[jQuery] please test my link - takes only 2 secs

2010-02-03 Thread jquertil
Hello all,

if you have 2 seconds to spare, please see


and send me errors you may (or rather hopefully WILL NOT) be getting.

What's supposed to happen: the page displays an orange swf file with a
dynamic text field.
When you click the button at the top, the text inside the orange swf
is supposed to change.

I'm interested in people who run:

IE7, IE8, FF3 on Windows XP, Vista, 7
Safari 4, FF3 on Mac OSX

Thanks a bunch! Your help is appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: weird animate() flicker in strict DTD in FF3

2009-07-21 Thread jquertil

I can't believe no one else has seen this? I've tried to isolate the
problem but so far, it's pretty consistent.

[jQuery] weird animate() flicker in strict DTD in FF3

2009-07-20 Thread jquertil

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script

$('#slider').animate({ // this element is inside another DIV 
has CSS overflow:hidden;
top: '-200px'

In FF3, this causes a jaggedy sliding of the elements, very ugly.
Looks like the elements are literally jumping up and down while

Not a problem in IE7, though...

Has anyone else seen this?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax loaded pages..

2009-07-20 Thread jquertil

no, you should normally be able to use javascript and jquery whereever
you want.
you probably aren't addressing your frames/iframes correctly.

On Jul 20, 9:16 am, Spiatrax vedran.vuce...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, i got problem. When i load some page with jquery ajax i cant use
 javascript on loaded page. For example, when i load gallery.htm in
 some div in index.html, lightbox wont work. Is this usual or..?

[jQuery] Re: Scrolling between images in list item

2009-07-20 Thread jquertil

you should separate the nav links from the image collection, i.e.
place the images in one container and the anv anchors outside of it;
that way you won't run into problems with siblings that aren't images.

[jQuery] yet another frames-related problem

2009-02-02 Thread jquertil

I did this:

$('body').append('iframe name=myFrameName3 src='... etc...

now I want to attach a click event to something inside that frame.
Does anyone know why the context parameter of the click() below does
not work? I can't get the alert to show up.

$('#someDiv', top.frames['myFrameName3'].document).click(function(){
   alert( $(this).attr('id') );

[jQuery] frames references

2009-02-02 Thread jquertil

$('#someDiv', top.frames['myFrame'].document)

doesn't return anything, what am I doing wrong?

[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery solve the iframe height=100% problem?

2009-01-30 Thread jquertil

I think you're going down the wrong path - you shouldnt need to script
anything to get a CSS attribute to work.

usually when I run into this problem it is because somewhere in my
document tree there is a parent lement that has no height attribute

So if you have html  someDiv  anotherDiv  table  tr td  iframe

every one of the elements should have a parent with  height set

At least this is how I usually end up solving the dreaded height 100%
problem whenever I come to it.

Alternatively, you can try


[jQuery] Re: what would be the opposite of top.frames as a jquery selector context?

2009-01-30 Thread jquertil

it ended up being quite easy actually:

$('#'+self.name, top.document).hide();

usually whenever I try to so something and it requires more than 1
line of code it's my fault, not jquery's...

[jQuery] what would be the opposite of top.frames as a jquery selector context?

2009-01-27 Thread jquertil

If i want to do something in a parent frame, I would do this:

$('#myDiv', top.document).hide();

but what about this following scenario? I'm inside a frame that was
created like so:

$('body', top.document).append('iframe id=myiframe/iframe');

inside myiframe, I now want to know the id of my iframe, because I
would not know it.

All I am able to see in the DOM is the topmost document.

I could traverse through all the iframes and get their ID's but that's
useless because I wouldn't know which of them is the one I'm currently

I suppose I'm simply trying to pass a variable to a child frame so it
becomes available on the frame's document.onload().

[jQuery] getting to a variable in the parent frame - stumped

2009-01-23 Thread jquertil

I'm using frames (don't ask) and have exhausted my abilities
(sniff)... here is some pseudo-code to illustrate the situation:

script src=jquery.js/script

var module = {
   something1 : function(var1){


iframe src=iframe1.htm/iframe

- now, IFRAME1.HTM
script src=jquery.js/script
  // this line above is the part where I'm stuck.
  //why won't this darn thing cooperate and alert my variable?

div id=mydivclick me/div

[jQuery] Re: getting to a variable in the parent frame - stumped

2009-01-23 Thread jquertil

thanks - that was an interesting consideration. Unfortunately didn't
make a difference.

(still scratching head)

[jQuery] Re: getting to a variable in the parent frame - stumped

2009-01-23 Thread jquertil

oh! I got it. thanks Jay, your suggestion gave me the hint I needed to
figure it out.

removing var did 1/2 the trick, the second 1/2 was me realizing that
now I have module as object of the top document, so



yay! this drove me crazy last night!

[jQuery] trying to get parent frame from mouse event

2009-01-23 Thread jquertil

whats the best way to find the frame name of a click event?

in FF I managed to do this:

$('#'+e.view.name, top.document)


e.view.name is undefined in IE.

[jQuery] Re: sd

2009-01-23 Thread jquertil


[jQuery] why does $('.myDiv', top.frames[0]).hide() not work?

2009-01-22 Thread jquertil

I'm totally not getting it... but you might, I hope :)

I appended an iframe:


The iframe source has jquery in the header and it works.

now I want to do something in that iframe, like hide a div. I want to
do this from the top.frame...

$('.myDiv', top.frames[0]).hide();

but, it doesn't work!??!?

I'm lost. Been googling, all I find is stuff about getting stuff to
work in the parent frame - why wouldnt the same work for a child

THanks for pointers! much obliged...

[jQuery] Re: why does $('.myDiv', top.frames[0]).hide() not work?

2009-01-22 Thread jquertil

I love answering my own ?'s ;P

$('.myDiv', top.frames[0]  .DOCUMENT   ).hide();

works - forgot to add the document reference.

