Re: [jQuery] Re: How to avoid page refresh with jquery in typo3 ?

2009-11-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

chris wrote:

On Nov 6, 5:25 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

I guess you'll just need to add this:
$('div#menu').load($(this).attr('href')+' div#menu');

But I should warn you, this is far from efficient, as you're making 2
requests for the same page this way, instead of the one request it would
take to just load the page normally.

I personally think it's just not worth the effort, but I've told you
that before.

yes i figured that out, also solved the menu highlighting which was
just a CSS div order error on my part. this is how it works for the

script src=;/script
 $('#menu a').click(function(){
$('.submenu').load($(this).attr('href')+' .submenu');
 return false;

in Safari on the mac it works, the pages load and the submenu loads,
however there is a problem with the submenu. on the first click of a
submenu item the page loads/refreshes completely but then when i click
on another submenu item it loads correcrly directly into the div
without refresh, and then alternately, once it loads into the div,
once it refreshes the whole page ..

in Firefox on the mac the first level menu and loading works but the
submenu doesn't appear

In Internet Explorer 8 the first level works 'sort of' on some clicks
it loads a page corrctly and on other clicks it doesn't load at all,
but it's random, i did a series of 10 clicks several times in a row
after cleaning cache each time and everytime it works/doesn't on some
other combination of pages ... after a dozen clicks or so it doesn't
load anything at all anymore ...

Do you have a link we can see this at?

in terms of efficiency and not being worth the effort, could you
elaborate your thoughts on this. the actual page content i am loading
through those calls is only very short text paragraphs (maincontent)
and a 4 item list (submenu). i have three columns:


so i thought my solution would be more efficient than a traditional
refresh can you explain why i got it wrong ? for this site i don't
need bookmarking/history or back button browser functionality ...

Well, even though you're only showing part of the page, the whole page 
gets downloaded by your browser (twice, since you're calling load() 
twice). jQuery will download the whole page, then parse it, throw away 
what is doesn't need, and insert the small chunk you wanted into the 
page. Basically this is slower then just loading the page straight away 
(but I guess you don't see the flicker that's associated with a page load).

thx again for the help !


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] JQuery error load data in dialog

2009-11-09 Thread dEwA nich
dear friends,

I have one input field, when I write some letter and press enter then ajax
request will happen. Return value from ajax I append to one tag div. Then I
load data into dialog. I can do that, but the problem is It just happens one
time and the problem when data successfully load, the close button of the
dialog doesn't work fine. Do I have something wrong??

this is my example code :
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
height: 900,
modal: true,
buttons: {
'Tutup': function() {
'Simpan' : function() {

if (event.which == 13) {
var z = $(this).attr('id');
var nilai = $('#'+z).val();



$('#personform').submit(function() {

type: POST,
url: some_url,
data: 'name=' + $('#nick').val(),
success: function(data) {

return false;

[jQuery] Re: (validate plugin) dependency callback not being triggered

2009-11-09 Thread Brad Hile
Thanks Jules I'll give it a try now.
I was looking for something that would trigger the validation but I
thought it was automagically triggered onblur/keyup but perhaps thats
only after the initially validate via submit

* thanks for the typo spotting!.. totally missed that


On Nov 6, 11:14 am, Jules wrote:

 Validation only triggered if you call submit the page or call the $
 (form).valid() function. I didn't see any submit() or  $
 (form).valid() call in your page.

 Try adding this to your page

 js script inside ready()

      alert(All data are valid);
      alert(Invalid data);


 input type=button id=validateMe name=validateMe
 value=Validate /

 Hope this help.

 BTW: you misspelled territory in ACT :)

 On Nov 6, 12:06 pm, Brad Hile wrote:


   I've tried every way I can think of to use dependency to enable
   additional elements to be required and have had no luck at all. I
   simply want to enable required on a number of fields when a specific
   radio button is selected and for it to be disabled when its not.
   (These fields are hidden when the radio button is deselected)
   I've tested the response from the functions and it appears correct but
   after hours of staring at this I just can't figure it out.
   Help.. please?

   original code is on
   though I may have changed it by the time you look at this.

   So basically I've tried an inline function  something like:

   organisation:{required: function(element) {
           return $(.payment_type:checked).val()  == 'invoice');
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Setting a var to true/false when the radio button is clicked and
   testing that:

   var invoice;

   $(.payment_type).change(function () {
        if($(this).val() != 'paypal'){
                   invoice =  true;
            } else {
                   invoice =  false;

   organisation:{required: invoice}
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Using an enternal function

   organisation:{required: invoiceme() }

           function invoiceme() {
              return ($(.payment_type:checked).val()  == 'invoice')?
   true : false;

[jQuery] SEO - jquery not loaded for second time

2009-11-09 Thread aze

I hope this is the right group I am posting to.
I'm trying using htaccess for SEO friendly. The htaccess sample is

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule .* - [env=REWRITE_ON:1]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [L]

then i can type at the address bar like

http://mydomain/param1/value1  and my index.php will load

The problem is when it load the first time page is ok and then when I
type another link like http://mydomain/param2/value2 the jquery seems
not working anymore. I need to press F5 then it will ok.

I put META refresh in the HEAD and it works. BUT this is not what I
want. What I want is the page reload when people type in the address
bar + press enter NOT everytime the page keep refreshing for the same

Hope can help

[jQuery] Re: Strange behaviour of BlockUI

2009-11-09 Thread Trejder

The problem is partially solved.

 Can you post a link to this page?

No, I can't - since it is a project all the time being developed on

 Is inner-holder-error the outer
 most element used for blocking?  For example, does your block call
 look like this:

     message: $('#inner-holder-error')


Yes - that was the problem. I ported blockui in place of jquery ui
dialog box and messed up with div's names. After corection problem of
hiding/unhiding divs is solved.

 The default settings are meant to handle a simple, short message.  But

But I still can understand why blockui does not centers my message
vertically (horizontally is fine) if I use default options (no css no
option changing except message text)? By default centerX and centerY
are set to true, right?

Here you can see effect:

 you can control the position of the message usingblockUI's'css'
 option.  There is an example on the demos page that shows how to
 control position with tall content.

Yes. Bus AFAIK all examples, including the one I used:

  message: $('#inner-holder-error'),
   top:  ($(window).height() - 500) /2 + 'px',
   left: ($(window).width() - 500) /2 + 'px',
   width: '500px',
   height: '500px'

requires providing widht and height. And what is most convinient and
most welcomed in default settings is that message is being centered
vertically and horizontally without providing it's dimensions. At
least that what should happen and happens in most situation as for one
most important for me effect you can see above - message is not being
centered vertically.


[jQuery] Re: (validate) preclude, deny, disallow or prohibit URLs from submitting

2009-11-09 Thread gdekadt
Thank you so much for the answer - and sorry for not picking up on it
sooner! (I expected to get anemail notifcation!)

I've had a go at implementing this new method but it's not working for
me. I've added your code into my validate call but it's not doing
anything there.

Thanks again for your help.


On Oct 21, 3:03 pm, livefree75 wrote:
 You need to create a new plugin method:

 $(function()  {
       function(value, element)  {
          var re = new RegExp(([a-z\d\\-]+\\.)+[a-z]+), i);   // or
 whatever RegExp you want
          var url_found = re.test(value);
          return this.optional(element) || (!url_found);
       URLs are not allowed.


 Then, in your validate() call, do the following:

    // $f is the form
       rules : {
          comment : {
             required : true,
             no_urls  : true

 On Oct 21, 3:14 am, wrote:

  [bump] Anybody out there with any clues or suggestions?

  On Oct 15, 11:05 am, wrote:

   Hi all sorry - I can't figure this out and I'm a little thick.

   I'm using the great validation plug-in from bassistance and would like
   to use it to stop a form submitting contents of a *required* comment
   field when a URL is present in there. [Getting spam links submitted to
   a contact from]

   I've previously managed to hack the plugin to allow spaces and a
   leading + for phone numbers but this is beyond me as I'm not trying
   to extend but rather invert the function. ?

   I've been trying for two hours and can neither find anything out there
   - or hack anything that works.

[jQuery] getting height of *remaining* divs in a container

2009-11-09 Thread Dylan
I have the structure shown at the bottom of this post.

The scenario is that relative to an event on the page the scrollTo is
used to set the #top to the necessary cc_ DIV. The problem is that the
container in which all cc_'s are placed is 202px in height (can
change). When the scrollTo is instructed and the height of the
remaining cc_ DIVs left is less than this it corrupts and future
scrollTo's do not function correctly (the #cc_n doesn't scrollTo the
top of the DIV but further down!)

I suspect the solution will be somewhere in the region of

rather than just issuing the scrollTo...

- get the total height of all the divs starting with cc_ after me
(being the current cc_ DIV)
- if the value above is higher than my parent DIV height then issue
the scrollTo

Sounds easy but any help with the syntax (or indeed a pointer if I'm
on the wrong track) would be splendid!


div id=poiScrollPaneHolder
div class=jScrollPaneContainer style=width: 235px; height:
div id=poiScrollPane style=overflow: visible; height: auto;
width: 218px; padding-right: 5px; position: absolute; top: 0px;
div class=item id=cc_0
div class=poi-title testPOI ONE/div
div class=textPOI Title Text here./div

div class=item id=cc_1
div class=poi-title testPOI TWO/div
div class=textPOI Title Text here./div


div class=item id=cc_15
div class=poi-title testPOI FIFTEEN/div
div class=textPOI Title Text here./div


div class=jScrollPaneTrack style=width: 12px; height: 178px; top:
div class=jScrollPaneDrag style=width: 12px; height: 16px; top:
div class=jScrollPaneDragTop style=width: 12px;/
div class=jScrollPaneDragBottom style=width: 12px;/
a href=javascript:; class=jScrollArrowUp style=width:
12px;Scroll up/a
a href=javascript:; class=jScrollArrowDown disabled
style=width: 12px;Scroll down/a
/div !-- see default.js/createPOI/poiMarkup --

Re: [jQuery] getting height of *remaining* divs in a container

2009-11-09 Thread Michel Belleville
Isn't there a bit of JavaScript missing in this question ?

