[jQuery] Re: option to see evidence of jquery binding in the html markup?

2008-08-18 Thread chrismarx

yup, thats exactly what i want. i'll see about creating a plugin that
modifies the bind function, thanks!

On Aug 16, 5:01 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure exactly what you want to see. Is it that you have an existing
 page with a bunch of jQuery events added (most likely that you didn't
 write yourself) and you want to see (say via Firebug) what events are
 attached to what elements?

 Firebug is a big help, you can set breakpoints in event handler
 functions, and then step through to see how things flow.

 If you're feeling brave you could alter the bind() function to add a
 new attribute to the element, to flag that a particular event has been

 Karl Rudd

 On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 7:21 AM, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  nobody else have this problem (or see it as a problem?)?

  On Aug 4, 6:03 pm, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's great to have separation of concerns with jquery, removing
  javascript from the markup, but I've noticed that it can be difficult
  to start to understand how an application works (say you've inherited
  an app for instance) if there's lots of jquery bound events, and no
  evidence of that in the html page.

  I'm wondering if theres a way (options, plugin, etc) to have jquery
  add some kind of attribute to the elements, which are being bound, so
  that someone looking at the runtime page can more easily track all of
  the events. is there a way to do this?

[jQuery] Re: storing jquery object in array

2008-04-04 Thread chrismarx

with dom elements that actually exist, your example works fine.
perhaps there is a problem elsewhere...

On Apr 3, 8:19 pm, ScottBruin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please pardon my poor understanding of javascript basics:

 I've been using the following method to create an object array of

 $.searchfunction = {
 searchbox: $('#searchinput'),
 url: 'http://localhost',
 targetdiv: $('#results'),
 specifierobj: {},
 keyboardid: '#keyboard'

 I'm having trouble with getting the value of
 $.searchfunction.searchbox. I'm calling it in the following manner:

 var curval = $.searchfunction.searchbox.val();

 This isn't working--I tested this attempt with val() in Firebug and it
 does not work. I've noticed that if I type in $('#searchinput') in
 Firebug, the object is different than $.searchfunction.searchbox.


 Object length=0 context=document selector=#searchinput

 Object 0=input#searchinput length=1 context=document

 I know there are jQuery objects and other types of objects, so I am
 assuming it is a problem with this but I don't understand why the
 variable does not store the #searchinput in the same manner.

 Thanks for any help.

[jQuery] Re: Help with simple toggle not working in IE

2008-03-30 Thread chrismarx

first, for all ie problems, you need to get debugbar and companion,
they're like firebug for IE. what you also get is the ability to see
your code as it looks once ie has interpreted it. in this case, it
looks like some of your comments !-- , -- are actually commenting
out your script. i ran the script in ie just fine-

On Mar 29, 12:45 pm, Shakey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi am brand new to the wonderful world of JQuery; this shouldnt be too

 Why isnt the client login drop-down toggle working in Explorer?


 Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

[jQuery] Re: clearTimeOut(this.iTimer) is not defined

2008-03-30 Thread chrismarx

well for one, its




perhaps you can make that change and then get back to us-

On Mar 29, 1:43 pm, Cronlajoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm currently taking my first steps again my own first plugin. As you
 probably already figured out, it's not working.

 It is a small plugin that is supposed to animate a menu or any other
 element so that it stays visible to the user, even when the user
 scrolls down the page. Before I can start to animate, I need to make
 sure that the scrolling has stopped, and this is where the (first?)
 problem occurs.

 Before I call clearTimeOut() I check to see if it's undefined to
 escape any errors, but the funny thing is that is still executes the

 Here's the function:

 if ( this.iTimer != undefined || this.iTimer != 'undefined' ) {
 try {
 } catch (exception) {


 I have set up two different test pages for you to inspect, the first
 one (http://www.kpsdiscjockey.se/jquery/jquery.test.html) is built
 without the code as a plugin, the second one 
 (http://www.kpsdiscjockey.se/jquery/jquery.test2.html) is build with the code
 inside a plugin.

 So the ultimate question is: What do I do wrong?

 Thank you!


 PS. As this is my first plugin, I'm happy to receive comments and
 suggestions for improvements on the code as a whole.

[jQuery] Re: array problems

2008-03-30 Thread chrismarx

well, could you show us how your multidimensional array is being
populated? it looks like there is not object that the position you're
looking for-

On Mar 29, 1:04 pm, Tadas J [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a problem with arrays. I am getting data from xml and trying to
 get data to arrays. Here is my code:

 var monster = [[[]]];
 monster[pid][id2]['db_id'] = $(this).find('db_id').text();});


 When I am alerting the variable it alerts only the first value and
 then stops and in firebug I see this error:

 monster[pid][id2] has no properties
 [Break on this error] monster[pid][id2]['db_id'] = $

 Maybe I have wrongly defined monster variable?

[jQuery] Re: Off Topic: Earth hour

2008-03-30 Thread chrismarx

i am too, trying to spread the word. I love that google put this on
the search page, I wonder how putting out this information to such a
large audience will affect participation (hopefully positively!)-

On Mar 29, 5:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone participating?


 I will. It's for a good cause. It's for our home, earth.

[jQuery] Re: java porting?

2008-03-30 Thread chrismarx

i think you might be looking for something like rhino


or maybe this


On Mar 30, 4:32 pm, ClaudeFr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, thanks for the wonderful validation plugin :-)
 Then, what about a java porting of the plugin?
 I'm thinking of a java validation library which understands the same
 (json) rules written for the jquery validation plugin...or am I
 talking nonsense?

