[jQuery] Re: Bug in hover()?

2009-01-16 Thread ezod

stupid me ;)

thanks a lot ricardo.

greetz ezod

On 15 Jan., 18:19, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 you have to unbind('mouseenter').unbind('mouseleave')

 - ricardo

 On Jan 15, 1:15 pm, ezod pured...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I tried the following:

  // bind hover (works!)
    function () {
      //do something
    function () {
      //do something else

  // unbind hover (works!)

  // rebind hober (works not!)
    function () {
      //do something
    function () {
     //do something else

  So after unbinding the event I can´t bind the hover function again

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: jQuery Finder (Mac-style 'Treeview' with Columns)

2009-01-16 Thread Nicolas R

@ Adam,
Unfortunately no, I haven't done any testing on IE = no fixing. I
imagine that it's not a lot of work to be done, mostly setting height:
1% to most of the elements and perhaps adding some width properties.
I'm on a mac so testing on IE is not easy for me.


On Jan 16, 3:18 am, gobagoo atist...@gmail.com wrote:
 Great plugin.  Have you made any progress on getting IE working.  I
 would be happy to help as this is a feature that I would love to get
 working on my site.


 On Dec 8 2008, 6:25 am, Nicolas R ruda...@googlemail.com wrote:


  I've put together a plugin that creates a mac-style finder out of a
  list. The plugin is still in development (ALPHA) and it needs some
  testing, especially on IE.

  The purpose of this plugin is to provide an alternative to treeview
  navigation. Making it look just like the Finder on a Mac is not my
  goal, I am after its core functionality. Having said this, I think
  that implementing useful features that exist on Mac's Finder (search,
  toolback w/ options, etc) is time well spent.

  You can find the plugin ( demo) 

  I'm posting this here as I'm after feedback, contributions
  (especially), and testers, so if anyone's interested please post here.
  I hope the source code is readable and self-explanatory, I did comment
  a lot on some things so it should make some sense. As this is an alpha
  release, I've just included a link to the script in the demo page, and
  a link to a zip file that contains the demo page along with css 
  images used. The zip file is what you are probably after, as the css
  file is essential.


[jQuery] Re: How do I use the JSON api to enter a value in a p tag?

2009-01-16 Thread Beres Botond

The concept is basically the same.

You would add something like:

$('#my_target_element').append('p' + item.title + '/p')

On Jan 16, 1:01 am, desbest afanintheho...@gmail.com wrote:
 How do I use the JSON api to enter a value in a p tag?

 Code is herehttp://codedumper.com/flickr-api-using-jquery-json
 Example is herehttp://sampleswap.uk.to/json/test.html

 Yeah the code I've got is  fine for images. But what if I want to
 create a p and fill it with data from the api.

[jQuery] jQuery.support query

2009-01-16 Thread JQueryProgrammer

The utilities jQuery.browser and jQuery.version has been deprecated in
jQuery 1.3 version and the documentation says to use jQuery.support
for the same. But I do not find any options for browser and version in

Although they have been included in 1.3 release too, but are
deprecated. How can we then check the browser name and version..?

[jQuery] Re: issue with pathClass: current on nav style menu

2009-01-16 Thread cajchris

Just wondering if there was any update on this?, if anyone could help
as it is quite a frustrating problem


On Jan 15, 4:28 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:
 Anyone got any ideas?

 On Jan 15, 4:08 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:

  Also notice that the jQuery is adding lots of information into my HTML
  tags such as jQuery1232031575583=... in the anchor tags and list
  item tags. it also adds span class=sf-sub-indicator
  jQuery1232031575583=null»/span inside the anchor tags, I presume
  to get the arrows.

  I noticed in the source of the example given by superfish that this
  does not appear in their tags

  On Jan 15, 4:00 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:


   I have been using superfish for the navigation for a site I am working
   on and have ran into problems regarding the current class that is
   applied to each li tag which is in the current path.

   Whenever I hover over the top level, the 2nd level is displayed and
   the links are are all there, with the current one highlighted. However
   once I move the mouse away from the menu altogether, the 2nd level
   does not remain displayed with the links in it as before, instead they
   disappear after a delay, and I am left with a blank blue strip where
   the links should be.

   In the source of my page I have:

   script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
   jquery-1.2.6.min.js type=text/javascript/script 
   script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
   jquery.tabs.pack.js type=text/javascript/script 
   script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
   jquery.history.pack.js type=text/javascript/script 
   script language=JavaScript src=/Relatis1/scripts/topnavigation.js
   script language=JavaScript src=/Relatis1/scripts/supersubs.js
   link href=/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnavigation.css type=text/css
   link href=/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnav-horizontal.css type=text/css
   script type=text/javascript$(document).ready(function(){$
   ('#horizontal-menu').superfish({pathClass:  'current'}); });/script 

   This is the same as the superfish example except that I have
   downloaded the css files and the 2 superfish javascript files onto my
   local machine and renamed them. The only change being in the topnav-
   horizontal.css file whereby I changed:

   .sf-navbar li ul {
           width:                  44em; /*IE6 soils itself without this*/



   .sf-navbar li ul {
           width:                  150em; /*IE6 soils itself without this*/


   As I needed the 2nd level strip to be wider as it contains more links
   than the example given.

   A snippt of my HTML source for the menu is:

                 UL class=sf-menu sf-navbar sf-js-enabled sf-shadow
   id=horizontal-menu serial=0 sfTimer=1313775
                   LI class=current jQuery1232031575583=3
                   A class=sf-with-ul id=11386_Tab onclick= href=#
   jQuery1232031575583=55HomeSPAN class=sf-sub-indicator
                   UL class= style=DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
   VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1 oldblock=block
                     LI class= jQuery1232031575583=4
                     A class=sf-with-ul id=m11387 title=Complaint
   Search onclick= href=# jQuery1232031575583=56Complaint
   SearchSPAN class=sf-sub-indicator jQuery1232031575583=null»/
                     UL class= style=DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
   VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1 oldblock=block
                       LI class= jQuery1232031575583=57
                       A class= id=m11388 title=Open onclick=
   href=# jQuery1232031575583=58Open/A
                       LI class= jQuery1232031575583=59
                       A id=m11389 title=Pending onclick= href=#
                       LI class= jQuery1232031575583=61
                       A id=m11390 title=Closed onclick= href=#
                       LI class= jQuery1232031575583=63
                       A id=m15012 title=fdgdfgdg onclick= href=#
                     LI class=current jQuery1232031575583=65
                     A id=m11440 title=Customer Search onclick=
   href=# jQuery1232031575583=66Customer Search/A
                     LI class= jQuery1232031575583=67
                     A id=m11391 title=Quote / Policy Search
   onclick= href=# jQuery1232031575583=68Quote / Policy Search/A
                     LI class= jQuery1232031575583=69
                     A id=m12064 title=Renewal Search onclick=

[jQuery] Wrapping non empty text node with span

2009-01-16 Thread Jacky
Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to wrap text node with span.


ul id=target
liItem 1/li
liItem 5
liItem 5-1/li
liItem 5-2/li
liItem 5-3
liItem 5-3-1/li
liItem 6/li

Expected Outcome:
ul id=target
lispanItem 1/span/li
lispanItem 5/span
lispanItem 5-1/span/li
lispanItem 5-2/span/li
lispanItem 5-3/span
lispanItem 5-3-1/span/li
lispanItem 6/span/li

Currently I do it by:

$(#target  li).find(li).each(function(){
if(this.childNodes[0]  this.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3){
var data = $.trim(this.childNodes[0].data);
this.childNodes[0].data = data;

I wonder if there is any simpler way to do this?
Best Regards,
網絡暴民 http://jacky.seezone.net

[jQuery] Re: How do i generify this action to happen for every radio button with id=other

2009-01-16 Thread kat...@googlemail.com

Sure, but I was hoping for a generic kind of answer like
if input=other than ...
Form code is generated by the drupal Form API
div class=form-item
 div class=form-radios
  div class=form-item id=edit-sample-garden-wrapper
 label class=optioninput type=radio id=edit-sample-garden
name=samplte value=garden   class=form-radio / a. Garden/

div class=form-item id=edit-sample-parkland-wrapper
 label class=optioninput type=radio id=edit-sample-parkland
name=sample_site value=parkland   class=form-radio / b.
div class=form-item id=edit-sample-other-wrapper
 label class=optioninput type=radio id=edit-sample-other
name=sample value=other   class=form-radio / j. Other/label
 div class=descriptionChoose one of the above./div
div id=sample_otherlabelj. Other input id=sample_other_text
name=sample_other_text type=text value=//label/divdiv

On Jan 16, 12:02 am, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you post the markup for one of the groups? You can probably use
 that to your advantage.

[jQuery] Re: namespacing events

2009-01-16 Thread Stephan Veigl

But I'm not trying to trigger my.event, I trigger my.event.a.
With a bind(my.event.a) I would expect to catch my.event.a events
only, and not my.event.xxx.
While for a bind(my.event) I would expect to catch all my.event,
my.event.a, my.event.xxx, ... events.


[jQuery] Re: namespacing events

2009-01-16 Thread Stephan Veigl

Thanks for the clarification.

But there is still some point I'm confused of.
If the dot is not a namespace separator I would expect it to be a
logical and, or or operator. But my experiments show that you
cannot interpret it as logical operator either, or at least I don't
get it.

So what's best practise to name private events without polluting the
event namespace?


[jQuery] Re: How do i generify this action to happen for every radio button with id=other

2009-01-16 Thread Beres Botond


$(input[id*='other']).bind(evt, function(){
  alert('This should get called when you click on any radio if
it's id contains other')

  if ($(this).attr('checked') == 'checked'  $(this).val() ==
'other') {
// not sure how the rest of your forms look like, this
probably needs adapting
  } else {
// not sure how the rest of your forms look like, this
probably needs adapting

On Jan 16, 11:00 am, kat...@googlemail.com k.bou...@nhm.ac.uk
 Sure, but I was hoping for a generic kind of answer like
 if input=other than ...
 Form code is generated by the drupal Form API
 div class=form-item
  div class=form-radios
   div class=form-item id=edit-sample-garden-wrapper
  label class=optioninput type=radio id=edit-sample-garden
 name=samplte value=garden   class=form-radio / a. Garden/

 div class=form-item id=edit-sample-parkland-wrapper
  label class=optioninput type=radio id=edit-sample-parkland
 name=sample_site value=parkland   class=form-radio / b.
 div class=form-item id=edit-sample-other-wrapper
  label class=optioninput type=radio id=edit-sample-other
 name=sample value=other   class=form-radio / j. Other/label
  div class=descriptionChoose one of the above./div
 div id=sample_otherlabelj. Other input id=sample_other_text
 name=sample_other_text type=text value=//label/divdiv

 On Jan 16, 12:02 am, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com wrote:

  Can you post the markup for one of the groups? You can probably use
  that to your advantage.

[jQuery] JSON with ajaxComplete

2009-01-16 Thread James Hughes

I have a generic ajaxComplete event that does soe generic stuff to my screen 
once ajax calls complete.  All calls will return a JSON object with at least a 
success property.  The thing is the ajaxComplete arguments don't have my 
response in JSON (regardless of specifying type in the call).  It does 
obviously contain the responseText but my question is do I just call an eval on 
this or os there a cleaner jQuery way to do this?

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free; further terms and conditions may be 
found on our website - www.kainos.com 

[jQuery] Re: Wrapping non empty text node with span

2009-01-16 Thread Beres Botond

I don't think you need .find(li), just

$(#target  li).each(function(){

Other than that, looks pretty simple already

On Jan 16, 10:50 am, Jacky jacky...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm looking for a way to wrap text node with span.


 ul id=target
 liItem 1/li
 liItem 5
 liItem 5-1/li
 liItem 5-2/li
 liItem 5-3
 liItem 5-3-1/li
 liItem 6/li

 Expected Outcome:
 ul id=target
 lispanItem 1/span/li
 lispanItem 5/span
 lispanItem 5-1/span/li
 lispanItem 5-2/span/li
 lispanItem 5-3/span
 lispanItem 5-3-1/span/li
 lispanItem 6/span/li

 Currently I do it by:

 $(#target  li).find(li).each(function(){
 if(this.childNodes[0]  this.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3){
 var data = $.trim(this.childNodes[0].data);
 this.childNodes[0].data = data;


 I wonder if there is any simpler way to do this?
 Best Regards,

[jQuery] Re: Wrapping non empty text node with span

2009-01-16 Thread Beres Botond

Actually, you'll need


to process each li from target ul.

On Jan 16, 12:22 pm, Beres Botond boton...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't think you need .find(li), just

 $(#target  li).each(function(){

 Other than that, looks pretty simple already

 On Jan 16, 10:50 am, Jacky jacky...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I'm looking for a way to wrap text node with span.


  ul id=target
  liItem 1/li
  liItem 5
  liItem 5-1/li
  liItem 5-2/li
  liItem 5-3
  liItem 5-3-1/li
  liItem 6/li

  Expected Outcome:
  ul id=target
  lispanItem 1/span/li
  lispanItem 5/span
  lispanItem 5-1/span/li
  lispanItem 5-2/span/li
  lispanItem 5-3/span
  lispanItem 5-3-1/span/li
  lispanItem 6/span/li

  Currently I do it by:

  $(#target  li).find(li).each(function(){
  if(this.childNodes[0]  this.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3){
  var data = $.trim(this.childNodes[0].data);
  this.childNodes[0].data = data;


  I wonder if there is any simpler way to do this?
  Best Regards,

[jQuery] Superfish: changing state by script

2009-01-16 Thread Christian Jul


I have made a small script that loads content via ajax.

