[jQuery] Re: show/hide

2010-01-12 Thread bill
without the corresponding html, it is hard to tell if this answer is
completely correct. however, think about trying this approach, where
these few lines replace ALL of your code:

$(function() {
$('div').click(function() {
$('div').hide(slow); // first, for simplification 
hide any
open divs (change specificity for your needs)
$(this).show(slow);   // second, open the selected div

On Jan 12, 8:17 am, tabu ces...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I'm new to javascript and jquery library, I have script running which
 functions fine only problem I have with it is that I want to close
 other divs when another is selected, I guess like an accordion style
 but using the toggle, slide fade-in functions. The problem I have is
 that once each button that controls the relevant div is clicked once,
 on subsequent clicks it requires double clicking to show the
 containing div, where i want a single.
 I imagine it is a very simple solution but I have tried a number of
 ways without success, any help would be great, thanks

 Here is the script Im using:

    $(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.who').toggle(function() {
  }, function() {
  return false;



  $(document).ready(function() {

  $('div.slide').toggle(function() {
  }, function() {
  return false;


   $(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.work').toggle(function() {
  }, function() {
  return false;


    $(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.call').toggle(function() {
  }, function() {
  return false;


     $(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.images').toggle(function() {
  }, function() {
  return false;


[jQuery] Re: show/hide

2010-01-12 Thread tabu
Thanks for your quick response, but this doesn't seem to work.

I've pasted all the code in bellow, thanks for your help

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
titlestripy divs/title

style type=text/css

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js

!--script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$('div').click(function() {
$('div').hide(slow); // first, for
simplification hide any
open divs (change specificity for your needs)
$(this).show(slow);   // second, open the
selected div

script type=text/javascript

   $(document).ready(function() {
 $('div.who').toggle(function() {
 }, function() {
 return false;



 $(document).ready(function() {

 $('div.slide').toggle(function() {
 }, function() {
 return false;


  $(document).ready(function() {
 $('div.work').toggle(function() {
 }, function() {
 return false;


   $(document).ready(function() {
 $('div.call').toggle(function() {
 }, function() {
 return false;


$(document).ready(function() {
 $('div.images').toggle(function() {
 }, function() {
 return false;



script language=javascriptAC_FL_RunContent = 0;/script
script src=js/AC_RunActiveContent.js language=javascript/



div id=container

div id=subframe

div id=contentpane

div id=header
script language=javascript
if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
alert(This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.);
} else {
'width', '550',
'height', '48',
'src', 'stripy_ident',
'quality', 'high',
'align', 'middle',
'play', 'true',
'loop', 'true',
'scale', 'showall',
'wmode', 'transparent',
'devicefont', 'false',
'id', 'stripy_ident',
'bgcolor', '#ff',
'name', 'stripy_ident',
'menu', 'true',
'allowFullScreen', 'false',
'movie', 'stripy_ident',
'salign', ''
); //end AC code
object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0 width=550 height=48 id=stripy_ident
param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
param name=movie value=stripy_ident.swf /param name=quality
value=high /param name=wmode value=transparent /param
name=bgcolor value=#ff /   embed src=stripy_ident.swf
quality=high bgcolor=#ff width=550 height=48
name=stripy_ident align=middle allowScriptAccess=sameDomain
allowFullScreen=false type=application/x-shockwave-flash
pluginspage=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer; /

!--div id=stripes

div id=sidebar

div id=workhide class=work

div id=about class=who

div id=history class=me divs
h4 class=headingWINK/h4
pSTRIPY EYE is a one person design compendium, Im an individual
working on a freelance basis.
My experience spans roughly ten years working in a variety of
backgrounds from exhibition, print and web based media, to teaching at
FE level and recently working in flash and 3d 

[jQuery] Re: show/hide

2010-01-12 Thread bill

the jquery:

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$('.sectionTitle').click(function() {

the clickable parts:

it is unclear what you want the visitors to click on to
hide/show your sections, so i created an h1 element and
gave it a class of .sectionBody for the task. you can
certainly use whatever you like.

the content:

i wrapped the content following the h1 class=sectionTitle
elements in 'div class=contentBody/div' so
that you could easily show/hide the content.

the cleanup:

remove all of your jquery code referencing your divs.

the working example:

below is your code with the new code added in:
(please note that i removed some of your flash code as it was
aborting in my environment. you will need to add it back in.)

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
titlestripy divs/title

style type=text/css

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$('.sectionTitle').click(function() {




div id=container

div id=subframe

div id=contentpane

div id=header
object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0 width=550 height=48 id=stripy_ident
param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
param name=movie value=stripy_ident.swf /param
value=high /param name=wmode value=transparent /param
name=bgcolor value=#ff /embed src=stripy_ident.swf
quality=high bgcolor=#ff width=550 height=48
name=stripy_ident align=middle allowScriptAccess=sameDomain
allowFullScreen=false type=application/x-shockwave-flash
pluginspage=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer; /

!--div id=stripes

div id=sidebar

div id=workhide class=work
h1 class='sectionTitle'WHO/h1
div class='sectionBody'
div id=about class=whothere is something here now/div

h1 class='sectionTitle'Me/h1
div style='display: none;' class='sectionBody'
div id=history class=me divs
h4 class=headingWINK/h4
pSTRIPY EYE is a one person design compendium, Im an individual
working on a freelance basis.
My experience spans roughly ten years working in a variety of
backgrounds from exhibition, print and web based media, to teaching at
FE level and recently working in flash and 3d rendering.
br /
The site contains a selection of my work, illustrating a broad range
of skills in communication media.
br /
br /
If you wish to talk or simply seek advice about a project please
contact me
br /

br /br /

If you would like further information about me, my cv is available as
a download

div id=processbutton class=slide

h1 class='sectionTitle'VIEW/h1
div style='display: none;' class='sectionBody'

div id=main class=view

h4 class=heading PROCESS/h4

div class=divfloats
bMind/bbr /
Our perceptions of something can be both enlightening and perplexing.
We can present something that will communicate different things to
different people. Unifying the perceptions of an idea is an important
process that requires thought and a guiding hand on how it is
received. It requires someone who can take the idea in hand and enrich
it, so that it resonates in the receivers mind.

div class=divfloats
bEars/bbr /
Listening to what you have to say about your design needs is of utmost
My approach is about listening to your needs and aspirations for the
design and how best to launch it in the public domain. Without
listening there is no presenting.

div class=divfloats
bMouth/bbr /
Discussion and partnership through the process is equally important.
It's essential to communicate and discuss each stage of the process
and maintain constant correspondence throughout the implementation,
ensuring the project grows in the right way for you.

div class=divfloats
bEyes/bbr /
The work is there for all to see, so if we get the first three right
the eyes will have it.

Help me to help you present your idea to the world.


div id=contact class=call

[jQuery] Re: show/hide

2010-01-12 Thread tabu
Wow, thanks for your work on this.
Sorry but it's a little confusing as to what is happening in the
preview, I have uploaded the pages I've done before just so you can
visualize what I'm going for.


Number 1 is really how I'd like it the content to slide in and out but
as you'll see the process div leaves a latent image for some reason
and also it shifts the menu down too, I figure the shifting menu is a
div positioning problem.

What I'm actually after is simply a single click on and off when each
div is called.
Really appreciate what you've done, I'll try and work through it a
little more see if I can make more sense of it.

Thanks again.

On Jan 12, 7:42 pm, bill ozzi...@gmail.com wrote:
 the jquery:

 script type=text/javascript
 $(function() {
         $('.sectionTitle').click(function() {


 the clickable parts:

 it is unclear what you want the visitors to click on to
 hide/show your sections, so i created an h1 element and
 gave it a class of .sectionBody for the task. you can
 certainly use whatever you like.

 the content:

 i wrapped the content following the h1 class=sectionTitle
 elements in 'div class=contentBody/div' so
 that you could easily show/hide the content.

 the cleanup:

 remove all of your jquery code referencing your divs.

 the working example:

 below is your code with the new code added in:
 (please note that i removed some of your flash code as it was
 aborting in my environment. you will need to add it back in.)

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
 titlestripy divs/title

 style type=text/css

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script

 script type=text/javascript
 $(function() {
         $('.sectionTitle').click(function() {





 div id=container

 div id=subframe

 div id=contentpane

 div id=header
         object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
 swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0 width=550 height=48 id=stripy_ident
         param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
         param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
         param name=movie value=stripy_ident.swf /param
 value=high /param name=wmode value=transparent /param
 name=bgcolor value=#ff /        embed src=stripy_ident.swf
 quality=high bgcolor=#ff width=550 height=48
 name=stripy_ident align=middle allowScriptAccess=sameDomain
 allowFullScreen=false type=application/x-shockwave-flash
 pluginspage=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer; /

 !--div id=stripes

 div id=sidebar

 div id=workhide class=work
 h1 class='sectionTitle'WHO/h1
 div class='sectionBody'
         div id=about class=whothere is something here now/div

 h1 class='sectionTitle'Me/h1
 div style='display: none;' class='sectionBody'
 div id=history class=me divs
 h4 class=headingWINK/h4
 pSTRIPY EYE is a one person design compendium, Im an individual
 working on a freelance basis.
 My experience spans roughly ten years working in a variety of
 backgrounds from exhibition, print and web based media, to teaching at
 FE level and recently working in flash and 3d rendering.
 br /
 The site contains a selection of my work, illustrating a broad range
 of skills in communication media.
 br /
 br /
 If you wish to talk or simply seek advice about a project please
 contact me
 br /

 br /br /

 If you would like further information about me, my cv is available as
 a download

 div id=processbutton class=slide

 h1 class='sectionTitle'VIEW/h1
 div style='display: none;' class='sectionBody'

 div id=main class=view

 h4 class=heading PROCESS/h4

 div class=divfloats
 bMind/bbr /
 Our perceptions of something can be both enlightening and perplexing.
 We can present something that will communicate different things to
 different people. Unifying the perceptions of an idea is an important
 process that requires thought and a guiding hand on how it is
 received. It requires someone who can take the idea in hand and 

[jQuery] Re: show/hide div on select change

2009-11-20 Thread KeeganWatkins
also, just as a head's up... even when you store numbers as the
value attribute on an option/ tag, they are interpreted as strings
in javascript. so, from your example above, you might also consider
switching your condition to:

// Compare as string instead
if ($(#id_status).val() === '6'){

when you compare the two as strings using the strict equality operator
(===), your results will likely be far more predictable. hope that

On Nov 18, 2:03 pm, mtuller mitul...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Nov 18, 1:50 pm, Charlie Griefer charlie.grie...@gmail.com wrote:

  You're missing a $ on this line:

  ('#id_status').change(function() {

  Change to:

  $('#id_status').change(function() {

  unsolicited word of advice... run firebug :)

  On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 11:44 AM, mtuller mitul...@gmail.com wrote:
   I am trying to have a div show and hide based on the value of a select
   list. I have looked at a number of examples, but can't seem to get it
   to work. Would appreciate someone taking a look at what I have and
   giving me any advice.

   $(document).ready(function() {

          ('#id_status').change(function() {

                  if ($(#id_status).val() == 6){

   plabel for=id_statusStatus:/label
          select name=status id=id_status
                  option value=1New/option
                  option value=2In Review/option
                  option value=3Working On/option
                  option value=4Elevated/option
                  option value=5Approved/option
                  option value=6Deferred/option
                  option value=7Denied/option
                  option value=8Duplicate/option
                  option value=9Completed/option
                  option value=10Needs more information/option

   div class=textfield1
      input type=text name=text id=text /

  Charlie Grieferhttp://charlie.griefer.com/

  I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
  wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide div on select change

2009-11-18 Thread mtuller

On Nov 18, 1:50 pm, Charlie Griefer charlie.grie...@gmail.com wrote:
 You're missing a $ on this line:

 ('#id_status').change(function() {

 Change to:

 $('#id_status').change(function() {

 unsolicited word of advice... run firebug :)

 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 11:44 AM, mtuller mitul...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am trying to have a div show and hide based on the value of a select
  list. I have looked at a number of examples, but can't seem to get it
  to work. Would appreciate someone taking a look at what I have and
  giving me any advice.

  $(document).ready(function() {

         ('#id_status').change(function() {

                 if ($(#id_status).val() == 6){

  plabel for=id_statusStatus:/label
         select name=status id=id_status
                 option value=1New/option
                 option value=2In Review/option
                 option value=3Working On/option
                 option value=4Elevated/option
                 option value=5Approved/option
                 option value=6Deferred/option
                 option value=7Denied/option
                 option value=8Duplicate/option
                 option value=9Completed/option
                 option value=10Needs more information/option

  div class=textfield1
     input type=text name=text id=text /

 Charlie Grieferhttp://charlie.griefer.com/

 I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
 wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide ui.tab?

2009-11-09 Thread MorningZ
Show/Hide works perfectly fine in this quick example


recall that the tabs are actually li items that reference the
tabs, which are div's  to hide the tab itself, you need to hide
the li

On Nov 9, 10:23 am, Shawn sgro...@open2space.com wrote:
 I have a series of tabs using UI.  I need to hide some tabs depending on
 the selection in the first tab.  Doing $(#tab3).hide(); doesn't work.

 This is what I have thus far:

      $(#div.jobtype input[name='jobtype']).click( function () {
          switch($(this).val()) {
              case other: $(#tabLocations).show(); break;
              case pipeline: $(#tabSegments).show(); break;
              case wellsite: $(#tabWellholes).show(); break;

 I did try to add the class ui-tabs-hide to the tab, but that didn't
 work either.  I also did a Google search

 I don't want to add/remove tabs - that is not quite what I'm after.  I
 just need to hide/show the tabs.

 Any thoughts/suggestions?


Re: [jQuery] Re: show/hide ui.tab?

2009-11-09 Thread Shawn
Thanks.  Your message got me looking in the right direction.  Turns out 
my selector was wrong.  Needed #jobtype, not div.jobtype.  Once I 
changed that everything worked as expected.


MorningZ wrote:

Show/Hide works perfectly fine in this quick example


recall that the tabs are actually li items that reference the
tabs, which are div's  to hide the tab itself, you need to hide
the li

On Nov 9, 10:23 am, Shawn sgro...@open2space.com wrote:

I have a series of tabs using UI.  I need to hide some tabs depending on
the selection in the first tab.  Doing $(#tab3).hide(); doesn't work.

This is what I have thus far:

 $(#div.jobtype input[name='jobtype']).click( function () {
 switch($(this).val()) {
 case other: $(#tabLocations).show(); break;
 case pipeline: $(#tabSegments).show(); break;
 case wellsite: $(#tabWellholes).show(); break;

I did try to add the class ui-tabs-hide to the tab, but that didn't
work either.  I also did a Google search

I don't want to add/remove tabs - that is not quite what I'm after.  I
just need to hide/show the tabs.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


[jQuery] Re: show/hide problem

2009-10-25 Thread Jules

If a.more is a child of the div, use this code.

