[jQuery] Re: Tell-a-friend script?

2007-10-08 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, October 08, 2007 3:19 PM marlyred said:

 PHP, but my pages are static html.

You may have already received an email about this offlist but javascript
(jQuery is javascript) cannot send emails. What it will need to do is
submit the form's data to a server side script (in your case PHP) and
have the server send the email through its MTA (probably sendmail,
possibly postfix). Static HTML doesn't have anything to do with it. The
PHP script that needs to be written doesn't necessarily need to display
anything to the user.

The flow would go like this:

static page with form - form is submitted to PHP page - PHP page sends
email and then redirects to another static page with a confirmation e.g.
Your tell-a-friend request has been sent.


[jQuery] Re: uhhh.......WAT?

2007-09-28 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, September 27, 2007 5:28 PM Robert Koberg said:

 I am new to jquery. Haven't had any problems that couldn't be solved
 by the docs or a search. I am amazed that an ass/troll/clueless
 individual gets so much play.

Since you're new to jQuery you should be made aware that this community
prides itself on not taking a position such as yours. Your elitist
attitude is the opposite of what we try to achieve. That's exactly WHY
he got so much play. Because we don't put people down for being


[jQuery] Re: uhhh.......WAT?

2007-09-27 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, September 27, 2007 8:44 AM cmbtrx said:

Oooh ooh me too!

 OK, forgive my tone here...I'm actually quite flabbergasted.


But first, when writing to a mailing list with an issue that you want
resolved it's necessary to describe the issue. Some issues can be solved
by just reading the author's description. Others, like yours, need a lot
more detail. Specifically...

 Oh, I'm sure that quite obviously I'm doing something wrong, because
 after following the first few paragraphs of the How JQuery Works
 section (clicking a link launches an alert box...uh ok, no fine) it
 does absolutely nothing.

What browser and OS are you using?

Where exactly did you click that gave you the alert box?

What example are you following that is not working?


I agree. But for different reasons.

 So far the javascript skills required for testing this are sub-fetal
 so I can't imagine what black magic I might possibly have introduced
 into this 79Kb albatross.

this 79Kb albatross? What is this? Are you referring to one of your
own projects?

 No, OK, I won't condemn it yet, but can somebody enlighten me?

You're very gracious... *rollseyes*

 (I thought this would be easy.)

No one can say why you're having a difficult time (for the reasons I
listed above) but one thing is sure, jQuery *IS EASY*. But these issues
are often due to PEBKAC: a frustrating and illusive problem.

I think you'll come to find that the jQuery community is very helpful.
Just look at all the people who are eager to solve your problem!


[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: Picklists

2007-09-26 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, September 26, 2007 1:58 AM Enrique Meléndez Estrada said:

 I think the pattern would be: both multiselectors side by side, and
 arrows to left and right indicating moving options from left selector
 to the right and viceversa (instead of add and remove buttons).
 Also its better to physically remove options from selector From,
 instead of greying them, once they are moved tho selector To.


[jQuery] Re: JQUERY UTF8

2007-09-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Sunday, September 23, 2007 5:40 AM Bil Corry said:

 Mahir wrote on 9/21/2007 11:02 PM:
 the datatype collaboration is utf8_unicode_ci in mysql. it retrieves
 value as ??
 I'm guessing you mean the UTF-8 replacement character  :

It's probably showing up as questions marks. I had this same problem.

 That would suggest the data coming out of your database isn't
 actually encoded in UTF-8, but is being displayed in UTF-8.  Some
 browsers helpfully detect charset mis-matches and will automatically
 switch to the correct encoding, and others don't.   
 Are you certain the data stored in the database is actually in UTF-8?
 Do you have an example page that shows the problem? 

...you're very likely right about this part. As I said, I had this same
problem that the original poster explaiend and it turned out that there
was a hole in my UTF-8 flow in my PHP code.

Start at
http://www.mail-archive.com/jquery-en@googlegroups.com/msg14899.html to
see the original thread I made and how I ended up solving it.


[jQuery] Why doesn't jQuery complete animations smoothly?

2007-09-24 Thread Chris W. Parker


Maybe this has everything to do with implementation and is not a fault
of jQuery but I've always wondered why animations (like slideDown) do
not finish smoothly.

Case in point: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

The animation is smooth until the very end where it jumps to completion,
skipping several frames of motion. Why is that? I've noticed it in my
own basic animations too.


[jQuery] Re: Why doesn't jQuery complete animations smoothly?

2007-09-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, September 24, 2007 10:34 AM John Resig said:

 In your code you're modifying the .html() of contents twice after the
 animation has already started. If you do a show animation (like what
 .show() and .sildeDown() do) then they do a calculation animating the
 height to auto - if that height changes after the animation has
 already begun then there will be a jump at the end in order to
 In your _show_image_data() function just call your two .html() cases
 before you begin any animations and that should help.

Actually, that link is not to my own work. I'm not able to test my own
code right at the moment but I will post back later after I experiment a


[jQuery] Re: Tag Cloud

2007-09-20 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:23 AM Mandy Singh said:

 All my code is written in jquery so rather than writing something to
 randomly capiltalize and change font of some stuff inside a div to
 generate a tag cloud, I thought something like this, if available as
 jquery plugin which takes a div as argument and randomly does the css
 stuff, would be great.

Tag clouds aren't supposed to be random[1]. The bigger a word appears,
the more popular it is.

