[jQuery] Plugin help: need dropdown (stylable in IE)

2009-04-28 Thread Kim 'Johnson' Cameron

Searching for dropdown in the plugin repository yields dozens of results, most 
of which have no comments. So I'm hoping someone out there with experience 
using the kind of plugin I need can chime in. :)

Currently I have a SELECT field that contains theme names. Upon choosing a 
value in the select, the user hits a submit button and the page reloads, now 
with the new theme var being used to load the right CSS file.

This presents a problem because we've customized the dropdown area (see 
attached image), and IE6 (which we need to support) doesn't let you style 
select boxes - you're stuck with the gray arrow and ugly outline, etc.

I assume the only way to handle this is to do a JS solution, so I'm looking for 
a good, stylable dropdown plugin. It doesn't need to do anything fancy like 
multiple select.


  attachment: themedropdown.jpg

[jQuery] Best autocomplete plugin?

2008-06-25 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi folks, long time no chat ;)

I'm redeveloping my site finally and am looking to update a few core jquery 
plugins. The current autocomplete I'm using is jorn's version, at least a year 
old. I came back to the jquery site to get the newest version, but I discovered 
that there are now several other versions.

Can anyone chime in with their experiences on the autocomplete plugins? Is 
Jorn's newest version still the best way to go?



[jQuery] Re: Best autocomplete plugin?

2008-06-25 Thread Kim Johnson

Awesome!! I'll try installing this and see how it works. 

--- On Wed, 6/25/08, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Best autocomplete plugin?
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 11:47 AM
 I can recommend to use version 1.0.1 of my autocomplete
 released a few minutes ago, just for you:
 Let me know if you have any questions.
 On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Kim Johnson
  Hi folks, long time no chat ;)
  I'm redeveloping my site finally and am looking to
 update a few core jquery plugins. The current autocomplete
 I'm using is jorn's version, at least a year old. I
 came back to the jquery site to get the newest version, but
 I discovered that there are now several other versions.
  Can anyone chime in with their experiences on the
 autocomplete plugins? Is Jorn's newest version still
 the best way to go?

[jQuery] Why is removeAttr necessary? (Instead of overwriting with attr)

2007-12-09 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi folks,

I just spent the last hour trying to figure out why a
piece of jquery wasn't working, and finally tracked it
down to inaccurately assuming you could overwrite an
attribute with attr. Using attr to blank out values
(ex: .attr(name, )) seems to work fine, but as
soon as I try to use it with an actual variable (ex:
.attr(id, idvar)), nothing happns. 

I finally discovered that the code worked perfectly if
I called removeAttr(id) first, prior to the
.attr(id, idvar) call.

Can anyone explain to me why overwriting doesn't work
with attr? Is this a bug? Am I missing some kind of
core concept?



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[jQuery] Re: Why is removeAttr necessary? (Instead of overwriting with attr)

2007-12-09 Thread Kim Johnson


I've written to this mailing list for over a year with
jquery related questions. 


--- Saidur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi kim why you change the discusson subject.
 On Dec 9, 3:30 pm, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi folks,
  I just spent the last hour trying to figure out
 why a
  piece of jquery wasn't working, and finally
 tracked it
  down to inaccurately assuming you could overwrite
  attribute with attr. Using attr to blank out
  (ex: .attr(name, )) seems to work fine, but as
  soon as I try to use it with an actual variable
  .attr(id, idvar)), nothing happns.
  I finally discovered that the code worked
 perfectly if
  I called removeAttr(id) first, prior to the
  .attr(id, idvar) call.
  Can anyone explain to me why overwriting doesn't
  with attr? Is this a bug? Am I missing some kind
  core concept?

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[jQuery] Re: Why is removeAttr necessary? (Instead of overwriting with attr)

2007-12-09 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi John,

After doing a bunch more debugging, I think this might
be a strange firebug problem. I know it's not
jquery-related, but have you ever heard of firebug not
properly updating the code while debugging? What I
notice is that if I perform alerts before and after
the attr call, it does show the correct values for the
attributes I'm trying to overwrite (by just using
attr). THe problem was, the lines of code in firebug
were sometimes changing, mostly not, so I think I
inaccurately assumed it was a jquery problem.


--- John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you have some example code? That shouldn't fail
 for any particular reason.
 On Dec 9, 2007 4:30 AM, Kim Johnson
  Hi folks,
  I just spent the last hour trying to figure out
 why a
  piece of jquery wasn't working, and finally
 tracked it
  down to inaccurately assuming you could overwrite
  attribute with attr. Using attr to blank out
  (ex: .attr(name, )) seems to work fine, but as
  soon as I try to use it with an actual variable
  .attr(id, idvar)), nothing happns.
  I finally discovered that the code worked
 perfectly if
  I called removeAttr(id) first, prior to the
  .attr(id, idvar) call.
  Can anyone explain to me why overwriting doesn't
  with attr? Is this a bug? Am I missing some kind
  core concept?