[jQuery] Re: accessing elements with . in their ids without escaping

2008-03-24 Thread chrismarx

this works, but maybe there is also an easier way out there somewhere-


On Mar 24, 2:00 pm, Harald Armin  Massa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am in the process of moving to jQuery.

 One challenge is: many of the relevant IDs of Elements have one or
 more dots within them.

 I read within the FAQ that I can escape them when using the $(#some\
 \.id) selector.

 Is there another possible way, like $().getelementbyid(#123.123) ?
 or is there an escaping-function allready in the wild? Or do I have
 to come up with my own escaping function?

 Best wishes


[jQuery] Re: Element with two classes

2008-03-09 Thread chrismarx

i've used this instead;

$('table[class=cl1 cl2]').addClas('abc');

On Mar 9, 12:36 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jason's suggestion should work for the first table:


 If you want a selector for the second table exclusively, try this:


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Mar 9, 2008, at 12:16 PM, Johannes Theile wrote:

  I think this does not solve the problem. By using


  abc is added to Table 1. When I do the same for Table 2:


  xyz is also added to Table 1.

  So I'm looking for something to make a distinction between class=cl1
  cl2 and class=cl1 to handle it differently.

  Maybe someone has an idea.


  On 9 Mrz., 17:01, Jason Huck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This _should_ work (untested):


  - jason

  On Mar 9, 11:29 am, Johannes Theile [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a page where I cannot change the XHTML code. This page
  two tables. The classes of the tables are as following:

  Table 1: table class=cl1 cl2/table
  Table 2: table class=cl1/table

  Normally to make changes to this tables I would call up something


  But in this case, if I call up the table with class cl1 the
  one is also affected. Is there a way to say that I would like to
  adress only the table when it its class is cl1 and cl2?

  Hopefully it becomes clear for what I'm looking.

  Many thanks!


[jQuery] Re: Execute JavaScript that is added to the page by AJAX?

2008-03-05 Thread chrismarx

if you load the minified or packed version of jquery, and have gzip
compression on your server (which everyone should have anyways),
jquery is only around 15kb! is that heavy?

On Mar 5, 10:51 am, Jonny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, sorry, never mind, I guess there was just a delay in this post
 going live, sorry for my impatience :/

 Just to clarify, this is not really a Jquery question, but this group
 seems to be the most active one that has AJAX experts in it, so that's
 why I posted it here.  I know that the people who are asking this
 question (through me) are not wanting to load a heavy js library
 (Jquery), so the advice below won't really work :(

 - J

 On Mar 4, 2:54 pm, Jonny M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I posted this almost an hour ago and it is still not showing up in the
  Google Group... why?

  - Jonny

  On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Jonny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Basically, I have a JavaScript function (let's call the function
   displayDiv) that ends up writing a div to the page.  If
   displayDiv is called within a table cell, the div will be added
   and displayed in that table cell.  Now, what I'm trying to accomplish
   is replicating this behaviour with an AJAX function (let's call the
   function callAJAX) that returns HTML containing displayDiv and
   adding the code to a specific location in the page.  I have tried
   this, problem is that the JavaScript returned from callAJAX was not

   I then did some research and tried a few things:

 1. I tried parsing out the JavaScript (displayDiv) from the
   returned HTML (callAJAX) and adding it to the head tag, which in
   theory, should be executed.  This approach did not work for me because
   displayDiv writes a div to the page and from the head it would
   not know where to write the div.

 2. I have tried parsing out the JavaScript (displayDiv) from the
   returned HTML (callAJAX) and executing it with EVAL() but this would
   not work because the AJAX function would not know where to write the
   div created within the displayDiv function.

   I guess what I'm hoping for is some magical piece of code that would
   tell the browser to parse the page again and execute the JavaScript
   that was added to the page by the AJAX function.


   I am posting this on behalf of a friend who is to busy today :)  If
   anyone can tell me if this is even possible, and if so, where to go
   next, that would be most excellent!

   Many thanks,

   - Jonny

[jQuery] Re: please, please, please, please, please, help me with this

2008-02-25 Thread chrismarx

a link to your page would be helpful-

On Feb 25, 9:37 am, Tal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I mannaged to get the JCarousel working perfectly in IE but in Firefox
 Mozilla the previous and next arrow buttons dont show.

 Im using the static_controls.html model from the examples and the
 tango skin.

 here is my CSS followed by the HTML

  * This div element is wrapped by jCarousel around the list
  * and has the classname jcarousel-container.
 /*#mycarousel{ display : none; }*/

 .jcarousel-container{ position : relative; border:1px solid #00; }

 z-index  : 2;
 padding  : 0;
 margin   : 0;
 overflow : hidden;
 position : relative;


 z-index  : 1;
 overflow : hidden;
 position : relative;
 top  : 0;
 left : 0;
 margin   : 0;
 padding  : 0;


 float : left;
 list-style: none;
 /* We set the width/height explicitly. No width/height causes
 infinite loops. */
 width : 115px;
 height: 115px;
 cursor: pointer;
 margin-right  : 10px;
 #margin-right : 0px;


  * The buttons are added dynamically by jCarousel before
  * the ul list (inside the div described above) and
  * have the classnames jcarousel-next and jcarousel-prev.
 margin-top : 25px;
 z-index: 3;
 display: none;
 border:1px solid #00;
 width: 34px;


 margin-top : 25px;
 z-index: 3;
 display: none;
 border:1px solid #00;
 width: 34px;


 width   : 365px;
 padding : 0px 40px 0px 40px;


 width   : 115px;
 height  : 365px;
 padding : 40px 0px 40px 0px;


 width  : 365px;
 height : 115px;


 width  : 115px;
 height : 365px;


 width  : 115px;
 height : 115px;