[jQuery] ajax request on local machine and FF3/Firebug Access to restricted URI denied code: 1012

2009-01-16 Thread jquertil

this has been discussed before, but I'm still hazy:

In FF2 and old Firebug this function ran fine with local files (no
local web server, just straight-up file on local desktop).

Now Firebug complains Access to restricted URI denied code: 1012

type: POST,
url: myFileName,
data: {},
dataType: jsonp,
async: false,
success: function(ret){

I added the line
after reading up on this inside the list archives. This did nothing.

I don't feel like running all my stuff on a local web server just so I
can do some simple ajax - am I stuck? Should I downgrade to older

Any pointers much appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: ajax request on local machine and FF3/Firebug Access to restricted URI denied code: 1012

2009-01-16 Thread jquertil

I should add that I'm calling just by file name myJsonSource.js -
everything is very local, so I'm not even using any sort of domain
at all, and feel that this should be just fine for running stuff

Looked at settings to see if there is anything I can turn off...

[jQuery] Re: ajax request on local machine and FF3/Firebug Access to restricted URI denied code: 1012

2009-01-16 Thread jquertil

I downgraded both FF 2 and FB 1.2 so now things work again - but this
sucks! Someone tell those nice folks at Mozilla they should at least
allow a user setting to not get so uptight about script loading
security - I was very surprised to see no ability to adjust that

[jQuery] Re: ajax request on local machine and FF3/Firebug Access to restricted URI denied code: 1012

2009-01-16 Thread jquertil

except its not a bug - its a feature request...

On Jan 16, 2:39 pm, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:
 By the way, you are 'someone' so you can file a bug report.  ;-)   -
 note smily

 On Jan 16, 5:15 pm, jquertil til...@gmail.com wrote:

  I downgraded both FF 2 and FB 1.2 so now things work again - but this
  sucks! Someone tell those nice folks at Mozilla they should at least
  allow a user setting to not get so uptight about script loading
  security - I was very surprised to see no ability to adjust that
  manually.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] .hide() and .height()

2009-01-16 Thread jquertil

I noticed today after much fiddling that .hide() causes the parent
element to loose its height().

In other words, height() won't work on elements that have display:none
-- causing me to use .hide() only AFTER I've done my .height() - based

I suppose that makes sense but I somehow never really thought that
element.height is an attribute that gets set to 0 if display:is set to
none...or whatever is actually going on.

[jQuery] iframes and livequery

2008-12-10 Thread jquertil

after searching I found this, which is close but no cigar.

I appended an iframe to my document, and use livequery:


which works in the top.document, but not in the iframe.

How can I re-use this? I don't want to have to copy the function into
the body of my iframe source file.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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For more options, visit this group at 

[jQuery] Re: iframes and livequery

2008-12-10 Thread jquertil

$('.LQelements', frames[myIframe].document).livequery(function(){...

doesn't work either :(

[jQuery] livequery Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30001

2008-11-12 Thread jquertil

alright, this one is a different one... I don't even know what I'm
supposed to be looking for in order to debug this. Below is a Firebug
console error.

Anyone has some insight?

much obliged!

[Exception... Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30001
(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) [nsIDOMJSWindow.setTimeout] nsresult:
0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) location: JS frame ::
file:///C:/lib/livequery-1.0.2.js :: anonymous :: line 1 data: no]
data()(Document , events, undefined)jquery-1.2.6.js (line 679)
remove()(Document , undefined, undefined)jquery-1.2.6.js (line 1912)
unbind()()jquery-1.2.6.js (line 2244)
each()(Object length=25 0=html 1=head 2=script 3=script 4=script,
function(), undefined)jquery-1.2.6.js (line 745)
each()(function(), undefined)jquery-1.2.6.js (line 138)
unbind()(undefined, undefined)jquery-1.2.6.js (line 2243)
(?)()()jquery-1.2.6.js (line 2414)
one()(Object originalEvent=Event unload type=unload)jquery-1.2.6.js
(line 2235)
handle()(Object originalEvent=Event unload type=unload)jquery-1.2.6.js
(line 2076)
(?)()()jquery-1.2.6.js (line 1858)
remove()(undefined)jquery-1.2.6.js (line 1317)
each()(Object length=1 0=iframe.popupDetail prevObject=Object, function
(), [])jquery-1.2.6.js (line 734)
each()(function(), [])jquery-1.2.6.js (line 138)
(?)()()jquery-1.2.6.js (line 1331)
(?)()()3DYR8yd%...e3Q%3D%3D (line 1)
(?)()()popup.htm (line 189)
handle()(Object originalEvent=Event click which=1 view=window)
jquery-1.2.6.js (line 2076)
(?)()()jquery-1.2.6.js (line 1858)
[Break on this error] jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] :

[jQuery] toggleClass and CSS inheritance

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

.toggler {background:#fff;}
.open {background:#000;}


It's really a CSS problem, because the DOM does toggle the classname.
But the background does not change.

div class=toggler openblah/div

Only solution I can think of is not using toggleClass, but its so nice
and simple that way. Anyone know a solution by chance? Thanks a lot!

[jQuery] Re: toggleClass and CSS inheritance

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

keeping in tradition of answering my own questions, I came up with
this solution but I don't like it much because it's more code. I use
jquery because its supposed to be less code :)

   $(this).attr('class')=='expander' ? $(this).attr('class','open') : $

So the question still stands: any ideas on how to get this effect
going more elegantly?

[jQuery] Re: How to select a group of similar named objects?

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

you're better served using class grouping and setting up your elements
div class=tag_cWeb_TSW  id=Day01blah/div

then you can select with the class, and the individual elements with
the id attribute, respectively.

[jQuery] Re: How to select a group of similar named objects?

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

aslo, $('#tag_cWeb_TSW_Day*').css('visibility', 'hidden')

that can just be

[jQuery] empty().append() slow

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

if I have a lot of elements inside div classfull.../div

and then do $('.full').empty().append ('blah');

it takes a long time. Is there a way to speed that up?