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[jQuery] Karl, cluetip questions: Select IE6 bug ETA, and incorporating JTIP?

2007-08-22 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi Karl,

There are two major reasons why I am using JTip:

1. You had posted a fix for the select issue (select
boxes showing up above the tooltip), which directly
affects how I'm using the box so I need this

2. The built in CSS styles has the little arrow shape
that points to the tooltip, giving it the appearance
of a comment/talking bubble. In the JS, it checks
browser width etc (or something) and calculates which
side to put the box on and where to position this
arrow shape. 

I'd really like to switch to cluetip, especially since
there is support for clicking inside the tooltip. I
know you are super busy, but I'm wondering if:

a) you have some sort of ETA on when you plan on
incorporating the IE6 fix (my development needs to
happen pretty much now, so if it will be awhile I will
need to wait to incorporate cluetip)

b) if you plan on incorporating this diamond shape
idea, as opposed to keeping it just as a floating box
with no link to the cursor tip itself. (or, if you
don't, perhaps you have ideas on how I could hackjob
it together from jtip code myself?)

Thanks a bunch :)


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[jQuery] Re: Karl, cluetip questions: Select IE6 bug ETA, and incorporating JTIP?

2007-08-22 Thread Kim Johnson

Wow, I had a long day at work and come back to all of
this awesomeness!

Thanks for the explanation, Karl... I guess I wasn't
looking close enough to see that a jtip version
already existed. I'll try incorporating this now and
see what I can do, and will try to figure out bgiframe
as well.


--- Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe what you're seeing is the slide down
 effect that's an option 
 in clueTip.
 If you want to get around that just do something
 like this:
 $('#cfvhelp').cluetip({width: 200, cluetipClass:
 'jtip', arrows: true, 
 dropShadow: false, fx: {open:'show', openSpeed:
 This will improve the display performance quite a
 @Karl: What I would suggest is that if the fx is
 left out, default to 
 using show() as opposed to fadeIn() and then on line
 340, change this line:

 != 'show'  
 so that way if the show is the selected effect, the
 box instantly 
 appears and no speed method call is necessary.
 By doing this, I was able to achieve the same effect
 as Cody's jTip 
 while still maintaining all of the cool and
 extensive functionality 
 available in clueTip. The best of both worlds.
 Mitchell Waite wrote:
  Compared the mitch demo to the jTip demo.
  Now I am sure j Tip is faster, but faster might
 not be the right word. 
  Its like this. The very first time I hover over
 your cluetip I can 
  actually see the divs and such being assembled.
 jTip doesn’t have that 
  flaw, it comes up whole.
  And if you move the mouse back and forth over the
 link you will see the 
  alignment issue with the arrow.
  I think everything works nice but the performance
 bugs me.
  *From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  *On Behalf Of *Karl Swedberg
  *Sent:* Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:22 PM
  *To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  *Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Karl, cluetip questions:
 Select IE6 bug ETA, and 
  incorporating JTIP?
  On Aug 22, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Mitchell Waite wrote:
  One last thing Karl. Side by side your
 cluetips take longer to
  appear then
  jTips do. About 1/2 second slower on this rig
 but that is a critical
  that should be fast. Again this is me, maybe
 others like them slow.
  You know, Mitch, I think I have an idea what's
 going on now. When you 
  include the hoverIntent plugin in the head, the
 cluetip picks it up 
  and uses its .hoverIntent() method (with default
 settings) rather than 
  the .hover() method. 
  So, I put together another little demo, just for
 you. I took out the 
  hoverIntent plugin, and it's much zippier now. I
 also set the open 
  option to show and the openSpeed option to ''
 (an empty string). 