 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-item-horizontal{ margin-right :
 10px; }

 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-item-vertical{ margin-bottom : 10px; }

 background : #FF;
 color  : #00;


 /* Horizontal Buttons */
 position   : absolute;
 top: 43px;
 right  : 5px;
 width  : 32px;
 height : 32px;
 cursor : pointer;
 background : transparent url(next-horizontal.png) no-repeat 0 0;


 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-next-horizontal:hover{ background-
 position : -32px 0; }

 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-next-horizontal:active{ background-
 position : -64px 0; }

 cursor  : default;
 background-position : -96px 0;


 position   : absolute;
 top: 43px;
 left   : 5px;
 width  : 32px;
 height : 32px;
 cursor : pointer;
 background : transparent url(prev-horizontal.png) no-repeat 0 0;


 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-prev-horizontal:hover{ background-
 position : -32px 0; }

 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-prev-horizontal:active{ background-
 position : -64px 0; }

 cursor  : default;
 background-position : -96px 0;


 /* Vertical Buttons */
 position   : absolute;
 bottom : 5px;
 left   : 43px;
 width  : 32px;
 height : 32px;
 cursor : pointer;
 background : transparent url(next-vertical.png) no-repeat 0 0;


 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-next-vertical:hover{ background-
 position : 0 -32px; }

 .jcarousel-skin-tango.jcarousel-next-vertical:active{ background-
 position : 0 -64px; }

 cursor  : default;
 background-position : 0 -96px;



[jQuery] use jquery script from parent of iframe

2008-02-25 Thread chrismarx

Quick question. There is a parent page that uses jquery and iframe in
that page, which loads a page that also uses jquery. I would like the
child parent to use the parent's instance of jquery. i tried:

script type=text/javascriptvar jQuery, $; $ = window.parent.$;
jQuery = window.parent.jQuery; /script

which actually loads without error, and even allows some of the childs
jquery functions to work, but others don't or work poorly (throw
errors). is there another/better way to do this? everything is in the
same domain-

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel - displaying more than 3 images

2008-02-21 Thread chrismarx

check out the configuration section of the jcarousel documentation


(for you question, use the visible property)

On Feb 20, 7:44 pm, Richi3f [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm new here and I'm just a beginner. The jcarousel's great! I loved
 it since the first time I saw it working at game.co.uk. I'm planning
 to use it for a new site I'm working on, but the displayed images are
 only 3, is there a way to change it to 6 or 7? Thank you in advance.

 Best regards,

 PS: I'm using the thickbox example.

[jQuery] Re: Lightbox plugin: click on 1 of the 3 images in FF and IE to see it your self:

2008-02-03 Thread chrismarx

first off, for ie problem, if you havent got it already, check out the
ie debugbar and companion js, they come very close to firefox for
debugging ie problem. secondly, on loading the page i get errors from
one of the packed scripts that uses eval. i have run into trouble with
scripts that are packed this way. perhaps at least during debugging,
try using the minified versions. if you get minified scripts up on the
site, let me know, so that i can try to find the issue again-

On Feb 3, 11:57 am, Monkeytail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just can't figure it out...

 Product images (using VirtueMart) are displayed using jQuery and a
 lightbox plugin.

 In Firefox everything works perfect!

 Internet Explorer won't show the requested image 0_o, the lightbox
 itself works (almost) perfectly

 Click on 1 of the 3 images in FF and IE to see it your 

 The only thing I can come up with is that there is a 'clash' between
 the (long) image-url and IE

 What is going (wr)on(g) in here?


[jQuery] Re: absolute beginner! How to set page width to window width?

2008-01-31 Thread chrismarx

im not sure you really need jquery for this, or at least not much.
just set your div width and height to 100%


On Jan 31, 3:48 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello :)

 Thanks for the multitude of helpful threads you people post!

 Before trying something gorgeous with jQuery, I thought I should try
 something basic - like setting the width of my #pagewrap div to the
 inner width of the user's window. I can't do it right!

 Please will you show me how to do it? And, if you're feeling generous,
 how to make it resize if the user resizes their viewport?

 Cheers -

[jQuery] Re: .clone not work in FF or IE, please help

2008-01-29 Thread chrismarx

should clone also work for behaviors that were not added by jquery?
(like a google map?) i tried to clone a div with a google map, and
although clone successfully copied all the elements, the behaviors
were lost. append did the job for a workaround. should clone(true) be
able to also grab all the associated behavior from child elements?

On Jan 29, 10:13 am, Eridius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my code:

 var append_to = self.element.children('.cr_tab_content');
 var clone_element = self.element.children('#' + id).clone(true)

 When I do this my element is still empty but should be filled with the
 cloned element

 var append_to = self.element.children('.cr_tab_content');
 var clone_element = self.element.children('#' + id).clone(true)

 work fine but I want to make sure and events are carried over.  any help
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Google map plugin?

2008-01-29 Thread chrismarx

i agree, i don think any plugin will be able to keep up with all the
new developments. unless you want a super simple map. are you
interested in a jstl version?

On Jan 29, 5:12 am, Bohdan Ganicky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 Mika is absolutely right. Google Maps API is itself quite simple and
 concise. There's little need for futher abstraction. As long as
 map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point)); stands for creating new marker on the
 map, I don't see much space for a plugin making this any easier.


 Chris J. Lee wrote:

  I've seen a couple google maps plugins.