[jQuery] Re: toggleClass and CSS inheritance

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

thats quite creative thinking, I like it! thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Link in an iFrame changing Parent window elements

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

sorry I dont really understand your question, but inter-frame actions
work something like this:


read up on jquery's selectors and additional parameters, its all in
the documentation. notice the comma after the element selector, that's
where you address the frame to which you want to talk to

[jQuery] Re: empty().append() slow

2008-11-06 Thread jquertil

thanks Karl,

didn't make a difference. I suppose I'll have to preload everything
and show/hide things... ugh.

does empty() go through the entire element node tree and remove things
one by one or something? I kept thinking it just sets innerHTML=''.

[jQuery] offset() returns different values between resize and onload events

2008-07-21 Thread jquertil

I'm checking offset() return values in both events: window resize and
Te offset().left and position().left is 8px more in onload versus
I tried all options (scroll:false, etc).

window.onresize = checkit();
window.onload = checkit();

function checkit(){

div id=positioned style=margin:0 auto;width:100px;hello/div

[jQuery] Re: Looking for always vertically centered select box....

2008-07-21 Thread jquertil

can't use a select box (i.e html SELECT tag) because that is all O/S

you would have to custom-build your popup as divs, position them based
on the element you clicked on and have some conditional statement that
decides whether to pop it at top or bottom of the clicked-on element.

your questions sounds like you're not too familiar with these details
and I doubt there is a plugin for it. most Select-replacement plugins
simply try to recreate the standard popup behavior.


[jQuery] Re: Finding the element which has focus

2008-07-21 Thread jquertil

you should be able to return the focus() event.

if( $('#navTable').focus() == true )

might need to play with the selector to get it right.

[jQuery] Re: offset() returns different values between resize and onload events

2008-07-21 Thread jquertil

That was my first thought, too, and it's been mentioned before on this
list. I always set margin and padding of html and body to 0;

[jQuery] passing parameters to new Function as array... possible?

2008-07-17 Thread jquertil

its really a javascript question...

The 3 parameters var1, var2, var3 that are used my my new Function -
I'd like to be able to do this using an array. After an hour on the
web I haven't been able to find a way...

var fn = new Function( 'var1','var2','var3', func);
fn( var1, var2, var3);

in my imagination I had hoped to do something like this:

var my_array = new Array('var1','var2','var3');
var fn = new Function(my_array , func);
fn( my_array);

[jQuery] Re: Superfish, it rolls... quiet complete

2008-07-17 Thread jquertil

your page throws a few errors and I didn't see jquery being loaded,
only some plugins.

[jQuery] Re: What's the syntax for this.find('input','textarea').each...?

2008-07-17 Thread jquertil

'input','textarea' == this would try to find INPUT tags inside a
context of TEXTAREA tags.

you want:

'input, textarea' == remember the jquery selectors behave like CSS

[jQuery] Re: Query on JQuery - Related to Panels, AJAX Form Submit

2008-07-17 Thread jquertil

you're looking at pretty much completely re-architecting your app. I
originally thoguht ajax-loading scripts and css is a no-brainer, but
discovered it's kind of a hassle, though certainly doable.

[jQuery] $.get(0) is causing trouble

2008-07-17 Thread jquertil

$all = $('.listing  .myDivs');

why would this throw an error function css does not exist ??

I tried this too with no luck:

$('.listing  .myDivs').get(0).css('color','#339900');

[jQuery] traversing list using keyboard

2008-07-17 Thread jquertil

Hello... this has to be something poeple have done before. I managed
to only do about half of what I intended to - I'm stuck in the middle
(seee //comment).

I got a list of stuff and want to be able to select items using the
arrow keys.

li class=itemblah/li

I've bound key events to the OL but am stuck getting a clean and
simple solution for doing the following:
1. check if any Li has class 'active'
2. if no such luck, set the first Li 's class to active.
3. if I do find a Li with 'active' class, return its index

So, I tried this:

$('ol').bind('keydown, keyup', function(event) {
  if(event.keyCode==38 || event.keyCode==40){
$('ol  li').each(function(element){
  if( $(this).hasClass('active') ){
// and now I'm stuck and don't know what to do. is this even
the right approach?

[jQuery] Re: Is there a plugin to zoom in/out an image

2008-07-17 Thread jquertil

I would have guessed he was looking for something like google maps
zoom (with scrollwheel support). I haven't seen one of those...

[jQuery] Re: i wish there was a way to get the entire CSS for an element... or is there?

2008-07-16 Thread jquertil

ok fine so I use a class - still having the same lack of
understanding: how do I get the contents of the CSS class into a

[jQuery] Re: document.write and DOm creation - performance optimization?

2008-07-16 Thread jquertil

huh. this is an interesting thought. why would the use of join() speed
things up versus just appending a string variable?
the reason I'm not concerned about the for() loop is that it seems to
be quite fast when I output the strHTML in a document.write.

I'm trying to figure out wasy to speed up the rendering by doing
something other than html()... but I can't think of anything.

[jQuery] Re: $.getScript() - how to load into JSON formatted object?

2008-07-16 Thread jquertil

they thanks for the reply. I don't fully understand what the
parameters in this line do exactly. why is variable in 'quotation'

fn = new Function( 'variable', code );


On Jul 8, 4:03 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, try this. It's the same idea as the code I posted before:

 var blah = {
 dynaLoad : function( variable ) {
 $.get( 'alert.js', function( code ) {
 var fn = new Function( 'variable', code );
 fn( variable );
 somethingElse : ''

 blah.dynaLoad('cool beans');


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Ofjquertil
  Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:37 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: $.getScript() - how to load into JSON
  formatted object?

  thanks for the answer Mike. I probably wasn't very clear.