The site in question uses superfish for a menu, and I would like to
update the state of the menu, when I load new content to the content

The menu is a 2 layer menu, and the second level will show the items
for the current level 1, (if any), unless another level 1 item is
hovered, then it will show the sub-items to that level.

I have the level 1 fixed, just by altering a class, but I can' get
level 2 to work.

I have tried just .show() on the submenu, but that doesn't work.

Does Superfish have any APIs for changing the current state of active
items? Or, if not, what classes/styles/events, do I need to change to
accomplish it?

Hope it makes sense, the site is http://ajust.mocsystems.com

[jQuery] Re: issue with pathClass: current on nav style menu

2009-01-16 Thread cajchris

help please lol!!!

On Jan 16, 8:46 am, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:
 Just wondering if there was any update on this?, if anyone could help
 as it is quite a frustrating problem


 On Jan 15, 4:28 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:

  Anyone got any ideas?

  On Jan 15, 4:08 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:

   Also notice that the jQuery is adding lots of information into my HTML
   tags such as jQuery1232031575583=... in the anchor tags and list
   item tags. it also adds span class=sf-sub-indicator
   jQuery1232031575583=null»/span inside the anchor tags, I presume
   to get the arrows.

   I noticed in the source of the example given by superfish that this
   does not appear in their tags

   On Jan 15, 4:00 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:


I have been using superfish for the navigation for a site I am working
on and have ran into problems regarding the current class that is
applied to each li tag which is in the current path.

Whenever I hover over the top level, the 2nd level is displayed and
the links are are all there, with the current one highlighted. However
once I move the mouse away from the menu altogether, the 2nd level
does not remain displayed with the links in it as before, instead they
disappear after a delay, and I am left with a blank blue strip where
the links should be.

In the source of my page I have:

script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
jquery-1.2.6.min.js type=text/javascript/script 
script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
jquery.tabs.pack.js type=text/javascript/script 
script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
jquery.history.pack.js type=text/javascript/script 
script language=JavaScript src=/Relatis1/scripts/topnavigation.js
script language=JavaScript src=/Relatis1/scripts/supersubs.js
link href=/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnavigation.css type=text/css
link href=/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnav-horizontal.css type=text/css
script type=text/javascript$(document).ready(function(){$
('#horizontal-menu').superfish({pathClass:  'current'}); });/script 

This is the same as the superfish example except that I have
downloaded the css files and the 2 superfish javascript files onto my
local machine and renamed them. The only change being in the topnav-
horizontal.css file whereby I changed:

.sf-navbar li ul {
        width:                  44em; /*IE6 soils itself without this*/



.sf-navbar li ul {
        width:                  150em; /*IE6 soils itself without this*/


As I needed the 2nd level strip to be wider as it contains more links
than the example given.

A snippt of my HTML source for the menu is:

              UL class=sf-menu sf-navbar sf-js-enabled sf-shadow
id=horizontal-menu serial=0 sfTimer=1313775
                LI class=current jQuery1232031575583=3
                A class=sf-with-ul id=11386_Tab onclick= href=#
jQuery1232031575583=55HomeSPAN class=sf-sub-indicator
                UL class= style=DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1 oldblock=block
                  LI class= jQuery1232031575583=4
                  A class=sf-with-ul id=m11387 title=Complaint
Search onclick= href=# jQuery1232031575583=56Complaint
SearchSPAN class=sf-sub-indicator jQuery1232031575583=null»/
                  UL class= style=DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1 oldblock=block
                    LI class= jQuery1232031575583=57
                    A class= id=m11388 title=Open onclick=
href=# jQuery1232031575583=58Open/A
                    LI class= jQuery1232031575583=59
                    A id=m11389 title=Pending onclick= href=#
                    LI class= jQuery1232031575583=61
                    A id=m11390 title=Closed onclick= href=#
                    LI class= jQuery1232031575583=63
                    A id=m15012 title=fdgdfgdg onclick= href=#
                  LI class=current jQuery1232031575583=65
                  A id=m11440 title=Customer Search onclick=
href=# jQuery1232031575583=66Customer Search/A
                  LI class= jQuery1232031575583=67
                  A id=m11391 title=Quote / Policy Search
onclick= href=# 

[jQuery] Re: What is wrong ?

2009-01-16 Thread Giuliani Sanches

Fixed. :)

The problem was with the way on how i build the unordered list (i'm
using jinja2 templates) and some issues with css.


On 15 jan, 20:09, Giuliani Sanches giulianisanc...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the jquery working fine ( $(a).click to show an alert
 messages do the job) but i can't get the treeview plugin to work. My
 html code:

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN

     link rel=stylesheet type=text/css

     script type=text/javascript
     script type=text/javascript

     script type=text/javascript

     div class=body

 h1Bem vindo ao controle de frota/h1

       div id=mainmenu
         a href=/Home/a

       div id=appmenu
         ul id=treemenu
             li Cadastros /liul
             lia href=/localidades/listar/estado
             lia href=/localidades/listar/cidade


 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec orci
 nulla, mollis sed, ultricies non, viverra nec, risus. Nam luctus, pede
 in aliquam ultrices, massa mauris pretium nunc, tincidunt lacinia
 mauris augue dictum eros. Aenean eleifend. Donec eget nulla eu nulla
 rutrum viverra. Morbi pulvinar sollicitudin justo. Sed condimentum.
 Vestibulum consectetur neque. Pellentesque odio. Curabitur ut pede.
 Nam fermentum mi eget lacus.


[jQuery] Re: How get data objects from a php file called via ajax

2009-01-16 Thread Beres Botond

If you want to have events on html elements loaded/added dynamically,
you need to bind the event after the element has been inserted into
the page.

// define your click event here

Or  with jquery 1.3 you can use .live()

On Jan 15, 5:41 pm, Mikael mhedeng...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks Milos.
 When I fixed this coding error I get a button but I still can not get
 any click event for this button.

 This is how I try to get this click event:

         $('.test_select').bind(click, function() {
                 var thisName = $(this).attr('name');
                 $('#test_list').html(thisName +  clicked);
                 return false;

 On 15 Jan, 15:22, Miloš Rašić milos.ra...@gmail.com wrote:

  Try fixing your html in the php code like this:

   echo 'input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
  id=test_select_1 value=Select /';
  You forgot to close that class property in the input.

  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Mikael mhedeng...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am new to javascript and jQuery programming so my problem might be
   very simple to explain but please bare with me.

   I want to make a selection in a list created by a php-file that is
   called from another php-file using jQuery and ajax but it fails.
   My example is very limited but shows the main problem.

   The first php-file has abutton defined like this:
    input class=mini_browse type=button value=Browse test /

   I also have a div to show the result:
    div id=myresultShow the result here/div

   The jQuery entry looks like this:
   jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
          $('.mini_browse').bind(click, function() {
                          type: get, url: test-ajax.php, data: { action:
   'test' },
                          error: function() {$(#myresult).html(Ajax
                          success: function(html){ //so, if data is 
   store it in
                  }); //close jQuery.ajax
                  return false;

   When I click the button I get a call to test-ajax.php as expected and
   the output is displayed in the myresult div but not as expected.

   The test-ajax.php executes this:
    echo 'input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
   id=test_select_1 value=Select /';

   The button is not displayed as a button but like an input text with
   the text Select in it and I can not get a click event from it.
   I can not see the output from test-ajax.php when I view the page
   source so I guess that I have to get it included in the document
   somehow but how?

   Can anybody point me in the right direction to solve this?


[jQuery] Re: .animate() custom animation callback?

2009-01-16 Thread Ariel Flesler

You have to click on Options.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:


 This is what the links on the main page point to. Where did you get
 that link? I thought those were innocent hashes :D

 On Jan 15, 6:45 pm, Ariel Flesler afles...@gmail.com wrote:
 How come it isn't on the docs ?


 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com 

  It's not in the docs, but you have to pass the callback as the
  'complete' option:

  $(this).animate({marginTop:'500px'}, {queue: false, complete: function
  (){ ... } });

  On Jan 14, 4:10 pm, lhwpa...@googlemail.com
  lhwpa...@googlemail.com wrote:
  hi, im using .animate() to create a custom animation. is there any way
  to handle a callback function? normal . animation() has a parameter
  for a callback function but not the one for own animations?

 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

Ariel Flesler

[jQuery] [Plugin Release] Endless Scroll

2009-01-16 Thread Canglan

Hi guys,

Just thought I'd post this here in case anyone finds it useful. I have
released a plugin for endless scrolling.

If you don’t already know, endless scroll (or infinite scrolling) is a
popular technique among web 2.0 sites such as Google Reader and Live
Image Search, where instead of paging through items using the
traditional pagination technique, the page just keeps loading with new
items attached to the end.

For more information including features, usages and a demo, check out:


Hopefully you'll find it useful, and please feel free to provide
feedback. :)


[jQuery] How get data objects from a php file called via ajax updated?

2009-01-16 Thread Mikael

Hi all,

I want to make a selection in a list created by a php-file that is
called from another php-file using jQuery and ajax but I can not get
any events to the newly created html elements.

My example is very limited but shows the main problem.

The first php-file has abutton defined like this:
  input class=mini_browse name=mini_browse_btn
id=mini_browse_btn type=button value=Browse test /

I also have a div to show the result:
  div id=myresultShow the result here/div

The jQuery entry looks like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.mini_browse').bind(click, function() {
type: get, url: test-ajax.php, data: { action: 
'test' },
error: function() {$(#myresult).html(Ajax error);},
success: function(html){ //so, if data is retrieved, 
store it in
}); //close jQuery.ajax
return false;

When I click the button I get a call to test-ajax.php as expected and
the output is displayed in the myresult div.

The test-ajax.php executes this:
  echo 'input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
id=test_select_1 value=Select /';

Firebug console reports this response:
  input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
id=test_select_1 value=Select /

The updated div shows this result (according to Firebug):
  div id=myresult
input id=test_select_1 class=test_select type=button
value=Select name=test_select_1/

I can not get any events from the newly created button and when I
  var x=document.getElementsByName(test_select_1);
x.length returns zero so the element seems not to exist.

Do I have to do anything to get the newly created element into the
documents DOM or what can I do to make this work?


[jQuery] Re: Code simplification?

2009-01-16 Thread robgt

Hi Ricardo,
Thanks for that, quite clear and I follow what you wrote.

My issue is that the hoverintent function runs on the menu tabs, not
on the submenu panels.
So, the mouse hovers over one of the menu tabs, i.e. .nav_company, and
that should then trigger the display of the content panel below it
(.nav_sub_company in this case).

I'm not entirely sure how to modify the code you supplied to achieve
If you can help, that would be great!

Ricardo Tomasi wrote:

 This way you'll have to repeat it for each element anyway. The
 important thing is to have access to all of them at once, doesn't
 matter if by a common class or doing it manually:

 var $submenus = $
 ('.nav_sub_default, .nav_sub_products, .nav_sub_markets, 
 .nav_sub_tools_support, .nav_sub_news_events, .nav_sub_company');
   }, function(){ return false });

 And that's it. If you create a common class you can shorten the first
 line. Note that it's generally faster to redundantly add and remove a
 class than to filter the current element to save that operation.

 - ricardo

 On Jan 13, 7:06�pm, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:
  Try this if you can't change your html
  (function($) {
  � $.fn.replaceClass = function(class1, class2){
  � � � � � � � � $(this).removeClass(class1).addClass(class2);
  � }
  $('.nav_company').hoverIntent(function() {
  � � // toggle display of company sub menu content panel
  � � $
  ('.nav_sub_default, .nav_sub_products, .nav_sub_markets, 
  .nav_sub_tools_support, .nav_sub_news_events').replaceClass
  ('onscreen', 'offscreen');
  � � $('.nav_sub_company').replaceClass('offscreen', 'onscreen');
  � },
  � function(){
  � � return false;
  � }
  On Jan 13, 8:36�am, r...@lighthouseuk.net r...@50-tuning.com
   I'm new to jQuery and liking what I've seen so far.
   I'm curious as to whether I can reduce my code, using chaining
   $('.nav_company').hoverIntent(function() { // toggle display of
   company sub menu content panel
   � � � � $('.nav_sub_default').removeClass('onscreen').addClass
   � � � � $('.nav_sub_company').removeClass('offscreen').addClass
   � � � � $('.nav_sub_products').removeClass('onscreen').addClass
   � � � � $('.nav_sub_markets').removeClass('onscreen').addClass
   � � � � $('.nav_sub_tools_support').removeClass('onscreen').addClass
   � � � � $('.nav_sub_news_events').removeClass('onscreen').addClass
   � � � },function(){
   � � � � return false;
   Based on the fact that there are 6 menu items (nav_sub_x) - I
   currently have the above code entered 6 times to add and remove the
   necessary classes from each of the relevant DIVs on the page.
   Is there a cleaner way to do this?
   Many thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: [Plugin Release] Endless Scroll

2009-01-16 Thread Rick Faircloth

Look great!