Hope this helps,

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud

[jQuery] Re: Jquery in the BBB

2007-09-20 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:15 AM Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide
Web) said:

 Well, I just received the Files but I threw up a basic template. I
 will be templating the CMS system over the next few weeks. 
 this will be the look for every single local BBB in the US/CA so
 thats hundreds new of sites running jquery 

Looks pretty good and it's great to see jQuery in there too. Thanks for


[jQuery] Re: Jquery in the BBB

2007-09-19 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:16 PM Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide
Web) said:

 I'm doing the  back end programming for the new BBB websites launching
 at the beginning of next month, they are rocking Jquery all the way!
 They are using interface, roundbox, slider

Battle Bots from Bornio? Big Bumble Bees? Beautiful Brown Barns?
Bartholomew's Biggest Bungle?

[jQuery] Re: Code Review: Table filtering...

2007-09-14 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, September 14, 2007 6:12 AM Andy Matthews said:

 Yesterday I asked on the list for suggestions on how to filter the
 contents of a table using an autocomplete type interface. Didn't get
 any answers so last night I wrote it myself.

I'm positive there is a plugin out there that does this. Did you check
the plugin repository?

 I was wondering if I could get some of you gurus to take a quick peek
 at it and offer suggestions or critiques on what I could to to
 improve it. Any suggestions, no matter how small, will be
 appreciated. It's the only way I'm going to improve.   

It should filter based on any part of the tring. Typing abed doesn't
get any results but it should because there is Jonathan Abed.

Also I think it tries to filter too quickly. Since it's a bit slow (I
don't know if that can be rememedied through improved code), don't
filter on each keypress (which it seems to be doing). Instead, have it
wait for 500ms or so after each keypress to capture the next one before
filtering starts.


[jQuery] Re: Code Review: Table filtering...

2007-09-14 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, September 14, 2007 9:25 AM Bil Corry said:

 Andy Matthews wrote on 9/14/2007 8:11 AM:
 Yesterday I asked on the list for suggestions on how to filter the
 contents of a table using an autocomplete type interface. Didn't get
 any answers so last night I wrote it myself.
 Sorry, I must have missed your post (I find it difficult to keep up
 with the traffic on this list).  This is what I've been using for
 many years, the only tweak I made to it was to make it

And if you prefer a jQuery plugin (this is the one I was talking about):


[jQuery] Re: Downloading 1.2 minified, getting 46kb instead of 14kb ??!?

2007-09-14 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, September 14, 2007 9:10 AM Glen Lipka said:

 Viola!  All my JS files were significantly smaller. (check my site to
 see evidence)

I prefer the cello. But that's just me.

(See http://wsu.edu/~brians/errors/voila.html)

[jQuery] Re: bassistance: jQuery plugin: Autocomplete

2007-09-05 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:09 PM Jörn Zaefferer said:


I'm confused by this plugin. Is it meant to restrict the input to a predefined 
list of options ONLY or should it also allow new entries along with a 
predefined list (or both)?

I'm just coming into this thread so hopefully this hasn't already been 
mentioned. I didn't see it in the Known Issues section on your site.

Depending on the answer to my first question I think there is a big usability 
flaw in this. When typing an option that doesn't have a match the autocomplete 
list stays open and active. This shouldn't be the case.

For example, on the demo page, typing Lo selects Lockbourne but typing 
Los doesn't dismiss the list. Lockbourne is still highlighted. If I press 
tab (to go to the next field in the form), Lockbourne is entered into the 
field. This is confusing and frustrating. It's very difficult to enter a value 
other than what is in the list.

If this plugin is meant to restrict form input (in text fields) to a predefined 
list I would suggest that it be modified just a little. When someone starts 
typing something that is not in the list it would be great if the autocomplete 
box responded that it is aware of what's happening. The list should be replaced 
with a warning like: That is not a valid entry., That option is not 
available., Invalid option, Option unavailable etc.


[jQuery] Re: bassistance: jQuery plugin: Autocomplete

2007-09-05 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, September 05, 2007 2:47 PM Jörn Zaefferer said:

 Thanks Chris for the post. So far the plugin is meant to allow both.
 Though especially the restricting-mode is flawed and doesn't provide
 the necessary feedback. I also agree that Tab should dismiss the
 selectbox and work as usual otherwise. The plugin is still declared
 as alpha quality - your feedback is highly appreciated.

Great. I look forward to a stable release.


[jQuery] Re: how to block another ajax request when one is in the progress

2007-08-30 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, August 30, 2007 8:46 AM Xinhao Zheng said:

 i write a hover event for div,and in the handler use ajax to request
 data.but it give me a problem:
 it do the same ajax request many times(the number is the times i hover
 the div) when the first ajax didn't finished.

I don't have an answer to your specific question but maybe you should
consider changing the event trigger from hover to click? Alternatively
you might be able to utilize the BlockUI
(http://www.malsup.com/jquery/block/) plugin to prevent interaction
(clicks, hovers, etc.) with your page (or just that element) until the
first request has been completed.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2

2007-08-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, August 24, 2007 1:47 AM John Resig said:

 jQuery 1.1.4 has just been released! The full details of this release
 can be found on the jQuery blog:

 Suffice it to say that some significant speed increases, test coverage
 increases, and API reductions have been made. Please let us know if
 you encounter any new problems from jQuery

Wow. Those speed improvements are pretty fantastic.

Also, the test suite link(s) are 404ing.


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] LavaLamp for jQuery lovers released!

