
it's not playing nicely.

Here is the code I have so far.

$(document).ready(function() {
$('loading').ajaxStart(function() {
}).ajaxStop(function() {

$('#menu  li  a').click(function() {
$('page').load($(this).attr(href) + 
'.php', function() {
return false;

I've been trying to debug this for the last hour but am coming up with

Please help me figure out what's wrong with this. A big thanks is in
order if you do!

[jQuery] mcDropDown: any click event fire the drop down animation

2008-10-21 Thread CED

Like the topic says, any click, right or left, fires the animation for
the mcDropdown. It disappears right after. Has anyone encountered this
bug? Any fixes/workarounds?

[jQuery] Examples of JQuery Ecommerce: Draggable Cart, Enhance Product Images...

2008-10-21 Thread Ed

Here's an article showing JQuery UI to make a draggable cart, an
enhanced product image display and an animated menu.

I hope to see JQuery become a staple of ecommerce websites (if it
isn't already).


[jQuery] Re: History Plugin

2008-10-21 Thread Pedram

Does any one has an Idea!!!?

On Oct 21, 5:46 pm, Pedram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've Problem with it, when I do Ajax Call and and I filter the links
 in the New Page the History will not Include the Previous  Links .
 consider this is the Page :
 !---Page A ---

   a href='#1'  id='1'/a
   a href='#2'  id='2'/a
   a href='#3'  id='3'/a
   a href='#4'  id='4'/a
   div id=''load Ajax Contenct Comes here/div

 !---Page B ---

   a href='#5' id='5' /a
   a href='#6' id='6' /a
   a href='#7' id='7' /a
   a href='#8' id='8' /a

 !-Script -
 // Don't worry for Live Event it is supported by LiveQuery
 $(#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8).history(function() {   alert($
 (this).attr(''id));   });

 the problem is  when you are in the A page links 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 works But
 when you Click on Link number 5 which is loaded by Ajax  it doesn't
 support 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 LInks , It only works with 6 ,7 ,8 so .. how could
 I import the BookMarkable system to the AJAX system ...

 and even I could not Book mark #5 page because it is not indexed in
 the first Page ... so does any one has an answere for me thanks

 Regards Pedram

 On Oct 18, 6:04 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You have a couple of options available:


  One suggestion to help you out in the future is to be sure to check out
  the plugin repo. It has a ton of extensions for many different use cases.



  Pedram wrote:
   Dear Folks ,
   I need to make my webpages bookMarkable and do remember some history .
   does any one has a link for us ..
   thanks .

[jQuery] Re: Trouble using rules( add, rules ) as well as setting attribute for range validations

2008-10-21 Thread BobS

That's great Jörn.  It will make things much cleaner for my generated
validation JS.  In case you're interested, I'm working on a framework
that will generate both client-side and server-side validations from a
simple xml file using ColdFusion.  I've written about it at:

And there's a demo available at:

Looking at the source of the latter will show you the hoops I had to
jump through to create custom validation messages on the fly.  Now it
will be so much easier.

Thanks again,

On Oct 21, 2:16 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You can find the latest revision 


 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:08 PM, BobS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I would love to have this feature.  It would save me a bunch of extra
  lines of code.  Any idea if and when this might be implemented into
  the plugin?

  On Oct 21, 5:55 am, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  On Oct 21, 9:53 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Could you file a ticket for this?http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
   (requires registration)



   On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:49 PM, lightglitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have made a patch for my app to therulesfunction to supportcustom

This is the new function, would be nice to have something similar to

       rules: function(command, argument) {
               var element = this[0];

               if (command) {
                       var staticRules = $.data(element.form, 
                       var existingRules = 
                       switch(command) {
                       case add:
                               staticRules[element.name] = 

                               / PATCH ***/
                               if (argument.messages) {
                                   if ($.data(element.form,
'validator').settings.messages[element.name] = argument.messages;
                               / END PATCH ***/
                       case remove:
                               if (!argument) {
                                       return existingRules;
                               var filtered = {};
function(index, method) {
                                       filtered[method] = 
                                       delete existingRules[method];
                               return filtered;

               var data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
               ), element);

               // make sure required is at front
               if (data.required) {
                       var param = data.required;
                       delete data.required;
                       data = $.extend({required: param}, data);

               return data;

And I use it like this:

$(#field).rules(add,  {required:true,range:[5,45],messages:
{required:The field can\'t be blank.,range:The field must have
5 to 45 characters.}});

Hope it helps.