  Let me know how that goes for you. If speed is
 what you're after, this 
  should do the trick.
  Karl I see what may be a weird bug in IE7. If
 I leave your example
  page, go
  do something in another window, when I come
 back to your page the
  will not work until I reload your page.
  Thanks a lot for reporting this. I'll have to boot
 up Parallels and 
  check it out asap. That kind of weird bug scares
 me, though. I'm not 
  very good at debugging that sort of thing.
  The new layout on your example page is much
 better, and now that I
  see how easy it is to do the arrow thing I am
 more motivated to switch.
  Glad to hear it. 
  I also think your examples are too large in
 font and size, e.g.
  normally tooltips are NOT giant boxes, they
 are tiny hints. 
  Well, that's all adjustable, so change them to
 your heart's content. You 
  can change the font-size in the css and you can
 change the width in the 
  cluetip's options. Check out the demo I made for
 you (see link above). I 
  made the font smaller. :-)
  Have you tested them in IE7? If they work fine
 there and FF I think
  I am now sold.
  Well, not often enough, to be honest. I have
 tested in IE7, but not 
  lately. But I will soon. I promise. Most recently
 tested in IE6, 
  Firefox, and Safari 2 Mac.
=== message truncated ===


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[jQuery] Re: Slow plugin scripts -- any way to speed them up?

2007-07-13 Thread Kim Johnson

Eric and Sean, thanks for the response. :)

As it turns out I was using tablesorter as a secondary
example (and to be honest, I don't recall how many
rows caused the error; I stopped using it and added
manual pages instead). 

My primary concern right now is the star rating
plugin, but I know I've encountered this sort of thing
before with my own personally written scripts as well.
It seems that with repetition (or binding, or
anything) over a large number of items, IE tends to
pop up the your page is loading slowly box and I
pretty much figure I am done for with that idea. Fine
with my own scripts, but with a plugin, this is
concerning as I'd really like to use it.


--- Eric Crull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe you could attach to the click event for the
 table (one
 attachment instead of hundreds) and then filter the
 event to see what
 row is being acted on.
 look at this thread for inspiration:

 On Jul 12, 9:27 pm, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi folks,
  I run an information database and have been
 thwarted a
  few times by some of the popular plugins.
  Specifically, let's say I have 150 table rows on a
  page. I've used at least two plugins now
  and the star rating plugin) which first lag, and
  finally pop up the oh-so-happy a script is
  your page to load slowly, do you want to cancel
  (in IE).
  Tablesorter I think only timed out like that if it
  in the hundreds of rows, but for the star rating
  plugin (the one I'm trying to use right now), I
 try to
  attach one on each table row and it easily dies.
  Doesn't seem to matter if I remove all other
  on the page, either.
  This is one I rellly wanted to use, but I also
  can't remove rows from the pages. Do you guys know
  any tricks to speed stuff up and squash the page
  loading slowly error?
  sorry for the ambiguous question!

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[jQuery] jquery 1.1.3 and undefined variables

2007-07-08 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi folks,

I had 100% working jquery code throughout my site, but
upon updating to the newest version, a TON of stuff is
no longer working. Specifically, undefined is
showing up in various variables being passed around or
gotten via selectors. One thing I've found is that
while in the past a blank variable would pass into an
ajax call as nothing (and in my php code, I could then
just say if (!$varname) ), now, it's passed as
undefined. Once I put in a bunch of error handling
it works fine, but this is kind of irritating as I
keep discovering similar errors throughout the site

Can someone explain what the fundamental change was in
the newest jquery that is causing this to happen? I'd
at least like to understand before I go around fixing
all the affected areas.



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[jQuery] Re: jquery 1.1.3 and undefined variables

2007-07-08 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi John,

There isn't so much a page to show, as I've fixed the
error (and the fix was in my php code, not jquery)
and/or you have to be logged in to use the features,
but here's the culprit code that suddenly changed how
it was working. I'm still in novice mode with jquery
so there might be a much easier way of doing this. 

The goal: update the status of a database entry
depending on whatever is selected in a form select
dropdown. Because I needed to keep track of whether
this is a NEW or EXISTING database entry, I appended a
custom ID and name onto each dropdown item. Since I
need to get the info with PHP and selecting the
dropdown does ajax magic, I didn't know another way of
doing this. 

I append EITHER the existing DB entry's ID under the
ID tag, OR the name of the series if the DB entry
doesn't exist yet, under the NAME tag. Thus, either
the ID or NAME tag is empty, while the other is
populated. I then check both in the ajaxed page, and
whichever is populated, I then insert or update an
entry accordingly. 

Here's the jquery ajax calling code:

$(select.status).change(function() {
var obj = $(this);
switch (obj.val())
case 0:   
var status = watched;
case 1:   
var status = watching;
case 2:
var status = dropped;
case 3:
var status = saved;
type: POST,   
data: (status= + obj.val() + animeid= +
obj.attr(name) + useranimeid= + obj.attr(id)),
success: function(responseText){
snip, this stuff doesnt matter

return false;

Notice that both the name and ID field are both
passed, even though one is empty.