$(document).ready(function() {

On Oct 25, 1:13 am, Daniel Donaldson d8nieldonald...@gmail.com
 I am trying to have a image (link button) appear within a div on
 mousenter for the div, and disappear on mouseleave.
 I have this working in the following code as expected, but I only want
 it to apply to the specific div that is being entered/left.
 The way I have it right now it applies to the class, so every div with
 the class will trigger the function, which is not the desired effect :

 What I would like to have it do is have the image show/hide only
 within the specific div that is being entered/left.
 Due to the nature of the project, I cannot simply apply id's to the
 divs as a solution.

 The code follows, I apologize that I cannot provide a live link, it
 isn't online yet, but I have pasted the code below:


   $('div.featured-cell-padding').mouseenter(function() {
  return false;

  $('div.featured-cell-padding').mouseleave(function() {
  return false;


 thanks for any help/insight/words of wisdom :)

[jQuery] Re: show/hide problem

2009-10-24 Thread stilfx

We need more info, the structure of the page, etc. You can target
selectors in many ways.

On Oct 24, 10:13 am, Daniel Donaldson d8nieldonald...@gmail.com
 I am trying to have a image (link button) appear within a div on
 mousenter for the div, and disappear on mouseleave.
 I have this working in the following code as expected, but I only want
 it to apply to the specific div that is being entered/left.
 The way I have it right now it applies to the class, so every div with
 the class will trigger the function, which is not the desired effect :

 What I would like to have it do is have the image show/hide only
 within the specific div that is being entered/left.
 Due to the nature of the project, I cannot simply apply id's to the
 divs as a solution.

 The code follows, I apologize that I cannot provide a live link, it
 isn't online yet, but I have pasted the code below:


   $('div.featured-cell-padding').mouseenter(function() {
  return false;

  $('div.featured-cell-padding').mouseleave(function() {
  return false;


 thanks for any help/insight/words of wisdom :)

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-18 Thread ngreenwood6

Yeah that is what I actually ended up doing.

On Oct 17, 6:01 pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
 instead of hide(0 which is basically display:none,   you could move it off 
 screen. This sort of issue comes up a lot with 

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-17 Thread ngreenwood6

Anyone at all?

On Oct 16, 6:34 pm, ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I tried adding in return false at the end of my function, however that
 did not fix the issue. Any other suggestions?

 On Oct 16, 8:37 am, rupak mandal rupakn...@gmail.com wrote:

  if the problem is reload then add return false at the end or the function

  On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM, ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com wrote:

   I tried doing  that as well and it still does the same thing. It must
   be changing the display that makes it reload. To test all you have to
   do is create a div with embed code and call show/hide on it and you
   will see.

   On Oct 16, 3:02 am, Evgeny Bobovik bobo...@gmail.com wrote:
Try to use this method:
script type=text/javascript
function showEmbed(){
    if($(#test).css('display') == 'block'){
    } else {
         $(#test).css('display', 'block');


2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-17 Thread Charlie

instead of hide(0 which is basically display:none,  you could move it
off screen. This sort of issue comes up a lot with tabs


ngreenwood6 wrote:

  Anyone at all?

On Oct 16, 6:34pm, ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com wrote:
I tried adding in return false at the end of my function, however that
did not fix the issue. Any other suggestions?

On Oct 16, 8:37am, rupak mandal rupakn...@gmail.com wrote:

  if the problem is reload then add "return false" at the end or the function

  On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM, ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com wrote:

I tried doing that as well and it still does the same thing. It must
be changing the display that makes it reload. To test all you have to
do is create a div with embed code and call show/hide on it and you
will see.


On Oct 16, 3:02 am, Evgeny Bobovik bobo...@gmail.com wrote:

  Try to use this method:
script type="text/_javascript_"
function showEmbed(){
  if($("#test").css('display') == 'block'){
  } else {
$("#test").css('display', 'block');






  2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:



[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-16 Thread Evgeny Bobovik

Try to use this method:
script type=text/javascript
function showEmbed(){
if($(#test).css('display') == 'block'){
} else {
 $(#test).css('display', 'block');

2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-16 Thread ngreenwood6

I tried doing that as well and it still does the same thing. It must
be changing the display that makes it reload. To test all you have to
do is create a div with embed code and call show/hide on it and you
will see.

On Oct 16, 3:02 am, Evgeny Bobovik bobo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Try to use this method:
 script type=text/javascript
 function showEmbed(){
     if($(#test).css('display') == 'block'){
     } else {
          $(#test).css('display', 'block');


 2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-16 Thread rupak mandal
if the problem is reload then add return false at the end or the function

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM, ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com wrote:

 I tried doing that as well and it still does the same thing. It must
 be changing the display that makes it reload. To test all you have to
 do is create a div with embed code and call show/hide on it and you
 will see.

 On Oct 16, 3:02 am, Evgeny Bobovik bobo...@gmail.com wrote:
  Try to use this method:
  script type=text/javascript
  function showEmbed(){
  if($(#test).css('display') == 'block'){
  } else {
   $(#test).css('display', 'block');
  2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-16 Thread Bi Jing
You should use


to confirm whether the div is shown or hidden.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Evgeny Bobovik bobo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Try to use this method:
 script type=text/javascript
 function showEmbed(){
 if($(#test).css('display') == 'block'){
} else {
 $(#test).css('display', 'block');

 2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-16 Thread ngreenwood6

So if I add return false it won't reload the data?

On Oct 16, 8:37 am, rupak mandal rupakn...@gmail.com wrote:
 if the problem is reload then add return false at the end or the function

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM, ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com wrote:

  I tried doing that as well and it still does the same thing. It must
  be changing the display that makes it reload. To test all you have to
  do is create a div with embed code and call show/hide on it and you
  will see.

  On Oct 16, 3:02 am, Evgeny Bobovik bobo...@gmail.com wrote:
   Try to use this method:
   script type=text/javascript
   function showEmbed(){
       if($(#test).css('display') == 'block'){
       } else {
            $(#test).css('display', 'block');


   2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:

[jQuery] Re: show/hide with embed

2009-10-16 Thread ngreenwood6

I tried adding in return false at the end of my function, however that
did not fix the issue. Any other suggestions?

On Oct 16, 8:37 am, rupak mandal rupakn...@gmail.com wrote:
 if the problem is reload then add return false at the end or the function

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM, ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com wrote:

  I tried doing  that as well and it still does the same thing. It must
  be changing the display that makes it reload. To test all you have to
  do is create a div with embed code and call show/hide on it and you
  will see.

  On Oct 16, 3:02 am, Evgeny Bobovik bobo...@gmail.com wrote:
   Try to use this method:
   script type=text/javascript
   function showEmbed(){
       if($(#test).css('display') == 'block'){
       } else {
            $(#test).css('display', 'block');


   2009/10/16 ngreenwood6 ngreenwo...@gmail.com:

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide effect div on mouseover

2009-10-02 Thread Liam Byrne

Normally the hover function will cause the menu div to disappear in this 
scenario, as the mouse moves over the child elements.

But if you use the hoverIntent plugin, it'll do the trick for you.


Mface wrote:


I have a CSS menu that I created using div that current appears using
the hover function in the CSS. What I would like to do is incorporate
javascript to utilise the effect of fading in when the mouse moves
over the 'menu' text and then with a delay fades out when the mouse
moves out of the menu area.

Is this possible? Please advise...


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[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide

2009-09-15 Thread Richard Walsh

I have figured this out, I replaced




On Sep 15, 8:44 am, Richard Walsh rwa...@datagroup.ca wrote:
 I am working on a toolset that shows/hides divs. The divs are named
 id-1 to id-6.

 div id=id-1
 div id=id-2

 And so on. The script I have written is below:

 script type=text/javascript

 The beginning part basically just hides div 2-6 on load. The next part
 with #add_link that adds the next div if needed, and then the last,
 removes the current div. This all works, but only on first set.

 So basically I have a repeated piece; as below:

 div id=id-1
         label for=reprint_F1Identifer 1/label
         select name=reprint_F1 id=reprint_F1
                 option- Please Select -/option
                 option value=1Sec/option
                 option value=2Row/option
                 option value=3Seat/option
                 option value=4Ticket Barcode/option
                 option value=5RecID/option
                 option value=6Book No./option
                 option value=7Account No./option
                 option value=8Other/option
         input type=text name=reprint_F1b id=reprint_F1b
         a href=# id=add_link class=test ui-state-default ui-corner-
 allspan class=ui-icon ui-icon-plus/spanAdd/a

 This occurs 6 times, starting on div id=id-2 I add another link
 for removing that div.

 As I said above, they first set works, but after that it doesn't. How
 can I get this working so that it works for all 6. I want to try and
 avoid writing a function for all six, as in the future I may have to
 add in more items.

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide on radio button click

2009-08-05 Thread Magnificent

Hey Jules, thanks much, this works like a champ!

[jQuery] Re: show/hide positioned to its trigger

2009-06-24 Thread Mauricio (Maujor) Samy Silva
$('tr td:first-child').attr('align', 'value_here');
  -Mensagem Original- 
  De: roxstyle 
  Para: jQuery (English) 
  Enviada em: quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2009 14:17
  Assunto: [jQuery] show/hide positioned to its trigger

  i am trying to learn how to position a show/hide module to the a
  that triggers it, instead of a literal positioning through css

  this is a sample of the module i am trying to position.

  instead of setting the css margins and paddings to the doc space, i
  would like to set the object relative to the cell where the trigger
  can anyone point me in the direction of tutorials or samples of this

[jQuery] Re: show hide random rows

2009-03-19 Thread Sean O

Scott, Ricardo, great thoughts and great code. It is an interesting issue
with many attack vectors; I hope the OP is getting something out of all

I will expect at least as much code and analysis for my next posted problem!


Scott Sauyet-3 wrote:
 ricardobeat wrote:
 If you need performance, this should be it:
 It sorts the rows using the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm.
 Despite throwing elements around in an array, it's faster than the
 pure mathematical solution because you don't need to filter out
 duplicate random numbers. An even greater improvement can be made by
 using the style.display property directly.
 First of all, thanks for your code.  I learned something new today.  I 
 never realized that I could reassign the elements of a jQuery collection 
 in that manner.
 I don't know why I brought up performance for a client-side JavaScript 
 issue!  It's probably not at all relevant to the OP's problem.  But I 
 think both your technique and mine should have similar performance.  The 
 key factor in either of ours is the number of calls to Math.random(), 
 and both of us call that $rows.length times.
 Sean O's technique has a worst-case time that is infinite, but it, or a 
 slight modification of it [1], has an expected time much shorter than 
 either of ours.  In the ten-out-of-fifty case we were working with, our 
 techniques require 50 iterations, where in his the expected number of 
 iterations is 11.033.  In your ten-out-of-one-thousand example, ours 
 would be 1000, and his expected number is below 10.05.  With the 
 modification [1], the worst case would be if the number to be selected 
 were half of the total rows, and then the number of iterations seems to 
 be about ln(2) * $rows.length, although I haven't attempted to prove this.
 This is related to the Coupon Collector's Problem [2].  I'm pretty sure 
 the exact expected number of iterations of Sean's technique is
  sum_{i=1}^{SELECTED} {TOTAL / (TOTAL - i + 1)}
 But hey, let's get back to jQuery!  :-)
-- Scott
 [1] The modification would be, when the requested number of rows is 
 greater than half the total number of rows, to switch to running the 
 same algorithm to choose the number of *unselected* rows.
 [2] http://www.google.com/search?q=coupon+collector+problem

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: show hide random rows

2009-03-18 Thread Sean O


Try this:


It shouldn't matter how YUI is IDing your table rows, as you can pluck them
out by index.


Bob O-2 wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone could point me to a tutorial or blog where i
 can accomplish this task.
 Basically i have a YUI datatable and i want to use jQuery to hide all
 but a user generated number of rows that are random selected
 so if i had 50 records in the table and the user input 10 in a text
 field and hit a button..
 10 random records would be left displayed and the other 40 would be

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[jQuery] Re: show hide random rows

2009-03-18 Thread Scott Sauyet

Bob O wrote:

Basically i have a YUI datatable and i want to use jQuery to hide all
but a user generated number of rows that are random selected

Something like this might be what you're looking for:


The important part is this:

var $rows = $(#myTable tbody tr);
$(form).submit(function() {
var count = parseInt($(#count).val());
var chosen = 0;
var total = $rows.length;
$rows.each(function(index) {
if (Math.random()  (count - chosen) / (total - index)) {
} else {
return false;

This is different from the previous suggestion, which kept randomly 
picking rows and if they weren't already chosen, added them to the list. 
 This solution iterates through the rows, updating the probability of 
each one being chosen according to how many have already been chosen and 
how many we still want to choose.  It might be a bit less efficient for 
10 out of 50, but would probably be much more efficient at 40 out of 50, 
and it is entirely predictable, in that it run exactly one random call 
for each row in the table.


  -- Scott

[jQuery] Re: show hide random rows

2009-03-18 Thread Sean O


Nice job. I like the logic, and the fading out of unselected rows.

My solution was, admittedly, a quick one. It certainly wouldn't scale past
1,000 rows or so -- especially with the majority # selected -- but if the
10/50 number is firm, seemed to work OK.


Scott Sauyet-3 wrote:
 Bob O wrote:
 Basically i have a YUI datatable and i want to use jQuery to hide all
 but a user generated number of rows that are random selected
 Something like this might be what you're looking for:
 The important part is this:
  var $rows = $(#myTable tbody tr);
  $(form).submit(function() {
  var count = parseInt($(#count).val());
  var chosen = 0;
  var total = $rows.length;
  $rows.each(function(index) {
  if (Math.random()  (count - chosen) / (total - index)) {
  } else {
  return false;
 This is different from the previous suggestion, which kept randomly 
 picking rows and if they weren't already chosen, added them to the list. 
   This solution iterates through the rows, updating the probability of 
 each one being chosen according to how many have already been chosen and 
 how many we still want to choose.  It might be a bit less efficient for 
 10 out of 50, but would probably be much more efficient at 40 out of 50, 
 and it is entirely predictable, in that it run exactly one random call 
 for each row in the table.
-- Scott

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: show hide random rows

2009-03-18 Thread Scott Sauyet

Sean O wrote:

Nice job. I like the logic, and the fading out of unselected rows.

My solution was, admittedly, a quick one. It certainly wouldn't scale past
1,000 rows or so -- especially with the majority # selected -- but if the
10/50 number is firm, seemed to work OK.

Yours is probably more efficient on average than mine, even at higher 
numbers, except in extreme cases.  The advantage of mine is in 
predictability.  It's going to loop through all the rows making one call 
to random() for each.

Mine was actually a quick copy of something I recently had to do in my 
day job where this predictability was more important (to my boss) than 
average efficiency, and where the numbers were higher.  Although I coded 
this approach, I argued unsuccessfully for your approach, which is 
usually faster.

In any case, either should work fine for the OP if the numbers are 
anything like the example given.

  -- Scott

[jQuery] Re: show hide random rows

2009-03-18 Thread ricardobeat

If you need performance, this should be it:


It sorts the rows using the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm.
Despite throwing elements around in an array, it's faster than the
pure mathematical solution because you don't need to filter out
duplicate random numbers. An even greater improvement can be made by
using the style.display property directly.