  I'm trying to make the loading happen as part of

  something kinda like this:

  var blah ={
 dynaLoad : function(variable){
$.getScript('alert.js',variable) // the script would
  simply contain the line alert(variable);
 somethingElse : ''

  blah.dynaLoad('cool beans'); // this would now produce a cool beans

[jQuery] i wish there was a way to get the entire CSS for an element... or is there?

2008-07-15 Thread jquertil

#myDiv {height:200px;background: #FF9900;}

$('#myDiv').css(height'); // returns 200px'

but how can I get the whole enchilada so I have it in a nice and neat

I imagine something like this:

$myCSS = $('#myDiv').css();
$('.otherDivs').css( $myCSS);

[jQuery] proposing a new function for swapping classnames

2008-07-15 Thread jquertil


this is kind of a verbose way of swapping classes, isn't it?

I imagine it would not add much to the lightweightness of jquery if it
allowed something like:


or, if more versatility is desired, perhaps something like:

$(p).swapClass(hover, click); // hover is class name and click
is the event name

I can use my own extension I suppose, but then again, swapping classes
on hover and click seems like such an often-used functionality it
might just warrant inclusion into the library...

just an idea...

[jQuery] document.write and DOm creation - performance optimization?

2008-07-10 Thread jquertil

I searched the group for this and came across my own old post (http://

I've noticed that when displaying a large number of elements into a
page, it takes a bit of time to render.

but in order to use document.write, I would have to write to an
iframe, and I don't want to do that.

is there a particuarly efficient way to populate a page with results
in jquery? I can't afford a 2.5 second lag.

any ideas much appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: document.write and DOm creation - performance optimization?

2008-07-10 Thread jquertil

posting all code would be crazy but here is relevant snippets.
First the loop I use to iterate ofer an array and write some stuff
into a bunch of DIV elements.
I then want that tho show up someplace on my page. iframe and
document.write displays 500 items basically instantly.
the html() to div element takes about 4 seconds or so in IE7.

for ( var k = 0; k  v_foundarray.length; k++ ) {
 strHTML += 'div'+v_foundarray[k] + '/div';


[jQuery] array find (more of a JS question) and regex (regular expression)

2008-07-08 Thread jquertil

okay i hope no one flames me for posting something thats really about
javascript, but then again my toiling is ultimately geared towards a
jquery plugin, so maybe you will forgive me...

the code sample below uses a prototype function that searches an
array. There is a sampe array, and then I am trying to test it with
the alert().

it works fine when I just search for something like 30 or
blue (uncomment the other vars below to check for yourself), but it
returns FALSE if I use a regex. The prototype seems to be commonly
known because it's the only one I keep coming across when searching
fopr this...

Anybody got any ideas on how to make the regex work? I've searched all


Array.prototype.find = function(searchStr) {
  var returnArray = false;
  for (i=0; ithis.length; i++) {
if (typeof(searchStr) == 'function') {
  if (searchStr.test(this[i])) {
if (!returnArray) { returnArray = [] }
} else {
  if (this[i]===searchStr) {
if (!returnArray) { returnArray = [] }
  return returnArray;

var tmp = [5,9,12,18,56,1,10,42,'blue',30, 7,97,53,'gcycle',
30,35,27,30,'35','Ball', 'bubble'];

var regexp1=tmp.find(/^Bal/);
//var regexp1=tmp.find(/^b/);
//var regexp1=tmp.find(30);


[jQuery] Re: $.getScript() - how to load into JSON formatted object?

2008-07-08 Thread jquertil

thanks for the answer Mike. I probably wasn't very clear.

I'm trying to make the loading happen as part of

something kinda like this:

var blah ={
   dynaLoad : function(variable){
  $.getScript('alert.js',variable) // the script would simply
contain the line alert(variable);
   somethingElse : ''

blah.dynaLoad('cool beans'); // this would now produce a cool beans

[jQuery] is dimensions now part of jquery or not? (I hear different opinions)

2008-07-08 Thread jquertil

the other day was told latest jquery now includes dimensions plugin
but I was certain it does not... I still assume it does not, thus I
compile the dimensions plugin into my standard jquery deployments...

can anyone shed light on this? thanks.

[jQuery] Re: is dimensions now part of jquery or not? (I hear different opinions)

2008-07-08 Thread jquertil


 Yes, Dimensions is completely a part of jQuery as of jQuery 1.2.6.

[jQuery] Re: Running a loop for array numbers

2008-07-08 Thread jquertil

not knowing your actual HTML I would try something like this:

$('.equipment a.i-right1:gt(0)').each(function(){

loops over the colletion of your tabs or whatever it is except the one
that has index 0. read up jquery docs on each() and :gt() for details

[jQuery] $.getScript() - how to load into JSON formatted object?

2008-07-06 Thread jquertil

var blah = {
   something : function(variable){
   something_else : 'hello'

alert( blah.something_else() ); // 'hello'
blah.something('whatsup'); // 'whatsup'

so far nothing unusual... but... how can I put the blah.something
function into a separate .js file and load it?
Played around with $.getScript() but nothing works :(
Ideally, my file alert.js would contain only the line with
alert(variable); in it. Can that be done?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery toggle at first click

2008-06-10 Thread jquertil

gotta do .each() - look it up in documentation


[jQuery] jquery and event binging - livequery

2008-06-09 Thread jquertil

wouldn't it make sense to combine the livequery functionality with
jquery directly?

the nice thing about jquery is the ability do build elements on the
fly. then why not have event capture natively to all newly created

[jQuery] recursive function that includes event binding

2008-06-09 Thread jquertil

trying to do something pretty simple:

1. build a list from an ajax request
2. build a sub-list for the list item on click. this is also made via
ajax request

Clearly, we're talking recursion here, since I'd lik  to get away with
just one single function that is kind of a template. All I pass to the
function is a set of name-value pairs, and those create the list label
and a variable for the respective hyperlink.

The tricky bit:
There actually aren't hyperlinks, but rather div elements that need a
click event bound to it. I can make my divs, but the problem is I
can't click them - and I don't want to have to use livequery...