Now, before the newest version of jquery, in my ajaxed
page (processanime.php) I'd simply do a check for if
(!$var). But after the upgrade, it appears blank
values are passed as undefined (I did an alert
statement). I guess it's not really an error, just
seems like variables are now passed differently
through the .ajax call if they are blank. An easy
enough fix, just really troublesome due to the many
places on the site I have similar code for; hence if
there's an explanation, I'd love to know what's going
on :)


--- John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kim -
 We haven't seen any errors like this, do you have a
 page up where we
 can see it in action?
 On 7/8/07, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I had 100% working jquery code throughout my site,
  upon updating to the newest version, a TON of
 stuff is
  no longer working. Specifically, undefined is
  showing up in various variables being passed
 around or
  gotten via selectors. One thing I've found is that
  while in the past a blank variable would pass into
  ajax call as nothing (and in my php code, I could
  just say if (!$varname) ), now, it's passed as
  undefined. Once I put in a bunch of error
  it works fine, but this is kind of irritating as I
  keep discovering similar errors throughout the
  Can someone explain what the fundamental change
 was in
  the newest jquery that is causing this to happen?
  at least like to understand before I go around
  all the affected areas.

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[jQuery] Re: Hiding select options in IE?

2007-06-01 Thread Kim Johnson
Hi Luc,

I just had to figure out a similar problem, and
dynamically remove a select option. Thankfully, there
is an easy plugin available:


From the page:

Remove an option by index:
$(#myselect2).removeOption(0); or value:
$(#myselect).removeOption(Value); or with a
regular expression:
$(#myselect).removeOption(/^val/i);. To remove all
options, you can do $(#myselect).removeOption(/./);

In my case, I simply want it to remove the default
blank value if they've selected a value, so here's my

if (obj.attr(id) ==   obj.containsOption())


--- Luc Pestille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Thanks to IE's inability to dynamically hide/show
 options within a
 select list, I need to do it differenly, but I can't
 get it to work =/.
 This is what works as I'd expect in FF;
 //this is only for agency jobs - show titles
 dependent on discipline
   discipline = $(#admin-jobs .discipline_agency_row
$(#admin-jobs .jobtitle).hide();
 titles_needed = #admin-jobs .discipline +
   $(#admin-jobs .discipline_agency_row
$(#admin-jobs .jobtitle).hide();
   titles_needed = #admin-jobs .discipline +
 This is what I've come up with, and logically I
 think it should work,
 but it doesn't. IE strips all the options out (but
 shows the empty
 dropdown) and won't add any back in, and FF doesn't
 strip any out at
   //show titles dependent on discipline selected
   $discipline = $(#admin-jobs
 .discipline_agency_row select
$titles_needed = #admin-jobs .discipline +
alloptions = $(#admin-jobs .jobtitle).clone();
if ($discipline){
  reqoptions = alloptions.find(
 $(#admin-jobs .title_row select).empty();
 $(#admin-jobs .title_row
   $(#admin-jobs .discipline_agency_row
   $titles_needed = #admin-jobs .discipline +
alloptions = $(#admin-jobs .jobtitle).clone();
if ( $(this).val() ){
  reqoptions = alloptions.find(
 $(#admin-jobs .title_row select).empty();
 $(#admin-jobs .title_row
 Anyone got a method that does work, or does a plugin
 exist to counter
 IE's bug?
 Luc Pestille
 Web Designer 
 in2, Thames House, Mere Park, Dedmere Road, Marlow,
 Bucks, SL7 1PB
 tel: +44 (1628) 899700  |  fax: +44 (1628) 899701  |
  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  web: www.in2.co.uk
 This message (and any associated files) is intended
 only for the use of jquery-en@googlegroups.com and
 may contain information that is confidential,
 subject to copyright or constitutes a trade secret.
 If you are not jquery-en@googlegroups.com you are
 hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or
 distribution of this message, or files associated
 with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you
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[jQuery] Re: Event binding for both body.click AND body.change?

2007-05-31 Thread Kim Johnson

Just wanted to do a quick followup -- by putting the
select change binding BELOW the body binding, I got
this code to work, but I'm still interested in knowing
if there's a way to bind two different things to the
body element (click versus change versus whatever).

Anyone know?


--- Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi folks,
 Quite awhile back, Karl pointed out to me the
 fantastic article about event binding for ajax. I've
 since implemented the following function 
 $('body').click(function(e) {
  if ($(e.target).is('img.closebutton')) {
   var attribute = close;
   buttons($(e.target), attribute);
 where buttons handles things. Everything on the
 that needed to be handled was an image or text
 so this solution worked fine.
 However, now I have a dropdown I need to integrate
 onto the page, and I need to handle the dropdown's
 change event (I have 100% working code for the
 dropdown on a different page on the site which
 have this body.click code). I tried putting
 body.change(function(e) etc above the body.click
 function, but it appears the event is being caught
 body.click due to the initial clicking of the
 Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)

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[jQuery] Re: Star Rating System

2007-05-17 Thread Kim Johnson

I personally would still love to see the option built
in for half star ratings; I've been waiting on
integrating the plugin until such a thing is
available. :)

(half star ratings meaning, you can rate something 3.5
stars, as opposed to just the average showing up as
3.5 stars once the integer ratings are averaged)


--- Mario Moura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Folks
 I would like to suggest a improvement in this
 amazing plugin
 look  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0413300/
 You have User Rating: 7.4/10 average .
 This average could be in a container for example
 div  id=average'7.4/div
 and should be the default value.
 About the action I still confuse.
 My CMS provide me:
 form class=nodevote-form id=nodevote-rate-form
 select id=edit-vote class=form-select
 option value=0Select/option
 option value=11/option
 option value=22/option
 option selected=selected value=77/option
 option value=1010/option/select
 input type=submit class=form-submit
 value=Vote id=edit-button
 So two things are important.
 If  none option isnt selected so Request user vote
 , and after vote append
 vote like Imdb did.
 if  option selected=selected so show vote (and
 you should be able to edit
 Another very interesting feature is the rollover
 system (10 start, with
 average and you can vote in same place)
 I like imdb Star Rating System and I think it is the
 best solution so why
 not make something similar.
 Imdb use Ajax.
 It is just a suggestion and congratulation to author
 of Star Rating System.

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[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete (Jorn) plugin problems - click broken, etc

2007-04-24 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi Dan,

Though my response is late, thanks for your reply. :)
I implemented your plugin without a hitch and it works

I'm fiddling with using IDs now and will post with any
other questions I come up with.

thanks again! And I hope Jorn sees these issues for
his plugin too. 


--- Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So now I'm trying to implement Jorn's fantastic
 autocomplete revision, and am encountering some
 Since you're in a hurry, try my original mod to see
 if it works for you:

 Joern's made a lot of changes and refactored most of
 the code. Joern's code
 base is definitely going to be a huge improvement,
 but it is still in
 development and there are known issues and it's not
 really ready for prime
 time yet.
 Anyway, I'm going to take a stab at what I think may
 be the issues below.
 First, there's definitely a positioning issue in
 Firefox. The pop-ups are
 appearing at the bottom of the document. Not sure
 what the issue is, but it
 could be a CSS issue w/one of the parent object. By
 do any of the parent
 items in the input boxes have relative positions? 
 Problem page:

 Autocomplete initialization:
  delay: 10
 (I admittedly am not sure what cacheLength does,
 but I
 tried increasing it)
 The cacheLength controls how many items to cache.
 Each AJAX call is
 cached--so that no more AJAX operations are needed.
 In autocomplete_anirec.php, I am echoing: $title
 \n  for each title.
 Repro steps (for problem 1):
 1. In the first select anime box, type end
 (without quotes)
 2. CLICK (don't use tab or the enter key) Blue
 Results: Notice that Zone of the Enders: Dolores
 shows up as the selected string.
 For some reason, the revised code is having problems
 finding the correct
 value that was selected in dropdown. Joern's code is
 heavily refactored here
 and the problem isn't jumping out at me.
 Like I said, try my code for the time being. From
 the looks of your example,
 it'll do everything you need.

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[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete (Jorn) plugin problems - click broken, etc

2007-04-21 Thread Kim Johnson

Note: In addition, this only works in IE6 :( (firefox
doesn't initialize it at all)

--- Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So now I'm trying to implement Jorn's fantastic
 autocomplete revision, and am encountering some
 Problem page: 