- ricardo

On Mar 18, 4:20 pm, Scott Sauyet li...@sauyet.com wrote:
 Sean O wrote:
  Nice job. I like the logic, and the fading out of unselected rows.

  My solution was, admittedly, a quick one. It certainly wouldn't scale past
  1,000 rows or so -- especially with the majority # selected -- but if the
  10/50 number is firm, seemed to work OK.

 Yours is probably more efficient on average than mine, even at higher
 numbers, except in extreme cases.  The advantage of mine is in
 predictability.  It's going to loop through all the rows making one call
 to random() for each.

 Mine was actually a quick copy of something I recently had to do in my
 day job where this predictability was more important (to my boss) than
 average efficiency, and where the numbers were higher.  Although I coded
 this approach, I argued unsuccessfully for your approach, which is
 usually faster.

 In any case, either should work fine for the OP if the numbers are
 anything like the example given.

    -- Scott

[jQuery] Re: show hide random rows

2009-03-18 Thread Scott Sauyet

ricardobeat wrote:

If you need performance, this should be it:


It sorts the rows using the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm.
Despite throwing elements around in an array, it's faster than the
pure mathematical solution because you don't need to filter out
duplicate random numbers. An even greater improvement can be made by
using the style.display property directly.

First of all, thanks for your code.  I learned something new today.  I 
never realized that I could reassign the elements of a jQuery collection 
in that manner.

I don't know why I brought up performance for a client-side JavaScript 
issue!  It's probably not at all relevant to the OP's problem.  But I 
think both your technique and mine should have similar performance.  The 
key factor in either of ours is the number of calls to Math.random(), 
and both of us call that $rows.length times.

Sean O's technique has a worst-case time that is infinite, but it, or a 
slight modification of it [1], has an expected time much shorter than 
either of ours.  In the ten-out-of-fifty case we were working with, our 
techniques require 50 iterations, where in his the expected number of 
iterations is 11.033.  In your ten-out-of-one-thousand example, ours 
would be 1000, and his expected number is below 10.05.  With the 
modification [1], the worst case would be if the number to be selected 
were half of the total rows, and then the number of iterations seems to 
be about ln(2) * $rows.length, although I haven't attempted to prove this.

This is related to the Coupon Collector's Problem [2].  I'm pretty sure 
the exact expected number of iterations of Sean's technique is

sum_{i=1}^{SELECTED} {TOTAL / (TOTAL - i + 1)}

But hey, let's get back to jQuery!  :-)

  -- Scott

[1] The modification would be, when the requested number of rows is 
greater than half the total number of rows, to switch to running the 
same algorithm to choose the number of *unselected* rows.

[2] http://www.google.com/search?q=coupon+collector+problem

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide element

2009-03-16 Thread Mat Schaffer

Tried something like this?

$(legend).click(function() { $(fieldset ul).toggle(); });

On Mar 15, 2009, at 10:40 AM, shapper wrote:


I have a list of fieldsets and each one has a legend.
I am thinking in having something like:

 legendPersonal Data/legend
   lifirst element/li
   lisecond element/li

How can Show/Hide the ul when I click the legend?

I would like to have many fielsets on a form and being able to Show/
Hide the contents of any fieldset.


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide element

2009-03-16 Thread James

Adding to Mat's solution to work for many fieldsets:

$(legend).click(function() { $(this).next(ul).toggle(); });

On Mar 16, 4:05 pm, Mat Schaffer mat.schaf...@gmail.com wrote:
 Tried something like this?

 $(legend).click(function() { $(fieldset ul).toggle(); });

 On Mar 15, 2009, at 10:40 AM, shapper wrote:


  I have a list of fieldsets and each one has a legend.
  I am thinking in having something like:

   legendPersonal Data/legend
     lifirst element/li
     lisecond element/li

  How can Show/Hide the ul when I click the legend?

  I would like to have many fielsets on a form and being able to Show/
  Hide the contents of any fieldset.


[jQuery] Re: Show/hide multiple TDs with one function?

2009-03-08 Thread Mike Alsup

 I have a table with multiple TDs (with different classes) that I want
 to toggle (show/hide) with one function, from checking different
 checkboxes that relate to the different TDs.

 I'm thinking I should pass a variable to the function (from each
 checkbox) which then show/hides the different TDs using their class
 names, based on the variable passed. But I'm new to jQuery, so does
 anyone have a tip for how this could be done?

I've found that the best way to hide/show table columns is to simply
set/remove a class on the table element and then to define CSS rules
based on the class name.

For example, given this markup:

input id=blah type=checkbox /
table id=myTable
trtd class=onetd class=two/tr

You define a CSS rule like this:

table.blah td.one { display: none }

Then you add a handler for the checkbox:

$('#blah').change(function() {
if (this.checked)

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide multiple TDs with one function?

2009-03-08 Thread deadbeatjam

Hi Mike, and thanks for the answer.

The thing is that I want to show/hide the TDs and not the entire table
I have multiple rows, and want to toggle one TD for each row - not all
the TDs in each row.

On 8 Mar, 14:54, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a table with multiple TDs (with different classes) that I want
  to toggle (show/hide) with one function, from checking different
  checkboxes that relate to the different TDs.

  I'm thinking I should pass a variable to the function (from each
  checkbox) which then show/hides the different TDs using their class
  names, based on the variable passed. But I'm new to jQuery, so does
  anyone have a tip for how this could be done?

 I've found that the best way to hide/show table columns is to simply
 set/remove a class on the table element and then to define CSS rules
 based on the class name.

 For example, given this markup:

 input id=blah type=checkbox /
 table id=myTable
     trtd class=onetd class=two/tr

 You define a CSS rule like this:

 table.blah td.one { display: none }

 Then you add a handler for the checkbox:

 $('#blah').change(function() {
     if (this.checked)


[jQuery] Re: Show/hide multiple TDs with one function?

2009-03-08 Thread Mike Alsup

 The thing is that I want to show/hide the TDs and not the entire table
 I have multiple rows, and want to toggle one TD for each row - not all
 the TDs in each row.

I know. That's exactly what I was showing how to do.  You add/remove a
class on the table but put a style rule on the td.

[jQuery] Re: Show hide and print

2009-03-04 Thread Sean O

You're best served doing that simply with a CSS print stylesheet.

Just add:
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=print href=print.css /
and set all elements you don't want to print to display: none.

Here's an Oldie-but-Goodie guide to creating a nice one:


rayfidelity wrote:
 I have a problem, I have an element which I show (let's say fadein
 (slow)) on certain action (it's set on display:none in CSS).
 The problem is that i want to print that page without that
 element...how can i do that... fadein, show,... all set the element on
 display:block which means the element will apper no matter what.
 I've tried something like this
 $(#gototop).attr(style,@media print{display:none;});
 I wan't the element to be seen on screen, but not for printing!
 but it doesen't work...

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Show hide and print

2009-03-04 Thread rayfidelity

Jquery show or fadein overrides the print stylesheet that's the whole

On Mar 4, 2:56 pm, Sean O seanodot...@yahoo.com wrote:
 You're best served doing that simply with a CSS print stylesheet.

 Just add:
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=print href=print.css /
 and set all elements you don't want to print to display: none.

 Here's an Oldie-but-Goodie guide to creating a nice 

 SEAN Ohttp://www.sean-o.comhttp://twitter.com/seanodotcom

 rayfidelity wrote:


  I have a problem, I have an element which I show (let's say fadein
  (slow)) on certain action (it's set on display:none in CSS).

  The problem is that i want to print that page without that
  element...how can i do that... fadein, show,... all set the element on
  display:block which means the element will apper no matter what.

  I've tried something like this

  $(#gototop).attr(style,@media print{display:none;});

  I wan't the element to be seen on screen, but not for printing!

  but it doesen't work...



 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Show hide and print

2009-03-04 Thread Sean O

Have you tried overriding the override?

#gototop { display:none !important; }


rayfidelity wrote:
 Jquery show or fadein overrides the print stylesheet that's the whole
 On Mar 4, 2:56 pm, Sean O seanodot...@yahoo.com wrote:
 You're best served doing that simply with a CSS print stylesheet.

 Just add:
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=print href=print.css /
 and set all elements you don't want to print to display: none.

 Here's an Oldie-but-Goodie guide to creating a nice

 SEAN Ohttp://www.sean-o.comhttp://twitter.com/seanodotcom

 rayfidelity wrote:


  I have a problem, I have an element which I show (let's say fadein
  (slow)) on certain action (it's set on display:none in CSS).

  The problem is that i want to print that page without that
  element...how can i do that... fadein, show,... all set the element on
  display:block which means the element will apper no matter what.

  I've tried something like this

  $(#gototop).attr(style,@media print{display:none;});

  I wan't the element to be seen on screen, but not for printing!

  but it doesen't work...



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 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

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[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick

You might want to try .hover(): http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout

- Jack

Nic Hubbard wrote:

I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
div, not anywhere within it.

// - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
$('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

// Show Our Artists Box

});//end mouseover

// - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
$('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

// Add a mouse out on our box
$('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

// Hide Our Artists Box

});//end mouseover

});//end mouseover

div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard


This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the
hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div

Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:
They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.

On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 You might want to try .hover():http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
  hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
  div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
  a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
  that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
  don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
  div, not anywhere within it.

     // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
     $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

             // Show Our Artists Box

     });//end mouseover

     // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
     $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

             // Add a mouse out on our box
             $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

                     // Hide Our Artists Box

             });//end mouseover

     });//end mouseover

  div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
  div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

  Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
  artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Here's an example of a way to handle that:


- Jack

Nic Hubbard wrote:


This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the
hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div

Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:
They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.

On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

You might want to try .hover():http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout

- Jack

Nic Hubbard wrote:

I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
div, not anywhere within it.
   // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --

   $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {
   // Show Our Artists Box

   });//end mouseover
   // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --

   $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {
   // Add a mouse out on our box

   $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {
   // Hide Our Artists Box

   });//end mouseover
   });//end mouseover
div id=artistsBox style=display:none;

div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div
Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over

artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.
Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Yes!  That is exactly what I was looking for!  I have implemented it
and it works perfectly, thank you!

On Mar 3, 9:54 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Here's an example of a way to handle that:


 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:

  This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the
  hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
  time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
  shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div

  Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:
  They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.

  On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

  You might want to try .hover():http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout

  - Jack

  Nic Hubbard wrote:

  I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
  hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
  div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
  a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
  that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
  don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
  div, not anywhere within it.

     // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
     $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

             // Show Our Artists Box

     });//end mouseover

     // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
     $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

             // Add a mouse out on our box
             $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

                     // Hide Our Artists Box

             });//end mouseover

     });//end mouseover

  div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
  div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

  Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
  artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick

great! but the important part: is it a nice or a bad puppy? g

- Jack

Nic Hubbard wrote:

Yes!  That is exactly what I was looking for!  I have implemented it
and it works perfectly, thank you!

On Mar 3, 9:54 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

Here's an example of a way to handle that:


- Jack

Nic Hubbard wrote:

This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the

hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div
Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:

They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.
On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

You might want to try .hover():http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout

- Jack

Nic Hubbard wrote:

I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
div, not anywhere within it.
   // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --

   $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {
   // Show Our Artists Box

   });//end mouseover
   // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --

   $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {
   // Add a mouse out on our box

   $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {
   // Hide Our Artists Box

   });//end mouseover
   });//end mouseover
div id=artistsBox style=display:none;

div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div
Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over

artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.
Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Menu

2009-03-03 Thread Nic Hubbard

Hmm, it looks nice to me. :)

On Mar 3, 3:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 great! but the important part: is it a nice or a bad puppy? g

 - Jack

 Nic Hubbard wrote:
  Yes!  That is exactly what I was looking for!  I have implemented it
  and it works perfectly, thank you!

  On Mar 3, 9:54 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

  Here's an example of a way to handle that:


  - Jack

  Nic Hubbard wrote:


  This almost seems like it would work. But, since the element that the
  hover is added to, and the element that is shown are different, by the
  time you move your mouse from the hover element to the element that is
  shown, your mouse moves out of the first element, and the shown div

  Essentially it needs to have the functionality of css dropdowns:
  They stay out there until your mouse moves off of them.

  On Mar 3, 12:14 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

  You might want to try 

  - Jack

  Nic Hubbard wrote:

  I have a menu that is activated on mouseover a link.  The menu is a
  hidden div which appears.  My problem now is how to remove/hide that
  div when a user move their mouse off of the menu.  I have tried adding
  a mouseout event to the div, but because there are child divs inside
  that div, any mousing over them hides the parent div as well, which I
  don't want.  I only want it to hide if the mouse is outside the parent
  div, not anywhere within it.

     // - Show Artists Menu When Link moused over --
     $('a#Artists').mouseover(function() {

             // Show Our Artists Box

     });//end mouseover

     // - Add Stuff When Link moused over --
     $('#artistsBox').mouseover(function() {

             // Add a mouse out on our box
             $('#artistsColumns').mouseout(function() {

                     // Hide Our Artists Box

             });//end mouseover

     });//end mouseover

  div id=artistsBox style=display:none;
  div id=artistsColumnslinks and stuff in here/div

  Because the mouseout event is attatched to artistsBox, mousing over
  artistsColumns hides the div as well, which I don't want.

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: show/hide on hover event (newbie question)

2009-02-26 Thread James

Use hover().

$(function() {
  function() { $(#myImage).show(); },
  function() { $(#myImage).hide(); }

div id=mainDiv style=width:100px; height:150px;
 img src=image.jpg id=myImage style=display:none /

On Feb 26, 11:33 am, introvert aljaz.faj...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a simple div inside which I want to show an image on hover
 (rollover) and hide on mouseout of the div.

 I tried doing it with toggle() but that will only change the
 visibility on hover.

 How can I do that?

 Thanks for help!

[jQuery] Re: show/hide on hover event (newbie question)

2009-02-26 Thread Dor

you mean this:



On Feb 26, 11:33 pm, introvert aljaz.faj...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a simple div inside which I want to show an image on hover
 (rollover) and hide on mouseout of the div.

 I tried doing it with toggle() but that will only change the
 visibility on hover.

 How can I do that?

 Thanks for help!

[jQuery] Re: show/hide opacity gets stuck sometimes

2008-12-09 Thread Leanan

I've never worked with the .stop function before, so I searched for it
in google (jquery .stop) to read up on it to see if that might shed
some light...  One of the very first links I found was this:


Glancing over it, I think this is what is causing your problem.  The
individual who created that page links to a patch they created for the
issue, and has a fairly straightforward demonstration.  Hope that

On Dec 9, 11:11 am, Tijmen Smit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working on a page where once you hover over a small photo, a
 bigger photo should appear underneath it with a small text. The box
 holding the photo does appear, and once you slowly move towards
 another photo it works fine.

 But once you quickly move from the top left to the top right, it get a
 bit weird. Sometimes the box with the big photo disappears completely
 or it get stuck with the opacity not set to full visibility.

 And in IE7 there's another thing going on, the moment you place your
 mouse on the small photo it first seems to be disappearing, but it
 later does come up the way its supposed to be. I did set the z-index
 on both of the div's, but I have the feeling it doesn't have anything
 to do with the z-index.