On Oct 9, 11:00 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can use metadata, too. Currently barely documented, and not really
recommended either, but works since 1.4.

input class={required:true,messages:{required:'required field'}}
name=whatever /


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Bob Silverberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Thanks for the quick response.  That fixed my problem.

 One more question:

 I'd like to addcustomerror messages to some 

[jQuery] Re: accordion query

2008-10-21 Thread Paul Mills

Your HTML is not valid as you can't have a form inside a p tag.
As you have a mix of element types in your accordian I suggest you use
an extra div as a wrapper and adjust the jQuery code to operate on
the div instead of the p.
Something like this:
div class=accordion
h3Latest news/h3
pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
neque vitae odio.br /
read more about xxx...br /
br /
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
neque vitae odio.br /
read more about xxx.../p

h3Email newsletter/h3
pJoin our email newsletter by completing your details below
we'll get you added and keep you updated./p
form id=form1 method=post action=
  input type=text name=textfield id=textfield /

br /
input type=text name=textfield2
id=textfield2 /
br /
input type=submit name=button id=button
value=Subscribe /

pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
neque vitae odio. Vivamus vitae ligula./p

and JavaScript like this:
$(.accordion h3:first).addClass(active);
$(.accordion div:not(:first)).hide();
$(.accordion h3).click(function(){


On Oct 21, 11:11 am, Steven Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I'm using the following for an accordion style menu

 div class=accordion
         h3Latest news/h3
         pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
 malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
 commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
 neque vitae odio.br /
         read more about xxx...br /
         br /
         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
 malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
 commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
 neque vitae odio.br /
 read more about xxx.../p
         h3a href=http://www.google.co.uk;Useful contact list/a/h3
         h3Email newsletter/h3

         pJoin our email newsletter by completing your details below and
 we'll get you added and keep you updated.br /
                 form id=form1 method=post action=
                   input type=text name=textfield id=textfield /
             br /
                     input type=text name=textfield2 id=textfield2 /
                     br /
                     input type=submit name=button id=button
 value=Subscribe /

         pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
 malesuada, ante at feugiat tincidunt, enim massa gravida metus,
 commodo lacinia massa diam vel eros. Proin eget urna. Nunc fringilla
 neque vitae odio. Vivamus vitae ligula./p


 and this is the Javascript:

 script type=text/javascript

         $(.accordion h3:first).addClass(active);
         $(.accordion p:not(:first)).hide();
         $(.accordion h3).click(function(){



 When I view this in the browser the form is displayed automatically,
 how can I hide it until the user presses for the drop down?


[jQuery] Simple AJAX call does not load

2008-10-21 Thread scheda

I'm trying to do what should be a fairly simple AJAX call. However
it's not playing nicely.

Here is the code I have so far.

$(document).ready(function() {
   $('loading').ajaxStart(function() {
   }).ajaxStop(function() {

   $('#menu  li  a').click(function() {
(this).attr(href) + '.php', function() {
   return false;

I've been trying to debug this for the last hour but am coming up with

Please help me figure out what's wrong with this. A big thanks is in
order if you do!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Uploader Flash player 10 fix

2008-10-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
hi Gilles,

i was about to take the same path: convert YUI uploader into jquery for the
new version of jquploader, because it's simply the best implementation i've
seen so far (kuddos to yahoo). i'll be very interested with what you come up
There is one issue i still lack for a good answer, i'd be interested in your
opinion: say you want to control the uploaded file 's name, for example so
that it does not erase an existing file with the same name: then the
serverside script woudl produce a unique file name, according to a given
logic (timestamp appended, etc), or simply to avoid empty spaces or quote
characters in the name. Is it actually possible that the flash file returns
the serverside-generated file name ?



On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Gilles (Webunity) [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Update: Most of the callbacks have been implemented; Actionscript
 (Flash) work seems to be done; yet i did all my work without
 debugging. Tomorrow i have to add maybe 3 or 4 events / log messages
 and then i can start building ;)