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Canglan
 Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 6:48 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] [Plugin Release] Endless Scroll
 Hi guys,
 Just thought I'd post this here in case anyone finds it useful. I have
 released a plugin for endless scrolling.
 If you don't already know, endless scroll (or infinite scrolling) is a
 popular technique among web 2.0 sites such as Google Reader and Live
 Image Search, where instead of paging through items using the
 traditional pagination technique, the page just keeps loading with new
 items attached to the end.
 For more information including features, usages and a demo, check out:
 Hopefully you'll find it useful, and please feel free to provide
 feedback. :)

[jQuery] Re: browser window position when ajax updating

2009-01-16 Thread Rick Faircloth

Try adding return false; to your click code to prevent
normal click response.

hth, Rick

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Alexey
 Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:37 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] browser window position when ajax updating
 If I ajax update an element which is in the lower part of the window
 the browser moves the window in the starting position. How can I stay
 above the updated element after update?
 jquery is great!

[jQuery] Re: How get data objects from a php file called via ajax updated?

2009-01-16 Thread Beres Botond

Why don't you check your old thread for responses instead of posting
the same thing twice?


Do what I said there, and also make sure that your PHP script is
working correctly. You need to add the events after the button has
been inserted into the page. (or use .live(), in jquery 1.3, but 1st
option might be easier at first)
Just load up your test-ajax.php in the browser with params, and see if
it outputs the html it should.

And where exactly in the code did you execute var
x=document.getElementsByName(test_select_1);? If it's not inside the
'success' function, it probably won't work.

On Jan 16, 1:53 pm, Mikael mhedeng...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I want to make a selection in a list created by a php-file that is
 called from another php-file using jQuery and ajax but I can not get
 any events to the newly created html elements.

 My example is very limited but shows the main problem.

 The first php-file has abutton defined like this:
   input class=mini_browse name=mini_browse_btn
 id=mini_browse_btn type=button value=Browse test /

 I also have a div to show the result:
   div id=myresultShow the result here/div

 The jQuery entry looks like this:
 jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
         $('.mini_browse').bind(click, function() {
                         type: get, url: test-ajax.php, data: { action: 
 'test' },
                         error: function() {$(#myresult).html(Ajax 
                         success: function(html){ //so, if data is retrieved, 
 store it in
                 }); //close jQuery.ajax
                 return false;


 When I click the button I get a call to test-ajax.php as expected and
 the output is displayed in the myresult div.

 The test-ajax.php executes this:
   echo 'input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
 id=test_select_1 value=Select /';

 Firebug console reports this response:
   input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
 id=test_select_1 value=Select /

 The updated div shows this result (according to Firebug):
   div id=myresult
     input id=test_select_1 class=test_select type=button
 value=Select name=test_select_1/

 I can not get any events from the newly created button and when I
   var x=document.getElementsByName(test_select_1);
 x.length returns zero so the element seems not to exist.

 Do I have to do anything to get the newly created element into the
 documents DOM or what can I do to make this work?


[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: jQuery Finder (Mac-style 'Treeview' with Columns)

2009-01-16 Thread Felipe Paiva
A really nice plugin! The only thing missing in my view is a small bread
cump as in the mac! ;)

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Nicolas R ruda...@googlemail.com wrote:

 @ Adam,
 Unfortunately no, I haven't done any testing on IE = no fixing. I
 imagine that it's not a lot of work to be done, mostly setting height:
 1% to most of the elements and perhaps adding some width properties.
 I'm on a mac so testing on IE is not easy for me.


 On Jan 16, 3:18 am, gobagoo atist...@gmail.com wrote:
  Great plugin.  Have you made any progress on getting IE working.  I
  would be happy to help as this is a feature that I would love to get
  working on my site.
  On Dec 8 2008, 6:25 am, Nicolas R ruda...@googlemail.com wrote:
   I've put together a plugin that creates a mac-style finder out of a
   list. The plugin is still in development (ALPHA) and it needs some
   testing, especially on IE.
   The purpose of this plugin is to provide an alternative to treeview
   navigation. Making it look just like the Finder on a Mac is not my
   goal, I am after its core functionality. Having said this, I think
   that implementing useful features that exist on Mac's Finder (search,
   toolback w/ options, etc) is time well spent.
   You can find the plugin ( demo) here:
   I'm posting this here as I'm after feedback, contributions
   (especially), and testers, so if anyone's interested please post here.
   I hope the source code is readable and self-explanatory, I did comment
   a lot on some things so it should make some sense. As this is an alpha
   release, I've just included a link to the script in the demo page, and
   a link to a zip file that contains the demo page along with css 
   images used. The zip file is what you are probably after, as the css
   file is essential.

Felipe Paiva

Mobile:  +55 81 9692-2631
Home:   +55 81 3432-4109
Work:+55 81 3224-3010 R:28

Msn / Google Talk / Skype

[jQuery] jQuery (1.2.6) and IE7 problem

2009-01-16 Thread Charlie22

Hi all, I have problem with these pages, check menu Rules and then
submenu for rules. Under FF3 it works OK, but under IE7 it lost data
from cache or what. Deos can somobody help me. Thx in advance.

jQuery codes


$(ul#menu li a:first).addClass('active');
   $(ul#menu li a).click(function(){
$(ul#menu li a:only-child).removeClass('active');
var href = $(this).attr('href');
url: href,
success: function(html){

return false;


  $('#menu2 li a:first').addClass('active2');
  $('#menu2 li a').click(function(){
 var href1=$(this).attr('href');
 $('#menu2 li 
 $('#'+href1).css('display', '');
 if (href1=='complete'){
 $('#rkontys*').css('display', '')};
 return false;

[jQuery] [accordion] Accordion overflow problems in IE6 (maybe also 7)

2009-01-16 Thread zemm

Hi all,
the accordion won't work properly in ie6 (works perfectly in ff 3).
the structure:
div class=container
div id=test-accordion class=accordion
div class=accordion-item
div class=accordion-toggle/div
div class=accordion-content/div
div class=accordion-item
div class=accordion-toggle/div
div class=accordion-content/div
Jquery ver 1.3, ui 1.64c .
I trigger the accordion in this way:

 jQuery(document).ready(function () {
header: div.accordion-toggle,
clearStyle: false,
fillSpace: true

The problems:
- once clicked in the toggle, the content will show over the other
accordion items - happens mainly if the content is made by images or
mixed text + images.
-overflow will not keeps the contents inside the accordion container
proberly, they will flow out the container.
- when contents are bigger then the container, and the container size
is fixed, the overflow won't work properly. I got a big image, ff
shows scrollbars perfectly, ie just shows the whole image screwing the
whole accordion.
Here what I had to do to kinda fix it, in a .css file visible only by
overflow:hidden; /*needed for accordion */
position:relative;/* needed for accordion */
position:relative; /*needed for accordion */
overflow:auto; /*needed for accordion */
overflow:auto;  /*needed for accordion */

Now it works almost like ie, except when the accordion-content
contains a big images (ie crops it while ff shows the scrollbars).

Sample page: www.alu.com/entest/index_test.php (still working on it).

[jQuery] forms validation problem

2009-01-16 Thread vierda

dear all,

I'm new with Jquery and now I want to use it for validate forms. I
build site with django.
The problem is the error message cannot show up. my code as following

   required: true,
   email: true
email: e-mail field is required

kindly advice and thank you for your kind help

best regards,

[jQuery] Superfish: Error: jQuery(ul.sf-menu).superfish is not a function

2009-01-16 Thread roel


I'm running a Joomla site with the superfish menu (http://
www.sdspaintball.nl) Menu works fine except when I go to the forum
section. It displays the menu, but without the downarrow indicator.
Also the slide effect is not working as it is on the rest of the site.

Error I'm getting is:
Error: jQuery(ul.sf-menu).superfish is not a function
Source File: 
Line: 29

Line 29 contains:
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(ul.sf-menu).superfish
({hoverClass:'sfHover', pathLevels:1, delay:800, animation:
{opacity:'show', height:'show', width:'show'}, speed:'def', autoArrows:
1, dropShadows:1}) });

Any thoughts?

[jQuery] how to enable drag drop using this plugin

2009-01-16 Thread Vicky am
I am using thise plugin.

Using thise plugin, how to drag only row within class='dro'.

I not want to drop all rows, only row within class='dro'


[jQuery] forms validation problem

2009-01-16 Thread vierda

dear all,
 I'm new with jquery and I have problem with my code for forms
validation. the error message cannot show up. I build the web site
using django. my code as per following below:

{% extends 'base_site.html' %}
{% load i18n %}

{% block breadcrumbs %}div class=breadcrumbsa href=/{% trans
'Home' %}/
a rsaquo; {% trans 'Update Profile' %}/div{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
{% block title %}{% trans Update Profile %}{% endblock %}
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/site_media/error.css /
script type=text/javascript src=/site_media/jquery-1.2.6.min.js /
script type=text/javascript src=/site_media/
jquery.validate.pack.js //script
script type=text/javascript
   required: true,
   email: true
email: e-mail field is required
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
h1 Update My Profile /h1
form class=update id=updateForm  method=post actions=./
 thlabel for=id_emaile-mail:/label/th
 tdinput type=text name=email id=id_email /
   input type =submit value=update /
{% endblock %}

kindly advice and really appreciate for your help

best regards,

[jQuery] Autocomplete - Minimum Size of Possible Matches

2009-01-16 Thread JP

Has anyone else run in to an issue with autocomplete not returning
matches of less than five characters?  I have it searching for matches
starting at 2 characters, but for some reason it sits at the 'Loading'
message if the only match is only 4 characters long?  (For example,
I'm typing in 'Ko' and it won't find the name 'Koch' in the list.)
I've replicated this with a few possible matches that are 4 characters
long, consistently fails.  However, if I increase that name to 5
characters it works fine.

Any suggestions?


[jQuery] window height for footer

2009-01-16 Thread hypnos

I'm using the code below to position a footer div in a flexible layout
with this css
#footer {
position: absolute;  /* Needed for Safari */
padding: 1px;
background-color: #e3e3e3;
height: 20px;

I'm using jQuery for other things, and from what I'm seeing, the code
below could probably be replaced with a few lines right? could anyone
help with this? Thanks!

// footer position code
function getWindowHeight() {
var windowHeight = 0;
if (typeof(window.innerHeight) == 'number') {
windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
else {
if (document.documentElement 
document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
windowHeight = 
else {
if (document.body  
document.body.clientHeight) {
windowHeight = 
return windowHeight;
function setFooter() {
if (document.getElementById) {
var windowHeight = getWindowHeight();
if (windowHeight  0) {
var contentHeight = 
var footerElement = 
var footerHeight  = 
if (windowHeight - (contentHeight + 
footerHeight) = 0) {
footerElement.style.position = 
footerElement.style.top = 
(windowHeight - footerHeight) + 'px';
else {
footerElement.style.position = 
window.onload = function() {
window.onresize = function() {

[jQuery] Selector *= not works in Safari 3.2.1 and Chrome

2009-01-16 Thread floyd

Hi all,
Here is my situation.

HTML Page DTD Type is declared as following

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN http://www.w3.org/

Javascript Code as following

$(#fp  option[text*='+subject+']).remove();
Where #fp is a select.../select object

Works fine in IE7 and FireFox 3.0.5
How can I fix this line or is a bug?

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] jQuery (1.2.6) $.ajax and IE7 problem

2009-01-16 Thread Charlie22

Hi all, I have probelm with these pages
under FF3 menu rules and submenu works fine, but under IE7 it is
loosing data. What is wrong there?


$(ul#menu li a:first).addClass('active');
   $(ul#menu li a).click(function(){
$(ul#menu li a:only-child).removeClass('active');
var href = $(this).attr('href');
url: href,
success: function(html){

return false;

  $('#menu2 li a:first').addClass('active2');
  $('#menu2 li a').click(function(){
 var href1=$(this).attr('href');
 $('#menu2 li 
 $('#'+href1).css('display', '');
 if (href1=='complete'){
 $('#rkontys*').css('display', '')};
 return false;

[jQuery] jQuery in a Firefox Extension...

2009-01-16 Thread Nic

It seems like this has been asked a million times, but nothing seems
to answer my question.

I include it in my .xul above my other scripts- (I checked the
location and it's correct).

It's the first time I've used jQuery in an extension, so I'm trying to
run some commands on load just to see if it works. The following below
throws no exceptions:

window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
var init = function() {
try {
} catch(e) { alert(e); }

Below I'll list a bunch of things I tried with their respective errors
to maybe help give a glimpse into whats going on... What's going on
here? I'm sure it's something obvious, or simple...

The following:

window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
var init = function() {
try {
} catch(e) { alert(e); }


TypeError: n.find is not a function

The Following:

window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
var init = function() {
try {
$.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data) {
} catch(e) { alert(e); }

TypeError: $.getJSON is not a function

The Following:

window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
var init = function() {
try {
jQuery.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data) {
} catch(e) { alert(e); }
TypeError: jQuery.getJSON is not a function

Thanks, guys!

[jQuery] Re: JSON with ajaxComplete

2009-01-16 Thread Mike Alsup

 I have a generic ajaxComplete event that does soe generic stuff to my screen 
 once ajax calls complete.  All calls will return a JSON object with at least 
 a success property.  The thing is the ajaxComplete arguments don't have my 
 response in JSON (regardless of specifying type in the call).  It does 
 obviously contain the responseText but my question is do I just call an eval 
 on this or os there a cleaner jQuery way to do this?

How are you requesting the data?  Are you using $.getJSON() ?