2007-08-23 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:20 AM Ganeshji Marwaha said:

 You can get a complete overview and how to implement it in your site
 here - http://gmarwaha.com/blog/?p=7 
 Special thanks to Stephan Beal who gave it its name and to Glen Lipka
 who generously chipped in and helped with image sprites. 
 I would be happy to answer
 any questions, comments or suggestions you may have...  

Good job Ganeshji. But what happened to the smooth animation? Is it my
system? Firefox 2 on XP. Your original test is smooth.


[jQuery] Re: Trouble Deleting Table Rows

2007-08-22 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, August 21, 2007 11:19 PM ethanpil said:

 I have spent 3 or 4 hours trying different
 variations of getting that close link to generate an event, but I cant
 even get it to give me an alert or anything else
 a href=# id=close_ticketClose/a/p/td/tr';

See the problem?

a.close_ticket != a#close_ticket

Hope this helps!

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] tablesorter 2.0 released

2007-08-15 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:38 PM Christian Bach said:

 Hi List,
 I just released the 2.0 version of tablesorter.


 Get it all at http://tablesorter.com

Fantastic. Awesome. Amazing. Great.

[jQuery] Re: Slightly OT: overview of HTML5 elements

2007-08-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, August 09, 2007 2:01 PM Dan G. Switzer, II said:

 A lot of these are probably more for the benefit of the search
 engines and for SEO purposes. Tags like section / and article /
 gives search engines a little more information about what they're
 parsing (the same with the header /, footer / and nav / tags.)
 Obviously, they can be abused for SEO as well, but I think those tags
 are strictly for document declaration...

As you're probably aware, it's all a part of the semantic web. Markup
the web in a way that has meaning to a machine.

I think it all looks very interesting and useful. The more semantic the
better, I think.


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jCarousel Lite - version 1.0

2007-08-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, August 09, 2007 2:08 PM Andy Matthews said:

 This plugin is flawless. You covered every base that anyone could
 have thought it. 

Oh *really*?

First thing I noticed (since JS is turned off by default) is that it's
not unobtrusive. It'd be *great* if the pictures just sat on the page if
JS was unavailable.


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jCarousel Lite - version 1.0

2007-08-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, August 09, 2007 3:12 PM Ganeshji Marwaha said:

 Chris - Thanks for your comment. But, i think, you got it wrong. My
 site's demos are specifically done such that disabling javascript
 will disable the entire carousel. This is not the problem of the
 plugin itself. For example, take a look at this page - 
 http://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/test/testDefault.html .
 Here, i dont have that kind of setup. Here, the carousel should
 unobstrusively display all the elements based on what your css style
 rules are... In my case, i don't have any style rules except for the
 browser default. Thanks for the feedback though. I love feedbacks.

Good to know! Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Radio button

2007-06-21 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:48 AM Klaus Hartl said:

 $(document).ready(function() {
  $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'section']).click(function(){
   $(this)[this.checked ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('checked'); });

What kind of syntax is that third line? (I don't mean the ternary

[jQuery] Re: Release: Validation plugin 1.1

2007-06-21 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:04 PM Jörn Zaefferer said:

 Hooray! Version 1.1 of the validation plugin (
 http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/ )
 brings, along a few bufixes, sophisticated validation on blur, keyup
 and click events. They are designed to help the user where
 appropiate, without interrupting when he hadn't even the chance to
 enter anything. 
 Coming up in the next version: Ajax validation. Finally.

How will that work?

Are you going to write the library yourself?

Will it be language independent? If not, what language?


[jQuery] Re: Shopping Cart Dynamic Price Update

2007-06-18 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, June 18, 2007 3:52 PM cfdvlpr  said:

 Now, the prices are dynamically generated, but only for 1 size of
 I'm hardcoding the size of the product where you see the 0.
 However, I'm not sure how to take this to the next step and to take
 into account the size.

By size do you mean small, medium, and large?

 Do I need a more complicated variable structure?

You somehow need to pass the size into that function along with all
your other data so that you can replace all those zeros with a variable
called size.

 Any examples out there like this that I can take a look at?

I'm not even completely sure what you're doing.

Let's say 1 product costs $10. But 5 or more products costs $9.

So with this function, when someone updates the qty in their cart from
4 to 5+, the price per unit will change from $10 to $9. Right? If so,
that's why I'm confused about what size means.

If size is an attribute of the product (e.g. color, material, etc.)
then you should be returning the price break levels for that specific
product (a brown, large, widget made of clay) and not fishing them out
of an array. But I have a feeling that's not what size means...


[jQuery] Re: Adding AJAX(?) functionality to existing site... do I make new server files?

2007-06-13 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:07 PM Benjamin Sterling  said:

 If you want to keep your site unobtrusive, then option 2 would be
 better. Just pass an extra param, whether it is a POST or a GET, and
 have the serverside page keep a look out for that param.  This of
 course is assuming that your current set up is something like: 
 formpage - processpage -redirectedToPage.

Yes that is the way my pages flow so I think I'll go with what you
suggest. Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: Speed Tests Feedback

2007-06-13 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, June 13, 2007 8:31 AM Rey Bango  said:

 Hopefully, everyone will bare with us
 just a bit while we focus on finishing v1.1.3 and then jump on v1.2.

I don't think taking our clothes off will help the situation. ;)

[jQuery] Request to all developers: Put version number in file name please

2007-06-13 Thread Chris W. Parker

As a humble user of jQuery and several great plugins I would like to
request that anyone who releases anything to the public always insert
the version of the release in the filename.
Instead of my_cool_plugin.js, use my_cool_plugin.v1.js.
Instead of my_cool_plugin.latest.js, use my_cool_plugin.v1.js.