Anyway, if I've got your problem right and if I were you at this point, I'd
rather use the position method of the
element you want to scroll down to instead of adding heights which might be
a lot trickier (you'd have to take margins, paddings and such into account).

Michel Belleville

2009/11/9 Dylan

 I have the structure shown at the bottom of this post.

 The scenario is that relative to an event on the page the scrollTo is
 used to set the #top to the necessary cc_ DIV. The problem is that the
 container in which all cc_'s are placed is 202px in height (can
 change). When the scrollTo is instructed and the height of the
 remaining cc_ DIVs left is less than this it corrupts and future
 scrollTo's do not function correctly (the #cc_n doesn't scrollTo the
 top of the DIV but further down!)

 I suspect the solution will be somewhere in the region of

 rather than just issuing the scrollTo...

 - get the total height of all the divs starting with cc_ after me
 (being the current cc_ DIV)
 - if the value above is higher than my parent DIV height then issue
 the scrollTo

 Sounds easy but any help with the syntax (or indeed a pointer if I'm
 on the wrong track) would be splendid!


 div id=poiScrollPaneHolder
div class=jScrollPaneContainer style=width: 235px; height:
div id=poiScrollPane style=overflow: visible; height:
 width: 218px; padding-right: 5px; position: absolute; top: 0px;
div class=item id=cc_0
div class=poi-title testPOI ONE/div
div class=textPOI Title Text here./div

div class=item id=cc_1
div class=poi-title testPOI TWO/div
div class=textPOI Title Text here./div


div class=item id=cc_15
div class=poi-title testPOI
div class=textPOI Title Text here./div


div class=jScrollPaneTrack style=width: 12px; height: 178px;
div class=jScrollPaneDrag style=width: 12px; height: 16px; top:
div class=jScrollPaneDragTop style=width: 12px;/
div class=jScrollPaneDragBottom style=width: 12px;/
a href=javascript:; class=jScrollArrowUp style=width:
 12px;Scroll up/a
a href=javascript:; class=jScrollArrowDown disabled
 style=width: 12px;Scroll down/a
/div !-- see default.js/createPOI/poiMarkup --

[jQuery] Re: document.body is null on, Google Web optimiser redirects.

2009-11-09 Thread paulroon
FYI anyone with this same issue..
Not really a JQuery issue. GWO control scripts need to be loaded
before jQuery. it is a race condition.
jQuery is still loading whilst the redirect is in operation.. hence no
body in the DOM.

On 6 Nov, 16:57, paulroon wrote:
 Hey all,

 Head scratching here, We have GoogleWebOptimiserrunning some A/B
 tests on our site.
 Effectively Google drops a cookie that triggers a redirect to another
 version of the same page.

 We have (seemingly without change) started seeing a JS Error during
 the redirection that is coming from jQuery. Specifically jQuery
 If I drop the version from 1.3.2 down to our old 1.2.6 version the
 issue goes away.
 Here is a firebug console output

 document.body is null
    document.body.appendChild( div );\n

 thanks in advance

[jQuery] Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread m.ugues
Hallo all.
I found this library ( as someone
suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

What I need now is a more difficult task.
I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

Any idea?

Kind regards


[jQuery] Re: (validate) Customising bassistance validation plugin

2009-11-09 Thread Iwan Vosloo
Hi Jörn,

On Nov 7, 3:28 pm, Jörn Zaefferer
 The plugin by default picks up attributes, so if you're using attribute
 names that match validation plugin methods, it should work like that. Though
 you may need to also provide a value, ala required=true, not sure about

This works for validation methods, but not for the required...

- Iwan

[jQuery] Re: Strange behaviour of BlockUI

2009-11-09 Thread Trejder
In addition to above, some observations.

1. I changed:

  message: $('#inner-holder-error'),
   top:  ($(window).height() - 500) /2 + 'px',
   left: ($(window).width() - 500) /2 + 'px',
   width: '500px',
   height: '500px'


  message: $('#inner-holder-error'),
   top:  ($(window).height() - $('#inner-holder-
error').height()) /2 + 'px',
   left: ($(window).width() - $('#inner-holder-
error').width()) /2 + 'px'

to force displaying centered message no matter of it's dimensions. But
this fails as either $('#inner-holder-error').height() returns
incorrect value (759 pixels in my situation, where 308 px should be)
or blockui changes div width AFTER displaying it. Effect - message
still not being centered vertically.

2. I used some jquery UI inner classes for forcing theming as I would
like to see it (what theme: true does is not what I want to see) and
was very surprised that block UI ignores round corners on FF for two
of four sides. See example:

Really strange I must admit.

3. Did you noticed / were aware that any alert('') places AFTER
blockUI call will be displayed BEFORE block UI blocks page?


Re: [jQuery] Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

I'd look into something server-side if I was you: is a good option, if you have a 
way of running custom binaries on your server.


m.ugues wrote:

Hallo all.
I found this library ( as someone
suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

What I need now is a more difficult task.
I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

Any idea?

Kind regards


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Content within Floating Window using jQuery SimpleModal plugin cannot be replaced in IE8

2009-11-09 Thread Roger
Hi all

I have already posted on stackoverflow about this issue.

Here a short description:
A Javascript function gets called from within a SimpleModal window. In
this function some content found in this modal window is replaced -
e.g. $('#DivTest').html('ChangedValue').

In IE8, if the SimpleModal window is closed and opened again, it is
not possible anymore to change any content within this modal window or
set elements to invisible etc.. You can see that content and
attributes of DOM objects have been changed, in example by making use
of alert function, but these changes are not rendered.

More details can be found here:

Any hints?

Thanks and cheers,

[jQuery] Dynamic URL call i JQuery Cascade

2009-11-09 Thread JustSurfin
I have been succesfully using Cascade for some time now but I have hit
a wall.

I have over 20,000 lines of data and consequently the server load and
subsequent delay for the user is making the cascade feature very poor.

I currently generate the list via php which works well for me.

What I would like to do is to append ?country=COUNTRY ID (i.e
1,2,3,4,5 etc dependant on user selection)

I am using:

ajax: {url: 'gui/_js/lists/regions.php?country='+$
(#countryn) },
template: commonTemplate,
match: commonMatch

Could someone cast some light?

[jQuery] Calling function in jQuery

2009-11-09 Thread Murali Krishna B
Hi all,

I am creating a function using jQuery in application.js file.

(function($) {

  function test() {
alert('in function');

When I am trying to call this function from outside (not in this jQuery
block), I am getting an error saying that function is not defined.
I am including this file, also I am calling this function from a jQuery
block. Still I am getting this error.

How to call that function?

Also, I am facing another issue. I have a form with select option. It will
be populated dynamically after every ajax request.

In form, I have a select tag with no options.

select id='users'

After getting a content from ajax, I am preparing all the available options,
and placing that content in select tag.

var opts = option value='1'Murali/optionoption

But it is not showing any options in the select tag.

Pls help me,

Thanks  Regards,

Murali Krishna.B

Re: [jQuery] Calling function in jQuery

2009-11-09 Thread Dhruva Sagar
The function by itself will not be available within other blocks, since the
function is in local scope.
You should attach the function to the jQuery object instead for later use
using the following syntax :

(function($) {

  $.function_name = function test() {
alert('in function');

Then later in other jQuery blocks (although you will have to ensure that
your previously defined block has been already included) you can call your
function simply by using $.function_name();

Thanks  Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Murali Krishna B wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am creating a function using jQuery in application.js file.

 (function($) {

   function test() {
 alert('in function');

 When I am trying to call this function from outside (not in this jQuery
 block), I am getting an error saying that function is not defined.
 I am including this file, also I am calling this function from a jQuery
 block. Still I am getting this error.

 How to call that function?


 Also, I am facing another issue. I have a form with select option. It will
 be populated dynamically after every ajax request.

 In form, I have a select tag with no options.

 select id='users'

 After getting a content from ajax, I am preparing all the available
 options, and placing that content in select tag.

 var opts = option value='1'Murali/optionoption

 But it is not showing any options in the select tag.

 Pls help me,

 Thanks  Regards,

 Murali Krishna.B

[jQuery] (validate) remote option problem.

2009-11-09 Thread adwen

I have this horrible problem that i've spent like 2 days looking for a
easy solution but to no avail. I've been using the jQuery validation
plugin to do the validation for me and it has working great so far.
I've added the remote option and it communicates perfectly with the
server and sends the responde back to the user.

I don't know it is a bug or that is the way the author intended for it
to work but if there is a problem with the remote validation. I've
made an function that should be triggered and send a 'callout' to the
field. I add this function for the remote in the message section in
'rules'. This should ONLY happen when the field is validated as

For some reason the second i press on submit it doesn't matter the
outcome of the remote validation. it simply executes my function at
all times.

My code:

 $(document).ready(function() {
 errorClass: errorClass,
 ignoreTitle: true,
 errorPlacement: function(error, element) { },
 rules: {
 Name: {
 required: true,
 minlength: 2,
 remote: {
 url: '%= Url.Action(VerifyName)%',
 type: 'POST',
 dataType: 'json',
 data: {
 Name: function() {
 return $('#Name').val();
 Id: function() {
 return selectedID;
 Category: {
 required: true,
 minlength: 1,
 digits: true
Country: { required: true }

 messages: {
 Name: {
 required: ,
 minlength: ,
 remote:  function(element) {
 showCallOut(Name, 'This name already
 focusInvalid: false,
 onkeyup: false,
 onfocusout: false,
 highlight: function(element, errorClass) {

 unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {



What can i do to solve this issue?  Is this a bug in validation
plugin? How do I contact the owner of the validation plugin?
I've read a thread with the similar problem but the solution doesn't
work in my situation:

[jQuery] Re: (validate) Customising bassistance validation plugin

2009-11-09 Thread Iwan Vosloo

I got it working... The value of the required attribute should be a
dependency-expression (
Methods/required#dependency-expression  )

So, required=true does not work.  I'm still trying to figure out
what else can be in there / what exactly a dependency-expression is,
but it seems that the following works (although I'd like to understand



On Nov 9, 2:14 pm, Iwan Vosloo wrote:
 Hi Jörn,

 On Nov 7, 3:28 pm, Jörn Zaefferer

  The plugin by default picks up attributes, so if you're using attribute
  names that match validation plugin methods, it should work like that. Though
  you may need to also provide a value, ala required=true, not sure about

 This works for validation methods, but not for the required...