 You can see it in action here 

 $(#smoelenboek li).hover(function() {
             var $list_class = $(this).attr(class);
             $(#smoelenboek).find('li.' + $list_class).addClass
             $(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: show, top:
 30px}, slow);
         }, function () {
             $(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: hide, top:
 20px}, fast);
             $(#smoelenboek li).removeClass(on);


 I know I could change the .stop().animate() to a simple .hide()/.show
 (), which works fine. But I would like to keep the animate  opacity
 effect, but then without them sometimes disappearing :)

 Any idea's how to fix this problem?


[jQuery] Re: show/hide opacity gets stuck sometimes

2008-12-09 Thread Tijmen Smit

Thanks a lot :)

The clearQueue option for the stop() did the trick, for some reason I
completely missed it on docs.jquery.com

On Dec 9, 6:04 pm, Leanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've never worked with the .stop function before, so I searched for it
 in google (jquery .stop) to read up on it to see if that might shed
 some light...  One of the very first links I found was this:


 Glancing over it, I think this is what is causing your problem.  The
 individual who created that page links to a patch they created for the
 issue, and has a fairly straightforward demonstration.  Hope that

 On Dec 9, 11:11 am, Tijmen Smit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm working on a page where once you hover over a small photo, a
  bigger photo should appear underneath it with a small text. The box
  holding the photo does appear, and once you slowly move towards
  another photo it works fine.

  But once you quickly move from the top left to the top right, it get a
  bit weird. Sometimes the box with the big photo disappears completely
  or it get stuck with the opacity not set to full visibility.

  And in IE7 there's another thing going on, the moment you place your
  mouse on the small photo it first seems to be disappearing, but it
  later does come up the way its supposed to be. I did set the z-index
  on both of the div's, but I have the feeling it doesn't have anything
  to do with the z-index.

  You can see it in action here 

  $(#smoelenboek li).hover(function() {
              var $list_class = $(this).attr(class);
              $(#smoelenboek).find('li.' + $list_class).addClass
              $(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: show, top:
  30px}, slow);
          }, function () {
              $(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: hide, top:
  20px}, fast);
              $(#smoelenboek li).removeClass(on);


  I know I could change the .stop().animate() to a simple .hide()/.show
  (), which works fine. But I would like to keep the animate  opacity
  effect, but then without them sometimes disappearing :)

  Any idea's how to fix this problem?


[jQuery] Re: show/hide opacity gets stuck sometimes

2008-12-09 Thread Leanan

You're welcome.  Glad it proved useful.

On Dec 9, 1:22 pm, Tijmen Smit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks a lot :)

 The clearQueue option for the stop() did the trick, for some reason I
 completely missed it on docs.jquery.com

 On Dec 9, 6:04 pm, Leanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've never worked with the .stop function before, so I searched for it
  in google (jquery .stop) to read up on it to see if that might shed
  some light...  One of the very first links I found was this:


  Glancing over it, I think this is what is causing your problem.  The
  individual who created that page links to a patch they created for the
  issue, and has a fairly straightforward demonstration.  Hope that

  On Dec 9, 11:11 am, Tijmen Smit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm working on a page where once you hover over a small photo, a
   bigger photo should appear underneath it with a small text. The box
   holding the photo does appear, and once you slowly move towards
   another photo it works fine.

   But once you quickly move from the top left to the top right, it get a
   bit weird. Sometimes the box with the big photo disappears completely
   or it get stuck with the opacity not set to full visibility.

   And in IE7 there's another thing going on, the moment you place your
   mouse on the small photo it first seems to be disappearing, but it
   later does come up the way its supposed to be. I did set the z-index
   on both of the div's, but I have the feeling it doesn't have anything
   to do with the z-index.

   You can see it in action here 

   $(#smoelenboek li).hover(function() {
               var $list_class = $(this).attr(class);
               $(#smoelenboek).find('li.' + $list_class).addClass
               $(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: show, top:
   30px}, slow);
           }, function () {
               $(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: hide, top:
   20px}, fast);
               $(#smoelenboek li).removeClass(on);


   I know I could change the .stop().animate() to a simple .hide()/.show
   (), which works fine. But I would like to keep the animate  opacity
   effect, but then without them sometimes disappearing :)

   Any idea's how to fix this problem?


[jQuery] Re: show/hide opacity gets stuck sometimes

2008-12-09 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Dec 9, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Tijmen Smit wrote:

The clearQueue option for the stop() did the trick, for some reason I
completely missed it on docs.jquery.com

Not your fault. The note about the .stop() options looked almost like  
a footnote. Quite easy to miss. I've just updated the page to place  
the options in their proper place.



Karl Swedberg

On Dec 9, 6:04 pm, Leanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've never worked with the .stop function before, so I searched for  

in google (jquery .stop) to read up on it to see if that might shed
some light...  One of the very first links I found was this:


Glancing over it, I think this is what is causing your problem.  The
individual who created that page links to a patch they created for  

issue, and has a fairly straightforward demonstration.  Hope that

On Dec 9, 11:11 am, Tijmen Smit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm working on a page where once you hover over a small photo, a
bigger photo should appear underneath it with a small text. The box
holding the photo does appear, and once you slowly move towards
another photo it works fine.

But once you quickly move from the top left to the top right, it  
get a
bit weird. Sometimes the box with the big photo disappears  

or it get stuck with the opacity not set to full visibility.

And in IE7 there's another thing going on, the moment you place your
mouse on the small photo it first seems to be disappearing, but it
later does come up the way its supposed to be. I did set the z-index
on both of the div's, but I have the feeling it doesn't have  

to do with the z-index.

You can see it in action here -http://www.tijmensmit.com/dev/intranet/test.html

$(#smoelenboek li).hover(function() {
var $list_class = $(this).attr(class);
$(#smoelenboek).find('li.' + $list_class).addClass
$(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: show,  

30px}, slow);
}, function () {
$(this).find(div).stop().animate({opacity: hide,  

20px}, fast);
$(#smoelenboek li).removeClass(on);


I know I could change the .stop().animate() to a  
simple .hide()/.show

(), which works fine. But I would like to keep the animate  opacity
effect, but then without them sometimes disappearing :)

Any idea's how to fix this problem?


[jQuery] Re: show/hide/toggle: suggestion to reduce show/hide code

2008-11-19 Thread Hector Virgen
I ran into this same problem today and wrote up this quick plugin that
accepts a boolean or function:
showIf: function(fn)
var result;
 switch (typeof fn) {
case 'function':
result = fn.call(this);
result = fn;
 if (result) {
} else {
 return $(this);

Usage example:

// Show all LI's based on value of condition
var condition = true;
$('ul.tabs li').showIf(condition);

// Show all LI's that contain exactly 3 anchors
$('ul.tabs li').showIf(function()
return ($(this).find('a').length == 3);

I hope this helps :)


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Dylan Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 19:58, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Nov 18, 2008, at 9:02 AM, Dylan Verheul wrote:
  Hmm, I actually checked the docs for that because that would make
  .toggle an unsuitable overloader. The docs said toggle doesn't take
  Hmmm, indeed. :) Not so much outdated as incomplete. I just went ahead
  added it to the docs:

 Good :-) Anyway, that means no simple overloading method is available.
 Of course it's no problem to code it or even to write a plugin, but I
 thought overloading an existing function would make for an interesting
 and probably often-used functionality, which was the point of starting
 this thread.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide/toggle: suggestion to reduce show/hide code

2008-11-19 Thread Hector Virgen
Oops, fixed a typo:
showIf: function(fn)
var result;
 switch (typeof fn) {
case 'function':
result = fn.call(this);
result = fn;
 if (result) {
} else {
 return $(this);


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Hector Virgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I ran into this same problem today and wrote up this quick plugin that
 accepts a boolean or function:
 showIf: function(fn)
 var result;
  switch (typeof fn) {
 case 'function':
 result = fn.call(this);
  result = fn;
  if (result) {
 } else {
  return $(this);

 Usage example:

 // Show all LI's based on value of condition
 var condition = true;
 $('ul.tabs li').showIf(condition);

 // Show all LI's that contain exactly 3 anchors
 $('ul.tabs li').showIf(function()
 return ($(this).find('a').length == 3);

 I hope this helps :)


 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Dylan Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 19:58, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Nov 18, 2008, at 9:02 AM, Dylan Verheul wrote:
  Hmm, I actually checked the docs for that because that would make
  .toggle an unsuitable overloader. The docs said toggle doesn't take
  Hmmm, indeed. :) Not so much outdated as incomplete. I just went ahead
  added it to the docs:

 Good :-) Anyway, that means no simple overloading method is available.
 Of course it's no problem to code it or even to write a plugin, but I
 thought overloading an existing function would make for an interesting
 and probably often-used functionality, which was the point of starting
 this thread.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide/toggle: suggestion to reduce show/hide code

2008-11-18 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Nov 18, 2008, at 1:10 AM, Dylan Verheul wrote:

I'm building a new version of an often used data entry form on our
site Waarneming.nl (int'l version Observado.org).
It struck me that I often have to write something like this:

if (cond) $(this).show() else $(this).hide();

Since jQuery is about reducing and chaining, wouldn't it be nice if I
could write it like this:

$(this).toggle(cond); // shows if cond evaluates to true, else hides

Of course a new function showhide could be made for this, but toggle
seems a likely candidate for overloading.

Hey Dylan,

Of course, you could write it this way, too:

$(this)[cond ? 'show' : 'hide']();

But I grant you that it's still not as elegant as an overloaded  
method. Not sure if toggle(cond) is the best choice, though. It's  
already pretty overloaded as it is, and it can already take a string  
or numeric argument for speed (e.g. 'slow'), which means you'd have to  
make sure that cond === true, not just cond == true.

Maybe a simple plugin would be more appropriate here. Something like  
this ...

(function($) {
$.fn.toggleIf = function(cond) {
  return this.each(function() {
$(this)[cond ? 'show' : 'hide']();


Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: show/hide/toggle: suggestion to reduce show/hide code

2008-11-18 Thread Dylan Verheul

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 14:56, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It struck me that I often have to write something like this:

 if (cond) $(this).show() else $(this).hide();

 Since jQuery is about reducing and chaining, wouldn't it be nice if I
 could write it like this:

 $(this).toggle(cond); // shows if cond evaluates to true, else hides

 Of course a new function showhide could be made for this, but toggle
 seems a likely candidate for overloading.

 Not sure if toggle(cond) is the best choice, though. It's already pretty
 overloaded as it is, and it can already take a string or numeric argument
 for speed (e.g. 'slow'), which means you'd have to make sure that cond ===
 true, not just cond == true.

Hmm, I actually checked the docs for that because that would make
.toggle an unsuitable overloader. The docs said toggle doesn't take

 Maybe a simple plugin would be more appropriate here. Something like this

That would be no problem at all of course.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide/toggle: suggestion to reduce show/hide code

2008-11-18 Thread MorningZ

How about something like  (although i admit the function name could
use some thinking, heh)

(function($) {
$.fn.showorhide = function(bool) {
   if (bool) {
   else {
   return this;

On Nov 18, 9:02 am, Dylan Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 14:56, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It struck me that I often have to write something like this:

  if (cond) $(this).show() else $(this).hide();

  Since jQuery is about reducing and chaining, wouldn't it be nice if I
  could write it like this:

  $(this).toggle(cond); // shows if cond evaluates to true, else hides

  Of course a new function showhide could be made for this, but toggle
  seems a likely candidate for overloading.

  Not sure if toggle(cond) is the best choice, though. It's already pretty
  overloaded as it is, and it can already take a string or numeric argument
  for speed (e.g. 'slow'), which means you'd have to make sure that cond ===
  true, not just cond == true.

 Hmm, I actually checked the docs for that because that would make
 .toggle an unsuitable overloader. The docs said toggle doesn't take

  Maybe a simple plugin would be more appropriate here. Something like this

 That would be no problem at all of course.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide/toggle: suggestion to reduce show/hide code

2008-11-18 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Nov 18, 2008, at 9:02 AM, Dylan Verheul wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 14:56, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Not sure if toggle(cond) is the best choice, though. It's already  
overloaded as it is, and it can already take a string or numeric  
for speed (e.g. 'slow'), which means you'd have to make sure that  
cond ===

true, not just cond == true.

Hmm, I actually checked the docs for that because that would make
.toggle an unsuitable overloader. The docs said toggle doesn't take

Hmmm, indeed. :) Not so much outdated as incomplete. I just went ahead  
and added it to the docs:



Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: show/hide/toggle: suggestion to reduce show/hide code

2008-11-18 Thread Dylan Verheul

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 19:58, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 18, 2008, at 9:02 AM, Dylan Verheul wrote:
 Hmm, I actually checked the docs for that because that would make
 .toggle an unsuitable overloader. The docs said toggle doesn't take

 Hmmm, indeed. :) Not so much outdated as incomplete. I just went ahead and
 added it to the docs:

Good :-) Anyway, that means no simple overloading method is available.
Of course it's no problem to code it or even to write a plugin, but I
thought overloading an existing function would make for an interesting
and probably often-used functionality, which was the point of starting
this thread.

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide. Could someone, please, help me with this?

2008-11-04 Thread pedalpete

Should be pretty simple Miguel.

The first thing I would do is add an ID to each legend and/or image
you want to trigger the show so you can tell which one has been
clicked and add a common class to all the legends and images.
Then put the id as a class of the fieldset you would like to show/

Finally, I'd use the .toggle function of jquery, so like this
var whichOne = $(this).attr('id');

that should do it.

On Nov 4, 10:47 am, shapper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a form as following:

 form id=MyForm
     legendPersonal Data/legend

 I would like to hide/show each fieldset when its legend is clicked ...
 ... or even better, adding a small icon on legend or somewhere in
 fieldset to toogle visibility.

 How can I do this with JQuery?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide items in unordered list

2008-09-30 Thread MorningZ

This help to get the idea of what could be done?


On Sep 30, 1:19 am, Wayne Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a unordered list of, say, ten items. I want to initially show
 five items and provide the user with a plus and minus key to either
 increase or decrease the number of viewable items. This is commonly
 done in expandable content boxes and can be seen on sites such 

 I am sure there is an easy way to do this in jQuery, however, I am
 probably over thinking it. I can dynamically show / hide the entire
 list, however, not the individual li items.

 Does anyone have any sample code or an example they have seen that
 they could point me towards?

 Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide items in unordered list

2008-09-30 Thread Wayne Dyck

MorningZ, thank you very much! That is perfect and will do nicely to
get me started in the right direction. I wasn't sure if I needed to
assign unique ids to the individual li items or not and your example
shows me I can do it without them. Very cool.

Thanks, again.


On Sep 30, 6:03 am, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This help to get the idea of what could be done?


 On Sep 30, 1:19 am, Wayne Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a unordered list of, say, ten items. I want to initially show
  five items and provide the user with a plus and minus key to either
  increase or decrease the number of viewable items. This is commonly
  done in expandable content boxes and can be seen on sites such 

  I am sure there is an easy way to do this in jQuery, however, I am
  probably over thinking it. I can dynamically show / hide the entire
  list, however, not the individual li items.