[jQuery] Re: Weirdest thing on Firefox 3 on MacOSX

2009-01-16 Thread Aaron Barker

If you are still in need of the error messages send me the link.  I
can't give you tons of times, but can give you screenshots of the
errors or something.


On Jan 14, 10:23 pm, yellow1912 yellow1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I still desperately need help for this, since I dont have Mac to test
 and debug it. If you can help please let me know, I will pay for your
 time or donate the amount to jquery, whichever method you wants.

 Thanks so much for your help



 On Jan 13, 6:01 pm, yellow1912 yellow1...@gmail.com wrote:

  I encounter a rather weird problem where my plugin would run on all
  platforms except Firefox 3 on MacOSX, and since I don't have Mac I can
  not debug it.
  (this plugin uses jquery 1.2.6 and jq form, jq validation and
  livequery plugins.)

  This is still under development I can not post the link directly here,
  but if you can email me at yellow1...@gmail.com I will send you a link
  along with the steps to reproduce the problem right away

  I desperately need help here, I suspect this is somewhat a small
  glide, if you have firebug and can catch the error message on it then
  it would be easy to work it out. If you can just check the problem and
  send me the bugs reported that would help greatly as well.

  I understand that this will cost your time and effort, and I'm willing
  to pay for your help.

  Thank you all! Love Jquery (\/)



[jQuery] Re: implemented css class not in html but is in generated html, failed to find

2009-01-16 Thread CreativeMind

 $('li.tabs-selected') also shows undefined.. i m unable to find li
with the help of class 'tabs-selected'..

On Jan 16, 1:28 am, Balazs Endresz balazs.endr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Now that's another one:


 only tell you if li has that class or not,
 if you want to select by class do this:

 On Jan 15, 9:11 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:

  here is the html source of a list.
  li class=xsnazzy 
  a href=#frMap style=text-decoration:none;text-indent:5px;b
  b class='xb1 '/bb class='xb2 color_a'/bb class='xb3 '/b
  b class='xb4 color_a'/b/bspan class=xboxcontent
  here is the generated html source of a list.
   li class=xsnazzy top-left tabs-selected 
  a href=#frMap style=text-decoration: none; text-indent: 5px;
  b class=xtopb class=xb1/bb class=xb2 color_a/b
  b class=xb3/bb class=xb4 color_a/b/b
  span class=xboxcontenth1Map/h1/span/a/li
  the problem is when i try to find $('li').hasClass('.tabs-selected'),
  or $('li').is('.tabs-selected')
  it returns me undefined... but it exists in the generated html..how
  can i find that class.

[jQuery] Re: Selector *= not works in Safari 3.2.1 and Chrome

2009-01-16 Thread John Resig

What version of jQuery are you using?


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 2:35 AM, floyd floyd...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,
 Here is my situation.

 HTML Page DTD Type is declared as following

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN http://www.w3.org/

 Javascript Code as following

 $(#fp  option[text*='+subject+']).remove();
 Where #fp is a select.../select object

 Works fine in IE7 and FireFox 3.0.5
 How can I fix this line or is a bug?

 Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING with jquery 1.3

2009-01-16 Thread bryce4president

This error seems to be rearing its ugly head in FF3 using jquery 1.3.
When I was using the latest 1.2.6 for jquery I would get a little
warning in firebug that said...

Empty string passed to getElementById().

This wouldn't cause anything bad to happen and things would move on
just fine.  IE7 didn't do anything strange.

But with the new 1.3 it stops both browers dead in its tracks with a
real error.  Here is a simplified version that replicates the error...

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript
var inputArray = $('input');


form id=form1 method=post 
Customer Number
input type=text class=numeric 
id=number name=number
maxlength=6 tabindex=2 size=6 /
input type=submit tabindex=6 
value=Search id=submit /

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery in a Firefox Extension...

2009-01-16 Thread Eric Garside

I'm pretty sure the problem is that jQuery is defining itself in it's
header section as something like window.jQuery = jQuery = $ or some
such referential transitive equation strand. I'm not an expert at FF
plugins, but I have gone through the motions of building one that
modified current pages only. And to get to that page, you had to
invoke a special call to get access to the current tabs current page

I'd look into that, and get to the point where you can alert the
innerHTML of a page element. That's how I first started to learn it. I
just wish I hadn't already forgotten. :P

On Jan 15, 11:37 pm, Nic nic.luci...@gmail.com wrote:
 It seems like this has been asked a million times, but nothing seems
 to answer my question.

 I include it in my .xul above my other scripts- (I checked the
 location and it's correct).

 It's the first time I've used jQuery in an extension, so I'm trying to
 run some commands on load just to see if it works. The following below
 throws no exceptions:

 window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
 var init = function() {
         try {
         } catch(e) { alert(e); }


 Below I'll list a bunch of things I tried with their respective errors
 to maybe help give a glimpse into whats going on... What's going on
 here? I'm sure it's something obvious, or simple...

 The following:

 window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
 var init = function() {
         try {
         } catch(e) { alert(e); }



 TypeError: n.find is not a function

 The Following:

 window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
 var init = function() {
         try {
                 $.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data) {
         } catch(e) { alert(e); }


 TypeError: $.getJSON is not a function

 The Following:

 window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
 var init = function() {
         try {
                 jQuery.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data) {
         } catch(e) { alert(e); }}

 TypeError: jQuery.getJSON is not a function

 Thanks, guys!

[jQuery] Re: NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING with jquery 1.3

2009-01-16 Thread Eric Garside

I didn't know you could cal var x = $('selector'); x[0] and have it
work. Try changing this line to:


Also, I can't see the rest of the code, but why are you re-selecting
the current element like you are? The name and ID are the same, so
taking the element you already have and fetching it again through a
different means seems wasteful and unnecessary?

On Jan 16, 9:23 am, bryce4president brycekmar...@gmail.com wrote:
 This error seems to be rearing its ugly head in FF3 using jquery 1.3.
 When I was using the latest 1.2.6 for jquery I would get a little
 warning in firebug that said...

 Empty string passed to getElementById().

 This wouldn't cause anything bad to happen and things would move on
 just fine.  IE7 didn't do anything strange.

 But with the new 1.3 it stops both browers dead in its tracks with a
 real error.  Here is a simplified version that replicates the error...

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.min.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
                         var inputArray = $('input');


                                 form id=form1 method=post 
                                         Customer Number
                                         input type=text class=numeric 
 id=number name=number
 maxlength=6 tabindex=2 size=6 /
                                         input type=submit tabindex=6 
 value=Search id=submit /

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] jQuery UI 1.6rc5

2009-01-16 Thread Eric Garside

When is this planned on coming out? Anyone know?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI 1.6rc5

2009-01-16 Thread John Resig

The jquery-ui list would be a better place for this question.


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 When is this planned on coming out? Anyone know?

[jQuery] Re: implemented css class not in html but is in generated html, failed to find

2009-01-16 Thread Balazs Endresz

This should definitely work, with a live test page it would be much
easier to say anything about it.

What version of jQuery are you using and on which browser does it

On Jan 16, 2:48 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:
  $('li.tabs-selected') also shows undefined.. i m unable to find li
 with the help of class 'tabs-selected'..

 On Jan 16, 1:28 am, Balazs Endresz balazs.endr...@gmail.com wrote:

  Now that's another one:


  only tell you if li has that class or not,
  if you want to select by class do this:

  On Jan 15, 9:11 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:

   here is the html source of a list.
   li class=xsnazzy 
   a href=#frMap style=text-decoration:none;text-indent:5px;b
   b class='xb1 '/bb class='xb2 color_a'/bb class='xb3 '/b
   b class='xb4 color_a'/b/bspan class=xboxcontent
   here is the generated html source of a list.
    li class=xsnazzy top-left tabs-selected 
   a href=#frMap style=text-decoration: none; text-indent: 5px;
   b class=xtopb class=xb1/bb class=xb2 color_a/b
   b class=xb3/bb class=xb4 color_a/b/b
   span class=xboxcontenth1Map/h1/span/a/li
   the problem is when i try to find $('li').hasClass('.tabs-selected'),
   or $('li').is('.tabs-selected')
   it returns me undefined... but it exists in the generated html..how
   can i find that class.

[jQuery] Re: 1.3 live doesn't seem to work with UI?

2009-01-16 Thread Clumsy Hamster

Thanks everyone.  Am looking forward to this. :)

On Jan 15, 11:25 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 It was just released. See


 for jQuery UI 1.6rc5. There will be a blog post in the morning.

 - Richard

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:54 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  its been mentioned in multiple topics today that they are working hard
  on a new version of UI that is compatible..  (i think they said

  either wait for it, or continue to use 1.2.6

  On Jan 15, 11:34 pm, Clumsy Hamster clumsyhams...@gmail.com wrote:
   I have this bit of test code:



   But every time I run it, it always gives the message of Object
   doesn't support this method.  I've tried putting it onto a class
   (.input), an ID (#input) and just a plain input with all the same
   results.  Followed the instructions on the pagehttp://

   So, it is looking like either I'm doing something incorrectly or it
   doesn't work with the JQuery UI.  Anyone see or know what may be

   thanks ^.^- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: forms validation problem

2009-01-16 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Please take a look at this section:
What you provided so far isn't enough to help you debug the issue..


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:27 AM, vierda m...@pensil.com wrote:

 dear all,
  I'm new with jquery and I have problem with my code for forms
 validation. the error message cannot show up. I build the web site
 using django. my code as per following below:

 {% extends 'base_site.html' %}
 {% load i18n %}

 {% block breadcrumbs %}div class=breadcrumbsa href=/{% trans
 'Home' %}/
 a rsaquo; {% trans 'Update Profile' %}/div{% endblock %}

 {% block head %}
 {% block title %}{% trans Update Profile %}{% endblock %}
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/site_media/error.css /
 script type=text/javascript src=/site_media/jquery-1.2.6.min.js /
 script type=text/javascript src=/site_media/
 jquery.validate.pack.js //script
 script type=text/javascript
   required: true,
   email: true
email: e-mail field is required
 {% endblock %}

 {% block content %}
 h1 Update My Profile /h1
 form class=update id=updateForm  method=post actions=./
 thlabel for=id_emaile-mail:/label/th
 tdinput type=text name=email id=id_email /
   input type =submit value=update /
 {% endblock %}

 kindly advice and really appreciate for your help

 best regards,

[jQuery] Re: implemented css class not in html but is in generated html, failed to find

2009-01-16 Thread CreativeMind

jQuery1.2.4 and browsers are IE and ff..the html source view of both
browsers shows single class implemented that is 'xsnazzy' but the
generated source of both browsers shows three classes implemented
(xsnazzy top-left tabs-selected)..

On Jan 16, 7:41 pm, Balazs Endresz balazs.endr...@gmail.com wrote:
 This should definitely work, with a live test page it would be much
 easier to say anything about it.

 What version of jQuery are you using and on which browser does it

 On Jan 16, 2:48 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:

   $('li.tabs-selected') also shows undefined.. i m unable to find li
  with the help of class 'tabs-selected'..

  On Jan 16, 1:28 am, Balazs Endresz balazs.endr...@gmail.com wrote:

   Now that's another one:


   only tell you if li has that class or not,
   if you want to select by class do this:

   On Jan 15, 9:11 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:

here is the html source of a list.
li class=xsnazzy 
a href=#frMap style=text-decoration:none;text-indent:5px;b
b class='xb1 '/bb class='xb2 color_a'/bb class='xb3 '/b
b class='xb4 color_a'/b/bspan class=xboxcontent
here is the generated html source of a list.
 li class=xsnazzy top-left tabs-selected 
a href=#frMap style=text-decoration: none; text-indent: 5px;
b class=xtopb class=xb1/bb class=xb2 color_a/b
b class=xb3/bb class=xb4 color_a/b/b
span class=xboxcontenth1Map/h1/span/a/li
the problem is when i try to find $('li').hasClass('.tabs-selected'),
or $('li').is('.tabs-selected')
it returns me undefined... but it exists in the generated html..how
can i find that class.

[jQuery] Re: implemented css class not in html but is in generated html, failed to find

2009-01-16 Thread Balazs Endresz

Try 1.2.6 or 1.3!
There was some problem with 1.2.4 and 1.2.5, it was very quickly
updated to 1.2.6.

On Jan 16, 3:54 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:
 jQuery1.2.4 and browsers are IE and ff..the html source view of both
 browsers shows single class implemented that is 'xsnazzy' but the
 generated source of both browsers shows three classes implemented
 (xsnazzy top-left tabs-selected)..

 On Jan 16, 7:41 pm, Balazs Endresz balazs.endr...@gmail.com wrote:

  This should definitely work, with a live test page it would be much
  easier to say anything about it.

  What version of jQuery are you using and on which browser does it

  On Jan 16, 2:48 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:

    $('li.tabs-selected') also shows undefined.. i m unable to find li
   with the help of class 'tabs-selected'..