 - Iwan

[jQuery] help with milkbox conflict

2009-11-09 Thread jessicaw1974
Hi, I am new to this and attempting to use milkbox. It looks like
jquery-1.3.2.min.js is preventing milkbox from working. I wonder if
there is an obvious conflict (already documented), or if this requires
more exploration.

I am pasting code below. Thank you. Jessica

style type=text/css @import url(css/milkbox/milkbox.css);/style
script type=text/javascript src=js/mootools-1.2.3-core-yc.js/
script type=text/javascript src=js/mootools-
script type=text/javascript src=js/milkbox.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=js/mootools-

link type=text/css href=2010css/jquery-ui.css rel=stylesheet /

link type=text/css href=2010css/general.css rel=stylesheet /

script type=text/javascript src=2010js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js/
script type=text/javascript src=2010js/jquery-
script type=text/javascript

// Accordion
$(#accordion).accordion({ header: h3 });

// Accordion
$(#accordion2).accordion({ header: h3 });

// Tabs
// Tabs

// Dialog
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
Cancel: function() {

// Dialog Link
return false;

// Datepicker
inline: true

// Slider
range: true,
values: [17, 67]

// Progressbar
value: 20

//hover states on the static widgets
$('#dialog_link, ul#icons li').hover(
function() { 
$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() { 
$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }


Re: [jQuery] help with milkbox conflict

2009-11-09 Thread Richard D. Worth
See Richard

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:02 AM, jessicaw1974 wrote:

 Hi, I am new to this and attempting to use milkbox. It looks like
 jquery-1.3.2.min.js is preventing milkbox from working. I wonder if
 there is an obvious conflict (already documented), or if this requires
 more exploration.

 I am pasting code below. Thank you. Jessica

 style type=text/css @import url(css/milkbox/milkbox.css);/style
 script type=text/javascript src=js/mootools-1.2.3-core-yc.js/
 script type=text/javascript src=js/mootools-
 script type=text/javascript src=js/milkbox.js/script
 script type=text/javascript src=js/mootools-

 link type=text/css href=2010css/jquery-ui.css rel=stylesheet /
 link type=text/css href=2010css/general.css rel=stylesheet /

 script type=text/javascript src=2010js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js/
 script type=text/javascript src=2010js/jquery-
script type=text/javascript

// Accordion
$(#accordion).accordion({ header: h3 });

// Accordion
$(#accordion2).accordion({ header: h3

// Tabs
// Tabs

// Dialog
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
buttons: {
Ok: function() {

Cancel: function() {


// Dialog Link
return false;

// Datepicker
inline: true

// Slider
range: true,
values: [17, 67]

// Progressbar
value: 20

//hover states on the static widgets
$('#dialog_link, ul#icons li').hover(
function() {
 $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() {
 $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }


[jQuery] show/hide

2009-11-09 Thread Shawn
I have a series of tabs using UI.  I need to hide some tabs depending on 
the selection in the first tab.  Doing $(#tab3).hide(); doesn't work.

This is what I have thus far:

$(#div.jobtype input[name='jobtype']).click( function () {
switch($(this).val()) {
case other: $(#tabLocations).show(); break;
case pipeline: $(#tabSegments).show(); break;
case wellsite: $(#tabWellholes).show(); break;

I did try to add the class ui-tabs-hide to the tab, but that didn't 
work either.  I also did a Google search

I don't want to add/remove tabs - that is not quite what I'm after.  I 
just need to hide/show the tabs.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


[jQuery] jQuery helper function access

2009-11-09 Thread Alex
Hi, there are a couple functions declared in jQuery such as genFx and
num, that would be useful in other aspects of jQuery development, and
other js activities. They are not attatched to the jQery ovbject. Is
there any way currently to access them (me thinks not?), and could
they be instead declared as members of a new object such as
jQuery.util? Would it be a performace hit, or is there another reason
not to expose them?


[jQuery] Re: show/hide

2009-11-09 Thread MorningZ
Show/Hide works perfectly fine in this quick example

recall that the tabs are actually li items that reference the
tabs, which are div's  to hide the tab itself, you need to hide
the li

On Nov 9, 10:23 am, Shawn wrote:
 I have a series of tabs using UI.  I need to hide some tabs depending on
 the selection in the first tab.  Doing $(#tab3).hide(); doesn't work.

 This is what I have thus far:

      $(#div.jobtype input[name='jobtype']).click( function () {
          switch($(this).val()) {
              case other: $(#tabLocations).show(); break;
              case pipeline: $(#tabSegments).show(); break;
              case wellsite: $(#tabWellholes).show(); break;

 I did try to add the class ui-tabs-hide to the tab, but that didn't
 work either.  I also did a Google search

 I don't want to add/remove tabs - that is not quite what I'm after.  I
 just need to hide/show the tabs.

 Any thoughts/suggestions?


Re: [jQuery] Re: show/hide

2009-11-09 Thread Shawn
Thanks.  Your message got me looking in the right direction.  Turns out 
my selector was wrong.  Needed #jobtype, not div.jobtype.  Once I 
changed that everything worked as expected.


MorningZ wrote:

Show/Hide works perfectly fine in this quick example

recall that the tabs are actually li items that reference the
tabs, which are div's  to hide the tab itself, you need to hide
the li

On Nov 9, 10:23 am, Shawn wrote:

I have a series of tabs using UI.  I need to hide some tabs depending on
the selection in the first tab.  Doing $(#tab3).hide(); doesn't work.

This is what I have thus far:

 $(#div.jobtype input[name='jobtype']).click( function () {
 switch($(this).val()) {
 case other: $(#tabLocations).show(); break;
 case pipeline: $(#tabSegments).show(); break;
 case wellsite: $(#tabWellholes).show(); break;

I did try to add the class ui-tabs-hide to the tab, but that didn't
work either.  I also did a Google search

I don't want to add/remove tabs - that is not quite what I'm after.  I
just need to hide/show the tabs.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


[jQuery] Need Sample Code for Menu-Driven Web Application

2009-11-09 Thread joeweder

I am ramping up on jQuery and CSS, AJAX, etc.

I am looking for sample code that would demonstrate best practices for a
menu driven web application. I am really interested in the use of AJAX since
our application displays a lot of dynamic content (status monitoring,
events, etc).

Does anyone have any good recommendations?
View this message in context:
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

[jQuery] resize.simplemodal

2009-11-09 Thread Milos Negovanovic

I have been searching for a way to resize simplemodal dialog after
showing it. In plugin source i can see that a function
'resize.simplemodal' is bound to window on initialization. Ive tried
to call this function directly with no luck. Is there a way to have
simplemodal recalculate its size after loading/showing? (I need this
since extra content is beeing loaded via AJAX after showing the dialog


[jQuery] Thanks for a wonderful library

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Sauyet
I just want to say thanks to the jQuery team for an excellent tool!
And I want to add a shout-out to Remy Sharp for a technique that made
it possible.

My latest project involves little front-end work, and I haven't been
using jQuery much, but I recently had a little itch to scratch, and
jQuery made it quite easy to easy to do.  In fact, had I not had jQ at
my fingertips, I probably would never have even attempted it.  Thanks
for a wonderful library!

Below are the ugly details for anyone intersted:

JBoss is a Java application server, and it provides a management
console that is functional but poorly organized.  When viewing a
particular MBean page, the attributes and operations available are
listed, but not in any logical order.  Using the technique I
shamelessly lifted from Remy Sharp [1], a created a bookmarklet that I
can run to clean up these MBean pages.

My first approach simply sorted the table that contained these
attributes and sorted the collection of forms that contained the
operations, so that I could find what I wanted more easily.  That
worked, but it still left something lacking: a table of contents.  So
I added my own table of contents that automatically collapses out of
the way to a fixed-position, mostly transparent header that when
clicked expands the fully opaque TOC back to a list of links.

All this in fewer than 50 lines of (admittedly dense) Javascript, and
about 90 minutes of coding, interspersed with other more urgent work!

If you use the JBoss JMX console, and want to try it, you can grab the
bookmarklet at  If for some strange
reason, you want to see the actual code, it's at  It doesn't
work properly in IE [2], but I can't be bothered to try to fix it, as
it's really only for my own use.  It works in all the other browsers I

So again, thank you to John and the jQuery team for such an excellent

  -- Scott Sauyet

[1]  See for a
great example of loading jQuery, a custom JS file, and calling it, all
from a bookmarklet.

[2] Wow, I've never heard that phrase before!  :-)  Actually this
looks like an issue with position:fixed in IE.

[jQuery] Re: Iterating over a list

2009-11-09 Thread gthorne
Is that close to what I was doing on the second example, where I was
calling $().text in the callback portion of fadeIn()?

On Nov 9, 12:38 am, Michel Belleville
 To use callbacks that are triggered actually when the animation finishes
 instead of calling the animations all at once and seeing only the very last
 because they all start approximately at the same time.

 Michel Belleville

 2009/11/9 gthorne

  I'm not sure I follow what the principle is?

  On Nov 8, 1:16 pm, Michel Belleville
   Typo indeed ^^°

   Though the principle is sound.

   Michel Belleville

   2009/11/8 Sam Doyle

$(this).fadeOu(duration, function() {


Sent from my iPhone

On 8 Nov 2009, at 07:27, Michel Belleville

$(this).fadeOu(duration, function() {

[jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread m.ugues
I prefer to make the job client-side if is possible.

My idea is to intercept the window.print command (where the layout is
correct through the css print) and not to send it to the printer but
to send it in some way to the constructor of this library

Am I completely wrong? Or may it works?