For keeping track of what file is at which version, it's much easier to
do if I can quickly glance at my js directory and see the version in the

(This goes for the jQuery team too.)


[jQuery] Re: Request to all developers: Put version number in file name please

2007-06-13 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:26 PM Scott Sauyet  said:

 I don't have a major problem with this, as I would simply strip the
 version number out when I replace older versions with new ones, but I
 find that it's easier without them.  I tend to update all live pages
 in any system at the same time after a thorough testing, and I would
 rather not be changing all the references in my script tags when a
 version changes.

Yeah. I think this part should be left up to the developer.

If the developer chooses to leave the version in the filename then
they're aware they will need to change filenames when the time comes.
Otherwise they can generalize the filename and simply rename the latest
file (from the plugin/jquery website) once it has been downloaded into
their generalized filename.


[jQuery] Adding AJAX(?) functionality to existing site... do I make new server files?

2007-06-12 Thread Chris W. Parker
What's the standard method for fitting an existing site with AJAX
Currently all my server side files that process requests, like deleting
rows from a database (e.g. customers, products, etc.), automatically
redirect the user to another page with a status message (e.g.
But now that I'm trying to add some AJAX functionality to this existing
site I'm not sure how to handle the server side of it.
1. Is it a better practice to create totally new AJAX specific server
2. Or is it a better practice to modify the existing files to know that
an AJAX request is being made and that they should (1) not redirect and
(2) return the data in a different format?
I'm opting for #1 but I can see this might also be an issue because of
the need to maintain multiple files.

Chris Parker
Aardvark Tactical, Inc.
IT Manager
1002 W Tenth St. Azusa, CA 91702
phone: 800.997.3773 x131 fax: 626.334.6860

inline: sig_logo_rsml.gif

[jQuery] Re: ANN: jQuery-Powered Sites: The List Continues to Grow

2007-06-11 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, June 07, 2007 10:37 PM Roberto Ortelli  said:

 New Logitech website is using jQuery too

Anyone know which js library currently has the most high-profile sites
using their library? Although I'm almost a complete novice when it comes
to js it's pretty nice to see the jQuery project getting its feet in so
many doors (so to speak).

[jQuery] Re: Jquery presentation today

2007-06-11 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, June 11, 2007 11:38 AM Shelane Enos  said:

 I'm giving a presentation today on jquery to our new development
 group.  (my boss is now in charge of this group, previously under
 someone else here)  is there any update on when 1.1.3 might be
 released?  How close are we?  Just was hoping I could say something
 about it.  :-) 

Say this, jQuery 1.1.3 is currently being tested and will be available
sometime in the future.

How's that? :P

[jQuery] Re: jQuery core charset???????????(please help!!!!me!)

2007-06-06 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:53 AM oscar esp  said:

 Any one knows some conversion dll or script or something I am
 In order to refresh my problem:
 I have a asp page with iso-8859-1 wich recives a post in utf-8... I
 can not change teh code page neither the server header.. .I need to
 take the Resquest.queryString(var) and conver tto iso-8859-1

You might want to try an ASP mailing list or forum.

Good luck.

[jQuery] Re: Why does *this* function kill Interface Drag/Drop?

2007-06-05 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, June 05, 2007 9:38 AM dennis  said:

 Dan Switzer was kind enough to provide the information that I need to
 the Drag/Drop Interface code. Can someone help me understand how to do

How can we while not knowing what Dan provided? Did he send it off list?
If so, include it in your email to the list. Did he post it in a
previous message? If so, leave it in the message, don't trim out the
pertinent parts of previous emails.


[jQuery] datePicker calendar icon dropping below input

2007-06-01 Thread Chris W. Parker

I can't figure out why the calendar icon is moving below the input field
it is attached to. It used to work fine in v1 but now that I've
upgraded* to v2 I can't get it to appear to the right of the input
I'm working on an internal project that I don't want to post the URL of
but if you're interested in taking a look send me an email off list and
I will send you instructions. Otherwise if there is a known fix I'd
greatly appreciate hearing it.
* datePicker is a nice plugin but v2 is so complicated just to get
started. Maybe I'll just go back to the original if I can't get this
working soon.

[jQuery] Re: datePicker v2 beta

2007-06-01 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, June 01, 2007 1:11 PM gee  said:

 E.g., instead of:
 Start date: [text input] [.png]
 The display appears as:
 Start date:
 [text input][.png]
 I gather it has something to do with using a float in the style
 declaration for a.dp-choose-date. Before I wade into experimenting
 with alternate style declarations, I am wondering if anyone else has
 already come up with a different markup that allows a label, text
 input, and date selector button to appear on the same line.

I figured it out... :)

In my case the solution was already stated on the demo page. :(

You need to take the styles a.dp-choose-date,
a.dp-choose-date.dp-disabled, and input.dp-applied from demo.css (or
copied from the bottom of his demo page) into your datePicker.css file.

You can keep the files separate but I prefer to keep all the datePicker
styles in one file since I always use the icon.

Hope this helps!

[jQuery] Re: datePicker calendar icon dropping below input

2007-06-01 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, June 01, 2007 3:44 PM Gee Starr  said:

 Chris, I think my issue is slightly different: I am trying to get
 label text to show on the same line as the input field and datePicker

Ahh... I see. I misunderstood.

 plabel for=startDateStart date /labelinput type=text
 name=startDate class=datePickerField //p

 This afternoon my experimental attempt to route around the problem is
 to apply a float to the label element that surrounds the, you know,
 label. This is working in some cases, not so well in other layouts.