   On Jan 16, 1:28 am, Balazs Endresz balazs.endr...@gmail.com wrote:

Now that's another one:


only tell you if li has that class or not,
if you want to select by class do this:

On Jan 15, 9:11 pm, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:

 here is the html source of a list.
 li class=xsnazzy 
 a href=#frMap style=text-decoration:none;text-indent:5px;b
 b class='xb1 '/bb class='xb2 color_a'/bb class='xb3 '/b
 b class='xb4 color_a'/b/bspan class=xboxcontent
 here is the generated html source of a list.
  li class=xsnazzy top-left tabs-selected 
 a href=#frMap style=text-decoration: none; text-indent: 5px;
 b class=xtopb class=xb1/bb class=xb2 color_a/b
 b class=xb3/bb class=xb4 color_a/b/b
 span class=xboxcontenth1Map/h1/span/a/li
 the problem is when i try to find $('li').hasClass('.tabs-selected'),
 or $('li').is('.tabs-selected')
 it returns me undefined... but it exists in the generated html..how
 can i find that class.

[jQuery] Re: NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING with jquery 1.3

2009-01-16 Thread bryce4president

I boiled this example down to its simplest form.  In my actual page I
have 6 text boxes, 2 radio buttons, and a submit button.  If the form
criteria is not met on keyup then I highlight the inputs in error by
changing their background colors to red and on their next keyup if it
satisfies the criteria I remove the class error which is the trigger
to my CSS to change the background colors.  So I'm removing that.

That is why I run through the loop of input elements and remove the
class from them.

The problem is when I do the
$('#'+inputArray[i].attr('name')).removeClass(error); on the submit

I gave each of my inputs a special class and then instead of doing
var inputArray = $('input');

I did this.
var 'inputArray = $('.inputCheck');

And my code then looks like this...

I don't know what it is about that statement that doesn't mesh with
the Submit button though...


On Jan 16, 9:33 am, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:
 I didn't know you could cal var x = $('selector'); x[0] and have it
 work. Try changing this line to:


 Also, I can't see the rest of the code, but why are you re-selecting
 the current element like you are? The name and ID are the same, so
 taking the element you already have and fetching it again through a
 different means seems wasteful and unnecessary?

 On Jan 16, 9:23 am, bryce4president brycekmar...@gmail.com wrote:

  This error seems to be rearing its ugly head in FF3 using jquery 1.3.
  When I was using the latest 1.2.6 for jquery I would get a little
  warning in firebug that said...

  Empty string passed to getElementById().

  This wouldn't cause anything bad to happen and things would move on
  just fine.  IE7 didn't do anything strange.

  But with the new 1.3 it stops both browers dead in its tracks with a
  real error.  Here is a simplified version that replicates the error...

  script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.min.js/script
  script type=text/javascript
                          var inputArray = $('input');


                                  form id=form1 method=post 
                                          Customer Number
                                          input type=text class=numeric 
  id=number name=number
  maxlength=6 tabindex=2 size=6 /
                                          input type=submit tabindex=6 
  value=Search id=submit /

  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: .animate() custom animation callback?

2009-01-16 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

Oh. Didn't notice the tabs. I better give a break from this group for
a while, I'm getting confused all the time. Thanks for pointing out
the page.

- ricardo

On Jan 16, 9:28 am, Ariel Flesler afles...@gmail.com wrote:
 You have to click on Options.

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:


  This is what the links on the main page point to. Where did you get
  that link? I thought those were innocent hashes :D

  On Jan 15, 6:45 pm, Ariel Flesler afles...@gmail.com wrote:
  How come it isn't on the docs ?


  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com 

   It's not in the docs, but you have to pass the callback as the
   'complete' option:

   $(this).animate({marginTop:'500px'}, {queue: false, complete: function
   (){ ... } });

   On Jan 14, 4:10 pm, lhwpa...@googlemail.com
   lhwpa...@googlemail.com wrote:
   hi, im using .animate() to create a custom animation. is there any way
   to handle a callback function? normal . animation() has a parameter
   for a callback function but not the one for own animations?

  Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

[jQuery] weird issue with ready event

2009-01-16 Thread graphicsxp


I'm trying to set the html content of a DIV (id='list') which sits in
a page opened with window.open :

var pop = window.open(PrintList.aspx);
$(pop.document).ready(function() {
  $(#list, pop.document).html(hello);

As you can see, the string 'hello' should be written to the DIV once
the page is loaded. Yet the first time I execute this script the
string is never written. If I close the new window and I execute the
script again, it will work. It's only the first time I execute it
how weird..

Does anyone know why ?


[jQuery] Re: issue with pathClass: current on nav style menu

2009-01-16 Thread cajchris

Anybody with any ideas?

On Jan 16, 10:39 am, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:
 help please lol!!!

 On Jan 16, 8:46 am, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:

  Just wondering if there was any update on this?, if anyone could help
  as it is quite a frustrating problem


  On Jan 15, 4:28 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:

   Anyone got any ideas?

   On Jan 15, 4:08 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:

Also notice that the jQuery is adding lots of information into my HTML
tags such as jQuery1232031575583=... in the anchor tags and list
item tags. it also adds span class=sf-sub-indicator
jQuery1232031575583=null»/span inside the anchor tags, I presume
to get the arrows.

I noticed in the source of the example given by superfish that this
does not appear in their tags

On Jan 15, 4:00 pm, cajchris cajch...@gmail.com wrote:


 I have been using superfish for the navigation for a site I am working
 on and have ran into problems regarding the current class that is
 applied to each li tag which is in the current path.

 Whenever I hover over the top level, the 2nd level is displayed and
 the links are are all there, with the current one highlighted. However
 once I move the mouse away from the menu altogether, the 2nd level
 does not remain displayed with the links in it as before, instead they
 disappear after a delay, and I am left with a blank blue strip where
 the links should be.

 In the source of my page I have:

 script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
 jquery-1.2.6.min.js type=text/javascript/script 
 script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
 jquery.tabs.pack.js type=text/javascript/script 
 script src=http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/assets/js/
 jquery.history.pack.js type=text/javascript/script 
 script language=JavaScript src=/Relatis1/scripts/topnavigation.js
 script language=JavaScript src=/Relatis1/scripts/supersubs.js
 link href=/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnavigation.css type=text/css
 link href=/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnav-horizontal.css type=text/css
 script type=text/javascript$(document).ready(function(){$
 ('#horizontal-menu').superfish({pathClass:  'current'}); });/script 

 This is the same as the superfish example except that I have
 downloaded the css files and the 2 superfish javascript files onto my
 local machine and renamed them. The only change being in the topnav-
 horizontal.css file whereby I changed:

 .sf-navbar li ul {
         width:                  44em; /*IE6 soils itself without 



 .sf-navbar li ul {
         width:                  150em; /*IE6 soils itself without 


 As I needed the 2nd level strip to be wider as it contains more links
 than the example given.

 A snippt of my HTML source for the menu is:

               UL class=sf-menu sf-navbar sf-js-enabled sf-shadow
 id=horizontal-menu serial=0 sfTimer=1313775
                 LI class=current jQuery1232031575583=3
                 A class=sf-with-ul id=11386_Tab onclick= href=#
 jQuery1232031575583=55HomeSPAN class=sf-sub-indicator
                 UL class= style=DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
 VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1 oldblock=block
                   LI class= jQuery1232031575583=4
                   A class=sf-with-ul id=m11387 title=Complaint
 Search onclick= href=# jQuery1232031575583=56Complaint
 SearchSPAN class=sf-sub-indicator jQuery1232031575583=null»/
                   UL class= style=DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
 VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1 oldblock=block
                     LI class= jQuery1232031575583=57
                     A class= id=m11388 title=Open onclick=
 href=# jQuery1232031575583=58Open/A
                     LI class= jQuery1232031575583=59
                     A id=m11389 title=Pending onclick= href=#
                     LI class= jQuery1232031575583=61
                     A id=m11390 title=Closed onclick= href=#
                     LI class= jQuery1232031575583=63
                     A id=m15012 title=fdgdfgdg onclick= href=#
                   LI class=current jQuery1232031575583=65
                   A id=m11440 title=Customer Search onclick=
 href=# jQuery1232031575583=66Customer 

[jQuery] Re: NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING with jquery 1.3

2009-01-16 Thread bryce4president

And just a little PS...

I wrote this code back when 1.1.2 was the latest version.  I was
really new to jquery and the way things were done and learning some of
these things about not having to make selections over again weren't
learned or realized.  I did what I had to do at the time with what I
knew then to make it work, and it did.  But thank your for pointing
that out, it went right over my head.  I switched it up to the way you
suggested and my validation code is definitely a snappier.

Thanks again

On Jan 16, 10:04 am, bryce4president brycekmar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I boiled this example down to its simplest form.  In my actual page I
 have 6 text boxes, 2 radio buttons, and a submit button.  If the form
 criteria is not met on keyup then I highlight the inputs in error by
 changing their background colors to red and on their next keyup if it
 satisfies the criteria I remove the class error which is the trigger
 to my CSS to change the background colors.  So I'm removing that.

 That is why I run through the loop of input elements and remove the
 class from them.

 The problem is when I do the
 $('#'+inputArray[i].attr('name')).removeClass(error); on the submit

 I gave each of my inputs a special class and then instead of doing
 var inputArray = $('input');

 I did this.
 var 'inputArray = $('.inputCheck');

 And my code then looks like this...


 I don't know what it is about that statement that doesn't mesh with
 the Submit button though...


 On Jan 16, 9:33 am, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

  I didn't know you could cal var x = $('selector'); x[0] and have it
  work. Try changing this line to:


  Also, I can't see the rest of the code, but why are you re-selecting
  the current element like you are? The name and ID are the same, so
  taking the element you already have and fetching it again through a
  different means seems wasteful and unnecessary?

  On Jan 16, 9:23 am, bryce4president brycekmar...@gmail.com wrote:

   This error seems to be rearing its ugly head in FF3 using jquery 1.3.
   When I was using the latest 1.2.6 for jquery I would get a little
   warning in firebug that said...

   Empty string passed to getElementById().

   This wouldn't cause anything bad to happen and things would move on
   just fine.  IE7 didn't do anything strange.

   But with the new 1.3 it stops both browers dead in its tracks with a
   real error.  Here is a simplified version that replicates the error...

   script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.min.js/script
   script type=text/javascript
                           var inputArray = $('input');


                                   form id=form1 method=post 
                                           Customer Number
                                           input type=text 
   class=numeric id=number name=number
   maxlength=6 tabindex=2 size=6 /
                                           input type=submit tabindex=6 
   value=Search id=submit /

   Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Problems with the New API Browser

2009-01-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Well, i for one really love the new API interface _ such a much less
noisy interface than the docs.jquery.com interface! clearer, snappier.
it turns out i don't use the navigation menu much, i use the filter
box mostly. that's probably why i'm not so annoyed by its limits.
really liked the interfacing with  jsbin, yet i would like to be able
to contribute with a comments system (like the awesome php doc, where
people conribute snippets related to the php function displayed on
that page). congratz Remy, and let us designers know if u need help !

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Remy Sharp r...@leftlogic.com wrote:

 I think the animation of menus is one for the options as well then.  I
 understand what you mean, once you're familiar with it, you just want
 to get on with it.

 On Jan 15, 9:28 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Two things bother me more:

 - James' #3 point, that other categories hide when you click one, an
 accordion would be a better fit for quick navigation.
 - the subcategories. I like to see the method's names directly,
 deciding between Hierarchy or Child filters is not an intuitive
 task. They should be in a kind of tree with the subcategories as

 These two things would speed up navigation a lot. As it is, it's quite
 interesting the first time, but gets irritating after a while.

 Thanks for this Remy, and long live JSBin! :)

 - ricardo

 On Jan 15, 6:35 pm, Remy Sharp r...@leftlogic.com wrote:

  Hi James,

  Thank you for your detailed feedback - all good points.

  I want to push out another release when 1.3.1 goes live - so I'd like
  to get some, if not all, of the feedback addressed (including others).

  1 + 2) almost the same thing - the first problem I see is the AIR
  browser, which obviously doesn't have a back browser button (which
  would be solved by your first point).  This needs some UI input (which
  I'll come on to in a minute).

  3) I've talked with Yehuda Katz, the original author of Visual jQuery,
  about navigation interfaces - there's two options (as alternatives to
  what I have now) that we talked about: tree nav and accordion.

  Generally speaking, the tree navigation didn't take as well as the
  Visual jQuery approach.  An accordion (I think) would solve the issues
  you've specifically mentioned, but would also solve some similar
  feedback I've read, i.e. wanting to be able to scan a category whilst
  maintaining some hierarchy. (note that you can do this - but it
  doesn't quite solve the problem:http://api.jquery.com?category=attributes

  4) Easy to solve - I didn't have access to a designer (I'm a coder
  through and through) but a few simple tweaks to the CSS (I suspect)
  should sort this out.

  5) I've had the same feedback, but both as a pro *and* as a con (as
  you have) - so I was going to create an options area that would
  maintain some certain settings - the focus opacity being one of them.

  6) This is common piece of feedback - and simply a technical block I
  ran in to and ran out of time.  Permalinks are my to priority right
  now, I want people to link straight in to a specific function.  I
  won't be able to have the URL change as the user browses - but the
  title of the function (and probably some other visual que, i.e. icon)
  will give the user a permalink to the function.

  I also want this to work for categories too, so:

 http://api.jquery.com/attr-would show a list of all the matched
  functions (alahttp://api.jquery.com/?attr) - but I'd like it if the
  category hierarchy would also show in left sidebar.

  In addition:

 http://api.jquery.com/Core-would land open the Core category - and
  so on through the subcategories.

  I'd be more than happy if you contact me offline to lend a hand with
  some of the UI changes required.