Kind regards


On 9 Nov, 13:19, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)
 I'd look into something server-side if I was 
 you: a good option, if you have a
 way of running custom binaries on your server.


 m.ugues wrote:
  Hallo all.
  I found this library ( as someone
  suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

  What I need now is a more difficult task.
  I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

  So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

  Any idea?

  Kind regards


 Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
I am attempting to add a class to a div before deleting it. I just cant get
the class  to remove if the user selects no.
Anyone have tips or a link with suggestions? I found the jquery.confirm.js
script but unable to add a class to the element being deleted before confirm

Re: [jQuery] Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

  I am attempting to add a class to a div before deleting it. I just cant
 get the class  to remove if the user selects no.

 Anyone have tips or a link with suggestions? I found the jquery.confirm.js
 script but unable to add a class to the element being deleted before confirm

Hard to give guidance without seeing what code you are using now.

Also, in your first paragraph you say I just cant get the class to
In your second paragraph, you say you are unable to add a class.  So not
sure which it is.

Either way, $('#myDiv').addClass('className'); or
$('#myDiv').removeClass('className') should be all you need.

If those aren't working out, seeing some code would go a long way towards
helping to troubleshoot.

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] Re: Paging

2009-11-09 Thread Raju
Hi All,

Im new to Jquery, I want to do table paging, Can some body help me to do

Warm Regards,

Mari Raj K,
+91 9740765135

RE: [jQuery] Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
My bad.
Here is what I have so far.
$(a.delete).live('click', function (){
 var url_id = $(this).attr(href);
 var div_id = url_id.split('/');  
 var set_id = 'set_'+div_id[div_id.length-1];
   type: POST,
   url: url_id,
   success: function(){
$('#' + set_id).fadeOut('slow', function () {
 return false;

I need to add in the confirm message. Above just adds the class when delete
is clicked then deletes it. I would like the click delete add the class to
the div then the confirm message appears. If they select yes then delete
goes thru, if selected no then the added class gets removed.

Thanks again


From: Charlie Griefer [] 
Sent: November-09-09 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [jQuery] Confirm Delete

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

I am attempting to add a class to a div before deleting it. I just
cant get the class  to remove if the user selects no.
Anyone have tips or a link with suggestions? I found the
jquery.confirm.js script but unable to add a class to the element being
deleted before confirm

Hard to give guidance without seeing what code you are using now.

Also, in your first paragraph you say I just cant get the class to remove.

In your second paragraph, you say you are unable to add a class.  So not
sure which it is.

Either way, $('#myDiv').addClass('className'); or
$('#myDiv').removeClass('className') should be all you need.

If those aren't working out, seeing some code would go a long way towards
helping to troubleshoot.

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

RE: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread Jeffrey Kretz
The jsPDF project, while interesting, has a long way to go.  Their demo page

Worked fine in Safari for iPhone and Safari for Windows, but broke in Chrome
and Firefox 3.  And no IE support at this time.

Seems a bit tricky to use a product that will only support a small
percentage of internet browsers.

Is there any downside for you in using server-side technology?  There are
many many solutions available.


-Original Message-
From: m.ugues [] 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:48 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

I prefer to make the job client-side if is possible.

My idea is to intercept the window.print command (where the layout is
correct through the css print) and not to send it to the printer but
to send it in some way to the constructor of this library

Am I completely wrong? Or may it works?

Kind regards


On 9 Nov, 13:19, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)
 I'd look into something server-side if I was
you: a good option, if you have a
 way of running custom binaries on your server.


 m.ugues wrote:
  Hallo all.
  I found this library ( as someone
  suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

  What I need now is a more difficult task.
  I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

  So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

  Any idea?

  Kind regards


 Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread m.ugues
The problem using server side option is that I have a web site with a
lot of pages.
For every page I need to generate a PDF; so I need to create a Java
class for every html page where I reproduce the html layout (since the
PDF must be the same as the html shown on the screen).

Another problem is that I got a lot of form: printing a form with some
text with a client side option is easy: in the server side option I
need to send keep in mind all the data the user has insert.

I know is a strange user requirement to save every page as PDF...
I wonder if is techincally possible.

Thanks a lot.


On 9 Nov, 18:15, Jeffrey Kretz wrote:
 The jsPDF project, while interesting, has a long way to go.  Their demo page

 Worked fine in Safari for iPhone and Safari for Windows, but broke in Chrome
 and Firefox 3.  And no IE support at this time.

 Seems a bit tricky to use a product that will only support a small
 percentage of internet browsers.

 Is there any downside for you in using server-side technology?  There are
 many many solutions available.


 -Original Message-
 From: m.ugues []
 Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:48 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

 I prefer to make the job client-side if is possible.

 My idea is to intercept the window.print command (where the layout is
 correct through the css print) and not to send it to the printer but
 to send it in some way to the constructor of this 

 Am I completely wrong? Or may it works?

 Kind regards


 On 9 Nov, 13:19, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)
  I'd look into something server-side if I was
 you: good option, if you have a
  way of running custom binaries on your server.


  m.ugues wrote:
   Hallo all.
   I found this library ( as someone
   suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

   What I need now is a more difficult task.
   I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

   So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

   Any idea?

   Kind regards


  Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

Re: [jQuery] Re: Iterating over a list

2009-11-09 Thread Michel Belleville
Your second example was closer, considering you triggered the text change in
a callback, but you still triggered the animations all at once which I think
wasn't the effect you desired.

So how does the example I've given you work ? Let's comment :

var recursive_anim = function(list, step, target, duration) {
// this is a recursive function that uses :
// - list which is a list of texts to set in the target between each
// - step the position in the list of the text to set in the target before
this cycle of animation starts (0 = first text, 1 = second text, ...)
// - target the element to animate
// - duration the duration of the fadeIn() and the fadeOut()

if (list[step]) { // when we're through the list, we stop
target.text(text).fadeIn(duration, function() { // we change the target's
text and we start the fadeIn()
$(this).fadeOut(duration, function() { // the callback is triggered once the
fadeIn() finishes, and we're using our target (the element that juste faded
in) to start the fadeOut()
recursive_anim(list, step + 1, $(this), duration) // the fadeOut callback is
triggered once the fadeOut() also finishes, and we're trying the next step
of animation (taking the next text and doing everything over with this text)

I corrected a small but significant typo on the line
target.text(text).fadeIn(...), obviously I had forgotten the .text() method
in my earlier example.

Hope it helps.

Michel Belleville

2009/11/9 gthorne

 Is that close to what I was doing on the second example, where I was
 calling $().text in the callback portion of fadeIn()?

 On Nov 9, 12:38 am, Michel Belleville
  To use callbacks that are triggered actually when the animation finishes
  instead of calling the animations all at once and seeing only the very
  because they all start approximately at the same time.
  Michel Belleville
  2009/11/9 gthorne
   I'm not sure I follow what the principle is?
   On Nov 8, 1:16 pm, Michel Belleville
Typo indeed ^^°
Though the principle is sound.
Michel Belleville
2009/11/8 Sam Doyle
 $(this).fadeOu(duration, function() {
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 8 Nov 2009, at 07:27, Michel Belleville
 $(this).fadeOu(duration, function() {

Re: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread Logan Bailey
Why do you have to create the page.  People can just click print, and  
then save as pdf?

On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:30 AM, m.ugues wrote:

The problem using server side option is that I have a web site with a
lot of pages.
For every page I need to generate a PDF; so I need to create a Java
class for every html page where I reproduce the html layout (since the
PDF must be the same as the html shown on the screen).

Another problem is that I got a lot of form: printing a form with some
text with a client side option is easy: in the server side option I
need to send keep in mind all the data the user has insert.

I know is a strange user requirement to save every page as PDF...
I wonder if is techincally possible.

Thanks a lot.


On 9 Nov, 18:15, Jeffrey Kretz wrote:
The jsPDF project, while interesting, has a long way to go.  Their  
demo page


Worked fine in Safari for iPhone and Safari for Windows, but broke  
in Chrome

and Firefox 3.  And no IE support at this time.

Seems a bit tricky to use a product that will only support a small
percentage of internet browsers.

Is there any downside for you in using server-side technology?   
There are

many many solutions available.


-Original Message-
From: m.ugues []
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:48 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

I prefer to make the job client-side if is possible.

My idea is to intercept the window.print command (where the layout is
correct through the css print) and not to send it to the printer but
to send it in some way to the constructor of this 

Am I completely wrong? Or may it works?

Kind regards


On 9 Nov, 13:19, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)

I'd look into something server-side if I was
you: good option, if you  
have a

way of running custom binaries on your server.


m.ugues wrote:

Hallo all.
I found this library ( as someone
suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

What I need now is a more difficult task.
I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

Any idea?

Kind regards


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Superfish CSS questio

2009-11-09 Thread luciano991
Thanks. That takes care of the problem.

All the best,


On Nov 8, 5:39 am, gfranklin wrote:
 Your About button is assigned the class .active.

 It looks to me like .active has assigned #ccc background color. Just
 change .active to be something else.

 History button also has .active assigned to it, and .first-child as
 well, so look for those definition in the CSS. However, since you're
 on the History page, the id value #current takes precendence -- the
 blue background (except for when you mouse over it, which
 involves :hover). #current takes precedence because it is defined
 later in the css file. [If #current wasn't defined later than .active
 in the CSS, The history button would look like the About button.]


 p.s. I've pasted your CSS definitions below.

 .sf-menu .active {

         background: #ccc;


 .sf-menu #current {

         background: #202f6a;


 On Nov 7, 4:41 pm, luciano991 wrote:


  Thanks for your response to my inquiry. I did have a bit of sloppy
  code there, and I believe I have fixed that now.

  I just have one problem remaining. When I click on the About Us link
  it goes to an article called History. That all looks great. But if I
  choose History from the drop down menu, it still goes to the History
  article which is correct in the way I have arranged things. However,
  when you go to the History article from the Drop Down menu, the link
  for About Us is grey instead of the blue color I chose for the current
  link. Can that be corrected?