I'm sure someone has done this already and is willing to cut/paste
code? meanwhile I shall keep searching the group for this...


[jQuery] Re: jQuery toggle at first click

2008-06-09 Thread jquertil

you don't need the click() function. toggle() does that for you already

[jQuery] jquery documentation of exlusion pseudo-class

2008-05-30 Thread jquertil

according to jquery documentation I should be able to select an
element that is NOT something, i.e. exclusion.

divhello spanthere, how are/span you?/div

$('DIV :not(SPAN)')

divhello you?/div

right? well, it's not happening for me... what am I dogin wrong?

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: Magnify

2008-05-30 Thread jquertil

dude, that's a totally sweet plugin.

[jQuery] checkbox manipulation and toggle()

2008-05-29 Thread jquertil


short version: how do I exclude an element in my selector expression?

long version:

you know those checkboxes in windows where you can actuyally click the
label to check the box?

I'm recreating this with a toggle() like this:

DIV id=CheckContainerINPUT type=checkbox id=Check/ Click

function(){ $('#Check')[0].checked=true;},
function(){ $('#Check')[0].checked=false;}

All fine and dandy as you click the DIV to toggle the checkbox. But
try to click the checkbox itself and the darn thing won't work.

I think the solution is in using the right sleector, like some kind
of :not or !:input or something ???
Ii DONT want to have to add a span element around the label to assign
the click to, I'd like to just exclude the checkbox.

[jQuery] Re: checkbox manipulation and toggle()

2008-05-29 Thread jquertil

OK I tried my own anticipated solution after looking at some comment
from The Man Himself, but didn't work.

$(#CheckContainer:not(#Check)).toggle(...); --- does not work. stil
can not click the checkbox :(

[jQuery] Re: event binding on dynamically created elements? stumped

2008-05-02 Thread jquertil

Ah, yes, livequery looks nice. Thanks.

I'm really trying to get away without any plugins however.

Is livequery the only option for binding events to ajax-loaded DOM

All the suggestions so far would require the event handler to reside
inside the function that loads the new DOM element.


[jQuery] event binding on dynamically created elements? stumped

2008-05-01 Thread jquertil


I'm creating an input element like this:

$(this).after('input type=text name=symptom
  value=Enter Symptom class=focusClear/

then I want to clear the value on focus like so:


Obviously this doesnt work cine jquery doesnt know about the element
yet. Do I need to write it as an extension?


[jQuery] JSON array size different in IE than in FF

2008-04-30 Thread jquertil

I'm at the end of my rope and REALLY hope someone knows how to address

got some JSON like so:

var Data= {
   Music :
  {Band:The Beatles,Title:Hey Jude},
  {Band:The Beatles,Title:Help!},

And I'm simply looping over it like so:

   alert( Data.Music.length);

in FF all is well, but in IE I get 2 alerts and a fatal error (null
or not an object) because the length is 3, not 2!

I wish I had any clue what's going on. How can I fix this?


[jQuery] $.each() versus for() -- array size inconsistency between IE and FF

2008-04-30 Thread jquertil

I just posted something around problems with IE counting an object
variable size differently than FF does.

I dont know how to fix it without changing the $.each() statement with
a for() loop.

for(i=0; iJ.length-1; i++){
alert (J.length);

this works.

But this code below makes IE think J.length is larger by 1, compared
to FF. Because of that, IE throws a fatal error in its last loop,
since J is no longer defined.

alert (J.length);

Am I wrong to assume that his each() function from jquery should
behave exactly the same way across browsers?

I'm sure there is something I'm missing, I just don't know what.

[jQuery] Re: JSON array size different in IE than in FF

2008-04-30 Thread jquertil

I just posted something around problems with IE counting an object
variable size differently than FF does.

I dont know how to fix it without changing the $.each() statement with
a for() loop.

for(i=0; iJ.length-1; i++){
alert (J.length);

this works.

But this code below makes IE think J.length is larger by 1, compared
to FF. Because of that, IE throws a fatal error in its last loop,
since J is no longer defined.

alert (J.length);

Am I wrong to assume that his each() function from jquery should
behave exactly the same way across browsers?

I'm sure there is something I'm missing, I just don't know what.

PS: sorry for all the double-posting, but something weird happening on
googlegroups, telling me the posts are all empty.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and JSON - newbie!

2008-04-30 Thread jquertil

assuming your hover links also have a class name like tip, and your
JSON is set like a proper variable named, say, allTolltips, it
probably will look something like this:

  if( allTooltips.items.id) == $(this).attr('id') )

[jQuery] Re: JSON array size different in IE than in FF

2008-04-30 Thread jquertil

Karl, thanks -- that's nice but its got the same problem: the length
of the object is 1 item larger in IE than it is supposed to be.

I wonder why jquery adds an extra empty item into the object?!

[jQuery] Re: JSON array size different in IE than in FF

2008-04-30 Thread jquertil

OMG !!

Karl, U R the Gr8est!

I should have gone home... but how can you leave work with a silly bug
in your script, right?

The stray comma was of course the culprit.

A, I can go home now..

Dude, if you are in S.F. Bay Area send me a message I will totally buy
you a beer!


[heaves big sigh of relief]

On Apr 30, 6:40 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You've got a stray comma (,) at the end of the last object in the array:

 {Band:The Beatles,Title:Help!}, --

 Firefox ignores it, IE creates a blank object.

 Karl Rudd

 On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 11:35 AM, jquertil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Karl, thanks -- that's nice but its got the same problem: the length
   of the object is 1 item larger in IE than it is supposed to be.

   I wonder why jquery adds an extra empty item into the object?!

[jQuery] Re: JSON array size different in IE than in FF

2008-04-30 Thread jquertil

dont forget TBB, temporary bracket-blindness :)

[jQuery] hover and event bubbling (return false)

2008-04-01 Thread jquertil

hello... I cant seem to solve this on my own.