  Tried out jmaps have had problems implementing jmaps.

  Is there one that is simpler? I just need a google map marker created
  on the map. And possibly a form to enter driving directions to it.

  Thanks in advance.

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: simplier, more unobtrusiv?

2008-01-25 Thread chrismarx

well using this saves a call the selector function, and chaining
commands let u continue to use the same object. you could also do this

$(#logo).click(function() {
  var $this = $(this); //a normal variable holding a jquery
object, give it the dollar sign to indicate that
  $this.animate({opacity: 0.0}, 500 );


On Jan 25, 5:04 am, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks a lot!
 Chrismarkx, tell me why using your solution? What is the advantage?

 Charles:I put the project online: look here donkeyshot.ch

 Thanks again!

 On Jan 25, 1:18 am, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  well for starters, i would write your first function like this:

  $(#logo).click(function() {
$(this).fadeOut(slow).animate({opacity: 0.0}, 500 );


  but doesnt fadeOut already set the opacity to 0?

[jQuery] Re: simplier, more unobtrusiv?

2008-01-24 Thread chrismarx

well for starters, i would write your first function like this:

$(#logo).click(function() {
  $(this).fadeOut(slow).animate({opacity: 0.0}, 500 );

but doesnt fadeOut already set the opacity to 0?

On Jan 24, 3:18 pm, Charles K. Clarkson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 tlob wrote:

 : 1Page with 4 Divs
 : div id=logo
 : LOGO -- click on that it fades away and go to div#content
 : /div
 : div id=content
 : Homepage
 : Link Sandra-click, this div fades away, div#sandra is shown
 : Link Ahmed-click, this div fades away, div#ahmed is shown
 : /div
 : div id=sandra
 : sandra
 : Link Home-click, this div fades away, div#content is shown
 : /div
 : div id=ahmed
 : ahmed
 : Link Home-click, this div fades away, div#content is shown
 : /div
 [snip code]

 : the links look like this:
 : a href=# class=sandraHome/a , etc...

 Can you show us the relevant part of the actual mark up you
 are using?


 Charles K. Clarkson
 Mobile Homes Specialist
 Free Market Advocate
 Web Programmer

 254 968-8328


[jQuery] Re: Scrollable image in a div

2008-01-24 Thread chrismarx

maybe you could modify this to listen for mousemoves?


On Jan 24, 10:57 am, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'd love to see that, too, but with the option to leave off
 the scrollbars.  (Which may be an option already, I didn't take
 time to look)


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 9:52 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Scrollable image in a div

  Is there a plug-in or some jQuery code I can use to make a draggable
  scroll image, similar to the scriptaculous effect of this:


[jQuery] Re: Add a callback to any method

2008-01-23 Thread chrismarx

thanks so much for your time investigating this. i too started playing
wiih the idea of using a jquery function, but i didnt understand why
it worked for otherr jquery methods and not livequery. i learned a lot
reading your post! thanks!

On Jan 23, 4:32 am, h0tzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i forgot,with an normal each (not using livequery) and a jquery-
 plugin, it works 

 $.fn.andThen = function(cb) {
 return this;


 $(document).ready(function() {

 $('div.rating').each(function() {

 $('#log').append(li + $(this).text() + /li);





[jQuery] Re: Add a callback to any method

2008-01-22 Thread chrismarx

well, yeah it would be, if i were smart enough to figure out how to
actually use in the context of jquery chained functions. the above
example is what i want it to do. the closest i got was this:

( $('div[class=rating]').livequery(function(){
var $this = $(this);
var opts = function(){
g.ratingOpts.self = $this;
g.ratingOpts.curvalue = parseInt($this.attr(rate));
return g.ratingOpts;

alert(I'm called after livequery has looped through all the div's
with class rating);


but that me, because the second function still executes before the all
the jquery finishes. with simple functions this works fine, but i dont
understand wel enough how jquery handles the multiple selectors, nor
how live query executes in this context either. i think a lot of
people out there could really benefit from a plugin that does this-

On Jan 22, 9:07 am, h0tzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this is pretty smart.
 why not just use prototyping? thats what jscript is all about and
 personally i think, its *the* best idea to add that feature.

[jQuery] Re: Add a callback to any method

2008-01-22 Thread chrismarx

sorry, correction, first i had to wrap the jquery function in another
function. and although this worked, i think because of the looping
or something, the second function was executed before all the jquery
stuff finished

( function(){
var $this = $(this);
var opts = function(){
g.ratingOpts.self = $this;
g.ratingOpts.curvalue = parseInt($this.attr(rate));
return g.ratingOpts;

On Jan 22, 12:55 pm, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 well, yeah it would be, if i were smart enough to figure out how to
 actually use in the context of jquery chained functions. the above
 example is what i want it to do. the closest i got was this:

 ( $('div[class=rating]').livequery(function(){
 var $this = $(this);
 var opts = function(){
 g.ratingOpts.self = $this;
 g.ratingOpts.curvalue = parseInt($this.attr(rate));
 return g.ratingOpts;


 alert(I'm called after livequery has looped through all the div's
 with class rating);


 but that me, because the second function still executes before the all
 the jquery finishes. with simple functions this works fine, but i dont
 understand wel enough how jquery handles the multiple selectors, nor
 how live query executes in this context either. i think a lot of
 people out there could really benefit from a plugin that does this-

 On Jan 22, 9:07 am, h0tzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  this is pretty smart.
  why not just use prototyping? thats what jscript is all about and
  personally i think, its *the* best idea to add that feature.