  On Nov 7, 5:00 am, gfranklin wrote:

   You need to change this chunk of your CSS code:

   .sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover,

   .sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active {

           background:             ##ad0303;

           outline:                0;
           color: #fc3131;

   The background has two pound signs (#), it should be only 1. And
   background color should be blue, not red. And the color should be
   white, not blue. You may need to break out all those definitions in
   the list into separate definitions if differing behavior is desired.

   On Nov 6, 6:07 pm, luciano991 wrote:


This is my first post. I want to compliment the author on this great
extension. I had trouble with it at first because I used to be a
Windows guy and now I'm a Mac guy and I'm still getting used to things
that are so simple and obvious I can't see the forest for the trees. I
get it now and wow

I implemented the module here:

If you hover on the About Us link and click  History and go to that
page everything is cool except now the About US link has a grey
background and the drop down link for History has the blue current
background I set for the top level. I can fix one but not all these
problems by editing the style .sf-menu a.sf-with-ul  but I would like
to find the ancestors to edit to fix the problem. I want all link
backgrounds for all levels to be #ad0303 with #fff for the font color,
the current link should be the blue background with white print, the
hover font colors should all be the same.



RE: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread Jeffrey Kretz
Can you do something like this:

1. General Java class that accepts a URL and converts it into a PDF.
2. Link on all pages that will fire the Java program passing its own url as
a parameter.
3. Java program reads the contents of the url as HTML, parses it as PDF.
4. Outputs PDF stream back to browser.


-Original Message-
From: m.ugues [] 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:30 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

The problem using server side option is that I have a web site with a
lot of pages.
For every page I need to generate a PDF; so I need to create a Java
class for every html page where I reproduce the html layout (since the
PDF must be the same as the html shown on the screen).

Another problem is that I got a lot of form: printing a form with some
text with a client side option is easy: in the server side option I
need to send keep in mind all the data the user has insert.

I know is a strange user requirement to save every page as PDF...
I wonder if is techincally possible.

Thanks a lot.


On 9 Nov, 18:15, Jeffrey Kretz wrote:
 The jsPDF project, while interesting, has a long way to go.  Their demo

 Worked fine in Safari for iPhone and Safari for Windows, but broke in
 and Firefox 3.  And no IE support at this time.

 Seems a bit tricky to use a product that will only support a small
 percentage of internet browsers.

 Is there any downside for you in using server-side technology?  There are
 many many solutions available.


 -Original Message-
 From: m.ugues []
 Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:48 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

 I prefer to make the job client-side if is possible.

 My idea is to intercept the window.print command (where the layout is
 correct through the css print) and not to send it to the printer but
 to send it in some way to the constructor of this

 Am I completely wrong? Or may it works?

 Kind regards


 On 9 Nov, 13:19, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV)
  I'd look into something server-side if I was
 you: good option, if you have a
  way of running custom binaries on your server.


  m.ugues wrote:
   Hallo all.
   I found this library ( as someone
   suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

   What I need now is a more difficult task.
   I need to create a PDF file using the css media=print.

   So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

   Any idea?

   Kind regards


  Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV -

[jQuery] Re: Paging

2009-11-09 Thread Bohdan Ganicky
Hi Raju,

you can start by reading this:

Have fun!


On Nov 9, 6:06 pm, Raju wrote:
 Hi All,

 Im new to Jquery, I want to do table paging, Can some body help me to do

 Warm Regards,

 Mari Raj K,
 +91 9740765135

[jQuery] Re: Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread MorningZ
$(a.delete).live('click', function (){

 var url_id = $(this).attr(href);
 var div_id = url_id.split('/');
 var set_id = 'set_'+div_id[div_id.length-1];


if (confirm('Delete?')) {
   type: POST,
   url: url_id,
   success: function(){
$('#' + set_id).fadeOut('slow', function () {

else {

return false;

On Nov 9, 12:15 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 My bad.

 Here is what I have so far.

 $(a.delete).live('click', function (){

  var url_id = $(this).attr(href);
  var div_id = url_id.split('/');  
  var set_id = 'set_'+div_id[div_id.length-1];


    type: POST,
    url: url_id,
    success: function(){
     $('#' + set_id).fadeOut('slow', function () {
  return false;

 I need to add in the confirm message. Above just adds the class when delete
 is clicked then deletes it. I would like the click delete add the class to
 the div then the confirm message appears. If they select yes then delete
 goes thru, if selected no then the added class gets removed.

 Thanks again



 From: Charlie Griefer []
 Sent: November-09-09 1:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [jQuery] Confirm Delete

 On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

         I am attempting to add a class to a div before deleting it. I just
 cant get the class  to remove if the user selects no.

         Anyone have tips or a link with suggestions? I found the
 jquery.confirm.js script but unable to add a class to the element being
 deleted before confirm

 Hard to give guidance without seeing what code you are using now.

 Also, in your first paragraph you say I just cant get the class to remove.

 In your second paragraph, you say you are unable to add a class.  So not
 sure which it is.

 Either way, $('#myDiv').addClass('className'); or
 $('#myDiv').removeClass('className') should be all you need.

 If those aren't working out, seeing some code would go a long way towards
 helping to troubleshoot.

 Charlie Griefer

 I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
 wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

RE: [jQuery] Re: Confirm Delete

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Right on.

Thanks you.


-Original Message-
From: MorningZ [] 
Sent: November-09-09 2:25 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Confirm Delete

$(a.delete).live('click', function (){

 var url_id = $(this).attr(href);
 var div_id = url_id.split('/');
 var set_id = 'set_'+div_id[div_id.length-1];


if (confirm('Delete?')) {
   type: POST,
   url: url_id,
   success: function(){
$('#' + set_id).fadeOut('slow', function () {

else {

return false;

On Nov 9, 12:15 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 My bad.

 Here is what I have so far.

 $(a.delete).live('click', function (){

  var url_id = $(this).attr(href);
  var div_id = url_id.split('/');
  var set_id = 'set_'+div_id[div_id.length-1];


    type: POST,
    url: url_id,
    success: function(){
     $('#' + set_id).fadeOut('slow', function () {
  return false;

 I need to add in the confirm message. Above just adds the class when 
 delete is clicked then deletes it. I would like the click delete add 
 the class to the div then the confirm message appears. If they select 
 yes then delete goes thru, if selected no then the added class gets

 Thanks again



 From: Charlie Griefer []
 Sent: November-09-09 1:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [jQuery] Confirm Delete

 On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

         I am attempting to add a class to a div before deleting it. I 
 just cant get the class  to remove if the user selects no.

         Anyone have tips or a link with suggestions? I found the 
 jquery.confirm.js script but unable to add a class to the element 
 being deleted before confirm

 Hard to give guidance without seeing what code you are using now.

 Also, in your first paragraph you say I just cant get the class to

 In your second paragraph, you say you are unable to add a class.  So 
 not sure which it is.

 Either way, $('#myDiv').addClass('className'); or
 $('#myDiv').removeClass('className') should be all you need.

 If those aren't working out, seeing some code would go a long way 
 towards helping to troubleshoot.

 Charlie Griefer

 I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love 
 my wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Re: [jQuery] jQuery only works in offline files?!

2009-11-09 Thread wesley.bunton

Matt Quackenbush-2 wrote:
 I'm going to say that there is about a 99.99% chance that the paths to
 your CSS and jQuery files are incorrect.

That's the odd thing about this.  I immediatly thought that as well, since
the symptoms are a perfect fit. But I checked and double checked. That is
what I meant about uploading the entire directory, I zipped the index.html
along with the necessary folder exactly the way that it is working and
expanded it just like it is local.  So there is no chance of that being the
cause even though it has all the perfect symptoms.  Thanks for the help
View this message in context:
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

Re: [jQuery] Ajax and removeClass

2009-11-09 Thread cavanshir aliyev
Nobody knows how to solve this issue? maybe this is the wrong mailing list?

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 8:28 PM, cavanshir wrote:


 I have page with buttons and links. I wrote a jQuery code that adds
 new css classes to images under clicked links. Also I have an Ajax
 request, which replaces buttons with identical ones, but with
 different content. After ajax executes, the jQuery code does not add
 new classes to images under links, although links and images  have the
 same attributes.

 Any ideas how to fix this issue.


[jQuery] Validation Remote Question

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Can you set required as remote?
For example I have a year field where the server validates the rules, 4
numeric characters, required.
But rather then having to put the rules for every field in the js required:
true, number: true, maxlength 4, minlength:4 that are duplicates the the
server validation I was hoping there was away to simply use remote for the

I tried using just remote but user enter abc into the year field its valid
when I submit the form, then the server says no its not valid after the form
is submitted. At this point the user has been directed with a successful
save message even though nothing saved.

So basically is there a way to set it up so every field I need checked is
set to required but it checks the server for the actual validation rules?


Re: [jQuery] jQuery only works in offline files?!

2009-11-09 Thread Michel Belleville
If I were you I would still check the files are accessible through the url
you provided in your html hooks (Firebug should help you check that), and if
not I would check the permissions are set right and the files at their
proper place.
Also don't forget if you're using url rewriting, local paths # distant

Michel Belleville

2009/11/9 wesley.bunton

 Matt Quackenbush-2 wrote:
  I'm going to say that there is about a 99.99% chance that the paths
  your CSS and jQuery files are incorrect.

 That's the odd thing about this.  I immediatly thought that as well, since
 the symptoms are a perfect fit. But I checked and double checked. That is
 what I meant about uploading the entire directory, I zipped the index.html
 along with the necessary folder exactly the way that it is working and
 expanded it just like it is local.  So there is no chance of that being the
 cause even though it has all the perfect symptoms.  Thanks for the help
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

Re: [jQuery] Ajax and removeClass

2009-11-09 Thread Michel Belleville
I'm guessing you're giving behaviour to your links like this :
$('#any .old_path a').click(...);

So, you're giving it to any link that are present in the dom at the place
you want when you're executing the former code.

Then you're adding elements to the dom with an ajax call. These elements
haven't had then behaviour passed to them, so they just act like normal

You might want to use bubbling, or the easier .live()
method would use live if I were
you that is).

Hope it solves the problem (pretty sure it will).