  Does anyone have any sample code or an example they have seen that
  they could point me towards?

  Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: show hide selected on page load (beginner)

2008-09-11 Thread tlob

I am so proud of me:

var showit = $(#form1 #ort_id option:selected).attr(value);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:

$('#form1 #ort_id option').click(
function () {
var wrapper = $(this).attr('value');


case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
return false;

but can be reduced, right?


On Sep 10, 10:27 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the following works pretty well on click:
 $('#form1 #ort_id option').click(
                 function () {
                 var wrapper = $(this).attr('value');
                 case 1: $('#schuppen-wrapper').show();  break;
                 case 2: $('#kirche-wrapper').show(); break;
                 case 3: $('#openair-wrapper').show(); break;
                 case 4: $('#andererort-wrapper').show(); break;
                 return false;

 but when the page loads the option value=1-4 selected=selected
 should be shown. how can I show the right div, when the page loads?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide divs beginning with a specified string

2008-06-24 Thread WoolyNinja

I would use the [attribute^=value] selector.  Then use substring to
get the EngineerShortName.

var engName=this.id.substring('showhide_'.length);
$(div#block_+engName+  div).toggle();

On Jun 24, 10:35 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a system where data is placed in a div, using AjaxSubmit to a
 php page, in the below format.

 {Employee Name1} {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
  {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
 Thu1} {Job Fri1}
  {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
 Thu2} {Job Fri2}
 {Employee Name2} {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
  {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
 Thu1} {Job Fri1}
  {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
 Thu2} {Job Fri2}

 As more employees are added I would like to be able to collapse the
 job information for employees I click on using css.
 {Employee Name1}[-] {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
 {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
 Thu1} {Job Fri1}
 {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
 Thu2} {Job Fri2}
 {Employee Name2}[+]

 etc where [-] is a button to hide employee1's jobs and [+] is a button
 to show employee2's jobs.

 I could do this by putting different inline javascript functions into
 the formatted data that is returned from the php page, however I would
 prefer to use jQuery and put everything in the HEAD of the container

 The current template for the above data is:

 div class=diary_engineer_week
 div class=diary_engineer_name{EngineerName}img
 id=showhide_{EngineerShortName} src=images/Apr08Design/
 plus_button_new.png alt=Show or Hide /br/{NumberJobs} Job(s)/
 div id=block_{EngineerShortName}
 div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day1}/
 div class=diary_day2div class=diary_header{day2}/
 div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day3}/
 div class=diary_day2div class=diary_header{day4}/
 div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day5}/

 I want to create some jQuery code which when any show/hide button with
 an id beginning with showhide is clicked, the corresponding div with
 id=block_{EngineerShortName} is shown or hidden using css.

 The trouble is how do I select something in jQuery where the id begins
 with something?
 Also, how do I then hide the corresponding div?

 Would this be possible using a parent-child relationship if I used
 div id=block_{EngineerShortName} as a child of a engineer_week

 Thank you for any help,

 Adam Sykes

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide divs beginning with a specified string

2008-06-24 Thread DaveG

Since you're already using css to show/hide, then why not apply a class 
to the shown/hidden rows, and select on that instead?

Thus, for hidden rows apply the class hide_row, which will include the 
css required to hide the row, and apply show_row on those rows you 
want displayed.

 ~ ~ Dave

Adam wrote:


I have a system where data is placed in a div, using AjaxSubmit to a
php page, in the below format.

{Employee Name1} {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
 {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
Thu1} {Job Fri1}
 {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
Thu2} {Job Fri2}
{Employee Name2} {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
 {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
Thu1} {Job Fri1}
 {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
Thu2} {Job Fri2}

As more employees are added I would like to be able to collapse the
job information for employees I click on using css.
{Employee Name1}[-] {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
{Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
Thu1} {Job Fri1}
{Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
Thu2} {Job Fri2}
{Employee Name2}[+]

etc where [-] is a button to hide employee1's jobs and [+] is a button
to show employee2's jobs.

I could do this by putting different inline javascript functions into
the formatted data that is returned from the php page, however I would
prefer to use jQuery and put everything in the HEAD of the container

The current template for the above data is:

div class=diary_engineer_week
div class=diary_engineer_name{EngineerName}img
id=showhide_{EngineerShortName} src=images/Apr08Design/
plus_button_new.png alt=Show or Hide /br/{NumberJobs} Job(s)/
div id=block_{EngineerShortName}
div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day1}/
div class=diary_day2div class=diary_header{day2}/
div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day3}/
div class=diary_day2div class=diary_header{day4}/
div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day5}/

I want to create some jQuery code which when any show/hide button with
an id beginning with showhide is clicked, the corresponding div with
id=block_{EngineerShortName} is shown or hidden using css.

The trouble is how do I select something in jQuery where the id begins
with something?
Also, how do I then hide the corresponding div?

Would this be possible using a parent-child relationship if I used
div id=block_{EngineerShortName} as a child of a engineer_week

Thank you for any help,

Adam Sykes

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide divs beginning with a specified string

2008-06-24 Thread Adam

The solution by WoolyNinja works great, with a change of the line:


as it is the image that I wanted to capture the click event for.

It could not be done by show/hide classes in a simple way as there
will be more than 2 employees listed.
The problem would still be how to select the particular row related to
the button, selecting by classes would end up hiding multiple rows in
one go, which is not what is required.

Anyway, I have a solution that works well now.

Thank you for your help.


On Jun 24, 11:46 pm, DaveG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since you're already using css to show/hide, then why not apply a class
 to the shown/hidden rows, and select on that instead?

 Thus, for hidden rows apply the class hide_row, which will include the
 css required to hide the row, and apply show_row on those rows you
 want displayed.

   ~ ~ Dave

 Adam wrote:

  I have a system where data is placed in a div, using AjaxSubmit to a
  php page, in the below format.

  {Employee Name1} {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
                               {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
  Thu1} {Job Fri1}
                               {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
  Thu2} {Job Fri2}
  {Employee Name2} {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
                               {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
  Thu1} {Job Fri1}
                               {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
  Thu2} {Job Fri2}

  As more employees are added I would like to be able to collapse the
  job information for employees I click on using css.
  {Employee Name1}[-] {Date Mon} {Date Tue} {Date Wed} {Date Thu} {Date
                                  {Job Mon1} {Job Tue1} {Job Wed1} {Job
  Thu1} {Job Fri1}
                                  {Job Mon2} {Job Tue2} {Job Wed2} {Job
  Thu2} {Job Fri2}
  {Employee Name2}[+]

  etc where [-] is a button to hide employee1's jobs and [+] is a button
  to show employee2's jobs.

  I could do this by putting different inline javascript functions into
  the formatted data that is returned from the php page, however I would
  prefer to use jQuery and put everything in the HEAD of the container

  The current template for the above data is:

  div class=diary_engineer_week
      div class=diary_engineer_name{EngineerName}img
  id=showhide_{EngineerShortName} src=images/Apr08Design/
  plus_button_new.png alt=Show or Hide /br/{NumberJobs} Job(s)/
      div id=block_{EngineerShortName}
      div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day1}/
      div class=diary_day2div class=diary_header{day2}/
      div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day3}/
      div class=diary_day2div class=diary_header{day4}/
      div class=diary_day1div class=diary_header{day5}/

  I want to create some jQuery code which when any show/hide button with
  an id beginning with showhide is clicked, the corresponding div with
  id=block_{EngineerShortName} is shown or hidden using css.

  The trouble is how do I select something in jQuery where the id begins
  with something?
  Also, how do I then hide the corresponding div?

  Would this be possible using a parent-child relationship if I used
  div id=block_{EngineerShortName} as a child of a engineer_week

  Thank you for any help,

  Adam Sykes- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-24 Thread Wizzud

Couple of things.
I put a 'return false;' at the end of the click handler (sorry - tends
to be a reflex action!) when it doesn't actually need it. Either shift
it up to be within the 'if...' statement block, or remove it
altogether. It prevents focussing on the input element and activating
the link. eg.

$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
// only toggle if it was div.col or its H2 that was clicked...
if ( this==event.target || $(event.target).is('h2') ){
  return false;

Secondly, you don't have a 'submit' input type : I'm not that clued up
on validator, but I can see that you set a submit handler (to
alert(...)) but without a 'submit' type to attach it to, or a
specified replacement, I can't see what will handle clicking on the Go
apart from the div.col handler.
Basically I can only see one click handler - the div.col one - for
handling *any* click on *any* element within div.col, so if you want
to catch the form submission you probably need to add some other
handler somewhere.

On May 24, 2:17 am, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oooh SO close Wizzud! Followed your instructions carefully, and set
 the height of the form equal to the height of div.col.

 The forms now toggle correctly, stay on when the user is inputting
 their zip, BUT (taking For Your Home, for example) doesn't submit when
 the Go button is clicked. It also doesn't produce a form validation
 error message when nothing is clicked. But weirdly, if you enter less
 than 5 digits and hit Go, it DOES error check. Also, the Get access
 to your account link below doesn't work. Any ideas?

 Nearly there, and thank you so much to all of you for your help!

 On May 23, 7:00 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
  // only toggle if it was div.col or its H2 that was clicked...
  if ( this==event.target || $(event.target).is('h2') ){
  return false;

  And you should ensure that your form covers div.col entirely.

  On May 23, 5:29 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Karl, thanks.

   I modifed your line slightly to give it the same specificity as the
   preceding declaration (it wasn't working at all when it was just
   'form'), and now the form isn't appearing at all on click!

   Here's the whole section:

   // Show/hide forms
   $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
   $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
   var $tgt = $(event.target);
   if (!$tgt.is('div#homepage_boxes form')) { //don't toggle 
   clicking the form!


   I may be getting my selectors confused. Oh, honestly I don't know what
   I'm doing wrong at this point...!

   On May 23, 10:24 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This line:

if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

should be :

if (!$tgt.is('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

The first always returns the jQuery object, so it's always truthy.

The second returns a boolean. Will be true if the target element is
not a form.

Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On May 23, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Ridge wrote:

 Hm. Replaced my code with yours, and it's still toggling the form when
 its clicked. :(

 On May 22, 5:29 pm, Pyrolupus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to have your event handler handle things differently
 depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

 For example:

 $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
var $tgt = $(event.target);
if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!


 for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

 On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
 few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, and

 By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the
 interoperability of the last two that are causing me a headache.
 you click anywhere in the For your home box, the content appears.
 There's a form in that div. However, when you try to focus in that
 div by clicking, the form hides.

 So, what I'd like to know is how to show the div contents by

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-24 Thread Ridge


Everything seems to work fine! Your fix did the trick, and the form
(the Home one at least - I haven't set the rest up as yet) submits

Thanks so much!

On May 24, 5:32 am, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Couple of things.
 I put a 'return false;' at the end of the click handler (sorry - tends
 to be a reflex action!) when it doesn't actually need it. Either shift
 it up to be within the 'if...' statement block, or remove it
 altogether. It prevents focussing on the input element and activating
 the link. eg.

 $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
 // only toggle if it was div.col or its H2 that was clicked...
 if ( this==event.target || $(event.target).is('h2') ){
   return false;

 Secondly, you don't have a 'submit' input type : I'm not that clued up
 on validator, but I can see that you set a submit handler (to
 alert(...)) but without a 'submit' type to attach it to, or a
 specified replacement, I can't see what will handle clicking on the Go
 apart from the div.col handler.
 Basically I can only see one click handler - the div.col one - for
 handling *any* click on *any* element within div.col, so if you want
 to catch the form submission you probably need to add some other
 handler somewhere.

 On May 24, 2:17 am, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oooh SO close Wizzud! Followed your instructions carefully, and set
  the height of the form equal to the height of div.col.

  The forms now toggle correctly, stay on when the user is inputting
  their zip, BUT (taking For Your Home, for example) doesn't submit when
  the Go button is clicked. It also doesn't produce a form validation
  error message when nothing is clicked. But weirdly, if you enter less
  than 5 digits and hit Go, it DOES error check. Also, the Get access
  to your account link below doesn't work. Any ideas?

  Nearly there, and thank you so much to all of you for your help!

  On May 23, 7:00 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
   // only toggle if it was div.col or its H2 that was clicked...
   if ( this==event.target || $(event.target).is('h2') ){
   return false;

   And you should ensure that your form covers div.col entirely.

   On May 23, 5:29 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Karl, thanks.

I modifed your line slightly to give it the same specificity as the
preceding declaration (it wasn't working at all when it was just
'form'), and now the form isn't appearing at all on click!

Here's the whole section:

// Show/hide forms
$('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
var $tgt = $(event.target);
if (!$tgt.is('div#homepage_boxes form')) { //don't 
toggle when
clicking the form!


I may be getting my selectors confused. Oh, honestly I don't know what
I'm doing wrong at this point...!

On May 23, 10:24 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This line:

 if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the 

 should be :

 if (!$tgt.is('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

 The first always returns the jQuery object, so it's always truthy.

 The second returns a boolean. Will be true if the target element is
 not a form.

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On May 23, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Ridge wrote:

  Hm. Replaced my code with yours, and it's still toggling the form 
  its clicked. :(

  On May 22, 5:29 pm, Pyrolupus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You need to have your event handler handle things differently
  depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

  For example:

  $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
 var $tgt = $(event.target);
 if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the 


  for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

  On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
  few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, 

  By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-23 Thread Ridge

Hm. Replaced my code with yours, and it's still toggling the form when
its clicked. :(

On May 22, 5:29 pm, Pyrolupus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to have your event handler handle things differently
 depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

 For example:

 $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
 var $tgt = $(event.target);
 if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!


 for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

 On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
  few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, and

  By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the
  interoperability of the last two that are causing me a headache. When
  you click anywhere in the For your home box, the content appears.
  There's a form in that div. However, when you try to focus in that
  div by clicking, the form hides.

  So, what I'd like to know is how to show the div contents by
  clicking anywhere in the div, but only hide it by clicking on the
  header (which I've temporarily given a background color of green to
  make it stand out).

  For reference, here's the contents of my $(document).ready section
  which is linked from the page above. Thanks!:


 // Add class to shift background images on load

 // Show/hide forms
 $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
 $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function() {

 // Add homepage box hover effect for IE6
 $('div#homepage_boxes .col').hover(function() {
 }, function() {

 // Form validation
submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

rules: {
   txtZipcode: {
  required: true,
  minlength: 5
messages: {
   txtZipcode: {
  required: To continue processing your request, we need a
  5-digit zip code.  Please re-type the zip code of your service
  minlength: Your zip code must be 5-digits long. Please re-
  type the zip code of your service address.


[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-23 Thread Karl Swedberg

This line:

   if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

should be :

   if (!$tgt.is('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

The first always returns the jQuery object, so it's always truthy.

The second returns a boolean. Will be true if the target element is  
not a form.

Karl Swedberg

On May 23, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Ridge wrote:

Hm. Replaced my code with yours, and it's still toggling the form when
its clicked. :(

On May 22, 5:29 pm, Pyrolupus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You need to have your event handler handle things differently
depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

For example:

$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
   var $tgt = $(event.target);
   if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!



for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, and

By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the
interoperability of the last two that are causing me a headache.  

you click anywhere in the For your home box, the content appears.
There's a form in that div. However, when you try to focus in that
div by clicking, the form hides.