Usually people just say apply a float to the label elementperiod!.

Can you give a URL for the not so well in other layouts?

 I'm one of those masochistic types who avoids using tables for layout
 -- even on forms. Instead I use the delightfully ambiguous definition
 list element (dl) and some strategic classes on the label elements
 (when needed). Otherwise I would just put the label and the text
 input in separate table cells.

It's hard to argue against a self-aware masochist but I would suggest
you repress your internal desire for self-inflicted pain and change your
layout paradigm. :)

Personally, I use tables for forms and put the label on top of the


[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Field

2007-05-25 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, May 24, 2007 11:36 AM Jörn Zaefferer  said:

 Although, security issues aside, I guess it could help to prevent
 mistakes from your users. Would it make things easier for the user
 or frustrating? 
 Clientside validation is all about usability.

A few points:

* Personally, I find it frustrating when applications (on the web) 
automatically move my cursor from one box to another. Like when typing in a 
date and there are three boxes for month, day, and year. I type in 11, press 
tab, and type 24 to realize that I'm in the wrong box.

Maybe that wouldn't apply in this masked input fields case since the interface 
is a little different but I can't say for sure without testing it.

Overall, I'm not very happy with applications that move my cursor around for me 
or select text automatically. Like when you click into a form field (phpMyAdmin 
comes to mind) and all the text is automatically selected.

* Even though clientside validation is all about usability many people don't 
understand this and still use it as a security measure.


[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Field

2007-05-25 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, May 25, 2007 9:50 AM Jörn Zaefferer  said:

 Masked-input gives you visual hints of the expected input and its very
 easy to learn that you don't have to enter any delimiters.

See Steve Krug's book called Don't Make Me Think. The less learning a user 
does, the better.

 * Even though clientside validation is all about usability many
 people don't understand this and still use it as a security measure. 
 Right, but should we prohibit cars just because people die in car

Of course we should! And let's dry up all the water because people drown too.

No but seriously, part way through my post I conceded that if it's used for 
usability purposes, client-side validation is not a problem. But if someone 
thinks that it's a security measure, they are mistaken.

Until I see that it's more common for people to use client-side validation as a 
usability tool I'll probably always bring up the fact that it can not be used 
as a security measure.


[jQuery] Re: Feature/Plugin request - Animation queue

2007-05-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, May 24, 2007 7:01 AM Gordon  said:

 Thanks. I was pretty angry at that response, and yes, I might have
 worded some of it better, but I really was just askign for help
 looking for a plugin/solution to the problem, that's hardly askign
 someone else to do my work for me.

Seriously? You were actually *angry*?

that's hardly askign[sic] someone else to do my work for me.

Actually, the way you started your email was to suggest that you're
under a lot of pressure and THEREFORE the rest of the group should also
be under pressure to help you get a solution. You stated that you'd
already posted about it before and now your project deadline looms and
I still don't have a solution.

Sorry we didn't come through for you the first time.

Don't take what Erik said so personally. He wasn't attacking YOU. He was
only suggesting you change your approach to how you presented your
development issue to the list. And besides, more than half of his post
was dedicated to helping you solve your issue. How can you justify being
angry at that?

I'm posting this on list because I think it should be said.

[jQuery] off list RE: [jQuery] Re: What is up with the Coach Wei slam of jQuery?

2007-05-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, May 24, 2007 11:29 AM Jonathan Sharp  said:

 Sir, in regards to your comments about jQuery being a car as opposed
 to a train I desire to set you straight! jQuery is definitely more
 like a train than a car!


 The tools we're developing are at an
 enterprise level for mission critical applications and jQuery is at
 the heart of it!

I bet this answer is a no but can we see some screenshots? Sounds pretty

And now for some questions about trains. :)

1. The engines that are facing backwards, are those running in reverse
to help pull the load or are they just being towed like the other cars?

2a. If so, why don't they just face forward like the front engine?
2b. If so, does the engine work exactly the same forward as it does

3. How many tons per engine can be moved?

4a. What's the longest train ever?
4b. What's the average train length?

5. How many conductors are on each train?

6. What's the shortest and longest a train runs for one shipment
(distance and continuous operating hours)?

I guess that's enough for now. :)


[jQuery] Re: off list RE: [jQuery] Re: What is up with the Coach Wei slam of jQuery?

2007-05-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:25 PM Chris W. Parker  said:

Whoops. I guess I forgot to change the address.

[jQuery] Re: off list RE: [jQuery] Re: What is up with the Coach Wei slam of jQuery?

2007-05-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, May 24, 2007 1:25 PM Jonathan Sharp  said:

 Yep, they are being powered. The first engine typically has the crew
 (typically 2-3: engineer, conductor, breakman). All engines are MU'd
 (multiple unit) which means the engineer controls all of them as one.
 HUGE electric motors are what actually turn the wheels and diesel
 generators are what power them. Thus they function equally in either


We thank you. :)


[jQuery] Re: Like Google Calendar

2007-05-23 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:39 AM Jean Nascimento  said:

 I have to made a Calendar for my sys and wanna make some like the
 Google Calendar
 but my real doubt is How the best way to make the cells (days/events)
 div in a tables? divs with display: table-cell ?? I wanna know the
 best way to do this with a rounded box in background =D
 ps: the rounded box i already make lol

This isn't really a jQuery question so you might want to look at the CSS
Discuss mailing list or look for information on displaying a calendar
with CSS.