Michel Belleville

2009/11/9 cavanshir aliyev

 Nobody knows how to solve this issue? maybe this is the wrong mailing list?

 On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 8:28 PM, cavanshir wrote:


 I have page with buttons and links. I wrote a jQuery code that adds
 new css classes to images under clicked links. Also I have an Ajax
 request, which replaces buttons with identical ones, but with
 different content. After ajax executes, the jQuery code does not add
 new classes to images under links, although links and images  have the
 same attributes.

 Any ideas how to fix this issue.


[jQuery] Re: (validate) Customising bassistance validation plugin

2009-11-09 Thread Iwan Vosloo
Of course, its a jquery expression, what else...

However, I do think the docs may be wrong:  at

In the arguments section it reads:
An expression (String) is evaluated in the context of the element's
form, making the field required only if the expression returns more
than one element.

Surely that should be one or more elements?

- Iwan

[jQuery] jqModal

2009-11-09 Thread bozlite
I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this - I think it might
be too obvious and I'm missing something.

I'm using jqModal to load (via Ajax) a page of academic references -
but I can't get the @href to pick up on the full url of the trigger -
ie, it's ignoring everything from # onwards and I want the modal to
display only the refence identified by that particular named anchor.

My trigger link is:

a class=reference href=/~xx/ma-tesol/documents/
references.html#bassano1986reference modal link/a

and my jquery is:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#refModal').jqm({ajax:'@href', modal:true, target:
'div.jqmAlertContent', trigger: 'a.reference' });

As I say this works perfectly, except that it takes me to the top of
the document and not the #bassano1986 section of it.

Any help much appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Sauyet
On Nov 9, 12:30 pm, m.ugues wrote:
 The problem using server side option is that I have a web site with a
 lot of pages.
 For every page I need to generate a PDF; so I need to create a Java
 class for every html page where I reproduce the html layout (since the
 PDF must be the same as the html shown on the screen).

If you're using Java, I'd suggest that you use the Flying Saucer
project [1], which is an XHTML renderer that can output PDF.  You
should be able to create the normal HTML output stream from the
servlet, passing it into the renderer and stream it out as PDF.  Or
there could be simpler techniques depending upon how your HTML is

Good luck,

  -- Scott


[jQuery] Re: Superfish - overlapping Submenu possible?

2009-11-09 Thread papillon
Problem solved, see

.sf-menu li:hover,
.sf-menu li.sfHover{
z-index: 99;

instead of

.sf-menu li:hover ul,
.sf-menu li.sfHover ul{
z-index: 99;

[jQuery] how to call a toggle on .blur

2009-11-09 Thread
i have a search icon at the top of my page, when i click this it
toggles show/hide on the search form.

now when the user loses focus of the search form (.blur), i want it to
activate the hide part of the toggle.

when the search icon is clicked, it gives focus to the search form, so
the moment the icon is clicked, the search form gains focus, then when
someone clicks somewhere else on the page and the form loses focus, i
want the search form to hide.

the problem is, if i just have the search form hide on .blur, then
when you click the search icon and then click somewhere else and the
search form loses focus, and then you click the icon to show the
search form again, it will hide the search form(to the user, it looks
like it didn't do anything, since the search form is already hidden).
so after 2 clicks on the icon, then, it finally shows the search form

Here's my code:

.searchbutton is the search icon mentioned above. and
#search is my Search Form mentioned above.

  function ()
  .stop().animate({left:-5px}, function() {$('#search').focus

  function ()
  .animate({left:230px}, 300);


how do i get it so that when the search form looses focus(.blur), it
toggles. How do i do this without breaking the toggle?

[jQuery] jquery form and myfom

2009-11-09 Thread Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel

jquery form only work if name of form is myform? is correct afirmation?


Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

2009-11-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

 jquery form only work if name of form is myform? is correct afirmation?

there are no such restrictions/limitations.

Any page element can have any valid name value (any valid value for any
attribute, actually).

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

2009-11-09 Thread Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel
what alternative have?

From: Charlie Griefer 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

  jquery form only work if name of form is myform? is correct afirmation?

there are no such restrictions/limitations.

Any page element can have any valid name value (any valid value for any 
attribute, actually).

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my wife. 
And I wish you my kind of success.

Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

2009-11-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
name your elements with whatever name you want.

form name=gustavo id=xyz class=blah

can be selected via:

$('.blah') (this will return an array of -all- elements of class blah)
$('form') (this will return an array of -all- form elements on the pag)

Is there a specific question here?

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

 what alternative have?

  *From:* Charlie Griefer
 *Sent:* Monday, November 09, 2009 7:18 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

 On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

 jquery form only work if name of form is myform? is correct afirmation?

 there are no such restrictions/limitations.

 Any page element can have any valid name value (any valid value for any
 attribute, actually).

 Charlie Griefer

 I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
 wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

2009-11-09 Thread Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel
thnks´ i treid it.

From: Charlie Griefer 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

name your elements with whatever name you want.

form name=gustavo id=xyz class=blah

can be selected via:

$('.blah') (this will return an array of -all- elements of class blah)
$('form') (this will return an array of -all- form elements on the pag)

Is there a specific question here?

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

  what alternative have?

  From: Charlie Griefer 
  Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 7:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

  On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

jquery form only work if name of form is myform? is correct afirmation?

  there are no such restrictions/limitations.

  Any page element can have any valid name value (any valid value for any 
attribute, actually).

  Charlie Griefer

  I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my 
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my wife. 
And I wish you my kind of success.

Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

2009-11-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
I want that 10 minutes of my life back... :\

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

 thnks´ i treid it.

  *From:* Charlie Griefer
 *Sent:* Monday, November 09, 2009 7:41 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

 name your elements with whatever name you want.

 form name=gustavo id=xyz class=blah

 can be selected via:

 $('.blah') (this will return an array of -all- elements of class blah)
 $('form') (this will return an array of -all- form elements on the pag)

 Is there a specific question here?

 On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

 what alternative have?

  *From:* Charlie Griefer
 *Sent:* Monday, November 09, 2009 7:18 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [jQuery] jquery form and myfom

 On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

 jquery form only work if name of form is myform? is correct afirmation?

 there are no such restrictions/limitations.

 Any page element can have any valid name value (any valid value for any
 attribute, actually).

 Charlie Griefer

 I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
 wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

 Charlie Griefer

 I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
 wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] Div change

2009-11-09 Thread

When div id=MyResult/div changes with a AJAX response I would
like to fire a alert. What am I doing wrong?

$(document).ready(function() {

 $(#MyResult).change(function (){


Re: [jQuery] Div change

2009-11-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 3:26 PM, wrote:

 When div id=MyResult/div changes with a AJAX response I would
 like to fire a alert. What am I doing wrong?

 $(document).ready(function() {

  $(#MyResult).change(function (){


I think the change event only applies to select and input elements.

Most AJAX methods let you specify some sort of callback function to
execute.  See or or or (well, you get
the point).

Point being... you should be able to fire your alert as part of the callback
function :)

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Re: [jQuery] Div change

2009-11-09 Thread Michel Belleville says : The change event fires when
a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since
gaining focus.

Sadly a div is not a control and I don't know of a method to do precisely
what you're trying to do the way you want to do it. Though if I were you,
I'd simply add the behaviour you want to the methods that actually does the

Michel Belleville



 When div id=MyResult/div changes with a AJAX response I would
 like to fire a alert. What am I doing wrong?

 $(document).ready(function() {

  $(#MyResult).change(function (){


Re: R: [jQuery] Check form before submit with ajax

2009-11-09 Thread BMnt
Hi Salvatore,
Thank you for your response. Do you have a basic example to see how to
use this function?

On 7 nov, 10:12, Salvatore FUSTO wrote:
 Use the $.ajax() function: in it among other you can specify a structure of
 data to pass to your action page

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: BMnt []
 Inviato: venerdì 6 novembre 2009 23.29
 A: jQuery (English)
 Oggetto: [jQuery] Check form before submit with ajax

 I'm building a web form with containing 3 fields. When the form is
 submitted a search is done in a database, everything is ok.

 Now, in order to help the user, I would like to display on the form
 the number of results he will get if the form is submitted.
 What's the best way to get this behaviour?

 With a single field it's quite easy ($.get or $.load), but when I add
 multiple checkboxes or multiple select, the construction I cannot
 build the request anynmore...

 Can someone give me some hints to build my form?


[jQuery] jQuery Tabs -- Long content in hidden tabs

2009-11-09 Thread ripcurlksm

I am using jQuery tabs and when I have very long content within the tabs, my
browsers scroll bar reflects the content in the tab with the most content.

Example, Tab 1  Tab 3 has a very long scroll bar, even though it has no
content (because of Tab 2) and you can scroll down through the empty space

Is there a way I can hide the content in Tab 2 so that my browsers scroll
bar displays correctly in relation to the content in the active tab?
View this message in context:
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

[jQuery] Benefit of extending jQuery with a function vs. a JavaScript function?

2009-11-09 Thread marty.mcgee
Hello, Marty McGee here.  I was hoping to open a discussion about the
benefits of extending jQuery with your own custom functions versus
simply writing your functions in JavaScript and calling them without
extending jQuery first.  Please enlighten me and the rest of the
humble jQuery library addicts.  Thanks to all.

For example, this:

  $.function_name = function test() {
alert('in function');

Versus this:


function test() {
  alert('in function');


[jQuery] Return key doesn't invoke OK button in JQuery dialog

2009-11-09 Thread GP
For some reason, Return key doesn't invoke OK button in JQuery dialog.
Any idea what could be the issue?

[jQuery] Plumtree portal

2009-11-09 Thread Wendy
Does anyone have experience in implementing jquery inside of the
Plumtree portal (AKA BEA Aqualogic, AKA Oracle Webcenter Suite)?


[jQuery] How to keep two select items having the same value

2009-11-09 Thread Aaron
Hi all,
I have two select tags which have the same options in the
different positions of a page:
For example,
select name=number1

select name=number2

What I want is: When the user choose an item from the number1
select, the number2select will automatically change to the same
value to the number2.
Is there any one who can provide a solution?