 -- Gilles

 On Oct 20, 7:52 pm, Gilles (Webunity) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A lot (8) people have allready asked me if i was going to fix the mess
  Adobe made and my answer is yes, i am working on it. This post is to
  assure you that the jQuery Flash based uploader i wrote in 2006 has
  been revived.
  The project will no longer be based on swfupload, since i added way to
  much code of my own into it. The new version is (looseley) based upon
  YUI uploader component, and off course i've taken a peek to see what
  FancyUpload does in their code. To be honest; they are both very good
  products and both have their pro's and con's. I am hoping to create a
  project which will be the best of both worlds and more (currently,
  approx. 80% code is my own work)
  I've allready put about 10 hours of work in the new jQuery upload
  plugin (which was originally hosted onhttp://uploader.webunity.nl/)
  but unfortunately it is not finished yet. Since i based the startcode
  (e.g. how to create an AS3 movieclip) on YUI, I must abide by their
  license, which is BSD. The uploader plugin (Javascript) is going to be
  included as full source, but the Actionscript file is going to be
  precompiled. This is due to the fact that i simply put to much work in
  Some stuff that i added;
  - A lot more and consistant event handlers
  - A lot more and better logging
  - Multiple simultanous (!!) uploads
  And, ported from my old version:
  - Queue managemen
  - Max file size
  - Max queue size
  - Max queue count
  The idea is to even make it possible to add files while you are
  allready uploading; sort of background file transfer so to say.
  Anyway; i'll hope to finish the Actionscript code tomorrow evening (it
  is now 20:00 here) and the demo's the day after that. Basically; by
  the end of the week you should have some working examples.
  Thank you for al your wonderfull feedback
  -- Gilleshttp://www.webunity.nl/

[jQuery] Re: mcDropDown: any click event fire the drop down animation

2008-10-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Like the topic says, any click, right or left, fires the animation for
the mcDropdown. It disappears right after. Has anyone encountered this
bug? Any fixes/workarounds?

Are you seeing the problem on the example page?


What version are you using?

Is there a live example of the problem you're having?


[jQuery] Re: History Plugin

2008-10-21 Thread Klaus Hartl

I don't understand what the problem is. Could you put up a demo?


On 21 Okt., 22:35, Pedram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does any one has an Idea!!!?

 On Oct 21, 5:46 pm, Pedram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've Problem with it, when I do Ajax Call and and I filter the links
  in the New Page the History will not Include the Previous  Links .
  consider this is the Page :
  !---Page A ---

    a href='#1'  id='1'/a
    a href='#2'  id='2'/a
    a href='#3'  id='3'/a
    a href='#4'  id='4'/a
    div id=''load Ajax Contenct Comes here/div

  !---Page B ---

    a href='#5' id='5' /a
    a href='#6' id='6' /a
    a href='#7' id='7' /a
    a href='#8' id='8' /a

  !-Script -
  // Don't worry for Live Event it is supported by LiveQuery
  $(#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8).history(function() {   alert($
  (this).attr(''id));   });

  the problem is  when you are in the A page links 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 works But
  when you Click on Link number 5 which is loaded by Ajax  it doesn't
  support 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 LInks , It only works with 6 ,7 ,8 so .. how could
  I import the BookMarkable system to the AJAX system ...

  and even I could not Book mark #5 page because it is not indexed in
  the first Page ... so does any one has an answere for me thanks

  Regards Pedram

  On Oct 18, 6:04 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You have a couple of options available:


   One suggestion to help you out in the future is to be sure to check out
   the plugin repo. It has a ton of extensions for many different use cases.



   Pedram wrote:
Dear Folks ,
I need to make my webpages bookMarkable and do remember some history .
does any one has a link for us ..
thanks .

[jQuery] Re: Faceted navigation Solution Ideas

2008-10-21 Thread zartoop

Thanks for that - I had seen it but it is not immediately obvious how
that will be the solution.

It seems the menu elements are hardcoded whereas in the solution I
need the menu elements will vary/be filtered continually depending on
the initial search and then by subsequent selections.

Can accordion do this?

[jQuery] Re: Jquery load not getting updated pages.....

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

That's not jQuery's fault, check the headers as Bil said or use the
query string trick if you need to avoid cacheing.

If you use jQuery.ajax() you can also set cache: false as an option.

For testing purposes, if you access the loaded page directly the
browser will update the cache. IE7 is specially nasty with this, I
haven't had this problem with FF.

- ricardo

On Oct 21, 2:34 pm, Stever [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I spent about an hour trying to figure out why a form I was loading to
 a web page was not updating.

 In my web page I have a navigation button tool, when I click I want to
 load a form into the #display div.


  .. a bunch of code.

   $('#menu li.tool').click(function() {
     $('#display #product').remove();
     $('#menu li[device=device]').removeAttr('clicked');

 .. remaining code 


 I call up the page and click the tool button and the form displays no

 However, later I made changes to the form (test_form_1.html) and they
 were not included, even after refreshing the page.

 I even removed the html file and it still loads!