  @Pappy - there's more I want to do with landing pages, but it's a
  slightly more complicated job (given that, I think, 1.3.1 is supposed
  to be going out next week) - but some fast view on all the functions
  would be useful - I agree.

  If there's more feedback - I'd love to hear it - particular the issues
  people have.

  Many thanks,


  On Jan 15, 4:22 am, James Van Dyke jame...@gmail.com wrote:

   Does anyone else find the new API browser to be a bit cumbersome?

   My gripes:

   1)  No back link at top of vertical navigation list.  You must click
   the category to cancel your choice and essentially go back.  However,
   this isn't very intuitive and there aren't any affordances to this
   behavior save for a small 'x' in the highlighted category box that
   doesn't do anything on hover or even have a tooltip.

   2)  The browser's back button is broken.  Kind of a big annoyance when
   you're not used to the application.

   3)  Recovering from a mistake is more punishing than it should be.
   Clicking on a category hide the other categories.  Since the title of
   the category moved from under your mouse, you now have to scan to 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.support query

2009-01-16 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

The point is you don't need to know which browser or version it is, as
long as you know what features it supports.

According to John R, $.browser and version will remain in the core
indefinitely, despite being deprecated, as they are useful for CSS
coding and not everyone is familiar with the feature detection
concept, so you can just keep using that.

On Jan 16, 6:46 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:
 The utilities jQuery.browser and jQuery.version has been deprecated in
 jQuery 1.3 version and the documentation says to use jQuery.support
 for the same. But I do not find any options for browser and version in

 Although they have been included in 1.3 release too, but are
 deprecated. How can we then check the browser name and version..?

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter after a tr.remove()

2009-01-16 Thread dduck1934

Do you know the best way to reapply the zebra widget to the table once
i remove rows?
Ive seen posts on triggering the sorton again with the current sort,
but this seems kind of yucky.

Is it possible to use the addWidget() to readd the zebra?


On Jan 15, 5:22 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 btw to note:  i've noticed that the tablesorter is MUCH faster with
 the new 1.3 version of jQuery, i'd highly suggest using it if
 possible  the new selector engine really makes this plugin fast

 On Jan 15, 4:55 pm,dduck1934dduck1...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yeah that worked.  had to refresh or update the tablesorter's data.
  That was much easier than i thought.

  Thanks MorningZ

  On Jan 15, 4:34 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

The tr shouldn't be showing up again at all when i sort it, but it

   I'm not sure what you mean by shouldn't, but the tablesorter plugin
   is storing all the rows and data on the client and has to be told that
   the data was refreshed. you doing a tr.remove() removes it from
   the table, but it doesn't update the tablesorter's data store

   This example should be of 

   except that instead of append-ing data/rows, you run that code after

   On Jan 15, 3:44 pm,dduck1934dduck1...@gmail.com wrote:

I have a table that im adding rows to dynamically with jquery of
course, and every row has a click on it.  when you click on it, it
removes that row from the table.  im using the remove() on that tr.
Now when i apply the tablesorter plugin to that table, i delete a row
like normal, then click the header of the table to resort it, and the
deleted row pops back up, but i can no longer click on that row to
delete it again.  its like all the events on that are gone.  The tr
shouldnt be showing up again at all when i sort it, but it is.

anyone have this problem, and does anyone know how to fix this or a
work around?


Matthew- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: How get data objects from a php file called via ajax updated?

2009-01-16 Thread Mikael

Thanks a lot Beres, this solved my problem.
My mistake for reposting, sorry about that.

On 16 Jan, 14:05, Beres Botond boton...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why don't you check your old thread for responses instead of posting
 the same thing twice?


 Do what I said there, and also make sure that your PHP script is
 working correctly. You need to add the events after the button has
 been inserted into the page. (or use .live(), in jquery 1.3, but 1st
 option might be easier at first)
 Just load up your test-ajax.php in the browser with params, and see if
 it outputs the html it should.

 And where exactly in the code did you execute var
 x=document.getElementsByName(test_select_1);? If it's not inside the
 'success' function, it probably won't work.

 On Jan 16, 1:53 pm, Mikael mhedeng...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I want to make a selection in a list created by a php-file that is
  called from another php-file using jQuery and ajax but I can not get
  any events to the newly created html elements.

  My example is very limited but shows the main problem.

  The first php-file has abutton defined like this:
    input class=mini_browse name=mini_browse_btn
  id=mini_browse_btn type=button value=Browse test /

  I also have a div to show the result:
    div id=myresultShow the result here/div

  The jQuery entry looks like this:
  jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
          $('.mini_browse').bind(click, function() {
                          type: get, url: test-ajax.php, data: { action: 
  'test' },
                          error: function() {$(#myresult).html(Ajax 
                          success: function(html){ //so, if data is 
  retrieved, store it in
                  }); //close jQuery.ajax
                  return false;


  When I click the button I get a call to test-ajax.php as expected and
  the output is displayed in the myresult div.

  The test-ajax.php executes this:
    echo 'input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
  id=test_select_1 value=Select /';

  Firebug console reports this response:
    input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
  id=test_select_1 value=Select /

  The updated div shows this result (according to Firebug):
    div id=myresult
      input id=test_select_1 class=test_select type=button
  value=Select name=test_select_1/

  I can not get any events from the newly created button and when I
    var x=document.getElementsByName(test_select_1);
  x.length returns zero so the element seems not to exist.

  Do I have to do anything to get the newly created element into the
  documents DOM or what can I do to make this work?


[jQuery] Re: How get data objects from a php file called via ajax

2009-01-16 Thread Mikael

Thanks a lot Beres, this solved my problem!

On Jan 16, 11:46 am, Beres Botond boton...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you want to have events on html elements loaded/added dynamically,
 you need to bind the event after the element has been inserted into
 the page.

 // define your click event here

 Or  with jquery 1.3 you can use .live()http://docs.jquery.com/Events/live

 On Jan 15, 5:41 pm, Mikael mhedeng...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks Milos.
  When I fixed this coding error I get a button but I still can not get
  any click event for this button.

  This is how I try to get this click event:

          $('.test_select').bind(click, function() {
                  var thisName = $(this).attr('name');
                  $('#test_list').html(thisName +  clicked);
                  return false;

  On 15 Jan, 15:22, Miloš Rašić milos.ra...@gmail.com wrote:

   Try fixing your html in the php code like this:

    echo 'input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
   id=test_select_1 value=Select /';
   You forgot to close that class property in the input.

   On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Mikael mhedeng...@gmail.com wrote:

I am new to javascript and jQuery programming so my problem might be
very simple to explain but please bare with me.

I want to make a selection in a list created by a php-file that is
called from another php-file using jQuery andajaxbut it fails.
My example is very limited but shows the main problem.

The first php-file has abutton defined like this:
 input class=mini_browse type=button value=Browse test /

I also have a div to show the result:
 div id=myresultShow the result here/div

The jQuery entry looks like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
       $('.mini_browse').bind(click, function() {
                       type: get, url: test-ajax.php, data: { 
'test' },
                       error: function() {$(#myresult).html(Ajax
                       success: function(html){ //so, if data is 
store it in
               }); //close jQuery.ajax
               return false;

When I click the button I get a call to test-ajax.php as expected and
the output is displayed in the myresult div but not as expected.

The test-ajax.php executes this:
 echo 'input class=test_select type=button name=test_select_1
id=test_select_1 value=Select /';

The button is not displayed as a button but like an input text with
the text Select in it and I can not get a click event from it.
I can not see the output from test-ajax.php when I view the page
source so I guess that I have to get it included in the document
somehow but how?

Can anybody point me in the right direction to solve this?


[jQuery] jQuery Ajax, getting data returned from my PHP script

2009-01-16 Thread gemmes

Hi All,

I created a form and decided to add some AJAX.
What I want to do is add a  span  class=required*/span next to
my required label elements and change to
span  class=valid*/span when the AJAX blur event validates each
of my fields.

My problem, when I run the script I get no data returned from my ajax-
validation.php script.

Can anyone help??

many thanks



/* AJAX Form */
$('#submit').click(function() { // using click instead of blur while
in development

var name = $('input#name').val();
var email = $('input#email').val();
var message = $('textarea#message').val();

type: 'POST',
url: 'ajax-validation.php',
data:   'name=' + name +
'email=' + email +
'message=' + message,

success: function(results) {
alert( Data Saved:  + results ); // This alert has given
me no feedback - always blank

}); // end ajax

return false;

}); // End .click()



/* InputFields */
$ajax_validation_name = trim($_POST['name']);
$ajax_validation_email = $_POST['email'];
$ajax_validation_message = $_POST['message'];

$ajax_validation_response = array();

// $name
if (strlen($ajax_validation_name)  2) { $ajax_validation_response
['name'] = Please enter your name. 2; }

// $email
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\'\.\-_\...@[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)*+
[a-z]{2}/is', $ajax_validation_email))
$ajax_validation_response['email'] = Please enter a valid email
address 2;

// $message
if (strlen($ajax_validation_message)  1) { $ajax_validation_response
['message'] = Please leave a message. 2; }

return $ajax_validation_response;


[jQuery] sorting a select list of option elements

2009-01-16 Thread mtz

I have a select list into which I place new option elements, and I
want to show them in sorted order. I've searched around and tried some
approaches, but not successful yet.

Here is an example.
It may not be the best use of jQuery, but at least I understand it.
The select element has id ops-memb
I get the current content, then add another option item.

var members = $('#ops-memb').html() + option id='507'Another Item/

This works.
Now I try to sort

$('#ops-memb option').sort(function(a,b) {
  return $(a).text()  $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

I get an error message that $('#ops-memb').sort is not a function

Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how to get
this to work correctly?


[jQuery] Re: 1.3 live doesn't seem to work with UI?

2009-01-16 Thread Alexsandro_xpt

That realease don't work very well in IE7 using UI Tabs with Facebox.

Take look my post at:

And I don't know to do.

On 16 jan, 05:25, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 It was just released. See


 for jQuery UI 1.6rc5. There will be a blog post in the morning.

 - Richard

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:54 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  its been mentioned in multiple topics today that they are working hard
  on a new version of UI that is compatible..  (i think they said

  either wait for it, or continue to use 1.2.6

  On Jan 15, 11:34 pm, Clumsy Hamster clumsyhams...@gmail.com wrote:
   I have this bit of test code:



   But every time I run it, it always gives the message of Object
   doesn't support this method.  I've tried putting it onto a class
   (.input), an ID (#input) and just a plain input with all the same
   results.  Followed the instructions on the pagehttp://

   So, it is looking like either I'm doing something incorrectly or it
   doesn't work with the JQuery UI.  Anyone see or know what may be

   thanks ^.^

[jQuery] Re: $(area) not working in IE (sorry if this is a repost)

2009-01-16 Thread ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com

 I know... no Firebug in IE.  Poo.

maybe give firebug lite a go. it's a firebug library you can embed
into a page and view through any browser you like.


it's always useful for trying to hack out random IE bugs.

On Jan 15, 5:00 am, James Van Dyke jame...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok... that's a hard page to get away from with all those alert boxes.
 I know... no Firebug in IE.  Poo.

 I believe that class is not what IE calls that attribute.  For
 instance, element.class will return nothing.  element.className is the
 correct property.  Try that.

 Plus, you could shorten your code and make it a bit more readable:

 $(area).mouseover( function(){
     $(# . $(this).attr(class)).addClass('selected');}.mouseout( 
 function() {

     $(# . $(this).attr(class)).removeClass('selected');


 Let me know how that works out.

 On Jan 14, 6:30 pm, Chrisw chris.p.wel...@gmail.com wrote:

  sorry if this is a repost but I didn't see it in the group and I
  didn't get a copy in my email. I am working with an image map and i am
  using the maphilight plugin and I want to add a border to an image
  below the image map  when a user hovers over an area (based on the
  iamges ID and the area's class)(see code below) I got it to work in FF
  but I cannot get it to work in IE. Any help?


                                  var stateClass;
                                  stateClass = $(this).attr(class);
                                  var stateClassQuery;
                                  stateClassQuery = #+stateClass;
                                  alert(stateClassQuery);//for testing
                          //mouse out
                                  var stateClass;
                                  stateClass = $(this).attr(class);
                                  var stateClassQuery;
                                  stateClassQuery = #+stateClass;

[jQuery] back load livequery

2009-01-16 Thread vcs

I use 'livequery' where Loading function data.
There is a need for the possibility of back of the previous result and
I do not know how to do this.

For example, 3 loading and clicking back-loaded me return to a
previous one, when I click again, back again, I revert to the previous
result loading reply from the server.

This is the form of a tree.
Clicked and the data is loaded, click again load, etc.
But in the last load I can return to the same start clicking, and
gradually go back to the roots.

Do you have any ideas?

me code:

var lastresult='';
var backlink='?module=kategorieaction=getcategory';
var link='';
url: ?module=kategorieaction=getcategory,
success: function(response){

$('.category').livequery('click', function(){
type: get,
url: $(this).attr('href'),
beforeSend: function(response){

success: function(response){
if (response == '') {


return false;

$('#categoty-back a').livequery('click', function(){
type: get,
url: $(this).attr('href'),
beforeSend: function(response){

success: function(response){
if (response == '') {


return false;

[jQuery] Re: weird issue with ready event

2009-01-16 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

I've seen this before, it seems the 'ready' doesn't fire on opened
windows or frames, you have to use $(pop).load(fn) instead.