[jQuery] button with jquery

2009-11-09 Thread Chuck
Hi, I'm having trouble in making an ajax call with an html button.
Can anyone answer my questions? Thanks in advance!

url: comment.php?id=1

Question 1: how do I get the php variable $_REQUEST['id'] in jquery?

Question 2:  when I clicked the button, the url goes back to
comment.php.  How can I make it to go back to comment.php?id=1?

Here is the code:
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=../../theme/

script type=text/javascript src=../../includes/jquery-1.3.2.js/

script type=text/javascript
function submitToggle() {
if ($('#submit').css('display') == 'none') {
} else {

function submitCommentToggle() {
if ($('#comment-TA').css('display') == 'none') {
} else {

//add click handler for button
$(#comment_add).click(function() {
//define ajax config object
var ajaxOpts = {
type: post,
url: addComment.php,
data: author= + 
$(#comment-TA).find(input).val() +
comment= + $(#comment-TA).find(textarea).val() + id=1 //need
to replace with $REQUEST['id']

//success: function(data) {
//create a container 
for the new comment
//var div = 




div class=Comments
div class=comment_buttona href=javascript:submitCommentToggle
() class=comment_buttonAdd a Comment/a/div

div id=comment-TA
div class=row
labelName:/labelinput type=text/
form class=comment-textbox
textarea/textareabr /
button id=comment_add Comment /button

div id=comments-section

div class=print-comment
div class=printed-comment-msgmessage/div






[jQuery] Re: jQuery Tabs -- Long content in hidden tabs

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Methvin
If this is UI Tabs you should ask in the jQuery UI group.

[jQuery] Re: How to keep two select items having the same value

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Methvin

 What I want is: When the user choose an item from the number1
 select, the number2select will automatically change to the same
 value to the number2.

Maybe something like this?


If the change event doesn't do it for you, take a look at .click()
or .blur().

[jQuery] Re: Return key doesn't invoke OK button in JQuery dialog

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Methvin
 For some reason, Return key doesn't invoke OK button in JQuery dialog.
 Any idea what could be the issue?

Do you have some simple code demonstrating the problem? If the OK
button is a submit button in a form this generally should work, but an
example would be good.

Re: [jQuery] Re: How to keep two select items having the same value

2009-11-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Dave Methvin wrote:

  What I want is: When the user choose an item from the number1
  select, the number2select will automatically change to the same
  value to the number2.

 Maybe something like this?


 If the change event doesn't do it for you, take a look at .click()
 or .blur().

change() oughtta do it.  What you have there should work perfectly.

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] Re: Benefit of extending jQuery with a function vs. a JavaScript function?

2009-11-09 Thread Dave Methvin
 Hello, Marty McGee here.  I was hoping to open a discussion about the
 benefits of extending jQuery with your own custom functions versus
 simply writing your functions in JavaScript and calling them without
 extending jQuery first.

I am not a fan of extending the jQuery object with unrelated
application-specific functionality. It avoids polluting the global
namespace, but then again it pollutes the jQuery namespace. If jQuery
later tries to claim that name for its own uses, you'll have a

[jQuery] Cascade plugin and multiple selected values

2009-11-09 Thread rmachado
Hello to all

I using the cascade plugin in 3 dropdowns and it works fine, but in
some ocasions I need to pre selected the values because the user is
editing the previous recorded selections.

I manage to selected the value of the first dropdown with the
following code:
$('#chained [value=1').attr('selected','selected').parent().change();

but how can I selected the second one and the third?

I tried this:
script type=text/javascript
 function startDrops() {
   $('#chained [value=1]').attr('selected','selected').parent().change
   $('#chained_child [value=3]').attr('selected','selected').parent

body onload=Javascript:startDrops();

But it didn't work..

How can I do it?


[jQuery] Reloading Problem

2009-11-09 Thread Kaley

Hey guys, I'm working on a status-Updater. It works, there is just
one problem, after sending a Status I have to manual reload the page
to let the script work again. Do you can help me please? Here's the

script language=javascript
var s_autor =   $('#s_autor').attr('value');
var s_status=   $('#s_status').attr('value');
type: POST,
url: /admin/request.php,
data: s_autor=+ s_autor + s_status=+ s_status,
success: function(){
(slow, function(){
$(function() {
(slow, 0.01, function(){
(this).slideUp(slow, function() {
}, 2000);
return false;

So do you know how to code it to make it possible to repeat the script
how often I click on the submit button?

By the way, here's the HTML-Form:

form id=status_form method=post action=request.php
onsubmit=return false;
input type=text id=s_autor name=s_autor value=?=
$user_id; ? style=display: none; /input type=text
id=s_status name=s_status value=Statusnachricht /input
type=submit value= class=submit id=status_submit /

Well, the file request.php is looking like this (in the moment!):
div class=inhaltdiv class=textErfolgreich eingetragen!/div/
div The PHP-Part is coming up. I want to reach that if I click on the
submit-Button, the jquery-code works. Well, it works, but just ONE
TIME. After clicking the first time on the submit-button, the script
SHOULD work like it did the first time. But if I click on the submit
button the second time, nothing works. Anyway: I want the script work
as often I click on the submit button Hope you understand me. My
english is not the best... (I'm german...)

[jQuery] Re: jquery form and myfom

2009-11-09 Thread Mike Alsup
 I want that 10 minutes of my life back... :\

Ha ha.  Love it!

[jQuery] URGENT!!! Need Help!!! IE bug in carousel3d plugin on image animation click after ajax call

2009-11-09 Thread bourne_net2009
I have a IE bug in carousel3d plugin on image click animation after
ajax call. The ajax call return a new set of images html tags, but
only in internet explorer, when click on a
new image. The animation start and go back at it initial position.
here the link of my site --
(to see the bug, click on Navigation - Guide and click on the
escalator icon...and after click on a image (not on the boxcaption,
but click on the image directly, I'll fix that later), you'll see what
happen) I
used IE7, firefox and others browser is working correctly.

Here a link to my carousel3d plugin (
) and here are my call function to change level.
script type=text/javascript
function changeLevel(floorLevelID) {
//remove carousel (free element from memory)
jQuery(function($) {
()).carousel3d( {control: 'buttons', speed:1, fadeEffect:1, textBox:1,
centerX: $('#carousel').offset().left + $('#carousel').width()/2.5,
centerY: 425, remove: 1 } );
$(#holder_images img).remove();
$(#carousel img).remove();
//Get the new html for holder_images tag.
url: salon_virtuel_change_floor_level.php?floorID= +
floorLevelID + tag=holder_images,
dataType: html,
cache: false,
async: false,
success: function(html){
//Get the new html for carouselText tag.
url: salon_virtuel_change_floor_level.php?floorID= +
floorLevelID + tag=carouselText,
dataType: html,
cache: false,
async: false,
success: function(html){
//Refresh the carousel
jQuery(function($) {
()).carousel3d( {control: 'buttons', speed:1, fadeEffect:1, textBox:1,
centerX: $('#carousel').offset().left + $('#carousel').width()/2.5,
centerY: 425 } );
//close menu after changing floor Level

If anyone can help me has soon as possible, I will really appreciate
Thank you very much in advance for your help.

[jQuery] Re: URGENT!!! Need Help!!! IE bug in carousel3d plugin on image animation click after ajax call

2009-11-09 Thread bourne_net2009
Here the corrected link for my carousel3d plugin --

[jQuery] jquery form...

2009-11-09 Thread Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel

i´m try with this example:

but Alert(data.message) return undefinited


Re: [jQuery] jquery form...

2009-11-09 Thread Matt Quackenbush
Why?  Simple.  Because the variable does not exist.  :D

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

 i´m try with this example:

 but Alert(data.message) return undefinited


[jQuery] cloning a canvas

2009-11-09 Thread eclipse
Hi all,

Does anyone know if this is possible? I'm using the jqplot plugin to
create graphs on my page, and when a user clicks on a button, I want
to duplicate the graph in a new window so they can print it by itself.
I'm doing it right now by opening a new window and appending the
original plot, but that removes the plot from the parent page (I guess
I could just recreate the plot). Cloning the plot doesn't seem to work
as it only clones the canvas tags and not the graph information...


Re: [jQuery] jquery form...

2009-11-09 Thread Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel
i don´t understand 
i write this:

 echo '{ message: ' . $_POST['message'] . ' }';   

From: Matt Quackenbush 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [jQuery] jquery form...

Why?  Simple.  Because the variable does not exist.  :D

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

  i´m try with this example:

  but Alert(data.message) return undefinited


Re: [jQuery] jquery form...

2009-11-09 Thread Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel
My error.
original code:
  $('#jsonForm').ajaxForm({ // dataType identifies the expected content 
type of the server response dataType:  'json',  My code:  
$('#jsonForm').ajaxForm({ // dataType identifies the expected content 
type of the server response datatype:  'json',  (look datatype original 
dataType' upcase(T) tk

From: Matt Quackenbush 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [jQuery] jquery form...

Why?  Simple.  Because the variable does not exist.  :D

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:

  i´m try with this example:

  but Alert(data.message) return undefinited


Re: [jQuery] making images cycle with clueTip

2009-11-09 Thread Karl Swedberg
I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to do. Do you have a test  
page that shows what you've done so far?


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 5, 2009, at 3:37 PM, Jack wrote:

Hello, is it possible to use clueTip to cycle images. I used jcycle to
make a slide show based on images in an html page. That works fine.
Now I would like these images to appear in a clueTip. I tried the
clueTip feature that allows you to include a web page  so I included
the web that uses jcycle with the images but it does not work.



Re: [jQuery] how do i prevent having a paragraph tag for the text AFTER i expand?

2009-11-09 Thread Karl Swedberg
it would be helpful to see a page with the html output rather than  
your php variables. Also, try using a span rather than a div for the  


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 5, 2009, at 6:04 AM, Kei Simone wrote:


i noticed that whenever i expanded the text, the subsequent text

and the expand prefix...

also tends to be on the next line.

Please advise.

This is my expand code.