So, what I'd like to know is how to show the div contents by
clicking anywhere in the div, but only hide it by clicking on the
header (which I've temporarily given a background color of green to
make it stand out).

For reference, here's the contents of my $(document).ready section
which is linked from the page above. Thanks!:


  // Add class to shift background images on load

  // Show/hide forms
  $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
  $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function() {


  // Add homepage box hover effect for IE6
  $('div#homepage_boxes .col').hover(function() {
  }, function() {

  // Form validation
 submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

 rules: {
txtZipcode: {
   required: true,
   minlength: 5
 messages: {
txtZipcode: {
   required: To continue processing your request, we need a
5-digit zip code.  Please re-type the zip code of your service
   minlength: Your zip code must be 5-digits long. Please  

type the zip code of your service address.


[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-23 Thread Ridge

Karl, thanks.

I modifed your line slightly to give it the same specificity as the
preceding declaration (it wasn't working at all when it was just
'form'), and now the form isn't appearing at all on click!

Here's the whole section:

// Show/hide forms
$('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
var $tgt = $(event.target);
if (!$tgt.is('div#homepage_boxes form')) { //don't toggle when
clicking the form!


I may be getting my selectors confused. Oh, honestly I don't know what
I'm doing wrong at this point...!

On May 23, 10:24 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This line:

 if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

 should be :

 if (!$tgt.is('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

 The first always returns the jQuery object, so it's always truthy.

 The second returns a boolean. Will be true if the target element is
 not a form.

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On May 23, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Ridge wrote:

  Hm. Replaced my code with yours, and it's still toggling the form when
  its clicked. :(

  On May 22, 5:29 pm, Pyrolupus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You need to have your event handler handle things differently
  depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

  For example:

  $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
 var $tgt = $(event.target);
 if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!


  for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

  On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
  few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, and

  By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the
  interoperability of the last two that are causing me a headache.
  you click anywhere in the For your home box, the content appears.
  There's a form in that div. However, when you try to focus in that
  div by clicking, the form hides.

  So, what I'd like to know is how to show the div contents by
  clicking anywhere in the div, but only hide it by clicking on the
  header (which I've temporarily given a background color of green to
  make it stand out).

  For reference, here's the contents of my $(document).ready section
  which is linked from the page above. Thanks!:


// Add class to shift background images on load

// Show/hide forms
$('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function() {

// Add homepage box hover effect for IE6
$('div#homepage_boxes .col').hover(function() {
}, function() {

// Form validation
   submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

   rules: {
  txtZipcode: {
 required: true,
 minlength: 5
   messages: {
  txtZipcode: {
 required: To continue processing your request, we need a
  5-digit zip code.  Please re-type the zip code of your service
 minlength: Your zip code must be 5-digits long. Please
  type the zip code of your service address.


[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-23 Thread Wizzud

$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
// only toggle if it was div.col or its H2 that was clicked...
if ( this==event.target || $(event.target).is('h2') ){
return false;

And you should ensure that your form covers div.col entirely.

On May 23, 5:29 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Karl, thanks.

 I modifed your line slightly to give it the same specificity as the
 preceding declaration (it wasn't working at all when it was just
 'form'), and now the form isn't appearing at all on click!

 Here's the whole section:

 // Show/hide forms
 $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
 $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
 var $tgt = $(event.target);
 if (!$tgt.is('div#homepage_boxes form')) { //don't toggle when
 clicking the form!


 I may be getting my selectors confused. Oh, honestly I don't know what
 I'm doing wrong at this point...!

 On May 23, 10:24 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This line:

  if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

  should be :

  if (!$tgt.is('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

  The first always returns the jQuery object, so it's always truthy.

  The second returns a boolean. Will be true if the target element is
  not a form.

  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On May 23, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Ridge wrote:

   Hm. Replaced my code with yours, and it's still toggling the form when
   its clicked. :(

   On May 22, 5:29 pm, Pyrolupus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You need to have your event handler handle things differently
   depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

   For example:

   $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
  var $tgt = $(event.target);
  if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!


   for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

   On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
   few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, and

   By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the
   interoperability of the last two that are causing me a headache.
   you click anywhere in the For your home box, the content appears.
   There's a form in that div. However, when you try to focus in that
   div by clicking, the form hides.

   So, what I'd like to know is how to show the div contents by
   clicking anywhere in the div, but only hide it by clicking on the
   header (which I've temporarily given a background color of green to
   make it stand out).

   For reference, here's the contents of my $(document).ready section
   which is linked from the page above. Thanks!:


 // Add class to shift background images on load

 // Show/hide forms
 $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
 $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function() {

 // Add homepage box hover effect for IE6
 $('div#homepage_boxes .col').hover(function() {
 }, function() {

 // Form validation
submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

rules: {
   txtZipcode: {
  required: true,
  minlength: 5
messages: {
   txtZipcode: {
  required: To continue processing your request, we need a
   5-digit zip code.  Please re-type the zip code of your service
  minlength: Your zip code must be 5-digits long. Please
   type the zip code of your service address.


[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-23 Thread Ridge

Oooh SO close Wizzud! Followed your instructions carefully, and set
the height of the form equal to the height of div.col.

The forms now toggle correctly, stay on when the user is inputting
their zip, BUT (taking For Your Home, for example) doesn't submit when
the Go button is clicked. It also doesn't produce a form validation
error message when nothing is clicked. But weirdly, if you enter less
than 5 digits and hit Go, it DOES error check. Also, the Get access
to your account link below doesn't work. Any ideas?

Nearly there, and thank you so much to all of you for your help!

On May 23, 7:00 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
 // only toggle if it was div.col or its H2 that was clicked...
 if ( this==event.target || $(event.target).is('h2') ){
 return false;

 And you should ensure that your form covers div.col entirely.

 On May 23, 5:29 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Karl, thanks.

  I modifed your line slightly to give it the same specificity as the
  preceding declaration (it wasn't working at all when it was just
  'form'), and now the form isn't appearing at all on click!

  Here's the whole section:

  // Show/hide forms
  $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
  $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
  var $tgt = $(event.target);
  if (!$tgt.is('div#homepage_boxes form')) { //don't toggle 
  clicking the form!


  I may be getting my selectors confused. Oh, honestly I don't know what
  I'm doing wrong at this point...!

  On May 23, 10:24 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This line:

   if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

   should be :

   if (!$tgt.is('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

   The first always returns the jQuery object, so it's always truthy.

   The second returns a boolean. Will be true if the target element is
   not a form.

   Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

   On May 23, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Ridge wrote:

Hm. Replaced my code with yours, and it's still toggling the form when
its clicked. :(

On May 22, 5:29 pm, Pyrolupus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You need to have your event handler handle things differently
depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

For example:

$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
   var $tgt = $(event.target);
   if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!


for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, and

By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the
interoperability of the last two that are causing me a headache.
you click anywhere in the For your home box, the content appears.
There's a form in that div. However, when you try to focus in that
div by clicking, the form hides.

So, what I'd like to know is how to show the div contents by
clicking anywhere in the div, but only hide it by clicking on the
header (which I've temporarily given a background color of green to
make it stand out).

For reference, here's the contents of my $(document).ready section
which is linked from the page above. Thanks!:


  // Add class to shift background images on load

  // Show/hide forms
  $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
  $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function() {

  // Add homepage box hover effect for IE6
  $('div#homepage_boxes .col').hover(function() {
  }, function() {

  // Form validation
 submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

 rules: {

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide toggle hides form too...bah!

2008-05-22 Thread Pyrolupus

You need to have your event handler handle things differently
depending upon the specific child element that was clicked.

For example:

$('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function(event) {
var $tgt = $(event.target);
if ($tgt.not('form')) { //don't toggle when clicking the form!

See http://www.learningjquery.com/2008/03/working-with-events-part-1
for more complete coverage of this.  It's where I learned it. :)

On May 22, 3:55 pm, Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have this page:http://tinyurl.com/5hascg. I'm using JQuery for a
 few things - :hover on the main content blocks, form validation, and

 By themselves, everything is working great! But it's the
 interoperability of the last two that are causing me a headache. When
 you click anywhere in the For your home box, the content appears.
 There's a form in that div. However, when you try to focus in that
 div by clicking, the form hides.

 So, what I'd like to know is how to show the div contents by
 clicking anywhere in the div, but only hide it by clicking on the
 header (which I've temporarily given a background color of green to
 make it stand out).

 For reference, here's the contents of my $(document).ready section
 which is linked from the page above. Thanks!:


    // Add class to shift background images on load

    // Show/hide forms
    $('div#homepage_boxes form').hide();
    $('div#homepage_boxes div.col').click(function() {

    // Add homepage box hover effect for IE6
    $('div#homepage_boxes .col').hover(function() {
    }, function() {

    // Form validation
       submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

       rules: {
          txtZipcode: {
             required: true,
             minlength: 5
       messages: {
          txtZipcode: {
             required: To continue processing your request, we need a
 5-digit zip code.  Please re-type the zip code of your service
             minlength: Your zip code must be 5-digits long. Please re-
 type the zip code of your service address.


[jQuery] Re: show/hide nested divs?

2008-04-24 Thread thekman

Thanks Shawn,
still not working though, i presume because .boxcontent is not a
sibling of .closeimage_left but is a sibling of .box

so would i need to find the parent div of .closeimage_left then toggle
that sibling .boxcontent?
If so, any idea how I would do it?

On Apr 24, 2:07 am, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 oops.. that should probably be a .toggle() instead of a .hide()


 Shawn wrote:

  $(.closeimage_left).click( function () {

  That *should* do the trick.


  thekman wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have code something like:

  div id=box_1 class=box
div id=close_1_a class=closeimage_left/div
div id=title_1 class=boxtitleBox Title/div
div id=close_1_b class=closeimage_rightBox Title/div
div id=content_1 class=boxcontentbox content.../div
  div id=box_2 class=box
div id=close_2_a class=closeimage_left/div
div id=title_2 class=boxtitleBox Title/div
div id=close_2_b class=closeimage_rightBox Title/div
div id=content_2 class=boxcontentbox content.../div

  All numbers are dynamically generated from the database.

  What is the best way to use jquery to close the correct content div?
  I am presuming I would use something like below, but what do I put in
  the click function?

  $(.closeimage_left).click(function() {

[jQuery] Re: show/hide nested divs?

2008-04-24 Thread thekman

Thanks Shawn,
however it is still not working for me, I presume because .boxcontent
is not a sibling of .closeimage_left but is a sibling of div
id=box_1 class=box
So, should I have to find the parent div then find the
sibling .boxcontent?
any idea how i would do this?

On Apr 24, 2:07 am, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 oops.. that should probably be a .toggle() instead of a .hide()


 Shawn wrote:

  $(.closeimage_left).click( function () {

  That *should* do the trick.


  thekman wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have code something like:

  div id=box_1 class=box
div id=close_1_a class=closeimage_left/div
div id=title_1 class=boxtitleBox Title/div
div id=close_1_b class=closeimage_rightBox Title/div
div id=content_1 class=boxcontentbox content.../div
  div id=box_2 class=box
div id=close_2_a class=closeimage_left/div
div id=title_2 class=boxtitleBox Title/div
div id=close_2_b class=closeimage_rightBox Title/div
div id=content_2 class=boxcontentbox content.../div

  All numbers are dynamically generated from the database.

  What is the best way to use jquery to close the correct content div?
  I am presuming I would use something like below, but what do I put in
  the click function?

  $(.closeimage_left).click(function() {

[jQuery] Re: show/hide nested divs?

2008-04-23 Thread Shawn

oops.. that should probably be a .toggle() instead of a .hide()


Shawn wrote:

$(.closeimage_left).click( function () {

That *should* do the trick.


thekman wrote:

Hi all,
I have code something like:

div id=box_1 class=box
  div id=close_1_a class=closeimage_left/div
  div id=title_1 class=boxtitleBox Title/div
  div id=close_1_b class=closeimage_rightBox Title/div
  div id=content_1 class=boxcontentbox content.../div
div id=box_2 class=box
  div id=close_2_a class=closeimage_left/div
  div id=title_2 class=boxtitleBox Title/div
  div id=close_2_b class=closeimage_rightBox Title/div
  div id=content_2 class=boxcontentbox content.../div

All numbers are dynamically generated from the database.

What is the best way to use jquery to close the correct content div?
I am presuming I would use something like below, but what do I put in
the click function?

$(.closeimage_left).click(function() {

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-11 Thread Wizzud

Using the html as in Glen's mock-up ...

var chks = $('input:checkbox').click(function(){
return this.checked ? this : null;
  }).length ? 'show' : 'hide']();

On Dec 11, 8:22 pm, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for trying Glen, I really appreciate it.  I'm still having the
 same difficulty with your solution as with mine.  The problem isn't
 when selecting Input 1 or Input 2, the problem comes when deselecting
 just one of those.  I'm looking to have div1 continue to appear when
 just one them are deselected, because the equation will still hold


 On Dec 6, 10:51 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ok, I updated it. I made it Very jQuery.

divClass = $(this).attr(class);

if ($(this).is(:checked)) {
$(# + divClass).show();
else if($(this).not(:checked)) {
$(# + divClass).hide();


  I refactored it three times.  I kept thinking, hmm, I think this should be
  I think there is probably a way to make it even shorter with Toggle.

  On Dec 6, 2007 8:22 PM, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Ahh, I think I get it.

   Input 1 and 2 both are controlling the first div.
   Input 3 controls div 2
   input 4 controls div 3
   input 5 controls div 4

   Yes?  I can modify the demo.


   On Dec 6, 2007 2:46 PM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This part works:
Select X, get Div 1
Select Y, get Div 1
Select X and Y, get Div1

This part doesn't:
When X and Y are selected, Div1 is showing
If X is unselected and Y remains selected, Div1 is still showing

Basically, if X and Y are selected and then X is unselected, I want
Div1 to remain showing because Select Y, get Div1 still holds true.
This is where I'm having a problem.  When X is unselected, it hides
Div1.  Make sense?

On Dec 6, 3:37 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I dont get it. :)

 Say it again as a use case:
 1. click on X
 2. expect results: div Y does something.


 On Dec 6, 2007 11:22 AM, Ryan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Actually, what I need it to do is show one instance of Div 4, not
  two.  I'm using the div for a text field, so I only need to show one

  version of it.  The checkboxes showing the div are independent of
  other in value, but have the same corresponding text field which
  should be filled out if either or both of these checkboxes are
  selected.  Does that make sense?

  On Dec 6, 12:36 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you

   Couple of tips:

  1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery
  this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
  2. getElementByID can be expressed as
  Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
  3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and
hide if
  shown without the IF shatement.

   Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget
  everything I
   knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the


   On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but
have a
problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery
will have
the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two
providing the same show div. For example,


script type=text/javascript
   function showMe (it, box) {
 var vis = (box.checked) ? block : none;
 document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;


input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value1
onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value1

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value2
onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value2

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value3
onclick=showMe('div2', this) /value3

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value4
onclick=showMe('div3', this) /value4

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value5
onclick=showMe('div4', this) /value5

div class=row id=div1 style=display:noneShow Div 1/div
div class=row id=div2 style=display:noneShow Div 2/div

div class=row id=div3 style=display:noneShow Div 3/div
div class=row id=div4 style=display:noneShow Div 4/div




As you can see, the first two options should 

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-07 Thread Dave Methvin

 It is shorter, but it just doesn't seem quite as jQuery-ish. ;)

I always figured that there was a good reason for the this object
being a bare DOM object in callbacks, events, and .each loops. jQuery
doesn't try to hide the DOM, but it's just a $(this) away when you
really need it.

If you prefer the jQuery methods, you can still get a one-liner:


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-07 Thread Dave Methvin


Belay that, try this:


I'm always making code longer than it has to be. :)

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-07 Thread Dave Methvin

 I kept thinking, hmm, I think this should be  shorter.

Wouldn't this work? (I haven't tried it.)


I am pretty sure all the browsers support .className and .checked as

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-07 Thread Glen Lipka
It is shorter, but it just doesn't seem quite as jQuery-ish. ;)


On Dec 7, 2007 1:13 PM, Dave Methvin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Belay that, try this:


 I'm always making code longer than it has to be. :)

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-06 Thread Glen Lipka
I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you want?

Couple of tips:

   1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery does
   this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
   2. getElementByID can be expressed as $(#yourID).dosomething...
   Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
   3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and hide if
   shown without the IF shatement.

Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget everything I
knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the muss.


On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but have a
 problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery will have
 the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two options
 providing the same show div. For example,


 script type=text/javascript
function showMe (it, box) {
  var vis = (box.checked) ? block : none;
  document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;


 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value1
 onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value1

 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value2
 onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value2

 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value3
 onclick=showMe('div2', this) /value3

 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value4
 onclick=showMe('div3', this) /value4

 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value5
 onclick=showMe('div4', this) /value5

 div class=row id=div1 style=display:noneShow Div 1/div
 div class=row id=div2 style=display:noneShow Div 2/div
 div class=row id=div3 style=display:noneShow Div 3/div
 div class=row id=div4 style=display:noneShow Div 4/div



 As you can see, the first two options should show the same div.
 Selecting one or both isn't a problem, the div appears as should, but
 when deselecting one of the checkboxes, the div disappears even though
 one of the checkboxes is still selected.

 Does anyone have an idea as to how I can get the div to remain
 selected when one of the two checkboxes is deselected? Or, if either
 of the checkboxes are selected, to provide just one result?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-06 Thread Ryan

Actually, what I need it to do is show one instance of Div 4, not
two.  I'm using the div for a text field, so I only need to show one
version of it.  The checkboxes showing the div are independent of each
other in value, but have the same corresponding text field which
should be filled out if either or both of these checkboxes are
selected.  Does that make sense?

On Dec 6, 12:36 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you 

 Couple of tips:

1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery does
this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
2. getElementByID can be expressed as $(#yourID).dosomething...
Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and hide if
shown without the IF shatement.

 Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget everything I
 knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the muss.


 On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but have a
  problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery will have
  the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two options
  providing the same show div. For example,


  script type=text/javascript
 function showMe (it, box) {
   var vis = (box.checked) ? block : none;
   document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;


  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value1
  onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value1

  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value2
  onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value2

  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value3
  onclick=showMe('div2', this) /value3

  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value4
  onclick=showMe('div3', this) /value4

  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value5
  onclick=showMe('div4', this) /value5

  div class=row id=div1 style=display:noneShow Div 1/div
  div class=row id=div2 style=display:noneShow Div 2/div
  div class=row id=div3 style=display:noneShow Div 3/div
  div class=row id=div4 style=display:noneShow Div 4/div



  As you can see, the first two options should show the same div.
  Selecting one or both isn't a problem, the div appears as should, but
  when deselecting one of the checkboxes, the div disappears even though
  one of the checkboxes is still selected.

  Does anyone have an idea as to how I can get the div to remain
  selected when one of the two checkboxes is deselected? Or, if either
  of the checkboxes are selected, to provide just one result?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-06 Thread Glen Lipka
I dont get it. :)

Say it again as a use case:
1. click on X
2. expect results: div Y does something.


On Dec 6, 2007 11:22 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, what I need it to do is show one instance of Div 4, not
 two.  I'm using the div for a text field, so I only need to show one
 version of it.  The checkboxes showing the div are independent of each
 other in value, but have the same corresponding text field which
 should be filled out if either or both of these checkboxes are
 selected.  Does that make sense?

 On Dec 6, 12:36 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you
  Couple of tips:
 1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery does
 this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
 2. getElementByID can be expressed as $(#yourID).dosomething...
 Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
 3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and hide if
 shown without the IF shatement.
  Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget
 everything I
  knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the muss.
  On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but have a
   problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery will have
   the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two options
   providing the same show div. For example,
   script type=text/javascript
  function showMe (it, box) {
var vis = (box.checked) ? block : none;
document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;
   input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value1
   onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value1
   input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value2
   onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value2
   input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value3
   onclick=showMe('div2', this) /value3
   input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value4
   onclick=showMe('div3', this) /value4
   input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value5
   onclick=showMe('div4', this) /value5
   div class=row id=div1 style=display:noneShow Div 1/div
   div class=row id=div2 style=display:noneShow Div 2/div
   div class=row id=div3 style=display:noneShow Div 3/div
   div class=row id=div4 style=display:noneShow Div 4/div
   As you can see, the first two options should show the same div.
   Selecting one or both isn't a problem, the div appears as should, but
   when deselecting one of the checkboxes, the div disappears even though
   one of the checkboxes is still selected.
   Does anyone have an idea as to how I can get the div to remain
   selected when one of the two checkboxes is deselected? Or, if either
   of the checkboxes are selected, to provide just one result?

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-06 Thread Ryan

This part works:
Select X, get Div 1
Select Y, get Div 1
Select X and Y, get Div1

This part doesn't:
When X and Y are selected, Div1 is showing
If X is unselected and Y remains selected, Div1 is still showing

Basically, if X and Y are selected and then X is unselected, I want
Div1 to remain showing because Select Y, get Div1 still holds true.
This is where I'm having a problem.  When X is unselected, it hides
Div1.  Make sense?

On Dec 6, 3:37 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I dont get it. :)

 Say it again as a use case:
 1. click on X
 2. expect results: div Y does something.


 On Dec 6, 2007 11:22 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Actually, what I need it to do is show one instance of Div 4, not
  two.  I'm using the div for a text field, so I only need to show one
  version of it.  The checkboxes showing the div are independent of each
  other in value, but have the same corresponding text field which
  should be filled out if either or both of these checkboxes are
  selected.  Does that make sense?

  On Dec 6, 12:36 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you

   Couple of tips:

  1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery does
  this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
  2. getElementByID can be expressed as $(#yourID).dosomething...
  Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
  3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and hide if
  shown without the IF shatement.

   Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget
  everything I
   knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the muss.


   On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but have a
problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery will have
the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two options
providing the same show div. For example,


script type=text/javascript
   function showMe (it, box) {
 var vis = (box.checked) ? block : none;
 document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;


input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value1
onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value1

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value2
onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value2

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value3
onclick=showMe('div2', this) /value3

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value4
onclick=showMe('div3', this) /value4

input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value5
onclick=showMe('div4', this) /value5

div class=row id=div1 style=display:noneShow Div 1/div
div class=row id=div2 style=display:noneShow Div 2/div
div class=row id=div3 style=display:noneShow Div 3/div
div class=row id=div4 style=display:noneShow Div 4/div



As you can see, the first two options should show the same div.
Selecting one or both isn't a problem, the div appears as should, but
when deselecting one of the checkboxes, the div disappears even though
one of the checkboxes is still selected.

Does anyone have an idea as to how I can get the div to remain
selected when one of the two checkboxes is deselected? Or, if either
of the checkboxes are selected, to provide just one result?


[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-06 Thread Glen Lipka
Ahh, I think I get it.

Input 1 and 2 both are controlling the first div.
Input 3 controls div 2
input 4 controls div 3
input 5 controls div 4

Yes?  I can modify the demo.


On Dec 6, 2007 2:46 PM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This part works:
 Select X, get Div 1
 Select Y, get Div 1
 Select X and Y, get Div1

 This part doesn't:
 When X and Y are selected, Div1 is showing
 If X is unselected and Y remains selected, Div1 is still showing

 Basically, if X and Y are selected and then X is unselected, I want
 Div1 to remain showing because Select Y, get Div1 still holds true.
 This is where I'm having a problem.  When X is unselected, it hides
 Div1.  Make sense?

 On Dec 6, 3:37 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I dont get it. :)
  Say it again as a use case:
  1. click on X
  2. expect results: div Y does something.
  On Dec 6, 2007 11:22 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Actually, what I need it to do is show one instance of Div 4, not
   two.  I'm using the div for a text field, so I only need to show one
   version of it.  The checkboxes showing the div are independent of each
   other in value, but have the same corresponding text field which
   should be filled out if either or both of these checkboxes are
   selected.  Does that make sense?
   On Dec 6, 12:36 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you
Couple of tips:
   1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery
   this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
   2. getElementByID can be expressed as $(#yourID).dosomething...
   Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
   3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and hide
   shown without the IF shatement.
Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget
   everything I
knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the
On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but have
 problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery will
 the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two
 providing the same show div. For example,
 script type=text/javascript
function showMe (it, box) {
  var vis = (box.checked) ? block : none;
  document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;
 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value1
 onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value1
 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value2
 onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value2
 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value3
 onclick=showMe('div2', this) /value3
 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value4
 onclick=showMe('div3', this) /value4
 input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value5
 onclick=showMe('div4', this) /value5
 div class=row id=div1 style=display:noneShow Div 1/div
 div class=row id=div2 style=display:noneShow Div 2/div
 div class=row id=div3 style=display:noneShow Div 3/div
 div class=row id=div4 style=display:noneShow Div 4/div
 As you can see, the first two options should show the same div.
 Selecting one or both isn't a problem, the div appears as should,
 when deselecting one of the checkboxes, the div disappears even
 one of the checkboxes is still selected.
 Does anyone have an idea as to how I can get the div to remain
 selected when one of the two checkboxes is deselected? Or, if
 of the checkboxes are selected, to provide just one result?

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide Div with checkbox options providing same results

2007-12-06 Thread Glen Lipka
Ok, I updated it. I made it Very jQuery.

  divClass = $(this).attr(class);

  if ($(this).is(:checked)) {
  $(# + divClass).show();
  else if($(this).not(:checked)) {
  $(# + divClass).hide();

I refactored it three times.  I kept thinking, hmm, I think this should be
I think there is probably a way to make it even shorter with Toggle.

On Dec 6, 2007 8:22 PM, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ahh, I think I get it.

 Input 1 and 2 both are controlling the first div.
 Input 3 controls div 2
 input 4 controls div 3
 input 5 controls div 4

 Yes?  I can modify the demo.


 On Dec 6, 2007 2:46 PM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This part works:
  Select X, get Div 1
  Select Y, get Div 1
  Select X and Y, get Div1
  This part doesn't:
  When X and Y are selected, Div1 is showing
  If X is unselected and Y remains selected, Div1 is still showing
  Basically, if X and Y are selected and then X is unselected, I want
  Div1 to remain showing because Select Y, get Div1 still holds true.
  This is where I'm having a problem.  When X is unselected, it hides
  Div1.  Make sense?
  On Dec 6, 3:37 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I dont get it. :)
   Say it again as a use case:
   1. click on X
   2. expect results: div Y does something.
   On Dec 6, 2007 11:22 AM, Ryan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, what I need it to do is show one instance of Div 4, not
two.  I'm using the div for a text field, so I only need to show one
version of it.  The checkboxes showing the div are independent of
other in value, but have the same corresponding text field which
should be filled out if either or both of these checkboxes are
selected.  Does that make sense?
On Dec 6, 12:36 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I whipped a demo.  Does this do what you
 Couple of tips:
1. Try to avoid putting onclick handlers in your html.  jQuery
this really easily and makes your html easier to read.
2. getElementByID can be expressed as
Much more concise and jQuery-ish. :)
3. The toggle function will automatically show if hidden and
  hide if
shown without the IF shatement.
 Hope these help.  When I first started jQuery, I had to forget
everything I
 knew about JS (which wasn't much).  It just did it all without the
 On Dec 6, 2007 8:30 AM, Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm completely versed in the show/hide options available, but
  have a
  problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm hoping jquery
  will have
  the answer.  I have 5 checkbox input options, the first two
  providing the same show div. For example,
  script type=text/javascript
 function showMe (it, box) {
   var vis = (box.checked) ? block : none;
   document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis;
  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value1
  onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value1
  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value2
  onclick=showMe('div1', this) /value2
  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value3
  onclick=showMe('div2', this) /value3
  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value4
  onclick=showMe('div3', this) /value4
  input type=checkbox name=modtype  value=value5
  onclick=showMe('div4', this) /value5
  div class=row id=div1 style=display:noneShow Div 1/div
  div class=row id=div2 style=display:noneShow Div 2/div
  div class=row id=div3 style=display:noneShow Div 3/div
  div class=row id=div4 style=display:noneShow Div 4/div
  As you can see, the first two options should show the same div.
  Selecting one or both isn't a problem, the div appears as
  should, but
  when deselecting one of the checkboxes, the div disappears even
  one of the checkboxes is still selected.
  Does anyone have an idea as to how I can get the div to remain
  selected when one of the two checkboxes is deselected? Or, if
  of the checkboxes are selected, to provide just one result?

[jQuery] Re: Show/Hide divs depending on choice made in a select box

2007-10-26 Thread Adrian Lynch

Hey ioor, this sort of thing should be fairly straight forward, what
are you having trouble with?

To get you started:

$(function() {

function editTaxonomyChanged() {
var selectedOption = $([EMAIL PROTECTED]);
alert(Do something with this data:  + selectedOption.text() +  : 
+ selectedOption.val());

select name=taxonomy[3] class=form-select required id=edit-
option value=4OPTION1/option
option value=5OPTION2/option
option value=984OPTION3/option


On Oct 25, 2:02 pm, ioor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a select box with this structure:

 select name=taxonomy[3] class=form-select required id=edit-
 option value=4OPTION1/option
 option value=5.OPTION2/option
 option value=984.-OPTION3/option
 option value=983-OPTION4/option
 option value=35OPTION5/option
 option value=986-OPTION6/option
 option value=25-OPTION7/option
 option value=100-OPTION8/option
 option value=6. OPTION9t/option

 And I'd like a different div containing other forms to show up and
 hide the others depending on what choice is made in the select box.
 I've tried to get it to work, but couldn't quite get all of it working.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide based on list selection

2007-10-18 Thread Belinda M. Giardine
Thanks Karl and Olaf.  I got 2 methods to work so I feel ready to do the 
real code now.  Just one question, in the tutorials I saw lines like
q([EMAIL PROTECTED]'sweets']) where what works here is 
q('select[name=sweets]').  When should the @ and quotes be used and when 
shouldn't they?