 Autocomplete initialization:
   delay: 10
 (I admittedly am not sure what cacheLength does, but
 tried increasing it)
 In autocomplete_anirec.php, I am echoing: $title .
 \n  for each title. 
 Repro steps (for problem 1):
 1. In the first select anime box, type end
 (without quotes)
 2. CLICK (don't use tab or the enter key) Blue
 Results: Notice that Zone of the Enders: Dolores
 shows up as the selected string.
 Repro steps (for problem 2, probably related to
 problem 1):
 1. Refresh page
 2. In the first select anime box, type end
 (without quotes)
 3. CLICK (don't use tab or the enter key) Zone of
 Enders: Idolo (the last option in the dropdown --
 you'll need to scroll)
 Results: Notice that nothing shows up. This happens
 for other entries as well such as Hakkenden, The.
 Repro steps (for problem 3)
 1. Refresh page
 2. In the first select anime box, type end
 (without quotes)
 3. Using the up/down keys (NOT the mouse click),
 down to Hakkenden, The and press Enter.
 4. DO NOT CHANGE FOCUS by clicking anywhere. With
 cursor still in the first select anime box, use
 backspace key to erase Hakkenden, The
 5. Type end (without quotes)
 Results: Nothing happens. The only way to get the
 autocomplete to show up again is to change focus by
 clicking in another box and then clicking back in
 previous box. This problem happens intermittently
 while doing a lot of combinations of things, but
 is just one that happens every time.
 Any thoughts from Jorn or others? I'm wondering if
 internal numbering of the dropdown items is messed
 (or I haven't set them correctly via a plugin
 so when you click with the mouse, it's not picking
 the right thing? For problem 3, maybe a binding
 Was hoping to get this feature up today so hopefully
 the answer isn't too hard. :)
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[jQuery] Is it possible to bunch rules in Jorn's validator plugin?

2007-04-10 Thread Kim Johnson

Quick question: is it possible to bunch rules together
in Jorn's validator, similar to how you can bunch
cases in a switch statement?


rules: {storyscore: {required: true},
story: {required: true},
animationscore: {required: true},
animation: {required: true},

Is it possible to change to something like: 
rules: { storyscore, story, animationscore, animation:
{required: true} }

My jquery code is large and bloated so I've been
trying to figure out ways to cut corners (and didn't
see any examples on the demo page that did this) --
insight would be appreciated! :)


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[jQuery] Re: TableSorter issues: special characters, mixed data

2007-04-05 Thread Kim Johnson

Thanks Christian!

I just pasted that in and indeed, now there isn't a JS
error and it sorts correctly by title. However, now
something strange is happening and the other fields
don't sort -- they all sort by title! The date
specifically is what I just tried.

Here are two sample pages:

^^this page has always worked, because it has no
special character names

^^the problem child page. The title does now work.

Also, here's the tablesorter initialization:

sortColumn: 'title',
stripingRowClass: ['alt2','alt'],
stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
textExtractionType: ['title']

And one other question: is it possible to do multiple
columns for textExtraction (using a comma, two
separate lines for it, etc)? There is one other column
(score) that in theory should be able to have either
nothing, or a number. 

Note: I'm still down with helping you on the
documentation front :)


--- Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kim, is it possible to publish a test page so i can
 take a look?
 A quick fix would be to use the new property
 textExtractionType - which in
 true tablesorter spirit is undocumented.
 Here is a example:
 This forces the tablesorter to extract data out of
 the title attribute,
 allowing a simple way to present mixed data to the
 textExtractionType: ['title']
 td title=1One/td
 td title=3030.00/td
 td title=22/td
 td title=50a href=50.000/td
 Best regards
 2007/4/5, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Anyone know a workaround for this? :) Christian,
  -kim, who would really like to not code a bunch of
  tablesorting tonight in php ;)
  --- Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ATTN: Christian or anyone else familiar :)
   I'm trying to use TableSorter for a few large
   of data, but am getting JS errors depending on
   content is in the columns.
   For example:
   -Digit-only data works, but MIXED data (ex: some
   fields are empty, and some have decimal values)
   -Special characters break the sorting. For
   have a list of titles and some titles start with
   special characters (ex: .hack//SIGN, ~To
   also breaks.
   I suspect these are breaking because of
 something to
   do with the generic sorting function:
   generic: function(a,b) { return ((a[1]  b[1]) ?
   ((a[1]  b[1]) ? 1 : 0)); }
   I usually use MYSQL's sorting mechanisms to
   queries (var1  var2) and this method works with
   special characters and such, so I'm not sure
   best way to modify the js file would be (for a
   temporary solution, until this is fixed in a
   subsequent release).
   Do you know of the reason why these cases are
   breaking, and/or what a good workaround would

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[jQuery] Re: TableSorter issues: special characters, mixed data

2007-04-05 Thread Kim Johnson

Super close, but not quite! :)


sortColumn: 'title',
stripingRowClass: ['alt2','alt'], 
stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
textExtractionCustom: [
textExtractionType: ['title']

ExtractionType fixes the title issue -- those sort
just fine now. I also changed the date to 4 digits and
that works just fine (it didn't work with the date
line you had mentioned for 2 digits). However, the
Custom line still doesn't do anything for sorting the
score field. (I removed the 0's, as normally those
fields would be BLANK, as opposed to 0). I also tried
changing [2, 'integer'] to 'decimal' or 'double', to
no avail. Any ideas on this last tiny bit?