[jQuery] ie7 document not ready for namespace addition

2008-01-21 Thread chrismarx

id like to run this code

if ( this.vml_capable ) {
behavior:url(#default#VML); position:absolute );

but i get an error even when running this within $(document).ready().
it does succeed if i use a timeout of a few seconds. is there some
element for which i could listen for the load/ready event that would
signal its ok to run this code?

[jQuery] Re: jquery 1.2.2 and animate()

2008-01-21 Thread chrismarx

yeah, the color plugin, its sweet.


On Jan 21, 7:21 am, Stefan Kilp [sk-software] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 what is the best way to animate background-color with jquery.

 i tried

 $j(this).animate({backgroundColor:#ff}, 2000)

 to get a red background, but it doesn't work.

 do i have to use any plugins?

 Stefan Kilp
 SK-Software, Entwicklung  Beratung


 fon  : +49 6151 93344-0
 fax  : +49 6151 93344-20
 Herta-Mansbacher-Str. 98
 64289 Darmstadt, Germany.

[jQuery] Re: .click()

2008-01-21 Thread chrismarx

i believe this is expected behavior, it would be a security risk to
allow script access to file inputs-

On Jan 20, 7:32 pm, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 1/6/08 11:55 PM, chrismarx at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  best to see the live page-

  On Jan 6, 9:32 pm, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  on 1/6/08 5:29 PM, chrismarx at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  first, it would be better jquery technique to bind your img outside of
  the onclick


  what function is executed when you trigger the click event on the logo

  On Jan 6, 5:46 pm, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Running into something strange. I have an image with an onclick handler
  calls on a hidden input type=file id=logo  via
  img src=xx onclick=$('#logo').click()
  This works flawlessly in Safari, IE 6  7 but not in FF Mac (not sure 
  PC). Any ideas?

  Also, what is the best way when taking this approach? I have it where the
  file input is in a div. I initially tried using display:none for the
  container div but the file inputs stopped working. I changed the div to
  visibility:hidden and height: 0px and it works (with the exception above)
  anyone have a better suggestion on how to hide these inputs better?

  I am using jquery




  I am hiding the file inputs and then parsing the data from the file input
  onchange and placing it into a dummy text field so that there are no paths
  etc when the end user views it. As you know, some browsers prepend the path
  to the name in the file input and I wasn't thrilled with that. By trimming
  the path and displaying only the file name looked more appealing. The end
  user wants to have their own add/delete buttons for the images rather than
  the standard choose button. The odd thing is that when I use the DOM
  inspector in FF it shows that the image has the click attribute so I am not
  sure why it's not firing. Would it beneficial to show all of the code or is
  there enough mentioned to see why the click event fails? Odd that FF does
  not show any errors or warnings in the error console.



 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN

 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 script type=text/javascript

 input type=button onclick=$('#inFile').click() value=Find It
 div style=
 input type=file name=test id=inFile


 As stated it works in Safari and IE67. Any ideas why it fails in Firefox?



 T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
 Steffan A. Cline
 Azhttp://www.ExecuChoice.net USA
 AIM : SteffanC  ICQ : 57234309
 YAHOO : Steffan_Cline   MSN : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline Lasso Partner Alliance Member

[jQuery] Add a callback to any method

2008-01-21 Thread chrismarx

I'd like to be able to do something like this

//Extend Function for easy callbacks
Function.prototype.andThen=function(g) {
  var f=this;
  return function() {

var $this = $(this);
var opts = function(){
g.ratingOpts.self = $this;
g.ratingOpts.curvalue = parseInt($this.attr(rate));
return g.ratingOpts;
alert(I'm called after livequery has looped through all the div's
with class rating);

I realize that touching Function.prototype might not be the best idea.
Is there anything like this out there somewhere?  I would like to have
to touch the plugins, etc, so that scripts can be updated without
having to go through them again and add in callbacks-

[jQuery] Re: traversing xml

2008-01-21 Thread chrismarx

this returned a myVal of 2007:

type:   GET,
url:jquery_test.xml, //your xml
data:   ,
dataType:   xml,
success: function(data,textStatus) {
error: function(msg) {
  //call function to pass friendly message back to thread 
end fetching

function findAnchor(projectName,scape, xml){
var myscape = $(scape[title=' + scape + '], xml);
var myItem = $('item[title=' + projectName + ']', myscape);
var myCol  = $(myItem).parent();
myVal = $(myCol).attr('title');
alert(dsanchor for  + projectName + in scape:UI.sortBy= +
return myVal;

On Jan 21, 4:49 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello again,

 i'm banging my head on this issue:

 I'm using a function to search through a small bit xml. It works more or less 
 except that the returned value is not correct.

 Here is my function:

 function findAnchor(projectName,scape, xml){
 var myscape = $(scape[title=' + scape + '], xml.responseText);
 var myItem = $('item[title=' + projectName + ']', myscape);
 var myCol  = $(myItem).parent();
 myVal = $(myCol).attr('title');
 $.log(dsanchor for  + projectName +  in scape: + UI.sortBy + = 
 + myVal);
 return myVal;

 The xml file is herebelow. Now, if i try :  var dsAnchorVar = 
 findAnchor('test-release','time', xml);

 it returns time, whereas it should return 2007.  Can you tell me why 
 ? It seems to me the .parent(); selector does not function...