On Wed, 17 Oct 2007, Karl Swedberg wrote:

 Belinda, you can also use the .change() method on the select element if you 
 want (the part you commented out was just fine).  Then you can either get the 
 selected option's value like this ...


 or its text like this ...


 As Olaf mentioned, the real problem was that you were trying to find 
 q('input[name=sweets]') when you should have been using 

 Karl Swedberg

 On Oct 17, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Olaf Bosch wrote:

 Belinda M. Giardine schrieb:
 I have found this question in the archives and set up a test page based on 
 the responses I have found.  But for me it is not working, the section is 
 hidden and doesn't reappear no matter what is selected.  I have tried 
 several different browsers.  The real task is on a more complex page, I am 
 just trying to get the simple test to work first.
 and here the full function:
  q(option).click (function() {
var opt = q(this).text();
alert (opt);   // delete this row
if (opt == Cookie) {
} else {
 Viele Gr??e, Olaf

[jQuery] Re: show/hide based on list selection

2007-10-18 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Belinda,

As of jQuery 1.2, the @ symbol is deprecated (unless you're using  
the XPath plugin). So, pre-1.2, use the @, and 1.2+, do not use it.

The quotes inside the square brackets are optional.

Karl Swedberg

On Oct 18, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Belinda M. Giardine wrote:

Thanks Karl and Olaf.  I got 2 methods to work so I feel ready to  
do the

real code now.  Just one question, in the tutorials I saw lines like
q([EMAIL PROTECTED]'sweets']) where what works here is
q('select[name=sweets]').  When should the @ and quotes be used and  

shouldn't they?


On Wed, 17 Oct 2007, Karl Swedberg wrote:

Belinda, you can also use the .change() method on the select  
element if you
want (the part you commented out was just fine).  Then you can  
either get the

selected option's value like this ...


or its text like this ...


As Olaf mentioned, the real problem was that you were trying to find
q('input[name=sweets]') when you should have been using

Karl Swedberg

On Oct 17, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Olaf Bosch wrote:

Belinda M. Giardine schrieb:
I have found this question in the archives and set up a test  
page based on
the responses I have found.  But for me it is not working, the  
section is
hidden and doesn't reappear no matter what is selected.  I have  
several different browsers.  The real task is on a more complex  
page, I am

just trying to get the simple test to work first.

and here the full function:

 q(option).click (function() {
   var opt = q(this).text();
   alert (opt);   // delete this row
   if (opt == Cookie) {
   } else {

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: show/hide based on list selection

2007-10-17 Thread Olaf Bosch

Belinda M. Giardine schrieb:
I have found this question in the archives and set up a test page based on 
the responses I have found.  But for me it is not working, the section is 
hidden and doesn't reappear no matter what is selected.  I have tried 
several different browsers.  The real task is on a more complex page, I am 
just trying to get the simple test to work first.

is not changing in the content and you have not INPUT in your page.
Try in this direction:

alert(Hello there); //does this
q(option).click (function() {
alert(and woop); //does this

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: show/hide based on list selection

2007-10-17 Thread Olaf Bosch

Belinda M. Giardine schrieb:
I have found this question in the archives and set up a test page based on 
the responses I have found.  But for me it is not working, the section is 
hidden and doesn't reappear no matter what is selected.  I have tried 
several different browsers.  The real task is on a more complex page, I am 
just trying to get the simple test to work first.

and here the full function:

  q(option).click (function() {
var opt = q(this).text();
alert (opt);   // delete this row
if (opt == Cookie) {
} else {

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: show/hide based on list selection

2007-10-17 Thread Karl Swedberg
Belinda, you can also use the .change() method on the select  
element if you want (the part you commented out was just fine).  Then  
you can either get the selected option's value like this ...


or its text like this ...


As Olaf mentioned, the real problem was that you were trying to find q 
('input[name=sweets]') when you should have been using q('select 

Karl Swedberg

On Oct 17, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Olaf Bosch wrote:

Belinda M. Giardine schrieb:
I have found this question in the archives and set up a test page  
based on the responses I have found.  But for me it is not  
working, the section is hidden and doesn't reappear no matter what  
is selected.  I have tried several different browsers.  The real  
task is on a more complex page, I am just trying to get the simple  
test to work first.

and here the full function:

  q(option).click (function() {
var opt = q(this).text();
alert (opt);   // delete this row
if (opt == Cookie) {
} else {

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: show/hide FAQ - simplify my code?

2007-10-05 Thread Wizzud

Purely as an example ...

  // close the offDiv content sections (no javascript = content is all
  $('.offDiv  .show-hide').hide();
  // showLink/hideLink shows/hides the content; showAll/hideAll shows/hides
all the content
  $.each(['.show', '.hide'], function(i,v){
  //opt is object of { from:switch div class from, to:switch div
class to, opp:opposite of v }
  var opt = v == '.show' ?
{from:'offDiv', to:'onDiv', opp:'.hide'} :
{from:'onDiv', to:'offDiv', opp:'.show'};
  $('a' + v + 'Link').click(function(){
  $('a' + opt.opp + 'All:hidden').show();
  if($('a' + v + 'Link:visible').not(this).size() == 0){
$('a' + v + 'All:visible').hide();
.parents('.' + opt.from).removeClass().addClass(opt.to).end()
.siblings(opt.opp + 'Link').andSelf().toggle();
  return false;
// only show if relevant class is set on parent
.filter(function(){ return $(this).parent().hasClass(opt.from);
  $('a' + v + 'All').click(function(){
  $('a' + v + 'Link:visible').click();
  return false;
// only show if relevant, ie don't show showAll if all div are
currently open
.filter(function(){ return ($('a' + v + 'Link:visible').size());
   // title is clickable, and toggles the content, so just click the
relevant link...
  $('.faqTitle').click( function() {
  return false;

Does exactly what yours does, with one extra check on the showAll/hideAll
buttons (only display them if there are actually items to show/hide
respectively). I haven't overloaded on the comments, but see if you can
follow it...
(BTW it's v1.2+ dependent.)

MichaelEvangelista wrote:
 got it working just the way I wanted (thanks, Glen!)
 I wrote out these rules long hand as I went through the creation/learning 
 but I am sure there are several ways I could compact this to fewer lines.
 Anybody want to have a shot at simplifying / combining rules, just for the 
 sake of example?
 The code for my setup is below the demo on that same page
 Only a few weeks in and I am really digging the power of jQuery... and the 
 community that seems to exist around it.
 jQuery is just so ... usable!
 ( If a js-idiot like me can build something like this after just a few 
 tutorials, the buzz is true, jQuery will be unstoppable. )
 Michael Evangelista, Evangelista Design
 Web : www.mredesign.com
 Newsgroups: news://forums.mredesign.com
 Blog : www.miuaiga.com

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: show/hide FAQ - simplify my code?

2007-10-05 Thread MichaelEvangelista

the use of js variables must be further back in the book... ;-)
I hadn't even thought of doing it that way - thanks very much.


Michael Evangelista, Evangelista Design
Web : www.mredesign.com
Newsgroups: news://forums.mredesign.com
Blog : www.miuaiga.com

Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

Purely as an example ...

 // close the offDiv content sections (no javascript = content is all
 $('.offDiv  .show-hide').hide();
 // showLink/hideLink shows/hides the content; showAll/hideAll shows/hides
all the content
 $.each(['.show', '.hide'], function(i,v){
 //opt is object of { from:switch div class from, to:switch div
class to, opp:opposite of v }
 var opt = v == '.show' ?
   {from:'offDiv', to:'onDiv', opp:'.hide'} :
   {from:'onDiv', to:'offDiv', opp:'.show'};
 $('a' + v + 'Link').click(function(){
 $('a' + opt.opp + 'All:hidden').show();
 if($('a' + v + 'Link:visible').not(this).size() == 0){
   $('a' + v + 'All:visible').hide();
   .parents('.' + opt.from).removeClass().addClass(opt.to).end()
   .siblings(opt.opp + 'Link').andSelf().toggle();
 return false;
   // only show if relevant class is set on parent
   .filter(function(){ return $(this).parent().hasClass(opt.from);
 $('a' + v + 'All').click(function(){
 $('a' + v + 'Link:visible').click();
 return false;
   // only show if relevant, ie don't show showAll if all div are
currently open
   .filter(function(){ return ($('a' + v + 'Link:visible').size());
  // title is clickable, and toggles the content, so just click the
relevant link...
 $('.faqTitle').click( function() {
 return false;

Does exactly what yours does, with one extra check on the showAll/hideAll
buttons (only display them if there are actually items to show/hide
respectively). I haven't overloaded on the comments, but see if you can
follow it...
(BTW it's v1.2+ dependent.)

MichaelEvangelista wrote:


got it working just the way I wanted (thanks, Glen!)

I wrote out these rules long hand as I went through the creation/learning
but I am sure there are several ways I could compact this to fewer lines.

Anybody want to have a shot at simplifying / combining rules, just for 

sake of example?
The code for my setup is below the demo on that same page

Only a few weeks in and I am really digging the power of jQuery... and 

community that seems to exist around it.
jQuery is just so ... usable!
( If a js-idiot like me can build something like this after just a few
tutorials, the buzz is true, jQuery will be unstoppable. )

Michael Evangelista, Evangelista Design
Web : www.mredesign.com
Newsgroups: news://forums.mredesign.com
Blog : www.miuaiga.com


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at 

[jQuery] Re: show hide div with menu

2007-09-10 Thread Wizzud

1. tabContent2 : holds the collection of DIVs that are immediate children of
2. filter(':visible') : reduces the collection from (1) to just those DIVs
that are visible (ie probably the one that had previously had show() run on
it) because it is not necessary to hide those that already hidden!
3. hide() : hides the (reduced) collection from (2), ie sets display:none
4. end() : reverts the last 'destructive' action, which was the filter in
(2), so the collection is now back to as it was in (1)
5. filter(':eq('+(n+1)+')') : reduces the collection down to a single item,
that item being the (n+1)th of the current collection (from (1)). So if you
are adding the handler for the first anchor, n is 0, therefore the selector
is ':eq(1)', which cuts the collection down to just the second DIV in the
initial tabContent2 collection (the first DIV being the one that is only
displayed if no menu option has been clicked?)
6. show() : shows the current collection from (5) - just one item! - ie.
sets display:block
7. end() : reverts the last 'destructive' action, which was the filter in
(5), so the collection is now back to the same as it started out in (1) ...

Make sense?

dogslife wrote:
 Thank you very much, that function did exactly what I was looking for. If
 you have time, would you mind breaking down how this line works?
 I know your comment ( hide any div currently visible, and show the nth+1
 div...) explains what, but I was wondering how it works.
 Thank's again!

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Show / hide options based on class

2007-07-12 Thread Marc Jansen

Michael Price schrieb:

Hi all,
I've got two select boxes side by side - initially the right hand side 
box has ALL options in it - and the left hand box can be used to 
filter the options displayed.

Probably not the best way to do it (in fact, defintiely - it doesn't 
work in IE) but the left hand list has options whose values correspond 
to class names of the options in the right hand list. When an option 
in the left hand list is selected, all options in the right hand one 
which DON'T have this class are hidden, and all which DO are 
displayed. Using $(option . + className).show() and .hide() works in 
Firefox but not in IE.

Is there a better approach to this?

perhaps ypou should use the remove()-method instead of hiding them. when 
you do this you should be storing all possible options of the right 
selectlist prior to removing as otherwise you won't be able to fill the 
list again if the  the selected option on the left changes...

something like this:

var $possibleOptsRight;

$( document ).ready(function() {
 $possibleOptsRight = $('#rightselectlist option');
 $( '#leftselectlist' ).bind('change', function() {
 .append( $possibleOptsRight ).children()
 .not('.' + $(this).val() ).hide();

surely untested ;-)

[jQuery] Re: Show / hide options based on class

2007-07-12 Thread Michael Price

Marc Jansen wrote:

var $possibleOptsRight;

$( document ).ready(function() {
 $possibleOptsRight = $('#rightselectlist option');
 $( '#leftselectlist' ).bind('change', function() {
 .append( $possibleOptsRight ).children()
 .not('.' + $(this).val() ).hide();

I'll give this a try, thanks. :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Show hide div with cookie for remembering position -- possible solution

2007-06-11 Thread Matt Stith

Hi! Heres a couple things i might do

  $('h2.title,.view-header-latest').add(this).hide(); //
Combine multiple
  $.cookie('hideShow,hide,{expires:365}); // Only need one
  return false;

  var hideShow = $.cookie('hideShow');
  if (hideShow==hide) {
  $('a.hide,h2.title,.view-header-latest').hide(); // Combine

  return false;
  if (hideShow==show) {

On 6/11/07, bsuttis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

After searching for a solution to my subject and not finding it, I've
put together my own, which while working, feels rather long to me, and
as more of a designer/themer, I'm wondering if this is the optimal
code from a developer's point of view. I'm using the excellent jQuery
cookie plugin for the cookies.

Here's my jQuery code:


$.cookie('hide', '.view-header-latest', {expires:365});
$.cookie('show', null);
return false;

var hide = $.cookie('hide');
if (hide) {

$.cookie('show', '.view-header-latest', {expires:365});
$.cookie('hide', null);
return false;

var show = $.cookie('show');
if (show) {

What this does is uses a ul of 2 links, a show and a hide, to control
a div below it -- hiding the div as well as the opposite link while
doing so (ie. when you click the Hide li a, it hides too and presents
the Show li a). Any suggestions are appreciated, justr started getting
my hands dirty with jQuery this weekend. Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: show/hide revisited

2007-05-20 Thread Roger Roelofs


On May 18, 2007, at 11:21 AM, Schnuck wrote:

i have this bit of code here (and god knows how old, unstylish and
inefficient the code below might be) and all i am trying is to make
one or two particular divs with set ids/classes to show and hide
triggered by a remote image somewhere else on the page. the image,
let's say a plus icon switches to a minus icon depending on the state
of the toggled divs. the example below at least does toggle between
shwo  hide but the div it should hide doesn't do anything. also, in
the example it uses text to display show or hide, this could be done
with images (like plus and minus)?

Maybe you have an answer already, but I didn't see one on the list.   
You can make the code simpler.  Something like this.

$(document).ready(function() {


$('a.show_com').click(function() {
  if ( this.className == show_com ) {

  } else {

  return false;

If you want a plus or minus you can either do it in test
or you can add a background image in css

a.show_com, a.hide_com {
  width: 16px;
  height: 16px;

a.show_com {
  background-image: plus.gif;
a.hide_com {
  background-image: minus.gif;

The code could be even simpler if you use one class.

$('a.show_com').click(function() {
  return false;

then the css would be

a {
  width: 16px;
  height: 16px;
  background-image: minus.gif;

a.show_com {
  background-image: plus.gif;

Roger Roelofs

[jQuery] Re: Show()/Hide() Bug?

2007-04-23 Thread Sean Catchpole

I ran you code in FireFox and in IE6 and recieved no such error.


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