On Jan 16, 1:11 pm, graphicsxp graphic...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to set the html content of a DIV (id='list') which sits in
 a page opened with window.open :

 var pop = window.open(PrintList.aspx);
     $(pop.document).ready(function() {
       $(#list, pop.document).html(hello);

 As you can see, the string 'hello' should be written to the DIV once
 the page is loaded. Yet the first time I execute this script the
 string is never written. If I close the new window and I execute the
 script again, it will work. It's only the first time I execute it
 how weird..

 Does anyone know why ?


[jQuery] Re: Display Loading Image While Ajax Content Loads

2009-01-16 Thread jinscoe

Whoops! I'm so used to getting email notifications for discussions...I
just figured no one had replied! So sorry for not coming back.

Thank you both for your replies. I was wondering if that might be the
case JQuery Lover.

Would there be a way to generalize the .load for only images with a
certain class? I tried working with the .load before and was
unsuccessful, perhaps you might be able to give me a few pointers. For
example if I give an image a class of gallery as well as loader I
can set the background image for the loader class to a load icon.
And .load would fire when any image with the class of gallery loads

I guess I could give gallery' display:none by default? and then when
it loads I can remove that css and also remove the class loader.

I'm pretty new to all this, so I'm probably way off in my logic! Any
more help would be appreciatednow to try and find the setting
where I get email notifications on reply!

Thanks so much again, and sorry it took me so long to reply!

On Jan 14, 8:48 am, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Unfortunately it will not. jQuery will know that it is getting some
 data and that is all. It does not know that it's html, xml or plain
 text. Image loading is done by browser when you insert the markup into
 the DOM. So the workaround would be to load your content then add it
 to the DOM, bind count how many images you have and then add a .load()
 event to every image that calls some function which checks if it's the
 last image that loaded and then only remove the animation and show the

 Damn, it was a long sentence :)

 Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Beres Botond boton...@gmail.com wrote:

  Maybe you'll have more luck with this.

  // display loading animation here

  $(#ajax_content).load('/sourcefiles/example.html', {}, function() {
    // hide loading animation here


  However I'm still not sure if it will actually wait till images are

  On Jan 14, 7:14 am, jinscoe jackins...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello - I'm sorry if this posts twiceits been about 30 minutes or
  so since I last attempted and I still haven't seen my discussion pop

  I would guess this is a fairly easy task and I'm just missing the
  boat, because you see loading images everywhere with ajax loading.

  Here is my situation. I have a webpage that is set up a lot like a
  basic slide show - forward and back controls at the bottom a header at
  the top and an ajax loading window in the middle. I am using this
  function to make the ajax call:

  $.get('/sourcefiles/example.html', function(innerHtml){

  So right now I'm just getting the html and popping it into my
  ajax_content div. I would like to make it so that it waits until the
  entire content of the html (images and all) loads before displaying
  anything. Currently it seems to wait for the just the html (text) to
  load and then continues to load the images on screen.

  I would like to just make a class called .loading or something, put
  a loading background image on it and strip that off once everything is

  Hopefully I have been clear enough. Let me know if anything needs more
  explaining and thanks in advance for any help!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Ajax, getting data returned from my PHP script

2009-01-16 Thread Stephan Veigl


instead of
  return $ajax_validation_response;

in your PHP script

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Ajax, getting data returned from my PHP script

2009-01-16 Thread gemmes


yep that helps, getting data returned now.

many thanks

On Jan 16, 5:24 pm, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:

 instead of
   return $ajax_validation_response;

 in your PHP script

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete - Minimum Size of Possible Matches

2009-01-16 Thread brian

Are you using MySQL? You can change the default minimum word length.
See this page:


Also, the stop-word list can be adjusted:


On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:25 PM, JP pheas...@sunlabmedia.com wrote:

 Has anyone else run in to an issue with autocomplete not returning
 matches of less than five characters?  I have it searching for matches
 starting at 2 characters, but for some reason it sits at the 'Loading'
 message if the only match is only 4 characters long?  (For example,
 I'm typing in 'Ko' and it won't find the name 'Koch' in the list.)
 I've replicated this with a few possible matches that are 4 characters
 long, consistently fails.  However, if I increase that name to 5
 characters it works fine.

 Any suggestions?


[jQuery] Re: Permit jQuery-wrapped DOM elements not currently in DOM as messages

2009-01-16 Thread robocoder

An example use case is where the element is clone()'d.

var dispMenu = $('#widgetChooser').clone(true);

$.blockUI({message: dispMenu});

On Dec 5 2008, 5:33 pm, harningt harni...@gmail.com wrote:
 CurrentlyblockUImakes the assumption that any jQuery element that is
 passed in is a 'real' DOM element.  To fix this, also check that the
 element also has a parent when performing operations on the parent.

[jQuery] validate and form plugins

2009-01-16 Thread bRocco

i have a table with an edit button in each row. when the edit button is
clicked, the following script is run:

//edit click
$('#edit_lnk_' + index).click(function() {

function populateBoxy(index) {
//...more code

function SetupFormValidationRules() {
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
rules: {
tbxHours: {
required: true,
//number: true,
min: .25
ddlProjects: {
required: function(element) {
return $('#ddlProjects')[0].selectedIndex == 0;
messages: {
tbxHours: {
required: br/Hour field is required.,
//number: Hour field must be a number.,
min: br/Hour field must be a value greater than or equal
to 15 min (.25)
ddlProjects: {
required: br/You must select a project
submitHandler: function(form) {
var options = {
url: '/Time/SaveTimeActivity',
type: 'POST',
contentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
success: function(result, status) {
resetForm: true,
error: function(xhr, status, thrownError) {
if (xhr.getResponseHeader(SafeErrorMessage)) {
else {

SetStatusMessage(Unknown error occurred);
alert(Unknown Error:  Please contact technical

document.body.style.cursor = 'default';

return false;

the first time the form [#add_edit_form] is submitted, the ajax submit works
great and everything is great(the modal hides, grid repopulated with new
data, etc). then, when i click any other edit button on the grid, the modal
reappears with all the correct data, but when i hit submit, a default submit
occurs (no ajaxSubmit)

any help would be appreciated! thanks
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Load page after succesfull validation

2009-01-16 Thread Snaak

Hi all,

I am struglin' for a while to load a PHP file after a succesfull
validation with the beautiful Basisstance Validation plugin.

How can I use the submitHandler to load an external PHP file and
please the data in the right target?

submitHandler: function(form) {

 // load test.php by the GET method

   target: #right

Somebody got an idea how to fix this?


[jQuery] newbie - cluetip

2009-01-16 Thread moof


I'm completely new to jquery and java script. I'm a graphic designer
and learned some basic scripting by meself. So please don't shoot me
if my code is a mess.
However I want to change the menu on this site www.moof.be/intro.html
with a cluetip. I already made some changes to it  
but I only seem to get one link working. The first one (working
means it pops up but the content seems not to get loaded  -)  it works
offline but onlinne I get a error)
The other two links are identical but don't pop up at all.

Can anyone help me?




Signature {moof’} graphic design
Steenland 46 | 8930 Rekkem | 0498 84 42 62 | www.moof.be

[jQuery] load question

2009-01-16 Thread wagner

i'm stuck on a pretty basic concept.

on hovers of a's, i'm trying to load an element from another page by
url and id into a display div.  i'm trying to get those 2 bits of info
from the triggering a. i'm close: the product matches a hard coded
string, but doesn't load (the way the hard coded version does)

any tips at all (other than consult the docs--i've tried, i'm
learning.) on doing this, or streamlining my caveman work will be
insanely appreciated. thanks!

$(document).ready(function() {
var defHref;
var defHrefSplit;
var defUrl;
var defId;
var defList;
// over
  function () {
defHref = $(this).attr(href);
defHrefSplit = defHref.split('#');
defUrl = defHrefSplit[0];
defId = #+defHrefSplit[1];
$(#display).append(span id='def'/span);
// seems to eval correctly, but doesn't work
$(#def).load(defUrl defId));
// the hard coded version (works)
//$(#def).load(dictionary.html #puppy);
// out
  function () {


an example a tag:
a href=dictionary.html#puppiespuppies/a

dev url:

[jQuery] some help to modify a class plz

2009-01-16 Thread souie...@gmail.com


i have this html:

ul class=dropdown
  li class=myaccountspansome text/span/li

and this code does not work:

$(.myaccount).hover(function() {
  $(ul.dropdown li.myaccount_hover).removeClass

how can i access to myaccount_hover class for work on it ? (here i
want to change the class)

thanks you veru much for your help !

Fredj from Paris

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Ajax, getting data returned from my PHP script

2009-01-16 Thread adam.swee...@gmail.com

is the post actually getting to your .php? if so, what does your alert
say? does it say Data Saved:  anything?  ?

another thing to consider: there is a validation plugin that would
benefit your needs along with the jquery form plugin that allows you
to submit the form via ajax.
that way, you don't need to go to the server to validate.

btw, i'm not too familiar with php

On Jan 16, 11:04 am, gemmes variouspix...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 I created a form and decided to add some AJAX.
 What I want to do is add a  span  class=required*/span next to
 my required label elements and change to
 span  class=valid*/span when the AJAX blur event validates each
 of my fields.

 My problem, when I run the script I get no data returned from my ajax-
 validation.php script.

 Can anyone help??

 many thanks



 /* AJAX Form */
 $('#submit').click(function() { // using click instead of blur while
 in development

     var name = $('input#name').val();
     var email = $('input#email').val();
     var message = $('textarea#message').val();

         type: 'POST',
         url: 'ajax-validation.php',
         data:   'name=' + name +
                         'email=' + email +
                         'message=' + message,

         success: function(results) {
             alert( Data Saved:  + results ); // This alert has given
 me no feedback - always blank

     }); // end ajax

         return false;

 }); // End .click()



         /* InputFields */
         $ajax_validation_name = trim($_POST['name']);
         $ajax_validation_email = $_POST['email'];
         $ajax_validation_message = $_POST['message'];

         $ajax_validation_response = array();

         // $name
         if (strlen($ajax_validation_name)  2) { $ajax_validation_response
 ['name'] = Please enter your name. 2;       }

         // $email
         if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\'\.\-_\...@[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)*+
 [a-z]{2}/is', $ajax_validation_email))
                 $ajax_validation_response['email'] = Please enter a valid 
 address 2;

         // $message
         if (strlen($ajax_validation_message)  1) { $ajax_validation_response
 ['message'] = Please leave a message. 2; }

         return $ajax_validation_response;


[jQuery] Re: No element found when firing $.post()

2009-01-16 Thread talinme...@googlemail.com

I had the same issue.  It was caused by my handler not actually
returning anything.

[jQuery] question about changes to :not() in 1.3

2009-01-16 Thread jdwbell

Here I am trying to get every element which is not a div that contains
another div.

Is $(':not(div:has(div))') supposed to now be equivalent to $('*').not
($('div:has(div)')) or am I misunderstanding what the change was (I'm
just getting started with jQuery)?


[jQuery] Autocomplete

2009-01-16 Thread avagarwal


In IE6 we find that if we have a combo box below the Autocomplete text
box, the combo box displays on top of the item selection list that is
displayed. Is there a work around for this.



[jQuery] How to? Multiple Colored Accordion...

2009-01-16 Thread Joshua Sortino

I have found plenty of accordion tutorials online, however, I'm trying
to create an accordion with multiple colors for each section (that
don't change when clicked.)

Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish:

Does anyone know of any tutorials or help you can give me?

[jQuery] Re: sorting a select list of option elements

2009-01-16 Thread brian

Maybe use makeArray() first. Something like:

$.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a select list into which I place new option elements, and I
 want to show them in sorted order. I've searched around and tried some
 approaches, but not successful yet.

 Here is an example.
 It may not be the best use of jQuery, but at least I understand it.
 The select element has id ops-memb
 I get the current content, then add another option item.

 var members = $('#ops-memb').html() + option id='507'Another Item/

 This works.
 Now I try to sort

 $('#ops-memb option').sort(function(a,b) {
  return $(a).text()  $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

 I get an error message that $('#ops-memb').sort is not a function

 Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how to get
 this to work correctly?


[jQuery] validate and form plugins

2009-01-16 Thread adam.swee...@gmail.com

i have a table with an edit button in each row. when the edit button
is clicked, the following script is run:

//edit click
$('#edit_lnk_' + index).click(function() {

function populateBoxy(index) {
//...more code

function SetupFormValidationRules() {
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
rules: {
tbxHours: {
required: true,
//number: true,
min: .25
ddlProjects: {
required: function(element) {
return $('#ddlProjects')[0].selectedIndex == 0;
messages: {
tbxHours: {
required: br/Hour field is required.,
//number: Hour field must be a number.,
min: br/Hour field must be a value greater than or
equal to 15 min (.25)
ddlProjects: {
required: br/You must select a project
submitHandler: function(form) {
var options = {
url: '/Time/SaveTimeActivity',
type: 'POST',
contentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
success: function(result, status) {
resetForm: true,
error: function(xhr, status, thrownError) {
if (xhr.getResponseHeader(SafeErrorMessage)) {
else {

SetStatusMessage(Unknown error occurred);
alert(Unknown Error:  Please contact
technical support);

document.body.style.cursor = 'default';

return false;

the first time the form [#add_edit_form] is submitted, the ajax submit
works great and everything is great(the modal hides, grid repopulated
with new data, etc). then, when i click any other edit button on the
grid, the modal reappears with all the correct data, but when i hit
submit, a default submit occurs (no ajaxSubmit)

any help would be appreciated! thanks

[jQuery] Re: sorting a select list of option elements

2009-01-16 Thread Kean

Only true arrays will inherit the sort method.