But in any case, you should use a table since the data you're displaying
is tabular data.


[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Field

2007-05-23 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:00 PM Glen Lipka  said:

 Trying to use this.
 It is an awesome plugin by the way!

Yeah that is pretty sweet. Except that...

It's a waste. You *still* absolutely have to do proper server-side
validation. Client-side validation is trivial to circumvent.

Although, security issues aside, I guess it could help to prevent
mistakes from your users. Would it make things easier for the user or

 I want to put in the spaces like this    .
 But for Amex I want  99 9.
 Ultimately, I want to submit to the server without spaces. (Maybe a
 hidden form field) 
 How should I achieve this?

 Possibility #2: onChange of the select, change the class of the input
 and then re-apply the mask with an if statement which reads the class
 and applies the correct mask. Totally unsure how to do this.

I'd go this route. I would do it on blur because I seem to recall FF not
recognizing onchange in certain cases.


// set the default field mask

// now change the mask if necessary
$('#selectbox').blur(function () {
// is it this.value?
if(this.value == 'amex')


[jQuery] Re: Trouble with calendar icon and datePicker v2

2007-05-22 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, May 22, 2007 2:20 AM Wizzud  said:

 the class of the anchor is actually .dp-choose-date, not .date-picker
 as the example page states. Check his css and you'll find an entry for

Great! Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Dispatch events into dynamically loaded content

2007-05-22 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, May 22, 2007 11:23 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:

 Hello everybody and my apologies for my poor english but I'm a french

I had no problem with your English. :)

 I want to dispatch a load event on a link in a loaded content.


 I'd like that the My second link can dispatch the click event and
 then load the content of a third kind. But that's not what happens and
 I understand it because the DOM is not re-loaded and JQuery can't
 detect the new link...
 Any help/link would be appreciated.

You have to reapply the events in the callback of the load() function
(iirc). The best way to do it is to assign your events to a function and
then call that function every time you need it. e.g. The first time and
then each time you reload the content.

See here:


Hope that helps,

[jQuery] Re: datePicker v2: setStartDate() is not a function?

2007-05-21 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Sunday, May 20, 2007 10:00 AM Kelvin Luck  said:

 Since the date picker methods are added to all jQuery methods I
 thought it polite to prefix them to avoid naming collisions with
 other plugins. 
 Ahh - I've just noticed that there was a typo in the documentation
 which is maybe why you got confused... I just fixed it (
 http://dev.jquery.com/changeset/1930 ) and the documentation (

 ) is now correct,

Thanks Kelvin!

[jQuery] Re: jquery.us

2007-05-18 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, May 18, 2007 9:48 AM Chris W. Parker  said:

 On Friday, May 18, 2007 12:37 AM John Resig  said:
 Here's what everyone can do:
 1) Go to the site and click Ads by Google in the Adsense block.
 2) Click the Send Google your thoughts on the site or the ads you
 just saw link on the subsequent page.
 3) Check The site is hosting/distributing my copyrighted content
 3) Click Also Report a Violation? and check the website
 4) Complete the form and submit it.
 Should we put anything in the Add additional information here box?

Scratch that... Google says I *have* to put something in the additional
information box before I can submit the form.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Powered Site- Just Launched- AskSolvers.com

2007-05-18 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, May 17, 2007 4:41 PM Michael E. Carluen  said:

 I just launched a new jQuery powered site- http://asksolvers.com
 http://asksolvers.com/   .  It is still pretty new, and still in
 the process of publicly promoting the site...  comments and

Those are some hilarious pictures. Is that you?

[jQuery] Re: jquery.us

2007-05-18 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, May 18, 2007 12:37 AM John Resig  said:

 Here's what everyone can do:
 1) Go to the site and click Ads by Google in the Adsense block.
 2) Click the Send Google your thoughts on the site or the ads you
 just saw link on the subsequent page.
 3) Check The site is hosting/distributing my copyrighted content
 3) Click Also Report a Violation? and check the website
 4) Complete the form and submit it.

Should we put anything in the Add additional information here box?

[jQuery] datePicker v2: setStartDate() is not a function?

2007-05-18 Thread Chris W. Parker

I'm trying to implement datePicker v2 but Firebug says
$('#date').setStartDate is not a function. I must be missing something
simple because I can click calendar and have the calendar appear. So
it works, just not completely. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

Relevant code is at the end.




!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
titledatePicker test/title
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css

script type=text/javascript

script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript

script type=text/javascript src=lib/js/custom2.js/script


p id=datecalendar/p




// datePicker v2 stuff
Date.firstDayOfWeek = 7;
Date.format = 'mm/dd/yyy';

$(document).ready(function () {

// Kelvin Luck's datePicker v2


[jQuery] Re: Chili 1.8 gets chainability

2007-05-17 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:12 PM Andrea Ercolino  said:

 Hi everybody.
 I've just released  http://notelog.com/category/chili/ Chili 1.8 ,
 which eventually gets a very requested feature: the mithical jQuery
 chainability. Improved speed and better examples are good news too.
 I hope you'll enjoy it.


[jQuery] Re: Can't set focus on element with DatePicker applied

2007-05-10 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:42 PM Bil Corry  said:

 Chris W. Parker wrote on 5/8/2007 1:00 PM:
 Have you tried reversing it?

I hadn't at the time but I just did and it works. Do you know why?