$(document).ready(function() {

 // override some default options
 $('div.expandable div').expander({

   slicePoint:   160,  // default is 100
   expandText: 'div class=expand-
buttonnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Expand/div', // default is
'read more...'
//expandSpeed:  '2000', // speed in milliseconds of the animation
effect for expanding the text
//expandPrefix: '...',
 expandEffect: 'fadeIn',
   collapseTimer:0, // re-collapses after 5 seconds; default is
0, so no re-collapsing
   userCollapseText: 'Collapse' , // default is '[collapse expanded

   afterExpand: function($thisElement) {

 var vendorParaID = $thisElement.attr('id');

 var underscore = vendorParaID.indexOf('_');

 var vendorID = vendorParaID.substring(0, underscore);


 var heightOfDIV = $thisElement.height();

 if(heightOfDIV  290){
$thisElement.attr({style : height:290px;overflow:auto});

   onCollapse: function($thisElement, byUser) {
 var vendorParaID = $thisElement.attr('id');
 var underscore = vendorParaID.indexOf('_');

 var vendorID = vendorParaID.substring(0, underscore);


 var heightOfDIV = $thisElement.height();

 if(heightOfDIV  68){



This is my div for the expandable.

div class=expandable 
   div id={$vender.id_manufacturer}


[jQuery] [Treeview] Manually toggling a node

2009-11-09 Thread James
I've been working with Jörn Zaefferer's treeview control, and overall
have found it great.  But I am having problem, not as much with
dynamically adding items, but getting them to properly display once
they are added.  My treeview is something like this:

Level 1 Item (open)
   Level 2 Item (open)
 Level 3 Item (closed)
 Level 3 Item (closed)
   Level 2 Item (open)

Each of the level 2 items have an add icon that lets me add a Level
3 item. I am actually able to add the item (under Firefox 3.5.5,
trying to get it work with IE6) with success to the treeview, except
for 2 things.

A) If I click on the Level 3 add icon item, to add a Level 4 item, I
cannot expand the treeview to see the new Level 4 Item I created.
B) The treeview does not automatically expand my new Level 3 item,
once I've clicked on the Level 2 add icon.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery $.get callback function not being called

2009-11-09 Thread ArnieML
Hello Michel,

Thank you very much for your help. I've used Firebug to verify that
json_encode($tweets) outputs json data. But on another php discussion
thread, they suggested to really verify that only json data is being
encoded, without spaces before and after the data. So I'm going to go
through that investigation today. Thanks again!



On Nov 8, 10:44 pm, Michel Belleville
 Well no, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate is exactly what you need here.
 If you had cache your problem could have been that the cache was keeping a
 former result from when you didn't output the result. You should check
 wether you get something in the reply, and if not ask yourself why your PHP
 script doesn't output anything (my best guess at this point would be that
 get_tmmtweets($east, $south, $west, $north, $mood); returns nothing that
 json_encode() likes, if anything), though I don't know get_tmmtweets and I
 guess I can't help you much here.

 Michel Belleville

 2009/11/9 ArnieML

  I tried echo json_encode($tweets);
  and still no callback function. The XMLhttp response header looks like

  Date    Mon, 09 Nov 2009 00:57:25 GMT
  Content-Type    text/html
  Connection      close
  Server  Apache
  X-Powered-By    PHP/5.2.1
  Expires Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
  Cache-Control   no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-
  Pragma  no-cache
  Content-Length  20283

  Is the Cache-Control setting of no-store, no-cache a possible problem?



  On Nov 8, 11:14 am, Michel Belleville
   Well the doc suggests json_encode
   doesn't change the variable passed as a parameter but
   returns the encoded string so you've got to do something like this :
   echo json_encode($tweets);

   To get a jason encoded serialisation of your data output in the response
   not :
   echo $tweets;

   Which would only output $tweets not encoded.

   Though if it doesn't work like I tell you, you'd better worry about
   something else and I don't know exactly what at this point.

   Michel Belleville

   2009/11/8 ArnieML

Hi Michel,

I added the following statement after json encoding:

echo $tweets;

to the PHP, but the callback function still isn't getting called.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for the help.

On Nov 7, 11:20 pm, Michel Belleville
 It's been a long time since my last PHP days but shouldn't you echo
 something to get it sent ? It seems you'd get an empty response here
 json_encode already outputs the answer to the response). And as you
 at least a bit of json to run through and output parts of, your
 be called but not do anything about the empty response.

 Hope it helps.

 Michel Belleville

 2009/11/8 ArnieML

  Hello, I hope someone can help. I'm issuing the following ajax

         $.get(/ajaxtest.php, { ajax: true, east:
  southWest.lng(), north:, south:,
  amood },
         function (data) {
                 for(var i=0; idata.length; i++){
                 alert(now processing tweets);
                 display_tmmmarker(map, data[i], i);

         }, 'json');

  The PHP page looks like this:

  if ( $_REQUEST['ajax'] == 'true' ) {
         $east   = $_REQUEST['east'];
         $south  = $_REQUEST['south'];
         $west   = $_REQUEST['west'];
         $north  = $_REQUEST['north'];
         $mood   = $_REQUEST['mood'];

         $tweets = get_tmmtweets($east, $south, $west, $north,


  I have verified that the $tweets array has been JSON-encoded using
  array_values. But the callback function isn't being invoked. I put
  an alert statement in the callback to verify if the function has
  called, but I'm not getting the alert message. Is the $tweets array
  not being passed on for some reason?

  Can someone help out? Thanks very much!

[jQuery] tablesorter + AJAX

2009-11-09 Thread sumdog

Hey there,

I've read through several AJAX+tablesorter posts and am still a little
confuzzled on this. I am loading an entire table into a div like so:

div id=mainContent

script type=text/javascript 
   $(document).ready( function() { 
function(data) {

The /ajaxRates URL returns the HTML table. I place it into the div using the
function right after it. I then call that new table and apply tablesorter()
to it. If I do this to an inplace table, it works fine. It's just the AJAX
table I'm having trouble with.

The new table should be fully in the DOM by the time that function returns
correct? Is there some other event I need to wait for or attach somehow in
order to get this to work correctly? 

Sumit Khanna
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Re: [jQuery] Calling function in jQuery

2009-11-09 Thread Murali Krishna B
Hi all,

Now I am able to call jQuery functions from other blocks.

Please help me in solving this one also.

I have a form with select option. It will be populated dynamically after
every ajax request.

In form, I have a select tag with no options.

select id='users'

After getting a content from ajax, I am preparing all the available options,
and placing that content in select tag.

var opts = option value='1'Murali/option

 option value='2'Krishna/option;

 But it is not showing any options in the select tag.



On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Dhruva Sagar wrote:

 The function by itself will not be available within other blocks, since the
 function is in local scope.
 You should attach the function to the jQuery object instead for later use
 using the following syntax :

 (function($) {

   $.function_name = function test() {
 alert('in function');

 Then later in other jQuery blocks (although you will have to ensure that
 your previously defined block has been already included) you can call your
 function simply by using $.function_name();

 Thanks  Regards,
 Dhruva Sagar.

 On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Murali Krishna B wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am creating a function using jQuery in application.js file.

 (function($) {

   function test() {
 alert('in function');

 When I am trying to call this function from outside (not in this jQuery
 block), I am getting an error saying that function is not defined.
 I am including this file, also I am calling this function from a jQuery
 block. Still I am getting this error.

 How to call that function?


 Also, I am facing another issue. I have a form with select option. It will
 be populated dynamically after every ajax request.

 In form, I have a select tag with no options.

 select id='users'

 After getting a content from ajax, I am preparing all the available
 options, and placing that content in select tag.

 var opts = option value='1'Murali/optionoption

 But it is not showing any options in the select tag.

 Pls help me,

 Thanks  Regards,

 Murali Krishna.B

Thanks  Regards,

Murali Krishna.B

Re: [jQuery] making images cycle with clueTip

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Sauyet

Jack wrote:

Hello, is it possible to use clueTip to cycle images. I used jcycle to
make a slide show based on images in an html page. That works fine.
Now I would like these images to appear in a clueTip. I tried the
clueTip feature that allows you to include a web page  so I included
the web that uses jcycle with the images but it does not work.

As a guess, and without going back to look at clueTip's implementation, 
have you forgotten to initialize the slide show after the clueTip's html 
loads?  Something like this (entirely untested) code?:

$(selector).clueTip({onShow: success: function(data, status) {
$(cycleDiv, selector).cycle();

Good luck,

 -- Scott

[jQuery] jQuery Logic - Three elements used to cycle information

2009-11-09 Thread Gavy


I'm hoping I can get a bit of help with a logic issue.

I have a horizontal-scrolling content element (similar to this ). It uses three
DIVs with three classes - prev, current, and next. The elements' contents
are loaded from an XML file of hundreds of items. With each navigational
command (i.e. a 'next' link that slides the three elements to the left to
show the 'next' element), the prev/next DIVs are emptied and re-filled with
the correct content from the XML. The problem I have is with re-assigning
classes to the elements to reflect their new positions. Here's the code:


I'm sure you can see the issue. I have to change the class of all three
elements, but the third line presents an issue. Then it runs, TWO elements
have the .prev class. It will effectively reverse itself.

So you can see the issue. I'm looking for an alternate technique or idea
here. Your input is greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!
View this message in context:
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

Re: [jQuery] Re: Benefit of extending jQuery with a function vs. a JavaScript function?

2009-11-09 Thread Michel Belleville
I'd say extend jQuery when you're writing generic plugins that may be reused
in another context, your application-specific code has no business extending

Michel Belleville

2009/11/10 Dave Methvin

  Hello, Marty McGee here.  I was hoping to open a discussion about the
  benefits of extending jQuery with your own custom functions versus
  simply writing your functions in JavaScript and calling them without
  extending jQuery first.

 I am not a fan of extending the jQuery object with unrelated
 application-specific functionality. It avoids polluting the global
 namespace, but then again it pollutes the jQuery namespace. If jQuery
 later tries to claim that name for its own uses, you'll have a