I've built a little tooltip hover widget that remains open even on
mouseout so as to allow the mouse to click inline links etc. but it
does not disappear when the mouse just moves off the span id=tools

I think the code below is totally wrong structure but I can't
logically figure out how I need to build this right.

$('#tools').hoverhelp('this is help text',1);

$.fn.hoverhelp = function(txt,sticky) { // second attribute is used in
switch () below
return this.each(function() {
function(e){ // mouseover '#tools'
function(){ // mouseout '#tools'
case 1 : // keep tooltip open
default :

[jQuery] event logic

2008-04-01 Thread jquertil

not sure if my problem actually can be solved - it might be to
inconsistent with the event logic of any programming language... bt
anyhow, here goes:

1. a mouse rolls over an element, firing the mouseover event.
2. the action bound to the mouseover executes
3. the mouse rolls off the element, firing the mouseout event
4. the action bound to the mouseout event executes.

The twist:
while still *inside* the element, the mouse rolls over *another*
element which was created in step 2. , thus firing the mouseout. This
is not supposed to happen.

Now what?

Thanks for thinking about this...

[jQuery] hover() and flickering problem

2008-03-27 Thread jquertil

I use this extension code to make a hover tooltip. I want the tooltip
(a div with position:absolute) to display on top of the hovered
element. This works great.

But when moving the mouse, the mouseout and mouseover events are being
fired all the time, causing a flicker effect.

How do I escape that? I tried to place a 'return false' in the hover
but no luck.

$.fn.hoverhelp = function(txt) {
$T = $(this).position().top;
$L = $(this).position().left;
$L}).show();return false;},

[jQuery] Re: Calling a jQuery function from within an ajax-loaded div

2008-03-27 Thread jquertil

you want to ook into the getScript() function. the SCRIPT tags arent
interpreted by jquery, so you have to load the script separately.

On Mar 27, 4:10 pm, echobase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm loading a div using this .ajax function:

     type: GET,
     contentType: html,
     url: url,
     async: true,
    success: function (conf) { $(#myDiv).html( conf );}


 div id=myDiv


 In that url that's being loaded I have this jQuery function:

 script type=text/javascript
     $(document).ready(function() {
         $('#user_list th').hover( function () {
             alert(test test);

 table id=user_list

 But this simple function doesn't work. Why not?  If I type the url for
 this page directly then the function does work.  How do you get a
 function to work from a div loaded by ajax? Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: tooltip in select

2008-03-26 Thread jquertil

I have had so many problems of similar sort with select's that I
finally gave up and now I just use a library to generate a select box
that's got only DIV tags. That way I can have multi-line items,
tooltips, fading, etc...

death to select input form tag :P

especially I see google using similar technigues everywhere in their
apps - yahoo as well.

did I say 'death to select input form tag' ?

On Mar 25, 10:45 am, alexanmtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When you hover a tooltip in a select, it should disappear when you are
 selecting a option.
 In this case, the tooltip are putting the box of tip completely in
 wrong place. And worse: when you are hovering the option the tooltip
 keeps behind them, whats its strange user experience.

 I try to solve this problem with this code
         $.Tooltip.blocked ? $.Tooltip.blocked = false :
 $.Tooltip.blocked =
         $(#tooltip:hidden).length ? $(#tooltip).show() : $


         $.Tooltip.blocked = false;


 It works in firefox, blocking the tooltip when you click in a select
 and when you exit the tooltip back to act

 But didnt works in safari and IE.

 Anyone know a way to handler the tooltip properly with select when you
 are choosing a option?

[jQuery] Re: hover() only working on DOM elements NOT loaded via jQuery?

2008-03-26 Thread jquertil

thanks Karl, but you see, I thought I circumvent the issue by actually
having loaded the new content into an invisible DIV already. hence
lis line:

$('#tab_1').html( $('#tabcontent_1').html() );

it's moving the contents of the invisible DIV into the tab DIV.

scratching head still...

[jQuery] hover() only working on DOM elements NOT loaded via jQuery?

2008-03-25 Thread jquertil

I'm befuddled... my hover effects work only during initial load -when
content is reloaded via click() - the hover stops working.

// First, I populate a tab box with the contents of a hidden div
$('#tab_1').html( $('#tabcontent_1').html() );

// inside tabcontent_1 I am doing hover business on images whose
filenames end with hover.png
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').hover(...);

this works fine for images loaded like in line 1 above.
BUT! - here comes the weird thing:

// my tabs have click events that load other divs into place
// and now the hover stuff doesn't work any more :(
   $('#tab_1').html( $('#tabcontent_'+this.id).html() );

anyone know the issue? I imagine it's something about how jQuery loads
the DOM objects, and now that I move this stuff around, it seems to
loose track of which element i want the hover assigned to  - is html()
building just a string-copy? what do I have to do to get this
straight? load the tab contents via append? I tired that and nothing
showed up so I'm sticking with html() for now.

[jQuery] Re: jqGrid final preview

2008-03-07 Thread jquertil

/* rant */
oh man, lemme tell you something... cross-browser display for
scrolling grids is a NIGHTMARE. either you end up doing a zliilion
lines of old-school JS coding to get the table rewritten on the fly,
which slows down rendering-time a LOT, or you end up loosing column
header alignment, especially with liquid table layouts. Its a HUGE

The crux of it is that IE and FF either include (or don't include) the
scrollbar when calculating the width - and the dimensions plugin does
NOT fix this, in case you were wondering.

I have looked at jqGrid before, wanting to use it and it's the best
grid out there in terms of feature-set. Especially I love the
expanding rows, something i really needed.

But because I'm more interested in having the layout perfect, versus
having column resizing and in-place editing, and all that nifty stuff,
I ended up writing my own grid that's a hybrid between regular JS,
some jQuery, and a couple of CSS-hacks to get that @!#*#$ scrollbar
positioned correctly.