[jQuery] Re: New plugin: simple character counter for textareas

2007-05-08 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, May 08, 2007 8:48 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:

 I've just released the first version of a simple plugin to add
 character counters/limiters to textarea elements. The demo and code
 can be found here:



I think you should change the 'container' option into a more flexible
'attachTo' option.

It would work like this:


textarea id=text1 .../textarea
div id=count_text1/div


$(textarea).charCounter(100, {
attachTo: #count_text1,
className: counter


[jQuery] Can't set focus on element with DatePicker applied

2007-05-08 Thread Chris W. Parker

I'm trying to set focus on a form field but when I apply the DatePicker
plugin* it stops working. But perhaps this doesn't really have anything
to with DatePicker and is a js/jQuery thing.
Here's the relevant code:
input id=date ... /
If I comment the datePicker() line it works fine.
I even tried selecting focus with something other than the id e.g.
$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).focus(); but I don't like that method and it
doesn't work anyway.
* http://www.kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
jQuery (English) group.
To post to this group, send email to jquery-en@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[jQuery] Re: NEW jQuery plugin - tableFilter() Beta 1. Auto-paging, filtering and sorting on multiple columns.

2007-05-07 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, May 07, 2007 4:02 PM Daemach  said:

 I just uploaded my latest plugin, tableFilter().  It's an early beta
 with ugly, less than optimal code, but it works pretty well.  Feed it
 a clean table and it will auto-filter, auto-sort and auto-page.  You
 can sort and/or filter on multiple columns using ctrl-click.  It works
 well in Firefox to at least 1000 rows (I haven't tried anything
 larger), but IE starts to bog down.  More reasonable tables work
 pretty well in both.
 Demos and download at: http://ideamill.synaptrixgroup.com/?p=7

That is slick!

How about:

* RegEx in the filter boxes? :)
* Comparison operators in number fields? 25, 25-51.4, 10, 20,


[jQuery] Re: behaviors?

2007-04-27 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:19 PM Starbow  said:

 I was just watching the video of John Resig at Yahoo, and in one slide
 he talked about behaviors...

Are you talking about this?

Advancing Javascript with Libraries


[jQuery] TableSorter sorting weird

2007-04-26 Thread Chris W. Parker

Anyone know how to get the TableSorter plugin to reliably sort short
By default it works with dates in a long format (US) like this:
April 25, 2007 12:00 Am
But it won't work with a short format (out of the box) like:

April 25, 2007
However, I did manage to get it to sort with that short date format, but
it seems to be a bit unreliable. For example, I have four rows that are
being sorted like:
May 1, 2007
April 15, 2007
April 16, 2007
April 27, 2007
Clearly this is wrong and should be:

May 1, 2007
April 27, 2007
April 16, 2007
April 15, 2007

The modification I made was simple. I added a conditional(?) grouping on
the time portion of the regex.

(watch wrap)
Original: (on or around line 510)

/^[A-Za-z]{3,10}\.? [0-9]{1,2}, ([0-9]{4}|'?[0-9]{2})


/^[A-Za-z]{3,10}\.? [0-9]{1,2}, ([0-9]{4}|'?[0-9]{2})(

It seems to work fine most of the time but on rare occasions I've seen
it act screwy.

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: datePicker v2 beta

2007-04-24 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, April 24, 2007 2:55 AM Kelvin Luck  said:

 I'd like to announce the beta release of v2 of my datePicker plugin
 for jQuery. This release is a complete rewrite which makes the date
 picker considerably more powerful and flexible than it previously
 was. Check out the temporary project page:   

Good work!


[jQuery] Re: disabling right click

2007-04-20 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, April 20, 2007 8:58 AM Sharique  said:

 How I can disable right click on perticular element or div using

I don't know but let me be the first to ask, why?

If you're trying to protect your content (images or viewing source)
you're wasting your time since it's trivial to circumvent a disabled

If your reason is different than that I'd be interested in hearing it.


[jQuery] Re: manipulating TEXAREA content

2007-04-19 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:44 PM Dug Falby  said:

 Hi all,
 I wonder if I could get your opinion on whether or not something is
 possible and if it is, is there a really compact way of doing it with
 I would like to make a character counter for a textarea input. I would
 like the string that is the number of chars typed in the box to always
 be the last chars of the textrarea. A bit like this:
 I [1 char]
 I can [5 char]
 I can type [10 char]
 you get the idea, the little [x char] string floats along as if the
 insertion point was just before it.
 Is this going to be possible?
 All the best,

I suspect that it's possible but it sounds like it'd be really
annoying/confusing from a usability standpoint.

What happens when the user exits that field?
What happens when the user goes back into that field?
If they press the End key where does their cursor go?
What happens when the user tries to put their cursor after the [x
char] string?

Maybe you'd be better off going the traditional route and offer the
character counter on the top/side/bottom of the textarea like everyone


[jQuery] Re: Release: autocomplete 1.0 alpha

2007-04-17 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Tuesday, April 17, 2007 3:25 PM Dan G. Switzer, II  said:

 Comment: When I type and am no longer matching anything in the
 available list the box should disappear. I think.
 It's already known and listed in the Known Issues under mustMatch
 option is broken. ;)

Then it's agreed. :)

[jQuery] Why do hide/show elements appear at the end?