On Jan 16, 10:10 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 Maybe use makeArray() first. Something like:

 $.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a select list into which I place new option elements, and I
  want to show them in sorted order. I've searched around and tried some
  approaches, but not successful yet.

  Here is an example.
  It may not be the best use of jQuery, but at least I understand it.
  The select element has id ops-memb
  I get the current content, then add another option item.

  var members = $('#ops-memb').html() + option id='507'Another Item/

  This works.
  Now I try to sort

  $('#ops-memb option').sort(function(a,b) {
   return $(a).text()  $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

  I get an error message that $('#ops-memb').sort is not a function

  Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how to get
  this to work correctly?


[jQuery] Re: sorting a select list of option elements

2009-01-16 Thread brian

-- snip --
jQuery.makeArray( obj )
Turns anything into a true array.
-- snip --

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:

 Only true arrays will inherit the sort method.

 On Jan 16, 10:10 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 Maybe use makeArray() first. Something like:

 $.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a select list into which I place new option elements, and I
  want to show them in sorted order. I've searched around and tried some
  approaches, but not successful yet.

  Here is an example.
  It may not be the best use of jQuery, but at least I understand it.
  The select element has id ops-memb
  I get the current content, then add another option item.

  var members = $('#ops-memb').html() + option id='507'Another Item/

  This works.
  Now I try to sort

  $('#ops-memb option').sort(function(a,b) {
   return $(a).text()  $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

  I get an error message that $('#ops-memb').sort is not a function

  Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how to get
  this to work correctly?


[jQuery] how can we set script/noscript tag html ?

2009-01-16 Thread cc96ai

we can get the .html() in script/noscript
but once we want to write it back, we got error
$(script).html(var a=123);

Unexecpeted call to method or property access

[jQuery] Re: sorting a select list of option elements

2009-01-16 Thread mtz

I can make the array now and it legitimately sorts.
However, I can't see an easy way to get the values in the array back
into the option id='123''A name/option
format again, so I can put teh HTML into the select .

On Jan 16, 1:33 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 -- snip --
 jQuery.makeArray( obj )
 Turns anything into a true array.
 -- snip --

 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Only true arrays will inherit the sort method.

  On Jan 16, 10:10 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
  Maybe use makeArray() first. Something like:

  $.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have a select list into which I place new option elements, and I
   want to show them in sorted order. I've searched around and tried some
   approaches, but not successful yet.

   Here is an example.
   It may not be the best use of jQuery, but at least I understand it.
   The select element has id ops-memb
   I get the current content, then add another option item.

   var members = $('#ops-memb').html() + option id='507'Another Item/

   This works.
   Now I try to sort

   $('#ops-memb option').sort(function(a,b) {
    return $(a).text()  $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

   I get an error message that $('#ops-memb').sort is not a function

   Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how to get
   this to work correctly?


[jQuery] Re: how can we set script/noscript tag html ?

2009-01-16 Thread Eric Garside

For the same reason you can't replace the fan on an engine while it's

Use $.getScript()

On Jan 16, 1:42 pm, cc96ai calvin.chan@gmail.com wrote:
 we can get the .html() in script/noscript
 but once we want to write it back, we got error
 $(script).html(var a=123);

 Unexecpeted call to method or property access

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete

2009-01-16 Thread MorningZ

Right off the plugin's homepage


* optional: bgiframe plugin to fix select-problems in IE, just include
to apply to autocomplete

that is what is needed to fix your issue

On Jan 16, 12:10 pm, avagarwal avagar...@gmail.com wrote:

 In IE6 we find that if we have a combo box below the Autocomplete text
 box, the combo box displays on top of the item selection list that is
 displayed. Is there a work around for this.



[jQuery] Re: sorting a select list of option elements

2009-01-16 Thread brian

You'll need to save the output into a variable, then loop through that
to create new options and replace the existing ones.

var new_opts = $.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

There's probably a neat jQuery way to do all of this compactly.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:44 PM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

 I can make the array now and it legitimately sorts.
 However, I can't see an easy way to get the values in the array back
 into the option id='123''A name/option
 format again, so I can put teh HTML into the select .

 On Jan 16, 1:33 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 -- snip --
 jQuery.makeArray( obj )
 Turns anything into a true array.
 -- snip --

 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Only true arrays will inherit the sort method.

  On Jan 16, 10:10 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
  Maybe use makeArray() first. Something like:

  $.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have a select list into which I place new option elements, and I
   want to show them in sorted order. I've searched around and tried some
   approaches, but not successful yet.

   Here is an example.
   It may not be the best use of jQuery, but at least I understand it.
   The select element has id ops-memb
   I get the current content, then add another option item.

   var members = $('#ops-memb').html() + option id='507'Another Item/

   This works.
   Now I try to sort

   $('#ops-memb option').sort(function(a,b) {
return $(a).text()  $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

   I get an error message that $('#ops-memb').sort is not a function

   Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how to get
   this to work correctly?


[jQuery] Re: sorting a select list of option elements

2009-01-16 Thread mtz

Yeah - I think this is getting too complicated.
I actually am only inserting one item at a time. Rather than sort,
I think I only need to go through the existing items which are already
alphabetical order, and find where to insert the new one.

On Jan 16, 1:58 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 You'll need to save the output into a variable, then loop through that
 to create new options and replace the existing ones.

 var new_opts = $.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

 There's probably a neat jQuery way to do all of this compactly.

 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:44 PM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I can make the array now and it legitimately sorts.
  However, I can't see an easy way to get the values in the array back
  into the option id='123''A name/option
  format again, so I can put teh HTML into the select .

  On Jan 16, 1:33 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
  -- snip --
  jQuery.makeArray( obj )
  Turns anything into a true array.
  -- snip --

  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:

   Only true arrays will inherit the sort method.

   On Jan 16, 10:10 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
   Maybe use makeArray() first. Something like:

   $.makeArray($('#ops-memb option')).sort(...

   On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM, mtz tracey.zellm...@gmail.com wrote:

I have a select list into which I place new option elements, and I
want to show them in sorted order. I've searched around and tried some
approaches, but not successful yet.

Here is an example.
It may not be the best use of jQuery, but at least I understand it.
The select element has id ops-memb
I get the current content, then add another option item.

var members = $('#ops-memb').html() + option id='507'Another Item/

This works.
Now I try to sort

$('#ops-memb option').sort(function(a,b) {
 return $(a).text()  $(b).text() ? 1 : -1;

I get an error message that $('#ops-memb').sort is not a function

Could someone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how to get
this to work correctly?


[jQuery] More efficient way to find Parent element

2009-01-16 Thread Coryt

after learning the difference between parents and parent, I am having
to resort to using parent(), but it's not very clean.

Consider the following table, which is embedded in a page, which may
have additional tables (for this reason I cannot use parents(table)
because it returns multiple tables):

table class=gridview id=A cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
tr class='gvheader'
th width=20pxnbsp;/th
th width=150pxHost/th
th width=100pxDirects To/th
th width=40pxTTL/th
tr class=dgalt id=trEmptyA runat=server visible=false
td colspan=5You currently do not have any Records./td
tr class=gvfooter
td colspan=4 class=newRecordAdd New Record/td

and now my jquery:
Notice the multiple .parent().parent().parent()
and $currentTable.children().children().size();

$(function() {
$(.newRecord).click(function() {
var $currentTable = $(this).parent().parent().parent

var tableType = $currentTable.attr(id);
var numRows = $currentTable.children().children().size
var $templateRow = $(#EditRowTemplate).clone().attr
(id, new+tableType+Record_+numRows);

if (tableType=='MX'){
$(td:nth-child(5), $templateRow).show();
} else {
$(td:nth-child(5), $templateRow).hide();


Is there a way to use parents, while only selecting the immediate
parent table? and similarily with children, is there a better way to
do this?

I cannot always assume this is the first table, there may be 3,4,5 etc
tables side-by-side.


[jQuery] How do I abort a function?

2009-01-16 Thread Rick Faircloth

If I want to abort a function based on a condition, 
what is the command to do that?

if x == 0

abort this function... 



[jQuery] Re: How do I abort a function?

2009-01-16 Thread Donald J. Organ IV


- Original Message -
From: Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:34:39 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [jQuery] How do I abort a function?

If I want to abort a function based on a condition, 
what is the command to do that?

if x == 0

abort this function... 



[jQuery] Re: How do I abort a function?

2009-01-16 Thread Rick Faircloth



 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Donald J. Organ IV
 Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:41 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: How do I abort a function?
 - Original Message -
 From: Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:34:39 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [jQuery] How do I abort a function?
 If I want to abort a function based on a condition,
 what is the command to do that?
 if x == 0
   abort this function...

[jQuery] Re: question about changes to :not() in 1.3

2009-01-16 Thread John Resig

$(':not(div:has(div))') is equivalent to
$('*:not(div:has(div))') is equivalent to
$('*').filter(':not(div:has(div))') is equivalent to

Hope that helps to answer your question :)


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:24 AM, jdwbell jdwb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Here I am trying to get every element which is not a div that contains
 another div.

 Is $(':not(div:has(div))') supposed to now be equivalent to $('*').not
 ($('div:has(div)')) or am I misunderstanding what the change was (I'm
 just getting started with jQuery)?


[jQuery] cluetip not loading external web page

2009-01-16 Thread Adam

I have setup the cluetip plugin on my website.  I was able to get it
working when using local content, similar to the example code of $
('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

However, I can't get it to load an external website.  The tool tip
comes up, but it says sorry the contents cannot be loaded.  The
external site is a servlet rendered page that loads fine if I type the
URL into a browser window.  The only differences between my code and
the example is that I'm using an image for the link and am using

a title=Help rel=/portlets/help.do href=/portlets/help.do
class=help style=
img class=icon src=/theme/images/portlet/help.png alt=Help/

jQuery(a.help).livequery(function() {

[jQuery] jQuery 1.3 live() vs listen/intercept plugins

2009-01-16 Thread rolfsf

I'm trying to understand where the new live() fits in to the world of
event delegation, and plugins like listen and intercept

What are the arguments for one approach over the other?


[jQuery] Re: question about changes to :not() in 1.3

2009-01-16 Thread jdwbell

Thank you very much for your reply.  I am finding that with the
example listed below these two work as expected (that is they are
returning non divs and all divs which do not contain other divs):


but these three:


are excluding ALL divs as all other elements which contain divs

Hopefully that explanation makes because I'm kind of confusing
myself!  I've tried this on IE 6 and Chrome with the same results.


  div, fieldset, p {
border: ridge 1px silver;
padding: 20px;
margin: 20px;
  .wrappedElement {
border: ridge 2px #FF;
 script type=text/javascript
  pparagraph surrounded by three divs/p
 div surrounded by fieldset

On Jan 16, 1:50 pm, John Resig jere...@gmail.com wrote:
 $(':not(div:has(div))') is equivalent to
 $('*:not(div:has(div))') is equivalent to
 $('*').filter(':not(div:has(div))') is equivalent to

 Hope that helps to answer your question :)


 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:24 AM, jdwbell jdwb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Here I am trying to get every element which is not a div that contains
  another div.

  Is $(':not(div:has(div))') supposed to now be equivalent to $('*').not
  ($('div:has(div)')) or am I misunderstanding what the change was (I'm
  just getting started with jQuery)?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery in a Firefox Extension...

2009-01-16 Thread Nic Luciano
Hm, that makes sense. So, I suppose I could do something like

var doc = window.content.document;
jQuery(#id, doc);

Which would solve the issue that jQuery doesn't live in the HTML anymore
(and lives in the browser). But how would this work on .ajax functions? Do I
have to edit the instantiation/references in the first couple lines of
jQuery to point somewhere other than window? Or will functions like .ajax
(that don't browse the DOM) only work when there is a document to access (as
opposed to on load of Firefox)?


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm pretty sure the problem is that jQuery is defining itself in it's
 header section as something like window.jQuery = jQuery = $ or some
 such referential transitive equation strand. I'm not an expert at FF
 plugins, but I have gone through the motions of building one that
 modified current pages only. And to get to that page, you had to
 invoke a special call to get access to the current tabs current page

 I'd look into that, and get to the point where you can alert the
 innerHTML of a page element. That's how I first started to learn it. I
 just wish I hadn't already forgotten. :P

 On Jan 15, 11:37 pm, Nic nic.luci...@gmail.com wrote:
  It seems like this has been asked a million times, but nothing seems
  to answer my question.
  I include it in my .xul above my other scripts- (I checked the
  location and it's correct).
  It's the first time I've used jQuery in an extension, so I'm trying to
  run some commands on load just to see if it works. The following below
  throws no exceptions:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  Below I'll list a bunch of things I tried with their respective errors
  to maybe help give a glimpse into whats going on... What's going on
  here? I'm sure it's something obvious, or simple...
  The following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  TypeError: n.find is not a function
  The Following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  $.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data) {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  TypeError: $.getJSON is not a function
  The Following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  jQuery.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data)
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }}
  TypeError: jQuery.getJSON is not a function
  Thanks, guys!

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