Things are so bad that I had to set up my entire layout in absolute-
positioned elements and use jQuery to position everything onload and
onresize. It's crazy! But at least I am getting away without needing
any fancy libraries. only jquery123.js

And if anyone can show me a working cross-browser implementation of a
liquid grid - without using a ton of javascript to rewrite the whole
table - with the scrollbar sitting INSIDE the whole table, and all
columns aligning perfectly like you would think it would be, I will
personally award you the Nobel Code Prize (sic)
/* end rant */

On Mar 7, 5:55 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another thing. Is there a way to make the scrollbar fit within the
 control itself? Currently, it sits out to the right and, IMO, seems a
 little out of place just floating there.


 Tony wrote:
  Hi all,
  At end I have done a lot of work to finalize the jqGrid. More
  information you can found here

  Note that this is not official release, since of missing
  documentation. I'm working hard on this and hope to finish the
  documentation at end of week.



[jQuery] toggle() animation - maybe there is a neater way to do this?

2008-03-07 Thread jquertil

I have this code shown below - it works fine but I imagine there is a
neater way to accomplish this... anyone?

I would love to somehow shrink this to less lines of code.

stoggle = 0;
var extra = 150;

stoggle = 1;

stoggle = 0;

[jQuery] yet another post about the $(this) scope

2008-03-07 Thread jquertil

been reading other posts about $(this) and what it refers to.

And still I dont understand.

I thought $(this) is a refernce to the object I am operating on, no?

So this (no pun intended, tee hee) should work ,I thought:


because my absolute-positioned element $('#div').css('top') definitely
returns '100px'. and the parseint returns, as expected, '100'

what gives? what am I missing?

[jQuery] bizarre width inconsistency between FF and IE using dimensions plugin

2008-03-05 Thread jquertil


I'm using the dimensions plugin. I'm using UL, LI to generate a
scrolling grid.

#datatableHead ul has my column headers
#datatable is a div that's scrollable

first I set widths for the head and scroller:
$('#datatableHead ul, #datatable').css({width: $(window).width()-20});

then I set my grid rows' width based on the scroller's width - since
its all based on viewport size.
$('#datatable ul').css({width: $('#datatable').width()});

looks perfect in IE - but in FF the width of the #datatable ul is
about 20 px bigger than in IE.

now, please don't say: why use dimensions you should use CSS widths -
trust me I  tried all of that, it's not working.

If only i could figure out why FF renders widths differently? I
thought the whole point of dimensions plugin is to make that no longer

Thanks! (now I shall look over the list and see if I can help someone
else :P )

[jQuery] Re: Execute JavaScript that is added to the page by AJAX?

2008-03-05 Thread jquertil

sounds like you want $.getscript(blah.js);

On Mar 4, 2:01 pm, Jonny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically, I have a JavaScript function (let's call the function
 displayDiv) that ends up writing a div to the page.  If
 displayDiv is called within a table cell, the div will be added
 and displayed in that table cell.  Now, what I'm trying to accomplish
 is replicating this behaviour with an AJAX function (let's call the
 function callAJAX) that returns HTML containing displayDiv and
 adding the code to a specific location in the page.  I have tried
 this, problem is that the JavaScript returned from callAJAX was not

 I then did some research and tried a few things:

1. I tried parsing out the JavaScript (displayDiv) from the
 returned HTML (callAJAX) and adding it to the head tag, which in
 theory, should be executed.  This approach did not work for me because
 displayDiv writes a div to the page and from the head it would
 not know where to write the div.

2. I have tried parsing out the JavaScript (displayDiv) from the
 returned HTML (callAJAX) and executing it with EVAL() but this would
 not work because the AJAX function would not know where to write the
 div created within the displayDiv function.

 I guess what I'm hoping for is some magical piece of code that would
 tell the browser to parse the page again and execute the JavaScript
 that was added to the page by the AJAX function.


 I am posting this on behalf of a friend who is to busy today :)  If
 anyone can tell me if this is even possible, and if so, where to go
 next, that would be most excellent!

 Many thanks,

 - Jonny

[jQuery] Re: Plugin Authoring Help pt 2

2008-03-05 Thread jquertil

ugh, I' min the same boat. I hope some of the superstars will
eventually get around to writing more detailed tutorials. been
struggling with extension writing myself.

On Mar 4, 11:09 am, Leanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, I'm really trying to wrap my head around this, and it's irritating
 me.  I've checked out the following pages:


 And they help some but there's one problem I'm running into.

 I have:

 $.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {
   $.myPlugin.defaults = $.extend($.myPlugin.defaults, options);


 $.myPlugin = {
   defaults: {
 def1: 'default1',
 def2: 'default2',
 defx: 'defaultx'

   myFunc: function() {
 var options = $.myPlugin.defaults;
 //do something here, anything really

   myFunc2: function() {
   var options = $.myPlugin.defaults;
   //do something here, again, anything


 Now, I want to do something like this:

 jQuery().myPlugin({def1: 'other_def1', def2: 'other_def2'}).myFunc();

 Can I?

 Because it's not working.  It tells me that jQuery().myPlugin({def1:
 'other_def1', def2: 'other_def2'}) is not a function.

 However, if I change it so that myFunc is $.fn.myFunc = function()
 { }, then I can, but I have to do it as:

 jQuery().myPlugin({def1: 'other_def1', def2:

 Which I don't like.

 None of the tutorials or documentation I can find is clear on this
 point, though they do refer to the functions in $.myPlugin as being
 user-accessable... and they are, but only if I do $.myPlugin.myFunc.
 I can't chain.  And I want to be able to do that.

[jQuery] Re: Evaluation ajax response data

2008-03-05 Thread jquertil

try converting it to a string value


probably wont work though - maybe better to have the PHP script return
a boolean true or false or 1 and 0 and then making sure your response
type is value.

On Mar 4, 9:43 am, rpupkin77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I have a simple ajax app that returns a dataType of text with a
 string of either yes or no.