 Apparently this file is saved in the cache, how do I make sure
 everytime I click on the tool button I get the latest page?


[jQuery] Re: Atribute selector with squared brackets

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

That's kind of what I meant to say.

From my understanding, the CDATA rules apply if you are serving XHTML
as application/xhtml+xml. If you are serving as text/html it is
implied you are being backwards compatible, so you should go by the
HTML4 rules where only A-z,0-9,._- characters are allowed.

Anyway I was just being picky. Everybody uses { in class attributes
for metadata already, and most browsers (even the ones that don't
support XHTML as application/xml) don't have a problem with that, I
don't know how far down the chain that becomes a problem (IE5?).


What I really wanted to say is 'why are these lunatics putting
brackets in IDs/names? there are plenty of unused/unmeaningful
characters to choose' ;)

- ricardo

On Oct 21, 4:34 pm, jasonkarns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In XHTML, the name attribute on input (and textarea and select)
 elements is defined as CDATA not NMTOKEN thus, brackets are legal in
 name attributes on input elements. It is NOT backwards compatible with
 HTML, where the character restriction is [a-z][A-Z]-_ and .

 Further note, the id attribute has it's own separate set of
 restrictions that are a subset of all HTML attributes.



 On Oct 21, 12:07 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Brackets are an invalid character in attributes, for XHTML served as
  text/html, which I guess accounts for most of jQuery usage anyway.
  Looks like someone already updated the docs.

  - ricardo

  On Oct 20, 11:36 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   We got a ticket about how to select elements by an attribute with
   I replied with the common link to the FAQ and the reporter replied
   that the example in the docs doesn't work.

   I tried that myself, and indeed, that didn't work.


   $('[name=foo[bar]]'); // Doesn't work

   $('[name=foo\\[bar\\]]'); // Should work, but doesn't

   $('[name=foo[bar]]'); // Does work

   Now... I think the last option is good enough. But we need to update
   the docs.

   Anything to add ?
   Anyone volunteers to update the docs ?


   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] [TUTORIAL] Create a professional interface for your web applications using jQuery

2008-10-21 Thread AdrianMG

In this tut we will create a professional interface for your web
applications using the killer javascript library jQuery :)

I hope you can use it for your personal projects guys. Feedback is


[jQuery] Re: Polygon

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

There is the jCrop plugin, though it's just a rectangle. For a polygon
you would need an image map or canvas element, a bit more complicated
and no ready-made solution.


- ricardo

On Oct 21, 2:32 pm, Sébastien Lachance [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe it's a stupid question but I was wondering if there is a way to
 generate a polygon with 4 points, so that the user can himself drag
 each point to create it's own (mainly for selecting a portion of an
 image). Is it possible with a specific jQuery plugin. I can't seem to
 find anything after a few hours of my time.

 Thank you!!
 Sébastien Lachance

[jQuery] Re: Polygon

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

Doh @ me, a rectangle *is* a polygon (and it would be stupid to crop
an image with any other shape). Sorry about that!

On Oct 21, 8:03 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is the jCrop plugin, though it's just a rectangle. For a polygon
 you would need an image map or canvas element, a bit more complicated
 and no ready-made solution.


 - ricardo

 On Oct 21, 2:32 pm, Sébastien Lachance [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Maybe it's a stupid question but I was wondering if there is a way to
  generate a polygon with 4 points, so that the user can himself drag
  each point to create it's own (mainly for selecting a portion of an
  image). Is it possible with a specific jQuery plugin. I can't seem to
  find anything after a few hours of my time.

  Thank you!!
  Sébastien Lachance

[jQuery] Re: Find index of div with class selected

2008-10-21 Thread jimster

Much appreciated! Works wonderfully.

I guess I don't quite understand the use of variables and commas
inside element declarations. So much to learn!

[jQuery] Re: Simple AJAX call does not load

2008-10-21 Thread ricardobeat

do you really have loading and page elements? Seems you're missing
some '#'s there.

Use Firebug on Firefox for debugging, you'd spot the problem in 10

- ricardo

On Oct 21, 5:29 pm, scheda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to do what should be a fairly simple AJAX call. However
 it's not playing nicely.

 Here is the code I have so far.

 $(document).ready(function() {
                                $('loading').ajaxStart(function() {
                                }).ajaxStop(function() {

                                $('#menu  li  a').click(function() {
 (this).attr(href) + '.php', function() {
                                        return false;

 I've been trying to debug this for the last hour but am coming up with

 Please help me figure out what's wrong with this. A big thanks is in
 order if you do!

  1   2   >