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 scape title=title
 col title=L
 item title=liquidspace /
 item title=liquidspace01 /
 col title=S
 item title=space-navigable-music /
 col title=T
 item title=test-release /
 item title=touch /

 scape title=time
 col title=2004
 item title=electric_courtship_songs /
 col title=2004
 item title=liquidspace02 /
 col title=2007
 item title=liquidspace03 /
 col title=2000
 item title=space-navigable-music /
 col title=2007
 item title=test-release /
 col title=2006
 item title=touch /


[jQuery] using resizable handles that are not children

2008-01-15 Thread chrismarx

i posted this over at jqueryUI forum, but there doesnt seem to be a
whole lot of acitvity over there.

the problem is here-

[jQuery] sort existing li elements

2008-01-10 Thread chrismarx

i'm looking for a plugin or code to sort an existing list of li
elements, without going back to the server. anyone seen this already?

[jQuery] Re: sort existing li elements

2008-01-10 Thread chrismarx

ok, i found this page, what a useful plugin!!


and created this function, which fades out the ul container, sorts the
li's, and shows everything again. very sweet!
if($(this).val() == diggs){
var afterSort = jQuery.aop.after( {target: $, 
method: 'appendTo'},
return a.getAttribute(rate)  
b.getAttribute(rate) ? 1 : -1;

On Jan 9, 11:42 pm, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm looking for a plugin or code to sort an existing list of li
 elements, without going back to the server. anyone seen this already?

[jQuery] Re: .click()

2008-01-07 Thread chrismarx

best to see the live page-

On Jan 6, 9:32 pm, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 1/6/08 5:29 PM, chrismarx at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  first, it would be better jquery technique to bind your img outside of
  the onclick


  what function is executed when you trigger the click event on the logo

  On Jan 6, 5:46 pm, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Running into something strange. I have an image with an onclick handler 
  calls on a hidden input type=file id=logo  via
  img src=xx onclick=$('#logo').click()
  This works flawlessly in Safari, IE 6  7 but not in FF Mac (not sure about
  PC). Any ideas?

  Also, what is the best way when taking this approach? I have it where the
  file input is in a div. I initially tried using display:none for the
  container div but the file inputs stopped working. I changed the div to
  visibility:hidden and height: 0px and it works (with the exception above)
  anyone have a better suggestion on how to hide these inputs better?

  I am using jquery




 I am hiding the file inputs and then parsing the data from the file input
 onchange and placing it into a dummy text field so that there are no paths
 etc when the end user views it. As you know, some browsers prepend the path
 to the name in the file input and I wasn't thrilled with that. By trimming
 the path and displaying only the file name looked more appealing. The end
 user wants to have their own add/delete buttons for the images rather than
 the standard choose button. The odd thing is that when I use the DOM
 inspector in FF it shows that the image has the click attribute so I am not
 sure why it's not firing. Would it beneficial to show all of the code or is
 there enough mentioned to see why the click event fails? Odd that FF does
 not show any errors or warnings in the error console.



 T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
 Steffan A. Cline
 Azhttp://www.ExecuChoice.net USA
 AIM : SteffanC  ICQ : 57234309
 YAHOO : Steffan_Cline   MSN : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline Lasso Partner Alliance Member

[jQuery] Re: Working with data from a GoogleMaps InfoWindow

2008-01-07 Thread chrismarx

can u post a link?

On Jan 6, 4:52 pm, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you're using jquery u dont even need a form. but if you do want to
 serialize your parameters, that's fine. i think the easiest thing to
 do is to give your form an id, making it easy for jquery to find it.
 once you've got that, everything else should be easy-

 On Jan 6, 10:21 am, marcus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, I am very bad at Javascript so my question is perhaps silly...

  When I have something like this

  google.maps.Event.addListener(map, click, function(overlay, latlng)
  inputForm =  'form action= onsubmit=store(); return false;'
  + 'input type=text id=some /'
  + 'input type=text id=thing /'
  + 'input type=submit value=Save/'
  + '/form';
  map.openInfoWindow (latlng,inputForm);


  Is there a chance to let jQuery somehow take over? I tried to get the
  data, but I guess $('#map form').click probably just can't work,
  because the form is simply not existing at $(document).ready

  But is there a chance at all to do that?


[jQuery] Re: append ul (unordered list) ie bug

2008-01-07 Thread chrismarx

its so misleading when firefox fixes your errors for u.
i'll stop thinking thats it jquery bugs-

On Jan 7, 10:14 am, Danny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It looks like you've got some syntax errors. In the first example, ul
 id=c-rply-to'+id+'/ul is missing a double quote:
 ul id=c-rply-to'+id+'/ul (that's a single quote followed by a
 double right after id+
 In the second, #('#c-r+id) should be $('#c-r'+id)

 See if that works

 On Jan 6, 4:28 pm,chrismarx[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  in firefox this works fine

  var id = 1;
  $parent.append('div id=c-r'+id+' class=c-replies c-hide
  style=display: none;ul id=c-rply-to'+id+'/ul/div');

  but in ie, no ul gets created.

  next i tried appending the ul to the newly created div (and yes, the
  div was found)

  var id = 1;
  $parent.append('div id=c-r'+id+' class=c-replies c-hide
  style=display: none;/div');

  that didnt work either. i had to resort to this

  var iediv = document.getElementById(c-r+id);
  var newElem = document.createElement('ul');
  newElem.id = c-rply-to+id+;

  can someone spot the problem?

[jQuery] Re: XML Processing

2008-01-06 Thread chrismarx

personally, i love using jquery thusly for parsing xml

var xml = data;
var path = subscr.SubscribersubscriberId;

for (var i=0;i$(path,xml).length;i++){
  alert( $(+path+:eq(+i+)).text() )

On Jan 4, 3:09 pm, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am attempting to process an XML document using jQuery but am hitting
 a brick wall.  I've looked all over the web and it looks like this
 should be a very simple thing to do but I keep getting the error
 Object does not support this property or method..