 The script works fine, but for some reason, when I try to use an if/
 else statement to evealutae the response, it always return false.

 in the following example, my code will alert yes but the if
 statement acts as if the data variable is not equal to it, even when
 it is

 For example:
 var d = page.php?params;

 type: GET,
 url: /ajax/processEmail.php,
 data: d,
 dataType: text,
 success: function(theData, msg){


 do this;}

 do this;


 any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Moving select box options up and down

2008-03-05 Thread jquertil

you should check out the interface plugin on the jquery site. There is
code sample to show you how that is used.

On Mar 4, 3:44 pm, Diddly Doo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wonder if anyone has some sample code or plugin for moving select
 box options up and down using jQuery. Similar to this:



[jQuery] Re: calling a php function with jquery

2008-03-05 Thread jquertil

if you look up the docs for $.ajax() function you will see how to pass
variables to the PHP from your calling page.

for example:

  type: POST,
  url: some.php,
  data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
  success: function(msg){
alert( Data Saved:  + msg );

On Mar 5, 9:18 am, everdream [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello !
 I have a php function : helloUser in the file : myFunctions.php.
 This is my function :

 function helloUser($user)
   return Welcome $user !;}


 I'm using jquery for an application but i don't know how to call a php
 function and give parameter (here :$user) and recover the result (here :
 welcome ...).

 Can somebody help me?

 Thanks a lot.

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] css({width: varwidth, height: varheight}) and dimensions causing document.resize event?

2008-03-05 Thread jquertil


when setting css based on variables like shown in subject line, IE and
FF keep firing a document.resize event.

if I use only 1 single attribute inside the {} its fine, but it seems
to have issues with multiple, comma-separated attributes.

anyone else seen this?

[jQuery] document.onmousedown=selectmouse vs $(document).mousedown(function(){})

2008-02-25 Thread jquertil

this is interesting:

I have a standard function in JS, and call it like so:


function trackmouse(){...}
works very nicely.

I tired to make it happen jQuery-style, but no dice.


Of course my function is inside an extender

jQuery.fn.extend({ trackmouse: function(){...});

It's more of an exercise really, because the plain JS syntax is
actually less obtrusive than the jQuery version.

[jQuery] Re: document.onmousedown=selectmouse vs $(document).mousedown(function(){})

2008-02-25 Thread jquertil

klaus, hmmm well, basically I want to ultimately be able to do


right now, my trackmouse function looks at the srcEvent and figures
out which div the mouse was clicked on. that works fine.

if(srcEvent.className== ' trackerdiv')

i want to pass 'trackerdiv' as variable to the extension.

make sense?

On Feb 25, 3:33 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 25, 7:33 pm, jquertil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  this is interesting:

  I have a standard function in JS, and call it like so:


  function trackmouse(){...}
  works very nicely.

  I tired to make it happen jQuery-style, but no dice.


 Is this the code you're using? You're attaching an empty function to
 the mousedown event. Shouldn't that be:


 I don't see why you need to extend the jQuery object prototype (== fn)
 here. You do this if you want to create chainable methods, which
 doesn't seem to be the case.


[jQuery] Re: before() and after() does not work on unclosed tags?

2008-02-24 Thread jquertil

after a litle thinking i realized this could be done easier by doing
the opposite, using wrapinner()

tabletr class=headtdgeneric header stuff/td/tr
tr class=maintd id=wrapit/td/tr/table

$('#wrapit').wrapinner('div id=somediv.../div');

[jQuery] Re: before() and after() does not work on unclosed tags?

2008-02-24 Thread jquertil

yea, that is workable. until you apply it to 100 elements on a page.

document.write is way faster, but only works during an initial page


thanks karl...

[jQuery] Re: before() and after() does not work on unclosed tags?

2008-02-22 Thread jquertil


I had simplified my example, sorry.
From what I gather, wrap() won't work for this kind of table:

tabletr class=headtdgeneric header stuff/td/tr
tr class=main/td...now wrap this.../td/tr/table

John Resig wrote:
 I think you want .wrap():

[jQuery] Re: preventDefault() not working in FF?

2008-02-22 Thread jquertil

TT thanks a lot! for this - it works.

Interesting comparison: the jQuery version of my dragger is 23 lines
of code inluding all callbacks.
The plain javascript version is 22 lines (but, alas, doesnt require
the jQuery library of course).

I also notice that while dragging, especially in firefox, the motion
is a bit choppy compared to the plain javascript version.

It looks like the jquery in this particualr case doesn't really offer
an advantage.

Next, I will try to figure out how to use the plain javascript version
and make it into a plugin. I'm having problems with the
document.mousemove event (what else is new).

[jQuery] Re: trying to parse XML

2008-02-22 Thread jquertil

if you have problems, take a peek at my XML parsing extension
function. Might not be exactly what you're looking for but it works
for me.


loadXML2array: function() {
return this.each(function() {
var data = $.ajax({
  type: GET,
  url: echo.php?xml=datatable1,
  async: false,
  success: function(xml) {
 objectArray = new Array();
 rowObj = new Object();
 rowObj.col1 = 
 rowObj.col2 = 
 rowObj.col3 = 

On Feb 22, 12:54 pm, Steve Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hey folks,

 could you look at this site:


 and tell me why my xml isnt parsing on the portfolio area? i'm just
 trying to have SOME sort of output. once it works i want to generate
 all the portfolio images/info as li tags. the code is in the top of
 index.html for easy viewing. i'm very new to jquery and not really
 sure what i'm doing wrong.

[jQuery] Re: preventDefault() not working in FF?

2008-02-22 Thread jquertil

thanks again timothy. I decided to keep a blog with workable code
snippets. check it out, y'all :)


[jQuery] using functions as extensions - why does FF not take it?

2008-02-21 Thread jquertil

has anyone had the following problem before?

VERSION 1 =// works in IE and FF

VERSION 2 =// works in IE but not in FF
  myFunction: function() {

  1   2   >