thanks again,

--- Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I took a look at your example page and this snippet
 will solve your problem:
 sortColumn: 'title',
 stripingRowClass: ['alt2','alt'],
 stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
 textExtractionCustom: [
 dateFormat: dd/mm/yy
 What we are doing here is forcing the third column
 (we start counting at
 zero) to use the integer parser,
 since the column is messed up with the auto
 detection and identified as a
 text column (hey, no ones perfect).
 As regarding your date format 01/01/07 i have added
 this to the shortDate
 parser, however since the year is
 formatted with two digests the parser will parse 07
 as 1997 since there is
 no way for it to know that you
 properly mean 2007. So my suggestion is to change
 this to a full 4 digit
 year format.
 If you do change the the year to a 4 digit format
 remove the dateFormat
 property from the tablesorter constructor.
 The new tablesorter version can be found here:

 Best regards
 2007/4/5, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Thanks Christian!
  I just pasted that in and indeed, now there isn't
 a JS
  error and it sorts correctly by title. However,
  something strange is happening and the other
  don't sort -- they all sort by title! The date
  specifically is what I just tried.
  Here are two sample pages:

  ^^this page has always worked, because it has no
  special character names

  ^^the problem child page. The title does now
  Also, here's the tablesorter initialization:
  sortColumn: 'title',
  stripingRowClass: ['alt2','alt'],
  stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
  textExtractionType: ['title']
  And one other question: is it possible to do
  columns for textExtraction (using a comma, two
  separate lines for it, etc)? There is one other
  (score) that in theory should be able to have
  nothing, or a number.
  Note: I'm still down with helping you on the
  documentation front :)
  --- Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kim, is it possible to publish a test page so i
   take a look?
   A quick fix would be to use the new property
   textExtractionType - which in
   true tablesorter spirit is undocumented.
   Here is a example:
   This forces the tablesorter to extract data out
   the title attribute,
   allowing a simple way to present mixed data to
   textExtractionType: ['title']
   td title=1One/td
   td title=3030.00/td
   td title=22/td
   td title=50a
   Best regards
   2007/4/5, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Anyone know a workaround for this? :)
-kim, who would really like to not code a
 bunch of
tablesorting tonight in php ;)
--- Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ATTN: Christian or anyone else familiar :)

 I'm trying to use TableSorter for a few
 of data, but am getting JS errors depending
 content is in the columns.

 For example:

 -Digit-only data works, but MIXED data (ex:
 fields are empty, and some have decimal

 -Special characters break the sorting. For
 have a list of titles and some titles start
 special characters (ex: .hack//SIGN, ~To
 also breaks.

 I suspect these are breaking

[jQuery] Re: TableSorter issues: special characters, mixed data

2007-04-05 Thread Kim Johnson

Err... I take that back.

-the only way for the page to not have javascript
errors is to put in the ExtractionType line, due to
the special characters in the title.

-however, by doing this, any time you sort any other
field, it still is sorting by title, not the field you
actually clicked. 

--- Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Super close, but not quite! :)

 sortColumn: 'title',
 stripingRowClass: ['alt2','alt'], 
   stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
   textExtractionCustom: [
   textExtractionType: ['title']
 ExtractionType fixes the title issue -- those sort
 just fine now. I also changed the date to 4 digits
 that works just fine (it didn't work with the date
 line you had mentioned for 2 digits). However, the
 Custom line still doesn't do anything for sorting
 score field. (I removed the 0's, as normally those
 fields would be BLANK, as opposed to 0). I also
 changing [2, 'integer'] to 'decimal' or 'double', to
 no avail. Any ideas on this last tiny bit?
 thanks again,
 --- Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I took a look at your example page and this
  will solve your problem:
  sortColumn: 'title',
  stripingRowClass: ['alt2','alt'],
  stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
  textExtractionCustom: [
  dateFormat: dd/mm/yy
  What we are doing here is forcing the third column
  (we start counting at
  zero) to use the integer parser,
  since the column is messed up with the auto
  detection and identified as a
  text column (hey, no ones perfect).
  As regarding your date format 01/01/07 i have
  this to the shortDate
  parser, however since the year is
  formatted with two digests the parser will parse
  as 1997 since there is
  no way for it to know that you
  properly mean 2007. So my suggestion is to change
  this to a full 4 digit
  year format.
  If you do change the the year to a 4 digit format
  remove the dateFormat
  property from the tablesorter constructor.
  The new tablesorter version can be found here:

  Best regards
  2007/4/5, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Thanks Christian!
   I just pasted that in and indeed, now there
  a JS
   error and it sorts correctly by title. However,
   something strange is happening and the other
   don't sort -- they all sort by title! The date
   specifically is what I just tried.
   Here are two sample pages:

   ^^this page has always worked, because it has no
   special character names

   ^^the problem child page. The title does now
   Also, here's the tablesorter initialization:
   sortColumn: 'title',
   stripingRowClass: ['alt2','alt'],
   stripeRowsOnStartUp: true,
   textExtractionType: ['title']
   And one other question: is it possible to do
   columns for textExtraction (using a comma, two
   separate lines for it, etc)? There is one other
   (score) that in theory should be able to have
   nothing, or a number.
   Note: I'm still down with helping you on the
   documentation front :)
   --- Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kim, is it possible to publish a test page so
take a look?
A quick fix would be to use the new property
textExtractionType - which in
true tablesorter spirit is undocumented.
Here is a example:
This forces the tablesorter to extract data
the title attribute,
allowing a simple way to present mixed data to
textExtractionType: ['title']
td title=1One/td
td title=3030.00/td
td title=22/td
td title=50a
Best regards
2007/4/5, Kim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Anyone know a workaround for this? :)

=== message truncated ===


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[jQuery] How to change form data before submitting to form plugin?

2007-04-04 Thread Kim Johnson

Hi again folks,

Almost finished with the form validation/form plugin
combo! A quick question:

I have a password field that I'd like to encrypt
before sending via ajaxSubmit (a simple MD5 call would
suffice). I know I can use beforeSubmit to do things,
but am not sure how to physically change a value. I've
attempted various things with jqForm and formData to
no avail -- is it a correct assumption that there's no
way to have the beforeSubmit function be call by

Regardless, I downloaded a JS MD5 script, just am not
sure how to change the value before submitting.



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[jQuery] Re: Badly need help with ajaxForm/validator

2007-04-03 Thread Kim Johnson

I wrote to Dan privately thanking him for this info,
but want to point it out to the list too -- this is a
GREAT presentation for those who are interested in
cementing jquery knowledge, and the examples are top

Thanks again Dan!

--- Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I just did a presentation where I put together a
 demo that does all of these
 Go to my blog and download my presentation:

 Now the examples are in ColdFusion (not PHP), but
 you should be able to
 follow the logic w/out a problem.
 The examples you're most interested in are examples
 2.2  2.5. In example
 2.2 I just show a working example of a form
 submitting back to itself (for
 signing up for a mailing list--but the logic is the
 same for what you're
 doing.) In example 2.3 thru 2.5 I show the
 progression of adding unobtrusive
 JS using jQuery to eventually build a form that will
 validate on the client
 side, submit to the server via AJAX, do server side
 validation, and then
 display the appropriate message based on whether the
 operation was
 successful or not (this is in
 (NOTE: Messages in Example 2.5 coming from an AJAX
 operation have the string
 [AJAX] appended to them so you can see the
 You can view the files here:
 (FYI - Some of the other examples may not work
 properly, because I wrote
 them for a newer version of CF than I have on my
 server. However, the
 examples that you're concerned about work fine.)
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Behalf Of Kim Johnson
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 3:48 AM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Badly need help with
 I've been working on this for three days and can't
 the life of me figure out the best solution.
 I have a login area on every page. My (old but
 working) code is the following:
 $(div#login input#login_btn).click(function() {
  type: POST,
  url: /users/login.php,
  data: (login=1username= + username +
 + pw),
  dataType: html,
  success: function(msg){

  async: false
  return false;
 Note that I don't have any error handling hooked
 On login.php, it sets a cookie; then, when the page
 reloads, it sees the cookie and shows the logout
 I now want to do two things: hook up Mike's form
 plugin, and Jorn's validator. I saw the example at
 validator demo page for it + ajax but can't figure
 how to customize it for what I need.
 I tried implementing this:
  submitHandler: function(form) {
  dataType: html,
  success: function(json) {
  if(result.status) {
  }   });
 This doesn't work, but I can't say I'm surprised. I
 don't understand JSON (usually just use
 HTML/responsetext), but don't know how to get this
 work with it.
 Things I need:
 1. validation to be done before ajaxform/submit is
 called (right now it's basic -- make sure
 username/password is populated). I can get this to
 work with plain old validator (no ajax used)
 2. validation errors from login.php to be outputted
 there are any (specifically, if the
 don't work, I have a generic error message I need
 pass back to display)
 3. window.reload to be called if everything worked
 I know this is a vague request, but can anyone help
 out? Arrgh, I have to have this done by Thursday
 am about ready to throw my monitor through the

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