 I'm using jQuery 1.2.1 in IE6.  I've switched to the unpacked version
 of jQuery and IE is reporting the error is happening on line 1363,
 which turns out to be the following line:

 r = jQuery.merge( r, ret[i].getElementsByTagName( tag ));

 I've simplified my code as much as possible to eliminate as many
 complications as possible.  The code I am executing is the following:

 var xml =
 subscr.Subscriber +
subscriberId1/subscriberId +
subscriberNameDefault customer/subscriberName +

 alert(xml); // Verify xml contents

 var xmlData = jQuery(xml);
 alert(xmlData.length); // Not sure what the length should be,
 // but just checking the xmlData was
 created properly

 var id = xmlData.find('subscriberId').text(); // Crashes here
 alert(id); // Should output '1' if it makes it here

 I've also tried an alternate method of selecting my value, namely:

 jQuery('subscriberId', xml).text();

 but this fails to at the same point.

 Am I doing something wrong or missing something in my code?  Has
 anyone else encountered this error message?

 Thanks in advance,
 Jamie Goodfellow

[jQuery] append ul (unordered list) ie bug

2008-01-06 Thread chrismarx

in firefox this works fine

var id = 1;
$parent.append('div id=c-r'+id+' class=c-replies c-hide
style=display: none;ul id=c-rply-to'+id+'/ul/div');

but in ie, no ul gets created.

next i tried appending the ul to the newly created div (and yes, the
div was found)

var id = 1;
$parent.append('div id=c-r'+id+' class=c-replies c-hide
style=display: none;/div');

that didnt work either. i had to resort to this

var iediv = document.getElementById(c-r+id);
var newElem = document.createElement('ul');
newElem.id = c-rply-to+id+;

can someone spot the problem?

[jQuery] Re: Working with data from a GoogleMaps InfoWindow

2008-01-06 Thread chrismarx

if you're using jquery u dont even need a form. but if you do want to
serialize your parameters, that's fine. i think the easiest thing to
do is to give your form an id, making it easy for jquery to find it.
once you've got that, everything else should be easy-

On Jan 6, 10:21 am, marcus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I am very bad at Javascript so my question is perhaps silly...

 When I have something like this

 google.maps.Event.addListener(map, click, function(overlay, latlng)
 inputForm =  'form action= onsubmit=store(); return false;'
 + 'input type=text id=some /'
 + 'input type=text id=thing /'
 + 'input type=submit value=Save/'
 + '/form';
 map.openInfoWindow (latlng,inputForm);


 Is there a chance to let jQuery somehow take over? I tried to get the
 data, but I guess $('#map form').click probably just can't work,
 because the form is simply not existing at $(document).ready

 But is there a chance at all to do that?


[jQuery] Re: .click()

2008-01-06 Thread chrismarx

first, it would be better jquery technique to bind your img outside of
the onclick


what function is executed when you trigger the click event on the logo

On Jan 6, 5:46 pm, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Running into something strange. I have an image with an onclick handler that
 calls on a hidden input type=file id=logo  via
 img src=xx onclick=$('#logo').click()
 This works flawlessly in Safari, IE 6  7 but not in FF Mac (not sure about
 PC). Any ideas?

 Also, what is the best way when taking this approach? I have it where the
 file input is in a div. I initially tried using display:none for the
 container div but the file inputs stopped working. I changed the div to
 visibility:hidden and height: 0px and it works (with the exception above)
 anyone have a better suggestion on how to hide these inputs better?

 I am using jquery




 T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
 Steffan A. Cline
 Azhttp://www.ExecuChoice.net USA
 AIM : SteffanC  ICQ : 57234309
 YAHOO : Steffan_Cline   MSN : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline Lasso Partner Alliance Member

[jQuery] Re: IE bug with child selector for XML

2008-01-04 Thread chrismarx

oh, right u are. interesting that firefox didn't throw any errors
there and succesfully targeted all of the child elements-
thanks for ur help!!

On Jan 3, 7:12 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm the '' on it's own shouldn't select anything. Add '*' after it, e.g.:


 That should select all child elements.

 Karl Rudd

 On Jan 4, 2008 8:28 AM, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  this one's odd.
  this works:

  responses[i][$(this).attr(NAME)] = $(this).text();

  but this doesn't:

  responses[i][$(this).attr(NAME)] = $(this).text();

  the only difference being the extra  in the selector


  i need to access the child elements. this works fine in firefox. in ie
  i get this error

  Line: 19
  Char: 222
  Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

  and then is rightfully throws other undefined errors from lines in
  my own code, since the selector failed.
  any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: using animate() with duration/queue object and callback doesn't work

2008-01-04 Thread chrismarx


On Jan 3, 11:17 am, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this works fine

 $elem.animate( {opacity:0}, 600, callback)
   .animate( {height:hide}, 700);

 but this doesn't

 $elem.animate( {opacity:0}, {queue:false, duration:600}, callback)
   .animate( {height:hide}, 700);

 nor this

 $elem.animate( {opacity:0}, {queue:false, duration:600,
   .animate( {height:hide}, 700);

 what am i missing?

[jQuery] using animate() with duration/queue object and callback doesn't work

2008-01-03 Thread chrismarx

 this works fine

$elem.animate( {opacity:0}, 600, callback)
  .animate( {height:hide}, 700);

but this doesn't

$elem.animate( {opacity:0}, {queue:false, duration:600}, callback)
  .animate( {height:hide}, 700);

nor this

$elem.animate( {opacity:0}, {queue:false, duration:600,
  .animate( {height:hide}, 700);

what am i missing?