2007-04-13 Thread Chris W. Parker

I am hiding/showing a tr that appears (in the HTML) immediately after
the tr that contains the control but when it is shown it appears at
the end of the table (along with the other trs that I'm doing the same
thing to).
  tdspan class=sub_events sub_id=2hide/show control/span/td
 tr class=sub_events sub_id=2
  tdhere I am!/td
  tdspan class=sub_events sub_id=3hide/show control/span/td
 tr class=sub_events sub_id=3
  tdhere I am!/td
hide/show control
hide/show control
here I am!
here I am!
I would expect it to look like this:
hide/show control
here I am!
hide/show control
here I am!
Here's my relevant jQuery code:
 // fold and unfold subordinates' event tables
 $('span.sub_events').toggle(function () {
  sub_id = $(this).attr('sub_id');
  $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'+sub_id+']).show();
 }, function() {
  sub_id = $(this).attr('sub_id');
  $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'+sub_id+']).hide();

Things are hiding/showing correctly but not in the places I expect. What
can I do to fix this?


[jQuery] Re: Why do hide/show elements appear at the end?

2007-04-13 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Friday, April 13, 2007 9:37 AM Glen Lipka  said:

 That is exactly what I got with your code.
 Which browser is it acting wrong?
 Can you post your code somewhere?

That's good, if not confusing, news. :) I'm using FF2.

I'll send you a link off list.


[jQuery] Re: Why do hide/show elements appear at the end?

2007-04-13 Thread Chris W. Parker

I figured out why. It's because I'm using TableSorter on that table and
all the rows (as would be expected) are being sorted.

I'm going to start a new thread on this.


[jQuery] TableSorter question

2007-04-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

I want my table to be sorted in the opposite direction that it's
currently being sorted in when TableSorter does its first sort. I can't
find a switch to do that but perhaps I'm not seeing it. Anyone know what
it's called or should I just add my own?

[jQuery] Re: TableSorter question

2007-04-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, April 09, 2007 12:02 PM Andy Matthews  said:

 There's an option for default sort. How is the data getting to the
 page? Is it hard-coded or the result of an SQL operation?

It's both. I mean that it's not JSON or XML data. The data returned from
the SQL call is used to create the table's HTML with PHP. Then
TableSorter does its magic.


[jQuery] Re: General discussion

2007-04-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, April 09, 2007 11:38 AM Diego A.  said:

 The name says it all. Just thought somebody might find it useful.
 Please reply to this thread with suggestions, comments...

Pretty cool dude.

The limit-3 demo only allowed me to add two files. Maybe you've got a
'' where you should have a '='?

In the debug example I think the [Remove] line should be placed below
the corresponding input.

I propose:


Instead of:



[jQuery] Re: TableSorter question

2007-04-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, April 09, 2007 12:43 PM Christian Bach  said:

 sortColumn: 0,
 sortDir: 1
 Will sort the first column in the opposite direction.

Actually that just makes my arrow appear upside down.

Here's what I see without sortDir set.

Column up arrow

April 9, 2007
April 10, 2007
April 11, 2007

Here's what I see with sortDir set to 1.

Column down arrow

April 9, 2007
April 10, 2007
April 11, 2007


[jQuery] Re: General discussion

2007-04-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, April 09, 2007 1:07 PM Diego A.  said:

 Hi Chris,
 Thanks for the suggestions. I made the debug mode just so people
 could see what's actually going on. I didn't intend it to be used. It
 would defeat the purpose of the plugin if I didn't hide the
 additional elements.

I disagree. I think it's a useful mode beyond the idea of debugging.
It's basically the same behavior as Gmail's file attachment system and I
think that's really useful.

If I were to use this (which I probably will) I would probably always
put it in debug mode so that I (or anyone else) could quickly change
the path of a file instead of having to remove and then re-add the
correct one.

Hopfully I'm not missing the point of the debug mode. If I am please
let me know.


[jQuery] Re: General discussion

2007-04-09 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Monday, April 09, 2007 1:56 PM Diego A.  said:

 However, I complete agree with your point about changing an existing
 selection. But wouldn't it make more sense to have a 'change' link
 that would fire up the file selection dialogue without actually
 displaying 3, 4, 5 input boxes?


 Having a 'remove' and 'change' link would probably cover most
 scenarios, wouldn't you agree?

Yes I agree. That's probably a better alternative because of the space

Good work.


[jQuery] Re: THICKBOX doesnt work when on line...why?

2007-04-05 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Thursday, April 05, 2007 11:04 AM helpshelps  said:

 i have a problem implementing jquery and thickbox in my site, and i
 can't understand the reason, because, the off-line site is perfectly
 working with all the libraries and visualize the thickbox, but when i
 upload it on my linux serve, it does not display the thick box but
 the plain html releated page. ANyone can help please?

Sounds like maybe you're referencing a file(s) with file:// instead of
http(s)://. Is that possible?

[jQuery] Re: Table sorting with skipped rows

2007-04-04 Thread Chris W. Parker

On Wednesday, April 04, 2007 11:04 AM CircleFusion  said:

 I dunno if the title of this thread makes sense, but the higher-ups
 want to know if I can have a table like this...
src=http://www.circlefusion.com/projects/ge/table_sort_example.gif; /
 where one of the rows is attached to another one and is not included
 in the sort. I'm pretty sure that just about anything can be done if
 you throw enough code at it, but I'm also sort of doubtful that this
 can be pulled off very easily. Any feedback or ideas would be
 I've thought about alternative ways to display the admin notes for
 each record. If you have suggestions for that as well, I'll certainly
 read them :-)

I don't know how to do this but I think the approach I would take (until
I found something better) would be to build your table out of a
multi-level array. You could easily sort the top level without sorting
the children. You could then recursively go thorugh your array and build
your table.