[jQuery] IE bug with child selector for XML

2008-01-03 Thread chrismarx

this one's odd.
this works:

responses[i][$(this).attr(NAME)] = $(this).text();

but this doesn't:

responses[i][$(this).attr(NAME)] = $(this).text();

the only difference being the extra  in the selector


i need to access the child elements. this works fine in firefox. in ie
i get this error

Line: 19
Char: 222
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

and then is rightfully throws other undefined errors from lines in
my own code, since the selector failed.
any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Adding jQuery Libary to JSEclipse

2007-11-28 Thread chrismarx

thanks, ill look in to that, but for the time being, i develop in java
with eclipse, and i'd like to just keep using that. any other ideas?

On Nov 28, 8:19 am, Giovanni Battista Lenoci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi, I've read this post:


 But (maybe for my low-level english) I didn't understand how to use
 this functionality.

 Actually I'm using easyeclipse, and all my project are PHP project.

 If I understood the post it says that to use this functionality you
 have to start an ajax project...

 Maybe can you help me...

 On Nov 28, 4:12 am, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  JSEclipse has stated that they don't support jQuery, but with the
  ability to add your own libraries, I was wondering whether anyone has
  taken the time to put something together, so we could get jQuery code
  completion in jseclipse!!

  While not an answer to your question, Aptana supports jQuery and I actually
  like Aptana better than JSEclipse. I used JSEclipse for a long time before
  switching to Aptana.


  The Community Edition is free and offers all the basic functionality you
  could want.


  PS - I'm in no way affiliated with Aptana, just a user of their product.

[jQuery] Re: Adding jQuery Libary to JSEclipse

2007-11-28 Thread chrismarx

oh, nice, i just saw the standalone part. im downloading it now,
anything ill need to do to get jquery support?

On Nov 28, 4:24 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 thanks, ill look in to that, but for the time being, i develop in java
 with eclipse, and i'd like to just keep using that. any other ideas?

 Aptana *is* a plug-in for Eclipse--which is why I suggested it.


[jQuery] Adding jQuery Libary to JSEclipse

2007-11-27 Thread chrismarx

JSEclipse has stated that they don't support jQuery, but with the
ability to add your own libraries, I was wondering whether anyone has
taken the time to put something together, so we could get jQuery code
completion in jseclipse!!

[jQuery] Re: replace XPath functions for XML parsing

2007-11-20 Thread chrismarx

sweet!! thanks

On Nov 19, 12:21 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 19, 2007, at 7:23 AM, chrismarx wrote:


  On Nov 13, 11:50 pm, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to keep up with the new jquery release and abandon my xpath
  code for parsing xml, but I haven't seen anything that will do what i
  need. Here's an example of what i did with xpath:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  kml xmlns=http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0;
  coordinates-77.988788,30.779793,0.00 /coordinates

  -101.993915,34.013136,0.00 /coordinates

  as you can see, each placemark can contain different types of
  tags, so
  i need to just be able to access the coordinates by giving different
  paths like:

  for (var j=0; jplacemarks.length/3; j++) {
var coords = $('Document/Folder:eq('+1+')/Placemark:eq('+j+')/
  LineString/coordinates', xml).text();

  is there any good way to do this?

 You should be able to simply replace each slash with a greater than

 var coords = $('Document  Folder:eq('+1+')  Placemark:eq('+j+') 
 LineString  coordinates', xml).text();

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Re: replace XPath functions for XML parsing

2007-11-19 Thread chrismarx


On Nov 13, 11:50 pm, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to keep up with the new jquery release and abandon my xpath
 code for parsing xml, but I haven't seen anything that will do what i
 need. Here's an example of what i did with xpath:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 kml xmlns=http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0;
 coordinates-77.988788,30.779793,0.00 /coordinates
 -101.993915,34.013136,0.00 /coordinates

 as you can see, each placemark can contain different types of tags, so
 i need to just be able to access the coordinates by giving different
 paths like:

 for (var j=0; jplacemarks.length/3; j++) {
   var coords = $('Document/Folder:eq('+1+')/Placemark:eq('+j+')/
 LineString/coordinates', xml).text();

 is there any good way to do this?

[jQuery] Re: Selectors in IFrame

2007-11-18 Thread chrismarx



actually worked in ie and firefox (havent tried safari)



worked beautifully as well. where is content() documented??

On Nov 17, 1:54 pm, Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ariel Flesler

 On Nov 15, 8:25 am, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What would be a jQuery equivalent for this


  if iFrameTable is the id of the iframe?

[jQuery] Selectors in IFrame

2007-11-15 Thread chrismarx

What would be a jQuery equivalent for this


if iFrameTable is the id of the iframe?

[jQuery] replace XPath functions for XML parsing

2007-11-13 Thread chrismarx

I'd like to keep up with the new jquery release and abandon my xpath
code for parsing xml, but I haven't seen anything that will do what i
need. Here's an example of what i did with xpath:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
kml xmlns=http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0;
coordinates-77.988788,30.779793,0.00 /coordinates

-101.993915,34.013136,0.00 /coordinates

as you can see, each placemark can contain different types of tags, so
i need to just be able to access the coordinates by giving different
paths like:

for (var j=0; jplacemarks.length/3; j++) {
  var coords = $('Document/Folder:eq('+1+')/Placemark:eq('+j+')/
LineString/coordinates', xml).text();

is there any good way to do this?